#well hey i posted on friday after all! yay :
silliestlittledemon · 2 months
can i get cg! aziraphale & crowley hcs with young kiddo! age[d]re reader insert? /nf 💫tiny ruby
Crowley and Aziraphale caregiver headcanons!
Hey! Ofcourse you can!:3 I hope you like these! Also im very little and veryyyy tired at the moment, so sorry if any of this is worded or spelled weird :3
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• When you tell them you're an age regressor, Aziraphale immediately asked if you wanted them to take care of you.
• Aziraphale already knew what age regression meant when you explained it to him, he's a smart angel. Crowley didn’t know but he could get a grasp on the concept and would try very hard for you to understand it.
• Literally always there for you when you need it. They're always able to make time free when it comes to you.
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Random headcanons ✨️
• They would 'co-parent' you very well, Aziraphale can't handle running after a very hyper little you all day? Crowley would gladly! Crowley unable to read a single word from the book you asked him to read? Aziraphale's here for that! :3
• Crowley insists on dressing you. He claims Aziraphale makes you look too 'boring'. And Crowley makes you look 'the coolest!'. :3
• Crowley needs to keep scolding Aziraphale for spoiling you... don't go hard on the angel he cant help it.
• Aziraphale enjoys teaching you educational things when you're little, like colors, shapes amd numbers! :D Crowley likes to teach you how to commit tax fraud.
• Both are so so so very protective of you. They definitely give scary 'dads' privileges.
• Crowley's favorite nickname for you is 'His little angel', Aziraphale's favorite nickname for you is 'His little demon'. <3
• Aziraphale has to lock away all the sweets from you AND Crowley. Just because he knows Crowley would give in and let you have all the sweets you want the second you give him a puppy eyed look.
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Thats all! Can I hear a wahoo? 😎 Im sorry I had to say it I love Crowley way too much. Yay im back! Sorry for not posting for a few days but I went on a really fun school trip to Amsterdam last friday and just needed a bit of recover time from that! :) But yeah it was really fun though! We visited the NEMO science museum and I got to play with water all day :3 Okay my little rant is over, night night everyone 😇🍎🐍
Any k!nk or f3t!sh content DNI!!!
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Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x OFC
Part 6
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Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x OFC
Characters: Wolffe, Cara (child OFC), Sinker, Comet, Boost
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, grief, hurt/comfort, family fluff
Word Count: 1.9k
Author's Note: Sorry about no fic last week. I had surgery on Friday and didn't get a chance to post the fic I wanted to post, so to stay on schedule, I'm forgoing that fic for another update of this one! Yay! This part is going to be tough, but it was absolutely necessary for Cara and Wolffe to have this moment together just as much as the bath time moment. Let's just say, breakfast doesn't go as planned. (oops it got longer) As always, please enjoy 💚
Part 1 || Prev | Next
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After bath time was done, and they'd both dried off and changed into new clothes, it was time for breakfast. Wolffe really hoped his Pack brothers came through and made a decent breakfast for all of them. He was starving, and he knew Cara must be hungry too. He was a little worried since he didn't give Boost any directions, but there was foodstuff in the conservator, he thought, or, well, he hoped. Knowing his wife, she would've stocked up when she found out he was coming home.
Wolffe walked into the kitchen with Cara following closely behind, but stopped in his tracks at what he saw. Cara didn't stop walking and bumped into the back of his leg with a small oomph. Feeling the light hit, Wolffe reached back around with his hand to rub her head, still staring dumbstruck at the state of the kitchen.
"What in the…" Wolffe said with wide eyes. It was a mess. A complete and utter mess. He wasn't even sure it was still a kitchen. "I said make breakfast, not fight breakfast!"
"We did!" Boost grinned. He had flour patches across his face and streaks down his clothes.
"Sweetie," Wolffe said as he looked down at Cara. "Do you know what that is?" He pointed at Boost.
Cara shook her head.
"I'm gonna teach you a new word," Wolffe smiled. "That is a di'kut."
"Dee… koot," she repeated.
"Hey!" Boost exclaimed, clearly offended by the remark.
Wolffe snorted. "You're the one who said it's never too late to start."
Boost opened his mouth to argue, but then closed it because Wolffe was right.
"Anyway," Comet chimed in and gestured towards the table. "Breakfast is served!"
Wolffe sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that morning, and walked Cara over to the table to eat whatever breakfast his Pack brothers created. She climbed up onto her chair next to him and he made sure she was seated properly so she wouldn't fall off. Sinker then walked around the table and placed the plates down with their homemade pancakes stacked on them. Wolffe eyed the oddly shaped and multi-colored pancakes suspiciously and raised an eyebrow up at his brother.
"What?" Sinker asked.
"Is it edible?" Wolffe asked.
"I made them," Comet added. "So, yeah, they're edible."
Wolffe snorted. Of course Boost and Sinker couldn't be left alone to make breakfast. It was a good thing they picked up Comet when they did or they'd all have starved by now.
Cara tugged on Wolffe's pants and he lowered his head so he could hear her.
"Where's mommy?" she asked.
The room went silent and Wolffe sighed. Not this again. "She's not here, sweetie," he answered, then pulled her plate a little closer to the edge of the table. "Now, eat your breakfast for me."
"We can't eat without mommy," Cara said, then pushed the plate back.
Wolffe bit back his frustration and pulled the plate towards her again. "You have to eat."
"Not without mommy!" she yelled and pushed the plate with more force, knocking the fork onto the floor.
"Cara," Wolffe warned, his patience wearing thin. "This isn't a debate."
"I don't want it!" she screamed.
Cara climbed down from her chair, sat on the floor, and cried loudly. She was in a full-blown tantrum and Wolffe didn't know what to do. He looked over at Comet, Boost, and Sinker with pleading eyes, but the three of them only shrugged. Her screaming became louder and pierced Wolffe straight through the head, making it throb and ache like earlier. Somehow she'd reached a frequency that made him want to scream too. He tried to keep himself under control and calm her down.
"Sweetie," Wolffe said as he rubbed his temples. "I need you to stop screaming, please."
She continued to wail from her seat on the floor, tears streaming down her face as her cheeks turned red. Wolffe could feel the tension in his head rising as it threatened to boil over and explode. Why couldn't she just stop crying? Why couldn't she just understand? Why did he have to keep explaining it to her? He tried to think of his best options, but her incessant screaming was grating on his nerves and clouding his thoughts. If she didn't quiet down soon, the neighbors were going to think he was hurting her.
"Cara!" Wolffe barked, picking his hands up from the table to try and settle himself. "I said stop!"
Cara looked at Wolffe and stopped crying, and, for a moment, Wolffe thought it was finally over.
"I want mommy!" she started screaming again. "I want mommy! I want mommy! I want mommy!"
The tension snapped like a taut wire and Wolffe's chair scraped across the floor as he violently pushed it back. He took a few steps towards Cara, dropped to his knees, and grabbed her little shoulders so she was looking him in the eyes. "She's not coming back!" he yelled. "Do you understand me? She's never coming back! She's dead! She's gone! So, just stop asking for her already!"
Wolffe panted at the exertion and hung his head between his arms, the anger and frustration slowly dissipating. The words he spoke so ferociously, not only to his daughter but also to himself, echoed in his mind. He picked his head up and looked at his wide-eyed daughter, instantly feeling a shooting pain straight through his heart. She looked confused. She looked helpless. She looked scared. She looked scared… of him. Remorse washed over him like a tidal wave and the panic of what he just did flooded his brain.
"Oh, kriff," Wolffe breathed as he released his grip on her tiny shoulders. Cara backed away from him until she bumped into Comet's leg. Wolffe's breath hitched. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Baby–" Wolffe reached out his hand, but Cara turned away from him and grabbed onto Comet's leg.
Comet looked down at Wolffe with a pained expression, then at Cara, and sighed. "Come here, ad'ika," he soothed. "I've got you." He picked Cara up into his arms and she grabbed onto his shirt, hanging on with tight little fists while burying her face in his chest. He readjusted her on his hip, then locked eyes with Wolffe in a silent word. Wolffe hung his head and Comet left the room with Cara.
Once Cara was out of the kitchen, Wolffe pounded his fists onto the floor and yelled in frustration.
Sinker knelt beside him and placed his hand on Wolffe's shoulder.
"What have I done?" Wolffe choked. He wanted to vomit. "I grabbed her. I yelled at her. I've never– I wouldn't– How could I do that?"
Sinker looked up at Boost and gestured for him to go do something else for the moment. Boost nodded and left the kitchen.
"Maker forgive me," Wolffe's voice quivered. "She's just a child, and I… I treated her like a cadet. Like a kriffing shiny!"
"No!" Wolffe yelled and smacked Sinker's hand away. "There's no excuse."
Sinker sighed and sat back on his haunches. "Give yourself a break, will ya? Your wife's dead."
Wolffe flinched at the bluntness of the comment, but maybe that was what he needed right now.
"Maker, Wolffe," Sinker continued. "It's only been what? Twelve standard hours? And in that time you've lost your wife, your home, your belongings, and you almost lost Cara too. You really thought you could get through this without losing your temper a little?"
"I'm a commander–"
"Kriff being a commander," Sinker rolled his eyes. He moved around the floor to face Wolffe. "You're still human, commander or not, and Cara doesn't need Commander Wolffe right now, she just needs her dad. You know, the one who loves her?"
"But I scared her…" Wolffe lamented, the words burning in the back of his throat. "She was scared of me."
"She'll be fine," Sinker said with a wave of his hand. "Just apologize and move on. She's a tough kid. Tougher than you might think." Sinker smirked. "You are her dad after all."
A small smile formed at the corner of Wolffe's mouth. Sinker was right about one thing. She was the daughter of a clone commander, not just some random natborn off the streets. His genetics, and his wife's, ran through her veins. She was sensitive like her mother, but she got his resilience and also his attitude. Plo's words from the night before still rang true. He needed to take each moment as it came and do what was needed then, even if that meant messing it up once and a while. She'd forgive him one day.
Wolffe took a deep breath to compose himself before Sinker offered a hand to help him up. He accepted it without complaint. Looking back at the table of untouched food, now getting cold, another sigh escaped his lips. Cara still hadn't eaten and he wasn't sure if they had any more time for delays since they had to leave soon. He decided to pack some of the pancakes in a container and hoped that Cara would eat them like that. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than nothing.
After putting the food away, Wolffe took another deep breath, then released it slowly before walking out of the kitchen and towards the living room. He stepped to the threshold, and just as he thought, Comet was sitting on the couch with Cara sitting calmly on his lap. He never understood how Comet got so good with kids, but he was thankful. With slow and soft steps, Wolffe approached them. He sat down on the ground and fiddled with a piece of the carpet while he got up the nerve to speak.
"Cara," Wolffe said softly.
Cara lifted her head from resting against Comet's chest to look at Wolffe.
"I'm sorry I got upset and yelled at you," he said. "It was wrong."
"It's okay…" she mumbled into Comet's shirt.
"No, baby, it's not," he continued. "I know… I know this is scary. Daddy is scared too, but that doesn't make it okay for either of us to get upset at each other." He paused, gauging her expression and understanding of what he was saying. "So, how about less screaming and more listening, for both of us?"
"Okay," she said. "I'm sorry, daddy."
Wolffe smiled weakly and released another shaky breath. He opened his arms. "Can I have a hug?"
Cara nodded and squirmed out of Comet's arms and into Wolffe's. He held her tight against him, careful not to hurt her, and kissed the side of her head. He started rocking her and looked up at Comet, who had a warm smile on his face. Wolffe mouthed a simple thank you to him and Comet nodded. Wolffe didn't know what he would do without his Pack brothers, and it pained his heart that it took a tragedy such as this for him to realize just how much they meant to him.
"Daddy?" Cara mumbled into his chest.
Wolffe leaned her back so he could see her face. "Yes, baby?'
"Is mommy ever gonna come home?" she asked.
Wolffe bit his tongue. "No baby, she's not."
"I'm gonna miss mommy," she sniffled and her eyes turned watery.
Wolffe leaned his forehead against Cara's and let his own emotions show. "Me too, baby. Me too."
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Part 1 || Prev | Next
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Single Hearts - Part 2 Introductions
Summary- Jack and Sage see each other for the second time at their kid's school concert, where Jack remembers to introduce himself this time.
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As soon as Jack got home and put Melody to bed, he had one goal, to somehow find Sage. He looked at the tagged location of the amusement park, hoping that maybe she had posted something, but she didn’t. Was it a little stalkerish? Yes. But Jack didn’t intend to be a stalker, he just hadn’t felt the way that he felt when he was talking to Sage about anyone else. Even the few girls that he had gone on dates with since his divorce.
The next afternoon Penelope was picking up Melody from Jack’s house. Even though she had a key to Jack’s house, she still knocked. 
“Melody, you’re Mom’s here, do you want to open the door?” Jack asked, Melody nodded, getting up from the couch and running to the front door.
“Mommy!!” Melody yelled, reaching up to hug Penelope’s waist.
“Hi Mel, did you have fun yesterday?” Penelope asked and Melody nodded excitedly.
“Yeah!! Look at what Daddy won me!” Melody ran to the living room and Penelope followed her as Melody picked up a teddy bear.
“Woah, that’s so cool!” Penelope smiled, greeting Jack as she walked in.
“And Daddy met a girl!” Melody said. After Sage and Charlotte walked away, Melody asked who Sage was, but Jack had no answer.
“Oh, he did?” Penelope asked Melody. “Like a girl or a fan?” Penelope asked Jack, sitting down on the couch. Jack couldn’t stop the blush that appeared on his cheeks.
“Well, both, but the girl Melody’s talking about didn’t know who I was, or at least I don’t think she did.”
“What was her name?” Penelope asked Jack.
“I forgot to get her name or number,” Jack said quickly and quietly.
“You forgot?” Penelope asked, looking at Jack. “I knew you were bad at picking up girls, but I didn’t realize you were that bad,” she teased. Melody was back to playing with her Barbies on the living room floor.
“Hey, I got you to not only date me, but I got you to marry me, so I had to have done something right.”
“I might have married you, but it certainly was not because of your pickup lines,” She teased again. “She could have been the love of your life, but you forgot to get her name.”
“I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?” Jack asked, laughing softly.
“Nope,” Penelope giggled. “Ready to go Melody?” Penelope asked as she stood up from the couch.
“Can I bring my new stuffed animal and my Barbies?” Melody asked and Penelope nodded.
“Yeah, go get a bag to carry them in,” Penelope said, Melody ran to her room.
“Don’t forget about Melody’s school concert on Friday. I know you haven’t forgotten before, but, I just wanted to remind you,” Penelope said.
“I’ll be there. I’m picking her up from school after right?” Jack asked to confirm.
“Can I pick her up Wednesday too? I’ll bring her to school on Thursday.” “Yeah, I don’t mind,” Penelope said as Melody ran out of her room with her bag, putting her stuffed animal and Barbies inside. Melody walked over to Jack and Penelope, Jack picked her up.
“Be good for your Mom, I’m going to come pick you up from school on Wednesday, okay?” Jack asked and Melody nodded excitedly.
“Yay! Can we have a movie night?”
“Maybe, you still have to go to school the next day. I’ll call you before you go to bed to say goodnight and then you can tell me all about your day,” Jack said, kissing Melody on the cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too Daddy,” Melody said, kissing his cheek before he put her down.
It never got easier for Jack or Penelope to say goodbye to Melody. The hardest part of their divorce was being unable to be with their daughter all the time. 
Jack and Penelope showed up at Melody’s school on Friday together for her school concert. Every year Melody’s elementary school had two separate school concerts. One was for kindergarten through second grade, and the second was for third through fifth.
Jack and Penelope found seats in the crowded room. They stopped a couple of times to talk to other parents. Jack and Melody made small talk until the show started.
As soon as the kindergarten class was led out on stage, Jack swore he saw the daughter of the woman he met at the theme park. The chances that their daughters went to the same school were slim and Jack knew that. Jack quickly scanned the room but because of how the seats were set up he didn’t see Sage. Jack sighed softly as he leaned back in his seat.
“Are you looking for someone?” Penelope asked after the kindergarten class was walked off stage. Jack shook his head.
“No, I thought I might have seen the daughter of the girl I met the other day, but I don’t know for sure,” Jack said.
They watched as the first-grade class did their performance, then the second-grade class which included their daughter.
After about an hour and a half of watching kids sing off-key and out of time, they were children so it was still cute.
Since the concert was towards the end of the day, most parents decided to check their kids out for the day. Sage was one of those parents. Everyone crowded the exit and Sage decided to stay back for a few minutes until it cleared out. 
“Holy fuck,” Jack muttered under his breath as his eyes landed on Sage who was standing on the opposite side of the room.
“Jack, you can’t curse in a school,” Penelope said. “But what?”
“That’s the woman I met the other day.”
“Oh my god. You have to go talk to her,” Penelope said. “This is like some stereotypical fan fiction where the guy gets a second chance after he does something stupid and forgets any way to contact her. And then they fall in love and get married. Happily ever after type shit,” Penelope looked in the direction that Jack was.
“Don’t make it obvious you’re looking. I’m nervous, maybe she won’t see me,” Jack said.
“You’re six foot three, be real, everyone can see you, you aren’t hiding anywhere,” Penelope teased. 
“I can’t just go up to her. What would I even say?” Jack asked. He never thought that he would see her again so he was nervous.
“Just go up and introduce yourself,” Penelope said. “If you don’t I’ll go be your wing women and do it for you.”
“I never thought my ex-wife would be so adamant that I go introduce myself to another woman,” Jack muttered.
“Well for one, we both agreed to end the marriage. Two, I can tell just by the fact that you got so nervous you forgot something so simple as getting her name, that you like her,” she said.
Jack looked towards the other side of the room where Sage was standing. Charlotte ran up to her mom, Sage picked her up and placed her on her hip. Jack could tell just by the way Charlotte was smiling and giggling that Sage was telling her how good she did and how proud she was of Sage.
“Go before she leaves.”
“Okay,” Jack sighed softly before starting to walk away.
“And don’t forget to get her name this time,” Penelope joked, if there weren’t children around, Jack would have flipped her off.
Jack slowly made it across the room, trying to think of what he wanted to say, but the second he reached Sage, his mind went blank.
“Hi, I’m Jack. I believe we met at the Six Flags the other day. Well, it’s Kentucky Kindom now, but I always still call it Six Flags. I don’t know why I said that. Um, anyways, I just wanted to introduce myself, since I didn’t then,” Jack rambled on, Sage giggled softly.
“I’m Sage, it’s nice to know your name,” Sage joked.
“I’m Charlotte!” The little girl in Sage’s arms introduced herself happily.
“You did amazing on stage Charlotte!” Jack said and Charlotte smiled but hid her face in Sage’s neck. 
“She’s shy,” Sage said, rubbing her back.
“It’s okay,” Jack smiled at Sage. “I was wondering if maybe I could get your number or something.” Jack paused before getting nervous again. “Maybe we could get our kids together for a playdate or something.”
Sage couldn’t help but be disappointed that he only mentioned a playdate between their kids, but she nodded anyway.
“Yeah, I think Charlotte would like that, wouldn’t you?” Sage asked Charlotte, she looked up before nodding.
“I like playdates,” Charlotte said before Jack and Sage gave each other their numbers. Penelope and Melody walked over to Jack.
“Hi princess, you did amazing, I’m so proud of you,” Jack said, picking up Melody to hug her. Melody giggled.
“Thank you,” Melody smiled. “Can we go get ice cream like you promised?”
“Of course.”
“Can Mommy come?” Melody asked Jack, Jack nodded.
“Sure, if she doesn’t have something else to do,” Jack told Melody and Melody looked to Penelope. 
“Mommy, come get ice cream with us!”
“Okay, I’ll join,” Penelope smiled at Melody and Jack before turning to Sage. “Sorry about Melody interrupting you guys she wanted to see her dad.”
“Oh that’s completely okay, she can interrupt anytime she wants, especially if it’s to see her dad,” Sage smiled. “I’m Sage by the way.”
“I’m Penelope, it’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too. Charlotte and I will let you all go have your ice cream date, Penelope, I gave Jack my number but either of you can text or call me and we can try and set up that playdate.” Sage smiled at the three of them before they all said goodbye and Sage and Charlotte walked away, on to their own little celebration.
“Did she just say playdate?” Penelope asked, turning to Jack.
“I got nervous,” Jack admitted. 
“At least you got her name and number this time.”
Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @awhore4moree @harlowslefttoe @twerkforambrose @jackmans-poison @ilovenudy @taniapri @killatravtramp @easternparkway @macey234 @toocriticalharlow @lightsoutstyles @rachxc13 @iknowdatsrightbih @idktbh101 @blossomluvv @middlechild404 @hufflewhore128
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writermai05 · 29 days
Arsonist's Lullabye
Chapter 6: To Someone From A Warm Climate
Summary: Y/n and Azula get to know each other. 
Pairing: Zuko x fem! reader (Live Action or Animated) 
A/N: Hey hey hey guess who is not dead! My family flew in to come visit my sister and I in college, so I spent last weekend with them. There’s also a lot of crazy shit going on with the protest on my specific college campus, and I’ve been very hard on myself this week for not being productive, but when you’re in the middle of a debate over the lives of thousands of people, it’s hard to worry about the assignments and silly little fanfic you’re writing. Nevertheless, this chapter is here today, albeit a short one but I swear, shit is about to get so interesting. 
Word Count: 686
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Avatar: The Last Airbender, I am merely a nerd who hyperfixates a lot. Lots of divergence from the canon story lol. 
Warnings !: None I think. 
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The post game dinner had gone about as well as it could have. Yeah, maybe it was a little awkward, but for the most part, everyone had a good time. Toph was easily able to power through the tournament, giving the University team a trophy for their first game of the season. You almost wished that the weekend had been longer to process the information you learned on Friday.
 The image of Zuko and Azula’s eyes flashed in your mind. It feels obvious that the two are siblings now. If their eyes weren’t enough, their black hair and intense aura should have given it away. As you take a seat in your shared sociology class, you notice Azula take the seat next to you once again. You catch her attention with a small smile. 
“How was your weekend?” 
“Oh, you know, just another thrilling weekend of staying in my dorm and avoiding all human contact.” 
You raised your eyebrows, nodding in mock awe, “Riveting stuff.” Azula smirked, letting a puff of air out through her nostrils.
“Did you manage to do something less boring with whatever freaks you hang out with?”
“Yes, I did.” Before you could have a chance to elaborate, your professor began to start their lesson for the day.
After your first week, this routine began getting stale. Every class period you sat through the lecture, worked with a partner, got lectured some more, and then worked on your own. Although, the unofficial assigned seats had worked in your favor, because then you got to know more about Azula, who had promptly started to sit next to you since your first meeting. 
“Interesting lesson, huh?” you venture, hoping to start up another hushed conversation. 
Azula’s response is sharp and right in character for how much you know. 
“Yes. So interesting that I’m trying not to fall asleep from the sheer excitement of it all. Yay social class!” You quietly chuckle in response. 
“I mean there’s definitely meaning to it. Agna Qel’a is the most technologically advanced place in the Northern Water Tribe. When my family moved there for my mother’s work, it was a complete culture shock. Sedna, where I’m from, is a small city. There’s a saying that goes, ‘Take care of the land, and it will take care of you in return.’ But Agna Qel’a is magnificent, and it’s where the chief's royal palace is. It’s modern and gorgeous, but expensive.” 
Azula pursed her lips, trying to sort out her own thoughts. 
“Our capital city is similar, but probably way more grandiose. That’s how we do things in the Fire Nation. Opulence, and luxury, but mostly concerned with ourselves and no other nations. They’re practically irrelevant.” 
“What was it like growing up?”
“The Fire Nation is warm, and never really changes as far as seasons go. Sun-kissed lands and a long, honorable history. My father owns a very large company. Agni Kai enterprises does its business around the world. Before, my brother was the one who was being groomed to take over for my father once he retired, but he chose not to. After he left, then it was all on me.”
Agni Kai Enterprises was no joke. You knew that they owned many smaller companies, and had stakes nearly everywhere in the world. From what you could remember, Agna Qel’a had several complexes owned by someone involved in Agni Kai Enterprises. 
“You have a brother?” you asked, but you already knew the answer. 
“His name is Zuko. Haven’t seen him since I was 10, and he was 12.” 
Learning this new piece of information, your mouth dropped open. Eight whole years have gone by since the two have seen each other. No wonder Zuko had to ask Mai and Ty Lee questions. At this point, there was no avoiding it. 
“I know Zuko. He’s in my other class.” Azula’s head turned so fast you thought she could’ve gotten whiplash. The look in her eyes was indistinguishable, except for the usual fiery gaze. 
Azula pursed her lips and squinted, her jaw was tense. You were sure that if she clenched any harder than she would break her teeth off. “Well that’s…interesting. I assume that he and my uncle are still living above that tea shop, right? It’s been ages. Perhaps I should make the effort to go visit my dear Zuzu.” 
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dausy · 1 year
I had nothing to talk about originally and then bam, had to cut stuff out of my video because I felt it was getting extremely long. Not bad for filming one day and editing the next.
I'm waiting for another book to come in the mail and then I think next week I'll make a video talking about my books unless something else comes up.
I am not enjoying the current work schedule me and my husband have tbh. Last week was my fault because I somehow chose to work monday-friday. I said I was never going to do that. I feel like a huge slug because I worked all week and was sick the week before and I havent been to the gym in a few weeks. But both me and my husband havent been getting home until super late in the evening. He was actually at work this entire past week until well after I went to bed so I hardly ever saw him. He worked yesterday and today he's spent half the day passed out catching up on sleep as if he worked a night shift. I already have a sensitive stomach but having to eat dinner so late in the afternoon is killing my gut too. Ugh, my previous coworkers if they're reading this are like "haha!".
but its hard to do anything artsy when the sun is down. Its honestly like work>>rush home>>cook dinner>>play on tiktok>>pass out. And start over again.
bright side is my next paycheck will look nice.
today actually I did get brave and drive out to a cafe. I'm still kinda nervous to drive off post. The bright side about our current location is there is a lot of amenities however everything is simultaneously super spread out, super far out but also super congested. I feel like I have to travel super far to get anywhere but at the same time there is SO MANY PEOPLE. Its so weird but I'm such a nervous driver that I just can't with this many people. But I did get a panini and a coffee today which felt nice. I meant to go to the BIG target but got my roads confused and went to the wrong one. Which was fine. I just havent been to a tjmaxx or target in a long time and I just wanted to browse. Its kind of funny how much money I've been saving because I'm too nervous/lazy to drive to the local shopping centers. One of these days I'd like to venture to a couple shops and thrift stores in the area. Theres one thrift store that looks like they carry a bunch of girly 1980s supplies. Their photos had a lot of MLP, Rainbow Bright and carebears..and like mm..girl take me there. And a cute look tea shop opened that looks like it has unhealthy desert acai bowls that look good for hot weather. I got to wear shorts yesterday, HEY! yay hot weather.
but I agree'd to work monday-wednesday this week and we will be going out of town again here soon in a couple weeks.
As the video suggests hopefully I'll scan in my illustration and upload it, I'm not sure if I like it 100% so we will see.
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delirious-donna · 29 days
Saw your ask how our fridays are going and well... i felt like talking today ^^' i hope you don't mind.
My day actually had been also very slowly since I woke up very - in fact too early (5 am) bc I had a morning lecture at 8 am ._. Only had 4hrs of sleep
I was tired the entire time it didn't help either it was architecture history and later "how living in a space/rooms works" which was even more boring xD (I study interior design). Normally I love it, but today i wasnt feeling it.
I am dreading and procrastinating university homework and took a nap once I arrived home :^)
it was good nap, I am more awake now but still feeling slightly lazy and it bothers me a little bit ._. I had been lacking in the past few days, just not feeling to do anything. But Ive been reading lately more and started writing again. I hope I get to draw as well, I miss my old routine.
Despite the downer of not being that productive like I wish to be, I had however a very delicious lunch and my mom bought chocolates for me yesterday (YAAAAY! \^-^/ )
It felt kind of good to write that bit down, made my head clearer :) thank you if you read this and I hope you reach your word count in a satisfied manner ^^ (do you have any tips on sticking to a word count regularly?)
Hey love!! Of course I don’t mind. I wouldn’t put out those posts if I wasn’t craving some kind of interaction so thank you for reaching out.
That is an early lecture… I can’t imagine I would have made many of those back in my uni days. I was not a morning person in the slightest so unless I had stayed up all night (happened more often than it should have) I wouldn’t be there for an 8am lecture! 😂
I also indulged in a nap today so I can agree with you on it feeling refreshing because I definitely felt better after my own. Sometimes we need days where we do less, kinda like reset days so try not to be too hard on yourself about it.
Reading more tends to inspire me to write more so you’re on the right track for it. You’re so lucky you can draw too!! I’m jealous cause I’d love to have that skill.
Yay for lunch and yay for mom buying chocolate!! As for advice on sticking to word counts… it’s not something I do too often. I don’t like to say “today I will write x amount of words.” However, I do find that writing sprints help with keeping me focused and seeing the result often encourages me to do another sprint and it spirals from there. I guess it depends on what motivates you, whether it’s words on a page or time spent on something. My advice is always don’t beat yourself up if you don’t make it, just try to get a little closer next time.
I hope this helps!! <3
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everythingsinred · 3 years
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Natsume (pt. 18)
Hiya! I'm posting late, on account of my job. Editing these takes about an hour depending on the post and inserting the images takes a little more, but I didn't have a solid block of time to work on it, so I worked on it in pieces and I only just now finished.
This arc highlights Natsume's powerlessness. He's distancing himself from Mikan to protect her, but by doing this, he leaves her defenseless at times. He wants to be there for her but can't because of the corner he's been pushed into, and in his desperation he turns to anonymity.
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Chapter Eighty-One
Hotaru, Natsume, and Ruka are running after them, but are caught by Tsubasa, who asks them what their plan is, exactly. Ruka turns to Natsume, who turns to Hotaru, who pretends she was just practicing her running for the Festival and then the boys started following her for no reason. This comic relief is a badly-needed break from all the bullying and blackmail of the arc so far.
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This arc is full of fun comic relief, but the main plot is so depressing and frustrating that sometimes the comic relief is not enough.
In any case, all three of them know that the others are all working to take care of Mikan, even if she doesn't know it. They're all looking out for her in their own ways, even Natsume who seems to have publicly turned against her. At least Hotaru and Ruka can see the truth: he's still quite concerned about it, but he's in something of a bind now.
The next we see of Natsume, he’s walking with Tsubasa, being spied on by both Hotaru and Ruka. It’s here that we discover that Tsubasa has been transferred to the DA class, but is keeping this secret from Mikan. Moreover, he and Natsume are on a mission to locate Yuka, and they’re both aware that Mikan is her daughter. It’s interesting to know just how much information the DA class has on the other students that the other kids have no clue about. Hotaru and Ruka are shocked by this information, but for us as readers, it also demonstrates just how much work Natsume--and Tsubasa--are putting into protecting Mikan.
All this information is stuff they have to consider on their missions. They want to protect Yuka, because she’s Mikan’s mother, but they have no choice but to pursue and chase after her with raids and attacks. On top of that, Tsubasa is keeping his new ability class a secret, and Natsume has to hurt her with this Luna farce. It’s a lot to put on two kids, not that the ESP or Persona have much issue putting pressure on kids.
For Natsume in particular, it was fun while it lasted, being close to Mikan. He had relished and enjoyed it, and now he has to change pace. He’s willing to, because that’s how he can keep her smiling and having fun, even if he’s not on her team and can’t even be in her inner circle anymore. He’s willing to sacrifice anything for her, but we can see that it’s not any fun for him. Mikan is suffering in sadness, yes, but so is Natsume.
The next thing he has to do only makes things worse.
He confronts Mikan about the rumor Luna made up, about Mikan showing her underwear to the Fuukitai to avoid punishment. It’s obviously bogus: Mikan would never even think to do that, let alone actually do it. He knows that too, because Natsume knows her very well. He asks because he has to.
Mikan avoids answering, brushing it off as none of Natsume’s business, because she is also under Luna’s watchful gaze. So they end up having an argument in front of everyone, both not saying what they really mean, and instead doing as Luna commands, to keep everyone safe. Mikan points out that she isn’t his partner--or anything--anymore, so he should mind his business. Natsume then asks if that means his concern is a bother, and she confirms: yes. It’s a big fat pain.
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It's heartbreaking and frustrating in equal spades.
It’s almost as if Natsume was testing something. Now he knows that Luna must have threatened Mikan in the storeroom. Something sinister happened there, and now Mikan is different, dishonest, mean. That’s not what she’s actually like, and now he’s concerned. Luna’s shadow is spreading and it’s threatening to encroach on Mikan’s light.
Chapter Eighty-Two
Natsume walks off, having heard all he needs to hear.
Luna is causing mayhem and strife to punish Mikan and Natsume specifically for their misbehavior on New Year’s. She wants Mikan to be isolated from Natsume in particular because he’s her number one protector. If there’s a wedge between them, Mikan is easier to target. After all, Mikan’s purpose at the academy is to lure in Yuka, and the more danger she is in, the more likely Yuka is to try and save her daughter. If Natsume is around, threatening Mikan becomes tricky. He’d never allow anything bad to happen to her, hence his desperation and sacrifice in this arc. In order to fulfill their goals regarding Yuka, they need Natsume out of Mikan’s picture.
Of course, despite Natsume’s secret intel being superior to Ruka or Hotaru’s (and definitely to Mikan’s), he’s still not entirely in the know. Yuka being the main target, for example, is information Natsume is not privy to, and couldn’t even imagine. This is a game Natsume is unaware that he cannot win. If he doesn’t distance himself from Mikan, she’ll be threatened, but if he does, she’ll be threatened. In reality, there's no way he can win this round.
Chapter Eighty-Three
Anyway, the Sports Fest doesn’t slow down for the kids’ drama. The athletic meets have begun, and now there is a relay race.
Ruka and Natsume are on different teams for the relay, and this has inspired Ruka to beat his best friend, so he can be number one in Mikan’s eyes for once.
I will talk way more about the “love triangle” aspect of NatsuMikan and the question of choice, autonomy, and agency in Mikan’s essay, because when it comes to Natsume's side of things, he's very much resigned to losing every romantic game, every relay race, every competition. It's no contest. He's not competing. He's withdrawn from the race, now more than ever. He will not participate. He is destined to lose, after all, so why even bother?
And so Ruka wins the actual relay, and Natsume watches as everyone has fun without him, something that he’s been accustomed to before. It hurts more now, undoubtedly, because for a time, he was actually a part of the group. Knowing what it feels like to fit in and have fun with everyone makes it even worse when it’s gone again. He used to separate himself from the rest and suffer all on his own, but now he’s returned to that state.
He hasn’t quite let go, either. His effort and commitment to the Sports Fest, despite all the drama with Mikan and Luna, demonstrate just how much he actually wants to participate. It’s not about having his friends around him. He actually likes being able to have fun, and be allowed to take part in an event with everyone else, even if he isn’t technically by his friends’ sides.
His bad feelings are only exacerbated by Luna, who shows up to taunt him. He shouldn’t worry about Mikan and Ruka, because they’ll be torn apart eventually. Whatever happiness they find right now is temporary. It won’t last, and Luna will make sure of it.
But Natsume loves both Mikan and Ruka, and that does not reassure him at all. He’s selfless, would rather they be together anyway. In a perfect world, maybe she could pick him, and it makes him sad that the world isn’t perfect and he can’t have what he wants, but he’s always at peace with losing. So he’s not at all comforted by the idea that the happiness his loved ones have found will dissipate in no time.
Chapter Eighty-Four
Luna then giggles, because whether or not Ruka and Mikan’s being split apart will result in Natsume’s happiness is another question entirely. She wants to rub it in that even if Ruka is out of the picture, he can never be with Mikan. Joke’s on her though, because Natsume has already come to terms with this the moment he fell in love with Mikan. He hasn’t been humoring ideas of love confessions and weddings and living happily ever after. It’s outside the realm of possibility, because his circumstances do not allow him much happiness at all.
The future seems bleaker than ever, and knowing that Ruka and Mikan are being kept under watch by the school, Natsume keeps an eye on them too. He’s feeling sad and heart-broken too, of course. He’s not perfect. He can’t erase feelings of jealousy or the ache of unrequited love just because he feels it’s his duty to make peace with them. It hurts, but he’ll carry through. That’s what he’s always done.
But people are gossiping about his presence, putting his position in jeopardy. Luna can’t know he’s still hanging around Mikan, even if Mikan herself is clueless to this. Before he can be discovered, he steals someone’s mask, the mask of a boy named Kusami whose hairstyle looks an awful lot like Natsume’s.
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If only he could be allowed to just steal people's identities and not have to face any consequences for it. Alas.
Unfortunately for Natsume, the Borrowing Race is about to begin, and Kusami was arranged to be a participant. He put the mask on to avoid responsibility for his spying, but it’s bit him in the butt now.
Kusami benefits from this, indirectly, since kids who call him moron get the cold shoulder from Natsume, who doesn’t have the same easy-going personality.
It seems nobody actually wants to participate in the Borrowing Race. It’s very personal and vulnerable: you have to borrow a person or item you’d least want to borrow, as dictated on a small piece of paper assigned to you. It’s then judged by some mind-reading alices to test the validity of the borrowed items. The concept of the race functions around embarrassing and humiliating people, so naturally nobody would want to participate.
Natsume has gotten himself into trouble here. He can’t even make a run for it, though he really wants to, because for some reason people are hell-bent on Kusami competing. He’s in the second round, and starts running as he--or Kusami--is supposed to. He gets his paper and although we don’t see what’s written on it quite yet, we can see a focus on Mikan in one of the panels, so we can tell his first thought is to borrow her.
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To confess anonymously in front of the whole school or to not confess anonymously in front of the whole school--that is the question.
And then in a few pages, emboldened by the mask he’s wearing, Natsume runs toward Mikan and grabs her wrist. He’s decided he will borrow her, because maybe she’ll never find out his true identity, and he can be selfish just this once. This could be his only chance ever to be honest about how he feels. He's had to lie and hide it for so long that it makes sense he'd take the first opportunity available to go for it. This is quite possibly the most selfish thing he’s done. If he gets caught, he’ll be entirely exposed.
Unlike Ruka, Natsume can't really win this race. He won't be number one in Mikan's eyes, ever. He can't ever tell her it's all for her. The very best he can do is compete with a mask on. Ruka can try his hardest and impress Mikan and Natsume feels he never will. It's not much of a competition when one person cannot and will not compete.
He runs, despite her confusion and obliviousness, or perhaps because of it.
And just as the fireworks displaying his prompt start going off in the sky, he lets her go and walks away resolutely. There. He’s participated.
“The person you love.”
Mikan is chasing after Natsume, but he can’t be caught. Being caught would ruin everything, and would make his selfish act even more selfish. He shoves the mask back into Kusami’s face, and takes off.
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You'd think he'd be a bit happier to have finally confessed his feelings but he just looks miserable.
Natsume has been very selfish now. He didn’t have to grab Mikan. He could’ve borrowed anybody and lost. Does it matter if he wins? He’s not Kusami. He could’ve just gotten the race over with and run away, but instead he played along, because he wanted to confess. He’s never been so honest in his life. He wants her to know he loves her, even if she doesn’t know who “he” is. And if he gets caught, then Mikan will know for a fact that Natsume Hyuuga loves her, and everything he’s done so far--hyping up Ruka, distancing himself, being cruel to protect her, allowing Luna to cling to him--will have been for nothing. She’ll know it was all a ruse, and then she’ll be open to all sorts of dangers. But he risks it, because he just can’t hide it anymore. He always has to hide, always has to pretend, always has to sacrifice his own feelings for the sake of others. This time, he’ll say exactly what he means, made all the more easier by the fact that there’s a mask on his face.
He’s done something like this before, particularly when he kissed Mikan on Christmas.
And the Christmas kiss is nothing compared to this: an actual love confession. The kiss was just that, and he had plenty of excuses for why he’d kiss her. It wasn’t because he loved her, no way! It was because she kept saying the other one didn’t count. Or maybe he just wanted to know what it felt like. That’s all. The excuses were just another mask to hide behind.
What excuse could he possibly give for a love confession that a panel of mind-reading judges corroborated? If he’s caught, she will know.
All his tiny instances of selfishness are smaller examples of the same idea: he lets himself be affectionate for once. He can say he prefers her with her hair down, or hug her during the SA class labyrinth, or cuddle with her when he’s having a nightmare, just this one time, and then he’ll give up for good. She won’t notice. It won’t have an effect. It won’t have consequences. He’ll give up for good after; he’ll just do this one selfish thing and then never again. But he can’t give it up, and eventually Christmas happens. He kisses her, unloading so much affection into one action, as if he’s trying to just get it over with. He’ll just get all his love out with one kiss and then he’ll be okay to watch her fall in love with anybody else but him.
But he can’t. He can’t stop doing these little selfish things. He can’t suffocate his love and leave it to die, hidden and smothered like a skeleton in a closet. Despite his every attempt to kill it, to hide it, to pretend like it’s not important, it has only grown stronger. He loves her more and more everyday, and the more he loves her, the harder it is to pretend like he doesn’t care if he never gets what he wants.
He wants to be with her. He wants to kiss her and protect her openly. He wants to sit next to her in class and smile with her. He wants to spend time with her and be on her team for school events. He wants to hold her hand and tell her he loves her.
He doesn’t want to give it all up and wreck his own chances.
The longer he’s loved Mikan, the harder it’s been to be selfless like this. The yearning has only gotten stronger, and now it takes all his power to be cruel to her. What used to come naturally, like being cold and distant and insulting her, has become difficult. What comes naturally to him now is to confess his love or hold her hand or be around her.
Despite the fact that Natsume was the only person who seems to have borrowed the correct person for the race, the White team still loses, on account of him not actually being Kusami.
At the end of the chapter, he sits alone, brooding in a tree.
He hasn’t been caught, so his actions have no consequences for now. He can sit there and mourn what could have been. He can’t be with Mikan, let alone confess his feelings. This was just an excuse to live out a fantasy. He wants to be loud about his feelings, not muffle them. But this is Natsume we’re talking about. He never gets what he wants. And in his opinion, he shouldn’t because Ruka deserves a happy ending way more. And Mikan would never love him back anyway. Ruka would be better for her.
This is just another instance of Natsume promising himself that he’ll do one more selfish thing before he gives up forever. But we know he’s bad at keeping his word, and this is no exception.
Chapter Eighty-Five
Before Mikan can confront Natsume about the borrowing race, Luna steps in, covering for him, claiming she was watching with him from the bleachers during the race. She clings to his arm and drags him off, spurring even more rumors that he and Luna are an item.
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She's so violent with him for really no reason.
He tells her to get off, but she reminds him that she’s just done him a favor (though it’s really just a favor to herself). She grabs his hand and holds it tight, and again people get the wrong idea. It’s interesting how such physically painful things come across as romantic to the people around them, who think that Luna is simply holding his hand. Natsume’s persistent look of misery and apathy doesn’t deter people at all from rumors that he’s dating her. After all, Luna is clinging to him with a smile on her face and he’s not doing anything to peel her off, so it must mean they have feelings for each other. Natsume has been so good at hiding his feelings, that nobody--not even the girl he really loves--knows what it looks like when he’s loving and affectionate to somebody. They think he's into Luna, and can't see that what he really needs is help.
Chapter Eighty-Six
Luna has just arranged a terrifying fall for Mikan, knowing she’d use her alice as a knee-jerk reaction to save herself, thus causing others to think she did it for the attention. Mikan could’ve been seriously injured, or worse, and is definitely in trouble now, so Natsume is furious.
He confronts Luna, and the only thing stopping him from hurting her is that he could put Mikan in even more danger by doing so. But Luna is remorseless, giggling that she had no choice but to threaten Mikan. After all, she’s just doing what the principal said they’d do. Mikan should have been put in Persona’s custody in the DA class immediately following the Hana Hime party incident, but Natsume’s sacrifices have allowed her to skate by. Luna is there to observe and punish what she perceives as bad behavior, and anything less than abject misery from Mikan is bad behavior to her.
She warns Natsume: if he really wants to protect Mikan, then he’ll make sure she’s hated. That way, she won’t be in danger.
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Natsume can’t go around confessing his love to her with a mask on anymore. He needs to sacrifice their relationship entirely in order to keep her safe. And so he does.
He’s sitting on a bench, surrounded by his classmates. Permy is adamantly defending Mikan. These rumors that Mikan fell on purpose for the attention are obviously stemming from Luna, who has the whole class wrapped around her finger. She turns to Natsume, looking for back-up, but Natsume has been told clearly what to do in order to really protect Mikan, and it has nothing to do with standing up for her against these rumors.
Instead, he says that it’s best not to be involved with Mikan anymore. He doesn’t want to see her or hear about her anymore, and he doesn’t want to associate with anyone who associates with her. He tries to give off the impression that he hates her, that he’s disgusted by her.
Then he sees that she’s been there all along, listening.
This is almost like the scene where he tells her he hates everything about her. He’s doing the hard thing to protect her. He’s lying, willing to hurt her, willing to be the villain, if it means she’s in the light and out of the dark.
But this is different.
Mikan could take it before. She yelled back that she hated him too, just as much, and even though that was a lie, it was still something she was able to say. She could argue and fight. This time she crumbles and runs away.
And he’s different too. Before, he could walk away, resolute and determined. Knowing that she’ll be better off this way was enough for him. He didn’t even look back. This time, he can’t leave things like that.
After all, last time was easier. He didn’t think she actually liked him back then. It would really only hurt him. He knows better now. Mikan cares about him, and it doesn’t matter what shape that care takes. It only matters that hearing Natsume call her worthless brings her to tears now, and that’s enough for him to feel way more conflicted.
This time, he apologizes.
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He doesn't say he's sorry, but he's saying he's sorry.
He finds Kusami, steals his mask once again, never saying one word to a kid who has been generously keeping his secret for him. He runs after Mikan, and when he finally catches up to her, he hugs her.
Wearing the mask while hugging her is like wearing a raincoat in a hurricane. It won’t change anything or protect him at all. In fact, all he’s doing is giving her confirmation that it’s him, but he doesn’t care.
He doesn’t want her to think he hates her. He can’t stand it anymore. He’s sorry and he didn’t mean it.
He hugs her and this is different from his selfish hugs during the RPG or when he was having a nightmare. Those were little stolen moments for him to remember. He could take them from Mikan and cherish them as precious memories, even if she never thought of them again. This one is different. This one is for her, to comfort her, to apologize.
It’s all the things he can’t say. I didn’t mean it. Sorry. I have to do this. I really do care about you, I promise. It’s not real. Luna’s making me do this.
But before she can turn around to look at him, he leaves again.
He knows, because of Luna’s warning, that Mikan’s life will only get harder. He wants to help her, but by helping her, he’s placing himself further from her, making it harder for him to protect her in the future. If he’s distant from her to keep Luna at bay, then he’s not around to protect her from Luna in the storeroom, or during the cheerleading competition.
It’s what one might call a Catch-22. No matter what he chooses, he loses. And the worst part is that so does Mikan.
Natsume isn't an active participant in the last few chapters of this arc, so this is how I'll wrap the meta here. In the next arc there will be much to say about him. The Sports Fest went deep into Natsume's love for Mikan. It's not surprising that his love inspires selflessness. Natsume will always put others in front of himself and the more he loves someone, the more fervent he is about self-sacrifice. The truly beautiful thing about Natsume's love for Mikan is that it inspires selfishness too. And I never mean selfish as bad when I'm talking about Natsume. His love for Mikan is special in that it makes him want things for himself too.
I'm having doubts about being able to post tomorrow, so I apologize for only two posts this week. Expect normal posting next week at the very least! This essay is probably more than halfway through already, though I can't say for sure how much is left. Where I am now in terms of essay-writing is already deep in the Time-Travel Arc and as a result there's entire chapters I've skipped. Like. Seven in a row at times. Yikes. So basically we're pretty far in!
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actualbird · 3 years
Marius be like "I'm the hottest out of all the nxx bitches" but are you the hottest in your family? Checkmate
i (predictably) want to analyze this for too many words than is strictly necessary tho so
// cn server spoilers, how marius' dad looks like
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hey, quick question, why is this family so good looking? i know the answer, it's because of genes, but good LORD. gonna skip over marius because we all know hes hot but HEYYYY, AUSTIN VON HAGEN, ARE YOU LIKE....FREE THIS FRIDAY NIGHT? i jest of course but he looks great (sidenote: his sprite in game is actually shorter than marius, so the tall genes must have come from dead mom, rip, but man, i wanna see mrs. von hagen, tall waman, sign me UP). but like, looking at how attractive marius is due to how elegantly beautiful austin is, like, giann must look SO GOOD.
i already screamed about how i think giann would look like in this post so i'll move on to how the other nxx bitches, as youve dubbed them, react to how giann looks like!!!
vyn has reacted long ago, marius hasnt met vyn yet when vyn meets giann. vyn and giann founded the Giannovyn Research Center together (guys you have GOT to get better naming skills, u two rlly just put ur names together, it's ridiculous) so vyn knew giann!! and he probs found giann attractive but in a passing way since they were both working on setting up a mental health center together.
artem also got to meet giann at some point. since neil and giann were the original members of the nxx and neil was very very close with artem before he went missing, i figure neil introduced the two. i dont think artem found giann hot because artem only finds people hot once he's drunkenly expressed his deepest insecurities to them, or something.
okay luke and mc maybe passingly know what giann looks like since giann was like, a Huge figure in society. but they saw him through skimmed news articles or magazines here and there, they never really looked.
so when the day giann (and neil, no nxx bitch left behind!!) are safely found from wherever the fuck they went missing to, after the initial YAY UR BACK vibes, luke and mc are like
luke: your older brother is hot
mc: yeah hes very good looking
but it's all very playful lol. after a few jokes about it, everybody moves on.
if marius is in a relationship (and choose whichever ship you fancy, mc, one of the nxx boys, full polycule, i support it all) and the other party/parties of the relationship express this joking appreciation of giann...
something very dark and afraid hisses in marius' heart
marius is the youngest child. when he was growing up, giann always called marius his "baby brother" which makes sense given that theyre 10 years apart but also. youngest child syndrome is fascinating. giann was the one who took on the business, he was one of the people who started the nxx, he was the one who did things big and meaningful and marius, ever since he was a kid, always felt as if he was in his older brother's shadow.
giann was never bad, of course. he always treated marius well, if a little bit protective and shithead-y (a von hagen trait i assume is consistent thru them all) way. he never did anything to make marius feel inferior. but marius couldnt help but feel that he wasnt good enough. that he'll always be a step behind giann and he'll never, ever be able to catch up
a joke about giann being better than marius in any way may trigger just a whole slew of insecurities for marius, if hes in a relationship. which is SO DUMB, he KNOWS OKAY. he trusts his partner/s and also giann is ENGAGED and so so whipped for his fiancee but feelings dont make sense 90% of the time. marius isnt jealous, hes just afraid that the people hes given his heart to will realize that
hes never been great. and he never will be.
marius tries to not let it show. he hides his fear under overdramatic annoyance, his own dumb jokes, his easy smirk and deflections.
but when youre in a relationship, whatever you feel will always be known somehow.
marius doesnt know what's worse: the fact he feels like this, the fact he thinks he doesnt have the right to want assurance for this, or the fact that
all of this makes him feel so young
he wonders, is he ever going to grow up?
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mickey-henry · 3 years
𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲
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pairing: bucky barnes x reader
summary: bucky’s been flirting with you, but hasn’t taken it further than that. frustrated, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: occasional swearing (but not much) and frustrating flirting (I’d be melting if it was happening to me). besides that, this fic is pure fluffy fun.
author’s note: hello there! this is my second fic; I’m very excited to post it! I found the header image here, and if you want to listen to the song I reference in this fic, you can listen here. bold text indicates singing, while italicized text refers to inner thoughts. likes, reblogs, messages, replies, and comments are cherished! I hope you like it! 💖
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Bucky Barnes is an acquaintance at best. The two of you rarely work together, and with conflicting schedules, you see little of each other around the compound. On a random Friday in April, however, something changes in you. The moment is nothing out of the ordinary. You’re sitting on the couch in the main living space, re-reading one of your favorite books. Bucky has just returned from a mission; you glance up to see his exhausted expression. He catches your eye, winking with a smile, before walking to his room. Your heart flutters and your head freezes at the response. “Oh, no,” you think to yourself. “Maybe that was a one-time thing? I don’t actually like him, right?” Wrong. 
Ever since that night, the mere presence of Bucky Barnes drives you crazy: his stunning blue eyes that squint ever so slightly when he smiles, his adorable nose that crinkles when he laughs, his pillowy lips that you lose yourself in, his  fluffy hair you can’t help but imagine running your fingers through, his scruff speckled jawline that you wish would brush along your hands, cheeks, anywhere really. He occupies your dreams; you can’t escape this man even if you try. Today, he drives you crazier than usual. He stands in the compound's kitchen in a tight black t-shirt, one that leaves nothing to the imagination. This is the first time you’ve seen him in short sleeves, in anything other than tactical gear. You can’t help but stare as he prepares his lunch. The shirt hugs his frame tight, accentuating his biceps that had no right to be that big. “Gosh, he must spend hours in the gym to look like that.” You then notice the vein in his right arm protruding from his skin, tracing it with your eyes. You didn’t think he could become any more beautiful, but here he is before you, incredible as ever. 
You’re pulled from your reverie when Bucky calls your name. “Yeah?” you reply, barely masking the startled stutter in your voice.
“Pass me the salt?”
“Oh! Sure, of course,” you muster, taking a sip of water from the glass in front of you as you hand him the salt shaker. 
“Thanks, doll,” he flirts with a smile, the same one he gave you that night when he got back to the compound. You nearly choke. “Bucky Barnes called me a term of endearment?!? Holy shit.” Your heart swells and you look down at your glass in a desperate attempt to hide the blush creeping its way across your cheeks. “Goodness gracious, I respond this way from a simple word?” You couldn’t imagine how you’d feel if he touched you. 
It didn’t take long to find out. The following day, you stand in the kitchen prepping your lunch, singing softly along to the song playing from your phone. Bucky appears soon after. He stands close to you for a moment, closer than necessary, but of course you don’t mind. He has just showered; his cologne lingers in the air, intoxicating you. Somehow, you keep singing along, showing no sign that your mind is elsewhere. 
“Ugh, he smells amazing. This man has too much power over me; this is ridiculous! I don’t even remember what I was doing—”
“You have a beautiful voice,” he compliments.
“Thank you, Bucky,” you softly reply, your heart racing at his praise.
“Let me get by you real fast, doll,” he says, moving to walk behind you. 
“There he goes again with the pet name. My god, could this get any worse—” 
He places his hands gently on your hips as he moves beside you. Electricity travels through your whole body; you’re internally screaming at his touch. His hands feel better than you imagined. Even though the contact lasts only a moment, the effects of his touch linger after, leaving you speechless. 
You hear a musical chuckle from the man behind you. “Is he teasing me? It sure feels like it,” you wonder. There is no way that he can’t see the effect he has on you. Before you can even formulate another thought, he touches you again as he moves back to the other side of you. “That was definitely on purpose; certainly he wouldn’t do this by accident. Right?”
Your eyes linger as he finishes putting together his lunch. He catches your gaze and smiles. “See you later, sweetheart,” he says with a wink before leaving the room. “Okay, that answers my question; that was very intentional. What am I going to do with myself?”
You don’t know how much longer you can take his teasing. Throughout the week, he ups his antics, calling you pet names more than your own, stealing touches whenever he can get away with it, smiling whenever you make eye contact. The tension is insatiable; thoughts of Bucky follow you everywhere. You decide to take matters in your own hands; Bucky did not seem to be planning to make a move anytime soon. If he is going to tease the hell out of you, you might as well get some payback. 
───────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ ─────────────
Tony’s announcement of Friday night karaoke gives you a wicked idea. However, for it to work, you need to recruit help. You know just who to ask. It doesn’t take long to find Sam and Steve; they spent a ton of their free time sparring in the gym. They seem to be at the end of their workout, their movements slow and sloppy, relying on witty retorts to throw off the other. They stop when they notice your arrival. 
“Hey!” Sam says with a smile, hugging you as you approach. You squeeze him tightly, even with his sticky sweat coating his arms. You greet Steve with a hug too.
“What brings you to our neck of the woods?” Steve asks as you let go.
“Can I ask you guys something? And you promise you two won’t laugh at me? Especially if I'm reading this wrong?”
“Of course,” answers Steve. 
“Yeah, for sure,” replies Sam. 
You hesitate for a second, taking a deep breath. “Does Bucky like me? I swear he does. He keeps teasing me, and I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I think I am practically in love with the guy at this point, he’s so beautiful and—”
You stop as the boys exchange glances and begin laughing. 
You cross your arms, hurt. “You said you wouldn’t laugh at me! I can’t control how I feel.”
“No! Wait! We aren’t laughing at you!” Steve says between giggles. 
You furrow your brows. “Then why are you laughing?”
“Bucky’s obsessed with you,” Steve answers after calming his laughter. 
“God, yes, you’re all he talks about nowadays,” Sam adds. 
“What?! He does? Why? Are you shitting me right now? Because that would be really freaking mean—“
“No! Of course not,” Steve insists. “Don’t you see the way he looks at you?”
“And the pet names he gives you?” Sam adds.
“And how he can’t seem to keep his hands to himself lately?” Steve finishes. 
Now you feel stupid for even asking. Of course you noticed all of those things. They were all you ever thought about. “Well, yeah, but maybe he does that with all the girls.”
“What girls?” Sam retorted. “The only women who are here often enough to cross paths with him are you, Natasha, and Wanda. Wanda’s with Vision, as weird as that is, but love is love. Natasha shoots daggers at anyone who looks at her with love in their eyes. That leaves you.”
“Why in the world would he like me? Of all people? He’s out of my league,” you sigh,
Sam’s scoff pulls you from your thoughts. “Bucky? Out of your league? He’s a crazy ex-assassin with emotional issues! If anything, he's out of your league.”
“You’re a catch, why wouldn’t he like you?” Steve assures.
Steve and Sam always know just what to say to make you feel better. “I guess you’re right,” you admit with a defeated grin. 
“So, you know how Bucky feels. What are you going to do about it?” Steve asks. 
“I have an idea, but I need your help.”
“We’re listening.”
You divulge your plan to them. They smile, hyping you up. 
“Dude, I’m so down!” Sam exclaims, clapping his hands in excitement. 
“You think this will work?”
“Definitely,” Steve assures. “This is going to be amazing!”
“Okay then, we’re doing this. Let’s go find Bucky. Time to initiate phase one.”
───────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ ─────────────
Bucky is sitting on the common room couch, flipping through a book when he sees you, Sam, and Steve enter. He exchanges a glance with you, smiling as your eyes light up. The three of you sit down. You’re sitting next to Sam, closer than usual. There’s a brief moment of silence before you speak. “Sam, are you going to karaoke night?”
“Of course! Wouldn’t miss everyone’s drunk-ass singing for the world.”
“Will you be my duet partner?”
This catches Bucky’s attention. He looks up from his book. Why the hell were you asking Sam to sing with you? You normally ask the girls...
“Sure thing, baby. It’ll be a ton of fun!” Sam smiles. 
Baby?! What?! How dare he call you a pet name, his girl, right in front of him? Well, you may not be his girl yet, but Sam knows how he feels about you. What the hell is he thinking?
“Yay! This’ll be so fun!” You hug him, grabbing his hand before continuing, “Wanna practice with me in a bit?”
“Find me when you’re ready, sweetheart,” Sam answers, kissing your knuckle before letting go of your hand. 
Sweetheart?! What the fuck was going on? Did he miss his shot? Would Sam really do that to him? Bucky can barely handle his swirling thoughts. He storms out of the room without looking back. 
Steve can’t help but laugh once Bucky is out of earshot. “That worked a little too well, wouldn’t you say so?”
“That wasn’t too far, was it?” you ask with a worried expression on your face. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it. He’ll just come on even stronger now. He won’t give up on you that easily,” Sam assures you. 
───────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ ─────────────
Bucky can barely contain his anger as you step on the stage with Sam, giggling and smiling at your karaoke partner. Jealousy engulfs him. He can barely listen to the start of the song, ignoring the catchy beat blasting through the speakers. He doesn’t recognize the song, but looks up from his drink when you sing, “Hey Bucky boy, what you doing tonight? I wanna see what you got in store."
He looks right at you. Did she just say Bucky?
Sam echoes, “Hey, hey Bucky!” Well, that answers his question.
“You're giving it your all when you're dancing on me. I want to see if you can give me some more,” you continue, twirling your fingers through your hair.
“Hey, hey Bucky!”
“You can be my man, I can be your girl, and we can pump this jam however you want,” you sing, swaying your hips to the cadence of the lyrics.
“Hey, hey Bucky!”
“Pump it from the side, pump it upside down, or we can pump it from the back and the front,” you wink as you finish the line. Bucky sits up suddenly, crossing his legs, his face turning beet red. You smile, knowing the plan was working. Steve laughs from beside him. He keeps his eyes glued on you as the two of you continue the song, utterly entranced. You look him right in the eye as you end the song, “I want you tonight.”
You saunter over to where he is sitting after high-fiving Sam, confidence filling your chest. “So, what did you think of my performance, Bucky?”
You yelp as he grabs your hips and pulls you down to sit on his lap. His voice deepens, “you’re such a tease, you know that right?”
You laugh. “I’m the tease? Really? You’re the one who just pulled me onto your lap and taunts me with flirtatious remarks and smiles all freaking day. My god Bucky, make a move already—”
He cuts you off, pulling you in for a kiss, his flesh arm grabbing the back of your neck. The team whoops and cheers. 
“Glad you finally made a move, Bucky,” you pant as your lips part from his.
“Best decision I ever made in my life, doll.” Before you can respond, he kisses you again, the karaoke bar fading in the background as you finally embrace the man of your dreams.
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violetlilysunshine · 3 years
Be Careful
Harry Holland x Actress Reader
@harryhollandsgirlfriend: Ok, ok, a request for y/n and Harry being in a new relationship and the boys are all hesitant about it and worried y/n is there for the wrong reasons and just Harry defending you and how you all work through that. 🥺
WC: 1,505
Warnings: swearing (one f-bomb)
A/N: Kinda left it between the boys, hope that’s okay. Also first time using a taglist, so hopefully it goes well :)
You’d met the brothers while they were sightseeing in Atlanta, instantly hitting it off with Harry. The two of you had been friendly for a while after that, casually flirting and always finding ways to get together. 
He’d asked you out a little while ago, taking you out secretly. He wasn’t ready to tell anybody, specifically Tom, yet; he didn’t know what they would think, given your history together. They were worried that you were just hanging around with them for the fame, knowing that you wanted to work your way up in Hollywood as well. Of course, it wasn’t really anything to do with you personally, they just felt that they had to be cautious of all new people who came around. 
Harry, however, knew that you were genuine. He had obviously gotten to know you the best and knew that you really cared more about people than fame. Sure you wanted to act, but you also valued privacy, just like he and Tom did. 
Harry met you for lunch a couple days ago, in between scenes just because he wanted to see you. You did little things like this as often as you could, while still keeping things quiet. It was kind of fun sneaking around with him; it made every little second you could steal together even better.
“So, uh, somethings sorta been on my mind,” he stuttered.
“What’s up, bub?” you asked.
“Well I want to tell Tom about us and like, I wanna make sure that’s okay with you.”
“Why are you asking me that, Har?” you chuckled.
“Well, we haven’t told people, so like, I wanna know if it’s okay if I do…”
“You’re the one that didn’t tell Tom,” you pointed out gently, “he’s your brother after all, it’s up to you.”
There was a slight pause in the conversation; you could tell that wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
“I just want you to be comfortable,” you soothed him, “It doesn’t bother me if we tell him right now or not, whenever you’re ready.” 
“Well I think I want to tell him,” he said, “I wanna be able to have you over and cuddle on the couch and hold hands around him. Ya know, all the boyfriend stuff…” he trailed off.
“Okay, babe,” you said softly, before repeating, “whenever you’re ready.” 
You smiled gently at him, watching his lips curve up slowly. He was so ready to be open with you and couldn’t wait to get it off his chest. 
“Maybe I should tell him alone,” he added, “ya know, brother to brother…”
“Whatever you want,” you said, grabbing his hand gently under the table.
“I’ll have to tell Haz too, ya know, since he’s always around.”
“That’s fine - whoever you want, whenever you want. And, to be honest, I wanna be able to come over and do all of that too,” you comforted him. 
“Thanks, darling,” he whispered, squeezing your hand for a second before letting go and continuing to eat.
“And for the record, ya know, if we’re telling things…” you trailed.
Harry’s heartbeat quickened at that, “yes, darling?” he questioned, not knowing what could possibly be coming at him. 
“I have told someone,” you whispered.
“Oh,” he said shortly, eyes widening, “when? who?” 
“My best friend, before our first date… ya know, I just wanted to make someone aware of what was going on and who I was going out with and where I would be, ya know, in case something bad happened. Can’t be too careful these days.”
Harry chuckled at that, dropping his head and shaking it lightly.
“But she’s the only one, and she won’t say anything, promise. I mean, she hasn’t yet, so you can trust me when I say that,” you smiled. 
Harry smiled at you widely, “I do trust you,” he whispered, leaning in and pecking you gently.
He decided on Friday that he was going to tell Tom and Harrison about the two of you. Half of him casually wanted to drop it like, “oh yeah, I’m taking Y/N out tonight,” on his way out the door, but the other half of him knew that he just had to be straight up with them. 
They came in from the gym, dropping their bags right in front of the door, arguing about who gets to shower first. 
“You got it first last time!” Harrison shouted at Tom, kicking his shoes off.
“Well I got there before you, mate, not my fault,” Tom countered. 
They stood in the doorway, staring each other down for a second. 
“Not happening today,” Harrison said quietly, taking off running towards his bedroom to get his clothes and hurry to the shower.
Little did he know, Tom had already laid his clothes out on the bed so all he had to do was grab them and go to the bathroom.
The bathroom door slammed upstairs and Harry knew what was coming -
“GOD YOU ARSE!” Harrison screamed, followed by Tom’s loud laugh from behind the closed door.
Harrison came jogging down the stairs and into the living room, “god can you believe that guy?” 
“Uh, yeah,” Harry chuckled, “brothers…” 
Harrison just laughed at him, pulling out his phone to scroll through Instagram while waiting for the shower. Maybe starting with just Harrison would be easier…
“So, Haz?” Harry asked after a while of just sitting in silence. He was trying to sound casual, but inside he was shitting himself.
“Hmm?” Harrison hummed, not looking up from his phone. 
“I uh, I’m taking Y/N out tonight…”
“Yeah? What’re you guys doing? Maybe Tom and I can tag along.” Harrison questioned.
“No, mate, not like that, I’m dating her,” Harry said bluntly, “have been for a few weeks.” 
Harrison didn’t know how to react; he wanted his friend to be happy, but at the same time he worried about you using him. What if you got what you wanted and then just left? And broke Harry’s heart in the process? He can’t let that happen. 
“Are you sure you wanna do this? What if she’s using you?” Harrison tried to ask nicely. 
“Who’s using him?” Tom asked, strolling in the room, hair still dripping wet. 
“Y/N,” Harrison answered, “they’re ‘dating’ now,” Harrison said, using air-quotes around the word dating. 
“She’s not like that you fucking arse,” Harry answered, starting to get mad, “I knew you guys would be like this and that’s exactly why I didn’t tell you!” 
“How long?” Tom asked quickly.
“A few weeks,” Harry answered with a huff.
“Oh, so it’s still easy to get out,” Tom said casually with a shrug.
“I don’t wanna get out!” Harry yelled, “I really like her! She’s not what you guys think she is!”
“Mate, calm down,” Harrison tried.
“No! I tried to be calm and you had to go and be a dick!” 
“Hellooooo!” Tuwaine sang as he walked through the front door.
“Hey mate, Harry’s dating Y/N,” Tom answered him.
“What?” Tuwaine laughed.
“Harry’s dating Y/N,” he repeated.
“Yay, she’s cool!”
“What? You’re on his side?” Harrison questioned.
“Yeah, why not?” Tuwaine shrugged, “I just want everyone to be happy. If Harry trusts her, then so do I.” 
“Thank you,” Harry said, calming down a bit.
“But what if she’s using him?” Harrison reiterated, bringing up his first concern, “or what if she’s just using Harry to get to Tom and then use him? Or the same with me?” 
“Yeah, bro, I’m Spider-Man,” Tom added.
“Yeah, we all know that,” Harry answered, “you don’t have to remind us every second of every day.”
“But still, how do you know she’s not gonna split when she gets popular?” Tom asked.
“Because you guys didn’t take the time to actually get to know her,” Harry stressed, “she’s been hanging out with us for quite a while and she hasn’t posted a single picture of either of you, or me for that matter.” 
The boys fell silent, that was true and they couldn’t deny it. 
“And she’s always paid the most attention to me, so don’t you think if she really wanted to use you guys, she’d have ignored me?” 
“I guess that makes sense…” Tom mumbled.
“Can’t you just be happy for me?” Harry pleaded, “like Tuwaine said: I trust her, isn’t that enough?” 
“We just don’t wanna see you get hurt, mate. Honest, if you’re happy, we’re happy,” Harrison answered, “we just want you to be careful.” 
“Well I am being careful, so you don’t have to worry. She’s great, I’d love for you guys to give her a chance,” Harry soothed. 
“We will, just know that we’re watching her too. At least for a little while,” Tom said, raising his eyebrows at Harry. 
“That’s fine, I guess,” Harry said, “just don’t weird her out so she runs away, please.” 
“No promises,” Harrison piped up. 
“I’m just happy for everyone,” Tuwaine said with a big smile from the couch, making everyone laugh.
“That’s why you’re my favorite,” Harry said, fist-bumping Tuwaine.
Taglist:  @xamourx @spider-barnes @hogwartsmarvelmommy @tulipholland @harryhollandsgirlfriend @cupids-crystals @sunwardsss @bvttercupbby
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d7kyoshi · 2 years
Light of Rangi Update
First things first… It’s still happening! Yay!
Secondly… After a full two weeks, I’m finally feeling minimal brain fog after dealing with Covid. No worries, all is well now!
Lastly… I reread the Prologue and I no longer liked it very much. I decided to go in a different direction that will contribute more towards the story. Hint: lots of Hei-Ran.
Very lastly… between getting delayed by Covid and starting an (awesome) new job and not liking my original Prologue, I’d say that y’all can expect LOR to start getting posted the first Friday of February! So keep a look out around then!
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It's been a while, but the Undertaker role on Friday night among us got me thinking!
The glitch where a player doesn't die instantly after being injured happens again, this time to Etho. He's in shock at first and can't communicate what's going on, and the Undertaker imposter (pick who might go best with Etho) starts to drag him away. The Imposter quickly realises that somehow, horribly, this guy isn't actually dead, and makes a snap decision to drag him to the medbay and try to save him rather than hiding the body, knowing they'll probably get seen on the way and have their cover blown. Whether or not the Imposter succeeds in their first aid attempt is up to you!
(Also gives room to explain Etho's absense that night with him having to recover from the glitch! Fluffy recovery opportunities!)
yay for the return of the long-and-painful-death glitch! lol
technically a sequel to this one
  It’s the first match of the session and the tension is palpable. The newest role has everyone quietly excited: the Undertaker role, allowing an imposter to move a body from one place to another. It’s such a simple thing and yet, as with all the special roles, it could be a game-changer. 
  Crewmate Etho is on his own again, monitoring the cameras in security. There’s six people left and even though they’ve already ejected Impulse, Etho isn’t completely convinced it was him. He has two suspects in mind, and he wants to make sure he knows where they are. 
  But all of a sudden, he hears the vent flap open and he spins around…
  ...just in time to see a flash of green and feel a sharp pain in his stomach. 
  Etho sinks to his knees, pressing his hand against the wound to try and help the pain. He lets himself collapse to the floor, the agony dulling his senses and threatening to pull him under. He’s not even attempting to stem the blood flow; he knows he’ll be dead in seconds. 
  But seconds go by.
  A minute.
  He doesn’t die.
  His mind is fuzzy. But he knows something is wrong. He just can’t do anything about it except lie on the ground and slowly bleed out.
  Eventually, something takes hold of him under the arms and starts to drag him away. Even though he’s seconds from death, he feels a bolt of panic and he lets out a groan.
  Immediately, the grip on him is released and at the same time, he hears a quiet yelp: “HOLY fu-!”
  A very brief pause.
  “E-Etho…? Are you… alive…?”
  This time, Etho can’t muster another noise. But as he attempts to move his hand, arm, leg, anything, his chest spasms and he lets out an involuntary cough.
  “Oh my actual god, you ARE alive…!”
  Etho is able to identify the voice now, and it’s one of the people he suspected of being the imposter. 
  But before he can make another attempt to speak or move, Brody takes hold of him again and continues dragging him. More panic hits him; Brody must be the Undertaker but he knows Etho’s not dead, so where is he taking him? He wishes he could look but when he opens his eyes, the world around him is still too fuzzy for him to register where he is.
  Finally, Brody stops dragging him and heaves him up. Etho can’t work out what Brody is trying to do until he registers a soft surface below him and he realises.
  Brody has brought him to medbay.
  “Stay with me, Etho,” Brody murmurs, hurriedly collecting up first aid supplies. The benefit of being an imposter here is the fact that he’s able to shut the medbay doors to ensure he’s not disturbed. 
  But he realises there are two people who need to know about this. 
  Thankfully, one of them vents into the room just as Brody is cutting open Etho’s shirt to access the wound. 
  “Brody, what on earth are you doing?” Astro demands. “What is this?”
  Brody fixes him with such a serious look that a chill runs down Astro’s spine. “Astro, there’s been a glitch. When you stabbed Etho, he didn’t quite die.”
  Astro stares at him in shock. “Wh-What?”
  “He’s still alive and suffering horrible pain. Astro, I need you to go get Evil.”
  Astro, frozen in horror at what he’s caused, doesn’t move.
  “Go get Evil!” snaps Brody, giving him a quick push. “Just GO!”
  Managing to shake himself into action, Astro jumps back into the vent.
  Brody turns back to Etho and finishes cleaning up the wound. Unfortunately, the majority of the machinery in medbay is just for show, so he can’t assess any internal injuries Etho has. But all he really needs to do is keep Etho alive until the game ends. 
  As Brody is patching up the wound, the medbay doors slide open and Astro reappears, followed by Evil. Astro closes the medbay doors again while Evil dashes over to the bed, his worried eyes asking a silent question.
  “It happened again,” Brody confirms. 
  “Again?!” Astro bursts out. “This has happened before?”
  Evil nods slowly, ignoring Astro. “You two are the imposters, then?” 
  “Yeah. But I don’t care about that now. I just need to keep Etho alive until the game ends. The post-game process will heal him.”
  “Guys, WHAT are you talking about?” Astro demands. “What’s going on?”
  Brody huffs annoyedly. “Evil, catch him up.”
  As Evil explains, Brody finishes patching up Etho’s injury and starts to wrap a bandage around his body. Throughout all of this, Etho has remained pale and still, prompting Brody to continually check his pulse. He’s still alive, but barely. Brody’s treatment is helping him cling onto life. 
  Evil appears back at Etho’s side. “How is he?”
  “Hanging in there. Where’s Astro?”
  Evil points over at the corner near the vent, where Astro is sitting against the wall with his knees drawn to his chest, his face buried in his hands.
  “What’s wrong with him?” 
  As a response, Evil simply gestures to Etho.
  After a moment, Brody sighs and hands the tail end of the bandage to Evil. “Finish this off for me quickly.”
  He joins Astro in the corner and crouches down next to him, awkwardly placing his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “This isn’t your fault, Astro,” he says.
  “How is this not my fault?” Astro responds despondently, his voice muffled through his hands. “I caused this.”
  “You were playing the game. There’s no way you could’ve known this would happen.”
  He doesn’t get a response to this, so he gently pulls Astro’s hands away from his face, forcing his friend to look him in the eye. “Astro. You can’t blame yourself for this, okay? Etho is gonna be fine. And going by what happened last time, he won’t even remember that this happened.”
  “But I will, won’t I?” asks Astro quietly. 
  “Actually, I’m not sure,” Brody admits. “Impulse was the imposter in this situation last time and as far as I know, he never found out what happened.”
  “Oh. So even though Etho won’t remember me stabbing him and leaving him to bleed out very slowly, I actually might?”
  Brody nods reluctantly. “You might.”
  Astro lets put a low groan. “I feel sick…” 
  “Brody?” calls Evil at that moment, his voice low and shaky.
  Brody turns his head. “What?”
  “He- He’s not breathing.” 
  Brody’s stomach drops and he shoots forward so fast he almost trips over. He rushes back to Etho’s side and checks his friend’s pulse using both his wrist and his neck. 
  He finds nothing. 
  Touching Etho’s hand, he finds his friend’s skin cold already, confirming what he already knows to be true. 
  A muted noise comes from Astro as he turns away. 
  As Brody hangs his head, Evil reaches over and gently touches his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. 
  “We need to end this game,” says Brody, forcing himself to keep his voice steady. “Now.”
  With almost no hesitation, Evil says, “One of you kill me.”
  Brody glances sharply at him. “What?”
  “There’s five of us left, right? Etho was the sixth. So there’s five left now. Kill me and end the game.”
  “Are you sure?” asks Brody hesitantly. “The glitch might happen again.” 
  “I’m sure,” Evil responds firmly. “Like you said, we need to end it. It’ll take too long to just vote you guys out; I’m standing right here so you may as well end it by killing me.” He glances over at his friend. “Astro?”
  “No,” says Astro shakily. 
  “Astro, it’s okay.”
  “No it’s NOT!” Astro’s voice rises. “You think I can bear causing so much pain and suffering to two of my friends in the same game?! I’m NOT killing you!” 
  Evil quickly nods. “Okay, I understand. Brody?”
  “Aren’t I in the same boat?” Brody says. “Do you really trust me to do it properly?”
  “Yeah, I do.” Evil gives a brave smile. “I trust you, Brody. With my life.”
  Ignoring the twinge in his chest, Brody draws his gun and aims it directly at Evil. “Okay. Good luck.”
  Taking a deep breath, Brody fires. 
  And luckily this time, the game acts as it’s supposed to. 
  As soon as Brody respawns in the lobby, he rushes over to his friend. “Etho, hey. You good?”
  “Me?” Etho blinks. “Yeah, why?”
  Brody gives a slow nod. “Nothing. Just checking.”
  He draws Evil aside to a corner of the lobby. “Okay, Etho definitely doesn’t remember,” he confirms.”
  “Does Astro?” asks Evil.
  Brody glances over at their green-clad friend, who’s leaning against the wall, arms folded and eyes staring blankly out into space.
  “...I think he might.”
  Evil and Brody approach Astro, who glances numbly at them as they get closer. “I remember,” is all he says. 
  “So the crewmate in the situation won’t remember what happened but the imposter will,” says Brody thoughtfully. “Interesting. I wonder why that is?”
  “I don’t really care,” Astro responds bluntly. “I just want to forget that whole thing ever happened.”
  “No, this is good. Kinda. It means you’re now part of our little trifecta of people who know about the glitch. Evil and I promised each other last time that if we experience this again as imposter, we’ll go find each other and let them know, even if we’re the imposter.” He fixes his friends with a serious look. “This is a dangerous glitch. Astro, promise me that if this does happen to you again, you’ll come find one of us.”
  Astro watches him for a moment, before slowly nodding. “Okay. I- Hey, Etho’s leaving.”
  Brody turns just in time to see Etho leave the lobby. Frowning, he quickly follows Etho out and catches him just going down the corridor. “Etho, wait!”
  Etho pauses and glances back. “Oh, hey. I just let Tango know I had to leave; I’m suddenly not feeling too great.”
  “O-Oh.” Brody stares at him. “I’m sorry to hear that. Feel better.”
  “Thanks. See you.”
  Brody watches his friend disappear round the corner, his mind racing. This has NEVER happened before. Etho has never felt unwell this early in a session before — or really ever. Surely it’s no coincidence considering what happened last round? Even though his brain doesn’t remember what happened, maybe his body does. 
  Or maybe his code does. 
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es-kay-zee · 3 years
Lust | Lee Know x Reader
I had plans to make this kinky as all hell, but I somehow ended up going the opposite direction with this. oh well, it was still pretty fun to write. I’m also sorry if there’s parts of it (or all of it?) that don’t make any sense. I didn’t proofread it at all and my head was just empty while writing it.
I was kinda liking it at one point, then I overthought about it and now I think I hate it but I put in all this time so it’s getting posted. I just feel like it kinda went all over the place
 Warnings: officemate! au, sexual tension (maybe? Idk, i tried), fem! reader, fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), protected sex (yay!) there’s like a split second of softdom! Minho, but other than that moment there’s not really any dynamics.
Requested: Yip
Word count: 4.6k
It didn’t take a genius amongst your co-workers to be able to tell what was going on between you and Minho. Everyone could see the way you looked at each other. They could see the way you took extra time at the printer, considering it was right next to his desk. You would stand there for longer than necessary, just watching him work. How his fingers would type away on his keyboard, the sleeves of his button-down rolled up to his elbows. God, what you would do to have his fingers inside you.
No, you can’t think like that. He’s just your co-worker. He may be hot as all hell, but this is a professional environment, right?
It was also painfully obvious to everyone how Minho looked at you the same way. Just as you would spend extra time at the printer, he would spend extra time at your desk whenever he had to hand you some files. He would try to make some idle chit-chat with you, but really, he was just staring at your lips the whole time. While you would admire his hands and arms, he would admire your lips. He often found himself wondering just what your mouth was capable of.
Don’t get him wrong, he didn’t only see you as some pretty thing around the office. He also admired your dedication and work ethic. He loved how much effort you put into your job to ensure you produce the pest quality of work. But he wasn’t stupid, he could see just how hot you are.
But he’s not allowed to think of you in that way. He’s not allowed to spend many a night imagining your hand, your mouth wrapped around his cock instead of his hand. After all, you’re just co-workers. And it’s all professional, right?
That’s what you both keep telling yourselves. 
It’s a normal Friday, not long before midday, and you’re zoning out at your desk, trying to figure out what the hell you were going to do over the weekend. You’d originally had plans to meet up with a few friends, but they all cancelled on you, leaving you with nothing to do on the approaching Saturday and Sunday.
You’re dragged out of your thoughts by someone waving a small folder in front of your face.
“Hey, earth to y/n?” You snap your attention onto the figure in front of you, quickly realising that it is, in fact, Lee Minho who’s standing at your desk. You hurriedly fix your posture, sitting up straighter and clearing you throat quietly before responding.
“A-are those some more files that need doing?” The way you stutter over your words has you internally cringing, hoping he can’t tell the effect he has over your body.
“Yeah, they’re the latest invoices that have come in. These ones need to be paid by Tuesday and then these ones need to be paid by Thursday,” he explains to you, holding up the two separate folders in his hands.
Reaching out your hand for the folders, you feel your fingertips brush against his once you grab them. You withdraw your hands as quickly as possible, feeling your heartbeat pick up slightly as the subtle contact. Your gaze lingered on his arms for a moment, his sleeves rolled up just the way you liked. Minho is so effortlessly attractive that it’s unfair.
You pry your eyes away from his forearms, away from the veins you can see running along his arms, instead looking at his face. The moment you look him in the eyes, however, you can’t help but think that maybe staring at his arms would have been the better option. His eyes were just as pretty as the rest of him, but the way he was looking at you right now, the way he was staring so intently at you, had you cowering slightly under his gaze.
“So, you had lunch yet?” he asks, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of you, resting his hands in his pockets.
“Not yet, was just about to head up to the cafeteria shortly,” you reply, your eye focus being caught by his stance. You can picture it, him standing over you just the way he is now, hands in pockets, forearms visible, smirk on his face. Just imagining him standing there like that, looking down at you like you’re some sort of prey while you’re on your knees for him. Slowly undoing his belt and-
“Well, I was gonna head up now. Wanna join me?” you are once again pulled from your wandering thoughts by Minho, but the damage had already been done. You could feel your neediness throbbing in your pussy, your slickness slightly coating your underwear.
“Uh, sure,” you say, quickly locking your computer and grabbing your lunch.
You walk with Minho back towards his own desk so that he can pick up his own food before making your way up stairs to the third floor. Once you both make it to the cafeteria for the shelves. You grab your mug before making yourself a coffee, Minho doing the same next to you.
You both head towards a back corner of the large room, finding two seats at a small coffee table. A small conversation begins between the two of you, somewhat awkward, but not uncomfortably so. The occasional silences weren’t left empty, instead being filled with lingering glances at one another.
You make it through all your food and just over half of your coffee before it happens. Disaster. Minho has looked away from you for just a moment and the sunlight cascading through the enormous floor-to-ceiling windows hit him in just the right way. It made him glow in the light, distracting you while you took a drink from your mug. You weren’t focusing on anything but how delicious he looked in front of you, ending up with you tipping your mug up to far and spilling it all down your front and onto your lap.
Your small yelp snaps his attention back to you and you both just stare down at your soiled clothes. Heat rushes to your face when you realise the exact repercussions of what’s just happened, and the heat spreads when you notice that Minho has also realised it. Your white blouse drenched in coffee; the material becoming see through. Minho’s gaze lingers on your chest for a moment too long for between normal co-workers, your bra entirely visible through the now coffee-coloured fabric.
Minho clears his throat before speaking. “Uh- I’ll g-get something to help clean that up,” he stutters out, standing up as quickly as possible before rushing off to grab some napkins. It’s not long before he returns, a whole stack in his grip.
He places them on the table, taking his seat again. Picking a couple napkins back up he turns his whole body towards you. Your breathing stutters when he leans in close to you, your eyes looking deep into his as he freezes in place.
He’s torn. Torn between wanting to help you for your sake, wanting to help you for the sake of being able to touch you, and not wanting to overstep any boundaries. He can hear his heart hammering in his ears, and he wonders if you can hear it too. Especially with how close the proximity currently is between you two.
He takes a deep breath before making a decision about whether or not to help you clean up. He reaches his hand out, carefully beginning to dab at the spilled drink on your lap, fully expecting to be told to stop.
You tense under his touch, but not out of discomfort. It’s the way his hand moves along your thigh that has you frozen. Your thigh. One of the more sensitive parts of your body, and his hand is rubbing back and forth along it. The contact causing your brain to short circuit as you feel the heat begin to pool in your core.
“Um… Make sure to soak these clothes before you wash them. That should help get any stains out,” Minho says, trying to ease the tension.
“Oh, yeah, thanks. I’ll be sure to do that,” you reply, his voice snapping you out of your stupor. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to ignore your growing arousal.
Minho has to fight back his own increasing need at the sight of you nibbling on your lower lip, wanting little more than for it to be his own teeth tugging at the soft flesh. But what really gets him, is you taking a few napkins and beginning to dab at the coffee on your shirt, unintentionally pulling his gaze back down to your chest. Now he was fighting back groans, trying desperately to let the sounds die in his throat before you get the chance to hear them. That would be too embarrassing for him to handle.
It’s not long before you sigh a heavy sigh, giving up the hopes of being able to save your outfit and keep your presentability for the workplace, accepting it as a lost cause. Minho stops his own wiping at the sound, looking at you instead, waiting for you to speak.
“You know what, this is a mess. I might as well just head home for the rest of the day. There’s no point sitting here at my desk all day like this,” you say, looking down at your clothes. “Besides, most of my work is done for the day anyway.”
It’s only when you lift your head up when you finish speaking that you realise just how close Minho’s face is to your own. Close enough for you to feel his breaths against your cheek. Your eyes dart down to his lips, but only for a split second, not wanting to make your arousal so obvious. Minho, however, notices. But luckily for you, he decides not to say anything about it. Yet.
“That sounds like a good idea. Uh… here,” he says, removing his blazer jacket and holding it out to you.
You reach out and grab it, your fingers once again momentarily connecting with his as you take the item he’s passing you. You both rise to your feet and you give him a confused look, wondering why he’s handing you his blazer.
“I figured you wouldn’t want to walk around with a see-through shirt,” he explains in response to your unspoken question.
The heat returns to your cheeks at his statement, quickly pulling the clothing item on and buttoning it up, making an attempt to cover yourself.
“Thanks,” you say. There’s some part of you that doesn’t really want to cover yourself, that wants Minho to see you. But you push that part aside. After all, you’ve got to maintain some sort of professionalism. “We should probably head back down now.”
You both gather your belongings, taking your mugs over to the dirty dishes rack and placing them in along with all the other dishes. Yet another silence befalls the two of you as you make your way back down the stairs to your floor, the quietness neither comfortable nor awkward. Something in between.
Finally reaching your floor, you make a beeline for your desk, aiming to grab your bag and get out of here as quickly as possible. But before you grab your things and head into your boss’s office to say that you’re leaving early, you pause, turning back to Minho again, stopping him before he gets too far away.
“I’ll get your jacket back to you on Monday if you want. I’ll even get it cleaned to make sure there’s no coffee on it.”
He takes a moment to think, once again torn between options. One being just saying okay and letting you just bring it to work with you on Monday. And the other option… Well, if the way you were almost whining when he was touching your thigh earlier is anything to go by, then the second option might just work out for him. Fuck it.
“Or you could bring it over to my place? Tonight? I-if you want to,” he says, making sure to keep his voice only loud enough for you to hear, not wanting any nosy co-workers listening in.
Your entire body feels like it’s on fire as you think of the possible outcomes of you going over to his house, albeit under the guise of simply returning his blazer. You can already feel yourself growing wetter at the thoughts running through your mind. You blink rapidly, shaking your head slightly to yourself, remembering that you have to answer him instead of just standing there daydreaming all day.
“You’re in luck. I was gonna go out for a few drinks tonight, but my friends all cancelled on me. So, it turns out that I’m available,” you say, fighting hard to keep your voice steady and to not let on just how needy you were.
“Well, you could always have those drinks with me while you’re over,” he offers, stepping closer to your desk.
“I could.”
You both smirk at each other, knowing exactly what the outcome of tonight will be. Minho searches around your desk for a moment, eventually finding and grabbing a sticky note and a pen. He scribbles something down before handing it to you.
“That’s my address. See you at 7?”
“Sure thing, see you then.”
He smirks at you again before finally heading back to his own desk and you finally head off home, being sure to stop in and let your boss know you’re leaving.
Before long, 7 o’clock rolls around and you’re sitting in your car, parked on the road-side, opposite Minho’s house. Checking yourself in your rear-view mirror quickly, you make sure you look presentable before getting out of your car, his blazer draped over your arm. You’re somewhat nervous as you approach his front door, reaching up and knocking. It only takes a short moment before the door swings open, revealing Minho. He steps backwards, holding the door open as he gestures for you to enter. You step past him and into the house, taking in his appearance while he closes the door behind you.
His outfit is simple, a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans, but to you he looks damn fine. His jeans are tight enough to show off his thighs while not being too tight that it would create any struggle to remove quickly. That’s handy. And his shirt leaves his delicious arms on display. You look up at his face just to see him staring at you in the same way you were just starting at him. Like you’re the single best thing he’s ever laid his eyes on.
“Hi,” you say, bringing his attention back to the current moment. He blinks a few times, taking a moment to recollect his thoughts.
“Hey, you look really good.” He gestures towards your dress. You chose one that was simple, yet effective at its job. You wanted to wear something that showed off your legs, something that would get his attention. And judging by the way he kept looking you up and down, it was working.
“Here’s you blazer,” you say, holding it out for him.
“Oh yeah, thanks,” he replies, having already forgotten that he’d even let you borrow it in the first place. “I’ll just go put that away. Feel free to make yourself at home.”
He dashes off down the hallway, presumedly towards his bedroom. To take the moment alone to take in your surroundings, noting how Minho’s house had a very homely feel to it.
You take a seat on the couch while you wait for him to return. And it doesn’t take him long to do just that, already walking back up the hallway towards where you are. He heads to the kitchen first, grabbing a couple of glasses.
“I have some wine here. Want some?” he offers.
“Sure,” you say, knowing that soon enough the drinks will be abandoned in favour of other activities.
It’s not long before Minho approaches you, two glasses of wine in his hands. He hands one to you before taking a seat in the spot next to you on the couch. Directly next to you. He’s so close that the side of his leg rests against yours, but you’re not complaining.
“Try not to get too distracted by me again,” he says, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. “We wouldn’t want you to spill another drink.”
You both laugh at his teasing statement, but your mind focuses on the word again and you realise that he did know the causing of today’s earlier mishap. Well, that’s a bit embarrassing.
The next short while is filled with more idle chit-chat, a measly attempt at wasting time before getting down to business. The entire time you’re talking, Minho’s arm is resting along the back of the couch behind your head and he’s very shamelessly eye fucking you. In his defence though, you’re doing the exact same thing to him.
“Do you want another glass?” Minho asks when you finish your wine, placing his hand that’s not currently resting on the back of the couch on your thigh. You let out an audible breath as his hand softly caresses the flesh, the feeling sending pools of arousal directly to your heat. As his fingers slowly trail further up, beginning to disappear under the skirt of your dress, you know that he’s not really offering you another drink. It’s his way of moving the conversation along, of asking you if you’re ready to do what you truly came here for.
And you’d be damned if you weren’t ready.
His fingers continue to travel higher, skimming along your inner thigh, avoiding where you desperately need him. You bite your lip, trying to stifle a whimper. It doesn’t work, and it instead draws Minho’s focus to your mouth. And he’s back to thinking about your mouth, how your lips would feel wrapped around his cock. The idea alone has him growing painfully hard in his jeans. Hell, he’d do anything to have your lips on him, in any way.
“M-Minho, please,” you whisper, wanting him to stop his teasing caresses and finally touch you the way you want. The way you need.
“Please what?”
“Please t-touch me.”
“Touch you? I am touching you,” he says, stopping his hand’s movements and instead just resting it in place.
“No, please touch my p-pussy,” you say, your hands coming up to cover your face, embarrassment coursing through your body, causing your face to heat up.
Normally, Minho smirked at you, getting a kick out of how flustered you are.
“Ah, I see. Well, if you want that to happen then you have to prove to me how much you want it.”
And that has you whining.
You quickly manoeuvre yourself so that you’re straddling Minho’s lap, tired of waiting for him to provide you with some much needed friction. Your hands rest on his shoulders, his own flying to your hips when you slowly, experimentally grind down on him. Your actions get the best reward, in the form on a shaky moan from Minho, and that’s the moment you can tell that this whole thing is affecting him just as much as it’s affecting you.
When he told you to prove it, he was expecting you to just get more flustered. He certainly wasn’t expecting you to make such a bold move. You roll your hips against him again, this time drawing a moan from yourself. One of his hands slides up your back, grabbing the zipper for your dress and slowly sliding it down. Once he has it undone, he pulls the dress up and off your body, revealing your lack of bra underneath. Shit, he hadn’t even noticed earlier that you weren’t wearing one, he was too distracted by your legs. He looks up at you, his own lust-filled eyes meeting yours, watching you lean in closer to him. Closer, and closer.
And then your lips – those oh so pretty lips – were on his own, moving together in a rush of adrenaline and lust. There was no delicacy in the kiss, only pure wanton desire as your hands roamed each other’s bodies. You’d both been waiting for this for so long. Craving it.
His hands slide down to your ass, kneading the flesh. He’s quick to stand up, keeping you held up, your legs wrapping around his torso. He carries you down the hallway, only breaking the kiss for a split second at a time to make sure he didn’t bump into anything, before he would dive back into your lips. Your kisses were intoxicating, addicting. Minho just couldn’t get enough. Even when he finally made it to his bedroom, dropping you down onto the bed, he still doesn’t pull away. It’s only when you pull away for breath that he stops, you both panting deeply from the lack of oxygen for so long.
Your hands glide across his linen-clad chest, the fabric warmed from his hot skin. He groans lowly at your touch, desperately wanting more. One of his own hands finds it’s way to your breast, his thumb rubbing over the hardened nipple.
His touch is soft, gentle. He’s testing the waters, wanting to figure out what you like, what touches really get you going. He knows he’s on the right track when your back arches slightly at the contact, and he grazes his thumbs over the nub again, harder this time.
You can feel how soaked you are, your underwear beginning to stick to you uncomfortably. You buck your hips upwards, trying desperately to get some sort of solid friction going, the aching between your legs bordering on painful. Sensing just how strong your need is, Minho pulls away from you, moving down the bed until he’s laying between your thighs, his fingers already dipping into the waistband of your underwear.
He wastes little time in pulling the fabric down your legs and tossing them off to the side. And now, finally, after so long of wanting it, he’s able to gaze upon your pussy, glistening with your juices.
“Holy shit, you’re so wet you’re dripping,” he exclaims, looking up and making eye contact with you. And it makes you clench around nothing when you look at the man that’s remained on your mind with his head between your thighs.
“Only for you,” you reply, even your voice dripping with need. Minho looks back down at your soaked cunt and, in the split seconds before his touch, every nerve in your body and mind comes alive with electricity.  He licks one long stripe along your entrance, and the moan you let out is obscene. And he loves it.
Minho is filled with a new determination, a determination to make you moan over and over again. To have you feeling so good that you’re screaming his name.
He circles his lips around your clit, working the nerve bundle with his mouth while he brings a hand down to work your entrance. He slides a digit it, immediately curling it in search of your special spot. He quickly adds a second finger, continuing his search for your g-spot. He knows he’s finally found it when your hands go flying to his head, threading into his hair, tugging hard. He groans at the sensation, loving the way your hands feel in his hair. God, everything you do just turns him on, and he begins to unconsciously rut his hips into the mattress. He continues working your core while you moan uncontrollably.
“F-fuck, Minho. I’m s-so close,” you manage to whimper out, but he already knows. The way your walls tighten around his fingers over and over tells him everything he needs to know.
“Do it, baby. Cum for me,” he says, and you don’t have to be told twice, your orgasm washing over you with more force than you expected. He finger-fucks you through your high, only stopping when your body stops convulsing in waves of pleasure. He pulls his hand away from your core, a whine escaping you at the empty feeling. If he could make you cum that hard with just his fingers and mouth, how on earth are you going to survive cumming on his cock?
He crawls back up your body, placing his arousal-coated fingers at your lips. You open your mouth with no hesitation, immediately sucking the digits in, swirling your tongue over them as you sucked. The sight alone almost had Minho cumming in his jeans. For so long, all he’s wanted is your lips around some part of him, and while he also wanted to be graces with the visual of you sucking on his cock like your life depended on it, he was more desperate to just fuck you.
He wastes no more time in ridding himself of his clothes until he’s completely bare, reaching into his bedside table draw for a condom. positioning himself above you once again. He’s about to open the condom packet before you stop him, taking it from his hands opening it yourself. He moans when you slide the condom down his length, your hands feeling better on his cock than his own ever could.
The moment you lie back down, he lines himself up with your entrance, not wanting to go another moment without being inside you. He pushes into you, not stopping until his hips rest against yours, the room filling with moans as your bodies finally connect. His cock stretches your walls so perfectly, like two puzzle pieces made for each other.  
After a brief pause, he slowly pulls back you, only to thrust back into you. He repeats the motions, gradually settling into a solid pace, not to fast and not too slow, a perfect balance of the two.
He drags his lips up the soft skin of your neck placing sloppy kisses as over, being sure not to leave any marks. As much as he wanted to mark you where it was visible, he couldn’t. He didn’t want you to have to go through the hassle of covering them each day at work while you wait for them do disappear. Instead, he opted for sucking bruises into your collarbones and along your chest.
Your brain felt like static, unable to string together a single coherent thought as Minho continues to thrust into you, pleasure radiating throughout your entire body. The knot in your stomach grows tighter for the second time during the night, and from the way Minho’s thrusts are getting sloppier, you can tell that he’s close to his own end as well.
He slides his free hand in between the two of you, fingers finding your clit. He rubs circles into the bundle of nerves, and you feel yourself unravel, his fingers being the final to push you over the edge. And it’s your fluttering walls that has the same effect on Minho. You both ride out your highs together, him spilling into the condom and you around his cock. Your loud moans are music to his ears, while his are the same to yours.
Once you both come back down from your highs, Minho pulls himself away from you, quickly disposing of the condom before coming back to lay next to you.
Your body feels heavy, your brain foggy and distant, a tiredness falling over your entire being, exhausted from your orgasms. You groggily roll onto your side, curling your body up into Minho’s and almost instantly drifting off into sleep. He wraps an arm around you in return, feeling sleep approach for him as well. He rests his face against the top of your sleeping head, placing a chaste kiss to your hair. And just before he let himself fall asleep, he made sure plan out in his mind what he was gonna cook you for breakfast in the morning; pancakes.
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thewriterowl · 3 years
Regarding Updates
Hey guys!! Just want to take a moment to let you know about future updates!
So, first off...I appreciate you all so much. Seriously, this community is fantastic and so supportive and it makes me so passionate and excited to put something out for you all and I’ll be continuing to do so every week :D
But, I am going to be going down to just one update a week (maybe a surprise one-shot here and there with an update). This week I’ll see if Hope will be updated along with Where We’re Finding Home. But it may start this week of only one update a week...and it will for sure start next weekend. 
I’m about to start a new job (yay) at my same place (boo) and so that means I’ll be back to being at the office full-time and won’t be able to sneak in as much writing as I have been the past six months. I’ll also be starting some classes. So, it’ll just be once a week for Hope until it is completed.
After Hope is completed, I think I’ll have a hiatus week with no updates as I write the next big project and take the time to get ahead so the updates are coherent and connected.
Updates will be Friday or Saturday. And if i am inspired for an separate one-shot and/or a Sinful post, you’ll be getting that as well! But I am going to start using the week-days to fully concentrate on one project/update at a time.
But I will also feel more comfortable in doing more headcannons and fun prompts on here too! I feel like i’ll be a little more balanced that way. And, hey, maybe I can eventually take in commissions like I hoped to do!
Hope this is fine by all of you! :D 
Thank you again for all the amazing support, headcannons, and reviews!!
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lycorogue · 3 years
Thoughts about episode “Lie”
Okay. Here we are. This is back to the better writing I was talking about the other day. I love me parallel stories, so this was just *chef kiss* in that department. 
Before I delve into my thoughts on the episode itself, I want to take a step back and talk about my views of the non-love-square ships Lukanette and Adrigami. (Feel free to skip ahead; I have a header for when I start talking about this episode again)
Lukanette and Adrigami
For me, Marinette and Luka had romantic chemistry from the word go. As much of a Marichat shipper as I am, I knew that if anyone could make Marinette forget about Adrien, it wouldn’t have been Chat Noir. It would be Luka. Chat Noir would then come in at a close 3rd (a bit ironically) when it comes to Marinette’s heart. Meanwhile, Kagami slowly grew to have a crush on Adrien post-Riposte, and then charged forward knowing exactly who she wanted. On the flipside, though, I stand firm that there wasn’t really much romantic interest coming from Adrien. If anyone was going to make Adrien forget about Ladybug, it would be Marinette; not Kagami.
The episode “Frozer” - the one where Kagami makes her crush known for the first time, and Adrien first attempts dating her - practically gives us some foreshadowing of their entire relationship. Aside from clearly finding Kagami attractive (as showcased by the pink-bubbles-vision when Adrien first sees her sans-helmet in “Riposte”), he doesn’t seem to have any romantic inclination towards Kagami until after she cups his cheek and lets him know, in not so many words, that she likes him. Even so, it isn’t until Marinette basically gives the thumbs up that he should pursue this relationship does he give it a try. He’s still very uncomfortable around her, and only gets a bit more comfortable in “Animaestro”; probably because he’s seen his father around Kagami’s mom and just mimics that (as seen in “Backwarder”). Going back to “Frozer” though, Adrien spends most of his time with Kagami watching Marinette, and even abandons Kagami in favor of checking in on Marinette - something Luka could have easily done and probably doesn’t because he sees Adrien already on it and knows Marinette would prefer Adrien’s comfort. So Luka doesn’t push the issue. That whole ice rink interaction shows that, while Luka trumps Chat Noir as a potential alternative love interest for Marinette, Marinette still surpasses Kagami as a potential alternative love interest for Adrien. This, for me, is again hinted at in the episode Heart Hunter where, while enjoying himself seemingly equally with both girls, there’s just these little hints - complimenting Marinette more than Kagami, asking Marinette to choose the ice cream - that, at least subconsciously, Adrien is leaning a touch more towards Marinette over Kagami. His heart just isn’t all that into this relationship. This is again showcased in the New York special when Adrien (at least in the English dub; I haven’t watched it in other languages) asks Marinette to dance with him with an almost pleading tone in his voice. (To be fair, clearly Marinette isn’t thinking of Luka at all during that trip either...)
I think the final Foreshadowing nail in the Adrigami coffin is this dialogue from “Frozer”:
Kagami: “You still keep doing what other people want you to do.” Adrien: “No, I just want him to be happy.”
In the end, Adrien did the same thing with Kagami: he did what he thought would make her happy because he’s a people pleaser to his core.
Adrien of course found Kagami attractive and fun to hang out with. She was a fantastic companion, and I love their companionship so much. However, I feel like he dated her mostly because he knew he had to find some way of getting over Ladybug, and here’s this pretty girl who clearly has a thing for him, so why not???? Their parents were practically setting them up as a couple anyway, between the trip to the royal wedding and the movie premiere. Plus, this “approved” friend meant he could spend more time outside of his father’s house while genuinely enjoying the company. Win-win. He then did all the pseudo-dating stuff he’s clearly witnessed in media; kind of following a play-book as it were. 
However, he never did anything even remotely romantic or flirty towards Kagami that was on par with his romantic gestures and flirtations towards Ladybug (or even Marinette, for that matter). His love language is obvious after watching him with Ladybug, and he uses some of that same language (albeit subconsciously... probably...) while interacting with Marinette. Things like leaning in playfully (ending of “Troublemaker” and when asking Marinette for a macaron in “Despair Bear”), sharing a romantic picnic (“Glaciator”) even if it was just to cheer Marinette up, winking (the endless winking in too many episodes to list here), whispering in her ear (“Despair Bear” and one other that I can’t recall right now), Soft SmilesTM (“Chameleon”, pretty much all of the NY special, tons of season 3 episodes), confessing insecurities or secrets (“Gamer” and “Gorizilla”), or asking her to dance (“Despair Bear” and “NY Special”). I’m sure there’s tons more and each example has more episodes it’s showcased in, but you get the idea. Alternatively, Adrien just never used that same love language with Kagami. With her it all felt like calculated moves; it was expected of him to lean in for the kiss in “Heart Hunter” and “Miracle Queen”, or wipe away the smudge of ice cream by Kagami’s mouth, so he did it. Aside from his protectiveness and care for Kagami in “Onichan”, Adrien never really treated Kagami any different than his other friends.
Marinette, on the other hand, does show some of her love language towards Luka. She blushes around him and does that bashful little shoulder shrug. She makes excuses to touch his arms, hands, chest, or back. She literally leans on him. She has an interest in his interests and even goes above and beyond for gifts, such as the necklace (yay; Luka looks so good in a necklace!) and, unofficially, the contract with Bob Roth for Kitty Section. 
Granted, she doesn’t flirt with Luka like she does with Chat Noir, but, as someone who also used to flirt with my guy friends without truly realizing the romantic implications (I was a disaster as a teen, okay?), I don’t know if Marinette has truly realized how flirting is part of her love language. If she is anything like I was, flirting is more a fun past-time to see if you could get a rise out of someone in some sort of sextual-tension game of chicken or something. It’s not something you do with someone you have serious feelings for. 😝
Back to Kagami though. I want to stress that, while I didn’t see any romantic future for Adrigami, I do still very much like Kagami and appreciated the character development the writers gave her. I love her as one of Marinette’s potential friends and, as I mentioned, a companion for Adrien. I just never saw any romantic interest coming from Adrien towards Kagami. He never even truly seemed himself around her the way he is around Ladybug or Marinette. I don’t think he’s comfortable enough to not be Textbook BoyfriendTM around Kagami. He even mentions in this episode that him being a clown IS the real him and she calls bullshit (although @gale-gentlepenguin​ does have some nice commentary on how even that wasn’t exactly truthful and Kagami was right to call him out). Point being, Adrien loves to be nerdy and goofy and playful, and she just doesn’t get that????? A lot of what Adrien likes she seems to dismiss.
I’m sorry, Adrigami shippers. There could have been potential there as these two grew, but as it stood? I just didn’t see it.
The Episode “Lie”
Going back to my thoughts on “Lie” though with all of that above commentary for context. I just feel a bit cheated that Clearly-There’s-Mutual-Pining Lukanette gets ONE kiss lean-in for the whole “love rival” arc they’ve had set up for 1.5 seasons before the relationship implodes, but Clearly-Only-One-Has-Feelings-And-The-Other-Is-Just-Kinda-Going-Along-With-It-Because-Hey-He-Likes-Hanging-Out-With-Her-And-She’s-Cute-So-Why-Not Adrigami has THREE kiss lean-ins in THIS ONE EPISODE ALONE (not to mention the 2 from Heart Hunter/Miracle Queen)!? Like I said, I feel a bit robbed, but... well fed, Adrigami shippers, I guess...
Anyway, my heart hurts so much because yes, Kagami deserves someone who will take the time to be with her (just like how Luka deserves the same), but also, it’s not like Adrien WANTED to abandon her (much like Marinette not wanting to abandon Luka). These poor kids. All four of them. My heart breaks. 😢
I did feel a much stronger emotional gut-punch with this episode, which is surprising because a) we already saw a good 5-10 min of it in “Truth” so this episode was essentially shorter than the premiere, and b) I’m a much stronger Lukanette shipper than an Adrigami shipper (see above). So, bravo to the writers on this episode. I hate that this team broke so many hearts, but this is the caliber of writing I was hoping for. 
(I know Marinette is the Guardian, but can we agree to have more Adrien-centric stories, please? They’re just so good).
Adrien is still VERY vocal about his love, and, while he has learned a lot, matured a lot, and has eased up a lot, Adrien does still semi-burden Ladybug with his feelings; something Luka never did to Marinette. Adrien, possibly due to witnessing his parents - I have theories about the romance dynamic between Emilie and Gabriel - seems to have this view of love being okay even if unbalanced. Ladybug is far more powerful and crucial to the protection of Paris, but they are still partners and equals in their eyes. So maybe he feels the same about love; he may be more romantically devoted to her, but as long as Ladybug loves him even a little, it’s like they’re equals in romance... right???? So... yeah, a more balanced relationship with Kagami could have taught him how important a romantic balance is as well. Plus, if I am right in my assumption that he just kind of went along with the relationship because he thought it was expected, then he could have also learned something about being a people-pleaser. There was a lot of growth potential for both Marinette and Adrien in these non-love-square relationships, and it just feels squandered.
Also, as I mentioned with my review of “Truth”, I’m fearing that the writers are kind of railroading the Ladynoir ship. First, there’s Marinette realizing that she can’t have a boyfriend because he wouldn’t be safe, nor could she be truthful to him about why their time was so limited. The exception being Chat Noir, who can very much protect himself (except for when he’s shielding Ladybug, but she yelled at him for that in “Lie”), and she can be fully honest with him as long as it doesn’t involve their identities, and he very much knows and understands their time restrictions. In fact, he even goes so far as to state that ANY time with her is a gift he cherishes. He’s basically the perfect boyfriend for her in her situation; she just needs to be lonely enough to “realize” it. >3> On the Adrien side of things, Kagami tells him that she can’t trust someone who isn’t honest with her, but there’s Ladybug: fully understanding and completely trusts him even when she knows he’s lying. She also doesn’t fault him for their lack of time together and understands if he needs to run away without a moment’s notice. He’s already in love with her, but this whole situation just paints her even more as the perfect romantic partner for him. I get it, but I also hate it. I hate this feeling of this one corner of the love square being railroaded. It basically dismisses the other 3 corners as possibilities right alongside the Lukanette and Adrigami ships.
All that grumbling aside, I would like to give some applause to how the episode ended. I very much enjoyed that Kagami was like, “nope. You lied to me, and I can’t trust you, so we can’t be friends. I need time away from you. I’ll let you know if we’re ever okay again.” It shows the consequences of playing with someone’s emotions, even if under the best intentions. It also shows that it’s perfectly okay to cut out toxic relationships, even if the other person didn’t intend any harm. Well-intentioned people can still cause toxic relationships, and if you need to step away from them (as Kagami did), then you are completely valid in that decision. It’s an important lesson for kids to learn, I think. I’m just worried that Kagami brushing off even being Adrien’s friend (while justified) might mean not really seeing her in the show anymore, and that would be a shame. 😟 I do enjoy her as a character, and would love to see more of her growth. Plus, she is so limited in social interactions as-is, so I hope we see more Kagami and Marinette friendship growth.
I am also interested in how Adrien reacts to the knowledge that he can indeed ruin his friendships with people if they aren’t in the same emotional space. This is most likely what’s preventing Marinette from confessing: fear that Adrien will reject her so severely that he might not even want to be her friend anymore. So having Adrien now possibly have that fear as well has some interesting story potential (if the writers don’t drop the ball like they did with the Lukanette/Adrigami ships). Meanwhile, having a dejected Luka still offering friendship and support to Marinette - something clearly Adrien assumed would happen with Kagami; once a friend, always a friend - might give her the confidence to confess to Adrien, now trusting that they are good enough friends and he’s a kind enough person that they can still remain friends even if he doesn’t return her feelings.
There’s a lot of potential birthed from these opening episodes, but especially from “Lie” and I’m interested to see what the rest of the season is going to look like now.
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lindsayrises · 3 years
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So it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything.
I feel like summer is basically over (it’s not, but it feels that way).  I worked in my classroom Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday the 15/16/17/18.  All day plan/work/team meeting on Monday the 19th.  Professional development in the morning and work in my classroom in the afternoon on Tuesday the 20th.  JumpStart (for incoming first graders) Wednesday and Thursday mornings, the 21st and 22nd.  Plan/work/team meetings the afternoons of Wed/Thurs the 21/22.
Two days ago (Monday) I had a day-long professional development session.  Yesterday (Tuesday) I had professional development in the morning.  Tomorrow I have professional development in the afternoon.
Next week is my last week of summer.  Where the fuck did summer go?
I had to move classrooms over the summer.  I have gotten rid of so.much.stuff.  It feels good, and I am feeling better about this new classroom (that feels smaller and definitely has less storage).
I had planned on going through everything in my basement again this summer (last time was 2018).  I have stuff down here I don’t even know that I have.  I don’t even want to deal with selling stuff.  I just want it gone.  I definitely prefer to do projects in big chunks of time, but I might have to try to switch that mentality and work in small sections in the evenings once school starts.
I decluttered and deep cleaned every room upstairs (main level).  I have so many boxes of things to donate.  Again, it feels so good!
I finally got around to doing genetic testing to see if I have an increased cancer risk.  I tested negative!  Yay!  Such a huge relief.  My mom died of ovarian cancer.  My dad had cancer.  I found out in the past 6 months or so that when my mom did genetic testing (a few months before she died) she tested positive.  I had to wait a few weeks for the results.  I was obviously hoping it would be negative, but I was also preparing myself for the news that it might be positive.  
I still spend too much money.
I still drink too much Dr. Pepper.
I still eat too much fast food and other crappy food.
I still don’t exercise as much.
For several weeks this summer I went to therapy twice a week.  Sometimes I feel like I must not want to change my lifestyle and things in my life badly enough, or I would have by now.
I recently watched the original Full House all the way through.  Now I’m watching Fuller House.  It makes me laugh and reminds me of much much much simpler times when I was a kid.
Ramsey is doing well!  I took him to the vet today for a check up and the vets LOVED him!  He did so good!  I bought him some new toys after his appointment.
It’s hot here.  I do not enjoy the heat.
I need to stop prioritizing EVERYTHING/ANYTHING else above my health.  It’s bullshit.  I feel like I hyperfocus on one thing and don’t think about anything else.
I’ve had some eye-opening text exchanges with one of my best friends who is currently living in Italy....focusing on self-care, self-love, taking better care of my health.
I feel incredibly lucky to have so many good friends and family in my life.  That includes Tumblrs!  I have had to lean on so many people this summer for different things.  I will be forever grateful for those who are there for me.
I had a two hour phone conversation with a good friend today.  It was needed.
I’ve been using TV/Hulu/Netflix to numb out way too much lately.  I can be really hard on myself, but sometimes I think I’m too easy on myself.  Like, if I don’t want to do something, I just won’t do it (or if I do want something, I’ll get it/do it)...and then I think it’s taking care of myself.  Um, no, Lindsay.  That’s not how it works.  Getting Dairy Queen because you’re sad IS NOT SELF-CARE!  Skipping Orange Theory because you’re tired IS NOT SELF-CARE!
I have no concept of delayed gratification.  I basically make decisions like a child.
I want what I don’t have.  I don’t jog or walk because it’s boring, so then I start back at Orange Theory. That lasts a few weeks and then I wish I were jogging/walking and not doing Orange Theory.  
Hmmm....I thought I had more to write.
Basically, same shit, different day/week/month/year.
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