#well add more onto the little thing than i can on tumblr
cleminthewriter · 1 day
Angel Au By Wyverns
Hi Clemin here, this is an au of the Sitcom Au where everything is the same but Alex is an Angel by @wyvnspng, but they were unable to post it to tumblr so they asked me if i could.
Notes from Wyverns:
"This is an AU of the Sitcom AU! Very vague and brief mention of domestic violence at the start. Clyde just thinks about it in a paragraph. Skip the second paragraph if that makes you uncomfortable.
I quickly skimmed through it so sorry if there’s spelling or grammatical errors!"
Humans are a really odd species. Clyde knows this quite well. They’re weak, and tasty, and they like to live in big groups. You’d think that they’d all go extinct by now, but they’re thriving.
Despite their weakness, humans are cruel. They’re mean, even to their own kind. Sometimes they’re mean to their own partners, which confuses Clyde. It could never be cruel to its partner, so it doesn’t understand. Maybe it never will.
Clyde has been around humans for a long time. It has seen many different humans in its lifetime, many of which it has eaten. It has spent many hours of its life watching the short-lived creatures live lives of their own.
The humans it’s watching right now are very busy. There’s lots of them, all hanging out in one of their buildings. Despite the late time, the building is loud and bright, and the humans within are filled with energy. Clyde knows that humans are diurnal, so this is just another oddity to add to the ever growing list.
Every now and then, a few humans trail out of the gathering, where they will return to their cars and leave. Clyde would hunt these ones, but it is not faster than a car, so there is little point. Boredly, it continues to wait. Hopefully soon one would decide to leave on foot…
Clyde is really bored. And a little hungry. Maybe it should find something else to eat. Mind made up, it climbs onto the fence of the house it was perched upon, being careful to prevent the humans gathered in the house across the street from spotting it.
It makes its way across fences, moving in random directions, just going wherever it feels like going. It avoids the buildings with humans in them, careful to remain hidden.
It continues like this for a little bit, before making its way onto a wetter fence, where it promptly slips off and lands onto the floor with a crash. It landed on its tail, and the spikes dig uncomfortably into its back.
Clyde reorients itself and sits up, flicking its tail out of its back. It’s not injured, but the onesie it stole now features holes in the back, which, excluding the ones that are supposed to be there, is unfortunate.
What is less unfortunate is that nobody was around to witness its slip up (a distant part of Clyde freaks out, but it’s far too distant to notice). It’d have to pay more attention to what it’s doing.
Clyde manoeuvres itself so that it’s standing upright, when it turns around to face the house, only it wasn’t a house that it ended up facing. Clyde almost flinched, briefly panicking thanks to the jumpscare, before a warm calmness swept over it.
Somehow a human had managed to sneak up to it, and was standing in front of it. Clyde stood there for a second, motionless, as it looked the ‘human’ up and down. Clyde had seen and eaten many humans, and it could tell that this definitely wasn’t one. They looked like one, and if Clyde didn’t know any better, it definitely would have been fooled. But there’s something off about this thing. Clyde can’t exactly pinpoint what is off about them, but it knows it’s something.
“Hello? Is everything alright?” Clyde twitched slightly as the thing talked. They seemed unsure of their words, but didn’t add anything else. Clyde wanted to open up, and let this old friend of its know what was troubling it. It wanted to ask them for help recovering its partner, because it knows that they are trustworthy, and that they can help.
Clyde feels a little freaked out, but it’s struggling to focus on that over the intense calm that seems to have swept over it. It has no idea what this thing is doing to it, let alone how they are doing whatever it is.
Clyde refuses to answer their question.
Their faces (face. They only have one. It doesn’t know why that feels wrong.) twitched, and Clyde has no idea what that means, but they offer it a hand. “Would you like to come inside? I just made a sandwich, you can have it if you’d like,” Clyde is compelled to take their hand, which it does without hesitation. It’s a little disappointed when nothing happens.
The thing leads it into the house, and Clyde follows easily, almost in a daze. It’s quickly sat down on a couch and a sandwich is placed in its claws. It takes a bite. The thing sits next to it. “You tore your outfit a little. Would it be okay if I patched it up for you?” Clyde doesn’t really care what this thing does so long as they let it go. (It feels guilty for accusing its friend of something like that.)
Clyde rotated its body slightly, continuing to just eat the sandwich. The overwhelming calmness had receded somewhat, which is significantly more comforting than when it was there. The thing behind it shuffled around a little before patching up the holes that had been torn open when it fell.
“Why are you doing this?” Clyde asked, referring to the whole situation. Why did they kidnap it? Why did they make it calm? Why did they give it a sandwich? It is so confused, and it has no answers for its questions.
“Why? Well, i’m pretty sure She wanted us to meet, but i’m not sure what She wants me to do with you? She is pretty cryptic with this stuff,” Clyde has no idea what any of that is supposed to mean. Who is She? How does She know about it? All Clyde got was more questions.
The thing moved away, and Clyde looked back at them. “All done, sorry about the falling thing,” The thing apologised, which made little sense. Was this a trap? But how could they have known that Clyde would have come that way?
“Who are you?” It shifted to that it was facing the thing, which was putting away a small box that likely contained the stuff they used to sew up Clyde's onesie.
“Oh, yeah, my name’s Alex,” They replied, sitting back onto the couch. “What about you?”
“..Clyde,” It said, moving its head to look forward again.
“Nice to meet you, Clyde,” Alex stated, “I look forward to our continued friendship.”
Clyde was convinced that this was a nightmare.
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anonymouslyanidiot · 3 months
I just read my damn posts a few minutes ago and now im cringing at how i wrote them with all that purposeful bad grammar.. jesus christ im sorry for the 1 or 2 people who had to read that...
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
how to make pancakes more filling and taste better
so pancakes are actually way way easier than everyone thinks they are and they are very very easy to change up as long as you know how to
the things that you don't fuck with are the amount of flour, oil, egg, milk and baking powder/soda. as long as you stick to that on any recipe you can change pretty much anything else or substitute.
generally recipes are 1 egg to 1 cup of flour. a 1 cup flour 1 egg recipe usually serves 2 and you can double the recipe for 4, etc.
you can also substitute up to half of the four in a recipe for whole wheat flour without changing the leavening measurements. you can do the same for adding in protein powder, just adjust the sugar accordingly if its sweetened protein powder.
so, this is my favorite basic buttermilk pancake recipe, it makes about 10 pancakes:
1 1/4 cups flour 1/2 cup old fashioned oats 1-1 1/2 tbsp some kind of sweetener (brown/white sugar or maple syrup/agave syrup all work well but there's other options) 1/2 tsp baking soda 1 egg 1 1/4 cup buttermilk 1 tbsp oil of choice (butter or coconut oil generally) 1/2 tsp salt
this is the bones of the recipe. the sweetener is adjustable based on how sweet you like your pancakes but the rest of it should all stay the same. double this if you want to make pancakes to serve 4 people (about 20 pancakes)
to this, i add:
as much vanilla extract as my heart desires (within reason, i see you tumblr) some cinnamon/pumpkin pie spice/whatever you want lemon zest from 1 lemon (or orange zest) blueberries fresh or frozen (but you can use any mix in like bananas or nuts or whatever)
one very important note: you don't need buttermilk to make this recipe. you can substitute buttermilk by combining 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or white vinegar for every 1 cup of milk (its supposed to be regular milk but you can use plant or nut milk too) and letting it stand for 10 minutes.
the instructions:
zest your citrus and add it to your sugar. mush it together until you get a paste or sorts. add to that your oats, vanilla and buttermilk and stir them together. let the oats soak in the mixture for 10 minutes.
combine your flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon or spices.
after your oats are done soaking add in the oil and the egg (make sure the egg is beaten well)
add the wet into the dry and combine. make sure that all the flour is mixed in. there will be lumps. we want the lumps. then add your mix ins.
grease a pan. this can be a regular frying pan an electric griddle or a stovetop griddle. let the oil sit on the pan on medium heat for a few minutes or until you throw a few water drops on the pan and they crackle and jump.
use a 1/3 measuring cup and scoop your batter onto the pan, space them out a little but not ridiculously. flip them with a plastic spatula (ideal) 2-3 times or until they're fully cooked. (you tell if they're cooked if there's no wet batter on the sides)
voila. pancakes.
use this recipe or use the bare bones version to make your own thing.
happy pancake making.
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euovennia · 1 year
I am yet again requesting headcanons for the 141 (or whoever you want <3) with a reader who has an angry resting face. And to add onto that, they are very expressive with their love but it comes off as aggressive (not on purpose) because they always look, you know, mad. Like when reader says "I love you," it sounds like a threat and really, they look like they wanna kill them, but they don’t.
whew, i'm so sorry for the wait on this! i took a small break from tumblr so i could focus on finishing some assignments i had for my classes, but they're all completed and turned in so i should be good for now! also i wasn't 100% sure if you wanted this to be platonic or romantic, so i tried to write it to where it could be interpreted as both. thank you for requesting and, as always, i hope you enjoy :)
warnings: none other than the fact that i don't know how to stop myself from typing more than i need to
summary: the 141 learns to adjust to life with their newest recruit; you.
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john 'soap' mactavish
when price first introduces you to the group, he can't help but feel like he's done something wrong
and honestly no one can really blame him for feeling that way
the expression that paints your face when you make eye contact with him practically screams, "sleep with one eye open"
and while it is mildly terrifying, he only sees it as a challenge
because in his mind, if he can get the mighty ghost to warm up to him, he can get anyone to warm up to him
so as soon as price cuts you loose from the brief introductions, he's already right by your side pestering you with various questions
and while it was a bit off-putting, you weren't really surprised because price had already told you all about soap before he decided he wanted you on his team
so you just kinda stood there and let him fire off his questions while answering them with that angry expression and bored monotone voice that he can't help but love
like you're standing there, arms crossed with perhaps one of the most pissed off expressions he's ever seen in his life but all his mind can think is >:(
needless to say, he doesn't take your prickly exterior too seriously and it's because of this he's able to get closer to you a lot quicker than the other members do
and it's because of this he tends to vouch for you a lot more to the other members when it comes to getting to know you
"they're not that bad, i swear!"
"johnny, they look like they wanna rip your arm off every time you're near them."
"but they don't, that's the funny part!"
best believe this man is fighting for his life whenever your rbf gets brought into the conversation
and i imagine that one day you actually manage to overhear one of these little debates/conversations (tbh they could go either way with how divided they can be over it, especially when it's gaz vs soap)
and you can't just ignore the way your heart warms as you hear soap valiantly defend your honor
it's one of the few times you're genuinely thankful for his big mouth
after listening in to the conversation for a few more minutes you eventually decide to walk away, heart full and the smallest of smiles pulling at the edge of your lips
i think it goes without saying that you go a little sweet on him after that encounter
as sweet as you can go when you're the human embodiment of >:(
at least in the opinion of soap
you don't really see the resemblance tbh
you start doing little things for him
things like offering to take watch for him when you're both on a mission because you noticed that he hadn't really bothered getting any rest
sitting by his side and letting him ramble on about his family, especially how he always begged his parents to let him stay with his nan over the summer because she owned a little family farm that he absolutely loved to run around on
and even the time you learned how to make scotch pie using his mom's recipe he had tucked away in his room
no matter how much he may deny it, that last one had him tearing up as soon as he took a bite
but honestly, can you blame him?
the man barely gets to visit his parents back home because of his work and it crushes him
honestly, it was probably one of the first few things he confided in you when you first started talking
so naturally when price announces that the 141 has been approved for a two week leave, you don't hesitate in logging onto the computer and buying him the first tickets back to scotland
what you do hesitate with is actually giving them to him
so you decide to gloss over that part completely and instead opt for shoving the tickets inside an plain envelope with his name scribbled on the front and a small note that simply reads, "go." before sliding it under his door the night before everyone is scheduled to depart from base
the moment soap gets his hands on those tickets he can't help the way he runs through the halls and bursts into your room to give you the biggest hug you've ever had in your life
unfortunately for you both, you'd already left base by the time he discovered the tickets
and so with a heavy heart, soap makes his way back to his room before packing his bags with a new vigor
the plane leaves in six hours, but he's so excited he can't help but want to arrive early
needless to say those are probably the best two weeks of his life
and while the others are interested in hearing all about his trip, he simply brushes them off in favor watching the door so he can be there for the exact moment you walk in
and after making him wait more than what he felt was necessary, you finally walk in
and this man
the way he shoots up from his seat and runs over to hug you
it's almost enough to send you both flying to the ground
but luckily you've got some stellar balance and manage to save yourselves from being teased by the rest of the team
but with the way soap is squeezing onto you while repeatedly whispering, "thank you," into the nape of your neck, you don't doubt they'll make fun of you for that
even with the mild embarrassment you feel, you simply wrap your arms around the scottish man and offer him a few pats on the back
and as sweet as it is for the other men to witness such a tender scene, they can't help but notice how upset you look
it's almost laughable
and as much as they want to step in and tell soap to back off, they can't help but notice the way you cling onto soap with that soft look in your eyes
so they remain quiet as you and soap hang onto each other, hearts full of warmth
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kyle 'gaz' garrick
i'm gonna say it now
out of anyone in the 141, he was probably the one most intimidated by you
he's the youngest out of everyone and so it stands that, naturally, he has less experience than others
it's for this reason i think he's so keen on staying close to price
i mean the man practically plucked him off the streets and said, "you're mine now," so i think it's reasonable that gaz grows a tad more attached to price than the other members
so when he catches a few glimpses of you around base barking orders at the recruits and slamming them into the mats during sparring sessions, he's not exactly dying to meet you
even so, he finds he's not too worried about the possibility
with how often the 141 departs base to go on various missions and how you always seem to be too caught up in whatever you're doing at the time to be bothered to even glance his way, he eventually comes to the conclusion that you'll never meet
until one day price strolls into the common area where he and the rest of the team are minding their own business with you trailing right beside him looking aggravated as ever
he's already a bit uneasy with the fact you now know where the team goes to relax, but that unease slowly shifts to downright horror when price reveals that you're the newest member of the team
now gaz is usually a pretty easygoing and friendly guy so any chance to meet and bond with new people is always bound to be a good time in his book
but he can't help the shiver that crawls up his spine whenever you're around
seriously, who or what made you look so pissed off all the time?
because he's so hesitant of being around you, he tries his hardest not to bother you
which basically means he tries not to be in the same room as you
and while you may not really notice or care, the rest of the team certainly does
especially price
he's the type of man who prides himself on having a team that knows they can all rely on one another on and off the field and so he'll be damned if you and gaz are the ones to ruin his little streak
so guess who gets assigned to accompany you and the recruits on your morning workouts from now on?
and while he's not necessarily thrilled about the idea of being forced into such close proximity to you, especially first thing in the morning, he respects price enough to not question his decision and just ends up going along with it
and at first he doesn't really pay you much attention in an effort to not do anything to accidentally make you even more upset than he already assumes you are
but then he starts to notice something
he notices the way the recruits light up whenever they see you, whether it be during the morning workout sessions or when you're walking around base
and it baffles him because you just look so upset, he can't possibly imagine why they're all so keen on sending you wide smiles or enthusiastic waves
but one day he looks just a little bit closer and he can see the faintest hint of amusement on your face as your lips showcase the ghost of a smile
that's when he really starts to pay attention
and suddenly he can't help but feel a little ashamed of himself
because now he can practically feel his heart melt every time you interact with the recruits
like how you would bring extra ice-cold water bottles to the morning workouts for the recruits who'd forget to bring their own
or the way you wouldn't hesitate to slide them some money if they mentioned being hungry while you were around
and especially how you don't hesitate to lend an ear for them if they seemed to be troubled by something
it's in those few little moments that he can see just the tiniest cracks through your annoyed expression and heated glares
you're not angry at all, he decides, just real shit at expressing yourself
and upon deciding this, he realizes you're not so scary anymore
so now instead of avoiding you like the plague, he actively seeks you out
at first it's to help you out with carrying the extra water bottles for the recruits in the morning and planning the workouts for the week
but then it turns into him asking to sit with you at the mess hall over dinner and keeping each other company in the commons area
and as much as he tries not to, he can't help the giddiness that floods his body when you start to show him that aggressive love he sees you dish out to the recruits
shoving snacks into his hands when you notice he hasn't eaten in a while
quietly sitting with him while he goes through paperwork because you both know he has a tendency to get distracted
and his personal favorite, draping your jacket over him when you walk in on him sleeping anywhere that isn't his room
he always wakes up with a smile tugging on his lips
and despite how cold and distant you may look while doing these things, he doesn't give it much attention anymore
not when he can see the love and care that's reflected in your eyes
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simon 'ghost' riley
despite you and ghost having similar exteriors, it becomes more and more apparent to gaz and soap that you're actually quite different
which isn't a bad thing, of course! just a bit unexpected
but it's because of this striking difference that you and simon tend to keep a majority of your interactions on the field
and you both are more than happy to keep it this way
gaz and soap however, are not
so naturally they put together a plan; a plan that consists of soap giving you his most treasured tactical pen so you can use it to write away in that little journal of yours on the ride back from missions just so he can later "confront" ghost and admonish him for stealing said pen
and during all this, gaz simply remains on the sidelines just looking pretty
after laying into simon for a good ten minutes, soap walks away from the encounter with a small smile before walking up to gaz and saying something like, "now we wait"
and they do wait
but after a full two weeks pass by and neither gaz or soap can find any evidence of their so called "master plan" working, they can't help but feel a little discouraged
unbeknownst to them, it totally worked
just not in the way they envisioned
you see, by the time soap came up to simon to lecture him about stealing his pen, ghost had already come to notice you scribbling into your notebook with it
so once soap had finally decided to leave him alone, he immediately confronted you about framing him for such a crime
but you just kinda stare up at him with that annoyed look of yours before revealing soap had willingly given it to you
and things just kinda click into place for the two of you; soap wanted to get you talking
and while you and simon had to admit it wasn't a bad plan, you didn't want to give the scotsman the satisfaction of knowing it had actually worked
so whenever you and simon find yourselves in the company of the rest of the team, you decide to remain distant
but when it's just the two of you?
you're straight chilling
especially when you visit him in his room or vice versa
like just imagine the two of you drinking tea that simon was nice enough to make and watching war movies while bashing all the inaccuracies and bad calls the characters make
or when the two of you are out and about on base free from the prying eyes of gaz and soap because they're out doing their own thing
you and simon love finding random groups of rowdy soldiers just to intimidate them
i don't know about you, but i can definitely see simon just standing there with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed while you rest your hands on your hips with your lips pulled into a frown
price definitely gets complaints about the two of you
he does nothing about them
and for a while that's pretty much the gist of how you and simon spend your time together
but i like to imagine that after a particularly rough mission, simon would seek you out just to sit with you
and i can see him as a stress smoker so when he finally does manage to find you and take a seat beside you, you slide him a pack of cigarettes and a lighter
he doesn't ask how you know his cigarette preference, but instead gives you a small nod of approval before pulling up his mask over lips and taking a drag
and that's how you spend your night
just sitting beside each other as you watch the evening sky gradually begin to fill with stars
i think it would depend on how bad the mission went in order to determine exactly how long the two of you stay sitting under the stars, but it doesn't matter because it'll end the same way; you reaching over and giving simon's hand a quick squeeze with a small, "get some sleep, simon. you need it," before you walk away
and he finds himself confused to two reasons
reason one: why did you grab his hand why did he like it?
reason two: how can you say such sweet words but still look so mad?
as much as he wants to play that moment over in his head just to make sure he was remembering things right, he decides against it in favor of heeding your words and getting some sleep
but it's after that moment he can't help but notice how your mannerisms have changed
not only are your words of reassurance more apparent than before, he's also noticed you have a tendency to give his hand/shoulder a reassuring squeeze every now and then
he can't help the small smile that threatens to pull at his lips when you do
but he also can't help but notice how distant and reserved your face looks when you do all of these things
he doesn't really mind it though
but he eventually does bring it up to you one day
it's probably after he tells you one of his god awful dad jokes
like he'll look over at you and notice your sour expression and say something like, "don't look so pissed, they're not that bad."
and you'll respond with a tilt of your head as you tell him, "i'm not pissed. i like your jokes."
then he'll nudge your shoulder before telling you, "with that face? coulda fooled me."
and you'll roll your eyes in faux annoyance as you brush him off with a simple, "that's just my face."
and then he'll look down at you, thankful for his mask so you can't see the small smile making its way onto his face
he might even say something dumb and cheesy like, "i know. i like it."
and you give him one of your rare smiles
and i could end it there and say the two of you are bffs
or i could sprinkle in something about soap running up on the two of you chanting, "my plan worked, my plan worked!"
that's for you to decide
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theerurishipper · 7 months
Part 2 of my Paris special commentary (Part 1 here) because Tumblr is an ass and has a word limit.
Disclaimer: This is long asf.
Marinette here playing 5D chess, queen shit.
The most important thing the special confirmed is that Gabe added the word "dark" to his transformation phrase on purpose cause he's a dramatic bitch.
I am here for Claw Noir mocking Gabe. Go off, king.
"Oh nO, iT WAs aN IlLusIon!" That giggle is adorable. She's so cute.
Ladyfly is an ass name, but she looks so great.
Not Gabe getting annoyed at Claw Noir's teasing. See, now this is why we stan Claw Noir on this blog.
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Gabe's plan isn't half bad, actually.
Symbolism? In my children's cartoon? It's more likely than you think.
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They're having a pun-off.
RIP Chat Noir's ear.
Gabe got feathered lmao
Monarch dipped like a little bitch.
A mirror, I called it. It'll make for some nice symbolism.
"Let alone a calm and gentle mom" I wonder what Sabine is like in their world to make Emonette feel like she's so alone.
I like how they handled the villains tbh. I wasn't a fan of making it seem like Marinette was one step away from becoming a supervillain at all times, but it seems less like that's the case and more like The Supreme took advantage of her suffering and vulnerability at her lowest moments.
It's also nice that they established that Shady and Claw weren't the actual big bads and are just hurt kids who got recruited into a fight they weren't ready for. Their motivation isn't some rehash of Gabriel's, they are literally trying to survive under the rule of someone who will kill them if they don't do his bidding, and because of whom they're dying. Their life is literally full of suffering and they're trying to find something that'll give them a way out. Shady wants Marinette's life, and Claw Noir wants his mother back.
Like, it doesn't excuse their actions, but it does add a more humane element to them that lends itself better to the kind of redemption Miraculous likes to do, which is to fix things with a speech. That's why this redemption works, and Gabe's doesn't.
The back and forth between Chat Noir and Claw Noir was pretty funny ngl.
And we discover that Claw Noir wants his mother back. Of course.
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When Marinette was talking about how she was also angry and hurt, but chose to love herself and the world around her and chose to try and fix it... that hit hard. Honestly, it did. It's everything I love about Marinette in one speech. I love it.
And then onto my personal favorite scene in the entire special, possibly in the entire show.
That whole conversation was powerful. "I'm as well as I can be anyway," that's so profound. Like, of course you aren't going to be 100% okay after losing someone you love, but Adrien wants to move on and be happy like his mother would have wanted him to. This scene really showcases Adrien's empathy and his strength, when he acknowledges that having no friends can make it harder for Claw Noir to move on, and then he tells him that only he can make the choice to stop being alone. And that's really true. This scene really showcases everything amazing about Adrien, his hope and optimism, his empathy and his strength. How he finds the strength to keep going by choosing to not be alone. It's beautiful.
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Like, it could have been so easy for both Marinette and Adrien to give into their darkest impulses, and Shadybug and Claw Noir really are just representations of how letting your hurt overpower you can lead you down a dark path, and it really highlights their strength, that they choose to make the right choices everyday, despite everything. It really highlights their characters and their arcs. And they're able to take everything they've learned, and look at what they could have been in the eyes and help them change too. It's so poetic.
It would have been a little more impactful if the show had spent more than 10 minutes out of 5 seasons focusing on Adrien's grief and how it has impacted him, but whatever.
Anyway, it also had some Adrien and Nino friendship crumbs, and I'll be darned if I didn't gobble it up like a starved animal. Also, we have confirmation that "Space Mutants vs. Ghost Shark" is Nino's favorite movie, so Nino stans please say "thank you Paris special."
And they are REDEEMED.
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Shadybug fixes everything with her Lucky Charm after spending the whole special making destructive ones. My heart.
Shadybug and Claw Noir stop being evil and immediately go from hating each other's guts to flirting shamelessly. They just speedran enemies to lovers in a matter of seconds. They literally just defaulted to flirting. Truly, the natural state of Ladynoir in any universe. We stan.
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Gotta be honest, I'm not a fan of the new designs. Wish they had kept the old ones. I'm one of those people whose toxic trait is liking Claw Noir's design, so I'm a little unhappy with it, but hey, it's a sweet scene.
Also, Claw Noir's hair went from the color of rotten bananas to ripe bananas. If that was intentional, I applaud the writers for being both profound and funny as hell.
Aaaaaaand Gabe is back, because we can't have nice things.
The montage going through different realities was great, it was small but I enjoyed it.
They're literally so cute omg. Couple behaviors fr. I'm so obsessed with them.
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They're holding hands... already... like they're in love... I'm so emotional... I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS
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And they're gone. But their adventures will continue forever in my mind and in my fanfics. And in other people's art that I will ravenously consume.
Cute Alya and Marinette scene. This is really sweet, I love the exploration of the impact Alya has had on Marinette's life.
And now, I'm not an Alyanette shipper, but I think they should kis- oh, wait, never mind, they did it.
And thus, the endless night comes to an end (it happened a while ago but that's just semantics).
Final thoughts
I really loved this so much. Sure, there were some exposition dumps that probably should have happened in the actual series, but that's not the fault of this special. This is probably my bias talking but this is the best special and it's literally perfect, no I will not take any constructive criticism on that. This, this special and everything in it, this is what Miraculous is all about. This is exactly what I wanted, this is what I signed up for. It's literally the best thing ever to come out of this entire show.
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nyaagolor · 12 days
Bad Polls and the Art of Engagement Bait
So as anyone who follows this blog probably noticed, I posted a poll yesterday. Sorry ace attorney tumblr, it was bait. That was part of a little social experiment to test some theories I had about engagement bait and the tumblr "algorithm"-- and it was a resounding success!! I even made a replicate, that being a similar poll only hours later, which had basically the same result. Somehow. Now that the cat is officially out of the bag, I thought it would be fun to talk about it!
The entire point of this little social experiment was to combine some observations I had about what posts do well, the general attitude of tumblr users, and how to maximize engagement with minimal effort within fandom spaces. Thus, I'm combining all my thoughts into a little guide: how to make the lowest effort, highest engagement post possible:
Recognize that negative engagement on tumblr travels father than positive engagement Tumblr may not have an algorithm, but the system is still set up in a way where negative engagement rewards the poster more than positive engagement. A simple "like" is enough to show agreement or approval, but dissent or shock requires replies or reblogs (the latter of which are significantly more common). More reblogs = more people seeing the post, and thus posts that elicit a negative reaction tend to travel further than positive ones
Capitalize on the fact that people love to bitch about things when given the opportunity Generally speaking, going onto a random post you hate and exclaiming how much you hate it is a bit of a tumblr faux pas. Same thing with venting about how much you dislike something. While bringing up the topic yourself and being snippy to specific people are frowned upon, however, places like polls that provide an opportunity to bitch about things are a great outlet, and a LOT of people will take it
Take advantage of the poll's inherent anonymity This may seem counterintuitive-- the person posting the poll and everyone reblogging it aren't anonymous at all! This doesn't matter though, only the votes do. The anonymity of the votes on a tumblr poll turn the opinions of others, no matter their relative size, into a nebulous opinion of the indeterminate masses. THIS is the most important part of the engagement bait, because tumblr users love to complain but aren't likely to do so to someone directly for fear of hurting their feelings or getting called out for being rude. If you can take a dissenting opinion and remove the actual user from the equation, people are far more likely to share exactly what they think about it-- this is when the "no reading comprehension" and "you people seriously think (X)" and "ugh I hate fandom" takes come out en masse. Tumblr users may be mean, but more importantly we are also cowards. In the case of the poll I posted above, even extremely small minority opinions were being commented on in almost every single reblog, despite the fact that these opinions made up less than 10% of the votes for a majority of the poll's run.
More buzzwords, less nuance Buzzwords and a lack of nuance work together to make engagement more likely-- buzzwords are often both overused and misused, while a lack of nuance (typically in the form of a yes or no question) eggs people into explaining themselves. Combine these two and you add people justifying themselves, arguing with others, and complaining about the buzzword in general into your reblogs, boosting your numbers even more. In my case, I chose the lowest of the low when it comes to poll topics: "Is (recognizable character) (buzzword)?". How people fell for this twice I'm not sure, but it works!
If things are getting boring, stir the pot yourself You can use alt accounts or just make up tags yourself, but I was too lazy to do this. However, there's always the option of cherrypicking-- screenshot outlandish or dissenting tags, even if it's just one in a sea of hundreds, and post that in a reblog with an incredulous caption. Bringing tags to the attention of the majority invites new focus on those tags AND your poll, giving people another outlet to add their takes. Some people will likely even reblog it Again.
Now that the bait is set, watch people in your notes talk over themselves like a flock of seagulls
Congrats! You've now made a successful bait poll. Fortunately or unfortunately, mine worked so well that people fell for it twice, both of them got thousands of votes each within the day, my notifications are overflowing, and popular blogs have made posts referencing it. Point proven, hypothesis verified. As they say: easy website.
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viablemess · 6 months
I have a lot of feelings about the Durin Family, Fili in Particular
---Howdy folks it is that time of year again where i go absolutely feral for Fili Durin. He is underappreciated and tumblr has addressed that but i feel an URGE to add to the discourse so here I am. This post is not done, fyi. I will add more to it later.
It's 10pm/22:00. I just got home from class. I'm waiting for my ramen water to boil. There is a fireplace and some holiday lights. Let's have a (fireside)chat.
First of all, the constant tying of Fili and Kili together?? Like I get it. Merry and Pippin parallels. I love parallels (looking at you, George), but come on. Chill, just a tad. I know Tolkein didn't give you much to go by, but he didn't even write tauriel into the books or Bolg and yall ran with that anyways. Use your creative brains, pls, I'm actually begging you.
ANYWAYS. Have them develop separately even if only a little. Kili is the younger one, literally viewed younger bc he has the smallest itty bitty beard. He is not the heir, he is the spare, and could have some deep rooted personal insecurities about that as a result. He may feel that he deeply has to prove himself to Thorin bc he does not have a set role in the future like Fili does. Kili gets his romance with Tauriel, which--khgf;ushfw;e uneneccary, but I can appreciate the attempt to broaden the target market and appeal to a romance audience even if the previews did not hint at that happening at all so it would not have been a marketable trait per say but I digress. Again with the parallels of forbidden romance, poor Legolas still does not get any, we know, he was not even in the books really either, let's move on.
Kili is babied by the company, needs to prove himself, his mother made him promise to return to him so he is still deeply in the "coming of age" side of things (a lot of the company is, but that's a topic for another word vomit fireside chat). He begins to realize that he might like elves which goes against his family and he was already the spare, might as well go all in and fall in love with an elf. Fine. I can deal with that. But let's see more of Kili messing up, more so than just the trolls. Let's see him make silly goofy mistakes more. The company always tries to keep him out of the line of fire by making him an archer (heh) and keeping him off the front lines. They do everything to protect him, bc Dis is a terrifying woman, ansd if she made Kili promise to return to her, dammit, the company will return him to her if it is the last thing they do. Kili likely spends less time with Thorin and Dwalin than his brother, so here he is, questioning his own self worth and if he belongs in the party and his own abilities while coming of age and sticking out from his family even more, so why not rebel a little? why not be an archer which is not as glorified, why not consider shaving to meet cross cultural beauty standards, why not date the elf (dammit, I'm convincing myself for Tauriel's presence and I hate that). He's trying his best and messing up along the way, and is INNOCENT. Completely. He is aware of his ancestry and what happened, but he and Bilbo are the two being narrated to when telling of the Durin family history, and as a result, the differences in dwarven / hobbit culture could be explored further. Thorin has a little kiddo to watch out for, and maybe is softer around, because even Thorin knows Kili is young, maybe even too young to be here but if they didn't let him come he would have snuck after them, so we get to see a more forgiving, family-man Thorin who we do not see anywhere else (and yes we get that at the end of the movie but I'm getting to my critique of the (I almost called it a keldabe wrong fandom) forehead touch with a name I cannot recall later).
Onto his brother. Fili is the heir, okay. So, that means that he is likely raised very differently from Kili. Whereas Kili may have had some time to play and be a kid (as much as they could in the Blue Mountains as refugees, anyways), Fili likely was given no such privilege. He followed Thorin around like a lost puppy, watching his every move and trying to imitate it, because he knew he would have to do Thorin's job someday. Even if Thorin did get married / have a kid / etc there would likely still be a window where Fili was in charge before Thorin's kid came of age, and as the years went on, the chances of that happening diminished, and so Fili threw himself more and more into his crown-prince-studies. Maybe a little obsessively, just like his uncle, who had practically stepped into the role as father. Because Fili thought he had to be Thorin. Thorin, meanwhile, saw the King that Fili could be, and that King was so much better than him. Fili grew up humble as a result of them all being refugees, something Thorin did not have to learn until much later and even then he never fully got it. Fili was kind, because he saw the suffering of his people, and understood how large of a difference a small act could make. Fili also had the teachings of Thorin drilled into him, because Thorin's problem was that whenever he saw Fili, he also saw Frerin. Frerin was Thorin's younger brother, just as blond as Fili, and (I'm assuming) played a roll in Fili's name (both starting with F). Frerin died at the Battle of Azanulbizar, and Thorin remembers that battle, he remembers losing his little brother. He can understand the fear that Fili feels whenever the company encounters a fight because he has felt the same in the worst of ways. But, because Thorin understands, he pushes Fili to be better than him. Even if that pushing is too much, too hard, too fast, too young--Thorin knows that Fili can be better than him, and Thorin does not want Fili to suffer as he has suffered, so he does everything in his power to prepare Fili for what is to come, and because Thorin loves him, that is all he does. He pours that love out as motivation and pushes Fili to do more, do everything, and do it better than he did. Fili, being young, does not realize this. He just sees it as Thorin preparing him to be king, and quite brutally at that, but Thorin is the closest thing he has to a father, Fili is not going to question it, not for anything, except for his little brother. And that just hurts Thorin, because he knows that, had he had the chance, he would have died to save Frerin at Azanulbizar. He knows Fili would do the same for Kili, but they are both so, so young. Thorin fears he could lose them both in one go, if he is not careful. So he is harsh, he scares them, he is forceful, because they do not have time for care and coddling, that won't keep them safe.
Whereas the company sees Kili as carefree and fun, Fili is cold, like his uncle. He is stone, and observant, and polite. He has to be Thorin, AND everything that Thorin is not. It is an impossible task, but he has to try. That is what is expected of him, not just by his mother and uncle, but by the entire people that is behind him, waiting for him to ascend to be king. He does not get a choice. The only one who can pull him out of that rut is his brother, with whom he actually feels like he can be what he is -- barely older than a kid.
Im gonna let that sink in for a second. They're CHILDREN.
So, Kili gets his romance plot. It's cute and it parallels. And I've established that Kili must prove himself, and Fili will bend over backwards to make Thorin happy, which likely also extends to Dis, his mother.
I imagine Dis gave Kili the river rock to come back home, and she told Fili "be safe, don't be stupid, etc etc" but HIGHLIGHTED "take care of your brother", and Thorin does the same in the movies.
So, when Kili galavants up the bridge to open the gate after the party does a little slip and slide down the river, Fili naturally goes with. He sees that Kili is about to get shot. And Fili, who knows above all else he has to be king and he has to take care of Kili, just does the normal heroric thing and jumps in front, and he gets shot.
He is chastized for it, for being stupid, but overall they both are thanked for getting them out of the mess, and there is no time to waste because the company has to leave, and Fili (like what Kili did albeit maybe with more conviction) will not let others help him, or show weakness. So Fili continues on, poisoned, and Kili has the guilt of knowing his brother took an arrow meant for him. Fili must suffer the consequences of being a hero, and Kili must suffer the consequences of being the youngest, and feeling guilty for not taking responsibility for his own actions.
This all boils over to a fight where Kili tells Fili that "I made the choice to go up there, I didn't ask you to intervene!" because dammit Kili wants to be treated like an adult and FIli just took that away from him, again.
Fili, naturally, retorts, "I just did what I had to, because you know what? mom didn't tell me to come home--all she told me, all everyone ever tells me--is to take care of you! So I don't matter, not to this family, not in the same way you do. You're a son. I'm a prince."
Which, ouch. Slap in the face to Kili, and maybe the company overhears. Kili feels slighted, but also maybe is starting to understand, he can be a kid, Fili cannot. And Fili, meanwhile, is about to break from the weight of expectations that feels heavier than the lonely mountain ever could.
So, Kili stays with Fili when they get to Bard's, because it is what Fili would have done for him. Thorin is pissed, but lets it go, because Kili isn't Fili, and ouch, again.
I imagine Bofur helps quite a bit, he has a kind soul and listens better than most, and while Fili is delirious with fever Bofur talks him through it. Kili gets to be more coherent with Tauriel, and we get to see if their relationship actually holds up outside of a "she saved my life I love her" style of interaction which bleh is cliche as all get out.
and PLEASE when the dwarves do get out of Bard's house, they get to actually help Bard deal with the dragon. I read a fic a long time ago (if I find it I'll link it and the author below) where Fili had to be Bard's arrow anchor instead of Bard's son and I just chef's kiss. The dwarves who are left get to help the humans, and they feel more sympathy for them. Maybe they witness more death, and so when the dwarves do turn their backs on the humans later, Fili, Kili, Bofur, Bifur & crew are like "wait wtf they have suffered enough" unlike their future indifference we see in the movie.
and THEN all the dwarves arrive at the mountain, and Fili and Kili actually get welcomed home like the family they ARE, but it's stunted, because something is wrong with Thorin. He is glad to see Kili and Fili, but barely spares them a glance. They've heard the rumors and stories, of gold sickness. They begin to wonder, and we get to see them talk (probably with Bilbo) about the concept in secret where everyone is looking for the arkenstone. We get to see Kili with his hero worship refuse to believe Thorin would fall under a gold thrall. We get to see Fili, who is afraid of becoming like Thorin, too scared to enter the treasury unless immensly pressured to do so, and even then someone is always with him, because he worries. He still holds the ruby Thorin threw at him, and he keeps it in his pocket. He holds it so tight the edges cut his palm, and the pain seems to distract him from the wealth that surrounds him. I always wondered if Thorin gave Fili that ruby because he was the heir, or the only dwarf with so much gold about their person, with his hair. It was what Thorin saw first, not because it was his nephew, but because he looked like the very thing that already clawed Thorin down into his own demise.
AND NOW the war starts. and this needs to be another post bc ffs I'm losing my shit this is much too long.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐄𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Warm Eyes
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Every year, he joins the old tradition of traveling, where his ancestors have once ruled the skies. Every year, he meets familiar faces and new ones he's never seen before. Every year, he watches how his brothers find their mates, build their families, and introduce new generations to stories as old as time. But this year, something might be different. This year, there's you - a treasure worth more than he could ever offer.
Tags/Warnings: Dragon!Jungkook, strangers to lovers/mates, mentions of folklore and traditions, modern fantasy, romance, human?Reader, Fluff, Courting, MC kinda wary of kook at first, but he's cute give him a chance pls
Additional Chapter Warnings: fluff
Length: Short (because tumblr eats long drafts these days)
A/N: no one's asking for drabbles so I'll make my own and force feed you until you'll like this AU
-> Masterlist
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Every year, you look forward to this festival time.
Not because you're very social, but more so, because it's a time where you can finally act the way your inner dragonblood wants you to, without being judged for it. Just like right now, as you're lying on your back in the woods, wind occasionally blowing through the tall tree crowns above, birds filling the silence while the small stream of water nearby adds to the scenery around you. It's what you crave the entire year around- this moment of absolute comfort, simply existing without the pressure to make the most out of your time.
You can hear footsteps at some point, and as the wind turns, you immediately catch the scent of the one dragonkin currently trying to win you over in the span of time you're both spending here for the festival. "Is this your attempt at hunting me down?" You giggle to yourself, though you do snap up into a halfway sitting position when he's suddenly speaking right into your ear.
"I wasn't even remotely trying." He chuckles, especially at your clear look of shock for a second.
"…whatever." You mumble, sitting up next to him now, legs pulled close as you watch him sit down properly next to you as well. "Do they need me at camp?" You ask, but he shakes his head.
"No, I was just wondering where you were when I couldn't find you at breakfast this morning." He shrugs. "So I went out to find you."
"Stalking me now then?" You glare at him, and he laughs.
"I'd call it 'making sure my potential future mate is okay' but, you can call it whatever you want." The dragonkin smiles, catching you off guard yet again as you hide a little so he won't see you flush in shyness, before simply laying back down onto your blanket. And by peeking through your eyes after a short while of silence, you can see him still sitting right next to you- hands resting in the grass, arms holding up his body as he calmly watches his surroundings ahead, wind sometimes blowing his curls around. You watch how he has to move them out of his face every now and then, and can't help but snicker a bit to yourself at the sight.
And he just smiles as well, as he watches you sit up.
"Turn around." You tell him softly, and much to your surprise, he easily does just as told without even so much as asking to why you'd request that from hjm. It shows how much he already puts his trust in you, even if it's just small things like this.
You've never actually touched Jungkook up until this point. Not really, at least. His hair is thick but surprisingly soft as you collect parts of it hands careful at not tying it too tightly to hurt- only to somewhat help with it falling into his eyes all the time. "Thanks." He smiles as he turns back around. "It's never been so long before.. so I still forget a hairtie from time to time." He chats, and you shrug, as you lie back down, though now on your side to better look at him.
"That's fine." You shrug. "I always have one on me." You tell him- and the implication of it makes him unable to hide his grin, considering he's been noticing those small steps towards him from time to time now. You're slowly starting to show your interest in him, step by step involving yourself more and more into the whole process of getting to know him better it seems like.
And its fueling his determination.
"Did you plan on taking a nap out here?" He asks, and you nod, before you scoot a bit on your blanket, making room for him. It's a silent invitation to something much more than just for him to lay down next to you.
There's a saying amongst dragons, that those who fall asleep together will meet in dreams as well. And dreams of dragons all hold meaning- though most of those things have been somewhat lost to time at this point.
Jungkook seems to have trouble though, the small ponytail you'd tied of his hair pressing into the back of his head uncomfortably. "Just take it out if it bothers you." You giggle, watching him struggle.
"But.. you did it." He almost whines. "I don't want to take it out."
"I can tie it up again later." You roll your eyes, pulling the hairtie out of his hair. "Just remind me, and I'll do it again."
"Whenever I like?" He asks, cheekily hopeful as he looks at you next to him.
"Hm, sure." You shrug, before you close your eyes, and boldly turn to your side, hand on his chest as if to be connected to him in your sleep.
And so he holds your hand over his chest in his own during his sleep as well, as you both meet in dreams where you fly above the clouds.
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swordsandarms · 3 months
how would you describe the dynamic between aerys and rhaegar?? no matter what rhaegar was aerys's first and only child for a long time, and tbh i kinda love to delude myself thinking aerys loved him almost as much as he hated? him.....
Wrote about this before, but of course I can't find it, but since it's rarely given enough complexity anyways, might as well do it again.
This is the endless problem of not allowing Targaryens the right to be more than one dimensional and have complicated human feelings and Aerys is probably the sorest spot for it. A lot of people are finally backing down on the weird dehumanisation of Rhaegar, thankfully, but Aerys less so, as he is a big problem even for "Targaryen fans" - he is the sole Targaryen called fully "mad" - that can be acknowledged as that absolute sort of mentally unstable, and in a violent way that can be fully antagonistic, too - bringing that whole can of worms used against a whole 300 years worth of generations of a family, so everyone stays away.
Here comes the tired disclaimer that of course I've got to put out over and over before writing of Aerys as a mere person instead of a fairytale boogieman: he wasn't a good guy with particular virtues; he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed; he wasn't a proactive, great King, and although he spoke of great plans that sounded sound didn't put in the effort to accomplish anything; he wasn't a good father and least of all husband for most of his life, even in his better days with less excuses (well, explanation) to it. Etc etc
But he had the complexity of feelings and behaviour of a whole person! I've said it before but Aerys is one of these background characters dead before the story starts that gets TONS of interiority that adds so much nuance to this otherwise muddled portion of history, but he's not a "nice dead victim" and hence gets little attention while less "lesser" background characters get essays of made up fanon.
Aerys' desire for both successful lineage and grandeur for his House clashing with his deep personal insecurities is more of a downward spiral than his actual mental illness. (Again, something I touched on in a different post that Tumblr won't let me find) Aerys wants and fails to be anything grand, and Rhaegar being seen as great while being nothing like him is a sour spot, because if greatness is his opposition what does that mean? Of course he latches onto Viserys when it's clear he's got his character.
But what about Rhaegar? Did Aerys love him? Did Rhaegar love his father once? He was his prized heir in a positive sense for the longest of their relationship. He kept him close in detriment of his mother's claim on him (took him to Casterly Rock for a year when Joanna died). But does that necessarily say anything about love?
This is the man who would end up hurting his sister, who would be open about the intention to wish bad things upon his child, but he's also grieved these children with his sister once, he's turned to the gods humbled despite his self righteous arrogance, asking if it's him, if he can do anything to make it better.
And, in his madness, Aerys kills Brandon and Rickard for "threatening Rhaegar". Which is fascinating. I've been trying to think of whether he is trying to put Rhaegar in a worse position by it, but it doesn't work. If it were the case, he'd be glad to latch onto the accusations and make the best of it, instead of becoming the bad guy further by "protecting Rhaegar". If he weren't able to think that straight, at least his advisors would (he's got plenty of "whisperers" in his ears, we are told, and they are against Rhaegar's faction). But if they tried, but if they tried it's clear the "he threatened Rhaegar" convoluted thought won.
And I joke about the Rhaenys moment supposedly being the breaking point in Aerys and Rhaegar's relationship from his point of view (of all things) but... With these powerful families, the personal and political are in a constant clash. Yet it is quite something that political tensions are all high ("like before the Dance"), Aerys' undermining and threatening Rhaegar's position is open knowledge, and yet, what gets to Rhaegar finally is his father rejects his child - rejects family.
Was there only honour and "doing things right" in lieu of kinslaying? Was there a reason why it was hard to give up on his father and admit to himself he wasn't salvageable in any lesser ways until it's too late?
And oh, he was ever so aggravated by Rhaegar being so good at things and admired for it, but when he dies in battle... There surely must be some conspiracy, some betrayal for his shining son to be gone. Rhaegar himself wouldn't just be bested without a better explanation! Someone ought to answer for it, damnit!
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kaydenverse · 1 year
a/n: ohmygod the ghost blurb did numbers im happy eee! thank you so much!! here’s something else i just thought of, i tried a new format style I’m trying to get back into relearning how to use tumblr again (and get back into the swing of writing it’s been… a minute) do give me a sec to figure it out lmaO also send requests or your headcanons on task force 141 if you’d like!
ghost going non-verbal after really intense missions and gets a little clingy with soap during this time.
the first time ghost did this, soap is a tad confused but he doesn’t question it. he’s pretty quick to catch onto the things that ghosts needs or wants during this time.
ghost trusts soap the most during this vulnerable time period. not that he doesn’t trust the rest of the task force when he’s non-verbal, it’s just that soap gets it ya know?
ghost silently following soap around once the two get back on base as they strip off their tactical gear and head to debrief.
soap will ask ghost a question and when ghost doesn’t respond, soap just smiles a little, pats his friend’s (they are more than friends but don’t realize it yet) shoulder, and mutters. “tas alright, take as long as you need.”
it makes ghost just a little (a lot) giddy. he feels safe and understood.
anything ghost needs to say, soap has this talent of just knowing before ghost even attempts to write it down somewhere.
“anything to add, ghost?” price turns towards the masked man.
ghost simply looks at the scottish man sitting next to him as he drums his gloved fingers on the arm of his chair.
soap barely looks out of the corner of his eye before he snorts, his lips tugging up into a smile, and says “he said can we please wrap this bloody meeting up, he’s tired.” ghost nods in agreement and price just stares at the two, baffled while gaz barks out a laugh.
“i’d have to agree with him.” soap grins
depending on how intense the mission was, ghost can be silent for a few hours or sometimes a few days but soap still remains patient and helps ghost whenever he can.
sometimes ghost will even stay with soap on their days off after missions at soap’s house and that leads to ghost flying through soaps sticky notes until he’s verbal again.
soap spends an abnormal amount on sticky notes for this reason. he even goes out of his way to get a few nice pens for him.
ghost doesn’t know but soap keeps a lot of the sticky notes and pieces of paper that have ghost’s shitty handwriting sprawled across them. soap’s favorite one says “fuck you.” with a little heart drawn next to the words.
when ghost speaks again, soap is always caught off guard. ghost finds this incredibly amusing.
soap stands in his kitchen, humming softly to himself as he flips the grilled cheese he’s making for himself. well, he already made himself that sits on a nearby plate. this one was for ghost who had walked into the living room where soap was, reached over the back of the couch, and slapped a sticky note that read “i’m hungry” onto the shorter man’s forehead before leaving the room immediately after.
“you’re out of laundry detergent.” a deep british voice speaks and soap’s soul nearly leaves his body as he says various swears in his heavy scottish accent.
“for fuck’s sake, simon! make yourself known when you enter a room!” soap whips around to find ghost standing at the counter with his hands shoved in his sweatpants pockets.
it’s been about two days since soap had last heard the man speak. soap buries the thought of having missed his teammates voice before it has the chance to fluster him but he can’t stop his warm smile in time.
ghost shrugs and soap catches the amusement in the other man’s eyes through the mask.
“you just need to just be more aware, sergeant.”
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floofanflurr · 5 months
What's a Papyrus made of???
Other than a skeleton.
Well, those too! But how do people draw you? You aren't made of the same shapes as your brother, after all!
He's made of circles.
Hmmm, I guess you kind of have a point, but—
...Well! I digressed! Here's a little thing I put together containing a lot of my observations about how artists commonly draw Papyrus! There's a lot of variation, (a lot a lot!) but I have found some common trends! Like building blocks!
A Papyrus-shaped puzzle!
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Not pictured here is the variation in the top part of the skull! (What I have depicted as a circle here.) Some people draw it more angularly, or even more like a square.
...Are you sweating right now?
...Hmmm. Anyway! This post is getting long, so there's more under the cut!
Well, this is a tumblr post, so that means that I want to put some of the longer content I make behind a read more line. That will collapse the rest of the text so that it doesn't make it too hard for people to scroll.
Sans uses tumblr?! Oh no...
...Well, onto the rest!
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There's a lot more variation of Papyrus's mouth. People can get really creative! But most of the common depictions I see follow these building blocks.
Yeah! Puzzle pieces.
Wait, no— Papyrus put that down! This is not a spike kind of puzzle!
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And finally, eye sockets! I've seen people do them in a lot of different ways, including like Sans's sockets but slightly longer. But again, this is how I see it done most frequently! And Papyrus has a lot of more extreme expressions, such as his eye boggle and his sparkling sockets that adds even more variation.
And that's it for now! There's still a lot I didn't go over, and I don't know if this could be counted as a tutorial? (Though if it helps, that's great!) I'm more just here to ramble about all the cool art I see of Papyrus!
I didn't get a chance to go over Papyrus's nose, nasal ridge, or the way people draw his neck. Not to mention the rest of his body! And his clothes! There's lots more common depictions (building blocks!) there.
Puzzle pieces. Like scarf vs. cape, gloves vs. mittens, round battle body or more square. (Or even a normal crop top!) Shorts vs. bowl, black tight material vs. bare bones...
That's not even getting into the AU Papyri! They also have common building blocks! (Puzzle pieces, I know.)
Ahem. ...Debatable. (Fell gives you a run for your money in the handsomeness department—) ...Nah, you're right.
(I'm also not as good at drawing them...)
Well. Needless to say, there's a lot to cover! And I've spent... huh. 7 hours on this so far! So I'll leave it off for now and maybe do a bit more if there's any interest.
Never change, Papyrus. Never change.
Huh. Surprisingly true.
Well. Thanks for sticking with this so long!
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How do you draw Papyrus? I'd love to see! Do you use any of these building blo... puzzle pieces?
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trashpandacraft · 2 months
@mor-and-more, this is for you. tumblr won't let me add video to reblogs and is being highkey uncooperative about this, so it's new post time.
many people who are fairly new to spinning are anxious about dropping their beautiful drop spindles.
first: honestly, you don't have to be. they're called drop spindles for a reason—because you drop them. it's going to drop sometimes; that's just the nature of the craft. it's ok. most of them are pretty sturdy.
second: if this is putting you off starting, try what i only half-jokingly call the no-drop method! it's pretty slow, so you're probably not going to want to do this forever, but you can use it to get to a place where you're comfortable enough that you're willing to try other things.
this is basically park and draft, but not a variation i've seen discussed much, so i made a video, featuring my cat, who really really really wants to help. there's a text version of this method after the video.
this is a no-audio situation (other than random background noise), so quick notes.
first and foremost, i'm holding the spindle between my feet, because that's what's comfortable for me and because i took this video around a tripod. there's no reason that you can't do this sitting on the sofa with the spindle between your knees, or with your legs crossed tailor-style and the spindle tucked into the fold of your knee, or whatever else makes sense for you.
the other thing is that i had to trim the video a little to fit on tumblr, which is why it ends abruptly. there are videos made by much more skilled videographers about how to do things like predraft, find the staple length, and draft while you spin, so i don't show any of that either (except incidentally), but if anyone's like 'no, i feel that having this from you, specifically, will make my life better,' let me know and i'll make another video. maybe without the cat. (maybe with more cat! who can say.)
text version, including some extra notes:
trap the spindle so it can't move, but you have easy access to it. (see list of suggested positions above.)
take your predrafted fibre and hook it onto your spindle. i like to basically fold a staple length in half and use that. once it's hooked, keep your hand there, holding the fibre so it stays folded around the spindle hook.
keeping the spindle trapped, twist it. you're just loosening your feet or knees or whatever enough that you can twist the stick.
twist will move into the fibre around the hook. hooray! your fibre is now attached to the spindle. twist a little more. keep pinching it at the top!
draft out a tiny bit more fibre, move your pinch up to the top of that, and let the twist move into the drafted fibre.
keep twisting, drafting out a little, letting the twist move up, and twisting some more. if the yarn looks like it's getting too loose, let the tension off of the yarn and keep twisting, then reapply the tension. a weird thing about twist is that it doesn't move well unless it's under tension. i really tried to show this in the video, and i failed. i will repeat attempts if anyone desires.
if you're not sure if you have enough twist, just move your fibre hand towards the spindle. if the yarn twists around itself, you're probably good. (i check that a lot in this video, because i never spin in this style recreationally, and i don't have good instincts for it.)
when you have an arm's length of yarn, wrap it onto your spindle. for the first time you do this, you'll want to hold the bottom of the yarn, right where it attaches to the hook, as well as the top of the yarn, right before you get to unspun fibre. just wrap it onto the shaft of the spindle. i sometimes find it useful to lay the first tiny bit of the yarn—again, the bit that was on the hook—parallel to the shaft, and then wrap over that, which helps make sure things are good and tight.
hook back onto the spindle and repeat.
you can do this as long as you want to, up to and including forever. it's sort of a hybrid style of spinning—not quite suspended spinning, not quite supported spinning, and not quite grasped/clasped spinning, but a collection of elements from all of them. you're making yarn! you're spinning!
that said, after you do this a few times, you may feel like it's a little unnecessarily fussy and slow. which is also totally fine. try loosening your grip on the spindle and giving it a little twirl. you don't have to let go entirely if you don't feel ready to, but loosen up enough that it'll spin, then clamp back down. you can see me doing this at the very end of the video. at this point, you're basically doing park and draft, and can go from there.
like i kinda implied at the start of this post, this is very far from the only way to approach learning to spin, but especially if you're anxious about damaging your spindle or (like me) hate unexpected noises, it might be one to consider.
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kitconnor · 1 year
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hello and welcome to my little blending + colouring tutorial !! in this tutorial, i will be guiding you through colouring blended gifs and how to blend them. i will be using ps 2023. this tutorial assumes you have prior knowledge of basic colouring and timeline !
please note this is the process that i have received the best results from - it might not work for everyone and it likely doesn’t work for every show. but, with the results i have been having, i feel like it’s something i want to share with others !!
p.s. : i will work this tutorial the best i can to accomodate to the new tumblr gif guidelines and bugs !!
here’s the initial stuff that guided me with my blending and colouring !
blending tutorial by @ helloinej
colouring tutorial by @ helloinej
blending tutorial by @ disaster-lineage
blending tutorial by @ nelsonnicks
keep in mind each of the above have different styles of blending, each also being different to my own. if your final result isn’t the exact same as any tutorial, don’t beat yourself up over it ! 
STEP 1 - find your scenes.
this step is more important than you think. certain scenes simply don’t blend well and that’s just reality. here’s my preferences:
similar scenes (eg. similar lighting, colouring, setting) blend well.
one moderately well lit scene (ideally not outdoors) + a moderately dark scene (eg. you can clearly get an outline of a face, you’re not adding curves layer after curves layer) CAN blend well, depending.
scenes on two different ends of the spectrum like one daytime outdoors sunshining type scene + midnight dark, obscured faces scenes do not have potential to blend well.
however, you’ll come to know what works through experience ! 
also make sure that whatever scenes you pick, ideally, there is little to no movement !! this makes it easier when you actually colour the gif later on.
STEP 2 - organize your two gifs.
to blend your gifs, they need to be the same length. i load them into frames first and then i set the speed and trim them to the same amount of frames and layers and then i will crop. then, go convert to timeline > command + option + a (for mac) to select all on the layers + timeline, then right click on your layers and go ‘convert to smart object’. 
do this on both of your gifs and then you can sharpen them (i do, so it gives me a better idea of how my gif is looking) or not, depending on how you like to do things.
STEP 3 - the blend.
with my two seperate gifs now, i will take one gif and duplicate it onto the other. 
please note that simply performing ‘duplicate layer’ will not be sufficient if you are working with every frame and layer individually. having two seperate smart objects makes things much easier for me and only really changes one or two things that people would normally do.
now, to blend your gifs, go to the gif you duplicated over and change the blending mode to ‘screen’. some people may choose to use ‘lighten’ - do whatever looks best in your opinion. 
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right now, the background of my top gif is washing out my bottom gif of inej. no worries - we’re going to fix that now.
STEP 4 - the blend part ii (the harder half)
first off, i’m going to adjust the positions of my gifs. the top gif covers too much of the focal point of the bottom gif (inej’s face) so i’m going to move the top one a little to the right and then the bottom one a little to the left so i can get the best view.
now it looks like this:
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to begin fixing it, add a ‘layer mask’ to both of the gifs. make sure your foreground colour on your layer mask is set to black. you need a layer mask on both of the gifs because different aspects of each have something interrupting the other.
now, select the ‘gradient’ tool and make sure you have the same setup:
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the black colour lets you blend and the transparent end means it does blend. now, using the gradient tool, do this:
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and repeat:
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(keep in mind i’m not 100% done here !!)
keep using the gradient (or brush) until you’re getting your desired results. do note that when you’re using the gradient tool and, if you have two layer masks (one per gif) that there is a chance that your gradients overlap and the middle point becomes opaque. in that case, i’ll either delete my layer masks and start again, move my gifs or use a brush with a WHITE colour to redo. 
play around with your gradient though ! don’t be afraid of messing something up in this process; you can easily go back and fix it. experimenting allows you to learn.
it took me another five minutes to play around and get exactly what i wanted, but what i’m going to do next will actually assist my final result. here’s what it looks like atm:
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there’s still a bit of an overlay from that top gif, but when i colour it, it will disappear.
STEP 5 - basic colouring.
this is your curves, levels, colour balance etc. ! there’s not much to say here as everyone does this bit different, but i do advise that whichever gif you work on, you turn off the visibility of the other, and disable the layer mask while you colour. this allows you to achieve the best results.
make sure to use a clipping mask for your colouring layers, and clip them to the corresponding gif.
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now i’ve completed the basic colouring and i’m ready to give it some actual colour !!
STEP 6 - colourful colouring !!
next up - actually making it look cool !! start by adding 2-3 blank layers (make sure they’re clipped to the respective gif). with the first layer, go back to your gradient tool and draw a gradient on the “darker half” of your gif. if there isn’t one, just choose which one will help it blend best. also disable your layer mask while you do the colouring !!
where that little bit of the top gif was overlapping on the bottom one, i’ve added a black gradient to it so it blends better. 
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rn it looks a bit weird, but once you change the blending mode to ‘soft light’ it evens out a lot.
then with my other blank layer, i’ll change my brush to my desired colour and set the size to 200px. from there, i’ll do one half of her face then i’ll make ANOTHER layer, and do around the other half, as such:
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then, set the blending mode to either ‘colour’ or ‘hue’, whichever suits best ! 
after, make sure to clean up with an eraser so it won’t turn the subjects skin that colour. then, you can repeat the process for the other gif !! feel free to switch your colours up too.
here’s both my gifs, coloured individually: 
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don’t stress about having the perfect colouring where no skin is obscured by the colouring. it won’t be perfect (eg. there’s a tad bit of cyan on her ear) just as long as it works well with the motion !!
STEP 7 - final clean up and save !
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and i’m done ! this process is relatively quick and has been giving consistent and high quality results for me, which has been so good. i’m aware that blending is not a quick thing to learn and wanting to incorporate colour is such a hard thing to start. hopefully this has helped <3
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dolldefiler · 3 months
Update, update, update.
This is long and boring so feel free to skip this :)
Hello, hello, everyone. I've got a couple of things to throw out there so let's begin with some good news. I joined Tumblr on 23rd January and it's almost been a month now. In that time, I've received a fair number of followers and notes which is pretty crazy (I don't know why the new followers != total followers). Considering the themes I write around, I figured I'd primarily get a bunch of hate mail (which I have, but the love I've received has drowned that out), so thank you!
I did also pop up a Ko-fi link on my bio briefly. Someone sent me some money (thank you btw) and then I took it down because I felt bad. There are definitely more charitable causes in the world than some guy who writes out his fantasies. Never mind, I've received a bunch of DMs and asks telling me to keep it up (which is crazy to me because why would you give anyone money for content when you can consume it for free). I'll pop it back up when I feel like I've written enough to justify it, which I think is a suitable compromise.
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Now onto the bad news. I've been away for a few days and my upload speed will continue to be slow for the foreseeable future. It is a little difficult to juggle acting like a rapist online when you're getting brutally raped by constant university deadlines. I'll still post, but probably not at the rate I was going at before... Unless I decide I want to procrastinate my work.
Also, regarding DMs and Asks, I'll rewrite those sections in my intro post because I've come back to about 100 additional asks in 3 days, and a slightly smaller number of DMs. If I don't answer you, it's not because I hate you, I'm just hella busy.
Onto the issue of hate mail and whatnot, I completely expected it so I have nothing to say about it (besides, if you're reading this, I expect you're probably not going to turn around a call me a vile piece of shit for whom medieval torture methods should exclusively be brought back into fashion). That being said, I've talked to a close friend and the concept of potentially adding content warnings and the such to my work came up. I've developed my writing through talking to people and posting comments on Reddit, so I've never felt the need to add these, and I figured tagging my work would work just as well. Is this something you'd like me to do going forward? I'll add a poll.
And finally, to wrap up, here's my to-do list for this blog:
Add coloured text to old posts (and new posts going forward)
Potentially add content warnings
Hopefully pluck up the effort to edit my work
And that's about it. Sorry for yapping so much. Thank you for sticking around. Much love. Big hugs. I'll catch you later, alligator. Byeeeee.
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feyspeaker · 3 months
Hii me again. I'm not sure if I sent the ask I'm talking about on anon, so maybe that's why you didn't see it? It partially got answered with a recent ask you got anyway so no worries. I was just wondering if you use 3d in your process and if so, how? I've seen other illustrators use it to varying degrees and it seems like a really helpful tool to push your work.
Oh that's so weird! No I periodically go through my asks in chunks and I didn't see anything like that. I've had a few people in the past few months send me asks that looked like the second half of something else with no context, so maybe it's Tumblr fuckery. Sorry!!
I recommend learning Blender so you can help sculpt shapes and render lighting onto them in order to get the weirder/more complex shadows right. You can also apply colors onto the things you sculpt in order to see how the colors act in different lighting. It's pretty much an invaluable tool to me as it keeps me from having to problem-solve too much. I did a lot of digging around in my house to build references to photograph but it was just impractical to achieve the things I want to a lot of the time. I still do that, and you would not believe how many goofy photos I have of my husband in the poses you've seen me paint Astarion in lmao...
I do think that it needs to be used in moderation if you are a more beginner artist- I think that using 3D is DANGEROUSLY close to becoming a massive crutch for a newer artist and improper usage or over reliance on it can lead to stiffness or artificial looking colors. You need to be able to train your eye to create compelling compositions by bashing things together, and train your hand to replicate/add/subtract as needed from your references with an organic feel.
I will say this as a total committer of this crime myself in the past, it's VERY easy to tell when an artist relies too much on, for example, Clip Studio Paint posed models as bases for pieces without a good enough grasp on their fundamentals. And I also used to prickle when I saw more advanced artists warn of this, so I do think maybe it just has to run its course sometimes, because I know that using 3D for reference seems like an easy-button.
I've taken a lot of in-person classes for live figure drawing and painting, as well as just totally done drills, basically, on sketching and painting from life before relying too much on static imagery/3D/etc.
I often fret over every piece I do looking too stiff even still.
You have to do a LOT of the boring hard stuff the old fashioned way. And I regularly go back to it over and over when needed.
For example, I recently did a stupid amount of rose petal/flower studies deconstructing and painting ugly little paintings/doodles over and over because I know that I've been horribly weak at painting flowers for years (actively avoiding them). And I've been doing a lot of floral stuff lately due to that.
Whenever I start a new piece in new territory, I know it's going to mean several 3AM nighters where I have two other tabs open on Photoshop where I test out different textures or do a couple of studies. I'm working on a piece of my OC right now that has a lot of gore/medical instruments and I've been working on testing out different methods for shiny metal painting and some anatomical studies. I'll come to a snag in a painting and go "here we go" and work through it one piece at a time.
My Halsin piece, "Secret Spot" in the hot spring, was a massive undertaking with a lot of these moments. The Karlach x Dammon piece took 3 times longer than it should have due to me just having to go back and fix things knowing I could do better after doing some studies.
Ultimately I personally find art tutorials to be quite useless overall once you get to a certain point, unless they are teaching the use of a tool/software because you HAVE to figure out what works for you. And even then I use Blender like a monkey with a keyboard, I suspect, because I've just bruteforced through it, so I could probably use a tuneup from a good teacher on that haha. I hope this helps some, and sorry if I overstepped if I sound preachy.
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The Thing About Redesigns, Rewrites, and Reimagines…
(Part I: Broader Discourse)
To those of you who’ve been keeping tabs or maybe seen my posts floating around the tag, you might recall me mentioning that I felt a bit of hesitancy toward the prospect of joining in on the recent wave of redesign/rewrite content. In the more likely scenario that you haven’t or do not know what the crap I’m talking about, that’s fine lol. Understandable. It was a little thing I had written into my first rewrite/redesign post about Charlie. In a short aside, I explained that it was because I’d felt “bad about tinkering with someone else’s work like this”, and then I’d left it at that. So… yeah. Why am I bringing it up now?
Well, I don’t think I need to tell you that this fandom is… a lot. Y’know people have been talking…discourse is being had… heated, moral arguments are being hurled left and right. And in light of all the growing, reactionary accusations, I…found myself starting to feel bad again.
My initial issue, the reason why I didn’t immediately jump to sharing my ideas was that, for all her faults, I empathize with Viv as a creator and didn’t want to feel like I was disrespecting her, her characters, and her vision by reworking it to suit my own. I had frustrations and criticisms, but I never wanted to make it seem like I was trying to ‘fix’ her work or her style. I really didn’t want to be one of those pretentious dipsh*ts (the kind that take a piece of art, digest it through their own preferences and biases, then spit it back in the artist’s face with a, “There. I made it better”). In the end, I went through with it because I had a small hyperfixation and a tendency to project my own issues onto characters I love (I’m sure some of y'all can relate). And also, I was having fun. But… then more discourse poured in, and I saw all the concerns I expressed reflected in the arguments presented by other fans and artists.
And well… That made me feel like I was doing something wrong, like perpetuating and becoming the exact problems I had wanted to fight against. So, I took a step back. I reevaluated.
Now, I have thoughts (shocker!).
And they are conflicted.
On one hand I agree with the idea that redesigns/rewrites are not inherently bad or disrespectful things when it comes to productions like Hazbin since Viv is not a small creator with no power. She and her team have ultimate authority over the show’s events, and those plans will not be derailed by what is basically some random tumblr artist’s fanart/fanfiction.
In regards to the critical side of things, that kinda comes with consuming and digesting the messages and presentation of a work of art. Ideally, it should get people to discuss in this capacity, especially when it deals with such sensitive subject matter as Hazbin does (and especially when it is executed with evidently problematic notions which do bleed into the designs at times).
Still, I do think this trend can be disrespectful if the intention and presentation are made with an aggressive holier-than-thou attitude which explicitly seeks to one-up the creator. Though I understand where it comes from, I think that can be just straight, undiluted maliciousness with a generous helping of pretentious, self-appointed superiority. And I don’t think it’s necessary to pick apart the style itself. You don’t have to like it, of course, but I feel like stating your preference for one way of drawing over another and asserting it as if it were some objective truth antagonizes the entire point of individual artistic expression and personal taste. Criticize the lack of diversity (something which, I’d like to add, is not actually unique to Hazbin) and potentially problematic aspects, but not the style. Even then, it’s important to be constructive not destructive.
That being said, I don’t expect everyone to agree with me (especially if anyone who’s a die-hard fan finds this) Whether you do or not is on you, and that’s okay.
This is more a snippet of my thoughts than a fully developed rant. I just wanted to share where I’m at right now. There will be a part 2 to this expanding some of my feelings while also outlining where I might go from here because things are going on in my head, and I don’t actually know whether I will continue or not with this project. Right now, it feels like it’s drifting toward a more original direction (Charlie feels like an entirely different yet vaguely similar character and dang it I’m attached…It’s kinda weird lol) so….anyway—I digress.
Thank you for reading.
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