#we know little to nothing about her actual character but that fact that most fics make her out to be a bitch kinda makes me sad a bit
damsel-loves-machines · 2 months
*The poly finally reunite after Lilith's 7 year long absence.*
Imagine King Lucifer Morningstar practically storming in the halls of the Morningstar Mansion, his full demon form slowly coming to fruition with every step he takes toward the master bedroom. Over his broad shoulders are a flustered Queen of Hell herself on one and their shared concubine on the other, the latter possessing a simple grin, expecting this reaction from the fallen angel.
Lucifer: We have to make up for lost time together, all 3 of us. An hour for every year that you were gone, Lili.
Lilith: 7 hours? I've missed you both dearly, but isn't that a bit much?
Concubine!Reader: Luci opted for 7 days at first, but I convinced him to show you mercy, seeing as it has been a while since we've had a taste of you.
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fuumiku · 2 months
Chilcille huh... ngl I was a little suspicious. like why would you do that, huh... hope youre not mischaracterizing anyone in your weird and wacky ship. a little weird. but then you said they both had flat asses and you know what? I salute you and your perfect characterization
The fact you seem to think you managed to not make this ask insulting is baffling. What the hell. Fuck off.
If you actually care to be open minded about the ship, I talk about marchil on my sideblog 24/7. Funnily enough I’m currently 4k words deep into an analysis of their character arc together in canon, but that’ll take some more days to get done. Some notable posts:
Of course without counting the analyses of Chilchuck on his own I’ve made, like my masterpost on his family situation. Or better yet you could also read my fics for them, see how weird and wacky they are here.
Wanna talk about mischaracterisation? They’re literally a comedic duo who interacts 24/7. Marchil is crazy bc ppl are like "did those shipper read with their eyes CLOSED?? They have no chemistry!" Meanwhile canon is like: "She’s obsessed with knowing everything she can about him and she reads him like a book." In her eyes he’s like that extra rare and hard and shiny unlockable dating sim character, that brooding mysterious character trope that’s thrilling to crack open and typically is at the center of the plot. The wife roleplay???? "Hey, did you know his type is blondes. Hey did you know he likes his women pretty and blonde. Hey did you know he likes her hair. Hey did you know that he teases her 24/7 and it’s one of the few things that consistently gets him grinning because he finds her reactions cute." Like a schoolyard bully pulling on the pigtails of the girl he likes.
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It’s not like they have any thematic narratives or relevance. It’s not like she’ll live to 1000 and has existential dread about it while he’s logically gonna be her next friend to die at 50 and wether it’s romantic or platonic it’ll terrify her to lose him. It’s not like it’s fear of death x fear of rejection so they’re both obsessed with the thought of loss looming, past and ongoing. It’s not like it’s half-elf x half-foot and there’s an inherent journey that was and still is to dispel prejudices and truly come to see each other. It’s not like he’s painfully real and raw and flawed but still a good man, that he’s not the figure of prince charming that she’s always dreamed of while still being virtuous and worth fighting for. Or you know, her hair being golden and it being the epitome of beauty to him, and his hair turning silver and it being Marcille’s worst nightmare.
Just a weird wacky ship who means nothing but shallow things to people who have weirdo reasons for liking it. Like can you not. If you’re not imaginative enough to think of reasons why this ship may have an appealing dynamic that’s not my issue. But yes, yes, they’re both flat asses to me, thanks.
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i just read your ask about how zutaras think airbenders are racist, sexist, ect. and i'm like?? aren't air nomads canonically the most accepting of the 4 nations??? i don't know how accurate the avatar universe wiki is (it's one of the most expansive wikis i've ever seen for a fandom), but it says it there.
Even if we don't take the wiki or anything except the show itself into account - nothing in the show itself indicates they were racist, sexist, etc.
But you know what nation is confirmed to be very fucking racist, and there's hints of it being a least a little sexist? The Fire Nation. The one that commited genocide towards both the air-nomads and Southern Water Tribe.
Zutarians are constantly going on and on about how their ship is more "complext and adult", yet lots of them are TERRIFIED to engage with aspects that would make it a complex, adult, very messy dynamic - aka the fact that Zuko is not only a direct descendent of the guy that started the war (Sozin), of the guy that was responsible for the raids on Katara's tribe (Azulon), and of the guy that order her best friend's capture/death (Ozai) but he also took A LONG time to realize "Holy shit, what my family is doing is terrible" and was in fact constantly putting Katara and her friends in danger, helped Azula get the upper hand in Ba Sing Se and thus kill Aang, then sent an assassin after them to finish/repeat the job later.
There's also the fact that, due to their immaturity, they think they HAVE to hate Aang just because they don't him and Katara together, and it can make them look really bad to hate on the sole survivor of a genocide while praising the prince that was trying to help his nation get rid of said last survivor.
They could deal with that by doing stuff like making modern AUs to avoid the war thing, or actually addressing the complexity of the situation, or being mature enough to say "I dislike Kataang/Aang as a character, but obviously Zuko was an objectively worse person back when he was supporting literal genocide."
Instead they decide to make the air-nomads look like "asshole victims" to reduce sympathy for them and Aang, pretend the SWT and the NWT are exactly the same to make it look like Katara felt oppressed by her own family and culture instead of being traumatized by their death, and pretend the Fire Nation is not only the "feminst nation" but also that said feminism would TOTALLY extend to the girl they were taught to see as being part of an inferior race just because there's a new guy in charge.
Zutarians tend to only acknowledge the elephant in the room when it's for the sake of a fetish or extra drama (see the non-con fics or "Slave/Concubine Katara" fics), or when they are genuinely fucking clueless/racist and think "Oh, it wasn't so bad" and say as much openly.
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swordsandarms · 1 year
Saw this post by @queenaryastark and just wanted to add my two cents in spite of the problem always having been that people just want things to be what works better for them and "to make sense" in a simplified way and don't want to hear otherwise-
There are a very few things known about Elia Martell - that the author finds relevant enough to even share with us about a small background character - and yet one of those few things is that she had a good relationship with her arranged husband (political, non-romantic and all, "complex", but he took the time to outline that it was not one of those cases when these things have negative connotations). The only other relationship I can think of that he finds relevant enough to be known the quality of is that with her brothers - because it is a key element to the Dornish plot, no less. And he places her dynamic with Rhaegar beside it!
# No, we do not know that she was best friends with Ashara and depended on her and that she would have done anything out of love and how she was angry because her life was actually awful because of her husband! (she's merely one of a dozen ladies in waiting - a political position meant to benefit one's noble family - who just happens to be the only named one, and that for other plot reasons than Elia)
# No, we do not know that Rhaella loved her dearly and hated her son and thought he was so awful and they both see him as awful and (a silly puerile little fic that made me laugh once) wanted to make her "Crown Princess" ...instead .... somehow! We don't even know if they had a relationship. They didn't live in the same city, and Rhaella's day to day life is heavily monitored and controlled at ths point in her life. It's questionable whether they could even be in any amount in eachother's confidence, hence, even through letters, even if you take out the distance.
We don't even know what kind of relationship she had with her own mother. People just want it to be good. They don't want details like putting a daughter with frail health in a very dangerous situation no matter how "responsible" Rhaegar turned out to be for ambition and spite against a political adversary to speak of anything negative. And I'm not saying it is a must for it to have been negative. What I am trying to get to is people are trying to write any other relationships of hers we know nothing about, or might not exist, or might actually have negative correlations from as much as we know as definitely deep and good and rewrite the only other relationship we are given other than her brothers that we are actually told what it was, and make it bad and weak instead. We don't know her dynamic with her own mother to be good, yet we know it is with Rhaegar.
It is a noted fact in the story, and the fact that the author cares little or not at all about others on the other hand but this was noteworthy to write makes it significant, too. And it isn't even a matter of being isolated and lonely and making do because she has no one else to have a pleasant relationship with. She is surrounded by men and women alike, Dornish no less, loyal to her, and they also get along with Rhaegar.
And if we are to take most of Dany's vision of them as real (as there are details like him seeming to talk to her at the end that may be skewy) then they are on good terms until nearly the end. If fanon that claims she hated him/thought herself as slighted and humiliated after the flower crown were true, then this would actually do characterise her as a simpleton/'doormat' instead, which there being an understanding behind his action would not and it doesn't seem to me that the author wants Elia a simpleton.
Yeah, yeah, consequences of his actions ultimately hurt her, though. And so people walk backwards then on the apparent idea that if someone's actions hurt you in any circumstances, then it can only be willful, and someone doing something that ends up hurting someone can only be an 'abuser' and such. All over the place, there are dramatic fanon theories about these two to rewrite what is canon of their dynamic as 'abuser' and 'victim', so that it would simplify the concept of his actions indirectly hurting her.
Canon doesn't support that. Canon gives the fact that he removes his arranged wife from the capital where there is the danger of his father, although that means the removal from the centre of political power, during a very tense political dynamic (literally described as 'like before the Dance'!). Canon says that when Aerys' cruel actions start a Rebellion, and he removes Elia and her children from the relative safety of Dragonstone (with authority no one can undo), Rhaegar comes forth to lead Aerys' armies. And fanon (against previous signs) paints it as him being a one-dimensional evil creature (from the author praised to write things complex) who cares not about fighting Lyanna's family or his lawful spouse and children being in danger near that man... rather than the fact that he is known as looking out for Elia's safety from his father, told to have had his last straw after said father rejects his daughter that he seems to have inspired love and trust in - hence the likelihood of him being caught in between and having no more choice than Dorne. Less, because he also has to go against the family of the girl the author says he's 'lovestruck' about also, because Aerys is dangling Elia and the children, that the author cared to give hints he cares about. Or the fact that he hints of having reached THE breaking point about his father as a follow-up fact at this point through Jaime's memory.
"Are you saying she was complicit in endangering herself? On purpose?"
It is very exhausting to hear such a train of thought from people who supposedly read books, and understand how conflict works, and that being a 'realistic story' with complex characters it means they don't know/understand everything and things are out of their control and happen unexpectedly.
That's how you get ridiculous theories such as "Rhaegar then planned it all to go exactly how it went and knew each thing that would happen and it was for some magical mass sacrifice or whatever!!" Because this is how things work. People make plans and it happens exactly as they expect, bullet points and all. And you'd have millions claiming that's a good writer who does well foreshadowed 'shocks' that the character would not know about and needs to be re-read to fully comprehend and appreciate.
Yeah, it doesn't mean that the plans and goals they may have had would be summarised as 'choosing Rhaegar mistresses from a catalogue' the way I saw it put somewhere. Yeah, that is dumb. But if we don't have the information on characters' train of thoughts from a point in time we don't fully understand, it doesn't mean it is fine to change base facts (the relationship of the two) to make a simple version that explains it away.
"Are you saying she is dumb to think this or that would work certain ways, whatever they thought they were doing/going towards for whatever reasons?"
Again, are we even reading books here? Have we not seen smart characters (sometimes older than these 2) making certain sound sounding choices with certain predictions at the time, and in the end none working out and everything falling apart? Don't we applaud it as good writing? Isn't Varys for example cathegorised as one of the BIG manipulators of history and planner, yet what we hear from people working for Young Griff is the frustration of plans changing all the time because what he predicts/wants/plans doesn't work as intended multiple times?
And since we're on the topic and fanon has mythologised characters like her into ridiculous heights, let's stop for a second to think who Elia Martell would be as a (actually honest) baseline. Young, inexperienced, sheltered by privilege as anyone of her rank and more so for her own health (according to her brother), very optimistic sounding, etc. Yes, most likely intelligent (described as witty), but it doesn't change the implications of the previous qualities. Rhaegar is also most of that (at least idealistic if not optimistic) - though I would say he would at least have the perspective of "harsh realities" due to his family situation, while hers was a loving one as far as we're concerned. So, yes, she could have even made/agreed with "naive plans" as well as him, and they could even have been intelligent about it too, as they both seemed to have been, but it being beyond the point because the world works chaotically and there's no smart enough character that never had plans go wrong ever in ASOIAF.
Another thing that I mentioned but want to emphasise again, though it is hard to believe that a fandom that wouldn't give a break even to characters 16 and younger for 'miscalculations' and not having it all figured out and not doing everything perfectly is... they are both young, too! I don't know what's the overall age demoraphic in this fandom, but it always baffles me that this is not addressed - early 20s is clueless, young, and inexperienced. If one is past it they should know it. There are way too many young characters I guess to conceptualise that (but, again, it is not like this fandom give the VERY young characters a break also so I don't know), but it is very odd when these two are seen as 'very adult' who should have known better (Rhaegar) or knew 100% everything like some 'hit by godly visions' Cassandra (Elia), especially, again, when you account for both being inexperienced and privileged. The 16 and lower characters we know would rank above them both (especially sheltered Elia!) simply by actually being forced into learning experiences.
All in all, whatever the details are or how things can be explained from that point on, people have to accept the fact that the writing makes it more understandable that they would have been 'in cahoots' rather than a cartoonish evil being and a young woman without agency whatsover that is cutie pieing with the man who she is also angry at for doing some great misdeed against her.
Would she think otherwise by the end, when all fell apart? Would there be targeted hate and blame? We can theorise either way, but I am thinking how Lyanna is theorised as such in spite of the author writing roses in her hand when she dies in the same wavelength as writing her brother's hand holding hers - just like we only know of noteworthy positive relationships in Elia's life being a brother and Rhaegar, to the writer.
Sorry, but we're reading a story, and if you don't like what the author writes and implies it's fine. But at the same time you are wrong by default in 'predictions' as to what he would write next instead.
"You are victim blaming if Elia thought or did anything ever than being a silent perfect victim who just had things happening to her while having the foresight of a God and the wisdom of a 100 years old and if it were up to this sheltered inexperienced early 20s woman she would have REAISTICALLY Mary Sued her way through it and everyone would agree and kiss her feet. REALISTICALLY!!!"
No, you are. This fandom is famous for victim blaming (young) female characters most of all who have no control over circumstances around them, not being able to predict the future, not having experience, or just mean well and think better of the world, as long as they are anything but 'perfect victims' whose whole act is expcted to be being pitiful stoned mummies that things happen to, and are held up to unfair standards by the heavy in expectations pedestal that's supposed to be a compliment.
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mrgaretcarter · 1 year
This is going to be long and sort of a bummer, so if you’re enjoying this season of Ted Lasso and are satisfied with Ted and Rebecca’s individual and joint storylines don’t let me ruin it, just scroll past.
Right out the gate I’ll say, this references up to 3x09, maybe the last 3 eps will turn everything around and it’ll all be wonderful once more, I sure hope it, I just gotta to get my right now feelings out of my chest, okay?
So, I’ve been unsatisfied with this season in general for a while, but this is just going to be about Ted and T/R: for the past couple days I’ve been chatting with people a lot trying to figure out what the actual problem with them is, because it’s not just that I haven’t been enjoying it on the show, it’s that I haven’t been able to access them in my own head, not even to daydream, and yesterday I think I finally got it.
At first I thought the problem was the distance, you know, no scenes together, nothing to jolt the imagination, and that’s definitely part of it, but I realized that, at the moment, it’s not just that. The problem, the real problem, is Ted. I just don’t really like him right now, and I know that sounds harsh, but I don’t know what else to say!!
My favorite thing about Ted was the fact that he was nurturing. I know we all say he is such a Dad™️ (and he is), but for real, what he actually is, is motherly. I know that sounds nuts, but even if nobody consciously thinks this, that is how he is interpreted; it’s in the fic, it’s in the art, it’s in the meta, but I’m not gonna get into explaining my reasoning there, cause my point is just that I love that about him!
Straight male characters can be providers and protectors (and Ted is that too, to an extent), but only very rarely are they nurturers, very rarely are they primarily home and hearth (right now the only other popular example I can think of is Peeta Mellark, and sooo many people did not like him for exactly those traits!), so it was interesting and exciting to me that Ted had these characteristics! And I say had because we haven’t seen that from him, as in, we haven’t seen him take care of others in a significant way, in forever.
Mind you, he was isolated for most of s2 as well, but we had a very clear reason for it then, but now? He’s had a couple good coaching moments this season, one good speech, he’s still a leader and a point of reference, but he hasn’t been nurturing (not even with his actual literal son lately).
This’s been the problem with him to me. I feel like this Ted lacks the very thing that made me love him, and who (I thought) he was, was an essential part of me shipping him and Rebecca, because the thing she needed most was that care.
The fact that I thought that he was so hungry to give, while she was so starved is the very thing that was appealing about them, but he hasn’t cared for her since I couldn’t even say when (funeral?), and what’s worse, it’s not just her, it’s everyone. He’s been completely on his own, so I haven’t even been able to imagine him that way anymore, which means I have no recent point of reference to extrapolate from in order to make up my silly little scenarios, so you can see how frustrated I am! (Feels important at this stage to say, to those who don’t know me, that I’m quite attached to canon, I need a foothold to picture things).
The other thing that makes this worse is that Rebecca has remained consistent. She still cares about him. She checks in, she worries, she asks after him, she’s eager to help him and does. She is still pulling her weight, but Ted is nearly a blank. He said “Our run-ins” and then all he did was criticize her about the Rupert stuff, and don’t get me wrong!! I’m not stupid, I know he was right and that her resentment and obsession would only bring her down, I’m glad he held her accountable in that way, but I wish he would’ve also had her back at the same time instead of just offering the moral lesson.
Also, I ship them, obviously, but none of this is even inherently romantic, I just wish they were important to each other again, which I’m sure even people who believe they’re only friends and platonic soulmates would agree with. And if I can’t have that, I’d at least like to have Ted feel like himself.
Anyway, I hope this makes sense, pleeeease don’t be mean to me, and again, maybe the last 3 will make me change my mind completely, I definitely would like to enjoy the final stretch.
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asexual-society · 10 days
Just looking for some advice about how to tell my best friend I’m aroace. I was trying to find a way to ask other people in the community and found this blog so I hope it’s okay to ask. I do apologise if it’s not.
About three years ago, I tried telling her. I hinted at it, but in the end, I was too scared to actually tell her. I have two other really close friends that know, but one of them figured out I was ace before I did haha. They’re both very understanding of me due to their respective identities.
Recently, it’s been eating at me more and more. I write fanfiction and have been really wanting to explore aroace characters. We are actually co-writing a fic now and she’s one of my beta readers too. One of the characters I write the most about gives me major aroace vibes and I want to write about it and discuss with readers about it. The problem is that she reads my stuff. She’s supportive like that.
I’m just scared about her reaction is all. I don’t particularly care about what my family thinks because I have no intention of telling them. Not out of fear or anything, but for other reasons that don’t really matter at this point in my life. It’s my best mate I’m worried about :/ I don’t want her perception of me to be changed nor do I want her to start saying things like “you haven’t met the right person” or whatever.
This was long. I’m sorry 😭 I kept it anonymous because even though she doesn’t have tumblr, she knows my account and I’d rather not risk her seeing this :)
Hey Anon, I'm not gonna lie, I hate coming out. I've been putting off coming out to some people closest to me for so many years. But on the other hand! I totally understand having a hard time ripping the plaster off, and the feeling of it eating at you, so I can give you a couple of low-confrontation methods that might work in a pinch, and a couple of slightly scarier options and how to deal with them in case you're feeling brave?
You said she knows your blog but doesn't have tumblr, so you could try posting more about aroace stuff on here, or put it in your bio. That way, since she doesn't follow you, the chances of her seeing it are low enough that you have plausible deniability that you didn't think she would see it, and if she does, you were Definitely just about to tell her. Effectiveness: 3/10, she might not see it, in which case you'll be worrying about it for nothing.
A similar vibe of coming out is letting someone else do it for you. This only works if you have mutual friends, either online or irl. You don't have to be there when it happens, but I find it's less unpleasant if you are; finding out someone has outed you after the fact is for sure worse, even if you intended it to happen, but someone else offhandedly bringing it up takes the power out of your hands, which is scary in a different way, but it can technically work. Effectiveness: 5/10, it'll do, but it will not feel good. Requires mutual friends. If one of your friends is a loudmouth with no filter it might even happen organically at some point, but you can't count on it, so if you are there (even just in groupchat form) being able to steer the conversation in that direction might give you the small push you need to say it yourself, since it's way harder to just bring it up out of the blue by yourself, and also having another already supportive person present who has your back always helps. Effectiveness: 8/10, getting onto the topic might be hard, but having moral support is good. Requires mutual friends.
Similarly, you could engineer a situation where you're coming out to her and one other person who you know will be supportive (or you're already out to, if you're okay with a little deception) at the same time. She can't say anything shitty if there's someone else already there being cool about it. You don't even have to be coming out to the other person, you can just mention it while they're there (so it works the same as the above, except a little more intentional). Effectiveness: 8/10, points deducted for deception, but if it gets the job done, does it matter? Requires mutual friends.
Bargaining. Set yourself a deadline and have people to hold you accountable to do it. Effectiveness: 3/10, absolutely would not work on me, will probably not feel good, could be the kick you need to do it but only if your brain works that way.
Come out to someone else first and use the momentum to tell her right after. Works best if the first person you tell isn't close enough to you that it'll be really bad if they suck about it, but if they do suck, you can use that as a jumping off point to tell your friend (e.g. I told someone I was aroace and they said XYZ shitty thing), and you can sneak in an example of something that was hurtful that your friend will know to avoid saying. And if they don't suck about it (fingers crossed!), it could give you the confidence and boost you need to tell your friend. Effectiveness 6/10, requires you to come out twice as many times. You may be able to substitute in someone else being aphobic but not directly to you as a jumping off point instead.
You could try testing the waters by mentioning that you headcanon the character as aroace and seeing her reaction, if you haven't already, and then you can say "I sort of relate to them actually" and see where that gets you? Effectiveness: 5/10, high chance of backing out at the last minute, high uncertainty means this might be the scariest option.
If you have ways of making yourself do scary things already, do as many of those as you can, but if not, I can tell you that when I want to do something I'm low key terrified of but I know will help me in the long run, I write myself a letter to open as far in the future as I feel like (there are websites you can use for this), and I tell me-of-the-future about what I want to do and that I'm scared about it, and then I imagine them reading it and imagine how it'll be by then if I haven't done it yet, and how much better it'll be for them if I do.
Sometimes it's really hard to do things for ourselves, but imagining you're doing them for you-of-the-future gives yourself enough distance that you can convince yourself that you're actually doing it for someone else. It might also help to imagine that you of the future will be proud of you for doing it, and this is a pretty instantaneous reward situation, because you get the little kick of someone being proud of you before you do it just for deciding to do it, and then as soon as you've done it you get to be proud of yourself. Effectiveness: 8/10, high risk-high reward, will feel really good if you do it, but you have to do it.
If you're still worried about her saying specific unsupportive things, coming up with a few good responses to the most likely ones that you can use in the moment without even thinking can take some of the power away from her (or anyone else) saying them. If your friend is only attracted to one gender you can use the "how do you know you just haven't met the right [person of gender she isn't into]?" or "it hurts me that you think I don't know myself well enough/that you don't trust me to know this about myself". If someone you come out to isn't supportive you are legally allowed to be petty or guilt trip them, if they know you're not just gonna back down when they try to disagree with you, it shows you're serious, even/especially if you wouldn't normally go on the offensive like that. Effectiveness: ?/10, depends on your personality and how assertive you are, and can be difficult if you're worried about confrontation with your best friend, but it could just be what needs to be done, and is likely but not certain to get your point across.
I'm not saying all of these are good methods, but they are definitely methods that you could use. And hey, if you do it, let us know how you did it and how it went!
Best of luck, I hope you figure it out <3
~mod key
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Love your writing! I have a request for Florence and reader where the reader gets their tonsils out, and Flo uses the opportunity to cook for them. Homemade soup, jello, ice cream. Also, maybe some cuteness where Florence is constantly reminding the reader not to speak and gives them a whiteboard to use to communicate, and the reader keeps drawing cute little pictures for Florence on it. 😊
── ⋆。゚☁︎ 𝗻𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲 𝗳𝗹𝗼
paring: florence pugh x gn!reader
tag(s): fluff, established relationship, flo being a really good nurse to r, short blurb, sfw
warning(s): grammatical errors, unedited, not proofread, language
word count: 0.7k
note: Thank you, anon. TBH, I had to do some research on tonsillectomy so that was fun. I really hope you like it. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you enjoy! <3
requests are open! + check my rules here <3
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[this pic has nothing to do with the fic but she just looks so good and cute and girlfriend material. I love her so much]
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Recovering from a tonsillectomy was a really shitty process, but at least Florence was right beside you. 
The sore throat was killing you; the fact that you couldn't speak without feeling your throat setting on fire was getting annoying; and that feeling of fullness in it due to swelling was driving you mad. But nurse Florence was taking care of everything for you. 
She wouldn’t even let you get out of bed, something that you were actually capable of, but she insisted that you’ll stay there and ring the bell she handled you before, so you wouldn’t have to scream to call out for her.
You actually didn’t mind playing this little game of hers. You like having her full attention, and that didn't happen quite often because of her work, so you were going to make the most out of this situation.  
“Okay. Here you go, little one,” she said, entering your shared bedroom, where you had been ever since you came back from the surgery.
She was holding a bowl which you assumed contained your lunch. The doctors were really specific about what you could have and what not, so now your diet pretty much consisted of baby food. But it was a good kind of baby food, since Florence was the one who cooked everything for you. She would cook you homemade soup, jello, your favourite smoothies and, of course, applesauce. She even decided to make some homemade ice cream since you loved ice cream so much and to reduce the swelling. 
“What did we say about taking?” she cut you off. 
You playfully rolled your eyes at her and reached for a whiteboard, which she gave to you along with the bell so you could write what you wanted to say. You grabbed the marker and scribbled a few words, Florence waiting patiently. 
“Oh, you’re very welcome, darling. I love you even more,” she said once she read your message covered in little hearts. She chuckled when she noticed a tiny little drawing in the corner which she assumed was the two of you. 
After having lunch, you and Florence decided to play ‘Uno’, which soon turned out to be a terrible idea since you were really competitive and you would often shout things and Florence didn’t like that you were using your voice, since doctors told you to try not to. 
“Y/n, use the goddamn whiteboard,” she said, gently smacking your arm.
“Sorry, but I think I’m getting better,” you quickly mumbled. Still you grabbed it and started doodling something. 
Florence tried to pick over it to see what you were doing, but soon enough you finished it. You showed it to her and she saw the whiteboard covered with cute little drawings of her. There was also one that, by the way she was dressed, she assumed it was Yelena Belova, the character she played in the MCU. You noticed the drawing made her blush, but you didn’t say anything about it.
“You’re so cute. But are you really getting better?” she said, getting closer to you. 
“Yeah, I think beating your ass here is a really good remedy,” you tried to hold your laugh, she smacked your arm once again, playfully rolling her eyes at you. 
But it was the truth, ever since you two started playing you didn’t feel that fullness in your throat, and even though it was still a bit sore, it wasn’t that bad that you couldn't talk. 
“Then come here, you idiot,” she pulled you from your shirt and connected her lips to yours. 
It felt like you hadn’t felt her lips on yours in years, when in reality it was only a few hours. Her soft lips fit into yours perfectly, still it wasn’t a proper kiss since Florence didn’t want to harm you in any way, so before it became all too much for the two of you she pulled away from you, much to her dismay. 
“Okay, enough kissing. Would you like some ice cream, my love?”
“I would love to,” you pecked her lips once more before she ran to the kitchen to get said ice cream. 
Nurse Flo was the absolute best. Before she returned, you started some new drawings. Since the first ones made her blush, you figured you should do some more just to see her pink cheeks again. 
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Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated! <3
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flamedraco · 3 months
c!Wilbur Redesign
This is my compromise to the current situation regarding Shubble and the speculation surrounding Wilbur. This is coming from a fanfiction writer who has always, and always will, see the CCs as nothing more than voice actors for their characters. Buckle in, this is going to be a long one. But please read all the way through. If you don't know, recently Shubble came forward with a video about how she was in an abusive relationship. And she dropped some hints because she wants people to speculate about who it is. Wants to make sure that a person with bad intentions can't get away with more bad things. A lot of people are speculating that, due to said hints and previously established crush that he had on her, Wilbur is the person who abused her. Now personally? I do not believe this. It's hard for me to believe that Wilbur would do something like that. I don't like the idea of hopping on the hate train or immediately jumping to cancel someone. So I will be waiting for real facts and confirmation before saying anything regarding the CC. A lot of the speculation doesn't make sense to me logically and I also never got the chance to see the video before it was deleted. This is not me calling Shubble a liar. I 100% believe her and my heart goes out to her completely. She doesn't deserve being treated horribly, nobody does. The situation I'm hearing she went through is a wretched thing and I will not TOLERATE people insulting her or saying that she should just say who it was. That shit is not okay and never will be okay. HOWEVER! I will NOT stop writing Wilbur's character. A little fact about me is that when I came into this fandom, it wasn't because I watched the CCs. It wasn't because I was interested in MCYT. The reason I came here was because a very close friend of mine asked me to cowrite a fic with them. At the time the only fandom we really shared even vaguely was DSMP. I knew very little about it but I knew some things. I let my friend choose the ship. They chose TNT Duo. And it's thanks to that friend that I wrote Arsonist's Waltz. That I started to adore Quackbur and wrote my most well known fic, You Were Never Meant to be a Hero. And thanks to YWNMTBAH I made so many cherished friends. It's all because of these two little characters that still have me in a chokehold even though I've been writing them for quite some time now. And that's why I can't simply let go of Wilbur's character. But regardless of my ability to separate the Cs from the CCs, for some people that distinction is harder. The CCs to me are just glorified voice actors. For other people it's harder. They can separate the characters from the content creators just fine, but this situation hits them close to home. And it hurts. So, this is my proposed solution, brought to my attention by a friend who was heavily affected by this situation, but loved the work she was doing and didn't want to have to let it go. C!Wilbur doesn't have an actual canon design. When you think about it, the only thing we have to go off of is his Minecraft skin. Something that, when you think about it, doesn't tell us much about the character at all. There is no canon design because most of what we see as "canon" is based on the CC, not the character himself. When you look at c!Wilbur, the skin, does he have an eye color? Do we know his height? What about his hair length? His build? What do we actually know about this character outside of the clothing on his back and the personality his actor gave him? And when you make an AU everything changes. From now on? My c!Wilbur design that I'll use as a baseline for most of my fics is a 6ft man with heterochromia. One eye blue, the other teal. He's going to have brown curly hair that dips just below his shoulders and a light scar over one of his eyes. Sometimes he'll have freckles because what the fuck can we tell from a Minecraft skin anyways? He wears black nail polish because why not? Slay.
I already treated him and c!Quackity like glorified OCs already. Why not further OC the glorified OCs? So what if they aren't a faithful adaptation? How can anyone say what is and isn't "faithful" when we're talking about BLOCK MEN. Make them eldritch. Make them supernatural. Make them whatever kind of hybrid you want them to be! I'll die on my Magpie!Wilbur and Shrike!Quackity hill! Give them different eye colors and let them dye their hair sometimes, I'm going to make the white streak PINK because TWINS DUO and CHERRY BLOSSOM TRIPLETS! Give your Phantom!Wilburs green eyes and glowing blood! Give your Shapeshifter!Wilburs more hair and eye colors! Do what you want because the character has no actual canon design. Go wild with your AUs and remember that you're doing this for fun. For your enjoyment. Don't conform to what someone else wants from you just because your adaption, your interpretation, "isn't the real Wilbur". The characters are what we make them. Because the reality of the situation? They are literally just blocks in a cube game. There is no canon design. Don't let the actions of some asshole ruin what you love.
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lili0writes · 2 years
Can I pretty pls have a Rebecca x reader fic where the reader is on the chubbier side and Rebecca is asking them out.
I adore the idea of her liking ppl who are on the pudgy side and how cuddly she'd be with a chubby s/o.
Thanks again your work rocks btw 💕💕💞💞💞
Rebecca with a chubby s/o
Note: Thanks for requesting! It might take a while to finish a request because I only have free time on the weekends. But if anyone wants a fic like this but with a different character please let me know!
TW: mention of fat shaming, violence, body dysmorphia
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Before she asked you out you were way more insecure about your weight. And Rebecca knew this.
She was really happy that you started being more comfortable with the way you look. Especially with the fact that she liked the way you look
She likes to poke your tummy whenever you lay down with her, and she loves your reaction when she pokes you.
If you have a round face she kisses your cheeks all the time!
If someone would ever insult you, mock you or anything of the sort she would go ballistic. Especially if it doesn't come from a friend.
She would either shoot them to pulp, or scream at them like no other.
When she would comfort you about it, she would tell you how cute she found your chumminess and she would rub her face against your tummy.
Today in the evening, Rebecca was at your house hanging out with you. Which wasn't abnormal, but you were planning to confess your feelings to her.
Little did you know she would beat you to it.
You were sitting on you're couch watching a movie, like you usually did in your free time. While watching the movie, you were eating some takeout you got from a near by food stall. Occasionally laughing or commenting on the movie
When the movie was over you invited her to stay the night, and she was happy to obliged.
You gave her some clothes she could sleep in, and decided to get comfortable while she changed.
Your head was in a spiral of thoughts and worries, then you suddenly feel the bed sink beside you. When you look over you see Rebecca with her usual smile spread across her face. You smile back at her.
"You knowww.. I would totally take you out if you were into girls" she said with a teasing smile.
Your face burns bright red from her comment out of the blue.
But you were into girls.
Although you felt like you won the lottery, you didn't believe her. You thought she couldn't possibly mean that. She had been flirtatious before but nothing more than friendly teasing. Or that's what you thought.
"Beca you really need to stop mocking me you know." You said while elbowing her in the side.
"What if I wasn't mocking you? You really don't take me seriously? You're mean you know!" She said with a sinister smile while giving you a side eye.
You didn't know what to say. What if she wasn't joking? What if she was actually asking you out? What are you supposed to say to that?
Instead of answering, you decide to ask about your concern.
"Do you mean that..?" You ask with doubt clouding your expression.
She doesn't say anything for a while. You start worrying. What if you just made the most regrettable decision of your life? Did you just lose your chance of going out with her?
"Well, fuck yeah I would! You're really hot!" She said with enthusiasm
You stayed quiet. Face red and not knowing what to say. At this point you could tell she wasn't joking. Even with her joyfull personality, you could tell she wasn't joking about this.
"I.. I would go out with you too.." you said unsure of what came out your mouth.
She didn't say anything for a while. But then a wide grin appeared on her face. She pushed you over while jumping on you, she pushed her face into you neck. She left tiny kisses on your neck while giggling from the friction.
"So sense you would go out with, where are we going?" She said with giddiness in her voice.
"Well we could go out to eat tomorrow." You responded with a smile.
"My treat!" She said placing a long kiss on your cheek.
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rainsoakedphoenix · 1 year
I Hate You
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Pairing: calum ross x actress!reader
Requested by anonymous - could you do one where calum and actress!reader are doing a huge argument scene and rowan says “i hate you” or wtv and reader cries even tho it’s not scripted because they’re so close irl and it feels so real - I hope you liked this one! My Calum stories are becoming my most liked/requested fics lmao I don't blame y'all though he's awesome
Warnings: lil bit of angst, calum's Wednesday character being mean
"I can't believe you," Calum says to you as his character Rowan, slowly walking up to you from the direction of his bed. You take a few seconds to look back and forth deep into his eyes, pretending to be shocked at his sudden tone change.
"What are you talking about Rowan?"
"I trusted you. When I told you about my plan to kill Wednesday, it was in confidence," he walks closer and closer to you with each word, causing you to slowly back up into the bookshelf set up behind you, "and you went behind my back and told her what I was going to do."
"I don't think she's done anything wrong, Rowan, she deserved to know."
"It's not up to you to decide!" he raised his voice, "she's going to destroy the school someday, and my mother told me to stop her."
"Visions change all the time, maybe what she saw won't actually ha-"
And suddenly Calum's hand raised and you were lifted into the air by the mechanism hooked to you, back roughly hitting the bookshelf causing a few books to fly off.
"Stop talking!" he yelled as you were in the air, continuing the scene, "you mean nothing to me. I don't want your help anymore, I can do this on my own. So thanks for nothing."
"I hate you," he deadpans, staring right into your eyes as the script called for. But what you did next was in fact not in the script. You knew this was all for the show, but Calum was such a believable actor you couldn't help but succumb to your mind convincing you that this was real; that he really did hate you. And you softly cried hanging in the air.
Calum realized your eyes were becoming a little red, and his eyes widened slightly as he looked to the director as if to ask if he should go along with this.
"Cut!" Tim called, "get her down. We can take five and run the last few lines again."
Calum put his hand down as soon as the director started talking, running up to you to make sure you were okay. You threw your arms around his neck, crying a little harder into his shoulder. He placed his arms around your torso, rubbing a hand up and down your back for a minute to calm you down before pulling his head back to look you in the eyes.
"Are you okay?" he asked. You nodded, sniffling, before softly chuckling at him.
"I guess you're a little too good at your job." He smiled at that, though he shook his head slightly before responding.
"You know I could never hate you," he looks into your eyes as he says this, and you know he's being serious. Of course he is. Ever since you met him before filming started, you knew he would be one of your bestest friends. The cast as a whole were amazing people to be around; carefree, and funny, and kind, and you were grateful to be a part of this. Grateful you had met all of them, but grateful most of all for the friend you found in Calum.
He looks to Tim then, slowly detaching himself from you. "We're ready to go again." After another 30 seconds or so of getting the cameras ready to roll again and for you and Calum to get back into position, you're all set.
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chvoswxtch · 2 months
👋 hi, i'm back again already :)
i'm so glad i'm not alone in being completely feral for those set pictures. like it's insane what just seeing them has done to my brain chemistry. i saw them like an hour or so before i had therapy on wednesday and i felt like i was going insane for the rest of the day. the frank brainrot is real and i will be binge-reading ur fics again (bc i love ur portrayal of frank and i need that man in my life) and just UGH, i can't even explain how this man makes me feel without sounding fucking nuts.
and okay after finishing season two, i just, i have no words. i know that the fandom doesn't always love amy but genuinely, she has such a special place in my heart. and the lengths that frank went to protect her actually just made me want to sob. he absolutely melts my heart and i remember when i watched the start of season 2 all the way back in like september last year, i literally sobbed at the end of the first episode after he had that conversation about maria with the woman he met at the bar. like i am such a simp for this man, it's insane how emotional i get over it sometimes.
also i know you've watched criminal minds (the two fics u wrote were absolutely delicious btw) so i feel like you will understand this but pilgrim's actor being the same as will's just made it slightly hard for me to take him seriously. like the actor did a phenomenal job but i just couldn't help but see him as will. it was so jarring and also just a little bit funny. either way, i didn't hate the storyline as much as i thought but the connection between him and the schultz family did seem a little jarring? or like out of the blue? but i'm not sure if that's because of the writing or because of how long it took me to actually finish the show. but i think it was such an interesting way to connect the two plots even if it confused me?
then okay, like billy this season, he was a complete fucking psycho and usually ben barnes can make psychos be so hot but after he and dumont tried to like break frank by making him think he killed innocents, bro i was not on this man's side anymore. like i honestly was so mad at him. i haven't like been that mad at a character in so long, i was concerned for myself. honestly, i could have strangled billy in that moment. also dumont was just such a kind of dull character? i think the scene in like episode 12 when dumont and madani are having that conversation about like the trauma she (and billy and frank) went through was so good but that was like the most interesting i found her. i'd love to know your thoughts on her!
and like madani? i can't talk about madani without going too feral. like her and frank are my definition of bisexual panic. any time they are on the screen together, i go insane. the thought of the two of them actually is just- it's too much. i feel like madani doesn't get a lot of love in the fandom which always makes me sad because she is (to me) a literal goddess. but anyway.
i have so many more thoughts (mainly about how much i love frank and how fucking good a job jon does at portraying him) but this is already such a long message. i am SO sorry, i can do nothing but apologise
(the only reason it's so long is because none of my friends have actually watched the punisher so i have no one to talk to. sorry court <3)
i'm gonna ramble below the cut with you, please step into my office <3
those set pictures are ruining my life. like it still feels surreal that it's happening?? but i'm so happy they listened to the fans and seem to be taking the reboot seriously. also I know how protective charlie and jon are over matt and frank, so I trust they're making sure it's done right. akjdfhdfh you're too nice to me pls
I loved season 2, personally. it felt a little rushed, but I think that has to due with the fact that they planned more storylines and got cancelled because of the disney plus thing. I liked that we got to see a more fatherly side of frank with amy because it added so many more layers to his personality. we got to see it with the micro's kids, but we got to see it so much more with amy and I loved that
OMG WHEN WILL SHOWED UP I WAS LIKE SIR WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?? WHERE IS JJ??? it's so funny you say that bc the first thing I saw that actor in was a horror movie and then criminal minds but I always think of those two when I see him lmao. the pilgrim/schultz storyline was a little strange but again I think it's one of those things where they planned for more and weren't able to do it with the cancellation
I did not care for dumont's character at all to be candid. I don't really feel like she added much to the storyline. my main complaint about billy in season 2 is he still looked too pretty LMAO. like I get it, it's ben barnes, they can only do so much, but frank rocked his shit too hard for him to have a few scratches. I would've preferred to see him be more evil and psycho and bloodthisty for revenge but that's just me
DINAH MADANI THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE. she and frank are the definition of bisexual panic. she's just...like that scene of her and karen in the conference room when she's asking her if she knows anything about frank being alive?? karen is a stronger woman than me bc I would've let her bend me over that table. dinah doesn't get enough love in this fandom and that doesn't sit right with me and I feel it is my civic duty to keep the thirst for her alive
pls don't apologize! I am happy to chat about frankie anytime :)
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redthreadoffate · 5 months
the gift of communication
happy holidays to you, dear @citrus-cactus. i was your secret santa and i am very sorry this is so late. i was supposed to post this after one more check once i arrived but my parents told me that there was no need to bring my laptop, so here i am posting it using my ipad and i hope it still looks okay!
anyways, backstory aside, i do hope you enjoy this little thing i wrote! and i'm really sorry if this isn't what you had in mind. i had to re-watch some hurricane touchdown scenes to get wallace's character as good as i could, i would've watched the movie if i had the time so i super apologize if this isn't to your liking. i had a lot of fun writing it and i would really love to know your thoughts if you get the chance to give them :)
just a few notes in case you want to run ; editing mistakes here or there [there better not be…] // timeline is more on adventure 02 in between the ending and epilogue // this is not set in the same world as my other fics due to inspiration reasons // i will post this on ao3 soon // i tried my best to give the digimon feel and i think I achieved it, so…
…without further ado, i present to you this little fic. enjoy! have a merry christmas and a happy new year! 🥰
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the gift of communication | main characters ; wallace, terriermon, lopmon, daisuke motomiya | pairings ; slight wallace x daisuke (if you squint), mentioned takeru x hikari, mentioned taichi x sora, mentioned yamato x mimi | genre ; friendship | word count ; 3,598 | rating ; g
Terriermon and Lopmon were enjoying the company of their fellow digimons. They told each other stories, laughed, and even played a little. At some point, they fell asleep next to each other after consuming most of the food and drinks that Miyako had brought for them for the day. Terriermon had his head rested against Chibimon who was snoring softly while Lopmon was a few inches away from them.
The Chosen Children were gathered around in a circle, sans Ken who had told them that he would be late but promised to come as soon as he could. He mentioned something about helping his mom with some gift-giving in an orphanage.
“So, Wallace,” Daisuke started, his head turned to him. “Since when did you like coming here to Japan?” It made him suspicious as he remembered that Wallace had kissed Hikari once. He kissed her cheek, and Miyako’s as well, but it was still a kiss. “Are you here for anyone in particular?” But Daisuke also knew he was in denial about the fact that Hikari and Takeru had had some sort of unspoken romantic feelings for one another. “I heard there are more women in New York.” 
Wallace shrugged, simply ignoring Daisuke’s obvious accusations. “It’s a nice place to be in during the holidays. The spirit of Christmas is really taken seriously. Back in New York, people tend to be busy and get caught up with one another.”
“Looks like New York isn’t as cool as people say it is,” Iori said. “I’ve always thought it was a white Christmas there.”
Wallace nodded. “It sounds nice and it looks nice when you see it on tv and the movies but it isn’t spectacular or anything.”
“Nothing for you is ever spectacular,” Daisuke muttered. This made Hikari nudge him without much force and in turn made Takeru chuckle. “Either way, I’m glad you're here, Wallace. It’s been a while and I actually do miss you.”
Wallace’s eyes widened and his eyebrows raised. “You miss me?” he echoed. For him, that was a first for someone. “You. Miss me? You?”
“Am I not allowed to?” Daisuke raised an eyebrow.
Wallace smirked.
Daisuke narrowed his eyes. “Don’t push it.”
Miyako laughed. “Don’t mind him, Daisuke. It’s just Wallace being Wallace.”
“You don’t know much about me,” the American-raised boy defended. It was an absolute surprise to hear that from someone he had not had much interaction with in a while. “How could you say that?”
“We know enough,” Takeru spoke. “Like how you consider us as your friends. After all, you accepted our invitation to this gathering.”
Wallace did not reply. His mind was wondering how this group of friends suddenly thought that they were somehow close. It was not as if he did not like the group, he liked them a lot, especially after they helped him with Kokomon. But he needed to figure out how to handle this.
Hikari smiled at him. “Onee-san is throwing a surprise birthday party for Sora-san the day after tomorrow. You should go, it’d be really fun. We’ll be there, and I’m sure Terriermon and Lopmon would enjoy the company of being with more of their friends.”
“I’ll think about it,” he replied, still a little lost in thought. This invitation to her future sister-in-law’s surprise birthday party was, for him, a big step. He had not known much about them, yet they were thinking highly of him here.
What went into his head when he called Daisuke Motomiya yesterday to tell him that he was in the country, visiting for the holiday and seeing the sights with his mom.
He had called his home’s telephone, which made him feel anxious because he was not so sure what to say if it had been someone else who would answer. Luckily, it was Daisuke who took the call right away.
Was it because he was indebted? Because they helped him get Kokomon back? He did not think so, it could be more than that.
Just then, the door of Daisuke’s room opened and Ken appeared with Wormmom beside him. “I’m sorry for being late,” he said, bowing.
“Ken!” Miyako grinned. “The food’s almost gone, help yourself to what’s left, Wormmon.”
Ken chuckled nervously. “I’m sorry, Wormmon. I’m sure there’s still some good food somewhere there.”
“Of course! I always choose the best of the best,” Miyako said proudly.
Wallace watched as Ken walked from the door and sat down in between Miyako and Iori. They had briefed him of the former Digimon Kaiser. He felt the anger boil inside him as they told him the story, how could someone do that to digimons?
But they had assured him that Ken had changed and was very much on their side. He was a little skeptical, and truth be told he still was, but he told himself to watch out for Ken before he could make his final judgment.
“Hello,” Ken greeted. “You must be Wallace.”
He nodded. “Yeah. And you’re Ken, right? Ken Ichijouji?”
Ken nodded. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said, raising his hand.
Wallace blinked a few times before shaking his hand. “And it’s great to finally meet you.”
“Ken!” Wormmom called him. “This is Terriermon and Lopmon!”
The group all turned back. Ken had a smile on his face. “I hope Wormmon treats you well.”
Everyone laughed.
Iori said, “Try the new chocolate drink, Wormmon. I told Armadimon to hide one for you.”
“Here it is!” Armadimon held up the box.
“Thank you, Iori and Armadimon,” Wormmon said happily as he began to consume the drink.
Wallace watched as they looked at the worm-like digimon drink. Despite what had happened before, they welcomed Ken with open arms. It might take a while but he hoped he would fully forgive Ken and replace the thought of the poor digimons with happier faces. It sounded easier in thought but perhaps interacting with him more will be good for them both.
“This is so good, Miyako!” Wormmon exclaimed. He then dug into some snacks. “It's a good thing I didn’t eat before coming here.”
Wallace laughed. “That’s true, the food you brought really did make me feel full.”
Miyako grinned again. “I told you all! Wallace does like Japanese food.”
“Then I’m sure you’ll like the food that will be prepared for the party,” Hikari stated, smiling. “Please come.”
“I’ll think about it,” he repeated. But to be honest, he was very keen on going. “I’ll have to ask Terriermon and Lopmon first,” he added. “And my mom, of course.”
“Yes!” Terriermon and Lopmon shouted at the same time.
Hikari giggled. “I hope your mom says yes, Wallace.”
‘I hope so, too,’ he thought. He smiled at them. “Yeah, let’s see.” 
On the way back to the hotel, Wallace carried Lopmon as Terriermon sat on his favorite spot, Wallace’s head. Wallace had not spoken to either of them as they walked. This did not go unnoticed by his digimon partners.
Both Terriermon and Lopmon were looking at their human partner, then they would look at each other, then back at Wallace, and then make eye contact again, and the cycle repeated a few more times before both sighed.
“What’s got you thinking?” Lopmon asked, looking up at his partner. He touched his cheek and patted it a few times. “You’ve been quiet since we left Daisuke’s house.” He tilted his head. “Don’t tell me you didn’t have fun, Wallace. I know you did, everyone could see it.”
Wallace sighed and looked down at the brown digimon. “I’m just wondering about the party they invited me to. Invited us to.”
“What about it?” Terriermon questioned. “You want to go, don’t you? I saw the way you smiled, you seem excited about it.”
“I do,” he admitted. “I do want to go and it does seem pretty exciting.” But as they left the Motomiya residence, he had a sudden reflection about the other Chosen Children. “But what about the others? I don’t know much about them, they don’t know much about me. I’ll feel left out.” He was never really scared of being alone, but he found this situation different. Maybe because they all had something in common. “I don’t think it’d be fun if that was the case.”
Terriermon and Lopmon looked at each other.
“We’re sure Daisuke won’t leave you alone,” Terriermon said. “And neither will the others.”
“You can’t be sure,” Wallace said.
“Sure we’re sure,” Lopmon said. “They like you, Wallace. They won’t let you feel left out. I’m sure they’ll even introduce you to the others.”
Wallace bit his bottom lip. “I’ll ask Mom if we can go. It won’t be until the day after tomorrow, I don’t think it’ll be too sudden.”
“And besides, your mom will be happy you have friends here,” Lopmon added and Terriermon nodded in agreement.
That made Wallace smile. “Yeah, I think she will be.”
“Cheer up, Wallace.” Terriermon smiled. “I’m sure everyone will be glad if you go.”
He nodded. “Let’s go ask Mom then.”
Both Terriermon and Lopmon grinned. “Yay!” they exclaimed.
“You two do seem so excited about this,” Wallace said, chuckling.
“We want to see you happy,” Lopmon told him. “And we’re glad that you have friends here.”
Wallace smiled and nodded. Then, it dawned on him that in a few days, before Christmas day, he would have to leave the country and head back to New York. He had not told them this—they had not asked—but he would have to soon and it made him feel sad knowing that he would leave them behind. “Just when things were brightening up,” he murmured.
“What was that?” the two digimons asked in unison. “What did you say?”
Wallace shook his head. “It’s not something I want to talk about right now, and I don’t want to think about it yet either. Let’s just enjoy the rest of our stay here while we can. Japan is a nice place, let’s not ruin the vacation. Okay?”
The two digimons looked at each other for a few seconds before nodding as they shifted their eyes to Wallace. “Okay.”
As Wallace and the twins expected, his mother was very happy that he had made friends. “I didn’t expect this,” she admitted.
“They’re the same friends I told you about before,” he said. “I…missed them.”
“Is that why you wanted to come here for the holiday?”
Wallace nodded slowly.
His mother grinned. “I’m glad you’re finally letting yourself out there.” Then she tilted her head. “But how did you find them?”
“I asked for help from Mimi-san,” he answered. “You remember her.”
“Oh yes, that pretty girl you met back home.” She smiled.
“She’s in a relationship,” he immediately said, knowing where that smile was headed.
She giggled. “Alright then. When is the party again?”
“The day after tomorrow,” he replied. “A lot of people will be there. My friends and their older brothers and their friends as well. And Terriermon and Lopmon’s friends, too.”
“My, isn’t that a big party,” his mother said. “And you don’t know the others?” Wallace shook his head. “You won’t feel out of place?” Again, he shook his head. “You won’t be in the corner alone?” He let out a soft chuckle before shaking his head once more. He was suddenly so sure, surprisingly, that he would not be left alone by the group. Terriermon and Lopmon really do have an effect on him. “But you’ll have fun, won’t you?”
“I will,” he assured. “I know I will.” He knew very well that he would have a lot of fun. ‘I know I will,’ he repeated in his head. ‘I know I will.’
“That’s good. That’s all I needed to hear.” His mom grinned. “So what’s the theme? What will you wear? We’ll need to make a good impression on them. I know how you can be, Wallace.”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s like you have no faith in me.” His mother frowned. “I don’t know much. I’ll call Daisuke and ask for more information.”
“Okay. But remember to just tell me if you need anything. Anything at all.”
“Yes, Mom.” He smiled.”You’re just as excited as Terriermon and Lopmon.”
“We’re just very happy for you, Wallace.” His mother leaned to kiss his forehead. “My sweet boy, I’m really happy for you.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
When she straightened her body, she added, “I would very much like to meet your friends one day. Maybe invite them after the party. Perhaps the next day or the day after that?”
Wallace nodded. “Yeah, I’ll ask them. Will you be cooking?” He had always loved his mom’s cooking and was very proud of how others liked them as well.
“Of course, I need to make a good impression on them, too.”
They both laughed.
The day of the party had arrived and Wallace was quite nervous about it. He had kept himself composed and ready for the event the past day but he did not think about what would happen as he was on the way to the Takenouchi residence.
“Aren’t you excited?” Terriermon asked cheerily.
“I am!” Lopmon answered. “What about you, Wallace?”
Wallace put on a smile. “I am. I am excited. But I’m a little nervous, but I guess that’s a normal thing to feel when you’re about to meet a bunch of new people.”
Lopmon nodded. “Don’t worry, you’ve got us. We can leave anytime you want.”
“Thanks, guys.”
They continued to walk and then finally arrived at the condominium. As they entered, having made sure that Terriermon and Lopmon had returned to playing as stuffed animals, he walked to the receptionist and informed them that he was there for the surprise party in the apartment of the Takenouchis.
Just as the receptionist gave him the floor and room number, an unfamiliar voice called his name. “Wallace?”
He turned around and recognized the man in front of him. “Koushiro.”
The redhead smiled at him, his digimon partner in his arms. “That’s me.” He walked closer to Wallace and stopped just a few inches away from him. “Takeru-kun said you would come.”
“I was a little hesitant,” he lied, not wanting to sound too eager. “But I thought it would be fun to make new friends and, you know, hang out with them.”
“I’m glad you think so. I’m sure Taichi-san and the others would love to meet you. Mimi-chan is here already. I know you two are acquainted with one another.”
“Yes,” he said. “We met in New York one time, she recognized my partners.”
Koushiro nodded. “This is Tentomon.” Then he paused. “Let’s get going,” he said as he looked around the lobby. There were not many people but they still had to be careful.
The two, with their partners, rode the elevator going up. Wallace was getting a little more nervous now. He got a warm welcome from Koushiro, yes, but what about the others?
‘What’s got you hot and bothered by this, Wallace?’ he questioned himself. ‘This shouldn’t keep you on your toes.’
“They’re really nice,” Koushiro said, as if reading his mind. “My friends are really nice. You don’t have to worry about them. Not even Yamato-san can ruin your mood.”
“What do you mean?”
Koushiro smiled. “He’s been a handful before, but he’s become very mellow over the past few years. He smiles a lot more, too, ever since he started dating Mimi-chan.”
Wallace looked at him.
“I didn’t read your mind, if that’s what you’re thinking,” Koushiro added with a soft chuckle. “I just saw it in your body language.”
Wallace raised his eyebrows. He was always so calm, not once had he shown people his true thoughts and feelings. How did Koushiro know about this?
“I was like you before, back when I was young. Even before I met Taichi-san and the others. I hid myself behind my laptop, not once showing emotions. But when I started hanging out with them…it felt good, it felt nice. I felt like I belonged. That’s how great they are.” Koushiro looked at him. “Chosen Child or not, they’re nothing to be afraid of.”
Wallace grinned. “Thank you.”
They reached their floor and they quickly walked to the apartment. Not everyone was there yet but when Daisuke saw that Wallace had arrived, he grinned and walked over to him. “You came! You’re here!” 
Terriermon and Lopmon grinned as well. “Are the others here, too?” Terriermon asked.
“Of course,” Daisuke answered. “They’re at the back.”
Terriermon and Lopmon leaped from Wallace’s arms and ran down the hallway.
“They’re excited,” Koushiro said as he let Tentomon fly away. “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
Wallace gave him a nod while Daisuke’s eyes followed Koushiro’s steps. When he was in the kitchen, Daisuke grabbed Wallace’s wrist and dragged him to the living room. “You have to meet Taichi-san!”
Wallace’s heartbeat raced. He was about to meet the highly talked about Taichi Yagami.
They stopped in front of a young man whom Wallace knew all too well just basing it on pictures. “Taichi-san!” Daisuke greeted. Taichi looked back and gave Daisuke a questioning look before looking at Wallace. “Taichi-san, this is Wallace.”
“Oh, so you’re the Wallace Hikari-chan talked about.” He raised his hand and said, “Taichi.”
“It’s so great to finally meet you.”
Meanwhile, in the background, they ignored Daisuke’s question about Hikari talking about Wallace to her older brother.
“Sora will be here soon, I suggest you find a place to hide. Daisuke can lead you around. I’ll get to know you more later, alright?”
Wallace nodded. “Okay.”
Daisuke narrowed his eyes. “Hikari-chan talks about you.”
Wallace could not help but laugh. “Let’s find a place now. As Taichi said, Sora will be here soon.”
The surprise party was a success. Sora arrived with her mom and was shocked to see her friends surrounding her and shouting “happy birthday”.
Sora’s eyes teared up but she was smiling from ear to ear. “And I wonder who came up with the idea,” she said, giggling.
Taichi went up to her and intertwined his fingers with hers. “Take a wild guess.”
She giggled some more and gave her fiancé a kiss and everyone clapped. Then, Sora went over to hug and thank everyone in the room, including Wallace.
“It’s very nice to meet you,” she said when she stopped over to hug and thank him. “I’ve heard good things about you.”
For some reason, that made Wallace’s cheek turn pink. “I hope so.”
Sora smiled.
The party was still in full swing—that is, everyone was chatting with each other and the food and drinks needed refilling—when Wallace headed over to the balcony for some fresh air. He was just overwhelmed with how friendly the others were, how they welcomed him with open arms, and how comfortable he was with them. He hated that he would be leaving soon.
He has instructed Terriermon and Lopmon to play with the other digimons as he wanted to be alone for a while. The twin digimons seemed to have sensed it as they did not object to the request.
Just then, someone stood beside him, holding up two drinks, and offering one to him. Wallace did not bother to look up as he took the cup, he was actually thirsty but was not yet ready to go back inside. “Thank you.”
“If you just want to stay silent that’s fine with me, but let me stay here with you for a bit.”
Wallace nodded. “The party’s a success.” He looked back at the gathering behind him and then back to the horizon. “Taichi really loves her.”
“He does,” Daisuke said. “They’re in love.”
“How are you and Hikari?”
Daisuke sighed. “I’ll give up soon enough. She and Takeru have a lot of stuff going on, going around each and all. They have a history. They have the present. And,” he paused. Wallace could see how heartbroken Daisuke was about this. “And they have a future.”
Wallace pursed his lips. “There’s someone else out for you, I promise.” He placed a hand on Daisuke’s shoulder and rubbed it. “I know it.”
Daisuke smiled. “Thanks, Wallace. You’re a good friend, you know that?” He raised his hand and rubbed Wallace’s shoulder. “I know Mimi-san is missing a lot.”
Wallace shook his head. “Why does everyone think I’m into Mimi?”
“Uh, because it’s obvious? The way you keep looking at her? The way Yamato-san looks as if he’s about to start a fight soon.”
Wallace felt like he was shrinking. “I didn’t notice.”
Daisuke laughed. “Anyway.” He regained his composure. “I don’t want to ask but it’s bound to happen. When are you leaving?”
“Three days from now,” he answered, his head bowed down. “I don’t wanna leave,” he admitted. “I’m…having a good time.”
Daisuke nodded. “Yeah, I know you are.”
They stayed quiet until Daisuke ended it by asking, “What do you want for Christmas?”
Wallace cocked his head to the side. “What?”
“What do you want for Christmas?” Daisuke repeated. “You’re leaving three days before Christmas Day and I want to give you something before we part ways.”
Wallace was silent. Then, he took out his phone and handed it over to the man in front of him. “Can you give me your email?”
“My email?” Daisuke echoed.
“Yeah,” Wallace nodded, “I’d really like it if we talked some more. Even when I’m back in the US, I want to be able to communicate with you guys properly.”
Daisuke grinned. “You read my mind.”
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opinated-user · 11 months
I think part of why Lily dislikes Across The Spider-Verse is because Miguel O'Hara is everything Aliana could have been in the hands of a decent writer. Hypercompetent, stronger than everyone else, smarter than everyone else, haughty, respected, admired, accomplished, aggressive, hurt by things in his past, different from the other heroes, an extremist, and still sympathetic because the sheer scale of what he lost is so awful that you understand why he's snapped and become as messed up as he is. It doesn't excuse it but you can't deny that the trauma was bad enough to leave him with these control-freak tendencies and paranoia as coping mechanisms. We only have one movie with him but you feel for this man because he's clearly human and hurting despite how powerful and successful he is.
The difference is that Across The Spider-Verse is willing to write a conflict where both sides have a point. While we are later shown Miguel's theories about how the multiverse are incorrect, most of the evidence initially points to his theories being right, in which case he is a man trying to prevent massive loss of life. That he's willing to let someone the hero loves die to achieve that is horrifying, but it makes sense. Aliana's various murders always made me roll my eyes because they meant nothing and were often motivated by very little. This movie makes one possible murder feel incredibly high stakes by having even Miguel, who is resigned to letting it happen, not be enthused about it. "It has to be done, but I don't enjoy this" is a lot more compelling than "eh, why not?" as an attitude towards murder. We root for Miles but we also know that Miguel is motivated by the greater good, which is terrifying because a properly motivated Spider-Man is more or less undefeatable in most canons.
Aliana only sometimes escapes fair criticism by virtue of being a queer POC. Miguel O'Hara gets fair criticism but also a very substantial number of fans because he's well-written. Being Latino is a nice bonus, but unlike Aliana, he has more to him than just murder, power and looking cool. He's got attachments, he grieves, he reacts to trauma, he makes mistakes, and Aliana... well, she kills people, fucks Rey and kills some more until all the problems are gone.
Miguel is what a morally grey character should be: complicated, human, someone whose flaws make sense when you consider their backstory, powerful but not invincible, clearly motivated and in possession of virtues as well as flaws.
Aliana kills, tortures, assaults, is inserted into scenes more than Steven is into Steven Universe episodes, has no flaws or virtues, and has a backstory that does not impact her most of the time.
It must really suck to see someone write the same basic concept - overpowered morally grey POC with a tragic backstory who has risen to a position of power - and see them do it so well that people can't stop talking about him. Meanwhile, no one I know even finished Lily's fic because it's just so boring that it wasn't able to hold their attention and it was impossible to get attached to the characters.
i think it's also the fact that Miguel O'Hara actually lives the consequences of his own actions. that's the last thing LO ever wants for alina, because alina is meant to be her wish fulfillment fantasy and she doesn't want to suffer consequences. she just want a subservient obedient wife who will never disagree with her and let her win at pokemon.
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WYGTYA lines
@sheirukitriesfandom tagged me in this most wonderful tag game and I am so happy! Thank you for the tag :D Since WYGTYA is my longest work, I'm going to include lines from this fic of mine that I love so very much <3
A line from your fic that makes you laugh (not really a line, but it made me laugh while I wrote chapter 13)
“What on Nirn is a rock’s weakness?” He asks, casting a calm spell to no avail.
“Scissors?” Ravonna responds, chuckling.
“You think this is a good time for jokes? Master Neloth is going to kill me if he finds out!” 
“Scissors, that’s it! Big sword!” she says, the lightbulb of an idea almost visible above her head, making Talvas even more confused. 
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Wait here, I know just the thing!” She immediately levitates rapidly to the main tower, doing a backflip before entering.
"But paper beats rock!" Talvas shouts, but to no avail, Ravonna is already in the tower.
A line from your fic that makes you sad (of course it's a Miraak line, from chapter 6)
“I – yes. I just – ” but he has to turn around before the tears start falling down his cheeks. ‘Be a man’s man and don’t cry. Crying is for weaklings, you soft-hearted little boy! Why can’t you be like your brother? You’re a failure!’ his father’s words ring into his ears and he shivers, wanting nothing more than the earth to swallow him. And so he climbs the stairs as fast as he can and heads straight to his chamber. There, he can finally cry for hours.
A line from your fic you're proud of (not yet part of wygtya, but it will be, this is my Ralof/Hadvar ficlet, and I'm so proud of that watetfall metaphor)
“We were drunk and happy and we thought we had our whole life ahead of us.” Ralof begins, trying to be brave himself and just let his thoughts flow into words like a river turning into a waterfall
A line for your fic you think could have been better (There are a lot of things that could have been written better, but I refuse to beat myself too much over it and embrace the fact that I am evolving and I don't want to over analyse my old writing, so this is from chapter 1, I hate this because Hjaldir's story changed a bit over time! When I wrote this, it was all unclear, and so many things have changed since then, I'm hoping my version of him now isn't too far from this brief first description of him)
“Well, Inigo, it’s actually quite a funny story. Hjaldir turned out to be a runaway pirate. He ran away from his crew because he got tired of getting seasick and stealing from innocent people. So, one night, he just ran away. Decided to become a bard and make honest coin. Ended up at my dad’s tavern.”
A line from your fic that makes you want to punch a character (from chapter 12, DAMN IT, LUCIEN, THEY WERE HAVING A MOMENT)
“Am I… interrupting something?” Lucien asks. Right, Lucien. Fenrik’s almost forgotten about him. How could he not, when all he did was sleep his hangover off?
“No!” both Dragonborn respond at the same time, letting go of each others’ hands.
A line from your fic that makes you go 'aww' (from chapter 13, Ravonna trying her best to comfort Miraak is so precious to me, she is trying her best! And this is a big moment for her, to try to be so comforting to one person who once tried to kill her. It's a lot of progress and I feel like she can see their situation from a mature point of view and she can let go of the vengeance.)
“There we go.” she says as she gets a good look of Fenrik’s teary brown eyes. “Now listen to me: no one is upset with you. I’m starting to think that it’s impossible to be. You didn’t ruin anything, okay? The self-sacrificing healer in you got out. And that’s commendable. Now, please don’t cry because I have no idea what to do with someone who is crying.” She says, making him laugh the tears away. “You’re doing great. I mean, if you need to cry, just let it out, I’ll figure something out. Maybe sparkles? Everyone loves sparkles, right?” She makes small sparkles dance around her other hand
A line from your fic that's full of symbolism (from chapter 12, not sure if this classifies as symbolism, but the snake thing is something that I am so proud of)
"I still felt my soul in there, wrapped tightly in the threatening embrace of all those dragons’ souls. I felt it trying to fight it, to escape, like a small animal trying to escape the python snake’s fatal grip."
A line from your fic that contains an Easter egg (WWDITS reference with a medieval and lore-friendly name replacement! From chapter 3)
"His name was Mikael, if I recall correctly.”
“Fucking Mikael!” Ravonna says, full of spite.
A line from your fic that's shocking (from chapter 13, MIRAAK SAID HIS FIRST ON-SCREEN BAD WORD!! Everyone was shocked hahaha)
“Holy shit!” Fenrik says as they get closer to the Silt Strider, making Ravonna’s job to cheer up much easier. She turns to him with wide eyes, and then looks at the rest of the amused fellowship. Even Teldryn was struggling not to smile. 
“Just come back alive, or I will kill you.” Marcurio says, his forehead resting against Rumarin’s, still pulling him down. It’s not the most comfortable position for Rumarin, but he won’t have it any other way. It makes him think, really. About all the ways he is going to kiss him as soon as he returns from Solstheim. 
Tagging my beloved fellow writer mutuals, only if you want to participate, of course! @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @thelavenderelf @mareenavee @dirty-bosmer @blossom-adventures @nerevar-quote-and-star and I'm also tagging @sheirukitriesfandom back to do this challenge!
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txemrn · 2 years
Tumblr media
Book: TRR/TRH Post-series
Pairing: Liam Rys x MC (Riley Brooks-Rys)
Word count: ~2500
Song Inspo: "Wounded" - Maddie Wilson
Warning: for mature audience only; the TW are the plot twists in this story; if you are not sure if you want to read this and/or you are a fairly sensitive reader (nothing wrong with that!), scroll to the very end of this post (right above the tags) for a more specific list of TW
A/N: I am SUPER pumped to be participating in week 9 of @choicesflashfics prompt challenge! I chose prompt #3: “I don’t know what I thought was going to happen, but this was definitely not it.” The prompt will be in bold.
A/N 2: Most of the characters and some of the plot points belong to our friends at Pixelberry; HUGE thanks to my dear friend (and birthday girl) @sfb123 for pre-reading this for me. Please excuse my errors! Also, if you are curious about Royal Roulette: it's a fun little challenge you can do anytime for yourself! Take your music and hit mix! Take the first song that pops up, and use it as a muse for a fic! No need to credit me, but do tag me if you do it because I LOVE reading other RR!
It's just past 8PM, and I find myself in the tiled coffin of my personal sanctuary: my shower. The balmy steam hides the evidence of my swollen, tear-stained cheeks, my own words replaced by wails of mercy. The sweltering water stings across my porcelain skin, the unbearable discomfort distracting from the emptiness, the nothingness of my shattered, lifeless heart.
Today. Of all days, why today?
If only my body didn't complicate things... 
If only my body did what it was supposed to do…
If only my body did what I was crowned to do…
Liam and I have spent over six years testing every last inch of my body for an answer. The simple answer is polycystic ovarian syndrome… if only life were that simple…
"PCOS isn't what it used to be, though. There are so many women living with it–myself included!" Savannah takes another bite of cake, and I've never been more grateful in all my life for the reprieve from her voice. This is my fourth time hearing this speech about PCOS, and how the diagnosis is taken 'too seriously'. I mean, afterall, we are at her baby shower for Beaumont baby number two. And three. "They gave me the same talk, blah blah blah, percent this and that, and after taking Clomid for only two months," she smiles joyfully, massaging her rounded belly.
I fake a smile, shoveling some fruit salad in my mouth in hopes of keeping my sharp tongue quiet. I'm happy for her; I really am. .
But she's also never lost a baby. Or three.
Two months? 'Only' two months? God…
Liam and I have been prescribed every drug on the market to conceive; we've even tried more natural, holistic remedies, like crushed up superfoods and tree roots, tiny needles being stuck in my eyelids and in between my toes, religious relics and crystals
God, if you've never experienced humility before, the struggle with infertility will strip you bare of any pride left in your body, and after six different specialists, we finally resorted to my biggest–our biggest fear: in vitro fertilization.
But, IVF might actually be the answer to our infertility story.
As Savannah answers more intrusive pregnancy questions about her own body from our close family and friends, my mind disengages. Shielding the bright sun from my eyes, I look across the palace's heavily-decorated back lawn. Soft petal pink and pearl-colored balloons litter the divine scenery.  Signage that boasts kitschy baby phrases seem to be multiplying before my eyes. 
I feel a sudden shift in the atmosphere, one that is making me feel– I don't know… funny? I don't feel like myself. In fact, I'm starting to feel slightly ill.
An abrupt piercing shrill of pressure shoots through my temples as my breathing quickens. A trickle of sweat courses down my back as everything begins to spin wildly around me. The laughter of the group of women I'm with becomes sinister and terrifying.  
I need to get out of here…
"What an exquisite group of lovely ladies!"  
Leo Rys, my ever-charming, newly-divorced brother-in-law. He is well-trained in managing a crowd, but the heart-throb is a master at wooing a very specific demographic: women. 
Case in point. 
"Sav," he tenderly takes her hand in his, "you look absolutely radiant. Where is that foolish husband of yours, leaving your beautiful self alone–" he slows down his flirting rampage, and I instantly look up, making contact with those familiar Rys crystal-blue eyes. He mouths, 'Are you okay?' before taking out his phone, no doubt to text Liam. "'Scuse me, ladies," Leo nods with a forced, jubilant grin. 
With a skip in his step, my brother-in-law takes a knee while placing a tender touch on my clammy arm. "You're looking a little green there, sis," his lips curl softly as he pushes back my careless wisps.
"Kermit the Frog did warn us that it's not easy being green,'' I chuckle. The vibrations of my voice soothe my slightly queasy stomach. I relax further into my chair, fanning myself as I pull my oversize sunglasses over my eyes. "I'm fine," I grin cheekily, welcoming a sudden cool breeze over my skin.
His phone chimes. "Eh… negatory," he snickers under his breath, holding out his hand for me to take it. "The queen has been summoned to his majesty's presence." 
Damnit, what did he say to him?
"You better not be making my husband worry about me–"
"Someone needs to keep an eye on your bad self," Leo jokingly winks. "C'mon."
And maybe it was a good thing for me to get away from those women, to get away from this party and out of the sun. I do have a lot on my mind as well–too much actually. Enough to make anyone unwell. 
I hate exiting groups earlier than expected.  I just… I just know the inevitable will happen when I leave: they will talk about Liam and me. Worse, they will look at us as if… as if we're wounded.
Gone are the days of hailing us as the 'it' couple… 
Gone are the days of discussing our bright future…
Gosh, I really don't feel all too well as I stand up with Leo's assistance, but we make it inside the palace to a secluded sunroom. Bracing myself, I ease into a lounge chair while Leo helps me prop up my feet.
He really is a kind man, much like Liam. I hope he knows how much his return to Cordonia has meant to us as a family, especially his brother. Sure, we have staff that can help us with the countless doctor's appointments and emergency trips to the hospital, but these are intimate times that should be spent with family. And I'm glad it's with Leo.
"Are you okay, love?"  Liam appears at the opposite end of the quarters. Worry is etched across his face as he slowly saunters to my side. "I got here as soon as I–"
I wave my hands in the air. "I'm fine, babe. I think I just got a little overheated," I playfully roll my eyes. 
He lets out a slow exhale, wiping the perspiration off of my forehead. "You know better–"
"I know, I know," I raise my hands in surrender as he kisses my head. He's always watching me closely, so carefully, especially with so many hormones pumping through my veins.
"I'll leave you two alone," Leo clicks his tongue as he casually shoves his fists into his khaki shorts. "Text me."
Liam stops him, leaning in closely to whisper, "Grab us some seltzers please. And crackers." Leo nods as Liam makes himself comfortable next to me. 
I sit up, adjusting the pillows around my husband before I quickly find the crook of his arm. My crook. By the time I am settled, my gaze is happily met by his.
God, I love him. 
Even after all of this time, he still looks at me like I'm the only woman in the room. He doesn't see my shortcomings as a wife or as a queen. He sees me… and still loves me. 
I study his face, counting the fine lines around his eyes. He's beautiful, but this has taken quite the toll on us, aging us both. I reach up to caress the perfectly smooth skin of his jaw, my thumb tracing over his dry lips.
He pulls my hand from his face, peppering the inside of my wrist with sweet kisses. He finally rests my palm on his chest, weaving his finger through mine. 
I hate that it takes loss to make us appreciate life more, but watching each rise and fall of our hands reminds me that right now, in this moment, we have each other. And each heartbeat, each breath is to be cherished.
Suddenly, we hear a voice clear behind us. "Are you not well, your majesty?"  Gretchen, our part-time nurse, carries a tray of snacks and seltzers into the sunroom.
"Oh, Ms. Gretchen," I quickly wipe away my tears, brightening to her approach. "We're fine." 
She is an older woman who actually helped care for Liam's mother in her pregnancies, and also for his father in the end. Liam trusts her, and he thought hiring her would be immensely helpful to us right now. 
And he was right; she's been a perfect angel. I don't know what I would've done without her help.
"Leo told me what happened." She pulls up an end table, setting the wooden tray down. "It’s too early for your medicine, but I figured some refreshing snacks might be in order."
"Mmmm," I hum with approval as Liam helps me sit up. "This looks absolutely perfect. Thank you."
Gretchen kindly bows before excusing herself.
I grab a piece of toast, spreading some fresh apple-butter on top. "Have you eaten today?" I pass him a ginger ale as I take a sip of my drink. 
I abruptly stop fumbling with the tray when I feel his steely-stare boring holes into me. I glance once, then twice as I watch a large Cheshire grin crawl across his mouth.
"What?" I chuckle as I take a bite of my toast. "You have trouble written all over that face."
He wiggles his eyebrows as he pulls me safely back into his arms, our lips instantly meeting. His tongue swipes eagerly in my mouth. "Baby!" I squeal, pushing back from him as I wipe the corners of my mouth.
He snickers, swiping his thumb across his lips before sucking on it. "Mmmm," he quietly moans, "just what I thought."  I raise my eyebrows in curiosity. "That's the best damn apple-butter I've ever tasted." He tenderly squeezes my bottom as I claim his lips again. And again.
I love this man.
I rest my head back on his chest, listening to the deep thrumming of his heart. My home. We lay in perfect silence, watching the shadows shift throughout the afternoon glow.
But as the sun sinks lower into the earth, I feel my body cling tighter to Liam.
"What are you thinking?" he whispers gravelly.
Damn him. He knows me too well. I reposition myself, sitting up on my side. My eyes begin to sting as tears threaten to fall.  I grip his shirt as his fingertips lightly trace the freckles on the back of my arm.
"About tomorrow," I quietly exhale.
"The doctor's appointment?" He drops his hands to my lower abdomen, giving it a hopeful caress.
Overwhelmed with emotion, I can only nod my head, my breath hitching in my chest as I nuzzle into his shoulder.  
Damnit, why us? 
"Riley," he croons, enveloping his arms around me. His fingertips become lost in my waves as his lips press intimately against the shell of my ear.
"I–I'm so scared, baby," I whisper, my voice rattled with hoarseness as I wrap my arms around him.
"Shhh," he pulls me closer.  He gently rocks my body, a hand tracing soft figure-eights across me back. "Me too."
It's early. Liam and I sit in the doctor's office, waiting for her to return with our test results so we can form the next plan of action for our family. 
I've been sick most of the morning, my nerves getting the best of me. But Liam remains steadfast, my rock. He's been reassuring me all morning, wiping my anxious tears away. He refuses to let go of my hand. 
A child needs a father like him; this can't be the end of our journey. It… it just can't be.
We hear a click, and Dr. Nguyen walks into the room with a thick file folder. I can't read her as she takes a seat, but suddenly, I see my husband's knee begin to anxiously bounce.
She finally makes eye contact with us, revealing her swollen, red eyes as if she's been crying for days. She clears her throat, dabbing at her cheeks. "Your majesties, I–" she stops to gain control of herself. “I don’t know what I thought was going to happen, but this was definitely not it.”
Her voice trails off as a subtle ringing forms in my ears, and suddenly, everything seems to be moving in slow motion. Liam let's go of my hand; he rests his elbows on his knees, burying his face in his hands.
I take a deep breath, shaking my head. What just happened? I've missed something. I frantically look between my husband and his oncologist. "I–I'm sorry. What?"
"I'm sorry, your majesty," she swallows back the lump in her throat having to deliver the news again. "The cancer? It–it didn't respond to the treatment. And from his scan last week, there are new spots on his kidneys, liver and lungs."
I blink a couple of times, feeling as though I don't know what all of this means. Because it can't possibly mean what I think she is saying.
He's not dying. He can't be dying…
"So," I swallow thickly, "you have a plan. Right?"
"Well," the physician folds her hands on the desk. "We… can… make him as comfortable as possible–"
"I'm sorry," I interrupt. "Are you–are you saying that my husband...?" I pause as I gasp for a morsel of air. "The love of my life is, that he... he's–?" I clamp my hand over my mouth. No, I can't-- I refuse to say it.
But through the blur of my tears, I see the truth.
She’s nodding.
I break from my thoughts as I turn towards the deep voice. There at the entrance to the shower towers the most handsome man I have ever seen… or will ever see. His golden curls have been gone for months; he and his best friends shaved their heads when he first started chemotherapy a year ago. His shoulders are still broad, but with his colon resection and loss of appetite, he's thinned out quite a bit.
He is weaker; his skin has weathered.  But he's still my Liam. Even in all of this, he remains my North Star, my hope and my strength.
Which is why I can't get out of the shower. Not yet.
He flashes me a crooked smile, handing me a towel. "C'mon, love," he turns off the shower.
I carefully stand up, wrapping the towel around my damp body.  Liam extends his large hand towards me, my petite grip finding his palm. He leads me out of the shower and twirls me into an embrace, my back against his chest.
He buries kisses into my hair and across my shoulders. "I need you," he lovingly growls.
Then he tenderly drops his hands to my growing, pregnant belly. "And I need you too, my little peanut."
My poor husband… how do I do this?
Without warning, a rush of agony roars around my 22-week abdomen, the abrupt sharp pain causing me to double-over. I grab onto the sink in front of me as I groan from the intense throbbing.
This can't be happening.
"Riley?" Liam steps out of the bathroom, and hollers down the hallway. "Leo! We need help!" He takes me back into his arms. "What is it? What's wrong?"
The pain subsides, and I begin to sob. I can't look at him. 
Today. Of all days, why today?
"Liam," I choke out , "my water broke."
TAGS (updated 09/2022; please let me know if you wish to be added/removed):
@21-wishes @alj4890 @ao719 @charlotteg234 @issabees @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nikirennie87 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
@3pawandme @alyshak92 @iaminlovewithtrr @lovingchoices14 @malblk21 @rubiwalker @sfb123 @twinkleallnight
TRIGGER WARNINGS: discussion of infertility; discussion of cancer; insinuation of a major character death; miscarriage
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weatherman667 · 2 years
Rare Jaune Ships
Velvet:  The primary purpose people use her is either a breeding fetish, as part of a Faunus harem, or as a closet key for Coco.  Most fics forget that the only characterization we get out of her is that she’s a shy photographer.  Not saying don’t make spank fics about it, but she is a shy if kinky photographer.
Coco:  Coco is a right royal bitch, and should be primarily used as a way to teach her a lesson.  Luckily, this is what most fics focus on.
NDGO:  Primary useful for a quick way to bang a squad of teen idols.
Glynda:  The best for a transgressive power/exchange relationship, where Glynda learns it’s not always appropriate to be - proper.
Cinder:  A great way for a hate fuck / high-heel-face-turn.  This brings out incredibly raw emotions.
Neo:  While Cinder brings out a lot of raw emotions, both positive and negative, Neo is more about having a little goblin girlfriend who just needed hugs, (and frequent reminders that killing is bad).  RWBY Chibi has shown us that Neo is more than willing to use her powers for kinky purposes.
Emerald:  Emerald is a character who wasn’t really given a chance.  She had little characterization, until post-Haven, at which point she still had little characterization, just now being portrayed as a woobie.  She is great if you want to do a non-Cinder/Neo redemption arc.
Neon:  People only really use her to round out a Faunus harem, and that is pretty much the only good use for her.  Still mad at her for calling Yang a fat slut.
Sienna:  A right royal bitch.  Even more so than Coco, but unfortunately, most of the fics about her don’t punish her in turn.
Winter:  Seems to be a consolation-prize Schnee.  Good to punish Weiss and/or make her Jealous.  Would rather pair her with Ironwood.
Willow:  Diametrically opposed extremes of wholesome and kinky.  Extra points if it give the Schnee kids a proper father figure and/or brutally cucking Jacques.
Ilia:  The quickest redemption arc in Human history, because she’s a lesbian, and you can have lesbians do bad thing.  This said, I LOVE her with Jaune, to the point it’s become my favourite ship.  I just absolutely hate her in RWBY, because they try to put her on a bus by making her in charge fo the White Fang.  Leadership is not he strong suit, and she literally has no idea what she should be fighting for.  Okay, yes, they wanted to sink her ship with Blake to focus on Bumblebee, but maybe have someone else going through the same problems as she is?  Have them grow together for mutual support?
Kali:  The best part of the Black Sun fauxmance was Kali being a little baby crazy.  I find Sun a flat, boring character, but that doesn’t mean she’s not baby an/or blond(e) crazy.  She wants Grandkittens, damnit.
Raven:  Brush with your wild side.
Vernal:  They never met except in the middle of the battle, and didn’t actually meet.  You have to bend the story quite a bit to get them together.  But yeah, nothing wrong with a little teaching a lesbian another way.
May Zedong:  She is cute.  We know nothing about her.  Should be good, but I just can’t get over the fact she’s named after Mao Zedong.
Happy Huntresses:  I disavow and repudiate the Happy Huntresses, in their entirety.
Arslan:  I have no emotional connection whatsoever.
Summer:  Despite the fact she’s dead, doesn’t seem to cause any barrier.  No one even tries to justify it.  Jaune’s Aura control lets him touch ghosts.  See?  Easy.
Nora:  Nora would do ANYTHING Jaune told her to.  Anything.  Anywhere.  With anyone.  Luckily for her, Jaune is both jealous, and careful in deciding what/when/who to do.  That said, he sometimes has to get a little creative, as she’s REALLY energetic.
Ren:  The biggest problem with Nora’s Arc is what to do with Ren.  Turning him into a femboy concubine definitely solves that problem.
Whitley Schnee:  If anyone deserves to be forcefully feminized for the purpose of humiliation, it’s him.
Oscar:  I liked Rose Garden, briefly, and then have since become completely against it.  How dare he try to get between the glory that is Lancaster?  He needs to be punished for it.
PENNY:  Really interesting idea.  Except they never actually met before she was killed.  He did meet her reincarnation, only to be forced to kill her with his own hands.  Other than that, sure.
Ciel:  They have little to no chance to interact.  But, if she tagged long with a reincarnated PENNY, then fuck yeah.
Salem:  The FNDM have weirdly decide that Jaune is Salem’s heir.  Luckily, this has been kept out of most of the Jaune x Salem fics.  Someone needs to teach her the value of life and death, afterall.
Malachite Twins:  No reason to, but no reason no to, either.
Terra and Saphron Cotta-Arc:  The most boring characters introduced, with no one possibly being able to say anything against them, (like one of the more socially awkward ones asking where Adrian came from).  The FNDM then said, fuck this, if you give us boring characters, we’ll make them more interesting, and that was apparently Jaune being Adrian’s father.  Adding Saphron makes it even more interesting.
Momma Arc:  She wants grandbabies, even is that means she has to grease the wheels a bit.
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