#we don’t have a planetarium in my city but we have like
edsbacktattoo · 2 years
I’d take you to a planetarium 👉👈
as long as u also tolerate me bouncing around bc I fucking love space dmfbkdbf
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anon it’s a date <3 i’ll wear something nice
also if i was with someone who didn’t get excited about space i would simply go home. they’re not worth my beautiful sexy time. bounce around to ur hearts content cause i’ll be bouncing with u bro
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Hot Summer Dayz: Jammin n’ Jamica!! ☀️🛍️
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Dolly is typing…..💬🎀….(1) NEW FROM; Dolly!🛍️
HI DOLLIES!! Welcome 2 My Next Summer Post where i cover how to not only have the best summer vacay/staycation but also give some useful tips on beating the summer heat!!
> Planning + Shopping !! 🛍️
> Knowing ur Location !! 🏝️
> Fun Summer activities to maximize ur Staycation !! ⭐️
> How 2 Beat the Summer Heat!! 👙
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Planning + Shopping! *࿐ ࿔*:・゚🛍️
When shopping 4 outfits 4 vacay/spring/sumemr we wanna make sure we not only make sure we’re comfortable in out clothes but also make sure they’re breathable and not too heavy or baggy!! bc obvis were gonna be in harsh sunny weather!! you pick up pieces that wre stylish nd serene!! here are some pieces i definitely recommend!!👙
Halter Tops
Cami Tops
Daisy Dukes
Flowy midi skirts
colorful platform shoes
strapless mini dress
jellyfish dresses
cute open toe shoes!!
stylish sunglasses!!
swimsuit tops
if its a stay in day or you don’t feel like dressing up an oversized white t-shirt but dress it up more!!
if you want to try to stray away from wearing darker/black color palettes bc they can absorb more heat
Knowing ur Location! *࿐ ࿔*:・゚🏝️
When Traveling 2 a New city,state,country you always want to be mindful of where you are,how this place operates and how to be like the locals!! + also knowing about weather!! my tips….
If ur traveling to a new country learn some of the basics of the language to communicate properly!!
Learn how they drive,speak,how they pay etc.
always keep money on you obvii!!
SUNSCREEN.SUNSCREEN.SUNSCREEN. ik this is already bible for some people but im gonna keep saying bc its soo important when traveling to places that are closer the equator & countries that are known to be hotter ALWAYS HAVE SUNSCREEN. and not just ur regular SPF 30 try using spf 50! like for me this summer i’ll be in place like san diego,florida & saint thomas and they have really harsh suns especially in summer im gonna need a way stronger SPF than my regular 30 to always be sure to have a stronger SPF everywhere!!
always be friendly with the locals its nice to always be friendly no matter what
educate urself on the country!!
while ur there try learning some new skills
Fun Summer Activities 2 Maximize ur Staycation! ☀️👙
For my Girls that are staying in their home state,country here are some super fun activities for you to try so you can also join in on the summer fun!!
Make a Bucketlist
Make cute Crafts
Go to the pool or beach with ur friends!!
cut up summer fruit and make a fruit salad
take up a new hobby!!
have a movie night + sleepover
go shopping
try a fun new workout
if u have a younger sibling play outside with them!
Watch ur favorite movies
water ballon fights!
painting at the beach
aquariums or planetarium
play a new video game!
Beating the Summer Heat !! 🎀☀️
Obvi its gonna b super hot during summer and sometimes unbearably hot out but its okay bc i have some super fun way 2 beat the heat!! 👙
Go 2 The Pool!
Cold Treats ie: ice scream,icee,slushies
drink ice cold water
eat some cold fruit watermelon,grapes,pineapple,honeydew
Stay hydrated!!
eat some cold meals!!
have a water gun fight!
Itz been fun!! Dolly Signing off….💗
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Yandere V + H: Epel Felmier
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He’s your henchman…until he isn’t
When you first start working together its a way out for him
A way to go against society 
Following you: the one who already has been doing villainy for awhile
“I-I want to make them pay!”
“That’s a bad boy! Now come let’s plan. Their demise will be sweet!”
“Like Apple Pie!”
But Epel’s impatient
He’s rowdy 
He can’t be contained and whatever rules you’re trying to implement are stupid
Therefore he’s going to usurp your villainy
Taking the rug out from underneath you to do things his way
Because no rules and society sucks
But don’t think you can escape anytime soon
No rules don’t mean no loyalty
You agreed to take him under your wing
Now let him take you under his
Don’t struggle it’ll be less painful that way:
When you awoke to the fizzling of the machine almost drowned out the maniacal laughing of your...no…what used to be your henchman. His adorable face was contorting to maintain his widened eyes and smile, facing the ceiling with the height of their laugh. 
Scanning the room you eyed the fallen heroes no longer mildly struggling but laying still. The splatters of blood near them and various objects are also caked in similar colored substances. It awoke you harder than you would have liked. Registering the stabbing pain in the back of your head, you attempted to pull yourself up. Leaning on nearby debris you slowly tried to inch toward the raised platform.
“Ah (Y/n)! You’re awake? Already?” He tilted his head looking like a turtle with the raised collar of his leather suit. “I guess that’s okay for now. I’m sure you’ll be impressed to see how much I’ve done.”
“W-what have you done?”
He didn’t seem to listen to you or care about whatever you had to say instead he smirked gleefully through the rounded glass of the abandoned planetarium. You slinked to the side of his stage making your way to the window ahead; showing the city. Just below the building you could see stores being looted and people attacking one another. 
“Just a little bit of liquid animosity and suddenly so many are willing to go to up and arms…all at my command.”
You could feel your conscious slipping, no doubt fighting a concussion. Eyelids slipping close you turned around barely able to hook your fingers around the tip of his cape, you pulled.
“Please…Epel…they’ll turn on…you.”
Your knees began to wobble slipping on to the floor, only to be stopped by leather gloves holding you till. He pulled you close warming you face with his excited breaths, smiling at your droopy expression. 
“Awww you’re still worried, I’d let them walk all over me too? No, no never again. I have a way to  curve their chaos.” 
He slowly released you watching with a sly smile as you fell into the clutch of giant leaves. He stood up, pridefully watching his plant monsters cradle your form. He cooed at you doing a light jump for joy at the perfect outcome to his major scheme.
“Go ahead and take them to my garden. We have so much to catch up on!” 
The giant plant creature held you close enveloping you in soft violet petals as it stumbled to the parked ship. Epel took one last look outside before turning to follow suit to the ship. 
He stopped his walk, turning to see one of the heroes groaning as they awoke. The villain brandished his bat, dragging it along as he came upon the slowly awaking hero.
“No body’s taking them or my newfound freedom away.”
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
apple cider and the tap tapping of little paws // lance stroll
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summary: after celebrating their first fall together as a couple, lance decides that it’s time for the couple to take the next step: adopting a puppy
pairing: lance stroll x female!reader
warnings: cuteness overload and tooth rotting fluff. maybe if you don’t like dogs don’t read this one?
authors note: welcome to le cozy collection 2022 !! these are gonna be all cozy and fluffy and sweet little fall and halloween fics and mini fics and I can’t wait to share all my idea with you! they will all be tagged under their driver on the main masterlist, but lmk if you want a separate one as well!
dedicated to one of the founding members of the lance whores club: @libraryofloveletters
the sun shone down on the apple trees as the couple stepped off of the wagon that had taken the groups of eager apple pickers through the farm.
it was their first fall living together, and in addition to decorating the hell out of their cozy quebec city apartment with pumpkins, red hallmark trucks filled with acorns and pine cones and little throw pillows with cheesy sayings on them, y/n y/l/n was going to have the couples fall of her dreams, making the most out of every moment she got to spend with the love of her life until the racing schedule stole him away from her yet again.
lance stroll didn’t want to go to brazil, nor abu dhabi. he wanted to be wherever y/n was, holding her close under a mexican blanket, baking cookies at three in the morning because he was still on a different time zone after coming back from a race weekend.
her hand was clasped tightly in his, and he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face as he looked at her, the sleeves of her fleece lined denim jacket rolled to the elbows, long hair tumbling out of a forest green aston martin beanie with lance’s numver on the side. in her heeled boots, she was almost as tall as lance was.
as far as the driver was concerned, it was love at first sight as soon as he met y/n at the planetarium, her eyes shining like the stars she adored while she walked through the room dedicated to constellations.
“babe, stop here. pass me the ladder, we have to go for the ones at the top!”
lance chuckled, his heart warmed by his girlfriends laughter as she took the step ladder from him, setting it up just underneath one of the ripest trees. y/n stepped on to the top layer, wobbling slightly on the heel of her boot, lances hands springing out to grab her waist and steady her.
“careful! your father is going to murder me if you fall off this thing.” lance chuckled
“he’s not gonna hurt you, lance. he knows I can handle myself, and he’s starting to like you.” she threw her head back in laughter, extracting a canvas tote bag from her deep jacket pocket.
“your father can’t stand me.”
“you know that’s not true.” y/n laughed, tossing an apple at lance for him to snack on before grabbing one for herself and taking a bite.
“he hired a private detective to follow me around the entire weekend of the italian grand prix!”
“because he wanted to make sure that you were a good guy!”
ah, race weekend. for the first time in his life, lance was dreading it. his entire life had revolves around racing and karting for almost as long as he could remember. so it really surprised him when, after he and y/n moved in with each other, the prospect of travelling the world without his lover was no longer appealing.
he dreaded leaving her at home, all on her lonesome. lance missed holding her in his arms at night, giggling with her while they made dinner. cozy snugglefucks in the middle of the night when neither of them can sleep, cradling her against the mattress to make her his, pressing gentle kisses to her neck as they softly swayed together by the candelight.
there was one heartbreaking weekend when he got a phone call from y/n. she had broken down in tears on the phone when she had called him in monza , explaining how she had just gone through one of the worst working days of her life, and how she missed having lance around and hated going back to an empty apartment.
lance never wanted another phone call like that again. he never wanted y/n to feel alone because of him. but with a schedule like his, that wasn’t always easy, because he had to be away so often and she couldn’t always come with him.
that had been the weekend he first set his plan in motion. at the time, esteban had told him it was stupid plan, but eventually his french compatriot had come around and helped lance put the whole thing together.
hours passed, and legs were exhausted from walking through the fields all day. lance insisted on carrying all three bags of apples himself, as well as the small step ladder, no matter how vehemently y/n protested.
“babe, I’ve got it. I don’t just work out for when we make love, you know.”
y/n snorted “yeah right.” she chuckled to herself, kissing him gently on the cheek. “if you’re so sure of yourself, I’m gonna go buy us some warm apple cider.”
y/n didn’t want lance to leave either. since she was a teenager she hated being alone, for that was when her anxiety was at its worst. but part of what she loves about lance was his job and how dedicated he was to the sport even when he wasn’t getting the results that he wanted. and she didn’t want to be the reason that he gave it all up, at least not until he was ready to settle down and start a family.
something they were both too young for.
she grabbed the apple cider, in two paper travel cups like the ones at tim hortons and walked backs cross the gravel parking lot to where lance was struggling to pack everything into the sad excuse for a trunk on the back of his aston martin.
“I told you we should have brought my car.” she laughed, kissing him gently before passing lance one of the apple ciders. “ready to head home?”
“not quite. there’s one more place I want to stop, but it’s a surprise. I need you to trust me.”
“ooh, mysterious.” y/n laughed, getting into the passenger side of the car.
it was a plan that lance had been thinking through for at least a month, attempting to find a companion for his girlfriend while he was away. she didn’t like big dogs, anxiety stemming from a rottweiler attack when she was thirteen, and she needed something that was calm if they were going to get a pet at all.
when they pulled up outside the animal shelter, y/n raised an eyebrow. “lance, sweetie, what are we doing?”
“just come inside.” lance smiled softly, getting out of the sports car to cross to the other side and get y/ns door for her.
they held hands as they walked inside the shelter, y/ns face lighting up involuntarily when she looked over at the enclosure where the puppies were playing.
“mr. stroll, what can we do for you today?” one of the ladies working behind the desk asked. “this must be y/n, hes told us so much about you.”
“you’ve been here before?”
“y/n, baby, there’s somebody I’d like you to meet.” lance took her hand, leading her towards the enclosure.
a lone golden retriever puppy broke away from the pack, bounding over to the fence and jumping up to try and lick lances fingers through the bars.
with a laughs, y/n reached over and pet the small dog, feeling the soft fur underneath her fingers.
“y/n, this is whistler. he’s barely a year old, he’s very relaxed and I’ve heard that golden retrievers are the best companion dogs.” lance sniffles a little bit, wiping at his eye before taking y/ns hands in his. “baby, I can’t promise that I’ll be around all the time, and I really hate that, but I do t ever want you to be alone for another full weekend, with nobody to talk to. I’ve been thinking about this for months, ever since you called me in italy. I don’t ever want you to feel like that again.”
“oh, baby..”
“so, with your permission, I want to adopt whistler. he can stay with you while I’m gone for race weekends, make sure you’re okay when I can’t do that myself.”
“yes, lance.” she said softly, cutting him off with a kiss. “how could I possibly say no? look at his little face, and his wide little eyes.”
as if on cue, whistler barked.
“what do you say, buddy?” y/n asked, letting whistler lock at her fingers. “do you wanna come home with us?”
the answer was yes, of the barking and the wagging of whistlers tail were anything to go by.
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fateinthestars · 3 months
Star-Crossed Myth Fluffbruary Fanfic (26th Feb): Furry Friends (Aigonorus/MC)
Title: Furry Friends
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Genre: Fluff
Rating: T
Pairing: Aigonorus/MC (MC’s name left blank so you can fill it in with whatever you wish in your head)
Characters: MC, Aigonorus, Huedhaut, Tauxolouve
Word Count: 1,796
Written for Prompt: February 26 : fluff | woolly | care package for @fluffbruary
February 26th: Furry Friends
 ___ nudged Aigonorus as the other ignored her offer of a marshmallow. 
“... Huh?”
“Aigo are you okay? You’ve been distracted all evening…” It’d be one thing if her boyfriend had fallen asleep but that wasn’t the case. He just didn’t really seem in the room.
“Sorry,” Aigonorus muttered, sighing. “I was thinking about my Heralds.”
Sitting up on the sofa in her apartment,  ___ took his hand in hers with concern. “Is something wrong with Nashira and the others?”
Aigonorus glanced away from her. “I don’t think so… it’s just… I’ve been spending so much time on Earth lately…”
“Oh,”  ___ murmured, smiling softly in understanding. “You’re worried they might be feeling lonely. Why didn’t you say so before?”
“... I didn’t want to bother you…”
 ___ sighed. “Aigo you come and meet me everyday after work at the planetarium unless it’s impossible for you to get away. If you need to check on your Heralds I don’t mind.”
“... Oh…” Aigonorus then relaxed into a smile. “Then guess I’ll go there tomorrow. If I head back to the Heavens now I’m only gonna get noticed and the others will be a pain…”
Laughing lightly,  ___ then fed him a marshmallow. Now that Aigonorus had got what was bothering him off his chest, their relaxing evening went more like usual.
The following evening when  ___ finished work, she stepped outside the planetarium with a smile which then faded as she remembered that Aigonorus wasn’t going to pick her up for once. She had meant it when she said she didn’t mind but it felt rather odd for the other not to be there for once. It had been months since the last time that had been the case.
Recalling how Aigonorus had been the previous evening,  ___ tried to think whether there was anything she could do to help.
Heading into the city and looking around, she came across an advert in a pet shop window and her eyes widened. Something like that would probably reassure Aigonorus but would it even work? Still, maybe it would be worth a go anyway. Perhaps she could discuss it with one of the other Gods? Yes, if anyone would know if it’d work it’d be him, she’d have to go to the mansion first anyway to get to the Heavens.
Now smiling brightly, she went into the pet shop and approached the counter. “About the advert in your window? If I can’t get the device to function in the area I want it to, can I return it?”
“Yes of course, though I do not see why it should be a problem.”
“The… connection there can be a little hit and miss…”
“Ah, I see. Bit rural is it?”
You have no idea,  ___ thought to herself. “Something like that, yes.”
“Alright, let me fetch one for you. Was there anything else?”
 ___ hesitated. “Well… I don’t suppose you’ve any treats that are suitable for goats?”
A while later,  ___ arrived at the mansion. She smiled brightly as Huedhaut opened the door.
“I am afraid if you are looking for Aigo, he hasn’t returned from the Heavens yet. From what Lou told me he was going to check on his Heralds tonight…”
“Yes, I know,”  ___ reassured, “We talked about that yesterday. Actually it was you I wanted to talk to.”
Huedhaut’s eyes widened a little. “Oh?” He then smirked at her. “If you are starting to get frustrated with how long he spends asleep then I am afraid I do not have an answer to that. If I did, I would have used it years ago.”
 ___ laughed lightly. “No, nothing like that. This is to do with his Heralds as well actually.”
“Is there a problem we should know about?” Huedhaut asked, his expression now concerned.
“No. It’s just Aigo’s been worrying about them due to him being here so much. I’ve had an idea but… it’s something that requires stuff on Earth and I’ve no idea whether it’d work in the Heavens… or better yet if half of it would work up there and the other half down here…”
“... I think you better come in.”
It was pretty late by the time  ___ headed to the Heavens, but she was determined to give Aigonorus his present tonight. After a long talk with Huedhaut and attempting to explain to him how exactly the item she had bought would usually work, he had consulted a few of his books and eventually had come up with a way to enhance the device so it should work how she was envisioning. 
“You still worried about this, little lady?”
 ___ snapped out of her thoughts, and turned to face Tauxolouve with a smile. “Sorry, I’m sure if Huedhaut thinks this’ll work it’ll be fine. It’s just I’ve now gotta explain to Aigo…”
Tauxolouve laughed lightly. “I think showing him would be easier than explaining, don’t you?”
Relaxing,  ___ nodded. “Yes, you’re right. Thanks for bringing me up here…”
“No trouble at all,” Tauxolouve reassured. “‘M just glad you were able to get Aigo to tell you what was on his mind. He seemed more out of it than usual during our shift yesterday.”
Once they had passed through the doorway fully, Tauxolouve snapped his fingers to teleport them both to just outside the mansion where Aigonorus kept his Heralds. “You sure you’ll be alright from here?”
 ___ nodded and smiled in way of thanks at Tauxolouve. “Yeah. I’m sure Aigo can bring me back down to Earth after. I’ve got this from here.”
“Well you know we’re always only a wish away if you need anything,” Tauxolouve replied with a wink, before snapping his fingers and vanishing.
Shaking her head a little,  ___ headed quickly into the building, carefully gripping the care package she had prepared Aigonorus.
“Aigo?”  ___ called out as she entered the main area. She frowned a little as there was no answer. Perhaps the other had already left? But if that was the case she would have expected the Heralds to have more of an issue with her being there and they hadn’t confronted her either. 
It was then she caught sight of what looked like a mass of white wool from a distance. Running over to the corner of the room she laughed at the sight of the divine beasts all curled up with each other and Aigonorus fast asleep with them.
Laying down beside him,  ___ brushed some fluff lightly out of his hair, sighing softly as even that didn’t make him stir. “You really care about them,” she murmured lovingly, placing a kiss on his cheek before laying her head on his shoulder. 
The package could wait. Closing her eyes, she soon found herself joining the others in their sleep.
“ ___ ?”
“Nghh…”  ___ stirred a while later as she felt someone shaking her. Blearily opening her eyes, she forced a smile as she saw Aigonorus looking at her with concerned eyes. “Aigo. You’re awake.”
“Uh huh. What are you doing here? Something’s not happened has it?”
Sitting up,  ___ shook her head. “No, if there was a problem I would have tried harder to wake you. I wanted to give you this.”
As she handed him the package, Aigonorus’ eyes widened with curiosity. Carefully tearing away the paper he frowned and tilted his head slightly in puzzlement. “What exactly is this? This thing has some sort of lens in it and this looks like a much smaller version of your TV… oh but this is…” he picked the bag of grass cuttings up. 
“That’s for your Heralds. I know you can simply summon food… if they even need food… but…”
Aigonorus smiled brightly, overjoyed, once again reminded that she was nothing like that Goddess. “I’m sure they’ll love it.” Opening the bag of grass and tipping it out so that the Heralds could eat it, Aigonorus moved away from them with  ___ . “How’d you get here anyway?”
“I asked Lou,”  ___ replied. “I know I could have waited till we saw each other tomorrow but I really wanted to show you this after Huedhaut and I worked out how we could get it to work up here.”
“... Oh you’ve spoken to Hue as well…” Aigonorus muttered, pouting a little that the others had had time with her whilst he was up here.
“Aigo I’m sure you’ll like this if you just let me show you…”  ___ reassured softly, taking the devices back from him. 
“This…” she held up the ‘thing with a lens’ before attaching it to one of the pillars. “Is technically a type of webcam.”
Aigonorus blinked. “That’s made out of spider webs?”
 ___ stifled a laugh. “No. It’s…” she shook her head. “The name doesn’t matter for the moment.” Trying to explain the internet to Aigonorus would likely need way more time than they had right now. “What matters is you’ll be able to see your Heralds without even coming here…”
The other now seemed even more confused.
Sighing softly,  ___ moved over to him and turned the ‘smaller TV’ on. On the screen the Heralds could be seen enjoying the grass clippings she had bought them. “Thanks to Huedhaut’s research this tablet should show you their pen even when we’re on Earth. You can talk to them through it too.”
Aigonorus’ eyes widened. “Then…” he hesitated. “It’s a bit like a reflecting pool?”
 ___ smiled at him. “I suppose in a way it is. It’ll only show here though because it’s the only place I’ve set a webcam up.”
“But you say they’ll also be able to hear me through it?”
“And you’ll be able to hear them, though I’m not sure that’ll be enough for your powers to tell what they’re actually telling you,” she answered, her voice a little apologetic.
Aigonorus, however, was smiling lovingly at her. “I’ve always kinda wondered whether there was a way to check on them without heading all the way out here every time. C’mon let’s get you home. I wanna make sure this does actually work when we’re on Earth anyway.”
Moving into his outstretched arm,  ___ leant on him happily as he snapped his fingers.
Back in her apartment, Aigonorus checked the tablet he was holding and one of the brightest smiles  ___ had ever seen him use spread across his face.
“It really does work…” he then put the tablet down and turned to face her, a mischievous glint now in his eyes. “But I’ve spent all evening with them so I know they’re fine right now even without that. Tonight should just be you and me.”
Blushing furiously,  ___ let Aigonorus pull her into a very tight embrace, her eyelids fluttering closed as he thanked her with a tender kiss.
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blueleopard555 · 1 year
Happy 300th Chapter to Seyary!
Here's my response for @kigozula's celebration of @seyaryminamoto's masterpiece, Gladiator! Thank you both your amazing work!
OC: Rui Shi
2. Guard: Fei Li
3. Gladiator: Not counting the Blue Wolf, The Millennium Dragon
4. Sponsor: Ty Lee
5. Pair/Couple (besides Sokkla): This is hard… Ty Lee and Haru or Song and Rui Shi
6. Friendship: Song and Sokka
7. Villain/Antagonist/Opponent: The dread that exists for Azula and Sokka about being caught… for a more “true” villain/opponent it would be Rhone
8. Suitor for Azula: Huan because this man is worse at giving gifts than I am
9. Place (any houses/island/cities…): Ember Island or Shu Jing or both.
10. Event (weddings/festivals…): Azula’s and Sokka’s wedding with Xin Long as the officiant
Sokkla Kisses in Part 2 when they become finally a couple: Hmmm…. I think the best one for me was the kiss(es) in the Library’s planetarium. There's too many to accurately rank and all are worth remembering now that Arc 3 is in full swing. I miss the Sokkal kisses.
2. Sokkla Love Making: The hot springs date at Shu Jing, the palanquin quicky, and the… every one? There’s too many to list. Like the kisses, I think most readers miss the love between Sokka and Azula.
Part 2, or Part 3 (so far): Part 2 for the happy feels
2. Zuki Family or Mai Jian Family: Zuki family
3. Festivals Arc or Anniversary Arc: Have I mentioned these are hard? Anniversary is my favorite for the sole fact that Xin Long officiated a wedding
4. Captain Rui Shi or Captain Fei Li: Captain Rui Shi
5. Ozai or Zhao: Ozai
6. Gladiator Brawl, Sponsor Race, Pairs Tournament or Scavenger Hunt: Gladiator Brawl for the awesome final but Sponsor Race for the feels
7. Xin Long or Appa: Close but Xin Long
8. Azula’s Squad or Sokka’s Squad: Choosing sucks but Sokka’s. I think Azula’s Squad is still forming at the moment.
9. Ty Lee or Mai: Ty Lee
10. Shoji or Kino: Shoji
11. Ruon Jian or Haru: Haru because I think Ruon Jian did not have enough “screen time” to really move into my heart
A Place you would like to visit or live: I want to visit Ember Island or Shu Jing or Sokka’s house, or the dragon cave or the… Throw a dart at the map.
2. If you could give Part 2 a title it would be: “The Bonds that Drive Us” because, yes, the bond between Sokka and Azula are the key driving force of the plot and the story, but other bonds, those of friendship and/or romance between the many characters, give the story more depth and pushes the story forward.
3. Something you look forward to: Ozai’s reaction to Sokka living and fighting against him
4. Best Arc(s) in Part 3 (so far): Story telling
5. Favorite Sokkla Artwork from Part 2: Sokka and Azula in the planetarium
Future Ships you think will happen: Here me out… Yue and Anorak
2. Azula and Zhao will divorce when/because of …: Zhao dying to Sokka. Or dying to something/someone else. I don’t see him living to see the final chapters of the story.
3. When Hakoda meets Azula and Hotaru for the first time…: Hakoda joins Sokka for the battle where Azula and Sokka meet again but is in a different place when they do battle. Once the battle ends and the dusts settle. Hakoda watches Hotaru because we all know Sokkla is horny.
4. When Ozai and Ursa see each other …: This is hard. I think that Ursa would be one of if not the final nail in the coffin for Ozai to truly realize he’s beyond saving. This would take place closer to the final chapters.
5. I think Ozai's future looks like...: It’s very hard to say. For the short term, I see him beating himself up for the awful choices he made before making even more after Sokka's return.
6. When Azula finally visits the south pole, I hope/wish/think …: The villagers calling her Jing and she being confused.
7. First things Azula and Sokka will do after their reunion: Hug, cry, apologize, visit Hotaru, find a private place…
QUIZ: (The correct answers can be found in my post on June 16th)
Name of the first Gladiator Sokka fought against? Spawn of the Volcano... Chan's gladiator. That's his name now.
2. How many years are Azula and Sokka a couple now? 3 to 4 years now. Maybe even five but that seems wrong. Once the 3rd Part started, for some reason I thought they were together for 5 years.
3. Which character found out about Azula and Sokka’s secret relationship first? Song
4. Which character felt something might be going on/will be going on between Sokka and Azula from the beginning? Ty Lee
5. What’s the name of Ozai’s first love? I sadly don’t remember but I’m willing to bet my left kidney that it was himself. Please don’t take my kidney because I know I’m wrong.
6. What was the first Gladiator event Azula and Sokka took part in? Scavenger Hunt
7. How often did the Blue Wolf fight in the Slate? Twice in six months? Nine months?
8. Who would have almost been the potential future prince? Chan
9. How old was Aang when he was forced to freeze himself and Appa? 18, I think.
I won't lie. I used to think fan fiction was only something bad and cringe inducing (Mine definitely are) but then I was introduced to your work(s) on an Artcraawl post. I thought, "why not? It has three million words, hard work had to be put into it." Six hours later I realized it was past midnight and I had classes the next morning and I had a long ways to go to catch up. For the next few weeks of January/February in 2022, I was addicted. Friends thought I was crazy because every time they looked at me, my face was glued to my phone. The glee I felt when I realized that new chapters were being posted was amazing. And then the impatience of having to wait two weeks for the next update was devastating. But then I saw that you had more works for me to read and read I did. Safe to say that you changed my view of fan fiction, Avatar, Azula and Sokka, and writing. You opened many new doors for me that I refused to even have to key made for. Your dedication, hard work, and awesome writing skills amaze me. I'm happy to be one of many readers you have even though I'm a bit late to the party. If the story continues for another ten years (That number is insane BTW, that's a decade!!), then count me in! I will still wait for every update and my heart will be moved by your beautiful writing. Thank you for all the work you put into this and for how you have influenced me for good. Truly, thank you.
Here's for 300 more!
For the record, @kigozula, why on earth did you make the questions so hard to answer? This was supposed to be fun yet here I am trying to decide which Sokkla smut scene was my favorite. Do you know how hard that is? Shame on you 🤭
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thatfreshi · 1 year
on any story of your choosing perhaps you could try writing something from marks 1st person perspective? something different idk lol
This was a little tricky for me but I enjoyed the challenge. It's a little short, but I hope you enjoy! It's your one-year anniversary, and you always manage to get Mark the best gifts for holidays. This short fluff follows Mark's inner (and slightly guilt-riddled) thoughts about what you have planned this time.
I know I’m not necessarily the most romantic person in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I like the occasional large gesture and all, but it’s just not something I think about too often. If I DO happen to think about something sweet I could do for y/n, it turns out nice, but they always seem to one-up me. And of course, on today of all days, our one-year anniversary, they have one-upped me yet again.
“Wake up loser, I have something planned.”
It hadn’t even happened yet, but something about their proud aura told me that they won the anniversary. Technically it’s not a competition, but I do like winning, and yet they always seem to pick something more thoughtful than me.
“I am awake, promise.”
Through the groggy thoughts, I turned to face them, a suspicious smirk across their face, almost like they pranked me.
“Well you have to get ready because I have the best anniversary gift planned, and if we’re late I’m telling them it’s your fault.”
With a lot of hesitation, I got out of bed, my partner doing the same. I hate to admit it, but I did exactly what I did for the last celebratory holiday we spent together: a nice dinner reservation. I know, I know! It’s cheesy and it sucks but at least it’s something.
“So, what did you plan this time my love?”
“If I told you, that would just ruin the surprise, now wouldn’t it?”
They planted kisses in between sentence fragments, further proving my point about how they are much more of a romantic than I am. The morning goes by quickly, mostly due to y/n’s insisting words about how we have to leave soon. Funnily enough I end up driving, which is common for the two of us. Instead of them taking the wheel, they just half-assed giving me directions, which led us to a bunch of a wrong turns. After multiple circles around city blocks, finding some food and coffee, and a million traffic lights, we finally arrived.
“Okay, you have to close your eyes or else the surprise will be ruined.”
They smiled at me with so much pride.
“Okay, well I have to actually turn the car off first and-”
“Then hurry up and turn it off!”
This is the most excited I’ve seen them in a long time, especially considering it’s supposed to be my surprise. I take the key out and step outside the car, soon after closing my eyes. Y/n leads me to the door, which I almost run into. When it opens, there’s a cold blast of A/C, but not any voices. After a couple more steps, we’ve entered another room.
“Okay, you can open your eyes.”
It was dark, the floor lined with a couple rows of chairs, and a huge telescope in the middle. 
“I rented out the planetarium for us for a couple hours, so we can look at all the planets and stars and… other space stuff! Anything you want.”
I was a little too stunned to speak at first, wondering how much coordination it took and how much they probably had to beg the place to let us do this, let alone how expensive-
“Do you like it?”
In all my thought I forgot to respond.
“Yes. Yes I… I love it.”
I decided not to think too hard about how much they probably had to do to pull this off, and instead turned that analytical side of my brain off, which usually proves to be quite difficult. The smile on their face said it all. Maybe it wasn’t some competition to see who could have the more romantic gift. Perhaps this was all y/n cared about, just seeing me happy with whatever stunt they pulled next. Maybe that itself is my gift to them.
“Well c’mon, we got some planets and shit to look at!”
They grabbed my hand and pulled me to the telescope, and we spent what felt like years just trailing the sky, looking at anything and everything. I don’t think anything will ever measure up to this. Well, that is, until next year when they somehow top this.
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skyler10fic · 2 years
that's why i love fall: Chapter 2
By Skyler10
Summary: Carol is a park ranger in a growing mountain town. Daisy is a cybersecurity city girl in town for a job interview at the town’s biotech lab. Under the autumn leaves, fate brings them together (aided by Daisy’s parents, Phil and Melinda). As sweet as a PSL and with as much plot as apple pie.
Notes: This one is pretty canon-free. Basically original fic but with the personalities, names, and faces of my ships.
Read on Ao3
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Daisy exhaled in relief as she took off her toe-pinching dressy shoes. No one had said the company culture was so casual, and she stuck out like a sore thumb in her suit and pumps. It was better to be overdressed for an interview than under, her mom had reassured her. And Melinda May-Johnson was always right about these things. But after seven hours of interviews, meeting potential coworkers, tours, and HR “chats,” she was exhausted. 
As curious as she was to see Carol again, she didn’t physically or mentally have it in her to care for another tour today. It would be getting dark soon anyway. She picked up her phone and wondered how to phrase her message so it didn’t come off as a rejection but was still honest about her energy levels. 
As she stared at the blank text box, a message from Carol came in instead. 
CAROL: Hey! How did the interview go?
DAISY: Really well, but LONG, long day.
She added a sleepy emoji to clarify.
CAROL: I have an idea. The town tour can wait. Do you like stargazing?
After dinner with her parents, Daisy drove to meet Carol at the entrance to the national park. She followed the instructions exactly and managed not to get lost in the dark, and when she arrived, several cars in the parking lot let her know this was the place. 
She smiled as she passed kids with glow sticks running around, seniors setting up their lawn chairs, and all ages in between. Carol spotted her in the dim light, jumped up from her picnic blanket with a camping lantern in one hand, and waved her over with the other. 
“Hi.” Daisy beamed at Carol’s excitement. 
“Hello. I’m glad you found it okay.” Carol hadn’t stopped smiling, but it softened from eager anticipation to hope. 
Daisy raised an eyebrow. “You know, you’re going to have to come to Boston sometime, and then we’ll see who has a reputation of getting lost.” She winked and Carol laughed. 
“Touche. But the challenge here is GPS doesn’t work most of the time. We may not have traffic, but we also don’t have a reliable signal. Even the best city drivers get lost here without knowing the mountains to orient themselves.” 
“I bet you know every one,” Daisy guessed and looked around at the flickering, tiny lights at a distance, going up and up until they nearly met the stars. Without these signs of civilization, in the dark, she’d hardly know the mountains were there, much less be able to identify them. 
“You know, our ancestors used to use the stars to navigate at night. We’re almost far enough away from cities that we could do it too.” Carol gestured to the blanket and pillows she brought, arranged some, and laid down. Daisy followed suit, lying down next to her. The pillows were clearly from a patio chair set, the kind that could endure the outdoors like this. 
Carol continued, “I brought snacks for later, and my friends over by the pond said we can come by to use their telescope, but for now, just look up.” 
Daisy shifted her gaze from Carol to the sky above and gasped.
Out away from the light pollution of even little Mountain Skye, the stars were uncountable. She’d never seen them like this. Sure, her dad had pointed out constellations ever since she was a little kid, and she knew they were there, but the reality of space stretching out before her was breathtaking. No computer model or planetarium or documentary did it justice. 
“Thank you,” Daisy said quietly into the chill of the night air. 
“You haven’t even seen it through the telescope yet.” 
“No, I mean,” Daisy tore her gaze away from the stars to glance at Carol, “a week ago I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I was a mess and had a bit of a breakdown. It, uh, wasn’t pretty. Then I got a call to come out here for an interview. And maybe this could work.” 
“Yeah?” Carol smiled at Daisy again, eyes sparkling in the dim light hopefully. Oh, that look brought Daisy even closer to the precipice of falling for Carol. And she knew when she did, it would be hard and fast. 
Anxiety rose in Daisy’s stomach as she realized the stakes were even higher for the results of her interview. She sat up and took a deep breath, wrapping her arms around her bent knees and watching the stars. Just in time, a shooting star flew across the sky. She gasped and hurried to make her wish. 
Carol sat up next to her so they were shoulder to shoulder. 
“What did you wish for?” she said lowly, quiet enough that only the two of them could hear. 
Daisy leaned into Carol’s presence beside her physically and emotionally. “That it would all work out. For me to get this job and come back here for good.” 
“Funny. I had the same wish.” 
Daisy let the silence linger for a bit, then kept her focus on the sky as she asked, “Why does it feel like I’ve known you for years when we only just met? How does that work?” 
Carol huffed out a laugh. “I just assumed you put a spell on me or something. Happy to be enchanted though, if you did. I’m not complaining.” 
“You overestimate my powers.” 
“So you admit you do have powers,” Carol teased and lightly bumped Daisy with her coat-padded elbow. 
“Why else would I be seeking refuge in a charming little town right before Halloween?” Daisy rolled with their playfulness. “Haven’t you seen any movies about witches and magic and the pressure we’re under this time of year?” 
“I have heard it’s a busy season,” Carol admitted. 
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Daisy grew serious again at the thought of it being only for a few days. What if this was the love of her life and she missed it by not getting the job? There weren’t other opportunities for her here; she’d have to pursue other positions that could take her anywhere around the country, or even around the world. 
Her worrying was cut short as a young man she’d met at the lab approached their blanket.
“Hey, Fitz,” Carol greeted. Daisy remembered now. Scottish, engineering.
“Jemma and I were going to pack up the telescope soon, unless you’d like to come by?” Fitz jerked a thumb over his shoulder toward a young woman and their set up by the pond. 
“Yeah, just let us pack up here.” Carol and Daisy stood to gather their things, and Daisy realized the snacks had been sitting on a folded bag, which when extended, held the pillows and blankets. Fitz reintroduced himself as he helped hold it open. 
“I’m Fitz, that’s Jemma … and sorry, remind me of your name?”
“Daisy.” As she heard Jemma’s name, she realized, “Ohhh, wait, Jemma your girlfriend is also Carol’s roommate Jemma?”
“Yep.” Carol shook the big bag to make it zip easier. “We’re all connected here in one way or another.” 
Fitz helped them carry the bag, lantern, and snacks over to the pond where a woman in a stylish warm hat and peacoat was adjusting telescope settings. 
“Hello again!” Jemma greeted, looking up from the telescope lens. “It’s Daisy, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah, Daisy Johnson.” Daisy waved awkwardly. 
Jemma leaned in. “What did you think of the lab today? You can be honest. We’re not involved with the hiring process at all.”
Daisy resisted glancing at Carol as she answered. “I liked it a lot! Honestly. I think if they do end up making the offer they said they would, I’d accept.” 
Carol looked especially pleased to hear it, which Jemma picked up on.
“Ahh.” Jemma exchanged a look with Fitz. “That’s good to hear. I could tell they were impressed.” 
“Thanks, I hope so.” Daisy inhaled deeply to keep the anxiety down and changed the subject, pointing at the telescope. “What are we looking at?”
“See for yourself.” Fitz gestured. He and Jemma explained names and facts about the stars in their view. Carol took a turn, and they discussed where Carol should show Daisy on her tour of the town and who all would be joining them for the group hike. 
It was too easy to imagine evenings like this going on forever. Planning weekend hangouts with her friends, hearing town gossip, trying to remember names of people and places and businesses that would one day be familiar to her. 
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The night faded into goodbyes as they packed up the telescope, empty snack wrappers, blankets, lanterns, and the rest. After they put their stuff away in Carol’s parks-department-issued work pickup truck, Carol walked Daisy to her car and lingered at her side. Daisy opened the door reluctantly. She debated kissing Carol, but hesitated, playing with her keys in her hand. It would be a romantic first kiss story. But Daisy wasn’t ready. This could all slip through her fingers too easily still.
“See you tomorrow for the town tour?” Carol asked, as if she needed the reassurance. 
“See you tomorrow!” Daisy quickly pecked a kiss to Carol’s cheek and got in, shutting the door and giving Carol a little wave as she did. Carol backed away, hands in her coat pockets, and returned to her truck with the parks department logo on the side. Daisy started her engine but worried a bit that her goodbye had been too sudden. When Carol thought Daisy wasn’t looking, though, Carol did a little dance move and twirled her keys as she walked and then touched her cheek where Daisy had kissed it before opening the door and climbing inside the truck. Yeah, she’d be all right. 
Daisy drove back to her parents’ house, fighting an internal war between the bliss of finding these people and rising anxiety over it all potentially being taken away. It all came down to the decision of the hiring managers at the lab. This future she’d glimpsed tonight was lying bare and vulnerable in their hands.
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Good heavens a chicken in your oven? How did she get in there? Anyways, I am nearly done renewing my passport with in which I shall return to Canada. What are your top 5 best things to do in Toronto/Vancouver/Montreal/nearest big city? Don't say big tower, we know it's not big tower, we have moved past the 19th century and big tower is no longer enough. Ringo has seen much of the world and its towers, for example, the Eiffel, which Ringo looked at the line for while eating an ice cream below it
Hmmmmm I need to think. I don’t actually leave the house very much, which means I don’t have a lot of ideas for the best things to do in the city.
I’m near Vancouver, I think my top suggestion is always the Aquarium? Love that aquarium. Love the jellyfish. They named a seal Vladimir Lenin one year, no joke.
After that is probably the capilano suspension bridge in north van, you can see some huge huge trees there.
I love going to the beach! There are so many beaches, and when it’s warm it’s so lovely to just spend time near the ocean.
This is actually so funny my brain is totally drawing a blank.
Uhhhhh the aquarium is in Stanley park which is a very gorgeous forest with various trails n such.
Food is very good here so I am told? We have good sushi? I don’t eat fish, but everyone says our sushi is very good. Various very good restaurants.
I keep meaning to go to the planetarium, I have since I moved out west however many years ago, but I haven’t yet. Also there’s a botanical garden that I’ve never been to either that I’d like to go to. Aka there is much to do in this city that I have yet to do because I am an entire shut in who gets tired from walking a couple blocks most days.
Idk, I’m sorry! I feel like these answers suck lol. Good luck with your passport renewal! I technically still need to renew mine because I’ve gotten my name legally changed but I still need to get like a new birth certificate and a new SIN card with my new name too.
How are you doing secret Starrnta? You’ve got any plans for the holidays? Anything you’re looking forward to?
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ruisu-hayabusa · 10 months
To: “El Ma Br Ta” 03/agosto/2023
12:27 a.m. listening to “Mia & Sebastian Theme”
E. I don't even know if you will read it but here i am, this is completely for you and only you.
i cant sleep without you, you are my safe place.
I'm sorry for everything that has happened to you. It doesn't even seem to be my direct involvement, I can't stop thinking about you and I would like to help you, love you and take care of you... but you don't seem to want to be helped.
I'm sorry that you don't believe me that I'm only trying to give the best version for you, I'm sorry if you don't believe me when I tell you that you are the perfect woman and #1.
You just needed to be honest, from the beginning I told you, I'm open to options, but I'm tired of your disinterest and disrespect.
I still love and tolerate you, but until you go to therapy I can't do more than support you from a distance.
I'm sorry how you feel about yourself, you are still unable to see yourself as beautiful as I see you.
I wish you hadn't made that hasty decision... I understand that it's a process you're going through... but I can't stand a person who treats me like this, not even the love of my life. (Too bad I don't know if I'm yours)
(the song “A Lovely Night” started to play)
I wish I could hug you and kiss you on the forehead, even if it is... but I can't right now and that tears my soul apart. That's one of the things that hurts me the most. Do you think I wouldn't want to get on a plane right now and go visit you?
If I stay in this hole wishing and dreaming, I will never get out. I will continue to work on myself, I have no other choice. I have immediate plans and plans for the future, hopefully you will be there in both plans, eventually.
I love you, I have always loved you and I will always love you.
I'm tired, I can't sleep, I can't stop thinking about you how I wish I could hug you... but as I already said, right now I can't. I'm sorry that no one helps me and I have to do everything myself.
You said it yourself "I deserve you and you deserve me", it's a shame all the chaotic that your life has been recently.
(“City of Stars started playing”)
I honestly have no idea what will happen. The future is uncertain.
Sometimes I think, will I be worth it and you will dedicate me an entry in your journal?
Will you think of me in your spare time? And if you do, do you think of me with a smile or with bitterness?
I give you your space and you give me mine... everything is supposed to be normal, but you disappear. I can't be begging for love, not even if we stay as friends.
I love you E. I always have and always will, you are the love of my life.
I hope that if for whatever reason you decide to do without me, you will be completely happy and that if it is not with me, you will find someone who loves you much more than I have, that despite your doubts and insecurities you know (why have you seen in the eyes) how much I really love you and how I love you with affection, patience, respect and tenderness.
I love that you are spontaneous, happy, intelligent, curious, your weird dances, love when you play music and bones is sleeping there, your passion to music too, the love you have for nature and animals, how you are a good big sister and inspire people around you. Watching something or playing videogames with you..
I just want you and have that moments of peace in my life with you, i am not asking much, just that. 
I could well tell you every day how much I love you and that it suits you that we are together blabla and that I love you, but if you don't feel capable of loving yourself or dispelling those doubts from your mind... you will never believe any of this...
I want you to be happy and full and happy by my side, but that is selfish, I will never stop you from doing what you want to do. I just hope it's the right decision for you.
Eat well, drink plenty of water and sleep a lot, do your chores, don't give up, you know you can do it!
I wish I could be on that path of yours with you, I could write a lot, but in the end I won't get anywhere.
You are the love of my life and nothing and no one will change that.
I hope you can be happy whether you are by my side or not.
Always yours, Luis Gálvez.
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apaise · 10 months
❛ here, you can have my scarf. ❜ jo @ chrissy
back in the day chrissy thought there was no better way to end a gig than going out for drinks with the band ( or a cute girl ). but these days she’s finding she likes her new schedule just fine too: driving jo to the youth center to pick up will, and then dropping them off at home. she’ll be sad when jo’s car finally gets fixed and this ends. it’s taken a lot of willpower for chrissy not to ask her dad’s team to just casually extend the repair time . . .
today they end up reaching the center a little too early, the kids still out on a science field trip. right. chrissy remembers will had been excited to see the planetarium, telling her how he named one of his dnd characters after a constellation. chrissy rambles about that as they wait and she tries to forget the cold, feet rocking in the snow. unfortunately she had only dressed for a gig at the bar, not anticipating they’d have to wait for will outside. but with the other parents waiting patiently for the bus with no complaints, chrissy’s not about to cave and run back to her cozy, heated car. 
she’s about to make a joke about one of the rowdy customers at the bar when jo suddenly unwraps the scarf from her neck, placing it on chrissy’s shoulders instead. immediately she feels the warmth radiating from the wool, protecting her neck from those chilly winds. 
❝ oh -- hey, hey, i’m not cold! ❞ she quickly lies, hoping her lips aren’t as blue as they feel. she doesn’t want jo to have to give up her scarf. ❝ you don’t have to do that, jo -- ❞ chrissy starts to gesture, forgetting that her hands are firmly tucked into her vest pockets to keep from the cold. her elbows end up flapping like a chicken instead, hardly making for a convincing argument. ❝ uh -- ❞ chrissy stops, then gives a short laugh of embarrassment. ❝ . . .  thanks, jo, ❞ she finally relents, smile going soft. it’s these little things jo does so naturally that reminds chrissy of what a great person she is, this kind of care and consideration already a habit. jo’s learned to carry a lot. but that just makes chrissy want to be that person for jo all the more, letting her be the person who’s taken care of for once. 
. . .  she did a terrible job here, but she’s not going to stop trying.
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❝ hey, why don’t we all head for hot chocolate after this? my treat, ❞ chrissy smiles, bumping her shoulder with jo's. ❝ i know where they make the best hot chocolate in the city. ❞ actually chrissy only knows of one place, but it’s still pretty good. ( honestly, she just wants to spend more time with jo and will. ) @feveredblurs
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apoapsis · 11 months
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@jawbreakerjuggernaut // Send ♡ for sigma siebren to describe a date with your muse
                     It’s unusual, having someone else making him lunch outside of obligation– doing it simply because she wanted something for herself and was thinking of him.  Perched haphazardly upon one of the motel’s dining table chairs, SIEBREN sits with his angular jaw lazily propped up in the center of his palm as he watches Jolene assemble something simple for the two of them. 
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“-- A date…?” SIEBREN echoes upon her casting a glance to him over her shoulder and positing a question. “Don’t I already spend enough “quality time” with you?” He snorts incredulously, violet eyes rolling as she goes on to elaborate. “... Ah. An ‘ideal’ one…?” Tch. Had she finally realized her tendency towards dragging him around at her own leisure? Color him surprised. 
                      Disregard the fact that he never wants to do anything without her prompting.
 “... That sort of thing isn’t really… my scene. Hm…” What would he want to do? What was there to do when he had so many other obligations to tend to? It’s as if everyone did everything in their power to waste his time… But it would be a lie to say that he wanted to work instead. It was nice to take a break, even if it had to be continuously forced upon him– it was always for the better, even with his resulting protests. 
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                      “-- Maybe we could go somewhere nice for a change. Somewhere worth dressing up for. I am… a little sick of fast food.” That, and it’d be a nice change of pace. “I’d like to go somewhere esteemed– the sorts of places that, ah… spoil– or that treat you as if you are… important.” It’s a shame that he only ever experienced those sorts when attending events with his stupid coworkers on TALON’S company funds– something he didn’t have access to on his own. “I guess I’d still allow you to drag me shopping and all of the other annoying shit that you like to do– it is a little enjoyable to scramble around the districts after you, even if I have to carry your shit.” As much as he despised consumerism and commercialization, SIEBREN would be remiss to deny that he didn’t occasionally enjoy window-shopping just as much as SIGMA did, with all of the bright colors and amenities provided. 
“... What would you say to visiting an aquarium? Or a similar sort of museum-environment? It’d be nice to browse something in person again… N-not a planetarium, though…” He isn’t sure if he’s ready for something like that when he’s still so far from his goals. He doesn’t want to get homesick around Jolene– he’s already so miserable as-is. 
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                     “... We could finish it up by getting dinner somewhere quick and taking it out somewhere quiet to eat. Have you ever watched the city from the skylines, up on the rooftops? I find it to be very beautiful once night falls and all of the city lights have come on for the night.” He likes the way the city lights drown out the stars above, almost like a nightlight.
“... I think you’d like it.”
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klimkovsky · 2 years
«I was born not on the Earth»
One of the key albums in my creation
But it all started with a song. It was written by my old friend, with whom we studied at the Moscow Planetarium. The song was dramatic in meaning, if did not say tragic. In eight verses, it was told how the hero of the story was thrown down here — on Earth — still he was very young, and all his life he cannot find a common language with the strange inhabitants of this planet — not the kindest creatures, to put it bluntly.
But then I took it as proof of the theory of the transmigration of Souls. Who knows, maybe the soul of the author of the song in the previous incarnation did not live here, and remembers other feelings and relationships between intelligent beings… Or maybe I am the same, since it hooked me so much…
Back in 1985, I tried to interpret the music of that song in my own way, written by the author with a guitar. But in the end, I wrote a lot of melodies that formed around the song into something larger in form — into a whole symphony… or just an album of instrumental music. But then I was 16 years old, and I didn’t record any albums then.
It's been a long ago. Some melodies were lost, forgotten. And the attitude to the plot of the song was greatly transformed. I began to consider it as evidence of spiritual growth.
The analogy is simple: children, while they are small, fit their own house and a playground nearby, but they don’t go to the playground near another house — it’s a stranger. And other children are often chased away with their own.
As a person grows up, he begins to associate himself with his city, country, planet … and then the planet becomes small for him. Not all people, of course, from the first time live to such a level of self-acceptance as part of the Universe. But at some point, the question arises by itself: “Where did my Soul come from? — Did It really arise right here? And if I am the whole Universe, then my Soul has always been the whole Universe and manifested itself here only in order to put a point to growth trajectory — one of the points. And how many such points have already been? How many more will be?“
In the late 90s, this album reappeared in my musical plans. I expected to record it by 1999 — even the covers were printed. But then the recording did not take place. However, at least I rethought the musical basis again — I managed to remember something (after almost 15 years), and write something again. But I managed to approach the recording of the album «I was born not on the Earth» only in the mid of 00s. In the summer of 2007 the first half was completed and in August 2008 the album was finally released.
The original song sounds in the album in an instrumental form, of course, there are no chants here. But the irony is that later one of the melodies of the album «I Was Born not on Earth» was used by the composer Victor Argonov for his electronic opera, and there it sounds like the main theme of the real song itself. And in general, the electronic opera «We, XXII century» can be considered as a logical continuation of the album «I was born not on the Earth». This is such an amazing thread.
Now the album «I was born not on the Earth» is fully uploaded on Youtube — you can listen and ask questions.
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brywrites · 3 years
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Spencer Reid x Reader. Summary: All his life Spencer Reid has been told he’s gifted. And all his life he’s wondered what the point was of those gifts that felt like curses. Until her.
Though he holds so many memories in his mind, Spencer Reid isn’t quite sure who the first person to call him “gifted” was. It was probably his mother, he thinks. Certainly not his father, who thought he was strange. Perhaps a teacher, or maybe even his Aunt Ethel. All he’s certain of is that he’s lost track of the number of times people have praised the so-called gifts he possesses. His eidetic memory, his autodidactism, his absurdly high IQ. His mind, they say, is a gift. But it’s felt more like a curse for most of his life.
Those same things that helped him skip grades and earn the praise of adults brought him years of bullying taunts and miserable adolescent trauma. They isolated him from his peers. His companions were library books and stories and mathematic proofs – nothing with a beating heart. They plagued his nightmares, for his mother had been brilliant too and what had that done for her? And those gifts came with a tremendous burden of pressure, they demanded use in a powerful way. Reid was always terrified he’d fail to live up to that impossible potential, proving himself unworthy of such great and terrible gifts.
By the time he’s thirty-six, he wonders why he was ever given such gifts in the first place. Clearly he’s squandered them, spent them on chasing monsters he thought might be human. They turned out to be hydras – for each one they catch, two more take its place. He’s let his mind waste away on drugs, on grief. In shacks and in prison and in grudges he just can’t let go of. He’s saved lives, he knows, but his team do that same thing without the gifts he’s been cursed with. What’s the point of him? Of any of the talents or tricks he possesses?
And it’s that question on his mind as he walks into a Virginia library to interview a witness to the latest in a string of serial arsons. Her name tag says Y/N. She’s clearly nervous, a little shaken, but she manages a smile when a child runs up to interrupt and ask her how to find The Magic Tree House books. And when she turns back to look at Reid, that smile still lingers – her eyes so bright it catches him off guard. She takes him back to the area of the library that was burned to talk about the crime scene, and she off-handedly asks if he has a favorite.
And when he says, “Oh I could never choose just one favorite. I love books too much for that,” that smile returns, unexpectedly bright.
“A man after my own heart,” she says. “Tell me a few then.” 
So he rattles off a handful, hoping at least one of them will keep that light in her eyes. They do. “Bradbury is one of my favorites, too. I just love Dandelion Wine. Sorry, I probably should focus on the fire. I try to distract myself when I feel stressed, and well, remembering what happened that night doesn’t exactly help with my anxiety.”
“It’s okay,” he tells her. “I tend to ramble when I’m nervous. Or excited. Really, I think I just talk a lot.” Another smile, one that crinkles the corners of her eyes. Over the course of the investigation, the BAU has to ask her to come to the station twice. By chance, Reid finds himself interviewing her both times, and both times he finds himself rambling a little more than he means to – because he finds himself inexplicably a little nervous and a little excited in her presence. It’s that smile, the one that lingers long in his mind after she leaves each time.
There’s something about her, about the light she seems to carry, that draws him in. That compels him to say yes when he shows up at the library to inform her they’ve caught the unsub and she asks, “Could I buy you a cup of coffee to show my appreciation? If that’s not too much, of course.”
“I think that would be perfect,” he says. And as they sit at the café across the street with lattes in oversized mugs, he’s never been so grateful for his vast knowledge of literature. Each title is a start into a new conversation with her, and they swap stories about stories – the ones they have lived and the ones they have loved. When she disappointedly announces her break is over, she adds, “But maybe we could do this again sometime?”
“Yes,” he says. “Please.”
“How should I get in touch with you if you’re not showing up at the library to interrogate me, Dr. Reid?” she teases.
He hastily withdraws his cell phone from his pocket and offers it to her. She begins to type in her number. “You, um, you can call me Spencer,” he tells her.
She grins at him and something in his chest shifts at the sight. “I’ll definitely call you soon, Spencer.” He’s never liked the sound of his own name more. And he thanks that eidetic memory of his for allowing him to replay it again and again in his mind until he can see her next.
They get coffee again the first chance he gets. And then again. When she asks how he has time to read so much and he tells her about how his mind works – about his memory and speed-reading and quantified intelligence, all the things that have been called gifts – she thinks for a moment before saying, “That must be lonely.”
The relief he feels at her understanding is immense. “It is sometimes,” he admits. “But it’s felt less so lately.” They go to a park together. Then out to dinner. By the time he realizes he’s falling, he’s forgotten what it feels like to be on solid ground. Fortunately, he isn’t the only one at the mercy of gravity. She feels it too. And when she laughs at his joke as he walks her home from dinner, he just can’t help himself. He leans in and cups her cheek to pull her to him, pressing his lips to her still-smiling lips. The taste of wine still on her tongue. And though he doesn’t drink anymore, the sensation of her is enough to make him feel utterly intoxicated.
Slowly, his life fills up with her. His sabbatical arrives with the perfect timing to allow him evenings and weekends with her. He picks her up after work. She meets him for breakfast. He takes her to the planetarium. She falls asleep on his couch. He tells her it won’t always be this way and she assures him that’s okay. But it gives him the chance to build the foundation their relationship needs. It’s in that time that he begins to catalogue her smiles in his memory. The dazzling ones she sends his way when she spots him at a coffee shop. The soft, shaky ones she wears after a long kiss. The coy ones that twist the corner of her mouth when she’s teasing him. The nervous one that slowly grows when she meets his team for the first time – not as a witness, but as his girlfriend. A title she declares like a badge of honor. He holds each smile in his mind, picture perfect thanks to that eidetic memory. When a case has been particularly tough or he’s away for longer than he’d like, he flips through them in his mind, trying to remember the cause of each one, trying to hold on to that light until he can hold her in his arms again.
He surprises her with flowers on her birthday. “You remembered?” she gasps, her eyes wide. “And these – these are my favorite. How did you know?”
“I could never forget,” he laughs, but she stares down at the bouquet and clutches them to her chest.
“I don’t make a big deal about my birthday, so people don’t usually remember,” she says quietly. “And nobody’s ever gotten me flowers before. Thank you, Spencer.” A pause, and then, “I love you.”
He grins from ear to ear. Forget the sound of his name, those three words are the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard. “I love you, too.” It’s a first for both of them. And one week later comes another first – witnessing her panic attacks for the first time. She’s shaking too hard to tell him what she needs, so he tries to do what would help him. He sits down next to her on his living room rug and wraps her in his arms. He rests his head on her shoulder and murmurs the words to her favorite poem. She seems to breathe a little easier and so he recites another one she loves, and another until her breathing finally steadies and she unclenches her fists to wrap her arms around his neck, burying her face in his sweater.
Suddenly it doesn’t feel like such a curse to remember everything he reads when it means he can give her the words she loves when she needs them most.
The first time they sleep together is only the second time he’s been intimate with someone and he feels more awkward than he wishes he was. But he commits himself to studying, to remembering what she likes and what she doesn’t, and the next time he proves to be the quickest of learners when he succeeds at making her come within a matter of minutes. He discovers a new smile of hers, one of dreamy bliss and kiss-swollen lips. He loves it. He loves her, adores every single part of her she’s shared with him and every piece yet to be found. And to his continued surprise and delight, she loves him just as much.
He tries every day to be worthy of that love. He makes time for her. He goes to meet her friends and he shakes their hands even though he hates touching people, even though she insists, “You don’t have to. They won’t mind.” He does it because she’s the only person in the world whose touch he actually craves.
When she swoons over a dress Penelope has shown her on Instagram, he makes a note of it. She’s utterly enamored by it by her smile falls upon checking the price tag. It’s far out of her budget. So the next week when he’s out on a case in Atlantic City, he swings by one of the few casinos that doesn’t have his picture framed on the wall of their security office. He wins more than the cost of the dress in an hour and leaves before anyone can get suspicious. The dress arrives at his apartment the same day he gets home, and he invites her over to surprise her with it. When she opens the box, her eyes go wide.
“Spencer, this is… this can’t be. It’s… do you know how expensive this is?” Y/N asks.
Bashfully, he replies, “Now might be a good time to mention I’m banned from casinos in almost every state for my card counting abilities.” It’s well worth the little effort he expended to see the way her face lights up at the sight of it. And though he’s never been a gambling man, when he sees her wearing it for the first time he considers trying his luck a little more often.
At times he worries he’s doing too much, but how could it ever be when the way she loves him has been so much more than enough? For the first time in his life, he feels like maybe he’s enough. When she says, “I love you,” he believes it. When she says, “I’ll be back,” he trusts her. He’s given another person more of his heart than he ever has before, and for once he’s not afraid of it breaking. She doesn’t mind the strange hours he works or heaviness he sometimes carries with him. When he wakes up from a nightmare, she holds him close and keeps him grounded. He sends postcards from each city he visits and she makes his favorite food when he comes home and home is suddenly a place they share. She moves into his apartment and it feels like it was never complete without her there.
Not long after, there is a case in Boston. Their terrifyingly intelligent unsub taunts Reid as he leaves the interrogation room. “Judge me all you want, Dr. Reid. But I’ve used my mind to change the world. You’ve done nothing with yours.” The words haunt him on the flight home. He sits on the back of the plane lost in thought. What has he done? Sure he’s saved lives, but could he have done more? Could someone else have used those gifts he’s been burdened with in a way that was better? Why does he have any of these talents? Why has he acquired any of these skills?
His phone chimes. A text from her. Brought home a new book from the library I think you’ll love! Can’t wait to see you, dearest. And it hits him.
It’s her. All along it’s been her.
The answer echoes in his head as he races home to her. Everything in his life has led him to her, has let him be the person she needs. He can memorize all her favorite songs and poems to recite for her when her anxiety gets the best of her. He can remember every date that matters to her and everything she adores. He can read her favorite books overnight to talk about them with her in the morning. He can profile from her body language and her microexpressions when she’s having a bad day and needs him to be there for her, even when she’s too afraid to ask for what she needs. When she asks absurd questions out of the blue, he can give her actual answers with the useless encyclopedia of knowledge he’s obtained over the years. When she needs a distraction his rambling finally proves useful. It’s all for her.
She’s the reason his mind doesn’t feel like a curse anymore. How could he ever think of it with disdain when it’s the reason he can picture every smile she’s ever let him see? When he can catalogue every wonderful word from her lips, every inch of her skin, every action that drives her wild.
Reid can’t seem to open the door to their apartment fast enough. When he finally steps inside, she’s sitting on the couch. She turns away from the book in her lap to smile at him. “Welcome back,” she says. Then, tilting her head, “Is everything okay?”
An unshakeable grin spreads across his face and he knows he must look like a madman right now as he crosses the living to sit beside her. “Everything’s perfect. I just… I had this epiphany. All the things I hate about myself, you love. And all the things I can do let me love you better. It just feels like everything – everything has led me to you. Even the bad things, I mean, being in prison forced me to take sabbaticals and if I hadn’t we wouldn’t have had that time together early on and maybe we wouldn’t have worked and I don’t believe in fate,” he says, taking a breath. “But I can’t help but feel like for the first time, I’m right where I’m supposed to be. With you. Like that’s where I was meant to be all along. And I… I just thought you should know.”
His long-winded rambling is rewarded with one of his favorite smiles from her – one that makes her eyes soft and puts sunsets to shame. The kind she wears when she is incandescently happy. Her fingers lace through his and they are a perfect fit in his big hands. “There is nowhere else I’d rather be,” she says, leaning in to kiss him.
All his life, Spencer Reid has been told he is gifted. But this time, he thinks it might actually be true. He holds the greatest gift the universe has ever granted him in his arms and knows that no part of him is a curse if he is loved by her.
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meltwonu · 3 years
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| 𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔩 𝔦 𝔪𝔢𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 |     [CHAPTER 5]     [FINAL]
pairing; fratboy!wonwoo x reader
this chapter’s notes; fratboy!wonwoo, dom!wonwoo, restraints, blindfolds, daddy!kink, dirty talk, sex toys, using panties as a gag, forced orgasms, squirting! 🥴💕oMG YOU GUYS I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER WTF 😭😭😭 I just wanna say thank you so much for all the love and support you all have given me while writing Caffeine and Until I Met You I really cannot believe any of this… It’s crazy to me that you guys liked this fratboy wonwoo au so much… I really appreciate it! And expect some spin off chapters in the future! I already have 3 planned ☠️ Also, I mention it all the time but I never expect any of my fics to get this much love so every time I’m just shocked 😭 literally sitting here blushing just thinking about it 😭😭💕dfsdffds Also this is almost 4500 words so… strap in 😎🥴 Enjoy the last chapter, inbox roundup tmr and I love you so so so so much 💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 COMPLETE
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Wonwoo stares at himself in the mirror, lips pursed and brows furrowed.
“I don’t know.”
Mingyu and Minghao both sigh; the latter throwing his arms up in defeat when Wonwoo grimaces in the mirror’s reflection. “Hyung, you haven’t liked anything we dressed you in. Why don’t you trust us?”
Mingyu places his hands on Wonwoo’s shoulders - squeezing the padding in the blazer as he meets the older male’s stare in the mirror.
“This is a date, right?”
“I mean… Yeah? I guess?” Wonwoo mumbles, a little bit shy. “I just don’t want her to think I’m trying too hard. I’m not trying to propose to her, you know. Just trying to get in the foot in the door towards the right direction.”
Minghao steps forward, sighing and shaking his head.
“Yeah, that’s true. But also… Isn’t think your first, real, official date with her? Don’t you want it to be special?”
This time Wonwoo laughs at the pair's dramatics - already shrugging off the blazer as Mingyu’s hands fall from his shoulders.
“God, the two of you make it seem like I’ve never dated a day in my life.”
“Hyung, aren’t you also kind of acting like that yourself? You asked us to help you dress for it in the first place.”
A crimson flush paints Wonwoo’s cheeks at Mingyu’s words; lips pressing into a firm line as he avoids their shit eating grins.
Goddamn it.
“Whatever, just show me other outfits you guys have.”
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Wonwoo tells you to meet him in front of the library at 10AM.
‘It’s somewhere familiar.’ He says.
You’d rolled your eyes but agreed - already standing in front of the familiar doors ten minutes earlier than your agreed meeting time.
Part of you was extremely giddy and excited and the other parts of you were nervous and anxious at what Wonwoo had planned for today.
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‘Did you have any suggestions for our date?’
Wonwoo bites the inside of his cheek as he sends you the text - palms clammy as he sighs.
‘You should ask for her opinion, hyung. Let her know you value her!’ Mingyu had said.
Wonwoo knows that.
But he blames being away from home a little too long for his airheadedness about it all. Tells himself it’s because he was gone for so long that he doesn’t really know how to act anymore.
Deep down inside, Wonwoo knows it’s really just because you make his heart do backflips when you smile at him and he just never knows how to respond except by shooting you an awkward tight lipped smile of his own.
He’ll call you beautiful all day long and praise you until you beg him to stop but something about the candid moments in between the pleasure that are the moments that make him feel like he’s falling in love for the first time all over again.
But Wonwoo wouldn’t quite admit that to you right now.
‘What would your ideal date be, Wonwoo?’
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He runs late by ten minutes.
Soft curses spill from his lips the entire time he jogs over - the flower bouquet in his clammy hand getting crushed slightly at the death grip he has on it.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry I’m late!”
Wonwoo rambles on about how Minghao wouldn’t stop chasing him with a bottle of hairspray but your shaking pupils can only focus on the poor bouquet of flowers being throttled in the midst of Wonwoo’s animated retelling.
“A--are those for m-me?” You whisper; cutting him off as his eyes flit down to his hand.
“O-oh, um, yes, f-for you…” He passes you the bouquet - a shy smile on his face when you take it from his hands.
He’d picked them out himself after deciding on his own that he wanted to do something special for you. 
Wanted it to mean something important.
“A dried flower bouquet?”
Wonwoo smiles sheepishly as he scratches the back of his head.
Was it too cheesy?
“They’re already dried so they’ll technically last forever now.”
You’re glad, for once, that you can manage to hold in the scream that almost escapes you when you look up to Wonwoo’s bespectacled face.
“O-oh… Thank you, Wonwoo.”
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You want to learn about Wonwoo.
What he likes and dislikes and what he likes to do in his free time. You have a vague idea of it all, but you want to hear it from him directly. 
You want him to turn to you and openly talk to you like you’ve been lovers for much longer.
He holds your hand as he guides you through the museum, but he’s oddly quiet and aloof when you try to pull him into conversations.
“Wonwoo, I--”
“Hey look, it’s a Hannah Höch piece. She’s one of the artists that pioneered that collaging thing Mingyu likes to do.” You lose him again as he reads off a biography off the wall and you can’t help but furrow your brows at his back.
You’d ask him over lunch.
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The two of you spend a good few hours at the museum.
Although, admittedly, you spend more of that time following Wonwoo around as he silently admires the pieces instead of talking to you.
But by the time lunch is rolling around, he walks you over to a small hole in the wall cafe; flowers adorning the entrance and large windows letting in the sunlight as the two of you sit in a small nook away from most of the other customers.
“So, I--”
“Wonwoo, can I ask you a question?”
He tilts his head in mild confusion at your perplexed tone. “Sure?”
It takes a few seconds of you opening and closing your mouth, unsure of where to start before you sigh.
“So… is this a date?”
Wonwoo scratches the back of his head, ears and cheeks hot as you stare back at him. “I just–I want to understand where we are, Wonwoo. Or what we are, I guess.”
There’s a sigh on his lips and out of nervousness, all he can do is readjust his glasses for the third time.
“I told you I was bad at this.”
He was nervous the entire time the two of you were at the museum and he didn’t know how to let you know so he just didn’t. 
He was hoping that he would’ve had the confidence like he usually did. 
“I’m sorry, I know, I--I should’ve tried talking but god, you make me so fucking nervous?” He laughs at his own shyness as he runs a free hand through his hair, fully messing up the styling that Minghao had painstakingly done.
“I make you nervous?”
Oh god.
“I--yeah. You really do.” He smiles genuinely at you before his shy eyes focus on the cup of coffee in front of himself. “I know it’s hard to believe, all things considered, but you really do and sometimes I don’t know how to handle myself so I just… Don’t. And I know it’s not fair and I’m super fucking aware I do it too, I just--I can be bad at words sometimes, I guess.”
You try to keep your cool as you nod; lips easing into a soft smile as you stare at Wonwoo dreamily.
You make him nervous.
Letting it go for now, you stir your drink; thinking of ways to get Wonwoo to be more talkative but not in a nervous, panicked way.
“Hey, why don’t you tell me about your semester abroad?”
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That manages to do the trick as Wonwoo spends the rest of the lunch portion of your date telling you various anecdotes of his trip.
And you learn that other than the long lectures and midday naps, his eyes light up at the stories he tells you about when they were actually at the archeological dig sites.
“It was so interesting to see remnants of what used to roam the earth before we did and to see little artifacts of old cities. I could’ve spent all day out there just excavating.”
“D’you think you’ll go again if you get the chance?”
Wonwoo squeezes your hand as the two of you walk out of the little cafe - already heading towards the last destination that he’d picked out.
“It’d be nice to.” He grins cheekily at you. “But maybe next time we could go together?”
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You end up having to take a taxi to get to the final location.
‘It’d be too far to walk for you, pretty baby~’ Wonwoo had cooed.
The car stops after about 35 minutes and while he pays the fare, you step out to read the sign in front of the large domed building.
“You okay, baby?”
“Hmm? Y-yeah! I’m just… Wow, I don’t think I’ve been here in… ever.” You laugh awkwardly as Wonwoo places a gentle hand on the small of your back.
“I thought it’d be nice and quiet. We could just... Enjoy each others’ company. And talk. Finally.”
The two of you are quiet when you walk in but Wonwoo tells the receptionist that he’s booked a private room which makes your cheeks warm up.
He’d definitely gone the extra mile.
The two of you are led to a smaller room - just enough to fit ten or so people except it’s only you and Wonwoo once the receptionist shuts the door and leaves you be.
“Shall we?” You nod as you take a seat in one of the recliners; setting your things down into the seat next to you as Wonwoo takes the seat on your other side. The two of you get comfortable as you stare up into the projected night sky - only the buzzing of the projectors in the small room filling up the silence as you start to relax.
Wonwoo reaches for your hand in the darkness and you feel yourself jolt in surprise when he tugs you a little closer to himself.
“Have you ever heard the story of the sun and moon?”
“Hmm? Which one? Aren’t there a lot?”
He closes his eyes, sighing softly as he relaxes in the darkness.
“It’s that old story about how the Sun loved the Moon so much that he died for her every night so that she could breathe. He thought she was so beautiful when she’d glow but the Moon knew their fates were decided in different paths. So the Sun would see her in passing, short glimpses, right before he disappeared beyond the horizon. It’s a romantic story about sacrifice and star crossed lovers.”
“Is that what we are?”
Wonwoo lets out a loud laugh; eyes forming crescents as his glasses slide down his nose bridge.
“No, I think our story is much more fortunate than that.”
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Black is Wonwoo’s favorite color.
“A-ah, hold on…!”
He likes to take naps when he’s not working or in his classes and sometimes spends his time playing PC games with his frat brothers until 3 in the morning.
He doesn’t have a ton of hobbies but he’s been thinking about videography lately since Mingyu’s brought it up.
“Baby, h-hold on, I’m gonna drop you if you don’t stop flailing!”
And he’s already thinking about taking a film class next semester and maybe quitting his job at the library to focus.
He tells you his favorite hyung is Seungcheol, ‘because he buys food all the time’ and his favorite dongsaeng is Seokmin, ‘because he cries easily so you know his heart is always in the right place.’
“Okay, finally!”
Wonwoo all but kicks the door to his room open, carrying you inside before he kicks it shut.
He lays you down gently on the bed as you giggle; a gentle smile on his face when he lays down next to you.
“I don’t know why you wanted to carry me up the entire flight of stairs but thank you.”
“Think of it as my sun sacrificing for your moon.”
You roll your eyes at his sudden cheesiness and in the heat of the moment, you find yourself rolling onto your side and immediately reaching for Wonwoo’s face as you tug him into a heated kiss.
He’s taken by surprise at first but quickly melts into it himself; eyes closing and hands reaching for your body when you start to roll on top of him.
His lips are soft and his kisses slow - the taste of coffee lingering on his lips and tongue when your lips part for him.
You’re reminded of his soft and gentle touches from a few days prior when you moan against his mouth and he’s quick to thread a hand through your hair before he flips your positions so that you’re underneath him instead.
“Mmh… Wonwoo…”
He kisses you on the lips one more time before he pulls away and takes his glasses off.
“I have one more thing for you to conclude our date.”
“Oh? A gift?”
“You can say that…”
He gets up from the bed and walks over to his closet - fetching a small box that he brings back to the bed as you sit up on your elbows.
“Wait, you’re not actually proposing, are you? On the first date?” Snorting, he takes the lid off and empties the contents of the box onto the bed.
“Depends. There’s definitely a cock ring in this pile somewhere.”
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‘You can use anything in this box on me tonight. I wanna give you the freedom.’
“You look… wow.”
You try your best to not go over the top with the toys but you couldn’t help yourself when you reached for the blindfold and the set of handcuffs; shaky fingers helping Wonwoo get into position against the headboard before you had locked the handcuffs into place and wrapped the blindfold around his head.
“Everything you dreamed about, baby? Having me at your mercy?” He smirks and even through the blindfold, you already know his eyes are smoldering and staring holes into you as you sit on his thighs.
“Maybe we should switch off every now and again ‘cause you look really good like this, Wonwoo…”
“Hah, well, let’s see how well you do, hmm, princess? Maybe if you do a good job, I might let you.”
Gulping, your eyes flit down his half naked body and yours before you reach for one more thing from the box; turning it on and letting it buzz to life as Wonwoo tenses up slightly.
He holds his breath and anticipates it but he’s still not as prepared as he thinks when you press the vibrator against his cock through the fabric of his boxer briefs.
The sensations feel even stronger with his eyes covered by the blindfold and his arms bound above his head and no matter how much he wants to tug against his restraints, he knows he can’t do anything.
Your mouth is agape at the way Wonwoo squirms underneath you and for a moment, you wonder if this is what he sees when you’re the one squirming underneath him.
“You’re not usually this sensitive… daddy~”
The teasing lilt in your voice has Wonwoo clenching his jaw before he huffs. “Daddy’s not used to being the one tied up, sweetheart.”
He opens his mouth to comment again, only a soft moan floating past his lips as he thrusts up against the vibrator. You don’t do anything other than hold it against his clothed cock but it’s enough for him to want to give in and switch places with you already - even though it’s only been minutes since you started.
Wonwoo tells himself control is something he needs to learn how to manage.
You can’t help but touch yourself while you hold the toy against him; biting your lip to hold in your noises when you gently run your fingers over your clothed mound.
“Y-yes, daddy?”
Grinning, Wonwoo can already tell by the shakiness of your voice that you’re affected too and he can’t help but want his hands roaming all over your skin.
“You should have all your fun now while you can~”
Gulping, you heed the warning in his voice as you set the vibrator to its highest setting, causing Wonwoo to let out a broken cry as the vibrations make his entire body tremble and try to shy away from the toy.
“G--god, fuh--fuck, ngh…”
His moans have your pussy clenching around emptiness and your fingertips only press harder into the wet patch of your panties at the way he tugs against his restraints.
“D-daddy… I--Can I sit on your cock now? I can’t w-wait any longer, you look so good…”
“O-oh? Watching daddy being a little bit submissive got your panties all wet, huh, princess? Are you wet enough to take daddy’s cock already?”
You turn off the toy and pull it away from him, watching his body go slack before you shimmy off of his lap to take off your panties.
A grin etches itself onto your face as you hold the wet material in your hands. “Daddy? Do you wanna know how wet I am?”
You can see Wonwoo’s brows furrow from above the blindfold but he nods once, lips parted slightly as he catches his breath. Goosebumps are all over his skin and he can feel you starting to grind down onto his clothed cock as your wetness soaks into the material of his boxer briefs.
“Oh, sweetheart, I--mmph!”
Giggling, you stuff the fabric between his parted lips - muffling anything he was going to say after as you grind down onto him harder. “Mmh, daddy you’re so hard… ‘m gonna make myself cum on your cock now, okay~?”
Only what you can assume are muffled curse words fall from his lips when you scoot back down to his thighs, tugging his boxer briefs down before wrapping a hand around his cock.
You lean over and let saliva drip from your mouth to the head of his cock - smearing the spit and his precum up and down his shaft as you prolong his teasing before giving himself, and yourself, what you both really want.
“Daddy, I wish you could see yourself right now~ I can tell how much you wanna feel my cute ‘lil pussy wrapped around your cock… Squeezing you and making you feel good too~”
Wonwoo can only groan around the fabric, hips thrusting up into your palm.
“And I’m so wet now too… But daddy always gets me sooo wet…” You shimmy back up his body, positioning his cock at your entrance before you start to sink down slowly. “A-ah, sliding into my hot ‘lil cunt like you w-were made for me, daddy…”
The amount of expletives Wonwoo’s screamed into the soaked material is uncountable at this point, but he says a mental prayer thanking the powers up above when he’s finally fully seated in your warmth - cock already curving deliciously into your g-spot as you mewl.
“Mmh, I could cum like this… Your cock is s-so big it’s already filling me up s-so good and--and touching all the p-places inside me that make me w-wanna cum…”
You grind atop his lap, swiveling your hips before removing your bra and tossing it off to the side. “Ngh… daddy…” Your hands roam your skin, cupping your breasts and pinching your nipples as you whimper and clench down onto Wonwoo’s cock harder.
“Nod once if you wanna see me, daddy~ Or nod twice if you wanna talk to me~”
Wonwoo grits his teeth - you could really be evil when you wanted to.
But he nods once, sharply, to let you know he’s not happy he can’t have both. You laugh softly in return, leaning up to remove the silk ribbon from his eyes.
He blinks rapidly to adjust to the dimmed room, eyes on your naked body in a flash as you go back to teasing yourself.
“Do you like what you see, daddy?”
Wonwoo gulps, this time nodding shakily as he watches you pinch your nipples and cup your breasts. “Bet you wanna touch me too, huh, daddy?” He narrows his eyes - silently telling you to watch yourself.
“Hmm… s’not as fun when daddy doesn’t talk to me too~”
You smile at him teasingly before you reach over to pull the wet material from between Wonwoo’s lips and he doesn’t waste a second before he’s chuckling - quietly yet enough to make you shiver.
“Hah, gotta hand it to you, princess...”
He doesn’t say anything more which makes you nervous so instead, you start bouncing on his lap, fingertips on your clit as you chase your pleasure.
This won’t last much longer, you think, I gotta take what I can get.
Soft mewls spill from your lips as you maintain eye contact with him and the way he just stares at you is enough to make you cry out.
“D-daddy, d--don’t, ah, look at m-me like that…”
“Like what, princess?”
You pinch your clit, eyes clamping shut when he shifts slightly underneath you.
A choked sob bubbles up your throat when you throw your head back and the pleasure washes over you - your orgasm hitting you hard as you swivel your hips faster.
“Oho, my pretty ‘lil princess is already cumming~ Your hot ‘lil cunt is sucking my cock in deeper while you cum… Don’t you want daddy to fuck you good and hard? Feel my cock fucking you so deep you feel it in your stomach?”
“O-oh, god, daddy…!” Your thighs shake as you rub quicker circles on your clit - milking your orgasm for what it’s worth before you would give back the control to Wonwoo.
“Or maybe daddy should fuck you slow… Let you feel every inch of me when I’m sliding in and out of your pretty ‘lil cunt… Make you beg for me and crave me so fuckin’ bad, just like you did to me?”
His laugh is cruel and makes you whimper; orgasm ebbing away as your fingers slow down and your hips come to a stop.
Gulping, you know the second the locks click on the handcuffs that Wonwoo would most likely make you pay for all your teasing.
But you fish for the keys lost in the bedsheets - shaky, sticky fingers reaching above the silent male underneath you as you start to undo the locks keeping him bound to the bed.
And it doesn’t take long.
Wonwoo does the rest of the work himself, tugging himself free and maneuvering you swiftly until you’re on your back; the air knocked out of your lungs at how quickly he moved.
“Daddy, I--”
The words die on your tongue when Wonwoo pushes your legs up to your chest, not even bothering to rid himself of his boxer briefs when he sinks his cock back into you.
In this position, Wonwoo holds all the control; cock slamming into your sensitive cunt as garbled noises fall from your lips.
“D--daddy, ‘m se--sensitive… ngh…”
Your cunt is like a vice grip around his cock as he snaps his hips hard and fast - this time chasing his own pleasure after all your teasing.
In all honesty, he would’ve cum if you kept the vibrator on his body any longer and he mentallly reminds himself to not let you know how easily it affected him.
“I know you’re sensitive, princess~ Which is why you’re gonna cum for me again.”
Wonwoo reaches between your bodies, rubbing quick circles on your clit with the pad of his thumb as you scream out his name.
“Oh--oh, god! Wonwoo, Wonwoo, Wonwoo!”
“That’s right. Fuckin’ scream my name, princess. Who’s making you feel this good?”
“Y--You! Daddy! Fuck, ah, I--I can’t, I can’t, I--mmh!”
Wonwoo already starts to feel your body tense up with each thrust of his hips that has the head of his cock tapping your g-spot.
“You can and you will, princess.” He mutters, eyes focused on your face that contorts in absolute bliss. “Daddy wants to feel you cumming on his cock while he fucks you nice and deep. You take me so well, princess~ Fuckin’ taking all of me in your cute ‘lil cunt.”
Tears blur your vision as the pleasure starts to wash over you a second time - nothing leaving your lips except for an alternation of ‘Wonwoo’ and ‘daddy’ as your legs shake and toes curl.
“Fuck, princess…!”
Wonwoo’s cock is forced out of you as you cum hard; squirting all over his lower half as you cry out and convulse against the sheets.
The ringing in your ears is enough to block out anything he seems to say but he’s quick to wrap a hand around his cock and tap your swollen clit as he works you through your second high.
“Aww, my good ‘lil princess is so cute when she’s squirting all over daddy~ Making a big mess, too~” Your body jolts with each tap of his cock head against your clit and it only prolongs your orgasm as you thrash against his sheets.
“Da---daddy… I, hic, ‘m sor--sorry…”
When Wonwoo feels your body start to relax after a few tense minutes, he takes in your glowing form underneath him; thighs slicked with wetness and bed sheets soaked and crumpled underneath your bodies.
In a moment of gentleness, he lets your quivering legs down, fingertips massaging your tired body as he leans over you.
His lips are ghosting across your cheek as you open your teary eyes, soft cries still on your lips when he wipes at your tear stained cheek with the back of his fingers.
“You okay, princess?”
“You wanna stop now? We can if you want.” His voice is barely above a whisper and the softness of it makes your body feel warm and sated when he kisses you gently. He repeats this a few more times as you catch your breath; leaving feather-light kisses all over your face as you mewl.
“You didn’t cum yet though, daddy…”
“I know, s’okay.” He smiles against your lips, “I want what you want… ‘Cause I really like you. And I’d really like to go on more dates with you, princess. And I wanna be able to tell everyone that I really like you too. And show you off to them and make them jealous that you’re mine. If you’ll let me. And learn with me.”
You giggle tiredly into his kiss, hazy eyes meeting his own.
You were happy.
And Wonwoo was too.
“Wanna start by grabbing me a glass of water from downstairs then, daddy?”
“Anything for you, my moon.”
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“Does that really work?”
“What do you mean?”
“The ‘holding a cup to the door’ thing. Can you hear them?” Mingyu purses his lips at Minghao’s question.
“Not… really. Kinda just muffles it more.”
Jeonghan passes by the two currently hunched over each other in front of Wonwoo’s door; an incredulous look on his face.
“Why are the two of you listening in on them fucking? Fucking weirdos.”
Mingyu and Minghao both turn to look at the older male, lips pursed into a firm line “We’re not listening to them fucking, hyung. We’re trying to hear their conversation.”
Jeonghan laughs as he shakes his head.
“There’s absolutely no valuable conversation going on if she’s screaming ‘daddy’ so loud that Seungcheol is texting me about it from his bedroom. You should leave before Wonwoo finds out and decides to make rugs out of the two of you.”
“Ugh… Yes, hyung.”
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padfootdaredmetoo · 3 years
Hi!! I was wondering if maybe you could write a Wade x plus size reader? Maybe she’s an ex pro thief and gets put with him for a mission or smth?? I got no idea man just have fun with it aye
Thank you for the request!!!!! Sorry for the wait!
I wasn't sure if you wanted it to be dirty or not so I sectioned that part off in case it's not what you're looking for :)
You are my first ever request! So, thank you, thank you, thank you, and I hope you enjoy it <3
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Thieving, being exceptionally attractive while doing it. Wade on his best behaviour, Smut is sectioned off.
You haven't accepted a mission in 4 years.
You got out of the business and left those “friends” and “friend circles” behind you after you scored your dream internship. 4 years and you were running your own team and writing a semi successful blog. It was a quiet life, and you enjoyed it immensely. You liked your team members, and you felt they found you a fair and caring boss. Your cat Mr. Sparkles was a healthy weight and had finally committed to using the litter box.
You don't know why you answered when he called you, you don’t know why you agreed to such fuckery. But here you were pulling out a familiar black box out of the bottom of your cluttered closet. You picked it up and placed it on your bed. The dark colour contrasted with your bright and colourful décor. Something you found oddly reflective, once you moved on from that part of your life nothing was dark. Everything in your apartment was covered by color and patterns that made you happy.
You opened the box. You and Mr. Sparkles looked at the contents like there was a wild octopus about to come flying out of it.
“It was the right thing to do.” You said out loud. “And it's going to pay well.”
Pulling the tight outfit over your curves felt better than you thought it would. You figured that it would cause you panic or anxiety. Instead you felt a wave of confidence looking yourself over in the mirror that hung on the back of your bedroom door. Normally you were covered in bright flowy clothes, that's what you liked. Your whole life was built upon being invisible since you were little. Now that you were in charge every day was a celebration in its own way. However this made you feel sexy, the outfit was sleek and left nothing to the imagination. Pulling your long hair into a tight french braid you were ready to get out there and do some thieving.
You kissed Mr. Sparkles and gave your aloe vera plant a light touch on your way out the window. It was a hot summer night and the air was muggy. These were your favorite kinds of nights to sit out on the fire escape, have some drinks, read books, and watch the city. It was lonely, but enjoyable nonetheless.
You got up to the roof and plotted your course to the impossible house. You misstepped a couple of times before falling into your usual rhythm. You contemplated whether you were doing this because the small piece of art should be with the family it belongs too. Or if you were doing this because you had some kind of Ocean’s 11 complex that kept you hungry for such challenges. It was an impossible place to break into, the floor of the old house containing the art work was covered with laser security. A piece of knowledge that should make your stomach flip, but only makes your heart feel funny.
You got yourself into position on the roof of the low building that was across the street, you took a few minutes to survey and eventually came to the conclusion that conditions were perfect. You made your way to the 3rd floor balcony. You knew of the owner’s, an awfully cruel man and his lover. They were asleep on the 5th floor of the house. Well, city mansion? Whatever, the point is it didn't feel like a home, it felt like something a royal family would keep when they came to visit. Lots of expensive art and velvet curtains. Massive gold and crystal chandeliers hung from mirrored ceilings framed with fancy crown molding. You did your research in the few hours you had after the job request had come in, there was a - *insert super fancy techno security laser system name here.* And it was said to be unbeatable. No gymnast or other cat-like thief had been able to tango with it. You had been challenged by its precursors but had got out of the game by the time this puppy had made it out on the market.
You picked the lock on the double doors, and slid past the heavy curtains and disabled the basic alarm system for the floor. Surveying the area you saw the lasers slowly dancing like it was a Pink Floyd tribute at the local planetarium. (something you attend regularly) You took a deep breath and got ready to disco your way across the floor to the small framed painting of a sun set. You put a headphone in and set the song *put on a song you would rob a bank to*. You began the journey. People often felt that your size and shape made you incompetent or ungraceful. You learned early on in life not to listen to stupid people say stupid things. You were the best, perhaps because you weren't afraid to look stupid or ridiculous. You bended and snapped, ducked and dodged, twirled and flipped. And just like that you reached your target. The second you lifted it off the wall, the lasers stopped. You pulled your knife and twirled around ready for a fight. What you saw was not what you expected, across the room none other than Wade freaking Wilson was looking at you.. Normally you hated being stared at like that, but he was a “friend” you found particularly challenging to leave behind. The whites of his mask were wide. After making a whole bunch of strange gestures with his hands, he held up a finger motioning you to be quiet. He disappeared towards what you figured would be the staircase going up to the next floor. If he gave you a clear shot at an exit you knew he had trouble with him. So you took your out.
You got back up on the rooftop across the street, you grabbed the bag you left there and secured the painting. You pulled out a large black piece of cotton and tossed it around your shoulders like a shall. This made your outfit look less stealth and more passion for leather/night out on the town. Making your way down the fire escape on the side of the building you saw the target house explode.
I guess Wade hasn't changed any.
You picked up the pace feeling anxious to get to Sister Margrets. Making your way through the city unnoticed, you went into the shitty establishment through the alleyway door. You wasted no time moving through the hallway into the servers entrance spitting you out behind the bar. You kept by the entrance which kept you out of sight, you didn't want to see any more friends tonight. Weasel jumped when he turned around and saw you there looming in the shadows, spilling the drink he had just made.
“Fuck” He quickly remade the drink then moved back to where you were standing. He had a large envelope of cash for which you handed him the back pack. You felt slightly relieved.
“Hey I know you moved on, but thanks for this.”
“No problem”
You turned around and went out the way you came in. Opening the door that leads back to the alley way, you notice a very large and slightly singed body blocking your exit.
“Stay for a drink?” His voice caused something in you to stir. Something you were not going to explore.
“Sorry Wade but no can do” You pushed past him and began walking down the street.
“Pretty pleaseeeee” he said with a sing song voice. You tried not to smile. He caught up to you so he was walking beside you. “If your not a big drinker anymore we could go for diner, tacos!, Sushi, chicken nuggets, you always loved a good chicken nugget” You tuned him out as he kept chattering a list of every food he could remember eating together. You had to figure out somewhere to go as you weren't leading him back to your apartment. Going in random directions, he spoke up.
“I know you live on *Insert cute street name here*”
“What the fuck Wilson?”
“Well you disappeared and I wanted to make sure you weren't being unalived. This means if we head back to yours we can do take out and homemade drinks, which in my opinion is much better anyway. I make the best margaritas in the city.”
You started the walk back towards your apartment. Trying desperately to come up with a way to leave him at the front of the building. The thought of him in your very personal, very colourful, even bordering on childish apartment made you unbelievably anxious. Every time you looked over at his slightly charred body you couldn't help a strange feeling welling up inside you. You got to the front door to the building and turned to look up at him. There was a long pause as you struggled for words.
“It's alright. It was a nice walk.” You could hear the layers of sadness underneath his tone. You were going to tell him that it was a nice walk and that maybe one day when things were better for you they could get that drink. Then you were going to threaten him into keeping everything a secret.
“I don't have stuff for margaritas.” The wrong words left your mouth but for a fleeting moment you actually didn't want him to leave.
“Are you sure?” Hey sounded very serious which caught you off guard and confused you a little.
“Yeah, normally I just drink stuff out of a can” You were terrible at mixing drinks, they were always way too sweet and strong and lead to trouble. Wade gave a big laugh. “Are you okay to pick up the stuff if I get changed?”
“You betcha.” He did a twirl, blew you a kiss, then headed down the street.
You dashed up to your apartment and started to hide your more personal stuff. Grabbing an armful of clean laundry off the couch, tossing it into an empty bin in the closet. You were so busy trying to hide your stuffed animals and random fan art, that you didn't notice him standing in the fire escape landing looking at you from the large open window.
“Damn. This was not what I was expecting.” He said, sounding surprised. “This isn't what your old place looked like at all”
“Uh” Your face got hot and you refused to look at him. “I ah don't have people over so um yeah. You can go now.”
“Nonononononono. This is a huge bit of progress from everything being varying shades of grey and uncomfortable.” Wade took the place in as he made his way to your kitchen. Placing the big brown bags on the counter top, and sliding the blender out from against the bright backsplash.
"Uh I'm going to get cleaned up. Help yourself to everything." You ran into the bathroom and freshened up and were very grateful to be out of the leather and into your summer pj's. They were more on the revealing side but you never found Wade the type to care or be creepy.
Coming out you found him very comfortable whirling around the kitchen. It looked like he had made a giant frying pan of pad thai and the blender was full. Turning around to see you he picked you up and sat you on the counter top like you were nothing more than a bottle of the many sauces he currently had out. He handed you one of your favorite rainbow glasses filled with margarita. Your brain was still trying to calm down from him picking you up like that.
"Thanks" you said with an even redder face.
"No problem, hot stuff" he divided the food into two plates, you led him out to sit on the fire escape with you. It was a sacred space, it felt weird to be there with a real live person. After the most delicious plate of food ever, many drinks, and laughs about the good old days things quieted down leaving a thick tension between the two of you. You realized you owed him an apology of sorts.
"Wade, I'm sorry I didn't give you a proper goodbye. I just had a life of running and I couldn't risk anyone fucking me over again."
"It's alright babe. I understand why you did it." His voice was low and sad and it made your heart hurt. You didn't want the night to end.
"Thanks for keeping my place here a secret."
"No problem. Do you think mayyybe now that I know about your situation we could do this again sometime?"
"You have no idea how nice that would be." You really meant it having him around was the most fun you'd had in a very long time. You didn't have to pretend or beat around the bush about anything with Wade. Nothing was too dark or silly or messed up.
"Well I guess this is my cue." He made to stand up but you grabbed his knee without thinking.
"Uh if you want to. You could also stay for a while." He turned his head to the side, bright eyes looking you over. "You could take a shower and I've definitely got a shirt and some boxers I could lend you." His eyes got wider. "They're mine. They're really…. comfy…" you would never understand how he made you so embarrassed.
"Uh, not sure about that… it just…" he motioned to the rest of his body.
"I've seen your face. It won't bother me" you looked up at him with empathetic eyes, part of you hoping that maybe they came across as bedroom eyes. You gave yourself a mental slap.
"If you're uncomfortable, that's okay too." You said, giving him a kind smile. You could tell there was an internal battle. So you gave him a minute.
"Alright that sounds nice. It's a fucking mess under here tho."
You went into your bathroom and found your gentlest scent free soap and a soft towel. Then into your room to find a giant t-shirt and your biggest pair of boxer shorts.
You put it into a nice pile in the bathroom.
"Okay there's some nice soap, it's natural scent free, made of angel's tears or some shit and a clean towel and clothes in there for you."
Wade shifted around you into the bathroom. "Thanks"
You flopped onto your bed and looked up at your glow star collection that littered the ceiling. You heard the water start running and you closed your eyes. Until your herd some very loud and off key Britney Spears. You couldn't help but laugh. Soon enough he was out and flopped onto the bed next to you.
"Man this is the best sleepover ever."
"If this has been your best sleepover with a chick I feel sorry for you. And her." You joked.
"Sorry enough for a pity cuddle." You know what the look he gave you meant. He was testing the waters to see what kind of night this was gonna be. You couldn't help but feel the need to challenge it.
"We could cuddle… or we could do other stuff then cuddle." You'd thought of all the reasons this was a bad idea. But voices weren't loud enough over the sound of your heart beating. He leaned in closer, fingers brushing your cheek.
"You sure that's not a margaritas talking?"
"Very sure." You said eyes locked with his.
"Why now?" It was a good question. One you had to think about.
"I don't think I ever was really myself. Like I was as much of myself as I could be while hurting that much. Now I'm happy and I enjoy things differently"
"Hmmm I noticed that. I think I got to know you more in the past few hours than I had when we were friends. You actually laugh now. At jokes and not just crazy like when things are exploding" he moved his hand to run through your hair and you couldn't hold back a soft moan. It had been so very long since someone had touched you.
You felt his lips press into your forehead. You'd thought about Wade before but he was in a relationship, then she died, and Wade wasn't himself for a long time. You'd figured if you were something he wanted he'd make it clear considering the dude flirted with everyone. You'd always had a secret fear that maybe you went his type. Vanessa was short and very tiny, other than her you were only sure of one other and that was Cable, who was serious, fit, tall, and massive. You were a good height and curvy as all hell. Suddenly you felt self conscious. But then he put his hands on either side of your face tilting your head up to meet his. You opened your eyes and they focused in on his lips. They were so close it caused the air in your lungs to get stuck.
"You're pretty quiet. You sure you wanna try to do other things. We can jump right to cuddling if that's better for right now?"
You looked up to meet his eyes.
"Is that what you want?" You tried your best to have it come out casually.
"Not really."
Your eyes migrated back down to his lips and you shuffled closer. You wanted to kiss him so badly you felt like your body was on fire.
"You can take whatever you want baby"
******************PSA: Dirty stuff below ;)*********************
That's all the permission you needed. You moved in and softly pressed your lips into his, then took things deeper. It didn’t take much for your breathing to become ragged, you were trying desperately to take the kiss further.
Eventually you bit his bottom lip and whimpered, finally he agreed, his hands tightened on your face and your tongues started to battle it out. You wanted to win, so you moved to straddle him. Finally accomplishing some friction between the two of you, you could feel your panties sliding against your wet folds. This only lasted for a few glorious seconds, before he flipped you on to your back quickly moving to pin your arms above your head.
He started moving south leaving a red hot trail of destruction behind him. There was only so much your tank top would allow, Wade seemed very content palming your right breast while biting on the flesh beneath your left collar bone. You on the other hand wanted your goddamn clothes off.
You tried to break his grip and moaned when you realized such a task would only be accomplished by hurting him. He really had you trapped there, a piece of knowledge that only made you want your clothes off more. His grip on your breast tightened and his smirking lips took a long pull on the hardened nub that was poking up benthe the cotton of your top. You couldn't help your back arching. Finally, after paying respects to your other breast, he pulled back to look at you. He squeezed your wrists.
God he was so bossy. Something that divided you internally. A part of you wanted to push it, see how hard he would dig into you, and the other part was desperate to behave and be good. You decided you would be good, for now. He sat up, leaning back on his knees in between your legs. Slowly his fingers brushed across the soft skin of your stomach, then his hands ran up along your torso taking your shirt with them. Feeling his scarred hands trail lightly across you sent shivers through your body. You felt him cup and knead your breasts for a moment before pulling your top over your head. He took a long look at you which made you feel delicious. No one had ever pulled out this side of you before. Kissing down your stomach he stopped at the waistband of your shorts. He took your left leg and used it to flip you over, somehow taking your shorts off at the same time. There you were ass up naked and loving every second of it. His big hands came down to smack your ass, a loud noise of please ran out of your mouth along with most of the air in your lungs. Enjoying the response he did it again then started kneading the flesh.
“Fuck you are so fucking sexy.” You felt his hands slide down to grip the tops of your thighs. You arched your back further resting your head on the bed. “Good girl.” The words hit you like a bullet but before you had time to find your footing his hot mouth was all over you wet folds.
His skilled tongue painting some kind of masterpiece, he was touching you everywhere but where you really desperately wanted it. But this seemed to be the way he operated, and you weren't complaining. After feeling like he had been everywhere, he started to circle that tight ball of nerves and you couldn't help but let out a shout. Pleasure was ripping through your body, things were starting to get hot and tight inside you, when all of a sudden those glorious lips closed in and created some heavenly suction. You couldn't stop your hips from bucking, this earned a heavy slap on your right ass cheek.
“Fuck fuck fuckf cukkkk ah” It quickly became too much, your orgasm hit you like a train, whole body tensing up then finally crashing down. Wade kept up the rhythm letting you ride it out. Finally pulling away when it became too much. He snaked his arm up your front to grab the front of your neck pulling you up on to your knees, angling your face so he could kiss you deeply. Putting on a show of how good you tasted. After a long moment of heated kissing, he positioned you so you were laying on your back again. Giving you a few moments to catch your breath.
“You wanna keep going?” he asked softly.
“Yes please.” you answered politely.
“Alright but, it's everywhere. All over me. So doggy style is generally best for this next part. If you wanna do it that way, I'm also just happy making you scream like this too.”
“Wade, we can stop if you need to. But I would much rather you fuck me like this. Or let me choke on you for a while then fuck me like this. On my back where I can kiss you and love you back. Ya feel me?”
He looked at you with searching eyes. You realized what you said probably sounded a bit off. Love you back probably wasn't the right thing to say, but you were operating with limited brain function at this point.
“This normally doesn't end well for me.”
“Hmmm. What part, how do you like to uh finish?” You asked slightly confused. Wade only laughed.
“That's not the problem, I almost got off just from you screaming like that. No, I just want to make sure you actually enjoy it. It's hard to enjoy things when you are looking up at someone who looks like they lost a fight with an industrial paper shredder that happened to be on fire.”
You snorted.
“Wade I never knew you before, but I’ve wanted you since I met you. Okay? There's no spooky feelings here.” Your words seemed enough to convince him. He leaned in for a soft kiss, one that made you want to misbehave. You pulled the shirt up, running your hands across the well defined muscles of his torso, then broke the kiss to pull it up over his head. You didn't give him a chance to be chatty, you resumed the heavy kiss, palming his erection. He moaned into your mouth. Feeling accomplished, you pulled the boxers off letting his heavy cock slap up against his stomach. You couldn't help but break the kiss, looking down you watched your hand slide over his impressive, throbbing length. You wanted to take him in your mouth, but before you could push him back onto the bed, he was already pinning you in place beneath him.
You felt him slide himself through your heat. Finally lining himself up with your entrance, his thumb set a steady pace on your clit as he pushed into you slowly. You were grateful he took his time opening you up. You let out a strangled sound when he bottomed out, you felt so full. He set a slow pace giving you lots of time to adjust, this only made you more desperate and needy. When he finally decided you’d had enough, you felt his hand squeeze the back of your neck as he set into a ruthless pace.
“FUCK” He was too much, his heavy body keeping you in place as your hips rose to meet every single thrust. you wanted to feel him as deeply as you possibly could. His hot mouth was biting into the flesh at the bottom of your neck. The heat inside you started to build and you were near your breaking point.
‘Wade” You breathed in a high, desperate tone.
“Cum for me baby” And just like that you felt it take over, your hips snapped up and your feet cramped up. You could feel your walls clench around him tightly, and you choked when he pushed through them even rougher than before. That thumb on your clit never gave up, keeping you trapped riding out the waves of pleasure. You felt it take him over, letting out a deep growl you felt him fill you. He held himself deep inside you, moving both his hands so his forearms were on either side of you trying to keep his weight from crushing you.
His forehead pressed against yours as you both tried to catch your breath. Eventually he moved out of you and he flopped onto his back. You got up and quickly went pee and cleaned yourself up. You grabbed another washcloth and went back to clean him up. You realised that getting up might have been a mistake. Wade was on his side with his eyes screwed shut.
“Hey, you okay?” You asked softly and grabbed the sides of his face and kissed his forehead.
“Better now.” He whispered.
“Sorry for getting up, I should have said something. Can I clean you up?” He gave you a strange look, like he was waiting for you to suddenly disappear. He took the washcloth and wiped himself down, you took it back throwing it into the bathroom. You looked down at him hoping that the voices weren't giving him a hard time. You sat next to him holding his hand, giving him some time.
“So about those cuddles?” He asked softly, and you wondered how many times people had hurt him or thrown him out.
You got under the light quilt on your bed motioning for him to do the same. He followed you, laying on his back, you tucked yourself into his side, enjoying his big arms wrapping around you. You gave his neck a light kiss.
“I missed you.” you said softly
“You have no idea how bad I missed being around you.”
“I won't leave again, if you wanted to make this either a regular thing… or a proper thing… if you're into that?” You felt a tight ball of nerves in your stomach.
“I’d really like that.” He kissed your forehead. You thought about all the things you would have to do to make this relationship compatible with your new life. But that was a later you problem, right now you were the best kind of exhausted. You both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
Thank you again for the request!!!! <3
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