#and a big thing that shows you how tornadoes are formed
edsbacktattoo · 2 years
I’d take you to a planetarium 👉👈
as long as u also tolerate me bouncing around bc I fucking love space dmfbkdbf
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anon it’s a date <3 i’ll wear something nice
also if i was with someone who didn’t get excited about space i would simply go home. they’re not worth my beautiful sexy time. bounce around to ur hearts content cause i’ll be bouncing with u bro
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custardcrazy · 1 year
true connection
summary: Your boyfriend returns to you after a short disappearance (to who knows where). (gn!reader) 
wordcount: 2.4k 
A/N: set after peter gets dropped back to his universe. established relationship woohooooo!!!!!!!! (too lazy to write friends to lovers rn but i really want to) 
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You weren't sure what happened to Peter when he vanished, but there was definitely something different about him when he returned. 
It was late, the sky an inky blue by the time you'd attempted to go to bed. Filtered through the small gap you left in your bedroom window were the sounds of the city at night: cars passing by, the occasional angry horn, pumping music from a couple of doors down. 
You didn't mind any of that. You could deal with the noise, of course. 
But what caused you to jump up and push all your covers aside was a familiar knock on the glass. 
It'd been years since he'd stopped showing up at your window, but lo and behold: there he was. 
To your mild relief, he didn't look injured or anything. Just a little scruffier than usual. 
Before, when he'd leave for certain periods of time, that usually meant he was off fighting some big bad alongside other superheroes. However, he always told you before he left to fight said big bad; this time, he was just up and gone. Apartment empty, things scattered around as if a tornado had swept through the small space. 
It was only natural to assume the worst. 
So, when he climbed through your window, landing maybe a little clumsily, you were torn between bombarding him with questions or clinging to him like some sort of touch-starved koala. After all, you'd been worried. To say the very least. But you didn't speak yet, as he stood up straight and rolled his shoulders. 
The air hung low, for a moment. His gaze met yours. Searching.
And then, his arms were around you. You were encapsulated by familiarity -- his were hands you knew, hands you'd held and kissed and examined countless times, even when frustratingly covered by his suit. You could feel the slight scratch of stubble as he pressed his lips to your forehead, lingering. 
"I missed you." Voice low, though it trembled a little. There was something else besides the normal homesickness that you were accustomed to.
"I missed you too," you echoed. Peter seemed content to just look at you for now. Now, his thumb was tracing your cheek. You let the tenderness of the action sink in, before breaking the silence. "Where were you?" 
And how important was it, for him not to let you know? 
His mouth opened as if he was going to speak, but he closed it soon after. A crease formed between his furrowed brows. "Uh," he began, "it's … a really long story. I'd try and explain it to you, but you'd probably think I was crazy or something." The corner of his mouth quirked up, and you couldn't help but match it. 
"You've fought countless outright bizarre villains -- I think I can handle it." 
There was another scratchy kiss pressed affectionately to your forehead. "I bet you could." 
"But, really." Even though he was smiling, you knew he was being serious. "I wasn't kidding. It's a really long story, and I don't really feel like doing the whole play-by-play right now." 
You exhaled slowly. "That's fine. But you'll tell me … eventually, right?" 
"Of course I will." Peter inclined his head a fraction of an inch, dipping more into your space. "I just need a really, really long hot shower and then a really, really long nap." He huffed out a quiet laugh. "And maybe a grilled cheese." 
"I think that's possible." You dropped your eyes for a second, thinking, then quickly met his once more. Naturally, he was downplaying his own exhaustion -- but again, you'd known him long enough that even his strong and practiced attempts at hiding his own weakness were easy to decipher. Obviously, he was worn. Tired. He always carried it on his back and shoulders, and especially in his eyes. 
"There's definitely some of your old clothes around here somewhere, if you wanted to use my shower." 
At that, Peter's smile widened. Sure, it wasn't an all-out grin, but it was just as sweet. From your close proximity, you could pick out the beginnings of crow's feet making their idents; sure, you were well aware that he wasn't the fondest of the few wrinkles that were forming on his face. 
Honestly, though? They only made him more attractive. 
"You're a lifesaver," he gushed, "seriously." Hesitating for a second, he added: "But could you indicate which towels I can use? I'd feel guilty for stealing yours." 
"Like last time?" 
"... That was three years ago." 
Reluctantly, you detangled yourself from his arms. "And yet, I still remember." 
"I'm a changed man, okay? You can trust me. Stealing is against my moral code." 
As you headed the short distance to the bathroom, Peter stuck close to you. Even if he wasn't holding you anymore, he didn't seem keen on leaving your side just now. His arm brushed yours as you moved past him to get to the closet. 
"These  -- and those, too, if you want." It took a little effort to reach around the various piles of things, but you handed him a towel. Bright cyan, with seashell patterns. "That's big enough, right? 
"Looks like it," he affirmed. "Thanks. I'll be out in a jiff." 
As if. Whenever he said that it'd take him at least half an hour. You wouldn't be surprised if your water bill suddenly skyrocketed. 
You retired to the living room, flicking on the television. Some late-night old movie reruns that looked semi-interesting, even if the video quality was a little shot, and the Transatlantic accents a little too smooth. Since the bathroom wasn't too far from the living room, you could distantly hear the water running in the background. 
"But Richard, no, I, I -- " pleaded the female lead, gazing at her man with nearly-teary eyes.  
" -- You've got to listen to me," he interrupted, nearly void of emotion in comparison. "Do you have any idea what you'd have to look forward to if you stayed here? Nine chances out of ten we'd both wind up in a concentration camp." 
It wasn't long before Peter emerged, hair damp and the seashell towel around his waist. A distinct cloud of steam wafted from the bathroom as he approached you, thankfully not dripping water onto the carpet. Even so, you could still notice some drops lingering on his shoulders and whatnot. 
"I'm guessing my leftovers are in your room," he said, a little pink in the face from what you assumed had been a burning hot shower.  
"Probably," you answered, getting up from the couch. "Let's see." 
After some rifling around in your dresser, you found them -- gray sweatpants, some worn plaid sleep shorts, an assortment of boxers, and a couple of ancient tee shirts which were probably old enough to legally own property. All the clothing got unceremoniously tossed at Peter, who looked mildly amused. 
"You should assign me my own drawer." Checking the shorts for holes, he paused to grin at you. "I bet there's even more stuff in there, huh?" 
Leaning back to sit on your heels, you sighed. "There's definitely more. But trying to find it all would be like trying to find buried treasure without a map." 
"And in this case, 'treasure' would be an extremely faded Daily Bugle sweatshirt." He raised his eyebrows. "Speaking of. I want that back, please." 
"Hey, it's really comfy, okay?" 
By the time you managed to rearrange the rightful contents of the drawers you'd thrown into a state of chaos, Peter had put on a shirt and the sleep shorts -- the latter were maybe a bit too small, but it wasn't like you were complaining. And it didn't seem like he cared, either, yawning widely as he stretched his arms to the sky. 
You stood up, mirroring his stretch. "Tired?" 
"You bet." He rubbed his eyes a little, before running his fingers through his hair; that ever-present lock of hair falling onto his forehead. "Are you?" 
"I was just about to go to bed when you showed up, so … " You absentmindedly fiddled with the hem of your shirt. "Yeah." 
"Oh, sorry 'bout that." Suddenly sheepish, he scratched the back of his neck. "I wasn't really thinking about the inconvenient time. I just wanted -- " 
" -- to see me?" You finished. 
The Peter of years prior would've ducked his head shyly. And, sure, that in itself was adorable, and would've made you go a little crazy. However, this Peter maintained eye contact, and nodded firmly, dropping his arm back to his side. 
Your heart did a neat double backflip. 
"Yeah," he confirmed. "I did. Like I said earlier … I missed you. A lot." 
The look in his eyes was genuine and you couldn't help but smile. 
"I'm glad you're back, Peter." 
The morning eased its way into your room, rays of sunlight trickling through your window and onto your face. 
You could hear the whirring of air-conditioning from the apartment above yours, as well as a couple of birds chirping. However, the sounds that overpowered the rest were the usual city ones: the aggressive morning commuters paired with the train passing by, clacking loudly on the tracks. 
His arm was slung over you, face somewhere near your shoulder or the top of your head. And he was completely dead to the world, quietly snoring near your ear. You smiled a little -- he smelled like your soap now, and not that three-in-one shampoo that he used. It was a nice change. 
For a little while, you remained laying there, enjoying the moment. He was warm, of course. Very comfy. A lot less sarcastic when he was asleep. 
Though, eventually, you did have to get up in order to make breakfast. 
With some effort and finesse, you wiggled out from under Peter's arm and scooted off the bed very slowly. To your relief, he was still basically unconscious, and just rolled over as you left the room, the wooden floor cold under your bare soles. 
There was some pancake mix left in your pantry, and although you were still a little groggy, making pancakes was practically second nature to you by now. Just like boxed macaroni and cheese. Or instant ramen, even if that didn't really count as cooking. 
By the time you'd loaded up a plate with the fruits of your labor, he was awake, practically lumbering into the kitchen. 
Upon sighting the food, he immediately moved to snatch a pancake straight from the plate. With no preamble whatsoever. Not even a 'please'. You knew by now it was futile to try and stop him, so you just let him take it. 
By the time he had half of it in his mouth, he finally spoke, words garbled by the food. " 'Morning." 
"Good morning to you, too." You tried not to comment on his lack of manners. "Sleep well?" 
He swallowed and leaned in to plant a kiss on your temple. "Excellently, actually." Pulling back, he brushed a couple of errant strands of hair out of his face; speaking of, his hair was sticking wildly in multiple directions, and he hadn't bothered to fix it just now. "I haven't slept that well in ages." 
Idly, he split the half of a pancake he was holding in half, lost in thought. "Scratch that. Maybe I have? After you helped me get that new bedframe from IKEA or wherever." 
"Yeah," you agreed, "seriously, why didn't you get a new one earlier? I didn't even know you were using just the mattress." 
He shrugged. "Couldn't fit the thing in the moving van." 
Soon, you were both seated in front of the television, pancakes in tow. Peter flipped through the channels, before settling on the news. It was all normal stuff -- traffic backups, strings of petty theft, a new office building, et cetera. For a bit, you sat in a comfortable silence, the only sounds being the ones that weaved their way in from outside, and the noise coming from the TV. 
Even though there was more space on the couch, neither of you wanted to move away from each other. 
Peter's head fell to rest on your shoulder. Instinctively, you wrapped your arm around him, and he audibly sighed, scooching closer. 
"So," you said, after a few seconds. "How long are you gonna stay here? Your apartment's a mess, isn't it?" 
"Do you want me gone that bad?" He volleyed back, teasing. "Then, no, I'm not leaving. I'm gonna mooch off your food, money, and WiFi -- forever." 
"Peter -- " you couldn't help but snicker, "you know what I meant." 
"Okay, okay." Dropping the snark, you could practically hear the grimace in his voice. "Later today, most likely. You're right, I do have to clean all that crap up." Barely audibly, he muttered, "god, I hate cleaning." 
"I know, I know." You leaned your head against his, not even paying attention to the news lady going on about some sort of rain pattern. "Seriously, though. Did a bomb go off in there or something? When I went to check on you, it sure looked like it." 
There was a noticeable pause before he responded, as if he was trying to figure out the best way to phrase what he was saying. 
"Uh, I swear I'm being honest, okay?" He began. "I'm not joking or anything. Really.” 
“But no, it wasn't a bomb, it was a … a portal.” He inhaled slowly. “And I got sucked through it. Some of my stuff got messed up because of its sucking." He made a couple of motions with the hand that wasn't resting limply on his thigh. 
"A portal? Like, a Doctor Strange portal?" 
"No, no, not like that." More hand gestures. "It was to another dimension. And that was why I didn't get any of your calls." 
After the initial shock -- honestly, it made sense. It had seemed like he'd just straight-up disappeared right off the face of the Earth. Sure, he got busy, but usually, your voicemails never went unanswered. 
"Oh, okay," you replied, calmly. 
He sat straight up, looking at you with more than a little bewilderment. "... 'Oh, okay?'" He repeated. "That's it? You're not gonna question it?" 
You shrugged lightly. 
"Why should I?" 
Just like you, it only took him a split second to recover. 
"Fair enough." 
He was back to leaning on you before he spoke again. "So … I'm assuming that you wanna hear all about my thrilling adventures?" Smirking, he sounded pleased with himself. "I became a mentor, you know. And saved every single alternate universe ever." 
"Oh, really?" 
When he kissed you, you reciprocated without hesitation. He tasted very faintly of chocolate chips -- and lingered again, before finally pulling away. 
"Really," he said. 
You smiled. 
"Tell me all about it, then." 
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koishiro · 10 months
masterlist | genshin masterlist | upcoming anon asks
Okay I’m sorry but he’ll flat out ignore you at first,
Or at least he tries to considering he can’t stop thinking about you which will make him confused for a while on why his heart “aches” when you’re around. He doesn’t realise it but when you’re around or generally anywhere near him, he’ll subtly scuffle closer towards you and I can imagine Diluc trying his best to be in your line of sight as much as he can because that’s his way of infiltrating your mind. Every time you visit Angel’s Share don’t expect to pay for anything, it’s conveniently on the house. I can imagine he’d also want a form of validation from you (and only you) after he gives his opinion in a discussion, it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Fancy seeing you here Y/n, the usual? What are you doing? There’s no need to spend your mora on such wasteful things”
…I hope you like tea,
Because you better expect to be invited to the funeral parlor “for tea” at least 3 days a week. If you’re ever walking through Liue and compliment something at a passing stall, he’ll buy it for you without a second thought because let’s be real (and these are his words exactly): - “mora has no value if it’s not spent on something worthwhile” …this man - he doesn’t realise how much of a flirt he is and is always confused if he catches your red face. He’ll also subtly court you without making it too obvious, like he’d appear at your place of work quite often with the excuse;
“the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is running quite slow today, I wondered if you’d like to take a stroll around the town with me, possibly have a look at the stalls”
This flirtatious bastard,
He’ll always think of ways to make you malfunction. You’re a regular at Angel’s Share as well?: “Ah so this is where all the pretty ladies are kept hm?”, followed by a drink he bought you. Any time he sees you walking though the streets of Mondstadt he’ll jog up to you and say: “Going somewhere m’lady? I could escort you if you’d like, maybe you’d care for a drink at the tavern?”. I can imagine Klee giggling to herself when she sees you as if she knows something you don’t…
“Sorry miss Y/n, Klee was told she can’t say anything, Kaeya made Klee promise - oh, you won’t tell Kaeya will you miss Y/n?”
Al haitham
This withdrawn boy…
He’d quite literally just stare at you from across the room until someone (Kaveh) nudges his shoulder, telling him he’ll scare you off if he continues. If you’re already aquatinted with each other he’ll most likely try and impress you by giving you book recommendations or talk about his findings at the Akademiya while you zone out and stare at his face for the next few hours. If you’re not aquatinted, he’ll saddle up to you and still give you recommendations:
“If I could just interject, herbal tea would be best whilst chamomile shall just make you drowsy, if you’d like I could show you how to make your own”
Ah yes, the cocky ginger,
I imagine he’d act like Kaeya, if he saw you strolling through Liue, Childe would stride up to you and ask if he could escort you to where you need to be with the excuse; “you can never be too careful” and this would become a habit to the point of meeting you once your shift ends to walk you back home. He’d also 100% spend his money on you no doubt, like Zhongli his excuse would be
“what’s the point of mora if I can’t spend it on a pretty girl hm?”
I hope you’re a dog person,
Because this is at your beck and call. One of the ways he shows his interest towards you is gift giving; you need a certain herb? Wait here while he goes and hunts it down for you, or maybe you need some meet? Don’t worry, he’ll quickly chase down a boar for you. And if you thank him a big smile when he delivers them? His tail could cause a tornado with how powerful his tail is wagging. Another way he shows his interest is physical affection; you’re sitting down reading a book? He’s there with his head on your shoulder, you’re both walking through town? He’s got a firm grasp on either your hand or your arm,
“what? I can’t let you wander off and get yourself lost, what would I do then? Who would hive me head pats?”
You wouldn’t even know he has a crush on you,
Instead thinking he’s just this friendly with everyone. Being an architect, no less from Sumeru, he would show and explain his ideas to you and ask for advice on what you think about them, sometimes he’ll deliver miniature structures to you that he made, for example: he once made you a wooden mobile (like a baby cot mobile) to hang wherever you please that plays music because he knew you had trouble sleeping or another time, he made you a glass wind-chime that would reflect the sun and cause rainbow rays to spread across your porch because you spend so much time in your garden. He’ll either make these as a thank you, a just cause, or he’ll make up a white lie and say it’s an experiment he’d like you to test run, always delivered with an excuse he made beforehand:
“Ah Y/n, glad I ran into you! I noticed the other day that you were struggling to keep on top of watering all of your plants so I made an automatic watering system! If it all goes well, I might start a batch of them”
-𝘬𝘰𝘪 𝘹𝘰
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rowdyhughesy · 1 year
Like father like son - Jack Hughes
“ you have chaos in your soul and lightning in your veins. You my dear were made for wild, magical things “
- erin matlock
word count: 1.2K
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There's a lot of things you'd like to say in this moment, things you'd like to do as you watch him stand in front of the mirror. Lip tucked between his teeth and nervous features on his face. But you know that what you have to say won't make a difference so you stay silent. Newly painted fingernails twisting and turning the ring on your fingers, a habit you've developed since you got married.
It's not until familiar arms wrap around your shoulders, the hands grabbing yours to stop your anxious fiddling that you get out of your head. "Breath Sweets, I'm starting to think you're more nervous than he is." Jack chuckles pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. Turning your head you lower your voice, scared that you're gonna make your son even more anxious if he hears your conversation.
"I'm just worried he's going to be disappointed." Jack gives you a lazy smile in return. Giving you a quick peck he walks over to your oldest grabbing the tie that lays discarded on the hotel bed.
It warms your heart, watching Jack walk over to Lake,  bumping his shoulder against the teenagers in greeting. How they share small words between each other as he helps him with his tie.
It brings to back to Lakes first picture day in preschool. You’d styled his unruly curls -he got those from Jack- and he had whined about how the dress-shirt was itchy while Jack helped him tie his shoes for a solid 5 minutes.
“What do you think mom?” Lake does a twirl showing you his finished product. Dark green suit making him look more tan than he already is and the brown curls are falling in his eyes. You’d told him to get a haircut but he had been persistent in not ruining his precious flow. Faint freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks.
Blinking away the tears that are forming you stride over, tugging the tall boy close in a hug. “You look so handsome baby.” Is all you can muster up between the sniffles. Lake gives you his signature look when he thinks you’re embarrassing. It often comes out when you’re at his games screaming so loud you can hear it on the other side of the rink.
Jack feeling left out pulls both of you into a group hug. The three of you stay like that for a while, reminiscing back to when it were only the three of you for a solid 5 years. Back in your apartment in Newark, before you bought the house in Hoboken. Before the twins were born.
It was free days with no practice, games, school or work spent playing street hockey and eating breakfast for dinner. It was Lake scoring a goal on Luke for the first time at 5 and a big toothless smile as he jumps in Jacks arms screaming daddy did you see that?
Things weren’t as hectic but it’s all the chaos, road trips and early practices that brought you here and it’s all you could wish for.
This day is all about Lake.
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A small knock on the door catches your attention. Giving Jack a look as to say I've got it you wrap your hand around the handle opening it. In the hallway stands your families. The twins Parker and Kaiden come barrelling in like the tornado they usually are as soon as the door opens. A laughing Luke following after along with Quinn who gives you an apologetic smile. "They couldn't wait any longer to see you guys I'm sorry."
“It’s fine Quinn.”
Kaiden seems to have found interest in pestering Lake per usual, babbling in his ear about how he’s better than him at hockey to which Lake only puts him in a headlock. Knuckles ruffling the blonde hair as Kaiden screams for Parker to save him.
Parker isn’t listening to his pleads though because he’s fully concentrated on watching something on Luke’s phone.
The pair of them more best friends than uncle and nephew. Jack believes it has something to do with the fact that both of them are the youngest out of three brothers. You think it’s because Luke is secretly Parker’s hero.
“Kai stop annoying him. Lake don’t give your brother knuckles he’ll go bald if you do that shit” Jack finally breaks Lake and Kaiden apart, having grown tired of their fighting. Kaiden stares at his dad astonished for a second before his head whips around glaring at his older brother.
“I’ll never get any girls if you make me bald asshole!”
“Kaiden language!”
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Your knee is bouncing up and down in your seat, hand tightly holding onto Jack’s in a futile attempt to calm your nerves. Lake is biting his lip again but it’s pointless to say anything because he will continue doing it until his name is called.
You know he doesn’t anticipate being picked first overall, his numbers are even better than Jacks were during his draft year but Lake is a realist. Something he got from Jim, he knows he can be number one but there’s other players equally as good so he waits.
The start of the draft before the picks start going off has you even more anxious. Why is it taking so long?
When the spokesperson for the New York Islander steps up on the stage you grab Lake’s hand on instinct. Giving it reassuring squeeze as to say it’s okey. He squeezes right back. One hand running through his hair just as the man in a suit speaks up.
“The New York Islanders are proud to select as first overall from university of Michigan. Lake Hughes.” Before the announcer even has the chance to say the full name you and Jack are up on your feet cheering. Lake stands up with his eyes wide as if he can’t believe what just happened. Like he’s waiting for someone to wake him up.
You whisper how proud you are and how much you love him in your sons ear as he hugs you. Silent tears spilling from your eyes and you don’t even try to hide it because this is all he’s ever wanted and it happened.
Jack brings Lake into the tightest hug you’ve ever seen and that’s saying a lot since he’s always hugging your kids whenever he has the chance.
“I love you Lake. Now go up there and show them what being a Hughes means alright? I’m proud of you buddy.” Jack wipes away his tears when he thinks nobody’s looking but you all see it.
Lake walks down the stairs, shaking peoples hand with a toothy grin as he goes. Handing off his suit jacket when he reaches the stage and shakes more hands before the jersey is given to him.
Turning to Jack you find him already looking at you, glassy eyes and soft smile.
“You did that.” You tell him and he only shakes his head before kissing you.
“No baby, we did that. Together.” And it makes you giddy.
Yeah you did that, you made an awesome kid who loves hockey.
His skill set aren’t thanks to you though because you’re a lousy shot and fall on your ass most of the time when on the ice. The hockey? The hockey is all thanks to Jack.
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tomssexdoll · 18 days
Can you do like a 2014-2017 Tom? Anyway so you and him got into a fight in the morning and you ignored him for the whole day. At night you and him were laying in bed and he was trying to apologize. But you get annoyed and just say like "fine now leave me alone." And he does... until... he pulls your close and puts his hands in between your thighs and starts to finger you... Then when you come he hugs you and you both cuddle each other to sleep 😻🤭
This is also my first time asking to do a story so sorry if it's weird...
Broken promise
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2016 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: Tom and Y/N were supposed to have a cute little breakfast date but instead he goes and does his own thing, when Y/N confronts him he just shuts her down, she decides that she won't put up with his shit and ignores him for the entire day, then when in bed he tries to apolgise, in ways she wouldn't expect...
A/N: eeee
WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, fingering, yelling & arguing
The morning started as peaceful, we woke up and kissed each other like we usually did, cuddling for half an hour before we got up, then things turned to shit.
I planned for us to make breakfast together, I even bought all the ingredients we'd need, but he just sat there on the couch watching TV. I thought nothing of it at first, just that he may of been waiting for me to prepare the ingredients, but when I called him over he just ignored me.
"Tom!" I called out, "what?" he grunted, frustrated that I took his attention of his sports game. "Cmon, we're making breakfast together," I smiled, showing him the cute measuring spoons I bought just for this occasion. "Nah, we can do it another day, this game is important," he mumbled, turning his attention back to the TV.
I felt a pang of hurt in my chest, "but Tom, you promised.." I called out, "shoosh Y/N! This game is important!" he grunted, closing the kitchen door. I was just stood there, shocked at what he'd done.
What the fuck was his problem, he'd never done this, ever. I walked out of the kitchen and grabbed the remote, switching the TV off, "hey! What the-" I cut him off, "no! what the fuck is wrong with you? You promised me you'd do this and what, you throw is all alway because of a fucking sports game?" I raised my voice.
"Oh, stop acting like it's so important! We can do it another day!" he grunted, trying to reach for the remote again, "no! you've never done this before, you always stick by your word, you can't even acknowledge my feelings?" I looked at him in disbelief, how could he do this?
"You're so sensitive!" he yelled, "it's not that big of a deal for fuck sakes!" "what the fuck Tom? Why are you acting like this, what have I done to deserve this?" I felt my emotions rising, ready to spill over the edge.
He knew I got emotional very easily, any mean word would send me into hysterical crying. He sighed, "I just wanted to relax and watch the game, what's the harm in that?" moving closer to me and caressing my cheek.
I pushed him away from me, "don't fucking touch me, you digust me," I wiped away a stray tear, storming off and sobbing. "Fuck.." he muttered, sitting back down on the couch and holding his head in his hands.
"Fucking asshole," I mumbled as I slammed the door to our bedroom, going into the bathroom and running a bath, desperatly in need to cool down. I grabbed my phone, headphones and some candles from the room and locked the bathroom door, not wanting to be disturbed.
I added my rose scented bubble bath soap, slipping off my clothes and relaxing in the warm water. "Ahh.." I exhaled, grabbing my headphones and connecting them to my phone, I put on an e-book and closed my eyes, enjoying the peaceful environment I was in.
I kept at this for an hour, switching books every 20 minutes, the warm water soothing my stressed out body. When I finished the last book I slowly got out, unplugging the tub and watching as the water drained, a little tornado forming as the water reduced.
I grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my body, walking over to the mirror and grabbing my skincare, applying it all, wanting to take care of myself since Tom obviously couldn't give a shit. I dried off and put my clothes back on, walking out of the bedroom to see Toms tall figure standing there, eyes sad and guilty.
I just ignored him, walking past him and into the backyard, grabbing my gardening tools and blasting my music, pruning and water my lovely plants.
I could his eyes burning at the back of my head but I payed no mind to it, if he wanted to treat me like shit and not even apologise, then he's going to get silence, he doesn't deserve my forgiveness. He shouldn't of treated me like that in the first place.
Later on when it was time for bed, I kept my act up, not even acknowledging his precense, even when he stepped into the shower with me I pretended like he wasn't there, when he grabbed my waist I just walked away.
As I finished my bedtime routine I slipped into bed, covering myself with the thick, warm blankets. "Baby.." Tom whined, getting into bed with me and trying to bring me closer to him, but of course, I pushed him off.
"Why can't you just let me apologise, please baby..I'm sorry.." he sighed, I just continued to ignore him, not ready to speak up just yet, my feelings still hurt. "I'm so sorry schatz, you know how much I love you, I was just acting like an idiot, i'm sorry," he kissed my shoulder, rubbing my back gently.
I huffed, still not satisfied. "Baby just face me at least, I can't stand it when you give me silent treatment, I need to hear your beautiful voice, yell at me if you want," he begged, the urgency in his voice very apparent now. But I was still stubborn, I wanted so badly to forgive him I really did, but I was hurt, choosing a sports game over quality time with your girlfriend?
"Please baby..I'm sorry..", I finally decided to put him out of his misery, I couldn't keep this act up any longer, we both knew that I couldn't sleep without us being on good terms. "Fine..now leave me alone.." I grumbled, "okay baby.." he whispered, kissing my neck softly.
But then, he wrapped his around me, pulling me closer to him. I thought nothing of it at first, it was just him trying to cuddle me to sleep, like we always did, but I started to feel his hands drifting down, going in between my thighs, rubbing the sensitive skin.
"Tom.." I gasped, arching my back into him, "let me take care of you, hm?" he kissed my neck while sliding his hand into my panties, "just relax honey.." he whispered, pushing 2 of his fingers in my wet pussy, "mm..." I moaned softly, my cunt throbbing on his fingers.
He picked up his pace, slamming his fingers in and out of my needy hole, wet noises coming from my pussy as he continued to finger me. "Soo good.." he groaned, sucking on my neck as his fingers fucked me rapidly.
"Fuck.." I pushed my ass into him harder, throwing my head back to give him better access. He left little hickeys, kissing and biting softly on my neck as his fingers fucked me so well.
He continued to pleasure me so well, his fingers going deeper with every stroke as he fucked me with them. His thumb came up to my clit, rubbing slow circles around it.
"You like that don't you? You like the way I fuck you with my fingers.." he smirked, pumping his fingers in and out roughly, curling against my g spot. "Mmm!" I cried out, feeling his rock hard cock press into my back.
"Cum on my fingers baby, cmon," he egged me on, pounding his digits into me, my orgasm building up. He groaned as he felt me tighten around his fingers, "you gonna cum for me princess? Gonna cum all over my fingers like a good little slut, hm?" I nodded quickly, moaning loudly as my orgasm washed over me, spilling my juices all over his fingers.
"Good girl..such a good girl for me.." he smirked, removing his fingers slowly and licking all the cum off, "come here baby.." he whispered, flipping me over to face him and wrapping his arms around me tightly, bringing me into a warm hug.
"You forgive me now?" he chuckled lightly, kissing the top of my head, "yeah alright, but we better make breakfast tomorrow, make it up to me," I glared at him playfully, he nodded and kissed the tip of my nose, "of course, lets get some sleep now.." he rubbed my back soothingly, both of us drifting off to sleep.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @kaulitzsbabyy @ballhair @tomsonlyslut @bkaulitzlover @charliesgoodboy @estxkios @miyukafujii @ge-billsgf
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im-a-marion3tt3 · 9 months
I Am Cruel Only To Be Kind
Big tw for attempted Suicide and self harm. Please don't read if this will trigger you. Remember, you're not alone ❤ reach out and seek help if you need it, that's nothing to be ashamed of
An all time low. That's what Dewdrop had heard people call it before. It never made any sense to him either, until now.
His room was a mess, clothing blankets and toys were strewn all about his room, shoes as well. It looked as if a tornado had circled through his room and no one had even tried to clean up after it. At the heart of the storm layed Dewdrop, curled up underneath his blanket. He had done his hair, dressed nicely and even tried to do his make up but nothing made him feel better. Not even when Rain joined him in the bathroom with a new case of razors. The two of them had spent over an hour carefully placing the blade against their skin, sometimes dragging it, other times pressing down harshly. Dewdrop had gotten caught up in the feeling and went to cut his radial artery, something so alluring about how this one action could end it all for him. Rain hadn't allowed for that though, pulling the blade out of his hand and looking at him with fear. Whatever the water ghoul had said didn't stick with him, nor the clean up. Dew doubted he had cleaned himself up though, a sick part of him praying that he would bleed out.
That had been hours ago, however. The bandages that had been taped to his skin were long gone, having joined the floor with everything else. Dew had tried to scratch open the scabs but they didn't bleed nearly fast enough before they clotted up once more. It made him sob silently as he scrolled aimlessly through his phone. It was the only thing he had energy for; especially when it came to reading comments full of hatred directed at him. Really, it just fueled his desire to die.
A text came across his screen. It was from Mountain, asking about dinner and what people wanted. It made Dewdrop's stomach hurt with hunger but truthfully, he didn't care. The next time he got up would be his last time, or so he told himself. Another text came through, this time from Rain asking about how he was holding up since he seemed way too into cutting himself today. If only he knew, he unfortunately would know soon enough.
The nail in the coffin finally came, though not in the form of a comment, rather, a picture. It showed the world on fire next to a polluted ocean and melting ice caps. That was his last straw, his will to keep fighting had completely dissipated as he realized just how horrible the creatures they performed for were. It was ironic considering he as a ghoul was deemed a monster.
Dewdrop sent his phone flying across his room, hitting the wall with a sick crack. A note had already been written, it rested on his bed side table everything else had been shoved to the floor to make it clear. He then headed to his closet, pulling out a belt. It was unfortunately time.
Rain shared a wall to Dewdrop's room, meaning, he heard a lot of what happened on the inside. When the text he sent went unanswered, he just assumed that the other was asleep. Self harm was emotionally and physically draining after all. However the sound of something crashing against a wall put him on edge. He knew Dew's anger sometimes got the best of him but there was no yelling or sobbing to accompany.
Rain needed answers at this point and even if Dew couldn't convey his feelings, then he should at least be there for the other ghoul. Slowly, he slipped out of his room and softly knocked on the door. No answer. So he knocked again after a minute or so. Still no answer. Rain just sighed and opened the door anyway, expecting to find a very upset ghoul throwing a tantrum.
Once he made out what he truly was seeing, Rain dropped to his knees, feeling so dizzy. "Dewdrop?" He whispered looking up at the body that hung from a shelf that was mounted to the walk. Rain couldn't see straight, his body felt heavy and his mind was dizzy. All he could do was crawl towards his best friend. Once he was touching the wall, he used it to hold himself up, quickly ripping the belt apart. It sent Dew falling to the floor only to be caught by one of Rain's arms.
"Dewdrop? Dewy? Come on, you're okay... Come on, come on!" Rain cried, shaking Dewdrop and getting louder the more he panicked. It drew the attention of Phantom and Mountain who had been outside enjoying the pouring rain. Mountain poker his head in first and gasped softly before dragging Phantom into the room. The quintessence ghoul was still struggling with his abilities, yes, but he was there best shot.
Words were exchanged between the three, Phantom taking a spot next to Dewdrop's unmoving head as he did his best to work his magic. Mountain's large hand rested on the young ghoul's knee, trying to comfort him the best he could without being a distraction.
Through many tears, a passed out quintessence ghoul and a trip to the infirmary, Dewdrop made it though he wasn't the same little flirtatious spitfire they all loved. No, he was a shell of himself, seemingly stuck in some dissociative episode. That didn't stop Rain though he spent all his free time sitting next to Dew, telling him about his day, what he did and what he wished to do once Dew was back to normal. His favorite thing to do though, was read. As of lately, he had started enjoying reading to the other, that way he didn't have to have his heart get crushed waiting for a reply.
"Where were we Dew?.... Ah, here, okay 'He went and stood at Polonius’ body. ‘As for this lord, yes, I’m sorry, but heaven has chosen to punish me with this and this with me, that I have to be heaven’s agent for its retribution. I’ll take him away and pray for him. So, again, good night. I have to be cruel only to be kind... "
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cacophony-eg · 2 years
Teach Me (Traffic Light Trio Fic)
A/N I am falling hard and deep into the LMK fandom, and my inner fan girl compels me to write fanfiction.
Red Son could hardly believe the absolute absurdity of his current situation. "No" the fire demon stated flatly.
"Come on Red Son, I'm begging here" Sun Wukong pleaded, putting on his best puppy eyes, only earning a disgusted look from the red-haired demon.
"No, and that is final" Red Son huffed turning to storm away from The Monkey King.
The demon prince was forced to stop as his arm was grabbed, sparks of fire forming around him as he turned to snap at the accursed monkey. Only for his flames to sizzle away coming face to face with MK, the brunette giving him that hopeful, pleading look that made his insides melt.
"Please Red Son, I know if anyone can help Monkey King be a better teacher it's you," MK said with that sparklingly smile of his.
Red Son coughed blushing slightly as he looked away from the monkey's apprentice, considering the request for a moment, till he remembered that MK hadn't been there just moments ago.
Flames broke out from the Demon swirling around him like a tornado, burning away the MK illusion and the monkey hairs that were used to create it. "Don't you dare us the Monkie Boy's image to sway me, you foul chimp!" Red Son roared at Wukong. "I am not! Will not! Ever! TEACH YOU TO BE A BETTER TEACHER!"
"Awe come on Red Son, don't be such a sour sport, I'm just looking for a few tips, Mei always goes on and on about how great of a teacher you are compared to me" The Monkey King, only slightly bitter about that comparison.
"She does?" Red Son questioned with a mix of surprise and joy, the fire quickly calming down around him as he composed himself. "I mean- Of course, Dragon girl thinks that" The Fire Demon nodded crossing his arms and puffing out his chest, "Teaching is just one of my many amazing talents."
Wukong smirked maybe he needed to use a green, yellow punch to get Red to come around.
"Yeah, she says stuff like 'oh man, Red Son taught me how to control my powers real good' 'red boi knows how to make boring teacher lectures fun' 'red is so inventive with his training' " Sun using a higher pitch voice as him mimicked what Mei had said, leaving out the parts were the dragon girl called the monkey kings teachings repetitive, dull and not very good compared to 'Red Boi'. "Along with a bunch of other stuff but I'm sure you've heard it all before," Sun said, watching the fire demon's cheeks blooming a bright pink.
"Yes, of course, I have!" Red Son huffed, turning his head away as if the Monkey King hadn't already seen his blushing face.
"But I understand, being a teacher and teaching someone to be a better teacher are different things it's probably too much for you." Wukong sighed in mock defeat, getting an irritated look from the fire demon.
"I didn't say that!" Red Son snapped grinding his teeth.
"No, no it's okay" Sun assured waving off the fire demon "I'll just have to find other ways to be a better teacher for MK..." The Monkey pauses dramatically, preparing for the final blow, adding a smidge of his worries to make his words hit harder. "Hopefully I find a way before the next big bad shows up, I don't want the kid getting hurt or-."
"FINE!" Red shouted, whipping his arm around to point at the Monkey King "I will teach you to be a better teacher"
"Great!" Wukong cheered, doing a fist pump, hook line and sinker.
"But only under the condition that no one finds out about this" the fire demon tactfully added.
"Deal" Sun agreed with a sombre nod, no way did he want Mei or MK to know about this.
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threewaysdivided · 6 months
Hey ! i'm a longtime follower of your blog and I've read a lot of your YJ analysis and why the latter seasons totally flopped. I haven't seen you comment on Young Justice Phantoms, although I guess your opinion remains the same. However I'd love to read it one day.
PS : I do think Greg Weisman is a decent writer, but not that good at characterization and desperatly needs editors and not enablers *sigh*
Hey nonnie!
Glad you’ve found my YJ writing critiques interesting. 
The reason why I haven’t commented on Young Justice: Phantoms (or the final Targets comic) is that I haven’t watched it, haven’t read a synopsis and have no plans to ever do so.  My interest in the series went pretty cold as far back as Invasion but at the time I was willing to give the showrunners good faith on their claims that they had a plan to bring things together and that the problems were mostly production issues.  However, after how bad Outsiders was (and having seen similar awfulness from Greg Weisman in other franchises) I don’t have any good faith or trust left to give them.
I talked at length about how Outsiders left the show with no compelling narrative as part of this big Invasion breakdown (grumpier TL:DR version here), but here are the most relevant sections:
In terms of the Central Conflict, the Light are proved utterly correct: by Outsiders the Original Team are callous, hollow husks of their former selves, who have replicated a worse version of the same status quo the Team originally formed in response to. Dick, Kaldur and M’gann’s Anti-Light are a new upper echelon of older heroes who keep even more secrets from the next generations, who exclude the new generations far more strongly from knowing their plans, who give them even less reason to trust or communicate with them, and who do so for less just, less honest and less narratively justified reasons than their own mentors’ understandable (if condescending) desire to shield the proteges from the parts of the Life they may not yet have been equipped to face. Not only that but their constant lying with the intent to control others, and refusal to hold themselves accountable for those actions goes directly against both the League’s stated heroic ideals of “Truth, Liberty and Justice” and Red Tornado’s conclusion that caring is “the human thing to do”. By the end of Outsiders, even the existence of the Team itself is undone; decommissioned into the exact kind of safe training space that the Season 1 characters were desperate for it never to be. […] With Outsiders, any actual narrative set by Young Justice Season 1 is over. By their own standards the Team have lost, and lost entirely.
The meta-narrative of Young Justice Animated is that of a show that started with a promising initial season and strong sense of narrative identity, only to discard every part of that identity.  With Invasion the show discarded its original characterisations, themes and ideologies; replacing them with contradictory and often antithetical ones.  Outsiders would then shed even the surface trappings of its aesthetic (in favour of the more generic “modern DC” art-style) and mission-based narrative structure.  There is nothing left, save for some superficial proper nouns and call-back references: the textbook definition of an In Name Only Sequel.
I didn’t bother with Phantoms (and am frankly a little artistically insulted by its existence) because I knew it was doomed from the start to be a narrative stillbirth.  Having actively abandoned its original identity, Young Justice was left desperately scrambling to forge a new one, by clawing at the one thing it had left: people’s nostalgic attachment to the Season 1 iterations of the cast.  But this could never work because every season since has been engaged in a performative pretense of not acknowledging the character-breaking contradictions and hypocrisies forced upon the original cast by the poor writing decisions.  Phantoms would have to thread an impossible needle: wanting to be about the “journey” of the original cast for nostalgia reasons, while not being able to acknowledge that the last two seasons (and attaché comics) have resulted in all of them either actively failing or being tragically soft-locked out of their explicit character arcs without breaking that kayfabe of performative ignorance.  And, in trying to tell a story without engaging with that story's content or how broken it had become, what would they have left but to fall back yet again on canonical filler, sidequests and references held loosely together by contrivance? 
It could only ever be a zombie-fic of itself: having long-since concluded or abandoned any remaining character or plot threads, driven forward solely by the stream-of-consciousness compulsive-writing of a production team desperate to remain present, relevant and profitable.  And from the feedback I’ve heard from the general community and fandom friends who kept watching, it seems like Phantoms did indeed pull down the curtain on that empty, directionless, hollow-automaton-filled narrative for a lot of people.
As for Greg Weisman himself, while I agree that he is a particularly poor character-writer, I will respectfully but firmly disagree that he’s otherwise decent.  I think the fact that we have to caveat “he’s a decent writer” with the condition “so long as he’s surrounded by a team of strong editors and directors to keep him from being awful” kind of reveals that he isn’t.   I also don’t really accept the premise that the main fault lies with the people around him for not stopping that.  They certainly haven’t helped but he’s a grown adult who can make his own decisions. Enablers don’t generally induce behaviours; they simply amplify or become complicit in the behaviours that are already there.
In the video Plagiarism and You(tube), Hbomberguy did a great job of laying out the difference between “honest mistakes” – which can be easily cleared up by good-faith apologies and explanations – and “dishonest behaviour” – where the person(s) is aware that what they are doing is not appropriate and falls back on reputation-protecting deflections and “non-apologies” to avoid consequences when caught.  Weisman would not so-frequently disrespect his colleagues’ work with contradictions, or write patterns of misogyny, queerphobia, casual racism/ableism and abuse apologism into his stories if he did not fundamentally feel entitled to do so, was not comfortable and in agreement with those beliefs, or did not think he could get away with it.  And the way he has routinely responded to even gentle, good-faith comments by fans expressing frustration/confusion with inconsistent characterisation/structure indicates someone who knows he has done the wrong thing but resents being questioned or held accountable.  And then we see him continuing the same behaviours.  A “decent writer” should not need an editor to hold their hand and explain why directly contracting explicitly-stated characterisation is bad practice.  A “good ally” should not need someone to tell them that disproportionately subjecting queer/non-white characters to shock-value violence, writing minority characters to be dirty/dangerous/less valid in their identities, erasing/demonising/misgendering AFAB trans and bisexual identities, rewriting strong female characters to need motherhood or men to “tell them who they are”, writing gay men to be secretly misogynistic/racist, and framing victims as being equally responsible for their abuse is offensive.  All of which he has either directly done or tacitly allowed under his lead.  Multiple times.  Across multiple series.
These are not isolated incidents of “good-faith mistakes” from a newcomer learning the ropes (if they were, it wouldn’t bother me like this).  Weisman has had multiple seasons - multiple franchises even - and decades to show himself to be the kind of sincere ally and visionary artist of integrity that myself and his fans wanted him to be… and that he has so benefited from presenting himself as.  He has chosen not to. Say what you want about their stories, but you can’t claim that marginalised creators like ND Stevenson, Rebecca Sugar, Dana Terrace and allies like Neil Gaiman didn’t push back hard against their own publishers and make a lot of careful compromises in order to tell those stories in a way they felt was respectful. Weisman is in a very privileged position, with a resume that carries a decent amount of clout. He could have held himself to the creative standards he publicly expresses; could have worked improve his craft, could have examined his own biases and actually learned from the communities his stories speak about/over.  But he didn’t – because obviously it's easier and more comfortable to keep being lazy, keep relying on his colleagues to carry him, to not question his own biases/privileges and then lie when caught.  And with the money he makes, and all the second chances and new jobs he keeps getting handed, what incentive does he have to change that behaviour? 
So, personally I don’t buy his attempts to position himself as an UwU Nice Guy Ally whose haters are taking him out of context and whose nasty publishers keep forcing him to do incoherent bigotry.  He’s a grown-up, who can own his own behaviour.  And, even with a generous reading, this is at best the behaviour of a fair-weather sell-out who is willing to abandon his principles at the slightest hint of pressure from above.  That is not what respect looks like.  I wanted to give him good faith, but in light of all this, I find I can no longer trust him to keep his word or be honest about his intentions.
This is kind of the other reason why I choose not to support or engage with YJ Phantoms (or the revival in general): on top of being utterly disinterested, I just don’t want to incentivise this kind of creative behaviour with more money or attention.  I also can’t ignore what could be a pattern where Weisman makes grand promises that he likely never has a plan or intent to fulfill, then deliberately leaves holes/timeskips/inconsistencies in his narratives in order to generate ongoing demand for separate-purchase side content which promises to “fill those gaps”… but which never does because there isn’t actually a plan to facilitate that (thus creating an endless cycle of demand and profit).  To me that cuts a little too close to the potential for a privileged creator to be exploiting their clout and the good-faith belief of their fanbase in order to grift those fans out of their time and money.  I don’t find that acceptable.
So, yeah.  Not to deploy the GIF again but:
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It'll be a big, fat doughnut on YJ Phantoms content from me 🍩. Sorry!
#Hope this doesn't sound cross nonnie#I'm not mad at you or anything#I just spent way too many years down a rabbit-hole of accidentally finding out MORE BAD STUFF about Greg Weisman#so he's kind of a sore point for me#I went off him as far back as Invasion because of the disingenuous non-answers but the revival really cemented my dislike for his writing#his resentment at being held accountable is something that bled through into the writing from S2+ and made the characters unsympathetic#I fundamentally don't agree with or accept his creative ethos or rhetoric. It's so antithetical to everything I believe about storytelling#and then I TRIPPED AND FELL into a bunch of former Gargoyles and MtG fans who had similar (and sometimes WORSE) patterns to report#One day I might document all those findings in detail (for posterity) but honestly I think he's had far too much of my time and oxygen as-i#(Seriously there is some potentially DEEPLY CURSED stuff in his creative closet and I hate that I am aware of it. Don't do it. Don't look.)#I wrote these essays because I needed to SOLVE why YJS2+ was so infuriating. And I found my answer. So I don't really need to keep watchin#So yeah - YJ Phantoms and any other revival stuff will be a hard skip from me#I'm a Season 1 only gal and my brain is much healthier for it#Young Justice#Young Justice Revival#Anti Young Justice Revival#Young Justice Phantoms#Anti Young Justice Phantoms#Young Justice Criticism#YJ Essays collection#Greg Weisman#Anti Greg Weisman#Anonymous#3WD Answers
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saltygilmores · 2 years
What happens in this episode: Lorelai convinces Rory to go to the Chilton dance even though she didn't really want to. Dean goes with her. Dean and Tristan meet and predictably form a whirling vortex of douchebaggery. A tornado of shitfuckery. Rory and Dean fall asleep at Miss Patty's and Lorelai has a shit-fit. Some boring scenes occur with Lorelai, Emily and bananas on toast. Paris and Tristan do not get eaten by bears. Memorable Quotes: "It'll be all sparkly and exciting, you'll be standing on the dance floor while some great looking guy stares at you so hard that you won't even realize that Paris and Tristan have just been eaten by bears." "Dean does not hang out in trees." "It'll be stuffy, and boring, the music will suck, since none of the kids like me, I'll be standing at the back listening to 98 Degrees watching Tristan and Paris argue over which one of them can make me miserable first." Oh come on Rory. 98 Degrees were great. And on the middle rung of the 90s boyband hierarchy too- she could have said Nsync or Backstreet Boys instead- so I'm awarding two nostalgia points. Future Nostalgia points will be awarded for the 98 Degrees poster Emily eventually puts up in her room. I was just thinking, "Okay Dean's behavior isn't all that bad yet", but then I remembered this is the episode where Dean and Tristan punch each other. Look what you made me do. I almost gave you benefit of the doubt, you three ring butt circus. Here we go, Tristin is harrassing Rory again, but she's holding her ground.
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I gotta admit, this Paris having a crush on Tristan thing feels weird and unnatural to me. He was "nice" to Rory? Paris is not that stupid. Why would she have a crush on such a huge prick? She hated Logan and as we all know, Tristin is just Low-Calorie Diet Logan. And also she really belongs with Rory instead. Is it Tristan or Tristin? I'm probably going to go back and forth between both spellings. Memorable Quote: "You're slimy and weasly, yes, but stupid, no. But you'd have to be stupid, given our history, to think I would EVER, barring a piano or safe falling on my head, want to go anywhere with you...EVER."
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A very correct assesment of Dean.
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Dean Forrester everyone! "The Good Kid/Perfect Boyfriend"
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It's no Big Silver Dick Rocket (the one Logan gifted Rory) but it's got its charm.
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I adore these two babes. Highly unrrated friend pair. Rory is surprised when she finds out that Paris took her cousin to the dance but Rory dated a boy who would eventually become her step-cousin, lol. Both the teenage girls AND adult women on the show are jealous of Rory for dating Dean, Tristan is jealous of Dean for dating Rory and now Paris' cousin is hitting on Rory. Dean and Rory are both very ordinary people so this is mind boggling to me. To quote the great Dorothy Zbornak, he has the personality of a dial tone. Huh. Dean is being suspiciously sweet, polite, well behaved and charmingly awkward so far. It's all about to go to hell. Dean and Tristan run into each other and get into a pointless confrontation over nothing. A vortex of douchebaggery opens up at the Chilton dance when two clowns meet. Dozens of students witness the confrontation. There are no teachers or chaperones anywhere in sight. The fight continues to escalate with very little interference.
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Well, I guess not every insult can surpass the burn of Dean calling Jess "The Glad Man" for taking out the garbage.
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Red flag. Red Flag. Red Flag. Red Flag. There' s still time Rory.
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I always wondered if Rory is flattered that boys are constantly beating the shit out of each other over her, or does she find it embarrassing?
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What does this even MEAN?
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Poor Rory. She looks like a defeated little mouse. Memorable Quote: "I'm not fighting you, it would be like fighting an accountant! I'll call you when I need my taxes done!" -Dean to Tristan WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! How does Tristan look like an accountant? AT ALL? Wouldn't an accountant stereotype be wearing glasses or something? My god, Dean Forrester has the WORST burns, but they're so bad they make me laugh. Dean shoved Tristan earlier. Tristan now lunges at Dean and they get into a fight. Dean calls Tristan an idiot and threatens to kill him. Within the span of two years, Dean gets into two violent fights with another boy over Rory. To Dean's credit: Tristan was really being an asshole here and getting right up in Dean's face, not letting him move, repeatedly, and lunges at Dean; and Dean did say "I'm not going to fight you", so I will give him something of a pass (not pulling the fulll Dean Card though) for trying to defend himself, but his temper was still scary and Rory should have been very concerned. Instead they merrily stroll away from the whole thing and go out for coffees. Then there was the time he started fighting Jess totally unprovoked (and somehow Jess got the blame for that one?) but that episode is a doozy for a much later time.
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Menacing shit. Tristan then tries to confront Dean AGAIN.
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CMM looks 12 here. What are we fighting for, dudes? No offense to Rory. But she's just not worth this. And, you're both walking red flags. She deserves better. Rory and Dean leave the dance, walking home calmly discussing the dance, like two people didn't just escape being arrested for assault or at a minimum, Tristan could have gotten expelled or suspended (but he will be eventually). They just left the dance like nothing ever happened. No one followed them out or asked them any questions. Rory: "I don't know how I feel about this. Having my boyfriend defend my honor." Welp it feels like it would be exhauting since this "honor defending" will continue to keep happening to her. Oh okay. Dean is now officially Rory's boyfriend. That seems like a reasonable conclusion to what just transpired.
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And Jess brings books to strip clubs, what's your point?
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Dean: What are all these little symbols on the paper? Rory: Those are called words Dean is now going to read aloud from the book and yet no one fucking asked.
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It's the Karen Brigade! Lorelai understandably loses her shit after Rory doesn't come home after the dance, but I'd really hate to see what would have happened if that was Jess instead.
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Rory really should have saved herself for Jess. Sigh.
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...yet. BIG yet. The Bad: Red Flags galore. Rory and Dean are now an official couple. Barf. The Meh: There was too much juicy drama to make the scenes of Emily and Lorelai at home eating toast on the couch seem interesting. I eventually just started to skip past them. Lauren Graham's shit-fits are so dramatic and over the top! The Confusing: Dean and Tristan nearly kill each other, so Rory and Dean make their relationship official. Dean's insults make no sense. Paris once again witnesses Tristan harrassing Rory and has a confusing reaction.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 11 months
If you recall my "Deconstructing the Dark Lord" post, you probably recall a bit saying "imagine if Doom's Devil was even bigger and scarier than the Icon of Sin".
But at the same time: Why can't Doom's Devil also be the Icon itself?
In classic Doom, it was technically the biggest demon at the time (Whose size was hinted in the end text as if it was really huge).
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Then there's the manuals for Final Doom using names like Baphomet and Gatekeeper.
(And of course, there's the Romero head easter egg and maybe how Romero wouldn't do another Doom after 2)
D2RPG also gave it a different immobile design but still gave it dialogue like a character talking to the player and commanding demons, while you also fight it personally as the Virtual Icon of Sin.
Whereas Eternal has the IOS using Maykr armor, as a tool under Maykrs and even carrying the soul of Valen's son.
The IOS does get a body and more attacks/expanded moveset but doesn't have the antagonistic role it had in D2RPG.
Because one could also wonder if the IOS could have different bodies/forms.
The name "Icon of Sin" also feels like it could hint something special about the monster, as if it really imbodies sin as part of its existence or represents something more than just a big mean goat.
But on the subject of forms:
This one is from the "meytr" Rentry post: Its body is like that of Kronos from DRPG, a floating upper half with 4 arms but some are cybernetic and others aren’t, while under the body is a hybrid of a black hole and a tornado (It can suck you up if you fall); Its chest also has that heart thing Davoth has; Its stage is a series of platforms and hazards around him, while the background hints of the fight taking place in some creepy/weird section of Hell; He can summon like 5 demons at the same time by shooting the spawn cubes from his forehead; Has some of his attacks from Eternal (Rain of meteors, laser beam, flamethrowers, fast projectiles, stomping with hands) and a black hole projectile, that can pull the player in some vacuum-like way.
Another "meytr" one: A second phase after the Icon of Sin but whether it's the same creature is unknown; A level that mixes puzzles and combat as you're essentially "fighting" a creature you're inside of; The level itself looks surreal and gameplay consists of weak points (Some shootable, others punchable and others are even meant to be jumpable) and avoiding hazards and traps to stay alive; The player may also find specific artifacts to make them closer to defeating the final boss; This idea still needs more development.
There's also this line from the same post: "the planet Jupiter has an Icon of Sin head growing out of it and you can see that (Reference to TNT Revilution and the next “Doomguy uses the BFG10K to shoot a hole in the face of Mars)."
But another idea is making the IOS as the equivalent to something like AM from "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" like a giant tech thing with the IOS head and it uses dark magic to play tricks and challenge Doomguy, as if Earth became its personal playground.
Or even have the IOS' face show up on screens and dimensional holes/portals like Korax from Hexen.
ALSO, imagine this: VEGA vs VIOS, "God" vs "Devil" as ultradimensional "virtual" yet "real" beings using otherwordly powers against each other...
Yet another idea: If someone does a spriteset of the VIOS and want to add extra angles, maybe use the collectible doll of the IOS in Eternal as reference.
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ultrcviolet · 1 year
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𝐍𝐎𝐖  𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆  :  𝐦𝐚𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐡  .
the  “  you're loveable , but you're just troubled  ”  chapter  .
❝              i’m alone , on my own & that’s all i know . i’ll be strong , i’ll be wrong . oh , but life goes on . i’m just a girl tryin’ to find a place in this world .  ❞
❝               i am unhinged ! i am scaling all these walls , i’ve gone within . i am both kathy bates & stephen king . i can write you out the way i wrote you in because here’s the thing . you broke me big time . it’s funny & i’m laughing , baby . you think i’m alright , but i’m actually bloody motherfucking batshit crazy ! ❞
❝              i’m bigger than my body . i’m colder than this home . i’m meaner than my demons . i’m bigger than these bones . all the kids cried out “ please stop , you’re scaring me ” ! i can’t help this awful energy . god damn right , you should be scared of me  ! who is in control ?  ❞
❝              teachers  dated  me  ,  my  parents  hated  me  .  i  was  always  in  a  fight  ,  'cause  i  can't  do  nothing  right  .  every  day  i  fight  a  war  against  the  mirror  .  i  can't  take  the  person  staring  back  at  me  .  i'm  a  hazard  to  myself  .  don't  let  me  get  me  .  i'm  my  own  worst  enemy  .  it's  bad  when  you  annoy  yourself  .  so  irritating  ,  don't  wanna  be  my  friend  no  more  .❞
❝              so  here  you  are  ,  two  steps  ahead  &  staying  on  guard  .  every  lesson  forms  a  new  scar  .  they  never  thought  you'd  make  it  this  far  ,  but  turn  around  ,  oh  they've  surrounded  you  .  it's  a  showdown  &  nobody  comes  to  save  you  now  .  but  you've  got  something  they  don't  .  you've  just  gotta  keep  your  eyes  open  .  everybody's  waiting  for  you  to  break  down  ,  everybody's  watching  to  see  the  fallout  .  even  when  you're  sleeping  ,  keep  your  eyes  open  .  ❞
❝              it's  a  shot  in  the  dark  ,  i'm  not  a  walk  in  the  park  .  i  come  loaded  with  the  safety  switched  off  .  this  girl  is  a  gun  &  we've  been  having  some  fun  .  i  could  show  you  if  you  turn  the  lights  on  .  this  girl  is  a  gun  .  before  you  know  it  ,  it's  done  &  you'll  be  wishing  that  you  crossed  your  fingers  .  oh  but  god  is  it  fun  when  you  can  have  more  than  one  .  so  lemme  show  you  how  to  touch  my  trigger  .  ❞
❝              you've been acting awful tough lately , smoking a lot of cigarettes lately . but inside , you're just a little baby . it's okay to say you've got a weak spot . you don't always have to be on top . better to be hated than loved for what you're not . you're vulnerable , you're vulnerable . you are not a robot . you're lovable . so lovable , but you're just troubled . guess what i'm not a robot .  ❞
❝              out  in  the  park  ,  we  watch  the  sunset  .  talking  on  a  rusty  swing  set  .  after  a  while  you  went  quiet  &  i  got  mean  .  i'm  always  pushing  you  away  from  me  ,  but  you  come  back  with  gravity  .  when  i  call  ,  you  come  home  .  a  bird  in  your  teeth  .  so  i  gotta  go  .  i  know  ,  i  know  ,  i  know  .  when  the  sirens  sound  ,  you'll  hide  under  the  floor  .  but  i'm  not  gonna  go  down  with  my  hometown  in  a  tornado  .  i'm  gonna  chase  it  .  ❞
❝              it's  alright  ,  it's  okay  .  it's  alright  ,  it's  okay  .  you're  not  a  monster  ,  just  a  human  &  you  made  a  few  mistakes  .  it's  alright  ,  it's  okay  .  it's  alright  ,  it's  okay  .  you're  not  gruesome  ,  just  human  &  you  made  a  few  mistakes  .  it's  alright  ,  it's  okay  .  goddamn  ,  i  throw  a  brick  right  through  the  window  of  my  life  .  ignored  the  signals  ,  i  am  high  and  drunk  on  ego  .  can't  see  straight  so  i  just  feel  my  way  around  .  i  am  touching  ,  i  am  grabbing  everything  i  can't  be  havin'  .  i  am  broken  down  in  shame  .  ❞
❝              are  you  really  gonna  talk  about  timing  in  times  like  these  ?  &  let  all  your  damage  damage  me  ?  carry  your  baggage  up  my  street  ,  make  me  your  future  history  .  it's  time  .  you've  come  a  long  way  ,  open  the  blinds  .  let  me  see  your  face  .  you  wouldn't  be  the  first  renegade  to  need  somebody  .  ❞
❝              i didn’t know what i would find when i went looking for a reason . i know i didn’t read between the lines & baby , i’ve got nowhere to go . i tried to take the road less travelled by , but nothing seems to work the first few times . so how can i ever try to be better ? nobody ever lets me in . i can still see you , this ain’t the best view . on the outside , looking in . i’ve been a lot of lonely places , but i’ve never been on the outside .  ❞
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bnhaobservation · 2 years
Ramblings about BNHA chap 374
Chap 374 dropped by and here I am, talking about it.
The chapter is mostly about rearranging the players on the table now that Kurogiri is awake, but it also contains a brief bit that offers some point to ponder in form of a… weather forecast.
So okay, I’ll go with the weather forecast first because is no action and more food for thoughts than anything else.
At first the whole thing seems a random information, as we’re told the flammagenitus cloud that formed over Japan is continuing to grow at an alarming rate and could influence the weather of north America.
This fact can be viewed also as an attempt to parallel a situation that’s recurring in small and big scale in the manga.
In big scale we’ve seen that all the other countries have decided to pull back from helping Japan… but what’s happening in Japan might end up affecting them if it grows out of proportions.
In small scale the story showed us, more than once how society left behind, pretended not to see some people… some kids and then this came back to bite them. We’ve seen it with Tenko, with Himiko, with Touya, with Jin. They were all left behind, abandoned, forgotten and grew up to become threats to society.
“You heroes hurt your own families just to help complete strangers! You heroes pretend to be society’s guardians. For generations you pretended not to see those you couldn’t protect and swept their pain under the rug. It’s tainted everything you’ve built. That means your system’s all rotten from the inside and crawling with maggots. It all adds up little by little over time. You've got the common trash, all too dependent on being protected, and the brave guardians who created the trash that needs coddling. It's a corrupt vicious cycle. Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains.” [Chap 281]
All that was swept under the rug collected together and became a giant flammagenitus cloud that can affect the weather of the whole nation and well beyond it, spreading to the whole world.
There’s more parallels in this bit.
Technically a flammagenitus cloud is a dense cumuliform cloud produced by the intense heating of the air from the surface (heating, in this case is courtesy of Touya, Shouto and Endeavour’s fires which they’re using at their maximum power). Flammagenitus clouds contain severe turbulence, manifesting as strong gusts at the surface, which can exacerbate a large conflagration, can produce lighting, can contain temperatures well below freezing, and the electrostatic properties of any ice that forms may also play a role. They can end up helping or hindering a fire. That’s because, with their rain they can extinguish the fire but, if the fire is too large and keeps on feeding the cloud, it can turn into a cumulonimbus flammagenitus, which may produce lightning and start another fire or just cause sudden increase of wind that would spread the fire.
This might hint at how the situation is arrived to a point where they either manage to deescalate it (rain snuffing the fire out) or it’ll only be able to grow progressively worse (the fire spreading and more fires being started).
Honestly I expect it’ll rain for no other reason that since Touya can’t cry due to his burned tearducts, the visual has used various tricks to hint at how he’s crying inside, like him losing blood or the hair-dye remover dripping from his eyes. So it’ll make sense the story will use the recurring trope of using rain in place of tears for a character that can’t cry.
But whatever, more pondering ahead.
Fantranslation and official translation differ a bit here.
The fantranslation implies there’s a parallel between the flap of a butterfly wings in brazil that set off a tornado in Texas and the idea that the birth of the luminescent baby might have set off the fall into chaos of the society, while the official translation not so much as it quotes the butterfly and the tornado but then has the forecaster just wonder if the society originated by the baby is just doomed to fall into chaos (without explaining what caused it).
I’m not sure which is the best translation but, personally, I prefer the fan one because it connects the two points better and because in this way it offers up food for thoughts on a theme that’s discussed often. In fact ‘the flap of a butterfly’s wings’ that’s causing society to fall into chaos wasn’t the birth of the luminescent baby…. but the reaction of the people to it. When Re-Destro talks with Shigaraki about Destro he narrates how Destro’s mother saw a society with plenty of prejudices against Meta attack her child day after day, how she defended her child’s ability labeling merely as a quirk and begged people to let the world be a place where her child could live freely… only for her voice to be lost in a sea of scorn and sneers and her to end up killed by the Anti-Meta mob. [Chap 232]
It’s no surprise that Destro grows up in a way that’s similar to Shigaraki, wishing to destroy the society that rejected him and deprived him of the only one person who stood up for him and that, to boost the confidence in himself, he came to see the Meta as superiors, they had to rule over the normal people, not the other way around.
Putting the blame on the birth of an innocent baby is convenient, it invites discrimination again because it claims this happened because the baby was different, when instead it was just society who was unable to care for the ones that were different.
But whatever, with two different translations, hard to say if she’s just being fatalist or offering us points to ponder.
Then she says:
‘Sekai wa hitori no chikara kaeraremasu’
“The power of a single man can change the world”
The sentence reminds me of Touya’s:
‘Hitori no ningen no tatta hitotsu no shūnen de sekai wa kaerareru’
“A single person with a single conviction has the power to change the world.” [Chap 267]
…which is a call back to what Stain believed:
‘Nani o nashitogeru ni mo shin'nen… Omoi ga iru’
何を成し遂げるにも信念… 想いが要る
“To truly accomplish anything one needs will… and conviction.” [Chap 48]
And it makes sense Touya, a Stain’s follower, would adopt a similar mindsetting although I always found interesting though how Touya was never around to hear Stain say such words to Shigaraki and in the video spreading in the net he didn’t talk about conviction, just about how fake heroes and petty criminals need to be culled out for the sake of a better society, and, even if late he claimed to have seen the battle, which maybe might mean he saw it on person and not just on tv, Stain didn’t talk about conviction during it either (though it would have been fun if it was Touya who filmed Stain since he seems to like to use the net to spread videos…).
Anyway the forecaster focuses on ‘strength’ instead than ‘conviction’. There’s an odd focus on her, but I’ve no idea if this means more than just paying attention to her words or she’s meant to matter later.
But still she declares she’s opposed to the idea of pandering to All for One, something she clearly wasn’t meant to say in tv. Way to go, Meryl, you might be a mob character but, at least, you aren’t siding with All for One.
Whatever, now we can move to the action.
So we’ll go back to Kurogiri and Present Mic exchanging a glance… before everything goes black, a hint Kurogiri might have activated his power.
The text the fantranslation translated that was meant to be near the chapter implies Present Mic didn’t manage to reach Shirakumo as Kurogiri is awake now… though there’s still a bit of SHirakumo in him due to how he spoke so… I wonder if Present Mic truly failed.
We move to Kamino ward where Touya and Shouto were fighting.
Touya is actually producing even more heat, confusing everyone because, as Shouto points out, everyone has gone beyond their limits but Touya is actually the only one who’s still standing. Shouto doesn’t get why even though both he and Touya share Endeavour’s blood. Even Burning doesn’t get how Touya can stand since his body should have been super weak to fire and yet he’s still keeping it together.
I’ve made my speculations in this post… because yes, since everyone is remarking how it should have been impossible for Touya to stand, it can be that there’s more to it than him merely having a strong will. Did someone tampered with his body? Even Ujiko wasn’t sure how he survived that long since they expected him to die in a month without their aid…
To be honest, Touya actually understand he can’t keep this up for long, that if he keeps fighting with Shouto his body won’t hold up and he won’t reach Endeavour who’s at Gunga, rather far from him. So he’s willing to leave the battle and try to fly to where Endeavour is.
Shouto decides to try to stop him by… reasoning with him? Nope, just by attacking his pride, telling him if he leaves him alive despite wanting to kill him, he would be the half-backed one.
Really Shouto, that remedial course you took to get your license didn’t teach you anything about the importance of reaching the heart of people? Okay, okay, I know, the setting isn’t right, there’s a lot of pressure and it’s easier to think the best solution is to beat up people instead than try to reach for them, especially since Touya isn’t a cute kid you might feel sympathy for but a stranger who accidentally shares your same blood and who’s a villain you believe out to kill everyone. But I really want to see you move from this stage. Okay, maybe next time.
I don’t know if Touya considered coming back because Skeptic interrupt the scene by telling him that he comes bringing him great news as Touya has just won a free ride for Gunga, courtesy of Kurogiri’s warp power.
Back at U.A. Flying fortress where Midoriya and Shigaraki/AFO are fighting the strong wind, likely caused by the flammagenitus cloud (remember? Wind can be a side effect) is giving Manual troubles to control the water that wets Monoma’s eyes. Monoma though is stubbornly determinate to enter in history by doing his job so he’s not going to give up.
Shigaraki/AFO… doesn’t really look well… and I think it might be starting to rain there.
A warp hole (likely always courtesy of Kurogiri) opens up behind Monoma and Co and Present Mic and Shigaraki’s  hand fly out of it. I’m not really sure why it’s Present Mic who flies out of it, I mean, if there’s no Shirakumo inside Kurogiri it was more useful to leave Present Mic to the hospital than bring him along and it feels weird Present Mic would have anticipated Kurogiri in entering inside the warp gate.
I would have expected him to manage to follow Kurogiri, not to anticipate him.
Still, differently from what he did with Touya, who only got to see a portal for Gunga, it seems this time Kurogiri created a portal between the hospital and U.A. so he likely plans to reach Shigaraki and, possibly, to move at Gunga only later. We’ll see.
Meanwhile I believe AFO is starting to give one of his talks and hey, as usual he nails something important.
“The experiences of one’s youth determine the entirety of one’s life. And more than anything else I place faith in a person’s emotions. The feelings he harbors for his friends, after leading such a dark life…”
AFO comes out as such a huge child predator since he basically manipulated the experiences Tenko went through, grooming him, and tried to do the same with Touya and, I bet, with Spinner and Himiko (albeit they weren’t children anymore).
Anyway what he says is important, the story surely remarked how people’s experiences formed them and how the villains became villains because they had negative experiences. I do wonder if the story will also work this way for AFO, or he’ll just remain a plain evil guy, evil for the sake of being evil. We’ll see.
Anyway AFO is all happy because Spinner managed to wake Kurogiri up and claims since he was sure the heroes kept Kurogiri in the dark he put a microchip in Shimura’s hand (meaning the hand that survived was hers).
So… hum… since Kurogiri reacted to it… is there a computer of some sort inside him? Possibly but still how did AFO managed to insert in it the info Kurogiri needed? I mean, he couldn’t tell him he would have ended up in Gunga while Shigaraku would be in U.A. flying fortress when he didn’t know yet they would send him there… unless it was Skeptic who actually passed all the info through the microdevice implanted in Shimura’s hand, same as he communicates with Touya through a device in one of the Nomu? So basically this device is nothing else but a transmitter? I don’t know.
Anyway, at that point Touya arrives to say ‘hi’ to his father. I know people in the net joked that Endeavour is AGAIN not looking at him but actually, although his eye his shadowed and his head lowered, I would say he’s looking up so he is probably FINALLY seeing him… but this doesn’t really matter much if he only watch and don’t really see.
Touya isn’t the only one joining the battle as we have TWO TWICE coming there and calling for Hawks. Dear Jins, you’re probably a clone and Himeko transformed but still, I SO MISSED YOU! SO GLAD TO SEE YOU AGAIN even if you’re not the original!
AFO has the time of his life informing Hawks of how ‘the death of that sad, sad man’ (aka Jin) made vengeful ‘a young woman’ (aka Himeko) while ‘the man who would overrun the world to make good of his grudges’ (aka Touya) gave her the tool she needed to take her revenge.
I mean, has AFO a problem with names? Why he has to go with those long descriptions? It’s more stylish?
Okay, just joking, he probably wants instead to tie in with what he previously said about emotions and how he places faith in them especially in the ones of people who led sad lives (and he’s always there to help to make such lives even more miserable). Jin was sad and Himeko and Touya are angry and vengeful.
So, since he enjoys making people miserable he turns the blame on Hawks, basically challenging him to think at what would have happened hadn’t he killed Jin.
Now… fan translation and official translation differ again because the fan translation says:
“We have to kill HIM! Now!!”
While the official one says:
“Kill them!! Right now!!”
So ‘him’ or ‘them’?
The Japanese text says:
‘Soitsu o korose! ! Imasugu! !’
And ‘soitsu’ (そいつ) means that person, that guy, that fellow, that one. So no, it’s not a plural. Hawks wants to make their priority to kill 1 person. Feel free to speculate if it’s Twice (again!), Touya or AFO but he’s talking about focusing on one person.
Now it wouldn’t be so easy to kill AFO or Touya that fast so I’ll go and assume the target is again Twice, especially since Twice can make an army of AFO and Touya.
It’s not surprising Hawks isn’t thinking of doing something else, not only despite time going by he had not the time or the will or the chance to regret what he had done but had to defend his actions as the best course, but now one of the Twice he’s facing might not even be a Twice clone but Himeko, who he never planned to save and, even if the other is a clone, well, Twice made clear Hawks’ actions screwed up whatever chance they had at friendship. Twice rejected Hawks as the latter betrayed him and endangered his friends in the league, the people Twice wanted to protect the most, managing to come out as another one of those heroes who didn’t care about them but threw them to the wolves.
Now, personally, I’m pretty sure deep down Hawks regrets what he did, but that’s at the moment buried so deep inside him that he might not even be aware of it.
So, facing Jin again, as well as facing Jin’s friends, how they loved him and why he loved them back, might help him to solve the whole issue. We’ll see though.
Hawks always wanted to be a hero who saved people the way he was saved… he has a lot of inner good inside… but at the same time he’s also trying hard to escape to his association with his father, Takami, which AFO keeps on exploiting by continually calling him ‘Takami’.
Okay, AFO says ‘Takami-kun’ but still that’s a deliberate choice to use his surname. He doesn’t call the other heroes by surname, he refers to Enji as ‘Endeavour’ or ‘Number 1’ not as ‘Todoroki’ and the same goes for All Might and Gran Torino.
AFO wants Hawks to feel shackled to his father’s memory, to remember his heritage. He’s the son of thief Takami, not Hawks, the hero, and he kills because he’s the son of a killer.
And yes, now Hawks is thinking this is the right thing to do, kill and get rid of the problem, but I’m curious to see if he can rise above this, if he can really be saved from the legacy of his father. When he was a child his mother asked him why did he have those wings, associating them with how he was his father’s son and should use them to commit crimes like his father did. Hawks tried hard to use his wings to be a hero instead likely also as a way to dissociate from him, and the commission helped, hiding out his past and his name and Hawks even made a speech about how they shouldn’t dwell on the past.
Now though, his wings are mostly burned, courtesy of Touya and what remains is him.
I wonder if this will become a chance for him to come to terms not only with how killing Twice wasn’t a great decision but also with his past from which, for now, he only tried to bury. But well, we’ll see.
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Homestuck, page 1,149
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[S] Enter.
Storyboards: http://readmspa.org/storyboards/01149.swf.html
Song used: Sburban Jungle by Michael Guy Bowman
Author commentary:
Here is the end of act animation, [S] Enter. Panels are sliding around the screen. They're showing stuff. Things are happening. It's exciting.
0:47 - Look at how I was still switching her shirt logo around even in the middle of a Flash. This is called attention to detail.
1:05 - And there goes the bed. If only the bed could have burned to death on its Quest Bedbed.
1:20 - Look at Dave putting all this stuff in these terrible inconvenient locations. What a jackass!
1:28 - The real hero of Act 3: a 20 foot tall, 10 ton stone statue of Zazzerpan the Learned. Those Zazzerstats are canon btw.
1:41 - Rose was eager to play this game in the first place so she could resurrect her dead cat, AND GOD DAMMIT THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT SHE'S GOING TO DO. All these flaming tornadoes and flying wizards can go to hell.
1:57 - There's this whole spiel on Sburb's "entry items" and what they mean, which I won't get into now. But here's another brief spin on it. John's was an apple from a tree, obviously like the one from the bible. In that tale, the apple represented a temptation to Adam and Eve, and trouble was a-lurkin' if they took a bite. In retrospect the liquor bottle similarly represents a kind of temptation in the context of this character arc.
2:31 - Usually with acts in Homestuck, there's something that happens at the end that brings the act back full circle. Act 3 started with Nanna's inscription to John, and here we see when and how that was written, while getting a very brief glimpse of what's under the clouds and thus a peek at the much bigger story waiting for us to discover.
2:36 - One wonders if she was aware Dave had given Jaspers some useful tentacles to bail her out with before she jumped. It was quite a leap of faith. Or just outright suicidal. The Lalondes and Striders are basically all cuckoo bananas. But anyways, let's reflect on the teamwork involved to make everything work. Rose bringing Jaspers back, Dave making him a princess, Jaspers saving Rose… God teamwork is great. So is friendship. If your story isn't in some way basically about friendship and teamwork, you are failing hilariously at your job.
2:50 - In [this part of the] montage we see a very quick rewind of WV blasting off in his big can. Which turns out to be the cork of a huge bottle, the unsurprising shape of the exile station which formed in Rose's crater. Exile station designs are based on the entry item of that location. As if you didn't know that already.
2:58 - Sure cuttin' it close there Rose… My characters never listen to me.
3:01 - The thing being revealed here: Dave's copy of the game has been stored in this lotus time capsule for millions of years. WHAT?? Yes, the same juice-stained copies currently on the roof below his window. How do they get here? This is how most mysteries work in Homestuck. You know a thing is going to happen in the future, but you don't know why or how. So you just keep reading, while screaming.
3:02 - The animation just keeps on going, and the song "Sburban Jungle" sorta bumps it up a notch. John proceeds to climb his house while kicking imp and ogre ass. There are a few moments in the earlier acts which seem to trick you into thinking Homestuck is all about getting cool gear, gaining levels, and kicking ass like you expect to do in such games. This is kind of misleading though. In totality, HS isn't really about ass-kicking at all. It's about presenting awesome fantasy environments and situations in which ass-kicking could THEORETICALLY take place, but very rarely does except in dramatic hot points like this. Instead, those environments serve as backdrops for a huge amount of dicking around on the internet, babbling to friends about feelings, and being a bunch of stupid useless kids struggling to grow up. If you are ever under the impression HS is about anything else, you are invariably in for a world of hurt.
3:25 - The best part of the animation is when John just runs up and clocks a hapless imp in the face. Don't even try to tell me it isn't.
3:29 - Whereas this imp gets inadvertently Cosby'd into the pit. You'd think John would later find the Cosbytop lying around somewhere down there, but I don't think that's what happens. I think he just makes another one?? Why the hell not. The great thing about alchemy is it puts very little premium on almost any single object. Except ones which are Plot Critical to be unique, like the game disc, or the matriorb. It's almost like… the game knows when an item is plot critical?? It's almost like… my brain as the author of the story IS the game???
3:34 - Then John boings into the thing. The end.
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achliegh · 2 years
Night Of the Twist
I asked them what they wished for and this is the fic I wrote off that wish. (It's kinda short I'm sorry)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @the-most-slytherin-hufflepuff
TW: storms, baby out of wedlock, anxiety, ummm other stuff?
Eloise kept checking her slide phone, worrying about her baby at home, Leo was about three now. She loves him so much, his little chubby pink cheeks, his hair that matched hers, his ocean blue eyes that were always so big and inquisitive. His love for storms that came naturally. 
He was really taking after his parents and she loved it. Her mother was watching Leo for the week while her and Wyatt set out to chase The Tornado outbreak sequence of May. This is a series of tornado outbreaks that affected much of southern Ontario, the Central and Southern United States from east of the Rockies to the Mid-Atlantic States. So they had to travel all of the midwest in the end of may just to catch anything for their show. 
“Baby, He’s going to be alright.” 
“I know, I know… I can’t help it.” Wyatt looked over to his girlfriend and smiled, they were parked in the middle of the field that they got permission to be in. Waiting for the storm to start. The rain was already starting to leave drops on their windshield. Their thuds were music to his ears. Then there was Eloise, the mother of his child, the beauty he would follow into anything. Her hair was back in a braid, long enough to touch her middle back. SHe was a bit of a hippie, wearing colorful clothes that don’t completely match. It made her all the more stunning. 
She never cared about what people thought. Something Wyatt himself could never do, always constantly worrying about people judging him. He and Eloise met in highschool, him being the socially awkward nerd who was obsessed with storms that he is, fell in love at first straight when he saw this tall powerful woman tell off a teacher. 
He kept this a secret until the day they graduated, Eloise just smiled and listened intently before saying: “I’ve got no idea who you are. But, I’d like to get to know you better if you want to go on a date.” And the rest has been history. 
Their first kiss was in the rain pouring over the harbor of their hometown. Eloise grabbed him by the front of his shirt and planted one on him so hard their teeth clacked. Then, Eloise brought up the idea of a storm chasing show, and she actually got it for them. About eight years after the show started they found out they were pregnant. Eloise was lucky enough to have an easy pregnancy but after month 5 she was no longer allowed to chase with wyatt. He couldn’t go on without her, she was his rock. So they put the entire show into the hands of their employees. 
Wyatt never thought he would have a child without being married, yet he did and that little boy was the best thing to happen to him. He started planning out different ways to propose to his lover that wasn’t borning. He would sit with Leo in his office and talk to the baby like he could actually give a response. Elois almost caught him a few times too. Which would have ruined the surprise. 
The rain started to come down harder outside, thunder rattling their van. He decides to get out and look around to see if any funnel clouds have formed. The sky was already to show hues of green but not yet green enough to warrant a tornado. His employees stepped out with him to get his rambling on camera. He walks in front of the van to talk and watch the sky as the others stabilize the cameras. He starts thinking about how when they get back to the motel he was going to pop the question. 
Hearing the door shut and crunching of dried corn stalks towards him he looks over at his girlfriend and smiles. But then his smile falls from shock. 
Eloise was on one knee holding up a simple gold band and smiling at him. 
“Wyatt Knut, I have been waiting to do this for a long time. In the rain is the only place where it feels right. I love you and have to ask… Will you marry me?”
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thetristoneera · 2 months
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the Faculty: There are two extra 30 Year Olds in this group.  That’ll be Gretchen Weisz & Korazo Entei.  These are six key faculty members that are very present in the health of this university.   Quinn Gleaux (A Dean of Admissions) Chef Errox (A Martial Arts Collegiate Instructor) Gretchen Weisz (Dean of Academic Structure) Eiliro Stallion (Cafeteria Head of Operations & Five Star Chef) Dierra Loso (Language Collegiate Professor) Languages of Spanish, Portuguese, English, Saudi, French, Russian, Cantonese, Kanji, Italian, Inuit & Finnish… Korazo Entei (A High Ranking Police Officer & Dean of Safety And Enforcing) He is Officer Fifth’s Partner from time to time & yes they grew up in Loudsend together…
Lavurius: (In year 0, humans have existed for 3,000 years before Instruments of Life emerged to guide humans into a better humanity than theirs.  Making it Year 11527 for truths & honor purposes.  In Year 3333, was when the Phenomenon began.  In the same year, surviving family members of those that were slain for the greater good; created Lavurius the Coven.  Dead set on finding a way to stop unexplainable deaths of everyone born in a specific year, made their power insatiable.  But they would be shooting in the dark for a long time.  A highly long time because the amount of power they were using would take eons of development to equate to the Instruments.  With that day finally being here, will they finally uncover the truth behind yearly genocides?  With them all being immortal, their main motive in life is super natural justice.  The group consists of twins where three of them are the younger or older of their pairing.  Being born before the new year or of the next new year spared them.  Witnessing their twin die, was clear motivation to help the strongest league against the phenomenon.  These six are known as Reign Doubly.  Naja is the mage of this unit; all in all, there are more mages than other members but in their case…) Vakyat of Zimbabwe Naja of Thailand Umyrog of Greece Othezul of Chile Zeaux of New Zealand Kraed of Canada / They all met in college, attending Crediteria University over in Scotland…
Instruments of Life: (In year 11527, the original humanoid time frame; they are some of the surviving 11,000,000 humans.  About forty percent of the world is covered with blackened goo & that’s no good for any carbon based life form.  There are more than enough scientific leagues; trying to reverse the atrocities of humanity leading them to a deadopia.  They are all from different corners of the world but all have the same mindset; the Golden Rule.  How it’s nowhere to be found, will magically unite these six; making a savior group.  They were are all connected to the six most powerful scientific leagues.  The secrets they know will have them creating perfect immortality with a god complex of rebirthing the world.  They will go to the Big Bang, they will sleep off eons of time; waiting for humans to evolve, to guide them to the ultimate light.  Without ever showing themselves, they will eventually come up with a method of peace by killing off prideful humans.  The deadliest emotion of them all…  They will perfect humanity by ensuring no one creates any lore around a tyranny based society.  This will guide humans away from their negative nature of do all harm in the name of one person, fear &/or self preservation.  Guiding humans with love has marginally made the rebirth world; more advanced than the real world.  Advanced intellectually, emotionally, architectually, scientifically & the most important; lovely.  They don’t have statues, they don’t have no monuments; but all humans know, they exist as the thing that kills off humans born from a certain year.  No matter the day & age, no matter how old they physically are; you will get the axe if your amount of pride is futile. Renkler (Serial Killer & FBI Agent) of USA Khalloz (Marines Weapons General) of Germany Gardulz (Hypnotist & Entertainer) of Italy Tornado (Experimentalist & Erowologist) of New Zealand Amikka (Erowologist & Data Analyst) of Brazil Nejisam (Sociolist & Endologist) of Morocco
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ozma914 · 3 months
Tornado Terrors: Twisted Twisters, or Breaking Winds
This coming week is Severe Weather Preparedness Week. Here are some useful safety tips from actual experts: https://www.in.gov/dhs/get-prepared/nature-safety/severe-weather-preparedness/
 Some say the best advice you can give when it comes to tornadoes is to keep your insurance paid up and update your will. I prefer preparation: At the beginning of March, dig a big hole in your back yard, then get into it while wearing a helmet and one of those "Red man" protective suits that a police dog can't penetrate. Then have the hole lined in concrete, and covered with an armored steel plate. The order is very important: Get in the hole before it's sealed off. You might want to bring in water, snacks, a portable toilet, a book to read, and, of course, a bottle of oxygen. (I would suggest you take along my novel Storm Chaser. 'Cause--theme. Or at least The Wizard of Oz.)
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"Say ... has anyone told that lady there's a tornado behind her?"
Then wait until, say, November. Then winter is approaching but hurricane season is past, so you could move to the Gulf Coast. But, because tornado season down there is pretty much year round, you'll have to dig another hole and buy more concrete and steel. Vicious cycle, there.  So, a quick review of weather terms. A severe thunderstorm watch means you might get severe thunderstorms. A severe thunderstorm warning means the light show has started. I don't get what's hard about that, but it still confuses people. Similarly, a tornado watch means conditions are right for a tornado to form, and you should, you know, watch. In the novel The Wizard of Oz that's literal: Uncle Henry goes outside, watches, and announces, "There's a cyclone coming, Em ... I'll go look after the stock". How exactly he plans to protect the stock remains unclear, but if there's one thing the movie Twister taught us, it's to to watch for low flying cows. Meanwhile, in the time it takes for Toto to hide under the bed and thus endanger Dorothy (man's best friend--hah), the cyclone is upon them and the next thing you know ... witch pancake.
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Before you think you're safe from tornadoes, remember what one did to this chick.
If Henry only had a radio, TV, alert scanner, or nearby siren, he might have had enough warning to look after the stock and see Em and Dorothy safely to the cellar. The witch would still get smooshed, so--happy ending for all. Except for the Scarecrow on his pole, and the rusted Tin Woodman, and the Winkies being terrorized by the other witch ... okay, bad example. But hey, it was 1900. The point is, you don't have to literally watch anymore. You don't want to be under that cow when it drops in. Or a house. Now, a tornado warning means that if you go outside, you will die. Actually, a tornado or funnel cloud has been spotted in your area, so you may die. Over the years I've managed to take a few pictures of funnel clouds, which puts me firmly in the camp of people who are too dumb to metaphorically (and sometimes literally) come in out of the rain. There are now millions of photos and videos of tornadoes; is it worth having one of your own?
It is not.
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Remember this easy rhyme: Red Sky In the Morning: You're Screwed.
What should you do if a tornado warning is declared? Go to a windowless interior room on the lowest level of your house. If you're in a building with no basement--what were you thinking? But lower is always better, anyway. Windows are bad. Tornadoes, hurricanes, meteor strikes--people get cut up by glass during natural disasters. (I'm not kidding about the meteor strikes: just ask the people in Chelyabinsk, Russia.) Old timers will tell you to crack a window to equalize pressure, or go to a specific corner of a room, but that's proven to be unhelpful. Besides, the tornado will take care of cracking all the windows. You're better off under a piece of sturdy furniture--Toto had the right idea--that you can hold onto. A small center room, such as a closet, or under a stairwell is good, and a bathtub might offer some protection.
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Well, that can't be good.
So, let's review: Your safest location is in a bathtub that's in a closet under a stairwell in your basement. My bathroom is the size of a closet, so that's a start. Actually, your safest location would be in the states of Alaska, Rhode Island, or Vermont, which each average less than one tornado a year. But we're in the Midwest, under the tourism-attracting nickname of "Tornado Alley". Indiana ranks #14 in states for the number of tornadoes. I suspect, if adjusted for square miles, our rank would be higher. Okay, I just checked. When it comes to tornadoes per 10,000 square miles, Indiana ranks three. When it comes to killer tornadoes we're eight, and when it comes to the total length of a tornado path we're also eight. So there you go. Be afraid. It's only smart. And train your dog to go straight to the storm cellar. Now, since tornado safety is really a serious subject, here are a couple of links to websites that treat things way more seriously than I do: http://www.tornadoproject.com/safety/safety.htm http://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-emergencies/tornado#Before
Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0058CL6OO
Barnes & Noble:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/"Mark R Hunter"
Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4898846.Mark_R_Hunter
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Remember: As long as you have a flashlight, reading is weather resistant.
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