#vicious and emilia
thatmagickjuju · 2 months
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Unstoppable - Sia
//taglist in comments //i cannot find the blog to credit for the graphic template. if you know who to credit, please send me a message!
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divinedemons · 1 year
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Vicious (Sinners of Saint #1) by L. J. Shen 🎨💻💌
“I used to think of you as a villain, but you’re not my villain. You’re your own villain. To me, you were a lesson. An important brutal lesson, nothing more and nothing less.”
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evilqueensheir · 2 years
He was toxic, poison, and he was going to kill everything beautiful in my life if I let him.
He was the storm to my cherry blossoms.
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efexbe · 3 months
vicious by l.j. shen
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h50europe · 7 months
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MERTHUR - December Rush
Three years ago, Arthur Pendragon was a forensic scientist specializing in facial reconstruction for the FBI until a vicious serial killer kidnapped and nearly killed him. He never fully recovers and has to give up his job. Meanwhile, his wife, Gwen, files for divorce. Then, his sister Emilia dies in a car accident along with her husband, and he becomes the legal guardian of their young son Isaac. To escape the nightmare his life has become, he and Isaac move to a small town near Whistler, where Arthur earns a living doing odd jobs.
Just before Christmas, Morgause, a good friend of Arthur's, asks him to house-sit. She expects a visitor but forgets to mention that Merlin Emrys is handsome, charming, and extraordinary because he is blind. Arthur has no idea what he gets into as he and Merlin lock onto one another from their first meeting like heat-seeking missiles. However, Arthur senses Merlin is hiding something. And Merlin isn't sure how long he can keep up the charade, as falling in love was never part of the plan.
Enjoy my brand new story - Chapter 1 now on AO3!
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The Gallery of Saints- TWHUTH Lore
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In the days of the Doomed Campain before the Flight and the dawning of Hatlynshire, the humans of unknown origin fought vicious battles for the lands of the Arylmoor. These battles led to the creation of heroes among the ranks of man. These people would later be honored by receiving the title of 'saint' and they would have a Hamlet named after them in the first Borough of Hatlynshire, Great Borough.
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There were nine such men given the title 'saint' for their endearing acts of heroism.
Saint George (the Great) Montgomery of Georenberg: Born ~30 years before the end of the war, Montgomery led the humans during the final years of the war, defeating the Circulions and founding the Order of Man and modern Hatlynshire. Despite his seemingly prodigious talent for war he is noted as granting mercy to the fleeing Circulions and hiding their existence, he did this for reasons unknown. He married his contemporary St Amia Bargandow of Amenberg and his name is immortalized in Georenberg Hamlet.
Saint Amia (The Beautiful) Bargandowan of Amenberg: Wife of Saint George Montgomery and remembered for her astonishing beauty and her fierce will in battle, St Amia was an invaluable aspect of St George's campaign against the Circulions. She also the sister of St Caleb of Canterburg and co-wrote the book The War in Ink after the death of her brother. Her name is remembered through Amenberg Hamlet.
Saint Caleb (The Selfless) Bargandowan of Canterberg: Brother of St Amia and thought to be St George's closest companion and most loyal supporter. His works such as The War in Ink (Co-written by St Amia after his death) remains as the one of the most insightful works pertaining to the later years of the war. Yet he is most famous for his legendary sacrifice at the supposed Battle of Fort Eastmount, which repelled the Circulions away from Old Hatlynshire for the final time before their defeat. His name lives on through the Hamlet of Canterberg.
Saint August (The Ancient) of Austenberg: Considered to be the oldest and first of the Saints. August lived roughly 70 years before the end of the war. His life is so unknown that even his second name is lost to time. Yet the stories surrounding him state that he possessed almost supernatural strength and agility, a fact that led to many questioning whether he was of Circulion blood. His victories laid the foundation for the permanent establishment of humans in the Arylmoor. His death is mysterious, some say he died in battle while others suspect assassination or banishment to the Mirror. He thought to have tutored and guided many disciples including the future Saints Wren and Emilia.
Saint Wren (The Righteous) Fartown of Renanberg: He lived before the days of Montgomery roughly 50 years before the end of the war. St Wren was known for his ability to rally the passions of man in time of crisis. Yet he was also known for his mercy risking his own life to protect the vulnerable Circulions. He is seen as a pinnacle of disciple and morality. And while his death remains unknown it is certain that he died before he reached old age.
Saint Emilia (The Illustrious) Amerty of Eminsberg: A known contemporary of Saint Wren (possibly through St August), having preserved his story through various hardships due to his odd views, Emilia herself would rise to fame due to her establishing a faction of pacifists through the preaching and expansion of the teachings of Wren. Her approach of negotiation over bloodshed won her support and she is credited with many peace treaties and civil agreements between the Circulions and the humans. Her pacifist ideologies would lose favor during the last years of the war yet she would live to see the end of it, having died after the war had ended.
Saint Jacob (the Tactician) Dandory of Jaconberg: Coming from unknown origin. St Jacob is considering both the predecessor and mentor of St George. Known as a ruthless strategist whose battles were considered masterpieces in planning and control. Though in his later years (possibly having witnessed the fruits of his brilliance) he turned towards more diplomatic methods embracing Emilian Principles. This approach made him lose favor with the more extreme parts of the early Hatlynshire Order which would eventually lead to his grizzly death in the hands of a short lived coup done by bloodthirsty extremists. His name would only be remembered due to the efforts of St George.
Saint Julian (the Brave) of Julinberg: An exceptional warrior of his time St Julian would become renowned for his feats of single combat. His most famous achievement being how he allegedly defeated a band of hundred Circulion warriors in a day by himself. He had immense hatred of Circulions and hated the Emilian Princples of Pacifism. He is known to have interacted with St August (his senior) and was most likely a tutor to St Jacob. And while he lived to be quite old he did not see the end of the war. He is considered the symbol of Strength and Bravery.
Saint Annalise (The Young) Oldeus of Aningberg: The youngest and last of all the saints St Annalise has mysterious origins. While many assume her to be an orphaned girl adopted by St Amia there are some who theorize that she was a relative to St Emilia, others theorize she was a secret daughter to St Jacob. But her origins still are unconfirmed. Her most famous take pertains to the last struggle between the Circulions and the humans, where she is reported to have ridden a horse through the battlefield with a burning flag of St George in her hand in order to rally the men in their moment of desperation. She was apparently injured in this incident having being blown off her horse and having part of her face and hand burned by the flag. After the war she would aid St George’s successor, Thomas Montgomery in laying the foundation of the Order of Man. Yet she is also said to have been a practitioner of Emilian teachings having recorded to have helped orphaned Circulion children during the war. She is theorized to have possessed inhumane abilities like St August. She would die nearly 50 years after the end of the war though the cause of her death is unknown.
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HEY, YOU! Yeah, you. You like fantasy? You like fantasy with guns and fancy suits? Do you like free original stories? Well, if so why not try this one riiiight here! You won't regret it!
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spiegelgestalt · 11 days
an observation
so I rewatched Emilia's second trial and I was struck by the fact that this is the only time we see real emotion on Echidnas face together with a heartfelt declaration of love hate for Emilia(?) Satella (?) (there are some other instances where you could speculate that the emotions are real but Echidna is still in control of them. Here she doesn't mean to cry it just comes out)
Anyway it got me thinking that the relationship of the greed camp to Emilia is really strange
Puck (who was created by Echidna as far as I know) searches for Emilia and is soooo glad when he finds her. He gives up everything to protect her
Roswaal is explicitly training Subaru to choose Emilia above everything else (why not train him to hate the dragon?)
The Mathers domain for all their disdain towards Emilia listens to her
This protectiveness is in stark contrast to the vicious disdain everyone in the greed camp feels towards Emilia/Satella
And Echidna - Echidna derides and disdains and is awful to Emilia and still we never see her this affected with anyone else..
She knows that Emilia will not be tempted by an easier live nor scared.by a dark future - only the prove of her own misdeeds have a chance to break her. and even that isn't supposed to permanently break her - Subaru is supposed to take all the trials for her. A Subaru she tries to make into her tool for controlling Emilia
And than I think about the fact that Puck for all his love was very obsessive and isolating and in fact not very good for Emilia.
What does Echidnas love look like?
I think it probably looks the way she's acting towards Emilia
And so I'm thinking - is Echidna Emilia's mother? And does she try to love her daughter, keep her from harm by the only way she knows how - by keeping her small and dependent, and weak but alive and in her grasp?
TL/DR I want an Emilia+Echidna video to mother knows best
Edit: I haven't read the greed what if so I've got a question for those who did: does Echidna have a relationship to Satella or Emilia in that route?
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regnantlight · 2 months
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Feel the pain that the past left, I will keep on fighting 'til my last breath
No witch forgets me, shadow of envy rip through my chest 'til my heart bled
Start again, learning the steps of the dance of death
Start again, timelines diverging to the darkest depths
Gasp for breath
I protect Emilia, breaking every boundary 'til I reach the end
We descend, take my life, I'll bleed instead, I'll clean this mess
Make sure they're free of dеath, I mean the best
Somеtimes I'm stuck on the fence
Problems won't work out the way I intend
Want to go back, there's still things to amend
We can't keep living in agony, I got these fears and my guilt that stay dragging me
I know I have to be pushing through tragedies, shoulder their burdens 'til I'm past capacity
They're like my family, they won't be casualties, witches and cultists, they have the audacity
Mess with mortality, I know it's selfish, but I'll keep on working to stop the catastrophe
Why do I lie awake in my bed, nightmares all around with no end
Now my spirit gets taken, I'm losing my faith and my morals get shaken
Live again and again in my head, I can't keep going 'til they end up dead
But my spirit's been breaking, my body's been shaking, don't know if I can take it
It might take a while, wanna see them smile, eyes are so kind, but their words are hostile
Turn back the dials, I'm just an outsider, they put their trust in me, I'll face the trials
You want to show me the outcome, there's tears in my sanity, 'bout to breakdown
Vicious cycles, I'm done with witches disciples
I can not live in denial, I'm ready for my reprisal
I'm not suicidal, part of the plan, so my death is vital
Cause I'll keep it up determined, I will strive for our survival
Feel the pain, rinse repeat
Mental strain, rinse repeat
Body drained, rinse repeat
Back again, rinse repeat
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
really unpopular opinion but emilia clarke was a serious miscast for daenerys... she didn't bring the unique mix of ruthlessness and innocence at all, she played her like an empowered benevolent princess/queen instead and that's why daenerys' villain arc failed
I think that's honestly less unpopular than you'd think, but the stans are vicious so it seems otherwise.
I think there were a lot of issues going on with that character. I don't think Emilia is a super strong actress--her range is pretty limited, and she's better with lighter material that can better accommodate her tendency to like... Act with her eyebrows, blow her eyes up really big, smile super intensely. She was a bad match for this role, but I do wonder if it was also a case of her being self-conscious and not wanting to go where Dany needed to be taken.
However, I also think those are issues that should've been addressed by writers and directors. I think the writers knew early on (having been told what was going to happen in the end of the books, which, I think broad strokes is going to be the same as what happened on the show, with some changes) that Dany was going to be the big bad in the end. And honestly, the first season plays her much more ambiguously than the subsequent seasons do. I think that the fan reaction made them really hesitant to commit to what they knew they'd have to do, even as they wrote the skeleton for her downfall. The hints that Dany was going to lose her mind are there on the show; they're just not as strong as they are in the books, in part because you can't be in her mind, in part because Emilia wasn't a strong enough performer to get you there, and in part because... the writers were afraid of turning fans off, I think. And HBO probably didn't want to turn them off, either. They wanted to sell dragon merch.
But yeah, Emilia was a big miscast. And I know Tamzin would've been able to kill that shit, because I've seen her in The Tudors and Salem and both suggest to me that she would've owned that level of broken innocence and ultimate insanity. I've always heard rumors (and thought myself) that one reason why Tamzin was cut for Emilia is that Tamzin played much more childlike onscreen--Tamzin looked really "Lolita/nymphette" at that point in time. Emilia still looked young, but just physically she played more "woman" than "little girl", and idk. I think the show relied a lot on Dany as the "sexy girl" in those first seasons.
So yeah. I think there were a lot of problems with what happened with Dany, but she just wasn't being played by a game girl, and that.... hurt a lot.
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jaegarlovesbooks · 1 year
Book boys and their girls' nicknames
Cardan to Jude : My Sweet Nemesis & My dearest punishment
Aaron to Juliette : Love
Alex to Ava : Sunshine
Rhys to Bridget : Princess
Josh to Jules : Red
Christian to Stella : Butterfly
Nikolas to Tessa : Kardiá Mou
Viktor to Rosalie : Moya Malen'kaya Roza
Levi to Astrid : Princess
Aiden to Elsa : Sweetheart
Xander to Kim : Green
Ronan to Real : Ma Belle
Cole to Silver : Butterfly
Zach to Cleo : Blue
Travis to Abby : Pigeon
Rune to Poppy : Poppymin
Daniel to Nicole : Peaches
Jameson to Avery : Heiress
Adam to Olive : Smartass
Cal to Alana : Lana
Zade to Adeline : Baby, Little mouse
Jasper to Georgina : Petal
Vicious to Emilia : Help
Phoenix to Lennon : Groupie
Justin to Amelia : Patch
Crew to Wren : Birdy
Vad to Corvina : Little crow
Jonathan to Aurora : Wild one
Josh to Lucy : Shortcake
Eli to Ava : Sweetheart
Jeremy to Cecily : Lichiska
Nikolai to Brandon : Lotus flower
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
tagged by @certified-anakinfucker oc tag game
i have been trying to post this for like thirty minutes I don't care anymore no more detailed answers I'm going to throw a fit tumblr stop being bad challenge impossible
favorite oc — I do not have one, I love and hate all of them equally (lying)
newest oc — Satori Luong, a Spider-'Sona' who also is known as "Kumo" or "Spider Hunter". They personally call themselves the "Average in Intelligence Spider" when put up against the wall with all the others as they're no genius in any field except for combat and observation. Unable to websling organically, they also never developed any tech to aid them nor can they stick to surfaces, and didn't even realize they were a "super' until Miguel O'Hara showed up. they just assumed their spider-sense was luck and their strength was because their parkour and strength training paid off.
oldest oc — probably a warrior cats or rainbow fairy oc? honestly, I can't remember anything earlier the end of middle school-start of high school era.
meanest oc — Orcin Nauta (SW) hands down. He's a gang boss based off of the Orca Whale, aka the bully of the ocean. He's mean and vicious and also 16 fucking feet tall with a gang family that spans the entire galaxy.
softest oc — Persephone "Seph" Spring (PKMN) probably. Very kind, very gentle, very patient. The perfect balance for her rough-and-tumble cowboy mining boss of a husband tbh
most aloof / standoffish oc — Emilia Lynx (COD, FMAB) without a doubt. It's the trauma babyyyy.
dumbest oc — Ajal Agni (BNHA). Have you seen your foreign-born janitor stick his hand straight into boiling water? WOULD YOU LIKE TO?
smartest oc — Kori Hayashi (Standalone). She's kept her organization at the top of the underground chain for a while, after all. She knows how to play the game, knows which cards to reveal, knows how to keep her men in line, and when to let them loose.
horniest oc — Hakra Dorgoa. I will not explain further than Man Is He Glad That He's Got Strong Mental Walls And Shielding As A Member Of The Temple Guard Or Else Everyone Would Know He's Down Bad For Eeth Koth
oc i’d bang — in reality, none because I'm AroAce, but metaphorically? Ban Sult (SW) because he'd treat me right. Someone had to give Plo Koon unwanted but appreciated and used romantic tips between teaching him how to blast lightning.
oc i’d be besties with irl — Gelaisa Kaliope and Miles "Millie" Shira (Fate). They are two of the most laid-back and chill characters in my folders and have a sick music taste. ngl, they'd probably also just let me nap in a pile of blankets and also under them. Can't have one without the other though.
no pressure tags: @crc-jedi-knight-serushna @alexeithegoat @hotshot9 @spacerocksarethebestrocks @gen-has-green-vibes
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thatmagickjuju · 2 months
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Emilia Moretti - BAU Special Agent (rachel weisz) Dr. Christina Singh - BAU Medical Examiner (olivia munn) Noah Matthews - BAU Federal Attorney (john krasinski)
banner template credit (x) character template credit (x)
@katiekinswrites @starcrossedjedis @if-you-onlyknew @arrthurpendragon @asirensrage @jemmalynette @drbobbimorse @endless-oc-creations @kingsmakers @themaradwrites @faerieroyal
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fvckluca · 1 year
closed starter for @stcrscrossed​ ( alana )
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he’d hurt his ex more than enough, had been vicious and cruel when it was entirely unnecessary and for the shortest moment he’d been trying to change, trying to make himself worthy of emilia but he didn’t see the point anymore. he didn’t see the point in anything. he usually would have a quip, some swagger, maybe even some charm directed at the woman, but he had nothing to give. it was the first time he’d been out of the house since it happened, he definitely didn’t think the chances of bumping into his ex was very high but here they were. “whatever the fuck you wanna say, just say it and then leave. i can’t even begin to deal with you right now.” which would’ve sounded a lot meaner if it wasn’t for the crack in his voice.
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laresearchette · 2 years
Wednesday, August 17, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 3:00pm: Orioles vs. Jays (SN Now) 7:00pm: Mets vs. Atlanta (SN) 7:00pm: Rays vs. Yankees
IIHF WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP (TSN/TSN3/TSN5) 12:00pm: Quarterfinal (TSN/TSN3) 3:30pm: Quarterfinal (TSN3/TSN5) 7:00pm: Quarterfinal (TSN3) 10:30pm: Quarterfinal
LITTLE LEAGUE WORLD SERIES (TSN5) 5:00pm: Australia vs. Canada
MLS SOCCER (TSN) 7:30pm: Toronto FC vs. New England (TSN) 10:00pm: Whitecaps FC vs. Colorado
DELICIOUSNESS (MTV Canada) 8:00pm/8:30pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Angela Kinsey, Kel Mitchell, and Tim Chantarangsu, join Tiffani Thiessen to experience devastating "be-tray-al," marvel at some "one-bite-wonders" and decide if certain foods are "yummy or crummy."  In Episode Two, exploding with laughter in "Food Bombs"; guys enjoying their favorite drink in "Man-Mosas"; a round of "Onion Eyes."
VICIOUS (BET Canada) 8:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): A fashion designer deals with her narcissistic husband, addiction, unresolved childhood traumas and her own dysfunctional personal life.
DEPARTURE (Global) 9:00pm: As the case winds down, Kendra feels there's still a missing piece of the puzzle.
GORDITA CHRONICLES (MTV Canada) 9:00pm/9:40pm (SERIES PREMIERE): After leaving the Dominican Republic to start anew in Miami, the Castelli family attempts to fit in, make friends, and thrive ina place where the American Dream isn't as dreamy as they imagined.  In Episode Two, Cucu finds herself in hot water for speaking Spanish and then English; Víctor and Adela struggle to make good first impressions; Emilia finds herself in the crosshairs of the most popular girls in school.
SACRIFICE (BET Canada) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  Entertainment lawyer Daniella Hernandez feels morally obligated to protect a girl from a client she represents, while trying to manage how to proceed with a professional relationship with the man that killed Isis.
2022 FIFA U20 WOMEN'S WORLD CUP (TSN5) 9:45pm: Group Stage: Nigeria vs. Canada
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ladysophiebeckett · 9 months
As an outsider who is watching all did development online, my favorite part of it has been the people not falling for those articles of the husband/father shaming the wife/mother for absolutely nothing but normal behavior, like it used to happen until very recently, and started calling it out instead. Also, Emilia Clarke liking posts dragging and calling out Joe and his team for this bad PR stunt.
I’d like to think that the tides are changing and it’s def an improvement when compared to how the press and ppl went after Olivia Wilde. Or even way, way in the past to how Jessica Simpson was treated when she divorced 98 degrees guy. (I remember listening to CMBC’s newest ep that’s why I’m mentioning her, bc the press was absolutely vicious towards her).
Like there’s proof that Turner is a good wife and mother but if there wasn’t…do you know what I mean?
Also, GoT cast is immensely loyal to each other so Clarke doing that doesn’t surprise me. Idk how true this is, but I did read a rumor that Joe was the reason why Turner and Maisie Williams were not as close anymore. Somewhat supports the other rumor Turner wanted to move back to the UK bc of lack of support system.
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emilia clarke. cis female. she/they. ― is that calliope ledger i saw during this years first ball of the season? the 31 year old is preparing finding a suitor but is enticed by the social season. They are known to be POISED, but also VICIOUS, but focus on the positives when finding their chosen one. [liza - one of colby’s sisters]
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Welcome to London for the social season, CALLIOPE LEDGER. We look forward to welcoming you to the social season. But first, please check out the checklist, and send in your account within the next 24 hours.
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