#very messy lazy doodles
satellite-starss · 2 years
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error jeeb doodle design✨
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maybeophe · 1 month
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Hello Tumblr, happy MerMay, I bring you an Orca Duncan sketch.
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storfulsten · 6 months
Draw more Whitty x bf (?)
yee ok
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sussy space boyfriends counts right
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willowwee · 2 months
Some random 1 am messy doodles
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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the idea: sun and moon attempt to make a cake to impress their baker soulmate (from Starcrossed Souls by @faz-friendly-light-up-shoes) (go read that fic it’s a delightful soulmate au where the reader insert is a delightfully stupid dumbass)
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lazywriter-artist · 23 days
begging for more mosh and fret content i love them both sm /pos
Well good news for you I’ve been doodling them a lot and also love them UwU
They drip!-
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Speaking of their fashion choices mosh actually means more to typical punky-glamrocky kiss style aesthetics while Fret is more David Bowie meets the artist formally known as Prince :3
You Better not be.
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Stolen flesh hound to cuddle!!! Bc He can be a bit softie sometimes 🥰
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Also!!! Had to be an over achiever and do a little something for my beloved angel face darling Vitus 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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They’d be besties and rock out together!! With the levels Mosh and Fret listen to their music I’m shocked THEY don’t have any hearing issues 💀
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goomergrubby · 6 months
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Doodle of my skrinkle and their bug
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siixkiing · 1 year
Sharing this lovely { X }
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1neptia · 7 months
just randomly dumping slenderverse art, doodles here from twitter. forgive me for i am a VERY messy artist ehrgehhrhehrehrhgrh
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oughghghg i'm too lazy to put them all here
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @velinxi​
Hello! I’m Xiao Tong Kong, better known as “Velinxi.” I’m the creator of the webcomic Countdown to Countdown and have been doing freelance artwork since I was a teenager. I love telling stories with my illustrations! Tumblr was where I first got my start as an artist, specifically a small fandom artist as a hobby… and now I’m somehow here! When I’m not trying my best to stay awake in front of my tablets, I’m usually cooking, gaming, or sleeping. Sometimes all three, in my dreams.
Check out our interview with Velinxi below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
Yeah! I’ve basically been on track to become an artist since I was a child. I went to a middle school with an emphasis on arts and a high school specializing in it. I went to SVA briefly for computer arts but dropped out to pursue freelance and webcomics after my first year.
Over the years as an artist, what or who were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
My biggest inspirations growing up were Yuumei and Shilin Huang, two titans on DeviantArt back in the day. They still inspire me today, but the list of inspirations has grown exponentially over the years, including artists, movies, entire art movements, etc.
What was your thought process behind the creation of your webcomic, Countdown to Countdown?
Well, Countdown to Countdown started as a passion project back when I was 15, in high school, and pretty depressed. I just wanted to draw whatever story I thought was cool, inspired by my favorite media at the time. There was a very loose beginning and outline, but I was truly just writing as I drew the story. That’s why I had to stop the comic in 2018 and restart from scratch the year after. Now, the story has a set story and a clear outline. It still has similar roots, characters, and themes of neglect, abuse, and escape—but I think the story is a lot easier to follow now. It’s got an artstyle I can actually keep up with in the long run. The origin of why CTC exists also remains the same: I simply wanted to make a story I wanted to read for myself. Which happens to be about two dumb boys with superpowers navigating a hostile world that wants them dead or caged—together.
Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
Oh, all the time. It’s part of the process. Personally, though—I just have to draw through it. Every month on my Patreon, I have my patrons vote on a theme I have to draw by the end of the month, and I try my best to make it as interesting as possible. I draw quite a few—tens even, of doodles or compositions for each of these themes to try to make something that tells a story while still being aesthetically pleasing and clear. I think pushing myself like this helps with art block, really. I also do remember to take breaks and simply consume other media I like! It gets the inspiration juices flowing.
Advice you would give to an aspiring creator?
If you do one—your first webcomic should be a short, fun, messy thing. It’s not often you can get it right the first time, but you’ll certainly learn a lot through sheer experience. This goes for a lot of things in art, to be honest.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
3D Animation. I briefly learned it at SVA, and I think that’s enough of that tech for me. I accept that there are some things that are truly beautiful if done right, and I am too simple and lazy for it.
What is your goal for the rest of this year?
Get Countdown to Countdown book 2 finished! And live HAHA
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@yuumei-art on Tumblr, still! They’ve been a huge inspiration for digital artists and storytellers online for years. I have no doubt that many digital artists of my generation have been influenced by them, and they’re still here, making beautiful art and stories. It’s a thing to behold.
Thanks for stopping by, Velinxi! If you haven’t seen her Meet the Artist piece, be sure to check it out here. You can also follow her for more amazing art over at her Tumblr, @velinxi!
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toastedjeans · 3 months
Siren Tower Maurice, Doise and Peddito!
The main cast is over here!
I just realized Doise's gloves should be more white but I'm too lazy to change that, just imagine they're white okay?
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Some info about them down here
Peppino's older brother and a piece of shit, who constantly belittles him and calls him a disappointment. His apartment has water damage or something similar, or maybe it got destroyed, so now he temporarily lives with Peppino until his flat is repaired. (Alternative: he didn't pay rent and got kicked out, continues not to pay rent to Peppino because "we're family, you can't charge your own brother.") He's either divorced or his girlfriend left him, is only allowed to see his son once a month. It's probably for the better.
Peppino is incredibly fed up with him but he tries to endure it, until he one day snaps and probably slaps him, they end up both kicking the shit out of each other (but Peppino is stronger because i said so).
Maurice invites himself to poker night and other activities Pep and the others do after work times, then complains that he's bored or something (M: "This sucks, why did you invite me?" P: "I didn't??"). He gets along a little with Mr. Stick, but only because they're both gamblers, he's somehow even more unlucky than Stick and keeps losing almost all his money. Doesn't get along with Hazel cause he doesn't take her seriously, thinks she's childish and stupid.
Goblin shark. He's basically Noise but blue. Noise hates him because he thinks Doise is imitating him, but they're just the same species of siren. He's a little more mellow and doesn't go feral as much or as easily as Noise. He throws rocks cause he doesn't know he's immune to sea urchin and puffer fish poison / venom. He can also go on land but needs water nearby.
He has heterochromia (one eye is blue, the other is purple-ish brown), and has the same "whiskers" as Noise, just turned down.
Absolutely terrified of Peddito, as he seems to always want to kill him, and has tried doing so a few times. Sometimes plays dead hoping that Peddito leaves him alone, it doesn't really work though.
A failed clone of Peppino, made before Fakey. Pizzahead didn't like him as much because he didn't get the eyes right so he threw him out (basically the Other Eye problem, but he ended up leaving his eye sockets empty out of frustration). He can't see because of this, but he can still navigate through the water effortlessly. There's way less sea creature DNA in him, so he looks almost completely human just with a fin on his back and webbed hands. It's unclear where his vibrant coloring comes from.
He's strangely obsessed with Doise for some reason and doesn't interact with anyone cause he's just not interested in anyone else. He actually wants to be friends with Doise, but since Pizzahead designed him to be a killing machine, he doesn't know his own strength and ends up almost killing Doise several times. His "killer side" comes out every time he's near Doise, and he can sense his presence because of this.
When not near Doise, Peddito seems almost dead, he moves very little, and is unresponsive. He can't talk, neither human nor siren language, but he understands both. He doesn't swim, just floats through the water like a dead fish, despite this he's incredibly agile and fast. Would follow Doise on land, and could survive with pretty much no problems. He just slides across the floor when on land, as if he was on rails. The bottoms of his feet are always slippy, making it easier for him to move. Might leave a trail wherever he goes.
And here's your reward for reading, some doodles of various age and messiness
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Also some shippy stuff hehe
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ginkgo-mist · 3 months
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very lazy messy doodles but i lobe them…ueeuee..
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soranker · 6 months
hi….! any chance we can see your art process ? it’s fine if not! i was wondering if u do a sketch before your lines or you just skip directly to lineart? your art is very beautiful!
HI!!! AUGGHHHJHH THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH T__T my art style is kinda simple imo so my process is pretty bare-bones ^^;; there's not rly much too it!! it also kinda changes depending on how uhhhh lazy im feeling in the moment HAHA
probably around half of my drawings are straight to line art bc they're rly just doodles or things i decide to draw without any planning (but also im kinda impatient so i try to skip the sketching step if i can LOL...). but if i DO have a specific pose in mind for a drawing, i'll start with a sort of mannequin sketch or loose pass, then depending on how messy it is, ill either do the lineart pass on the layer on top or duplicate the sketch and then clean it up.
and then my coloring process is not sophisticated at all i just create a new layer and then paint bucket tool away LMAOOOO
here's an example of a drawing where i did sketch first ^_^
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storfulsten · 10 months
colorful funky space friends
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hm kinda sus tbh
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sugartitzblah · 11 months
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college boyfriend!craig headcanons x fem!reader.
warnings: none.
disclaimer: characters mentioned are aged up.
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college boyfriend!craig who treats you like a princess, his love language being physical touch because he isn’t the best at expressing how he feels about you.
college boyfriend!craig is the type of guy who never leaves your side while being out in public but when y’all are at a party he will surely let you go dance with your friends but always keeping an eye on you.
college boyfriend!craig who only loves you, stripes and tweek.
college boyfriend!craig has many tattoos that tweek designed for him, he always thought that getting your significant other’s name tattooed was a stupid thing to do but once he met you that thought changed almost immediately. now, he has your named tattooed on his pelvis.
college boyfriend!craig loves when you place kisses on his tummy, caressing softly the messy locks of your hair while you trace your tongue down his abdomen, calling you all types of sweet pet names while you look up at him with doe eyes.
college boyfriend!craig admires every single thing you do. the way you talks, the way you move and how your eyes sparkle with joy every time you see something you like.
college boyfriend!craig is like a massive teddy bear. he’s always so warm and super clingy, whenever you guys are cuddling he wraps his arms around your waist and will not let go of you, no matter how much you whine or tell him to move, he won’t.
college boyfriend!craig isn’t a big fan of those traditional dinner dates. he likes intimate dates, when it’s warm enough outside he takes to picnic dates or to the lake so y’all can swim and mess around together without anyone watching. he opens the trunk of his car to lay down with you once the sunset sets.
college boyfriend!craig adores how you perfectly bond with her little sister, watching you braid tricia’s hair is the cutest thing he has ever witnessed and after that his baby fever goes crazy, he actually has a very soft spot for little children, even though they think he’s big and scary.
college boyfriend!craig is a sucker for lazy make out sessions with you. he likes taking things slow, wondering his big hands all around your body to find the spot that makes you squirm under his touch. loves the sound of your lips clashing together with his.
“wait, wait. why are you parting away?”
“craig, we’ve been making out for the past thirty minutes, my lips feel sore already.”
college boyfriend!craig who is so in love with your body, especially with your hips. be ready to feel his lips, teeth and tongue running down and nibbling against the soft flesh of your hip bone 24/7.
“boobs, thighs or ass?”
“my girlfriend’s hips.”
college boyfriend!craig can’t say “i love you” out loud, you and him usually draw silly doodles on your notebook whenever y’all are bored in class. you know how he isn’t the best expressing his feelings so whenever he writes down “i love you” on your notebook with his messy handwriting you melt right on spot.
college boyfriend!craig can be really possessive. he sees a guy hitting on you? nuh uh, he walks up to you while hugging you from behind. he doesn’t even have to say a word to the boy hitting on you, his cold and piercing gaze is enough to make the guy back away from you in fear.
college boyfriend!craig spoils you so much. without even asking, he once bought your whole sephora wishlist just for you.
“craig, i… you didn’t had to, babe…”
“but i wanted to. now stop talking. we need to try on all of these lipglosses and lipsticks, don’t you think? let’s test the durability with some kisses.”
college boyfriend!craig who practically kidnaps your during the weekends so y’all can spend time together, his favorite activity is taking long naps with you in his dorm room.
college boyfriend!craig is fascinated by the height difference. he finds it so cute how his fingers are way more thick and longer than yours or how your feet are so small compared to yours, he also loves the way you need to stand on your tiptoes to reach his lips whenever you want to kiss him. he teases you leaning back from your frame so you have to struggle even more.
college boyfriend!craig is a great boyfriend overall, please give him big smooches all over his cute face. :((
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exuvianen · 11 months
misc. stationery hcs [housewardens]
short stationery + penmanship hcs with the housewardens!
cw: n/a
notes: another old piece... just some silly hc's don't take them too seriously. i tried writing the same amount for everyone but it’s kinda clear who i’m biased towards… feel free to drop an ask or to add on! likes + rbs are appreciated <3
wc: ~1100 words?? wow. that's more than i expected.
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riddle rosehearts ; housewarden of heartslabyul
has everything you need for school. pencils, pens, erasers, notebooks, binders, glue, tape, scissors,  you name it, riddle has it.
sorts each subject by color, and color codes all his notes/subjects. do NOT mess up his order! 
has extremely neat handwriting - it’s a bit on the smaller side, but it’s easy to read.
riddle shares his notes with others when they ask him for help, so he makes sure it’s legible and easy on the eyes.
as for stationery in general, he probably doesn’t go too wild. standard neon highlighters, blue and black pens, plain covered notebooks, etc. it’s simple, but it’s good enough for riddle.
overall pretty good taste, a little basic, but everything is of good quality.
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leona kingscholar ; housewarden of savanaclaw
literally does not care about stationery. he’s the idgaf king.
he’s that kid who never brings a pencil or pen to class. he barely remembers to bring his notebook too. and he only has one (1) notebook that he uses for everything (he probs doesn’t even take notes in class, he alr knows everything lol).
constantly borrows stuff from ruggie or sends him to buy stuff from sam’s shop. he’s lucky he has ruggie.
has a fancy pen from farena that he never uses, but keeps at the bottom of his drawer. 
does the bare minimum, probably “borrows” other people’s pens/pencils when he loses his. has borrowed at least 20 pens, but was too lazy to give it back. they sit on top of his desk. 
he literally doesn't care about aesthetics, he just gets random stationery to get the job done. has the most mismatched items.
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azul ashengrotto ; housewarden of octavinelle
definitely invests in some quality paper and pens. also a stationery nerd who has everything in his office.
probably has those notebooks/folders with the corny motivational quotes like “the grind never stops” or “no pain no gain”. kinda cringe but he likes them b/c they motivate him.
he’s the type to take notes in class, then rewrite them later. he sells the rewritten notes to other students for a steep price.
jots down ideas or gossip he hears in the margins of his notebooks. he rarely doodles, but sometimes he might draw things from the coral sea if he’s feeling particularly homesick.
color codes all his notes, but uses more neutral colors as opposed to the standard bright/neons. he also has sea-themed folders or notebooks. 
he's fascinated by what land-dwellers use, as paper/ink typically doesn't last in the sea. he really tries a variety of products and enjoys it a lot! and takes notes for his future businesses
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kalim al-asim ; housewarden of scarabia
the guy who has an excessive amount of stationery. probably buys 20 of the same pen because he likes it so much.
he gets those notebooks/folders that have cute animals or wild patterns on them. i feel like he’d also get a lot of stuff with floral designs.
doesn’t care much about the quality/brand of the things he’s buying - rather, he’s more interested in how cool or fun the item looks. 
def owns funky-colored pens, erasers that smell like food, and sticky notes shaped like animals. probs decorates everything with stickers (he loves scratch-n-sniff ones).
the margins of kalim’s notebooks are filled with doodles. some things he draws often are his favorite dishes and animals, and his family members. he probably uses his notebook to plan parties/parades instead of taking notes. jamil has a stroke
his handwriting is very expressive. it's loopy and wide when he's excited, small and sloppy when he's dozing off, and extremely messy when he's scribbling frantically.
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vil schoenheit ; housewarden of pomefiore
owns sets of matching stationery. coordinates his pencil case with his notebooks and folders. probably a fan of minimalism and deep, rich colors. 
has high-quality pens and uses fancy highlighters to annotate his notes (i’m thinking those midliner highlighters and muji pens). he spares no expense for his tools.
color codes all his notes/different subjects, and has a specific color scheme for each subject. he is VERY particular about his color sorting. do NOT mess his categories up.
his handwriting is elegant and beautiful. he probably practiced and experimented with his handwriting a lot due to his fame (he signs autographs and he wants his penmanship to look pretty for his fans!)
he has pinterest worthy notes. he posts them on his magicam stories occasionally to show them off, and to encourage his fans to study hard too.
his fashionista side bleeds into his stationery choices, so he only buys items that are 1) of the best quality and 2) suited for his image. he does NOT cut corners.
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idia shroud ; housewarden of ignihyde. 
does not use stationery LOL (or avoids it. technology is just more convenient for him).
everything is done on digitally, on his computer, tablet, or phone. he’d decorate his laptop or tablet with stickers though, like of his fave idol group “premo” and such. 
if he does own stationery, they are game or anime themed. also limited edition. he def collects merch, like pins and badges as well. i feel like he’d make itabags and stuff but he’d never go out in public with them. he’s too socially awkward just like me fr
he has those cool multifunctional pens, the ones with like 10 different colors, and can also double as a screwdriver or some kind of tool. 
he’d also have a lot of cute cat-themed items. they're just too cute, and he can't resist buying them! he's rich so it's fine...
he's probably designed super multifunctional pens before. he definitely has the brains and resources to do so.
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malleus draconia ; housewarden of diasomnia
archaic stationery. still dips his pen in ink and writes with a feather /hj
he’s fine with the basics though. he just rolls with pen, paper, and ink. it’s good enough for him. 
has beautiful, fancy cursive handwriting, but it’s hard for people to read, especially for his schoolmates b/c the younger generation doesn’t really learn cursive anymore. think like... the penmanship of historical treaties or declarations. it's charming and still legible, but you just need a bit of time to be able to read it. 
probably owns and uses enchanted quills passed down from his family. it reminds him of home and he treasures them greatly. when he’s homesick he’ll twirl them between his fingers. 
he used to break a lot of pencils/pens with his sheer magical fae grip. he’s learned how to control his strength a lot better now, but he still prefers his enchanted writing tools. 
he's not used to modern technology, so he gets a kick out of trying novel stationary items as well. this pencil is also a pen, a highlighter, and a flashlight? wowie!
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