#very excited to see what you think of my ocs though!
wri0thesley · 2 days
hopeless romantic - percy (yandere demon oc) x reader (4.6k)
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valentine's day has snuck up on you. somehow you don't think this one is going to be as pleasant as last year's.
cw: this is primarily a horror work. kidnapped reader, captive reader, mental torture. food warning, claustrophobia. mentions of (non-explicit): insects, emetophobia, dental trauma. general hopelessness and manipulation. REALLY fuck this guy!
a/n: for a very quick primer on percy, please read this, and/or see this!
(also i mentioned this last time i wrote something for lucas but getting a commission for one of my own ocs is so WILDLY exciting and flattering. waaah!!!)
this was a commissioned work.
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You didn’t consider yourself a hopeless romantic. 
Perhaps you consider yourself a bit of a romantic, in that you’d always enjoyed a classic love story; re-read your copy of Pride and Prejudice until it had fallen apart, had occasional daydreams of handsome suitors and the swirl of a masquerade ball, had perhaps watched Labyrinth too often as a young woman and wondered ‘what if’ about the Goblin King and his domain--
But you had thought you knew enough not to expect fiction from real life. No balls for you; no impassioned declarations of love soaked to the bone, no royal promising he would move the world for you if only you asked. You had thought you would be content with a bouquet of flowers - a smile, a squeeze of the hand whilst watching a romantic comedy, a kiss goodnight that was a little awkward with a clash of teeth and tongue. That was the kind of life, you told yourself, that waited for an average person like you - and that, too, would be enough. Because companionship would be enough; somebody to walk through life with, somebody who understood you, somebody who would cuddle up to you at night. 
And then you had met Percy. 
You hadn’t been able to believe your luck. 
A man almost exactly like you’d imagined? Someone who held the door open for you and smiled so softly it made you ache, who would sit with you and talk about books and whatever else passed through your minds for as long as you wanted? Always seeming to know what to say, always there for you - he’d brought you a bouquet of roses for your first date, for God’s sake. And though you’d been anxious about the ostentation of them, holding them at the restaurant, the way people seemed to be staring at you from every table . . . you had bit back the nervousness and given him a shaking smile and let yourself be swept off your feet. 
You wish that you’d seen the signs then. 
Maybe you had? Maybe you’d noticed them all and simply let them roll off of you instead, water off a duck’s back, because if you let Percy go you’d surely never find anyone like him again? And they had seemed such little things, too. Waiting just a fraction of a moment too long to comfort you when you were frightened or anxious - almost as if he was letting the moment shimmer in the air, develop as far as he could. Always being awake after you’d had a nightmare (you’d bought the chronic insomnia excuse at the time, but . . . surely someone who never seemed to sleep should be more tired than Percy ever seemed to be?). Nightmares, coincidentally, you don’t remember having so vividly or so regularly before you met Percy-- 
“Hey,” he’d murmured, soothing you, pulling you into him, warm hands rubbing up and down your back as he’d whispered sweet nothings into your hair. “Shh, sweetie. Just a nightmare. Nothing to worry about.”
And those nightmares - the ones where you thought you’d woken up, eyes as wide as saucers, body pinned to the bed by some unknown force . . . and slowly, slowly, the creature of spindle limbs and glowing eyes and sharp bright teeth had crept into your view, sharp fingernails running over the duvet and the blankets, Percy’s presence beside you in the nightmare non-existent--
You curl your body around yourself on the hard wooden floor; there’s a bed, in the corner of the room, but you preferred nowadays to stave off sleep for as long as you could. 
Looking back on it, you think you should have known. Should have run for the hills - your friends had loved him at first, citing his warm smile and the way he treated you like a princess . . . but before you knew it, your friends had dropped away, because you were spending all of your time with him instead. If you still had your cell phone . . . how long had it been since you spoke to your best friend? What was the last thing you said to her? 
Your stomach rolls uncomfortably as you think about how it was probably something about Percy. 
You were such a fool. 
You pull yourself off the bed, your body aching with the effort of it. You don’t get much exercise nowadays; this little room, with a bed and a desk and no windows and the strange sigils scrawled on the floor in paint (definitely paint, you tell yourself fiercely, though it shines strangely when the light hits it and is a dark, dried out red that makes your stomach roll) is all of the space you have. You can stride from one wall to another in fifteen paces. Thirty floorboards. 
You’ve counted all of these. 
You lower yourself onto the chair by the desk, your back crying out in pain. Even if you had been sleeping properly on the bed, it was hardly comfortable - and when one is as racked with nightmares as you are, tossing and turning and twisting and begging . . . Well. No wonder you hurt so much. 
You tread carefully. You have seen this room become a thousand things; have seen a dark pit open up in the middle of the sigil and all manner of creatures crawl out of it, crowding up to you with gaping maws and blood-shining teeth and great pits of eyes. Spiders. Bugs. Screaming. Three days when all of the light in the entire room - your entire existence - had gone from the world, and you had fumbled and stumbled around the room without direction. 
(Into Percy, a couple of times, who had laughed and held you tight and whispered sweet nothings into your ear that might have been romantic, once upon a time, but now just lilted with mockery. 
“Oh,” he’d murmured, soft and silky against your ear. “Poor thing. Are you scared of the dark?”
You had not thought yourself scared of the dark - but until those three days, you suppose, you had not known what the dark was. Had not known it could settle so thick and heavy like covering your entire world with ink; had not known it would muffle everything else so completely. Percy had kissed you demanding and hungry in the middle of the nothingness and you had hated yourself as you’d clung to his shirt in between the kisses and begged him not to leave you there. 
He had, of course). 
There is one other thing you’ve counted. 
As best you can, anyway; it’s hard to keep real track when Percy’s comings and goings can be so sporadic. He remembers to feed you, you think, most days - but with no window, no way to tell the time truly . . . days can blur into one another. And so, though you think it’s February, you wouldn’t have known for sure that it was the thirteenth of February, unless--
“Friday the thirteenth,” Percy had hummed, that what-might-have-been-morning, as he’d held you softly in his arms as you writhed and whimpered, the walls closing in on you. It’s a dirty trick, what Percy can do, you think; the hallucinations, the untruths . . . interspersed with the truth, just so you never quite know what is real or not. You’d known in some primal part of you that this one had to be one of the tricks - walls do not really cave in on you, you are not living in some ancient Egyptian-themed action movie where walls are booby-trapped to crush you into tiny pieces - but when the threat of death looms over you in such a way, you suppose that your mind cannot truly be reasoned with. 
You hadn’t thought you were claustrophobic before this, coincidentally. It’s amazing how Percy can somehow bring out fears you didn’t know you had. 
The times he uses whatever power he possesses to play with you like a spider with a fly trapped in its web are preferable. At least, you think, probing tenderly with your tongue the spot at the back of your mouth where you used to have a molar before Percy had shown you the glint of pliers and murmured for you to ‘be still now, sweetie, or it will hurt more - oh, don’t tremble like that, you’re making it awfully hard to concentrate--’. 
“February,” you’d told him, and he’d laughed. 
“Yes,” he’d said. “Valentine’s Day tomorrow, then? I’ll have to think of something special for us.” 
The very words had sent a tingling shudder down your spine. You hadn’t bothered smiling for him - for someone who had gotten you where you were with a faux tilt of his eyebrows, with pretty lies wrapped in sugar, with promises he never intended to keep . . . he doesn’t like artifice. He’d told you, that first night you had found yourself bound and gagged and trapped, that he had never found you so pretty - and then he’d smiled at you and pinched your cheek hard enough to bruise and promised you that you were going to be wearing that expression rather a lot. 
He’d been right. 
The fear of what he was going to do must have crackled in the air; Percy’s eyes had gone half-lidded and he’d sighed, pleased, before he’d pressed a kiss onto your forehead and let the walls recede back to where they were supposed to be. 
“Something very special,” he’d said, letting go of you; watching, amused, as you’d scrambled away from him. 
You’d tried to ingratiate yourself to him at first; had tried to be well-behaved, not to snap and fight back at him, in the hope it would make him ease up. You’d learnt very quickly that there was no point in doing such a thing; it doesn’t matter if you struggle. Percy will treat you the same either way. 
If anything, the outright shows of fear - the proof that you’re terrified of him - seem to please him more. The more scared you get the quicker, the sooner he usually ends the torment. 
Unfortunately, that’s not exactly something you can pretend. Not with a man - a thing - that can sense your emotions on the air, that hungers for the terror that runs cold through your veins. You can pretend to shudder all you want - and you’d tried - but Percy just clicks his tongue and pulls you back to him and murmurs; “Well. That’s not going to do, is it?”
So he leaves you, that Friday the thirteenth of February, to stew in the fear of what a Valentine’s Day with a demon might entail. 
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You and Percy had begun to date, officially, at the beginning of January after meeting at a friend’s New Year party. Neither of you big drinkers (as it turns out, stimulants like alcohol have very little effect on a creature like Percy, but you had not known that at the time), you had found yourself feeling frazzled and frightened by all of the new people and the laughter and the whirling out-of-control dancing, and had been hiding out in that friend’s cloakroom amongst other people’s coats with a book you’d smuggled in in the pocket of your dress. Percy had found you there.
You know now you must have been a buffet; perhaps the most scared thing in the whole room, your anxiety leading him directly to you and setting your life on track for . . . this. But at the time he had recognised the battered old paperback in your hand and been all-too-eager to talk to you about it, smile on his face, his voice kind. You had thought him handsome - and when he’d told you he owned a bookstore, you think you fell in love a little bit right there and then. You’d shared a kiss at midnight and been found afterwards by the mutual friend who had invited you, who had effusively shared praise of the man - he’s magic, she’d promised, cured my insomnia with nothing more than a tea blend! Gave her a couple of nightmares for a few nights, but after that - poof! - and you had really thought . . . 
You had really looked at Percival Thacker and thought; oh. There he is. 
So of course, this wouldn’t be your first Valentine’s Day. 
Your last Valentine’s Day, Percy had gone all-out for - after you’d admitted to him that you couldn’t afford much, that you hadn’t been dating that long, that you were nervous about it . . . He’d told you earnestly that he simply liked you so much, afterwards, and he’d wanted to show it - but of course, now you know his true nature, you know that the shame that must have come off of you in waves and the fear that he thought you cheap and the nervousness that you could not match his energy must have all been a veritable feast for him. 
The gift of hindsight, you suppose. 
So you see, you had a point of reference for what a Valentine’s Day with somebody you thought you might love would be like; you had that thought of roses and a fancy dinner and a trip to the ballet and a first edition of your favourite book. That’s what you’d thought a Valentine’s with Percy would be like, perhaps for the rest of your life. 
And then he had shown himself to you, in all of his true colours, and there had been far more pressing concerns than making sure you remembered to budget enough to at least buy him a card. 
But what he might do, now, as a ‘Valentine’s Gift’ . . . knowing how much he likes you crying, whimpering, begging and frightened out of your skull . . . the very thought of it makes you want to bury your head into the thin pillow and sleep the day away entirely. What a pity that he’s just as capable of getting to you whilst you’re sleeping as he is anywhere else. 
You know that you’re feeding into what he wants by agonising over it; that he can probably feel your anxiety over what is going to happen to you from everywhere in the house, the force of it is so strong. But you simply cannot help yourself. Considering he’d been the first to admit, easy and smiling as ever, that his greatest flaw was a tendency towards laziness, he’s been ever-inventive when it comes to ways to make you feel like you’re going to die of a fear-induced heart attack. 
The whole day, you feel yourself hovering on a precipice; your throat ready to close up at a moment’s notice, your entire psyche balanced on a fragile tightrope ready to snap. Every tiny sound from somewhere in the house makes you jump, sets you on edge, straining for the sound of Percy’s footfalls. The house is not always so noisy, of course - it bends to whatever Percy wants. Sometimes you wonder if this little room is even a part of the cramped little townhouse Percy lives in at all, or if it does not exist in some other dimension - but you are not permitted to step foot outside of it, so it does not really matter. 
You even toy with the idea he’s going to do nothing. He’s going to let you stay here, stewing in might-have-beens and maybes, instead of letting it all build to a crescendo. 
When you do hear his feet on the floorboards, the click of a lock . . . you scold yourself for thinking that at all. Such an outcome would have been far too kind for Percy. 
He walks into the room with a smile on his face. You do not often see him without it; that soft-eyed, careful smile that had so enchanted you at first but has seemed to grow more and more mocking the more often he has used it as a weapon. The door clicks closed behind him, and though he does not touch the handle you hear the noise of locks clacking shut, one by one. Even if you tried to run - to overpower him and go for the door - you know that it would not open for you. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he says to you, with that mocking smile you hate so much. He makes a great show of looking around the room; the bare walls, the floorboards, this prison cell of a home that he has engineered to be your own personal hell. “Oh, this isn’t going to do at all.” 
You’d had some thoughts about the idea of magic, before all of this. You’d always hoped it existed in some capacity - the problem, you suppose, with being a voracious reader and a fantasist - but whenever you had thought of it, you’d thought . . . Wands, or snapping fingers, or little incantations. Percy moves the world around him without blinking; the only feeling you get after he exerts himself to use a little of his power is a faint sickness in the pit of your stomach, the taste of iron lingering in the back of your throat. 
And then there is a little table in the middle of your room; two chairs, and a tablecloth, and silverware glinting in the light. 
“Well?” He asks, and your head bounces from the table and around to face him. In his arms, once more are a bouquet of roses - and you could cry, you could vomit, you could tear him into pieces. You recognise the soft rose hue of the tablecloth; the design of the chairs, the centrepiece in the middle of the table and the dozen red roses that Percy holds in his arms. “I thought we had such a wonderful time last year . . . we can’t quite replicate it, but I’ll do my best.”
It is exactly the same as last year - if last year’s Valentine’s had taken place in a jail cell. He takes your hand and guides you none-too-gently to the table in the middle of the room (it looks silly, there; the prison you call your life is too small for the ostentatious chairs and the dining table). Your eyes frantically scan over the chair and the table, just to ensure there are no secrets lying in wait there. 
(A scorpion, ready to crawl from underneath a plate. Rotting meat, ready to give you the worst attack of emetophobia you’ve had in your life. Some kind of venomous spider on the chair, waiting to bite you and paralyse you and have its poison destroy you from the inside out). 
You take your seat at the table - and nothing happens. You watch Percy warily as he takes his own seat, as he gently places the bouquet to one side - you’d been so rattled to see it, you realise, you hadn’t even taken it from his arms. He doesn’t say anything about it, though. Simply sighs and stretches, looking around your little bare room as if it is the restaurant you two were in only one year ago. 
“I didn’t think we’d need a menu,” he tells you, with a small smile. “I thought we’d simply have everything we had last time.” 
He’d ordered for you, last time - you’d felt so overwhelmed at the restaurant he’d made reservations at, by the class of people around you and the glimpse of the prices on the wine menu, that you’d been glad of it. Looking back, you know he did that on purpose - but at the time, you had only been able to gush about how generous he was. 
There is no waiter to bring your food. There’s that iron again, the tang in the back of your throat - and then the plate of appetisers is before you, your glass full of viscous red wine. It looks far too much like blood, now, for you to want to drink it. 
Through every course, you wait for the sting. 
This cannot be all of it. There must be something more; something hiding behind the sighs of pleasure that Percy makes and the attempts to call back to conversations you’d had. He doesn’t seem to mind you have very little to say in return - he’s happy to talk about how his cat is doing, how the bookshop is faring under this cost of living crisis, a new book he bought last week and is enjoying--
But nothing comes. Nothing happens. For all intents and purposes, the two of you are simply reliving your first Valentine’s date - only this time, in a windowless room, after your boyfriend has kept you captive for months and brought you to the brink of death and manipulated you and used you and hurt you--
The food looks exactly the same on the plate; beautifully presented, and delicious. Your stomach rumbles in hunger, but the thought of what still might come flashes through your mind.
You can’t bring yourself to eat a thing.
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“My compliments to the chef,” Percy chuckles, dabbing at his mouth with a napkin. “A pity you’ve barely eaten anything.”
“I’m not hungry,” you whisper, into the air between you, and Percy gives you a sympathetic look. How could you be hungry, when you’d feared everything you might put on your fork would turn to ashes or organs or worse in your mouth? When you’d spent the entire meal wondering about what he was going to do next, what he was going to say next?
He clicks his tongue, tutting at you sympathetically.
“Poor thing,” he says, voice dropping with that faux sympathy. “We can’t have you losing your strength, now. I’ll make sure you have your favourite tomorrow - just to see if we can tempt you into eating.” He leans forward, catching your chin in his hand, still smiling. “I’d hate for you to waste away into nothing.”
This close, you can see the slitted pupils of his eyes, and you know he must feel the way that you swallow. You’re so vulnerable like this - he could do anything to you, use this moment to break you in any way he chooses. 
The moment passes. He lets go of you. 
“Well,” he says, “that was pleasant, wasn’t it?” He sees you staring, helpless, and laughs. “Oh, sweetie. Did you think I would hurt you on Valentine’s Day? When you know how much I adore you? How I couldn’t bear to be without you?”
“It’s never stopped you before,” you whisper to him, a quiet, barbed little thing - and Percy lets you say it, and then throws his head back and laughs. 
“Ah,” he says, “but I’m absolutely stuffed. You’re a meal all on your own. You’ve been terrified of what I might do the whole time! Anything else would have just been greed, I fear.”
You look up at him, barely daring to believe it. He’s really just going to leave? He’s going to take what he did from the meal, from the trembling edge of fear you’ve felt all day, and simply . . . let you think that was enough? 
“Th-that’s it?” You ask, hating how small your voice sounds. You clench your fists atop the table cloth, the few bites of food that you did manage to get down churning in your stomach. 
Percy tilts his head to the side, and then laughs again. 
“How silly of me,” he says, and your throat constricts. “No, no. I have another present for you. I almost forgot!”
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper, crumpled, folded over and over. He unfolds it for you, and you see that it is a sheet torn from a newspaper - his smile does not budge as he leans over and places it before you on the table. 
You take a moment before you look down at it. You don’t know what it would be, after all; and it would not be the first time something that has seemed perfectly harmless has turned out to be anything of the sort. Percy waits, patiently, and you finally bring yourself to look down and read the small, cramped letters. 
That’s a photograph of you. 
You stare up from the page, caught in mid-laugh, your dark hair blowing across your face. In the background is a sunny day at the park; it takes a moment for you to remember it being taken. It takes a while, now, to remember you had a life before these four walls. 
There are other photos of you, too. One with your family. A baby photo, posed perfectly in a photographer’s studio. A picture of your graduating class, with you circled--
Your eyes scan desperately over the words. You can’t quite take it in. You try to read it properly, but your vision skims and sputters and spots, and only certain phrases make it through the haze of terror and confusion that you feel descending over you. 
‘Missing for eight months’ . . . ‘Every effort has been made to locate her’ . . .‘Family have called off the search’ . . . ‘Presumed dead’ . . . ‘Memorial service to be announced’ . . .
That’s it. 
They have been looking for you - apparently in all the wrong places. There’s something about a forest being combed over, a river being strained for a body. No mention of a townhouse owned by your boyfriend. No mention of a boyfriend at all. 
They’ve been looking for you, and now they’re not. They’ve thrown you to one side; they’ve said ‘that’s enough, we’d rather just act as though she’s dead’. There’s nobody coming to save you. 
You hadn’t realised how much the idea that someone might find you, that you could go back to your normal life one day, that people were out there looking for you had sustained you until you’d read in stark black and white that it wasn’t going to happen.
The future that stretches out in front of you now is simply Percy, and these four walls, and what it feels like to be afraid.
“Why do you look so frightened?” Percy asks, as you sit there, trembling. The table and the chairs and the remains of the dinner fade to nothing around you, and your legs buckle - before you know it, you are knock-kneed and awkward on those awful floorboards, the sheet of newspaper still crumpled in your hands. You can’t breathe. 
Any hope of escape, any hope someone was looking for you, any thoughts that perhaps they’d find Percy’s little house and break it open until they found your prison cell - gone, like that. Nothing to think about. No hope to cling to. 
And he’d called it a present!
He kneels down before you, reaching out - and his arms are wrapping around you, pulling you closer, holding you against him with a grip like a vice. 
“There’s nothing to be scared of,” he murmurs, against the top of your head, as the tears refuse to fall and the certainty that you are either going to be stuck here until you die, or until he wrings you dry, washes over you. “Isn’t it good news?” 
A kiss. From out of the corner of your eye, you see the red roses he had brought you; they’re on the floor now that the table and chair have been removed. A fat spider crawls from the inside of one of the roses, inching closer and closer to you both. Percy croons softly into your ear, fingers running through your hair. 
Is there a point, you wonder, where you will stop being afraid? Where all of this will become background noise, and you’ll be a useless shell of a person? Because at this moment, with the thought of who-knows-how-long stretching on in front of you and all of the things that Percy could do to you, all of the ways he could fuck with your mind and your heart and everything in between--
You think that perhaps being a shell would be better. Percy clucks, rocking you against him like he’s trying to soothe the fear out of you, though both of you know it is the opposite--
“It’s wonderful news, isn’t it? We get to have the rest of your life together.”
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linalilia · 1 year
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Can you believe that its been a year since we played this bingo game? Time flies, huh? Anyway, I was thinking that I could tell you my in-depth opinions of your Milgram ocs (and vice versa) before we move onto trial 2! Then we can come back to this and compare how our opinions of each others' ocs have changed. :D If that's okay with you, of course! Please don't feel pressured to do it if you don't want to!
I'll make a post about my thoughts on your Milgram ocs separately. Don't want to put such long ramblings in your ask box, haha. Look forward to it!
OHHH YEAH I REMEMBER THAT it's really been a year, huh.. and sure, i'd love to do that! sounds very fun <3
and speaking of trial 2, i'm not sure if i'll be able to post stuff like album covers and everyone's designs this month (maybe i'll post a pre-t2 voice drama or two though), because of irl things and i still have a lot of art to work on, but i already know how everyone will act and i have everyone's song titles and trailer voicelines ready and. yeah my ocs' t2 versions will act so different from their t1 versions 😭
anyway, here's what i think about your milgram ocs!
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HARUTO >>>> no really i love him a lot! his design is so 💕💖💞💓💗 he sure is a pretty boy! he's very fun to draw and i like how he actually looks like a guard in that picrew!
now, about his personality. i love how chill and relaxed he is, his personality is like a nice break from those guards who take their job much more seriously (*ahem* es, eiji and miki). it's really cool how he understands that all of this is some kind of experiment too, because again, those guards believe that milgram is always right no matter what and never (or rarely) question it. i find very interesting how he's so unpredictable, but his verdicts also sound.. reasonable? (well, if we're talking about the canon ones) like he doesn't jump to conclusions and also his decisions are understandable. and it feels refreshing to see a character who's an amnesiac, but doesn't really care about his memories and who he really is. i have this theory that haruto was, like, a completely average person and his memories really aren't that important, but maybe he was "chill" in a different way, like maybe he was just very apathetic? maybe that's why he has a feeling that his memories don't really matter? i'm very excited to see him in season 2! maybe he will get some character development?
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ichiro!! my son!! my blorbo!! i would be terrified of him irl but i still relate to him a completely normal amount okay, okay, gonna be honest, i didn't know what to do with him when you posted his poll, like, at the same time i don't think forgiving him is the best decision, but also.. it's complicated, like, i think i need more info about him and his crime.
i love how he just goes with the flow and doesn't really care about anything and the fact that he likes to draw makes him even more cute <3 his mood swings make him more realistic too, like he's not just -_- most of the time, like he's actually a very emotional person!
about the "part of a dynamic" part, i just think that even though ichiro's personality is what makes him unique, when it's just him, there's not much to talk about, i guess? like i think his personality truly stands out when he's interacting with someone else. i still like him a lot though!
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akane!! i don't have much to say about her, but i really do think she's innocent, at least right now, and as i've said before, i thought that an innocent verdict could "calm her down" and make her open up a bit more, also i just don't think her crime was that bad, like i think you said it was self-defense in some way? even if it wasn't, i really don't think that akane is a type of person who would kill someone for no reason at all and i trust her. also i really like her cuter tsundere side too, hehe <3 i would still find her intimidating irl though.
also i really like the parallels between ichiro and akane, like, the first one still acts like a small child, meanwhile the other one is more mature (even though she doesn't seem like it at first?), it's like.. both of them are coping in a different way, i guess? makes me think about haruka and yuno too.
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it's daisuke's turn! I WANT TO BITE HIM DJFHKSDKSLLS /pos. okay, he's another milgram oc of yours that i would be too scared to talk to irl i'm just a scaredy cat okay but i really do think he's innocent, again, at least right now, like i don't care about his job, you know, do what you gotta do, and when it comes to his crime.. idk, i'm really getting innocent vibes. like, if he regrets it, that's enough for me to forgive him. and come on, his poor little meow meow energy is so strong! you've also mentioned that he's suffering from survivor's guilt which is.. interesting. i really don't have any theories right now and i'll need more info to understand his crime better, but i'm excited to find out more about him! also all the women rejecting him is so funny HDHSKSKSKKD he's such a loser /affectionate
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i think you've said that suzume is that one oc you've struggled with the most and tbh i think i can see that? not in a bad way, of course, it's just.. she kinda has that energy, like, she was added later than everyone else, i guess? like at the same time i really like her but i don't have that much to say about her? i do have my theories though and also her mv is one of my favorites! really wanna draw something based on it when i have the time, hehe.
i LOVE her design though, she's so pretty 💖💖 she kinda has that "third sanada sibling" vibe /j about the "didn't get enough screentime" part, i just.. it's like i can't really understand her personality, i guess? like i remember reading her profile and her voice drama and still going "WHO ARE YOU" JDJKDKSLDKS. like, i can describe everyone else's personality traits, but when it comes to suzume, i'm like ".. uhhh her mv has pretty crystals :D" AND THAT'S NOT EVEN A PERSONALITY TRAIT. that interaction with shun has helped me understand her a bit better though! (also help i've finished working on shun's mv description recently and now i'm looking at the shun x suzume part like. are you sure you'd be okay with a bf like that suzume. are you sure) i also have a habit to call her suzu whenever i think about her or talk about her out loud skdksdls please don't mind me i talk to myself way too often
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. i am going to be honest with you, i genuinely forget that haku exists sometimes AND I DON'T KNOW WHY 😭 like i really love his design, i think he's very (unintentionally) funny, his mv also makes me THINK, but also. i don't know why, he's just so forgettable djsdjksksl?? like, whenever i feel like i forgot one of your ocs, my brain goes "you know. the one who has a brother" and i'm like "OHHHHHHH", like the piano part isn't even the first thing i think about??
again. i would be too scared of him to talk to him if i ever met haku irl. i can't describe it, it's just.. the vibes are weird. like i voted him innocent, mostly because i just felt like it would be weird for me to vote him guilty when i don't even know anything about his crime *insert kei's 100% guilty rate joke here* also. i might be wrong and i won't be surprised if i am wrong, but. is it just me or haku's brother's vibes are weird too. like i don't wanna say he manipulated him or something but like. i feel like there is a reason why haku was so loyal to him and it's not necessarily "oh, you know, they are family, they're very close and all", i feel like it goes deeper than that and it's actually darker. i may be overthinking it though.
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YUI!!! one of my faves, honestly. probably because i had a long idol/music games and anime phase. i love her design a lot, she's very pretty!! she's such an interesting character too, because like.. at the same time the fact that she refuses to admit the fact that she's a murderer annoys me a bit also come on her milgram cover is inmf, but also i kinda believe her? like maybe it wasn't an accident, but an indirect murder? like she really was the reason why her victim died, but it's not like, you know, she did it with her own hands. that would be so embarrassing though, like she's really not doing well because of her guilty verdict right now and then it turns out that it really was an accident 😭 very excited to see her go crazy <3
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listen. again. sorry for mentioning their designs all the time, i'm that kind of person who cares a lot about the visuals, but i really like rin's design! he's very cute!
(also a note: i actually can imagine all your ocs as milgram characters? like they have the perfect designs for that, i think. like they're not too bright and colorful, but they're still easy to remember and i think that's cool and they fit the whole milgram aesthetic really well! like, i wanted to try and draw my ocs in milgram art style, but i kinda gave up because i couldn't imagine them actually looking like milgram characters at all djdkslsl)
but when it comes to his other traits.. i really don't have much to say? like seriously, if i had a chance to talk to him, i would just go "get over it" sjhskaslsls. i have no idea what that girl did, like maybe she started dating someone or simply spending more time with someone, but come on, dude, get up, this is embarrassing. him being the youngest prisoner doesn't help his case either, like i can't take his crime seriously at all, i'm sorry :'D but who knows, maybe he'll turn out to be the most scary and dangerous prisoner here!
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noa is another forgettable one for me, i'm sorry djfhnkdsl. i have a habit to refer to noa and suzume as a set, like, you know, sad girls who have some kind of love-related problems. it doesn't mean i don't like noa though! i just really don't know much about her and i don't know what to say about her. i would love to learn more about her relationship with her husband though and like.. how and why her whole crime even happened. and it's nice to see that your prisoners have a good older sister figure here if we don't count her using alcohol as a coping mechanism <3 her dynamic with rin is cute too!
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OHHHH kiyoshi is a difficult one. like i voted him innocent (i think so? i don't remember that well actually), but.. i can't help but feel like something is wrong. like i really can't believe that it was just "self-defense". come on, his song title is literally "true colors", THERE MUST BE SOMETHING. but if he's just obsessed with justice or something and he saw what he did as self-defense, i won't be surprised. and the fact that he's more cheerful now also makes me feel like kiyoshi has a darker side that he hasn't shown yet. like don't think i will go easy on you this time, old man, i'll be watching you very closely <3 (also i remember you saying that riku and kiyoshi would get along well? i wonder what you meant by that.. maybe it was about the "everyone relies on them, but they can't rely on anyone" bit?)
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and another one with scary vibes jsjksklsls maybe i'm just not a fan of characters who kill for justice, their morals or what they think is "right"? like something about that sounds messed up to me. and yes, i voted mayumi guilty AND I DON'T REGRET IT OKAY. sure, maybe your patient was a criminal, but again, you're a nurse and you should do your job. don't think that you have the right to decide his fate or anything like that. i'm sure mayumi really had good intentions and she really is a kind person, but yeah, right now i can't say she's innocent or that i'm planning to forgive her in season 2.
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#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#cw gore#jrwi suckening spoilers#jrwi suckening#jrwi gabriel#jrwi gabriel montez#LOOK FAMILIAR?hahahahahDONT WORRY#IM REUPLOADING THIS HERE BC i fixed up the drawing a lil. and also i wanted to add main tags#U WONT SEE ANY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THISSUN N THE POST ON MY SIDEBLOG.i changed the image there too.HA!!!!!!!#ANYWAY.i rambled plenty about pain and gabe on my sideblog.SO LETS TALK ABT THE ART SHALL WE.ihad i very hard time getting the colors down#would u believe i nearly left this uncolored??FUCKED UP!! it was only a sketchhow did it end up like this. it was only a sketch...#BUT IM RLY GLAD I WENT W COLORING IT.this time i actually used the airbrush n pencil tools BUT i also have a handy dandy brush i made#its just the mspaint air brush tool. fucking LOVE THAT THING. but now its in fire alpaca and it can be slightly transparent.IT LOOKS SOGOOD#perfect for splatters and grime.i love you mspaint i love youuu.im also so happy w the blood here.i think i reached a shift last year#back when i made that genloss fanart something abt the way i draw blood finally CLICKED and im like OH. the inside must always be darker.#like i KNEW that already but it was like my hand itself finally had it click.i wonder what i will learn next?I LIKE THE ORGANS HERE TOO#not as veiny or thready as i usually draw em. but i think thats fine. not as WET as id like em to be but thats also fine.#i got the point across. the point ofc being WOW THIS IS GRUESOME AND PAINFUL AND TERRIBLE#I LOVE HIS EXPRESSION.i love pain and thinking abt pain. you lose yourself to it after enough time passes of just being in an ocean o agony#at one point its just too tiresome to scream or writhe. theres a point when the body accepts it.sometimes.atleast.#OHHH GABRIEL AS A CHARACTER DELIGHTS ME SO MUCH.he is a dog to me.a thing to serve others.I WISH I KNEW MORE#WHAT ELSE DID YOU WANT BOY?? SURE POWER AND SECURITY AND SAFETY ARE NICE.BUT DID YOU HAVE DREAMS? WANTS? PASSIONS?#WHAT WAS THE STORY BEHIND THAT TIGER TATTOO ON YOUR ARM?WHAT DO THE DOGTAGS SAY BOY?I WISH I COULD HAVE TEA W U#OHHH TO SIT DOWN WITH A CHARACTER AND JUST SPEAK TO THEM. AND YET. AND YET IN THE END ITS ALL TRAGEDY AND COMEDY#TRAGEDY AND COMEDY THAT IS SO SO PAINFULLY UNBALANCED. SIGH.#WHATEVER CMERE BOY YOURE BECOMING AN OC OF MINE NOW UR GONNA BE IN SPACE AND UR NAME IS GONNA BE VINEGAR#UR STILL GONNA BE SHIP OF THESEUSED THOUGH. OOOHHH GABRIEEELLL GABRIEL MONTEEEZZZ#HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE BUILT INTO YOU.HOW MANY DID YOU LOVE AND CHERISH.HOW MANY TATTOOS DO U RECOGNIZE ON UR NEW ARMS#WHAT WAS IT LIKE? ON THE NIGHT U WERE SIRED?WERE YOU EXCITED? DID YOU SEE YOUR BOSS' FACE?WHAT WAS THIS PROMOTION LIKE?
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joonberriess · 6 months
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⊹₊ ⋆ “i just been fantasizin', and we got a lotta time, baby, come throw the pipe, gotta know what it's like,”
TAGS — vaginal sex, unprotected sex, pussy eating, light degradation, slight dirty talk, jk’s possessive here, oc’s a cute bean, daddy kinks, some nipple play, public sex, unrealistic sex to me bc how tf did no one see???, pimp!jk, stripper!oc, oc needs to know, WAP WAP WAP, this is for my birthday babes, praise kink(?), happy birthday @hyunjinswifeee this is late sorry :((
WORD COUNT — 3.3 k
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Wanna know what it's like, baby, show me what it's like, I don't really got no type, I just wanna fuck all night,
The crowd becomes completely immersed in your smooth hip gyrations and body rolls, they holler and catcall while endless money falls at your feet. Tonight’s a special night, you figured why not spend it at work getting money rained on you. All you really had to do was dance because your oh so lovely boss prohibited you from being requested by the club patrons.
Speaking of your boss, he too was in the crowd just right above you in his private balcony. He was watching with those dark onyx eyes of his, filled with desire and hunger. Each time you looked up he was staring right back down. Jungkook looked so fucking good sprawled out like that over the velvet couch with one hand nursing a glass of whiskey, his hair wild and unkept. Just the display of dominance and power had you weak in the knees.
You bit your bottom lip and slowly ran your hands down your body before reaching back to grip the pole tightly and slowly walking around it. You wanted him to know that you were very much on the same page. The cheers from everyone spurred you on as you spun high on the pole with your head thrown back, the screams grew louder and the crowd wilder as they fought each other to get a better view.
I just been fantasizin', and we got a lotta time, baby, come throw the pipe, gotta know what it's like,
You hold your breath and slowly slide down as your eyes flicker back up to Jungkook who is now standing leaned over the balcony. He stares at you through half-lidded eyes, tongue poking the inside of his cheek and a lit cigar sitting in his hand. You decide to kick it up a notch. Just a tiny bit.
The lights suddenly go out and your shadow is illuminated by fuschia pink LED lights all around you. No one can see a thing but your silhouette as you reach behind you to unclip your bra. The club goers lose it as you dangle the item teasingly in the air before tossing it into the crowd wishing it was Jungkook you were throwing it at.
“More, more, more,” they chant as you move sensually. Luckily another bouncer comes to hand you another bra top to put on just before the lights around you snap back on.
You're exciting, boy, come find me, your eyes told me, "Girl, come ride me" fuck that feeling both us fighting, could he try me? Mmm, most likely,
You mouth along to the song while staring right at Jungkook, a tiny smile adorning your lips as you spin around once more on the pole. You don’t look over for the rest of the dance because you’re too nervous to face the outcome. This was the first time you’ve pulled a move other than looking at him and giving Jungkook “fuck me” eyes.
When the show ends you’re pulled to the side by a squealing Soyeon and a giggling Soojin. “Did you not fucking see the look he gave you when you did that?!” Soyeon gasps, “He literally looked so fuckin’ pissed—in a good way though—like he did that thing he does with his tongue and cheek and then he pulled one of his guys to the side!”
“He wants you for real.” Soojin smirks as she pokes your side, “Looks like the birthday girl is gonna get some dick tonight.” She coos in your ear while cupping your tits in her hands, “So what’s your plan, hmm?” She lays her chin over your shoulder, Soyeon nods too and waits for your response.
You contemplate for a second but quickly make up your mind, “I think you guys already know,” you lean back into Soojin with a playful little smile, “who wouldn’t?”
“True,” Soyeon nods, “but you have to tell us the details okay? You gotta tell me if that thing he’s carrying is like nine inches or something.” She looks pretty serious and you can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of your throat as you reply ‘then why don’t you find out?’ She gives you an almost offended look, “Girl that’s your man first of all, secondly I got my own.” She winks.
The three of you chat a little more until Namjoon, one of Jungkook’s closest bodyguards, comes through the door searching the room. When he makes eye contact with you he strides over with a friendly demeanor, “y/n, right?” He tilts his head a little to the side, “Jungkook’s asking for you, said if you could meet him up in the balcony?”
You nod in a heartbeat, “I’m just gonna clean up a little, ‘m a little sweaty ‘n stuff.” You softly reply as Soojin gets to quickly re-touching your makeup. He nods understandingly and murmurs a low “Come up when you’re ready.” After he leaves, Soojin and Soyeon slowly turn to you with little smirks on their faces and brushes in their hands.
When you reach the balcony you come across Jungkook sprawled out on the sofa with both arms stretched out. He looks a hot mess with the way his tie is hazardously tossed to the side and his white button-up sits messily undone over his chest. “Seems like we’ve finally met.” He hums.
“Hello Mr Jeon,” you softly greet like the polite little thing you are. Your eyes flicker down to the gold cross hanging over his chest, not missing the way his eyes flashed when you said ‘Mr Jeon’. It’s nerve wracking looking into his eyes because Jungkook always held eye-contact and you hated how he made you cower in delight, “I thought I wasn’t allowed to be requested by patrons.”
Jungkook chuckles quietly and brings the cigar up to his lips taking a long drag from it, “Oh? And does that include me too sweetheart?” A pleasant little shiver runs down your spine when the pet name rolls off his tongue so smoothly. You find yourself craving for more.
“I don’t know,” you softly say while inching closer, you come to a stop in front of him, “does my boss consider himself to be included..?” You teasingly run your finger over his shoulder and slowly lower yourself on his thigh, “Does he?” Jungkook’s nostrils flare as he blows the smoke to the side, dropping the cigar on to the ashtray below.
“You wanna give me a dance, is that it sweetheart?” Jungkook drawls out lazily. His eyes inch downwards as he admires the pretty little “outfit” you got on. It reminds him of the little show you put on out there.
Your breath hitches when he grabs the hanging garter string between two fingers and twirls it around in his hold. “...is a dance what you want?” You reply breathily.
Jungkook lays his hand flat on your thigh and strokes over it slowly, idly rubbing his hand up and down over the soft skin. “You offering me more sweetheart?” He licks his lips, “You gonna be a good girl and put on a show like out there—give me a private show just for little ol’ me?” He leans closer to you with his hot breath fanning over your chin and lips.
“Mm-mm,” you shake your head, “ ‘s not fair.”
He grins and noses along your jawline towards your slender neck, “Not fair? How so sweet girl?” He whispers as his thumb rubs soothing circles on your inner thigh, “Hm?” He blows in your ear causing goosebumps to form all over your body.
You tilt your head to look at him, “Because, it’s my birthday.” Your eyes drop down to his lips as you unconsciously lick your own, “Aren’t you gonna wish me happy birthday?” You whisper.
“Oh yeah?” Jungkook looks up at you in amusement as he leans closer, “Happy birthday sweetheart.”
Jungkook gently slips his lips against yours, barely moving as he inched his hand upward between your thighs. You’re so lost in the taste of him as you let your thighs fall open invitingly, and your hands came up to rest over his shoulders. Jungkook grunts under his breath, he moves his lips sensually over yours causing wet smacking noises to fill the space between you two. You softly whine as your lips become glossy and kissed raw from Jungkook’s little bites and harsh kisses.
“Why don’t you lay back, hm? Gonna show you what birthday girls get from me,” he presses a chaste kiss to your neck as he slowly guides you on your back, “there you go, just like that baby—yea..spread ‘em for me.” He watches you in pure delight over how well you’re following his instructions.
You stare up at him with a dazed look, “Do you give every birthday girl this?” You purse your lips in annoyance just thinking about all the other girls who have probably been under him like this.
Jungkook toys with the strap of your bra, “No, just ones that like to tease me on stage.” He smirks as he hooks his finger under the middle of the bra, he tugs it downward until both tits spill out from the cups, “Will you look at that..” He murmurs appreciatively when he sees your pretty pebbled nipples, “I wonder if you’re pretty everywhere else too.”
Your lips part to say something but Jungkook leans down to wrap his lips around one of your nipples. You sigh quietly and enjoy the feeling of his wet hot tongue circling and licking over your nipple. He moves his other hand to your other tit and gently wraps his hand around the doughy flesh. Jungkook pulls away and leaves a small trail of spit over your hard nub, as he rolls and kneads your tit in his other hand.
A surprised little “oh!” escapes your lips when he dives down to suck on the other nipple. “Mm–wait,” you throw your head back when his other hand dips low between your thighs, pressing two fingers over your drenched pussy. He teases your clit through your panties as he presses the soaked material against your slicked up cunt.
He hums to himself and pulls away to trail kisses down the middle of your body. His other hand slides down your side until he’s resting it against your hip where the waistband of your panties sits. “Been dreaming bout this day n night sweetheart, you don’t even know how fuckin’ crazy you drive me.” He hooks two fingers under the waistband, “You make it so hard for a man sometimes, you got me fiending like a dog for you.” He growls.
You look down at him and slip your hands over his, “Then make me yours,” you breathily whisper, “ ‘s all yours,” you dreamily smile while hooking your thighs over his shoulders.
Jungkook all but tears your panties off with a loud riiip. He leaves open mouthed kisses trailing down until his mouth’s hovering over your pussy, he wastes no time in letting his tongue dip between your folds. He laps at your messy folds and lays his tongue flat against your clit as he flicks it back and forth teasingly. You quickly become a whimpering mess under him.
He uses his grip to bring your cunt closer to his face, his hands slip under your ass cheeks and he grips both cheeks in his palms. Your eyes flutter shut as you slip your hands into his hair, you wonder if anyone was watching right now. The balcony itself had a thick siding but the thought of them watching Jungkook and you sent delicious little tremors down your spine. “Mm–like that,” you whisper softly while lifting your hips more for him.
It feels like he’s making out with your pussy with the way he’s licking and sucking at your chubby folds, taking a lip into his mouth as he sucks on it teasingly before dipping back in to tease your clit. A choked up moan escapes when his tongue slips lower and pokes at your winking hole, “Please, please,” you tearfully whine, “want more.”
Jungkook leaves a gentle little smooch on your pussy before he goes back to business. His hot tongue slips right into you pushing past your tight rim. Your lips fall open in a small ‘o’ as you shudder, he’s flicking his tongue upwards against your g-spot repeatedly. You scramble to get a hold of him with your fingers tightening in his hair.
“Mmm,” you push his head against you and sigh when his nose accidentally bumps into your clit, “...daddy—” You cry out when the pleasure gets too much and you curl into yourself from the sensitivity.
Jungkook freezes under you, he pulls away and climbs over you with your legs falling from his shoulders. “What did you say?” His eyes narrow, they’re dark with hunger and lust. You look up at him through bleary eyes and giggle instead of answering. Jungkook wraps his hand around your throat, relishing in the moan that bubbles out of your throat, “Oh you like that don’t you baby?” He chuckles breathily, “Go on then, tell me what you just said now.” He squeezes gently and runs his thumb over your lips, it’s nothing too drastic but it serves as a reminder.
Your tongue darts out to run over your upper lip seductively, “Would you rather I called you sir? Or Mr Jeon?” You breathily giggle, “Does it turn you on laying me out here in the open for everyone to see?” You whisper as your lips wrap around his thumb, you suck with a low lewd moan.
Jungkook cusses under his breath, “Fuckin’ hell.. Nothing but a straight demon, look at you, jesus.” He bites his lip and pops his wet thumb out of your mouth, “They can look all they want but this pussy’s mine,” he cups your cunt with his free hand, “daddy’s gonna have you all dolled up with a little collar so people know who you belong to.” He smirks.
You mewl at the thought of him putting you in a collar as you eagerly paw at his slacks, “Please daddy,” you slur out, “ ‘m so wet for you. Aren’t you gonna be nice and give me what I want? Or do I have to find someone to do the job for you?” You grin deviously.
Jungkook’s cock is out within seconds after hearing that, he slaps the wet tip over your clit in soft taps. He listens to the wet squelching your cunt makes, it’s like music to his ears hearing how soaked you are. You let your legs slip open wider as he crowds you while slipping his cock between your folds. The tip catches on to your hole and prods at you, “Please,” you whine softly, “wan’ it in,” you buck your hips so more of his cock pops into you.
“Shit, relax for me baby.” He sighs as he slips his cock inch for inch slowly. His cock fits snug in your tight little cunt, you struggle a bit to house the rest of his cock inside of you but eventually he bottoms out with a small smack. “There you go,” he moans in bliss, “doin’ so good for me.”
You shudder at the praise and stare up at him with puppy eyes, “Don’t want it soft and nice daddy—want it fast n hard.” You hook your arms around his shoulders and bring him down for a sweet gentle peck, “You’ll give me what I want, right daddy?” You bat your lashes at him.
Jungkook groans shakily, “Fuck yes—I’ll give you everything you want baby.” He pumps his cock in and out of you, “Gonna have you dripping in diamonds.” He gasps as his hips roll forward with each time being a little more rougher than the last.
His movements cause you to lightly bounce in place under him, you can only moan and whimper as he drives his cock in and out of you. Your pussy hugs his cock tight when backstrokes making it a bit hard to fuck into you. He shoves his hand between the two of you and presses down on your clit with his thumb causing a loud cry to escape your lips.
“Harder..!” You rasp out and throw your head back. Jungkook wastes no time in diving in to bury his face between your shoulder and neck, leaving a mess of hickeys and love bites in his wake.
“Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he gasps, “ ‘s like this slutty little pussy was made for me.” He fucks into your rougher and makes sure to press in deep each time he bottoms out.
Your mouth falls open in a silent scream, you dig your nails into his shoulder and curl your legs around his waist tightly. “S-So good,” you gasp. His fat cock fills you up just nicely and rubs up against every sensitive spot inside your cunt. You can feel every throb and vein on his cock as he fucks away mindlessly.
Jungkook tilts his face to messily slot his lips against your own, he slams his hips upwards rather harshly. Each punishing thrust leaves you shaking and mewling for more, you weakly hold on to him for dear life and try not loosen your grip on him. He takes your bottom lip between his teeth and bites teasingly as a low whine escapes your lips.
“Fuck, you like that don’t you baby? Got myself a little painslut don’t I?” He purrs low while circling his hips and letting you feel every inch of his cock.
You hiss softly and hide your face in the soft cushioning of the couch, you’ve long blocked out the music in favor of focusing on two things: Jungkook and the wet noises your cunt made. You could feel dollops of slick run down your taint and between your ass cheeks. His cock was drenched in your wetness, everytime he pushed back in a loud squelch was followed shortly after.
“You gonna be a good girl and cum on this cock baby? Gonna make it nice n messy for me?” He huskily whispers, “C’mon baby, answer me.” He lightly slaps your cheek forcing you to look at him.
“Y-Yes,” you softly gasp, back arching when he strikes your g-spot repeatedly.
“Yes what?” He licks his lips.
“Yes daddy.” You whimper out. Jungkook captures your lips in a heated kiss and then proceeds to slam his cock in and out of your battered pussy.
You hug him tightly while messily kissing back as his cock slips in and out of your gaping cunt. He pulls out to the very tip before slamming back in and repeating the process over and over. Loud wet smacks are heard but you’re too cock drunk to see (or care) if anyone is looking. Before you even realize it, your cunt squeezes tightly around him and you cum with a loud cry. Your pussy absolutely gushes around him.
Jungkook groans low in his throat, he comes to a halt and simply grinds his cock into you. He feels more slick coat his cock until he’s covered in slick. He throbs at the sight of your trembling thighs and presses his cock in, letting his creamy cum fill your pussy up. You both slump into each other, he pants heavily and just lays there with his body covering your own.
“Got all night baby,” he murmurs in your ear while kissing the side of your head, “why don’t we get a little more comfortable in my bed, yeah?” He whispers.
You turn to press your lips to his, “Mmhm,” you pull away as a string of spit follows, “gonna give you a REAL show daddy.” You softly say.
Jungkook chuckles quietly, “I’m sure you are.”
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TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @lilliankoo @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar @saweetspoiled @laylasbunbunny @prettyprincejk @cherrysainttt @hyunjinswifeee @joongraduatewithonor @hellbornsworld @leire-mia @m1sss1mp @lissful @winkii @lifeless-firefly @exactlygreatcoffee @taestoess @ayalies @floweryjeons @softtcurse @lilspinachwrld @tearyjjeon @littleobsessedkitty @lovelovelovebts @angeljmnie @rerefundslocals @bangtans-mama @thvhoe @maddkitt @tvse @ohjeon @teteswtnr @jkslovey12 @kelsyx33 @milfpo1ice @sluttydidi @ztyur @beomgyuult @shescharlie @sweet-sourhotcoco @lalita-7 @hazzzelsdimension @p34rluv @kook-net @bonita0-0 @vmapy @dahliadaenerys @frieschan @lilyflowerguk @sayokodiary @babycandy111 @looneybleus @ash07128 @gyukookswhore
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darkbluekies · 4 months
hedwig valentine story pls pls ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕
Sweet like a Dior lip balm<3
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Female!yandere oc x yn
Summary: valentines with your rich girlfriend is always sweet
Warnings: none?
Valentine’s special
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You’re awoken by Hedwig softly caressing your face. with a yawn, you open your eyes and meet her hazel ones that are staring at you. A wide smile spreads on her face as you notice her. She’s dressed in her light blue satin pajamas — that she insisted to match with your green one. 
“Sit up, I have something for you”, Hedwig smiles and helps you up into a sitting position. 
You think that she is awfully excited this early in the morning. Carefully, you glance at the clock on the bed side table. Seven am. 
“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t sleep”, she smiles. “I was way too excited.”
“For what?” you yawn. 
“‘For what’? My love, it’s, Valentine’s day!”
“Oh, right.”
You haven’t gotten anything for her, because when you tried to go out and buy something for her, she threw a fit because you wanted to go alone. That’s her own fault, you think. 
“I have the entire day planned!” Hedwig smiles widely, clapping her hands excitedly. “We’re going to have so much fun!”
She places two neatly wrapped gifts on your legs while watching with big eyes as you open them. She has given you a rolex watch and a lip balm from Dior. 
“Why this?” you ask and hold up the lip balm. 
Hedwig giggles and opens the balm, swiping it along your lips. 
“Because I’m going to kiss you a million times today”, she smiles and pecks your lips sweetly. “And this makes it very nice. It’s my favorite one and I think that you would like one too.”
“It’s nice”, you reply, feeling it on your lips. 
Hedwig smiles. Her eyes are filled with love to the point that you wonder if she’s going to cry. She looks like she’s filled with bigger emotions than her body can handle. 
A knock on the door makes Hedwig gasp. She runs over to the door and lets her private chef come in, holding a tray in his hands. He places it on the bed and you can only drool over the thick, fluffy pancakes and multiple side dishes. The chef leaves and Hedwig smiles at you, nodding at the plates. 
“It’s yours”, she smiles. “All yours.”
“For me?” you question, even if it was clear that she had made her chef create this just for you. “Thank you.”
She watches you as you try the pancakes, and smiles widely when you make sounds of satisfaction. 
“I haven’t gotten you anything”, you say sheepishly. “You never let me go out and get you something.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that!” Hedwig exclaims and sounds genuinely surprised that you thought of that. “I already have everything I need. Just seeing you happy is all that I could ever wish for.”
She sprints up from the bed and over to her wardrobe where you have gotten your own little corner. She picks out a newly ironed outfit you own. 
“Do you want to wear this?” she asks, although you know that you will wear that no matter what. “It will match my dress.”
You nod. Hedwig smiles happily and handbags the outfit on the chair in the corner of the room. You get to change into the clothes once you have eaten and she helps you fix yourself. She styles your hair, takes care of your face and gives you jewelry. Carefully, she swipes the Dior lip balm over your lips, cups your cheeks and kisses you. 
“I love you so much”, she whispers lovingly. “You are everything I could ever need. I’m so lucky.”
You smile slightly. You never know what to answer when she bombards you with love. You never feel like anything you respond is enough. 
Two hours after waking up, you’re out of the house, hand in hand with your girlfriend. She looks like a doll, with curled hair, pink satin dress and a white handbag. Sometimes, you feel inferior to her, even though she is the one worshiping you. 
“Where are we going?” you ask as Hedwig’s driver opens the car doors for the two of you. 
“It’s a secret”, she smiles. “But I promise that you’re going to like it!”
During the entire car ride, you listen to music that you like, on Hedwig’s demand. You start to wonder if she has confused Valentine's day with your birthday. 
The car stops outside a Cafe and your eyes widens as you see the sign over the door, and the kittens in the window.
“You're kidding”, you gasp. “A cat Cafe?”
Hedwig smiles widely and nods excitedly. Her chauffeur opens your door and lets the both of you out. Hedwig drags you over to the door and you’re welcomed by two kittens that want to say hi. You pet them as Hedwig talks to the waiter about your reservation. The little kitten licks your fingers and purrs loudly. 
“Come, sweetheart”, Hedwig says and pats your shoulder. “We’ll be shown to our table.”
You let go of the little cat and joins Hedwig. You notice how the cat follows you with happy eyes. Hedwig giggles at the sight. You get to sit down by a window in the corner of the room, away from the other guests. 
“Here’s the menu, I will be back in a little while”, the waiter smiles, gives you two folders and leaves. 
You start to look through the menu and feel how the little cat jumps up on your lap.
“It’s following me”, you chuckle. 
“Yeah …”, Hedwig smiles as her unreadable smile slowly, carefully, widens. 
“Aren’t you going to see what you want?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah …”
She looks down into the menu, skimming through. You decide to get yourself a vanilla milkshake and a piece of chocolate cake. Hedwig orders a soda with a strawberry shortcake. She stares at you while you pet the cat that has fallen asleep in your lap. 
“I can already tell that you will be a great parent”, she smiles. “When we have our kids we have to get a pet too.”
“A cat?” you ask. 
“Not necessarily. I would love a dog. A pomeranian perhaps … or a poodle.”
You take a sip of your milkshake, and of course Hedwig wants to taste. She wants to take a bite of your chocolate cake as well, and you start to wonder if she ordered different food from you to be able to taste more. 
“I can’t believe how lucky I am”, she says. “I don’t dare to think about what would have happened if we would have never met, if you’d never have transferred to my school. I can’t picture my life without you. We graduate this summer, and then we’re free … and we can do what we want. Isn’t that fantastic?”
“I think that I’m going to go to university”, you say. 
“Oh, really? You don’t have to study, you know that right? You won’t even have to work. We can live on my money.”
“But I would like to continue studying.”
Hedwig looks genuinely shocked that you want to continue your studies. 
“I want to contribute to society”, you say. “Somehow.”
“We will”, Hedwig says and smiles widely. “But we won’t have to suffer for it! I’m going to be a runway model and you can do whatever you want. Indulge in your hobbies!”
You decide to not fight against her and instead enjoy the cake you ordered. 
The day continues with you and Hedwig petting cats and enjoying the food. Hedwig moves over the table to sit beside you while you play with a little kitten. She hugs your arm, leaning her chin on your shoulder. 
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The sun sets early this time of year, and Hedwig insists on taking a walk around the wealthy neighborhood she lives in. The houses are three times the size of yours and worth more than your entire family’s income put together. Despite being with Hedwig for months now, you can’t still feel comfortable — you feel like you’re trying to be someone you’re not. Although cold and dark, it was nice to walk alongside Hedwig. 
“I know that this is supposed to be a ‘hot girl’ walk … but I’m cold”, you shiver. 
Hedwig turns to you and takes your hands between hers, blowing warm air. She’s always loving in every action she does. You’re impressed that a girl as wealthy and spoiled as Hedwig isn’t unbearable. She has never been insufferable, although you have noticed that she can be out of touch, but she has never been entitled. 
“Are you feeling better?” she asks sweetly. 
“When can we go inside?” you question. 
“When we’re cold enough.” She smiles slightly. “Otherwise the hot chocolate won’t taste as good.”
“What have you planned?”
“I’ve planned for us to snuggle down on the couch in the living room, watch a movie and drink hot chocolate.”
You can’t help but enjoy the idea. 
“You’re going to fall asleep before the movie starts though”, you tease her. 
“I will not!” she protests, but you know that she believes that as well.
You’re not sure that she has ever been able to watch an entire movie with you. Her excuse is that she feels so safe and comfortable with you that she gets tired, and eventually falls asleep. 
When you return inside, her father’s staff has already fixed the living room with romantic lit candles and steaming chocolate for the two of you. You change into pajamas and climb under a heavy blanket on the big couch with Hedwig right beside you. 
“Tastes better when you’re cold, don’t it?” she smiles. “I learned it when we were skiing when I was a kid. Now, I can only drink hot chocolate when I’m cold.”
You nod. Hedwig smiles and kisses your lips to lick off the whipped cream and giggles. You smile. 
Not even ten minutes into the movie, Hedwig has dozed off on your shoulder, holding your hand in hers. 
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kissforyouu · 5 months
making a sanrio bento box for your boyfriend ! ♡
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pairing : jungkook x sanrio girl!oc
genre : fluff
a/n : happy new year!! hope you guys have a wonderful year ahead ❤️
i wanna know, know, know, know,
what is love?! ♡ !! (๛ ˘ ³˘)۶
you were so excited. so excited that you could run a marathon, have a dance battle, binge watch 10 dramas and study a whole semester in one night. you have all the energy in the world right now.
for the past 2 weeks, all you've been seeing on the tiktok is women making cute little bento boxes for their partners. and you just KNEW that you had to make one for your boyfriend. it's a must. they looked so freaking out your heart literally fluttered at the mere thought of making one for your boyfriend and seeing his reaction.
so now here you were, in front of your kitchen island, preparing your boyfriend's lunch box. the box was just plain steel (boring!) with no design or anything else. it suits jungkook. but you were gonna personalise it according to your likings. you don't think jungkook would get mad anyways. he'd find it rather cute.
currently, you were placing all the tiny fried shrimp in the lunchbox, also making sure to pin cute hello kitty and flower toothpicks on it. you also put a little mini container with some sauce in. for the main proportion, you decided to just make a cute hello kitty sandwich. truth is, jungkook was just going to his aunt's house to see his little cousin. a lunch box wasn't even necessary, but you wanted to do it anyway. you made sure to make it look extra cute so that jungkook's cousins would want a bite too!
closing the sandwich and placing it inside, you also sprinkle some rainbow sprinkles around the sandwich. oh my god, so cute! (you want to eat it now)
the lunchbox was turning out pretty cute and really really pretty. there were flower shaped dragon fruit inside alongside another small container of sprinkles and raspberries.
you're having so much fun by just cutting these fruits into little shapes.
"AH!" you let out a big scream, you're startled. obviously there's only one culprit. jungkook. he pinched your waist.
"baby, what is wrong with you?" you send him a small glare, turning back to continue your work.
"what's this?" jungkook takes a step further to stand next to you, his head hovering over yours to look at the food.
"ugh, i wanted to surprise you with this." you pout, leaning your head towards jungkook's shoulders. he snorts, humming.
"it's fine, i like seeing you cook anyway."
"it's already cooked! i'm just putting it all together!" you whine, completely annoyed by his sudden appearance.
"tssk, come on, baby." jungkook leans forward to rest his forearms on the table, head turned to you. he tries to sneakily sneak a piece of dragon fruit in his mouth but fails. laughing out, he still munches on the fruit, making your eyebrows frown.
"jungkook! you're so annoying!" your lips formed to a big fat pout, eyebrows raised as you playfully slapped jungkook's back.
it was clear to jungkook that you just wanted to surprise him with the bento box and that he ruined all of your plans by checking on you. but it was so cute. he was watching you from afar earlier, finding it completely endearing and adorable how you were so focused and just in your little bubble. he was so in love.
"no, you love me." he teases back.
"no, i hate you. you're a very annoying man." you roll your eyes, going back to your work while jungkook snickers.
"that's not what you say in bed though. oh my god, jungkook! i'm yours! i wanna cum!" he snickers.
"hey!" you slap his back again. jungkook dramatically clutches his heart, making exaggerated noises. "don't do that." you glare.
"yes, ma'am."
he couldn't help but smile, enjoying this sweet moment to the fullest. for the rest of the time, jungkook stays fully quiet, just letting you have your fun meanwhile he's just admiring you. here and there, he would sneak his arm around your waist to tickle you a little and make you shriek or rub your ass a little.
currently, he had his chin on your shoulder, arms on each side of you on the table. you were taking an awfully long time finishing off this little lunchbox.
"done yet?" he groans. you hum a small no. jungkook whines back.
"i'm finishing off the last bit, wait."
jungkook nods, letting go of your body and sitting on the table instead, right next to the lunchbox.
"you look so pretty." he coos, the tip of his toes poking your waist.
"ew! get your dogs away, jungkook!" you can't help but giggle as you poke his feet.
"no, they wanna touch you. my toes love you sooo much."
"ewwww, i didn't know you liked feet!" you laugh.
"yeah? wanna try it out next time?" he jokes.
"no! what the fuck?! that's nasty!" your face turns sour, vigoursly shaking your head from side to side.
"joking! joking!" he pokes his tongue out.
"very funny. but anyways, i'm done." you hold out cute bento box for him to see with a bright smile on your face.
jungkook giggles, jumping off the table and bringing you into a hug. you place the bento box on the table and hug him back, letting the big man make you completely disappear in his embrace.
"thank you, i love you." he kisses the side of your head, then temple.
"hey!" you grab the collar of his hoodie before he pulls away, then point at your lips.
he scrunches his nose in reaction to your actions, "of course."
your body pulls you closer by holding your face with both his hands, connecting your lips for a sweet kiss.
"oh my god, i forgot something!" you mumble in the middle of the kiss. jungkook pulls away, letting you wander off to wherever again. you run to your room, pulling out one of your pink sticky notes and a pen.
"what're you doing?" your boyfriend trails behind you, curious to see what you were doing.
"i'm writing you a note."
"lemme see." he places his hands on your hips to have a peek but you quickly shoo him away.
"read it when you eat it."
"anyways, i'm done." you interrupt the poor man. he opens his mouth to say something, but stops. instead, he ruffles your hair.
once you're done assembling everything together, and also folding the sticky paper and making a heart out of it, you wrap everything in a serviette and hand it over to jungkook.
"okay, byebye. eat it with your cousin, okay? tell him i missed him!" you pat his cheek.
"of course, baby. bye, i love you." he kisses your lips one more time with a small squeeze to your waist.
"kookie!" jungkook's cousin jumps on his back, super excited that his very much older brother is back to see him again.
"hey, buddy!" he squeezes him in his embrace, delivering a small kiss to the child's cheek.
"you wanna eat something?" he playfully punches the kid in the stomach.
"you remember y/n? she made this for us. you know, she told me to tell you that she missed you."
"yes, kookie! the pretty lady you brought with you." the tips of the little boy's ears turn into a deep shade of pink at the thought of you. once jungkook notices this, he laughs, pinching the little boy's ear.
"you like her?"
"y‐yeah..." he shyly admits.
"okay, i'll bring her with me next time, hm?"
the kid's eyes instantly lit up as he excitedly jumps up, arms in the air.
"let's eat this for now."
the little note you wrote had been in jungkook's mind the entire ride and he's so eager to finally open the food up and read what you wrote. sure, it was just a small note. but jungkook loved these kind of things. it was the little actions that mattered the most to him. he loved it whenever you showed your love through little things like this. it was so much more than just little for him.
once the little starts to happily munch of some of the fruit, jungkook quickly picks up the little note. he carefully opens it up, excited. it amazed him how he would get excited over the smallest things you'd do.
once he reads the notes, he swears he's never been more in love. there's a big fat smile on his face.
✉⤷ you're the only one for me. ♡
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taglist : @fungie2332 @wintertxt @wheexine @hyunjinswifeee @ohsweetmimosa @canyon-lwt
718 notes · View notes
mydearlybeloathed · 25 days
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: your daughter really wants a cat, and you're adamant that the answer is no... until it starts to look like a yes.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sanji x wife!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.4k
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: daughter oc, sanji and reader have a child, chaos ensues, no use of Y/N
𝐚/𝐧: a very happy mother's day to all the mothers out there! had this in the drafts so i decided today would be the perfect day to finish it :)
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“So unfair!”
“Dyla! Dyla!” You called after your daughter as she sprinted down the hall, nearly slipping on her socked feet, and disappeared around the corner. A door slammed a second later. 
You ran a hand over your face as your husband sauntered in from the kitchen, eyeing the hall as if to see that the coast was clear. Sanji had a habit of disappearing the moment your daughter showed signs of a tantrum.
Today was one of the worst ones, all because you’d told her no. Sighing, you managed not to throttle Sanji when he grinned and offered you a cookie, fresh from the oven. You swiped it and took a bite, letting the stress roll off your shoulders as the cookie melted on your tongue. 
“What’s she fussing about?” Sanji wondered, prompting you to roll your eyes to the heavens as you shoved the whole cookie in your mouth, swallowing it too early and wincing as you choked it down.
“She wants a cat,” you told him as you placed your hands on your hips.
Sanji raised a brow. “And you said no?”
“Of course I said no!” You pinched your brow. “We can’t take care of a cat.”
“... Why not?”
You shot him a sharp look, gesturing toward the window giving you a beautiful view of the sea and her rolling waves. The small ship rocked underneath you. “I’ll give you one guess.”
He followed your gesture and had the nerve to shrug, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “So? Cats love water.”
You flicked his forehead and swept over to clean up the pile of blankets Dyla had left out from her pillow fort. “Wrong. They hate water.”
“A cat would chase off the mice?”
“Whose side are you on, Sanji?” You tossed all the blankets into one pile as your gaze was drawn back down the hall again. 
“No one’s, my love,” he said softly, resting his hands on your shoulders and rubbing small circles on your back. “I’ll talk to her. Maybe Aunt Nami will make her a stuffed cat when we dock in a few days.”
That brought a smile to your face, though only slightly. Sanji pressed a kiss to the back of your head. “She’ll be over it in an hour.”
“You sure?”
“Aren’t I always?”
“... I won’t dignify that with a response.”
And sure enough, three days later, when you docked in Cocoyashi Village, Dyla’s mood had improved greatly. Hopefully, by the time your family returned to your sea-top restaurant drifting somewhere in the East, Dyla will have given up on her cat fixation.
That was until Aunt Nami promptly squashed all your hopes.
“Aww, c’mon,” Nami whined, a pouting Dyla on her hip. “Let ‘er have a cat.”
Sanji barely choked back a laugh at the way your whole face fell at your daughter’s sudden excitement. You ran your hand over your face, pulling at your skin, and shot Nami a glare. “Our lifestyle isn’t ideal for a cat.”
Dyla groaned, dropping her head onto Nami’s shoulder. Catching your eye, Nami chuckled nervously. “Oh, yeah. I don’t think a kitty would like living on the water, kid.”
Again, a prolonged whine came from your child. Nami pursed her lips, obviously trying to think of something, before her face brightened. “Hmm, does it have to be a cat?”
Dyla lifted her chin, head tilted. “Huh?��
“Your pet. Does it have to be a cat?”
Your daughter spent a moment in thought, her eyes flickering to side as if assessing invisible calculations, before she shrugged. “I guess not.”
Nami beamed at her and shot you a grin. “Perfect! What if we find a pet that would love being at sea, huh? I think your mom would compromise.”
Dyla’s hopeful eyes found you in an instant, and you grinned halfheartedly. “If you find a pet that likes water, and promise to take care of it… I’ll say yes.”
She let out a giddy squeal, squirming out of Nami arms and racing toward the rows of tangerine trees. Dyla wasted no time in digging around in the dirt. She talked to herself off in the distance, tripping over roots and kicking around fallen, rotten fruits. Nami bumped your shoulder with her own, now standing between you and your husband. “You’re welcome.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you laughed softly. “With our luck, she’ll bring back a cobra.”
“Compromise,” Nami sang, starting toward the little girl now hanging from a low tree branch, screaming for help at the top of her lungs. 
Sanji swept around and took both your hands, quickly drawing you away with a tiny smirk on his lips. You raised a brow. “Yes?”
“The others will be here by evening,” he said. “Which means we only have a few hours to ourselves.”
Shooting a glance back over your shoulder, you found Nami somehow waving you off whilst she held Dyla’s legs up, the girl monkey-barring up and down the branch. You whipped back around and gripped Sanji’s hand in a vice, giggling like a kid again. “Let’s go.”
Up and down the streets of Cocoyashi’s neighboring port, if you could even call the little village a port, you and Sanji raced and teased and danced around markets and docks. His lithe fingers tickled at your slides as he ducked through the meager crowd, and your sneaky hands tugged at his hair before you darted behind a stack of crates.
Sanji’s arms caught your middle when you tried the trick again, laughter spilling from your lips. Chests heaving, he released you just enough for you to spin in his arms and peck his lips. People were staring, sure, but neither of you could care less. 
Sanji suggested the pair of you find something to thank Nami for babysitting. Halfway into agreeing, you spotted something… odd, just over his shoulder. Lightly tapping his arm you moved around him and slinked toward the tower of metal crates resting in the shade of a building. Beside it a market stand of various jewels and fine metals were being sold. 
“You wanna get her a necklace or somethin’?” Sanji wondered aloud, promptly guiding you forward with a hand on your back till you dug in yoru heels and grabbed him by his shirt sleeve. You only shook your head, slowly approaching the vendor. 
You stopped in front of the crate tower, and only then did Sanji realize what the matter was. Within the confines of the very bottom crate was a creature, curled into itself. Its little body was orange and striped and shivering. As you knelt on the ground, two of the tiniest fear-filled yellow eyes peered out at you.
Emotions welled up within you. Reaching out a hand to tap the cage bar, your heart tightened around nothing when the cub flinched away. “That can’t be comfortable, can it…”
“Ah!” The creaky voice of the vendor interrupted your thoughts. “I see you’ve found my little friend!”
Your eyes darted up to find a sorry excuse for a man staring down at you. Sanji stood over you with a matching scowl. The vendor simply kept on with that irritating glow in his eyes. “Right from the jungles of Little Garden!”
Slowly, you rose from the ground and settled the man with a steely look. A thousand possibilities came to mind, but only one arose to topple the rest (a possibility you saw yourself regretting in the very near future). “How much?”
“You won’t find a better—Wait.” The man stammered, hands clasping together as an excited laugh left him. “Of course! You’re very direct, dear! I like it!”
Sanji’s lips curled. “Just tell me the price.”
The man choked on air, cheeks flushing. “Yes, of course. Apologies.” He paused and did a little mental math, taking in the livid expressions on his clients' faces, and also the fact that they seemed in no mood to bargain. “Three thousand berries.”
The expected lashing out, followed by heated bartering, never came. Sanji only reached into his coat pocket and slipped out the appropriate amount of paper slips, slamming it all down on the wooden stand. The vendor’s mouth was agape as he scrambled to pick it all up, absolutely ecstatic at the course of events. “Lovely doing business with you!”
You held back from spitting out what you really wanted to say, instead turning and shoving the tower of crates over, sending them all crashing to the ground. A lid popped off and sent several copies of a supposedly one-of-a-kind bracelet across the market ground (a young woman in the business of purchasing one scoffed and swiftly swept away). 
Together, you and Sanji left the scene and the vendor in hindsight, a cramped little crate in the arms of your husband. 
Sanji looked down at the crate, then back at you. Your face hadn’t lost that fuming sort of look all the way back to Cocoyashi. “Darling?”
“Hmm?” You blinked suddenly, as if waking up from a bad dream. “Sorry. What?”
“Are you all right?”
You puffed out a sigh. “I’m fine.” Casting the crate a look, “Just wallowing in my hypocrisy.”
“Someone will be happy, though,” Sanji laughed.
You reached Nojiko’s house to find it empty, save for the sleeping form of your host in the dark of her bedroom. Sanji set the crate on the kitchen table and only then did you plop down and run your ahnds through your hair. “I’m too impulsive.”
Sanji came up behind your chair and kissed your head. “No. Just passionate.” He nosed your hair. “I thought it was sweet.”
“Sweet or not,” you started, “we’re down three thousand berries and up one… tiger cub.”
Sanji dropped down to be eye level with the opening of the crate. “I think he’s cute.”
Your husband softened his eyes and inched his hand forward, unthwarted by the cub curling away from his reach. “Dearest, grab some dried tangerines, yeah?”
Choosing to humor him (do tigers even like tangerines?), you rounded the table and swiped a few dried slices form the bowl on the counter. Sanji bounced on his heels like a kid on Christmas, slipping a slice through the bars and waiting. To your great surprise, only seconds passed before the cub lunged forward and took the slice in his little jaws.
Sanji laughed, bright eyes darting up to you. “He likes it!”
You set a hand on his shoulder and leaned down to peer in on your new friend, a grin tugging at your lips. Those little yellow eyes blinked widely as he swallowed all of the treat, a low gurgle signaling his request for more. 
Nami and Dyla returned three hours later, your daughter perched on her aunt’s shoulders. Luffy and Chopper were right on their trail after meeting them at the docks, Usopp met up with them on the trail to the orchard, and Zoro appeared somewhere between the docks and the house having little to say about how he got there. 
The door swung open and the lot was faced with a peculiar sight; you and Sanji on Nojiko’s couch, which wouldn’t have been odd at all if it weren’t for the tiger curled up on Sanji’s lap. 
Nami’s jaw was on the floor, her eyes filled with mirth. She met your eyes and couldn’t hold back her laugh. “That isn’t compromise. That’s conceding.”
Rolling your eyes, you defended weakly. “Plans changed.”
Dyla slid from Nami’s shoulder in one swift motion, on trepid feet as she approached the couch. Her eyes flickered from you and her father before landing on the cub. “Mom?”
“Yes,” you playfully exasperated. “He’s ours.”
She hesitated, eyes widening when the cub yawned, showing off his little fangs. Sanji, barely able to hide his smile, nodded to the bowl on the table. “Bring ‘im a tangerine, love.”
Scrambling to do as he asked, she came back with the whole bowl in hand as the group settled in around the kitchen. Nami hopped onto the table as Zoro leaned beside her, the pair watching on in mixed awe and hilarity. 
Zoro scoffed as Dyla squealed at the feel of the cub’s sandpaper tongue on her hand. Despite the apparent smile on his face, he declared to Nami, “If I ever start gettin’ domestic, slap me.”
Nami decided to keep to herself that she knew for a fact Zoro learned to cook just to ensure Luffy ate more than raw materials three meals a day, and that the white powder under his jaw was definitely flour from making pancakes that morning. She pat his shoulder with a shake of her head. “Sure thing, mosshead.”
They tuned back into the conversation just in time to hear Dyla scratch at the cub’s head and announce for them all to hear, “His name is… is… Strawhat!”
The only one to humor the name at all was Luffy, who jumped over to kneel beside Dyla as if he only just tuned into what was happening, his hat hung on the back of his neck. You chuckled wryly. “You sure? You can think of something—”
“Strawhat.” Dyla crept closer to the little tiger, locking eyes with the creature and having some sort of surreal connection only a child could understand. “His name is Strawhat.”
Strawhat mewled as if to agree, pawing at Dyla’s pigtail. 
“He’s really cute!” Luffy bellowed through a laugh, waggling his fingers in front of the cub’s face and getting a swipe of claws in return. “Hey, easy, buddy!”
“Quiet down!” Nojiko appeared in all her sleepy glory, hands bracing herself on the door frames, and her eyes scanned over the room till she found Strawhat. She silently blinked and breathed till she shook her head and retreated into her room, murmuring under her breath. 
Luffy broke the silent moment by tucking his hat on Dyla’s head, dragging another stifled laugh from her. Strawhat crawled toward her till they were nose to nose, and the cub sneezed so suddenly Dyla lurched backward. A laugh bubbled out of you, hardly hidden behind your hand as you leaned into Sanji. The day’s events quickly caught up to you as your eyes fluttered upon the scene of Luffy and Dyla playing with the tiger cub, now feeling safe and content in that little house with your daughter. 
Sanji’s lips found your temple as you struggled to stay awake. Across the room, Zoro rolled his eyes while Usopp and Nami awed, and Chopper finally joined in on the fun and started up a conversation with the little tiger cub. 
Safe to say Nojiko was irate by morning, but Dyla smile was positively brilliant.
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artethyst · 3 months
~ Leaves In A Sky Full Of Stars ~
Eris Vanserra x Rhysand’s Sister! OC/Reader
Little Silas Vanserra had Eris vowing to never have anymore children.
He thanked the Mother that his daughter was a little angel- still at the age where she wanted to be carried everywhere, snuggled peacefully in an adult’s arms.
Her pale hair and violet ringed autumnal eyes reminding him so much of the woman he loved.
Her older brother was the complete opposite.
He wondered if this was his punishment, a cruel joke played upon him by the Gods for having such a carefree life since his father died and reminding him that he needed to keep his faltered guard up.
And that’s how he felt in the early hours of the morning, with little hands patting at his face and excited little feet hopping on the oak floors of his bedroom.
He cracked one amber eye open- unceremoniously meeting a matching golden flecked iris, one full of wonder and guiltlessness, as he supposed his own once were.
He closed it as quickly as it had opened, letting a wry smirk take over his ostensibly lazed features.
“Daddyyyy I know you’re awake-“ the little boy began incredulously before shrieking in glee as Eris swooped him onto his chest with ease, tickling his son mercilessly as his Mate softly slept beside him.
After the boy had relented, his rounded cheek flushed with the childish mirth of giggles, Eris couldn’t help but chuckle to himself at the boy’s wild red locks.
As expected the boy’s mother was still soundly asleep, Eris had always been a light sleeper, in fact having his Mate beside him and children down the hall only worsened the fact, even though his father was no longer a threat- to him or his loved ones, simply having them in such a place always had him on high alert.
Even though he had done his very best to rid the Autumn Court of longtime Advisors, the types of men that would love nothing more than to see the Night Court Princess with a Fae bane arrow through her much too large heart, he knew there was no good in him-undeserved of him in ever feeling content.
It had the opposite effect on his wife, who admittedly had never slept better than when she was in the comforting arms of her husband- the natural warmth emanating from him lulling her into such ecstasy she wished she never had to be cruelly ripped away from by the chill of the Autumn morning.
She had never really slept well in the Night Court, the pain of living there without her mother sister always too much to bear.
Eris was her new home.
Since having children- her body still not quite having recovered from their second and Eris insisting she get as much rest at she could, even the joyous squeals of her firstborn still wouldn’t- couldn’t make her budge.
“Daddy Uncle Lulu said you p-pwomised-“
“Promised to show me m-my fire againnn!”
The boy was practically trembling with excitement, his father’s hands coming to steady him as his little body wriggled with joy, perched on his father’s raised knees who raised a slim digit to his smaller lips, reminding him to remain quiet as possible.
Not that it would have made a difference to the blissfully knocked out woman beside them.
“Did he now?” Eris withered, the thought of his brother- knowing just how much he treasured the few late mornings a High Lord might have, had told his son- who’s adorable little face noone could deny, that those small, valuable hours were reserved for “magic time”.
It took only a brief moment, a fleeting fall of Silas’ dimpled grin- his mother’s grin, to have the High Lord swinging his legs from the refuge of his silken sheets, his boy held firmly in his strong hands.
“Then I think it is best we get dressed appropriately, what do you say Little Flame?”
The boy simply cheered in response and Eris couldn’t help the grin on his own face at the feel of chubby hands around his neck in a makeshift embrace, carrying him down the hall as his son rattled on in half nonsensical toddler speak about how he was going to ‘beat his Uncle Lulu in a duel’.
The Maids cooed as the little Prince raced down the hall in his teeny tiny Autumnal uniform- gifted to him by his Aunty Elain who thought they were the cutest thing ever.
The boy stopped when he reached the top of the grand staircase, skidding to a halt with a nervous expression on his little face.
The same staircase his Mummy always carried him down, the same staircase he had been told to scoot down on his bottom in case he tripped, the same staircase she had been slowly helping him descend himself (holding his hand tightly and giving up halfway as he took nearly a whole minute per ten steps)
Eris watched him amusedly- a miserable jutted lip and a coy flush on his baby cheeks.
“Umm Daddy, M-Mummy said I am not s’pose to go down m-myself in case of ouchies…”
That was not what she had said.
“I thought you were a big boy now, hmm?” Eris teased as his son pouted, just as his mother would have.
“I-I am…” Silas’ point was refuted with the small grabby motions his little arms made to his father who looked down at him with a smirk.
“Do big boys get carried down the stairs?”
“Ummm…Yes?” The boy widened his glimmering autumnal eyes, “pleasies?”
And so with a roll of his eyes, all in good humour, Eris fastened his excitable son against his chest as they began to exit the grand estate, heading into the vast, luscious gardens where they would begin their training.
Lucien could only laugh when found his brother- sincere and unbridled joy dancing in his otherwise piercing gaze, watching his son chase after the little flames he made for him.
“Uncle Lulu!” The boy squealed, barrelling into the male who swung him atop his shoulders with ease.
“I’d be careful if I were you,” Eris warned, “he has quickly figured out how to control his magic, you might end up with that treasured hair of your singed at the root.”
Silas nodded furiously, his little feet hitting the floor as he flexed his small palm as proof, and to his pure wonder, delicate embers- faint as they were, twinkled at his will.
“Look Daddy! I did it! I did it!” Eris couldn’t help but chuckle softly as his son danced with not only with the little flicker he had mustered with his father’s help, but larger wistful wisps that flowed around him with delicate care.
Eris couldn’t help but feel his heart constrict, wishing nothing more than to give his children the childhood he had wanted- deserved.
He took one look at his son and wondered how anyone could ever hurt him, let alone do it himself.
He wondered what he had done to make his own father hate him so, vowing to never once make his own offspring feel even a fraction of the way he had.
For what seemed like hours Lucien and Eris entertained the little boy, sometimes engaging in a silent battle between one another who could impress the young heir the most.
Lucien eventually was called away and Eris wondered if his years were finally catching up to him, small burn marks littering his clothes from his son’s inexperienced hands and an ache in his legs from chasing after him.
After Silas’ giggles had dissipated along with his energy, Eris suggested they head back, the boy agreed sleepily, the thrum of magic still alive in his little body as Eris made a mental note to keep an eye on his budding powers.
“T-Thank you for giving me my fire,” Silas mumbled, stumbling over to his father “love you Daddy…”And as a pair of all too familiar amber eyes met the High Lord’s blurring own, he bent down and received his greatest gift in his trembling arms.
A reminder he would never be the man who had damned him, a reminder that he was a good man- a good man that was loved.
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Maple Robes and Lace Veils
Hua Cheng x M!Reader x Xie Lian
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this is the second part of my first story, "The First Glance". Again it's technically about my OC since no one's asking for anything. I just have it written to where it can be for a reader. 😋
Switching pov's
Also guys I am not Chinese but I try to find words and translations that are important to my OC's story.
Dúshé means poison laced tongue in simplified Chinese (I think)
Mûguô means bitch, or whore in simplified Chinese (I think)
Míngqín means song bird it's Y/n's nickname
Previous part: First Glance
Once the morning has officially started, San Lang goes back to his wood pile. You stand by Xie Lian while San Lang somehow manages to build a whole door for the shrine. Xie Lian seems to love it, it's obvious with how he's become fascinated by opening and closing it repeatedly.
"I thought a door would be easier to stick talismans on than a curtain" San Lang explains. You smile and give a small clap. "It's a very well made door, San Lang, good job" you giggle at Xie Lian's excitement.
At the mention of talismans Xie Lian seems to remember something. He claps his hands together, "Oh Míngqín I forgot to tell you what happened at Mount Yunjin! I'm so sorry, so much happened yesterday"
You wave a hand, "it's nothing to worry about. How important could it be? I was there for most of it." You smile but Xie Lian's face is very serious so really nothing's funny at all.
"Well actually," Xie Lian laughs nervously, scratching his temple. "I talked with the heavenly officials and I found out that I met a calamity yesterday." Your face morphs into shock but Xie Lian quickly settles you down. "Not him." The words are met with silence. Of course it wasn't the white calamity. What were you thinking? ,"They called him Crimson Rain Sought Flower, his name is Hua Cheng" Xie Lian smiles. At this ghost's mention San Lang starts to pay attention to the conversation. "He walked me through the forest yesterday and I mistook him to be the ghost groom but he isn't. He isn't hard to be mistaken after seeing his silver butterflies ."
You're in shock. Because you got caught up in a swarm of silver butterflies yesterday. "I... Just don't understand. Why would a calamity be hanging around Mount Yunjin? Crimson Rain Sought Flower is known to stay in his den." You sigh.
You easily worry about Xie Lian and panic once more. "He didn't hurt you did he?" You move closer to Xie Lian and hold his face, looking for marks or bruises. "Why didn't you call for me, I would've been there right away." You frown and move back once you're satisfied with your search.
"There was no need to call, he didn't hurt me... He led me through the forest and safely delivered me to the temple." Xie Lian smiles but you sigh.
Xie Lian didn't get hurt, but a well known calamity shows up and helps Xie Lian? Coincidence. The same calamity helping you? Intention.
"...I suppose it's okay. As long as you didn't get hurt A-Lian. Just be careful." You look to the ground, but Xie Lian pats your head. "I am careful, ah you really should've seen the butterflies though Míngqín They were very beautiful"
You arch a brow then shake your head. "I actually did see them but, Wèizhī might eat them" Wèizhī is your two birds - Oriental Magpie- , they're not here right now though. They're probably bathing in water somewhere. Hm a bath doesn't sound so bad actually-, "Y/n?" You're brought back into focus when San Lang gains your attention. "Sorry I tend to lose my train of thought" you hum.
"What about you y/n?" You cock your head to the side at San Lang's question. "What have you heard about Crimson Rain" San Lang smiles mischievously.
"Why would I know anything about anybody?" You shrug. Of course you've heard and seen plenty about Hua Cheng, you're a ghost. You're... Residence happens to be near Ghost City.
Xie Lian nods in agreement though, he could use the info. You sigh, "Who knows? He stays in his den, and although close I've never seen him in my city." You shrug again.
All of you eventually go back inside. You end up staring at the painting again. You would have eventually painted something for Xie Lian but you've been busy working on the actual build of the shrine. You've always been good at the arts. Drawing, dancing, and singing. That is why you're the God of Song after all.
"San Lang's skills are very beautiful" You say, looking over at him. "Who taught you?"
San Lang shakes his head. "I had a good teacher a while back, I paint mostly for fun now." You nod at his explanation and smile back at the painting. You really do like it. It shows Xie Lian in what once used to be all his glory.
"Do you really like it so much, Míngqín?" Xie Lian stares at you and you've forgotten you don't have a veil on. They can see your expressions and you aren't just invisible anymore. You blush, and instinctively cover your mouth with your sleeve.
"O-oh, well yes I like it. It's very well done and it captures the prince of XianLe very beautifully." You stutter and look away.
The moment is interrupted when the three of you hear a scream and a man running towards the shrine. "Save Me! Save me please!" The panicked man grabs Xie Lian's wrist very harshly. It's in your nature, you can't help it. You are quick to push the man away, and to protect Xie Lian. He pats your arm however, in a 'It's okay' motion. Xie Lian sits the man down and asks for an explanation from him.
You and San Lang glare at him. Both of you don't trust him and both of you share a glance when the man explains he's from Banyue pass. Which has since turned into a dry land of sands. The man was running away from what killed his other group members.
"You ran all the way from Banyue pass to here?" San Lang asks with crossed arms. Your form is the same. The man seems to sweat at this, but Xie Lian in all his kindness offers the man a drink. Xie Lian is kind but he's probably just testing if the man is a mortal or not.
"No need to be polite you can drink" The man -for all his supposed running- hesitates to take the water Xie Lian so generously offered. When he does drink it, the water going into his body sounds hollow. You and Xie Lian both know it. "You can stop drinking now." Xie Lian says and takes the water from the man's hands. His disguise is ruined and everyone knows now. The man rises up quickly though and pulls a sword from his sleeve, moving to attack Xie Lian.
Before you or San Lang can act, Xie Lian is quick enough to flick the sword away. Sometimes you forget Xie Lian is just hiding his strength. The man tries to run and Xie Lian moves to use Rou'ye but the man drops and a sad looking skin bag(?) is left behind... A chopstick is what caused the damage. You and Xie Lian both whip your heads around to San Lang. Xie Lian goes to investigate the corpse but you still stare at San Lang.
"A chopstick?" You ask with an arched brow. "A chopstick" San Lang only smiles and you sigh. You both go to Xie Lian. When you get closer you can see that Xie Lian is using the array, so you do too. The only thing you can really hear is people being joyful about merits, and ignoring Xie Lian. Officials disgust you.
"Are the lot of you deaf? Did you not hear his highness? He asked a question." Your voice rings through the array and the officials who were once joyful before quiet down. Instead of answering, the cowards leave the array.
You're not a popular force in the heavens. Especially since your personality has always been cold and distant. You were actually loved once before, for your unnatural beauty and voice people revered you. That was until they found out you were a ghost and before they trashed Xie Lian's name. You would cause trouble for the other gods and challenge them often, causing fear to most officials. You always defended Xie Lian's name and when given the chance for promotion, you refused and chose to stay with Xie Lian instead.
This loyalty of yours to a scrap god however causes other officials to look down on you, they also just don't like your attitude. You have other unofficial titles that the heavenly officials made and of course those names spread. There's one title that used to be used quite often but you actually haven't heard any officials call you that in a long time. That title is "mûguô". Someone caught word of your past and decided to spread the name to upset you, but it faded out very quickly. That official -who you never even knew the name of- disappeared shortly after, with their temples burnt and no trace of them.
You're stuck in your thoughts until you hear Ling Wen answer Xie Lian's question about Banyue Pass. You leave the array, Xie Lian will tell you what's going on. When you look over at San Lang he's giving you a cheeky smile. "What?" You tilt your head but he just shakes his head.
You run your hands over your new braid while Xie Lian talks to Ling Wen. You mess with the red ribbon San Lang tied your hair with. It's definitely a pop out color compared to all the white you wear.
"San Lang, I'm afraid me and y/n will have to go far away soon" Xie Lian pipes up and stands from the... Thing on the ground. San Lang furrows a brow at the news and then gives a smug grin. "Why doesn't gege and y/n take me with them? I know a lot about Banyue Pass."
Xie Lian looks confused but he nods anyways. You wouldn't mind if San Lang came along either. "Oh? What do you know about Banyue Pass San Lang, you're far too young to know those things" you tease with a smile, while the three of you head inside the shrine.
San Lang chuckles and goes to speak before a knock on the door makes you all silent. You all look at each other in a moment of silence before Xie Lian opens the door.
When Xie Lian opens the door it reveals Mu Qing and Feng Xin who are in disguise... They are in a shocked silence not having seen you in a long time and to see your face after so long. You all sit in silence.
After you get over your shock you let out a panicked yelp and cover your face. They saw your face! Your cursed, cursed face! You shove your face into your hands. You didn't want Mu Qing to see it. He'd use it against you and you already hate him enough already. Feng Xin saw your face! He'll surely be disgusted with you now.
You start to groan into your sleeves, trying to move away from their eyes. You try to find your veil through the slits of your fingers. You can hear your name tumble from Feng Xin's lips but the door slams and someone whisks you away into their arms. They forcibly move your hands away from your face and now you can see that your face to face with red robes .
San Lang holds your wrists, and that stops you from hiding your face. "San Lang, my veil? Where's my veil?" You don't have a clue where he put it. Another pair of hands come into view and puts your veil over your eyes. You know it's Xie Lian.
Now that you can actually tell what your surroundings are you find that you're in San Lang's arms. You blush and step back. You hadn't meant to grip onto him so tightly.
Xie Lian sighs in relief when they find y/n's veil. Xie Lian is actually sad to see his face hidden again. He hasn't seen your face in so long and he missed it. Xie Lian supposes he doesn't mind though. If anyone deserves to see your beauty it's him and he actually doesn't want Feng Xin or Mu Qing to look. Xie Lian shakes his head to remove such thoughts. As if he could describe your face like it was a secret to keep between the three of you.
"I'm going to open the door now y/n" he pats your hand. He waits for your nod before opening the door again. He smiles nervously at the two officials outside. Of course Xie Lian knows who they really are but for now he'll pretend. "Ah why are you two here?"
Mu Qing and Feng Xin have crossed arms "Are you going to Banyue Pass? We're going with you" they say at the same time and then glare at each other. Xie Lian laughs but opens the door to let them inside. He looks at y/n keeping an eye on him. Xie Lian knows his temper.
When Feng Xin and Mu Qing see San Lang they're alarmed. Holding up their lighting, and fire. "Who's he?" Mu Qing nods his head at San Lang. Xie Lian sighs, "This is San Lang"
Feng Xin's eye twitches, "where did he come from? Where's his family? Do you usually invite people you don't know into your home?"
Xie Lian laughs nervously but he's glad that the attention isn't on y/n anymore.
Not until Mu Qing attempts to throw lightning at San Lang. It would have most definitely hit the wall and caused a big hole but y/n dispersed it. Sending a shot of ice towards Mu Qing. His face hides behind his veil but Xie Lian knows you're angry. "No fighting in the shrine. If you damage the shrine I promise to return the damage double to your god's palace" he spits with venom, threatening Mu Qing's palace.
It's evident y/n doesn't try to hide who he is. Sure he's in his avatar and he looks simple. However he doesn't do a good job at keeping his abilities at bay.
Xie Lian doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. The tension in the room is very high. Mu Qing looks ready to argue back but San Lang steps in front of y/n and stands by Xie Lian's side. "Are these two servants, gege?" He hums with a smug smirk.
"uhm something like that but not exactly-" Xie Lian gets interrupted when San Lang throws a broom into Mu Qing's hands. "Start helping then" San Lang smiles. His face resembles a mischievous fox. Y/n cackles.
Xie Lian waves his hands trying to calm a cursing Feng Xin and Mu Qing down. "Please for my sake leave him alone" he laughs nervously. He doesn't need his shrine to get destroyed not that y/n would let that happen.
Talking about y/n, ah. He's glaring at Mu Qing under the veil. He'll have to make sure they don't break out into a fight either. San Lang leans on y/n's shoulder and the stiffness seems to leave y/n's body. Xie Lian isn't too worried about anyone fighting. He thinks San Lang will keep a careful eye on y/n.
Xie Lian rubs his temple. "Maybe Feng Xin should make a pathway so that we can get to Banyue Pass quickly?"
Feng Xin does just that. Leaving Mu Qing standing alone in front of the three of them. "Is he coming with us?" Mu Qing points to San Lang with furrowed brows. Xie Lian sighs and goes to answer but y/n answers for him
"Of course, since when was it a servant's job to worry about his highness's friends?" Xie Lian drops his head when he realizes that Y/n has joined San Lang in his smart remarks.
Not only does he have to worry about one silver tongue but two. "Yes San Lang is coming with us. He knows a lot about Crescent Moon Pass and that's sure to help me" Xie Lian explains with a nervous smile.
Mu Qing is interrupted when Feng Xin cuts him off, "The pathway is finished". Mu Qing, ever the prideful looks at the pathway and shrugs, "I've seen better". Which leads to Feng Xin and Mu Qing bantering again.
Y/n interrupts them by activating the pathway. "Stop bickering like an old married couple let's go" San Lang snickers softly, "I never thought of that, they do bicker like an old married couple don't they" The two officials glare at San Lang and y/n. They smile back. Xie Lian only knows y/n is smiling because of his crow feet.
They all go through the portal. Xie Lian lets out a laugh, knowing that he's going to have to deal with all of the four's antics on their journey. Xie Lian is happy with his circus though.
Tell me if it's good guys I don't have an editor 😭 so sometimes I'm not aware if my story is actually well written. Yeah, anyways if you wanna request something or see more lemme know 🥰 also y'all I'm pulling the timeline out of my ass. I have no clue if I'm doing it right or not 🙏😭
Should I continue the series? Yes or no?
Oh also if y'all actually wanna see my OC lemme know! I didn't draw it don't hate on me 🫵😐
If anyone reads this plz plz plz plz PLEASE tell me if my submission box is working! I know I'm not getting anything but I want to know if it works!
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yourgentlegirlfriend · 10 months
death island leon headcannons with his s/o??
HI babies, I’ve been trying to like keep up with requests and such and i stg i have had so much writing inspiration that i start writing to many things at once.
Here are some DI!Leon s/o headcanons!!
DISCLAIMER!! this is 18+ ONLY, please do not interact with my blog if you are underaged or don’t have age indicator in your bio!! thank you!!
DI!Leon x GN reader
not spell checked i’m sorry 💔
- He is DEFINITELY sleepy all the time. Finally getting to see him after work always gets you so excited, rambling on about something you saw at the store today and when you turn the corner, you see him slouched on the couch, his head tilted back and mouth slightly open STILL in his work clothes.
- Before he crashed the bike, he actually really did love it. You’d open the garage to the door to see him inside, focused as all hell on god knows what
“You touch that bike more than you touch me”
you’d joke, hand on your hip as you leaned against the door frame. Leon would just look over at you, rolling his eyes playfully before finally coming back inside with you.
- Likes to act like he isn’t aging, though he is in absolutely perfect shape he often forgets he needs to take medication after his missions or his body will be sore. So when you walk into the room, your hand holding up the small pill bottle with his name on it
“Wasn’t given to you for no reason.”
“I’m fine.”
He would protest, going to sit up trying to hide the groan from the stretching in his lower back.
- He loves you more than anything. He makes that very clear when the two of you go basically anywhere. Anything you laid your eyes on in the store would be yours, anything you touched.
Your fingers rubbing at the petal of a flower, Leon’s eyebrows raising as he reaches over you and shoves the potted plant into the cart. And even when you argue he isn’t here for it at all.
- He’s not a very physically affectionate man, he hates PDA almost 50% of the time but sometimes when the two of you start your way into a crowd his fingers slyly wrap around your waist or grab at your hand.
- VERY overprotective, he’s so afraid of losing you but he would never admit it ever. When he found out about how you and your ex broke up he swore if he ever saw them, they were dead. He doesn’t mean it though, he knows that when he gets frustrated or anything around you, you get worried about him.
- Bed time is always the same every night, you always fall asleep first that’s just how you are. He sneaks in beside you, his nose resting against the back of your head as he pulls you into him, instant relief washing over him when you push yourself back into him.
- Everytime he returns from a mission you know what it means. He comes home so frustrated that not everything works out his way, so he takes out all his frustrations on you.
Soft groans leaving his lips as his strong hands leave red finger print indents in your waist, your breath heavy as he fucks you into the soft mattress.
- He likes to pretend he’s “normal” but you can feel his steady rhythm suddenly stutter when you let out a whimper of his name.
- Aftercare with him is perfect, his fingers playing with your hair as the two of you just stare at the ceiling. It’s perfect till he says something corny like
“So the weather today”
And he thinks it’s so funny, but you just burst out laughing, his arms squeezing you as a smile spreads across his face.
I hope you guys are doing great, for all of my readers starting a new college semester GOOD LUCK. You’re gonna do great! I love you all :))
For a limited time i’m doing paid requests and will write anything from ocs to different fandoms for any price, my job cut my hours and i’m SO behind on bills. :) click here if interested!!
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swollenbabyfat · 27 days
A little morbid but
It’s not really a secret that I’m like, sickly lol, and in the past year or so it’s been discovered I likely have a lower age life expectancy yadda yadda…idk, it’s sad, but at the same time somewhat liberating. If I have less time that just means my time here is more purposeful.
I’m working on semi retiring from professional art in the next year or so. I want the time I get to make art to be something I do for myself, as much as I love drawing for others. There’s a few projects I really want to make, stories I feel like I need to tell. I think just having a job that isn’t art (I’m learning to code again!) will be very invigorating. I’ll still be doing stuff in the meantime though while I learn to help support my family.
I hope that regardless of if I was gone tomorrow or when I’m a 100 that I left some kinda good in the world, maybe made someone feel more understood, or just that they thought my art looked nice and it made their day better. Or maybe I did something nice as a barista, I connected with a lot of people like that.
I’ve already talked to some of my friends about inheriting some ocs if anything were to happen, and it makes me happy that things I loved so much will keep going in a way. Some will come with me regardless though, like Dia.
This is more personal than I usually am but idk. I have the urge to be honest more and more lately, professionalism seems small in the world to me right now.
I’m excited to see what I’ll do. Thank you for reading and looking at my art, it means a lot.
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
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A/N : This is my OC Mal who is the daughter of Quan Chi. I’m going to be making an MK fic soon with this OC but will start all the way at MK 9. Tell me what y’all think of her
Mal is the daughter of Quan Chi. Mal is witty, sarcastic, and unpredictable. Even though she has left her father to join the Earthrealm warriors, she still has an evil sadistic nature. She is a Cambion which is a half human and half demon. She is also a very powerful sorcerer. (Mal is a female and goes by she/her pronouns. Mal is also bisexual)
This is for MK 1
Liu Kang, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Mileena, Kitana
MAL : Have I told you how undeniably hot you are?
LIU KANG : You only tell me 50 times a day
MAL : Keep it real. Have we fucked in other timelines?
LIU KANG : What makes you want to know?
MAL : I’ve always wondered what it would be like to “do it” with a God.
LIU KANG : You’ve always wondered what it would be like to “do it” with me
LIU KANG : I don’t wish to hurt you
MAL : Oh baby, you’ll be the one on the ground “hurt”
LIU KANG : Kung Lao seems to peak an interest in you
MAL : You’re so hot when you’re jealous
MAL : I never thought a God would be interested in me
LIU KANG : I would tell you, you should think of yourself more highly but your ego knows no bounds
MAL : If I can pull a God - I can pull anyone
LIU KANG : To be fair - in other timelines I was also in love with you
LIU KANG : I wish to treat you like a goddess
MAL : Oh my lord - I think I’m turned on right now
LIU KANG : Are you ready for your training?
MAL : If it ends up with you being on top of me then yes
MAL : You don’t have to be so gentle with me. I like it rough
LIU KANG : I’m well aware
MAL : Aww. Do I make you nervous Raiden?
RAIDEN : A woman with your beauty can make anybody nervous
MAL : God you are so fucking hot
RAIDEN : I sometimes don’t know how to handle your straightforwardness
RAIDEN : I did not picture our first date like this
MAL : Don’t wanna wrestle me to the ground?
MAL : I’m sensing you’re a bottom
RAIDEN : I’m sensing myself becoming embarrassed
MAL : Kung Lao said you have a crush on me
RAIDEN : I - um…don’t know what he’s talking about
MAL : I see someone’s excited to see me
RAIDEN : Why can’t my body ever shut up when it’s around you?
MAL : You know I can read your thoughts right? You’re much dirtier than I thought
RAIDEN : If you could erase the embarrassment out of me - that would be great
RAIDEN : When Johnny told me to “make my move” I did not think it would result in Kombat
MAL : Oh honey, fighting you is just going to turn me on
RAIDEN : You really like me?
MAL : I can show you how much I really like you
MAL : You know the walls are paper thin. I can hear you having…fun with yourself. Did you think about me while you did it?
RAIDEN : By the Elder Gods - I hate myself
MAL : I don’t know why people compare me to you
JOHNNY CAGE : Because we are two sexy people
JOHNNY CAGE : *flirty* Hello, Mal
MAL : Not happening, baby
JOHNNY CAGE : So, Mileena or Kitana?
MAL : How bout you?
MAL : Your ex-wife was a fool to leave you
JOHNNY CAGE : I’m looking at my new one right in front of me
JOHNNY CAGE : What’s Kung Lao got that I haven’t got?
MAL : Nothing. You’re just fun to mess with
JOHNNY CAGE : You, me, tonight. 9’oclock
MAL : I’m so used to be the one flirting that, that just caught me off guard
MAL : You’re no fun. You’re too easy
JOHNNY CAGE : Why would I deny the hottest girl of the Netherrealm at a chance of me?
MAL : If you lose - you have to go down on me
JOHNNY : Honey, that is a win for me
MAL : Kitana already cannot stand the two of us - let alone for us to ask for a threesome
JOHNNY CAGE : Worth a shot
JOHNNY CAGE : I feel like you put me under your spell
MAL : Your ego is big if you believe you are worthy for that kind of magic
MAL : I can sense you’re a top
KUNG LAO : Instead of sensing, I can just show you
MAL : You think you can handle a woman like me?
KUNG LAO : I know I can
KUNG LAO : How long do we have to keep this a secret?
MAL : Until I know you’re worthy of being with me
KUNG LAO : Don’t go easy on me
MAL : Me? Easy? Are we talking about me?
KUNG LAO : Raiden is my friend but he cannot handle a woman like you
MAL : So show me how to handle me
KUNG LAO : Anybody but Johnny! Please!
MAL : You’re so cute when you’re jealous
MAL : I will suck the soul out of you
KUNG LAO : *laughs* Of course
MAL : I think you should’ve been the chosen one
KUNG LAO : Smart and beautiful. What more could I ask?
KUNG LAO : Didn’t know I’d meet someone as cocky as me
MAL : Think you met your match?
KUNG LAO : Last night was - amazing
MAL : Oh baby, I know it was
MAL : You don’t need keys to drive me crazy
MILEENA : Ugh. I don’t know who flirts worse. You or Cage
MAL : You and Tanya make me want to vomit
MILEENA : Jealous, sorcerer?
MAL : Come on, you know you like me
MILEENA : You tell anyone and I will slaughter you
MILEENA : You could get infected with the Tarkat
MAL : That is a risk I’m willing to take
MILEENA : Kitana has been asking about you
MAL : I’m more into Empresses than Princesses
MILEENA : You want my body but forget I’m infected with the Tarkat
MAL : You forget I’m a powerful sorcerer. All I gotta say is “Abra Cadabra” and go back to going down on you
MILEENA : You know you’re actually cute if you didn’t open your mouth
MAL : Ha! Got you to admit I’m cute!
MILEENA : The blood lust is starting to take control of me
MAL : I should not be turned on right now
MILEENA : Raiden is too weak to handle a woman like you
MAL : I’m guessing you got the backbone for it?
MAL : Tanya is lucky we did not meet first
MILEENA : She is
KITANA : If you call me “eye candy” you will not walk away from this fight
MAL : God damn it! Johnny stole my line
KITANA : You couldn’t handle an Outworld woman
MAL ; Oh honey, I’m one of the most powerful sorcerers and half demon. Handling you would be like nothing
MAL : I don’t mind this hard to get act you got
KITANA : By the gods you are more relentless than Cage
MAL : Don’t tell me I’m losing my shot to Raiden
KITANA : *chuckles* Survive this and we’ll see
KITANA : You and Johnny Cage? Is that a joke?
MAL : Aww. Are you jealous, princess?
KITANA : You talk a lot of talk but I bet you’re submissive
MAL : *laughs* Did you actually just flirt with me?
KITANA : I don’t care how good you are - I am still not interested
MAL : So you admit that I’m good in bed?
MAL : The only reason I don’t back off is because I know you like me
KITANA : It doesn’t matter if I do - I cannot be with you
KITANA : My sister has been asking about you, sorcerer
MAL : Tell her I’m busy with you
KITANA : If I let you give me a massage - it will just lead to something else
MAL : Is that really a bad thing princess?
JOHNNY CAGE : 50 bucks that Mal asks me out
KUNG LAO : Looks like your pockets are going to be empty
KUNG LAO : Oh come on! You’re already the chosen one! You have to have Mal too?
RAIDEN : She chose me, Kung Lao
LIU KANG : Mal is not a prize to be won, Johnny Cage
JOHNNY CAGE : So it sounds like you’re letting me have her
KUNG LAO : How can I compete with god like powers?
LIU KANG : There is no competition to win Mal’s heart…but you simply can’t
KITANA : I always thought you were interested in me
RAIDEN : You are quite the woman, princess but Mal has my heart
JOHNNY CAGE : I should’ve known Mal was into chicks. She’s a hot demon chick
KITANA : Do you ever stop talking?
JOHNNY CAGE : You know if you and Mal don’t work out then maybe we can -
KITANA : You are truly relentless, Cage
KITANA : Something tells me you and Mal have more history then you let on
LIU KANG : Which all shall remain a mystery
RAIDEN : Did you really slap Mal?
KITANA : Yes but she seemed to enjoy it
KUNG LAO : How come I don’t end up with Mal?
LIU KANG ; Is there something you wish to confess to me, Kung Lao?
JOHNNY CAGE : Admit it - you got a thing for Mal-Pal
MILEENA : Quiet, Earthrealmer!
JOHNNY CAGE : So if you and Mal go at it who’s on top and who’s on bottom?
MILEENA : Worry about your own problems, Cage
RAIDEN : I am not telling you if Mal is a “top or bottom” Johnny
JOHNNY CAGE : If you’re a bottom then just say that
LIU KANG : Treat Mal with the utmost respect
RAIDEN : I will, Lord Liu Kang
JOHNNY CAGE : Boooo! She picked you?
LIU KANG : You are surprised she picked a Fire God over an actor?
KUNG LAO : I think Mal has a crush on you
KITANA : I doubt her feelings are real
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tragedybunny · 2 months
To Make You Feel My Love - Chapter 1 of 3
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Astarion and Serafina continue to pursue their relationship as the confrontation with Cazador looms, and then during the fallout afterward. A couple of chapters that explore their deepening bond and their struggle to build "something real".
༺Pairing༻ Astarion x Serafina (Female Tav/OC)
༺Warnings༻ Angst, Hurt / Comfort, Attempted Sex
༺Word Count༻ 2776
༺A/N༻ Another fic featuring my Tav as a name character! Very excited to share more of Serafina. Thanks to my lovely friend @icybluepenguin for the beta and support!
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Astarion was a wretch, and he knew it. He was finicky, selfish, obnoxious, and difficult. But he also knew so much of that was because of life under Cazador. It was who he was outside of that life that he didn't know. He wasn't sure how to find out, either, or how much he wanted to. 
He’d expected it to be asked of him though, that eventually he should find a way to make himself more palatable. Serafina never did though. Sometimes it stuck in his throat like bile how kind she was to him. She never asked anything of him, only gave and gave, while he took and took, with gentle words and warm smiles until sometimes he worried there would be nothing left of her. 
It drove him mad, for several reasons. First, he was convinced that one day that fount of affection and understanding would run dry. She couldn’t love him as he was forever. Then there was the sensation that he somehow needed to repay it, even if it was never asked of him. Maybe it would balance the scales, maybe it would keep her from tiring of him. No matter what she claimed, she must expect something of him. Finally, and most strangely for him, he wanted to repay it. Didn’t she deserve it, after everything? And she most assuredly needed it. 
Despite her protests that everything was always fine and that she didn’t need anything extra, he knew different. It was ridiculous. He’d seen her going through days with tired eyes, giving smiles that only lasted as long as they needed to, and the way her shoulders would slump when things would upset her, but she wouldn’t say anything. 
Like earlier today, when he’d opened his mouth and ruined everything again.
Flowers. That’s how it had all started. They’d passed through a garden in full bloom, and words had tumbled out of him before he could think. 
“Bright and gaudy.”Inane prattle, complaining about something that had no effect on him simply because he could. He just had to lash out at something.
Cazador was looming over him, the plan already in place to take the fight to him sooner rather than later. His siblings' surprise visit the night before had spurred that decision. Fear gnawed its way into his mind, biting and clawing, ripping away the fragile sense of safety and comfort he'd built.
That didn't change the fact that when Karlach's elbow had collided with his ribs, he'd looked over to see Sera's shoulders drooping and her mood soured. How could he forget about one of the few things she’d let slip about her home. She couldn't reveal much about her past thanks to that pesky warlock pact, but there had been a garden of some sort. And he'd managed to shit on what she had. He was already terrified and he felt himself spiraling back into the thought that he didn’t know why she bothered with him. 
“What should I do?” he whispered desperately to Karlach.
She shrugged. “I don’t know, buy her flowers or something?” 
Which is how he’d ended up here. Everyone had made their way back to the Elfsong  but Astarion had excused himself with a hasty lie about needing to think. Sera’s brow had crinkled in concern for him and he felt a twinge of guilt when he pulled her close and gave her a quick kiss. He’d make it up later, or he planned to anyway. 
But now he was stuck, wandering around this shop that was an overwhelming riot of color and scents. Something about cut flowers didn't seem to fit, and he'd been paralyzed in front of the rows and rows  of them for minutes. They looked nice enough, but they wouldn't last. His gaze wandered to the other side of the shop through the crowd. Maybe a potted plant…?
“Can I help you?” A bubbly elf with blonde hair and tan skin appeared beside him. 
Her gold eyes looked up at him with such sincerity, he almost sneered. As if this shop contained some life changing secrets and not flowers.
“I…” He cleared his throat- he was not lost, just thinking. “I’m looking for something for my partner. Something that will last longer than flowers in a vase.” There, that wasn’t so bad, he could do this. 
“Of course, let me show you our selection of potted plants,” she said, gesturing enthusiastically. “Can you tell me a bit about them?”
“She, well, she… ” Why was this so hard? He felt so much for her, but speaking of her made him feel awkward and inadequate. She was the first warm light of morning washing over him and a comforting touch in the night. She was a hasty kiss after a hard won fight, and lighthearted laughter around the campfire. “She’s…”
“Newer relationship?” the elf said with a light giggle that made him want to reach for a dagger. The insinuation that he knew nothing about Sera was clear. 
“What does it matter anyway,” he hissed, drawing looks from the other patrons. 
The girl was thrown off balance by his sudden aggression and her gleaming smile faltered. “It might help to pick out something she’d like, but you’re free to browse for a while.” Turning away, she disappeared into the crowd, leaving him to fend for himself.
He almost went after her, but stubborn pride rooted him to the spot. With resolve, he eyed the shelves in front of him. Rows of bright-colored, glazed pots gleamed in the sunlight streaming in from the large shop window. Inside each one, a scrap of greenery he knew nothing about. Many had small blooms, some sported colorful leaves, and none of them were the right thing.
He began to sink into despair. This whole thing had been a stupid, impetuous idea. “Buy her flowers.” Apparently he couldn't even figure out the most basic of gifts for her. He'd just head back to the Elfsong, empty-handed, another day the scales between them were left uneven. If he just left now, it would be less time wasted. 
Just as he turned to go, it caught his eye. A delicate plant in a pot glazed in the colors of twilight, with a few small, blue blossoms. He stepped closer, drawn to it. The rich blue was the same color as Sera's eyes, he was sure of it. But it was tiny, like it would hardly survive the trip across town if the wind picked up. 
“Find something?” The irritating clerk was back, somehow having snuck up on him.
“That one,” he pointed. 
“Oh, the little forget-me-not!” 
Astarion cringed at the name as she reached for it. 
“Do you know the origin of it?” 
Of course not. It was a flower and before now, he wasn't exactly able to frolic in the sun and enjoy them. And it wasn’t like they were part of Cazador’s decor scheme. 
“No,” he said through gritted teeth, sure he was about to hear it. He should have just stolen it. 
“Humans didn’t come into being until long after elves. During those times, elves only coupled with one another, only knew lovers that would live as long as they did. But, eventually, an elven man met a human woman, and they fell deeply in love. The elf stayed by her side, even as she grew old and died, having only lived a fraction of his life. He buried her in winter and when he returned to her grave in the spring, he found these beautiful blue flowers had grown up over it. They were nothing like anything that anyone had ever seen before. They spread from her grave throughout the land, so that wherever he went, he was reminded of her. In that way, they earned the name forget-me-not. What a beautiful tragedy- a love so true, but one will live without the other for so long.” She sighed dreamily after she finished. 
Astarion swallowed the lump in his throat. “Right, well, that's lovely and all, but I have somewhere to be.” 
The elf huffed and silently led him back to the counter. He'd pay double if it meant she'd let him go without more chatter. 
“Oh, one more thing,” she said, taking his money, “this can be planted outdoors. Perhaps if you and your lady love have a place of your own someday.” 
Those words swirled around and around in Astarion’s mind as he gingerly carried the little plant back through the streets to the Elfsong. “A place of their own.” As if that was something he could even begin to aspire to. But why not? Why couldn’t he and Sera have a home of their own, and a  happy, beautiful life? Because that wasn’t him. Who would want a vampire for a neighbor? And why would she want a lifetime with one?
He took a deep breath and tried to silence those thoughts. Sera loved him. He knew that was true, even when it was hard to remember. He just had to keep it that way. His eyes glanced down to the plant nestled in his hands. It seemed a silly gesture in that light, a plant in exchange for her love. The whole thing was a bad idea. 
He should have done better. 
When he finally made it back, the rest of the group was eating dinner in the raucous common room of the inn. He’d never admit it, but sometimes he missed the quiet nights under the stars. For two hundred years, he’d known this type of hustle and bustle; its opposite had grown on him. Not to mention, it had given the two of them so many calm nights to get to know each other. A thought that caused his chest to tighten; he’d thrown so many of those nights away with his “perfect plan”, time he’d never get back. 
Cutting through the fringes of the room, he avoided the group, not wanting a public display of what was likely the most ridiculous gift he could have thought of. Natural stealth let him blend into the crowd and slink his way to the stairs. Bad luck put Jahiera right in front of him. 
“Bat pup, what are you up to, creeping around like this?” From her tone, Jahiera was only really half suspicious. 
“I…”  He glanced down at the plant his hands were protectively wrapped around. 
Jahiera’s gaze followed his. “I never took you as one for greenery, Astarion.” 
“It’s not for me, ” he blurted, cringing inwardly. What if she told someone? All of them? Would they get a laugh out of the vampire trying to play the lover?  
She lifted an eyebrow and smiled a small, knowing smile. “I see. Should I let her know you’re waiting upstairs?” 
For some reason lately, Jaheira had started to behave with the infuriating air of someone older, and wiser around him, despite the fact that  he had years on her. It was almost maternal in a way, and usually grated on him to no end. But today, he was quietly relieved to have her step in.
 “If you must interject yourself.” He shrugged, struggling to put the mask of calm indifference back on. 
“I think I will let the attitude slide for tonight, Astarion. Mayhaps tomorrow I will box your ears for it.” 
He opened his mouth  to snap back at her but she cut him off. 
“And I’ll expect a thank-you when it’s all said and done.” 
“Yes, Mother,” he sighed dramatically and began to walk away. 
As soon as he was sure he was out of sight, he hurried his pace, not wanting to be caught out in the hallway when Sera came upstairs. With the door to the common room shut behind him, he took up position in their shared corner. Two beds and a folding screen, the most privacy they could manage right now. Another reason to miss the outdoors. Even if sleeping on the ground had been hellishly uncomfortable, the tent had walls at least. 
It always struck him to see Sera’s things mixed in with his. A physical reminder that she had chosen this, him, even after his confession. And it gave him hope that she would keep choosing that way. 
“Astarion, you wanted to see me?” Her voice interrupted his thoughts from across the room. 
“Yes, darling, sorry to disturb your evening.” Perfect, just keep going, don’t screw this up. 
The distance between them evaporated and she was standing right in front of him, waiting for him to continue. He kept his arms behind his back, keeping the plant hidden, still doubting it. 
“I just wanted to apologize, for earlier today.” 
“Oh, you don’t have to. You didn’t realize-” 
“No,” he spat out more harshly than he intended and watched her eyes widen for a moment. Gods, why did he always lose his silver tongue where she was concerned. “Please don’t do that,” he softened his voice. “You’re always worried about my words when it comes to our companions, random strangers, and even my siblings. Don’t dismiss your own feelings so easily, hold me accountable for them, like anyone else’s.” Don’t make yourself tired of me, he added silently. 
“With everything going on, I just didn’t want to make things harder for you. But, thank you.” 
“See, that’s better, isn’t it?” He smiled, recovery made, things were going well. 
“So, what’s behind your back?” She craned her neck, trying to peek around him playfully. 
No avoiding it now. “I wanted to get you something to make up for it. It seems a bit foolish really.” Hesitantly, he presented the little plant to her. 
She took it from his hands with reverence. “Forget-me-nots,” she beamed at the small flowers that matched the color of her eyes. “They’re beautiful. Thank you, Astarion, I love it.” 
A small, awkward laugh escaped him. “Well, that’s quite a relief.”
And then she was moving, placing the plant on the table near their bed, before practically lunging at Astarion. The sudden force of her embrace knocked him from his feet and they collapsed back onto the mattress in a heap. 
“Sorry,” Sera said through a soft laugh before kissing him. “You're wonderful, you know that?”
“I mean, I do, but I could stand to hear it more.” 
“How about I show you instead?” She leaned in, kissing him again, lips parting tantalizingly. 
He wanted to devour her, to pull her in tight and taste every bit of her. His tongue darted inside her mouth, eliciting a soft moan. 
Ice ran up his spine, and he felt himself go rigid.
She pulled back and looked at him with concern. “Is it too much?” 
The hells take his traitorous body. “No, I-I want to try. Please.” He bit back a growl of frustration. It killed him to want her this bad and to have the only thing stopping him be himself.
She'd barely answered before he was pushing her back to the mattress by her shoulders and crawling between her legs.
He covered the exposed flesh of her neck with soft nips, fangs barely raking the skin. One hand found its way under her shirt, groping at her pebbled nipple. 
Whimpering, her hips bucked against his, the sweetest pressure on his hardening cock. He groaned against her skin, both hands now pushing her shirt up, exploring her soft curves. 
Head tilted to the side, she offered without words that delicious nectar he could never resist. Fangs burrowed into their favored spot and bliss filled his mouth.  
Fingers tangled into his curls as he rutted against her. Her tongue lapped at the shell of his ear before she moaned his name.  She was lost in him. Like a thousand others before her…
He froze, the world around him going hazy. 
“Astarion,” she called to him softly.
“I can't,” he gasped, hot shame washing over him. Sera wasn't just another one of them, it shouldn't be like this. “I'm sorry.”
Gentle hands guided him to the mattress, arms enfolding him, so his head was buried in her neck. “Hush,” she kissed his forehead. 
Neither said anything further about it, there wasn't need. He knew she didn't expect it of him, and she knew he had needed to try.  
“Drink if you want,” she whispered, stroking his hair. 
Gods, he loved her, even if he wasn't sure he'd ever told her properly how much. He bit back into the open wounds and drank lazily, eyes drifting to the bedside table and the little plant. Maybe there would be a someday with a place it could bloom outside, a place they both called home. 
Tag list:
@micropoe10  @writingmysanity @mxxny-lupin @azu21
 @tallymonster  @dependsonthedream @sunfire-ancunin 
@bambamwolf87 @fayeriess @lumienyx @lisrelly
@elora-the-slutty-songstress @bhaalbaaby @spacebarbarianweird
@satanicspinosaurus @darlingxdragon @wanderingisobel @astarionsbeloved
@vixstarria @claryvoyantfray @misscrissfemmefatale @bg3obsessedsideblogg @captainaceofspades @wickedwitchofthewilds @asterordinary @talented-bitch @waking-electric @snowfolly
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morgana-larkin · 2 months
Got a prompt messaged to me by someone who wants to remain anonymous. The prompt is: Melissa likes reader or OC that looks like Jodie. And the woman in the picture with Jodie is the reader/OCs best friend. Melissa thinks the brunette is dating reader/oc but they aren’t dating.
I had a lot of fun writing this, I’ll be honest. Also I would have had this up yesterday but audition season is here and I’ve been really busy going to those. I left this on a steamy cliffhanger, I might make a part 2. I’ll post the picture it’s referencing at the end of the fic in case you want to see it for reference. Anyways, as always not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: After I’m finished with all the prompts I currently have, I’m thinking of writing Marilyn and reader (redheads are my biggest weakness… I regret nothing)
Blood As Green As Her Eyes
Warnings: Jealous Mel, references to smut, small not very detailed unfinished smut scene, good luck! 😉 😈
Words: 4.4k
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Melissa walks into the break room and looks over to try and find you and sees you near the couch but you’re talking to someone she’s never met before. She walks a little further in and gets the tail end of the conversation.
“Alright see ya later beautiful.” You tell her.
“Right back at ya sweets.” The woman says and then leaves.
You see Melissa is there now and you go to her and sit at the table with her and Barb.
“Hello ladies.” You tell them and Barb smiles at you and Melissa glares at you.
“Who was that woman you were talking to?” She asks.
“Nicole? Oh she’s my best friend!” You say as you straighten your posture. “We’ve known each other for years. We met in high school and it was like instant connection.” You tell them excitedly.
Melissa doesn’t buy it though. With the way you talked to her and about her, it was obvious to Melissa that you’re dating her. Melissa ignores the sick feeling in her stomach.
The next morning you walk in the break room and your blonde hair is wet from the rain.
“Did you forget an umbrella hun?” Melissa asks you and you nod with a pout.
You go to sit down but then Nicole rushes in and you turn around.
“Hey you forgot your lunch on the way out. I gotta get to work but just wanted to drop it off quickly for you.” She tells you and hands you your lunch.
“Oh thanks love.” You tell her and Melissa scrunches her eyebrows. She knows you’re British, you have the accent and you told her, but the nickname threw her off.
“No problem sweets.” Nicole says and gives a quick kiss to your cheek then leaves. Melissa glares at Nicole the entire time. She clenches and unclenches her fists a few times to calm down. You put your lunch in the fridge then sit down at the table.
“Maybe I should go to the bathroom quickly and use the blow dryer to dry my hair.” You say with a chuckle and Barb laughs with you. Melissa just gives you a forced smile and you give her a confused look.
Melissa is bringing her kids to gym class that you teach. You see her and her class and you put your phone away instantly and give them a smile.
“Hey kiddos! Go on and get changed!” You tell them with a smile and they all run to the change room. You see Melissa still hanging around. “Hey, aren’t you gonna use the break to relax or whatever you do during this period?” You tell her curiously.
“No, I think I’m gonna hang around this time. Watch why they’re always so excited about gym class.” She tells you with a smile and you blush a bit.
“Alright! That’s not a problem at all! I would love for you to stay actually.” You tell her and the smallest blush makes its way to her cheeks.
“What were you doing on your phone btw? You put it away rather quickly. Are you sexting or something?” She jokes with you and you giggle.
“No! I was just texting Nicole something but it’s not as important as gym class.” You tell her and her blood boils a bit at the mention of her name. The kids start coming in with their gym clothes on and you turn to face them. “Alright guys! Today we’re playing dodgeball!” You tell them with a one clap of your hands and they all cheer. “And before we split up into teams, remember, no aiming at anyone’s face. And I’m looking at you Niyah.” You say and the girl just shrugs. Melissa goes to sit on the edge of the stage with her legs dangling off.
She watched as you picked 2 team leaders who then chooses their team. You then blow the whistle when they’re all ready with the balls in the middle of the gym. And then they all run to the middle to get a ball. You walk onto the stage and sit beside her and watch everyone. At some point, a ball comes directly at Melissa and you catch it then hand it to whoever is near you guys. You two end up talking while you still keep an eye on the kids.
And then Niyah throws a ball and hits a kid in the face and they fall. You immediately jump down and blow your whistle. “FREEZE!!!” You tell them and they all immediately stop and you run to the kid that was hit. “Niyah, we talked about this.” You tell her and she just shrugs again. You help the kid that fell to get up and make sure they’re alright. “Are you ok sweetie?” You ask very soothingly to him. He nods but looks upset. “Do you want to come sit with me and Ms Schemmenti on the stage for a bit?” You ask him and he nods again. You guide him to the stage and once he climbs up, you blow your whistle, signalling for the kids to continue the game. The boy ends up sitting in between you and Melissa and you look at his face again. “You have a small bruise forming but other than that, I don’t think there’s anything else.” You tell him and he seems upset that he got hit. “You know you’re very strong.” You tell him and he looks up at you. “You got hit in the face, fell down and you still got up.” You tell him with a smile. “That’s the mark of a strong person.” You continue and he smiles at you when you tell him that.
Melissa looks at you and sees how you are with the kids and can’t help but think of how beautiful you are, inside and out. 5 minutes later the boy asks if he can rejoin the game again and you nod at him. “Of course, you can rejoin whenever you want.” You tell him and he jumps off and runs back to the game.
You and Melissa continue talking and you notice how her hand is subtly touching your hip and you blush. The power this woman holds on you with just a touch.
In the morning the next day Melissa is on her phone scrolling through instagram. She’s mindlessly doing it until she comes across one of you and Nicole sitting together on a couch and you both have big smiles. Melissa freezes and stares at it and unconsciously grips the phone tightly.
“Melissa, are you ok?” Barb says and gently puts a hand on her upper arm for comfort.
“What? Oh, fine.” Melissa says and you walk into the room then and she smiles, then that smile immediately drops when she sees Nicole following you. “Actually I gotta go.” Melissa then says and grabs her stuff then stands up.
“Morning Melissa! Oh are you going somewhere? We were gonna join you.” You say innocently and with a big smile.
Barb sees how Melissa grips her pen so tight that her knuckles are turning white, while you are none the wiser.
“I’ve just got some stuff to do before school starts. I’ll see you later Barb.” She says with a frown and then walks out of there.
“Is she ok?” You ask Barb and she just looks at you confused as well. Then she replays in her head what happened. Melissa was scrolling on her phone through instagram and obviously saw something she didn’t like, then you came in and she smiled, and then it dropped. Why?
“Did you post something on instagram lately?” Barb asks and you nod. You showed her the picture you posted an hour ago that you took yesterday afternoon, then suddenly the pieces fall into place for Barb. Melissa likes you and she’s jealous of Nicole. Barb has to do some digging, cause while she doesn’t think you and Nicole are dating, Melissa might, and Barb has to be certain before she talks to Melissa. “Just out of curiosity dear, are you and Nicole going out? I mean like are you dating?” She asks and you shake your head.
“Me and Nicole?” You say while pointing towards you both, even Nicole is confused by the question.
“Why would you think that me and y/n are dating? I mean not that there’s anything wrong with y/n, it’s just, she’s not my type. Gender wise.” Nicole says.
“I mean ya I guess we can come across as a bit flirty but we’re just comfortable with each other.” You say with a smile. “Besides she’s not my type either, personality and looks wise.” You say and Nicole nods.
“Ya y/n is a great friend but would be a terrible partner for me.” Nicole says and all 3 of you laugh.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what is your type dear.” Barb asks you and you have to think about that. You know your type, and it’s Melissa, you have a crush on her and the only person who knows about your crush is Nicole and she’s been pushing you to get closer to her and ask her out. You want to tell Barb but she’s Melissa’s best friend, and while you know Barb won’t tell her if you tell her not too, it’d still be awkward if she knew. So you have to say your type without letting on that it describes Melissa.
“Well I guess women that have like a lot of spice to their personality, like they’re not plain.” You say with a big smile. “And I guess I do have a soft spot for fiery redheads.” You say a bit cautiously and you see that Barb’s expression hasn’t changed so I guess she hasn’t figured it out yet, so you continue. “And older women, I think they’re hot.” You say and Nicole playfully smacks your shoulder.
“Ya you and those milfs, I swear.” She tells you and you giggle. Barb looks at you two confused.
“What’s a Milf?” She says and you both look at her.
“It stands for Mom I’d Like to Fuck. But it’s also meant to describe older women that you think are hot.” You explain to her and her eyes widen a bit but you think it’s because of the description of Milfs and not of the woman you like.
“Is there anyone that you like right now dear?” She asks you and you nod timidly.
“Ya she does!” Nicole says and you glare at her. “I’m gonna leave now, gotta get to work, see ya sweets.” She tells you and waves at you and Barb goodbye.
“Is it Melissa?” She asks you and you snap your head at her and eyes wide a bit. That was all the answer Barb needed but of course you try to defend yourself.
“What?!? N-no…of course not! Why would you think I like Melissa?” You say, stuttering and stumbling through the entire sentence.
“I’m just wondering dear that’s all. I have something to do before school as well. I’ll see you at lunch dear.” She tells you and you say goodbye to each other.
Barb gets to Melissa’s room in time to see Melissa throw a pen across the room, and she sees no others on the redhead’s desk.
“How many pens have you thrown across the room?” Barb asks her and Melissa whips her head to her.
“I lost count.” She says to her, then goes to collect all of them. She picks up what looks to be about 10 pens and a couple markers and highlighters.
Barb wants to tell Melissa what she knows but thinks that Melissa might brush her off, so she decides to tell her tomorrow after she has time to blow off some steam. Which in retrospect, turns out to be a mistake.
Melissa goes to a gay club after to blow off some steam, and she ends up chatting it up with a girl there and then makes out with her at the club. You end up seeing that, as you also went to the club to try and move on from her since you think Melissa will never have an interest in you. Melissa ends up taking the girl home and you were watching her the entire night, she never saw you though. You really have to move on now. You end up telling Nicole what you saw and she said she can be around with you more in the mornings and after school so when you see the redhead, she can provide comfort for you.
So on the Friday morning, Melissa comes in with a small pep to her step as she had sex with the girl last night and you notice it. Nicole is with you though on the couch, you decided to stop sitting at the table with Melissa and Barb to avoid the redhead. As soon as Melissa walks in, she sees you and Nicole on the couch, and Nicole has an arm wrapped around your shoulders. Melissa gets angry at that and ends up taking it out on Jacob and throws his android at the wall with a “GO BACK TO THE BLUE BUBBLE!” She yells at him and Jacob tries to act like that didn’t faze or scare him.
You look over at Melissa when that happens and she catches your gaze. You two lock eyes for a second then you turn back to Nicole and Melissa stomps out of there. Melissa ends up telling Barb that she went to the gay club last night and hooked up with a girl, and later you end telling Barb that you went to the club as well when she asked what was wrong.
“I went to the gay club last night and being there just didn’t help anything.” You told her and even if you don’t say it, Barb knows you saw Melissa there, and she knows Melissa didn’t see you.
Over the next couple of weeks, Nicole has been coming with you into the break room in the morning or you go to your classroom with her to avoid the redhead, and she meets you after school to avoid Melissa as well.
“Hiya sweets!” She greets you one Friday afternoon and then you end up catching Melissa giving a glare in your direction. You see that it wasn’t directed at you though, it was directed at Nicole and you got confused.
You and Melissa both end up at the club again only it was reversed this time. She sees you there and you don’t see her. She sees you there alone looking upset and Nicole nowhere to be seen. And then she decides to go and talk to you. Before she gets to you however, a girl comes up and starts talking to you before she does. She freezes and sees that the girl is flirting with you and you seem to be liking it. That makes her confused because as far as she knows, you’re dating Nicole and you’re monogamous. She starts to get jealous again and stomps out of there before she starts a fight with either that girl who’s flirting with you or some random person.
On Monday morning she decides to talk to you at lunch. She knows that for some reason you seem to avoid the break room now so she’ll have to go down to your classroom. You at the moment are having a discussion with Nicole before school starts.
“What are you going to do y/n? Cause you can’t avoid Melissa forever and I can’t always come down to support you.” She says and you sigh.
“I know, it’s just hard right now. I mean ever since I saw her take that girl home a few weeks ago. I just keep thinking about it.” You tell Nicole and she nods.
“I keep telling you to talk to her.” Nicole tells you and you sigh.
“You know I won’t. You don’t have to come with me in the mornings anymore you know. I can just hide out in my classroom. I mean there’s what? 16 weeks left until summer break. And then I can spend the summer just getting over her. And then she’ll never even know how I felt cause then it’ll go back to normal next school year.” You say confidently. Melissa sees your door mostly closed and decides to keep walking, knowing that Nicole’s in there too. You hear her heels and you go and look out your door and see her walking to her classroom. You think it’s good that she didn’t stop by your classroom or else she might have heard your confession and you let out a sigh of relief.
“If you just tell her then you’ll know if she likes you or not. I mean what if she likes you back?” Nicole says and you shake your head at her. “Honestly you lesbians are so dramatic.” Nicole teases you and you flip her off. “I love ya too y/n.” She says and then leaves for work.
At lunch Melissa comes to see you after grabbing her lunch from the fridge. She runs into Barb and tells her she’s going to see you and Barb smirks and tells her good luck.
She arrives at your door then Melissa takes a deep breath and knocks on your door. You open it and almost slam the door back in her face but instead you just freeze.
“Hi.” She tells you and leans on the doorframe. She’s so cute you think and then remove those thoughts, not the time to check her out.
“Something you want Melissa?” You ask her as neutral as possible and she’s slightly taken back by this. You usually have a big and bright smile when you greet her.
“I just wanted to know if you were ok? I haven’t seen you as much lately.” She says and you look at her eyes then look away from her eyes as fast as possible.
“I’m fine, just don’t feel like being in the break room.” You tell her.
“That’s personal.” You tell her with a bit of a snap to it.
“Can I come in?” She asks you and you shake your head.
“No.” You tell her flatly.
“Why not?” She asks you confused. “You always were happy to have people around in your classroom to visit you.” She tells you.
“Well I decided that I’m going to avoid people from now on.” You say and go to close your door, but Melissa with quick hands, stops it and pushes it back open and you stumble back from the force a bit. Melissa takes the opportunity and walks in and closes and locks the door. She then turns to look at you with an unimpressed look. “What?” You ask her and she walks towards you, you however began to walk backwards to avoid her and she keeps walking towards you. You then get stopped by your desk and Melissa traps you there and looks at you closely.
“What’s going on with you hun?” She asks and you begin to breathe deeply. You don’t reply and she continues to try and get you to talk. “I saw you at the club on Friday night, flirting with that girl.” She tells you and your eyes go wide then you narrow your eyebrows at her.
“So?” You question her.
“You seem to be enjoying it and playing along. I thought you were dating Nicole.” She tells you and the built up anger that was starting inside you immediately disappears and all that’s left is confusion.
“You think Nicole and I are together?” You tell her and press your lips together to try and suppress a laugh.
Melissa looks confused. “Um ya, I mean it’s kinda obvious. She’s always with you, you guys constantly are talking, she comes in with you to school and picks you up after. You’re constantly flirting and posting pictures of the both of you together.” She says those last 2 with some anger and you quirk an eyebrow at her.
“Melissa, her and I are just friends. We may sometimes seem flirty but it’s innocent. She’s straight and she’s not my type.” You say and Melissa leans back, immediately releasing you and you get out from her entrapment. “Melissa what is all this about? You’re acting distant lately.” You say and she looks at your desk and has her fingers on it.
“I don’t like seeing you two together.” Is all she says.
“Because I thought you were together.” She says plainly and then it all hits you at once. The way she leaves when she sees Nicole with you, the glares she sends at Nicole, the way she ignores you both when you go to talk to her, the way her personality changes as soon as Nicole is in the room. Melissa is jealous.
“Is it because you don’t have a partner? Because it can be so easy for you to find one. I mean you found someone to hook up with a few weeks ago.” You tell her and her eyes widen.
“You were at the bar that night?” She asks and you nod.
“I saw you make out with her and then take her home with you.” You say disappointedly.
Melissa pieces it all together right then and there and smirks. She stalks towards you and traps you against the wall on the side where your doors are.
“Did you get jealous by that?” She asks you and you shake your head.
“What?!? Me? Jealous of you with another girl? Why would I get jealous of that?” You say and your voice gets high in pitch and she grins. You gulp as she gives you a look that she doesn’t believe you.
“I think you are jealous by that.” She tells you and lowers the pitch of her voice. “Tell me, did you want it to be you that I took home that night?” She asks and you look at her with a huge blush and you can’t find it in you to lie to her, so you nod. “Well do you want to know what I was thinking when that girl flirted with you?” She asks and you nod again. “I thought that I wish it was me flirting with you instead of that girl. She is just a girl who probably doesn’t know how to properly satisfy another girl yet.” She tells you and then leans in to your ear. “I’m much more experienced and know how to satisfy a girl all night.” She whispers in your ear and you shiver. “Ugh I was so jealous when I thought you and Nicole were together, I was mad. And then you started avoiding me and she was over every day and I wasn’t able to keep taking it. I went to that club every night and kept sleeping with girls to get my mind off of you and blow off some steam.” She tells you and you look at her surprised.
“You’ve been sleeping with a bunch of girls?” You ask her shyly and she nods.
“And either they weren’t experienced or maybe it’s because they weren’t you, I don’t know which one but it wasn’t any good.” She says and you look at how close she is.
“Can you let me go?” You ask her and she shakes her head.
“Do you know how much time I’ve spent picturing you in my bed, underneath me or up against my wall at my house. How many times I’ve spend fantasising about you when I’m touching myself?” She asks and you shake your head. “I mean fuck y/n, you drive me crazy.” She tells you and you’re a blushing mess right now but find enough strength in you to speak.
“I… I fantasise about you too.” You tell her and she smirks at you.
“Really?” She asks and you nod. “What do you fantasise about?” She whispers near your ear and you gulp.
“I-I picture you on top of me, domi…dominating m-me.” You start and you’re very nervous, but her smirk makes you continue. “And I imagine what it would be like to feel you inside of me and making me beg to let me come.” And while you speak, she drives her knee closer and closer to your core. Until she hits it and you squeak and buck your hips.
“Keep going.” She tells you while grabbing your hips and you gulp again before continuing.
“I thought about…about what your breasts would look like and-” you get cut off by you gasping as she moves your hips forward, making you grind against her thigh. “I thought- I thought about what your lips would feel like on mine and all over me.” You continue with difficulty and eventually you don’t need her hands guiding you as you’re turned on enough and you continue grinding her thigh on your own. She removes her hands from you and places them beside your head and then places her lips on your neck and starts kissing and sucking. She then tells you to continue. “Omg, Mel-Melissa.” You say a bit loud and she has to cover your mouth with her hand.
“I guess you can’t continue, since you’re loud.” She says against your neck. You’re close to coming about a minute later and she pulls away and you whip your head at her in shock.
“What? Why’d you stop? I was so close.” You say and she smirks.
“Oh I know. But I want to see your whole body and be inside you while you come underneath me.” She says seductively. “I want to take out all my jealousy on this pretty body of yours.” She says and bites your ear then pulls back again. “Why don’t you come to my house after school?” She asks and you immediately nod. “Good, now don’t touch yourself during the rest of lunch, I want you begging me for release tonight.” She tells you and you nod her head.
Melissa then grabs her lunchbox and then goes back to the break room. She enters with a grin on her face and the trio looks at her confused, Barb sees the grin but doesn’t comment on it. She just smiles and shakes her head.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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darkbluekies · 7 months
Halloween special<3
Warnings: the three dirty yanderes being dirty as usual
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Genuinely loves halloween, loves to scare little children for absolutely no reason at all. But he doesn’t want you to want to do the same thing — or whatever you wanted to do. He wants you to be with him only, dressed up for his eyes. He has never allowed kids to come for trick or treating, but you manage to convince him to leave out a bucket of candy this year. You sit curled up in the window in your costume, watching to see if any kids will come take from your prepared bucket. Time goes, but no one comes. 
“Don’t be sad, little thing. They’ve never been allowed to come here so they probably don’t know that they can come here this year. And I think that their parents know who I am, so they don’t want to send their kids over here anyhow. I know that you were excited, but this is the reality of being a criminal. Bring the bucket inside and we can overindulge. By the way, your costume turns me on.”
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Dr Kry: 
Dr Kry has given you a little makeup to paint you into a vampire. You have a bucket of candy in your hand while Dr Kry brings you through the hospital to visit small children laying in their beds. He thinks that you’re adorable with kids and finds himself staring at you talking to a little boy. You pet his teddy bear and give him a chocolate bar before walking out of the room to go to the next. 
“You’re really nice, and great with kids … wow. Why I’m not dressed up? I don’t like that very much, but I like to see you dressed up. That fulfills my need of costumes for this year. Next year maybe. Let’s see how much candy you have left. Do you want to keep those for yourself or give them out? Give them out? You’re so nice, Y/N. Let’s move on. You need to go back to bed soon, so better hurry. Before the air and its toxins get to you.”
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King Edmund: 
Halloween doesn’t exist in his timeline, but he decides to have a masquerade ball for kids and by your request, the doors standswide open for the entire kingdom. Parents of all classes came to drop of their kids in cute costumes. Edmund sits on his throne, watching over you and the fifty children in the big hall. He looks at you with a small smile, seeing how you take such good care of the little kids. While they dance, you go to get a bucket of candy. Edmund gets down from his throne and walks over to you. 
“It seems like you have quite the control, my dear. I can't understand how you like these creatures. Yes, I know I've been a kid and yes I know I'll have to have a kid in the future, but still. Look at them? You're doing great though. Keep doing that and I'll have to pump a child in you sooner than planned."
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She refuses, but gives in once she gets to hear that she can scare the kids. Doesn't want to couple match because she finds it cringe, but if you're going to match, she wants to be superior to you like owner and dog or queen and peasant, or even cop and jailcriminal. 
"I'm going to scare so many fucking kids, this is going to be amazing. Don't give me that look. It's trick or treat! You give the treat and well … I do the trick. Stop being a baby, it'll be fun. We could do role-playing in these costumes, by the way. Just wait until we get back home. I'll show you what a queen does to the peasant who hasn't given crops to the castle."
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Of course she'll love it! She will buy too much candy and decorate the entire mansion for kids to come trick or treating. You'll be in adorable couple costumes (chosen by Hedwig of course) and have fun with the little kids. Hedwig shines every time she pretends to get scared by a little kid.
"You look really cute, Y/N. Do you like this? Imagine when we get kids, we can do this every year, create our own traditions. We can dress in family costumes and … and have really, really fun. You look really cute with kids, Y/N. But I’m starting to wonder if you like the candy more. It’s okay, we have a lot, sweetheart, just eat away.”
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nokiatelava · 8 months
✿✿In A Good Way✿✿
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Author’s Note - Hello hellooo!! Okay, so in this story it’s gonna be an OC!Na’vi x Fem!Sully!Reader. I’ve never, ever written a story where there is a OC love interest. So I’m very excited but just as nervous because I am definitely trying something new out! Also, please if I had made any grammatical errors I apologize! But anyway, please enjoy the story!
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Summary - Y/n Sully, was the daughter of the mighty Toruk Makto. She was striking, a pleasure to the eyes of those that stared. But Y/n wanted more than just looks, she yearned for love. True love. Yet she was to scared. Of the heartbreak, the pain, the grief, the dread. But, she just so happened to meet a very special boy.
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Warnings - helpless romantics, young love, annoying siblings, light swearing, family love, yearning, self-doubt (never doubt yourself!!), reassurance, father-daughter talk, comfort
The stiff fibers of your newly weaved basket rubbed gently against the palm of your hand and finger tips as you walked down the small path in the forest.
You were on your way to forage Lionberry seeds as well as the Melon Tree fruit you’ve been craving to taste for the past few days.
As you continued walking down the path you were able to spot a small cluster of the blue Lionberry seeds, almost successfully tucked away behind a few trees.
Once you made your way to the plants, and plucked enough seeds from the center. Snacking on some yourself for the extra energy, you ventured back onto the path.
The chirps and abundant distant howls brought a serene atmosphere to everything as you walked through the sunlit forest. Your eyes still peeled looking for the Melon Trees.
Which was right up across the path, a clearing that held a bunch of the Melon Trees and the fruits you had been searching for.
As you walked into the passageway, a feeling of trepidation pooled hot into your stomach as you stared at the muscular back of a young na’vi man who was picking the fruits you were about to.
You were frozen in the entrance of the passage way, thinking about the only three options you could go about the situation you were in, or bound to be in.
1. Back away slowly and forget you even wanted fruit in the first place.
2. Walk into the clearing and pick the fruit as if nobody was there.
Or 3.. Which you were currently doing. Continue to stare at this young man who is definitely your age’s back.
Embarrassment pinged down your spine as your face grew hot at the sight in front of you. Diverting your dry eyes and walking into the foliage either way.
Trying to ignore that you would be in there regardless of the fact that there was a boy there too.
Or may you say man.. The physique of his body made him look like he was not one to be trifled with.
The almost silent patters of your feet against the grass caught his attention as he turned his head towards you. His eyes widening for a split second as he saw you, up close.
“Y/n, Oel Ngati Kameie.” He did the universal sign of respect and greeting.
“Oel Ngati Kameie. I don’t think we’ve ever met before. Tell me, what is your name?” You couldn’t even believe the words coming out of your own mouth.
When did you ever want to start a conversation? The tone you used made you sound like your mother. Nothing was wrong with that. But where the hell did it come from?
“My name is Awpxey! It’s nice to formally meet you,” A close-eyed smile took over his features, your eyes looking up into his face at the bright attitude.
“It is nice to formally meet you too, Awpxey. I see you were picking Melon Tree fruit, they are ripe enough now correct?” Your fingers tightened against the handle of the basket. The fibers feeling as though they were gonna snap with the pressure you applied on them.
‘Why are am I being so awkward? I mean at least I didn’t ask him how’s he’s doing! Don’t conversations always go downhill from there?’
“Ah yes, all the fruits are seemingly becoming more ripe by they day. Finally, I have been waiting to long for these fruits. But they are to good to forget about.”
You nodded along in silent agreement with his words.
“It’s a bit of a mood spoiler when you find your favorite fruit isn’t ripe yet isn’t it?” Your body language was against your own better judgment.
Your tail low and swaying, the short grass tickling the underside as it swished faster the longer you stood in front of him.
“Yes! It kills my day every time!”
The both of you stood still. Awpxey was stuck staring into your eyes. His body stiff as he stood in front of you before he cleared his throat, his face getting hot.
“W-well, I should let you go get your fruit then! I still have to finish picking mine..” Awpxey gave a small chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck. His face turning a light shade of purple as he blushed before turning his face in the direction of his basket.
‘Did I just stutter? In front of Y/n? You’ve gotta be joking. Literally.’
“Yeah.. uhm, yeah. I’ll be right, uh, right there,” you pointed to a specific Melon Tree that had not gotten picked yet. Far enough away from the one Awpxey was at but just close enough.
“Great, well, I’ll be right there then.” Awpxey reluctantly turned his face back towards Y/n. A nervous smile on his face.
You give him a smile and a small nod, walking over to the tree you had pointed out. Going about your business picking the medium sized fruits off of the tree.
The clearing was now filled with a comfortable silence, the rustles of the leaves and the crunches of the grass set a peaceful ambience to the area.
That was until a loud snap rang in the area, your shoulders tensed at the unreasonably loud sound. A small, embarrassed ‘oh’ being said but not by you.
It was Awpxey. His basket that carried a good amount of Melon Tree fruit snapped. Breaking due to the pressure of so much fruit on it, not only that but it was certainly worn down.
“Here, let me help.” You brought your basket over to Awpxey, picking up his fallen fruits and putting them in your own basket.
“No Y/n, no. You do not have to carry my fruit for me, plus, you have seeds in here, it might break again.” Awpxey felt guilty as he watched you pick up his fruit. Awkwardly holding the few in his hand as he refused to place it in your basket.
You took the fruits out his hands — a spark running up your hands — and placed them into your basket, picking up and placing the remaining fruit in your basket before standing back up.
“Come.” You beckoned him to follow behind you, which he quickly did.
“I will weave you a new basket. Meet me here tomorrow at the same time and I will give it to you.” You spoke as you walked out the clearing.
You were offering, but also demanding at the same time. You’ve had time on your hands recently. So what good to do with it than make a basket for someone who’s just broke?
Awpxey’s eyes widened. “No Y/n! You don’t have to do that, seriously! It’s alright I promise,” Awpxey was trying to convince you he didn’t need a new one. But you knew better.
“Not asking Awpxey, come here tomorrow and you will have a new basket.”
Awpxey’s shoulders slouched as he realized you wouldn’t change your mind. “Okay…” He said with a grumble as you walked in front of him.
Once you made it back to High Camp, you asked Awpxey to direct you both towards his family’s hut so you can drop off his fruit. An apprehensive look developed on his face as he got closer to his family’s home.
Hoping his parents wouldn’t say something that could drive you away.
You both entered his family’s kelku, a small smile on your face as you looked towards his parents.
Who had turned to face you quickly once they seen you walk in, their current conversation put to hold as shock visibly enveloped their faces.
“Oel Ngati Kameie.” You greeted, bringing your hand to your forehead before taking it back down.
They both recuperated themselves, and greeted you back, “Oel Ngati Kameie.” His parents had small smiles on their face also. Their minds jumping when they noticed the basket full of the Melon Tree fruit. Was it an offering to ask for their blessing?
Awpxey’s face dropped and started to get hot as he realized where his parents minds were turning to, but before he could say anything, his mother spoke.
“Y/n, what brings you here dear? And with all that fruit!” Itxä was a nice woman, you’ve met her before at clan gatherings and have spoken to her while she was in Mo’at’s tent more than a few times.
“I came to help bring Awpxey’s fruit back! His basket broke while he was picking the fruit and I decided to put them in mine! I do plan on weaving him a new basket, he will receive it tomorrow!” You explained yourself in a soft tone, his parents were sweet people.
Awpxey’s father, Puo was a funny and sweet man. Always wishing to keep the ones around him safe and happy.
“And you’re holding the basket? Awpxey! I took a long time out of my days to teach you to be a gentleman and this is how you turn up?” Puo exclaimed. You covered your smile with your hand as you watched Awpxey put his hands forward, trying to explain himself to his father.
“No dad!- That’s not even what happened!-“ Puo looked at his son with a bored look as he put his hands on his hips.
“Well from what I’m seeing, that is what happened. You idiot!” You never knew men could be so sassy, but you have your own fair share at your home.
And it’s not just Tuk.
Itxä helped you sort the Melon Tree fruits into their own fruit bowl, making sure you had more still in your basket, much to your own protests before she sent you off with a smile.
As you walked home, it was almost as if realization was settling into you.
You just went to that boy’s home.. Met his parents. And talked with his mother…
A blush adorned your face once you entered your own hut. Quickly setting away the fruits before anyone could notice your warm face.
But it just had to be your father who spoke up first.
“What’s got your face all warmed up babygirl?” Dread was the only thing you felt once you heard all the conversations stop. All eyes turning towards you.
Lo’ak smirked, deciding on taking his chance to do his daily readings.
“Yeah big sis. Couldn’t help but notice you came home blushing.. Did you meet a boy?” You cringed as you heard the smile in his tone. And cringed at how he got his reading assumption, correct.
You hissed lightly in his direction to defend yourself.
“Shut the hell up Lo’ak! I didn’t meet anybody. And even if I did. It’s definitely not any of your monkey brain business.” You clapped back at him verbally, which shut him up.
For only a few seconds.
“I do not have a monkey brain! And even if I did, don’t you remember what Norm said? He said monkeys were one of the smartest animals, since they were like human technically?” He thought he had shut you up now, that was before you noticed this was just gonna become a stupid bickering back and forth that could go on for hours.
“Who are you trying to fool Lo’ak? You’re one of the dumbest people I know.” Your arms were now crossed over your chest. Facing him as you say on the floor, trying to start weaving Awpxey’s basket.
“Oh yeah? Well then who’s the smartest person you know!?” You don’t know where he was going with that, but you answered anyway.
“I am.” You said nonchalantly and started to make the basket.
Tuk scoffed loudly as her face scrunched.
“Excuse me? I thought I was the smartest person you knew Y/n!” Tuk’s tone was smart mouthed.
Your eyes widened as you realized what you said. “I was just joking Tuk! You know you’re the smartest person here!”
Now it was your father’s turn to scoff, placing his hand on his chest.
“But you said I was the smartest babygirl?” Now everyone was looking between you and your father. And your face held disbelief as you paused in weaving.
“Um… Well… Yeah you are too dad!” You noticed your mother patting your father’s shoulder as he held a look of exaggerated betrayal on his face.
“Can I weave in peace?” You ask defeatedly. Neteyam’s face scruched in confusion at your question.
“Didn’t you just finish weaving one, like yesterday?”
Dread, once again, enveloped your body as embarrassment sunk in. Lo’ak was having a ball at your flushed face and obvious body language.
“You’re making one for a boy aren’t you?” His tone was sleazy and you wanted to sucker punch him right in his nose.
“Shut up Lo’ak!”
Your father’s face twisted into a grimace, “you’re courting somebody?” His voice was dry, as if his mouth was only grating sandpaper.
“No dad! No, I’m not courting anybody. I’m only doing somebody a favor..” The way your dad visibly softened his back and rested against your mother made you feel calmer.
“Who are you weaving for ma’ite?” As soon as the question left your mother’s lips, everyone in the room perked up and stared at you.
“Umm… It’s for Itxä’s and Puo’s son..” Your parents smiled at the familiar names.
“Itxä is a nice woman, she’s sweet.” Your mother stated.
“Puo’s one funny man isn’t he?” Your father said chuckling. You nodded with a small smile, finally feeling in the clear as the random chatter started all over again.
“Wait.. Did you say son?” Neteyam spoke looking at you, 5 other heads turning in your direction once more.
You groaned, now annoyed at the fact the attention was on you once again.
“Yes Neteyam. I said son.” You grumbled.
“Why are you making a basket for him Y/n?” Tuk asked as she moved to sit next to you on the floor, curling up into your side.
“His broke Tuk-Tuk, I’m just doing him a favor.” You explained as you put your arm around Tuk, playing with one of her short braids softly.
“How do you know his basket broke?” Kiri asked with a smirk. You felt like your heart almost broke. Never, ever did you expect Kiri to join in on your brother’s teasing you.
“Were you guys out, together?” Lo’ak questioned next. Raising his eyebrows up and down repeatedly, taunting you.
“Did nothing interesting happen while I was gone? Why are you guys so focused on me. Like didn’t Lo’ak shit himself 4 days ago or something?”
Lo’ak’s face paled. “That was eight years ago you skxawng!”
“Oh, well it feels like yesterday-”
“Language, both of you.” Your dad cut in.
“Skxawng isn’t even a bad word!” Lo’ak was quick to try and defend himself.
“But it is an insult, and Y/n, you know better to be swearing here. Tuk is here!” Your mother scolded you both.
“Huh?” Tuk said as she looked over to Neytiri, she hadn’t even been listening.
“Well never mind that then. But anyway, you both know to watch your mouths.”
Lo’ak grumbled his incessant nothings while you continued to weave.
Hours passed in the blink of an eye, the basket was fortunately halfway done and it was dinner time. Tuk had ended up falling asleep against you, so you woke her gently before joining your family at the table.
You all ate, somewhat peacefully, as Lo’ak sped through the whole meal and almost choked more than you can count on two hands.
Once dinner was over you helped clean up the table and settle everything away.
Taking it upon yourself to put Tuk to bed early as she seemed so tired.
You brought yourself back to the center of you kelku, trying to at least finish the basket before tomorrow.
Jake watched you sadly from the table. His ears folded down and eyes looking a darker yellow with sadness.
Neytiri noticed his grim attitude immediately. “Ma’Jake? What is wrong?” She sat next to him, placing her hand on his shoulder.
He looked at you a bit more before turning back to Neytiri.
“She’s already growing up so fast… like she’s getting a boyfriend?.. It feels like just yesterday I was holding her while she cried..."
Jake remembers how tough you were to put to sleep at one point. Missing that feeling of pride he had when you finally closed your eyes.
Neytiri cringed as she realized what she’s gonna say may hurt Jake’s feelings.
“Well you could always hold her.. The crying part may or may not happen…” Neytiri hoped she spoke so quiet Jake couldn’t hear her, but Neytiri knew better.
“What do you mean by that?” Jake was quick to ask.
“She’s met a boy Jake.. You never know what path Eywa has planned for her. Maybe she could stay with Awpxey forever, maybe Awpxey could break her heart. But no matter what happens ma’Jake, you have to be there for her always. You are her father, one of her confiders. She trusts you, and forever will.”
At this point Jake was a blink away from bawling like a baby. Neytiri’s words gave him a newfound confidence, but also a newfound fear.
He didn’t want you to go around chasing boys, and getting your heart broken in return.
The last thing he wanted his sweet babygirl to run into was a player. But he felt a feeling in his heart that told him not to interfere.
It was to be left up to Eywa. Your fate and will was in her hands.
In your own head, you weren’t really thinking about a future or anything with Awpxey. You were doing him a simple favor. But you couldn’t help yourself as your mind drifted to the memory of his back in the sunlit clearing.
Your hands became clammy and your throat dried. Heat bursting in your neck and spreading down your spine to your whole body.
Your hands moved hastily, finishing up the basket with an embarrassed huff. You were hoping nobody was looking at you.
“Come you guys, it is time for us to sleep!” Your mother whisper shouted. Acknowledging the fact Tuk was already asleep.
You all complied, filing into your sleeping mats and saying goodnight.
A giddy feeling was all you could feel in your chest and stomach as a smile broke out onto your face.
You were going to see Awpxey tomorrow and you were beyond ecstatic. You closed your eyes as they began to fall shut themselves.
In the morning when you all awoke and gravitated towards the table for breakfast,  you embarrassingly ate at a pace that would put Lo'ak to shame.
Lo’ak was feeding into your flushed face and rushed actions.
“What's the matter big sis?” He asked, cocking his eyebrow annoyingly with a sneer on his face. “You excited to see your boyfriend?”
You growled at him in annoyance, “He is not my boyfriend.”
“Yet,” Kiri added before covering her mouth with her hand, trying to mask her smile.
"Kiri!" You said in an irritated tone.
"Why are you joining them with their bs!?” You felt like you were being cornered, without a corner.
“Watch your mouth,” your father grumbled exasperatedly.
“Fine.” You sighed, finishing your breakfast a whole lot slower now.
“Y/n? Can we go to the forest with you too?” Tuk laid her head against your collarbone, closing her eyes as she felt your hand brush through her braids softly.
“I’m sorry Tuk, not right now. But if you want, later we can go to Grandmother’s tent and I could teach you a few more things…” You whispered into her ear, watching how it perked as you spoke about teaching her new things.
“Of course! Only if you pinky promise!” You laughed as you folded your other fingers down, leaving your ring finger sticking out awkwardly.
When you, Kiri, and Lo’ak were younger your father had taught you about pinky promises. You three made promises about random stuff almost everyday.
Tuk and Neteyam picked up an it quickly and wanted to try and make them too, just using their last finger as a makeshift pinky.
“I promise Tuk, okay? I’ll see you later.” You kissed the top of her head before grabbing the new basket you made and waving to your family.
Your pace was almost a skip as you went towards the ikran, mounting yours and quickly flying down to the large forest below.
Your keen eyes surveyed the forest from above trying your best to look for the clearing you and Awpxey were just at yesterday.
When you finally spotted it, you landed your ikran a little bit away from it, choosing to have a small walk the rest of the way.
When you finally entered the clearing, you were greeted with the same muscular back you saw yesterday.
Awpxey gave you a smile as he seen you, quickly walking towards you.
“Hi Y/n.” He said in an almost hushed tone.
“Hi Awpxey.” Your voice was breathy, light and clear as it traveled to Awpxey’s ears. Which turned a darker pink as they folded against his head.
“Here’s your basket, I hope you like it!” You presented the gift to him, and he took it with hasty hands and and a happy face.
“It’s perfect Y/n! Thank you so much!”
Your face heated as you felt shy under his praise and gaze.
“Y-Yeah it’s no problem at all Awpxey, if you ever need anything else you can always tell me.”
He smiled, his fingers fidgeting with the strong fibers of the weaving.
“I definitely will..”
A quiet pause enveloped the clearing, it wasn’t awkward. Just silence, with the sounds of chirping and hooting from other animals in the forest.
“Hey Y/n… I was wondering if you wanna hang out?” Awpxey’s voice came out slow and controlled. Almost as if he was rehearsing. Which he had.
There was a quick blank silence.
“N-Now?” Your mind was still working on trying to process what you had heard. But once it clicked you answered back quickly.
“Yeah that’s fine Awpxey, w-we can hang out if you want.” You didn’t even know when he wanted to hang out, but you had no objections if it were to be right now.
Awpxey’s tail was shaking behind his back, as he was trying his best to not let it sway to excitedly where you would notice.
You were on the same page as him, fighting the urge to reach behind your back and pull your own tail.
Awpxey nodded, “I was gonna ask if you think now is okay?..”
“Now’s perfectly fine!” Your smile was small, though it was grateful.
That whole day, you and Awpxey strolled around the forest, looking at all the different animals and plants.
Multiple “accidents” happened where as you both walked, your hands would bump. There was a unfamiliar feeling that would bloom in your stomach as his touch sent an electric shock up your arm.
Eclipse was bound to happen soon, so you both decided it would be smart to start heading home now.
As you two continued to walk side by side, the sudden memory of this morning and Tuk rushed through your head.
You had spent the whole day with Awpxey, you forgot about literally everything.
Your steps paused, hand coming to your forehead as you sucked a guilty sigh.
Awpxey was quick to stop, turning to face you quickly.
“Y/n? Are you alright? What has happened?” He paced a step closer, placing his hands and your shoulders.
You had a grimace on your face,
“I forgot that my younger sister wanted to play with me today… Gosh how could I have forgotten?” Guilt was eating away at you.
Tuk was probably home all day, waiting for you, and most likely pestering your parents for when you were to come home.
Awpxey gave a small reassuring smile. He had no siblings, so he couldn’t really say he understood. But he understood the guilt of being late.
“I am sure she will me alright Y/n, we should get you home now so you don’t make her wait any longer!” Awpxey nudged you forward gently, to which you complied and walked.
“I promised her- Promised! That since we couldn’t come to the forest, I would teach her new things about different herbs and pastes in our grandmothers tent together.”
You were rambling, talking with your hands. You felt disappointed in yourself.
How could one make a promise and just forget it?
Awpxey just walked next to you, soft smile adorning his full lips. He could tell you felt guilty about leaving your sister, so he let you ramble and didn’t interrupt you to try and invalidate your feelings in any way.
Once back at High Camp, you wanted to go home quick, but you never left without saying goodbye.
“Bye Awpxey! It was really nice hanging out with you today, had lots of fun! We should do it again!”
You were saying as you scurried off your ikran, facing him quick.
Awpxey climbed down with grace.
“I know, it was really nice today Y/n. We have to do it again.” His voice was so deep and sultry, a rumble passed through your bones.
Purple was becoming to spread on your face, so you turned quickly and ran home.
“Bye Awpxey!” You threw over your shoulder, sending him a small wave.
“Bye Y/n..” He lifted his hand a bit to wave too, although his goodbye was quite silent.
You didn’t even want to enter your kelku.
You walked so slow towards the enterance of your home, taking deep breaths as to just calm yourself down.
Though you ended up entering quick due to the guilt that ate away at your stomach.
You felt irresponsible.
How could you just have left Tuk over him? Over a boy?
Your whole life all you have been taught was to just care for your family. Only pay attention to your family.
They are what’s most important. Your responsibility.
“Tuk-” You mutter as you enter the hut.
Eyes turn to you, studying. But in your state of mind they felt judging.
“Hi Y/n.” Tuk said with a wave and smile, she held a snack in her hand.
“Tuk. I’m really sorry about not coming home earlier. I know I said I was going to take you to see grandma but I really forgot, it completely slipped my mind and-“
You were cut off.
“Y/n.” It was your father. Jake’s gravely voice grounded you quick, snapping you up straight.
“It’s fine you didn’t come and get her, she was sleeping for almost the whole day anyway. She had a headache.” Your father explained to you.
It didn’t help. It made you feel more guiltier than ever.
You should have been there. She was in pain.
“Oh.. Are you feeling better Tuk?” You were now next to her, placing your hand on her forehead.
“Mhm! I got snacks, see?” Tuk held up her small handful of cut up Melon Tree Fruit.
Seeing it made your heart thump just a bit harder.
It was the exact fruit that had made you meet your ma- The man you were with today.
“Oh, well that’s good. Do they taste good? Are they ripe yet?” You examine the fruits color from afar.
The voice pulled your attention from Tuk.
It was your father who had called you.
This alone made your mouth feel sticky, your hands already becoming clammy.
“Yeah dad?” You tried your hardest to make your voice the same tone it was before, to not sound nervous.
To not crumble under the gaze of your mother. Nor your siblings who were barely visible.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?”
Did you do something? You raked your head as hard as you could to think of any recent events that could have possibly gotten you in trouble.
Was this about Awpxey?
Before you even noticed you were at a secluded area of your family’s kelku.
Alone with your father, and beyond nervous.
“Come, sit with me babygirl.” Your dad waved his hand towards himself, taking a seat onto the floor in a criss crossed position.
You quickly sat down, deciding to sit with your legs to your chest for now.
Your ears twitched as you heard your dad sigh. A pit crating into your stomach.
Was he upset with you?
“I’m not angry with you babygirl.. I just have.. A few questions is all.” He spoke softly. His voice hesitant and surprisingly, nervous.
You nodded, “okay dad. You can ask me.”
Your father opened his mouth, taking in a breath before closing it and turning his head. He didn’t know what to say, how to ask his question.
Your fingers fidgeted with the jewelry on your hands.
Just how nervous was he to not even be able to face you and speak?
“That… Boy. That you’ve been talking to recently, Awpxey. The ones your siblings keep teasing you about.” The sentence came out stiff, hesitant. As if it hurt him to even say the boy’s name in a sentence.
You nodded, signaling to him to carry on.
“I was, um, just wondering if you guys are… You know.” Your father lifted his hands at the end of his sentence.
You were trying to process his words, what is he even talking about?
Then it suddenly clicked.
He thinks you and Awpxey are dating.
Oh god.
“Dating?” You say the word out loud, it sounds so taboo to even say it. In front of your father no less.
“Yeah. Yeah, dating.. Are you guys, dating?” Your father almost looked pale. What exactly is going on here?
“We’re not dating. No, definitely not.” You were quick to respond. You hoped it wasn’t to fast to be considered ‘suspicious’.
You father slowly nodded, his lips pursed as he was working your words.
“Well, I just. I really, um, wanted to tell you that..” There was a pause.
It was really hitting Jake now.
His babygirl is growing up.
This is going to be a new chapter in everyone's lives.
You've found love.
Now he— and everybody else— is going to have to learn how to transition from having you most of the time to having barely seeing you. Though he's come to realize, it's been like that ever since you moved to High Camp.
Jake has come to terms that he isn't the best father. But he loves all his children. And always will. And Eywa knows he prays so much to her at night. Asking for patience, knowledge, and strength to help him become a better father.
It’s going to be hard for him to accept that his babygirl is growing up.
Jake took in a much needed breath, “I just wanted to tell you I love you.” His nod and smile gave you that feeling of happiness from back when you were younger.
“And that I’m here for you, always will be. I will be your shoulder to cry when you need it, I’ll listen to every problem you want me to hear because I love you. I want to see you mentally, not only physically as my daughter. But emotionally as my first baby.” Jake’s voice cracked slightly throughout his sentences. Small tears pricked the corners of his eyes.
You were no better. As soon as he said he loved you, your eyes burned. It feels so good to hear your parents say they love you when you feel they haven’t said it in such a long time.
You wiped your eyes, “I love you too dad. And I’ll be here for you too. You can tell me anything too.” Both of you were vulnerable. Your hearts were exposed, almost as if they were out of your chests. The words your father shared were deep. It was personal, but he still told you.
Because he wanted to.
“And I also want you to know. You have my blessing. If that boy starts courting you and you know truly that he’s the one you want and the one you see. You have my blessing.”
Your smiles were contagious, both of you had mirrored smiles on your face, giggling at each others slowly swollen faces.
Before embracing in a much needed, daddy-daughter hug.
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hi! this story was a process and a mf half! so much happened while this was in the making, research, blah blah blah blah, school, home stuff but it’s fine! i got it done! and i’m happy i did! if any of you think I should genuinely keep the story going and make a part two please tell me! I’m always open to accepting requests! bye, and thank you for reading 💖!
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