#vengeance of venom
elainiisms · 1 year
y'all are always complaining about how gay rep has to be perfect and unproblematic like speak for yourself i personally love it when they try to murder each other
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whaliiwatching · 10 months
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he is so. to me
closeups of my favorites <3
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comicwaren · 3 months
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This week on Marvel Comics (13th March 2024):
Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 #045
Avengers: Twilight #004
Black Widow & Hawkeye #001 (NEW!)
Carnage Vol. 4 #005
Dead X-Men #003
Fall of the House of X #003
Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #001 (NEW!)
Immortal Thor #008
Spider-Gwen: Smash #004 (Finale)
Star Wars: Darth Vader #044
Star Wars: Mace Windu Vol. 2 #002
Ultimate Black Panther #002
What If...? Venom #002
Wolverine Vol. 7 #045
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moondoposting · 2 years
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peter explaining how he found moon knight to the rest of the avengers
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graphicpolicy · 23 days
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe (again) this July in Variant Covers
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe (again) this July in Variant Covers #comics #comicbooks #deadpool
With his highly anticipated return to the big screen later this month and a brand-new solo comic book series on sale now, Deadpool is already taking over the Marvel Universe, but come July, he’ll tear it down one hero at a time in new Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe variant covers! Paying tribute to one of the most popular Deadpool comic series of all time, the Deadpool Kills the Marvel…
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Blaze really truly said, "This homicidal manic is bothering me, I know, I'll just stab him in the shoulder, I'm sure that will work out for me in the end!."
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angel-of-the-moons · 7 months
Blood Moon
Marc Spector/Moon Knight x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Mentions of murder, spouse death, child death, betrayal, blood, violence, guilt, depression, manhunt
A/N: Yeah remember what I said about trying to finish this before Halloween? Yeah I'm a fucking liar don't ever take me for my word I am a monster.
This is where I decided to merge a tiny bit of lore from comics/MCU Moon Knight here in regards to his powers.
But anyways... Have this little tidbit into Marc's backstory! Marc and Randall are only about two years apart in age. So that means Marc is 36 at the time of this story. Forgive a few discrepancies here and there as I better establish a timeline.
Taglist: @badbishsblog
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Pt. 5
Living with Marc was certainly a hell of an experience. But, at the same time, you two were becoming a well-oiled machine. Barring the awkward slip-ups that had you two avoiding each other like the plague for hours, anyways.
It was nice, you found, to not be alone in your house anymore. You never realized it before, but you were always so... gray. Lifeless almost when you were alone. You didn't like to be left alone with your thoughts of yourself, of your inadequacies you'd never voice with anyone except your therapist.
But having Marc around eased that loneliness you actually hadn't realized you'd been feeling. Hell, it wasn't until he moved in and you got used to having another body in your house that you realized you were lonely in the first place.
Despite this, you'd realized that while yes, you had read his file and learned about his background, you'd yet to actually ask him about his past.
You haven't heard it directly from the horse's mouth, as it were.
But you decided not to broach the subject, yet. You still felt that it was too soon for that after your fight and make-up as a team to risk being at the throat of your new roommate.
Because, you realized, it was nice having one again. You hadn't had a roommate since you had been in foster care.
And you weren't ready to lose that just yet.
Marc had odd habits, to say the least. More often than not, you'd catch him actually sleeping in the basement on the old plush couch you kept down there, instead of his bedroom.
His bedroom was always kept immaculate, but the basement was his workspace and god, was it a mess.
Papers and tech strewn about, gear scattered on worktables as he took them apart to fix them or run maintenance; plus the cases containing your hero gear as well.
It looked like a college student crammed for their exam two hours before their finals almost every time you went down there...
Tonight, you'd found Marc fast asleep, snoring softly as he sprawled out on the worn, suede couch, his body sinking into the ridiculously squishy cushions as he dreamt.
He had one arm draped over his face, one knee raised, and the other arm hanging off the edge of the cushions, a datapad clutched tightly in his hand.
It was almost cute.
You pulled out a quilt you nabbed at a yard sale, once and carefully draped it over him, as the basement could get rather chilly at times and poor Marc was passed out in nothing but his sweats and a t-shirt.
You put your hands on your hips and looked at the mess scattered on the surface of the coffee table in front of him, plus the few on the floor. A few SHIELD-issue tablets, and some paper files (yeesh, who even used those anymore?).
You chewed your bottom lip hesitantly, sparing the unconscious Marc a small glance before you felt a nagging in your gut. Curiosity was always one of your less... qualities at times.
How did that story about curiosity and the cat go, again?
You simply couldn't help yourself. What exactly was Marc always researching all the time?
You had to know. Even if it was just a tiny nugget of knowledge.
You sat in a squat next to Marc, looking at him as he breathed softly, showing no signs of stirring.
You slowly and as gently as possible, pulled the tablet in Marc's hand free of his calloused fingers, and stepped away from him to turn it on, so the light wouldn't stir him.
And you were glad you did, it almost blinded you when you hit the power button.
How the fuck did Marc see with shit this bright?
You had to fumble until you turned the brightness down, and let your eyes re-adjust.
The thing that immediately struck you was one line.
A name.
It made your blood chill, turning into icy sludge as it crawled through your veins; you felt your mouth go dry.
Randall Spector.
Age: 34
Race: Caucasian
Last known confirmed location: Paris, France.
The rest of the page had a list of crimes he was the main suspect of. Murder, theft, espionage, assassination...
You looked up, dumbfounded at Marc's sleeping body.
There was no way they could be related. It had to be common name, right?
You looked back down and scrolled to another page.
And your hopes that it was a common last name were dashed.
The picture of the man was this Randall, younger obviously, he looked to be in his early 20s in his Illinois ID.
But the resemblance to Marc was sickeningly uncanny. Randall had messy curly hair that was slicked back as best he could, and a charming smile that could no doubt put a heart attack at ease, his brown eyes glowing with humor in their depths as he grinned for the camera.
You swallowed hard at the lump in your throat and continued scrolling. The file contained grainy and blurry security footage of possible sightings over the years in various places across the globe.
The most shocking picture at the end, however... Was a picture of Marc with a group of people, Randall included.
They were, judging by the looks of it, in a desert of some kind. Randall hung on Marc, appearing to be laughing as the photo had been taken, meanwhile Marc stood, unusually clean-shaven and stoic, his arms crossed over his chest as he gave a small, ghost of a smile.
A young woman stood to Marc's left, holding onto his forearm as she smiled widely, her dark black, curly hair pulled back into a tight braid, her thick-rimmed glasses perched all the way up her nose.
Marc and that woman wore matching bands on their left ring fingers.
You brought your hand to your mouth in revulsion at the revelation, feeling your stomach roil in protest. It was either guilt, or horror because you knew... Marc had no family. You knew about his daughter being dead. But not her mother. Nothing about a brother.
You were in too deep now, and you just couldn't stop yourself.
You scrolled to a new page, detailing a small bit of information on that woman.
Erica Spector.
Age (deceased): 26
Race: Hispanic.
Cause of death: Vehicular Accident (Attributed to brake failure)
The picture of her ID broke your heart. She beamed at the camera, her slightly crooked teeth showing as she smiled proudly, a slight glare in her glasses as the flash hit the lenses.
The next photo, was her and Marc. At their wedding. She wore a gorgeous mermaid gown with a floral lace neckline, her sleeves ending in almost a bell-shape. Her hair hung down in gorgeous waves with violets pinned to the strands, framing her face and sun-kissed skin illuminated with highlighter as she smiled at the camera. Marc had been looking at the ground for whatever reason as they both stood at the altar, his arm around her waist and his hand adjusting the waistline of his dress pants.
But he was smiling. And it was such a gorgeous smile, teeth out, dimples in his cheeks and his eyes practically closed from how wide his lips were stretched.
The next photo broke your heart.
It appeared to be a maybe a year or so later (at most) after the photo of them in the desert.
Erica was pregnant, her belly sticking out far in the baby blue sundress she wore, holding up a cute pink onesie in her hands that simply read "Daddy's Princess" on the front in purple cursive font.
The photo after that one was of them in the hospital, Marc standing by the window of the hospital room, holding his newborn daughter in his arms, a soft, glowing smile on his face as her tiny fingers gripped his hand.
You felt your chest burn as you felt the gravity start to kick in, but you turned another page in the file.
Diatrice Spector
Age (deceased): 5
Race: Hispanic-Caucasian
Cause of death: Homicide (Found to be caused by gunshot wounds to the chest.)
You felt like your heart would give out at that word.
You assumed Marc lost his daughter in some horrible, tragic accident, like you'd lost your family.
But no. Three years ago, someone murdered his baby. And her babysitter.
The photos of the crime scene unfolded next, bloody boot prints everywhere, the babysitter's head partially caved in from a beating, and Diatrice--
"What the hell are you doing?!"
You jumped and almost dropped the tablet in your fright, spinning on your heels to see Marc staring at you from the couch, the quilt hastily tossed off of him.
You expected him to be angry, to look absolutely pissed at you.
Instead he looked... Terrified. Scared.
His gorgeous brown eyes were big, heavy dark circles hanging like curtains over his cheeks as he stared at you, mouth agape.
"I... I... I'm sorry, I... I didn't--" You stammer, swallowing hard, clutching the tablet against your chest.
"I was just..."
God, there was no excuse for this. You were curious. Curious and nosey, and you didn't have the guts to ask him anything about his past to his face yet, afraid for the repercussions that might cause; of the ripples it would trigger in the glass-like surface of the water of teamwork you two strove for.
Marc looks at you, your eyes locked in a tense, silent stare.
Then, he runs his hand through his air as he lets out a slow exhale, shoulders dropping.
He looks away and waves you over to sit next to him, and he scoots to the side.
The moment you sat down, you immediately thrust the tablet into his lap, your palms spreading over your knees as you bounced your feet.
"L-Look, I was just--"
"Stop." Marc sighed, setting the tablet on the coffee table. His voice was still heavy with sleep, that slightly gravelly tone you may or may not have fantasized about once or twice.
He looked at you, his lips pressed into a thin line before he spoke.
"How far did you get?"
Your nails dug into the fabric of your pajama pants as your legs bounced aimlessly, trying to alleviate the embarrassment, guilt, and shame of you snooping through his things.
"I..." You say, chewing the inside of your cheek.
God, you felt terrible.
Your body stopped cold when his heavy hand slid over your knee, stopping your movements in their place.
You felt his fingers squeeze you softly, before his palm rubbed the bones he could feel beneath your skin and muscle in a soothing gesture.
"I guess it's only fair I tell you about me, huh?" Marc sighed dejectedly, taking his hand off of you and wiping his face, as if that gesture alone could erase his fatigue.
"To answer the first few questions I know you have bouncing around in your head..." He added, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees as he stared at the paperwork and tablets on the table in front of you two.
"Yes. Randall is my brother. My little brother. And yes. I'm looking for him." Marc looked at you.
You were sitting patiently, your brows pinched and your expression pensive.
"Nobody would listen to me, but I know he caused the accident that killed Erica." You saw his throat bob hard as his expression darkened. "The investigation said she veered off the road due to bad conditions. But I'm not stupid. I looked into it myself, and bribed someone to let me look at the wreckage. The brake lines weren't torn during the crash, they were cut before the crash. Nobody would listen to me and I almost got arrested for interfering with an investigation. Yeah, right."
He snorted, a humorless and cold sound.
"They closed the case as an accident, wouldn't listen to me. Said I was "too hung up on the loss of my wife"." He made finger quotes. "So I investigated myself. God, fuck, I knew it was Randall... If they'd just listened to me... He..."
His voice broke up as he clenched his eyes shut.
"Diatrice wouldn't have been... I would still have her."
"Marc...." You say, reaching out to touch his shoulder. "Why... why would Randall do this?"
He sighs deeply, a heavy sound coming from him like the air was just vacuumed out of his lungs.
"It... Fuck. Randall is the one who introduced me to Erica. I had just gotten out of the Marines. It just... They weren't a good fit for me, so I returned to Chicago. Home." Marc leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. "Randall had gotten a job in some security firm for archeological digs, which is where he met Erica. It was good money, he told me. They were friends. She just got her degree and was trying to get the spot on a dig site somewhere. We... hit it off fast. Within a year, we got married, Randall got me a job in his firm. A year after that, we went to Egypt with Erica on a dig."
"Your file said you got your powers on a dig in Egypt..." You say softly.
"Yeah. That same dig. It was a pain in the ass, we still don't know what exactly happened. I touched something, a statue, and... Poof. Powers." Marc lets out a slow hiss of air, his eyes closing, dark lashes touching his cheeks. "We finished the dig, everyone swore into secrecy. SHIELD found out about it anyways, and offered me a position. It's where I built my ankh and my tech."
"But... Peter said you got your powers from the ankh." You say, brows knit together in confusion.
"He's wrong. My file was put down incorrectly, but it's been fixed since I noticed the discrepancy after Peter mentioned that when he wanted my help during the Symbiote Invasion." Marc looked at you, his eyes tired and strained.
"But still. Something pissed Randall off. Randall and I weren't ever really friends, even as siblings. We tolerated each other. When I got those powers and he didn't? He just... he fucking snapped. After we returned from the dig, members of the team started turning up dead. Then, we found out we were expecting our first child. It turns out that Erica either got pregnant during the dig or shortly after."
You couldn't help but smile softly, your expression a bit pained. "During the dig? Marc..."
"Let's just say we were happy I wasn't dead after touching that statue." Marc said, closing his eyes with a nostalgic, yet sad smile.
"But anyways... with our baby on the way, we focused on that instead. When Diatrice was born, it was the happiest day of my life. She was a happy, bubbly little thing."
You sensed the shift from affectionate pride as he spoke about his daughter, to the grief you knew was coming as he spoke:
"Two years later, Erica had her "accident". Three years after that... Randall murdered Dee and Sandra. God. That poor girl. She was still so young. She tried so hard to keep him from hurting Dee."
He gritted his teeth and rested his arm over his face, most likely to hide the tears that wanted to roll free from the dam of his eyelids. Marc's voice was a weak tremble.
"After that, I started hunting, I moved my base of ops to the sewers. I went digging after he vanished. He became a hitman, a no-good killer for hire. Then I went to ground six months before the Symbiotes invaded. After that is when Peter found me, or well, I found him."
"And here we are, a year later..." You said softly.
"Yeah." He croaked out weakly.
You both sat in a long, pregnant silence. You weren't even sure how long it was, all you could hear was the sound of the water heater making noises now and again, and the buzzing fluorescent lights illuminating your basement.
"Marc?" You finally asked.
"Yeah?" He answered.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and lean back and over, until your head rested on Marc's shoulder.
You could feel him hold his breath and tense, and you waited until he breathed again to speak.
"...I'm sorry for snooping." You apologized.
"You were curious about me. It's not like I've been forthcoming about this shit." Marc sighed softly, his body softening slightly.
"But still. It was wrong." You say to him, closing your eyes as you take a deep breath.
The smokey, pine scent of his choice of cologne and body wash filled your nose, filtering around in your lungs as you take in the essence that is Marc Spector.
"Still here."
"Thank you... for telling me all of this." You whisper.
"It was about time I get it all out. I guess it just took the right battering ram to knock the door down."
You can't help but chuckle, and Marc joins in with you.
It was good to hear him laugh.
Pt. 6: Coming Soon
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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1992's Ghost Rider & Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance #6 Cover by Adam Hubert (art) and Ken Steacy (colors).
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elainiisms · 7 months
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Some more concept doodles for VT!
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Some Seabound stuff, a couple Harumi's, and one Kai
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coolcomicbookcovers · 1 month
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comicwaren · 7 days
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This week on Marvel Comics (5th June 2024):
Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 #051
Blood Hunters #002
Carnage Vol. 4 #008 (Finale)
Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #004
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #004 (Finale)
Star Wars Vol. 3 #047
Star Wars: The High Republic Vol. 3 #008
Ultimates Vol. 4 #001 (NEW!)
Venom Vol. 5 #034
Wolverine: Blood Hunt #001 (NEW!)
X-Men Vol. 6 #035 (Finale)
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What, I ask you, WHAT is the POINT of living where the air hurts my face if I still have to keep my thermostat at 20 degrees and not open the windows in winter while the heat from my neighbours' fuckkng grow op or whatever downstairs wafts up into my domain to roast any possibility of sleep to a crisp. I ASK YOU.
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