#vegan walks
veganstrider · 11 months
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mer-se · 6 months
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vegan food is boring
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sarpedon · 5 months
tries to lure my vegan friends to come visit me by showing all the vegan dessert options we have in this city like pspspsps vegan chai donuts pspsps vegan chocolate espresso milkshakes pspspsps vegan peanut butter brownies pspspsps
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confetti-critter · 1 year
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Another silly guy joins the confetti/birthday cake shrine
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emelinstriker · 5 months
Ah yes, new year, new favorite fandom AU blog overtaken by the talk of cannibalism after I've comfortably moved into the blog. (Happy New Year by the way!) I set up a nice little tent here and everything, and then the cannibalistic craze hit me like a tornado. I miss that days of fluff and my poor innocent Wukong and Macaque... (who am I kidding, those two were never innocent-)
But I guess we're doin' this. What’s every champion’s favorite part of the body? To eat, I mean. Like, do they like eating organs too? What about the bone marrow? Would they ever ask Red Son to experiment different ways to prepare it? I'm aware that liver can be dried into some pretty heart jerky and I've heard somewhere that you can turn bone marrow into a cake, but I'm not sure if that's true...
Sorry, I just saw all this cannibalism talk and I just wanna be involved, tee hee!…
(Happy New Year :D)
Fluff, yes. Innocent, no- hnhnfhnfhn
Also, the bone marrow immediately reminded me of my dog ngl- In which case, it could probably be seen as like yoghurt if you cut up the bone and use it like a cup/bowl. Like, my brother usually uses a spoon to feed our dog bone marrow, so I could definitely see it as a snack option.
Wouldn't be too farfetched to assume you can make a cake out of it, considering how it feels like when served cold. Though if it's an oven cake, then obviously some adjustments in the recipe would have to be made due to how wobbly and liquidy bone marrow gets. But making one out of fully bone marrow would be possible when at least kept cold in theory, I believe? Can't confirm due to me only ever ripping the pieces apart so my dog will actually eat it, soooo-
But they would absolutely try different types of recipes. Maybe even mix up human and demon meat for newer creations. And yes, they do also eat organs. Not all organs though because they do need some remains for the forest.
I'm imagining their favorite parts, or I guess least disgusting parts for some, would be...
Wukong: Limbs (Raw)
Macaque: Heart (Raw)
MK: Limbs (Raw)
Nezha: Liver (Cooked)
Red Son: Liver (Cooked)
Ao Lie: No preference
Considering how bad of an influence Wukong is, pretty sure MK is following with whatever his mentor eats too, tbh-
And I guess preferences might also change a bit depending on the meat- Like, if it's from a demon with the body of an animal someone may like eating more than another, then the favorite parts may differ-
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girlvinland · 4 months
There is a donut situation going on at work rn and it’s making lose it a little.
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chemblrish · 12 days
Came to my uni city. Arrived at the faculty. Sat outside my thesis supervisor's office waiting for him like I do every Monday. 9.20 he isn't there which is weird but things happen right. 9.30 he still isn't there which is very weird. Huh. Let's check Outlook. He sent me an email YESTERDAY to let me know he'd be away all day today. WHY DIDN'T I GET THE DAMN NOTIFICATION 🥲
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nicistrying · 2 months
Tues 17th April
Up early to walk Maggie. The weather is suddenly freezing here again and my body can't keep up! But we had a nice walk.
Came home and logged on for work, I was on the phones in the morning but thank God they were quiet. I only took about 10 calls all morning and they were all pretty straightforward.. until the last one where ths lady was so fucking rude because I explained I couldn't remove costs that had been correctly applied. Like don't get me wrong, I will remove costs if I can find any reason at all to justify it but we got an email from one of our managers saying we were removing too many so we have to be sure we can back it up with policy. This woman had absolutely no reason to have them removed, she hadn't paid a penny or contacted us since the letter was issued almost 4 weeks ago, she blamed that on her post being handed to her neighbour who only gave it to her yesterday but I confirmed the address we had on file was correct so it wasn't that we had issued anything to the wrong place. Anyway I got a second opinion from another officer and went back to her and explained even after getting a second opinion and taking everything she said into account, it wasn't an error with anything we had done so I couldn't remove the costs. She started shouting at me how disgusting that is and I kept so calm and professional but I was shaking by the time I eventually got off the phone 😂 So that pissed me off but I was just doing emails all afternoon so just chilled out and ate snacks.
Walked Mags again, we played ball on the field and had a lovely time 🥰
Worked out when I got home - leg day, just bodyweight as still not feeling 100% but it definitely did the trick and I felt good for it
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Made tofu & mushroom 'keema' for dinner - it was so time consuming to make but nice to try something new! Turned out pretty tasty
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Watched some Fallout, then bath and bed as another early start tomorrow 😴
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aloeverawrites · 2 months
Part of making a vegan world is making a world with enough social systems in place to support all humans. It’s just not going to happen without it and a world that doesn’t support its human community, especially its disabled communities, isn’t a just one either.
There are people with food intolerances who would like to have a plant based diet but would need an elaborate food preparation routine in order to do that safely. I know people who are spending that time and money everyday which is extremely impressive but it really shouldn’t be necessary. Ideally there should be government funding towards restaurants, programs or government paid at home chef’s to cater to these needs.
Same with pollution, it would be nice to reduce the amount of plastic people use but the person who has chronic fatigue or chronic pain might need to be able to buy a pack of microwaveable food and have dinner done in two minutes rather then twenty. Or have a chef on call to prepare them what they would want at no cost. Or maybe they could prepare it themselves if insurance had bought them the wheelchair and treatment they needed, giving them more low pain days.
I’m just saying people are all different so we’re going to need a lot of different ways to achieve that goal. Veganism that includes ableism is less than worthless and it’s not going to be effective. What’s practical and possible for one person isn’t for another person and we have to put time and resources into giving everyone as many options as possible.
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veganstrider · 1 year
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Take the first step with confidence and safety, and let the adventure begin 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️💪 #SafeSteps #AdventureAwaits #ExploreMore #safetylightforwalkers #walksafetysign #walkingsafetygear #walkingsafetyvest #walkingsafetyrules #walkingsafetystick #walkingsafetyshoes #walkingsafetyapp #walkingsafetyequipment #WalkSmart #BeAwareWhileWalking #SafeSteps #WalkWithCare #WatchYourStep #StayAlertWhileWalking #StaySafeOnFoot #safetytips #nightwalking #stayalert #beaware #stayvigilant #walksmart #stayprotected #safewalking #nighttimeprecautions #staycautious
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olivesjaw · 3 months
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Just to clarify for the homies in the back. You're an atheist.
Sure am lol I really try not to bring it up unless it's actually relevant because that's such a stereotype (accurate, though) but then I get these anons who are clearly making assumptions and I have to admit I get a kick out of correcting them. They are completely convinced that conservatives are all white trash religious zealots - and then they have the nerve to call us prejudiced.
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lisablack000 · 27 days
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There is no real love or empathy in a mother who pays for another mother to suffer in such a traumatic way.
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pixiatn · 2 years
Back on my bullshit, here me out Vampire!Ryan but he doesn't even try to hide it and somehow nobody knows, and when they (more specifically Dylan) find out he's just like "I thought you knew🤨"
When Dylan finds out he def cuts the collar of his shirts so they're low and kinda just presents his neck to Ryan ("Dylan, I'm not biting you..." "WHY NOT!?")
Bc I'm a slut for the vamps can turn into bats trope, when Ryan does it's bc he's sleeby so Dylan just kinda carries him around. He loves bat Ryan, even if he kinda flings himself at him to scare him for fun
Edit/update: Dylan has def used bat Ryan as a lil eye mask when he sleeps
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cowboycunt · 5 months
gregg’s save me…….. save me gregg’s …,,. gregg’ssssss..,
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morethansalad · 10 months
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Vegan Walking Tacos (Frito Pie)
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