#valhalla is here im so EXCITED
daisydood · 5 months
why does no one talk about arthur grieving hosea. the whiplash from hoseas death to guarma to tuberculosis its like everyone forgot omusdgfg arthur was so miserable im sobbing
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kathrynalicemc · 11 months
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A/N: Sorry this is kinda late today! I was busy and totally forgot it was Valhalla Thursday 😂 IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE!!! Here comes a big lore drop!
Characters: Dafne Arcano, Dayamanti Arcano, Dielle Arcano, Merla Varangr, Mjöll Ymir, and Rikke Ymir
Warnings: None
Song: The Lonely Mountain
Chapter 5: The Gifted Three
“Hey, wake up,” Dafne whispered as she shook her sleeping companions. “C’mon. We are going to enter that mountain, no matter what. I don’t care what Rikke says.”
“Just give it up, Daf,” Dayamanti groaned and rolled over, pulling the furs back up.
“Fine. You can go home if you want. I didn’t want your help anyway. But I’m going,” she hissed quietly and then started to pack up her things as quietly as she could.
Dayamanti was quiet for a moment, but reluctantly got up too after seeing Dielle and Merla follow Dafne.
“Why must you two always be such a headache? Stubborn Arcano pride,” she muttered more to herself and unceremoniously started to shove her bedroll back into her bag.
A noise at the threshold to Rikke and Mjöll’s bedroom made the girls jump, thinking it was Rikke. Instead, they saw Mjöll tip toe out of the room and quietly latch the door behind her. She was already wearing full leather armor and a heavy cloak with a bag thrown over her shoulder.
“Oh good, you haven’t left yet. Please let me come with you! I haven’t seen anything but this damn cabin my entire life.”
“How’d you know we would go?” Dayamanti questioned.
“Nobody has ever shown up here. If you’ve come this far, I doubt my mother telling you ‘no’ would be enough to stop you.”
Dafne let out a soft chuckle, but then her smile faded. “Are you sure you can handle this? We could get killed.”
“Being trapped in one place your entire life has its advantages. I had to pass the time somehow, so I learned to fight. Also, I do have the Gift like you guys.”
“What is it! Can you show us?” Dielle excitedly whispered.
“I already have,” Mjöll lifted her head proudly. “I can control the wind and air. That storm you encountered was of my making. It keeps us hidden.”
“Not hidden enough, apparently,” Dayamanti scoffed.
“That’s because I let you in. Don’t tell my mom, but I was curious and wanted to meet you. I’ve never seen anyone else in my whole life.”
“That must be really lonely. I’m sorry, Mjöll,” Dielle approached and laid a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder.
“Sorry to interrupt, but we have to get moving. Rikke could wake up any second,” Dafne motioned and they rushed out into the midnight snow.
“It’s over here,” Mjöll waved from a ways ahead of the group, the snow around them gently glowing from the conjured orbs of light drifting in the air.
“For centuries, there has been a powerful illusion enchantment upon the mountainside to hide the door. Follow my steps and keep going.”
Mjöll continued walking straight towards the snowy cliffside. She was just about to hit it when Dafne blinked and she was gone. Dafne followed next, breathing deep as the ice and rock got closer and closer. The moment she expected to feel ice and snow meet her face, she instead felt a warm energy as she passed through it.
A laugh escaped her lips and joined the laughter of the other girls. They were now in a small cave with the biggest set of doors they had ever seen. Nearly 20 feet tall, the doors were carved out of solid stone. Upon it was a large tree, its branches and roots spreading out at the base and the top of the door. In the space between was three carvings of shields, each one displaying the family crest of the Gifted Three.
On the right was the Varangr crest that consisted of various runes around the outside with a large animal paw print right in the center. Dafne had seen this crest a few times in her life, but not very often.
The left side of the door had a crest that Dafne was very familiar with. As with the Varangr crest, it also had runes around the outside. Dafne read them again, as she did every time she saw it after learning to read Nordic runes. “The brave shall live forever in the halls of Valhalla.” In the center of their crest was a vegvisir, a symbol used for navigation which also meant guidance and protection. Her grandfather Alatar always used to tell her that Norse magic originated from runes. This was the Arcano family crest.
In the center of the door rested a crest that Dafne had never seen. She guessed that this was the crest of the Ymir family. It had, yet again, the same carved runes and decoration around the outside of the circular shield. The center of this crest contained a smaller version of the same tree that was carved upon the door it rested on.
To each side of the doors, the walls of the cave were decorated with elaborate carvings and runes. At a glance, most of the carvings depicted fierce Viking warriors and what she guessed to be the Valkyrie Guard.
Above the door were the biggest runes of all of the writing.
ᛏᚼᛁ ᚴᚱᛅᛏ ᚢᛁᛋᛅᚱᛏ ᚴᛁᛏᛁ ᚬᚠ ᚢᛅᛚᚼᛅᛚᛚᛅ
“The Great Wizard City of Valhalla,” Dafne translated instantly, a shiver going up her spine as she finally said those words out loud.
Dafne started to move, as if her feet had a mind of their own. She stood in front of the massive doors, her hand instinctively reaching up to touch the Arcano crest. The stone beneath her hand was freezing, but she didn’t mind. All she could think of was Iolanthe. She too once stood at these doors. How could she witness something like this and not tell her family about it? Even with her promise not to publish her research, she never even told her family the truth about it. A piece of their history has been missing for centuries. It was time they reclaimed it.
“So, how do you expect us to open it?” Dayamanti sighed. “If our ancestor couldn’t manage it with all her magic, I doubt you could.”
Dafne turned around with a scowl, her mouth opening to tell off her sister but closing when she saw Rikke standing in the entrance holding up a lantern.
“Step away from the door,” Rikke demanded with a hiss. “I did not give you permission to see it. I granted you shelter, but you have broken that trust. You need to leave. Now.”
“You have no right to forbid us from it. It’s our birthright too!” shouted Dayamanti.
“I have sacrificed my whole life to remain here to guard it. Just as my mother did, and her mother before her, and countless more of my ancestors going back centuries! I have the only claim!”
“I don’t want that life, mother!” Mjöll suddenly shouted back. “We are the only ones left. Even father left us. It’s not worth it! I want to see the world!”
Rikke turned to Mjöll, the anger upon her face changed to shock as a silence stretched on. Dayamanti slowly reached towards the hilt of her greatsword.
“How long is this going to go on, Rikke,” Dafne called out. “Eventually, whether it be days, months, or years, your line will end here. Mjöll will not stay.”
“Will you take my own daughter from me?!” Rikke hissed back indignantly in response, anger returning to her face.
“Whether I go or not will be my choice. But if you make them leave now, I’m going with them. You can’t keep me here!”
“Mjöll, we cannot let them unseal it and release the-“
“-the evil within,” Dayamanti mocked. “Yes, we get it.”
“Your family's sense of honor and duty has curdled into cowardice,” Dayamanti’s grip tightened on the sword's hilt. “We can do this the easy way, or you can die here doing your duty.”
Rikke’s eyes darted around, inspecting each one of them as if sizing up their skill and willingness to fight.
“Please, mother!” Mjöll pleaded. “..don’t make me fight you,” she whispered with tears in her eyes. Dirt started to kick up and swirl at Mjölls feet as her eyes flashed with gold light.
“We can do this,” Dafne breathed. “It’s time for your family to be free.”
Tension filled the uneasy silence as it stretched on. The lantern light flickered upon the walls, sending shadows of Valkyries and swords dancing across the cave. Dafne’s heartbeat hammered in her chest, but she stood her ground. Keeping her gaze locked upon Rikke, she tried to keep her expression confident and not let the fear show.
Rikke’s eyes passed over each girl. She took in the white hair of Dayamanti, Dafne, and Dielle. Her eyes just barely noticed the edge of Merla’s birthmark on her chest peeking out from her furs. Lastly, she turned to her own daughter who’s eyes glowed with the golden color of the sun. It was at that moment that she truly realized that the Gifted Three had finally converged again for the first time in centuries.
“She never would have been able to open it anyway, even if Ran told her how,” Rikke relented with a quiet whisper, the tension in her body melting away.
“Iolanthe?” Dafne probed and Rikke nodded.
“This secret has been passed down through the generations. It’s true, even I have had the temptation to open the city cross my mind more than once.”
Rikke turned to Dayamanti, “What you mistaken for cowardice is simply the inability. At one point in my youth I might have done it myself, as I’m sure countless Ymir ancestors before me would have too. If I wasn’t lacking the missing pieces, of course.”
“What are the missing pieces?” Dafne inquired.
“You are,” Rikke answered with a stare that sent shivers down Dafnes spine. The stare then shifted and landed on Merla and then Mjöll. “All of you.”
Seeing their confusion, Rikke sighed deeply before starting her story.
“Ever since that day the city was lost, the Three broke their familial bonds and scattered. A great argument started between them, as each family blamed the others for what had happened. For you see, rumors had started to spread beforehand about unrest among some of the male members of each family. They believed it was unfair that only the women could inherit the Gift.”
“So, the Arcanos and the Varangrs disappeared into Norway to find their own separate destinies. The Ymirs stayed and vowed to guard the city forever, for we knew the truth. It was a Ymir who performed the ritual. My ancestors felt that it was our duty to keep the evil contained so we could pay for the sins of our family. All those people were lost because of one of us.”
“What does that have to do with us specifically?” Dayamanti scowled.
“It is actually fortunate that Iolanthe completed her expedition, even if it didn’t reward her and her team with the knowledge they sought. A man on the team named Elidon Greyloc would end up returning to the mountain alone some months later, for he had fallen in love with my ancestor Ran, and her with him. He is the reason my daughter and I exist today, for without him Ran wouldn’t have had kids.”
“Many puzzle pieces had to fall in just the right ways to get us here today. The feud between the Arcanos and the Varangrs had to end and the Ymir line had to survive. For only the blood of the Three together can open the door,” Rikke finished with a glance to the three crests on the door behind them.
“What do we have to do?” the words barely a whisper as they left Dafne.
“Simply make a cut on your hand and place it upon your respective family crest.”
“Well there is only one Varangr and one Ymir here. But who will do the Arcano one?” Mjöll inquired out loud.
“Daf, you should do it,” Dielle suddenly spoke up. “It means the most to you, so you should have the honor.“
“Alright, if you are sure,” Dafne replied with a glance to Dayamanti who gave a nod of encouragement.
“You can come with us, you know,” Dafne suddenly turned back to Rikke.
“I’m sorry, but I think my youthful vigor days are behind me. Truth be told, I cannot say for certain what exactly you will find in there. But please, make sure my daughter comes back safe,” she finished, her hand resting on Dafne’s shoulder.
“I promise.”
With a deep breath, the three of them made a small cut on their palm and walked up to the door. Glancing at each other, they nodded and placed their hands upon their own family crest at the same time.
A few seconds passed and Dafne felt the stone beneath her hand steadily grow warmer. A burst of light lit up the small cave as a brilliant white energy gathered at the base of the tree's roots. The group watched in astonishment as it climbed up the roots and then converged at the trunk. Within seconds, the light then split off again, following the branches upwards.
The moment the light touched the top of the door, a deep resonant clunk echoed out from within. The large stone doors shuttered, dirt and dust falling off and swirling in the air. With the sound of loud scraping of stone and the rush of stale air, they slowly opened inwards to reveal an inky black void of darkness.
For the first time in over a thousand years, the Valkyries returned home just as the sun started to rise over the horizon.
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iinafarawaygalaxii · 1 year
Welcome to a Faraway Galaxii
-please read before proceeding to the fics-
About the Page
For sometime now I have been encourage to post and share my fanfics with the public. I chose tumblr as a safe spot to place my writing because of the kindness in the community and the shared love for composition. I am a first time writer but a big dreamer, with an active imagination and if you’re here… your curiosity served you well.
Travel with me down the road of fantasies- for I would love to show you my world 💜 Here’s the information of the fics I’m currently working on. Some of these are all to be projected well over 15 chapters but, first: 
WARNINGS: These fics WILL contain scenes not appropriate for young minds so minors: this is not the page to follow. Warnings included in this series are:
Abuse, Violence, Death, War, smut (Graphic Scenes), PiV, fluff, drama and if theres any others throughout the book please message me so that I can tag them for you!
If you are a MINOR stop reading- your journey ends here. 
Side Info~
~ Each fic with OCs will come with a prequel(s) explaining the original charters background to help you process the story in advanced.
~At the beginning of each post will hold information about the chapter (i.e if it’s nsfw or sfw, notes or trigger warnings).
~A Materialist will be posted shortly after I start posting and this post will be continuously updated as the fics come out! I
~’m always open to feedback as it will be the only way I can develop myself as a writer! Thank you for reading and I’m excited to continue posting
Star Wars the Clone Wars: Bloodline
Fic Summary: After a brewing war intensified across the galaxy and the republic slowly diminishing; General Skywalker and his ARC unit discovers a way win the war with an unlikely ally. The question still remains, will they succeed when darkness still lurks around the corner...? Or to what extent will they need to sacrifice and achieve victory… 
Chapters: 4/?
~Captain Rex x OC 
~Scenes not appropriate for young minds. Tags will be made
~Original character with an original planet that’s in the star wars universe 
~Translations will be under the 'notes' tab (similar to this post) that will help you understand what the characters are saying.
[The plot hole i discovered in my written chapters runs deep. I need time to fix it, Im so sorry- but thank you for being patient!!]
AC Valhalla: Frejas Promise
Fic Summary: Alas! Eivor has become Jarlskona of Ravensthorpe but with leadership came many responsibilities- and enemies. Working hard to unite England with her many allies, an unknown force gathers beyond the winter stormed mountains of Northumbria. Creeping closer to home. With Halfdan out the door- what will become of Mercia and its people?
~ F!Evior x Vili Hemmigston
~ Scenes not appropriate for young minds. Tags will be made
~This is based off the video game Assassin Creed: Valhalla. One of my all time fav games on the market. Is the fic canon? Not really but were here for the imagination. Our queen Eivor deserved so much more love than she got. So I am here to remedy ;')
~Fic is essentially an Arc. It will be short, probably 10 chapters at best.
Other Fics/Shorts I’ve been writing off and on with created OC’s and CCs that are not ready to post yet are:
Star Wars: A Ghost for Prospect | Captain Rex x Reader
Mass Effect Andromeda: The After Effect | Jaal Ama Darav x f!Ryder
Naruto: Queen of the Black Sea | Gaara x OC
Jujutsu Kasien: In the End There’s Always Red | Sukuna/Itadori x OC
Starfield: I'll Give you the Sun | Sam Coe x Reader
|| Last Updated: Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 ||
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irisjaxx665 · 1 year
does your brother know you live as a 24/7 slave?
He knows about my dynamic. As ive stated before im not a 24/7 slave.
Im in a 24/7 dynamic where one of my roles is that of the slave.
My brother is the one who introduced my Owner and i to one another. They’re best friends. My brother is a Dominant, and he’s switchy, just as im submissive and im switchy. My brother and i talk about literally everything.
We talk about food, people, sex, love, cars, psychology, our various mental illnesses, war, our pasts, our futures, or pets, our mutual love of Princess Diana and our hate of king chucky. (I will not dignify him with the name Charles)
My brother and i know everything about one another, including kinkwise. We share a lot of the same kinks. We’re very similar in our dom-styles. We went to the same school for almost the same psychology classes for almost the same reasons though my reasons changed drastically before i took my course. We have very similar mannerisms when intoxicated or turned on. We’re comfortable talking about all these things because we pinky promised each other nothing could make our relationship as brother and sister awkward. And nothing has.
One day my Owner forgot to clean the camera before handing it to my brother to edit some video they had done of their joint hobby, and my brother saw a split second frame of just my Owner’s ass as he fucked me. That just made us all laugh. It didnt make anything weird for us.
Routinely he’ll come over and when he goes into the bathroom, he’ll encounter one of my coworkers in the sink. He just ignores them or cracks a joke usually
The other day, a snapchat scammer sent him some of my content off of here, my twitter, and my tiktok, and he shut that shit down so fast. The three of us have had some really hard conversations and some really deep thinks thanks to one another.
We’re planning on getting tattoos together once i can afford it, and im excited as all hel. And monday, before we went to a movie together, we ran through the mall and i helped him choose a new collar, as he had retired his old one.
We’re planning on kidnapping him to celebrate yule with us again this year, and (dont tell him) ive gotten him a fair few gifts.
Im very grateful to have my brother as such a part of my life, and even more so grateful that we have such a good relationship. I may not still be here, if it hadnt have been for my brother.
I’ll love my puppa, til valhalla breaks and damn well past.
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sofiafushiguro · 2 years
NO BC ON TWT I ALWAYS SEE STUFF ABOUT IDOL! BONTEN,,, im 10/10 a mikey and ran stan. i LOVE the way they look at idols !!!
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YEAH OMG OMG OMG. I think they would have a similar style to stray kids, in terms of music. I think the main dancers would probably be the Haitanis, damn, I can see them doing amazing choreography. Main rapper Kokonoi or Takeomi bc it fits them, but especially Takeomi. I think Sanzu would force Mikey to do aegyo because he finds it funny, lol. I think that my bias here would be Kakucho, and my wreckers are the Haitanis.
So if there are Idols! Bonten, then I suppose there should also be other groups, right? For example, I'm going to say that there are Idols! Black Dragons, who are probably the equivalent to BTS, saying they "paved the way" for other groups, right? Then we have Idols! Toman, with the og members only so Baji, Mitsuya, Draken, Pah-Chin, Kazutora, and Mikey. Kazutora is that one idol who used to be a bully during high school so he goes on hiatus and eventually, there's a second-generation Toman. (when irl he is in jail bc he killed Mikey's brother lol) Idols! Toman grows quickly after their debut because they know Mikey is Shinichiro's brother, so everyone is excited about that. In second generation Toman, we have Takemichi, Chifuyu, Hakkai, Peh-Yan, and the Kawata Twins, ofc these last ones are the main rappers, and Chifuyu is the best at aegyo. Next, we have Idols! Tenjiku, a group that disbands no longer after debuting, but some of their members debut again in other K-pop groups, like Kakucho, who then joins Kanto Manji and eventually, Bonten. Another group that disbands quickly is Idols! Valhalla… It was a flop, tbh, and a shame because have Kazutora, and Baji from og Idols! Toman. Then Kisaki and Hanma form their duo, but it's not as good as they expected. AND OMG OMG OMG, Imagine Idols! Emma, Hina, Yuzuha and Senju! Just like BlackPink <3, I'm going to say the leader is Hina because she is kinda the "main" female character in Tokyo Revengers. This group has no plans of disbanding in the future, and they all have solo albums. Finally, after 100 disbands and debuts later, we have Idols! Bonten. It's a group with members who have already debuted, and since they have experience, they produce their songs, with Takeomi in the lead. They also have a variety of programs like SKZ Code or EN-O'clock, with them doing the stupidest things EVER! I'd like to think that Rindou and Sanzu are the ones who go in Vlive more often, while Kakucho is the one who goes live the least.
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cynyxx · 2 years
i saw love and thunder last night with my best friend so here are my Thoughts
gonna be very convoluted bc im just typing things as they come to mind
both of us nearly PISSED ourselves laughing at dwayne
why the fuck was zeus italian
the second zeus came onscreen my middle finger was in the air
when korg started listing the times loki died i didnt know whether to laugh or cry tbh
key word almost
it is HOMOPHOBIC that loki wasnt shown with heimdall in the second post credit scene
also like half the theatre left during credits?? hello?? have u learned nothing??
also me and my best friend want to learn the thor and peter quill handshake
also i thought the guardians would be in the movie much more?? surprising
i got so excited when darcy came on
still sad she wasnt in it more
also ik we already saw the rip loki tattoo in the trailer sorta
but i was DEVASTATED seeing the close up on it
if yall cant tell im a lil sad loki wasnt in the movie
stan korg and miek they stay iconic
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poopoet · 1 year
I think I’m in a hypo depressive episode, where I have lack of energy, lack of interest, and lack of concentration. I thought it was cuz I was sick with a cold last week (which certainly didn’t help), but I think now that I am normal again, the feeling still stays.
I know it’s cuz of the change of routine. Also I was on a huge high when joie and sela were here, and when they left I felt really down :( also it gets dark at 5pm already so i feel like the day is wasted.
i’ve been sleeping like 12 hours every day. i sleep at 1-2am, then wake at 9am to take coco for poop, then when i go back upstairs i sleep until 11 or 12. it’s like... maybe depression naps?
but i know this is temporary, i just need to get back in a routine and maybe the nature of the suburbs will help me when we drive back tomorrow. also, im excited to run with coco again and see her happily sniffing trees :)
i got another interview to westchester medical center in valhalla. i wrote a LOI yesterday and they sent back an invite like some hours later. the pay is niceee but idk about the call hours.
bubby didn’t seem too happy when i said it was in valhalla. he was like “ew why would anyone wanna go there” and i was mad like oh sorry i can’t get all my interviews in manhattan, jeez i’m trying to expand my options. he doesn’t get it, he just thinks i can just pick and i get the job (which is yes i’m manifesting that, but the strategy has to be different for residency match) 
if i like maimonides, i know i already have it. but if i like WMC better, then it’s an option that i can explore. sure it’s 1 hour away from LES, but idk i was trying to look on the bright side and upstate westchester area is so forested and pretty, maybe coco would really like that area and we could do walking in pretty places. i just would be seeing bubby every weekend or so, but at least we’re only an hour away.
whatever, im just open to all opportunities and i don’t want to cage myself in a box. whatever the universe is giving me, i like to expand my mind and think in different ways, so i’m very grateful for all 7 interviews i received.
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bunny-banana · 3 years
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ultrastarbee · 2 years
For your sixth month anniversary, Kazutora wanted to make something special because he knows that he’ll go back to juvie and wont be out for a long time. So he asks Mitsuya for help. He asked if he could teach him how to make a small tiger plush toy. Kazutora thought it would be easy but no- this boy is no hope and Mitsuya was fed up. But after persistence (and a whole 2 weeks), he was able to make a decent, huggable tiger plushie that he gave to reader so that they can have something to kiss, hug and talk to in place of kazutora while he was gone.
-🎀 im brainrotting kazutora so bad. hes just a small tiger :( and the manga barely showed kazutora and mitsuya’s friendship even if they were both founding members. i’m here to change that
My beloved 🎀, I share the brainrot with you. He's just too cute and deserves more love. SO LET'S GIVE HIM MORE LOVE!
Title: Striped plushie Request: YES Couple: Kazutora x reader Category: fluffy Content Warning: Word Count: 484 Summary: Kazutora knows he may get arrested again, so before Bloody Halloween he works on making you a present A/N: this is too cute omg your requests are so light I love them. I changed it a little while writing, sorry I didn’t even noticed
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Before setting the fight between Toman and Valhalla Kazutora had somethings he still wanted to do before risking everything against Mikey. And each one of those things had to do with you. Kazutora knew he would be arrested again after killing Mikey and he was ready for that, but first your boyfriend needed to make you happier than ever. You already stayed two years apart and now Kazutora will go away again. He needs to make up to you so you don't leave him as everyone else.
First he went to Mitsuya, who was a little surprised to see him, but welcomed Kazutora as a good friend. They had fun for a while and then Kazutora asked his old friend for some help. Showing Mitsuya a child book Kazutora smiled.
"You want me to make one?" Mitsuya frowns a little confused looking at the book. It's a plush toy of a tiger.
"No! I want you to teach me how to make one"
"I need it"
That's how it started. Mitsuya made some drawings to get a better idea of the plush toy Kazutora wanted so much. They choosed the fabric for the body and the buttons for the eyes together, made the cuts and also choosed the sewing thread color. That was the easy part. Even with Mitsuya telling him it was harder than it looked, Kazutora was excited. He wanted to give you something cute. Something special to remind you of him. Something that looked like him. Something you could hug when you missed him.
But there's no hope for Kazutora. All his fingers ended up bleeding a little. Mitsuya never saw someone so bad at sewing. But Kazutora tough, he won't let some pierced fingers stop him. It took him two whole weeks, but Kazutora did it. He finished your present.
He hugs Mitsuya and shakes him a little, soon leaving to find you. It's night and you are already on your pajamas when he arrives at your house. Kazutora doesn't give a sigle fuck about your parents being home and enter through you bedroom window.
Kazutora's face is all red when he hugs and kisses you after handing you the plushie.
"You made me a little tiger? Just like you?" you are so happy snuggling against the plushie.
"I did!" Kazutora's voice is so excited just to see your smile, but he ends up taking the present and trowing it on your bed "But it's for when I'm not around! And I'm here now, so hold me now!"
You laugh, take him into your arms and kiss every single one of his fingers now covered with bandages. You are sure you can hear Kazutora purr on your neck.
He never told you why he would not be around, but you thought it was just a way of speeking. You couldn't even dream about the blood bath yet to come.
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dani-dear · 2 years
i've been playing ass creed valhalla and the VA that voices sera from dragon age inquisition does some npc dialogue and i keep expecting her to just say weird shit and do pranks but it keeps not happening. (although i guess there is one npc that IS p excitable n whacky) more general ac thoughts n spoilers below the cut just bc i wanna ramble
so I personally like Eivor, like a lot. i like her enjoyment of violence n fighting, and that she doesn't seem to enjoy just outright torture. she's v toughy tough tough with obvious soft spots. i actually initially didn't like lady Eivor voice at first???? but it's been really growing on me the more i play i hAAAATE dag. i can see where they were going with the conflict between him and eivor but it just felt so... needless??? and it felt like they did it just for the drama, like it was just shoved in there. i get that in the beginning dag was always kinda like "i want glory and i hate that it seems like eivor wants all the power". i mean LITERALLY sigurd put eivor in charge and dag's just for no reason thinking eivor wants to replace sigurd?? like i'm sorry dag, it's not my fault eivor's doing all the real work around here while u sit on ur ass aside from raids. and the culmination in his death was just. stupid. and no one really defends eivor??? also dialogue choices seem to just not matter. like you get 3 choices for the most part. you pick one. and a LOT of the time, eivor just SAYS the other dialogue as like a follow-up line??? also there r quite a number of times where you make a decision and another character makes it so that it doesn't matter. like u wanna spare someone. oops, another character kills them. u don't wanna do the Blood Eagle thing and Ivarr's like "no fuck u im doin it" and he just does it!! WHY put the dialogue options there??? You could've just repeated ass creed origins and have NO dialogue choices. but i guess there wouldn't be romance that way. so idk what the real solution is. have better dialogue?? have 1 canon romance? Idk what it is but i felt like the dialogue mattered more in ac odyssey. Also everyone's said it already but im sick of the leveling system sdfgdfg ok ramble done. i wanna reiterate that i am enjoying the game. i am having fun. these r just my personal complaints.
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mimsylovesloki · 3 years
Episode 5-Play by Play Reactions (Spoilers)
Bruh I’m so friggin excited
Thanks for reminding me of mobius and Loki being pruned… I totally needed that
Man tom has really beautiful eyes
Back in the TVA huh?
Upside down Dutch camera angle huh?
I really hope they introduce Kang, I mean, Ravonna IS Kang’s GF in the comics
Okay we left the TVA
Ruined New York purgatory?
Digging this soundtrack
Alioth??? Hello??? Who is you???
Ravonna doesn’t know either? Hmmm I don’t trust her
I don’t believe her… if she really wanted to know who was behind this after watching the timekeepers prove to be fake then why on earth would she prune Loki then huh?
Damn emotional Loki
“Which I’m heartbroken to report I didn’t even find all that strange.” Poor baby
Bruh stop trippin
Bruh I’m trying so hard not to laugh rn. The way old Loki is talking to alligator Loki is killing me. I have been watching Jessie recently with the kids I babysit and now I’m being reminded of Mrs. Kipling, the Asian water monitor.
Loki is so done with this lmaoo
Okay wow these subtitles are having big trouble keeping up and staying accurate…
Poor Loki lmao
Kid Loki killed thor oh my gosh
How??? Why??? But Loki isn’t evil!!! Well, maybe THIS version is I guess…
Oh hey Mjolnir
Wait what’s in the jar?? IS THAT FROG THOR? THROG?? OH MY GOSH IT IS
Bruh they all have glorious purposes
Loki don’t be a simp
Mall Santa throne
Miss minutes is back
Miss minutes is sus
I still don’t trust Ravonna
Called it
Treacherous biotch
She’s behind it I know it. Working for her BF Kang
She’s behind it bruh I know
Just one good memory?? AGHHHHHH MY BELOVED
She pruned herself!!!
Lmaooooo black Loki liar
Haha alligator Loki ate the neighbors cat
Bruh I’m getting major Paradigm vibes (you need to check out that game if you haven’t)
“But blades are worthless in face of a Loki sorcery” at least THIS man gets it
He missed his brother and of course the TVA goes “hahaha no you’re not allowed.”
God of Outcasts is better than the Loser Club don’t @ me
Sooo whats black Lokis past then? And what about more of kids Loki?
Lmao sounds terrifying as a woman Loki
Please don’t make Sylvie the crutch to save the day. Let tom hiddleston be the hero please
They’re gonna laugh at his plan
Called it
Oh hey Sylvie
You in a nest?
Oh my
Girl you better run
Hahahahaha uh oh
Oh my! She’s sending stuff
I’m calling it now it’s him
Two tom Hiddleston’s
So how did he get an army
The chaos is palpable
I’m not so happy about the way that ended. At least not with the girlish scream from president Loki… seemed wildly out of character.
I’m so confused
I have no idea how to feel
Lmao TVA Loki is so damn confused and over everything
Alligator Loki didn’t betray you!! He’s a good boy!
How do you know it’s a death sentence??? Huh??? Maybe it’s the answer!
Sooo does every single pruned person ever get sent here or his mobius also a Loki?
Cannibals huh? Lovely
Hold on guys it’s Lokis love
“Is he a coward or is he being brave?” “Not too sure.” Same
Us as an alligator
Stop bickering
Please please please give Loki a good moment. Let him be badass please for God’s sake
What happened to the hunter from the last episode?
Oh here we are
Please they better not hurt her
I know she wasn’t trustworthy. Gosh I hate Renslayer.
She’s still tryna protect whoever gave her power. Renslayer I will revel in your defeat.
Man I’ve missed mobius
Mobius cares about Loki!!! Even Sylvie knows!
Wdym it’s cold? Homie your a frost giant
LOKI CAN CONJURE BLANKIES. New fanfic idea oh heck yea.
Lmao oh great they’re in denial about feelings
Awkward teens in love
You have Loki!
Oh gosh the awkward tension!
It’s like watching two awkward teenagers on their first date ever in their lives.
Yea loki but you were also betrayed by your father and home sooooo
Loki. You know you can be happy without ruling.
Oh my gosh my heart is loving the awkwardness
What the freak are those bird like things
Still better than the devils anus
I need Sylvie to teach Loki how to enchant
He’s sticking beside her
Conjured a hilt. Can you please conjure a badass asgardian outfit too?
Burn it to the ground.
Mobius how dare you call Sylvie your favorite
Tom you will always be my favorite
Reminds me kind of Dormamu
The skull in alioth looks like a wolf skull
Loki if you get yourself killed I’ll never forgive you
Is this where he does the come and get me?
Flame sword babyyyy
What’s going to work? Teeeeaaaamwork
Cmon Loki you can do it!!
Save old Loki cmon!
Glorious purpose
Don’t die please
They did it! But old Loki is gone… and I’m sad…
Where’s kid Loki and gator Loki?
Are we not gonna see black Loki again? I was excited for him
Don’t you dare go to credits
At least it ended on a happier note this time…
But I miss old Loki already… please tell me he’s not dead… but I suppose since pruning already doesn’t kill them, it’d be cheap to have Alioth also not kill them..
Rest In Peace old Loki. You died with honor in battle… you will be in Valhalla. I know it.
I heard the Kablooie gum was a reference to Calvin and Hobbes and lemme just say that is the best thing ever
Dang no end credit or mid credit scene
Wow this was a crazy episode. Some parts I loved, some parts I was very much not happy with. Mostly the scene with president Loki. I hoped that would be much longer and that it would play more into the overall story, not just a throwaway scene to reference a comic and have a quick laugh. I’m fine with alligator Loki biting off that Loki’s hand, but not with the childish scream afterwards… that felt very out of character.
Can’t wait for the final episode!!! Nothing better happen to Loki or Sylvie. I hope we get to see the other Lokis again. I also want to know more about kid Loki and black Loki. Why did kid Loki kill Thor and how? What’s up with black Loki and what was his nexus event? We didn’t even get to learn about his hammer. I’m fine with not learning about alligator Loki. It’s fine to have that be a fun mystery imo. It was funny seeing throg very briefly too. But I have too many questions that I know won’t be answered in only one more episode which is disappointing. Maybe we can learn more in the supposedly confirmed season two? I hope so. I’m really curious about how they are going to wrap things up and what the fates of everyone will be. I hope this isn’t an isolated event that doesn’t tie into phase four at all. I really want Loki in Multiverse of Madness. Not just Sylvie although idk if we can get both of them in, but I don’t want this show to be Sophia Di Martino’s only appearance in the MCU.
I trust tom Hiddleston but I know marvel doesn’t always allow him to shine through as much as he could. I’m so hopeful for this show but my anxiety is also skyrocketing.
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wodnes--coyotl · 3 years
long personal post apologies to anyone on mobile, just...scroll on by...
There’s so many things............I wanted to achieve in 2020, which is I’m sure what everyone has said. Somehow I still think 2017 was worse, but .... I don’t know. I was really alone then. I almost lost both my parents, this year I was safe with a better job, good partner, and only lost one (at least I got to see her once in a decade to say goodbye)....ultimately this brought me to heathenism in a weird and roundabout way. It’s hard to know she was really walking around with this poorly depicted Viking nonsense ‘false odin’ with cerberus (why?) going on, lord, she would’ve hated left heathens BUT ALSO wasn’t even a pagan to begin with (so she says, but being a pentecostal and having psychosis, while this does not a pagan make, made for a quite magickal and brutal experience). my mother was a trickster entity in living flesh. at first, i learned into having guides for the first time. i wondered if it was a coping mechanism, but i shrugged, because it was not my intention to see the numbers repeating, or the ‘loki’ every..single..day..for a week... in the weirdest fucking places... it was not my intention to lose my best friends in this city (which is not my final destination, ha) because they were too busy having poly drama, to, idk, support their friend, and then ghosted me, or came up with some weird passive aggressive bullshit. it totally dominated my 2020 - the pandemic, then mom dying, then the deities, then the loss. my card of the year was the hermit, i thought that was such a joke considering the pandemic. how could that then apply to me more personally? I haven’t had time or space mentally to recount the beautiful parts of the year because we’ve been stuck inside, inside during riots, inside during west coast smoke hell, inside where the spiders are. astoria was beautiful. it was god given. i knew what was real was real that day. it’s been seven months since mom passed, and i know her spirit has contacted me. it has brought me closer to my own spirituality which was accidentally rampant chaos magick that i was unaware of - introduced to me by ten years of tricksters who I never quite recognized. at the altar, id pull cards, i began to learn runes, and id ask, “were you always there? was that the presence that was always there?” I don’t know, much of the paranoid presence I felt my whole life ended when mom died. so much ended. i still want to write about it. again and again. because i forget that it happened, i compressed it so far back. everyone walked away and all that remained was my partner and the unseen. i would get straight answers on the altar, but never for that question. i never understood, and still hardly do, why loki came - was it to console me after the passing of my mother? somehow a veil had been lifted and my already wack ass intuition became 25% greater, somehow i felt seen and heard by others. at first, i was scared... i had always gravitated unknowingly towards tricksters and mercurial beings, loki came during the week of L*ghnasadh, after I’d been reading abt the ACTUAL “mercury”/hermes.... it was as if to be like, oh, you’re looking to NAME US FINALLY? THIS ENERGY, HERE _______. I was a little sheepish of Odin because of the association..... and I never quite got an answer. Sometimes still, I am struggling to understand this deity, however many a time loud and clear he and Loki have responded within the half-hour, be it some really weird ultra-specific shit to crop up, flickering shit, popping, knocking over. I turn to him frequently as, the more I read, the more I trust... this understanding of inarticulatable parts of myself - when I read about odr I was thinking of what this could mean for me, especially as a trans person, and it moved me. when I think about knowledge, and loss... when I think of the underdog vying that Odin (and of course Loki) represent, it is always with grace and honor that I am glad to be In It. I struggle tho, cos no matter how viscerally real my experiences have been, and no matter how little I would ever wish to disrespect them by denying faith, as a human who has run far from christianity and is skeptical of everything, every day, I’m like, ‘how much can I lean into this? is this ‘weird’ or delusional? am i acting like a child?” but, ..... I have learned from many smart and creative folks of the same ilk that we are not alone and the passage of time cannot destroy old gods so easily, and I am honored to be called to that. 2020.....that is.....to me, the year of death and rebirth. it was the only parting gift mom could give me. as she died, I told her I knew the lord had brought me there. I knew we had made it JUST in time, by many many strokes of good ‘luck’, to see her off. the last day we saw her was the last day she’d ever seen both her children together in her life. of course, she probably hardly recognized me. and she loved my brother more. had spent less time with him. oh lord, she did look at me with burning eyes of distrust and hatred, but that was not her fault. she was so ill. god she was so ill. dad joked, after she died, ‘maybe she’ll finally be in valhalla’, he didnt know what that meant. mom was a ‘devout’ christian woman of “god”. she was no pagan. she did not serve odin. but 2 months later when I discovered them, I heard his words ringing in my head, and I had to laugh. It’s been so hard...losing the queer comrades I had with me because of ? what ? exactly ? I still dn’t know, watching someone I spent 3 years being ‘close’ to basically patronize me that she always had reservations about us, never let me in, or get closer, like real friends, .... id cry and cry thinking, why, did i lose the one figure who brought me into this world, who i never had, for ten years, who abandoned me and hated every ounce of my being, and to confront this NOW in the middle of a pandemic, where i have zero way to the outside world to cope, and then to be left behind AGAIN by SO MANY PEOPLE, i felt Loki’s comforting presence. I’m trying to focus on the future again, that’s what 2021 is giving me. the “year” label, “when mom died” is over. even if that event forever changed my life far beyond that of a normal passing (?) I mean, it’s never normal when a mom dies, much less a woman like her, have mercy, it’s over. 2021 is the “year when we move to los angeles” its the “year when i start a REAL band again instead of be a side piece for a woman who cant get real with herself and her drum machine”, the “year when maybe ill take my adhd meds and hrt” we’re suspended in a stasis, there are big ups and downs. in two weeks i quit my med of 2 years, because it’s causing harm and i actually dont technically need to be on it anymore. im scared and excited. i need the change. i need the CHOICE. 
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reeree1500 · 5 years
The Return-Part 7
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Disclaimer: Hey ya’ll sorry about the delay😅 I've been sick the past week and the original part 7 was complete shit. So I decided to re do it😬 Please dont kill me 😂 Anyway as always sucky ass writing and bad grammar and spelling. Part is full of angst (sorry for the inconvenience😂😬) Here’s part 7...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 part 8 part 9 Part 10
Taglist: @yanii-the-hippie @oceans-daughter-3 @laketaj24 @peaceisadirtyword @camatsuru @calum-hoodwinked-me @cutegyrl927 @youbloodymadgenius @wuxiesalt @readsalot73 @cindy-exo @amy8220 @affection-rabbit @mel0nch0ly @queenofallthyfandoms @limbo-limbo-limbo @ragnarssonsbitch @supernaturalvikingwhore @ifihadwings128 @jenny-the-lover @paintballkid711 @funmadnessandbadassvikings 
-Sorry if I forgot anyone, list is getting long😍💕 As always thanks for the overwhelming support guys❤️ Love y’all❤️
Arthur POV
In a matter of seconds I caught (y/n) in my arms. I felt horrible about this whole situation. I knew that she never wanted to be in an arranged marriage...she wanted to fall in love. This is why this whole situation killed me. I was the reason my best friend wouldn’t be happy and I couldn't live with that, but I had too. My country and my father needed me, this marriage would secure an alliance with both Frankia and Kattegat, but she would be caught in a situation she wouldn't want and that kills me inside. Holding her close I look towards her father and uncle as to ask for permission to take her to one of their rooms here. “Here, take her to mine... It’s where she's been staying for the past couple of months...” says the dark haired one that was sitting with her earlier. He’s been eyeing me since I walked through the doors and I have a feeling we won't be the best of friends. Not paying much attention to the eery feeling I’m getting, I balance (y/n) in my arms and follow the young prince. Reaching the doors to the room, I make my way inside after him. Walking towards the bed I place her down and then turn towards him. I find him staring at me with what seems like rage and jealousy in his eyes. Why would he be jealous? It’s his sister, he should be glad that she's at least engaged to someone she knows and not some strange old man... 
“Could you perhaps see if one of the thralls could get me a bucket of water and a clean cloth? I want to make sure she's okay and doesn't get a fever.” Without any expression on his face he slams the door on his way out. Turning towards her on the bed, I catch a small strand of her (y/h/c) hair and tuck it away behind her ears. “Im so sorry that you have to go through this... I wish there was another way...” It wasn't until I felt her hands caress my cheeks that I knew she was awake and alright.“Arthur, it is not your fault. Someone has been out to get me since I stepped foot back in Kattegat, if anything you’re my salvation.” The tears in my eyes fell down my cheeks like a waterfall. I embraced her and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. Whether it was to calm myself or her I could not tell by now. All I knew was that I would do anything to protect her, even if that meant laying down my life for her.
Your POV
My mind still had not processed and grabbed onto the dire state of this situation. Arthur was to be my husband. A younger version of myself could probably not contain her happiness, but now... Now I feel lost and indecisive. On one hand Arthur is the most magnificent person in this world. He’s my best friend and we know each other to our very cores. In the other however is Ivar. The one person besides Arthur that I can really be myself around. However, that what intrigues me about him is his mysterious and eery vibe. Arthur is my comfort and safe space, but Ivar is the unknown. And Im intrigued by the fact that I still haven't figured him out. He truly challenges me and that excites me in every way possible...
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“Im sorry, to interrupt you love birds, but if the damsel in distress is finally alright father would like us all to meet in the town square.” Ivar’s voice booms throughout the once quiet bedroom. At the sound of his voice I quickly let go of our embrace and turn towards Ivar with shock in my eyes. Ivar only looked at me for 3 seconds with no emotion in his eyes and left the room. It felt like my heart shattered in that instant. I had hurt him, unintentionally. But, I still hurt him. 
All I could do was stare at the spot where he once stood. Unbeknownst to me, Arthur saw our whole interaction. “It’s him isn't it?” He asked me while looking out towards the window. “Huh?” “He's the one you're in love with right?” At his words I couldn't come up with an excuse. I couldn't deny it, I wouldn't deny it. Not to Arthur, he knew everything about me. And I knew everything about him and the love he always held for me. “He’s your brother (y/n), it will never work. Let alone it is a sin against God.” He voiced to me. “I know... But I cannot get rid of this feeling. Ive tried to let him go, believe me I tried. But, every time that I get close to leaving him behind, he pulls be right back in and I don’t want to leave anymore. I love him...” Tears fell down my cheeks by this moment. I didn't have anyone that I could tell these things to, since Mira was killed. She was usually the one I would be all sappy around, but I couldnt hold it in anymore. Arthur sighed and kneeled in front of me. “Although I may not approve of your choice and wish that it had been me that would receive that kind of love from you once again. I understand and will support you no matter what. Even if that means losing the love of my life.” Arthur places his soft tender lips on my forehead. And with that he grasps my hand in his and we walk towards the door. Neither one of us acknowledging the fact that he just admitted that he was in love with me.
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Bjorn POV
I couldn’t believe it. That piece of scum had destroyed by family once again. Why was it that Aslaug had it out for my sister so much? Staring out towards what once was a place filled with happy memories, I cannot help but let myself breakdown. The tears that Ive held back for years poured out of my eyes. The rejection, the disappointment and the overbearing feeling that I could not protect my sisters once again took over me. “Why! Why is it that you make me suffer this way! Have I not done enough for you! Have I not conquered lands in your name and murdered millions with my sword to earn a place in Valhalla! And for what? For you to come and take my family from me once again!” My sobs couldn't be heard by anyone. But it felt good to finally let out all this anger and sadness that I had been struggling with throughout most of my life. From the cliff I could see a perfect view of Kattegat. Especially the square, where our family and the people of Kattegat were now gathered. My father would announce the marriage of my sister to Arthur. He was a good man, but he wasn't the one for her. She loved Ivar and it was evident. I knew my sister more than anyone on this earth and I knew 100% that they loved each other. What impeded them form being together however was the fact that they were siblings. But in truth they weren't and that was something that I had to tell them...
As I approach the square I can hear the voice of my father. Booming, and making its way through the square. Out the corner of my eye I could see Torvi making her way towards me. We were playing happy family in front of everyone, but earlier in the week I had asked her for a divorce. I could not be with someone who would hurt my family deliberately, no matter what. “Hey, your father has been looking for you everywhere they're about to announce your sister’s engagement.” She says excitedly. “I know” with that short reply I shake her hands off of my arm and make my way towards my family. (Y/n) is standing beside Arthur sneaking glances over to where Ivar stands, beside Aslaug. I can tell that he is doing his best to ignore her, but you can see the pain in his eyes as well. Aslaug looks as triumphant as ever. A huge smile graces her lips and at that my blood begins to boil. “Bjorn! Over here!” (y/n) calls me over a huge smile on her lips when she sees me walking over. At that I feel myself calm down, my sisters are the only people that could ever achieve to bring me down from the edge. Not even my mother could do so and that is why we have such a special bond and why this hurts me so much. I know that its for her own protection, but the thought of losing (y/n) again is something unfathomable to me. Something that I wish was not a reality, but has sadly become one. “Bjorn, thank you for being here. It truly means a lot to me to be able to depend and count on you. Now more than ever. I hope that the ties between England, Frankia and Kattegat may now be stronger and unwavering.” Arthur says whilst shaking my hand. I respect him, he's a good man that I know will take care of (y/n) and for that I did not oppose this union. “Thank you, as do I Arthur. All I can hope for is that you make my sister happy. And that she will have everything she deserves and desires. Free from persecution from those we call family...” I murmur the last part just so that she can hear what Im implying.
Your POV
Could it be? Were Bjorn’s assumptions true? Could Aslaug truly be the one behind all of this? My father’s announcement of my engagement went by as quick as the breeze. I couldn’t even tell if he had finished or not till I hear the cheering of our people. The wedding was to be held later on in the week, I tried my best to put on a fake smile so that no one knew how I was truly feeling inside. But in truth I was devastated, the fact that I would not only marry someone I wasn't in love with, but the fact I had to flee from my home again was killing me inside. And the mother of the man I loved could have very well been behind it all...
As the people begin to celebrate I murmur to Arthur that I will retire early to my bedchambers. He only nods and gives me a sad smile seemed with a kiss on my forehead. I quickly rush to my room and shut the door behind me. Throwing myself on the bed I scream and let all of my frustration out onto the pillows that hold mine and Ivar’s heads at night. Hugging them close trying to imprint that scent into my memory as hard as I can. I did not notice the dark hooded figure that was behind me and that was my mistake. “(Y/n) Lothbrok... Long time no see” My whole body is drained of its (s/t) colour and that is when I turn around facing the man that haunted my dreams since I was a small child. 
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Ivar’s POV
I can't believe that the one person that I have grown to love is now being ripped away from me. This must be a sick joke that Odin is playing with me. It cannot be that when I have become so close to finding true happiness that it is ripped away from me so easily. No! I will not stand for this! Making my way away from the so called “celebrations” I begin to walk towards our room. Before I could prance in and let (y/n) know that we would be running away tonight. My mouth is covered and I am too pulled into another room. Ready to kill whoever has pulled me I begin to reach for my knife. “I swear to Odin, if you try and stab me I will kill you Ivar...” Bjorn says before letting go of me. Before I could scream at him however, Bjorn continues. “Do not scream or talk until I get this out please. And this information that I am about to share with you is very sensitive and is known by only a few members of our family so hush. You understand puppy?” Nodding at him in disbelief, I motion for him to continue. It is then that he proceeds to tell me about how he had met (y/n) and the day that she was born. “That’s all nice Bjorn, but what do I care about the day of our sister’s birth?” I say a bot irritated at the fact that I could've been half way gone by now with (y/n) if he had not pulled me in here. 
“You're gonna care when I tell you that I will no longer stand in your way, or be against you both being together. I see the way you look at each other and its the same way that my parents looked at each other before your mother got in the way.” I roll my eyes at his last remark. “Ivar, I beg you to take (y/n) away as far away from here as possible. Especially away from your mother. She's the one behind all the killings and she is willing to do anything to get (y/n) not only away from here and our family. But if possible out of this world.” Anger rises in me and I begin to shake. “Why is it that my mother is always the one to get shit on. She’s a beautiful woman that would not hurt anyone or anything. The fact that you have gone touch lengths to try and make some story up about she wants (y/n) dead is absurd. But I will entertain your stupid idea, just because I’m curious Bjorn. Now, tell me why is it that my mother wishes to kill our sister?” 
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“Because Ivar, (y/n) isn't our sister. She's the priest’s daughter. Our father’s best friend that your mother ordered Floki to kill... Which is why he’s been gone so long. It was a plot to kill the only proof that Vikings and Christians could co-exist. They wanted to make sure that no one would know about the Christian-Viking child and they would do anything to protect that.” After hearing Bjorn out, I knew that there was some truth to what he was saying. My mother and Floki hated the Christian God and would do anything to erase him from the minds of our people. I made my way out the room where Bjorn and I were and made my way to mine. Turning the doorknob I find that the room is locked and rustling and screaming could be heard on the other side. Panicked set in and I tried hurling myself on the door multiple times in order to break it down, but it would budge. 
The real panic set in when the rustling and screaming stopped. For then I knew that I was too late...
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The vinland saga content added 10 years to my lifespan ❤ Can i request some Bjorn nsfw headcanons/kinks pls? Im so thirsty for that man❤😭
Thank u so much, I’m so gald you like it 🥰. I have done yet NSFW hcs of Bjorn, but we never have enough of him, right? I’m so thirsty of Bjorn, too, he’s a great character and he leaves the manga so early. Well, I hope you like these hcs, nonny. Enjoy! 💕
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Let’s to start hard:
🍄 Bjorn likes walk in the forest to search mushrooms and amanita muscaria (this is the mushroom that allows him to stay in berserkergang). But, also he go into the forest for catch by surprise you while you search medicinal plants. “What do we had here? A sweet and little Danish girl”, he smirks and you return him the smile. You know what is coming now: a hard sex round in the woods.
🍄 But, this not end here. In this moment in the forest, you take your knife for cut plants. “Disgusting viking”, you say, following the game with a smile in your mouth. However, Bjorn immobilises you against a tree and kisses you. Before you realize, Bjorn grabs your butt and your waist while he fucks you nonsense. Later, you’ll have problems to walk.  
🍄 Some nights, when the gang is dinning, Bjorn calls you and requests you sit in his lap. This gesture may seem innocent, but it isn’t. Even if your mind is a bit cloudy by the mead, you’ll feel a thick and hot erection with your ass and what isn’t your butt. Bjorn hugs you with an arm, but really, he doesn’t let you go to his lap. Al least, you’re than excited like him.
🍄 Bjorn likes hum while he cook, but he likes, too, sing while he’s fucking you. Yeah, I said he likes tease you, right? So, Bjorn teases you hampering the pace of his hip against you, then, he inclines for your ear and you listen him sing slowly, out of breath and hoarse. “Allir einherjar/ Óðins túnum í/ höggvask hverjan dag~”*.
🍄 In winter, when all is calm and the gang is on mainland, Bjorn likes go to Bath House and cleans himself quietly. Sometimes, Bjorn secretly takes you with him and you bath together. This is good moment to do mischiefs: you sit in his lap and shave his beard, while he jacks off you. You must be careful to don’t cut him or the rest of gang will suspect.
🍄 If you request him to choking you, at first he’ll doub, but bit a bit he’ll do. He must be careful, he’s strong and he doesn’t hurt you, but later, he gets choking you softly. Is this the best idea you have? Probably. His fingers take you at a cloud of pleasure. Be aware, Bjorn uses that to tease you.
 *Ó Valhalla- SKÁLD
  Ari 🌿
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imgoldielikehawn · 6 years
They Will See You Now: Ch. 5 Making a Change
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Rating: Mature 18+ Content
Pairing: Ivar x Heahmund x Reader
Mood Board: The lovely @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla
Catch Up Here
The sound of Pots and pans slamming woke you from your slumber. You were so hot, almost sweating; you looked down to see Cerberus at your feet on the couch snoring peacefully.
 “The Princess has risen from her slumber!” Heahmund’s voice made you sigh as you sat up.
 “Look at that, we didn’t even have to kiss her!” Ivar added walking over to the couch. “Cerberus keep you warm Dove?” His eyes were unusually soft as he looked down at you. Your hair was wild but not to the point of self conscious.
 “A little too warm perhaps.” You couldn’t help the smile on your lips as you took Ivar’s out stretched hand and stood up from the couch. Your joints ached as you stretched and sighed. “It smells amazing in here!” You closed your eyes as you breathed in deeply.
 “We thought we’d enjoy a nice dinner before the fun starts.” Heahmund looked up from the pot of sauce on the stove and you sat down at the bar stool while Ivar opened the fridge. “Drink, you’ve been asleep for three hours im sure you’re thirsty.” Heahmund nodded at the bottle Ivar had set before you.
 “Thank you,” You took a long sip. “ I could get used to being pampered by you two.” You giggled taking another sip. Ivar’s eyes flashed to Heahmund and you could see the silent passing of words between them. Ignoring the awkward silence you got up from the bar stool and walked to your spare room. It had been adorned with beautiful items and trinkets, the walk in closet was filled with clothes in your size but you went straight for the pajama drawer. The gray sweats you found hugged your hips but we’re loose everywhere else. You tugged a black V neck over your head and decided to leave your hair alone. You were close to the kitchen when you stopped hearing hushed voices.
 “She’s not our girlfriend Ivar, she’s a play thing and nothing more!” Heahmund hissed. “ You are becoming too emotionally invested my friend.”
 “You didn’t see them on the couch, I know what this is Heahmund! You need not remind me!” Ivar sounded quite upset and you could see him run his hands through his hair in frustration.
 “I know you care for her, I do too… it it hard not to but it goes against our agreement.” Heahmunds sigh could surely be heard around the world. You stepped into the kitchen and crossed your arms over your chest. Sensing the tension Cerberus came to sit at your feet and you reached down to stroke him.
 “What is going on? Are you two having second thoughts?” You boldly questioned. Ivar had to pause at the sight of you in casual dress which he loved.
 “How long have you been standing there?” Heahmund asked.
 “Long enough, now tell me what is the issue?” You cocked your head to the side staring between the two men.
 “We would like to change the arrangement.” Ivar said. His voice was firm but his shifting eyes alerted you to his nerves. “ I want you to be ours, our girlfriend.” His arms bulged as he mimicked your crossed pose.
 “Heahmund, is this true?” You hid your excitement well as Heahmund walked over to you.
 “It is. What do you say?” His eyes were attempting to pierce your armor and for once you refused to give in.
 “There will need to be some changes made but i’m sure we can work something out.” you smirked and pulled Heahmund in to kiss him sex dripping lips. Fuck his mouth was so warm and sensual, you thought. The metal spoon in his hand clattered to the floor as his hands situated themselves under your thighs and you were soon sitting on the island.
 “What about dinner.” You panted watching Heahmund make short work of your t-shirt. The ripping sound made you jump and wet all at once.
 “I’m about to eat right now.” His voice was low and warm as it wrapped its claws around you. Reason and thought, stolen from you by the sensation of Ivar laying you down on the table while Heahmund pulled your sweats down. “For some reason, pasta just doesn't sound nearly as good as pussy Y/N” Heahmund tilted his head while Ivar looked on jealously at The proximity of Heahmunds face to your pussy.
 …. There goes the pasta….
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Tags:  @laketaj24 @lupy22 @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @ivarsshieldmadien@dangerousvikings @grungyblonde @akamaiden @tomarisela@daughterofthenight117 @captstefanbrandt @kenzieam @therealcalicali@deepdarkred @famousbakeryathletehound @sassymcgonal1651 @sparklemichele @rabeccablake @starrmoondaisy @whenimaunicorn @ivaraddict @tephi101 @oneday-i-will-fight-luke17 @heathen-whore@hallowed-heathen @courtrae89
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johnnymundano · 6 years
Class of 1999 (1990)
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Directed by Mark L. Lester
Written by C. Courtney Joyner
Story by Mark L. Lester
Music by Michael Hoenig
Country: United States
Language: English
Running Time: 99 minutes
Bradley Gregg as Cody Culp
Traci Lind as Christie Langford
John P. Ryan as Mr. Hardin
Pam Grier as Miss Connors
Patrick Kilpatrick as Mr. Bryles
Stacy Keach as Dr. Robert "Bob" Forest
Malcolm McDowell as Dr. Miles Langford
Darren E. Burrows as Sonny
Joshua John Miller as Angel
Sharon Wyatt as Janice Culp
James Medina as Hector
Jason Oliver as Curt
Brent David Fraser as Flavio
Jill Gatsby as Dawn
Sean Hagerty as Reedy
And Rose McGowan as girl briefly glimpsed sat in a chair
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Class of 1999 is one of those movies which were once set in the future but are now set in the past, which is always funny. It must certainly have tickled director Mark L. Lester since this is his second such movie, the first being Class of 1984 (1982). The intellectuals out there will have noticed both movies are also set in schools. Judging by the content of them I think we can infer Mark L. Lester has strong emotions about his schooldays. Negative emotions. Back in 1982 in the UK Class of 1984 upset a lot of people who decided what we could watch, and so it was not passed as uncut until 2005. Unfortunately by then I was busy self-destructing and by the time I surfaced as a functional human being DVD was passé, alas. I’m waiting for the Blu-Ray now so I still haven’t seen it, basically; but I will, I will. That cinematic bad boy sure sounds a lot harder and nastier than Class of 1999, which is the kind of goofy pulp schlock that video store chains were built on. “The year is 1999 and school’s out – FOREVER!” the tag line doesn’t run (but totally should, in howling electric lime green if possible).
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Teens! Little shits! Always a problem, but particularly so in the ‘80s when feral gangs ran wild and committed heinous crimes, in fact just like they had since the teenager was invented (the 1920s) but sometimes it’s politically expedient for reactionary assholes to pretend it’s a new problem, and the ‘80s was particularly rich in reactionary assholes. So we were constantly being told that the kids weren’t alright. Movies like Class of 1984 probably helped feed the fires of hysteria and Class of 1999 seems like a kind of belated atonement for this. This time Lester seems to be mocking the ridiculous reactionary horseshit which turns troubled youth into a patsy for political and financial gain, and all the ridiculous reactionary bullshit solutions proposed which never actually address the root causes (because that would require thought, money and time) and hence do nothing to ameliorate the problem, but always end up making someone rich (usually , spookily enough, the someone sponsoring the reactionary assholes involved). You know, the kind of Twinkie® head who thinks the solution to school shootings is arming teachers. Shit, just cut straight to arming the kids as well and whoever walks out at home time wins. Televise it, monetise it, get some revenue streams going. Don’t piss about, people!
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Class of 1999 certainly doesn’t piss about. By 1999, every reactionary asshole’s wet dream has come true;  all across America youth gangs with bandannas and guns have established free fire zones, where the police fear to tread and schools have begun shutting down. Obviously the problem must be the bandannas as it can’t be the guns, because what your latte drinking, book reading, cat grooming “Leftee” never gets is that no problem in America is ever down to guns; not even when it involve guns; especially not when removing guns would remove the problem. Because of the easy access to bandannas things are in such a state that the Department of Education is now the Department of Education and Defence (DED; geddit?). This rebranding allows for some real blue-skying and results in a joint project with MegaTech to take back the schools by piloting the introduction of android teachers. Mega-Tech, like any responsible corporation that probably doesn’t pay its taxes, decides to cut corners and use three military androids gathering dust due to the early end of a recent war. Things escalate quickly, and lessons are learned about simple solutions to complex problems and the evil fruits of a society which treats its kids as monsters and where bandannas are legal.
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Miles Langford (Malcolm McDowell), the new principal at Seattle’s’ Kennedy High School, agrees to the use of his school for the initial introduction of the android educators. Langford is clearly a “progressive” (spit!) who wants the best for the kids (or “scum” to real, decent, working people) but is undone by his ambition; it’s a strangely nuanced performance in a remarkably (and deliberately) nuance free movie, but that’s the magic of Malcolm McDowell. Stacy Keach as MegaTech’s Dr Bob Forrest (Stacy Keach) doesn’t need nuance as he has decided to play his role in a white wig and white contacts, as an albino corporate asshole who remains perpetually unruffled no matter how bad things get. “The teachers are making hats out of the pupil’s internal organs.” a tech-head (probably a liberal who owns a book) might exclaim, only to have Dr Bob say “Wait, let’s see how things develop.” as he eats a banana. I’m not convinced Keach can actually see out of his white contact lenses but who gives a shit, it’s Stacy Keach! (The last time I saw Stacy Keach onscreen he was singing Elvis at a karaoke bar in Alexander Payne’s delightful Nebraska (2013). Stacy Keach, people!)
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Dr Bob’s three androids are Mr. Hardin (John P. Ryan) for History, Ms Connors (Pam Grier) for Science and Mr. Bryles (Patrick Kilpatrick) for P.E. (and probably Geography; P.E. teachers always have to do Geography as well, in my experience; P.E. not actually being a real subject). Anyone who has wasted their eyes on the quirkier side of movies will already be excited by that list. John P. Ryan, whose jaw-popping performance in Runaway Train (1985) earned him a place in Movie Valhalla, is full-on here as a history teacher who prefers strategy to strangling but will strangle if pushed. Pam Grier should need no introduction and, despite returning to the screen here after illness, she is as lively a screen presence as ever, memorably taking an axe to the chest like it’s a gnat bouncing off her. And Patrick Kilpatrick’s name might not be known to you but he has probably died at the hands of your favourite ‘80s/’90s action star, probably as revenge for being a better actor than any of them. Basically, these three ‘droids rock. As does Bradley Gregg as Cody Culp, the youthful ex-gangbanger recently released from pokey who is caught between the gangs and the teachers like a pretzel in a car crusher. Gregg acts like he’s in a serious movie and his earnest solidity helps stop the comic book ridiculousness swamping everything. Which is no mean feat in a movie where an albino Stacy Keach eats a banana.
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Obviously I was taken by the banana bit, but a lot more stuff happens in Class of 1999 than albino potassium ingestion. Unfortunately quite a lot of it involves the rival gangs who are not the most interesting part of the movie. But they do fight a lot so there is that. In fact they fight more than usual as the robo-teachers niftily set them against each other, before the kids “wise up” and take on the real enemy in a night time school siege, which swiftly descends into a slaughtertastic game of cat and mouse, or android and pupil, if you will. Despite its limitations, in 2018 Class of 1999 remains a fun film for teens, fans of films that mock reactionary assholes, people who wish The Terminator (1984) was set in a school, and, crucially, P.E. teachers who wish they could use a flamethrower on that kid who took the piss out of them for teaching Geography.
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