#unnamed dream wip
ink-flavored · 1 year
crowd-sourcing my ideas again
additional context: there are also Humans, Dryads, and a race of butterfly-people named Lepteras in this story. These goat-people are going to be basically my dwarf-equivalent (not a 1:1 but it's close enough)
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transthadymacdermot · 6 months
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If I was a psychic child I would simply kill everyone part 2
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serethereal · 1 year
unnamed dark fantasy au that may never leave leave ur docs…… why you have intrigued me <3
cunt recognizes cunt...or whatever the kids say <33 ok SO she goes something like this:
exists in a totally different realm. multi ship story that follows 2 main story lines (that will eventually converge ofc):
James and Lily are partners at the Phoenix, an organization in charge of powerful castaways (ie: James) who have committed some sin or another and now have to serve time before they're allowed back to whatever realm they're originally from. so, James comes to the Phoenix, and he is paired w/ Lily and they are basically. well fighting crime? like they are sent out to capture/kill other supernatural beings disturbing the balance. they happen upon regulus black, who is an unregistered Reaper (big no no). nobody knew he existed, but even more importantly is that his brother is Sirius Black, #1 on the Phoenix most wanted list..chaos ensues or whatever..
Sirius is a Reaper and he's run away from home. He's deep in hiding using a ton of his power, disappeared without a trace, until some guy sort of just plucks him right out of his hiding place like "hey so I heard you're supposedly a super powerful reaper in charge of death and spirits and wtv soooo umm can you help me track someone down?"
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sidhewrites · 1 year
17, 7, 5? :33
wip ask game ; accepting! ; For my unnamed fairy wip
5: Search for the word "knife" in your WIP. If you find it, paste the line and explain the context.
"We should get you back home," Jack continued. He wrapped an arm around her protectively, scanning the shadows for any movement. His free hand went to the knife in his belt. It wasn't much, and wouldn't do any good against something that could make an elk scream like that, but it was better than nothing. "Let's--"
We're way at the beginning of the story, where the inciting incident occurs. An elk screams in pain, which terrifies both Jack and Polly, since no elk are supposed to live in this part of the woods. Unfortunately for Jack, however, Polly wants to go help the injured animal, which means that they have to go towards the source of the trouble, rather than away from it.
7: What are you most proud of?
Answered here, but tbh I'm just really proud that I've had this same character and rough idea since I was 15 or 16. Polly has been one of my favorite OCs, with the same basic ideas from the start, but it's really neat to see how much I've improved as a writer just by seeing how the story around her has changed.
17: Does your WIP have any themes or motifs?
Answered here, so here's a playlist I listen to while writing instead
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drabblesandsnippets · 1 month
Drabble #1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-size female character (unnamed)
Background: An interrupted dream I wrote down that didn’t fit into any WIP
Summary: Bucky's girlfriend tells him she belongs to him.
Warnings: 18+ Only. Explicit sexual content. Dirty talk. Slight domination.
Bucky has her pinned against the wall, his vibranium hand wrapped around her throat to keep her in place. “Say it,” he demands, his right hand sliding under her skirt and up the inside of her thigh. Her soft exhale of anticipation fades into a needy whine when his fingers pause, stopping just before he reaches her panties, the look on his face reminding her that he’ll only reward her if she gives him what he wants.
She fights the urge to reach out and touch him, keeping her arms by her sides, her hands resting against the wall she's pressed against. She wants this just as much as he does, and without hesitation, she tells him exactly what he wants to hear, her gaze never leaving his. “I’m yours.”
His eyes darken with desire, and she moans softly when his grip on her neck tightens ever so slightly, his thumb brushing across her pulse point. It’s not lost on her how easily he could hurt her, but it only adds to her pleasure, her need for him to be in control of her overwhelming her senses. 
Bucky remains quiet, watching her, waiting for her to keep going and barely a second passes before her lips part again, willing to do whatever he asks of her. “I belong to you,” she promises him and Bucky’s knuckles graze the damp fabric of her panties, giving her just enough pressure to make her thighs tremble. 
With each word she utters, repeating the words he growled into her ear just moments earlier, the more pleasure he gives her. “My body belongs to you.” His palm cups her through her panties, his middle finger pressing against her entrance.
“You’re in control of my pleasure.” His eyes never leaves hers as his fingers slip underneath her panties and he groans appreciatively when he finally feels how wet she is for him, his slick digits exploring her. She can tell by the smile on his face that he wants to praise her, but there’s still more for her to promise him.
“You can do whatever you want to me.” She welcomes Bucky’s warm breath against her cheek as he leans closer, his vibranium hand twitching against her throat. Her own moan mixes with his when his fingers finally touch her clit, expertly building her with slow, firm circles. 
Her eyes flutter, but before she allows herself to drown in the pleasure, she opens her mouth once more. This time to add her own desires, her obvious need for him. “I want you to use me.” Her pussy pulses, desperate for his fingers. “I want you to treat me like a slut.” 
They’ve enjoyed their fair share of dirty talk, and this isn’t the first time Bucky’s dominated her, but her words still take him by surprise, causing his hips to thrust against her. Whatever she wants, he’ll give her. Without missing a beat, Bucky’s fingers suddenly fill her, his middle and ring finger curling inside of her, making her cry out. “Is that what you need, Princess?” he growls, “to be my dirty little slut?”
I wish there was more. It would have been a great birthday present if I hadn't woken up in the middle of it lol
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aerscribbles · 18 days
I'm not getting to writing out the story for this WIP this year or probably the next (too much other stuff going on) so I want to put this out there somehow.
My mental nickname for it is 'TGCF Vertical Reversal AU'.
Instead of the more 'traditional roleswaps' (God/Calamity) it switches the places of Xianle and Wuyong on the timeline.
Jun Wu, thrice ascended as a martial god, god of disasters and misfortune, god of broken things. Generally way more hissy and spiteful than Xie Lian in canon. Also not very good at hiding the fact that he is constantly five seconds away from losing it.
Mei Nianqing the ~mysterious~ ghost king, infamous for his cartomancy, knowledge of the future and ability to manipulate dreams and fate.
The three unnamed vassals as gods who ascended after breaking up with Jun Wu.
Xie Lian as the Heavenly Emperor, as kind as he is strong, and oh so fucking tired. Constantly trying to parent all the other gods. also he gets to have pet tigers because I said so.
Hua Cheng as the gambling-addict State Preceptor of Wuyong. Responsible for Jun Wu's first encounter with the possibility of death. Currently trying to avert Xie Lian's rube goldberg suicide attempt.
Fengqing as powerful weather spirits in the territory of Mount Taicang. Mu Qing, a snow spirit known as Greed and Feng Xin, a wind spirit known as Ignorance (Hua Cheng is Anger). The names are referring to the three sources of mental suffering, as counter to the sources of physical suffering- Birth, Death, Sickness and Old Age (MNQ + the three mountain spirits). Hua Cheng is the old man shouting at clouds.
Mount Taicang and Mount Tonglu also switch narrative roles.
Mount Tonglu as a spiritually significant place for the kingdom of Wuyong, and also the place where the royal tomb is- 'in the fire we were born, to the fire we return'.
Mount Taicang as the ghost king trial location, though it isn't a volcano- think more Shinsenkyo from Hell's Paradise, a forested mountain overgrown with flowers, swarming with deadly insects and strange beasts- vaguely inspired by the wording of 'Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise', a place of overwhelming beauty seemingly designed to harm you in every possible way.
The actual plot of this is less 'Xie Lian trying to force Jun Wu to become his successor by putting him through the Horrors and revealing Heaven's corruption' and more 'Xie Lian trying to ensure there is someone reliable in place to take over when he finally gets to kill himself, and cleaning house as a side benefit'.
But here's the thing. The deal with Mount Taicang is that it's the place where Xie Lian has imprisoned all of the Worst Things Ever, and the wards will fail if he dies. His power is the only thing keeping the Heavens afloat and a dozen other things functioning. The world is falling apart at the seams and is being held together with Xie Lian's lifeforce as duct tape.
Xie Lian is so, so tired.
And well, it isn't like anyone would really care if he died.
Care about the real him.
So, he plans to pass on the duties of maintaining the functional state of the world and finally find his rest.
Then his favorite child comes in and starts trying to beat some self-worth and appreciation for life into him.
Then everyone else shows up, including his old friends and the one who his heart betrayed him for.
And in the end, one person is enough.
I am 100% down to talk about this stuff if anyone shows any interest!
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punch-love · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
Thank you @in-my-loki-feels and @keepmakingtrouuble for the tag
this is a scene from my unnamed cowboy au that exists almost exclusively because @primewritessmut keeps giving me ideas
“Who said you need your hands?” Mobius says, grinning wide as Loki feels the familiar burn of rage in the center of his chest.
“I think you would appreciate their skill.” Loki grits out, forcing himself to keep up the sultry, enticing smile that he hopes hides the ever present desire to reel his head back and crack Mobius’s skull open.
“Mm.” Mobius hums. He sprawls back in the saddle, comfortable and careless and Loki hates him, truly with everything inside him.
“If you would just - “ Loki jangles the chains pointedly. “Untie me. I would show you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams.”
“I think you can do that just fine without them, sweetheart.” Mobius drawls. “You’re pretty resourceful.”
“How?” Loki sputters.
“You’ve got a mouth.” Mobius comments, and Loki feels his cheeks burn. It’s unbecoming, to let this crude lawman dig under his skin like this.
“Fine.” Loki grits out. Then, he lunges forward and presses his face against the warm curve of Mobius’s leg. He feels the man stiffen with obvious surprise, and Loki allows him the indulgence of a satisfied smile before hooking his teeth around the button keeping Mobius’s right suspender up.
“See?” Mobius says, breathing a little heavier as Loki nimbly bites it out of the hole. “Clever.”
Then, Loki feels the uncommon feeling of a boot heel digging against his back, the metal of a spur catching against his skin. Mobius has one leg casually slung across his back, like it belongs there.
“Don’t stop.” Mobius advises, sounding amused. “You’re doing so good.”
tagging @primewritessmut @ceeceetv @puzzled-on-main and @stillwanderingflame
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tennessoui · 5 months
kit's fics year in review (2023)
it turns out i wrote a LOT this year (last year now, i guess) according to my ao3 stats, and i saw one of those recap games for another fandom floating around my dash so im absolutely gonna pilfer some of those questions for my own little review + add a few!!
how many fics did you write in 2023? it was definitely the year of the silly short fic for me -- i published a total of 6 new oneshots on ao3 along with 5 fics only on my kofi! i also added at least one chapter to 9 other fics that were already posted. and i started and completed 1 long stand alone fic this year (if you love me let it remain unnamed, clocking in at 37k)
what are you most proud of fic-writing wise in 2023? i finished foolproof, foolhardy! it took more than a year to write, from first published to last updated, but i think the lion's share of the work happened during 2023; it's sort of rare for a fic of mine to get that long (72k), so it was fun to write through all the developments. truly a cracky premise that grew legs and ran away from me, but i'm really proud of how it turned out. the last 4 chapters contain some of my best writing in my opinion and the whole story is a love letter to padawan obi-wan, who will always be my beloved lol
what is the fic you had the most fun writing? this is a tough question because i'm torn between two fics; sun, sun, sun here it comes is probably my favorite oneshot that i've ever written. it sorta incorporates everything that makes a silly little au in my mind, from miscommunication to banter to bonus babies. but then there's i pray the same, but my gods have changed, aka the democratic fic- now that's such a fun fic to write, and i'm going to get more into it this year again. it's the one where tumblr votes on what should happen next, which i absolutely enjoy - especially when people send me propaganda about which option should win....thought the amount of ties that have happened is mind-boggling lol
what is a fic you didn't expect to write? hahaha well this is easily 'a more perfect union' which has been sooo fun to write so far but also definitely has had a very short gestation period from nascent tumblr au post to 25k on ao3 lol and still one more chapter to go!!!
what fic surprised you when you were writing it? oh hands down this is 'hand me down dreams got me high in the rafters', aka the pool boy au from tumblr. the adaptation of it from tumblr au to a fic on ao3 has a crazy tone shift where the obi-wan in that fic is much, much darker than the one in the tumblr au - i really ended up leaning into the unequal power dynamics of a boss/employee relationship and exploring how unhealthy it could be while keeping it consensual -- but only because anakin would allow obi-wan to do whatever he wanted to him
what's a fic you wanted to write but didn't? my poor neglected hunger games au!! i really want to get the first chapter of that posted because i am so excited about this fic and writing it as a new big, long project -- i'm excited about the dark anakin, the differently dark obi-wan, the hunger games set in the gffa, etc etc etc
what is something you learned this year that you'll take into 2024? set is the only acceptable name for anakin to use undercover <3 we will be taking the set cinematic universe into 2024 <3
what's a project you're excited to carry into the new year? um all of my wips lol but especially time & tide and the couples counseling au - i have about half of the next chapter of t&t written, and before i got sidetracked by a more perfect union, i was on track to get that posted by christmas....obviously that did not happen lol but i'm expecting to get back to working on a few more chapter updates at the beginning of this year!
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bardic-inspo · 5 months
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Hey, I'm Megh (and finally writing a new intro post)! Currently buried in BG3 bliss. I love my cat, villainous women, and men covered in blood and/or dirt. I generally try to be a good cookie but sometimes I'm just a tired one. I've played D&D 5e for about a third of my life. Some of my other favorite games are Fallout, DA, ME, and RDR2. I like spooky things (Mike Flanagan shows, suspense/thrillers). And mermaids.
My main OCs are my (cursed) drow bard, Naomi Tavriel (BG3), and my dearest sole survivor, Natasha Sokolova (FO4).
I write fic! You can find me on AO3, or click the links below. I try to tag NSFW content when I post it, but be aware you may find that on this blog.
If you want me to tag you in WIP writing games (like WIP Wednesday, Last Line Memes, Six Sentences Saturday), you can give this post over here a like.
Fallout 4 Writing Masterlist
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BG3 Fic Masterlist
Dhampir Dreams
Part 1 of 2
[Read on AO3] [Read on Tumblr]
Post-Game Spawn Astarion x F!Tav (Generic/Unnamed) | Rated E for Smut | Part 2 is a WIP
Tav saw beauty in Astarion he couldn’t have seen himself, even if he had a reflection to gawk at. She made love with a man who never thought he could have anything near it. Made all his red dreams come true, and then said: go on, make new ones, in whatever color you like. Astarion never thought about being a father. Not before her. Or: an angsty-turned-horny character study about the pale elf and his thoughts on creating new (un)life.
Blood in the Mortar
[Read on AO3] [Read on Tumblr]
Ascended Astarion x Vampire Bride Tav | Rated E for Smut | One-shot
“I wanted to see you right where you belong,” Astarion whispers, the sound as sheer as the lace he wrecked. “So beautiful on your throne.” In which ascended Astarion is a slightly softer service dom, and Tav is his blood bride. Their bond as bride and sire doesn’t only bind, but blends, creating a link that runs deeper than the one they shared through the tadpole. Tav is a terror of her own renown, and together, they build an empire of bone and blood.
Midnight Chimes
Astarion x Cursed! Tav | Rated E for Inevitable Smut | Chapters 6/??
Full Chapter List (Includes AO3 & Tumblr Links)
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Banner/Divider credit to @cafekitsune <3
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sunshineyoujustwait · 10 months
seventeen million years late to this, as usual, but now that I have five minutes to spare- better late than never!
Tag Game:
tagged by the wonderful, talented and gorgeous @cupidskissx ily and apologies this took 5 business days to respond to
rule(s): post a snippet (however long or short or longish or shortish) from a wip !!
this is a longer snippet from a work I started ages ago and completely forgot about, I may return to it now that I remembered it exists lmao
“Do you ever wonder, like, is there supposed to be something more than this?”
Charles rolls his eyes, glancing over to where Max is laid out on his balcony, beer dangling precariously from one hand. “Max, it’s the new year, not the end of the world.” Max huffs at him, takes another sip of his beer. “That’s not what I mean, it’s just- what’s next, you know?” Charles glances longingly at the glass double doors leading back into the apartment, wonders if Max would notice if he just dipped from this entire conversation. Lando and Carlos are playing beer pong, and it’s suddenly looking very appealing.  He sighs, turning back to the blonde beside him. “What’s next for you is probably more race wins, maybe a third championship.” Charles tries not to sound bitter, he’s not sure how successful he is.  “Sorry,” Max winces a little. “I know you should probably hate me right now.” I’m trying to, Charles thinks, but I can’t. It’s an unfair thought really, none of this is Max’s fault. There’s plenty of blame to go around for the mess that was last season and Max doesn’t deserve any of it. Still, it feels like it would be easier to hate him, if that was something he was capable of doing.  Max rolls over onto his stomach, narrowly avoiding falling off the hammock he’s curled himself into. “Winning is great and all, and I love racing, but it just feels a little hollow or something, lately. We fly across the world, we race, we come home, rinse and repeat, same thing every week.” Charles glances at Max where he’s sprawled out across the hammock. He looks fine, a little drunk maybe, but not like someone on the verge of an existential crisis. His hair is flopping into his eyes and Charles’ hands twitch with a sudden desire to run his fingers through the errant strands. It’s not a new feeling, exactly, it’s just that sometimes when he looks at Max under the lights like this, soft and relaxed, it makes his breath catch in his throat and his stomach whirl with an as of yet unnamed feeling.  Other times, he just wants to strangle him. “Must be nice,” he mutters, “getting sick of winning.” Max groans. “Fuck off, you know that's not what I meant. It's just that, it feels like there should be something more, you know? Someone to share it all with, lights on when you come home, that sort of thing.” Charles doesn't know, not really, but he supposes it makes sense in a way. You achieve one dream - world champion, check (twice) - then you start seeking out the next. In Max's case that seems to be some sort of cosy picket fence. Like Maslow's hierarchy of needs, but for millionaires who drive fast cars for a living.  He's still stuck on the previous step of the pyramid though, so he's not feeling entirely charitable about it right now.  “Then date, find someone, it's not that complicated.” It comes out harsher than intended, but Charles is feeling a little lost at the direction of this conversation, and the image of Max settling down is rattling around in his brain for some reason, ugly and discordant.  Max is quiet for a moment, and Charles kind of maybe feels like a bit of an asshole.  “Tried that,” he says finally. “It didn’t exactly work out.” Charles definitely feels like an asshole then, winces at the words because, yeah, he did. There’d been a ring and everything, it had been a bit messy.  “Sorry,” he tries, but Max waves him off, shrugging. "Do you not get lonely?" "I date." Max snorts at that, which- rude.  “I have racing. I like racing. I'm not-” he gestures vaguely at Max's sprawled form- “losing it because I don’t have someone waiting for me when I come home. I’m happy.” “Yeah well, I guess it just doesn’t feel the same anymore.” “What doesn’t?” “Racing.” That catches Charles’ attention, sets the alarm bells ringing in his admittedly alcohol muddled mind. There are few constants in his life but Max and racing are two of them. 
Everyone has probably been tagged by now as I'm so late but if you see this and you haven't then plz, this is your invite!! Share all the snippets !!!
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spitefulbull · 3 months
Tag Game: Vaguely Summarized WIP
Thank you for the tag @tildeathiwillwrite!
Rules: summarize your WIP in 15 2-5 word bullet points (as if you were trying to summarize it in 15 seconds)
This is from my unnamed WIP
regaining honor after demotion
secret society
magic and curses
dream watching is illegal
useless lesbians energy
a little gay panic
eccentric rogue, not edgy
tHe PrOpHeCy
unresolved trauma and PTSD
humanoid subspecies racism
world-wide war(s)
conspiracies turn out true
fratricide, cause why not?
backstabbing the backstabber
dragons aren't real (are they?)
No pressure tags: @cowboybrunch @illarian-rambling @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @bardic-tales and anyone else who wants to join <3
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ink-flavored · 9 months
i dont remember if i reblogged it but i saw that "sorcerers vs wizards learning how to do magic from each other" post, and it made me think about my Unnamed Dream WIP a bit
the magic system isn't fully fleshed out yet, but what i do have is a part language/part physical component system that some people can do and some people don't. haven't hammered out the details of why someone can be a mage and others can't, but the magic language used to cast spells is literally the language of the dead. it's the language things speak in the afterlife, and you're basically calling on their powers and asking them to help you. the components are things like plants and bones and such because you need the essence of certain dead things to have certain impacts and create different spells and whatnot.
the thing about the language is that, when humans are speaking it, it comes out like singing. it sounds like you're humming it to yourself if you pronounce it correctly because that's just what spirits are like. Asim the protagonist is a mage who does this song-magic and casts spells with what components he can find in the wilderness or trade for with other villagers - he's the wiseman/problem solver of his local village, which is very poor, and doesn't have a lot of resources. as a result, he has a limited amount of spells he can cast, but he can get more potent spells by calling on the dead correctly -- i.e. pronouncing their language right.
the magic users in the capital city, however, have access to universities and libraries and gardens and merchants and breeding populations of rats to get skulls from etc. etc. etc.. they don't really have to worry about their spells being perfect, because if one fizzles out, they haven't wasted their only bones. as a result, they don't prioritize pronouncing the language without the melody -- they chant it instead of sing it, because it sounds more authoritative, and are inherently saying it wrong. plus they can use so many resources in one spell that it doesn't really matter. if you have 12 rat skulls to burn, at least one spirit is bound to hear you through the terrible accent and come help out.
so when Asim gets to the capital and starts singing to his spell components everyone's like oh my god this guy......smh he doesn't even T-pose to assert dominance. it automatically marks him as an outsider -- even worse, an uneducated poor. and since classism is a major theme of the story, that's gonna be uh. fun!
anyway i hope you enjoyed this unhinged rant
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nskiyuriz · 26 days
tag writing game!! thanks @bueris <3
uhm uhmmmm brief excerpt from an upcoming nagireo fic in my drafts !!!!!!! it's very much a wip and will not see the light of day for a while but enjoy nonetheless ..
Football was a confusing sport. This is something Nagi realised mere days after being dragged into it by Reo. There was very little point to it and it was incredibly dramatic for what it was. It suited Reo in a way, not because he was over dramatic or anything, but the sport had a certain energy to it that perfectly encompassed everything that Reo was - the boldness, the enthusiasm, the confident aura the sport exuded, it was all Reo. And so, if football was Reo, then Nagi would have no choice but to stick with it. Really, it was no wonder Reo enjoyed the sport so much, he fit right into the scene as though he had always belonged there. Nagi, on the other hand, looked a bit out of place. Not once did Nagi actually understand what was going on when he played football with Reo. It was all just meaningless words and fast-paced movements that left Nagi’s head reeling. At least Nagi could follow Reo’s instructions in the game, telling him exactly where to go and what to do. That was easy enough. Scoring goals that way was easy enough. Football with Reo was easy enough. Despite how easy it was, Reo remained equally impressed each time Nagi managed to score a goal. He was all bright smiles and excited yells as he would run up to Nagi, springing up onto his back or slinging an arm over his shoulder. The fleeting touches were strange, unfamiliar to Nagi, but not unwelcome. His skin burned where Reo’s had come into contact with it, but somehow, for whatever reason, Nagi felt as though he could withstand the burn if it was Reo. And so, he withstood it. The fleeting touches lingered and lingered, bleeding into the rest of Nagi’s monochrome life, splashes of colour amongst the shades of grey. The warmth and vibrance was something Nagi had never experienced before, so gentle and yet so dangerous - addictive. Reo was addictive, really, every part of him. Nagi was beginning to understand what everyone else saw in him, just why he was so popular. Although he suspected not many other people saw Reo in the way he did, in the quiet moments where it was just the two of them. The true, genuine smiles that reached the depths of enchanting violet eyes, a sight that only Nagi was able to witness. It was magical, having Reo all to himself in moments like that, something he could never have imagined, not even in his dreams. A few weeks had passed since their first meeting, something Reo had described eloquently as a fateful encounter that was destined to occur. Nagi didn’t really see it the same way, but he couldn’t deny how glad he was that they had met. Reo had gone and changed his life in the mere weeks they had known each other for, completely flipping Nagi’s dull little world on its axis. His presence had been overwhelming at first, a constant buzzing noise always following him around like a very persistent fly, but Nagi found himself acclimatising to it very quickly. Arguably, Nagi would find it weirder if Reo wasn’t by his side now, he’d gotten way too used to Reo being with him.
thanks for theeee taggggg uuuauhvvbbbbbvvhgvbb this is likeeee a really short part of the fic bc the entire thing is kinda connected .. so i wasn't sure where to cut it off for this but uhhhhh yeah i write sometimes !
unnamed nagireo fic coming to ao3 soon ! (it is NOT soon, i have literally written NOTHING.... it's currently 3k words of prose and a dream.... no plot .. nothing.. 😭😭😭)
my ao3, for those interested!
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Thank you so much for the tag, my friend--you know I appreciate every chance I can get to promo my work!
So, five favorites? Honestly, it's hard to choose, as most of my work remains WIPs that are currently languishing for updates. I'm going to exclude my one-shots to narrow down the field - and base this list on both the story and the quality of the writing. Hoping that they might get a little bit of love and some new readers!
Of Magic, Miracles, and Moonlight - Stephen Strange x OFC. Slow burn romance, older man/younger woman, mentor/student, friends-to-lovers. Pre-Infinity War. Contains Mature Content. WIP, currently 19 chapters.
A Khan By Any Other Name - Khan Noonien Singh x OFC. Adventure, danger, angst, romance. Pre-Star Trek Into Darkness. Contains Mature Content. WIP, currently 12 chapters.
The Secret of Salvation - Major Jamie Stewart x OFC. War Horse AU. WW I. Angst, prisoner of war, romance. Contains Mature Content. WIP, currently 5 chapters.
The One That Got Away - Benedict Cumberbatch AU, where he is primarily a stage Actor with some movie/television appearances. Benedict Cumberbatch x OFC. Takes place during a production of The Taming of the Shrew. Castmates to friends to falling in love, slow burn, jealousy, lots of angst. WIP, currently 18 chapters.
Scarlett and the Professor - Tumblr exclusive. An original, erotic, paranormal romance, based on a discontinued roleplay. All original characters. Takes place on an unnamed Caribbean island. Older man/younger woman, professor/student, supernatural elements bringing them together, romance, angst, forbidden desires, light kinks with foreshadowing of darker kinks. Contains Mature Content. WIP, currently 32 chapters, plus two one-shots.
moodboards under cut
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(related works: Lady in Red, Though There Be Pain Love Still Endures)
Of Magic, Miracles, and Moonlight
Doctor Stephen Strange's life has settled into a fulfilling pattern; even as Master of the New York Sanctum, he continues his studies in the mystic arts, self-training with the library that the Ancient One amassed in her years as Sorcerer Supreme. An old alliance forged by the Ancient One brings an unexpected request to him, and he is duty bound to fulfill it. Along the way he meets with some pleasant surprises--and discovers that his heart is not immune to the effects of the gentlest sorts of magic.
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moodboard by @strangelock221b
Seraphina DiPietro is wise in the ways of the world; she has to be, as she travels the California coast as a torch singer in pubs, bars and nightclubs. She knows how to take care of herself and stay out of trouble--most of the time. When trouble comes, it's usually because her kind heart overrides her common sense. Stopping to check on a handsome stranger, stranded roadside in the Mojave Desert, her curiosity is piqued as much by the classic, mint-looking Mustang, as by the driver--a tall, dark mysterious drink of water, whom she quickly learns is so much more than what he appears.
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moodboard by @mel-loves-all
Major Jamie Stewart is a survivor--but sometimes he just needs to escape. The guilt, the pain, the despair; his bitter fall due to folly and hubris. It helps to survive if one has a sanctuary to turn to, a dream to hold onto. A vision of a day--and a woman--that might grant him the salvation he desperately craves.
bookcover for The One That Got Away created by @onebuttscratcher
An actress making her name for herself on the London stage, Virgilia (Vicki) Gordon vows not to follow her usual pattern: falling in love with her leading man. The work comes first and foremost--or so she plans. She never expects to develop feelings for her co-star in "The Taming of the Shrew", but with his stellar talent matched by his charm, kindness and intellect, Vicki learns all too soon that, despite one's best intentions, the heart goes where it will. Still, all might be well--but he is far from free enough to return her affections.
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moodboard by @strangelock221b
Romance & Passion. Mystery & ties to the Supernatural. Lust & Erotica. NSFW material, so be forewarned. A young Scottish woman of ancient Selkie blood finds herself irresistibly drawn to her dashing British professor, with his own mysterious ties to the Sea. A serial womanizer who believes his inner darkness makes him unredeemable, he finds what seems an uncorruptable innocence in the love she freely offers--eventually coming to wonder if her light might be enough to save him from his demons.
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seravphs · 11 months
do you have any gojo/yuta fic recs??? i binged all of yours oop-
You have no idea how excited I was to get this ask 😁 Thank you both for reading all my Gojo/Yuuta fics and for giving me the opportunity to rave about fics I love!!
You can look through everything I've rec'd in my sera reads tag but it's not organized at all, so it won't be sorted by character or anything. There's probably a lot of Gojo in there though! I haven't read as much for Yuuta but I love him enough that there will probably be more in the future. Obviously check the byf/dni of everyone before you interact as well!
minors dni | if you like Gojo and Yuuta, @princess-okkotsu was a a Gojo girl before she was Yuuta's most ardent supporter so you might really like her work! She has a wip office romance about Gojo that I dream about every day so you should look forward to that because I am!
minors dni | @seoafin is completely unparalleled at what she does. Morgan does a fantastic job at weaving really poignant and human themes into her work without hitting you over the head with it. Ripverse is universally famous at this point but if you want to buddy read Dog Days Are Over with me I have reviews for it in my recs tag! Super recommend DDAO, along with all her other works. This is my review for chapter one. I'm reading chapter four right now! We can cry together 💜
minors dni | @mintmatcha is obviously well known for all the right reasons but my personal faves are vignettes and this unnamed thing for Gojo, both of which I have reviews for. Don't ask me about how I feel about vignettes because I can't go through that again, it's all in the tags I left. My favorite line from the unnamed fic is "If I were normal, I would have let you hold my hand." Doesn't that make you want to scream?
minors dni | @yeowchies Whet Your Appetite was sooo delicious. It does an absolutely incredible job of really making you feel the tension in the relationship, the push and pull dynamics, and the burgeoning attraction!
@shiinleaf I'm actually embarrassed that I don't think I've had the chance to read anything by Xin yet but this post she made makes me feel so insane, so feel free to peruse her masterlist!
@stellamancer I'm in the middle of reading and reviewing Niku's merman series Shine On The Sea now! I've had the privilege to listen to her thoughts on this fic in the dms, so even though I haven't read it yet, I know it's going to be good. She also has several wips for Gojo that I'm insane about - keep an eye out for this whenever she's ready! Isn't it so good?
@shotorus I haven't had the chance to read it yet but Sel said she wrote Do You Believe In Love with Teen Dad! Gojo in mind, so if you liked that universe of mine, I'm sure you'll like this too!
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the-silver-chronicles · 5 months
WIP Wednesday + My OC as... & What Faerie Court Does Your OC Belong To? & What Does Your Soul Look Like?
Tagged by @g0dspeeed @voidika @socially-awkward-skeleton @deputy-morgan-malone @direwombat @adelaidedrubman and @onehornedbeast
Tagging @shallow-gravy @inafieldofdaisies @strangefable @strafethesesinners @josephslittledeputy @minilev @chazz-anova @cassietrn @snake-in-the-garden @corvosattano @ec-10 @deputyash @derelictheretic @henbased @jacobmybeloved @ladyoriza @nightbloodbix @vampireninjabunnies-blog @neverthesameneveranother @wrathfulrook @carlosoliveiraa @thewanderer-000 @softtidesworld @josephseedismyfather @skoll-sun-eater @vasiktomis and @afarcryfrommymain + anyone else who wants to join.
One WIP, two quizzes and a sharing visual stuff of Silva with the My OC as.... Here's the "What Faerie Court does your OC belong to?" Quiz and the "What does Does Your Soul Look Like?" Quiz.
Here's the WIP of that unnamed "Arranged Marriage" AU, with Silva agonizing over her life so far (after a shower no less) as she waits for Faith to come back with a dreadful wedding dress. Snippet below:
[Silva's] head in gloved hands, she fought the urge to grab a fistful of dark hair and rip it out. To scream and curse... at what? God? Her father? Joseph and the prophets before him who were too cowardly and self-absorbed in their own dead delusions to even try not to fuck someone's life over for once?
Or would she curse herself? For agreeing to this arrangement, despite how much she hates it? For hurting others with her very presence, being forced to wander in their vision even after taking the lives of loved ones, whose blood has since been washed off, but not the scars and lesions that are scattered over her damaged hands, a reminder of the lives she took? Curse herself for not putting her own needs, her desires, her hopes and dreams before others, just as Kamski insisted she do?
Silva didn't know. She didn't know what to do anymore. It was far beyond what she initially knew. Far from what she was taught in the Minas. Eden's Gate wasn't like Father's battalions of Enforcers, cruel and deplorable in their mission, nor were they like the Apostles, teaching malevolence and hidden in shadows.
Eden's Gate had a mission, one with the best of intentions, but were spreading terror in their methods, even if they seemed a bit remorseful, which doesn't change the fact they have ruined lives indefinitely, nor excuse the recruitment of psychopaths like the Cook.
It was uncanny just how much qualities about the Project that she could despise and how much she could differentiate it from the likes of her father's Enforcers. It didn't make it any better that Joseph and John seemed genuine in their desire to have her as apart of the family, even when her gut argues that it's nothing more than a ploy, a deception, with her stomach coiling in agreement, the very reminder that she'd be married to Jacob in the coming weeks making her nauseous again.
Despite the personal cost of her freedom, she had to do it, especially if it meant peace for the Resistance and the freedom of Hudson and Pratt... and Burke as well she guessed. She could also breath a little easier with the knowledge that she had forced Joseph to acknowledge that this marriage was, at best, a tactical ploy for peace, more-or-less, and convinced him to give not only his word that Jacob would not try anything of harmful or sexual nature towards her, but also had him forbid his older brother as "the Father" from even thinking to do such acts, or else she would not agree to anything more.
Silva knew from experience that a profeta's word was as reliable as a rickety old bridge worn down from age, but if he backed out on any of the agreements, not only would he face backlash from herself and the Resistance, but most likely a few of his own people as well.
It still didn't change the fact she was a prisoner here both presently and with the reminders of how guilty her own conscience really is.
She gave the Resistance a standing chance for freedom, however that is going, even if it meant she was restricted in her own.
Jannah, Elsa would be so disappointed in me. Worse then disappointed probably. She'd return from the ashes if she could, and then go on to berate Silva of not only her martyr tendencies, but also give her an earful for all the times Silva had told Elsa to keep track of her own well-being while being mindful of others.
How hypocritical of me.
Does that make me closer to Father than it does Paul now?
Silva wasn't sure how to answer that, but she couldn't blink the welling tears away, no matter how much ferocity she put in.
Here I am... on a bed in Faith's Gate... a prison in all but name, surrounded by people I have hurt in more ways than one... crying to myself... as I can do nothing for my friends and neighbours who I can't even communicate with, no less hear from... all the while I'm waiting on Faith to get me whatever wretched wedding dress the Seeds had stolen to have me wear... while in nothing but my undergarments and the thinnest bathrobe.
It may not be as rock bottom as walking in a blizzard barefoot in a shitty dress at 10-years-old while Enforcers searched for her across the bridge to the Minas, or sailing on a boat with little supplies, taking care of an infant barely two weeks old, and tending to an injured hermana after escaping a successful massacre on the one community she thought truly understood her. Nor was it like the day she returned to the county, into her resident home, without her hija in hand to carry to bed, and as if to kick her further, find out the legacy Elsa wanted to leave behind in the form of her floristry had been stolen away during Silva's absence. But it was still suffocating, and she couldn't help but mourn for the normalcy she almost regained.
Here's the results for the "What Faerie Court Does Your OC Belong To?" Quiz.
Elsa Omar (Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, The Harbinger's Salvation AU)
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Yeah this describes Elsa. She generally doesn't take in account the feelings of others in canon nor in this AU. Elsa is very selfish, and only cares for the people closest in her family circle (mainly Silva, Persephone, & Ezekiel + Azriel and Mercy if she got to meet them), everyone else is a pawn to use and abuse for whatever means necessary, especially in The Harbinger's Salvation AU, where her older sister is under the control of the Apostles of Zachariah. Elsa is narcissistic and vain, as well as a compulsive liar to majority of people to boot. She has no problem enacting on every vice (smoking, drinking, screwing, etc) without shame, even if it is detrimental to her overall health and social apathy. Credit where credit is due, she's achieved sleeping with nearly everyone in the county, something even Adelaide hadn't achieved. But its the fact she's careless of everyone's feelings and also gives zero fucks about looking through peoples things to see what she can use for blackmail. She's absolutely NOT a good person, it just happens to be that her goals are either beneficial to others (her work with the Resistance in the AU even if she's not in it for their fight but more so her sisters' safety, having gathered enough evidence of Eden's Gate' crimes to send Joseph to prison for life to protect Silva and Persephone, etc) or even she has morals or ideals she wouldn't cross/adopt (absolutely knows for certain that Adam's Guard is not safe nor should be left to exist, wouldn't join the Apostles because of their habits to bring terror and death to others, and wouldn't join Eden's Gate because they restrict peoples' freedoms in what they want to do for their lives besides devote it to God which would be a very unhappy place for Silva and Azriel, etc) even if those are because it goes against her self-interests. Elsa is willing to take massive risks, which though can be dangerous, she's always confident of the rewards it brings. And just because her bones are brittle doesn't mean she's not willing to go down rough and dirty to win.
Now for the "What does your soul look like?" Quiz.
Azriel (Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, Wings And Horns original work)
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I mean this pretty much describes Azriel. Neglected by her parents and then was almost killed by them as they tried to sacrifice her to prove themselves worthy of staying in Eden's Gate, was always shunned for her interests in technology and invention from within the project did not help her mentally. Nor did the isolation. Afraid everyone is out to get her, this 9-year-old puts up a ferocious front in order to at least look the part of scary. Which offputs people from her or undermine her with sympathy she doesn't understand nor want. She feels as if no one wants her, nor do they want to understand her, choosing how she should live her life. Well, at least until she meets Silva in a chance encounter that changes the fate of the county and Silva's role in the Reaping and the Collapse. The first time the Voice felt fear that day. And it wouldn't be the last time either.
Now for the "My OC as..." stuff. I tried to find a faceclaim that I thought was true to Silva. (RANT: I had to go to f***ing Quora for this. And I hate Quora with a burning passion. I still receive their emails to this day. No I don't want to know how to make a Spinach cake, I'm not interested in the quantum physics of a blackhole and no I don't want to be involved in the debate on whether its criminal to leave the toilet seat up, IT IS, debate over!). Anyway Silva's current faceclaim for the time being (or indefinite if I feel that "do you know what, this person is right for Silva") is actress Mina El Hammani. In order to use and create this template I used this trustworthy meme generator, who never disappoints me (unlike Quora).
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Maybe I should make one of Paul one day. That would be interesting dissecting him like this.
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