#unless i’m playing healer or support
rintoki · 7 months
genuinely wondering why some players play genshin if not for fun… like it’s literally a game it’s not that serious….
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phightinghottakes · 6 days
Heard you were dry on hot takes! Here you go.
Hot take that VINE STAFF SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! No not in character, well yes in character, but like.. Ok let me explain.
First of all her matchups suck, according to the matchup chart she has none that she favors in and she gets bodied by literally every melee and ranged and like two of the supports, literally just chase her down and m1m1m1m1 and she's DEAD. Her stun doesn't do much if you aren't a slow tank (only two characters) and it feels like most Vine Staff mains lack gamesense.
Also her character is just kinda boring, nothing really sticks out and we don't know enough about her for me to like her. Some would disagree on this though and I am VERY aware of that curse situation she got going on.
Medkit is the better healer in most situations especially for opens unless you have someone like a Skateboard. So.. yea.
-Swords #1 fan
Honestly I think it’s generally a matter of playing Vinestaff and not her being a bad character. I’m a Vinestaff main, and I’ve never personally experienced any of those issues before, but that’s the thing; I’m a Vinestaff main.
In order to do good as the character, you have to actually understand the character and how her moves work and whatnot, meanwhile Medkit is just “heal heal heal heal heal more heal and then I die”, which is honestly much simpler despite Medkit generally dying faster than Vinestaff even if both players are equally experienced.
In conclusion Vinestaff isn’t that bad she’s just kind of confusing to use.
Personality wise, though…? Yeah I agree she’s kind of basic. Most Phighting characters are basic, unfortunately.
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strawwritesfic · 1 year
Oliver Wood x Reader: Happiness
Summary: Oliver is a lot of things, but unromantic isn't one of them.
Rating/Warnings/Tags: All (Quidditch World Cup; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; established Oliver/Reader; marriage proposal; engagement; Ravenclaw!Reader; Chaser!Reader; mild language)
Challenge: “115 Words” by BonitaWolfSpirit on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire
How quickly a years’ worth of planning could come to a close. Every knut saved from your first job, every second of time off scraped, every moment of extra work suffered—all over in less than an hour. As you stepped out of the enormous quidditch arena and into the surrounding forest, you couldn’t help but feel the sinking sensation of disappointment in your stomach.
“They couldn’t have kept it going for ten more minutes? Seriously?” you wondered aloud.
“That. Was. Amazing!”
The sole voice loud enough to be heard above the throng of World Cup attendees around you belonged, of course, to Oliver Wood. Your longtime boyfriend strode behind you by several feet. When you turned to confirm this, you saw him in the midst of your mutual Hogwarts friends. He somehow managed to stand out from the crowd even decked out head to toe in his team’s colors like everyone else.
You slowed to allow the rest of the group to catch up with you. “Amazing? Are you kidding? I gave up a new Cleansweep for this.”
“For a spectacle like that, I’d give up a Firebolt! Well, maybe not a Firebolt,” Oliver amended, “but practically any other broom!”
“I’m just saying, if you’re going to charge us this much for seats and then make us show up so early, they could at least try to keep things going for an hour.”
“How can you say that? What Krum did—and the Irish chasers! I’ve never seen flying done like that!”
“It was too flashy. No one can appreciate the moves on brooms like that. Not unless you can afford to shell out for omnioculars, at any rate.”
“So what? You want them to play without any speed or skill? That would be boring!”
“I’d prefer some boredom to having my vacation cut so short,” you grumped.
A chorus of laughter reminded you that you and Oliver were not alone. The closer you got to camp, the thinner the horde grew, but you still had your three friends to contend with. Penelope Clearwater, your best friend from school, exchanged knowing looks with Oliver’s two Gryffindor buddies, Clyde Harpis and Ackley Soots.
“Here comes another one of [Name] and Oliver’s famous debates,” she said.
“Shouting match, more like,” said Ackley, shoving his glasses up nose.
“Can’t you two just enjoy the moment?” asked Clyde.
“We are!” you and Oliver snapped in unison.
The three of them groaned and shook their heads, though they smiled as they did so. Oliver and you were famously mismatched as a couple: a Gryffindor keeper and a Ravenclaw chaser; a passionate jock and a meticulous student; heck, you two hadn’t even gone to the World Cup supporting the same team! Three years of your dating left your friends used to you and Oliver quarreling every chance you got—especially when it came to about the only thing you shared: your love of quidditch.
“Sure, guys.” Penelope rolled her eyes. “Can you both continue 'enjoying' the moment back at camp? I’ve got some gold coming to me, you know.”
“We don’t want to miss the festivities,” Clyde said.
“And I brought plenty of firewhisky for those festivities,” Ackley added.
“A drink sounds like just what the healer ordered,” you said. Well, at least it might take the sting out of the depressingly short quidditch match, you figured.
Penelope, Clyde, and Ackley continued on their way down the dirt path that darkened steadily the farther you drew from the glowing pitch. They chatted merrily about another one of Penelope’s winning bets and what she planned to do with the money this time. You took one step after them, but found any further progress impeded by a strong hand on your shoulder.
“Oliver, let g—what’s the matter with you?” you asked upon twisting far enough to see his unusually pale face through the shadows of the trees.
He hastily rearranged his expression and released you. “Nothing!”
“Suit yourself. Can we get going, then? I wouldn’t want Ackley to drink all the whisky before we get there.”
“He won’t. Look, I want to show you something.”
“Can’t it wait?”
“It won’t take long. Promise.”
A glance over your shoulder proved that your friends had already disappeared from your field of vision. Most of the people still sitting above you during the game had parted to walk around you and Oliver on their way to the tent fields. Only stragglers (and those having already dipped into the celebratory drinks) remained.
“Sure,” you said, albeit slowly.
Oliver nodded, then stepped off the dirt path, walking right into the trees. If this strange behavior wasn’t proof enough that something was wrong with your boyfriend, you didn’t know what was. Only minutes before, he’d been walking on air!
As you trailed behind him, the noises in the forest shifted. The chatter faded. Chirping crickets and hooting owls replaced it. The quiet lasted mere seconds. A single echoing crack shattered the silence, followed by cheering and singing. Magical fireworks exploded overhead from every direction except that of the Bulgarian camp. Even the Irish mascots got in on the racket, soaring this way and that across the starry sky and scattering fake galleons everywhere they flew.
But still Oliver did not cease his wordless march. True to his word, he didn’t keep you long, but every second of the tense walk drove your anxiety up another notch. Why didn’t he want to get back to camp to join in the revelry? You’d have thought he would have lived for that after seeing what he believed to be a truly amazing game.
“Okay, Oliver,” you called as he stopped in the center of a perfectly round clearing. “It wasn’t really a bad game. I’m just being whiny. You win.”
He stared at you as though he’d completely forgotten that he had asked you to follow him to begin with. Needless to say, this comforted you not one bit. You crossed your arms over your chest as you walked over to him.
“What’s going on? Are you really that upset that we disagree about the length of the match?”
Now Oliver just looked confused. “Of course not. Why would I care about something like that?”
“Then why are you being so weird?”
There it was: another flicker of nerves utterly foreign to your typically brash and confident boyfriend. In all your years of knowing him, he had only looked this pasty and weak a handful of times, most notably when McGonagall had canceled the Interhouse Cup due to a string of nasty petrifications.
“Oliver, are you sick?” you asked.
“Are you upset about the game?”
You stomped your foot. “Then why have you dragged me all the way out here when we could be back at the tent with our friends?”
“I’m working up to it!”
“Working up to what?”
He took a deep breath. You held yours, waiting on his answer. But rather than open his mouth and reply verbally, Oliver did something whole unexpected: He got down on one knee.
You made a small, startled noise in the back of your throat.
For a second or two, Oliver stared at the grass beneath him. Maybe you had been mistaken. Maybe he really was sick. Your mouth opened to urge him to come with you to find a mediwizard just as his head snapped up. There in his eyes burned a fire you had once and only once before—and on the night of his final match as Gryffindor quidditch captain before you both left Hogwarts for good at that.
You made the same small noise as before.
“Will you marry me?”
So distracted by his eyes had you been that only at that moment did you spot the little velvet box laying open in his hand. Something inside that box sparkled.
You squeaked a third time.
Oliver blanched. Never had you seen him look more panicked. He fumbled as he gazed up at you, and the box fell to the forest floor. But you couldn’t attempt to soothe him. You had no words of your own. Even if you had, he didn’t give you the time to scramble for them before he launched into a rushed speech:
“It’s just—well—dammit! Penelope said I would need to—but I didn’t listen. I don’t have anything planned! Uh, um, I—what should I—I love you, [Name]! I love you a lot! Every day we spend together is like a day spent flying at the pitch. When I win an argument with you, I feel like I’ve scored the deciding point in a match. I never, ever, ever want to give that up. So for the love of God, please, won’t you just say something?”
You couldn’t help letting him go on like that. For one thing, the longer Oliver rambled, the more time he allowed your brain to catch up with your mouth. For another, well, when else would you get the chance to hear your quidditch-obsessed boyfriend compare you to his beloved game? But the look on his face as he stared up at you through the dark, shoulders heaving from the passion of his plea, forced you to take pity on him at last.
Without warning, you pounced on him. Oliver wasn’t expecting that. Your sudden attack sent him flying backwards—not that you minded finding yourself half on the ground, half on top of your startled boyfriend. Doing so gave you the opportunity to grab his head between your palms, pull his face up to yours, and kiss him eagerly (and repeatedly) on the mouth.
“[Name]! [Name]! Ack! [Name]! What are you doing?” he demanded in between smooches.
The only reason you released him was to give him an answer. Breathing heavily, you snatched the ring box up from where it had fallen in some dirt. You pulled the ring free, then shoved it onto your waiting finger and pulled Oliver in for another kiss. A sudden noise from the general vicinity of your hand turned out to be the ring itself—designed like a snitch with the diamond its center—fluttering once around your heads before settling back in its place.
Clearly, this was still not apparent enough a reply for Oliver. He gaped at you like a plimpy with its legs freshly tied in knots.
“Of course I’ll marry you, Oliver,” you said.
The only made him set his jaw. “Then why didn’t you say so in the first place?”
“I don’t know. I was in shock!”
“What’s there to be shocked about? We’ve only been discussing getting married for a year.”
“Yes, but I didn’t know you’d pop the question during the Qudditch World Cup! I thought you might have other priorities.”
“Even after I spent four hours alone with your dad the day I came to pick you up?”
“Is that what you two were doing in his office? I just thought he’d cornered you to tell you all about the wonders of muggle soccer.”
Oliver grimaced. “There was quite a bit of that, too. How anyone can find a sport where the balls don’t try to kill you entertaining, I have no idea.” He shifted underneath you enough that he could sit up and take your hands in his. “I wanted to get his blessing before we left so I could surprise you after the match. Even though I love Quidditch more than anything else in the world, you’re important to me, too.”
“At a distant second, I’m sure,” you teased. But it was enough to know that Oliver, on what was surely the most exciting night of his life so far, had thought also of you, your relationship, and your future together. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders in a quick hug, pressing another kiss to the skin just beneath his ear. “Now that that’s out of the way, can we please get back to the tents before all the fun is over?”
“And Penelope says I’m the one who isn’t romantic.”
“I’m romantic. I’m just also practical. You know how Ackley gets about the firewhisky.”
Rolling his eyes, Oliver stood. He offered you a hand to help pull you up as well. “I suppose we should be headed back anyway. That lot should have the engagement party set up by now.”
“You had them set up an engagement party?” you squealed as you and Oliver walked back under the trees.
Oliver shot you a look. “You didn’t think Ackley brought the liquor just for after the game, did you?”
“For a lame game like that, I’m glad he didn’t.”
“It was not a bad game.”
“Sure. As long as you think seekers are the most interesting part of a match.”
“It didn’t even come down to Krum!”
“That’s the only reason you thought it was a good game, and you know it.”
“Name another reason to keep talking about it.”
“I can’t, which is why you did me a favor by proposing to me tonight so I have something positive to say about the evening.”
“You could at least bring up the amazing keeping.”
“What amazing keeping? I didn’t see any amazing keeping. Completely standard keeping on display tonight, if you ask me.”
Arguing all the way, you and he made your slow way back to camp and the little party set up by your friends. Your disappointment over the short match vanished more with each burst of light coming from the nearing fireworks. Now you felt only the sweet burn of happiness—though you had no intention of admitting that to Oliver. There were years ahead of you to quarrel about the finer points of quidditch—years and years and years and years, you hoped. But no game would ever stand up to your first World Cup and the beautiful proposal you received right after.
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luvrsux · 9 months
a/n: take this until i’m done writing requests and other fics luvs ♡
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Overwatch Mains!
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❝ giving each strawhat + more an overwatch hero they'd play. comment on suggestions i should do! :3 ❞
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╰┈➤ I feel like Luffy is so simple enough to play the icon of Overwatch. Luffy was so baffled to see that she was able to teleport and immediately fell in love with the kit. Considering Tracer is also a flanking character, he'd be in the middle of the enemy team causing havoc. Will NOT touch support
Other Choices: Reinhardt as Tank, Junkrat as second Damage
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╰┈➤ This is such an obvious choice, there's no need to explain. He rocks the Sentai skin on Genji or just his regular no-skin outfit just for the green. He's the only hero he has with gold weapons and the highest ranked. He insta-locks this man whenever he's playing.
Sanji: Do you play anyone else Mosshead???
Zoro: Just shut up and heal me if you want to win, cook
Other Choices: Doomfist as Tank
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╰┈➤ I feel like Sanji connects with Cassidy's charm and smoking habits so he plays him often. He knows Cassidy is the lover boy of the Overwatch community and everyone obsesses over him so he took that as an opportunity to main him. Sanji's second-best class is support but only really pays attention to Nami's health. Won't heal anyone else (especially Zoro) unless they're shouting at him.
Other Choices: Mercy and Ana as Support
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GOD USOPP - Widowmaker
╰┈➤ This choice is so obvious. Widow is a sniping character, and so is Usopp. He is a menace to Widow and doesn't even know it. He likes how Widow isn't meant to be on the actual battlefield but more on the sidelines picking off the enemy teams. He screams like a bitch when someone flanks behind him though.
Usopp: Okay, I killed their supports we should be good- *A Tracer comes up from behind* LUFFYYYYYYYY THERES SOMEONE ON MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Luffy: Oh sorry Im in spawn :p
Other Choices: Lucio as Support, Hanzo as second Damage
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NAMI - Kiriko
╰┈➤ Nami definitely loves Kiriko for her more angsty personality that no one likes. She'd rather help in the backlines than deal with fighting up front, but she puts the kunais to WORK. Sanji is always on her tail and targets anyone who tries to or manages to kill her.
Nami: Dang it, I died. Try to hold out a little longer guys-
Other Choices: Brigette as second Support, Ashe as Damage, D.va as Tank
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╰┈➤ Chopper will mainly play any support but Mercy is his top choice. He tries to revive anyone he can even in the tightest of situations. He is the best healer you can get, but he can also be a great tank. But our lil baby gets stressed...
Zoro: Chopper, can you damage boost me?
Chopper: YEAH IN A SEC-
Sanji: Chopper revive! That Zenyatta is so low!
Other Choices: Orisa and Wrecking Ball as Tank
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╰┈➤ There is no possible way Nico doesn't play Moira. I feel like she's more DPS Moira than anything but still upholds good support for her team.
Other Choices: Sombra as Damage, Lifeweaver as Support
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FRANKY - Reinhardt
╰┈➤ Franky is 100% the crew's Tank main. He knows every tank playstyle from top to the very bottom but his favorite is of course the loudest one there. Franky is the most reliable tank you can get. He insta-locks Rein and adores him to the very end.
Sanji: I think you should switch, Franky they have a few counters-
Franky: Ill still kick their asses, I dont care Im playing Reinhardt
Other Choices: Bastion as Damage
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╰┈➤ Brook finds ruining people's day by playing the most annoying character on the roster the funniest thing ever. He laughs when Junkrat laughs manically. It's such a fitting choice for his personality
Other Choices: Reaper as second Damage
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PORTGAS D. ACE - Solider: 76
╰┈➤ He is such a straightforward person enough to play Solider but be dope good at it. Ace would be the type of person to get ahead of themselves and over-extend though.
Ace: Huh? *dies* Oh my bad
Sabo: Ill get off right now.
Other Choices: Torbjorn for second Damage
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SABO - Baptiste
╰┈➤ Sabo is definitely a good damage support hero. He loves Bap for his sweet personality yet dark backstory similar to his own. He can't stand playing with 2 reckless damages every time though (Luffy and Ace)
Luffy: Saboooooo why didn't you heal meeeeeee :(
Other Choices: Zenyatta as second Support, Echo as Damage
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╰┈➤ I see Law playing the most complex Tank in the game but Law can play almost anyone on the roster if he feels like it. He barely gives out any callouts unless he is raging like crazy
Luffy: Imma go in and kill everyone
Law: ...
Zoro: I need help over here not gonna lie
Law: ...
Sanji: I think Im gonna switch-
Other Choices: Reaper as Damage, Mercy as Support
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╰┈➤ Kidd is definitely a one-trick and only for the most annoying tank in the game. Killer is definitely his pocket healer and will yell at anyone who comes after his skills in the slightest
Law: Kid please pick another tank, you're doing terrible
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thats all! i hoped you enjoyed the little dialogues hehe
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kc5rings · 11 months
Alright, I’m still waiting to see if they stick the landing but at 50% of the way through the story I’m enjoying myself enough to actively shill for Exoprimal
Y’all, the marketing around this game did it SO dirty, it’s wild.
I went into this expecting some pve crumbs in a pvp focused game, I knew and accepted that as I was really just chasing the high of early OW days when I truly loved playing Reinhardt, getting to protect my team and live the Wall power fantasy with Roadblock
What I did not expect, was a PvE mode that evolves in relation to the story you unlock through completing matches. Nor did I expect to actually get invested in said story!
It’s simple (so far) with well trod character tropes for the genre, calm and cool leader, soldier with a chip on her shoulder, eccentric tech expect etc, but all written with the feeling of someone who actually likes this genre of sci-fi and not as an irony poisoned nod and wink to the player. It’s cheesy but earnest, being roughly 1 part Pacific Rim to 1 part Starship Troopers
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There’s also just so much more story than I expected, the above image is the story map at roughly 50% complete, each of those blue icons around the outside are clues awarded after a match, data, that corresponds with deeper overarching mysteries represented by the inner rings. Collect enough relevant data, which can be audio logs, text or video, and one of the inner ones unlocks that then has a cutscene to contextualize all the data.
It’s a drip feed story that has me doing my next match to find out what happens instead of only grinding for currency or a suit upgrade. It’s not groundbreaking narrative but the dialogue is snappy and the characters are fun, so I’ve stayed invested
As for the gameplay itself, I’ve been playing for several days and touched pvp maybe 3 times. The first match you play is random (so I got pvp there, and the other two times were scripted moments in the story that took place during a match because again, the gameplay evolves with the story
The first few matches are , frankly, a bit of a cakewalk. Medium hordes of fairly easy to deal with fodder, a few larger threats thrown in. Nothing difficult and the mvp nearly invariably goes to one of the more AoE specialized DPS with supports or more single target focused DPS with not much to chew on
Cut to later missions like the ones I did before work that throw multiple specialized enemy types at you that operate at different ranges and demand everyone do their job or you get overrun. Tanks have to hold back the tide or duel with one large threat, AoE DPS need to keep the numbers on small enemies down, healers work constantly to both heal, damage and debuff while single target DPS need to surgically remove major threats such as one later mob that spawns at a distance and can silence your entire team unless it’s weak spot is hit
Commendation screens shift sharply at this point, being largely supports, tanks or DPS who really excelled. The fights are a damage race at the end of the day, but each class is rewarded strongly for playing their role and selfish play pretty much just gets you dead
There are other modes/challenges that can pop up in a match that I won’t spoil here, but have ended up beating some of the most fun I’ve ever had in a hero shooter period, making each match just a little bit more exciting because you know at any moment things could change dramatically. Going from trying to blitz the challenges in order to beat the team you’re racing to just trying to survive as you hear the words “Carnage Module Online” from the AI running these wargames is always a thrill
It’s not perfect, the pvp is…. There, but nothing to write home about even accounting for my personal exhaustion with pvp. It’s also got the seemingly obligatory battlepass mess, though (so far) it’s only cosmetics. Everything that’s gameplay related (suit upgrades/unlocks) is earned through gameplay, even a fair few of the cosmetics can be bought with match currency so the pass is far from necessary
All of this is just me saying that Capcom barely marketed this game and focused almost entirely on the least interesting aspects of it. So I’m marketing it for them because it’s the team based PvE I’ve been begging for for ages
And you get to Punch Dinosaurs
With Power Armor
Which rules
So consider at least taking a look at the game and join me in some Dino punching and together we can help this game last long enough for Roadblock to get a good skin
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rwby-necromancer-au · 6 months
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Hello and welcome to the world of the RWBY Necromancer AU!
My name is Morgan/Bowl, you’re lovely writer and blog owner. I’m the sole owner of this blog so if you have any questions about the AU, feel free to ask me directly! :]
Now, with that out of the way, here’s some things you need to know,
Salem’s whole thing happened a WHILE ago, so she is a thing of the past. There will be mentions of her and leftovers from the war against her, however she does not ever fight the main characters
Ozpin is functionally immortal, due to Ozma originally figuring out how to revive himself before death, there began a duplication loop of his magic. He gained his revived magic, but his original living magic needed somewhere to go, so it attached itself to the next host. Ever since then, each of the heirs to the magic are immediately revived after death without any control over it, thus continuing the cycle.
Oscar is autistic in this au, he is 10 physically, but mentally he is more akin to a 5 year old.
Speaking of mental ages, revived people will take the appearance of whatever their mental age is, not the age they died at. So for instance, Oscar died when he was 7 but because of his mental age being 5, he looks like your typical 5 year-old
Ozpin, Oscar, Qrow, and Glynda are the main characters in this au, RWBY and Co play supporting roles
Ironwood, and by extension, Atlas & Mantle, are the main antagonists of the story. Mistral also serves as an antagonist but more so as a support for Atlas & Mantle
Pursuers are soldiers of Atlas who are assigned to hunt down and kill necromancers or capture them to put into a necromancer prison. No exceptions. Even children.
Songbirds are random people who decided to give up their names, identities, and lives for the cause of saving these necromancers from the prisons and from Atlas. They are known for singing coded songs that tell different meanings.
Ozpin, Qrow, and Glynda all met in Atlas when they were 12, two years later they were captured and put into a Necromancer prison. Three years after that is when they escaped via the songbirds and made their way to Vale
Vale and Vacuo are safe havens for magic users and especially necromancers
Healers are forced to work for the Atlesian government because of their healing magic
Shapeshifters are rare and most people in Atlas think they don’t even exist. They also have the capacity to change their general appearance so long as it still looks like them (I.e, changing hair length, sex, or body height), this is the only other form they have besides their animal form.
Shapeshifters are also capable of having animal features, however many have evolved to lack these features as a result of Atlas attempting to breed Shapeshifting out of people. Qrow for example, does not have feathers, while Blake, has cat ears and a tail.
This story is dark so be forewarned.
There is a separate timeline occurring on this blog called the Young Necromancer AU timeline. Which is how the story of what happened in the main characters’ teenage hoods is told.
Anonymous is on at all times unless I begin to get concerning or otherwise rude asks in an unreasonable amount
Cloqwork (Ozpin x Qrow) is in fact a thing here, it’s my favorite ship, sue me.
If you’re not sure what to ask, feel free to ask me what I’m in the mood for and I’ll give you some options :)
I go by they/them and necro/necrom pronouns!
Here’s how to use those:
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Here is some other info you may want to know!
The map of Vale in the N! AU:
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Past events timeline:
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I hope you enjoy the AU! Hope to see you soon!
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catiuapavel · 2 years
With Tactics Ogre re-releasing in less than a week, there are many battles I’m excited to re-experience and one of these is the dreaded yet thrilling...
Boed Fortress (CH3) - Neutral Route - Against Oz
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I love this battle just as much as I love getting my fingers stuck in a door that was shut violently. Sometimes we need to need something to remind us we’re truly alive and that something might just be a nightmare-fuel migraine-inducing strategy level.
Boed Fortress is a particularly frustrating level, just in terms of architecture. You start at the bottom of a near unclimbable bastion, with a hard-hitting boss supported by healers perched high around him.You know you’re in for an awful time when you start at the bottom of a map but don’t worry, it gets better. Everyone’s favourite mission type, the dreaded rescue mission, makes an appearance. Just to spice things up, you have to rescue Cerya who is just a few tiles away from the boss and in the middle of all his troops, and she isn’t exactly keen on making it easy for you either. You could let her die but then Oz would get what he wants and it wouldn’t really feel like a victory.
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This cannot get worse... Unless, maybe, we gave the unit to rescue another disadvantage... Say like a status effect that prevents her from going down too fast? This is exactly why Oz decides to cast Leaden on her.
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This fight is your punishment for your half-backed decisions. You couldn’t go Lawful Route and you couldn’t commit to Chaos Route? Then suffer the consequences. But this battle is also why you should play Neutral Route tbh (that and the fact that Oelias and Dievold are wonderful, underrated characters that I will defend with my life)
There is something about this battle I’m excited to find out too: Tactics Ogre Reborn is based mostly on the PSP Remake, but with adjustments that feel vastly more reminiscent of its original SFC release. Well it so happens there is a minor difference in this battle from one version to the other. In the original Tactics Ogre, Oz casts Charm on Cerya (Who is surprised he can do this? He’s the most charming character in the game after all... 😬) whereas in the PSP remake, he casts Leaden on Cerya. So I’m curious to see what they will go with this time! I’m biased toward Cerya being leadened. If she’s charmed, she will climb down as fast as possible to attack you and that would make the battle marginally easier... We wouldn’t want that. 
Boed Fortress is a living nightmare, a masterclass in hostile video game levels and I cannot wait to have to restart it about 50 times. I hope it makes me cry a little.
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m1d-45 · 11 months
i would share my builds but. i’m gonna be honest i just go with vibes. weapon would look pretty with certain character? it’s theirs now. artifacts seem even slightly useful regardless of whether or not they’re the most efficient set? slap those bitches on. i play genshin like i play pokemon: with my favorites and while pressing as many buttons as possible until the enemy dies - teddy anon
kazuha has the isshin sword even though i have an aquila favonia cause that goes to kaeya who i built because i like him, even when he did lower damage. i run kazuha as a dps even though he’s supposed to be support (i have a p well done diluc that does more normal attack damage but.. kazuha :] and kukis supposed to be like a hyperbloom driver i think but i have her as healer. my baizhu is currently using her set cause i like the burn reaction (w benny, who i still haven’t built properly (just a ton of er for burst stuff) and only use for pyro applications lmao) even though he’s supposed to be like. a sub dps. he and kuki probably work well together but i can’t hear that over the sound of my burst support childe who ran freeze with kaeya for an embarrassing amount of my early abyss runs. i still haven’t attempted floor twelve and unless i get my shit together i don’t think i will. strategy i hardly know her, i just go “unga bunga men pretty” and that got me to ar 57. i have yet to level my mona despite her being a great support (she does have a r5 dragons tales for when i want childe to look pretty against the pyro flower but that’s it) and my xingqiu still doesn’t have good artifacts. my team ‘comps’ are “dps dps.2 sub dps/applicator healer” and i have not strayed from this in my entire time playing. chongyun is objectively bad for my current playstyle but that has not stopped me from trying. i will get a freeze team with him xingqiu and maybe kaeya if it kills me
#m1d : [chats]#teddy anon#woo lotta tags watch out#this got long but i. feel a lot about this game#i have a lot of ’it works’ builds but only like one solid one which is awkward but not the worst thing#‘jack of all trades master of none; still better than a master of one’ right#(i didn’t use my fully built diluc for the longest time except when grinding cryo flower (chongyun) cause i don’t like overloaded)#(i have a kazuha.)#(and regularly cringe when he isn’t on my team)#ngl it’s embarrassing how dependent i am on kaz. he’s not there i don’t know how to get the enemies together. what do.#before him it was heizou and his burst and before that it was aether and his skill/burst#me when anemo amirite (has a lv 20 jean and sayu i haven’t touched in ages)#that’s a lie sayu helps w crystalflies and unusual hillichurls#and diluc does go on both of those trips too#unrelated but there’s a bird like three feet away from me#just. walkin about. you go little guy i hope you get all the worms (it’s well into the afternoon)#unrelated x2 but i have an au for a piece of media i like and it’s so annoying that only i and like one other person know about it. cringe.#please i want to consume fan content of my au but i’m the oNLY FAN IT SUCKS#birds back. hey guy. wanna hear about my [it technically spans three fandoms oh lord] au?#i do think this is a low point in my life#like i’ll go to be judged and the guy’ll go ‘you made these three medias touch’ ‘they hold hands actually’ ‘why’ ‘funny’#what do anime minecraft and marvel have in common? me baby#if there is no god to save you then you must make your own#fun fact i first wrote that like ten minutes ago and got a nosebleed right after#if there’s a god they certainly hate me. and that’s fair
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red-elric · 1 year
relevant to the sollux post but kind of its own point: I see a lot of interpretations of passive vs active classes and I gotta say. I think most ppl are missing the point lmao. the point is whether ur abilities mainly benefit yourself (you can use them freely, possibly at the detriment of others, and are not particularly compelled to help other ppl unless it also helps u; this lines in w lord (obvsly), thief, prince, heir (HOT take ik but I stand by it), and I think page!! w the caveat of it takes a while for pages to learn how to use their powers, but I think the pages weve seen are definitely geared towards becoming more powerful when they act for themselves), making an active class, or whether ur abilities mainly benefit others (the scope of what you can do alone is limited, possibly at the detriment of yourself, and are compelled to play a supporting role; this lines up with muse (obvsly), rogue, bard, mage (also a hot take!!! but I dont think mage is the flip of seer; I think its more likely to be an inverse of heir.... will have more thoughts on this later), seer, and KNIGHT. (ppl go back and forth on knight but while they do have a strong control over their aspect, it is always always always in service of others). which leaves maid, sylph, and witch remaining..... hmm
witch is a dead ringer for active I think; jades got explosive power and her whole arc is about how she mainly is alone, and does things for herself. to have an even split either sylph or maid has to be active as well...... this is gonna be a HOT take but I wanna say sylph might be the active one!!! partially bc maid seems v much in service of others/the aspect itself, w aradia's clean up the timeline thing and jane's spot as team healer/emotional dumping ground for jake, but also bc....... while araneas powers were used to directly influence people, and were described as 'healing,' she did it for herself and what she did to terezi and jake was detrimental to both of them. kanaya's goal was to 'heal'/reinvent the propogation of the troll race (space being heavily tied to reproduction) but her actions to make that happen led to the destruction of the matriorb, in a roundabout way. she needed the help of a rogue to get it back. tho thats probably more to do w eridans prince of hope destruction going on. I could be wrong tho I’m thinking now that sylph might be confirmed as passive now LOL
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Hi! I’m playing a celestial chainlock in a new campaign, and we’re playing levels 3-9. I kind of want to aim to be support, but I’ve never played a warlock or had a familiar before. Do you have any tips or general advice on the build side of things?
Okay so first off this isn't relevant to this question and is not specific to you but I want to just register on the record that I detest whatever this trend is of combining the pact and the word "warlock". Like at least multiclass portmanteaus kind of make sense but unless you are still on a T9 phone or something it's actually harder to write out "chainlock" than "warlock/pact of the chain" because of autocorrect. I assume this is some trend on Reddit or whatever but also I've been saying Reddit servers should have been nuked from orbit since like 2014, so.
Moving past that: I haven't actually played a character with a familiar (or companion) either; it's just not something that interests me, and I don't have much in the way of advice there.
I do have advice in terms of support, which is the reason why support is so good but so hard to provide advice for and so undervalued is that it's not something static like DPS or tanking. You can build an incredible DPS or tank build in the complete absence of any other information, so it makes for fun things to talk about in the abstract, but good support depends on the party around you. It requires a complete refusal to engage with Main Character Syndrome. So: if you're the primary healer, lean into that. If you're the only arcane caster but there's a divine caster healer, pick the spells and invocations that increase your arcane utility. If no one has darkvision, take eldritch sight, and so on. See what gaps there are in the party and bridge them. This will look different depending on your party, but hopefully this gives you a place to start.
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rapifessor · 2 years
Dori Gameplay Analysis
Well, well. It certainly has been a while. I’ve still been playing Genshin Impact of course, and I have a lot of opinions on Sumeru and such, but I’ve just never found the time to really sit down and write about it. For starters, I still haven’t completed exploration of the region (for several reasons, but I’m not going to get into that now), and most of what I have to say pertains to the Archon Quest, which might be deserving of its own separate post.
But now Dori is out, which means it’s time to take a look at those abilities and see what she’s really like.
General Thoughts
Dori, as it turns out, is a claymore user, which came as a complete surprise to me as it’s probably the last thing I would have expected. What’s interesting about it though is that it isn’t really Dori who wields the weapon; rather, it’s the jinni that she sits on like a beanbag chair, which is honestly just really cute and funny, and adds a lot of charm to the character.
Her Normal Attack is a three-hit combo which is new for claymore users as well, since everyone else has either a four or five-hit combo. It’s not something you would really use unless you had Constellation level 6 on her, or if you’re playing DPS Dori for the memes (it is tempting, I’ll admit), but it is something of note I suppose.
Also worth mentioning is that her intended primary stat is HP, and since she’s a claymore character, that means... The Bell is finally not completely useless. Indeed, the eternal black sheep of Genshin Impact weapons that for the longest time never really had a home finally has a use. Well, sort of. There is a slight issue, which is that Dori kinda wants a lot of Energy Recharge.
See, Dori’s Elemental Burst has yet another 80 Energy cost, so she needs an absolute ton of Energy Recharge to be effective at her intended role, which is as a healer and energy support. She can’t heal or restore party energy outside of this ability, so it’s critically important that she be able to access this ability as often as possible.
That isn’t to say you can’t give her The Bell, in fact I might do it myself for shits and giggles. But realistically speaking, claymores like Favonius Greatsword and Sacrificial Greatsword are much more viable. Sadly, The Bell still isn’t good. It may never be, but at least this is a step in the right direction.
Party Role
As I mentioned earlier, Dori is intended to be a healer and an energy support, sort of combining the philosophies of Electro Traveler and Shinobu. She occupies a pretty good design space I would say, as she provides all-important role compression. Having two very useful functions in the team means you free up other slots for damage dealers and the like.
Upon examining her roles individually, it appears that Dori is quite powerful as a healer. Provided you can access her burst whenever it’s off cooldown, her healing abilities are very potent and with 25k HP and a Healing Bonus circlet in the Test Run, she heals well over 5k HP per healing instance. This healing is strong enough that you probably don’t need that much of it, meaning that investing in Dori’s personal damage once you’ve got enough healing and Energy Recharge on her is probably viable. She doesn’t deal much damage, but it is something you can do.
As for her energy restoration capabilities, it’s a little difficult to gauge in the Test Run due to the extra elemental particles, but it does seem like it can be pretty useful in conjunction with a main DPS. Something worth noting here is that, since the energy restored doesn’t come from particles, it applies to all elements equally, meaning you don’t need to run an Electro main DPS to take full advantage of it, although Dori’s Elemental Burst will still generate Electro particles from reactions and hitting enemies.
Overall, Dori’s energy support is hardly on par with that of Ei’s, but that’s to be expected to some degree as she’s meant to fill a different role. The energy regeneration only applying to the active character kinda sucks, but the speed is pretty good and it probably lets you get away with really low Energy Recharge on DPS characters who need it. I think Dori is really strong in teams that want an Electro support and primarily focus on a single character for damage output.
Constellation Levels
While Dori does have an interesting Constellation, in general I’d have to say that it’s pretty mid. Most of the levels don’t really do anything useful, they mostly add damage to Dori herself who really doesn’t do a lot of damage to begin with. Constellation level 4 is a bit interesting because it further buffs her healing and energy restoration for characters that have less than 50% HP and less than 50% of their max energy capacity. It seems pretty extra though, so it’s not like this is a huge buff to her. She heals and restores energy well enough as is.
She gets a level increase to her Elemental Burst before her Elemental Skill, which is nice and it makes sense because it’s the most important part of her kit.
Constellation level 6 is a weird one. It gives Dori an Electro infusion on her Normal Attacks after she uses her Elemental Skill, which would heavily imply some intention for her to deal damage... despite her damage scaling off of ATK rather than HP. The infusion also lasts only three seconds, which is basically enough for a single Normal Attack combo. It does add an additional effect to her Normal Attack though, which is to heal party members when they hit. As if she needed more healing.
Really not impressed with Dori’s Constellation, I’m afraid. It’s pretty pointless, and the most you’ll get out of it is a tiny bit of extra damage on a character who wasn’t doing much of it anyway.
There’s really only one artifact set that makes sense on Dori, at least to me, and that’s Noblesse Oblige. Maiden Beloved is a pretty bad set on most healers due to how overkill it is, and Dori is no different. She doesn’t really deal all that much damage either, so running a damage-boosting set on her isn’t that great, meaning the only logical alternative is to run a support set.
I’m of the opinion that Noblesse Oblige is best utilized on characters who don’t have any other good set options, and Dori is one of those characters, in my opinion. This is mainly because the 4-Piece set effect doesn’t stack with itself, so running this set on your Dori is most likely your best option if you don’t already have another character in your team who has it.
Dori seems like a pretty balanced character to me. From a power level standpoint, she’s not that exciting, but in terms of design space I really like her. The one thing I do lament about her is that she kinda invalidates Shinobu a little bit. She heals more than Shinobu and arguably has a more useful role, so as an Electro healer I feel like she’s just better, and that’s really a shame. I guess Shinobu doesn’t need her burst to heal though, and she does still have better healing uptime so she’s not completely outclassed.
What specific characters Dori will be good with, I’m not sure. I don’t think she’ll be shaking up the Eula meta as Diona already does all the things Dori does, and Fischl is still a much, MUCH more powerful option for an Electro character in Eula teams. It’s been an unfortunate trend that most 4-Star characters which have been introduced since the game’s launch have been pretty lackluster in strength. There are exceptions of course, like Heizou and Yanfei, but most of the really powerful 4-Star characters come from version 1.0, following a vastly different design philosophy from the one that HoYoverse is currently using, I would assume.
That being said, I do think Dori is deserving of investment and she’s a really cute and charming character, so definitely give her a shot if you pull her when wishing for Ganyu or Kokomi. Even if you aren’t using her 100% efficiently, she’s still a great healer and generic support especially for energy-hungry teams.
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crystalelemental · 2 years
I'm back with more Proposed Grid Expansions for the 5* units in Masters.
STEVEN Atk +20, Def +20, Tough Cookie (3), Vigilance (5), Defense Crush 9 (4), TM Shielding Strikes 2 (4)
Steven's honestly got some stuff.  Mostly in the fact that Haymaker is there at 1/5, he gets Aggravation at 3/5, Recuperation 2, and Force Field to buff special defense of all allies with each attack (20%, but still).  What he mainly lacks is move damage.  If aiming for a more sustained move damage approach, this is the set to go for.  And I do think this is better than just adding a multiplier; his sync nuke is weaker thanks to mega evolution, and he only gets two nodes.  With what I assume is the standard set, taking all the listed abilities, he has three energy left over.  Enough for Tough Cookie at minium.  Although you can give up Force Field entirely, to get 23 energy and take all of it if desired.   Shielding Strikes means the 2MP trainer move caps defense, which sets off Tough Cookie, while Vigilance prevents crits from bypassing the defense.  Defense Crush 9 is just to make that move damage as strong as possible.  The hesitation is that Hop is likely the support, to buff attack and crit, while also giving a bit of defense.  So he can probably give up on Shielding Strikes.  But I think it fits with his grid's attempts to be perfect self-sufficient if needed.
SUMMER LYRA Atk +20, Sp Atk +20, Haymaker (4), Piercing Gaze (4), Adrenaline 1 (5), Power Posture (3)
Summer Lyra is a really unfortunate seasonal, who I love for the adorable design.  Most of what it lacks is just good multipliers.  Haymaker seems easiest to set up, although admittedly it does run counter to the special attack focused sync.  Piercing Gaze is specifically to mess with all the accuracy checks that go on with Fairy-weak CS stages.  No more.  Adrenaline is chosen to speed up access to her next sync, which is beneficial due to the sleep effect being a potential lockdown.  And lastly, Power Posture for some move damage. The bad news is, all of this is hyper-reliant on the type of support she brings. You'll want Mina or similar for Charm, and Lillie or similar for the capped offenses.  But you also...want someone to put things to sleep, which is hard to achieve.  There really isn't any purely beneficial solution here; no matter which way she goes, it's rough.  The good news is, removing On a Roll 4 and a sync node means she picks up all of these traits, so at least it's good for the sync nuke.
In an ideal scenario, I’d be able to come up with a unique sleep-based skill, but anything appended to regular move damage feels like it could either be too much or not enough.  And I wanted to try something with self-sleep for the trainer move, but it’s hard to justify something that inconsistent.  This was about as much as I could do.
LEAF Def +20, Sp Def +20, Team Wise Entry 2 (5), Team Shielding Entry 2 (5), Vigilance (5), Adrenaline 1 (5)
Leaf and Eevee are already great, but the one thing that can be said to be their flaw is that they're slow.  Leaf needs to sync to get the +2 spectrum buff, and this leaves the team open to a lot of damage right out the gate.  Entry skills, then, are fantastic to get that ball rolling a lot sooner, and keeping the team protected.  From there, only two skills are needed.  Adrenaline 1 is a solid pick, to cut back access to second sync.  With more reliable access to a second sync before the foe's first in CS, Leaf now has the ability to max everyone's defenses before that sync hits the sides.  The other is Vigilance, which is more to free up anything else she may need, like stopping Go Viral status plays.  Now, you can get only two of them by giving up MGR9 or Stoic. This is possible.  But you can't get all of them unless you give up Friend Mend or Master Healer 2.  Both of which are...really good.  So you need to pick really carefully on what skills you're bringing and what's best for the long term.
LISIA Sp Atk +20, Def +20, Weather Wipe (4), Tough Cookie (3), Towering Force (5), Stupefication 4 (5)
Okay, Lisia's such an odd unit already, but let's try to make some sense of her, shall we?  Lisia has a sync nuke that requires no field conditions.  Defog clears all field effects, but cannot clear weather.   So first order of business: we need Weather Wipe.  This means she's a budget Anni Steven kind of solution to Moltres, and more easily sets up her sync nuke, by removing weather on top of everything else with Defog.  The follow-up is the potential debuff of Stupefication.  This is an unbelievably good skill that Bede brought in, but giving her full 9 benefits at a discount seems a bit much, so it's a coin flip to debuff special attack and special defense of the foe with each attack, including Defog. While Lisia has multipliers, they're bad, so we're giving a normal Tough Cookie for general damage, and Towering Force for her sync nuke.
In total, this requires 17 energy.  With the sync nuke and raw damage build, take off HP Tradeoff 4, and you can keep Wide Open, Harry 3, and Acumen on Dragon Pulse.   This kinda maybe sucks though, so I don't think it's unreasoanble to toss that for like...anything else.  It's an easy investment regardless.  For more supportive sets, it may depend on what you want to give.   Clear View can be dropped if you don't need the extra debuff, but if you do, giving up Durable, On a Roll, or Natural Remedy may be tougher to do.  But it's also not like you need all four skills for a defensive set, just the Stupefication and Weather Wipe.  Which, if you can drop Clear View, you made it. GRIMSLEY Atk+20, Speed +20, Rising Tide (5), Aggravation 1 (3), Snatch Shielding Strikes 2 (4), Snatch Barricade 2 (4)
Grimsley's honestly solvable in one skill: Rising Tide.  We all know what it did for Lear.  Aggravation is just something I feel like he should have for Dark Pulse, you know?  The rest is just buffing defenses when using Snatch.  This guarantees something for him, but also means he's better able to survive, which is a big concern for the frail Liepard.
At 16 energy, it fits in exactly with his current needs of both MPR and Catalytic Cure 4.  He can take everything.  If you're going with the sync damage nodes, you've gotta give up Ridicure.  Giving up only one Catalytic Cure isn't enough to get all four skills; you'd need to drop both.  So it's either take the risk you can steal defenses, or that you won't need the healing.
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freyayuki · 1 year
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Deathgaze Magicite Fight
The fights in the 5-star Magicite Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are quest level 400.
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Deathgaze is the dark Magicite that’s weak to the holy element. He takes reduced damage against magic and ninjutsu attacks.
Turned my attention to the Deathgaze fight since there’s currently a time-limited mission that requires you to fight this Magicite.
My holy tech, especially my physical holy tech, is pretty lacking. Thankfully, I already have an Odin in my Magicite deck.
And this is only a 5-star quest so it wasn’t that hard to fight against Deathgaze even if I don’t have multiple BDL relics for all of my physical holy chars.
My team for this fight did well enough. Even managed to get sub-30, beating Deathgaze in 22.54 seconds.
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But there was no way I’d even consider bringing this party to fight against holy-weak Argent Odin (this is quest level 600), not unless I get more relics for them.
Anyway, my team for this fight was:
Angeal Hewley from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Have Angeal’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break 2 (AASB2), Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), and Limit Beak Overstrike (LBO).
Usually, if I have at least 2 BDL relics for a char, that’s my cue to make their Hero Ability.
Since I have Angeal’s AASB2 and Sync, I should make his Hero Ability. I want to, really I do. And if the resources to make these abilities weren’t so scarce, I would have gladly done so.
The problem is the scarcity of these resources and the fact that Angeal’s Hero Ability is pretty bad.
His damage is also kinda lacking even with a fully complete Record Board. He does have some supportive capabilities too, but still.
It feels like he’s trying to be both a DPS and a support but he does neither well. I do hope he gets new and better tech soon.
Nevertheless, I’m glad that I have some of Angeal’s relics, especially his AASB2 because the animation for that features Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (#ad).
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Currently, Genesis is my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
I’m also really glad that I was able to include Angeal in my physical holy elemental team.
Even got to use Angeal for my first win against the Final Fantasy VII Dreambreaker Dungeon fight alongside Genesis and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. SOLDIER Firsts team FTW! LOL. I talk more about that fight in this post.
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Agrias Oaks from Final Fantasy Tactics
Only have Agrias’s Sync and her LBO. Wish I have her Awakening too. Then I could have made her Hero Ability.
Agrias did pretty well even with just her Sync though. With it, she can imperil holy to help boost her damage as well as that of her fellow damage dealers.
Lightning (Claire Farron) from Final Fantasy XIII
Have Lightning’s holy AASB, holy Ultra Soul Break (USB), holy Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), and holy Glint Soul Break.
Wish I had her holy Sync as well as her lightning tech. Like Agrias, Lightning did pretty well even with only one BDL relic.
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Ultra Soul Break 1 (USB1), Magika Album
USB2, Magika Orare
Glint+ Soul Break (G+), Magika Amuletum
Glint Soul Break (G), Magika Pius
Elarra served as my healer. She can provide Regenga and hi fastcast. She can even help buff the party.
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
AASB, Fantasy Grimoire Vol. I
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break 3 (AOSB3), Triple Phase
USB4, Arbiter’s Tome
USB3, Divine Veil Grimoire
USB1, Warder’s Apocrypha
Glint Soul Break (G), Purifying Grimoire
Burst Soul Break (BSB), Keeper’s Tome
Unique Soul Break 2, Sentinel’s Grimoire
Legend Materia Relic 1 (LMR1), Archival Secrets
Tyro was here to Wrath and Entrust and support the party with his AASB and USB4. The aforementioned Soul Breaks can increase the party’s critical hit chance.
These relics combo very well with Elarra’s Magika Orare which increases the party’s critical hit damage.
Since I refused to make a Hero Ability for this team, I found myself having to contend with a shortage of 6-star abilities to equip to my holy DPS.
Since Angeal was more of a support, I gave him Healing Smite which deals damage and restores some HP to one ally.
Angeal’s second ability slot has Omega Drive to build up his bars faster though I just ended up spamming Healing Smite since I didn’t try to combo his Sync and AASB2.  
Agrias had no choice but to equip 2 5-star abilities - Divine Cross and Guardbringer.
Lightning got the 6-star Great Form abiity although it’s stuck at rank 3 of 5 because I ran out of resources to max it. Her second skill slot has the 5-star Assault Sabre ability.
So what about you? Have you tried fighting against 5-star Magicite Deathgaze yet? How did it go? What team did you use? What do you think about this fight? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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FE 16 Playthrough Notes: Part 1: Preamble
Okay, this is basically gonna be a looong, in-depth review. Hopefully, this will makes things clearer in my head for my huge fix-fic.
Pre-Game Thoughts:
I’m probably going to save Black Eagles for my third/final Playthrough route (even though I miss my kids very much). I think I’m gonna get Blue Lions out of the way first, then get actual plot answers from Golden Deer second.
I’m going to focus on building up my Blue Lion kids (even though I wanna save all of my other kids). I think I’m also gonna keep little squads together (the four childhood friends can all stay together with Byleth to babysit, while all of the good characters can stay together). Though, I will also get the Abyss kids, they’ll be secondary.
This is gonna get real rambly and probably wear me out right out the gate.
Pre-Game Plans:
Dimitri’s gonna focus on lances and authority (he auto becomes a Prestige class, so no need to put him in a Cavalier class)
Dedue might become a Wyvern unit? I want him to have some mobility, which isn’t a thing with Armored classes, y’know?
Sylvain might become a Dark Knight? If not, just gonna make him a utilitarian mounted unit. So, focus mainly on those skills.
Ingrid can just stay as a Pegasus Knight.
Felix tho. I might make him a Mortal Savant, can’t remember the other sword classes rn.
Mercedes makes sense as our main healer with her personal skill, but may look into other options. Maybe Holy Knight?
Annette is our nuker/Black Mage, so our future Gremory (unless I make her a Black Knight???)
Ashe is our first bow boy of course, might invest in riding.
Flayn will be our Red Mage
Cyril works well as a Wyvern unit
Might play around with Wolf classes
And I think I’m going to make specific posts for Supports, rather than lump them in with main story ones, and make posts for free time.
Enough preamble! On with the project!
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ptergwen · 3 years
hi I saw your requests were open if there not anymore you can completely ignore this :). but could you do a boyfriend!peter x reader where he loves it when reader gives him those little kisses on his nose and freckles with head scratches please. feel free to change or completely ignore this <3
thousands of tiny stars
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pretend i haven’t used this
warnings: a couple suggestive jokes but the rest is just floofy fluff
a/n: i got carried away as per usual and i did end up changing it a tiny bit :/ emphasis on tiny tho lmfhsjfh you’ll see ! either way i hope you enjoy mwah
one thing about peter is that he absolutely can’t sit still under any given circumstances. he’s restless, like a burning ball of energy that’s brightness never dims.
because of this, he tries to and needs to keep himself occupied and be kept occupied every second of every day.
it’s sometimes playing with his fingers or your own, which peter prefers because he gets to hold your hand. other times, it’s tapping his favorite pink glitter pen relentlessly against the kitchen table while he conjures up homework answers.
aunt may isn’t very fond of that one.
this time, it’s constantly shuffling about the couch in the name of finding comfort.
peter starts off with an arm around your shoulders and a content grin on his face. you two agreed on mean girls for the first movie of your marathon, your head resting against peter’s chest as the tv steals your attention.
a few minutes in, peter decides he feels like being held rather than holding you. he sneaks his way down your body, lets himself nudge your thighs to wordlessly communicate what he wants. you of course oblige and switch positions accordingly.
peter lays his head in your lap, taking the opportunity to stare up at you instead of at the screen.
he finds himself shifting around again not too much later. now laying on the couch’s armrest on his side, he kicks his feet into your lap where his head just was.
you’re becoming slightly annoyed with his fidgeting. his explanations of sorry, just trying to get comfortable and innocent smiles are what stop you from complaining.
“that’s strike three, parker,” you joke, eyes leaving the movie to fix on him. peter crosses his arms over his chest. “i dunno what you’re talking about, y/l/n,” he insists. “i haven’t done anything remotely strike-worthy so far this evening.”
flicking his sock clad foot, you mutter your response. “debatable.” peter dismisses you with a huff. “whatever. c’mere… i miss you.” he makes grabby hands for you, like the big baby he is.
it’s quite endearing, though.
“i’m right here, pete,” you laugh out and return your gaze to mean girls. “and yet, you’re so far,” peter counters. “come gimme cuddles.”
you sigh lightheartedly, your ever so clingy boyfriend still reaching out for you. a smirk pulls at your lips.
“well, there’s an offer i can’t refuse.”
peter adjusts so he’s sitting criss cross, bouncing excitedly in his spot. his chocolate brown curls fall in all directions, form being swallowed by an oversized stark industries hoodie that he keeps having to roll up the sleeves of.
he looks so soft and snuggly in anticipation of your cuddle session. you can’t believe you were ever annoyed at him.
slightly annoyed.
he’s so eager that when you scoot the tiniest bit towards him, he literally pulls you into his lap. peter’s arms hug you around your lower back, you laughing quietly as he peppers a trail of kisses from your cheek to the side of your neck.
the movie long forgotten about, you wind your arms around his neck and tilt your chin up.
“pete?” you breathe out. peter pecks your cheek once more, then your other, beaming. “yeah, babe?” he wonders. with a half serious half teasing glare, you wonder, “are you comfy now?”
peter ponders your question, and from the skeptical furrowing of his eyebrows and biting of his lip, you have your answer. he’s about to make you regret asking.
it seems that as soon as you settle, peter gets antsy.
“uh, actually…” he strokes his thumb along the underside of your chin, smiling apologetically. “you mind if we lie down? ‘m kinda tired.” there it is. you roll your eyes. “how could you not be? you’ve been playing musical chairs all night.”
your words earn a chuckle from peter, though they’re at his expense. “this’ll be the last round, promise,” peter swears and seals the deal with a kiss to your chin, which is currently grasped between his fingers.
you know it won’t be. the game goes on forever with peter, unless you end it yourself.
“damn right, bug boy. move another inch after this and you can consider your cuddle privileges revoked,” you grumble, getting off of peter’s lap. he stares at you in pure horror, gasping. “you wouldn’t…” “i would,” you correct him.
not aiming to test that theory, peter quickly fumbles around and lays flat against the cushions. he wills himself to be stiff as a board. you seem satisfied with that, climbing on top of him with your face hovering above his.
peter sets his hands on your hips, grip strong. he closes the space between you both with a short kiss. you reciprocate and deepen it, turning short to long as your parted lips slot with his. his tongue darts out, already skimming over your bottom lip for more access.
you hum into his mouth and allow his tongue to slide in. peter kisses you so tenderly as he rubs circles on your hips, your fingers tangling in his locks simultaneously. you weave them up to his roots, using your nails to gently scratch at his scalp just the way he likes. he breaks the kiss to let out a noise close to a moan.
“that- that… oh, god yeah,” peter praises, his eyes fluttering closed. you’re amused at how easily pleased he is. “don’t cream your pants yet, pete. i’m just getting started,” you purr. peter squeezes your hips in response. “feels better than an orgasm, babe. i’m serious, too,” he murmurs.
you continue your handiwork in his hair and lean in for another kiss. peter merely pecks your lips before jerking away.
“wait, hold that thought,” he exhales a breathy laugh. “i gotta pee.”
he has to be kidding. again with this?
“oh no, you don’t,” you deadpan, pushing against his shoulders to hold him down. “oh yes, i do,” peter retorts. “let me go, y/n/n.”
peter could definitely slither out from underneath you if he truly wanted to. he has super strength, so the might of his teenage girlfriend doesn’t quite compare.
pinning him in place, you straddle his waist. “nope, you’re gonna stay. i’m not giving you a choice in the matter.” peter attempts to pry you off of him, but you won’t budge. “y/n, my bladder is gonna explode-“
he cuts himself off with a giggle when your lips begin to attack him. you kiss down the bridge of his nose lightly, peck each freckle dotting his skin, and the amount of them is infinite. peter’s fit of giggles continues as you smooch that pretty face of his, his cheeks dusted pink and hands coming up to support you by your sides.
he’s always been a little insecure about his freckles. they don’t suit him, there are too many of them, blah blah blah. you obviously couldn’t disagree more. you think they’re sick.
you’d once even told him they look like thousands of tiny stars, and peter does love stars. he also loves the kisses you tend to randomly surprise him with to remind him to appreciate his freckles the same way you do.
“okay, okay! i’ll stay!” peter concedes, you ruffling his hair and pressing a final kiss to the tip of his nose. he grins despite himself, and secretly wishes you wouldn’t stop. “but, if my kidneys fail… it’s on you.”
you pat his chest definitively.
“good thing you’re a fast healer.”
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bluexiao · 2 years
#Character Reviews (2.4 Reruns)
—reminder: these are mainly my experiences & observations throughout the times i use them. i main them on my accounts and i am looking at this without any bias at all.
—if i were asked which is better than xiao or ganyu, i’d say it depends on you. but if between the three and you don’t have all three, i’d say zhongli.
—i am speaking based on “practicality” especially for those who doesn’t mind getting either and wants to know the pros & cons of each.
—this thread includes builds, tips & other stuff that can help you in building
Pick GANYU if:
- You’re lazy and you just wanna go aim and shoot. (I’m not lying ksjsjs)
- You are F2p. After all, her second best weapon is a craftable weapon (Prototype Crescent)
- You have a shielder ready (quite needed, but she can tank too tbh)
- Aiming good doesn’t actually matter with her since it’s quite simple to aim with her (even on mobile tbh. I am a mobile user and you just have to aim on the ground most of the time)
- You want Elemental reaction. Obviously because she’s a Cryo and compared to Xiao, ofc you will get an Elemental Reaction.
- You don’t need another shielder/you already have Zhongli.
Pick XIAO if:
- You like polearm (melee) playstyle.
- You don’t mind having HP depletion.
- A straightforward build that doesn’t need your decision-making (lmao djksks)
- You have a shielder/healer ready (Diona works good with him. Also Zhongli)
- His cons are that he’s not f2p friendly. Like I said before, having a crit polearm is BEST for him, but if you have no choice, the ER ones are good, but you’re not going to do much damage unless your artifacts are god tier. His best option for f2p is Blackcliff Pole.
- You don’t mind not having Elemental reactions (no, Xiao doesn’t increase damage with EM at all)
Pick ZHONGLI if:
- You are in deep need of a shielder, he is the best out there
- He’s also F2p friendly because he could work well with ER weapons, but crit weapons are recommended for damage output.
- You don’t need another main DPS.
- You want an Archon and a broken character
- Low investment. Very very low. I think just having 2pc Tenacity is enough (though I do recommend 4pc for endgame players).
#character builds & breakdown utc.
those marked with * are crafted or free weapons (not gotten thru gacha or bp)
i arranged each weapons from most to least btw
-> Recommended: Amos Bow, Prototype Crescent*, Thundering Pulse, Skyward Harp, Polar Star, Blackcliff Warbow*, Hamayumi, Viridescent Hunt
- I don’t suppose the other ATK% weapons that are not listed above are good with her passive wise
Artifacts Sets.
-> Wanderer’s Troupe
- WT is good as an overall build for Ganyu, especially if you want to do Melt
-> Blizzard Strayer
- BS is good for Freeze Comps or Permafreeze
- Endgame wise, I feel like BS is better than WT
Artifact Stats.
-> EM - Cryo Dmg - Crit
-> ATK% - Cryo Dmg - Crit
- Either way is good but people say it’s better to use EM cup with her. I personally have not tried it but if you have better stats with EM Cup then go for it.
- The only thing I want to add is that seeing that she’s a Cryo Character, Crit Rate is not that much needed IF you have 4pc Blizzard Strayer and your team has a Hydro Applicator & Cryo Resonance, and also you’re playing Permafreeze. However, I still do recommend that she has a decent Crit rate and a high Crit DMG.
- Also, even if you disregard the previous bullet, I think Ganyu can still do more damage. She’s just broken like that.
Talent Prioritization.
-> Normal > Burst > Skill
- Like I said, on mobile, you could aim at the ground to hit the enemy, especially with multiple ones. (You could also aim for the head but it depends)
- She needs a built Diona, or probably another Cryo character and a shield character. Diona is actually the best bet imo because she’s a shielder + healer + cryo resonance + battery.
- She’s also a good support DPS btw. If you have a Pyro character like Hu Tao or maybe Diluc I think they’re a good match. Especially Hu Tao since she has downtimes for her skill and during those times, you can use Ganyu and boom problem solved. I think Childe can do good with her as well in a Freeze comp.
- Also, like I said, her Burst can charge up fast anyway so no need for a high ER for her.
-> Recommended: Staff of Homa, Primordial Jade Spear, Deathmatch, Blackcliff Pole*, Skyward Spine, Lithic Spear, Prototype Starglitter*, Wavebreaker’s Fin
- other ER based Weapons are not really recommended but they’re next in line
- edit: I placed in Prototype Starglitter there but it’s beyond my recommendation ksksk. which means I don’t really recommend using it to him, but if you’ve got no other choice, then give him an R5.
- edit: Wavebreaker’s Fin’s passive doesn’t work on Xiao’s burst
- edit: Lithic Spear’s passive is quite good since the min. you can get is 7% additional ATK% and 3% crit rate. imagine if you have 2-4 charas from Liyue, then that would be higher, and more so if you have R5. Its Base ATK is also quite good!
- tbh, you only need 120~ ER for Xiao, mine is even lower. I recommend focusing more on Crit and ATK%
- no, Phys weapons are NOT good with him, you’re losing a lot of damage and wasting his potential
Artifacts Sets.
-> 2 pc Viridescent Venerer + 2pc Shimenawa/Gladiator
Artifact Stats.
-> ATK% - Anemo DMG - Crit
- like i said, he has a pretty straightforward build
- and no, he doesn’t need EM
Talent Prioritization.
-> Burst > Normal > Skill
- On mobile, it’s difficult to control his burst at first, but I guess it just depends on how you’ve gotten used to jumping up and then plunging down. (Its control is quite the same with the increased jumps on Albedo’s event.)
- His skill CD is quite long, but if you want to make high damage, then use his charged attacks. His charged attacks are quite good since he makes smaller opponents stumble, plus it has high damage.
- You can actually use his skill to charge his own Burst, however if you really need his burst fast, having an Anemo battery will be helpful, or any elem battery (like equipping someone with a Favonius weapon). For me this is why I also use Diona with him because she has an R5 Favonius Bow.
- If you noticed, I placed Staff of Homa higher than his own BiS weapon because Homa gives lots of Cdmg. Cdmg with Xiao is always better, plus it’s easier to just have Crit rate for his Circlet if you have Crit DMG Weapon. Having Crit Rate weapon would mean you have to build up lots of CDmg from his artifacts, which is quite hard.
- I recommend 60/70 CR : 200 CD for his crit. (My Xiao has 70:250 I think and he can do 50k per plunge alone.)
- Actually, R5 Deathmatch is way better than R1 Primordial Jade Winged Spear. If you compare the two, the stats are very similar and reaching just R3 Deathmatch is enough. The only difference would be the high Base ATK from a 5* like PJWS, but then you can compensate that with the passive buffs with an R5 Deathmatch.
-> HP reliant build (Purely Shield): Black Tassel, Staff of Homa, Vortex Vanquisher
-> Burst reliant build (Mostly DMG): Lithic Spear, ER Weapons
-> Hybrid (Shield+Burst): Staff of Homa, Primordial Jade Spear, Skyward Spine, Deathmatch, Blackcliff Pole, Vortex Vanquisher, Black Tassel, Lithic Spear, Favonius Lance, Prototype Starglitter, The Catch
- by “build” I also am including the Artifacts. for example, you have HP-HP-HP on artifacts, then that means you have a HP Reliant build. If you have HP-GeoDmg/HP-Crit, you have a hybrid build. burst reliant builds prioritize a lot on ER but honestly I doubt a lot of people only use Zhongli for his burst damage and not with his shield.
- it is purely by reference, honestly. but if you’re on endgame, then I would suggest a hybrid build, especially if you also have a healer on the team.
- you can actually exchange weapons each time if you’re on Hybrid build (i do that too when I’m in deep need of HP), it’s better if your build is flexible like that.
- the tip with Zhongli is that the higher the level of his weapon, the better it is to have a Crit Weapon instead of Black Tassel.
Artifact Sets.
-> Tenacity
-> Archaic Petra
-> 2pc Noblesse (4pc not reco)
-> 2pc Gladiator (if you have 2pc ToM/Archaic/Nob)
- Now like I said he has different builds so I think you should rely more on your rng luck when it comes to deciding Arti Sets & your overall build.
- I do recommend 4pc Tenacity for a hybrid build since it can raise damage for a few seconds as well with its bonus. It’s good for an overall build since it can help your main DPS too.
- Archaic Petra is good… I used it with Tenacity before and it has good damage. If you want a good synergy with your main DPS, go for 4pc Tenacity. For a good support Zhongli who can do his own damage, then 2pc Archaic or maybe Glad with Tenacity.
Artifact Stats.
-> HP - HP - HP (HP reliant, pure Shielder)
-> ATK/ER - Geo - Crit (Burst reliant)
-> HP - Geo/HP - Crit (Hybrid)
- Like I said, I doubt a lot would even do a Burst reliant build unless you’re a boss and just wants to do it for the sake of it, go and lmk how it went hehehe
- I for one use a hybrid build with a Geo Cup and his burst can hit around 60k~ with crit. Tbh if you have a good Main DPS, you won’t need to build his burst much. His burst has a Petrify effect that is very useful especially in Abyss—it’s the most important aspect of his burst in my opinion.
Talent Prioritization.
-> HP Reliant/Hybrid: Skill > Burst > Normal
-> Burst Reliant: Burst > Skill > Normal
- Actually, Zhongli’s cons are one of the bests out there. If you’re looking for someone to put your primos on, I’d definitely recommend him.
- I only have him at 80/90 and he’s in tip-top shape. I don’t recommend getting him to 90 if you don’t bias him that much since the important thing in ascending him is just his Skill.
- He’s the best in solving the cube puzzles in Inazuma (he’s the one I always use and I promise he never disappoints)
- I think I already said this but having a hybrid build will make him good with a crit or hp weapon. I for one just switched his weapon while exploring Inazuma before with a low level Tree (i forgot its name ohgod).
tbh if I’m the one who doesn’t have all three of them, I’d probably choose Zhongli. i couldn’t imagine having not pulled for him when i did since i barely could fight without him hahah. 
however, if you don’t need a shielder anyway, i’d say pick on your style. ganyu is more for those who crave for meta and wants to dominate the game far easier while xiao, on the other hand, despite being a meta himself, is quite difficult to build. he has more specific details that needs to be done to attain the “perfect build” and high damage, but if you’re lucky and have the perseverance, then why not?
out of everyone, xiao is still my favorite since i like his overall playstyle and he’s by far my strongest character on main. a character is strong depends on how you build them. there’s no weak character imo. question is, how strong are you to survive the farming god tier artifacts? :)
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