#ultimately . im just jeff
fujobritta · 1 month
weird storytime and an abed analysis (abednalysis ?)
in s1e17, physical education, abed says that he didnt mind changing for other people because hes comfortable with who he is . a season later, in s2e19, critical film studies, he says instead that he doesnt like change . and now i realize what he really meant when he said that he didnt mind changing .
when i was younger, around 11-12, i would pretend to be other people online . more than five different separate identities in one discord server . because i wanted people to like me more . i made these alt accounts and assigned each one a personality, a different typing style, a reason for joining, a region, and a timezone . and for the most part, they were people who were nicer and just generally likeable . because im not someone who is any of those things . i am not a nice person . i dont even think im a good person . and god i am not likeable . at all .
so i played these characters . most of them only being active for short periods . i would have full back and forth conversations with these alt accounts to sell it . i had these weird insane elaborate plans . a 16 year old former drug user, lives in manitoba, somewhat parental . 13, california, liked minecraft and drawing -- completely different artstyle (and different software) too . etc .
i would let these accounts bake (make them and then not use them) so that it didnt seem suspicious with a brand new account joining the server . then i would spend a week making the account and forming a character to go with it, sometimes asking people to help me out . it was so fucking crazy . i was insane . might still be .
…yeah i probably still am .
i was such a better person on those different accounts . because i didnt know how to change on the inside, i just started over and over again . different account, new me . like i was experimenting with who i really wanted to be like . formulating the perfect person to act like when i finally decided that i wanted to become a better person .
i gave up eventually obviously . im not a tween anymore . i was a really weird tween . obviously . but i think about it a lot .
honestly i only went back to being myself because it was comfortable . i felt better being a fucking douche . and i still am a douche . im not a good person . i dont think ill ever be a "good person" . what the hell is a good person, anyways . all i know is that im fine with myself like this . even as much as i not-so-secretly hate myself, and deny it out of fear of seeming like an "edgy attention seeking loser" .
its not that abed doesnt mind change, he just doesnt mind changing the persona . he doesnt mind changing the person showing on the outside . a separate identity . but ultimately, he wouldnt ever fundamentally change as a person . because hes fine with who he is, even if other people might not like him for that . and i want to be like him . i want to be someone who is fine with who they are, even if that someone is a socially inept ass who learned tenth grade math at age ten but cant figure out when their own face is making a smile or not .
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tokensonsaturn · 6 months
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thecubes · 1 year
incoming r&h meta post im Having Thoughts
also though preface that most of this is like... the actual intellectual answer is that it is an itc show and itc shows are just, Like That. almost famously underproduced. moving on...
i was thinking about how marty jeannie and jeff basically have no close friends or family connections outside of each other. theres a few exceptions like jeff's old friend o'malley - but i dont think they are particularly good or close friends, and i don't think jeff really respects o'malleys penchant for actively looking for shady shit (actually i get the impression that jeff regards himself as having Settled Down now which, is interesting). jeannie seems close to her sister and seems to respect her opinions and ideas, so thats interesting. marty has his aunt but she isn't a consistent presence. overall, they spend the majority of their time solely with each other, thinking and talking about each other.
it leads me into generating some narrative reason WHY these three depend solely on each other. it makes me think maybe they chose a lifestyle their previous friends (if any) disapproved of, or that they even actively hide from friends and family, which as a secret in itself drives a wedge in those relationships. hiding something fundamental like that generally means people talk less to their family or previous friends. particularly if they already feel like they'll be rejected for living that way. or yeah, maybe they've already been outcasted a little.
well, jeannie and marty live a respectable life - a man and a woman, married, living together. in a flat. seemingly on the edge of financial security, although marty has a smart head on his shoulders and works hard to protect their future. it's just odd to me that again there's no sign of family support from either jeannie or martys side, you'd surely expect they'd at least be supported by a parent in some way? even if that can only be emotional support.
and well... there's jeff. and he's ALWAYS there. he is a fairly integral component of marty and jeannie's marriage, and i think that's the, 'reason' that they feel/are rather dependent on each other. bc i mean, it's normal for a guy to have a best friend sure, but they basically live in each other's pockets and not without jeannie - my favourite extremely brief mention is in an episode when marty says something to the effect of "it's where we went for that picnic - me, you and jeannie" which is cute, obviously. but it's like... THAT picnic, you know jeff, the specific one. and it's not like their particular closeness is unnoticed, even the operator in jeff's building regards them as, ok well not intimate but close enough that even HE is aware that they are close. marty even worries so much about jeannie that jeff is the one to promise to support her (ok yes its a bit more... 60s than that, but im trying to give the characters SOME credit), marty doesn't even consider her family or even his own would support her. it... has to be jeff because jeff is the one who understands.
so i'm circling back around to wondering why they're just revolving around each other and well, basically, im thinking that if the operator in jeff's building makes a point of stating just how close he and marty are, and the three have had A Picnic, together, that they should remember specifically, almost like a date, and im thinking well... it feels like they've been rejected by a lot of their friends and family. and i think marty having to choose between jeff and jeannie is a recurring theme in martys life. not just as a ghost, i think he had to choose even before then, and decided to choose them both by going into business with jeff and marrying jeannie. they're both legally recognized partnerships, it's perfect really. not to mention the added financial security generated from the business (well, that's the plan anyway), and both partnerships benefit both involved.
seriously this is the face of a man who knows
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dude i know the guys at itc didn't purposefully write it like that, but it makes me feel feral thinking about it
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 7 months
What about Ben, Toby, Masky and Jeff with an S/O who has a magical singing voice (like, yk can manipulate people into their own will by singing, spawn things out of thin air and heal- LITERALLY DO ANYTHING WITH SINGING.) (+ points if she's the daughter of Melpomene and is kind of popular on the internet for singing xoxo) (yes this is inspired by ado)‼️‼️‼️
Don't worry you aren't bothering me! Writing your requests is what im here for!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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He loves to listen to you sing, but he will not ask for it
Like, if you sing around him, cool beans
If you don't, he wont be upset
He always finds himself becoming intranced by your voice
He will pause his game and just sit and listen to your beautiful voice
He absolutely gets you to do things for him
"Babe, you know how you love me sooooo much?"
"What do you want, ben"
"Can you pretty please manipulate Tim into getting me a monster at the gas station when he goes"
"*biiiiig sigh*"
There is some limitation to your power though
Which he was really dissapointed with
"What do you mean you can't make slender give me a raise??"
"Baby, he's a literal elderitch being beyond most mortal's imagination"
"He's also my boss and i don't wanna get fired for trying"
When it comes to you being famous on the internet, he is all for it
His ultimate fantasy is to date an internet idol of some sort
He'd be lying if he said he didnt wish he had a catgirl girlfriend 💀
Being very famous in the underworld himself, it's kind of a hassle for both of you
Constant breaches of your privacy, paparazzi trying to get the inside scoop on your relationship, etc
However, he looooves showing you physical affection on the internet
Expect him to interact with you on socials, be extra touchy on lives, etc
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He is the only one on this list that will shamelessly ask for you to sing to him
Sometimes he'll just sit on either your or his bed, laying on his stomach and kicking his feet behind him as he listens to you sing
He will often ask you to sing him to sleep
Especially if he's had a rough day
It helps ground him
He loves being all cozy, cocooned in a big blanket, snuggled into the crook of your neck, you rubbing his head and singing to him softly
Sometimes he'll mumble sleepily about how much he loves you, and how good you are to him
He doesn't really take advantages of your powers like the others
Only if necassary
"Hey dookie head, can you get my phone back from tim? He took it from me since it's my bedtime :(" (/hj situation)
"Fart face, can you get my raccoons these cute little outfits? Im so broke right now, please please please??"
Like i said, only when necessary
He loves to dance with you also
If he walks in on you singing to yourself, he will come up behind you and sway you side to side
Eventually it will evolve into a full dancing episode
After, you will both collapse onto the floor, sharing small kisses and heavy breaths
You being famous doesn't really affect him
He's fine with you doing your own thing, and he's gonna do his
He doesn't mind the paparazzi, because no matter what they catch him doing, he will always remain a feral rat child at heart <3
Yeah, the paparazzi's kinda scared of him 💀
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He loves when you sing but wont admit it
He's always silently begging for you to sing, but he will never ask for it
Whenever you do sing, he makes sure to tell you how pretty your voice is and how much he loves whatever song you're singing
He's so hooked on your voice
Sometimes when he's all worked up, he just needs to sit out on his balcony, smoke, and listen to you hum while you dance to an imaginary song
God, he loves your dancing
He could watch all day
He never really asks for you to use your powers for anything
Like, i can only see him maaaybe using it to get other creeps to leave him alone
But that would be very rare
The way he sees it, your powers are mostly used on him
Hypnotizing him in such a way, with your soft voice and flowy dancing
He'd honestly jump off a cliff if you asked in this state
When it comes to you being famous on the internet, he doesn't really like it
He likes it for you! Just not for him
He's already got cameras up his ass 24/7, and he doesn't want eyes on your relationship at all times
You deserve privacy!
So don't expect him to be too affectionate when youre on camera or on social media
He's very physically affectionate in private
He just doesn't want unnecessary eyes on him is all
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He loves hearing you sing, but will never ask for it directly
You two have a code word for when he needs to hear your voice
"Pony" is the word
Whenever hes feeling upset, angry, or if he's in some sort of episode, he'll drag you off to your bed and whisper "pony" in your ear
Usually, he likes to be the "dominant" one in physical intamcy, but in times like these, he needs to be the one being held
He likes snuggling into the crook of your neck, kissing you here and there
He also likes to lay on your chest and smell your clothes
Like BEN, he asks you to use your powers for his own selfish needs
Food, money, etc
You being famous gets him really excited
Him also being pretty famous makes it even better
He loves showing you off, being really touchy with you, expressing to people that you're his and he's yours, etc
It really gives this little PDA demon a kick
When i say he loves PDA, i mean it
He'll always be kissing you, make a show of caressing you and groping you, calling you sweet names
All of it
If you were uncomfortable with that though, he'd understand
He'd still manage to let people know who you belong to with other methods though
Such as calling you pet names, being extra nice around you, yadda yadda
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mortalfollies · 2 months
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9 Favourite Albums - Choose 9 & then tag 9 people! Or you can do nine singles or EPs, whatever lol.
Tagging @cactus-bag @catsafari25 @labyrinthal @sleeeepy-demon @retourne-toi-eurydice @belladonnafey @scorpius-rising @cry4judas @atuans @nicey-sandokan @evyes no obligations feel free 2 ignore
Albums listed (and me rambling) under the cut
TIME - ELO: my mum's favourite album that i first Properly listened to when i was 13. it's just the best sci-fi concept album ever....i love you jeff!!
13 Tales of Love & Revenge - The Pierces: sexy indie duo, most known for the song Secret, which isn't even in the top 5 of the best songs of the album. a treasure from when i was 11, and just figuring out i like girls.
Greatest Hits - The Eagles: again, my mum's interests becoming my own. it was really hard to pick between this and Long Road Out of Eden, but ultimately the greatest hits r that for a reason.
Laurel Hell - Mitski: my fave mitski album, heat lightning is underappreciated!!! and yeah just. its about solitude. recognition but not in the way you wanted or expected. emotional rollercoaster. im not eloquent enough to describe it and mitski does it better in under 2 minutes anyway.
Strange Trails - Lord Huron: again another hard toss between this and long lost but st wins out purely bc the transitions rule, and meet me in the woods + the yawning grave make me crazyyyy. so happy i got to hear those live in jan. lord huron is like what if a cowboy was also a ghost. thats the only way i can describe it.
Electra Heart - Marina and the Diamonds: i am not immune to music i heard at 12 years old. shame she's never made anything as good as this again.
Are We Having Fun Yet? - Black/Colin Vearncombe: another one of mum's. She found this guy when someone at Sanity was playing the album over the store speakers. loved it ever since, and introduced it to me. wistful ballads, jazzy touches, a little bit sexy.
Coyote Stories - The Crane Wives: this was a 2016-18 discovery maybe? i just know i was in school. im into folk indie i cant help it.
Wasteland, Baby! - Hozier: shout out to afro-elf for posting about movement n the whole ep, which is what spurred me to actually try this dude's music. and now i love him. but wasteland baby is immaculate: no skips, he roars in some songs and is as gentle as drizzle in others.
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okay im having Thoughts about peter strahm. like, he's one of the smartest characters in the whole series. he figured out the jigsaw case so quickly, the whole 'amanda young is too small, she never could have gotten kerry up there alone, jigsaw had another accomplice' etc etc.
but on the other side of the same coin, he's fucking dumb. he dies not because he wasn't intelligent enough to get out of the trap, but because he had too much hubris. he thought he knew better, he thought he could beat the game. and that was ultimately what killed him. his pride. its like. yes he was smart enough to get out of the water cube, that was a very quick move. but he wouldn't have been in the water cube if he'd had enough sense to leave. strahm had john's corpse, an unedited tape that tied the whole thing back to john, and both the rooms with mandy, lynn and jeff and riggs, matthews and art blank. there was so much evidence. he could have just walked away, but he didn't.
and that's what makes him such a compelling character.
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crushedsweets · 9 months
I am so curious as to what you'd think about Nina and Hoodie as a duo. They've been two of my absolute favorites (even if Brian technically isn't even a creepypasta) since I was younger and I've always loved them as a sort of big brother/little sister pairing. They are so siblings to me I adore them. What are your thoughts on the sillies..
OHHH this is actually super interesting... but also im worried i do not have a lot to say because they won't mesh very well/very much. but i will try. not super realistic headcanons i think but what do i know... <3
brian isnt very present in my story, partially bc ik some mh fans dont like the crossover very much. and by time ninas in the story, i want him+tim to kinda separate from slenderman as toby and kate take over. he's still involved and coming around since he gets horrible slender sickness(but its from the operator) if he's away too long, but he doesn't live near or befriend most of the main cast..
nina is very present in my story because i love her and she is such a good and fun representation of the fandom yk. but brian is much more realistic and late 30s man, while nina is a very cartoonish early 20s girl. theyre on very different fields character and life wise...
BUUUUUUUUUT they would still meet of course.
she'd be bubbling around the entire cast, meeting people through jeff. people initially think she's in the same vein as jeff, natalie, and toby, with a LONG list of blood on their hands influenced by the operator, so they just don't think much about it. theyre mostly surprised by how cheery she is, but the proxies are the first to find out she's just... obsessed with jeff..... so thats very off putting. brian isn't fond of it.
nina would develop some light slender sickness(again, from the operator) just by being around jeff all the time, but the operator never infected her because he didn't see her as a worthy vessel. so, she would have to come to the proxies about it. if toby isnt in the mood or busy, she'd just have to hope brian/tim are around with some pills that'll soothe the pain
brian is more likely to help. with nina, he'd be quick to take on a more protective role, trying to console her as she cries on the couch holding her head whining about static.
initial convos would go smth along the lines of "do you want some coffee ? or uh kids like hot chocolate huh... maybe tea" "i'm literally in my 20s please tell me toby has weed somewhere" "that does not help with this pain i promise" "how would you know" "haha. water it is."
brian was a major stoner back in his early 20s and nina thinks its fucking hilarious. . . she'll try to get him to smoke with her but he's rlly not interested LOLLLL.... hes like 15 yrs older than her he thinks its weird .
again, he's not around a lot, but she's always happy to bump into him. she'd be squealing n shit 'HIII BRIANNNN how r u :3' and he'd just be like :) hey nina. and then never answer the 'how r u' bc he doesnt actually wanna sit and talk .
its a good change of pace. he's been through hell and back for well over a decade by this point, everyone around him is a sad sack of shit, and he spent a long time just. fighting to be an optimistic, cool guy to hang around . . but .... like.... um..... its hard to be that kind of person after all he's been thru. something about nina just forces that sort of like..... glee out of him . its not a huge difference where he's suddenly bouncing and giggling and whatever, he's still just Some Guy. but he'll be like :) lol .
mayhaps he'd catch her trying on toby's goggles and he'd offer to let her try on his mask. but nina would fake gag and be like 'no i dont want that dirty musty nasty sack on my head' and he'd be like ?????. then he'd say she can wash it and then try it on. which.. as an older sibling.... is the type of shit i'd do just to get my sister to do smth for me that i dont wanna do LMFAOOO. she might fall for it just cuz my dear nina is the ultimate fangirl
i dunno i kinda struggled with this one just cuz in my au, they wouldnt be all that close and the Type of characters they are don't mesh very well, but i am super fond of the concept and would love to try expanding on it more
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haohaowrld · 1 year
hi I saw u write for epex too and I'm absolutely in to them these days. if u don't mind could u write epex members when u fall asleep on them (before dating)
aaa plz i love epex 😭 yesyes this is so cute
im doing this in bullet points, hope you don't mind ❤️ if you wanted headcanons or if you want me to elaborate on any of them plz don't be afraid to ask! — not proofread, lowercase intended
epex — falling asleep on them !! (pre-relationship)
×× 곽 다윗 —★ kwak dawit ! wish ···
• will let you sleep unless you look uncomfortable 💀
• hes probably used to his members leaning on him and sleeping on him all the time but.. you??
• oh he's a wreck
• wants you to be comfortable and if it looks like you're in pain even in the slightest he will move you or wake you up
• overall just wants you to rest well, doesn't care that you're leaning on him
×× 금 동현 —★ keum donghyun ! keum ···
• 100% confused and WILL wake you up 💀
• "do you want to sleep? i can come back another time"
• vv worried and wants to know if you're getting enough sleep
• if you tell him you are actually tired he would be so conflicted
• he wants to spend time with you but he wants you to sleep
• prob just ends up letting you sleep on him after, win-win lol
×× 서 경민 —★ seo kyungmin ! mu ···
• will not intentionally wake you up but the second your head hits his shoulder he tenses up enough to scare both him AND you 💀
• will apologize and let you sleep on him ☹️
• WILL take photos of you but will 100% delete them if you don't like them lol
• texting EVERYONE for moral support
• "omg omg guys they're sleeping on me what do i do help help help" but no matter what anyone says he's not gonna move you until you wake up
• has ruined your sleep before, will not let it happen again 💀
×× 조 민우 —★ cho minwoo ! a-min ···
• confused but will let you sleep
• will 100% just. look at you.
• not like out of adoration but like why are you sleeping in the middle of the day and why on me look (out of adoration too)
• eventually understands because he's had his moments too
• might look at something on his phone and laugh a little too loud 💀
• will apologize even if you don't hear him or wake up lol
×× 김 현우 —★ kim hyunwoo ! baekseung ···
• nervous and will tell everyone who walks in the room to be quiet 💀
• will make sure you stay asleep because he wants you to rest and he needs to calm down
• will be vv sweet and will ask one of the members to bring you a blanket or something
• he won't hear but said member will walk away grumbling about how whipped he is
• v soft and just wants you to be warm and happy ☹️ need
×× 권 예준 —★ kwon yejun ! ayden ···
• will try to wake you up, ultimately fails, doesn't try again 💀
• "why me and why now." FEAR. someone help this boy 😭
• thinks that you meant to fall asleep on him and will get delusional /lhj
• will not be able to function until you wake up, whatever he was doing has been long abandoned
• might fall asleep too ngl 💀
×× 서 예왕 —★ seo yewang ! yewang ···
• takes him a second to realize what's going on but will let you sleep lol
• will try to wake you up but when you don't he won't push it
• if you're tired, you're tired, and he wants you to rest
• (so you guys can actually hang out 😭💀)
• will watch you and will make sure you're still sleeping and not just leaning on him to make him nervous 💀
×× 이 재호 —★ lee jaeho ! jeff ···
• you have broken him. congratulations.
• the most scared of them all a literal chill would run down his spine I think 😭
• would be 100% still and would NOT move
• will totally wake you up out of fear plz help him ☹️
• he'd wake you up like yejun but will not give up until you wake up 💀
• will ask you why you fell asleep on him but totally didn't mean to lol
• his ears are bright red please dont mention them he already knows
thank you for reading this far! ❤️ feedback, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated.
— haohaowrld, 2023.
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fhrlclln · 2 years
star boy | eddie munson
SUMMARY -> you’ve been feeling burnt out lately but eddie has the solution to that. which he totally didn’t expect.
eddie munson x fem! reader
GENRE -> nsfw/smut
WARNINGS -> tiny mention of weed. smut train chugga chugga choo choo 🚂. also, both are inexperienced cuz no bitches (first time, p in v, protected sex, mutual masturbation) fluffy smut
WC -> 4,573
a/n : i saw a post talking about eddie & y/n both being inexperienced. so here ‘ya go, just wanted to play the idea hehe. also, i can’t accurately really write how “first times”work, cUZ IM A VIRG— yes. and i recommend listening to stargirl interlude while reading this cuz we sluts. anyways enjoy my filthy eddie fic. ^_^
thank you for 199 followers !! ‘ya sluts.
likes, reblogs & comments are greatly appreciated !! <3
enjoy !!
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the cafeteria was buzzing with multiple students flocking each and every table. chitchatting, a bit of yelling and constant whispers were populating the poor cafeteria, as always. it’s ear-deafening on most parts but it’s another normal day in hawkin high. you were seated in the middle of a vacant table, at least two students sitting at the end, minding their own business. finals were coming in, pep rally tomorrow and whole lotta shit to do once you graduate and start college soon. honestly, why weren’t you born a rock than deal with this? it was cringe thinking but in reality, you haven’t even felt yourself or even seen yourself taking up a career yet. maybe it was just the laziness but it was pretty understandable, having a life that doesn’t get harder each year that passes without the extra work to do it. of course you’d want that but it will always never happen, of course. no one would have a life without starting some goal that proceeds into your future and ultimately dictates it how you live it. it’s life, really, it’s sometimes just have some ups and upside downs. which is a sucker when you think of it.
“boo!” you yelped, feeling two large hands on your shoulder as the sudden scare almost flipped the coke out of your grip. you sighed, looking up, knowing who it is.
“the coke almost spilled on my fucking clothes, eddie.” you shove eddie’s chest back as he let out a chuckle along with jeff and gareth’s following in. you glared at them, feeling eddie behind you as you turned around to see him with a large grin plastered on his damn face. eddie fucking munson, two-timed held back senior and probably the most annoying person that ever annoyed in this whole year since you’ve met and had class with him. and fortunately is, your boyfriend. which was surprising since he’s the first ever hellfire member to actually get a girlfriend, (other than the three freshmen, who were still considered new which is why they are exempted, maybe.)
“i’m sorry, sweetheart.” he kissed your cheek, sitting down next to you, his supposed lunchbox slammed on the table. putting your coke down, you were silent as he shuffled next to you, his eyes digging holes on your face. observing, mostly.
“something bothering you?“ he asked, eyebrow raising. you looked at him then glancing away to see jeff and the others heading their way to grab lunch. you looked back at eddie, fingers fiddling with each other as you shrugged.
“i’m just tired.” you spilled it out, leaning your head on his shoulder. his hand caressed your back as you nuzzled your face onto his warm body heat. the smell of weed mixed with beer? and his cologne masking it, skunky and bit strong as you let out a relaxed sigh, nose scrunching still at the foul mixed scents.
“please don’t tell me you smoked again in the bathroom. i can smell you.” you pouted, pinching his stomach as he let out a yelp, ring cladded hand grabbing your wrist to stop your assault further.
“just one hit, helps calm the nerves.” he whispers against your ear. you could feel his cheeky smile as you shake your head in disbelief, eyes still closed relaxed as ever. “no even one noticed shit.”
“hm.” you let out a snort, not believing him, choosing to stay silent as the overwhelming feeling was ticking you again. it was killing your mood lately. it felt like you just wanted to sleep, do nothing, let all of your problems sizzle down and wake up, feeling normal as ever again. but it didn’t happen, not at least once.
“i’m not pretty convinced you’re just tired.” eddie pointed out, grabbing something from his lunchbox. he opened the zip-lock bag and shoved the mini-pretzels in his mouth as he nudged you with his shoulder to speak, making your head thump against him in an uncomfortable way. you winced, his shoulder blade hard against your cheek as you sat up and looked at him. “come on, spill it. tell me what’s been bugging you. i can’t be a good boyfriend if i don’t know what’s making you like this! acting like a total zombie chick.”
you smiled at him, heart fluttering at how genuine he looked. he had puppy eyes as he rested his cheek on the palm of his hand. staring at you as he still munched and munched. you didn’t know where to start, you were a tincy bit embarrassed knowing how everyone had been bummed out this final semester.
“i don’t know. exams were hard, tons of shit were due last week and i studied, a lot. which i don’t feel like i’ve done enough. i’m just—“ you sucked in a breath. “i feel fuzzy and i don’t know what to do.” you grabbed one of his pretzels and shoved it into your mouth, glancing at him seeing him have a very serious expression on. fingers on his chin, tapping slowly and thinking deeply as if he was your therapist.
“interesting.” he merely said, humming a tune as you rolled your eyes at his tactics.
“oh, now it’s interesting?” you squinted your eyes at him, pondering whether to be annoyed or amused or actually believe if he was helping rather than messing with you. you were about to stand up, trying to think that this conversation never happened. “fuck it, forget i said anything, ed—“
“i’m listening, hey! i am. which is why i’ve got this awesome idea.” eddie grabbed your wrist, pulling you down, making your ass thump on the uncomfortable cafeteria seat. “it’s going to be cool. i swear to you. on my own uncle.” he patted your thigh as you listened to him.
“i’m not smoking again if that’s your idea, eddie.” you added as his face fell a bit. remembering the time you tried to smoke a joint that he offered, well it wasn’t a great idea at all. the strong odor sticked onto your jacket when you got home. which caused a frenzy when one of your family members smelt it while it was in the dirty laundry. making you almost homeless.
“ah, shit. ok, that’s one out of the idea.” he scratched his head as his tone turned soft, knowing he was serious now. “but come home with me tonight. at my place. just the two of us and we’ll think of something from there. haven’t hanged out with you since last week.” he whispered, seeing as his cheeks turned slight red, he was shy. you blinked, unexpected how he asked you to just hang out with him in his trailer. just the two of us. innocence laced over your eyes as you looked at him again. it had been a long time since you spent time with him out of school. and you needed it before spring break starts.
“alright.” you agreed, cocking your head to the side seeing his grin become wider. “but my curfew’s at 11:00.” you reminded him as his face scrunched up in confusion, you shushed him before he could blurt any smartass comments further as you kissed his cheek, in quiet adoration for his sweet efforts.
“home sweet home.” eddie groaned, stretching his arms with a pop as he opened the van’s door for you to hop out. your bag was slung over shoulder, your eyelids were heavy with sleep as the sun had already disappeared from the warm sky, grey clouds and soon arriving night stars were looming over hawkins now. you yawned, following eddie inside of his trailer. he had you first step as you immediately went to his room, briefly looking back at him seeing he was preoccupied getting something from the couch. seeing his bed, which was messy as always, you plopped down with a heavy sigh. bag on the ground as you snuggled yourself into his sheets, smelling the same scent he had on the whole day. weed and cologne. grabbing one of his worn-out pillows, you hugged it against your chest, your position on the side as you cuddled the pillow, the drowsiness now sinking in.
“no sleeping.” eddie’s amused voice rang through your ears as he slapped your ass, causing you to jolt from the sweet sleep you almost had. you grumbled, rubbing where he slapped it as you rolled over to your back seeing as he removed his signature leather jacket and denim vest. leaving him with his plain tee, which fitted him magnificently. hugging every curve he had that had something awaken inside you. he looks… heat course through your veins as you thought of something completely inappropriate.
“you sleepy, baby?” he asked you, in a low pitch, raspy yet you knew he was teasing you. his arms were crossed, like he was scolding but he still had that ass-affectionate smile. your knees were bended, thighs together as your eyes were locked on eddie’s arms, seeing how it flexed with one sway he would do, leaving you gawking. your heart started to flutter again, thinking this was just the sleepiness, you didn’t know why. you felt drowsy, too drowsy in fact. you have thought of eddie multiple times, thinking of him fucking you was number one obviously. it was hard, you two just surpassed the one month of dating yet here you are, so eager to let him do things you never did before. you were curious of course, heard lots of people talking about their first times, it was a minor thought for you not until eddie came into the picture. he had you locked in your mind with every image you could imagine with him, yet the two of you never even spoke about it. the sex. only a couple of jokes had ever transpired but it never happened. not once and you thought maybe both of you were just pussies for not bringing it up.
“i’m not.” you mumbled seeing as he had something hidden tucked under his arm. you glanced up to him seeing his excited face, knowing you had noticed it. “what’s that?” you asked, nudging your chin to the hidden item. he chuckled, taking it out as he tossed it to you. the item landed on your face as you quickly grab it, hovering it above your face seeing the signature hellfire’s logo. you sat up, smile forming, showing the item seeing it was a hellfire tote bag. large enough to fit any school item you could pack in.
“i don’t have the money for another t-shirt but the tote bag was free so i got it printed with our rad logo.” he sat next to you, observing your reaction. “i do also command you to use it tomorrow for hellfire night. it’d be cool, please, m’lady.” he begged, lying down on the bed with a pout.
you laughed. “i love it and i will. thank you, edds.” your voice turned soft with evident adoration in your tone. you put the tote bag down as you crawled to him, hovering above him, looking into his brown orbs as his hand brushed against your cheek.
“i got some movies with me or maybe we can lay here all day. whatever makes you feel better.” he suggested, you hummed, leaning into his touch. your heart pounded and your stomach flipped making you feel the evident warmth on your cheeks. he looked absolutely sublime right now, underneath you with a innocent expression on his face. him completely unaware what he had started that caused you to be so eager for something to happen. “you up for that?” he broke your hazy trance as you nodded.
“absolutely.” you whispered, a moment of silence passed between the two of you. each and other’s breaths the only thing making the silence grow louder. eddie’s mind suddenly clicked, he leaned up and captured your lips in a sweet familiar kiss, what he felt right to do in the moment. you let out a tiny gasp, eyes closing in habit as you reciprocated with a ounce of fervor hidden. his lips molded over yours, heat aflame that was sparking every course of your nerves. his soft lips were heaven amongst, you could not remember anyone kissing you like him. only him. you could almost laugh in denial knowing he had warned you before you and him actually started dating that he didn’t quite have enough experience how to really be with someone. let alone how to actually please someone. it goes the same with you evidently, you like him, in a unhealthy amount, too unhealthy for you to even care. he filled the gaps of your heart in his way that you had not realized you did the same for him.
you shifted above him as he sat up, lips still locked on yours. your thighs were now straddled above his lap, his hands on your hips and yours on his shoulder. making out with him was a pretty normal occurrence yet it was only that. your lips opened up slightly, his tongue invaded yours making you wriggle in excitement. in this moment, you felt it, some silent agreement between the both of you as you let out a small moan. your core felt damp, heat buzzing as you wanted to grind against him. your fingers tangled on his hair, tugging slightly as he suddenly broke the kiss with a pop. you felt it again, that hazy feeling, certainly it wasn’t because of your burn-out, his lips were red and plump. his cheeks were stained with red and his pupils were blown out as he squeezed your hips again, harsher this time making you sit firmly on his lap.
“sweetheart.” he crooned, leaning in again to place kisses on your neck. “my beautiful, beautiful sweetheart.” he mumbled against your skin, you bit your lip feeling him butterfly kisses whilst sucking and biting to tease you. your legs trembled at his tactics. no space was left between the two of you. you could feel everything, breasts pressed against the hard plain of his chest, the way his rings dug into your skin and his body heat warming you as ever. your was core seated directly over his bulge, the hard prick forming in his jeans making you wanna cry out in desperation.
“eddie.” you pleaded against his ear, breath fanning hot as he shuddered at your voice calling his name he so fantasied multiple times when he was jerking off. “eddie, please do something.” you begged, the shyness suddenly out of the picture. you wanted it. you wanted him. and he delivered.
“a-are you sure?” he asked shyly now and turned his face up to yours, nose brushing against each other seeing your drunken stupor expression. eyes so doe with lust that he couldn’t believe you were desperate for him to fuck you. he wanted you as well, the evidence in his jeans that was so uncomfortable with your clothed pussy pressed against it, feeling the slight beat. “right now? with me? r-really?” he gasped as you grind against him.
“yes. yes. yes. please. i want to. so badly, eddie.” you mumbled, sure as ever. he blinked, he knew you were inexperienced as him. both complete virgins. he only knew the basics of sex from class, magazines and pornos. yet he deemed himself as undesirable knowing half the school calls him a fucking freak. but you, you were so willing that it made his heart burst, confidence now on his boot. it was now up to the two of you to actually act and progress on this. he gulped, thinking of something as he guided your hips in a slow grind, the friction helping the two of you. he was shy now, afraid he might displease you in any way or hurt you. but from the looks of your face, you were already so hot in daze and it sent him into a wild hunger to please you further.
“so desperate.” he mumbled, kissing your jaw as he now harshly stopped your hips from grinding making you whine. the heat in his gaze set fireworks in your body as he spoke again, with command but with sweetness. “clothes off now, baby.”
in a matter of minutes, clothes were torn off and are on the floor, leaving the two of you bare in front of each other. you were on your knees, eyes greedy as you took a moment to admire him while he admired you, his eyes roaming every inch of your body. eyes now staring directly at your breasts. he leaned over and squeezed them with both hands. “hello ladies.” he whispered, making you hit his forehead with a sigh at his goofiness as he chuckled. he watch as your nipples hardened under his touch. you arched a bit, enjoying the feel of his calloused trembling fingers gently cupping them. he massaged them with love, but eventually he let them go. now roaming his eyes to the prize between your legs glistening before him. he bit his lip, as your eyes were staring directly at his boxers. you pouted at it, wanting him to take his underwear off like you. but you can see it perfectly, his prick outlining the fabric knowing he was huge. huge that made your mouth almost drool but you waited, liking the anticipation what comes next. eddie winked at you, arms open as he ushered you to sit between his legs, patting the space in front of him as he leaned against his headboard.
“come over here.” he grumbled. you complied, heat between your legs starting to annoy you as you turned your back on him and scoot backwards as your back rubbed against his chest. your ass pressed against his crotch as he let out a groan, his hands on your thighs as you spread them apart eagerly. he kissed your shoulder, hands roaming up to your belly. you leaned to the side, enjoying his touch so soft as if you were a fragile thing in his arms. your heart was beating against ribcage, throat dry of how this was going to happen now. finally. you moaned as his hands were cupping your breasts again, this time he took the time to study you. how you keened and wiggled in his arms as he gently massaged your breasts, his breathing seized as he let out a sharp intake of breath seeing how his fingers were making you into a bitch in heat. he loved it, love the way your boobs felt in his palms. a sudden boldness started inside you, he was too preoccupied lavishing kisses on your neck as you trailed your hand back to cup his cock in full impatience. wanting to let him feel the pleasure you were having, he froze for a bit, mind went ablaze as you palmed him. the sudden rush of blood stirred in his cock, you were blooming with lust feeling his hard prick jump in your touch making you smirk. eddie let out a groan, holy shit, your hand clearly so much better than his. he continued to massage your breast with one hand as the other slides itself down to your naked awaiting pussy.
you watched his hand hovering above your core, the lack of patience had your you trying to grind up making the man behind you let out a airy chuckle. your brows furrowed, a little annoyance plastered across your face as you turned your face to him to see his cocky smirk. “stop teasing.” you warned him but he just rest his hand on your thigh, squeezing it.
“i’m not teasing.” he bit the lobe of your ear, making you flinch. “you gotta show me first. show me how you rub your little clit, hm? show me how desperate you are.” you core squeezed at his voice. you slid your other hand down, not minding the extra work on your arms. your nose was brushing against his chin, you wanted to watch his reaction once you touch yourself for the first time in front of him. no more shying away, just him and you as what he said. his pupils were blown black, seeing as you adjusted yourself, knees bend and your fingers now strumming above your wet clit. he kissed your nose, eyes still locked below as you started to rub in slow circles, like you always do to build the pleasure up as his other hand was still fumbling your other breast. you whined, the back of your head planted firmly on his chest as you grind yourself up to the palm of your hand, the heat of his gaze making it more exciting than ever. eddie was in complete awe, your hand palming him stopped as you focused on yourself which he didn’t mind, it was all on you now.
“h-harder.” he whispered, pinching your nipple as you arched your back at it. you were so drowned in pleasure, rubbing your clit harder at his request, speeding up a little feeling how sticky you got now. juices leaking out all for him. eddie’s hand on your thigh moved back as he fumbled with his boxers, you bit your lip seeing as he was desperate to match you as well. freeing his cock out of his confines, he shuddered, the cold air hitting alongside the touch of your skin on his rock-hard prick. he grasped himself, pumping like he always did. eyes back to where you are pleasuring yourself. the two of you were silent, your pants and grunts circling his room. you rubbed yourself a little faster, your pussyhole feeling a bit neglected. you could practically feel him jerking off behind you, making you wanna come so fast but you can’t cum just yet. you wanted him inside of you. now.
“eddie.” you called out, head tilting up to meet his eyes.
“y-yeah?” he looked down, still pumping himself. “you want it, huh?” he asked, pecking your lips as you eagerly nodded. the whole scene transpired as you were now lying down, hips titled to the side, showing your pussy pouring it’s very juices, squeezed between your luscious thighs. eddie was towering above you, rolling the only condom he had from when the guidance counselor thought the two of you were hooking up in the bathroom that one day. which seemed like this red condom packet was omen for him and you. he suddenly smiled, lining himself up, checking if you were still okay with this. “you ready? just say the word and we’ll stop.” he assured.
your cheeks felt hot, liking his concerns. “i’m ready. i want you.” you confessed making him blush red. he leaned forward, catching your lips in a sweet kiss as he slowly pushed himself inside of you. one hand grasping your hips to keep you in place and the other keeping himself up, careful not to squish you.
“i want you too.” he mumbled against your lips making you smile as you felt him. he fitted perfectly, snug inside of your warm walls as he almost cummed at the sensation. jesus h. fucking christ. he could not believe it, how he felt so connected with you in this moment. a new exploration between the two of you started as he stilled himself, watching if you were okay for him to thrust in now. little to no pain was felt, you only felt full. full of him and the foreign sensation of his cock was new at first but one little movement made you wright in pleasure. clenching him, he gasped as he got the memo. your arms were encircled behind his neck, fingers gripping his hair as he thrusted himself now.
“feels good, edds.” you praised as he buried his face at the side of your cheek. groaning as he picked up a pace, still cautious as ever. you were clamping him, too hard in fact that he might burst before he could even make you come.
“sweetheart, i’m not gonna last long if you’re squeezing me so fucking tight. i-i wanna make you cum first. shit.” he moaned, making you let out a airy chuckle as you relaxed yourself. he sighed in relief, pumping himself now as you wriggled, euphoria bursting in every vein inside your body. you loved it, love the way his skin felt on yours, the brushing of the strands of his curly hair on your cheeks and the sound of skin slapping making it obscene as ever. you whined, his cock rubbing every gummy wall inside of you, hitting that spot that made your eyes turn white. you blabbered out his name as he whispered yours over and over again. both of you worshipping each other as his grip on your hips tightened, fist clenching beside your head as your hands tugged his hair. he felt so sure as he thrusted himself harder and faster knowing you would want it. you cried in bliss as he kept hitting that magic spot, the knob in your stomach tightening as you knew you were almost there.
“i’m s-so close, sweetheart. gods, are you cumming, hm? please c-cum, beautiful. pleaseee—“ he pleaded, lips brushing against your ear as you nodded. he let out a growl, pumping himself in and out, hips bruising and sweat beading as he thrusted himself again and again. the wet sounds of your pussy so good in his ears, how your hole fitted his cock perfectly as he felt yourself tighten around him again. he pounded, his hand on your hip now rubbing your clit until you were now practically shouting his name in his whole trailer. if the neighbors woke up, he didn’t care a fucking bit now seeing you struggle underneath him. with one last thrust of his cock, you burst into moans, grinding yourself up as the wonderful orgasm covered your whole entire body. your eyes were blurry as eddie followed you, bottoming himself as he came, hot spurts of his cum spilling inside of the condom. your name he was blabbering as his high practically leaked him of his every fluid he could muster. he slumped, the wonderful sensation of sweat and your skin on his. he kissed your neck, liking the way you were panting beneath him. he did it. he completely fucked the shit out of you. which was not was he was expecting this night. removing himself slowly, he laid beside you with a satisfied grin. you were still breathing hard, trying to comprehend how good you feel now.
“you still feeling burnt out?” eddie suddenly broke the silence, you grumbled as he chuckled, now scooting to his side as you laid your head on his chest. his arm encircling your sweaty shoulder as he caressed your skin. the sound of his heart beating made your eyelids droop with sleep, the stickiness between your legs a pleasant feeling for once.
“that was wonderful.” you breathed out, humming as eddie agreed with a silence hum. you looked up to him seeing his face full of glee making your heart clench in bliss. like he was waiting for you to say something else. you pushed yourself up, kissing him with passion, just a sweet slow kiss as you nuzzled yourself against his sweaty body. “thank you.” you mumbled against his lips, liking the way he felt giddy now, seeing a smirk on his face.
“anytime, my sweetheart.”
i just wanna see you shine ‘cause i know you are my stargirl <3
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chasingfictions · 1 year
im so overcome with what a show about queerness yellowjackets is and especially digestif is like. jeff says the downfall of his marriage with shauna and his descent into someone he doesnt want to be started with a derisive comment about bisexuality. shauna remembers that comment exactly. ben hallucinates that if he had just come out he would have been saved from ultimate desolation and death. meanwhile teen timeline van and taissa are so fully rendered and so deeply in love and trying so hard to be alive together. meanwhile adult timeline natalie and lottie are making the fullest and most loving glances you have ever seen two people make. and sharing space with such intimacy. do you all see.
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gunkbaby · 30 days
Top 5 books ^_^
Horrendous bookish rambling ahead! Also fair warning some of the stuff I read has a tw.
Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer - I love this book. The whole SR series. Altered my brain chemistry. It’s a biological cosmic horror written in the most wonderful way. I have so much love in my heart for the protagonist - it was reading a book from my own perspective, I related to her so badly. I felt so seen by her. She’s second to Shuu for me. I love Jeff Vandermeer, I think he’s a truly a remarkably underrated artist especially in the horror genre. There was a film made of the book, but whilst both the book and the film deal with the same theme and have the same premise, they are different stories with different characters. Both worth looking into.
by Chandler Morrison - a very raw depiction of eating disorders. I was genuinely shocked to see this was written by a cis man, because it was such a raw, real showcase of what having an eating disorder is like. All the ugly parts, the genuine horror of it as a concept. It is the best representation of eating disorders I’ve yet to read. It pains me to not have this in print. I have Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison too, which I also really liked - but TW it’s a satirical extreme horror novel and there’s lots of gross stuff in it. But thighgap is very dear to me. Obviously huge TW if you check this one out. <3
Tender Is The Flesh by Augustina Bazterrica - Tokyo Ghouls fans might like this! Maybe. This is about a dystopian world where a ‘disease’ has spread to most of the animals of the world, crucially farm animals, which ultimately leads to the farming and breeding of the only safe meat left - human.. The protagonist is someone that basically manages several of the farms/factories (i can’t exactly remember), and he is gifted one of the farmed humans, which he keeps as a pet. It’s a very twisted novel, and so full of depth and moral questioning - all the characters in this book have great depth, and I really enjoy that. It’s never written as a simple ‘thing bad’, and I really find that valuable, especially these days. A lot of people pass this book off as vegan propaganda (very interesting take it u read certain parts of the book btw), and I’m not going to say the take is invalid, but I do think it is quite a reductive, surface-level analysis of the book. Really worth sinking ur teeth into. :)
Earthlings by Sayaka Murata - either this one or Convience Store Woman are excellent novels. Murata is one of my favourite authors. I have all three of her current releases. Earthlings is really hard to explain, but just bc the material is sensitive - tw for CSA and i guess incest? There’s cannibalism but we’re tg fans im not tagging that lmao. This book very much deals with childhood trauma and its effects, sadly very relatable. It’s a painful read, but I found it so dreadfully validating. Sayaka Murata as an author does that. One thing to note about Murata, is that she really does write about neurodivergence and asexuality in a very interesting way, I think especially for a Japanese author. Convience Store Woman is also wonderful, again dealing with neurodivergence, asexuality, being aromantic, and living a happy ‘unsuccessful’ life that the general world deems disappointing. Convience Store Woman is probably a better started than Earthlings, though I love them both. I highly rate her as an author.
The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Okay, so it’s Dostoyevsky, i don’t need to explain why it’s good. This is one of the more underrated of his works, I feel. I love Dostoyevsky generally as an author, I like Crime & Punishment, Notes From Underground is on my tbr, so is Demons, I’ve read parts of The Brothers Karamazov , but this book specifically is very beautiful to me. I feel like sometimes people understate the optimism that can be found in works by authors like Dostoyevsky, and this book is paramount to that optimism. My God, do I need to reread it.
Sorry 4 rambling! Some other books I like a lot are Watership Down, Battle Royale, Fifteen Dogs, Social Creature, and Hot Milk. I like too many books to list, my god! This is why Goodreads is a godsend! I’m planning on making a Tokyo Ghoul reading list at some point, maybe!
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tokensonsaturn · 10 months
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Are you able to do a S/O of Eyeless Jack, Ticci Toby, and the Marble Hornets, with a extra appendage (Like a tail that they just use as a belt) or a prosthetic??
Various CRP characters w/ a reader who has a prosthetic tail!
by default, since i dont do romantic hcs for characters like toby, his part is going to be platonic! nothing against you, its just a personal boundary/rule for the admin!
admin note from after writing the post! i admit that i was a little stumped on this idea, as i mention in passing in hoodies part that i truly think that most of the characters would really feel one way or the other about the tail </3 i personally chalk that up to my brain deciding to dry for this prompt + not being used to write most the characters with my current perception of them apologies anon :(
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Characters: Eyeless Jack, Hoodie, Masky, and (platonic) ticci toby
CWs; None!
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Eyeless Jack;
true to my usual way of writing ej; he feels he doesnt really have any place to judge you since he literally has to eat human flesh in order to survive
he doesnt really ask many questions about it honestly
but if its one of those fuzzy fur tails he'll subconsciously run his fingers through the material
really thats about it
i wish i had more for his section but i really think he would not give a darn about your tail due to his general principle of not judging others... now if this were before he was EYELESS jack yeah he would kinda be a dick but hey, hes a dick to everyone
but thats another story for another day
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"you have a tail?" head tilt
i dont know what is with my brain today but i am DRY!!
anyways, another sort of
acknowledgement, before ultimately just minding his own business
he does think its interesting, though! he probably wont say it but he does think its at least a little bit cool, especially if its one of those mechanical tails that can move around with some controls
kinda swats it around if its one of the plain simple dimple strap on tails, though
again not much to be said here
i think at worst he might forcibly grab it to inspect without thinking to ask, but hell back right off if you snap back
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he thinks its pretty neat me thinks
kinda like toby in regard to being really indirectly interested (ie playing with it if you give him the go ahead, he likes the way the material feels on his hands)
(i wrote tobys part before everyone elses^)
yeah im not sure what to write with this scenario but i dont want to give you just nothing
i feel like most of the characters wouldnt really care/have seen weirder shit, like i think the only ones who may tease you are ben, jeff, lj, and maybe trender (trender not in the mean bullying way but like. hell get on you if the material is faulty or clashes with your aesthetic/style)
anyways back to hoodie
honestly i feel like between the four he'd snag your tail for himself every now and then/j
god can you imagine
he just really likes it
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"are you a furry??"
hes kinda half joking when he asks that since he doesnt really know why else you would wear a tail
regardless of if you are one or not hes not really going to care
i mean, hes seen weirder, probably..
he thinks its really cool! he asks if you made it yourself or if you made it yourself... subtly asks if you can make him one too, totally not modeled after a racoon tail to match his sleeves...
kinda plays with it if you let him; he lightly taps it in passing when you two walk past one another in the hallway
overall thinks its kinda cool tbh
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hystixia · 10 months
Hello! I love your writing, it’s refreshing and intriguing, if not a little bit scary (I’m new to the Jeffery Mason iteration and good lord he makes other versions of JTK look like jokes in comparison). This made me want to ask questions:
( 1 ) What if you threw Jeff’s insults/degradation back at him? Would he backhand you? Would he bite/cut your tongue so hard that even when you slightly moved it, the searing pain would make you think twice of talking back to him and disrespecting him?
( 2 ) What if you called him ugly/insulted his appearance just to hurt him like he’s hurt you (bc at some point you get sick of his shit or just have a bad day)? Would he go ballistic and kill you on the spot? Ngl when I saw his messed up appearance I seriously closed my eyes and incited a prayer 💀. Does he deal with self esteem issues and is his appearance a trigger for him like the other variants of JTK?
Have a great day <3!!
i think he’d threaten you at first. the first time you try to throw his words right back at him he’s quick to put you in your place with a couple threats that startle you. however if you’re persistent enough and say the right mean things then you’ll end up with bruises and if you’re lucky you’ll get to keep your tongue after you’ve cried and begged and given yourself the ultimate humiliation of being helpless before him.
insulting his appearance wont get much from him. he hardly reacts considering he’s dealt with idiots in the past who thought that’s get under his skin and they all wound up bloodied and gasping on the floor. i think he’d laugh in your face at first and call you insulting words back, and then proceed to get angry with you if you keep it up because it’s annoying for him to deal with. but because he isn’t insecure on how he appears, your words don’t do any damage besides what will be done to you if you piss him off enough
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hauntingkiki · 3 months
Ultimate Despair! BEN Drowned with Ultimate Hope! Reader.
ooo i’m guessing it’s a danganronpa AU, but if not then i apologize >~< I’ll also do GN! Reader
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Hope Carries On?
Ultimate Despair! BEN Drowned x Ultimate Hope! Reader
Creepypasta (Danganronpa AU)
2nd pov
Ben smacked the table with his fist, groaning in disappointment before slouching in his seat with his arms crossed. “Ugh! I want something…something interesting!” He whined, throwing his arms up. “Can there be some….some-uh-some murders?! Right, babe?” He sat up in his seat, looking at you with a grin.
You scoffed, looking at the short boy with a sigh. “Ben, you can’t be saying that!” You scolded. “We almost already lost someone just a few days ago! Thank god our medic got to him!”
Ben laughed at the memory, clapping his hands a few times before glitching and contorting. “Jeff almost had him!” He rolled his eyes as blood seeped out of his eye socket. “I mean; he IS the Ultimate Killer after all! He deserves that title 100%!”
“We almost lost our Ultimate Homicidal because of this!” You cried, taking a deep breath to calm yourself down. “Our Ultimate Medic had to save him. We can’t afford any more accidents like this!”
He looked back at the cameras, watching as the group of people moved around, half of the crowd wanted to turn to Despair while the other half wanted to turn to Hope. “I get that you’re our ‘Ultimate Hope’ and all.” Ben paused, glancing at you. “But you have to stop interfering with this game. We both agreed to this.”
You shook your head vaguely as you walked over to the boy. “And I get you’re the ‘Ultimate Despair’ but, you came up with this on your own. There was no ‘we’ in that discussion.” You watched as the group fought with one another from the cameras, sighing sadly as punches were thrown and weapons were drawn. “This is a shit show, Ben.”
Ben nodded, smiling. “Entertaining to say the least.” He threw his arms behind his head as he kicked his feet onto the table, leaning back in the chair whilst laughing.
The two of you were slightly, watching as people started to hit the floor. People wrestled with one another, either trying to survive or trying to kill.
Tears swelled in your eyes, the screamed echoed through the computers as blood splattered everywhere.
A tear slid down your cheek, watching as the Ultimate Jokester threw himself in front of the little Ultimate Prophet, saving her from a blow from the Ultimate Killer. The two fought with one another, the tall, black and white clown winning the fight, scarring off the blood covered boy off.
You held your breath, looking at the blond before placing your hand in his messy hair. “You know I still love you, right?” You whispered.
He sighed softly, gently grabbing your hand and faintly kissing your knuckles. “I know.” He whispered back. “You know I still love you too, right?”
You nodded. “Of course.”
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 4 months
The thing is, it really isn't about whether Evan is ok with it or not, it's about a person's morals. People pleaser or not, where do you draw the line? If I knew my friend was abusing little puppies I would certainly stop being friends with them (If i am not coerced into tolerating it). Emma might not have abused little puppies, she *only* abused her signifact other for 5-7 years and If that's something you can look past at because it was a long time ago or it isn't worth breaking a friendship over because it's inconvenient for you, then you have highly questionable morals. Especially when that signifacnt other is one of your friends. Same goes for Sarah. Be a people pleaser all you want. But publically supporting a notorious abuser is still a choice. And If I were Evan I would ditch every single one of those hypocrites and read books on self love and trauma so I stop being a magnet to these weirdos
let's be honest, she's a nepobaby, she's influential in the business because of her family. just like you said, it's not convenient to them to not be in good terms with her. that's how hollywood works, its competitive and you have to anything to keep up with it
(gonna change the subject a little bit): that might even be one of the reason why evan didn't press charges (completely speculating rn) He was probably instructed not to do it. if we take a look at the news around that time he was always referred as "emma roberts' boyfriend". he was a nobody compared to her, if he ever did something his career would be over, not hers. we can see that even now in angelica's situation: she only opened up about it because she was gonna leave the business and emma is still being worshiped and has her image almost intact.
(back to the topic): we don't know how their relationship is with emma nor evan. in the past, evan and sarah talked a lot about each other but we haven't seen that. also, we know what THEY want us to know, maybe they weren't even really that close. we don't know what happens backstage. i do feel weird about jeff being friends with both because he looks very close to evan but im trying to keep in mind that i know nothing about his relationship with any of these people.
there's even the hypothesis that evan and emma are in good terms (which o highly doubt). what i'm trying to say is that we have no idea what happens in their lives
that's not the reason why evan didn't press charges, this man who has never given a rat's ass about celebrity was not infatuated with being mr. emma roberts - let's make that clear. he didn't press charges because he loved emma and ultimately wanted to marry her, but he was a victim of abuse. also, evan wasn't a nobody when he was dating emma.. i'm not sure how old you are, but if you were of age to be aware in 2012 when they started dating, you'd be well aware that this was peak AHS fame and when fans stopped them on the street together, 9/10 times they did not care about emma; all the girlies wanted evan and he was a heartthrob by all standards. and let's just be real: what image would emma roberts be keeping intact? there is no one, and i mean no one, who is a fan of hers who is ACTUALLY oblivious to her nature. she is not a big, successful actress whose name conjures up images of a respected professional who has lead major productions. she is a nepo baby meme who stars in romcoms no one watches.. even her stans.
"we don't know how their relationship is with emma nor evan." do you mean sarah and jeff? because if so, just last year sarah was going to be doing one of those netflix career retrospect things with evan, interviewing him. and jeff was just seen with evan a few months back. i know at least for a time, jeff was an actual friend evan hung out with pretty regularly.. sarah not so much. i think she is more ''respected colleague'' than personal friend. for me personally, the bottomline is that my feelings and opinions are not based on whether or not i think deep inside evan is hurt his friends are also still friends with emma.. because i don't believe he is bothered. i don't think he ever was. nothing about his personality nor the way he talks about himself is indicative of someone who would force his friends to side with him, even when he should NEVER have to be in the situation to do so.. this wasn't a regular situation where exes were left bitter. evan was abused, emma is a domestic abuser. i don't need to know how anyone in this situation feels about each other to know that there is no scenario in which i think it's acceptable to try and sit on the fence and be friends with both a domestic abuser AND their victim. what kind of friend are you if you see no major problem with someone assaulting them?
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