#yellowjackets meta
and to think that this all happened because laura lee called her piano teacher a cunt
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chasingfictions · 1 year
it’s the way every yellowjacket has reacted with the exact same incredulousness to lottie being out of the institution which is making me think abt the intensity of them finding out she’d been institutionalized in the first place . what do you do when you make a prophet of a girl and then return to civilization and find that civilization has deemed her clinically insane. what do you do if you believed her and did everything she did but no one deemed you clinically insane. what do you do if you find out she’s not there anymore. she’s in the wider world again and people trust her and rely on her and you want to trust her again , so badly. what do you do if immediately on returning from the wilderness, it is recontexualized as madness and you lock onto that, and it changes how you look at everything you did, and if she’s back what does that mean about how you understood your own actions, your own belief in her, your own love of her, your own fear of how you love and fear and want to love and want to fear her
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ammoniteflesh · 1 year
I think this season of yellowjackets has been doing some rlly clever stuff with Shauna's pregnancy, specifically examining the ways pregnancy gets fetishised.
Shauna's pregnancy is a group event, it's a baby shower Shauna never agreed to, it's Lottie touching her body without consent, it's Misty and Crystal planning a song as if this isn't going to be intensely traumatic, it's 'OUR baby'.
So much of Shauna's dream sequence is just her and the baby - getting to have intimacy, and solitude, 'I just want to enjoy this moment'.
It may not be 'real' but the group DOES cannibalise her baby, in the same way Shauna cannibalised Jackie before ever touching her corpse. They're cannibalising the story of her baby, taking it in and using it for fuel.
And, of course, the instant her baby is dead, they all turn away. The camera turns away.
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deeply-embarrassing · 10 months
Some insane, narratively-significant details in the first episode of Yellowjackets, from the set designers, costume designers and directors:
- The journal separating Shauna and Jackie:
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- Taissa’s wallpaper being a forest, linked to her trauma due to the wolf attack and to her sleepwalking:
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- Jackie and Shauna’s jackets and necklaces having very few differences, hinting at how deeply intertwined their lives/identities are (late edit no one will see: even their dresses are similar):
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- Natalie in front of fireplaces, as fire will destroy the cabin right after her coronation and she’ll have the front seat to the fires during the... dinners:
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- Natalie already singled out from the team due to very different shoes:
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- Natalie’s bullet necklace, as both her past and future are linked to firearms:
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- The Shauna antlers, right after putting on the necklace of doom, just as she’s (already) entering an altered state of mind:
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- Ben’s right leg being already cut off:
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- The colors of their tamagotchis, which are Jackie’s color panel for college:
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- The enormous amount of Jackie symbolism:
• Poppies surrounding a picture of Jackie and Shauna in Jackie’s room, as the wallpaper of Shauna’s teen room though she was trying to cover it, on Shauna and Jeff’s wedding cake
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• The pattern of Jackie’s dress as a painting in Shauna’s house (on the far right):
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• Shauna going from wearing a heart necklace without a gold chain before the plane, to a heart necklace with a gold chain, to a gold chain without a heart:
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cannibalizedyke · 5 months
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i saw this reposted on pinterest last night and no joke have been thinking abt it non-stop since. i think jackie was going to be hurt as long as the person shauna was having sex with wasn't her. she doesn't frame it that way in her mind but their codependency becomes sexual in an inherent way because they literally cannot do anything without the other. shauna tries to break away from this by having sex with jeff but it doesn’t work — because even this rebellion is at its core about jackie. she has sex with jeff to gain some agency, to tell herself jackie doesn't control her life, but she does. and this isn't jackie's fault — jackie controls shauna through shauna's own obsession with and dependency on her. in the end, shauna didn’t have sex without jackie — she was thinking about her the whole time.
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svltburn · 11 months
all of the yellowjackets are going to die.
i've had different versions of this theory bouncing around in my head since mid s1, and if you've seen final destination, you can just skip the rest of the post because you probably already know where i'm going with this.
natalie's death scene was overall unsatisfying in my opinion, but that's not because i don't think that the show was leading up to it eventually. her character arc was rushed and cut off too abruptly, but after sitting with the episode for a bit, i do think that natalie was always going to be the first of the survivors we saw die.
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"we both know that's not true. this is exactly where we belong. we've been here for years."
now it's notable that natalie is appearing as she did the night of the party in the pilot. the last night before the plane crash. not just her outfit, but her hair and make up are the same. see how much of her roots are grown out, vs how much they're grown out in the 96 timeline.
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when that plane went down 600 miles off course, no one was supposed to survive. not a single person on that plane should have made it out. The Wilderness, the lonely, violent, misunderstood Wilderness kept them alive when they crashed into It. when they found cabin guy's plane back in s1, lottie looked at the vines growing around the wheels and said "It didn't want him to leave", and she was right. laura lee's trip ending in spontaneous combustion should have been enough to prove that if only they were paying attention by then.
they all should have died when that plane crashed. The Wilderness allowed them to survive, to make a home. albeit violently, tragically, It nurtured them through two winters, and ungratefully, they all left anyway. eventually they're all going to have to go home to It, one way or another, dead or alive. It's already been inside them for years.
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nataliesscatorccio · 7 months
Dead cabin guy and his technicolor dreamcoat have haunted me since the wardrobe reveal in season two, and today im going to make it everyone's problem.
Travis wears the coat first. He and Natalie take the blessing and go out to look for Javi. Travis hallucinates (prophesies?) that Javi is dead and buried beneath the snow, but Natalie shows him it's only a fox. Travis finds the strange, mossy tree stump. The next day Travis has strong feelings about which direction is best to search for Javi in, and we don't see more of him until Nat reveals the bloody pants. Not that weird, all things considered. New season, new wardrobe additions. Hiking on a caloric deficit with PTSD, you'll probably hallucinate. Pretty standard stuff.
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Then Nat wears the coat. She takes it to lay Jackie's bones to rest at the crash site, and while she wears it she sees (hallucinates? prophesies? I'm not sure!) the white moose that they'll later lose to the lake (ergo the hunt, ergo Javi dies for real but more on that later).
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We get to Old Wounds, the hunting competition, and Lottie wears the coat now. You see where I'm going with this but just to be thorough: she enters the realm of death dreams, talks with Laura Lee, almost freezes to death.
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Episode five. Melissa wears the coat. Maybe that's not important! Maybe it's just to show that they all share the wardrobe, and that the side characters are as equally All In This Together as the main characters are. Or it could mean something that a peripheral character, wearing important wardrobe, framed in antlers (not unlike Travis in 2.01), has the line "maybe he did die, and that's his ghost." It's a little suspicious, and at this point starts to feel like a pattern.
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Who wears it next, who wore it best!? That's right baby, it's Paul! For his dreamworld drifter, hallucination hunk Coach Ben Scott. Nicholas Urfe himself. Ben spends almost all of his time in a dream, until *drumroll please* Paul, very pointedly, takes the coat and walks out the door. "Where do you think you are, Ben?" he puts the coat on. "You had to have known you couldn't stay here forever. [...] What matters now is that you aren't welcome here anymore." Following Paul means committing to death (to dream), and until interruption that's the choice Ben makes. Because letting Paul (and the coat) go would mean committing entirely to reality.
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Of course, the pièce de résistance is something I didn't even notice until I went looking for it. The first dozen times I watched, I thought that after Lottie's beating Shauna brought her a blanket. "Lottie's cold." But she doesn't. She brings her the coat. Lottie is laying with it when, in a fever dream, she witnesses/hallucinates/prophesies parts of the hunt.
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It's there again (on the back of the chair) when she sits by the fire and speaks for the wilderness, appointing Nat their queen. Ben watches, having woken from the dream himself, as they all bow to Natalie and leave reality behind for good.
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Of course, there are a lot of times when characters hallucinate strange things in the cabin while not wearing the coat, because they're all starving to death and traumatized. Mari. Shauna. Akilah. But in addition to that, it seems like a pattern worth noting that in each instance where a character wears the technicolor coat, the line between the real and the imagined seems to blur with more ease. Does dead cabin guy's technicolor dreamcoat help the Yellowjackets connect to the dream realm?
I'll be brief here with the biblical parallel: blah blah Joseph is the favorite son (you were always its favorite), his father gives him a technicolor coat (they're nothing special, they don't change color in the cold or anything). blah blah Joseph starts having prophetic dreams etc etc his jealous brothers throw Joseph down a pit (the wilderness chose) and bring his bloodstained coat back as false proof of his death (hanging on a branch. a couple miles back). You get my drift.
Does it mean anything? Who knows. But in a series where wardrobe is such an integral part of the storytelling, it felt worth paying attention to.
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imaginairium · 11 months
“Storytelling” and Van in the role of storyteller. She tells them movies to keep them entertained, keep them sane. The Truth About Cats and Dogs. While You Were Sleeping. The Princess Bride. As an adult she has the video rental store—throwbacks, 80s movies. Keeper of old stories, stories she told in the woods.
What about something you haven’t heard before? The wilderness was lonely and violent and misunderstood. Also beautiful and full of life. Later—Lottie isn’t sick. We did this to her.
It’s called a narrative.
Van, mouth of the prophetess. Showing the queen around the room. Telling them what it means, declaring the rules: “it chooses.” It’s called a narrative. Calling off the hunt. “The wilderness chose.” It’s called a narrative.
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krookodyke · 1 year
thinking about van palmer on this day. something that’s so crucial to me is while yes she beautifully subverts the bury your gays in a way i’ve only ever once seen otherwise, she is also too fucking stubborn to die. she found a way out of the burning plane even when jackie insisted on her and shauna leaving without van, a wolf tore off her face and a little bit later when they tried to light her on a funeral pyre and she came to the first thing she says is “really? fire?” she will always be a fighter even at times when it’s not noticeable to most of her teammates how hard she’s fighting. how hard van’s fighting to stay alive, to get out of here, the same way she was fighting when she was in wiskayok with an alcoholic mother in a house on the wrong side of the tracks. the only reason van is even alive is because liv hewson imbued her with so much charm and charisma that it was impossible to truly off her for tragedy’s sake. van can’t die, and in a lot of ways that’s horrifying to her. she can’t die, she won’t let death take her, but sometimes she wish she could die so she wouldn’t have to live with it all. and that’s the fuck of it all, isn’t it? death’s a bitch and then you keep living.
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rulesofdisorder · 5 months
just finished yellowjackets don’t mind me
but i’m thinking about lottie’s “you were always It’s favorite” in regards to nat and the Wilderness. and while you can’t deny that It does seem to love nat, if anyone is the Wilderness’s favorite it would have to be van. van who should have died when her oxygen mask didn’t come down. who should have died when she got stuck in her seat and the plane exploded. who should have died when the wolves attacked and should have died when they had her on the pyre afterward. but she didn’t. and i think it’s because she always believed in It, even when lottie doubted. she believed that the bone lottie gave her would save her in season one and it did. she believed that the Other tai was telling her something, she influenced tai to join in the morning prayers. she oversaw the drawing of the first hunt, she gave the rules, she called the “game” after javi died. she acted as storyteller. and in the adult!timeline she is the one who makes its so the ritual can be carried out, she cancels the paramedics, she draws the first card. how could the Wilderness not love her? how could van not be It’s favorite?
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about the fact that, even if they don't physically eat her, jackie taylor is the first person the girls cannibalize.
we see it most intensely and most obviously with shauna, who consumes more and more of jackie's life. before the plane even crashes, shauna takes jeff's virginity, which was supposed to be jackie's. she takes jeff, jackie's boyfriend. after the crash, she takes the team's loyalty; more and more of their teammates start confiding in and working with shauna, ostracizing jackie, until the team firmly chooses shauna over jackie, their captain. shauna goes on to marry jackie's boyfriend and have the suburban little life that jackie was supposed to have. hell, shauna even takes rabbits from jackie—jackie "loved them", but we only see rabbits when it's about shauna. they're symbolic of the wilderness and who shauna has become.
but it's not just shauna. the longer they're in the woods, the more the rest of the girls start taking from jackie, consuming bits and pieces of her identity until there's nothing left.
jackie is the leader. she's the team captain, and her role is to lead and keep her team together. we're explicitly introduced to jackie this way. coach martinez points out how the other players on the team are better than her, but what she has is influence. she's specifically chosen to be the one to lead her teammates through difficulty. and at the party, we see her in action. we see her take a fractured team and put them back together! she fixes them, she leads them, she heals them.
but after the crash, jackie isn't a leader. misty is the one calm under pressure, who gets them through the first few hours. taissa steps forward and pushes the team to move from the crash site, the one with the initiative to go look for help on foot. laura lee is the one brave enough to try and fly the plane. akilah stops them from eating poison. nat hunts for them, provides for them. lottie protects and guides them.
she almost finds a foothold with the seance, almost finds the old part of herself that gives pep talks and lightens the mood with distractions. but van can weave stories by the campfire, and mari can lead late night line dances and make booze.
so what's left for jackie? each of the girls cuts and picks at the facets of leadership until there's nothing left of it for her. until she's a worthless captain to a group of girls who have figured out how to break her up and share her between themselves.
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levitatingbiscuits · 6 months
something so fucked up about shauna shipman is that she is still so obsessed with jackie taylor that she will recreate that toxic, one-sided jealousy and resentment with her own daughter. our introduction to shauna is a scene of her masturbating in callie's bed while staring at a picture of callie's boyfriend. the immediate parallels are unmistakable, because we also see her teen self fuck jeff later that episode. we both know that it was always more about taking something from jackie than any real love for jeff; now she's lusting after her daughter's underage boyfriend and secretly resenting callie in much the same way she secretly resented jackie and lusted after her boyfriend. she even mistook callie for jackie when she wore the same uniform a few episodes later.
as the first season progressed, we saw a lot of shauna's pretty chilling dislike of her own child. sure, callie's a little shit, but she's also a teen girl with deep-seated mommy issues. shauna is a woman in her 40s acting like the catty mean girl she never had the courage to be in high school. she talks shit about how much she doesn't like callie, she relishes in holding one over on her, she shows off the affair she's having with a hot younger man, she threatens callie's future, she manipulates her, and so on and so forth. she treats callie like she might have treated jackie, if the power dynamic were reversed.
and what's really heartbreaking is that callie, much like jackie, had no idea about this deep-seated jealousy and resentment. neither of them have the callousness nor the mean streak that shauna does. for jackie, shauna always mattered most; and we see how callie blooms under the attention and approval her mother gives her when she helps cover up her crimes in season two.
then shauna had the goat breakdown, and i realized that this is the closest thing to love she can give callie. she can't love her daughter the way she loved wilderness baby, can't open herself up to that kind of pain again. but she also can't help but love her child, so she recreated the only other comparable form of love she'd ever felt: her love for jackie, which is much more complicated and messy and cruel than a mother's love for her child.
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chasingfictions · 1 year
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"i'm pretty sure it's exactly as bad as it looks" - 1x01 // 2x03
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jilyandbambi · 9 months
we talk a lot about Shauna being ruthless and violent and resentful, and not to say she isn't those things but also--
Shauna, who risks burning alive to save Van.
Shauna, who pauses to comfort the reunited Tai & Van after the latter is found safe
Shauna, who consoles and looks after Javi all through season 1 while his older brother is busy being misogynistic and getting fucked
Shauna, who takes on the job of butcher despite not necessarily wanting or enjoying it and never complains or slacks off even when the task becomes traumatizing
Shauna, who tries to get Jackie to eat, to keep going, when everyone else has given up on her by that point.
Shauna, who has to be goaded, essentially given permission before she becomes violent
Shauna, who loved her baby in spite of the stress her pregnancy added to an already precarious situation, who spoke to him and cradled him and futily tried to keep him alive, who buried him away from the others to keep him safe in death
Shauna, who kept her daughter's favorite childhood toy in her car long after she'd outgrown it, to always keep a piece of her close by
Shauna, who sees Tai struggling and invites her to stay over, so that Tai won't be afraid to sleep
Shauna, who goes along with Jeff's boring, milqtoast furniture salesman fantasies because while she doesn't love him the way she did Jackie, she does care about him and wants to make him happy
Shauna, who was the only one of the group to show up to Misty's how to get away with murder seminar and thank Misty for going to the trouble
Shauna, who is soft-spoken where Jackie is loud, conciliatory where Jackie is pushy, helpful where Jackie is lackadaisical, proactive where Jackie sulks.
Shauna, who's not a perfect friend or mother or wife but who's still quietly one of the nicest, most empathetic of the Yellowjackets and yet because she got drafted into being the group's butcher, wrote bitchy journal entries, and did one fucked up thing behind her best friend's back (which she immediately regretted and agonized over) gets rebranded by fandom as caustic, overly-snarky and quick tempered when it takes her 10 episodes to get pissed off enough to raise her voice
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deeply-embarrassing · 5 months
you know what truly drives me insane about the poppies on the wedding cake? it isn't just how it strongly suggests two completely different weddings. or how it shows that jackie's the reason behind this wedding, and that both shauna and jeff know it.
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it's that jackie is represented by a wedding cake. by sweet and beautiful food, created just to be consumed. and as always, jackie's the main event of the evening, standing next to jeff and shauna. again, it'll end with them cutting her open and taking the first bites. the both of them, together, bound by always wanting more of jackie than what they got.
except now, they can get as much as they want. she's completely theirs. they don't even have to share her with anyone they didn't invite to the feast. and once the wedding is over, all that's left of the cake is memories, pictures, and the taste of it between their teeth.
but it's not a funeral, it's a wedding. it's about love and commitment. she's in both their stomachs now, so she'll be in their house, she'll be in their bed. and when the starvation starts again, when a wedding born from consumption starts to taste dead, she'll be in their daughter. a girl who will keep them together, who will be enough, because she'll be all theirs and finally so very alive.
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laszlo-writes · 1 year
Something Yellowjackets is doing a really good job with that I haven’t seen many people chatting about is showcasing how even “good cops” are actually still terrible.
That guy- “jay” or whatever his name is (starts with an S but I don’t give a shit)- is by every definition of the word- GROOMING Callie. He is preying on her in a way that, yeah, maybe it isn’t a sex thing, but it is still very much something that she will carry with her for the rest of her life. He is taking advantage of her while she is in a very vulnerable position for information on her mother.
He bought her alcohol. He took her out on dates. He pulled intimate information out of her and he knew he KNOWS that she is underage. He KNOWS that she is in high school. He KNOWS what he is doing is wrong but he does not care.
All of the information he has collected on Shauna has been collected illegally and unethically and he’s done it with a shit eating grin on his face the whole time. It’s easy to see that he’s a bad cop- a shitty guy with no morals who will do anything to lock Shauna up.
Yeah, he’s the bad cop. He’s the corrupt cop. He’s the “bad apple”.
But Kevyn Tan? He’s the good cop! He’s a nice guy! He’s sweet and has big sad eyes and he just wants to protect the town and have a steady paycheck and uwu he’s just a your friendly neighborhood policeman.
Your friendly neighborhood policeman who is allowing this other guy to do all these terrible things and get away with it. He is 100% GIVING SARACUSO PERMISSION to do all of these unethical and illegal things because that is what “good cops” do.
They just allow the bad guys to do bad things so really, they’re not very good at all, are they?
Anyways that got long hope that makes sense but it probably doesn’t :)
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