#tysm hen!!!!
thehallstara · 1 year
character lore ask ruthless perhaps 👀
ough idk how much i have that's not like. common lore but i love ruthless so i will take this and run have some primarily coronation era stuff
currently sharing an apartment with hank i think!!! they both needed to get out of the big garage and imo i don't think ruth does well living on vir own and knows that by now
said apartment has a permanent link to siggy imo, as well as one in the big garage
after rivers died kinda had a rough spiral that one day i'll hopefully write about lol but!!! i think there was a week or so after he got back to seattle where hyr and zack both slept in siggy bc vae needed her there
also edric declan and ruthless all get matching tattoos in honour of rivers i think
i hced ruthless as doing both blacksmithing and glassblowing apprenticeships in vir's late teens/early twenties and i think that's something they're probably getting back into a bit these days??? needs the outlet
has been living in boston with zack over this siesta and is getting woodcarving lessons from spears
really struggles with a lot of the new garages lmao but gets along with my josephine i think kdjfhksal
also gets along really well with rivers clembons i think!!! they do a lot of like. quiet vibing
still isn't used to the absence of the dispatch. doesn't know if co ever will be.
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diazly · 1 year
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eddie + hen checking on buck
for anon
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princessg3rard · 4 months
I was told today I look like a cunty emo mike teavee, how does one take that?
take that complement in 2 hands and say “IKR??” !! <3 I’ve got about 0 idea who mike is but the moment I heard slutty emo I yassed so loud !! SOOO PROUD OF U BABY <333
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eddiediaaz · 11 months
alie!! i just need to be unhinged in your inbox for a minute about how INCREDIBLE that speak now gifset is!! you are so talented it is genuinely insane and whenever i see that you've posted a new gifset i get genuinely excited (even if its for a fandom i don't know!) you deserve all the love and appreciation for your hard work ❤❤❤
omfg neethu please!!! 🥺🥺🥺 this means so much coming from you because i feel the absolute same about your work!!! it's always a delight to see your creations in the tags and on my dash! thank you thank you thank you 💖💖💖 you're making my day!!! also i feel like i can't take credit for this set since it was inspired by someone else's, but it was really fun to make and i can't wait to make part 2 hehehe
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kaisfruit · 7 months
Hi! how's your day going?
I'd like to request the ninja from Ninjago and an older sibling reader if that alright? You know just cute fluffy days with siblings.
Ninjago Older Sibling!Reader Headcanons <3
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A/N; Ahhh hi!!! my day is good ty <3 tysm for this ask this is so cute 🥺🥺 i hope u dont mind hcs, but if u do feel free to ask again and i'll gladly make smthn longer :] jus thought hcs fit the vibe
warnings; none! just fluff <3
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Kai and Nya
Absolutely the most chaotic sibling trio
Nya constantly getting upset with you and Kai for playing the "i'm the older sibling" card
You and Kai: older siblings get cake first that's just the rule. sorry <33
But Kai gets just as upset as she does when you do it to him
You guys all love each other though so it's okay
Just the vibes of being their older sibling would be the most competitive basic sibling rivalry type stuff yk
Constantly doting over him
You might as well be his parental figure since MISAKO AND GARMADON WERE THE WORSTTTTT
You and Kai take turns mother henning him
You and Kai are bffs btw like. I don't make the rules. Kai is just his adoptive older brother in my head, so you two bond over caring for Lloyd
Definitely his comfort person after a long day <3
You're the one Lloyd trusts the most in his life and he isn't scared to tell you his fears because, despite any assumed sibling teasing, he knows you'll take him seriously on that regard
You guys make annoying each other a full time job
Constantly fighting over who the favorite is
Y/N: At least I help out at the junkyard!!
Jay: I'm literally out saving the world everyday!!!
*aggressive slap fight ensues*
OMG no. he's definitely the younger sibling to pull the rapid fire kick tactic
His elemental abilities go out the window when y'all fight. Just straight up, falls on his back and starts kicking up at you
All fun n games until you're able to catch one of his legs
You totally embarrass him as much as you can in front of Nya too
As Jay's older sibling, you're legally obligated to be Cole's bestie since Cole is Jay's bestie. you guys lovingly torment the lightning user together <33
The most chill sibling duo to ever exist
you both didn't appreciate Lou's insistence of the singing and dancing shit so y'all just decided to be ride or dies for life
much like cole, you get along so well with the rest of the ninja
idrk what to say here
nvm i do
You guys play video games with each other and you are infinitely salty at the fact that your younger brother is better than you at most video games
like wtf? isn't it supposed to be a god given right for all older siblings to be better at video games???? the FSM screwed you!!!
but you've never let him live down the one time he lost to you at super smash bros
you have refused to play with him since
See, idk if you'd be his ACTUAL sibling yk since he's a robot? maybe more like you were supposed to be a protege to dr. julien, but decided to just be a 4 lyfer with zane after his passing
you've helped zane understand human culture so much and he's real appreciative of your existence
the ninja absolutely fucking ADORE when you're around because what's better than one zane? TWO ZANES !!!
well, obviously you're your own person but! i could see zane adopting a lot of your mannerisms so you two end up being very similar
quality time is y'alls bread and butter
working around each other perfectly as y'all both cook in the kitchen
words never need to be shared between the two of you. just hanging around the other is enough yk? like y'all are bonding just by existing near each other and it is magical
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ANOTHER A/N; i tried my best to highlight reader being the older sibling but </3 idk if i did it that well. i saw "sibling fluff" and RAN!! im willing to do a pt 2 or like a one shot or anything with a prompt similar to this !! im the youngest sibling myself tho so idk if i can properly portray being an older sibling (only in a mean light. yk like greg heffley and rodrick. do NOT recommend having older siblings y'all /j)
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may i request for somewhat of a aemond x wife!reader crackfic? i just cant get the thought of aemond's wife suddenly going "if you really love me, catch me" and she just randomly jumps off a window or cliff or smth, knowing fairly well how sturdy she is and that she'll survive with a few broken bones max. but aemond doesn't know that and so he prince-charming-style-on-a-dragon saves the stupid lump that is the love of his life and goes "i do not appreciate these tests to measure my loyalty and love for you. first the question of whether or not i would love you as a worm. and now this stunt? what's next? make me choose between you or something very absurd?" "now that's an idea."
The Test Of Love
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: There is a saying that people do crazy things for those they love... Aemond has come to terms with the fact you're simply crazy.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: fem!reader, wife!reader, mom!reader, exasperated!aemond, 'dear gods its genetic' -aemond, crackfic, fluff, typos, etc."
A/N: THIS IS SO SPECIAL BECAUSE THIS IS MY FIRST AEMOND REQ HIHIHHHIHIHI HI NONNIE TYSM FOR THIS I HOPE YOU LIKE IT NONNIE MERRY CHRISTMAS ps i didnt name the child cos it seemed like too much responsibility nvm i felt bad for keeping him nameless also i used a translator for the high valyrian dont come for me if its wrong i like to imagine this gif is the moment aemond realized his wife is crazy and he's like 'aw shit' HAHAHHA Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda
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"Kepa, kepa!" a small voice calls, alerting Aemond, who had been in his study, going through some papers.
Aemond turns to the little boy, eye roving over his wide violet eyes and short, stubby legs, deciding in that moment, he was not injured or harmed.
"What is it, my love?" Aemond asks in High Valyrian. He straightens from his seat, lips curving into a soft smile as his son makes it to his side.
Aemond brings him to his lap. He brushes Aurion's hair back with one hand while the other is secured around the side of his soft belly.
"Mother is-"
The sound of his father humming cuts Aurion off. Aemond's brow quirks as he looks at his child.
Aurion sighs, placing his tiny hand on his tiny face, correcting himself, "muña."
"Kessa, muña," Aemond nods in confirmation, continuing in High Valyrian, "very good, my boy. What about mother? Is she calling for me?"
"Muña ivestretan nyke..." the boy starts as he racks his head, thinking of the next words to say.
Aemond hums, translating his Aurion's words, word per word, "mother told you..."
"Naejot ivestragon ao..."
"To tell you," Aemond trails off.
"...bona ziry's jumping hen se jimy."
Aurion turns to his father, watching his kepa's eye widen at the information he relayed. Aurion blows air out of his lips, making buzzing sounds as he shifts in his father's lap.
Aemond is tense as his Aurion places his clammy hands on his father's cheeks.
"Say that again, boy," Aemond knits his brows.
"In common tongue."
Aurion stands on his father's lap, stroking his kepa's long hair as he mumbled, "she said she was going to jump out the window, papa."
Aemond grabs his son's hand, making the child draw his eyes upon his father's worried one.
Aurion is indifferent as he continues, "she told me you were going to catch her before she f-"
A loud fit of laughs rip through the room when Aemond grabs Aurion and practically teleports outside, exactly where their bedroom window would be.
He didn't need to see to know you were there, as there were a bunch of worried servants outside, looking up with worried faced, making him worry ever more.
Aemond does not miss how one of them says, 'thank the gods the prince is here.'
Aemond drops his giggling son as he cranes his neck up.
I break into a wide smile and look over my shoulder when I hear my name being barked out, "hello, my love!"
Aemond's breath is extremely taxed as he walks beneath the ledge I was standing on, "GET INSIDE RIGHT NOW!"
I roll my eyes, not even turning to the open window as I opted to hammer on the stone wall before me. It was a bit difficult, seeing as my breast was pressed against the surface, as I did not have much room to walk on. Still, I pressed on so I could hang the twig figure my son made in a place it would get the attention it deserved, "I'm busy."
Aemond clenches his jaw, arms going out to the side in fear, ready to catch, if ever his extremely poor in decision making wife falls.
Aemond calls my name out again, more worried, less threatening.
I release a sigh and hang my child's creation on the nail, "Aurion, what did you tell your father? He's worried sick."
"That you were going to jump," the princeling plainly, making the servants around him exclaim in worry and horror.
I furrow my brows and snap my head Aurion, "that's not what-"
Alas, I do not get to finish, as my quick movements make my feet slip. I helplessly descend from the height. I grip the hammer tightly, not wanting it to crash on my husband's head.
With a huff and a heave, I find myself in Aemond's arms, Aemond, who is incredibly relieved and livid all at once.
"Hello, my lo-"
"You told him you were going to jump?!" Aemond quips, eye narrowing.
I raise a brow, throwing my arm around his shoulders, discarding the hammer off to the side with a loud thud, "I did not. I told him that if I fell, you would catch me."
Aemond's nostrils flair as he turns to look at his son, barking out his name impatiently, "what is the meaning of this?!"
Aurion shrugs, "I wanted to see mama jump."
Aemond eye twitches.
I scold him for this, but Aurion is all but affected by it. I turn to my husband and snort, kissing him quickly on the lips before jumping out of his arm. Aemond is frozen in his spot.
I beckon my son over. When he does, I point a finger at him, "what did I tell you about distorting the truth?"
Aurion sucks in his lips as he rolls back and forth on his heels. He avoids the question by saying, "you jumped anyway!"
"She did not jump, she fell," Aemond quips, stern expression moving from Aurion to me.
I knit my brows at him, "I chose to fall, because I knew you would catch me."
Aemond feels his false eye rattle in skull as he words darkly, "chose?"
"Oh, please," I roll my eyes, "I used to jump down from trees much higher than this as a child, Aemond."
"Mmm, right!" Aemond says tightly, "and you landed on a field of grass, not cold, hard, concrete!"
I shake my head at his words, "what does it matter? All this proves is that I was right."
"Right with madness?!" Aemond raises a hand, "right with what?!"
"That you would save me no matter what." I raise my chin when I say this.
Aemond is practically vibrating in anger, his stomach wound tightly with worry. It all evaporates when a hand goes to his face.
I smile at Aemond, rubbing the scar on his cheek.
He sighs, utterly defeated. He opts to lean into the affectionate touch.
I utter causally, "this reminds me of the time I jumped off Vhagar."
"YOU JUMPED OFF VHAGAR," Aurion exclaims with excitement and wonder
Aemond grabs my wrist as he pulls away, "I still have nightmares of it."
"Oh, please, you told me it was okay for me to do it."
I huff, pulling my hand away, "that was your mistake."
"I WANT TO JUMP OFF VHAGAR!" Aurion calls, jumping up and down.
"NO!" Aemond barks, pointing a finger between the two of us, "no one will ever jump off anything ever again!"
Aemond grunts where I laugh when Aurion dashes over to him. The boy crashes against his leg; the man reels back slightly. I snort when my husband looks away, knowing he was not strong enough to behold the puppy dog eyes that was surely being thrown at him.
"Pleaaaassseeee, kepa!" Aurion whines, "I'll promise I'll study High Valyrian even harder!"
Aemond scoffs, then peers down, eye narrowed, "say that in High Valyrian then."
Aurion scrunches his face in thought. He begins to turn a shade of scarlet. He slams his head onto his papa's thigh, "no fair..."
Aemond huffs, crouching down, gathering the boy into his arms, "I will not hear of this nonsense again, child."
"Enough," Aemond dismisses, turning to me. He reaches his hand out and I gladly take it. He sighs as he pulls me close, placing a kiss on my temple. When I lean into him, he shuts his eye and mutters, "kepa will not know what to do if anything ever happens to you and muña."
Our son makes a sound in protest, "but you will catch me if I fall, just like mama!"
I smile at the sentiment, reaching out to my child's cheek.
Aemond turns to his son, leaning his forehead onto his, "do me a favor and not follow into your mama's footsteps."
I snort, pulling away from Aemond.
"But mama's fun!" the boy pouts, "you're not."
Aemond presses his lips into a line.
I break into a fit of giggles, stopping in my tracks to bend over in amusement. Aemond is snorts and swiftly grabs me, cutting my laughter off. I am, without warning, manhandled over his shoulder. I shriek when my stomach is folds over him. I grab onto his back without much else left to do.
Hearing my sons giggles makes chuckles find their way out of my lips again.
"Spank your muña's bottom," Aemond commands. My son does not hesitate.
"You have been naughty," he quips, beginning to walk off, "and deserve every bit of punishment I will inflict on you tonight."
I am silenced by his words.
"Papa no!" Aurion exclaims, "mama's a good girl."
I bite my lips at the defense of my child.
"Mmm," Aemond hums, "we'll see about that."
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hopeluna-archived · 1 year
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── ❊ Request: Hey I love your work you’re one of my favorite writers on tumblr!! If you want to I have an Idea! Could u do obey me headcanon or fic on an mc who is sick? TYSM!! __
── ❊ Characters: Lucifer x reader
── ❊ CW: none! Except me being dumb :D 'cause at the end of writing this, I realised that I read the request wrong and thought that you had requested a Lucifer fic with sick reader so excuse my dumbness and I hope u like this <3
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"Lucifer, I really don't think I need another bowl of soup- no don't give me that look, I feel just fine I promise"
Lucifer had turned into a complete mother hen from the moment he came back to the house from RAD and learned from Mammon that you had caught a cold.
He was on you in a second, arranging the bed with fluffed pillows, making sure there is a warm cup of tea on the table beside the bed and occasionally glaring at his brothers when they make too much noise, warning them that you have a headache.
The last 30 minutes had been spent on Lucifer insisting you to have some soup as he was convinced you hadn't eaten enough, ignoring the fact that he had made you eat three bowls already.
"You need to have a full stomach, MC- its important to have your strength back" Lucifer gives a firm nod your way, gesturing to his raised hand with a spoonful of broth, ready to handfeed you if thats what it took.
"Fine! But this is the last one" sighing, you took a mouthful of the warm food, you had to admit it did feel good to eat it and have it soothe your aching throat.
Lucifer sat there for a while, making sure you were actually going to eat everything and not try to skip over stuff, when the incessant shouting of his brothers outside the door reached him. He made out the words "Solomon", "food" and "MC" before he quickly made his way outside the room.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
It took almost an hour to convince Solomon to hand his cooking over to the brothers, insisting that they would give it to you and that there was no need for Solomon to stick around as "we're pretty sure you've got other important stuff to do".
When the wizard finally relented and made his way out, Mammon and Levi were tasked to get rid of the food. "Throw it away, bury it, just get it away from me!!", were Asmo's exact words.
Lucifer tiredly rubbed the bridge of his nose in the middle of all the bickering and chaos. Not one peaceful day in this house.
Deciding to ignore the brothers, he entered the room once again to check on you, just to find you asleep, with a light snore and a empty bowl on the table.
Taking off one of his gloves and pressing the back of his cool hand to your forehead, a little frown made way to his face on finding yours still flushed with warmth.
Just as he went to pull his hand back, with a sleepy incoherent mumble, you grabbed his hand to snuggle to your heated face. I can stay a bit here, I guess.... and with a last look towards the door to make sure one of the brothers didn't stab another one, Lucifer took his shoes and coat off and carefully got under the covers, the movement receiving an appreciative hum and more snuggling from you.
The next morning when you woke up feeling refreshed and headache gone, the smile on your face was definitely worth it to Lucifer to get sick.
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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whinesandwhimpers · 8 months
the kidnapper!soap (plus kidnapper!ghost) u wrote was INCREDIBLE I think I need more 😭😭😭🫶
tysm im glad u enjoyed it!! <3
had this idea all day so i present to you; kidnapper!soap gets reader drunk and fucks her
cw; forced drinking, noncon/dubcon, edging, creampie, the tiniest mention of breeding/pregnancy at the end
Johnny was in an exceptionally good mood when he walked through the front door carrying a shopping bag, the sound of glass clinking from within.
"Honey, 'm home!" He jokingly calls out, scottish accent filling the room.
He lets you out of your cage (johnny says you can't be trusted out of it while you're alone!) and drags you over to the dining table, pushing you to sit.
"How would ya like a treat, Lass?" He asks, leaning down to your eye level. When you don't reply, instead just staring back at him with an emotionless expression, he pouts. "Aye, still giving me the silent treatment? Think I can fix that."
He gets two glasses from the kitchen then pulls a bottle of scotch out of the bag and takes a seat next to you. He pours double the amount in one of the glasses before he's sliding it over to you.
"Drink up, Hen." He orders you, taking a swig of his lesser filled glass.
You shake your head, pushing your glass away.
Johnny grabs your jaw, tilting your head back, and brings your glass to your lips that you tightly press together as you glare back at him.
"You don't want to upset me, do ye?" He squeezes your jaw, not hard enough to hurt but enough to give you a warning that he can hurt you. The defiance in your eyes dies out and you part your lips in response to his question. He tips the glass, letting some liquid flow into your mouth. "Good girl. Now swallow."
You scrunch your face at the taste, wanting water instead, as you listen to him and swallow.
Johnny chuckles at your reaction and lets go of your jaw, takes the back of your hand and puts the glass against your palm, wrapping your fingers around it and pushes your hand to your mouth. A silent order to drink the rest. He eyes you as he finishes off his drink, watching you force the scotch down.
"Aye, you need another." He takes your glass from your hand and focuses on pouring.
You open your mouth to protest then slam your lips shut, reminding yourself you're not speaking to him. Not only that but you know protesting would be pointless. You have to do whatever he wants whether you like it or not.
He doesn't refill his glass but he makes you drink more.. and more.
You can barely hold yourself up, now drooped over the table, empty glass gripped very loosely in your hand, eyes closing on their own.
"Let's get you to bed, Bonnie." He coos, grin on his face at the state you're in, an arm around your waist as he helps you up.
You're too out of it to push him away so you lean against him as he helps you to his bedroom and sets you down on his bed.
You fall backwards onto the softness and lay there, unmoving, eyes staring up at the ceiling and slow blinking, your fierce, defiant will gone as you just lay there uncaring of Johnny undressing himself or of him pushing your shirt above your tits and pulling your panties down. The sight of you making him groan, his cock stiffening. No matter how many times he had you, it was like seeing you again for the first time. You're perfect to him. You were a sight for sore eyes.
"That's alright, Hen, you just lie there and let Johnny do all the work." He coos as he sits between your thighs, leans over you, and fondles one of your tits and runs a finger up and down your folds, feeling wetness gathering—not exactly willingly by you who is very much out of it.
The voice of reason in your head that reminded you he was fucking evil, that he kidnapped you and was holding you against your damn will, was pushed down, shushed, by the scotch. You couldn't bring yourself to protest or push him away if you tried or wanted to. Brain mush from the alcohol.
He eases a finger into you, then two, right to the hilt making a moan slip out of your parted lips. He uses his thumb to rub against your clit as he starts thrusting his fingers inside you.
The pleasure makes you focus less on the ceiling and more on what he's doing.
He tweaks your nipple between his forefinger and thumb before he returns to groping the fat as he leans down and licks up your slit to your clit, three fingers now plunging inside you at a steady pace. He swirls his tongue around and flicks it at your clit.
Your back arches as you feel yourself getting closer, with Johnny increasing his efforts, your broken moans filling the room. You're so close. You're on the edge. You're—
He pulls away completely just before you can cum and you let out a wail at your cut-off orgasm.
"Talk to me, Bonnie," He growls, slowly stroking his own cock. "Let me hear that pretty voice."
He notices you're slipping as the feelings die off so he smacks your pussy, the feeling shooting an almost-electric jolt through you as your focus is brought back to wanting to cum.
"Please, I— I need to— please, please—" You disconnectedly babble in a rush, caving on the silent treatment, until he grabs your jaw and makes you look at him.
"There she is. What do ye need?" He asks, eyes full of desire staring intensely at you, and when you dazedly blink back, returning his question with a needy whimper, he smacks your pussy again giving you another jolt. "Tell me what ye want, Bonnie."
"I want to cum." You mewl.
"Uh, uh, not good enough. What do ye want?" He goes back to rubbing fast circles on your clit, other hand still stroking his dick, knowing he's going to get what he wants.
"You! Your— Your cock! Please fu— fuck me!" You cry out, eyes closing as you feel the approaching orgasm.
"Atta girl." He smirks and pulls his hand away before you can cum, again, making you cry out in frustration.
He wastes zero time in lining his fat cock up with your glistening hole and thrusts in fast, the stretch of his three fingers having made it easier, continuously driving his cock deep in your pussy and his hand returning to your clit, making you scream as you finally cum, drenching his cock in your juices.
He groans at your walls squeezing his cock and hits his own peak, releasing his load inside you and fucking you through his and your orgasm, your moans and overstimulated cries like heaven to him.
He slows his thrusts before he's pulling out, making you feel empty. He uses two fingers to push his cum that's leaking out back into you, plugging you up, and affectionately pets your folds with his other hand, chuckling when you let out a little whine.
Completely exhausted and still fucked up from the scotch, you doze off. He pulls his fingers out of you and gently pulls you up to rest your head on one of his pillows before he kisses your forehead and he's lying beside you and pulling your back to his chest to spoon you. And because you're out of it, you miss what he says next as he nuzzles his face into your hair.
"Hope it takes this time. I want ye walking 'round with a big belly, Bonnie."
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queerdiaz · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by my beloveds @bidisasterevankinard and @confetti-cupcake tysm babes!
So I saw this gifset from the amazing @cafecitoeddie and got this instant need to write an Eddie x Terry fic (don't worry I'm still working on my buddie longfic and all my prompts). I'm not sure about what I've written so far but here you go
If Eddie were to say that today was a day then that would be the understatement of the fucking millienia. After what felt like forever, they had finally found a bloodied and bruised Chimney. Tommy had even flew in a fucking helicopter so the groom could finally marry the bride – after getting thoroughly checked by Hen of course.
And now here they are, everyone happy and dancing like Chimney didn’t almost die, again. But that’s okay, because if any of them learned anything from their job and all the trauma, is to enjoy what you have when you have it.
At that thought, Eddie looks away from the bride and groom carefully but still lovingly dancing to see Buck and Tommy in their own little world swaying to the sweet love song. He quickly turns around and walks towards the drink table to grab another flute of champagne.
Eddie downs the entire glass and sighs.
It’s pretty damn awful timing to break up with your girlfriend because – surprise! – you realized that not only you’re gay but you’re in love with your best friend only after said best friend also discovered his queerness but is starting to date a guy that you’re pretty sure you also had a crush on as well.
The universe is a cruel, cruel bitch.
“Hey, Eddie!” A voice comes to break himself out of his thoughts.
Eddie turns to see a face he hasn’t seen since working at dispatch.
He pushes all his anguish aside for now for him to process later with Frank, and lets out a genuine smile.
“Hey, Terry! Long time no see.”
The other man gives him a bright smile in return. “Yeah, it’s been a while. How’ve you been?”
Feeling like a sad gay disaster, he thinks. He says, “Great. How ‘bout you?”
“Pretty good.” He looks tentatively at Eddie for a moment before continuing. “I know you’re where you belong but I have to say I was kinda sad when you left dispatch. The LAFD twitter is just not the same without you.”
Eddie laughs.
That was a dark time in his life. But where Josh made him feel like an outsider, Terry – along with May, Linda, and Sue – helped him feel welcomed there. It’s nice to feel like he was missed.
“Yeah, I do not miss that. But I do miss y’all over there.” He pauses. “Even though I'm so glad I left.”
Terry laughs, his smile wide, and something in Eddie's stomach flutters. Like butterflies.
It then hits him. He’s attracted to Terry. He likes Terry.
That both terrifies him and sends thrills down his spine.
Tagging: @wh0re-behavi0r @honestlydarkprincess @monsterrae1 @saybiwithme @eddiediazisascorpio @parva-noctua @steadfastsaturnsrings @insecuregodcomplex and whoever wants to do it
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kiatheinsomniac · 1 year
ohh, don't be sorry about mixing up the request thing, also, congrats for the 2k!
anyways, if your requests are still open, could i request a scenario with vanitas and noé where reader got an injury (you can choose the reason)? tysm if you can and i love your writing, i hope your account gets known even more! <3
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☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: AWWWW you're so sweet <33 I'm hoping for more requests about these boys bc I love them so much and I wanna bet more involved in the vnc fandom hehe 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: Vanitas, Noé Archiviste 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: injury mention, none
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Vanitas is a doctor so his first reaction is to treat you himself. Who else would he trust with your health after all? He’s quick to assess you and seems to have no issue with undressing you in order to make sure he can check your whole body over for injuries. He’s surprisingly professional in the moment and it’s not until he’s completely treated you that he begins to tease you about your state of undress, perhaps with gentle strokes of his knuckles along your thighs or by cupping your warm cheek with how flustering you find his teasing. He’ll order all the food up to the hotel room that you’d like while you’re recovering. He’ll also steal some (a lot) of bites from your food but he’ll just consider it part of his payment for being your doctor <3
。・:*˚:✧。noé archiviste
Noé is a lot more panicky. He’s terrified of losing you as he did Louis and so he’s carrying you to the nearest hospital (or even to Vanitas if it’s quicker to get to him). He won’t leave the room at all while you’re being treated and he’ll be flittering about all panicky like a hummingbird. He’ll always be asking what he can do to help and he’s watching over you with those worried foxglove eyes of his. The moment your treatment is complete, he’s sitting down beside you and cupping your face in his hands, resting his forehead against yours in an overwhelming wave of relief. He hasn’t lost you. You’re ok. He’ll ask if there’s anything you want: some food, a drink, a warmer blanket, anything. He’s like a mother hen with you at times but it’s so cute when he gets like that. 
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☾ ⋆ ゚like my work? why not: ∘ buy me a coffee? ∘ commission me? ∘ join my taglist ∘ consider following/reblogging
🏷️@firagirl @ghostofpolaris
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
ur stuff is so fun to read!! if its ok w u, could u do a taehoon x reader fic where theyre training together and taehoon goes a little too hard on reader? like reader gets upset bc they didnt expect taehoon to go so rough on them and then taehoon spends the rest of the day trying to make it up to them?? ;w; tysm if u do!! have a good one ★
tysm for reading and requesting anon! OF COURSE I CAN! There's a few requests for if X hurts their S/O or the reader. Y'all wanting that sympathy huh?
Seong Taehoon x Reader: Getting accidentally kicked
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You had thought that if you were on the receiving end of a kick or a punch, you would be cursing with at least a handful of expletives on reflex. In a serious fight, preferably the adrenaline would flow and you would be able to give back as good as you got.
You had grossly overestimated yourself.
It turns out that, on the receiving end of one of Taehoon's kicks square in the stomach, it actually hurts so much that you cannot utter a sound, struggle to even catch your breath. Bending over double, collapsing to your knees, praying the waves of nausea will pass.
Strong, calloused hands grip you and hold you steady.
It also turns out that Taehoon cannot shut up. Your boyfriend, the sometimes silent but often offensive and deadly type, rambles on and on after the initial shock.
In hindsight, you're not sure which of you is more surprised at his reaction.
"Why the fuck didn't you block? You stupid dumbass. You should have stopped me. How the hell didn't you see that coming? Are you ok? I didn't know you were so weak. I barely even touched you, dipshit. Did I leave a bruise? Were you even paying attention? I didn't mean to hit you so hard. Are you alright? Ugh we shouldn't be sparring, I was worried this would happen!"
Insults and concern all rolling into one big ball of frustration.
And then the waterworks start. You couldn't help it. The pain and Taehoon being so in your face. It's overwhelming. And honestly? Did it also hurt that bastard to hold back a little.
Taehoon absolutely panics. Sure, he's seen you cry before but not because of him hurting you.
Panic leads to your boyfriend not being able to leave you alone. At all.
You don't know whether it starts annoying you or Taehoon first.
Initially, it was fine. You were the one that got the sympathy attention. You didn't mind Taehoon fulfilling your every whim, asking if you're ok, running around for you.
But then it worsened from you being too lazy to do anything to you being forbidden to do anything.
Worried glances drifting to your stomach and ribs every minute, on the minute. Thinned lips and narrowed eyes when you moved at all. Strong arms holding you back and restraining you with an irritable huff and "I'll do it".
If you weren't allowed to do anything then you might as well do nothing.
Might as well just sit there and sulk.
Where the hell had your little nutjob gone? Why was he replaced by a mother hen incessantly clucking around you?
In the end, it was more pain that broke the tension.
Taehoon, in your opinion, flicks you excessively hard on the forehead. A truce, of sorts.
"I know I'm pissing you off. Be careful next time," he says, leaving you to your own devices.
A non-apology from anyone else, a half-apology because you know him.
So you continue to sit and you continue to sulk, only without the presence of your boyfriend next to you.
It feels surprisingly lonely.
Maybe you were too quick to let your temper get the better of you. After all, Taehoon was just trying to look after you, in his own way. It led to you both butting heads but it's the thought that counts.
If you consider it, what exactly are you complaining about? 'Oh no, my boyfriend wanted to make sure I was ok?' Actually, he was overbearing and a little too much. Still.
You grab your phone and reach out-
Y/N: thanks for looking after me
Taehoon: 👍
A thumbs up is good, a thumbs up means it's fine. You know he has no reservation about outright ignoring you.
And because you really do love and appreciate that asshole-
Y/N: love you
Taehoon: 👍
Not 2 minutes later-
Taehoon: ❤️
Taehoon: 🤡
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thehallstara · 1 year
💖 What made you start writing?
i've always been like. a storyteller?? i think that's why i liked performing so much too but like. i like being able to make things that make people feel things no matter the format and writing has really developed into my main way of doing that in the past couple years– though that isn't to say i wasn't writing before that, i was, but after about a period of 5 years it's been very nice to like. get back into proper fiction writing i feel like
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
depends on the story!!! if i'm writing about a place i haven't written before i'll search up on it for sure, and when i make characters i'll research pretty heavily as far as background stuff but once that groundwork is done i'll kinda just go for it?? for blb stuff i do also like having an overview of sim stuff happening during the timeframe of the fic even if i don't use it!
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
oughhhh i am. not great at advice but probably my biggest thing is finding people who you can share things with as you work and hype you up and/or give concrit??? obviously ymmv but i'm a person who really thrives off of feedback– in someways i'm almost happiest when my work feels like a dialogue between me and the reader –so that's been a huge part of what's kept me going? idk. also learning when to step back for a sec?? if i'm finding myself impossibly annoyed with everything i'm writing then i know that's my sign to step away from that wip for a little bit.
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killerpancakeburger · 2 months
Hi! I got your ask and I'll answer it soon <3 in the meantime, I was curious about
Ka-freaking-boom, baby | Pinning (against a wall) | Renegades
The titles/descriptions are a net, and I am but a fish you caught with it
majinbangus 🥛🐟
Hiii! Tysm for the ask! 💕
For the WIP ask game.
Alright, here we gooo *rubbing hands with glee*
Ka-freaking-boom, baby
That line by Soap drove me insane, so I came up with a Reader feeling the same way lol. It's very short so I'll post it entirely here:
“Ka-freaking-boom, baby.”
The perfect mix of rasp and silk in his voice seemed to drain all the blood from your brain and send it rushing south. It was almost worse than having his fingers stroking every inch of your skin.
Before Soap had any chance to react, you dragged him away into the nearest dark alley and kissed him furiously.
A confused moan escaped him under your assault.
Once you’ve had your fill, you withdrew, glaring at him. He was panting, eyes wide, cheeks flushed, torn between bafflement and pleasure, and, a rare occurrence, at a loss for words.
“Fuck, what the fuck… was that!?” you yelled in a whisper. “Do I have to be a freaking bomb for you to talk to me like that!?”
His eyes widened even more before understanding spread across his face. A chuckle left his lips.
“Jealous o’ an explosive, hen? Yer too cute.”
Not in the mood to play around, you grabbed his flak jacket to pull him where you wanted and, lips pressed against his ear, you described all the unspeakable acts you would do to him if he used that voice back at the base.
He let out an agonized sound at that, as if you were torturing him.
“Steamin' Jesus…”
He covered the hand that was holding him in place and took a deep inhale, most likely to keep it together.
“Bonnie, love ye, but the mission…”
You aggressively shoved your index in his sternum, looking him in the eye.
“You're making it up to me later, you hear me?”
His head was swaying with the contrast between your filthy promises and your harsh gestures, but he straightened up, recognizing an order when he heard one.
“Yes Ma'am.”
Pining (against a wall)
I read a fic where in one chapter, Soap and Reader hide from enemies with Reader stuck between the wall and Soap, and our beloved sergeant gets...hum... affected by their proximity lol. So I wanted to do a version where Soap is the one pinned between Reader and the wall. It's also the same vibe as The powder and the fuse, aka Soap sees his gf in action being very badass and finds it hot. It's smut tbh, with their clothes on tho.
"At the sight of your enemies getting closer to your location, your bodyguard training takes over. Before you can even think about it, you grab Soap by his flak jacket, drag him into a dark alley and end up half-pining, half-slamming him against the nearest wall without warning, shoving your hand over his mouth for good measure. It's a professional reflex you'll have to apologize for later.
That, and if there's one thing he's never been good at, it's keeping it shut.
Not that he ever gave you a reason to call his skills into question, always proving himself serious and reliable on the job, but missions with only the two of you together are few and far between, and he certainly never stops running his mouth over comms during them.
Wholly focused on your opponents’ behavior, head turned away from him, on the lookout, the hand on his mouth keeping him against the wall, the other by his head, caging him in, you don't pay attention to your newfound proximity. How your faces are barely a centimeter away from each other, how his warm breath strokes your skin with each respiration. You don't notice either how much you’re pressed against his body, how your chests are touching, the contact exacerbated by each inhale, or that one of your legs is nudged between his.
Or the way his cerulean eyes are devouring you, drinking in your every move."
It's a retelling of MW2 with Shadow!Reader, from the mission Alone until Graves die. Lots of action.
Reader kills her own coworkers when they go after civilians and deserts the Shadow company. She comes to the rescue of an injured Soap in the hopes that she can ally with the TF to take down Graves.
It's called renegadeS because It's not only about Reader's treason, but also because the TF is considered treators thanks to Shepherd, and that Reader consider that Graves betrayed her for sending her after civilians when she stated from the start she wouldn’t go after unarmed ppl/civilians.
Something about having to betray either your community/organization/group, or your own moral code, but doomed to be a traitor all the same…
"Joining the Shadow Company had never been your first choice. Military organizations tended to be bad news, and private ones were even worse. However fate forced your hand. Or, more exactly, capitalism did.
The pay offered by the Private Military Company exceeded your wildest dreams. You've made more in a week than in one year of your regular job as a bodyguard. And you were in desperate need of money; a lot, and fast; it was the only way to afford your sister's cancer treatment.
Things weren't so bad at the start. The commander was a bigmouth, but he was sensible, and he got the job done. At some point, the corporation allied with a special task force, an international group of elite combatants, some sort of legendary military unit. You hadn't paid them much attention, since they weren't the enemy.
Until they were.
Somehow the General that commanded both those guys and the Shadow Company decided to betray his own men, turning them into traitors. At the same time, your orders brutally changed. You were expected to turn the whole town upside down to pinpoint the ex-Special Forces, and if civilians happened to be in the way, well… there was no one to hold you responsible if you put a bullet in them.
You didn’t care about the Task Force. Sucked to be them, but surely they could handle themselves.
However, the moment your coworkers started to execute unarmed civilians right in front of you, you snapped.
The latters’ screams for mercy still resonate in your ears. The racket caused by the bullets you sent through your former companions in arms hadn't been enough to make you forget their bloodcurdling yells. 
You hadn't even had time to ponder your actions. Your body acted on its own. You slaughtered them without batting an eye. They probably didn’t even understand what happened to them, not expecting your betrayal. You didn’t regret it.
You hid the bodies to the best of your abilities, and slipped away.
Now here you are, lost in Las Almas, a small city in Mexico, operating in the blind. Between the dark of the night and the rain, your vision is execrable. You have little time before your ex-colleagues’ death and your disappearance get noticed. The clock is ticking, and you can see only two options presenting themselves to you: fight or flight.
You eventually stumble upon a squad of Shadows. You've been monitoring the comms, and your treason hasn’t been noticed yet. 
So, in a rush of insane hope, you do the unthinkable and reveal yourself to them.
Maybe, just maybe, not all Shadows are bloodthirsty mercenaries who shoot innocents at the first opportunity. Maybe they can be reasoned with. Maybe you don't need to fight alone. Maybe…
You salute them as you approach, acting with as much natural as you can muster.
One throws one look at you and turns away. The other two stare with curiosity.
“Whattya doing here? This isn’t your area.”
You play dumb. Easy to perform when your interlocutor is already looking down  on you. The only perk of being a woman in this field of work is idiots underestimating you.
“Lost my way. The others left me behind. Mind if I join?”
You make your tone as silly and harmless as possible, turning your voice higher pitched than normal. It works like a charm.
You put up with their mockeries that sound a lot like insults and other jeers, keeping a naive smile on your lips.
Following on their heels, it's easy to fall back into the routine that's been yours for the past few weeks, since you became a shadow. But that illusion of normality shatters the moment you come across inhabitants.
“They don't know shit,” grumbles one of the shadows, after barking orders at the civilians only leads to desperate pleas for mercy in spanish. “Might as well get rid of them.”
You stare at him with incredulity, your bewildered expression hidden by your balaclava. How could someone be so callous with human life was beyond you. Yes, you were killers for hire, but between fighting seasoned soldiers on a battlefield and slaughtering unarmed families in their own home, there was a world of difference.
“Sure,” shruggs another.
The third one doesn't even bother answering, already taking aim with his rifle.
You feel trapped in a horror movie, an alternative reality.
“That's not necessary,” you step in, loud enough to be clearly heard, but still attempting to not sound too authoritarian. “Killing them isn’t gonna give us any answer.”
“Who cares?” snarls the first one at you, irritated by your intervention. “We get a bonus for each target, it's all that matters.”
“But they're not targets,” you hiss, getting riled up despite yourself. “Is that what your morals are worth? A bunch of zeroes?”
“For the love of… knew admitting women was a bad idea. You’re too soft-hearted for this job. So either shut the fuck up, or-”
He never gets the chance to finish his sentence, as the bullet you fire lodges itself between his eyebrows.
As the other two squad members let out expletives in shock, you’re already shooting again. The one who was aiming his rifle at the denizens drops dead just as he gets you into his sights. The last one scrapes your side with his handgun before you make him join his teammates.
Panting, you lower your weapon and kick at one of the corpses in rage.
“Fuck! Why did you have to be such a rotten piece of shit!”
From the corner of your eye, you notice the group of civilians nearby shaking with fear, glancing at you with horror and uncomprehension. You sigh and tell them to leave, unable to look them in the eye, ashamed.
Once left to your own devices, you let your fury and your frustration explode.
“Shit, shit, shit! Never should have taken this fucking job!”
Overwhelmed, you crouch, covering your face with your hands, and swear some more.
“Why'd ye do that?”
The hoarse, foreign, barely audible voice coming out of nowhere makes you jump. You point your handgun in multiple directions, in vain.
“What the…?”
You cautiously inspect your surrondings, on your guard, ready to open fire at the first sight of an enemy. Eventually you find the owner of the voice, inside a nearby building, slumped against a crumbled brick wall, and immediately take aim at him. 
“Hey there.”
The salute may be casual, but his body language shows nothing but extreme vigilance and sharp suspicion, his own handgun pointed at you. The tone of his voice isn’t exactly warm either.
At the first provokation, he will swiftly end your life without any qualms.
Your eyes roam over him and, as you take in his bare face, the soaking wet blue t-shirt adhering to his skin, and jeans, you realize you're not dealing with one of Graves’ guys. The british flag displayed on his bulletproof vest silently answers your interrogations.
“You're one of those brits,” you sigh in relief.
Well, half-relief. You may not consider them your enemies anymore, but unfortunately, that doesn't mean the opposite is true.
He scoffs at your remark, apparently mildly offended.
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popquizhot-shot · 8 months
Hi feel free to ignore this I've just found your Dad Miguel O'Hara x reader stuff and I love it so much and I saw you comparing them to Dracula and Mavis and it just so happens I'm also obsessed with the hotel transylvania movies rn so I was wondering if you could write something on that?
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-yk how drac has all these friends who are all protective of mavis as well right?
-yeah thats jess and peter b (if im being honest peter gives such murray energy sometimes) and jess gives wayne energy.
-the overprotectiveness, the frustration all of that YES FUCKING-
-okay, imma be coherent rn.
-mig is very protective. he's not losing another daughter, especially when you're on a mission, the way drac lowkey stalked mavis in the first movie when she went to the fake town, yeah thats mig. but here he has live of you on missions.
-obviously when you get injured he's all mama hen and fussing over you, scolding you gently.
-ykw what i think about often? for your birthday, miguel literally somehow creates an exact replica of your childhood bedroom.
-you make the cute little eyes and cry
"Yeah, Peter?" he look at you and Peter, who is holding Mayday
"Mayday said her first word!"
Mayday stares at him, giggles and says, "Bleh bleh bleh.""
-Mig doesn't talk to you until you coax him with food
i have an exam tm so im so srry my thoughts are all over the place :"D tysm for this it made my day
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vaguesxrrow · 11 months
Same boat here -have the itch to write but need that starting point!
Could I please request a reader whump with Buck or Eddie or both rescuing/caring? Either a romantic pairing or platonic! <3
helloo tysm for the request! i decided to go with both of them, and this could be interpreted as either romantic or a very close platonic friendship lol. it's a bit short, but i hope u enjoy it anyway!
tags: hurt/comfort, domestic fluff, whump!reader, buck and eddie as the caretakers
cw's: fires (at the start)
wc: 805
buck and eddie rescue reader from a fire at their workplace, and take care of them back in their shared home
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Buck and Eddie saved people for a living. Obviously. You had heard many tales of their courageous rescues at the dinner table, and while you sympathised with the victims you heard about, their stories had seemed so... far away. You never thought something like that would happen to you.
But now, as you pressed yourself against the window of your office, away from the encroaching fire, you realised how wrong you had been.
Suddenly, you heard sirens. God, you could've cried of relief then and there, if it weren't for how you were trying to limit your smoke inhalation. Turning around to face the window, you waved at the fire truck down below. As the firefighters filed out of the vehicle, you instantly recognised two figures: Buckley and Diaz, their jackets read.
Your boys were here. No need to worry now.
You also spotted Bobby, who you guessed was giving out commands and directing different firefighters to the different entrances of your work building.
You hoped everyone would be okay.
"Y/n!" Buck yelled, as he barged through the door. He attempted to lunge at you through the fire, but Eddie held him back. You couldn't help but laugh a little. You'd never been more grateful to see their faces as you were now.
"We're coming to get you, don't worry," Eddie said. He and Buck worked to put out the fire in quick succession. The second it was out, they dropped the extinguisher and rushed to your side.
Eddie grabbed you by the shoulders, looking you up and down, and even spinning you around a little to check for any injuries. You saw Buck right behind Eddie, appearing to be collecting himself.
"I'm okay, Eddie," you said. "Buck, c'mere." You engulfed him in a hug, pulling Eddie into the fold as well.
Buck pulled away. "You scared me."
"You guys save people literally every day," you pointed out.
"It's different when it's you."
"I'm okay," you repeated. "Now get me out of here, firefighter."
Eddie insisted on carrying you - bridal style- while Buck ran ahead to clear the way. You hung onto Eddie's neck, heart racing from adrenaline.
"I got you, Y/n," Eddie whispered as you raced down the last flight of stairs.
Buck burst through the entrance, waving you and Eddie outside as well. Although you were already outside, Eddie neglected to set you down, and you didn't make him. It was only when Hen appeared, insisting on looking you over, that he begrudgingly set you down on the ledge of the engine. He and Buck sat next to you on both sides, looking at you in worry as you breathed into the oxygen mask Hen had administered to you.
"I don't need three firefighters fawning over me, guys," you complained. "Go back in and save some more people."
"No need," Bobby's voice sounded. "We're all good. Everyone's safe. You okay, Y/n?" he asked you.
"I'm okay, Bobby. Are you sure there aren't any more people who need help?"
"Don't worry about it." He directed his attention to Eddie and Buck. "Buckley, Diaz, why don't you go home and take care of her?"
"Yes, sir," Buck said eagerly. He stood up and held his hands out to you and Eddie. "Come on, guys. Let's go home."
⌦ — —
"Awh, guys, you really didn't have to," you said as Buck and Eddie approached you with a bowl of your favourite food and a glass of water in their hands.
You were laying on the couch, wrapped in a blanket burrito that they had adamantly insisted you stay cocooned in. They set down the meal on the coffee table in front of the TV, briefly disappearing to grab their own bowls.
Soon, you were all settled - you in the middle, sandwiched between the boys. You were grateful for their presence, and the water they had brought you. Your mind kept going back to the fire. Your throat felt itchy, and although it could've been chalked up to anxiety, it was a bit difficult to breathe.
Eddie kissed your forehead. "You okay?"
You nodded. "Throat's just a little scratchy. Smoke inhalation, probably."
"What? You should've told us earlier," Buck spoke.
"It's only just coming on now," you defended. "And it's not that bad."
"Anything hurting you is bad," Eddie chimed in. He lifted the glass of water to your lips. "Drink."
You complied, taking a few sips.
"If your symptoms get any worse, you gotta tell us, okay?" Buck said. He brushed a strand of hair away from your forehead so he could kiss you there lightly.
"I will, I promise." You shifted, leaning your head on Eddie's shoulder and reaching for Buck's hand. "Can we watch a movie now?"
"Let me guess, Marvel?" Buck and Eddie asked at the same time.
You laughed. "Obviously."
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cheolsfae · 5 months
can you do reading for Jay enhypen future spouse? Tysm!
Sure thing! 💕
*Disclaimer: solely for fun! Please do not take this seriously. For entertainment purposes only!*
Past: knight of swords, knight of pentacles
This person may have a tendency to move rather quickly and just do whatever it is they set their minds to without fear. But in this case, I think they are/were being called to slow it all down. Just let things take their course at a slow and steady pace. They may have a bit of a tendency to want to control situations but they need to just take a step back and let it go; it's not in their hands. This person may have projected their own insecurities onto others. This needed to end and it seems like it has.
Present: 7 of pentacles, king of cups
Right now, this person is pouring everything they have into their career. They aren't really focused on any romance or anything like that at this point in time. They are really loving where they are at in their career and just want to keep going with it. Jay's future spouse is very passionate about what they are working on. Yes, this is slow moving progress for them but they are willing to do what they have to. This is all for the sake of their future and I love it!
Future: page of swords, 9 of cups
In the future, Jay may be watching them. Like kind of creeping on them but on the low-low. Jay will see how hard they are working and just kind of take off from there. He will view them as a wish fulfillment. Something he didn't even realize he was missing. It's really sweet! He may feel like this person is his soulmate. This connection is destined, it is protected by those above. This whole thing is so ngkfdngodfmpfmd <3
Bottom of the deck: queen of pentacles
Overall, I get the vibe that this person is really warm hearted much like Jay. They, too, give off the mother hen vibe. They feel like someone you can tell anything to without any judgement. This person will love him unconditionally and it's just overall very sweet and lovely. I love them! This whole thing is about timing. They will meet when the time is right, when the universe has decided it's time for one of them to take action. Personally, I get the vibe the other person will take initiative first. Jay is just going to be chilling one day and the other person is going to make the move <3
*Oracle deck was also used!
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