#tweety's fic
sleepy--anon · 2 years
George is hyper and sapnap has to get rid of that extra energy (this is for shroom idr their user:( )
Trigger warnings: none I don’t think ?
Words :805
“Ohhhhhhh saaaapnaaaap”
“Shut up George and get out from in front of tv I’m trying to watch my show” sapnap groaned trying to look around the older boy
“Rude” George gasped crossing his arms. “I’m just trying to hang out with my buddy my pal my good friend” George started giggling.
George ran over to the couch jumping right beside sapnap latching onto the smaller shaking him “Snaaaaapppmaaaaapppp” George sang.
“Don’t call me that” He rolled his eyes, George pouted headbutting sapnap lightly “You’re so mean you’re literally awful” George huffed, falling back dramatically.
“What’s gotten into you?” Sapnap asked, wishing he hadn’t when George sat back up and shoved him. “I don’t know idiot just pay attention to meeeee” he whined.
“Fine I’ll just annoy you” George laughed, he began poking all over sapnaps face and shoulders “Snapmap snapmap snaaaaapmaaaaaaap~”
Sapnap was getting fed up, he grabbed George’s hands and looked at him with a look of minor annoyance but the mischievous shine in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed.
“George I’m going to give you one and only one warning, call me snapmap or poke me again I’m going to absolutely wreck your shit, do you understand?”
George’s eyes widened nodding his head, Sapnap gave a quiet “Good” and turned back to the tv that was still playing.
George sat back and faced forward considering his options, he could continue to annoy sapnap and get wrecked or he could buzz off and avoid it.
George was torn between the options, because on one hand he’s bored and wants attention but on the other he knows he’s unbearably ticklish and he’s seen sapnap tickle dream so he knows how ruthless of a ler he can be.
George decided to keep going, he leaned over to sapnap and tased his sides “Snapmap! Sappitus nappitus mr. Nap” he continued on.
“Ok that’s it” sapnap growled grabbing George and trapping him against his chest, “I warned you” at that moment he dug his fingers into George’s ribs right under his armpits.
George shrieked trying his best to hold back his laughter, wiggling around halfheartedly not really wanted to get away, cause I mean hey he wanted attention.
“S-SAHAHAP NOHOHO” he cackled as sapnap moved to his lowest rib, Sapnap chuckled “Bad spot~?”
He asked switching from squeezing to gentle scratching on the two bottom ribs.
George lost it, he threw his head backwards happy cackles spilling out. “SWIHIHITCH SPOHOHOTS” he screameds
“Oh~? Switch spots not stop~? You like this dontcha~” Sapnaps smirk was clear in his voice, George’s face turned a bright shade of red. Sapnap respected George’s request and moved to his tummy, he wanted George to be comfortable.
“SahahahahAp plehehease im sohohorry” George’s cackles died down to giggles and he’s stopped squirming completely, he’s just accepted it.
“Awww~ little georglee isn’t even fighting anymore~” Sap teased leaning to blow a raspberry on his neck, George squeaked scrunching up trying to go forward as much as possible.
“Dohohont doho that”
“Why not it’s fun~” Sapnap pouted playfully nuzzling into the back of George’s neck. “It tihihickles” George whined
“Well no duh” sapnap rolled his eyes before blowing another raspberry. “SAHAhap nohoho thahats mehean”
“No mean would be me getting your ribs and thighs at the same time, dream told me your thighs are worse than your ribs, is that true~?” Sap asked, already knowing the answer by the way George tensed up.
“Nonono no they’re nohot not at all” he giggled nervously already knowing there is no way out of this.
“Hmmm let’s try that out~” Sap smiled reaching forward squeezing one thigh and scratching the other.
George gasped and tried to kick his legs but the feeling didn’t stop “YOHU SUHUHUCK”
“Oh really~?” Sapnap growled, stopping and bringing one of his hands to George’s ribs and left one on his thigh, “wanna take that back?”
“Noho” he stuck his tongue out at the younger.
“You’re funeral~” He shrugged scratching at George’s bottom rib and squeezing his thigh deciding why not add some raspberries in the mix, blowing them at the base of his neck.
George honest to god screamed thrashing around face going crimson red “SAHAHAP PLEHEASE I CAHAHANT PLEHEHEHEASE IM SOHOHORY”
Sapnap saw George had reached his limit and stopped, rubbing away the fandom tickles. “You good?” He asked patting him on the back.
George turned around and layed on sapnap “Mshut up cuddle” he mumbled. “Ok fine we can cuddle” He groaned in a joking manner, Sap played with George’s hair as he drifted off to sleep a small ‘thank you’ was muttered right before he slipped into dreamland, sapnap not far behind him.
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purplebass · 10 days
Calla was Lila's fairy godmother in agos and made her have an unexpected Cinderella moment when she wanted a disguise to attend the party. Calla believed Lila wanted to get pretty for Kell because she assumed they were together so she gave her the dress and did her hair and make up and subtly told her: go get him, tiger <3 Bring Kell's guard down he will fall even more for you it will make him look stupid and at the end of the night he would 100% want to rip this dress off you like the feral kitties that you both are
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shallowstories · 1 year
7 ways to attract a protector
Fic idea where Rowena talks very loudly about what she used to be attracted to, from Crowley's cruel father to Lucifer ("so Alpha") to attack dogs / bodyguards to her new outlook on life and ideal protector: Castiel.
Mostly, she's trying to get a rise out of Dean, but she's also a little bit wistful and a little bit serious.
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desert-fern · 1 year
I’m Pretty Sure You’re That Love of Mine - Natasha Trace X Reader
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Pairing: Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace X Fem!Reader (Callsign Reaper)
Summary: Phoenix and you have a conversation about what the future holds for you and your relationship post-uranium mission
Warnings: some minor swearing, pure fluff, girls being gay for each other, maybe a tiny bit of angst (reference to the bird strike, but idk man), are typos a warning? Any way, there might be a few…
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: What’s up you guys? This is my first ever fic for TGM, and on this site, written especially for @roosterforme ‘s #love is in the air tgm event. I told myself that this year I would “publish” one of my not-so little blurbs on here and I guess today is that day lol :) Title is from Dandelions by Ruth B.
The mission had ended; pilots were slowly leaving North Island and heading back to their home bases, with most still close at Lemoore, only about 5 hours away. You, Rooster and his girlfriend, Asp, Asp’s WSO Tweety, Bob, and Phoenix were the only ones left, each sitting in your own little pairs just chatting about everything and nothing all at once.
You had gotten up a few minutes earlier and were standing outside on the fire escape, leaning on the railing, staring out at the planes on the tarmac. The oversized white and grey button up you had thrown on over your tank top fluttered in the faint breeze and you breathed a sigh, not ready to leave the little bubble you’d created. “Hiding on me?” Phoenix asked, coming out onto the fire escape behind you.
“Hmm?” you hummed, turning back to look at Natasha, who’d hugged you from behind. “Nah, I wouldn’t dare.”
“Glad to hear it,” Phoenix replied, pressing a light kiss to your cheek. “Whatcha thinking about?”
You leaned into the gentle peck, humming contentedly. “Just how different everything’s going to be after we leave. We’ve been living in each other’s pockets for the last month or so, so it’s going to be an adjustment,” you said, turning around to face the woman behind you. “It’s a little frightening.”
Phoenix just smiled gently, her eyes raking over your face, noting the slight furrow between your brows. “Hey, we’ll figure it out,” she replied. “It’s us. If there’s anyone who can manage this, it’s us. And Asp and Bradley,” Natasha added quickly. “I swear that they are the most perfect couple.”
“Yep, I hope we get whatever magical blessing they got when they finally got together,” you laughed, a wide grin spreading over your face as you leaned back into the railing, watching Phoenix step closer. “And yeah, we’ll make it work.”
The taller woman just smiled, leaning in and kissing you gently, pulling back a few seconds later. “That we will.”
“What was that for?” you asked, looking slightly confused, but a grin split your face in two watching Natasha. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Because I get to do that now,” Natasha said, a faint pink tinge to her face. “God, I will never get tired of doing that.”
You had been pulled into her arms and ducked your head, trying to hide. “Stop it,” you mumbled, embarrassment riddling your voice.
“I’m serious,” Phoenix replied, lifting your chin and turning her face to yours. “I waited too long for something like this, I am going to make sure that I get to keep it in my life.”
“Wow.” You had a deadpan expression on your face. “Did you steal that from a Hallmark movie, cause holy shit, that was cheesy.” You were trying and failing to hide your smile, eventually giving up and pressing your own kiss to Natasha’s lips, pulling back moments later.
“Ehh.” Phoenix just waved you off, holding you close. “You bring out the goofball in me, what can I say?”
From where your head rested on Phoenix’s shoulder, you hummed happily, looking out at the tarmac again. “What’s going to happen to us?” you asked five minutes later, pulling back from the embrace just a little.
“Why do you ask?”
“Because you’re going back to Lemoore, and I’m headed for Jacksonville. The Ghosts are headquartered there, but I can’t help but wonder, what would happen if I just didn’t go back?” You replied, not looking at the other woman, seeming very nervous all of a sudden.
Cautiously, Phoenix asked “What do you mean ‘if you didn’t go back?’ Why wouldn’t you?”
“Because I was offered a position alongside Mav. Here at Top Gun. As a teacher.”
“Are you going to take it?”
You took a deep breath, before turning and facing Natasha. “I don’t know, maybe? Lately, I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Leaving the Ghosts, I mean,” you said in a rush of air.
“Can I ask why? Or do you not know?” Phoenix asked gently. Her heart was pounding in her chest at the thought of you leaving your post as a Ghost pilot for some inane reason.
“Because before, I didn’t have someone waiting for me on the tarmac. No one to ground me in one place at the end of the day. I always had Asp and Tweety in the air with me, they flew with me. But now, I have you waiting on me to come home,” you replied, running a hand through your hair. “I know it sounds stupid, me being willing to tie myself to a place, to a person without even knowing if it’s going to work out.”
Phoenix looked stunned. “I can’t ask that of you,” she finally stammered out, brows furrowed in thought. “I can’t ask you to do that. I won’t. I know how much you love flying with Asp and Tweety.”
“Asp’s leaving too. Coming here to California with Rooster so she can test out the newer and faster planes the Navy is developing,” you said softly. “I don’t have the patience to train a new wingman for myself, besides, if the Navy really needs me to fly for them in an official capacity rather than just as an instructor, all they have to do is ask.”
Natasha was quiet, but her mind was loud, echoing with your words, “I have you waiting on me to come home,” bouncing around like ping pong balls.
“You weren’t asking me, Nat. I made this decision on my own,” you reassured her, stepping closer. “Believe me, there is not a person alive who could ever make me do something I didn’t want to do. You and I both know that.” A soft smile reappeared on your face, reaching out for the other woman’s hand.
“But still…” Phoenix trailed off, glancing at your joined hands. “This is… this is a lot to take in.”
“I know,” you said softly, running your thumb over Natasha’s knuckles. “It’s a lot to hear all at once.”
You two fell into a prolonged silence, neither of you sure of what to say. “I’m sorry I dropped this on you,” you finally told her. “That wasn’t fair of me to do that.”
“No. Stop. Yeah, it is a lot, but I think I’m just surprised, that's all.” Phoenix shook her head, dismissing your attempt at an apology. “How long have you known about the offer?”
“Not long. I was asked a few days after Mav tried to step down, despite my blatant disregard of a direct order and punching another service member in the face while deployed,” you answered, biting your lip. “It could be fun. A lot of ego breaking, that’s for sure.”
“And you are already very good at that,” Phoenix quipped, making you throw your head back and laugh loudly. “You had Hangman cut off at the knees when I met you at the bar. Did a lot of damage that he was not coming back from.”
You laughed, the grin slowly coming back to your face. “And yet, I think somehow I didn’t break him enough. You heard him.” A flicker of a glare appeared in your eyes.
Natasha just tsked, pulling you towards her. “Hey. You put him back in his place. Kinda. I think,” she hummed, wrapping her arms around you. “It was kinda hot.”
“Oh come on,” you scoffed. “No it totally wasn’t, there was no way that that whole disaster was even remotely hot.” You turned to look at a blushing Natasha in disbelief.
“It was. The way you fly, the way you handle yourself, both in the air and on the ground, the way you defend your friends, all of that is insanely hot to watch.” Phoenix was bright red at this point, but managed to look you in the eyes, smiling a little as you took in her words.
A shake of the head and you were reaching up and pulling Phoenix down into a deep kiss that left you both breathless when you pulled back. “You little…” you shook your head, laughing a little. “It’s almost like you were watching me.”
“Mmm, almost. But I will have you know that I couldn’t help it, sweets. You just have this magnetism around you that makes it hard to look away.”
Your face went bright pink in a few seconds as Natasha’s words registered. “I…what do I even say to that?” You mumbled, your cheeks warm. “You should probably know that when you first walked into the bar, I panicked. Like I had a big, over the top bi panic that caught me really off guard.”
“Wait, really? And here I thought you didn’t like me when we first met,” Natasha replied. “You went all stone faced, like completely shut down.”
“Because I didn’t want anyone else to see what was really going on. Didn’t stop Asp or Rooster from picking up on it almost immediately though,” you laughed, poking Phoenix in the shoulder.
“I knew that Rooster knew something!” Phoenix cried out. “He teased me relentlessly!”
You gave her a soft smile. “They both knew, and they both teased us, and yet we were still too dense to do anything about it,” you mumbled. “But hey, we did figure it out.”
“Mhm, that we did. But it took us awhile,” Natasha mused.
Phoenix kissed your forehead, keeping you held close. “You have nothing to apologise for,” she murmured against your head. “That whole day was a clusterfuck and a half.”
A wet laugh snuck its way out of your chest, somehow you had started crying without noticing. “It really was.” You still jolted awake at night, fear of waking up without Natasha in your life punching through you with every strangled breath. You had been in the air with her and Bob when the bird strike hit, unable to do anything but watch helplessly as they punched out so close, oh so very close to the ground.
Brushing away the few tears that managed to spill over, Phoenix kissed you gently, pouring all the love she could into the gesture. “I’m here sweets. I’m safe. I’m not going anywhere,” she murmured against your forehead as she pulled you close to her chest, holding you tightly.
“I know,” you whispered. “I know. I’m okay, Nat. Just got a little caught up again, that’s all.” Tilting your head up, you caught her lips for a soft kiss, trying to tell her everything you couldn’t put into words.
Natasha was the one who pulled back first, leaning her forehead against yours. “I’m not going anywhere, sweets. I promise.” A few moments passed before she asked “So, what does moving to North Island look like?”
Swiping your hand over your cheeks, you hummed in thought. “Well, Asp and I would have to go back and help train our replacements, pack up the apartment and such, put in for the transfer and hope it gets approved, and yada yada yada.”
“So it could be a while, is what you’re saying right now,” Natasha replied.
“Yeah, a couple of months, at least,” you told her. “It’s going to be hard on us both.”
“It will. But we can figure it out, okay?” Phoenix pulled back from the hug and tilted your chin up, gently forcing you to make eye contact. “We can do this.”
“I know,” you replied, smiling gently. “We both want this, we’ll make it work for us.”
Phoenix merely nodded, pulling you closer into her, and you two stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, savouring the quiet. “You know I love you right?” Natasha asked, breaking the silence that surrounded you both.
You froze, risking a glance up at the other woman. “You mean that?” You asked, scarcely believing what you’d just heard. “Because you don’t have to say it if you aren’t ready.”
“I don’t think I fully realised it until a few moments ago, but I do love you. I really do,” Natasha explained. “It took me until now to realise that the reason I was so scared when you took off to save Mav and Rooster was because I didn’t know if I could live without you.”
You just chuckled lightly, grabbing Natasha’s face in your hands, cradling it. “I realised it after I watched you and Bob go down. The same feeling of “I can’t live without her” hit me like a stack of bricks.”
“Jesus Christ, come here.” Phoenix grabbed your face, pulling you into a searing kiss. You melted into it, so happy that this was actually happening, letting Phoenix take control.
You two only separated when air became necessary, but even then, you rested your foreheads together, not wanting to go too far from the other.
“We should go inside,” you murmured.
“Do we have to?” Came the whispered reply.
“Food would be a good idea,” you answered in an almost mirror of their first real conversation that had happened only a few weeks back. And you realised that, both of you laughing at how similar the moment was.
It was Natasha who tugged you off the fire escape and back inside, interlacing your fingers before you headed back to the green room, to your friends.
Asp was the first to notice you and Phoenix walking back into the room. “There you are! I was beginning to think that we’d have to send out a search party!” She crowed, noticing the pink flush to her best friend’s face. “I guess I was wrong.”
“Shut it,” you replied, but there was no heat to it.
Phoenix had sat down next to Rooster, tugging you down and onto her lap, grinning at the whoops and hollers from the other pilots while also smiling at her girlfriend’s bright blush. “Oh come on, sweets. From what I hear, this is karma,” she mumbled in your ear.
You didn’t say anything, but you blush spread to the tips of your ears. You could hear the smirk in Natasha’s voice and you curled into yourself, ignoring the shiver that had gone racing down your spine.
“We got the girlfriend to gang up on her!” Tweety teased, watching your face somehow get even redder.
“That’s it. I’m leaving and never coming back,” you said, trying to regain your composure. “Enjoy your lives, I’m leaving.” But they could all tell you were teasing by the wide smile on your face.
“Nope.” Phoenix tightened her grip around your waist, pulling you closer. “You aren’t going anywhere.”
“Oh really?” Came the reply. You turned around, grinning at Natasha, wrapping your arms around her neck before gently capturing the other woman’s lips with yours. Phoenix melted into the gentle kiss, her arms loosening and moving up your back, giving you the perfect opportunity to slip off of her lap, pulling back with a smirk. “You were saying?” You stood over the couch, arms folded with your eyes bright with triumph.
Rooster burst out laughing at the shocked expression on Phoenix’s face. He fell into Asp’s shoulder, the room now exploding with laughter at what they had just witnessed.
“You okay there, Nat?” Bob teased, catching his breath just long enough to speak. “Cause it looks like Reaper just took a few brain cells with that move.”
“Okay, okay fine. Whatever,” Phoenix grumbled, hating how easily you had escaped. “Get back over here.”
“Aww hon, you know I very rarely do what I’m told,” you mused aloud, your smirk still very much in place. “You should know better.”
Asp hiccuped, she was still laughing so hard. Tears fell from her eyes, made only worse by her best friend’s teasing line. “She…she’s…she’s got you there!” She managed to say before another wave of giggles pulled her under.
“Hey Chicken, you might want to check that your fiancée is still breathing,” you said, your own chuckles beginning to appear.
The man just nodded, wrapping Asp up in a hug and pulling her onto his lap. The blonde gave one last wheeze before taking a deep breath and exhaling hard. “I’m okay,” she said, smiling widely.
You just grinned, sitting back down on the couch, pulling Phoenix towards you. You smiled as the other woman leaned into your side, and she pressed a light kiss to the top of your head. “Hey.”
“Hi,” Phoenix mumbled back.
The group fell silent, just enjoying the company of the others. “So, Reaps. Did you tell her?” Asp asked.
“I did.”
“And?” The blonde was curious, wanting to hear how Phoenix had taken the news.
You hummed lightly, trying to think about how to explain. You opened her mouth, but were cut off by Phoenix answering for you. “I’m happy for her,” the taller woman spoke. “I’ll support whatever choice she makes. That’s all I can do. Because clearly, I can’t tell sweets here what to do.”
Tweety nodded, smiling at the pair of you cuddled up together. “Glad to hear it,” he said. “I’m happy for you both.”
“Maybe you haven’t told her to do the right things,” Asp quipped, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “You know what I mean, don’t you?”
“Asp no,” you replied. Your eyes were wide in a combination of shock and if anyone looked way past that, they’d find laughter. “Jesus Christ, no.”
Phoenix just laughed, looking at the blonde perched on Rooster’s lap and winked. “Maybe she’s right, sweets. I haven’t tried that yet.”
You just crossed your arms, an eyebrow raised. “Do your worst, hon. I’m more stubborn than I look.”
The look on Natasha’s face was equal to one of being handed a challenge and she accepted it. “Oh, don’t worry. I will.” She shot you a wink, chuckling as you rolled her eyes, but the look you gave her was fond.
“Okay, okay. Enough of that, you’re making me feel really lonely,” Bob spoke up from his place on the opposite couch. “Tweety and I are like fifth and sixth wheeling right now, and it’s kinda painful.”
“Sorry,” the two couples said, some looking apologetic while others very much didn’t.
“We’ll knock it off,” you added. “Won’t we?” You looked over at her friends and they groaned.
“Fiiiinne,” Asp groaned. She cuddled closer to Rooster, who pressed a kiss to her forehead, humming his own agreement. “But the second I make the move here, I’m finding people to set you up with.”
“Please. No,” Bob told her. “I’m okay with being single. Don’t look at me like that,” he added when every head in the room swivelled to him. He sighed, “Seriously. I’m okay with it.”
Phoenix just shrugged. “It’s your life,” she said. “But keep in mind, I think both Reaps and I said that at some point. Now look at us.”
“Leave him alone,” you spoke up. “Let Bob do whatever it is that he does, and if he’s not looking, then he’s not looking.” The other pilots in the room looked at you in disbelief, “What? I’ve been in his position before, I hated getting constantly set up.”
“You never told me that,” Asp said, her eyebrows furrowed in thought. “How did I not know that?”
“Didn’t think it needed to be said,” you replied with a shrug. “And besides, I figured out what I wanted in the end, didn’t I?”
“Yeah you did,” Phoenix joked, nudging you.
Across from you, Tweety gagged. “You guys are gross,” he said, laughing a little.
“Oh please. Like you and Andrew aren’t absolutely sickening when you’re together,” Asp shot back teasingly, relishing in the blush that appeared on her WSO’s face. “So you don’t get to say anything about them.”
Tweety just stuck his tongue out at his pilot, before flopping back against the couch. “He should have been up here by now. Reaps, you just had to wreck your plane, didn’t you?” He whined, sticking his lip out in an exaggerated pout.
“Technically I didn’t wreck it,” you replied. You looked over at Natasha, who was avoiding your gaze and doing a terrible job at hiding her laughter. “My girlfriend did that.”
“Wooooowwww. Sure, blame me. Not the fucking birds,” Phoenix said dryly. She had caught the brief flicker of fear in your eye as she’d spoken and that simply wouldn’t do. So she pulled you close, whispering reassurances in your ear.
The group sat and bantered for a while, before Asp and Rooster stood up. “We’re off to bed,” Lucy told you. “Who’s room are we using?”
“Ummm…” you began, glancing at Phoenix, who shrugged. “It doesn’t matter to me. Take your pick, just make it clear where you are. I’ve walked in on enough people the past few weeks, I don’t need it happening again.”
“Who else did you walk in on?” Rooster asked. He had a curious look on his face as he continued “I know you walked in on Asp and I, so who else?”
Your cheeks tinged pink. “Walked in on Payback and his fiancée and then Fanboy and his partner after they and everyone else’s families and partners came to welcome us back.”
The room burst into laughter, and you had to join in. The whole thought was ridiculous.
“Looks like we found your other skill, Reaps,” Rooster teased. “You have the most awkward way of figuring out who’s sleeping with who.”
You groaned, burying your face in Natasha’s shoulder. “Knock it off.”
“Nope!” Asp crowed. You were bright red and it was funny to everyone in the room, watching your normally unflappable demeanour crumble. “Now Bradley and I have some…things to do, so we’re leaving. Night guys!”
“We do?” Rooster looked confused, but at the pointed look from his girlfriend, he grinned and followed her out of the room, the door shutting behind them.
“So,” Tweety said. “I’m going to find my boyfriend, hopefully he’s done for the night.” The red headed man also got up, and left the room, leaving Bob, Phoenix, and you sitting in silence.
“And now I’m a third wheel. Great.”
You laughed. “Look, I think Asp and Bradley went to our room and Andrew and Tweety will be otherwise occupied, so if that’s the case, you can just crash in the other bed in whatever room Nat and I end up in,” you offered, glancing at your girlfriend to make sure it was okay. “If you want.”
“Won’t that be awkward?” He asked, looking at both women.
“Not really. We aren’t going to try anything and we also know better,” Natasha said, reassuring her WSO. “But if it’s really off putting, you can probably crash in one of the other rooms.”
Bob nodded. “I might take the second option,” he said, standing up. “I should go grab my stuff, before Tweety and his boyfriend take over the room.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” you said with a grin. “Have a good night, Bob.”
“Same to you, Reaper. Nat.”
Within the span of five minutes, the six pilots had dwindled to two. You sat, wrapped around each other on the couch, just enjoying the quiet. “So,” you began.
“So.” Phoenix glanced at you next to her. She knew that if she were suddenly thrown into a cartoon world, that she’d have the biggest heart eyes for you, who seemed oblivious to the whole thing. Somehow, it seemed, to Natasha, that you didn’t know just how much you were cared for by the others in your life. You seemed so used to flying solo, both in the air and in life, always moving so you could avoid the loneliness that came whenever you slowed.
It was a feeling that Phoenix knew all too well; she’d always been independent, and yet somehow, somewhere, she’d fallen into a parallel universe where she couldn’t bear to leave your side. “Is it bedtime for us too?” Natasha asked, watching you smile softly before a yawn nearly split your head in two.
“I think so,” you replied. “I could sleep for a week.”
“Didn’t you sleep last night?”
“Mmm, a little. I haven’t really slept well since before Admiral Kazansky’s funeral,” you told her girlfriend. “Guess my brain is really on board with sleeping next to you.” You added the last bit as an afterthought, the sudden realisation of your words hit you and you frantically tried to clarify. “That’s not what I- never mind, you know what I meant,” you groaned, leaning your head back against the couch.
Natasha just laughed, burying her face into your shoulder. “I know what you meant,” she murmured. “It’s just funny to watch you flounder like that.”
“You jerk.”
“Mmm, you love it.”
“I love you, there’s a difference.” You had shifted just enough to look into Phoenix’s brown eyes and she swore she could see the love she held for you reflected back. “I mean that much.”
Natasha smiled softly, sitting up and pressing a soft peck to your lips, grinning as you tried to chase her as she pulled away. “I love you. More than you could ever know,” she whispered.
“I might just have an idea,” you replied, your own soft smile adorning your face. “I can’t even begin to put it in words.”
“If you could, I’d win,” Phoenix teased gently. “Come on, love. You look ready to pass out.” She stood up, grinning at the little noise you made when she’d pulled away. “Need a hand?”
“Always.” You extended her hand, and Natasha hauled you upright, pulling you into a hug. “Didn’t we say it was bedtime?”
“Mhm, we did. I just wanted to hug my girl,” the taller woman said, smiling at the slight laugh that she drew from you.
You stepped back. “Well, wait a few minutes. Then you can hug me,” you said, walking over to the door. “You coming or what?”
Natasha just shook her head at you and followed you out the door and down the hall toward the dorms. A T-shirt was hung on the door knob to your and Asp’s room, making the taller woman snicker. “Well you did say to make it clear, sweets,” she teased.
“Shut it,” you tossed back, a little bubble of laughter bursting in your tone. “I’m too tired for that shit.”
“Okay, okay. Fine,” Natasha laughed, grabbing your arm and tugging you back down the hall, heading for her room. “Let’s go.”
You ran down the hall, giggling like little kids. You felt weightless, giddy even, at being so close to Phoenix. You couldn’t help your grin, feeling Natasha pull you into her room and close the door, pressing you back against it. “Hi,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Natasha just raised an eyebrow. “Must you start every conversation like that?” she asked, grinning at you in front of her.
“I kinda have to,” you said, your breath hitching. “Kinda my trademark now.” You watched Phoenix’s grin widen, her head falling to the side as the other woman ducked her head to nip gently at your neck.
“I don’t remember you talking this much,” Natasha mumbled into your neck. She loved the shudder that ran through your body, relishing in its newness.
“Then shut me up,” you breathed, wiggling against the door, dislodging Phoenix and you walked over to the bed and flopping back on it, smiling gently. “But do it later, cause I will fall asleep and that would be shitty for us both.”
Natasha threw her head back in laughter. “Alright, fine. But I mean it,” she said, perching on the edge of her bed. She watched you toss your oversized grey shirt off, leaving you in your tank top, which you peeled off, and your shorts.
“For such an amazing pilot, you really are dense when it comes to how others see you,” the taller woman spoke, smiling.
You just looked confused. “How do you mean? I know that the others see me as just a Ghost pilot, the best shot out of them all. What else could you possibly be talking about?” You turned around to look at your girlfriend, ducking your gaze once you caught the fiery look in the brown eyes watching you closely.
“You seriously don’t know?” Phoenix was incredulous. She had no idea how you thought anyone saw you as just a Ghost pilot, because she knew that the others had thought way more. You shook your head, meeting her eyes once more. “They saw a very hot and scary woman shoot our instructor out of the sky and laugh it off afterwards. You have set the standard for what a Top Gun grad could be. I know they saw the passion you have, the ambition. I saw your loyalty when you stood up for Asp, when you fucking punched Menendez in the nose. You are so much more than just your ability in the air, sweets.”
You flushed deeply, opening your mouth to speak, but shutting it almost immediately after. Surging forwards, you grabbed Phoenix by the front of her shirt, kissing her hard. When you pulled away, you were breathless. “For fuck’s sake. Warn a girl next time,” you said. “You can't just go singing praises all willy nilly like that.”
“Why not? You aren’t the only one who likes to talk,” Natasha replied, smiling at how your ears had pinked.
You just grinned, shaking your head. “Because… because it will make me regret saying that we should take things slow,” you said eventually, your eyes piercing Natasha’s brown. “And I mean it. I want to actually savour this before jumping headfirst into it.”
“Well then, Lieutenant Commander,” Natasha teased. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She stood up to change, taking off her own shirt and bra, slipping into a t-shirt, before changing her pants.
A whistle from the bed made her stop and turn, catching you grinning at her as you leaned back on your elbows. “Lookin good, Trace!”
Natasha just shook her head as she laughed. “I could say the same about you, sweets,” she replied, padding softly over her bed and pressing a light kiss to your lips. “But you always look good.”
“Mm. Is that so?”
“Oh yeah, especially now that you’re sprawled on my bed.” She winked, her smile deepening when you blushed, hiding your face in the pillow next to your head.
“Stooooppp,” you whined.
Phoenix just smiled, climbing under the covers, and laughing as you followed suit. “Come here,” she mumbled, opening her arms.
Not one to miss out on being cuddled, you rolled, tucking yourself in Natasha’s arms, and sighing deeply. You didn’t know when you’d last been held like this, just because the other person could.
“You just needed a hug, didn’t you?” Natasha whispered against your forehead. She pulled you close, feeling you readjust just a little so that you could rest your face in the crook of Natasha’s neck.
“Always,” came the mumbled reply. “I always need hugs. But a callsign like mine means that some people would rather fear me than hug me.”
“Well that’s just rude.” A light kiss was pressed to your head, before Phoenix adjusted herself, moving her arm to wrap over your hip, tugging you impossibly closer. “You don’t have to worry about not getting hugs anymore.”
You pulled back to kiss Phoenix sweetly. “I love you,” you whispered against the other woman’s lips. “Always and forever.”
“Ditto,” Natasha replied in a hushed whisper. She smiled, feeling the puff of air that left you as you let out a short laugh. “I love you too.”
A soft smile formed on your face, and you tucked your face back into the crook between your girlfriend’s neck and shoulder. Moments later, your breathing slowed as you let herself drift off, fully trusting Natasha.
Phoenix took a little longer to fall asleep; her mind was too busy cataloguing every place you were touching her, just memorising them in case she never got this chance again. A shuffle had her glancing down at you in her arms, and smiling softly. She took a deep breath, letting herself settle, slowly shutting her mind off. A few minutes later, Natasha fell asleep, cradling her girlfriend in her arms, falling just a little deeper in love with the woman who’d caught her eye on day one.
AN: So that was that! I have no idea how I wrote that much, but here we are! If you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing this, please let me know in the comments, and reblog if you can! Thank you for reading this! Love you all!
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buckgasms · 2 years
Maximum Occupancy
This is absolute chaos and I don't even know what's going on anymore. I just had to get it out! Hope you enjoy ❤️‍🩹 Bucky has lost a bet in a poker game with his neighbours, so this is his solution......
Warnings: Dark!Fic (please exercise caution), dubcon, p in v, p in a, blowies, handcuffs, rough, petnames, forced exhibitionism, fingering, squirting, I mean
@albinotigerpython @marvel-fandom23 @buckysboobs 💌
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"I'm sorry birdie I lost a bet and I have to pay up" Bucky reasoned as he led you towards the elevator. He took hold of your throat as you waited by the doors, and squeezed. "You don't want me to lose face with my pals do you baby?" You whimpered as the bell dinged and the doors slide open, biting your lip, "no daddy." He grinned like a wolf and led you into the elevator.
He pulled out some fluffy pink handcuffs and clipped you, naked, to the handrail. It suddenly occured to you that anyone could get onto this lift...
"Have fun sweetheart, be good and I'll see you in a few hours."
Your tummy whoosed as the elevator descended and you watched the numbers drop down to the 5th floor. Your heart thumped in your chest, Steve Rogers. He was Bucky's best friend and it made sense he would get you first, this hadn't been the first time Steve joined in on Bucky's dirty games.
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The doors dinged open and there he stood. He had grey sweats, sitting low on his hips, prominent bulge on display and shirtless. It did make your mouth water and then you remembered your predicament.
"Hi tweetie bird, gosh look at you, how pretty". He walked into the lift and popped a key in the panel which kept the doors opened. He ran his fingers through your hair and pushed you to your knees.
Before you could do much else he brought his cock out and slapped you in the face with it.
"Go on baby, do your daddy proud. Don't think we won't be reporting back..." You took him in your mouth and he immediately rammed his full length down your throat. You strained against your cuffs, trying to breath through your nose as Steve choked you. He cursed above you, fisting his hand into your hair and fucking your throat.
"Oh tweetie, that throat is fucking perfect" he groaned pulling out briefly to watch as spit dribbled down your face and onto your chest. You leaned in and licked the long shaft and sucking on his sensitive head. "That's good, good girl" he growled before sinking into your mouth again and fucking in earnest. He pulled out suddenly and painted your face and chest with come.
He tucked himself back into his sweats and turned the key. "See you in a bit" he winked and you watched as the doors slid closed.
Before you could catch your breath you were whizzing upwards. The doors pinged open and there was Chris, in all his tattooed glory. Much like Steve, he had forgone a shirt and appeared to you in boxers, he flicked the key and helped you to standing.
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"See Rogers already had his way with you" he chuckled. He squeezed your breasts, and then ran his hands down your tummy and pressed his fingers into your pussy.
"Soaked, just like I knew you would be. You like being used like a little cum dump don't you sweetheart?" He whispered in your ear as his fingers circled your clit, making you moan. "Tell me you like it" he growled, sinking his fingers into your pussy. "I like it, I like it" you whined and he chuckled.
With very little warning he pushed his cock into your cunt, hitching your leg up to give him more access to you. You squealed as he pounded into you, placing slaps to your breasts, face and thighs. Your eyes welled up as he fucked you raw, rutting into you with no mercy. He played with your clit, and you cried out, unable to escape the endless stimulation.
You could hear the cuffs rattling on the handle bar as you tried to find some relief but Chris wasn't interested in that. You locked eyes with him and he spat in your face. Much to your embarrassment, it pushed you over the edge and you started to come.
He pulled out and covered your stomach in his own release, wrapping a hand around your throat and cursing as he did. You howled, as your came around nothing, wanting so much for him to keep fucking you.
"Aww is baby upset? Here, don't cry little slut" and he thrust two fingers into your aching heat and he jerked until you were squirting around his fingers. You sobbed and sank to the floor as he wiped his drenched hand over your face.
You barely even noticed him leaving as you panted on the floor.
Nick Fowler appeared next and it seemed he couldn't decide what to do with you. Whilst he decided he spent a while spanking your ass, making it red raw and bringing more tears to track down your cheeks. Finally he sank his cock into your pussy as you clung to the handrail as he rutted into you from behind. You watched him in the mirror, and saw a thin trail of spit leave his mouth and you felt it land on your puckered hole.
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"Damn, you're just desperate for this aren't you bunny? Pretty cunt just sucking me all the way in" he moaned and ground his dick extra hard, making your eyes roll. His hands sunk into your hair and he pulled hard as he came, bringing you to yet another release. You babbled nonsense as you felt his come drip down your legs and he planted one, extra hard swat to your ass. You pressed your forehead to the cool glass and you whined as he left, not sure how much more you could take.
You sank to the floor, looking down at yourself covered in everything, hoping Bucky would rescue you soon. Before you could wonder where he was the screen showed you had reached the ground floor and your stomach sank. What if someone found you?
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The doors opened and there stood the Sheriff Lee Bodecker. He slowly walked into the lift and stared down at you. "Get up little slut" he said softly but you whined, your muscles aching. He prodded your leg with his heavy work boot. You flicked your eyes upwards and pouted at him, shaking your head. "Can't Sheriff.... Too hard."
He crouched down and took your face between his rough fingers. "Get up, or I'll fuck you right hear for anyone to see, or would you prefer that?"
Your breath hitched and you scrambled against the cuffs, legs slipping a little on the come and spit that had gathered on the floor beneath you.
Finally you got to your feet and the Sheriff had pressed the button to his floor.
"Was worried I was gonna miss all the fun" he said as he turned so your red ass was facing him and you were back to watching in the mirror. "Has anyone used this yet?" He asked, pressing his thumb into your ass, making you whimper as you shook your head. He grunted in approval and you heard his belt buckle undo, then suddenly his fingers were probing through your wet folds, spreading your juices around, lubing up your ass for him.
That was as much prep as he gave you, sinking his tip into your ass as you cried out.
He hushed you as he pressed further, rubbing at your clit to soothe and torture you in equal measure. You wiggled and tried to escape but he pushed further, until be bottomed out, his rough uniform scratching against your sore ass cheeks. You didn't like Lee very much, but there was something about him, his experience and his commanding voice that soon had you bouncing back on his cock. He chuckled and groaned as he watched you chase your release, his fingers rubbing at your folds until you came loudly, squeezing his dick and bringing him to his own climax, spilling into you.
"Wow, I knew your were a little slut, but that was fucking impressive doll" he said as he tucked himself away. The door opened and he left with a pat on your back.
You thought that was the end of it, but over the next hour you shuttled between floors, each man taking his time to defile you over and over again. You were barely able to stand anymore, your pussy was sore and puffy and your body was smothered in come from each of their visits.
They also seemed to enjoy mocking you, each of them using their own sweet little names to tell you what a pretty slut you were, a perfect little cum rag, a silly little whore who's only good for one thing. You didn't have much chance to respond or deny. As much as you felt sore and used, you couldn't stop coming when they touched you, moaning and whining when they left you.
One moment of horror came when you were unveiled to some of your neighbors, not participating in Bucky's forfeit. The older couple were shocked to see you, on the floor, covered in come, sweat and tears. You blushed and looked away as they had no choice but to step in and head to their floor. But then you were back with Nick and they left your mind.
Finally, you were back on the top floor. The doors opened to reveal Bucky waiting for you, a proud smile on his face. "Looks like the boys had fun with you eh?" He teased as he stepped in and uncuffed you. You whined, your throat was so sore from all the use. He easily scooped you up in his arms and you clung to him.
"They all messaged me saying what a good girl you were and I was watching the camera baby, you fucking loved it didn't you princess?" Your head lulled on his shoulder and you could only moan in response. He chuckled and pressed a kiss to your sweaty head. "Gonna save that footage for a rainy day? Maybe we should invite them all over to watch?" You shook your head, "just for you daddy, please" you begged, tears spilling down your cheeks.
"Aww ok baby, just for me" he smiled and squeezed you tighter. "Hope you got some energy left babygirl? I think it's my turn now isn't it?"
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castiellesbian · 1 year
Straight Cas ships ranked
*"Straight" as in these are characters seen by a general audience as a cis man and cis woman. I am personally aware of the gender fuckery of angels and demons. But lbr this is the CW's Supernatural.
**to be clear I don't personally ship these. I am a Dean/Cas shipper. But I was bored
Cas and Meg - generally the most interesting dynamic. An angel and a demon objectively rules. They also were fun in scenes together so that's a plus
Cas and Rowena - tweetie pie. also their entire dynamic can be summed up by this one picture
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3. Cas and Kelly - tbh I can't imagine them as anything but a QPR but I do like that Kelly gave Cas Jack and they did genuinely like each other so I'm putting them in this spot
4. Cas and [insert one-off character] - I mean Melly was cute. Or the waitress from 12x12. Who knows idk. I'm gonna be real guys this list is so difficult for me because Cas is simply gay
5. Cas and Anna - I personally read them as more sibling-adjacent but if you don't see it that way then it makes a certain level of sense. Rebel angels. Why not. Always weird when they're dating in fics to me though so yeah def ranked lower
6. Cas and [insert angel] - I mean Dumah is hot 🤷‍♀️
7. Cas and Mary - sure let's fuck up the Winchester brothers some more. But this would also be difficult because Mary is a lesbian so
8. Cas and Daphne - she is blurry wife in HD
9. Cas and Bela - mostly an honorable mention because they never interacted but I would like to see it
10. Cas and April - no.
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
Do you have zimbits fic recs? I’ve never really gotten into Check Please fic, but I just got Madison in the mail and now I wanna read more zimbits but don’t know where to start!
YOU GOT MADISON?????? ASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH!!! My order hasn't been shipped yet so no spoilers, but you ask and you shall receive. It got long, so I am putting it under a cut in no particular order. ALSO the new Tumblr post maker is absolutely fucking terrible and it took so long to format this because of it. The whole idea of creating "blocks" in posts is stupid and it doesn't function well ANYWAY FIC TIME.
Set Your Old Heart Free by IBoatedHere
Jack doesn’t find Bitty after graduation. They don’t kiss. Jack doesn't go to Madison for the 4th. They still fall in love.
It's a simple premise, but so well executed. I uhhh always cry at the end and I love to read Jack's thoughts.
when it’s over (you’re the start) by @whoacanada
Jack goes to sleep in Providence next to his boyfriend and wakes up in Montréal to discover he's been in a coma since 2009. Refusing to believe Samwell, Bitty, and the Falconers were all a dream, Jack tracks down the real Shitty, Lardo, Ransom, and Holster to find they’ve shared the same group hallucination for years. Now, they’re on a mission to find Bitty, the love of Jack’s non-existent life, and the only member of SMH they can’t seem to get in contact with.
What it says on the tin. It is a "what if" story and it is great.
i'll see you with your laughter lines by the_one_that_fell
Eric Bittle was fourteen when his soulmate died.
They'd never even gotten to meet.
This is a great story, but heed the warnings. It's an interesting spin on the soulmate trope, because yeah, you can argue that Jack died when he overdosed, even if it was just for a small moment.
like a handprint on my heart by the_one_that_fell
"Dude, we've got an over-competitive golf dad, a badass art freak, a pre-med lax bro on the verge of a breakdown, a chronically naked rugby player, a beat-boxing giant, and an itty-bitty, baking figure skater - there's no way we came together accidentally. This was fate."
"Or it's the normal progression of human beings making friends. Chill out, bro."
(Or, the one where no one plays hockey, but it still manages to bring them all together.)
I have so much to say about this story. SO MUCH. It once gave me a breakdown when I was feeling super lonely, cause the fic is about friendship. Zimbits is just a part of it, though. Everyone gets a moment to shine and it's so good.
don't you look charming (here in the eye of a hurricane) by @whoacanada
In 2009, Jack Zimmermann doesn't just walk away from his future, he packs a bag and runs.
ANGST ANGST ANGST!! This fic captivated me so much. I don't know what else to say!!!
My Words on Your Skin by There_Once_Was_A_Girl
Jack and Bitty have a unique soul connection, they can write back and forth to each other by writing on their own skin. They know each other long before they've ever met. But when Jack overdoses Bitty thinks he's lost the love of his life forever.
Just like the other soulmate AU fic above, this takes the soulmate idea and runs with it. What do you do when you believe the other is dead?
you’ve got my number by ambrosius
It’s not as if Jack was totally inept when it came to technology. He could handle his Tweeter (Tweety? Twits? Twitter? Did it really matter?) just fine and if he’s honest, he much preferred texting to calling most days. So when he gets added to a group chat full of strangers, well, he’s pretty sure he can handle whatever comes next.
This one is so good. I am a bitch for epistolary stuff and I am glad it exists.
Graduation Dayby IBoatedHere
It takes Jack 50 days to finally see what's been right in front of him for the past two years.
Groundhog Day AU, but make it Zimbits. Jack doesn't kiss Bitty when he graduates, and that's fine, right? Well, looks like the universe disagrees. Also this fic has a real good platonic Jackshit moment.
Will Wonders Never Cease by @porcupine-girl
Eric has landed his dream job: social media manager for the Providence Falconers! Not only does he get paid to tweet, for an NHL team at that, but it’s a job where he’ll be able to make good use of his magic - when nobody’s looking, of course. Everyone on the Falconers is a joy to work with… with the notable exception of Jack Zimmermann. Eric understands that Jack doesn’t like social media, but he could certainly be a little more polite about it.
Luckily, Eric has support from his Samwell buddies, as well as his best friend - a man whose face he’s never seen, and whose name he doesn’t know. They met on an online forum where witches can gather anonymously, since it isn’t safe for them to advertise their existence in a world where magic isn’t trusted. They’ve been friends for years now, but Eric is only just starting to realize that he might have deeper feelings for someone he can never meet face-to-face.
THIS FIC!!! Jenna, I don't know if you read my fic Ebb & Flow, but I mentioned this fic in the author's note, because it was a huge inspiration. It's a secret identity magical She Loves Me AU. It sounds bonkers, but it is so goooood.
if you're going through hell (keep going) by @whoacanada
Eighteen years ago, Samwell suffered the tragic loss of one of their most promising young athletes. Ever since rumors have circulated that the school is haunted by the ghost of Eric Bittle. At least, that’s the only way anyone can seem to explain why the locker rooms smell like freshly baked apple pie on game days instead of the usual, omnipresent hockey funk.
Now in the twilight of his career, Jack Zimmermann is facing his own mortality and the last item on his bucket list?
Return to Samwell and disprove the rumor that his long-dead boyfriend is haunting Faber Memorial Rink.
MAIN CHARACTER DEATH!!! WARNING!!! And not like the previous soulmate AUs where the one thinks the other is dead. Bitty dies and Jack moved on, but he has to face the past, because people claim Bitty's ghost is real. Jack decides to find out himself.
Inertia by @foryouandbits
At the age of seven, Eric Bittle is tackled so hard in peewee football, it feels as though he's been knocked into another dimension. At the encouragement of his father, he avoids contact sports until he receives a scholarship to play hockey at Samwell University. The result is the same: every check on the ice hurts so much that Eric hallucinates another world. Eric spends the rest of his freshman year attempting to prove himself to his captain and his coaches. He questions his worth, his talent, and his sanity, and in his search for answers, he uncovers long-hidden secrets that change everything he has ever known.
I loved this one. It is an interesting take on dimension travel and Coach in this story is so great as well. I highly recommend it.
Ice Crew Please! by @petals42
Jack Zimmermann was drafted first by the Providence Falconers when he was eighteen years old. He is good at hockey. Very good. His team won the Cup his second year and now, in his third year, they are looking good. Jack should be on top of the world. And some days, he manages to convince himself he is.
He’s not, of course.
Enter the Ice Crew.
AKA: The Ice Crew AU
This sorta!fic is a fic about friendship thawing Jack Zimmermann's heart. Jack realises he's kind of a dick towards the ice crew of the Falcs and so he gets to know them, including Bitty. It's a good fucking friendship fic.
All shall know the wonder by me, lol
When Bitty decides to skate on Sunday mornings, he didn’t expect to meet a nice, handsome man who cannot hear. The Sunday mornings lead to a deep friendship that slowly leads to more.
Yes, I am finishing this list with a shameless self-promotion. I have 28 fics on AO3, 27 of them being Zimbits (one Holsom) and this is my favourite. Yeehaw.
That's it for now. There's a lot more in my Check, Please! fic tag. Also, hi to the people I have @'ed. If y'all know the tumblr URLs of some writers mentioned on this post, lemme know so I can add them.
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pluto-supremacy · 2 months
Well firstly hello, i really like your writing it's amazing i have a request so it goes like this
Any Marauders or poly (whatever you are comfortable with) x ftm reader idk maybe coming out to them the fluff kinda hurt/comfort i really wanna see how tou would write them anything is okay with me thanks
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Poly Marauders Fic: Our Tweety
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➼ First thank you! I wasn't sure which marauders you wanted included, so I went with all four of them! Tbh now I feel like I need to make headcanons for each of the marauders, so if you guys want that lmk! I also went more of a fluff route than hurt/comfort, I hope that's okay!
➼ All the marauders are dating each other already but not the reader
➼ Just as a general aside: there is no one right way to dress, act, or feel as a trans person. In this fic the reader is described as a bit more as a 'stereotypical' trans person, just to try and make it easier to relate to. By no means do you need to have short hair, dress masculine, dislike certain parts of your body, etc., to be trans. All that matters is how you personally identify, how you feel in your own skin.
➼ No beta we die like Regulus
➼ Warnings: None! This turned out a lot longer than I first anticipated though-
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Fanart is not mine! Credit goes to @upthehillart, go show her some love!
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It was Saturday, a day that should have been restful. Instead James was banging pots and pans he got from Merlin-knows-where bright and early in the boy's dormitory. "Up and at-em! Quidditch practice! Wake up!" he rang out, a chorus of groans answering back as well as a pillow being chucked in his general direction. It landed on the floor in front of James, not doing any damage. Unfortunately. "Are you trying to wake the dead?" Remus groaned, pulling the covers up over his and Sirius' head. They had slept together last night while Peter had crawled into James' bed. Really what they needed to do was push their beds all together so that they wouldn't be crammed between two beds. Plus Peter squirmed a lot in his sleep so he'd stop falling off the bed in the middle of the night. Even if it was funny when that happened.
You were spared from the chaos in the boy's dormitory, the girl's dormitory was still nice and quiet. Everyone still asleep bar from you. Recently you had been reflecting a myriad of things. One being the fact that you liked four different guys at once. Four guys that were all dating each other. Well, four people technically, Sirius was genderfluid, though last time you asked he was currently going by he/they. Which was another thing. Sirius came out a few months ago and since then you had been thinking. He described it as never feeling always like a guy, sometimes he felt more feminine. Othertimes he felt, as he described it, 'in between', or that he didn't care, or neither. You didn't really think that was possible before.
Of course everyone in Gryffindor Tower was supportive. Or everyone for the most part, including you. Lily had made Sirius little bracelets with pronouns he could wear if he wanted, his boyfriends were of course happy that Sirius was comfortable enough to reveal that to them. All of that helped you come to the realization that you never really felt like a girl. You didn't like how your hair looked when it got super long, you wore baggier clothes to try and hide your chest, swapped out the usual uniform skirt for trousers, and showers? Those were hard. You hated looking down at your body most of the time and tried to get out of there as soon as possible. Sure every now and then you may have wanted to wear a dress or skirt, or something considered 'girly', but that didn't mean that you felt like a girl when wearing those things.
It was scary and confusing, trying to figure it out. Perhaps if you had talked it out with someone the realization would've came sooner or easier. Either way you ended up at the same conclusion. You were a guy, a man, a wizard. Not a girl, a woman, or a witch. It was almost freeing to figure that out. Or at least it would be if fear wasn't consuming the forefront of your mind.
That's why you were up so early while your classmates slept around you. You were trying to figure out what to do. You wanted to tell people, maybe even see if you could get switched to the boy's dormitory. But that fear was winning out. Despite how kind everyone was to Sirius when they came out, what if that same grace wasn't extended to you? What would people in other houses think? Professors? Would anyone even start calling you a guy? Would they use the new name you had decided on trying out? There were so many unknows, and the unknown was frightening.
Eventually you had spent enough time stewing in the dorms and moved down to the common room for a change of scenery and a nice fire. When you plopped down on the red velvet couch that's when the stampede from the boy's dorms came down. The first wave was excited second years in their quidditch jerseys, then the tired older quidditch players, then the marauders. James was as energetic as ever, Sirius not too terribly far behind him, Remus half asleep, and Peter practically sleepwalking. Remus was currently using his crutches, walking over and sitting down on the couch next to you. Peter followed suit and sat on the other side of you.
"One of James' early morning practices?" you asked already knowing the answer. Peter groaned in response, slumping against the pillows. Just like that he was back asleep. "Yes. I think he snuck into the kitchens to get our wake up call this morning" Remus mumbled, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. James just looked so proud of himself. He leaned over the couch and pressed a kiss to the top of Remus and Peter's heads before grabbing Sirius' hand. "We're off! Be back in a few hours. Keep Tweety company, will you?"
That damn nickname. You both loved and hated it. James nicknamed you 'Tweety Bird' after you discovered your patronus. A small yellow bird, a Hooded Warbler. "We will Prongs. Or at least I will. Petey is down for the count" Remus chuckled slightly, setting his crutches aside. With the crowd gone you had Remus' full attention. "You're up early. The pots and pans reach the girl's dormitory?" he asked, adjusting a few pillows on the couch to try and get comfortable. "No, just..thinking" real specific.
"About what?" was of course the next thing the werewolf asked. You were quiet for a while, Peter's soft snores the only thing filling the air. Remus patiently waited for an answer, a bit of concern in his eyes at the silence. After a moment he had to ask a follow up question. "Everything alright? Something bothering you? I'll listen if you want to talk. The other's don't need to know."
That broke down what resolve you had left. You didn't realize this but you had been getting worked up in that short amount of time, you face feeling a bit hot and hands shaking. "I'm a guy. I want to go by Y/N." you blurted out. There, it was out in the world now. No taking it back. You were staring down at your feet, trying to expect the worst. Remus let out a small hum then held his hand out. "Well Y/N, I'm Remus, pleased to make your acquaintance" he smiled. That earned a chuckle out of you ask you shook his hand, feeling a little better already. "You're..you're okay with it?"
He almost looked confused. "Well why wouldn't I be? You're my friend, Tweety. No matter your gender, orientation, what have you. And when you want to tell the others they'll have the exact same sentiments" he promised. Though that did mean that he needed to change a few things around for a surprise the four of them had planned. "Am I the first person you've told?" to which you responded with a nod. "Yeah, you're the first. And Peter if he can hear us in his little mini coma. I want to tell them after practice, then just..bring it up to everyone else when it comes up, I guess" it's not like you wanted to call a house-wide meeting about this.
"That makes sense. Sirius and James will likely be a while. James created a new training routine he's trying out. Ever since Slytherin won the cup last year he hasn't eased up. I think if we lose again his head might explode" it was an outrage in the tower after Slytherin won. James and Sirius lead that outrage. Remus as the announcer swore up a storm over the microphone. House points were certainly deducted that day. "All I'm hearing is that the newbies on the team are going to be regretting joining the team" you chuckled. There was a reason why you didn't join the team, and it was James' rigorous training schedule.
For the next two hours you and Remus hung out on the couch, Peter waking up around halfway through. When you first told him the big news he simply blinked at you a few times and went "Huh?" He didn't mean anything by it, poor man had just woken up from a deep sleep. Once he was more awake and could process what you said he was of course happy for you, pulling both you and Remus in for a hug to celebrate. Around breakfast time, the quidditch team came up. As you expected all the first-year players looked miserable. Really everyone did as they marched back up the stairs to lay down. Even Sirius looked bushed. James was the only one still smiling and bouncing with energy. How he did it, no one really knew.
"Moony! Moony our boyfriend killed me! I think I need some mouth to mouth to be saved" He exclaimed, dramatically draping over both the couch and Remus. The wizard rolled his eyes and lightly nudged Sirius. "I think you'll be fine. You sign up for this torture year after year." "What can I say? I'm a masochist" he said with a cheeky grin. James sat down between you and Peter, brushing some hair out of his eyes. "My training isn't that bad! Everyone else is just being dramatic. If you think that's bad just wait til our practice after dinner" that was followed by a groan and loud complaining from all. "Speaking of dramatics, can you two spare them for a moment so I can tell you something?"
For once both Sirius and James were quiet, their attention fully on you. Remus gave you a small nod of encouragement, gesturing for you to take a deep breath. You did so and looked between Sirius and James. "I'm trans. I want to start going by Y/N, he/him." it was a lot easier to say now that it was the third time and yu had already gotten two amazing reactions. Sirius and James didn't dissapoint. Both were smiling brightly and suddenly you were being tackled in a hug by both of them, Peter throwing himself on top of the dog pile and dragging Remus along with him.
"Mate that's bloody amazing!" James chuckled out happily "One of us! One of us!" Sirius playfully chanted, poking your arm. "Does that mean I can get first dibs on all your old skirts and dresses?"
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That was all a week ago. Sirius had helped you pick out new clothes on a trip to Hogsmeade while James insisted on picking up the tab. Peter had accompanied you to each of your classes to help you explaim to your professors about your name and pronoun change. Meanwhile Remus had been hard at work in the headmaster's office to get a few things changed around.
Today was the day of that big change. One you had no idea of. James simply told you to meet him in the common room. Then a blindfold was covering your eyes. "James if you lead me to the window and push-" "I would never! How dare you even suggest such a thing!" he gasped in mock offense. "No no! We just have a big surprise planned and you don't get a sneak peak. Stairs, stairs" he warned, helping you up a rather large flight of stairs. But what stairs? You two were just in the common room, the only two staircases were to the dormitories. Even then the girl's staircase was enchanted so that no boys could walk up them. So then-
Suddenly the blindfold was off before you could even complete that thought. You were now in the boy's dormitory, all of your things on the bed in front of you. Bedding, clothes, posters, school supplies, everything. All of the marauders were standing around with big smiles on their faces, though Peter seemed a bit nervous, his cheeks a light pink color. "I talked with Dumbledore and arranged for you to be moved to the boy's dormitory. We had Lily get your things. Though we can move it all back, if you don't want-" "I love it!" You interrupted, rushing to hug all four of them. "Thank you guys, seriously. I was nervous about asking myself"
"Of course Tweety. Though there is something else" Sirius said as he pulled away from the embrace. James looked excited, Peter was now clinging onto Remus. The energy had seemed to shift a bit, in what way you couldn't tell. "Well what else is there? You guys giving e money or something?" you teased with a small smile. That made Sirius chuckle, shaking his head. "No, no. We were all actually wondering..if you wanted to join the polycule?" he asked, giving you a hopeful look. "We all like you, we have for a while but didn't really know how to ask you" James added on. "We were afraid we'd scare you off, y'know, four people fancying you. I know it's a lot" Remus spoke up.
How two amazing things happened in one day, you have no clue. The four people you had felt guilty about liking all liked you back. Merlin if this was a dream you didn't want to wake up. For a moment you forgot to even respond, a bit of panic settling in on their faces. "Oh! Ah yes! Yes sorry, sorry I forgot to even say it out loud." you laughed, smiling from ear to ear. James was the first to tackle you into a hug onto his bed. Well, more accurately, his, Remus', and Peter's beds. They had gone through with their plan of pushing the beds together and just hadn't done Sirius' yet. The other three were quick to follow, all smiling and forming a pile on the beds.
"Bloody hell I thought you were going to say know at first-" Peter chuckled out, resting his head on Sirius' chest right next to Remus. "No! No. I've liked you all for a while, I just..I just didn't think you felt the same way." "Well we do, so clear your schedule Tweety. We'll get all your stuff put away today..after a nap." James declared, struggling to pull enough blankets over everyone. And how could you say no to that? You settled into your place in the cuddle pile, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around James. James did the same for you, reaching one arm a bit further to also be touching Sirius. Sirius had Remus basically laying on top of him and Peter curled up in his side. That's how you all settled in for a rather long nap, and you hadn't been this happy in years.
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whumpshaped · 11 months
Could we get a crack fic where Astaroth is having that ADHD thing where nothing is interesting, and ze REALLY WANTS to fuck with Cassael, but like ze also really doesn't, and it's REALLY ANNOYING
prev masterlist
tw angel/demon stuff, captivity, murder mention, cannibalism mention, noncon mention
Astaroth was tapping a clawed finger against zyr thigh. It was unbearable, this boredom. Ze was full of pent-up energy, zyr belly still full from yesterday's feast. Ze had gone out hunting, and the smaller demon's terror and flesh was probably the best ze'd had in a good while. Ze was well-fed, well-rested, and all ze wanted was to... do. Something. Anything.
Ze sighed heavily, glancing at zyr pet in the corner. The poor thing tensed up immediately when they realised they were being watched, curling up further with a soft rattle of their chains. Ze had gotten the restraints just for the fun of it, but now the sound was just grating on zyr nerves. Should ze let the idea go? Should ze just rely on the bonding?
Whatever zyr zoned out face looked like, it must've been absolutely terrifying, because the angel slowly started to tremble. They didn't make a peep, not after last time, but they clearly wanted to.
Ze looked away and leaned back in zyr seat. Such dumb thoughts. Thinking about different methods of restraining zyr pet was definitely not satisfying zyr need to do, but the annoying thing was that ze had no idea what would. Ze didn't want to go out and hunt again, ze'd just done that. Ze didn't want to pop into the castle to bother the nobles either; if ze were human, ze would've probably gotten a headache just from imagining their stupid bickering.
Ze turned zyr head back towards the angel, making them yelp this time. They were so pathetic. They would be really fun to play with. Ze thought ze wanted to play with them, in fact.
But as soon as ze went a bit further and thought about standing up from zyr seat, it all just became a hassle. That was fine, ze didn't need to stand up.
"Hey, Tweety. Come here."
The angel obeyed instantly, their body moving on its own. The chain had enough slack to allow them to walk right over, settling in the demon's lap at a simple, vague gesture. No questions. No protests.
Ze ran a hand down their side, enjoying the soft skin under zyr fingertips. Ze pressed down, hard enough to draw some blood, expecting the scent to interest zyr at least a little. It failed to do so. "I'm going to be honest," ze muttered. "I'm awful fucking bored."
The angel didn't move a muscle in response. They swallowed thickly, most likely wondering what that meant for them. Fuck if ze knew. Usually ze had a plan, some sort of purpose with which ze was moving. Now ze was touching them all over absentmindedly, trying to see whether any one movement would awaken some sort of inspiration in zyr.
"And the worst thing," ze went on, unbothered by the angel's pounding heart and shallow breaths, "is that I want to do shit. Like, I want to do something cool, something interesting, something that'll get rid of this fucking boredom! But I just don't fucking know what!" ze groaned. "And it's so annoying! Nothing is cool and interesting right now!"
Ze grabbed onto the chain connecting zyr angel's collar to the ground, yanking them down for a rough kiss. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good, and it definitely wasn't interesting. Should ze try to fuck them again? That had been fun before. It seemed like nothing would be fun ever again.
"Forget it," ze grumbled, pushing them onto the floor and waving them away. "Go back to your little corner or whatever. Guess I'll just fucking die of boredom."
taglist: @the-scrapegoat @heavenly-whumper @whumpsday @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night
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edwinspaynes · 6 months
Do you have other TSC fanfictions aside from yours that you have enjoyed reading ? :)
Anything by @vwritesaus or @luciehercndale is amazing. They're definitely two of my all-time favourite fic authors, so you should check them out.
My favourites of their fics:
a (too few) hundred hearts (v, this is actually the fic that got me into reading fanfiction again instead of just writing it)
what's in a kiss? (by any other touch would feel just as sweet) (v, this fic literally owns my ass i reread it like once a week)
dear christopher (v)
breathe (v)
Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures (tweety, yet another fic that owns my ass)
Thomas and Alastair: Forever and Always (tweety)
Happiness Was Itself a Chemical Reaction (tweety, deadass my fave Gracetopher fic ever)
A Different Kind of Music (tweety 18+)
To Grow as Strong as That Cherry Tree (tweety)
Some other fics I love in no particular order (the order is me clicking through my bookmarks):
Chain of Lies, a Thomastair-focused canon rewrite. Unfortunately it was never finished, but I was really into what's there.
paris, 1902: waiter's pov (Thomastair one-shot)
The Beginning of Forever (Wessa multichap, 18+) by @ashesandhoney
seventeen (paris, 1901) (alastair character study w/charles) by @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer
build yourself a citadel among the foothills of regret (alastair & matthew oneshot)
romeo must die (alastair telling charles off)
freckles (thomastair one-shot)
Under the Rain (Sophideon oneshot)
Pride and Prejudice (thomastair AU) by @tleeaves
In Which Bets Are Made (gideon and will oneshot) by @oursoulstheyplay
Thomas Lightwood and the Six Vaguely Familiar Cats (I definitely think about this every fucking day lol I'm so sad it was never completed)
Fine, I'll Go, But Only If there's Cake (matthew and alastair oneshot)
Tired of nothing left (alastair character study w charles)
I'm also really excited to read you are my unfinished business by @faithfromanewperspective, Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit by @caterpillarinacave, and the electric devil by @thevagabondexpress. those are the next 3 on my TBR and those three are all dear, dear mutuals of mine. i haven't read them yet because the fics are longer and i want to actually take the time to process them and make nice comments and stuff, since they're my bros.
I'm sure I've missed some and for that I am sorry. These are just ones that stand out to me and yeah.
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Everyone skippin’ on Hikaru Midorikawa /j ANYWAYS I know how this man is always surrounded by bunnies. Now imagine one time Reader (could be either another Aurorian or a Caelestelite) just absolutely exhausted decided to visit Novio’s office and away from the noise of the bustling Collosus.
This man, Novio, filled with gentleness and ancient wisdom, gave reader a smile and offered a hug because YOU CANT TELL ME THIS MAN WONT OFFER ONE.
If you consider accepting this request you have my whole heart this game needs more FanFiction
A Sense of Comfort [ FIC / FLUFF ]
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It was a long and busy day on the Colossus, just like any other day but it seemed even busier than usual. Having to deal with the sudden delivery requested by the Courier Union, you had to fly all over the place. Thirteen deliveries to Umbraton, twenty to Illumina and so many more to the point, you couldn't keep count! However, you didn't blame nor hate Tweety for suddenly asking for your help with the deliveries; Poor girl had to deliver a hundred on her own before you came! Luckily, you were more than familiar with each faction so that saved you a lot of time rather than running about like headless chickens with the deliveries in your arms. It took from morning to evening to thoroughly send them all but you did it, with a few helping hands of course!
Though, you found yourself beyond exhaustion after finishing the work. You were so sure that people can see how with each step you take, you were practically dragging your feet behind you and that if you were to even sit or lay down, you'd be fast asleep in no time. That was how tired you were but as much as you wanted to tuck in and call it a day, there was one last thing you needed to do. After all, you hadn't gone to visit him at all in his new office and you wanted to at least say goodnight to him before returning to your room for the night
With a raised fist, you gently knocked on the door. It was already past everyone's bed time so you couldn't afford to be loud, if not they'd pester you endlessly on why you were still up so late. Much to your surprise, the door made a click before it parted open slightly, blue eyes peering from the space in between; it was almost frightening to say the least. "Oh, it's just you Navigator!" It was a voice that you were quite familiar with. And with a smile, Novio swung the door open as wide as he could; stepping aside so you could enter the office. "Come on in! You must be cold from how chilly it is tonight !" Beamed the Northlander priest. Striding into the room, the office was relatively clean and had some of Novio's touches as well; the wafting scent of burned jasmine incense, multiple candlelit lanterns strewn across the room and a desk that had a neatly placed paperwork stacked on top of it.
In the middle of it all, there was a couch that was akin to snow, pure and stainless as white. The priest had already seated himself on it, his gloved hand petting one of the few rabbits that was sleeping soundly next to him. His blue eyes gazed at the white furred animal in his lap with such affection before shifting his gaze towards you instead, an ever familiar and loving smile graced his lips. "Are you going to stand there as we converse, Navigator?" He teased. The dark blue haired man let out chuckle as you were quick to walk to him before taking a seat, a tinge of red coating your cheeks; you were obviously embarrassed by his words.
Eventually, his laugh died down, leaving only silence shrouding the entirety of both of you. After what seems to be like an eternity, he was the one to break the ice. "Well then, what brings you here to my office Navigator? It must be quite urgent since you came in right after visiting hours ended.." And like a child, Novio tilted his head to the side; his earrings swaying lightly. He even had that childlike curiosity swirling his eyes despite being a hundred years older than you and yet, it seemed to have charmed you even more. Maybe you were too head over heels for him you think.
"Ah! Well—" Just as you start to talk, you find yourself looking away from his gaze. You have always been composed but why did you have to fall apart in front of him now at all times? You were so sure that his eyes were piercing holes into the back of your head but you were too busy finding things to stare at rather than at him "—i-it's because I've been quite busy today and we haven't had a chance to meet each other so I wanted to—" And just when you gathered enough courage to turn your head to face him, you were right on the card on him staring at you with full focus; guilt starts to fill your guts as he was paying full attention to each and every word you've said yet you've deliberately avoided eye contact. "—Oh, nevermind! I'm sorry for bothering you this late at night, Novio!" 'This was a mistake' You thought to yourself. You decided to change your mind entirely to just bolt right out of the room
Though unluckily for you, Novio was always one step ahead of you. His gloved hand was quick to hold on to yours before pulling right into his embrace. He let out a soft chuckle before grasping your chin, making you look at him in the eye "Pretty rabbit....I can tell that you want something from me no?" He said quietly, his face leaning in closer as you closed your eyes to brace yourself, your cheeks already tinted red. Novio let out another chuckle before he engulfed you in a hug, his gloved hand petting your hair as he sat you in his lap, his grip firm yet gentle "There, there..." The male cooed as he caressed your cheeks, a warm smile on his lips "It's been a long day for you so come and rest in my embrace, pretty rabbit. Close your eyes and let yourself go to sleep" Novio added. His breathing was slow and steady, his head was rested on top of your head and it seemed like he was intent on keeping you there. It was getting hard to keep your eyes open from how warm and soft he was so eventually you fluttered your eyes close, burying your face in the crook of his neck as you soon drifted to sleep
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sleepy--anon · 2 years
Punz and foolish are playing Mario cart and punz cheats so foolish has to teach him a lesson (this is for kasey, I LOVE YOU KASEY MISS YOU❤️/p)
Words 508
Tw: swearing that’s abt it
“BLUE SHELL WHO THREW A FUCKING BLUE SHELL AT ME” punz screamed while foolish cackled because it was him who threw it.
“FUCK OFF” Punz was getting pissed off he kept getting hit by shells and hitting banana peels.
Foolish was in 1st place punz was somehow in 2nd don’t ask him how he managed that, no one knows, punz was desperate to win they had been playing so he reached over and squeezed foolishes hips causing him to jump and drop the controller. Punz crossed the finish line at first place while foolish sat there in disbelief.
“You cheated you asshole” foolish said tacking punz to the couch, Punz was to stunned to fight back he just looked at the other “WHAT THE HELL MAN GET OFF ME” He shouted.
“No you need to be taught a lesson~” foolish growled lowering his town. “What uhh whahat are you gona do?” Punz questioned eyes widening when foolish brought a hand to hover over punzes belly wiggling his fingers right above him.
‘Oh shit’ punz thought before his thoughts where inturrupted by foolish digging into his stomach, punz squeaked in surprise giggles pouring out.
“Cheaters get tickled punz~ you know that silly” foolish laughed along with him slipping his hands under punz hoodie while he was distracted.
“NO YOHURE HAHANDS ARE COHOHOLD” punz squealed bucking his hips trying to knock foolish off him.
“Then help me warm them up” foolish shrugged dipping a finger into punz belly button swirling it around and squeezing his hips simultaneously causing punz to scream laugh.
After a few more minutes of this punz laughter went silent cueing foolish to stop and rub his tummy with enough pressure to not tickle.
“Sorry if I took it to far” foolish apologized
“No you’re good you didn’t take it to far…it’s my turn now though” punz said flipping them over and scratching his ribs occasionally poking his pec area.
“NohohohO im shOhohOrry puhuhuhUnz” he giggled curling in on himself, while in that process he exposed his shoulder blades and back, punz got curious and skittered his fingers across his shoulders shocked when foolish shrieked and slammed his back against the couch cushions.
“Ohhhhh~ did I find a bad spot~~?” Punz asked flipping foolish onto his stomach, foolish tensed up bracing himself knowing what was about to happen.
But no matter how much he prepared himself he couldn’t stop the screech that left his mouth as punz went to down on his shoulder blades and upper back.
“Apologize~” punz said.
“NOHOHO YOUHU CHEHEHEATED” foolish argued, that was until punz started blowing raspberries on the back of his neck.
And with that punz stoped his attack and got off of the other, once foolish had recovered punz handed him the controller back and said “Ready for round too?”
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purplebass · 10 months
Tweety's Intro
Hi! I'm Tweety (she/her)! (prev. luciehercndale)
I write and I make book edits :)
the replies to my asks are here: #posta (I love getting asks!💜)
@purplebass-writes is my writing sideblog
my main fandoms are tsc and shades of magic, but I also like fantasy, classic lit, historical romance, and more
icon by @/lasq.draws; dividers by @/saradika
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My A03 profile is purplebass and below you can find the links to fan fic ships collections, in case you are looking for a specific couple :) Shades of Magic: kellila ▸ drabble collection ▸m/e one shot collection TSC: blackdale ▸ gabrily ▸ gracetopher ▸ jordelia ▸ thomastair ▸ wessa
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✨ If you want to interact with me and ask me about anything, feel free to send me asks! <3 (anon is always on). You can ask for writing/edits. Feel free to DM me <3 ✨
Tumblr Links to fan fics (More links to fics are in the reblogs). (masterpost #1 is here)
Gabrily 🗡️
1. Tonight is Gonna Be the Loneliest (CoT Missing Scene)
2 . Someday, Somehow (feat Wessa)
3. Lights Out (R-rated version on A03 + Follow Up fic Lights On only on A03 for rating reasons)
Ghostwriter 👻✍🏻
1. The Most Beautiful Flower (Wedding Night E/M Rating)
2. Three Years and Counting (Ghostwriter Fest 2023)
3. Hold it Together (CoT Rewrite - Post Ch.26)
4. For the Ghost that I Used to be
5. Farewell, Farewell! One Kiss and I'll Descend
6. True Love Stories Never Have Endings (feat Blackstairs)
7. When Life Gives You Onions
8. Late Night, Early Morning
9. Center of Attention
Gracetopher 🔬⚗️
1. The Sound of Silence (CoT Post Ch. 26 Rewrite)
2. Happiness Was Itself A Chemical Reaction
Jordelia ♟️
1. The Tickle
Lucelia ✒️⚔️
1. For the Sake of Research (feat Jordelia/Ghostwriter)
Thomastair 🗼🧭
1. Deal With It
2. You Know Me Well, My Love
3. The New Guy With A Gentle Smile (Pre Canon)
4. Beginner's Luck and All of That (R-rated)
5. To Grow as Strong as that Cherry Three
6. Brave the Storm
Wessa 📖
1. A Different Kind of Music (R-rated)
2. To Beard or Not to Beard
3. Make you Feel my Love
Platonic pairings (friendships, siblings, parents, etc.) 🌷
1. The Element of Surprise (Matthew + Alastair and Thomas)
2. (Pre- TID Will, Jem, etc.) We Hunt Demons, Not Monkeys
3. (Matthew and Alastair friendship) Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures
4. (Pre-TLH Jesse and Grace) But If you Sing
5. (Jesse and Grace CoT Missing Scene) What Went Down
6. (Will and Jesse) Hope Never Fades
7. (Tessa and Lucie) A Gift or a Curse
8. (CoT Rewrite - Grace kills Tatiana) Five
Kelila 🗡️🩸 Spotify Playlist (Songs that make me think about them)
1. Fit Like a Glove (Kellila bday date)
2. A Fantasy (E-rating)
3. A Promise of a Brighter Future (Missing Scene, Threads Spoilers)
4. The Scent of the Night
5. Kiss it Better (E-rating)
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jennguyen-draws · 2 years
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Fanart for @batbirdies amazing Batfamily fic I’ll Come Out Right On The Other Side
Possibly part 1?
Part 2 (Cass, Jason, Steph)
Story synopsis from Ao3: Bruce plans a bonding activity with each of his kids and generally makes a fool of himself. He thinks it might be worth it though, in the end.
[Image description]: 3 colored panels based on chapters 2, 3, 5 (Damian, Tim, Dick)
Panel 1 (Damian): Overhead shot of Damian’s sketch of Mrs. Potts, the pregnant goat, and Bruce’s attempt at a drawing haha.
Panel 2 (Tim): Tim holding up his camera and focusing on taking a picture. There is a camera frame superimposed over the whole image as if this is what Bruce is seeing through his view finder.
Panel 3 (Dick): Collections of plushies. From the left: pink flamingo, panda chair, Scooby Doo in Robin’s mask and Tweety.
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elementaldoughnut12 · 11 months
"Pleasure Points"
*This fic is for the amazing @katries ! Happy birthday and thanks for being an awesome internet mom! Hope you enjoy your husband being a little pain princess!*
It was the day after their blood and guts match and Nick woke up and felt a horrible pain all across his back. "Fuck!" he said painfully. "Well that's one way to start off the day after a grueling match... something wrong tweety bird?"" his boyfriend Mox said while kissing Nick's forehead. "Yeah my fucking back hurts from getting ragdolled all night by your stupid Swiss shithead" Nick said then he felt a twinge of pain which caused tears to form in his eyes.
"Awww poor baby how about I massage your back as a way of me apologizing for Claudio's stupid ass hmmm?" Mox said with a gentle smile. Nick looked at him to see if there was any sign of sexual intent behind those eyes and for once Mox looks innocent. "Ok just be gentle ok? My back hurts like a motherfucker" Nick says as he turns over to lay on his stomach on the bed. "Baby, when I'm done with you, your body will feel like fucking jelly" Mox says as he cracks his fingers and starts massaging the middle part of Nick's back.
It was all going well until Mox pressed at a certain pressure point which made Nick almost moan and some blood rush down to his dick. When it comes to pain, Nick welcomes it with open arms and enjoys the feeling it gives him and Mox loves to give him that pain. Mox starts to massage his lower back and Nick's brain lights up with the intoxicating feeling and starts quietly whimpering while his sweats start to get a little bit tighter. "You ok sweetheart?" Mox asks while slowing his movements. "Y-yeah just don't stop please!" Nick says while trying not to hump the mattress. Mox looks at him suspiciously and flips Nick over which causes him to yelp. Mox looks down at the hard outline of Nick's dick and the obvious wet spot on his sweats and gives him a hungry look.
"Oh sweetheart..." Mox says seductively which causes Nick to tremble slightly. "I've should've known that when my little bird is hurting that even the slightest touch will make him go red and needy" he says as he looms over Nick. "P-please daddy?" Nick says as his dick starts to leak even more and makes it look like he pissed himself. "Oh don't worry baby... daddy's gonna take care of you and you're gonna feel so much better afterwards" Mox says as he presses his hand against Nick's bulge and kisses him deeply. Nick's back is definitely gonna hurt more after Mox is done with him.
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arachnohoebia · 1 year
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p⭕rn? p⭕rn. full view + related fic with @syntaxeme the blue tweety app 🔥🛐
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