#to work on the DC fandome event pieces!
wolfjackle-creates · 6 months
The Two Ghost Motel
So, as I mentioned, I joined the DP Ecto-Implosion Event this past month and it's Posting Week now! So I get to finally share with you the first chapter of my fic. Still working on editing the second half of the fic, but it's fully written as of this time.
For those who don't know, for the Ecto-Implosion event, artists drew/animated/composed some piece of art and writers then went in and wrote fics based off their art.
I was lucky enough to be paired with the super talented @i-think-in-metaphors who made this gorgeous artwork:
You can read on AO3 here (this fic is not locked to AO3 users only).
And for those of you who prefer to read on Tumblr:
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Minor Original Character Death (not in this chapter)
Fandom: DPxDC (though no knowledge of DC is necessary for this fic. I use a single character and he has amnesia, it takes place in an original setting or Amity)
Danny is tired. Endless ghost fights with too many responsibilities and too little time; he barely passed sophomore year. When Ember visits town for a bit of fun, she mentions the Two Ghost Motel, a place of peace and refuge for restless ghosts who aren't ready to cross over. “I’m fine, Ember.” Danny’s got a home and friends. He’s fine, really. But when his parents begin experimenting with electricity to destabilize ghosts, it’s too much for Danny. Unfortunately, neither Sam nor Tucker can host him for the night and he’s left wandering in the night, alone. Then he sees it: The Two Ghost Motel. He checks in. “Welcome.”
Danny wasn’t sure when he first saw the neon sign. Honestly, he didn’t even realize it was something ghostly when he did. He just thought it was one more ghost-themed business that had come to Amity since the portal opened.
But when he mentioned the motel to Sam and Tucker, they looked at him like he was crazy.
“I’ve never heard of any Two Ghost Motel,” said Sam. “Where’d you see it?”
Tucker was typing into his PDA. “Nothing’s coming up online, either.”
“Oh come on, you’re pulling my leg. We’ve passed it at least a half dozen times. Last night when we were leaving Nasty Burger for one! And I think, what, three nights before that? On patrol? Where were we?”
“Dude, that night we were near the library. No where near Nasty Burger. No way you could’ve seen the same place both nights,” said Tucker.
“Danny, when was the last time you got a full night’s sleep?” Sam’s brow was knit in concern.
Danny waved off her concern. “Whatever. I know I’ve seen it. The sign is bright pink and orange with blue ghosts on it.”
Sam just shrugged and shook her head. “Point it out next time you see it.”
Before Danny could reply, his ghost sense went off and he groaned. “Ugh, looks like someone’s around. I’m too tired for this.” Danny glanced around. They were in the park and no humans were nearby so he let his transformation wash over him.
He flew into the air and tried to listen past the sound of his breaths echoing through his mask. Even though he didn’t breathe when transformed, something about the hazmat suit remembered and the sound was inescapable.
A guitar chord played behind him and Danny instinctively threw up a shield and fell ten feet right as a blast from Ember’s instrument headed his way.
“Hey there, baby-pop!” she called. “I was sitting around, bored out of my mind, when I remembered I could just come here to have some fun!”
Danny turned to face her. “Come on, Ember.” His voice always sounded so robotic when filtered through the mask. “I’m tired.”
“Too bad. I’m not.” She grinned at him and strummed a few notes, sending more attacks his way.
Danny dodged, only to have to watch one of the blasts hit a bench and destroy it. He flew higher, hoping her next attacks wouldn’t cause more collateral that would be blamed on him.
“What, you just gonna dance around like that? Come on, attack back!”
“My moves not good enough for you?”
“You need to step it up if you want to be my back up dancer.”
Danny couldn’t help but laugh and when she sent her next blast his way, he avoided it by doing a backwards dive towards the ground only to circle back up until he was facing her. “How’s that?”
“Better, but you’re still not there. Your moves have to match the music!” She played a tune with a fast beat and Danny dodged and spun. And if he added some flair to his movements, well, he deserved the chance to have a little fun.
Another blast his way, and he twisted his hips. Matching Ember’s beat, he sent a few ectoblasts back at her.
Ember laughed. “Now you’re catching on!”
Danny allowed himself a quick glance down where he saw Sam and Tucker not even trying to hide. Tucker was filming them.
Which, of course, is when it all had to be ruined by the unmistakable sounds of the GAV driving cross-country.
“Through the park?” he moaned. “Seriously?”
“Shit, that’s your folks, isn’t it.”
“Yeah. C’mon, let’s get out of here.”
“You’ve got it, babypop. I came here for fun, not to mess with them.”
The GAV came to a stop and Danny saw his mom rush out of the passenger side with one of their new, long-distance guns. He tacked Ember, only just getting her out of the way of the blast.
Without any discussion, both turned invisible and flew out of the park. Danny didn’t let them stop until they were in a forest out of range of his parents’ trackers. Exhaustion set back in as soon as he realized they were safe, and he just plopped down on the ground and leaned against a tree.
“Ready to resume your dancing lessons?” asked Ember.
Danny groaned and rested his head against the rough bark. It was probably stupid, but he let his eyes close. “Maybe next time. I meant it when I said I’m tired.”
She didn’t say anything as one, two, three breaths sounded from his mask. And then he heard some leaves rustle. He cracked open an eye to see Ember making herself comfortable on the ground a few feet away.
“You really are tired, aren’t you?” she asked.
“Yeah. Finals are coming up and if I don’t do well, I’m going to fail sophomore year.”
“Y’know, I’ve heard of a place…”
Danny waited for her to continue, but when she didn’t, he hummed. “A place?”
“Yeah. Haven’t been there myself. But, there’s this place. It’s for ghosts who aren’t ready to move on from Earth just yet. Ghosts who live only on Earth without ever going the Zone get tired and weak. There’s just not enough ectoplasm around. Except for here, of course.”
“So what’s this place do?”
“Gives you somewhere to rest. And recharge. It’s not really on Earth. It’s a sort of in between place. Called the Two Ghost Motel. Might be worth checking in for a night if you ever don’t want to be at home for one reason or another.”
Danny hummed. “I’ve seen it around. Thought it was just a regular motel, but Sam and Tucker didn’t know what I was talking about.”
Ember picked out a tune on her guitar, but this time no attacks emanated from it. “It’s not a place for the living from what I’ve heard. Just the dead.”
Danny looked up at the stars through the tree branches, but he shook his head. “I’m fine, Ember. Just need to get some sleep.”
“Whatever you say, baby-pop.”
After that conversation with Ember, the motel began basically haunting him. Every night, as soon as dusk started to fall, he’d see it. Always a few streets away, just sitting there calling to him; it’s sign bright in the dark.
Sam and Tucker couldn’t see it, no matter how often he pointed it out to him. Jazz could sometimes see something out of the corner of her eye, but when she looked on more directly, it was never there.
Danny never approached. He was fine. He had a home and friends. There was no reason to go to some random motel.
Finals came and went. He managed to scrape by with at least Cs in everything. His parents, especially his mom, had not been happy with those grades, but Danny was just glad to have passed.
Didn’t stop him from being grounded and forced to help out more in the lab. One afternoon, he was in his room playing Doomed with Sam and Tucker when he got a message from his parents calling him back down to help them out.
“Ugh, I’ve got to go down to the lab.”
“Seriously?” complained Tucker. “Again?”
“Yeah,” agreed Sam. “Seems you’re always off helping them lately. Can’t you say no?”
“It’s this or having my phone and computer taken away. I’ll take the lab work.” He saved his progress. “Will you guys be on later?”
“Can’t,” said Sam. “My parents are forcing me to go to a fancy dinner somewhere. And they’re not giving me any more information than that to keep me from planning anything disruptive.”
“And mine have declared we’re having a tech-free family bonding night,” said Tucker, rolling his eyes. “With board games! Who plays board games in this day and age?”
Danny laughed. “I’ll see you both tomorrow, then. Later.”
Danny signed off and went downstairs. The hazmat suits were kept in a closet right next to the door to the lab, and Danny went through the process of pulling it all on. The mask that came with it was even more annoying in human form than ghost. The filtered air always tasted strange, but he’d given up complaining about that years ago.
He unlocked the lab door and went down to the lab.
“Dan-o!” called his dad as soon as he saw him. “Come here! You’re job will be to control the current!”
“Uh, current?” asked Danny.
“We’re trying to figure out how to disrupt the electrical signal in ectoplasm that gives ghosts their shape,” explained his mom. She had a bowl of ectoplasm in a glass terrarium and was arranging two metal probes so they dipped into it.
“Exactly!” agreed his dad. “So you’re going to sit at this computer”—he pulled out a chair before one of the lab computers and gestured for Danny to sit—“and adjust the frequency and voltage.”
Danny took a seat and stared at the program that was loaded on the screen. At least he wouldn’t be anywhere near the probes? A glance at the puddle of ectoplasm had him holding back a shudder.
“First we’re going to try and force the ectoplasm to form a shape,” continued his mom. “We’re going to do that with probe A. You’re going to start with a low frequency and voltage and slowly increase it while your father and I mark down how it affects the ectoplasm. We have some hypotheses about when it’ll start to form a shape.”
“And once it forms a shape,” said his dad, “you’ll use probe B to send a contrary electrical signal to destabilize it!”
“And then no more ghost!”
Suddenly Danny was glad his suit had a face mask. His parents were going to do what? Figure out how to use electricity to destabilize ghosts? It wasn’t possible. There was no way it could work. Right? He had to stay and prove to himself they were talking crazy.
“What—” His mouth was dry and he had to try again. “How should I start?”
“The settings are already loaded,” said his mom. She grabbed a tablet and sat down in front of the terrarium.
Dad sat next to her, grinning widely. “Go ahead, Dan-o!”
Danny’s hand shook as he placed it on the mouse. He sat on the other to hide it. Then he turned on the probe.
At first, nothing happened. The ectoplasm stayed a puddle and there was no visible change in it. But as he adjusted the current, it began to ripple. His parents loudly exclaimed over every change as they shouted instructions back to him.
Each change had Danny’s heart beating harder in his chest.
Two hours in is when it happened. The ectoplasm started to form a ball that rose up out of the bowl. Danny could feel something cold in the back of his throat. Not his ghost sense, but something close.
“This is it!” yelled his dad. “Danny, what’re the settings?”
Once more, Danny was glad for the way the mask muffled his voice just enough to mask how horrified he was by the thing that was forming. His parents’ theories about electrical currents couldn’t be true. They couldn’t.
“Now for us to try disrupting the current!” The glee in his mom’s voice made bile rise in Danny’s throat. But when she told him to turn on probe B, he did.
It only took twenty minutes to find the settings that made the ectoplasm fall apart back into a puddle.
Danny was up on his feet, chair toppled, in an instant. He held a gloved hand to his masked face as if he could keep from throwing up with the motion alone. It had looked so much like Ellie when she was destabilizing.
“Danny?” asked his mom, tablet forgotten on her chair as she rushed over to him. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“I… I’m feeling a bit sick. Can I, can I go? Bathroom?”
His mom reached out to brush a hand over his covered forehead as if to check his temperature. “Oh sweetie, of course you can. You should’ve told us you weren’t feeling well. There’s some soup in the fridge if you think you can eat that.”
“I— yeah. Thanks.” He didn’t wait to hear anything else she had to say and just ran up the stairs. He shed his gear in record time and ran all the way up to his room. He slammed the door shut and grabbed his backpack from where it hung on his desk chair.
With shaking hands, he took out everything in the main compartment. Then he ran to his dresser and grabbed a change of clothes and something to sleep in. He couldn’t stay here right now. He just couldn’t.
From the bathroom, he grabbed some toiletries and added those.
Less than fifteen minutes after leaving the lab, he was out the front door and walking down the street. It was late, dusk starting to fall.
He considered going to Nasty Burger to get some dinner, but then he remembered the way the ball of ectoplasm had melted and he changed directions. Eventually his wandering brought him to the park where he found a bench in an empty area and sat down, dropping his backpack at his feet.
Danny buried his face in his hands as he forced himself to just breathe. He and Tucker could mess with the results from these experiments just like they had so many times in the past. It was going to be fine.
His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out.
Jazz: Hey, Danny. Mom said you weren’t feeling well? Jazz: Where’d you go? You’re not in your room. Danny: Sorry, Jazz. I had to get out of the house. Danny: Ask mom and dad about today’s experiments. Danny: You’ll understand why. I’m gonna spend the night at Tuck’s. Jazz: Okay. See you tomorrow? Danny: Yeah. I’ll be back tomorrow. Jazz: Love you.
Of course, Tucker was having a family night. He couldn’t crash that. And Sam’s parents had banned him from their house. Where would he spend the night?
And then he noticed it. Right outside the park glowed the sign: Two Ghost Motel.
He was on his feet and walking there before he’d even consciously made the decision to go. A glance around showed he was alone, that night had fully fallen on Amity so he let his transformation wash over him.
He reached the street and, for the first time, was staring directly at the motel rather than catching glimpses from a block or two away. The parking lot had a few cars in it, the oldest looking like it might’ve been from the twenties with the newest looking like it was ten or fifteen years old.
A glance in either direction showed no cars coming, so Danny crossed the street.
As soon as he stepped off the sidewalk and into the parking lot, Danny could feel a change in the air. It was nothing obvious, but something integral was different. The sounds of the city were muffled, the sense of life dulled. The air felt lighter and the door seemed to call to him. Most importantly, it was easier to push away the memories from his afternoon in the lab.
The sign, when he reached it, buzzed softly in the night. He held a hand up towards it and felt an echoing buzz under his skin.
He stared at the lights for a moment more before continuing towards the building at the other end of the lot. It hadn’t been repaved in ages and was riddled with cracks. But the plants that grew up through them weren’t the normal grasses and dandelions. He wished Sam were with him to help him identify them.
Instead he knelt down and pulled out his phone to take a picture. They glowed slightly in the night, their stems ectoplasm-green with blue leaves and red bulbs. Danny reached out to touch one, only for the bulb to open and snap at his finger.
Danny laughed in surprise as he pulled his hand away. Something inside him relaxed. A night away would do him good and maybe he’d see other cool things besides the flowers.
The motel itself was a long, two-story building. The main entrance was smack in the middle of the building with rows of rooms extending to either side. Next to the office, a passageway through the building led to the back side of the building and had stairs leading up to the second level. It was clearly old, worn in the way only time could do.
The office door wasn’t automatic and the handle stuck slightly under his hand when he tried to turn it. But just a little bit of force had it opening.
Inside, the carpet was worn, beaten down and dull in the middle. The walls were covered in floral wallpaper rather than paint. Against one wall buzzed an ice machine and against the other sat a vending machine. A man with slicked back hair and a cane stared at the vending machine without moving. A two-seater couch was next to the vending machine with a wooden coffee table in front of it. Two women sat side-by-side on it: one in modern jeans and a windbreaker, the other in an old-fashioned dress that looked like it may have come from the sixties. They were holding magazines, but in the time it took Danny to look around, neither had flipped a page.
Cutting off the back of the room was a long desk, behind which sat a closed door. A woman sat behind the desk. Her blonde hair was cut shoulder length and curled inward. She wore bright red lipstick and heavy eye shadow. But strangest of all, she wasn’t moving. Her chest didn’t raise with her breathing, she didn’t shift in her seat. The women on the couch, at least, made the little movements people make when they’re engrossed in their reading. And the man at the vending machine was tapping his fingers on his cane as he tried to decide what to get.
But the woman at the counter was utterly still.
“Evening.” Danny’s voice was loud in the small room.
The woman in modern clothes cocked her head slightly as if trying to hear a distant noise.
“What are you reading?” Danny asked her.
She just shook her head slightly and looked back at her magazine. Slowly, she turned a page.
“Oh-kay,” said Danny to himself. He walked past them as he made his way to the desk.
As soon as he reached it, the woman came to life. She turned and smiled broadly at him and her finger started tapping on a paper log book that sat in front of her. “Well hello there. Welcome to the Two Ghost Motel!” She had a slight southern accent. “What can I do you for?”
“Uh, well. I heard you might have a room I could rent for the night.”
“Sure do,” she agreed with a nod. “Can certainly set you up with one of those.” She looked him up and down then nodded to herself. “Ah, yes. We knew you might need a place soon so we made sure you’d be able to find us. Glad to see you finally stopped in.”
“What, uh, what do you know about me?”
“Same as we know about any of our potential patrons, sweetie. That you’re a restless spirit that isn’t ready to pass on yet. Two Ghost was set up to give you a place to rest while you’re still on Earth.”
“How much would it cost for one night?”
The receptionist threw back her head and laughed. Her teeth were sharper than a normal human’s. Behind him, another voice joined in the laughter. Danny turned to see the modern-dressed woman was finally looking at him, though it was only to laugh at him.
Danny rubbed the back of his neck and smiled self-consciously. “I take it that was a stupid question?”
“Honey, there’s no charge for spending the night. Wouldn’t be much of a place to rest if we forced y’all to pay when no dead has money.”
“Right. So do you want anything in exchange? I’m pretty good at fixing things up.”
“All we want is for you to have a good night’s rest.” She turned the log book around. “I’ll just need you to put down your name here and I’ll give you your key.” She waved her hand to indicate a pen that was chained to the desk.
Danny grabbed it and hesitated just a moment before signing “Phantom” on the page. The ink was ectoplasm-green.
She took the book back and made her own marks before smiling at him. “Well that’s all in order. Now just to get you your room key.” She opened a drawer which was filled with a number of small envelopes, each with a handwritten number on them. She flipped through a few before stopping on one, seemingly at random, and pulling it out. “You’ll be in room 214. Leave the office, take a right. You can’t miss the stairs. Climb ‘em, continue to the back side of the motel, and take a right.”
Danny took the envelope from her. On it, the numbers 214 were written, with Two Ghost Motel in cursive below it. “Thank you, ma’am.”
“Enjoy your stay at Two Ghost,” she smiled one more time at him, then looked down at her logbook and froze exactly as she had been when he’d first entered.
“I appreciate your help. You sure there’s nothing I can do in exchange for the room?”
But the woman didn’t stir again. Danny shifted from foot to foot. Should he try and wake her? Was she hurt? Was this a normal ghost thing? He tapped on the desk again.
No response.
Danny looked down at his key and back at the woman. Hesitantly, he turned towards the door, but he couldn’t help looking back frequently. He paused by the women on the couch, but neither looked up from their magazines. At the vending machine, he peered around the man.
“Do they have anything that looks good?” he asked.
The man didn’t move, so Danny shifted until he was standing right next to him and could look inside the machine.
The bottom two rows were filled with drinks, water and Gatorade took up space right next to shots of ectoplasm. And were those beers? What? Above those were a few types of nuts and candy bars and chips. Danny only recognized half the brands.
Then he noticed the package of bottle caps. “Oh man, been ages since I’ve had some bottle caps. Mind if I grab those if you haven’t decided yet?”
The man hummed and moved to the side so Danny could get to the bill input and number pad.
“Thanks, sir! Appreciate it.” He pressed the numbers for the candy to see the price, but the machine whirled to life and it was dropped down without requiring Danny to put in a single cent. “Oh, shit, did I just use your money? What do you like? I’ll get it for you as an apology.”
“I don’t… I don’t remember,” said the man. His voice was very quiet, but clear. Danny couldn’t place his accent.
“Are you looking for a snack or a drink? Sweet or savory?”
“My son always pretended he didn’t like sweets. I was going back to him. How did I end up here?”
“Dunno, sir. But if you like candy, I’d recommend the skittles if you want chewy, m&m’s if you want basic chocolate.” He opened his own package. “Hold out your hand, I’ll give you a few of these so you can see if you like them.”
The man did and looked at his own hand as if he’d never seen it before. Danny turned his package so a few bottlecaps fell out. “Thank you,” said the man.
“Sure thing. Hope you enjoy!”
The man stared at his hand a moment longer before bringing one to his mouth and chewing the candy with a pensive look on his face. “I think I remember these, but it’s been so long. Thank you.”
“Anytime. My name’s Phantom; I’m in room 214 if you need anything.”
“Phantom. Pleasure to meet you. I’m Tom.”
“Well, Mr. Tom, hope you find something to eat that you like.”
Tom hummed and turned back to look at the vending machine. Danny took one last look at the receptionist, still entirely frozen, before slipping out the door. He slipped the package of bottlecaps into his pocket; he’d eat them in his room when he could take his mask off. In the passageway to the back of the motel, two boys played jacks under a flood light.
Danny couldn’t help but pause to watch them. He’d tried playing a few times when he was younger, but Tucker wasn’t into the game and none of the other kids had been willing to spend enough time with the weird ghost-hunter’s kid to teach him.
He waited until the kid who’d been picking up the jacks tossed them back on the ground before asking, “So, who’s winning?”
Both boys looked up at him with the same blank expression. The one on the right was a red-head while the one on the left was brown haired. They were about the same age, maybe ten years old and Danny wondered what happened to bring them here.
“I never learned to play,” Danny admitted, waving a hand to indicate their game. “So I don’t know how to tell. Or, is there even a winner in jacks? I might be completely off the mark.”
The red-head raised his hand. “I’m wining. I’m on the foursies round. Alan is only on twosies.”
“Matt cheated and made me drop my jacks.”
“It wasn’t cheating, just strategy,” protested Matt.
“Cheating,” repeated Alan.
“Prove it by beating your threesies round perfectly this time.”
Danny smiled to himself as the boys returned to their game and ignored his presence entirely.
“How’d you do that?” asked someone behind him.
Danny spun around to see a boy around his own age on the stairs leaning over the railing. He had dark hair and light eyes and was dressed in modern jeans and a t-shirt.
“Do what?” asked Danny.
“Get them to talk to you. Everyone ignores me entirely.”
Danny glanced back at the two boys who were entirely absorbed in their game and not paying Danny or the stranger any attention. “They’re mostly ignoring me, too.”
The kid rolled his eyes. “But they still talked to you. I haven’t even gotten that much.”
Danny shrugged. “I just asked them about their game.”
He groaned and kicked at the railing. “I’ve tried that. Who’re you, anyway?”
“I’m Phantom. Staying here for the night because, well, just because. Who’re you?”
Danny cocked his head. “Like the bird?”
Jay’s eyes widened in surprise, then he grinned back. “That’s it! I knew I was forgetting something. I’m a bird. Thanks, Phantom.”
Danny laughed. “Sure thing, birdie.” He adjusted his backpack. “Let me put this down. I’m in room 214. What’s there to do in this motel?”
Jay shrugged. “More if you can get the other people to talk to us. But the TV always has your favorite show or movie on and the vending machine in the office always has your favorite snacks.”
As Danny made his way up the stairs, Jay fell in step besides him. “What’s your favorite movie?” he asked.
Jay shrugged again. “Dunno. But every time I turn on the TV it’s playing.”
“What did you watch last, then?”
Jay hesitated a moment and when Danny looked at him, he was frowning. “I don’t…” He shook his head. “I don’t forget things. My d— Someone made sure I could give accurate reports. But I don’t remember.” He looked at Danny with his brow furrowed. “Why don’t I remember?”
Danny shrugged. “Well, when we get to my room, we can turn on the TV and see what comes on.”
Jay brightened immediately at the suggestion. “Duh! That’ll remind me. Thanks, Phantom! Come on, your room’s this way. We’re neighbors; I’m in 215.” He jogged the rest of the way up the stairs so Danny had to speed up, too.
At the top of the stairs, Jay took a right and Danny’s door was several down.
“Home sweet home,” he said, gesturing to the door.
Danny laughed as he unlocked it. “So how long have you been here?” He pushed open his door and took in the space. The carpet looked like it hadn’t been upgraded since the seventies. A double bed sat against one wall covered by a faded, green paisley quilt. A low dresser and box TV against the opposite wall. Most of the wall facing the walkway was taken up with a large window, though the closed blinds kept it private.
It wasn’t until Danny stepped in and dropped his bags on the bed that he realized Jay had neither responded nor followed him in.
“Birdie? Jay? You okay?”
Jay was frozen outside the door staring out into the distance away from the motel. The back of the motel had very few lights, and the night made it seem like there was nothing out there but endless black. When Danny called out, Jay shook himself and grinned as he entered the room and sat down on Danny’s bed with enough force to bounce. “Course I’m okay! Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You spaced out there for a minute.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “No I didn’t. Where’s your remote?” Before Danny could do anything, Jay was already standing and picking it up from the dresser. He turned on the TV. “Oooh, the Godfather! Told you it always has your favorite movie.”
“So The Godfather is your favorite?”
“Of course.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen it all the way through.”
“Then you’re in for a treat! Come on, sit next to me. I’ll make sure you notice all the good parts.”
Danny did as told. Which is when he remembered he still had the candy. Wordlessly, he held it out to Jay who grinned as he took a few to snack on.
Chapter 2
Hope you enjoyed chapter 1! This was so much fun to write. I loved taking part in the event so much. Please consider checking out the rest of the art and fics from this event because there are so many talented people who took part. (My reading list is gonna be filled for at least the rest of the year, no lie.)
Just search the tag #ectoimplosion2023 to see what I mean.
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npcemi · 1 year
Here's that little quick piece I promised in my last post. Here is the chronological start of my planned multiverse. Though it all really started when My KP fic and how a part of that started event in cigarettes and valentine's.(my life is strange and Dr who crossover) now it's all got away from me and I digress. big thanks to the danny phantom and DC fandoms for giving me a great anchor point. Anyway like I said when I get out of the hospital I'll work on getting everything else updated. Here's the fic:
The long road of how starting a fight with superman over clone parenting eventually lead to Danny Phantom become God:
Danielle “Dani with an I” Phantom, the clone of Amity Park’s local ghost vigilante Danny Phantom, decided to start a clone support group. Dani had experienced firsthand the struggles and challenges that came with being a clone, and she wanted to create a safe space where clones from various backgrounds could come together and share their experiences.
Word spread quickly, and soon, they gathered at one of Danny’s safe houses he loaned to Danielle. She also had help so each member only had to go to a specific room at a nearby community center. Her father’s ghost abilities and Mama Sam’s Magic would take care of the rest to turn the doors into temporary portals that would bring each member to the safe house. Among the members who arrived were Linda Danvers, a clone of Supergirl, Conner Kent, a clone of Superman, and Jarro, a Starro clone.
Danielle welcomed everyone with a warm smile. "Thank you all for being here today. I created this little group so we can share our stories, support each other and just be there for each other. Being a clone can be difficult. I know that as well as anyone. Let's start by introducing ourselves, I'll go first.”
“I’m Danielle Phantom but you can call me Dani, that’s Dani with an I, and I am a clone of Danny Phantom. I was created because some fruit loop wanted Danny as a son and when he couldn’t get that he made me and then tried to get me to kill my original and his parents. Obviously that didn’t work out and now Danny and I are on really good terms!”
Jarro floated gently in the air before psychically speaking "I'm Jarro, a clone of Starro. Being a clone means constantly battling stereotypes and misconceptions. People assume I'm evil because of my origin, but I strive to prove them wrong every day."
Linda Danvers raised her hand and spoke next. "I'm Linda, a clone of Supergirl. Being her clone makes me feel as if I’m constantly living in the shadow of my original. People expect me to live up to her legacy, but I'm still figuring out who I am as an individual." Linda received many nods as they could truly empathize with her on living in the shadow of their original.
Linda Danvers took a deep breath, her eyes softened to reflect her vulnerability. "Being a clone of Supergirl has been a constant struggle for me,"
She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "The truth is…I'm still trying to figure out who I am. I have my own dreams, desires, and flaws. It's hard to escape the comparisons and the feeling that I'm somehow a mere shadow of my original"
Linda glanced around the room, meeting the compassionate gazes of her fellow clones. "I often find myself wondering if I'm destined to live in her shadow forever. But being here with all of you, hearing your stories and struggles, gives me hope."
She continued, "I don't want to be defined solely by being a clone. I want to be Linda Danvers.."
Conner Kent could definitely understand how Linda felt. Conner’s stomach turned as Linda’s words hammered in the truth of his own relationship with the man of steel.
Danielle reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Linda's shoulder. "Linda, you're not alone. It can be a lot to remind ourselves and the world that our worth isn't determined by the circumstances of our creation. But that’s why we’re here, so we can support each other.”
“Thanks,” Linda smiled at Danielle’s reassurances.
Conner took a deep breath, his voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and anger. "I... I'm Conner Kent, a clone of Superman," he began, his gaze fixed on the ground. "But my relationship with Superman has been anything but what I expected. Instead of acceptance and guidance, I've faced rejection."
He looked up, meeting the eyes of his fellow clones. "Superman has never treated me as an equal. He sees me as a flawed imitation, a violation against his bodily autonomy. He constantly compares me to himself, highlighting how I will never be him. I’m not him, I’m me. My own person. I just wish he could understand that, it’s not like I asked to be created.” Conner’s voice rose with rage until he slumped back down, his voice damping in his own personal defeat.
A surge of anger coursed through the room. Danielle Phantom's expression hardened. "No one deserves to be treated that way," she said firmly.
"Conner, you are more than just a replica. You have your own strengths, your own worth. You don't need Superman's validation to prove that."
Linda Danvers spoke up "Conner, your value isn't determined by Superman's actions or opinions. Honestly it sounds like he is being a dick about the whole thing,"
Jarro joined in. "No one has the right to treat you as less than who you are. Conner, you should be treated with respect and dignity as any person would expect"
Conner’s eyes glistened with gratitude. "Thank you all. Your words and support mean more to me than you can imagine," he said, Danielle looked at Conner, "if you want me to do something about it, I can try to talk to my dad," she offered.
Conner looked at Danielle, confusion in his eyes. "You can do something? Like what?" he asked,
Danielle smiled mischievously, knowing exactly what she meant but choosing her words carefully. "Let's just say my dad has his ways of dealing with situations," she replied,
Linda, sensing the unspoken desire, arched an eyebrow and leaned closer. "Danielle, what are you thinking?" she whispered.
Danielle chuckled softly before responding, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let me talk to my dad, he might have a unique perspective on this situation."
Jarro floated closer, his curiosity piqued. "What are you saying…," he started, only to be interrupted by Danielle's raised hand “I have a feeling that my dad might be able to provide some guidance or at least offer a... different perspective."
“After all my dad, Danny Phantom has experience being the one cloned and he doesn’t like it when clones are treated badly, no not at all.” Dani shook her head silently laughing at what her father’s ‘talk’ with Superman would most likely entail.
As Danielle revealed her secret, a collective gasp filled the room, followed by a mix of surprise and awe on the faces of Linda, Conner, and Jarro. Linda was the first to find her voice. "Wait, you mean to say that Danny Phantom actually adopted you as his daughter?" Danielle nodded, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Yes, he did. After finding out about me, he took me in and treated me as his own. Danny has been an amazing dad to me. He provides love, and support, just like any other parent.”
Conner's eyes widened with astonishment. "That's incredible."
Danielle's smile turned somewhat sheepish. "It honestly is incredible. Sometimes, though, he can be a little overprotective.”
Jarro floated closer, intrigued by this newfound information. "A protective father, huh? I guess I know how that feels. My adoptive father is like that as well."
Conner gave a soft smile. "Your bond with your dad is inspiring. It gives me hope that not all clones have to face rejection and mistreatment.” The “like me” at the end of Conner's sentence, went unspoken.
“Exactly, and I’m sure my dad can talk some sense into Superman.” Dani grinned.
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gffa · 1 year
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The absolute worst thing about Batman comics is that trying to just lay the groundwork instead of having a single good starting point, is kind of a nightmare.  Like, I have to explain the mindset going into them! I have to explain that stuff doesn't always "count" as a canon!  I have to explain the different continuities and constant retcons! The thing about DC comics is that you can't approach it the way you would another source material, there is no one "true" source, there is no one "true" author of the characters, there is no one "true" canon. There is a central timeline, but it's constantly being rewritten both in-universe and out-of-universe. You have to jump into it accepting that there's no good starting point in terms of reading the story unfolding in sequence. And you have to accept that, even googling "best Batman comics to start with" has a list of comics that kind of made me moan in horror, like noooooooo those comics will not hook you and so many of them are comics that are stand-alones because they're plays on the tropes and established status quo, like The Dark Knight Returns or A Serious House on Serious Earth won't really work unless you're already familiar with Batman stories and also they're absolutely not what fandom will be posting about. I mean, I'm not your mom, you can start there if you want, but I personally think they're pretty difficult places to start. Instead, if you want to get into what the fandom is into (which may be very different than what think pieces write about), instead I think it helps to find someone who knows comics reasonably well, ask them some questions you have about the lay of the land (ie, "So how do these Robins all work? Why are there so many of them?" is a question I answered for a friend recently because I love to talk about this stuff, most comic fans do!) and then get yourself some recs once you have a general idea of who's who and why they're going around as the costume they're in. (You can always ask me, too!  I'm happy to nerd out about helping gain traction with a lot of these things! I may not be able to answer finely detailed questions yet, but I can give you a bird's eye view that'll get you on your feet, too.) You'll also want to get an idea of what era you want to read in, because there's this thing called the "New 52" (or Nu52) and it's kind of a line in the sand, a "before" and "after" that's helpful to keep in mind whether or not something "happened" to the character. So, in 2011, after many many decades of convoluted comics history, DC decided that they wanted to completely reboot their entire universe so that new readers could jump on and not have to read a thousand backissues from the 70s and 80s or earlier.  All existing books were cancelled and an all new lineup of 52 different comic series were announced--hence, Nu52. In theory, an idea with potential! The problem was that they gave too much free reign to the creators and not nearly enough collaboration, so nobody knew what was still part of a character’s backstory and nobody knew what anyone else was writing. And it cut out a lot of elements of the stories that people were really invested in, so despite the initial splash it made, sales slowly dropped and dropped because people just didn’t care. So, what does DC do?  Basically, since then they’ve had company-wide events that have been slowly chipping away at the divide between the “before” the Nu52 and the current storyline, that they’ve had multiverse-level events that have absorbed some of people’s favorite stuff back into the storyline, so some stuff now has happened again. And that makes it extremely confusing to just pick up an issue of a comic and know whether something “counts” or not, so you kind of just have to roll with things and understand that there is no one “true” canon set of events, it’s constantly shifting, and you just gotta read for the things you enjoyed reading. That’s kind of a high bar for entry and I hope this isn’t scaring you off, it’s genuinely an attempt to explain the lay of the land so you know what to expect when you pick something up and can enjoy it for what it is!  Once you get a feel for the set-up, I think it’s really easy to just pick up any comic at any time and start reading! I’m assuming there’s a fair amount of basic cultural osmosis for Batman, but if anyone needs a 101 course, let me know!  In the meantime, this list of recommendations will assume that you’re familiar with things like, “Dick Grayson is the first Robin after his parents are murdered, but eventually Bruce fires him because Dick got shot by the Joker, then eventually he became Nightwing and now he and Bruce have a complicated but generally good relationship, nobody holds the family together like Dick Grayson does.” or “Jason Todd was the second Robin and he died, but then Superboy Prime punched reality so hard that Jason was jolted back to life (or at least that’s the version I go with, I don’t care for the one where Talia dug up his lifeless body) and he was real mad about it for awhile but he’s getting better” or “Tim Drake was the cutest super genius stalker who ever was and he’s got his issues but also I love him DC LET HIM KISS CONNER YOU COWARDS” or “Damian was raised by his mother in the League of Assassins and that fucked baby bird up pretty good until Dick took Damian under his wing to be the Robin to his Batman for awhile and showed him that Damian didn’t have to prove himself to be worthy of being loved, he was loved just because he was Damian, not because he was a Wayne or an al Ghul, and the others are coming around, but those two will always be the most special to each other”. Some good places to start imo: (Note:  Pay attention to year numbers and authors, because many of these titles have earlier runs that are not the ones I’m recommending as good starting points!) - Robin & Batman (2021) by Jeff Lemire, a three-issue mini series set during the early days of Dick’s training, when he and Bruce are still getting the hang of understanding each other, featuring some truly gut-wrenching emotional moments and absolutely stunning art. - World’s Finest 2022-current by Mark Waid, an on-going series of Batman and Superman working together and being friends, the current volume is set during the young-ish days of Dick being Robin and it’s utter joy so far, so many good moments of Dick and Clark bonding by being the most annoying people Bruce has ever had to work with. - Robins: Being Robin by Tim Seeley, a mini-series where the various Robins (Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie, and Damian) are all working together on a case that’s tied up in the story of the role of Robin, featuring some top-tier sibling dynamics that had me howling with how much I love these idiots and a story I genuinely liked. - Nightwing vol 4 2016-current, started by Tim Seely, currently by Tom Taylor, which skips over a lot of the timeline, but I think it’s a better starting place.  Dick’s solo title is usually pretty entertaining for me (and I do like the previous volume, from 2011-2014, but I think the 2016 one is a better starting place) and is has some absolutely gorgeous art and a good amount of Dick working with other superheroes that are friends and/or family.  The writing is fun, charismatic, and just a good ride.  (The wiki has a list of trade paperback collections with their titles to read them in story chunks instead of flinging yourself at individual issues.)  You can also start with “Leaping into the Light” if you want to read something more current and skip over some of the middle issues that are a bit of a slog.  (The 50s to the 70s are not the greatest time on this run.) - “Court of Owls” and “City of Owls” by Scott Snyder are from across various Bat-related titles (like Batman and Nightwing and Batgirl and such) and you can find the two collections/tpbs under the quoted titles.  I’m currently reading this one so I can’t comment on the whole thing, but I’m enjoying the interaction between all the various Bat-family members immensely and it has a really strong story at the center of it, and it’s just a solid place to start for stories in this universe, rather than just characters. - “Batman and the Night of the Monster Men” by various authors is another tpb with a self-contained story that’s kind of wild (comic book logic is basically “Wheeeeee!”) but had some excellent Batfamily interactions and some fun fights against giant monsters, and was an all-around self-contained good time. - “Batman: Cold Days” by Tom King (from the Batman series) is probably a bit of a controversial rec, I know so many people who dislike King’s writing, but I had an amazing time with this book, because it’s the lead-up to Dick getting shot in the head, so there’s extra emphasis on his interactions with Bruce, to really rub salt in the wound of how necessary this kid is to Bruce’s life.  Only background context you really need is: Bruce and his long-time love interest Selina were about to finally get married, but she stood him up at the altar for various reasons, and he’s in a dark place because of this.  Dick comes along to annoy Bruce into a better mood, but one of Batman’s villains is trying to destabilize him so that he can take over Gotham and Nightwing is fucking up his plans by making Batman too stable, so he has KGBeast shoot Nightwing in the head (which will lead to Dick’s amnesia arc, which is not the greatest time for us readers), and the emotional stuff of it was great.  Includes flashbacks to Dick’s early days in Wayne Manor that were really good for me.  (I also enjoyed “Batman: The Rules of Engagement” by the same author, set just before Bruce and Selina’s marriage, it’s the run up to it, and it had a lot of great family interaction stuff, including Selina’s take on how she loves Bruce in a way that really sold it for me.) And a final semi-rec:  While the characterizations might differ a little and the dynamics aren’t a 1:1 match for the comics, the Young Justice animated series from 2010 was a lot of fun, included some great characters, had some genuinely good stories, and you can actually watch it in order!
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dcmiracles · 4 months
I would like to start of that this event is meant to spread positivity, creativity and joy ! I grew up loving and adoring dc and mlb and hero's and magic and this fandom has re-awoken my love for these properties!
I would love to start a two month event of sharing , creating and just exploring idea's !
This whole event is to enjoy being creative and write, draw or just make something !
I encourage you to explore all of miraculous and dc and make creations with who ever you want ! Again ! This is an event to promote Artists, writers and people !
At the end of the event we will be having a vote of which media, artist, fic or art has motivated you the most !
The winner of these votes / categories will receive one free art piece of their choice !
If you would like to participate please list your work under Dc miracles event !
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The categories in question !
Family ( chosen / found, blood / birth ) -Monday Rare pares ! ( Platonic or romantic ) - Tuesday Hurt / comfort ( angst and fluff ) - Wednesday A.us - Thursday Favorite "well known " ships ! -Friday Positivity ! ( this will be a day to write a fic, ship , draw or shout out a friends work in the fandom !!) -Saturday
Sunday will be a free day ! you do not have to write anything ! in fact i would like this day to be for enjoyment and read others work or simply relax !
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maribat-menagerie · 18 days
Welcome to Maribat Menagerie's 1st Event! Malachite Milestones
Malachite Milestones runs through the entirety of June. It is focused on rare pairs and poly ships!
How does it work?
Malachite Milestones works in 3 waves. Each wave is to properly gauge what ships Maribatters would like to see in the event. They will also have their own posts as they commence.
Wave 1:
The ship suggestion form is released. This form explains the specifics within. Any and all ships that you want to see potentially featured in the event must be suggested here.
This form will be open from May 22nd - May 27th, 11:00am EST.
Wave 2:
The previous wave 1 form closes, and all of the suggestions are compiled into another form. This form is the ship selection form where Maribatters will choose from the lists which ships to feature in the event.
This form opens May 27th, 12:00pm EST - May 31st, 9:00pm EST.
Wave 3:
This wave is the true start to the event.
Wave 2's form closes, then the top ships voted for in each section will be determined. These ships are the ones featured in this year's event.
The ships featured in the event are dubbed the 'Active Roster'.
The Active Roster gets revealed on June 1st. Afterwards, creators are free to run while in order to hit milestones.
What are the Milestones and Rules?
The rules of the event are fairly straight forward.
Every submission must be through Ao3.
Every submission needs to be sent through the submissions form in order to count toward the points.
If anyone would like to still create for the event without it going towards points, please feel free to do so! The 1st wildcard is earned via the ship who receives the most pieces via this method.
All pieces will be reblogged (Tumblr) or shared on stories (Instagram), as well as included in the submission tracker to give proper recognition to the work.
The way the milestones work is that every fic (or submission) gets a point. Afterwards the following chart is awarded as a ship hits that many submissions.
5 Submissions = 3 Points
10 Submissions = 5 Points
15 Submissions = 7 Points
20 Submissions = 10 Points
25 Submissions = 15 Points
30 Submissions = 17 Points
35 Submissions = 20 Points
After 35 submissions, the points awarded per milestone remain a mystery until a ship achieves that threshold. For further explanation, check the google doc for the event at the bottom of this post.
What are the aforementioned 'sections' of ships?
Brilliant question! In order to give a wide variety of rare pairs and poly ships, three sections have been created.
Garnet Guardians:
Garnet ships are those 2-member ships that are ‘popular’ or would come to mind by the average Maribatter.
There will be 5 ships in the roster.
Rhodonite Ravagers:
Rhodonite ships are all other 2-member ships in Maribat. 
These ships can be anything so long as it is DC Character/Miraculous Character. Ships from one parent fandom are amazing, but not the focus of this event.
There will be 7 ships in the roster.
Alexandrite Avengers:
Alexandrite ships are 3 or more member ships aka poly ships.
There will be 5 ships in the roster.
Is there any sort of prize or incentive for winning?
Absolutely! There are two main reasons for participating as well as trying to get a ship to win.
Firstly, the top ship of each section will get its own channel within the discord!
To help other ships still have a chance at a channel, 2 wildcards are implied through the event. These will be announced through a tumblr post as well as added to the doc. Wildcard 1 is featured above under the rules.
Secondly, someone has graciously offered to draw for the event!
The drawing will be of the ship that has the most points overall by the end.
It is not something that is won by one person or for one person specifically. Please do not expect it to be.
Final Thoughts
This event in its first year running so if anything goes weird or funky, please feel free to politely point those things that are confusing.
A more in-depth explanation of everything you have seen here, plus a little extra stuff can be found in the event doc. This doc includes all of the links for the event.
For tumblr purposes, these are the tags for the event
Maribat Menagerie Malachite Milestones
Malachite Milestones '24 (or 2024)
Garnet Guardians
Rhodonite Ravagers
Alexandrite Avengers
Maribat Rare Pairs
Maribat Poly Ships
Finally, Have an amazing time zone and see you all again soon!
Prompt Idea Form: Open until May 31st, 10:00 pm EST Malachite Milestones '24 Prompt Ideas
Ao3 Collection: Opens June 1st Maribat Menagerie's Malachite Milestones | Archive of Our Own
Event Informational Doc: Maribat Menagerie: Malachite Milestones '24
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lawscorazon · 2 years
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Welcome to my 1k follower collab and congratulations on joining Lawscorazon’s Productions! We’re glad to have you! We’ve seen and heard great things about you and we’re grateful to have someone like you on our team!
We need your help writing and directing the most filthy and shamelessly smutty content on Tumblr. We’ve got some great actors on our line up but feel free to request your own. Before we get into the fun stuff, let’s cover our bases…
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Before we start I just wanna thank you for 1k because wtf??? That’s such a big number. Thank you for enjoying my content enough to stick around. I appreciate you all so so much. <;33
Before we start I just wanna thank you for 1k because wtf??? That’s such a big number. Thank you for enjoying my content enough to stick around. I appreciate you all so so much. <;33
To celebrate 1k followers I wanted to throw and pxrn themed event because the idea is just so fun and shameless. This event will be exclusively for One Piece to honor my writing roots in the fandom. I was very inspired by both @/munsonsins and @/suna-reversed and their respective collabs following this theme, so go check their’s out too!
CONTRACT (Rules and Regulations)
Due to this being an event to celebrate my milestone you must be following me to join. New followers are always welcome!
You must disclose that you are 18+ somewhere on your blog such as a bio, carrd, or pinned post.
This collab is exclusively for One Piece characters.
Each character/trope pairing and can only be chosen once and a single character can be repeated no more than 5 times. Let’s not typecast our actors!
The collab is open for canon 18+ characters only so no minors (or age play for that matter).
Multiple entries are allowed!
CASTING (How to Join)
To join just send me an ask including a character and a pxrn trope of your choosing, including, but not limited to…
Delivery man, Repairman , Neighbours, Student/Professsor, “Help… I’m stuck!”, Cuckholding, Boss/Secretary, DILF/MILF, Voyeur/Pervert, BDSM Dungeon Master, Secretly fucking in front of someone, “Oh no! It slipped!”
Forbidden tropes: watersports, scat, vomit, anything that fetishize trans people, race play & r*pe play because they make me uncomfy!
And once you’re added to the list reblog this post!
FILMING (Requirements)
Written works and artwork are both permitted for this event!
Fics are to be 500 words minimum, but there is no maximum. Go crazy.
Content must be nsfw to stay on theme and dark content is permitted as long as it is tagged properly.
When you’re done, make sure to tag it with #kaizokuhub collab and tag me when you’re done!
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“Untitled”: fireman!luffy x reader ➟ written and directed @luffysgyal
“HOT PIZZA DELIVERY GUY FUCKS ME WHILE I GIVE HIM DIRECTIONS (REAL)”: pizza delivery man!zoro x reader ➟ written and directed by @lawscorazon
“Untitled”: cam couple + zoro x reader ➟ written and directed by @imperatorkhaleesi
“Who’s Your Daddy?”: dilf!zoro x reader ➟ written and directed by @sanjithesimp
“Lights, Camera, Action!”: casting couch + zoro x reader ft. nami ➟ written and directed by @creamsickle8
“Piece of Cake”: dilf!sanji x babysitter!reader ➟ written and directed by @creamsickle8
“Untitled”: neighbor!sanji x reader ➟ written and directed by @honeyyywitchhh
“Untitled”: femdom!serial killer!robin x reader ➟ written and directed by @luffysgyal [DC]
“Doctor, Doctor”: doctor!law x patient!reader ➟ written and directed by @poohbea
“Untitled”: stepbro!law x reader ➟ written and directed by @lawscorazon
“Extracurricular Studies”: study buddy!law x reader ➟ written and directed by @mzladyd
“Untitled”: law x cam girl!reader ➟ written and directed by @mimi-ya
“CUTE FEDEX DELIVERY GUY FUCKS ME HARD AND EARNS A TIP ( CREAMPIE )”: delivery man!law x reader ➟ written and directed by @garoujo
“Untitled”: help… i’m stuck! + kid x reader ➟ written and directed by @4law
“The Heist”: voyeurism + kid x reader ➟ written and directed by @swampstew
“Untitled”: pregnancy kink + rosinante x reader ➟ written and directed by @thegrandlinesimp
“Study Session”: public sex + ace x reader ➟ written and directed by @z0r0z
“Untitled”: dilf!neighbor!ace x reader ➟ written and directed by @honeyyywitchhh
“Go Hard!”: amateur!ace x pxrnstar!reader ➟ written and directed by @chwanee
“Untitled”: handyman!penguin x reader x handyman!shachi ➟ written and directed by @lawscorazon
“Red Nosed Milf”: buggy x milf!reader ➟ written and directed by @thicksimpx
“Untitled”: threesome + mihawk x buggy x ftm!crocodile ➟ written and directed by @rowan-rites [DC]
“Untitled”: pregnancy kink + rosinante x reader ➟ written and directed by @thegrandlinesimp
“Untitled”: pregnancy kink + rosinante x reader ➟ written and directed by @thegrandlinesimp
“Untitled”: pregnancy kink + rosinante x reader ➟ written and directed by @thegrandlinesimp
“Mess”: squirting + hina x reader ➟ written and directed by @rowan-rites (ao3 link [x])
“Clones in the Throneroom”: gangbang + femdom!doflamingo x reader ➟ written and directed by @rowan-rites (ao3 link [x])
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225 notes · View notes
Fandom: DC Titans
Title: I loved, and I loved, and I lost you
Pairings/Relationships: Dick Grayson & Rachel Roth, Dickkory, Graysonfam
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Major Character Death
After everything they've been through, he never thought the way any one of them goes would end up being so... ordinary. It's cruel to think like that. It's a tragedy. A single event that left his life in pieces. There is nothing ordinary about it. And yet… It wasn't some fucked-up criminal with a blown-up agenda. No demon from Hell, no witch, no evil organization. There was no magic or advanced technology involved. All it took was a stupid, drunk jock who couldn't take no for an answer. The thought makes Dick want to punch holes in concrete walls.
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My comeback was supposed to be fun and sweet and a little spicy, not..... whump. It wasn't supposed to turn into the heaviest angst I have ever written. But I guess I had to process some stuff first and this is a result of that. How to grieve a beloved show? Kill your fav character and put her dad through five stages of grief, I guess 😅 My thoughts on writing Titans have been real messy recently. A constant loop of I want to write them 'cause I miss them but I don't really feel the desire to write them which makes me sad but I really want to write them but what's even the point and I don't have ideas, well I do but should I even bother with them and so on. Until yesterday when this monster hit me and had me sobbing on the floor, which hasn't happened in a really long time. I took it as a good sign and started writing.
And you know what? It hurt like a bitch but hell if it didn't feel good to be back in that saddle.
Enjoy and have a little cry with me.
Anyone still out here? @ambeauty @wonderbatwayne @undertheknightwing @escapism-through-imagination @meetmeunderthestarrynight @legendsofentity @graysonfamfan2021 @therunaway-writer
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dpxdcomegaverse · 4 months
What's this about?
We're an event that celebrates the Omegaverse in the DCxDP fandom! This year it's a weekend starting up on February 9th and ending on February 11th.
What works are allowed?
We're welcoming all works from the DCxDP crossover as well as DC, Danny Phantom and other, further crossovers! Let your imagination run wild! The only requirement we put is for the works to be set in Omegaverse or Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics.
Do I have to sign up anywhere? Do I have to write for every day?
Nope! It's free to just post and tag us! Write for whatever day sparks your muse, create art for any day that inspires you! We’re just happy to see you participate!
Is there an Ao3 collection?
Yes! Here -> https://archiveofourown.org/collections/omegaverse_week
What kind of works can I post?
Whatever you want! A fic, an art piece, fluff, angst, smut, everything is on the table as long as you tag it correctly. The tag is #dpxdcomegaverse24
Why is this a thing?
Because we like celebrating fun things in the fandom, next question please.
Can I post late?
Yes! We're leaving the collection open until the next event
How long does my work needs to be?
We don't have any limits, that goes both ways.
Is there anything not allowed?
AI generated works, stuff that is not your own, and real people in NSFW situations.
Do I have to finish the work before the event ends?
No, we know all to well how plot bunnies can work, enjoy creating content and don't worry about a thing!
I have more questions.
Then send us an ask! We'll get back to you as soon as we can!
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green4allseasons · 8 months
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Featured Work: The Bird and The Hood by Green4AllSeasons
Green began writing fanfiction recently but has been involved in writing/fandom since she was old enough to type and make an internet search. Unfortunately, that access doesn't mean she discovered her identity early; She didn't realize she was ace until her 20s, never before having had a term to describe how she felt until college. Life's been changed for the better with all of the above, and now she writes to keep that mental health in tip-top shape! TBATH is her first fic featuring JayTim from the YJ TV series, and it currently sits at >100k words!
Thank you to @dc-aspec-week for all their work hosting this event. It has been wonderful discovering so many other DC aspec creators. My fic features a Bisexual Tim Drake and Demisexual Jason Todd, and it truly has become a piece of my heart!
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nothinggathers · 11 months
Oh! I wanna ask number 16 and 18 for violence ask game 👉👈
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
LOL I'm almost nervous about this one. Fanon Gavin. Just... fanon Gavin. I don't get it. He's very much a one dimensional prick in the game and that gives you so much scope to employ him as an antagonist, and there's so much you can do with him in that regard! The set up in the game gives damn good reasons for Gavin to treat androids like shit, and it implies he's very much the one to play Bad Cop with criminals, and...
Fanon says he has a sort of affectionately antagonistic relationship with the stone cold murderbot and has cats, and basically puts him through Hank's arc and I feel like that misses out on so much of Gavin's potential as a character. He's a very blank slate in a lot of respects, and I get the appeal of putting this dipshit in the fandom snow globe and giving him a thorough shake, but I don't personally want to see him redeemed. I'd rather see him continue to be a prick and an obstacle, just one that nuts up and does his job in a way that sometimes has him pointing in the same direction as the likes of Hank so Gavin can be a prick and obstacle in a way that benefits the good guys sometimes. 18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
Josh, and I'll admit I do this too. We all know that North got dealt a raw deal by the narrative, and that Simon is quietly one of the more complex characters in Jericho. Kamski gets a decent amount of attention although I wish more people played with him as an outright antagonist out for his own ends instead of portraying him as obtusely benevolent in the background. Chloe doesn't get enough attention but that's my personal biases at play. Everyone accepts that Amanda is a really cool concept that is drastically underserved by the canon.
But Josh.... Our man Josh. He's a pacifist, and he's a university lecturer model, and...
I think out of all the androids in Jericho, Josh is the one that's looked into the civil rights movements that have worked in recorded history and how they're viewed by people now, and that's why he espouses the opinions he does. There are a lot of parallels between the android push for their rights and the Black Civil Rights movement, (and a lot of entirely justified criticism of the way the game handled all of that 'cause god damn DC, really?) and I really think that something could be made out of those parallels being a tactical choice made by Jericho, with Josh at the head of it, specifically to trigger those memories and equate the androids to something familiar and human in the minds of the general human population. And of course it doesn't happen because I'm pretty sure that DC didn't put that much thought into it, but I'd love to see someone better placed than me reframe that narrative as Jericho Knew What It Was Doing instead of "Yeah, DC is a huge piece of shit". (He is. Like I said, I doubt this was intentional on the canon's part. The canon handles this terribly because DC is a giant steaming turd of a human)
Josh is a university lecturer. He's used to getting humans to challenge the way they think and make them see things from different angles, it's kind of what he was built for. If anyone should be directing the revolution with a view to historical events it should be him.
Although I guess arguably that's canon sleeping on Josh, not just fandom.
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dextixer · 1 year
The RWBY crossovers and its additional content are not indicative of RWBY doing well
Since as far back as Volumes 4-5 there have been discussions about RWBY as a franchise and its overall health, whether or not its a successful or a financially viable series. Most of these discussions operate in murky territory, as the information discussed in them is usually assumed or maybe small bits and pieces of official correspondence.
I am not here to talk about whether or not RWBY is successful on its own, although the recent news of underpaid workers, extra hours and the like do indicate that RWBY was produced at least partially due to abuse of workers. No, what i am here to discuss is the RWBY crossovers and the various additional projects that the show has had over time, and whether or not these are good for the franchise or indicative of success or failure.
This thread has been inspired very much by the discussions surrounding projects like Arowfell, because there are many fans of the show who point to such projects to indicate how great RWBY is doing.
Crossovers are a type of media in which two characters/settings/universes or other parts of differing media are tied into a single story or a situation. These have been around for a long time now, especially in various cartoons and have been popularized by Marvel and its "extended universe" which is basically an entire universe of crossovers.
RWBY is no stranger to such things either. RWBY has had crossover with DC comic books, a crossover with the mobile game Crusaders Quest, and even a console fighting game BlazBlue. It also has skins in games like Smite and Paladins. Its pretty good and not every franchise has such reach.
Looking at this, people might assume that RWBY is incredibly popular, no? It has so many appearances in various other media, it HAS to be popular, right?
No, that is not entirely correct. While it is true that crossovers and collaborations of such kind do indicate some amount of popularity (Because both parties have to see a benefit in collaborating), it is not as much as one might think. Even franchises a LOT larger than RWBY do not usually collaborate in any significant manner despite having the ability to do so. Because they have no need to.
Collaborations at the end of the day are there to create a cross-polination of fans, it is basically an advanced advertisement, a "if you like this, maybe you will be interested in this" kind of thing, it does have the benefit of being appreciated by people who are already fans of both things collaborating, but its main purpose is to get new eyes on the product.
And that is kind of the problem...
Because it indicates that RWBY does not exactly have the most sustainable of fanbases with how much crossover projects they are trying to do. Now some may point out that games like Fortnite are doing amazingly despite being crossover baits, and that is correct, because games like Fortnite benefit immensely by not gaining new fans but by getting new skins or other material to use from other games. Crusaders Quest is similar to that, they dont care if they get new fans from their crossovers, what they care is getting new characters/weapons and events for the currently existing fanbase.
RWBY is not like that. It does not get anything from these collaborations. They are non-canon, nothing from them has an effect on the main show or even the RWBY universe. The RWBY universe gets no benefit, no additional IP to use in its works, nada. It just possibly gets new eyes on itself.
We also have to look at the collaboration events that RWBY has had. Did any of them truly benefit RWBY as a show? From looking into the fandom during those events, not really. There was little care generated from the Crusaders Quest event, either of them. The skins for Smite and Paladins were seemingly mostly appreciated by the current fans of RWBY, the DC comic books were of questionable quality and did not really sell too well. And Blazblue died incredibly quickly, not to mention that the reaction of that fanbase to RWBY was visceral.
Its just, the crossovers in their existance seem to be indicative of RWBY fanbase not being large enough, while the crossovers also seemingly fail at bringing in new people. So whats their point?
Not only that, but look at the crossovers i mentioned. What unites ANY of the fanbases mentioned with RWBY? What about RWBY would attract them? Smite and Paladin are MOBA games, they dont really care about shows like RWBY. Mobile players of CQ also dont really care. Only Blazblue seems like a crossover that makes sense, and that was a dud because the Blazblue fanbase did not like RWBY at all due to reputation.
Side Content
RWBY has also a large ammounts of side content, the books writen by Meyers. Ice-Queendom, the comic books from DC that were RWBY canon side-content. The video games of Grimm Eclipse and the newly released Arowfell.
For the most part i would say that the books and the comic books were a success. They did their job well, both expanding the world and giving us pretty well written stories. Of course, i would like if they were more consistent with Canon, as they sometimes seemingly depart from it, or do not cover the events that they maybe should have covered, but this thread is not about that.
Ice Queendom on the other hand.... Forgive me for saying this. But it was average. It truly was nothing special. Both fan and critic alike got hyped for the project, and then everyone went silent. Look, even NOW the community is more likely to discuss V7-8 again that Ice Queendom. It just came and went without much care.
And there is no better way to compare how it did with another Anime based on western IP, Cyberpunk Edgerunners. Ice Queendom quickly fell from peoples watch charts and the biggest discussions that were had about it in its entire existance were the Tow Obukata/Arryn Zech drama and the DISASTROUS release of Ice Queendom by RT. RT released Ice Queendom horribly and seemingly with next to no communication with other streaming services, it even lacked subtitles. And its english dub seems to garner next to no attention. We also had that entire "canon-adjacent" discussion which just showed how weak Ice Queendom was in regards to RWBY IP, we all know that its basically non-canon. We all know that its canonicity is less than that of even Grimm Eclipse which has not even a SINGLE mention in the main show. It was also released during the longest hiatus in the shows history, which generated NOTHING for the main show besides a few new viewers that could be seen here on reddit.
On the other hand Edgerunners was a talk of twitter for like a month or two. CD Project Red paired its successful release with a new update for their Cyberpunk game and had a massive discount. The game was revived from the ashes like a Phoenix despite its very bad initial release. You could see the effect on steam charts. And unlike Ice Queendom it also cleanly slides into the games canon and has a connection.
One can even check the MAL reviews for that. Ice Queendom barely racked up 20k votes on its quality, Edgerunners got over 200k. While it is not indicative of full watch numbers, the difference is staggering to say the least.
Grimm Eclipse had some degree of success back 7 years ago, during the Peak RWBY years. While not the best game, it benefited from the RWBY name and its steam chart data seems to be suggesting that too, 3k peak players 7 years ago, relatively large numbers of ownership, one also has to consider that it was quite cheap to buy too.
Arowfell however, that sank like a brick. While we do not have the exact states the steam charts say that it had 140 peak players, the achievements from the Playstation store and Xbox also suggest at most a 300 player existance going off the "open 1 chest" achievement.
At best, we are looking at 1000 to 2000 purchases of the game, and even that is being generous. That would be 30k-60k in money gained from selling the game. Which is a minuscule amount considering that this was worked on by a team which did so for over a year. The game was a flop.
This is going to be a short section but it has to be said. References in other show do not indicate a shows success. RWBY fans went berserk when RWBY was referenced in Doctor Sleep. But this means nothing. Directors and other people working on such projects often reference things they personally like, its not an indication of popularity.
That and the cheers that were had over RWBY having a minor presence in playeer number one trailer. Its just... None of this shows that a show is popular.
But RWBY fandom reaction was so over the top and overblown it felt like a "country x" mentioned tweet on twitter where people are just happy their country is referenced.
Ending word
Look, this is not meant as a thread for doomsaying, or even saying that RWBY is failing. Its just meant to tell people to not close their eyes and ears and think that everything is fine because RWBY has so many different ways of branching out. Often this is used as proof that RWBY is super popular and a super duper great show.
And these things just dont show that, not to mention that a lot of these side-projects take time and resources from the main show, a show that many of us want to be focused upon. The unreleased DC x RWBY movie crossovers being the most egregious example of that.
It hurts more especially since most of these side-projects dont seem to garner any success, which does not bode well for the main show in turn.
Of course, any arguments or suggestions of the opposite are welcome.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
The Brother Trap
Fandom: DC Comics, Flashfam
Summary: Owen wants to connect with his half-brothers for the first time. Luckily for him, they all go to the same university. Will bad blood between twins keep Owen from the family of his dreams, or is he the missing piece they've always needed?
Chapters: 5/?
Characters: Owen Mercer, Axel Walker, Thad Thawne, Bart Allen, Meloni Thawne, Deborah Morgna, Preston Lindsay, President Thaddeus Thawne Mention
Relationships: Owen Mercer/Axel Walker, Thad Thawne/Deborah Morgna, PrestonBart
Additional Tags: POV Third Person, College AU, Angst and Fluff, Family Dynamics, Family Issues, No Powers AU
Chapter Five: Sportsmanship
Owen sat at the top of the bleachers watching the sunrise. He hadn't been able to sleep, so he thought it'd be nice to be out in the open air. Someone tapped his shoulder and startled him. He turned around to look Thad in the eye. "Jeez, how'd you—? Good morning, Thad," Owen whispered.
"Morning," Thad mumbled. Owen offered him some hot tea. "No thanks."
"Thad, is something bothering you?" Owen whispered. Thad nodded and looked straight out into the horizon.
Thad wanted to say something, so Owen stayed silent. He didn't want to risk cutting Thad off and having him shut down. "Bart and I have sleeping problems. He gets restless, and I have nightmares. Sometimes, I wake up from a nightmare, and I watch him until I can go back to sleep," Thad confessed, "I think it's the nicest thing he can do for me sometimes. It's the only time when I don't feel... Inferior."
Owen took a sip of tea and nodded, waiting for Thad to continue. When he didn't, Owen asked about his nightmares. "Sometimes my mom had to go away for work, and she'd leave us with family or friends of the family... But we're twins, and sometimes that can be a lot to handle, so we'd be split up for whatever time she was gone. I'd usually stay with our grandpa, and he'd go stay with our Uncle Max," Thad took a breath, "He's not really our uncle. He just cares about us... About Bart."
"Yeah, what's your grandpa like?" Owen asked.
"Well, he was rigid, competitive, cold. Nothing I did was ever good enough," Thad explained, "Bart and I were fourteen in track together. We used to do three events each. Our third was the relay. We were evenly matched back then, so we took turns being an anchor.
Grandpa showed up to watch us race, and everything was going great. I was the anchor, but our third was slow on the exchange, and I got second. I knew what Grandpa would say, and when Bart came to congratulate me after the race, I snapped at him. I hit him, and I'll never be able to take that back.
I have nightmares about losing him all the time, but I can't tell him that. I haven't earned the right to tell him that-."
"Thad, I'm no expert on siblings or anything, but maybe telling him about stuff like that'll make you seem more human to him. I was mentored by a guy a while back to keep me out of trouble after my dad died, and I hated him. I thought he was such a jerk. Then one day, I saw him fall apart at his desk. After that, he didn't seem so terrible. He seemed like a regular guy trying to make a difference," Owen explained, "Besides, I'm sure he wouldn't want to lose you either. Maybe he thinks you hate him."
"I don't," Thad blurted out, but he understood what Owen meant. "But if I tell him about that, I'll have to tell him how I put in the applications for us to be roommates."
"He'll get over it, but I'd open with that. Bart's got a pretty short attention span," Owen replied. Thad nodded.
"Are you gonna be here for a while?" Thad questioned. Owen nodded. "I'm gonna race Bart this morning..."
"Why?" Owen asked. Thad shrank down and pulled his hood up.
"Swear you won't laugh," Thad commanded in a feeble voice.
Owen punched him in the shoulder playfully. "On my life," he answered gently.
"I wanted him to show me how to play rugby. I didn't wanna tell you that I don't know how to play because I wanted to hang out with you," Thad confessed.
"I kinda figured you didn't know what rugby was... The thing is, I don't care what we do this week. I just wanted to hang out with you," Owen revealed. As the sun rose, they heard the loud snapping noise of skateboard wheels rolling over the cracks on the sidewalk.
"Bart's here," Thad whispered. Owen offered to hold Thad's jacket for him until he got back.
He watched as Thad rushed down the bleachers to the track and met with Bart. They exchanged words, and Thad pointed up at Owen. Bart waved, and Owen waved back. "Can you tell us when?" Bart yelled.
"Let me know when you're ready!" Owen yelled as he took his duffel and Thad's jacket down to the benches by the track. Bart and Thad stretched and took their marks. Thad looked serious, but Bart seemed beside himself with joy. "Well, you're already on your marks," Owen joked, "Get set... Go!"
The twins took off with a sprint, and Owen sat down on the benches. He took out his phone and videotaped the race, which worked out in everyone's favor because it was close. Bart won by a hair, but Bart didn't stop to see who won before embracing Thad. He picked him up and swung him around. Owen scratched his head and chuckled to himself.
Bart let Thad go, and Thad dusted himself off. He said something to Bart, and they waved Owen over. He walked over to the twins, and Thad invited him to breakfast. "Do you have morning classes today?" Thad asked.
"No, I was just here to watch the sun come up," Owen answered. They walked to the Big Belly Burger together, and the girl from the night shift was back at the register. "Hey, Thad, that's the girl from the other night." He gave Thad a gentle shove forward. "Go talk to her."
Thad approached the register, and the girl smiled at him. "I like your hair," she whispered.
"Oh, I was gonna fix it-."
"Don't," she whispered, "I'm Deb."
"Thad," Thad whispered. Deb smiled at him.
"Can I take your order?" Deb asked. Thad ordered breakfast, and she wrote her number on the back of the receipt. "Maybe I could spike it for you sometime."
"Huh?" Thad asked.
"Your hair," Deb clarified. She gave him three cups, and Thad chuckled and nodded on his way to the table. Owen nudged him, and his face reddened. He took the receipt and put her number into his phone before sending a text message. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and smiled.
Bart took two cups to fill up with soda, and Thad sat up as if he'd just remembered something. "My mom plays cards twice a month. Once with me and once with Bart... My mom wanted me to ask if you wanted to join us this weekend? It's an open thing-."
"Yeah, okay," Owen answered without thinking. He took a sip of his soda and immediately changed the subject. "You should ask that girl out."
"Yeah?" Thad asked. Owen took another sip of soda and nodded.
"What'd she say to you?" Owen questioned.
"She said she liked my hair," Thad whispered. Owen smiled. "I guess it's not that bad." Thad pulled at his bangs, and Owen chuckled.
Bart sat back down and brought their food over. He had a hashbrown in his mouth. Thad took the bag and chuckled. Bart and Thad didn't say much to one another. Owen didn't mind, though. He could tell they were getting along. "There's a party Friday night," Owen announced, "We should all go."
Thad looked at Bart. "Sounds good to me," Bart replied.
"Okay, I'm game," Thad agreed. Owen smiled and snapped a picture of them. Bart went back to eating, and Thad reached for Owen's phone. "Here, let's get one good one." The three of them pulled in and took pictures together. Owen sent them to his brothers, and he saved one of the pictures as his home screen.
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gffa · 7 months
Oh my word, thank you for such a lovely, detailed reply to my ask about comics???? I was expecting to be redirected to some links or blogs, which is ofc great too, but thanks so much for taking the time to type out and formulate all that for me?? I’ve never actually read a comic before so your first paragraph was a bit mind blowing (I had no idea comics worked like that, I thought each comic was like a chapter in the same book ahaha). I also had NO idea about the different eras but it already makes so much of what I’ve seen from the fandom make so much more sense, so thank you for that! (It’s reminds me, like, where people in history never bothered to write down stuff they thought was obvious bc it was obvious to them and then people came along and went ???, so following with this metaphor, thank you for making me “???” lol)
Anyways, sorry, super rambly ask, but thank you so much for taking the time and effort to reply so succinctly and also thoroughly, and also explaining what pieces of media are significant and why so… like seriously, that was so nice of you and I’m??? Ajahwjehrh??? Thank you sssm, once my exams are over I’m definitely gonna have a new media obsession :)
Aww, you're very welcome! I'm glad that I could help ease the way for you! As someone who started with Batman: The Animated Series and Batman Beyond as my first real understanding of these characters (cultural osmosis doesn't count!), it was kind of a hard leap into comics, trying to understand how all of this fit together. To be fair, I don't want to give the impression that there's no coherency in comics from one author to another--it's very clear that a lot of authors are big fans of other authors' runs or they're building on stuff that came before their own run, but I emphasize the lack of consistency between authors because you absolutely cannot rely on that consistency being there, even if it often happens. You cannot pick up a comic from 20 years ago and expect the story to be exactly the same, because it's constantly being retold--authors want to be able to tell flashback stories at multiple points in the timeline, like take Dick Grayson, that "Robin & Batman" series I recommended is a retelling of their early days, of how Dick came up with the Robin costume, and it changes things (like gave him pants this time around, which I'm fine with) and I love that we can get retellings, because now I get to choose if I want to read that one or one of the older ones! We get a lot of really fun new stories able to be told, updated versions that weren't written back in the 1940s with different social norms, and I think that helps keep the comics fresh and interesting! And you're not wrong that some comics are like a different chapter in a single book! That's what Star Wars comics are aiming to be (well, within their own three distinct continuities) or what a lot of non-mainline DC/Marvel comics are like. It's just the main shared world superhero comics are a constantly shifting landscape! (To be fair to fandom not talking about a lot of this, it's also because the different eras are HELLA complicated to talk about if you haven't been reading comics regularly and broadly for 20+ years, like I had a solid grip on things until I left, and now I've been back for five months and I'm STILL fuzzy on just what Dawn of DC even is. It's hard to talk about stuff when you have a fuzzy idea of something, enough to pick up a comic and read, but can't explain high level detail in a post that would take you an hour just to write out all the weird little connections that lead up to an event!) But also thank you for letting me know your level of familiarity with cultural osmosis and what you're interested in getting into! Often times it's hard to know, "Okay, do I have to explain the different Robins or has cultural osmosis taught you enough that we can skip straight to the finer details?" because I love writing out broader views of the characters, but I don't want to patronize someone who is just looking for recs for starting places when making the jump to comics! I want to drag you guys in, but sometimes that requires tailoring things a bit more to where a given person is at/how much they know/what they're specifically intrigued by! Give me more info and I won't shut up in trying to reel you in. :D
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nolanfa · 1 year
I'm trying to keep on this blog just stuff I did myself; for awesome art from other people and interesting stories or useful stuff, check my inspiration blog; @nolanfa-fanart is my fandom-only blog, @nolanfa-clayworks is my clay-only one. If you wanna get an email when I open sales you can subscribe to my newsletter on my online shop
Currently mostly doing 1) clay and 2) fanart (mostly marvel and dc (batfam) those days)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
my tumblr tags under the cut (more reliable for recent work, to be updated as becomes necessary):
nosart: everything art includes:    nosfinal: my finished art pieces (no WIPs there)    nosketch: WIPs, timelapses, doodles and unfinished things    crop: crops of bigger pieces, used as teasers    fanart: well... fanart    sIf: personal stuff, kinda    volume: mostly clay sculptures, but if I do other physically-existing in 3-dimensional space things, that's where it'll go    animation: movement in a video format    animatic-y: narration in a video format    noslore: pictures with text attached
fandom: global fandom tag includes (so far):    dc    marvel    teen wolf    fic rec    fandom events (contains mostly bingo masterposts; block it if you don’t want to see those) (I also try to tag the characters with firstname lastname, or nickname lastname if their usual name is not their legal one)
specific art projects are:    mountain people series: 3D low-poly characters    beach people series: 3D low-poly characters    repeating animal pattern: 2D animal patterns    motivational animal posters    limited palette: landscapes with a limited palette    chimerae project: 2D old naturalist sketchbook-like imaginary animals salmon snakes: clay dragons, about 10 to 30 centimeters (3 to 10 inches) long
tricks: useful stuff to know chatting: discussions with other people
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Links to Latine authors I’ve found on AO3 for Latine Heritage Month!
I’ve listed the fandoms each author has been involved in, and I’m might add more as the month progresses. If you want yourself removed from or added to this list, let me know!
Floozdooz @floozdooz (TMNT)
braeburns @inceldonnie (TMNT, Voltron, Free!)
DG_DarkFantasy @dg-darkfantasy (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures)
Debz_Baumaus (Módào Zǔshī, The Untamed, Persona 5, Haikyuu!!, Zelda, Encanto, Fire Emblem, Oh! My Emperor, Castlevania)
BloodNotInk (Fallen London, Tolkien, The Witcher, Star Wars, Star Trek, Discworld, ASOIAF, X-Men, Dragon Age, Gor Chronicles)
earthseraph (Captain America, Supernatural, 9-1-1, Raven Cycle, X-Men, The Song of Achilles, Red White & Royal Blue, Dante’s Inferno)
nuka_cherries (Assassin’s Creed, MCU, Star Wars, Mass Effect, Fallout, Metal Gear, Zelda, Jurassic Park, Dragon Age, Constantine, Justified)
taniaterror (Shameless, Shadowhunters, The Magicians, Legends of Tomorrow, IT, The Gifted [Thailand], Friend Zone, True Blood, KinnPorsche, Secret Love: Puppy Honey)
Snickerdickles (Voltron, BNHA, Good Omens)
DaybreakKing (Friday Night Funkin', Fire Emblem, Original Works,Spooky Month, Super Smash Brothers, Pokemon, Splatoon, A Hat In Time, Amphibia, Among Us, Undertale, Pico’s School, Codename: Kids Next Door, Hatsune Miku)
This orphaned work called (Mirabel) Madrigal's One-Shots (Encanto)
Icesicleman (SCP Foundation, The Mandela Catalogue, Cuphead, The Binding of Isaac, Deltarune, OMORI, South Park)
waitinbythephone (Hunter X Hunter, Dead Poets Society, Minecraft RPF)
kaoxin (Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE!, Homestuck)
This orphaned work called The Right Way Home (Voltron)
enjolrasstaire (Encanto, IT, Stranger Things, Gravity Falls, Harry Potter)
toluca (Encanto, Black Mirror, The Walking Dead video game, Night In The Woods)
Bakz (Encanto, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Little Witch Academia, Ace Attorney)
Akaunkel (Encanto)
Nyx93 (Minecraft, Video Blogging RPF, Dream SMP, BNHA, Encanto, Good Omens, Among Us, Voltron)
daiyamante (Joker Game, Dangan Ronpa, Girls' Generation | SNSD, EXO, Encanto, Yandere Simulator)
Danaeka (The Umbrella Academy, Encanto, The Untamed, Módào Zǔshī, SPY x FAMILY, The Dragon Prince, Bridgerton, A Whisker Away, Heaven Official's Blessing, The Mentalist, Fruits Basket)
bookienerd2 (Genshin Impact, Your Boyfriend, Original Works, Hazbin Hotel, Encanto, BNHA, FNAF)
Anime_Lesbian_12 (Descendants, DC, Marvel, Miraculous Ladybug, Encanto, BNHA, Assassination Classroom)
AMC1892 (Encanto, ENHYPEN, TWICE)
Feu_Eau (Original Works, Bungou Stray Dogs, Módào Zǔshī, The Untamed, Link Click, Bleach, Tiān Guān Cì Fú, Haikyuu!!, Moriarty the Patriot, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle)
SokkaWithHisHairDown (ATLA, Julie and The Phantoms, The Queer Principles of Kit Webb, Merlin, Encanto, Luca)
ZaltMKrel (WWDITS, Moomin)
vulcanarmr (Marvel, Good Omens, 9-1-1, Encanto, Les Misérables)
ConfettiHedonism (South Park)
ClaraLaClarividente (RWBY, Marvel)
Not_gret (Voltron)
probablywrittenat5am (Stranger Things, Harry Potter, IT, B99, A Series of Unfortunate Events)
beforupml (Phandom)
LionDuckling (One Piece, Final Fantasy XV, Ao no Exorcist, InuYasha)
Sleepytimeho9es (Harry Potter, Powerpuff Girls, ATLA)
Bowieee (LEGO Monkie Kid)
voireki (BNHA)
maryly_ever_after (Dream SMP, Hermitcraft SMP, Encanto, )
EeveeTheSquid (BNHA, Merlin, Encanto)
dismalatbest (Encanto)
bellonaz (BNHA, Descendants, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Coco)
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idontbeatgames · 11 months
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I've been wanting to discuss this in a video for a long time now but starting 2024, I think DC Studios should consider bringing back the DC Fandome and it should become a yearly tradition going forward.
By all accounts, DC Fandome was a resounding success in the past. It lived up to the exact expectations it set: being a hype event for DC fans where DC got to announce projects, both big and small, while also giving us updates on things currently in the works. And while I understand that right now Warner Bros isn't in the best financial position in the world, I do think this is something that needs to be done. 
There's always going to be New York Comic Con and there's always going to be Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con, though Hall H is typically associated with Marvel and their grand reveals. However, DC unintentionally made a statement with DC Fandome and that was "we can announce a ton of things, give a ton of stills, behind the scenes footage and full-on trailers without having to hide it away from our fans at home" and that resonated so damn much with DC fanbase, post-DC Fandome. 
I think having a yearly event where James Gunn along with other directors working on DCU projects and actors involved with the DCU come on screen to talk to us, the fans, about what's going on with their projects, giving us new stills of people in their costumes, new pieces of concept art and teaser/regular trailers could go along way to reestablishing what DC Entertainment is all about on the big screen. For a very long time now, we've gotten that with Marvel and its cinematic universe. We've gotten to see actors come on stage and talk to fans after Kevin Fiege himself announces some projects, and it's always worked and done enough to keep people invested into the MCU all these years later. If DC Studios continued pushing the DC Fandome as a yearly event while also continuing to make it creative enough so it continue to stands out and keeps things refresh in the long run, that'd be such a win for the DC Cinematic Universe and its hopefully growing fanbase as the years go by, assuming Superman: Legacy sets a high bar.
The biggest thing that would come from this, though, is it can help rebrand the image of and morale surrounding the DC Cinematic Universe. Right now, people simply aren't happy with the state of DC projects. They're not happy with the lack of communication from DC Studios, since you know, they're kind of just sending out 4 projects to die this year with very little fan fare. Though, they did bank on The Flash and that went incredibly poorly for them. However, the point I'm trying to say is that DC Studios allowing the DC Fandome to become this new form of communication for DC Studios to speak to the fans as we start our journey into this new era of DC films rather than everyone having to rely on James Gunn continuously responding to questions on Twitter, Mastodon, or whatever social media platform he's using these days is the best way to go about rebranding the image surrounding DC. DC Fandome becoming the home to all of the biggest and smallest announcements while DC Studios also acknowledges they hear the fans, know what the fans want and are here to deliver on the things people thought they'd never do while surrounding it with smaller fun tier stuff like mobile games, new comic stories getting published or pieces of merchandise like cool figures getting announced would continue to build upon the new image of the DCU. It's an absolute win for everyone involved, at least, in my opinion.
If you've gotten this far and read this post, feel free to let me know if you agree or disagree. I'm curious to see how folks feel about wanting DC Studios to bring back DC Fandome.
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