#tighten bike brakes
rankfast · 1 year
The adventure starts here! Get your outdoor fix with us. We provide the best tips and tricks on camping, hiking, and other outdoor activities. Learn how to adjust your bike brakes with our easy-to-follow guide. Adjust your brakes and be ready to ride with confidence!
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virmillion · 2 years
gender euphoria from successfully putting together my new bike vs gender dysphoria from my dad looking over my shoulder and saying we should just send it to a bike shop: fight
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Sam Kerr x Hardersson!Reader
Millie Bright x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Sam redeems herself
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Magda opens the door on a random Saturday afternoon.
"Can y/n come out to play?"
Sam's standing outside the door and Millie, Guro and Erin are waiting by the brick wall.
Magda has to smother her laughter. It does look like a bunch of naughty kids trying to get their friend's mother to let their friend go out and cause mischief with them.
Sam's holding a helmet.
Magda looks at her suspiciously. "Why? What are you planning?"
Sam looks back at the others helplessly. The three of them whisper to each other before Millie approaches the front gate with a little bike.
"You didn't," Magda groans," Tell me you didn't."
"It was Sam!" Guro yells.
"Is it your life mission to injure my child?" Magda asks dryly," Because you're doing very well."
"Kristie picked it out!" Sam says quickly," I called her in the store! And, I picked up a helmet and same pads. I promise we'll be careful."
"She doesn't know how to ride a bike. You'll have to teach her."
"We will!"
"Hmm." Magda looks over them all suspiciously. "If she comes back with even a little scrape then all of your playdates have to be supervised. Agreed?"
"Princesse! Your friends are here to see you!"
In a matter of minutes, you're ready to go. You take Millie's hand and she and the others take you to the park that you train with Zećira at.
"Okay," Millie says," Safety first."
She helps you into the helmet, tightening it nice and tight and then pulling on your elbow and knee pads.
Sam stands a little bit further away. She'd called Kristie the day after she accidentally poisoned you with kiwi and was warned to keep a little distance from you if Jessie wasn't around to keep you safe.
"Right," Erin says," Now get on."
You look at the bike. Guro's holding it upright and you inspect it.
It's two tones of red. One is a more orangey style of red while the other is a kind of maroon red. It looks pretty cool but you're still a little worried so you grip Millie's hand nice and tight.
She leads you over and you poke at a few things before getting on. Momma and Morsa have been promising to get you a bike for a while now but said that it's an after-winter thing so you don't fall on the ice or something.
You think it's kind of cool that Millie, Guro, Erin and Sam have gotten you one early.
You get on.
Erin points at a few things. "There are the brakes. You have to do them gently or you'll go flying off the bike. And these are the pedals. You have to pump your legs very fast, okay?"
You nod. "Okay."
Millie moves behind you to grasp the back. "I'm not going to let go. You just need to pedal, alright?"
You let Guro show you where the hold the handles and then how to get the pedals moving. You go slowly at first because Momma always warns you that you need to start slow on new things.
Millie remains behind you like she said she would and she's gently tell you when to start breaking and when to pedal a bit harder. Guro and Erin jog next to you while Sam stays at the very back.
"Very good!"
You give a Guro a high five as you dismount.
You like your new bike. It's very fun but the seat is a little weird but that's just something you'll have to get used to. Momma and Morsa can both ride bikes and when you were much littler, Momma told you that she used to strap you to her chest so you could ride with them.
You think that's cool but you're much too big for that now so it'll be nice to ride one by yourself.
Guro helps you back on and teasingly taps your helmet. "Working!" She confirms as you giggle," Got to keep that genius brain of yours intact!"
You don't recognise one of those words and furrow your brow. "What's genius mean?"
"Someone who's very smart," Millie says as she tucks your feet under the little straps over the pedals," Like you."
You think for a moment. "But I'm not smart."
"You are," Guro insists, bobbing her head up and down like you see the seagulls do at the beach," Because you can speak so many languages."
You don't really understand that. Languages are easy and Morsa once told you smart people are people that can learn and do lots of hard things. Languages are easy though so you're not that smart because what you can do isn't difficult.
"You're like a sponge," Erin says.
"I'm not a sponge!"
"It's a good thing," Millie promises you," It means you suck up all the information we give you and it stays in your head."
You fall silent to think again. Maybe you are like a sponge. Momma says you have a very good memory and having a good memory is exactly what Millie's just described.
"Hmm," You say, not agreeing or denying because you don't know which response is correct. You don't like being wrong so sometimes it's better to just say nothing when grown-ups are being confusing.
"Should we have another go?" Guro asks," I'll stay at the back!"
"No fair!" Erin complains," I wanted to help!"
Guro sticks her tongue out at Erin and you giggle as she takes the spot that Millie used to be in.
Millie hangs back with Sam as Guro and Erin start pushing you along. Your feet are pumping furiously to get up to speed.
"It's was awful," Sam laments as she jogs lightly with Millie at the very back," The look on Kristie's face when she found out!" She buries her face in her hands. "She's never going to trust me with kids again. She told me if anything ever happens to y/n because of me again, she'll kill me! They've not even met in person!"
"Mate," Millie snickers," She'll have to get here quick if she's planning to beat out Magda."
Sam groans again. "It was awkward knocking on there door. She made me feel like I was a kid again."
"It's the Mum stare." Millie shivers at the thought. "It's terrifying and Magda had all that time before y/n and Pernille even moved in. I hate to think about how well Pernille's perfected it."
Sam shivers now too. It's one thing to see Magda angry, that's expected but she rues the day that someone gets Pernille angry enough to explode.
She looks over to where you and the others are and then freezes.
There's a long patch of ice on the path that you swerve into uncontrollably and you lose control of your new bike. That wouldn't be a problem on its own but Erin and Guro both get totally wiped out by the ice and tumble into each other.
"Oh, shit."
Sam barely hears Millie's words as she takes off into a sprint, making sure to stay on the grass borders rather than the stone path. You've got a good distance on her (and you're also going down a slight incline) but you're still only little so it's not too far to catch up.
In your blind panic, you've forgotten about your brakes and, honestly, Sam's kind of glad. If you slammed them on now, you'd probably go headfirst over your handlebars and land painfully on the ground.
Sam manages to get in front (barely) and grabs onto the front of your bike. You're still going pretty fast, a combination of the little hill and the ice, so the bike slams into her groin.
It's painful but Sam can't really feel it as she's focused on you.
Millie's further away, helping Guro and Erin to their feet as Sam wheels the bike onto the grass and helps you off.
You're panting a little bit but not crying so she counts it as a win. You look back at where you lost control of it all, your shoulders falling and rising quickly.
You move into Sam's arms, burying your head into her neck like you would do with Momma and Morsa if they were here.
"Hey," Sam says softly, drawing you in and rubbing your back," It's okay. It's okay."
You nod. It's a barely noticeable movement but you're pressed up so close to Sam that it almost feels like you want to hide away under her skin.
"It's alright. Hey, you did so well for your first try. So well. I know it got scary pretty fast but that's okay. Next time, we'll go somewhere with no ice. Does that sound good?"
You nod again.
"Let's get you home."
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marlynnofmany · 5 months
Fun and Dangers with Hovercycles
When the spaceship is grounded for a mechanical checkup that most of the crew helps with, but your knowledge of alien tech is limited to “That button means go, right?” then there’s not much to do. I’d been stuck with cleaning duty on other similar overhauls, which was fair enough. But it sucked. So I was delighted today to find that Mur was giving the hovercycle a once-over in the cargo bay, and didn’t mind letting me help.
“Is it hard to ride?” I asked while he shone a flashlight into the fuel tank, standing on the tips of his tentacles to get a good look. “I’ve never actually gotten to.”
“I wouldn’t say so,” he replied. “The balancing function is top-notch, and the brakes are reliable.”
Paint sorted through the toolbox, organizing wrenches and whatever. “It’s a little high off the ground for my taste.” She craned her lizardy neck to look up at me. “But that may not bother you.”
“Probably not,” I said with a smile. “Can I try it? There’s never been a good chance before. It’s always in storage unless we need it for some rush delivery on the far side of a space station.”
Mur sighed and clicked off the light. “Yeah, and that’s usually my job these days. Mimi is a great rider, but he’s usually busy, and Coals is respectable but doesn’t like to…”
“I don’t like to either!” Paint exclaimed, holding a scaly hand to her chest. “He always has a better excuse!”
“Why don’t you like to?” I asked.
“Too fast, dangerous.” Paint shook her head. “I don’t like the pressure of urgent deliveries when a minor distraction could leave me and the package smeared across the scenery.”
“Okay, fair,” I said.
“It’s not that dangerous,” Mur said. “It won’t tip over, and the brakes have an impact sensor.”
“It feels that dangerous!” Paint insisted, lashing her tail and looking away.
I said, “I guess you can’t really drive slower without being late, huh?”
“Oh, some deliveries have plenty of time. But it’s still too high off the ground.”
“Can I try?” I asked again. “It really doesn’t sound that scary to me.”
“Sure, why not.” Mur tightened the fuel cap and consulted the checklist. “We’re almost done here.”
The rest of the checklist was quick. I helped by holding things and occasionally reaching with my long human arms, while Paint was in charge of the toolbox and unscrewing things with her claws.
“Annnd done!” Mur said as he finished the checklist with a flourish. “Let’s take it outside where you won’t crash into a wall.”
“I thought you said there were impact sensors for that,” I reminded him as he clambered into the seat.
“Eh, they’re not perfect.”
Paint hit the controls for the bay door, toolbox already set aside, and I followed as the hovercycle whirred quietly out onto the alien landing pad.
I reflected that this really was an ideal place to practice riding. Only a couple other ships were parked at the moment, some distance away, and the settlement was set far enough back that people wouldn’t be bothered by the noise and whatnot of landing spaceships. Everything else around us was dry, rolling ground, with hills in the distance and not so much as a cactus to dodge around.
“You twist this to go forward,” Mur said. “Turn it the other way for backward, or just a little to slow down. It’s pretty intuitive once you’re moving.”
“Just don’t twist it too far!” Paint said. “It can go really fast!”
“Right, I’ll be careful,” I said. “Do I steer by leaning or turning the handlebars?”
Mur gave me a few more pointers on the basics, with Paint adding cautionary tips, and soon enough they let me get on. It wasn’t really human-shaped like an Earth bike, but it was close.
“Okay, so I’ll just aim to go over that way, then circle back,” I said. “This way for forward, this way for backward?”
“Right,” Mur said, tentacle-walking up onto the ramp.
“Start gently!” Paint said as she scampered up beside him.
“Got it.” The motor was already on and burbling away, so I held on tight and gave the throttle a minuscule twist. The bike scooted forward.
With Mur and Paint offering encouragement behind me, I eased it out across the smooth ground with no trouble, giving a couple experimental leans to get a feel for the auto-balancing mechanism. It really was good. Then I sped up a little, and was honestly impressed with the stabilizing gyros or whatever. Even on sharp turns, I didn’t feel like I was in danger of being thrown off or skidding out of control, which was pretty great. I still had a traumatizing memory of bike-riding as a kid and running over a tin can that slid out from under me. But there would be no scraped-up arms today! This hoverbike knew what it was doing. I gave it some proper speed.
I zoomed over a couple low hills, laughing at the change in pitch while the hover engines adjusted to catching air. I spun in tight circles and a gradual curve, leaving a faint trail of dust behind me where the wind of my passing had kicked it up.
Then I got a look back at my coworkers on the ship’s ramp, and they were waving their hands urgently. I straightened out and looked around in alarm; was some local beastie or natural disaster right behind me?
Nope. Not unless it was invisible. Which I wasn’t ruling out.
I powered back toward the ship, worried now, and braked to a stop that felt pretty darn perfect for my first time out.
“ARE YOU OKAY?” Paint yelled, rushing over.
“Yeah, why?” I looked behind myself again.
“Wait, you weren’t out of control?” Mur demanded. “You were going that fast on purpose?”
“Uh, yeah? Should I not have?” I took in their worried faces. “It felt pretty safe. You’re right about the balance; that’s great.”
“WHAT?” Paint exclaimed while Mur laughed. “Why would you go that fast on purpose?”
“It’s fun?” I asked, shrugging. “I really didn’t think it was that big a deal. Do neither of you like going fast ever? I mean I can understand not wanting to worry about getting an urgent delivery there on time, but what about casual joyriding?”
The way Paint was sputtering for an answer and Mur wasn’t even trying to come up with one told me I’d stumbled into another unexpected bit of culture clash.
Paint finally settled on, “No, that is terrifying!”
Mur straightened up from where he’d collapsed into a puddle of tentacles and helpless laughter. “I’ve been doing all the time-crunch bike deliveries because I can hold on best! You’re doing the next one.”
“Okay,” I said, smiling a bit myself. “You know I thought you were trying to tell me there was something chasing me, right?”
Paint covered her eyes. “I can’t believe you flew over that big hill deliberately.”
“Oh, that was great!” I said. “I want to do that again. Can I?”
Paint spun to walk back up the ramp. “Have fun! I’ll tell whoever’s in the cockpit not to call for bandages unless you ask.”
Mur told her, “You should probably tell the captain about the roster change too.”
“On it!”
“Thanks,” I said. When Mur waved me forward, I zoomed back out into the desert for more joyriding. It really was fun. I made sure not to do anything reckless like standing up during a jump, as much as I wanted to. The crew in the cockpit was probably worried enough already.
I looked forward to the next urgent delivery, though.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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adventuringblind · 10 months
Could you write something with max dating a MotoGP rider
Four is better then two
Max Verstappen x reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: reader takes Max for a rider on her bike
Warnings: none (for once)
Notes: written in second person. I’m expanding my horizons with these fluffy things. I’m cringing at my own writing because my imagination is to vivid. Also this is short sorry T_T
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You had known Max liked bikes. He owns a Harley himself. It makes sense that he would be into what you do. Actually getting to race on a motorcycle around a track. Different then formula 1 sure, but still racing nonetheless.
Normally, Max hates marketing and the videos they make him do. But he’s making an exception this once since his girlfriend is taking him around the track on a bike. Not her bike because that one is for racing only, but something similar.
Max introduces you and him to the camera and sets himself behind you. A GoPro strapped to his helmet. She to having to wear pull helmets, it’s not going to get face reactions, but you have a feeling it’s going to catch a lot of swear words.
“You wanna ease into this?”
“Absolutely not.”
You rev the engine and pull out onto the track. Swerving a bit to warm yourself up. You start speeding up as soon as you hit the grid. Max’s grip around your torso tightening.
Your yelling for the fun of it as you brake late into turn one. The bike leaning farther into the ground then Max was expecting.
“You alright?”
“Simply lovely.”
You take that as a challenge. In turn two you hug the inside corner, almost hitting the chicane at an unrelenting speed.
Bikes are different then f1 cars. It’s easier to see and feel the speed because you’re more exposed even if you’re not going as fast. Something Max was not as prepared for as you continue taking the corners with amazing speed.
“I think- I don’t like this anymore.”
“Do you want me to slow down?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Your call!”
Then your speeding up into the last few corners. Max is holding on for dear life and you can’t stop laughing.
As you pull in to the pits and park the bike, Max falls to the ground with a thud.
“I love you and your sport. But I think I’ll stick to four wheel from now on.”
You lean down and kiss his forehead. “It’s okay Maxy. Next time you can drive.” You send him a wink as you walk back towards to camera.
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lightwing-s · 1 year
I feel it in the air, second date is coming for biker!jason
a/n: not a full comeback, but i was dying to write for biker!jason so after the first, he is a second date and more to come ♡
Do you wanna learn how to ride? were the last words you expected you’d hear tonight. But there you were now, legs hanging on each side of Jason’s motorcycle, as your feet barely touched the floor. The black dress you had worn for dinner was now rolled up your thighs, and your heels thrown somewhere on the floor of the empty parking lot you were on. 
Your date, standing right beside you, instructed you on how not to fall face first on the ground with his precious bike. Jason’s hand rested on top of yours, his thumb caressing the cold skin as he continued to teach you the mechanisms of the bike.
 “So, here on your left you have the clutch. You’re gonna use it every time you need to change gears, just like a car. And to do that… ” he lowered himself to be levelled with the gear pedal, moving his touch to your bare leg. “You’re going to use your pretty legs to work this pedal, alright?”
Listening attentively, you could only shake your head and hope all that information would get to your head, but it was quite hard to do it, as his hand slowly slid up to rest on your tights as he stood from his former position, taking away all your concentration.
“On your right you have the brakes. Hand is front, feet is back. Be careful with those ones, they’re both important but used wrong can also be dangerous.” he told you sternly, eyes glued to yours. “Why do I feel you’re not listening?” he lowered his voice, almost whispering against your neck.
“I promise, I am” you laughed, confident but still avoiding his eyes, fearing what would happen if you kept staring at it for too long.
“Alright” breathed a laugh, stepping away from you. “Give it a try now, but don’t go crazy on the throttle…”
Before he could finish, you rolled the throttle heavier than you imagined all the while releasing the clutch faster than you should have, the bike jumping forward and immediately being held down by Jason’s strong arms.
“I really can’t do it.” you told him, while awkwardly laughing the embarrassment away.
“Yes, you can.” he assured.
“I can barely keep my balance.” 
Trying to find an excuse to quit was too hard around Jason, who was adamant on having you drive, even if just two metres, on his bike tonight. Head shaking at your attempts to leave, he was definitely amused, as a smile didn’t cease to remain on his face. “Here, let me help you.”
You felt Jason’s leg moving behind you, as he took the back seat. Soon after, his chest met your back as his arms reached over yours, caging you to the bike. His hand now rested on top of yours and guided you on a ride that lasted a few minutes, but longer that you’d expected.
“Here, you did it” he said, as you raised your arms up in celebration. “I told you could, didn’t I?”
“I guess I had a great teacher.” you smile at him over your shoulder, tongue between your teeth, and a quick wink as you feel his hands moving to your waist.
“No, you just have a lot of potential.” he complimented, placing a kiss on your shoulder. Feeling the air grow thicker around you, you move a bit on your seat, accidentally grinding his crotch, feeling a big volume hit against your ass. Biting your lip, you bend forwards, laying your chest on the tank and making sure to lower the space between you both in the back.
You heard a loud sigh and his grip tighten around your waist. One of his arms curled around your middle, pulling you back up to rest your back on his chest again, while his free hand roamed to where your dress rolled up to expose your thigh.
“Stop grinding on me, little dove. Or we won’t make it out of this parking lot.” he whispered in your ear, causing goosebumps to run down your spine and wetness to form between your legs. A side of you really hoping to not make out of that parking lot.
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jameskellygf · 14 days
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| Biker! James | f!reader |
collection of blurbs abt biker!james, sex outside, fluff
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| Late night drives |
you’re on the back of his bike, arms wrapped tightly around his torso as he weaves through traffic, speeding past cars and you can feel him laughing at the honks and yells he’s getting from the other drivers on the road. once the road ahead is clear he speeds up a little more, turning his head and yelling to you “hold tight, darlin’!” as he cranks the gas and the front of the bike pulls up in the air, chuckling at your shriek and slowly hitting the brake to bring you guys back down, taking one hand off the bars and patting your arm. “you’re alright, sweetheart.” he assures, leaning back forward and revving the engine, speeding up and pulling behind some trees, bending you over his bike with his hand over your mouth, thick cock splitting you open deliciously. “fuck, babydoll, takin’ me s’good.”
| Babydoll’s first bike |
he’s crouched down, tightening a bolt on the part he’s just installed on his bike. he’s got music playing softly in the garage, you’re perched on a table near by, watching him rebuild this bike. he stands back up, wiping the sweat on his forehead with a rag and walking to the table you’re sat on and leaning on it with his hands on the surface. “i think i can get her up and runnin’ in a week” he says, turning to lean his back against the table, looking up at you with a small proud smile. “oh fuck yeah. whatcha’ got left to do, jamie?” you ask, hopping down from the table and going to inspect the broken down bike. “well i just got the transmission in, i think all that’s left is replacing the gas tank, changing the filters and then putting the panels back on. and then a buddy of mine’s gonna repaint it for me, i’m thinkin’ of doin a dark blue, maybe dark green.” he explains, pulling you back into him by the hips, peppering kisses along your shoulder and hands sliding over your stomach. you lean back, resting your head on his shoulder as you talk. “ooooo dark green! that would look amazing, especially if you got a matte top coat.” he nods and kisses your cheek, gently squeezing your hips and going back to the table and grabbing more tools. a week later he’s pulling you into the garage, presenting you with a set of keys and pulling the sheet off the bike. the broken and tattered bike now the dark matte green you’d suggested. “jamie. what are you doing?” you say, surprised expression taking over your face. “you did not. no. what the fuck? baby! oh my god!” you laugh, and he just smiles cheekily. shoving the keys in your pocket and pulling you in for a hug by the fabric of your jeans. “you’re welcome, babydoll. your very first bike, built by your one and only.” murmured into your hair, soft kiss planted on your head.
| Leaving |
you’re greeted with his voicemail yet again, throwing your phone down on the bed and walking briskly to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of smirnoff, popping the lid, gulping down a third of the bottle. it’s been 2 weeks of james not coming home until the middle of the night, slowly climbing into the bed as to not wake you, plans failing because you spent most of the night awake waiting for him to get home. you plop onto the bed, taking a few more drinks and clicking the tv on and flipping through channels before landing on some stand-comedian.
it’s about 2am when you hear him pull into the drive, keys jingling as he unlocks the door and shuts it softly behind him. “where have you been?” you ask, throwing the blankets off your legs. you don’t dare look over at him yet, tears already welling in your eyes. “and don’t fucking tell me it’s work. there’s no reasonable way you can cover up whatever it is you’re doing with work.” you spat at him, lighting a cigarette and blowing the smoke out in a cloud. he jumps a bit, not expecting you to be awake and he sighs. “babydoll, it’s not what you’re thinking. it’s frankie. he got in some shit again and he got me roped up in it. i’m takin’ care of it.” his tone is soft, and he walks towards you slowly, setting down his backpack and peeling his jacket off. you scoff, eyes rolling as you throw your hands up. “oh of course, frankie needs his baby brother to save his ass again. jamie, when the hell are you gonna realize you can’t save him.” your eyes meet his, staring daggers into him.
his shoulders drop, frown apparent on his face. “what’d’ya expect me to do, y/n? let him go back to jail? c’mon, baby. i’ll have it figured out by the end of the week. i’ve always taken care of it, you know that.” he wraps his arms around your waist, going to kiss your cheek but you lean back and push his arms off of you. “no. no, you’re not gonna do this. you are not gettin’ out of this that easy. the last time this shit happened you came home with a broken nose, arm and bruised ribs. he’s gonna get you killed one day, jamie!” your voice grows louder, taking another drag of the cigarette and putting it out. “or the one time you ended up in a damn coma for a week. james, you’ve gotta stop trying to save him. i’m sorry, but i can’t keep standing on the sidelines here.” your voice softens, hands swiping at the tears that rolled down your cheeks. his shoulders raise, hands in the air as he scoffs in disbelief. “baby, come on you can expect me to j-“ he’s cut off by the sound of your stomps, you open up the closet, grabbing a bag and shoving clothes into it. “woah, hey, baby no. come on, hey i’m takin care of it! i can’t have it finished by tomorrow, that’s just not possible.” he tries to reason with you, but you meant what you said.
“i’ll stay at a friends tonight. i’ll be back tomorrow to grab my stuff.” you sniffle, pushing past him and slipping your shoes on. he follows closely after you, pleading with you. “no, baby put the bag down and take off your shoes. i’ll sleep on the couch. it’s late, i don’t want you out there. just give me a week. i’ll be done with it in a week i promise you!” he begs, blocking the front door with his body. “move, james. i’m leaving.” you mumble, ducking under his arm quickly and walking out of the door, strapping your bag to the motorcycle and sliding the helmet over your head. “y/n get in the fuckin’ house.” he yells, stopping once he’s reached the bike. you swing a leg over the bike, starting the engine and flipping the plastic shield down on your helmet. he blocks your path with his body, sad eyes looking into your rage filled ones. “y/n, please. come back inside. please” he breathes out, dropping his head between his shoulders momentarily. “please.” he says again, looking back up at you. you shake your head, revving your engine and stepping on the gas just enough to jerk forward. he jumps out of the way, shocked expression on his face as you pull out of the drive, speeding down the road. and all he can do is watch with his hands on his head.
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vienssunshine · 6 months
Distracted Driving
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pairing: Yuki Tsukumo x fem!reader nsfw: dom!Yuki wc: 1.9k author's note: I skimmed a motorcycle tutorial for this description: Yuki convinces you to ride her bike and rewards you for your bravery
“There’s nothing to be afraid of,” Yuki says, holding out her spare helmet.
You’re floored she would even suggest the idea. “I’ve only ridden on your motorcycle, what makes you think I can drive it?”
“You’ll be a natural,” she urges, pushing the helmet into your arms, “and this is the perfect place to try it out.” She gestures to the abandoned dirt lot you’re standing in; it doesn’t have much to crash into. The only other thing out here is the road lined with glowing streetlights heading back to a city you passed around fifty miles back, a distance like that meaning an ambulance would take forever to arrive if you had an accident. You can’t even get started about wait times in emergency rooms.
“You said we were coming out here to go stargazing, not to see how fast I can kill us both by crashing your bike.”
Yuki laughs and steps closer. “It’s cute when you get all worked up over nothing.” She presses a kiss to your flushed cheek. “What if I give you a reward for your bravery?”
“It’s not bravery, it’s stupidity,” you respond. This is a bad idea, no doubt about it. You have trouble driving a car, which has four wheels, a motorcycle only has two. It’s like making the jump between rollerskating and rollerblading, but with the potential of much more severe consequences. Your eyes flick back up to Yuki—she’s dressed in her stupid, dangerous, sexy motorcycle jacket and goggles—and see her watching you with a tilted head and smirk. She’s been your girlfriend long enough to know that curiosity is tugging at you and isn’t surprised when you look away and ask, “But…what is the reward?”
Yuki turns, walking back to her propped-up bike. “Only one way to find out.”
She’s such a tease. What’s more frustrating is how it works so well on you.
You huff, strapping the helmet on. “All right.” It can’t be that bad, can it?
It is indeed bad when you’re on the thing, the angry engine rumbling beneath you and the exhaust spitting out fumes of gray smoke. The glare of the headlights just barely scares off the darkness of the night so you can see the dirt a few feet in front of you. If Yuki’s arms weren’t wrapped around your waist, you would’ve been off the motorcycle in a second.
Your fingers tighten around the handlebars. “This is a terrible idea.”
“You’re gonna do great,” Yuki purrs in your ear, sending a tingle down your spine. Or is this death machine activating your fight-or-flight response? Either way, you readjust yourself in the seat.
“Okay, whatever, how do I even do this?”
One of her arms loosens from your waist and she lays her hand on top of yours on the right handlebar. Her riding gloves leave her fingers uncovered, so you’re able to feel her skin as well as the rough leather coating her palm. “This is the throttle, and you twist it toward you to move forward.” With Yuki leaning forward to demonstrate the mechanics of the handlebars, her chest is pressed against your back. Her motorcycle jacket would muffle the sensation if it wasn’t unzipped like it is now, so you can feel the plushness of her breasts on your shoulder blades as she’s describing another lever on the bike. “…is the brake. Got it, angel?”
“Um, yeah…yeah I got it.” Doesn’t seem that hard, just a few twists and levers. Maybe it is possible you’ll survive this ordeal.
“Okay, I’ll just–” You twist the right handlebar toward you and the bike kicks up and starts rolling forward.
Yuki laughs, “Attagirl! Look at you go!”
You laugh a little too, not because you’re amused, but because you’re in disbelief that you’re moving the thing and haven’t blown up yet.
Still cautious, you turn the throttle slightly further, bringing the speed of the motorcycle up past the pace of a casual walk. And when you steer the bike into a gentle turn at the border of the dirt patch, you find it easier to control than you expected. Soon you’re successfully circling the lot while Yuki cheers you on. As impossible as it first seemed, you’re actually doing it, you’re driving her motorcycle.
“That’s my girl,” Yuki says. You want to turn and show her the smile her encouragement brings to your face, but you’re not comfortable driving without looking straight ahead yet.
“This is kinda fun,” you say, still leaving room to change your opinion in case of the terrible crash that your nerves are convinced will happen.
“You’re so good at it,” Yuki responds, giving your waist a small squeeze with her arms.
These kind of situations are why you like dating Yuki so much, she knows how to pull you out of your comfort zone, help you grow and try new things. Despite your anxiety, every experience she’s helped you through, though usually miserable whilst occurring, has been rewarding after pushing through it. It’s how you feel now, you’re proud of yourself for doing something that scared you.
You’re about to express your gratitude when her hands unclasp themselves from around your waist and travel up your torso. Your brows furrow, but you’re able to focus on the upcoming turn until her fingers splay out on your breasts, squeezing and kneading them.
You look down to the gloved hands on your chest. “Yuki, what…what are you doing?” The motorcycle lurches to the side and you snap your eyes back up to the dirt ahead of you, scrambling to re-center the bike until it steadies. The close call leaves your heart pounding and breath short, but Yuki is unaffected.
“It’s your reward, silly.” Her fingers pinch your nipple through your shirt and you gasp. “For being so brave.”
“What?” you whisper. You can’t make sense of this. Heat burns through your body and you’re not sure if it’s from her touch or your panic. This has to stop. Where did she say the brake is? You can’t remember.
“If you keep doing this”—she nuzzles her chin onto your shoulder and nibbles at your ear—“we are going to crash. This is literally distracted driving.” You steer through another turn, having a much harder time with it than your first attempt. With her touching you like this, if you make the smallest mistake, like hitting a rock or going into a turn too fast, you’ll both get sent flying.
“Don’t worry about it,” Yuki coos, “I’ll make sure nothing happens. Just enjoy the ride, m’kay?”
“This–this is crazy, you know that?” A sharp exhale leaves your lips when Yuki moves from your ear to your neck, opening her warm mouth to lick and suck on your pulse. You shift in the seat of the motorcycle, trying to keep your attention on the land ahead while Yuki’s every movement is pulling it away.
“Fuck, don’t–” Her hands are moving downward, unbuttoning your pants and traveling underneath your underwear. Surely you’ll crash if she touches you there.
“You’re doing great, angel. Just keep those pretty eyes on the road.” You whine her name and she gently sinks her teeth into your neck, her arm slinking around your waist as other her hand descends to your heat. “Thought you’d be too nervous to be this wet,” Yuki breathes against your skin, hungry. The bike wobbles.
She slides her fingers through your folds and your vision blurs, the glow of the headlights melting into the dark of the night until you blink and refocus your eyes.
You’re driving. You need to tell her to stop, but you can’t get the words out, you don’t know if you want to. Even if you think this is bad, idiotic, truly a one-way ticket to the hospital, the excitement flooding your core, swirling and churning deep inside you, is impossible to reason with. Any tension or tightness in your abdomen is softened with the swipes of her elegant fingers. You’re helpless when she’s making you feel this good.
It’s hard to keep your attention on the road, but you’re still trying, so you don’t notice how your hips angle themselves forward so she’s able to start circling your clit. You also don’t notice how your tightening grip on the handlebars—your body unable to bear the pleasure spreading out within you—causes the motorcycle to pick up speed, now traveling at the pace someone could pedal a bicycle at. The wind whisks your moan away into the night and the muscle memory built in the first few minutes of riding takes over to help you steer.
“I want…more,” you say, grinding your hips against her hand.
“Gotta focus on driving, angel,” she responds.
“I–fuck–I know, it just–feels so–”
“Uh huh?” Yuki skims her teeth over the heated skin of your neck.
“It feels so…good…when you touch me,” you say, and she kisses you. You try to keep your eyes from fluttering closed as she continues to swirl her fingers around you, tending to the pressure pushing up against your insides. It’s interesting how you’re being built up to an orgasm so much faster than normal. Splitting your attention between an activity like driving while pleasure is sailing through you wipes out any of those thoughts you have that take you out of the moment—how your body looks, whether Yuki likes what you’re doing, if you’re being sexy enough. In this moment, you’re out of your head, able to feel her touch without insecurity marring the sensation. Maybe Yuki knew this would happen. She knows you well.
You moan her name, doubling over. You shoot your head back up immediately, keeping your eyes on the road even though your legs are attempting to press together, trying to shut out the pleasure overwhelming your body, though the tangled metal of Yuki’s motorcycle keeps them apart and you susceptible. The bike rocks again.
“Yuki–I can’t–I can’t take anymore,” you plead, “I can’t focus.”
“I’ve got you,” she says, her hand stroking your waist. Her skilled fingers pick up to the pace she knows you like when you’re close.
“Fuck,” you gasp.
“It’s okay,” Yuki tells you, “Just let go.”
So you do. The rope holding you together snaps as strings of pleasure whip through your poor body. Any consequences of releasing yourself, thoughts of crashing, dying, long ambulance wait, it’s all washed away; you even let go of the handlebars. The motorcycle bucks for a second, but Yuki wrangles it with her free hand, holding onto the handlebar as you cum all over the hand working at your clit.
You grab onto her forearm, clamping down on it as pleasure rolls over you, making it hard to realize how reckless letting go of the handlebars of the motorcycle you were driving is. You don’t really care though, with this feeling washing through your body, you don’t care about the bike, your stupidity, or anything that doesn’t relate to the motorcyclist behind you who’s slowing her strokes and cooing in your ear as the last muscle spasms of your orgasm calm.
Yuki takes her hand from your pants and is unfazed by the wetness coating it when she reaches it forward and to the lever sitting underneath the right handlebar. She pulls on it and the bike slows to a stop. So that’s where the brake is. The realization makes you laugh a weak, fucked-out laugh.
She kicks out the bike stand and you unfurl from your hunched form and sit back so you’re leaning against her chest.
“That was insane,” you heave out, “and stupid and dangerous, and…”
“…and?” There’s a grin in her voice.
A hazy warmth settles over you. You pull her arms into your lap, running your fingers over her gloves palms.
“Thanks, I guess,” you say.
She knows you mean more than just for the orgasm, she knows you appreciate how she pushes you from your comfort zone and helps you try new things. Even if those new things are reckless and crazy.
Yuki leans to your side and presses a kiss to your cheek. “You’re welcome.”
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obxsummer · 1 year
End of the Line // JJ Maybank
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summary below the cut to avoid spoilers for s3 ep5
part of #obx3celebration
request: hi can i get jj x reader, soo basically instead of kie she is the one on the bike with j BUT she refuses to jump off so they distracting the cops together
warnings: cursing, accidents, minor injuries
In terms of a quick and simple in-and-out rescue mission of the cross, this was the worst outcome you could imagine. Pope and Cleo had managed to find the correct train car, but the whole train started moving before you guys even had a chance to see if the cross was inside.
“Shit! Let’s go.” JJ began to shuffle off the train car that he, Sarah, Kie, and you were looking off of. Sarah had somehow managed to convince Topper to let your group use his dad’s truck, but he was slowly becoming freaked out by what you were doing.
“Hey, I just wanna make sure everyone here is okay with ending up in federal prison,” Topper said after Sarah asked him for jumper cables. She handed them over to you before you moved to climb on the bike of JJ’s bike.
“Uh, if it gets to that, yeah. I’ll do it for Pope,” Your boyfriend didn’t leave room to argue before taking off, the two of you in the lead for Topper and your friends to follow. 
JJ took the first turn a little too sharp causing you to tighten your grip on him. You were used to his recklessness at this point in your relationship, and of course, you trusted him to keep you safe, but this bike was not on the list of your favorite things.
“This should be far enough.” JJ pulled off the main road into the grass to park before you both ran towards the train tracks. You made it a whopping three steps before JJ tripped over nothing into the dirt below. He groaned and got back to his feet, sparing the glance to see you laughing at him. “I meant for that.”
You hummed, “Sure you did, babe. Let’s go.”
The plan was simple - use the jumper cables to reverse the charge so the train would have to stop, hopefully leaving enough time for you guys to unload the cross and get out of here. JJ connected one of the cables to the crossing lights before placing the other two on the tracks. 
“Okay, now all you have to do is change the current,” He scrambled around to get everything in the right order.
You looked behind you, the horn of the train getting louder by the second which didn’t help your nerves. “Please don’t get electrocuted.”
“Yeah, no promises with that.” He placed the red cable on first before clamping the black one next. The two of you looked up at the signal, anticipating the lights to change to red, but they continued to flicker green. 
“Why isn’t it changing?”
“That’s literally what he would do. He would do, and-and then it would change to red. Oh my god.” JJ started pacing in frustration as the train continued to near. “Think think think. Okay, what if I blockaded the track?”
You crouched down by the cables, giving him a look. “How about moving the cable because the train touches both sides of the track, hmm?” You switched the red cable over to the other side before standing up. JJ’s fingers curled around your wrist in anticipation as you stared up at the crossing lights. They blinked green for another few seconds before switching to a solid red. 
The two of you cheered at the color change, JJ reaching for a high five. “You’re a genius.”
“Nope, it’s all you.” You kissed his cheek quickly before grabbing his hand and tugging. “We gotta hide.”
It didn’t take long for the train’s brakes to kick in and start slowing down. JJ let out a small ‘yay’ once it finally stopped in front of you, hopefully giving Cleo and Pope a chance to climb off. The excitement was short-lived, however, when a service truck pulled up next to you.
“Shit, back up, back up.” JJ tugged the back of your shirt, moving the two of you further into the tree line.  “This was not part of the plan!”
Two workers climbed out of the truck and started surveying the area for the possible cause. “What is this bullshit?” It didn’t take long for them to find the jumper cables attached to the tracks, both you and JJ mumbling curses when they did. They were quick to remove the cables so the crossing lights turned green.
“You’re all set over here. Some asshole put jumper cables on the tracks.”
You turned to JJ as the workers climbed back in the truck. “You think that gave them enough time?” The answer to your question came in the form of the train honking that it would start moving again.  “We gotta go get them.”
“There goes the plan, come on!” JJ offered his hand to get you off the ground, the two of you sprinting back to his bike.  The engine kicked to life beneath you just as a familiar pickup truck came flying around the corner with a large crate in the back. “That’s Top. And that’s the cross. Get on!”
You didn’t hesitate to climb behind him, arms looped around his waist tightly before he took off behind your friends. Blue lights came up behind you not too long after.
“J!” You placed your forehead between his shoulder blades, suddenly terrified about what would come next. 
“I know, I know!”
The bike moved faster beneath you, JJ guiding it to ride alongside Topper’s truck. You glanced over to see Cleo and Pope in the bed of the truck, staring right back at you. “What the hell are you doing?” Pope yelled.
“Get ready to jump,” JJ yelled back at you. 
“What?” You flicked him in the neck. “Are you insane?”
Pope let out an expression of equal shock, the two of you in disbelief that JJ would actually suggest this.
“Probably,” Your boyfriend replied back, his eyes not leaving the road. “Get ready to jump.”
“JJ, I’m not fucking leaving you!” You argued back, grip tightening around him to reinforce the idea. “You can’t make me.”
JJ’s whole body tensed at your disagreement but he didn’t have time to argue back. Brakes kicked in as Topper’s truck moved ahead, JJ using the momentum to swing the two of you around. He hesitated for a second, wanting to chew your ass for how stubborn you were.
His eyes met yours for a brief second. “I’ll rip you a new one later. Grab that rock.” 
You did as he asked, grabbing the hefty stone from the roadside before rebalancing behind him. 
JJ let out a sigh as the police sped closer. He turned back to you one last time. “I love you.”
Your throat tightened at the tone of his voice, like this was the last time he was going to say it. You nodded, kissing his cheek before settling behind him. “I love you too, but I’ll tell you that again after we’re done with this.”
JJ revved the engine, the tires squealing beneath you as he got back on the road, this time in the opposing traffic lane. The second the cop car was close enough, he yelled back, “Throw it!”
You did your best to remain balanced behind him and launched the rock at the windshield of the car, watching the glass splinter as soon as it made contact. JJ continued to drive steadily, the only goal in mind to get the two of you out of this safe and sound. He took a sharp turn, the cops drifting behind as you hit the overpass. 
Everything happened so fast. One second, JJ had a clear road ahead of him, and the next thing he knew, a pair of headlights were blinding him. The car honked, swerving towards you at the last second.
The bike collided with the concrete barrier, and both you and JJ got separated and thrown onto the ground below the overpass. The air in your lungs escaped as you hit the solid grass beneath you, your body aching with the sharp collision. You could hear the sirens above and the screech of tires, not wanting to know what damage you left behind. 
“Fuck,” You hissed as pain radiated through your body, your wrist suddenly numb and your head pounding. “Jayj.” Your voice was hoarse from getting the wind knocked out of you, but you needed to find JJ. Now.
“Right here, I’m right here.” He came stumbling out of the brush next to you, his knees hitting the grass next to you. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
You used him as a support to sit up, clenching your jaw at the movement but shook your head. “Probably sprained my wrist and have a concussion but I’m good. Are you okay?”
JJ stared back at you, eyes brimming with tears. “Don’t you ever fucking do that to me again, do you understand? I can’t lose you, Y/N. I-” He sniffled, looking up to the sky so his tears wouldn’t fall.
You shushed him and pushed yourself up to hug him close. “It’s okay. I’m okay.” JJ let you hold him for a moment, relishing in the feeling of you on his body. “You’re severely mistaken if you think I’m gonna let you do stupid shit like that yourself. I’d go to the end of the line with you, if you asked, J.”
JJ let out a small laugh before kissing you a bit harshly. He’s had too many close calls with losing people important to him. The shouting of voices interrupted your moment, the blond Pogue getting to his feet to help you up. 
“Y/N! Answer us!”
JJ’s arm wrapped around your waist for support as the two of you stumbled up the hill to the roadside. Topper’s truck had slid to a stop just before JJ’s totaled bike, your friends desperately searching the area for you with their backs to you. 
“I wish I could say we did that on purpose,” JJ interrupted their concerned conversation as you looked up at the broken bridge above. “But that was quite literally, the gnarliest powerslide I’ve ever done.”
Pope reacted first, slamming into JJ with a hug. “You’re alive!”
“That was gnarly, dude!”
“That was trucking, dude!” JJ winced as Sarah’s hands collided with his chest, her face purely angry before she embraced him tightly. “Oh Jesus, oh God.” 
Kiara’s arms wrapped around you tightly, Pope on top of her as the two of them held you close in relief. “Don’t ever do that shit again.” Pope’s voice was strict as he mumbled into your shoulder. “John B would kill us if you two died.”
Sarah practically pulled you away from them to hug you herself, her eyes scanning for obvious injuries. She sobbed beneath you, reality setting in for everyone on how close of a call that actually was. 
“The pleasantries are really nice, but we should really get out of here!” Pope interrupted the reunions to run back to Topper’s truck. 
Sarah gave you one more squeeze before heading to the passenger seat. JJ moved towards you, hands reaching out before you crashed into his chest. “Can we never do that again?” You whispered, tears falling on your cheeks in shock.
“Hey! Hey, you kids, don’t move!” A flashlight interrupted your calming moment, sending the two of you running for the truck. JJ was quick to shove you in the backseat with Kie behind Sarah before climbing into the bed of the truck with Pope and Cleo.
Topper took off a second later, rushing to get away from the scene. It didn’t take long for the group to start arguing about Topper’s driving only for you all to hit a bump in the road and have the wooden crate go flying from the back. 
“You guys told me to go faster!”
You tumbled out of the backseat, Kiara and Sarah right behind you as everyone rushed towards the crate. Pope shoved the top of it off, everyone stopping short at the contents inside. Concrete-filled tires were lying in the place of where the cross should’ve been. 
“It’s fake.”
You groaned, covering your face with your hands. “Of course, we almost died for stealing a fake.”
“Pope, I’m so sorry.”
Silence enveloped your group for a moment before the noise of sirens approached again. Topper held his hands up. “Y’all hear that? Okay, I can’t be here. My grandfather’s a judge.”
“Dog, would you relax? They’re not gonna think some dude in flip-flops is part of a robbery.” JJ argued back to Topper, the two of them occupied as they climbed into the vehicle. You let out a deep sigh before following Sarah into the truck, ready for this nightmare to be over. 
You eventually got dropped off at your house, the entire mood somber for whatever had just happened. You would’ve gone back to the Chateau but that was out of the question since you didn’t know where John B was. Luckily, your parents were fast asleep, leaving you and JJ to your own devices. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” JJ hovered by the doorway of the bathroom, the concern never leaving his eyes. “I’m sorry for putting you through that.”
You were quick to dry off your hands from washing your face and stepped towards him. He looked much better after you both had taken a shower and put fresh clothes on. Placing your hands on his cheeks, you brushed your nose against his. “A few scrapes and bruises are nothing compared to losing you, J. I’d do it all over again if you asked.”
JJ gave you a sad smile before wrapping you in a hug, resting his chin on your head. He was used to doing stupid shit all the time, obviously, but you’d never been in the direct path of his decision-making before. He felt horrible knowing he’d put you through an accident like that, something that could potentially be the end of the line for the two of you. But in moments like this, where it was just you and JJ, he felt so overwhelmingly grateful to have you. 
“Let’s agree to avoid any high-speed chases from here on out, yeah?” You looked up at him with a teasing look on your face. “Someone’s gotta keep you safe.”
JJ chuckled before kissing you softly. “Anything you ask, baby. No more high-speed chases.” And he’d make damn sure of that.
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saetoru · 2 years
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“excuse me, sir,” you stifle a giggle as you enter the shop, making draken roll his eyes. “i seem to have lost my way. would you be so kind as to give me a lift home?” you motion at his bike, and he fights back the small grin that threatens to tugs at his lips.
it’s getting dark, and draken has half a mind to scold you for showing up to his shop all by yourself, but he can’t really find it in him when a small little giggle escapes you as you hide your smile behind your hand.
“that’ll cost you for my services,” he shoots back, packing up his tools as he gets ready to close for the night.
the bike shop’s been busier as of late. and it’s a good thing, really—it’s not as slow as it once was, not a small worry in the back of his mind that things won’t end up working out. it means he doesn’t have to live in the storage room of the brothel anymore, means he can get a place with you now—however rundown and small it may be.
but it also means less time with draken, means later nights of him tinkering away and working on messed up engines and faulty brakes. so you decide to squeeze in a few extra moments where you can.
“how’s your favorite for dinner sound? that should cover my total,” you hum, arms looping around his neck. a low chuckle rumbles through his chest before his hands find your hips. he presses a chaste kiss to your forehead, longer than it needs to be, longer than he tells himself—but he can’t really pull away once the warmth of your skin hits his.
“we only take cash or credit, i’m afraid,” he teases. you pout, swatting his chest playfully as you huff.
“you’ll never grow a business that way,” you argue, “there’s lots of potential regular customers you’ll be missing out on.”
“that so?” he raises a brow, sighing softly as you press a few kisses along his jaw, stopping just as you reach below his ear. he closes his eyes, lets the soft pad of your finger as it traces his cheek soothe the long day’s ache in his muscles.
“yeah. i think you should add kisses to the list of payment methods. you’d be rich if i was your customer.”
“well, too bad for you, i gotta split the profit with inupi. he’s not gettin’ none of those,” he flicks your forehead, one arm curling around your body and pulling you closer against his chest.
“i’ll give them to you as a tip, then,” you offer.
“kay, tip me then,” he taps his cheek with his finger. you lean in to press a peck to his face—and then you pull away just before your lips touch his skin.
he scowls, hand cupping the back of your neck to keep you from pulling away any further.
“nuh uh, you gotta pay me for my services,” he grunts, “where do ya think you’re goin’?”
“i don’t know if you’ve noticed,” and now it’s your turn to flick his forehead, laughing as his lips form a frown—and really, it’s more is a slight pout, but he’ll never admit it, “but we’re not at home yet. you’ve gotta give me a lift first.”
“you bring a helmet?” he purses his lips. you glower at him as you shake your head.
“no,” you mumble. he grunts unhappily. “but that’s not fair,” you whine, “you ride a bike without a helmet all the time, kenny.”
“and that’s no reason why you shouldn’t,” he says firmly, grabbing your hand and pulling you to follow him out the door so he can close the shop. “lucky for you, i got an extra just in case.”
his palm is callused and rough against your soft one, and for a moment he wonders how someone as hard and sharp as him can fit with someone as gentle and delicate as you—but he supposes your fingers entwine perfectly, and your hand fits in his like a glove.
and then you squeeze, and he squeezes back, and it doesn’t really matter anymore.
“you’re no fun, kenny,” you grumble, lips curled into that soft pout of yours—the one that almost, almost makes him reconsider.
but then he remembers things he really doesn’t want to, and his hand tightens around yours the tightest it ever has—you glance at him in concern, and he loosens his grip just a little.
“you still look cute in a helmet, baby,” he assures as he shoots you a tight-lipped smile, one that really doesn’t reach his eyes. and you understand, just like you always have, so you stop him in his tracks and cup his cheeks before pressing a few tender kisses across his face, stopping just above his lips.
“do i look the cutest ever?”
“the cutest ever,” he agrees, snorting as he shakes his head in amusement. the tension leaves his shoulders as you smile softly—and then your lips touch, and your arms find his neck as his find your hips, and everything’s fine again.
and he lets himself hold onto a little faith that it always will be.
“fine, i’ll wear one,” you mumble against his mouth, “but consider this your tip paid in advance.”
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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eriquin · 7 months
The Trolley Problem, Part 19
Eddie thinks Steve is crazy. Steve just needs him to believe him long enough to stop the demogorgon.
(master post)
It was creepy at night. He could see Will on his bike up ahead and passed him carefully. Eddie sighed and turned around to watch as they pulled away, and Steve ran through the plan again. He would drive past Will’s house and turn around so that they could park the car in the trees but still see the front door. It wouldn’t matter if it got dark. There was a light outside, and when the monster came it would make the lights flicker, and then Eddie would see it was—
“Shit!” Eddie shouted. He twisted further the seat and the belt ratcheted and pulled him back. Steve swerved a little, but got the car back under control. Eddie continued to swear and yank at his belt.
“What?” Steve yelled. “What happened?” He glanced at Eddie, who had gone pale.
“I saw it.” 
“What?” Steve braked and pulled over. “You saw what? The demogorgon?” 
“It was on the road! It... Fucking skinny, naked, bigfoot-looking motherfucker appeared out of...” He turned around. “Oh, shitfuck, the bike’s not there. It... Shit. It ran him off the road.”
Steve felt his heart beating in his throat. He slammed on the gas and took off, tires squealing.
“What the fuck are you doing, Harrington?” Eddie said, smacking his arm. “It’s back there! The fucking monster is real and it’s back-fucking-there!” 
“It takes him from his house!” Steve yelled. He made a sharp turn onto the dirt road that led to the Byers, and thanked BMW for his good suspension. “I know it takes him from his house. He’s going through the woods. We have to get there now.”
The drive down the dirt road wasn’t long, but Steve slowed down enough that he’d be able to stop if Will popped out of the woods in front of him. He heard Eddie muttering a lot of disbelieving curses, just like he had done the first time he'd seen the monster. He almost missed the Byers’ driveway, turning at the last minute and skidding to a halt on the lawn. The engine cut out suddenly. The headlights were pointed at the door, and they started to flicker. 
The monster was there.
It was a good twenty feet in front of the car. It ignored them as it took slow, loping steps towards the house. Eddie was still swearing under his breath. Steve risked a glance over at him. He was pale and his eyes were fixed on the terrifying sight in front of them. Steve thought about starting the car up again and ramming the damn thing, but he doubted he’d be able to do it in time. It was almost to the house. Instead, he reached into the backseat and got his machete. 
“Okay, new plan,” Steve said. He unbuckled both his and Eddie’s seatbelts, since Eddie seemed to still be frozen. “I’m going to distract it and lead it away. You go around the back and get Will.” When Eddie didn’t respond, he snapped his fingers in his face. “Hey! Eddie! Listen!”
Eddie shook his head and looked over at him. He flinched back when he saw the machete. “You’re going to fight it?!” His voice squeaked. 
“I’m going to distract it,” Steve said. He tried to keep his own voice level to keep Eddie from freaking out any more. “You go around the house. Get Will. Get him to this car and get him the hell out of here.” 
There was a creak and a screech and they looked back at the house. The door was opening, and the monster was going inside. “Fuck!” Steve scrambled out of the car and started running after it. “Eddie! Go around!” he shouted over his shoulder. 
Once he got to the door, he didn’t look back. The door had swung closed behind the monster, but it was unlocked and he was on high alert stepping inside. The lights were flickering outside, and he almost expected to see Christmas lights lining the walls, but instead it was just a normal living room. 
He caught a glimpse of the monster through the strobing lights. It was in the kitchen, taking long, quiet steps towards the open back door. He tried to focus on it and tightened the grip on his machete, ready to charge. 
The Byers’s dog took off from under the coffee table, bolting past Steve and out the front door. He was only distracted by it for a second when all the lights stopped flickering. The monster had disappeared. 
“Fuck!” he shouted. It could reappear at any second, and he still wasn’t sure if it had even noticed him. It might still be stalking Will, for all he knew. He spun around in the living room. “Will? Are you in here?” 
There was no answer, but he heard shouting from the back yard. He ran for the door and jumped down the steps of the back porch, landing in the yard. Eddie was near the shed. He had his sword in one hand and was pulling Will along with the other.
"It's in there!" Eddie shouted, pointing towards the shed with his sword. "It was after him!"
Will looked like he was in shock. He stumbled a little as Eddie dragged him away from the shed. Steve dropped his machete and scooped the boy up. "The car! We have to get to the car." He grabbed Eddie's hand and started to run. 
The lights around the house were flashing as they turned the corner. Steve knew that his car was close. There was a roar to his right and he dodged a swipe of claws just above his head. He tumbled to the ground, dropping Will and letting go of Eddie's hand. Will screamed and rolled away. Coming out the outside wall of the house was the demogorgon. It was half out of its gate and clawing at the sides as it crawled through. It turned towards Will and snarled again, splaying its monstrous face open to show rows and rows of teeth. 
A flash of metal swung over Steve's head as Eddie hacked at the demogorgon with his sword. It cut a slice out of the thing's arm."Steve, run!" he shouted, taking another swing. 
Steve got to his feet and scrambled towards Will. He hauled the boy up and pushed him towards the car. There were a pair of headlights at the beginning of the driveway, too far away to see who it was, and Steve was too focused on the beamer to make it out clearly. He gave Will a shove towards his car and yelled at him to get in. Will was almost to the car door when they heard it. 
Metal shattering. A scream. And then the lights stopped flashing.
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mistresslrigtar · 9 months
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WIP Wednesday - I Belong to You : Chapter Nine excerpt
“So, do you wanna drive?”
“What?” Zelda paused, strapping her helmet on. “Are you kidding?”
Link shook his head. “It’s easy. I’ll teach you. It’s like riding a bike. You know how to ride a bike, right?”
Zelda laughed. He was crazy. “A motorcycle’s not the same as a bicycle, Link.”
“Sure, it is.” Link sat on the passenger seat, gesturing for her to take the front. “Come on, it’ll be an adventure.”
If crashing and burning was his idea of adventure, okay. Zelda stepped closer, eyeing the handlebars like they might jump up and bite her. Link laughed again when she blew her breath, reaching over to take her hand and guiding her closer. Taking a deep breath, Zelda sat in front of him. He shifted forward, placing his hands on her waist, and she took in a shuddering breath when his chest pressed against her back. Goddesses, did he know what he did to her with just a simple touch?
“Just remember to relax.” Link took her hands and placed them on the handles. “Left handle’s the clutch, right handle’s the throttle and front brake. Like a bike, don’t squeeze that front brake too quick. Slow and steady, even if you’re scared, okay?”
“Uh-huh.” Zelda squeezed the brake handle tightly even though the bike was parked and not running.
Link tapped her left foot with his. “That peg right above the footrest is the gear shift. All you gotta do is tap it up with your foot to shift gears. We’ll go slow, so you won’t have to worry too much about that.”
Zelda looked down at the foot pegs, spotting a wider lever on the right. “Is this the rear brake?”
“Yeah!” The smile in Link’s voice was contagious, and Zelda found herself grinning even if she was terrified of the machine she was straddling. Link pointed to a button in the middle of the engine. “Press this button to start her up.”
“Oh, Hylia.” Zelda swallowed, gripped the brake tighter, and pressed the button. The engine rumbled to life beneath them, and she jumped, pushing back against Link. 
His hands tightened around her waist, warm and reassuring. “I won’t let you fall."
<Chapter One><Chapter Two><Chapter Three><Chapter Four><Chapter Five><Chapter Six>
Special thanks to my friends and betas @zeldaelmo and @hyylia for all their support!
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chopcult · 1 year
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From Scotty at @juniorshandmade - Wrapped up fabrication for Daniels sweet sporty. I hardtailed the frame with a complete kit from @prismsupply_ and then made the rest of the bike out of stainless like the exhaust, sissybar, mounts etc. I made a nice solo seat and shaved the 39mm front end but kept the brake provisions. Tightened up a few other details like tucking the coil and key switch tight to keep wires out of sight where they should be and swapped the hand controls to this tidy set by American prime. Everything is out to polishing, powdercoating and upholstery and the tin set is at @deathstalkercustoms for a spray! Looking forward to wrapping this one up and send it off down the road. #juniorshandmade #choppers #evochopper #chopcult #chopcultfamily #chopcultcontributor https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn1ovkdrPAN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bikepackinguk · 11 months
Day Forty-seven
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The time spent at Applecross Campsite has been very enjoyable and it's definitely a place I'd love to return to sometime. But the weather is finally clearing up so it's time to crack back at it!
After having one last glorious hot shower and a good breakfast, and ensuring my brakes are tightened up, it's back on the bike and almost directly out of the campsite the road leads on to Applecross Pass. One of the highest roads in the UK, it's a climb up over the hills passing over 2000ft.
The gradient isn't too bad at first, and whilst it's slow and sweaty going I'm able to make aome fair progress as the climb heads up over the initial foothills, with some nice views behind me of the bay and islands over the water.
Up and up and up, the road starts twisting around as it gets steeper, carving its way up the moorland hills towards the craggy hilltops ahead, with plenty of pretty streams bubbling their way down the hillside around me.
Before long the really steep ascents start to crop up, with a few alpine-style hairpins going around the jagged cliffsides. I keep pausing to look back down the hills as the views during the climb make the work very worthwhile.
I'd been advised by a few folk that I was fortunate to be heading over in this direction, as the other side was far steeper. And I manage to surprise myself by rounding a few more corners and arriving at the summit viewpoint around an hour and a half after setting off. Not bad!
The reward for reaching the top is a stellar ciew of Skye across the water, which is savoured awhile before rounding the corner and beginning the descent through the infamous Bealach na Ba.
Wow. Today I'd been expecting a rough climb, but I hadn't been expecting the incredible view and amazing ride down this twisting, glorious ride down.
The valley floor thousands of feet below has the meandering Russel Burn twisting its way along, with the audes framed by some beautifully craggy mountainsides. Along these, the road loops and twists back and forth on its route down to Loch Kishorn far below.
A good few folk I've spoken to reiterated how challenging this section was on their journey through it, and yes, in cars and campervans this is a real tough road to navigate around in places. But on a bicycle...
I'm not sure I can really express how incredible riding down that road is on a bike. I had an idiot grin on my face the entire way down, the stunning scenery combined with some truly joyous riding made it an experience I will remember for the rest of my life. Pictures can't do it justice.
It's all downhill and minimal effort as the road zooms down around the hillside and past the River Kishorn, before finally coming to an end at Tornapress. I have a good few tears to wipe away where my eyes have been streaming horizontally from the wind rushing past my face, but the smile stays plastered on as I rejoin the traffic on the A896, and the climbs begin once more.
It's a slog up through another valley and across some more moorland before riding down to Lochcarron, where I take a much needed break for a spot of lunch. Unfortunately the weather has decided to head back in this afternoon and the waterproofs are aoin deployed, and by the time I get going again it's turned into a torrential downpour.
Despite the rain, it's some good going here, with the ride up around the far wnd if the loch through Strathcarron being some of the flattest stretch of road I've been on in weeks, and I get ro enjoy putting the miles in regardless of how soggy I am.
Around to the other aide of the loch and deapite a couple of stiff hills being thrown in, the scenery is lovely to ride by. The road by the waterside is bracketed with a steep rocky cliffside that still manages to have plenty of vegetation, and even has a tunnel for me to eide through at one point. And with the sun trying to break through and ahine down on Lochcarron across the water, it's a lovely sight to ride along to.
I turn off the busier road by Achmore to continue around the coast, and the scenery changes once again into aome really lush vegetation with dense trees and ferns all around the roadside. After weeks of moors, it's a very pleasant and welcome surprise to be cycling through tunnels of greenery once more.
As the road passes Craig, I get a beautiful glimpse of the massive hills over the water where the road earlier had descended down, having now ridden all the way around to the opposite side of the water.
There are a few more climbs through the woodlands south of Loch Carron, but it's reasonable going overall, with the rain having desisted and the verdant greenery being very enjoyable to ride through, and I cook up a quick dinner by Duirinish.
A bit further on by Erbusaig, I finally get a glimpse over the water ahead to see the Isle of Skye wreathed in clouds with shafts of sunlight bursting down all around it. Whilst the Highlands offers stunning view after stunning view, this looks like something out of an art gallery.
With the evening approaching, and Google estimating 3474ft / 1048m of ascent climbed today, I think a bit of a lie down has been earned! Fortunately I find a nice little patch of woods in the hills around Kyle of Lochalsh and get setup with some nice soft forest floor to rest up on.
Though whilst setting up camp for the night, and hear a bellow from around the corner, and 10 steps from my tent is a ridiculously pretty view. The noisy seal in the water below dives back down, and I'm left with a gorgeous sight of the forested hills around the water, with a spectacular view of Skye looming across the Inner Sound. What a view!
And what a day! We'll see what tomorrow brings!
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alettertothesea · 1 year
A Breath in Froth
Hinata kept hearing a voice. He couldn’t say when the latter started ringing in his ears. In his mind. But it was always there, like a looming headache at the back of his skull. Or like the pulsing of his blood at his temples. He woke up with this melody faintly echoing in the limbo of his sleep or dreams. He ate his meals thinking of this chant, the notes and quarter rests giving rhythm to the way he was swallowing or chewing the food. He fell asleep with this lullaby being hummed to him.
Strangely enough, this voice was getting louder and louder every time he was by the shore. When he was playing beach volleyball. He easily got distracted by it. Right in the middle of a game, he couldn’t help but glance at the vast ocean. He couldn’t stop the burning sun from blinding him as the song invaded his mind. The latter pleaded with him to come closer, to walk to it, to dive in the depth of the great blue expanse. As soon as Hinata snapped out of this “trance”, it always seemed like he spent his day daydreaming. 
Hinata was even more scared of this voice when he was wandering around the city. Always leaving the apartment with some kind of schedule. But his feet ended up leading him somewhere he didn’t know. To a place he’s never been before. To an unknown environment that made his heart beat so fast that he could see lurking silhouettes in the shadows, ready to attack him if he dared to move. Those events always made him wonder if he became a sleepwalker overnight. Or worse, sometimes he even thought that he had been put under a spell, being the puppet of an evil sorcerer.
Another night, another delivery. His feet pushing on the pedals of his bike, Hinata was riding as fast as he could in the neighborhood. But as he was racing down the street, he braked abruptly, stopping dead in front of the window of a bar. And he heard it again. Weakly. Loudly. Cheerfully. Smugly. Hummed. Screamed. Whispered. Scared. Determined. The voice was once again numbing his ears, clouding his mind, mingling with his thoughts. And if before today he couldn’t understand what it was uttering, now he was sure of the word it stammered, muttered, said.
On the TV screen, the image of a black-haired boy was being displayed. He was wearing a jersey. The national team one. Red and White. A little flag of the country he was from printed on the front, on the left, right above the heart. Seeing the image, Hinata’s throat tightened. His body began to shake. His heart squeezed, the pain spreading throughout his whole being. And when Kageyama Tobio opened his mouth, the ultrasonic melody, the chant being sung from under the dark waters of the seas or at the top of a rock in the middle of its fury, called out to him.
Hinata Shouyou.
As if he was standing by the water, the waves gently licking his toes, this bewitching melody seduced him. It told him to come to it, to save it, to embrace it. As magical and surreal this moment was, a single drop of salty water formed at the corner of his right eye. It suddenly landed on his cheek as he fluttered his eyelashes.Then it rolled slowly down his face. The mark it left on his skin reflected that of the sweat of his best friend, rival, partner beyond that wall of glass.
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sparrowsingsstories · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Tagging: @alder-berry @twolargepepperoni-and-a-calzone @kyngsnake and @wastelandhell - if you want!
From Frankie & Beau's story - Beau takes Frankie out on his motorcycle for a ride :)
Beau twisted his wrist, the bike revving loudly. She pressed her face against his back as he kicked up the kick-stand and then they were moving. He drove sedately down the road, turned towards the road that led to HQ, and…suddenly…they were off.
She tightened her arm, squeezing him, and felt the bike leap forward with another burst of speed. She’d never gone this fast. The wind pulled at her clothes, tugged at her pants and long sleeves as if trying to undress her. He hit a turn and leaned into it. She fought down the urge to stay upright and let herself move with his body. The bike dipped into the turn and it felt like they were parallel with the road. And then they were back upright and somehow, going faster.
They were flying. It felt like flying on the back of a giant beetle. The bike was a constant rumble beneath her. Beau was a solid, safe weight. Her arm was tight around him and her other hand was…well…she was trying to keep it pressed where he’d put it but they hit another turn and her hand began to slide. 
The acceleration as they came out of the turn pushed against her and her arm shook and finally slid backwards to rest against Beau’s warmth. He jerked and it made the bike shimmy. He reached down and grabbed her hand, pulling it up to where her other hand was tight around his middle. It was only then that she realized her hand had slid into his groin, right…right…against his…she squeezed him tighter and his shoulders shook as he seemed to let go of all restraint and pushed the bike faster.
They raced south, though Frankie couldn’t really see anything but Beau’s back. She was only aware of him and the bike and the speed and the wind. Gradually, slowly, Beau pulled back on the speed until he could start to brake, giving the brakes a hard press that had the bike juttering and skidding to a stop.
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