#though the kitties are afraid of my little man
anne-the-insomniac · 10 months
Meow meow meow cats outside my house.
Meow meow meow I fed them now they stay.
Meow meow meow.
Edit: The pics of el meow
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They at ze kitchen.
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kudossi · 10 months
Tigerclaw and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Senior Warrior Position AU
In a world where deputies can only be named after their first apprentice has been granted their warrior name, Tigerclaw struggles to keep an apprentice alive long enough to earn their name.
or, a comedy-tragedy AU in which having an apprentice isn't enough — you have to see them to their warrior name, and Tigerclaw cannot fucking get any of his goddamn apprentices to live, damn it.
It starts out mostly normally, except for the fact that Tigerclaw hasn't gotten any apprentices to their warrior name, and he needs that so he can accomplish his (very noble, of course) kitty genocide goals. And also be the supreme leader of the world or something. Darkpaw died stupidly, he hasn't had a chance since, and now he's got some tiny thing that's afraid of his own shadow.
Well. It'll have to do.
So naturally this man is so protective over Ravenpaw that Ravenpaw barely even leaves his sight. Firepaw and Graypaw think that this is adorable. Look how much Tigerclaw cares about his apprentice!!
Ravenpaw, of course, is fucking terrified and also slowly losing his mind, just in a different way.
"Redtail assigned us to go on a patrol to Snakerocks." "OH NO HE DID NOT. WE'RE STAYING IN THE SANDY HOLLOW WHERE IT'S SAFE."
"Nothing matters more to me than making you a warrior, Ravenpaw. Nothing." And the terrible thing is that Ravenpaw is sure he's being sincere.
Ravenpaw disappears and Tigerclaw nearly fucking has a conniption because the timing was all RIGHT and he was going to finally get the position AND HE NEVER GOT HIS DAMN NAME FUCK.
"Do you think I could convince the elders that Fireheart was my apprentice?" "Fireheart was Bluestar's apprentice, as approved by StarClan. You're going to have to wait for the next litter to be apprenticed."
So he begs and begs and gets Cinderpaw and then she accidentally falls into the trap he'd set for a better deputy candidate at the Thunderpath. Fuck.
Well. Time to resort to drastic measures.
"I was thinking that Darkstripe would have been a good name. Because he had dark stripes." "Again, Tigerclaw, it's admirable that you loved your apprentice so much, but I cannot grant him a name." "Are you sure?" "Honestly, Tigerclaw, I'm not sure he ever would have gotten a name. Missing quite a few feathers from his nest, that one..." Fuck. The worst part was that she wasn't even wrong.
— Swiftpaw and Brightpaw get mauled by the dogs he set up to happen like right after he got the title and they sprang it before and he's like FUCK NOW WHAT DO I DO WITH THESE DAMN DOGS? His world domination plans literally never come to fruition because he cannot keep his apprentices alive/in the clan/his own.
— "Brightheart counts. She HAS to count." "Actually, Cloudtail took over her training…" [demented noises]
Turns out that Ravenpaw is alive and no one — no one — in the Harper Collins Extended Universe is happier than Tigerclaw.
"You're alive! …You deserve your warrior name!" "Actually, I've come to peace with my name and my way of life. I have no need for a—" "GET YOUR FUCKING NAME RIGHT NOW RAVENPAW OR SO HELP ME STARCLAN—" "I know you really wanted Ravenpaw to become a warrior," Barley says gently, "but he's made his decision. It's very kind of you to acknowledge that he deserves it, though. You must have been so close as mentor and apprentice." Tigerclaw's eye twitches. "Yes. Close. Very... close." —
He finally, finally retires as an elder after his plans go absolutely nowhere for years on end. And maybe StarClan is still like "Brambleclaw would be chill actually, we can forget that pesky little law" and Tigerclaw is sitting there like "excuse me what the actual fuck?" —
But at this point Tigerclaw is about as dangerous as Ashfur without a freak forest fire. Which is to say about as dangerous as using a leaf as a weapon. Which is, incidentally, how Darkpaw managed to get himself killed in the first place.
"Is this the Dark Forest? This has to be the Dark Forest. It doesn't look like Thistleclaw described it, but it must be. This Clan is all an elaborate punishment meted down by StarClan for my sins." "Tigerclaw, sir, I'm just here to help you with your ticks. See? I have the mousebile right here." "…Yes, thank you, Alderpaw." — Graystripe joins him in the elder's den and he's like, "You know, Ravenpaw thought you were up to some… scheme, back in the day. Crazy, right? You've been a model Clanmate as long as I've been alive." [muffled screaming] "Huh, what do you think that is? It sounds almost like someone killed a rabbit, but they know not to come this close to camp…"
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divijohm · 3 months
Headcanons for Toby, Jeff, Nina and slendy with a reader that lovesss animals? (and is good with them) :D like every time they return from a mission, reader has brought back a puppy or kitty? (bonus points if once she accidentally brought a wolf in the house mistaking it for a dog)
Pastas with a s/o that's good with animals!
Toby, Jeff, Nina and Slenderman
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A/n: I LOVE ANIMALS! ALL ARE SUPER CUTE but sadly I'm not very good with them lolol I have a cat and a dog though they're my babyss hope you enjoy!
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🐾 He does not get along well with animals, at all. He scares most them away just by standing there, problems of being a eldritch horror but once one warms up to him he actually is very gentle with them.
🐾 finds it cute and fascinating how well you can interact with the lil fellas, might even find a way to you to use them in missions. Not a fan of you bringing them to the mansion though, most pastas aren't a fan and may be allergic, and he does not enjoy when animals/wildlife are being mistreated so for everyone's sake, he'll ask you not to.
🐾 If you manage to convince him to have a pet, other than smile dog that is, he would like a cat, probably a black or tuxedo one, because it would be easier to hide the fur that will be all over his clothes
🐾 He's a tidy man, animals that make much mess are not his type, he also don't like the high maintenance ones (i.e hamsters) heck he barely takes care of his proxies, leaving most of them to survive on their own only giving the best ones a somewhat stable life. A high maintenance thing that's not even useful?? Hell no
🐾 Overall, he likes animals but he does not like to take care of them nor have them in his house, he doesn't need more little, bratty, short life-span beings to take care of, he already has the proxys
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🐾 Adores animals as long as they're far away from him, he's scared of most of them at first but find them cute
🐾 Have a strong cat allergy poor thing can't be near one without a mask and he's sneezing
🐾 Will help you take care of them despite his fear and allergies, mostly by being on your side handing you stuff but he'll hold the animal still if you need to apply a vaccine or something
🐾 Sometimes his tics will be saying an animal name, because he's spending so much time listening to you talk about them, you find it cute
🐾 He's besties with the mansion permanent pets and will let them stay in his room if needed
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🐾 BIG ANIMAL FAN, especially big ones
🐾 WILL pamper all the pets you bring home, to a point where you have to hide the treats from her otherwise she'll give them nonstop
🐾 Begs Slenderman to let you make a zoo with all the pets, he refuses of course but lets her keep a parrot
🐾 She named the parrot Willy, is a blue one and he's very talkative (much like his owner) surprisingly he can roam free and don't run away/get lost.
🐾Willy will attack on command, Nina did not teach him how to do that but one day she said to another proxy "I'll make willy take your eyes out!" And the birb was near and he just attacked going for the eyes. A moment of laughter and panic later, Willy was safe and the poor victim just had his eyelids slightly clawed, nothing major but Slenderman made Nina promise that she would never command willy to attack a proxy to a degree that can compromise their performance. So now she just makes him poop on people's foods and/or in them
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🐾 He only likes dogs, not much of a fan of any other species, he will tolerate birds and most of the wild life thought
🐾 He's afraid of cats, whenever you bring one to the house he'll try to act cool but the slightest movement towards him will make him flinch
🐾 Will act uninterested when you bring a dog but the moment you turn your back he WILL gush over them specially if they get along with Smiley
🐾 Fights everyone who criticizes your actions, because "at least animals are better than humans" bedsides you do all the work to care for them and keep the mansion permanent pets safe if they don't get along with the strays
🐾 will complain if you spend more time with the pets than with him, and will throw a tantrum if you tell him to wait because you have to take care of the lil ones before giving him attention
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sporeclan · 3 months
tips on drawing kitty designs? i am constantly afraid they come out too homogeneous....
I went very overboard for this ask, but I really like talking about my creative process so I hope y'all can bear with me on this one :')
Also, to be noted, I'm not a professional character designer nor have I had any design education, I'm just sharing what I've picked up myself over the years
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The number one most important thing for me when designing new kitties is shaping and posing. You could make the most interesting pattern known to man, but it's way more effective to give characters different bodies. Small or large ears, long or short tails, chunky or slender, the list goes on. But body language and posing is what really brings out a character's personality in my experience.
For example, Puddle will always be drawn with a certain grace to him. Not a single strand of fur will be out of place on his body. This is to add to that strange disconnect he has from the rest of his clanmates, and I think it's what really sells his character for me. He's, like, strangely ethereal.
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Another example of posing is with Mushroompaw, where she will be either skipping around or sitting clumsily with no in between. She's meant to be very energetic and somewhat uncoordinated, and it shows through so much more when she's goofing off every time she gets to be on screen
Now, you also sent this ask as a followup,
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so I did my best to make a little example for patterns themselves! I apologize if it's not very helpful though, I really just follow my heart when it comes to patterns
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And that's all I can think of for right now! If there are any characters people are particularly curious about, let me know! I'd love to do a deep dive on my thoughts while designing and even writing them !
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Impatient - Yandere!Pup Hybrid!Seungmin
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Yandere AU & Hybrid AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Internal Monologue
Pairing: Seungmin X Implied Chubby!Reader
Words: 1,627
Warnings: Implied masturbation and dirty thoughts. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: This one's a little darker than the first, but still pretty tame on the feral aspect imo. I'm still testing the waters a bit, but I'm still really happy with the way it turned out! As always, please let me know what you think! Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
The Second of The Feral Drabbles
You’re mine.
You may not know it yet, but it’s true.
Poor little kitty cat, soon to be caught by the big bad wolf, and you’ll be none the wiser.
It’s okay, I’ll take care of you. Really, I promise I’m not as bad as I seem at first. I can come across pretty cold and guarded at first, maybe even a bit judgemental, but I promise it’s not directed at you. 
No, never you. 
I just have to get over the initial territorial state of needing to constantly be near you, and marking you as my own. It’ll be a little rough at first, but once I know you want me as badly as I need you, I think things will be okay. Though, now that I think about it, I don’t really want to hide anything…
Why shouldn’t everyone know that I’m yours and you’re mine? It’s always been meant to be this way. I can tell just from your scent alone that you were made to be mine. You’re just so addictive, I don’t know what to do with myself.
Well… I do know what to do, but I’ll admit I’m a very impatient man. I want you now, not after I’ve spent precious time that could be used loving you, and keeping you by my side instead of building said relationship from the ground up. That’s going to take forever, and I’m not that good of an actor. Your friends are bound to piss me off with how close they already are with you, especially that one guy friend of yours who can’t seem to stop leaving his scent all over you. Right now, he’s on pretty fucking thin ice, and one more provocation and I might just snap.
No matter, I’ll take care of him in due time. He’s a threat to our relationship already. Bastard doesn’t understand that you’re mine.
I’ve already started laying out the foundations of our first meeting, too. Sure, I may be impatient, but perhaps it’ll make the reward all the more sweeter from the everlasting buildup. Maybe, just maybe, the tension will be so thick at that point that it cannot help but to snap while we’re with each other, losing ourselves to the throes of passion like I’ve constantly dreamed about.
Fuck, I can’t wait for that day - the day where I can show you in every and any physical way I know how just how deep my love for you goes. I want to build you up until you’re begging for me to touch you - until I’m the only one who you let touch that gorgeous body of yours. 
I’m the only one worthy of you, anyways…
I bet no one’s ever been fully able to satisfy you before. Assholes probably didn’t care enough to learn your body like I will. By the time I’m done with you, I’ll be able to play the most intimate of pleasures over you just with my fingertips alone.
Oh, you poor thing. You’ve just been desperately waiting for me to come along and please you to your heart’s content, haven’t you? You know what you want, and you won’t be afraid to take it all from me, won’t you, Darling?
It’s okay. I won’t mind at all. 
In fact, I want you to take my all. I’ll make your head spin and your legs tremble. I’ll run your voice hoarse from how raw your cries of ecstasy will be. I’ll make it so that pussy of yours trembles from a single glance from my heated stare, positively weeping with endless nectar for me to drink up to my heart’s content. Me, and only me.
With me, you’ll never have to worry about another half-assed attempt to please you again.
I want to become the only one you think about. No, I will become the only one you think about. I’ll make sure of it, even if it’s the last thing I ever do.
I want to make you so cockdrunk on me, that you’re practically begging for me to breed you every time I walk into the room. I want to make it so you cannot help but want to spread your legs for me every time you see that lustful look take over my features, pleading for me to make you mine in every way imaginable. 
I want to make you so desperate for me that you ache for my touch when I’m not around, and when you so much as attempt to relieve that throbbing from between those plush thighs of yours, you’ll soon come to realize that it’s not enough. It will never be enough. Only my touch can satiate that need deep within your core. Only my cock can fill you up like you always deserve.
Let me treat you right, Darling. Let me love you like you’ve always wanted. Let me live to serve you, and then you can thank me by doing the exact same for me. I wish to consume you. I wish to ruin you in the best of ways, just as I want you to do for me. 
You won’t even have to try very hard. I’m already weak for you. Your smile, your laugh, your scent, your face, your body, your personality: everything about you drives me crazy. 
I won’t lie and say that I can never think straight around you. No, it’s more like my world shifts more into focus whenever I think about you. You make me finally understand what this life is all about. It’s always been about meeting each other, and belonging to one another. I only wish that it didn’t take me so long to realize that it’s been you that I’ve been searching for this entire time.
And another thing! I can’t believe I haven’t said this before yet, but you’re perfect. In every conceivable way, you are perfect for me, just as I am perfect for you. We have so many of the same interests and hobbies: you enjoy a lot of the same music and movies as I do, and we have very similar ways of thinking from what I’ve observed of you so far. Every detail I learn only makes me fall harder for you, Darling, and when the time comes, I only hope the same can be said for you.
You are perfect because you are mine. I am yours because you are perfect.
Nothing will change that. Nothing will ever change that.
I cannot help but wonder, though… will you think about me as much as I always dream about you? Will you also spend hours fantasizing about the life we’re going to have? About raising a family together, even if it’s just a fish, or a turtle? 
Whatever you want, really. I’m not fussy. 
How about how my hand will feel in your own as we walk through the park? Or perhaps you’re also like me when you let your thoughts roam, thinking about how good our hands would feel on each other’s bodies, mapping our own paths of pleasure over one another’s skin.
Would you be shy at first when you learn of all of my desires? Would you attempt to hide that soft and supple flesh of yours from me, brushing me off because you think I won’t love every dip and curve that I see? Or would you surprise me by taking control? Will you take everything that you want from me, and then some, once you know that I want you more than anything I’ve ever longed for in my entire life? Either way, I’ll make you confident in your ability to turn me on. All it will ever take is one look. Even just a simple touch will be enough.
I am desperate for you, and I’m not afraid to prove it.
I’ll admit, Darling, I’ve already torn through several pillows pretending that they were you spread out beneath me. It’s not the same. They could never imitate the warmth your plush body could provide for me. They’ll never let me know what your whimpers as you beg for ‘more' sound like, or how delightful I’m sure my name will be falling from your lips. They could never actually tell me what you enjoy, or how to please you in the best of ways.
No. Only you can do that. All in due time.
At least, that’s what I keep telling myself. I just wish it was sooner, rather than later.
Impatient, remember?
Alas, I suppose I’ll have to sweep the feathers from my floor again after tearing into this last pillow with my teeth. 
I cannot wait for the day when I finally get to mark you as my own. The pillow, it seems, just isn’t cutting it anymore, but it will have to suffice for now. 
I want to get all of this pent up frustration out before I meet you, though. The last thing I want is to pop a boner the moment you speak my name for the first time, or scare you away because of some other effect your mere presence affords me. I swear, I turn back into my younger, hormonal teenage self whenever I think of you. 
I guess that’s just the effect you have on me.
Oh, well. It’s a good thing that I’ve planned everything out already, up to and including our retirement together. Now, all that’s left to do is start. 
Hopefully though, I can make it through the long haul. I really hate waiting, especially when it comes to you.
I know that you’re already mine, and I’m already yours. All that’s left now to do is convince you. 
If I’m lucky, maybe you’re just as impatient as me.
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miss-tc-nova · 9 months
In a Blink - Leona x Reader
I fucking slow blinked at a video of a cat slow blinking, so I had to write this story because I would fucking do this. I can't control it anymore. Written in the span of a few hours and on the spur of the moment.
Premise: Slow blinking at big kitty
Words: 846
               I carry two trays across the loud, chattery room. Several of my first-year friends are sitting around a table, already digging into their lunches. I greet them as I take my seat and my feline partner and I dig in. There’s never a dull moment with these guys and the Heartslabyul boys are already, comically in the midst of an argument when we join them with Jack mediating and Epel being no help at all.
               “What do you think?”
               Ace turns the conversation on me.
               “Ace, listen to me. There is no world in which you can take on a bear and live.” I point to the Pomfiore student. “You can’t even take Epel, let alone Jack.”
               Ace and Epel frown. Suddenly, the hierarchy of muscle comes into question as my boys break back into the heated discussion.
               My gaze shifts as I laugh. That’s when those intense eyes snare me—scrutinizing, bored, unblinking.
               Leona Kingscholar is a force to be reckoned with. His social status could have me removed from his vicinity with a single word. Hell, he could easily just get rid of me himself with all that power and wit he’s got. Pushing my luck is putting it lightly when I imposed on Savanaclaw while dealing with Azul and his henchmen. I had a direct hand in the events that lead to him exposing his deepest scars. My very first meeting with him started with me treading on his tail. A powerful man in almost every aspect with several reasons to loathe me, I should be cowering beneath his watch.
               But he tolerates me. I can’t call us friends, but I’m not afraid of Leona. I can walk by without flinching. Sometimes I ask him what plants I’m looking for when Professor Crewel sends me to the botanical gardens. Even when I was purposely keeping him up all night to convince him to help me get Ramshackle back, we just talked. Half of it may have been “Why are you so annoying?” and “I would throw you off the balcony if it wasn’t so much effort”, but there were some other words in there too. Point is, he could mess me up but I’m not worth the effort. And I take that as a win.
               Without thinking, I tilt my head and let my eyelids slowly fall.
               Immediately, fire surges into my ears at the devious smirk that stretches his lips. A hand flies to my mouth.
               I’ve made a mistake.
               From Grim I picked up the habit of slow blinking. Though the little dire beast is likely unaware of his instinctual message, the first time I blinked back, he was ecstatic. That day, I couldn’t go anywhere without him following and chattering away. Thus I began to return and initiate the gesture whenever Grim and I made eye contact—just a little message to say “I like you.” Soon enough, that little action became ingrained in my daily life and I’d find myself doing it to friends. Thankfully, they seemed unaware that I was even doing such silly things.
               But Leona knows.
               That smile screams that he’s fully aware of my implied message though I only did so out of silly habit. I’m mortified. Nobody was supposed to know—even Grim doesn’t consciously know that I do this. But of course I had to slow blink at the one freaking feline beastman that would know what I was doing. More than anything, I want to launch myself out the nearest window than face the humiliation he can wrought.
               “Isn’t that right, hench human?” Grim’s voice jerks my attention back to my friends.
               The noise falls from my mouth. “Huh?”
               Epel leans closer. “Are you okay? Your face is as red as an apple on my family’s farm.”
               “Do you want me to carry you to the nurse?” Jack offers.
               “N-No! I’m fine!” I stammer.
               I miss Deuce’s comments that gets them back into their discussion, but my head is still scrambling around my embarrassment. My gaze once again finds the lion prince. Still he stares with that smile that clamps down on my heart.
               Then his stare breaks, slow, steady, and intentional.
               My panic comes to a grinding halt. Suddenly that smile I thought to be a death sentence seems more genuine. I’m utterly baffled. Maybe he doesn’t just tolerate me.
               Maybe we are friends.
               With that, the lion picks up his tray and walks away as if nothing at all had happened.
               “Yo, what areyou looking at?” Ace turns in his seat, trying to see my point of view.
               Oh I can’t tell him. I can’t tell anyone. Otherwise everyone will know of my silly habit and I’ll get so much flack for it. Leona knows this. Maybe we aren’t friends. Maybe I’m prey. Whatever it is, I’m now confused as hell.
               “It’s nothing!” I snap.
               “Are you sure you’re okay?” Deuce asks. “You shouldn’t push yourself if you’re not feeling well.”
               Groaning, I let my burning face fall into my hands.
               Maybe I should still jump out the window.
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shentheauthor · 5 months
Baal being transfem is so important to me actually.
The fear that her mother won’t love her if she comes back changed. The knowledge that Forneus is expecting two sons, not a son and a daughter.
When she’s spent her whole life as “the first son,” and “Aym’s brother,” it’s hard to believe she’ll be accepted as anything else. Even if she doesn’t change her appearance, everything will be different, and it’s terrifying.
I think Baal would start questioning after she’s been resurrected. In the void, she never really thought about anything. She was mostly referred to as “disciple” or her name, and she didn’t talk to people for long enough to feel something is off. Once she’s out, though, suddenly she’s surrounded by people of all different kinds, and now she’s confused.
Aym would be the first to find out, obviously. Baal asks if he’s ever disliked being a boy, and Aym responds “no.” They talk, and Baal reluctantly says that she’s been questioning whether she’s Aym’s brother… or his sister.
Aym accepts her, obviously. It’s a little weird for him to get used to, but man, that’s his sister. They grew up together, all they had was each other and Narinder. Of course Aym will love Baal no matter what.
Narinder finds out next. He’s still in his “I care not for them” era (LIAR), but he listens to Baal’s concerns anyway. His response is… that he doesn’t care lmao. Gender is a mortal concept, he’s always been above it, as have the rest of the bishops. He basically tells Baal to buzz off, but it’s VERY obvious he cares when he immediately switches to calling Baal she/her and aggressively corrects people who get it wrong.
Forneus finds out last. Baal puts it off for a bit, but Aym is like “you gotta tell her eventually.” Baal is afraid Forneus will be upset, but nah, she’s like “you’re still my kit, I’ll always love you.” Forneus is chill, she would absolutely be a trans ally.
But yeah just… transfem Baal. Hotheaded, outspoken transfem Baal. Nothing changes except her pronouns and she’s a happier now. God. Trans kitty
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chaibewriting · 6 months
prince! enji todoroki x black-coded! (poc friendly) fem! reader x platonic! todoroki kids
content warnings: brief depiction of violence, domestic violence mentioned, suicide mentioned, child neglect mentioned.
notes: this is long overdue, my bad y'all I was dead— hope ya enjoy today's chapter 🕵️
word count: 5.2k
summary: enji gets a taste of his own medicine and an old enemy is coming to the light.
taglist: @easilyobsessedbutflighty @rogueofbullshit @2chickenwangs @mimi-sanisanidiot @megumitodoroki @sexyashbish @nctseventeensworld @flamey-comet @theroosterswife24 @randomjuju @hecate-kitty @bluebreadenthusiast @flvr4ane @theitchbbbb @bunniotomia
prev. chapter six. masterpost. next.
IT’S hand continued to squeeze the throat of the King, unwilling to let go of the man who’d struck you. Surely, you would be leaving a bruise on him.
Whilst the entity continued to grip Enji’s throat in a vice grip, glaring at his face. His lightly tanned skin was slowly turning blue, your terrified son soon broke from his fear-struck state upon seeing you. This new figure seems to make his fear disappear and he isn’t afraid anymore. Afraid of what? Perhaps his father, or more so, what your father could do to you in his blinded rage. As he looks between you, or the creature holding you, and his father, he realizes that there would be dire consequences if you were to accidentally kill the man.
Silently, the little boy lurches forward, sprinting towards the shadowy creature and jumps onto one of its inky black, tree stump legs, wrapping his little arms around it and hugging it. From what he was able to see, you were covered in the blackest flames he'd ever seen, and he had willingly thrown himself into danger at the prospect of being potentially burned as long as it meant you would stop. To his surprise, there was no burning sensation. In fact, he had squeezed his eyes shut, tears pricking at the corners, preparing for the searing pain of being set ablaze. However, instead of such an unfortunate fate, he was met with an overwhelming warmth that soothed him immensely; he felt protected, safe, comfortable, and… happy. All of the feelings you had introduced to him ever since you’d made your way into his life was what he felt in that moment, except it was tenfold. He never wanted to be brought out of this fire, his entire body relaxing as he continued to hold onto the creature’s leg. However, the sound of gurgles and grunts reminded him of his current goal, his father’s life was still being threatened. And as much as he deserved to be hurt like he hurt others, he shouldn’t be killed.
In his moment of clarity, he opened his eyes and looked up at the creature’s face and didn’t know what to do. However, he acted before he could think much more. “Mama!! Mama, come back please!! Y-you have to let go!!” He called out, hoping to reach you from wherever you were currently. “Mama, please!!”
The sound of his pleading causes the creature to pause momentarily before looking down, finally noticing the small child who was currently clinging to its leg, fresh tears running down his chubby cheeks. Pain. Hurt. Need. Heartbreak. A child so young shouldn’t be feeling these things.
Everything that comes after happens in just mere seconds, though it feels like it occured in slow motion. Enji was dropped to the ground, gasping for air, catching up on some much needed oxygen, and the creature reached down to scoop Dabi up into one of its hands, pushing him into its chest where you currently were. As soon as he was safe within the confines of the creatures body you were quick to bring the small child to you. The shadowy figure made space and held the two of you inside of it as you cradled him in your arms as best as you could with your belly still in-tow. Shakingly, you cupped Dabi’s face in your hands and began to wipe away his tears with your thumbs. “I’m so sorry, Dabi. You shouldn’t have had to do that. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” The sound of your voice and the concern in your eyes causes Dabi to sob, fresh tears beginning to fall as he wailed. “Mama!! I-I thought you were g-gonna kill… kill dad an’— an’ get e-e-executed..!!”
“What? Oh no, no, baby. It’s okay, you don’t have to worry. Mama’s here, okay? We’re okay, everything’s gonna be alright.” You were quick to reassure him, holding onto him for dear life. Nothing else seemed to matter to you in the moment, not even your husband’s gaze that was staring at what you had become. You were more focused on making sure that Dabi was okay and safe.
Inside of the creature was where the two of them currently resided, the creature remaining as it was as it discreetly observed its surroundings. Surprisingly, the ‘room’ you were in was completely black but you were still able to see things clearly around you, including what was going on outside of the creature’s body, almost like you were in a protective glass box despite the outside of the creature’s body being jet black and opaque.
Enji had managed to catch his breath again, a hand on his throat as he measured the level of damage you’d done. The crumpled man stared at the creature that swallowed you and Dabi up with an unreadable expression, his mind swarming with thoughts that even he couldn’t fully comprehend. The most prominent thought that seemed to prevail above all was the fact that he was proud.
Proud of the fact that his wife, his Queen was strong enough to defend herself when her safety was threatened, this new form, whatever it was, reminded him of his own technique where he would engulf the entirety of his body in flame, the fire going as far to even engulf his skeletal system with flames- the sight of it was simply his skeleton on fire.
Slowly, he stood on his feet and the creature seemed to watch him closely, taking note of every move he made, no-doubt ready to strike defensively if it called for that line of action even while still remaining in its squatting position it was still towering over the King.
The two of them, the creature and Enji, appeared to be in a silent staring contest of sorts, almost daring each other to do something even remotely hamrful to the other. As one would expect, the Hellflame user had many questions he wished to ask, but he wouldn’t get the time to ask said questions as the creature began to speak despite its lack of mouth.
“If you bring harm to my user again, I will have no other choice than to consider you as a threat and will eliminate you if such action is called for. I will strike you back with the same force, and perhaps more.”
It’s voice was androgynous, his eyes squinting with each tonal transition of words as they pointed a smokey finger at your husband who appeared to be taken aback by the sentient creature. You had been stunned as well, still holding Dabi in your arms as the creature proceeded to sink down towards the ground, its lower body pouring into a river of smoke that steadily fell until you were back on your feet, currently propping Dabi on one of your hips as you held him. Terrifyingly enough, as the smoke cleared, fanning itself around your now standing form, you scowled at the man in front of you, piggybacking off of your protector’s words. “I don’t wish to see your face now, later, or even after that. You disgust me. You need to leave right now." You stated, leaving no room for argument as you glared at Enji, your resolve and irritation was as clear as day.
He stood still. Staring at you, scrutizining your facial expression and whatever may be going on behind those fierce eyes that had gotten you married to him in the first place. And then, without a word, he turned on his heels and walked away from you, soon passing through the doors that led out to where you were. As soon as he was gone, you relaxed, letting out a breath as you carefully put Dabi onto his feet and then sunk to your knees, digging your nails into the dirt as you attempted to wrap your head around what had just happened and why it had happened. You’d never done such a thing before, and no one had ever told you you could even do something as remotely as possible this. Your awakened power had a sentient being attached to it? Did it lie dormant inside of you at all times? You had to speak to your parents as soon as you possible could to try and get those answers.
From Enji’s perspective, this power appeared to have been awoken by your maternal instincts and the need to protect yourself and the life within you. As he walked down the castle halls, he rubbed at his neck, taking note of the tender, irritated skin, this had been the last thing he'd expected to happen. On one hand, he was glad she’d managed to strike back at him, but on the other hand, he grew excited wondering what their child would have once she was born, would she have a combination of their powers or would she inherit only one in its entirety? Under his pride and excitement was also bewilderment.
Passing by a few servants on his short journey to his office, he paid no attention to the others who seemed to be tripping over themselves to try and move out of his way, though a great majority had taken note of the bruising on his neck as they looked towards his back. Where had he gotten that from?
Once he was in the privacy of his office, he shut the door behind him and approached his desk, taking a seat as he began to further ponder their situation. He had reacted like his mother. He struck Y/N just like how his mother would often strike his father when he didn’t do something correctly to her. He never struck back, no matter how many times Enji would question the late King, wondering why he never stuck up for himself and just took the abuse with a smile. Distinctly, he remembered asking the older man one day when he had just turned around ten why he allowed his mother to hit him without consequence.
"She means well, I know it’s difficult for her to express her emotions verbally so physically expressing it allows me to understand her better.” The man had explained with a smiling bruised face, groaning when he’d stretched his split lip a little too far to offer a reassuring smile.
You had done something his father failed to do, you had struck Enji in retaliation and didn’t just sit back and take what he’d given you. It filled him with a sense of uncertainty, as well as… exuberance.
Back outside, you had slowly regained your strength, sitting back slowly on your legs as you noticed Dabi staring at you with a hairy look in his eyes, making you fully remember what you were doing and who you were currently with. “Ah sh- shoot. I’m sorry you had to see… whatever that was, Dabi– Ah, fuck, where’s Keigo? Keigo!” “‘m right here, Your Majesty!” You felt a slight gust of wind to your right and took note of Keigo who had flown down from a tree nearby once the King had disappeared, making his way over to where the two of you were currently. Sharply inhaling, you were quick to apologize again. “I’m sorry for scaring you both. I didn’t mean to turn into a monster-” “No! You weren’t a monster! You were… were-” Dabi had cut you off in an attempt to make you feel better but couldn’t seem to figure out what word he wanted to use, thankfully, he wasn’t alone. “-cool!!” Keigo yelled, striking a quirky pose after he’d finished Dabi’s sentence for him. “You went like- ‘pow pow’! And then ya turned into fire ‘n were so freakin’ tall!!! I thought ya were gonna set the trees on FIRE!” The tiny blond rambled, attempting to reenact the ‘fighting moves’ you had done, swinging wildly at the air as he continued to babble about how cool you were. You and Dabi watched as he continued his little reenactment, no-doubt dramatizing what had really happened, you couldn’t help but laugh quietly, the mood rising thanks to the little boy’s excitement. Moving to sit beside you on the grass, Dabi gently grabbed your hand and held it, even with your hand easily dwarfing his tiny one, hoping that the gesture would make you feel better as Keigo continued his story. You were glad you weren’t alone at the moment, but you were a bit apprehensive about the fact that the two of them had witnessed such a traumatizing scene. You were unsure of what to say, you could think of a million and one things but none of them seemed right.
A few minutes had passed before Keigo had finished his excited retelling of what had occurred, the little birdie boy seemed to have tuckered himself out from shadowboxing whatever invisible entity he’d created with his mind. Soon after, an idea came to mind as you looked to your side and down at Dabi with a small smile, deciding to use this difficult situation to your advantage.
“How do you feel about us going to visit grandma and grandpa? I’m sure they’d be plenty happy to see you.”
The sudden question caused the boy to instantly spark up with joy, eagerly nodding his head with a bit of a twinkle in his eyes. Even before your marriage to Enji, your parents have treated Dabi like their first grandchild, smothering him with all sorts of affection and material things— something he had yet to receive from his blood grandmother. Though you were saddened briefly by such news, you didn’t exactly like Enji’s mother, she wasn’t someone you’d sit down to have tea with willingly, but you tolerated her for the sake of everything else.
After hearing Dabi’s answer you were quick to nod and stand up, eager to clean up and leave, however, to your surprise, Minji had appeared out of thin air, almost as if she had a sixth sense, picking up the bottom of her dress to hurriedly approach you, you had nearly missed her entrance but thankfully Keigo was quick to call out to her and ran to hug her middle. As soon as she was in front of you, she began to speak, moving her hands around wildly which was something you had learned the woman had a tendency to do when she was feeling overwhelmed with emotion and also had a tendency to ramble.
“Y/N! What in the world?! The other servants told me you were out here and about the King coming to confront you… Are you alright? Shall I fetch some coolant gel or bandages or gauze or perhaps some ice or should I get the castle doc-“
You were quick to grab a hold of her hands, cutting her off as you encased them both between your hands and gave them a gentle squeeze in an attempt to put her mind at rest, and fortunately, it seemed to work when she stopped fumbling over her words and simply looked at you expectantly. Sharply inhaling, your jaw clenched for a split second before relaxing again, a small smile appearing instead. “I’m fine, Minji. I promise. I just plan on spending a few days in Tenebris with Dabi and my parents, perhaps my brother if he’s not busy with his suitors.”
Minji was quick to nod, taking a quick glance around at the surrounding area before taking note of the remnants of your impromptu picnic that had been all but demolished by the two growing boys nearby, as well as yourself. “Kei Kei and I will clean up here. You two can run along, please tell your mother I said ‘hello’.”
“Nope. Nada. I am not going to let you clean, baby bird and I can handle it. Can’t we, baby?” She asked, looking down at her son with fondness, he chirped in agreement and she reached down to ruffle his fluffy locks of blond, nodding with determination immediately afterwards. “See? We can handle it. You two run away now or I’ll chase ya off with a broom.” She threatened, although her words had a playful edge to them, you knew she was serious, earning a light chuckle from you as you squeezed her hands one last time and then let go of them, allowing her to immediately roll up her sleeves. Despite having such a rebellious set of traits, you had gone quite close to Minji in the last several months, mostly because her words of your souls being connected had interested you, however, you had come to the conclusion that getting to know her had to be one of the best decisions you’d ever made, now considering her a dear friend. And although you were friendly with all the staff, treating them as actual human beings, she had managed to crawl her way into a special part of your heart and you were forever grateful for her in a variety of ways- from helping with morning sickness, to rubbing your back when you were randomly crying because of hormonal imbalances, and also prepared your nasty little cravings whenever you wanted them, even if you’d tell her you didn’t want her to bother doing such trivial matters.
“Goodness, I’m starting to think you’re even more stubborn than a bull… fine. I don’t want a broom on the back of my kneecaps…” You murmured, feeling a tiny hand slip into yours after you had let go of Minji‘s. Looking briefly to the side you smiled at Dabi. “Ready to go, hun?” He nodded and then exchanged goodbyes with Keigo and Minji, then the two of you were on your way, heading back into the castle and ready to pack for a few days out.
Through the grace of some kind of universal power, you had managed to avoid the servants all-together, stealthily packing yourself a bag of necessities with Dabi’s help, and then went onto pack a bag for Dabi, making sure to bring an extra because you just knew your parents had some kind of gifts waiting for him when the two of you would arrive.
And with some luck, as well as a few breaks here and there for you to catch your breath, you’d manage to get yourself a carriage with a driver, thanks to Keiko, aka Minji’s husband and Keigo’s father, who also happened to be the head of the castle’s farm. Before you know it, your bags are packed into the carriage, and you and Dabi are comfortably sitting inside of it, watching as the forest passes you by, the sound of the carriage wheels rolling and the rhythmic click of horse shoes. It’s enough to soothe you to sleep somehow, even the rock of the carriage had abided in lulling you to sleep. Following your lead, Dabi slumps over into a deep sleep as well, carefully leaning against your side with his head against your arm. It was probably for the better that the two of you would remain asleep, seeing how the trip to Tenebris would take quite a bit of time, you’d be lucky if you reached the castle before the sun fully set. Not that you minded, it would distract you from yourself and the road that had led you to this point. Would you tell your parents about what Enji had done? Or would you keep it to yourself, you had yet to decide, your tired brain emptying itself as you further fell into a dreamless sleep.
The amount of time you’d gotten to shut your eyes seemed to be cut short at the sudden gentle call of your title, along with a light rasp on the carriage door that you sat closest to. Stirring in your sleep, your eyes slowly fluttered open, blurriness soon morphing into shapes that you could now comprehend. With a slow blink, you managed to register the sight of the Driver’s face who looks a bit nervous, though he does relax a bit upon seeing your gaze shift to him, immediately, he looks down and away from your eyes, the tips of his ears red as he repeats himself.
“We’ve arrived at your desired destination, Your Majesty.”
Taking heed to his words, you carely sat up straight in your seat and covered your mouth to hide a bit of an abrasive yawn, your eyes watering just the slightest in retaliaton, you then nodded thankfully to the Driver as he disappeared, only to be replaced by the Coach who came to open the door for you, ready to help you down once you were ready to step out. Noticing the sleeping preschooler who was just on the brink of drooling on your dress sleeve, you reached up and lightly ruffled Dabi’s hair, chuckling at how adorable he looked passed out on your shoulder with his mouth ajar. “Time to wake up, kiddo. Your grandparents are gonna be so happy to see you, unless you want me to call someone to come and carry you to be-” “Mm mm… ‘m awake!” He drowsily shouted and sat up as quickly as he possibly could, only to go veering off the side and nearly toppling off of the seat. You were quick to use your awakened power, creating a hand of shadows to cradle his sleeping form that sprouted from your back like a tree branch. This had become a bit of a common thing, Dabi was a bit clumsy, but then again, what four year old wasn’t? You would have been more surprised if he had the balance of a flamingo. With a soft laugh to yourself, the Coach opened the carriage door a bit wider and you slowly stood up, a hand under your belly as you furrowed your brows together, focusing on keeping your own balance as you descended the carriage steps with the help of the Coach, the shadowed hand cradling your son soon following after you. The Coach then shut the door behind you, bowing as you thanked him, making sure to tip him and the Coach handsomely with a few gold pieces, which they joyously accepted with bright smiles.
Soon following, your personal guard, assigned from the Ignitis Kingdom dropped from his white steed that was following behind the carriage and exhaled, handing the lead to a servant from your kingdom that had come running down the front steps of the castle to greet the unexpected guests. Ah, that’s right, you had no time to tell your parents that you would be dropping by, you could only hope they were actually here and not somewhere else, no-doubt doing diplomatic duties.
Takeo, your guard, came to stand silently by your side, the dark haired man had a tall, rugged stature, with unblinking, deep set carmine eyes, a prim and properly trimmed beard and mustache covering half of his face, nursing a scar that went from one side of his face to the other, directly across his nose. To match such a burly man was a pristine outfit made for a modern techoknight of his ranking, the red signifying one's loyalty to the Kingdom of flames.. He rarely spoke, only to answer any questions that he was asked, even then he barely said a few words at a time. You had appreciated his hardwork but it was almost like he was a shadow of sorts, often frightening you when he made himself known to you randomly.
Yet another maid, began to descend down the stairs, heading directly for you, a bright smile across her face.
“Princess! Oh, no, I mean, Queen Y/N, it has been a long time! Your parents will be elated when they see you’ve come by surprise! Please come along! Ah! Shall I fetch Freya to come and carry you?” Blinking, a smile slowly spread across your face as you instantly recognized the older woman who was also the headmaid, she’d been around since before you were born, but still had the energy of an excitable child, along with a mouth to match. Abashsh, directly translating to friendly, talkative, and affable, it was almost as if her name had bestowed upon her unwavering future.
Soon enough, she had stopped in front of you, a bright and cheery smile adorning her face as she makes it a necessity to grab a hold of your cheeks, giving them the softest squish as she coos about how much you’ve grown since she’s seen you, as well as how much you appeared to be glowing thanks to the blossoming bud in your stomach. Her rambling would go on for hours if Takeo hadn’t cleared his throat, causing the older woman to look briefly from your face and then to him, blinking in surprise as he opened his mouth to speak, timber voice matching completely with his mysterious aura.
“Apologies. I don’t mean to interrupt your heartfelt reunion, however, I don’t think the Lady should be standing on her feet for too much longer…” He murmured, glancing between you and Abashsh. The older woman then gasped, realizing what she had been doing. Rather dramatically, she slapped a hand over her mouth and cursed in Arabic, quickly apologzing as well for her rambling. “You’re right! Let’s get you up these stairs and somewhere to sit, my dear! I still can’t believe you were just a baby one day ago and now my tiny royal jasmine is having an even tinier royal jasmine. Oh my goodness, I think I’m finally getting old…” The woman whined, knowing damn well that she didn’t look a day over twenty-five thanks to her awakened power that directly involved mother nature; straight bleach blonde hair fell down her back and over her front, perfectly framing her square shaped face, brown almond eyes, smooth bronze skin and hooked nose. She was quick to grab your hand afterwards and began leading you up the front stairs, Takeo following closely beside you while you continued to carry Dabi up behind you through the use of your own power.
Enji sat in deep thought behind his desk, his elbows propped atop his desk as he remained deep in thought, hardened gaze seeming to map out the intricate carvings on the wood door that was currently closed, his chin resting atop his interlocked fingers. There were many things running through his mind, however, his self-reflection is soon interrupted by a knock on the door, causing him to blink and wet his drying eyes. Letting out a gruff affirmative noise, he signaled that whoever was behind the door could enter. And so they did, quite shakingly I might add as they held a tangerine-colored envelope in his hand, which only meant one thing. Just the sight of it had the King of Ignitis flaring his nostrils, already catching a whiff of the disgusting smell of tangerines, his least favorite fruit, belonging to his least favorite Kingdom that his father had created a treaty with and forced Enji to be allied to for reasons that he was ashamed to admit well after his father's passing. With a quick swipe of his tongue over his bottom lip, he spoke.
“Are you just going to stand there staring at me or are you going to bring me that letter?”
Squeaking, he rushed over and presented the letter with a quick bow, holding the letter out with both hands, thumbs atop the envelope, while the rest of his fingers curled into fists, presenting rather submissively. Enji took the letter, and immediately, the servant disappeared, hurriedly shutting the door behind him, though he made sure not to actually slam it.
With clear frustration, a grim expression, Enji turned the envelope to further examine it, taking note of the sender.
The Kingdom of Solis, King Toshinori Yagi.
Enji had to resist the urge to tear the letter up and throw it like confetti, purely out of bitterness. Thankfully, there was a better alternative, causing him to slice open the top of the envelope to retrieve the letter tucked away inside of it. While holding the letter in one hand, and the actual envelope in the other, he set fire to the envelope and watched with satisfaction as it turned into dust, fluttering down onto the top of his desk. He then exhaled, hesitating to glance towards the letter and actually read it. However, his eyes betrayed him as he began to scan over the words, his face going through a variety of emotions. He was coming.
His rival, a man who’s strength he was threatened by despite being four years younger than the man who probably had no idea that Enji constantly challenged him in his mind. Why did his rival need to come to his castle to personally congratulate him on his marriage as well as his upcoming heir? He was never friendly with the man, in fact, the alliance was proposed by Enji’s father whilst he was still alive, was King Toshinori planning on waging war?
Alas, it seemed he would never be able to get a moment of peace when his office door was suddenly opened, revealing his mother and her personal servant, who opened the door, quaking in her boots at the fact that she was forced to intrude upon the King’s privacy because of the old Queen’s inability to understand boundaries.
With a huff, Eiko sauntered over towards where her son was upon spotting him with the opened letter and snatched it from his hands, diligently reading through it without asking him if she could do such a thing. The words caused her to snort, unbelieving of what she was reading.
“Hah! What are the odds? The King of Solis humbly apologizes for not attending your wedding and wants to give you a gift. I wonder what it could be. A blade to the throat? Or perhaps he’ll set my castle ablaze.”
“Mother- don’t you know how to knock? This doesn’t concern you.” He growled at the older woman, standing to snatch the letter back from her to fold it up and tuck it away into one of the drawers in his desk.
“Hah. How do you plan to rub your victories in his face? I would hate to admit it, but perhaps your bride will work nicely if you flash her around him. She is conventionally pretty, after all. And you will have another heir soon, be sure to milk that for everything you've got. How old is he again and still does not have a queen or heir? Something must be wrong with him. Perhaps he is sterile… how unfortunate would that be, if he were to produce a heir, that child would be something to reckon with—”
Enji begrudgingly listened to his mother ramble, a blank expression across his face as he stared through her, an oncoming rush of thoughts swarming through his mind. There was no telling when Toshinori would appear. How would he be able to show off his Queen if she were giving him the cold shoulder?
At first, he did plan to give her her space, but this was an urgent matter. However, he was unsure of what to do to get back on your good side. He couldn't look to his mother for her advice, she never seemed to regret what she did, no matter how many times the late King would seem to slowly break under pressure. Before he could stop himself, a burning question rose and asked itself aloud for his mother's ears.
“Do you ever regret making Dad drive himself to the breaking point of taking his own life to escape you?”
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Kitty (part 13)
Parts 1-12 here. Rei x (afab) reader
You’re in Kyu’s car – the front passenger seat this time, your duffel bag in the trunk. You are a little worried you’re about to wake up though, find yourself in your bed at the refuge and it had all just been a taunting dream. You’d even pinched yourself just to make sure. You can’t help the smile on your face – so excited at the prospect of seeing them again, seeing Rei again…
“Kitty, I haven’t exactly been 100% honest, but you’ll understand why I couldn’t have been in front of Hikoti.” You’d gone up to your room to pack and say goodbye to the others whilst Hikoti and Kyu had gone over some of the finer details. Hikoti had seemed somewhat worried about this family connection coming so out of the blue, especially when Kyu said they were happy to take you in today, on New Year’s Eve. He blagged his way through. After all, he was your supposed social worker.
You look over at him. “W-what about?”
“Well, they don’t know that I was there...”
Your stomach tightens – what does that mean? Are you not going back? Was this a trick, was this a…? You force yourself to stop – a technique taught in one of the therapy sessions – catastrophizing.
“..but I am going to take you to them.” He continues, side-eyeing your expression. “A lot has happened. This was still the right choice in keeping you safe – I stand by that, and so should they - but the danger has passed and my conscience wouldn’t let me hold off any longer. It’s clear they all miss you and I know you miss them. From what Hikoti told me, it seemed they’d actually been quite beneficial to your recovery already… somehow.” He still doesn’t sound convinced.
“Y-you said all, s-s-so Miri’s with them t-too?”
He nods, his face settling into a more solemn expression. “I’m sorry to say this, but Misaki is dead.”
That catches you by surprise. “The c-c-cancer t-took her s-so soon?”
“No. Ogino did.” Kyu hesitates. “He’s… He’s the man who tried to visit you.”
You push that bit of knowledge to the back of your mind, your concern for the precious little girl far more important. “Is M-M-Miri hurt?”
“Miri’s fine – not a scratch on her. Happy to be back with her papas. I’m not sure they’ve told her about Misaki’s death yet. She didn’t witness it, thankfully – slept through the whole thing.”
If it weren’t such a somber topic, you would’ve smiled at that – Miri did sleep like a log – but you don’t really know what to say. It’s horrifying. You weren’t sure what you thought of Misaki, you’d only had the one interaction with her, really, but it was clear Miri adored her and it’s awful that she met such a horrendous end. And then this Ogino had come to the refuge… What was his plan if they’d let him in? What would he have done if they hadn’t called the police to get him to leave?
“Misaki’s murder obviously demonstrates how serious everything was.”
“Y-yes, of course. B-but…” you swallow, a little afraid of the answer. “..w-what’s changed?”
“Ogino is dead, for one.” Your body relaxes at that - that’s a relief. “Secondly, Rei and Kazuki have left the Organization for good. I’m not sure exactly how they pulled it off, but from my intel they made a clear enough statement that the Boss no longer holds an interest in them or their activities.”
You can tell he’s holding something back. “D-d-did they g-get h-hurt?”
“They were shot, yes. Kazuki in his shoulder and leg, but he’s doing really well as far as I’ve seen. Rei’s injury was… is”, he corrects, “a little more permanent.”
“He shot an important nerve in his right arm – he might not be able to use it again. He did it deliberately, to make himself worthless in his father’s eyes, apparently.”
He did it to himself? You can’t imagine the pain, the desperation… “P-p-poor Rei.”
“Kazuki said he doesn’t seem particularly fussed – happy it achieved his aim. Something else has been getting him down, though.”
He smirks. “You know.”
You feel the heat fill your cheeks.
You’re surprised when Kyu doesn’t take you to the riverside apartment, instead taking you to a café. He unlocks the front door and ushers you inside, encouraging you to take a seat at the counter as he goes round the other side, starting to make a coffee. He looks at your puzzled expression and then his watch, “Shouldn’t be much longer.”
The bell rings above the door as it swings open and the newcomer caught you off guard. Kazuki’s eyes are cast down, hands in the pockets of his long green coat as he enters.
“Hi, Kyu, what did…?” He trails off as he looks up and sees you sitting at the counter. The door closes gently behind him as he stares in disbelief. “Kitty?”
“H-hi, Zuki.” You smile, nervously. Your last interaction with Kazuki had been tense and now you know that Kyu hadn’t even involved them in his plan you’re a little wary of what his reaction is going to be.
You shouldn’t have worried. Kazuki strides over, wraps his arms around and crushes you into his chest into a hug. “I’m so sorry.” His voice is muffled into your hair as he holds you. You wrap your arms around him in return.
“It’s o-okay, I un-understand why…”
“No,” he pulls back a little, but still keeps you close. His voice is choked. “I didn’t handle that right at all. I was so intentionally cruel. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Y-you were u-upset. Kyu t-told me w-why, it’s okay. I p-promise.”
He squeezes you tight again, almost in disbelief, before looking at the man behind the counter. “What’s going on?”
“Kitty was doing so well there, they thought it was time she thought about coming home. So, I told them I found her family.” He replies, shrugging. “Which is true, right?”
“Yes, a proper family!” Kazuki beams, but then looks down at you hesitantly. “If you can forgive me, that is. I feel so awful.”
“Zuki…” You chide, “There’s n-nothing to apologise f-for. H-honestly.”
He squeezes you tight again, releasing a shuddering breath. “Thank you.”
“Where’s Rei and Miri?” Kyu interrupts – he’d asked all three of them to come.
“He said he’d rather stay home with Miri,” Kazuki sighs, finally releasing you. “You were rather coy what this was about, Kyu, I’m sure his answer would’ve been very different if he had known who was here.”
“Is h-he okay?”
Kazuki shakes his head. “He misses you – a lot. Pining, I’d say. He’s been sleeping with that lion he got you ever since.”
You smile at that, you’d been the same with his t-shirt ever since you’d found it in your bag.
“Can I s-see him?”
“Like I’d say no! We’re staying at a different place, though. We’re having a little party tonight – I was going to grab some bits and pieces for it after whatever Kyu wanted.” Kazuki thinks for a minute. “Kyu, do you think you could drop off Kitty later this afternoon? It gives me some time to prepare and I think you’d make an excellent New Year’s Eve gift for Rei and Miri...”
Rei’s been silent most of the afternoon since Kazuki returned. He’d asked what Kyu had wanted. The blonde had shrugged it off as another box of Miri’s things from Misaki’s apartment. He wonders briefly why Kyu requested they come pick it up – he’s been by the house often over the past week, keeping them supplied with heavy duty painkillers, acquiring a sling for his arm, but that’s about all that can be done for it. Miri has questions, obviously, about why her papas wince sometimes. He tells Miri he had an accident, explains why Papa Kazuki helps him put the dangling limb in and out of the sling every day, why he can’t play video games with her right now, but he’s been passing on his wisdom, trying to teach her where the shortcuts are. She finally got her Morio Kart 2nd Edition.
There are still guns in the house – of course there are – but being here allows them to relax a little. Miri is excited for tonight - he’s not convinced she’ll last until midnight, but the little girl is determined to try. From what Kazuki had also brought home from the city, it seems the blonde’s plan is to keep her plied with sugary snacks. He lamented not being able to bake a cake – his shoulder won’t allow him to mix as well as he’d like at the moment. Rei wonders if you’ll be having a party tonight.
Kazuki and Rei are sat either side of the sofa, Miri’s in a party hat, sat on the floor and on the last race of the championship. Kazuki’s phone buzzes - one new text from Kyu. It takes all that’s in him not to smile as he reads it. He doesn’t want to give the game away just yet.
Gift for you to ring in the New Year. Can’t stop – dropped it at the door.
Rei gives him a questioning look as the blonde gets to his feet, sliding his phone back in his pocket. Kazuki answers before he can ask. “Text from Kyu. He’s dropped us off something. I’m just gonna go grab it – probably food or something.”
He nods and turns his attention back to the screen, watching Miri finish the lap.
“Second! Good job, Miri,” Rei compliments as the overall results come up. She’s been practicing hard with his tips and tricks. The little girl turns to beam at him, but then she lets out her patented squeal of joy instead at something behind him. He looks over his shoulder, wondering what on earth Kyu has sent to elicit that reaction from Miri when his breath catches in his throat.
It’s you. Your face is a little flush from the cold, your hands clasped in front of you and there’s a nervous smile across your face as you see him, but it’s you. Kazuki’s standing behind you, clutching his sweater over his heart, obviously trying not to cry.
Rei blinks as he gets to his feet. He’s worried you might disappear, you’re a hallucination from the painkillers, surely… Miri beats him to the punch.
“Kitty!” She squeals again, throwing her arms around your legs. “You’re back!”
“Hi, M-Miri,” you bend down so you can properly embrace the little girl. You’d missed her so much, glad for her enthusiasm and warm welcome in that moment.
“Are you feeling better?”
You nod. “L-lots better.”
“Good! And you won’t leave again, right?” She tilts her head, questioningly. “Papa Rei’s been so gloomy!”
You look up to Rei at that point – he still looks stunned. “Well, w-we can’t have a g-gloomy Papa Rei.”
Miri bounces on her heels. “But you’re staying?”
“She sure is, Miri,” Kazuki ruffles her hair before crouching down. “Say, I think Papa Rei has some things he’d like to talk to Kitty about – boring grown-up talk. How about you and I make some cookies to add to the spread for later, hm?”
“Yay!” Miri yells, tugging at his sleeve in excitement. She’s been wanting to bake all week but Kazuki had to keep putting it off because of his shoulder. He’s happy to be a little stiff in the morning to give Rei this moment though.
“You can thank me later, Rei…” Kazuki calls in a sing-song tone of voice as he and Miri leave the room, leaving the two of you alone.
Rei still hasn’t said anything, he’s just staring at you in disbelief and you’re feeling a little nervous. It’s silly how much you’ve dreamt of this moment, thought of what you’d say when seeing his face again, but now your mind is blank of anything.
“H-h-hi.” Start off simple. Even though Kyu and Kazuki had warned you of Rei’s injury, it hurts to see the limb strapped up in an immobilizing sling, holding it in place against his chest. You can’t even begin to imagine the pain he’s gone through.
You swallow. “Are y-you okay?” You regret it as soon as you say it – of course he’s not okay. “I m-mean…”
“I’m sorry.” Rei steps forward, closing the distance between the two of you at last. You think he’s going to wrap you into a hug but he drops to his knees, bowing his head so low his forehead is touching the ground. “I’m so sorry. Please, forgive me.”
“No, n-no,” you kneel down in front of him, your stomach sinking as you understand his intention. You place your hand on his shoulder, “Get up, please.” You’ve seen this act before – whenever the men at the house had disappointed him they often begged for forgiveness in the very same position. He’d loved every second of it, cackling as they mumbled apologies into the floor, deciding what their punishment might be. “S-sit up, Rei.” The demand feels a little foreign coming out of your mouth, but it works. He pushes himself back up onto his knees but keeps his head cast down. “Can you ever forgive me?”
You reach your left hand forward, placing it gently on the side of his face and tilt it up with the heel of your hand, hoping that’ll he meet your gaze. He has tears in his eyes – you can tell he’s trying his best to hold them in – keeping his eyes cast to the side. “There’s n-nothing to forgive. P-please don’t cry over me.”
“The last thing I ever wanted to do is hurt you, Kitty, I swear it.”
 “Rei,” you lean forward, placing your right hand on his face too so he finally meets your eyes. You want him to see you’re sincere. “It’s a-all right. I understand.”
“No,” he lifts up his left hand and pulls down your right hand in a light grip down onto his lap, squeezing it desperately. “I promised you that you could trust me. I just… I couldn’t see another way out. My father, he…”
“Kyu ex-explained everything. I k-know you just w-wanted to protect me, protect all of us.” You interrupt. “Please, l-let’s get off the floor, o-okay?” You remove your left hand from his face to get up, but his hold on your right hand remains firm as he continues to explain.
“I thought if I cut my ties, you’d all be safe. That I could go back to the life I had before, not feeling or caring… but I failed. I’ve missed you so much.” His voice breaks as he says it, a tear rolling down his cheek. You can’t stand to see him hurting so much. You wrap your left arm around him, trying to coerce him into an embrace. He lets go of your hand and wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you in close to his chest. He smells so much better than you remembered – the scent of him had become faded on the t-shirt that you’d cuddled with those weeks apart - and his touch makes your heart beat faster. He leans his head on top of yours, savouring the feeling of having you in his arms again.
“I missed you t-too,” your face is pressed into his chest and you can feel his heart thudding. “But I understand w-why you did it. I’m n-not upset or mad, I p-promise.” You mumble.
“I will spend every minute of every day trying to make it up to you.”
“No,” you pull back slightly. “T-the only person who needs to f-forgive you is y-yourself. You were k-keeping me and Miri safe. Please.”
He stares at you for a moment, scrutinizing your face. “Was it awful?”
“No, it w-was helpful, actually. T-they were all r-really nice. It was good for me…” you smile, shyly, before continuing, “But you’re even b-better. You make me feel whole, Rei.”
 “I’ll never let you go again, as long as you’ll have me.”
You bury your head back into his chest again for a moment, savouring his touch. “Come on, l-let’s get off the f-floor.”
He nods, though he seems reluctant to let go of you altogether. Your limbs are untangled for just a moment as the two of you get to your feet before his arm is wrapped around your waist again.
“I don’t want to waste another second if I can help it, Kitty, but I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, so…” his cheeks flush slightly red as he meets your eyes, “may I kiss you?”
He leans forward and presses his lips against yours ever so gently, as if you might break at his touch. It’s a little clumsy, the both of you nervous, but perfect all at the same time. It starts off slow, the two of you trying to feel each out a little as he pulls back slightly before kissing you again. Your head is tingling with each of his soft kisses and you’re not sure when it happened, but your right hand is flat against his chest, your left hand tangled in his hair, trying to deepen the kiss. His tongue brushes up against your lips, parting them open a little more…
“Hey!” Your heart stops at Miri’s indignant shout and you pull apart, though Rei’s arm remains firmly around your waist as the two of you look towards the door. You can feel the heat in your face and your breath is caught in your throat, so you can’t imagine how you look. Miri has her hands on her hips and a pout on her face as Kazuki stands behind her, snickering. “Papa Kazuki said you kiss at midnight!”
“Well,” Rei smiles as he looks at you, adoration in his eyes, “we were practicing.”
Lips pressed gently against your forehead wake you up. “Mm.” You mumble, happily, feeling refreshed for once. Rei’s hair is loose, hanging down around his face as he leans over you.
“Morning,” he smiles back and leans down. “I love you,” he says, quietly, before kissing your lips. When he pulls away, he looks down at the cot at the end of your shared bed. “Somebody slept through the whole night.”
“Hm. She knows it’s an important day.”
Rei had been terrified as soon as you found out you were pregnant. It had been a surprise to the both of you. Your relationship had continued to develop slow and steady over the past ten years, each trying to heal through your own trauma. You’d slowly began to become more and more intimate over the years and though your period had returned, it was sporadic, never quite settling into a regular pattern. It was only after you’d thrown up four times in an hour one morning from the aroma of dishes they were cooking at the diner that Kazuki had gone out and came back with a box of pregnancy tests, sending you off to the bathroom.
Rei would never say it aloud, but it was clear he was worried what it would mean if the two of you were to have a boy. He still had nightmares about his own upbringing and his father, and though you had all moved away from the Organization and hadn’t heard anything in the last nine years, it still lurked at the back of their minds. Nightmares of his father coming to reclaim a Suwa heir – not that he’d let him get 100 yards within his family ever again. You’d gone for a scan to find out the sex as soon as you could, and he couldn’t hide his relief when the technician said it would be a little girl. You weren’t sure who was then more excited at the news, really – Kazuki, Miri or Rei.
“Miri, time to go!” You hear Kazuki call.
“Coming!” The teenager shouts back, before there’s the loud thumps of her descending the stairs.
“Well, Aiko,” you smile at the little girl, bashing some blocks together on the ground whilst you got ready for the day. After tying Rei’s hair up in a ponytail, he’d headed downstairs to start breakfast for Miri and help Kazuki prepare for the breakfast rush a little later on. “We better go and say goodbye to big sister, hm?” Aiko turned one last month and is an absolute joy. The happiest baby, full of smiles and a playful personality, a sweet face and her father’s black hair. You pick her up in your arms and carry her carefully down the stairs as she babbles away, walking into the tail-end of the conversation where Kazuki is…crying? Typical.
“I know you snuck out early yesterday to drink with the ladies,” Miri taunts.
You look over at Rei behind the counter, hoping for clarification but he offers back a half-shrug.
Miri spots the two of you and smiles. “Plus, Papa Kazuki, you still need to worry about Aiko here. She’s got a few years catching up to do on me.”
“I hadn’t even thought of that…!”
“Aiko, look,” you interrupt, trying to defuse whatever it is you’ve walked into, “Miri’s all ready for her first day of high school. Doesn’t she look so grown up?”
“Come here, baby sis!” Miri holds her arms out for a cuddle, but Aiko is already holding her hands out for someone else, squealing when she sees the object of her desire.
“Oh, she wants to see her Uncle Zuki, don’t you, sweetie?” The blonde takes her into his arms, bouncing her up and down, gently.
Miri frowns, placing her hands on her hips at her little sister’s betrayal.
“It’s the goatee.” You reassure the teenager.
“No, she just loves her Uncle Z… Ouch!” He winces, as her little hand grabs at his chin and tugs, forcefully.
“More she loves grabbing.” Miri laughs.
“She has her father’s strength.” Rei chimes in as he places a plate down on the counter with his specialty dish. “Come on, Miri, you need to eat anyway.”
“It’s great you have a special and all, man,” Kazuki walks around the counter with Aiko, wincing as her little hand is still entangled in his goatee, “but don’t you wanna expand the repertoire a bit?”
“You really are a one-trick pony.” Kazuki sighs. Aiko is reaching out for Rei now with one arm, her other still gripping onto Kazuki’s chin. Rei had been so scared to hold her at first, terrified of dropping her so much so that he’d only ever hold her if he was sitting or lying down. His arm was obviously irreparable – the way he had intended it to be to protect his family - and he’d gained back only a little strength and grip in it over the past ten years, but his confidence had developed and he always managed to wrangle her in place. After a little tussle, Aiko finally releases the blonde’s facial hair to settle in her father’s arms. Rei places a kiss on your daughter’s forehead and it makes your heart swell seeing the two of them together.
“It doesn’t matter, it’s great!” Miri squeals, the same way as she did when you first met her after taking a bite.
“I have to agree with them, Zuki. Everyone raves about it.”
“Oh, that’s right!” Miri drops her fork and runs towards the door.
“Little early for school, isn’t it?” Kazuki sounds puzzled.
“Follow me, please!”
Rei passes you Aiko as he follows Kazuki out behind the counter, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he does so. He still makes you blush after all these years. He slips an arm around your waist as you walk out the front of the diner and see Miri fiddling with her beloved selfie stick.
You stand in front of Rei, as usual, Miri in the middle and Kazuki to the side. Miri frowns at the image before looking at Rei and Kazuki. “Come on, we’re family, aren’t we?” Miri chastises. “Get closer, you two.”
“Huh?” Rei looks down at you but Kazuki clocks what Miri means.
“Oh, come here, you big lug!” The blonde loops an arm around Rei’s neck, bringing him in close. You’re standing in the middle of the two men now, holding Aiko tightly in front of you, Rei’s hand on the small of your back and Miri’s to the side.
“What’s a mouse’s favourite snack?”
“Kitty!” The camera clicks – the photo showing you, Rei, Kazuki and Miri all looking in surprise at Aiko and her first word.
Thought it was fitting to end this on part 13 as I think we all thought we were getting 13 episodes! Thank you so much for everyone's support during this series - I think this ended up being nearly 45,000 words! I'm open to dipping back into Rei and Kitty's relationship (I know a lot's happened to them between the end and the epilogue) so let me know if there's anything you'd particularly like me to write about <3 Thank you again for all the comments, reblogs and follows! Love Ghostdog x
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saytrrose · 3 months
Small question you're free to ignore but I'm curious.
What are all of your head cannons for Kinger and Queenie? :3
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I have SO much so this definitely won’t be ALL of them but ramble time lets go some might be a bit suggestive because silly silly!!
- Kinger and Queenie aren’t actually married, due to circus rules they’d had to have met in the circus because the erasure of memories but yes they were in a relationship and dated.
- While they don’t need to sleep, they still enjoy keeping up the schedule as if they do, in order to not go crazy over it. Kinger and Queenie usually spend their time in on or the others room though, as opposed to seperate.
- Kinger the type of mf to give Queenie a friendship bracelet and her say it’s lame and he almost cries and tries to take it back and then she puts it on her wrist and says no it hers (she cares she’s so bad at showing it)
- Queenie get jealous easily and Kinger can’t wrap his head around the concept of jealousy
- Kinger is Vegetarian and Queenie finds it weird
- Kinger is your token cishet white man
- I lied he’s maybe bisexual but won’t admit it
- Queenie is a trans woman AUGH❗️❗️
- I genuinely love the theory on Kinger and Queenie being the originally beta testers and the first of everyone to enter the circus. And for my peeps that love religious imagery esp tied to tadc- then you could think of them as Adam and Eve, the firsts and Queenie being the first to abstract aka a way to resemble the betrayal of sorts.
- Kinger hates chess and Queenie doesn’t know how to play
- Old music fans ❤️❗️ Frank Sinatra plays and Queenie is dragging Kinger to dance with her
- Oh yeah, good dancers. But traditional dancing of course.
- Kingers “bug” collection is actually glitches within the circus, not genuine bugs. Like the glitched potted plant, he picks up glitched items or “bugs” and collects them in his room.
- Pls pls projecting Queenie was a motorcycle girlie
- Kingers autistic, but Queenie is not
- Kinger also has paranoid schizophrenia and ADHD, Queenie is bipolar
- Made a comic on this one, Queenie always made pillow forts and eventually invited Kinger into them, and taught him to make them.
- they are both married to me /j
- One time they were doing “adult relationship couple things” when Caine called everyone into the hallway and they accidentally rushed out of the room in one another’s robes instead of their own
- Kinger is a horrible liar and Queenie just gives him a look and he immediately spills everything he’s thinking about
- Queenie is a hello kitty fan
- First time!! Kissing!! Kinger leaned in to kiss Queenie for the first time and it was pretty quick and he was nervous, and Queenie grabbed his face and told him to calm down and whispered if he’s ever kissed someone before, and he said he doesn’t think he has so Queenie gave him a good cute little “tutorial” on that.
- Translation: THEY MADE OUT GANG!!
- Anytime there’s a snow themed adventure, Kinger likes to make a Snow Queenie (this applies to before and present day)
- Kinger is little spoon Queenie is big spoon
- Very clingy- they both are very clingy it’s just Queenie is the only possessive one over it.
- Kinger randomly mutters to himself “Queenie would love this”
- They aren’t afraid to always perform pda around the others, hugging/kissing/nuzzling into one another and the only one brave enough to comment on it would be Kaufmo who I personally think hates viewing affection in the slightest and he’d later get whooped by Queenie
- Kingers a service top/sub
- Queenies a bratty bottom/top
- They can both be switches why not
- Queenie loves plushies
- I’m getting tired so I’ll stop here this isn’t even most of them or a lot hhhh
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t0ast-ghost · 2 months
S2 episode 7? (Cat’s Paw) I’ll explain the discrepancy later.
On with it:
- Jim is being a stressed parent and Spock is trying to reassure him
- That was an impressive fall from Jackson down the stairs of the transporter pad
- icon shit
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- What’s going on with Chekov’s hair
- Spock is highly skeptical of the three witches “Very bad poetry, Captain.”
- I’d just like to say Spock and McCoy’s eyeshadow is on point today
- Time to go into the creepy, definitely haunted, castle
- What do you think the three of them would dress up as for Halloween? Would they match or not? (Comment your ideas)
- Jumpy
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- aww cute little kitty- and they fell through the floor… great
- Bones notices the bones… nice one
- Somethings wrong with Scotty and Sulu
- The comically large key is NOT okay.. hey hey back away from McCoy
- H- how did they just get somewhere else
- Is the cat talking to Korob?
- “He doesn’t know about trick or treat.”
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- I love how the cat just walks out of the room. Star Trek and cats mix so well cause it’s like, hundreds of years in the future and they’re still pretty much the same
- Aw it’s a little keychain of the ship
- Kirk saying ‘telekinesis’ as tele-ken-isis
- DeSalles is doing pretty well. I respect his character, though idk who tf he is
- Kirk is sooo worried about McCoy (he’s calling him ‘doc’ in this episode cause McCoy got freaked out by the Skeleton in chains)
- They fucking mind controlled McCoy :(((
- Trouble in paradise? I’m disliking Sylvia and Korob
- “I have the power!” Okay he-man, calm yourself Korob
- I wanna talk about their sun/moon outfits for a second
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- “My mind to your mind, willingly.” This is something Jim will actually have with Spock eventually. But not with you Sylvia.
- “You find me beautiful? But I can be many women.” Becomes blond.. (also Jim’s blank fucking stare, he just wants his crew back)
- “You are using me!” YES! OF COURSE HE IS!
- “The cat is the most ruthless, the most terrifying of animals.” Sure, Spock. Sure.
- He just fucking knocked out McCoy. Kirk not afraid to slap a mind controlled bitch (Sorry McCoy)
“Give it to me.” He then proceeds to smash it. Kirk himself is much like a cat.
- fucking creatures. Love ‘em
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I meant to just post EP8 thoughts today but I completely missed this episode until I posted EP6 thoughts because I realized the next was EP8 and the player had marked this episode as EP30 (even though there’s only 26EPS in S2)
So after I watched around eleven episodes after, I realized I had to watch Catspaw which didn’t disappoint.
Episode written by Robert Bloch
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black-rose-writings · 6 months
One post so that I don't have to spam yall about the new war
Look at this cinematic shit.
Fucking be-not-afraid moment from evil birb man.
Cool Grineer is cool.
I hate the faces in this game. Just give me back my faceless warframe, pls.
Dang, Corpus kid is doing good.
Tihi plot is happening.
Evil birb man will not stop me from saving space mom.
Evil faun man can, though, apparently.
Also, why did you stab me, that's so mean.
The logo is unpside down oh no.
Oh no, evil faun man has a cult.
Oh no, what did they do to my Mag.
Oh, look, it's little grown-up me and sad broken mom. And look, Ordis is a little drone, that's so cute.
While I was making myself more tea, I gave myself a similar high braid that my operator has. No reason for sharing that besides "haha, look, same hair".
Also, as always, Warframe has banger soundtrack. Evil "We all lift together" with gospel twist. Fucking brilliant.
Oh, look we get to skate with a human.
Operator (I mean, Drifter) as squishy as ever I see. Wo-hoo for stealthing I guess.
I didn't realize until now that my clan still has the fucking Janus key copypasta as our greet text. Thanks bro.
Dang, I hate taking elevators, I want my no-fall-damage Warframe back, pls.
Who the fuck is this shadow and why are they helping me? Oh, Stalker. And Hunhow.
Oh, look, evil warframes.
We're doing parkour with a squishy little human without a double jump. Sure, why not.
Homework - cue school flashback. Fucking brilliant.
I'll admit, I like having the Stalker on my side.
Oh, look, mom has her face back. And more flashbacks.
I should probably go to bed. Or I can make another tea and finish this stuff.
Timeline fuckery, hell yeah. See, this is what happens when you make deals with an eldritch god. I said, way before the timeline fuckery scene.
First thing I need to do after getting my shit back - pet the kitty. Kitty needs to be petted. It is the law.
Also, I'm still giggling at the Corrupted Vor monologue/copypasta in our greet text. Vor knows nothing.
Mimics posing as Ayatans. And my dumb magpie brain fucking almost fell for it. I am in fact an idiot.
Have I mentioned Sentient ships are freaky as fuck. Because they are.
And now my game glitched and I have to fight through the big evil sun eating ship all over again. No, it didn't glitch, this part of the game is just retarded like that. You die, you do this shit all over again. and you have to do a two minute archwing flight on top of that. Or no? Is this supposed to happen? WTF.
Space mom is back. And we see evil god.
Space mom has freckles on her shoulder.
Let's redo This is What You are, but the other way around.
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twistedappletree · 5 months
It’s PRIYA! ✨💞☀️💞✨
Some more about her under the cut below the pic bc her story is a bit rough but she’s such a sweet precious pretty baby fr 🥺🥀
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First of all, she responds SO WELL to Priya. I think she likes the name and pronunciation because of how bright it is. I also got her some fancy hemp-based strawberry lime hibiscus doggy perfume since I can’t give her a bath yet because of her surgery staples. 🌺
Basically, her original owners surrendered her because there were medical complications with her pregnancy and they didn’t want to deal with it. They took her to the shelter way too late so her babies had to be aborted and she’s extremely depressed because of it. She was in the very last kennel in the back so she wasn’t getting viewed much by potential adopters and she was there so long without getting any interest that they scheduled her to be euthanized to make more room in the shelter. No one even offered to foster her. 💔
It’s also very clear that she was abused, likely by a man. Even while I was at the shelter, she gravitated towards me and stayed away from the male employees (who aren’t bad people btw, it’s just that her trauma makes her afraid of them).
She’s not doing this anymore but she squinted and lowered her head when I first tried to pet her, as though she was expecting to be hit. I also took her outside to show her her new backyard and where she can go potty but she thought I was kicking her out for the night so she went into the corner of the yard and made a little nest out of dry leaves to sleep in 😭
I had to lead her back into the house by her leash because she wouldn’t come back in ajdhajdha like nooooo baby you sleep inside and wherever you want! On the couch, my bed, your new doggy bed with all your fluffy blankets—no leaves!
It’s only been a few nights but she’s already learning that she’s in a safe place and she’s SO gentle and respectful with my cat! Misako is still freaked out by her but she already lived with my Great Dane before she passed so she knows big dogs and I’m already seeing a lot of improvement in her attitude towards Priya.
She’s also not jealous of her and shunning me for it which was the main thing I was worried about because my kitty is my baby lmaooo (but Priya’s my baby too now!)
She’s still extremely tired from her surgeries so I can’t take her on any strenuous walks or outings but she gets her staples out next week and a regular check up to make sure she’s okay. She looks like she has some breathing problems and also has a weird bump on her nose so we’re gonna get that checked out. Hoping it’s nothing serious 😭 she’s only 2 years old but she walks around and has the energy levels of an old lady ajdhajdhAJDHAD
Pretty, pretty Priya. I love her sm 💞🥺💞
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courage-doodles-blog · 3 months
What is Barry's relationships with Courage The Cowardly Dog characters
Barry and Courage - Courage and Barry are rarely close friends to each other. Barry does look up to him for his bravery, although the two have a thing in common which is having anxiety[also my lil headcanon for Courage.] Courage is shown to be very protective of him
Barry and Muriel Bagge - Barry and Muriel show love and care for eachother, with Barry thinking of her as a grandmother figure to him. Muriel shows support and cares Barry for his health and happiness. She treats him the same way she treats Courage
Barry and Eustace Bagge - The two don't show to get along well, Eustace verbally abuses, enjoys making fun of and tormenting him just how he does with Courage.
Barry and Computer - Since being a sarcastic ai jerk to Courage, he was the same to Barry when the anxious cat first met him, in which makes Courage defend the cat against the ai. However, when Barry came to him after he got ab#sed by the spider crime mob leader Toxin. Computer suddenly felt a bit of sympathy for the poor fella. He started to be aware when Barry said about his anxiety, that he meant that he has anxiety. Computer becomes a mentor/guardian to Barry, teaching him ways to control his anxiety
Barry, Bunny and Kitty - The lesbian couple are shown to be really good friends to Barry. Sometimes the two babysit him and they act like aunts to him. Barry does respect and care for the two equally. Bunny and Kitty are shown to be really proud of Barry for saving their adoptive daughter Bunitty from Mad Dog
Barry and Shirley - Barry does show respect for Shirley. But he tends to worry about the curses she carries onto others
Barry and Charlie the Mouse - Though the two don't interact more often, they are really good friends. Charlie does help him on what issue is happening and offers him some advice as help
Barry and Katz - Katz is shown to hate the nervous cat while Barry fears him mostly. Katz even shows any intent to kill, torture or harm Barry or even manipulate him into going into his scam businesses
Barry and Le Quack - The two are enemies. Le Quack does manipulate/exploit Barry to join his side and get him to do crime sprees.
Barry and Cajun Fox - Cajun Fox mostly finds the nervous lil cat as an ingredient for his Cajun cuisines, he mostly attempts to kidnap him for that, Barry is terrified him because of his deadly taste for humans and anthropomorphic animals.
Barry and Black Puddle Queen - Barry does fear the Queen of the Black Puddle. She wasn't aware the fact that Barry is a child
Barry and Clucthing Foot - Despite that they don't interact more often, Barry does consider Clutching Foot as a threat to him
Barry and Weremole - Barry is pretty afraid of that beast. But despite that, he doesn't know when he first saw one until Computer gave him the info about them. As for Weremole, he will just straight up maul him to death
Barry and Banana Suit Dealer - The two have interacted a little. When Banana Dealer convince him to buy a government top secret, Barry politely declines. The two are shown to be neutral
Barry and Freaky Fred - At first Barry appears to become friendly with Fred, but he was traumatised when Fred having his intent to shave Barry's fur off. But then Barry heads to the Home For Freaky Barbers where he(Fred) is kept in for his life to reconcile for being traumatised of him
Barry and Mad Dog - Barry really hates Mad Dog for what he did to Bunny, Kitty and Bunitty. Though he did save Bunitty's life after he slammed his(Mad Dog) face into the windshield
Barry and Cruel Veterinarian - Barry really hates this man's guts! He even was aware of what he is going to do with Courage. And he also knew that he hired Toxin to kill him alive
Barry and King Ramses - The two don't show interaction with eachother. But Ramses shows honour and respect after Barry gives him back his slab
Barry and the Cat Thieves/Jim and Paul - Barry dislikes the duo, since their both thieves and they wanted to have King Ramses' slab for themselves. When they Barry holding it, they asked him to give it to them. But Barry declines and he does the right thing by returning it to the King
Barry and Courage's Parents/Henry and Teresa - The three haven't met eachother, but if they would actually meet eachother for the first time, they would really get along well
Barry and Fusilli - Barry became a victim of Fusilli's puppetry, The crocodile got him into his show but then he was disappointed by Barry quitting performing for him
Barry and Ma Bagge - Barry doesn't really like Ma Bagge because of her disliking of cats
Barry and Hunchback Of Nowhere - Barry doesn't show fear at his "ugly' appearance, he is very supportive and tells him about respecting their differences
Barry and Bigfoot - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry, Storm Goddess and Duncan - The three haven't met eachother yet
Barry, Benton Tarrentella and Errol Von Volkheim - Barry does fear the two, however he isn't convinced on joining their productions
Barry and Duck Brothers - They appear to be on good terms
Barry and Dr Vindaloo - Barry respects Vindaloo, he does go to him whenever there's something wrong with him
Barry and Di Lung - Barry appears to not like Di Lung due to his inventing creation of Mecha Courage
Barry and Goose God - Goose God shows a despise against the small cat as he won't let Muriel see him and he doesn't understand the fact that he is a god
Barry, General and Lieutenant - Barry does show loyalty and respect for the two loyal members of the government. But however their wrestling whenever Barry goes over to them for help leaves the poor fella in dismay
Barry and Nowhere Newsman - They don't interact more often, although it is shown that Barry shows respect for him
Barry and Space Chicken - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry and Floyd - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry and Schwick - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry and Stitch Sisters - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry, Dr Zalost and Rat - The three haven't met eachother yet
Barry and The King of Flan - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry and Perfectionist - The two haven't met eachother yet
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gaypirate420 · 2 years
Informant // Bruce Wayne.
Bruce Wayne x male!reader.
Reader is a very feminine man, if this may cause you dysphoria please don't read it.
Summary: Batman is very found about an informant.
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July 14th.
The streets of Gotham were calmer tonight, my informant was exited to remember me that today two years ago we met.
He called it our "bativersary" and remarked the good pair we are, he is a good company on the night, he risks a lot for me and I've grown attached to him.
I, as Bruce, invited him to a date yesterday, he said he is used to men paying him for going out with him.
I hope he realizes that I didn't want him as and arm candy and I hope that he legitimately enjoyed my company as Bruce as much he enjoys Batman's company, I still payed him a large amount, so he doesn't have to go out with other men or work as a dancer on a bar again for a while.
I'm afraid that he is starting to find about my identity, he is very smart and observant, he loves to play games with me.
His favorite is "who's the bat?" He says is for training, so I don't flinch or get uncomfortable at the mention of my real name or physical description.
Probably the date wasn't the best idea, any suspicion he had could have been confirmed.
You didn't know what do to with the amount of money Bruce Wayne gave to you after your date.
You felt bad, he wasn't a man you wanted to take advantage of, he was truly sweet and a gentleman.
You didn't have to go work today or probably the following day either, but you still wanted to see Batman, he says you help him a lot.
It was around 5:00 AM and you started to walk down the street, you thought about him.
Will he be hungry? Probably yes, it's very late and he stays up all night.
Batman waited on a roof, he was eyeing a couple of dudes who were causing trouble, they looked drunk.
"Hi, Batman." You greeted from behind him, he turned around and you smiled at him.
"What are you doing up here?" He asked, how did you got so silent with those heels?.
"I buyed you lunch, bigboy!" You said, he looked at your hands, you were holding two boxes, two happy meals.
"I thought that maybe— you'll be hungry and I heard something about Miss Sugar, the one from the robbery of last week." You said sitting down on the edge, you zipped your jacket up and opened your meal.
"Thank you—for the food." He said softly, you nodded and grabbed a fry, you took out the toy first.
"I hope you like Hello Kitty." You said smiling, he actually sat down with you and grabbed his toy.
"Mine's a chef." You said showing him the little figure.
"Mine is a teacher." He said softly, you put your figurine next to his, for a man who punches criminal with such rage he is surprisingy soft around you.
"Guess whaaaaat." You said shyly, he hummed.
"I had a date." You said, your tone was like if you did something wrong.
"With who?" He asked.
"Bruce Wayne." You said, his eyes flashed from yours and the street, you hide a smirk.
"Hm, and how was it?" He asked softly.
"Great! He's the only man that hasn't tried to get under my pants, he is shy and very secretive, he is very very respectful." You said with a smile that didn't got unoticed by the vigilante.
"Hm, that's great" He said shortly.
"I'm still wondering how he got my personal number though." You said taking a sip of your soda.
He forgot that you have two phones, one for your services and other for him, friends and family.
"Probably one of the waiters at the bar gave it to him, I've seen him on there a couple of times." Batman said, that is the longest response you have gotten from him in two years.
"Yeah it's probably that, why do I investigate everything? You're attitude is rubbing off on me" You joked, he smiled very discreetly, you giggle and he meets eyes with you, you winked at him.
"Batboy look up there!" You pointed, he stood up, a drunk man was trying to get into an apartment, he is struggling but Batman isn't going to wait for him to open the window.
"Stay here." He says and point his hook, you grabbed the hello kitty figurines and put it on your backpack.
"I want to swim on that thing" You said casually, he looks at you, you looked him with puppy eyes and sighed.
"Look at the dude, he isn't a threat, let's have fun." You said with a smile, he looked again and the man almost tripped, he extended his arm and you ran to him.
Your arms are wrapped on his shoulder.
He hesitantly wraps his arm on your waist.
This isn't the first time he has you this close but everytime you touch him there's a feeling inside him, warm.
"hold on tight." He ordered, you did and secured your head on his neck.
"HOLY SHIT" You screamed while you hold on him for dear life, he didn't emitted a sound, just a low grunt when you finally step on floor again.
Batman did his batman thingy while you catched your breath.
"Are you alright?" He asked softly.
"That was amazing!" You said with a smile.
A/N: hope you like it, I already have part 2 written lmao.
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
ozzy. ozzy my entire street lost power give me some sage to cope please I need Mr kitty meow meow cat man
I'm seeing this late because I was murdering myself with homework so hopefully you've got your power back now!! GN!Reader, Modern!AU, Sage is such a scaredy-cat
You and Sage were lounging on the couch, wrapped up in blankets and watching a horror movie. Sage keeps insisting he isn't scared because He's Just On A Couch What's There To Be Afraid Of?? but he jumps at every scare. Part of it is because he kinda zones out during the plot-heavy parts so when there's a sudden sharp movement and loud noise it gets him.
And right towards the climax (if you say that outloud it makes him snicker), the power cuts out. And the sudden pitch blackness and lack of noise scares him nearly as bad as the actual scare would've.
So now he's clinging to you and his fur is all puffed-up.
Y'know how electricity - and by extension, all your appliances - have this little hum? You learn to tune it out after a while, but once it all suddenly goes dead? You're sitting in actual silence.
Sage Does Not Like It.
He insists on doing a quick sweep of the house vis-a-vis his cat night vision. He is a touch bit paranoid to begin with (he's grown up always under the threat of being hurt, so you learn to be on edge with everything. And he's especially careful when you're around because he needs to keep you safe) but it's even more pronounced when you guys have been watching a horror movie. Especially if it's something like The Strangers, Funny Games (side-note I highly recommend Funny Games because you go from being anxious to laughing a little bit to being more anxious to being kinda depressed. Ultimately a little less of a horror movie and more of... a... psychological? thriller? something like that. I dunno. I really like it though), The Purge, etc. Y'know. Home invasion. His immediate thought is that someone has cut the power to have an easier job breaking in.
So he dumps all the blankets on you so you resemble a blanket-lump and darts around to check the windows and doors. You, meanwhile, just pull out your phone like a normal person.
By the time Sage gets back from double-locking everything and checking all the rooms (yes he does look under your bed just to be safe), you've already rounded up some flashlights and glowsticks. I would recommend you have one of those high-powered mini-lanterns that are popular with camping, too
Side note: Between 2018-2020 my streets would constantly have power outages so I had a whole-ass kit of stuff. Flashlight, lanterns, glowsticks, one of those big power packs that hold like 100 hours of charge, a tablet with 50-ish hours of videos already downloaded plus like 30 books, spare batteries, etc. My point is, always have stuff ready in cases of emergencies! I would also recommend having a go-bag for whatever natural disaster is most common in your area; for me it's earthquakes, for other people it could be tornadoes or fires or floods or whatever. And if you have family, especially elderly family, that live far away from you, I would also suggest having an overnight emergency bag with stuff like a battery pack, spare clothes/pajamas, toothbrush/paste/etc., ibuprofen, whatever other medication you might need, so on, and keep a pair of easy slip-on shoes by the door. If you can get cheap sneakers or something to put in your bag, that could be good too. Crocs aren't really great to run in but they're better than being barefoot. Always be prepared for emergencies is the point!
You shine the light in Sage's face to watch his pupils do The Thing. He hisses.
By this point you guys have two options; hang around inside and wait for the power to come back on - maybe give the power company a call - or go outside.
I think the answer to that depends on if you're using pre-timeskip or post-timeskip Sage's personality.
Pre-timeskip, Sage wants to lounge around inside. Maybe have a drink, hang out, do some Netflix and Chill minus the Netflix, etc. Hell, maybe just take a nap depending on the time. You run the risk of boredom setting in. And if that happens then be prepared for him to start randomly nomming on you. He wants to leave some hickeys for everyone to see when the lights come back ;)
Post-timeskip, Sage would rather go outside. It's not that he wants to socialize or anything - Hell no, a lot of your neighbors look at him weird because of the eyepatch and he's heard plenty of whispers about 'why is someone like that in this neighborhood' and 'oh I hope MC is okay' and so on, though he never tells you about it because he's afraid you'll regret dating him - but being outside means less places someone can sneak up on you two. Plus... well, he likes the stars. They calm him down. So you two can sit on the porch, you on his lap and with one of the blankets wrapped around you, tracing constellations and telling stories about them. Depending on how long the blackout lasts, some of the neighbors may come up to say hello, offer candles, and maybe even a snack. Most of the ones that do come by are always nice to Sage (you'd have to be a nice person to go out of your way to look out for others during a blackout, I'd figure) so he's calm about it and thanks them a lot.
You guys have been out there for two hours,, he asks if you wanna go back inside now, since it's getting cold, and you shake your head and lean against him and say he's keeping you warm just fine,,,
If you're tired then you can ask him to sing a lullaby! You mostly ask as a joke but then he actually does it.
I just,, I think he has a nice voice,,, especially when he's being so soft for you,,, ehehehe,,,,,,
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