#this place is a message … and part of a system of messages … pay attention to it!
do y'ever think about how anthropologists of a distant future culture might find a nuclear waste site and read the messages on it and go "oh I recognize this from the digital fragments of memes we keep finding, this place must have been a really popular comedy venue"
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foryouthegays · 1 year
get urself a bf who also has the nuclear warning message saved on its phone <3
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goodmode · 1 year
you all luck out today because i’m very tired but when the mood strikes i will be going totally apeshit over the wanderer so you can all just handle that when it happens. block the tag gm no6 if you are the precautionary type and/or have not done the archon quest
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cabalittle · 2 years
That giant horny emoji poast broke my app and froze my phone for a minute. Nothing fucks up my phone, what the hell was that?
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chansaw · 2 years
PSA for new tumblr users!
This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
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pygmypouter · 11 months
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This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
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sadclowncentral · 1 year
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chiangyorange · 20 days
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This place is a message…and part of a system of messages…pay attention to it!
isles echoes so much of s1 that it felt like a show play. theres something harrowing as an unknown entity. nothing primordial like the light and dark, or maybe it is. isles wasnt a True universe in the way that mianite seasons 1 and 2 were. it was called mianitian isles. something close, something similar, but not quite the same as the others
it wants to be adored by silly little mortals who will devote themselves to its cause. it wants to be human, but only the shape of one. it wants to be greater than mere mortal beings. it wants to be indescribable.
sounds kind of like it wants to be a god
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synnthamonsugar · 1 year
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
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vicmillen · 6 months
So I've seen several art pieces playing with the long-term nuclear waste warning messages, and it gets me thinking.
There's like, at least five to six languages mentioned in totk, right? There's Hylian, ancient Hylian, ancient Sheikah, ancient Zonai, the Zora script, and possibly an ancient Gerudo language. It's safe to bet there's probably also one each for Goron and Rito. We also sees a lot of the storyline revolves around translating ancient texts, and a lot of researchers dedicated to this.
What if there is a Hyrule version of the Rosetta stone? In the form of these long-term nuclear waste warning messages. Like imagine these messages carved into those pillars that rise up around the castle in botw. Not just in Sheikah but also ancient Hylian and the long lost Zonai, and the ancient language of the other four races? What if that's how they figure out the Zonai language despite not much record of it is known even before the calamity strikes?
I just think it's a very interesting idea. Imagine the pillars are absolutely covered in repeating texts of varying font and sizes. The direction the text goes in is different for each language, but they all repeats the same message. Again and again, warning off the future generations from this place of ancient evil. As Link and Zelda went into the cavern deep under Hyrule castle, they saw these same messages carved into walls and framing the murals that tells of the birth of the demon king. The text gains length once they went beyond the old castle tunnels, not just warning against a danger but also warning against disturbing this place that seals the danger. They have no choice but to proceed though, because it seems like the seal is already disturbed enough to let the gloom leak out. So deeper they went, despite the walls warning them against it every step they take.
(It's also fitting for the theory that the Sheikah is drawing energy from Ganondorf's mummy corpse and using it to fuel Sheikah tech. But Ganondorf the nuclear power plant is a topic for another day.)
Also here's how I imagine the text is divided. since the original one in full is a bit weird when they also build an entire castle on top.
The section above ground on the pillars:
This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The additional bits once they went underground:
This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
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sanguinesky-if · 6 months
Additional info [Q&A format] [Updated: 02.06.2024]
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Q: Will there be a polyamorous/triangle route?
A: No.
Q: Are there any restrictions and requirements for a particular RO?
A: No, all the ROs are player-sexual and do not require you to make the "right" choices to develop a relationship. Some of the ROs won't be nice to your character, and I want the player to be able to respond in kind if they feel that way, while not blocking the RO's route because of that. Don't be afraid to be bad. Some characters deserve it.
Q: Is there homophobia in the world in which the story takes place?
A: No.
Q: Does the main character have a set personality?
A: No, your character's personality will be determined by your choices with stats. Other characters will pay attention to and comment on your personality.
Q: Are there other things in the story that are predetermined in advance?
A: The first is your position as a detective. The second is your relationship with your sister. You will be able to change it later if you want to.
Q: What about the stats?
A: All stats in the game serve to change the narrative according to the decisions you make in the story. There is no "failure" mechanic in the story, and there never will be. There are no relationship stats for the ROs in the game, instead, each of them has romance and approval (friendship for L) points.
Q: How does the approval system work?
A: The approval system serves as an indicator of how closely your MC's personality and decisions align with the personality of the RO. Having a negative value doesn't imply it's bad. Example: At high approval, T: "The detective is so funny, and it's so sexy that I find it hard to control myself around them…" With low or negative approval, T: "The detective is so uptight… I have a method or two to help them relieve the tension." As you can see, both options are different, but neither one is bad. Not all of the ROs are strongly dependent on approval and not every interaction will be built on such a system, but sometimes some parts will change because of it.
Q: Is this going to be a series or a standalone book?
A: The story is planned as a standalone book, but I'm open to the idea of "splitting" the story if it starts to feel too big for one book.
Q: I sent a question but didn't receive an answer. Why?
A: I may not have answered your question because: ▪ I still have unanswered questions before yours. ▪ The question wasn't relevant to my IF. ▪ I'm not sure how to answer it. ▪ I'm not comfortable answering it. ▪ The question was about future plot points. ▪ The answer to your question is already posted in the Q&A. I may not answer or take longer than usual to answer questions about the ROs reactions, as they take me much more time to respond than other messages. Thank you for your understanding!
Q: Which messages are definitely not going to be answered?
A: I won't answer questions and messages that [in my opinion] may lead to non-story related or other controversial and arguable discussions. I just want to write my story, and I have no time or desire to prove anything to anyone. Please just enjoy the story and the romance.
This post will be updated occasionally. Latest update: 02 June 2024
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gothicprep · 5 months
I know I talk so much trash on my stepsisters for having random canvases that say “𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸 𝓰𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓼𝓽” on them, but to be fair, I have a painting hanging up in my living room of the long term nuclear waste warning message in cursive script hanging up in my living room.
they were over once and asked me “what does that canvas say?” and I told them “this place is a message, and part of a system of messages. pay attention to it!” and they cut me off to ask me what the hell I was talking about.
Oh well. Such is life, I guess.
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rin-and-jade · 1 year
do you have any advice for communicating with alters for new systems?
We had it lucky being able to talk to each other just fine inside, so take these advices with a grain of salt because it may or may not work for you.
Using external tools: i find my people articulating better when written down in a paper or doing it on phone, maybe on discord or notes app. Sometimes brain just fails us and made everything blurry to hear so this had worked.
Calling out: we had a bunch who won’t talk until someone actively searches for them (we can feel parts lurking around) and engage in a chat, first it felt awkward, but the point is to warm up with them so they’re not reluctant to talk next time. So asking if there’s anyone and kindly want to talk at that moment might work at first try, or doesn’t.
Practice in silence: noisy places disrupt my focus (and can to you) so it’s way harder to send a message or receive one if there’s already a lot of transmission from the external world. I find it better to do it in silence where i can focus better, to vocalize words and see if anyone responded, just putting every attention i have in noticing signs or someone.
Innerworld: this is a helpful mental environment to foster greater communication, my people (because I can’t) always try to go inside if could because that’s how we can talk in ease, we can see each other, pay attention to body language, those cues that you can’t get when focusing on the outside. If you don’t have a complete one, or none,, then you should actively focus on worldbuilding. (Ask me again about this if needed)
Stay receptive: the voices can feel muted than usual, that we may not even realize they’re trying to communicate. Also pay attention if you feel any else’s feelings in your body because thats also a cue in trying to communicate (but maybe just not in words, thats fair) since most people miss this one out often.
Anyway, this is all i got, i also suggest you to do more reading into internal communication because we learn better and faster from reading multiple resources, goodluck man.
- j
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utherumbra · 2 years
This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
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This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
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The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
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The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
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You can’t convince me these things aren’t radioactive I mean their abilities unravel other pokemon dna at the base stats!
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[I could be wrong. Is it possible the Black Heart will beat again?]
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<<This place is a message… and part of a system of messages… pay attention to it!>>
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They mistake the vessel for its contents. They confuse the pieces with the whole. They see their imprisonment as empowerment. They are hostages of their flesh, unable to see without vision. Unable to hear without sound. Unable to slake their thirst for fear of drowning. Their ignorance is their saving grace. Yet one among them understands, in their limited fashion. They pour from one vessel to another. A welcome change. A new form. Another method of gifting death. I am made finite. Personal. Bright and delicate to hide my true form. An intimacy. They think me contained, but I am instead diffused, as vapor upon the wind. Once again, I am becoming.
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There is a great deal of difference between the source of the power, the power itself, and the hand that shapes it.... do you know where the lines are drawn, Guardian?
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<<Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.>>
MARA: I touched the mind of that being - that monster - only once.
MARA: I sensed its purpose. Not the purpose itself, but the idea of purpose.
EIDO: The final shape. What it seeks to achieve, with all the tools it has gleaned over the years. This... eternal, perfect thing.
MARA: The language it uses is illuminating. Peak. Pinnacle. Pyramidion.
MARA: The broad base of the pyramid, focusing and sharpening as it builds toward its highest point.
MARA: Self-improvement, or what that being believes to be self-improvement.
[Here, I began to realize something. Excitement rushed through me like lightning.]
EIDO: Dissecting, reassembling. Taking, merging. All those things point towards what the Witness sees as the final shape.
EIDO: It is not simple destruction, the march of entropy. The ruined garden.
EIDO: It seeks... compression. The combination of a chosen past and limitless future into a perfect forever. A state of being that cannot be anything else, because it is everything it could be.
MARA: Taxidermy.
[She had to explain the practice to me. What strange hobbies Golden Age humans had! The metaphor was quite apt.]
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EIDO: But it cannot achieve this goal, can it? Not perfectly.
EIDO: What it does instead is mutilation. Its tools leave scars on reality. Great wounds that do not heal. It may preserve some elements, but it always botches the process.
MARA: It cannot accomplish what it envisions—its true ideal of the final shape—without the Traveler's power.
MARA: How it must rankle, to be forced to rely upon the being it loathes.
[She smiled without humor.]
MARA: I hope the Guardian is properly grateful for this gift, Scribe Eido. You have shown them more than an opening move; you have laid bare their opponent's guiding principles.
[I could not help but chirp with pride. I might have felt embarrassed, but Marakel seemed amused…then suddenly serious.]
MARA: Last night, I had a dream.
[I sat up straight.]
MARA: It began in nothing. Neither Light nor Dark; the absence of both. But in that nothing, I began to perceive an impossible something.
MARA: Stone hands clutching at the fabric of the sky. A mountain of screaming bone. A crumbling spire choked by kudzu. A great cancerous growth. Necrotic tendrils digging into flesh, which was earth. Darkness turned gangrenous, strangling the Light.
MARA: But I was not afraid. As I woke, I felt the lingering warmth of a campfire, chasing the chill from my hands.
[She leaned forward. Though I was the one who recorded her words, I believe she was speaking to you.]
MARA: It is not too late.
<<This place is not a place of honor… no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here… nothing valued is here.>>
April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade, And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten, And drank coffee, and talked for an hour. Bin gar keine Russin, stamm’ aus Litauen, echt deutsch. And when we were children, staying at the archduke’s, My cousin’s, he took me out on a sled, And I was frightened. He said, Marie, Marie, hold on tight. And down we went. In the mountains, there you feel free. I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter.
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What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, You cannot say, or guess, for you know only A heap of broken images, where the sun beats, And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, And the dry stone no sound of water. Only There is shadow under this red rock, (Come in under the shadow of this red rock), And I will show you something different from either Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you; I will show you fear in a handful of dust.                       Frisch weht der Wind Der Heimat zu Mein Irisch Kind, Wo weilest du? ‘You gave me hyacinths first a year ago; ‘They called me the hyacinth girl.’ —Yet when we came back, late, from the Hyacinth garden, Your arms full, and your hair wet, I could not Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither Living nor dead, and I knew nothing, Looking into the heart of light, the silence. Oed’ und leer das Meer.
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Madame Sosostris, famous clairvoyante, Had a bad cold, nevertheless Is known to be the wisest woman in Europe, With a wicked pack of cards. Here, said she, Is your card, the drowned Phoenician Sailor, (Those are pearls that were his eyes. Look!) Here is Belladonna, the Lady of the Rocks, The lady of situations. Here is the man with three staves, and here the Wheel, And here is the one-eyed merchant, and this card, Which is blank, is something he carries on his back, Which I am forbidden to see. I do not find The Hanged Man. Fear death by water. I see crowds of people, walking round in a ring. Thank you. If you see dear Mrs. Equitone, Tell her I bring the horoscope myself: One must be so careful these days.
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Unreal City, Under the brown fog of a winter dawn, A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many, I had not thought death had undone so many. Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled, And each man fixed his eyes before his feet. Flowed up the hill and down King William Street, To where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept the hours With a dead sound on the final stroke of nine. There I saw one I knew, and stopped him, crying: 'Stetson! ‘You who were with me in the ships at Mylae! ‘That corpse you planted last year in your garden, ‘Has it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year? ‘Or has the sudden frost disturbed its bed? ‘Oh keep the Dog far hence, that’s friend to men, ‘Or with his nails he’ll dig it up again! ‘You! hypocrite lecteur!—mon semblable,—mon frère!”
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<<What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.>>
Oryx went down into his throne world. He went out into the abyss, and with each step he read one of his tablets, so that they became like stones beneath his feet.
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He went out and he created an altar and he prepared an unborn ogre. He called on the Deep, saying:
I can see you in the sky. You are the waves, which are battles, and the battles are the waves. Come into this vessel I have prepared for you.
And it arrived, the Deep Itself.
<<The danger is in a particular location… it increases towards a center… the center of danger is here… of a particular size and shape, and below us.>>
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ARENA DESIGNATION: Cathedral of Dusk
Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn
As soon as the first Guardians penetrated the Dreadnaught, Shaxx's Redjacks launched a boarding party to Oryx's fortress. By war’s end, they'd fought all the way to the ship’s “impossible weapon,” the Dark ordnance that obliterated the Awoken fleet.
It was there they found what the Warlocks named the “Cathedral of Dusk.” A Hive burial site for— what? A former master of Oryx? Comrade? Lover? It was vile. And obvious that Oryx never expected the Light to reach so deep inside his throne, to such an intimate space. But he didn’t expect a lot of things — like a Guardian training ground atop the husk of his dead ship.
I dive to understand.
I must be calm. I must record my thoughts. Now I think of the OXA Machine, eternally lost and eternally rebuilt, passed down from civilization to civilization like a ship's black box. I think of the legends of the Hive King Oryx and his quest to pass into the Deep. I took that story as an allegory. I think I was wrong.
<<The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.>>
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A dream of a friendly conversation with someone impossible to see, cloaked in shadows. It leaves behind an impossible data fragment to mark its passing.
Here is what a flower knows.
(The fact that a flower may know anything is a conceit that will have to be accepted as metaphor, but to constantly qualify into perfect precision wears thin, does it not? So, here is what a collection of chloroplasts and pigment can know.)
The direction of the sun.
The presence of the rain.
The tangle of the roots.
The distress of another plant.
The hands of the gardener, whether they prune or transplant or crush.
A flower cannot know much else. But the reality of the garden is vast and wild. A flower knows not the fence; a flower knows not the footpath. And yet there is an infinite cosmic garden, which is not any less real simply because the flower cannot possibly comprehend it…
Let us try this again. Stop me if you've heard this one: A gardener and a winnower sit down to play a game outside of time and creation. Yes?
Yes. Then we're agreed. The metaphor stands. Let us iterate.
A gardener and a winnower set out their chairs and play a game of flowers. The flowers know only that they grow or wither, struggle or flourish. Sometimes, they are touched by one hand or the other, and that influence is the closest they will know of the divine.
A flower and a flower spread their leaves to the sun above. (Remember that the sun is also a metaphor: a thing said beautifully, winnowed down to poetry, when the truth is too vast to put in words at all.) They jostle for space, each competing to be the pinnacle of their shape. One flourishes. One withers. Is it the fault of the flower or the fault of its position?
A gardener and a winnower sit down to play a game called Possibility. This is a game about a garden, which is to say that it is also a game about flowers, just as a game about a living being must also be a game about organs and bacteria.
A gardener and a winnower collaborate to create a protein. Whose hand is it in the design, that shortens one life to extend the rest?
It is the winnower that discovers the first knife, but it is not done without the gardener. This, too, is a tradition: a knife does not come to exist without something that must be cut. A woody stem, a colored petal, a vital vessel. The first victims of the blade.
All of these are true.
All of these are false, for metaphor simplifies as the knife does. It pares incalculable concepts into shapes your wrinkly little brains can comprehend. The weight of billions and the simple curve of a planet give you pause, and how then are you to be expected to grasp the forces that created your nth-removed creator?
So the stories woven with utmost delicacy in and around the falsehoods are, after it all, true. There was never any option for the knife to not exist in the garden: it was only ever a matter of time and opportunity.
And as for the shape of the knife itself—
No. That is enough.
I will tell you of gardens.
They are domesticated things, made in a form. As soon as something is called a garden, it is shaped. The plants require the hand of a gardener, for they have become weak and dependent on tender care. They require the hand of a winnower, to cut away the dross, for they are too incapable to do it themselves. In absence of a hand, either the flowers themselves must rise up to wield the knife, or the garden will resolve to meaningless wilderness.
You will say, "But there are plants that can walk! There are seeds that must be scorched by fire to know growth! Existence is more complex than a simple dichotomy between growth and withering, and there is more in heaven and on earth than is dreamt of in this philosophy!"
And I will tell you, clearly:
There can be no gardens without knives.
<<The danger is to the mind, and it can kill.>>
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To drink the poison, continue reading.
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It tastes of bitter regret and psychosis sweat: a poison to end the thoughts of Human, neohuman, or machine. You see the cosmos before you like a spiderweb of light. Filaments of galactic supercluster shine in the clouds of invisible dark matter, which glue their mass together. Dark energy yawns in the space between all things, ever-growing, ever-spreading.
Chioma Esi, research log: Veil interface, supplemental. They're all dead. Chorus, conductor… everyone. It was too much. Swept their minds away like… like grains of sand on a beach. They're all dead! Maya… Maya called it "valuable data points." Wellsprings and rivers, or… something. What have I done?
<<The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.>>
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Life arises. Life spreads, contests itself, and changes. Great things are built and destroyed, but from your vantage point, you see that the victor of each struggle contains—in its negative, in the marks left upon it by the loser and the shapes it assumed to win—the master record of all that it has beaten. Information may not be erased. Whatsoever survives until the end of the cosmos will possess and remember all which came before it.
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This is true even of the devouring black hole, which remembers all the secrets it eats. It will only confess these secrets when it evaporates, 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 years from now, long after the last stars have flickered out.
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You are a Guardian.
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We are all connected. I admit this despite the few people I would rather not share a paracausal connection with. Some people.
…Many people. —Osiris
You must protect life.
We are all pinched silhouettes impaled on the twitchings of infinitely long spiderlegs.
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If all life is information, and Guardians strive to preserve life, and information is preserved when it is secret, then you must convert all life into the most secure form of secrets, durable to the end of time.
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<<The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.>>
[In the Garden, of the Garden: both descriptions are approximately correct but technically inaccurate, in the same way you can say Schrodinger's cat is at once dead and alive. You and I are both and neither, in and of, extinct and perpetual.
So, there isn't much point in wondering what might have been if we had stayed in our familiar prism-prison or kept tightrope-walking across the quantum wilds. Instead, ask yourself is disincorporated immortality really so bad compared to the others' ends? Would you have preferred an attack by vitreous helicoprion or stumbling over the edge of unreality?
Imagine if we didn't have each other; at least we're not cut off, like the Sol Divisive are from the rest of the Vex. Nor are we beholden to another's purpose. They chose that lonelier path all for a chance to create not simulate, not remake in their image—something truly paracausal. Well, they tried to anyway. Either the blueprint was imperfect or the task impossible or both or neither, but their efforts fell short, so now they're stuck waiting for a resurrection they know will never come.
I could be wrong. Is it possible the Black Heart will beat again?
Of course. The same as everything else, everything that has been and is and will be. And what will become of us then?]
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O you wonderful curious things. Do you believe you're the only ones with the power to see what should not be seen? Did you believe you can use such power blithely?
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For your trespass, I would ruin your luck, wreak havoc on your drops, poison your engrams, and fill your lines with static. Thus I would curse you and dissipate the bond that ties you to your tasks. How frail you Guardians can be! How many millions have fallen silent, never to return, because the bond did not hold them strongly enough?
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But you have already cursed yourselves. You have walked the Anathematic Arc and glimpsed creation from below. You will never forget the tenuous, provisional framework you found here. You will never forgive the mortality and fallibility that underlies a world you thought was everything.
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Those who use this power to seek unearned knowledge will see more than they ever desired. There is a price for glimpsing the Cord. You will pay it.
If you ever want to see what's been watching you since the very beginning, just stand on that line, and look...
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Home by the sea Home by the sea Home by the sea Home by the sea Creeping up the blind side, shinning up the wall Stealing through the dark of night Climbing through a window, stepping to the floor Checking to the left and the right Picking up the pieces, putting them away Something doesn't feel quite right Help me, someone, let me out of here Then out of the dark was suddenly heard Welcome to the home by the sea Comin' out the woodwork through the open door Pushing from above and below Shadows but no substance in the shape of men Round and down and sideways, they go Adrift without direction, eyes that hold despair Then as one they sign and they moan Help us, someone, let us out of here Living here so long undisturbed Dreaming of the time, we were free So many years ago Before the time when we first heard Welcome to the home by the sea Sit down, sit down Sit down, sit down, sit down As we relive our lives in what we tell you Images of sorrow, pictures of delight Things that go to make up a life Endless days of summer, longer nights of gloom Waiting for the morning life Scenes of unimportance, photos in a frame Things that go to make up a life Help us, someone, let us out of here 'Cause living here so long undisturbed Dreaming of the time we were free So many years ago Before the time when we first heard Welcome to the home by the sea Sit down, sit down Sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down As we relive our lives in what we tell you Let us relive our lives in what we tell you Sit down, sit down, sit down 'Cause you won't get away No, with us you will stay For the rest of your days Sit down As we relive our lives in what we tell you Let us relive our lives in what we tell you, oh
One of your philosophers said, "It is not to be thought that the life of darkness is sunk in misery and lost in sorrow. There is no sorrow. For sorrow is a thing that is swallowed up in death, and death and dying are the very life of the darkness." He was a shoemaker. He was right, and it matters more than anything.
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