#This place is not a place of honor … no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here … nothing is valued here.
coquelicoq · 6 months
System Collapse, ch. 3, p. 39: "I saw I had four private messages waiting from Arada, Amena, Overse, and Pin-Lee. I can’t do that right now. Pretending I’m fine for Mensah was hard enough."
8, 165: "Then he sent me a note back: So, you may not know this, but I read your letter to Dr. Mensah, the one you sent when you left Port FreeCommerce. I think you’re absolutely the right person to write this. I can’t handle that right now so I’m just going to archive it for later."
10, 212: "As I led the humans into the hangar, the contact with AdaCol2 started to drop. I sent, End session, acknowledge. It sent back, End session. There was a pause, then: Be safe. I can’t deal with that right now."
emotions: install "people respect and care about me" updates now!
murderbot: remind me later, remind me later, remind me later--
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psych-is-the-name · 1 year
this post is very long
so long that im quite confident that this is the longest post on tumblr
there's a 50/50 chance that this post will crash the app
and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD make sure your phone is connected to wifi and isnt using your data
you have been warned
not even god can help you now
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sweetmeatdale · 2 months
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I feel like the sign hanging above really sells it
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do y'ever think about how anthropologists of a distant future culture might find a nuclear waste site and read the messages on it and go "oh I recognize this from the digital fragments of memes we keep finding, this place must have been a really popular comedy venue"
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arise-ascend · 1 year
her new url is komsomolgirl
i’m sharing this so people can block her. i can’t stop people from sending her anything, and I’m not exactly in the position to say “don’t be mean to terfs”, but directly engaging with her is just going to give her more reason to feel like a victim. no one wins when you talk to terfs.
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holy fuck thats some existential shit for a wikipedia page
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silly-plush-corner · 1 year
[12,000 years into the future]
Two teenagers, wandering the outskirts of civilization, take a small detour from the day’s adventure, drawn by the mysterious allure of a metal sign.
The taller, the leaner of the two takes the initiative. He approaches the object of interest, paying no mind to the now-clicking meter clipped to his legwear.
“Well, well, well, what is one of these babies doing in a place like this?”
“It’s an old, forgotten corner of the world, dumbass,” bites the second, a shorter, rounder boy, “where vintage, nerd shit reigns supreme.”
The taller boy draws yet closer. “I mean, how is this thing even still standing?” He asks with a laugh as he rattles the post back and forth.
The plate creaks as it is playfully thrashed about, before falling from its place, down into the sand.
“Welp, there’s your answer. ‘Cause we hadn’t come around yet,” the little cynic shrugs.
“Oh, shut up, you,” the jester playfully retorts.
“What does it even say?”
“How’s about we find out for ourselves, bud?”
As the investigator lowers himself to read, the bystander, still a few paces back from everything, notices a glyph that makes the distance close in the blink of an eye.
“Woah, now that you mention it, you’re right! Heh, you and your vintage nerd shit! Good eye, bro!” He offers a fist bump, but the once-dismissive youth is now too absorbed to notice.
“This must be from before the New Age! Give me a minute, I can probably read this, if all this rust’ll let me.”
In a rare show of excitement, the boy leans in a bit closer, just close enough to barely - yet unmistakably - make out the first two lines.
“what the fuck-”
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slaygentford · 1 year
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404ormula · 1 year
Shoutout to Long-term nuclear waste warning messages, gotta be one of my favorite wikipedia pages
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coupleofdays · 1 year
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One interesting visual in Tron: Legacy is near the beginning, when you see a number of televisions on a black reflective surface with power cords stretching off into the distance, each with a different report on Kevin Flynn's mysterious disappearance and the fallout of it. It's most likely intended to be symbolic, but part of me likes the thought that in some obscure corner of the Grid, there is the fabled "plain of televisions", now ancient and abandoned, with strange black monoliths that the Programs don't know the true purpose of. Perhaps an early experiment by Flynn, when he was testing what was possible to create in his digital wonderland, abandoned and forgotten when he began working on "the perfect system" instead.
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the-bone-theif · 1 year
i am of a place which is not a place of honor, and a place in which no great deed shall ever be commemorated. The place from whence I came is repulsive to me. It shall be shunned.
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sometimes someone will like a post that i posted like 8 years ago and it’ll be the first time i have seen that post in as many years and i have no idea how they found it except that tumblr loves to perform archaeological digs on my blog against my will and fling the results at people randomly but more often than not getting the notification is great because my first course of action after finding out said post exists is to IMMEDIATELY delete it
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sparingiscaring · 1 year
I'm just staring at the starting storylet for Heart's Desire and going
am i really willing to submit myself to this again
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keygen · 2 years
yo I just realised like a ton of folks followed me while I was gone on my extended Mental Illness Hiatus so uh, like this post if y’all wanna be mutuals and we aren’t already??? :)
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cabalittle · 2 years
That giant horny emoji poast broke my app and froze my phone for a minute. Nothing fucks up my phone, what the hell was that?
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