#What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us this message is a warning about danger
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Long-term nuclear waste warning messages
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holdoncallfailed · 9 months
i hate to be the basic bitch i am, but emilia holdoncallfailed, can i request a playlist based around the kind of distorted hauntedness of battery in your leg?
dear anon, i don't think you're a basic bitch but i do suspect you're some kind of emotional masochist based on this request.
spotify + youtube
how do you sleep? — lcd soundsystem [i think this is the closest analog to BIYL due to the distorted hauntedness you described and also being about james murphy's estranged ex-collaborator who was a childhood friend of his.]
jane cum — japanese breakfast
hazel st — deerhunter [h/t gen of course]
i don't smoke — mitski
wish you were dead — scheer
nobody else will be there — the national
don't holdyrbreath (girly-sound version) — liz phair
fillmore jive — pavement
beside myself — fanny
winter song — yoko ono
which will — nick drake
says elliott — sibylle baier
moon over goldsboro — the mountain goats
razor love — neil young [not on spotify unfortch]
railroad boy — the magnetic fields
margaret vs. pauline — neko case
cold apartment — vagabon
1995 — the radio dept.
a worrying thing — yo la tengo
by some miracle — philip selway
comin' back to me — jefferson airplane
BONUS: how do you sleep? — john lennon [far, far more bitter than BIYL but nevertheless probably THE ultimate band breakup song and the obvious inspiration for the lcd soundsystem track. it also features a climactic guitar solo like in BIYL—this one is played by george harrison so it's similar to the blur song in that there is a ghost of the old band within it via guitar solo...something to think about...]
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do y'ever think about how anthropologists of a distant future culture might find a nuclear waste site and read the messages on it and go "oh I recognize this from the digital fragments of memes we keep finding, this place must have been a really popular comedy venue"
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faultlies · 29 days
writing my rules is like writing a fucking long term nuclear waste warning. awesome
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arise-ascend · 1 year
her new url is komsomolgirl
i’m sharing this so people can block her. i can’t stop people from sending her anything, and I’m not exactly in the position to say “don’t be mean to terfs”, but directly engaging with her is just going to give her more reason to feel like a victim. no one wins when you talk to terfs.
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silly-plush-corner · 1 year
[12,000 years into the future]
Two teenagers, wandering the outskirts of civilization, take a small detour from the day’s adventure, drawn by the mysterious allure of a metal sign.
The taller, the leaner of the two takes the initiative. He approaches the object of interest, paying no mind to the now-clicking meter clipped to his legwear.
“Well, well, well, what is one of these babies doing in a place like this?”
“It’s an old, forgotten corner of the world, dumbass,” bites the second, a shorter, rounder boy, “where vintage, nerd shit reigns supreme.”
The taller boy draws yet closer. “I mean, how is this thing even still standing?” He asks with a laugh as he rattles the post back and forth.
The plate creaks as it is playfully thrashed about, before falling from its place, down into the sand.
“Welp, there’s your answer. ‘Cause we hadn’t come around yet,” the little cynic shrugs.
“Oh, shut up, you,” the jester playfully retorts.
“What does it even say?”
“How’s about we find out for ourselves, bud?”
As the investigator lowers himself to read, the bystander, still a few paces back from everything, notices a glyph that makes the distance close in the blink of an eye.
“Woah, now that you mention it, you’re right! Heh, you and your vintage nerd shit! Good eye, bro!” He offers a fist bump, but the once-dismissive youth is now too absorbed to notice.
“This must be from before the New Age! Give me a minute, I can probably read this, if all this rust’ll let me.”
In a rare show of excitement, the boy leans in a bit closer, just close enough to barely - yet unmistakably - make out the first two lines.
“what the fuck-”
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slaygentford · 1 year
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cabalittle · 2 years
That giant horny emoji poast broke my app and froze my phone for a minute. Nothing fucks up my phone, what the hell was that?
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chansaw · 2 years
PSA for new tumblr users!
This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
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transhuman-priestess · 3 months
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Long-term nuclear waste warning messages
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writing-prompt-s · 2 years
“This place is not a place of honor,” reads the text. “No highly esteemed dead is commemorated here… nothing valued is here. What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.”
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synnthamonsugar · 1 year
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bloodyquillink-blog · 6 months
hi i’m not sure if your taking requests, but if you are can you do a logan walker x reader where the reader and logan were engaged before logan got taken by rorke, and when he gets saved he’s a completely different person and is closed off and even more quiet, but when one of rorkes members send a message to the ghosts team saying they want to take the reader now aswell, logan gets super protective and opens up to her about eveything that happened? if not totally ok!! thank you so much!!
A/N: I am and thank you for being my first tumblr request! I hope I’ve done you justice with this.
Warnings: Big angst, hurt/comfort, descriptions of injuries and torture methods (if I missed anything please let me know)
Word Count: 4.4K
To Be Changed, Logan Walker x Reader
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Your marriage was so happy and perfect, even though the world wasn’t. Despite the fear of your whole wedding being destroyed before you and Logan even put on the rings and said your vows, that didn’t stop either of you. If you were going to die, you might as well die tied to one another, surrounded by the people you treasure most. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case. The wedding went without a hitch, ignoring the occasional pitches of anxiety that bubbled in everyone's stomachs. There was a beautiful mountain that overlooked a nearby beach, it felt like the clouds parted just for you two that day. The sun shone down on the white you and Logan wore. The red rose in his breast pocket, the artificial one you gave him when you went on your first date, was accentuated by the surrounding colors of blue water and green grass. 
Logan was usually fairly quiet, but that day when he said his vows, he spoke more than you did. He managed to avoid stuttering, though you could feel his hands shaking. You were so proud of him and each word from his lips warmed your heart. That alone let you know that this was the right decision, the only one. 
Before you cut the cake, he whispered to you, “I can’t find the words to describe how much stronger you make me feel.” You looked at him, confused and curious, before he continued. “I barely speak to my own family and brothers, maybe because I don’t need to… but you changed that. Now, I’m just droning on and on about whatever’s happening at the moment. Because of you. Hell, my mom barely heard me talk this much.” He wrapped his arms around you, cupping your hands that held the knife for the cake. “I bet she’s watching us now. She’d love you so much.” And with that, you both cut the first slice. 
A quote floated through your mind, “To be loved is to be changed.” and by God, did you change Logan.
That’s what made today so painful.
That’s why you sat on the floor in front of the front door to you and Logan’s home. That’s why David held you, holding the back of your head so you didn’t see him silently crying while you sobbed. You held Logan’s mask and dogtags close to your heart. Eventually, Keegan and Merrick had come out of the car they drove here. Keegan knelt down to rub your back, attempting to comfort you as best as he could. Merrick told you more than he, as a Captain, should tell any civilian. He’d made an exception for you. Seeing as he had a job to protect his best friend's children in the most dangerous job they could all have now, you joked that Logan and David were his adopted kids.
He never denied it. Because of that, you might as well have been his adopted kid, now in-law too. And as that in-law, it was his job to tell you that Logan was, for better or worse, not dead. You looked up at him with tears still falling. He explained what happened from the beginning. A man, a horrible man, named Rorke who was a former Ghost that the Federation destroyed and turned into something repulsive. David added that it was Rorke who had dragged Logan away on that beach. That fucking beach. He explained how it was his own fault for not doing more, for not saving him despite his injuries that, even now, two weeks after, he was still healing from.
You almost slapped him. You wanted to slap Merrick too. You were heartbroken and afraid and every negative emotion you could possibly feel nearly boiled over. You sat on the couch, the men around you as they tried to help you breathe. When you calmed down enough to speak coherently, you asked a simple question:
“Will we ever see him again? Alive?”
Merrick answered, as hopeful as he could be.
“We’ll do everything we can to make sure we will.”
That’s all you could really ask for. David moved and carefully dug into his front pocket before he pulled out his hand and offered something small and shiny. It was Logan’s ring. Both of your rings were made of titanium for its durability, Logan was worried about scratching or otherwise damaging it, so he chose titanium. Strong and durable. You had told him it reminded you of his personality, how he just kept going under all circumstances. You would’ve started crying again if this alone hadn’t already exhausted you. As much as you wanted to hold all of Logan’s things to try to feel like he was with you, you handed his mask and dog tags to Hesh. You knew where the mask came from. Who originally wore it.
“I think they’d want you to hold these.” you said, quiet as ever. David knew you weren’t just talking about Logan, but their father, Elias the “Scarecrow”, as well. He grabbed the mask and tags, putting the tags on and clutching the mask like a lifeline. As everyone stood up and walked to the door, you hugged David and whispered to him, your voice still shaking.
“It’s not your fault. I know he doesn’t blame you. I don’t either.”
“Thank you,” He paused, “I’ll do everything in my power to bring him back to you.”
You hugged Merrick and Keegan before they walked back to the car.
“Be safe!” You called out. A useless but well-intentioned farewell to the soldiers. They waved back before pulling out of the driveway, leaving you alone.
That night, you took Logan’s ring and put the chain of your favorite necklace, one he had given you before your marriage, through the ring and laid it around your neck. You cried, holding his cold pillow and wearing an old hoodie you’d stolen from his closet while he was gone. Your body ached with every sob.
Three months later, you began cleaning the house before the depression that kept you in your room most of the time got too bad. It helped a little, going through every nook and cranny. You even went into the attic. Any time either of you traversed into the usually dark storage, it would end with you holding the giant vacuum, claiming you saw a spider the size of your head while Logan chuckled. After a bit, he’d go up with a flashlight only to find some critter that got stuck up there because of a hole. Once he’d patched up the hole and cleaned out as much as he could, it all felt more comfortable.
As you looked through old boxes, you found pictures. The oldest going back to when you both first met. It was a charity for veterans in your old town where Logan, David and Elias were stationed. There were games you and your friends played, competing. At one point, Elias jokingly joined in which pulled David and, naturally, Logan. As the night went on, you and Logan got closer. He barely spoke but his chuckles at your comments were enough for you.
“I was so close to winning! You gotta give me credit for that!” You argued, cheeks hurting from smiling so much. You turned to see Logan looking at you, his brow raised and smirking.
“How? You’re 25 points behind me.” He remarked.
“I would’ve won if… if I had been playing with someone other than you!”
“Like who?”
“One of my friends, probably Ash!”
“You have 10 points.” Each time the tiny basketballs went in the hoop, it was 5 points. 
“Yes and I would be 10 points ahead of them which means I would win!” He practically wheezed at that as you giggled. You looked  over to see David and Elias staring at the both of you, wide smiles plastered on their faces.
You kept looking through the box. Finding photos from the day you met Keegan and Merrick, then the day you visited Mrs. Walker’s grave for the first time. You stared at that picture of Logan and David sitting together in front of the stone. It was so peaceful.
You held the photo to your chest and thought of Logan. You whispered to yourself, “Please, please protect him. Keep all of them safe. I just want them to be happy… Elias and Diane, please watch over all of them.”.
Another three months later, you hadn’t heard from David, Keegan, Merrick or any other military personnel. It had been a total of eleven months since you last saw your husband. You were Logan’s emergency contact and many people aside from the Ghosts knew you, so if something happened then someone would contact you. This should be comforting. No one calling you means no one’s dead, right? Nothing bad. So why were you so anxious? You couldn’t reach anyone so maybe something did happen and-
Your phone rang. It was David. You answered immediately.
“David? What happened? Where have you been?”
“Come outside, I have to show you something.”
It’d been a long time since you ran that fast. David sat in his truck, as you ran over to the passenger side, he leaned to open the door from his seat. As soon as your door closed and you buckled in, he began driving.
“David, what’s going on?”
He inhaled through his nose, you noticed how hard he was gripping the wheel and that he was going a bit fast. He was a careful driver normally. If he was amongst civilians, he was calm and never dared going above the speed limit in case there was a child or a dog or pedestrian walking when and where they shouldn’t be. This drive, however, was different. Something happened.
“We got him.” He looked at you, your eyes wide as they slowly filled with tears. “He’s back.”
“W-when did he get back?” You stuttered.
“Almost two weeks ago-” You opened your mouth to speak but David put his hand up. You waited. “Knowing Rorke and his history, we kept Logan on base to heal some and do some mental evaluations.”
“I need to warn you right now, he’s not gonna be the same man you knew before all this shit happened. He’s gonna have a lot of recovering to do.”
David went on to explain Rorke and what the Federation did to him. You were quiet.
“Did he do all of that to Logan?”
“We aren’t sure. We just know that whatever it was wasn’t good. He’s clear to come home today if both of you are ready, but I just needed to tell you.” Good thing the house was clean.
“Thank you, David. I know this has probably been harder on you than anyone.” David tried to laugh.
“I mean it’s my job-” You put your hand on his shoulder.
“You know what I mean. Thank you. Seriously.” He exhaled slowly, he seemed to relax a little.
“You’re welcome.”
“You can come by whenever you like if Logan comes back. Maybe just give me a warning, ok?”
“I will. I promise.”
David parked the truck after you checked in at the front gate. Your heart beat rapidly despite the slow walk through the base. You recognized some of the men and gave a half-hearted wave when they greeted you. You could already tell. They knew why you were here.
You walked into the base hospital. David took you down numerous hallways you knew there was a chance you’d see one day but never expected, never wanted to walk down. But this was for Logan. David opened the door to the room you stood in front of.
You couldn’t tell if your heart was breaking or if you were having a heart attack or what…
There he was, sitting against the bed he must’ve been in since returning, looking at you.
Logan was in a hospital gown, his arms and legs below the knee exposed. The skin was covered in jagged scars and stitches that were still such a dark and aggressive red. Along with that were numerous bruises, a painful variety of purples, yellows, and green in some spots. His right arm in a cast and sling. On his other hand, his ring and finger are wrapped, probably broken or dislocated. You notice how his left shoulder and upper arm seem to be wrapped with gauze. You don’t want to imagine what injuries he must have that you can’t see.
His face. His handsome face. He looks so tired. Logan turned towards you and tried to limp over, using the bed for stability. You rushed forward instinctually. Once he was close enough, he slowly wrapped his unbroken arm around your back. You looked at him. He had dark circles under his eyes, faded bruising on his left cheekbone, two intersected scars ran across his face. One started between his eyebrows to his cheek. The second from the middle of his chin, across his lips until it passed the other scar on that same cheek. His skin was cool and pale, unlike the warm complexion he had prior to the kidnapping. 
You ended up staying for about two hours before you got a list of medications from doctors, some extra gauze wraps and a pamphlet detailing how to handle a deep second degree burn at home. That was why his shoulder and arm were wrapped. You said goodbye to David, Keegan and Merrick soon after.
The first few weeks, Logan mostly stayed in bed. Every day you checked his injuries, the stitches and the burn, to make sure there was no infection and they were healing properly. By the fourth week or so, the burn had healed, leaving behind a large patch of discolored skin. At nearly the sixth week, his cast was removed. His arm and fingers had healed well and correctly. David had told you that when Logan was taken, his arm was broken. When he was found, his arm had healed incorrectly as a result of improper care, assuming any care was given, so the doctors had to re-break it before putting it in the cast. 
After the seventh week, Logan was able to walk around without limping. However, he mostly just stayed in your room. Sometimes, you’d spend the day in the living room in hopes it would coax him out. It didn’t work. You cooked his favorite meals but he would usually bring the food back to the room. When it was time for bed, you essentially snuck around the room to avoid scaring him in case he was sleeping. You were pretty sure he wasn’t sleeping, at least not as much as he should’ve been. It remained this way for a few more weeks.
A month and a half into Logan being back home and he’d uttered a scarce amount of words. “Okay”, “alright”, “yes”, “no” and whatever else kept his sentences short. He barely talked to you anymore. Of course, you kept David updated as often as possible. You felt like he just wasn’t there. Now, he was more of a ghost than ever.
Two months in and he started going to the base again. For what? You don’t know. You had asked where he was going, dressed in his “soldier getup” as you called it.
“I’m going to work. Can’t be late. I’ll be back later.” He’d stated hastily before heading out. This continued on for another two weeks until you decided to talk to him before he left.
“Logan, honey, can we talk?”
“Um… sure, but I have to leave before 9.” He was trying to rush again.
“I wanted to ask about that actually…” He looked at you, mostly expressionless. “You were just gone for almost, what, six months? Why are they having you back at work when you might as well have just finished actually healing?”
“I… There’s still work to be done.” he stuttered. You cocked your head. You turned to him from your position on the couch.
“What work?” you asked slowly and quietly. You knew he wasn’t lying. You didn’t want him to think you thought he was lying. You wanted to keep the conversation calm so he wasn’t overwhelmed.
“It’s a lot. I don’t think- right now isn’t the right time.” he began to turn.
“We can talk later if that’s better, but I just want to know. I’m worried about you.”
“You don’t need to worry, I just need to do some things.” His voice carried no emotion. He was almost at the door when you stood suddenly.
“Logan, I just want to understand!” Logan stopped in his tracks. You stared at his back. “I want to just talk, please… I know your job is important and I don’t want to get in the way with complaining…” Your voice cracked. You wrapped your arms around yourself. Logan was here, in the same house as you. You stared at him but you felt lonelier than ever. “You’re so far away, Logan… and… and I know there was so much that happened and we didn’t know if we’d ever see each other again, but we’re together now!” You walked closer to him. He heard your steps but he stayed still. “We don’t have to act like nothing happened. We couldn’t if we wanted to, I know that… but please talk to me again. I married you because I love you. I married you and everything that came with you. I said those vows and ‘in sickness and in health’ because even when you’re hurting, I’ll be there. I’m here right now! But I need you to let me be there. I need you to stop hiding yourself away from me. I want to know you again, Logan.” Your breathing had picked up as tears welled up in your eyes.
Time just stopped. You turned and sat back on the couch facing away from him. You quietly wept into your hands as everything just seemed to spill over. You had reached your boiling point. You didn’t hear the footsteps coming to you until you opened your eyes and noticed the giant boots that faced your much smaller feet. A large pair of hands slowly removed your hands from your face, one tilted your head up.
You saw Logan’s beautiful eyes, a sort of hazel that seemed gold in the light. He slowly knelt down in front of you and hugged you. Not like the barely there hug he mustered at the hospital when he couldn’t even walk on his own. He pulled you tight against him and you immediately curled around him as you sobbed. He let you. Logan pulled back after a moment and held your face. He wiped your tears with his thumbs. 
“I love you too… more than anything.” He stared into your reddening, tear-filled eyes for a moment before sighing as he sat next to you. You held his hand, his thumb stroked your knuckles as he thought about his next words. “A couple days ago,” he started, “something happened. I can’t tell you what yet but it was cause for concern. Especially with Ghost team.” He paused and looked at you, directly into you. “I want to tell you everything, but it’s going to be a lot to process and it’ll probably be scary. I don’t want you to deal with this, with all the problems coming to us because of Rorke but you’re right to want to know what’s happening and you deserve to know.” You looked at the time, 8:55 A.M. You stood, Logan followed, still holding your hand. He pressed your hand against his chest and over his heart.
“I love you.” You whispered.
“I love you too. I’ll talk to Merrick today and I’ll try to get home as early as I can. We can talk about everything while we make dinner.”
“Together. I’ll call you if anything comes up and if you need me to, I can get groceries, ok?” You nodded. This is all you asked for. You hugged Logan tightly as he wrapped himself around you. You walked him to the door where he kissed you goodbye, on the lips. It felt like it had been forever since you’d done that. You stopped him before he moved. He almost retorted when you pulled off the necklace you still had on. He stared at the ring hanging from it. You took the ring off and put it back on his hand. He stared at it for a moment and smiled. A tired little smile that took so much weight off of you. Logan grabbed the necklace and took the time to put it back around your neck before he kissed you again.
“Thank you.” He whispered, still smiling. You smiled back as he walked to the car, waving when he began to drive. It had only been 10 minutes at most but those 10 minutes were so freeing. The rest of the morning you spent outside, reading and occasionally texting your friends when they checked in. The sun warmed your skin and the air was so fresh. You went back inside around 3 P.M when Logan called you:
Logan: “I can come back home around 6 tonight.”
You: “Sounds good, any ideas for dinner?”
Logan: “I could really go for lasagna.”
You: “Can you stop at the store on your way back? I have a list!”
Logan: “Yeah, just send it to me.”
With that, you texted everything you needed before moving to clean up the kitchen and free up space.
Later that night, Logan returned with everything you asked for plus a tub of ice cream. Your favorite flavor. You got to cooking, boiling the sheets and preparing the sauce while the oven preheated. You cooked together, like old times. It had been so long. Music quietly played as you both took turns tasting everything. A little extra salt and paprika here, with some pepper too. You laid down the floppy lasagna sheets while Logan poured the sauce over top then you both spread your favorite cheeses before adding more sheets and so on. While the lasagna was in the oven, you sat on the couch together. Logan held you in his arms as you stroked the hair on the back of his neck. After savoring the peace of the moment, Logan started talking.
When he was kidnapped, Rorke had put him through the same trials he himself had experienced. Being force fed poisoned food was the start until Rorke seemed to grow bored and eventually forced him to eat the plants the poison had been extracted from. Logan told you everything. All the grim details. At some points, you actually felt nauseous just hearing the horrors. When he was almost done talking about what he was forced to endure, you just held him and continued to encourage him to talk. He held you tight as he explained. The beatings he was put through. The way his arm healed wrong and he could hardly use it without feeling pain.
Then he looked at you. You felt so fragile with the way he looked at you with his tired eyes. He spoke again.
“Rorke knows about you.”
You never met this man in your life, never saw pictures. But he was like a boogeyman. He could appear from under your bed at any moment. 
“His soldiers… left us a message… Threatening to take me again. They said this time they’d take you too.”
That’s why he was going back to base. To work with his brother and everyone to make sure nothing happened. You didn’t live far from the base but they were thinking about bringing you on post to be cautious. That’s why Logan went back to work so soon. To protect you. That’s why he was telling you all of this now, to further protect you.
You were scared. Hearing about something like this happening was one thing, but knowing the man who stole your husband and almost broke him from the inside out was completely different. Especially when you knew that he wanted you too. Oh god. Logan held you and told you that the two of you could always move on base where you’d be protected and closer to him. You’d be amongst him and the other soldiers and Riley, Hesh’s dog. They wouldn’t let anything happen. And so you agreed. That night you just focused on being together, holding one another and eating your delicious lasagna as you reminisced together. 
Over the course of the next week, you brought as many of your necessities over to base where you and Logan continued living together. You met some friends of his and their partners, gaining your own group of friends not long after moving. Some had even assisted in bringing more of your things over when Logan had to work.
Later down the line, the Ghost team flew out. You weren’t told anything about what the mission entailed, but when Logan came to you, mask on, and put his ring in your hand before kissing you goodbye, you had an idea.
“I will make sure no one, not a single person touches you. Not a single damn person. I will keep it that way. I promise.” He whispered, voice more stern than ever. 
Your friends on base were all a wonderful support system during the next week they were gone for. You weren’t able to reach out again but you believed in them. You took care of Riley, who’d grown to love you.
When the week was done, they came back and Logan had made a beeline for you. You were reading, his ring back on your necklace when the door opened and your husband walked in, covered in dirt and other unidentifiable muck and alive. You rushed to jump into his arms and kiss him, ignoring the weird taste of said dirt in your mouth. You gave his ring back, ignoring the dirt that was on his hands too. While you held him, he whispered in your ear, “It’s all over now. We can go home.”.
So you did. David, Keegan and Merrick were kind enough to assist with moving your things back over and checking your house for anything that wasn’t meant to be there, anything that indicated a break in. Shit, they’d even checked the vents too. When that was all done, you made lasagna for them and spent the evening laughing together and savoring the peace that had finally come over the world again. Later, you and Logan laid in bed together, happy as ever and whispered sweet words to each other. Both of you could finally get some rest.
The end, thank you for reading! I will also post this on my ao3 @ RiversSong82
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vicmillen · 7 months
So I've seen several art pieces playing with the long-term nuclear waste warning messages, and it gets me thinking.
There's like, at least five to six languages mentioned in totk, right? There's Hylian, ancient Hylian, ancient Sheikah, ancient Zonai, the Zora script, and possibly an ancient Gerudo language. It's safe to bet there's probably also one each for Goron and Rito. We also sees a lot of the storyline revolves around translating ancient texts, and a lot of researchers dedicated to this.
What if there is a Hyrule version of the Rosetta stone? In the form of these long-term nuclear waste warning messages. Like imagine these messages carved into those pillars that rise up around the castle in botw. Not just in Sheikah but also ancient Hylian and the long lost Zonai, and the ancient language of the other four races? What if that's how they figure out the Zonai language despite not much record of it is known even before the calamity strikes?
I just think it's a very interesting idea. Imagine the pillars are absolutely covered in repeating texts of varying font and sizes. The direction the text goes in is different for each language, but they all repeats the same message. Again and again, warning off the future generations from this place of ancient evil. As Link and Zelda went into the cavern deep under Hyrule castle, they saw these same messages carved into walls and framing the murals that tells of the birth of the demon king. The text gains length once they went beyond the old castle tunnels, not just warning against a danger but also warning against disturbing this place that seals the danger. They have no choice but to proceed though, because it seems like the seal is already disturbed enough to let the gloom leak out. So deeper they went, despite the walls warning them against it every step they take.
(It's also fitting for the theory that the Sheikah is drawing energy from Ganondorf's mummy corpse and using it to fuel Sheikah tech. But Ganondorf the nuclear power plant is a topic for another day.)
Also here's how I imagine the text is divided. since the original one in full is a bit weird when they also build an entire castle on top.
The section above ground on the pillars:
This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The additional bits once they went underground:
This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
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blairelythere · 11 months
Hii, question from a trans girl on how to deal with a suddenly feeling of being endlessly, uncontrollably horny?
You're uncontrollably horny, and you think my blog will help??
This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can fuck.
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