#this is semi in response to a post I saw in the tag and there's no shade intended with this. promise.
muninnhuginn · 9 months
Xiao Li personality traits:
Willing to bend the rules if he thinks it's for the greater good. Believing the time trio over what happened with lu guang's stabbing and actively getting him moved to the unopened hospital and cxs and ql's suspect status delayed. Involving them in the investigation at all honestly.
Emotions blind him to objective reality. See: how he thought Qian Jin was an amazing officer and upstanding citizen until his wife died despite us now knowing QJ's moral slippage was occurring long before then. Thinking that Qian Jin must have changed because the Qian Jin he "knew" wouldn't have done these things.
Optimistic to a fault. Added to the previous point. Asked Qian Jin if he wanted to get his injuries checked out at the station when Qian Jin wanted nothing less. Trying the photo shop in the first place based off internet rumours on the off chance they could help with his case.
Sense of "justice" more a sense of guilt. Most of his s2 actions are fuelled by his need to fix things. He even admits that he was never the one who was an amazingly motivated police officer and he always saw that as Qian Jin's role. The difference here is that Xiao Li suddenly has personal stakes. The broad concept of justice is very different from seeing people's individual stories. An operation he ran resulted in someone getting stabbed so he tried to get Lu Guang safe and ran precautions that verged on paranoid (such as not informing his fellow officers about the powers). Chen Bin dies, so he insists he'll make it up for him and then resign. Wang Juan's fate is up in the air but is another instance where he screwed up because he was impulsive and chose to chase down Li Tianchen. And yet he keeps going regardless. He thinks that he can fix this if he just keeps going without necessarily learning the lessons he needs to succeed at that.
He's a shiguang mirror in one character. His Cheng Xiaoshi traits are much more obvious, of course. He's almost a bad end Cheng Xiaoshi in many ways. A Cheng Xiaoshi who never learnt. But his failure to properly communicate things to the people he's meant to be working alongside in case they screw it up is such a ridiculously Lu Guang trait it can't be ignored.
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lockewrites · 8 months
Reader giving Halsin a massage
Reader (gender not specified) x Halsin || Semi-NSFW (suggestive) || 1332 words AO3
From @thecaptainsassistant (it won't let me properly tag you D:) - Hi, I saw you posted recently about HalsinxReader oneshots and was wondering if you'd be willing to write one with a human femReader ranger giving Halsin a back-rub (can be any degree of citrus rating you like). Have a lovely day!
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You find yourself watching him without meaning to, your eyes often idly drifting to his form whenever he’s near and his attention is not yours to claim. A book had been keeping you company for some time as you sought quiet from the bustle of refugees attempting to reclaim some semblance of stability in Thaniel’s realm, but Halsin rarely stops for breath. Constantly hurrying from place to place, ensuring all were taken care of; exhausting to watch, let alone experience, but it warms your heart all the same… as well as casts worry in your mind.
Hunched over his desk, his hand moves fiercely back and forth as he pens his thoughts and plans, always anticipating the next step, the possible consequences, whose skills would suit the task best. The quill against the scroll echoes in the room, and you can’t help but shake your head. He simply never stops.
The book closes with a soft thump, and you place it on the end table before approaching Halsin. As you near, his posture shifts, straightening and turning slightly to glance at you from the corner of his gaze. Even with the weight of this new responsibility, the distractions and obligations, he never loses sight of you.
“What is it, my heart?” he asks, the scratching of the quill finally halting.
You rest your backside against the edge of his desk and look down at him, one of the few times you don’t need to crane your neck to meet his hazel eyes. Reaching out, your fingers cup his jaw, your palm on his chin as your thumb trails across his lips. Gaze taking him in, you note the shadows beneath his eyes, the tinge of pink in his sclera, and a new heaviness in the rise and fall of his breaths.
“You need to rest,” you say, voice quiet yet firm.
“I will,” he replies as he presses a fleeting kiss against your thumb.
“Now,” you insist, gripping his chin gently, as if to punctuate the word.
Halsin smiles, but it’s not enough to hide the weariness that holds him. He places the quill in the inkpot as his other hand rests on your thigh; you know the movement well, an attempt at distracting you from your concerns. Not a promise of intimacy, as that would draw him away from his duties, but an intimate enough gesture he knows has an effect on you. You can’t think of your worry for him if you’re too focused on his touch, what those fingers have done, what those fingers could do.
Your eyes flicker to his hand before returning to his gaze; your expression is wholly unimpressed.
“I will be finished shortly,” he promises.
He’s an honest man and would typically never dare make such false utterances toward you, but the integrity is pliant when it comes to his own well-being. It’s a lie he’s told you numerous times, and after the first few, you learned it’s never ‘shortly.’
You’re not without your own techniques, however. Pushing off the desk, you step behind him, your hand sliding down his neck and resting just beneath his collarbones as the other joins it; your arms around him, his warmth spilling into your chest as you embrace him from behind.
His muscles shift beneath you as he leans back and places his hands over yours, the tautness in his movements noticeable even through your clothing.
You slip your hands from his and move them to his shoulders, giving a tentative squeeze before kneading the hard flesh under your fingers.
An involuntary groan escapes him, his head falling forward in an instant.
“It’ll take me longer if you continue distracting me,” he warns, though the way his head sways ever-slightly as your fingers work at his stressed muscles betrays the insincerity in his words.
A smile plays on your lips, knowing he won’t deny you much longer. Halsin had always been so pliant under your touch, though it wasn’t until more recently you had realized. Leaning down, your lips press against the back of his neck, the sun-kissed skin warm and filling your senses with hints of oak and herbs; you breathe him in, the scent having become your home after all you’d been through.
Your hands continue massaging away his stress, earning you more poorly stifled moans. He’s losing this battle, and you both know it.
Halsin’s loose hair falls over your fingers as his head tips backward; he looks at you with that hazel gaze, his eyes holding a mix of adoration and exasperation.
With a smirk, you lower your face to his, claiming a kiss that he immediately melts into.
“Come on,” you insist after you pull away. “And I’ll finish what I started.”
He blinks at you a few times before sighing and pushing away from the desk.
Taking his hand, you lead him to the bed but stop him before he can sit. You undo the laces of his tunic, pushing the fabric to the floor and exposing his beautiful torso. After a greedy glance, you motion for him to lie down as you pull a bottle of oil from your nightstand.
“On your stomach.” Your voice is soft but commanding, and he obeys with a chuckle.
Once he’s settled, you climb onto the bed and straddle his thick waist, letting most of your weight rest against him.
“Not often I’m the one face down on the bed,” Halsin remarks, and though you can’t see it, you hear the smile in his voice.
You hum and tilt your head, admiring him beneath you. “It’s quite a view,” you reply as you rub the oil between your fingers.
The smell of lavender and orchid fills the air as you press your fingers into his skin; it doesn’t take long to find knots, the weight of rebuilding Reithwin and caring for those brought over from Baldur’s Gate heavy on his broad shoulders. While the land healed and continues to do so, and Halsin and you escape the town on occasion and venture into the land’s wilderness, it’s not quite enough to free either of you, but especially Halsin, of the constant worries that come with such a responsibility.
He doesn’t speak, and other than his occasional relaxed hum that vibrates beneath your hands, the room is quiet. Peaceful and withdrawn enough that it feels as though you two are in your own world, and you adore these moments. Halsin is hesitant to express such sentiments, but you know he would have collapsed under the pressure he places upon himself if not for these escapes.
You pay no mind to the time past, only stopping once your fingers and arm risk giving out.
He peeks backward at you. “Finished already?” he teases as you shake out your arms.
There was once a time he’d have fought you on pampering him so, but it was a fight he soon conceded when he learned you would never give up and it makes you happy; not to mention, it provides an excuse for him to return the favor, though he rarely needs one as he’s always seeking ways to pleasure you, whether innocently or intimately.
His back arches in, the muscles rippling as he stretches under you. Your legs lift you upward as you move to get off him, and in a moment, he flips onto his back and grabs your hips, forcing you to stay in place. For such a large elf, you never cease to be amazed at how dexterously he moves.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Halsin asks, smirking and raising a brow.
Tilting your head, you return the smile. “I figured you’d want to get right to sleep after such an exhaustive massage.”
His eyebrows shift and furrow, his fingers sliding down across your thighs and sending immediate heat through you.
“First,” he begins, his eyes traveling up your body, only serving to fill your cheeks with warmth, “I must show my thanks properly.”
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starlostseungmin · 10 months
style, 1989 ─── musician from next door.
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masterlist. playlist. preview.
✰ pairing — musician!jisung x f. reader (with she and her as pronouns)
✰ genre — nsfw (18+), he fell first she fell harder (kinda??) semi-fake dating trope
✰ warnings — profanity, explicit sexual content, dom!jisung, creampie, cunninglus, fingering, oral sex (f. receiving), petnames, lots of making-out, consumptions of alcohol, clubbing, please let me know if i missed something, not proofread.
✰ word count — 13.3k
✰ songs that were used for inspiration — style by taylor swift, meddle about by chase altantic, moonlight by dhruv, r u mine? by arctic monkeys, don't say by han jisung (unreleased), mixtape: time out by stray kids
✰ notes — this was supposed to be posted for han’s birthday last year but unfortunately i got busy with uni. BUT HERE IT IS AND please open these tiktok links here and here (this hit me with a huge inspiration to continue to write the fic). REBLOGGING AND LEAVING A FEEDBACK WOULD BE APPRECIATED.
✰ tags — @lix-ables , @lilacjeongin , @alyszaen , @djeniryuu , @ppiri-bahng , @notastraykid , @skzfelixlove , @ameliesaysshoo , @l3visbby , @ohish , @comet-falls , @mrswolfiechan , @rachabreathing , @iadorethemskz , @minluvly , @dreamingsmile , @flirtyskzbutterfly , @tangylemonade , @gwynsapphire , @annispamz , @surefornext , @seungincore , @skz1-4-3 , @zoe8stay , @seungly
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The strum of his electric guitar echoed across the room as he played the instrumentals of the song he was performing with the band. A smirk was perfectly painted on his lips as his fingers were adorned with rings played with the strings.  Purple, red, blue, orange, and yellow lights illuminated the stage as the white smoke crawled on the floor to collide with the band. His voice reverberated through the crowded room with his lips moved as if he was making out with the microphone. Screams and shouts, his name is famous—Han Jisung of Mist. 
Many people have been eyeing him ever since his band was introduced to the public and the 5-STAR Restoclub tried to hire them. Unfortunately, Jisung refused but the offer as guests didn’t make him say No. Many of the customers come for food and entertainment but mainly for him after they heard that he’s performing. Jisung doesn’t want to understand the hype for his looks but that’s how everyone thinks of him, a fucking dom-like energy, heavenly vocals, and visuals. The sounds of his guitar made the screams go wilder as it reached a blank chorus, only the instrumental. Hyunjin caught the beat when Jisung pushed his guitar behind his back, took the mic away from the stand, and walked to the extended stage to sing the second verse. His left arm reached out to the crowd, pointing to whoever it is as he let every lyric out of his mouth. The aggressiveness of his voice, from a growl to his average pitch. Jisung knows how to perform well. 
You lost consciousness that night and all you can remember is how fucked up your situation was. Jisung saw you, of course, he was amused. But that didn’t matter to you as you were embarrassed by the fact that you had to drag Seungmin to your misery that night. From crying to drunk calling Hanbin after your break up to Jisung finally having his eyes on you and making out. It happened unexpectedly and he didn’t even help you out. Your best friend stood there frozen, unable to speak, but amused. He was about to spill everything to your mom, but you suddenly passed out. 
The memory lingers as a smirk plastered on his face. It was a wild Saturday night anyway. 
“We kissed?” You asked Seungmin who was sitting on your bed after he noticed you were already up. 
“Yep,” The boy said, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. 
“And I called Hanbin to take me back?” You asked again, nervous about every response he gave. 
“Uh huh,” Seungmin answered again. 
“That sounds bullshit to me, Seungmin,” You retorted. 
“Nah, it was real. Saw it with my own eyes,” Seungmin said, rolling his eyes. 
“Motherfuー why didn’t you stop me?!” You exclaimed as Seungmin confirmed the regret and disgust on your face. 
“Your misfortune is my happiness, Y/n,” He laughed. “But yeah, I was enjoying your misery,” You hit him with a pillow, full of rage but, all you heard from him was giggles while dodging every hit he takes. Seungmin knows you won’t ever get mad at him for silly reasons, but last night was different. You knew it was your fault for acting stupid in front of him, and now you have kissed Jisung, the most popular member of Mist, and not just solely in Mist, but throughout Seoul. You buried your face in the soft pillow you used to hit Seungmin and screamed your heart out, feeling all the embarrassment. 
You knew you were more worried than facing Jisung than your ex. But Jisung doesn’t give a shit about it. The feeling lingers and the memory is still vivid. One making-out session made an impact on him. 
They say everything stops moving when you finally have an eye-contact with someone who is destined to be with you. People freeze, time stops, the coffee poured into a mug halts as the conversations pause, and you see sparkles and flowers surrounding them. 
It is bullshit. 
That’s how Jisung believes it. 
People these days rely on books and tv shows to define what love is like or how you’d meet the one who is meant for you. There’s nothing like that in the real world. Not everyone living on earth is lucky to find true love一even a musician who writes songs and sings about love.
Everyone gets the chance to love and be loved, a foreshadowing that is expected to come across. Jisung may do like someone, but as for experience, being in a relationship is like finding a needle in a haystack. Hookups don’t work, a one-night stand is not on the list, and blind dates make no difference. He wanted it genuine like how that one famous singer sings to her exes and describes how relationships can be. 
Love is like a game with countless levels一first you have to find that person, meet that person, fall for that person, and earn their mutual perspective in return. It’s easy to fall just like the leaves in autumn but it takes time to bloom like the flowers in spring after winter. But in the blink of an eye, he may find someone who could make his world stop spinning for a while. 
Sunday night, and he still thinks about you. His delicate fingers played with the mixer causing the loud music to echo through his black headphones. The slow banging of his head synchronizing to the beat got him preoccupied. Jisung didn’t know how late it was at night as his free hand wrote the words from his mind that formed into lyrics. The tip of his pen dances on the blank paper at a fast writing pace. His handwriting was barely readable. A busy week drove him insane, and a project in mind even if he has done it before didn’t immensely help him through.
But the thought of you is still bothering him. 
A deep sigh escaped from his lips, disappointment draws the room at the end of the music. He wasn’t satisfied, the lyrics were too cringe. This is bullshit, he thought as he crumpled the paper with his messy writing, tossing it into the bin next to his keyboard. He leaned at the backrest of his chair, as it swiveled backward, hands on his face as he groaned in frustration while staring at the ceiling trying to invoke an idea一something that would wake up his soul to work, but, nothing. It was a significant requirement from the university, the sole reason why he stayed up all night in the studio he rented for another year. It was supposed to be a single song-making project for the finals. Compliance was supposed to be a fun thing to do for the sake of passing the course but it wasn’t always enthusiastic. 
He wanted it to be special. 
But his dilemma stopped when he realized how late it was. 
“Shit,” He hissed under his breath and decided to take a look at the clock. His phone’s screen lit up with 3 digits in the center, 11:48 pm. “Fuck it’s almost 12,” 
His headphones slid around his neck, taking everything to shove in the bag. He had to drag himself back to his working desk for double-checking before he left. Lights turned off, wires unplugged, Jisung closed the door behind him making sure it was locked, and later he was welcomed by the quiet and solemn highway, with few cars coming and going, streetlights stayed still with no people taking strolls, and stars illuminated the sky as his footsteps led him to the apartment which is only a block away from the studio. He saunters trying to think of something, but then again, nothing. His brain didn’t want to work, his body was fried, and it is always like that. 
Jisung reached his apartment, and even riding the elevator to the 8th floor felt exhausting as well. He tossed his bag on the couch and went to the windows. White curtains were opened as he saw the view down the building. The moon shines so brightly, enough to give reflection to his glass windows and the other lights from the neighborhood. It was aesthetically pleasing to the eyes that he always enjoys at night. His fingers ran over his bangs, stroking them back to his head as he made his way toward the balcony. A long sigh escaped his lips, a weekend shouldn’t be wasted on a boring list of things. 
He knew you are working until dawn again. The lights were off from the room next to him and it has been so quiet during nighttime. Jisung couldn’t blame you but it feels lonely not to have you next door when he’s home. 
His phone suddenly lights up for a text message he received from a friend, a club invitation. It is a Sunday night anyway. A smirk formed on his lips from top to bottom一Jisung made a beeline toward his bedroom and changed clothes. An invitation from a friend to drink shouldn’t be ignored just like that, and being drunk on a weekend is like a necessary afterparty of a long-ass night. He left his apartment again, the club is far away from home. 
The timing is great. He wanted to see you again. 
It was all black, yellow, and white lights, time on the box, and cold air. The smooth rolling of tires on the asphalt and music from the radio made the stillness of his car a bit dramatic. The blinding lights welcomed him, a variety of colors dancing with the people around. Loud music and the scent of cigarettes and vape mixed with intoxicating alcohol, he was amused. It wasn’t his first time visiting a place like this, thanks to Hyunjin who is a party animal, he gets dragged every time, and also because of the gig with the band. He didn’t even care about the time and maybe going home at 5 in the morning would still feel like evening. 
Songs with intense structures were played suddenly as he stood a few steps away from the entrance. His bandmates, slash, best pals, Hyunjin, and Minho were behind him, sipping their drinks or screaming at the top of their lungs with the others. Jisung’s eyes immediately looked to the counter to taste interesting drinks. He smiled at his two friends before walking himself through the wild crowd and managed to keep his eardrums safe from the loudspeakers below the stage. 
A sigh of relief escaped his lips and was later formed into a smile of triumph but what can he say about his thoughts about love when his time suddenly stopped and everything had gone in slow motion the moment he saw you from the counter, smiling at Chan? Someone could serve him his words on a platter and Jisung would have it as his breakfast. His heart suddenly started beating faster than the normal pace. Was it love at first sight? No, he had seen you before around campus, many times and you kissed. It was different from last night. A miserable damsel in distress to the bright sunshine in front of him. 
Jisung stopped in his tracks and his heart went insane when you finally had eye contact with him after diverting your gaze from your dear co-worker. People passed by, and the sounds suddenly died down between you and him, he was looking at you as you stared back. He stood there, frozen. Jisung is very familiar but never became a friend and you were no stranger to him either. He likes you for a while now. But even if he does, he is not sure how to express it, not even in the songs he wrote. 
From his perspective, he knew he is in love. Yet it falls differently on your end, you were embarrassed. You spent the whole afternoon thinking about what happened last night. If it wasn’t for Seungmin reminding you about it, you already had gone feral. And you did. It was a stupid act of disgust that would haunt you for the rest of your life. What your problem is, how to face him and apologize for being such an embarrassing nitwit with a broken heart? Fuck that asshole, it’s already been three fucking months! Thanks to your dumbass ex-boyfriend, for cheating on you. His number is currently plastered on the recent calls you had. The phone number you always memorized that you can type without looking at the keypads. 
But you can’t do anything now, he’s here. 
A smile formed on his face and a hint of redness surfaced on your cheeks一your smile faded and remembered what Seungmin told you the morning after what happened. 
“So you work here,” He said, leaning against the flat surface. Exchanging conversations wasn’t your thing before, but one should take the first step in everything. 
“Yeah,” You smirked, trying to be cool despite what happened. “What can I get you?
“One martini please,” 
“This one’s in the house,” You smiled, hoping he wouldn’t bring up your make-out session. 
“Really?” He beamed. “Thanks Y/n,” 
“You know my name?” You asked, handing him the small glass. 
“Of course,” He nodded. “You’re in my music class and we’re just living right next to each other’s door. I’m Jisung by the way,” He added, handing out his hand for a shake. 
“I know,” You said, taking his hand. It would be a lie that his heart melted the moment he was able to touch your hand一there was a spark to him. “Nice meeting you, I guess, we don’t interact,” You added.
“Well, I guess we need to socialize more,” He smiled. “But I have to check on the guys first, I’ll be back in a sec,” He added and immediately dashed through the crowd leaving you dumbfounded. You just prevented embarrassing yourself for the second time! It was hard to keep it to yourself. 
“Way to go,” You said as you saw Chan smirking at you, making his way to receive orders. 
“Damn,” Jisung sighs. 
“What’s up with you?” Minho asked, noticing his friend’s dilemma. Hyunjin was quick enough to involve himself in the gossip and scooted closer to the couch. 
“Did you embarrass yourself?” Hyunjin asked. 
“No!” Jisung retorted. “That girl from the bar一” 
“We know,” Minho said, rolling his eyes. “You made out with her last night,” 
“You wanted to hook up now?” Hyunjin teased, drinking his lime juice when Jisung smacked his head, causing him to blow the drink off of his mouth. “What the fuck?!” 
“A crush, maybe?” Minho smirked. 
“Dude, what am I? A high school teenager?” Jisung scoffed, denying the giddiness. 
“Ask her out! Fuck you,” Hyunjin retorted, wiping his lips. 
“Too scared,” Jisung said, rolling his eyes. 
“How about a bet?” Minho said, wiggling his brows with a sly smirk plastered on his face. 
“Sounds dangerous,” Hyunjin butted in. 
“Pssh,” Minho hissed. “Come on man, it’s your chance to hook up.” 
“Shut up, Lee,” Hyunjin hissed as Minho glared at him. 
“I’m still contemplating,” Jisung sighed. 
“Dude, you kissed her,” Minho pointed out as Jisung looked at him. “Go.” 
Jisung took a deep breath while looking into Minho’s eyes. Hyunjin went to mind his drink as he heard the younger one sigh in response. It only took one push to build his confidence. 
“Fine,” He said, placing the drink on the table and disappearing into the crowd. Meanwhile, you sat on a stool high chair watching everyone have the time of their lives. The counter was already busy as you and Chan were taking turns. Jisung came back in a blink of an eye as he took the seat across from you as you made his drink. “Y/n,” 
Here he is again. You thought. 
“Hey,” You smiled, leaning on the counter.
“I shouldn’t be going around asking this but, do you want to go out with me?” He said, smirking at the idea which made you scoff in response.
“No,” You told him. “And that one martini is 12,000 won,” You said, rolling your eyes, leaving his drink served in front of his face before moving away. Jisung clicked his tongue and looked at Hyunjin and Minho who were watching you leave. Way to go wasting a free drink, Jisung! 
“She’s not into you,” Minho chuckled, approaching his dear friend and wrapping his arm around Jisung’s neck. 
“Try harder dude,” Hyunjin said, taking the drink away from Jisung’s hand before taking a sip. 
“She’ll say yes eventually,” Jisung said, looking at you serving a table a few meters away. You caught him staring again and rolled your eyes in response. 
“Just make sure she will,” Minho winked. 
“She will. And Hyunjin, that’s my drink,” Jisung hissed at the tall boy when he realized his Martini was stolen.
“What? I’ll pay for it,” Hyunjin defended.
“Y/n! Can you take out the trash please?” The senior barista said, earning their attention, Hyunjin nudged Jisung as Minho kept watching your move. After going back to serving a few customers their drinks, you headed back to the staff’s room to execute the request. Jisung immediately got the message and went straight to the back door, surprising you the moment you threw the trash into the bins. 
“Hey,” He said. 
“Whatever it is, I’m not interested,” You said, trying to get back inside. 
“Y/n, just hear me once, okay? I like you,” He said, blocking your way in. A sigh escaped your lips, crossing your arms on your chest while watching him. 
“What?” You asked. 
“I’m sure you heard me,” He said. “I’m asking you out,” 
“Jisung, I,” You sighed. “Look, a single sip from a Martini won’t make you drunk enough to come up to me and just confess right away. And I can’t go out with you especially when I don’t have feelings for you,” You said, making him frown. 
“But we kissed,” He pursued, which made you so red. 
“That doesn’t count,” You defended. “It was a mistake and I was so drunk,” 
“I don’t care about that Y/n,” He said. “Just give me a month,” He added as you stared at him for a few seconds. 
“No,” You retorted, pushing him out of the way and going back to the bar. Jisung sighed harshly and ruffled his hair, it’s going to be a long way to make you say yes. 
He followed you back inside and grabbed a drink, joining Hyunjin and Minho at their table, already tipsy. Jisung sat down, crossing his legs and an arm extended on the backrest of their couch. The drink is filled with ice, but the stare you gave him was burning with disgust. He could only shrug and give you a sly smile because you know he will never let you go that easy. Minho and Hyunjin exchanged looks一the older boy suddenly shoved tissues in Hyunjin’s mouth out of nowhere. It was so random that Jisung failed to notice. 
Your rounds kept going, with endless orders and requests, the music was too loud and out of your taste. If it wasn’t for your uncle’s request to make you work in such a place, you wouldn’t be staying up all night during the weekends. But you can’t deny that the pay is good enough to spend on your needs and wants, especially when he gives you special treatment because you are indeed his niece. You want to make him proud for taking you in, and you tried to stay out of trouble each night of your shift, but sometimes, something happens eventually. Like the boy who can’t stop watching you. 
Han Jisung. 
You’ve known him since freshman year but you rarely talk because of his different circle of friends. He might be a colleague but never a friend一one of the best students in the music department, one that you tend to avoid. You shared a few classes with him before, and now that you’re one of the seniors now—you’re stuck with him for having the same majors. Ignoring him will be the best, but that’s what you thought. He’s not the type to give up on you easily. 
Hours passed by, and Hyunjin and Minho passed out on the couch while everyone left, Jisung tried to be as sane and formal as possible—although he laid a few bottles empty on the table. Chan nudged at your shoulder, pouting his lips towards the godforsaken people at table number eight. He sighed in disappointment as he wiped the glasses he washed a few minutes ago. You craned your neck to check, only to find out Jisung was already drowsy and useless like the other two. Too much of a single drink, eh? You shake your head and go back to Chan. 
 “You need to drive them home,” You told him. 
“I know,” He sighed. “Are you coming?” 
“Yeah,” You replied. “I need to get that idiot home,” You added, pointing at Jisung.
“Right, I’ll finish these up then we’ll go,” Chan giggled. “Those punks are useless right now,” Giving Chan a small smile, you finished cleaning the table and went to the staff’s room to change, leaving the old boy to figure out what to do with his friends. Poor Chan had to assist Minho first while you took care of Hyunjin, heading to Jisung’s car. They were piled up on the backseat and saved the best for the owner. He was still conscious when you and Chan dragged him away. Gibberish lyrics came out of his mouth, singing a familiar song—loud and out of tune. He smells exactly what he consumed. 
“Stupid,” Chan laughed. 
Morning arrived and you heard a knock on your door after passing out on the couch the moment you were done with everyone. You didn’t even notice Chan leaving at 6 am as you were both exhausted一the guys were heavy for 2 people to assist and a loud one to deal with. You never felt so tired ever since you started your job, maybe it was the first time you saw the club so packed and a lot of customers wanted to be served first. It felt like you’d been flying from left to right. 
Dragging yourself up at 10 am is already tiring. You are already considering quitting having the lack of sleep on the weekends, even the school does the same to you—nothing spares such a busy person. Grabbing the doorknob, you inspected the person through the small hole in your door. It was Jisung who looked like he was just woken up. A sigh escaped your lips and opened it. Fixing yourself didn’t matter anymore, anyway. You stared at him for a while, disheveled hair, crumpled clothes, bloodshot eyes, and wearing socks without shoes—this boy is a mess. 
“Good morning?” You greeted him as he started fidgeting his fingers. 
“Ah, yes good morning,” He said, still having that alcohol scent. 
“What do you want?” You asked with a stern look, asking him to hurry. 
“I wanted to say thank you to you and Chan hyung,” He said. “This is about what happened a few hours ago, I still have a headache right now but, I need to see you first,” He smiled. 
 “Okay?” You said. 
“Yeah,” He answered, rubbing his nape. “Y/n, I’m sorry about last night, but, I also wanted to say that I’m persistent when it comes to the things that I like.” He said. “And by that, what I mean is, I won’t give up until you say yes,” 
“Jisung, you heard me last night and my answer is No,” You said. “There are a lot of people out there, think about it, okay? And take a rest,” You smiled. 
“Y/n, I like you! I swear.” He said.
“Have a nice day, Han.” You responded and closed the door in his face, leaving the poor boy dumbfounded. 
Jisung sighed and started to space out, his body is not even healed yet from too much consumption of alcohol. He started at nothing for a while before he could get back to reality and scratched his head, moving back to his apartment. His two attempts to get you to say yes, failed. But just like what you observed about him, he is not the type to give up on something he wants so easily. And things will turn into something more interesting than ‘just talking’. 
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The night fell, and another shift will come to occur. School is not the only one fucking you up. Chan welcomed you with a big smile on his face. The club usually opens at 8 pm on the weekdays but starting on Friday nights to Sunday go to by 9 instead. He was busy setting up the chairs and mopping the floor while you checked on the menu. Other employees started to gather as well and the bouncers prepared for the opening. Scenarios of the club are always the same, the customers may be different people each night, yet it is always the loud music and screams of people. Swearing, drinking, kissing, and laughing, they go all over the place. People are becoming wilder every minute—it doesn’t surprise you anymore. 
But surprisingly, Jisung showed up in the same place where you got him a drink. 
“You’re still up for another hangover?” You asked, leaning against the counter. “What can I get you?” 
Jisung just chuckled and shook his head, “I’m not drinking tonight,” 
“Are you sure? What are you doing here then?” 
“I’ll wait for you until your shift is done,” He said, making you look confused. “I’ll be less trouble tonight Y/n, I promise, just let me stay here,” 
“You’re up to something, are you?” You said. 
“If your answer is still No, I’m not going to stop just like that,” He smirked. 
“Suit yourself, Han,” You scoffed and went to make a drink. Jisung just smiled at the end, maybe this bet will make him get closer to you after all. He watched the area filled with the intoxicating scent of alcohol and cigarettes—he wasn’t amused, nor his type. But the fact that you are working here, staying is worth it. He was immersed in everything even with the blinding lights and the singer up on stage, it was an interesting love song to sing in a club. “Sparkling Cucumber Mint Lemonade,” 
“I didn’t order anything,” Jisung said, snapping back in your direction. 
“It’s on me this time, I won’t charge you like last night,” You smiled, hugging the tray. “Don’t worry it’s not alcoholic,” 
“Thanks,” He said, taking a good sip of a free drink. “This is good,” 
“I know right? Enjoy your stay, I need to get to work,” You said. “Are you sure you will wait for me?” 
“Yeah, my band is on break and there’s no work for me to be done so don’t mind me,” He smiled, taking another sip of it. 
The night flew by, customers slowly faded through the door leaving all their energy at the place, Jisung fell asleep on the counter as Chan kept an eye on him. You just got out of the staff’s room after changing clothes and are now being left with a sleeping Han Jisung. Chan smiled at you, motioning to take care of him while he closed the club—Jisung had already passed out and you were anxious to wake him up. 
“Just try to shake him gently,” Chan said, and so you did. 
“Han?” You called. 
“Hmm?” He hummed in response, sitting up as he rubbed his eyes. “What time is it?” 
“4 am,” You answered as he sighed heavily. 
“Do you want me to drive you home? It’s so late,” Jisung said, looking at you. “Let me take you and Chan hyung,” 
“No, no, don’t worry about me, I have my motorbike outside,” Chan said. “Just take Y/n home, I’ll leave in a bit,” 
“Okay, be careful on your way, yeah?” You told him. 
“Yep, and you too,” 
Jisung walked out of the club first as you followed him, hands shoved into his pockets while you tightened your grip on the straps of your bag. You can’t deny saying it is kind of sweet to have him waiting for you all night but the thought of pursuing you for a bit doesn’t sit right with you. It’s rare to have someone waiting for you for hours, Chan is an exception for he is a good friend of yours—but nothing like Jisung. You feel bad about it. 
He opened the door for you to enter and you bowed lightly with a small Thank you before getting in. You watched him close the door and jogged his way around the car to settle on the driver’s seat, driving away in silence. 
“Care to tell me what’s this all about?” You asked him. 
“As I said I’m not giving up that easily until I get you to say Yes,” He said, eyes focused on the road. 
“I know,” You scoffed and had the atmosphere go quiet for a while. You were still in deep thought about what happened between you and Jisung the other night and never had the chance to apologize properly for it. Seungmin already gave the details for he had witnessed everything. 
And that’s when you remembered,
The music was loud and Seungmin just sat there at your table, watching you get wasted. Mist wasn’t the one singing on the stage that night. Hyunjin and Minho went home, Chan went to help at the counter and Jeongin rested beside Seungmin. Felix and Changbin weren't there. You were chugging the Bacardi at a fast pace while enjoying the music, shouting the lyrics of the band’s cover of Day 1. Jisung decided to get a drink at the counter and planned to stand by for a few minutes before going home but Chan gossiped about Seungmin’s presence with you. He had to disregard Seungmin and Jeongin, talking on the couch as his attention was directed to you, he was amused. 
Acknowledging that his glass was already empty and he placed it back on the top of the marbled counter as his feet dragged him to you. Hyunjin didn’t mind the crowd of people getting in his way, the loud music was banging his ears and the flash of lights was a pain. 
“You’ll always be my day one~ Day zero when I was no one~” 
You got dizzy after a few glasses of that horrid drink and mindlessly took your phone out from your bag and typed Hanbin’s number. A group of numbers that you will always remember even if you get drunk. Your phone pressed your ear, waiting for him to pick up, Seungmin was already alerted to your actions but he wasn’t aware of who it was. Jeongin suddenly fell asleep after the exhaustion from partying and shared a few words with the older boy but still ended up passing out. Seungmin raised a brow as he sat steadily on his seat, halting himself from drinking another glass. 
“Hello?” Asked the one on the phone. You could barely hear it and decided to put it on loudspeaker. 
“Ya, are you crazy?” You exclaimed. “How dare you cheat on me with that cheapass ugly bitch?” Seungmin sat there frozen. “Am I not enough? Am I not enough to give you everyー”
“Y/n stop that!” Seungmin said. 
“Shut up, asshole,” You said, unconscious of the words coming out of your mouth. “Take me back!” You cried. Hanbin fell in silence as he listened to your sobs in between the loud music. 
“Y/n! I swear,” Seungmin said standing up from his seat as he placed his glass on the table loud enough for Hanbin to pass the phone to his new one. 
“Why did you cheat on me? We can work things out, Hanbin!” You said, not paying attention to your best friend who is now fucking frustrated. Jisung suddenly snatched your phone away, making you so mad, and yelled at him. He looked at the caller ID and smirked, passing it to Seungmin. “What the fuck are you doing?” 
“Piss off!” You heard Seungmin answer the phone. 
“Give it back!” You exclaimed as Jisung grabbed your arm, pulling you towards him. 
“Stop it, Y/n, you’re drunk,” He said. 
“Who the fuck are you?! Let me go!” You yelled at him but instead of calming you down, his lips suddenly landed on yours. 
Seungmin almost dropped your phone after he ended the call when he saw how smooth Jisung was. It made you stop babbling nonsense and finally melted into the kiss. He tasted the shitty drink inside your mouth but it didn’t stop him. His arm wrapped around your waist with your hands around his neck. Maybe you deserve it after the heartbreak though. You couldn’t identify what kind of drink painted his lips so sweetly as it collided with yours. His lips were soft as he kisses you gently. Seungmin’s jaw dropped and only a click away to inform your mother who’s living in the countryside. It wasn’t a chaste kiss but rather wild when you felt his tongue enter your mouth. You licked his tongue slowly sucking it before molding your lips with his, then suddenly, everything disappeared from that moment. It wasn’t the first time you ever kissed someone but Jisung’s lips felt different. 
Your knees felt weak when he pulled you closer and deepened the kiss. His hand reached for your cheek, with a hint of nibbling at biting your lips. He may have gone excessively when he heard you whine under him which made him more eager. It wasn’t part of the plan to kiss you just to stop you from begging Hanbin and saying nonsense but it is the best way, for him, at least. The kiss got so overwhelming that Jisung felt your hands coming off his neck and suddenly passed out. Good thing you were inside his arms that he caught you right away. Seungmin almost died from shock but he didn’t help you either way. A smirk formed on Jisung’s lips as he carried you in bridal style. 
“You should go,” He said. 
“We will. Take care of Jeongin, he’s knocked out,” Seungmin answered. “Give me Y/n,” 
He kissed you. Yes, he is persistent and faithful when it comes to the things he likes. He already gave proof of that. A sigh escaped from your lips and at the same time, you felt the redness of your cheeks. It was so hot that you started to fan yourself with your hand. You didn’t know why it suddenly felt better after suffering from that stupid breakup. It’s been three months now and you were so stupid to do such a thing. 
And because of thinking too much, you didn’t even realize that you and Jisung were already in the parking lot of your apartment building. 
“Y/n, we’re here—,”
“Damn, it was you?” You asked in disbelief. “You kissed me!” 
“I did, so what?” Jisung laughed. “You want another one?” It was good if you are being honest with yourself.
“No!” You exclaimed as Jisung ran his fingers through his hair. 
“Fine,” He scoffed. “But you’re going to give in if I do it either way,” 
“You’re so full of yourself, Han,” You retorted. 
“It’s me we’re talking about,” He said, cutting you off. “I’m not going to apologize for that. And I think you’re more worried about me than your ex huh?” He smirked. 
“It was embarrassing and he was a douchebag, I care about my reputation more. And I’m sorry for acting stupid,” You sighed as you heard him laugh. “What’s funny?” 
“Nothing, I am not expecting an apology from you Y/n, I thought you can do more than that,” He said. 
“What do you mean?” You asked, confused. 
“I already told you a few times that I like you and I admit I was disappointed that you had to fall and hit your head,” He scoffed. “Do I have to repeat it myself? I like you, and that fucking kiss wasn’t enough for me,”
“I think you’re speaking bullshit right now,” You said but before you could say anything further, you felt his lips crash onto yours. He said he’ll be less trouble tonight, but why are you wrapping your arms around his neck to respond to his kiss? Jisung is amazing but at the same time a jerk who kisses a person without permission. But on second thought, maybe you deserve to experience that once or maybe more than once. 
His lips collided with yours, and both your eyes were closed, tasting the mint gum you had earlier and the hint of the Sparkling Cucumber Mint Lemonade you gave him. You felt his hand wrapped around your waist to pull you closer to him as his other hand rested on your nape. The kiss was softer this time, as your heart started to go crazy and suddenly made you feel weak in the knees. His lips were warm and soft as ever as he kissed you gently. You could feel his tongue pressed between your parted lips giving that soft ticklish licks but you had to snap out of it. 
You pushed Jisung back to his seat as he licked his lips in annoyance, as to why. He ran his fingers through his hair and avoided your gaze as you stared at nowhere, unable to speak. You didn’t even say good night and left his car, leaving Jisung frustrated. 
“Goddammit,” He hissed. 
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Jisung didn’t show up the next night but you find yourself, hoping for him to appear in front of you. It has been two days of pursuing you but it feels empty without him around. Chan noticed the energy you have but didn’t bother to spill it when you are busy with work. The night flew by in a blink of an eye either, a lot of customers were satisfied and made you distracted all night. You admit it was tiring that there were no energy boosters for you, Jisung isn’t even around. And you know exactly the reason why. 
He kissed you, again. 
You hate the fact that even if your reason was because of that break-up you had with Hanbin three months ago, you can’t blame the situation for being this stupid again. Jisung is persistent, you know that but opening up again made you hesitant. You’ve got nothing to offer in exchange for his feelings for you and Seungmin is nowhere to be found when you need advice. Meanwhile, you found yourself sitting across the counter instead of serving tables, other waiters were up for it, except you who just wanted to rest and listen to that dreadful love song the singer was singing. Chan also took a break from handling the cashier and sat beside you, enduring the exhaustion of work on the weekends. 
“We might need a new singer,” He said. “I heard he’s quitting tonight. Do you know someone?” 
“I don’t,” You answered.
“Sort of, but you’re a music major right? Maybe one of your classmates wanted a job or something, it’s just for the weekends anyway,” Chan shrugged. 
“I’ll try to get someone that suits this type of vibe,” You reassured. “But don’t expect that someone will show up in a week, did you tell Uncle?” 
“Yeah, he knows,” Chan said. 
“Then I’ll start looking then,” You chuckled at him and went back to watching the singer’s last performance on the club’s stage. 
And just like the other nights, Tuesday night passed by quickly and Wednesday morning came. The bright sunlight didn’t allow you to sleep on such a lovely morning—having not enough rest made you feel like a zombie during the whole day. Your classes will resume in the afternoon and you barely have time to rest. A sigh escaped your lips as you wore your shoes, indicating the moment of leaving your apartment. Jisung’s room was unusually quiet, with no instruments playing in the background nor hearing him singing his self-composed songs.
You never cared about it anyway. 
Shrugging at the thought of it, you head to a cafe to have brunch with Seungmin. The boy was too focused on his laptop the moment you arrived and didn’t even notice your presence. Taking your usual order, you went back to his table and sat down across from him. His eyes were tired, his soul was exhausted, a coffee on his side and a half-eaten sandwich with it. He is a representation of the usual college student you see on campus during their hell week. But that also represents you. 
“Good morning Y/n,” He said, still not taking his eyes from his laptop. 
“Good morning, Seungmin,” You smiled. “Mind if I eat?” 
“Not at all,” He replied. “I still need to finish my food as well,” He chuckled. 
“How long have you been waiting?” You asked, munching on your favorite sandwich. 
“Oh, I got here an hour early, I thought writing an essay in a café would help me finish it in no time,” He said, taking a sip of his iced americano. Seungmin drinks it like water. “Are you done with the homework?” 
“Do you have to ask me that when I’m in my miserable state right now?” You asked. 
“Well, I’m just really attentive so that you won’t miss anything.” He said. “Besides, we’re graduating this year,” 
“I know,” You scoffed. 
“How are things with you?” He asked, finally having his full attention to you. 
“You know I was in distress these past few days because of what happened between me and Jisung,” You started. “And now he’s asking me out,” You added, looking at your coffee. 
“I’m not surprised, he did mention he likes you,” He said so bluntly, making you look at him. 
“So you knew?” You asked, making Seungmin shrug his shoulders. 
“You’re probably the last person to know, Y/n,” He smirked. “Me and the rest of our friend group know. But I understand that you’re not really up for it since you and Jisung are not close enough to share intimate secrets with,” He chuckled. 
“I hate you,” You scolded him. 
“You don’t,” Seungmin replied, sipping his coffee. 
“Damn,” You sighed in response as he watched you with a blunt expression written on his face. 
“Anything else you want to tell me? Concerns?” He asked, munching his sandwich as you took a deep breath, making a sarcastic smile at him. 
“Well, aside from Jisung, I have to ask you something,” You said. 
“Spill,” He said, still munching that sandwich. 
“Do you, perhaps, want to work at my Uncle’s club? The local singer resigned last night and we need a replacement to perform this weekend,” You said, making Seungmin stop eating.
“You want me?” He asked, closing his laptop while pointing at himself. “Y/n, I don’t think the vibe suits me, I’m more of a ballad type of person, you know?” He chuckled. 
“But you’re a very good singer,” You whined. 
“Thanks, but I don’t think I can,” He said politely. “Why don’t you ask Jisung, he loves trying different genres, I heard he’s into rock now.” Only a sigh escaped your lips as you took a bite of your food. “It’ll be a good advantage since he has a band, you know Mist right?”
“Yeah,” You said, pouting your lips. “But it’s kind of awkward between us right now,” You said. 
“Because he likes you?” He asked as you gave him a nod. “Why don’t you give him a chance?” 
“Let me think about it first,” You sighed. 
Thinking about it led to a few hours later until you found yourself spacing out in a lecture. A hand supported your chin as your elbow rested on your desk—words from your professor just come in and out through your ears, nothing interesting to focus on. You shouldn’t be worrying too much when you have Chan who can fill up the position of the club’s singer. That man can make everyone swoon over him by singing one single line. But he is not up for it when you already asked a few times. 
You didn’t notice the time passing by, it was only your professor who discussed things all over again. Things that you already know from the first year to your senior year. Seungmin took notes beside you and the rest were either spacing out or listening. But this class would end up making everyone whine about some project the professor just announced. Seungmin coughed in between distracting you from your train of thought. You hated working in pairs yet it was necessary to grab someone to lessen the burden. Seungmin disappeared from his seat and went to Jeongin. Your best friend ditched you, just like that. 
“Nice, you don’t want to work with me?” You asked him when he just laughed in response, but you just rolled your eyes.
“I already planned to have Jeongin work with me,” He said. “You can ask Felix,” A sigh escaped your lips while rolling your eyes. The class ended a few minutes ago and only a few classmates of yours were left inside the classroom. You turned to Felix who was reading his notes before standing up and grabbing the opportunity to approach him. 
“Hey, Felix, do you have a partner?” You asked as he smiled at you, rubbing his nape. 
“Yeah, Changbin hyung was the first one to ask,” He said. “I’m sorry Y/n,” He added with that cute sheepish smile of his. 
“It’s alright, there must be someone free,” You smiled at him. 
 “Ah, yes, Jisung doesn’t have a partner yet,” He said, making your smile drop, giving him a nod. 
“Thanks,” You said and turned away seeing Jisung craning his neck, giving you his creepy smile (in a playful way) while wiggling his brows.  “I guess you’re the option left?” 
“That hurts,” He chuckled, standing up from his seat. “At least I get you to say yes on this one,” 
“As if I had a choice,” You retorted. “When are we going to do this damn project?” 
“Tonight, you know where my studio is right?” He asked as you nodded in response. “Good, I’ll meet you there at 7, sounds good to you?” 
“Not a problem, Han,” You smiled. 
“Great,” He smiled back. 
Why is he acting as if nothing happened?
7 pm and you found yourself in the hallway of a building where Jisung’s studio was located. You looked at your phone’s screen to confirm the right address and saw the same number on a door. A few knocks were heard as Jisung put his mixtape on pause before jogging towards the entrance, unlocking it, and seeing you. 
“I hope I’m not interrupting something?” You asked. 
“Not at all, come in,” He said, opening the door wider as he stepped aside. 
His studio is big enough for 5 people to fit in which probably explains why the rent is expensive. It was painted in black and white, different instruments were being displayed, and some were misplaced. Bass guitars and ordinary guitars, a mixer, and a synthesizer, a shelf of albums and stationeries being stacked on his desk, it was kind of messy. But he chose a good location where there’s a large window that you could see the whole city from. The room just needs a bit of cleaning. 
“It’s kind of messy, I’m sorry,” He chuckled sheepishly. “You can sit on the couch first, I still need to polish something,” 
“Sure,” You smiled. 
“Did you have dinner?” He asked, taking his seat in front of his computer. 
“Not yet, I just got out of the library before coming here,” You shrugged. 
“Okay, we’ll just finish half of the project tonight and we’ll get dinner,” He paused. “If that’s okay with you?” 
“Yeah, go ahead with your work, I can wait,” You said, taking a seat on the couch as he sighed in relief. Jisung went to work after that, leaving you looking around his studio. It was spacious as his mess was scattered around that you accidentally sat down on one of his cd players. There were earphones connected to it that made you sneak up to listen. You took a glance at him and saw his back facing you—taking the opportunity of it, you plugged the earphones on and played a song, not knowing it was all his. 
The first song was rock, you heard Seungmin’s voice in the first part and was followed by his other friends. A summer-like vibe but in a rock genre. The lyrics were also good, even the rhythms and beat were fun to listen to. Notes were pretty high to sing but they ended things clear and clean. So much for having good singers in a group of friends. You wonder how Jisung made this beautiful art. Even the next song is ethereal, a love song solo of his, he can be cheesy at times. You started vibing with it as he was pretty occupied with his work. And that makes you wonder if Jisung can sing for the club this weekend. 
You stopped listening and turned off the music without making the second song halfway finished and fell into deep thoughts. His voice is too good to ignore and his talent is superior. It’s rare to have someone listen to his songs unless it’s one of his guy friends. But you wanted his songs so bad, they were too good. 
“Y/n, I’m done, shall we start?” Jisung asked as he spun his swivel chair around. 
“Jisung,” You called. 
“Yeah?” He asked back. 
“Do you want to sing in the club? I mean, we don’t have a performer anymore so, if you want—”
“I don’t usually work with clubs unless I can perform as a guest,” He said cutting you off. “But if 5-STAR insists on hiring Mist, you should offer me something in return,” He smirked. 
“Fine,” You scoffed. “Let’s go out,” 
Jisung was caught off guard that he almost fell from his seat. It was a bold move of you but he likes it. You noticed how he tried to keep his cool but at the same time, you were nervous about the words that might come out as a response. 
“How much are they going to pay Mist?” He asked with his chin resting at the back of his palm. You knew the deal was on. 
“Pretty decent depends on how good—” 
“We’re good, babe,” He smirked. “And I am way better than the word, good,”
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Another weekend came and Jisung locked himself inside his room as you waited for him outside. Leaning beside the door frame, you were getting impatient with his wardrobe dilemma for his first night. Your Uncle has been told about him by Chan, the boy got too excited and nervous at the same time. Performing in front of people tonight was not the first time, but since there was money at the end of it, he didn’t want to disappoint. You, on the other hand, had to comfort his nervous ass for he has been picking up something decent to wear. 
“Han, are you almost done? You only have to perform 3 songs, that’s it,” You whined outside. 
“One moment, I’m still undecided about the top,” He said, making you sigh in frustration. You were getting late. “Should I go with a T-shirt or a tank top?” 
“Tank tops would look great,” You said, sighing at the time. 
“Thanks, be right there in a sec,” Seconds turned into minutes until he came out after almost half an hour. You gave up waiting for him by the door and went to lie on the couch. “I’m done! What do you think?” You heard him say as you sat down and examined his look. 
Slicked back brown hair, a black tank top, skinny jeans, and a pair of boot shoes, everything in black. You gulped at the sight of him. He’s never been so handsome in your eyes, his fashion sense is superior to the fact that he looks like a rockstar tonight, only a bass guitar is something that he’s missing. He noticed your dumbfounded expression—one thing that boosted his confidence to perform. A smirk formed on his lips as he snapped his fingers in front of your face to bring you back to reality. 
“I’m too handsome, yes I know, no need to tell me,” He said fixing his hair and winked. 
“You wish,” You scoffed. 
“Oh come on, I’m hot, and you know it, right?” He teased as you exited his apartment. “Hey hey! Wait up!” Jisung laughed, grabbing his jacket. You can't help but laugh at his cuteness when he was catching up. Chan prepared the stage for Jisung the moment you arrived, the latter followed you to the staff’s room to rehearse for a short while. You noticed how nervous he was that you had to hold his hand to ease him down. Jisung smiled at you as he intertwined his fingers with yours. His hands were cold and shaky—one that made you worry and patted his back. 
“You will do good, alright?” You said as he nodded desperately. 
“Can you give me a hug before I go?” He asked until a pair of arms wrapped around his neck and pulled you closer. “Thank you,” 
He walked up to the stage introducing himself and how he got the job as a replacement. It made you embarrassed when he dedicated the song to you and everyone was cheering for your so-called relationship. Chan laughed, he looked so happy that Jisung was finally up there and enjoying the night while you stood beside him, mouth open wide. You knew Jisung sings well and you saw him sing in front of the class a few times, but not this type of vibe, not with instruments and background music. Seungmin and the rest of his friends witnessed how badass he is when it comes to music, but none of those shows met your eyes. 
He started to pull off the stage by singing Meddle About by Chase Atlantic. His lips moved as if he were making out with the microphone, and his fingers played with the strings as his voice resounded throughout the crowded room. Minho and Hyunjin supported him with the music and started banging the night. He was holding the mic with both of his hands as he sang his heart out. The veins on his neck become visible as he sings. It made him more natural and attractive. He jammed with the instrumentals in between the chorus and mouthed the adlib while he stared in your direction. His fingers strummed the electric guitar and a hint of crimson red showed up on your cheeks as you felt the heat coming with it. The loud beating of your heart and the adrenaline rush made you feel dizzy. You never saw this side of Jisung before, though you weren’t that close for the past few years, he is one fucking ace. And Chan is very proud now and then. 
The audience was too focused on the handsome young man performing on stage. The second song was his song, the one you heard on his cd player (Mixtape: Time Out), a rock summer vibe—a fresh song that comes with rap and drums; his vocals are too good to handle both singing and rapping. Everyone was cheering for him, the audience was jumping as they vibe with the song. He was also good at hyping them up and pointing to anyone who matches his energy. Yet his eyes would seek yours, it was something he is happy and thankful about. His heart never felt so giddy and fortunate when you are the reason why he is enjoying his time at the moment. 
Jisung kept running and walking around the small stage, sweat dripping from his forehead that made his brown locks soaked. His slicked-back hair becomes messy but he is still gorgeous. Chan noticed how you looked at him and nudged your arm, motioning his lips as if he was teasing you. Even Felix and Changbin were there, dancing like a married couple in front of the stage. And it lasted until his third and last song for the night. You listened closely and watched him as he sat down to sing a soothing melody after the hardcore ones. The sudden change of genre made you feel like falling in love. You love music all your life and you meet a lot of people who share the same interests as you but not like Jisung who took everything in one night. His friends and even Chan love to do the same as him but you see him differently. 
It is the way how calm he was—the spotlight was on him that made his visuals more appealing. The sweat ran down from his forehead to his ripped arms when he took off his jacket, his eyes filled with sincerity, and his voice blended with song. You couldn’t understand why your heart is acting up like you are about to fall for him. And it will get worse in the next few weeks as you expected. A small smile formed on your face when he ended the song and locked eyes with you. Jisung was satisfied as you fell into worry on the other hand. Who knows what will happen if he finds out that you fell in love in just one night with three songs? 
The night flew by and Jisung was given tips and compliments. He earned good money on his first night and he never stopped talking about it even when he was driving you both home. You congratulated him for being amazing on stage and he was really happy with it. Jisung never forgot to say thank you and made a breakthrough because of you. He never thought that this deal would lead to something beautiful for him. 
“Do you want to have a drink?” He asked as you walked side by side towards his apartment. 
“It’s 4 am, you need to rest,” You insisted as he let out a soft chuckle. 
“It’s Saturday morning though? What could go wrong?” He asked. 
“Fine, I’ll tolerate it,” You smiled at him as you offered your hand. Jisung immediately took it and pulled you inside his apartment. It was a signal but Jisung doesn’t want to do anything unless you want something. 
He got busy grabbing two glasses and a bottle of champagne that Hyunjin bought him the other week. You were waiting for him on the couch, wandering your eyes around. It’s not like it was your first time to be inside Jisung’s apartment, but it never fails to amaze you. His instruments were displayed neatly but on the other side of the room is a complete mess. He wasn’t expecting any guests anyway. But the fact that he wanted to celebrate this night with you after their very first performance as part of 5-STAR, Jisung is up for it. Both Hyunjin and Minho refused to stay up late because of the exhaustion, leaving you and Jisung together, in his very own place.
“I hope you like champagne?” He asked, placing them on the coffee table. 
“Of course,” You answered. 
“To us?” He said, raising his glass. 
“To you and Mist,” You smiled, raising your glass as well before making cheers with him.
“Since when did you learn how to play?” You asked, eyes still darted on him while you drink.
“Since I was 12, I guess?” He chuckled, holding his glass as he sat down beside you. “My dad taught me.” 
“No wonder why you were so good,” You said. “Minho and Hyunjin too,” 
“Thanks,” He said with a soft chuckle. “The guys are also natural at playing it,” 
“And you know what I think about you?” You said which made him hooked in the conversation while drinking. “I think you are so hot and beautiful while performing,” 
“You’re falling for me already?” Jisung smirked as you looked into his eyes. 
“Maybe,” You said. “And I’m sane right now,” Still not breaking eye contact. 
“And can I do something about it?” He asked, placing his glass on the table. 
“No,” You said. “Maybe?” 
“Stop with the Maybes, Y/n,” He giggled. “What do you want?” He asked.
You felt his lips on yours for the third time now. The taste of champagne lingers as you respond. Arms around his neck as he pulled you closer to him. As he deepened the kiss, he placed a hand on your nape and carefully stroked the side of your cheek. He could taste the champagne through the hint of your cherry-flavored lip gloss as your lips curved against one another. You could feel his grin between kisses, you began playing with his hair which caused him to bite your upper lip and sucked it before he could kiss you deeply again. 
Nobody had ever made you feel this way. Even if you remembered how your ex kissed you, it’s nothing compared to how Jisung does it. Heavy breaths were shared but none of you dared to stop. The sound of kisses, his soft lips, and your eagerness of it wanted more. He lifted you to make you sit on his lap and it surprised you for a moment but couldn’t mind it at all. You were lost and it made his heart pound. His tongue brushed across yours as you stopped and met his gaze after feeling his hand caressing your thigh. Cheeks began to flush. 
“What?” He asked. 
“I’m sane,” You said. 
“Darling, it’s just you and me,” He replied. “What’s stopping you?” He asked, running his fingers through your hair. 
“Nothing,” You said. “It’s just,” 
Jisung didn’t even wait for you to finish and just started to kiss you again. Hands on your cheeks as you leaned closer to hug him, continuing the kiss. It was soft and gentle, there was a spark in between. The lights flicker as the bubbles of the ignore champagne glasses evaporated to the surface. Jisung knew he likes you so much but going back to the question, what was stopping you? The question was vague but it will hit his ego if you answered that. You admit you were a bit hesitant to open up a new relationship after the heartbreak, but this is Jisung now. 
His back settled on the backrest of his couch as you leaned forward as his hands ran down rubbing his hands gently against your curves, squeezing them. A hint message that he likes it and you couldn’t agree more. The sounds of your smacking lips made Jisung hum in response. Your fingers played with his brown locks as you smiled in between the kiss. 
“Should we make it real?” He asked giving you a peck on the lips. 
“Do they know?” You asked. 
“Not yet,” He chuckled. “We can tell them later,”
“Okay,” You said quietly as your lips met again. His kisses have gotten more intense. He held your back to lay you on the soft couch as he hovered above you, taking off his tank top. The excitement rose when you saw how built his body was then he proceeded to have his lips meddle with yours. Fast heartbeats, eyes were shut to completely enjoy the moment, as the sounds of your lips smacking against one another in response to the tension—the kiss was heating up. 
Jisung felt your hands undoing his belt, the clanking of the hard material aroused when it hit the marble floor. He, then, starts undressing you leaving only your underwear. 
“You’re not shy are you?” He said. 
“It wasn’t the first time I made out with you,” You smirked meeting his lips again. Jisung put his thumb in between your lips as you kiss them gently, feeling his kisses on your neck. You hummed in response to his touch, you had to look the other way to provide him more access. You felt his teeth bite your soft skin and started nipping, intoxicated by the smell of your long-lasting perfume. “Hmmm,” You moaned. 
His kisses made their way down to your chest, in the valley of your covered tits as it goes down to your stomach which made you feel butterflies. 
“You’re so pretty,” He said. “But that’s not the only reason why I like you. May I?” 
You knew you want it too and didn’t even hesitate to permit him to take them off and go ahead. It was driving you crazy when you felt his lips kissing your thigh with his eyes staring at your wetness, he cooed at how pretty his view was that his tongue reached the opening making you mewl in return. 
“We were just kissing Y/n,” He smirked, spreading your legs wider so he could bury his face in your dripping cunt, devouring it with his mouth. 
“Fuck!” You hissed under your breath. Jisung’s hands tightened their grip on your thighs, squeezing them every time he hears you moan as your breath gets heavier by the time his tongue played with it. You grabbed his hand, interlocking your fingers together while feeling how good his mouth was. “It’s hot,”
But he didn’t stop there. You taste good, he loves it. He had his two fingers inside you as he slipped his tongue along with it. His fingers began to move quickly, receiving a delightful yet sinful sound from you. And as your lips gaped, you started humping on his fingers. That was it, your body was hot and started to move on its own. 
“Stay still, angel,” He said upon having his fingers get on a fast pace just to hear more of those sinful sounds coming out of your mouth. He didn’t stop, he doesn’t want to. Your hand reached his brown locks, dragging him up close to your pussy to feel more of it. But Jisung stopped so suddenly that it made you whine in return. 
“Why did you stop?” You asked. 
Jisung didn’t say anything, the next you knew you were being pulled to sit on his lap and grind on his clothed erection. His lips met yours again, but your hands were busy pulling down his pants, along with his black boxers. You gasped the moment he let himself buried inside you, slowly and gently just to start the night. He captured your lips again, not wanting to break the kiss as his hands were on your waist, hugging you closer while you were humping him. Your arms wrapped around his neck and went faster making him moan in between your kisses. His fingers reached for the hook of your bra, took it away, and tossed it somewhere in the living room. You didn’t stop there as you keep on riding his cock. It felt so good. 
“Faster baby,” He breathed, massaging your breasts and pinching your sensitive buds. Playing and pinching them made it even worse, eyes rolled back as you held his shoulders tightly. It sent shivers down your spine as you continued humping him. You could feel how hard he is inside you. The only sounds you could hear were your heavy breaths and Jisung’s moans underneath. He liked the idea of you riding him and his sounds were loud and clear when you started to go up and down as fast as you could. “Fuck, you’re so hot,” He hissed, biting and nipping your tits while massaging and squeezing the other one. 
“Baby,” You gasped, as his other free hand started caressing your body while you pull him closer to your chest. It made you arch your back as a response, and by this, he was given more access to have his mouth sucking your hard nipples. It was hot, his tongue won’t stop playing with it. Your head falls back, grinding him as his cock goes beyond his limits. 
“Fuck,” He cursed again as he went to your untouched boob. 
“Han,” You breathed. “I’m coming,” 
“Just let it out baby,” He said, thrusting his cock even faster. You bit your lower lip in response and come while Jisung was still going at his fast pace. He felt how hot it was, and before he could even come, he laid you down on the couch and pulled away making his cream spread across your stomach. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” You said in between your breath. 
“Do you want to wash up?” He asked again, fixing your hair. 
“A little later,” You smiled. “Hug me,” 
“Of course, love,” He said as he gave you a peck on the lips before pressing his body over you. A pair of arms wrapped around your back with your head on his chest as you hugged him tightly. This night has been exciting and tiring, and all he needs is to cuddle with you to end it. “Rest,” He added, kissing the side of your head. 
It was unexpected, but being with him is all good now and the remaining problem now is how are you going to announce that you’re already official?
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Exactly a week passed by, and Jisung would never leave the floor without you. He would be on your couch when you’re in a hurry to get to school or work. It was decided that he’d only perform with Mist every weekend so he could get some free time with you after class. Chan immediately got the idea that you two are finally going out but at the same time, Jisung didn’t spill the beans yet to his other friends. 
“So you two are dating now?” Seungmin asked as you make your way to your workplace. 
“Yeah,” You smiled widely. 
“Let me guess, you two had sex?” Seungmin asked again, looking at you in disbelief as you rolled your eyes. “Well, well, well, aren’t you the one who cried over their ex two weeks ago?” 
“Shut up Seungmin, you know how I feel about Jisung now,” You defended. 
“Yeah, yeah, if it weren’t for that project we had, you wouldn’t be this close,” Seungmin answered, hands being shoved inside his pockets. 
“Also, let me thank you for rejecting me as your partner,” You smirked. 
“You’re welcome?” Seungmin chuckled. “Where’s Han? I thought we were going together?” 
“He went to work early,” You sighed. “I don’t know, he sent me a text saying not to wait for him or something,” 
Jisung went to the club earlier than usual the next Saturday night. He said he wanted to make his performance different compared to these past few nights. When you arrived an hour after him, the stage was already set up with Hyunjin and Minho. And that’s when the surprise started. 
White smoke crept over the floor to welcome the band as purple, red, blue, orange, and yellow lights filled the stage. The lead singer took a position in front of the crowd and began singing his heart out. He was getting all the hype he deserves as Hyunjin and Minho went hard on playing their designated instruments while Jisung stood out well. He was wearing his gray blazer, tight black pants, and a white polo shirt inside with a black tie. His hair was curled as these brown locks fell on his cheeks. His hand took the microphone from the stand and continued to sing the song you’d never heard before. 
Your heart started to beat faster like crazy. Blood rushed down your cheeks making it feel hot, the crowd made the room louder and the air conditioner you thought was not working well when in fact they are. It was just so hot that you couldn’t understand how you felt inside. And it only got worse when he took off his blazer, dropping it on the floor as he blurted out his self-composed lyrics while rolling up his sleeves to his elbows. He stopped for a few seconds only to pick up his electric guitar and started strumming it to the core. The instrumentals were crazy enough to make you feel dizzy and weak. As if he didn’t make you feel the same when you two had sex in his apartment. 
But this is it, Han Jisung just crashed his way in. 
“Hey! Hey! Hey!”
He was smirking all over the way, the feeling of cockiness took over his system as he had his tongue out just for the sake of rising confidence. It made you feel weak in the knees. He was looking at you and winked. 
“Someone’s going get laid tonight,” Chan laughed. 
“Oh, you bet,” Seungmin answered, giving the older one a high five. 
“Shut up you two,” You hissed as you continued watching. Jisung stood behind his mic stand and sang the lyrics of his unreleased song. It was heartful, especially when he hit the high note at the end earning claps and screams from everyone. 
“Felt like a concert,” Chan said. 
“I told you he’s good,” Seungmin added. 
You went backstage after his performance, he was preoccupied with saying his thanks to everyone, the same goes for Minho and Hyunjin who are covered in sweat for giving their all. The three of them did well, but there’s Jisung who stood out the most to you and after that, all three of them went down. 
“That was so good!” You exclaimed. 
“Thanks Y/n, thank you for hiring us,” Minho said. 
“It was nothing,” You giggled. “You totally rocked it,” 
“I’m shy now,” Hyunjin laughed. 
“Own it guys, you were so good,” You said and that’s when you saw Jisung who just got down. “Hannie!” You squealed and went over to him for a hug. “I’m so proud of you!” 
“Since when did they get so close?” Hyunjin asked. 
“They’re going out,” Seungmin butted in. 
“What?” Minho said. 
“It’s not a surprise anymore so, accept the truth,” Chan added. 
“Did you like it?” Jisung asked. 
“Of course! Was that the song you were working on in your studio?” 
“Yeah,” He laughed. “Definitely,” 
“It was really good,” You smiled. “And I like your outfit today, your hair, wow, they’re very rockstar material,” 
Later that moment you found yourself kissing him inside the dressing room as his hand went for the lock to make sure no one comes in. You felt his hand caressing your cheek not breaking the kiss before hitting your back on the wall. As soon as he pressed you against the wall, his lips became impatient. Your hands rushed to remove his jacket and started to loosen his tie while your lips stayed together throughout the passionate kiss. 
“You’re quite eager are you?” He smirked in between, biting your lower lip before sucking it. His hand reached your ass, squeezing it making you giggle in return, and kissed him again. Jisung lifted your shirt revealing your black-laced bra, his kisses went down again from your neck to the valley of your breast, squeezing your boobs enough to make you moan. You watch him go down, dragging your shorts down along with your matching underwear. He got on his knees as he rested your leg on his shoulders, licking and sucking your wetness. You leaned closer against the wall as Jisung started eating you out. It wasn’t part of the plan, he gave his all tonight so he deserves it. 
“Baby, fuck!” You hum in response as your mouth gaps and the burning sensation you felt when his tongue is pressed hard on your dripping cunt, licking and teasing it. You started grinding on his mouth making him smack your ass hard earning a sinful sound. Biting your lip, you can’t hold your sounds in, you know the people around love to eavesdrop when something like this happens. 
Jisung loved how you taste, but eating your pussy doesn’t satisfy him that easily. He asked you to bend over the vanity table and watched every expression you make in the mirror when his cock slipped inside you as he started to fucked you from behind. His hand made a makeshift ponytail with your hair, thrusting his hips at a fast pace. Your hands held the table tightly, feeling every inch of his dick coming in and out of your hole. Sounds of screams and cries echoed throughout the room and you know how much it turned him on. 
“You’re taking me so well, babe,” He said, leaning forward to kiss your neck as his hands cupped your boobs and squeezed them. He never stopped fucking you from that position. The feeling was immaculate. His lips met yours, devouring them as if he was hungry—his pace never went down and kept its speed. You moaned in his lips as he pinched your nipples making you reach your limits. You weren’t used to sex, and you know Jisung understands. But this time, you wanted it to last. The same goes for him and it is the second time after all. 
He lifted your leg on the table and went harder. It made you break the sloppy make-out you shared. The feeling feels like there’s a fire in your body that burns every time Jisung touches you like this. It made you go insane when he slapped your ass. 
“Ah! Fuck you,” You whined. 
“Well, I am,” He smirked, biting your neck, nipping your skin, and leaving some marks. 
“Han,” You gasped, mouth open as your legs started to quiver. “I’m coming,” 
“Not yet baby,” You heard him say. 
“Fuck, I can’t,” You whined. 
“Where’s the fun if I’ll let you?” He smirked, biting your lip. “You’re hot, baby,” He added, hugging you from behind, but that doesn’t stop you from being out of breath and quivering. You turned around and met his lips, kissing him again. It was gentle this time, arms wrapped around his neck as he made you sit on the table. Your fingers played with his curly brown locks which made him smile in between your kisses. 
He pushed himself inside you again and started his pace faster than usual. It was extreme, the tension between you two was hard to identify. No matter how hard he goes, it always feels good when his lips are on yours. You could feel every inch of him as he fucked you harder and faster. Nothing compares to this feeling when you were still with your dumb ex-boyfriend. Han Jisung is definitely wholesome. 
Everyone is right about him, he’s dominant and it makes your body burn. 
“You want to come?” He asked as you nodded desperately. “Say please,” 
“Please?” You breathed in between your shared kiss. 
“I’m almost there baby,” He groaned, burying his face on your neck in the same position. He felt your fingers dug up his skin, making traces of red lines that made him swear, stopping at the time when you couldn’t hold it anymore and came. “My dick is covered with your cum, babe,” He said, kissing your cheek and pulled away before he could come inside you. 
“I hate you,” You said, smacking his chest playfully. 
“That hurts my feelings,” He laughed. “Are you okay?” He asked, caressing your cheek. 
“I’m fine,” You answered, giving him a peck on his lips. “You did well tonight. Shall we go home and take some rest?” You smiled, hugging him closer. 
“Do I get cuddles?” He asked, giving you his puppy eyes. 
“Of course baby, you deserve it,” You replied, giving him another kiss. “I love you, Han,” 
“That’s the most precious thing I’ve ever heard tonight,” He said. “You know that I love you too, Y/n,” He smiled. 
“I know,” You smiled.
“Let’s go home now,” 
So this is what falling in love feels like, the one he thought that he needs to pass countless levels just to reach the top has come to an end. Jisung found you now, and it will change his perspective for quite a while. 
Then there’s you, opening up again. It wasn’t easy at first, the long drive could end in burning flames or paradise and you were sure, it was paradise. 
“Good night, Y/n,” 
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 8 months
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Imagine Being Loved By Me
Pairing: Billy Washington (Trigger Point) x f!reader Warnings: Self deprecation, alcohol, mild angst, semi public smut, oral sex (m receiving) Word count: ~3.2k
Summary: Loose lips sink ships - a drunken night at the pub proves catastrophic for the secret fling she's been having with her best mate's brother. Based on this request.
Author's note: I don't have a tag list. Please follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
She lays cocooned on the sofa, enveloped in the soft warmth of fluffy throw blankets. The sounds of an episode of Eastenders playing on the TV fill the small space of her living room, yet her attention is focused solely on her phone, cradled in her palm as her thumb hovers over the screen.
“Come to the pub, not seen you for ages.” Reads the text message from her best mate, Lana.
It’s true, she has seen less of Lana over the last couple of months, the sole cause of that is due to Lana’s younger brother, Billy. She had never meant for it to happen. 
After Billy had been pulled from his car in Cranstead Gardens, only for it to blow up mere moments later - a bomb planted by a right wing group called The Crusaders, attempting to frame Billy for an attack on anti-fascist protestors, Billy had been in a bad way. Already plagued by struggles of self worth and identity, he was now traumatised on top of it.
Supporting Billy through all of it had taken a toll on Lana. She’d taken time off work to care for her younger brother, making sure he went to his therapy sessions, sitting up with him when his night terrors got too much for him to bear, making sure he ate and took care of himself.
She’d seen how tired Lana was becoming, the dark circles under her eyes growing more prominent every time she saw her. Spending so much time looking after Billy, she was forgetting to look after herself. Stepping in, she’d lended her own support, wanting to ease the burden on her best friend.
Countless cups of tea were made by her, she’d cooked massive pasta bakes and pots of chilli, ensuring that both Lana and Billy had dinner every day. In her bid to support her friend, she’d unwittingly become part of her brother’s life too.
It was an afternoon a week after Lana had gone back to work, she’d continued to pop round to Billy’s each day as a favour to her, just to check in on him and make sure he wasn’t letting the flat get in too much of a state.
They had been standing side by side in the kitchen, her rolling a cigarette for both of them, while Billy made tea. Their fingers had brushed as he’d passed her mug with one hand, while taking his rollie from her with the other, and for the briefest of moments their eyes had locked.
She felt as though time had stood still as she stared into his big blue eyes, and suddenly tea and cigarettes were forgotten as their lips met in a frenzied rush of passion. He’d pushed her back against the kitchen side and she’d giggled against his lips as they’d sent empty beer cans and dirty cutlery clattering to the floor.
In response, he’d lifted her, her legs wrapping around his waist as he’d carried her to the bedroom. His breath had been heavy against her neck as he’d rutted hard into her against the rumpled bed sheets, while she’d stroked her fingers through his tousled sandy hair and whispered to him how good he was making her feel.
They’d laid there breathlessly afterwards and he’d made her swear not to tell Lana. It had made sense to her at the time, she’d thought it was a one off, and Lana would probably find it weird that her best friend and her younger brother had slept together.
But then it kept happening, and as time went on it felt more like a relationship than casual hooking up. Yet Billy continued to insist they kept it quiet, so she had, despite it seeming odd to her that they’d make a secret of something that clearly both made them happy.
And Billy did make her happy - most of the time. When things were good, they were really good; they’d spoon on his threadbare sofa, his laughter ruffling her hair as they watched reruns of The Simpsons. His large hand would always find its way up her top, wrapping around the dip in her waist, anchoring her to him.
When things were bad, they were awful. It would often happen after Billy’s weekly visits to the JobCentre to sign on, he’d come back petulant, closed off, in a place that was so far into his own mind that she couldn’t reach him. He’d lash out with angry words, filled with spite and vitriol if she tried to push him to open up, so she’d learned to retreat, to let him come to her.
Usually a day later, he’d reach back out and apologise, and things would be good again. Yet this time, a week had passed since she’d left Billy to his own devices and he hadn’t spoken to her at all.
She clicks away from Lana’s text, and onto her thread with her younger brother, faced with a stream of her own unanswered messages. 
Fuck him.
If he doesn’t want to talk to her then perhaps her Friday night is better spent at the pub. She fires off a quick message to Lana, telling her she’ll be there in an hour before showering and getting herself ready.
The pavement is slick underfoot as she walks from her flat. It’s rained recently, and the smell of it hangs thick in the air, along with a brisk chill that causes her to pull her leather jacket tighter around herself, wishing she’d put on something warmer.
She pushes through the heavy barrier of the pub door, leaving behind the cold air, the smell of rain and the steady hum of traffic, for stifling warmth, the cloying scent of beer and raucous laughter.
Smiling when she spots Lana at a table in the corner, flanked by her mate and fellow EXPO, John, she heads over, taking a seat next to Lana and shrugs out of her jacket.
“Alright, stranger?” Lana looks warmly at her, eyes filled with familiar affection, “Mick’s just getting a round in.”
Her smile falters, stomach churning with disgust at the mention of Mick. He’s ex-military, a mutual friend of Joel and Lana. Since Joel had passed away in the Westhaven Estate bombing, he had latched onto Lana, and it made her skin crawl. She hated his arrogance and the way he always leered at her, he took cheap shots at Billy’s expense whenever he was around, despite repeatedly being told to stop.
“Great,” she says, the dullness of her tone not matching the enthusiasm of the word.
Before Lana can respond, Mick makes his way back over, four full pint glasses clutched tightly in his hands. He sets them down on the table, the motion sending lager foam dripping over the edges and onto the wood beneath.
“Lana mentioned you’d be dropping in,” Mick says, sliding a glass across to her, a trail of moisture spreading across the tabletop in its wake, “so I got you a pint.”
“Thanks,” she says with a tight smile, lifting the glass to her lips and taking a deep sip, focusing on how the bitter bubbles fizz against her tongue.
“Any time, gorgeous,” he fires back with a wink, and she grimaces, feeling as though she’ll bring the beer back up that she’s just swallowed.
She’s grateful when he takes a seat next to John and the two fall into conversation, leaving her and Lana to catch up. They talk about work and Lana’s excitement over Thom finally asking her to move in with him. It’s nice to be around her best friend again, how easily they slot back into place as though no time has passed. She feels guilty for not having made more time for Lana, being secretly kept preoccupied by Billy.
As if on cue, her phone buzzes and she pulls it out of her bag, seeing a text from him flash up on the screen. “were r u??”
She sighs, realising he’s likely turned up at her flat and seen she’s not home. It’s tempting to ignore him, considering he’s left her hanging for the last week, but she knows Billy, knows what he’s like, he’ll spiral if he doesn’t hear from her.
“At the pub.” She replies, then sends “With your sister.” as an afterthought, hoping it will deter him from turning up.
Putting her phone away, she continues drinking her pint and chatting with Lana, until Lana’s eyes move towards the door, brows raising in surprise.
“Here comes trouble,” she says, before taking a drink.
She turns, heart sinking as she sees Billy making his way unsteadily towards their table. His eyes are glazed, a pinkish hue is dusted across the bridge of his nose and cheekbones, the telltale signs he’s been drinking.
Mick looks up, raising his pint in greeting. “Billy! I’d offer you a drink, but I’ve not long gotten a round in. You can afford to get your own, right?”
“Mick, leave it,” Lana grits out, eyes narrowed.
“Sit down, Billy,” she says gently, pulling out the seat next to hers, “I’ll get you one.”
“I don’t need you!” He snaps, nostrils flaring and brow furrowing.
She flinches back, feeling her throat tighten, lowering her gaze to hide the hurt she feels.
Billy softens, shoulders sagging with shame, averting his own eyes. “Don’t need you to get me a drink,” he says quietly, “can get my own.”
She watches him weave through the crowded pub towards the bar, anxiety forming a pit within her stomach.
“Fuck’s sake,” she hears Lana mutter under her breath, turning to her. “I’m so sorry, had no idea he’d turn up.”
I did, she thinks to herself, but offers her friend a reassuring smile. “It’s alright, I don’t mind.”
Billy’s pint is already half drunk by the time he makes his way back to their table. He sets the glass heavily down on its surface, before slumping in the seat next to hers, fingers fidgeting with a beer mat.
“Still not working then, Billy?” Mick asks and she has to fight the urge to tell him to shut up, her grip tightening around the condensation coated outside of her pint glass.
“Starting an apprenticeship in two weeks, actually,” he says, shooting him a sideways glance, fingers continuing to spin the beer mat.
What? Why hadn’t he told her?
Her eyes widen in surprise, mouth opening to ask about it, closing it again upon realising it’s not her place, not publicly anyway. Thankfully, Lana is quick to step in.
“That’s brilliant news! Doing what?”
“Car mechanics,” Billy says. “Bloke at the JobCentre sorted me out with it, I start in two weeks.”
“Wow,” Lana says with a genuine smile, “I’m dead pleased for you, mate, know how much you enjoyed doing up your old Vauxhall.”
Billy nods, tapping the edge of the beer mat against the table, not looking directly at anyone. “Yeah, should hopefully have a job by the end of it.”
She takes a mouthful of lager, swirling it over her tongue, trying to distract herself from the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She’s pleased for Billy, it would be cruel not to be, but she can’t deny the hurt she feels that this isn’t something he felt was worth sharing with her.
“Let’s hope this sticks, eh, mate?” Mick says with a smirk.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Billy asks with a scowl.
Mick shrugs casually. “Seems like a good opportunity, would hate to see it go the same way as all your attempts to join the army.”
“Let’s keep it friendly, shall we?” John says uncomfortably, but is ignored by Mick.
“I’m just saying,” he continues, “hope another group of terrorists doesn’t come along and distract him. They teach you how to look for bombs while you’re fixing up the cars at this apprenticeship?”
“I said enough!” Lana shouts, slamming her pint glass down, eyes wide with fury.
The pub goes eerily silent, the Oasis song that’s playing on the jukebox and the scrape of Billy’s chair legs on the flagstone flooring are the only audible sounds as he stands abruptly, tossing the beer mat he’d been fiddling with onto the table.
“Going out for a fag,” he says sullenly, the chatter of surrounding tables gradually becoming louder as the shock of the sudden outburst wears of.
Billy walks out of the pub, head bowed, and she watches him go, her heart aching for him.
“Erm…think I’ll join him, actually,” she tells Lana, turning towards her, “could do with a smoke anyway. I’ll see if he’s alright.”
“Appreciate that, thank you,” Lana says, giving her hand a squeeze. “Think Mick and I need to have a little chat anyway,” her tone is suddenly stern, her gaze dark as she turns to face the man opposite her.
She nods, slipping her jacket back on and heads outside.
The shock of the cold night air hitting her skin causes her to draw in a sharp breath. It’s still damp outside and she worries that Billy might have gone home when she can’t immediately see him. It’s not until she walks along the road a short distance that she spots the glow of the end of a lit cigarette down an alleyway, the reddish hue dully illuminating Billy’s sharp features.
Wrapping her arms around herself, she walks towards him. “You should ignore Mick,” she says softly, standing in front of him, “he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
Billy exhales a plume of smoke, a hint of a sneer on his face as he draws his head back, staring at her through narrowed eyes. “Seems like he had the right of it to me. I’m a fuck up and almost got myself killed because of it.”
“You’re not, Billy,” she reassures him, “you were in a bad place. Those scumbags took advantage. Mick only takes the piss because he knows if he was in your position he wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
He sniffs, scowling slightly as he takes another drag, and she shifts from foot to foot, anxiously waiting for him to say something, anything.
She sighs when it becomes apparent he won’t, silently exhaling smoke, his brooding silence too much for her to bear. “Why didn’t you tell me about the apprenticeship?” 
Billy swallows thickly, staring down at his trainers. “I was gonna, but then…then Becky text me.”
“Oh,” is all she’s able to get out, her skin growing heated despite how cold it is, as her heart lurches with painful jealousy.
She takes an involuntary step back, but Billy is quick to advance towards her, his free hand reaching for her. “No, not like that!” He says hastily. “I dunno what she wanted, actually. Messaged to ask how I was and I told her I was with you and not to contact me again.”
Her stomach flutters at his words.
Told her I was with you.
She can’t help the smile that tugs at the corners of her mouth. “And then what?”
“Then she said it wouldn’t last, she couldn’t imagine why someone like you would wanna be with someone like me.”
“And you believed her?”
He chucks his cigarette butt on the ground, crushing it underfoot. “I followed my therapist’s advice; cut ties with people who force you to question your self worth - blocked her number.”
Pride swells in her chest at his words and she reaches for his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“But it got me thinking,” he continues, “you deserve better than a few secret shags with your best mate’s waster brother.”
Her brow furrows, sadness making her feel heavy. “Is that why you’ve avoided me all week?”
Billy nods. “Yeah, just sorta wondered what the point of it all is, we have to keep it a secret anyway, and I’m just gonna fuck it up, same as I’ll do with this apprenticeship.”
She reaches up, cupping his face, fingers stroking over the scruff of his jawline, which is in desperate need of a shave. “Billy, it was your decision to keep us a secret. I’d tell everyone, given the choice. I’m not ashamed to be with you.”
His hands grasp her wrists, thumbs stroking the soft skin on the undersides. “Really?” He asks, his voice barely a whisper as he looks at her hopefully.
Leaning up, she kisses his lips, quick and chaste. “Really. Billy, you’re so good,” she leans up again, pressing her mouth to his more firmly, for longer, savouring the feeling of him kissing her back.
“So good to me,” she whispers, trailing her lips along his jaw and over his neck, smiling as she feels him shudder, his long fingers threading themselves into her hair.
“I’m so proud to be with you,” she tells him, sucking at his pulsepoint, earning a groan, which she feels the rumble of through his chest.
She reaches down, palming him through his jogging bottoms, feeling the rapid hardening of his cock through the cotton. “You’re gonna do so well at your apprenticeship, show everyone else just how good you are.”
His jaw goes slack, his grip on her hair tightening as he pulls her in for another kiss. It’s deep and heated, his breathing rapid as he tongue works against hers. He tastes of tobacco and Carling, yet to her there has never been anything more addictive.
Pulling away, his hands slip from her hair as she drops to her knees in front of him, not caring how the dampness of the concrete soaks into the material of her jeans.
“What are you doing?” Billy asks, lips parted in shock as he watches her tug at the waistband of his joggers and boxers, pulling them down just enough to free his erection. “Someone could see!”
“Then let them see, Billy,” she whispers huskily, eyes flitting up momentarily to meet the ocean blue wideness of his. “I told you I’m not ashamed to be with you.”
She licks the flushed pink tip of him, humming appreciatively at the sharp taste, grinning to herself as Billy hisses through his teeth, eyes screwed shut.
“Tastes so good,” she coos up at him, reveling in the sigh of the rapid rise and fall of his chest and the way he twitches against her palm.
Opening her mouth, she envelopes the length of him in its wet warmth, hollowing her cheeks as she bobs her head back and forth.
“Oh…fuck!” Billy all but chokes out, and she moans around him, speeding up her movements, pulling back each time the head of him knocks the back of her throat, stroking her hand up and down the base in tandem.
It is risky to do this so publicly, and yet it adds to the thrill; on her knees in a darkened alleyway for her man, showing him exactly what he’s worth, what he means to her. 
Her core throbs with arousal, her movements becoming sloppy as Billy cups the back of her head, muscles tensing and his breathing becoming ragged. She can feel the tang of pre-cum against her tongue and knows he won’t last much longer.
She whines when he grips her hair, pulling her off of him and dragging his trousers back up.
“Why’d you do that? You were about to cum,” she huffs, rising to her feet.
“Exactly,” he says with a shrug, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, and guiding her out of the alley. “Wanna be inside you when I do that though, and I’d much rather be back at my girlfriend’s place to do that than down a fucking alley.”
She grins, wrapping an arm around his waist as they walk home.
She likes the sound of that.
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d3wdropz · 2 months
Headcanons: Being the Fourth First Year at Tokyo's Jujutsu Tech
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a/n: coming back strong with a fun little post- i'm a manga reader so i need some joy in this media!
Synopsis: what it's like being one of the first years in Tokyo's Jujutsu Tech
Content Warning: none, really! some swearing and canon typical violence- nothing descriptive
gender neutral! reader
Thank you @saradika for this great divider!
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Meeting Them:
✿𝅼 - You had a later start to the year, arriving just a few days after Nobara
✿𝅼 - Whether you had previous knowledge of the Jujutsu world or not didn't matter- you were definitely not prepared for the chaos you stepped into
✿𝅼 - A tall guy in a blind fold- who you later found out was your teacher and the strongest sorcerer, Satoru Gojo- was happily waving you over
✿𝅼 - That alone wouldn't bother you, if it wasn't for the black-haired boy he was holding by the collar. The kid looked tired and about ready to go home
✿𝅼 - Gojo welcomed you and introduced you to the boy he was holding as Megumi, telling you to not mind his "gloomy attitude"
✿𝅼 - It was going great, Gojo was recommending all kinds of cafes and bakeries near by. Megumi was checking his phone, offering quick responses when needed
✿𝅼 - The calm was broken by loud bickering. When you looked over Gojo's shoulder (which was kind of hard with his height) you watched an angry girl stomp her way over. The closer she got the better you could see that she was knocking her fist against a pink-haired guy's head- something about letting her shopping bags drag on the ground
✿𝅼 - The guy was yelling back at a lower volume, trying to stop her from hitting him more. It was a strange site, but what really stuck out to you was the tell-tale buttons on their uniforms
✿𝅼 - These maniacs were going to be your new classmates
✿𝅼 - After the initial meetings and getting settled into your new room, you were sent out on your first mission. It was just going to be you, so it was nothing more than a few grade fours- maybe grade three at worst
✿𝅼 - The location was an abandoned lake on the country side, and to make sure all went well the other first years tagged along
✿𝅼 - Nobara wasn't happy to be stuck in some swamp and made sure everyone was aware; Yuji had wondered off a few times when he saw cool looking bugs and frogs; Megumi, thankfully, was a big help and guided you on what to expect
✿𝅼 - At some point you broke off from the group, following the trail of cursed energy to the other side of the lake. It was a good distance, and with a sudden fog that rolled in you were basically on your own
✿𝅼 - Unsurprisingly, things didn't go as planned and somehow a semi-grade 2 curse had snuck its way into the area
✿𝅼 - Of course, you're a boss and handled yourself. When you made your way back over, exhausted and beat-up, Yuji and Megumi ran to help you- Nobara called in Ijichi to come pick you all up as she pulled bandages from her bag
✿𝅼 - While the bruises and cuts stung, it was a very good bonding experience! Nobara's bandages were really cute (she let you pick which color and design to make you feel better), and Yuji carried you everywhere for the rest of the day
✿𝅼 - Thank god for Megumi, he was the one talking to Shoko, getting you water, and checking in on you
✿𝅼 - They were all still chaotic, sharing one brain cell when they were together- but they were your idiots who made you feel like family
General HC:
✿𝅼 - If you identify as female/ use she/her/they pronouns, expect Nobara to kind of kidnap you a lot. She's a girl's girl and will back you up constantly, taking you shopping with her and building up your confidence.
✿𝅼 - Continuing the previous head canon, she will drag you away from Megumi and Yuji if they're annoying her while saying something like "y/n and I are leaving before you infect us with your stupid"
✿𝅼 - If you identify as male/ use he/him/they, Yuji is going to constantly be in your space- this boy has no sense of personal bubbles and you can tell. He's definitely the type to joke around- like he for sure jokingly flirts with you
✿𝅼 - Yuji has said the lines: is it gay to kiss my bro morning, noon, and night? no- it's called being a supportive friend!
✿𝅼 - Doesn't matter what gender you are to Megumi- he just hopes you'll help him wrangle the others in (he is so tired)
✿𝅼 - I don't care if you have the biggest brain in the world, it's useless when you're all together
✿𝅼 - It's so much worse when Gojo's there too- like he feeds into the bullshit
✿𝅼 - like you all would be cleaning out the dorm fridge and Yuji would see a jar that's THREE FULL YEARS EXPIRED and go "bet you guys ten bucks I could eat this and keep it down"
✿𝅼 - You're already pulling out a ten, "I know you're a pit, Yuji, but even this is too much- I'm betting against you"
✿𝅼 - Nobara is slamming down a ten before you can even finish, "Y/N'S RIGHT! THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN HANDLE THAT"
✿𝅼 - Megumi isn't putting any money down, just grumbling and readying a trash can for if Yuji up-chucks
✿𝅼 - Just as Yuji grabs a spoon and is scooping up some of the nasty smelling gunk, Gojo's hand grabs his wrist. None of you are too shocked, your teacher pops in and out whenever he pleases
✿𝅼 - "Now Yuji," Gojo's got a serious expression on as he continues, "I can't let you do this... without giving you some advice!" and he goes right back to being a child "You should eat it in one go so you don't have the chance to regret it!"
✿𝅼 - After letting Yuji go Gojo slides a twenty onto the table, "Double on him keeping it down"
✿𝅼 - Yuji was, in fact, able to keep it down- too bad for you, losing a ten
✿𝅼 - During missions, you all tag along together even if there's only one person assigned. It's great support! Also none of you have gotten horribly injured because of this new system!
✿𝅼 - I feel like at some point you will interact with Sukuna in some way- and that curse does NOT like you
✿𝅼 - To Sukuna, you're not Megumi so that makes you boring. If you happen to have an interesting technique, he'll mess with you a bit if he ever takes control then beat the shit out of you
✿𝅼 - Also, movie nights are a must! Yuji usually doesn't host them after Nobara whacked him over his posters. So you, Megumi, and Nobara switch up who's room is used
✿𝅼 - Yuji always picks the movies and they're always good, somehow they appeal to all of you. Also the amount of snacks is shocking, but they never go to waste!
✿𝅼 - Every movie night you guys fall asleep on each other. Yuji is a literal furnace so all of you end up piling on him when it's cold- or trying to get out of his koala grip during hot nights
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wasn't sure how to end this so...
either way i might do this more, writing these were fun!
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
Kissing In The Moonlight
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➛Pairing: Jeon Jungkook × f!reader
➛Genre: angst; smut; fluff
➛Trope/au: Friends to potential lovers; one night stand
➛Word Count: 5.1k+
➛Trigger warnings:
➥general warning: alcohol consumption, anxiety, longing, mentions of drinking as a coping mechanism, lots of tears, yn is obsessed with JK, Jungkook is a tease
➥smut warning: semi-drunk consensual sex, lots of kissing, hickey, breast play, clit rubbing, fingering, oral (f!receiving), penetration, big dick!JK, missionary position, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (remember, with great power comes great responsibility), creampie, aftercare
➛Rating: 18+
➛Banner: made by apotatomashedbybts
➛Cross post: ao3 | Wattpad
➛Beta-reader: the absolute sweetheart Nixie @highly-functioning-mitochondria 💜💜💜
➛Disclaimer: This story was originally posted 3 years ago on July 17. This is a revamped version of the existing one.
➛Tagging: the person without whom this fic wouldn't exist in the first place, my absolutely wonderful sis Jinny @euphorianyx , and my awesome friends who cheered me on and supported me while I doubted myself - Freya @sugarwithtea , Jiya @btsstan12 and Sana @sweetieguk
And a part of my heart, my precious Hani @kuuipobangtan ! Welcome back! (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
➛Author's note: This was my first ever smut that I wrote all those years ago. I wasn't quite satisfied with it but I didn't have that much skills either. But I hope this time I sucked less and did it some justice! I hope you enjoy this little piece on Koo's birthday (Happy Birthday, baby).
Please leave likes, reblogs (it helps a lot with the fic reaching more people) and give me feedback (this motivates me to write a lot and makes me a happy potato)
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Summary: He was everything you ever wanted. He was everything you lost. But as luck would have it you meet again and all you have is one night with him... or may be forever.
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The booming rhythmic sound of the party music echoing throughout this specially rented part of the club wasn't helping at all. To top it off, it was your favourite song that was playing at the moment which had always managed to make your feet make love to the floor.
But today wasn't one of those days; tonight your feet refused to move even an inch. You were too anxious to even breath. 
When you got the invitation to this extravagant bachelorette party that your not-so-friendly friend threw, you were only a second away from turning it down. You were never close enough to her to get invited to her parties. It was pretty obvious that she did this to rub the fact on your face that you were going to die single, alone and pining. So to decline it was your best option until it wasn't. Life had always liked to throw lemons at you and you had always been successful in catching and tasting them - yes, life was sour. 
Your best friend, Alyssa, was going to move to Bolivia permanently after the results of the final year were out. And hence, she wanted to enjoy the remaining of her days in Seoul as much as she could. So she begged you repeatedly until you gave in and agreed to attend. 
But as soon as you arrived, she abandoned you gladly with a not-so-apologetic smile and an indicative smirk when a seemingly handsome guy approached her. 
Now, left alone in the midst of strangers, you slowly fiddled with the half full glass of margarita in your hand  while waiting for Lys to return. With small sighs you took even smaller sips and looked over at the group of friends doing a shots challenge. You wanted to take shots too but restrained yourself because you wanted to avoid getting drunk so that you could leave as soon as Lys returned and reach home safely. 
You saw Lys emerge from the crowd just after half an hour, making her way towards you. You let out a relieved sigh and taunted, "Seems like his magic wore out quickly." 
"Shush! That smile will be gone once I tell you what I just saw!" Her tensed demeanor caught your eyes now so you threw her a concerned and curious look to which she immediately replied, "Jungkook is here!" 
Your steps faltered but before you could grab Lys and decide what to do that guy from before came and started dragging Lys away. You didn't want to hold her back because of your shortcomings so when she looked at you with concern you somehow mumbled, "I'll be okay. Don't worry. I'll just be outside somewhere. Call me when you are done." 
Lys knew you. She knew you were lying about being okay. So she hastily told you, "I'll be back in five minutes, alright? Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back and we'll go home together." 
After Lys was gone you turned around and finished the glass in one gulp. Lys was right. You weren't okay. Hearing the name after so long made your body go weak and a wrecking anxiousness took over you. You didn't know where to look at as your heart began thumping at a mad speed. You kept your palms on your eyes and were surprised to feel the wetness on them. "Why am I crying? I need to calm down and get the fuck out of here before I come across him." 
As you kept your head down in a futile attempt to calm yourself, all the memories started to swarm in along with the name. 
Jeon Jungkook... The name itself sent shivers down your spine. How many years had it been? Exactly three years six months and twelve days. Weird, wasn't it? How you kept track of time even though you wanted to forget it all. How you remembered all about the boy who instantly became the high school sweetheart as soon as he set his foot there, how you instantly fell for him too, how he became your biggest crush, your hidden desire, your guilty pleasure; unforgettable memories that you had always desperately tried to forget. 
Because it was him, his eyes, his smile, his everything that had stopped you from moving on. Those starry eyes and broad smile that had kept you wide awake for countless nights during that time still haunted you. 
You knew that he was never going to be yours. You always saw him as a person who was way out of your league. So what if he used to smile often at you, so what if he had once said you looked beautiful in that prom dress. 
So what... if you shared a dance with him at that prom for the longest yet shortest minute before switching partners - those were just his kindness, that only made the hole inside your heart deeper. And him? Out of your reach. So out of your reach that even after his lingering eyes on you during the dance tormented you, and you could still feel the warmth of his body after he left, you couldn't ask him for another dance that night. 
Confessing to him was like a far fetched dream - you feared of things getting awkward between you two. No matter how much you were obsessed with him, you couldn't read him. You were afraid of losing the only privilege that you got from him - his smile. So you had decided to keep it shut along with your feelings. 
And you were fine with what you had until he abruptly transferred in the middle of the third year of high school. 
The disappearance had left you with a scar that made you hollow from inside. The unbearable crush that he left within you for him ate you slowly and you had regretted loving him the way you did every second ever since. 
The tireless attempts to erase the ocean of feelings that you had hold for him for the past three years had just went in vain. The blind dates that never worked out, the one too many one night stands just made you more miserable as your soul wanted only him. 
You often wondered if you could read him even a little bit, would you have been able to make the slightest place for yourself in his heart. 
You sighed, "Jungkook is here... My Jungkook.." You shook your head as the last part slipped in your thoughts. 
"I can't do this. I can't let myself meet him tonight, in no way. I can't fall in love once again.. I can't...!" You tried to calm yourself down while wiping away the droplets formed at the corner of your eyes and impatiently waited for Lys to return. 
With a small scoff you asked your inner self, "Fall in love once again? What are you talking about? Have you ever even fallen out of love?" No, of course not. 
You were blankly staring at your empty glass when a very familiar voice called you. You snapped out of your thoughts and cursed under your breath, "Fuck! This can't be happening.." 
You were chewing over how you should react while fighting your terribly thumping heart when the voice called out again, "Hey! I know you are Y/n! I'll be so hurt if you say that you don't remember me! I am Jungkook! Remember?" 
You took an eternity to turn around and smiled at him in a constipated way. Your mind was a blur because you wanted it to be and thought that it was dream - a cruel yet beautiful dream. He was smiling at you, the same smile that was engraved in your memory so deeply and you were screwed, that wasn't a surprise anymore, but yes, your emotions were fucked up once again. 
"Hey! Long time Jungkook! How have you been?" You digged out the words from your mouth and signalled the bartender for a shot as you felt your throat go dry. 
"One for the gentleman too, please!" You said before pouring down the shot down your throat at once. 
"Woah woah woah! Slow down y/n. You will burn your throat!" Jungkook looked at you alarmed. 
You slightly shook your head in denial and murmured, "It's to calm me down." 
Jungkook didn't know what to reply to that so he gulped down the shot offered to him and went quite. A few minutes passed, and a couple other shots were imbibed and none of you spoke a word; the only interaction being the awkward smiles you displayed at each other occasionally. 
The silence seemed to make Jungkook a little uncomfortable and he said, trying to sound as much as casual as he could, "It's suffocating in here, isn't it? Wanna go outside for some fresh air?" 
You instantly agreed and smiled at him, more naturally this time. 
The cool breeze outside swam around you two and you felt your nerves untangle from its previous knotted state little by little. 
The road was deserted and the light of the full moon shone over the surrounding area around you two making it surrealistic. You could hear the clear fast rhythm that your heart was playing. 
May be it was the alcohol running in your system or the overwhelming emotions that took over you after having him so near you after so long that you couldn't help but stare at him. Somehow he managed to look more beautiful than you remembered. 
The liquid perhaps made him feel warmer from inside as it did to you and he took off his jacket and wrapped the hands of it around his neck. You continued to look at him, rather shamelessly, and even when he looked at you questioningly and locked the stare, you didn't flinch for once. 
His face was adorned with piercings that suited him perfectly even though you had never imagined him in one. His right arm was covered in colored tattoos which started on his fingers and disappeared somewhere inside his t-shirt sleeves. This Jungkook, in some way, poured new feelings on your existing ones. You thought he was hot. So hot that made your core burn. So hot that made you a little bit braver and you held his hand - a perfect fit. And you pulled him in for a kiss. 
The alley by the road was dark and damp but that didn't stop you from running hands on all over each others body and kissing greedily. After a few minutes, Jungkook gasped for breath and whispered breathlessly, "Wanna get somewhere more comfortable?" 
Closing the door of the motel room Jungkook turned you around and pinned you against the door frame. Your lips met again and you drowned yourself in his taste. His initial taste of the tequila gradually wore away leaving a natural sweetness. 
You moved your hands hastily and took off his shirt and paused before slowly moving your fingers over the smooth skin of his firm chest, eyes arrested on the same. 
With a sweet smirk he held your hand and turned you around so that your back was facing him. You let out a gasp as he pressed himself against you and you could feel his hard-on just above your waist line. 
He let out a low whisper against your ear, "Can't wait to touch me, huh?" and unzipped your black cocktail dress, letting it slip off of your body.
You faced him and asked while looking into his eyes and grazing your lips on his, "Can you?," before putting your hands around his neck and shoving your tongue inside his mouth, not letting him reply.
He grabbed onto your thighs and picked you up with no effort and as you wrapped your legs around his torso he kissed you until you both reached the bed by the big window and laid you down gently on it. 
The dimmed red lights of the room and the moonlight seeping in through the window created an almost fantastical residence of colours - an illusory heaven. 
Both of you stopped for a moment; Jungkook's body hovered over you as he took his time to take in the beauty in front of him, that is you. The moonlight made his features accentuate in a different way which made him unfathomable and bewitching and you heavily doubted whether it was a dream or reality. 
He softly placed his right palm on your chest, right above your heart and looked into your eyes, pausing for merely a couple seconds as if feeling your racing beats. You watched him and did the same. His touch suddenly felt so real, he felt so real that a lump formed in your throat. He was no longer a figment of your imagination or longing. He was here.
His fingers traced lightly over the outline of your strapless bra and stopped over the front lace strings. He undid it without any struggle and tossed it on the floor. His cold rough hands felt so real against your breast skins as he cupped them that you got goosebumps all over and tears trickled down your eyes loosening the lump in your throat. 
He panicked. His eyes showed concern. And he asked, "Am I hurting you? We can stop here if you want to."
You could see the concern that you wanted to see in his eyes for you all those years ago. And tonight those concerned eyes are all for you. You felt your heart swell and you smiled while pulling him in for a passionate kiss, "You are not." 
When he broke the kiss both of you were breathless and your lips were swollen. You let out a pouty whine when his lips broke contact to which he chuckled and with a quick smooch on your needy lips he took off the lip ring. Keeping it on the bedside table he started leaving a trail of kisses along your jawline and neck. 
Pushing away your unruly hair to a side he began sucking on a particular spot on your neck and you immersed into that faint pain. You were quite sure that it was going to leave pretty deep mark and you wanted it more as the picture of it played in your mind. 
He moved slowly downwards, pressing soft kisses on the skin of your collarbone, on the skin below it, on your soft breast; he stopped just before the right areola and looked above at you. Your nipples itched for attention. Finding the frown on your forehead that he was looking for he smirked and his tongue circled around your areola. He sucked on your right nipple, occasionally swirling his tongue around it and then going back to sucking on it, all while kneading your left boob and taking your left nipple between his index finger and thumb and rolling them, pinching them, tugging them softly. Your body shivered at the pulls and you couldn't help but shove your breast more towards his mouth. 
Not wanting to leave your left breast unattended, he switched and placed chaste kisses on it before taking the nipple inside his pretty mouth. He was so engrossed in your boobs that he didn't realise when he had started to grind his cock to your clothed pussy. 
You let out soft whimpers while grinding back to his hard cock, wanting the maximum friction to satisfy your throbbing core. 
Your whimpers got his attention and he slowed his movements to tease you. You wanted to complain and but you didn't want to at the same time. You loved the anticipation as well the attention you were getting. 
Jungkook's hands loosely tugged at the seam of your matching panty and he began to pull it to get you completely naked. While doing so he pressed his pointed tongue inside your belly button. It felt like something pressed your nerve endings and your clit ached. You pressed your thighs together to get some contentment. 
Throwing the panty on the floor he grabbed your thighs and spread them apart. The cold dry air hitting your exposed opening made you quiver. 
His hands loosely caressed your thighs before moving towards your inner thighs and his saliva drew a slick line from your groin ending just above your clit.  
He touched your dripping core with his long cold fingers and spread the wetness to your clit. The touch sent shivers down your spine and he chuckled, "So wet for me, just how I like it." 
He looked at you and you bit your lips looking at him bashfully. You have imagined yourself like this countless times - naked, Jungkook's eyes resting greedily on your bare body. But now that it was happening for real, you couldn't stop the heat burning up your face. 
Seeing you like that his chuckle vanished and eyes grew something dark in them. He moved towards you and smashed his lips with yours. 
One of your hand grabbed onto the back of his hair and one held onto his shoulder. He started rubbing small circles on your clitoris which gained speed and pressure with each passing second. You clutched on him as small yet strong waves of pleasure hit you. Your mind felt foggy because of his tongue working it's way inside your mouth and his fingers on your pearl. 
You weren't ready for the sudden insertion of his long fingers inside you. He entered two digits inside your folds and pumped in and out at a regular and fast pace. 
The heat in your core was torturing. Wanting more friction you started grinding against his fingers; you needed them to go deeper, to fill you up. 
Sensing your need he fastened his fingering and you rubbed your clit to give yourself the maximum pleasure. 
You failed to hold it in anymore. Your gut tightened and you spilled all over his hand as your body shook in brief tremors. 
"The night is still young, love." He gave you a smirk and licked your juice off of his hand while staring deep into your eyes before diving in between your thighs. As you laid down there, blissed out, a weak smile was all you could muster. 
The warmth of his tongue against your swollen clit felt like a balm. He circled around your clit with his tongue long and slow. You felt a build up inside you. He moved his tongue and lapped at your dripping slit. 
You arched your back at the warmth of his tongue as he slid it in and out of your vagina. You clutched his hair lightly in one hand and the bedsheet in the other. 
The building pleasure was so intense that you felt like your nerves were on fire. You were desperate for having him and feeling him inside you so you breathed out staggeringly, "Jungkook, please.." 
He moved his head upwards and asked cheekily, "Please what, love?" 
"Please Jungkook, I need you inside me!" You pleaded in a raspy voice.
"Fuck! If you say it like that I might have to keep you all to myself." He inhaled sharply and let out a slow sigh. 
"Who said I'm not yours already?" You tilted your head and sat up to cup his cheek. You looked into his eyes while caressing his cheek with your thumb gently. Oh, how you wished this wasn't the first time of you doing this. Oh, how you wished this wasn't the last time. 
For a moment, time seemed to stop between you two as you sat so close to each other lost in each other's presence that you forgot why you two were there. Or may be it was because you both remembered why you were there that you paused in each other's embrace like this. And for the first time in that night, you caught a glint in his eyes that you have never seen before. 
Involuntarily your thumb moved towards that small drop dancing at the tip of the corner of his eye but instead of letting you do so Jungkook leaned his face onto your palm and kissed it. 
He leaned towards you and snaking his right hand behind your head, inside your hair, he laid you down and kissed you. You shifted under his weight and holding onto his back softly you kissed him back. He tasted unusually different this time and you assumed that it was how you tasted that night. 
Breaking from the kiss he swiftly took off his ripped denim pants and went to kiss you again. While still kissing you he adjusted himself against your opening. He looked at you and you understood what he meant and you gave him a mild nod.
He slowly pushed his hard cock inside you, giving you time to adjust to his cock. It didn't matter how considerately slow he entered as you gasped nonetheless. Your mouth stayed agape at how big his cock was and how it was stretching you out. 
When he filled you in completely he dropped a kiss on your forehead and started moving slowly. Slowly and steadily he increased his pace. Low grunts left his mouth - his self taken over by the warmth of you that he was feeling his cock engulfed by. 
As his thrusts increased, Jungkook's name fell from your lips like prayer – a prayer in every sense of all your sleepless nights yearning for him, a prayer for every dream you saw him in, a prayer that was being answered for one night. 
Your breath staggered as he probed deep into you, hitting the very spot you wanted him to. 
He held your hands above your head with his right hand and gripped your thigh with his left hand, trying to keep you steady. His hips moved fast and your moans drove him crazy. He loved it how you were a mess and writhing under him in pleasure. 
With hazy vision you took him in and tried to memorise the expression that he was making. Your name in soft growls left his parted lips and his frown looked so nubile as he pounded you and sweat droplets wetted his dishevelled bangs. You wondered would you be able to keep him from haunting you after this? 
Your honey-laced moans and the sound of your moonlit bodies colliding echoed through the walls of the room as the moon moved down gradually. You lost track of the number of times you had came on his cock already. 
"I'm gonna cum, y/n," He hissed letting out a shaky breath and moved to pull out his cock. 
You shook your head mildly and whispered near his ear after wrapping your legs around his waist tightly to pull him closer, refusing to let go, "I want you to cum inside me." 
"B-but," for the first time that night Jungkook seemed unsure of something. 
You smiled at him faintly and reassured him, "It's okay. I am on the pill." 
He looked deep into your eyes as if trying to find the last drop of assurance. He gave you a soft smile, just like the ones he used to give you at the school hallways while passing by and your heart clenched in a very familiar pain. 
You didn't want to see that smile now so you pulled him in for a kiss and Jungkook gladly obliged. 
Pulling out his cock he pushed it in in one go and you let out a low gasp in his kiss gaining a small chuckle from him. 
Jungkook's body tensed and he thrusted into you in frantic motions as he felt your walls clenching around his cock. You felt small shockwaves running through your body as your back arched and your eyes rolled back. He inhaled sharply and with a final thrust he let go of himself and came, emptying himself inside you. 
Placing a sloppy kiss on your lips Jungkook hugged you, while laying on top of you. His heaving body became one with yours as you rested one of your hands on his back and stroked the back of his hair with another, gently, while relishing yourself in the warmth that you were feeling inside yourself. 
A minute or two passed just like that. You let out discontent moan when Jungkook moved to get up. Seeing you like that he kissed your cheek with smile and said, "I'll back in a second."
Well, he took a minute. But he was back, with a wet towel and a mug full of water. You smiled confusedly and raised an eyebrow at him while supporting yourself up on your elbows.
Without saying anything he just gave you a light shrug and sat near your legs. With gentle hands he started wiping your vagina and inner thighs, making them void of his semen. 
The coldness of the damp towel felt comforting. You closed your eyes as you felt restfulness washing over you. 
The sunlight pouring through the window made you wince and you rolled over to the shadowed area of the bed. Rubbing your eyes you sat up and scratched your messy hair, still sleepy. 
Your sleepy brain played the last thing that happened last night inside your head and it was Jungkook spooning you while you two fell into a comfortable sleep. 
Suddenly you were wide awake and every moment flashed before your eyes chronologically. You gasped keeping your hand over your mouth and asked yourself, "It really happened, didn't it? It wasn't a dream!" 
Your fingers lingered lightly on your lips and neck and you smiled shyly remembering his touch. His smile, his eyes, his moonlight sipped body appeared in your mind. You instinctively looked over at your side and that's when you realised that he wasn't there. 
You called by his name several times but there was no reply. The worst possible thoughts began clouding your mind. You covered your face with your palms and droplets of tears started to fall from your eyes relentlessly. A piercing pain went back and forth in your heart which got more painful with each drop of tear that fell. 
You looked out at the window while desperately trying to stop yourself from crying while hitting your chest with your fist. You scoffed, "He called me 'love'... How foolish of me to think that he even meant it once!"
All of it, all the memories from last night felt like a dream again, a sweet yet brutal dream to you. You thought, "I got too ahead of myself and let him get into my life again... How could I let myself fall for it!? Of course he wouldn't stay! Why would he? I am just another one night stand for him. He would never look at me like I want him to," you tried to laugh it off but it only made you tear up more. 
Wiping the tears you stood up from the bed to get ready to return to your apartment but you flinched a little when you felt a pain between your thighs and you realised that you were still sore. 
You scoffed again and murmured, "You never fail to make a lasting impression, do you Jeon Jungkook?"  
You were struggling with the back-zip while wearing your dress when the sudden clicking of the door made your head snap towards it and you gasped quite loudly when you saw Jungkook entering through it. 
"I'll be damned." You mumbled under your breath and blurted out, "You?" 
Jungkook looked pretty confused as he answered while closing the door behind him, "Yes, me.. Were you expecting someone else?" 
From his expression you could tell that you blurted out in wrong way, so you quickly fixed it, "No, no.. I mean where did you go? I- I thought..." you stopped midway as the thought of it made your tears well up. 
He swiftly moved towards you and held your hands in his and said, "What? You thought I left, didn't you?" 
You nodded your head ever so lightly while looking down and choked back on your tears. 
He turned you around and slowly zipped your dress. You looked up and he looked into your eyes through the mirror you were standing in front of and apologised, "I am sorry.. you looked so peaceful while sleeping that I didn't want to wake you up. I went to buy breakfast because I know you will have trouble moving after what I did last night." He chuckled with a naughtiness prevalent in his eyes. 
You couldn't help but break into a smile as your cheeks heat up. Jungkook noticed you trying to control your bashful grin but before he could tease you any further you hit his arm and said, "I am starving!" 
While making space on the table he said, "I brought some hangover pills by the way. I couldn't find any hangover soup places nearby." 
"It's okay. Those one or two shots don't really matter when you are habituated with more." You blinked a few times in a row. 
"Are you?" He asked. 
"A little bit, I guess..." You replied and tried to blink away the tears that emerged from the memories of those nights when you drank yourself to sleep in your tiny apartment when his memories got too much to bear. 
You asked in a shaky voice that you couldn't hide, "And you?" 
"Same for me." He gave you a quick smile and sat on the chair opposite to you across the small table. 
He looked at you fondly as you unpacked the food. Feeling his gaze on you, you looked at him questioningly. 
"Let me take you to dinner tonight.. only two of us!" He exclaimed holding the gaze. 
Your mind felt light. It was too much of a story-like situation and it didn't feel like a real life to you at all – you going to that party you weren't willing to go, Jungkook suddenly being there after disappearing for three whole years, him approaching you, him staying after giving you the dreamiest night of your life and now this! 
You gulped at the possibility and asked, "A date?" 
He nodded, "Yes, a date!" 
The inner you froze. You wanted to pinch yourself to give yourself a sense of reality but you didn't want to seem too smitten. 
Jungkook was still staring at you for an answer. Seeing you pondering over the answer, he hesitantly asked, "What do you say?" 
And for the first time in your life you felt like you could read him through his earnest eyes.
Leaving him hanging after that would be a crime. So you broke out from your stupor and smiled at him, keeping up with his starry gaze, "There is no way in hell I can say no to that."  
~●The End●~
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— © 2022 apotatomashedbybts, all rights reserved. Reposting or modifying of any kind is not allowed. Translations are not allowed.
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pupgawa · 1 year
I saw your other post about this and i just loooove your writing so much!!! If its okay for you, may i request dazai, atsushi and fyodor getting pegged for the first time aswell? Take care, stay hydrated. Thank you💛💛
Something new 🍯
( Pt. 2 )
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A/N: THANK YOU NONNIE !! I'm so glad my orders satisfy your cravings <33 subby men are my life so your order is my command ?
pairings: dazai, atsushi, Fyodor x reader
cw/tags: sub!dazai, sub!atsushi, sub!Fyodor, Dom!reader, pegging, gender is not specified, Afab gentiles ( pussy, clit, tits etc. ), Praise, degradation, choking, mating press , power bottom! Fyodor
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Dazai was actually the one who suggested it, thinking it would be nice to let you have control for once, oh you've been waiting for this ! You were just much to scared to bring it up.
You withdrew your fingers from out the brunette's slick and lubed up hole, he lets out a groan in pleasure as he leans his head back into the bed.
You chuckle softly, watching him writhe in pleasure underneath you, whining a little, his hole clenching around nothing.
“ belladonnaaaa .. come on you can't just tease me like this ” he complains. You entangled your fingers into his hair and tugged it twords you, hearing him moan.
“ shut up, whore, I'll go as slow or as fast as I want to, you're on bottom here ” you whisper into his ear, watching him shudder.
You let go of his hair and bring his legs around your waist, rubbing the toy against his hole, before pushing it in.
Pegging dazai is rough, mean and full of degration, spitting out mean words to him and watching him go crazy.
It means finally letting go and letting out all your sexual frustrations out on him, because that's what dazai wants, he wants his pretty baby not to be stressed anymore.
You let out a soft moan as the harness slightly bumps against your clit, which makes you pick up your pase.
Dazai notices this and rocks his hips back into you more, giving you the friction you want.
Pegging dazai means to wrap your hand around his throat and squeeze, squeezing your fingers around the side of his neck semi-firmly and choking him.
Hearing dazai let out a choked out moan in response.
It also means roughly slapping him across the face when he accidentally mouths off to you.
Don't worry, Dazai gave you full consent to it all.
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Atsushi was quite embarrassed when you brought up pegging at first, but hey, he's down to try anything at least once, how is he supposed to know he doesn't like it if he doesn't try it, he thinks of it as trying a new food he hasn't tried before.
“ are you sure , Atsushi ? ” you asked, Atsushi nods his head flashing you a reassuring smile.
“ I mean yeah ! You always enjoy this position, so I wanted to see what was up, unless you don't want to ? Because that's fine- ” you cut him off with a gentle kiss to his lips.
“ no no, I'll do it, just wanted to make sure you were alright with it, don't want to hurt you ”
“ trust me, I'm a lot more flexible then you are ”
Both of you laugh together, you grip onto his thighs and push his legs up to his shoulders, pinning them to his chest, then mounting him, putting him into a mating press.
Spitting onto your hand and rubbing up and down the toy, making sure it was wet enough to cause as less discomfort as possible.
Then you slid it, listening to atsushi mewling underneath you.
Pegging atsushi is slow and passionate at first, slowly rocking into him, watching his cock twitch pathetically between your bodies.
It means praising him and telling him that he's a good boy and that he's doing well
He'll whine for more, begging for you to praise him more
Call him your pretty boy and he'll go nuts.
Expect him to be loud once you really get into it, as you rock your hips faster into him, the sound of your thighs meeting the back of his is music to his ears and yours.
Pegging atsushi is listening to him moan, cry and hiccup out of pleasure and watching him crumble underneath you.
You're the only one who gets to see him this vulnerable
Only you are ♡
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There's no hiding anything from Fyodor, the thought of pegging enters your mind ? Fyodor is already aware, he can see the way you look at him as you daydream about it, it's cute, Fyodor will amuse you just this once.
Fyodor shoves you down onto your back, crawling on top of you.
He allows you to think you're in control but with Fyodor, you never really are.
“ what, did you think I was actually going to let you have control here ? Maybe you don't know me as well as you think .. ~ ” He coos, caressing your cheek, you give a small smirk “ I didn't say I didn't like it ” you respond.
“ good mouse ” he teases, taking the lube from the bedside table and spreading it around his fingers, bringing them up to his own hole.
Pegging Fyodor means you have to watch him finger himself open for you, thrusting two fingers inside of himself and making a scissor motion with his fingers.
This is the loudest you've ever heard Fyodor
Fyodor is a very selfish man generally, but when it comes to you, not so much, he likes to give pleasure as well.
For example the strap on he's picked has a small bump which hits your clit nicely, making sure you were unaware of that fact, his face twists into a smug expression watching your eyes widen in surpise, watching you attempt to thrust upwards .
It's cute that you think you have control though, darling ♡ he holds you down and moves his hips at his own pace.
Pegging Fyodor means you're a lot louder than he is, your moans drowns out the sounds of his silent grunts as he drives his hips down onto the toy.
His hands are large enough to hold both your wrists in one of them, his free hand going down to squeeze your breasts a little and play with your nipples.
Pegging Fyodor means hearing a long, luxurious moan as he cums all over his stomach.
Pegging Fyodor Dostoevsky is a pleasurable experience for the both of you ♡
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nkogneatho · 2 years
On my knees for literally anything with Kiyoomi, I’ve been thinking about your response to my ask for DAYS
Anything for you az babe.
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—cw: gn!reader, semi-public sex, soft dom Sakusa, slight exhibitionism.
This is so small bcoz I got insecure abt what I was writing. But I'll continue if this gets good feedback
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Kiyoomi is an observant person. There's a reason he was in the Top 5 aces in Japan. So when he saw you rubbing your thighs together, he knew something was up.
"Is something wrong, baby?" He questioned, reaching out for your hand. You both were sitting in his car, waiting for Atsumu to be back with the bagels he wanted so much. He was willing to stand in this ridiculous big line for it.
"Uh—no. Everything's fine." You hesitated but he saw right through you.
"You know you can tell me, right?" He brushed his fingers against your knuckles.
"Uhm...it's just— I think I have a problem." You spread your legs and there it was. Kiyoomi's eyes widened to see a wet spot on the fabric of your bottoms. That's how it led to you getting fucked in his car in the parking lot.
You were bouncing up and down on his cock, feeling the bliss. He reached out between your legs and started stroking it. Your moans were muffled on his shoulders when Kiyoomi pulled you in a hug. Teeth sinking in his skin as he sank his long dick in you again and again, fucking you fast yet nice.
"You can tell me anytime if you have a problem, okay? I'm always here to help you, sweetheart" he said, brushing his knuckles against your sweaty forehead and cheeks. He pulled you in for a hard kiss, both getting closer to your orgasms. You had to be fast before someone saw you. Oh but someone did see you already.
Atsumu clenched the brown paper bag in his hands, his breath heavy watching you two have steamy sex in the car. His cock twitched at the way Kiyoomi guided your hips up and down on his cock. Shit. He had a boner in public. He wished to turn around and disappear for a while. That, until you both locked eyes with him, muttering something to each other that he couldn't comprehend because he was too busy thinking about something nasty.
I should write a part 2 ig. What do you think?😭
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Tags: @hyenalite @half-baked-biscuit @smoothy-ve @tetsunormous @acethecard @koifish69 @theaesthete @psycho-nightrose @arlertslove @adorzora @beware-of-the-rogue @sunascumdoll @xxrwzy @xo-lynx @crtlove-com @sleepy3 @amaya-writes @lxlxthh @bakugosgorl @dazaiskorspe @ramens-posts @somerandompipzsxh @callistos-woods @sauza @jeansbabycake @narmisseite @rii-bows @sunasbitchhhh @chaotic-nick @crackheadwithtoes @lordbugs @hanmasbunny @kawaiitoga @m00k83 @hoe4katsuki @sftbunnyy @ryumiii @lumpywolf @kaylabee06 @luvjiro @ebiharachan
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ay0nha · 1 year
Some Unholy War | Theseus Scamander (II)
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SUMMARY: You could feel the warmth of your frustration start in your chest, only to spread across your skin as goosebumps.  The windchill was harsh, but you appreciated the way Theseus noticed—always so attentive. His desires were written on his face; in any other circumstance, his jacket would become yours.
PAIRING: Theseus Scamander x f!reader  
WARNINGS: canon-typical things, smoking, angst, morally gray reader, mutual pining, semi enemies-to- lovers, always a protective Theseus, SLOW burn, etc.  
A/N: If you saw this originally posted...no you didn’t...I didn’t love the flashback I wrote, so I wrote a different one (which is semi-inspired by this post/idea because I love it, such accuracy @star-writes4​). Thank You @kalllistos for your patience with me <3 I have such a cute idea for the next chapter, so stay tuned hehehe...Let me know if you want to be tagged. Enjoy.
— Years prior —
“You can join me inside, you know…” You spoke to your shadow, lighter illuminating your face in the dark alley. On your exhale, you continued your invitation, “...You’ll catch a cold out here.”
After a few heartbeats of hesitation and avoiding the growing puddles, Theseus came into the dingy reflection of the neon sign. “Not convinced my kind is welcomed…”
“Like that’s ever stopped you…” Your tinted lips perked. Theseus' apparel was enough to give away his position. Always so poised. “There are some people I’m sure you’re dying to meet...”
“I’m out of my jurisdiction here.” His hands remained in his pockets, a nervous tick that seemed to run in his family. It was a deceiving behavior, as it came across as a part of his confident stature. “...and overdue for a holiday.”
“Of course.”
Theseus’ hair perked at the humidity. The gel struggled to keep the curls at bay while rain pelted the architecture. The heavy pattern created a cool draft through the outside entryways and a whistling that challenged the music emanating from within the small club.
“Don’t look so stiff, Theseus.” You teased, but he had yet to seem very receptive. “You can be anyone you want here.”
He hummed with genuine nature that briefly peeked out. “And who are you tonight?”
Your eyes were always sharp, cutting through him easily. When you were kids, it was enough to scare him off, but Theseus became fortified. Yet, you knew how he worked just as well. He had a knack for easing you into a conversation riddled with hidden questions and desires. It was as if he softened the blow for something that he knew would end poorly.  Your frown began.
“I haven’t decided yet.” Unwavering in your response, you flicked the remnants of your cigarette into the street. Theseus swallowed his scoff at the action, but it only fueled your conviction. “Add it to my list of grievances.”
His gaze was determined, dancing around something obvious. The stack of papers on his desk most likely doubled in his absence. When he saw your name, he was ready to pass it off like any of the others. It hadn’t caught his attention until it ruminated in his mind so long that he spent hours digging through files to confirm that it really was you.
He reminisced about the old school days, expecting clues to reemerge to explain your behavior. Yet, all he could remember was how you were a few years younger—your nose always pointed to the sky in hopes of finding something more interesting than what was before you. The faded memories merged together the longer Theseus dwelled on them.
“You want to know what I think?” He prodded, waiting for your hum of encouragement.  You wore a dress made for dancing, and your lips were painted a sinfully alluring shade of red. Theseus almost succumbed to the distraction. “You’re someone out of their depth.”
There it is, you thought. The pleasantries would only last for so long until Theseus tallied your faults. You knew it was part of a greater protective character, but you’d evolved, and he favored ignoring your independence.
“Oh, Theseus…” You tutted with a sore smile, arms locked together with defensiveness. “...and here I thought you missed me.”
“What have you gotten yourself into?” He moved closer to you, trying to soothe your frown. Holding back from reaching out, Theseus persisted, “If you have a time-turner—
“We’re not in school anymore.” The argument felt juvenile, but you spat your words quickly, unwilling to meet your sentence. “I can handle myself.”
The situation was ironic due to how time ruled the very encounter. It was only a matter of time until Theseus latched onto the rumor that brought him here. And there was only so much time left before his warning would become a threat. The possession of such an item had added weight to your shoulders. It was a new sensation, and the buzz of adrenaline that came with it was irredeemable. It only worsened when you learned it came easily to you. It was a genuine skill.
You could feel the warmth of your frustration start in your chest, only to spread across your skin as goosebumps.  The windchill was harsh, but you appreciated the way Theseus noticed—always so attentive. His desires were written on his face; in any other circumstance, his jacket would become yours. But you cut him off before he could offer, clipping the argument with the truth.
“It is nice to see you, Theseus.” Just not like this, you omitted. “How’s Newt?”
“Still finding himself in all sorts of…well—you know how Newt…” His hands returned to his pockets as he shuffled slightly. “...those creatures…His creatures are doing well, I suppose…it’s always a fine way of passing time…”
Theseus wasn’t one to ramble nor participate seriously in small talk. Yet, with you mitigating the conversation, it was hard to ease back into what he had come for. Your change in topic wasn’t a distraction at all, just another dig at Theseus’ character.
“You should learn to take people more seriously.” You bit at your own defense veiled by his brother’s prospects. “Maybe then, you’d get what you want.”
The forgotten rain began to pick up. A soft spray that snuck past the protection of the awning begged for you to find warmth inside. You refused to curl into yourself. Instead, you pushed yourself off the brick wall to brush everything into the past.
“Enjoy your holiday, Theseus.”
“Look—” Stopped by your arm, Theseus paused with thought. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“I know what I’m doing.” You were softer this time, but your furrowed brow still exposed your upset. But it relaxed as Theseus's hand trailed your arm to find your hand.
“I don’t doubt that.” He spoke earnestly.
Quietness followed the slight embrace that you broke after a small squeeze. The contact allowed Theseus to speak freely, but you wouldn’t listen to more. You knew what he would say, and that was enough.
“Let me buy you a drink.” You blamed the barflies stumbling out the door beside you for your sentimentality. Theseus gave you a tentative look you knew you could break. “Just the one…And if you’re lucky, I’ll tell you what I know.” It was a promise. “I’m feeling charitably inclined tonight.”
The tips of Theseus’ fingers continued to tingle despite their loneliness.  His pockets felt cold. “And why’s that?”
“I’ve met someone.”
— Present Day —
You hadn’t believed in love, and you were ready to carry that grudge—until him.
Avery Sinclair.
It wasn’t proper love, proving your skepticism in the emotion correctly. But it was the closest you’ve ever been, would ever be. He charmed you with his intelligence but decidedly made pearl dust a main ingredient in your relationship. It ensured your vision was so muddled you were willing to sacrifice yourself for him. Avery determined your demise before you could even pick up a scent.
The auror, he had told you. Rid us of him.
To this day, the memory was disillusioned by your coerced fidelity. The memory was more of an overlapping feeling. It was like your body wasn’t your own, stepping into an event without an invitation. You could still feel the heat of the fire you started and the desperation of your scream when you were pushed to your knees. Even then, you failed to remember things coherently.
Yet, when your vision finally cleared, only Aurors surrounded you. Theseus fronted the brigade with a grimace that reflected his disdain. You hadn’t known the expression was a mix of pity and guilt due to the fact that his name would be inherently tied to your public conviction. You just felt like you could finally breathe without a struggle.
“Did you hear me?” Theseus prompted you again, pulling you out of a shared past. He noted your gaze drifting, a thousand-yard stare replacing a genuine exchange. “Listen carefully; we only have so much time until—
“This is what your promotion got you.” You observed the spacious office you’d been in. Your tone asked if it was worth it. Your value was reflected in the fine leather seats, the expensive wood desk, and the plaque that named Theseus’ higher position.
Those who transported you expected catastrophe, but you entrusted your silence. You were calculated enough to know when to hold your tongue, but once in the atrium of the Ministry, you could no longer sit so stoically.
Theseus went to say your name, imploring you to focus, but you only challenged him. He held your stare just as strongly, “You underestimate the scale of this.”
“As if that matters...” You frowned only to follow with deeply rooted sarcasm, “...in a system that is so fair and competent.”
Your words were your only defense against something so factual. Although you were in danger, it had yet to actualize and frighten you as it had Theseus. To him, you were ready to give up, engage entirely with the peril Sinclair would unleash. Your indifference only confirmed his sentiments.
Theseus began to pace. With each step, he attempted to restrain his insults. How you looked at him only provoked a wave of pent-up anger, “You have always been so cruel…”
“If I'm cruel, then what does that make you, Theseus?” You were ready for the conversation; your thoughts honed and practiced. “If I'm cruel, then you must be something much worse.”
“I'm trying to help you.” His voice was low, afraid those whispering about your presence—capture—would overhear his admission. In time, you’d learn that his words were genuine, that he was risking more than you realized.
“No.” You spoke definitively, head shaking with refutation. “What you do is selfish. You help with a suffocating hand—
“You don’t get to make this my fault. You chose him.” The silence to follow echoed his regret. You eyed his uncharacteristic agitation as he tried to rectify his mistake.
“Theseus!” A voice boomed, entering the office. Torquil Travers. “There you are, now—This is her?” With a passing look of disgust, he let out another booming statement. “Have you located Sinclair?”
“Yes, sir.” Theseus’ bluntness evaporated the previous argument. Yet, his eyebrow twitched. The micro expression revealed too much. His body contradicted his words.
You rolled your eyes at the formality. After all these years, Theseus still couldn’t shake the nickname that followed him during his younger years—Schoolboy hero.
Suck up, you thought.
“Ensure this gets done.” Travers’ attitude indicated he felt the time in Theseus’ office was already wasted. “Quietly.”
Theseus held a tight-lipped smile. “Of course, sir.”
Time, too, was his concern, and it became obvious the longer Travers remained in his office. You wanted answers of your own, but you could be patient as there were more pressing desires.
“These come off.” You said evenly, gaining the attention of those in the room. Yet, Travers looked around as if your voice was foreign and your presence was no more than a nuisance.
His posture straightened with arrogance, prompting Theseus, “Handle that.”
That. Your position was clarified. You were no longer a person, no longer a witch. You were—that. Theseus felt ill, agreeing once again to his boss’ request before he left. Theseus intentionally kept his back to you, trying to form the words that explained what he had to do—what he was assigned to do. Handling that meant telling you the cuffs were to stay on.
Emotion flooded your chest; you missed your isolation. Solitude made things simpler. Though now there was no choice. You were to be bait; you were meant to lure Sinclair in. It was Theseus’ idea, only as a form of protection and to bide time for him to figure out something more promising.
With a hand tucked in his waistband and the other rubbing across his jaw in thought, Theseus stared ahead at his desk. He seemed at a loss and could only resort to honesty. “I want you to trust me.”
You did. You had. You relied on him in the past. At one point, you would have considered him the only one that had the privilege. You thought he had understood that. Your relationship had naturally ebbed and flowed. It was required when you were such opposites, but mutual respect helped it remain.
Theseus promised he wouldn’t follow you that night, but that was the same night he was no longer a man of his word. For your own good, his own remark nauseated him. It had felt so right at the moment, a moment of long-coming justice, but it was not only a trap for you but for him.
He would never fall for it again. With a weak rasp of the knuckles to his desk, Theseus’ mind settled.  His side was chosen.
Coming close, he crouched down to your seated level. You remained still, his motions far too interesting to pull away. He began trailing your arms until he reached the metal at your wrists. “...You’re not safe with them on.”
You'd grown so accustomed to the weight of the bracelets on your wrists. They weighed you down in every way you could imagine. You learned to move with them smartly, using your magic so strategically that it felt like a chore rather than an extension of yourself. And now, seeing your wrists empty, you fought off a misplaced nostalgia.
You had never meant to become the villain. You just didn't know what else to do.
Theseus watched as your eyes welled with emotion, knowing you’d never let actual tears form. He thought to move forward and bring any sort of comfort to the situation, but you moved quicker than the thought was formed.
His breath was lost, the world around him dissolving into a deep color. Your hand gripped his collar, but it felt like he was being pressed hard from all directions. The journey was nauseating and familiar. The surroundings no longer reflected the Ministry, the marble flooring was replaced by puddles, and the air was no longer crisp but heavy with humidity.
Your laugh bubbled, starting slowly with the feeling of surprise that evolved into pure joy. You refused to be tracked by your magic, so you typically abstained. The feeling of magic again was like a feeling of renewal—an electricity that scratched a phantom itch.
You glanced at a flushed Theseus, “...Remember this place?”
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lalal-99 · 11 months
If You Don't Know {h.h.} | Afterglow Series
©July 2023 by lalal-99 Part of the Afterglow Series Taglist for series
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Hyunjin x afab!reader | trope: break up sex, lovers to exes | smut, angst | wordcount: 6k
Synopsis: “You know, if it weren’t for my job, I wouldn’t go. Right? I would never leave you like this voluntarily.” Hyunjin understood. Obviously, he did. Your job came first. It had always come first and would always come first in the future. Just as it did for him. It was the one thing he respected most about you. “And you know if it weren’t for mine, I would leave everything behind and come with you, right?”
Warnings: explicit content | dni if your under 18
Smut Tags: Angsty Porn with Plot | Sex with the Ex | Break-up Sex | Vaginal Sex | Oral Sex (f. receiving) | Semi-Public Sex | Toys | Overstimulation | Edgeplay | Mild Painplay | Crying during Sex | Emotional Sex
Note: I'm very emotional. Don't talk to me (comment though). Just listen to the playlist, it's self-explanatory. Also read the other stories in this series. I'm going back to crying now.
Taglist: @skzho @bubblelixie @flakywig @itsallaboutkey @avyskai @mekuiikore @joonghands @changbiddies0325 @knowleeknow @sensitiveandhungry @shincode @svintsandghosts @snoozeagustd @tinyarsonist @fxckedupbitch @rachabreathing @haneuljisung @goblinracha @maknaeswrld @michbang02
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There it was again. The heart-wrenching, soul-shaking pain that made it so very harder for Hyunjin to breathe. To live. To look at you.
He had never imagined ever being this hurt by you, unable to look at you longer than a few seconds while at the same time respecting every decision that had led you here. Not you. Not the person he had planned his whole future and spent the majority of his adulthood with.
The two of you were meant to be together; had decided so after only months together. Because no one could ever get you as much as Hyunjin did, and vice versa. You were the perfect match of similarities and differences. For everything you had in common, there was something you could teach the other about. For every fight you had – bickering over something unimportant – you agreed on a much more intense matter. The perfect back and forth, even after years together.
He still remembered the first time he saw you at that rooftop party one of his friends had held a few years back. He noticed you while talking to a guy he so desperately hoped was your brother or cousin. Or best friend. Anyone, as long as he wasn’t your boyfriend. He recalled the first time you made him laugh, just seconds later, when you let out an unintended snort while laughing at something your brother/cousin/best friend had said. And his own hearty giggle in response to your amusement ultimately induced the first time you noticed his existence. The world had stopped around Hyunjin as you caught his gaze – embarrassed redness warming your cheeks as you realised he had witnessed your weird laugh.
It had taken him about 20 more minutes before he couldn’t take it anymore and approached you. He knew he would never forgive himself for not hearing the sweet sound of your voice or seeing the mesmerising spark in your eyes up close at least once.
Hyunjin also remembered the exact moment he fell in love with you. Staring at you with heart eyes when you told him you were an artist, too. A painter, just like himself. Why ever this was what did it for him, Hyunjin had never questioned. Although he knew, as he laid in bed that night, eyes painting pictures against the white ceiling, that he needed to see you again. If only to talk about your favourite artists and art museums for another 3 hours.
Hyunjin recognised – and had done so way before – that he’d never forget any of those precious moments.
Like when you went to the fair on your first date and won him a stuffed dumpling, already aware they were his favourite food. Or how you were forced to cut your date short moments later when you noticed the first person wearing Stray Kids merch. And obviously, he would always hold that day dear in his heart. Despite the unfortunate ending of your date, you had called him minutes after he had dropped you off at your apartment to tell him that you already couldn’t wait to see him again. He had turned around, sprinting back and ringing your doorbell, overwhelming you with a kiss once you opened the door for him.
Or the time you went to the beach, chatting endlessly with your feet dangling over the water. The moment Hyunjin pulled away from your lips, moonlight sparkled in your irises, catching them in the perfect lightning. He blurted ‘Please be my girlfriend’ quicker than his brain could process, heart only settling once you caught his lips again, whispering a content ‘Yes’ against him.
The first time you told him you loved him was engraved in his brain, never to be forgotten. You exclaimed it (just as unintentionally as he did when he asked you to be his girlfriend) while cuddling in bed, laptop playing your favourite Disney movie. It was merely background noise as his heart skipped multiple beats, lips curving into a shit-eating grin as he repeated your words back to you before kissing you, his body soon hovering over you as he worshipped every possible edge of your figure.
All these moments, everything he had hoped to one day tell his children and grandchildren about. Every memory that came back to him made him so unbelievably content he could cry. And still, as his eyes focused on your back, he was hurt. He understood, but he was also in unbearable pain.
“When did you get back?” Hyunjin had watched you for a minute before finally speaking up, stepping onto his balcony to join you. With the shrinking distance, so shrunk his pain. Even if just slightly.
“A while ago.”
After storming off about two hours ago, you took time to walk it off. While unable to reach you, Hyunjin had taken the same time to talk about what had happened to the one person he never imagined having such deep talks with within his household. He had been searching for Chan or Changbin, knowing how busy his hyungs usually were, and unsurprisingly found neither. He was about to call either of them, crying his heart out over the phone, hoping they would take pity and come home to comfort him when he bumped into Jisung.
Although their conversations never reached beyond the unserious topics of food, hobbies, or embarrassing memories, Jisung turned out to be the one person Hyunjin needed right now. Listening was his strong suit, allowing Hyunjin to spurt out all the thoughts in his head without judgement or advice. Jisung’s incapability to lead Hyunjin the way left him no choice but to do the thinking and solving himself. Just talking about the situation and rambling about how unfair life was turned out to be exactly what he needed.
“We should probably talk about it, right?”
“Yeah, probably,” you agreed with a sigh. Hyunjin came to your side, his hand hugging yours on the railing as he gazed into the distance. “The things you said- that really hurt me. Like... I know I’m the bad guy here, but still.”
“You’re not the bad guy. We always knew this day could come.”
You love me? Well, you have a shitty way of showing it!
“And I’m sorry. I keep replaying it in my head, and I didn’t mean it. I just- needed to react.”
His words kept ringing in his memory as much as he tried drowning them out. It had taken saying them out loud to Jisung a gazillion times to finally realise how wrong he was. How unfair he had treated you.
Go ahead, then! Rip my heart out! Show me what the love you claim to have is all about!
He had said them to your face. Like an absolute asshole.
“I- fuck. This just really sucks. Like, so much.”
“It does. And I’m sorry.”
He knew you were. You had said so, so many times he had lost count. And he knew he’d be sorry too, had it been him leaving. He had left you in the past, multiple times, for that matter, and he had felt so guilty every time. But it wasn’t him this time. It was you. And it wasn’t just weeks either. You were looking at a year, maybe more. That didn’t compare to all the times he had to leave for tour – two weeks, four, sometimes six.
“You know, if it weren’t for my job, I wouldn’t go. Right? I would never leave you like this voluntarily.”
Hyunjin understood. Obviously, he did. Your job came first. It had always come first and would always come first in the future. Just as it did for him. It was the one thing he respected most about you.
“And you know if it weren’t for mine, I would leave everything behind and come with you, right?”
A tiny smile appeared on your face, although it was just as much a loving one as a hurting one.
“So, what now? Are we just supposed to end things?”
Is this what love is all about? Loving and letting go? Finding someone and losing them? An endless cycle?
You shifted your weight to lay your head onto his shoulder like you had done all those times before. Though this time, your head felt much heavier.
“I think so, yes.”
Hyunjin laid his spinning head onto yours, kissing your temple before focusing on the horizon again.
“What if-” It was a spontaneous outburst, his mouth betraying his brain like it did when he had asked you to be his all these years ago. Hyunjin didn’t know where he was going with it anyways, but you interrupted him before he could find out.
“Don’t do this,” you warned, pulling away to find his eyes. The sadness in his was heartbreaking, tears forming at the edges. He hated the realisation that despite the moonlight catching your irises, they didn’t sparkle. It was more like a glimmer caused by the liquid drowning them. “Don’t try to save this. Let’s enjoy the time we have left instead of clinging to the future we imagined for ourselves.”
Hyunjin was in the same parts frustrated with and respectful of the rationality you handled this situation with. Especially knowing this must break you as much as it did him. That’s what your face told him, brows furrowed and eyes dimming, to prevent the overflowing pain from spilling over.
As much as he wished to find a solution, he knew better than to waste whatever hours the two of you had left together. He wanted to spend every second of it loving you, touching you. The faster he accepted the inevitable, the sooner he’d get to just live.
Hyunjin held your face in his hands, your cheeks pushed between his palms so adorably squishy as he tried memorising every pore. That distinct mole on the bridge of your nose, those beautiful eyes he had spent weeks staring into, the pout of your lips as you looked up at him. He used to love all of those features that had become the muse of his work, drawings and every day. Now, looking at you, wiping a stray whiplash off your cheekbone, filled him with unease.
“I know we just broke up,” a tear escaped your eye at his words, running down your jaw and caught by his thumb. Saying it out loud made it so much more real. “But I really want to kiss you right now.”
Your chuckle was met with a lip bite as you leaned up to catch his mouth in a heavy kiss.
The sensuality of the kiss almost made him forget what had just happened, tongues soon finding each other.
“I’ll so miss those lips.”
Hyunjin smirked at your words, drawing away but keeping his hands on your cheeks. “Not just the lips, I hope.”
“No. I’ll also miss braiding your hair. And painting your nails.” Tilting his head, your heart almost combusted at how adorable he looked. “Fine. I’ll also miss the man behind all those things.”
“But most of all, my lips?”
“What will you miss most about them?” His lower lip wandered between his teeth as he watched the blush creep up your neck.
“I’ll miss kissing them. Tasting you-”
“Just kissing them? Nothing else?“
“I’ll miss their plumpness and how they feel against my- my- neck.” As on cue, he tipped your head back with the push of a finger against your chin, mouth meeting your main artery. His kisses were hot against your flushed skin, tracing the veins until he reached under your ear. His wet tongue darted out to lick over the sensitive part of your neck.
“Your neck, huh? Anywhere else?”
You weren’t stupid. You knew what Hyunjin was doing. And you would have been lying had you claimed you weren’t entirely on board with it.
“My chest,” you answered breathlessly as his hands followed his lips, eventually circling your neck to keep you in position. You reached for his long locks, entangling and pulling at their blonde roots as he kissed your cleavage. Hyunjin moaned against your skin but didn’t let go. He was entirely caught up in the moment, tranced by the smell of your perfume and your body’s reactions. His kisses always made your senses blur and your brain fog. “My stomach.” Hyunjin’s hands graced your arms, down your sides, until his fingers grasped your shirt. Pulling it up, he exposed the skin. Soon enough, you felt his lips against your navel.
“Go on.” His words were almost silent, moaned against your flesh.
“My- my-”
“I’m listening.”
“My thighs,” you ended your thought, breath hitching when Hyunjin sank to his knees. Hadn’t your hands been in his hair, you wouldn’t have noticed. Not until you felt his lips exactly there. On your thighs. Kissing every fibre of them. Licking over the skin. Closing in on your centre.
What a day to wear a skirt.
That you were still on the balcony of his apartment had completely slipped your mind. How couldn’t it with how utterly overwhelming his kisses were?
Small bites led his way all over your flesh, tongue darting out every few kisses to capture your taste. That’s everything he could think of at that moment. To capture your essence, fill his head with all those details about your smell, touch, and body.
Pushing your skirt up, he slowly unveiled you for him. Not like he didn’t exactly know just how you looked under it. He had spent hours, days – weeks, probably – getting to know your body and every one of its details. Your beauty marks, your stretch marks – which he found just as beautiful – your erogenous zones. Hyunjin knew how sensitive you were on your thighs, playing with that knowledge to his and your hearts’ content.
“Baby…” His heart jumped at your pet name, the next bite extra deep, making you groan.
“I love it when you call me that.”
His fingers wandered around your body to your ass, nails pushing into your skin as he kneaded it. Mouth wandering even further up, he soon reached your panties, tongue dancing along the hem.
As much as he wanted to take his time, he let himself be urged by your quickening breath and fingers pulling his hair. Wrapping his teeth around the elastic, he dragged it down your thighs, exposing your heat to his longing gaze. He intended to worship you, devour you, until all you could say – or scream – was his name. And there was no doubt that he knew how to achieve his goal.
“Say it again,” Hyunjin pleaded, tongue tiptoeing centimetres over your core. “Call me ‘baby’.”
“Fuck, baby. Please. I’m begging you.”
The absence of a verbal answer was forgotten as Hyunjin dove in, muscle pushing between your folds to softly run over your flesh. A dark moan escaped your lips, head falling back against your neck as you threatened to suffocate.
One thing to know about Hyunjin was that he was a Soft Boy™. Everything about him was gentle and calm – midnight pillow talks, painting beside each other, making love. He never went full force right at the get-go; or in the further stages, for that matter.
His tongue was precise, the sharp tip toying with every nerve ending between your tiniest crevices. As though he was worshipping every fibre, taking his sweet, sweet time.
Despite being surrounded by fresh air, you got ridiculously hot, moans tumbling out of you loosely. Had the balcony not been shielded from the neighbours on either side, they would have easily spotted you. Although, you doubted they wouldn’t have figured out your evening shenanigans if they were to overhear. The sloppy noises from Hyunjin’s mouth on you mixed with your sounds of pleasure were more than self-explanatory.
His tongue leisurely roamed around your core, dipping into your hole before passionately prodding against your clit.
You grew even hotter, fingers running through Hyunjin’s hair while your head lolled from side to side.
You could already tell you wouldn’t last as long as usual, only reinforcing that feeling when he pulled one of your legs over his shoulders. With your back pressed against the railing, one of your hands came to the metal bar to stabilise your body. Hyunjin was rocking your body in the most literal sense, lips wrapping around your nub as the new angle allowed him to devour you even more reverently.
Looking down at him was possibly the worst decision you could have made, the sight of him between your thighs heavenly. He looked like an angel as he made out with your heat, eyes closed in concentration and desire.
You were so in love with the man that the pure vision of him eating you out, gaining as much pleasure from it as you did, was leading you closer to your impending high.
“Fuck. Hyunjin.” Your whimper was met with a squeeze of your plush thigh, a smile spreading on your face as you instantly understood the indication of his action. You quickly corrected yourself to please him, “Baby. I’m so close.”
Spreading your folds with two of his fingers, Hyunjin focused the movement of his tongue on your clit, gently stroking it back and forth. He opened his eyes to note your reaction as you had long gone back to gazing at the night sky, sight blurring as you savoured the moments before your inevitable orgasm.
Your breath quickened with every single one of his movements. You could almost taste the sweet release as your ab muscles mildly contracted. Hyunjin must have noticed a particular reaction in your figure, a grin appearing on his face as he pulled at your nub one last time before withdrawing.
It took you a couple of seconds to gather that he wasn’t resuming his actions, a sigh leaving your lips.
“Don’t be mad.” Joining you at eye level, Hyunjin pushed his lips against yours, letting you taste yourself. “We have all night. You’ll get to come. Eventually.”
After spending many years with each other, you knew Hyunjin liked to tease and edge you. For some reason – be it overpowering you or his sadomasochistic tendencies – he had always loved making you go crazy for him. Since your first time together, the process of making love solely lengthened. Rarely did your shared time last for less than a couple of hours at a time; your record standing at an all-nighter on your anniversary a couple of months ago.
Despite the situation being sadder than the celebration of your relationship, you could already tell that this wouldn’t be a quick goodbye. Frankly, you didn’t expect to get any sleep tonight. Hyunjin’s intentions were transparent as he took your hand and guided you into his room. All it took was a sharp twist of his wrist, and you were situated on his bed, body pulled all the way to the edge as he glided into place.
Thus began the most excruciating hours of your life, Hyunjin locking his mouth to your body and tossing the key.
Somewhere between the 10th and the 15th maddening edge, you believed you had lost consciousness for a while. You still remembered Hyunjin pulling out your rabbit, placing it between your thighs to offer you something to clench around as he concentrated on your clit. Nibbling. Sucking. Craving.
When you came to, Hyunjin had repositioned you at the headboard. His mouth was on one of your nipples, teeth gently sinking into it as a sea of whimpers washed over your tongue. Had you still had any sort of power to talk, you’d have told him to finally fuck you. That all you needed was to be around him, clenching around him instead of the vibrating silicone.
At last, after around another 30 minutes of Hyunjin slowly travelling up your trembling shape, he finally landed in eyesight. His lips around your neck sucked at your bruised skin, breath shallow as you swore you started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Even your voice had become so frail it barely reached above a whisper. Hyunjin arrived at your eye level, body held carefully above yours to not crush you. His lips were swollen red, blood pumping through them as though they were his most vital organ. When you noticed the blurriness in his eyes – from either being in a trance or crying, you couldn’t tell – another whimper left your lips.
“Please, what, baby?”
His voice also broke, though still a lot less fragile than yours.
“Please…” Words. What even were words? You could barely put together multiple letters, let alone syllables. “Baby, please…” Focusing your eyes on the ceiling, you felt your abs weakly contracting as the vibrator still pumped away inside you. So steadily inside you. Inside you. Inside. Inside. “Inside. Please. Baby.”
You knew you couldn’t get closer to what you were trying to ask him to do. Tears of relief rolled down your cheeks when finally, after possibly the most prolonged foreplay you had ever received, he pulled the toy out of you with a smile.
“Anything for my baby.”
“Baby,” you repeated his words, your head rolling forward to watch him enter you.
And enter you he did. With an agonisingly slow-paced movement, Hyunjin slid his length into you, rubbing the numbly swollen walls until he couldn’t go any further.
Feeling you instantly clenching around him, core so delicate from hours of teasing, Hyunjin waited a while – possibly minutes. For what felt like an eternity, he merely kissed you, lips still not surrendering. You had no mind questioning how he wasn’t entirely spent like you.
“Can I move?”
You nodded, eyes immediately closing in pleasure as he retracted. With how tender you had become, it felt as though every single one of his movements was lighting your nerves on fire. Hyunjin kept unwinding inside you, but you had already reentered that wonderful place between serenity and desire.
“Baby, you’re so tight.” Yeah, no shit. You wanted to yell at him and tell him that’s what comes from hours of stimulation without release. Too bad you still couldn’t talk. Or move. Or think.
Everything felt so good. Like Hyunjin was stimulating every part of your body simultaneously. You couldn’t remember another time you had felt this close to him, physically; bodies morphing into one as he panted above you. You breathed the same boiling air, let out the same delicious sounds, and looked at each other with the same amount of pure, unwavering love.
“I love you so much. All of you. Forever.”
The words Hyunjin had repeated so many times to you throughout your relationship were what broke you.
The tears that had previously signalled your relief – eventually able to have all of him – turned to ones of sadness and despair. It took around 10 seconds for Hyunjin to realise you were crying, movements haltering abruptly.
Remaining still inside you, Hyunjin brought his fingers to your face to brush away the salty liquid.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” he questioned compassionately, irises boring into your own through the veil of sorrow. “Did I hurt you?”
“No. M-” Your voice broke away, hands coming up to shield your face from his view. Here you were crying during sex, having Hyunjin so worried he had hurt you. “Me. I- I hurt you.”
It all came to you now. Yes, you had been feeling guilty for the past few weeks. Ever since you found out you would be leaving. Leaving your home. Leaving him. But now, it finally hit you. You wouldn’t just be exiting his life. You would be leaving him in pieces. He loved you so much. All of you. Forever. And you loved him just as much. Maybe even more.
You never meant for it to end this way. You had been in denial about your departure since it was decided. And now that it had moved so very closely, you doubted every decision you had made.
“I hurt you. But I love you. So much.”
“I know.” Hyunjin seemed calm, as though he was trying to stay strong for the two of you. Like you hadn’t shattered his heart by revealing you had chosen your career over him. “It’s alright, baby. I’m okay.”
He brought your trembling hand to his mouth, kissing every knuckle before brushing your fingers over his face. His skin was soft, courtesy of the dozen skin products he used every day. Oh, how’d you miss putting sheet masks over his smooth, handsome features and massaging the cream deeply into his pores. He always smelled so much like flowers afterwards that, at some point, your subconscious had saved it under ‘home’ in the databank of your mind.
“See? I’m just like always. I’m okay.”
Even if he was right now, you knew he wouldn’t be. No matter when it would happen – tomorrow, next week or once you were gone. Eventually, he would realise the pain you had caused him and how he couldn’t act nonchalant forever. And then he’d break. Because of your actions. Because of what you did. To him. The love of your life.
“Okay.” You echoed his words, hoping he would eventually be just that. Okay. Get over you and be okay.
There was no way of knowing.
Meeting your lips, Hyunjin gave you a soothing kiss. As though you would break under too much pressure – like porcelain.
He resumed his previous movement; sliding out of you before sinking himself entirely back in. After the sudden change in atmosphere – a more bittersweet taste coating your tongue – Hyunjin sped up. It didn’t take much of you to figure out that he was trying to distract you from your pain.
And it probably would have worked just fine. Hadn’t it been for that one tear slipping from the corner of his eye. Rolling down his pink cheek and falling onto yours, joining your own as they rolled down your neck.
That’s when you realised. He wouldn’t be okay.
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The sun kissed Hyunjin awake in the morning, rays tickling his bare skin as he opened his eyes. He brought his hands to his face, rubbing his eyelids with the back of them. A tired yawn left his mouth as he stretched his arms over his messy hair.
He couldn’t remember when he had fallen asleep. That he had felt calm enough to rest even slightly was a miracle in itself, his mind wide awake most of the night as he tried to get used to the idea of you leaving. Definitely not a nice thought, but he couldn’t let it get to him just yet. After seeing you breaking down mid-intercourse yesterday, he needed to stay strong for you. So you wouldn’t feel as guilty for leaving.
Hyunjin looked to his side as reality slowly caught up with him, finding the rest of the bed deprived of your presence. He figured you had already gotten up, the shower in the next room hitting the tiled wall softly.
Deciding to get a headstart for the day Hyunjin had planned, he left his bed, pulling a pair of sweatpants over his thighs as he looked for the shirt he had worn. It took him a couple of seconds to realise that you must have taken it, grabbing a new shirt out of his dresser with a satisfied smile playing on his face.
Waltzing into the dorm kitchen, Hyunjin discovered Changbin and Jisung’s rooms empty, their doors wide open. They must have gone to the gym already, and knowing Chan, he probably was at the studio. Either already or still – Hyunjin could never be quite sure.
Even though the dorm was empty most days, he never complained about having all this extra space. Especially not today, as he had already painted a mental picture of the last few days with you by his side. Staying in and spending time with each other was at the top of his list, so having the whole living space to yourselves was more than perfect.
After retrieving two fresh cups from the dishwasher, he left them to fill under the coffee machine while searching the fridge. He barely remembered the last meal he ate, so he was positively starving. Some leftover dinner from either of his roommates was stored in containers, and since he knew they wouldn’t be back in the near future, he decided to take it and place it in a clean pan to heat up.
“Baby? I’m making breakfast. You want something?” When there was no answer, Hyunjin repeated his question, approaching the bathroom until he could knock softly on the door. The shower had stopped, but maybe you couldn’t hear him over the sound of your own thoughts. It wouldn’t have been the first time, anyways. “Baby?”
The door opened a second later, his smile fading as he realised it wasn’t you in the bathroom but rather a slightly shorter, definitely broader member of his band. Droplets of water landed on Hyunjin’s face when Chan ruffled his hair under his towel, another sitting low on his hips.
“No baby. Just me.”
Hyunjin could tell so much.
“You know where she is?”
“I haven’t seen her,” Chan replied, leaning against the door frame as Hyunjin hurried to the other bathroom. He knew you preferred the one he shared with Chan as it was bigger and, most importantly, cleaner. Perhaps you had moved to the other one as this one was occupied. “I did hear the front door earlier, though. But that could have been the kids.”
When Hyunjin found the other bathroom as well as the remaining two bedrooms empty, he sped back into his own.
“Jisung told me what happened. Did you make up yesterday?”
“We did. At least, I think we did.” Once out of his room with his phone in hand, Hyunjin found his friend’s eyes. “She’s still leaving, and we broke up. But we talked about it. I thought we were spending the last few days together.”
Hyunjin unlocked his phone and turned off aeroplane mode, his thumb hovering over the call button next to your name. He was about to press it when he noticed a red icon at the bottom of the display, hinting at a new voicemail. Weird, seeing he hadn’t gotten a voicemail in what felt like at least 5 years.
Playing the voicemail instead, he brought his phone to his ear, listening to what he interpreted as your footsteps and a door closing. Finally, your voice appeared. It wasn’t until he heard a sniffle that his heart sank into the pits of his stomach.
“Hi-” your voice broke as you were crying. “I’m so- sorry. I know I said I was okay, but I’m really not. I miss you so much already… I can- can’t.” Whatever you meant, it couldn’t have been good, or else you wouldn’t be so obviously losing control over your emotions. Hyunjin checked the time stamp, realising you had recorded it about 15 minutes earlier. “Fuck. I should have definitely thought about what to say…” A small, sad chuckle followed. “I know we talked about this, and I told you I would leave in two weeks… But I can’t stay. Not when I know how much I hurt you…”
Looking into Chan’s eyes as his heart broke, Hyunjin realised the meaning of your words. You were leaving. Not in two weeks, not tomorrow. Now. He couldn’t let this be the end without getting to at least say goodbye properly, so he sprinted back into his room. He grabbed a pair of sneakers and a jacket, pulling them over his body as he kept your voice right by his ear.
“I’m staying with a friend for the next few days before catching an early flight. All my stuff’s gone anyways, so there’s nothing holding me in my apartment… You’re probably on your way out already, and I obviously can’t dictate what you do. But I’m asking you anyway. Please don’t come after me…” Hyunjin stopped dead in his tracks, Chan’s eyebrows furrowing. “Please don’t make it harder for me or you. This is already breaking us. I don’t think I can handle seeing you again… Not when I know that it will be the last time.”
A single tear escaped Hyunjin’s eyes as he fell onto the couch, eyes focused on a random spot on the blank wall. Chan immediately came to his side, strong arms wrapping around his shoulder.
Hyunjin didn’t react. Couldn’t possibly react when his whole mind was on you.
“I don’t even know why I called you. I just… You deserve a proper goodbye, I think. Even if over the phone… God, I’m such a bitch doing this over the phone, aren’t I? Maybe I should turn around.” You stopped for a few silent seconds, peaking Hyunjin’s hope. But all was for nothing when you picked your pace up. “But I won’t. I’m really sorry. I know this is egoistical of me, and believe me. I hate myself for this.”
Why would you hate yourself when Hyunjin loved you so much. Despite you leaving him. Despite you choosing your career over him. It had always been a possibility; both of you were well aware things could end, given the opportunity. Now that it had, why would you blame yourself?
“I’m…” Again, silence fell over the line, giving Hyunjin a chance to breathe. He hadn’t even realised he had held his breath until the oxygen finally filled his head again. “I love you so much. All of you. Forever. I hope you know this. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to love someone like this again. Not in this lifetime.”
Why didn’t he run after you? Because you had told him not to? No. Perhaps it was the awareness that nothing he said, and nothing he did, could change reality. You were leaving, one way or another. So, why would he ruin what was basically the perfect goodbye? Not this call, obviously. But the last night. Being with you. Loving you. It couldn’t become more perfect than this.
“I will never forget any of the memories we made. I don’t think I can, even if I tried. I won’t forget the way we could talk about art all night. About anything, really. I will forever remember listening to all those songs, singing along, and crying to them. I won’t forget how you always looked at me with so much love. Much more than anyone’s ever given me. The smell of hugging you. The taste of kissing you. All of it is imprinted in my brain. Never to be forgotten. This sounds so sappy, I am very aware of that….”
The laugh escaping your lips – your perfect lips that Hyunjin could never quite stop kissing – made him smile. Even if just for a second, it somewhat healed a piece of his heart and left about 999 others for later reassembling.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is… You are my person. That won’t change. Ever… I love you.”
By now, his whole face was red, swollen from the tears streaming down his cheeks. The only thing holding him together was Chan’s physical support. And your voice. He would listen to your voicemail countless times throughout the next few weeks, though he didn’t know it yet.
You pulled the phone away from your ear just to bring it back once more.
“Oh. And I took your shirt. You know, the one I always borrowed. I hope you’re not too attached to it.” Another smile on his face that healed another broken piece of his heart. No, he wasn’t attached to the shirt. He was attached to the person wearing it. “Okay, that’s it. Bye.”
And just like that, the voicemail ended.
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Check out all the other stories in this series here!
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theycallmebecca · 1 year
Okay so I’ve only got as far as Andy and spicy… hahaha I leave the rest up to you this weekend 😆
Not gonna lie... this one was hard because I had to come up with the plot... which, honestly, is what I'm struggling with the most these tags. But in the end... I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Hope you like it!
This Memorial Day weekend, I’m accepting prompts. The information (and links to stories written for it) are in this post.
Title: After Hours
Pairing: Andy Barber x female reader
Rating: R
Warnings: semi-graphic sex
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
18+ Disclaimer: This work contains sexual material that is for those over the age of 18. By clicking the keep reading link below, you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18 and are not offended by sexual content.
Usage Disclaimer: This work is for fans only. This author does not give permission for it to be shared, spoken of, referred to in any public manner (podcast, tv, online, etc.) that wants to either make a celebrity uncomfortable, mock fan fiction/fandom in any way, or the author themselves. Requests can be made, but it is unlikely the author will change their mind. If no response is given to a request then the answer is a solid no, not interested and the work cannot be shared, spoken of or even referred to, regardless of the manner or context. 
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Hearing the door to his office open, Andy looked up and smiled when he saw you come in.
"Your secretary told me to tell you that she's leaving for the night," you told him as you closed the door behind yourself. "I promised to not keep you longer than was absolutely necessary."
Andy's eyes went to the stack of folders in your arms. All of which seemed too thin for their normal case files.
"What did you need me to do?" he asked, leaning back in his chair.
"Me," you replied, gently shaking the folders upside down to prove they were all empty before letting them fall to the ground.
"What do you want me to do with you?" he asked, playing along.
"Anything you want," you replied as you undid the first button of the blouse you were wearing.
"What if someone comes in?"
"Everyone else is gone for the night, too," you replied as you rounded his desk. "The doors are locked and the lights are all off." Reaching his side, you added, "And I seem to have lost my panties. Wanna see?"
Andy nodded his head eagerly and let out a sigh when you unzipped your pencil skirt and let it fall to the ground, revealing yourself to him.
"Fuck," he moaned.
"You can touch," you told him, widening your stance.
He reached out his hand and did just that, letting his fingers slip between your legs.
"Fuck, you're soaked," he groaned as he pulled his hand away. He brought them to his lips and cleaned your juices from the tips.
"I've been thinking about this all day," you admitted. "I even had to go home at lunch to get myself off."
Andy choked on his own saliva as he stole a look up at your face.
"I need you," you told him. "I need you right now."
Andy nodded his head and, in a hasty manner, somehow managed to get his pants undone and down his thighs without ripping them. He widened his legs then held out a hand to you.
Taking his hand, you straddled him and sank down on his cock, feeling your walls stretching to accommodate his size.
His hands found your waist and he helped guide your movements as you rode him.
The office chair creaked beneath the two of you, either due to the combined weight or because of the way you were moving, you weren't sure.
"We gotta stand up," Andy muttered. "I can't break another chair this year."
You giggled and stood up, turning around so you were bent over his desk. He pushed the chair out of the way as he stood up and then grabbed your hips before he slid into you.
With the office empty save for the two of you, you didn't try and keep quiet as he fucked you from behind and it wasn't long before you were crying out his name as you came. He pumped into you a few more times before he came, filling you with his seed.
Exhausted, he lowered himself to the floor and pulled you down with him, cradled in his lap.
"Did you really go home at lunch and get yourself off?" he asked, a few minutes later.
You nodded your head and said, "I would have invited you, but you were in a meeting."
He groaned.
"If you cook dinner, I'll gladly give you a reenactment," you told him.
"How about I pick up take out on my way home?" he offered. "Then after, we can go upstairs and have some more fun, Mrs. Barber."
"I like the way you think, Mr. Barber," you said with a grin.
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monstrouslyobsessed · 2 years
—blur the lines (between fiction and reality)
 I heard you're open for 5 headcanon requests on your post, can you do a headcanon about a yandere story that involves around Vincent Valentine falling in love with the female reader from the real world and trying to get out of dirge of cerberus and into the real world —anonymous
tw / tags: sfw, gn reader, death mentions (aerith’s), obsessive thoughts, general yandere themes featured character(s): final fantasy 7′s vincent valentine, minor appearances of yuffie, cloud, and marlene minors dni.
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—note: hm took some thinking for this one until i saw a series done by @/writingforatwistedworld about self-aware au’s and decided it just might work for the old boi in red. that said, this is super tame, so don’t come in expecting any spice. vincents too sweet anyway (unless he merged with chaos, thats a whole diff story lol).
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》after what must have been several hundredth reset, vincent soon figured out that he was living a scripted life. —tragically, only he realized it. —or perhaps his friends and allies were living in denial. —which is probably a bliss to have.
》often, the world would alternate between several different...atmospheres. one where everything begins with a certain blond mercenary (og ff7) and one that focuses on the aftermath (the film, advent children), and there was one where he plays the major role in (DoC). —there were several more, but they were fairly rarer than the rest that he could barely remember as he hardly played a role in these. —all were painfully distinct.
》vincent was realistic at the worst of times, at least toward himself. —it became easier to disconnect himself from his emotions —and from others too. —whenever one passes from a grueling battle or something had gone terribly wrong, time would reset and correct everything to the script only the creator could read.
under the cut due to the length!
》he no longer felt any drop of sorrow for aerith’s deaths —she always came back with the hard reset from the beginning. —he lost feelings for the woman who birthed sephiroth. —it was hard realizing that the woman you loved was all but responsible for everything, choosing the coward’s path and not staying and fighting harder to ensure that her own son would have a decent childhood. —after what must’ve been 100+ resets, he started hating her too. —wishing that he never tried to help her and to leave things be.
》perhaps vincent would’ve lived a normal life —...sans being a hitman thing for the notorious company he was employed to, perhaps. —but he wouldn’t have to live with too many voices in his head, clamoring for deaths and bloodshed. —testing his sanity. —if he hadn't fallen in love with that pitiful woman and became that fucking bastard of a doctor’s test subject, he might’ve been a married man and have children of his own years later down the road. —an ordinary dream, but it was his dream. the dream that he knew he couldn’t attain, not by normal means.
》he had one normalcy though, that remained consistent throughout the resets. —you. —sometimes, he’d see your face —or, rather, your ghost. —it was hard to describe, but you were always looking on, being a specter and usually having some kind of odd looking device in your hands (console controller of your choice). —you usually sit either on your bed or a lounging chair (or so he thinks, he could only tell by your position).
》he couldn’t make out most of the details —you were semi-transparent, nothing more than a faint outline. —but vincent knew you were there. —watching him. watching everyone.
》initially, some odd resets ago upon his enlightenment of becoming self-aware, your presence disturbed him —now, your constant presence comforts him. —it helps that unlike him and the others, you were always looking a little different each reset. —that you weren’t following any script but your own. —you broke monotony of living the exact same script every reset. —is it really so far-fetched that he’d grow obsessed with you?
》he paid attention to every little detail. —in the beginning, you were hard to make out but after so many resets and his growing fixation with you, you were practically in front of him. —that you were right there, as tangible as he is. —you were within in his reach, yet when he pretended to close in to pick up an object, he swept his golden claw swept through your body and it phrased though, he cannot touch you. —he cannot hold you. —yet. 》vincent started listening too. —you were all silence to his ears, even though he saw your lips moving. —now he knew your name, your every word —your habits. —you mutter sometimes, usually complaints but also critiques. —it was through you he realized he was a fictional character in some sort of video game series.
》it was a bit of blow, because vincent always felt alive. —but the resets made sense. —how often had you played his game(s)? —...had you ever seen him as a real person?
》he always wondered. 》vincent wished he could touch you, that he could hold you in his arms. —but that was a hopeless dream, wasn’t it? —especially when he was nothing but a finite series of codes and  numbers. —all of his dreams were hopeless.
》but something changed. —he saw you sobbing, barely touching your controller. —and he couldn’t move an inch from where he was. —you controlled his movements after all.
》why did you weep so? —fire consumed his heart and his skin blackened from the rising influence of chaos inside him. —who hurt you? —vincent never realized he moved against his codes, closing in to your balled position.
》his hand still phrased through you though and a stark frown formed on his pale lips. —all the characters he was surrounded by, hardly responded to his strange behavior though, stuck in the loop of their static animations. —one or two remarked on his off-ness though, yuffie in particular, but did nothing to stop him when he reached out for something invisible. —“huh, is something there, vinny?” he heard yuffie asking.
》"it’s nothing.” vincent recalled saying, shaking his head, but he was still staring at you. —those were unfamiliar words in his usual dull script, vincent later realized, when you rose your head confused. —you yelled out in shock, scrambling backward from how vincent took up the majority of your tv screen, boring holes in your face (it feels like). you never moved him? —the video game had to be glitched.
》or maybe you moved the thumbstick on your controller without realizing. —deciding to blame the foreign lines upon unknown triggers you never found until now, you took in a shuddering sigh. —wiping away the tears from your eyes, you resumed your playing, ignoring the text messages on your phone where it broke news that you didn’t need. —you needed some distractions.
》for a moment, vincent refused to move and you rose your brows in bafflement. — “is this thing on?” you smacked on your controller. —his staring was kinda creeping you out. —he (probably) wasn’t your most favorite character in the ff7 series, but you’ve found him a very compelling character. sure, the plot in vincent’s game was shite but its gameplay was, while not groundbreaking, great for its time. —you played his game often, as a good stress reliever. it helps that vincent was an eyecandy for the main character in shooting game too. —you played so much of his game that you knew every line and action by heart, so the way vincent was staring at you was...a little scary.
》had his animations ever looked so...realistic before? —before you could dwell on it further, the game unglitched itself and the character in red followed your movement inputs albeit with a good delay. —o...kay, that was weird. —the game was old though so you shrugged and paid the weirdness no more mind.
》but...since then, things started getting a little...weirder. 》vincent would turn his head to you often, or the camera anyway, and stare. —there were a lot of input lags too, though he never got injured by enemies somehow. —and sometimes he...did things on his own without your commands too. —casting fireballs when you meant him to aim and shoot his iconic three barreled gun. —granted, that was a far better decision than yours because of the explosives nearby and took all the surrounding enemies (you...forgot those barrels were there in the first place, truth be told).
》and lately... — “huh?” you blinked at the subtitles on the screen. “are those new voicelines?” —you remembered no character saying anything new. —it was only vincent who started saying unfamilair lines. —“enemies overhead.” “you missed several items 7 yards behind me.” “the turret!” “watch out, enemies incoming from the right” —“i trust you.” —why is the video game character talking to YOU?
》o...kay, maybe you should play another game. —or get a new console. —the cd hadn’t had a single scratch on it though. —you decided you were still in the mood for ff7 and resumed a savefile for the original ff7 game.
》but...even the weirdness persisted through there too. —in battles, he always turns his head to follow you/camera awaiting for your inputs. —when you tried to swap him out to another character, the option turned grey and vincent straight up refused to be removed. —and hell, you even had to play as vincent instead of cloud of all things. —did you trigger something somehow that enabled vincent being playable?
》 “what the fuck is going on with vincent?” you said aloud, baffled by yet another brand new scene with vincent you knew never occurred in the game nor was it even coded in. —you should know, you’ve enjoyed far too many playthroughs, a bunch of videos on the game hacking investigations (the discovery on aerith being initially planned to be alive to the end was startling), and played a bunch from the beginning to the end yourself. —for whatever reason, vincent confronted hojo by...himself. —no cloud, no tifa, no barret, no character but vincent and hojo. —....he shot him pointblank in his forehead.
》what the fuck? —this was well before hojo’s boss battle of all things too! —vincent’s blocky model turned up to you (seemingly) and his dialogue popped up in the nostalgic blue rectangular. “nothing’s wrong with me, —.” —you yelled, tossed up your controller, and ran.
》it could be an elaborate prank set up by those you’re close to. —but all of them were wise not to tamper with your games in any shape or form. —nor do they have any skillset to mess with the codes of either games with vincent in it. —plus, it was all too timely, and you knew you never input your real life name in the game. ever. you kept true to the characters original names in every playthrough in the classic game.
》how did vincent know your name?
》it took you a while to return to the room, sneaking over to shut off your console you earlier abandoned. —you glanced to the screen and blinked at the scene of vincent resting against a bookcase, seemingly sleeping. —...you don’t really remember him even having any idle animation in the old game, or that he’s even playable at all outside the rpg battlefields. —weirded out, you shut off the console and decided you needed a break from playing ff7 games for a while.
》it was some months ago when the oddnesses with vincent’s character in both games happened. —after playing other games, you decided you were probably going a little loopy after having a bad day while playing the ff7 games. —still, you weren’t in a mood to play either games, but you missed ff7 anyway. —you thought rewatching the film, advent children, was a grand idea.
》the plot wasn’t the best, but you loved the animation and all the tiny details the animators and artists implemented. —you lost yourself in the film, not batting an eye when vincent first showed up in the intro marlene narrated or how he glanced up his gaze to you little funny. —though it had been a long while since you’ve played this flim so you didn’t think about that unfamiliar detail. —it was when the next scene of where marlene confronted cloud with vincent that things got...weird again.
》“been a while, — .” his red eyes slanted to you, ignoring cloud and marlene’s confused looks. —okay, yep, something is haunting your ff7 collections. —you were given no time to run though, not this time, when vincent reached to your screen. —you squawked out a cry when something distorted outside your large screen. a golden claw grappled on the black frame of your television and then...
》he came out like sadako from the ring series, only —he was reaching out for you.
》before you knew it, you were tightly in his arms, his armored claw uncomfortably jabbing your back. —vincent nosed in your hair and inhaled. saying nothing at all as both of you kneeled on the floor. —you trembled in his embrace, confused. shocked. —did a fictional character literally just...came alive in front of your own eyes?
》 “finally,” vincent sighed, combing through your hair, “i have you in my arms.” —perhaps, this time, his dreams finally came true.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
I looked up grey-sorcery's blog after seeing your posts about it on my dash and they write their informational posts using ChatGPT. I haven't felt this enraged over something in awhile. Writing AI is just as thievery as art AI. How can someone justify give critiques on people's posts when they use theft to write theirs? Also their critique tag was gross it was all essentially "No offense but" in fancier wording. Responses and additions to my posts? Love them! Critiques of my writing? Only if I ask thanks 😒
"Who the fuck asked you" has been on my mind this whole time.
"Only my way is right and if you're different then you're wrong." Gee I wonder where else I've seen this before.
I've run into less obnoxious Christian fundamentalists, honestly.
I also saw their massive "closed/semi closed/open practices" list. If that's not a call for segregation I don't know what is. Where do I even start with the racism.
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unremarkablehouse · 1 year
Ambiguous Dating Activity
MSR | MA | S6 | WC 3926 | A03
Summary: Season 6, post Kroner, Mulder and Scully go to the movies but they’re dorks about the whole thing. This is some long form semi-fluff. 
Tagging @today-in-fic
Fitted sheets were invented by Satan, Scully mused as she fought valiantly with her bedding trying to get it adjusted just right. Dressed in sweats and a messy ponytail she looked like the diametric opposite of her work persona. Between work and paranormal excursions with Mulder, Scully had fallen decidedly behind on her life chores. So, unless she wanted to wear her bathing suit as underwear, she needed to do laundry. Which is how she ended up changing her bedding on a Friday night instead of eating takeout at Mulder’s. All in all there was actually something dissatisfying about the amount of progress she’d already made. A part of her kept expecting Mulder to knock on her door or call and drag her away on a case, so the fact that there’d been radio silence since they left the office was disconcerting. It had been a few weeks since their tryst in Kroner, and although neither had acknowledged it, she couldn’t stop herself from thinking about the way his hands felt on her body and the intensity of kissing him.
Scully tried to shake off her disappointment, struggling to change the comforter cover, almost knocking herself off balance in an attempt to get the insert to match up. The ringing of her home phone added urgency to the struggle, finishing off her battle with the comforter she reached the phone on the 6th ring with a breathy hello. “Hey Scully it’s me-“ “Hey ‘Me’.” The sound of Scully panting as she answered the phone threw an already nervous Mulder off his game. “Very funny. Did I catch you at a bad time?” “No, I was just wrestling with my comforter.” Scully continued to change her pillow cases, happy that the long established pattern of late night calls from Mulder had not been retired as she had feared. “Did you win?” “It put up a valiant fight but I got the bed made so I feel victorious.” “Good to hear you didn’t have to pull out your firearm to get your sheets changed” “I’ll be sure to announce I’m armed next time.” With a chuckle and a prolonged pause they both felt an unfamiliar awkwardness emerge between them before Mulder continued. “So, I’m actually calling because I wanted to know if you’re free tomorrow night -“ “Mulder, I already told you I’m not working this weekend.” “No, that’s not it! I just saw that Roman Holiday is playing at the Landmark-” “I love that movie-” Scully interjected. “I remembered. I could get us some tickets if you want to go?” “Sure, what time?” “8:15, let’s get dinner at that new place by G street you wanted to try.” Mulder held his breath waiting for her response. “Are you sure, that place is fancy, no plastic forks?” “I’m sure smart ass, I’ll pick you up at 6.” “I can just meet you-“ “No, parking is a pain by the Landmark, I’ll just pick you up at 6.” There was an anxiousness to Mulder’s responses that put Scully on alert, something about this invitation didn’t sound as casual as he wanted to make it seem. “Alright, what’s the catch?” “Excuse me?” “Is the theater haunted? Am I going to get there only to discover we’re investigating some kook who saw a swamp monster?” Mulder couldn’t help but chuckle at Scully’s trademark skepticism, of course she would question a movie invitation. “No catch Scully. Just you, me and Audrey Hepburn riding around Italy on a Vespa.” “Sounds fun then” Scully said with a smile Mulder could feel over the phone. Before he could hang up on her Scully called out his name. “Mulder, if this does turn out to be a ghost hunting trip you will pay.” Shaking his head Mulder hung up and wondered if he was going to be trying to convince Scully of his intentions for the rest of his life. The Christmas Ghost hunting trip was definitely ill advised and now she triple checked his plans. Scully’s Saturday passed without much fanfare, distracted by errands and cleaning her thoughts barely turned to her plans for the evening. If she was honest with herself she’d admit that she was a bit happier than usual, humming tunelessly as she picked up her dry cleaning and put groceries away. By 4pm her thoughts turned towards her plans with Mulder and she remembered the way his normally confident tone was layered with uncertainty and nervousness. This anxious vulnerability was a side of him she’d rarely seen, and she wondered if what she’d assumed was a regular outing between them was actually a date. Would Mulder actually go to the trouble of planning a date without making his intentions clear or using any words which could clarify it? Mulder was so direct in other areas of his life, why would he be so cagey when it came to relationships? Scully wasn’t sure but it made her question her entire outfit choice for the evening. In case this was just a plutonic outing, Scully didn’t want look like she tried too hard but also wanted to convey the message that she was open to more. Torn between casual jeans versus a provocative dress, Scully decided to split the difference with a skirt and a low cut blouse. The outfit said a little more than friends, a little less than lovers. Mulder’s knock on the door filled her stomach with butterflies as she took a minute to check the loose curls she made in her hair before answering with a smile. As she opened the door to Mulder with a warm familiar greeting suddenly it was as if all the air was sucked out of the room and Mulder froze in place. Feeling self-conscious Scully looked down to check if she had horribly misjudged her outfit or spilled something, confused by Mulder’s exaggerated reaction. Seeing her concern Mulder quickly snapped back to earth and clarified “no, Scully you look fine. Better than fine, amazing actually. Sorry you just caught me off guard when you answered so quickly, it just threw me off.” With an embarrassed smile Scully invited Mulder in while she grabbed her bag and coat. She felt foolish for hyping this up in her head. Obviously she was reading too much into this night and she needed to take a step back. That was easier said than done with Mulder looking decidedly sexy in his dark jeans, soft cashmere sweater and leather jacket. “Ready to go?” Scully asked as she brushed past Mulder out the front door, amused by the uncharacteristic way he seemed to fall over his feet as he tried to follow after her.
The drive to the restaurant was comfortable and filled with their usual banter. Something about being in a car together seemed to trigger some sort of muscle memory response and the earlier nervousness had melted away. In fact, the two were lost in the world of their own conversation; they barely noticed the activity of dinner had occurred until the waiter asked if they’d like dessert. Scully turned down the offer like an automatic response, but Mulder ordered their flourless chocolate torte which earned a raised eyebrow from Scully. “You’re not usually a dessert person Mulder,” Scully commented with mock surprise. “It's for science, I need to know what a cake without flour tastes like.” The chocolate cake looked decadent and Scully was secretly thrilled the waiter brought out two spoons. Encouraging her to take a spoonful of cake, Mulder held up his and eyed it suspiciously. “Alright Scully, are you ready to find out what flourless chocolate cake tastes like?” With an amused shake of her head Scully and Mulder tried the chocolate cake together, each watching for the other's reaction. The rich chocolate taste was heavenly and both let out a moan of pleasure and a nod of agreement that it was delicious. “Mulder this cake is incredible,” Scully grabbed another spoonful and made an exaggerated show of enjoyment that Mulder loved. “Looks like flour was holding cake back this whole time. This is amazing!” Mulder mimicked Scully’s previous display of enjoyment as he took another bite, eliciting a hearty laugh from Scully that seemed to imbue the entire room with warmth. Mulder marveled at this rare sight, and gave her a smile filled with adoration. Scully caught Mulder’s intense gaze, with unadulterated affection. Raising her hand to his face with a giggle, she wiped the corner of his mouth to remove the smudge of chocolate there. Never losing eye contact Mulder grabbed her wrist and kissed her thumb. Scully felt her cheeks blush red as she removed her hand from his face while Mulder gave a chuckle. “What? I don’t want to waste any cake.” Mulder’s fake innocent act was met with a genuine laugh from Scully as he gently bumped her shoulder with his, earning him a playful shove. The bill came and Mulder promptly placed his credit card down immediately, waving off Scully’s offer to split it. The walk to the theater was filled with a comfortable silence, somewhere along the way Scully had found her hand in Mulder’s but she decided not to question it. While sharing a meal with Mulder was a fairly common occurrence in Scully’s life, it had been quite awhile since she’d actually gone on a date with anyone. Even though she wasn’t sure if this outing actually constituted a date, she had to admit it was one of the best dates she’d ever been on. Scully often took for granted just how companionable her relationship with Mulder actually was. Once she had feared that work was the only tethered which tied them together, now she could see that it was merely one facet of an intricate tapestry. “What are you thinking about?” Mulder’s question broke the silent stroll and Scully looked up to see his soft gaze. “Just that I like spending time with you outside of work and life threatening situations.” Mulder smiled and was a little surprised by her honesty. “I like spending time with you too, but there’s no one I’d rather be with at work or in life threatening situations.” “Well the night is still young, maybe we can uncover a nefarious conspiracy at the concession stand.” Mulder guided Scully confidently to their seats, balancing his soda and their shared popcorn as they prepared to watch the show. The air temperature in the theater struck Scully as colder than normal and she found herself unconsciously shivering. “Are you cold Scully?” “Yeah and I left my jacket in the car.” “I could go and get it?” “Don’t be silly Mulder you’ll miss the start of the movie-“ “I have an idea, hold this.” Mulder handed Scully their popcorn, moved his drink from their shared arm rest and lifted the armrest up. “How did you do that?” “The armrests come up in some of these seats, so we got lucky. Come here, airplane style.” Scully smiled, countless flights across America Mulder had made himself her body pillow, however this time he had his arm around her. With his left hand, Mulder reached for the popcorn on Scully’s lap. “Warmer?” “Much.” “Good. The only problem with this position is you’re going to have to feed me red vines.” With a giggle Scully roughly put a red vine in his mouth, making sure to poke his face and gently hit him with the candy a few times for good measure. “Gee, thanks Scully-“ Mulder said while managing to slap her forehead with his red vine, earning him a slap and an exaggerated shush from Scully as the lights dimmed in the theater. As the movie played, Scully relaxed into her familiar place in Mulder’s arms; she wondered if perhaps they were too comfortable with each other to ever progress their relationship to the next level. While anyone looking on might judge their position as being intimate, it was nothing outside the realms of their everyday close relationship. The pretense that they were just cuddling for warmth was flimsy, especially given Mulder could have given her his jacket. Still, she made no attempts to sit back in her own chair, enjoying the warmth of his arms and the feel of his chest. Perhaps she was looking at things the wrong way, their relationship had grown well beyond the bounds of a normal friendship years ago. The intimacy and closeness she shared with Mulder far exceeded most of her sexual relationships so defining it as strictly plutonic was inadequate and diminished what they really had. Scully looked up at Mulder as he watched the movie, fully transfixed by the drama on screen. He unconsciously squeezed her tighter as the lovers experienced angst, making brief eye contact with her for reassurance. Scully’s heart clenched in her chest at this innocuous gesture, the perfect example of Mulder’s sweetness and romantic heart. For so long she had fought her desires to start any sort of relationship with Mulder, deciding his obsessive workaholism would always be an issue. Scully had been down that road with her ex, Jack Willis, and didn’t want to have to fight for a place in someone’s life. However, somewhere along the road in their five years of partnership Mulder had proven to be more than capable of putting her first. He had definitely come a long way from the obsessive cocksure investigator she met years ago. She remembered how despondent he’d been when the X files had been shut down the first time, and while he was restless to reclaim his quest, these past few months he seemed to be trying to find a way to function without them. Her train of thought was interrupted by the lights coming up in the theater and the other movie goers leaving their seats. Scully attempted to sit up and move away from her human body pillow, but Mulder’s arms wrapped around her tighter and pulling her closer to him, making her laugh. “Don’t get up Scully, I was so comfy.” Mulder’s whiny plea earned him a few extra seconds of Scully time until she started to squirm again. “Come on Mulder, they’re going to kick us out, plus I’ve gotta pee.�� “Fine-“ Mulder released Scully with a resigned sigh, beaming as she took his hand and led him out of the theater. Mulder discarded the empty popcorn and soda as they left the theater heading straight into the men's room, while Scully took her place in the long line for the women’s restroom. As she waited it occurred to her that while she was definitely open to progressing her relationship with Mulder she still had no real clarity whether this was actually a date or not. What was the protocol for concluding ambiguous dates, does she catch a cab home or invite him up? As Scully left the bathroom she’d made up her mind to let Mulder take the lead and just be open to whatever happened at the end of the night. That was until she spotted Mulder laughing with an attractive brunette, who was obviously giving him her number. The brunette had an alternative edge about her, with multiple piercings in her ear and a nose ring. Her tight black T-shirt showed off her long slender frame, complimenting her fitted black jeans. Scully felt like an idiot at having enjoyed herself tonight only to discover that the notion this was a date was just in her head. It was clear that Kroner hadn’t meant anything to Mulder and their relationship was not meant to progress out of their current limbo. Scully stopped herself from going down a shame spiral, deciding that whether or not they were on a date it was still pretty rude for Mulder to try picking up other women while she was in the bathroom. Screw him she thought, and Scully marched over to Mulder with her head held high, ready to cockblock with the best of them. The steam was knocked out of her sails the moment she approached Mulder, thrown off by his enthusiasm when he saw her. “Scully, come meet Aubrey! She does some consulting with the Gunmen.” A spark of recognition flashed in Aubrey’s soft brown eyes as she grabbed Scully’s hand. “So this is the famous Dana Scully. Mulder doesn’t shut up about you, I’ve appointed him head of your fan club.” Scully’s eyebrow raised pointedly questioning Mulder. “It’s more of a figurehead position, I share the administrative duties with Frohike.” Mulder casually draped his arm around Scully, pulling her to his side in an affectionate way that sent a clear message that they were together to any onlookers. The gesture was most likely unconscious but she immediately found herself relaxing into him and letting her guard down to give Aubrey a chance. “Scully, Aubrey plays in a jazz band and was kind enough to offer us tickets for her show at Stone Tower winery.” “I’ve always wanted to check out that place. What instrument do you play?” “Alto sax, the winery is really beautiful, it’s a fun venue. The place is much too nice for most of my friends, it’d be nice to get some friendly faces in the audience.” ”Oh, so we’d be like your plants. Clap along and laugh at your jokes?”
”Exactly!” Aubrey said with a laugh. “You’re in trouble Aubrey, Scully never laughs at my jokes.” “Maybe they’re just not that funny Mulder?” And with that Scully and Aubrey both chuckled at Mulder’s expense. Scully caught Aubrey’s genuine smile and noticed that her eyeline was focused on her cleavage, it was clear that this woman had no interest in Mulder.
“So musician and hacker, that's a weird mix,” Scully said in an attempt to keep the conversation moving. Leaning in to brush an errant curl behind Scully’s ear, Aubrey invaded her space with a flirtatious smile that was not missed by Mulder. “Come on Dana, band geek and computer geek really aren’t that much of a stretch.” Taken back a little by Aubrey’s blatant flirting, Scully felt Mulder’s grip around her tighten and she fumbled a little in her response. “I guess not, I was the science nerd and fellow band geek.” Aubrey and Scully share a knowing smile. “So what kind of geek were you Mulder?” Aubrey asks, still not taking her eyes off Scully. “Speak for yourself, I was cool in high school. I still am!” Scully and Aubrey laugh at Mulder’s petulant reply. Moving out of his arms, Scully gives a loud conspiratorial whisper to Aubrey. “He was a Trekkie.” “Of course he was.” The girls laugh together leaving Mulder left out of the fun. Grabbing his dangling arm Scully pulled it around her once again, delighting Mulder with this action. Aubrey took this as a not too subtle hint that Scully wasn’t interested, but took a moment to appreciate how the two looked together.
“You know, you guys look pretty cute together. Maybe it’s the height difference, but you compliment each other well.”
“We definitely do,” Mulder replied looking down at Scully.
Promising to call about the tickets, Aubrey took off in the opposite direction as Mulder and Scully walked to the car. “Aubrey seems cool-” Mulder smiled at Scully’s assessment, loosely swinging their hands while walking back to the car. “Yeah, since she broke up with her girlfriend she’s been hanging out with the Gunmen more lately so she’s up to date with the Mulder mocking policy.” “I wouldn’t call it a policy so much as a beloved tradition.” Mulder gave her a big smile as he opened the car door for her, enjoying every minute of their banter. The trip to her apartment seem to happen on autopilot, and Scully found herself in the kitchen while Mulder hovered. “Do you want tea or decaf?” Scully asked as she motioned to put her kettle on. “No, that’s fine I’m going to get out of your hair-“ “Oh, well thank you so much for a wonderful night.” “Any time.” As Mulder moved towards her door he suddenly stopped as if remembering something. Scully watched him curiously and wonder if he’s trying to work up an excuse to kiss her goodnight or if he was about to tell her about a new species of bigfoot found in Georgetown. Pulling a crumpled box of Red Vines from his jacket pocket Mulder enthusiastically hands them to Scully. “Here, you can keep the leftover red vines.” Before she can say anything, Mulder placed a piece of red licorice her mouth and put the rest of the packet on the side table. Turning to leave again, he stopped and used his mouth to bite off the end of her red vine with a growl, mimicking a dog. Scully was momentarily stunned by this but managed to call out to him to wait before he reached the door. Taking the candy out of her mouth she gathered her courage and asked “Mulder, was this a date?” Mulder stilled himself, “do you want it to be a date?” “Yes.” “Then it was a date.” Mulder’s smile was sheepish as he looks down at Scully, frozen in place by the door. With the dating ambiguity clarified, Scully went up on her tippy toes and pulled Mulder’s head down for a kiss. The kiss was warm and playful, they both tasted like red licorice and there was something comforting about that. As Mulder went to pull away Scully’s tongue entered his mouth and the innocent goodnight kiss turned into a frantic teenage make out session. Ravenous for each other and Scully wrapped her arms around Mulder’s neck while he lifted her body, her legs wrapping around him as he pressed her against the door. Moaning her name as he kissed her, Mulder's hand roughly palmed Scully’s breast over her shirt while grinding hard against her. Scully’s mind had lost all capacity for reason and her thoughts became consumed with how quickly she could get him inside of her. Her mouth hungrily sucked on his jugular as her hands reached to undo his pants. This action snapped Mulder back to reality and he tenderly pulled away from her and patted her hand, signaling to stop. Gently he placed Scully back on the ground, straightening out her shirt and stroking her cheek with his hand, giving her an intense stare as they both gained control over their breathing. Scully’s cheeks began to color and she demurely looked down towards her feet, starting to feel embarrassed about their juvenile display. Tilting her chin up to face him Mulder explained “I just think we should take things a little slower.” “That makes sense.” The disappointment in Scully’s voice almost breaks Mulder’s resolve but he’s determined to make her understand that this is more than just sex. Touching his forehead to hers they seem to regain their equilibrium. “Scully, what we’re doing is too important to rush-“ “I know.” “Besides, I don’t put out on the first date.” With a gentle chaste kiss, Mulder heaved a heavy sigh. “Good night Scully, I’ll call you later.” As the door closed and their date concluded Scully had to admit that she was relatively happy with how this night turned out. Placing her cordless phone on her nightstand, she mused that soon enough Mulder might not have to call her before bed. His words played on a loop in her mind, giving her hope that they finally on the same page, and with any luck she wasn’t going to have to wait too much longer.
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mareastrorum · 2 months
This past two weeks has been really fascinating to observe. I've only been on Tumblr for about a year and a half, and only following stream liveblogs for about half that time. I don't usually tag dive because it really can be a slog, but I did for the discourse regarding FCG's death, Otohan generally, and the sudden shift to the Crownkeepers.
This isn't directed at anyone specifically, and I'm saying that for a reason: this website is really well designed for people who disagree to talk past each other. It's considered rude to reply to someone's take directly if you disagree, and often same for sending an ask to that person -- and I'm not saying it shouldn't be, that is simply the culture. In turn, when people write out their own takes on their own blogs, a significant amount of those semi- or fully-responsive posts are written to a strawman. Then when people read those posts, they recognize the general flow (though perhaps not the exact posts the author saw), and the pattern continues until everyone's burnt out on their arguments to a wall instead of to each other. Worse, even the most well-written and comprehensive discourse post is going to miss some small point or nuance, and that of course will be the subject of an offshoot set of posts.
Compare to reddit, which (on well-moderated subs, anyway) funnels discussion to specific threads, and the only way you can effectively respond to a currently-popular take is to take the risk of downvotes by actually replying to that take or to another reply under it. Attempts to address an issue separately are more likely to be lost in the shuffle, and honestly, most people who respond indirectly (citing someone else's arguments but not replying in their thread or to their comment) often earn a hearty amount of downvotes for cowardice even if the mods do nothing. The only way to bitch about some other redditor's take "safely" is to flee to another subreddit, but only if someone doesn't point out what Bitchpants McGee hoped no one would notice. (Are witch hunts against TOS? Yeah. They've been against TOS for a while; what's your point?) The culture is much more confrontational, though the level of politeness and civility is sub-dependent. I was on Reddit for about 13 years before Tumblr, so I've been in subreddits of all kinds, and I find all that to be incredibly entertaining, even if the mobile experience is rather annoying these days.
I don't mean this as a criticism of Tumblr or people who prefer to discuss or read about CR on Tumblr. It is definitely not an endorsement of critical role subs on Reddit either -- I came to Tumblr, too, after all. My point is that, on Tumblr, you can't be sure who someone is responding to, what takes they have read, whether they tag dive, what's on their dash, etc. There's no common thread that everyone is reading and reacting to except for the show itself.
Most CR discourse hasn't been all that bad, but there's some really patronizing and insulting takes in the tags that are effectively shotgun blasts at anyone who disagrees with them. If you want to foster good dialogue about a topic, don't do that, and more importantly, don't take others seriously if those are the tactics they employ. Let those threads die. Don't feed the trolls.
Lastly, this isn't a plea for people to act a certain way on their own blog. Do as you please. But it's a reminder that you're going to talk past people, and they're going to talk past you. If you want that conversation to be worthwhile, then keep focused on what the point of your own post is. Are you trying to defend something? Defend it. Are you trying to deconstruct a misunderstanding? Stick to that. Bitching and venting? Go ahead. But if you've tacked on other stuff to that same post, don't be surprised when you're used as fodder for the people who are intentionally having that side conversation.
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greetings-humans · 11 months
introductory post (includes some interaction boundaries, more details on me (ao3 acc, etc) & a dni under the cut)
yeah it's about time I made one of those ig (disclaimer: I'll edit this, if/when the need comes)
so, hi! im deelay! you can call me dee, if you want! [btw if you know my irl name, not here you don't unless we're DM-ing]
gender is so weird and I'm okay with any and all pronouns (barring it/its)!
for details on what to use when talking to me or about me (like pronouns and gendered terms etc) you can go here
-im a young adult and that's like all imma say age-wise. however please take that into account when interacting with my blog! some of the reblogs/posts here might not be what I'd have been okay with seeing when I was like under 14 or something. so yknow. exercise some modicum of caution please.
-currently in uni, studying to get an english degree (every new thing I learn about teaching makes me want to yell at some of the teachers I've known/had, did they even study in uni? did they even keep in touch with pedagogical studies?? definitely not, form what I can tell)
-I'm technically a writer? like I write,,, supposedly lmao. like all the greats, the one thing I never seem to do is yknow write-
I write sometimes, let's say. and I'm also really interested in writing my own crime fiction novel one day. but that's for some day in the future lmao
-definitely a reader tho (yes ao3 and i are in a committed relationship)
my interests and fandoms are. a lot. for example (and in no particular order):
DC (the bats, mostly)
the magnus archives (ive never listened to a podcast before and I'm just around the end of s3 as of April 2024)
riordanverse (pjo, hoo, magnus chase, a little bit toa, pjo show [which was very good, it just needs more screen time to fix up the pacing and add more depth in the appropriate moments])
fullmetal alchemist brotherhood! (i used to have roy on my pfp, he's my favorite character! i also wanna write a huge character analysis essay on him but uni responsibilities mean that's very slow going)
star wars (prequels, kotor, clone wars)
criminal minds (im at early s13 as of November 2023, so mind your spoilers humans) (ngl as of Jan 2024, this hyperfixation of mine is dying a slow and steady death but who knows there might a revival one day)
jujutsu kaisen! (I'm just about to finish s2 as of April 2024 but I know what's happening by the end of s2 and I've given up on the storyline so spoil away, I'll just ignore you and live my life in my fanfic sandbox:] )
yuri on ice is an old love of mine (ice adolescence😭😭 one day😭😭 oh one day😭😭 so that was a fucking joke, mappa count your days and also im stealing viktor you can't have him, im gonna write iceado WITHOUT YOU) (well imma write it with a friend but like most importantly WITHOUT MAPPA and I urge all creative yoi fans that think they wanna try doing their own version of iceado to go ahead and give it a go!)
sasaki to miyano (saw the anime and the movie and fuebdehhshahgdhe)
haikyuu!!(all caught up, manga and anime-wise! also patiently waiting for the movies that should've been a season but anyways they better not fuck this up too much-)
bungo stray dogs is also an old but semi revived interest of mine (im pretty much up to date with the manga, just haven't read all of the light novels)
tian guan ci fu / heaven official's blessing (as of Jan 2024, I've finished s2 and tgcf is amazing it's wonderful, im starting book 1)
there's like. so much more.
sooo muuuuch moooreeee
so I'll just let you figure the rest of it out
If you wanna see some of my thoughts without infinite scrolling, you can also search for the tag "deelay words".
Another tag of mine is "deelay's tbr" (which stands for "to be referenced") which you'll find at posts that really make me Think™ and that I want to keep in mind when I do anything creative with the characters involved.
When interacting with my blog, if you want to avoid spoilers at all costs, I suggest blocking the fandom tag because what you consider spoilers might not be what I consider spoilers if we're at different arcs of whatever that media is.
That said, I'd also appreciate it if you gave me a heads up on spoilers in any asks.
if you're here for any of my fics then well.
if you're here for pjo, um. those fics are truly discontinued/on indefinite hiatus. that hasn't changed. I have tentatively decided to attempt to reread some of the books, and I'm also watching the show, so if I get inspired enough and manage to plan out a decent fic out of Percy Jackson Revealed,,,, then maybe there shall be a fic. But!!! I have no idea what the ending is gonna be, and without an ending I'm doing nothing because the chances of me dropping the fic (again) would be higher than my anxiety during exam season (aka very very high)
if you're here for the man behind neal caffrey tho!! hi, there. I am working on that sequel, don't worry. it's just long and I'm also working on uni and this other writing project I have going on. feel free to send me an ask with any questions or comments or whatever.
unnamed grishaverse project: yeah so, I have a project going with my friend noel @fifteenth-entity, we're fixing the darkling! this fic will take place like around 50-100 years pre-alina, and will feature the darkling doing darkling things while that generation's most prominent grisha (aka a bunch of queers) also do things that may or may not affect the darkling. and his views. and personality. there may or may not be character development in the works. (there is, he gets better). this fic is canon divergent before canon even happens. the entire plot of shadow and bone will be eventually reworked. (also, no darklina, no darkling romance, in general, this boy needs to get mentally healthy without worrying about romance or sex okay) [for more info on this just search "unnamed grishaverse project", it's the tag I've used in like the only post about this. do feel free to send me an ask about this tho!!]
ice adolescence-esque fic: mappa fucked up majorly with canceling iceado and im supremely annoyed, mad, and upset. it just so happens that I was in the middle of my yoi renaissance era when the news came out so with my obsession going strong, I really wanted to try doing something with iceado. and then @athenov got roped in a la "be my coach co-conspirator/co-writer, viktor(ia)!"(notably with no drunken dry humping involved, I'm so proud of us). this is not going to be a very linear story, we're going around and about in different points in time. the first narrative follows viktor at 17ish deciding to try to ratify the quad flip and it includes some insight on his friends (who are OCs, im not sorry, his backstory is so barren, we had to!) and on how he ended up so alone by the time yoi was happening. the second narrative is post-yoi viktor coming back to russia ft yuuri, yuri & yakov. this is not a russian gov-positive fic. russian culture is very interesting and im sure some russians are wonderful people —diversity is a thing, after all— but to be perfectly clear, fuck the russian government and everyone supporting their actions. what they're doing is inhumane. [posts about this project will be tagged as "dee & athenov's yoi fic"!]
Another thing: If you have a genuine, not malicious or mean-spirited, question, feel free to send me an ask. Keep it chill, though! if you try to pick a fight i will delete the ask for the first time, but on strike 2, you're blocked.
i like to think that I'm open to discourse on some topics but not if you're starting out all aggressively cause if you're aggressive, I will be defensive (while privately having a panic attack) and we're not gonna get anywhere.
so. once again for the people in the back
If you're here to pick a fight with me then gtfo please.
I don't like fighting, it makes me anxious, so save us both the trouble and be as civil as you can be if you have a disagreement with me. don't forget to check my dni tho. I'm not gonna sit around having basic arguments about my rights to queerness as an aroace person or some stupid shit like that.
that said, unless I'm literally at your post saying shit you disagree with. don't come at me. literally block me. it's fine. I quite literally do not mind or care. like, if you saw my post or reblog and decided I suck then just block me will you?
Moreover, if you ever want fic recs for a fandom I'm in, you're definitely welcome to send me an ask! but if you don't feel like talking, anything I will ever tell you is straight from my ao3 bookmarks. sooo, feel free to hunt around those! [in case the link isn't working for you, my ao3 username is Justice_not_Revenge]
ao3 disclaimer: anything before 2021 is not necessarily something I claim. So like don't think I'm into this thing or that I'm passionate about this ship just because in 2019 I bookmarked 100 fics with it, people tend to grow and change so yeah.
some generic DNIs
if you're anti-lgbtq+ in any way
if you support AI art or AIs stealing fic content
if you support relationships between adults and minors (with an age difference over 1-2 years or sth)
racists, ableists, sexists/misogynists, incest shippers
literally anyone who thinks violating someone's concent is nice and fun and quirky
okay that's all! thank youuu-
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