#this is really strong it would make a good tattoo
j-jinxee · 3 days
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NSFW under the cut! ⊹ Nijiro x Reader
[warnings — quickie, p in v, unprotected, swearing, cumming inside, semi public]
-,' syn – Nijiro needs an outlet for his adrenaline. Shooting fight scenes as Kazutora and then having to wait for others to shoot theirs, it's throwing him off more than usual tonight.
[AN] no cuz guys, Nijiro literally never shows his arms. Like bro is always wearing long sleeves, jackets, or yk just baggy shirts in general. So this 40 second clip of him (where he's literally just in his own little world on the TR set) WEARING A SINGLET like I can't deal fr, I feel like a Victorian man seeing a woman's ankles for the first time, like it's driving me up the wall.
"mm-ngh! Niji, fuck" your small whines were quickly silenced by Nijiro's hand covering your mouth. He had previously swept you away from the set, you weren't acting in the Tokyo Revengers movie but since your boyfriend was, you watched from behind the camera with the rest of the crew. It was so cool seeing your boyfriend in his element, you usually weren't allowed to be with the crew since you don't actually work for them, but the TR production was pretty laid back and let you stay to watch. Which is what you were doing, until about 5 minutes ago.
Nijiro was frustrated with the way they were filming. Usually they'd film a single characters scenes all at once, so they wouldn't have their actors coming on and off constantly, but for some reason they changed it for tonight. The night where Nijiro had to film his biggest fight scene.
It was really pissing him off, the way he'd get fully committed to the character, and then be told to go off and take 5 because they needed to shoot someone else. Why would they change the formula? It was perfect the way it was, now the production will suffer.
And above all else, Nijiro was told to take 5 right when his adrenaline would reach its peak. Naturally, he needed an outlet, a way to keep his energy up. Luckily, his favourite thing to put his energy into was standing right infront of him.
"keep quiet f'me baby.." he whispered, gently covering your mouth with his hand. The only lighting in the bathroom being from the dim street lamps outside, increasing the secretive atmosphere. You were pinned against the bathroom wall as Niji buried himself in your cunt, practically imprinting his shape into your walls. Your eyes travelled down to his arms, fuck. You mentally thank the costume team for finally getting Nijiro to wear a singlet, he never wore shirts that showed off his arms, so you made sure to remember this session over the rest. His sweat gleamed in the faint warm light, decorating his neck and collarbones, your eyes fixated on his fake neck tattoo. Fuck, you'd have to convince him to cosplay or something after this, the sight mixed with the pleasure was making your head spin.
His arms and shoulders flexed with each thrust as he held you up by your thighs, fucking into you like this was the last time he'd ever get. It took everything in you not to scream out his name, along with a nicely crafted string of cuss words, letting everyone hear how good he fucks you. Small whimpers were the most you could let out, not wanting Niji to get punished for having a quickie mid set.
"You're so good f'me... fuck baby" His voice was intoxicating, his touch made you feel ways you've never felt before. Your arms rested over his shoulders, not that they needed to — his strong hold kept you up with no issue. You were sure that if he fucked you any harder, you'd end up bringing down the wall you were currently pinned up against. He felt the need to groan louder, feeling it build — his mouth soon found your neck, sucking on your sweet spots, only bringing you closer to the edge.
You felt Nijiro's hips stutter, followed by his teeth digging into your skin a little harder than before.
"m-mmh cum, cum with me baby" His hot breath laced your jawline as he rutted into you faster than ever. Feeling that familiar knot in your stomach about to snap, you couldn't stay silent anymore.
"mmh- cumming.. cummingcummingcummi- ahh!" You cried into his neck. Shortly met with the feeling of your walls being painted white by Niji's hot white seed, filling you up, keeping you warm. You could swear you saw heaven for a second, his touch made you drunk, reaching a state of euphoria you could never get anywhere else.
His arms gently let you back down, still keeping you steady with your bodies pressed together as you could barely stand. Whispering sweet praises in your ear as his hand went down to fuck his cum back into you, not letting any leak out. You smiled weakly as his words laced your eardrums, almost forgetting he was in the middle of his job.
"Nijiro! Wherever you are, you're back on in two." The director shouted.
"Fuck, 'm sorry baby. I'll take care of you when we're home ok? I love you" He said, getting his pants back on at the speed of light. Not bothering to wash his hands, but instead resorting to licking your combined juices off his fingers, and with a quick kiss to your cheek, he was gone.
You knew he'd keep his word, now all you'd have to do was wait till you got home to recieve his aftercare.
can't wait.
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mildmayfoxe · 5 months
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drew a single line flower with a marker and then carved it in a block 🌼 // shop | patreon
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yuujispinkhair · 2 months
Boyfie Sukuna picking you up from your late shift
A while ago, a sweet anon sent me an ask about protective boyfie Sukuna picking up reader from a late shift, and I loved it so much because I would have really needed him too when I was still doing late shifts. So here is a little drabble about Kuna picking us up from work. I hope you enjoy it 💗
Modern!Sukuna x Reader (female). Fluff. Word Count 900. Mentions of smoking. Minors don't interact. Dividers @/benkeibear
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"Ok, let's do this," you mutter to yourself as you push open the heavy back door, trying to hype yourself up and steeling yourself for the darkness that will await you outside of your workplace at this time.
You hate your late shifts when you're the only one left in the building and have to use the exit in the back. Your pulse already speeds up at the thought of having to walk down the dimly lit back alley to reach the main street and the subway station.
But you have no other choice, and so you step out the door and into the dark alley. And immediately jump when a low voice drawls,
"Hey, princess."
You dart around with a hand clutched to your chest and your eyes wide, even as your brain begins to register that you know this voice. And, of course, your gaze lands on a very familiar tall, muscular figure with a beautiful, tattooed face and slicked-back pink hair.
He is leaning casually against the brick wall, one hand shoved into the pocket of his black jeans, the other bringing a half-smoked cigarette to his lips. He smirks around the cigarette, maroon eyes looking amusedly at you.
"Did I scare you?"
You glare at him, even as you feel a huge relief wash over you. Relief and that all-too-familiar fluttery feeling in your stomach that you always get when you see your boyfriend.
"Kuna! What the... yes, you scared me! What are you doing here?"
Sukuna exhales slowly, watching you through the cigarette smoke with those beautiful cat-like eyes as he shrugs and smirks that devilishly attractive smirk,
"Making sure my girl gets home safely, of course."
You can't stop the big, happy smile from spreading over your face. This side of your boyfriend always makes you so weak for him. This sweet side of Sukuna that contradicts everything the people who told you he wouldn't be good for you said.
Yes, your boyfriend has a bad boy reputation. But yet, here he is, picking you up after your late shift without you having to ask for it. So protective and caring when it comes to you.
"I'm glad you are here, baby."
You smile and get on your tiptoes to kiss Sukuna's tattooed cheek, feeling the anxiety you felt earlier leave you completely. When Sukuna is with you, you know you are safe.
Sukuna grins as he flicks his cigarette away and wraps one strong arm around you to pull you against his tall body. His lips brush against your forehead in a quick but tender kiss.
"Let's go home, princess. Dinner is waiting for you."
"You already cooked too? Are you practicing to become a househusband, Kuna?"
You grin up at Sukuna playfully, and he laughs, but he sounds very pleased when he replies in that sexy, velvety voice,
"For you? Always."
He winks at you and offers you one of his muscular, tattooed arms as if he is a knight or an actor in a 1950s rom-com. And you take Sukuna's arm and hold on to him as you walk down the dimly lit alley together.
Usually, you are scared to walk down this narrow, dark street. But not tonight. Not when you are holding onto Sukuna's arm, your hand wrapped tightly around his bulging tattooed biceps, his tall, strong body so reassuringly brushing against your side.
The dark alley and the nightly city have lost their scariness now that Sukuna is with you and tells you about the dinner he cooked for you and how he beat his brother at a video game they were playing earlier.
You know you are safe when Sukuna is with you. Even the two sinister-looking guys loitering around at the end of the alley quickly leave after casting one look at Sukuna's tattooed face and his tall, muscular body.
You smile and snuggle against Sukuna's warm body, thinking that there are definitely certain benefits to dating a bad boy.
You reach Sukuna's car shortly after, and he holds open the passenger door for you while smirking that sexy, boyish smirk, always acting like an old-fashioned gentleman when it comes to you.
You watch him while he drives, one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on your thigh, interlacing his long tattooed fingers with your smaller ones.
And you can't stop smiling from ear to ear. Sukuna cooked dinner for you. He came here to pick you up. And you know that he's turning up the heating in his car just for you. He runs on the hot side and doesn't need it. But he's doing it for you, just like he is doing so many little and big things for you all the time. Anything for you, without you ever having to ask for it. Because he loves you.
It makes your heart feel so full.
You lean across the center console at the first red light, pressing another sweet kiss to Sukuna's cheek. But he turns his face so your lips end up on his. You feel his grin against your lips as his large hand captures your chin, cupping it firmly, holding you in place so he can deepen the kiss, licking into your mouth with a few playful flicks of his pierced tongue before he pulls away again.
You smile, your fingers tightening around Sukuna's hand, which is back in your lap,
"Thank you for picking me up, baby."
You see the corners of Sukuna's lips lift in a matching smile even while his gaze is fixed on the street before him, and his voice sounds playful but warm at the same time,
"You're welcome, princess. From now on, I'll pick you up every time you have a late shift. There's no way you're walking through dark alleys without me."
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Protective boyfie Sukuna makes me SWOON aaaahhhh. Honestly, this gave me such a feeling of safety. In my old job, I had to do late shifts, too, and I was so scared walking down to the train station and waiting for my train because all those sinister-looking men were already starting to crawl out of their holes, and I felt very unsafe there. Protective boyfie Sukuna would have made me feel SO safe.
I hope this could give you comfort, too 💗💗 Thank you so much for reading!! Comments and reblogs would be very sweet.
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hairmetal666 · 3 months
Eddie thought inviting Steve to the Grammys would be fine, cool, no big deal. And it should be, but Steve is walking out of the suite's bedroom wearing a burgundy tuxedo that fits him like a fucking glove. His shirt is unbuttoned just enough to let chest hair peak out, and Eddie thinks he might faint.
He's always been attracted to Steve, of course, but never let it go further than that. Like, sure, Steve was hot as fuck, and sure he was the best guy Eddie had ever met, and sometimes, yeah, he did have to force away thoughts of Steve when he jerked off, and in other circumstances he'd totally be head over heels. Just, Steve is straight, the straightest, a fucking arrow.
Eddie tears his eyes from Steve's body. "You look great, man." He slaps Steve's back. Keeping it cool; keeping it so cool.
"Psh," Steve says. "Have you looked in a mirror? Oh my god." His eyes are saucer wide as they travel down Eddie's body.
"Is it too much?" Eddie crosses his arms over his bare chest.
"Are you kidding? You're--fuck, man. You look good as hell."
He's wearing a silky burgundy shirt, open to show off the necklaces around his throat, his tattoos, the silver in his nipples. His pants are leather, tight, sitting low on his hips and putting the cut of his pelvic bone on full display. They have a lace-up closure that comes dangerously close to showing pube.
Heat rushes to his face at the compliment. "It's--you know. Hazard of the job."
"Yeah, hazard, sure. Guess it's a hard life having hot dudes literally throwing themselves at you."
Eddie barks out a laugh. "That's a vast exaggeration."
"Is it?"
He blushes harder. "You're my date tonight, Steve."
"My point exactly."
His manager and publicist usher them out the door before he can ask what the hell that meant.
The ride is giddy and playful, Steve popping champagne to celebrate Eddie's nomination for Song of the Year, even though there's no chance in hell he wins.
Steve is happy. His face is bright with joy, eyes shining, laugh loud and infectious. He's gorgeous, knows it, will be an absolute menace on the red carpet. He's been with Eddie to parties and stuff before, doesn't have any anxiety in front of the camera and isn't obsessed with musicians like Eddie is, unafraid to meet them.
Or so Eddie thought.
Because now they're standing at the edge of the red carpet, Steve very nearly trembling next to him.
"That's--That's Madonna." Steve points to her. "We're not even ten feet away from Madonna." He gulps. "Eddie. Madonna."
Steve has met famous people before with Eddie. Ozzy, briefly, Janet Jackson, Dave Grohl, James Hetfield, and he'd always been fine. Barely batted an eye. But get him within reaching distance of Madonna and he falls apart.
Eddie doesn't think about it, grabs Steve's hand, twines their fingers together. "Okay?"
The smile Steve throws him, grateful and a little embarrassed, stabs straight through his heart. He calms as they make it up the carpet, but he doesn't drop Eddie's hand, even when they pause for pictures. In fact, he leans into it, drapes his arm around Eddie's shoulders, or around his waist, seeming to thrive the closer they are. Eddie feels this dangerous pull to indulge in it, to let himself believe it means something, and he doesn't quite have it in him to turn it off.
By the time they reach their seats, Steve is relaxed back to his normal charming and handsome self, doesn't bat an eye as Eddie introduces him around.
The show passes quickly with all the performances and Steve whispering jokes in his ear. It's the best time he's ever had at an award show, like he should have been bringing Steve along this whole time. He's so distracted that he's not really ready when Paula Abdul comes out to announce Song of the Year.
His name is read off as a nominee and Steve grabs his hand, squeezes tight. Eddie's heart flips in his chest. He's not paying attention when Paula opens the envelope, too focused on Steve's strong hand holding his. He hears her say, "And the Grammy goes to--" and everything goes fuzzy.
Steve is saying, "oh my god, oh my god, Eddie. Get up, get up."
And his fucking song is playing and everyone is cheering, a couple people slap his back, and oh shit, oh shit, he fucking won. He stands, Steve with him. He thinks they're going to hug, that's what you do in these situations, but Steve is kissing him. Not on the cheek and not a quick peck, but lip-to-lip, soft and sweet.
Steve just kissed him and he has to get on stage and give a speech. He has no idea what he says because Steve just kissed him. On the lips. On purpose. His ears are ringing and words tumble out of his mouth, thinks he says, "couldn't have done it without you, Stevie," before tripping over his feet to get backstage.
Interviews, photographs, congratulations all help him settle. He's still buzzing with the win, but aware enough now to think the kiss had to be an accident. They've been friends for nearly a decade and Steve never seemed interested in men generally or Eddie specifically.
It takes a while to finish up the backstage business, but when he makes it to his seat, Steve just beams at him. He doesn't mention the kiss, which makes Eddie think he's overreacting. It wasn't a big deal. Sure, he could still feel Steve's lips, warm and soft, against his own, but it didn't mean anything. He's just too in his big gay feelings to be objective.
They don't get a chance to really talk until they're back in the limo and on their way to the after-party.
"You won," Steve says.
"I won." Eddie smiles. "Crazy."
"You deserved it."
He shrugs. "I don't know about that."
"Doesn't matter. You did." Steve fidgets with the cuff of his jacket. "About earlier, um. The kiss. I--"
Eddie feels his face heating, heart kicking up. It was nothing, he knows, and Steve shouldn't have to-- "It was an accident. It's okay. I know you don't--it was the heat of the moment and--I know you're not--you don't--"
Steve blinks a lot, emotions flashing across his face faster than Eddie can categorize.
"What if I do?" Steve asks. His voice is too soft, eyes locked on the cuff link he's fiddling with.
"What if I did mean it?"
"You're straight."
Steve goes pink. "I'm really not."
"Steve?" He shrieks. "Since when?"
"Um. Since you invited me to this?"
"What the fuck?" Eddie shoves him. "What the fuck, man?"
"I know, I know!" Steve pulls his hand through his hair. "You invited me and I freaked out and I didn't know why, and Robin made the saddest little face at me. Said, 'oh, dingus, you didn't know?' How the fuck was I supposed to know!"
"I think you wanting to fuck me should've been a pretty good indication!"
"I thought that happened to everyone!"
"It doesn't!"
"That's what Robin said!"
They're both yelling.
"Jesus christ. Jesus christ," Eddie keeps repeating.
"Look, I get it if you don't want me too, dude. I know that's not how it works, but I've been pretty crazy about you without realizing it for a while now, so--"
He doesn't mean to, he really doesn't, but he laughs. Like, super loud. Like a donkey bray.
"Okay, can the driver let me out? Like, can I go? I can't--"
"Wait, wait, sweetheart." Steve's gotten up, like he's about to knock on the partition, but Eddie grabs his wrist. "Of course I want you back, you idiot, oh my god."
"Oh." Steve's ears are pink. "Oh. Well. That's good."
Eddie huffs. "Just good? I won a Grammy and the guy I've been pining over for years wants me back. I'm having the night of my life."
"Shut-up." Steve's smile is so big, his eyes so bright.
He raises an eyebrow. "Make me," he says in his lowest register, but he's truly not prepared for it when Steve clambers over to him and lowers himself to straddle Eddie's hips.
"Holy shit," Eddie whispers. "Holy shit, Steve."
He give a wry little smile, eyes locked on Eddie's mouth. "Baby, can I kiss you?"
"Yes." Eddie clears his throat. "Yes, please, do that. Yeah."
Only, he doesn't. He's straddling Eddie, they're so close their breath mingles, and Steve's eyes flicker between Eddie's mouth and his eyes, lips so close to touching but not.
"C'mon, asshole," Eddie says.
"I knew you'd be a brat." He whispers. He wraps his hands into Eddie's hair. "Been dying to do this."
And then they're kissing. They're kissing and it steals all of Eddie's breath and his thoughts, and it's new but it's also like they've been kissing forever, like their lips and tongue know each other, like coming home.
He whines, high-pitched and breathy, and Steve laughs, kisses him deeper, moves closer, and Eddie feels how hard Steve is, the persistent pulse of him. And shit Eddie's close, on the brink just from this, from nothing, oh my god.
Steve's hands drift down Eddie's torso, mapping his chest and his stomach, coming to rest at the laces of his pants. "These have been driving me insane," Steve breaks the kiss to say. "Been thinking about undoing them all night."
"Fuck, sweetheart, you can't say shit like that," Eddie groans.
"Why not?"
"Because--because," Eddie sputters but then Steve's lips are on his neck and he's rolling his hips for friction.
Steve's fingers find the laces again, trace against them. Eddie's legs fall open, arching into the touch. "We're going to be so late," he murmurs as Steve's fingers get to work.
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gutterfuuck · 24 days
sukuna smut… ur his nephew’s hot new best friend from college…
cw: mdni!!, agegap (sukuna in late 40s, reader in early 20s), modern au, dad/daddy kink, sukuna is high key problematic, lmk if i missed anything this is just a little thing so i can continue on my writing streak haha!!
ur bff yuji’s uncle sukuna is so hot. he’s tall, covered in tattoos, had muscles that flexed with the slightest movements… god he was so fine. he asks you if you want to feel his biceps one day after he catches you staring at him working out, sitting up from the rusty bench press and lowering the weighted bar onto the frame as he wipes his forehead with his forearm. he smirks as you approach him timidly, “c’mon, i don’t bite.” he chuckles, taking your shaky hand into his and pressing it to his arm, making you press your thighs together with how close he was to you.
ur bff yuji’s uncle sukuna who starts sending yuji to the store or on little errands when you’re over at the house, spending the time his nephew was absent flirting with his sweet little friend. “skirts a little too short, don’t you think?” he’d say as if he was making a joke, raising his eyebrow when you’d become flustered with your words and start stuttering. you’d worn that skirt just for him, you were so glad he’d noticed! yuji comes back almost an hour later with shopping bags in his arms, thinking nothing of the way his uncle gives you a slip of ripped paper with his number on it.
ur bff yuji’s uncle sukuna who makes you feel like, so grown up! you and him start to hang out together, he takes you out on his motorbike and lets you drink beer with him! he treats you like a real real adult, like the adults who have mortgages and homes. you two were just two adults, doing adult things!
ur bff yuji who catches on to it and is like, sooo grossed out! he yells at sukuna, something about him being a scumbag, right in front of your face when he realises his uncle’s hand inching up your skirt. of course you’d go after him, but later… you were too wasted to leave the house now, it was dark outside and creeps were out and about!! you’d apologise to yuji later, try and get sukuna to apologise, too! it wouldn’t be hard to tell him you guys weren’t dating, because you really weren’t! sukuna just… liked to get handsy. he’s from a different time, don’t you know it was polite to grope girls as a compliment?
ur bff yuji’s uncle sukuna who tells you since you’re an adult, just like him, maybe it’s ready for you to do adult things together, behind closed doors. your worry shifted from what you’d tell yuji later to the stiff rod that poked you in your thigh as sukuna slotted his hips into yours, kissing you softly before licking your lip and nipping on it, making you gasp as he pulled away and pinched it between his teeth before he let go. “c’mon, it’ll feel good… you want your first time to be with someone experienced, right?” he coaxes as he licks your ear, his hands softly gripping your body.
ur bff yuji’s uncle sukuna who’s got you dry humping him, hips melding against each other as you both made out sloppily, his strong arms holding you in place so he could rub his clothed hard cock right against your slickening pussy. he’s somewhat gentle until you accidentally call him dad- and then uncle- and then finally sukuna, a slip of tongue like when someone would call a teacher ‘mom’ on accident. sukuna didn’t care, he wanted to tear your clothes straight off of your body. young pussy was the best, especially young drunk pussy. he couldn’t wait to promise you only the tip, just so he can keep budging himself into you until he bumped right against your cervix… couldn’t wait to bounce you up and down til you were squealing out his name all high pitched and bubbly with your sweet voice cracking—
“filthy nasty bitch- was that really an accident or did you really wanna call me dad? uncle, maybe? you like it when uncle’s balls deep in your wet cunt…? h-hah, nh- did you really just tighten up just now, fuckkk… dirty little slut loves dad’s dick, hm? fucking d-disgusting— you’re getting off more than me now, hnm?” he talks and you can hardly process his words, fucked dumb with your eyes rolled up into your skull…
sukuna couldn’t wait to show off his new pretty little thing to his friends. if he’s feeling generous, maybe he’d let them take you for a test drive too. it was only last week he listened to toji bitch and moan about how he hadn’t had good pussy in a while and it really didn’t take much for you to listen to your bff’s older, tattooed, tall and hot uncle sukuna…
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eddiesxangel · 3 months
You Look Tense |Masseuse!Eddie x f!reader
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Cw: reader uses where/her pronouns, seduction, perv!reader, perv!eddie, dirty talk, fingering, p in v, unprotected, pull out, pet names (sweetheart, good girl) modern!eddie
wc: 2.9k
You were on a fold-out massage table in the middle of your living room. You downloaded the app to have a masseuse come to you on a whim. Your friend swore by it. You were a bit apprehensive about letting some stranger come into your home and rub you down while you were naked, but she said it was legit.
When you heard the knock on your front door, you didn’t think you would open it up to one of the hottest men you had ever seen. Leaving you staring at him with wide eyes and your jaw agape.
“You order a massage?” He smirks.
“Yea, sorry, um, come in.” You observe his dark blue scrubs as they hug his upper body.
You lead him inside to show him where to set up.
“First time?”
“Is this your first time using the app?” he smiles. Taking off his coat, you notice his tattoos and muscular forearms.
“Oh, I’m… yeah.” You stammered because you were so distracted.
“I could tell, don’t worry. Things are strictly professional.” He explained.
Professionalism was not what you were worried about at this point. Quite the opposite, really.
After Eddie set up his things, he instructed you to lay face down, and then he left the room so you could strip and get under the white cotton sheet.
You called out that you were ready and heard his light footsteps entering the room.
“Anything specific you want me to focus on?”
“Um, my lower back and shoulders have been really hurting,” you mumble into the head pillow.
“Ok, great, let’s get started.”
His hands were like magic, the way he wasn’t too rough or too light. He worked your soar muscles perfectly.
“What’s got you so tense, sweetheart? Let me help you relax,” He spoke.
Relax?! How could you be relaxed with this extremely attractive man who is rubbing his hands all over your naked body in your own home!
And the voice! Oh god, his voice is so hot, you don’t want him to stop talking. It didn’t help that you were wound up in more ways than one.
“Um, uh…. Work, I guess.” You didn’t need to guess; you were drowning in the stress of your responsibilities.
“Well, don’t worry, I’m here to help with that,” he hummed as you heard the squirt of more oil fall into his large palms.
“Oh, yeah, your shoulders are so tense; that's a big knot.” You felt him shuffle, so he stood at your head. If you lifted your head up any further, you’d be face to face with his crotch.
You were trying too hard not to let out a moan as his strong fingers dug into your aching back.
“You gotta relax for me. Is the pressure too much?”
“No-no, you’re perfect- I mean, it’s perfect…”
Eddie let out a chuckle as he continued.
This was so good, too good, but he was right...You needed to relax. You tried not to focus on who was above you but on the feeling that he was giving you.
A few minutes later, you were successfully relaxing into the table.
“That’s it, very good,” he praised, and you let a moan slip out.
“Sorry,” you squeak.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. It happens all the time, and it lets me know I’m doing a good job."
Like Eddie said, he was keeping things strictly professional, but you were making it very hard, especially with that moan you let slip from your pretty lips.
Your skin was unbelievably soft, and you smelled really good. With this particular job, Eddie is used to all kinds of different clientele; he never knew what he was walking into when he got booked. So when you answered the door, he was very pleasantly surprised.
You stew in your own thoughts about how good this man’s hands feel, holding back the noises threatening to break the silence. The only sounds filling the room are Eddie’s feet shuffling, breathing, and wet, slippery skin.
“The best way to help with your shoulders is if I also rub down your neck and head. Are you okay if I get oil in your hair?” he asked again in that sexy, soothing tone.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” you sighed. Eddie smirks to himself again, knowing he is doing a good job.
“Great,” he shuffles to position himself to get the best angle. You feel as he sits beside you on the table, drapes your arm over his thigh, and uses his free hand to work at your neck.
His hand slowly works its way up, up, up until his long, thick fingers grip your hair, tugging on your scalp. His fingers dig into the perfect pressure points on your head.
You can’t help but let out another moan of pleasure; it just feels so good. You can’t stop your mind from going to an x-rated place, thinking about how good his hand feels tangled in your hair.
You couldn’t ignore your pussy any longer; there was no denying how wet you had gotten over the last half hour, and he hadn’t even made his way down to your lower back. How are you supposed to survive the rest of the time?
Your pussy was throbbing by the time Eddie made his way down to your lower back. You could feel Eddie move the sheet down lower, exposing more of your skin to him. He lightly draped it over your ass, careful not to expose it too much, trying to tuck the sheets into the band of your underwear, but to Eddie’s surprise, you weren’t wearing any.
You hear him clear his throat as he discovers that you are fully naked underneath.
“What side is, uh, bothering you?”
“Right,” you sigh. And I think I might have pulled the back of my thigh,” you suggest, hoping Eddie reads into it.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” he hums.
Eddie was in serious trouble, and the thin material of his pants did not help his situation.
Eddie had never grown hard with a client; this was not normal. He could not excuse himself until the session was over, so he hoped and prayed that his situation would defuse itself until it was time for him to leave.
It did not, you were torturing him, at this point you had to be doing this on purpose. Your moans were getting more and more sensual.
“Mmmmm, you’re so good at this,” you praise as his hands run along your lower back, creeping closer and closer to your ass muscle.
“So I’ve been told”
“Bet you’re really good with your hands in other places.”
Eddie froze. Did that really come out of your mouth, or did he hear things?
“You uh-" he cleared his throat, “-uh, said your lower back, right?”
“Yeah, but like, really low,” you hummed.
“You comfortable if I move the sheet, uh, lower?”
“Yeah,” you wiggled your hips slightly to encourage him to take things further. You cannot remember the last time you had been so turned on.
You hear Eddie’s breath hitch as you feel the fabric slip off your skin.
“Oh shit-”
“It’s okay; you can leave it off”
“You? Uh? Oh-okay” what was he thinking? This was not professional! It would get him fired if anyone found out… but how could they? He was in your home. You wouldn’t tell anyone? Against his better judgement, he decided to leave you exposed…
With your naked body exposed to Eddie, he continued to work on your lower back. Your oiled skin was glistening under each touch, and Eddie’s cock was growing by the second.
Eddie’s hands worked lower as he hesitantly yet excitedly explored the vast planes of your body. He hadn’t dared make a move, but you could feel his hands move closer to your inner thighs, so you partied your legs so he could have better access.
Eddie watched as your legs moved for him, your legs parted, and he had the perfect view of your glistening pussy lips.
Eddie’s eyes widened as he knew he had not even gotten close to that area of your body with the body oil.
With a deep breath, Eddie grazed his fingers closer to your upper inner thigh, right below your ass; the tops of his fingers lightly traced the outside of your lower lips to test the waters.
The last thing Eddie needed was to read your advances the wrong way and end up in jail.
“Mmmm, that’s good,” you hummed, encouraging Eddie to keep going.
“You need me to work on anything else?” Eddie asked suggestively.
“Now that I think about it, I pulled my groin the other day; I think you could really help me with that; you’re so good with your hands.”
“Sounds good, sweetheart,” Eddie hummed, shifting his weight to get the best angle. You felt him crawl up onto the table with you and straddle his legs around you.
His hands work your ass, massaging the muscles up, pulling your skin taught so he could see your swollen pussy lips.
Sucha pretty pussy
“Mmm thank you”
Shit, did Eddie say that out loud?
You let out a chaste breath as you felt his long thick fingers finally graze your wet slit.
Eddie gently massages circles onto your clit, and your hips roll into his hand.
“Mmmm, that’s it, relax f’me… this is what you needed, hmmm?”
“Uh-huh,” you sigh as your body fully relaxes into Eddie’s soft touch.
Eddie’s hand continues to work your fluttering clit before he decides to let an oiled finger slip into your hole.
“Oh, sweetheart, you are so tight, so tense. You should have told me earlier. I really need to loosen you up” he pumped his finger in and out of your pussy before curling his fingers to massage your inner walls.
“Maybe we could extend the session,” your breath hitches.
“I think that can be arranged,” he slips a second finger effortlessly.
As he continued to work your pussy he added his thumb to your clit. That familiar feeling of lust and need built up in your lower stomach as Eddie sped up his fingers.
“More,” you pleaded. You were at his mercy. You’d do anything to have him make you cum.
“I think I need to get in deeper,” he hummed.
You liked that idea; you popped up to finally see him. You watched as his pants slipped from his hips, and your mouth waters at the sight of his hard cock staring you in the face.
“Like what you see?” He smirks as he watches you checking him out while he checks you out, seeing your naked breasts for the first time.
“Yeah, like what you see?” You ask back.
“Oh yes,” he leaned in to cup your face, bringing your lips together.
Eddie’s mouth took over yours, and he ravaged you. His plush lips were so soft as his lips explored your own. His tongue slipped into your mouth as his soft hands moved up your middle to kneed your breasts.
You shuffle back so Eddie can place himself between your legs.
“Need you now,” you spoke into his mouth between kisses.
“Want you so bad” Eddie replies.
“Please,” you begged for him.
Eddie stripped the rest of his scrubs and exposed the tattoos that dawned his alabaster skin. He was covered head to toe in ink. You wanted to kiss every inch of his body, but the need to have him inside of you was more, so you widened your legs as far as they could go to expose yourself.
“Thought you said you pulled your groin” Eddie smirks
“Guess your magic hands healed me” You sank your hand between your legs so you were touching yourself, teasing Eddie as you worked your fingers in your needy clit.
“Magic hands, huh?” He replaced your hand with his.
“Mmmmhmmm,” you hum as Eddie kisses you and guides you to lie on the fold-out table.
“You think these are magic just wait and see what my cock can do.”
You gasp as Eddie slips the head of his cock across your wet lips, collecting your slick before the tip of his cock breaches your hole.
His cock was thick and long. Slowly, he stretched you out inch by inch. Sinking deeper and deeper until you enveloped him wholly.
Eddie watched as your pussy swallowed him, skin to skin, he didn’t even know you, but it didn’t matter; all that mattered was how you were making him feel and how he was making you feel.
“Oh, Eddie!” You cried as he started building up his speed, pumping into you.
“Mmmmm, I like how you scream my name.” You watch as his body pumps into you, his abs defining themselves with every thrust in. His big hands grip as best they can on your oiled skin and push your legs to your chest, folding you in half as he does.
“S’big,” you try and grab at Eddie, but he’s too far out of reach, so you ball your hands into fists and grit your teeth in frustration. You want to feel him, to touch him, to have all of him.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“Wanna kiss you” you whined.
“Shhhh, you’re okay; as long as my dick is inside of you, you’re fine.”
“Oh fuck!” He sunk deep into you, faster and faster, his hips thrust his cock deeper into your needy cunt.
“That’s it, take it like a good girl.”
God, the mouth on this man, you had no idea.
Eddie gave in and leaned over to kiss you before he unexpectedly jumped off the table and flipped you over to your hands and knees.
“The only way I’m going to get as deep as you want, baby,” you could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.
“Just give it to me”
“Oh, asking to be fucked? Wanna be fucked by my cock, huh?”
You nod your head frantically as he aligns your hips to be at the perfect height for him to pound into you.
“Fuck look at that” he massaged your ass, spreading it apart before plunging his hard cock back into your throbbing pussy.
You let out a scream; Eddie was right; this angle was deeper, so deep you swore he was in your stomach at this point.
“That’s it, you can take it.” Eddie watched as your oiled skin bounced off his cock, and he swore he was in heaven.
Your tight pussy clenched down on him even more from the angle. The way your warm wet walls were hugging his cock, how your ass looked bouncing off his body, he could have come by now, but he wanted to hold off, savour this a little while longer.
Eddie reached round your body to massage your clit once more. His fingers were moving so meticulously while his cock was pouncing into you from behind.
“Faster” You grabbed Eddie’s wrist because his fingers were too slow; no way you would cum from them slowly circling your swollen clit.
Eddie listened to your plea and picked up the pace with his hands and his hips. Eddie was pounding into you so hard. If you were an outsider looking in, you would swear the fold-out table would have given out, but you were so cockdrunk you had no other thoughts than how Eddie was making you feel.
“You’re close, baby; I can feel the way you’re squeezing me; you’re going to cum when I say okay.”
“Can’t hold it, wanna cum, wanna cum so bad!” your upper body gives out, only making your ass arch higher for Eddie. He looks down to see the creamy ring form at the base of his cock as your orgasm threatens to take over.
“Hold on, on my count ok.”
“Mmmmmmmm” was all you managed to get out. Eddie s fingers still circling your clit, with his cock hitting your g spot. There was no way you were holding out any longer.
You wanted to cum so bad, but you also wanted to please Eddie, your friend, your hardest.
“Cum for me in…. 3….2….1, cum on my cock” he spoke between each thrust into you.
You listened and came as soon as the words left his mouth. Your body seized, and your mouth opened, but nothing came out as your silent cries were met with a wave of pleasure that washed over your whole being, soaking Eddie’s cock even more.
It could have been minutes or a few just a few thrusts later, you didn't know, but Eddie pulled out and finished, spreading his seed on your ass, which was somehow still perched in the air for him.
“Holy shit,” you hear Eddie whisper. “Definitely never done that before,” he laughed.
“Same,” you sigh, still fucked out.
Eddie picked up the discarded sheet off the floor and wiped off the remanence of his seed off of your ass and back.
“So, uh, that fix your problem?” He smirked.
“Only time will tell.” You sit back up finally with the sheet wrapped around you. “Maybe next time we will have you set up in the bedroom… You know, there is more space up there,” you smile.
“Next time?” Eddie smiles back.
“Yeah, maybe I’ll even cook you something, buy you dinner first.”
“I’d like that.”
Tags: @munson-blurbs @hunter-in-the-upsidedown @joejoequinnquinn @hellfirenacht @cinemabean @voyeurmunson @impmunson @asimpforthe80s @ali-r3n @take-everything-you-can @taintedcigs @trashmouth-richie @strangerstilinski @daisy-munson @bl00dy-hideout @babybimbo777 @lokis-army-77 @jamdoughnutmagician @sadbitchfangirl @mrsjellymunson @xacora @girlwiththerubyslippers @justiceforfoxface @katethetank @frogtape @cool-nick-miller @susie3334 @mrmiyagislittletrees @penguinsandpotterheads @eddies-acousticguitar @elvirasleftnipple @american-idiot-jpg @emo-taurus @ilovetaquitosmmmm @chloemm13 @gri959gri @seatnightsdea @faeriemunson14 @veemoon
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kakiastro · 6 months
Jupiter + the type of husband you will have
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Hey yall! It literally took me a couple of weeks to make this post because I believe I’m experiencing burnout 😫 I think I’m going to take a mini break😅anyway, I hope you had a an amazing holiday!! Today I’m going to be talking about the traits and type of husband you will have based on your Jupiter.
Jupiter traditionally rules the husband. For those who are seeking a husband or husband-like partner, Jupiter is the planet to look at.
Look at your:
1. Jupiter sign
2. Jupiter degree
3. Jupiter house placement
4. Jupiter aspects
Also look at your Jupiter persona chart for deeper details as well!
Jupiter sign and house breakdowns:
- may love to wear athletic brand outfits, have tattoos, prominent forehead, may have bangs or hair just cover their forehead, thick eyebrows, strong sex appeal to them
-their bold and confident
-may work in military, law enforcement, medical field dealing with lab work(blood draws, blood disease researcher), entrepreneurship and being the boss, welding or anything dealing with metals, butcher, working in a gun store.
-could be athletic or loves the gym
-loud or outgoing
-may lack impatience and tend to be impulsive
-always on the go, they have to always be doing something
-loves hot or spicy food
-may love debates and may come off as argumentative
-risk takers, they make quick decisions based on impulse. This can can either back fire or work in their favor LoL
Taurus/ 2h
-may have Venusian look to them so curly hair, smooth skin, very pretty. They may look like they can be a model, they look good on camera. Might have a mole, birth mark or a tattoo on their neck, something about their neck stands out. They’ll have an attractive voice
-money matters such as dealing with money by working in a bank. Working in the culinary industry so owning/working in a restaurant, working for a company that deals with food. Working in real estate or in the housing industry, working the arts such as fashion, painting.
-may be stubborn and like to take their time in doing things
-loves going out to eat especially to their favorite restaurants. If food is involved, they’re going!
-very sensual, loves to wear good smelling fragrances, dressing nice. These are the type of husbands that loves to buy flowers for you just because.
-loves physical touch such as holding hands, cuddling, arm around the shoulder types.
-very charming, may have a lot of friends but only a few close ones.
-loves passion and romance
-listening to lots of music
- you may meet them through a close friend, siblings, someone close to your neighborhood, library, school, they can be a former or current classmate
- they may have a unique laugh that catches your attention, may have smile that appears mischievous, may wear glasses for reading or prescriptions, messy hair do
-loves to talk as long as it’s airy and fun
-speaking of fun, they’re down for whatever, very outgoing person.
-may have lots of friends or know lots of people
-loves to read or write books or blogs
-may have a prominent chest, moon face that’s round or crescent shape, pouty lips, big round watery eyes. They may be wearing comfy clothing
-can come from a close knit family or they are family oriented. Can be close to his mom or has motherly figures in their life.
-may prefer to be at home
-may be proud of their ancestral roots and would want that displayed in there home
-loves home cooked meals
-very private person
-Leo energy has a strong aura, they give A list celebrity energy so you may noticed them right away due to that, something about there hair may stand out to you. Likes dressing and looking good
-have a lighthearted warmness to them like their ruler the Sun
-may be well known, not necessarily famous (although they could be) but they have a lot of friends or they’re known for something.
-really artistic and love the arts such as theater, entertainment, dancing. They could also work in these fields
-may be intuned into there inner child, not necessarily childish but they know how to have fun
-may love children. Work with children or children is apart of their lives.
-may be overly dramatic about certain situations in their life
-may work in the medical field or is interested in medical stuff
-daily routines are important! These are the type of husbands who have a scheduled routine everyday lol
-may be workaholics, work is important to these hubbies. Now work doesn’t always have to mean their career/job either, working around the house, doing a project, fixing a car. They’re always doing some type of work!😅
-just like Gemini, virgoes love to read as well. The difference is Virgo loves to read things that has lots of detail. They need to know the who and why while Gemini just need the overall story and they can fill in the details themselves lol
-can be critical and judgy, mostly of themselves though, they can project on others if they’re not self aware.
-health is important to them! They may read up on different dietary recipes that can improve help.
-they either love animals to a fault or run away from them. There’s no in-between 😆
-could be managers or have a lot of co-workers as friends
-very elegant and put together. May wear cologne or nice smelling body wash
-very charming indidvial, know how to swoon you
-don’t ask them where they want to go eat because they don’t know😫it’s best to just remember their favorite food and go from there Lol
-may be business oriented or wants to own a business
-partnership is very important to them. Libra is a people person so close relationships are ideal
-doesn’t like unfairness at all. If you’ve been mistreated, they are the type to defend you if they feel like you’re being treated unfairly. They’re very much social justice warriors
-having some sort of balance in there life is key!
- may also like fashion things
-family may also be important
-intesnse stare. You may feel intimidated by them at first but really are sweethearts when you get to know them
-there really private people, they don’t trust others easily at all. Once you have their trust then then you have there heart forever
-power dynamics with friends, family, lover may be themes
-they have sexual appeal
-they may have strong jealous tendencies. If they are self aware and put in the work to address these feelings then they are fine not if their the crazy jealous type, that’s not good and leave
-money may also be a theme, shared finances
-loves the color black
-may work in mortuary science, funerals, graveyard, taxidermist, finances, psychology, therapy, detective, forensics
-may be from a different culture, city or country from you
-may work in overseas, as a judge, historian, in a church, as a pilot/airline employee , cruise ship, writer, professor
-loves traveling, may have a lot of knowledge on different cultural backgrounds
-religious or is interested in religion. They could study theology
-these people love adventures, no matter how big or small it is the adventure is. Going to target can be an adventure because they’ll make it one 😅
-love reading books especially books that educational or something that broadens their minds to different ideals and ethics
-May have some good lucking legs 🦵. They may have a history of doing track or love running/jogging
-there may be an age gap and it doesn’t have to be a huge one. Maybe a few years older. They can also be very mature or has a lot of life experience for someone their age.
-very ambitious, they don’t climb ladders, they climb mountains and will make it to the top every time
-respect and status is important to them. It doesn’t always mean fame status but status in a “I just want people to look up to me in a respectful way.” They may be managers or bosses, they can just carry that energy as well
-they may look put together, clean clothes that matches, hair groomed. They just look like they have their life together even if it’s currently a mess😅
-they have a jawline that was crafted by the Gods 🤌🏾
-family is important to them as well! Building a solid foundation that can be passed on to the next generation is a huge thing for them. They may be the patriarch of the family
-very close with their grandparents especially grandma. If their still alive and well, You’ll probably meet their granny before their parents
-may have started off as acquaintances, then really good friends, not thinking much about dating until feelings starts to develope
-yall could of met while on a dating app.
-this is a cute, adorable, quirky, and weird husband. They may have different interest than you but that’s what you love about them!
-these partners are the type who will give you your space if you need it, they’ll actually encourage it!
-they may know lots of people and you’ll meet lots of new people through them.
-rules? What’s that? Lol they don’t mind breaking a few if they feel the need too. These people definitely live their life by the beat of their own drum.
-may be involved with humanitarian work, tech, science, astrology
-your connection my feel “divine” or like this person was handpicked for you specifically. There’s a spiritual connection between you two. You may dream a lot about each other.
-may also be from an unknown or foreign culture or country.
-water related things may be a theme such as the beach/swimming in the ocean, taking a cruise, kayaking, yacht, traveling to a water based city like Venice, Italy
-spiritually discussions can be part of your relationship
-creativify such as singing, writing songs or filming could be careers. Also being a healer like a spiritual teacher
-you may worship the ground they walk on and put them on a pedestal. Just try to make sure you don’t wear colored glasses and see them for who they are right now and not who you want them to be
-telepathic connection
Any married people here? Does some of this describe your hubby?
I’m not married yet but when I do, I’ll reblog this and let yall know 🫡
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jarofstyles · 21 days
Leather & Lace
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Hello my angels and welcome to Leather and Lace!!! We’ve got a very cute 3 parter (I’ve finished writing it) coming in for you guys. We love a good grumpy x sunshine and couldn’t help ourselves writing another one. Please leave us feedback! We love to hear from you
Check out our Patreon for early access to parts 2&3, as well as 170+ exclusive writings!
Wc- 8.2k
Warnings- oral sex, praise kink, soft Dom h, opposites attract, cum play/swapping
“How can you be this happy in the morning?” Harry grunted, hoodie pulled over his head as he sat down next to a bubbly Y/N. Her couch was comfortable but it didn’t make up for the fact that he was at her flat at 8 in the morning. 
“It’s not that early, lazy bones.” She hummed, tucking her legs under her as she sat down on the other side. “Thank you for coming to help today, by the way. I know you don’t like getting up early.”
He really didn’t, was the thing. He hated it. Harry only had so many days off and after working a long shift bartending last night, the very last thing he wanted to do was help someone unpack in their new flat. He’d rather claw at concrete than be awake right now, rather eat a raw egg, rather go through tattoo removal. If it was anyone but Y/N he would have laughed in their face at the mere ask. 
But it was her. It was twinkly eyed, pouty lipped, warm hearted Y/N who had asked him a week in advance and promised him a bagel with cream cheese and an iced coffee for brekkie, whatever he wanted for lunch, and ‘whatever he wanted in general!’. Little did she know he was going to say yes anyway, considering he knew he couldn’t say no to her sweet little ask with her smaller hand on his tattooed arm and wide eyes peering up at him. He wasn’t someone who liked to do things for many people without there being some sort of monetary gain, but this was different. 
Y/N had somehow latched herself onto one of the grumpiest bastards in the area while she herself was one of the sweetest girls he’d ever seen. Rarely spoke a mean word of anyone (except when they hurt someone close to her), went out of her way to help anyone who needed it and always wanted to be a shoulder to cry on. He’d seen her take money from her own wallet to cover someone’s bill when they were short, even seen her rush to help an elderly man across the street. It got her into trouble sometimes which was why he was glad that he’d been the hip she’d chosen to attach to. 
Their first interaction had been him sitting in the courtyard of their uni, listening to music under the tree. He’d had his sketchbook in hand, doodling in between classes when he looked up to see a girl with a pretty yellow bow in her hair offering him a cupcake because he looked ‘sad.’. He had been sad, actually, but that was pretty much his normal resting face. He’d tried to blow her off but she’d taken a seat next to him, introducing herself and telling him about her own day to ‘distract him’. He hated to admit that it worked. 
From then on, she popped up everywhere. At first he’d been a bit worried that she was following him but it truly was a coincidence. Y/N had found her way under his skin, wriggled her way into that cold heart of his and made it warm up just a little each time she came around. At some point she’d become a daily fixture in his life, her texts lighting up his phone with emojis and telling him to meet her at the cafe or the library- and for some reason, he followed.
“Mmm. Know y’wanted me here to see me get all sweaty. If y’wanted to see my tats and muscles so badly, you coulda just said so, Sweets.” He smirked, watching her eyes widen. So easy to fluster. 
“No! Stop teasing me, s’not nice.” She grumbled, poking his knee with her socked foot. She’d chosen lavender striped ones today. “I don’t have a lot of strong friends, you know that. Niall’s comin’ by after work to help you put the bedframe together and move the books from the car. Besides, I’ll let you sleepover and everything after we’re all done. I know you loveeeee my bed.”
He did. But more than anything he liked laying in said bed with her. Harry had a hard time admitting he had begun to gain feelings for the girl but deep down he knew he did. He liked that she insisted on cuddles, curling her leg around his and nuzzling her face into his chest, or even better yet the crook of his neck. Loved when she’d sleepily ask him questions about his life and tell him facts about her own. She resembled a tiny kitten while sleepy, insistent on getting all of the pets and attention. 
Harry had decided he wasn’t the relationship type after his last girlfriend had cheated on him with his old best mate- but meeting Y/N had reminded him of the die hard romantic that laid underneath the surface. All the hard work he’d had piling up bricks on top of his red, bleeding heart had seemed to be consistently excavated by the pastel wearing girl who still enjoyed the fairy lights he used to see online in those aesthetic bedroom photos. It scared him a bit at first. Even now, he was nervous about the idea of getting closer to her than they were now because her heart was a tender and precious thing and he didn’t necessarily trust himself not to hurt her- but then again, he knew he’d do miles better than anyone else could. He’d spent the time learning about her as the months went by, listening to her drawl on about the pinterest boards she made, her dream finds she always looked for at the thrift stores, her least favorite reality TV contestants, which pastries she found to be too dry at the cafe and which had the best level of moisture, what blankets she liked, every little tidbit he had stored away in his brain to use at a later date. 
No one would be as protective of her as he would be, which was why lately he’d been entertaining the thought of perhaps moving past the point of no return and trying to see if maybe, possibly, perhaps.. They could be more. 
It had come with a lot of deliberating but he’d come to understand that if he failed, Y/N wouldn’t caste him to the side. She’d never in a million years abandon him like he feared, which only gave him more motivation to go for it though… He was still biding his time. He had to let her get settled here before he shook up her life a bit more. 
They were opposites, the sweet girl and him. Harry was quite literally the bad boy cliche of everyone’s after school special’s dreams. His hair was long and curled, brushing his jaw. He went for darker clothing, usually his ripped black skinny jeans and a band tee but sometimes more eccentric with some silk and leaving his tits out when they went on a night out. His nose had a simple black hoop, his nails painted and chipped though this week they were a bubblegum pink, a la Y/N’s expertise. His body was hard from the gym he liked to frequent and inked, only getting more every month. He wore the occasional eyeliner when he felt spicy. That was only the physical things. 
Sometimes he wondered why she felt drawn to him, as she said. He was dark and moody with a darker sense of humor. Somewhat of a pessimist, he expected the worst from people and tended to stay away from them the best he could. The opposite of a social butterfly, he only usually went out in the past for a drink or to get his cock wet, never for the pleasure of interacting with people. Even then it was rare considering he did quite well in the hookup area being a bartender himself. 
Harry often wondered how and why she felt the pull to be around him and why she felt so at ease in his presence but he figured it had to be that he’d knocked the lights out of a bloke in her philosophy class who’d been riding her ass. He’d made the wrong decision of cornering Y/N at a party Harry had been dragged to, touching her a bit too much and not listening when her smile became thin and she backed away from him after giving a rejection much too polite than the man deserved. There had been no hesitation in laying him out, tugging Y/N into his side and demanding she stay with him for the rest of the party after she insisted she didn’t need to go home. 
Funnily enough she’d been a hit with his own small group of friends, everyone also feeling the same sort of kindred protection over her. Not many people were genuinely warm and fuzzy in the way she was. 
Y/N was… She was the sun, she was a cinnamon roll fresh baked on a sunday morning, she was a kitten sprawled in a sunbeam. All the good things, he could find a way to relate them to her. That probably should have been the indicator he had feelings for her far sooner than he’d ever let himself admit, but she had taken the time to crack him open. 
It was hard to stop thinking about what made her both his opposite and so special. Harry dwelled on how soft her clothing always was, both in color and texture. She liked those pastel colors and fuzzy cardigans, hair bows and those signature mary janes with the tiny heels. Lip oil as opposed to lip gloss because it was ‘too sticky’ but still dragged all his attention to her lips and made him wonder if it really tasted like tangerine like it smelled. 
Her touch was gentle and tender, cautious at first but as soon as she got the go ahead, she showered you in attention. At least, she did to him. Brushing stray hairs out of faces and wiping crumbs off cheeks, she had little sense of personal space once granted permission. She’d been mindful of his distaste for touch at the beginning but once he’d leaned into it, the girl had no qualms about straightening his shirt or leaning into his form, hell- there had been a few times she’d helped herself to his lap when there was no other seating option. Usually that was when she was tipsy considering she would most likely be a little shy sober, but that was something he enjoyed. 
The light to his dark, he doubted anyone else could make him feel the way she could. Hence why he was up after only getting 4 hours of sleep, sipping the coffee she’d gotten him. There was little he wouldn’t do for a hint of her smile. 
“Babe, you’ve got t’make a decision.” Harry said gently, placing the large mirror down and leaning it against the wall. 
“I know, I know but… It’s bad luck to have your mirror facing your bed.” She wrung her fingers together. “I’m sorry, H. I know I’ve been a bit of a pain in the rear today. I promise m’not trying to, but It’s my first place and I just want it to be perfect.” Her head looked down, making his heart squeeze. 
God damn it. Leave it to her to make him feel like he’d kicked a puppy. Sighing, he tugged the bandana on his head back into place and approached her, placing his hand on her shoulder. “M’not upset with you. Promise. I just think you’re overthinking it a bit.” Her superstitions did tend to make her feel a little squirrely sometimes and he knew it.  “We’re gonna make it look perfect. Incredible, even. Reckon the magazines will be calling you up to feature you, but we can’t just have a freestanding mirror slab.” He’d picked it up for her off of craigslist just a bit ago. Even if it wasn’t a dodgy listing, he wouldn’t let her go on her own. That’s how people got kidnapped. 
“Ugh, I know.” She groaned, flopping into his chest. Never mind it being sweaty, she rubbed her nose between his tits and let out a tired groan, her hair smacking his chin. It’d been tossed up in a very messy bun that was a bit lopsided but made her look doubly as cute, though he didn’t tell her that. “Why don’t we mount it to the back of your door then? Not facing your bed, or another mirror.” 
He could almost hear her brain going as she mulled it over before he felt the nod against his chest. “That will be good, I think. I love that idea.” Y/N had been going back and forth over design choices with him all day as if he had a clue about interior decor, but he had appreciated her caring about his opinion nonetheless. “That can be the last thing we do. Niall’s fucked off somewhere futzing with the books so we can eat after that’s done.” 
The thud of his heart against her ear was steady as he gently ran a hand over her shoulderblade. “What’s on the menu?” 
“Think we’re ordering pizza because I know m’too tired to cook which means you lot have to be too.” She chuckled, finally prying herself out of his chest and blinking up at him.”Then we can go to bed.”  He was thankful her ear was away from his heart so she couldn’t hear the way it stuttered. You’d think after sleeping in her bed a multitude of times that he’d get used to the sound of that sentence but it still did him in every time. 
“Okay. I can run and pick it up after I mount this to the door if you call it in.” He knew she wouldn’t want to go. It was visible on her face how tired she was and it melted him internally. He knew that she’d be a little snuggly menace tonight and fuck if he wasn’t looking forward to it. “Gonna run into the pharmacy t’grab some body wash for here, if thats okay?”
“Course it is.” She beamed at the suggestion, making him happy that he’d even brought it up. Y/N used to suggest he sleep heer a lot before and he’d refuse, thinking she was just trying to be polite- but she really did enjoy him staying with her. “I liked the pomegranate one you used last time, just sayin’.” Patting his chest she moved from his grip, heading to grab her phone. “Normal for you?”
“Yeah, love. Same as usual.” He rubbed over the achy spot in his chest that she’d left by pulling away, looking forward to sleeping tonight so he could feel it fill back up.
Harry had grabbed the pomegranate bath stuff. He’d grabbed the whole line, actually, the shampoo, conditioner, body wash and some sort of ‘skin buff.’ Whatever that was. 
Y/N had squeaked as he showed her, along with a pack of the makeup wipes she usually used and he’d steal. He’d figured it was about time to be the one to buy the replacements. “Ah! And you got the face mask I like.” Her eyes were wide and bright as she bounced on her toes, smacking a kiss to his stubbly cheek before looking back down at the holographic packaging. He’d hoped he had gotten the right one when he’d seen a sale on them when on his way to the check out counter. It was worth the little bit of money to feel her lips for a moment. “Thank you, H. You’re the best, as usual.” 
“The hell am I?” Niall scoffed, wiping his hands dry after washing them. 
“You’re great too, but he got me the face masks I like and they usually sell out. So he’s a bit higher up in points today.” She placated him, brushing past him to put them in the bathroom. “Harry, plate up the pizza, pretty please!”
As soon as she had disappeared, Niall shot him a look. “When are you two gonna make it official?” He whispered. “The heat eyes bouncin’ off the both of you is sickening at this point. She’s turned you soft.” 
Harry settled with a glare, placing two slices on the paper plate and sliding it over to him. “Eventually. Her whole life is shifting. Can’t do shit right now without rattling her.” It was the first time he admitted or even hinted at having feelings for her besides point blank telling anyone who came around that she wasn’t available. Y/N didn’t know he did that though. 
“Thank fuck you don’t still have your head up your arse. I was worried you’d never admit you’re gone for her.” He faked wiping sweat off his head making the other man roll his eyes. “She’ll be happy, H. You don’t have to worry about her rejecting you. Just go on and do it. She talks about you like you hang the moon every night at this point even when you aren’t around.” 
A weakness he’d spotted, Harry stood a bit straighter before leaning in. “She does? What does she say?” Oh, he hated how desperate he sounded to hear the answer but the fluttering in his stomach made him insisting on finding out. 
“Oh, how thoughtful and kind and generous you are and how you’re the best person she knows, all of that. She stares at her phone and waits for texts from you when she comes out and you’re working, gets these huge smiles or giggles when you do. or tries to get everyone to move the party to your bar.” 
That last part, he’d hoped for. He liked the idea of her wanting to be physically close to him and suggesting everyone come and see him, but knowing she did the same thing he did when waiting for messages from him soothed a piece of him. He wasn’t alone in it. It was hard sometimes for him to decipher her behavior considering she was genuinely so friendly with everyone and he didn’t want to flatter himself and think it he was special… but apparently he was. 
He didn’t have a chance to answer when Y/N glided from the bathroom, finding her spot on the kitchen barstools. “What did I miss?” 
“Nothin’, Babe. Just chatting shit.” He murmured, sliding her a plate with her pizza of choice on it. “Figured we’d go to the grocery tomorrow, yeah? It’s a bit sparse in here with the food.” He had the next day off and intended on spending it with her. They’d made lots of progress today and had 80% of the place unpacked, but he knew she liked those restocking videos online. “Think they’ve got those organizers back in stock.” 
“Oh!” She gasped.”Yes, you genius. I’ll need your help though, strong man. I like the one trip wonder.” It was a tease considering she knew Harry hated making multiple trips up with bags. 
“Lucky for you, you’ve got a lift now and I’ve got that collapsible wagon.” Reaching out he gently flicked her nose for being a brat. “So we won’t have t’worry about that.” 
Y/N was either very oblivious or a tease. Harry could never fully figure out which one. 
He sat on her bed, messing with her telly when she emerged from the shower in her little cotton shorts and one of his shirts. It was one he’d just been looking for last week, actually, an old Iron Maiden one with a few holes in the collar area. Unmistakably his. The faded gray complimented her skin, looking extra cozy on her as her powder blue plush bunny slippers flopped against the ground and she made her way to her skincare desk. 
“You little thief.” He grumbled from the bed, leaning against her headboard. “I was searching everywhere for that last week.” Though he had narrowed eyes she would know he was only teasing. 
“You left it with me, remember? I ended up packing it so I wouldn’t forget it but… It’s super comfy.” She smiled guiltily at him, spinning in her chair. “Is it okay if I wear it? It still smells like your cologne and it helps me sleep sometimes…”
Ah, a shot to the heart. 
Y/N didn’t know what it did to him to know he was an aid in good sleep. That it both made his heart stutter and his cock throb at the sight of her wrapped up in his clothing like she had all the rights to it. Like he was her boyfriend and she liked to wear it to remember him. Her scent had a similar effect on him, leaving it in his sheets when she stayed over,  “Totally okay, lovely.” He smiled gently. “M’just teasing you. Though it does wonders for my ego to know you like my cologne that much.” 
He knew he was making her a little flustered considering she didn’t look right at him, but he thrived off of that. Knowing he made an impact on her like that made him feel just a bit more confident that she felt similarly to him. There was no answer from her, but he wasn’t done with her quite yet. Standing up with a groan, he made his way over to her little makeup and skincare set up, placing his hands on the back of her chair. “What are you putting on your face?” He asked curiously, looking over her head to the products she had neatly organized.
“Well, first I wipe with one of these toning pads.” She opened the little tub, using a tiny pair of clear tongs to grab one. “You don’t want to be sticking your fingers in there and potentially making them all dirty so it came with this little thing. You give it a few passes over your t zone.” She showed him as she did it, Harry watching diligently in the mirror. 
“Mmm. Then what? You’re always doin’ all of this fancy stuff to your face. Figure that's why your skin is so pretty.” He let his fingers fiddle with a few strands of hair. 
“Thank you.” She said sheepishly, picking up a smaller tube. “Um, I use this undereye cream to help with puffiness and brightening. Its soothing. I apply it with the smallest finger though, because while I’m not afraid of wrinkles it’s the weakest fingers and the skin under your eyes is more delicate.” 
Huh. “Didn’t know what.” He was actually learning something from this. 
“Mhm. Why do you think I tell you to go gentle when you use the makeup remover?” A smile tilted up one side of her lips a bit further, eyes focused on the mirror in front of her. She pretended not to notice the slight shiver he gave her when he leaned down, letting his face get more level with hers- but he did. He noticed anything he could. “A-And then I use some vitamin C stuff for brightening, a serum and a cream. I use the little fan to make it dry faster so it isn’t sticky.” She pointed to the mini pink fan he’d always noticed. He’d just assumed it was for when she got hot. “Do you… Would you like me to use some of it on you when I’m done?” 
She sounded hesitant to ask which he understood. Not a lot of the guys in their friend circle would want that, but he wasn’t that insecure about himself that he’d say no to someone pampering him. Especially not when it meant Y/N getting close to him. “Sure, sweets. I’d love that. Reckon my skin needs it.” 
“What do you usually do with it?” She asked curiously, meeting his eye in the mirror. 
“Makeup remover, wash my face, that cream you left at my place if I remember.” 
“It’s not fair you have the skin you do.” She huffed, shaking her head. “Cruel, actually.” It kind of was. He got long lashes too, which she always complained about. “Go and wash your face first, heathen.”
Harry let out a small laugh before going off to do that. Returning with a fresh face, he stood in his prior position, watching her finish up the routine before holding the fan closer to her face to finish it off. It was an interesting process he hadn’t paid much mind to before, but then again, she didn’t bring every single thing to his place either. 
After putting her hair up in a claw clip, she stood up from the plushy chair and motioned for him to sit down. He did as asked, feeling her residual warmth as she lined up the products for them. “Okay, so we start with the toner pad.” She gently pushed him to lean back in the chair, her face coming closer to his as she delicately swiped it over his cheeks and nose. He was getting an up close look at her, noticing the scar near her eyebrow and a few spots on her face. It made him warm up a bit, being able to see her so close when she was awake. Usually this level of observation was reserved for when she was asleep. “Oi, keep your head up.” 
“Sorry.” He laughed, avoiding the impulse to move the chair back and forth. He liked to swing on it at times. 
“Wait- how about this.” Without giving it much thought, she gripped the chair and swung it over to turn his body to the side, helping herself to straddle his lap. “This seems a little easier, no?” Fingers gently tipped his chin up, eyes focused on her motions. 
Harry’s breath had disappeared. No longer available, he felt her sitting on top of his thighs, innocent as ever as she went through the motions. Tender with her movements and pressure, she was treating him like porcelain while giving him a little makeover. He should be focused on how nice the products felt on his skin, but his mind was elsewhere. 
She smelled amazing, as usual, but having it this close up was a little hard for him. Yes, she sat on his lap before- but not in his shirt, with her thighs on display and tiny little shorts. She didn’t straddle him before either, didn’t let his mind wander to places it shouldn’t. All his energy was focused on trying to ensure she didn’t feel the stiffy that was quickly growing in his pants. 
“I can’t believe how good you’re being for me, H.” She whispered. “No whining or anything.” Her smile was soft as she wiped the serum over his face. “You’re so pretty.”
Fuck. He swallowed thickly, trying desperately to not let his cock construe those words into the filthy praise kink he had, but it appeared to be a bit too late for that. She had no idea what she was doing to him and he didn’t want to be a perv, but god damn. If the girl continued, there would be no denying that he’d cream his damn pants. Being pet on, feeling her brush his hair off his forehead while she stroked his face and adjusted his position to where she wanted… He was only so strong. “Thanks.” He murmured, trying to keep his composure. 
“Of course.” She beamed, seeming pleased. “I’m surprised you’re letting me do this, but you’re full of surprises.” It seemed like she didn’t know the battle he was facing internally, which was his goal, but that was soon to be ruined. “Hold on a second.” Shifting slightly on his lap, she stood up momentarily before sliding further up. “Sorry, I was falling down a bit-” 
Harry hadn’t meant to, he really fucking didn’t. But she sat right on top of him, squirming a bit. Giving his dick a bit of friction, making his hands grip her hips and sit her down hard to stop the movement. He couldn’t open his eyes, couldn’t face her as he heard the hitch in her breath. “Fuck, I’m sorry. Sorry, I didn’t- I promise m’not being a creep or anything.” He winced. “Just been a while and uh-” 
“Hey, it’s okay.” Her voice rang out, fingers brushing through his hair. “H, look at me. I’m not mad.” Of course, her words were sweet and syrupy, going right to his dick yet again. Y/N had no fucking idea how much she effected him, how many times he’d thought about her in this positon and how guilty he felt that he’d turned a sweet moment into something like this. “C’mon. You don’t need to be embarrassed.” 
He took a moment before opening his eyes, looking at her face. Studying it, making sure she wasn’t uncomfortable. Her hand cupped the side of his face, a slight pout on her pretty lips. Y/N didn’t seem upset about it, seeing as she sat still and could most definitely feel his cock under her. He could feel her cunt over him, hot through the fabric and he was doing everything in his power to be fucking normal. 
“There you are.” The tables had finally turned. Harry was the shy one in this moment and Y/N was the one seemingly not freaked out. “It’s a natural body function, H. I know you’re not some kind of perv. I sat on your lap, remember?” She soothed his nerves. “Besides, I’m flattered. Was beginning to think you thought I was some kind of troll or something.” The smile kicked up on her face, but his frown deepened.
“The fuck? Why would you think that?” Brows furrowed, he didn’t like that she thought he didn’t find her attractive. He called her pretty quite a bit. 
“Well, I’m not your type. You go for all those tattooed girls with the bad ass attitudes, which is cool cause I think they’re hot too but… I’m all soft and squishy, y’know? I like the soft things, kinda the opposite of you so I just thought I wasn’t someone you’d be attracted to. M’nothing like what you go for.” She didn’t seem offended by this, rather stating it matter of fact- but Harry couldn’t believe how wrong she was. He had to wonder how long she thought this. 
While he was secretly pining after her, she was thinking he was going off to get blowies by the girls that flirted with him which, sometimes he did. At the beginning of their friendship, he tried to stave off those feelings for her by getting someone else underneath him, fucking away the frustration but he learned fairly quickly that none of it did much when his mind was on someone else. It’d been months at this point. Sure, he liked a bit of flirting to boost his ego, but that was only when Y/N was preoccupied. 
“Well, you’re wrong.” He said sternly. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Dunno where the troll idea came in when m’always staring at you.” He scoffed. “No more of that bullshit. Wouldn’t be hard if I didn’t think you were stunning. Trust me.” In fact, she was the only thing that got him hard these days. Thinking of her mouth, her thighs, her tits, her ass, anything. Even her hands, for fucks sake. “Don’t ever doubt how beautiful you are t’me. Pisses me off.”
“Sorry.” She bleated, pouting back at him. “I didn’t mean to. It’s just.. You call me pretty but I never would have thought you meant it like that. I like that you let me cuddle you and stuff so obviously I know you aren’t repulsed by me but, I dunno.” She swallowed, looking down at his bare chest. “I’m sorry for getting you… if you’re uncomfortable.” 
God, he was mucking this up wasn’t he? He shook his head, letting his thumbs rub over her hips as he softened his face. “No, sweets. Don’t apologize. S’not a big deal, I’m not mad at you. Just don’t like the idea of you thinking poorly of yourself. You’re fucking stunning.” So stunning that his cock was still hard under her. “I’ll go take care of it when we’re done, but no more squirming. Okay?” Squeezing her, he tried to rectify the situation. “No more fussing.” 
“But…” Y/N’s lips twisted slightly, sliding her hands down to his shoulders. “That’s not fair.” 
Harry blinked a few times, looking her over hesitantly. “What d’you mean? I’m okay, pet.” 
“Well, It’s my fault that you’re like this.” She protested. “I can fix it, if you want. Haven’t given too many blowies before, but I can take instruction pretty well.”
Harry truly thought he was dreaming for a moment, his face hot as she gave him an innocent look. Like she meant it, though it slightly embarrassed her for not having a lot of experience. But feeling her shift on him clued him back into reality. This was real. “You- You don’t have to do anything for me, Y/N.” He was holding on by a string. “You didn’t mean to do it. It’s not your responsibility to get me off just because my cock’s got a mind of his own.”
Y/N huffed again, shaking her head. “I want to. Can I?” Her face shifted slightly. “You’re not making me do anything. It would make me feel better If i could take care of you.” Her eyes met his. “I mean it. Promise.” 
And god, if Harry was a stronger man he’d lift her off his lap and insist on taking care of it himself. He’d explain that it could make lines blurry and he liked her a bit more than a friend and they’d have that talk. But he wasn’t a stronger man, and she rolled her hips on him again with a hum, making his head fall back when she repeated the action. “Fuck.” He whispered under his breath. “As long as.. As long you’re sure. I don’t want you to regret it or anything.” 
“I won’t.” She peeped. “I like making you feel good, Harry.” Her face seemed brighter as she watched him nod.
“Go on then, sweetheart.” He sighed. “I’ll show you what I like.” 
Never in a million years had he expected her to be visibly excited, slipping off his lap and on to her knees in front of him. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Eyes looked up at him with curiosity, hands running over his thighs as she waited for direction. He’d dreamt of this so many times, stroked off in the bathroom to this very mental image to get his load out quicker. His cock pulsed inside his sweats. This was really happening. “M’not wearing briefs under these.” He warned, pushing the waistband down as he slowly tugged himself out of the pants. His hand was slightly shaky ass he gave himself a squeeze at the base, a soft hiss leaving his teeth when her hand covered his own. 
“I’ve only done it a few times but…” Her eyes widened. “Yours is the prettiest I’ve seen.”
And fuck if that didn’t get him going. Harry took pride in his dick, as a lot of men did, but to get that compliment was better than anything else. His hair was normally trimmed shorter, but it had been a while. It was groomed a bit at the base, his happy trail leading up his stomach. “Thank you.” He mumbled, removing his hand and letting hers take over. Y/N was eager and that much was obvious, feeling her give him a few strokes as she shuffled closer in between his spread thighs. “I- I probably won’t last long. I wasn’t lying, it’s been a while.” And he’d imagined her in this position so many times that he was programmed to get off to it quickly. 
“That’s okay. You’re quite big so it’ll be better for my jaw.” She giggled. Fucking giggled while her thumb rubbed over the slit, making him shudder. He’d always imagined she’d be much more shy in this situation, but again he was proven wrong. “What do you like?” 
Honestly? He could cum just like this. Her stroking him slow, looking up at him with that pretty little face. Splatter her pretty face with pearly strings leaking from the slit of his cock, let it drip down her cheeks and chin. But she wouldn’t like that answer. “I’m okay with anything you give me, but I… I like to hear you.” He swallowed, a shaky exhale leaving his nose. “And uh, a bit wet. If that’s something you’d like.” 
Y/N looked like she was taking note, nodding at his words. “I want to know what you like, m’okay with anything.” She smiled. “I knew you had to be big cause.. Y’know you’ve got the energy. And I’ve felt it a few times when we cuddle, before you wake up. It’s just different to see it.” Y/N leaned her head on his thigh, continuing to jerk him off. “I’ll probably choke a little bit, cause you’re the biggest I’ve taken. It’s okay though, I’ll be fine. I’ll pinch your tummy or somthin’ if I need a second to breathe.” 
Who the fuck was she? Y/N had never, ever shown or hinted at being filthy in her life, but here she was. Talking about choking on his cock. He throbbed in her hand, making her eyebrows raise. “You liked that. Noted.” Leaning forward, she kept eye contact with him as she dragged her pink tongue from the base up to the tip, letting it sit there for a moment before she pulled away, giving him a few more strokes. “You can show me what you like too. Don’t be shy about it, H. I want you to feel good.” 
Harry nearly lost it as he watched those gorgeous lips purse, spitting right over the tip. It slipped down his length before her hand caught it, stroking and spreading it over his cock. Filthy, filthy things filled his tongue immediately, but he tried to pace himself. “Fuck me…” He whispered, gently gathering her hair in his hand. “I didn’t know you had this in you, gorgeous.” It nearly bowled him over. “Can you.. Take it in your mouth. Suck the tip for me. I want to see that.” 
Normally, he had no problem being a cocky, arrogant man. He was dominant most of the time with his hook ups- but Y/N wasn’t just a hook up to him. She was special. He didn’t want to do a single thing to potentially fuck this up. He wanted her to like this, to see how much he liked it too. She had no problems following instructions, the man watching as her lips stretched around the tip and dipped down a bit as she suckled on it. A soft hum left her mouth and vibrated over him as he curled the hair around his fist, making him groan. “Yeah, jus’ like that, angel. Fuck.” He kept his eyes on her as she bobbed shallowly, taking moments to rub her tongue over his leaking slit. “You’re so good, so sweet t’me. Can’t believe you’re doin’ this.” 
Y/N pulled off the tip, lips wet as she peered up at him. “I’ve thought about it before.” She whispered, lapping over the side of his length. “Wanted to see your cock. I knew it’d be pretty.” 
What the fuck? Harry’s brian felt fried, completely caught off guard by this information. Sure, he had thought maybe once or twice she was teasing him but it wasn’t often. Y/N was just so sugary sweet and kind, a slight air of innocence, and… Now she was telling him she’d thought about sucking him off before. “You have?” 
“Mhm.” She stroked him a bit firmer, the slick sound of her hand around his wet cock getting louder. “I heard.. Heard rumors and felt left out. You like me the best but you never asked me to do anything.” Rubbing the tip over her pouted lips, Harry was shocked yet again. 
“Cause y’mean more to me than any of the other people.” He swallowed. “Too fuckin’ sweet. I like you the best, you’re right but.. You’re my sweet girl. Didn’t want t’use you for anything like that. Would break my heart if I hurt you and you’d not want to see me again.” 
“What if I wanted you to use me?” She asked, peering up at him with those eyes. They drove him absolutely mad. “I know you wouldn’t hurt me unless I asked, H. You’re so good to me… I just want to be good for you too.” Taking the tip back into her mouth, she pushed herself down further and he felt his stomach clench. It took him off guard, feeling the hot mouth take him down and bob herself against him, a soft hum vibrating over him. 
“Oh- Fuck.” He let out a broken groan, leaning further back into the chair. “You are, baby, you fucking are. Hot little mouth… shit.” She whimpered around his cock at his words, sucking a little harder as her hand stroked the rest of him. She liked that. “What is it, hm? Like when I call you baby? When I tell you how perfect you are?” His words got a bit darker. He was slipping into another headspace and Y/N seemed to be coaxing it on. 
She did a half ass nod, not pulling off his length as she continued. Harry wouldn’t have guessed in a million years that she’d be a greedy girl like this, but he was incredibly thankful that she was. “You are. Such a good girl, so gorgeous with your mouth stretched around my cock. Didn’t know you were gagging for it, baby. Should’ve told me.” He chuckled darkly. “Wouldn’t have wasted my loads in the shower before comin’ t’bed with you. Could’ve pushed into your needy mouth and let you swallow it down.” 
Y/N moaned around his prick, eyes watering slightly as she looked at him. He’d never seen a better sight. “You’re so beautiful, angel. So pretty. Didn’t know such a filthy thing could have you lookin’ even more beautiful.” His throat felt thick as his cock throbbed in her mouth. “Fuck, you don’t even know how many times I’ve thought about it.”
Y/N pulled off, panting slightly as webs of saliva connected her mouth to his cock. “How much?” Her voice was a little hoarse, but he could hear that she was desperate to know. “You- You could have. I don’t want you to waste it anymore.” There was the tiny bit of shyness coming back in. “If umm, if you think  I’m good enough at this. I’ll do it.” 
“Fuck me, baby.” His thumb wiped over her spit soaked lips, breaking the threads of spit as he caressed her cheek. “All the fucking time. S’the only thing that gets me off.” Confessions he hadn’t thought he’d be saying so soon, let alone before he’d ever kissed her, spilled from him. “You’re doing amazing. More than good enough, too fucking good for me.” He couldn’t believe she was offering. “You sure you want t’be the one to take care of it?”
“Yes, I want it. I don’t want anyone else to do it.” She pleaded. “I’ll be the best for you. Just- you can tell me and I’ll suck you or, or anything you want.” Harry tested it, gently pushing her head back towards his prick- which she immediately took back in her mouth. The perfect, wet heat bringing him back to that filthy place in his head. 
How could she think he could ever say no? She’d been his weakness since she brought him over that damn cupcake. 
“Oh, sweet girl. Anything?” He cooed. “Dangerous thing to promise me. Don’t want anyone else to do it either.” His breathing was getting harder, trying not to thrust his hips up into her mouth and make her take it all. Sure, she’d probably do it, but he still felt the need to be delicate with her. “Take a little more for me, baby. Just like- there, there you go.” He praised, mouth falling open as she did exactly what he wanted. “Gonna make me cum.” 
This felt a million times better than rubbing one out in her bathroom. His legs were near vibrating, the wet sound of her mouth taking him down and the clicks of her hand stroking his spit soaked cock filling her bedroom. This was the last thing he’d expected was her on her knees for him tonight and part of him wasn’t convinced it wasn’t a wet dream, but he was thanking whatever higher power that was up there that his sweet girl had a dirty side to her. One he wanted to be the only one privileged enough to see. 
“In my mouth.” She gasped, pulling up for a moment. “Want to taste you. Please?” 
How could he ever tell her no? 
Pushing her back down on his cock, he let his hips rise up and shallowly thrust into her mouth as she moaned around him, drooling down her chin and letting him use her the way he needed to get off. The best part was knowing she was enjoying it so much. It was a miracle he’d lasted this long already, but he attributed that to shock. She was dirty, his sweet girl, choking slightly on his cock as the tip hit her throat, but she made no move to want to stop. 
His last straw, though, was feeling her hand over his balls, whining around him as he let out his deepest groan yet. It was sloppy and messy and so fucking good that he felt lightheaded, tummy hot and legs weak as he felt himself approach his end. “Fuck, jus’ like that, your fucking mouth is perfect… fuck, fuck, fuck, baby- M’gonna cum, gonna cum, gonna-” His voice failed as his head fell back, lifting his hips as his cum began to pour into her mouth. Ribbon after ribbon coating her throat, pulling back a bit to get it on her tongue while she worked him through it. 
He didn’t realize he had so much in him, but perhaps it was just Y/N that made him cum this much. This hard. His ears rung a bit, curses leaving his mouth as he watched her mouth open and hand stroke him to see the pearly mess on her tongue. At the last little bit,he used his grip on her hair to tug her up to his face. 
“C’mere, sweet girl. Share with me, don’t be greedy.” holding her face while the other had her hair, he pulled back into his lap and her mouth to his and groaned as she licked over his tongue, sharing the remnants of his load with him. It was something a bit nasty and deprived, he knew, but Y/N merely moaned back, her clean hand curling around the back of his neck. 
The kisses slowed from frantic and hot, to softer, slow and sweet. Pecking her lips over and over again, her whimpers melted into giggled as he untangled from her hair, sliding his hand under the shirt she had on to get some bare skin on his fingertips. “Sweetest thing, most beautiful girl.” He murmured between kisses. “Thank you. Best I’ve ever had.” 
“You’re jus’ saying that.” She whispered, though the smile was difficult to wipe off her face. Obviously she liked praise just as much as him. 
“Nope. Mean every word.” He confirmed, rubbing his nose over her cheek. “Thank you, baby. Felt so damn good, can’t feel my legs now.” Harry’d never felt like this after a blowie, both in his legs and the fondness he felt for the girl. If there had been any doubts about his feelings for her whatsoever, they were shattered. He was so far gone for her, it was pathetic. 
“Good.” She smiled, feeling the kiss to his cheek. “I need to finish your skincare, though. So tuck yourself back in, cause m’gonna do that and then brush my teeth again. Though.. I can tell you’ve got a good diet. Tasted nice.” 
Though Harry knew cum never really tasted good, he was chuffed that she hadn’t minded. Even more, that she hadn’t minded indulging in sharing with him. “M’not selfish, I need to help you too.” He reminded, though she merely shook her head. 
“I’ll take a raincheck. M’so tired now, and I want to enjoy it fully.” Pecking his cheek in return, she picked up the moisturizer. “Think you need a lip mask too. Thankfully, you’re in the right hands.” 
Harry was sometimes a selfish lover with hookups and he could admit that, but with Y/N he never wanted to be that way. He wanted to make her feel good, but he could wait. It only made him anticipate it more- there would be a next time. 
“Okay, sweets.” He chuckled. “Do whatever you’d like.”
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cordeliawhohung · 5 months
i’m going feral for shy!reader x mafia!underboss simon like i need him flirting with her at johns club and her blushing hard at him lighting touching her cheek but also she doesn’t really know how to flirt and is getting all flustered but he enjoys watching her get flustered while there’s a crowd of people around them
oh i've had an idea about this brewing in my mind for a bit and i'm so glad that i can use you a catalyst to make it everyone else's problem <3 think of this as a part 2 to this drabble here
mafia!141 masterlist
warnings: fem!reader, fluff and flirting, some tension, mentions of alcohol/club settings, reader is too shy for her own good lmao, short-ish drabble/oneshot
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The very appearance of the building in front of you spoke volumes, warning you to turn around and run away while you still could. Dark, thumping music sounded more like an alarm than it did something to dance to, and the stench of alcohol was strong even from outside. To make things worse, you were very much out of your depth not only in location, but in the clothes you wore. Some short, scantily dress your friend insisted you borrow from her because a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt simply wouldn't do in a place as high profile as her husband's club. You tried to feel confident, or at least appear so. Tried to straighten your back and relax your face as if you were above everything in that building, but you were never very good at pretending.
However, nothing was worse than the fact Simon fucking Riley stood outside the door to greet the two of you. At first, you almost didn't recognize him with the face mask on and the long sleeves covering his tattoos, but you'd recognize those eyes of his anywhere. So dark in the dim lighting that attempted to illuminate the area outside of the club, you knew you would get lost in them if you stared at them too long.
"Evening, ladies," he greeted. His voice was all too familiar, and you tried not to think about how you still felt his breath on your ear when he taught you how to shoot pool.
"Riley," your friend whined, "don't tell me John sent you."
He crossed his arms over his chest, and you found yourself having to look away from how his biceps bulged with the movement. "Boss's orders."
"So much for girls night," she muttered.
"Don't worry 'bout it," he assured while his eyes flickered to you. "You won't even know I'm here."
And he was right. Mostly, anyway. Once he led the two of you into the building, up past the lower level and up into the elevated and sparsely dense VIP section of the bar, Simon had pretty much blended in with the shadows. You and your friend were unbothered while you enjoyed your free drinks (thanks to either John or Simon, you didn't know for sure) all while you tried to ignore the fact you were in your a place that utterly terrified you.
Of course, all good things had to come to an end. Eventually John emerged from somewhere in the mass of bodies that surrounded you, and your friend, who was more than a little tipsy by that point, hung off of his arm within an instant. And it was kind of cute, watching the way John rested his hands on her hips while she tried to make him dance with her. Yet, at the same time, you got secondhand embarrassment from it, so you averted your gaze as you looked down at the dance floor on the lower level. There were so many people packed together, jumping and dancing to the music, that it looked like a pulsing mass of flesh. The sight of it mixed with the alcohol in your stomach and you started to feel queasy.
"Wanna get some fresh air?"
You hadn't even realized Simon had walked up to you until he was right next to you, arms resting on the railing that separated you from becoming a messy stain on the lower level.
"Huh?" you asked, not because you hadn't heard him, but because you were somewhat perplexed by his offer.
Though his mouth was covered by that black medical mask, you could still see his smirk crinkle the corner of his eyes. Before he explained any further, his hand gently reached up where he grazed his thumb along the flesh of your cheek. Your breath hitched in your throat, and you found yourself utterly frozen by the gesture. You tried not to think about how warm his hand was on your skin, or how your stomach fluttered at his touch just like it had the last time his skin had grazed yours. As you tried to hold back a shiver, you silently prayed no one was looking at the two of you.
"Thought we could give the lovebirds over here some alone time," he finally continued as he pulled his hand away from your face. He flicked his middle finger along the flesh of his thumb, as if he had taken something on your face and was getting rid of it, but since he didn't even bother to look at his hand before doing so, you couldn't help but wonder if there had even been something on your face to begin with.
God, it was fucking hot in that building, and the cool night air was a welcomed feeling on your exposed skin. Towards the back of the VIP section was the entrance to the terrace, where plenty of people still mingled about, but it was significantly more quiet than inside. Simon led you underneath the hanging lights over to a dark corner where the railing looked too sketchy to be safe or up to code.
"You smoke?" Simon asked as he dug his hand into the pocket of his jeans.
You watched him carefully as he took out a pack of smokes and started beating the bottom of the carton against the palm of his hand. His fingers wrapped around the object with ease, and you swallowed hard as you shook your head.
"Good," he hummed as he removed his mask and lazily shoved it into his pocket, "don't start."
You didn't mean to stare, and you really hoped he didn't notice, but it was impossible for you to tear your eyes away from him. How could anyone expect you to when the cigarette sat so perfectly between his lips while he lit it? It only got worse when he held it limply between his fingers and exhaled the smoke out into the night air.
"You look good," he commented as he nodded his head at you.
"Oh, uhm," you muttered in surprise. You stared down at yourself and the obnoxiously sequined dress your friend insisted you wore and self consciously pulled at the skirt. "Thanks. I'm, uh, just borrowing the dress."
He hummed as he placed the cigarette between his lips again. "You'd still look good despite it."
This was strange. Something you weren't used to. Being complimented. Having someone look at you in a way that made your stomach churn, and it only got worse the longer you stood there speechless. And you tried to come up with a response, but the wider his smirk became, the harder it was for you to formulate a sentence.
And god, he wouldn't look away from you, like his eyes were stuck on you for the rest of eternity. Not even as he stepped closer to you. It felt like he was the sun, and the closer he got the warmer you felt until you were rendered breathless. He was so... close and just so... fuck. Fuck you wished he'd stop looking at you like that. Like he wanted to eat you alive, like he wanted to devour you, like-
"We should go back inside." The words left your mouth, no matter how hard you tried to hold them back. It was all too much at once, between the crowd of people, how flustered this man made you; all of it was too much.
"Right," Simon hummed. "Should make sure Mrs. Price isn't getting in too much trouble," he teased.
Yet, neither of you moved. Simon raised the cigarette to his mouth again and took a long drag of it. Instead of turning his head to the side to exhale, he leaned his head back and let the smoke drift up and out of his mouth. And you were stunned, eyes locked on him as he did so, too captivated by the skin of his throat and the curve of his Adam's apple to look away. Then his head rolled back down where his eyes found you once again and his lips pulled into that signature smirk he could never seem to wipe off when he was around you.
He gestured towards the door that led back inside of the club as he flicked the ash off of his cigarette. "After you, sweetheart."
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writing this gave me the worst thoughts ever. what if shy!reader is a virgin? someone needs to sedate me at this point. hope y'all enjoyed more of our boy :3
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aphrogeneias · 6 months
mad sounds
pairing: rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: smut (+18), floor sex, 69, dirty talk, eddie refers to himself once as "daddy" but no daddy kink, sappy ending.
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The low light of the recording studio makes him glisten, catching on the thin sheen of sweat covering his tattooed chest, on the silver gleam of the ring on his nipple as he lays on the rug on the floor. His dark eyes are closed, reddened lips stuttering praises for your ears only.
Eddie wanted to show you a song, after the producer was satisfied with the day’s work and everyone was sent home to rest. You stayed behind, and he got more than just the pleasure of showing you his new lyric.
Your hands rested on his thighs while you took him in your mouth, breathing through your nose and savoring the taste of him. The tip of his cock hits the back of your throat as you hollow your cheeks, letting your tongue do the rest of the work.
He whimpers as you come back up, using your hand to stroke him and sucking on his leaking head, working
“Baby… Baby, please.” When you look up at him, he's looking right back at you, brown eyes turned black. Bull-eyed, his hair a dark crown of ivy around his head, your liberator. The altar on which you place your worship. “Just like that.”
Your mouth descends on him again, eager to please him. A hand that was dutifully placed on his side raises to grab your hair, guiding your mouth gently up and down his length, lazily fucking his hips up into you.
Your nails claw on the skin of his thighs as you let him your mouth, tears pooling in your eyes. He's whispering sweet nothings you can't really understand, blood pumping in your ears, focused on giving him what he wants, what he needs.
Eddie is speaking more loudly now, his voice clearer. “Come up here, honey. Please? Please, I need you. Need to taste you. Need that drooly pussy in my mouth, hm? Bring that cute little cunt to me, gotta have ‘er.”
He pulls you by the hair, off of his cock. You moan at the sensation, chest heaving with your labored breathing. You gather yourself for a second, wiping a little mixture of precum and spit from the corner of your mouth, and you can't help but smirk. “If you insist.”
You make quick work of your panties, feeling the sticky pool of wetness cling to your folds before you slide the lace down your thighs and off of your legs in a short moment, keeping your skirt on.
“C'mon, c’mere. Let me have you. Let me give it to you good, baby.”
His voice is raspy, deep and full of want. You can't deny him when he sounds like that — not that you ever do.
“So impatient.” You tease, but you turn around and maneuver yourself to straddle his face, one leg at a time. He hums deep in chest at the sight of you, right above his face.
“That’s it. Come to daddy.”
Strong, calloused hands grab the soft meat of your thighs to keep you in place, and as you lower yourself to take him in your mouth again, Eddie eagerly latches his lips on your pussy, using his tongue to kiss it as if he would your mouth.
You're biting back a moan as you lick him from his base to the tip, flattening your tongue and tasting him before wrapping your lips around him again. You work together in tandem, as he guides your hips to grind over his tongue, alternating between this and sucking on your clit, you take him fully, unable to moan as you choke on his cock.
Where there once was music, not the only sounds that echo through these walls are the wet sounds of your sex, and the muffled moans that vibrate through your skin. You feel him in every inch of your body, skin to skin, his skillful tongue and full lips bringing you to ecstasy, the delicious weight of him in your mouth.
It's overwhelming, when it washes over you. You hold him in your hand, pumping him slowly, almost missing your rhythm when you come, Eddie holding your spasming hips in place, drinking the honey that drips from your hole, clenching around nothing.
You keep working him through your orgasm, and it takes just a little more to bring him to the edge. You wish you could see him now, his head thrown back and his pale chest rising and falling rapidly, whimpering while you suck him as he comes, swallowing every drop he has to give you.
The two of you lay there as you come down from your highs, you head resting on his hip where you can see the lines tattooed there. He gives your ass a weak slap, and you giggle weakly as he watches it jiggle, rough hands massaging you right afterwards.
Rolling off of him, you don't waste too much energy crawling upwards, and cuddling to his side. The rug is a little rough on your heated, sensitive skin, but Eddie is warm and inviting beneath you, and his arms come around you the moment you settle in.
“Thank you.” You coo at him, eyes filled with affection. A small kiss to his nose is a token of your gratitude, and he knows you're not thanking him for the head spinning orgasm he just gave you.
“I'm the one who should be thanking you.” The rasp in his voice is not gone, and neither is the lovelorn look in his pupil-blown eyes.
“You know what I'm talking about. It's not everyday a girl gets a song written in her honor.”
All he does is smile, the lines on his face and his dimples capturing your whole attention. “Yeah, well… it's not everyday a guy like me gets a muse like you.”
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st7rnioioss · 5 months
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ੈ‧₊˚ waterlilies
matt sturniolo x fem!reader
warnings: FLUFFF and a lot of it, kissing
word count: 648 i think (I CANNOT WRITE LONG FLUFF)
i HAD to link an arctic monkeys song. listen to it while reading if you bother lol.
working on some requests!! i love y’all’s ideas🤍
anyways, i love painting myself so this was fun to write. felt in the mood soooooo HERES A GOOD OLD FLUFF😇
───────── 🐇
“So, what do you think? Is it good?” you smiled, holding up the paper in front of you.
Your whole life you had been fascinated with painting, specifically water colouring. The way the thin paint blended in with the other colours, layering it to give it depth, the tiny details you could add, and overall just the mood of it.
This past month you had been really into it. Painting a pond with water lilies, a green forest turning orange as the seasons changes from summer to fall, and a lot more. You usually kept all your small paintings in a notebook (with water lilies on) the same size as the paper.
Matt was your biggest supporter. He loved your paintings, but not as much as he loved watching you paint. Your concentration face, tongue slightly poking out through your lips, eyebrows frowned, the sun hitting your facial features just right.
He could just gaze at you for hours, here and there telling you how good the painting looked or how good you looked. This would often result in you smiling, blushing and looking away. He just joined in, laughing as he threw his arms around you, plastering your face and head with kisses. He loved your laugh so much. Well, to be honest, it usually ended up in the bedroom. But that’s not the point.
“I love it. I swear, you get better every time,” Matt said, his hand holding his head up, the other one holding your hand across the table, studying the painting.
“Can I have it? I want to frame it.” Matt smiled, taking the painting from your hand, his eyes scanning it.
A turquoise blue pond, water lilies floating on top of it, surrounded by tall dark green trees. You knew Matt liked forests, so while painting the pond you added the trees and the rest of the forest, of course, adding your signature water lilies on top.
You loved water lilies, and Matt seemed to love them too. He had gotten a small one tattooed on his inner wrist, and when you asked him the day he got it, why he got it, he just told you that ‘Water lilies remind me of you’
“Of course you can. I’ll find a frame, we can do it right now,” you said as you stood up from your chair, on your way to the basement.
That was until Matt caught you, his arms wrapped firmly around your waist, tickling you.
“Got you!” he chuckled.
“Hey! Matt!” you laughed uncontrollably, your hands gripping his strong arms. He started laughing as well, kissing your neck, cheek, forehead, and now turning you around to kiss your lips. He cupped your face with his hands gently, your own hands ruffling through his hair.
“I love you,” he whispered as he pulled away from this kiss, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I love you too,” you smiled liked a little kid, holding his hands. Matt then decided to totally betray you and tickle you again.
“Matt, stop!” you screamed, both of you laughing so hard you fell to the floor.
He stopped tickling you, both of you panting, but still giggling. You rested your head on his chest, intertwining your fingers slowly.
“You know I love your laugh,” he smiled at you. You looked up at him, his eyes already locked on yours as you chuckled a bit. His words always managed to make you blush like crazy.
“Look who’s blushing, huh?” Matt teased, pinching your cheek as he started laughing again.
“I am not!” you giggled, covering your face with your hands, covering in dried up paint.
“You so are!” he kept teasing, leaning over your body to kiss your face again, one hand beside your head, the other gripping your hip. You just lied there for a bit, kissing each other, blushing, smiling, kissing again, leaving hickeys here and there.
“Ouch, we should get up. This floor isn’t so comfortable after all,” you chuckled, pulling away from his, now swollen, red lips. He got up from the top of you, picking you up by your waist, throwing you over his shoulder, his arms wrapped around your legs.
“Matt!” you giggled. “Put me down right now!”
“Nope, not happening. I’m taking you to the bedroom.” he chuckled, a smirk growing on his lips.
a/n: hope u like it!! lots of love💕
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palioom · 9 months
going for a ride
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summary: you've been eyeing your dad's hot best friend joel for a while, but you never had the courage to go and approach him by yourself. one day while watching him work on his harley in his garage, you finally decide to make a move.
pairing: dbf!joel miller x f!reader word count: 3.5k warnings: 18+ content; no use of y/n (but a lot of nicknames); biker!joel with some tattoos; reader is in her early 20s; age gap; unprotected p in v; inappropriate use of a harley; cum shots; some dirty talk
• masterlist •
She was watching him.
He could feel her eyes stare into his back as he worked on his bike in his garage, door wide open in the hopes of letting a rare breeze in.
It was way too fucking hot today, and while Sarah was out with some friends, he used the time to get his bike ready, fixing some minor things and just checking if she was good to go still.
Because the weather was also good for taking his Harley for a ride again.
And her? His best friend’s daughter? Sitting in a chair on the lawn in front of her house, a big oak tree shielding her from the harsh sun.
Pretending to read a book, mostly just sparing long glances at him.
Trying to look innocent and occupied when he looked over to her.
Thinking she was slick.
She couldn’t stop thinking about him. Couldn’t stop looking.
Joel Miller, her dad’s best friend, covered in tattoos, all over his arms, his chest, up to his neck. Dark, salt and pepper hair slicked back, some sticking to his sweaty forehead.
He was hot. Working on his stupid bike like almost every day when he had the time to.
She liked to see his muscles flex as he tightened some screws or polished the sleek, black metal.
How his biceps bulged when he moved some heavy part away, or a crate or something else that showed just how strong he was.
His veiny hands when he was over at their place or they at his, watching football or having a cookout. How thick his fingers were, wrapped around a beer bottle which seemed damn small compared to his large hands.
More than just once had she imagined what his thick fingers would feel like stretching her out, late at night when the heat made it impossible to sleep. When her own hand vanished into her panties because her thoughts kept revolving around him, moaning his name quietly while her hips bucked up.
She felt herself growing wet just watching him right now.
Not once had she gone over to him when she was alone. Too nervous, her dad always going with her.
But with him gone today, on some stupid trip with one of his other friends, she just really wanted to go over, watch him work up close.
Squirming in her seat, she snapped her book closed and stood up, setting it on the chair and just looking over to Joel.
Heart beating in her chest as she tugged down her tank top just a little lower and pulled her booty shorts up just a little higher.
Now or never.
He heard her approach before he saw her, turning around with a raised brow, squinting his eyes against the harsh sun reflecting off his driveway.
“Hello, Mr. Miller.”
She looked pretty, always did, no matter what she wore.
But he couldn’t deny that there was something about the skimpy shorts and the way her breasts threatened to spill out of her top that just made her prettier.
Hair done up and a nervous, little smile on her face.
“Hello, darlin’.” He greeted her, wiping some oil off of his hands with a rag. Joel was curious to find out why she had come over. This was the first time she had made the way alone. “Told you before you can call me Joel.”
She stopped not too far from him, looking a bit unsure, her eyes fixed on his hands, how the tattoos moved with them. 
How adorable.
He couldn’t tell if she was more fascinated by his hands or the images on them.
“What do you need, sweetheart? Did something happen?”
Joel knew nothing had happened, smiling as he asked. 
Of course he had noticed the way she looked at him when she thought he was busy. Or at dinner, when he was over for a beer. 
When he fixed something at their place.
Always staring with her pretty eyes, turning away whenever she thought he had almost caught her.
And he couldn’t deny that he had thought about her, even if he tried not to, for her old man’s sake.
How couldn’t he?
With the way she looked and the way she acted? He’d be stupid not to think about her.
“I just- I saw you working on your bike and just wanted to ask if I could watch?” She asked, internally slapping herself for just how stupid she sounded. Watching him work on his bike, yeah sure. “I think it’s really cool and-”
“Sure, darlin’.” He chuckled, cutting off her nervous rambling. Watched as her eyes snapped up to his, smile on her face. “Wanna get a closer look?”
She nodded, eyes sparkling. All she could think about was how good he looked, with that smile of his and how it let the corner of his eyes crinkle slightly.
Joel just laughed and beckoned her closer with a nod of his head.
There was literally nothing she knew about bikes, still taking it in with wide eyes as she stepped closer to the Harley. It looked cool, that was really all she knew.
And he looked cool when he sat on it, riding through the neighbourhood, leather jacket and helmet on.
Got her squeezing her thighs together every damn time he raced past her house, running to the window when she already heard the familiar sound of it echoing up and down the street.
Joel only watched her, a smirk still on his face as he saw her circle it, lips slightly parted.
He couldn’t resist letting his eyes roam down to her ass, just peeking out from under these little shorts, making his dick twitch in his pants.
“It’s pretty.” She said sheepishly. “Like, super cool.”
“You can touch, it won’t bite.” 
Her eyes snapped up to him, apprehensive to touch the obviously very expensive motorbike, but then reaching out to touch the cool metal, the soft leather seat.
It really was a cool bike.
“Ever ridden one before?” He asked, stuffing the rag he had wiped his fingers with earlier into the back pocket of his jeans, watching her shake her head.
The way she looked at the bike almost made him wonder if she really was here for that instead of what he thought she was here for.
“No, dad said it’s too fucking dangerous to ride one.” She chuckled, trying to imagine herself on one.
All cool, clad in protective leather with sunglasses on. But never as cool as Mr. Miller.
“You’re old enough, sweetheart, your old man can’t do shit if you want one.”
Joel laughed and she joined in, clearly relaxing now.
“Yeah, like I got the money for a fucking Harley.” She joked, finishing her round and coming to stand beside him. “Said he was gonna kick me out anyways if I get one.”
A half-joke, she knew he would never.
Joel just nodded, thinking.
“You wanna sit on it?”
She looked up at him, clearly surprised by his question.
“C’mon, do it. I don’t mind.” He added, seeing the hesitation on her face. 
She really looked adorable like this, biting her bottom lip and her fingers playing with the rings on her hands. 
Fuck, they were small.
How often had he imagined them wrapped around his hard cock while he was fucking into his own fist.
So nimble and thin compared to his. Made it difficult to really imagine it was her getting him off.
“You sure, Mr. Mill-” She quickly cut herself off, correcting herself. “I mean, Joel?”
Her calling him Mister had never failed to make his dick twitch ever since had really taken notice of her one or two years back.
It was like the switch had flipped one day and he had finally seen how fucking pretty and hot she was.
“Go ahead.”
He watched her get on, a little clumsy as she swung one leg over the machine but managed to sit down. Her ass looked so good on his bike, her hands wrapping around the handles apprehensively.
“How’s she feel?” He asked, stepping a little closer as she adjusted herself on it, looking over it.
“Feels good.” She said with a smile, looking back at him, and god, that smile could melt him more than the Texas sun. “Do I look cool?”
Joel had to laugh at that, nodding his head. “Very fucking cool. Wanna feel her?”
Her brows furrowed at his words, her eyes saying everything.
“Scoot over, darlin’.” He said, swinging his leg over the bike and coming to sit behind her, his hands replacing hers on the handles.
She went rigid, with him so close to her, gasping when he turned the bike on, revving it a few times.
His laugh was so close to her ear, his chest pressed against her back as he leaned forward a little.
“What do you think?” 
A nervous laugh escaped her, moving back just a little, having to bite back a small noise when she felt him.
Already hard against her ass, hips rutting forward subconsciously as she moved against him.
She could swear she heard him groan, the loud engine drowning out the sound of it in the small garage.
Shit, he really was hard. But she tried to play it off, like she didn’t feel anything.
“Really cool, Joel.”
Joel noticed, of course, the way she stiffened and became nervous now.
His hips ground into her ass again, mouth close to her ear now.
“Wanna go for a ride?” He asked, turning off the motor, the sudden silence almost louder than the bike had been. Deafening, suffocating. “Or are you interested in a different kind of ride, sweetheart?”
She whimpered, a small noise in the back of her throat, turning her head to look at him over her shoulder. Eyes wide, maybe a little scared.
“What do you mean, Joel?”
Now that she had been cornered, she found it hard to speak, like her tongue had been tied up and rendered useless. He wasn’t actually implying what she thought he was implying, was he?
“You know what I mean, sweetheart.” He said, voice low. One of his hands came to rest on her bare thigh, feeling the softness of her skin, her eyes moving to it. “I’ve seen the way you look at me, darlin’.”
It creeped higher, her breath hitching when he squeezed a little.
“And now you come over in those skimpy shorts with your tits spilling out of your tank top and wanna tell me you don’t know what I’m talking about?”
“Joel-” Her voice was shaky, swallowing hard. “I’m-”
All he wanted was to kiss her neck, so inviting as his hand wandered down again, her hips squirming.
“C’mon, speak up like a big girl and tell me what you need.” The hand not on her thigh reached into his front pocket, finding the remote for the garage doors and pressing the button to shut them. 
Her heart was beating in her chest, whimpering as he pressed himself closer to her, his voice sending shivers down her spine.
“Want you, Joel.” She breathed out, whimpering when his fingers flexed, his lips attaching to her neck now. “Fuck, I need you.”
He smirked, kissing down the column of her neck, enjoying the little sounds she made. Smelling as sweet as she looked.
“Tell me, sweetheart,” he said, hand wandering to the button of her shorts, fiddling with it, “you’ve been thinking ‘bout me, haven’t you?”
She nodded, watching his thick fingers open the button, then pull down the zipper. Mesmerized by the way the thick veins on the back of his hand danced as he moved his fingers.
His other hand came up to cup her breast, making her moan, the sound bouncing off the walls and making him groan. Soft and warm and full, like they were made for him to hold.
Fuck, she sounded so sweet, he wondered what she’d sound like moaning his name as he fucked her. Spread her sweet pussy open with his cock.
“Been thinking about my dick? What it’d feel like?” He asked, voice raspy as his hand vanished into her shorts, finding her without underwear which drew a chuckle from him. “Stretching you open?”
She was so wet already, hips jerking forward when his fingers found her swollen clit, brushing over it. So, so eager to be touched.
“Y-Yeah.” Her answer was quiet, breathy. Throwing her head back against his shoulder as he gently pressed into her clit. 
“Ever had someone fuck you, sweetheart?”
She shook her head, hands grabbing his forearm for purchase. Feeling the muscles move beneath his skin made her head feel light.
“Shit.” He cursed under his breath. Couldn’t believe she was a fucking virgin.
It was impossible with how she looked.
“Joel, please-” She whined, needing more. His hand on her wasn’t enough, she needed him inside of her, feeling an orgasm come closer as he put more pressure behind his movements.
“Is someone needy for some cock?” He said, biting into the soft flesh at the crook of her neck. “What would your old man say if he saw you here, sweetheart?”
“Please-” It was all she could say, his fingers on her breast pinching her nipple through the thin fabric of her tank top.
“Please what, darlin’?” He asked, kissing over her shoulder, breath hot against her skin, his finger speeding up. “Talk to me, ask nicely.”
Her whines grew louder, hips bucking into his hand.
She needed him, aching for him to stretch her open.
“Please fuck me, Joel. Please!”
He chuckled, biting her earlobe and taking his hands out of her pants, laughing at the noise of protest she made.
She felt him get up behind her, looking at him confused for a moment before he already dragged her off the bike by her waist.
With his broad hands on her hips, he bent her over it, pressing himself against her ass, making her gasp as her hands felt around for something to brace herself on.
“Got no idea how long I’ve been thinking ‘bout you, sweetheart.” Joel grunted, fingers hooking into the waistband of her shorts and pulling them down hastily. “Your cute little ass peeking out of those slutty shorts, teasing me all the damn time, swingin’ your hips around me.”
His hands found her ass, giving her a playful, light smack, enjoying her surprised squeal. He kneaded the warm flesh before opening her for him.
“All wet for me, darlin’?” He asked, seeing her nod and moan, thumb hovering over her slick entrance and pressing against it just slightly. “What a pretty, little pussy.”
She whined, trying to press her hips back into him, making him chuckle.
Still kneading her ass, he shook his head.
“You’re such a needy little girl, aren’t you? Whining and moaning for some cock to fill you up.”
She nodded again, biting her bottom lip.
When she heard the zipper of his pants, she stilled, looking over her shoulder to watch him open his jeans and push it down along with his underwear.
Letting his heavy, thick cock spring free.
“Fuck.” She gasped, feeling warm suddenly. Nervousness settling in her stomach, his size unsettling her a little bit. “S’not gonna fit, Joel.”
He stepped closer to her, one hand on her ass and the other wrapped around the base of his cock, teasingly swiping the head through her slick folds, gathering the wetness and grunting at the feeling.
“Gonna make it fit, don’t worry, darlin’.” Joel pressed into her carefully, his own need making him impatient. “Gonna be nice ‘n gentle.”
She hissed at the sting, feeling him slide in carefully, stretching her out. A drawn out moan left her, unable to keep her voice down with how good he felt inside of her when he finally bottomed out and stilled.
So much better than her fingers.
“What a tight little pussy, darlin’. All for me.” His hands smoothed over her back, pushing up the tank top to expose more of her skin, feeling her pulse around him.
“Feels good, Joel.” She whimpered, biting her bottom lip. He was so big inside of her, nice and thick. Stretching her open just right. “Please.”
“Please, huh?” He chuckled, hands wandering to her hips again. One day he would have to fuck her so he could see her face when she said the word. “Always so polite, your dad taught you well.”
Joel pulled back slowly, hearing her moan ripple through her, before pushing back in all the way.
Setting a steady rhythm, the wet slap of skin on skin mixing with their moans and grunts, echoing off the walls.
She felt hot, squeezing him tight and moving back into him with each thrust, her sounds so sweet he didn’t know how he had survived without them until now.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Looking so good bent over my bike, little pussy squeezin’ me tight.” He grunted, a particularly harsh thrust making her cry out and losing her balance for a moment, grappling for purchase. “But you gotta keep your noises down, don’t want anyone to hear you, hm?”
She slapped a hand over her mouth when his hips snapped into her again, as if to make her cry out on purpose.
“Don’t need the neighbours to know that Mr. Miller is fucking his friend’s daughter.”
He built her up fast, his cock feeling perfect inside of her, every snap of his hips getting her closer and closer to the edge.
His words were only spurring her on, his voice so deep and gravelly.
“C’mon, I know you’re close, sweetheart.” He grunted, losing his rhythm as he neared the edge as well. “Cum all over my cock like the good girl I know you are, ‘atta girl.”
She whined, sound muffled behind her hand, that familiar surge of her orgasm so much more intense when he pushed her over, crying out for him.
“There we go, ‘atta girl, pretty girl.”
Her legs felt wobbly as her entire body trembled, her slick coating his cock while he kept pounding into her, eyes on her ass, watching it jiggle in time with his thrusts.
Driving into her over and over, having just enough of a mind to pull out when he fell over the edge, stroking himself as white ropes of cum shot all over her ass and lower back, a deep grunt rumbling in his chest.
She whimpered, feeling so empty as he came all over her, his other hand on her hip holding her up, his noises making her shiver.
His cum felt warm on her back, a feeling she quite liked.
Her mind was hazy, hand falling from her mouth as she became limp, trying to gather her breath.
Joel swallowed hard, seeing her with his cum all over her.
What a pretty sight.
He knew then and there this wouldn’t be the only time this happened, already needing more as his thumb drew circles into her skin.
“You alright, darlin’?” He asked, reaching for the rag in his back pocket after he had pulled his pants up again and began to clean her up.
How he wished he could leave it there for longer, wished he could see her face covered in it.
Some day.
She nodded and hummed, slowly pushing herself up into a standing position, bracing herself on the Harley, legs wobbling.
“‘M fine, Joel, thank you.” She said, feeling him bend over behind her and pull up her shorts for her, helping her to close them.
He chuckled at her look when she turned around, hand on his tattooed forearm. Dazed smile and eyes glazed over, looking just a little too blissed out.
“Felt really good.”
“You good to walk home?” He asked, hand on her back, all the gentleman again now. “Or do you need a minute, sweetheart?”
Like he hadn’t just said all that filth about how tight she was. Or had his cock buried inside her to the hilt.
She nodded, walking beside him to the garage door which opened now. “Yeah, I think I’m good.”
“Good.” He said, wide, mischievous smile on his lips as the sun flooded back into the garage. Hand falling from her back now as they stood there, just looking at each other. “You know, sweetheart, if you wanna know more about bikes, just come on over.”
The look he gave her made her heart stop, but she giggled at his words.
“I’ll gladly teach you more.”
She nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Miller.”
A wide grin graced her face, laughing again before she walked off, steps just a little wobbly still.
He could swear her hips swayed more than usual, ass peeking out at the bottom of her shorts again.
The barbeque at her place in two days would be very interesting.
And he really hoped she’d come over again, just so he could take her for another ride.
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yuujispinkhair · 1 month
Hi Winter~
I hope you're having a great day✨
Today is my birthday! Could I request something with modern boyfie Sukuna?
I love youuuuuuuuuuu🥺✨
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, BABE 💗 Have an amazing day!! I wish you all the love and happiness! Here is a little drabble ;)
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Modern!Sukuna x Reader (female) Fluff + mentions of smut. 18+. Minors don't interact.
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Modern boyfie!Sukuna wakes you up with bday sex. And he makes sure to love his bday girl thoroughly, not stopping until you squeal his name and scratch his broad, tattooed back while he groans "Happy birthday, princess," against your neck.
He insists on carrying you princess-style to the bathroom afterward, cradling you in his strong arms and kissing your forehead. And when you jokingly ask him if carrying you around is part of his bday special, Sukuna grins that sexy boyish smirk at you and is like,
"Of course, I'm carrying you. My girl doesn't have to lift a single finger on her special day! What kind of loser would I be if I didn't take the best care of you?"
And you laugh and cup his tattooed cheeks and kiss him. Though, you know that Sukuna takes such good care of you all the time, not just on your birthday. You smile while soaking in the bathtub in your favorite bubble bath, your skin still tingling from Sukuna's kisses and touches while he is in the kitchen preparing your bday breakfast.
And then you are finally dressed and make it to the kitchen, your boyfriend's beautiful maroon eyes sparkle at you full of pride and love as he presents to you the birthday cake he made for you.
Sukuna spent three days working on it, baking all of it himself, and making all the decorations himself, too. It's truly a masterpiece, and you grin happily, imagining how much your dear boyfie must have cursed during the process anytime something didn't work the way he wanted. But it turned out perfectly. And he did all that for you. Because you are his love.
You hug Sukuna tightly, thanking him and unable to stop smiling as he turns you around so you can try the first piece of your cake while Sukuna stands behind you, his strong, tattooed arms wrapped around you, his tall body pressing lightly against your back. His large hands sprawl over your hips, and you can feel his smile against your neck when he kisses you there.
"I love you, princess. Happy birthday."
He lets you feed him cake later on, making you laugh when Sukuna rolls his eyes in pleasure and praises his own baking skills, though you agree with him because the cake really tastes heavenly.
But the cake isn't all Sukuna has planned. This day is only for you and him, and he takes you shopping later on and gives you the rest of your presents, beautiful flowers, and a necklace he saw you ogling once when you were window-shopping.
Sukuna's large, tattooed hand holds yours the whole time you stroll through the streets and the shopping malls. And you can't help but lean against him, smiling happily when you smell his sexy cologne and feel his buff biceps flex against your cheek.
In the evening, Sukuna leads you to your favorite restaurant, where he booked a table decorated with rose petals and candles. It's the most romantic dinner you've ever had, with Sukuna looking so sexy in the suit he is wearing for the special occasion and smiling that dazzling smile that is only reserved for you. He truly made you feel like a birthday girl today 💗
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AWWW spending your bday with boyfie Sukuna sounds so sweet to me. I hope you enjoyed it!! Have a wonderful day 💗💗
Thank you so much for reading! Reblogs and comments would be sweet.
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muffinpink02 · 2 months
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Guess who
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You want your girlfriend’s (Alexia’s) attention, so you decide to be a brat. But she goes one better and invites a few other teammates to help with your ‘punishment.’
Warnings : Smut , 18+ blindfold, fingering, strap, orgasm denial, cunnilingus, restraint and more. No real story just smut.
The club lights beamed over your face as you danced to the music, glowing in your win. Barcelona had won Liga F, the last two goals were your own, you were close to getting a hactric but the football gods didn’t allow it today. The win was enough.
You celebrated in the changing rooms, champagne was sprayed over the group, you wasn’t sure if it was Lucy or Ingrid, maybe it was both of them. The team of course took the celebrations to a fancy night club. As soon as you arrived the drinks were flowing quick and fast, shots were passed to you from every angle. You were feeling the alcohol but mostly feeling the pride of winning. Maybe it was the excitement from winning or the drink in your system that got you riled up.
You knew you shouldn’t have done it.
The look on her face was enough to put the fear in god. But you wanted her attention, and instead of telling her, instead of asking her like the good girl you were meant to be, you decided to be bratty.
And it worked, you got her attention, her hazel eyes bore into yours as you pressed up against one of the girls on the squad. You wasn’t sure who it was and you didn’t really care, you had pressed your body up against half the team at this point, the liquor in your veins giving you that sense of blind bravery.
You had pressed your backside into Mapi’s front, her tattooed covered arms, swept up your body. Grinding your arse deliciously into her core, smiling wickedly when you heard her moan. You had put your arms around Lucy’s strong shoulders, faces inches from each others, dancing like it was only you two in the room. You even had Ona up against your front, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, making her blush and giggle like a school girl. Nobody would think too much into it, it was normal amongst the team to dance like that. You may have been extra touchy with the three brunettes but everyone was too drunk to notice, except one person.
Alexia watched it all. All of it just for some attention.
She allowed you to keep it up, dancing with everyone in the club. You were a little disappointed that she hadn’t dragged you to the closest bathroom and fucked you until you begged her to stop, but maybe she was saving that for later.
Once the night was over and you were in the back of an Uber with Alexia’s hand between your legs, her fingers gently circling your thighs, you couldn’t help but feel a little worried. You watched the Spaniard looking out the window, she was deep in thought, concentration on her face. But to feel her touch was a good sign, surely she couldn’t be too upset if she wanted to touch you. She hadn’t said much to you, just a short conversation asking if you were ready to leave, and that the Uber had arrived. But she was eerily quiet.
You started to worry if Alexia was genuinely hurt, you only did it to get her riled up. It wasn’t like this was the first time you had made her jealous to get her attention. You had flirted with your team mates before tonight. It would mostly consist of an extra touch to Lucy’s arm when she was talking to you, or laughing extra hard at Mapi’s jokes, and yeah, you liked to pick Ona up from behind, making her squeal and blush. It wasn’t too obvious for anyone to notice, just enough that Alexia would notice.
And you knew she liked it, you both got a kick out of it. You loved nothing more than when Alexia reminded you who you belonged to, reminding you whose name you screamed when you were on the edge of blacking out from pure bliss. You would fuck each other senseless, and you gave one another endless pleasure, it was your thing. But was tonight too much? Had you pushed it? Had the dancing been a step too far? You just wanted her to get her possessive side out, it was your favourite side after all.
When you finally got home you braced yourself to be shoved against a wall, a tongue down your throat, but it never came. Alexia dropped her keys in the bowl and walked towards your bedroom.
“I’m going to shower amor meu.”
You were quick on her heels, not sure on what to do, you felt needy but you couldn’t help it. The Spaniard had started to strip in the bathroom, you watched, not able to take your eyes off her strong, beautiful body.
“Would you like some company?” You asked voice a little shakey.
She turned to look at you, a playful smile set on her face. “Always, baby. Strip.”
You were naked within seconds, you stood in front of the blonde, hot water washing over both your bodies. Your hands were on her straight away, you just needed to feel her skin, desperate to feel her touch. You looked up at her, those hazel eyes were warm, the smile on her face made your insides melt, making you instantly feel calmer. She pulled you closer to her, you exhaled a breath you didn’t release you were holding.
“Did you have fun tonight, baby?” Alexia asked.
“Lots of fun, I’m actually still a bit tipsy. Did you?” You said it while you kissed her neck.
She chuckled at your drunken honesty. “Sí, I had fun. Your goals were amazing. You played so well. I’m very proud of you.” She purred in your ear. Your eyes closed as she kissed your forehead.
You couldn’t stop the smile on your face. It always meant a lot to you when Alexia complimented your football skills. “Thank you, Ale.”
The worry of upsetting Alexia slowly slipped away, maybe she just wasn’t in the mood for that kind of intimacy tonight, she had played the full 90 minutes of the game plus extra time. So maybe it wasn’t what she wanted, and that was fine with you, even if you did feel like a horny teenager right now.
Her hands cupped your face, bringing you to her lips. The kiss was soft and sweet she gently swiped her tongue over your lips, asking for entry. You opened your mouth allowing her tongue to roam your own. The kisses were gentle and intimate, she pulled small sighs from your mouth as her tongue caressed your own. Alexia’s lips always made you melt, no matter where they were on your body. From your mouth, to your stomach, to in between your legs, she knew how to work her tongue.
She pushed a little deeper, the kiss becoming a little more heated. You tried to keep up with her movements, but she was starting to dominate the kiss, your breathing started to become ragged. Her hand came up to the back of your neck, guiding you to the tiled wall, you gasped as your back hit the cold tiles, but she only swallowed it.
This is exactly what you wanted, you had wanted her mouth, her hands, her body, everything that was Alexia, you had wanted her all night. Your plan had clearly worked, maybe she was as turned on as you. You began to moan as her lips collided with yours, she bit hard on your bottom lip, making you whimper loudly. She looked down at you, happy to see your lips were now red and swollen, she pushed her hips on yours and began to rock, her eyes never leaving yours.
She took your hands in one of her own, raising them above your head. She moved her free hand to your lips, stroking her thumb gently where she bit you. She was looking at you with such an intensity it almost scared you.
“You’re so beautiful.” She whispered.
You felt your cheeks blush, you casted your eyes down, suddenly feeling shy.
“Thank you. You’re beautiful too.”
She hummed, her eyes roaming your face, like she was really looking at you, every bit of you. She cupped your chin raising your head, she started to kiss your neck, her gentleness disappeared again. She bit down hard, not enough to hurt but enough to make you whimper. Your arms were still above your head, she was holding you tightly, clearly not wanting you to move. Her free hand slithered down your wet body, stroking your skin, she cupped your pussy, making you groan.
“Ale. Please.”
“Is this what you want?”
You nodded, your teeth between your lips, so desperate for her.
“You looked so good dancing tonight baby.”
“You looked liked you enjoyed yourself with the girls. Especially with Mapi, Lucy and Ona.” She pushed her finger right on your clit making you jolt.
Fuck, there it was.
“Did you like dancing with them? Hmm? It looked liked you really enjoyed yourself. Is that what you want? One of them to fuck you? Make me watch?”
It wasn’t a secret between you and Alexia that you maybe had a little thing for each of the brunettes. Nothing serious, you could just appreciate a good looking woman when you saw one. You had spoken about it before, in the safety of your bed sheets, after a couple hours of screaming each other’s names. And in the midst of your ogasmic haze she then of course asked if you would ever have sex with any of them, and even though you blushed at first you admitted you would. Alexia of course wasn’t jealous, she just made sure to keep a note.
But you had never spoken about them like this, not while you was being intimate. Normally the mild flirting at training just made Alexia want you, punish by you a little, but maybe tonight had sparked something different?
She rolled her hips hard, wanting a response from you.
The move made you moan, your mouth was suddenly dry, you swallowed on nothing. You hoped if you told the truth Alexia would give you what you had wanted all night. Should you admit that you had thought about each girl when you were dancing with them? Should you admit that you liked it? Admit that you loved the way Alexia watched you when you had yourself wrapped up in each of the girls? You tried to look away, now suddenly feeling shy. The alcohol was still in your system but the cocky bravado had disappeared, now all that was left was a tail between your legs and your submissive side showing its face.
Even though Alexia was very possessive of you, she would never make you feel any type of way for your attraction to someone. It was a natural thing to feel, you are attracted to women for godsakes, you can appreciate beauty when you see it. The thing is you didn’t realise how much Alexia had enjoyed watching you with the girls, how much she liked the thought of you with them.
But the look she gave you maybe gave it away. She looked almost hopeful, like she already knew the answer and just wanted to hear you to say it out loud.
Your heart thumped as you said it. “Yes. I liked it, I liked you watching.”
She hummed again, her fingers stroked over your lips, making your skin prickle with goosebumps. “So. You want one of them here? Sí? Touching you like this?” She dipped a single finger into your folds, still not giving you any friction.
You met her eyes this time, you panicked. “No, Ale. Only you.”
“Oh? Do you not want them now? You danced with soo many, have you forgotten?“
“No, I do. I-I d-don’t know.” You panted as she circled her finger just slightly over your clit.
“No baby, you told me already. Don’t lie.”
“Yes, I do. I want them to fuck me.” You whispered.
“Who baby?”
“Ma-Mapi, LUCY! Fuck!” She pushed two fingers hard inside your cunt. “And, a-and Ona.”
She hummed again, her pupils dilated twice the size, making her hazel eyes nearly black. She pumped roughly into you, her fingers slapping hard against your pussy, but it was short lived. She pulled out of you, leaving you wet and desperate. You looked up at her as she grabbed her towel, the smile she gave you was dangerous.
The next couple of days were hell, well, not hell but Alexia wouldn’t have sex with you.
So, it was basically hell.
Every time you tried to initiate it, she stoped you in your tracks. She didn’t stop you kissing or getting handsy but that’s as far as it got. And to be frank It was driving you crazy, you had wanted her since the night club, so to say you was horny was an understatement.
You knew it wasn’t personal, she was punishing you, and of course she would tease the fuck out of you, she flaunted her body around the house, half naked, or sometimes completely naked. She would make sure to push up against you, pushing her core into your arse as you cooked dinner, purring into your ear. And of course she acted innocent to it all, like it was nothing, like she wasn’t driving you crazy. You wasn’t even allowed to touch yourself and release some of your tension, of course Alexia wouldn’t allow it, this was a punishment and you were definitely paying for it.
You got a taste of your own medicine when Alexia began to use your own tricks on the three brunettes. You watched in practice as she spoke to them, easily flirting with them like it was nothing. You knew she had something up her sleeve, she was of course doing it on purpose, knowing you were watching. The no sex punishment had been done before, even though you missed her touch you knew she was going to make it worth it, but it had been six days!
Finally, on the 9th day she broke.
It had been the longest time you hadn’t had sex with each other. And honestly you were staring to climb the walls, you knew you needed to be punished, but nine days without Alexia was torture. Especially when she was right in front of you, it wasn’t like she was away for a trip, she was in touching distance.
It was after a day of training, you stepped out the shower, Alexia was laying on her side of the bed, phone in hand already dressed from her own shower. She was wearing the shorts that rode up her arse, the shorts you loved and a vest top that showed off the bottom of her gorgeous stomach. Fuck. This was hard, just looking at her made your pussy throb.
Hazel eyes caught your own as you walked to your side of the bed. She had a playful smile on her face, the smile that gave you butterflies. You sat on your side of the bed, drying yourself off, trying to ignore your horny thoughts. That’s when you heard the sheets rustle, the bed started to dip behind you.
“Are you sorry?” She purred into your ear, making you shiver.
You fiercely nodded your head. “I’m sorry, Ale.” You didn’t care if you sounded desperate. 9 days!
She hummed, happy with your response, she moved to your side of the bed, and sat in your lap, her beautiful bare thighs sat on the either side of your own.
“I’ve missed you.” You whispered.
“Hmm do you think you’ve learnt your lesson? Seràs bo per a mi?”
You nodded, so desperate for the girl in front of you. “Yes. I’ll be soo good.”
She smiled at you, her smile seemed giddy, she scrapped your hair back behind your ear, bringing her mouth to yours. It was a heated and messy kiss, she pushed you on your back, grinding her clothed pussy on to your stomach. You held onto her hips, helping her movements but she didn’t stay for long. She was off of your lap, walking towards your toy box, you felt your pussy clench at the thought of Alexia fucking you with her strap.
“Get into the middle of the bed, hands up.”
You did as you were told. It wasn’t a secret that you liked being tied up, well, liked was an understatement. You loved it. Alexia had learnt early on in your relationship that it was one of your biggest turn ons. She would have you tied up for hours, using your body how she wanted. She especially loved it when you had been a brat, she would punish you as she pleased. Like this very moment.
Alexia walked over to you, a bounce in her step and a very amused smile on her face, she looked more excited than normal, maybe even nervous, you couldn’t really read her face. Before you could ask if she was okay, she grabbed your hands and with the perfect knot she tide you wrists to the bed frame above your head. You attempted to move but she had done this countless times, the knot was perfect.
“You look so good like this baby.” She kissed your lips softly. She quickly moved to the box grabbing some more toys, you then noticed she had the black blind fold in her hand. You didn’t hate the blindfold but there was nothing better than watching Alexia take what she wanted from you. You swore you could come half the time just by watching her, so the blindfold wasn’t your favourite but you wasn’t about to argue.
“Perfecte” Complete darkness took over, not a bit of light came through the blind fold. The darkness slowly making your other senses heighten. You could hear Alexia’s footsteps around the room, you were waiting to hear the belts of the harness or a vibrator go on, but there was nothing. Until you heard the front door go, making you panic slightly.
“Ale? Who’s that? I didn’t order anything.”
You then felt her hand grip your chin softly, her mouth was near your ear. “We have company baby. They’re here for you.”
Your body tensed up, what did she mean they were here for you? Your mind went a mile a minute. Alexia must have seen the panic on your face, you felt her come closer to you, stroking your hair back gently.
“Since you wanted to be a whore and tease me like a little brat, you’re going to be treated like one. But not just by me, maybe you can guess what teammate of ours is going to help me?”
Your brain couldn’t keep up, you heard what Alexia said but you just couldn’t comprehend. Was she really telling you she had one of the Barca girls outside? Waiting to fuck you? With Alexia? Together? You hated yourself for it but your body reacted just the way Alexia clearly knew it would. But she took your silence for worry.
“Hey, we don’t have to actually do this, I can tell them to leave, and I can unt-.”
“No. No, I want this. I’m green. I want this.”
Alexia would never put you up to something you didn’t want to do, you were both completely honest in your relationship and that didn’t change with sex. When you first got together you had spoken for hours about what you liked, what you didn’t like, safe words, and your kinks. That’s also when she learned you were submissive and she was more dominant, but you could still switch it up when you both wanted to, making you work perfectly together.
After the talk in the shower she had an idea, an idea she knew you’d like. She knew you had enjoyed yourself the other night, she knew you had thought about the girls in intimate ways, and for a while she had thought about watching you with said girls. So she decided to turn the fantasy into a reality.
You couldn’t see it but Alexia’s smile was wide. She stroked your hair back once more, placing a quick kiss to your lips. “Are you sure cariño?”
You trusted Alexia with your life and your body, so you knew you could trust whoever she was allowing to share you with. It made your love grow for Alexia tenfold, you both could be exactly who you wanted to be, no judgement, no jealousy.
“So sure Ale. Who is it?”
She tutted playfully. “Let’s just say say she’s brunette and you danced with her the other night. I’ll be right back, I need to let them in.”
You listened to Alexia leaving the room, you couldn’t believe what was happening. Your body was tingling all over, you was about to have sex with someone and not even get to see them. You wondered who it could be. You rattled your brain, thinking about who you danced with most that night. Also who would agree to this?
You remember dancing with most of the girls, so this would be difficult. Though, you do remember dancing with Mapi a lot, but also Lucy and even Ona. Those were the three you were the most intimate with…. also the three you told Alexia you wanted to fuck! That’s when it hit you, you told Alexia when you were in the shower after the night out. You had completely forgotten about that conversation, still being slightly tipsy at the time. That’s why she must have been flirting, well, talking to them more at practice. Had one of them really agreed to this?
After about five long minutes, you heard footsteps walk in to the bedroom, you suddenly felt exposed. You was completely naked, your body for all to see and you didn’t even know who was looking at you.
“I’m still here, amor meu, and so is our guest. She knows your safe words and what you don’t like. Not that there’s much.” You could hear the teasing in Alexia’s voice.
She continued. “She isn’t going to talk to you, she’s knows it’s your punishment, so don’t try any funny business. Are you going to be a good girl for her Please her?”
You nodded, you could feel your pussy getting wet. Was this really happening?
“Words, baby.”
“I’m going to be good.”
“Good girl. Our guest can’t wait to have you. She wants to taste you.”
The thumping in your heart was loud, you was sure Alexia and whoever was in the room could hear it, or even see your chest moving from the beat. Excited wasn’t the word, you didn’t have the words for how you felt, but the willingness to please was overwhelming.
You could hear shuffling, the bottom of the bed dipped at your feet. Your breathing quickened, you could feel someone was coming closer to you, that’s when you felt the hand on your leg, making you flinch. The hand stroked you soothingly, trying to calm your nerves. Then you felt a pair of lips, a pair of soft gentle lips on your knee, instantly making you hot. You could feel the girl breathing on your skin, almost as hard and erratic as your own. Your body eased a little but you couldn’t help but still feel slightly vulnerable, as much as you was in your own wet dream this was still new.
You couldn’t help but wonder who the lips belonged to. You had never kissed anyone else on the team but Alexia. It was hard to tell from a pair of lips who it could be.
The pair of lips started to slowly creep up your leg, then another hand came to your other leg, slightly opening your thighs. You could feel your legs shaken in anticipation, you tried to relax your muscles and let yourself be taken. She started to kiss up your thigh, slowly getting closer to your pussy. You knew you were already wet, and whoever was between your legs would see it for themselves.
Just as you got ready for the feeling of her tongue, she kissed right over your core, and up your stomach. Taking small bites of your skin, making you whimper. Her hot mouth was suddenly on your nipple, making your back arch off the mattress below. The sucking was gentle, nothing like Alexia, she was always rough with your nipples, something you loved . But the softness made you whimper, wanting more.
“Sones tan bé amor meu, t'estàs passant?” Alexia’s voice sounded close.
“Yes.” You breathed out.
“Good.” You could hear the smile in her voice.
Her mouth continued to work gently on your perked nipples, giving them generous attention, she licked, sucked and softly bit at your flesh, working your body up. She started to kiss up your neck, taking small bites on your skin. Your mind was going a mile a minute, you still couldn’t work out who it was. Without your hands this would be difficult, and Alexia had clearly told them to not make any noise. If you had maybe heard a moan or a sigh or something, you could put a face to it, but she had clearly been thorough with them.
She started to move back down your body, hopefully to where you needed her most. The lips were gentle and slow. This girl was soft with her mouth, making your body melt at her touch. Whoever she was she had made your body completely relaxed making you forget about any anxious feelings you had. Just as you began to relax her mouth was gone, her hands moved around your thighs, opening you wider to her. You could tell she was close to your pussy, the bed dipped just under your arse. That’s when you felt her breathing on your lips, your very wet lips.
Once again you wondered who she was. You had a girl who you trained with, who you saw nearly every day, who you called a team mate, a friend, in between your legs. You didn’t have much time to think on it, you felt a warm tongue glide into your wet folds. You couldn’t stop the moan that escaped your lips. She kept her tongue slow, just taking you in, tasting this new flavour, tasting you on her tongue.
She licked at you slowly, licking everywhere but your clit, wanting to work you up, wanting to work out what you liked. It was an odd feeling having someone’s tongue caress your pussy when you didn’t know who it was. The thought of Alexia watching the act made you even wetter, you could only imagine her face. Was she touching herself? Was she enjoying it? Was she going to join in? Or did she regret it?
The tongue between your legs gently dipped into your core, making you groan, she was so soft, just teasing your muscles. You couldn’t help but rock your hips into her face, trying to make a point that you wanted more. You could have sworn you felt her smile into your core as you felt her hands tighten on your thighs, pulling you closer to her. She must have got the message as she pushed her tongue deeper into you. You let out a deep moan as she started to fuck you with her tongue.
Fuck, she was good.
She took one long lick from your core to your clit, her lips wrapping around your swollen bundle of nerves. You couldn’t hold back the moans as she ate you out. You pulled at your ropes wanting to touch her, but you knew Alexia had you locked in.
“Oh, my god. S-so good. Don’t stop, please.”
You felt a squeeze on your thighs, a small communication between the two of you, making you wonder once again who she was, as her mouth rocked on you gently. She was so delicate and soft but she seemed like she could switch it up from her body language, giving you what you wanted. Whoever it was she could eat pussy like it was second nature.
You could feel your stomach start to tighten, your legs started to shake, your orgasm slowly building up. She must have felt it, deciding to dip her tongue back into your cunt then dragging it back up to your clit. Your hips rolled into her mouth, but she held you down easily, you could feel she was strong, but you knew all three of the women were strong, still giving you no indication on who she could be.
That’s when you felt your climax grow, your breathing quickened, small whimpers tumbled out of your mouth, a tell, tell sign you was close.
“She’s close.” Alexia’s voice was soft and full of arousal, you could hear it from a mile away.
Finally, the girl sucked on your clit, giving you the friction you needed, she bopped her head up and down giving your clit a suction that was just perfect.
“Fuck. I’m coming, please don’t stop.”
She never did, her beautiful mouth stayed where you needed her, making your own mouth water. Your head rolled against your arms as your pleasure took over. Your whole body shook, your hips started to rut against her mouth, but she held you down making sure not to leave your clit. You breathed hard, the beautiful pleasure ran over your body, making you groan loudly.
Your hips slowly stopped grinding, you could feel your juices dripping, but she didn’t let it go to waste. Her tongue dipped into you again, gently taking everything she wanted from you. You keened, you were so sensitive, but you could tell she was trying to be soft. She stayed there for a little while just licking at your juices, dipping her tongue into your hole, you couldn’t help but start to grind into her tongue, feeling yourself wanting to go again.
Once again Alexia’s voice dropped into your ears. “You’re such a greedy girl. Our guest wants your mouth bebita. Are you ready to please her?” Alexia’s voice was closer now, still dripping with arousal, maybe she didn’t regret this.
You nodded quickly. “Yes.”
“What’s your colour love?”
“Good. Because she told me she’s wanted your mouth for the longest time. She wants to sit on your face. She’s going to ride you until she comes. Make sure you’re good for her. Make her feel as good as she made you.”
You nodded again. “I will.” Your pussy squeezed at the thought of someone riding your face. Using you for their own pleasure.
You felt the bed dip again, you could feel her move closer to your top half, kissing your chest as she got higher. All of a sudden you felt hands near your head, then something small in your ears. Music was suddenly playing, making you jump. The first couple notes started and you knew it was yours and Alexia’s bedroom playlist. You realised your air pods had been put in your ears, you wasn’t allowed to hear. Clearly the guest wasn’t able to keep quiet for this part.
You felt fingers dip into your hair, then her thighs were either side of your arms. She gently lowered herself onto your mouth, connecting her pussy to your lips. Your tongue darting out instantly. She was wet and she tasted amazing, you couldn’t help but moan at the taste of her. Fingers gripped at your hair, you could tell she liked your moaning, you moaned again right on her sensitive clit, sending vibrations through her, giving her extra pleasure. That’s when you felt her start to gently rock her hips into your mouth. You then felt her free hand grasp onto your bound one, her fingers intertwined with your own. Making it feel more intimate, even though you had no idea who was riding your face.
Once again your mind was blown away, you had a girl ridding your face and you had no clue who she was. Well, you knew she was one of three, Mapi, Lucy or Ona and apparently one of them had wanted your mouth for the longest time. You licked up at her clit, slowly like she did, you made sure to keep a good pace, wanting to make her feel as good as she did you. The music in your ears wasn’t too distracting but you wish you could have heard her. Was she loud? Was she quiet? Was she talking to you? You loved hearing Alexia moan when your mouth was on her.
She moved up, pushing herself down on your tongue, fucking herself with your mouth. You laid there, being used for someone else’s pleasure, someone was getting off from your body and you didn’t even have the pleasure of sight or sound. Alexia knew you better than you realised, this was the best punishment you had ever had, minus the blind fold, but you knew that was your punishment, not being able to see. You were having one of your biggest fantasies play out in front of you, but not getting to see or really be involved was her way of still having control.
The fingers in your hair stroked at your scalp, making you shiver. She scooped your hair into a loose pony, just tight enough to still guide you where she needed you. After a few minutes, of her using your mouth, her movements became quicker. Her hips moved again, pushing her swollen clit back on to your tongue. You gently suckled on her clit, gliding your tongue over the bundle of nerves, your own pussy was throbbing.
Her hips grinded into your mouth, you could feel her thighs start to tremble. The fingers in your hair pulled you closer to her pussy. It felt like she was close, her movements becoming more rough, the hand in your hair becoming tighter. Her hands gripped the back of your head, lifting your mouth closer to her, she was fucking your mouth now, chasing her own pleasure.
Thats when she rutted hard against your tongue, making it slightly harder for you to breathe, but it only made you wetter. She grinded hard into your face, making sure to hold you in place. You could tell she was coming, you could feel her juices flooding your tongue, giving you no choice but to swallow. You moaned as the fluid trickled down your throat. The grip on your head became loose, but she still kept you in place, slowly moving your mouth on her taking everything she could from you. Her hips slowly came to a stop, as she moved you felt her juices drip down your chin.
You felt her hands gently stroke at your hair, then her body was gone, the music still played in your ears as you felt a pair of lips at your mouth. You realised it was the first time she had kissed your lips.
You stayed like that for a while, tied up listening to music. Your breathing slowed down but the throbbing between your legs hadn’t stopped. The music was paused and the head phones were gone.
A pair of hands stroked your hair, you could instantly tell it was Alexia. “Hola, baby. How was that?”
You smiled at hearing the blondes voice. “Amazing.”
She hummed. “Good. You made our guest very🍀 happy. She’s left your face a little messy but you don’t mind, do you baby?”
You groaned, you loved it when Alexia spoke to you like this, her tone low and dripping with sex. “No I don’t mind. She tasted so good.” You licked your lips, making a point. You could have sworn you heard someone moan in the background.
“Good, I’m glad to hear it. Because she definitely wants your mouth again. Whats your colour?” Alexia asked.
“Green.” You breathed out.
“Are you ready for round two?”
Your thighs rubbed against each other, desperately feeling the want between your legs, you nodded. “Yes.”
Alexia laughed. “Good girl. You looked so good baby.” Alexia kissed your lips, she hummed at the taste of the other girl. “She does taste good, maybe I’ll try her for myself.”
Fuck. the whimper you out was almost embarrassing, you wanted nothing more then to rip the blind fold off and watch Alexia have her way with one of the girls.
“Please Ale, let me see.”
But you only heard Alexia chuckle at your desperate please, choosing not to answer you. Once again you were left in the darkness, and instead of music directly in your ears, your bedroom playlist started to play loudly on a speaker throughout the room. With the music as loud as it was you knew you was going to struggle to hear, so when the bed dipped again it made you jump, but you relaxed instantly, already becoming used to the set up.
Hands placed themselves on your knees, you could tell straight away they were definitely not the same hands as before. These hands were larger, more rough. It confirmed there was more than one girl, did Alexia say there was more than one? Was there two? Or maybe all three?
Once again you wondered who they might belong to, you tired to pictured the three brunettes hands, but they all merged into one.
Her hands opened your legs further apart. Even though you couldn’t see, you could feel’s eyes on you, maybe even more than two. Your body jumped slightly as you felt a finger at your lips, stroking your wet folds. The finger came up to your clit drawing small light circles on to your bundle of nerves. You couldn’t stop the moan that escaped your mouth.
“Yes. Yes. Oh my god.”
Whoever she was she was extremely talented with her fingers, she touched you like she had been doing it for years. You groaned hard, your body already building up to another orgasm, your legs started to shake and before you could get any closer her fingers were gone.
You gasped as you felt her fingers push inside your wet core. “Fuck.” You gasped.
It was a slight stretch, her fingers were thick, even thicker then Alexia’s. You also hadn’t had anything in you for over a week. She let you get used to the feeling of her fingers, not moving until she felt your body relax.
Her other hand stroked down your thigh, slightly squeezing your muscle. You felt her large hand press firmly on your stomach, holding you down. You relaxed easily, wanting her to use those talented fingers on you. She stroked her fingers in and out of your cunt, pulling the smallest whimpers from you. She hadn’t even done anything and she already felt amazing. You moved your hips into her hand, trying to urge her to move faster, but she didn’t. She kept up her painfully lazy pace, slow and steady. Was you going to have to beg? You was never below begging.
“Please. I need you faster.” You hoped she could hear you over the music. She squeezed your thigh again, she clearly heard you but she wasn’t budging.
It was a beautiful kind of torture, she was hitting all the right spots, but you needed her to go faster, deeper even. You begged and pleaded for her to pick up her speed but she wouldn’t budge. You could feel your juices dripping into her hand, down your cheeks and on to the mattress below you. You almost felt embarrassed at how wet she had gotten you and the pathetic noises you made for her. She kept it up for about ten minutes but it felt like hours, you pulled at your restraints in frustration. This girl was clearly a tease, she was trying to drive you crazy and frankly, it was working.
Maybe you had to go about this differently, if she could tease, so could you.
“I know you want to fuck me. Are you scared you won’t be as good as Alexia? Are you scared you won’t make me come?”
You felt her movements falter, her fingers stopping for a second or two.
You continued. “Come on, stop teasing me. I can tell you know what you’re doing. And I have a feeling I know who you are, and I know you want to be the best. So show me.”
The thing is, you didn’t have a clue who she was, you just needed to say something that would rile anyone on your team up. And the three brunettes were definitely the type to strive for the best. So yeah, you played a little dirty, and it worked. Her fingers began to pick up pace, not as fast as you’d like, but it was still better than the teasing pace she had before. Maybe she liked to be spoken to?
“Fuck, your fingers are so-so good. Just like that. Please.” You begged.
Again, she picked up the pace, curling her fingers right on your g spot, the groan you let out was loud. Something she seemed to like, her hand gripped tighter on your thigh, pushing your legs wider. She drove her fingers deeper into your core, pulling out deep throaty moans from you as she finally fucked you the way you wanted. You could feel your pussy getting obscenely wetter, her fingers being swallowed by your cunt. That’s when you felt her body move over yours, not touching you completely but her hand was now by your head, holding herself up as her hips slotted between your own. Her thrusts became harder, her fingers dragging your walls perfectly.
“Yes, you’re so-good. So perfect.” You cried out.
You had never been able to climax just by penetration before, you always needed some kind of stimulation on your clit. So when you felt your body beginning to build that familiar sensation you was dazed as you felt your orgasm coming, and it was coming fast.
Her hips never stopped, she had stamina that even Alexia could envy, not once did she falter, keeping up the perfect rhythm of her hips. Her fingers hitting your sweet spots perfectly. That’s when you felt her lips on yours, pushing her tongue into your mouth. Her kisses were soft compared to the fingers in you, it blew your mind. She tasted like mint, her lips were soft but also knew what they wanted.
Your legs began to shake hard, your head flung back as you were approaching your second orgasm. It was strange feeling, you had never come like this and your body almost didn’t know what to do as your orgasm took over your body. You couldn’t hear the exact noise you made but it was loud. You couldn’t believe it, it was the first time you came with fingers and you didn’t even know who they belonged to. Your pussy pulsated hard around her beautiful, talented fingers, you tried to slow your breathing as best as you could. But you were completely wrecked.
“Fuck, oh- oh my god. I can’t feel….god!”
She slowly pulled out of you, wiping her wet fingers on your thigh. It was almost like you could feel her smugness, just from the wipe on your leg alone. And she had all the right to be, she just made you see stars. You were shocked to feel a small kiss at your clit, once again making your body jolt. You felt the bed dip, you could tell she came off the bed, leaving you alone. Your breathing was erratic as you tried to catch your breath.
Not long after a pair of lips was pressed against your cheek. “You came baby? Just from her hands?.” Alexia sounded giddy.
You felt a little shy to admit it, but Alexia obviously saw the whole thing. You was worried she might have been a little upset, Alexia hadn’t made you come just by penetration, and you didn’t want her to feel any type of way.
“I did. It was different. It was nice.” Your head wasn’t in the right frame of mind to come up with a decent sentence.
She came closer to your ear, before she spoke she made your shiver. “You looked so good, I loved watching her fuck you, making you moan like that. She’s talented isn’t she?”
“Fuck, Ale. Yes, so talented.”
You clearly had nothing to worry about.
She continued. “She told me that she knew you would beg she knew you would moan like a whore. She also knew you would be a brat.”
Alexia’s fingers were suddenly on your nipple pinching your sensitive skin.
“Fuuuuck.” You cried out.
Her voice was stern now. “So you still want to be a little brat? Hmm? You want to taunt our guest? I think this isn’t punishment enough, you’re clearly enjoying yourself too much.”
“I’m sorry!” Your voice cracking.
She let go of your nipple. “You will be.”
Your body shivered hard on the bed.
“You doing okay? What’s your colour?” Alexia’s voice was soft again.
“My colours green. I’m good.” You nodded.
You loved how easy Alexia could make you melt from her sexual deviant side to her loving caring side.
“Good. Let’s keep going.”
You nodded, already excited for what was next. You still couldn’t believe Alexia had set this up. You wondered about what the blonde was doing while you were tied up. Was she getting herself off? Or was someone else getting her off?
The music continued to play in the background. After just a minute, the dip came back on the bed. The same pair of hands on you, you felt her push your legs up, your feet planted on the mattress, spreading your legs wide. Thats when you felt something hit the inside of your thigh, your cunt throbbed at the thought of being filled.
You felt her shuffle closer, you could feel her lining up the strap against your lips. Your body was still coming down from your second orgasm of the night, but that wasn’t enough to stop whoever she was. She pushed her dick inside you until her hips were between your thighs, bottoming out inside of your pussy. The air escaped your lungs as you let out a loud gasp, you wasn’t expecting something as big as this. This clearly wasn’t one of your toys, and fuck did it take your breath away.
She didn’t wait around, her hips were moving in and out of you, her pace was fast and hard, pushing your body into the mattress. The toy was bigger than anything you’d had before, the stretch was a lot but it quickly turned into a painful pleasure. She leaned closer into you, her body just on top of your own, pushing deeper into your core. Even though you was already tide up her body pined you down, her hips thrusted deep into you, making you whimper.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You groaned.
You wanted to think about who was fucking you like this, who was looking down at you, listening to you whimper and moan while she fucked you. Before you could even picture one of the brunettes you felt fingers gently wrap around your throat, slightly squeezing. Alexia held your neck all the time while she fucked you, it was definitely a turn on for you, you showed your appreciation with a low moan, the fingers gripping a little tighter at your noise.
This girl could fuck, her hips drove in and out of you rapidly, her pace was fast but deep, forcing you to cry out. This girl was definitely a more dominant lover, her mannerisms were more rough, but in the best way. You pictured each girl above you, driving their body into yours, you pictured Alexia’s face watching you be fucked by one of your team mates. If only you could see her.
She was clearly pushing for her own orgasm, using your body like her own personal sex toy. The sweat on your body was making the girl above you stick to your skin, she was working hard. You felt her movement falter for a second, then you felt it. A vibration sensation swept through your body, right from your core, causing every muscle in your body to jolt.
“Oh, my god!” You cried out.
This strap had a vibrator built in for the person wearing it, but you could still feel the sensation and fuck, was it good but it was almost becoming too much, your head spun from the pain and pleasure, you could feel a faint feeling of an orgasm in the bottom of your stomach. You wasn’t sure your body could go again, you didn’t want to tap out, but you needed something else.
“Please.” You mumbled.
Her hips didn’t stop, her grip on your neck was gone, stroking your skin lovingly instead.
You felt the girl above attach her lips to your neck, making you melt. As much as you loved being fucked senseless you clearly needed a little bit of tenderness. This was still new, and the darkness didn’t help, but the kisses definitely did.
You changed your mind once again on the girl above being a rougher lover, her hips slowed down again, still hitting deep and quick but not as rough. Her lips came to your mouth, pushing her tongue gently in, exploring you. Your head spun, her kisses were everything and more. It was a complete 360 from how she was before. She didn’t once stop kissing you, you had to keep catching air any chance you could. The lack of oxygen made you feel like you could pass out, and in all honesty you wouldn’t mind if you did die this way. It definitely wouldn’t be the worst way to go.
Your clit was being pushed perfectly in this new angle, you could feel your orgasm approaching fast, once again crying out your pleasure. Her kisses never stopped, she was on your neck, face, collar bone, the top of your chest. Anywhere she could reach, driving you fucking insane. Her tongue stroking on your skin was what pushed you over. Nearly.
“No. You dont get to come. You don’t deserve it.” Alexia wasn’t as close as before but you still heard her. She sounded out of breath.
The whine you let out probably shocked the girl above as it even shocked you, but you couldn’t stop it. You were so close to tipping over the edge, your body was fighting for its life. You wanted to beg Alexia but you knew even the whine you let out would have annoyed her. You gritted your teeth and tried to ignore the build of your climax rising in the pit of your stomach.
Her hips started to pump a little quicker into you, then a little deeper. The new rhythm of her beautiful hips had you almost crying. You were trying to catch your breath as she chased her own orgasm. She pushed your hips down into the mattress, as you tried to take what she was giving you. You bit your bottom lip, urging your body to push past it.
You tried to hold back your whimpering as she kept up her pace, it was all too much again. She was making your body work harder than a training session. Alexia must have been able to tell you was struggling to hold on.
“Our guest is close. You can take a little more, I know you can.” Alexia’s voice was right next your ear, making you shiver.
Her voice was dripping with want, you could hear it so clearly, it made your head spin. You never thought you’d hear Alexia tell you to ‘take more’ from another woman. She knew you could take more, this type of sex wasn’t anything you hadn’t done before, but the not seeing made it difficult and maybe a little needy.
“Això és bebè. Et veus molt bé. Has estat una noia tan bona agafant tot això. Realment ets una petita puta..”
Even with the music she said it loud enough for you and the girl above to hear, and she must have liked her captains words, as her hips pushed just a fraction deeper, her hips stuttered inside you, once again pushing your sensitive clit almost to the point of painful. You felt her sit up, holding on to your legs, that’s when you heard a faint moan, but she was too far to recognise and the music was too loud. But you heard it.
You felt her body shake, she pushed herself into you harder. You could feel the final grind of her hips, as she used your body for every drop of her pleasure. She slowly pulled her dick out of you, you felt empty of the loss of feeling so full.
This was the second girl tonight to use your body for her own pleasure. The thought alone made your pussy throb.
Your whole body was on over drive, your arms began to ache, and of course Alexia could read your mind. The music became quieter, the rope on your wrist became loose, making your arms fall slightly, you were thankful for it, your arms had began to ache. A soft kiss pushed against your lips, lips you would know from anywhere.
Alexia lowered your arms in front of you, letting you stretch them out.
“It’s a shame you had to be a brat. Our guest has wanted to do that since you joined the team. She was more than willing when I asked her to join us. She wanted you to come together, but you had to ruin it.”
You groaned, feeling your clit wanting nothing more than that exact thing. But you felt guilty, you didn’t want to be a brat for Alexia, you wanted to show her you could be good for her and your guest. But if you knew Alexia, and you did. You wasn’t going to come for a while, you could hear it in her voice.
“I’m sorry, I’ll be good. Please let me be good for you.”
Alexia cradled your chin. “See, girls she can be good.” She chuckled.
She clearly wasn’t talking to you and from her words it wasn’t one girl. You felt your skin prick at the thought of Lucy, Mapi and Ona seeing you like this. It was the first time you were thankful for the blindfold.
“There’s more than one?” You tried to confirm.
“Is there?.” Alexia’s tone was teasing. She obviously wasn’t going to give you anything, you would just have to work it out as best as you could, but it had been difficult so far. You pouted, you couldn’t believe Alexia had gotten an idea like this, well, you could. You just couldn’t believe it was actually happening.
“Come baby, drink some water. What colour are you?”
You felt the bottle at your lips and drank.
“I’m green. I’m good.” You exhaled.
“Okay. I’m going to tie you back up, but you’re going on your front. Sí?”
“Okay.” You nodded, already excited for the next show. She helped you move forward, laying on your front. She stroked your back lovingly. You loved how Alexia could switch up her dominant side and softer side, she knew you were enjoying yourself but she could also tell you needed to feel her, a familiar touch. She tied your wrist back up, your hand now in front of you.
“Get on your knees bonita.”
You got on your knees, leaning yourself on your forearms as best as you could while being tied up. You felt the bed dip behind you, you could feel a body at your rear. Excitement rushed through your body at the thought of being fucked from behind. Though the thought of not coming was a head fuck. The bed then dipped in front of you, you felt skin brush past your knuckles. Was you about to be fucked by two girls?
Once again the music was loud in the room, you knew what that meant, you almost felt like Pavlov’s dog with how your body reacted.
Soft hands ran down your back, gently touching your skin, it made your body cover itself in goosebumps. Those same hands made their way to your arse, stroking your cheeks, still just as gentle. It was like she was touching porcelain glass with how lightly she touched you, like she was scared to break you. A small moan left your lips as the girl behind you slowly dipped a finger into your wet cunt. She pumped slowly, her other hand on on your back.
Another finger was added just as you felt a hand in your hair, you could feel it was the girl in front of you. The hands slowly guided your head down, on to her awaiting pussy. Your lips touched the already wet skin, your tongue automatically dipped into her folds. From the taste of her you could tell it was a different girl, she tasted just as good as the first girl, but you could feel on your tongue she was different.
You moaned as your tongue took a broad stroke through her wet folds, she kept one hand on your head, just feeling you. She slowly started to guide your head up and down, you kept your tongue out, letting her use your mouth to her desire.
You hadn’t realised the girl behind you had taken her fingers out of you, you were too caught up with working your mouth. You jolted as you felt the head of her dick pushing itself inside your cunt.
She pushed her dick inside your pussy, inch by inch, bottoming out until her own thighs kissed your own. The moan that dripped from your mouth sent a perfect vibration into the girl in front of you, making her push your head further between her legs. The girl behind you began to pump slowly, letting you adjust to the pressure of her dick.
You were being used by two girls, two of your friends, two of the three brunettes that you had fantasised about. You were in heaven.
“Please, I’m so close. Please.”
Alexia shouted ‘no’ from across the room, her voice sounded shakey, she was definitely fucking someone.
You were close to crying, your body was hot, your clit was begging to be touched, it was driving you crazy, your mind felt cloudy, you couldn’t think straight. But you just had to endure it.
The girl behind you picked up her pace, pumping her dick faster inside of you. Her strong thighs slapped the back of your cheeks, pushing your body further into the girl in front. You stayed like this for a while, you sucked and licked at the swollen clit in your mouth, while you were fucked hard from the back.
The girl infront began to buck her hips into your mouth, her hands held your head, chasing her orgasm as she fucked your face. She began let out small moans, but before you could figure it out the girl behind you began to thrust hard, throwing you of the girl in front. The hand on your back was now pushing your head into the pussy you were just eating.
You were trapped between the two bodies, as they had their way with you. Two different hands held your head down, keeping your mouth where she needed you. You then felt the thighs at your head begin to shake, you sucked on her clit, her juices dripping on your tongue as her thighs closed around your ears. The girl behind began to thrust quickly, her hand fingers gripped on your hips as you felt her rut behind you.
The two girls came, both body’s rocking against you, as your body was once again used for someone else’s pleasure. The girl behind you removed her dick, leaving you empty. The girl in front allowed you to clean her up from her juices, she even lifted your head for a deep kiss once she was done with you.
Once again you were left on the bed, your breathing deep and shallow as you tried to control your body. You wanted nothing more than to be allowed to come, that’s all you needed. But you didn’t get it your wish.
The night went on like this, each girl taking turns with you, you had definitely sucked, fucked, licked and tasted each girl tonight. Helping them get to their climaxes as your body could do nothing but take it.
And as you was moved around and put into different positions for each girls sexual desire, you had heard each brunette’s voice. You heard Mapi groan loud as she fucked your arse over the sofa arm chair. You heard Lucy’s voice as she came in your mouth, swearing in that unmistakable northern accent. You even heard Ona whimper when she rode on a strap that had been attached to your hips.
All while not being able to have your own orgasm.
By the 8th or 9th round you were exhausted, you could hardly keep your body up right. The throbbing between your legs was nothing you had ever felt before. Your body had been pushed to new heights. You laid on your back as you panted from the last face ride of the night. Your face covered in one of the brunettes wetness, dripping down your neck.
“Hola baby, how you feeling? What’s your colour?”
Hearing Alexia’s familiar voice brought you back, it was everything you knew, everything you loved. You never noticed just how beautiful her tone of voice was, her accent sounded extra thick.
“I’m green. So, so green. But I don’t think I can take anymore without coming.”
Alexia hummed. “I agree, you’ve been such a good girl. Our guest are very happy.” She stroked your cheek.
“How would you like to come cariño?”
“Anything, please!” You choked out, your voice was the most desperate you’d ever heard it.
She kissed your lips, so gently, her tongue caressed your lips, pulling the sounds she loved from you. She untied your wrist, kissing the skin of where you was tide.
“The blindfold stays on.” She said.
You nodded, you didn’t care you just wanted to be touched.
She guided you on your back, lying on the bed. You waited for a couple of minutes, waiting for what was next, you then felt the bed dip, from all directions.
Alexia’s hands opened your legs, the air hit your wet skin, you could feel every hair on your body stand to attention.
“Do not touch. They can touch you, you don’t touch them.” Alexia’s voice was in its complete dominant state.
You nodded again, not trusting yourself to speak. Alexia’s hands opened your legs further, giving her space for whatever she wanted. A pair of lips attached themselves to your strained nipple, sucking gently as another mouth was on the other nipple. The dirty groan you let out was deep and throaty, your chest vibrated.
Your hands stayed at their side like Alexia told you to do, you wanted so badly to reach out and touch but you had been good for so long, you wasn’t about to ruin it. A third mouth was on your lips, kissing you, sweeping her tongue over your lips, asking politely for entrance. You moaned as one of the girls on your nipples bit you playfully, the girl then thrusted her tongue inside your mouth.
That’s when you felt Alexia’s mouth on your pussy, you cried out as four different set of lips worshiped your body. You could tell Alexia was being gentle, she swept her tongue softly over your very, very sensitive clit. You felt like you were about to float away, their mouths were everywhere on you, sucking and licking your hot skin.
Alexia wrapped her lips around your clit and sucked, she moaned around your flesh, sucking and kissing every bit of you she could get her mouth on. You could feel your juices dripping down your cunt, soaking the sheets beneath you. You had never been this wet before, you had never felt your body reacting in this way. You felt your orgasm already at the cusp, your hips gently rocked into Alexia’s talented mouth. Your voice was almost gone as your body began to shake, the deep moan that escaped your throat was down right dirty.
“That’s it baby, come for me.” Alexia rasped, and quickly attached her lips back to your clit.
“I can’t, I ca- fuck!” You screamed. Your moans bounced off the walls in the room.
You almost blacked out, your body was floating as you finally came, you gripped the sheets instead of Alexia’s head, too scared to incase she moved her beautiful mouth away. Your hips bucked, but firm hands pressed your hips down. The lips on your body never stopping, kissing and caressing every piece of you. You felt Alexia’s tongue lapping up your juices, as your body finally returned to earth. You could feel the tears prickling your eyes, you wasn’t sure if it was from the pure pleasure or the raw emotion of your body having to hold so much pressure from your final release.
You laid there for a few moments, catching your breath, your chest heaving hard. You felt the bed become empty as the girls removed themselves from your body.
“You’re so perfect, bebita.” Alexia kissed your thighs, but you barely felt her.
“Our guest are leaving now, what do you say?”
“Thank you.” You rasped.
“Good girl. Don’t move until I say.”
You were nowhere close to moving, your muscles were weak, everything felt heavy. You heard some shuffling in the background as what you assumed was the girls leaving. Then what sounded like the front door shutting. You drifted off, in and out of sleep, until Alexia’s lips pressed against your forehead, waking you.
“Come bebita.”
She untied the blindfold from your eyes, you winced as you saw some light. But Alexia had made sure to turn every light off, every curtain closed, knowing your eyes would be sensitive. She picked you up bridal style and walked you into the bathroom, candles were lit everywhere, a hot steamy bubble bath was waiting for you. She helped you in and washed your body, massaging your arms of the aches from being bounded.
“Did you enjoy yourself baby?” She kissed the back of your neck.
“So much, Ale. I still can’t believe it. I just wish I could have seen them.”
She chuckled right next to your ear making your skin shiver.
“You were so good, maybe we can do it again if you’re not bratty. They really enjoyed you.”
“Yes! But no blind fold.”
She quirked her eyebrow at you. “I decide that. Rest up, relax your body.” She kissed your neck.
She left you to relax, changing the wet sheets. Once you began to prone up she helped you out of the bath, and into a set of pjs. You decided on ordering dinner as you were both worn out. You slept like a log that night.
It was the next morning, you walked into the changing the rooms, feeling slightly anxious at the thought of seeing the three brunettes after they had fucked you senseless.
But when you were finally face to face with the girls you felt like you had dreamt the whole thing, none of the girls acted any differently towards you. The training session was like any other day, you got on with your sets in the gym, then into the group training.
It wasn’t until you had a training match that you were brought back to last night. It always got physical during these matches, so when you felt a strong body pressed up against you like it did last night, you faltered. You looked up to see Lucy’s green eyes burning into you, a small smile on her face.
A little later in the game you felt familiar hands on your hips as you got ready for a penalty. You looked down to see those tattooed hands belonging to Mapi, you then felt her breath right on your neck as she dragged you back against her core. You missed the penalty completely. Finally it was near the end of the game, you had played badly due to your mind being in the gutter. But of course it had to finish with Ona cramping her leg next to you, you quickly rubbed her thigh trying to help the girl. She whimpered just like she did last night when your head was between her legs.
By the end of the game you could feel wetness polling between your legs, and all of the girls watched you knowingly. Devilish smirks plastered their faces as they watched you struggle to get to grips. It made your skin hot, your cheeks flushed. If only you could have seen the way they looked at you last night.
You were definitely going to throw the blind fold away when you got home.
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dilfl0v3rss · 10 months
baseball player!connie
baseball player!connie who is one of the top pitchers in the country. ever since he was young his family and friends knew he would be one of the best and they were right.
baseball player!connie who had been working the hardest on the team from his freshman year of college all the way to his junior year right now.
baseball player!connie who decided in high school that he wanted to get a degree before taking baseball to the next level and has stuck with it.
baseball player!connie who despite his 6’3, strong figure and prodigious talent in almost every sport, only took an offer for baseball, seeing that sport as his true calling since he was little.
baseball player!connie who would’ve never thought he’d be going to college with you, his high school sweetheart. you’ve been together since his freshman year of high school, always at his varsity games with pretty bows in your hair as you cheered on his team. you’d sit front and center, school colors painted in two lines on your cheeks as you sat in his opposite jersey with a bright smile on your face.
baseball player!connie who never leaves for a game without getting a pep talk from his favorite girl, your serious face always turning him on as he thinks about how you value these games just as much as he does.
connie’s wide hands were outstretched on your ass, rubbing and squeezing as he stood in his team warmup. he had an important away game today and you could tell he wasn’t feeling good about it, him and his team’s poor performance during the last few practices filling his brain with doubt. “ion wanna lose mami” he groaned, his neck tattoos peaking from his collar as he averted his gaze to the living room. you brought your hands to his cheeks, slowly moving his head back towards you as you spoke. “you been workin hard?” he nodded, hands giving your ass a squeeze as he thought back to some of his better pitches he threw during practice. “you still think you the best?” he nodded again, making you smile as you moved to your tippy toes to leave a soft kiss on his lips. “then stop worryin, the team feeds off you. if you go out there actin unsure of yourself then they gon be unsure of themselves too. you the captain ain’t you?”
“yes ma’am”
you smiled at the name, moving from his hold to pick up his bag from the floor. you slid the strap onto his shoulder before giving them a light squeeze.
“then lead em”
baseball player!connie who does phenomenal every game, but really excels when you’re there watching him. your pretty face and voice always bringing a small smirk to his face as he listens to you cheer after striking his opponent out.
baseball player!connie who is still in college, but is pretty famous since his games are broadcasted on espn and his highlights are shown all over sports pages. he even got sponsored by nike and did some commercials for them with other stars his age.
baseball player!connie who despite his age and profession, has friends everywhere. he’s had rappers, singers, pros, and even the nations best in other sports attend his games. showing their support for their friend. his closest friends are the nations finest volleyball and basketball players aran and ony. they were all around the same age and absolutely dominated in their respective leagues. the three men would always make time for each other regardless of their differences and busy schedules. the media liked to call them the three stooges for their funny personalities and when they’re around each other.
baseball player!connie who has different women in his face everyday, trying their very best to get the athletes attention, but they never got far. always getting brushed off with an “i’m married” before he’d walk off and look for you in the room.
baseball player!connie who doesn’t care that the two of you aren’t actually married or even engaged, during every interview he labels you as his wife since he’s vowed to love, honor, and protect you since the two of you started dating, no ring or wedding required.
“jesus christ c.p i gotta give it to ya. you’ve got to be one of the most talented players i’ve seen in a long time. you bat wonderfully, you run faster than a running back, and when your opponents think they have time to breathe they are plagued with your bullet like pitches. what do you have to say about your wonderful performance tonight?” the reporter said, a smile already forming on connie’s face as he looked down towards the ring tied in his laces.
“well first i wanna say hey t’my wife. she wanted t’be here but she’s a lil sick.” he said, a small frown on his face as he looked towards the camera as if he were staring at you. “i love you tho and i’m always gon thank you cause i wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all those nights you’d encourage me and get on the field wit me t’work on my pitches. uhh what else? oh yea my performance!”
you giggled from your seat on the couch, nothing but put joy and pride filling your heart as you watched your man go on about how much he loved and adored you and the sport he was blessed to play.
baseball player!connie who to isn’t allowed to wear the promise ring you bought him during games so he ties it in the lace of his left cleat, always leaning over to rub it during games to let you know he’s thinking of you.
baseball player!connie who already pitched great when you’re there, but does even better when he’s angry. the sight of some random guy hitting on you in the stands made anger rush through his veins. his arm moving as if the ball were on fire in his palm.
“strike one!” the umpire said, the batter standing straight up in surprise as if he didn’t even see when the ball was released. connie wasn’t paying attention though because he was counting his own strikes for you, the first one being you letting this man touch your hair. ‘strike one’ he thought.
as his anger built up so did the speed of the ball as connie threw this second one as if it weighed nothing. “strike two!” the umpire said, the commentators going crazy as they watched your man throw another record breaking pitch. the crowd was going nuts but connie’s eyes stayed on you. your pretty teeth bare to the man next to you as you let him take your phone for something, probably to put his socials in it. ‘strike two’
your last strike nearly costed the catcher his hand, the force of the ball so strong that he felt it through the glove.
‘strike three’
“strike three! out!”
both connie and the umpire were in sync as the pitcher moved from his place. connie wasn’t paying the game any mind anymore, his anger at its highest peak as he watched the bastard bring his lips to your ear, whispering things to you with a smirk on his face as your eyes widened.
‘you’re out’
baseball player!connie who didn’t even let you explain that the man in the stands was a friend you invited from class before taking you home and having you face down in the sheets of your shared bed.
“got me fucked up furreal” he grumbled, his big hand colliding with your ass three times as connie deepened his thrusts. your cries and begs were muffled into the sheets, his other hand squeezing the back of your neck as he pushed your face down into the silk fabric. “got me staring into the stands every ten seconds cause you think it’s okay t’be all buddy buddy wit men ion know. tch….cuero grande mami” (such a slut)
you tried to move your hand towards his abdomen to soothe him, but connie roughly rejected you. slapping your small hand away before spanking you again. “don’t touch me. youn get t’touch me when you be letting randoms do it so easily” you cried loudly, your tears soaking the sheets under you as you tried your best to pull your wet face from the cushion so you can speak. “papiiiiii! s’not l-like that, p-promiseeee!” your beg fell on deaf ears as connie flattened his free hand on your back, pushing your stomach to the mattress as he fed you every last inch of his dick at a breathtaking speed. “uhh huhhhh. s’not like you was letting some lambón (ass kisser) be all in your face, right? not like you was letting him touch your phone and whisper shit in your ear, right mami?”
now that he put it that way you did look a little guilty, but you and the guy were strictly friends and you were determined to let your boyfriend know that. “i love youuu! o-only you daddy i swear” connie knew you’d never cheat on him, the love the two of you carried too strong for either of you to even think of being with someone else, but he couldn’t stop himself from becoming this jealous, possessive lover as his fame began to grow. when more people recognized him the more they began to recognize you as well. your pretty face and kind personality driving many men crazy to the point where connie had to keep a a close eye on your choice of “friends”. your easily gained trust making you prone to getting tricked into being friends with a man that only wants one thing from you.
connie knew for sure that was the case when it came to the man he saw today, his wandering eyes and lingering touches giving him away completely to your boyfriend, but you were naive, too innocent to understand that this man wanted only one thing from you. just thinking about it brought connie’s anger back up to a ten, his hips slamming into you as he lifted your back to his chest with one hand. “how yall meet, huh? he came up t’you after class didn’t he?” you nodded your head, earning you a hard slap on your clit from connie’s rough fingers. “que mama? respóndeme la pregunta” (what mama? answer the question) his hand snaked around your throat, giving it a tight squeeze to let you know he wasn’t playing, but you could already tell he wasn’t given the situation you were in right now.
“y-yes, he came up t’me after class” connie nodded as you spoke, already knowing he was correct. “and being the kind little lady you are, you invited him t’come sit wit you at my game, correct?” you replied wit a small “yes” coaxing him to continue. “and f’course he came, probably asked for your instagram on your phone so he could follow himself, said y’all should take a lil selfie to save the moment and begged you t’post it and tag him, right?” your eyes widened at how spot on your boyfriend was, his thrusts doubling in power as he listened to you agree to everything he said. “but you a my good girl so i know you ain’t post it, but he ain’t let it go did he? nahhh…he leaned down and whispered in your ear some stupid pickup line that made your eyes widen, and since you rejected him i know for a fact he ain’t follow you back, and he doesn’t plan on talking t’you ever again”
you couldn’t stop the little whine from escaping your throat as you listened to the wise words of your boyfriend. “m’sorry p-papi i didn’t knowwww” connie quickly shushed you, leaving light kisses on your wet cheeks as he pushed you back down towards the bed. he laid both of his hands flat on your back before pushing your arch so deep you almost screamed.
“you too nice mami i been tellin you this, but it’s coo tho. papi gon make sure you understand by the end of the night.”
baseball player!connie who spent an entire night fucking his lesson into your poor little pussy, making sure his sweet girlfriend didn’t fall victim to the bad, clout chasing, drama filled people you’d encounter everyday at college.
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calummss · 7 months
dating 90s/00s eminem …
masterlist 𓆩♱𓆪
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kim and hailie don’t exist in this universe
start and development of relationship
i definitely imagine him to take notice of you at one of the underground rap battles roughly 1992/1993
your friend who was interested in going dragged you along one night cause they were really into rap and hip hop
and there you saw him! the one and only marshall marthers destroying every opponent that stood before him
after the battles came to an end you were already attracted to him and tried to get to him to talk to him
here’s how i think it would go:
‘hey, i just wanted to tell you that you absolutely killed it on stage. it’s my first time here so i lack certain knowledge but i know enough to know that you have an incredible talent’
‘thank you. your first time? what’s your name?’
‘eminem. marshall mathers’
i imagine you to awkwardly shake hands. like i know you’re in the detroit underground scene but neither of you knew how to proceed
‘i hope this won’t be a shot in the dark but can i give you my number?’ your mind literally racing
‘sure, i’ll give you a call if i’m interested’
THIS MAN TURNS AROUND AND DIALS YOUR NUMBER AND LETS YOU ANSWER!! turning around with a smirk and just straight up low key flirting with you
he was embarrassed to bring you to his home but you eventually just showed up one day cause he wasn’t returning calls—you reassured him that you didn’t care and let slip that you loved him no matter what
marshall was definitely a bit overwhelmed at first and took him like a minute to snap out of his trance because it was most likely the first time he truly felt loved, appreciated and cared for
you supported him and his music until he was eventually signed
everyone was confused why you stayed with a man who wrote violent lyrics especially about his wife so you had to explain over and over again that the wife was fictional
and everyone that truly knew marshall knew that he would never lay a hand on you. he would rather d!e than hurt you
three years after you meet you become pregnant and were scared he was going to leave (news flash he didn’t)
he reassured you that if you wanted to keep the baby that you two would figure it out and that he would and could never ever leave your side
you married quick and definitely rushed it but it proved to be the best decision you made including keeping the baby
this lead to the birth of your beautiful daughter—for some reason the name romy jane won’t leave my mind so i’ll just leave it at that
anyway you blink and stardom surrounds marshall
a few hiccups occurred during the relationship but nothing major and you always managed to talk things trough
what the relationship would include
his hand would alway be on your waist! no matter if you’re on his lap, standing next to him or whatever, his hand will be at its rightful place
i believe he prefers cheek and jaw kisses. he loves a good forehead kiss and hand kiss when he’s emotional and talking to you about certain struggles
speaking of struggles; he would always and i mean always put on his strong persona for you but sometimes his walls would crumble and would cry into your shoulder holding you so tight like you’re about to slip from his grasp
you would make appearances in a few music videos
he would also prefer to be in the studio alone but brings you along when all demos are done to get your opinion because he values it a lot (low key more than dres)
of course you would be his main inspiration for a lot of songs, also you daughter, because he admires both of you so much
marshall is 100% a very jealous and possessive man. not overbearing but maybe a little more intense than the average man? he trusts you fully but not others. he doesn’t forbid you of anything but will always say and do stuff to let others know that you’re off limits
i imagine after you got married he got a tattoo of your face or name on his chest like right over his heart
likes holding hands in public and an occasional kiss but nothing more. he prefers his affection to be reserved for only you and not the world
ONLY refers to you as ‘my girl’. when he’s with friends he’d say stuff like ‘yo, where is my girl?’. and others would also refer to you as ‘his girl’. at one point you just got the nickname ‘slim’s girl’ or ‘shady’s girl’ depending on which you prefer
tries to keep you away from hollywood and only goes for recordings, shows etc. when he’s done you both leave for detroit to lead a somewhat quiet life
definitely will buy you a lot of gifts. sometimes expensive or cheap; something that reminds him of you or something he knows you want. he just feels like showering you with gifts. his love language is giving gifts or acts of service. he will watch your favourite show just because you like it
em will always thank you in his speeches!! something along the lines of ‘first of all thank you to dr. dre and my two beautiful girls who i love with my entire heart. you two are my world, i love you!’
but like you don’t understand he will always thank you. he could win a life time supply of soap and he would say your name with pride…he’s just so grateful to have you and to be able to call you family
would hold your bag/bags for you. marshall gives you princess treatment without realising bc he genuinely wants to do it. he will snatch those bags out of your hands before you can protest
when other artists or people take your name or your daughter’s name into their mouths with negative connotations you best believe em will rip them apart, so most people will never attack you or romy bc it’s a death sentence
people can call him lame, bad rapper, ugly, whatever they feel like but as soon as anyone mentions a hair on you or romy’s bodies…it’s over. careers are shredded…you love it though
if you are a girl who likes to get her nails done this is for you; at first you started asking him to choose a design and colour and at first he was confused but he learned to love it especially when you scratched his head or your hands around his yknow what…he even once tried to design some and you got it done
the sex is a mix of mildy rough and vanilla. sometimes you both need something a little more “agressive” but he also needs a calm session. i see it kind as a light switch: it’s either rough or vanilla, occasionally you mix it but it turns out one way or another
also the man is a sucker (pun) for head. like he loves your mouth on him. i genuinely believes it’s in his top 2 favourite sexual activities (don’t deny it i’m right)
extra: if you love marshall right and you two work, it will be both of yours best love, but if things don’t work they can quickly turn into a relationship from hell
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