#this definitely wouldn't be the /worst/ way to spend forever
a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
early days of charlie wrangling a freshly found vaggie when both are being Stubborn
Charlie: “Okay, I SAID I wouldn’t pry and I stand by that, so as a completely neutral statement- totally casual- feel free to ignore- I’m just gonna point out…
Charlie: “…this, doesn’t really look like a normal eye-cutty-outty situation.”
Vaggie: “Really.”
Charlie: “It looks burned.”
Vaggie: “Wow.”
Charlie: “And the burn looks worse than it did last night.”
Vaggie: “Fascinating.”
Charlie: “That’s not normal.”
Vaggie: “There’s a normal for that?”
Charlie: “Yes actually there really is. Welcome to hell!”
Vaggie: “Ow.”
Charlie: “Oh gosh- sorry!!! Did I pull the bandage-”
Vaggie: “No, not ow hurt. I meant. Ow. Welcome to hell, that’s a. Sick burn.”
Charlie: “Ohhh! Heh. A burn.”
Vaggie: “Right. Because..”
Charlie: “Hell?”
Vaggie: “… after the cutting out thing, my eye socket got burned.”
Charlie: “Okay huh that's not good, very bad, but- it shouldn’t be getting WORSE. It, it won’t heal, if it really was heavenly steel that-”
Vaggie: “It was.”
Charlie: “But sinners are really tough otherwise! If something doesn’t kill you right off, then you should start pulling yourself together again! Literally, sometimes! This should be HEALING.”
Vaggie: “If it won’t kill me then who cares?”
Charlie: “It’s hurting you. Just your HAIR brushing against it is making you wince-”
Vaggie: “A wince won’t kill me either.”
Charlie: "I don’t like it! There has to be SOME a way of stopping it!”
Charlie: “… maybe, if I called my dad-”
Vaggie: “Don’t. I think it’ll stop on it’s own. It’s just- like a scab. That’s what it feels like.”
Charlie: “Itchy?”
Vaggie: “Sure.”
Charlie: “Or like it’s BURNING.”
Vaggie: “Like it’s doing something and will get better on it's own, without help.”
Charlie: “And meanwhile, you can’t even sleep.”
Vaggie: “I slept last night!”
Charlie: “….”
Vaggie: “I was, lying down.”
Charlie: “Vaggie- you’re VERY pretty, but you also look exhausted and half awake and there’s pillow marks on your cheek where you tried sleeping on your wrong side again plus a bruise from rolling off and smacking into something. And also, your hair-”
Charlie: “-OH! Your HAIR!!!”
Vaggie: “Pretty..?”
Charlie: “We can pin in back! So it won’t poke at you! That’ll help, won’t it??”
Vaggie: “Uh, y-yeah. I guess it-”
Charlie: “And and AND! I can stay with you tonight!"
Vaggie: "What."
Charlie: "On the floor next to you! I can set my alarm and check on you and make SURE you don’t roll over the wrong way or stay there long enough for your eye to start hurting so much it wakes you up! And if you roll over and fall off, I can catch you! OHH!!! IT'LL BE LIKE A SLEEPOVER!!!!”
Vaggie: “Hold on, you’re not sleeping on the floor in your own house because of me.”
Charlie: “Then we can use my bed! The couch isn’t big enough- no WAY I’m fitting on there-”
Vaggie: “I’m not- I’m not using your bed either!”
Charlie: “Well you can’t start sleeping on the floor again. You’re HURT.”
Vaggie: “Still not taking your bed.”
Charlie: “Then I’ll-”
Vaggie: “And YOU’RE not sleeping on the floor!”
Charlie: “Fine! Then how’m I supposed to sleep at ALL knowing you’re not sleeping!?”
Vaggie: “Have you tried counting sheep.”
Charlie: (GLOWERS)
- that night –
Vaggie: “You’re the pettiest demon I’ve ever met.”
Charlie: “You’re welcome.”
Vaggie: “When did I say thanks for that? I don’t remember saying thanks. I do remember trying to sleep on the couch only to have some glaring demon lady drag it half way across her house- with me still on it- and then scoot it up next to her bed without even saying anything about it.”
Charlie: “I said you’re welcome. Now I can check on you during the night. And you won’t roll off and hit your face on the floor, either.”
Vaggie: “Petty.”
Charlie: “Hmph.”
Vaggie: “……”
Vaggie: “You could’ve just told me about your bright idea.”
Charlie: “I just want to sleep.” (sigh) “I’m tired of being told my ideas are stupid...”
Vaggie: “…who in hell would call y- would tell the princess of hell her ideas were stupid?”
Charlie: “That’s kinda the whole thing about hell. Nobody here gives a damn.”
Vaggie: “Huh.”
Charlie: “It’s nice, sometimes. It’s just also mostly horrible, and nobody else thinks it can change.”
Vaggie: “Now THAT’S dumb. Everything can change.”
Charlie: “You think so?”
Vaggie: “I’m living, bandaged proof of it.”
Charlie: (rolling over to face vaggie and propping herself up) “You are? What changed for you?”
Vaggie: "Um."
Charlie: "If you don't mind me asking!"
Vaggie: “Well I, I used to…” (cringes) “…I did. Stuff.”
Charlie: “Stuff you don’t have to do anymore.”
Vaggie: “Yeah. And. Now I’m starting to think- maybe ending up in hell wasn’t such a bad thing after all.”
Charlie: “Really?”
Vaggie: “Yeah.”
Charlie: “You like it better here..?”
Vaggie: “…….I like who I am here, better.”
Charlie: “Good.” (snuggles back down) “THAT’S what I wish hell could be like for everyone.”
Vaggie: (chuckling) “If you’ve got your mind set on it, then I’m sure it will be one day.”
Charlie: “Hmm~” (dozing off) “That’s probably the nicest thing…. anyone’s ever said… to….”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “Charlie?”
Charlie: (snores)
Vaggie: “Right….” (reaches over to gingerly tuck charlie in) “…sleep well, princess.”
Vaggie: (falls asleep soon after too)
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tarjapearce · 11 months
Ley Del Hielo
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Pairings: Miguel O'Hara x Reader
WARNINGS: ANGST. Strained and unhealthy relationships, break up, arguments.
Summary: You and Miguel say things you shouldn't say, a final straw in your already strained relationship.
Requested here
Hope you like ✨ (Yeah, Im a sucker for angst >:'))
At times you didn't know if you were fighting crime, or fighting to keep your sanity together. Miguel was for sure a difficult person to deal when he got into stubborn mode.
You were stuck in this limbo where your patience could only last for so long, even though your relationship with him wasn't falling apart completely, and there were little moments that actually made you stay, there were moments like this that made you wonder if sticking around him this far was a good idea.
You warned before sighing and shaking your head. You knew where this was going. He was getting frustrated over the fact that a teenager, an anomaly itself, as he liked to call the boy, had escaped his grasp.
It wasn't something you liked to discuss since you found each other's triggers, and you both exploited them with a temporary guilt-free anger, only to patch each other up, with little service acts that had drawn each other into your current relationship.
"Don't what?" He prodded with a sharp tone. He wasn't having a good day, and of course, the fact you were the only one that would actually stand him and his verbal retaliation, made you the perfect subject of 'With what are we hurting each other today?'
You didn't like the game but it was impossible for you to remain shut, whenever you felt things started to get personal. Like exposing each other's terrible traits.
"I'm not doing this today, Miguel."
"All I asked you was to know your input."
"You already damn know it."
"Miles needs to be stopped. We don't know how this will affect-"
"The canon. Yes. The fucking canon." you couldn't help but hiss in anger. A signal that you were done of hearing it.
"We have a day off, once in like, forever. And we are holed up here, trying to come up with ways to stop him. Fucking romantic" Your anger this time was justified or so you wanted to think. It was a rare occasion when he actually decided to take a break, and you both had decided to spend it as normal as you could.
Meaning, you both at home, away from the HQ, away from all the mess. Instead, you were in the lab with him. Again.
"We found a possible lead on where he might be. Can't miss a chance like this." His end of the floating bay was full of screens, cramming up with data and other information. Lyla had been long gone ever since the first hostility signal  was shot. You wished to be her for a minute.
"A bit of normalcy is all I'm asking. Is it that hard to get it?"
"We're not normal people."
"But we're still people nonetheless. You are obsessed with that boy."
"A threat to everything I have worked for!" His voice raised and it tugged rougher at your simmering hurt seams.
"I? You think only you had sacrificed shit to get where WE are?" even though raising your voice wasn't an habit you had, your patience had dictated it was enough.
"Look at our team, Miguel. It's divided because you're too stubborn to actually-"
"To actually what? Give a fuck for what might happen to all of us?"
"You hurted Miles!"
"I did not" He hissed while pointing an accusatory finger at you. "If I had actually done that I wouldn't be in this fucking mess trying to fix it, (Name)"
His breathings turned more agitated, as your voice trembled with anger. You were definitely baiting into his game.
"He is a kid, Miguel. A fucking fifteen year old that is barely hanging cause he is already taking grown ass people desicions. He's doing what he think it's right!"
"Im. Not. Risking it." each word felt more venomous than the other as they left his lips.
"What if it was your daughter trying to save you? "
But of course you had the annoying ability to turn it around in the worst way possible.
His eyes flashed red and his neck almost snapped by how quickly it turned to face you.
"No te atrevas..." (Don't you dare)
"Would you chase her down, and hurt her like you did with Miles?"
"CÁLLATE!" (Shut up)
he roared as his fangs and talons immediately poked out, his frame towering on you. And for the first time in forever, you were afraid of him. Silence crashed the emotional crescendo. He sighed, you followed but none of you were humble enough to speak.
You were in your bedroom, removing the traces of dried tears from your face. You had gone home first, the need of fleeing the suffocating space you shared with Miguel was too fresh on your mind that the sheer thought of you going back, made you uncomfortable in a way you couldn't describe.
But there he was, stepping out the window, and removing his mask to then drop some plastic wraps of food on the dining table. A familiar scent egging you, or at least attempted to lure you out of the room. A failed first attempt on its own.
"Food's on the table." he mumbled from the doorframe as you put on a bit of moisturizer, "It's your favorite." Silence.
His brow pinched with a slight simmer of frustration.
Too soon.
He gave you space, and slept in the couch.
Four days of pure silence, four days devoid of your acknowledgement, your voice, your touch, your acts of services like bringing him coffee in the morning, a little empanada in exchange for a kiss. Your presence.
You were not one to remain quiet, but the sudden, almost immediate change towards him, made him anxious to a certain degree. Despite you being in the same working station, you felt miles away. You didn't fear detachment, something you had once told him, but never believed, until now.
"(Name)" His voice called, first time, you ignored. He sighed and approached. Hearing his advancing footsteps only made your skin crawl and tears blur up to your eyes.
"I think we... should need a break from each other." your voice had stopped him dead in his tracks. His mouth tasted sour suddenly
"I've been thinking and it's the only rational approach for all of this... mess."
Heart pounded hard against his ribcage. His mouth gaped softly, but no words came out of it. His eyes darted to your hunched form. You looked tired, emotionally burnt out and almost... broken. It felt like a cold knife piercing through upon realization. He had pushed you too far.
" All we do is fight, and hurt each other. Im... Im tired of that. Work has turned in your main priority and..." you trailed off, tears menacing your eyes
"It has stopped being good. Good for us. I can't..." His eyes softened and his breath hitched, "I can't do this anymore, Miguel."
He had imagined such words coming from your mouth in many occasions but finally hearing them, were equally destroying. His heart beat faster
"I'm sorry" even though weak, an honest apology. You shook your head
"Sorry doesn't always fix it. Not this time I'm afraid."
His chest heaved as he approached you carefully. His hand reached for yours and tears finally rolled down your cheeks.
"It's not healthy."
"I know."
"We can't do this anymore."
"I don't want you to go" He mumbled. His hands reaching for you, you were still there in the flesh.
"We'll only end up hurting each other again." He shook his head as you voice broke.
Was this another canon event he wasn't aware of? You were slipping away through his fingers despite having you within his embrace, cradling you.
"I need to go"
His mind chanted despite his limbs loosening around you. Freeing you. His eyes settled on you and the relieved sigh you gave as he granted a much needed space.
His eyes locked into yours, there was no need to speak. A mutual understanding between you. You offered a small pat on his bicep, almost reassuring, hopeful. You left him be.
You'd be back. When you felt ready for it.
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obsessedwrhys · 23 days
I would like to request being sickly sweet/mushy with ROTTMNT Leo- I'm talking always kissing, cuddling, holding hands, giggling, holding/carrying each other around and even using the most dramatic names (mostly to mess with the rest of the Hamato family- April included) ie. Calling each other shmoopie poo and stuff like that
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ major fluff, lots of cheesy stuff, reader is fem!! (I love this ask sm)
To put it together, you both act like those highschool sweethearts.
One wouldn't be seen without the other, everyone just immediately sees you two as a pair that does everything together.
The dates would be so over the top too.
The most recent one would be when he prepared a dinner date on top of a musuem so you guys could enjoy the view. The place completely decorated with flowers and fairy lights.
Ya'll would definitely have matching things. It doesn't matter if it's a bracelet, necklace or onesie. You both just have the urge to have something that reminds you of the other person.
Which comes easily that you'd own something of his and him having something of yours.
Apparently he had given you his old bandana when he had gotten a new one. Instead of leaving it lying around to catch dust, you decided to use it as a ribbon for a hairtie. Trust that the first time he saw you with it, dude was levitating with heart eyes.
For him, you had gifted him a scarf. He was on cloud nine when he got it because it was entirely your scent. He would smell it every now and then or just wear it when you'd be busy with your daily tasks. It brings him comfort.
That's why everytime you visited after a long time, he'd completely shower you with cuddles and kisses. He doesn't really care if his family sees. Boy is just overjoyed to finally spend time with you again.
Even though his family are happy for him. They honestly wished he could tone it down a bit.
That's because he wouldn't even focus during patrols or missions because he'd just be talking about you. It drives his brothers nuts sometimes.
"Aw man! I forgot to tell (Y/N) goodnight!" Leo panicked.
"We're fighting off a huge squid monster and THATS your concern?!!" Donnie shouted while fending off one of the tentacles.
To be clear, the family doesn't hate you, they are actually welcoming towards you. It's just HIM they find annoying.
It got even worse when they overheard the petnames you both had for each other.
Ranging from petnames such as Booboo Bear to my little ketchup packet (???)
It's worst when he says them in a baby voice towards you.
"Here's your food! I got it all for my shnookums wookums" He'd say as he caresses your face.
Since he's so in love with you, he's willing to give you piggyback rides and carry you around the lair. He's so dramatic with it too.
"Make way!!! The queen is headed to the kitchen!!" He'd shout, making your grand entrance known to everyone nearby.
He has once pushed Donnie aside when he wouldn't move out of the way.
Also, Leo enjoys kissing you a lot. I'm just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️
His favourite spots to kiss you would be easily your cheeks. He finds them super cute that he wishes he would just leave his lips on there forever.
If you happen to have a mole on your face or anywhere on your body, he's kissing it, that's cause he sees it as a marking for him.
One thing I wanna say is that you two happen to have this weird habit of acting out scenes from any tv series you guys would watch together.
It catches the family off guard sometimes because you guys would just break into character out of nowhere.
Scenario ↴
"Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, could you pass me the salt?" You'd ask and Leo would suddenly turn to face you with a soft smirk.
"Oh my sugar-plum, here you go, just the way you love it" He'd say in a more dramatic voice as he hands it to you.
"Uh oh..."
"Oh, you know me so well. A little sprinkle of love… and salt" You'd say, sprinkling the salt into your soup.
"I always do sprinkle a little bit of extra salt in your life, you know... to keep things exciting" He winks at you which earns a disgusted groan out of his brother.
"Uuugggh!! C'mon!!!"
"Don't get carried away now cuppy-cake. I still want you to enjoy our lovely soup" You'd say, feeding him a spoonful that he drinks with a satisfied hum.
"It's perfect... just perfect. We must celebrate this!! To eternal love, salted and peppered!!" Leo would say, holding up his drink, pretending it was wine as he takes a huge gulp from it.
"You guys need help and I mean serious help" April said, pointing her spoon at both of you.
It's always fun to act it out (only for you two) because it would end with you and him bursting into laughter everytime.
Last thing I wanna add is that Leo definitely prepares the bed before you guys cuddle.
He always make sure everything is in place. The pillows, the blankets, some squishmallows, whatever it is that you need!!!
Honestly? He is 100% a loverboy.
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isa-ghost · 3 months
holding u at gunpoint asking for some of your characterization on q!fitza for amfmn bc so far you've shown them off so well :]
RAAAAHHHHH god this took forever
Ok so like the qpr polycule thing goin on. Fitpac. Yeah so Pac isn't like *officially* part of it but also is at the same time but is ONLY intimate beyond casual friendship with Fit. He has no special involvement with Phil, Missa, or Etoiles. And even tho it's a 98% platonic polycule, Fit still told Pac abt the polycule being a thing and made sure Pac was consenting abt it bc that's just basic healthy poly etiquette. He also disclosed to Pac that him and Phil have done Things(tm) in the past and Pac was like WHAT bc for some reason he didn't expect it like at all. It was very funny, Fit had a blast giving that fofoca to Phil
They'll do anything for each other. They're the go-to for everything. You'd think Phil's go-to would be Missa and Fit's would be Pac, but Missa is so occupied with reaper things that the rare times he's actually around, Phil just wants to spend stress-free time with him. He feels bad that for a while Missa returning finally would result in an information overload and then overwhelmed Missa screaming. And Fit confides in Pac NOW, but before they started dating it was Phil
Besides, the times they're awake and out n about just kinda work out. Two birds one stone or smth like that. Adventures and fofoca.
Also something something 2B2T something something Antarctic Empire. Birds of a feather. Yeah.
I think the above is best explained as like. They get each other in ways that other people wouldn't. Bc some of the stuff they can relate on is ""Unsavory"" to the average person.
On that note, they are unwaveringly loyal to each other and will take each others secrets to the grave
And yet they both keep their deepest secrets from each other still. But goddd they'd have fantastic long and potentially gritty talks about it.
They're each other's safe spaces to speak a bit more,, morally grey, you could say. I wouldn't call Phil very gray but he's by no means pure and Fit is like 10 steps ahead of him on the spectrum so he Gets it and Phil gets him
Fit is very good at rationalizing things and thinking under pressure. Which Phil needs sometimes. Bc Phil is good at assuming the worst and therefore preparing for it, but he has a habit of getting too caught up in the The Worst Is Definitely Gonna Happen and being a defeatist, so he needs someone outside his head (Fit) to break him out of that loop
Ok I'm obligated to mention the flirting. No one's doing it like these two sorry. The back of the gym has seen and heard some Shit
God omg esp when it's just the two of them, no friends or kids, they're the Worst about each other. It's hilarious but good god they can be rated R at each other
Post Fitpac official they toned it down though and godddd they're so good about each other's boundaries punches the floor aaaaa
Also obligatory mention of Fit being observant as fuck. Phil can't hide shit from him, he knows all his tells. If Phil is lying or something is wrong, Fit can tell
These two mfs are the kids in class that always instantly partner with each other when the teacher is like "ok time to buddy up for this activity." The teacher is the Federation.
Their friendship be like "no kids around? bored? ... wanna go blow shit up? hell yeah."
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dameronology · 2 years
timing's a bitch (s.h) - 1/5
s u m m e r ' 8 6
you'll be the saddest part of me, a part of me that will never be mine - the loneliest, maneskin (x)
"if you have chemistry, you only need one other thing...timing. but timing is a bitch" - how i met your mother
a.k.a a.k.a the three times that steve harrington chose the wrong moment, the one time that you chose the wrong moment, and the one time you both got it right (series masterlist)
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You made Steve Harrington cry the first time you met him.
He still remembered it clear as day, even though it had been in first grade. You'd thrown a Lego brick at his head and stuffed sand in his mouth, promising that if he ever touched your pet worm again (his name was Sherm, if you were wondering) that he would pay. After some negotiation and charm from his part - and the promise that he wouldn't make his parents call yours - you had become best friends. You brought balance to one another's lives, even from a young age. Steve was always a little more calculated and thoughtful in his actions, sticking to the sidelines at playtime and always worrying about his hair. You, meanwhile, had always run headfirst into danger, with scrapes on your knees and glue in your hair. Ying and yang.
You never left Steve's side and he never left yours. Things came close when the popularity really got to his ego in sophomore year, but it was nothing a whack across the head couldn't fix. The threat of telling every person at Hawkins High about his Farah Fawcett hairspray secret also very quickly humbled him. He owed you a lot of apologies after that phase.
Things were better than ever by the time graduation rolled around. It hadn't really hit either of you that this was it; that Hawkins High would no longer be your world. It was scarier for you than it was for Steve because he knew deep down that he had probably peaked in high school. He had no college lined up; while you'd gone and gotten yourself a full scholarship to NYU, all he'd done was argue with his parents about his grades and why they wouldn't foot the bill for him to follow you to the city. The world was about to become bigger and scarier. The prospect of you being thousands of miles away only made it worst.
"Just one year," Steve begged, "just take one year out. The new mall is gonna be hiring loads of people and you can save up a butt ton before you go to college-"
"- I am not taking a year out, Steve!" you exclaimed. Reaching across the center console, you gave his chest a whack. "I worked my ass off the last four years so that I have enough money to go now."
"Okay, don't think about money then. Think about..."
He paused, trailing off.
"Think about what?"
"Spending time with me before I go?" he meekly asked. "We can have loads of fun! Just me and you, y'know, having one final year together before you leave me forever."
You groaned. "Steve, we've had all summer together. Also, I'm not leaving you! I'll be home literally every few weeks."
He forced a smile, eyes focusing on the road ahead. This was his last two days with you before you moved and he didn't want to spend it being sad. It was just that his heart ached in a way he never thought it would. A thousand times more than when his parents didn't show for graduation; even more than when Nancy Wheeler left him.
Steve's glance flickered over to the photo tucked away into his rearview mirror. It was a Polaroid taken over the summer; you and Steve were stood between your parents, armed wrapped around each other as you were grinning in your caps. Maybe his parents hadn't shown for him on graduation, but yours sure had, with flowers and hugs and affection for you both. Hell, they probably wouldn't have minded if he moved into your room once you were at college. It was definitely something he thought about.
"Summer doesn't feel like enough," he muttered. "Doesn't it scare you that things are changing?"
"Of course it does," you replied. "Change isn't always bad though. Things can't always stay the same, Stevie. Me staying home an extra year isn't gonna delay the inevitable."
Steve glanced in his wing mirror, indicating off the highway and pulling into your driveway. You'd had to beg him to come and help you pack; even though he'd acted like he didn't want to, he was secretly delighted at the idea. In fact, he was secretly delighted at spending any time with you.
After yelling a quick hi! to your parents, you both bounded up the stairs and into your bedroom. It was pretty much stripped now, years worth of blue tack and marks and scuffs on the wall. Your entire childhood packed neatly away into boxes; some for college, some for the attic, some for the dump. Steve in particular was drawn to the pile of photos on your nightstand. It was you and him through the years - some were a little dog-eared and frayed, but the two little kids smiling back at him never faltered.
He put them down and glanced over at you. You were sat on the bed now, having discarded your clothes for a pair of sweats and one of his hoodies. He'd leant that to you last year after a day at the lake - naturally, you'd gone running in totally unplanned in your clothes. He'd stood at the side the entire time, too scared of getting his hair wet.
That had always been one of his regrets; holding back. Not just the day at the lake, but the time you'd gone tree climbing and waved to him whilst he waited at the bottom. The time you rode all the big coasters at Coney Island and smiled at him as you went by. You were always going a thousand miles an hour and Steve just fucking stood there, waving as time passed him by. And now you were about to loop-de-loop right away from him.
He watched as you frowned in concentration, hands scrawling away at a messy to-do list. Pack, buy new toothbrush, apply for job, find class schedule. It was the most organised he'd ever seen you.
"You're being awfully quiet," you commented without even looking up. "What's on your mind?"
"Nothing's on my mind."
"Steve, please," you scoffed. "You've been my best friend for fourteen years. Don't try and act like you're not deep in thought about something. What is it? A car? A girl-"
"- kind of," he said. "I was thinking about...us."
You peered up at him, eyebrows creasing. "Us?"
"Yeah. Don't you think we're pretty great?"
"Yeah," you smiled. "You're my best friend, Steve. Nothing will ever change that."
Steve sighed to himself. Wasn't that the whole problem? You were friends. Best, best fucking friends. And even though it was no secret that you yourself had little thoughts and feelings about him, they never seemed to overlap. You'd liked him when he dated Nancy. Then by the time they'd broken up, you were hooking up with the Dungeons and Dragons kid who had been held back two years. Then by the time that ended, Steve was onto his next fling.
And now you were going away. Maybe that's why he was yearning.
"Nothing at all?"
You frowned. "Nothing."
"Not even this?"
To be honest, Steve wasn't really thinking straight. Plagued by nothing but regret and hankering, he threw aside your to-do list and dove across the bed. His hands found your waist, pulling you towards him with might. It didn't take a genius to work out what was going on; even though his actions took you by surprise, you still tangled a hand in his hair when his lips came down on yours, the other finding it's way to the loop of of his best.
He pulled you closer, tongue slipping inside your mouth. You didn't mean to let out a gentle moan as he did, but fuck. Steve Harrington was a good kisser and it was annoying that all those rumours you'd tried to ignore in high school were true.
Steve sat up, pulling you into his lap. He moved his lips from yours, moving down to just below your ear. You didn't protest, instead dropping your head in the crook of his neck.
It wasn't until there was a knock at your door that you both jumped.
The sound was like a cold bucket of water over your head, snapping you back to reality. Fuck. You'd just made out with Steve. He had never been the King of Hawkins high to you; he was the kid that tried to kill Sherm over a decade ago. The same kid who got yellow braces because he thought they looked cool. The same kid that secretly cried every time Vienna by Billy Joel came on the radio.
"Honey, how's packing going?" your mum called. "I'm going to the landfill early tomorrow so make sure that you-"
"- yeah, I will!" you cut her off, trying to catch your breath. "Thanks, mum!"
There was the fall of footsteps as she walked away, leaving you and your best friend to sit there and deal with the consequences of your actions. You were still sat in Steve's lap, cheeks warm with something that wasn't quite embarrassment. His chest was heaving in time with yours, eyes refusing to break your gaze.
"What the fuck did we just do?" you asked.
"I...uh...I kissed you. And you kissed me back, and then I put my hand here and you put yours there and-"
"- it was a rhetorical question!" you exclaimed. "Oh my god, I'm still sat in your lap."
Rolling off of him, you landed on the bed next to Steve. You immediately pulled your hood up, tugging on the strings so that it tightened around your cheeks and hid your face. The worst part of all this was that you'd enjoyed it. Had the universe - in the form of your mother - not interfered, you had no doubt in your mind that you probably would have fucked your best friend. That certainly was a jarring revelation.
"Did you..." you began, but then paused. "Had you thought about doing that for a long time?"
"Yeah, I guess," Steve admitted. "Not like constantly but there's been moments over the last few years. And then I saw you sitting there in my clothes and we're about to say goodbye and-"
"- no we're not, Steve," you grumbled. "Because I'm going to see you at Christmas, and then like every weekend after that, and...Jesus Christ. Was that meant as an impulsive thing or an actual thing?"
He shrugged. "I wouldn't kiss my best friend of fifteen years just for one night. I could go out to a shitty bar downtown and find anyone for that."
"Why now?"
"Can you blame a guy for shooting his shot?" Steve tried to joke, but you didn't laugh "I mean...yeah. Maybe I was thinking about you and I being more than you and I. It seems dumb now."
"Your timing is fucking awful, Steve Harrington," you gave him a small smile, gently running a hand over his face. "You could have asked me at any point before now and I would have said yes."
"But I'm moving half way across the fucking country in two days!" you exclaimed. "You're my best friend and I love you but our lives are about to change. The stakes are too high and you are far too important for me to risk losing, okay?"
Steve smiled, giving you a nod. It could have been worse - it could have been a straight up no. A why fuck would I ever love you? or a broken nose. It was still rejection, but it was just...timing. Bad timing. Maybe he just had to wait.
He was okay with that.
taglist: @marauderssworld @boybandbaby @karasong (lmk if u want to be added!)
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Ello! I was wondering what would happen if S/O had the same personality like the others? For example, They are dating Edge and they have the same personality as him.( Basically, what if they have the same personality as the skeletons) ( All the main bois. plz add Creeper to this) Thank you! Have a good day/ night!
Undertale Sans - You mean what if you bring Papyrus' nightmare to life? Sans didn't know what to think of you at first, but then he discovered the power of doing nothing as a couple for days and now he's in love. You spend so much time on the couch that the couch has now permanently your body form embed in it. Your puns are getting worse and worse, but they're still making you laugh. You watch the worst movies on every streaming platform. You created a pile of socks to make Papyrus enraged. He even offered you a trash tornado when he proposed to you. You two could never live alone ever again.
Undertale Papyrus - He's more than happy! You two are always together, trying to motivate each other to exercise or make evil genius plans that have no chance of success. Sometimes though it can be a little difficult as you're both hiding things from each other and never confess to the other when you're not feeling well to protect the other. This means some days, you're both clearly looking down and still act like everything is fine, which can create some tension. But being very forgiving, it's usually never for long. Papyrus is a great choice.
Underswap Sans - That wouldn't work. You're both terribly stubborn and refuse to let go of an argument before you win. Except none of you want to lose, so the fight lasts forever. Added to that, you're both very independent and so will not spend that much time together as you're always busy doing something. It would end with both of you being super frustrated and arguing again and again, which is not very healthy.
Underswap Papyrus - How are you surviving? It took forever for you two to connect as... Well... You couldn't even meet the other eyes without having a panic attack for a good six months after your first encounter. And after that it's so awkward for so long. It's a surprise to everyone how you ended up together, but that happened. You're both supporting the other in their anxiety, but also feeding it somehow? The funniest part is when something spooks you. If Honey falls unconscious, you fall unconscious, and when Honey wakes up, he falls unconscious again seeing you on the floor, and it can go for a while like that. You're touch starved though, which helps to support your daily life.
Underfell Sans - That would absolutely not work. Despite both having a dark sense of humor, you also both take everything literally and spend your days offending the other lol. It usually ends with both of you screaming and insulting each other, even fighting sometimes. You're going to get on each other's nerves too quickly to enjoy living together. Also, you like motorcycles as well, but there's no way you're touching Red's motorcycle and he's ready to fight you on this lol. That's his baby, find another one!
Underfell Papyrus - If you take the definition of sassy in the dictionary, there are both your faces next to it. You're bitching on everything and everyone together, you're both condescending because you're feeding each other ego so much. You're both know really well how hot you are and live to make everyone jealous around you. Everyone hates you, and you know what? You just don't care at all! You made Edge a hundred times worse, great job!
Horrortale Sans - This is so awkward. You can't understand any of the other reactions and so most of the time, you're both silent. Staring at each other. Not saying anything. It's a mystery why you're still together at this point as you're both encouraging the other to be suspicious of the other. Maybe you're not the right match. Except maybe when you both have zoomies in the woods at the same time. Zoomies are fun.
Horrortale Papyrus - It would work just fine and actually it might be a good thing for Willow. Because you're so aware of the other's flaws, you try to make things better and encourage the other to be better. Willow is finally learning to accept his body after so long, and he's opening up a little more because he feels like he can talk to you. It's really a good thing for both of you.
Swapfell Sans - You get along really well, always looking so ridiculously serious and act like epic villains when you're actually good people. You have a business together, you drink expensive coffee together, you're very careful about what the other is wearing to match clothes... And you're both trying to throw the other so he gets eaten first in case of supernatural danger! The perfect couple.
Swapfell Papyrus - It's the worst possible timeline. Your prank war turned so wrong already and yet none of you gave up yet. You're a menace to everyone around you. Everyone is fleeing around you when you show up together somewhere. Please someone does something and stop you before it's too late.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Oh, it would maybe work for ten seconds and then you would try to kill each other. There can only be one Wine around and Wine will make sure it's him. You're too similar, it's scary and he sees you as a threat to his gigantic ego. Now run.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - You're both hiding in a cave or something, clinging to the other all day. The only thing you're worried about is who is going to move to fetch the food when you're hungry. Because you're both very comfy right now and there's no way in hell you're doing it. That's going to be a long day.
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modelbus · 2 years
Movie Night
MCYT's included: (all CC!) Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Dream, Sapnap (mentioned Philza)
What a movie night with them would be like :)
Wilbur Soot
He drags you into some psychological thriller that's new on Netflix. You only agree for the popcorn.
Wilbur definitely gives some effort, gathering a few blankets and making popcorn, but for the most part it's just a simple movie night.
Both of you keep trying to guess the ending of the movie throughout the entire thing but never get it right.
After it ends, you're both leaned against each other but are way too outraged to even think about sleep. You end up tweeting together about what a bad ending it was, riling up the fanbases.
Seriously, the movie gets pulled from Netflix after that...
Netflix scandal or not, it was a very nice night in.
Tommy claims he's a big man but is terrified of horror so you two end up watching a comedy at his apartment.
100% goes all out. Popcorn, every blanket and pillow that he owns, Haribo twin gummy snakes.
He literally cannot stop himself from cracking jokes about it the entire time. You spend more time laughing than listening to what the characters are saying.
Popcorn gets thrown.
So do pillows...
"That was the worst joke I've ever heard." "Hey! I'm a brilliant comedian, bitch!" "Well- AH! Did you just throw a pillow at me?!"
The entire movie night is actually a secret sham for him to cuddle with you though, so don't be fooled.
Later, on stream, he fully recounts the movie and informs chat how funny he was, despite just making dumb jokes.
I feel like he would be really invested in a drama with you, but only if you watch it at home.
He dramatically gasps at every twist and turn, so the theater just wouldn't work out for him. At some point you start to exaggerate your emotions too, which turns it into just you two gasping or yelling every two seconds.
Somehow you both still end up retaining information from the movie and chat about it for a while after.
If you disagree with his opinions on it, he heads to Twitter and makes a poll to settle it. Basically, you're doomed.
Popcorn is a must, as are your favorite blankets, but he tends to sit on the floor and move around a lot.
One movie isn't enough for him, so you probably have a huge marathon of movies one night.
Phil is very unhappy with you two when you both show up to a recording half-asleep.
You'd manage to lure him into a horror movie with taunts because his ego cannot withstand your hits.
Somehow you managed to pick the scariest movie on Netflix, both terrified out of your minds.
At first he tries to pretend he's not scared at all though.
"Why did we pick this movie?!" "What do you mean, it's not scary at all." "You're a bad liar, you know."
It wasn't too bad because you clung tightly to each other, providing a sense of comfort. Or you were clinging to each other until he screamed and spilled popcorn all over you two.
Needless to say, neither of you got sleep that night. It ended up being a sleepover in the living room, all the lights on.
You posted the fact he was a secret wimp like you on Twitter, resulting in him not speaking to you for an hour straight. This man and his ego...
Unlike Dream, he actually lives for horror movies.
Maybe if you beg enough, he'll put on an adventure once in a blue moon, but he's insistent on watching horror.
And he wants to see it in theaters with the surround sound and huge screen to "make it a better experience."
He's a hungry guy, getting a huge bucket of popcorn for the two of you to share.
If you arrive to the theater before the movie starts, he will pelt you with popcorn during previews.
Somehow you manage to find your way into his seat, forever thankful for the huge recliner seats the local theater had.
Guilty, he always protects you from the horrors shown on screen.
"Why did they have to show that?!" "Just don't look."
Or, if he's feeling mischievous:
"Is it gone now?" "Yup." "YOU'RE A LIAR!"
Afterwards he finds a way to get you to admit it was a good movie, which he always uses against you when you want to have another movie night.
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Could you do a karkat, sollux or dave x childhood friend!reader? maybe with some pining to spice things up? (I've really enjoyed reading your scenarios so far!!!!)
Hope that the "so far" part will continue!
Karkat, Sollux and Dave crushing on their childhood friend
Reader here is gender neutral
Falling for a childhood friend, if that wasn't done over million times in the romcoms he watched.
He felt dumb for letting this trope catch him. I mean of course, having a relationship with someone last so long and it being funded on just enjoying each other's company by the start which transformed into mutual trust and respect to the point now that any romantic feelings won't make you feel like you need to be perfect to be accepted since you've seen all kinds of sides over the years you've known each other- sounds pretty nice.
But it's not like he can be with you. He imagines it often thanks to his cursed thinkpan working on it's own like that for no reason. But actually living these "dreams"..? He can't really help but think it's not a good idea.
It's just that it feels weird. You've been through a lot, and it just feels unreal that your relationship could possibly be something "more" only different.
Although there is desire for change... He likes how things are now.
With Sollux you either perfectly know what's on his mind, or the complete opposite.
He's a jerk, especially to you. Frankly spending your childhood together only gave him more ways to tease you and bring up the most embarrassing stories when you were younger at the worst times.
But in the end he won't deny his obvious soft spot for you. He's not about pretending he doesn't care about you.
What he will deny is the possibility of him having feelings for you... While also joking about it being the case for you.
He wouldn't go into too much detail but the "you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid" is a line you could hear plenty of times during any small argument really.
He wishes it was the case. But he doesn't plan on confessing or "forcing" his feelings onto you.
But man, if you ever notice his huge crush he'd honestly be impressed how long it took for you to notice. You'd have to get a trophy for that... Still it's unlikely to happen.
He always had the same opinion about you. You were cool, fun and you just get him. Like woah calm down there because he might fall for you.
... which definitely isn't the case now.
His biggest mistake was mentioning it to Rose once, he didn't even get into detail. Just slipped up a minor one and it ended with him getting free typical Rose psychology analysis.
Her advice was good, but he just didn't want to talk about it. He liked you a lot, but he was more than okay with leaving things as they are.
You're buddies since forever. And it's not like he'd see much change if you'd actually date. Other than him being romantic in the most lame way for irony purpose.
Which normally should be his sign to go for it since there isn't a lot he can lose. But with Rose knowing it all, he definitely won't be able to pretend that he isn't madly in love with you.
She'd keep teasing him about it. Glance at him whenever he's talking to you. But he just wasn't ready to say it. Not yet.
~Mod Auvana
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hopeymchope · 5 months
Trying to endure the unpleasant characters of "Bakemonogatari"
After receiving numerous recommendations that I should check it out over the years, I've finally started watching "Bakemonogatarai."
It's... weird, for sure. Interesting at times, definitely. But the two focal characters thus far make the series so incredibly hard to watch.
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This is Koyomi Araragi, who is evidently our primary protagonist. The most important thing you should know about him is that he will endure the worst verbal abuse imaginable while only BARELY ever bothering to push back even a smidge, to the point that he infuriates me. This bitch has ZERO self-respect. It might even be in the negatives.
Now, maybe something will change with him! After all, I'm only five episodes into the series! He has plenty of time to grow a spine and stand up for himself. But right now? He spends most of the series hanging around — and getting cruelly abused by — a girl named Hitagi Senjougahara.
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Senjougahara seems to be our secondary lead. Araragai spends the first two episodes going out of his way to help her with some difficult problems, which makes her declare herself to be his "dear friend" immediately thereafter. However, in ALL FIVE episodes to date, Senjougahara just brutally abuses him. And it just makes him depressed. He doesn't fight back, he doesn't get upset or angry... he just gets really sad and hangs his head silently, ultimately agreeing with her horrible put-downs.
The dialogue in this show is seriously like this—
Senjougahara: You're a very dear friend to me, Araragi. I owe you a lot. It's sad that you're a disgusting little bitch baby, but I'll still repay my debt for your kindness regardless of how odious of a person you are.
Araragi: ...thank you.
Senjougahara: Seriously, I can't imagine having to touch anything you've ever touched. The thought is so abhorrent. And the thought of ever touching YOU? Christ. I could vomit.
Araragi: Yeah.
Senjougahara: You look like a pedophile with that greasy hair over your eyes, you know that? In fact, I bet you ARE one. You fuck little kids, don't you??
Araragi: Come on... I'm not like that.
Senjougahara: Shut your nasty, hideous excuse for a mouth. Don't try to deny it. I can tell you fuck little kids.
Araragi: ...okay....
Senjōgahara: You sickening child molester. Rapists are the lowest of the low, but you? You're lower than they are. You're more vile than a gremlin's shit-stained taint, Araragi.
Araragi: ...sorry. It's true.
Senjougahara: If I wasn't such a wonderful and forgiving friend to you, you wouldn't have anyone else breathing the same air you've spoiled with your repulsive, loathsome presence. You'd be all alone. Which is all you'll ever deserve, of course.
Araragi: .......of course.........
I get that Sejougahara is just a massive, miserable asshole. That's at least very consistently portrayed. The bigger problem to me is that Araragi will go out of his way to help literally anyone in need but will do NOTHING to stand up for himself with this asshole.
The worst part is that I think these two are supposed to be possible love interests??? I THINK she's supposed to be a thugdere or something. I hope that I'm either wrong about that or something RADICALLY changes, because right now I only want to see Araragi remove her from his life forever.
Which is pretty unlikely.
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Man, even in the second story arc, Araragi could've just taken the incessant abuse he received from the newest character he met as adequate reason to leave her the hell alone, and WOW, that actually would've solved everything instantly!
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Movie Night
MCYT's included: (all CC!) Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Dream, Sapnap (mentioned Philza)
Anyone new: follow @modelbus as that is my real account and this is no longer in use but cannot be deleted.
What a movie night with them would be like :)
Wilbur Soot
He drags you into some psychological thriller that's new on Netflix. You only agree for the popcorn.
Wilbur definitely gives some effort, gathering a few blankets and making popcorn, but for the most part it's just a simple movie night.
Both of you keep trying to guess the ending of the movie throughout the entire thing but never get it right.
After it ends, you're both leaned against each other but are way too outraged to even think about sleep. You end up tweeting together about what a bad ending it was, riling up the fanbases.
Seriously, the movie gets pulled from Netflix after that...
Netflix scandal or not, it was a very nice night in.
Tommy claims he's a big man but is terrified of horror so you two end up watching a comedy at his apartment.
100% goes all out. Popcorn, every blanket and pillow that he owns, Haribo twin gummy snakes.
He literally cannot stop himself from cracking jokes about it the entire time. You spend more time laughing than listening to what the characters are saying.
Popcorn gets thrown.
So do pillows...
"That was the worst joke I've ever heard." "Hey! I'm a brilliant comedian, bitch!" "Well- AH! Did you just throw a pillow at me?!"
The entire movie night is actually a secret sham for him to cuddle with you though, so don't be fooled.
Later, on stream, he fully recounts the movie and informs chat how funny he was, despite just making dumb jokes.
I feel like he would be really invested in a drama with you, but only if you watch it at home.
He dramatically gasps at every twist and turn, so the theater just wouldn't work out for him. At some point you start to exaggerate your emotions too, which turns it into just you two gasping or yelling every two seconds.
Somehow you both still end up retaining information from the movie and chat about it for a while after.
If you disagree with his opinions on it, he heads to Twitter and makes a poll to settle it. Basically, you're doomed.
Popcorn is a must, as are your favorite blankets, but he tends to sit on the floor and move around a lot.
One movie isn't enough for him, so you probably have a huge marathon of movies one night.
Phil is very unhappy with you two when you both show up to a recording half-asleep.
You'd manage to lure him into a horror movie with taunts because his ego cannot withstand your hits.
Somehow you managed to pick the scariest movie on Netflix, both terrified out of your minds.
At first he tries to pretend he's not scared at all though.
"Why did we pick this movie?!" "What do you mean, it's not scary at all." "You're a bad liar, you know."
It wasn't too bad because you clung tightly to each other, providing a sense of comfort. Or you were clinging to each other until he screamed and spilled popcorn all over you two.
Needless to say, neither of you got sleep that night. It ended up being a sleepover in the living room, all the lights on.
You posted the fact he was a secret wimp like you on Twitter, resulting in him not speaking to you for an hour straight. This man and his ego...
Unlike Dream, he actually lives for horror movies.
Maybe if you beg enough, he'll put on an adventure once in a blue moon, but he's insistent on watching horror.
And he wants to see it in theaters with the surround sound and huge screen to "make it a better experience."
He's a hungry guy, getting a huge bucket of popcorn for the two of you to share.
If you arrive to the theater before the movie starts, he will pelt you with popcorn during previews.
Somehow you manage to find your way into his seat, forever thankful for the huge recliner seats the local theater had.
Guilty, he always protects you from the horrors shown on screen.
"Why did they have to show that?!" "Just don't look."
Or, if he's feeling mischievous:
"Is it gone now?" "Yup." "YOU'RE A LIAR!"
Afterwards he finds a way to get you to admit it was a good movie, which he always uses against you when you want to have another movie night.
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coraniaid · 7 months
hater alphabet ask! F!
Obviously my first instinct is to respond with a post about Faith but (I guess thanks to choosing who I follow on here carefully?) I don't think I actually have any unpopular opinions about Faith?
Or rather, I suppose, I know there are lots of takes on Faith I would strongly disagree with -- that she's genuinely cool, that she honestly doesn't care about killing Allan Finch at all, that she spends so long being jealous of Buffy because she really wants to sleep with Xander/Angel/Riley, that she's too "streetwise" to have been won over by the Mayor, that she isn't one of the most interesting and ultimately sympathetic characters on the show -- but I just can't bring myself to believe that any of these positions are actually popular.
So I'm going to talk about Season 5's Family instead.
I think Family is a very good episode -- it's actually one of the Season 5 episodes I've rewatched most -- but I think it would work a lot better (both in its own right and as a metaphor) without it being proved unequivocally at the end that Tara definitely isn't any sort of demon.
Firstly because ... well, I kind of hate the whole magic demon-detecting chip plot to start with -- it's one of the show's worst bits of world-building, I'd argue, and I'm aware that's saying a lot -- but at least most of the time I can tell myself it's something that only affects Spike's brain, using his own knowledge of what he's about to do and who he's about to hurt. Giving it the power to actually detect with perfect accuracy whether Spike is hurting a human or not -- even when he wouldn't know himself -- is a little bit much for me. (And yes, there's at least one other famous example of it doing that, and yes, I really hate that one too.)
But second -- and much more importantly -- isn't the point of everyone rallying around Tara at the end even when they think she might be something strange or monstrous kind of undercut by the script immediately going "oh, nevermind, she's not a demon, she's definitely completely safe and normal"? Doesn't that undermine the metaphor here pretty badly? What exactly is the show trying to say?
What would the Scoobies have done if Spike had hit Tara and it hadn't hurt him? Immediately changed tune and let her biological family drag her away forever? Is the fact her father is obviously a bullying asshole not reason enough to hate him? Does he have to be deliberately lying about Tara's demonic nature too? Can families only be abusive if they are knowingly, consciously dishonest in the justifications they provide for their actions? Is it not enough that Tara really didn't want to go?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the show should have said flat out that Tara was a demon. I'm not sure whether I'd have liked that either. I just don't think being definitive about it either way adds to the episode. I think it works much better if it's left a little ambiguous.
I do think that Buffy -- and spin-off show Angel especially -- slightly loses its way by having so many demons and vampires become sympathetic as the seasons progress (while never really having Buffy question the fact she kills so many of them), but it is still part of the episode's context and contunity that this is a direction the two shows have both been heading in for a while. Anya is an ex-demon (and will briefly become a demon again) and while this causes some tension it never outright prevents her being welcomed into the group. Her friend and fellow vengeance demon Halfrek is consistently treated as a sympathetic character and not as a monster. Spike and Angel and Harmony are vampires but the two shows have been treating them all as people for a while and will only continue to do so. On Angel, Doyle was part-demon and Cordelia will also become part-demon less than a year after this episode airs. Lorne exists.
I mean, reading this answer over again I'm not sure I've done a great job of articulating why this bothers me (which is part of why I've been so slow in answering this, sorry) but I think this implicit use of 'demon' to mean 'definitely a bad person' just feels weirdly out of place by Season 5. And again, I just go back to the question: what are we supposed to think Buffy and Willow would have done if Spike had unwittingly proved that Tara really wasn't fully human? And if the answer isn't anything different, why is that part of the scene at all?
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tunashei · 8 months
First Impressions of Animorphs!
I'm listening to the Animorphs series while I work, through Animorphs Aloud - a fan made reading of the series. Here are my first impressions/random thoughts about them! Spoilers below if you haven't read them.
Book 9: The Secret
You know how we have the mirror test for animals to test their self awareness? How do you reckon they'd react to a clone test. My cat Sadie hates all other cats, would she hate herself if I morphed her?
Oh my gosh Tobias hangs out at Rachel's watching tv or reading books? That's adorable
Sigh. I wish I lived near untouched wilderness. Not very common on our island
(Morphing a wolf) 'The rest of the morph continued. My knees reversed direction' APPLEGATE. Why. Why do you do this to me?
One of the things that got me into Animorphs was seeing someone's take on an Andalite. They mentioned that Andalite's are never described as having a humanoid torso, so their design lacked that. It was a really nice design. This book does mention Ax having a humanoid torso however. Shame
Not another Eusocial animal! Why wouldn't the exact same loss of identity happen like it did with ants?
I wonder if anyone has animated a morph. That'd be cool to see, the images on the books are freaky enough so in motion would be even cooler
This is a pretty shitty forcefield if it just stops at the ground. You could literally dig under it, no termite form needed. If the Yeerks had made this forcefield a sphere they would have been fine
Uh oh we definitely getting hypnotised by the termite queen
I always felt bad for queens of insect colonies, spending your entire life in a hole secreting eggs sounds like hell to me. But this passage is making me reconsider the idea, if the soldiers really were like slaves and controlled by the queen then it's as if the entire colony is actually the queen. One organism. Hmm
In this book, Cassie commits regicide!
One of these days you guys are going to get yourselves crushed by demorphing in an area too small that you can't destroy
Well that was a easy escape
'The colour of nature wasn't green. It was red. Blood red' damn that's hard
Oh god damn Tobias ate one of those baby skunks. That's surprisingly dark.
Think I've discovered how I'd fail as an Animorph. I would totally morph a cat and end up dozing off in a sunbeam past the two hour limit and being trapped as a cat forever. Not the worst way to live though
Cassie is apologizing to Jake but honestly Tobias deserves one too. You can't blame him for acting on his nature especially when he didn't know these were 'special' kits. And he just saved Cassie's butt. And is offering to help raise the skunk babies.
Has a suspicion Homer would get skunked this book. Someone had to, and he was mentioned earlier. Also weird to me that someone would just trust their dog to go home on their own
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My first thought upon hearing this was Cassie was gonna straight up murder Farrand 😭
I mean I guess this Yeerk plan was pretty low stakes to begin with, just them trying to hunt the bandits, but this was a pretty pathetic fight. They give up because smell bad and would have to refit ship. I guess I've never smelt skunk spray though so I don't know how bad it is
Visser Three has lost pretty much all his menace by now
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rohirric-hunter · 2 years
so i just came across your post about not taking heist movies seriously since getting a job as a security guard, and the timestamp isnt loading so i have no idea how long ago it was and im sure you've been asked this before so sorry in advance but. im curious. why would bribing a security guard definitely not work?
That post was a very long time ago lol. It's interesting to look back on now that I don't work as a security guard anymore. I miss the job very much, but unfortunately all the companies in my area were bought out by Allied Universal, which is a bad company that treats its employees badly and offers poor security services to boot, so it's not a job that's available to me anymore.
The thing about being a security guard is it's literally the easiest job in the world. The entire job is: show up, wear a uniform, be awake. Occasionally open a door. (One or more of these items may be optional, depending on the specific job.) And for introverts and young professionals who get into it out of retail, it's heaven because you don't generally have to talk to people unless you have specific tangible business with them. And you get yelled at a lot less than in retail. And when you do get yelled at the correct response is not to immediately roll over like in retail but to stand your ground and calmly make them understand that they're not helping their case (which is AMAZING for your mental health). It's also something you can basically stay in forever. Many of the people I worked with were older, in their 60s or later, not because they couldn't afford to retire but because they didn't want to give up the structure of having a job. It has few to no physical requirements and the few requirements it does have, like patrolling, are offset by hours of downtime in most shifts.
It pays well, too. I made a comfortable living wage with plenty of money for spending and saving starting, and that was on the lower end of the pay scale; it only goes up from there. In my area basically the only jobs that pay more are things like garbage collector and bartender -- both of whom have a very high barrier of entry and are MUCH harder.
Basically, it's the best job in the world. Not for everyone, but for people who gravitate towards it and tend to stay. If you don't think it's the best job in the world then you think it's the worst job in the world and you'll either leave or get fired before too long.
And if you accept a bribe? For any reason? You're out. You're blacklisted. You'll never work security again. Ever. So somebody offers you $20k. That's a lot of money. That's a pretty hefty amount. But it'll run out eventually. And when it does, how are you gonna get more money? Retail? As if. Bartending? Only if you spent a hefty chunk of that $20k on school. 100k? Not gonna last forever. 500k? Maybe if I had a head for investing but at this point people are gonna start asking where the money came from and presumably you wanted to spend it on something other than moving away and changing your name.
I just. Can't comprehend an amount of money that would make me or anyone with sense give up the ability to have that kind of job. It would have to be enough to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, at a very high standard of living. Plus enough to cover legal fees, because accepting the bribe would definitely get you sued and quite possibly arrested. Somewhere in the multiple millions I would assume. And if you have that much money to spend on bribing a security guard then there are probably cheaper ways to do whatever you're after.
(Maybe if you were lucky you could find a security guard in like crippling medical debt or something but to be quite honest I wouldn't accept a bribe from a stranger who knew that about me either so you would legitimately just have to get lucky. And once again, if you have that much money you presumably have better things to be doing than bribing security guards.)
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gatespride · 8 months
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what kind of vampire are you?
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vampire obsessed with dead lover stop it!!!! because all that's going to happen is you're going to meet someone who looks exactly like your ex. you're going to fall in love with them. for some reason they're going to accept this as a good reason to get in a relationship. you're going to have a stupid toxic relationship haunted by the spectre of someone who doesn't exist anymore. this is terrible imo! you view yourself as the ultimate romantic. the tragic in love and life person who deserves a second chance. the worst part is you're not even wrong. you guys will probably be happy in your fucked up nightmare relationship.
tagged by: @drkcurse tagging: @onlyfngs, @ghula-herz, @drachenglut, @cursdflame, @seoulstreasureheart
little side note which i originally posted in the tags, but got way too long: this is actually so on brand thinking about wyll's fear of not being needed or wanted. like, if he falls in love he will seek for romance straight out of fairy tales - a little detail about him i always love to point out, cause this man's been through so much. his soul has literally been dragged trough nine hells. he's being watched by his abuser 24/7 for 7 years now, was sent away by the person he STILL admires the most and is now met with wariness by the people in need he dedicated his whole life to simply because of the way he looks. he, as a person who dedicated his life to fighting for others, was turned into a being which constantly taunt und torture said people. he was turned into the very thing he would hunt down. he constantly loses sense and a grip on who he truly is. cause parts of him get ripped away over and over again. the world is trying so hard to turn him into a monster (which a vampire per definition is) and yet he longs for beauty. a love that is true and indestructible. he likes to take his time and actually courtship the one he loves to make sure it's real. just like in the romantic books he read ever since he was a child. so if he falls in love, he will do so with every fibre of his being. he would love them for all eternity (like, he literally asks tav to spend eternity with him underneath a beautiful night sky and at a tree he used to climb when he was a boy after putting up around 50 candles). losing the very person his heart chose to love forever would send him down a spiral of grief longing and maybe even despair. he'd lose another part of himself and probably one he cannot so easily disregard with a dishonest smile or hide behind charming comments as he usually does. imagine he'd have to live within that spiral as an immortal being. there is a lot of story telling potential within that question but i wouldn't wish that upon him.
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talzane · 2 years
I've become very invested in exploring Vampire Vlad's dichotomy as a character because, "generic, evil billionaire," is boring.
Vampires are parasitic by nature, destructive, and by most definitions, evil, but they're also so incredibly lonely. They're powerful: super strength, speed, control of creatures of the night, some control over clouds, shape-shifting, magic, etc., but because they're compelled to drink the blood of the living, they're doomed to being alone. Vlad wants Maddie, he wants to make her like him because he loves her in his twisted way and he wants to spend eternal night with her, but at the same time, he knows she'd hate to live like that so it can't be Vlad that turns her into a vampire--cue the Maternal Instincts, vampiric monsters.
Then there's Danny, the only Halfa in the universe, incredibly powerful as well, a self-sacrificing, unappreciated, half dead, teen hero, who Vlad sees as something of a kindred spirit; at the very least, somebody he could have as family, somebody his cravings don't apply to, somebody he can't *hurt*. Worst of all, somebody whose own family is hurting him, whose family is reckless, dangerous, bigoted, morally bankrupt, and possibly insane, but Vlad could take him away if only the boy would let him. Vlad could keep him safe, Vlad and Daniel could be, at the very least, content, safe, and well-fed.
But Jack Fenton must be destroyed; he was an honest friend, but he abandoned Vlad to whisk Maddie off into the sunset, leaving Vlad desperate and lonely enough to take the offer of more time...what a price he paid. Jack Fenton ruined Vlad's life and gained everything Vlad wanted; Jack Fenton claimed the credit for the Ghost Portal; Jack Fenton squashed Maddie into the background at every opportunity to claim credit for himself; Jack Fenton's bumbling condemned Vlad to a gruesome, agonizing death, and Jack Fenton half killed his own son, a child Vlad would have cherished.
Maddie wouldn't have done that to Danny, Maddie--left to her own devices--would have made an excellent mother, Vladdie and Maddie, together forever with Daniel, their son. A deathless family, no suffering, no loss, no heartbreak.
The motivations potentially being genuinely decent intentions/desires is something that I love about Vlad's potential because, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," applies so strongly to him. The entire Bitter Reunion episode wouldn't change too much because Vlad would still be bitter, he'd still want to ruin Jack's reputation--perhaps take him down to where Vlad thinks Jack would be without Maddie--in order to later highlight Maddie's genius as a ploy to win her affections, but learning that Jack has not only the kind of son that Vlad would--quite literally--kill for but the woman Vlad could see himself spending eternity with would amp up his plots.
Then there's Maternal Instincts, it would make so much sense for Vlad to send vampiric beasts after Maddie and Danny in order to turn Maddie, but she's just too good to fall to them and the plot completely turns Danny against him.
My favorite thing about the character would be that since his intentions are good, he could still call CPS on the Fenton Household as an effort to at least spare Danny the negligence of his parents or the dangers of the ghost hunting equipment.
"Daniel, stop removing my cameras from that house."
"You put cameras in my bedroom, Fruit Loop!"
"I admit, I was concerned due to your injuries and wanted to make sure you're alright, but I will leave the cameras outside the bedrooms--"
"*And* the bathrooms!"
"Oh alright! The bathrooms too."
"How 'bout you just stop putting cameras in my house!?"
"Your parents--especially your bumbling father--are a danger to themselves and to you, Daniel, somebody has to watch them!"
"They don't need watching! They're great parents!"
"When was the last time they *cooked* you a healthy meal? When did you feel safe enough to tell them about being a ghost? When was the last time they paid the bills or went grocery shopping? Daniel, when was the last time you didn't have to rekill food kept in your kitchen?"
"That's normal for us, *Vlad*!"
"It's not healthy!"
"You're a vampire!"
"You're a child! Your sister is a child! Neither of you should be paying bills, shopping for groceries, or dodging *cannon fire* in your own home!"
"They're bazookas! You're supposed to be smart enough to know that!"
"That's child endangerment, and you shouldn't *have* to know *that*!"
But in the end, for all his cameras, Vlad can't submit the footage to a court of law because 1) illegal surveillance, 2) Danny's ID as Phantom is on those tapes and revealing him--even to gain custody--would be incredibly dangerous, so all Vlad can do is pray that the CPS people put an end to Danny living with his parents.
I just really like the idea that Vlad still kills people to drain their blood, but he's also not a completely horrible person, he's just trying to do the right thing the wrong way in regards to Danny and he's doing the wrong thing the worst way for questionable reasons with Maddie.
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cha0tician · 7 days
i want to hear more 🤝 😱 🌹 🍸 🎳
🤝 - Are they good with people? Are they able to get along with people and communicate effectively with the people around them?
hes not... bad with people, necessarily, but he's definitely not good, either. the locker room by and large finds him to be either weird or unsettling or both, and he doesn't go out of his way to correct that, either. he's overly polite to the point of stiffness around people he's not friends with, which makes his promos sound more like a shakespeare monologue than how he talks in his real life. in ring, if he wasnt billed as "from the deepest estuaries of the delta," youd have no idea he kind of sounds like a hick when speaking naturally. he's also not good at talking about his feelings, but, since when do feelings come up at work?
😱 - Their biggest fear
being unmasked by batista. he believes batista wouldn't do that but if it was batista that did it, oh my god. that would be the worst case scenario. batista unmasking him live on international television and everyone sees whats under the mask and clocks him instantly and his reputation is ruined forever and he can never mask again and his life is over and he has to go back to doing carnie bullshit and--
🌹 - Do they have a signature scent? Perfume, shampoo or alike?
sandalwood soaps, sea salt and tobacco cologne. mostly though he smells like the lavender laundry detergent he uses on the mask.
🍸- Favourite drink?
rum and coke!
🎳 - Do they have hobbies? If yes, what are they?
he spends a lot of time on livejournal and geocities, and has a few online friends from the indie circuits on there that hes maybe met once or twice in person while doing shows nearby. he does some amateur coding, both for his own pages and his friends. right now this one guy from chicago keeps pestering him about web rings and new page themes, so he does a lot of that in his free time.
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