#this boy loves drafting. that was a condemnation
vox-off · 2 months
brandon and i have been saving up since the set announcement to get three boxes of thunder junction boosters - one to open and two to draft out of while we wait for bloomburrow - and i gotta say, the sheer number of duplicates we pulled was a big disappointment
i mostly stopped seeing new cards after the third pack i opened; there was an occasional new card but 99% were repeats, even the prosperity post frame cards. from pack 4 onwards, it was pretty much the same 50 cards in a random rotation. we have - and i'm not kidding, we counted - over 15 copies of most cards we opened
we drafted half of the second box, then stopped and just opened the remaining packs. it felt like we were drafting the same decks over and over again, it was getting monotonous. we still have one box left and neither of us is particularly excited to open it; it's probably just going to be the same 50 cards again
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sleepy-gee · 3 months
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💫stardust - coriolanus/sejanus
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the boy was rotten, a recipe for trouble. he knew that. he stained everything he touched, darkened it, corrupted it beyond repair. he stained everything he touched with sin. and yet, sejanus never let go.
💫 trigger warnings/tags: no tw's, just some intimacy :] this is my snowjanus president husband's au where the jabberjay that would've condemned sej died on its way back to the capitol so the two were able to return home and be happy together lolol,,
💫a/n: i don't know what this is. found it in my ao3 drafts, polished it, and here we are!!
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Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you. -Anne Carson, Euripides
coriolanus snow may have looked like an angel, golden curls framing his face similar to that of a halo, pale plush lips mimicking the heavens clouds, and eyes so deep it's impossible not to get lost in them, but he certainly wasn't one by any means. at least, that's what he thought himself. lucifer was the fairest of them all before he fell.
the boy was rotten, a recipe for trouble. he knew that. he stained everything he touched, darkened it, corrupted it beyond repair. he stained everything he touched with sin.
and yet, sejanus never let go.
it baffled him. why would sejanus want to touch him? after all he had done? after all he planned to do? coriolanus had stolen, lied, killed, and so much more. all for the sake of himself and himself only. he knew he was a bad person, never pitying himself for it though.
yet, sejanus still married him. still kissed him and made love to him. even after having been on the forefront of it all. he would be dead if it weren't for the damn bird dying on it's way back to the capitol. he probably wouldn't have if he knew about that.
sometimes he'd let himself forget. he'd let go each worry in his mind with each kiss that landed against his sternum, blond locks splayed across the pillow beneath him.
"you're so pretty.. i can't believe you're all mine.." coriolanus' breath hitched when sejanus moved back up over him, kissing him again deeply. the way he licked his way into his mouth so effortlessly was enough to make his heart stop right then and there. 
"i don't deserve it." coriolanus said when they parted for breath, running his hands down his lovers tanned back. "i–"
"don't be silly.. of course you do. you deserve every damn thing you get, coryo." sejanus wouldn't let him finish, already pressing another kiss to his lips. it's not like he could complain.
maybe he didn't deserve it, but he sure needed it. in bed with this man, he got his purity back.. how ironic is that?
sejanus was everything good in the world, everything he wanted to be. it took him some time to wake up, but eventually, he was able to open his eyes and see how much control he did have. how much good he could do. and being married to the president of panem definitely helped with that. the games were abolished, economy stabilized, and famine wasn't as big of an issue as it used to be. panem was finally as great as it used to boast about being.
and sejanus was to thank for all of that.
".. what would i do without you?" the president asked, moving his hands down to sejanus' hips.
".. you don't need me as much as you say you do."
"yes.. i do. i do, sejanus. you're the only thing keeping me from going insane–" he kissed him again, sitting up. "you're the only thing good about this broken world."
"this world isn't broken anymore, coryo.. i wish you'd see that." sejanus kissed the tip of his nose. "we fixed it. you fixed it. we made it a better place.."
"you're the only reason it's not a mess, though.. without you, i don't know what would've happened.."
".. i think we can say that about a lot of things." sejanus took his hand and kissed his fingertips one by one.
"i'm serious, sej. you–" he swallowed thickly. "you saved me."
sejanus tilted his head to the side. ".. what do you mean by that?"
"i mean.. oh, what's the point? i can't put it into words.." the guilt was creeping up his throat like nausea. a happy accident had saved his country from so much heartache.
"well.. i won't force you to say anything you don't want to. or can't, for that matter." sejanus kissed his cheek, then the corner of his mouth. "but for now.. why don't you lay back down for me? i'm not done with you quite yet."
i don't deserve it, coriolanus wanted to say. he let himself fall back anyways. ".. i love you."
".. i love you too. always and forever."
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grippingbeskar · 1 year
salt, ice and fire
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chapter twenty two - teamwork makes the dreamwork
warnings: canon typical violence, graphic depiction of injuries, punisher type shit again boys. swearing, some creepy shit tbh borderline stalker shit like someone call svu. this bitch is kinda creeping me out tbh. NOT loving the vibes.
a/n: okay i hate the beginning of this chapter but just GET THRU OKAY. BARE W/ ME!!!! cute stuff sprinkled in with the pain. you guys should SEE the draft for the next chapter omfg. it’s becoming a lot. OKAY GO.
— also, i’m really hoping i got everyone in the taglist, some of the tags aren’t working maybe due to your tumblr settings?? i’ll keep adding ur names if it fixes itself :) and let me know if ur not on it and would like to be!
[series masterlist] [previous chapter]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Fourteen. Easily.”
“Ten.” Frank says a little harsher in your ear. “There’s ten of ‘em.”
“I just counted twelve. The stairway has at least three people.” The other end of the line goes quiet now, and you adjust the volume of the speaker in your ear to make sure you aren’t missing anything. “Frank?”
“Yeah. Fourteen.” He says quietly, and you can almost see the face he’s making. So stubborn.
“You didn’t see the stairwell, did you?”
“Alright, smart ass. Move down, I’ll meet you at the end.”
“What would you do without me?” You sigh and hear the line click off. Even here, tucked away behind the glass window outside the building, it was hard not to smile.
You’d arrived at the base about an hour ago, but there’d been too many people to pull up right away. Frank had spent the rest of the time going through the points of entry and exits in every room from when he was here the first time. There was one area of the holding he didn’t know, though, and a blacked out spot on the map. You’d have to figure it out while you were down there. Down there, even thinking about it made you squirm.
“Be careful.” His voice quickly adds as you shuffle inside the gap of the window, and it clicks off again before you can reply. Your heart still skips a little every time he says shit like that, but when your feet land on the hard concrete ground, any fluffy feelings drop out and splat next to them.
Even the smell of this place makes you want to vomit. It had been a while since you’d seen the top side of this base, but it’s in a hell of a lot worse shape than you remember. Riddled with bullet holes and held up with half-finished scaffolding, it was one gust of wind away from falling in on itself. Besides the condemned state, the building was alive only because of the men crawling around inside of it. Frank was on the opposite side to you, getting the high ground above a group of fourteen milling around the outside. You were tasked with getting inside the locker that held the master keys, and the enhanced strength in your veins nearly hums at the chance of release.
You used to dream about those keys. That box in this room, how teasingly close it was.
Keeping yourself tucked tight to the wall, you try to leave as little trace as possible bare the footprints trailing behind you in the settled dust. As you shift further into the building, you hear something fall and clatter off to your left. You disappear into the shadows as two men walk past, lost in conversation. A familiar buzz rushed in your veins— a feeling you normally hated, but now it was you calling for it, it made you feel strong. Powerful.
You stepped out just as the men stopped in front of the door you needed to enter, and neither of them had the time to scream before you tore them apart— the only sound the clatter of keys falling against the concrete, and the muffled tearing of flesh.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Frank felt good. It’s a thought he only had admitted a few times, but firing rounds into an open target range, hearing every single one pound into muscle and bone— it felt good.
Even here, surrounded and boxed in on all sides, he still looked down to where you were, watching you try about eight different keys before you figured out the one to the lockbox. His job was to take out as many as he could while you got the keys to go downstairs, and by the time you were done, you’d take it together. He knew the real prize was downstairs, but he’d have to kill every man in this room before he’d let you go down there, and he’d be right in front of you.
The empty click of his gun shot him back into the moment, dropping the larger one for the pistol in his jeans. He moved closer to the remaining five men, making the first shot count right through the eye of the man closest to him. He heard you before he saw you, even the pained groans of the men he was laying into wouldn’t be enough to block out his sensors that honed into you.
A man came from the left, and he took a quick step back, using the momentum to grab the opposite side of his head and slam it over the railing. His skull gave way, cracking in a splatter of dark red, practically pouring over the right side of Franks body. He swung first on the next guy, feeling bones break under the strength of his punch. It was some sick kind of therapy, but it was here he used to feel the most comfortable— throwing his weight behind every hit, there used to be no where else he’d find his brain quiet.
Not now. All he could think of was this morning. Having you laid on his chest, his hands in your hair, and how he didn’t have to think of anything else. Couldn’t dream of it, not when you were that close; close enough he could feel the soft flutter of your eyelashes on his skin, or the trace of your fingers along the scars on his chest. As he watched the consciousness fade out of the eyes of the man in front of him, for the first time in years he found himself wishing he could be somewhere else.
The man drops to his knees in front of him, then face plants onto the concrete floor. You followed, jumping from the upper floor railing down in front of him, your face screwed up as you looked him up and down.
“Way to be discreet.” He can feel the blood pooling in his shoes with each step he takes, ignoring the comment and following you towards the two locked doors that lead to the basement.
“You get the keys?” You were already putting them in the door, but as you turned the key, they didn’t budge.
“These are the ones. It’s just old.” You look up at him, and turn the handle again, shoving your shoulder into the door. It moves slightly, but as you wind up again, Frank kicks it down, stopping you from whacking it again. Rubbing your now bruised shoulder, you look up at him. “I had it.”
“I know.” He steps through first. It’s dark in the corridor, the two of you stopping at the top of the first set of stairs. No lights, and a layer of dust resting mid air gives the whole place an eerie feel. If Frank was even getting a bad feeling from this place, he didn’t need to say anything to know what was going through your head.
He reaches out, threading his fingers through yours and watching as you grab tightly as soon as he fits his hand to you. You were holding him like a vice, and even though your face was calm, your hand was shaking no matter how tightly he held you back.
“Thought you said you wouldn’t hold my hand to do this.” Frank sighs, shaking his head doing nothing to hide the small smile that only you could give him.
“I’m full of shit. You know that.”
“Yeah.” You breathe out, stepping closer to him. You take the stairs two at a time, but he doesn’t mistake the pace for eagerness, if only to get this shit over with as fast as possible. And it would be, fast and quick. In and out. Frank promised he wouldn’t let anything happen to you— and this time, he was planning on keeping it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You hadn’t realised how far down you were. All those years down here, and you thought it was only a few levels. You used to be able to hear the gun shots going off above you, and you thought it must only be about 10 flights of stairs at the most. You feel like you’ve been going down sets of stairs for hours now.
You haven’t heard anything yet, but you know Bobby will be hiding out somewhere down here. Very few people knew this place existed, and fewer would know the ins and outs of the cells. His father even used this place as a hideout a few times— and it was this that ticked in the back of your mind when you saw that blacked out part on the map. Knowing how twisted Bobby is, you could only imagine what his father used this giant space for. It was a fucking maze even in the light, but it only got darker and darker the further you went.
Neither of you have spoken, not wanting to give your position away, and about twenty minutes ago your initial fear had worn off and you’d dropped Franks hand, the contact only making you wish you weren’t here. It was like you were magnetised to him— not able to stop yourself from wanting to be closer, no matter where you were. Even here, and maybe it was the perfect distraction, because before you knew it, you caught a glimpse of flat ground, and you know you’d made it to the bottom.
“Stay behind me.” Frank whispers in your ear, his hand lightly squeezing your hip as he gets in position. Still no lights, and not a sound.
“The cell. It’s close. We can start there.” You say, and Frank nods, seemingly remembering. His jaw twitches, a tell tale sign he was hyping himself up for a fight.
You walk behind Frank, not that you’re given much of a choice. The walkway was narrow, and the cell doors next to you were all swung wide open except for the one that the end. Yours. You notice a door between cells, closed, with a chain and lock wrapped around it. Frank stops when you point it out silently, trying the handle. When it doesn’t budge, he pushes you to keep walking, but looks over the top of you at the door again.
“You remember it?” As far as you can remember, there was only meant to be the door they took you out of down here, which was behind you on the opposite side of your old cell. Frank shakes his head.
“Wasn’t on the layout..”
“We’ll come back.” Frank urges you further, sticking to your original plan. Madani had sent him a blueprint of the building from when her and the CIA had raided it all those months ago.
Frank stops suddenly, you nearly running into the back of him. Stepping around, you nearly choke on your exhale.
You didn’t want to feel anything. It was just a room, one that you weren’t attached to anymore. It felt so long ago when you weren’t here, but now you were surrounded by the smell of stale air, and seeing the old stains on the concrete— it knocked the wind out of you. You went to step closer, but Franks arm stopped you.
“Not here. Let’s go back.” Frank says, pulling you back.
Right. Bobby. You look around for any signs of life— and he really wasn’t here. That was impossible, you knew him. You remember what he said last time. He…
“He’s not here.” You spin around, confused. “Why would he not be here?”
“Too open. We can wait him out—“
“He should be here. Or at least, around here.” Your voice gets a little louder, and Frank looks over his shoulder before walking closer to you.
“He’s got men here. We’ll find him. We gotta wait it out.” The room felt smaller all of a sudden, the walls feeling way to close. You felt like if you breathed each shoulder would press into the hard, cold concrete. “He’s hiding. Probably back there.”
You could hardly hear him anymore.
You forgot how cold it was in here. Like standing on a frozen lake with none of the open space. You hadn’t realised your eyes were squeezed shut until Franks hands grabbed your face and you felt the light flood back to them.
“Hey.” His voice is calming, even though it’s low and gravelly.
“I don’t want to be in here anymore.” You whisper.
“Let me get you out of here.” He tries to guide you but your legs move so slow. You were shaking like a leaf. It was too soon to be here— you couldn’t do this. It was too soon. The chains that were wrapped around your ankles were still resting in the corner, wrapped to the leg of the bed.
Your chest started to burn, and a feeling you hardly remembered started to bubble in your stomach, but Frank made you focus.
“Tell me about it. The door up here. You ever seen anyone goin’ in or out?”
“I don’t even know if I’ve seen it before.” Your voice wavered, and Frank stayed close to you as you stepped further away from the cell. “I don’t… I don’t think it was ever open. I would of seen it— an open door only a few meters away. Maybe when I was asleep, or his— no. Wait, I remember his dad said something about it, or something about a hanger or something. He used to have vintage planes restored under the building. Maybe it’s below us?”
“Okay. Good. Doin’ good. You think you can break the chain?” Looking over his shoulder, the rusted locks look flimsy enough for someone like you. Nodding, you reach for them, and the feeling of chains under your hands, and this whole corridor of darkness sends a shiver up your spine.
Frank steadies you with a simple brush of his arm against yours. Accidental, but he doesn’t have to try. He always steadies you now. You give the chains one yank and they break off completely.
“Atta girl.” Frank says, and shoves the doors wide open. You just want to get away from that room, so when the stairs lead down even further, you don’t hesitate to walk down. Frank is behind you, then next to you, then in front of you. “You okay?”
“I am. Now.” You nod, and the way he looks at you has you forgetting that tight chest feeling.
For the first time in a while, you didn’t have to count your breaths.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was getting too dark to see, and Frank could hear the splash of water under his boots. Whoever was down here will be counting on the element of surprise. Frank wouldn’t give it to them.
He kept you tucked behind him against the wall, moving through the dark passageways below the base. He has no idea how far down he is now, but the wall still feels like brick under his palm, so not far enough that they couldn’t build structure. That was good— it meant there was a chance they weren’t so far below sea level, which was more chance for a quick exit.
A loud bang from behind him rings down one of the pipes overhead. You both freeze, heads snapping in the direction.
Frank drags you behind him again, moving towards the sound. It was still pitch black, but another bang made him turn left at the first gap. He was trying to remember how many times they’d turned in the darkness— he was at two lefts and a right, now another left—
Another loud bang, followed by three gun shots, the shells clanging on the floor. It had to be close now, whoever it was. He turned again, keeping one hand on you, the other on his gun. When he rounds the next corner, there’s a sliver of light, and another doorway.
“You think that—“ You whisper, but Frank covers your mouth with his hand.
“Shh.” He knows once Bobby realises your here, all hell will break loose. He can’t see shit in here, but he’s gotta think of another way. Walking straight through their front door would be a dumb-ass plan, but it’s about the only one he’s got right now.
There’s another bang in the opposite direction. Not from the door. Almost in response, there’s three gun shots again, this time under the door. The bang from behind gets closer, and if he waits any longer both of you will lose any advantage you had. They must be communicating through the pipes— no reception down here, and as soon as they heard you coming they’d need a way that couldn’t be intercepted.
“You…in there. I… go around.” You whisper through his hand, mumbled words that he knows mean splitting up. It’s smart, and right now you’re both in more danger together than you would be split up. But he still can’t leave you. Not again.
“Hang on—“
“Bobby… would have the gun. You take him, I’ll get… other one.” You shove his arm off you, and he can only see you about to run off because of how close he is.
It’s smart. He’s almost pissed that you put it together so fast. He feels you push against him, but you stop when you feel him breathe out. He doesn’t have time to hold you here, but it doesn’t stop him from wanting to. You lean up on your toes, wrapping an arm around his neck and pulling him down, his head falling naturally into the crook of your neck.
“An hour. If I’m not back, come for me.” You say, and then you shove him off and disappear into the dark.
He steps back with a stumble, forgetting how strong you were. Another gun shot bursts in his right ear, and the light under the door is interrupted by shadows. A body.
An hour. He’s got an hour. Now you weren’t with him, his mind falls into a colder, harder place. One that has him shuffling back along the wall, loading his gun and slamming the door down.
The light hits him— blinds him for a second, but he hears the three men on the right and takes them out first. Two shots in the first body, blood splattering on the dark green paint behind. The next guy gets too close and Frank grabs him by his neck, using the momentum to crush his head against the wall. He can feel the bone split under his hand, but he’s too busy aiming over his shoulder, watching the next body hit the ground from his well placed shot.
He moves with his body low to the ground, using the cover of the wall in front of him to stay hidden as his eyes adjust. He looks around the room now he can see it, and he can tell no one’s been down here for a while. There’s plenty of canned food lining the shelves in front of him. Whoever brought them down was planning to stay a while. Then there’s black cases, he recognises those. Weapons— outlines of guns, grenades, all empty and unlocked, just leaving behind an outline.
He hears more footsteps and doesn’t hesitate, reaching around the corner and grabbing the neck of the next man. Sending his skull back into the brick, he fires his gun again, feeling the dead weight fall back onto him before shrugging it off and reloading.
He loses count. He always does. Must be nine, ten bodies behind him as he makes his way through the apocalyptic looking basement. The men he catches flashes of don’t look familiar— clearly no one Bobby would of had up top. Frank hasn’t seen any of their faces, not never even in Madani’s database. It makes sense, to keep these guys hidden. Because they were getting harder and harder to kill.
Frank shoots the guy underneath him once, then twice in the chest. Still he fights, clawing at Franks face and punching him in the gut. His fists nearly meet bone, they’re so strong. Too strong. Only one person has ever punched him out like this. Eventually, Frank holds his head down long enough to shoot him in the head, but he’s panting.
Wiped, he drags himself up, shoulders tense as he listens out for more footsteps. He’s made his way into an open area now, with a platform on a second level. For being underground, the place opens up in front of him, the stairs leading up giving space for at least two levels before they reach the room at the top. There’s windows in the room up top, perfectly placed to look over where he is. Another gunshot rings out, and he looks up.
“Not the pretty sight I was expecting. Although, you do know how to put on a good show.” The voice echos throughout the giant room, and Franks already moving towards the stairs. “Ah. I wouldn’t.”
Bobby Gnucci has a gun pointed down at him, but it doesn’t unnerve Frank in the slightest. He moves slower, hoping to draw him down further, feigning a little hesitation. This guys ego is as big as this fucking base, and he doesn’t want to blow it just yet. Not when he doesn’t know where you are.
“You’ve been busy.” He says, not moving when Frank takes a step up. “Do you have any idea how long I spent training those units?”
Frank continues to the top of the platform, now level with the barrel of Bobby’s shotgun.
“Not as long as I spent with her, of course. She is quite special isn’t she? I suppose you already know how special—“
“Say another fucking word about her and I’ll kill you.” He has the balls the fucking smile, and Frank feels his hands get tighter on the barrel.
“That isn’t what I heard.” Frank doesn’t show a damn thing on his face. “You are here to take me into… federal custody. That’s how it was put, yes? Never did I think I would live to see the day. The Punisher returns only to be a glorified pig.”
“You willing to take that chance?” Bobby steps back when Frank pushes up.
“I’m willing to offer to you a deal.” Now Frank smiles, a dry scoff breaking the silence in the room.
“You really got your head up your ass, don’t you?” Bobby backs up against the door of the room overlooking the large building, but he doesn’t seem out of options. Frank considers taking the shot.
He could still do this.
Forget the whole deal, take you out of here and leave all this shit behind. He’d never make you come back to a place like this, never have to watch you walk into a room he couldn’t get you out of. He’d take you away from everything. Maybe upstate, do a few jobs here and there to keep the money coming in— he thought about it too much, probably for too long.
He’d keep you safe.
He knows he could. This shit might not end for him, but he could end it for you here and now. Do the one thing he’s good at.
“Let me show you something that might change your mind.” He opens the door, and the first thing Frank sees is the monitor over his head, and your limp body strapped to a chair.
Your eyes weren’t open, and you were bleeding from your head. That little scar on your face… completely covered with dark blood, your shoulders sagging over. Your hands and feet were cuffed together, and there was a strange haze over the room you were in.
His blood was boiling. He lunged at Bobby, but he’d been too busy staring at the screen. Too busy to notice the three guys in the room. Without the element of surprise Frank gets the wind knocked out of him, and then he feels his face hit the concrete.
They were too fucking strong. Hands the size of his own gripping his arms and legs, holding him to the floor like he weighed nothing. He ripped and strained at anything he could but there was no point in fighting. It didn’t stop him thrashing, only looking at the way your head was flopped down on the monitor, damp with your own blood. He got a few decent hits in before they wrangled him in again, his blood colouring the concrete.
“I admire it. Your… energy. Truely, it would be a shame to waste it here. Which is why I’m prepared to offer you a…solution to your problem.” Frank grunts and spits as the men haul him up, punching him in the stomach over and over so many times his vision starts to blur. Those stitches you did on him are ripped open and popped, blood soaking his shirt. “Clearly you’ve grown fond of my little girl—“
“Fuck you.” His mouth pools with blood, spraying over Bobby’s face as he gets closer.
“But I need her alive. Clearly, she doesn’t want to stay, so I’ll give you a fair deal.” Frank can’t feel the hits any longer, but he knows they keep coming. His legs give out as the men shove him on a chair, one of them focusing a strong hit to the open wound on his side that has him nearly screaming. He wouldn’t give him the fucking satisfaction. “I let you go. Both of you. Today. Enough blood has been spilt, and I’ve already made the mistake of taking one of her little conquests. So, I let you both walk out of here today. You go back to your little law firm, and your loyal friends at the CIA and you tell them it’s over. I’m dead.”
“Y-you must be lovin’ this. You feel like the big man yet?” Frank stutters out, falling into a wave of near unconsciousness. He’s laughing with no breath, loving the look on Bobby’s face, even with his eyes nearly swollen shut. He keeps punching him in the face, and even though Frank is the one getting beat to shit, it’s a win to him. He feels Bobby’s hand on his jaw, pressing hard. It’s nothing compared to the strength under the other sets of arms, but he still has to grind his teeth not to wince.
“You go back and tell them you were too late, and this? This all goes away. She can go home with you.” Frank isn’t focused, but he looks up with what little light he’s still holding in his vision. He sees you stir on the monitor, your head flipping to the other side. He thinks he recognises the room you’re in. He tries to move, but he’s weak now. “She goes with you, and you live your little fantasy for however long it takes for her to get bored, and realise I’m the only one that can give her what she really wants. What she can’t admit she craves.”
You were tugging at the cuffs. Thrashing now. Frank needs to fight— you were fighting, and he needed… fuck. He needs a full breath in, but they aren’t stopping. Fists flying at his ribs, ones that were already half cracked. Fists that could punch through stone, bruising their way through his body.
“The only condition I have, is that when I call, you bring her to me. You let me do whatever it is I need to do— whatever I want to do, and then she goes home free.”
“Free.” Frank spits again, shaking his head. What this guy really wants is for you to be at his beck and call for the rest of your life. Tethered to him, and he’s only offering because he knows you’ll never stop fighting him now you know what’s out there. Never stop fighting for him. He wouldn’t… he wouldn’t let you be someone’s prisoner again. He—
“Free. That’s right.” Bobby says, and Frank can’t tell where he is anymore. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? I know what happened to your family. You need this as bad as I do. You get her a nice house, warm bed to come home to. And when I call? You bring her in. It’ll be easy. Look at how docile she is now! I’ll get you some of that stuff and she’s out like a light.”
Frank bares his teeth and lurched forward. Someone’s hands wrap around his throat and restrict his air flow. He sees stars, but he’s still fighting. Bobby says something in a language Frank doesn’t recognise, then talks right in his ear.
“You’ll come around. When you see what I do to her when she doesn’t comply, you’ll be begging me to offer this again.”
Frank can’t make a sound anymore. Too much pressure around his neck. Then he feels something else, something he recognises. It’s the barrel of Bobby’s shotgun pressing into his stomach, and he blacks out before he can hear if it goes off.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Stop moving.” Frank grumbles from beside you. It was impossible not to shift around in this tiny bed, which you were almost positive had been the scene of a crime at some point.
“It’s a water bed. It moves on its own.” Whoever decided putting a water bed in a hotel room was a good idea was dumb. Especially when every time one of you shifted it sent you both closer together. It wasn’t the first time on this trip you’d slept next to each other, but you weren’t sure how you felt about being shoved together in a bed that was stained a faint yellow.
“It moves when you move.” He says and rolls over, and you can feel his eyes burning into your back. “You’re shivering.”
“Do you have any other complaints? You want to point out my grey hairs next?” You feel the heat of his breath of the back of your neck, and then the bed turns tidal as he sits up completely, shifting behind you. “Oh my god. What the fuck are you—“
You’re cut off by heavy fabric suffocating your open mouth, and it takes you a second to realise why everything’s gone dark. The first inhale and you can tell what it is. It smells like him. You haven’t admitted it to yourself yet, but you like that smell.
“Put it on. We’ll get you better clothes next time we stop.” He doesn’t roll over, still watching you as you wordlessly slip into the soft fabric of his jumper. You’ve worn it before, and Frank must of noticed how comfortable you seemed in it.
“Thought you’d want me to freeze.” It’s easier to play it off, the gesture one of many you haven’t decided how to read yet.
“Not when you shake like a chihuahua. Fuckin’ water bed…” He groans again and drops his body back down, nearly sending you flying off the other side. “Better?”
“I think I’m getting sea sick.”
“Go to sleep.”
You wait until you think he’s asleep to speak again.
“Thank you.” You whisper into the dark.
“Don’t worry about it.” He whispers back. When he shuffles behind you, and the waves of the mattress send you back against him, you squeeze your eyes shut and fall asleep before you can figure out why you don’t want to move from his side.
Gunshots woke you from sleep.
Your eyes didn’t open as fast as you wanted them to, and as you sucked in your first conscious breathe, you could taste something was wrong.
It tasted like stale bread— the air had a taste. You didn’t have a lot of experience with poison or gas, but you couldn’t think of anything natural that cause that kind of taste. Paired with how fuzzy your head felt right now, you knew you’d been fucked with in some way.
When your eyes finally opened, all the air you’d reluctantly taken in was shoved out of you. This room. You knew it just from staring at the floor. The stain on the ground. You tried to move your arm, but all it did was rattle the chains tied to the metal frame of your—the bed.
You tried to move your legs, hearing the same clanking sound with no payoff. You still thrashed against them, the fight sense kicking in and you not having enough clarity to save your energy. Everything was dialled to ten, being strapped back in here, held here.
Frank would come. An hour, and he would come for you. You knew he would. You just had to outlast the hour.
Footsteps started coming down the hall, and you swallowed dryly, trying to ignore the sickness bubbling in your stomach. Even the smell of this room was the same. Same mattress. Like he was hoping… expecting you to come back. You know it’s him. Before you look up, you know.
“There you are, sunshine. How I missed you.” Bile burns in your throat.
You can’t talk, the gas in the room filling your chest and throat with dry, green smoke. You feel his grimy hands in your soaked hair, and when you’re forced to look up, he’s wearing a gas mask. It doesn’t hide the blood covering his face.
“I think it’s time we got caught up. Shall we?” Your eyes burn. Any of that strength you were feeling before seeps out of you, and the first slap of his hand sends you straight back into the darkness.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
tag list:
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bardicbeetle · 6 months
7 for Isaac and 19 for Alex? :3c
oooooooooh these are excellent congratulations you hit the exact brainwave I needed to write.
7 - What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Well he's not fucking dead for one. I have talked briefly before about the part Isaac once played in SitD but it really does come down to that. This boy was supposed to die. Alex was supposed to kill him. That was supposed to be it. But no matter what I did, no matter where I moved his eventual death--be it the first instance or the end of the story--Isaac Raes refused to fucking die.
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Beyond the simple act of his continued existence: Isaac is a lot softer than he used to be. This is true of a lot of my characters--because I was horrendously full of repressed anger when I was younger--but I think it's most clearly illustrated in Isaac, who in older drafts was a lot quicker to condemn both Alex and the vamp!house as a whole as irredeemably evil. I think a lot of it came from his father's death being much fresher in mind (once upon a time that was not a matter of the past) and therefore not having had actual time to process and grieve.
He still tries to kill Alex the night they come back to apologize for almost killing him but after that there are no more attempts. He's more willing to talk Alex through what he knows, he's less hostile when Daniel eventually shows up to tell him to stop acting like a walking blood bank before it kills him.
He's less angry, by quite a lot.
And you know, he's alive.
19 - How does your OC behave when enraged?
Not gonna lie, Alex kinda loses their shit when they get to that point. If something gets bad enough, if they get pushed over the edge and can't escape backwards into shutting down instead of blowing up?
You're fucked.
If you are unlucky enough for this to coincide with them being any level of hungry, you are extra fucked.
Alex is new, new to being a vampire, new to having people they care about, new to feeling safe and loved and happy and if you push them to the point where they are close to losing any of that, or worse if you take some part of that away from them?
There is no fear button anymore.
Alex angry is from quiet and spitting to screaming and tearing in a matter of seconds. It would take a lot to get to that point. But once it's reached, there is no coming back from it.
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uhhhhmanda · 1 day
Thank you @gaylilsherlock! I love tag games.
1. are you named after anyone? My mother was going to name me Kelsey Dawn but Dad intervened and suggested Amanda, after Spock's mother 🖖
2. when was the last time you cried? Sometime last week because of a TDJ fic. (Who Holds the Devil by @amethystina)
3. do u have kids? Furbabies only.
4. what sport do you play / have played? I got drafted into soccer and it made me miserable.
5. do you use sarcasm? I've been trying to quit for years but god it's hard.
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? It depends, but probably clothing or hair.
7. what's your eye color? hazel
8. scary movies or happy endings? I like both! I don't need my scary movies to have happy endings, but getting both in one movie is the best.
9. any talents? writing, drawing, finding things at stores that won't ring up
10. do you have any pets? Shepherd/pit crosses Geordi and Pepper and a huge himbo cat named John Entwistle. Oh -- and a rooster named White Boy.
11. where were you born? An hour north of Seattle.
12. what are your hobbies? reading, writing, drawing, watching c- and k-dramas, cooking, fixing things, identifying fake books in the background of TV shows (I have a twitter thread about it)
13. how tall are you? 5'5"
14. favorite subject in school? English. But I unintentionally lettered in choir.
15. dream job? I tried the professional author thing after a lifetime of thinking it was my dream job but it was incompatible with rejection-sensitive dysphoria. Two other things I have always wanted to do for a living are 1) restore condemned houses 2) own/operate a senior trailer park (like as a live-in handylady for my elderly residents).
I'm taggin anyone who wants to play!
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...oh boy. we going with all of them? alrighty
tagged by @chaotic-on-main!!!
rules: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs!
the levi-related ones will be highlighted in pink since i've done a lot of writing for different fandoms so
Split into folders!
"Current" - dazai x reader "mafia days" - mafia!dazai x reader "mafia husband au" - chuuya x reader
2. "First drafts" - these are all canondivergent rewrites of some toaru light novels
"agitate halation arc" "battle royale arc" "DRAGON arc" "WWIII arc"
3. "Main verse" / general - most are related or excerpts of the canondivergent toaru universe unless otherwise specified
"book 1: the darkness within" "book 3 beginnings" "condemnation of the city" "intro to soul magic" - undertale au "purge arc" "soul harvest"
4. "Main verse" / "Series 1: Science" - updated drafts of canondivergent toaru light novel rewrites
"experiment arc" "the descent" "the dark side" "DRAGON" "WWII arc actual" "Ryuuri arc" - introduces another OC "freshman arc" "the next step" "agitate halation arc" "invasion arc"
5. "Main verse" / "Series 2: Magic"
"angel fall arc" "daihaisei arc" "hawaii invasion arc" "intro to magic"
"ATLA" - what it sounds like. OC that is Azula's twin. mostly explores Azula's POV throughout the OG series "norse au" - had some marvel-related dream where i was an odinson and beat the shit out of hela and was like very close with loki and was the true heir to the throne or something idk dreams are weird and sometimes i'll write about them "overwatch heart thing" - idk this has something to do with genji. i dont actually remember LMAO "plot: dazai is pissed at you" - what it sounds like. ex-boyfriend!dazai x reader. gets kinda dark.
"Random AU's that might turn into something" - my AOT content! :D
"Forced Roommates AU" - modern!au levi x reader (I'M STILL WORKING ON THIS GUYS I PROMISE I SWEAR) "Main AU" - canonverse levi x reader with special abilities due to a bloodline heritage "Post-war" - where i hold the parts of Until I See You Again "rivals" - canonverse levi x assassin!reader random WIPs in my drafts: - part 2 of the modern!au oneshot i wrote for @luvjiro - oneshot with flustering levi as he's patching you up - headcanons of levi as a pet!dad - either a canonverse oneshot or drabble of levi breaking up with a reader to protect them but then the reader dies and he wasn't there to protect them - request: canon!divergent scene where reader gets turned into a Titan and levi has to hunt down beardo and feed him to her - drunk love confession - levi attempting to confess his feelings but he's horrifically drunk - levi being reluctant to ask you out on a date - depressed reader and levi comes home to her with a matcha
send me asks if you're interested! even for the non-aot ones! although some i might remember better than others idk i've been writing for a while jadkf;ljd
#: @ohmytomorrowisthursday @fscottcatsgerald @marleysfinest @prettyiwa @mrsackxrman @sixpennydame @dont-f-with-moogles @ghostlykeyes @svftackerman @thevelria @nosleepjustlevi + anyone else i forgot idk i've gotten like 4 hours of sleep in the past 3 days a;dlkfjd
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captain-astors · 1 year
hi! what about the og quinx squad? :) (sorry for bothering you i just need more tokyo ghoul content and i like to hear people's opinions)
(I forgot about this in my drafts for a bit, I still love doing these) Ooh no worries I'm happy for the chance! I'll start it off short and sweet with my thoughts on the squad as the whole: I love them and their rainbow hair so very dearly. Speaking of rainbow, that's how I'm going to organize them as I rant about the individuals, hair color! so to begin,
Ginshi Shirazu! My pointy-toothed dearest, what is this shark doing outside of his natural habitat, put him back in the ocean. Jokes aside he's definitely the one I will most confidently say I wish the best for. His haircut would make me reconsider my life choices if I saw it in-person but as a work of fiction I like it quite a lot. Tokyo Ghoul is a series in which characters' hair generally follow the laws of gravity to a certain degree, which makes his little sprout stand out all the more. He was with us for less time than the rest but stood out all the more. Speaking of which, my only criticism would be why was he taken from us. Well, more specifically the timing of it Not just because I miss him either, why did it happen in that arc? It wasn't very quinx centric at all, it was about the Tsukiyamas and Haise so to squeeze Shirazu's death in there feels awkward. Guess we couldn't have the extrovert around to be reasonable and uplifting about the entire squad going to hell. As Kuki pondered during the Mutsuki fight, "maybe if we had our ray of sunshine we wouldn't have made the worst decisions of our lives."
Next up on the rainbow, Tooru Mutsuki. Oh my poor son. Look how they massacred my boy. If I ignore the undertones of "being trans is just a coping mechanism and he'll always be feminine and this is directly intertwined to the worst aspects of his character" it can't hurt me. IT CAN'T HURT ME. You deserve better than your parental figure Mutsuki I promise the first man not to shame and condemn you doesn't have to be the object of your affections. I don't know how to knit in the slightest but I'd make him a sweater and teach him how to make garlic bread or something. Disaster. Has done nothing wrong ever and everything wrong ever but I will support him regardless. I just want him to get the chance to heal instead of being given another way to unhealthily supress and hide. I love him dearly. If I had to give one criticism other than the whole. You know. I didn't realize his kagune was supposed to be a Bikaku until I took a closer look at a single panel in a chapter going through it for the second time, it really looks like it was supposed to be a ringkaku, just due to the fact that it seems to be coming from higher up on his back in most panels and takes that kind of tentacle shape.
Alright now, Saiko Yonebayashi! That is the only time I will be spelling her full name, Yonebayashi makes my brain perform a computer reset. A legendary vibe, strengthening your kagune is temporary, shaping it into anime weapons is forever. (I swear I'm not the first person to have this thought so if anyone knows where my brain stole it from let me know.) No complaints, golden standard of characters, perfection in a small package. Okay obviously that was a joke, I suppose it'd be the fact that she isn't really given an arc all her own to change and grow? It makes me sad because all the quinx men are given their moments, and while she has good scenes, where is my Saiko development! Where is my Saiko centric arc! WHERE IS SHE!
And we arrive at Kuki Urie. He's a funny guy to me because we have the same hobbies and similar aspirations to be the best as well as similar rude inner voices, but we're terribly different. Like I can fathom his logic and given the same goal and experiences, I'd do the same but I would never exercise by choice, I will continue being built like a noodle thank you. He's very dense, I like him. I appreciate the role of "the serious one" he plays but there were certainly a few times I just wanted to tell him to shut up and live a little. So that's my criticism. Learn to laugh Urie. Love him.
Now I'm not certain if you'd be including Haise in this but I'm going to for the sake of my own fun. Warning this is going to devolve fast.
Favorite Kaneki, literally just their mom. I wish his reaper transformation had been more like post-Jason, in the way that he's undeniably changed but still you know. A decent person. Instead he's just... whatever reaper Kaneki was. Biggest criticism was Shirazu's death. I don't care how many memories he's regained nor how Urie was being somewhat accusatory, Kuki was grieving, undeniably caught up in the fresh sting of death and memories, and though he did act somewhat arrogant in "why couldn't you save us" that's fairly reasonable. Haise was supposed to watch over them, and he was mainly saying "why weren't you there to say goodbye and comfort him in his final moments, he wanted you there" and despite certainly having at least a COUPLE memories as to Urie's whole complex of “I can’t be weak or rely on anyone because I can only trust myself to be strong enough to save my friends” reaper just says "actually you weren't strong enough to save him it's your fault again." Realistically that would've doubled down on that mentality and it probably did! I wish it was explored more but wow having the closest thing to a parent tell you the death of one of the closest people to you is your fault just like you've feared it would be, would mess up anyone. Moral of the story is love Haise, hate the reaper.
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
I finished XVI last night and seeing all the people thinking Clive died is baffling to me. I guess maybe they skipped the last few sidequests or something since they do give more context to the ending. Harpocrates literally giving Clive his quill and telling Clive to take up the quill instead of the sword when he returns. The book been named after Clive's exchange with Ultimate (which Joshua isn't present for), Clive narrating the beginning and ending. It seems obvious to me Clive wrote the 1/2
2/2 book at the end and used Joshua's name to keep his brother's legacy alive, just like he used Cid's name previously. And that's not even touching the dialogue from Jill's last sidequest literally matching the ending scene.
it's just been bothering me extra lately, because I have a buddy who's a content creator with actual contacts at Square Enix, and I had this conversation with him last week:
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and then he didn't respond to that last point??? but it's true; that's not how the scene unfolds. healing Joshua's body is not the last thing that Clive does with his power -- it's the very first thing. it's not like he spent the majority of Ultima's power on destroying all the bullshit and then, with his final spark of magic, healed Joshua at the zero hour. that's not what happened.
and, like. I love my buddy to death, but he's had insider contacts who have been wrong before. so I'm wondering if whoever he talked to was looking at an old draft of the script.
because -- you're right. literally everything leading into the final confrontation with Ultima feels like a giant flashing neon CLIVE LIVES AT THE END; DON'T WORRY CLIVE LIVES sign.
and having Clive die feels like it undercuts the entire thematic premise of the game, which is: Cid wanted to create a world where men can die on their own terms, but Clive wanted to create a world where men could live on their own terms. Cid even admits that his own approach was wrong and Clive's was right, which is why he passes the torch to him specifically.
so if Clive doesn't live, then he didn't actually win. before blowing up Ultima's shit, he says "these are our terms" but then... his terms aren't met??? because he doesn't actually get to live on his own terms??? so what's the point
what's the fucking point
AND THIS GAME HAS A LOT OF STORYTELLING PROBLEMS BUT HOLY SHIT TO HAVE CLIVE DIE AT THE END IS DAVID CAGE TIER BULLSHIT because the full picture of the story doesn't matter and the WHOLE THING is just "what would be a cool thing to happen in this moment, divorced from the context of everything else"
I can't stand it.
but yeah. that's why I've been really edgy about this lately. because, while it's far more likely than not that my buddy's contact had wrong/outdated information, there's still that non-zero chance that he didn't.
and boy does that completely condemn the entire fucking game as terrible, thoughtless, meaningless bullshit with nothing of value to say.
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jayteacups · 2 years
hope you slept well, fren <3 how about D F K M U?
Aww thank you Suki!! Sorry this took so long to respond to 😭 I started answering it a week ago when I was waiting in the airport, and then it collected dust in the drafts for a bit akskdkfk sorry!! Here it is now.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Oooo 👀 there are pairings I don’t like but I don’t wish that I liked them? I suppose I wish I understood the hype behind Jeankasa. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate it at all, but seeing as Mikasa never saw Jean in that light and Jean’s feelings for Mikasa seems to be more infatuation than anything else, I don’t quite see why it’s a popular ship. This is not to say I hate the ship tho, nor do I hate its fanbase!
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Oh wow I think… 4 years ish? For fandoms like PJO, everything to do w/ Shadowhunters, Supergirl… so like a lot of my time in my old fandoms lasted roughly around that length, give or take a year.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Answered here!
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Answered here! Long story short it’s ur best boy Armin 😌
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Levi Ackerman (AOT): no explanation needed at this point 😂😂 BUT for the sake of the question I will give u a short one :) Levi’s one of my forever favs because he remains the most compassionate and selfless character despite his entire life being rooted in violence and severe losses. He has every reason to hate the world and condemn it for what he’s been through but he doesn’t, and continues to protect humanity however he can.
Wei Yingluo (Story of Yanxi Palace): the main character in a Chinese period drama that details the life of a girl whose sister was SA’d and killed whilst working as a palace maid in the Forbidden City, but nobody cares about the truth behind it. Yingluo joins the embroidery maid workforce and schemes to investigate her sister’s death and get revenge - she invented gaslight gatekeep girlboss 😌😌 an icon.
Kugisaki Nobara (Jujutsu Kaisen): She’s absolutely unhinged. And I love it!! I love how she’s so brazen, so confident. She’s a female character done right by the author and the story (at least from what I’ve seen in the anime, I haven’t read ahead in the manga yet, hoping she doesn’t get the sidelined treatment à la historia, for example). like literally, do I want Nobara or want to be Nobara, I don’t know. Also her cursed technique is dope asf and her fight scenes are 🤌🏼🤌🏼 esp in the S1 finale, girlie did NOT give a shit anymore and stuck three nails through her arm like it was NOTHING. She has more than a few screws loose. And I love her.
fandom ask game
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hello there! tw for classism/racism. the way ppl love Zuko and vilify Jet is so alarming to me (as a jetko fan, even) because it's super telling that they'd hate the poor colonized dark-skinned kid when he's essentially a mirror of so many beloved characters *sigh*
this has been sitting in my drafts for a while because i have so many opinions about jet oh my god. like you're right that fandom is racist about him but there's so much more to unpack
like i feel like so much of villainizing jet is just lazy fanfic writing. a lot of fic in the jetko tag is zukka with past jetko, where the author clearly decided that zuko should have a abusive ex and then for ~some reason~ chose a brown guy to fill that role. i hate fanfic like that, that comes up with roles and forces the characters into them rather than shaping the story around existing characterization, and it can be really revealing of the authors' biases.
but at the same time i'm also wary of anyone who acts like he was totally right and the show did him wrong by villainizing him. for one thing, a kids' show was not going to get into the ethics of violent resistance. star trek deep space nine did, with former freedom fighter/terrorist kira nerys, but though her resistance fighting is framed as justified, she's very much haunted by the innocent lives she took and whenever she talks about it it's clear that that life was draining and miserable and not heroic. it's not something atla was going to get into.
plus, the show already HAS characters wounded by the fire nation who engage in direct&violent resistance: the gaang! katara in "the southern raiders" is directly compared to him. jet is her tragic foil as azula is zuko's - the person who couldn't break the cycle. azula stayed trapped in ozai's abuse while zuko broke free, jet stayed consumed by revenge while katara broke free.
seeing jet as an abuser or a heroic resistance fighter misses what's interesting about him. if he had security in his life (a stable home, family, etc.), would he feel the need to manipulate and control others around him? if he hadn't lost so much, would he have be as obsessed with revenge? probably not. to put it another way - it's easy to be a saint in paradise. but out in occupied territory, there are no saints. just angry, scared, determined people who will do anything to survive.
(btw the woman sisko is talking to is kira nerys, the former resistance fighter i mentioned earlier)
THAT'S what's interesting about jet. his flaws are ultimately not a condemnation of him or anyone like him but of the system that made him that way. he's not good but he's not as bad as people make him out to be and if he hadn't died he could've healed. he and zuko are both profoundly fucked up unpleasant teenage boys and if you can see the nuance in zuko you should be able to see it in jet too.
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urlocalterrorist · 2 years
Why aren't you scared of me?
I decided, i will start a series! But not just a normal one... >:)
Assassin(yandere?)! Reader x Tanjiro
Reader's pronounce: female reader
(Y/n) is part of team that calls themselves the "light foxes". They promised to the people of their country that they will punish every criminal on earth, for the name for their God. But all they do is condemns and suspects kids, man and women, for crimes they never did. After that they kill them. In front of the sun. (Y/n) had enough. She can't see the inosent peoples dying faces anymore. So she turn against her own kind. She is no longer a light fox. No, no, she is the shadow, that drowns the light, the wolf that kills the foxes. It's been exactly 3 years she killed everyone of them. And now she wonders the land of Japan. Hunting down demons fun. She is almost at the point to became a hashira herself. But would she be able to keep herself under control?
This series will contain: Violence, Gore, Dark themes, Reader has blood lust, Reader has no control over herself, Psycho/Yandere like behavior, Stalking.
If you are uncomfortable or sensitive any of them above, please search for a nother blog, or read this series with your own risk. you've been warned.
Editing T-cat is here
Oh look what i have found in my Drafts? Oh yes. Anyway i hope everyone has a good night/day/evening/afternoon! Here, have some of your favorite drink ^^🍵
Editing T-cat is out
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Chapter 1
That's all you could hear.
You just watched how your ex-bosses blood dripping down from her neck, listen to the blood dripping down from your wolf mask, and your blood stained hands. It was a great idea to bring the 2 pack of wolfes here, otherwise you would already end up dead.
Oh how you loved to listen to the cries of your ex-co workers, how they begged for your mercy. Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. The way your ex-boss tried to convince you that she made a mistake or that she is just sick and you should gave her mercy.
Now look at her and everyone around you. Their white clothes are all colored with crimson red. But you can't have this quite place to long, the civilians who believed these people are trying to brake in to the Head Quarters.
You can't stay here for to long.
Another boring day eh?
You thought to yourself as you get up from your comfortable bed to go out and train with your- oh wait. You almost forgot. You killed your master by accident. You were practice to shot 3 arrows with you bow, and he walked in the shooting zone. One arrow was shot directly at his head and... Yeah. You still couldn't find the old man's head.
From now own you were creating your own breathing style. It's like mist breathing but with shadows of course. Shadow breathing has 12 froms: 5 for your kattana, 2 for your karambits, 3 for your bow, and the other 2 is for stealth basically.
You were walking to the Final Selection. As one of the most dangerous Assassin in the world, you had good hearing, sight, and good senses. If something stepped into your aurora, you could feel it. You were also faster than the fastest hasira. Yes you were. And how do you know? Let's say once you saw him slaying a demon as you learned form all of the hashiras movements. He was slower than you.
As you arrive where The Final Selection took place in, you saw around 20 demonslayers. You imadietly took a notice on a redheaded, and a blonde boy, all you could think of is how these two would be suspected of a crime and would be killed by those who you trus-
Don't go there (y/n). Those times are over. You put an end to those times.
Your thoughts has been interrupted by two little kids voices that are around the age of 8. Their voices, spoke at the same time, it sounded to much like those twins that used to say those names who was about to be killed because of their 'sins'.
"shadow breathing: 1st form, Shadow steps" you said softly, almost wispering as you disappeared in front of the 4 demons who now looked confused. They can't locate you. Mere seconds later none of the 4 demons had their head's attached to their neck's as you appeared again and ran to the next location. You didn't cared for those 7 days, you could do that in hours, heck in seconds. You only wanted to kill the demons, and you can do that in one day or less.
As you ran through the woods you can sense a strong demon to your left, perfect. That's the strongest demon you could found here. As you made it to the demon, you could see the redhead on the ground, unconscious. Week. Just like that one kid you were almost able to safe from the future he was about to have. But got shot by an arrow, while he was running for dear life. He head the same hair like that boy on the ground.
You shot your right leg behind the left as you lifted your kattana infornt of your wolf mask, before you said these words almost in a wispering manner. "Shadow breathing: 3rd form, drowning light" and with in the blink of an eye the demons head were slowly fell to the ground as you were on the on the other side of the demon.
As the demon turned to ashes, you on the other hand taked a very last look on the unconscious boy you just safed. He layed there peacefully as you turned your back towards the boy and slay every demom that gets in your way, before memories could mist your mind.
I'm bored.
That's what you were thought as you slayed the last demon around you. I guess you have only have to go back, right? So you did. You choose your ore, got your crow, and you headed back to your now dead masters house. The Final Selection was pretty much boring to you.
There you are getting your color changing blade, karambits, bow and arrows. You even got a little upgrade for your bow, you have blades on each ends of it. So you could cut down a demons head with your bow.
In fascinating.
You think before your crow spoke up from nowhere "Northeast, Northeast! In a village 3 little kids went missing last night. Notheast Northeast!"
Little.... Kids?
That's it who ever is killing those kids, you ganna kill them the most painful way possible. Before your sword smith could even react you picked up your weapons, dressed up in your uniform and stormed out, running to the village with pure rage.
2 Hours later you arrived at the village, and looked for a hotel you could get a rest from all those running around. After that you need to ask questions about the missing kids.
In the late afternoon, you knocked on the door, waiting for any response. You wanted to knock again before a women in a beautiful kimono stepped out. "yes?" she said calmly.
"Good afternoon, miss..."
"miss Mura
"Miss Mura. I... Heard about the 3 missing kids from last night. Are you the mother of the kids?" you asked politely. Before she spoke she swallowed her spit, as you could feel the pain, and grief coming from her aurora.
"yes, i am"
you nodded as you softly spoke "i'm, sorry for your lost" you lowered your head in a respectful meaner before you continue "if it's alright, i would like to ask a few questions about the kids, and about last night."
She hesitantly nodded as she let you in her house. She closed the door behind the two of you, as you walked in and greeted the father of the missing kids, you take a notice of a child in the man's hand, she is around the age of 5. You and the family sit down around the table, as you introduce yourself, and you begin with your questions.
"What happened last night?"
"I was cooking in the kitchen as when the kids go outside and play. The sun was not down yet." The mother said as the father continued "when the sun was down the kids were already gone. They didn't answer to any calls so we begin to search, but the kids were nowhere to be found."
You only nod as you continued "how does the kids looked like?" the 5 year old happily answer "Michio and Michi has blue eyes like father's with white hair like mother's, they are twins and Michio is the older one, Usagi has black hair like father's and yellow eyes, like mother's!" she said "Miss are my siblings ganna be otay? Will they come home and play with me?"
Your heart shacked. Lie. You have to lie, you have to. You don't wanna break a innocent heart. You can't. You can't tell her the truth. "Yes they will."
You cursed in your mind multiple times while saying that, but it worthed everything to see the child face lit up with stars as she rushed to you and pulled you in her embrace. You hesitantly placed one hand on the kids head and the other on her back, as you pulled the kid close to your chest. You closed your eyes for a few seconds as you see the faith of a simular child like the one you holding.
you hold that child the same way hold this one.
"than you for you honesty mister and missis Mura." you said as you blow down as the couple then answered "you don't have to blow down, we only ask you for one thing, please, found our kids alive!"
You stayed silent for a few seconds before your soft voice was the only thing the couple could hear
"i will bring them home..."
Liar. Those kids are probably dead by now.
"i promise."
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nongnaos · 1 year
tag people you want to get to know better
tagged by @icouldhyperfixatehim and i am doing this right away bc i am very aware that there are two other unfinished tag games from you in my drafts (in my defence I really wanted to make picture edits of the characters for the 10 characters tag and I literally last night put on SCOY in order to take a screenshot and realised I never finished the show so now I'm just watching it...) ((in my condemnation you tagged me in november and I'm only getting round to it now))
three ships: Xun An/Bai Lang (also that post you made about the irish bracelet that I commented on.. tumblr never sent the notification to say you replied and I only saw it a while later and immediately binged the show and loved it so much!) Na Heedo/Baek Yijin (i have an hour left to 2521 and i dont want it to end) Tinn/Gun (my babies).
first ever ship: Probably John Paul and Craig from Hollyoaks and oh boy was that toxic. I was watching fmv's on dial-up internet. What a time.
last song: that acoustic version of Far by Silvy and Jeff Satur.
last movie: Passing with Tessa Thompson and Ruth Negga
currently reading: you mentioned All the Flowers Kneeling by Paul Tran in one of these tag games and I started that a while ago and am half way through!
currently watching: 2521, Gap, Between Us, My School President, The Warp Effect.
currently consuming: I just had some homemade lasagne for dinner, some baklava (sorry. i read your tags. tbf it was bad baklava tho) and carrot halwa (very good). I'm so full but its too late to go for a walk so I'm digesting in bed.
currently craving: someone to sit in my room and force me to finish tidying it. also for my autocorrect to not be in american english pls who do you think i am.
tagging, no pressure: @stillqueerstillhere @wkxs @chordassinationtechnique @lovingpran (I know you tagged me in something similar a while ago but I've been listening to that song Slow Motion - 77ke since and it's sooo good!!)
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anendoandfriendo · 2 years
A Rough Draft of "Not AlloBout You" (working/temporary title)
Brackets are words we aren't sure about but have a concept we wanna work into the thing.
Stanzas/paragraphs within the image are separated by two lines instead of just one so things looks neater. For some reason we can't seem to do this on Tumblr but we're trying to find a workaround.
Title was completely and utterly on the fly and suggested by our headmate Vanilla to pur headmate Elise.
This is about the intersections between asexuality and how our plurality involves a "veil" of sorts — it's not a shell alter or any kind of headmate but it still exists and puts a considerable filter on us and that affects how we interact with the world.
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I'm sick and tired of your songs
That talk about your boys and girls
And how your legs work and how
You're always blushing
There's no rules you're breaking
No rebellion you're creating
Nobody condemns you
The same
That they do to me
It's always about sex
It's always about love
But apparently love isn't good enough
If it's only a friend
Or only yourself
Or only yourselves
Then they say you'll die alone
And you respond that that's fine
Because you never were
But even if that was true, how is that a bad thing?
It's always about sex
It's always about love
But apparently love isn't good enough
If it's only a friend
Or only yourself
Or only yourselves
We were friends of Dorothy before you pushed us away,
[[and we're friends to the Cheshire cat, those that you hate so happily??]]
So we're gonna need you to stop
Making murderers out of our multiple personalities
The ace on our mask's sleeve is our sexuality
Not a weapon like the heart you wear in kind
It's always about sex
It's always about love
But apparently love isn't good enough
If it's only a friend
Or only yourself
Or only yourselves
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mason-fanfiction · 1 year
AOM2: Recap
Mason’s one true love, Ryan, has died of influenza. Mason and his son, Mellophone, are wrecked with greef. Mel’s spirits are low, and boy do they get lower! His father is drafted for the war and looses three limbs from an intentional attack. Mel swears revenge on who did this 😂😂.
Mel starts by recruiting his friend Bryan, son of Ashley. They meet Greasy Dick, who sends them on an adventure. On this excursion they meet Bone and PJ, two local pirates. Mel and Bryan repair their friendship. They also meet Sea Man, who is just a silly character without much depth.
After a successful voyage, they return to Greasy Dick, who sends them to Cristian in a dark alleyway. Cristian insinuates that a character from the LLC is involved in this situation.
In a separate dark alleyway, Spider tells the two boys to be careful, as they’re starting to raise some eyebrows by asking all these questions. Whoever tried to kill Mason doesn’t want to be found out. He tells Mel to visit his birthing hospital.
At the hospital, Mel discovers that he has a half-brother. Mason and Mike Tarny created a baby in college whom they named Fatty. Mason and Ryan created Mel. Mel wonders where Fatty could be. Butch Ashley appears before him and tells him to visit Mike Tarny at his car wash, as Mike Tarny was last seen with his half-brother.
At the car wash, Mike Tarny reveals that he used to look after Fatty, but accidentally lost him at a football game. Mel is PISSED. Butch Ashley appears again and tells them of a secret base in the Wallingford river. She says that Mel must take Spider there, and it’s important for his quest.
Mel follows these instructions, and kidnaps Spider from his Scientology school. He gets help from Mike Tarny and Elizabeth She. They find the secret base, but!!
It was a trap! The Butch Ashley that appeared in Mike Tarny’s house was a fake projection! Woah! Mel and Mike Tarny escape in a helicopter, but Spider is kidnapped. The weird rooms and items in the secret base condemn Shelly as the mastermind behind the operation to kill Mason.
They fly to Mel’s house to check on Mason. He’s not there, but Shelly is. Shelly kidnaps Bryan and Mel. Mel wakes up in a desert temple and almost dies to some lasers, but doesn’t.
Determined to save his friends, Mel recruits Street Smarts. Unexpectedly, Mason escapes his captors, and Bryan is released. Mason accidentally hits Shelly with his car and kills her.
Everyone is together again, but Spider is still missing. The group prepares for an inevitable battle to save their friend, and get these goons off their back fr. End recap.
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thepictureofsdr · 1 year
i saw your post about alastair and now im curious about all ut thoughts on Matthew
this ask. is like half a year old. I am So Sorry however i have thought about it literally every day bc my feelings on him are so… complex
i think i can break it down into two categories: 1. his character in context of the whole series, and 2. the bubble of his character, not taking into account his actions and impact towards other people
1. um. he makes me SO MAD. listen i have said time and time again that the thieves dont owe alastair forgiveness but that doesn’t extend to matthew actively trying to fuck up alastairs life. what pisses me off is that this whole agenda is centered on matthews wants, its not because he cares about his friends and wants them away from someone he thinks is bad. when he tells thomas about alastair at the party, there’s no concern for thomas. hes told at their best friends party, probably the first night of happiness since his sister was killed, while intoxicated and very much in public. math didnt take thomas aside or wait for a better moment. [I DONT HATE MATH I JUST LOVE THOMAS] matthew doesnt like alastair, so no one can like alastair, even if he has to hurt others to obtain that. hes very clearly stringing the other thieves along in this its just for him, they all like alastair or dont care about the past. kit doesnt give a shit, james respects alastair to a degree and thomas is head over heels. he even manages to make cordelia call his manipulation of alastair “kind.” he condemns alastair for spreading rumours yet he himself has deemed spreading gossip fun [i can’t STAND hypocrisy its a very easy way to get me to dislike a character unfortunately] he unconsciously blames alastair for the death of his sibling and now alastair and thomas are paying for it. understanding where a mental dip and lashing out are coming from can happen at the same time as not agreeing with it. i understand why matthew acts like this but that doesnt mean i can just ignore how matthew pushed alastair back down to his lowest yknow?
2. i adore him, and i sympathize with him, and he makes my heart hurt in every possible way. he was my tied fave character in tales, this young energetic boy who wants to be friends w the quiet kid, who stood up for his friends, and my heart SHATTERED when i read the poison story. at his core hes a genuinely good person, so i can’t even imagine the guilt thats been crushing him all these years. not only the pain of hurting his mother but killing the baby, my heart breaks every time i think about him and what he’s been carrying all these years. it hurts to even think about this burden hes placed on himself, the silence and ever growing self hatred and inherent belief that hes a problem. all i want is for him to receive that forgiveness hes been desperately needing for so long, and for him to see himself through the eyes of others, for him to see that goodness he possesses and the light he brings into the lives of others and for him to be loved as he so deserves.
there’s more but i cant lie im really scared of matthew lovers but also id feel so bad leaving this in drafts 😭 all in all my feelings on him are so complicated, i love him but hes also hurt someone else i love, hes a walking grey area. but i dont hate him, i feel like a lot of people are quick to assume any criticism is pure unfiltered hatred which clearly isn’t true considering my fave is ALASTAIR talk about someone who’s actions can be criticized 😭
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Peace within Grace ✌️on Earth 🗺 Spare all life don’t love it Suicidal Mercy 🥀
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