#thinking about when q got his ass i dont think q would not fuck him up a little bit. resulting in the legs.
siramory · 11 months
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radical-ghostface · 2 years
Ryan Erzahler NSFW Alphabet 😆✊🏾 my boy barely gets any love and i dont understand why😭😭 love your fics btw😌❤️
No cause you're literally so right. I barely ever see any ryan smut or nsfw content so here you go! I hope its good!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
I think ryan would be the type to be really sweet after sex. Like he would caress your face and give you that lil smile he does, and kiss you really gently. Ugh i just know hes the cuest thing.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favourite of his own would be his hands. He knows they're hot.
And for his partner I think either smile or eyes. And a lil ass 😏
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Hes for sure a cum in your mouth kinda guy. Either that or i can see him wanting to cum on your back.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I think he listens to nsfw audios. And would maybe even secretly make a few himself 👀
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Honestly i dont think Ryan is very experienced. Hes not a very social person and i can see that affecting his relationships/sex life. So i feel like he only really has sex with people that he connects with.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Doggyyyyyy. 100% you cant change my mind. Giving AND recieving.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Ryans more of a serious guy when it comes to sex. Not a lot of joking around or bing goofy but hes not all serious. The right partner would bring it out.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Clean shaven for sure.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
I feel like he would start out kind of stiff or awkward and then once he eased into it and got more comfortable he would be super passionate. Very into the moment, and possibly very heated.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Ryan doesn't jack off very often at all. Maybe once a week? If that. He doesn't have a super high sex drive.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Neck. Biting.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Almost always at home or in a bed. He would turn down a car fuck though 😏
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Nerds. Lol no but like someone intelligent, we all know this man is a himbo okay? He need someone smart to balance him out. So i can see him sitting there listening to his partner talk about something he has no idea about (ex. Quantum physics 😏) and literally all he hears is gibberish because all he can think about is how hot the words sound coming out of their mouth. Know what i mean? Does that make sense? 😬
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Bondage. Its deffinitely not something he would feel comfortable with, like it just wouldnt turn him on at all.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
This man would never turn down a good blow job. Hes nore of receiver than giver but he knows what hes doing with his mouth
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Ryans the kinda guy who likes it intense, like passionate af. He loves to get really into it and just kinda lose himself to the passion and his partner.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Hes not really a quckie kinda guy but he'll deffinitely do it if his partner asks.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Not a huge risk person, but he would experiment. Especially with threesomes. Dont ask me why, it just makes sense lol
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
I think ryan could go a solid 3 or 4 rounds before he couldn't cum anymore
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Hes always down to try different toys. He even has a few himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This boy LOVES to be teased and over stimmed. To the point where his jaw is clenched and hes drooling just a lil 😏
But not much of a teaser himself.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Pretty quiet, he grunts and moans a lil but hes pretty tame.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
This man likes fucking in water. Period.
Also a slight mask kink 😉 cmon he loves horror, tell me he wouldnt love to be fucked my ghost face or michael myers.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Im gonna say hes somewhere around 7-8 inches, with it being more lengthy than girthy
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Again ryans sex drive isnt too high but it really all depends on his partner and the situation.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I feel like he would stay up for a sold hour or so to cuddle and make sure his partner felt comfortable and loved ❤ few face/head and shoulder kisses and when he feels satisfied he'll let himself drift off.
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sketchybusiness4130 · 9 months
Honestly I'm really surprised that no ones gone and made a dating sim for fnaf sb so here's some ideas I made for a crossover mod within Monster Prom about Security breach around a year and a half ago.
As someone who might only know of sb and nothing what monster prom is let me go into some detail of the game before I share my ideas
Monster prom is a dating sim set in a high school with almost all of the characters being monsters
So think like monster high but with crack shit humor and everyones gearing up for prom night in a weeks(you can change how long a game last so it could be only one week or two) that game is also multiplayer so you can share the experience with friends!
Back when I had writtin this out I had planned on using the in-game mod menu to make this into a mod but with almost every idea i come up with and get really determined over I lost interest after getting into the actual making it into the thing phase. I gift these ideas for ANYONE to pick up and use! all I ask is to let me see what you make
Now with that out of the way, onto the actual content!
Monster prom & security breach crossover ideas
Freddy and the rest of the cast are in spooky high school wow! 
Event storyline with Freddy that has him and Bonnie Hook up after finding out Bonnie didnt acctly die. if you play your cards right you get the chance join them ;3
Monty and Damian chilling together and then getting into a fist fight and/or a fight over who can cause the most damage 
Vanny event that also has Jerry pop up at least once and the two bond over killing people
Freddy bonding with Liam over being adopt dads (liam is a "dad" in cannon apparently)
I'm gonna have all of em be monsters rather than robots but I cant decide if I want to do this with Freddy too mainly cause I really want to have a 
scene where Gregory pops out of fredds stomach hatch which spooks and horrifies everyone watching, someone exslapes that OMG Freddy YOUr Pregernore?!? 
Vanny and zoe bonding over being fan girls
Vanny got catfished by Afton and is now stuck taking care of him outside of school hours
Sun and vanny scene that starts off with they getting along pretty well and they both start listing off things the two both like and then vanny shares she loves killing kids which ends that budding friendship real quick
Gregory with a Fazblaster will always end well! (hint, it doesnt) roxy gets blinded and if u fuck up the choice so do you
Aaravi finds out that a human child is just chilling amongst all of these “monsters” and self proclaims herself as Gregory's new guardian or something along those lines. Gregory is taking none of her shit at first but likes her attitude and they end up as good friends/a sibling dynamic
“DONT YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS MONSTERS ARE KID?! You cant just chill with these creatures, you must be on your guard at all times. I'll show you the ways “ something like this 
Gregory in a small way reminds Aaravi of her brother, and even more so for Michael. ido how I'll be able to convey this smoothly but damnit it has to happen somehow 
There will be events that lead to odd places around or near the school. Sun made a playroom under the gym bleachers, vanny event/storyline leads you down into the basement to meet afton, Chica event that has the two of you fall into said basement
Maybe chicas storyline can be the two of you searching for montys monster mash thing? 
Ok so freddy is still a robot but hes a ghost haunting said robot, aka Freddy is Michael afton. 
Gregory: “i wanna be like you freddy-”
Freddy:”thats great superstar!”
Gregory: “a kick ass immortal robot >:3”
Freddy, horrorifed: “no you dont” 
Freddys lived a long ass life
Player gets punted into the Sun, aka Sun the monster
Vanny storyline has you help her try to get out of having to take care of Afton, one of the final choices is on how to this [1]he's so old a frail, lets just burn him in a fire [2] beat him at his favorite game, princess quest.
[1] would cause you to fail and have afton be quick to say i always come back with vanny agreeing by giving examples of how many times he has already died and come back, some of which was because of a fire! She loses confidence and you lose your chance forever
[2] has afton scoff at the idea of anyone managing to do such for HE is a master at the game and is the true number one fan and if you dares say otherwise your in for a reckoning, you in turn say “if ur so confident then there should be no problem with wagering my win for vanny’s freedom”(maybe rephrase this) and then commences the most epic game of princess quest, the narrator before you get into it comments on the fact that lucky for you ur a speedrunning champion for old arcade games like this one. It ends up being a close game but you manage to beat the old basdter's high score!
Moons eyes change from blue to pure red depending on his mood
Sun likes to hide out during gym but can't get the braves to full on skip so that's why he made his playroom under the bleachers. Plus no one ever goes under there besides the injured trying to crawl away from their death
Among us Gregory vent meme
Gonna have each of the bois be something completely different than the other, freddy as already stated is the only one that's still a robot, monty is a were-gator that stays in his gator form as often as he can because he’s self conscious, Sun and moon are some kind of doll. Magic or some shit makes their change, Gregory is still a full on human. As for Chica and Roxy, I'm not quite sure what I wanna do for them other than just furry. 
Furry roxy, then bird thing for chica, air people? Yes, when it get brought up joke about it “this will most likely end up proved non canon by the next game but who cares!” 
Gregory: Freddy, I'm serious! 
Freddy: hi serious, im 
Ok Plan is to make the mod with only Sun Moon and Vanny to start off. 
So that would be at least 3 to 4 different routes to make. I want to also throw in a small handful of random events. After making/posting the final result i get to work on update GlamRock, which will add the rest of the cast along with a shit ton of new random events.
Someone brings up how her mouth never moves “annoyed: look its a skin condition”  
Vanny Route, activated after buying a rabbit's foot
Sun Route, you get pulled into this route after buying sun-drops
Moon route, is gotten by buying moon-drops 
Nope ok you get Sun AND Moon’s routes after buying “celestial themed candy” 
Depending on your choices durn this route it will branch off into 3 different endings. Similar to how Aaravi and Hex’s routes work in monster camp ;>
One event has you join sun during one of his shifts at the daycare he works at (guest star of gregory? Depends if i get around to fricking drawing him) 
Moon “moonlights” as a aerial dancer, durning his route you get to watch him durning one of his performances. Joke is made on how much you would love to see him on a pole ;>(this whole game has so many horry jokes, tho you can turn off any nsfw realted stuff through settings)(even then nothing explicit happens or shows btw! At most Just implied) 
During both of sun and moon’s routes you get the chance to pair up with both depending on ur choices 
Costume ideas
Vanny, white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland
Moon, pied piper
Gregory, crying child/ghost
Roxy, Red Riding Hood
And thats everything I wrote! As you can probably tell I did not bothing with polishing this up much, if I did I'll never getting around to actually posting this(<- already been procrastinating on posting bc of this reason) so I just decided to post as is.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
Pounding my fist on the floor, 1) you KNOW most of tumblr is going to be obsessed with Macky’s stage voice. He’d be an icon for it, YouTube commercials want him voice acting for them and video game trailers like Nevercake. 2) Hilarious how Macky was all LMAO you thought you were the other guy? And how we’re all ruffled over fandom reading wrong, and then Macky gets to experience ALL of that he didn’t intend with fanonizing The Fool. Sorry bud, welcome to fandom! Also bro really thought these Swk moments would prove something and were important enough to include- 3) the mortifying ordeal of Swk talking to you but also complimenting you then insulting you and offering to collab?? 4) oh my gosh not the voice actor theories Mackey is insane, like we been knew how extra he is for the bit but if fandom caught a whiff of that things can go wildly controversial conspiracy for him, stuff like how he’s treating the voice actors/paying/crediting them properly, linking to socials, etc (but if he ever exposes the voices as done by himself they would explode) 5) Wukong persona ship reminds me of the Onceler x himself ship thing tumblr had going on. 6) Macky hears of shipping discourse and wonders what the heck is up with package delivery. 7) Stop that question is so funny, I’m going “Aw lol” at them defending their favorite silly guy but real, going mad with power XD on his way to making the next Antigone (Greek play the terrifyingly large classics fandom on tumblr calls the blueprint for tragedy, we lost a war to them and it resulted in a crack ship because fandoms are that crazy) if fandom is that picky about the tragedy. 8) the memes about Macky and PLS I’m crying this is so funny I’m gonna sob that’s his comfort character!! His self insert blorbo you’re so right he is that author who WILL complain that the curtains were blue for a reason! Literature students hate him and teachers are vindicated! You gotta interpret it correctly hahaha, this kind of behavior would baffle anyone from a whole grown man (his ass does NOT have a degree in the performing arts) didn’t go to school at all, can’t even pay his taxes don’t even got his own house he lives in Swk’s walls. But rlly being protective about who can relate to your comfort character is like, mentally ill tween behavior he gonna be under so much scrutiny
Bestie they would be on him like fucking vultures (get it? because he’s dea—)
he doesn’t get why the fandom is misinterpreting his work. like why are they focusing on some star and cloud when the real themes are centered on the sun and moon like that is his motif, how are they able to be so wrong—
ngl i dont think i would react any differently if i was in Macky’s shoes and my ex/enemy/the guy you wanna kill is gushing about your artwork while giving you a compliment sandwich and WHY IS HE ASKING TO COLLAB WHAT IS HAPPENING????
new video essay just dropped: ISPP’s creator is problematic actually and benefits off of employee abuse (followed by another essay in Macky’s defense and the concept of privacy and how fandom culture has evolved into a space where the privacy and comfortability for actors and production crews is seen as a bad thing vector “deprives the fandom from X”)
yes, i too thought of the Onceler fandom and they also apply as a reference
Macky on his thought over shipping: “I know it evolved over the years and became such an efficient tool. more efficient than i ever dreamed, but i dont see how that relates to my stories???”
the power of the ISPP compels him….to what path? that’s up to him
there would be sO many memes that come after a VA Q&A like so many (“was anyone going to tell me…” and “yeah, yeah the [bombshell of the fandom] we all know that”)
Macky would struggle so, so, sO hard with ppl misinterpreting his work 😂 he is absolutely at that level where he’ll go at arms for his characters (specifically his self-inserts) and talk about how if you watched the films THIS way them MAYBE—
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wgqc · 7 days
Q 1 - whats the hottest part of your body? - my ass
Q 2 - What color panties are you wearing 🙈 - black thong
Q 3 - When did you first ever see porn? Where were you and how did you find out about it? - my friend showed me when we were about 13, then I watched more when I got home
Q4 - What did you think when you first saw the size of the guys in porn and what did you think when you saw your first cream pie? - that they would be able to do whatever they wanted to me and I wouldn’t really be able to do anything about it. And for the creampie, I don’t remember but now I think they’re hot as fuck
Q 5 - Did you masterbate when you first saw porn and what age did you first masterbate - not the first time, it was just curiosity. But I was around 13 when I eventually did
Q 6 - Whats your biggest fantasy? - being raped in front of my boyfriend, and the guy taking my anal virginity in front of him (my bf always asks if he can play with my asshole but I tell always tell him “another time”)
Q 7 - Your sleeping over at your friends house and you have a crush on her older brother. Everyone is upstairs when you notice her brother is taking a shower with the door open. Do you A. Watch him secretly from the door B. Watch him secretly and rub yourself C. Go back to your room and rub in private D. Walk in on him and pretend it was an accident - Definitely D
Q 8 - He see you in the door way and ask if you want to join him. What do you say? - no words, I’d just jump in
Q 9 - He starts to kiss you and slides his hand inside your panties. How wet would you be on a scale from 1-10? - (ignoring the fact we’d be in a literal shower), 7
Q 10- What position would you want him to fuck you in? A. Bent over while he is pulling your hair B. Up against the shower wall C. Standing up while he hold one leg up - all of the above, but A mostly
Q 12 - You feel him sliding deep inside you and your pussy juices are all over his big cock. You’re starting to moan so he puts his hand over your mouth. Your feel you’re about to cum. What do you do that makes it obvious you’re about to orgasm? - push back against him, hard
Q 13 - He feels you cumming around his cock and see you shake puts him over the edge. He starts to cum really hard. Where would you want him to? A. Inside you B. On your face C. In your mouth D. On your butt/tits/stomach - A, without asking me
Q 14-You work for an hot older guy who is away for the weekend and you need to get something from his house. You walk into the wrong room and see a sybian sitting there plugged in. What do you do? A. Go home and watch a porn of a Sybian and masterbate B. Turn it on and get on fully clothed C. Turn it on and get on in just your panties D. Turn it on and get on fully naked. Rude it to the most intense orgasm of your life - D
Q 15 - Your just about to cum and you notice a camera is on and watching you. Do you? A. Get off immediately and go home B. Get off immediately and turn it off before riding it again C. Just keep going and have multiple orgasms to put on a show - C
Q16 - Your really horny in class and you have a hot teacher who you have a crush on. What would you do to give them signs. A. Take your panties off in the bathroom before going to class and opening your legs so they can see under your desk that you dont have panties on B. Open your legs under your table to show them your panties C. Suck on your pencil and smile D. Slip a note on their desk but dont say who its from. - A
Q17 - Your sleeping over at a friends house and her boyfriend is there that your attracted to. You know he has a massive cock cause your friend has told you. That night you hear them having loud sex in the next room and you can hear everything. Do you A. Block it out and try to go to sleep B. Imagine what they are doing C. Put your ear to the wall and masterbate to a shuddering orgasm D. Walk in on them and pretend its an accident to see him fuck - D, followed by C after I’m kicked out
Q18 - 2 guys you find really hot want to fuck you. What position do you find the biggest turn on? a. Your standing up while 1 guy in on his knees licking your pussy and your kissing the otherguy and stroking his cock b. Your on the couch fucking 1 guy reverse cow girl while sucking the other guys cock c. Your being fucked hard doggy style and sucking the other guys cock d. your ontop of 1 guy riding him with the other guy fucking your butt - Definitely D
Q19 - Where would you want them to cum a. In your pussy and butt b. On your pussy and butt c. In your mouth d. on your face e. On your tits - A, without giving me a choice
Q 20 -whats your secret kink - rape, cheating, and anal
Q 21 - You’re feeling adventurous and you’re seeing a hoy guy. Do you A. Have sex in a cinema B. Get bent over the balcony railing in a penthouse and get fucked at night C. Insert a vibrating egg in your pussy and go out in public while he has the remote D. Make a home made porn and blur out your faces and post it on pornhub E. Go lingerie shopping and put on a show for him before having sex in the changing room - C
Q22 - if I slipped my hand inside your panties right now would I be able to feel how wet you are? If so how wet on a scale from 1-10? - yep, about a 6 Can you image rubbing yourself when you read the hot comments guys say about you? - I already do that What was the hottest question? - Q6 Bonus questions Have you ever been so wet that it’s come through your panties? - many times A guy you find really hot is fucking you missionary. You’re looking down at his cock sliding in and out as you moan and his cock is covered in your juices. How bid would you want his dick to be that would turn you on the most? - 6-8 inches. What would turn me on the most? Probably if he pinned me down so I couldn’t move, then slowly pulled his cock out of my pussy and forced it into my tight little virgin asshole whilst maintaining eye contact the whole time, then fucking my ass hard and fast knowing I can’t do anything but scream pointlessly. A girl who tried to screw you over is dating a guy you have liked for years. He secretly likes you too. When they break up you see him at a party. Do you A. Let him finger you B. Let him eat your pussy C. Suck his dick D. Let him fuck you or E. Let him film you fucking him - E, and hope she sees it
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lafortis · 1 month
if you have more modern rap suggestions i'd love to hear them! i really dig 90s/00s underground rap but i haven't found a lot of new stuff that scratches that same itch.
Lemme come back to this later because I gotta go light some stuff, but yeah, pretty much that's just kinda how it is. In terms of west coast hip hop, kendrick and earl have been holding down the lyricism department for a good ten years now (side note: absolutely criminal we never got them on the same track, and I think we're well past the point in both their careers where it would even make sense, but they're big fans of each others work lmao). Earls old shit (I'm thinking of Doris mainly, and somewhat I Dont Like Shit I Don't Go Outside) is more grungy and old-school sounding, but also he was young and Odd Future, so there's a lot of misogyny, shock horror ass lyrics with violence against women as a main theme repeatedly (which he's since recanted aggressively and last I saw he mostly makes fun of fans of his earlier music and by extension himself for being like that lmao), his new stuff is more mellow but also less bar heavy (just imo, some people love it even more). Mavi is someone I haven't had the time to get into much but heard recently, and he literally just sounds like 2013 Earl vocally, but with some solid modern bars and production, so that's nice. MIKE is also seemingly pretty earl influenced, but again, haven't got into him myself. They're both east coast tho. Actually calling Earl west coast feels crazy cus he's so heavily DOOM inspired, almost feels like dudes inspired by him being east coast makes more sense lol. Vince Staples is a no-brainer if you haven't heard of him, he's pretty much the exact description of what you're looking for I think. I started with Summertime '06 because that was what he put out when I was getting into hiphop, but his first project Hell Can Wait EP was great too, and he only got better and more artistic from there. I've never been into Jay Rock a ton, but his feature verses on Kendricks shit do a lot for me, and ScHoolboy Q makes mostly just bangers and gang shit but in a fairly old-school kinda way I guess. Not ab soul tho. Everyone on black hippy (the group comprised of those two, Kendrick and him) can get a shoutout except for ab soul. He's ruined too many of my fav songs with wack features lmao.
Freddie Gibbs is another AA rapper that sounds very old school and VERY west coast, but he's actually in the news literally right now about some allegations so maybe fuck him? seems uncertain and also as a fan of old school hip hop you may be less shocked by (especially gang affiliated) rappers being Not Good People, but still, it's 2024 and it'd be nice to bring that energy to hiphop at large.
In east coast terms... Fuck. Who do I even listen to that's east coast lol. Well, Run The Jewels is also a no-brainer, and El-P is NY at least lol. All three of their albums and any of their solo stuff would be great for you. J Cole is to me the epitome of mid, but lots of people who profess an appreciation for the old school seem to like him, so hey. I'd just 2014 Forest Hills Drive as a starting point I think. In the Midwest Chance the Rapper was great, and could be great again. You could start with Acid Rap or 10 Day, move on to Coloring Book, and then just pretend Chance's Big Day doesn't exist like the rest of us. Denzel Curry is solid as hell these days but I've never gotten into a whole project, just singles like Ultimate, RICKY, Walkin, and especially SUMO | ZUMO (iirc I was like "did he just say Zuko lmao" and that's what got me into him). Oh and Your Old Droog is highly spoken of but I haven't gotten into him personally, just no time lol.
Flying Lotus's rap alter ego Captain Murphy is great, I've never listened to one of his full projects tho. Really backpacker ass Kendrick fans have always recommended Ka, specifically Honor Killed the Samurai, to me, but personally I just bounce off it every time. Might be of interest tho. And finally, if you're interested in some more experimental shit, first you should go ask Brett afloweroutofstone (not tagging him but that's literally his brand), but second I'd say CLPPNG by clipping. is a good experimental album with great bars. Also Daveed Diggs was in Hamilton but we just don't talk about that.
Anyway I gotta go do my job but hope this helps!
Edit: rereading this and I realize I absolutely do not have to come back to this lmao. That's pretty much all my good recommendations
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isaacathom · 1 year
ds9 time, s2e16, e17, and e18
now i did watch e16 like a few weeks ago but for completeness, ill summarise my vibe - i liked it! i spent most of it trying to figure out what was connecting the various plots together, since there was little explicit overlap aside from kira's tying in to odo not being on the station. ended up concluding that it was about love - love for family, love for work, love for, yknow, Love, shit like that. jake loves his dad and is worried what he'll think, obrien loves his job in such a way that he disappointed his own family over his decisions, kira and bareil are in love. the old guy loves the home he left behind and the hologram home he has created, even if he wont admit it to himself. and odo comes to love the little girl who is simply very kind to him, and advocates for her right to grow up and continue to love as she has done.
that said that may not have been the vibe but i was like desperate to id a connective tissue between the subplots. also bareil is an icon, literally foiling a criminal plot by not being to shut his mouth while Kira fucking Nerys is making out with him. a legend.
also i decided i like dax now because her main character has just been loving gossip, and thats just a delight. she enjoys games and fun and knowing Everything, and she loves to share in that. fully the definition of loving life. and thats really nice.
anyway e17 time. conveniently, a dax episode. now my issue is gonna be that my boy arjin is a mess and thats gonna be cringe.
i like the vole puppet.
oh i love when dax talks about. yknow. dax! what it feels like to be dax, what that means. its great.
i love how sisko and dax interact. i just love their dynamic. its so familiar and distincti
uhoh seaweeds loose the vole done fucked with the seaweed.
waaah i thought i had a rapport with the lady whose job it is to evaluate my readiness for a massive life change, turns out thats not how this works dunce.
now im not actually fully clear what the criteria is here.
arjins facial expressions during this scene with quark were peak. like just exceptional stuff.
i hate to say it but in this situation i would be kira i think, like, i would probably be kira here. dont know if thats a good thing.
now see im a little confused, because i thought this was an episode about the trill and now theres a proto universe. and so my q is when arjin becomes important again.
oh there he is. oh i love that. dax is great.
ohoooh pilot time.
and there we go. neato.
well. firm Okay on that one. it was fine.
alright. e18. lets go
BASHIR AND GARAK YEEEAAH BABY *longest yeah boi* love my boys
'you wouldnt last 5 seconds on cardassia?' 'would you' '... :) fishing again doctor' oh i love them
i gotta say i adore natima's dress.
odos utter fucking bafflement at what quark is doing, just, pure chefs kiss. utter delight.
oh i love the faintly sinister music when garak walks past. i love him.
"i dont believe youve ever been to my establishment before" "and you dont usually frequent mine" quark he goes there semi-regularly to have lunch dates with boyfriend be for real.
OHHH GARAK AND QUARK yeeeeeeh oh that rules. oh i love these two. oh this is great.
like just. mwaaah. this is great.
oh hell yeah. garak time.
oh quark you doofus. god dammit. im fascinated to see how odo reacts to this because god knows hes like, the chair the guys sitting on yknow.
lmao. got his ass. fucking demolished.
oh nevermind
okay bets, is the cloaking device odo
oh nevermind but odo did show up, i love that
oh boy
okay so he IS an exile and there is a situation.
quark trying to beg odo just. oaaaaah its great. and the cut where odo assumes for a second hes run, or hes cloaked, when hes really on his knees, MY GOD.
that fucking owned. exceptional. i adored it.
0 notes
an nsfw alphabet from Jason todd of titans please
pairing: jason todd x fem!reader
warnings: smut → nsfw alphabet
headcanon 🖤
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
requests for the sleepover are open🖤!
request guidelines here✨!
smut night masterlist
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Jason would be super cute!!
He’d run a bath, ask if you’re okay, cuddle
If you were feeling sore, he’d get a cold cloth for you
And would pepper you in kisses bc he knows how lucky he is to have you
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Tits and ass — I think that’s a given with Jason ahah
His favourite body part of his would probably be arms i suppose
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
ahh he'd love to make you cum!
honestly i think it's like a hobby for him - to make you feel good, not because he feels he has to, but because he knows he can
i'd imagine he'd love cumming on your tits
and my lord, don't get me started if you ever squirted (not that he'd expect you to, but if you ever did homeboy would just be like :o)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
i feel like jason would have a big thing for pda - to be able to show you off (not like a trophey kind of thing / controlling way) would be of considerable value to him
it would be more to show everyone that you're together - that he can show everyone, including you of course ahah, how good of a boyfriend he can be for you
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
You know what, probably not a lot
Maybe he’s experienced sex with a previous girlfriend, but that’ll be about it
I think with you, he’d be a little bit more open to experimenting things??
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy ahaha
I bet he could fuck harder, faster, and generally better when you’re on all fours in front of him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Ahh Jason would love a good laugh
Like I don’t think sex with him is all serious anyway
i kind of feel like he wouldn't believe that you had to be serious in order to be intimate ya know
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Um probably ahah I mean have you seen how he does his hair?
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
as mentioned before, i think he'd just take the moment as it is
whether the two of you are having super cute, intimate sex or whether you guys are simply fucking
that being said though, jason would be super into special occasions, be it either one of your birthdays, any anniversaries, or even after a cute date
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
lmao it's pretty much cannon that jason jacks off so i'd say he'd do it a fair bit
however, since the two of you got together (or if you're fwb), he doesn't really feel the need bc he's got you
but on some occasions when you're not available or not even at the tower bc you're working with donna or something and he really needs you, that's when i reckon he'd do it
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I’ve actually talked about this before 🥰
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His room for starters
But would love sneaky sex in the tower bathroom, especially in the shower
Bet they’d be one time when everyone was out, leaving you and Jason alone in the tower and you’d fuck on every piece of furniture there is ahah
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you tease him!!
when you and him are training and it gets competitive
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Probably anything that’ll make you uncomfortable tbh
Plus maybe unusual kinks like golden showers or anything like that
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving! Giving! giving!
He is such a giver
And honestly he would go down on you for hours if he could
He loves having your thighs shake around his head while he’s eating you out or how your body would shake when you cum around his cock while he fucks you
but i mean that being said, he'd also love when you go down on him too aha
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Okay so here’s the thing: I think it depends
As much as Jason loves hard and fast, I feel like he’d also love slow and sensual
Especially when the two of you are first becoming intimate with each other
Bc I feel like we can’t deny the fact that he’ll be nervous as hell sometimes
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Literally before training
Or after training when the others are in the shower or eating in the kitchen
Before bed
When you wake up
Literally anytime you and him are alone, you’re either fucking or doing actual cute stuff like watching a movie or something
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
lmao yeah just like i said before, he'd love risking it in the kitchen / bathroom - especially when the others are home
jason would be pretty open to experimenting too tbh - sex is quite the exploration task, isn't it?
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
That boy has stamina, are you kidding me?! Like have you seen him train?
Homeboy could go for hours
But I feel like it would switch between you two of you being on top ya know
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I feel like he’d be open to toys like vibrators and handcuffs - i mean that boy seems super kinky, right?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
orgasm. Denial.
He loves watching you plead, squirm, whine — literally do anything to cum
He’d love taking his hand away, or taking his cock out at random moments, watching you with such cockiness and arrogance as you beg him to make you cum
I feel like he’d love sensual play too — teasing you while your tied up and/or blindfolded would be such a kicker for him
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Soft — anything ranging from grunts, to small moans that slip through his bitten lip
honestly, he'd rather hear you than hear himself moan lmao
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
jason would have a thing for hearing you beg
i can imagine it's such an ego booster for him - i mean he's arrogant and cocky enough, and having you beg and whine for him just boosts it
ooh also when he's fucked you so good, you're lying on the bed completely fucked out and exhausted
and bonus points if you can't walk all that well the next day lmao
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
lol i think he'd have a pretty nice cock ya know
not too big, not too small
he'd know how to use it though
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Ahaha I think we all know he’s one horny bitch
So literally anytime you feel up to it, he’s ready
Or even just any chance you get to fuck, he’s already prepared ahah
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
i dont think he'd fall asleep straight away
like he'd maybe wait for you to fall asleep while he plays with your hair
on some occasions though he might be super quick to fall asleep, especially after a rough and/or hard day of training and he's just super exhausted
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milqueandsugar · 3 years
could you maybe do another beach day with the reader (maybe female but gender neutral is perfectly fine) but with George, Karl and Quackity this time?
🏵 Your Tea Is Ready 🏵
Warnings: Slight NSFW
Genre: fluff
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| George |
Cottage core swimsuit? Yes please
Totally didn't buy you a swim suit matching his for your birthday a few weeks prior in prep
Absolute slander how dare you
Actually woke up early for this event, well with the help of Dream XD of course
"So what do you think they'll wear?"
"I already know"
"It- Its not like that! I bought it for them!"
When you finally arrive boy is he floored!
Hes never seen you like this before and it had him rather flustered to say the least
"Fix your dick before they come over here"
"I dont have a boner Dream!"
"For now"
When you come over to great him hes arguing with the god, though he quickly composes himself in your presence
"Hey! We match!"
"Yeah! Yeah I saw how good it looked on you and thought I'd buy my own pair, I hope that isnt weird"
"No! I think it's really cute! We look like a couple"
Your little giggles had him burning up, imagine how he felt when his overworked mind processed your words
"Hey, you're looking a lil red george, you okay?"
"Oh hes fine, we slept in today and he forgot to bring sun screen in the rush"
Thank the heavens he had the god as his wingman, he was still recovering from the heart palpitations you had given him
"Do you have any Y/N? I'm sure he'd appreciate the help"
"Of course! George forgets stuff all the time here!"
Okay he was a little less thankful as the god egged you on
His attention was quickly brought back to you as you smoothed your sun screen across his reddened cheeks
A soft sigh escaped his lips as he rested his head in your hand
"You tired already george? Why dont we go swimming! That might wake you up"
Feigning a yawn be brought his hand to his mouth
"Maybe, As long as you're with me"
You gently punch his shoulder and begin to lead him to the water
His eyes falling to the curve of your ass
"Today seems like its gonna be fun day, doesn't it george?"
George can only nod along, swallowing thickly as he let's you pull him into the ice waters
"This is going to be fun"
"Fuck off"
| Karl |
Honestly the only reason he even came to the beach party was for you
Dont get me wrong he has nothing against social gatherings
In fact he loves to wind down with a good party with a few friends
But parties never ended well in the smp and he didn't feel like it was worth it
Much to Quackity and Sapnap's chagrin
"Come on!! Phil's making food! So is Niki! This is the buffet of a life time!"
"I dont know, I have some organizing I have to do for the library-"
"That hottie Y/N will be there"
"Huh? Y/N's gonna be there?"
"Woah! Now you're interested loverboy! If I knew that would've worked I would have said it from the start!"
"Shut up! It's not like that!"
"Sure think Karl, sure thing"
Most likely wears his hoodie over his swim trunks
Hes just a little self conscious y'know
The bois show up just a little late, fashionably you could say
"Hey! Karl! I didn't think you were coming"
"Yeah, sapnap and Quackity swayed my mind"
"To be fair we did have some extra help"
That comment earned a rather harsh elbow from Karl
"Well I'm happy you came! Come on let's go get some hot dogs"
"Yeah, that sounds good"
"Count us in! Do you know if Niki is here yet?"
"Maybe? I haven't seen her yet but I just got here"
"Me and Quackity are gonna look for her, you two have fun!"
You wave them a brief goodbye, still holding Karl's hand
"Why are they acting so weird?"
"Its Sapnap and Quackity, what else could you expect"
"I mean you're not wrong, now let's go get some food before Tommy eats it all"
| Quackity |
Was probably the one who organized the party
He had some extra money from winning a few at the casino, and was he more then happy to spend it on seeing you in a swim suit
Hes just, a little bit of a perv to say the least
Hires Niki and Fundy to make sure the food comes out good, afterall he wants to make it perfect for you
Invites only a few people, sure he wants to spend the day with you but if it were just the two of you things might get a little awkward
After all you weren't quite dating yet
Makes sure to invite you just a bit early so you two get just a bit of alone time
"Hey Big Q! Hows it hanging?"
"Hey! Y/N you're early! Excited to see me huh?"
"Early? I thought I was on time"
The nervousness in your voice drips guilt into his mind
"Dont worry about it! Now we have some alone time, Mamacita"
He purrs pulling you closer to him
You giggle and take hold of his cheek in your hand, running your fingers across his scar
"You're one hell of a flirt aren't you?"
"You know it, Hermos(a/o)"
"Hey! Quackity! Y/N hows it going!
"Hey love bugs!"
"You've gotta be kidding me"
"Niki! Eret! Love the sun hats! "
583 notes · View notes
babbushka · 3 years
How about a Memorial Day picnic or bbq with the zimmermans and possibly some public cockwarming? You’ve teased Flip until he can’t stand it and he pulls you down onto his cock under your sundress. It could even be at a cop party! Please and thank you! 💕💕
A/N: when I read this I out loud went 'oh hell yeah.' I hope that you enjoy and also possibly go 'oh hell yeah' ;)
1.7K, pure NSFW (exhibitionism, public sex, cockwarming, teasing)
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Memorial Day weekend usually saw the detective units off of work. Crime didn’t stop, but it was a tough job to try and wrangle anyone to give a shit about it during the holiday weekend, aside from the bare bones staff that got the short end of the stick.
Flip, for once in his fuckin’ life, was not hangin’ on to a short end, and found himself actually enjoying the holiday weekend at the big park that sits right at the heart of the city. He’s not alone, he’s brought you to join the CSPD narcotics unit, complete with Bridges, Harry, and the secretaries, for a B-B-Q picnic.
And you’re driving him up the fuckin’ wall.
You’re doing it on purpose too, he knows. He knows you, he’s loved you a real fuckin’ long time, he knows when you’re doing this shit on purpose. The way you wriggle your ass against his crotch at every opportunity, the way you let out these little happy sighs and laughs that sound entirely too suggestive, fuck, even the way that you eat your banana has him getting hot in his jeans.
He’s starting to reach a tipping point, so the next time that you settle yourself atop his lap from where he sits on one of the big lounge chairs you brought, he grabs a hold of your nose and shakes your face with a stern, “Knock it off.”
“Hmm, no.” You mull it over with mock-thought for a moment or two, before splitting into a beautiful grin that has Flip’s scowl deepening.
“I mean it ketsl, or else I’m going to do something drastic.” He threatens, and you know exactly what that means.
“You wouldn’t dare.” You throw a glance to the entire unit lounging just a few feet away from you, the lot of you taking up a nice sized chunk of the park. You’re all far enough away from the playgrounds that it’s just adults, which is nice, considering the beer is flowing, and Flip’s about two seconds from fucking you.
“Oh yeah?” He licks across his teeth, that countdown coming to an end, “Try me.”
Calling what you think is his bluff, you throw a secretive glance over your shoulder, and lean in, pretending to whisper something in his ear, only to suck the sensitive shell of his ear into your mouth, teasing it with your teeth and tongue. Flip’s reaction is immediate -- he’s got a hand gripping your thigh before he even knows what he’s doing.
“That’s it -- ” He starts, before he feels something slick trickling down your thigh from the safety of the skirt of your dress, and his heart begins to pound in his throat when he realizes, “Wait, are you not wearing panties?”
“Nope.” You pop your ‘P’, and that’s officially the straw that breaks Flip’s back.
“Christ you’re such a brat, you know that?” Manhandling you, he grabs your body and maneuvers you so that you’re sitting facing away from him. His legs are spread and yours are spread even wider around them, putting you on display. If anyone were to be paying attention, they’d almost almost almost get a view of your cunt -- if the breeze were any stronger, then they definitely would.
“What are you gonna do about it, detective?” You continue to tease him, even when you’re in a compromising position like this, and the name makes Flip’s dick throb.
It presses against the seam of his zipper, strains in his jeans, and he knows exactly what he’s gonna do. He cants his hips up ever so slightly, makes sure the swell of your ass rub against his jeans, makes you squirm and let little whines out of your throat. Not too loud, but loud enough that Flip can hear them.
“You feel how fuckin’ hard you make me honey-bunny? Feel how stiff you got my cock?” He murmurs against your throat, hands already twitching to undo his belt.
“If it’s gonna be hard either way, why not let it be hard inside my hot, wet, cunt?” You look at him over your shoulder, a heated gaze that has Flip’s mouth flooding with want, with desire, lust for you.
“You don’t fuckin’ mean that.” Flip gives you a chance to call it all off, to quit your teasing before it goes somewhere far more public, but you only grin.
“Try me.”
Looking around, Flip tries to figure out the logistics of it all. As much as he loves fucking you, and the idea of fucking you in public, he would rather kill a man than let them watch the beautiful faces you make -- or god fuckin’ forbid, get a glimpse of something they shouldn’t be seeing.
“We gotta wait until no one’s around.” He grunts, starting to grow desperate, looking around for the nearest bathroom facility or something, anything that he can push you up against.
“Hey Jimmy!” You do the exact opposite thing, and draw attention to yourselves instead of away, and Flip is about to panic but then you continue, “I heard Ron was sayin’ that he doesn’t believe that you can catch a frisbee as good as you say you can.”
“Bullshit, I so can! Did one of you bring one? Let’s go, two teams, right now.” Jimmy claps his hands, and the drunken detectives are too buzz-happy to deny him. “Zimmermans, you’ll be the judge?”
“We’ll judge.” Flip calls with a thumbs up, and it’s all too soon before the entire group of them is running off down the open field, someone procuring a frisbee out of a backpack somewhere. Flip immediately reaches for his belt, fumbles with the zipper, and tugs his rock-hard cock out, positioning it right at your folds, “You’re so smart, my smart girl. Fuck you’re wet it’s soakin’ into my jeans.”
“We’ll say you spilled your beer, hurry -- ” You shift yourself as discreetly as possible, until you’re sinking down down down on his cock, feeling it push through your walls, your cunt squelching and clenching around it, hot like a brand as it splits through you, making you sigh out a little too loud, “Oh my god.”
“Fuck, fuck you just -- can’t -- fucking -- move.” It’s like heaven for Flip, the grip that your pussy has on him, and he has to gulp down deep lungfuls of air to make sure he doesn’t push you onto the grass and fuck you hard rough fast like he knows you deserve.
No, this can’t be that, there’s people all around. You’ll just have to sit here, right on his cock, keep him hard and hot and wet, your cunt’s soaked, fuck, just sit there until they start to leave. You seem to have other plans, your thighs already shaking, knees pinching in together as you grind yourself down onto his lap.
“You’re so big, you know that? Who let you walk around with a cock like this? I’m so full.” Biting at your lip, Flip can from the spot where he’s resting his chin on your shoulder, that your nipples are so stiff. You must not be wearing a bra either, from the way they’re pressing, straining against the fabric of your sundress.
“Why dont you moan about it some more.” Flip casually brushes his hand against one of them, a quick motion disguised as a means to comb his fingers through his hair, and you immediately start to wriggle and move on his lap, making him tsk against the roof of his mouth, “No, no bouncing, not here. Then everyone’ll know what a slut you are.”
“But I am a slut for your cock honey.” You moan, breathy, feeling the way his cock twitches and pulses pre-come into your wanting pussy. You’re so wet that at the wrong move, his cock could slip right out, and you have a fierce urge, a desire, to keep it safe inside your cunt as long as possible.
Flip peppers kisses along your throat, shouts out a couple referee calls to the group down the field so they think he’s paying attention, before he returns his attention to you. He’s got his feet planted firmly on the ground now, and he uses that leverage to buck up against you, making you smack a hand over your mouth to prevent the yelp that he elicits from traveling too far.
“I know, beautiful girl, I know. But you gotta be good. You’re gonna sit right here all fucking afternoon.” He would be smirking up a fuckin’ storm, if he weren’t so concentrated on keepin’ himself from coming so hard in you that you both won’t be able to walk.
“Flip, Philly honey -- I -- ” Leaning back against his chest, you huff and puff and start biting at your lips, making them all swollen the same way Flip knows your clit must be, aching, desperate.
“Do you want to come?” Flip asks, a little patronizingly, teasing you to make up for all the damn teasing you put him through all morning, but you don’t even care -- he’s your husband after all. You’ll bitch at him later about it, you don’t like not getting what you want right away.
“Yeah, please, just touch me a little?” You reach for his hand, guiding it slowly, tantalizingly slowly, towards your pussy that’s waiting for him right underneath that scrap of fabric that’s barely covering you, “Just a little bit? Just let me come once and I’ll be good and I’ll stay on your cock all day, please?”
“The trouble you get me in, I swear...” Flip would chuckle, but instead all that comes out is a groan as he drops his hand finally to your clit, his calloused big fingers smearing your wetness and his pre-come around and around until your body is tensing up up up, before shuddering back against his chest, orgasm washing over you.
“Thank you.” You sigh out happily, the muscles in your cunt relaxing around his cock -- still hard and wanting -- settling against him for the long haul.
He doesn’t actually know how long he’ll make it like this, but he figures if he can last an hour, he’ll find some excuse to go plow you down by the huge shady trees or the pavilions, and really make you thankful then.
Taggin' some Flip lovin' friends! @mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @materialisthicc @hswritingrecs @miabelay11 @han68000 @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen @metsienmenninkainen @caillea @painttheskylineforme @holding-on-to-starwars @caitlin-was-here @canikeepitonplease @icarusinthesea @princessflip
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meloswifeyyy · 3 years
Relationship Alphabet
A - Attitude
Who often has the worst Attitude ?
Well, you obviously. Most of the time because you are hungry or you and Melo just got out of an argument. Melo usually fucks the attitude out of you anywhere, anytime tho.
B - Baby
Who wants Babies the most - first ?
Melo. He often jokes about having kids or when you are having sex he would whisper in your ear  “You trynna have my babies?” or  “You boutta have my babies ” when he nuts in you. He says that he wants 3 or more. You only want 2. You arent rushing into it.
C - Crying 
Who Cries the most in the relationship ?
You. You often cry alone when you miss Melo when he is at away games for so long. Or when your BP triggers, Melo would comfort you. When watching sad movies, or when someone you love dies. Tears of joys appear here and there. Or when you get into arguments and Melo says something wrong or disrespectful out of madness.
D - Dates 
Who has the best Date spots ?
Melo. He would often take you to fancy restaurants in L.A or Miami, or wherever you guys went. Or take you shopping at an expensive place. He would do dates at home like watching movies, have you cook dinner because he cant cook for shit, or he would have a bath waiting on you. 
E - Eat 
Who Eats the most ?   
You. You know damn well you cant survive without food. Its the 2nd best thing that has ever happened to you besides life and Melo. Cant even survive a night. If you would wake up in the middle of the night and get hungry and go to kitchen and try to sneak some food without waking Melo up, he would hear it and go to the kitchen and scare you, picking you up over his shoulder with one arm, and with the other putting the food away carrying you back to the bed because its a little to early in the morning to be eating. 
F - Freak 
Who is the Freakiest ?  
Both of you. You being the only girl that can fuck Melo like you do, and being the only girl Melo is sexually, physically, and mentally attracted to no other girl can do it like you.10/10 in bed. Now Melo on the other hand is a demon in bed. His strokes, hitting your G - Spot constantly with you feeling it in your guts. His 9 inch is almost  always on hard when he is around you. And his tongue is crazy, going in and out and on the pearl AT THE SAME TIME. Crazy right. Spelling his name out on you. He loves when you scratch his back up or give him hickeys everywhere. 10000/10. Makeup sex is the best. 
G - Games 
Who wins the most games ?  
Melo. He would always dare you to a game of Call of Duty or Fortnite to see who would win first. And he would always win. When you would play a game of Uno you would often win and he would be mad the rest of the day due to his competitiveness. But any other game he would win.
H - Happy
Who is the Happiest in the relationship ?  
Both of you. You are always happy when you guys are around each other. Even when you guys just got done arguing you are still happy that he is in your presence. Melo on the other hand is always happy with you around him, he loves to cuddle with you. Its one of his favorite thing to do. He just loves that you are in his presence. You are his other half.
I - Irreplaceable
Who is the most Irreplaceable ?  
You would say Melo but Melo would say you. Melo knows how to deal with you more than anyone else does. He knows all your spots and what you like and dont like. He notices all of your flaws and sees the good and beautiful in them. He knows your body, mind, and soul. No man has a better or brighter or bigger smile than him. He always brightens the mood. You on the other hand are different. A big beautiful smile. You know how to deal with Melo when he is sad, looses a game. You can tell when he is lying or telling the truth just by looking through his eyes. You know how to make him happy. You are the best he has ever had.
J - Jaded 
Who gets the most Jaded after doing something ?
Melo. He usually gets really bored after sitting in the house all day. He really wants to leave the house and do something fun but usually its night time and you would be taking a nap or would be sleep. 
K - Kisses
Who gives the most kisses?
Melo. He is always so clingy and that comes with all the kisses in the world. He kisses you all over your face in your sleep, even when you are sleep he gives you kisses. He loves to kiss all over your body.
L - Love
Who fell in love the fastest?
Melo. He had always had a crush on you and everyone knew you were the one for him. You just didn’t know it until you two started dating. He’s always making sure you are good. He loves your hugs. He was the first one to say “I love you”. He want kids you to have all 10 of his kids.
M - Motivation
Who gives the most motivation?
You. When melo is going to a game and is not having a good feeling about it you motivate him to push through it and win for you. 9/10 he will win or get a lot of points for you.
N - Night Owl
Who is more of a Night Owl?
Both of you. Sometimes when his ADHD is on 10 you guys stay up and listen to music, play games, go on ig live, or just fuck for 7 hours straight. Sometimes you have to tell him to got to sleep or put him to sleep (😏) because he has a game tomorrow and needs all the rest and energy he can get. It also the same for you.
O - Oral Sex
Who gives Oral Sex the most?
Melo. Trust me, you give him head a lot and it’s amazing, 10/10. But melo loves giving you head. He loves to spell his name out on you. Loves to see the faces to make you scream and shout. Loves sharing your cream with you (🥲). He loves to climb under the blanket while you are sleep for some breakfast in bed. Maybe even dinner. His lips make it even better. So glad he don’t got them white genes in his lips (😋😭).
P - Perfect
Whos perfect?
Obviously, no ones perfect but God (🙏🏾). But in your eyes no one else is better for you except melo. You couldnt imagine living life without him. Cant imagine what anyones elses kids would look like with you but. No relationship is perfect. Melo sees you as perfect. Your body. Your style. Your personality. He absolutely loves your touch. He loves touch but for you loving your touch is an understatement. He couldnt imagine his kids with anyone else but you. Cant imagine getting married with anyone else. When you guys get into arguments and sleep in seperate rooms. You barely get sleep because all you can think about is each other. How perfect you guys are for one another.
Q - Q? (Cant find a word, Tell me one and ill edit it.)
R - Relate
What traits do you guys have a like each other?
A lot. Both of your favorite food is Chicken tacos. You both love a good game of Uno. You both love sex. Duhh. Both of you guy’s love language is touch. Love playing fortnite together. Love listening to music and taking drives together. Both love lil uzi (we pretending yall💀). Just in general you guys are very alike.
S - Sex
(No question for this one lol. Y’all already know how we is round hea nahhmeannn😭)
The sex. Omgggg. The first time you and melo had sex was. So amazing. Can’t ever forget that moment. Melo is always so horny. Morning sex is the best. Sometimes a little top at the red light can turn into a few rounds in back of the McDonalds parking lot. Lucky enough all his windows tinted as hell. Or in the Victoria’s Secret fitting rooms. You guys could be listening to Chris Brown and he would really take you down, fuck you back to sleep, switch up the tempo, or make you wet the bed (i’m laughing hard ash). The hickeys. The high sex. Drunk sex (drunnnnkkk in lovvveee). Car sex. Balcony sex. All over the house sex ( i got bars.) Mad sex and Make up sex. I could go on. Sex with me so amazinggggg. (i was listening to this song while writing this one💀😫😫😫)
T - Trips
Who likes taking trips internationally?
Melo. He love to take you and a yearly or even monthly vacay. Just you and him. Turks and Caicos. Bora Bora. Jamaica. Iceland. Japan. Africa. Anywhere where you can get away from the world. The different places. The hotels. Being able to fuck anywhere and everywhere. The pools. The different air. (united states ait is so boring). The new food. The animals. You guys love the new places. He loves to see you happy and with a smile on your face.
U - U (Cant find a word, Tell me one and ill edit it.)
V - V (Cant find a word, Tell me one and ill edit it again.)
W - Right the Wrongs
Who rights their wrongs after an argument?
Usually it would be you first. If you said something that was out of pocket or melo didnt like you woukd quickly apologize. He would forgive you and still cuddle and kiss you and stuff because thats what he does. Tease you. But he would ignore you until he actually forgave you in his head. Melo would apologize and give you some bomb ass d for and apology. Or make that cute face that you can’t resist.
X - (Can’t find a word for X. Give me a suggestion and i will edit it)
Y - Young
Who acts like a Young ass child?
Both of you actually. That’s what makes you love each other the most. The laughs and jokes, the tv shows, everything you could think of. It’s nothing wrong with it at all. Y’all are always gonna bust a joke out at the right time. Maybe sometimes even the wrong time. (damn, double homicide). You guys love laughing with each other.
Who has the worst sleeping habits?
Probably Melo. If you scooted over him even a little bit, he would probably scoot back closer to you or pull you back over to him. And the only con of that is he snores a lot. (Why this nigga snore with his mouth open?🤨💀). Sometimes if he was awake and you werent he would kiss all over you. He loves to lay on your 🍒.
Y’all welcome. I haven’t pose the one of these in a minute. This took me a whole month and a half. I’m tired as hell. 💀
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mde1011 · 3 years
when i got into the dsmp i started a note and wrote down any quotes or moments i thought were funny, and im bored at 3 am so enjoy some of them
how is being arrested real? just walk away!!!”
⁃ “once an american always an american. go...go protests masks...or something”
⁃ “...yEAH BUT DID YOU HAVE WAP” “what’s...whats wap?” “...WORSHIP AND PRAYER”
⁃ “i’m naked” “...no you’re not” “i can be...”
⁃ “uhhhh i’m in a high stress situation....i deal with these poorly”
⁃ “i should go first i’m naked”
⁃ “what are you going to do?” “i...have no idea i think i’m gonna start out by punching a tree”
⁃ “tOmmy...did i just hear you say shit ass looking mofo?”
⁃ “i aM gOinG to gEt nAkeD to iNtiMidAtE HiM”
- “...i want freedom !” “you want BALLS.”
⁃ “...down the line. yeah that’s where we discover the art of cannibalism” “oh it’s an art?” “it’s an art”
⁃ “oh there’s some logs here. wonder what they’re saying to me. uh huh. uh huh. oh yeah that’s very racist” “tommy you gotta burn those logs.” “burn ‘em before they spread their racism to other logs”
⁃ “are you pooing?” “*whisper* i’m charging up-““ “he’s ejaculating on the tent.” “he’s WHAT?”
⁃ “he’s sPEEDING. LOOK HOW FAST HES GOING” “i’ve taken so many drugs. someone tell badboyhalo”
⁃ “we should make a pact. and that pact is, uh, we make a book...and in that book...we declare that saying ‘muffin’ is a, is a slur”
⁃ “i was thinking what if one day your bladder just,,,,stopped working.....AGGGFFFFF i was tHINKING ABOUT THAT THE OTHER DAY IVE GOT TO PREPARE IVE GOT YO PREPARE thisiswhydiapersaintthatbad”
⁃ <sapnap> i think i was ordered to um
<tommyinnit> boobed
<sapnap> kill you
<tommyinnit> boobs
<sapnap> if this happens
<tommyinnit> think about boobs man
<sapnap> tsk tsk tommy
<tommyinnit> iM DISGRUNTLED
⁃ “why is this deadman so good at making drugs”
⁃ “i just learnt that a girl hero is called a heroine and it freaked me out”
⁃ “memento memento me-“ “that’s actually the worst word i know so you can’t keep saying that” “oh, really.....? have you ever heard the term ‘racist’?”
⁃ “the person who invented the phrase ‘be yourself’ hadn’t met you!”
⁃ “you seem like the type of guy whose dad would throw him overboard as a joke but he would just drown”
⁃ “shout out to dream for twerking!”
⁃ “let’s talk......let’s talk about sex” “wonderful. what do you think about sex, lazarbeam?” “i ain’t saying SHIT in front of a sixteen year old”
⁃ “what the- i think i’m seeing things” “....tommy i told you not to drink the sea water” “well i DID drink the sea water because it TOLD ME TO”
⁃ “it’s like the movie when that guy gets stranded on an island and has sex with a coconut” “whAT?? dream- dream, you vastly misinterpreted this” “it one hundred percent does”
⁃ “oh mastICATE.....isn’t that when a fish turns inside out?”
⁃ “what are some bad words YOU know, clay?” “i don’t-“ “what about ‘terrorist’?”
⁃ “my mind has to be on the same frequency as jesus when he walked on water”
⁃ “you wanna know why i was late?” “no i really do-“ “i was having a MASSIVE poo. really just a HUGE poo”
⁃ “i love america. mmmmm patriotism
⁃ “please stop taking the cock”
⁃ “two four six eight who do we appreciate? not the government let’s gooooooo”
⁃ “yeahhhhh bitch i stab- i don’t stab women-“ “woooooooah tommy you stab women?” “heyyyy sapnap”
⁃ “do you know what happens whne you reach the top of the ladder? there’s only one place to go.” “.....side to side😨” “down.” “...i really thought you were gonna say side to side🥺”
⁃ “one last time.” “just like in hamilton😓”
⁃ “you don’t know how many times i’ve mistaken trees for hot women”
⁃ “ i don’t feel better i just destroyed penis”
⁃ “i’ve never seen a snail with bad morals”
⁃ “awwwwwwww😢 i’m doin’ drugs🤧 just like the good ol’ days😓” “.....define the ‘good old days’” “back when i did drugs”
⁃ “have you ever fought a baby? i have and it was trivially easy to defeat, phil.”
⁃ “the only other i egg i know about was the one i learnt about in school....not allowed to say which one....”
⁃ “did you know one of my new years resolutions is to be more like 2010 justin bieber?”
⁃ “apparently cats don’t lay eggs”
⁃ “thinking about trees- if i saw a tree with a beard mmmmmm...holy shit id hit it”
⁃ “we’re in hell dude. science doesn’t matter here”
⁃ “i cant die i cant die i’m GOD”
⁃ “hey pig your letter is the same as pussy, hmm?”
⁃ “are we cool are we COOL guys? CRYSTAL COOL like CRYSTAL METH”
⁃ “he- he’s crying because - because i killed his mother isn’t that right? mother dearest mother deadest mother gonest”
⁃ “bro ive been drinking since i was six and let me tell you...it’s not good to be drinking that young. led to some poor life decisions when i was 8” “what did you do” “i cant say” “...who did you hurt” “....only myself”
⁃ “je suis” “ay i know what that mean you prick” “what does it mean” “it means you’re racist dickhead”
⁃ “i’d never poo in the presence of a women- which is why i’m scared to get a girlfriend i think i’d just explode”
⁃ “biff tannen is one of my idols”
⁃ “black widow died and i thought ‘wow it should’ve been the man’ because he’s a man”
⁃ “there’s a character called captain america and i think he’s stupid”
⁃ “sam....what’s the longest you’ve ever wiped your arse? for me it’s 48 minutes”
⁃ “why are you standing in the shitter?” “....that’s a SINK” “uhhh welllll” “hAVE YOU SHAT IN THE SINK?????”
⁃ “you’re like a living ghost” “...i think that’s called a human, tubbo”
⁃ “maybe i accidentally kill ranboo and we just never see him again *laughs* ay? and then i go ‘april foooools!!!’ and then i kill their child. i kill him”
⁃ “you built a penis” “it’s a PENIS OF SAFETY”
⁃ “i saw the penis of safety and i pressed mouse button four my friend”
⁃ “the penis on the other side of the river is larger” “ive heard that before....”
⁃ “you’ve turned the penis into a wall” “a wall of safety is better than a penis of safety” “i think the penis was better”
⁃ “if you wanna make a penis i know where we can make a penis and i know how big we can make it”
⁃ “i don’t conceptualize death but i think i just saw it!”
⁃ “yeah i- yeah i know i’m- my first impression on eret was making him read a shrek fan fiction so- i’m not one for first impressions”
⁃ “i-i’m scared for him- i’m scared OF him. yknow the first thing he did when he saw me was imMEDIATELY strip down then jump off then immediately die?”
⁃ “where are you?” “getting stabbed, one second”
⁃ “you’ve seen the joker?” “yea-“ “i resonate a lot with that man” “...oH. oh. that’s- that’s not-“
⁃ “he bURNT DOWN MY HOUSE” “out of LOVE”
⁃ “ohhhh my god stop making me play with the neighbor kid” “o-okay if you don’t go play with him i’m kicking you out of the house-“ “wHAT THE FUCK???”
⁃ “there’s a STRIP CLUB” “oh yeah for wood!” “are you into strippers?” “i mean all it does is make the wood look different so....yeah it doesn’t really do much”
⁃ “no no we have categories, we have the poo-saster- you might have to take a shower after-“ “no, no i’m gonna stop you right there”
⁃ “as i was saying you can have a 1-to-3 wiper, that’s an A-tier poo, my friend”
⁃ “i want you to eat your sock”
⁃ “you know i’m a child- i’m a minor” “sO AM I DICKHEAD”
⁃ “everyone is calling you dresus” “yeah i am”
⁃ “ayyyy ayyyy los DROGAS LOS DROGAS” “no no big q- she’s thirteen- how does this happen with every 13 year old girl you meet?”
⁃ “my poo has muscles like i do”
⁃ “i cant hear the words among us without crying they’ll say there are aliens among us and in the back youll just hear me *choking noises*”
⁃ “tubbo...tubbo is like...tubbo is like mary” “.....did you just call me the Virgin Mary?”
⁃ “i’m just saying, have you ever seen me and jesus in the same room?”
⁃ “do you smoke sam” “all the time”
⁃ “i thought you were talking about the- the speeeeed drug”
⁃ “have you ever sold drugs to kids sam?” “......no”
⁃ “we can’t let the girlboss rule because she will gatekeepe my feelings” “that would not be good”
⁃ “you have obviously taken part in scientology-“ “i have not-“ “you’ve donated to tom cruises cult shit”
⁃ “....am i worse than david dobrik?” “are- are we worse than david dobrik?” “oh- oh god”
⁃ “he has broke one of the rules of the hit best seller ‘the bible’- this kind of looks like a cock”
⁃ “well i’ve moved now, KING”
⁃ “what is an angsty teen and am i one? because when i USED to hang out with my friends they use the word angst a lot”
⁃ “yeah yeah yeah i bench”
⁃ “sam i think i’m angsty i think i’m an angsty tik tok teen looking for a community to help me out”
⁃ “i don’t think you’ve followed the train of logic all the way-“ “there’s a TRAIN INVOLVED????????”
⁃ “i’m like the orange fucker from that animated rom com”
⁃ “i’m under the influence of big cock”
⁃ “it’s meeee big cock man”
⁃ “i cant look away” “sam please use your twitter alt for this” “he’s horny on maaaainnnnn” “and what’s wrong with that?” “.......”
⁃ “i’m gonna call you ‘cockity’ big cock” “sHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCK UP-“
⁃ “at least this guy doesn’t have a cock-“ “itS NOT A COCK” “horny on main jesus-“
⁃ “is that a cock” “SHUT THE FUCK UP”
⁃ “.....i wanna see the inside of it again do a split”
⁃ “okay sam-“ “tommy that guy wants your cock-“ “no- no he doesn’t sam”
⁃ “sam, sam and i need you to hear this....dont. act. up.” “i don’t act up-“ “you were acting up-“ “i-“ “you were caught in 8k.” “but- but we both agree it’s not a tie-“
⁃ “please don’t tell me to kill cockity i am overwhelmed”
⁃ “why is there an anus in my tie?”
⁃ “what are the legal implications of this?” “...i mean besides hell you’re good”
⁃ “whatre the legal implications?” “i mean usually that’s a no-no but today, today it’s fine” “yeahhh lets go murder his family”
⁃ “i’d be an antivax landlord”
⁃ “jesus never does drugs” “well- well you turned water into wine king and wine is alcohol”
⁃ “can you put on pants i can’t- i cant stop looking at it- sorry tommy i know you said-“ “yeah sam i know you tried-“
⁃ “you know i fuck with satan”
⁃ “i’m sorry jesus lucifer is just such a good man-“ “oh you- hold me BACK FROM THIS FUCKER HOLD ME BACK ILL SEND HIM TO HELL YOU LIKE HELL-“
⁃ “are you jesus or just a man who grew a beard and put on a suit?”
⁃ “even the guy with his cock out is telling you to stop-“ “oh jesus, and i mean jesus-“ “shUT THE FUCK UP MAN”
⁃ “the best best way to slander him is to stop his offspring; we need to kick him the balls.....no? not a good....? alright us four each take a ball-“
⁃ “......why did jesus give him four scrotums man🙁🙁”
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h2bakugou · 3 years
hi love! can i request an angst to fluff with bakugo? maybe where he cheats and reader catches him. we dont go back to cheaters so maybe kiri and reader end up together and bakugo just regrets. i dont have any specifics in mind so feel free to let this play out however you want! just hurt me.
if this is too much or you dont wanna write this feel free to just ignore it! love you, have a great day!
a/n: hii hun!! ooo this is something i don’t think i’ve done before. i feel like i don’t write really good angst but this is a good prompt so i hope i write it well!! thank you for the request hun!! 
summary: you thought things were going good with bakugou until you catch him cheating on you. distraught, you find comfort in the arms of your closest friend, and something blossoms much stronger than before.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, cheating/mentions of cheating, established relationship with bakugou, bakugou’s a dick, kirishima is a real bro of the people and straight up puts his ass on blast
word count: 3.1k (so- i got carried away...god i hope this is good if not im so sorry angst is not my strong suit please-)
;cut for length;
»»————- ★ ————-««
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It was the day after your three-month anniversary with Bakugou. You’d spent all day together yesterday, and for the most part, everything seemed normal.
Perhaps it was because Bakugou wasn’t texting the girl he’d been secretly hanging out with behind your back all day, or maybe it was because he’d planned to meet up with said girl after you finally left him alone.
Bakugou wasn’t interested in you anymore, but frankly stringing you along for his own benefit was a lot easier. Breaking it off would leave a bad image on his part, and the last thing he wanted was a smudged reputation.
Which was why he kept quiet about this other girl, and only met with her when he was certain he wouldn’t be caught. Sneaking off when everyone went to sleep because they assumed he was asleep.
It didn’t help that they lived fairly close to each other so taking time to leave school meant they could hang out with one another at their homes and suspicious eyes would be none the wiser.
Bakugou had lied to his mother about still being with you and claimed that you’d just moved on and left, making you look like the bad guy. So Mitsuki welcomed this newer girl, and showered her in affection much like she had done with you.
Except you were still with Bakugou. And he’d just told you he loved you again. Kissing the top of your head, seemingly unphased as you yawned, ready for bed.
“Goodnight.” You spoke quietly, wishing Bakugou a good night’s rest as you headed off down to Kirishima’s dorm, where you planned to watch him play a new game he’d recently gotten.
“Hey, Kiri!” You smiled, giving him a big warm hug. Kirishima’s heart ached at the little nickname you’d given him, squeezing and wrenching inside his chest as he smelled your sweet-smelling shampoo, your arms squeezing around him as you hugged him.
“Hey (Y/n), is that a new sweater?” Kirishima asked, smiling as he admired the crimson color.
“It is! I’m glad you noticed. It kinda reminds me of your hair now that I think about it.” You giggle, reaching up to ruffle his soft hair. He’d recently washed it and it currently laid down, unlike his normal hairstyle, his large pointy spikes were nowhere in sight.
Kirishima’s little heart only began to beat faster as you entered his room, sitting beside him as he loaded up the game. Resting your head on his shoulder, you would cheer him on as he played, currently whooping ass against Sero and Kaminari who he was playing with.
“Kaminari asked why you couldn’t come watch him play.” Kirishima chuckled, glancing over at you, noticing how tired you looked.
“Well, maybe I’d go watch him play if he didn’t suck.” You joked, hearing Sero ‘ooh’ over the burn you just slapped over Kaminari.
“Damn Kaminari, they got you good.” Kirishima teased, nudging your side as you giggled, sitting up. You stretched your arms and yawned. Kirishima quickly muted his mic and paused.
“You tired, let me walk you up to your dorm.” Kirishima was ready to tell the boys he’d be back in a few but you shook your head.
“I’ll be alright, keep playing. Kick some more ass for me.” You ruffled his hair once more and patted his head before heading out of his room, waving as he waved back.
You made it back to your room and got ready for bed, nearly falling asleep without realizing you didn’t have your phone.
It’d been maybe three hours, before you rolled over, curious about what time it was when you noticed the blank space on your nightstand, where your phone would usually charge.
Sitting up tiredly, you rubbed your eyes and glanced around. You’d completely lost it, you couldn’t find it anywhere, in your dorm at least. You were unsure if you’d had it when you visited Kirishima, but your only thoughts went to Bakugou.
Maybe you’d left it in his dorm when you visited to study with him. Now that you thought about it, you’d brought your books and stuff back down before he went to bed and you returned to tell him goodnight, but he never let you back inside.
It was dark outside, and completely silent in the dorms. Everyone was clearly asleep. Or so you thought.
Creeping up to Bakugou’s dorm, you were surprised to see a little light peeking under the door. You weren’t one to snoop, but you certainly knew for Bakugou to be up at this hour, something would have to be up, maybe he was sick, or couldn’t sleep?
You pressed your ear to the door and listened for a few seconds.
Those few seconds, time stood still.
“So when are we gonna make it official?” A girl’s voice wrecked through you, your eyes watering as you listened.
“I’m working on it. I just need (Y/n) to fucking leave me alone. All they do is follow me around like a lost fucking puppy, it’s annoying.”
This was not happening. He’d just said he loved me a few hours earlier. Why was he being so mean?
“Good, because I don’t how much longer I can keep this a secret. I need to see you, Katsu.” You wanted to throw up. You felt so sick. So hurt.
So betrayed.
You were overwhelmed with emotions, sadness, despair, hurt, anger.
Raising a fist, you pounded on that door like your life was in danger. You could hear a few whispers and footsteps as Bakugou quickly opened the door, surprised to see you. You barged in, shooting one glance at the girl sitting on his bed in one of his shirts, the same one you’d worn earlier that week.
You found your phone laying under a few papers on his dresser. You turned to see Bakugou just staring at you.
“Don’t” You say quietly as you speed-walk past him and back down the hall. Bakugou doesn’t follow you, or try to stop you, or call out for you.
He slinks back into his dorm and resumes his time with his new girl, taking that as his sign that he was officially single.
Clenching your phone in one shaking hand, you can’t help but feel utterly worthless. And somehow your feet seemed to move on their own, right down to Kirishima’s dorm.
When you felt the door open, and heard a sleepy Kirishima ask if everything was okay, you finally realized you’d trekked down to his dorm without even realizing.
“N-no. It’s not okay, I’m not okay.” You whisper as he pulls you into him for a hug. He stands there, consoling you quietly, not even saying anything. Just rubbing your back as you sob into his shoulder.
He’s concerned, that’s evident by the way his expression is softened, and his eyebrows knit together, wondering just what had happened to have landed you here.
But as he finally pulls you back into his room, the only light coming from a pink and orange glowing Himalayan salt lamp. You’re shaking in his arms as you sink to the floor.
It’s the first time Kirishima’s ever seen you like this. 
So hurt.
“You don’t have to say anything, but I’m worried about you. You tell me when you’re ready okay? Do you need anything right now?” Kirishima’s spoke quietly, and softly, his large, rough hands for once being so gentle and delicate.
You sat and thought for a few minutes, just shaking in his arms as you tried to calm down. You were overwhelmed, too anxious about what had happened, if you weren’t enough for Bakugou.
But you finally spoke up, breaking the silence that had fallen over the two of you.
“I-I’m...” You breathed, finally looking up at Kirishima. You could feel the snot as it leaked from your nose and how wet your cheeks, chin, and neck were, but Kirishima didn’t look at you any differently. 
With red puffy eyes you glanced down and opened your mouth to speak.
“Bakugou, he was, I think...” You paused.
I saw what I saw. I heard her. That girl. He was cheating.
“Bakugou cheated on me.” You whimpered, more tears beginning to fall from your eyes. Your face fell back into Kirishima’s shoulder as your frame shook from pure despair.
Kirishima didn’t respond. He sat, his hands rubbing up and down your spine as you cried, anger boiling inside him.
Never, not even once, had he assumed, or even pondered that Bakugou would ever be unfaithful. His priorities of being on top seemed to overweigh everything else.
So when he’d started dating you, he was albeit a bit jealous, but he supported you and Bakugou’s relationship, despite wanting to be with you himself. But soon he realized you were taken by someone else, and he would respect that.
He changed his usual somewhat flirty comments, and kept things strictly friendly, but he couldn’t help but notice you still made his heart race.
But Bakugou, cheating? That was something he didn’t see coming. But regardless if it was shocking or not, it wasn’t right.
Kirishima didn’t agree with his actions at all, and seeing just how hurt you had been by his actions, it made him feel even angrier.
“Kirishima, I-I don’t know what to do. I thought he loved me. Why didn’t he love me?” You looked at him with tears pouring from your eyes. Broken sobs cracked from your wet lips, and Kirishima’s heart shattered.
Kirishima closed his eyes and placed a hand behind your head, nuzzling your face into his chest as he leaned into you, burying his own face into your shoulder.
“He’s an idiot. It’s gonna be alright. I promise.” Kirishima hushed you quietly, rocking you back and forth in his hold as you finally began to calm down, eventually falling asleep as he came to halt.
Reaching for a blanket, Kirishima wrapped it around you and held you tightly against him. His blood boiled inside him as he began to doze off himself.
“You are so amazing, please don’t let anyone tell you differently.” Kirishima whispered against your hair, resting his own eyes.
As time drained on during everyone’s slumber, a storm was brewing within Kirishima.
Waking in the morning, you awoke in Kirishima’s arms, just where you remembered falling asleep. You nudged him awake but that usual morning smile you wore whenever you’d see him in the common area for breakfast was no where in sight.
“Good morning.” You spoke quietly. It was awkward. But Kirishima quickly ruffled your hair.
“Bed head.” Kirishima pointed out, smiling at the disarray of your locks. You quickly turned away to try and fix what he was talking about.
“Hey relax, it’s okay.” Kirishima chuckled.
“I’m sorry for waking-”
“Don’t apologize. We’re gonna get through this together okay? I’m here to help however you need me too. Do you want me to walk with you to school?” Kirishima offered, helping you stand up as you both began to wake up.
“I think that would be nice. Thank you.” You can’t help but stare at the ground, feeling like a burden. You’d roped Kirishima in with your problems and now-
“I’m really sorry that Bakugou did that. It’s unmanly as hell. If he was unhappy he should’ve talked to you about it, going behind your back was straight up fucking idiotic.” Kirishima’s words sort of spilled out, immediately catching your attention.
“I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay. I agree with you. If he was upset or unhappy, I just wish he would’ve told me.” Your bottom lip quivers as you speak about it, the memories flashing through your mind of seeing that girl on his bed, him talking about you like you weren’t even together.
About how he despised you.
“Go get ready for class, I’ll meet you by the stairs in ten?” Kirishima was already pulling out his uniform and removing his shirt as you headed toward the door.
You nodded and left quickly, running to your room avoiding being seen. And just as he’d stated, you met up by the steps in ten minutes and headed downstairs.
And there he was, waiting, like nothing had happened. Kirishima’s hand shot to yours, holding it tightly as you walked in the opposite direction. He lead you through the back doors and outside where you took a deep breath of the crisp morning air.
“It’s gonna be difficult, but try not to think about him. Every time you find yourself drifting back to him, try and replace it with something that makes you happy, like uh braiding my hair! Or making paper airplanes with Kaminari and how you beat him every time.” Kirishima laughs, lifting your chin up with his thumb and forefinger.
“He did a really scummy thing, and it hurts, I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I’m gonna help however I can, and however you need me too.” Kirishima’s support was flooding your system. Your heart felt warm, despite feeling broken and cold hours earlier.
You didn’t thank him verbally, instead you threw your arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly, smiling.
Kirishima hugged you back and smiled. He missed your smile. 
Days turned into weeks, and things had slowly gone back to normal. You smiled more often. You informed Kaminari and Sero about your split from Bakugou, and eventually told most your friends, but not in detail.
However, Kirishima stayed by your side the most. And as you healed, you realized how much Kirishima had been there for you through all of it. And how maybe you had possibly got tied into things too fast with Bakugou.
While a part of you did love Bakugou during your time together, now you were beginning to realize how you really felt for Kirishima, a flame that had begun to burn long before you and Bakugou had been together.
But it seemed as you healed, and began to move on, finding your own happiness outside of Bakugou and the way he had treated you, Bakugou began to miss you.
Missing the way you’d kiss him, or hug him before bed. Missing the way you left his shirts smelling like you. Or the way you would always write little love notes on his study sheets.
Seeing you spend more time with Kirishima, seeing you so genuinely happy, the kind of happy you seemed to be when you used to be with him, made him mad. It made him miss you.
And sooner or later, his anger bubbled over and he snapped.
“Aye what the fuck?!” Bakugou shouted, watching as you quickly cowered away from Kirishima as Bakugou approached the two of you.
“You got a problem? We can take this outside if we need to.” Kirishima spoke up, quickly earning most of the ears of your peers.
“Yeah why the fuck you up on them like that?” Bakugou stared at you. Your face contorted in anger as you stepped forward.
“I’m sorry?” You laughed, staring at the blonde who was now your ex-boyfriend.
“You better back the fuck up.” Kirishima commented. Kaminari and Sero quickly stood to aid, positioning themselves on either side of you, positive you could handle yourself against Bakugou, but albeit cautious.
“No. Why’re you all up on them, you fucking got a thing for them? Spit it out shitty-hair.”
“No. You don’t get a fucking say in this. You fucking cheater. Ruining something so fucking special. Do you have any fucking idea how badly you hurt them? You didn’t even care to apologize. You fucking asshole. You don’t get to be upset.” Kirishima snapped. A few gasps from students. Bakugou’s face dropped at Kirishima’s words.
“I-I was just bored! All we ever did was just hang out-but I-”
“You what, Katsuki?” You approached him. You stood right in front of him and shook your head.
“I loved you. I really did, I gave my all to you, I sacrificed time and effort to make you happy because I felt like I was nothing compared to you. I have never felt like I was so below someone while being with them until I was with you. Constantly compared to you, it was fucking awful. You’re a cheating piece of shit. And I’m so sorry that you miss me now because I certainly fucking don’t miss you.” You spoke, your chest heaving as you sighed, turning and pulling Kirishima outside, along with a few others who had sided with you. 
Bakugou stood silently, feeling the eyes of everyone on him, judging him as he headed up toward his dorm.
“That was awesome!” Kaminari cheered, patting your shoulder.
“I didn’t know I had that in me.” You smiled, hugging Kirishima. Kirishima stood silently beside you.
“Hey, you okay? Forget about him, it’s over, we won, did you see the look on his face?” You nudged his side. Kirishima groaned and pulled you into him, slamming his lips on yours.
Your eyes widened as he kissed you, but you didn’t fight it. You closed your eyes and melted into the kiss, eventually drawing your arms up over his shoulders, deepening the kiss as he leaned into you more.
Kirishima pulled away and quickly glanced to Kaminari and Sero who’s mouths were formed into small ‘o’s quickly looking away as Kirishima chuckled.
“Woah.” You breathed, smiling as you stared at Kirishima.
“Sorry I have been wanting to do that for a long time.” Kirishima apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. You couldn’t help but laugh.
You leaned up and kissed him again, smiling as he kissed back, your lips moving rhythmically against one another.
Shortly after, Kirishima made sure you were ready for a relationship before asking. Recovery from your previous relationship had gone well, and once you were ready, Kirishima didn’t hesitate to ask. He would’ve waited a lifetime for you.
And Kirishima showed you love, real love. He cherished you, brought you up when you were low, and allowed you to shine, just as you did for him. Supporting him through his highs and his lows, helping him when he needed, and loving him for who he was.
You felt whole, truly happy. The kind of happy you hadn’t felt for a while. And you didn’t think about Bakugou once during it. If you interacted, you were curt, and always handled the situations quickly. You didn’t need to focus on him.
And when you beat him during a test, it only proved you had grown stronger.
Bakugou had lost this battle. 
And you were winning by a long shot, with a happy, healthy, relationship with someone who loved you, someone who truly loved you.
And that flame inside you, burning for Kirishima, only grew.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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jeanslongschlong · 3 years
Hii!! I love your writings and i was wondering, could you do an a-z porco version?? You can choose whether you prefer nsfw or not, i dont mind at all!! Just wanna see some content about mu baby🥺 hope you have a great day/week/month/year and please be safe💖
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hi! i’m gonna do a separate fluff alphabet for him bc i love him so <3 i did this in a modern (college if u squint) au bc that’s generally what i think about when i write so i hope this is ok! hope u enjoy, i’m sorry this took so long! stay safe and have a lovely day ❤️
warnings: extremely nsfw lol, mild cursing
word count: 1491
a-z nsfw alphabet for porco galliard
nsfw under the cut!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
I feel like Porco is a PRO at aftercare. I don’t know why, it’s just a hunch. I feel like he gives lots of shoulder kisses and runs his fingers through your hair, whispering to you just how much he loves you. Probably really enjoys taking baths with you! And MASSAGES! Especially if you guys just had a rather rough session (which I feel like is very often. IDK dude just the vibes I get from him)
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
He loves his hair, and he ESPECIALLY loves when you pull it. That’s one way to make him cum in his pants in .00005 seconds. On you I’d have to say your nose (: I feel like he loves giving you nose kisses and also putting you in positions (like the mating press) where your noses are practically pressing together when you’re having sex.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
I feel like his cum is kinda salty, but nothing too bad. It definitely doesn’t taste bad. Porco doesn’t seem like the type to be too picky about where he cums, but I do think that his favorite and preferred place to cum on you is your face. It makes pride swell up inside of him that he’s the only person who gets to see you like this. It’s also kinda just his possessiveness showing?? IDK mannnnn but it’s hot as fuck
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Before you started dating he accidentally called one of his flings your name. He just brushed it off like it didn’t happen and made the person he slept with feel like they were hearing things LMFAO
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like he’s pretty experienced and knows what he’s doing, but mostly with people that he wasn’t involved with for more than a night. I don’t see Porco as someone who easily enters relationships, so most of his experience comes from clumsy and/or drunken one-night stands with random people he met at frat parties LMFAOOO
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Mating press. He loves being fully in control and seeing you struggle to gain any sort of leverage on him. Also, the eye contact and the deep ass angles he can hit; he brushes against your sweet spot with every languid stroke. Need I say more?
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Definitely not. Porco sees sex as serious even if he’s not in love with you- I feel like if you laughed it would just piss him off LOL
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I mean I don’t think he actively shaves so he’s probably got a bit of hair down there, but it’s nothing too wild. I feel like he keeps it soft lol and it’s definitely not a bush. The hair is a few shades darker than the hair on his head. He one hundred percent keeps clean, tho, so that’s not something you’ll have to worry about
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
Most times sex is a way for Porco to release his frustrations and anger. He doesn’t really see it as a loving act since most of his past experiences weren’t related to that in the slightest, but every now and then he gets a strong urge to worship you in every way possible because he wants you to know just what you do to and for him.
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
Probably twice a week. Unlike a lot of the other AOT boys, I feel like Porco masturbates rather frequently. I feel like a lot of it stems from boredom, but some of it is (like most other things) related to frustration. It helps him zen out a bit
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Complete domination, choking, bondage, & spit play. I don’t think I need to say anything else on this topic, you can see what I’m getting at, yeah?
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He’s honestly fine with wherever, just as long as the price of getting caught isn’t too great. He enjoys the risk and adrenaline rush that comes with doing it in public places (for example in the bathroom at a school football game or at a restaurant while you’re on a date). But if his or your reputation was on the line, he wouldn’t even think twice about it. His preferred place (if he had to pick) would be the floor ;)
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Tbh just about anything LOL I really see him as a guy with a high sex drive, so if he sees your shirt ride up a little too far and catches a glimpse of the undersides of your boobs? BAM. Boner. You bend over in front of him? Boner. Obviously he can keep this in check most of the time, but sometimes? He just doesn’t want to.
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Pegging. Sorry guys, he just…wouldn’t.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He is SOOOO good at giving oral, however, he definitely prefers receiving over giving. It’s probably one of the only aspects in the bedroom where he ever hands you the reins. He may push your head down sometimes, though, he’s one of those guys. But he just enjoys seeing you struggle to take it. Polishes his ego
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He tends to be pretty fast and rough. He doesn’t really have the patience to go slowly LOL I feel like he’d get bored-
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He loves quickies. Especially when it could make one of you late (preferably you, he loves making you all flustered when someone asks what your reason for being late is). Like I mentioned previously, doing things slowly is definitely not something that Porco is very well versed in, so I don’t even really see you guys having long sessions very often. Quickies are just the norm for you guys. (You should be grateful for this, the longer sessions take DAYS to recover from. Praying for u)
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
It really just depends. You have to talk to him about it first, but I will say that he is more likely to say no than he is to agree, especially if his dominance is in question. He doesn’t like to give you control often
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
He can last a good while if he wants to, but he doesn’t normally. Your sessions tend to last 10-15 minutes on average (not including foreplay), but when he really wants to he can last 30-40 mins.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Probably a few vibrators lol. Definitely wants to buy a sex swing smh. Probably has a whip. All of these are for you, the thought of using a toy on himself makes him a bit uncomfortable.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
I feel like Porco likes to tease on occasion, but something tells me that often times he’s way too impatient to bother. When Porco gets in the mood, he wants nothing more than to just bend you over and fuck the shit out of you right then and there. Anything that prevents him from doing so brings him out of the mood a little.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I don’t think he moans perse… He definitely lets out long sighs and grunts and other animalistic noises, but there’s not much moaning. I will say that he is very very verbal, and his dirty talk is TOP TIER. That’s it. That’s all.
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
His biggest fantasy is to fuck you while someone else is sleeping in the room-
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Probably a good 6.5-7 in. And he THICC. You will definitely feel the burn at first with him
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Not too quickly. He likes to make sure you’re okay first, and if you’re not feeling the best he’ll lay awake with you and talk to you until you’re asleep.
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commaclear · 2 years
I really really want btp!wilbur to find out abt the stuff Schlatt did to Quackity.
I feel like Wilbur puts Quackity up on this pedestal, viewing him as ineffable. Even when Wilbur tries his hardest to hate Quackity and acts like he can’t stand his presence, it’s always been his way of hiding the fact that he never truly got over him and somewhat blames himself for the break up. I only say that because when we saw the other relationships he’s been in, he doesn’t leave people and looks for reasons that relationship is worth being in. Quackity is the only person who loved him and the only relationship he didn’t feel hurt in until the end. Wilbur he’s most likely taken that relationship and scratched out all the memories of things not being happy. To him, Quackity is the most lovable, perfect, and untouchable thing he’s ever known. Yes, he is seen as the first person to break his heart, but he is also the first person to care.
I feel like if/when Wilbur finds out that Quackity was at some point seen as nothing but an easy target with a nice ass, he’s gonna have a hard time believing it. I think it would happen because Quackity was busy and was ignoring a call from Schlatt, so Schlatt decides to call Wilbur instead. Even though they were working on something, Wilbur steps aside and answers it. At some point during their conversation, he gets curious and decides to fuck around and ask Wilbur if he “got lucky”.
Responding, Wilbur asks, “what do you mean?”
“Did Quackity finally relax? He always plays hard to get, but you can tell he enjoys it.”
Something about that made it click in his head. He knew Schlatt had done that to him, but a part of him didn’t want to believe it had happened to Quackity. “Wait. Are you talking about…”
Schlatt laughs. “Of course I’m talking about that. He’s got a nice ass, it’s practically like he’s made for-“
Wilbur heard more than enough and abruptly cut him off. “I’ve got to go.”
When Wilbur returns to what they were doing, he is acting weird. Quackity notices, but decides he’ll just bring it up later.
When they return to the hotel, Wilbur says something before Quackity could even ask. “You didn’t tell me that Schlatt did that to you.”
He seemed more upset than Quackity did. “That was a long time ago.”
“That doesn’t make it any better.”
“It’s not like he does it anymore. It’s fine, Wilbur, I know how to take care of myself.”
“It’s not fine. It’s really fucking bad, actually.”
“You don’t get to decide how I feel. Stop acting like you can fix it. It’s in the past.”
“You don’t deserve to be treated that way.”
“You didn’t either, but I don’t see that ever stopping you.”
“That’s different. I let people do that, you shouldn’t.”
“I don’t anymore, okay? Drop it already.”
“Does Karl or Sapnap know?”
“Dont fucking bring them into this. It was before I even knew them and I handled it perfectly fine by my god damn self. That shit might’ve bothered me years ago, but life moves on. I don’t let things that happened years ago stay with me because there’s really nothing I can do about it.”
Wilbur felt somewhat hurt by the words, knowing he was the opposite and seemed to care about the last more than the future. “But Q. I dont even get it. How could someone even think of hurting you.”
“I’m not perfect. Stop acting like I’m some godly fucking object.”
“Christ, Wilbur. Shit fucking happens. I get that you think I don’t deserve anything bad to happen or that it’s impossible for people to want to hurt me. Wake up and realize that neither of us had it easy. Im a person and I’m sick of you acting like I’m above you.”
I feel like I say this a lot, but thanks for the fresh heartbreak anon wtf
Wilbur definitely has Quackity on a pedestal, this would be an interesting way to even the playing field.... hm
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faorism · 3 years
needing the au to drop wherein i can commit to writing a historical au,, because since i first watched the db cooper job my mind went straight to OT3! OT3! OT3! (unlike with the van gogh job, since i aint playing with that fucking lieutenant)
one day maybe one dayyyyy i will sit down and i will write the ot3 into that episode's story. so, it'll be the backgrounds for the characters in the flashback (so, stephanie ritter, steve reynolds, and reggie wilkins), but with the necessary personality adjustments (parker, eliot, and hardison respectively). basically, vintage ot3 with some hot as hell aesthetics and secrets and avoiding as much as possible producing copraganda.
so. my thoughts. what i see happening. and this got super long so im throwing this under a cut. and for ease i will call them by their modern day canon names except when making a point.
first, general thoughts about the characters.
and so: steve to eliot. nothing much here on the surface. eliot still volunteers, too much an indoctrinated white man to have been forcibly drafted. so its still one man gone to war. one man come back. eliot would had been noticed early in training for his ability to pick shit up, and they teased at maybe sending him to a special unit. maybe they do, or maybe they don't because they just need to funnel fuckers to the jungle. the vietnam invasion was a terrorist imperialist venture and there's no romanticizing from me about anything done being at all valorous or special or brother-in-arms'y. and eliot commits war crimes under the american stars and stripes instead of just to keep moreau's champaign running. but also maybe moreau is eliot's superior. he certainly would have been rewarded for this ruthlessness. (eliot of course strove to impress moreau because there aint an eliot spencer who wasn't that man's dog at some point, i!!!! dont make the rules). eliot's friend died and eliot's gone off to carry out his wishes and moreau lets him because he Knows eliot is gonna come back. whether its to come back to the same squad, or follow him into deeper spy shit for the military, or to fuck off and go private. then eliot meets parker.
now. stephanie to parker. beth plays normal so well im mad at her, but there's something edgy and strategic about stephanie that i think parker can grab onto. i feel that maybe she was kind of a thief still, but there's more realism to this world so archie wasnt a super secret spy with lasers to practice with, but just a guy with sticky fingers whos a little bored and wants a protege. parker is good really good at what she does, and not having to deal with lasers makes me easy. but she's into scams that are less grifts and more Catch Me If You Can slight of hands. she's always looking for easy money (she was into lifting cars at one point! literally she follows where the crime is). she's doing something in an airport and someone tries to recruit her as a flight attendant because she's got the Look. and yall, flight attendants? that shit was like being a model and an astronaut and a time traveler back then. and according to a teacher i had, who once worked as in the f.a. union, those ladies back in the day were rad and queer and free spirited and runnnnning shit. i think, yes, it's a Job which i think we might resist placing parker into. but! of the jobs, at the time, i really see her rocking it during the time period. (also come on, the opportunities to swindle distracted people of their shit would be endless. they would just think they dropped their stuff in the airport! not that it was stolen.)
finally, reggie to alec. i think hardison will be the hardest to translate. even tho i admittedly listen to a lot of true crime podcasts, i dont know much about fbi life and also definitely don't know about it historically. part of me desperately wants to put him somewhere else even if it does have to stay within the fbi. i might cheat and make him like a Q(uartermaster) to 007/00s like in james bond, and he's like UGH this is horrible god i hate working for the fbi but they will give me funding so...... anyway, here's this totally cool [radio term]. that said, if hardison is stuck in the fbi, why he ends up there is that he is a fucking savant when it comes to research and the man can put together a presentation like no one else. that white man gets all the credit for profiling but it was hardison who goddamn was the google of the microfilm days. reggie felt super square but that might be because he had to deal with mcsweeties db cooper shit day in and day out for years. hardison is more himself. and definitely still a nerd. alec would be into dime fantasy novels and comics and ham radios and oh god he also would be into star trek like the original star trek as it came out and he would be into the zines yes! yessss. omg. also he plays a mean arcade cabinet. but he's mostly well adjusted but lonely. his colleagues dont appreciate him because fbi esp during that time were fucking wilding out and racist as hell aaaaaand im sorry im srry im trying so hard to have fbi hardison make sense but also! acab. ANYWAY.
second, the relationship
i think it would be fun to play with what it means to have parker/eliot start off first and bring in hardison afterwards. (if white collar is your thing, it would be like this canon divergent ot3 fic wherein peter burke is the last to join in.) i feel they would be Super Intense esp since they are carrying this big ass secret. kind of broken and dysfunctional and there's the passion and the commitment, but i think there's also a tenderness that's super hard for them to achieve? and i think there's a way that hardison plays such an important part in who they are and how they are. like, sure i think parker/eliot would have joy but they won't have levity. they would have compassion but they won't have gentleness.
eliot meets hardison after being recruited by nate. i think they get close because while nate and eliot have an interesting and compelling mentorship/friendship, nate is still eliots superior; sometimes its nice to complain about your boss, as hardison will say to eliot to try to make friends. i think hardison and eliot would become legit friends and not just work buddies because they are just not cut out of the same cloth as the rest of their colleagues. they grab beers after work. after hard days, hardison cajoles eliot into going to the arcade. they are friends. real real truly deep best friends, in a way hardison didn't think he could have with a fed and eliot didnt think he would have after his friend died. but also? they are like "buds" who are buds who are desperately tryna to cross any lines because there's a.... tension? an UST between them they dont know what to do with.
parker meets eliot by way of a "lets have my friend for dinner, he's a blast." and immediately immediately hardison is like... wow this woman is beautiful but like, really attracted to her personality. and parker things hardison is kinda dorky but cute dorkie? anyway, they have a puppy love situation growing. and it keeps growing until bam. eliot and parker are like. are we into alec???? fuck we are aren't we.
i think stephanie and steve would never tell reggie (even if somehow they were to be a thing). but parker and eliot? hell yeah they tell hardison. eventually. after a while. sooner than maybe they should. the tension if they should say something is one of the things that build up as UST between them for so long; parker and eliot know they are carrying this huge thing. two huge things. eliot being db cooper and also their massive crush on him.
if i could control myself to stick to a pwp, it would be another christmas. maybe the christmas nine (more?) years down the road. the damn snow grounded hardison's flight back to his nana's, and parker and eliot hear this and invite him over. the egg nog gets flowing and parker eventually is like,, fuck this. and comes onto hardison. and hardison would be like wow wow what but... idk, free love and swinging were In The Thoughts And Minds Of The People. he still checks in with eliot who is like. her body, man; i aint gonna tell her what to do. and for a sec hardison is like, man is this a cuck situation? i guess i can be for it but also...... aint mad if i aint alone. and eliot is so grateful and idk. i just want them all to be happy and having fun and no one to be left out. and yeah i am kinda brushing over a lot of the racial politics which, in a more developed fic rather than a pwp, would definitely need to be brought in; but idk that needs to just be in the bedrock of whatever plot is going into this.
it takes a lot of maneuvering of their lives but they make it work and eventually hardison is a keeper of eliot's secret too.
(apart from the historical aspect, another reason i probably won't actually write this is because i know myself. i would want to do worldbuilding. i would follow eliot and alec to their jobs, but i wouldnt want to write outright copaganda. the grit/realism i would be comfortable with would take a level of research i dont think i can commit to. but if someone wants to take this up or if you figure out a way around this issue, pls do i wont be mad)
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