#they weren't sure so they were like uhh if it's okay I'll put a call notice for the person who does them so like they'll know how it works
nokikissa · 2 years
sdfghhjd trying to book a time for a drug test through phone because the job i applied for requires it and being bounced around from one person to another why is this so difficuuuult.
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sadakorosee · 1 year
Omg this is my first request! Poly relationship with the turtles request by @trtlegirl00
TW: a bit of sexual harassment, misogyny
Poly!turtles x fm!reader (Requested)
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Work was hell - then again, it's always been hell.
This entire week, your boss has been on your back demanding 10 different tasks from you and scolds you infront of everybody when you haven't finished it. You tried explaining you were doing 4 tasks at once, staying overtime, and barely eaten anything and guess what he said to you?
"Not my problem." He said, with a SHRUG on his shoulders.
You were not tolerating his mistreatment anymore and did the unthinkable; you stepped hard on his foot and he yelped in pain, gasps around the office. Due to the mistreatment you and your colleagues went through, they all clapped.
"I'll see you in fucking court. And don't think I didn't miss you pinching my ass at last week's party. Perv." Then you left.
Despite all that, it just drains the life out of you realizing you're jobless. Fired, for sure. Getting sued? Absolutely.
You dragged yourself to the lair mindlessly. All you want were hugs right now.
"Hey, angel cakes is back!" Mikey saw you from the kitchen and ran to you, only to find you emotionless. Your hair was in a loose bun, your formal clothes unbuttoned and shoes removed, you holding it.
"Angel? What's wrong?" Mikey grew concerned.
That made you break. "I hate everything!" You bawled out of nowhere dropping everything in the process and hugged Mikey sobbing in his shoulder.
"Uhh guys!" Mikey called, catching 3 other turtles' attention.
"What happened?!" Leo asked in panic, holding you and inspecting you for wounds. He saw how messy you looked thinking you got harassed.
"Who hurt you, baby?" Raph held your crying face. "I'll kill 'em. How dare they hurt you like this?!"
"Calm down, you hothead," Donnie pushed the bigger turtle away and inspected you. Once he confirms you weren't physically hurt, he took off his goggles and stroked your hair. "She wasn't physically hurt. But there's something else here. What happened, love? Deep breaths."
You told them everything, which in between the guys slowly getting angry for you until the last part you mentioned your boss touched you in a dinner party:
Leo stopped blinking.
Raph broke a baseball bat he was holding-- which you didn't notice he was holding it. That was weird.
Donnie dropped his gadget.
Mikey gasped. Typical.
"I'm gonna kill him."
Now, people would expect this reaction from Raph, right?
"Donnie wait calm down!" Mikey held onto Donnie's leg but the tallest turtle walked to the exit with ease.
"Put down that knife! Sensei used that to cut the fishes!" Leo exclaimed. Please, Leo. That isn't important right now.
"I'm goin' with ya, Don." That was Raph. Of course he's gonna join Donnie kill anybody who touched their s/o.
It took about 20 minutes to calm down your tallest boyfriend and he was still eager to murder your boss but he saw how exhausted you are, so he stopped and hoist you up in his arms, bringing you to the living room.
Your four boyfriends huddled up with you in the middle; two of them holding both of your hands, 1 was massaging your toes and 1 massaging your shoulders.
You'd rather be stuck down in the lair than being in the human world.
Money? You'll think of something.
Right now, you just want to be with your boyfriends.
I hope this was okay C: i'm sorry it took me almost a week to do your request; i'm actually a working lady xD i work 8-5 everyday and i'm tired all the time. i may have added a bit of my story inside. regarding this, stay safe at work or in public. report when you must and don't let any man tell you what's what.
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yumiis · 4 months
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 get home safe ; isaac
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prompt; A and B hang out at a common friend's house, and B chooses to leave earlier than A. Before they go, they make sure to tell their friend, "please make sure A gets home early and safe." | credit to @akawrites000
genre; fluff
type; drabble
read below!
Isaac was always one to randomly invite you to hang out, whether it be at his place or a party, he always wanted to be around you. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, both of you were pretty bored. Nick was over staying at a friend's place, so he'd invited Isaac over.
"Isaac! I'm hangin' out at Schlatt's, you wanna come over?" Isaac intently listened to Nick over the phone, nodding his head. He thought for a moment. "Can I see if Y/n wants to come?" Nick very audibly sighed, not because he didn't like you, but because Isaac was a pussy and refused to tell you how he felt. "Dude. Isaac, when are you gonna tell them you like them? Ask them out!" Isaac rolled his eyes, "Uhh.. Soon, soon! I'll ask soon. So can they come or not?" Nick nodded to himself, "Yeah, that's fine. Hurry up!"
Isaac ended the phone call, quickly pressing your contact and hitting your name. He started typing away, 'hey y/n nick invited me and you to go hang at schlatt's, you wanna come?' He waited a couple minutes for your answer, then it finally came. 'yea sure! let me throw on sm clothes and ill meet u there'
You and Isaac pulled up at pretty much the same time, he'd just gotten out of his car when you pulled up. "Isaac! Hey!" You hopped out the seat after turning off and locking your car, closing the door behind you. Isaac smiled, "Hey! I missed you!" You tilted your head, "Didn't we hang out like two days ago?" He shrugged his shoulders, "So? I can't miss you?" You hummed in response.
You two got comfortable at Schlatt's, he'd offered you guys some whiskey when you walked in. "Nah, I'm good man! I gotta drive home later, so I can't." Isaac spoke, then plopping down on his couch. He playfully patted the spot next to him, looking at you. You smiled, walking over and putting your bag down, then sitting next to Isaac. He yawned, then rested his arm around your shoulders. Your face burned, "What're you doing?" Isaac moved his arm, throwing his hands up in defense. "What? I can't stretch?" Nick sighed at the both of you.
After a couple hours, Isaac and Nick remembered they needed to go home to finish up some editing and work stuff. "We gotta go! C'mon Nick," Isaac sighed, getting up. You'd been drinking a little bit, but you weren't even buzzed, however Isaac was still worried about you. He smiled at you, "Bye! I'll text you, okay?" You nodded, giving him a thumbs up. "Okay!"
Isaac walked up to Schlatt while Nick walked out the door. "Hey, make sure they get home safe, alright? Don't give 'em anymore to drink." Schlatt nodded, "Yeah, I know. They gotta drive home too."
Isaac walked out the door, catching up with Nick. Nick looked at Isaac, "You gotta tell 'em." Isaac whined, "I know, I know! Just.. Give me time! Tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow."
would ya'll want a short part 2? :3
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writtengalaxies · 1 year
Uhh hello! I want to do a valentine's request, maybe for Heehoo and Reader if you're able to?
So, full disclaimer: I've never written for Heehoo before, and I don't tend to consume any fan content with him. >.< So I'm giving this my best shot! :D
Also, fun fact: the premise of this is based off a dating advice I heard at a LARP, from a fae character. So it's going to be a bit silly. I hope it's okay!
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You really, really weren't sure how this was going to go. The wild man still didn't fully understand half the things you were trying to tell him, but you really wanted to give it a shot.
"Okay, Heehoo," you spoke slowly, sitting on the ground in front of him. He tilted his head at you, listening intently. "There's this celebration called Valentine's day. You get people gifts to show you care about them."
He nodded, grunting out what you knew by now was the sound of him acknowledging your words. "Mate gift," he rumbled, leaving your face heating a little.
"Y-yeah, you aren't wrong there. So, I got you some things. As my gift for you."
He moved closer, squinting at the bag as you pulled things from it. You weren't sure if he was going to like the taste of chocolates, and you really weren't sure if he'd ever had them before for any reason, so you wanted to keep that simple. The other was a small bouquet of flowers you had gathered, held together by a ribbon you thought looked pretty.
"Mate gift...me?" He almost sounded surprised, as you nodded.
"Yeah! A snack and something pretty to look at!"
Heehoo gently took the flowers from you, letting you place the open box of chocolates on the ground between you. A moment passed, your nerves fluttering in your chest at what he might think.
And then you watched, unable to react at first, as he took a huge bite of the flowers, munching the petals thoughtfully. "I. Uh. Wh."
"Snack." He shook the bouquet, then pointed at the chocolates. "Pretty." His finger then pointed at you, before offering the flowers to you. "Mate. Snack?"
"I'll...I'll eat the chocolates."
You could watch as the realization, as you put the first piece of candy in your mouth, the order you had meant for them to be in connect in his head.
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maguro13-2 · 7 months
What Happened to Blair Flannigan after GX?
Alexis Rhodes : So yeah...Well, apparently. Blair Flannigan that used to duel with us, is kinda dead for some reason. She did not make it on Arc V after I saw her on tv as a cheerleader who also died after seeing her as a cameo.
Yuya : Really? How did that really happened?
Alexis Rhodes : Well, uhh...
Alexis Rhodes : Hold the phone! You quit dueling and went on being a cheerleader!? I saw you on the screen and on TV! No wonder why you left duel academy and never came back to dueling.
Blair Flannigan : You thought that dueling would be great, but turns out my life as a cheerleader didn't really matter to me! And now I feel like a washed up loser after Jaden left.
Alexis Rhodes : Is there something that you can do for yourself? I mean, you're Blair Flannigan, and you are a duelist that knows something important about duel monsters, but then you threw your life away and became a cheerleader now I understand why you've been chumley's replacement for the past years. Does that make you sound cool? I think we're gonna give you a better job than cheerleading. So much for you to have the attention since Jaden left duel academy.
Blair Flannigan : Hey, Alexis. You know something what I needed something for my life?
Alexis Rhodes : Uhh, okay. Sure.
Blair Flannigan : I think to start something to do instead of cheerleading, I think I'm going to do something for what I must do after Jaden left. I did become a slifer red after you told me about being at duel academy since 4kids dropped the balls to hid the real ending where Jaden really left duel academy.
Alexis Rhodes : Of course, which is why he never returned and never came back.
Blair Flannigan : Of course, but there is a way to see Jaden back again. I just know Jaden Yuki. Because I wanted to do something for him and that's exactly what I'm about to do, instead of being a cheerleader!
Alexis Rhodes : That...That sounds awesome! How are you planning on reuniting with Jaden Yuuki?!
Blair Flannigan : Easy! I got the perfect plan, and I know how to see Jaden Yuuki again.
Alexis Rhodes : And how does seeing Jaden Yuuki could possibly be at the return from GX?
Blair Flannigan : Like this! *GUN COCKS*
Alexis Rhodes : Umm, I don't think you were supposed to do that, Blair.
Blair Flannigan : Of course, I do! This is going to be the way to see Jaden Yuuki once more! See you on the other side, Alexis. [Puts a gun on her head]
Alexis Rhodes : Uhh, Blair? I wouldn't do that if I we're you and, uh, I-I wouldn't dare let you--[panicking] I DON'T THINK THAT YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO THAAAAAA-[GUN SHOT!]
(cuts back to Alexis and Yuya)
Alexis Rhodes : So, apparently. That's the real reason Blair Flannigan never returned and She just died by doing one particular that she did.
Yuya : So that's your reason to tell me, Blair Flannigan really died and never came to ARC-V? How did she died by what, Alexis? How did she died?
Alexis Rhodes : I don't know, Yuya. How I do know that Blair Flannigan died of something?
Blinky : Oh yeah, I know how that ex-duelist/cheerleader died of something that you all know it. And she barely knew that she did the same thing as I did.
Alexis Rhodes : Like what? What was the same that she did the same thing as you after both of you died?
Blinky : Here's one very Important thing how Blair Flannigan and I made possible ways to fall for our deaths and fates.
Alexis Rhodes : What's so important? What's it called being your only fates?
Blinky : Okay, then. I'll tell you what it's called... Saving orphans burning from a burning church.
Yuya : You mean, that's the reason Blair Flannigan and never came back to Arc-V because you and Blair did the same thing? That's the important thing about your deaths?....
Blinky : Yep.
Alexis Rhodes : ....Oh, Okay! Yeah that makes totally sense.
Yuya : Totally!
Blair Flannigan (as a Ghost) : Hey, guys. I'm right here you know!
Yuya : Oh my God! It's a ghost of Blair Flannigan!
Alexis Rhodes : Let's get out of here!
[the two runs off]
Blair Flannigan (as a ghost) : (sighs) Amateurs. I guess the world of Yu-Gi-Oh isn't ready for me, now. I'll just haunt my way back to the place of my former Glory.
Blinky : So, you wanna go haunt Pac-Man?
Blair Flannigan (as a ghost) : Oh yeah! I love haunting Pac-Man! Sure! Anything from your ghostly friend, man. Anything from your ghostly friend
Blinky : Good, cause we're planning on raping his soul in an instant.
Winged Kuribo : That's totally nothing but context out of something! I guess I'll be waiting for Jaden Yuuki in the next time, I think. [Dillweed passing by] Anybody wants some dessert?
[Iris out]
~ Better Luck Next Time, Blair ~
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hinatastinygiant · 11 months
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31 | Leaving Shadows Behind
Pairing: Mikey x Fem!Reader
Undercover Masterlist
A week later, you find yourself at a local park, accompanied by Yuzuha and Hakkai. The three of you leisurely stroll along the winding paths, relishing in the simple pleasure of each other's company. The sun casts a warm glow, creating a serenity you haven't felt in a long time.
"I need to take a break from Toman," you suddenly remember yourself telling Mikey while the two of you were sitting on the rooftop side by side. 
Sadness had flickered in Mikey's eyes, he was trying so hard to understand the importance of your decision and how much it meant to you. But he couldn't help but long for you to stay with him.
"I need to focus on the relationship I'm building with my siblings," you had explained softly. "I want to make up for the time we lost when I was all caught up in Taiju's crap."
Mikey's expression had softened after that, his genuine care for you evident in his gaze. He reached out to take your hand, offering you his support. "I understand," he replied, his voice filled with understanding. "Your family should always come first. Take all the time you need, and know that I'll be here for you."
What makes you feel sick to your stomach isn't the fact that you decided to temporarily leave Toman, but the fact that you haven't seen Mikey since that night on the rooftop. A pang of guilt washes over you as you reflect on the time that has passed. The intensity of your feelings for him lingers, and you begin to ache to be with him again.
Suddenly, you're snapped back to reality as Yuzuha waves her hand in front of your face, concern etched on her features. "Hey, are you alright?" she asks, her voice filled with genuine worry. "You look like you just saw a ghost."
Hakkai then joins in, his eyes reflecting the same concern. "What's going on, Y/N? Is something bothering you?"
You take a deep breath, mustering a smile to reassure them. "I'm okay, really," you reply, your voice tinged with a hint of unease. "Just lost in thought, I guess. Let's keep walking. Hakkai, weren't you saying something about going back to school?" you inquire, hoping to shift the focus to something positive.
Hakkai's eyes light up and a smile grows on his face as he begins to open up about his plans. He had initially put everything on hold when he joined the Black Dragons, but now he'd determined to make a difference in the community, just like Mikey. He begins to talk about wanting to study social work or something related, to help those who are struggling and create a better future for everyone.
Yuzuha curiously then chimes in, asking, "What's going to happen to the Black Dragons now?" 
Hakkai pauses for a moment, contemplating his response. "Well, I think that-" he begins, but before he can answer, you quickly interject, caution in your voice.
"Let's not discuss that here, Hakkai," you say, mindful of the potential risks of discussing such matters in public. "It's better to keep things low-key for now, you know? We don't want to draw any unnecessary attention when nothing's even certain yet."
"Yeah, you're right. Sorry," Yuzuha smiles softly.
"It's alright. Anyway, back to what you were saying, Hakkai... Do you know what you're going to study? Social work?"
"Uhh, I'm not really sure yet..." he answers nervously, much to your surprise. "I haven't had too much time to think of it and I'm still kind of exploring my options," he confesses. "But I know I want to make a positive impact. I'll figure it out along the way."
With a supporting smile, you assure him that he has plenty of time to discover his true calling. For now, focusing on his decision to return to school and pursue his dreams is a step in the right direction.
"Hey, Yuzuha," Hakkai then changes the subject quickly, "What do you plan on doing now?"
His question hangs in the air, and for a moment, you exchange a knowing glance with him. You shake your head subtly, indicating that Yuzuha probably doesn't want to talk about her plans. She's been just doing odd jobs for the longest time and has expressed multiple times that she hates it. Hakkai's confusion is evident as he silently mouths the word "what?"
Yuzuha hesitates for a moment, her eyes darting between you and Hakkai, before finally speaking up. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you guys about that. Mitsuya approached me recently and offered me a job in his clothing design company. I'll be working as the marketing person, responsible for promoting Mitsuya's designs and ensuring that the word gets out to people who might be interested. I'm actually really excited about this opportunity."
Hakkai beams with pride as he listens to Yuzuha talk. "Wow, Yuzuha, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you."
You can't help but feel a swell of happiness for your sister. The strides she has taken and the new path she's beginning fill you with pride. Hakkai's genuine support only adds to the joy of the moment.
Soon enough, Hakkai spots an ice cream truck parked nearby. His eyes light up with delight as he says, "You know what? This calls for a celebration. I see an ice cream truck over there. Let's all get something!"
"Oh, I don't know," you shake your head, so used to being extremely cautious with your money.
"Come on, Y/N. We've got the money for it now," he then tells you before taking both you and Yuzuha by the hand and pulling you over toward the truck. 
The genuine smiles lighting up their faces tug at your heartstrings, an overwhelming surge of emotion filling your eyes with tears. The happiness radiating from your siblings is like priceless treasures, ones you wouldn't trade for the world. And in this moment, surrounded by the simple joy of shared ice cream and the warmth of your siblings' presence, you realize that there's nothing more precious than the happiness of those you hold dear.
Undercover Masterlist
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kookiecrumb · 2 years
JJK || Someway
Chapter One
masterlist • next
summary: You go on a non-refundable cruise with your LA realtor ex-boyfriend. Things get interesting.
tags: one bed trope, exes to lovers, mutual pining, stubborn!y/n, vacation, smut, angst, fluff, fem!reader x jungkook
warnings (per chapter): alcohol consumption, explicit/adult language, rich people
wc: 2.3K
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Twenty missed calls. 
You were at the port and Jungkook was still nowhere to be found. 
It's honestly expected of him. He was never good with time management.
You're almost sure he's oblivious to it, too. He probably is cruising with the music all the way up unaware that he's going to be late for check in. 
You roll your eyes and turn off your phone, burying it in your Burberry bag before fixing your jacket. You stare out into the ocean, enjoying the view. It's kind of serene. 
If Los Angeles weren't such a shit place to live these days, you'd consider placing a bid on one of the ocean-side properties. It's not worth it, though. It would just turn into another excuse for Jungkook to hit up your phone again. 
He owns a couple of them. He's actually a pretty prominent luxury real-estate owner. It was hot, once. 
Anyways, he'd probably find some way to swindle you into checking out every single one of his properties, claiming that each one is the perfect match for you and really sell it-– he's good with his words. He couldn't talk you out of leaving him, though. You won't make the same mistake twice. 
Your phone buzzes violently. With a huff, you prop your purse on your lap and push the clutter around until you spot your phone. You pick it up and put it to your ear. 
"Hey!" You smile, just in case he can see you. "Are you close yet?" You can feel Jungkook smirking through the phone, but you're pleasantly surprised by a semi-mature response. 
"Yeah. I'll be there in five. You've got both our tickets, right? Mine and yours?" He looks over his shoulder and backs into a parking spot as he talks. 
"Uhh…huh," you click your tongue. "Just get here quick with your shit. I hope you got a  ticket for parking and everything." 
"Yeah–-" Jungkook turns the key to his Mercedes and pulls it out. It jumps from his hands and he catches it near his feet. He leans back in his seat and grunts. "Fuck," he says under his breath. "Yeah. Okay. Okay. Bye, Y/N," he hastily ends the call. 
This is ridiculous. You dust off your dress and fix your bracelet, standing up with your one suitcase in your right hand. Your purse is neatly stacked on top. 
Jungkook is practically wrapped in leather when he arrives. He likes to act taller than he actually is. He gives you a quick hug before gesturing to his ticket in your hand and then to the booths, as if he's not the one who was late. You shake it off and start walking. 
He struggles to catch up with you, but you're in a hurry because of him. Your tickets were for Black Pearl class boarding, and they were the very first class to board. You're just uncomfortably late at this point– not fashionably!
Once you arrive at the ticket booth, there are a group of servicemen waiting to tag your bags and carry them up to your suite. Thank God! You would have just made Jungkook carry them up, but this is far more convenient. 
"Good evening. Two please, Black Pearl Premium Suit, Class 1A. Thank you so much," you present yours and his identification to this kind lady. She gives Jungkook a suspicious look while checking his identification. That's when you realize Jungkook is wearing a facemask and a hat, covering his entire face. 
"She needs to be able to see your face, Kook," you tell him. 
Jungkook reaches his hand up to his hat and takes it off, lowering his mask in the process. 
This is the first time you've seen his face since he walked out of your apartment that one night. He catches you staring. 
With a look of disapproval, he pulls his mask back up and takes his IDs back. "Let's go."
As you climb up the plank leading to the entrance to the ship, you contemplate a couple ground rules you need to set regarding the room you'll be sharing. 
There shouldn't be any double standards. That means that, in one way or another, you'd need to respect each other's privacy, decisions, not ask questions about each other's personal lives, or insist on spending the day tied at the hip. 
That should be easy, considering the amount of fun things to do. You open the pamphlet you picked up at the booth and glance over the events, seeing which ones are worth going to. 
The first one that caught your eye was comedy night in the showroom. After all the drama that has taken place, a good laugh seems like a good idea to let off steam. Comedy nights are not for loners though– it's clear you'll need a date. 
You've gotten to the point where you're comfortable with dating again. Finding someone to go with you should be an exciting process. 
Other than comedy night, there seems to be a few social clubs and even a casino on-board. You can imagine yourself now, laying luxuriously across a lounge chair with a seductive grimace, a perfect royal flush in your elegant grasp and your chips all in on the table. You're going to have a grand time– you're sure of it! 
Romance, adventure, relaxation, and discovery awaits you on this cruise and there's no way that you're going to let Jeon Jungkook from real estate ruin it.
The room wasn't any less of absolutely extraordinary. The carpet had been freshly washed. The kitchen came complete with an oven and an island with a fully-functioning sink. The living room area featured a 8K 120-inch TV and a balcony that extended to the ocean. And the bed– 
Bed. Singular.
Jungkook grazes his fingers over the sheets and hides a smirk. He lifts his head up to meet your fuming stare. 
His smile evaporates and he clears his throat. "I'll…call room service," he offers, picking up the phone.
"No!" You chirp. "Nope. Do not bother the kind service people. We're both adults. I'm an adult, you're an adult, and this is fine." You point toward the phone cradle. 
Jungkook raises his hands up in defeat and puts the phone back. "You're so stubborn, oh my God," he mutters. 
"What?!" You laugh. 
"Stubborn. You're so stubborn, Y/N. It's the staff's job to accommodate our needs. That's why we paid sixty thousand dollars," he replies, crystal clear. After a minute of examining your reaction, he dismisses the conversation.
You shake it off. "I'm headed out." Pulling off your boots, you dab some sunscreen on your face before slipping on your sandals and heading out. 
"Okay," he nods. 
Jungkook watches you disappear, out the door. God knows he needs this vacation. He's been running around LA chasing every opportunity he gets to find somebody still interested in his listing. 
The reality is that nobody of high status is moving to LA– nobody is moving to LA, period.
It only took a simple Google search for him to figure out why. His little friends down in the Houston area, even in crowded-ass Austin, houses are selling like hotcakes. Buyers are seeking out homes in upcoming neighborhoods and they're willing to abandon their lofty luxury apartments for a proper estate on the countryside. 
His agenda has been uncomfortably empty these past few weeks and it's left Jungkook with a sense of loneliness that he honestly hopes this vacation can finally get rid of. 
After all, he did plan this cruise with the intention of leaving his work behind and focusing on his…relationship…which is now in complete shambles. 
What is he moping about? There are plenty of fish in the sea. In fact, Jungkook is sure that on the other side of that door there are dozens of beautiful women from all across the country and possibly around the world just waiting to meet an eligible bachelor such as him. 
And as for you…You're probably on some guys arm, chatting over flirty margaritas. You've probably already talked your way into staying in his bed tonight. You've probably already got his number saved in your phone with little hearts next to his name.
Good. That's one way to solve the bed crisis. 
It's too much space for him alone, though. The nights get cold. The room gets too silent. Homes are supposed to be filled with laughter, conversation, company. He can't deny it. It's isolating. 
Jungkook had one thing right. You were drinking a flirty margarita at the poolside bar. Thing is, you bought it yourself. The closest you've gotten to a date was small talk with the bartender. 
As disparaging as it was, the chat was refreshing. You come to the realization that anybody and everybody who knew your business or your history was going to be on the other side of the globe in a few weeks. You have the chance to leave it all behind and relax. Whether or not that includes meeting someone new, it didn't matter. 
You sip your drink through the straw and cringe at the taste of alcohol. "Ah," you chuckle, "that's one way to get me drunk." 
The bartender shrugs, hugging his mixer as he surveys the deck through his sunglasses. His concerns lie elsewhere, most likely in the evening rush. "It's not that bad," he comments on the offhand. 
"It is vodka, after all." You pluck the skewered cherry from the glass and scrape it into your mouth. 
"It's barely vodka," he sets down the metal cylinder with a clink and leans on the counter. "You'll survive." 
You raise an eyebrow and let out a surprised laugh. "I'm not a lightweight!" 
"Never said you were, ma'am," he replies, picking up a damp cloth and wiping down his work station. 
"Then what are you saying?" You press, amused. 
The bartender shakes his head and smiles. "It's just…not the first drink I'd order." Fair enough. Content with his answer, you return to gazing out at the city. 
Jungkook is passed the fuck out on the bed. His arms are starfished across the width of it. His phone is loosely cradled in his hand, displaying the time. His peace is about to be disturbed. 
Slowly but surely, the rumble of the cruise ship shakes him awake. He breaks into a full-body yawn, expanding until he shakes. "Mmmh! …" 
His eyes peel open with curiosity. "What,, is going on…" he sings to himself, standing up and stepping around the room. He pauses and glances out the room. "Oh! The whole thing is moving." A smile spreads on his face. 
It won't be long now before they arrive at their destination, he thinks. 
Upon his whimsical realization, he decides on taking a shower to maybe grab some dinner. 
He's sure that he has at least a few reservations for the high-end restaurant on-board, a table for two. It's under his name.
He picks up the pamphlet the woman handed to him earlier and examines it. He flips to the second page. 
There's a full-page advertisement for the restaurant on it and on the bottom it indicates that the place is located on the West Wing. 
Jungkook reminds himself to check which dates he reserved as he pulls off his shirt and heads to the bathroom. 
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As the day passes, more and more people flood the deck. At some point, it gets too crowded and you find yourself needing some solitude. You're hesitant to label yourself an introvert, but there is a reason you paid extra for a secluded suite. 
This vacation will serve as a mindful reset to all the hectic activities of everyday life in Los Angeles. It's an ironic name for a city a few wildfires away from burning hell. 
New York is too cold. Miami is too humid. Chicago is too windy. You couldn't imagine selling any of your properties now.
Jungkook could sell you on a house with just one tour, though. He's good at what he does.
You've always appreciated a man who excels in his field of profession– in comparison to those who sit on their asses all day and pick at their teeth while preparing a listing. Accomplishment is incredibly attractive. 
You keep this in mind while you stab at a salad with an ocean view. You've departed from the bay now, and there's nothing ahead but clear skies. Wistfully, you watch the waves appear over the horizon as they make their way toward the shore. 
How many uncharted creatures lie underneath that big expanse of endless blue? How can it be that this boat of steel– a miracle of engineering– floats so passively above it? 
You hum, picking another apple slice from your light dinner. It all seems rather impossible. 
A clean vase beside you holds a bunch of daffodils, tied in a bow with a burlap sting. Underneath it is a menu. 
The menu is made of paper, and it lists a variety of items such as food, drinks, and specialty alcohol. 
You don't drink, but a moscato sounds tempting, given the atmosphere. New Jazz is played over the light murmur of the people. Their conversations float in the air, a bright trumpet solo illuminating the noise. 
A soft eruption of "Happy Birthday!"s followed by a cheer is heard. 
This is a moment of peace. You find comfort in your own company, but still…
In the depths of your wounded heart there is a space reserved for the man you once called your lover, the one who probably…has his arm around some girl while chatting over flirty margaritas. 
That's a lie. Jungkook drinks beer. 
He always drank beer and soju. He's genuine. 
You set the menu down and a waitress appears to take away your finished plate. Before she turns, you stop her and ask for a glass of moscato. She complies and beelines for the kitchen. 
You're left alone. 
a/n: I have the next chapter ready but I'm gonna wait until next Friday to post it
Unless one of you guys ask for it earlier.
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m-jelly · 2 years
I was wondering if I could request Levi finding out that the reader who he has a crush on and is apart of the survey corps, is a single mother.
Cute <3 Yes I can!
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You're my new daddy.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Canon world, single mother reader, Levi has a crush, cute, fluff, romance, Levi being wonderful.
Concept: Levi has had a crush on you for a while and he's sure feelings are mutual. However, you dodge a lot of his advances and Levi's curious as to why. One day, as Levi is training, a little five year old runs up to him and asks for his mummy. Levi looks after the boy and helps him only to discover you're his mother. The babysitter cancelled on you and dropped your son at the base, but didn't do a good job. You and Levi talk it over and Levi bonds with your son.
Levi stretched his joints after his push-ups. He moved and started sit-ups. He was counting at first, but then his mind slowly drifted to you. He couldn't stop thinking about you and why you one minute wanted him, then the next you were running off. He wanted to love you, donte on you and adore you to death.
He sat up and leaned his arms on his upright knees and sighed. He pushed his hair back as he thought about you. He always made you smile and laugh. It was his aim to make you happy and joyful. He'd almost kissed you multiple times, but you would turn away and get nervous.
Levi frowned at the cute little shout. He shook his head and kept thinking about you.
Levi sighed and looked towards the shouts to see a cute little boy dressed nicely with tamed messy hair. He whistled loudly and waved to the kid. "Come here."
The boy ran up to Levi. "Have you seen my momma?"
Levi eyed the kid and thought he looked a little similar to you, almost a little boy version. "I don't know who your momma is. What's her name?"
Levi hummed a laugh. "Right, right. Well, I'm Levi, what's your name?"
He pulled at the straps on Levi's leg. "Ren."
"Well, hello Ren." He shook Ren's little hand. "I'll help you find your momma. What does she look like?"
Ren hummed, then giggled. "Like a princess."
Levi smiled a little and only thought about you, but he was sure you weren't a mother. "She sounds lovely."
"My momma is the best momma in the world."
"That so?" Levi stood up and held Ren's hand. "How come you're hear?"
"The lady watching me left me here. She said she had a date."
Levi's eye twitched at a babysitter abandoning this little boy. "Tch, that piece of..." He saw Ren was looking up at him. "Uhh...she's a bad lady."
Ren gasped. "You're really tall and strong."
Levi blushed. "T-Tall and strong?"
Ren nodded and put his arms up. "Can you carry me?"
"Sure." Levi picked Ren up and held him on his hip. "Are you hungry? I can take you to the mess hall and your momma might be there."
Ren smiled. "Okay. Do you have momma's cookies there?"
"I don't think so, but there's nice food." Levi walked past some shocked cadets and inside the base. "Does your momma make nice food?"
"She's the best!"
"My momma was the best as well."
Ren smiled. "What was your momma called?"
Levi smiled fondly as he thought of his mother. "She was."
Ren played with Levi's cravat. "What's this?"
"A cravat."
"I like it."
"Thanks, me too." Levi grabbed some water and food for Ren and put them on a tray. He carried the tray to the table and sat down. He helped Ren drink his water and eat his food. "Have you come here before?"
Ren shook his head. "No."
"So, your first time. Well, I'll take care of you while you're here until your princess momma arrives."
Ren smiled at Levi. "Are you a prince?"
Levi blushed hard. "No, no I'm a soldier."
"So, you're a knight?"
"I guess, yeah."
Ren gasped and bounced up and down on his seat. "You're the knight who can save my momma!"
Levi couldn't help himself, he chuckled at the kid because his ideas were so cute and sweet. He used to have this innocence in him before his mother died. He cleaned Ren's face a little. "I could if I knew who she was."
"She's the prettiest lady here."
Levi instantly thought of you. "Well, I have my eyes on a pretty lady. Maybe she's your momma."
"My momma is the only prettiest lady. She's strong, smart, funny and pretty."
Levi hummed a laugh, then cast his gaze up to the doorway to see you walking in. Levi called your name. "Hi."
Ren jumped off the bench and ran for you. "MOMMA!"
You stumbled a little when your son tackled your legs in a hug. "Ren! What are you doing here?"
Ren looked up and giggled. "Jill had a date! She left me here."
You knelt down in front of your son. "She what!?" You hugged him tightly. "Oh, damn that woman." You sighed as you squeezed your little sweet boy. "I'm sorry she left you."
Ren giggled. "It's okay momma. Levi looked after me."
You looked up at Levi to see he was blushing hard. "He did?" You smiled softly at the man as your heart fluttered in your chest. "Well, what a wonderful man he is."
Levi tripped and fell off the bench in his excitement. He got up and jogged over to you. "I thought it'd be safe in here. I didn't know he was yours. He only told me that his momma was a princess."
You picked Ren up and stood. "Yeah, he thinks I'm this wonderful princess." You smiled at Ren. "And you're my sweet little prince, right?"
Ren giggled as you showered his face in kisses. "Yes! Momma?"
You hummed as you played with his hair. "What's up?"
"Levi is a knight! He can save you and marry you!"
You blushed hard. "Ren."
He looked at Levi. "You're my new daddy!"
Levi's blush spread to his ears. "I ah...well..." He stepped closer. "I would like to try the famed cookies Ren talked about."
"They're the best."
You smiled as you gazed at Levi. "Sure. We'd love to have you over. Come with me."
Levi walked with you for a bit, he watched you put Ren down allowing him to run around. "So, this does mean that you'll need to step down from combat in the scouts. It's not right to leave a poor kid without his momma. I miss mine."
You walked closer to Levi and hugged his arm. "I've been out of combat for a while anyway. It makes sense for me to step down." You let out a long sigh. "I want to be there for Ren. I am going to focus on paperwork now. I'll need to bring Ren to work for a while because my babysitter can fuck off."
Levi hummed. "I agree. She's a piece of shit."
Ren ran over and held up a flower. "For you momma!"
You took it and smiled. "Thank you. Hey Ren? How do you feel about coming to work with me?"
He gasped. "Will Levi be there?"
Levi nodded. "Yeah."
Ren jumped up and down. "I wanna go!"
You smiled and ruffled his hair. "Alright, sounds good. You can come to work with me and I'll teach you things while I work." You winked at him and walked home. You unlocked the door and let Ren run inside. "Levi, I can't thank you enough for finding him and helping him."
Levi pressed you against the wall and kissed you. He smiled when you wrapped your arms around Levi and kissed him back with just as much love and passion. He pulled back a little and panted. "I knew you liked me back. Did you hold back because of your son?"
You nodded shyly. "I know a lot of guys don't do the whole single mum thing."
"Well, I am in love with this single mum in front of me."
You nibbled your lip as you felt giddy. "Well, I'm in love with you. You're one of the good ones. I guess I've just had nothing but bad luck with guys and I don't want to get hurt and I don't want Ren to be hurt."
Levi shrugged. "I understand. I do. Those other men aren't worth your time. I'll stay loyal to you and Ren. I'll care for you both. Besides, I like kids and this little guy has kind of claimed me."
You giggled. "He has, hasn't he?"
Ren ran over with a book. "Levi? Can you read?"
Levi nodded. "I can."
Ren held the book out. "Can you read to me?"
"Sure thing." He kissed you, then walked into the house. "Come on."
Ren giggled. "You kissed my momma!"
"That's because I love her." He sat on the single armchair, then picked Ren up and sat him on his leg. "Okay, let's read this book."
You closed your door and busied yourself in the kitchen making tea for you and Levi, and juice for Ren. You smiled fondly at Levi reading to Ren and coming up with silly voices. You watched Levi and Ren. You just loved Levi so much and this moment between the two boys was perfect.
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thedandelion-writer · 3 years
❝sleeping habbits, mondstadt edition❞
Pairings: Diluc x reader, Mona x reader, Kaeya x reader, Jean x reader
A/N: There we go, part 2! Also a modern au :)
<- Liyue edition
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Diluc hardly ever sleeps deeply
Some days, he'd even wake at the slightest sound
He feels the most vulnerable when asleep, thus the hyperawareness
You snort and thinks it's funny. Relax Diluc, no one's going to murder you in your sleep!
On the days where you would come into bed after he was already turned in, you had to tiptoe around as if you were afraid of disturbing a baby. Even your breathing was silent.
The amount of sound that would wake him up varied. But you weren't sure if today was especially bad, as in footsteps could wake him up bad, or if it was mild, as in even the rustling of the covers would be okay.
It was all going well so far. You've slipped into sleepwear and was just about to settle in, mentally congratulating yourself. But maybe you thought you were in the clear too soon, because as soon as your weight hit the bed, it creaked.
You cringed inwardly, slapping a hand over your eyes as Diluc stirred.
"Don't wake up, love," you skirted over. "It's really late."
"It is really late." Was that an accusing tone you heard?
"Hehe...I was just finishing up some work." You quickly slipped underneath the sheets, body instantly enveloped in warmth. "I'm sorry for waking you."
Diluc shook his head before pulling you in closer.
"It's better with you here," he said. "I wouldn't mind staying up all night to wait."
Or maybe it wasn't the so called assassins who might come to him in the night that he feared. Maybe it was because he was afraid that he wouldn't see you again the next time he awoke.
Diluc doesn't really have a set time in which he'd go to bed
But he goes in relatively early because he also wakes up, relatively early
He was used to sleeping alone for the longest time, but now you've come and spoiled him
It just doesn't feel the same without you next to him anymore
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Mona is the type of person who'd keep all her astrology books, trinkets, etc on her bed
Just splayed out and messy because she fell asleep whilst using them last night. And the night before...and the night before that
Never bothered to cleaning it up because it'll end up messy again anyway!
Sometimes you'd roll onto your back and ouch--there'd be a mini telescope or something
"Oww," you groaned, a pain stabbing at your side.
The culprit? It was unsurprisingly yet another one of Mona's astrologer's stuff. What the heck was this even called?
After plucking out the round, metal offender to place on the windowsill, you look over to your sleeping lover.
"Well at least someone's getting a good night sleep," you grumbled.
Somehow Mona always found a way to avoid all the nonsense she laid scattered on your shared bed. You always supported her passions, but this is getting out of hand.
As if sensing someone was talking (or in this case, thinking) about her, Mona stretched a little and curled up tighter into herself. You sighed softly to yourself, not being able to be annoyed for long.
You cleaned up the best you could (even though you already did that before turning in), and laid back down beside her. You'd have to make sure Mona would pay you for the troubles she's caused you tonight. And you only accept payment in cuddles!
The bed has to be beside a window. Always.
If the skies are clear and starry you best believe she'd be staring at them, talking about the things she loved most (other than you of course- ) until the both of you drift off
The girl's a night owl so you have to be able to put up with late night tinkering
Also--awful awful bedhead
But don't ever say it to her face, you will get hit by a pillow (or worse!!)
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The guy has absolutely no regard for how freaking cold he keeps his room
It's an eternal winter in there, even when it's blazing hot outside
Worst part? He doesn't even have a proper blanket. That, sir, is a rectangular piece of cloth
If you like the cold? Then sure, let him keep it that way. If not, you would have to make some changes around here.
"You should've told me you lived in a fridge??" You said, half jokingly through chattered teeth.
"You don't like it sweetheart?" He faked hurt, sauntering up behind you to grasp your shoulders as if you were newlyweds inspecting a new house to move into.
"Uhh well, there's literal frost on the edges of your window. And it's not even winter, Kaeya, clearly I'll be a popsicle by morning!"
It was your first night staying with him. And in your head, it was going to be all romantic like you've seen in the novels and shows. Warm cuddles, kisses underneath the blankets (oh my gods that blanket is paper thin), legs and arms entwined and you'd wake up like that.
But archons be damned, this was not what you had imagined.
"You'd make a very good looking popsicle then, love," he had the nerve to laugh so you elbowed him in the ribs.
"Alright alright, I'll make it warmer for you, how does that sound?"
"And I want a new blanket."
"Consider it done," he ruffled your hair to press a kiss onto the crown of your head.
Anything to please his darling.
He also sleep talks
And it's the funniest shit you'll ever hear if you're awake to hear it
One time you recorded it and now you use it as blackmail, threatening to send it to Diluc every time he'd get too cheeky
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Her sleeping schedule is messed. up.
Jean would never admit it, but she loses a lot of rest time due to her work
You keep telling her to please get more than 2 and a half hours of shut-eye per day, but she is stubborn as she is lovely
Which worries you a heck of a lot, obviously
Doesn't help the fact that this woman can sleep anywhere. On a chair sitting down, face on a desk, on the bus, against you, the list goes on
Sometimes, when she's worked herself to the limit, you'll find her asleep at the most bizarre of places
Funny story! One time, Jean fell asleep on the train on the way home and missed all her stops
You had to find her in the middle of nowhere
"Darling-" you hurried to embrace your tired looking lover as she ambled her way out of the station.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry you had to come get me in the middle of the night," Jean murmured into the crook of your neck. "I must have worried you too...I apologise."
You held your tongue at all the things you piled up to say on the drive here, but the scolding could wait until tomorrow. Right now, looking at her exhausted complexion, you couldn't bring yourself to tell her anything other than everything's alright, she can rest now.
Jean looked at you with eyes full of appreciation and affection, eyes that never failed to melt you like ice cream on the summer pavement.
Aside from that, she likes to keep the bedroom very neat
If she does sleep in the bed, Jean would constantly put your comfort over hers
You need some warm milk in the middle of the night? She's on it!!
Your pillows feel uncomfortable? Take hers!!
Oh dear you've accidentally rolled too much into her side? It's no problem, she can just move over to yours
Good morning kisses are her thing
But usually she gives it to you because she's almost always out of it first
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babychoko · 2 years
🌺𝔸 𝕤𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥🌺
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Part 9
Note: Bonding moments and forgotten memories.
A little tired I vacuumed the floor. Today I have resolved to clean the entire apartment. I'm even almost done with it, so my apartment is very small anyway. A little bit I regretted getting up early. I could have slept in.
But since Venti is visiting me today, I wanted to keep the apartment clean. We planned to go out a little today. And that is a little trip to the museum. It is a bit far away, but still worth it. He told me that this museum is very important to him. The special thing about it is that it rarely opened and that you could interpret. We were lucky to get a reservation.
Finally, I put away all the cleaning supplies and got ready. I looked for cozy and warm clothes for this time of year. Summer took its leave and now we welcome autumn. However, it is rather chilly at night. Sometimes we experienced very cold nights. Now and then the temperature was pleasant. Apparently, summer wants to say goodbye as slowly as possible.
I applied some more cream to my face after putting the tweezers down on my dressing table. One last time I looked at my face in the mirror to make sure that nothing was missing. But I noticed that I looked a little different lately. Maybe my complexion has changed because of the cream? Ah, never mind.
After grabbing my coat and bag, I made my way to the bus stop. Venti is in the station, since he has got an appointment. And since we have to go to the station anyway, we'll meet there.
I called him to let him know I was on my way. He still seemed concerned about me.
"No, really. I'm fine again..." I sighed and got on the bus.
"But (Name)! Weren't you in a lot of pain?" Whined Venti. "Maybe you should rest some more?"
"I know you mean well. But..uh. You know it comes and goes. Besides..I wasn't myself."
"If you're tired, you'll let me know, okay?"
"Alright. Whatever gets you to sleep at night. I'll be there in about twenty minutes."
He can be really sweet sometimes.
I got off the bus to walk into the train station. I could see Venti from a distance. His pigtails always catch my eye. He waved at me when he saw me. A bit shy, I waved back and crossed the crosswalk. Immediately he held out his hand to me. But before that, we hugged.
Holding hands, we walked up the stairs and waited for the train.
"What kind of job did you have today? Hopefully not in a bar..." Sometimes you can't tell he's drunk. Now that's what I call talent.
"A very nice job. I performed at a kindergarten. They had an event today." Venti smiled at me. "But I rarely get an opportunity like that."
"That must have been nice to have." We then boarded our train. But suddenly it became crowded, so we were standing close to each other in a corner. I wondered if we were going to get out again. I felt two slender arms around me.
"Huh? What are you doing?"
"You don't like a crowded place, do you? So I'm protecting you." He said in a soft voice. I raised an eyebrow.
"Is that an excuse to hug me for a long time in public?"
"Uhh..no..?" I didn't think that was bad. So I let him have his fun.
Wr still had to take a bus after the little train ride. And yes, we still made it out of the crowd just fine. I then looked at the window. The sky was slowly turning orange.
"I guess it's getting dark faster." Said Venti, also looking at the window. "Then you'll get tired even earlier." But that's the way this time of year is. Still, I find this time of year especially beautiful. Especially when I get to spend it with him. It's just very cozy with him.
"Is it close?" We walked through the leaves falling on the sidewalk. "Yeah, we just have to walk a few more minutes. (Name), have you been here before?" I shook my head at his question as an answer.
"Well, you'll know it now."
Sure enough, after a few minutes we arrived at the museum. However, I noticed that there were very few people here. Is this street not quite so well known after all?
We went to the reception and were allowed to leave our valuables. A few people were just leaving the museum. I looked around again as Venti took out the tickets.
It was already very lightly lit in the entrance. On display was a huge staircase leading up to a paddock with a view of the sky. There were other entrances and a restroom. But a souvenir store was not to be seen here. Normally, that's how I know it.
Do you come here often?" I asked quietly and went down the stairs with him. Apparently his favorite section led downstairs. We were in a square room with another entrance.
"Rather rarely. But I thought you might like it?" I looked at a broken bow hanging on the wall. There must have been an attempt to restore the weapon. I read the description.
"Bow found below ground. Owner not found nearby..." But that was all I understood from the text.
I then looked at Venti. "A bow, huh...? Must be very old then."
"A very long time ago."
When I looked to the other side, there was a strange mask in a display case. It was quite small and slightly crumbled.
"Do you think people wore it?" He asked me suddenly.
"I think children...?" I don't think it could fit an adult. There was another mask with red markings. I hoped they were markings...
I looked for a description. But this mask also seemed to be here without a detailed explanation. It only said that..no human DNA could be detected, which I found very creepy.
In other display cases there were books that looked almost burned and some that looked well preserved. However, I thought it was a shame that you couldn't leaf through them. They looked very interesting. But I could not decipher the writing.
When I looked at Venti, he seemed to still have his eyes on the open page. It almost looked like he was actually reading the pages at the moment.
As we walked along, there were books and instruments in one corner. But this room was only very slightly lit.
"This flute is very beautiful." I commented. It was white with a feather as a pendant on it. But from the middle, the flute had a lot of rust on it.
"They say that this flute made even the most restless beings sleep. Fascinating, isn't it?"
"Yes, I think so, too. But is that based on a legend or truth?" I asked, always looking at the flute.
It took Venti a while to give me an answer. "Who knows..?" Somehow I had a feeling he would rather give me a different answer.
There were more instruments to see.
"Don't you have a lyre too?" Venti and I walked past this instrument. "Yup. But mine is much nicer than this broken thing." I rolled my eyes with a smile, "Of course."
In another room there was a chance to sit down. One was surrounded by a great many paintings. But unfortunately, most of them were not exactly identifiable. Nevertheless, they looked beautiful in my eyes. Especially the painting of a snowy mountain. It should have been a very dangerous place. But the artist remained unknown.
We sat down and looked at the painting of a person with very large wings. However, we did not exactly recognize the person depicted. It seemed to have no clothes on, but had pitch black hair. This one was sitting on a cliff with white flowers. I think they are Cecilia's.
"Tell me Venti, why does this section of the museum mean so much to you?" I asked quietly, yet a hint of curiosity.
"Did you notice that most of the objects were illegible or the owners unknown?"
"I noticed that...why do you ask?"
He didn't take his eyes off the painting. And I couldn't take my eyes off him. At this angle and this close, you could see how long his eyelashes were, which were half closed, how rosy his cheeks and his lips, which were now forming into a gentle smile. It made my heart beat faster.
Venti looked different somehow at that moment. I don't know how to describe it..but more grown up? More powerful? Maybe it was the calm but sad aura he exuded.
"I think it's nice to cherish things. All these objects belonged to people with a past. And the paintings...these tell a story. What's special about this museum is that it's inexplicable. You can dream for a long time what might be behind it." "A story...?" I muttered, looking down at my hands. "Hmm... then I'll make it easier for you: if you find a doll in an abandoned room, doesn't it make you sad? Maybe you have pictures in your head of how a child played with it. You reminiscene.“
So that's what he means... "I think I understand what you're getting at now."
Now that he says it, you actually feel a lot here. Especially because there were no detailed explanations of the items we found.
The masks were creepy to me.
The books made me curious.
The paintings strangely nostalgic.
But what made me sad was a small fluffy stuffed animal. The child left without being able to take it with him.
"I guess you can reflect a lot of feelings here. It makes you feel alive." I said. I found that particularly interesting.
"Exactly! I think so, too. That's one of the reasons I like museums." Venti seemed delighted.
We walked around some more until we found it was about time to go. I wanted to go to the ladies room before we headed back home.
Venti went back to the reception already.
As I walked past a room with books, I was startled. Right at that moment, a young man, not much taller than me was about to walk out.
"Sorry..go ahead." I said quietly and stepped back a bit so he could pass through. The young man just stared at me with his lifeless eyes. Neither did he say anything.
Then he went on his way. A little puzzled, I walked on. Okay, now that was weird.
Somehow..he reminded me of a doll. He didn't blink at all and had a pretty face.
When I turned around for a moment, he was suddenly gone. This only confused me more. Gone that quickly? It wasn't 5 seconds when he just passed me by-
Ah, never mind.
In front of the tap, I washed my hands and dabbed my eyes with a cold and wet cloth. Maybe this will make me a little more awake...
After this whole day I was getting tired. I couldn't wait to get back home and lie in bed.
Then we put on our jackets and went outside again. The sky was already dark, although it was not very late.
On the bus, I looked at Venti, who was drawing something on the foggy window with his fingertip. I bent forward and watched.
It was a heart. Then he turned silently to me. Apparently he only now noticed that I was watching.
He grinned and winked at me once.
I bit my lips together slightly to stifle a smile and looked down at my thighs.
Meanwhile, he then watched as the drawn heart disappeared. After that, he didn't draw anything and was quiet for the rest of the ride.
When we arrived at my apartment, we first prepared a warm drink. It might take a while to cool down a bit, so I showed Venti the new bed. Of course I thought of a second, but also narrower mattress. If I increase the size of the bed, it will fit like a glove. I was able to save on space thanks to the drawers.
"That looks beautiful. It matches your room!" He then looked at the sheets that were laid out ready. I had to make the bed again. Because I wasn't going to be able to do that today. Before that, we changed into more comfortable clothes. I had on some undershirt and wide pajama pants.
He voluntarily covered the blanket and pillow and I took over the mattresses. I stroked the mattress to smooth out the wrinkles a bit. After that, I put all the pillows down neatly.
"And now: test out the new bed!"
I turned to face him and widened my eyes afterwards. Venti held the blanket behind him with his arms outstretched and ran towards me.
I immediately backed away. "W..wait!"
The bed squeaked loudly as he landed with his knees and I fell backwards as he dropped on top of me now giggling. In his leap he dropped the blanket on top of us.
I lay sprawled on the bed while I looked up at the ceiling, completely done. It was obvious that he would do that!
With a cheeky grin, he looked down at me.
"So, Venti? Is the bed any good?"
"Yup, it's sturdy. Very convenient!" Whatever he could mean by that.
Probably something like playing bouncy castle.
It's Venti, after all.
"I'm glad to hear that. But hop on the bed like that one more time and you'll eventually catapult me away..." I laughed lightly.
"I would never do that on purpose." He then stroked my cheek lightly and I smiled shyly at him. His eyes were really quite mesmerizing. I could look at them all day....
As if under a spell, I placed my hands on his soft cheeks and gently pulled him down to me. Our noses almost touched. We giggled once, a little hesitant to let our lips touch each other. Maybe it was the shyness I was radiating.
Eventually Venti took the lead and gave me a little kiss. The second he placed on my neck. I felt a slight goose bump at this. We changed our position. Now he was lying a little on top of me. Good thing he wasn't very heavy at all.
He then placed his head on my left chest. It tickled a little when he breathed. I stroked my fingers through his hair.
"You seem to like physical contact..." That wasn't really anything new.
"I just like it with you. But, especially here." He snuggled up some more on my chest. My cheeks heated up. Of course...of all places..h-how shameless-
"Because your heartbeat calms me." He added in a whisper.
"Isn't it beating a little faster now...?" I asked him unsettled. I felt a tiny bit excited.
"Not yet..." Venti looked at me with a grin. It was a teasing one, though.
"N-not yet?" Is he up to something? I held a breath as he placed small kisses on my cleavage.
"I want to play some more~" He whispered with a smile.
I held onto the bed sheets that I had just smoothed out so nicely after all and tried not to laugh but at the same time I didn‘t want to let out strange noises. It felt weird. But not uncomfortable.
"Veenti...!" I whined.
Still, I managed to escape from his grip and pressed my face to the pillow. But he did not give up. After all, my back was still slightly exposed.
I learned that I was very sensitive at the upper back and put one hand in front of my lips.
At some point, he suddenly stopped and gently let himself fall on top of me. Confused, I tried to look at him.
"But now I am exhausted..ehe. Good night..." Ahem.
I raised an eyebrow, shook my head and pointed at the bed sheet.
Now I watched Venti smooth out the sheet while I drank the still warm tea in a controlling manner. Serves him right. The word “Guilty“ was written large on his forehead.
Finally the bed was tidy again and we went to my little balcony. We talked about the little trip to the museum. I had some idea why the section we were in was very special. It was not only because of the nameless owners and unknown as well as inexplicable descriptions.
Because when Venti asked me if the items looked familiar, I was suddenly unsure.
I thought of the half-finished painting depicting a tree. I am sure that I must have seen it once.
But I denied him the answer. It might seem strange. After all, there are many trees in this area.
I didn't know why, but apparently this answer pained him. I'm sure I could see it in his eyes. Despite his smile.
And maybe I regretted it.
Part 10
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
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HI Maggie I have missed you! 💞 a very SOFT thot you did not request but I am granting anyway: this the look you get when your neighbor Pedro from across the hall (like across the street but it’s NYC!) sees you walking up to the roof one morning with your coffee to enjoy the sunshine. He knows damn well you put that sky to shame. 🥰
kaYLIEEEEEE HIIIIIIIIIIIIII ohmygod i missed you soft little thots and your soft little drabbles and your everything and this is making me GO FERAL because-
It was by chance the first time he saw you quietly make your way to the roof of the building. He wasn't sure why you were going up there when it was freezing this time of the year. He was on his way back from work when he spotted you exiting the door to the stair well that led to the top lounge and he felt something tug at his chest as you paddled up with a large coffee mug.
He's never actually spoken to you before because, well, he's too shy to approach you but he always imagines how you'd talk to him and what you would say if he asked you out for coffee. Most of the times, it ends up with him tugging at his hair because for some reason, he doesn't think you'd ever spare him a second thought.
Little did he know that you always made sure to go out and walk past him just when he got back from work. Your friend called it stalker-ish because who memorizes their hot neighbor's schedule, emphasis on the hot? You hoped that he'd one day ask to join you but all he did was smile and nod before he unlocked his front and walked in.
You even made it your mission to go on the colder days in hopes of having him follow you and ask to keep you warm.
But nope, he just smiled and made you pine after him.
Which, ironically, was what Pedro dwelled on as well when he saw you throwing him that heartwarming smirk as he walked to his apartment. It was kind of pathetic how much he looked forward to coming home now, not because he would rest, but because he'd get to see you and your beautiful eyes even for those few seconds.
He looked at his watch as he walked up to his place, mentally preparing himself so he could try and at the very least say 'good afternoon' or 'hey.' But when he made it up to the hallway, you weren't passing by. In fact, he didn't hear anything from your side of the hall for a whole thirty minutes. Hoping that everything was okay with you, Pedro took a quick shower and decided to have his late afternoon tea on the roof.
He made sure to bring an extra blanket in case it got cold and he was happy he did because as soon as he sat on one of the couches the neighbors brought, he felt a chill run down his spine.
As he stared at the sun, he found himself thinking back to you and he prayed that nothing too bad happened. Just as he was about to take a sip from his mug, he heard the door behind him open and shut loudly. Pedro spun around and almost dropped his tea when he saw you standing at the door and staring right at him. Neither of you said anything until you stepped closer and smiled shyly.
"Sorry- I didn't mean to interrupt you. I- I'll just come back later." As you turned around to leave, Pedro quickly stood up and approached you.
"No wait wait, I uhh- I sort of came up here hoping that you'd show up. Please, I mean I should be the one leaving since you already-"
"Stay," you interrupted him and cringed at how loud the suggestion was. Pedro just stared at you and blinked in confusion when he saw you gripping your mug tightly. "We can both stay I mean, it's not like anyone owns the roof you know."
"That would be nice." You nodded at him as he returned to his spot and told you to join him. It was surprising how easy it was to talk to him and you found that he enjoyed many of the same things you did. You laughed when he told you that the last thing he expected was you being a huge Fleetwood Mac fan and when you asked him why, he said that you looked like the type that preferred Abba, making him laugh in return because you didn't deny it.
When the sun was almost below the sky, Pedro felt you shivering and stood up to stretch out the blanket.
"Here, let's get you warmed up." You didn't shy away from him as he pulled you closer into his side and wrapped the blanket around the two of you. But you did pretend you didn't notice the way he was staring at you. When it was too obvious, you nuzzled into his shoulder and giggled, asking him if there was something on your face.
"No it's just...you come up here everyday to watch the sun and I think it's ridiculous because the sun should be watching you sweetheart. You're...mesmerizing." He hoped he wasn't overstepping any boundaries and beamed down at you when you covered your head with the edge of the blanket and asked him to stop.
"I'm serious, you're the best part of my day. Every time I come home, I have to try and calm down because I know I'm about to see you smiling at me." Pedro felt bold and he pulled down the edge of the blanket to get a better look at you.
"I have a confession to make actually."
"I- I may or may not have memorized when you come back from work so I could see you. It...I thought it would be a once or twice thing but I couldn't stop because I felt this weird connection and hoped that you'd one day ask to join me." If Pedro was nervous before, he was fighting butterflies at this point because you...you were doing the same thing he was doing.
"And here we are." He whispered as he leaned down and bumped your nose with his.
"Yeah...here we are. So glad I came late today or else this wouldn't have happened." You whispered to him as you grabbed the collar of his shirt to bring him closer to you.
"Same," Pedro said as he shut his eyes and molded his lips with yours, unable to hold back from grinning as the two of you sighed in unison.
Thank god he came up to the roof today.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Phenomenon of the Immortal Sun: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 6
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None of the characters in Twilight belong to me, all rights go to Stephenie Meyer!
Authors note: I have no idea if I used these song lyrics in a previous chapter in Eclipse... I have a garbage memory.
"Stars did fall. Thunder rolled. Bugs crawled back, In their holes. The couple screamed, but it was far too late. Her jealous heart did retaliate."
Ten Cent Pistol by, The Black Keys.
Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie looked like they wanted to kill someone. Alice, Dean, Esme, and Bree all looked confused and hurt.
Rosalie inhaled deeply.
"We need to do something about those two..." Rosalie said.
"They're way out of line... Edward especially... human or not I would kill anyone who comes near Fleur." Jasper added, fury was still in his voice.
"What can you guys do he's your brother. Besides after Bella turns they were going to go live in that cabin you guys renovated for them."
"We'll need to do something, you don't need any of this right now... I'm disappointed in him." Esme said sadly.
Before I could say anything else I could hear Bella scream.
"She must've just gotten bitten." I murmured.
"Hey you're probably thirsty, your eyes are starting to turn black, let me get you something," Esme suggested.
"That'd be great thanks... Jazz, could you hand me my phone?"
"Sure, what for darlin?" Jasper said sitting next to me.
"I need to call Sam and Leah... they need to know about this too. If we keep it from them, they could consider it a threat."
Carlisle's office door swung open, Edward ran toward the front door and slammed it. Carlisle came out with an annoyed look on his face.
"He's going to be the second death of me I swear he is."
"Well Seth already knows, maybe he told Leah." Bree suggested.
"Maybe he did but it won't hurt to check." I replied. I dialed Leah's number first thinking she might be a little more understanding.
"Fleur?" I heard her ask on the other line.
"Hey, Leah... has Seth told you anything lately?" My voice trembled slightly. I heard Leah sigh before letting out a laugh.
"Yeah, Seth told me you were pregnant calm down." I heard her reply.
"Oh, so Sam knows too?"
"Yeah but he's a bit skeptical... you know how he is." Leah mumbled.
"Yeah... but what about Bella... he does know that today is her changing day, the transformation is already happening."
"The last thing he told Seth about her is that she's not our concern anymore... it's her choice to change, we can't stop it." Leah explained.
"Listen I gotta go, I'll see you soon."
"See you later." She hung up a few seconds later. I rested my head on Jasper's should and sighed in relief.
"Here Fleur, maybe this we'll make you feel a bit better," Esme said, handing me a glass.
I grasped the cup and chugged it, it was gone a few seconds later. I didn't feel much better.
"Your eyes are still black...each bag should have the exact amount of blood you need for the next few days... How about you have some more?
I gulped down another bag, it still wasn't enough.
"This isn't good." Carlisle explained, he looked puzzled.
"Ehh...why isn't that good?" I inquired
"Well, if you can never be satisfied with the amount of blood your drinking you will eventually begin to starve. You will lose your strength, and could possibly have moments of insanity." Carlisle explained.
"I can handle this... it'll be worth it for him. Besides like you said before it most likely won't be a full 9 months."
"We'll all be by your side darlin." Jasper reassured, kissing my cheek.
"I'll monitor you whenever I can, it seems they're already growing quickly." Carlisle said, gesturing down to my bump.
Over the next few weeks, my baby grew more and more, but I was beginning to get weaker. No matter how much blood I drank, nothing seemed to sedate me. The rest of the Cullens were on edge with Edward and Bella, and since Bella was finally a vampire, they couldn't trust them at all. They weren't around much but when they were Rosalie and Jasper seemingly stood guard for me. I was zoned out, laying in an armchair since I was beginning to get sick of sitting on the same couch when Esme interrupted my concentration.
"Fleur, Leah and Seth are here." She called out.
I sat up and smiled, gesturing for her to bring them in. Leah and Seth walked in carrying some wrapped boxes with them.
Esme walked in with them before giving a quick goodbye as she wanted to help Carlisle and Rosalie with collecting food for me.
"You two did not have to get me anything." I said.
"Look aunt Leah has to get my nephew something." She said a smile was on her face.
I opened the box, a stuffed wolf plushie was inside, a dreamcatcher was underneath the plushie.
"These gifts are great thank you!"
"No problem, I thought they would be nice."
"You are the only one who thinks it's a boy, everyone else thinks it's a girl."
"I trust your instincts." Leah shrugged before pulling up a chair and sitting next to me.
"So how are you Fleur?" Seth asked, he shuffled around in his place, his eyes were scanning for someone else.
"It's getting rougher now since he's growing so big but, I know it'll all be worth it in the end."
"Your eyes look really dark, aren't they suppose to be red?" Leah inquired.
"We're beginning to think he's half-vampire half-human, he has a heartbeat it's just slightly faster than usual humans. He's definitely drinking the blood I get."
"I heard what happens to vampires when they don't feed...it gets rough." Leah said rubbing my back comfortingly.
"I have my moments but, they haven't been too bad."
"Where's the rest of the Cullens?" Seth inquired.
"Hunting, Edward, and Bella don't show up much... they don't want me to have my baby. But the rest of the Cullen's are really supportive and Jasper is ecstatic about it." I rubbed my bump unconsciously.
"But how do you eat?" Leah asked, her eyebrows were furrowed.
"Carlisle and Rose get these bags of animal blood for me." I saw Leah sigh and Lean back against her seat.
"These vampires aren't so bad after all...I'm glad Seth found Bree... she seems nice." Leah smiled.
"Oh she really is, she didn't know what she was doing when she was turned... I'm glad we're able to help her."
"So... when do you think you'll give birth?"
"Carlisle said I could give birth in a week or two... It's nerve-wracking, it's so unpredictable."
"Hey, you'll be fine... I'll stay here for a bit if you need." Leah offered.
"That would be nice but, I don't want to put you through any trouble."
"It wouldn't be any trouble besides If Edward or Bella tries something... they're going to have to deal with me too."
I laughed but before I could say anything I could sense Edward and Bella coming in, but the others were still farther away.
"Great... now we got werewolves constantly coming in." Bella complained.
Seth and Leah looked up shocked.
"Bella... did you forget you were in a toxic, manipulative love triangle for a solid year with a werewolf... for a solid fucking year." I snapped back.
"Jacob doesn't talk to me anymore!" Bella roared.
"Good for him, he needs to move on." I said, Leah nodded in agreement.
"You always have to stick your opinion in don't you?" Bella said.
"Uhh... you walked in for 5 seconds are were already trying to start shit with me." I snapped, the rage in my body burned.
"Hey, don't you snap at my wife." Edward snarled, he started walking up to me slowly.
"Back off Edward." Leah warned, she seemed to feel how pissed off I was.
"Can it mutt."
"Edward... I've been starving for almost a month... don't try me."
"What can you do? You're frail, weak, impaired." Edward pushed, walking up in front of me.
"What in the fuck are you two still doing here? I mean... honestly, you both got what you wanted, Edward you got a mate, and Bella, you became immortal. If you can't stand the decisions we're all making then why don't you just leave?"
"Because we're protected, we're the feared Olympic coven... Who wouldn't want to stay here." Edward explained, he rolled his eyes as if it were obvious.
"Oh I see... you're using them, you're too unskilled to protect yourselves so why wouldn't you want to let everyone else do the work?" I said in fake shock, Leah and Seth began to chuckle.
"I'm not unskilled enough to protect myself from you." Bella smirked, joining Edward in front of me.
"...You two fucking try something I dare you because the way I've been feeling all month I fucking dare someone to mess with me. I growled standing up on my own, it was strange... it was like a new strength filled my body.
Leah came up in front of me and put an arm between us three.
"Just drop it you three... this isn't going to end well." Leah warned.
Edward smirked and then grabbed me, I quickly flipped him around and as I warned before kicked him through the glass wall.
I heard shuffling and turned around to see Leah holding Bella down with Seth helping her out. I turned back around to the window, I saw Edward lying on the ground with Dean, Alice, Esme, and Emmett looking up at me in shock. I saw Carlisle approach Edward, a deadly look was on his face.
"Damn short stack!" I heard three sets of feet running inside Jasper, Rosalie, and Bree came into the lounge room. Bree went to go help Seth and Leah with Bella.
"Darlin are you okay?" Jasper called toward me worryingly. I couldn't say anything however as that newfound strength had dissipated, and I clutched my head. Rosalie and Jasper rushed to me.
"That's it I can't stand those two anymore they have to get out of here!" Rosalie exclaimed, Jasper just nodded in agreement.
When I was sat back down in the armchair I decided to explain what happened. The rest of the Cullens came back in, Edward couldn't look me in the eyes now.
"So sweety, what happened?" Esme inquired.
"I was just sitting with Leah and Seth when Bella started complaining that Leah and Seth were here."
Bella tried to say something but Rosalie gave her a glare.
"I snapped at her I'll admit but... then Edward started coming up to me threateningly... but he then he said that he was just living with you guys because he was being protected... and long story short Edward grabbed me and I kicked him through the glass wall." I finished. I had never seen Carlisle or Esme so mad before.
"Is that true?" Carlisle inquired.
"HE SAID IS IT TRUE!" Esme interrupted.
Edward bit down a growl before answering.
"You two can't come around here anymore...nor do you two belong to this coven." Carlisle demanded.
Bella gasped.
"What a second we can work something out..." She started.
"Look I'm not going to spend decades of you three fighting all the time... and personally, I'm personal want to keep the one I like." Rosalie sniped.
"Leave at once," Carlisle said.
Edward and Bella stormed out of the house and ran off. A thick silence overtook the air.
"Uh...sorry about the wall." Jasper shushed me before pulling me in for a kiss.
"You two okay?" He asked, rubbing my stomach.
"Oh yeah he's having a blast...you should've felt him, he was kicking up a storm. He's a fighter I can tell." I said smiling. Jasper curled up to me and rested his head on mine. I saw the Cullens as well as Leah and Seth glance at each other, leaving the room.
"You know, I can feel what emotions they feel," Jasper stated.
"Really? How is he feeling now?"
"They loves the sound of your voice, I can tell. They get so happy when they hear it."
I smiled fondly on my bump before rubbing it softly.
"I'm glad you love it, we both love you that's for sure..."
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sweetlyskz · 3 years
Drama Class
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Genre: Collage AU!, Acting AU!, Drama, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Summary: Drama class has always been your safe space, a place for you to show off your amazing acting abilities, but when the new student, Kim Seokjin, joins your class, you find it hard to keep up.
Warnings: handjob, sex without protection, language... I think that's it :/
Word count: 1,5K
Finally, the second to last class of the day is almost over. You stare at the clock, waiting for it to hit 1:20 pm. Then, at 1:19, you finally hear it.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
You pick up your things and launch out of your boring Calculus class, heading o your favorite class of the day. Drama class. On your way there, however, you bump into some kid who is obviously not watching where he's going. Just as you go to tell him off he says,
"I'm so sorry, I'm trying to find my last class, uhh, room 304. Do you happen to know where that is?"
"Actually, yes I'm headed there now. You can come with me. Drama class right?"
"Yes, thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
You both walk to drama class very awkwardly. Once you guys get inside he sits right next to you, making you uncomfortable. He looks at you and whispers while the teacher is explaining the improve assignment for the day.
"My name is Jin by the way. You?"
"Oh, I'm y/n."
"Very pretty name y/n. How long have you been acting? Personally I like to act but I like singing way more. I actually take these vocal lessons and…”
God, he talks a lot, you think to yourself. You ignore him and ask the teacher to go to bathroom, needing a serious break from his constant talking. When you come back to class you see that kid Jin making everyone laugh with his improve skills. Even your teacher was getting along with him perfectly, as if he had been in this class since the beginning of the school year. This definitely made you upset. That should be you in front of the class, humoring people with your improve skills. Who does he think he is to show up and come for your spot like that?
As the school year continued, your dislike for Jin only grew stronger. In drama class, he always got the main roles. He looked at you with a smile that you greatly despise. Maybe your paranoia was getting to you but something was telling you that behind that smile was a person who was selfish and deviant. These thoughts led you to distance yourself from him, making smart remarks whenever he would practice or perform. He didn't really know your reasons for hating him but he knew for sure that you did.
On your way to drama class make eye contact with Jin who is talking to someone down the hall. You quickly break eye contact and speed down the hall as he tries to catch up with you.
"y/n! wait up!"
When Jin finally catches up you both walk in silence until he speaks up.
"have you been okay lately?" he asks you. "You hardly show up to drama class and when you do no one really notices, well except me.”
"oh yeah, I'm okay. I just kinda gave up."
"what? why? you love acting."
"Because... you showed up"
"Wow. you know, I had I feeling you didn't like me for some reason, but why? I have done nothing to!"
You both stop walking, now raising your voice in the middle of the hallway.
"Done nothing to me? Ever since you joined the class you have made everything difficult for me! You take my spot in class. You get all of the main roles. Why does everything come easy for you? You can't just-"
Jin cuts you off by wrapping his arms around your waist and passionately kissing you, you kissing him back. He smiles into the kiss and you slowly pull away.
"I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. It wasn't my intention, I swear.”
"Well you did", you say trying to still stay mad at him.
"I guess I just wanted to impress you, and everyone else, but more importantly you." You look at him confusingly. Why would he do that? I mean it’s understandable that he show what he can do to the teacher, but why was your opinion so important?
"Impress me? Why would you feel the need to impress me?"
"Because y/l/n y/n, if you haven’t noticed yet, I like you. I mean I really wanted to get to know you but you started ghosting me and-"
You pull him in for another kiss, cutting him off. He kisses you back and wraps his arms around your waist, smiling into the kiss.
"I like you too Kim Seokjin. I guess it just took me a while to realize it. And I’m sorry for being so jealous towards you. I can be a little oblivious and in my head sometimes."
"A little?" He remarks.
You giggle like a a little school girl and playfully hit his arm. You wonder what will happen now that you both have expressed your feelings for each other. Would you go on a date? Or maybe he doesn't want to be with you after you judged him. As if he could read your mind he says,
"Drama class is over in like 10 minutes so there's no real point in going. How about I take you to one of my favorite thinking spots on campus?" You smile and nod. With that he grabs your hand and gently pulls you out of the back doors of the main building, guiding you a secluded tree in the Uni's garden. Surrounding the tree are beautiful roses and tulips.
"Wow, this is so pretty", you say, sitting next to Jin in the grass. "How often do you come here?"
"Pretty often. I usually come here when I need to clear my head or ponder on things. It's always quiet over here, easy for me to just take a break from everything."
You gaze over at Jin, who is playing with the tulips next to him. He looks so perfect. With the sun beaming on one side of his face and the wind blowing his silky hair. You feel like you've fallen in love, not just because of his appearance but also because of his wise words. When he realized how quiet you were being he turns toward you, only to catch you staring at him.
"Everything okay?"
"Kiss me."
He laughs at your sudden comment. "do what?" he says.
You smile at him. "I said kiss me dork."
He waste no time and does what he's told, entangling his hands in your hair and kissing you softly. The soft kiss turns in to a heated make out session under the tree. You climb onto his lap and shower his neck with kisses and love bites. As much as he wants to take it further he stops you there.
"Not now baby, later."
"Please, I'll be quick I promise", you respond, slowly grinding on his lap.
"Fuck", he moans. "5 minutes."
You start back up kissing on his neck while unbuttoning and pulling the zipper down on his pants. "Fuck, I'm so needy right now". He groans quietly as you palm his hardening cock through his boxers.
"If you dont stop teasing baby I swear I will fuck you right against this tree", he says, grabbing your hand and putting it in his boxers. You take the hint and pull his underwear down for his erection to spring free (ya'll I giggled lmao). You use the precum already spilling out of his cock and move your hand up and down his length slowly, earning a moan from Jin.
"Shit ,baby please."
You decide to tease him a bit more. "please, what?"
"I need you pussy so bad right now, please." You suddenly remove you hand from Jin's cock, making him whimper, and slide your pants down along with your underwear. Aligning his throbbing cock with your heat, you slowly go down on him, causing a string of cuss words to come out of Jin's mouth.
"mm, baby your so big, fuck", you moan quietly in his ear. Finally, you start to ride his cock, making him grab tightly onto your waist. He moans when you start to suck on his neck, leaving even more hickeys on his collarbone. You reach your hand down and play with your clit, moaning in Jin's ear.
"Shit- I'm gonna come y/n", he exclaims. You ride him a little faster and use your free hand rub his nipples. he moans your name loudly, cumming inside you. you follow him soon after, convulsing on his cock, moaning his name. He gently pushes you off his cock, becoming too sensitive. "Well, I can checking fucking under a tree off of my bucket list", Jin says playfully. You laugh while getting up and putting your clothes back on. Jin does the same, buttoning his pants back up.
"So, are you free tomorrow night?"
"Depends. Is it a date or a booty call?"
He laughs until he realized you weren't joking. "A date of course."
You start to walk away, heading back home. Before you go you yell over to him. "Sure. I'll be ready by 8, don't be late."
A/n: Yes I know this is poorly written but personally I think I'm getting better :) I'll have a jk fic ready for you guys sometime this week.
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catzula · 4 years
always there to help
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Synopsis: You suck at math, and who could be better suited for the job to help you, other than your brother's best friend, the born genius, Bakugou?
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x (Kirishima's sister)Reader
Warnings: Swearing, maybe some bad writing
A/N: So, I'm back! I'm sorry I haven't been writing anything lately, I just didn’t like anything I wrote, so, sorry about that. This one might seem a little all over the place too lol, but it’s because I inteded it to be a small drabble. but accidentally made it a 5.1k fic. So, it might not be one f my better works, but I had a lot of fun writing it!
BY THE WAY, 100 followers guys! Thank you so much for that!
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You were working on your homework when you heard the doorbell. You sighed deeply, standing up and going to the door, not expecting to see your brother and his friend group to be standing on the other side.
One specific friend caught your eye, his spiky, ash blonde hair hard to miss. You could feel your heartbeat rising almost instantly, cheeks now a bit warmer than before. You wished you had worn something else, anything but pajama shorts and an oversize shirt, maybe combed your hair and wore perfume or something, but how could you know your brother was going to bring his friends home? 
Okay, maybe you should have known since they were over almost every day.
But since there was nothing you could do now to change the situation, you just smiled, inviting them in -you noticed how Bakugou hadn't even glanced your way once, and though this wasn't different then always, it proceed to hurt and disappoint you every time. It's not like you were expecting for him to have feelings for you or something, but at least noticing you were there would be nice for a change.
Your brother was the last to enter, hugging you so tightly that you couldn't breathe for a few seconds, squirming between his arms. "Eiji lemme go!" You screamed, though your voice muffled by his tight hold. 
"Sorry, just missed you." He told you, letting you free. A cheeky, innocent grin was on his face, the one he knew that made you soft. You answered by a "Hmph," turning to his friends, who were already in the living room, doing their things. Mina was the first to notice you when you entered the room, the cutest smile on her face. "Oh, hey Y/N!" She caught you by the wrist, pulling you to the couch to sit with her. Of course, Bakugou was right next to you.
Feeling self-conscious -when was the last time you had a shower? Yesterday? You could only pray you smelled nice- you scooted a bit more to Mina, putting some distance between Bakugou and you, though it pained you to do so since he smelled like caramel. Honestly, why did he smell this good? It only caused your thoughts to be fuzzier, and for you to be even more excited around him. 
Though he seemed to have noticed your shift towards Mina since he sent a small glance your way, a 'tch' sound coming out of his lips, heating your cheeks.
"Hi, Mina-san." You mumbled, trying to forget the boy -your big brother's best friend- sitting next to you. "Oh, y/n-chan, I told you many times, you can just call me Mina! We only have a year between us anyway." You nodded, though still feeling a bit uneasy. “Sure.”
"I- I should go now, I have to finish my math homework." You told them with an apologetic smile, Mina and Kaminari pouting almost immediately. "Oh, come on, sit with us for a bit," Denki protested, his eyes wandering on your bare legs for a second, earning a deadly glare from your brother and a nudge from Sero. 
"What homework?" Your brother asked you, coming closer to you to block Denki's view. "Oh, you know, the one I was doing this morning." You shrugged, you've been working on the same sheet of paper practically the whole day, but you just didn't know the subject even a little bit, staring at the paper without knowing nothing didn't help much.
"Wait, you still didn't finish that? I thought I helped you yesterday." He pouted. Yes, he did try to help you, but you were sure he also had no idea how to do it, and he had just repeated the question to you again and again, until you had said, "Ah, I understand it now! Thank you, brother," without being able to do anything. You knew he meant good, but it still didn't change the fact that your brother was as clueless as you were.
"I-" You had started to say something before a deeper voice intruded yours. "Oi, shitty-hair, you know you suck at math, how do you think you could even help her?" 
Your eyes shifted to Bakugou -you couldn't help but giggle at the nickname he had for your brother, oh, you had to remember that one- he had an annoyed look in his ruby eyes, his eyes not leaving your brother once. "Well, I-" Eiji had started to talk, his eyes widening slightly after, understanding what Bakugou meant. "Oh, you should have told me!"
You shrugged. "Well, you just looked so happy finally being able to help me with something, I didn't want to make you feel bad." 
Oh no, did that come out wrong? You were about to apologize when your brother pulled you in a hug once again. "Oh my god- lemme go!"
"So -uhh- if you do it this way, you can, maybe?.. No, okay, I got it, so if you add this to... Nope, that's wrong- umm, oh, how about-" 
Mina bit the back of the pencil you had given her, fully concentrated on the papers in front of her. "Oh move over, I can help her!" Denki told her as he pushed Mina aside.
"You?" She told him in disbelief, "Don't make me laugh, you're even worse than I am!" 
"No, I'm not!" The blonde boy answered, pulling the sheet of paper. "Yes, you are," Sero also joined the fight, pushing himself between the two. "Oh, you shut up, you're even worse than him!" Mina pushed Sero with all her might, panting. 
"Umm, what is happening?" You asked your red-headed brother, watching them with a smile and clearly enjoying the show. "Oh, don't worry, this happens all the time." He answered, patting you on the back, giggling when Mina pulled Denki's hair, making the poor boy scream. 
Oh, that makes it all better then. 
"Oi, dumbasses, shut the fuck up before I do it." You jumped in surprise when you heard Bakugou screaming right behind you, and surprisingly, three of the grown-ass people that were just wrestling on the floor froze. 
"Sorry, Baku." Mina was the first to stand up, fixing her disheveled clothes and running a finger through her soft-looking hair. Sero and Kaminari struggled for a second or two more, but one look from Bakugou and they were up on their feet too.
"Well, thanks I guess." You told the people who literally just fought each other to help you, though instead of them, it was Bakugou who answered you. "Whatever, you shouldn't be asking these idiots anyway."
You weren't sure what to say since the gratitude wasn't intended for him, but you smiled awkwardly. "Guess I'll have to ask someone tomorrow."
"Oh, Baku, can't you help her? You always help us and you're the smartest." Eiji perked his head with the idea that suddenly came to his mind.
"Damn right I am!" Bakugou answered without missing a beat, though he realized his mistake almost instantly. "Oh, that's great, then, you can help her." Mina cheered, clapping her hands with a wicked grin on her face, eyeing both you and the now furious looking boy. Bakugou would have said no immediately, but everyone in the room -even you- knew his pride wouldn't let him.
"For fucks sake," he muttered, his hand massaging his temples. "Give me that stupid fucking paper."
"Oh, okay, that makes much more sense!" You told him, even though you still had no idea how he did it, but you tried your best to hide the confusion in your face, not wanting to seem dumb in front of him. But it took one look and his burrows furrowed, lips curling into a snarl.
"If you're just acting like you understood I'll fucking-" A fake cough came from your brother's way, making Bakugou growl. "I'll explain it to you again and again until you understand it." He finished his sentence, making both you and Eiji grin.
"So what didn't you understand?"
Good question.
"I- uh... anything?" You could feel your face heating as you answered, causing him to grimace. "Oh my fucking God." He muttered, pinching his nose bridge with annoyance.
"LOOK-" Oh, he was pissed. "THE QUESTION IS TELLING YOU TO DO THIS, SO YOU JUST FUCKING ADD THIS TO THAT, AND-" His spiky hair looked like it was ruffling up when he got angry, like an angry bird, the thought making you giggle. As he heard your giggle he stopped screaming, and seeing him so quiet was somehow scarier than him shouting.
"What the fuck is so funny?" He asked gruffly, though his crimson eyes weren't as angry as they were before. "You know it doesn't help when you just scream everything at me, right?" You giggled again because he looked really confused.
"Okay, look." He sighed, "see this? This actually just means you should do this." His pencil moved on the paper, his writing surprisingly neat and pretty- especially for a boy as impatient and angry like him. "Oi, you listening?" He pointed the pencil to you when he noticed you weren't looking at the paper, but at him.
"Oh- yeah, I'm listening." You answered, looking at what he recently wrote and trying to understand what he probably said. His eyes narrowed, but he didn't question it further. "Good."
"As I just said," he stated -making you grin since he probably noticed you weren't, in fact, listening to him, "you should do it like this and that's the answer." 
You couldn't understand why, but suddenly what he was talking about seemed to make so much sense. "Oh my god." Your eyes widened, looking at the sheet of paper, you pulled the pencil he was holding without thinking much on it, quickly writing down what was on your mind before you forgot.
After you finished writing, you turned your gaze to the boy that was sitting right next to you, though he concealed the amazed look he had sent you almost immediately. "Is that... right?" You asked him, feeling anxious, if it was wrong, you probably would look like an idiot.
"Yeah," he muttered, quickly glancing your way and noticing the smile on your face. "Fucking finally." He added, trying to get you to stop from smiling since he couldn't stop thinking about how pretty it was, though to his surprise you only smiled brighter. He could feel his heartbeat picking up, not sure why. Were you always this pretty? Smiled so softly, that made him feel all warm? Looked at him like this, like he was the most amazing person you've had seen?
For him, you have always been the sister of his best friend. He hadn't the slightest interest on you, though he could feel that was changing, the thought terrifying him. No, you were only and only Kirishima's sister, no one else.
"Hey, Bakugou-Kun." Bakugou was taking his jacket off as he entered the house, his caramel scent making you dizzy.
"Hey, idiot." He answered without thinking, the rude nickname slipping from his lips, he pressed them together instantly as if he could un-say it. He looked at you with slightly widened eyes, expecting you to be sad, or get mad at him, though he could have never thought you would giggle instead.
"Yeah," you told him smiling, "guess I deserve that."
"No." A sudden answer came his way, causing you to be the one shocked this time. "I- I didn't mean it that way..." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking very uncomfortable. "I just-"
"It's okay!" You told him, finally ending his misery. "I know you didn't say it to be mean."
Now, that was a first.
"Yeah, whatever." He muttered, entering the room, though regretting it immediately, was that rude? Maybe he shouldn't have stormed out? Did you think he was rude? Mean? An asshole?
He had no idea you were only happy because, for the first time, he had stopped to talk with you instead of ignoring you altogether.
You entered the room, noticing the rest was there too, and you wondered when they even entered the house. "Hey, Y/N!" Denki beamed, though noticing the look Eiji sent him, he quickly corrected himself. "-chan. Y/N-chan."
"Hey, Kaminari-Kun." You answered, making him pout. "Oh come on, you can just call me Denki!" A small glance was sent your brothers way, "Denki-Kun. You can call me Denki-Kun." He corrected, smiling widely.
"Oh, okay." You told him. "Would you like something to drink, Denki-Kun?" You asked, making him grin wickedly. "She's just too cute!" He whisper-yelled, nudging Sero. "Anyone? I can make tea."
"Oh, just sit with us instead!" Mina told you and you did as she said, knowing she would force you anyway. Once again, you were stuck between Bakugou and Mina, though this time you were prepared and had worn perfume. She looked at you excitedly, like she wanted to say something, but before she sent an angry look to Bakugou.
"Hey, Baku, can you go sit with Denki or something? We're gonna talk and you're preventing us."
"Haah?" Bakugou yelled. "I was the first one sitting here! And I'm not fucking preventing you, I'm just fucking sitting here, it's not like I wanna hear the stupid shit you'll talk about."
Oh, but he, did. He was dying to hear what you would talk about.
"It's not stupid shit, its girl talk!" She defended, grinning when Bakugou stood up. "W-what do you want to talk about, Mina?" It took a lot of willpower for you not to say Mina-san. "A little bird told me you have a slight liking to a certain angry boy." She finally told you, waiting at first for a bit of suspense.
"W-what, who?" You blurted, immediately noticing the mistake you did. "I mean, that's not- that's not true!"
"Oh come on, don't try to hide it!" She giggled, nudging you. "I know you have a crush on bskdhdhdh!" You slapped your hand on her mouth just in time, a sigh of relief coming out your mouth when you stopped her from saying the name. Though, you couldn't stop her from screaming about you having a crush.
"You what?!" Eiji screamed, standing up.
"Ooh, our little Y/N-chan has grown so fast," Denki told as he wiped the nonexistent tears off his eyes.
"So, who's the lucky guy?" Sero asked, grinning.
"Oops, I may have made a mistake," Mina said, giggling.
The only one that hadn't said one word was Bakugou, though that was somehow even more uncomfortable. His gaze lingering over you, you felt like you were going to die of embarrassment (and why did he have to wear that black t-shirt? It only made you even more flustered, and you just couldn't help but think about how nice he looked)
"It's nothing." You smiled awkwardly, face heating up. You glanced away, looking at anyone but him. "It's a misunderstanding." A fake giggle and all should be good, right?
Well, apparently not.
"No, don't you try to laugh your way out of this. What is this crush?" He looked so angry, it was one of those rare moments that he looked plain out scary.
"It's an innocent crush, Eiji! Nothing to worry about, okay? Now sit down, I need to do my homework anyway." Eyes narrowing, his gaze stayed on you a little more, though he dropped the subject soon after.
"If anything happens, you'll tell me everything." He told Mina, though it sounded more like a threat.
"It's not my place to do so." She answered, grinning wickedly.
You peeped your head from the door, trying to take a look of inside. What were they doing?
You've been doing your homework the past hour or two -it was only 10 minutes, but it felt like an eternity- and you came downstairs to seek help.
"Hi, guys." You finally entered, only to find them all snuggled on the couch, watching the greatest show ever been made, Avatar the Last Airbender.
Eiji knew the consequences of such actions, desperately trying to close the TV, but he was late, you could recognize Uncle Iroh's voice from a mile away.
"How dare you!" You gasped, now feeling all eyes on you.
"Wait, what's going on?" Sero looked as confused as the rest of his friends.
"Eiji, how could you do this to me?" You ignored Sero altogether, eyes fixed on your red-headed brother.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, sis, it's just we had nothing to do and-"
"I can't even see you right now." You told him, turning your back to exit the room, leaving three very confused people after you.
"No, Y/N, wait!"
And that's how you found yourself to be snuggled between Bakugou and Denki.
It was really comfortable, you had to admit, but also very maddening. You couldn't even watch the show anymore, your senses filled with the boy sitting right next to you, his body touching yours ever so slightly, his hair tickling your face every time you moved to get a bit more comfortable.
"So you're telling me," Bakugou suddenly spoke up, though your eyes didn't leave the screen, you could feel his ruby eyes on you. "That you have a crush on this guy?"
"She does." Your brother mumbled from the other side of the room. "She even-"
"Shut up, or you won't be able to speak ever again." Everyone in the room suddenly froze, no one able to understand how the hell you just turned in to the most threatening person they ever saw.
"Well, damn, okay." Sero laughed, sending a small glance your way. "I don't know, man," Denki muttered. "Sokka is much better than Zuko. He is a nice dude, everyone likes him, has solid jokes, and is pretty smart. He's kinda like me, actually." 
"Yeah, he is like you!" Mina suddenly cheered. "Except for the being-liked-by-everyone, having nice jokes and being smart parts, of course." 
"Yeah, that's what I'm telling yo- hey!" He exclaimed, making everyone laugh. "If there's anyone that resembles any of these characters, it's Bakugou," Eiji muttered thoughtfully.
"What?" He snarled. Eiji shrugged. “You’re pretty similar to Zuko.”
"Wait, that's very on point!" You told him, causing Bakugou's brows to furrow. "Just think about it, you're very unreasonably angry all the time, keep picking useless fights with everyone, and are very rude!" Mina cheered.
Bakugou would have punched every one of you for even implying something like this, though now the only thing he could think about was if you thought this way too. 
"I- I didn't mean it that way, though." You told them. "He always tries to look so tough from the outside, but he's actually sweet. He tries to act like he doesn't like the gaang or his friends, but in reality, he really likes them. Don't you guys think so too?"
"Now that you put it that way..." Mina muttered, the topic closing and everyone focusing their gazes on the screen once again, though, even though no one realized, a small smile was on Bakugou's lips.
After the Avatar marathon, you stood up, about to go upstairs to continue the dreadful math homework when an idea fell upon you. You turned your gaze to the boy, who was sitting on the couch like it was a throne instead. Spiky hair looking softer than usual, you wondered what it would feel like to run your fingers through them. His eyes were closed, and he looked tired. Under the dim light of the small lamp that hung from the ceiling, you were practically in awe of how pretty he was. 
Cheekbones high and defined, a sharp jawline, like it indicated his sharp personality, delicate brows furrowed, buried in thought. 
As if he felt your eyes on him, his eyes snapped open, crimson eyes finding yours. You probably looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights, causing him to smirk. "What's your problem?" 
"I- uh, I was wondering if you could help me with... math?" 
"Again?!" That was a valid question, but it wasn't your fault math was too hard!
"It's okay, Y/N-chan, I can help you instead." You heard Denki's voice, a hand wrapping your shoulder, causing you, Eiji and Bakugou to jump in your places. 
"You don't know shit." Bakugou growled, his gaze suddenly predator-like, making Denki wince and pull his hand back. "Don't do me dirty like that, Bakubro," Denki whined. "I'm just trying to help-" His voice suddenly muffled by the hand on his mouth, a hand that belonged to your bother. 
"You come here for a second." Eiji told him threateningly, pulling him out of the room with force. "No- no, Kiri, don't do this to me!" The door closed behind them, though, a muffled scream or two could be heard every once in a while.
Everyone ignoring the whole ordeal, went back to what they were doing. Bakugou turned to you, his eyes on the sheet of paper you were holding. "So, does this mean you're helping me?" 
Bakugou knew the second you turned to him with that pleading look in your eyes, he was already going to say yes. "Tch," he rolled his eyes, pulling the paper from your hands. "Whatever."
This time, he sat a bit closer to you. 
You sat side by side, arms almost touching whenever he wrote something. "Did you understand this one?" He asked, the pencil he was holding pointing to the second question. Surprisingly, you did understand it. When you nodded, he smiled, it wasn't one of those cocky smirks, this one was a genuine, small smile that took your breath away. 
"Then do this one yourself." 
You gulped, tearing your eyes away from his face as you felt your face heating up. It took you a bit to get focused on what was in front of you, but you were able to use what Bakugou had explained to you, and eventually reached the answer. 
"That's... That was pretty good." He told you as he inspected what you wrote. This time, it was you who smiled brightly, taking his breath away. He could feel his heart suddenly going crazy, hammering his chest as if it was trying to set itself free. And why did he have this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach? This dreadful but also... warm feeling? 
He didn't like this. He didn't like it at all. 
He stood up, his face suddenly angry, causing your smile to drop. He gritted his teeth when he realized he wanted to sit right back and apologize, to make you smile again. But instead, he picked his phone up from the table and turned his back to you.
He exited the room in a hurry that didn't even let you say anything, or thank him.
"Oi, shitty hair! I'm out." You heard him scream to your brother. 
"So soon?" Eiji asked though the door already shut mid-sentence.
Although Bakugou had promised himself that he was going to stay away from you, as far as he could, this thing -whatever this was- went on for weeks. He wanted to stop, Bakugou really tried to not think of you whenever he saw a fucking number, but it didn't take long for him to realize he couldn't.
So instead, he came to see you every day, with or without the Bakusquad and helped you with math even if you didn't ask for him to.
You always asked him to, though.
On the other hand, you weren't thrilled about this whole situation either. At first, this was a normal, innocent crush, but as you spent more time with him, you found yourself falling for him. Hard.
"Hey, Bakugou!" You greeted him (you had dropped calling him Bakugou-Kun sometime, though you weren't really sure when), a big smile that you couldn't drop on your face. "Hey, idiot. I brought this shitty thing you like." 
He meant donuts. 
He didn't want to admit it, but he had only bought it to see the way your eyes sparkled when you held one in your hand, about to take a giant bite out of it. 
The rest of the group was already here and settled, so you checked the paper bag in your hands if it had enough for everyone. You smiled brightly when you noticed it did, making your way to the kitchen.
You noticed Eiji standing, leaning to the door, and watching you both with furrowed brows. "Oh, don't look so mad, I'll give one to you too." You told him giggling, interpreting it wrong. 
His face softened, also smiling. "Don't forget to give me the strawberry one!"
"We'll see about that!!" You answered as you exited the room.
"Oh, Bakugou-Kun, did you buy us the shit we like too?" Sero said mockingly, making the others snicker. "Shut the fuck up, tape face."
"Oh, but Bakugou-Kun-"
"I said, shut the fuck up!" Suddenly his heart was beating really fast. "Relax, Baku, having feelings for someone is nothing to be ashamed of!" Mina told him, though she already knew the answer he was going to give.
"I don't fucking have feelings, dumbass." Bakugou didn't have feelings, especially not towards you, the sister of his best friend. But still, he couldn't take his eyes off of you, he couldn't stop his heart from racing whenever you smiled, and he couldn't stop feeling like he would do anything for you to smile again when you don't.
"Sure you don't," Mina answered, a sly grin on her face when she noticed Bakugou's confused expression. It wasn't that Bakugou didn't want the feelings, he just couldn't understand them.
They would have taken it further if you hadn't entered the room with a plate full of donuts in your hands. "Nobody touches the Nutella one!" You told them, letting them take a donut.
You narrowed your eyes and sent a threatening look when Denki tried to take the one you were going to eat.
"You're not eating?" You asked when you noticed Bakugou not taking one. He shrugged. "I don't like sweets."
Your brows furrowed in confusion, "Really? Can I eat yours then?" Bakugou found himself smiling to that, thinking about how adorable you looked with a donut in your hand, a shirt that was too big for you, probably stolen from Eiji and sugar powder smeared on your lips. He couldn't help but wonder, what would you do if he just leaned in and kissed you, right then and there? Would you flinch back? Scream at him? Maybe even be disgusted by him?
He decided he didn't want to lea the answer.
"Oh, you're staying late?" You asked with a small smile on your lips, making them look so kissable, Bakugou had to look away. "Yeah." 
"You have homework?" He asked when you didn't say anything. He didn't want you to leave. "Nope, already did them." 
"But I kind of wanted to talk to you." You looked nervous, your hands clasped together, anxiously biting your lip. His eyes narrowed, crimson gaze wandering over you like he was trying to read your mind. 
"I have-" You started to say, but stopped mid-sentence so he finished your sentence for you internally. ...feelings for you. 
(You actually had an upcoming math exam, and you were hoping he could help you study for it, but you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.)
Oh, he wasn't going to let you be the first to confess, so without thinking about it, Bakugou blurted. "I like you." There it was, he did it before you! But why did you look so shocked?
"You what?" You asked, eyes wide, just staring at him. Bakugou could feel his heart getting heavier by the second, hands turning cold and a dreadful knot forming in the pit of his stomach. Weren't you saying the same thing just then?
"I-" should he just tell you to forget about it? No, he wasn't the kind of man to just back off. "You heard me." He told you gruffly. "I like you." 
Much to his annoyance, you stayed quiet, not giving him the chance to be happy or sad about it. Just silence. "And? What's your answer?!" 
For the first time in this conversation, you looked at him properly. You hadn't noticed how his crimson gaze shined with uncertainty, confusion, and anxiety. He was afraid of your answer, you realized. Even the great Bakugou Katsuki was afraid of rejection. 
So instead of giving him a verbal answer, you leaned in instead, your lips touching his softly. 
His eyes opened wide with the contact, not being able to understand what was going on. Your lips were so soft, it molded perfectly against his, and he was afraid that if he moved even an inch, you would realize you were making a big mistake and pull back. So he froze.
"Bakugou?" You pulled back slightly after a few seconds, making him want to pull you back and never let go. "Won't you kiss me back?" 
To this, Bakugou grinned, his hands suddenly on your back, pulling you towards him. The last thing you remembered before you lost yourself in the kiss was how soft his lips were, and how amazing he smelled.
"You know we still have to tell Eiji, right?" You told him, running your fingers through your messed up hair, trying to look like you didn't kiss a boy for the past... well, you weren't sure how long, actually. 
"Yeah." He answered, lips slightly pink. 
"You know, I think I have the perfect idea of how to tell him."
"You do?" He asked, now slightly intrigued. You nodded, standing up. Eiji was in his room, so you pulled Bakugou by the wrists up the stairs. "Come on." You told him when he hesitated. "This will work."
You knocked on your brother's door, opening it just the slightest when you heard him tell you to come in. "Hey, Eiji." 
"Hey, sis." He smiled widely, not aware of Bakugou behind the door. "What's up?"
"Oh, nothing much." You shrugged, "Just wanted to tell you that Bakugou and I are dating, okay bye!" You shut the door after you without giving him the time to say anything, running down the stairs, and pulling Bakugou after you. 
Your brother opened his door, running after you, his face as red as his hair. "You what?!"
"You idiot!" Bakugou screamed. "So this was your great idea?"
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jjmaybanksbaby · 3 years
Where It Leads (Rafe Cameron)
Summer II
Part 03: Been A While
series masterlist | previous part
summary: Your second summer in the Outer Banks becomes a whole lot more complicated when you realize a year away from Rafe hasn't changed your feelings for him at all.
a/n: And we're back with summer two - the summer before sophomore year whoop whoop! Writing this gave me butterflies so I hope you have the same feeling reading it! I always love hearing y’all’s commentary so don't be shy to scream about your favorite parts back at me.
word count: 2.5k words
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Your mom reached over and tapped you gently on the arm.
"Put your phone away please, y/n. You can text Evan when we land."
"We're not even moving yet." You replied.
As if on cue, the pilot's voice echoed over the intercom. "Good morning passengers. This is your captain speaking. Welcome onboard Flight 4B7 with service from Portland to the Outer Banks. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage..."
You stashed your phone in the pocket of the seat in front of you and closed your eyes, hoping that by the time you woke up you would be landing.
After the way last summer had gone, you were surprised when your mom announced that you were spending the summer in the Outer Banks again.
Frankly, you weren't that happy to be headed to North Carolina. Alice and Kensie, your two best friends back home, had opted not to go to camp this summer so the three of you had planned to spend every day at Alice's pool, biking to the Dairy Queen a few blocks away or begging of your moms to drive you to the mall.
Plus, there was Evan. Your boyfriend of six months. You'd both been cast as the understudies for the leads in the fall musical. Because of some freak food-poisoning accident, both you and Evan had to go on as Cinderella and Prince Charming in the final show. When he kissed you under the bright stage lights, it had felt like more than just a stage kiss. He'd asked you out at the cast party later than night and you'd been dating ever since.
Evan was great. He really was. He was thoughtful and cared about you. But ever since your mom had bought the plane tickets to the Outer Banks back in March, every time you kissed Evan you could only think of Rafe Cameron.
You trailed behind your mother on the way to baggage claim, bent over your phone responding to the texts Alice and Kensie had sent in the group chat while you'd been in the air. Apparently, they'd bumped into Kensie's crush and need to analyze every detail. A feeling of jealously you hadn't anticipated crept into your chest, weighing you down. Even indoors, the muggy heat of the Outer Banks made it clear how far from Oregan - and from your people - you were.
You looked around the airport, searching for the baggage claim with your flight number and noticed an incredibly familiar head of blonde head of hair standing nearby.
"Sarah Cameron?" You asked.
Sarah spun around a joyful smile on her face. "Oh my god! Y/n!" She ran over, wrapping you in a hug. "Are you back for the summer?"
You nodded your head which elicited another excited scream from her.
"What are you doing at the airport?" You asked her.
"You'll never guess! We're getting a house in the Bahamas!" She gushed.
"Sarah!" A deep voice called. You looked up to see another older-looking version of Rafe headed in your direction.
Your mom froze beside you. "Oh dear," she whispered.
The man's gaze didn't leave your mom. "Heather," he said.
"Ward," she responded.
Oh, you thought. So that's Rafe's dad.
"It's good to see you," your mom continued. "You look," she paused for moment, "good."
"You as well," Ward responded.
The carousel behind you started to move and luggage streamed out.
"That's us," your mom said, pointing over to the moving carousel. "We should go."
"I'll tell Rafe you're back," Sarah whispered to you. "He's gonna be so excited."
You smiled down at her knowing that you'd already made a vow to yourself to avoid him all summer. You refused to let Rafe ruin what you and Evan had and the only way you could guarantee that was making sure you didn't see him at all.
Sarah bounded in the front door of the Cameron's house. "We're home" she called out, her sing-songy voice echoing through the big house. Ward entered after her, carrying their luggage.
"Welcome home," Rose said, greeting Ward at the door with a kiss.
Sarah rolled her eyes at the exchange. It wasn't that she actively hated her step-mom, she would just have rather her dad not married her. Though he was buying her a house in the Bahamas as an anniversary present so maybe she wasn't all bad.
"Is Rafe upstairs?" Sarah asked.
"I think so," Rose replied.
Sarah ran up the stairs, skipping every other one, the way Ward always told her not to do. She came to a sudden stop in front of Rafe's closed door.
"Rafeeeeee," she yelled, knocking rapidly until his voice bellowed back at her through the wall.
"What do you want Sarah? Go away!" He yelled.
"Fine," Sarah said. "I guess you don't care that y/n is back in town then?"
The door swung open just a few seconds later. “What did you say?” Rafe asked.
“Y/n was at the airport. She’s back in the Outer Banks for the summer.” Sarah turned on her heel and sashayed her way to her own bedroom leaving Rafe in his doorway to process the information.
Maybe this summer will be a whole less boring, Rafe thought.
The summer was going exactly how you'd expected. It was surprisingly nice to have your younger brother to keep you company and more importantly, keep you busy. You spend your days either on the beach, tanning, watching your brother splash in the waves, and making your way through the reading list of the Honors English class you had opted to take next year or at the Club's pool, eating chicken tenders for lunch and washing them down with the thick chocolate milkshakes.
Rafe's friends frequently made an appearance at the Club. You watched them sneak vodka from flaskes into cups of spirit from being your shaded sunglasses. So far, Rafe had yet to join them.
Currently, Phoebe was flirting hardcore with Sawyer, begging him to put sunscreen on her back so she wouldn't burn. It was all too predictable.
You turned your attention back to Nick Carraway and his descriptions of Gatsby's grand parties momentarily.
You heard Sarah's voice before she appeared next to you and plopped down on the chair your brother had been occupying before he decided he needed more ketchup for his fries and had ran off.
"Y/n," she started with the same youthful energy she always talked with, "has Rafe invited you to our Fourth of July party yet?"
"Umm," you hesitated. "No, he hasn't said anything about it."
"Ugh," Sarah threw her head back in a dramatic motion. "I told him to text you about it. He's useless. Anyway, we throw a huge party for the Fourth every year and you have to come. There are fireworks and everything..."
Sarah's monologue faded to the background as you looked up and noticed Rafe standing at the top of the steps that lead down the pool. Your stomach flopped in the same way it always did when you saw him.
Rafe started walking down the steps and a small panic set in. His own eyes wandered across the pool deck and it was only time before he recognized you. You shifted your body slightly, trying to use Sarah to block yourself from his view.
You turned your attention back to his younger sister, afraid that you'd accidentally make eye contact with Rafe.
Crap, crap crap, you repeated in your head. Rafe was for sure heading in your direction. Even as you forced yourself to focus on Sarah, you couldn't stop yourself from watching Rafe out of the corner of your eye and he was walking straight toward you. Your 'avoid-Rafe-all-summer' plan was going to be impossible now. With every step he took, you could feel your heart beating faster. It felt just like last summer.
Rafe stopped in front of the chair Sarah was sitting in and you couldn't stop yourself from looking up at him, a smile threaten to slide onto your face. The same warm but dangerous feeling you only got when Rafe was around took ahold of you.
"Sarah," he said, cutting her off mid-sentence. "Ward's looking for you."
She jumped up with a sudden spurt of energy, "Okay, I'll go find him!" She leaned down engulfing you in another hug. "See you around y/n." She said before running off.
"Bye Sarah." You replied.
"You know, you're like my sister's favorite person," Rafe said, still standing above you. "She mentioned you were in-town for the summer..." He let his sentence trail off.
But I hadn't seen you around. You finished for him in your head.
"Yeah, we got in about a week ago." You said. The tension that hung in the air between the two of you was exactly the reason you were trying to avoid him. The last time you had seen him he'd kissed you in a way you hadn't been able to get out your head for months afterward. It was a dangerous game. Nonetheless, here he was standing in front of you and you were barely holding it together.
Your phone began to ring and the photo of Evan kissing your check from homecoming popped up with the caller id. Rafe's eyes glanced over it and an unreadable expression crossed his face.
Right, it was 4 o'clock on Wednesday. The time and day you and Evan had decided you would call each other every week.
"Uhh, I gotta get this." You said to Rafe, reaching over and picking up the phone.
"Yeah, okay. See you later y/n." He replied before walking away from you and to his friends.
Your eyes followed him all the way even as you clicked answered and Evan's voice filled your ear.
A feeling of nervousness set in as you approached the Cameron's, the absurd number of cars parked outside confirming you were at the right place. You glanced over each of your shoulders worried that your mom would pull up any second to drag you back home after you lied about where you were spending your evening. You felt decently bad about saying you were going to the Club to watch fireworks and coming to the Cameron's instead but you knew your family's stance on Rafe and his dad.
It seemed like the entire population of the Outer Banks was spread across the Cameron's backyard. Adults sipped festive cocktails as little kids, hyped-up onto much sugar, weaved in between their legs, chasing one another around. You looked around hesitantly, thankful when Sarah emerged from the crowd, frosting smeared across her face.
"You made it! I'm so happy you're here!" She screamed.
"Sarah," you laughed. "You have blue frosting all over you." You used your finger to wipe it from her cheek.
"Rose ordered the most delicious cake you've ever had. You have to try it. I can get you some. Do you want some?" She asked eagerly.
"I'm okay right now. Thank you though. Have you seen Rafe?" You asked. You were at his party, after all, it wasn't like there was any point in avoiding him now.
Sarah turned and pointed to the dock where Rafe and his group of friends were standing. "He's over there."
"Great. Okay! I'm going to go say hi."
"Have fun!" Sarah replied with a smile before running off in the same direction she's appeared in.
You made your way through the crowd to the dock, the groups' attention turning to you as you approached.
"Hey," you said, shyly.
Cleo and Riley jumped up from where they had been sitting with their legs dangling in the water.
"Y/n, right?" Cleo asked before leaning in for a hug.
"Yeah. Hi! It's good to see you guys again." You replied.
"You too! Rafe said you were back in town and I was wondering when you'd finally make an appearance." Cleo said.
You look over at Rafe to find him already watching you. He pushed through Cole and Milo and was suddenly in front of you
"Um, y/n and I need to get the fireworks." He said to the group. You watched Riley shoot Cleo a confused look but Cleo just shrugged it off.
Rafe grabbed your hand and pulled you along, leaving you no choice but to follow him. You walked in silence, other than the sound of your heart beating rapidly.
Rafe stopped at a small brick shed on the side of the house. He pushed the door open and stepped inside, pulling you in after. There were kayaks and paddleboards hanging on the walls and some old lifejackets littered the floor.
"Rafe-" you tried to start but he cut you off.
"Y/n, I seriously can't go one more minute without kissing you again."
Rafe looped his arm around your waist, cupped the back of your neck with his hand, and landed his lips on yours.
For a moment, you tilted your face upwards and leaned your body into his before your senses came rushing back to you and you shoved him backwards off of you. Surprise registered on his face.
"Rafe. No. I can't do this." Your voice broke, panic coursed through your whole body. "God, I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't have come here today or followed you here."
"Y/n." Rafe said but held your hand up warning him to say quiet.
"I have to go. I have to go," you repeated. "Tell Sarah I'm sorry I missed the fireworks. I know she'll be disappointed. I have to go."
You turned to leave but Rafe grabbed your wrist and his eyes locked with yours, his expression begging you to stay.
"I have a boyfriend." You blurted out. The weight of those four words settled on Rafe's face and you jerked your arm out of his grasp. You spun on your heel and walked out the shed and putting distance between you and the boy making your life so complicated.
You crossed the Cameron's yard, trying to gather yourself and slow your chaotic, unsteady breathing. You hurried down the long driveway, making it to the road without any tears slipping out of your eyes.
Rafe had tried to kiss you. He hadn't tried, he had kissed you. And you sorta kissed him back. No, not sorta. You kissed him back. But then you stopped. You pushed him away. You realized it was wrong. You didn't want to hurt Evan. You weren't gonna hurt Evan.
The fireworks began to explode behind you, large booms thundered across the sky, their big colors illuminating the night. You didn't dare turn around watch them. They reminded you too much of Rafe: the boy pulling your head and your heart in two different directions.
taglist! @oreoenthusiast13 [drop a ☀️ in my inbox or messages if you want to be added]
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violetlou2020 · 3 years
DAY 02 of @flufftober2021
Sneaking Out Together
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Title: In this Moment [Chapter 1]
Author: Vividly_Violet
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers | 東京卍リベンジャーズ
Rating: General
Relationship: Mikey | Sano Manjirou/Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Mitsuya Takashi & Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Hanagaki Takemichi & Toman Gang
Word Count: 1864
Chapter 1
School just ended and Takemichi wanted nothing more than to go home, eat dinner and then pass out on his bed. It's been a tiring week what with the constant chaos his life has turned out since joining Toman and subsequently dating its leader.
Even before he joined the gang he was already a trouble magnet as the rest likes to call him. Attracting unwanted attention especially from other delinquents that has him ending up bruised and hurting, it's made 10x worst with Mikey added in the equation since anyone who has a grudge against Tomans president or wanted to increase their street cred keeps targeting him since word got out of their relationship thanks to said leader blabbering their status to everyone they meet as a form of showing his possessiveness.
He also has a very punchable face as Baji would laughingly put it and Chifuyu couldn't even refute nor defend him from that statement. At least tomorrow was the weekend. The mizo middle all have different plans for tomorrow, Toman doesn't have any scheduled meeting or any upcoming fight, Mikey and his sister along with their Grandfather are suppose to go on a trip today according to Hina who heard it from Emma herself. So no clingy boyfriend trying to monopolize his time. Finally. A weekend all to himself.
Or so he thought.
"What are you all doing here?" he asked flatly at the crowd gathered in front of his house.
"Takemitchy~ why a sleep over of course!" Mikey exclaimed excitedly.
"Sleepover? I didn't hear any of this. Weren't you and your family supposed to be on some trip." the teen exclaimed.
"Bailed on them, why do I have to hang out with them when I can spent my time with you." Takemichi blushed at that but shook his head. No he will not fall for Mikey's cliche yet none the less sweet words.
"But why at my house, no one informed me of any sleep over."
"Huh, didn't Mikey texted you." Draken asked.
"I didn't received any." Draken turned Mikey.
"Oi didn't I tell you to inform Takemitchy." the taller teen smacked their leaders head.
"Ehh I forgot. Uhhg you keep hitting me, that's why I keep forgetting things." Mikey whined.
"You've been hit by a freaking metal pipe before, the hell does my smack have anything to do with you not texting Takemitchy." Draken hissed at the shorter boy.
"It does so!"
"Why you—"
"I guess we couldn't impose on you like this." Mitsuya said side eying their commander and vice commander who were now pulling at each others hair.
"Who cares we're here, might as well get on with it." Baji said pushing himself from the crowd towards the front door before Chifuyu stopped him.
"Baji-san we came here unannounced. That's rude."
"Sorry for the trouble." Mitsuya apologized. Bless the only reasonable man in Toman, Takemichi thought.
"Ahh no no, don't apologize Mitsuya-kun, it's okay. We can uhh have the sleep over." Takemichi quickly said.
"You don't have to—"
"No, no its really okay. You guys are already here. It'll be rude to turn you away plus— wait where are they?"
"Huh? Oh those guys." the pale lavender haired teen sighed and face palmed as he watch his friends make their way into the house without letting its resident welcome them in.
"How'd you open the door!" the awfully blonde haired teen exclaimed.
"I have a copy pf your key!" said Mikey spinning the key on his finger.
After Takemichi successfully convinced Draken to take the key and compromising that he'll be the one holding it, much to Mikey's pouting or threat all of them gathered in the spacious living room.
"So what are we gonna do?"
There was a chorus of "Movies"
"Video Games"
"Board Games"
There was a short pause. Everyone looking at each other and before you knew it the gang erupted into a shouting match on what to do first with Mikey loudly whining about being hungry as he threw wrappers on the others head and Baji almost breaking a vase. It continued for a while until Takemichi had enough of it.
Everyone quieted down, not used to seeing the crybaby loose their temper except for when Mikey and Draken broke some of his stuff but even then the pair couldn't take it seriously because of the dog shit situation.
"But I'm hungry." Mikey whined. Takemichi dragged his hand across his face. He went to the kitchen and came back with a pack of cookies.
"Here. Share." he glared as he handed it out to his boyfriend who reluctantly had the others get one before hoarding the rest to himself and nibbling on the treat.
"I guess that's the extent you're willing to share."
"Why don't we play some video games while others the boardgames before dinner then we can watch a movie after. How does that sound?" Mitsuya, being the only rational person in the group suggested.
"Tch fine." grumbled Baji.
"That sounds okay." Chifuyu said as he swatted his captains hands from taking his cookie. Draken shrugged in acceptance while Mikey gave a thumbs up as he stuffed his face with more cookies.
Takemichi gave Mitsuya a grateful look before showing Chifuyu where the video games and board games were stored.
"Ahh shit. I forgot, I don't have much in the fridge right now. I was planning on doing the groceries tomorrow but I guess I'll have to do it today."
"I'll come along with you. Might as well help out." The second division captain offered.
"Ahh thank you so much Mitsuya-kun! I'll meet you outside then, just let me change out of my uniform."
After Takemichi changed he rushed downstairs and shouted at Draken to keep the damage to his house to a minimum before grabbing Mitsuya's offered helmet and mounting the bike. The pair then drove off to the nearest grocery store.
After thirty minutes or so the pair returned to a still standing Hanagaki residence much to their relief even thou there were scattered scrabble pieces lying everywhere, Chifuyu sitting on Baji's back as he and Draken Play Mario Cart, the first division captain struggling to remove his vice off him and chess pieces in the fridge when Takemichi went to put away some of the stuff they bought.
"Why are there chess pieces in my fridge?"
"Mikey was being a brat, he put them there after he lost. Against Baji of all people. Now he's sulking at some corner." Draken explained without taking his eyes of the screen.
"I was not, Baji was cheating!" came Mikeys protest from the corner of the room. He was not sulking there. He just thought that the plant was better company than his friends. Takemichi just laughed nervously at them at least nothing was broken before going back to the kitchen to prepare their dinner. Mitsuya was already there preparing the rice. After he placed it on the rice cooker the two worked together to making karage.
"This is the last batch." Mitsuya said as he placed the floured chickens on the pan.
"Ahh thanks, can you ask the others to prepare the table. I'm also finishing up the side dishes."
It was Chifuyu and Draken who came up to set the table working carefully to not disrupt the two who were finishing up their cooking. Takemichi placed the bowl of Kinpira gobo — a salad made of braised burdock root and carrot — in the middle besides the platter of karage before washing up and removing his apron.
"Dinners ready!" he called out and Mikey and Baji came running to the kitchen.
"Calm down you dogs." Draken scowled, taking his seat besides Mitsuya.
"Ahhh this smells so good."
"Huh, You and Mitsuya sure are housewife material." Baji cackled as he shoved a piece of chicken in his mouth. Takemichi's eye twitched at the comment while Mitsuya remained unfazed.
"Hey if they're gonna be housewives I call dibs on Takemitchy." Mikey declared. Takemichi choked on his rice at the declaration while the others just collectively rolled their eyes.
"You— you can't just say stuff like that!"
After they ate, the group dragged some spare futons from the closet down the hallway and set it in the middle of the livingroom, pushing the couch back to fit it in. They then proceeded to raid Takemichi's room, his parents and even the guests room of its pillows. And dumping it all in the middle to create a small mountain of fluffy pillows which Mikey promptly jumped in to.
The rest of the night was spent on watching movies from horror films to comedy to some action films with a little disturbance along the way with popcorns being thrown and pillows hitting some faces that erupted into a pillow fight. But for the most part, the gang had fun till they all passed out in the living room at around 1 in the morning, Mitsuya being the last to fall asleep had the been the one to turn off the television.
Takemichi batted at the finger prodding at his cheek. After some time where the prodding hasn't ceased he groggily opened his eyes and was met with deep bottomless dark ones staring at him. He almost shrieked in surprise if it weren't for Mikey covering his mouth.
"Shhh" Mikey shushed and mouthed 'come' before he stood and made his way to the front door. Takemichi carefully extracted himself from Chifuyu's hold, the other teen had rolled to his side and clung to his arms. He placed a pillow in place of himself and chuckled when he heard his partner mumble 'baji' under his breath.
"Why are we sneaking out like this?" he whispered as he put on his shoes.
"No reason~" Mikey smiled as he pulled his boyfriend out the door who was struggling to put on the other pair of his shoes.
"Mi— Mikey-kun!"
"Shhh you might wake up the others. Now get your bike." Takemichi rolled his eyes but nonetheless locked the front door and pulled out his bicycle which Draken had thankfully fixed after breaking it again for who knew how many times already.
They rode is silence enjoying the cold breeze that wafted their face. The street was dead with the occasional business men staggering home, drunk or exhausted or both who knew. After a while Mikey pulled on his shirt and pointed to a konbini.
"Doroyaki, I want some Doroyaki."
"You woke me up for this?" Takemichi said exasperated but still followed his boyfriend inside.
Four packets of Doroyaki later the pair rode off again with no destination in mind just enjoying each other's company. A few minutes later just when he thought worriedly that Mikey has fallen asleep because of the quiet, he felt strong arms wrap around his waist. He almost swerved his bicycle but quickly righted himself.
"Hmm can we be like this forever." Mikey sleepily mumbled against his back.
"I don't know about forever but we can stay like this for as long as you want or when my legs gives up peddling."
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