#they 're just a couple of buds hanging out
silvertherogue715 · 10 months
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sleepy-wyvern · 1 year
The Love Interest | Ethan Landry x female!Reader Smut
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READ HERE ON AO3, This will be a multi chapter smut
Scream 6 re-imagined as the love interest of (protective) Ethan Landry!
Tags: tbd, will include violence and blood
Synopsis: Starting the semester as Anika's roommate the last thing you had expected was to be roped into a murder mystery, your life hanging on the line. When you meet Ethan Landry at a halloween party, his cute nervous charm pulls at your heart strings and things escalate.
Note: my lovely eddie fans, I have a request im working on and plan to post tomorrow <3
Spoilers below (plus first chapter ~2.8k words, rest will be on AO3 to follow click here)!
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I included many scream 6 scenes (especially towards the end) so major spoiler warnings!!! This will be a longer, multi-chapter series I intend to write (WITH SMUT!) until the end of the movie plus a little epilogue. Be prepared for some angst and drama, I promise it ends nice!
When shit hits the fan, he can't keep his eyes off of you, lest something bad happen to the first love of his life he watches your every move. In fact it made him nervous when he couldn’t see you or know where you were. It made you feel safe, comforted even, but it wasn’t always that way. Unbeknownst to the reader, he is hiding a huge dark secret.
NOTE: The rest of the fic will be available on AO3 but heres the first chapter!
The white ghost mask looked sorrowful, almost regretful, as it held the sharp knife up to your throat. Strong hands pressing the blade just enough for hot liquid to drip down to your chest. The dark alleyway concealed you from any onlookers and any reach for help as you desperately tried to pull the black gloved hand away.
"I'm sorry," the voice was a whisper in the wind.
You thought back to how stupid you had been to trust him. But could you really blame yourself? For desperately wanting someone to trust, someone to protect you when it felt like nobody else was there for you?
When you first really talked at that Halloween frat party, he was eyeing you from across the room. He wore a homemade knight costume out of cardboard and duct tape, his hair curled from behind the helmet. You thought it was cute and endearing- the attention he gave you from afar. The knight you desperately wanted.
Two Nights Before Halloween.
You were all dressed up as your roommate Anika hauled you along to “the Halloween party of the year,” or as she called it. Tonight you wore the iconic Mia Wallace set from Pulp Fiction; short black bobbed wig, white button up shirt and of course bell bottoms. The one fun part of these parties was dressing up.
Your film studies class had been raving about the party, and you weren’t doing great in terms of friends having just moved to the city. So why not go to a party? Especially since your peppy, overly encouraging roommate was going and wanted to drag you along. She had spent the last couple of hours in your shared room perfecting the best pumpkin look she could, no doubt to impress, and you knew she would.
She was dressed in a cute bright orange pumpkin shirt with matching bucket hat, ready to party and drink the night away with her heels clicking on the city sidewalk in front of you.
You put one white ear bud in your ear, playing your On Repeat playlist to try and calm your nerves.
“There will be lots of boys there,” Anikas' voice piped up, sensing your unease “you like boys right?”
It was no secret Anika and Mindy had something going on. While she framed this as a chance for you to mingle, you knew she wanted a chance to get closer with Mindy. Still, you played along. It wouldn't hurt to find your own love interest.
“Sometimes,” you reply with a sly smile. Truth be told, you weren’t exactly interested in the fuckboys these parties tended to attract like fruit flies. Your type was softer, kinder.
Looking back at you, her curled brown and blond hair flowing in the wind. She always looked gorgeous, like a supermodel except with a sweet edge rather than sharp. Her face turned from optimism to concern upon seeing your expression. She stopped in her tracks, putting her arm around you in a tight reassuring hug.
“You don’t have to go with me if you don’t want to,” she reassured.
“I know,” you smile at her “thanks but I want to. I’m just nervous.”
“It’ll be fine, I’ll introduce you to all of mine and Mindys' friends,” she squeezed your shoulder tightly as you nod, her black painted lips turned up into a smile “I’ve got your back.”
You make your way to the party with her arm linked through yours, confidently carrying you both. The trek seemed to take forever even though it was only a couple blocks away, your legs feeling numb against the New York air.
You hear the party from a block away, loads of students coming and going with different costumes making you feel uneasy. Strangers laughed, bickered, and had loud chatter as they walked seemingly from all directions. Strangers with intentions unknown, people you possibly will never see again. Classic New York people traffic. Normally, you didn't mind or even enjoyed the city aesthetic. Now though, there was too much happening. Sirens blasted as cop cars drove down the street, lights flashing harshly in your eyes reflecting off of glass windows and puddles. Part of you wondered where they were going in such a hurry, but you decided it best not to think about it right now, cop cars were constantly coming and going somewhere in the night.
As you approached the building you let out a deep breath of air, fuming with weed and alcohol. People stood everywhere, in the house, outside on the lawn, on the sidewalk, dressed in different wacky costumes. Normally you’d take the time to appreciate every one, all of the different references they had if they were clever. These kinds of parties though, most people just grabbed the first thing that made them laugh or looked sexy from the halloween section.
Stepping inside the frat house was like stepping into a portal to another world. The music, sounds, scents, lights and everything seemed more enhanced.
“I need a drink” you decided out loud to Anika, fixing your wig nervously.
“Agreed” she nodded, guiding you to the table of beverages.
You both grab your own cliche red solo cups as you pour drinks. Whatever it was you didn't care, you just needed the fire down in your stomach to fill you with courage.
“Hey,” some guy spoke to you as he just refilled his drink, raising his eyebrows with a smirk.
You pressed your lips into a fine line, giving him the most uninterested tone you could muster “hey” by the time you spoke his attention was already gone, eyeing up his next target's skimpy outfit and walking toward her like a predator.
Anika giggled at you then filling up her drink, “I thought you liked boys.”
“Not that kind,” you mutter in disgust as you fill your cup, staring into the liquid wondering what it was. Anika had told you but the information was lost to you.
“What kind then?” she swished the liquid in circles in her cup curiously.
You shrug suddenly unsure how to answer “Nerdy, cute, fluffy haired boys.”
“Ah, the first murder suspects,” Anika laughs as you answer, gently smacking her shoulder.
“Well, let’s drink to you finding a boyfriend” Anika smiles, holding her cup up to you “or just some good dick.”
You laughed as you clinked your plastic cups together in some form of celebration and your eyes met his. Brown and sweet, they reflect the faint party lights, glancing away nervously when you notice him looking, as you gulp down some alcohol. You knew him to be Ethan Landry. Clearly his costume wasn’t store bought, pieced together with cardboard scraps and grey duct tape. You imagined him slaving away at it the night before, watching some scary movie as he cuts the pieces from his helmet. Your lips curve into a smile at the thought.
He was shy of you but you found it alluring. You were shy too so you never really talked much, but had a mutual friend group. Anika was a thing with Mindy, who knew his roommate Chad. A semi-complex list of connections that brought you two together at events like this.
You knew Mindy, Chad, Tara and her sister Sam, had survived a brutal attack and moved here for an escape. You, Anika, Ethan and even Tara’s roommate Quinn, sometimes felt like outsiders to them. Not that it bothered you, you understood they needed each other more than ever after what happened. It just strengthened the bond you all had, the supporting cast so to speak.
You mingled around with some of Anikas’ friends, chattering as the music hummed in your ear drums but really the only one you clicked a little with was Mindy and Tara.
“Scary movie fan huh?” Mindy drilled you “what’s your favourite scary movie?” She wiggled her eyebrows, pulling Anika close to kiss her cheek. She wore a multi-colored sweater and you were guilty to admit you weren’t sure if it was from a horror movie or not, something you should know in order to be considered a “true” horror fan.
Anika batted at her shoulder “how can you even joke about that, after what happened to you?” her lips twisted in a scowl.
Mindy shrugged “consider it a coping mechanism” she kissed Anika on the top of her head as she sighed, melting down any irritation Anika may have had.
“I don’t even know how you can go to parties anymore,” Anika said with an edge of sadness “you know, after almost being brutally murdered at a house party.”
“I think of it as being struck by lightning, odds are it won’t happen twice.” Mindy shrugged, pulling Anika closer by the waist.
“Guess I better stay close to you then,” Anika giggled into Mindy as they shared a cute, passionate kiss.
Suddenly you felt awkward and looked about to find a place to cool off underneath your hot wig, and give Anika some privacy. Sighing in defeat you slump against the worn couch. You were so engrossed in all of the sensations you didn’t notice you sat next to Ethan the cardboard knight.
After a minute of shared silence his nervous voice chimes in your ear, slightly startling you but you don’t show it. “You look like you’d rather be anywhere else than here,” he takes off his helmet and lays it in his lap after he speaks.
You were taken aback, the light party music that played in the background seemed to dim. His light brown curls bounced as she shook his head away from any helmet hair. The action, though not intended to, made your heart pound in your ears as you imagined what it would be like to bury your fingers in his hair. A thought which was dangerously close to other, more escalating ones, so you push it away.
“Yeah, well, you’re not far off” you smile into your cup before looking up at him “I’d rather be watching scary movies, I’m only here because Anika invited me” you admit.
His nerves get the best of him and he glances back down at his helmet with a smile “me too. Oh uh, I mean about the scary movie part.”
“Oh yeah?” You asked, interest piqued “what ones?”
You shift your body to face him, straightening out the creases in your button up shirt. His face grows red as his nerves hit but clearly you hit a spot of interest with him.
“Slashers,” he admits, a little nervous perhaps that he’ll come off weird, fiddling with his helmet.
Your eyes sparkle under the muted party lights “I love slashers! They’re like, my comfort movies” you say with maybe too much enthusiasm.
He equally matches yours though, as if you chipped away at his invisible mask of insecurity “I would’ve panned you for more of a Quentin Tarantino fan.”
“Oh I am, don't worry. Pulp fiction? Django? Kill Bill? You have me there. But slashers have my heart, just I couldn’t turn down a chance to dress like Uma Thurman tonight.” You admit.
“Understandable, pulp fiction is probably what really got me into movies” you bob your head taking a drink as he talks, “what’s your favourite slasher?”
A thud of someone dropping something behind you made you turn your head, Ethan’s gaze following yours before you answer.
“Mmm, I gotta say I’m a fan of Stab,” you admit, dabbing the sour liquid off your lips careful not to smear your makeup.
Your drink wasn’t pleasant, but it silenced your nervous thoughts which without it, you would’ve been long gone from this party. Something sweeter, and fruitier would’ve been nicer but you’ll take what you could get. The smooth ease of the conversation for you helped.
“Really?” His eyebrows raise, shocked.
“Yeah,” You admit, “I know it’s cheesy and has all of the tropes but that makes it easy and fun to watch. Also entertaining.” You run your black painted fingernail along the rim of your cup, Ethans eyes trail down to watch your hand movements.
“Well how about Halloween?” He asks, tapping his fingers against his cardboard helmet nervously, perhaps unintentionally mimicking you.
You think for a moment before responding “well, I’d like it more if they didn’t kill the dog,” you say sadly, “honestly though I loved it. My go to Halloween movie, I try to watch it every year at least.”
“Ah, fellow dog fan” he nodded “I can understand that.”
“Have you watched the new one? Halloween ends?” You asked him, remembering it has just been released not long ago “its playing in theaters now-”
You’re cut off by the sound of a scuffle (to put it lightly). Peering over at the stairs you notice it’s Chad shoving a taller guy in a white shirt.
“Oh no,” Ethan lets out a sigh.
Normally, you’d want no part of these things trying to stay as far away as possible but you notice Anika taking interest. Leaning forward you see Tara desperately trying to end the altercation, voice too dim against the music and other chatters to hear what she’s saying.
Ethan side eyes you as you grip the side of the couch nervously. Sam, seemingly coming from nowhere, tasing the man in the crotch as he falls to the floor muttering profanities.
“What have our roommates gotten us into?” you say with humor, though you feel nervous about the situation.
“Hah, yeah,” Ethan says, looking over at the group as you stand up, “it’s fine since Sam always carries a taser.” He watches your expression and seems relieved when your body relaxes from his words.
You follow Anika and the group outside wondering what happened as Tara storms out. The cold air was reassuring against you and you took solace in the quieter atmosphere. You start to hear your own music in your ear again, realising you never took the ear bud out.
“Tara,” Sam calls out to her, who is walking ahead of the group “will you stop?”
“I can’t believe you did that, you embarrassed me!” Tara calls back while still walking.
Chad and Anika walk ahead of you and Ethan, unsure of how to react yet.
Suddenly you turn to Ethan whispering, “Hey, uh how about that movie? I remember there’s a playtime soon” really you just figured they would want some privacy.
Chad unfortunately hears and looks back to Ethan raising his eyebrows with a cocky grin, to which Ethan scowls at. In unison, Anika looks back with her mouth open, surprised as well and redness rises quickly to your cheeks.
“Y-yeah, I’d love to,”a raised eyebrow from Chad makes Ethan backtrack a little, “if you want.”
“Anika,” you scold, “I’ll call you later,” you speak with a firmness in your voice that signals her to behave.
She nods, trying to not interrupt the bickering sisters as you and Ethan trail back, the voices slowly fading out of earshot.
You sigh to diffuse the tension, bringing your phone up to change the music “I figured that was a conversation we shouldn’t hear-” you pause to rephrase “at least I shouldn’t.”
“No, yeah, you’re completely right,” Ethans body was rigid as if nervous.
You smile at him softly when an idea pops into your head “Do you like music?” you ask, realizing how stupid that question sounded after the words left your mouth, but he doesn't seem to notice.
“I do,” he replies and you hold out an ear bud, his hand grazes yours as he grabs it, you shiver from his warmth.
Your earbuds are wired which renders him to stand closely to your right side. For a moment you’re so glad that you opted out of the wireless ones tonight as the heat from his body radiates onto yours.
“I just realized I have no idea where I’m going,” you laugh as you walk down the sidewalk after a minute of listening together.
“Right, new to the area,” Ethan looks down at his feet as you walk in unison “I know the way, it’s not very far. Students like movies.”
You laugh slightly “good, being lost in New York for a third time isn’t exactly on my bucket list.”
You look up at him and as he smiles back, for the second time tonight, you see a glimpse of him through his mask. True and genuine, a reflection of his soul perhaps, the city lights flash in his eyes when he looks down at you. Such a gorgeous smile, you think to yourself admiring the point of his canines giving a side of him you have yet to see.
“Lead the way, my cardboard knight.”
Let me know if you like or enjoy, no matter how new/old this fic is when you read it, I love and appreciate every notification! Be gentle, I'm very new to fic writing.
Have a great day my lovely reader!
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qcomicsy · 2 years
Bruce wayne platonically sleep with both Clark and Diana pass it on.
It started as the three of them were responsible to supervise a very particular thing on a random mission, it went for literally days. They played cards. Gossiped about their coworkers. Had a heart-to-heart (to-heart-to-heart-to-heart-to?). Clark cried a little. Played cards again. Diana cheated except she didn't because she would never, but Bruce was bored and butthurt so he said it anyway and "Clark stop laughing this is a serious matter". They ate whatever the jl freezer had. It tasted horrible. They talked about their family's. Clark is a good father. "Bruce it's going to work it out if you're just open it up-". They fought.
and then made it up because otherwise Clark would get sad. "How long it has been?" "42 hours". They waited in silence. "Bruce you should sleep". "No you won't stay awake a second night in a roll while we sleep. No I don't care how much your ninja training prepared you for that, I also don't care if he's going to do It anyway. Diana which side are you on?" Bruce stayed awake a second night in a roll. Clark woke up in a bad mood. It's nice how they're one of the few people who ever saw Superman in a bad mood. No they will never talk about it out loud. Diana made coffee. "It's not strong Clark. You have the taste buds of a child, don't look at me like that". They waited a couple of more hours. "How long it has been? I'm calling Jon-". Batman and Wonder woman play chess. Clark still is on his phone, he waits patiently as Jon tell him about his day, only giving his input every now and then. When they run out of things to say, Clark tells him to be good to his mother, that he loves them both and he's going to be back soon. He waits Jon to hang up. "Who's winning? Oh he's fine but Lois already went to work,". Batman won 5 times and Wonder Woman won 7. He's sulky about it.
"Let's do a re-mach again Alfred will make cookies".
They made it up for real this time.
"Bruce you should take a nap". "He wont". "I wont". "I know but he should". It's getting cold and didn't they had a warmer? Oh yeah of course it broke, they should really fix that thing. Diana wonders if she's ever going to get used to this type of weather. She misses home, not the one made of concrete, the one she danced with her sisters, she wonders what they're up to- "Oh thanks Clark". The fabric of this cape is really soft. "Thanks-
"my mom made it"
"his mom made it"
Clark glares at Bruce. They laugh. It's night again. "Have I ever told y'all...". "Yes Clark". "Oh". Now it's time to Diana glare at Bruce. "But tell us again". He does.
Diana laughs and in the same breath "When I was a child...". When she finishes Bruce hums "My father he...". "There was this girl...". When they blink it's day and when they blink twice is night again.
This time Bruce is going to sleep. Clark it's not playing. "You look like a mess". "He's right-" Diana adjust Clark's cape in her shoulders. "Even the bravest soldier needs a rest. You'll be no help if you keep going like this". Bruce want's to tell her they're not soldiers, they're a bunch of delusional misfits with too much power on their hands. But there's a curve in Diana's brow and a frown in Clark's lower lip that wisely tells him not to. He's exhausted. "I'm fine". "I won't argue about that". They do.
Bruce sleeps in the fourth night. He refuses to lay down so he just slauches in his chair, grumpy. Clark is not happy about it. Diana is not going to babysit a grown man. He'll sleep however he likes. They whisper. They don't need to have their faces close to eachother, they both have super hearing. But they do it anyway. It's comfy and Clark's shoulder is warm. Bruce might be having a nightmare. Clark reaches to the nape of his neck without thinking, thumb slowly caressing his cheek. "It's what ma uses to do". Present tense. Diana smiles. She does a small nod without taking her head of his shoulder.
They talk. Clark's heart is so big Diana swears she can feel it. They wait. Diana's knowledge transcends time and space and make Clark feels small in a good way. He almost feels like a child again. The world's too big fill with unthinkable wonder. It's when he realizes, he's a boy from a farm listening to a goddess. It doesn't feel as intimidating as it sounds. He misses not being expected to know it all. To do it all.
Bruce is awake but he's pretends he isn't. And Clark is aware but is pretending to not notice. He doesn't ask Clark's to take his hand off him. Nor does it take it himself. So Clark stays there. Diana is talking about art, culture and war and the good and bad of it all. Bruce it's breathing deep and his heart it's calm. The moment seems frozen on time.
It almost felt human.
It happens on the sixth day. Clark and Diana had an arm wrestling context. Clark won five times and Diana won two of it. He's trying not to get up to his head or overthink the possibility of her letting him think he won. Or the fact that with their sleep schedule no outcome would even come close to a honest result. She's not usually the type to lie and let him take the victory like that. "A fair match is a fair match" but she's has done it before. He's pretty sure of it. Batman is stuck in front of his computer, he misses his family. He misses his family but he won't say it. His jaw is clenched, he checks his phone every ten to ten minutes. But he won't say it. So he's keeping himself occupied.
Diana looks at the window and sit on the couch as Clark stretch himself before he sits next to her. Its noon. It's almost over. Bruce let's out a frustrated sight and turns off the computer crossing his arms to himself. He looks at them as Clark finishes stretching and lays his entire weight on Wonder Woman's side. There's few people there are able to handle him like that. And even fewer times where they actually have the time and the freedom to do it, so he's saving every opportunity that he gets. Bruce is staring at them. Clark lays his head on her shoulder. Bruce is staring. She mindlessly circles her arm on his neck resting her hand in his hair and messing his curls with the tip of her fingers. Bruce is staring. Clark looks at her to check if she's seeing it too, but her eyes never leave the unbreakable glass of the window. He looks at Bruce as he rest his head on her shoulder. There's a grown ass man dessed as a bat in the middle of a conference room crossing his arms glaring at an alien made of steal who's resting his head on a demigoddess who's humming a comercial dingle to herself, all of that, because he's to petty to come in and enjoy the moment. Clark wants to laugh about that.
And he does a little.
"You know, you can join too." He humours.
He's still glaring. Clark wonders if he's blinking.
He listen to Diana's heart. It's beating slowly, he's listening because we kinda wants to listen Bruce's, too. But the fact that Diana's heartbeat is matching the strokes in his hair caught him in a surprise. He's about ot say it when Diana goes unprompted.
"For a man who's willing to die for those he love you're sure afraid of showing intimacy."
It sounded like a teasing but her voice is cristal clear. It was obviously directed at Bruce but she's not even looking at him. And Clark want's to laugh because the man in his front it's unshakeable but his mouth twitched.
Clark still wonders if it was or wasn't a tease when she doubles down.
"Scary cat."
Clark chuckles.
Now she's looking at him.
Bruce lays on his back unmovable.
"Didn't know it was a requirement."
"There's a lot you don't know."
"Enlighten me."
"You're smart enough to get it."
Bruce takes a deep breath. The type no one would noticed, well no one but him. He's frustrated and Clark notices. But Bruce always look frustrated, so Clark knows it's not at them. The man eyes exchanged between his and Diana's.
"It's almost over".
"That's good."
"But we will have to stay a little more."
He can hear Wonder woman's other hand scratch the surfice of the couch with short nails something so small that he just silently registers it.
"How long." She's using her Wonder Woman voice. They all have one. All super-heros he means.
Some villains too.
Funny enough not many anti-heros do.
She's not even asking.
"I like this as much as you do."
"I never said I hate it."
"Neither do I."
"But I'm not happy with it." There is, Diana's voice. The tired one, the one he only heard five years into their friendship.
Batman drops the act.
"Me too." He takes of the cowl and passes his both cloves hands over his face and stays there as if he's analysing if he should say it. "I'm going to lose Damian's PTA and Cass's Ballet."
"It's the third..." When his hand reaches his mouth he stops himself.
"So it's 16th." Diana helps.
"Three days."
"Until it's done."
"Have you warned the others?"
Batman just looks at her.
She doesn't bother to answer.
Silence again.
It's crushing. Clark misses Lois. He doesn't know if Jon has eaten, he called yesterday but no one picked up. They must've been sleeping. Kara promised check in. He misses his wife. He misses his wife and his house and his dog. He hopes Jon is feeding Crypto well because he forgot once, but he hopes Jon's be more aware now even if he's not there to remind him. He's kid is grown. He should send a message. And he should call Kon. But Kara promised check in. But that doesn't really matter because that's not the reason why he should call. And he should call. He won't, but he should. And Clark Kent was supposed to go back to his work after being "sick" four days ago. And-
"I mean it is cozy"
He hears his voice saying, it's the first time he intervene in a while.
Both Di and Bruce smile.
"He wouldn't know." She follows.
And that's enough to Bruce to join in. He sits besides them with the silent over-confidence he always has. But he clearly has no ideia about what to do with his hands. At first he puts on his own thighs, then he tries to rest in the back of the couch behind them, his hand nudges wonder woman's arm so the retreats it. Clark want's to giggle, instead he just take it on his own.
Clark was fourteen when he noticed men aren't supposed to be as affectionate as he was.
There's a akward wait between them. It's not the first time they do it, it probably won't be the last. But he always like to check. So he waits. There's a small squeeze, lighter than a feather and Bruce's weight slowly rests on him.
Clark's hand is too soft for someone made of steal.
They're exhausted. They all are, but they're not supposed to say it. Clark is resting on Diana's shoulder and holdings his hand and Bruce refuses confront what that does to hi heart. It's something too warm, too fuzzy and tender for him to grasp. Men like him aren't supposed to get that.
They sat in silence. Two of the most important beings of the universe and a spoiled brat. It's a joke. But he doesn't feel like laughing. He's not worth it. God knows he's not. But Clark's hand is soft and Diana's voice is crystal clear. So he stays anyway.
Waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Hoping it never does.
Diana's reciting the constellations name's. More to herself than to any of them. She knows the star's first names. He knows the scientific one's. He kinda wants to correct her, just to be a brat. But his eyes are closing and clark is warm.
Bruce wakes up the next day with Clark's cape on his shoulder and no one at his side.
He smells coffee from the kitchen and hears Clark's voice faintly complaining from the hallway.
And he's horrofied.
He's horrofied because that's the comfiest and safest that Bruce has ever slept in his entire life.
And he can't stop thinking about it.
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toomanyanimefanfics · 2 years
(Plant) Dad All Might Headcanon + Mini drabble
--------------------------------------------------------------- More domestic fluff from yours truly. :) It's your typical Dad Might scenario, but instead of adopting hero students, he's got his little space full of plants that he looks after. ----------------------------------------------------------------
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It first started as a single plant he got from a close friend at the time.
It was just a small peace lily that started out in a much smaller pot, the plant no bigger than a student's ruler length. No flowers to show its colour yet. 
You could say the peace lily was a fitting plant to give to another symbol of peace to look over.
It was moved around the living spaces over the first few months, starting in his bedroom, then the living room for the sunlight, into the bathroom for the moisture in the hot summers. Back into the living room, but now in a larger pot after it started to out grow its first; It was then that it started to bud with the new soil.
The plant was nice to fill the space, but at the end of the day it was just another plant that complimented the room, not too much or too little.
After spending the first year watering and repotting a couple times, it became the start of a routine,
After finally walking back into the door of his home it was one of the first real tasks he carried out, checking the plant was okay; watering and moving it when needed.
Not much longer after that it became the first task in a routine that was associated with home and comfort, of relaxation and a small break of peace in a busy and stressful life routine… It then progressed to buying more plants of different kinds to place strategically in places that needed filling with pops of colour and nature. Still nothing too outrageous or overbearing. Then it became "what else can I raise?" - "what else can I influence to grow and foster into an abundant life?". Learning how to grow a baby avocado tree from a pit, to re-growing random vegetable scraps just to see what would grow roots on the kitchen counter.- And just as those plants grew themselves, so did the love of bringing in new and cheerful plants just to have something else to watch and be a part of growing. It's interesting how easily your brain quickly associates things as easy as simple sounds to whole emotions and reactions, it's the sound of keys ringing and the door mechanism unlocking. It's the sound of the light switch and then the warmth of the warm yellow light as it bounces off the white walls; Except now, the white walls are mostly covered with greenery, earthy colours and scents. Immediately the body knows it's time to relax. There's plants on the narrow window sills, tropical ferns hanging from the ceiling and climbing vines up the side of the kitchen wall. Mostly plants of heavy foliage, but there's a few calla lilies and perennial flowers in containers on the ground.
Toshinoris house had quickly become more of a garden house than just another home where he slept and carried on what work was left from the day. Slowly filling up a rather large water container and making his way across the rooms to water any needing plants. It doesn't take long but he takes his time and appreciates the quiet and restful nature of the task, without him knowing it's become a meditative part of his evenings and mornings. He used to know how many plants were in his home, now he just knows there's more than 60, but he knows he can point out and thank the first plant that started this hobby, a bright and healthy flowering peace lily that sits by the coffee table, it contends in his favourites along with the giant monstera that climbs up the wall of the living room.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note:  damn I should have given him a fish pond too while I was at it…. Idk, if you’re keen on the idea, imagine him with at least a goldfish tank, maybe a cool beta fish if you’re fancy. I also wanted to make the peace lily yellow, but I don't think peace lilies come in yellow.... I also know they're considered a funeral plant by most people- and I'm sorry I still couldn't help myself, I'm taking creative liberties here people.
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bohica160 · 3 years
Omegaverse - Denied Time Off
Another omegaverse? No way! When your boss is being a dick -_-
(Sorry for the reupload, I apparently made it a chat the first time?🤷‍♀️)
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗMinors gtfo, this isn't for youᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
CC: Alpha Chris, Fem omega reader, voyeurism(workplace)
Alpha Chris gets rather needy during his ruts. Sometimes they get very intense for the both of you, that it's in everyone's best interest that you both take the time off from work. A lot of companies are very lenient with allowing mated couples time off for heats and ruts. Obviously there are some cases that they will allow non-mated individuals time off. However for some reason when your boss found out your sweet loving boyfriend worked for BSAA, he started to treat you differently compared to others. Giving you a harder time from work load to requesting time off for important moments.
You knew Chris’s rut was going to happen any day now, and you figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask your boss for the week off. To no surprise, your boss barely let you finish before he said ‘no’. When you told Chris your boss needed you to come into work during his rut, on the outside he seemed a little annoyed but internally he was pissed. You figured you could call out a couple days saying you were sick, but you were worried how the remaining week will be for him when it hits. The next day was impossibly hard to leave for work with Chris standing behind you the whole time you got ready for work. Littering your neck with marks as he rubs his erect member against the plush of your ass. You were surprised you made it out with every piece of clothing on your person.
Once you walked into your cubicle, you noticed a pile of paperwork waiting for you on your desk. You could already tell by the stack, you would be coming home late. You sent Chris a quick text letting him know before you got to work. It was almost 11am, when you heard a few voices causing a commotion. You knew if you even dared to try to peek around a corner to see what it was, you knew it was best to stay out of office drama. It wasn't until a specific scent hit your nose. Right as you were about to get up from your seat, a big strong hand grabbed onto your forearm, pulling you up to stand. “Chris! What are you doing here?” You asked with a little hint of worry. You noticed his flushed cheeks and how his skin was glistening from the fluorescent lights. He quickly tugged you out of your work area and dragged you down the hall. The pheromones he was producing were causing some omegas to gather. A few were dumb enough to approach the two of you, causing the alpha to let out a warning growl baring his fangs, causing them all to shrink back and run away.
You didn't realize where he was taking you until he pulled you into a room and locked the door behind you. Noticing the bathroom stalls and sinks, you turned to ask him a question, only for him to seal your mouth with his. He backed you up against the counter, his big hands grabbing each cheek, lifting you up without breaking the kiss. He pulled back enough to pull off your shirt, attacking the bare skin with his lips and teeth. “C-chris, we can’t d-do this here.” Completely ignoring your protests, he unhooked your bra with one hand while he continued to trail down your skin. Sucking on the plush skin, spilling out from your bra. “Maybe if your fucking dick of a boss let you had some time off, we would be doing this at home instead of here”, he said with a groan, cupping your breasts, twisting your pebbled buds. Your sweet moans bounce off the walls.
You lean back, head thumping against the mirror as he latched his lips around one of your nipples. Bringing his free hand to the middle of your back, arching you more up into him. You cup his face pulling him up to face you, releasing your bud with a pop before devouring your pink swollen lips. Your tongues mingle against each other with passion and need, the alpha makes haste with his pants. The clinking of the metal buckle rings in your ear causing you to clench around nothing. You hook your legs around his, trying to pull him closer to you. He lets out a low chuckle against your lips before pulling away, “hmmm so eager, even though you didn’t want to do this here” “It's your fault” You respond with a pout with your eyebrows squeezed together. Giving you a smirk “Oh?” You hear a soft thud of his pants and belt hit the floor. “What exactly is my fault baby girl?” You lift up the edges of your skirt, bringing it to your mouth. Holding onto the fabric with your teeth, you flash him your lace panties. Closing your legs you swiftly slip them down before kicking them off. The alpha watches your every move as he slowly pumps his cock, smearing the beads of precum dripping down his slit. You back yourself further onto the counter putting your weight onto your arms as you lean back. Bringing your knees to your chest, resting your feet on the edge of the counter. Chris raises an eyebrow only for you to slowly open your legs giving the man a perfect view of your cunt. You can see his length twitch in his hand, letting out a long deep groan.
“Shit baby” he rasped, reaching forward with his unoccupied hand, using one of his thick digits to run up and down your soaked folds. “So fucking wet” He slowly inches his finger in. As your walls contract around his finger, he'd bury it deeper and deeper into your warm cunt. He curls his finger up, rubbing the rough pad against that soft spongy spot that has you trying to close your legs, only for him to release himself, to hold your legs still.
You let out a small whine, as he withdraws from your heated core. He laps up your slick dripping down his hand, letting out a hum of content. “Sorry baby girl”, he said, fisting himself as he lined himself up to your entrance. “I’d love to play with you more but,” He pushes himself in slowly, only giving you the tip at first. You let out a whine and try moving your hips forward, but his grip on your hips, have you in place. He pulls back just a bit and sinks a bit further each time. “I need to fuck this sweet pussy of yours.” With that last word, he snaps his hips into yours in one swift motion, pulling the most pornagraphic moan from your lips.
Each time his length twitches, your walls tighten around him. This vicious cycle continues until he starts rolling his hips into you at an agonizing slow speed. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him closer, nipping on his ear. His hips start to pick up pace, with each graze of your teeth. His grunts cause the muscles in your pelvis to flutter and turn into jello. He moves his hands to your ass, squeezing each cheek as he lifts you up just enough to press your bundle of nerves against his abdomen. “F-fuck” you choke out as he continues to lift and drop you on his cock like you weigh absolutely nothing. “That’s it baby”, He grunts through clenched teeth. “You like getting fucked at work?” You squeeze your eyes shut as you clench around him. “You do, don’t you?” Your eyes shoot open as you shake your head. “You sure? Seems like you want everyone to hear you.” Right as you were about to say something, he drops you on his shaft as he thrusts up. You let out a cry as he presses up against your cervix. Head falling back as your legs wrap tightly around him. Your slick drips down his full balls, pooling below the two of you.
“S-shit. You okay angel?” You nod your head slowly bringing your head back forward, looking at his blue lust filled eyes. Releasing your grasp around his neck, you lean back putting your arms behind you to steady your upper body. You languidly roll your hips into his, fucking yourself on his cock. He stills, watching you bury his length deep into your core. He waits a moment before thrusting into you in time with yours. Your mouth hangs open, feeling the crown of his member abuse your spongy spot. Chris could feel the heat pool in his pelvic floors, heartbeat speeding up as he felt himself soon coming to his release. Your slick gummy walls flutter sporadically around him, the tension building up in your lower belly. “Gonna cum all over this fat cock?” He asks with a smirk. You respond nodding ra[idly. Chris pauses his thrusts only for you to quickly look up at him with confusion and annoyance. “Say it.” You search his face only seeing his sly smirk and playful gaze. You were at your wits end, you were so close, and the longer you waited the less pressure you felt in your abdomen. “Say it or I-” “Please! Please let me cream all over your fat cock! I want to be filled up with your thick cum! Plea-” Chris honestly wasn’t expecting that much of a reaction from you, but goddamn he didn’t think it was possible to get any harder.
With a flip of a switch Chris began to thrust into you frantically. His eyes drank in every inch of your body, from the way your tits bounced with every erratic thrust. To how your eyes rolled into the back of your head with a fucked out look plastered on your face blubbering complete nonsense. The tension in your abdomen was becoming unbearable, needing one more push to send you over the edge. “Shit, shit shit!” Chris felt the heat explode throughout his lower body, as he gave one hard thrust deep into your heat. As you felt your alphas cock spasm inside of you, shooting his warm thick cum up against the narrow end of your cunt, the strain of pressure inside you finally broke. As your cunt tried to milk every last drop of him, Chris began to hump into you, muscles pressing firmly on your clit. You threw your head back, “Fuck Chris!” you kept chanting as the contact to your pearl pushed you deeper into ecstasy. You swore you could feel your nails dig into the ceramic countertop.
Once Chris came down from his high, he pulled you into him, littering your face with soft sweet kisses, bringing you back down to Earth. Once you regained composure, you buried your face into his clammy neck. “Can we go home?” You asked barely above a whisper into his skin. He hummed in response, kissing your crown. He quickly dressed the two of you before he gathered you in his arms bridal style. When the two of you made it out of the bathroom, your boss was standing outside with a few other coworkers. Chris walked up to the man towering over him. His blue eyes glaring at him. “Deny her time off again, and I’ll keep fucking her here. Understood” You boss kept his gaze down at the floor, shaking his head as if his life depended on it. His scent flooded the place, making the place stink of fear. Chris turned to leave, “Don’t let it happen again” He called out, not bothering to look behind him.
(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚°˖✧.*:・ Tag list:@thatgoblin
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incognijo · 2 years
I've decided to re-post and rename Home. It's not complete, but i've been rereading and changing some things up. It's just for fun and I feel if i just post for fun when i can i may actually complete it.
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Warnings; Talk of death, mental health themes, it contains 18+ themes so no minors.
Part 1 - Homecoming.
The sunshine was splitting through the trees, the birds chirping and a gentle breeze softly rustling through the leaves. Just a few things that Captain Syverson hadn’t experienced in what felt like a lifetime. His dusty boots stood firmly on the pavement, his bag hanging heavily over his left shoulder, he didn’t have the time to change. Sy found himself with 60 days leave, and to nobodies surprise, they were not willingly taken. It was a case of you don’t take it, you lose it. Syverson could not think of any other place to go but home. The Captain didn’t have much family left, just his mother, and nephew. He didn’t have it in him to go with the guys on an all-sun, sea, and fine honey’s trip. If his mother knew he had leave and he didn’t go home, it would break her heart.
Syverson’s head jerked at the sound of the bell, he flinched at the realization that he spaced out. It was something that was happening more frequently over the last couple of weeks. The Captain watched as kids filed out of the double doors, their teachers not far behind ensuring that they kept a watchful eye on who was doing the pickup. It was a small enough town, it seemed like everyone knew everyone but you could never be too safe.
Syverson clocked who he was here to see, removing his baseball cap the captain took a few steps forward before dropping his bag to the ground. Blond hair, big blue eyes, the Captain would recognise his nephew anywhere. The older he got, the more he looked like his mother and that killed Syverson inside.
“UNCLE SY!” his eyes were in disbelief, abandoning all belongings the young boy’s feet pounded the sidewalk as he ran with all his might. Syverson, not having a chance to meet his nephews embrace.
“Hey there bud!” bringing his hand down to ruffle the hair of the sweet little boy with the iron tight grip around his waist. A small smile made its way onto the Captain’s face, he could not believe how grown the kid was, and just how much he missed out on.
“Hey, Clayton.” a soft voice made the two of them come back to reality. Syverson could not make out the accent, it most definitely was not southern. American? Yes, but there was something else there.
“Miss Kennedy, this is my uncle Sy!” excitement beamed, his face lighting up more than she had ever seen.
“Captain Syverson,” with an outstretched hand “but people around here call me Sy.” the deep voice laced with a southern twang made the hairs on the back of her petite frame stand on end. She found herself thinking, how everything about this man screamed testosterone. She couldn’t lie to herself and say she didn’t like it, he definitely made a change from all the other men in this one horse town.
Returning his gesture Miss Kennedy reached out and shook Sy’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you Captain Syverson.” He couldn’t help noticed how young she looked, that is compared to the teachers he’s ever had. Pale skin, soft plum lips, and green eyes.
“Miss Kennedy is my teacher.” Clayton chimed in when his uncle didn’t say a word.
“It’s nice to meet you too.” letting go of the young lady’s hand.
Miss Kennedy knelt down on one knee to be eye level with who she considered her favourite student “Clayton you have to be more careful where you leave your backpack, remember what happened last time?” Miss Kennedy said with a soft but assertive tone.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know you are.” a smile gracing her lips. “What do you say we put it back where it belongs?” Syverson watched as Miss Kennedy helped his nephew put his backpack on, was he away too long, or was this woman just sweet as shit?
Coming back to her feet, Miss Kennedy made eye contact with Syverson, arms crossing her chest. “I’m sorry to tell you Captain, but I cannot let you take Clayton. We have policies, and his Grandmother is the only person we have on his pick up sheet, there needs to be a note or ca-”
“That’s alright darlin’, I’m gonna wait here for my ma,” smugness written all over his bearded face as he continued “she’s my ride home too.”
Not knowing what to say, Miss Kennedy turned to her student “Okay then, well I guess I will see you bright and early Monday morning Clayton.” with a small smile she turned to Syverson, uttering with a nod “Captain.” before making her way back towards the building, engaging with the other children as they waited together.
Miss Kennedy could not help but witness the reunion between mother and son, she knew bits and pieces about her students families, mainly gossip from other faculty members. Mrs Syverson lost her husband to a heart attack, her daughter and son-in-law in an awful car accident, and her son leads a military career, which you might as well say she has lost him too.
Unable to imagine that kind of pain, the person she felt for most was Clayton. Left an orphan, raised by his grandmother, and his only father figure was away more often than home. Miss Kennedy watched the sweet homecoming of the Captain, tears in his mother’s eyes, and a hug that by the looks of it was long over do. All the children accounted for she walked back into the building, her heart feeling a little heavy. This was not how she thought she would begin her weekend.
The Captain and his family made their way to the car, tossing both Clayton’s book-bag and Sy’s duffel into the trunk. Sy wished that the sweet little thing known as Clayton’s teacher was all he could think about, but the picture of her in his mind was swiftly overtaken by bad memories. He was not ready to be home for this long. He didn’t know how to do this anymore, normal life just wasn’t something he knew how to do. Coming out of his thoughts he could hear the sound of excitement and fast talking from the back seat, he was going to try for the sake of that kid to lead as normal of a life as he possibly could.
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faeryqueenwitch · 4 years
🧚🎉Fairy Festivals🎉🧚
🎉 Fairy festivals take place at crossover points in the seasons. Equinoxes and solstices are determined by the position of the Sun, but the other four festivals are celebrated when the time feels right, so the dates given below are approximate.
🎉 There are other festivals too,such as Christmas Eve,Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. Any human festival that touches on old traditions,from Ramadan to a Japanese Flower Festival, is a fairy feast. If you celebrate these festivals and make the effort to tune into what concerns the fairies, you will draw closer to their world. If you celebrate a special meal, remember to leave a little outside afterward for the fairies
1.  🌷 Imbolic - 🌷
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February 2 in the Northern Hemisphere/July 31 in the Southern Hemisphere
Imbolc means “in the belly,” and this is the time when life stirs in the belly of the earth. Frost sparkles and the pale light lingers each evening,bringing the message that spring is on the horizon. Imbolc is the delicate crossover point from winter’s depths into the New Year. It is a feast of lightness and brightness,but also a time of cleansing,to make way for the new. The Hag, who is Dark Goddess or Dark Fairy, gives way now to the Maiden, who is young and radiant.
Fairies love neatness and good housekeeping,so it is a good idea to have a late-winter sort-out,in preparation for fresh activity. While the fairies are busy coaxing snowdrops and crocuses out of the winter-hard earth,do something creative of your own,such as knitting,painting,or writing poetry. Ask the fairies to lend you a little of their magic by leaving them an offering,such as a piece of wool or a verse written just for them.
This feast is also called candlemas,sacred to St.Bridget,who was the successor to the pagan goddess Bride (pronounced “Breed”). Bride was the keeper of the sacred flame,which represents eternal life. She is the patroness of poetry,smithcraft,child birth, and healing, and is a very powerful fairy indeed. Invite her into your home by lighting as many candles as you like, in your windows and around your house. Ask her to bless your projects for the coming year,and pledge a special act of caring for the natural world in return,to seal your pact as the year waxes.
2. 🌼 Spring Equinox- 🌼
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March 21 in the Northern Hemisphere/September 21 in the Southern Hemisphere
The fairies are very busy at the Spring Equinox,looking after all the flowers that are newly blooming.Scandinavian fairies become active now: the Russian cellar fairy,The Domoviyr,casts off its skin and grows a lighter one for summer; and the Russian Rusalki,or river fairies are glimpsed by lakes swollen with melted snow.
A tree planting project is a very fairy-friendly activity at this time. A seasonal blitz on the garden is also called for. While you are hard at work, digging and pulling away at dead winter twigs, it is easy to go into a kind of trance. This, coupled with the spell of the natural world around you,can create the perfect state of mind to catch a glimpse of fairies.You can be sure they are near you,helping you with their energies.Plant some seeds of your choice and, as you put them in the earth, close your eyes and make a special request for fairy help. Visualize the fairies tending your seeds,giving them their love and care. Ask out loud for the fairies to help you,and sing or hum and you plant. Touch the soft soil with your bare hands and make real contact with the earth.
Place water in a pottery or glass jug (plastic or metal is best avoided) and leave it out in the noon sunshine. Ask the fairies to bless it. Imagine them dancing around it and coming up to touch it with their glimmering fingers. Use the water to give your houseplants a special spring blessing.
The Green Man is a powerful nature spirit that has been sensed by many people. He is represented in numerous churches as the Foliate Mask (a face made up of leaves),and one theory about his presence is that the masons who fabricated him had hidden sympathies with the old nature- worship. He is making his appearance now on some new park benches and monuments. However, you can make contact with the real Green Man out alone walking through the woodland. Ancient and wise,he is watching you. Catch a glimpse of him behind tree trunks or in the lacework of budding branches. Hear his footfalls behind you as you walk. He is the very breath of Nature, and his strength is bursting forth in springtime.
3. 💐 Beltane - 💐
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April 30 in the Northern Hemisphere/October 31 in the Southern Hemisphere
Of all the festivals, Beltane is the most flagrantly joyful and sensuous as Nature is bursting forth with beauty and excitement. This was the Celtic beginning of summer, and also marked an important transition for the people of Fairy, for it was the time when the Milesian Celts landed on the shores of south-west Ireland. With this, the last of the magical peoples,the Tuatha de Danann, receded from the the world of humans into the Hollow Hills and became the people of the Sidhe.
However, they and the other fairy folk have not gone very far. You will find them dancing in a bluebell wood or skipping in the sunshine,sheltered by a greening hedge. Beltane is the time when good fairies reign supreme and bad fairies retreat. Fairies are very active now and may try to steal butter,or some of the ritual fire that used to be ignited on hilltops and is still lit by modern pagans.
This is the maypole season, but instead you can always dance around a friendly tree. Link hands with friends, and you may find yourselves spontaneously re-creating the kind of things people used to to do when seeing fairies was commonplace:lingering,walking,and talking, in the open air, away from television,computers,and other modern distractions.
There are many tales of beautiful fairies marrying mortals. Such tales usually end in tragedy, for fairy and human can never truly be joined. Better to borrow some of the fairy enchantment by performing a little magic of your own! Rise early on May Day and wash your face in the dew or simply walk in it. As the rhyme says: “The fairy maid who, the first of May Goes to the fields at break of day, And walk in dew from the hawthorn tree, Will ever handsome be.”
Welsh legend tells how the hero Pwll saw the Lady Rhiannon riding past him at Beltane and, after pursuing her, he eventually won her. Rhiannon is one aspect of the Fairy Queen,riding on her white horse between the worlds. As you sit quietly outside,on a bank in the late spring dusk,listen for the sounds of her horse’s hooves,and open your eyes to the shimmer of her sea-blue cloak. When Rhiannon touches your heart, she will fill it with love and inspiration.
4. 🌹 Midsummer -  🌹
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June 22 in the Northern Hemisphere/December 22 in the Southern Hemisphere
This is one of the most magical times of the year, when fairies are very active and visible, playing pranks and even, it is said, stealing away the young and beautiful to join them in the Hollow Hills. The sun is now at the height of its strength and this is an important crossover point,such as the fairies love. For at the Midsummer Solstice the sun stands still, before beginning to recede as we move into the waning half of the year.
Flowers are colorful and luxuriant, and one radiant day seems to merge into another, as late dusk meets early dawn. At no time is the natural world more inviting. Take part in it by going on quests -long walks to sacred spots,evening camping out with the minimum of equipment,to draw close to the mystery that is all around, and to the Fair Folk in particular.
The rose is possibly the most sensuous bloom of all, and at midsummer it is often at its most gorgeous. Roses in the garden are especially likely to attract fairies. Distil water from rose petals and add it to your bath, asking the fairies to lend you some of their enchantment and to help you attract love. Brew tea from rosebuds and drink it,to increase your psychic powers.Plant a rose bush with a friend, to affirm the loving bound between you and invite the fairies into your life.
St.John’s wort is a herb known to break any negative fairy enchantment and drive away depression. Pluck some on Midsummer’s Day and carry it, to keep cheerful.
Look out for water nymphs by streams, or for undines for water elementals on the seashore- or for even the Lady of the Lake herself,rising from the luminous depths.In olden times, these beings were said to have no souls. It is closer to the truth to say that they do not have human morals. Conventions often conceal or feelings, but the beauty of the water fairies opens us to our unconscious tides; see them and let yourself be transformed.
5. 🌾Lammas- 🌾
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July 31 in the Northern Hemisphere/February 2 in the Southern Hemisphere
Lammas is “Loaf Mass,” a christian version of a much older festival known as Lughnasadh, or the “Feast of Lugh.” Lugh was a Celtic god,lord of the Tuatha de Danann, and his name means “bright one.” Lughnasadh is a major fairy festival, and many fairies become active during this period,such as the Russian Polevik, who kicks sleepy harvesters awake. It is also a time when fairies move about in preparation for winter,and processions of them may be seen as a line of twinkling lights moving between the hills in the countryside.
At Lammas, the fields are golden with corn and splashed with red poppies. It is hazy,lazy time of holidays and abundance,but there is an underlying theme of death,for the Corn Spirit must be sacrificed in order to reap the harvest. If you walk out into a field of ripe wheat, you may sense the anger of the nature spirits as what is to be taken from the earth,even thought that is a part of the natural cycle of life.Gather up some ears of wheat and tie them into a bunch with red thread,to make a charm for the coming winter to hang over your hearth. At the same time,pledge an act of caring for the earth,such as clearing a derelict site in your neighborhood or garden, or planting and tending a herb, as payment for what you-and all of us- take from it.
At home, bake your own bread, using the rising of the dough as a spell to ensure that everything prospers in your life. While you are kneading the bread dough, say to yourself “As this dough swells, so may my fortunes increase.” Ask for your own personal Brownie, or house fairy, to come and help your bread rise- and remember to leave some breadcrumbs outside afterward,for the fairies.
Some say that Lugh is lord of the waning year, and his dance- through the waving,whispering corn- is a dance of death. If so, it is a reminder that all things come in cycles,and that everything is united in love and beauty. Stand at the edge of a sun-kissed wheat field and see the shimmer and sway that betrays the presence of Lugh. Take a few moments to feel respect for the earth in your heart, and understand the meaning of the Wheel of Life.
6. 🍁 Autumn Equinox (Mabon) - 🍁
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September 21 in the Northern Hemisphere/March 21 in the Southern Hemisphere
At the Autumn Equinox, Nature stands poised between light and dark,but darkness is gaining. The veil between this world and the Otherworld is at its thinnest, and all manner of spirit visitations are more frequent now.
The hedgerows are beaded with berries,and mist lingers in the hollows. Sometimes the wind whistles in from nowhere and tosses baring branches. On other says, the mellow sun caresses the fields with slanting fingers. It is a time for reflection, but also for industry. In days gone by, preserves would be made for winter store and the help of the Good Folk would be sought by country people.
Absorb the atmosphere of the season by going blackberrying. In Celtic countries, there may be a taboo on eating blackberries, because these belong especially to fairies. However, as long as you gather them with respect and do not denude the bramble bushes, they will hardly object. Better still,leave out some of your homemade blackberry pie or wine for them,so that they will bless you. When this month ends, leave the blackberries alone and move on. Also look out for a bramble bush that forms an arch-so much the better if it faces east/west, for that mirrors the passage of the sun. Crawl through this three times on a sunny day to be healed of physical ills, especially rheumatism and skin troubles.
At this mysterious time, pay honor to Queen Mab. Her special gift is to bring dreams and visions to birth within us. She is really one of many manifestations of the Goddess, in her autumnal guise of wise-woman and Lady of Magic, and she is linked with ancient ideas of sovereignty- for the king drew his power from the land, and Mab presided.
Preferably at the Full Moon closest to the equinox,place good-quality wine in a stemmed glass or chalice,and take it into the garden or a secluded place.Raise the glass to the Moon,say, “Mab, I honor you”and pour some of the wine onto the earth. Drink a little and say, “Mab, I drink with you,” Then return home,light a bright-green candle beside your bed,gaze at the flame and say, “Mab,give me wisdom,” Place some jasmine or rose oil on your pillow,extinguish the candle-and drift into Fairyland. This is a little ritual that you can repeat during any Full Moon if you wish.
7. 🎃 Samhain - 🎃
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October 31 in the Northern Hemisphere/April 30 in the Southern Hemisphere
Samhain means “summer’s end” and is pronounced “sa-wen.” This ancient Celtic festival at the official start of the winter was later Christianized as Halloween- a time when the dead were remembered. There was always a sinister aspect to Samhain,because certain sacrifices had to be made in order to survive the coming cold weather. Animals had to be slaughtered,and some say that human sacrifice took place to propitiate the spirits. Sacrifice,however, is a corruption of nature worship,for life is hard enough as it is and all we have to do is show respect.
Barrow mounds,shrouded in mist,are particularly eerie places at Samhain. Draw close,if you dare,and sit quietly.Do you hear the strange,far-off noise of fairy music,or the sound of knocking? Maybe the mound will open for you and unearthly light will stream over the barren fields.After Samhain,the earth is given over to the powers of darkness and decay.No crops or berries may be harvested after this time,because the Phooka, a malevolent Irish Fairy,blights them. The true meaning here,of course,is that death and decay have a place in the natural order,requiring due honor and respect lest they get out of hand.
Traditionally, this is the start of the story telling season. While the wind whistles around the eaves or the mist comes down outside,gather family or friends around your hearth- preferably with a real fire burning in it. If you do not have an open hearth,substitute a collection of large,burning candles. Sit round and speak of times gone by and people who have passed over to the other side.Ask the Beloved Dead to be present, if you wish(but note that this is not a seance,and the Beloved Dead are invited,not summoned). Laugh,share funny stories,feast,and drink.
Cerridwen is the Underworld Goddess and the Fairy Hag most associated with this time. In her magic cauldron,she stirs a brew that confers inspiration and transformation. Simmer up a hearty soup of root vegetables or pumpkin, to share with friends,then light a black candle and ask Cerridwen to guide you through the darkness into the light. You will  be both safe and wise.
8.  ❄️ Yule - ❄️
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December 22 in the Northern Hemisphere/June 22 in the Southern Hemisphere
Yule is the Midwinter Solstice, when the sun again appears to stand still,as it did at midsummer,but the season is poised for the return of light. Celebrations of Christ’s birth were moved to coincide with the much more ancient solstice.
As you deck your Christmas tree,remember that the evergreen is a powerful symbol of the enduring life in Nature. Of course,is has a fairy on top of it,confirming that it is a festival of the Fair Folk,who also rejoice in the sun’s rebirth. Decorating your tree is an important magical act,for the decorations are fairy charms. Each member of the family should hang at least one special charm of their own,to enable a wish to come true.
Jack Frost is an active fairy in the cold weather,painting windows with intricate lacework. In Russia he is called Father Frost,the soul of winter,covering the trees in ice. Do not shrink from the frost fairy-go out and wonder at his works and he will reward you with hope and joy,just as in Russia Father Frost brings presents for the children on New Year’s Day.
By far the best-known and most powerful fairy at Yule is Father Christmas himself. Today we know him by his robes of red and white, but in the past he also wore green and other colors. As we have seen,red is the color both of life and death, and many fairies wear red caps. The hearty red of Father Christmas is a sign that he is an Otherworld being-very much alive,but not of this earth. He is recognized all over the world, as Kris Kringle in Germany and Pere Noel in France. In Brazil he is Papa Noel,and in China Dun Che Loa. He is the essence of Yuletide mystery,joy and renewal,and like many traditional fairies, he comes in and out via the hearth.
When all is quiet on Christmas Eve, get ready to welcome Father Christmas- light a candle and look at the stars. Pledge a gift for a friend and one for the world, and ask for a special gift to answer your heart’s desire. Write your wish on a piece of paper and “post” it up the chimney if you have an open fire. If not, burn it in the candle flame. Can you hear those sleigh bells?
(Art By: IrenHorrors On Deviantart -Link)
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Caffeine Rush: Chapter Seven / Decaf
W/C: 4k
Warnings: language, dirty thoughts, all of the dirty thoughts because Javi is a horndog, male masturbation... general spice. pining that could make a pine cone tremble.
A/N: welcome to pining central, enjoy your stay :) (ps when Steve says “Javier Peña” I need you to read that in the voice of Anthony Mackie going “SEBASTIAN STAN”)
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ordinary coffee that has had most of its caffeine removed from it before the beans are roasted.
You are a goddamn test on Javier’s self control. He feels like those biblical stories of men fighting back against temptation to prove themselves to God, except the only thing he has to prove is to himself. To you.
He’s always been enraptured by you, captivated by your smile and laugh but since you went ice skating, he hasn’t been able to get your body out of his mind. The way you fell asleep on him last night, nuzzled in like it was the safest place on earth. He could feel your breasts press into his skin, the warmth of your thigh hiked across his abdomen. If the past week has been some caffeine-induced fever dream, it’s becoming real now. You, a figment of his imagination before, maybe, are all flesh and blood and God, is he desperate for it.
Javier hangs around your apartment when you’re gone at work. He doesn’t have much else to do, considering you’re gone and he knows hardly anything about the city. He watches the daytime television on your couch, usually meanders to the coffee shop for a drink, spends some time there, and returns to the apartment.
He feels like he’s couch-surfing, like he did for a summer in his college years. He feels guilty occupying the space in your home, especially without payment. As he walks to the bathroom, he takes a long glance into your bedroom. The queen-sized bed is mussed, unmade before you left for work. The fitted sheet is pooled in the middle beneath where you sleep, the various blankets tossed about. It looks like the coziest damn thing he’s ever seen, especially after a couple of nights on a couch.
Javier almost thinks about giving in, waiting for you to ask him to sleep in your bed tonight then jumping at the chance. Maybe he will, if he’s tired enough. Maybe he won’t, but maybe he will. He can think of nothing better than the endless whir of the radiator as your perpetually-cold body nuzzles against him, brushes your nose against his bare chest.
It’s been a long time since Javi has fucked anyone, and he’s starting to feel it. He’s a little antsy, and the image of your body, your ass as you ice skate past him, haunts him like a bad dream- or rather some illicit fantasy he knows he shouldn’t be having.
Would you want him yet? You’ve told him you love him, but that was an accident. When he kisses you, you kiss back harder. Hell, you initiated the first kiss. You seem like you’ve been all-in on this relationship, taking things at a rushed pace that Javier certainly doesn’t mind. He spends a lot of the day contemplating that, standing on the tiny balcony of your apartment and smoking a couple of cigarettes.
At this point, he needs a distraction or he’s going to have to take matters into his own hands, quite literally. What better to kill the horny buzz making his head spin than to call Murphy?
The phone is in your bedroom, on the nightstand. Javier dares to sit on the edge of your bed, and actually moans aloud at the plush comfort, the way his ass sinks into it. Goddamn, he’ll have to get one of these. He wants nothing more than to lay back and fall into the bed, wait for you to get home and pound you into the comfortable mattress. But he doesn’t. He stays strong and picks up the phone, dialing the new Murphy residence in Miami.
After a couple of rings, a familiar voice answers. “Murphy’s.”
“Hey, bastard,” Javier chuckles, and he can hear the blonde man’s laughter from across the receiver.
“Javier Peña,” Steve drawls, dragging out the name. “Good to hear your voice, man. You finally come out of a ten-day celebratory drunkenness?”
“Don’t talk to me about binges,” Javier teases, but he smiles a little. He’s missed the man. He’s glad neither of them got in any trouble over the entire Los Pepes situation- God, that feels like ages ago now. It’s hard to believe he’s only been in D.C. what, eleven days? If Steve’s math is right, yeah. “No. I’m in D.C. still, if you can believe it. Just… bored.”
“Oh really?” the man scoffs, leaning against his kitchen counter in Miami with Olivia on his hip. “And why’s that? What are you still doin’ up there anyway? Thought you were goin’ to visit the old man.”
Javier shakes his head. “Plans changed. There’s, uh… there’s a girl.”
Steve lets out a wolf whistle, laughing. “And how much does she charge a night?”
“Not one of those. She works at a coffee shop around here,” he informs him. “She’s… she’s really something. Nothing I ever thought I’d be into. She’s gorgeous, man, and so energetic all the damn time. Seems like she has an IV of coffee from her shop,” he chuckles, looking off into space. He takes a pause. Steve doesn’t speak. “I wanna be with her Steve. I don’t… I don’t know if I can go back.”
He’s silent a little longer. “This is some kind of practical joke, right?” Steve says after a beat, barely holding back a laugh. Never has Javier been so sincere, so real and honest and open. And more specifically, he’s never been like this over a girl. Almost… mushy. Soft. “Tell me more,” he says, hoping the joke will give up.
Javier talks about you, describing every little detail with a grin on his face. He tells Steve about Tie Guy and ice skating and your piece of shit car, how you can spin in circles on the ice and how you remind him of a busy little bee, fluttering about the coffee shop.
Steve is genuinely rendered speechless; a hard thing to do. He blinks down at Olivia then straight ahead at the refrigerator, covered in photos and magnets and drawings. He can’t imagine Javier ever wanting something like this, like what he and Connie have, but he sure sounds like it. “That’s… something. Good for you, Javi,” Steve chuckles, resigning to sincerity. “I’m happy for you.”
Javier grumbles back. “Don’t get too happy. I have to go back to Calí in three weeks. She doesn’t want me to leave… I don’t know what to do, Murph. I can’t bring her with, you know that, but I can’t just leave her here. And I sure as hell can’t quit.”
“You could quit.”
“I’m not going to, how’s that?” Javier huffs and crosses his arms, annoyed by Steve and his goddamn wording loopholes. “I just… fuck. I’m gonna go think about it before she gets back.”
“She comin’ to your hotel? You sure you aren’t paying per night?” He smirks.
Javier’s quiet and Steve isn’t sure what it means until he talks. “I’m, uh, staying at her place. She insisted.”
Steve whistles again. “Damn. You’re whipped, Peña. Well, I’ll let you go. Call again soon. I miss ya, bud,” he tells Javier in a moment of earnesty then hangs the phone back on the receiver, bringing Olivia to her nursery to change her diaper.
Javi sighs and falls backwards on the bed, admiring the way the mattress holds his body compared to the couch. Yeah, he’ll definitely need to sleep in here tonight or he’s going to crack his spine.
The issue will be you. He could handle it on the couch; it was like a soft, adolescent form of love, innocent and warm. Of course, it could still be the same in your bed. But would it? Is there not a different set of implications that come with the two of you sharing a bed?
Snuggling with you on the couch was nice. Wonderful, perfect even. Javier loves falling asleep with you in his arms. But in your bed, arms curled around him, maybe even being his little spoon… that perfect body pressed flush to his own, your soft ass against his groin, your breathing pushing back into his chest… that would be an entirely different thing. And he wants it, he really does, but he isn’t sure he’ll be able to control himself.
He slept like shit the last night, to be honest. You on top of him prevented him from moving, and Javier is an active sleeper. His neck was at an odd angle and his back twisted. His body feels like it did after that fight with Tie Guy. He can’t- wouldn’t- invade your privacy of your bed without you home to give him the go ahead, but he’s so damn tired. Not even the coffee helps.
So Javier indulges in one of life’s little pleasures he rarely gets to experience: a nap. Curled up on his side on the couch, blankets pulled snug around his fetal-positioned body, Javier drifts off to the sound of the noon news on the television.
That’s how you find him when you come home. He’s peacefully asleep, his lips parted and mustache moving with his exhales. Well, he’s clearly alive. That’s good.
You’re not sure how long he’s been asleep, so you leave him, making yourself something to eat in the kitchen. You avoid the living room as you get settled in, changing out of your espresso-stained clothing and into something more comfortable.
When you’re all comfy, makeup removed and a warm sweater on, you sit at the other end of the couch. Javier’s curled into a ball, his feet just inches away from your legs. You hope when he moves, he’ll feel you there and wake. If not, oh well. He deserves the rest.
It’s gray and cloudy outside, and you snuggle into the corner of the couch while reading your worn copy of The Great Gatsby. It’s the one you’ve been re-reading recently, what you were reading that first day Javi wandered into your coffee shop and subsequently your life.
Javi wakes not long later, maybe half an hour, to the sound of your book crinkling. The paperback’s spine crunches with wear, and his eyes flutter open to see you tucked against a pillow. God, you look like an angel, the light from the cloudy day filtering in and illuminating you from the back. Your face is calm and peaceful, focused as your eyes trace the words of F. Scott Fitzgerald. “Hi,” Javier mumbles groggily.
Your expression turns to a smile and you set down the book. “Hey.” You take his legs and drape them across your lap, tracing your fingers across them. “How’d you sleep?”
He groans. “Okay. Neck hurts.”
“That wouldn’t be an issue if you’d just sleep with me,” you sing-song to him, stroking his legs through the comfortable pants he wears. “My bed is super cozy.”
God, does Javier know it. It felt like your love itself when he laid down and the warmth of it swallowed him, practically whole. “Maybe I’ll give in,” he sighs, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands. “How was work? Sorry I didn’t visit.”
“Boring as always,” you chuckle. “What did you do today?”
Javi frowns as he thinks about it, his brain fogged with sleep. “Not much. Called Murphy, talked a while. He’s doing good.”
“Good,” you nod and smile. “When will I get to meet this elusive Steve?” You ask, softly kneading at his legs through the blanket and frowning as you realize he’s wearing… jeans. “Wait, pause. Are you seriously wearing jeans?” you ask him and laugh, lifting the blanket to confirm what you already suspected.
He frowns defensively, crossing his arms. “Maybe.”
“Why the fuck would you take a nap in jeans, Javi?” You laugh.
Javier looks away, frowning. The stubbornness shows. “I don’t own many comfortable clothes besides what I wear to work, if you haven’t noticed,” he retorts, but you can’t help but giggle. “Plus I thought I’d only be here to get fired.”
You smile at him lovingly and cup his face. “You sweet, stupid workaholic. Let’s go shopping later, get you some cozy stuff.”
Javier warms against your touch but maintains a pout. “I like jeans.”
Rolling your eyes, you huff out a laugh. “Would a pair of sweatpants be detrimental to your wardrobe, Javier?”
“Stop using big words,” he groans. “I’m barely awake.”
The large mall is annoying to Javier, full to the brim with last-minute (or maybe prepared, he never holiday-purchases) shoppers. He holds your hand, shooting feisty glares at anyone that dares to bump against his or, god forbid, your side. “Relax,” you tease and squeeze his free hand. The other carries a bag containing two hoodies, three t-shirts, and two pairs of sweatpants. “You’re not on a mission, and you certainly don’t have the knuckles to pitch another fight.”
He looks at his hands and scowls. You’re right. They’re no longer black and blue but faded yellows and greens, a spare bit of purple over the bones. The fight wasn’t that long ago, really, even though it feels like an eternity.
You drag Javier into a favorite shop of yours. He follows you around like a lost puppy while you search through clothes. He even hands you one or two tops he thinks you’d look nice in. You kiss him on the cheek and he dares to smile for a moment before returning to his stone-faced annoyance at such a packed area.
The dressing rooms are nicer, much more spaced out and offering places to rest. Javier sits in a chair across from your little cubby as you try things on. Every time you find something, you come out and model it for him. He comments, always positively, gives a little applause and smiles at the twirl you give in the big trifold mirror.
There’s one pair of leggings that hug your ass tight. Javier nearly salivates at them. “I like those,” he comments. “They look comfortable.” The same follows with a pair of jeans, even more flattering. He crosses his legs and nods, giving you similar comments.
Then come the dresses and tops. They’re all low-cut, not the wintery clothing Javier’s always seen you in. They show off your cleavage, and one scarlet colored blouse with a low neckline and fluffy sleeves makes Javier’s eyes simultaneously light up and darken. “How’s this one?” You ask, tugging at the sleeves.
“How much is it?” He asks, leaning back and looking at you through lidded eyes.
“Uh…” you tell him the cost and look back up at him, expecting a comment. “Why?”
“I’m buying that for you myself,” he smirks up at you, eyeing you up and down in a way that makes your skin feel intensely hot. The sight is stunning to him, and your flustered smile makes the smirk a little more devilish.
Javier does end up buying you the shirt, and you purchase a few other things you liked. But that scarlet shirt is stuck on Javier’s mind in replay: the subtle valley between your tits, how they filled out the shirt just perfectly and tugged at the cloth covering them, the way they look painfully soft to the touch, especially through that soft fabric. He wonders if you were wearing a bra under it. Then he has to stop himself.
You eat dinner late, chatting mindlessly over everything and nothing. Javier has no work to speak of now, so he tells you tall tales of the hunt for Escobar, some exaggerated and some underplayed. He mainly listens to you, asks about your past and your future, your family and your job. He could never tire of your voice, the soothing lull that warms him from the inside out, just like your skin flushed in that goddamn red top.
He drives the both of you home, humming softly to the songs on the radio. He’s beginning to recognize more and more of the top-40 hits on a certain preset station, songs he’d never listen to on his own. He glances over at you, gazing out of the window, and feels his body warm again- not just in his heart, but his stomach and lower too. He dares to steal a glance down, at the soft swell of your tits in that sweater. God, he wants to get you naked.
But he doesn’t. He doesn’t know what you want and he’s too afraid to ask, too afraid to shatter this blissful phase of adoration without the sexual attraction. He wonders if you feel it too, if your clothes suddenly feel too restricting and too warm when you run a hand down his bare back.
The nightly routine ensues: you shower. Javier changes, this time into a new hoodie but leaves his legs bare, wearing only boxers on the bottom. He waits on the couch, and when you exit the bathroom, he takes his turn. He returns and sits next to you on the couch.
Tonight, when you ask him to share your bed with you, he doesn’t say no. In fact, he doesn’t say much of anything, just yawns softly and stands, taking your hand.
It’s a sacred space, your bed. Javier knows it. He rarely fucks women in his; whether it’s for his own privacy or fear they’ll fall asleep there, he can’t say. But your bed is such an intimate expression of you, and he can see it. He can see the divot in the mattress where you sleep, the way you arrange the pillows just right for your own head. It is a queen size, but it’s single-occupancy: until now, that is, and Javier feels honored you’re willing to share this holiness with him.
He gets into the bed on the other side of you, the warm blankets enveloping him, and he nearly lets out a moan at the comfort. Compared to the hotel bed and the couch, this is sleeping on a literal cloud from the heavens. He lies still, waiting to see what you do first. Not wanting to overstep anything.
His prayers are answered when you snuggle into his side. You rest your head on his chest, kissing his sternum through the soft material of the hoodie. A hand rests on the other side of your face, and your legs both encircle one of his. Javier smiles, wrapping an arm around you. He presses a kiss into your hair and murmurs a goodnight, letting his head fall back. He has no time to worry about this situation before he falls asleep.
He falls asleep almost immediately, which makes you chuckle through your half-conscious state. He seems to always radiate heat, Javier. Your layers of blankets upon blankets suddenly feel unnecessary when a heat source the strength of the summer sun fills your bed. His chest is strong and firm beneath you. The rise and fall of his chest is like a boat rocking on the ocean, putting you at ease and allowing you to rest.
Fuck. He knew this was a bad idea. Why did he do this?
The clock reads 1:48 and Javier is wide awake, staring at your popcorn-stucco-whatever the fuck it is ceiling. He wasn’t able to process this before sleep overtook him, before his consciousness was wiped and with it, his inhibitions.
Your body is pressed to his so perfectly. You sleep without a bra, and Javier can feel his arm being slightly sandwiched between your breasts, the way they press further into it every time you inhale. Your thighs are warm with sleep, and he can feel your core pressed against his hip, even while you sleep and even through the layers of clothing.
Javier feels like the embodiment of slime. You’re asleep and all he can think about is how fucking hot your body is, how much he wants to press you into this mattress and wake you with an orgasm. He wants to palm your tits and make your nipples harden through that flimsy shirt, to slide his fingers beneath your pajama bottoms and-
He can’t take it. He feels so wrong, the smell of you surrounding him and choking him like a thick perfume, even in its subtlety. He does not deserve to sleep next to you, innocently, like someone you love, when all he can think about is his own carnal desires.
Pushing back the covers, Javier gets out of bed before any more blood can flow to his slowly hardening dick. This is all wrong. He should not be doing this, thinking these things without knowing you feel the same.
But the guilt is as strong as his arousal. He watches you for a moment, torn between his options, before meandering through the darkened bedroom and finding his way into the bathroom. He turns on the bright lights and forces himself to stare at the bulbs, to make his pupils shrink from their blown state of sleep mixed with desperation. He’s fully awake now.
He needs to get the hardened length down. He can’t do this, can’t allow himself this suffering while you sleep in the next room.
The sink. Cold water. He gasps silently at the splash of the ice-cold water against his face, dampening the edges of his hoodie. It doesn’t work enough. Again. Nothing. He feels like a teenager, unable to control himself. The cold water is a good idea, though.
Javier strips down, trying to avoid the urge to take himself in hand and fix this here and now. Turning the water as cold as it can go, Javier turns on the shower and steps in.
Agony is the best term he has. It makes him want to squeal like a fucking pig as he shudders from the cold. It doesn’t work to force his erection down, but what use is it when it’s not something physical but mental stimulating him? The cold shock didn’t do shit. Javier’s still achingly hard. He turns the water warmer and sighs as it gradually turns to a tolerable temperature, one that he can relax under and allow himself to let out a deep sigh.
He has no other options, unless he wants to wait it out. Leaning against the wall, Javier strokes himself, biting his lip and hoping the water pressure will cancel any soft moans he can’t avoid. It doesn’t take long when he’s this aroused, when he knows exactly what the fantasy in his head would feel like.
Javier is panting and sweating, from the effort and the growing heat of the water. He feels disgusting but it feels so good, and he can’t help imagining you doing this to him, you spreading your legs and feeding the fire between his own.
It only takes a few minutes. He gasps as he cums, with a force he’s never brought forth with his own hand. He bites his lip so hard he’s sure he might cut it off, not allowing the desperate sounds to reach a level you could hear. When he’s done, he groans and cracks his neck. “Oh, little bee,” he whispers, agonized as he lets the water wash the evidence of his sins down the drain.
When he’s done, Javier walks into your bedroom, silently, in the dark. His previous boxers were stained with a patch of his precum; he can’t put those back on. He drops the towel and puts on different boxers.
After he’s changed, he looks at your bed longingly for a moment. The soft sheets, soft mattress, the soft body between them. But in Javier’s head, he’s forsaken his right to the warmth, the comfort.
When you wake in the morning, hours after you thought you heard the shower running, you find Javier is not in your bed. There isn’t even a warm spot where he lay, just your body shifted further from your normal sleeping position. When you wander out to make your morning coffee, you find him. He spent the night on the couch again.
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strange-lace · 3 years
Despite his best efforts, MK knew that he was a terrifying image to humans when he dropped his glamor. He loomed over most people due to his size, lower body plated with a dark exoskeleton with long legs which were sharp enough to impale someone without much effort. MK had tried to make it look less intimidating by painting bright little doodles all over his lower body. Soft and precise strokes decorated his exoskeleton with a couple of noticeably lower quality, lines shaky and uneven as if done by a beginner. Yet they were the ones he treasured the most. Particularly the large purple and orange hourglass symbol dead center on his spider abdomen.
"Am I doing this right sweetie?" She asked, long black hair pinned back to keep it clean yet it was still stained with streaks of paint. The same can be said for her worn robe, the faded fabrics speckled with rainbow flecks of paint. Her lips were pursed in concentration as the paintbrush shook in her hands.
It was certainly an image of the feared Spider Queen that few had the luxury of seeing and living to remember it, MK being one of them.
"Yeah mom, you're doing great. Try focusing on where you want the brush to go instead, it'll help smooth out your strokes," he suggested, having to contort a slight bit to see what she was doing. She followed his advice and happily finished the symbol.
"There! Now everyone will know to fear my little spiderling the moment they lay their eyes on him," Spider Queen cooed, putting the paintbrush away to pat MK on the head, accidentally staining his dark hair with the purple and orange paint which had gotten on her hands.
MK held a brief smile at the memory before letting out a sigh. 
Unfortunately, bright colors and cutesy symbols could only do so much against the large collective fear of demons, especially big ones with fangs and multiple legs. Which he was unfortunate enough to find out when fighting a demon who's whole speciality was glamor magic and could see right through him.
"That must be uncomfortable, squeezing yourself into such a small form. How about I give you a chance to stretch your legs for a while?" The demon said mockingly and before MK knew it, he was enveloped in a cloud of shimmering dust. Suddenly, everything was a lot smaller to him and MK was left to clumsily stumble as his two legs became eight without warning. He squinted as the world was now a lot brighter through his four eyes, colors even more vivid than before to the point it nearly gave him a headache.
Yet it all only registered to MK when he heard people start screaming about a giant spider demon.
“Oh no…” He whispered to himself, wincing as his vision cleared only to see civilians running away from him. And while he understood why, it still felt like a stab to his heart to see people terrified of him. The hurt quickly became panic once he hit what felt like a blockade to his magic, preventing him from re-activating his glamor.
MK was stuck like this for the time being.
“This can’t get any worse,” he hissed, freely skittering through the now empty streets now that he wasn’t at risk of accidentally stepping on someone. He was instantly proven wrong when he heard the twin sound of motors headed right him and MK had to dodge quickly to avoid getting hit by Mei’s bike head on and from Pigsy’s truck from crashing into one of his legs.
It just got worse.
"Alright demon, might be best to give up now-!" Mei froze mid-boast, face going pale underneath her helmet. She was soon joined by Pigsy, Sandy, and Tang who looked at what had her so shaken and their own confusion quickly transformed into their own individual shows of shock. Pigsy looked genuinely sick, Tang didn’t seem to be breathing with wide eyes behind his glasses, and Sandy’s entire being seemed to bristle as if to make himself look even bigger out of self-defense.
It dawned on MK once he saw they were all staring at the staff still clenched in his clawed hand.
That he was still holding while in his true form. Which wouldn’t look out of place as part of the Spider Queen’s forces, skin now covered in purple fur and eyes a dizzying bright green. And was still wearing his easily recognizable orange and purple jacket and headband now draped around his neck from the chaos.
MK now realizes that this did not paint a good picture in his favor.
“I… can explain,” he stuttered, wincing at the sound of his own voice: hoarse and deeper to his own ears.
He had no way of explaining this.
“What did you do to my boy?” Pigsy was the first to break the silence, eerily calm yet everyone could tell that his rake was close to snapping with how tight his grip was. Following behind him, everyone else’s shock and horror morphed into rage and MK felt his stomach tighten further and further in fear. Tang’s eyes were hidden behind the glare of his glasses with a stillness to him that made you fear he would strike at any moment before you could react. Sandy’s entire demeanor had changed in a way that made MK understand Pigsy’s past descriptions as him being a feared warrior.
And Mei?
Well Mei’s entire being was wreathed in green and vibrating with barely restrained wrath.
MK stumbled back on his eight legs, feeling incredibly small in the face of his family’s anger despite towering over them.
They didn’t know it was him. As far as they knew, he was just another demon.
He didn’t know if this was better or worse for him.
“We will not repeat ourselves, demon: What did you do to our kid?” Tang demanded with a glare as sharp as knives. MK soon found himself surrounded, breath turning shorter and shorter as his family came closer and looked ready to tear him apart if it meant getting the answers they wanted. Yet he could only see the image of the calabash copies of his family and mentor pouncing at him to prevent him from escaping, countless nightmares of them successfully trapping them in his “perfect” world weighing on his spine.
So it was only natural that he panicked when they all descended upon him as he remained silent, throat closed up in sheer anxiety. It had happened so fast but before MK knew it, he had bound them all in web cocoons without even meaning to. 
Yet he took the opportunity while they were struggling to free themselves to go for the most logical course of action according to his panic-ridden brain: run away, far and fast. He didn’t even know where he was going, all MK knew was that he had to make himself scarce around the city until he could finally use his glamor again. If he wasn't sick from panic, he could almost laugh at the image of himself struggling to balance all eight of his spider legs on the staff as he pogoed through the city.
So it shouldn’t really have surprised to find himself on the beach of Flowering Fruit Mountain, the monkeys scattering away in fear at the sight of him as he created a small crater in the sand.
The following silence was deafening, allowing his thoughts to continue to run wild without anything to focus on. He only faintly realized that tears were running down his face as the mountain breeze gently blew against him, as if trying to offer its own form of comfort as he spiraled. 
MK couldn't stop seeing the faces of his loved ones, his family, as they looked at him with such hatred and rage. He tried to keep reminding himself that it was only because they didn't know it was him, as far as they knew he was a random powerful demon who managed to get their hands on the staff. But tell that to his heart, which felt like it was genuinely breaking into pieces. The pain was enough to put MK to his knees, choking on his tears and grip on the staff tight enough to make the joints of his exoskeleton-plated hands ache.
"Kid? You here kid?" MK didn't even think, he found himself scrambling towards the familiar voice of the Monkey King, desperate for comfort. Sun Wukong grunted as he found his arms now full of a panicked spider demon but was able to adjust his footing before he could lose his balance. He let out a sigh of relief, no longer struggling to hold since he had lifted far heavier people in his long life. Questions died on his tongue as the sound of muffled sobs entered his ears, his successor’s face buried in his fur as if wanting nothing more than to hide from the world.
“What happened bud? You wanna talk about it?” MK was silent for a moment before he gave a garbled response in the Monkey King’s fur. “Sorry, what was that?”
“A demon messed with my glamor, leaving me stuck like this and they saw me. They didn’t know it was me and they saw the staff and they thought… they hated me,” he rambled, a fresh round of tears leaving his four eyes. Wukong remained silent but silently walked towards his home, MK still in his arms.
“Oh kid, I’m so sorry. You know that they wouldn’t be that way if they knew that it’s you. But that definitely explains why Pigsy called me, threatening to eviscerate me the moment he saw me if anything had happened to you,” Wukong gave a smile at the wheezy chuckle MK let out at the image of his boss and father figure calling the Monkey King just to rip into him. Yeah, that sounded like Pigsy alright. “I think I can fix up whatever that demon did to your glamor. Then you can hang out here for a while, if you want, before going back home. That sound good bud?”
“Yeah… sounds great Monkey King,” MK answered before letting out a yawn, now left exhausted now that the anxiety and panic has leaked from his system with the presence of his other father figure mentor there to comfort him. Wukong gave a chuckle, gently placing MK down on his couch and putting on Monkey King: The Animated Series without a second thought. Seemingly realizing that he was no danger to them or their king, the monkeys quickly began to use MK as their personal jungle gym without any fear. That seemed to do the trick, as he was now chuckling at the sight of the little monkey’s looking at the doodles on his exoskeleton with curiosity.
Wukong watched the scene before him with a warm look in his eyes before it quickly hardened as he slipped out of his home for a moment. Pulling out his phone, he gave a deep sigh to calm himself before tapping to call a very specific number.
“Sun Wukong, to what do I owe the pleasure?” A velvety voice answered upon the third ring.
“A demon severely messed up the kid and I figured you’d like to… return the favor,” he answered, voice dead serious.
The line went silent, the echoes of enraged hissing barely audible in the background.
“What did they do to my baby?” Any hint of playfulness was gone in the voice, the Spider Queen enraged to know that someone had harmed her son in such a way to make the Monkey King willing to contact her.
“Messed with his glamor and the others saw him, nearly attacked him thinking he was a demon that had managed to get the staff. He’s fine physically but he’s an emotional mess. All the kid was able to tell me was that they specialize in glamor magic. Think you can work off that?”
“Of course I can, what do you take me for?! But… is he alright?” Wukong smiled, almost quipping about her getting soft over the years but she could very easily call him a hypocrite.
“I have him with me and have everything under control. Just do what you do best S.Q. and I’ll keep in touch, ‘kay?” Everything about him was casual yet the look in the Monkey King’s eyes was nothing but fire that promised he would have burned whoever harmed his kid without mercy, if he wasn’t “retired”.
“Of course, might as well make use of your “retirement” after all. I’ll make sure to make our… displeasure to that foolish demon evident for the both of us. Take care of my spiderling Wukong, otherwise I will figure out a way to make you mortal to end you.” Despite her tone, Spider Queen was only half serious since she knew ending the Monkey King would make MK upset with her. And the last thing she wanted to do was lose her spiderling after searching for him for so long.
“Sure you will S.Q., I totally believe that. But until later, see ya!” Wukong said before hanging up, satisfied but antsy which was typical after every occasion he spoke with the Spider Queen. Walking back inside, he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of MK now fast asleep with the monkey’s cuddled around him.
Totally worth it.
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Surrounded by the Moon and Stars ✷ 27
Pairings: Sirius B, Remus L, [F]Reader   CW: Spoilers for HP OOTP, blood/injury, bullying, fighting, sexism A/N: There's a scene in here that references Chap 28: Snape's Worst Memory. If you want, go back and read the flashback scene. Everything that happens in the flashback stays the same aside from the addition of the reader.
【 Masterlist: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter 】
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Chapter 27: OWLs
The last month was spent with lessons being devoted to review as the OWLs drew near. McGonagall had given them their examination schedules and went over the procedure for the following weeks during their Transfiguration lessons. She’d gone over the rules; mentioned the ban of Auto-Answer Quills, Remembralls, Self-Correcting Ink and others of the same likes.
Nobody spoke a word to each other. Everyone was rushing to do any sort of last-minute studying. Emmeline kept quizzing James with cue cards but was interrupted as Marlene became too agitated, threatening to throw a shoe, politely, at the couple.
Nobody spoke a word to each other. Everyone was rushing to do any sort of last-minute studying. Emmeline kept quizzing James with cue cards but was interrupted as Marlene became too agitated, threatening to throw a shoe, politely, at the couple.
Their first exam, Theory of Charms, was scheduled bright and early for Monday morning and they were all forced to study into the late hours of the night. There was a manic gleam in Lily’s eyes as she re-read sections of her textbook, Remus flicked through The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5; Sirius and Mary were surprisingly calm as they practiced locomotion charms, Peter was so nervous that he kept dropping his wand. Dorcas had to be given Draught of Peace while Y/N was left practicing incantations under her breath, charming nearly every object in sight for practice. After all, Charms never was her strong suit.
“Fuck it,” Marlene announced, standing up to grab a bottle from their secret stash of Firewhiskey.
“You sure you want to drink that now?”
“I’m not getting pissed, it’s one drink.” Before Marlene had the chance, Remus grabbed the bottle from her hands and took a swig. “That’s against the rules, McKinnon, and you’re underage.”
“Remus John fucking Lupin! Stop abusing your prefect powers!”
But she and Sirius, of course, had their ways of coping with the stress.
“Do you — mmm — think it will be that hard?” Y/N said in between kisses. Sirius was the one to approach her.
Y/N had been doubtful about their situation, considering Sirius was flirting with other girls but they weren’t together. She knew that — she had no claim and besides, she trusted Sirius enough to not lie and deceive her had he been with anyone else.
Sirius’s hands flew down to unbutton her blouse and shrugged off his shirt. “Dunno. I’spouse I’ll get all Exceeds Expectations or Outstandings anyway. Don’t need — ah — to worry.”
Y/N tilted her head away from Sirius who pouted and quickly pressed another kiss. “Maybe you’re the arrogant toe-rag.”
“You’re too mean to me,” sighed Sirius, wearing a bemused smirk. “Watch your mouth. D’you know how many women — nicer women — want my attention but you get it?”
Inwardly, Y/N felt her heart soar. He’d just eased her speculations. “Me? Watch it?”
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.”
“Fine,” Y/N then peeled herself off of him, buttoning her clothes neatly. Her lips twitched up in a knowing smirk. “Be like that then.” And then she walked out the door, leaving Sirius to whine and chase after her.
“Wait — I didn’t mean that — wait! L/N! Come back, please?”
She was growing really fond of Sirius. Even hearing his name made her heart flutter.
When Y/N finally went to bed, she remembered about the career consultation she had with McGonagall and her persistence in helping her become a Healer. It left her wide awake.
That morning was deathly quiet as Professor McGonagall stood in front of them in the Great Hall as desks were lined in neat rows. Her eyes scanned every student before her hand went to grab the large hourglass sitting on the desk beside her along with any spare quills, parchment, ink bottles.
“You may begin.” McGonagall turned over the hourglass and Y/N heard the flipping of papers. Her heart thumped in her chest as she took one last glance up and then lowered her eyes on the paper and began to read…
June 8th, 1976
Maybe it was the combination of the sun beating down on their backs or the tension from the recent surge of Death Eater attacks or stress levels rising from OWLs and future NEWTs, but everyone was on edge that day.
Y/N was hiding in her little nook under the tapestry, watching the sun reflect on the water, glistening and calm before she rolled over, deciding to slip out. Yes, while it may be for her safety, being stuck with a partner to go everywhere was annoying and began to grind on her teeth. There was never a moment to be alone anymore, especially not with the stalking map.
They'd just completed their Defense Against the Dark Arts exam. So far, Y/N thought Potions was by far the easiest examination, aside from Herbology. She wasn’t looking forward to Transfigurations…
But as she roamed the halls, fanning herself with her review notes and debating if she should go find Regulus, a few students ran in the opposite direction. Their faces were filled with curiosity and surprise. Some giggled, others gossiped and a few gave Y/N questioning looks.
In fact, so many students were following the rest. A student, most likely a third year, came running past Y/N before she stopped them. “Excuse me, is there something going on today?”
“Oh!” A look of recognition crossed the student. “You’re Lupin’s girlfriend, right?”
“Sure... Why?” “Something’s going on by the lake with the Marauders.”
Y/N navigated her way through the crowd and out to the courtyard. Under a beech tree near the edge of the Black Lake where she and Regulus had spent their day trying to swim, stood a group of students. All wore different coloured robes, huddling together in a large circle. Distantly, she could hear a faint buzzing and caughten a glimpse of gold. A golden Snitch.
She pushed her way through the students. Amid the circle, there was a flash of familiar dark red hair and Lily’s voice. “You make me SICK.”
Lily stepped out of the circle and the only thing Y/N heard was James’ bombing voice shouting after her. “Hey, EVANS!”
Angry tears threatened to spill down as Lily ran away. From the corner of her eye, she watched as Emmeline stormed out quietly, but unlike Lily, tears were freely streaming down. Y/N could hardly see over the bodies and faces of the crowd as they pushed and bumped into each other.
She was about to chase after Lily until the bright flashing of lights caught her attention. A gasp went around and there in the air was Snape, hanging upside down with only gray underpants waist down. Pink soup buds were all over his face and mouth and Sirius could be heard saying something.
“Who wants to see me take off Snivelly’s pants?” James taunts, talking to the crowd. A large gash was on his cheek, blood cascading down and droplets sprayed on his robes. A loud round of cheers went round.
Remus finally stepped in hesitantly, whispering into James’ ear as his hand clutched his forearm, lowering his wand. Whatever he must’ve said to James finally kicked in as Snape thudded to the ground. She caught Sirius’gaze who went to open his mouth but it was too late as she turned around.
They hadn’t listened to her. They went looking for revenge.
There will be another time to be cross. Her priority was to find Lily.
She ran through the corridors and passed by an elf going to start preparing for dinner before stopping them. She had an idea.
“Please, is there any way you can get Jelly slugs in the next couple of minutes and bring them to Gryffindor's common room?” The elf gave a curt nod.
Y/N bolted up to her dorm and there, a bag filled with Jelly slugs was left on a nearby table as she snatched it. She knocked a few times on the door, hearing Lily’s sniffling. “Can I come in?” There was a faint yes.
As she opened the door and closed it, Lily didn’t face her, but instead let out a bitter, “Are you going to say ‘I told you so?’ ” Y/N cautioned. This was already the most either had spoken to each other in a month.
“Do you want me to?”
Lily let out a weak laugh. Y/N rounded on her, coming to sit on the edge of her bed. It stayed quiet until Lily spoke again.
“I’d known that our... friendship was falling apart. But I thought — I thought maybe… he would change? I thought… he cared about me.” Lily finally broke as tears came cascading down her face.
Her heart ached at the scene and opened her arms wide to let Lily hug her. Her head fell into the crook of Y/N’s neck as she wept and she was there to hold her until she stopped crying. In a muffled voice and through thick tears, Lily explained what had happened and Y/N swelled with ferocity.
“I’m sorry…” She muffled into her.
Y/N’s lips pulled into a tight, uncomfortable smile. She only wished Lily didn’t have to go through that to realize Snape wasn’t good. “I’m sorry too.”
Lily pulled away, still leaning on her as Y/N floated a box of tissues their way.
“I brought you something. It’s silly but…”
She took out the Jelly Slugs. Lily wiped her tears away and took the bag, studying it for a while. Lily gave a half cry, half laugh and went to hug her again. They stayed like that for a while.
Nightfall came and Lily refused to leave the common room, wanting to avoid the Marauders and the other students there at the lake. Marlene and Dorcas stopped by with food for them but kept their distance, knowing that Lily wanted to be alone.
There was a soft knocking on the door, Y/N got up to answer it. Mary was there. She looked tired, but that's all Mary had been looking like these days.
“Mary?” Lily asked, “What is it?”
“It's… Snape. He’s been sitting outside Gryffindor’s portrait for hours now.”
There was a shift in Lily who immediately got up, pushed past them without a word and marched down the stairs; gripping her wand with full force. Both students gulped, knowing not to get in her way.
Mary then turned to her, “Potter asked to speak with you. He’s asking to meet at his dorm.”
And that’s exactly what she did. Y/N stomped up to his dorm. Waves of rage followed off of her as she swung the door open.
“Lupin, Pettigrew, you should leave.” Her voice was void of emotions, empty, like a machine, as she stared down at Sirius and James. From what Lily said and the little she saw, she wasn’t mad at them.
Not only had James and Sirius broken their promise, their cruelty reached a new high, causing the mess that they were all currently in, but Sirius had also broken the little trust she’d given him. Admittedly though, a part of her anger stemmed more from Lily’s behalf.
Snape, by every means, deserved payback. But the way it was handled… James and Sirius might as well be the same as Snape. A prank, a hex, a couple of jinxes were great, but had James gone further like he said…
“What the fuck did I tell you.” At her tone, they both seemed to flinch.
“He deserved it!” Sirius said, standing up.
Y/N ignored him, continuing to stare at James. It only then occurred to him that she wanted an answer. She expected more from him than she did Sirius.
“He called you and Evans a you-know-what. Then physically harmed you and Moony — and then everything else. Why are you angry? He’s a daft —”
“Daft?” Y/N mocked, “I gave you one job —”
Sirius laughed in blatant disbelief, “He’s right!”
“Silencio.” Sirius went mute and she turned back to James. “What were you trying to do?”
He scoffed, “I was trying to get him back. He doesn’t get to treat you like that and not get any sort of repercussion.” James folded his arms. “You seemed fine with the pranks, what’s your problem now?”
“I’m fine with pranks because typically you and your boy-band prank a group for laughs. Even if he deserved it, you already crossed a line by pulling his pants down! Had you pulled off another layer —” “I wasn’t really going to do that!”
“How would I know that?” Then she whipped around to Sirius. “And you! I trusted you not to go do something stupid!”
James looked at them confused. She unmuted him. Sirius was not having it.
“You’re up yourself. Get off your high horse — white knight shit!” “Do you want me to mute you again?”
Y/N sighed, walking to sit on Remus’ bed while both Sirius and James defended their actions. She wanted to throttle them.
“Pureblood snobs,” she said out loud. “You do realize that if anything, you just fueled Snape even more? I don’t doubt that now we all have targets on our backs because of your little stunt.” The idea of what Snape was willing to do now after severing ties from Lily only scared her. She was reminded that yes, Snape was a highly skilled wizard, known for his hexes, fondness of dark magic, lingering with wannabe death eaters…
They both gaped. “We didn’t think of it like that —” “Because you don’t have to think about it! You made it worse!”
It was silent after that, as the implication of what she said sunk in.
“I —” Sirius sputtered.
James sighed, going to sit on Peter’s bed across. “I’ll make it right.” He wore a large white bandage, sliced open from Snape. Man, fuck Snape.
“Fucking idiots,” she breathed out. She tried to ease the anger from her system entirely. Instead of fighting, she left the room wordlessly and went back to her dorm.
June 12th, 1976
They’d just finished their Astronomy examinations which were held at night. The moon light was faint, ready to reach its peak in a few hours.
After Snape’s incident, Lily had given James the brunt of her anger. She gave him detention for the rest of the year with Professor Binns. Sirius had been given a good earful while she left Peter alone. Even Remus got a scolding for not stepping in and using his prefect influence.
Y/N had taken some time away from the Marauders, mostly out of respect for Lily who rightfully was upset about the entire ordeal. But with how the sections of the exam were taken, they were split into different towers; the girls in one tower, Y/N and the Marauders in another. She was forced to walk with them, because of their wonderful agreement: partners.
James was remorseful, along with Sirius who pulled her into a broom closet multiple times to apologize.
James, overall, was fairly beat up. After their squabble, the Snape incident, he and Emmeline had broken up. It had shocked her, confused as to why they broke up until Marlene chimed in; he’d asked Lily on a date during the Snape incident.
If it could get any worse…
Y/N decided to stay by Remus and Peter as they walked back to the common room.
Remus clenched his eyes shut every so often. He appeared to be in pain. His complexion was so pale she swore she could see the veins flowing with blood. It was as if his skin was not quite opaque but stretched thinly just enough to cover him. The muted light from the moon shone on his skin as a vein strained against his neck; waterline rimmed red, lips parted to suck in air like it was a struggle. She would’ve been worried, standing so close to Remus as his chest heaved, had he not looked like he commanded every inch of his body.
Remus was… alluring in the lighting. But his breathing hitched and everyone’s head rotated towards him.
“Are you —” She started.
“I’m fine,” he lashed. His tongue poked out to swipe across his teeth, gazing up to a nearby window. Alway the moon’s most watchful admirer.
The Marauders looked at each other.
“Alright,” Peter chimed, breaking the tension. “Moony’s been feeling down today. I’m going to take him to the hospital wing.”
James nodded, speaking cautiously. “Whiskers, let’s go?”
She shook her head. “I’ll walk back — go with him.” Remus needed their assistance more. There was this gaze in his eyes, golden and gleamed in the low light. It was like he was looking straight past them.
James shook his head. “No, we all stay in groups. It’s safer — for all of us.”
No, it’s safer for me. James and Sirius were fine, it was just her that needed the protection and the very thought made her sick.
They walked with her, stopping at the edge of the hall leading to the common room; both in a rush and Y/N didn’t want to hold them back anymore from Remus. They bid their goodbyes and James walked in front, leaving Sirius behind who gave a small smile and left.
She turned and walked to the portrait and there, sitting on the ground for the fifth time since that day; Snape.
“Get lost,” she snapped. “Lily doesn’t want to talk to you — let alone see you.”
As she was about to step into the portrait, Snape muttered, “Stupid Muggle.”
“Maybe if you washed your fucking hair for once, Lily would’ve returned your feelings. Go fuck yourself.” She hurled, wheeling around. Waves of rage flowed throughout her body as the boy stared at her, flooding with wrath.
The remark was his breaking point as he slipped his wand from his sleeves, his face pulled downwards in a sneer as he walked towards her. Before she could retaliate or register what he was doing, Snape already cast a spell. The look in his eyes told her to be scared.
Y/N flew backwards, thrown against the stone wall behind her as she fell onto the corridor floor. Her head slammed against the wall, hard. The impact was so great that the stone was covered in her blood, some of her hair caught onto the jagged edges. It was dizzying and she couldn’t properly think straight. She went to reach for her wand but saw it rolled a few feet away.
“Filthy Mudblood. I always wondered why a bunch of Purebloods would cling to you. Do they feel pity? Or are the rumours true and you’re their toy?”
Snape had bent down, wand digging sharply into Y/N’s neck. She mustered all the strength she had, yelling, “JAMES!”
“Pathetic,” he spits, “Can’t handle poor ickle Snivellus Snape?”
There was a loud ringing in her ears and her vision seemed to blur. She tried to push Snape away but instead, he pushed her against the wall roughly, her head slamming yet again. She cried out, tears now pouring from the hot white pain that shot right through her skull.
“James! J-James — Sirius…”
She could faintly hear the Fat Lady yell in the background, yelling at Snape to stop but. But he raised his wand, incantations ready to spill from his tongue as a bright red beam shot out from the darkness.
“Stupefy!” Instead of James, Sirius stood tall as he held Snape’s wand.
“Ah, the boyfriend — I mean, the other boyfriend. Well, Black, you need to start keeping her on a leash.”
Y/N was too disorientated to even understand what Snape was saying. Her head bled as she fought the urge to close her eyes. Sirius’ eyes were wide with terror as he stared down at Y/N as he digested Snape’s words.
Strangely, Sirius was quiet as he glared at Snape; chest heaving as if he was holding back.
“I’m surprised, really…” He flashed his menacing sharp teeth. “I thought it was a full moon tonight.” He grinned ear to ear, thrilled that had the upper hand now. All the colour from Sirius’ face drained in a second, completely caught off guard as the greasy-hair boy used this to his advantage. Using wandless magic, Snape pried his wand back from Sirius’ grip and quickly rose to his feet; wand pointed as he rounded him.
Snape continued, “Is that why your mates aren’t here? Helping that mutt of yours? Tell me, is he an experiment? Keepin’ him around for when you get bored.
“I bet you get bored often. What’s it like, having no family to return to?”
She didn't have time to even blink as two bolts of red came spurting out of each wizard's wand. Flashes of light illuminated each boy as sparks crashed together. The sound had Y/N scrambling towards her wand which landed a few meters away. Finally grasping her wand, she points it directly at Snape.
"Expelliarmus!" The last bit of energy she had was released, dropping her wand by her side as Snape's wand flew behind him. Sirius had walked up to him as he delivered a sharp punch to his nose and shoved him against the wall behind.
“Petrificus Totalus!” Sirius shouted. Snape became still, rigid in his hold.
"Why don't you take a trip down to the Whomping Willow tonight." Sirius muttered a counterspell as Snape picked his wand up and ran. “Deactivate the tree.”
As the echo of footsteps hushed, Sirius walks toward Y/N, taking her wand and his before shoving them into his pocket as he proceeds to lift her bridal style from the ground. She could feel the wandless magic he was using to help lift her, to avoid hurting her anymore. Before she could say anything, the pain in her nerves intensified. She felt like she was on fire. Sounds of whines and high moans left her mouth as Sirius began to panic, his feet surging forward as he ran towards the hospital wing. 
“Hey, you’re okay,” Sirius whispered, but it was directed more to himself rather than Y/N. She scarcely noticed him squeezing her hand gently. “You’re okay darling.”
Her arms felt heavy and darkness rushed over her like a thick blindfold as the last thing she saw were tears blurring Sirius’ vision, his body shivering in adrenaline.
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lifewithdavefarts · 3 years
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DaveFarts - Episode 11 “VoiceFarting” [Episode List] Tim and Adam are hanging out on... Liscord, playing some stuff together, waiting for Dave to join them for a game. When Adam unexpectedly has to leave however, Dave decides to do some… microphone testing.
“I’m going in as a mage ‘cause you fuckers can’t cast for shit” I heard Adam say right into my ears.
This was one of our usual game nights. We’d voice chat on Liscord on our own server and all that stuff. Adam was being, for the lack of a better term, kind of bitchy, ‘cause he thinks as himself as the most skilled gamer around even though we’re always reviving his ass. In the end it’s all in good fun of course, but we’d all happily mute him during a match if we could.
“Yes, Adam. Have fun with the ‘easy mode’ character.” I said, deliberately baiting him.
“Listen here you little shit” he immediately blurted “I can accept that you’re gay but I’m not going to accept the fact that you’re a scrub.” he said, obviously joking, though he did take skills seriously during a match.
“Yeah yeah but I’m the one using the axe, fighting enemies face-to-face like a man.” I kept teasing him. “How’s going up there? Still casting light arrows from your safe space?” I cackled.
“Excuse me???” his icon lighting up, the audio clipping “Why don’t we check your stats instead? Too afraid of looking like the scrub you are??? I literally made no mistakes last time.”
“Of course you didn’t: the chance of making mistakes is like 0% when you stand still and far from the battle.”
There was a moment of silence, then I heard Adam’s breath into the mic “You know I know where you live, right?”
I laughed but before I could continue this very deep and mature battle of wits, we both heard the sound notifying us that our bud Dave joined the voice chat. Now, whenever Dave joins, we usually hear every sound except for his voice, so we were ready to have our ears busted because of the noi-
“Hey noobs!” Dave greeted us, with a voice that was instead crystal clear.
“What the hell” both me and Adam said, our avatars lighting up at the same time.
“I see you noticed that you can now hear my beautiful voice perfectly.” he bragged, and rightfully so.
Normally we could hear his PC’s fans, what was going on down the street, cars passing by, atoms crashing into each others… farts. But now it was just Dave with his now-soothing voice calling us names.
“Are you finished?” Adam said.
But there was no response from Dave.
“Did he finally die?” Adam continued.
I heard a faint sigh of relief from Dave and then he went “Yeah, now I’m finished.”
I kind of suspected what happened but I didn’t say a word.
“Wait. You didn’t hear a thing?” Dave asked, puzzled.
Both me and Adam shrugged as if he could see us, but then said that no, we didn’t.
My detective skills told me that my gassy straight bud ripped one of his classic loud farts, but the new microphone had that “background noise reduction” feature (which my friend seriously needed) so it didn’t register his ass-blast as the old one usually did, so much so that Dave’s frequent farts would eventually turn into white noise for the rest of us. But now, his new headset was actually worth the price and all we could hear was indeed his voice.
“Can we just get into the game befo-“ Adam blurted, but was cut off mid-sentence by a loud, ear-piercing sound coming from Dave, though that wasn’t him speaking or screaming.
My fartbro really didn’t want us to miss what his ass is capable of, so we were both startled by a powerful, audio-clipping fart that completely overwhelmed our voice begging him to stop. And he did stop, but only after like 12 seconds. The rip was followed by the sound of Dave re-adjusting his microphone and laughing. “Hopefully you heard that now.” he chuckled.
I did hear it. I was very familiar with it. Truth is that Dave farting during our game sessions wasn’t anything new however. Even I was used to it, though that did pitch a tent in my shorts. I started wondering whether Dave was in jeans, shorts or boxers. Probably the latter, and shirtless, given that it was a warm evening. I tried to not to let my usual simp-ness over my bro take over me but apparently it was already too late, as I didn’t even notice Adam begin pissed off about an unwanted phone call.
“I’m sorry guys, I gotta take this one.” he said, annoyed. “Do not wait for me. Cya tomorrow I guess.”
And logged off, another sound notifying us that he went into the terrible real world realm.
“Alone at last, bro.” Dave said, in a flirty tone, just as Adam left.
I laughed and mindlessly switched to a different, this time single-player game as we needed at least 3 guys to play, one of those brutal action games that I suck at but I have to beat.
Dave did the same, with a similar game, and we both started gaming on our own but keeping each other company, like we usually do, occasionally exchanging opinions on what we were playing and so on.
“It’s probably his ex-girlfriend” Dave said.
“Yeah. I figured.” I simply answered.
Adam wasn’t really talkative about his personal stuff like me or even Dave, so neither us really knew what was going on. But if our bud didn’t want us to know, not fully know at least, then we respect this decision.
After a couple of more minutes of silence, I heard some sounds coming from Dave. Not a fart, this time though.
“Did you say something?” I asked.
I heard some muffled noises and then Dave’s voice, lower than usual though “I’m just messing with the settings here. I feel like sometimes the volume gets messed up.” and he was right.
“Yeah the audio is kind of low now.” I warned him.
I heard some more noises (keyboard tapping, mouse clicking, etc.) and then I heard him speak again.
Or, to be more precise, he did make a sound with his mouth, though those weren’t words; a loud belch, actually, right into my ears. Dave was more of a farter, but he wasn’t new to wild, incredible burps. I honestly prefer the more disgusting butt explosion, but I still tip my hat at my bro being a masterful air-bender from both ends.
“Yes, I did hear that.” I said, anticipating his question.
He laughed. “Thank you.” he answered, belching both word with care.
A couples of minutes of silence followed, with just me and Dave occasionally chatting but overall trying to be focused on our respective games. My straight bro was however not done with the “testing”.
“Are you hearing this bro?” he suddenly asked, trying not to laugh.
“No…?” I was puzzled.
“Wait. Let me just…”
I heard Dave removing his headset and as it got farther away from his head, a familiar sound got louder and louder instead, until it became unbearable.
“Are you hearing this now?” he shouted, though I could heard him over that sound.
The sound of yet another loud blast of gas, so loud it was glitching the audio. It was long and proud, dry as some of his best rips, and it just wouldn’t stop. The boss I was fighting somehow felt how distracted I was and one-shotted me with a swipe of his flaming sword but I couldn’t even hear any in-game sound ‘cause my straight gassy bro was basically farting right into my ears, albeit indirectly.
I instinctively reached for the pitched tent between my legs as the fart kept going strong and loud, so loud in fact that I had to lower the volume ‘cause my hears were starting to hurt.
After a grand total of 18 seconds, I once again heard Dave putting his headphones back on his head, wondering whether they were radioactive or melting at this point, due to all that poisonous gas.
“I gotta say… the sound quality is pretty spot-on. What headset are you using?” I joked.
Dave chuckled. “The same as yours actually. Thanks for the advice.”
We kept chatting a bit more as if he wasn’t a gassy teasing bastard but since he *is* a gassy teasing bastard I once again heard him, with no warning nor request from me, removing his headphones again and putting them (I assume) closer to the source of his underwear-clad ass.
Unsurprisingly, yet another manly, loud rip blasted through my own headphones right into my eardrums, renewing the hard-on I had only moments before. It sounded like a motorcycle passing by and I could only imagine how badly the stench was in Dave’s room. Lasting around 11 seconds, this time it got dangerously wet-ish towards the end, which I found hilarious but also made me rightfully worried about my bro maybe going a bit too far even for both of our standards.
“Dude.” I said, laughing a bit “You might want to go easy. That sounded risky.”
Dave, being the chill guy he is, just laughed about it. “Don’t worry, dude. I’m an expert.” and he ripped a short toot that was so loud I could even hear it without the microphone going straight into his butt this time.
We then kept gaming a bit more on our own. Dying over and over to that same boss made me think about how chill Dave was being -as usual- about my kink. I mean don’t get me wrong he always farted a lot while voice chatting but this time it was different, as he was now aware of my fetish. And, as always, I really appreciated that, just as I appreciated yet another thunderous blast, one that actually startled me, making me lose YET AGAIN.
“FUCK!” I blurted.
As the fart kept going, Dave moved the microphone closer to his face (but I still could hear the fart going) just to laugh at my gaming skills, completely aware however that his farts were a huge distraction on its own. He then planted the microphone once again in front of his butt and the blast went loud and proud.
“It’s just too easy.” he then chuckled, after finishing ripping that monstrous fart.
It was. I had to pause the game for a couple of minutes to calm down, the tent between my legs going harder and harder. Was Dave aware of this part as well? Of course he was, but he didn’t care. It was just a game for him, and he was constantly proving me how much of a pro gamer he was.
I hope he never gets nerfed.
End of Episode 11
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oliviaischillin1204 · 3 years
jelly cookies
Pairings: Platonic LAMP
Word Count: 2,106 words
despite Crofter’s being a main influence on this fic, it wasn’t inspired by the most recent video (which is why it doesn’t reference it at all). in reality, this is based on this one random ask that someone sent to August like,,,,, 11 and a half months ago LMAOOOOO. so yeah. fun times!
(also i guess tw for minor references to over eating, but it’s not graphic nor does it last long)
Logan was minding his own business as he made his way to the living room, when something grabbed him by the tie and yanked him into the kitchen.
“Ack-- what?” he stammered, before someone shoved a finger to his lips.
Loagn pulled back, eyeing the other side with irritation. “Roman, what are you doing?”
“I said shush, Pocket Protector!” Roman insisted, pointing to the kitchen counter with intention. Logan followed his gaze to see a tray of cookies on a cooling rack, freshly made and definitely delicious.
Logan turned to Roman, eyebrow quirked. “And you decided the two of us need to spy on Patton’s batch of cookies because...?”
“Because,” Roman replied, leaning close and speaking lowly, “I overheard him telling Virgil about these cookies. He said they’re jelly cookies, Logan!”
Logan’s eyes darted back ove to the counter, and now that he was looking closer, he noticed a nearly-empty jar of Crofter’s Jam sitting on the counter next to his other ingredients.
“... Ah,” Logan stated after a moment. “I must admit, the idea of jam-filled cookies is ingenious, and... incredibly tempting.”
Roman nodded slowly. “Patton said it was a surprise for us. We should-- we should probably wait for him and Virgil to come back before we eat them, right?”
Logan blinked, dragging his gaze back to Roman’s face. “Right. Of course. We should... wait. Definitely.”
They nodded at each other for a few beats. The scent of warm Logan’s Berry jam wafted through the air.
“... Or we could try a couple--”
“-- To ensure that they are satisfactory, yes, I agree completely.”
That was how Patton and Virgil found them 10 minutes later: Logan and Roman hunched over the tray, crumbs scattering the counter as they shoved the last two cookies into their mouths.
“Oh-- oh! Kiddos, what are you doing?” Patton’s voice made them look up, guilt and jam all over their faces. Patton and Virgil stood in the doorway, Patton with his hands on his hips, Virgil with his jaw hanging open.
“Dude, did you guys seriously eat all of the cookies Patton made?” Virgil asked incredulously.
“We--” Roman started, before looking at the tray with befuddlement. “Did we really eat them all?”
Logan coughed, wiping a bit of jam off of his cheek and licking his thumb clean. “We apologize, Patton, truly. We didn’t intend to eat the entire batch without you. We merely... got carried away,” he finished, slightly embarrassed.
Virgil scoffed. “And to think Patton wanted to do something nice for you,” he said, crossing his arms and shooting the cookie thieves a faux-stern look. “You two better be sorry.”
“Oh, I think they’ll be sorry soon,” Patton said softly, a strange look on his face. Something about his tone made all three of them look at him.
Logan furrowed his brow, one hand idly rubbing his full stomach. “I beg your pardon, Patton?”
Patton met Logan’s eyes, a small smile on his face.
“I said,” he repeated, “I think the two of you will be sorry you ate all those cookies very soon.”
Logan opened his mouth, probably to reply that he had already apologized for the both of them, but suddenly his entire body twitched, his hand gripping his stomach a little tighter.
“I was going to tell you,” Patton said in fond exasperation, waving a hand around, “that that was a brand new recipe, with a special ingredient just for you two!”
Roman’s hand went to his stomach now as well. He felt a strange warmth bubbling up inside of him, making his stomach flip in an oddly familiar way. 
“I-- um-- what ingredient, Padre?” he asked, aiming for casual but failing, feeling his legs start to go a little weak beneath him.
Patton hummed. “A little Crofter’s.” He looked between Logan and Roman, and his smile grew even more. “And a little magic.”
Logan and Roman jolted in unision, confused smiles coming to their faces.
“Sorry, what--?” 
“What do you mean, magic?”
“Oh my God,” Virgil said suddenly, eyes widening in delight. He pointed between Roman and Logan, laughing a little as he announced, “They’re tickle cookies!”
Both Logan’s and Roman’s eyes widened. They looked at Patton, whose small shrug and cheeky smile provided them no reassurance.
“Well, I know you two get too embarrassed to ask for tickles,” Patton explained, smile growing as he watched Logan begin to shift his weight back and forth, while Roman’s breath started coming faster and faster, “so I wanted to make it a little easier for you to get them! Why did you think I called them ‘Jel-Lee Cookies’?”
Logan and Roman froze. They slowly turned to look at each other.
Roman grinned sheepishly. “Hey--” 
“You-- you are figuratively dead.” Logan’s threatening words were completely ruined by the huff of laughter he let slip halfway through his sentence. His hands gripped his stomach, but it was useless: it was like he could feel a wave of tickles rippling across his midriff from his very core, and no amount of covering his skin could protect him from those sensations.
“Can I just say? This is pretty fucking hilarious,” Virgil interjected from where he sat atop the counter, his chin in his hand as he watched the chaos.
Roman shot him as much of a scowl as he could muster. “Oh, be quiet, you Hot Topic re-eject!”
He leaped forward, his body moving instinctively as he felt something fluttering at the back of his ribs. But, of course, there was nothing there; the tickles were coming from somewhere deep inside him, and he couldn’t escape himself. He wheezed, hands belatedly slamming over his mouth, as he crumpled to the ground in a flustered heap.
Logan was quick to follow him to the ground: he, too, rocked back and forth in a desperate attempt to ease the tickles coming from inside his core, but unlike Roman he couldn’t pry his arms away from his sides. He knew, logically, that he couldn’t protect himself from the waves of tickles running across his sides, ribs, and stomach, but that knowledge wasn’t enought to keep him from clawing at the invisible tickles over and over again.
“So...” Virgil said with a shit-eating grin. “What’s gonna happen now, Pat?”
“I don’t know, Virge!” Patton replied. “I didn’t plan for them to eat them all at once! Gosh, I wonder if that’ll make the tickles even more tickly? What do you think, Logan?”
Logan couldn’t answer; he was too busy squealing and desperately kicking his legs, despite knowing that there was nothing he could do to distract himself from the tickles.
“Pat-- Pat-- Patton!” Roman giggled, writhing on his back on the floor. “Please-- please, help us!”
“I don’t know how!” Patton replied, not looking bothered in the slightest. “I didn’t put enough in there to actually hurt you guys, but it looks like you’re just gonna have to wait this one out, gang.”
Logan shook his head, his entire face taken up by a giddy smile. “Cahahan’t! Can’t wait! Plehehehease!”
Virgil hummed, suddenly leaning forwards to cast a sly smile down at the two gigglebugs.
“Hey, Pat, what was that Logan was telling you a few nights ago?” he asked, speaking to Patton as if there weren’t two helpless lees laughing their hearts out on the floor. “Something about a study he read, about how digestion can be sped up by ‘tactile stimulation of the abdomen’?”
Patton quirked his head. His gaze darted between the two lees on the floor, wriggling around and squealing like pigs.
“Do you mean when he got Roman to hold me down while he tickled all over my tummy?” he asked slowly. “Cause I remember that very well. They said it was just to help my stomachache after eating too much at dinner, but I think they were just being meanies, huh?”
Logan and Roman shot each other frightened looks through their laughter, especially as Virgil hopped off the counter and Patton crouched down to the floor.
“Maybe we can help them?” Virgil asked, rolling up his sleeves and cracking his knuckles. Patton was already nodding, arms reaching for the closest lee on the floor, which just so happened to be Logan.
“Time to help your tummy-ache!” he cooed sweetly, but Logan gasped, weakly crawling backwards.
“Nohohoho-- no! Dohoho-- dohohon’t--”
He couldn’t even manage to get his pleas out through his laughter, instead collapsing back on the floor as he gasped for breath.
But to their surprise, Roman was already nodding, smiling wide as he practically pulled Virgil closer to him by his hoodie.
“Hehehe-- help me! Hehehelp mehehehe!” he begged. Virgil blinked for just a second before his face split into an evil grin.
“Oh, you don’t even have to ask, Princey,” he said darkly, and then he pounced, fingers digging and wiggling into the middle of Roman’s tummy.
Roman howled, head dropping back as his arms jerked to push Virgil away.
“Nahahaha-- huhuhurry-- plehehehease!” he pleaded. He threw his body from side to side, but Virgil followed him all too easily, massaging his stomach and cooing over his blushing face.
Logan watched the two of them through his own gasping laughter, so he was wholly unprepared for the feeling of two hands gripping him just above his hips. His laughter spiked dramatically.
“Nohohoho!” he begged Patton, who was kneeling above him with a half-sympathetic, half-evil look on his face. “No, nonono, dohohon’t--”
“Aw, Logan,” Patton cooed with a teasy smile. “You just need to relax, bud. It’ll be over sooner if you do.”
He paired the reassurance with massaging his thumbs deeply into Logan’s lower stomach, right above his pantline. Logan shrieked, hands shooting down and shoving desperately at Patton’s tickly grip to no avail.
“Tickle, tickle, Logan,” Patton sang. He rubbed small circles into Logan’s tummy chub. “That’s right, get all those little giggles out. Let it out, there you go.”
On the other side, Roman gave a particularly loud snort when Virgil tazed either side of his bellybutton. His arms finally jerked down out of his control and shoved the hands away.
Virgil scoffed. “You asked for my help, Princey,” he reminded him as he pried Roman’s arms away from his torso and pinned them under his knees. “You begged me to help you get rid of all the tickles, and I won’t stop until you're all tickled out."
Together, Virgil and Patton wiggled and buzzed their fingers all over Roman's and Logan's tummies, keeping them begging and pleading through their squealing laughter. For Logan and Roman, they didn't know which was worse: the teasy tickles coming from Patton and Virgil, or the pulsing tickles coming from within themselves. They couldn't get away from either of them, and both were driving them metaphorically crazy. 
Luckily for the two tickled-out sides, Patton and Virgil’s theory proved to be correct: the more they tickled all over Roman and Logan’s abdomens, the less they felt the waves of magic tickles coming from inside them. 
“Ssstohop,” Roman panted, weakly batting at Virgil’s hands. “I’m gohohood-- I’m good.”
Virgil immediately acquiesced, pulling his hands back and propping his chin on his hand to give Roman a shit-eating grin. Paton pulled away, too-- only to shoot down to Logan’s tummy and give him a sudden, noisy raspberry, shocking him into giving one last shriek of laughter.
“Sorry, sweetie,” he said, not sounding sorry in the slightest. “I couldn’t help it.”
It took several seconds for Logan to catch his breath enough to respond. “Whyhyhy?”
Patton beamed as he sat back up. “What’s wrong, Logan? I thought you liked raspberries.”
His words made both Logan and Roman whine again, both from the tease and from the reminder of their cookie mistake.
“We learned our lesson,” Roman insisted. He was busy covering as much of his face as possible, although his flushed cheeks were still visible behind his fingers.
“And what lesson was that, tickle addict?” Virgil asked, smirking when Roman peeked out to glare at him
“No more stealing random cookies,” he said sullenly. Logan nodded, arms still clutching his midriff like he still felt the phantom tickles.
“Apologies, again, Patton--” he started, but the moral side waved him off.
“No need to be sorry, ticklebugs!” he chirped. “Besides...”
He drifted off as he leaned back, craning his neck to look at something on the counter. The others followed his gaze to a small kitchen timer.
“The second batch will be ready in about two minutes,” Patton announced. He turned back to the lees on the floor, smile as sweet as Crofter’s jam.
“Who’s ready for a second helping?”
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Summary: You meet someone from Negan’s life. Continuation of thirds
Pairing: AU Negan x reader ((female, named Eddie) and others)
Tags: AU Negan, Negan smut, Negan x reader, rough-ish smut
A/N: no proof read. we die like men. also hella long
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Your farewell party was towards its end. Only a few of your friends and family members remained.
You were hanging out by the bonfire sipping on your seltzer.
You glanced over at Negan who was congregating with other adults. He was preoccupied with his phone. He typed a messaged and slide it back into his front pocket before saying goodbye to your dad.
“Hey, Klaus, I’m gonna head out” he said giving him a hand shake and half a hug
“We’ll see you” your dad said
“Bye Frankie, thank you” he gently shook your moms hand with both hands
“Anytime” your mom said gracefully
Negan then approached you across the yard, “Eddie. Good luck out there”
He gave you a very appropriate hug, contradicted by what he whispered in your ear, “Come for your gift later. Back door is unlocked”
You had to have a another piece of him before you left for another semester.
Once the party died down and your folks slipped into bed, you hopped the fence to Negan’s yard.
You came through the back door. Trying to be quiet, knowing the night hours amplified every sound.
After you slid the glass door shut you turned to face the room and noticed a woman standing in his kitchen fixing a drink.
You locked eyes with her. Your heart dropped to your belly.
“I- uh- I’m sorr-“ you began explaining, stepping backwards, your arm blindly searching behind for the door handle.
“Relax Eddie. Negan said you’d be stopping by” her voice surprisingly calming.  
She walked around the corner of the island, two glasses in hand. Your heart pumped harder with every click of her heels. You couldn’t help but notice how her navy blue pant suit hugged her lower half perfectly. Her white blouse teasingly revealing her chest.  
As the distance closed between you you admired her facial features. Sharp jaw, crisp eyebrows, and an average nose on warm ivory skin.
You watch her full long lips move in slow motion “Whisky or wine?”
“Uh- Whiskey” you said softly after the words registered.
“Good, cause I’m Italian” she laughed and handed you your drink.
I can’t be sober right now you advised yourself, and immediately took a swig, keeping a stoic expression as the alcohol burned your throat.
“Whoa! Didn’t even flinch!” she commented.
“Comn lets have a seat” she said as a gentle hand pushed you towards the living room couch.
You sat anxiously. Elbows on your knees, sweaty palms clutching your glass tumbler.
She sat more comfortably, leaned back, her outside leg crossed over her other, and torso rotated to face you.
Before she started any conversation you blurted out, “who are you?”
“You probably should have asked the sooner. Stranger danger, y’know” she joked.
“But who you do you think I am?” She asked curiously. Taking a sip of her wine.
“Uh, I think you’re the main lady, and I’m a home wrecker and I shouldn’t be here” you took another gulp of your drink, trying to dilute your fear.
“Well, I am the other lady-“
Oh god. You immediately brought the drink back to your mouth, but her hand tapped yours, keeping you from drinking too quickly.
“But I know who you are. And you’re not a home wrecker. Negan is my partner and I’m his, and we’re open”
Relief washed over you.
“You know you could’ve have led with that. Not this ‘I am the main lady’ shit” you mocked her, your defenses quickly falling with the new information.
“I know, but you just seemed fun to play with” she giggled.
“I’m Diana”
“So, Diana, Negan has told you about me huh” you were a bit embarassed. Not knowing what negan shared exactly.
Did he tell her you just had sex or did he provide details? Did he tell her how he fucked you in your bathroom with company right outside? Or how he held you down and came on your face?
“Yes. He has”
There was a short streak of silence before you spoke again, “How do you do that?”
She finished her sip, softly smacking her tongue on the roof of her mouth to savor her wine, before clarifying your question, “Do what hon?”
“Be with other people?” You sought guidance on your own relationship
“Well for one, we trust and respect each other. And we’re honest. So it’s not cheating.”
“When one of us sleeps with someone else we tell each other, get tested. And teach other new tricks” She smiled mischievously before taking another sip of her wine.
“But it’s not for everyone” she added when she saw your not so eager expression
You nodded, really listening to what she had to say.
“So how’d you meet?” You asked leaning back.
“I’ve known Negan for years actually. But we didn’t start a relationship until a year and some months ago.”
“I’m a physical therapist and I was working with one of his athletes after ACL reconstruction. And he stopped by well into her rehab program - with her parents of course - to clarify what she could and couldn’t do during practice. So I met negan then, that was about 8 years go”
“I’ve worked with a couple other of his athletes since then. He joins an appointment once in a while to check in on restrictions”
“But the first time we dated was after we ran into each other at a bar. He had just lost his wife and I was fresh off a divorce. We were there for eachother, emotionally... physically.”
“Though we didn’t last the first time. We were on and off again for like a year. We couldn’t stay loyal. We eventually found our way back, when we realized we couldn’t stay loyal to other people either.” She laughed.
“And here we are. Together, happy, understood.”
You nodded, getting a bigger picture of the situation.
“Where is Negan by the way?” You looked over the couch thinking he was hiding somewhere
“He went out to get some wine” she swirled her empty glass before setting it on the table
“Told him to re-stock before I got here. But he didn’t listen. Tells me he was a little busy.”
You knew that comment was a shot at you
Before you could respond you both heard the open and looked over the back of the couch to see negan walk in with a brown bag.
“Hey Eddie! You’re here!” He said excitedly un-phased by his girlfriend sitting next to you.
He walked over to you both
“Hey Dee” greeting her with a soft kiss
It looked so natural.
“Got your favorite,” he gestured at the wrapped bottle, lifting it slightly.
Negan walked into his kitchen and began prepping his glass.
“I’ll get you a refill” Diana tapped your thigh as she stood up and walked with both glasses to Negan.
You heard a quiet conversation between them and thought it best to leave.
“Hey, so I’m gonna head out” you stood up, “nice meeting you,” you gestured awkwardly.
“What! Eddie no, you gotta open your gift first” Negan said while pouring wine into the the two glasses.
“Ah, thanks negan, I’m sure it can wait—“
“Eddie.” Diana interjected.
She walked toward to you, until she was mere inches away. She was shorter than Negan but taller than you. Even without the heels you were sure she’d still have 3-4 inches on you.
“Are you sure you wanna leave?” She lightly put her hands on your hips.
You looked toward Negan. He just casually took a sip of his wine. Then It clicked.
She was your gift.
Your silence was enough for her. She slowly leaned in, giving you an opportunity to pull away.
Your soft lips met hers.
God it felt different. You wouldn’t say better than Negan or other men, but something about kissing this beautiful, grown woman was quenching something you didn’t know you were thirsty for.
Your alcohol infused tongues exchanges flavors but it didn’t stop you from continuing.
Diana pulled away. Too soon for your liking.
“Can I take this off?” She toyed with zipper of your hoodie.
You were completely underdressed but you didn’t expect an encounter with a professional woman. You expected a quick, hard farewell fuck.
You swallowed audibly.
“Yes,” your voice cracked slightly.
You weren’t wearing a bra. Your breasts immediately shifted outside your clothing as your zipper opened up. Her hands dragged up along your ribs, her touch trigged goosebumps causing your nipples to perk up.
“I like these,” she said kissing you again as her fingers pinched your pierced buds. Harder than you expected, not painful, but her force caused your mouth fall open breaking the contact with your lips.
She laughed, proud but not surprised that she was making you act like this. She brought her lips back to continue kissing you.
With your eyes closed, tongue busy, your hands reached to untuck her blouse. Her hands stopped their mannerisms on your nipples and gripped your wrists and pushed them away
“Nuh-uh” she rejected your actions.
Her hands till wrapped around your wrists, she walked you backwards to the couch you were just sitting on. Diana went down to her knees. She leaned to kiss your navel, simultaneously undoing your jean button. She kissed up your abdomen, between your breast. As more of her body made contact with you, your hips began grinding up.
She took a nipple into her mouth. Sucking on it before lightly biting it.
“Ahh” you moaned as she hooked her teeth on your horizontal jewelry and pulled  up - how negan had done the first time.
They definitely exchanged notes. She switched to the other nipple and did the same.
“Take these off” she gripped the hem of your pants.
You lifted your hips of the couch and she helped pull them through your legs. Exposing your wet pussy to her.
“Look at that” she brought her fingers to your womanhood and spread your juices.
You looked down the middle of your chest, Diana between your legs.
Without warning Diana sucked on you clit. Swirling her toungue around it at the same time.
“Oh god!” You whined “fuck!”
She started softly and quickly increased her suction causing you to squirm. Diana swooped her hands under your knees to pin your lower half open to her. Her force spreading your legs was comfortable, enough to limit your movements but not stretching you to your limits as most men would do.
She stopped completely. Pissing you off a little.
“You wanna come?” She asked, already knowing your answer
You nodded.
She returned her mouth to your center. Sticking her tongue out, her eyes locked on yours. She barely flicked your nerve bundle with just the tip.
“Ughhh” escaped you wantonly, your pelvis pushing towards her mouth.
She flicked it little more roughly every subsequent time until she had your whole clit back between her lips. Her tongue working harder than before.
“Mmmhhh!” You groaned intensely. Biting some of the fabric of your hoodie that you were still wearing.
“Oh god- Oh god” you moaned louder and squirmed harder.
Diana’s had to force you down more. “Ugh! Fu- fu- I’m gon—“
“Motheerfuckker!” Both hands pulled downward on the open waistband of your hoodie while your back extended - so much thought it was gonna snap
You rode out your orgasm, instinctively grinding your pussy on Diana’s mouth.
Your eyes closed as your chest continued to rise and fall heavily. Diana gave one of your inner thigh light pecks before releasing your knees from her grasp. She came up to your lips, her hands using the back of the couch as leverage, then you tasted yourself on her tongue.
“You’re beautiful Eddie” she whispered to you.
“Does she always come that hard?” She asked Negan, who you had forgotten was in the room.
“Hardest I’ve seen her” Negan said.
“Though, she’s always sensitive afterwards, which you know I like” he smiled
Diana looked at your eyes, and unexpectedly brought her soft fingers back down to your clit.
You automatically crossed your legs and tried to flip over under Diane.
Both Negan and Diana giggled. You followed suit, really having enjoyed your present.
“That’s cute Eddie” Diana commented on your reaction, sucking on your neck before getting up to walk over to Negan.
Negan handed her a second glass of wine and your whiskey glass.
Diana passed the drink on to you. You took a small swig and set it down on the table and reached for your pants on the floor.
Negan and Diane began kissing each other passionately, not minding your taste between them.
The smacking of their tongues and lips echoed softly.
You pulled your jeans up your thighs with your hoodie remaining unzipped.
Diana noticed you prepared to exit and stopped her kiss with Negan, and tilted her head towards you.
Negan turned to you, “What do you think you’re doing?”
You had a blank stare as your hands froze with your hoodie zipped halfway.
“We’re not done with you sweetheart” Diana added
“She means, there’s more to your present” Negan smiled
“Grab your drink” Diana said as she walked over and pulled on the strings of your hoodie, leading you towards the stairs.
You finished your whiskey as you walked up the stairs, before entering the familiar room.
Diana grabbed the empty glass from you hand and set it on Negan’s dresser along with her half full glass.
Diana led you the bed, “sit.”
she began undressing you from your two garments until you laid completely naked under her. She kissed you and rubbed her clothed body against yours.
Your hands were on her hips encouraging her movements. You attempted to untuck her blouse ignoring your failed attempt downstairs. She didn’t restrict you this time. You pulled her shirt from her waist band and unbuckled her thin belt. Diana stopped her actions to unbotton her blouse and tossed it to the side before resuming to kiss you.
“Dirty girls” you heard Negan enter the room. You could swear you felt your pussy release more fluids at the sound of his voice.
You propped yourself on your elbows and witnessed Negan remove his black shirt and kick off his boots. Diana hopped off you to remove her pants, leaving her in a lacey, beige bra and underwear set.
Negan stepped to kiss Diane, and unclipped her bra. He gripped her breast and eventually her ass and pushed her front against his.
“Mmhhh” Negan groaned when Diana broke the kiss and sucked on his neck down his chest, while a free hand rubbed him through his black Levi’s.
It turned you on, and you did something you never thought you would do.
You brought your hand to your womanhood and began touching yourself, feeing how wet your really were.
“Enjoying the view?” Negan commented.  
Embarrassment coursed through your blood, and you removed your hand.
“Don’t stop” Negan said, “keep playing with yourself darling.”
“Let go” Diana added, kissing down Negan’s abdomen
You brought your hand back to pleasure yourself. Circling your clit with alternating pressure.
Negan unbuckled his belt, and let his member free, pulling his pants to mid-glute.
Diana sensually sucked the head of his cock, Negan tossed his head back. She dragged her tongue from the underside of his base back to the tip. Eventually, taking him entirely into her mouth.
“Agh!” Negan reacted to the deep throat, “that’s it baby. Fuck!”
The sounds of gargling and slobber coming from her pleasuring him brought you closer to the edge. You began rubbing her clit faster, building up release.
Negan caught you getting close.
“Don’t come Eddie.” He said in between breathes, “wait for us”
You were so close but figured that what they would give you would bring more pleasure than what you could give yourself. You willed yourself to stop.
Diana popped off Negan’s dick and came to kneel next to your torso, head opposite of yours. Negan removed his pants and dragged you closer to edge of the mattress.
His long middle finger pushed easily into your wet entrance
“Mmhhh” escaped you.
He pumped his digit in and out while Diana rubbed your clit.
Negan removed his finger and brought his member to your center.He dragged it through your folds, teasing you. Your eyes alternating between Negan’s facial expressions and his cock.
“Fuck” you dropped your head back, desperate to feel him inside you.
“You’re right, Negs, not very patient” Diana laughed, lightly smacking your clit a few times, causing you to jolt in spontaneous directions.
“That’s what makes her fun” Negan explained, continuing to tease you with his manhood.
“Cause she’ll eventually-” one more drag of cock against you...
“Give in!” He pushed himself entirely into you.
“Ughhhh!” you moaned
Negan stilled inside you, you walls beating against him. He leaned down to kiss you, his hips making zero movements.
With his mouth still on yours he pulled out halfway and gave you one hard and fast pump, causing you jaw to open and break the kiss
“What did I tell you about punching above your weight class?” He said rhetorically
“And tonight, there’s two of us” He laughed
He stood back up and began pushing in and out of you at a moderate pace. Diana continued to rubbed your nerve bundle.
“Harder, please” you asked
“Patience” Diana reminded you
“Oh, shell learn patient after this” Negan warned.
He picked up the pace and your release was closer than ever. Especially with Diana working your clit perfectly.
“She’s close” Negan announced.
Diana brought her lips to yours. Negan fucked your harder and faster, you could feel his balls push against you, and the slapping sounds confirmed it.
Your moans were captured by Diana’s mouth.
“She’s gonna come” Negan said through his gritted teeth.
“Fuck!” You yelled into Diana’s kiss, you felt yourself come undone.
You tried to pull your lips away but Diana held you head in place to continue kissing you.
Negan slowed down his pace slightly after your orgasm but didn’t stop. Neither did Diana’s hand.
“Oh god! Fuck! Fuck! Ne— ple—“ You werent able to escape her kiss.
You tried to remove Diana’s hand from your pussy but she pinned it down. So you tried to pushed away from Negan further up the bed, but he pulled your hips closer to his.
You tightly closed your eyes, a few more seconds went by and you felt a second release. You heard gushing sounds matching Negan’s thrusts and felt your thighs becoming wet.
Negan slowed down and remained inside you, as your lower body twitched and squirmed.
“I knew wed get her to squirt” Negan said before celebrating with a kiss from Diana.
“You okay Eddie?” Negan asked still slowly pumping himself into you.
You nodded, your face covered by your crossed forearms.
He flipped your over, legs hanging off the edge, and he picked up the pace once more.
You tried to use the sheets to get gain some distance between your sensitive pussy and negans thick cock.
“No, you don’t” he pulled you back.
You felt wetness over your puckered hole, followed by a finger. Your glutes contracted involuntary.
“Relax” Diana tried to soothe you, “relax for me”
Negan slowed down. You a deep breathe in between thrusts and we’re able to relax a bit more.
Diana inserted one of her fingers in your anus and wiggled it inside you, Negan picked up speed again.
“Oh, already?” Negan exclaimed.
“I know you’re there honey” Negan knowing your were close, “Let us have it!”
“Oh fuckkkk” another orgasm hitting you Followed by a small release of extra fluids.
Negan leaned over your back and sucked on your shoulder and neck before congratulating you “Good job baby, you just might be able to go the rounds”
“Aghhh” you moaned into the bed as he pushed slowly and deeper a few more times.
Negan pulled entirely out of you, your walls pulsating every so often recovering from your intense orgasms.
“Aghhh” you let out softly as you felt Diana’s finger exit your picked hole.
Negan stepped into his bathroom to dry off a bit.
During this intermission, you brought your legs onto the bed, to lay on your side, facing Diana.  
You reached between your tighs to inspect your wetness. Maybe it was all in your head.
“Was that your first time?” Diana asked
“Um, yeah...”
“I’m sor—“ you were caught of guard when she brought your fingers into her mouth to suck on them.
You were mesmerized by her actions
She finished, chuckled, and smiled at you, “What were you sorry for?”
“Um, the—“ You stuttered pointing at the wet stains on the comforter “-the sheets”
“Don’t be sorry. I expect messes from dirty girls” Negan said returning.
“And you’re a dirty girl” he spanked you ass and firmly rubbed it after.
Diana positioned you face up and straddled you. She leaned to kiss you as Negan gripped Diana’s hips and entered her.
He pushed inside her more delicately than he’d ever done with you. You saw Diana’s eye lids flutter with pleasure at her lovers intrusion.
“Ah, Fuck” she moaned into your neck.
Negan fucked Diana on top you. He alternated speed, building up her climax while holding back his own.
While pumping into her, Diana whispered to you, “Touch me”
Frozen by her request you did nothing.
“Touch me” she repeated, reaching for one of your hands that rested on the outside of her thighs.
She brought your hand to her center. You hesitantly began rubbing her.
“That’s it Eddie” she encouraged you “just like that”
Your fingers occasionally bumped into Negan’s dick that was entering and exiting Diana.
Negan leaned over and whispered to Diana, “I need to come now”
Diana turned her neck over to give him a kiss of approval.
Negan snaked his hand in Diana’s hair and pulled harshly, followed by a playful yelp from Diana.
Negan began jackmhammering into her, making growling sounds that never left his throat.
“Ughh” both moaned, coming at the same time, on top of you.
Negan let go of Diana’s hair, and her body weight rested on you. Negan continued to slowly pumping himself in Diana as he softened.
He eventually exited her and flopped himself on the bed next you and Diana, catching his breath.
As Diana reached between her legs, you felt Negan’s cum drip from Diana’s pussy onto yours.
Diana collected some of Negan’s release on her fingers and brought them to your mouth.
You opened and sucked on them. Not breaking eye contact.
“Do you like the taste of me and my boyfriend?”
You nodded, her fingers still in your mouth.
Diana slid off you, to sandwich you between herself and Negan.
“So when are you back from school?” Diana asked.
“Christmas” you said through a yawn.
“We’ll have to get you another presents then”
Your stomach fluttered at her words as the three of you drifted to sleep, limbs stacked upon each other.
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multimetaverse · 3 years
HSMTMTS 2x07 Review
The Field Trip was a campy ep that recaptured some of the charm of S1. Let’s dig in!
S2 has often struggled with taking itself too seriously but finally we got some good campy fun that reminded me of why S1 was so great. North High finally come into their own as villains. The Howie reveal was very well done, poor Kourtney inadvertently being the source of the leaks. I can’t tell if Antoine’s accent is bad on purpose or not but he was funny tonight when he dragged Big Red and I loved how forward he was with Ashlyn. It’s good that the trio of new characters finally feel like they’re part of a larger plot rather than being somewhat random additions to the cast.
Lily continues to act like she’s on Glee which is exactly the right energy for the role. The stick to the stuff you know line was great as was Seb’s bop to the top retort. North High clearly won the dance off though Gina being in a skirt limited her. Lily was doing it with bad intentions but she was absolutely right that the rose song was a dig at Ricky and didn’t fit the musical and that they’d be disqualified for performing it. Miss Jenn should have already known they’d be disqualified for adding it and Ricky should have already been able to tell that the song was about him. I think it’s more and more likely that Lily is the party crasher who Ricky re-evaluates in 2x12 and she could well be the unexpected face time call he gets in 2x10.  
It took 7 eps but we finally got an ep where Gina wasn’t upset over Ricky and thank god for that; the constant angst was sucking the life out of her plot. Of course, the reason she wasn’t going through it is because she was spending her time with EJ. I think this ep should put to rest any notion of Portwell just being platonic. Some people are still clinging to Matt’s interview where he refers to EJ and Gina as friends but he was clearly being misleading, even if nothing else happens it’s clear that Gina is not just a friend to EJ. I’ve seen people try and claim that Gina and EJ are like siblings with each other or that they’re practically related because Gina is roommates with EJ’s cousin as if there’s some sort of Westermarck effect by proxy but family members don’t pretend to be dating. 
The morning show was a lot of fun and the fake dating was cute. In contrast to the last time they fake dated back in 1x05 we can see how much happier and more comfortable they are with each other now. Notably they had EJ circle back to it well after it happened which led to Gina’s line about everything going back to normal which is a tell that everything has not gone back to normal for them. We can see EJ’s inherent goofiness shining through with the Risotto inside joke they now have. Much like Joshaya on GMW there are valid reasons to not go ahead with the ship, although Portwell doesn’t have the creepiness or borderline illegality of Joshaya, but the chemistry between the characters is real and can’t be ignored. 
Rini hurtles towards a breakup which could come as soon as next ep. Hard to tell if Ricky was in denial or just too stupid to understand the songs meaning. I'd prefer the former since a 17 year old would have to lack basic comprehension skills to not understand that the lyrics were a thinly veiled attack on him.
Nini trying to claim it was just a song at the end was disingenuous, she didn’t want Ricky to hear it for a reason. Her deciding to use her given name Nina for her music account is obviously meant to symbolize her independence from Ricky since he first gave her that nickname back in the first grade. However, it makes Ricky seem like some malign influence on her basically her entire life when it’s not like he forced her to go by Nini or prevented her from going back to Nina during the 10 odd years of their friendship/relationship together.
Miss Jenn and Zachie were fun but such a risk on his part to steal the mask, that’s trespassing and theft and a sure disqualification not to mention the very real risk of being criminally charged. The door is now closed on Jike and Jachie and the path for Jazarra is open.
Rouge Grand was funny but I hope this Redlyn angst isn’t dragged out too long. 
Mob song wasn’t good, the skrillex beat drop was not needed. Around You was good though. I just noticed that Tim abandoned, or was forced to by covid, his plan to have 3 songs per ep instead of 2 which is for the best I think. 
Looking Ahead:
Looks like next week will be a big one for Portwell and EJ in general. We get Gaston, career day with EJ’s dad, and then EJ hanging with Gina and helping her knit which is very domestic. I’d bet if you showed that clip of them knitting to someone who had never seen the show  they’d assume the character were dating. So it looks like Mr. Caswell has bought EJ’s way into Duke which is no longer EJ’s dream, if it ever was.
As I said last week, there’s a clear path forward for Portwell to get together in the season finale and next ep will probably take a big step towards making it happen. We have the chemistry, we’ve gotten moments between them, and we know EJ’s feelings, we just need Gina to recognize her budding feelings for EJ. I think Gina running into Jack at the airport in 2x09 will help her clear her head on what she wants and a part of that will be whether she still wants to try and be with Ricky or does she want to take a chance with EJ.
Obviously S3 will almost certainly leave Portwell in the dust in order to do Rina for a bit which will piss off a lot of fans but Tim’s screwed himself over here; there’s really no way that this series ends without a large chunk of the audience being bitterly disappointed over who’s endgame. Love triangles are a done to death trope but they typically involve some minor characters who can written off once the triangle is over, not main characters who have to be in every ep no matter what. 
More Redlyn angst next week as well as the wildcats being benched for a week due to trespassing at North High. 
A lot of people think that the show is having Nini get into songwriting because of Olivia’s success but the scripts would have been written before she released Driver’s License and shot to stardom. She’s also still contracted for two more seasons though she’d clearly leave before that if Disney would let her. 
The Rini treehouse scene could well be the breakup, gotta go my own way would fit well if that’s the case. This is another area where Tim needs to tread carefully. He can’t have Rini hate each other or avoid each other for the remaining 20 odd eps of the series but also can’t fully close the door on them since he’ll almost certainly have Rini be endgame as they graduate from East High at the end of S4. 
At this point it seems pretty unrealistic that East High would win the Menkies but this is a tv show so who knows. There’s one big song left that would work for some of the couples they, Something There, which could work for Portwell, Howell, or Rina so we’ll see if we get it.
2x07 marks the last of the clips we saw in the original S2 trailer so we’re largely flying blind now.
Until next week wildcats. 
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flyboytracy · 3 years
Okay but what if Scott rly was Alan’s dad?
I was gonna post this for Earth & Sky week if I managed to complete it but it’s smol Tracy’s birthday and it’ll probably never see the light of day otherwise so why not :D
I’m always a ho for an AU so here’s one I started over lockdown called ‘Okay but what if Scott really was Alan’s dad’
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Long before International Rescue was a thing, the Tracy boys had lived on a farm in Kansas. It’d belonged to their late mother, God bless her soul, and these days it only grew crop for an environmentally friendly fuel because Tracy money came from technology instead of the earth.
The boys’ famous army father was gone for days at a time and there was plenty of rumours why that was. Mrs Wyatt who lived down the lane from the Tracys said she’d heard the man was alcoholic and probably had been for a long time because his teenaged son had been looking after the rest of them since his poor momma died. She saw them troop past her gate every day on their way to school and back, and then to the park on the weekends when their pa’s jet wasn’t on the drive.
Mr Colton, who lived at number fifty-four said he’d taken his son to the pool at the same time that the Tracy boys had been there without their father as usual. He told Vera that he’d overheard the youngest chattering away to the red-headed one about a rocket he’d called the TV21 until the eldest had overheard and shushed them. According to Mrs Johnson who was friends with Ms Hernandez at the school, Col. Tracy had budding engineers, astronauts and a future Olympic swimmer at the home he never seemed to return to. Instead it was Scott and Virgil who took their brothers to swim meets and galas and even to the Cosmosphere. Ms Hernandez could find nothing to complain about because all four of the Tracy boys grades were above average and threw off the teachers’ bell curves when it came to subjects like science and math.
That Scott boy sure had his hands full with three brothers, his own future and a possibly alcoholic father to look after, so the whole town was surprised when he went and knocked up the Austin girl after being crowned king and queen of their grad ball. Not much ever happened in the backwater towns of the sunflower state so everybody knew about it the morning after the night Pa Austin went round the Tracy’s farmhouse to have it out with the Colonel.
The rumour mill had been on fire for months after that because Mrs Johnson had been having her usual perm when she’d heard Ma Austin tell Shirley all about how her daughter’s boyfriend had been going to leave their small town after graduation. She’d seen the way the Tracy boy cared for his brothers and had expected he’d give up his plans to join the military if he had a kid of his own at home with her.
To the town’s surprise, it turned out that the Colonel was actually a long distance father and not an entirely absent one. Pa Austin had stormed to the farmhouse that night with his shotgun in hand, only to be greeted by a hologram of the great Colonel himself, sat eating dinner on a beach somewhere as his boys ate dinner round a table in Kansas. Austin had gone round with the aim of threatening at least one Tracy with his shotgun but hadn’t got that far because Colonel Jefferson Tracy could still dominate a room from over a thousand miles away.
According to Pa Austin, his fancy hologram was just as tall as the real thing and pretty sober which put paid to Mrs Wyatt’s theory that he was an alcoholic. In fact he was a Big Apple businessman now, and a darn good one at that because by the end of the evening it had been decided that his eldest son would join the GDF as planned and the child would remain with its mother but want for nothing. Tracys took care of their own and Pa Austin said he’d realised that when the colonel’s youngest boy had kept interrupting their conversation to show him trash he’d found in the pond at the park and Tracy hadn’t brushed the youngster off at all.
The big holographic man had promised they’d feed the ducks at the weekend, which meant half the town was hanging around the park come Saturday morning.
The youngest had appeared first, full of joy and enthusiasm that his older brother didn’t share as the red-head was dragged across the grass to the pond. The second eldest was close behind them and had a couple of toy boats in his arms which left the eldest Tracy boy and his father to bring up the rear.
They were deep in conversation when they appeared, the Colonel strolling along easily with his hands behind his back like an old fashioned gentleman. Scott was by his side and gone was the little boy always running to catch up. In his place strode a man and it was rather disappointing really.
The Tracys moved away shortly afterwards. Stan the mailman said he’d seen fancy suits taking pictures of the farmhouse and the Tracys had paid for their mail to be redirected but he couldn’t seem to find an address. The Austins had an address for the Tracys, but they also had a pretty hefty NDA in exchange for a very comfortable lifestyle and weren’t much inclined to break it just to satisfy everyone else’s curiosity.
It all died down after a while and people got bored of watching Sophia get bigger. Her old flame might’ve flown out of the picture but his presence sure was felt around town when Sophia got her own car and fancy place on the Tracy’s dime.  Ms Hernandez said the colonel had insisted Ms Sophia continue her education alongside being a momma to his first grandchild and Shirley heard there was a job at the Tracy’s family business when she wanted to get out of Kansas.
Nothing exciting happened in their little backwater until the day a private jet landed on the main street and Sophia was whisked off to give birth at a very fancy hospital. According to Ma Austin, she had a private room and the colonel had parked his jet on the roof since his son wouldn’t make it back in time for the birth.
They did seem to be a good family, the Tracys, even if they’d disappeared off the face of the earth in the past eight months or so. The only trace anybody could seem to find of them was on the Tracy Industries website where each son had a mention in the CEO’s bio but real information was scarce. They disappeared off Ms Hernandez’s records and there was nothing about them on any government website. Nobody was truly surprised that the Colonel had chosen to disappear because they’d come to realise a few things after reading his bio. For one, the fella was a billionaire several times over and two, he adored those four boys of his more than anything because his words about his achievements had been clinical but the paragraph about each of his sons’ achievements had made old Mrs Johnson cry.
Of course everybody wanted to know what happened but the Austins didn’t have a lot to say. The Colonel was a very nice man who didn’t seem to have taken offence to Ms Austin’s actions. He’d offered her further education and employment instead of the lawsuit most men in his position would’ve filed. There were rumours the fella was working on a top secret project that’d change the world, but in their little backwater there were rumours about everything.
Alan Tracy didn’t pay attention to any of those rumours as he grew up with his momma in a sleepy little town in Kansas. The little boy loved many things including his momma and their house that had a big garden with a tire swing and a sandpit he used to re-enact grandpa landing on Mars. He loved ice cream and going to the park and he even liked Kindergarten ‘cause he got to draw pictures of his family and space.
But what Alan Tracy loved most of all was his daddy. He didn’t get to see him a lot ‘cause he was learning to be a pilot like grandpa, but every Friday evening a fancy car arrived to take him a little way out of town where grandpa’s jet would be waiting to take him to the island for the whole weekend.
Sometimes grandpa flew it but he had lots of meetings around the world so other times he’d see Uncle Virgil through the window and squeal with excitement ‘cause his biggest uncle had the best toys. He was gonna be an engineer and could fix any of Alan’s toys, even the one that failed a moon launch. He had Alan’s undying love ‘cause the little boy could hang from his arm like a monkey and  he had lots of fun stories about his daddy. They were best, best friends and Alan liked to crawl into that big plaid shirt and bug him ‘til Uncle Virg showed him pictures of when daddy was little.
Uncle Virg wasn’t always around though ‘cause he was studying in Denver but that was okay ‘cause Alan had two more uncles to play with. Johnny didn’t really like to play but when he was home he let Alan play with his telescopes and taught him all about space.
Alan loved his daddy but he thought he might love space even more. He loved it when Johnny took him up to the peak of the island in the dark and they sat for an hour to watch for shooting stars. Alan had fallen asleep once on the big fluffy blanket and the best thing of all was when he woke to find daddy had an arm around Johnny’s shoulders and Alan had been drooling on his shirt.
“Hey, sprout.” Daddy had smooched his forehead when he’d noticed bright blue eyes staring up at him with joy, “I love you. John says you’ve been learning about the stars some more.”
“There’s Ursa Major!” Alan had stood up to be able to point out the little pinpricks of light that made up the Ursa Major Constellation and he still hadn’t been taller than his daddy, “Johnny says Ursa’s a big bear like Uncle Virg.”
“Johnny told you that, did he?” his daddy’s laugh had made Alan feel warm right down to his bones and he’d dived for a hug. Impossibly long arms had folded around him and Johnny, drawing them both into the safest place in the universe for so long they missed most of the shooting stars and Johnny made them go away so he could see the rest. Alan didn’t mind ‘cause dad swung him up onto his shoulders and let him get wet on the rocky beach by the villa since it was bath time anyway.
Alan loved Sunday mornings on the island when daddy was home. Alan liked to wake him up by bouncing on the bed ‘cause the sky was awake so they should be too. And then they’d get dressed in matching blue swim shorts and go for a run around the island and if he ran faster than daddy on the home stretch he was allowed to jump into the pool like Superman. Gordon was usually in there by then and kept an eye on Allie doing the doggy paddle in the shallow end whilst daddy went to get breakfast out the fridge. There was something cool that beeped super loud that time he tried to moonwalk on the bottom of the pool like an astronaut and Uncle Virg had dived in like a bowling ball to fish him out. Gordon had laughed a lot but Uncle Virg hadn’t even smiled ‘til daddy gave him one of those hugs that made booboos stop hurting.
Alan really loved his uncles but he loved his daddy most and it was hard to stand on the runway with Uncle Virg to wave goodbye. Uncle Virg didn’t seem to like waving goodbye either so Alan always held his hand to make him feel better and did his best to be like daddy so Uncle Virg wouldn’t miss him too much.
He seemed to end up being more like John as a couple of years passed and everything in his life changed. Grandpa took him to London to get measured for a suit for daddy’s graduation and he didn’t understand why Uncle Virg kept frowning at Gordon for laughing about daddy’s graduation from big school. He asked Uncle Virg what was so funny, and then Grandpa and Grandpa’s weird professor friend who used big words Alan didn’t know yet, but none of them seemed to know and even daddy missed a step when Alan asked him on their way to the fancy dinner Grandpa was hosting at his penthouse in New York for his newly graduated son. Daddy never ever missed anything which was annoying when Alan was trying to get hold of Gordon’s cookies but he’d breathed air the wrong way and Uncle Virg had to thump his back a few times.
Daddy had talked about how cool Alan looked in his little gray suit and Alan had been so happy he’d forgotten about his question ‘til after dinner when they were still at the table and he’d pulled himself onto Grandpa’s knee ‘cause Uncle Virg and Gordon were being loud and he’d been a tired little boy by then. He’d tried one last time to find out what was so funny about daddy’s last graduation and Grandpa had rested his chin atop Allie’s head.
“Your momma and daddy had you after his last graduation.” Grandpa rumbled, “You were quite an unexpected surprise for your daddy, but a welcome one. Gordon likes to remind your daddy about what a big surprise you were.”
“Your daddy was a surprise too, as I recall.” Grandma Tracy was sat with Grandpa and Alan loved visiting her but sometimes she made him cookies and he didn’t love those.
“I love daddy, not cookies.” he mumbled tiredly and fell asleep right there at the table.
That meant he missed the way his Grandpa coughed to quieten his four boys because he had something real important to discuss with them. Scott knew what it was, and Virg had an inkling because it was difficult to disguise underground excavations from a highly skilled engineer. They were sat together with Virgil’s elbow resting on the back of Scott’s chair and blue eyes softened when he realised where Alan had got to.
Alan had managed to sleep through the inaugural meeting of International Rescue and life was never the same again after he woke up.
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Six Strangers Walk Into a Bar: Part 3 (Severen x Fem!Reader) fic
<- Previous Chapter Next Chapter ->
Warnings: cursing, blood/gore/violence mention
Word Count: 3755
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It took you fifteen minutes to leave your room and rejoin the group. It had only taken about five minutes for you to calm down, but you spent the other ten running the events over and over in your mind. After those feelings of anger subsided, other less manageable ones surfaced. 
Like your attraction to Severen. You reached up to touch your neck, and you could almost feel the coldness of Severens lips on it still. It made you shiver, and you rubbed your hand over the length of your shoulder. Even when you'd been with your ex, you couldn't remember a time when someone had so blatantly protected you. When someone had made you feel the way Severen made you feel. You replayed the anger you'd seen in his eyes from even the mention of how he'd hurt you, and then the way he'd stopped your ex the second he'd looked like he was going to do something rash. Your ex had never hurt you before, but Severen hadn't been willing to take any chances. You bit your nail, wondering just how you got to a point where a murderer could be considered attractive to you. 
But, when you pushed those feelings away, other ones swallowed your stomach. If you were honest, you were mighty embarrassed. You hadn't meant to lose your temper, and you were sure that you weren't being as much as a gracious host as your mother had taught you to be. You'd yelled at someone, had a fight with your ex, in front of Severen, and his entire family. The only modicum of relief you gave yourself was that, technically, they'd done worse in front of you. Still, after you had completely calmed down, you left your room to apologize.
You stood in the hallway, and saw that all of them had seemingly gone back to what they'd been doing before your ex's intrusion. They all looked up when you re-entered the room, from the sound of someone approaching more than anything, and you tried not to let your face flush from the six pairs of eyes that found you. You pushed your hair behind your ear and said,
"Sorry y'all had to see that." You said, and went to busy yourself by getting a glass of water. You earned a round of chuckles in response, and Jesse soothed your nerves with a simple,
"Don't worry about it, kid." You looked over, seeing that he had found your ashtray and was letting a cigarette dangle from his lips. You looked over, seeing that Severen was doing the same. You quickly looked away, trying to push away the budding flower of attraction that was blooming in your stomach. Of course, he smoked. It seemed Severen had a habit of finding every little thing you thought was attractive in a man.  "Now, I still need you to make sure Severen doesn't cheat." Jesse continued, and you bit your smile back before hiding it behind the cup. Severen hadn't even glanced at you as he lifted his arm and gestured for you to come over, simply looking at his cards instead. You didn't know why you found it attractive, the utter certainty that you would listen. But, listen you did. 
You came over, deciding to stand and lean against him. It wasn't more than you had already done, you assured yourself. It was the only way to properly see his cards, and there was no harm in it. Those were the things you told yourself as his hand wrapped leisurely around your waist, and your arm wrapped around his shoulder. You saw the way Diamondback smiled at the sight, and you looked away to hide the growing blush on your cheeks. After a moment, your hand lifted to curl in his hair. It was surprisingly soft to the touch. Severen didn't say a word, but he grinned to himself. After watching for a moment, you said, 
"How will I know if he's cheating?" And this earned a laugh from the couple in front of you. You didn't exactly know what game they were playing, but Severen did a quick run down of the rules. You hummed, looking at his cards. It had bothered you before, his moment of cheating, but it dawned on you then that Severen would probably never do anything of the sort. Whether that was because of the watchful eyes of his parents, or the fact that he was of better moral standing. You bet on the former, but quickly you were asking yourself why it even mattered.
When your eyes started to get heavy and it became hard to stand, you decided that you were going to have to take your shower now or never. You'd excused yourself and grabbed a pair of pajamas to bring with you into the bathroom and a clean towel. You locked the door to the bathroom, stripped yourself out of your clothes, and let the warm stream of water wash away the events of that day. Or, well, night. After you'd done a thorough job of cleaning yourself and shaving, you stood there for an extra few minutes and tried to think of just what was supposed to happen the next night.
You weren't dead yet, and it was close to dawn. Neither Severen nor his family had tried to hurt you after the bar, and it almost felt as though you were- Well, there was no other way to put it, but one of them. An accomplice. Accessory to a crime. You let out a small sound, covering your face with your hands when you realized that's exactly what you were. Even if they left the next night, that was never going to change. And you still didn't have any answers as to what had happened while you'd been in the bathroom, but you didn't have the nerve to ask. You didn't think you ever would. You sighed, rinsing your hair one last time before turning the water off. You dried yourself, changed into your pajamas, and were attempting to dry your hair as you stepped out of the shower. Your eyes were heavy and your body was relaxed, ready for sleep. You thought to leave some towels out and a pack of toothbrushes you hadn't yet gotten into, so they could shower and brush their teeth if they wanted to, and called a simple goodnight to your guests. If you could call them that. Just after you called down the hall, Mae passed you. It seemed she was going to take advantage of your offer, and you decided you could stay up a few more minutes to offer both her and Diamondback some of your clothes.
"Just to use as pajamas," You stopped to stifle a yawn. "And I can run a load." You said, gesturing to a closet next to the bathroom, where the washer and dryer were tucked inside. "And I think he left some of his clothes behind too," You said to yourself, walking away to go to your previously shared bedroom to check. You'd thrown all of his clothes out of the drawers, and whatever you had hanging up in the closet. But, tucked towards the bottom was a suitcase of his winter clothes or things he hadn't gotten around to donating. You lugged it out, but Severen was quick to jump up to help you. He grabbed the suitcase while you carried a trash-bag full of the clothes he'd wanted to donate, and Jesse cleared the table so Severen could set both of them on top of it. You gestured to the clothes as you said, "Have at it. There's sweats in the suitcase, but the bag is full of stuff that was too big." You ended the sentence with a mumble, your nails making their way in-between your teeth before looking over to Severen as you said it. He was taller than your ex, so you guessed that any luck he'd have would be with the bag.
"You sure he won't miss them?" Caleb asked, and you looked over at the light-haired brunette. He seemed to be the most considerate of the bunch, and you shrugged. You pulled your hand away from your mouth as you said,
"I'm the one that packed them, so…" As far as you were concerned, he wouldn't even know that they were gone. You left the boys to filter through what your ex had left, and went to let Mae into your room. She stood there in a towel as you gestured to some of your older clothes, or some things that you thought would fit her. When she decided on what she wanted, you left her in your room to let her change with her clothes in hand, and saw that Diamondback was going to use the shower next. She stopped you, reaching out to hold your arm as she said,
"Thank you. You've been very kind to us." And you could feel your face growing hot from the sincerity of her words. You tried to joke by saying,
"Just don't do to me what you did to those people in the bar, and we'll call it even." And you were relieved when it earned a grin. When Mae left your room in a comfy pair of your old clothes, you had already put her old ones in the hamper. You yawned again, and she placed a hand on your back as she said,
"You can head on to bed. We can do the laundry ourselves." And you assured her you could stay up a bit longer. Still, when Diamondback came out of the shower and picked out her clothes, she told you the same. You had a harder time arguing with her, and you accepted defeat by retreating back into your room and letting yourself curl under the covers.
You'd woken up with a dry mouth about half-way through the day. The only good thing about not having a job was that you didn't have anywhere to be, and you stumbled out of your room in search of something to drink. You tried to be as quiet as possible, noting as to where everyone had decided to sleep. You'd figured that Jesse and Diamondback would've picked the guest bedroom. Mae and Caleb were curled up on the couch, tight in eachothers arms. Homer was nowhere to be found, but you thought you could hear snoring coming from the bathroom. And Severen? He had obviously tried his best to make himself comfortable in the corner booth. His legs hung over the end of the booth, even from his slightly propped up position. His head was lolling to the side, and you were sure he was going to have a crick in his neck by the time night-time came. You'd figured out as much to know that they wouldn't be up until then.
You took the time to move their load of clothes, which they hadn't decided to separate by color, into the dryer so it'd be ready when they all woke up. You drank down your water, set the cup in the sink, and hesitated at the hall. You didn't know what pushed you to do it, but, the next thing you knew, you were reaching over to brush your fingers through his hair and lightly stir him awake. He blinked his eyes open, lifting himself up a bit and looking up to find the source of the touch. When he saw you, you couldn't help but smile when he relaxed.
"C'mon. You'll sleep better in my bed." You whispered, nodding your head towards the hall. It didn't take much else to convince him. You didn't know what you were doing, or what had compelled you to do it. Perhaps it was his stupid face. Or the look he'd had when he'd been sleeping, completely relaxed without a smirk, smile, or flash of anger. Or, how, without his leather jacket and in his pajamas, he just didn't look nearly as mean as he once had. You crawled into your bed and Severen closed the door behind the two of you. It was a double bed, one big enough for the two of you. Severen toed off his shoes, but he didn't take off much else. He kept the jeans and tank top he'd chosen from the pile on, and you guessed that was for your sake as he climbed into the bed next to you. He shifted, trying to find a way to get comfortable before he ended up on his back. Almost as if he wasn't used to sleeping in a bed. He curled one of his arms behind his head and laid the other on his stomach, almost as if he was keeping the side towards you open, and you silently asked yourself why you had suggested this to him once more. You stayed on your side of the bed, he stayed on his, and you tried not to wonder when you'd stopped being scared of him.
It had taken awhile to fall back asleep. You weren't used to sleeping through entire days, but there wasn't much else you could do. You had a feeling that they wouldn't take to it kindly if you decided to leave your trailer, for obvious reasons. So, you had no choice but to stay put. And, if you didn't want to wake them up, that meant staying in your room. You fell asleep after Severen did, and after you tucked into yourself.
When you woke up, it was because you felt someone playing with your hair. You blinked your eyes open a fraction, making a noise before you buried your face back into whatever was keeping you comfortable in the summer heat. Denying the suggestion of getting up. The smell was familiar, a smell that had comforted you for years. And your ac had stopped working weeks ago, so you couldn't remember the last time you hadn't woken up with your sheets tossed off of you and sweat beading down your skin. You were perfectly comfortable, and you didn't want to get up. You wrapped your arm around the weight besides you, holding onto it like a cool pillow. Only when he laughed did you realize that it was Severen. 
You pulled your hand back, lifting it up in confusion. You'd ended up on his side of the bed, so one thing was clear. And it didn't help your embarrassment when Severen noted it by saying,
"Evenin', cuddle-bug." With a wide grin on his handsome face. Sometime during your sleep you had shifted over to Severens side of your bed and wrapped yourself around him. Arms around his waist, head on his chest, and even your legs were tangled together. You weren't necessarily surprised. You'd been used to cuddling up to someone every night for a long time now, and it seemed like you'd just gravitated towards him. Still, you blushed bright scarlet, and you moved to detach yourself. "Hey, hey, it's alright. You don't gotta go nowhere." He quickly said, and you paused. He stroked your head once more, and, for a moment, you leaned into the touch. It felt nice, nice to be in someone's arms again. Nice to wake up next to someone again. Someone that hadn't cheated on you with someone else. But, you quickly reminded yourself of the massacre from last night, and, suddenly, it was a little bit harder to let yourself relax.
He seemed to notice your shift the instant it happened, and he pulled away his hand to let you pull away completely. You sat up, crossing your legs criss cross and pushing yourself backwards until your back hit the wall. You stared at him, and you forced yourself to ask,
"What happened last night? What- Why-" But there was no way to properly ask the question burning in your mind. Or at least, no way to do it while keeping your composure. What did they do? Why was there blood all over their faces? Even if you hadn't gotten the words out, Severens face went grim. He sighed, drumming his fingers on his stomach before he suddenly sat up all at once. The suddenness of his movement made you jump, and then he slowed. Like a predator trying not to scare off its prey. He looked over at you, mimicked the way you sat, and reached for your hands. You let him take them, and you watched him closely as he began.
"We don't have a word for it, but," He paused, shaking out his hair. "I'm not like you. I've been around a long time, and," It looked like it was hard for him to explain, like this was something he'd rather show you than tell you, but he continued on. "We can do all sorts of things, amazing things, but the night has its price." It was like he was trying to make it sound not as bad as it was, and he gave your hands a squeeze. But, to you, they sounded like the monsters that hid in the dark. They only came out at night, hid behind human faces, and were capable of things you weren't. Straight out of a horror story, you thought. After a moment, you urged him on,
"And that price is..." You weren't going to leave any blanks, especially if it was something that was going to bother you for the rest of your life. But the way he looked at you? He didn't need to speak for you to understand. You already know what that price is, his eyes said. It was you that finished it then. "Killing." You whispered, and his lips quirked down into a frown. His voice lacked any of its usual humor as he said,
"Well, if we don't then they'll become one of us." And you stared at him for another long moment. That answered one question. Monsters weren't born, they were made. And, in this case, they were made by a bite. At first, you thought that it wouldn't be so bad to just let them turn, but then you thought about how many of them there would be. Perhaps not. You couldn't stop the question that left your mouth before you said it,
"And you don't feel bad about it?" You asked him, and he really frowned then. He gripped your hands tighter and leaned forward, the usual cruel humor in his voice when he asked,
"Do you feel bad every time you eat a steak? It's the food chain, darlin'. We just happen to be higher on it." And you stared at him. The way he said it so carelessly, without an ounce of regret, nearly made your skin crawl. He backed off a bit, and you guessed your distaste for his reply was showing through your eyes. But, he didn't try to apologize or make you feel better. You guessed he wasn't the type.
"Then, why didn't you kill me?" You asked, but this time he smiled. It was a wide grin, similar to the one he'd given you when he'd seen you first at the bar. He shrugged his shoulders and said,
"Because I like you." As if that was that. You stared at him for a moment, waiting for him to continue. But it seemed like that was it. Your eyes left his gaze, moving down to your hands instead. He gave them a squeeze, and your eyes caught a bit of movement. He'd leaned in to catch your eye, and you quickly looked up. He smiled when he had your gaze again, and your eyes followed him as he leaned back again. "And you said that you liked me." He added, and you looked away again for a different reason this time. Embarrassment edged at your mind, as did the flurry of emotions that you weren't willing to admit to yourself. You still found him attractive, even if you knew it was messed up. He was a killer. A predator. The only true predator to the human race that you knew of. But, you liked him, and he liked you too. 
You pulled one of your hands away to rub at your heated cheeks, trying to make them cool from the coldness you'd stolen from his hands. But, you found that another cold hand was catching your chin, making you look at him. His eyes were swirling with something, something you weren't quite naive enough to not be able to place. His thumb brushed against your chin, and he whispered, 
"It drives me insane whenever you do that. Littlest things make you nervous." He commented, almost as if he was saying the last bit to himself. You watched him closely as his hand travelled down so he could massage the side of your neck. Right over one of your arteries. His words made your heart beat faster at what they suggested, and the roughness of his hands made you shiver. That, or the lack of warmth from them. The idea that you got him tangled up the same way he did you hadn't really occurred to you, but it made your stomach do backflips. "I can hear your heartbeat getting quicker. Pounding out of your chest. Thinking about something, huh?" He said, chuckling lightly as his eyes drifted down to the expanse of your neck. It made you gulp, and his eyes were quick to retreat back to your face once he saw it. Your mouth was dry and your tongue was frozen, caught by his gaze and unable to think of a thing to say. A flirty response to match his. But, Severen liked to talk and he was fine to continue by himself, "At first, I thought you were still scared of me, but," His thumb brushed over your jugular, and you bet your heart was only thrumming louder. "You're not, are you?" It was a rhetorical question, and he was right. You weren't scared anymore, even if part of you knew you should be. He leaned in, pausing a moment when he was only an inch away. You let out a soft gasp, but you didn't pull back. Didn't reclaim the distance between you. Your loosened tongue didn't make a noise to stop him. Instead, after a moment of silent words passing between the two of you, you leaned a bit closer and reached up to cup his jaw when he closed the gap.
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