#theres just something about hot man standing with arms crossed
housewifebuck · 7 months
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coolkidstuffsblog · 1 year
misty x nat
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"misty..i dont wanna wear a dress." nat spoke "fine..just wear pants or whatever, its your choice dear." nat smiles as misty didnt even try arguing with her about who wears the pants or not.
misty giggles in the other side of the door "nat are you done?" nat hums "yeah you?" "yeah! kay im coming out now." misty heels click on the ground as she rushes to open the door and there revealed the beauty herself.
misty had red lipstick on with a bit of black eyeshadow, eyeliner and to top it off she had a red dress and her hair was in a bun held by a rose hair clip but a strand was out, her red dress exposed her cleavage just enough that the hickie nat gave misty almost showed "you should lift that a bit, the hickie is still there." nat chuckles "check it out nat!" misty lifted her dress a bit to reveal a thigh knife holster "hey how come i didnt get one!" nat says in disappointment "i told you to wear a dress but now i have to, plus i need to lure them in..remember?" nat nods "thats sick." nat smirks "thanks..i made it myself." nat smiles and places a hand around mistys waist "one kiss?" misty shakes her head "you'll ruin my lipstick and plus we may get there a bit late." misty winks as she turns to the door "come on mistyy! theres a couple minutes left." nat huffs as she follows misty downstairs.
misty sat in the passenger seat and pokes nats side with her red nail "nat..you arent mad at me are you?" nat scoffs "not even one kiss misty." misty shook her head "one kiss and all this is ruined."
nat sighs "fine..but you owe me." misty nodded "ofcourse." misty places her hand onto nats thigh to her satisfaction.
misty sat across the two men and shook both their hands "hello gorgeous." one of them spoke, he was very nerdy looking and he barely even dressed up for this interaction and the other guy was in a plaid shirt with a scruffy beard.
nat sat next to misty and the beard guy shook her hand "names scott." the nerd spoke "my name is joe." misty leaned onto the table and made eye contact with scott "my names clara..can you tell me more about you scott?" 'misty made a fake name so i should do the same.' nat held back a smirk as she watched the nerd burn into a bright red "my name sarah is..its nice to meet you joe." nat leaned onto the table and crossed her arms "tell me something..where are you from." nat secretly places her hand on mistys thigh making mistys breath hitch "well i work at a flowershop." scott spoke.
mistys eyebrows furrowed as she looked at nat but nat wore a smug look as she kept speaking with joe.
misty felt her hand go a bit closer to her crotch so misty places back on her thigh and whispers to nats ear "bathroom now." nat nods "excuse me boys, we gotta go to the bathroom." both men nod and watch as both ladies go and soon turn to eachother "mine is so hot." scott spoke "mines badass..wish i had yours tho..shes sexy as fuck i mean look at those tits man." joe smirks "man we aint switching..this is a one night stand so we better finish with this talking stage."
misty slams nat on the wall "what the fuck nat." misty growls "what..im just having fun." misty scoffs "nat! your gonna stop this..because how will i-" nat cut her off "yeah yeah one nightstand and shit..i know what im doing." misty sighs "fine..whatever." misty pulls away but nat presses a kiss on her collar bone "i'll stop..i promise." misty smiles softly as she opens the door and walks to the table.
scott and joe smirk "tell me..what color is it?" nats eyes widen in shock as scott asked misty the question "what is?" scott eyes down to mistys breast and that makes misty tense a bit "oh..well." she smirks and rubs the tip of her heels on his ankle "stick around and find out." misty winks at him making him turn a bright red.
"how about we go back to my hotel yeah?" scott stood up and took mistys hand "ofcourse, goodbye sarah..have fun." misty turns and begins walking off with scott, scott immediantly gets handsy and places his hand on mistys lower back then it slid down farther and that made nat pissed off "so where do you work at?" joe asks snapping nat back into the conversation.
misty sat on scotts lap as he tried unzipping her dress "wait wait wait..i gotta get ready." scott raises an eyebrow "oh alright." he lets go of misty and misty walks behind him.
pulling out the gun and gun whipping him causing him to fall off the bed to the floor "fuck." misty pulls out her phone from her purse and texts nat 'gotta find the files.' misty puts her phone back and began looking around but first she took his wallet and began looking thru everything.
nat drank beer and stares to joe as he kept speaking 'fuck this guy needs to shut the fuck up.' nat rolls her eyes as she remembers the plan again.
'whats taking her so long.' nat sighs "lets go to your room..yeah?" joe nods and stood up not even taking her hand but wrapped an arm around her waist 'gross.' nats face scrunched up but she quickly got rid of it.
misty and nat met at the parking lot "i got nothing..what did you get." misty spoke "i got his wallet and some stuff, you?" nat sighs "i got his wallet, turns out joe has kids and a wife but is out here cheating on em." misty sighs "god..men." she makes a fake gagging sound making nat bark out a laugh
"cmon lets go yeah?" misty smiles but before nat can go into the car nat pulls her in for a small kiss.
misty goes into the car with smudged lipstick and nat goes with lipstick on her lips "jesus christ,you were waiting for this huh?" nat spoke and misty nodded "wait til we get home." nat smirks at the words "fuck yeah."
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bluefuckboy · 3 years
Yakuza Dabi x f!reader
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Cw: mentions of crime related activity, implications of concubines
WC: 1400
A/N: @themotherofmoons I might be convinced to continue cos I mean 👀 also not edited so sorry for any typos
That was the name of the family you were to report to. You’d heard about their influence, specifically the head of the family, a man who was known by Endeavor. Like other yakuza syndicates, the Todorokis kept a low profile, making their presence known through other means. Situations had arisen and that was what had landed you here, a dolled up offering to hopefully appease the wrath of Endeavor.
You shiver slightly as you pass through the dark hallways of the large, lavish house. It’s decorated traditionally and your eyes travel over the various spoils, art and weaponry adorned upon the walls. The man escorting you is tall, dressed in a sharp suit like most of the men within such groups. His bluish gray hair is pulled back into a small ponytail, bangs sweeping in front of what can only be described as dead eyes. He’s rough looking, pale skin bearing an almost withered look, with a scars over his lip and one eye.
He reaches an ornate fusuma at the end of the hall bearing a dragon, coiled along the many panels that you now see line the walls around you. You find yourself clutching your kimono tighter, frightened a bit by the unnerving gaze of the dragon.
Your chaperone sides the largest panel to the side, revealing a low lit room. It’s set up like a bar, a long counter extending down one side of the room, with expensive looking furniture here and there. Men in suits mingle, casting their eyes toward you as you’re escorted past. You pull your kimono tighter around you as you feel their eyes follow you, standing out like a sore thumb amongst them.
When you reach the end of the room, the man gives an order. You watch as men shuffle out of the way, making a clearing. You peer past your chaperone to see another man, seated upon a large, velvety looking chair.
His suit is clearly the nicest of the ones you’ve seen from the group so far. It’s tailored perfectly to him, complimenting his lanky frame as he turns towards you. In the dark room it’s hard to make out any features other than his hands, which fold together as he rests his chin on them.
They’re inked all the way up to the wrist, most likely intricate artwork, but in the dark light it looks almost like discolored skin. The bit of light that illuminates his face has you trying to hid behind the man still in front of you. His face is also adorned with tattoos, a distinct pattern you’ve never seen before, giving him a haunting look. They stretch along his jaw, even up to his ears with dark ink under his eyes. You shudder to think of how painful that must have been, but he wears it proudly, smirking as he tilts his head to see you better.
The man who escorted you steps forward, leaning down to whisper in the tattooed man’s ear. Upon hearing his words, a vulpine smile breaks out on his face and the man laughs. When he speaks his voice sends chills down your spine.
“Shigaraki tells me you’re hear to see Endeavor…” he cocks an eyebrow, his blue eyes icy.
You swallow, nodding your head, respectfully staying silent. The man lets his eyes roam over you and you find yourself shying away from his gaze. He chuckles and leans back again, enveloping his face in the shadows as he speaks.
“I’m afraid Endeavor isn’t here and won’t be back.”
You wait for him to continue with something like “for a while” or “after a trip” but the man stays silent. Theres a chorus of snorts and chuckles from the men flanking him, which stops immediately as he raising a finger before continuing.
“I’m sure you’ve been sent here as a peace offering so to speak. You certainly are quite a delicate gift.”
You can feel your cheeks burn and you try to hide the blush behind your hand, averting your eyes. You hear the tatami floor creak as the man gets up and your heart starts to beat faster when he makes his way toward you. Now that he’s in the light, you can see he’s surprisingly handsome, dark hair that sweeps into his eyes, which are a shade of blue that has you staring before blushing again and looking away. You also notice multiple piercings in his ears and as you chance another look up at him, you jump, realizing he’s bent down to eye level with you.
Your heart jumps to your throat as you see the ink of the tattoos doesn’t meet the pale skin of his face, but rather rough scars, stretching under his eyes and around the whole of his bottom jaw. They almost look fresh, the skin has a raw texture to it and it makes your stomach turn a bit. The scars warp as he grins at you.
“Y’know. That old fucker wouldn’t have deserved a beautiful flower like you.”
You flinch as his fingers come to run along your jaw. It’s a caress however and you let him tilt your head up as they rest under your chin. His eyes lock with yours and your heartbeat pounds in your ears. His fingers against your skin feel hot, but they’re gone as he stands up again, crossing his arms.
“I suppose your family should be exempt from further incidents. Seeing as they’ve sent you rather than money or bargains” He chuckles, “I think you’ll also find I’m much more charming than my old man. He was never one for negations unless they ended with violence.”
Your stomach drops as you put the pieces together. The man before you is Dabi, the estranged eldest son of the Todoroki syndicate. He’d been presumed dead, but rumors had spread recently about a new group in town, headed by a man hellbent on taking over the most powerful syndicates. You can’t believe he’s standing her in front of you, clearly having reached that goal as his voice lowers to a dangerous growl.
“I dredged myself up from hell, moved through group after group until I was lucky enough to find someone close to just the person I was looking for.” His head tilts to the left and he croons, “Isn’t that right, Takami?”
A shorter man with dirty blonde hair goes stiff at the name, looking down at his feet. You can see what looks like a fresh scar that stretches from the bottom of his jaw down to below the collar of his suit. Dabi makes a whistling noise, like a bird twittering.
“He used to be quite the little song bird. Thought he doesn’t say much these days.” Dabi sighs as though it’s an inconvenience to even talk of such matters. The man named Takami clenches his jaw and you get the uneasy feeing it’s not a matter of him choosing to be silent, but rather that he psychically wouldn’t be able to speak even if he wanted to.
You haven't even noticed you’re clenching your kimono for dear life until Dabi says, “Relax a little, doll. You’re in better hands here than you would have been with Endeavor.”
He spits the name disdainfully from his mouth, but you can’t stop the slight shake of your hands as you let the silky material fall back down. Dabi tuts his tongue at the sight of the wrinkles within it and you go rigid as his large palms are suddenly smoothing the material down over your hips as he readjusts your obi. His knuckles brush purposefully against the undersides of your breasts as he slips his fingers between the sash and the rest of the garment. The touch has you pressing your lips, and legs together tightly as you feel heat start to pool in your stomach.
Dabi leans in, brushing a strand of you hair behind your ear, whispering words that have you hyper aware of the way you’re stating to wet the silken panties that match your kimono.
“You’re far too exquisite of a creature to be passed around as bribery,” His lips slip lower, breath hot against your neck as he makes you an offer you can’t refuse.
“Let me make you the wife of the most powerful man in Japan, and I’ll treat you like the goddess you are.”
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ppersonna · 4 years
the landlord - myg | m
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↳ summary- your air conditioner breaks right at the height of a recordbreaking heat wave.  good thing your hot landlord, yoongi, knows how to attend to any needs you may have.
↳ rating- explicit / 18+
↳ word count- 4.3k
↳ pairing- yoongi x reader
↳ genre- smut, light crack, PWP
↳ warnings- basically the plot of a porn, theres no plot, the plot doesn’t make sense, seduction, oral sex (m/f receiving), penetrative sex, dirty talk, fun laughing giggly time during sex, honestly yoongi is great and i love him, maybe exhibitionism if u squint ???, cum sharing, finger sucking, motorboating
↳ a/n- did i just write basically the plotline of a bad porno? yes.  did i love it? also yes.  this was lowkey inspired by my own landlord coming over to my place (that i DIDNT SLEEP WITH) and i answered the door in a state of undress :/ i hate myself lol.  anywwayyss! enjoy yoongi the landlord!  pls feel free to interact with me because i need constant attention uwu
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The inside of your apartment feels hotter than the blazing sun outside.  Your air conditioner chose the worst week to fritz on you. A record-breaking heat wave.
Nothing helps.  You open windows, blow fans, sit in front of your fridge, take cold showers. All just momentary bliss that ends too soon.
It finally breaks you and you muster up the courage to text your landlord, Yoongi.  
You inhale a deep breath as you click on the name. Min Yoongi, landlord.  Your eyes flutter shut for a moment without realizing.
Your landlord who lives in the same building as you is likely the hottest and most attractive man you’ve ever met. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a crush on the man. Every month, paying rent was torture. You wanted to fling your legs open to him and request he takes his payment another way.
But you never did. He always remained cool and expressionless and it was hard to get a read on the man, let alone see if he’s interested.
Your fingers slide across the keys, nibbling at your lip as you decide what to say.
[to: yoongi] hi! sorry to bother you but my ac appears to have died and im afraid ill be next at the rate of his heat wave 😩 no rush but id appreciate help!
Perfect. Simple, slightly cutesy. Emoji to express how chill you are.
Your phone vibrates almost instantly and a smile curves on your face.
[to: me] oh no, we can’t have that. haunted apartments are hard to rent out 😉 im out until late tonight but i can stop by first thing in the morning if that’s cool?
A flirty line? Is this… working?
[to: yoongi] tomorrow is great! and don’t worry, if i die i won’t haunt this apartment, i’ll haunt yours 😌
[to: me] see you tomorrow, poltergeist 👻
You’re leaping through the air at the idea of the hot landlord semi-flirting with you over text when you notice your apartment. It’s disgusting. Your face burns red and you instantly work on the space before Yoongi comes over. He can't see you like this.
Sleep is out of the question. After your ravage cleaning and polishing and organizing, you’ve worked up more than a sweat.  A cold shower helps for a moment but you end up lying in bed feeling slightly wet and very, very hot. The humidity is draining.
You change into an outfit of a crop top and g-string panties. You aim the 3 fans in your room to point around your bed for direct wind contact. It helps, somewhat.
Sleep finally comes as dawn breaks. It’s cooled off enough that the ambient air around you is finally tolerable.  Exhaustion overwhelms you, and you pass out, hard. Finally.
You’re broken from your exquisite dream of being nailed by your landlord when a loud knock wakes you up. It’s disorienting. You’re so tired you’re not even sure where you are at the moment, let alone who is at the door.  The knock sounds again and you scurry to turn off the loud fans and book it to the door.
The door swings open and reveals your landlord, Yoongi.
“Oh, hi!” You’re excited to see him, for reasons beyond fixing your air conditioning.
Yoongi steps in and looks like he’s about to speak but opens his mouth and remains silent. His cheeks tingle a light shade of pink and he’s staring at your body.  Did you drool all over yourself all night or something? What was he staring—
Oh god.
You glance down at your body.  The crop top you hastily changed into in the middle of the night hits you a little lower than where your breasts end. The G string is non-existent. It covers almost nothing, which is why you opted for it last night in your desire to get cooled off.
You take a step back from the sexy landlord still gaping at you and shyly cross your arms over your chest.
“I’m sorry, I—it was hot,” you mutter. “I’ll go change.”
Yoongi licks his lips, then snaps his eyes up to you and finds his voice. “It’s fine. It’s your home,” he swallows. “It’s hot in here, so stay comfortable. Don’t want to overheat you.”
His eyes stare down yours intensely. It feels like your veins sizzle, and it’s not related to the scorching temperature of your studio apartment.
He breaks the contact first and heads towards the panel in the wall where the inner workings of the air conditioner hide.
You wait in your kitchen, enjoying the natural shadow and shade from no windows and a spot to hide from Yoongi.
What if he thought badly about you?  What if he doesn’t find you attractive and thinks of this as a ploy to get him to lower your rent or something?  How could you recover from this?  Would it ever go back to being the same?
You’re anxiously tapping your fingers on the kitchen countertop, listening intently as the landlord fiddles with pipes and belts and mutters under his breath every so often.  Eventually, you hear a soft ‘aha’ and your air con kicks right on.   You think it’s the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard.   Instantly you feel the machine push out air. It’s lukewarm now from disuse, but soon it will be frigid cold.  You stand in front of the breeze and bask, arms open to let the wind blow through you.
Yoongi clears his throat, and it startles you, making you realize you’re standing in your house nearly naked, ass cheeks out on display, under-boob surely peeking out to say hi. Your face burns and it makes him chuckle as you jump and attempt to cover yourself somehow.
“How long was I standing there?” You ask quietly.
Yoongi can’t wipe the amused smirk on his face. “A few minutes,” he shrugs. “Glad it’s working now for you.”
The air rapidly cools as the machine continuously pumps out colder and colder air.
“Thank god. I owe you,” you sigh.
“Nah, that’s what rent pays for,” he smiles.
He makes his move to leave you alone, and you recognize this is it. This is your chance. You can ask him to fuck the shit out of you now. If he declines, well, the first of the month would start being more awkward. But if he accepts… it’s too blissful to imagine.
You grab at his arm as he walks past you.  He stops in his tracks, and his eyes travel to where your hands meet his skin.
“I’m serious,” you attempt to sound as confident as you can. “I owe you.”
He arches a brow at you and turns completely to face you. Your hands hover at the hem of your tiny shirt, lifting a sliver to give him a glance of the bottom of a rounded globe.
“Let me repay you somehow?” you ask.
A smirk lifts at one side of his lips. “You think that will cover the cost?”
Your cheeks heat and you pull the shirt up higher, determined to get him in your bed or die trying.
“I’m hoping.”
Yoongi’s eyes zero in on your tits. Rounded and full, nipples prickling in the fresh and rapidly cooling air.  He contemplates for a moment as he lets his eyes get their nice, long drink of you.
“Yeah, now that I think of it, that should be exact change.” He drops his bag of tools and approaches you quickly, hands cupping your head as he kisses you intensely.
He kisses you with all the fire of the heatwave outside, melting you from the inside out. You’re sure to be sweaty and clammy after you’re finished with him. He swipes his tongue over your lips, and there’s no hesitation to let him in. Your hands grip at his sides, pulling his shirt up as much as you can while trying to focus on making out with the hottest guy you’ve ever met.
He chuckles against your lips at your weak attempt to disrobe him and he reluctantly pulls a step away from you to take the shirt off. He stands there and allows you a quick look before he’s back on to you. His skin presses against your chilled nipples and the fire and ice sensation makes you shiver.
Yoongi kisses you passionately, you notice. Like a lover. It’s laced with deeper intention and you hope you’re not overthinking it. You will your brain to just shut up and enjoy. Emotions can come later.
Now, you’re the one to remove your lips from his and he pouts slightly at the loss. You smile and slide down to your knees, hands undoing the button of his tight jeans and tugging them down.
“Shit, babe, I think you may be overpaying me,” he admits. “Wasn’t that hard to fix.”
As a finger pulls down the front of his boxers to let his cock spring free, you flick a smirk up to his face.
“Then consider this my repayment for being late on rent all those months,” you state before shifting your gaze back to his hardened cock. It’s gathered pre-cum at the head and you wonder if he’s been hard and wanting since he got here and first saw you. The thought is intoxicating and spurs you on.
Your tongue licks up the slick at the tip that threatens to drip off, before it swirls around the bulbous head. Yoongi isn’t afraid to be loud, it seems. You supposed you wouldn’t be afraid if you owned the building too. Who will complain? And to who?
“Hoooooly fuck,” he gasps. “Sh—shit I might let you pay rent like this for the rest of your lease.”
You pop your mouth off and lick your lips, allowing your hand to grip his shaft and begin stroking him.
“I don’t want to pay rent this way. How about we consider it a perk?” You smile, pressing forward to kiss his tip teasingly.
“God, a girl who doesn’t want to fuck me just to take advantage of me? And she’s hot as fuck and wants to blow me for fun?” he quirks his head. “Shit, be careful or I’ll end up falling in love.”  
It makes your head spin a little and you suckle at the tip a little longer, making him keen, before you pull away again.
“Maybe that was the plan all along,” you simper, then take him in fully, letting his tip glide down your mouth to the back of your throat.  He groans loudly, and it’s the most satisfying sound. It makes you want to do this more. Every day if you could.
You get to work, sucking him in, allowing him passage to your throat, vacuuming your cheeks to add additional pressure, gliding your hands up and down the slick shaft to assist you in touching every single bit. Yoongi is thriving. He can’t believe his luck. The hottest girl in the complex, the girl he’s secretly pined over, is sucking his cock as if her life depends on it.
You’re salivating at the act now, saliva spilling out your mouth as you continue to envelop his cock quickly. You slip it out of your mouth to lean down and lick and suck at his balls, which makes him hum in absolute pleasure.  You don’t remain long—his cock is nearly pulsating with desire.  Your mouth returns to its rightful place and as you’re licking and sucking and pumping and stroking him, you maintain even and sensual eye contact with him.
You want him to know this isn’t a chore, a means to an end. You want him to know you’ve dreamt of him fucking your throat raw every night since you moved in.
Yoongi got the picture pretty quickly. His mouth drops open as he openly gapes at your work, giving him probably the best and hottest blowjob of his life.  
Your tongue swirls at the ridge of his head and Yoongi feels it snap—the tightness that holds everything back.  He fucks desperately into your throat, relishing in the feel of your gagging and moaning.  It didn’t take long until he was seeing it through to the end, pumping hot white ropes down your throat while he moaned out your name with a string of expletives.
The immoral pop noise your mouth made as you pull off his cock makes the blue-haired landlord standing above you moan.
“Fucking hell—where the fuck have you been all my life?” he sighs as he cups his hand under your chin. He beckons you back up, desperate to kiss you.  You oblige and return to standing, pressing against his body to pull him in to a dirty kiss.
“Upstairs, apparently,” you murmur.
He swipes his tongue on yours, tastes himself there, and decides he wants to taste himself on you all the time.  His hands slide down to your ass, the g string still curving down the line.  He snaps at the straps as you kiss, making you puff a laugh against his lips before pulling away.
“I’d be willing to fix your leaky faucet in the bathroom if you let me eat you out,” he offers.  
You’re tugging him towards your bed, knocking over multiple fans in the process, and flopping onto the mattress, landing on your back.
“Throw in fixing the squeaky wheel on my closet, and you’ve got yourself a deal,” you joke, spreading your legs to give him the tiniest clue of what lays between.
He sighs dramatically with a smile, “Needy tenant,” before he slips down to hover over you. He intends to kiss and lick every part of your body, starting with the tits that hypnotized him.
“Can’t believe you opened the door like that,” he chuckled as he plucked a nipple between his fingers and lightly rolled it.  “I thought I was dreaming.”
The feeling is instant, electricity sparking at the tips of your nipples and warming its way around your body, directly to your cunt.  You’re absolutely certain that by the time Min Yoongi reaches his mouth to your core, he’ll drown in it.
He moves forward and wraps his lips around the bud, allowing his hands to travel to the neglected one and to squeeze and pinch and prod.  He’s rewarded with your beautiful sighs and gasps—it’s sweeter than any song he’s ever heard.
He presses your tits together and rubs his face in the cleavage there, making you gasp and laugh at the same time.  He gazes up at you and flashes his gummy smile.
“I’ve really wanted to do that,” he admits, which makes you giggle again.
“Be my guest,” you approve.  He takes your reply and does it again for just a moment, before he’s kissing and sucking at the flesh of your breasts.  He wants to mark you, leave a piece of him for you to remember every time you see yourself.  You moan in appreciation and rub your thighs together, desperate at the ache that grows with every nip and nibble of Yoongi’s lips and teeth.
He seems to understand and trails down, kissing and sucking at your long torso, abdomen, hips.  He leaves little bruises everywhere and you want them to last forever.  You want him to mark you and claim you as his own.
His fingers slip around the thin straps of your underwear, and he tugs them right off.  He’s unable to stop the loud moan when he notices the slick that strings between them and your folds.  You’re drenched, and he marveled at how excited you were about him.
“Fuck, babe—” he sighs as he lowers his chest down to lie in front of your spread thighs.  Your center is weeping, slicked with your arousal and he can tell you’re desperate for friction, for anything.  “Look at this perfect fucking pussy.”
You whimper as you can feel his breath so close to where you need him.  
“Yoongi, please,” you whine.  “I’m so fucking horny.”
“I can tell,” he hums.  “Keep moaning my name like that and I’ll make sure you’re always horny and ready for me.”
He lowers his lips, hovering millimeters from your slit.  He holds it there as he watches your anguished face nearly burst at how close and yet how far he is, before he obliges you and presses into you.  
You gasp at the first swipe of his tongue on your clit.  He maintains a soft up and down motion on the nub and you’re already seeing stars.  He steadily increases the pressure and the speed, then spices it up by swirling his tongue around in different shapes, spelling out his name on your cunt with his tongue to remind you just who got you this fucking soaked.
Your legs falter and quiver as he slips his tongue deeper inside you, licking into your hole and nearly drinking you up.  He pulls back and devotes his attention to your clit and your moans turn from soft gasps and pleas to loud whines as he slips his fingers into your cunt and slowly fucks you, spreading you out.  He’s not small by any means, he feels he can get you ready to go.
“I want you to cum for me on my tongue,” he states, matter-of-factly.  “I want to feel you on my fingers.”
You nod, plucking at your own nipples with one hand as the other seeks purchase in his hair.  
“Can you do that for me, babe? Can you cum for me and get my hand nice and drenched?  I want to lick it off my fingers.”
His fingers get frantic and he splits his time between suckling and laving at your clit and encouraging you with illicit requests and praises.  
Yoongi continues, never letting up or even giving an inkling of a hint he’s tiring.  His hand works like a machine and he slips yet another finger inside your heat, making you arch off the bed.  He licks at your clit with just the right pressure, and he picks up the speed and it sends you tumbling towards your orgasm.  You feel the breath leave your lungs as it hits you, core and channel muscles squeezing him tight and legs shaking around his body.   Your moans echo off the small apartment walls, only drowned out by the sound of the fresh air-con still running.  
“Oh, my god Yoongi—” you pant.  “I’ve never cum so hard from oral in my life.”
He pulls his fingers from inside you as you come back down from your high and chuckles at your words.  True to his promise, he lets the slick glisten on his finger and marvels at it, before he’s popping the fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean.
“You taste so fucking good,” he compliments, and it makes your chest tighten and tips of your ears turn red.  “Fuck, I could eat you every fucking day.”
You smirk, still sensitive but feeling the desperate ache inside you needy for him and his thick cock.  Your legs spread open as he lays between them and you’re wiggling your hips to get his attention.
“I’m sure we could arrange something in my lease for that,” you tease.  “I could suck your cock hourly, honestly.”
He groans as he sits up between your legs, cock resting heavily on top of your mound.  It’s so close, so close to where you need it to be.  You appreciate the thick member as it rests and as Yoongi catches his breath.  It’s thick and long, on top of your mound the tip reaches to the tiny swell of your stomach.  You know you will not be able to walk tomorrow, that’s for sure.
“You’re telling me I could have been going down on you and been getting my dick sucked by the hottest girl on the planet this whole time and all I’ve done is give you shit about rent?”  
You stifle a laugh and spread your legs open wider.  “Looks like it.  We better make up for all that lost time, don’t you think?”
His cock is rigid, almost stone, and he agrees heartily.
“Fuck yeah, we should.  I’ve been dreaming about being inside you.”
He sounds so dirty, looks so sinful—it’s all so much and you’re almost begging for him to take you.
He reaches down to the pants on the floor that dropped and shimmies a condom out of his wallet.  You send him a look that he silences with a roll of his eyes.
“Every dude has one, chill,” he mumbles. “I haven’t gotten laid in like a year and a half.”  He pales as he realizes what he just said. “Not that it matters.  Or that I care. Or that you care—christ can we fuck now please?” He asks as he rolls the rubber onto his stiff cock.
You’re laughing a bit, not at him but with him, and you lean up on your elbows to kiss his lips.  “If it makes it better, I haven’t gotten laid in 3 years so I’m the loser by comparison,” you assure.
He wants to ask you how the fuck you haven’t gotten laid in that long because you’re the hottest god damn person he thinks he’s ever seen, but he realizes he doesn’t care and that it works out in his favor because Yoongi doesn’t like competition.
“Looks like the landlord needs to fix yet another problem of yours,” he winks as he lines himself up.  You lean back onto the pillows and sigh as you feel the touch of his head right at the opening of your slit.
In one slow motion, he slides himself to the hilt. It’s tight, so fucking tight even after one orgasm, and Yoongi nearly hollers at the feel.  He’s sure his eyes are rolling back in his head.  It’s warm and tight and wet and even through a condom he’s in absolute bliss.  He’s hoping one day he can try it without—fuck you raw and stuff you full of his cum.  
He’s still inside you, and after a moment to breathe and adjust to the thick girth of him, you’re whining.  “Yoongi, fuck me, I need you so fucking bad.”
A feral groan leaves his lips, and he’s off, beginning a pace that has him hoarse from moaning in no time.  He’s never felt so good inside a cunt before, never understood how some men could do crazy shit for ‘magic pussy’, but now he gets it—he realizes he’d probably do some dumb things for a chance to be inside you again.
“Oh, yeah—” you whine. “S-shit, you’re so fucking big, Yoongi.  Fuck me nice and deep.”
“Mmm, yeah? You want me to bruise your cervix? Want me to make this cunt remember my fucking cock?”  He thrusts harder, pushing into you with diligent speed and intensity.  “Gonna make sure you can never cum from another cock again, only mine.”
You’re losing your breath with how hard he’s fucking into you, both your moans and pants coming out in quick little bursts between his thrusts.
“Y-y-yes! Yo-o-ongi! Right there!”  He hits a spot that feels so good, and you feel the pull towards orgasm tighten.
“God—you feel so. fucking. good.” he emphasizes with a thrust. “Need to feed your tiny pussy my dick every day, hm?  Needy little cunt needs my thick cock.”
Tears form in your eyes.  The depths he reaches inside you nearly scrambles your brains—you forget everything that isn’t Yoongi and his perfect thickness spearing inside you.
“Yoongi! Gonna c-cum!”
He goes harder, becomes rabid for your second orgasm and wants to feel the way you squeezed his fingers on his cock, knowing the channel will feel even impossibly tighter.
“That’s right, good girl,” he praises while he maintains a punishing pace.  “Let me see you cum on this cock, baby, wanna see that pretty little pussy all creamy for me.”
His thumb rubs at your clit, moving it in circular motions, and diverts his eyesight between watching your full tits bounce and your lips open and close in pure bliss.  You’re the definition of fucked out and Yoongi feels a surge of testosterone at the sight—knowing he was responsible.
“O-oh! Th-there!” You’re frantic and he can tell you’re right on the edge.  He goes even faster, deeper and harder, and it’s the final straw.  You’re catapulted off the edge and thrown headfirst into your orgasm.   As he suspected, your perfect cunt pulsates around him like a fist and he’s groaning and stuttering as it triggers his own release.  
It takes a few moments for both of you to come down, before he pulls his softening cock from within you and disposes of the condom.  You’re breathing hard, and he’s smiling at the sheen of sweat on your body.
“Good thing I got that AC fixed today, hm?” He asks as he leans over to kiss at your lips.
You grin and pull him down to lay next to you, snuggling into his body.  He holds onto you and kisses your head.  He feels a level of contentment he’s never felt before.
You break the silence. “Now, as the landlord’s girlfriend, do I get any special perks? Like you’ll throw the utilities into my rent? Free cable?”
He chuckles against your forehead. “Not a fucking chance, babe.”
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© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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Wine tasting with Diluc
Diluc Ragnvindr | Genshin Impact | Wine
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The taste of wine always held a special place on your heart.
It was different, to say the least, something meant to be enjoyed and shared- for evenings alone in the comfort of silence, for gatherings of family and friends in celebration, for those who wanted to bask in each other's presence. Wine seemed to always play a part in these little blips of happiness and immersion, from parents allowing their children a sip to watch the digest on their faces, a chorus of laughter in response usually followed, or the long, agonizing, life lessons about the responsibility that comes with any drink of its type.
So in this new world, this new land, with nothing but two new friends by your side- wine seemed to hold the same meaning it did back home.
And he was always there.
Diluc Ragnvindr of Mondstat.
A man of few words, usually secluded, preffering the company of few and far between- a falcon being one of the lucky ones. Distant, is what you would have described him at first, walking into the tavern with Aether and Paimon by your side, watching how he spoke, the way his body moved.
Soon enough, you found yourself thinking of him in a different light: dejected.
The small dips in tone whenever you spoke of your family, downhearted sighs when the topic of siblings was brought up, the tense, choking, air whenever your father was brought up.
And now, he's something else, and you don't know where to put it.
You're wondering what it is, what it means, he means, as the cup of wine sits next to the half empty bottle. The deep ruby stained the glass held in your hand, held close to your curled up form, the warmth of the fire across from you only made his presence in your mind fester.
The rich, rounded flavor settled once again, leaving your tongue ripe and ready for another sip.
This was a moment for wine, where thoughts settled and emotions needed to be rewritten to be fully understood, where the mind met the heart in an attempt to understand exactly what effect this man had on you.
You know you couldn't run from whatever he made you feel, but it still would be nice to put a name on it, a weak chuckle escaped your lips before thing another blissful sip.
Was there even a point in this? You were planning on finding a way home, leaving Teyvat entirely, going to a world far ahead- yet behind from this one.
No. You thought, because going home seemed less and less like an option, so you couldn't run from what you created in Mondstat. Connections, relationships, bonds- ties.
You felt your face flush with heat, though you had just hoped it was the wine, but the flutter in your heart killed WHT little defiance you had left.
There was a physical attraction, from the features of red decorating the pigments of his eyes and hair to the sculpt of his body, the delicate and angled features of his face. You wanted to run your fingers through his hair, stare into the depths of vermillion, mark up the pale skin of his neck while you feel him shudder-
Yeah. Theres a physical attraction.
You took a bigger sip.
Emotionally, you notice you've done most of the work, but in the end- he is thankful. Often allowing you to speak your mind, talk at him, freely exposing your most vulnerable thoughts to him. Slowly, yet surely, he starts to do the same. Small comments about what annoys him, what fuels him, what brings him joy. Those build into sentences of careful wording, testing out how you'd react to his own thoughts, his emotions.
Eventually, opening up, even in the smallest accounts- you knew he still used very little words. Selective, precise, blunt. Short and sweet is the best way to describe it. But his tone is softer, relaxed, when he speaks of himself with you. It isn't brash, it holds no disgust towards himself or the world, but theres... shame. Either in himself opening up and voulentarily making himself vulnerable, or at the fact he feels like he should, like he deserves to be heard.
You take a gulp of wine, the bitter sweetness burned your throat, made you a bit dizzy after taking a deep breath.
You didn't want to rush.
Diluc needed to be treated like a wine, you thought, even if he hated alcohol. Though grape juice wouldn't cut the trick for you.
Slow and steady, like how you enjoy wine, is how you handle Diluc. You open yourself to him, and let him circle, observe, before coming in to reciprocate. He's soft, tender in those moments, and you're thankful with how they've become more frequent.
But he can become distant, lost in his mind, his heart. Trembling at the hate and darkness, the cold and unforgiving manner of his mind, not even his Vision could thaw him from the ice cries of himself. The most you could do was stand by, with a small bonfire and coat, allowing him to defrost the chill in your arms.
A call of your name makes your head perk up, your heart skips, and you suddenly feel the happiness that comes whenever he's around.
"Now, what are you doing here? It's nearly midnight." His voice is calm, relaxed, though the dust of Hypnos has settled into his body as his movements are sluggish and slowed.
"Thinking about things." You murmur, moving your legs to let him sit next to you, not daring to touch him just yet.
"Hm. About?" He asked, sinking into the cushions, arms crossed yet lacking the grip they usually do. His gaze is intense, it yearns, as he stares at your figure illuminated by the fire- own own eyes not meeting his yet, and all he can think is how odd that is.
You took another sip of wine. Your mind has settled. An agreement between heart and mind. You know how to proceed with him, how to feel, how you want to make him feel. No amount of wine could change the taste of longing.
"Me, you... us." You spoke, hushed, not wanting to overwhelm the already tired man.
"You've finally made a decision then?" He asks, and he's close- Oh Gods he's so close. The warmth of his body makes you burn deliciously, the heat that escapes in his breathing is comforting, you can't help but lean closer to him in return.
"Yeah, I finally managed." A weak chuckle, playful gaze, but it fades just as quickly as it came.
"And?" He managed to choke out, eager and impatient, and your body feels like it's on fire at this point. Closing the space, you answer him with a simple action, your lips pressed against his softly as you waited for his own to press back.
It's warm, hot, unbearably so while he holds you close. The sigh of relief that leaves him is nothing compared to the groan of satisfaction as be deepens your kiss, pulling you onto his lap, closer to him- closer to his heart.
You always thought the taste of wine had a special place in your heart.
But it was nothing compared to him.
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Authors Notes ♡: WHEW I LOVED THIS I had a time trying to come up with an idea and then it hit me : a princess being saved by fantasy au! Dabi. I’m still nervous with my smuts but heh I enjoyed this a whole bunch to write . Dabi is my favorite villain and I just love him so much, I tried to make him a soft inside and hard outside man in this , I Had fun for our free for all collab and I hope I help give it just a fun twist to fantasy and Halloween spirit ~ I hope you enjoy reading this and much as I did writing it ~ bunny ❥
Warnings :UH NSFW! Demon dabi has two dick (and their thick) , pet names, unprotected sex , a tad bit of a size kink? , a bit fluffy at the end but I think that’s it!
Word count : about 2k give or take!
Paring(s) :Dabi x F! Reader
Even with this being NSFW I had to make it a soft fluffy ending I’m sorry ♡
Enchanted flames
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“If you have found this letter the Princess of Yuei needs your help. Meet me in the Enchanted Woods tomorrow night. Ill escape with you if you can save me from the proposed wedding - Princess [ ]”
With a sigh [. ] dropped the letter out of her window hoping someone, anyone , could save her from the doom that awaited her from an arranged marriage that had been planned from her kingdom to be to the neighboring ones prince, a smaller and very...purple hot headed boy by the name of Mineta who was unsavory for a lack of words. Sighing as she watched the paper fall she secretly wished her type of prince would come save her from this hell she expected.
As the night approached she slipped past her guards, telling them she was going out for air in her garden. The two towering men who looked down at her agreed, moving at the way to let the young woman past them and out into the halls, her dress dragging behind her as she headed out the giant doors to her garden. Taking in a breath she climbed over the perfectly managed hedges andddd off into the forest adjacent to the castle, roaming through the woods to her chosen spot to hopefully meet someone who could save her.
“Hello there little sheep, you called for help, correct?” A low, raspy voice called out as [ ] turned around , looking into the dark abyss in front of her. “ Hello? Helloooo? Who's there?” the girl called out as she heard something heavy land behind her. Turning to her right she saw bright blue eyes look back at her from the shadows. Before she could react a rather warm hand covered her mouth as the person or thing dragged her throughout the woods , the two of them slipping into the night. As soon as [ ] woke up her eyes adjusted to a dark but brightly lit and beautiful chasm, cyan and turquoise crystals of all types surrounded the room as she felt intense heat from everywhere around her. Standing up on shaky legs she felt eyes on her from behind. Letting out a deep breath she turned only to run into a barely covered chest.
Looking up from the revealed purple and pale skin , she saw those same blue eyes , lit with curiosity. “Ah you're awake..welcome little sheep to my...well..living quarters” The mystery man spoke as [ ] blinked at him, a grin spreading over his face as he continued to speak “Well i guess the princess doesnt know she isn't in her little castle anymore. Haven't those guards of yours realized they can't leave royalty alone or guys like me come along and take them out of their cute little homes” He said as [ ] gave him a suspicious look , her own thoughts taking over her face as a sense of calm rested over her features “Ohhh so you're the one who found my note..” She said as he gave her an unreadable look , soon walking away to leave the girl in her own world. “I guess he did” she thought to herself as she heard the male come back, a pile of things in his hands. “Here; a change of clothes and something to eat. I tried to be gentle taking you out of those dreaded castle grounds and through the woods but your dress isnt the smallest thing in the world” he said as [ ] let out a giggle , picking up the dark shirt and skirt he had given her along with the meal : some type of rice and meat with soup. Before she could ask the man answered “No i didnt steal it, i told you this is my home , its only natural id have something in this god forsaken place to eat.” He said as he pointed down the cave. “Theres a waterfall ahead if youd like to freshen up there.” And with that [ ] walked down the empty carved walls, finding the waterfall he was talking about.
Once she was finished getting cleaned and dressed she headed back the way she went, seeing the male now cloaked in a dark cape , fiddling with a pile of wood before setting it ablaze with a bright blue flame. “Ah i see you're finished , ILl be heading out , i'm gonna find us some more wood so you don't get cold. Theres a pot over there where you can reheat your food and get more if you like.” As he finished he proceeded to get up and head down another pathway, presumingly to the opening of the chasm “Wait!” [ ] called out as he stopped, turning to the girl with a questioning look back at her. “Yes princess?” he responded to her as she felt a unnatural wave of heat spreading to her face from simply calling her by her actual title. “What can I call you? And how long will you be gone?” She questioned. “Aw are you worried about me?” He cooed as she puffed out her cheeks “I was just curious” She lashed back as the male in front of her laughed , giving her a crooked smile. “ The names Dabi, and i won't be gone too long, an hour or so” Dabi said, giving her a smile as he started to leave again.
“Oh yeah , and there's a spare jacket in the back if you get too cold or that fire goes out.” and with that he left [ ] by herself as she finished up the dinner he had made which was exceptionally good, even better than what she tended to have at the castle. While she waited around for dabi to come back , [ ] looked at her royal dress, the red and pinks making her want to revolt as she pushed the fluffy tooled pile up into a blanket of sorts, covering her legs as she sat there thinking about her predicament “I really ran away...but what else can you do when youre gonna be married off to someone years older than you for land and alliance” she thought with a sigh as footsteps came from behind her , Dabi pulling his hood from his head as he smiled to himself at the girl in front of him “Im back princess” He declared as she turned to him, giving him a small smile as she stood up, dusting off her dress , coming up to Dabi “So...whatcha find?” She started as he pulled the bag from behind him , dumping out different goodies for the two of them. An array of food, wood and fresh buckets for water collections. “Here, this is for you too” Dabi said as he passed her a well woven balck dress, better than the two piece he had first given her. Taking in a deep breath he spoke up “I didn't want you to struggle with rags , so i got you something a little more comfortable and well...suitable for a run away princess” and with that she looked up to him and giggled which was heaven to his ears. ‘Why thank you Dabi..i'm flattered” [ ] said as she took the black dress , running to a hidden corner to change as Dabi smirked “Oh boy..what have i signed myself up for”
Weeks later and multiple posters for the lost princess later, [ ] had a rhythm living with Dabi. They cooked together and he left out to get things from shops ans out in the woods. Word spread that the princess had been stolen and the ugly grape himself had put a reward out for her safe return. Unknown to everyone she was quite content with the dark demon mage Dabi and his home in the woods. He explained the chasm as his work space, a place he could hone in on working with his flames and different elixirs that people needed. He was a half breed of human and demon, his father ridding of him to hide his affair with an otherworldly being, to keep the peace of his people and the overworld people as well. He really wasn’t a bad man, just someone who stayed in the shadows and kept to himself. And [. ] ‘s heart went out to him, as his did out to hers as she explained her own situation. ”Well damn sweetheart at least i saved you hm?” Dabi said as the two of them laughed together about their lives and what they'd like to change.
As the night drew on and they had their fair share of drinks and food that night “Thank you Dabi..for everything” [ ] said randomly as they relaxed by the fire he had started , [ ] wrapped into the oversized fur Dabi made her as the male laid against a log watching the tired girl mumble to him. She gave him a sleepy smile once he put his warmed hand on her face. “You're cute yknow...i'm not gonna let anyone get to you okay?” He said as she shook her head, moving herself closer to him , laying her head on his lap as he rubbed her head until she fell asleep, him soon realizing he was in love with the rogue princess in his lap.
As the next month rolled around , the princess and her demon mage had started a loving relationship, the two of them growing fonder and fonder of eachother. [ ] noticed that Dabi had tried avoiding being around her when she was fresh from the shower or even roaming too close behind her, he even took more time to come home with more ingredients or even sleep opposite to her. She didn't understand the switch from wanting to hold and hug her to avoiding her all day. One day she was able to catch and trap him with her. “Yes princess…?” Dabi ased as [ ] crossed her arms around her chest , the simple movement making him turn from her. “Did I..do something…?” She asked, her eyes bouncing between his as the turquoise she learned to love ignited with heat.
”Oh no doll...you haven't done a thing but make me want you even more..”
And with that comment her eyes widened. “What..?” She questioned. And with that Dabi picked the smaller girl up, pinning her to a crystal wall as she gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck.”Dabi…….?” [ ] called out as he started to kiss her neck ,running his rougher hands up the soft flesh of her thighs. “I think i'm in love with you doll..youve been invading my head or a while and all i can think about is making your cute little body want me the burning way i want you...I wanna make you cry out for me all night long...make you mines forever.....is that okay?” He whispered in her ear. With a shudder she agreed , letting him kiss the swells of her brest as he gave her a lopsided smile, picking her up and taking her to a pile of pelts and wool they made into a bedroom to rest in. Placing her down lightly he towered her , taking off his vest to reveal his toned and scarred body “Youre quite a beauty yknow...im glad you trust me…” He said with a smile as [ ] herself smashed her lips against his, cutting off his mushy talk. With a groan he pushed her dress up , letting her breast bounce out from the top. Pulling away from the kiss she helped him take off the dress over her head. With a shy smile [ ] covered ehrslf and laid back, spreading her legs lightly to expose her glistening lips to him
“Well damn, i havent even toughed you yet and youre this wet..what a little slut you are”
He growled out as he leaned back over to give her a kiss , pulling her lower lip as he licke dhis was down between her legs, giving her clit a hard suck as she whinned , closing her legs over his head as he slurped away at her pussy, making sure to watch her through hooded eyes, a tail whipping from behind him as a pair of horns appeared from atop his head, one mangled and cracked the other long and curled “Surprise” Dabi called out as his voice dropped octaves, it coming out as a low rumble as [ ] felt her walls clench at the sound , a chuckle coming from him. Going back to slurping and sucking on her labia and clit , Dabi watch with glee as the gilr under him started to shake, her hips rolling back to his mouth as he bit lightly down on her lips and pulled away from her , laughing at her pleas and whimpers “Turn sound baby and let me show you how much i love you” Dabi said , watching as [ ] rolled over arching her hips back as he smacked her ass, loving the moan she let out. Pulling down his pants he pulled his throbbing member out, rubbing it hard against her clit as she felt her heart jumped at the feeling of how thick he was. All of a sudden she felt hands pull her cheeks apart as a finger rub around the tight rings of her ass. With a gasp she looked back to see not one but two swinging dicks between the burning up male, a feral look in his eyes as he let a low rumble come from his chest “ Sorry babygirl..when I change there's more than just one of me to deal with, i promise i'll be gentle” He said as he rubbed her tight muscles just loose enough to put in the tip, her lower lips drooling as he slid his true size into her throbbing walls, moans and grunts tearing through the chasm as he pulled his hips back , starting to set a rhythm to his hips. While he picked up the pace, [ ] felt herself being full as the two dicks of his stuffed her. She could help the feeling of her walls getting tighter as she came once then twice and not once did Dabi stop, he laughed as he gave her more and more , pushing himself deeper in her as he let out what sounded like a howl of pain as he doubled in pace, reaching down to rub her clit as she screamed, soon feeling a hot and warm gooey feeling flood her senses. Dabi slowed his hips down as he pulled himself from her ass first, then from her pussy and cum started to leak from her holes.
“Shit...im sorry princess I didnt mean to go so rough…” Dabi breathed out as [ ] turned around giving him hr own lopsided smile as she saw him transform backto himself, those turquoise eyes softening as he saw the woman he had fallen for spent out from his own actions. “Geez when you said you were a demon i didnt think it was true…” She laughed as he scratched th back of his neck “Ive never transformed like this around someone….especially during sex but that means I trust you a lot….well doll..let me clean you up and then...we can go fro round two hm?” He smirked as he watched her pussy clench and relase more cum once he said that. “Mhm...clean me Dabi then we can have some more fun..”
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motherjoel · 4 years
you like me (spencer reid x reader)
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summary: you unfortunately run out of tampons and theres only one person who can bring you some
a/n: i get terrible cramps on my period so this is honestly based off of personal experience
wc: 2.5k
tw: vomiting
“Are you sure you can’t make it Y/N? Girls night won't be the same without you,” Penelope begged through the phone. You could almost hear her pout.
“I’m sorry Pen, I really can’t. My uterus is seriously trying to kill me right now and I am in no position to put on a tight dress and do shots,” you laughed into the phone. Penelope sighed.
“Okay, I guess that's a reasonable excuse. I hope you feel better soon, my love. I’ll call you tomorrow to make sure you’re okay,” she said. You loved how sweet Penelope was, and although she was upset you couldn’t make it, she most definitely understood. 
She let you go soon after that, so you decided to turn on the TV to take your mind off of the pain in your stomach. Your cramps tended to get so bad that it was difficult to walk- you sometimes even got dizzy. You decided however to brave the pain, going into your bathroom to look for some medicine to possibly end your suffering. Your heart dropped when you remembered you had left your bottle at work in your go-bag. Your heart dropped a second time when you couldn’t find any more tampons.
“Shit, shit shit,” you said to yourself, sitting on the bathroom floor and moaning in pain. Thankfully, your phone was in your pocket. You pulled it out and scrolled through your contacts, trying to decide on who to call. You didn’t want to disturb the girls night out, so you couldn’t call Pen, JJ or Emily. For obvious reasons, you decided against calling Rossi or Hotch, and you didn’t think Derek knew the first thing about menstruation. As much as you didn’t want to call your best friend and (not so) tiny work crush, he seemed like the best option at this point. Pushing your embarrassment aside, you hit the call button and let it ring.
“Hey Y/N, whats up?” Spencer asked. You would’ve internally squealed at his cute voice if you weren’t about to pass out from pain.
“Spence, hi,” you answered, said pain evident in your voice. Little did you know, Spencer felt his heart stutter at your use of the nickname “Spence.” 
“Is everything okay?” he asked, slightly worried at your pained inflection.
“Well, not really,” you sighed, pushing aside your embarrassment at your situation. “I’m currently having my time of the month and I have come to realize I am completely out of…. tampons. And medicine,” you blushed and so did he. “I was wondering if… you could possibly pick some up for me?” you asked, fingers crossed. He didn’t even have to contemplate for a second.
“Of course, give me 10 minutes,” he said before hanging up. You looked at your phone in awe before you were hit with another wave of nausea. Doubled over the toilet, your peanut butter and jelly sandwich from an hour ago made a guest appearance.
You had yet to move from the bathroom floor when you heard a quick knock on your door.
“It’s open!” you yelled, soon hearing the rustling of bags and footsteps following your voice. Spencer looked down at you with pity, setting the bag down on the ground and sitting next to you.
“Thank you, Spence, you really saved me,” you said, taking the bag from him and looking inside. You saw not only a box of tampons and some tylenol, but a bar of your favorite chocolate and a heating pad. 
“My mom used to make my dad get her chocolate, when they were still, you know…” he trailed off, not wanting to mention his parents' early separation. You felt bad about his eidetic memory for once- that he had to remember even the bad things. 
“Did you know that menstrual cravings are caused by hormonal imbalances? It’s theorized that the drop in your progesterone and estrogen cause an increase in hunger,” he explained, speaking with his hands. You couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.
“What?” he asked, a confused smile on his face.
“It’s just… I'm sitting here on my bathroom floor with my coworker, who is incredibly sweet for doing this by the way, while I basically die from period cramps 10 minutes after throwing up,” you continued to laugh- Spencer just looked concerned.
“You threw up?” he asked, worry written on his face. You nodded, opening the box of tampons as Spencer walked into your kitchen.
“You need to eat something. I’m making you toast,” he yelled from the kitchen. You smiled and shut the bathroom door, taking care of business.
You brought the bag of medicine, chocolate, and the heating pad with you onto your couch. You plugged in the heating pad and held it close as you curled into the fetal position. After a few minutes, Spencer came into the room with a plate of toast and a cup of green tea, your favorite. You smiled and accepted the plate, taking the medicine with the tea and sitting back. Spencer continued to stand in front of you awkwardly, fidgeting with his hands slightly. You wordlessly patted the couch, motioning for him to sit down, which he did.
“Thank you again for this Spence, you really went out of your way,” you said, hoping he knew how thankful you were for his kindness. 
“Of course, anything for you Y/N,” he said, trying to mask his blush after he realized how intimate that sounded.
“So… did I ruin your Friday night plans?” you asked, hoping he didn’t have anything to do.
“Oh, no,” he started, and you were relieved. “Well, I had a date, but-”
“You had a date?!” you yelled, hitting him on the arm. 
“Ow! Yes, I did. Is that so hard to believe?” he asked, grabbing his arm.
“Well of course not Spence, you’re a catch,” you told him, and he blushed. “What’s hard to believe is that you ditched it for me! I would’ve been fine!” you lied, which was evident on your face. 
“Y/N. You so wouldn’t have been fine!” he laughed, and you began to speak before he continued. “I saw a... friend in need and I helped them. Besides, I wasn’t really even interested in her,” Spencer said, looking at his fidgeting hands.
“Why did you agree to go out with her if you weren’t interested?” you asked, wondering why the genius, a man of reason, would waste his time.
“Morgan set us up,” he started, and you nodded immediately understanding- when Morgan was trying to set someone up, he was relentless until you agreed. “He thought she’d help me get my mind off of… nevermind,” he blushed, seemingly accidentally saying too much. Your heart cracked a bit at the thought of your crush having feelings for someone else, but you continued to pry.
“Ohh I see. Who’s the lucky girl?” you asked, with a bit of an edge.
“I can’t tell you that Y/N,” he answered, avoiding eye contact. You pouted for a moment. “Besides, I think she just sees me as just a friend,” he continued, disappointment on his face. It hurt you to see him upset but you couldn’t help but feel relief that he wasn’t about to be taken anytime soon.
“Well, I guess you can say I’m in the same position as you,” you confessed, not going into any more detail. His face visibly dropped at this- he seemed disappointed, but you were sure you were overthinking things.
“Well Y/N, any guy would be lucky to have you,” he said softly, finally making eye contact. Maybe it was your hormones, or maybe you were just feeling cuddly, but you scooched over to him and wrapped your arms around his torso, resting your head on his chest. He raised his arms in surprise at first, before wrapping them around you. 
“You smell good,” you told him, before regretting it immediately and blushing profusely. You could hear his heartbeat, which may have been at an elevated pace. You pulled away and he looked a bit disappointed.
“Would you… would you stay with me for a bit Spence?” you looked up at him, stars in your eyes. 
“Of course,” he said softly. You sighed with content before another wave of cramps set in. You groaned and clutched the heating pad, once again in the fetal position. Spencer felt helpless, just watching you in pain. In a movement that surprised both him and you, he leaned behind you and wrapped his arms around you, basically spooning you. You were too in pain to react, but the feeling of his warm chest on your back had the ability to simultaneously soothe and excite you. He rubbed circles on your arm with his hand and you could feel your heart rate spike. You hoped he couldn’t see the blush rising on your face. 
“This is nice,” you mumbled, earning a soft hum from Spencer behind you. Before you knew it, you fell into one of the best sleeps of your life with your long time crush.
The next morning, you woke to whispering from the one and only Penelope Garcia. You opened your eyes to see yourself face to face with Spencer- you must have turned around during the night and cuddled into his chest. Your face felt hot when you noticed he was still asleep- you slowly untangled yourself from him and stood up to greet Penelope, who had apparently put her spare key to your apartment to good use. 
“I called it!” Penelope said, half to you and half to Derek, who was currently facetiming her. You shushed her and dragged her into the kitchen, Spencer still fast asleep on the couch.
“So that's why you ditched us last night!” she laughed, mouth wide open in shock.
“I didn’t know the kid had it in him!” Derek said from the phone. You were confused.
“What do you mean?” you took the phone from Penelope. 
“You mean… Reid didn't… tell you anything?” he asked.
“No, I… I ran out of tampons last night and I called him to bring me some, I guess we just fell asleep on the couch,” you explained. He cringed when you said tampons.
“Why didn’t you ask me princess?” he inquired with a smirk.
“Derek, you almost passed out when I said ‘tampons’” you told him, he just shook his head. Penelope took the phone back from you just as Spencer walked into the kitchen. 
“Oh hey, what are you doing here Garcia?” he asked, yawning mid sentence.
“I’m just here to drop off some pastries for my lovely Y/N to make her feel better. Although i'm sure you don’t need much help with that G man,” she said with a wink. You and Spencer avoided eye contact like two high schoolers with a crush. “Well, I guess i'll be on my way!” she announced, hugging you both and speedily leaving your apartment, which was odd- if anything, Garcia tends to overstay her welcome. 
“Those smell good,” you said, walking over to the bag from your favorite bakery. He mirrored your actions, seemingly hungry as well.
 You both ate the pastries in silence for a few minutes when you noticed Spencer had a bit of icing on his chin. Without thinking you reached up and wiped it with your finger, licking it off your thumb. He stood there, with his mouth open for a moment before his cheeks turned red. When you noticed his embarrassed reaction you immediately regretted it.
“Oh im sorry, I forgot you have a thing with touching Spence,” you apologized.
“No no, it’s okay. I don’t mind when it’s you,” he confessed, finally meeting your eyes for the first time that morning. You nodded and continued to eat your breakfast, ignoring the flutter in your heart. 
“So, about last night…” you brought up the elephant in the room. “It was really nice,” you confessed, remembering the feeling of his arms around you. 
“Y/N, what I’m about to say is either really stupid of me or the smartest i’ve ever been, but, I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” he confessed, your astonishment written on your face. “And- and not in a friendly way,” he said, before frowning. “Well that sounded, wrong, of course it was ‘friendly,’ but I meant it as more than… that,” he finished, biting his lip. Your mouth was open, surprised at his confession.
“Oh, Spence-” you started before being interrupted.
“I probably shouldn’t have said that, but I couldn’t hold it in any longer Y/N, you just made me so flustered and when I saw you hurting last night it hurt me too, so i thought it was a good opportunity to get close to you. Not that I was taking advantage of you! God that sounds bad, uh,” he made a face, trying to think of a better way to word it. You just wrapped your arms around his midsection, much like you had done the night before, and held him tight. He smelled like apples and coffee. You lifted your head to look up at him, arms still around his waist. 
“Spencer, I’ve liked you for a very long time,” you laughed. “I’m surprised you didn’t realize sooner, I mean I thought it was obvious when I always sleep on your shoulder during jet rides or when I bring you coffee like every day, or when I-” you were interrupted by his soft lips on yours. Your eyes widened before they closed, and you moved your hands to the sides of his face, his hands on your waist. He pulled away, leaving you in a daze.
“Sorry, I’ve just been wanting to do that for awhile,” he smiled softly. 
“Oh, uh, no problem,” you replied, still flustered from the kiss. “You like me,” you teased, poking his arm and giggling like a 13 year old.
“Well so do you!” he laughed, poking you in the stomach. Your eyes darkened with mischief and so did his. Before you knew it, the two of you were on your apartment floor, tickling each other's ribs. Spencer eventually got the high ground, straddling you and relentlessly tickling you until you couldn’t breath. He stopped after a moment, looking down at you in awe, before you grabbed him by his collar and pulled him in for another quick kiss. 
“Penelope’s gonna be so excited,” you giggled.
“Oh yeah, her and Morgan will finally stop teasing me about liking you,” he said, standing up from his position over you and holding out a hand to help you up. 
You spent the rest of the day with him cuddling on your couch and alternating between playing cards and watching shitty reality TV (which he got surprisingly invested in), and it was arguably one of the best days of your life. And you knew from the way that Spencer kept stealing loving glances at you, he felt the same.
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jojosbizarrefanfics · 4 years
Hello! Can I order up a Jotaro x childhood friend(he has a crush on her ahdhhehshda) and she's kinda like Microphage from Cells at work? Motherly, a stand user(so she tags along on the journey), and she's busty so she accidentally smothers the joot in them? Not nsfw, but maybe something a bit light hearted and funny bc theres so many angst and we need more silliness. Hope you're okay with this, and hope this isn't vague or anything! Bye~!♡
One order of Jotaro x busty lifelong friend reader coming right up! I got carried away oops
I’ve never seen Cells At Work but the fandom wiki + your request being not-vague = I think I got what you’re going for and I love it for Jotaro fkkdfkskfkskfk
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You were friends with most of your class in elementary school, but that changed once you hit puberty. Jotaro was the only friend who didn’t care that you suddenly had boobs, and you were the only girl in the class that didn’t have a weird crush on him. You valued each other as people and had a deeper bond than most people even realized.
Holly loved you and often made comments when you weren’t around about when you two would start dating. Especially while he was still in high school, Jotaro always shrugged her off, insisting that you two were just friends.
When his Stand awakened, you were there for him. Along the way to Egypt, you’d explain to him how you were born with yours but no one could see it and, as a child, your parents and teachers just dismissed it as an imaginary friend so you never brought it up to anyone. Your bond only grew deeper, and as you joined him on the quest to defeat Dio — he tried to tell you it would be too dangerous, but you refused his refusal — you two just grew even closer, especially over nights of you dressing his wounds and grieving lost friends. Your Stand, called Macrophage, took the form of a stark white woman wearing a maid outfit and would often cuddle with Star Platinum during these intimate moments.
You both shared your first kiss during one of your Stands’ cuddle sessions after you helped patch each other up. It was in a hotel room in Egypt and you both weren’t totally sure you’d live to see the next sunrise. Neither of you ever spoke about it again.
Ever since returning from Egypt, Jotaro started to wonder if there was any merit in what Holly was suggesting: should he ask you out, or was it better to not risk ruining a decades long friendship?
He decided against testing those waters. He convinced himself that kiss you shared was just the heat of the moment and from a fear of dying. But over the years, he noticed you denying men left and right — just like how he’d deny women. He knew why because he experienced the same thing: people tended to not care enough to look beyond the surface.
Josuke Higashikata was still trying to figure out the enigma that was his nephew when he saw Jotaro heading to the train station. Was he leaving already? It didn’t look like he had a ticket. Josuke, alongside Okuyasu, followed Jotaro in from a distance, but before they could approach to ask, a train pulled up and the passengers departed. They decided to linger back and wait.
You spotted Jotaro instantly: he was hard to miss due to how tall and broad he was, so you always knew to look up and go wherever you saw one of his signature hats. Josuke saw Jotaro smile for the first time when the gorgeous and large-chested (HC) woman ran up to him and jumped up, her arms wrapping around his shoulders.
Jotaro was quick to lift you up into the hug, strong arms wrapping around your torso. This wasn’t his style, but it was yours and he knew by now to just let you have your moment of affection. There was no stopping you and resistance was pointless.
“How’s my favorite marine biologist?” You asked.
“I’m the only marine biologist you know, (YN),” he replied as he set you down.
You ran your hands over the lapels on his jacket, then one up to cup his cheek. “You look good. But have you been sleeping?”
“Trying to,” Jotaro said. “It’s good to see you, (YN). I’m glad you came.”
“Come on, now. My best friend tells me there’s some weird, potentially-Stand related activity going on in a normally quiet town and you think I’m not gonna drop everything and catch the next train?” You said with a laugh.
“Do you have any other bags?” Jotaro asked.
“Just these two. I tried not to overpack but you know how well that works out for me,” you said with a nervous laugh.
“やれ やれ だぜ,” Jotaro said playfully as he picked up your bags. “Don’t even fight me on this. Come on, the hotel’s not far from here.” He swallowed, not sure why he suddenly felt nervous asking you, “Are you okay with sharing a room with me? I’m not sure how dangerous things could get.”
“JoJo, please,” you said. “You should know by now that it’s okay.”
“Did she just call him JoJo?” Josuke asked Okuyasu. Now that you two were on the move, it was easier to overhear.
“Look at her! Do you think it’s his girlfriend or somethin’? Man, she’s hot!”
The hotel was just across the intersection, but you stopped Jotaro before you could cross. You held a hand up and took a deep breath. Macrophage emerged and confirmed what you thought for you.
“What is it?” Jotaro asked.
“We’re being followed,” you said. “Two men... no. Teenage boys?”
Jotaro groaned. “Remember what I told you with my grandparents?”
“Oh, is this..?”
“Do you like him?” You asked.
“I’m not sure yet,” Jotaro said flatly.
Suddenly, the two of you were much closer to one another: it was almost as if the space between you two vanished into an invisible vacuum. Jotaro, carrying your bags and not expecting the sudden shift, lost his balance a bit and, as you tried to help catch him, his face ended up firmly planted between your chest.
“(YN), forgive me,” he said as he stood. You noticed a hint of pink to Jotaro’s cheeks, a rare sight indeed.
“It’s ok. Is your... uncle?”
“Don’t remind me.”
“Is he a Stand user?”
“I swear that half this damn town is,” Jotaro said. Just when he felt the embarrassment fading, he felt someone pushing him and his face landed right between your breasts again.
“Clearly they want a show,” you said. You looked around, saw no one on the street, and to Jotaro’s surprise, you pushed his face further between your breasts. “Trust me, ok?”
“What the hell?”
Suddenly, the sound of Josuke and Okuyasu screaming could be heard clearly as they ran from the alley they were hiding in. From there, you helped Jotaro stand up.
“I’m so glad you were never like that as a teenager,” you said with a laugh.
“Jotaro-san!” Okuyasu cried as they approached you both. “We’re sorry! Miss! We’re sorry!”
“Please tell your Stand to not kill us!” Josuke cried, hands clasped together.
Jotaro was hiding his face with his hat. He was equal parts furious and mortified, hoping you wouldn’t think any less of him.
“If you two got your heads out of your pants you’d have seen Macrophage coming,” you said. “ばかやろう...”
“Her Stand is just as deadly as Star Platinum,” Jotaro said. “You two should be more careful next time you decide to snoop around.”
“We’re sorry! We thought it would be funny!” Josuke said nervously.
“Is this your girlfriend, Jotaro-san?” Okuyasu asked.
You looked to Jotaro, who simply picked up suitcase with one hand, slung your backpack over his shoulder, and then grabbed you by the hand and dragged you across the street. They didn’t follow.
“You okay, JoJo?” You asked.
“I’ve decided I don’t like them.”
You stifled a laugh. “I can’t tell if you’re pissed off or flustered.” He never let go of your hand. “You don’t have to worry about it, you know.”
He was silent still, so you said nothing. You knew pressing it wouldn’t get you anywhere. But, you noticed, he didn’t let go of your hand.
Jotaro sighed in relief once the hotel room door was closed behind you both. The Morioh Grand Hotel lived up to its name, you thought. Once Jotaro set your things down, you sat next to each other on the edge of the bed.
“You have this look in your eyes that I know all too well,” you said. Jotaro looked up at you and you both made eye contact. “There’s something you want to say. And it’s not about the Stand users in Morioh.”
“Do you remember that last night in Egypt before we faced DIO?”
You nodded. “I’ll never forget it.”
“Have you ever thought about what it would be like if I were to kiss you again?”
You smiled. “Yes. I do, and frequently.” It all made sense now, why he was so nervous when Josuke and Okuyasu pulled that prank with their Stands.
“And I’m not just thinking this because of what just happened.”
“I know,” you said. “I know you better than that, JoJo.”
Jotaro didn’t say anything else. Instead, he just kissed you again. This time, the world wasn’t ending. This time, he allowed himself to feel everything in full.
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
I couldn’t wait a little longer
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Johnny Suh x reader // SMUT, SMUT, fluff, angst
Themes: idol! au, strangers to lovers, 
Word count: 4k
Summary: You two were never together longer than two days, but the feelings, oh the feelings that you have for each other is clear as the day. It was a never-ending try of making the relationship official. Johnny tried, you tried but it never happens. 
Warnings: smut on smut on smut. mentions of other idols, swearing,  unprotected sex, rough sex, sad ending, mentions of alcohol, getting drunk and ended up to a stranger’s hotel room, dont do that in real life please, size kink?, blowjob, fingering, mentions of being rushed to the hospital, 
A/N: I did this in one sitting.Inspired by the recent dream that I had (Johnny and Seulgi are dating) and they look fucking cute cuddling in bed. This is only a made up story and theres no way in hell that this is true. Again, if something about the warning doesn’t sit well on you, click away. This will be the last something something before I focus on writing for halloween. hihi. Smut after the cut!
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Short breaths in between kissing Johnny’s soft lips, feeling every slow thrust he gives, the man above you is careful not to put his entire weight on you. His hands are traveling around your body, feeling your soft skin, and caressing your face touching your lips gently. You took a peek and looked at his wrists to check if he’s wearing his expensive Rolex watch. 
If he removed it, he’s going to stay the night. If he wears it during sex, he will leave right after it. 
Tonight, he removed it and you couldn’t be happier. You kissed him more, deeper than ever, and reaching for his hand to intertwine it with yours. “I’m happy you’re here” you whisper, feeling yourself more on edge ready to hit your orgasm any second. He smiled and told you, “Me too. You make my life peaceful” then he kissed your lips, down to your neck and the valley of your boobs, sucking and licking your hard nipples. After a few more deep thrusts, he released inside you savoring an amazing orgasm while kissing you softly. 
You feel Johnny’s hot breath, you see his brows furrow, eyes closed and lips parted as he continues to thrust in you for your release. “Oh, Johnny- ohhhh” you let out a quiet moan, so quiet that it’s only just for the two of you. 
The view of Johnny’s sweaty face with lidded eyes that looked at you deeply is something that will make your heart beat fast. He smiled sweetly to you, still not moving from the sex position, still not removing his cock from inside you. “Let me admire you for a second, “ he said with a smile. 
“Hmm. I’ll do the same” you replied softly, not ruining the comfortable silence of the room. “I see you’re going to stay the night?” you added. 
He chuckles and caressed your face softly which you catch it with your hand and kiss it, “yeah, I’ll stay. I’m sorry if I’m like this, I’m sorry I can’t come to you every night” 
“Hey, don’t say that. Every time we meet again, it's becoming sweeter and sweeter than before. Can’t blame what you love doing” it’s hard to convince Johnny’s mind that you’re perfectly fine but you tried anyway. 
“How about my love for you. I seriously want to do this Y/n, you’ve seen me try. And you’re right, every time we meet again I fall for you more and it’s getting harder to leave this place” he kissed both of your hand pecks after peck until he reaches your lips, your chest, your boobs, tickling you on your sides and making you laugh. 
“You know I love you, right? And I'm so in love with you” he did it again, spreading kisses on your bodies. 
“And I love you too” you answered breathlessly. You talked some more but not about dwelling on how your relationship could have been or about what-ifs. He talked about his days telling you every detail and you listen to him attentively, he asks about you and you tell him about work, your plans, and everything you could think of telling him. Mostly he wants to hear you talk more than he wants to talk because he’s just that in love with you, he wanted to know every part of your being. 
You two were never together longer than two days, but the feelings, oh the feelings that you have for each other is clear as the day. It was a never-ending try of making the relationship official. Johnny tried, you tried but it never happens. 
Nine months ago
It was pretty quiet at the hotel and you assume everyone is sleeping already in their rooms. You removed your three-inch heels the moment you got in the elevator, too drunk to press something, too drunk to remember your hotel room. “Can you remember the room number?” You chuckle and came closer to him, using your toes to reach his pink lips. You kissed him before the elevator dings and opens on the 27th floor. 
Too drunk to even walk straight, Johnny grabbed your shoulder and guided your way. “I want to sleep already” you whine as you follow Johnny, waiting for him to open the door. “Yes, be quiet people are sleeping” he tried to hush you as he walks you in the hotel room and gently place you in bed. 
He let out a big sigh wondering what to do with you. He’s never taken care of someone really drunk before. “My head hurts!” You shouted, making Johnny panic and look for a glass of water. For a drunk person, you were pretty demanding, loud and talkative. “Okay, tiger. What else do you want?” You make him follow everything you asked him to do and he was the cute fool who follows through.
“Kiss me and I will shut up” you waited for the kiss, he was hesitating but he gave in. Kissing you softly like you’re not drunk, his lips are soft and cold. “Now please, rest” he gave you another peck, making you shut up completely. 
As you wait in the cold bed with the fluffiest pillows under your head, you ask for Johnny to come join you. “Let me change you in something comfortable “ you hear him gently asks permission to unzip your dress, you nod in approval telling him to unclasp your bra too. He was quiet the whole time he was taking your clothes off, secretly admiring your soft skin, stopping himself from licking your hard nipples, and imagining his hands all over your body. Wanting to do all of those, he cant because you’re too drunk and he cant take that risk. 
The moment you’re exposed with only your laced panties on, he let out a big sigh again before putting his hoodie on you. “Thank you” you gave him a peck on the lips before he made his way to the bathroom and change. 
Johnny lay down beside you, eyes closed and rubbing his forehead. You on the other hand, is still drunk and wants attention. You drank the water that he gave you earlier and put much ice that you want in your mouth. Carefully crawling from your side of the bed going to Johnny’s side. Between his legs to be specific. 
“Hey - what are you doing?” Johnny tried to get up but your hand is already taking care of his pajamas and briefs, palming his cock to make him calm. Already turned on and too late to stop you from your plan, he relaxed himself waiting for your next move.
Careful with the ice in your mouth, you suck his cock slowly. Letting the ice make him feel good and hard at the same time. Bobbing your head slowly, playing with ice inside your mouth. You hear Johnny whine and curse over and over again, “fuck! Add more ice” and so you did, making his cock sensitive because of the ice. His lower abdomen goes up and down, feeling the building heat goes up to his body slowly. 
You pressed the ice on the tip of his cock watching it turn red. Red and angry. Johnny’s cock is thick, long, veiny and very hard just how you like it. “Oh please don’t stop” he begs as he furrow his brows looking so handsome and fucked up under the dim light of the hotel room. You reached for his abs, feeling it as you continue to suck him. He shivers from your soft touch, his pretty lips parted letting out sweet moans. 
Pumping his cock and putting a little pressure as you continue to suck it, the ice was long melted but the cold stayed in your tongue. Licking his cock from bottom to the angry tip. You took it all, deep in your throat as he praise you this time making you moan and blush. “Dont do that!” you teased him and did it again.
Hips jolting with a slight force, you let Johnny fuck your mouth hard. He got up and put his hand on the back of your head, taking control, giving no mercy. He came in your mouth, making you swallow his thick and velvety cum. As he pull it out slowly, he kissed your lips tasting a bit of himself and wipe the spit on your face. You smile at him and crawled back to bed encircling your arms around him covering the both of you with the thick duvet. He whispered a sweet “good night” letting you sleep first and taking his time admiring your pretty face. 
Who are you Johnny wonders before closing his eyes. 
Waking up with a bitch headache, you rub the sides of your head as you fight the throbbing pain. You hear someone from the bathroom and you got up in bed with a panic. It’s not that you don’t remember what happened, you remember it clearly. But it still makes you nervous because you don’t know the man and you hate yourself for doing something stupid like that last night. What a burden, you thought. 
He got out of the bathroom with a towel on his waist, looking like a model that just came out of a magazine, body is wet from the shower, abs beautifully sculpted. Johnny crossed his arms, standing in front of you with all his glory with a straight face.
“Who are you?” you avoid looking at his body and you try to hide your exposed legs and look for your dress and shoes.
“I could ask you the same thing, who are you and why did you suck me off last night?”
He told you everything you did last night, starting from the elevator, then telling you in detail how you order him around, “I’m Johnny by the way. And you gave me a great blowjob last night” Not wanting to believe every word he said, but you know he’s telling the truth. 
“Here, some pain killers for your head” he reached for the medicine near the TV and popped one for you, handing it with a glass of water. 
The room was silent the whole time Johnny was folding your clothes, that was sweet of him. He looked like a decent man, who’s nice enough to take care of you so you muster all your courage and swallowed the embarrassment, you thank him for taking care of you. “I'm thankful for everything,” you said as he gave you your clothes, already folded nicely. 
“I know. You thanked me last night” you suddenly remembered the kiss and how you were too bold to ask him to kiss you so you could stop ordering him around.
“I want to repay you, but I don’t know how. I’m Y/n” you offered your hand for him to shake and he gladly accepted with a smile. “I should go now. Thanks again, Johnny” you waved goodbye and walked towards the door. 
Johnny knew that he wanted to ask you out but he’s shy because he’s still half-naked. Fuck, he murmured to himself. 
“Y/n, wait” He stopped you from getting out of the room, slowly pulling you inside again. “Let's start over” he gulps. 
One thing led to another, and he asked you on a private date. You two fell for each other easily like you were soulmates, knowing each other deeply whenever you get to meet. Johnny explained his line of work that you think will not be a problem to this bond that you have. Being an idol did keet him away from you but it didn’t bother you because Johnny loves his work. 
“I’ll try to come to visit more often, I have the boys to cover up for me-“ he pries. 
“No, I don’t want you to get into trouble. Were fine Johnny, visit me when it's safe. The last thing I want to happen is to put your career in danger” what you said is true, it doesn’t matter if you don’t go on dates every week or see him every day, as long as his feelings are real. That’s what matters. 
Johnny fell in love with you. Hard. Given that Johnny is a busy person, he can only see you once or twice a week and it’s not enough for him. He was so obsessed with making it an official relationship where he can bring you out on dates, go to a coffee shop with you, meet the other members. He tried. But the world is so against it. 
Rather than obsessing and making everything perfect, you talked him out of it. Told him that he should stop stressing it out because time will give you the freedom someday, “We just have to stay together, be strong to achieve that, baby. What do you think? Come on, I don’t want to see you stressed out like this every time you visit”
It was worth the try because eventually, Johnny stopped stressing out. The moment that happened, every second became sweeter, every visit became memorable, every kiss became unforgettable. Sex was always on the table but it never happened for the first few months of being together. Sure you two make out like crazy, oral sex here and there, it was like you were both saving sex for a special day or something.  
But when it finally happened it was remarkable and special. The glow stayed in you for a week, and whenever you think about what happened that night it gave you goosebumps and made you automatically smile. Every scene played in your mind like a movie, remembering how it hurt like hell when he finally put his cock inside you because he was so big, how he looked so gorgeous and hot above you while he rolls his hips, and whenever you reach for his arm you feel his veins. It was making love, you were sure of it. 
After the sex, Johnny became even more in love and crazy about you but he can’t show it because his schedules are starting to get busy again. After the sex, Johnny didn’t visit you for almost two weeks. Both of you got sad, but not enough to make you give up. Johnny became so busy that the once or twice visits became an hour visit once a week or twenty minutes making out then the next thing you know he’s saying his goodbyes. 
One night, he came to visit you in such a late hour only to find out that he came to your house straight from practice. He was so tired and it shows but his eyes glinted when he saw you wearing your thin nightgown that’s very short and you looked so irresistible. He pinned you on the wall and attacked you with hungry kisses saying, “I miss you”  
He was in a rush that he turned you around, hugged you from behind and you feel him put his hand inside your panties and run a finger up and down your slit. “This will be quick” he kissed you on the cheek and fingered you from behind. Lips on your neck, hand on your clothed boobs, fingers making your nipples hard and sensitive. 
Johnny’s fingers weren’t slender like yours, his digits can stretch you out good and make you moan his name. You came in no time and you were surprised that you can come so easily like that. You were so weak, your legs felt like jelly but you have a strong man behind you to pick you up and put you to bed. “I love you. I’ll be with you soon okay?” he kissed your forehead and left you even before you could open your mouth and tell him you love him too. 
Moments like that happened more especially when all their promotions became successful. But as soon as he got his time on his hands again, he started to spend more time with you, stay the night, make dinner dates in your house. Everything was perfect. 
Until something unexpected happened and Johnny became mad to himself about it. 
It was supposed to be a night of celebration because the relationship you had was going strong and you’ve been like this for quite a while now. You told him you’ll cook dinner for the two of you, a complete meal from appetizer to dessert and all he has to do is bring a bottle of wine or champagne. Johnny was excited about it that he finished his work early and asked Jaehyun to buy him a bottle of wine for the most awaited date. 
Unexpectedly, he needed to do extra hours at the studio and record until the job is perfect. He texted you that he will be late for a couple of minutes, It was fine for you of course. Even if the minutes turned to hours and you passed out on the couch while waiting for Johnny. It was fine for you, but not for him. 
When he finally arrived, he was in awe and very happy about the table set up. The food looks delicious but it’s already cold, the candles already melted because he was so late. He found you on your couch dressed perfectly and sleeping beautifully. You must be heartbroken he thought, disappointed, he was getting ready for your first argument. But when you wake up, you smiled at him and stretched your body, sat up, and kissed him. 
“Hi. You look handsome with that suit, I’ll heat the food” 
The supposed dinner date and celebration turned out quality time in your kitchen while he helps you heat up the food. You and Johnny had dinner at 2 am, laughing and spending time with each other. But deep inside he can’t forgive himself for making you wait like that. 
A few days after that incident, Johnny considered leaving you. 
And he did. 
You were so hurt but you were not mad. You can never go mad when he’s the one crying while breaking up with you, he looked more hurt and weak during the breakup that it breaks your heart that he’s doing this to himself. “Johnny, it was okay. We still had dinner at that time and it was a great night, right? Waiting is nothing” you tried to talk him out but his decision is final. 
“You deserve someone who comes home every night to you and someone who can't make you wait like that” with that, he kissed you goodbye and you can’t do something about him leaving your place. 
No one was okay about the separation but life goes on. You focused on work and he focused on his career, simple but every day was painful. 
During an IKEA date with Jaehyun, Johnny talked about you and how he’s not handling the sadness well these days. It felt like he lost a big piece of his heart and it’s all his fault. He can’t stop seeing or repeating the scenario where you tried to stop him from breaking up with you and it breaks his heart seeing your sad eyes. 
“Dude you’re lucky you have someone like her she doesn’t demand time or attention she never gets mad-“ Jaehyun argues.  
“That’s my point. I left because I can’t make enough time for her or shower her with my attention. Dude, sometimes I want her to get mad because clearly, I’m the one to blame for not giving her a normal relationship. She doesn’t deserve any of that” he sighs as he pushes the cart, “it hurts me you know, thinking that someone can love her better than I can. But this work of ours…”
“I get you. But think wisely, to be honest, you’re the one who’s losing something not her”
It was a hard decision for Johnny but the breakup that he thought will give you both a peaceful life was a mistake. He went to your house with high hopes and flowers hoping that you will accept him back to your life. 
And you did. You welcomed Johnny with open arms and it was an emotional night. 
With Johnny coming back to your life, suddenly you’re happy again. It didn’t solve the problems back then, but it was better than breaking up. Nothings changed but it was alright. You see him again every week, spend time with you whenever he can, stay the night whenever he can, it was perfect. 
But just when you thought that everything is going smoothly, he breaks up with you again because you’ve been rushed to the hospital because of over fatigue and he can’t be with you. It happened a month after the incident and once again it broke you both. You thought this will be the final draw but it wasn’t, Johnny came back, apologized and you welcome him back to your life once again. 
It was becoming an on and off relationship. 
Present time 
As you open the door of your apartment, you heard the sound of the TV from your bedroom and you’re surprised that he’s here. 
“Wow you’re really blonde” you crossed your arms and lean on the door frame, he smiled and welcomed you with a hug and a few kisses here and there. It’s been two months since you last saw Johnny, he was so busy with NCT 2020 and he’s going to be even busier on the following days. 
“I left as soon as I can. Forgot that you have extra hours at work tonight” he said as he lets you change. 
“The vlive was so fun, you were all over the place” he chuckled and told you how the whole fandom went crazy about his hair, “Baby, I went crazy too. It suits you” he follows you to the bathroom and waits for you to finish freshening up. You kissed him with your minty lips and he carries you back to bed and kissed some more while cuddling. He reached for the remote and turned off the TV to have a peaceful and quiet night with you for the first time again after two months. 
Putting both of your legs in between his sides, you busy yourself and unbuckle his belt and remove his pants. He removes his shirt and helps himself get naked. You removed your shirt in front of him, making Johnny blush and grab your small figure close to him. He kissed you while he helps you remove your panties and position yourself on top of him. With bodies closer than ever, he spreads your ass cheeks and lines his cock in your entrance and gently push in. 
The soft light from your lampshade is making you sexier and it’s making him hornier. You roll your hips while he keeps you close to him, taking full control of every thrust. As much as Johnny loves fucking you, he loves it too whenever he just lay in your bed comfortably and you’re on top fucking him. His mouth is sucking your left boob and you feel his tongue swirl around as you continue with rolling your hips deliciously. 
You pull away and put your weight on your arms just above his thighs, leaning back and rolling your hips. It was a scene for Johnny’s eyes, the woman he loves looking so hot on top of him, using his cock to go off. “Oh you look so hot” he murmured but you heard it. 
“Want to fuck hard tonight?” you suggest. 
“We can?” he asks with short breaths, excited about what you said and you nod in approval. You kissed and went down from his gorgeous body to lay on the mattress and effortlessly, he turned your body and put you on your stomach. “Put your ass up for me, please” he whispered behind your ear and you followed. 
Legs spread wide from behind, face on the pillow, he kissed you before fucking you from behind. His hands are on your hips as he thrusts hard over and over again, making you drag your body on the mattress reaching for your boobs and pinch your nipples to make you yelp and moan. 
Johnny is a huge man, everything he does with a little force is already too much for you. He thrusts a little harder and your body flops on the mattress giving him the idea of fucking you with closed legs making your entrance tighter. It was a new position for both of you and it felt so good that he went from thrusting hard to giving you slow and deep thrust that you asked for more.  
“Oh, baby you feel that?” you nod your head weakly. He leaned down, even more, putting his whole weight on you making his cock push in deeper. He reached for your hand before he goes back to giving you hard and piercing thrusts again, whispering ‘i love yous’ and smiling at each other. 
 After fucking hard, he’s cradling you like a baby with his big muscled arms. Making you use his arm as your pillow, keeping you close to him. Under the thin white sheets, his hands and fingers are playing around your body. Tracing your curves, caressing your butt cheek, teasing your folds, while he admires you close to him. 
“I love you” you mean it. With every part of your being. 
He chuckled and hugged you tightly, “You made me believe in love. This is a once in a lifetime love. You don’t deserve to be a secret” he whispered back. And you don’t know what he meant about it. “Two months of being away from you baby… this really has to end.”
There he is again. Hurting you. 
“It never hurt when you’re away. I miss you terribly yes, but there's a promise that you will come back sooner or later. You know what can hurt me, Johnny? this. You, breaking up with me over and over again. Do you have any idea how that hurts? Hearing the man you love to give up over and over again?” you’re already crying in front of him and Johnny was speechless but still keeping you close to him. 
The night ended sadly and he left without a word but he kissed you goodbye and you hugged tight. 
Is it really the end this time? 
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druid-for-hire · 4 years
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new hadestown au: BIKER ! EURYDICE, in which she’s a rogue lone-wolf biker dwelling in the urban jungle of a Neo Tokyo-type city called Hadestown, wracked with biker gangs, violence, poverty, corruption, and civil unrest, still recovering and rebuilding from an apocalyptic event many years ago. Heavy-handed with the AKIRA inspirations here, haha.
She fights for herself on the dangerous streets, an illegal racer with a consistent top-three placement and a reputation for ferocity that earns her the money she needs to scrape by. And then she meets Orpheus: a dopey bartender who has no place being in her business.
okay okay okay i’m gonna be jumping around a lot here. be warned. thanks @supercantaloupe, @regzillas, @birdmanlyss for your contributions! (sorry if i missed someone it’s been a while)
she's a lone wolf in a city infested with biker gangs and it's brutal
she's run over plenty of limbs in her day
then there's orpheus, this gentle, kind-hearted soul, an indie musician and shes like. fuck. now i gotta keep this bastard safe
puts a long pipe with a mess of bolts and metal on the end in his hands and tells him he'd better buckle up and learn to fight the road
this sort of thing is common among biker gangs to cause destruction and knock people off their bikes onto the road. other types include mallets, hammers, baseball bats, etc
shes small but knows a lot of self defense and is very good at handling herself on the road
besides teaching orpheus to steel himself and yes use that pipe on people, push them off and jam it in their wheels and let it break if it does, she's gotta teach him to hold on while she pulls all this crazy shit on her bike
she avoids taking him on the road because having to fight people gives him so much stress but he also stresses about her so it's all weird
the first time orpheus sees her run over someones arm hes like ""???????????????????!!!!!!!!"
"Don't worry it doesn't happen often" "WHAT IS 'OFTEN'"
she has a red songbird on her helmet and flowers on her jacket
and flowers painted on her bike too probably
or patterns like on the album cover
orpheus thinks it’s the prettiest shit he’s ever seen
so eurydice races, right? everyones like “who is this tiny little upstart” and then she takes off her helmet and shakes out her hair and everyone loses it
somethingsomething ig hades (who is something of a crime boss here, similar to Tombstone from the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon, but not so unambiguously villainous in nature) becomes a contractor and he catches her in like, a bad contract that's hard to get out of without some kind of consequence
and now orpheus has to topple a capitalist again
anyway she like, meets orpheus in this little bar he works at
it's about lower middle class, so it's not too bad but it's still mostly populated by like, poorer people and bikers, etc.
they meet and it's cool and fun blah blah Come Home With Me shit
also this is a scene:
biker!eury: we gotta cross through downtown orpheus: what???? but there's a riot going on there! right now! eury: that's too bad, it's the fastest way! that's why you get this! (tosses him her pipe weapon) orpheus, barely catching it: sajskhsfdfs ???? eury: and i am gonna take this. (kicks open a trunk and takes out a rifle) orpheus: ???????!!!!???!?? WHERE DID YOU GET THAT AND DO WE REALLY NEED IT eury: Yes we do now come on orpheus: H-HOW did you get it eury: (loads gun) no worries orpheus: No i have many worries HOW DID YOU--
actually, on this emergency ride, orpheus proves surprisingly competent with her pole weapon—ruthless even, and eurydice wonders just where and how the hell he learned that
the conversation she has with him about that is the same one where he shows her his old, old scars
(besides ruthless—orph has apparently learned how to pose and intimidate. he does stuff like putting the tip of the pole-pipe to the asphalt as they’re riding, skipping on the road and creating sparks)
eurydice loves her bike more than certain relatives 
certain complications lead to it being destroyed by hades as punishment for doing him wrong. and it destroys her. that is her most trusted sacred bike, that thing has been with her since she was a teenager
once she repurposes that devastation into white-hot anger orph has to physically restrain her from hunting hades down and breaking his kneecaps with a thick lead pipe
he's never seen her this absolutely devastated and furious
he goes to persephone for more work because he wants to buy eurydice a new bike
he keeps it a secret from her until he leads her out to a garage, hands over her eyes
(some of these bits are copypasted from my friend @regzillas​)
orpheus takes his hands off and says Tada!!! it's just like the old one, there's no painted birds but she can do that. She just stands there in total silence mouth open, and orpheus goes 'so? do you like it?' before she bursts into tears. and at first orpheus is like :O!!!!! oh no!!! do you not like it? and eurydice through sobs just says 'nobody's ever done something like this for me’
it's... beautiful, it's touching, it's deep and it's love and she's so in love and she loves him so much, and she cries and holds him close and takes him in and she's so overwhelmed by her emotions, full of the care that orpheus so freely gives to her; and it's a breath of newness, fresh air in the cycle of dread and bitter anger that haunts the city (but she's still going to find hades and shoot him in the foot)
he just holds her and kisses her head
they spend the day painting it, the day after he buys the bike
hand-painted. and they both leave their handprints in paint on it, like carl and ellie do on their mailbox in the beginning of Up
a significant amount of time is spent thinking of a good name
theres lots of joking and eurydice playfully shoves orpheus and he falls over into paint
okay i wrote something like. Obnoxiously long for orpheus. i sort of have his backstory in this down, but i don’t have anything for eurydice unfortunately :( suggestions are welcome! but first: Hermes
biker!au hermes owns a chain of bars, several of which find their patronage among the ruffian youth, several of which are more refined and serve the middle class, and another several of which serve the upper crust hermes has a hand in every world and it serves him pretty well, and his chain is a bit of a channel of communication and its unspoken rule that whatever socioeconomic class or gang or organization you're a part of, hermes' chain is neutral territory no fighting allowed
eurydice walks in and hermes just gives her a Look and taps the 'no fighting' sign and she huffs
hes >:( if anyone does try to start shit. the honor system is strong enough that usually the other patrons will just throw them out, and if there are really problems, they'll hear from hermes personally
he maintains a very strict "no bitching in my fucking kitchen" atmosphere
and now, Orpheus
this really is kind of akira but without the government conspiracies; the city is a neon corrupt hellscape that’s still struggling to rebuild after an apocalyptic event that wiped it all through. the city is wracked with frustration and violence and anger, there are still urban ruins everywhere and the scars of rebuilding and struggle are plain in every corner of life; plain to see are the shells of ruined buildings, gigantic boats levelled from the sea and left in the middle of inland sectors.
orpheus was abandoned by his mother at an early age—kind and timid, he had to learn fast how to be suspicious and cautious in cruel ways. he couldn’t land himself a spot in any of the groups that other ragtag raging folks had eked out for themselves, still too hesitant or ungraceful or young for any of them. sure, he made friends, sitting and talking with lots of people, but never got to really team up—all he could do was just fight for himself in the blown out corners of the city. weapons made from whatever he had. a young child already spitting blood and teeth in hadestown’s vicious ground-floor landscape.
hermes is his mother’s close old friend, though the times they see each other are few and far between. when he saw him, hermes hardly recognized her son, wild-eyed and clawed and alone in one of the city’s more dangerous neighborhoods, with a pole full of screws slung over his back. how did she lose track of her kid for so long? he thinks. and takes him in.
hermes eventually realizes that his mother didn’t lose him. meanwhile, tiny orpheus, kind-hearted orpheus, despises hermes at first. he’s full of suspicion and desperately wants to lean into hermes’ kindness, but the streets have taught him to hold back. he spits curses at him, though the words slide right off hermes’ shoulders. it’s not genuine.  just frustrated. and picked off of the delinquents that were his friends, just like most everything else about him.
(hermes knows he’s gotten his trust when orpheus starts getting soft, when he’s crying over littler things; it means he’s been deemed safe to be vulnerable around, and he damn near starts crying himself.)
orpheus owns a little vespa! it’s covered in stickers, some of them worn out and old, some places with just the adhesive and the fuzzy white paper from where he tried to pull them off. some of them aren’t even proper stickers and just shit he peeled off from places while he was wandering around and stuck onto the vespa
even in canon i see him as the kind of guy who like. you look at him and think jesus how is this guy still alive he’s so noodly and soft, but he’s unexpectedly sort of street smart
anyway i mentioned this before but didn’t elaborate. biker au orph, to eury's surprise, does have his collection of scars, since he had a bit of a rough go at life
also he’s just ungainly and runs into shit
you can see em on his sketch page. he has a bit more than what’s shown, but what’s visible is a little slash across the bridge of his nose onto his cheek, and two on his left forearm. he probably has a stab scar in his side from just getting fucking knifed. the ones on his left forearm are from when a drunk coming out of a bar charged him with a fork
eurydice also has scars. kind of hard not to with the kind of life she lives
ok thats it. For Now. i don’t know how persephone or the fates or the workers factor in, if at all. I barely know how Hades factors in, mostly what i’ve said so far and that he does what he does to support himself and persephone. ah well! just have this
as this is extremely based off of AKIRA, i verily recommend listening to the movie’s soundtrack. besides the fact that it slaps hard as hell, the opening song, Kaneda’s Theme, has the perfect vibes for the city and the tone of eurydice and orpheus riding at night through it
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
The Stand In Chapter One
Being an assistant on the witcher set is a dream come true for you, helping bring to life the books and games you were brought up with. But when the project is threatened to be cancelled completely your called in to save the day! But can you really fill in for an actress?
Warnings: swearing
A/N: hello! So this was wrote on a whim sort of. I don't know if Keira is in the books honestly and I have no idea if she will be in season two but I wanted to write somthing different. Got a few ideas of where I can go with this but like I said just wanted to write something a little different. Hone you enjoy xxx
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​ @angelofthorr @iloveyouyen​
logo divider is by @writeyourmindaway​ other one is by me xx
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You moved through the hustle and bustle of the set your trusty clipboard what was you doing? Well the people needed feeding so you were taking orders, some people onset would eat at the food tent some would want to order in today it was your turn to take the orders and deliver them to the chefs. You grunted looking at your watch you needed to move quicker they'd be filming soon and expect the food to be ready by the time they finished...sounded easy but the guys were cooking meals for nearly one hundred  people and that took time... especially out here... You jogged up to the tent with an apologetic smile"Sorry guys had to round em up you know how it is!" You got a few chuckles. Yes they did know how it was having to take turns doing it themselves. You were just a regular onset dogs body, you help in any way shape or form and that’s that.
You smiled at them hanging the clip board on the hook for them to see clearly then They began barking orders to one another down the line  getting to work. You left them to it weaving in and out of everyone to get back to set incase someone needed anything again. Once you reached half way across the site your name was called turning you saw Mathew one of the other assistants.
"Hey y/n your needed in the directors tent chop chop!"
"What? why?" He shrugged then through his hands out wide walking backwards away from you he seemed in a hurry.
"Don't know was just told that you had to be there asap" You sighed and quickly turned on your heal towards the tent...If this was another coffee run you were gonna scream! It took forty five minutes to drive down this god forsaken mountain and you didn't really want to be bitched at by camera crew about delivering a cold fucking coffee again.
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Henry and Joey panicked looking to each other Cancelled? They could be cancelled after all the fans and money the show had pulled in? They stood in the tent with Tomasz,Lauren and Talitha or 'Tee' as she prefers.
"So she just decided not to do it? A week before she was meant to be here? She had all the time over lock down to tell you and she left it till now?" Tomasz nodded stiffly to Henry who spoke, Henry and Joey were angry. Hell they all was, but them more so because they were actors and this was something you just didn't do. No integrity or respect. Lauren piped up.
"To be fair its a huge blockbuster role she was offered its no surprize she dumped us in favor of it... But now everything is up in the air she was a big role in this season and we can't start casting for it now, the two other back ups can't come and fill in either, one is recovering from covid and the other has a contract for another role." Joey placed his hands on his hips
"Well what about her contract? She sighed one didn't she? Surely she should honor that?" Lauren and Tomasz shared a look.
"Yes but two things one imagine forcing her to play a role she no longer wants...Could be very awkward and two the contract had dates...We couldn't stick to the them so she managed to wriggle out of it." They each huffed Henry spoke up
"Can't we put it on hold for a few weeks rush through the casti-" he trailed off at Tomasz' severe look and shake of his head.
"No we aren't being given an extension we have to find someone...Preferably here on set so we don't have to navigate the covid travel restrictions, we can't afford two weeks quarantine for whoever it is we bring in" Tee looked up to her bosses.
"So?...You need someone on set to take the role? I suppose they can't be a major part of the crew?" Lauren nodded to her and smiled
"You up for it?" Tee shook her head
"Fuck no but there is someone that could do it...Y/n shes a general assistant, the one you like! the one that picked up the wardrobe the other day when the truck couldn't get up the hill" Lauren's face lit up as she put a face to the name
"Oh! lilac bob? Green eyes?" Tee smiled nodding
"Yeah! Her she isn't to busy really just runs errands, shes an extra pair of hands" Tomasz tilted his head it sounded viable, it would be a god send he crossed his arms.
"But she would have what a week? To read up on the character, learn lines and go through costume...It would be a hectic rush would she agree to it?" Tee smiled knowingly
"Yes..She hasn't done acting before...well not properly she had a part in bugsy malone play at primary school but that was about it...But I have no doubt that she would do it she loves the witcher. As for reading up on the character you don't have to worry I dread to think how many times shes re-read those books and played the games...She even based her gcse textiles project on the witcher making a screen print tapestry! Trust me she will know Keira metz' personality so half of the job is already done!" Tomasz nodded secretly getting excited over the prospect of having another fan in the mix,  yet he covered it well not wanting to get anyone’s hopes to high."Okay call her in get her to read some lines...Lets not tell her what its for first see if theres some chemistry between the three of you first then go from there" they all nodded it was the best way to go about it.
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When you got to the tent you instantly knew something was up. First person you noticed was your best friends Tee it was her who'd got you the job here. She had been working on the first season and was one of the directing assistants she was always around the producers and directors making sure everything was running smoothly and when they top dogs changed things it was her who made those changes get through the grape vine to everyone who needed to know. Then you noticed Henry  and Joey were here ,how you didn't see them first is a mystery as they were both fully kitted out in the characters costumes.
Holy shit! He was so fucking hot! So so fucking yummy you wanted to jump him and run away and hide at the same time 'Okay breath don't fucking squeal bitch be cool that's it calm down don't make it obvious you want to hump his leg!...If he offers though ride tat thigh like a fucking pony!...No! Stop your going red! Calm it! There we go...Nice and calm well done give yourself a pat on the back' and breath.
You took a calming breath after your little pep talk the fan-girl locked up tight inside you relaxed slightly. Could you help it? No Henry is like your celebrity crush and has been since your little virgin eyes saw him fucking on Tudors. You'd seen him around set obviously you can't really ignore the huge man in the silver wig. You’d wanted to get his autograph and a photo but couldn't trust yourself not to do something stupid so you kept your distance. But damn he was much finer up close in person. You gulped just praying to god you did not squeak at him you'd never ever live it down.
Everyone looked on edge even the director Tomasz and producer Lauren? none of them noticed your arrival speaking in hushed tones to one another like they didn't want anyone to overhear what was happening. You cleared your throat placing a hand on one of the metal supports by the entrance of the tent unsure if you should enter with them all looking so serious you didn't want to hear anything you shouldn't.
"Err knock knock? you wanted to see me? If its a bad time I can come back..." they jumped a little obviously caught up in their conversation. You shrunk under everyone's gaze as the sets of heavy eyes rested on you.
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Henry's eyes widened a little at you he swallowed dryly peering at you from his spot in the tent. You were beautiful he suddenly found himself hoping you would be the one to take the role. Not only could he then have a reason to be around you without you running off. But there were sex scene between the two characters and as ashamed as he felt he had already spent a considerable amount of time envisioning just that, alone at night in his trailer with nothing but his fist to ease his needs. He couldn't help it he had never spoke to you but he wanted you. So selfish or not he would thoroughly enjoy enacting those particular scenes, the image of you below him was just to much.
Joey prodded him slightly making him snap his gaze away and turn to the 'bard' He raised his brows at him nodding to the lilac haired woman as if to say 'look who it is?' Henry flushed a little and blinked yes Joey knew.
It started when Henry had seen you around set, capturing glimpses of you he had wanted to go and talk to you. Each time he saw you around he would excuse himself from whatever he was doing and turn to make his way over to you. But every time he turned and took a step in your direction you flushed and bolted.
He did like you. He liked very much. He found out you were an assistant someone to run errands and Tee had got you the job he was meant to ask her about you but you both seemed close. What if Tee told you? What would you think if you found out he had been asking about you?. So no instead he bit his tongue and kept trying to catch you out and have a chat. He couldn't put his finger on it you just appealed to him, you looked sweet and sexy all in one.
He wanted so desperately to talk to you but you seemed scared of him for some reason so he in the end he settled for admiring you from afar. He'd never got more than six feet near you and that six feet was close enough to make him swoon. You had been diligently taking coffee orders around the set and was taking a list from the directors tent and he was waiting to speak to Tomasz and Lauren queuing behind you in a sense one person separated you.
You were so caught up in trying to take names and coffee orders you hadn't noticed him hovering behind you. He had leaned to the side taking full advantage enjoying eyeing your behind admiring the taught cheeks hugged by your zebra print workout leggings, you must have been in a thong because they snuck up your ass a little making him groan. He'd give anything to be up there himself! He sighed smoothing his hands over his face trying to push away the teasing thoughts, it was not the time to imagine drilling your perfect little ass, fucking you roughly on all fours until your little body sucked the cum out of his balls and he left you with a fully stretched freshly fuck little pucker.
No it was not the time, not when he had another few scenes to shoot. But they were just there! Teasing him a few quick shuffles of his feet and he could be right behind you, he could accidentally graze your pert full bottom. But no he held himself back he groaned when the wind changed and caught a scent of your hair mango and passion fruit.
He had been on a high all day after that. That’s when Joey was certain Henry was getting a little crush on the lilac haired beauty that had gained the nick name Tink's. To Joey you looked like a real life colorful little fairy and he had named you after Tinkerbell. Henry bit his lip trying to contain his excitement, as you cleared your throat nervously today was going from really really bad to absolutely fucking incredible.
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You eyed Henry carefully he was..staring well until Joey prodded him then he snapped out of whatever it was flushing. You didn't have much time to consider it as Lauren moved waving you over smiling like nothing was wrong. Okay? Weird.
"No no! Come in your just the woman we needed to see." You walked in slowly still uneasy but managed to cross the threshold. There was a pause and they looked like they were appraising you? What the fuck? Tomasz cleared his throat and nodded giving Lauren the go ahead for something apparently.
"Y/n I was hopeing you could go over some lines with these two, they haven't got anyone to practice with and we really need to start getting rehearsals in. Flights are running few and far between so the actress who was supposed to be here last week, can't get here until we are actually filming the scenes!" You blinked huh? Read lines? You began going shy and shaking your head
"I don't-" but before you could get anymore words out Tomasz spoke up.
"And with covid setting us back we can't afford delays we could be cancelled" you froze at that...Cancelled? You looked to Henry and Joey who both gave hopeful puppy eyes you sighed a shaky breath.
"O-okay I suppose I could...Help out... It is what I'm here for.." You missed the looks all four shared as Joey handed you a sheet from the script. You skimmed it as quick as you could and your face instantly lit up with a bright smile.
"Holy shit keira? I didn't realize you were doing that-" quickly realizing you may have been fangirling you shut up. Tomasz head lifted smiling
"You know the character?" You chuckled nervously well aware of The witcher still eyeing you from the side. Joey smirked at him and gave a chuckle making Henry freeze and look away flustered. You hesitated whilst talking to Tomasz.
"Hehe well Yeah sort of....I know the book's and the games sooo yeah..Sorry...Got excited there..Can't help it" he grinned shaking his head.
"No no its perfectly fine...I do always love seeing people et excited over our work! But you know her so can help the guys immensely. If you could try and portray the character that would help a lot as well, so we can see how these lines and dynamics will work" you blinked looking at the page going blank. Try to in act the scene to? Okay keira what do you remember shes...Playful catty and a little manipulative.Petty but confident yet can switch to cold bitch on a dime. Your not sure our up to the task.
"So? You want me to try and act properly? but...But bare in mind I'm not an actress...Never done any acting or anything so if I'm shit I apologize."
"Its fine, just try your best...We don't want a carbon copy of the games we want a believable character, just create your own Keira for the time being as I said we just want that feeling for the scene and the relationship that's all. If you could read from half way down..'Seriously I mean this is it?' Okay? don't mind the blank we just haven't settled on the last few bits of dialog just keep going...Go with the flow as it were" you nodded taking a breath really out of your comfort  zone  but it literally  said 'help when needed' in your job description so you didn't have much choice. You took a peek at the lines it the scene was based around the camp at night.
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Henry and Joey sat on stools you followed their lead really nervous trying not to steal glances or stare at the witcher before you even if he didn't seem to care himself, his gold eyes not leaving you for a second, he wasn't even blinking.
You pulled at the page slightly forcing back the anxiety but sucked it up when were you ever going to get the chance to do this again. To read lines with your crush on set in full delicious Witcher get up.You decided to throw caution to the wind and give it your all if you looked a tit well atleast you had fun and you'd never have to again!
You gulped you were supposed to start. You took a breath and pulled some confidence out of your ass, she was a fierce woman that was almost childlike. You used a sarcastic un-amused flat tone.
"Seriously....I mean this is it? this is the great adventuring? Wandering the continent aimlessly for contract's that may or may not be actual monsters..." you tilted your head to the side blinking slowly as you looked between Henry and Joey. Both seemed to be caught unaware as you transformed from a frightened quivering ball of nerves to a catty confidant sorceress.
Henry smiled cheekily at you  knowing that with that transformation you'd already bagged the role, you were his keira.
"Well you are welcome to return to your healing house" Henry drolled in Geralt's deep voice sounding unimpressed tilting his head at you slightly with a bored expression. Joey hummed.
"Yes I second that witch you don't have to be here you can just go your own way" he waved his hand near you and you leaned in giving him a wicked warning grin making him pull back and lean towards Henry, a typical Jaskier move...Well for the moment he was Jaskier.
"G-go and curse children poison or cattle or whatever it is you do" you scoffed rolling your eyes pulling back a little and tilted your head looking at Henry.
"Geralt your Jester appears to be in a foul mood would you like me to help? I'm sure I have a remedy that can silence him for a while...Permanently if you'd like" you smirked as Joey snpped his head looking between the two worriedly.
"JESTER I-YOU I am a bard! And I have made Geralt here the famed white wolf! Tell her Geralt! " Henry rolled his eyes ignoring Joey's out burst
"The Jester is right you don't have to travel with us you can leave, return home if our adventures aren't exciting enough for you. And I'd warn you keep the potions to yourself"  you paused the page was now empty. You too a breath and spoke anyway.
"What? Me leave? and go back to treating the lords son and his frequent bouts of cock rot..." the two men bite back a laugh managing to stay in character...Just. You blinked leaning forward placing your face on your palm
"That’s not as thrilling as one might think loses its charm on the third and forth round...Much like the boy himself" Joey sputtered trying to hide his giggles. But contained himself to make an insulting Jaskier quip.
"Cock rot...begs the question do you cause it or cure it?" he twitched waiting for your reply. You hissed at him then calmed yourself and fluttered your eyes at him and continued in a sultry tone.
"Your welcome to find out for yourself Jester" he stuttered going red
"I-i a no hah thank you for the offer but noooo...Had enough of witches for a life time.. Thank you very much!" he said almost choking on his words you leaned back huffing
"Hmm...Shame you almost look like fun could have livened up the trip...I do always enjoy the loud ones..." Joey chuckled and looked to Henry with a face saying 'help me out here buddy' Henry was finding it very hard to keep himself together, was he jealous of you flirting with joey? Yes did he want to turn the tables? Yes could he think of a way to do it? Fuck no.
He settled for shaking his head, he was certain you had the role already and if not he was definitely going to vouch for you,you were good and portrayed Keira well enough to make Joey's Jaskier fidget which Keira did.
"I'm sure you can find fun where ever you find yourself Keira" Henry piped in wanting to see where the scene can go, wanting for you to give him your sultry voice and flirt with him. But you stuttered a little his gaze was intense hot and hooded.
"Y-yes you'd think that!..But there is no fun to be had at home anymore!...Well that's not strictly true there is this one acquaintance a deaf eunuch " Henry spoke up needing to hear the end of this one, trying to fight off his disappointment that you hadn't given him the same treatment as Joey, didn't you like him? Was Joey more your type? No there must be more to it.
"And this deaf eunuch is fun? How so?" you wiggled your eyebrows at him
"Well Witcher he only had one way to show me his gratitude...Any man who only has his hands to speak develops a very....dexterous set of fingers~" Joey slipped out of character confused as Henry burst out laughing. Despite his sour feelings over your non-flirting he couldn't deny that was a funny and well thought out bit of improv.
"Deaf eunuch? F-fingers?..I don't get it-OOHHH!HOLY SHIT YOU DIDN'T! OHH OH MY FUCK" he then started roaring with laughter with Henry making you go shy blushing.
"Oh my god yes...She is definitely the one we need...Defiantly my Keira!" Henry wheezed through his laughter leaning over slapping his knee.
"huh what?" You looked between everyone what do the mean need? It was Tomasz was nodding smiling and spoke up clarifying what Henry had meant.
"That was....Well...It was an audition and you got the part. You became the character very easily it was natural and flowed nicely and you were nervous once relaxed you will make a perfect Keira!" you blinked at him. An audition? For a part in the show "Are you having a laugh? I can't act for shit...Like that was...It was err" Henry smirked lifting a brow
"Acting? Maybe?" You  blushed at him as he leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. You leaned back sitting upright then pulled a face. He was right technically.
"Okay it was kind of acting....But why are you doing this here now? Surely you already have someone? this don't strike me as normal." Lauren sighed
"No your right its not normal...The actress who was playing Keira has pulled out we have a week to find a replacement or will are probably getting cancelled they won't let us delay again" you sat up pin straight
"Wait what? An actress bailed on us last minuet...That’s a bit of a dick move... That's like a big dick move not in a nice big dick way either... Like a dick dick move" Henry and Joey snorted at your statement and Tee creased up. Tomasz moved over to you
"I'm afraid so...I know its a big ask but were were supposed to start filming her scenes the middle of next week and we need a replacement. Fast. Sooo what would you say to stepping in and saving the day? you fit the bill and your here now and from what I've just seen you can do it...You gave her a cheeky, petty vibe which in all honesty was missing from who we selected...We can get you ready I'm sure Henry and Joey can help you, teach you the tricks of the trade so to speak" he lifted his head to the both of them. They nodded Henry speaking up
"I can even mentor you if you want, to get you more comfortable... Me and Joey will look after you I promise" you gulped then looked back to Lauren and Tomasz. You'd never even thought of acting or anything and it was daunting prospect.
"Look...We have run into a problem that could potentially bring production and filming to a halt...Something that could cancel season two completely....But you can help us. We can continue as planned but we understand its a big thing to spring on someone .We can afford to give you a few days to think it over if you need to..." you took a breath it sounded incredible,  like one of those talent scout tales...Could you do it? You didn't want to see the show go down the pan you loved the first season as a viewer and was over the moon when Tee got you the job onset. You loved the witcher as a whole...Maybe helping bring it to life could be fun? A lot of work and you didn't know shit but you could give it a go. But then you’d be working close with Henry who pretty much turned you into a fucking trembling mass of girly hormones "...But I'm not an actress...I doubt I'd be any good.." Tee snorted
"Fuck off 'not an actress', acting is a big expensive game of pretend! And no offense but you've been pretending to be an adult since we left school! You've got this besides everyone will know your situation so if things go pear-shaped or you get confused we can all help sort you out, we wont scream at you over it..." she moved standing between Joey and Henry squishing their faces
"Come on loooook! Look at there poor little faces! Don’t let Jaskier and Geralt die! If we get cancelled that’s what will happen! These charters will die! I will take them out back and shoot them myself! Never to be seen again!" You giggled at her antic as both men in her grasp tried their hardest to pout up at you with there scrunched up faces. You sighed you were gonna regret this.
"Okay okay fine I will try... But don't say I didn't warn you.." everyone took a deep breath relived. Henry and Joey shared a grin now super excited to carry on with the show. Henry more so then Joey he was ecstatic! He can't wait to start getting close to you.
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Lauren moved over to you with some long ass looking scripts.
"Here...These are for you! Start reading through these today...Do one episode at a time for now you'd have more chance learning the lines and you need to go to costume.  Tee could you tell them whats happened and get her over there today? let them measure her up luckily it's mostly lace up so shouldn't have to change much" Henry stood up quickly making you jump.
"I will take her and introduce her to everyone...I’m finished for the day so I’m going there anyway" he explained a little sheepish realizing he may have seemed eager. Joey chuckled at him Standing beside him patting the mans back Tomasz shook his head
"Thank you for the offer Henry but we still need you were going to re shoot one of the scenes again, we think there is a better angle we could get" Henry pouted chest deflating a little and nodded to the director
"Right so Tee you escort her , oh where are you staying by the way? In the hotel in town? Well we will need to move you into Keira’s trailer so you'd be onset. Tee could you show her the trailer first then wardrobe and then finally I will pop over with a contract for you this afternoon..." you froze. Contract?. What the fuck? You don't know anything about contracts! Henry caught on to your panic and lit up like Christmas finding another way he could spend time with you.
"Hey its okay...Just a bit of paper saying you've got the job and a bit of legal jargon...I can look over it with you and have my agent look over it if you want? just to be sure everything's good okay? don't worry we will take good care of you I promised didn't I?" You smiled shyly and nodded. 'Holy shit he's looking at you, speak girl stop fucking staring! SPEAK! BREATH!' You took a breath avoiding his gaze a little trying to forget who he was wanting to act cool when you did finally speak it was in a quiet voice.
"I-I Suppose so...I mean yes I'd appreciate someone sorting that out..I get the feeling there are a lot of big words involved" Joey laughed you liked Henry, he could see it and something told him you would both become very close. Well close he estimated you'd be fucking within two weeks. He noted the fact you had both gone quiet Henry's eyes boring into you again as you fiddled with script in your hand. He rolled his eyes you were blushing squirming under the witchers staring gold orbs and he didn't seem to care he was just quite happy to gawk at you. Joey finally decided to cut you so e slack.
"Your not kidding...But like Henry said nothing to bad just a you got the job! And how your being paid really" you chuckled rubbing your neck.
"Fuck! haha you know I didn't even think of that" Tomasz chuckled and nodded. Breaking his silence, he to had noticed the tension between the two of you but would say nothing it wont be a problem after all there was a sexual atmosphere between Geralt and Keira so it would do well on screen.
"Well your an actress now, so of course you'll be paid as an actress, it will be in the paper work, I suggest you go and start reading the scripts Keira is heavily involved in this season she is travelling with Geralt and Jaskier for a while... And a word of advice I'm going to have to take your name to a few higher ups with the video of your audition and names on official websites for the cast will be changed, probably in a day or two...You may want to go and clean up any social media ect that you might have...It could blow up a little bit its...What we are doing is pretty much unheard of" you frowned at him
"You...You filmed that? What? who?" Tee waved her phone up at you gaining your attention.
"Its fine y/n just need it for the records and for a few others to see..." she turned to Lauren
"Might be an idea to put this up somewhere to just to introduce her as the character..." Lauren shook her head
"Not yet get her in costume then a few photos we can film a short teaser scene with them...That can be her debut" Tee nodded and began making a list of things to do then snapped her head up looking at you.
"Seriously change your face book to friends only...And get a fucking twitter on that thought get a bloody snapchat and Instagram to! Okay? life will be easier trust me on this" Henry frowned at you stumped.
"You don't have twitter, Snapchat or Instagram?....No what? How have you? What do you do all day on your phone?" You shrugged and smiled impishly at him.
"I read...Write...Scroll tumblr for hours on end and play games...Never bothered with that social media crap don't know how to use it...Was on tumblr for years before I ever got the courage to post something" Joey smiled taking a step forward and patted your back
"Well at least you have Tumblr which I will want by the way! But never mind about the others I will show you cos your gonna need it!" You smiled at him giggling maybe this wont be so bad? You nodded at him feeling more at ease, it sounded like they were going to help you with all this shit, the only thing you had to do was keep the inner Cavill fangirl at bay, which was gonna be a hell of a job now that you weren't going to be able to avoid him but it was that or watch this show be cancelled and that was not going to happen!. You looked over to Lauren who was still giving Tee a list of jobs and people to contact.
"Okay...So where do I start?" She smiled and quickly stood in front of you as you stood between Joey and Henry both pointing out on the scripts certain things explaining what things meant and how things would work when filming. You nodded trying to take it all in. You took a breath looks like you were doing this.  
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songs that make me think of vampy and why
this is for drea and leyla ONLY thank u
daylight- taylor swift "i don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you, i don't wanna think of anything else now that i thought of you" bc vampy loves her so much he only wants her 😔 midnight love- girl in red "I know I'm the last one you try to call but I always give in to give you it all" "your silver is my gold" bc miss chiropractor treated him terribly but he loved her with everything and would have gone back to her no matter what watch you sleep- girl in red this one is obvious: bc vampy watches bloodbag sleep :) also "the scar on your spine, you fell off a roof when you were nine" is all appreciating the tiny details about someone and that is definitely something vampy would do :( paper rings: taylor swift "i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this" line without a hook- ricky montgomery "oh baby i am a wreck when i'm without you" bc vampy loves bloodbag so much he just wants to be with her always 😔 dead girl in the pool- girl in red this one is kinda weird but i feel like bloodbag is gonna die at some point and then vampy will just be like "theres a dead girl in the pool (or wherever her corpse is laying slfjskldfjkldsj) i don't know what to do" and then he's gonna make this face
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bad habits- ed sheeran bc he was just slutting around before he met bloodbag demons- imagine dragons dont make fun of me for this I KNOW but fr it's vampy renegade- taylor swift "you wouldn't be the first renegade to need somebody" he needs bloodbag 😔 starting line- luke hemmings i can't really explain this one but it's like how you always talk about how his happiness is overshadowed by the fact that he's a monster or whatever million dollar bills - lorde "theres nothing i want but money and time" and vampy has literally all the money and time :) solar power- lorde this is harrys hot girl anthem idk happiness- taylor swift "there'll be happiness after you, but there was happiness because of you" this is him reminiscing on miss chiropractor i wanna get better-bleachers "i didn't know i was lonely til i saw your face" "I didn't know i was broken til i wanted to change" come on 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 good 4 u - olivia rodrigo this is his fuck u song for miss chiropractor my tears ricochet- taylor swift "if i'm dead to you why are you at the wake" it's ironic innit 😌 what a feeling- one direction "what a feeling to be right here beside you now, holding you in my arms" please 😔 "everybody needs someone around" 😔😔😔 "but i can't hold you too close now" bc he has severe attachment and commitment issues :) all you had to do was stay- taylor swift "had me in the palm of your hand, then, why'd you have to go and lock me out when i let you in" omg miss chiropractor really hurt him 😔 king of my heart- taylor swift "and all at once you are the one i have been waiting for" bloodbag @ vampy 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 cruel summer- taylor swift "I love you ain't that the worst thing you ever heard" bc he knows getting close to bloodbag will ultimately only lead to pain for everyone involved "i don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you" bc he can't tell bloodbag everything about him even tho he probably wants to :( thank u next- arianna grande this is weird BUT if miss chiropractor hadn't fucked him up so much he never would have met bloodbag tear in my heart- 21 pilots again don't make fun of me for this I HAVE AN EXPLANATION "you fell asleep in my car i drove the whole time but that's okay i'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine" if bloodbag fell asleep in his car he would definitely do this :( shape of you-ed sheeran "now my bedsheets smell like you" his room probably smells like honey and lavender all the time now and he's probably foaming at the mouth constantly cowboy in LA "let's skip the club, lets skip the crowd, i wanna take you on a date" bc they both hate clubs!!!!! "I'll hold your hand I'll hold the door bc that's how i was raised" he's a gentleman 😔😔😔😔 & burn- billie eilish "i'll sit and watch your car burn with the fire that you started in me, but you never came back to ask it out" idk for some reason this has vampy and miss chiropractor vibes take me to church- hozier religious trauma babes 🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼 speechless- dan+shay "i'm speechless, staring at you standing there in that dress" love 😔 yours- russel dickerson "i came to life when i first kissed you, the best me has his arms around you, you make me better than i was before, thank god i'm yours" SCREAMING AND CRYING AND SHAKING tolerate it- taylor swift "i know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it" MISS ******** DIDN"T APPRECIATE OR CELEBRATE HIS LOVE MIA- anarbor "thinking about my life and everything i did wrong along the way"😔 lay low- josh turner for when bloodbag and vampy go to a cabin in the woods for a week and just love each other 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 who can save me now- anarbor "you stabbed me in the back" this one is pretty literal LSKFJLKSJFLKDSJ "you could have at least been kind enough to let me turn around" ouch 😔 dopamine- anarbor "i'm hooked on your dopamine" vampy and bloodbag ugh lie to me- 5sos this give me vampy and ******** vibes "i wish we never met, cause you're too hard to forget" "while i'm cleaning up your mess i know he's taking
off your dress" bc she probably cheated on him while they were together 😔 and he would have stayed with her if she told him she loved him, even if he knew it was a lie 😔 cotton candy- yungblud it's just a happy song with good vibes like bloodbag and vampy currently have :) small talk- niall horan i don't even have to say anything here pillowtalk- zayn "so we'll piss off the neighbors" chappy 9 vibes dancing with our hands tied- taylor swift "i loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us" vampy rn 😔 once in a lifetime- one direction vampy will live a million lifetimes but he will only ever have one bloodbag 😔 holy ground- taylor swift "tonight i'm gonna dance for all that we've been through but I don't wanna dance if i'm not dancing with you" they've come so far omg 😔 since we're alone- niall horan "you can show me your heart, if you put it all in my hands no i swear no i won't break it apart" crying if i could fly- one direction "for your eyes only i'll show you my heart" rollercoaster- bleachers again i can't explain it but it makes me think of him 😔 so long- niall horan "so if we knew all along why did it take so long" good question bestie current location- LANY "i need your current location to be my current location" they're idiots in love and want to be together all the time 😔 why dont we go there- one direction "hey i don't want you to be the one that got away i wanna get addicted to you you're rushing through my mind i wanna feel the high i wanna be addicted" well hes already addicted to her blood so might as well like you lots- LANY bc they both have issues and can't say love lmao too much to ask- niall horan vampy though wanting love was too much to ask of miss chiropractor 😔 walking in the wind- one direction this one just has his vibes man 😔 heartbeat- carrie underwood "dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat" bc vampy is obsessed with listening to bloodbag's heart (fan behavior if you ask me) idfc- blackbear this is vampy and ******** bc "tell me that you love me even if it's fake" city of angels- 24kgoldn "i sold my soul to the devil for designer" yes this made me laugh the woods- olivver the kid "waking up in the middle of the woods" "don't you wanna get out of here, out of the woods" flashback to when he was dead in the woods oop "you brought me down to the river, and you pushed me in, hoping that the white rapids would challenge my ability to swim" bc... she's a murderer omg this verse is talking about leaves and i'm freaking out it fits 100% this is crazy "You pick up two handfuls You tell me they're all dried up & dead You know that's nothing like us We'll live forever instead" just a little bit of your heart- ariana grande vampy bc he loves so deeply and completely that he will give all of himself to someone even if they won't do the same my strange addiction- billie eilish bc he is addicted to her blood :) cross your mind- niall horan this is vampy and ******** "love the way you hurt me and it doesn't even cross your mind" "leaving me in pieces (literally lmao) but i swear it's worth it every time" everywhere- niall horan that scene where vampy smelled some perfume or soap or something and it made him think of bloodbag 😔 everything makes him think of her now 😔 "swear it's hard to think it's hard to breathe when you're in the air" put a little love on me- niall horan "you're the only one i need" 😔 bend the rules- niall horan VAMPY AND ******** ALL THE WAY "i'm not saying that you're lying but you're leaving out the truth" heartbreak weather- niall horan "all of my life i've been sleepwalk living, running around the same bars i've been in, it can be so lonely in this city, but it feels different when you're with me" bloodbag and vampy 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 mr loverman- ricky montgomery "i miss my lover man" vampy is probably dramatic like this all the time now that they're official 😔 bad blood- taylor swift again, just for the irony 😌 vapor- 5sos "i want to breathe you in like a vapor i want to be the one you remember i want to feel
your love like the weather all over me" they're so in love like this 😔 catch fire- 5sos "all my life i've been waiting for moments to come" he's been waiting for bloodbag his entire life 😔 beside you-5sos "i wish i was beside you" they want to be together all the time 😔 black and white- niall horan "that first night i was standing at your door fumbling for your keys then i kissed you" ARE YOU KIDDING ME not in the same way- 5sos this is vampy and ******** just bc they were so toxic lkfjskldfjsdlkjf lonely heart-5sos "and i haven't slept in days" lmao ghost of you-5sos "my feet dont dance like they did with you" thinking about when vampy danced for bloodbag and what if they break up 👁️👁️ why wont you love me- 5sos vampy at ******** 😔 he just wanted to be loved 😔😔😔😔😔 fool's gold- one direction "i let you use me from the day that we first met" "i know your love's not real, but that's not the way it feels" STOP IM SAD last first kiss- one direction "let me be your last first kiss" i want them to be together forever 😔 truly madly deeply- one direction "foolishly completely falling and somehow you kicked all my walls in" bloodbag really snuck into his heart huh 😔 fireproof -one direction "nobody saves me baby the way you do" ugh 😔 long story short-taylor swift "clung to the nearest lips long story short it was the wrong guy" (or in vampy's case the wrong vampire) gold rush-taylor swift "and the coastal town we run around has never seen a love as pure as it" bloodbag and vampy are all i want 😔 no judgement- niall horan bc vampy would never judge bloodbag 😔 daddy issues- the neighborhood again im not even gonna say anything here new angel- niall horan "the touch of someone else to save me from myself" this is vampy 😔 god is a woman- ariana grande vampy after he brought bloodbag home the first time something like this- the chainsmokers "just something i can turn to, somebody i can kiss" ALL VAMPY WANTS IS LOVE sweater weather- the neighborhood idk this song makes me think of him all of me- john legend "all of me loves all of you all your curves and all your edges all your perfect imperfections" KSFLKSDJFKLDJSFLJSDKLFJDSKL i like me better- lauv "i like me better when i'm with you" she makes him a better person 😔 sex- eden "oh no, i think i'm catching feelings" vampy when bloodbag went on a date with someone else half a heart- one direction bc bloodbag completes him 😔 theyre so disgusting 😔 only angel- harry styles "turns out she's a devil in between the sheets" woman- harry styles vampy when she was on a date with someone else bc hes a jealous moron temporary fix- one direction this has chappy 1-2 vibes a.m.-one direction when they first started falling in love and he wanted to be with her more often 😔 something great- one direction "i want you here with me like how i pictured it so i don't have to keep imagining" through the dark- one direction just all of this song 😔 happily- one direction "you know i wanna be the one who holds you when you sleep i just want it to be you and i forever" 😔 electric love- borns "i can't let you go now that i got it" canyon moon- harry styles they're just happy like this rn 😔 sunflower vol. 6- harry styles "kiss in the kitchen like it's a dancefloor" "mouth full of toothpaste" when they brushed their teeth together 😔 adore you- harry styles obviously
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danicarosaline · 4 years
Until i met you
𝙹𝙹 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
The anon request: G’day gorgeous, was wondering if i could request jj x kook reader! Shes rlly great friends w/ rafe, topper, kelce but somehow ends up falling for a pogue(jj) and she keeps the lil crush a secret from her friends? fluff if you will🥰
Warnings: swear words, fluff & angst (theres a punch on)
A/N: reading my own fics makes me cringe for some reason lolol anyways, i hope y’all like this one!! 🌸✨
For the sake of the story, JJ works at a cafe called ‘The Milk Bar’ & he’s a barista there.
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You perch yourself onto a dark blue beach towel, not quite sure if it was yours or Kelce’s since your towels were almost identical. It was high noon and the sun beat down with intense ferocity that caused sweat to trickle down your neck and back as a few strands of baby hair clung to your forehead. You felt like you were showering in your own sweat and even though this big old tree hovered above the four of you, sheltering y’all from the sun just a tad and a cold drink stowed in your left hand, it still wasn’t enough for the heat to be bearable.
Not to mention that the sand was far too hot to walk on. whose idea was it to flee to the beach on the hottest day of the summer? the sidewalk was hot enough to fry an egg for crying out loud.
“Whose idea was it to come here?” Kelce whined as if he read your mind. Topper clicks his tongue from where he stood, turning himself around to face Kelce with an annoyed expression. “I'm sorry man, I thought it would be a good idea okay? sorry for suggesting” he replies with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
“Whatever dumbass”
“You know what Kelce, you’re a dick”
“What? how?”
“You’ve done nothing but complain the entire time we’ve been out and I’m-“
“Yeah, I don't care- how come your pool is malfunctioning itself when we need it the most? Explain yourself Top”
“I have literally explained it twice already! have you not been list-“
“Will you two shut up for a fucking second?” Rafe bellowed as he ran a hand through his soaked blond locks, fingers hovering just above the screen of his new Iphone.
You chuckled lightly at the three in front of you, bringing up the cold water bottle to your lips for the hundredth time that day. “It was a good idea at the time Toppy, but right now it’s just way too hot to walk around this sand” you factually state, smiling up at the pouty boy sweetly.
“Shall we leave then and go back to my place?” Kelce suggested and you nod enthusiastically. This heat was getting worse by the minute and you were sure that you would pass out at any moment. Rafe waves a hand in the air, not having a single care about the conversation and where the group ends up at, his attention still glued to his phone. Topper’s shoulders deflate a little. Seemingly annoyed at his friends for wanting to leave the beach so suddenly but an idea crosses his mind.
“Yo why don’t we head to the Milk Bar first? I heard that place sells the best ice cream on the island and it’s not even that far from here!”
A pretty hostess around her mid twenties welcomed you once the four of you arrived at the small cafe Topper had suggested and as you drink in the aroma of the place you couldn’t help but think that it wasn’t all that from what you heard from the other kooks, charitably speaking. But it was definitely very well decorated with it’s interior warm and cheery and colourful walls and it’s ridiculous amount of flower pots. It was simple, but nonetheless cute in it’s own way.
You were about to scold the boys for looking like a bunch of perverts ogling at the pretty hostess but before you could do so, a cute barista behind the marbled countertop caught your eye. His blond hair was unruly; tied up into a tiny cute bun at the top of his head and a loose black shirt covering his frame along with a brown apron.
Damn those arms. You tilt your head thoughtlessly to get a better angle of the way his arms flex through his tee, not at all realizing how you look to the others who stared at you with curious eyes.
“Oh fuck no”
You snapped out of your daze and angled your neck to look at Rafe who was sitting beside you, his brows furrowed, lips formed into a somewhat frown. You took one last glance at the blond barista and then back at the other blond next to you. Not quite understanding why Rafe all of the sudden became tense. You were the new kook on the island and have only been around for about three or four months, give or take? After all those months of being around the three, insanely attractive kooks, you never actually took notice on how protective these boys had become over you. ‘Never get yourself involved with a pogue. They are dirty, weak and all around devious’ was one of the rules you had to commit to. Ridiculous i know, but you loved the friends you came to know so you obeyed.
“That blondie over there? He’s a pogue and the worst one possible so don’t even think about going there” Rafe asserts protectively and you felt intimidated under his intense stare. Not knowing what to say, you just nodded in response and Rafe gave your nose a gentle boop, end of conversation.
“-whatever Kelce, anyways, who's paying?” Topper speaks with a mouthful of strawberries in his mouth, making you grimace at the sight before you. You reached over the table to close his mouth and hand him a few serviettes for the mess he made around himself.
“Not me”
“Yeah, not me either!”
“Nhut meh”
“Ew Toppy eat with your mouth closed for the love of god! And don’t worry you idiots, i'll pay” you offered with the roll of your eyes. For a bunch of rich kids they sure don’t wanna pay for themselves. ‘You’re richer than us combined’ Rafe would announce childishly whilst the other two agreed with certainty. What a bunch of dorks.
Upon making it at the front counter, you feel yourself freeze as you come face to face with the cute barista you had your eyes on. You couldn’t identify the colour of his eyes from the distance of where you sat but evidently, they were ethereally a deep ocean blue that was so full of life. He had smooth sun-kissed skin and if you lean in just a bit, you could see the small freckles sprinkled about like confetti. This boy was beautiful from head to toe it seems and there was no denying that.
“Hello, how was everything miss? Have our desserts reached up to your satisfactions?” He asked, the tonality of his voice sounded just as good as he looks. You reply back with an audible yes, biting down on your bottom lip slightly out of a nervous habit. After all, you were always the shy type. Especially around handsome strangers such as- you took a glimpse at the name tag pinned on the strap of his apron- JJ. Handsome strangers such as JJ.
“I especially loved the coffee chocolate um..” you trail off, having forgotten the name of the dessert you ordered but luckily JJ knew exactly what you were referring to. “Ah yes, the coffee chocolate ripple ice cream. That’s everyone's go-to around here” the blond chuckles and you nod. “I’m not surprised to be honest, coffee ice cream slaps! It’s the best out of all the other flavors i reckon”
He didn’t match your enthusiasm for the flavour, since chocolate was his favourite, but then your eyes lit up and the prettiest of grins decorated your undoubtedly stunning features, making him swoon at the pure sight. He claimed that it was his favourite ice cream, just so he could see that smile on your face again. He thought he’d seen you somewhere before. Definitely not a past hook up because how could he forget such a pretty face? His eyes flashed towards your table and then back at you. As if a lightbulb had been switched on in his mind, his eyes widen when his brain contemplated on who you were. He asked for your name and sure enough, you were the one he was thinking of. The new kook from Figure Eight. The chick who was glued to Rafe’s side at all times, Topper’s best friend and Kelce’s family friend. JJ hated those stuck up, pieces of shits and he wanted to despise you by simply being around them, but he felt drawn to you. The reasoning for that is unknown to him, so unusual and unfamiliar. Maybe it was because you looked angelic standing in front of him and the innocence radiating off of you got him believing that you were different from the rest.
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“Is this even a top?”
You reached out toward your maroon curtains and drew it aside in one swift motion, spinning back around to rummage through the diverse of clothes sprawled across the bed. JJ held a white lace up, silk crop top in his hands, observing it attentively with arch brows. “Where’s the back of this shit?” He asked, pulling on the strings to untangle it from the soft material.
“Dude it’s supposed to be a backless top and stop pulling on the strings! You’ll ruin it!” Snatching the top out of his hands, you throw him the white tee he accidentally left at your house last week. That’s what led you both here actually, getting ready together for another boneyard party, with your clothes all out and about everywhere messily because JJ’s favourite top was missing from his own closet. He ran to you without a second thought, already knowing that if he somehow loses something of his, it will undoubtedly be at your house.
After your first encounter with the blond at the Milk Bar, (that seemed like it was just yesterday but in fact it was almost a year ago now) JJ had been nothing but an amazing friend to you since. Much to the dismay of your three boy-friends.
JJ kept in touch with you after the countless amount of times he ran into you at a boneyard party. Never had he met anyone who could drink him under the table up until you, hence, wanting to keep you as close as possible. You got along with his friends well, too well to be exact as if you were a pogue yourself, and it was only the way you dressed and styled your hair that made you look so out of place with them. They loved you nonetheless, more so than they could admit but you were still a kook that was slumming it with the kooks, with Rafe out of all people.
“Thanks cutie” JJ reaches over his head to undress, replacing his gray cut off tank with the shirt you handed him. After months on end of watching this guy undress in front of you, whether that would be at the beach or him wanting to have a shower in your bathroom, it still made your heart flutter and butterflies to erupt in your belly. “Liking the view babe? Why don’t you take a picture, it’ll last longer” he flirts, winking and blowing a kiss your way.
With a click of your tongue, you swat at the hands he raised to pinch your cheeks, puffing them out in frustration when JJ tugged on the strands of your hair like a toddler. “Piss off Jay” turning away from the touchy blond and headed to the bathroom. “Nah you love me!” He calls out and you scrunch up your nose, voicing out an audible gag. “Hey i heard that!”
“Yeah you were meant to”
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The waves rolled in, churning across the sand on the shore as the sun began to set like it does naturally. Teenagers were laughing and swaying their hips to the music that was booming out of the big speakers you offered to pay not long ago, as a gift from you to the pogues. Your eyes wandered from person to person, trying to spot your kook friends from where you sat on the log and when you couldn’t find them anywhere in the crowd you slowly brought your eyes back on your favourite blond, who held his gaze at you expectantly. Like he was waiting on a response. Oh wait.
“Oh sorry JJ, what did you say?”
“I think she’s had enough to drink”
“We literally just got here like an hour ago Pope” JJ says comically, bringing the beer he held up to his lips. Blue eyes still fixated on your frame. “Yeah so, as i was saying Y/n/n, do you remember that time you had to tell your dad that i was gay because he caught me in your room once?”
you laughed aloud at the memory whilst the others around you did so as well. “I got in so much trouble dude, you have no idea.” From the corner of your eye you caught a familiar bright red button up shirt. Twisting your head and narrowing your eyes in that direction, you can clearly make out Rafe’s broad shoulders arrayed in the red button up, Topper’s fat head and Kelce’s dark skin. You’re sure they haven’t seen you yet because otherwise they would have been dragging your ass back to where they occupied themselves. Surrounded by bimbo, fake breasted tourons.
You tensed when you felt a presence beside you. JJ had his ring clad fingers at the nape of your neck, massaging the skin affectionately whenever he sensed the stress emitting out of you. Leaning into his touch, you casted your attention away from your three best friends and focused on the one who held your heart. “You good?” He asked worriedly, his voice was smooth and velvety. You felt those butterflies again knowing that he was only this soft around you. “The three musketeers are here” you murmured, counting the faint freckles on his cheeks and nose.
JJ sat a little straighter to peek over your head, spotting Alvin and his chipmunks almost immediately. “Rafe’s wearing the brightest red shirt i have seen” he cringed, causing a giggle to escape your lips at the disgusted look on JJ’s face. “I know, we all hate it but it’s his favourite, so”
“I’m surprised you actually let him go out like that? Aren’t you a fashion freak?” You boop his nose with your finger, drawing your bottom lip between your teeth when you became aware of the close proximity. JJ was so close that you would almost kiss him if he moved an inch. He so desperately wanted to claim those lips but what if it was a bad idea?.
It was definitely a bad idea. What if she reciprocated though? He thought. You didn’t move, nor did he. JJ was gazing at you like he was looking far beyond the makeup and for once, you didn’t feel insecure or nervous under his gaze. You felt loved and cared for. Nobody has looked at you the way JJ Maybank does.
Those ocean eyes fall onto your lips so quickly you almost missed it. Your hands start to sweat just as they shake. He’s leaning forward and your instinct was to swerve and avoid kissing a pogue before Rafe and the others see but you find yourself mirroring his actions. fluttering your eyes shut, his chapped lips brush yours lightly, before planting them on your delicate ones completely. Your heart hammered in your chest, not sure if you felt light headed because of the alcohol you consumed or from the way lips danced with yours perfectly.
You were hauled away from JJ as fast as the kiss had happened, and suddenly people came from every direction to surround the group of you. Topper had JJ in a headlock, with Rafe continuously ramming his fist to JJ’s stomach. “Rafe no! Stop!” Kelce’s grip was strong on your waist, keeping you solid in his embrace. You kicked and screamed for Rafe to stop. The stubborn bastard not hearing a single word you screeched.
“Rafe please, enough! Topper let him go!”
John B and Pope come into view, throwing themselves at the two kooks heedlessly whilst Sarah and Kie bellow for the fight to stop. You elbow Kelce in the stomach, causing his grip on you to loosen and seeing this as an opportunity, you shove at his chest forcefully. Kelce falls flat on his side and you keep a mental note to apologise to your friend later. Recklessly, you dash through the fight. Avoiding the swinging hands and massive bodies as Sarah cries out your name in a panic, worried that you’d end up getting trampled by the boys.
“J- JJ!” You fell on your knees and scooped up the blond’s head, inspecting his face for any new bruises besides the faint ones he already had. JJ only sported a bleeding lip and you were terrified to see what work Rafe’s done to his stomach. “Rafe what the hell is wrong with you?!” Your voice cracked when you shouted, which captured Rafe and Topper’s attention. “That dickhead harassed you!” Topper barked, like the drama queen he was. “No he didn’t you fucking idiot Top, i kissed him!”
“Why Y/n? Do you like this dirty pogue now? He’s nothing but a scum on this Island”
“No he’s not Rafe, I love him!!”
The world seemed to stop spinning. The words passing through your lips before you could stop them from slipping. JJ’s eyes widen, as do the multiple eyes around you. Your face conveyed an emotion Rafe simply did not understand, but the way you pulled JJ further into your chest, with your brows sloped downwards in a serious expression made his eyes glazed over. “You love him?” The kook leader asked melancholy. JJ lifts up a comforting hand to wipe away the tears that flowed down your warm cheeks. “Yes Rafe. I love him”
“You love him?!”
“Oh my god- yes Toppy, i said it already!!”
“Say it again” JJ pleads.
“Rafe i’m sorry.” You affirm, sniffling, and trying your best to blink calmly when you felt your eyes start to well up with tears again. You helped JJ to his feet, placing a firm hand on his chest when he clenched his fist and started to walk forward, probably to start the fight up again. JJ stared at Rafe menacingly, but Rafe couldn’t focus on anything but you. His blood boiled seeing you locked under the pogue’s arm. “No, I’m sorry” was the last thing he said before stalking away and dragging two of your best friend’s by the arm.
“W- wait Rafe!? Y/n/n!” Topper hollers, stressfully prying off the tight clutch Rafe had on his arm but to no avail. “I’ll call you later Top, I promise!” The whines from Topper trails off as the three of them disappear from your sight. You internally hoped that Kelce wouldn’t run his mouth to your parents about JJ and the fight that went down at the boneyard. You were in enough trouble as it is.
You cup your face in your hands, sighing heavily. The anxiousness creeped up your spine like a cobra and you wanted nothing more than to lie down in the soft mattress of your bed and maybe with JJ too? To be completely honest, you weren’t quite sure what kind of feelings the playboy harbors for you because of all the mixed signals that you had to endure through the long months of knowing him. You opened your mouth and prepared to belt out your frustrations when you were suddenly stopped by a pair of lips. JJ drew away quickly and caressed both your cheeks with his freezing hands, leaning in so his forehead rested on yours.
“No one has ever loved me before” he pecks your lips in a swift kiss. “Truth be told, I have never been in love, but that was until I met you and never did it cross my mind that a spoiled kook like yourself could keep me grounded” JJ chuckles at his own cheesiness, pulling you closer by the waist. Your ears perk up on the cheers and the clapping from everybody who witnessed the whole scene, including your pogue friends who cheered JJ on for getting the girl.
“Wanna do something cliche, and possibly cringy?” You asked the blond. JJ tilts his head amusingly and before he could answer, you were dragging him away towards the shore, skipping in your steps all the while JJ rolls his eyes playfully with the shake of his head at your silly antics.
Sarah watches you spurt away with JJ, the hint of sympathy tinges at her heart for her brother who she perceived was in love with you. Rafe can be an impulsive dick at times, hard headed and a weirdo but the thing he had most in common with Maybank was that Rafe also never loved anyone up until he met you.
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spinster-sisters · 3 years
Sunflower. Final LTY
warnings: smut and general sexy times, also cheating so theres that
a.n: Hey guys this took 2 days to write but i will say after finishing this that consent is sexy
also this is longer than i intended
You are sitting on the corner of a couch in a dark hazy room, you held your knees to your chest and your head lulled onto the back of the couch.  There was music floating gently in and out of your ears, you couldn’t make out the lyrics over the soft hum of chatter in the room but you are much too drunk to care. Your body seemed too heavy to move, but once again, you didn’t mind at all. You shifted your eyes slowly around the room observing the human-shaped masses moving about the apartment or slumped into chairs like you. Normally you would feel anxious to be this vulnerable in a room this crowded, but not now. This wasn’t a “party” exactly, more of a throwback that escalated more than anyone thought it would, but still, there was nobody here who you wouldn’t call a friend. Of course, that includes him. You had always hung around in similar circles so it wasn’t surprising that he was here. But It left a sour taste in your mouth to think of the last time you came face to face.
“Fuckkkkk,” groaning you finally forced your body into a more upright position. Your body was protesting madly as the weight of gravity seemed about 10 times more powerful than average. There was a dull ache in your back as a result of the position you previously lay in so you hunched your back forward to try and work out the knots. Your eyelids were just as heavy as your head as you lifted them to scan the room more severely once more. Who were you looking for? you could have sworn that just a few seconds ago you were looking for someone. But none of the figures in front of you seemed to be what you wanted.
You didn’t have time to continue this train of thought before the fuzz in your brain lulled you back onto the couch once more. Your eyes remained open, drifting in and out of focus in one spot on the opposite side of the room. It wasn’t until one of the figures began moving your way could they seem to take in an image. Who was this guy? your drunk brain asked itself. “I think I know him,” you thought as a small pout of concentration crossed your face as the man got closer and closer. It wasn’t until he was standing directly in front of you, smiling at your clearly amusing look of confusion, that you were finally able to place his face. The pout was swapped for a drunken smile.
“Jaehyuuun!” you called slurring the final syllable of his name lifting your arms into the air. Gravity brought your arms crashing back down onto the couch beside you and you were about to push off the couch in an effort to stand up before Jaehyun placed a gentle hand on your shoulder pushing you back down.
“Don’t try,” His smile widened, “You’re just going to fall over"
You only half registered his words and were repeating them over and over in your brain trying to make some sense of them.
"you’re going to…You’re going-…You’re going tooooooo….” your mind trailed off once again
During this time Jaehyun took it upon himself to sit down next to you. The dip in the sofa through your balance through a loop and you almost toppled onto the floor again, saved only by the wild flailing of your arms in the process. As you resituated your self cross-legged on the couch facing the man, all thoughts once again seemed to leave your head once again. Your mouth hung open the slightest bit trying to regain the thoughts that occupied your head moments ago. You raked your eyes up and down the smiling man grasping at straws of thought, and for the first time, you noticed the glass situated in his left hand.  He pushed the glass twords you.
“Here I think you’ll need this to get home tonight” The kind smile still not leaving his somewhat blurry face. It was only after his words did you realize how thirsty you were and how dry your lips are. you practically lunged for the drink, grabbing it with both hands to steady yourself and taking large gulps. The water was cool and gave some relief to your spinning head as you sat back, letting the half-full glass rest lazily on your leg. Your eyes filtered around the room once again before they came to rest on him as they always seemed to do.
“Taeyong,” seemed to be the only thought your brain could hold onto at the moment.
Even in the dark and smokey room, he glowed. There was a thin sheen of sweet on his body (It was very hot in the room) but to what would have been a surprise had your drunk brain realized it, he looked remarkably sober. Your eyes drifted in and out of focus once again vaguely in the direction of him.
Jaehyun turned to follow your gaze. When he saw the target his dimples pushed themselves forward into a smile before he shook his head and turned back to you, giving your dazed face a once over then pushing himself off the couch.
You noticed his actions for the first time after this sudden movement and adjusted your head to look up at him, frowning once again. An arm (Which turned out to be yours) lifted to grasp onto the man’s arm.
“Where?” was the only thing you could slur out at the moment.
“Just to walk around” He reasoned politely with your now drooping form. His words sounded distant and foggy, but you understood them none the less and nodded exaggeratedly before releasing your grip on his forearm.
Jaehyun turned to leave, leaving you in a similar position to before he arrived. The glass that he handed you was now empty and rolling smoothly from your hand onto the carpeted floor where it landed with a soft clunk.
You sat there for what seemed like hours but was likely only a few minutes. The shapes around you moved gently as the moments ticked by. Every breath you took seemed to hum in your whole body just as slow as the minuted ticked by. Your eyes slowly shut once again, mind trailing to and from the sounds of the people, and your breathing became heavier and heavier.
“hmm” your brain though.
“I’m sleeeeeepy” you drawl in your head.
Just as your mind was about to drift into something like sleep, your body was shifted once again by the couch dipping beside you. There was a buzzing in the front of your head as your eyes forced themselves open once again.
This time you had no problem focusing on the person before you, and the sour taste you felt earlier returned as well as your pout. It was Taeyong. He was looking at you with a scrutinizing gaze. Your face blushed as the heat began building in your body, as it always did when he looked at your for too long or too hard. Taeyongs eyebrow raised slightly at your expression. He reached out a hand. His warm palm landed on your already burning cheek. Your mind was swirling once again as if you took two more shots. It continued to swirl with indistinguishable thoughts as his mouth moved to form words. It took your brain several moments to realize he was speaking to you and you only caught the tail end of his sentence.
“-doing, baby?"
Confusion spread through your features once again, making it clear you had not understood his words. Taeyong didn’t seem to mind that as he didn’t repeat his words, only allowing his hand to fall to your jean-clad knee which was still cross-legged in front of you on the couch. Its heat radiated from the spot just as it did when it was on your face. Taeyong scooched closer to you and shifted his hand to the underside of your knee to extend the leg over his lap. Your body responded without your mind by heaving the other leg to rest over him as well.
His eyes shifted forward to face the room as his fingers began swirling figure eights over your leg. His touch was soothing the furrow on your brow as you relaxed slowly from his touch, your body sinking lower and lower into the couch.
The water Jaehyun gave you earlier seemed to be allowing glimpses of clarity in your head as for the first time you realized how late it must be getting. You were beginning to lull back into your drowsy state, with the added comfort of the soft touch on your leg. But it seemed Taeyong had different plans. However slow your mind was at the moment it took you no time at all to recognize the feeling of his hand sliding up your leg. You watched the hands journey and instinctively squeezed your legs together as his hand drifted up your body leaving a buzzing trail all the way. It came to rest at the top of your thigh, where your hip met the base of your leg. Your eyes finally snapped to his own where they still looked out into the somewhat crowded room. One finger tapped on the spot, wordlessly commanding you to allow him access to your core should he so desire.
Taeyong seemed to be toying with the idea of acting farther by rubbing his hand slowly from the outside of your leg to the inside of your thigh, one finger brushing repeatedly against the seam of your jeans that ran along your hot core, which twitched every time he did so. It was clear that he could feel the reaction your body gave him, and the smirk that made its way onto his lips was evidence enough. Taeyong, though he regularly asserted his "ownership” over you by leaving dark unmistakable marks on your neck and chest and bruises on your hips from his tight grip, was usually strongly against even sitting next to you in public, much less shove his hand down your pants. The tiny sober part of your brain spoke in a quiet voice in your head.
“Do you want Taeyong to finger you in front of all your friends?” Your mind went back and forth between the two options as his hand sank lower, coming to rest securely between your now slightly pulsing heated and your thigh, rubbing his pinky slightly up and down creating friction so close to where your body wanted it. He was waiting. Waiting for you to inevitably say or do something that would allow him to continue, solidifying that he had you in his grasp once again.
It was clear the turmoil in your head was causing you a lot of distress. It was clear he made up his mind about wanting this, to do whatever he was going to do here and now. But you were still on the fence, you would normally follow his lead no questions asked and a good part of you wanted to see where this was going. But nevertheless, the sober part of your brain seemed to be growing louder and louder with each passing second, playing his last words to you over and over in your head. How many of them were true? all if it? None of it? Which did you prefer? your head swam with there questions, going back and forth to many times to count.
Finally, it was clear to you which side had won. You shook your head, clearing your thoughts. The room had finally come completely into focus, all of the noise and chatter returned to your ears. Pushing your self up with your hands you swung your legs away from him. The spot where his hand had been felt stingingly empty, but with your head now clear the only thought that occupied your head now was those moments a few nights before.
“you know what the best part is? It will fucking stay that way, cuz I know that right now you are just eating up all the attention I am giving you aren’t you, you pathetic bitch!”
You heard the small noise of surprise that escaped him as you pushed your self away from the couch. Taking the room with a new stride your located your target and moved to meet them. Jaehyun stood with a few friends talking causally. He turned to look at you when you reached the small pack where the conversation came to a pause.
“Hey, I understand if you don’t want to but I think I had a bit too much to drink and I don’t think I should go home alone, would you take me?” You asked with a plastered smile on your face. This honestly wasn’t true, you felt more awake and aware at this moment than you had in years, but walking around alone at night didn’t sound like fun. You know Jaehyun thought he was being subtle when his eyes flicked over to the man still sat on the couch, but you caught it none the less. They flicked back to you, gave you a once over, and then he smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, sure. I was going to leave anyway.” He spoke in his usual powerful yet soft voice. You had a feeling this was a lie but now was not the time.
Jaehyun was the first to move, taking a step forward, placing a hand on your lower back as he passed, and lead you through the hazy room to the exit. The two of you maneuvered through the room and around furniture before landing at the front door. Jaehyun reached out and opened the door, wide enough for the both of you to step through. In those moments that the door closed behind you, you braved one last look at Taeyong who still sat dumbfounded on the couch.
“Not so pathetic now am I,” You thought triumphantly as the door clicked shut.
That night that Jaehyun walked you home, would turn into many. And as the school year drew to a close and graduation approached you found yourself in a new relationship. The first stable one you have had since high school. Jaehyun, who was once best friends with Taeyong, seemed to have no problem leaving that part of your lives behind and neither did your friends. They all saw Jaehyun as a massive improvement in both temper and manner, and you had to say you agree. You still saw Taeyong from time to time, it’s not as if you didn’t still have many friends in common, but they were rarely extended longer than a quick glance in each other’s direction. It would be a lie to say that a part of you didn’t want to run to him, but then in those moments, Jaehyun would appear in your apartment carrying take out a rented movie and those thoughts would leave as quickly as they came.
Jaehyun was just better for you, his kisses were sweeter and his eyes kinder. Enough so that on the day of your graduation it was him that earned a hardy handshake from your father and a kiss on the cheek from your mother. At that point, you had only been dating him for a few months, but he seemed perfectly content appeasing your parent’s dreams for an ideal son in law.
And that was 4 years ago. You and Jaehyun had moved to New York not long after the end of your time in college, both of you only briefly spending the summer with your parents and saying your last goodbyes to your childhood homes. You don’t know why you choose to stay with Jaehyun during this time, but it leads you to your perfectly content life you have here today. You are now 26, engaged to the man who took you home those years ago, living in a decently sized apartment in a nice neighborhood, with a good job you have held for the past 2 years, and everything in your life was perfectly content.
Jaehyun had proposed earlier that year at the restaurant you went on your first night in New York, and though no plans have been made as of yet it has not stopped your mother from absolutely gushing over the two of you calling constantly to check up on “any possible new developments” As it happens, your parents love Jaehyun just as much as the day they met him face to face. Your heart warmed when you thought of your life, a wonderful man, a good job and a promising future in both. Job is best summarized as a traveling salesman for a larger company in the city. You spent the majority of your time at the office, making calls and setting up meetings with clients, but about 2 weekends a month you would fly out to a different part of the world to meet up with your clients and make sales. It really was the perfect job for you, as it rarely ever went wrong.
Accept for today, however. You had missed your initial arranged flight in business class and had to pay out of pocket to reach your destination in the least comfortable and most noisy part of the plane, and as your flight was to pairs, it wasn’t exactly a short ride. After arriving, very jetlagged and in need of a nice bed, your luggage was lost at the airport and you had to stay well into the night trying to find your things. After finally giving up on the search you made your way to the hotel, only to find that this particular hotel did not allow guests t check-in past 11 pm. (A stupid rule honestly) and you would have to wait till morning. With your phone on its last few percentages, and stranded in a foreign city you staggard your way into a small cramped bar at the end of a street, planning on finding a place to charge your phone enough to find a cheap motel for the night.
Your bones cracked as you landed yourself in a barstool and the end of the bar. the only things you had with you were the items in your carry on and a note from the front desk of the hotel on when to arrive the next morning to check-in. The cushion of the seat was soft and plushy but it did nothing to soothe the aching in your body. You cant speak french, so when the bartender approached you, you only gestured vaguely to the now-dead phone in your hands. It seems the round looking old man understood as pointed to an outlet at the end of the bar.
All of the stools around you were empty, so you felt comfortable enough to put your bag down to plug in your phone. It was after you saw your phone flash a blue blinking light did you allow yourself to relax onto the bar.  Yours propped your head up with your hand to look around the room. It was nice enough, seemed clean and no one looked suspicious. But despite these things you could help but feel restless. You continued to shift in your seat and glance around the room.
Soon the tinkling of the bell that signified the arrival of a new customer sounded. You looked up at the sound, but the figure who entered could not be seen through the small crowd of older men sitting by the door.  Your eyes drooped slightly and closed, finally feeling the weight of the day. A few seconds passed before a hand landed on yours.
Your eyes flung open as you yanked your hand away. After the initial shock, you looked to where your hand once lay, where the new one still sat waiting. The hand was eerily familiar.
No, there was no way.
Your eyes quickly followed the slope of the arm, up to the face that only visited you in your most private thoughts.
Taeyong stood before you.
He kept his eyes on your own as he lowered himself onto the stool next to you. His eyes bore into you, in the same way, they had before, and with the same intensity, they never seemed to shed. You still sat rigid in your seat, mouth hanging open slightly in surprise. Your eyes broke the stare when the flicked over to your phone that was still charging on the wooden bar. Your first reaction was to call Jaehyun, but your brain stopped itself before making the move. He would be asleep anyway. You looked back to Taeyong and allowed yourself to really see him for the first time.
It was his smell that hit you first and filled the air around you, and it clouded your other senses just as it always had done. He wasn’t the tallest man in the world, yet his commanding presence allowed him to loom over everyone no matter their height. It briefly occurred to you that you could just get up and leave, but it was this same domineering energy that enticed you to stay rooted in your seat. He was dressed nice, in a crisp button-down and slacks, and his hair was styled neatly to the side allowing his whole face to be visible in the dim lighting of the bar. And he glowed just as radiantly as always.
Whatever intensity that you were using to study his face, he was returning to you with equal vigor as his eyes raked down your figure several times.
Finally, he was the first to speak.
“How are you” he spoke, much more casually than the situation required. He turned to face the bartender and waved him down.
“Umm, Ok?” You forced out much too long after he asked the question.
“Good, good. I'mdoing well myself."
Taeyongs voice sounded like you were old friends catching up at a weekly brunch, and quite frankly it pissed you off. Who was he to sit down and act like you hadn’t seen him in years or that the memories were good ones?  You turned in your seat to face him with your whole body, one hand still plastered on the hardwood. You sat up a bit straighter.
"Wait a minute, hold on- what exactly are you doing?-” The words built-in force and volume as you continued. Taeyong, who never had any trouble reading you, placed a feather-light hand on your once again. Your hand twitched in response but did not pull away. You could feel the familiar heat he gave you start to burn in the places where his hand made contact. And yes, he succeeded in quieting you.
The bartender approached, spoke a few words in french to Taeyong, and to your great surprise Taeyong responded in french as well. Though you don’t know exactly what was said, it was easy to guess as the older man moved to begin making whatever Taeyong had ordered. He now turned his attention back to you and raised an eyebrow, encouraging you to continue.
And after a moment you followed the instruction. You took a deep breath and spoke,
“How are you here right now?” seemed to be the best way to phrase your confusion.
“I live here now,” He said plainly, as it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“How?” was what you went with next.
“Well, after graduation I got an internship at a global bank. After 3 years, they needed someone in Paris, so I came. And here I have been for the past year.” once again far too casual for your liking. you thought of asking what he was doing in this particular bar on this particular night before it occurred to you that bankers often worked strange hours.
“So you have been living in Paris for a year? And I am just now hearing about this?"
"Did you want to know?"
His words were heavy. Much heavier than their initial meaning, and he looked at you with a kind of genuine curiosity you had never seen in him before. The honest answer was kind of. At the beginning of your time in New York, you would often find your self wondering what became of Taeyong. You still spoke to many of the old friends you made in college and had subtly expressed this interest to those closest to you. You almost expected them to tell you if anything big happened to the man. Nevertheless, you shook your head no.
He gave you a look that simply said "You can’t lie to me” but he didn’t push the subject any further.
“So what have you been doing?” He asked back in his casual tone, taking a sip of one of the drinks the bartender had just places in front of the two of you. You were in no way here to get drunk but decided to sip on the drink nevertheless.  You stared straight forward, placing both hands on the bar as you responded.
“Um, working mostly. Here on business, you know?” You tried speaking in the same casual tone, but it sounded much to forced to be genuine.
“Right,” He responded. It sounded somewhat distracted. Out of curiosity you looked back at him and found him staring intently at your left hand, or at the ring would be a better way to put it. You don’t know why but you felt slightly embarrassed. You flushed a little and shifted your hand away from his gaze.  He seemed to finally realize he was staring and looked up to meet your eyes.
“So you are-"
"engaged, yeah”  It felt extremely wrong to let him say that word, so you beat him to it. He arches an eyebrow inquisitively and asked.
You didn’t want to admit it. Your life in New York seemed so far away right now and the last thing you wanted was for Taeyong to be aware of it. Your head dropped to stare at the wood grain as you responded.
“Uhh, Jaehyun” You didn’t know what to expect from his reaction, so you spoke hesitantly and barely above a whisper.
There was a flash of something dark in his eyes, and for a second he looked much more like the man you knew back in college. But he did not seem to want to speak about it anymore. Instead, he took another deeper drink, and you followed suit. The two of you sat in a tension-filled silence for several minutes. The hum of noise from the bar patrons was not enough to drown off the thoughts racing through your head. You glanced up at Taeyong for a moment. He looked deep in thought, and it was this that made you noticed how different he was. He looked fuller, his eyes and cheeks looked less sunken in and his body a tad bit more toned than he was before, and most of all his glow was different. Before it was a red haze that made your heart race, and now it was a golden glow that stoped all thoughts. These differences would have been indistinguishable to the untrained eye, but you, who had spent so long gushing over every inch of him could spot them clear as day. You probably knew his face better then he knew it himself.
It was here that it occurred to you that you were likely a bit different as well, in what ways you did not know, but you had a suspicion he could point them out. Taeyong moved to speak and was only able to get the first few words out.
“Look, I-” The tone of his voice was enough to tell you what he was going to say, and it was too unlike him for your liking
“Taeyong please don’t apologize” You could explain why but you wanted those memories of him to be intact, and if he apologized it would change the way you saw those moments together. He looked taken aback but pressed on.
“I just want you to know, that you meant more to me back then than you will probably ever know.” He took another drink and looked straight ahead. You found this to be a hard revelation to follow.
“Funny way of showing it” you murmured more to yourself than to him. But he heard you nonetheless and followed up his previous words.
“I am aware that I was awful, and you won’t catch me making excuses for the way I acted. I was selfish and cruel to everyone in my life. I always wanted more than I had, even if I couldn’t stand the idea of losing something. I guess the best way to put it is that I wanted you to need me but I didn’t want to need you.”
His words were genuine, that you could tell. But you didn’t know if they made you feel any better. All they seemed to do was prove that you weren’t enough for him. This seemed to show on your face, and Taeyong was oh so good and reading you. He did not speak, he just reached out and grabbed your hand tightly. His warm fingers burned in comparison to the cold metal of your ring. But you could only seem to focus on the heat. His hand firmly grounded you in your place when your head felt like you were going to float away.
After a few more moments he lifted his hand just enough to gently circle his fingers over the back of your hand. The action felt so familiar. He always had a habit of “Petting” your, whether it is your hand or your face. You suppose this just proves he isn’t that different from back then after all. The things he did that made your heart ache for him remained the same.
His hand began ghosting it was up your arm, leaving a gentle buzz wherever he touched. Your heart fluttered, which it hasn’t done in a long time. Fuck. Why is it that he still had this power over you, even when he wasn’t trying. It wasn’t fair. You had always known that he would always have a place in your heart. But you never knew how large of a part it was until his hand moved onto your back rubbing it in circles. You leaned into his touch.
With his other hand, he finished the rest of his drink.
“Shouldn’t you be getting some sleep?” He asked, finally addressing how late it was.
“My hotel won’t let me check-in.” You replied distantly feeling the tickle of his hand. He looked conflicted for a moment then spoke.
“You can stay at my apartment for the night if you would like.”
You both knew what would happen if you said yes. There was no way it wouldn’t. You thought of Jaehyun, and how good he had been to you, and how he would feel if he knew that you had even seen Taeyong. You mulled it over for several minutes. But the soothing hand on your back somehow pushed all thoughts of your fiance from your mind.
Finally, you took one last swig from your drink.
“I would like that."
it did not take long after that. Taeyong paid for the drinks, insisting after you pulled out your wallet. The two of you exited the bar, hand in hand which felt a tab bit too natural.
When you arrived in the apartment (a verrry nice apartment) there was very little pretending. You removed your shoes as he had done and waited for his command. At this point, you had submitted to the idea of needing him. He just filled you with a desire that no one else could. Taeyong reattached your hands and lead you over his shoulder, through the dark rooms. Every step forward left you with more and more anticipation, you needed this so much.
The door to his bedroom was pushed open. It was large and elegant. Beautiful furnishing and a soft glow emanated from the lamp next to his bed.  But you weren’t paying much attention to the room, instead, you were watching him. From the view of his back, you could tell just how much he wanted this too. He released your hand and continued to walk forward, rolling his shoulders as he did so. He is so beautiful, even when you couldn’t see his face. you felt a magnetic pull to him, leading your next actions. Taeyong moved onto his bed, he situated himself on in the middle, his back resting on the headboard. He looked at you so intently, so expectantly, as though he could see right through your clothes. Which, you had to remind yourself, he had seen you completely bare before, many times.
"Will you strip for me, baby?” He phrased it like a question, though there was no doubt you would do it. The only nickname was enough to bring your to your knees, but you stayed standing. He didn’t tell you to kneel. The first layer to come off was your sweater, which concealed the thin shirt you had on underneath. Next was the shirt itself which you did not hesitate to pull over your head.  You suddenly thought of the tattoo on your ribs, the one that had angered him so much before. Your breath hitched, not wanting him to leave you again. But he showed no sign of anger. Instead, his desire only grew in his eyes.
The bra you chose for the day was nothing special, just a plain pink color, but he looked at you like you are the only thing in the world. His eyes were hungry and needy, willing you to move faster. But his actions did not betray his composure, but you could see the outline of his dick starting to strain itself against his slacks. And if your brain was functioning properly you would have noticed how your mouth watered.  
“keep going Baby, its been so long since I’ve seen your body.” He cooed at you.
You unbuckled your pants and slid them down your legs and stepped out of them. You were dangerously close to throwing yourself at him but more than anything you wanted to obey. You unclasped your bra and let it fall to the floor. Your naked chest was now bare. The cold air nipped at your skin, causing your nipples to harden. You blushed a little dusting of pink, that only burned brighter at his next words.
“I wanna see your pussy baby” He remained, growing somewhat impatient. The words caused heat to flood to your core making it wetter and stickier than before. You hooked your finger into the waistband of your panties and pulled them down. His smirk grew into a wild smile and the sight of arousal glistening on your heat.  Taeyong used his finger to motion you onto the bed and you followed quickly. Your body was burning with both slight embarrassment and desire, but with your ruined panties still hanging from your finger you clambered onto the bed. You kneeled in front of his relaxed fully dressed figure. And though he was situated below you, you felt so small as his eyes raked up and down your body. His wicked smile never left his face as he reached out and took the soaked pink panties from your hand. He held them tightly in his hand and motioned you to straddle his waist. Which you did obediently. Your pussy was now resting directly on the tent in his slacks dampening the fabric. He groaned out slightly at the feeling.
“Your so wet Baby, your dripping on me. Who made you this wet baby.” He spoke in a coddling voice, as his hands came to rest on your naked hips, swirling from there down to your ass, giving it a tight squeeze before trailing back to their original position, never letting go of your panties. You squeaked in response to the invading touch.
“Baby, that’s not an answer”
“It’s you,” you said in a small voice.
“Speak up baby, I can hear you” He teased. Rolling his sinful hips into yours. The rough surface of his pants rubbed against your clit and you nearly choked.
“It’s you Taeyong” you spoke with a little more force. This seemed to appease him.
“That’s right, me, not anyone else.” He spoke definitively. You knew what he meant. He was referring to Jaehyun, who is likely just waking up to go to work about now.
His words were eerily familiar. Your mind flashed back to the night when he first saw your tattoo and the screaming match that took place. He had spoken to you the same way. Possessive, reminding you who had all of your desire, who could make you feel better than anyone else and how much you needed him.
But you didn’t have time to think about that because Taeyong attached himself to your lips with his own pillowy ones. The sensation of kissing Taeyong was just as intoxicating as it always had been. He took the lead and pried open your mouth with his tongue. His hands firmed their grip on your waist, and the wet spot from your panties felt sticky against your side. His tongue slipped it’s way inside your mouth, exploring it in the way he had always done before. He even tasted the same.
Your mind was going cloudy as your mouths moved in sync. Just as you had found your rhythm Taeyong broke the kiss. He practically threw you onto your back and move to loom over you. You yelped loudly in surprise, but once again he did not give you time to react before folding your legs to your chest and holding them in place. His entire attention was focused on your glistening pussy, raking his eyes over it over and over again. He leaned back only long enough to set your panties down at the top of the bed, before returning to the previous position. Using one had to keep your legs in place he used the other to brush over the sticky surface, which twitches at the touch.
“Aw, baby, look how pretty your little cunt is.” He remarked before sliding his middle finger into your hole. You moaned loudly, not expecting the feeling of being entered so soon. The juices from your arousal eased his way as he pumped the finger in and out.
“Still so tight to, when was the last time anyone fucked your right?” He asked, but did not expect an answer through the moans as he dived into your core, his tongue finding its purchase on your swollen clit. You squirmed violently in his grip, keening and mewling all the while.
“Too long apparently” He mused coming away from your cunt just long enough to say the words, before diving back in swirling his tongue around your folds, his finger still pumping quickly letting more juices flow. In those brief moments, you could see his face, it was already dripping with your arousal making his lips look plumper than before if possible.
He continued the ministration with intensity, adding another finger into your hole, and occasionally nibbling slightly at your flesh. You practically screaming yourself hoarse as time went on. You were so aroused you could feel the juice the wasn’t lapped up by Taeyongs Tounge drip onto the bedcovers below you.
’“You’re making such a mess” He growled into your core. The vibrations from his words traveled into and up your body, causing you to latch your hands into his hair. Without breaking his stride Taeyong momentarily released your legs only long enough to detach your hands from his hair and hold them by the wrist together, then using the same arm hold your legs back in position.  The slight discomfort was nothing compared to the burning in your tummy, which was knotting itself tightly waiting to come undone.
“Tae-” you were going to inform him in your now hoarse voice that you were going to cum any minute, however, he beat you to the punch once again.
“Trust me, baby, I know"
of course, he did.
Your movements were now much more restricted but you could only writhe when he pushed a third long finger into you stretching the limits of your cunt. He continued to suck on your bud harshly, but it was the feeling of the three fingers moving inside you at a deliberate pace, pushing against your walls oh so deliciously that caused the knot in your stomach to snap.  You came hard, your entire body convulsed as Taeyongs finger pumped you through the feeling, drawing out the waves of pleasure radiating from your pussy. Your eyes squeezed shut as you cried out in a broken voice.
To soon the feeling passed. You lay there damn near lifeless, but that didn’t stop Taeyong from lapping up all of the arousal from your cunt, which twitched in sensitivity every time his tongue made contact. You involuntarily moved away from his mouth, but he wouldn’t let you move until he had lapped up every last drop. Finally, he gave you the relief of moving away. The tightness you had been holding finally releasing. You opened your eyes just enough to see him lean back on his heels and slip each glistening finger into his mouth, one by one, and suck them clean. You burned with embarrassment and tried to hide your face, but you had nowhere to hide with your hands still being restricted. Finally, he looked directly into your flushed face and gave you a lopsided smile, his face still covered in a sticky gleam.
"Sorry baby, you just taste so good.”
After his words, he finally released you from his arms. Your legs were a little sore, but you couldn’t care less. You were exhausted enough to fall asleep where you lay, but of course, Taeyong wouldn’t allow that.
Finally, Taeyong unbuttoned his shirt and threw it away. You were so transfixed by him. He was just so god damn beautiful and looked radiant in the dim light. You were so busy staring you barely noticed him undo his pants and pull his dick out his boxers. It looked painfully hard and red, and you moved to sit up to take it in your hand, but you were pushed back down.  Taeyong pumped his dick a few times, spreading the precum down his length making it shine.
“Ah, ah, ah Baby. No time for that, I need to remind you how it feels to be fuck by someone who knows what they are doing.” The subtle jab did not go unnoticed. But fuck if you thought about it for more than a second with the anticipation of being filled up, rose in you once again.  Taeyong pushed your legs up once again, and though your joints protested you did not.
He gave his dick one more pump, before leaning over you and lining himself up with your entrance. He leaned especially close into your ear, speaking into the shell of it and whispered.
“Do you want me, Baby? Want me to fuck you like you deserve"
The words flooded your aching heat with arousal once again.
"Yes please, fill me up Tae, please” the last word came out more like a whisper than anything, but he heard you nonetheless. And he did not need to be told twice. In one powerful thrust, he pushed all the way into you. You didn’t have to voice to cry out but instead released a sicking mewl.
“Fuck” was the only thing that came out of his mouth before he pulled out and repeated the action. Slowly he built up a steady pace. It was not as fast or rough as you expected, but more of a steady deep movement, but it left you breathless nonetheless. Every single movement stretched your walls, and you would feel every inch of him moving in and out. It was blissful. You could have stayed like that forever. But the need for release was growing in you with every thrust. It seemed like Taeyong agreed, picking up the pace and angling himself to hit the special spot inside you with every thrust.
Now you were keening with every thrust, releasing a whimper every time. in your current position, you couldn’t move to meet his thrust but you could wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer, which he didn’t seem to mind. The weight of his body was heavy on yours, and you could feel the muscles in his shoulders tighten beneath your fingers.
“aw, baby, you feel so fucking good. You like the way I fuck you?” he asked in your ear. You only moaned in response, trying your hardest to stay composed. but that didn’t last long when Taeyongs hand came down to rub circles into your swollen and abused clit. It hurt, but in such a pleasurable way. You threw your head back.
“You gonna cum already baby?” he asked, the rasp you recognized so well returning to his voice.
“yes,  gonna cum…..” was all that you could force out. Your stomach was clenched so tight you felt like your pussy was trying to keep his cock inside you. You felt so good and full.
“Its ok baby, you can cum” He punctuated his statement with a particularly hard thrust that reached deep inside you.
And not long after you felt yourself unravel for a second time, only this time it lasted much longer. The waves of pleasure didn’t stop coming as he milked the feeling of your walls clenching and pulsing around him. His cock was throbbing too, just as much as your walls.
“Aw, baby you feel- feel so fucking good"
those were his last words before releasing inside you. You could feel the oversensitivity seeping in and you could hear the cum squelching out of you as he rode out his own orgasm before pulling out.
You both lay there panting for a bit, holding onto the moments before one of you would move. This time you did it first, pushing yourself up onto your arms and looking at the heavenly sweat coated man laying on top of you. Taeyong took one last deep breath before pushing himself up as well. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on your temple before speaking.
"let’s get cleaned up.”
The drew you a bath and helped relaxed your aching body. When you were clean it was him that dressed you in your discarded shirt on the floor.
That night you fell asleep in his bed, with his naked back pressed firmly against yours, and his arms wrapped tightly around your body.
In the morning you awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. You heard his gentle breathing in your ear, still, sound asleep. The clock on the nightstand read 7:24. You were expected to check into your hotel in an hour. You looked down at yourself as you sat up. The ring on your finger glinted mockingly, sighing you got to your feet. You would rather not be here for the inevitable conversation when he wakes up.
You moved quickly around the room, gathering your things and dressing yourself fully. There was one problem, you couldn’t find your underwear. After searching for a few more minutes and a scare from Taeyongs stirring you gave up on the idea of getting them back and left.
Going back to the life that you turned your back on that night.
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Marcus Álvarez x Filip “Chibs” Telford sister!Reader
Anon asked: Could I maybe ask for an Alvarez x reader were the reader is chibs sister and has a very fiery attitude and her and Alvarez are always at each other throats but theres something strong there and she will no problem wandering into Mayan territory much to her brothers warnings against it until it finally boils over with her and Alvarez and super fluffy and adorable and maybe smut? It's okay if not! Thank you so much for writing so wonderfully 💖
Word Count: 2.9k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💖
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @trulysuccubus​ ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Stopping by a side of the road, you step out of your car placing the map above the hood, having a bite of the red licorice in the other hand. You could use Google to find the dog kennel, but you prefer to explore it by yourself. Oakland it's not that big to get lost, but you want to be sure about the way you have to follow. Pointing it with a pencil, you have to focus your attention in the sound of a motorbikes coming. Rolling your eyes with a heavy sigh, you throw the candy before keep the map in a pocket.
“Do you need help, mija?” Marcus' voice sounds funny, walking towards you and being followed by three Mayans, after parking their bikes.
“Do I look like a damsel in distress you must save?” Cross-armed, you raise an eyebrow.
“Well, you are a little far from home”.
“No kutte, no motorbi—”.
“You are still a member of Samcro. You should have made a courtesy call”.
“Do you think I'm a hot line for your pleasure, Álvarez?”
The man chuckles falsely, turning for a second to his men, before pointing your car with his gun. One shot straight to a wheel. And two bullets right to the trunk and a light. That hurts more than if he had shot you down. Your heart racing too fast. Your blood boiling. And your fist hitting his face without controlling yourself. The man doesn't move a single inch of his body, more than twisting his neck because of the punch. A wild tear running down your eye, while the other Mayans are pointing you.
“You crossed the line… and you're gonna regret it”. You spit every word, full of anger.
And Marcus knows that he already fucked up when he raise his gaze to yours, watching you cry. No one cries for a car, unless it means something important to you. He was having a rough morning and listening about your visit without a call, just make it worse. You two aren't enemies, neither friends. Mayans and Samcro have a good relationship, but the shit between you and the mexican it's kinda strange.
Taking off your phone from a pocket, you key Ratboy' number by heart, squatting next to your car and touring every hole with your fingertips while your cry takes away your breathe.
“Hey… Could you bri—bring the crane to Oakl—Oakland?” You sob, trying to control it.
“What happened? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just… I just…” Your cry get louder, and you can't help but resting your forehead against the trunk with a hand above it. “Don't tell Chibs, please… Just come. I am five miles from the entrance”.
“Ok, ok. Do you wan'me to call Álvarez? You shouldn' be alone there”.
“This… son of a bitch is already here”. You growl, hitting your head softly against the body car.
“Fuck… Give me an hour”.
Hanging up the call, knowing that the Mayans have their eyes on you and keeping the phone back to the pocket, you open the trunk to take a tweezers from the toolbox. Closing it and cursing with a strong scottish accent, you try to take off the bullets from it.
“Am sorre', athair… I'll fix it, I promise”. You mutter between some hard sobs and a knot installed inside your chest.
“Eh, I am so—”.
“Shutta' fuck up!” You shout at him, turning your body for a second. Even if he's trying to be gentle after what he did, you don't care.
When you finish your improvised task, you keep the bullets for Jax as a proof. Sitting inside the car, you decide to wait there instead of staying close to Alvarez, or you're going to end up hitting him again. And even if you asked Ratboy to come alone, you can't help but hit with both palms the steering wheel when you hear the roar of motorbikes riding closer. Stepping out of your almost dead car, you snort rubbing your eyes and cleaning the tears.
When Jax sees what happened, taking off the helmet, he raises both arms in silence looking at Marcus. Your brother runs to you, more worried about the fact of you being okay than because of the car. Chibs cups your face in his hands, leaving a kiss on your forehead before hug you.
“I'm sorry”. You just sob.
“Don' worre', lass”. He says placing an arm on your shoulders, before guiding you to both charters
“Man, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Jax looks furious facing Marcus.
“Bad morning. Knowing that a Sons' is at my territory, with n—”.
“Did you know why is she here? With no kutte, no bike, no protection?” The president interrupts him, pointing his chest once and again. “She works sometimes at the dog kennel, man”.
Marcus gives you a fleeting glance, snorting when he finds you being comforted by the older scottish. And his suspicions are confirmed by Jax's new words.
“Her father bought that car, ten years ago. Man, she loves it more than anything”. It's a whisper between them, making him see the gravity of the matter without relying on the fact that you could have been hurt.
“I'll take it to my workshop. I'm in charge, brother”.
“Don' ya' dare to touche't!” You shout full of anger then, trying to walk close to him, but being stopped by Chibs arms, and a Jax' hand raised to you on air.
“You better leave us take care of it, before I have to give her a gun to shoot your bike”. The Samcro's president shakes his head, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“Send me the bill, alrai'?”
Jax nods, before letting them go passing you away with their motorbikes. The blonde man turns at you bitting is inner lip, as he pulls away his hair to his nape.
“We'll take you to the dog kennel, and then we'll go back to Charming, okay?” He says caressing your cheek softly, while you nod.
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It's almost midnight in Charming. The town sleeps peacefully, while you continue trying to fix up the body of your car, after changing the flat tire. Finally, you have to use some putty to fill and cover both holes in it, having the perfect paint mix to finish the work. But when you're about to take the brush, the sound of a motorbike calls your attention, making you stand up on your feet to get out from the workshop. Rolling your eyes when they focus on the Mayans symbol, you turn again to go back to your main task. Yes, you feel some curiosity about what is he doing there, but you know you're not going to need to ask.
The heavy steps by the boots come closer to your ears, stopping a few meters away of your back, ignoring him completely. You've been a lot of hours trying to rebuild the holes, trying to find the perfect color by mixing the paint, and you're not in the mood to deal with Marcus. But this fact doesn't seems important for him, when he squats next to you and both dark eyes on your hands supporting the brush. Your fingers moving slowly almost like they were dancing a ballet. Hypnotizing him.
“I've brought you a truce and an apology”. He says with a low tone, not wanting to make you lose your focus. “Fifty thousands and a ‘sorry for being a pendejo’”.
“I have no price”. You reply back in a whisper, joking on him because it looks like a secret.
“It's not for you, but the dog kennel in Oaktown”. He's almost smiling, taking off from the pocket inside of the kutte a brown and improvised envelope. A bulky one.
You leave your task in the background, turning at him with both eyebrows raised.
“I have no excuse. And I'm so sorry because of what I did to your father's car”.
His words sound sincere, licking his low lip at the same time he moves his hand somewhat up making a clear gesture. Rolling your eyes, you take it standing up and leaving the brush inside the paint pot to grab the money. Your feet guide your body to the office, leaning towards the safe-box, so you can keep it inside. Once the box is closed, turning over your sneakers you find Marcus resting his left shoulder against the door frame, trying to hide that he was looking at you totally spellbound.
You're challenging him, maintaining his eyes with yours, crossing both arms on the chest covered by part of the jumpsuit. You know exactly what he wants to do, because you want it too, but you still mad at him. You two always have had that strange kind of connection like if you don't want to admit the attraction, not being only a physical game. Something stops you to be push into the other, and you don't really know why.
“You're no' a cat, and I'm no' a mouse”.
“I know”. He just replies, walking closer and taking off his kutte, to leave it on a chair. “How much are we gonna play this... stupid game?”
“I don't know, te'me, chicano”.
He chuckles, licking his lower lip and putting his gaze away for some seconds, somewhere on the white wall. You know how much he hates that name, but you love to tease him, even if you're trying not to keep in mind what he did to your car.
“Take off the jumpsuit”.
“'Am almost naked under it”.
“And the problem is...?
Drawing a naughty smile on the corner of your lips, you grab the middle of it, unzipping it so slow that he's starting to get desperate. Looking at you as if you were a piece of art, only available to his whim. When the cloth is already opened, you slide the fabric down by your legs, jumping a little from it. Marcus is enjoying the views, taking the advantage of placing a hand on your lower back, while the other travels to your nape. Your lips almost touching his, tasting that mix of cigars and mexican toast beer on them when the tip of your tongue tours them.
Your back finds the wall faster than you could think, catching you against his body, devouring your mouth hungry and anxious. Your fingers pulling up the black shirt he's wearing to throw it above the desk. His big hands taking off yours, before falling on the waistband of your panties. Uttering a soft growl full of pleasure, he walks away from you some steps, looking you from top to bottom as a hungry wolf admiring his prey.
“You like it, uh?”
“You don't know how much”.
His voice is deep, rough, hoarse, bristling your skin as soon as he catches you again on his arms slapping your ass when he turns you facing the wall. You need more. Marcus too. And the sound of the belt getting undone and his jeans being unzipped make your legs tremble. Without expecting he pushes his middle finger into you, checking how wet you are because of him, making you moan as your fingers get closed in two cuffs supported on the wall.
“You like it, mami?”
He whispers right in your ear fingering you faster and deeper, almost moving up your hips. Feeling every move as if it was the first, touching your soul with his warm breath on your neck, leaving some smooth kisses there and confusing you about the fact of his hand pushing you too angry while his lips are so gently.
“Fuck, yes…” You gasp resting your forehead between your hands, with closed eyes.
“You want me to fuck you, pequeña?”
“Yes, please, please, please, Marcus”. You beg uncontrollably once and again.
“You want my cock hitting your tight pussy ah?”
“Fuck… please…”
“You're gonna have it, mi reina”.
Pulling out the wetted finger and turning you to face him again, the Mayan puts a hand on your throat, sliding the other into your mouth. And you lick it, tasting your own flavor under his attentive black eyes burning in all the desire he has been containing. His lips crash on yours, kissing you filthy, and getting inside your mouth his tongue to find yours while his free hand throws down to the floor every thing is on the desk. You let him do with you whatever he wants, placing your chest on the table and spreading your legs to both sides ready for him. Teasing you with his needed glans rubbing your clit, you snort disappointed, hearing some laughs behind your back.
“You don't know how much I want you”.
“Fuckin' prove it”. You say desperate.
And you got it. Without expecting it, his cock pounds you so hard that your body moves somewhat forward above the desk, making you close your eyes with a heavy moan stuck in your throat and his hands nailed on your hips. Marcus moving fast, thrusting himself to you until his abdomen crashes against your ass. The dirty sound your wetness utters being hitted is like a sweet melody for your brain, feeling the pleasure running through your body, getting mixed between the gasps and the pleadings. Seems like he knows what you like, slapping harder your ass with one of his hands. The slight pain provokes you a wave of heat, asking for more.
It's been almost one year since you two met, containing the desire you were feeling for each other. The necessity for being close, alone, together. Enjoying your more animal instincts. Marcus tangles his fingers on your pony-tail, curving your back until his teeth bite your neck, licking and sucking it, wanting to mark his territory. His free arm surrounding your abdomen, thrusting you deeper reaching your g-spot as you cry out his name once and again, drying your throat, breaking your voice every time he nails his hard dick inside you with no mercy, with no wait. He loves every inch of your body. He loves every single thing he knows about you. He always wanted to show you since he met you, and know he's doing it in the most delicious way possible; fucking you as hard as you beg him.
“Mi amor, estás tan estrechita… You're driving me insane”. (My love, you're so tight).
“Cum inside me, please”. Twisting your neck enough to split it into his lips, he bites yours drowning there a soft moan.
“Of course, mi reina… This pussy is only mine, you hear me, ah?”
“Fuck, Marcus… Only yours”.
By your pulse you know how close your body is to explode because of the ecstasy, and the Mayan knows too.
“Turn, mi amor. I want to see your face”. He demands, pulling out himself, making you sob feeling the emptiness between your legs. “Sit on the desk”.
You don't need more words, doing it without complains. An arm surrounding your body, your legs on his shoulders and his free hand nailed around your throat. Then, you can see for first time his cock. Huge, wetted, needy for being inside you again. And it feels more delighted when he starts to fuck you again, in that position that makes you touch the sky with the fingertips.
His gaze maintaining yours at all times, seeing who you squirm under his grip because of the pleasure and his dick pounding you with the only mission of making you cum. Leaning towards you, Marcus kiss you again, looking for your tongue to fight it out of your mouths and leaving a small trail of saliva on air, before devour your mouth so hungry it makes race your heart.
“I'm… I'm so fuckin' clos', papi”.
Your voice is somewhat hoarse, with your knees almost touching your chest with every deep thrust into you and your legs shaking a little.
“Come on, mi reina… Cum for your papi”. He asks you with his lips on yours.
And it doesn't takes you more seconds after a lash of heat running down your spin. You cry out his name twice before you run out of air, feeling the orgasm wrapping your whole anatomy with the dirty sound of your wetted pussy being hitted without non stop. And Marcus filling you with his seed, exhausting, pounding you until he's satisfied. Your legs hurts a little when he puts them down, surrounding his waist. You push him totally inside you, with your bodies colliding, while he lies on your chest trying to recover himself. His lower abdomen pressing your crotch, finding your lips somewhat tired, but enjoying the warm of your cums getting mixed.
“It feels so good, mi reina”.
He whispers pinching your nipples, stealing you some gasps against his clavicle traveling your mouth by his neck leaving some kisses on it.
“Don' move, papi… I wan' you to fuck me again”.
He chuckles, nodding with his chin.
“Whatever you want, I'll give it to you”.
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javisjeanjacket · 3 years
Green Light : A Great Gatsby AU - (maxwell lord x reader)
A/N: Fun fact: theres a new book out that’s a prequel to Gatsby and I just finished it and it is mmm some good fucking content. This part is based on chapter 6 of the book if that helps with visuals!
Warnings: alcohol, angst, yearning, feeling left out, cursing
Word count: 2.1K
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The first of Gatsby's parties that had been attended by the Buchanan's stands out in your mind from every other exquisite, over the top, row the mysterious millionaire had thrown. Maybe it was Daisy with her restrained wonder or Tom with his pouting bottom lip and ballooned chest. That night held the same promise as every other, the same never-ending drinks and the same enthusiastic attendees, but there was a strange feeling in the air. A hollowness in the happiness.
Tom and Daisy Buchanan arrived at twilight and you caught a glimpse of them as they appeared on the outer courtyard balcony.
You waved and tried to motion them to yourself, but the world of Max Gatsby and his rancorous parties had overwhelmed them. You took the staircase upwards as quickly as you could until you reached them. A half-drunk smile on your lips, you gently touched Daisy's arm. "Hello, cousin."
"Nicky!" She exclaimed, grabbing your hand tightly and the awe on her face turning into a beaming smile.
Tom turned his head to you and nodded a hello, his look of disgust making his lip pout even more.
"These things excite me so," Daisy said. Her eyes lingered on the flappers dancing around the emerald pool and for a moment you wondered if she envied them. "Have you seen Max yet?"
"I haven't. But I've only just arrived so-"
"Buchanan's!" Max's voice boomed from behind Tom.
The trio of you turned to face him and your heart fluttered at seeing his form in such a crisp, black suit.
You held out a hand towards him as he moved closer in your direction; reaching for a handshake or a hug or a quick brush against his broad shoulders or anything really.
Max, instead, moved his hand across Daisy's shoulder and seemed to forget that her husband was right next to him. "Look around." Max said, his dark eyes looked hot and fiery through Daisy.
"I am looking around. I'm having a marvelous-" Daisy began, her cheeks flushed and her back pressed against the balcony handrail.
"You must see the faces of people you know." Max added, his gaze and his hands on her unrelenting.
"My wife and I-" Tom began and took a step in between Max and Daisy, wrapping a possessive arm around Daisy’s waist. "don't go around very much." He smirked cruelly. "In fact, I was thinking that we don't know a single soul here."
Daisy cast her eyes downward and Max clenched his jaw, a muscle in his face working. He looked from Tom to Daisy and then back again. He pulled the ends of his suit jacket straight and cleared his throat. "Well, you must know that lady." Max said, pointing a thick finger over the roaring party and to a ghostly woman dancing on the lower steps of the courtyard.
As Max turned to show the Buchanan's the famous actress, he noticed you standing to his other side. He nodded his head quickly in your direction and said, "Hello, old sport."
As much as you wanted to stop your heart from leaping at his pet name for you, it did all the same. You gripped your champagne flute tighter and smiled weakly, "Hey." You whispered.
"Oh yes!" Daisy exclaimed, looking over the woman. "She's lovely."
"And that man bending over her?" Max smiled and looked back at the Buchanan's. "That's her director."
Daisy gasped dramatically and Max beamed at her. "I'll introduce you to every person here, Tom. Then you will know every single soul here." Max pointed a finger in Tom's direction and the well-built man frowned so deeply it was almost comical.
The trio pushed past you and started down the stairs, but not without one last, "Stay, will you, old sport?" from Max.
You smiled brightly and nodded enthusiastically. "Of course." You perched up in the balcony, one hand on the railing and the other on your champagne. You tried to busy yourself with the other party goers; tapped your foot in time with the music and chatted to those who lounged near you, but you could not deny the anxiety brimming in your chest at Max’s absence.
Every few moments, you would search for his blonde hair in the crowd and swallow tightly when you found him and his hand resting on Daisy's back.
The trio made their way through the party like that, nodding and shaking hands and making cheers with as many people as the arrogant Tom could stand. Max took them down the lower courtyard steps and showed them his beach, pointing across the bay to their home and the steady green light blinking at the end of their dock.
Eventually, they returned and with a kiss on the cheek for both Gatsby and you from Daisy, the Buchanan's left.
Max watched Daisy leave and then bit his lip. He looked down at his hands for a moment and then reached a hand out to clasp the side of your shoulder. "Stay, old sport. I must take care of some business first, and then I will return to you."
You nodded and smiled weakly, emotion poured off of him in waves and it was dizzying trying to keep your head afloat.
Max smiled at you kindly, his dark eyes softening in your gaze and with one final squeeze, he walked back through the foyer and up the staircase to the private rooms.
Hours passed. You danced with the flappers and laid on the cold beach with Klipspringer, who was an alleged descent of Beethoven. You drank so much champagne you got tired of it. You dropped your feet into the green pool and waited. And waited. And waited.
You had your arms crossed over the railing of the balcony, a forgotten gin and tonic in your hand, and were turning Daisy and Tom and Gatsby over and over in your mind. You thought of Max with his wide smile and the dimples in his cheeks and how brightly you ached to shine for him, how desperately you wanted to earn his affections.
Your cousin Daisy hadn't had to earn his affection. However they had met before this had been more than enough for Max to show his fondness for her in front of her husband. Daisy was wide-eyed and beautiful and an intoxicating cocktail of clueless and polite. 
You clenched your teeth and bit your lip. It was easier to think now that the impassioned hundreds of guests had slowly filtered out of the house, leaving only the too drunk to move and Gatsby's staff in the courtyard.
Max emerged from his castle, walking swiftly across the lower level of the courtyard and towards the beach.
Careful to watch your step as you descended the marbled courtyard steps, you took another swig of the gin and tonic in your hand. The liquid burned and warmed your insides as it ran through you, a contended smile appearing across your features.
"She," Max started as you neared him. He picked up a forgotten stream of shimmering decor and rubbed it between his thick fingers. "She didn't like it."
You swallowed the pooling emotions in the pit of your throat. "Of course she did, Max." You downed the rest of your drink and sat it on a nearby table.
"She didn't like it." He repeated, biting the end of the phrase harshly. "She did not have a good time."
He shook his head, the bleached strands shifting under the deep blue of the night sky. He flung the decoration he still held in his hand into the colored pool. "I feel so far away from her." His breath stuttered as he ended. "It's hard to make her understand." He ran a hand over his face and looked down to his loafers.
Your heart panged at his need for her, the ache so devout within him that it resonated within you as well. It shifted and changed inside you to become a kind of defeated longing, a reaching out towards something you would never be able to touch. "You mean about the party?"
Max scoffed and snapped his fingers, as if to absolve every party he had ever thrown from the record, "Old sport, the party was unimportant." He continued, "She has to tell Tom that she never loved him." Max wagged his finger as he spoke, passion burning within him and singeing the tiles beneath his loafers. "She needs to break the bond with him completely so that we can go back to her house in Louisville-" He made two fists and turned them, as if to break a piece of wood in his hands.
"You don't want to ask too much of her." You interjected. The ferocity of his need for her overwhelmed your thundering heart. How high he held her in his mind and how delicate the pedestal she rested upon. The more emotion that he gave you, the more you realized you would never be able to usurp Daisy's place in his mind. Even the incomparable Daisy would never be able to usurp the version of her he had created in his head. The sudden urge to cry overwhelmed you and you choked back the tears in your vision.
Max groaned and twisted on his heels away from you, chuckling as he did, and then turned back to face you. "She doesn't understand." He clasped his hands together and looked out across the dock to his left. "She used to be able to understand." He waved his hands as he spoke, the golden rings on his fingers glittering under the moonlight. "We'd sit for hours -" His train of thought departed without him and he began to chew on the meat of his lip. "You know old sport, Daisy and I were walking home one night, this was back in Louisville, and we stopped under this street light." A nostalgic joy rose from him, pulling at his cheeks to smile. "I looked at her and it was like I knew." He looked from his memory back to the present and to you. "I knew that when I kissed her, I would be forever wed to her." He nodded, happy with the frivolousness of his devotion. "I knew my mind would never romp again like the mind of God."
Your eyebrows furrowed even deeper than they had been before and a half-hearted smile flickered upon your lips before it was quickly replaced with a grimace. A feeling of light-headedness shot through you and you reached for a forgotten chair next to you and sat down before you could fall.
Max did not see the momentary lapse in your facade and continued on, "So before I kissed her, I waited. I looked up to the stars to make sure she was, in fact, my destiny." He took in a deep breath. "I looked into her green eyes and when I kissed her, she blossomed for me just like a flower."
You swallowed and looked down at your hands, your heart hammering against your ribcage. "Daisy has blue eyes, Max."
Max slipped his hands into the pockets of his black slacks and took leisurely steps down from the courtyard and towards the dock. The fog was so heavy upon the water that night that the green light wasn't visible, it was only present in it's shadow that cast a hazy glow over the dock. "Old sport, you are mistaken. Her eyes are green. And the light from them is too holy a sight for poor old Tom, I'm sure."
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and hurriedly added, "You can't repeat the past, Max." and stood to follow after him doggedly.
At your claim he stopped and pivoted from his spot on the stairs. His eyebrows shot up in shock, and his head tilted to one side. "Can't repeat the past?" He chuckled and reached a hand out from his pocket to cup your cheek. "Why of course you can." He smiled softly at you, his dark eyes jumping anxiously from one of your features to the other. The two rings on his hand were lukewarm against your skin and the feeling sent a slight tingle down your spine. "I am going to fix everything just the way it was before." He leaned forward to press a tight-lipped kiss to your forehead.
Your eyes fluttered closed and you could hear your heart thudding so loudly in your ears you were sure Max had heard it too.
"She'll see." Max nodded as he pulled away from you. He continued back towards the dock; it's wooden arm stretching out into the dark of the night.
Your heart sank to the bottoms of your heels and as he walked, his form shouldering your hope atop him. As you watched the black of his suit disappear into the black of the night, you knew just as Max had known with Daisy, that your mind would never romp again like the mind of God. A piece of it would always remain here, with him and his glittering parties.
He continued across the frigid beach and onto the dock, through the uncharted mist and towards the green light he believed would be blinking for him at the end of the dock.
He knew it would be.
It had to be.
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MAX TAGLIST: @artsymaddie​ @okilover02​ @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol​ @mrschiltoncat​
GENERAL TAGLIST: @softly-sad​ @over300books​ @autumnleaves1991-blog​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @ntlmundy​
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