#their skin is not vitiligo it is just a pattern
cripplecharacters · 3 hours
hi, I saw one of ur posts talking Abt things that shouldn't be done for vitiligo rep, and one thing u mentioned was the like connect to animals that r black and white. I was wondering about kinda like, the reverse of that? The reason is I have a character I was designing who's kind of similarish to a mermaid, and I wanted to base some of his design off an orca. I was considering doing the black/white coloration, but I was wondering if that would be too similar to vitiligo. Personally his design is very early with regard to animal motif stuff, so I can put the orca elements into his design in other ways, but I also wanted to ask what you feel might be preferable handling with similar cases (like zebra centaurs, panda or cow humans and other animals who naturally have black/white coloring or similar contrasting colors)-
The main question is if u think the characters actually bringing up that they don't have vitiligo, but rather have common patterns, like saying "most of us have skin/hair/etc color variation bc it's just how our pigment works by default, but ppl with vitiligo have it bc of autoimmune reasons + (giving details on it and maybe mentioning a diff character in story w vitiligo)"
having the variation only affect specific things, for example black/white hair (like an orca mermaid having white eyebrows that mimic orca eyespots) without the skin pigmentation being affected (potentially also bringing up vitiligo to make it specific they aren't connected)
Or just trying to avoid having any animal based color choices that evoke the image of vitiligo, which is totally understandable if u feel the prev examples are still linking vitiligo to animals in a way that's ultimately harmful ppl w vitiligo.
Mostly I wonder if explicitly stating it's a different thing would actually help to combat the idea, or if it's just one of those things that is better to completely avoid doing
I think it depends on how far it goes is the determining factor. A zebra centaur who has the zebra coloration on their horse part isn't a problem and doesn't evoke a vitiligo connection, the same way that a gray horse part wouldn't evoke argyria. I would say that the same goes for hair coloration, in media the hair color is kinda "anything goes" either way.
But if you want to make a mermaid who has an orca bottom half, and vitiligo on the upper half, that is an issue. The problem is that readers, and people in general, just don't see the nuance and end up linking animal coloration with vitiligo anyway - I mean, it's not like cows in real life have it, but people still get compared to them. The visual is enough, even if there are in-universe explanations, in my opinion. Vitiligo is still dramatically misunderstood, and it's very much a case of "if it looks like vitiligo, it is vitiligo" when it comes to design choices like this.
In short; animal part with black/white coloration: cool, hair/eyebrows/etc: cool, skin: not cool. It just hits too close to the real life condition.
With that said, I don't think there's an issue having a character with vitiligo who's part animal if you're not trying to link the two. A catfish mermaid with vitiligo on her human part would be cool :-)
And for other ideas when it comes to mermaids and disability - a lot of people with limb differences that I know would enjoy a clownfish mermaid with an upper limb difference, the term "lucky fin" exists for a reason:-)!
I hope this helps!
mod Sasza
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businesscatfelix · 1 year
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ummm.beni time
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d3stroyman · 2 months
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Playing NSR and Psychonauts back to back was a mistake my art is entering it's weird period I think we'll see how long this lasts
Anyway hi Doppelganger
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"Defying the Default"- Skin Tones and the Presence of Black Characters
Okay, this one is going to be half lesson and half a thought experiment- it may get a bit frustrating, as conversations like this often do- but remember, discomfort is not always a bad thing! So I ask that you walk with me for this one.
It’s also interesting, because I’m going to direct this towards everyone (readers included!), but specifically towards my fanfic writers of media with no visual medium, as I’ve noticed this pattern there, and it makes up a good amount of creators on this site. Okay? Okay.
Behold! Many shades of brown!
I had to wade through a lot of colorism for this, and even this link is subtly racist in its introduction- the idea that brown is ‘unexciting’ 🙄.
Anyway, you know where I’m going with this:
"Chocolate and Coffee"
Even the link above pulled this! Writers who use this... they’re not ‘wrong’ per se but… often uninspired. It feels... Lazy. When you can tell an author has put no thought into the brown of choice, it makes Black readers feel like you believe these are the only shades of brown- that that’s all we look like. Even chocolate is more diverse (white, milk, dark, marbled, cookies and cream?) Coffee can come in numerous shades as well (light, medium, dark roast? Type of bean?)
My first direction to help with this: make it a point to know what shade that character is (whether canonically, or if you're the original creator, look at a reference and write it down) and find a name! Be consistent! Find similar browns to one another. If the canon Black character's skin color is done poorly, find something similar and use that! (I'll get more into this in the next lesson!)
Our skin colors may modify as we age, it changes over the seasons/presence in the sun, and some people even have vitiligo! But we're not gonna be “dark roast coffee” one morning and “light milk chocolate” suddenly. We're not chameleons lmao.
And you know what? That shade you choose might very well be 'coffee'! But it's not going to be because you didn't look and assumed we're all some random brown! That’s the intent showing! If we can find endless ways to describe the beauty of white/pale skin, we absolutely can for brown! Be willing to unpack why you may not believe brown to be capable of beauty, and work through unlearning that- it will show in your writing! One way is by pausing with yourself, and recognizing when you had a biased thought. Even by this, you’re learning!
Here’s where I want us to get into the thought experiment:
I want you to think about the description of characters in stories (as a whole). Challenge yourself- in the fics and stories you read, how often is anyone blatantly labeled 'White'? Read a story or fic; how long can you imagine them as not-White before it's ever clarified? Because not even 'pale' automatically implies a White person!
You know how I’ve mentioned before that 'Black people are not a monolith'? I can find you at least some examples of Black people fitting some of the common descriptions of white characters.
"Brunette with brown eyes"
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(Fun fact: I actually learned back in my Masters program that genetically no one has ‘black’ hair- our eyes are processing it as black, but it’s really just dark brown due to eumelanin. Regardless, if you stand us in the direct sunlight, you will see that our hair is usually just dark brown!)
"Red hair with pale skin"
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“‘tanned’ skin with hazel/green eyes”
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“blond hair" (period!)
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Now, I’m not saying that blond haired Black people or Black folk with albinism are overly representative of my people. What I AM saying is that it needs to not be taken for granted that a reader is automatically assuming a character is White in your piece of fiction- I can assume your character looks like anything if it's not stated! Especially if the OG source is a book or a podcast! We’re just used to assigning these features- and characters- as white until ‘proven not’! The default!
I am guilty of this too! Even still, I reread many of my works and go ‘ah, I didn’t clarify.’ And I have to work on doing better at it. This is having intent for your Black characters, but really, it’s having intent for all of them!
(This doesn't mean going “the Black man said,” the way sometimes people say “the Chinese said” (which…. Tbh we should all stop doing that anyway, it's weird and racist))
My Next Challenge:
Some people may disagree, but- Ahem:
Breathe lmao! Take the time to recognize that it's OKAY to introduce a character as Black, to say Black, it's fine! Obviously be sensitive about it, don't shove it in there to “win your diversity points”, but like… People are Black. It's not a bad word. What matters is the context in which you used it!
You don't even have to say it every single time. Really just the first, introductory sentence will do. For example:
“[Character A], a bright, young, Black girl with knotless braids to her mid back, glittering hair clips matching her bright green t-shirt, and a brilliant smile that shined against her bistre skin.”
I recognize that some might argue that by saying “bistre”, you don't need to say Black. But 1) you don't have to be Black to be brown or dark skinned, and 2) There's a social stigma behind even saying Black- of discussing race in general, because it leads to discomfort. Race (as a sociological construct) exists. When we say nothing about it, allowing Whiteness to be the default, we're still emphasizing race, however silently! If you're already doing it... Why not mention it? 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
(here's a good clip of Ijeoma Oluo discussing the difficulty of discussing race; while I highly recommend the whole thing, the relevant clip is 4:25-5:39)
Maybe they're in the Black student organization in a lead position, maybe they're in a Black main cast of a play- it's okay to have those things in the story to help develop the idea that your Black character is actively Black! Just do your research to make sure you’re not leaning into stereotypes!
“There’s no races in my fantasy/future world!”
That’s fair! But I want to give you an example of how people will still project these identities onto your characters anyway:
No one has an explicitly stated 'race' in Avatar: The Last Airbender (afaik); they’re all divided by element culture. YET, many people were offended that a mixed-Korean actress was cast in her role in the live action- they ‘just didn’t see it’, because subconsciously they'd imagined her ‘face claims’ as WHITE, despite it never once being mentioned in the canon! (there’s also a firm sexualization and east Asian fetishization argument to be made about it, but that’s not within the scope of this particular conversation.)
Point is, if you are including humanoid characters in your fantasy stories, fine. You don't need to say ‘Black’ outright. But, that just means that you’re going to have to be even more detailed in your description. Because if I were watching a TV show and a Black actor shows up as an elf… I know what features I’m seeing! Entire protests have occurred over the casting of Black actors in a role ‘meant for a white person’; so... everyone sees it!
This is another reason why intention in character design and writing is important! Context clues and socialization help me understand who your character is. If it works like this for white characters, it can work like that for everyone else! You just have to know enough about me to write it in (and that's where the social and societal bias lie, because how much do you really know about me?)
A way to better understand this is reading books by Black authors (for fantasy, I would highly recommend Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko and Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi) as well as Black literary classics! Finding and reading Black fic authors in fandoms with Black characters! By learning how we describe ourselves and our skin colors, you’ll learn and practice how to appropriately describe us!
Now I can't make you do any of this! But I do want you all- writers especially- to start noticing our bias, how we may default to the experience of whiteness- and how that affects the way we write. When we have Black characters, and really any character of color, we need to start paying attention to how often their features, culture, and activities are emphasized, even for what we may consider to be 'background' details. That’s how we normalize creation and understanding, and become better at writing!
It’s just something to practice; remember, it’s the thought that counts, but the action that delivers!
In addition, if you are interested in a simple read into why approaching race is so uncomfortable as a whole, I've attached Robin DiAngelo's book here! Thank you to the PDF guru @toiletpotato for the link!
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the-habitat-sysblog · 3 months
"you don't have DID; DID is a super rare disorder that only affects 1%* of the population."
other things that affect ~1% of the population, but aren't considered "super rare":
being ginger
being intersex
being transgender
being ambidextrous
being asexual
things that are RARER than DID:
total blindness
having vitiligo
and, yet, these experiences are seldom seen as impossibly rare. before jumping to conclusions that someone with DID must be faking, consider this: 1% of 8 billion is 80 000 000. DID is not even the only complex dissociative disorder!
sources below the cut.
*sources tend to pinpoint the rate of DID as between 0.5-1.5-2.5%, so i'll just throw in three different sources.
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blackopals-world · 10 months
Vil: I waited as you said but what the hell is this?
(Points to Epel who's hair has turned from just lilac to gray dusted lavender. Epel is very proud of his new look.)
Vet!Yuu: Epel has shed his first coat. Looking closely he's developing a grey dappled pattern. His purple isn't going away so it might remain. His hair might just continue to fade to gray at the tips. If he sheds again I'll place bets he might turn silver or white grey. He'll lose his spots though.
Epel: But I like the spots. Can't I keep them?
Vil: Nothing else? It's not bad but no other surprises right?
Vet!Yuu: Well there is no telling what other beast traits he'll develop but looking at his skin he might develop more patterns in the future. Think of it like vitiligo. He'll have discoloration on his back, arms and legs. It will actually be quite attractive so it's something to look forward to. I have a few pictures here to give you some examples.
Vil:(looking at pictures) If it's like you said then he would be quite the model. A few pageants and shoots wouldn't hurt either. I'll have to get new outfits and makeup palettes too.
Epel:WHAT?! NO!
Vet!Yuu:Great. Same time next week. Let's hope he doesn't grow a tail by then.
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mahiiimahiiii · 3 months
office hours
a/n: rizzard in his happily married middle aged glory, God dropped this plot in my head. finally posted, sorry for all the teasing. '
Cw: fear of voyeurism (and kind of like threatening it??), named tav, dw the door is locked, off-hours fantasy, gale is a bit chunkier, rizzard in his middle aged glory, notes on tav still looking young, (not similar life spans), lunch, notes on tav being a brown person, worship, uncomfortable (yet satiating) sex, sloppy as hell sex, breeding, notes of pain from cervix, squirting, ear play, vers gale, spit for lube (and the soreness that ensues), gale wears glasses, he also wears sock garters, I have a vision ok…….., whispering & dirty talk.
(Tav is a teifling with brown skin and some vitiligo pigmentation, she has curly hair that forms a little halo around her head, bangs with side pieces that fall longer than her typical length of hair. She is a bard!)
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read here, or under the cut!
The halls of Blackstaff were magnificent as always, perfectly so. Decorated with filigree and the faint shimmer of enchantment. The halls were harder to navigate, ever turning, and ever changing.
This made delivering lunch weekly on your day off mostly difficult. Your husband, the wonderous gale of Waterdeep- or perhaps now, just professor Dekarios. he had said ‘just will the path into existence’, which you earnestly thought was stupid.
You had always been practical with magic, being a bard helps with that. But you stressed slightly, how many hours, perhaps minutes did he have left to eat and relax. And how many minutes would you have left for chores, and dinner prep.
Busy, busy, busy. Never a dull moment.
A sigh of relief left your mouth as you found his lecture door, his soothing voice echoing out in waves from the crack. Still in lecture! You gingerly slipped through the door, careful not to let the hinges creak behind you. Chalk tapped against the chalkboard as he sipped gently at a mug of tea and cleared his throat continuing with his speech. His hair was thrown back into a loose half up and down messy bun, staticky hair poking and prodding out like new spring buds. He wore a new suit vest, a stripped pattern with an argyle tie, and a light blue button down, paired with the same-colored magenta slacks. His tie pin was one of a crescent moon, (he had been on a theming kick recently). Today was on magic in other areas, written on the board were a
couple pooled questions by the students. Does music automatically equal magic? How do paladin oaths work? Is It possible for magic to be innate?
He finished off his mug tapping at pages to read on the board, waving off the students and their cloaks that looked way too large for them. A stream of bobbing heads, ears and horns followed out the door. You had to maneuver around the groups of students, slowly moving their way out, a few stragglers lounging around the professor’s desk.
“I hope I’m not too late- “you approach him, setting the tin of food wrapped in a handkerchief onto his desk.
He beamed when he laid eyes on you, cheeks flushed a rosy hue. “you’re right on time, I’ll see you in the office, I just need to help a student with a spell pronunciation- then I’ll be with you.” He caught a finger under your chin, kissing your brow. His breath smelt of an earthy green tea, sweetened with honey, and the zeal of lemon juice that followed. He turned his back to you, helping the student to write it out phonetically. You heard his bright praise as the thick office door closed behind you.
The office- you remembered dearly, you helped assemble. A room with high ceilings, decorated with diagrams of spells and sheet music. One wall was clad with photos of his family, a portrait of both of you front and center. Small linocuts of your companions sat on a bookshelf nearby, as well as tomes discussing your previous acts, which he so proudly showed off. He had asked for a new cupboard to house all sorts of dried teas, which he unhinged the doors of and installed onto the walls, framing them with delicate laces. It mirrored a little alchemical shop. The walls were a cozy and warm purple with white and brown accents. He had a little hearth and big windows facing the bay, a window ajar, the new tressym kitten may have gone out exploring. Tara the second, Gale called her.
The door creaked open as you admired the wall of portraits, you jumped within your shoes, tail swishing in a slight panic.
“I’m sorry little love, have I frightened you?” he kissed your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist and swaying gently. His lips found their way up to the shell of your ear, nipping it gently. He spun you around, taking in your new sundress, yellow with pops of white blooms, a pair of lacy socks and brown kitten heels to match.
“You look positively divine- are you sure there wasn’t other intentions behind this?” he cocked a brow, the settled in features of his face creasing with mirth.
You’ll be completely honest with your feelings, jobs, children, life in general has led you two apart. Intimately it seems-
This you had no problems with, as gale had all the love in the world for you. He made sure to show his affections readily and often- with you in turn.
To this- you sheepishly nodded, tucking a curl behind your ear. “Perhaps there was motive… if you’ll oblige me of course.”
Something new swirled into his eyes, a fiery spark of desire. He cracked a grin turning heel to the door. “Shame lunch will be spoiled then; I do have an appetite for something else in mind. And I wouldn’t be a smart man to waste an opportunity like this.” With a quick flit of his fingers a secure spell of arcane lock was cast. His lashes dropped in amusement, striding over and draping himself over a dark velvet fainting couch near the small hearth of the room.
You bent down, unlacing the leather straps around your ankles and stepping out of the heels, setting them down beside his desk. He mirrored you, taking off his tanned loafers and crystalline spectacles.
“You look rather dashing today, I had meant to tell you before you left for work.” You glided over to him, tail wagging as he made space for you to settle into his lap. You clambered over him, your limbs not as refined and delicate in their actions as they once were. You settled into his lap, conscious of the warm throb in his pants. You quirked a brow, as he ground up against you his hands cupping and fondling your ass.
“Already my love?”
“Already…” his words were feather light, a wonky smile plastered on his place. “I am always ready for you.”
You bent over cupping his chin, thumbs and fingers running over the rim of his ears. He groaned gently into your mouth, his lashes fluttering. His hands wove into your hair pulling you close, one leg bouncing against the floor. You hummed, rocking your hips in time with him, the sensation felt delicious on your neglected clit. You ran your tongue against his lip, he bucked his hips in response- mouth falling open sightly. You ran a hand through his messy hair gripping the base of his waves eliciting a whine from his lips. You connected panting mouths again, warm groans spilling into your mouth as you found a rhythm of pressure. His hands settled and gripped your thighs, pressing your warmth onto him for stimulation. You ran a tongue along the indents of his teeth and the ridges of his mouth, the kiss became sloppy as you gently sucked on his tongue.  He broke away, hands shuffling to unbuckle his taught pants. He paused, watching you remove the flowing dress revealing the lacy blue set of underwear, completed with pink ribbons near the ruffles.
He sighed, shoving down his pants and taking off his sweater. He bemusedly slowed down catching your eyes as he slowly undid his button-down shirt.
A whine caught in your throat, crawling towards him- shuffling his hands away to undo his buttons. Once partially removed your ran a hair through the swirling patterns of hair on his chest.  You fit yourself into his neck, kissing the shell of his ears, nibbling and biting at his lobe. He shuddered, his hands going back to busying themselves to filling with your form. You kissed down his chest biting at him with your sharpened teeth, he squirmed under your touch- his hand gripped the back of your curls.
You glanced up catching his eyes, he nodded. You unlaced his boxers which crackled at your touch, tugging them off his legs and tossing them somewhere. You exhaled, tail thumping against the cushions in slight excitement. Gale pursed his lips and averted his eyes, pink warming his already rosy cheeks. You kissed down the happy trail that lined his soft stomach, inhaling the scent of him contained by his skin. Rose water, oak, pine and musk, he smelt wonderfully fresh.
He was slightly self-conscious of this newer version of him, a body softened by age like a ripe peach. You thought it fitting- the softness of course- he aged well. You cupped his sides, squeezing them gently. “Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?” you ask softly.
“Many times-why do you ask?” he quirked a brow.
You shrug, lifting his thighs around your hips, giving them a firm squeeze again. “Thought I’d remind you.” You mold to his body, thighs rubbing together adding pressure to his already neglected member. Your lips mark their place down his neck, staining his skin a soft pink from your lip balm.  You made your way down again, making sure your lips marked every surface of his skin. His hips strained for movement but found none to meet it.
You marred his inner thigh with bite patterns, his skin breaking into patterns of pink and red. Your tongue ran its way up his perineum sending flames to his stomach, a squeeze to his heavy sack had him tensing beneath you.
Your nose buried in his happy trail once more- you let out a contented sigh.
His hips bucked slightly his cock tapping your chin. “My dear- be kind please- “
You grinned “gale, I don’t intend to be kind- perhaps I’m trying to enable your behavior for later.”
He let out a strained moan, his lids scrunching shut. “God id like that so much- please- “
“Like what now gale?” you teased pinching the head of his pink cock, rolling the skin up and down.
His hips strained again, a low hiss through his teeth. “Gods, you know- I don’t want to spell it out, hells.”
You stopped your slow steady strokes to kitten lick the head of his member, his fists began to clench and unclench. “I’d like to hear what you’d like, professor Dekarios. Lecture me- if you will.”
He swore under his breath one open, “you-!” his chest heaved, trying to buck his hips up from under your heavy hand. “Fuck- fine- I want to be in you- I want you to bloat with my seed. Gods-! Want everyone to know your mine- so help me- going to fuck you over my desk-.” His breathing was labored, his thighs clenching under you. His eyes went wide as he covered his mouth, poor gale was surprised by even his own vulgarity.
“you’d like to try for another child Mr. Dekarios?” you squeezed his balls sucking gently on his inner thigh.
“By the weave-! Yes-!” he sounded exasperated, his lip quivering.
“Very well, you’ve been good. I suppose you’ve earned your treat” you lowered your mouth onto him, a groan rolling through his throat. You dragged your tongue against his skin, the salt refreshing to your taste. You found the small spot on his head and rolled your tongue against it. His hands shoved down your head, burying your head into the patch of curls framing his cock. He shuffled his hands moving to your horns squeezing and fondling the base ridges. Your moan reverberated around him, he lifted his hips, the garters that held his socks squeezing the meat of his thighs.
You tapped his hip, the wizard’s grip loosening from your roots. The air around you smelt like him, you sputtered a little coming up for air. His face was flush, lips gently parted in gasps for air, curls clinging to the sides of his face. Gale’s eyes, taken over by the darkness of his pupils, held only desire and need.
You cupped his ass, a growing grin on your face as your lips found his length again. He rolled his hips up, thighs snapping like a steel trap around your head. Youd hope that perhaps you’d die this way, buried in your lovers’ thighs. A heel to your back cuts off some oxygen making your head spin. You glance up at him, his eyes pressed shut in focus. You hollowed out your cheeks, taking him further into your mouth, feeling the muscle in his thighs tense at the sensation.
“li’ia- “he gasped “my darling- I’m certainly close- I’d feel bad if you didn’t have your fun as well.”
You let out a muffled acknowledgement.
His legs loosened around you, his hand gently rubbing at the sore part of your scalp. Your lips leave with a soft pop, lip balm well and truly smeared against his skin. He hissed at the cold, maneuvering around you to stand up.
“Desk.” His voice slightly roughed as he commanded. He followed you, catching small kisses on the back of your spine. He sighed happily as you bent over the desk, almost like a planned muscle memory. Gale’s knees popped as he knelt, tugging down the delicate lace of your underwear. He maneuvered to rest in the space between your hips and the desk. The professor tapped a leg to push up on the desk, giving access for him to be nestled into the wetness of your cunt. His tongue lapped a stripe between your folds, he shifted one hand on your thigh the other groping needily at his cock. You watched him work, hand steadying yourself on his desk. A framed page of your journal that you gave him of the two of you rocked gently against the desk.
Gale hummed, his lips buzzing around your clit, nipping at the bud carefully. His tongue dipped inside of you, laying it flat against your core to rock at an easy pace. He nipped the inside of your thigh, signaling his contentment. you lifted your leg out of its slowly cramping position, setting it on the floor. The wizard made his way up your body, hands squeezing and fondling anything it could touch, his lips placing gentle kisses up your stomach.
“Come- sit upon your bone throne.” He chuckled at his own bad joke, sharing a cheeky grin with you. You tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear, kissing the tip of his nose.
“Someone with a lovely pair of thighs must sit for that feat to be achievable.” You pressed against him; his member throbbed in the small amount of space between your stomachs. The pads of his fingers trailed over your skin as he walked past. Seating himself with legs spread for better access to him.
You settled on his thighs, spitting a couple of times into the palm of your hand. The mixture of slick and spit in your palm coated his twitching member, running and cupping your hand against his length, he let out a low warble. Carefully, and as delicately as you possibly can manage, you lifted your hips and guided his tip to your awaiting entrance. He held his gaze in your eyes, both of his hands supporting your hips.
You lowered.
A brilliant flare of fireworks went off inside your head, the heavens parted for some foggy clarity of how neglected you were. Your walls stung and clenched protectively at the stretch; gales hips quickly snapped upwards out of reflex adding to the tinge of pain at your core.
You held a hand on his chest and tears pricked at the corner of your eyes, “hurts- hurts.” Your tail strained behind you, every part of your muscles tensing.
“Come here- “he wrapped an arm around you, sheltering you with his arms, your nose found the notch in his neck and pressed small weepy kisses into it. His thighs flexed under you, impatient, but concerned at the hurt that he may have caused. He kissed the crown of your head, rubbing at your back in slow motions. “Let me remove this off of you” he whispered; words filled with reverence. You rocked your hips back, a pressure shifting to nestle itself under your bladder and against your cervix. Gale hooked his thumbs underneath the hemline of your cotton bralette.
“I like these- where did you get them? Lovely color too, suits such pretty brown skin. Then again, my star, you look delicious in any color.”
“I do find that reds make me look too red though.”  She hummed thoughtfully, “in Mephistopheles, it is better to wear blue. Within infernal societies we tend to note our heritage by the color of our skin. I often get mistaken for a teifling from Avernus if I wear red.”
“Blue doesn’t look as lively on your pretty face.”
“Oh shush. The recommendation was from a lovely spawn, who recently moved to the underdark.”
“He didn’t move until now? It’s been ten years!”
“He had to convince his partner, my love. Halsin doesn’t want to live without sun so easily. He sent me an assortment of things, new fabrics he said.”
“Perhaps I have let him in too much on my fashion tastes. Never again will I gossip with Astarion.”
“A wise decision, that one.” You chuckled.
He tentatively rolled his hips as a retort, hands finding the swell of your breasts. His head nestled in the crest of your chest, hands cupping your chest, fingers nimbly pinching your nipples. Your thighs tensed again, another, but thankfully smaller ping of pain emanating through your lower abs. “Would this be more preferable?” the pads of his fingers brushed against your throbbing clit, sending little electric sparks to your toes. Your exhale told him all he needed. He curled an arm around your waist, throbbing inside in tandem of your clenching walls. He pinched and massaged the mound, your tail beginning to wag. Your core warmed to him, the stretch and pain completely vanishing. He slowly rocked his hips, a hand cupping your ass,
reclining against his chair, his eyes all but rolling into the back of his head. “Gods…” he whispered. “Oh, how I long for you… oh how much I wanted this.” Words burbled from his lips, slightly incoherent. “Gods, if any of my colleges caught me like this- I would be fired for sure-! Oh, but they would truly witness what a goddess looked like.”
“I can’t grant you powers gale.” You chided, though secretly flattered. “I would gladly worship you instead of Mystra…my devotion- its eternally, irrevocably- only yours. God if they could watch, only to witness your own glory.”
“it’s a good thing I offer my light to you, beloved.”
“Oh, it’s such a good thing indeed. A little part of me wants to show those who would witness us what it looks to worship- what it means to be- utterly devoted.”
“My dearest gale- you are babbling nonsense; may Cyril bless you with the wit and constitution to say something meaningful.” You tease, adding a playful roll of the hip.
He rolls his eyes, aiding the lift of your hips up and down his length. “With you I forget myself, we are a one connected entity. You are my lifeblood.”
“You say such sweet things” you capture his chapped lips in a kiss, the rolls of your hips and the slick pooling at the cleave of his ass wrecking an echoed cacophony in the padded room. He pants into your open mouth, his hips pacing varying from quick snaps to slow languid thrusts into your warm and waiting walls.  The wizards’ fingers rubbed against your clit in circles, pressing the rest of his fingers into your lower abdomen to stabilize his wrist.  His fingers buzzed with a slight enchantment that he rasped into your mouth in-between nibbles and kisses.
You kissed his crows’ feet that crinkled around his eyes, the furrows of his brow from focus, and the mismatched dimples in his cheeks. The curl that settled itself in the middle of his forehead bobbed gently.
“Do you want me to-?” he stammered, biting down on his lip. He was close, his hips jumping at the chance to be fully sheathed inside of you. “I wanted to- if you’d like- I know we’re getting older, but I don’t think just a cat- would be my desire... to propagate- “he continued to babble. “My mother would- greatly appreciate, a child- from her only son.”
“She isn’t satisfied with a cat?” you pretend to be against between hearty sighs.
He bit his lip again, his eyes closing, overstimulated by the sensation of how tight you were around him. You braced his shoulders for better leverage, his head hit the back of the chair, gasping out for release. You felt the knot in your stomach tighten, bumping your hips into his vibrating fingers.
“Hells- yes- id love that- Gale I’d love to be a parent with you. There is nothing that would make me happier- “he cut you off, shoving your hips into him, fully sheathed he could finally combust within you. His lips found yours for a feverish kiss, wrapping his arms around you. You ran white hot in your core, a series of fire rockets blasting off in your loins, sending dizzying signals into your head. It was like he cast cloud of mist into your head. He rocked his hips a couple of times, your walks milking him of cum. Ropes of cum spent directly into your awaiting womb. Another flash of heat, you felt a deep pressure release onto his hips below.
You press your foreheads together, exhaustion seeping into your bones.
“Can you take the day off- “you murmur into his skin, a soft sinking feeling inside of you as he went soft. His seed within you dripped out and mixed with the rest of the liquids pooled in the seat.
He snuggled himself into your shoulder, watching your tail wag idly. He finally sighs, “I have classes in thirty minutes or less…but! You are welcome to stay in my office until you feel better.” He chuckled softly “earnestly, I’m not entirely sure I want to get up. My hips hurt.”
“You poor thing…” you kissed the crown of his head, scratching small circles into the back of his head. “Let’s get you cleaned up then- I’m certain we made a destructive mess.”
“No mess can withstand the realms of magic.” He puffed his chest out with pride.
You glared at him slightly, though you gave in and finally patted his cheek. “Fine, do your magic.”
He pumped the air summoning things to help clean up. With you, he took the utmost care.
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hi! so i was wondering if i can request a oneshot of class 1a & platonic aizawa or just a platonic aizawa (which ever is easiest for u!) x GN reader where the reader received massive burn scars/just scars in general that covers half of their face and arms? just real angsty and fluffy :)
Angst and fluff coming right up <3
Masterlist <3
Warning: burning, mentioned blindness, depictions of blood and injury...
Aizawa and 1-A x Student Reader (Platonic) - Scarring
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The students of 1-A had heard about your accident during the entrance exam. That's why, when you walked into the room, you'd heard hushed whispers invading your ears, the class looking at you curiously.
Your face is covered in thick makeup, but your application is good, so it doesn't smear or melt, and it doesn't look cakey.
It still doesn't do a whole lot to hide the horrific scarring, though.
You had been collecting points like everyone else during the exam, when suddenly everything turned dark. You were still conscious, and still moving, but you were trapped under a robot that had caught fire and shut down, and your ribs were close to crushed.
Everything hurt. You still remember the pain clear as day as your ribs got that much closer to puncturing your lungs, blood seeping from your mouth as you vomited. You were surprised to find that the screaming you could hear was coming from you, desperate wails echoing under the huge tin can, too heavy for you to lift.
Your flesh was burning and the smell reached your nose and travelled along the back of your throat, drawing more vomit from you as you clawed at the gravel beneath you. You're not sure who had plucked you out from beneath the rubble of the malfunctioned robot and the brick wall of a house that it had taken down with it, because by then you were unconscious.
The following few days, you had not left your home. Not once. You hadn't even left your bedroom or so much as drawn the curtains.
Your self esteem was forever crushed to rubble.
The burn and cut scars stretched over your left arm and your neck, reaching your cheekbone in a pattern that seemed some sort of mix between tiger stripes and lighting burns, and they had turned a paper shade in comparison to the rest of your skin, as opposed to darker like, for example, Todoroki's scar.
It almost looked like some kind of vitiligo instead of rough scarring, because Recovery Girl had been so quick to attend to you.
You had never stopped being so grateful to her.
By your first day, you were recognised as the kid who'd been crushed at the entrance exam, and every time someone's eyes landed on you, you'd get horribly self conscious, wondering if they could see the discolouration on your face.
That all changed though, when you had actually started to make friends.
And it makes sense that the first people you made friends with were Shouto and Izuku. Their scars gave you a little more confidence that maybe you weren't so hideous, and it was all in your head.
You and Shouto had bonded over the similarities in your scarring, sharing stories of how they happened and how they affected the both of you, and then you found out that as you were now blind in your left eye, so was Shouto. Or at least sort of. He retained some of his sight, but his vision had been impaired, whereas your eye had been crushed by the metal of the robot that had trapped you.
And Izuku, he always knew the right thing to say. He played a vital role when it came to you accepting what happened to you, and assuring you that noone thought any less of you with the assurance of your fellow classmates. He was a real big help, and his kind and inspirational words had you rethinking the way you saw yourself a lot.
However, sometimes there were days when you looked in the mirror and saw a ghost of who you used to be, and what you used to look like. Memories of your mother taking your, then, unharmed face into her hands and calling you beautiful flashed before your eyes, and led you to having bouts of depression where you would skip class because you had gotten so self conscious.
Aizawa Sensei had thought you'd made peace with the change, and trauma of what happened. Looking back on it now, he could see that he was clearly being naive. He thought you were just skipping class because you weren't so sure about being a hero anymore, or you just didn't care. The thought had him angry, to say the least.
He knocked harshly on the door to your dorm room, hearing a few sniffles coming from the other side. Were you upset? Maybe you were sick?
His suspicions were confirmed as you opened the door slightly, revealing just the corner of your face as you looked up at him with a tired, puffy eye.
You had been crying.
"... What's wrong? Why weren't you in class?"
"... 'sorry-"
"-That's not an answer."
You were shocked silent. You didn't expect him to look so angry with you, but you couldn't face the world like this. The comments you had received at the Sports Festival had absolutely crushed you. People could be so cruel sometimes, it's like they don't even realise that they were talking about a kid.
Finally, you broke into little cries, closing your eye and bumping your head against the door softly, feeling so tired and lonely.
"I can't take it anymore- I just wanna look normal- I don't wanna be ugly anymore- did you know that everyone at the Sports Festival was calling me ugly?! I'm sixteen! There are posts on the internet talking about mine and Shou's and Izu's scars! I just want them off my body, it's not fair!-"
Shouta's heart sinks to his stomach. Your voice is wet shaky, and your words get caught in your throat. For god's sake, he can hear the heartbreak and vulnerability in your sobs. He had failed to protect you. And not just you, but Izuku and Shouto as well? He's such a failure.
He knows the world can be a cruel place, and even though he can teach you to be strong in body, you were still kids, and it was his job to keep you safe from that kind of negative attention. You were kids. You didn't deserve to be judged like pedigree dogs. At least not yet. It's stuff like that that crushes young people's self image.
His shoulders dropped and you looked down at you with a worried expression, slowly pushing the door out of the way and enveloping you in his arms. He feels soft, and secure as you cry into his shirt, sniffling and hiccuping while he rubs your back comfortingly.
"If you tell anyone I hugged you I will deny it. But... Don't worry about what insecure people on the internet are saying, because they must truly be dissatisfied with themselves if insulting teenagers makes them feel better. One day, their life will be in your hands, and they'll regret what they said."
The comment about denying the hug happened actually pulled a little laugh out of you, and you felt much better as he comforted you. Your tears slowed to a stop and your breathing evened out, and once you had calmed down, Aizawa had freed you from his awkward hug.
The world seemed just a little brighter than it did before.
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archangeldyke-all · 16 days
Reader with vitiligo that’s she’s a bit insecure about? And Sevika comforting her by kissing the spots where she has it?
I could’ve worded that better, but my brain is foggy, so😭
omg omg omg
men and minors dni
sevika is absolutely enchanted by your skin. she thinks it's the coolest, prettiest skin she's ever seen.
if you have spots visible on your face and arms, she's always looking at them, a sweet smile on her lips as she tries to memorize the exact shape of your spots.
once you guys get together and sevika sees your entire body, she tries to memorize where all the patterns lay beneath your clothes. and then, when she's touching you in public, she's always tracing over where she thinks your spots lay beneath your clothes.
if you're somebody who wears makeup: sevika begs you to leave your spots out. she doesn't mind that you want to wear foundation, but she makes you buy two shades, one for your pigmented skin, one for your pale spots. she'll help you gently paint and blend on your makeup, sure to keep the edges of your spots precise and clear, her tongue sticking out of her lips in concentration as she gently paints your face.
she's always kissing your spots. you think it's hilarious.
"i got a whole lot of skin you can kiss, sev, you don't just have to kiss my spots, you know."
"but babe, it's like an x marking the spot! how am i not supposed to wanna kiss your spots?" she asks, smooching one on your cheek.
also, if your vitiligo goes into your hair and you have a skunk stripe??? sevika's always twirling that one strand of your hair around her finger, and that's her go-to spot to smooch your head.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352 @artinvain
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parentsbesluts · 3 months
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after a full month theyre finally done . these designs took a lot out of me to make but i really like how they all turned out. more design info for each under the cut
patton: black cis man, he/him, 6'0 (the tallest except for remus*). 4b hair. he has patches of skin that developed into frog skin following the events of svsr. its functionally similar to vitiligo, as it was caused by the high amounts of stress patton went through, but not the same. his shirt was a gift from janus that was suggested by remus. he has chronic back pain (not a part of the design but this is important to know). he wears the bff bracelet that roman made for him when they were young. he has stretch marks around his shoulders and chest.
roman: italian + latina bigender woman, she/he/star, 5'10. he dyes her own hair often but favors stars natural color with streaks of blond. her sword is longer than that when star actually uses it. i fucked up the proportions when drawing it and didn't have the strength to fix it. she had an entire royal cape but he opts not to wear it in most situations. similarly he owns a lot more jewelry than just the stuff stars wearing in the picture but its often not practical. her bff bracelet is in a drawer in his room right now.
logan: indigenous (specifically mayan) agender person, they/xe, 5'6 (the shortest except for remus*). xyr hair has gone gray from stress despite attempts to fix it, so they have accepted their fate and moved on. xe has a nose ring because virgil is a terrible influence on them. the heart on their cheek marks the first spot that virgil ever kissed xem. xe's been carrying around that orange book a lot recently for some reason. xe has stretch marks around their chest, shoulders, armpit, and hips.
virgil: irish (she makes their skin gray just because) genderfluid person, she/he/they, 5'8 ½. he took up smoking (though they prefer weed over cigs) to try and reduce her and thomas's anxiety. it's seemingly working but now their room smells like weed. her rat tails are 100% real. after accepting anxiety she cut off their jacket sleeves and jean shins to show off more of his body. we love body positivity. the scar on his face is remus's fault. they have many anxiety reducing habits such as can tab collecting and biting her nails. enrichment. the heart on his neck marks the first spot that logan ever kissed her. he changes hair color in accordance with shirt. she has stretch marks around their hip and armpits.
janus: french + spanish trans male, he/hiss/venom, 5'8. the cane is not optional. despite having the fashion sense of an upper class victorian man hi is actively socialist. ve claims he's "reclaiming the style". the tree patterns on hisses overcoat and gloves have absolutely no symbolism related to them whatsoever. the eye he wears around venoms neck is made from serpentine. the ring pattern on hisses gloves is solely because its hard to put rings on over gloves, even though it doesnt matter at all and ve could simply summon rings on hisses fingers if he wanted to. the snake pattern around venoms coat is not sentient.
remus: italian + latino unlabled person, he/it/that thing, height is incredibly unstable but averages to around 5'10 most days. it can see out of the eyes on his earrings and right sleeve. the spikes on that things clothing are indeed real teeth. it misses his friends. it wears some sort of weird lingerie under his uniform. that thing ended up getting the uncontrollable hair genes and it dyes its hair in shrimp colors. he wants to dye its hair with virgil again. the chain can be stored inside of the mace handle, allowing the mace to be used as a morningstar. the preportions on it are also bad sorry. that things shoes are sentient and want to kill you. it wishes janus wasn't so busy. he doesn't want to be alone.
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ive never done this before and im very lost but!! I love your stuff, and my mc has vitiligo (and black skin) and i thought id ask how you think the m6 would “react”/think of it??
not sure if you feel comfortable with this or if it even makes sense so if you want to ignore this that’s fine i don’t really know what im expecting but anyway have a crab emoji 🦀 for your troubles
The Arcana Mini-HCs: M6 with an MC with vitiligo
~ @crabofthewoods this was such a sweet request, thanks for sending it and please please please let me know if I got anything wrong! ~
Julian: he's seen plenty of people with your skin condition and really doesn't think much of it besides it being cool. is currently on a quest to find the best nickname for you, with varying levels of success
Asra: they have a long-hidden desire to pull out their paints and spend a day giving your patterns the artful adornment they deserve. Faust just likes that you're a human who also has markings (twins!)
Nadia: darling, she thinks you're a work of art. she's an educated woman with a taste for finer things, and in her opinion, you bear on your body the finest natural art she's ever seen. show her more?
Muriel: never commented on it, but he did stare. when you asked he only managed to mumble about pretty patterns of light and shadow from the trees onto the forest floor before blushing and hiding
Portia: likes to believe that your body is a map of a fantasy world and has an ongoing story for each island and continent on your skin. will playfully ask you which ones she's allowed citizenship in for consent to touch
Lucio: was low-key jealous at first that you get to have all these bold, striking patterns on your skin and he doesn't. Now he calls them "kiss spots", reserved just for him to smooch each one every day and night
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mono-dot-jpeg · 1 year
protection - k. leona
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summary; you don't need protection but leona likes to insist on it when the rest of his dorm are trying to be assholes.
genre/extra tags; fluff, comedy if you squint, jaguar! reader, cat behaviors but with humans, quiet-ish(?)! reader, reader has vitiligo, reader is mc but not really???, reader is referred to as mc and prefect, reader has no mentioned skin tone, reader is implied to be shorter but not by much (sorry, jaguars are just shorter than lions), slightly badly written hurt/comfort, ooc leona?????
[warnings; assholes being assholes, making fun of appearances (specifically vitiligo) but like this all only happens at the start and 1-2 times]
[gender neutral! reader]
word count; 907
a/n; yippee!!! thank you for the request! i hope you enjoy! i had a good time writing this! something abt jaguars just makes me so happy like when i watch owls. they're just silly little guys yk
also im bad at writing mean shit sometimes so uih,,,, dink donk sorry. also the spots that reader have are the rosette spots that jaguars have!! i only say the ones on the arms but it's implied that there's a pattern on them on their body :)))
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you haven't really had much time in the savanaclaw dorm because despite how it contains people like you, they were not very nice. but it didn't really matter to you as you didn't need a pack to live happily. you have a pack, yeah, but it wasn't really a necessity for your kind of beastmen. you've learned very quickly that jaguar beastmen aren't really social people. so you've been accustomed to being alone in peaceful silence.
"you're brave for coming here looking like that. spots and all."
and you're more than used to a few verbal jabs about your looks.
you attempt to walk past the three beastmen but they're blocking your way. you huffed in annoyance.
"are you here to see dorm leader? because i'm sure he doesn't want to see you." one of them (the assumed leader) pokes at a particularly different part of your skin. it just happens to be one of the several spots you sport on your arm, the biggest rosette spot. you don't say anything as you push past them.
the collar of your shirt is tugged on, forcing you to stop. "we didn't say you could leave, short ass."
"no, you didn't, but i did." leona's voice rings out in the common room of the dorm. the air felt colder than ice despite the beaming sun outside. "you got a lot of nerve trying to make fun of my partner, you know?" he rolls his eyes at the trio as he pulls you to his side. "you okay, mc? they didn't hurt you right?"
you're faced away from the three as you look at leona, "i'm good." you mutter. you're not really shaken up, maybe feeling a little odd. somehow it felt different from the other times that you've been made fun of. was it because of leona coming to help?
"good. if there's any scratch of you, i don't think i would be so easy on you lot. tch." leona glared tiredly at the three beastmen. the trio pathetically blabbers their apologies as they leave. "why don't you fight back?"
you shrug as you both walk to leona's room, "i'm used to it. it's not the first time people picked on me." your ears flicker at the sound of beastmen in their respective dorm rooms. you can distinctly hear jack working out, it makes you huff in amusement. "i'm not social like you, leona, i don't express my anger as easily as you. also they just wanted to get a rise out of me to make me look bad in front of you."
"well, you should say when you're mad. or at least fight back?" he muttered. "you're... just as strong as i am."
"heh, takes a lot to call me strong, my lion." you snickered for a second but you stop, frowning slightly as you remember the odd feeling from earlier.
"shut up." he knocks a knuckle against your head. he opens to the door to his room, he gently grabs your hand and takes you into his room. closing the door and locking it, he faces you. "are you sure you're okay?" he asks. his eyes are stern but soft as he stares at you.
you take a moment to answer. in that moment, he rubs his head against your neck as if to comfort. "i don't know? felt weird when you stood up for me." he moves his head to look at you and wait for you to continue. your hands grip his clothes at the waist. "it didn't feel bad. they made fun of my... spots. i'm usually used to it but it felt different today. is that weird?" your ears flatten as you look up at him.
"nothing weird about feeling bad. being insulted sucks." he pauses, "was it at least a good thing that you felt when i came around?" his free hand reaches to brush his fingers through the layer of fur on your ears.
you lean into the touch, "i think so. but the insults kind of sunk in after that too..." you muttered as you rest your body against his. he's quick to lead you onto the bed, both of you laying down and finally getting comfy. "didn't like it. just wish they just made fun of my personality and not.. something i can't control." you try your best to explain. you pick at the stray hairs on his face, staring at your jaguar spots on your arms. "heard comments like it all the time and yet... something felt off." you sigh, "maybe it was because they mentioned you." his ears twitch at the comment.
"what did they say?"
"that you wouldn't wanna see me. poked at my spot after that." your finger rubs over the biggest rosette on your forearm.
"i'll make sure they get their heads straight." his hand grabs at your wrist and moves your arm as his lips kiss the spots. "until then, i won't ever say i don't want to see you. i love you a lot... and i hope you know that." his voice is stern but you can see the love pouring from his eyes as he stares at you.
you can feel your face go warm as he continues to stare at you, "s-stop looking at me like that, would you?!"
"but it's cute watching you be all embarrassed over me saying i love you." he snickers.
"back- back off, leona! not all of us are whipped for their partners!"
"don't lie to yourself, you love me too."
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wildjuniperjones · 2 years
Juniper’s Massive World-Building Resource List
(Shamelessly cribbed from a dozen different sources)
1. The Checklists
These are the kinds of things that present you with a list of questions about your world, that you then answer as creatively as you want to. I find myself continually having to go back and add to them, because goodness sometimes I just want to write and not think about stuff that isn’t directly relevant to the plot...until it is. And then suddenly I have to think about the ramifications of that.
CRV’s Worldbuilding Checklists (originally from btot.de) - obviously more fantasy-focused Patricia Wrede’s Worldbuilding Lists - a good balance between fantasy and other genres
2. The Masterlist
This link has nearly everything you can think of. It’s not the be-all-end-all, because nothing is, but it’s damn good.
r/Worldbuilding’s Resources List
3. The Visuals
Yes, there’s the ever-present AI-generated images, things such as Artbreeder or Wombo Dream, but sometimes you need something more concrete. Like maps. Or people.
Also, pay artists to make beautiful things whenever you can. AI art is designed to remove the actual humanity from the creative process, and while it’s fine for face claims or inspiration, I would never ever use it as, say, my book cover.
Alsoalso, learn a little something about graphic design. Please. Color theory. Rule of thirds. I beg of you.
Things I have used for maps:
Inkarnate - Browser-based, but almost entirely fantasy-focused
Wonderdraft - Large-scale mapping for countries/continents/worlds
Dungeondraft - Smaller scale mapping that shines when doing smaller areas, especially interiors (both ‘drafts are from the same creator, and are desktop only) There is not, as of yet, a Towndraft, although the community is ravenous for it!
I highly recommend the art packs from Cartography Assets, although if you’re going to use them in a commercially released work, do be a good human and pay the artists for their work! If you want to do sci-fi or modern maps, this is where to get your assets!
Things I have used for people:
HeroForge - A 3D tabletop miniature creator with a vibrant modder community. The free version lets you create as many figures as you want, but their Pro deal lets you organize them into folders, which I absolutely love. It also lets you save specific colors/materials to use across multiple figures, which saves a lot of time when creating folks with a shared uniform. You can even import people/outfits/poses from other figures! I’m told that facial feature modification, clothing patterns, and kitbashing are coming this year! (I’m a little addicted, as you might’ve noticed.) Best on desktop, but you can get a quick “sketch” done on mobile.
Picrew - A truly massive collection of portrait creators. The Discord associated with it is really helpful, in that you can frequently get links to creators that meet your specific requirements, like ‘must have elf ears and POC skin tones’ or ‘must have heterochromia and vitiligo’. This site got me through the roughest parts of 2020. Great for mobile.
Meiker.io - Similar in scope to Picrew, Meiker has a few treasures, including a lot from the now mostly defunct DollDivine, which relied entirely on Flash. There are a few that I return to again and again, but not many. Best on desktop and very easy to create your own creators.
Neka.cc - A Chinese-based site with a lot of similarities to Picrew, although a lot less diversity, both in skin tones and bodies. Great for mobile.
Storior gets an honorable mention because it has a ton of potential, with a lot more options in some respects, but precious few in others. Best on desktop. Can you tell I really love these things?!
4. The Organizers
It helps to have somewhere to store all this information, right? Preferably in an easily accessed database? Perhaps with links or prompts?
These are the ones I’ve used:
World Anvil - Browser-based, incredibly detailed and complex, even for the free version. I found it to be too complicated to figure out, but maybe it’ll be your cuppa!
Campfire - Browser-based, mostly focused on writers, and has a suite of options that you can opt into or out of. This also wasn’t as useful to me, since there’s nowhere to put an outline!
Kanka.io - Browser-based, and just this perfect sweet spot between bare bones and overloaded. There are specific modules you can enable or disable, like in-universe calendars, dice rollers, character journals, etc. It’s my preferred option for organizing my world-building, outside of things like Google Docs.
I also understand a lot of writers like using Scrivener for their work, but as I have Linux, I don’t have any experience with it.
5. The Rest
So, a lot of world-building comes down to how well you know our world. I love world-building because it means I get to use all my education and interests together to create something that feels realistic to my readers and players. This is a time when ADHD is absolutely useful! Chase those squirrels! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ended up reading an article on, say, rivers, only to end up with an idea for how leylines function in my world!
So here are my top 5 recommendations for figuring out how our world works:
Sociology! - If you want to know how different cultures interact, why certain customs come about, or just how a population reaches a decision, learn about sociology. It’s probably my favorite subject, and most useful to very culture-focused world-builders.
Geology! - If you want to know how your world fits together, what it’s made of, where things like mineral or gem deposits might be or how they might form... in addition to how rivers, lakes, and “strange” geographical features form, geology’s a great place to start.
History! - Okay, maybe this one is cheating, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read about something in history and thought “what if it went this way instead?” BAM, there’s a premise for you. (I have an entire novel idea built around that, told mostly through a writer interviewing a famous figure in this alt-history for their biography. After seeing the popularity of Dracula Daily, I almost want to release it like that...)
Ecology! - Oh man, if you want to figure out the botany and zoology of your world, ecology is a great place to start. It builds very nicely off of geology, and covers such a broad range of topics and how each of these pieces interact with one another - like how hydrology affects meteorology affects climate affects plant distribution affects animal distribution... which of course then affects culture!
I’m going to be sacrilegious in the eyes of some of my fellow world-builders here and NOT put linguistics - not because it’s not useful, just because it’s not a field I know much about. Instead, I’d suggest looking at world myths and religions. Yeah, it’s technically part of sociology, but if you’re developing a world from scratch, the creation stories that the sentient species tell themselves can inform a lot of their culture.
For instance, the world that Starcrossed, Amongst the Goblins & the Fishes, and The Silver Hand are all set in is an alternate Earth where magic never left the land. The creation myths in this world are much more centered around humanoids living in harmony with nature, rather than dominating it. In fact, some of the human societies have a specific taboo against desecrating the earth that is taken to such an extreme that other species, like elves and dwarves, occupy that niche instead, acting as stewards of the forest and mountain because they don’t have that same taboo. Part of these myths explain the existence of ley lines, and why they wither and die out (because of excessive logging, destructive farming/mining, or large-scale slaughter of creatures). Will this ever come up in Starcrossed? I highly doubt it. But it figures into the other two VERY prominently.
Phew! That was quite a tangent. Anyway - did I get any of your favorites? Do you have something you’d like to add? Should I make this all a separate page so it’s easy to access and update it regularly? Tell me things! Ask me things! I am an open book and love talking about world-building! Tell me where you’re stuck and maybe we can figure out a way forward together! (Also hmu on Discord, I am so mediocre at Tumblr.)
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seraphsfire · 8 months
Neil on his streams constantly being like Bow'ee is so huge and hot, Karlach is so massive and sexy, wow Shadowheart is so beautiful, Look at my beautiful Drow guardian and how her vitiligo gives her skin beautiful patterns, she has such a pretty face I did a good job on her, isn't she pretty, --i love that he just shares the same brain waves as wlws everywhere
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dewdrops-whammy-bar · 18 days
My cat is napping on my arm and therefore I Cannot Move so here are my headcanons about moth quints:
(Warning for moth pics if bugs ick you out)
I like to think quints are based on moths. Why? Because I like moths.
Anyway they have lots of fluff, feathery antennae, and markings down their backs that look like the pattern of moth wings. Here are the moths each quint resembles:
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Atlas moth! The biggest of moths for the biggest of boys. His skin is a sort of bluish-brown color (like the lines cutting across the center of the wings) and his hair is reddish-orange with white streaks (more white than he used to have, since he’s an old man now). The fur on his body is various shades of orange, white, and brown, centered around his chest and shoulders with a ruff around his neck. The patterns on his arms mimic the forewings, while the patterns on his back mimic the hindwings (as with all quints). His antennae are biiiig and fluffy and he usually tucks them back into his hair to avoid them getting in the way of anything.
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Blue tiger moth. He kept his blue coloring from his water ghoul days and his fur coloring somewhat retains the penguin-like pattern he had before (thank you @puppsworld for the penguin delta headcanon). His skin is light blue that fades to a dark navy on his extremities and his hair is the same dark navy. He’s not as fluffy as Omega and has less of a ruff. The patterns on his back/arms are fairly simple, just spots and lines like in the picture. His antennae are really long and tend to hit doorways so they’re always tucked back if not glamoured away fully.
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Cecropia moth! His skin is a lighter gray (the very edges of the wings) and his hair is a desaturated rusty red (think the upper part of the diagonal wing stripes). He’s about as fluffy as Omega and his antennae are smaller but still very fluffy. He doesn’t tuck them down unless he’s working in the infirmary.
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Spanish moon moth. He has brown-purple skin (top of forewings) with patches of paler vitiligo and almost-black hair with a streak of white in the front. His fur is brown and yellow, spreading across his chest and shoulders but shorter and smoother than the other quints. His antennae are the smallest and thinnest out of all the quints so he doesn’t have to tuck them away. His wing patterns are vibrant green but patches of vitiligo make them pale yellow in places.
Some other stuff:
The fluff on a quint’s body is most concentrated on their chest, shoulders, tail, and paws/lower legs. They have catlike hind paws that are very fluffy.
Their antennae are really sensitive, both to magical energy and to touch. They’re also very expressive, usually moving in tandem with the ears. Keeping them tucked against one’s head can make them sore after a while.
They have horns too, they curve back over the ghoul’s skull so the antennae can easily be hidden for safety.
Since you’ve made it this far, here’s a picture of my cat and his favorite napping style. (Plus a bit of my boob and chest hair. Enjoy I guess /lh)
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secret-smut-sideblog · 5 months
Bite The Hand
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Astarion x F! Dark Urge
18+ feelings developing, sad durge stuff, bondage, roughness, fingering (f!) oral (f!), p-in-v, slight ass play, blood drinking, two bloodthirsty idiots falling for eachother
"You're sure?"
Her eyes heavy, but trusting. "Yes, wrists bound."
He had been trying to get her to spend the night with him again, though he would never admit how eager he had been.
He had become quite infatuated with her. Them being, well, together. Whatever that means. Even talking her through her little murder attempt. His murder attempt. Gods would anything ever be simple.
When he would dance around the subject of spending time alone together again he would see her jaw clench just slightly. Maybe another night. She'd reassure.
He understood her hesitation, of course. Hells she had tried to kill him in his sleep not long ago. But despite himself, he wanted to be near her. To spend time with her, away from the others.
Though her base nature was sinister, she shined with goodness. Honestly, she could do with more mean, in his opinion. Though he had been coming to understand it was a concentrated effort for her.
Only in small moments she would allow herself to dip into her malicious nature and it drove him mad. And Gods, the way she kissed him... lips plush, heavenly. She was designed to ruin men like him. He was hopelessly enthralled.
So when she had finally relented and agreed to spend the night with him, his chest thrilled. With one catch.
"Darling, I hardly think that's necessary. You know I ask before I bite."
The corner of her mouth twitched in a smile. Eyes lightened slightly. He preened at making her brighten.
"I'm serious asshole," He breathed a laugh. "It would give me peace of mind, at least."
Her eyes softening again. "I do want to spend time with you, truly. I just dont trust myself right now." Tears threatening the corners.
"I would never forgive myself if I-"
"Oh, hush," He soothed, pulling her into him gently. "I'll do it, dont worry." He murmured into her hair. Tiger lily. Blood orange. Gods, even her scent was like a drug. He resisted burying his face in her.
With the nightly insect song outside his tent, he teased her. Revelled in her.
Sitting cross legged on the floor of his tent, her wrists being expertly bound by him. He hovered around her, making like it was a sensual thing they had agreed to. Making it a game. He purred sweet words in her ear, fingers working. Vexed her. Savoured in her blush.
"You're so full of it." She laughed, the tips of her ears deliciously flushed.
He pulled his hand to his chest, mock offended. "Darling, the only thing I am full of is your hot blood." He admonished. She snorted, her foot gently kicking his side.
He had kept focus on his technique but found it difficult. The sight of her long slender hands. Silk soft. Patterns of vitiligo, light and dark. Claws long and sharp. Delicate but deadly, being bound by him.
"You seem... distracted." She smiled, a wicked gleam in her eye.
He shot her a look, only making her smile wider. Rearranged to be sitting on her knees, back arched just slightly. Oh he loved when she got like this.
"What makes you say that, my sweet?" He intoned, caging her thighs between his, rope twisting and pulling.
"You know," She leaned forward, lips delicately tickling his neck. Her heat permeating him. "You're not as slick as you think you are."
He held back a shiver as she ghosted her lips against his skin, trailing up to his ear. Her sweet voice a deadly tonic.
"You have tells, frywm wlas." He squeezed her thighs between his at the pet name.
She had teased previously that he was so pale that he was fresh snow, repeated it back to him in infernal. That she loved to see him drenched in blood in the same way. Hells below, that had fed his nighttime fantasies for weeks.
Hundreds of years of seduction had made him a master, but her... she was something else.
"These really should be behind my back you know." She mused, testing the strength of his work as he finished. Hands resting in her lap. Seemed impressed by the intricate ties.
"While I dont doubt that you can do untold damage with all of your limbs tied, I think this should be sufficient." He absentmindedly pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear.
She looked up at him, her eyes soft. Seemed about to say something then bit it back.
"Please, indulge me." He murmured, a delicate prodding. Hand trailing to cup her cheek.
She sighed into his touch, eyes fluttering closed. "Its just, you're so gentle. I've been... well, I dont know if I've ever been touched this way."
His dead heart ached. Struck again by how similar they were.
"Is it okay? The touching, I mean." He whispered.
Her eyes seemed to swim in thought. "I think so. It feels good."
She relaxed, eyes closing again. "I dont feel sick when you touch me. It's a nice break."
His eyebrows threaded together in confusion. Sick?
Another spear through him. "Caron," He tested, "How do you usually feel?"
Her eyes opened in a flash, realizing that she had divulged something that she hadn't meant to. Lips forming a thin line.
Her eyes tried to escape his but he wouldn't let her slip away. "Caron?"
"It hurts, all the time. The nausea is worse." She shook her head gently. "I'm more used to it now, can push it to the back of my mind easier."
He wanted to say something comforting, something profound. But no words would be enough.
"It only stops when I kill. When there's violence." She smiled sadly. "Luckily there's been a lot of that lately. Imagine if we lived in a little house in Lower City... the carnage."
Her effort to lighten the mood struck him a third time. Was... he in her dreaming of the future? Felt a swell in his chest.
"Astarion?" She questioned softly. He realized he hadn't said anything. Leaving her in silence.
"I should go, this was a bad idea." She flustered quietly, started to stand.
He grabbed her hands. "Please," Eyes boring into hers. "Please dont go."
Her eyes went wide, seeing something in his expression, in the strain in his words.
"You dont have to be alone." He pulled her back.
"I dont have to be alone." Shakily, more to himself. The truth.
"And isnt it terrifying?" She smiled knowingly, tears in the corners of her eyes. Sinking back down to him.
His eyes flashed to hers. "Yes."
Pulled her strong into a kiss.
She moaned into his mouth, the softest cry. Turning her head to slot perfectly into him.
His hands in her hair, gripping her waist, her hips. He finally had something, someone. Drinking her in, gorging himself on her soft body.
Needing more, his hands met the front of her tunic, fingers flashing the buttons open.
Trailed his mouth to her neck, the space under her ear, the space where her jaw began.
Her little gaspy breaths permeated his mind. The haze of lust blinding.
"Well I'd like to help, but.." She breathed, could hear the smile in her voice. Tied hands mock straining.
"If you touched me right now I'd go mad." He warned, voice low.
Heard her breath catch. Her pupils widening to saucers.
He pulled her tunic off, now only draped helplessly around her arms. The sight of her soft flesh, ridged spikes leading him down. Her full breasts, the soft curve of her belly, the dip of her waist.
He groaned, low in his throat.
Hungry mouth encasing her hard peak, fingers pinching and rolling the other.
She arched hard into him, the skin of her sternum caressing his clavicle. Shocked again by how soft she was. Lamb's ear.
He laved his tongue up and down her nipple, panting. Already engorged by his devotion.
She writhed beneath him, pushing her chest up into his mouth. Little pleading moans. Legs wrapping around his hips.
Feeling the muscles encasing his hips he moaned. Her legs were deadly strong, he knew. Had watched her kick down a double door with ease to get in a burning building. It would take very little effort for her to gain the upper hand.
But she didn't, just clung to him like a buoy in a storm. If his touch was a relief, he'd give her as much as he could.
His fingers trailed down her front, finding her leggings offering resistance.
"Gods, why aren't you naked already?" He groaned in frustration, yanking the damned things off her plush hips.
"And whose fault is that?" She gasped between his harsh pulls.
"You're right." Leaning forward to purr in her ear. "In the future I'd prefer you come to my tent in just my camp shirt."
"Deal." She licked and bit at his ear, now within her reach.
He shuddered, much to her delight. A little triumphant moan directly in his ear.
His limbs on fire he flipped her onto her belly, her tied hands above her head. Pulled her hips up hard. Seeing the wetness already flowing out of her in rivulets.
"I warned you." He groaned low to her gasp.
"Oh no, whatever shall I do..." She teased, waving her ass back and forth at him.
He growled deep in his chest, diving on her. His mouth seeking and ravenous on her cunt.
She swore in infernal, hips quaking. Her tied hands pounding down against the ground. She pushed into him harder, hips greedy.
He was gone against her, tongue lapping and hot. A frenzy. Hooking his arm around her as her hips threatened to give out. Suckling down around her hard clit, nibbling. Smiling into her as he heard more vulgar language.
Finally coming up for air he teased his two fingers inside her, other hand gently circling her tight asshole. Reveling in the little gasp that left her.
"It seems like you want more, my hellion."
Her tail lashed around him in frustration, only deepening his smile.
"You're the devil, you know that right?" She groaned into her arm as his fingers curled into her.
He laughed at the irony. On his knees he trailed a hand down her spine, fingers picking up pace. She was so warm, a furnace against his body.
"Astarion," She groaned, hips driving into his hand. Oh he would never tire of the way she said his name.
"Yes?" He purred.
"If you dont fuck me right now I'm going to kill you."
Knew she meant it as a joke. Probably. The danger thrilled hot in his pelvis. Painfully aroused, he finally freed himself.
Lining himself up to her, gripping her hip. Heard her groan in pleasure at his rough hold.
Slowly he sank into her, hips already threatening to slam down. Gods she was perfect. The pressure unbelievable, the muscles of her gripping him already.
Fully buried, his eyes fluttered shut. Not even started and he was already in ecstasy.
"You're so beautiful." She breathed. Opening his eyes he saw that she had twisted to look at him. Her eyes glowing a haunting green in the dim light. He could always find them in the dark.
Fondness for her spilling in his chest he leaned forward, catching her around her neck. Pulling her up to him in a deep kiss.
Hips slowly starting to roll into her, he kiss her, savoring.
Her mewls into his mouth a sirens call, back arching against him. His hand still on her throat, applying gentle pressure. Other reaching down to swirl circles on her clit.
Could feel her body shaking, her clenches around him getting stronger. Still he kept a languid pace, hand on her neck arching up, pulling her throat free for him. But he didnt bite down. Not yet.
"I want you to bite me when I come." Her voice, dark. His hips stuttered, concentration briefly broken.
"Yes," Was the only response he could muster. His voice a groan.
Her gasps getting closer and closer, a birds eye view of her chest heaving. Hands straining against his bonds. Head thrown back against him, breathing in her scent fully. Hitting the back of his throat, making him salivate.
Hand a blur against her clit he couldn't take it anymore, needed to taste her, needed her to come all over him.
She tried to lurch forward as it hit her but he wouldn't let her escape. Hand still steady on her shrieking throat he bit down hard. Pulling her molten blood into his throat.
The supernova of pleasure in it hitting the back of his skull like a hammer. Eyes rolled so far back he thought he might go blind he released. Her vice grip around him wrenching him for all he was worth. A loud whimpering cry wet against her throat. Hand pulling her further back into him. Couldn't get enough, not ever.
Her tied hands swung back and hooked behind his head, holding him there as she writhed and begged. His hips still pushing into her. "The blood, the blood," She moaned, her voice a tempest as she clamped down around him in her final throes.
Sitting back on his haunches he let her fall into him. Her gasps against his chest.
She let her full weight against him, head lolling into the curve of his neck.
He hushed and cooed into her, one hand pulling the hair from her face, other freeing her from her restraint.
Her hands falling free she cupped the back of his head, holding him so sweetly.
"Can we lay down?" She asked, voice still little more than a breath.
"Of course." He crooned, pulling her down onto his bedroll. Laying on his side next to her.
"Oh come on," She groaned in frustration. Pulling him into her, their limbs tangling.
He blinked, about to pull away but her hand gently scratching his scalp melted him. His head coming to rest on her chest. The drum of her heartbeat a song. So so warm.
They lay like that a while, a tranquil silence. Intertwined bodies finding eachother.
"Thank you." She whispered, could hear her heart picking up speed. "For trusting me."
He huffed against her. "I could say the same. You're not uniquely troubled, you martyr." Her laugh shaking his head.
"But you're welcome. It's easy with you."
Part 3
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