crimescrimson · 4 months
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The High Priestess Monorail Battle in Persona 3 Reload (2024)
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janamensch · 1 month
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”I saw a dragon with three shadows, and something burning at the heart of him.”
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crowlion · 6 months
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my reaction to this information:
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Nia lip biting consumes my every single thought
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nightmaresyrup · 1 year
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Oooho ho ho!
Why didn't I realize Priestess Yao/Corrupted Monk is based on Yaobikuni.
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storyofmychoices · 5 months
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WIP: Nia Ellarious
I'll come back to this one eventually, but since it might be a while (because I'm doing Book 1 Nia and Book 2 Aerin next [poll]), I thought I'd share this much because I still like it! 💖
[Geometric Art Masterlist]
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heckhellstuff · 3 months
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My AUs ? Incomprehensible
Here's a doodle dump of bestie Guide Ranging from few days to 6+ months old
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I have so so so much more But my dumb little AU went off the rails so badly i have no idea if anyone would listen to my insanity- Guide mentioning she used to lead an Inquisition gave me terminal brainrot and whatever this is crawled out
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numinously-yours · 3 months
Pick a pile: Your shadow self
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This week's reading is about your shadow self. I asked the cards to show me three things:
What aspect of your shadow self is coming forward?
What does your higher self want you to know about this part?
How can you address this part?
There are three piles to choose from. Let me know if they resonate <3
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Aspect of shadow self: The Tower
You have a tendency to be self-destructive. Sometimes they’re conscious decisions that play into it and sometimes it’s your subconscious. Life feels chaotic and you’re looking for a sense of control, but the choices that you are making are not the best ones. They are burning your tower down more quickly.  
What your higher self wants you to know about the part: Nine of swords
Continuing down this path only leads to more anxiety, depression, and fear. Your higher self wants you to see that you’re creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. “I’m a mess, so I’ll just do things that messy people do.” “I can’t change anyway, so what is the point of doing things differently?” Your fear is in your head. Examine your situation(s) from a different perspective.
How you can address this part: Eight of swords
The eight of swords tells us that our current thoughts and actions are not serving us (which we know from above). I know that the more you think about how to change, the more frustrating and anxiety-inducing it is. It feels overwhelming. But, you have to push through the overwhelm to actually feel the changes. Changing your thoughts will soon change your reality. Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones, no matter how cheesy it feels or sounds. “I suck” is “I’m doing what I can with what I have.” “Food/alcohol/weed/spending money is the only thing that makes me feel better” is “I haven’t even explored all the other ways to ease my anxiety. There are options out there.” You must accept the choices that you DO have and find which will work best for you – even if you don’t like the process.
I’m sending my love <3
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Aspect: Ace of pentacles & five of pentacles reversed
You are trying to repair your relationship with faith/spirituality. I can’t tell for sure if it was something you used to feel strongly about or if you are just starting to explore now, but I feel like you are looking for something “higher” to help remind you of the good in the world.
Higher self: Three of pentacles & High Priestess
I love these cards SO much. Your higher self wants you to know that it is with you every step of this journey. Even if you don’t know what you believe in yet, your higher self supports your journey. A spiritual journey requires learning new things and implementing them into your life. Continue to tune into your intuition because it is working side by side with your higher self. They want you to know that you are on the right path and answers are coming soon.
How to Address: Four of swords reversed
Continue to look for answers within. I think you’re doing a good job at listening to yourself as you take part in this journey. It’s totally okay to seek validation from outside sources (church, tarot, meditation, etc.), but if something isn’t sitting right for you then that means it’s NOT for you – and that’s okay! Just like every person who picked this pile isn’t in the exact same situation, not everyone is going to connect with the exact same parts. We are all our own people who have our own needs. Do what you KNOW is in your best interest (and trust me… you DO know 😊)
I’m proud of you <3
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Aspect: The star & Chariot in reverse
You are questioning your purpose in life. I do believe this is a newer aspect for your shadow self, but it has been overwhelmingly at the top of your concerns. Maybe you quit your job, are a new parent, just became an empty nester, or moved somewhere new where you don’t have the same support system. You don’t know what to do with yourself and it’s making you so anxious that you’re not doing anything – definitely sensing some task paralysis vibes.
Higher self: Nine of cups
The nine of cups indicates that your current situation IS (going to be) really fulfilling. Your higher self knows you’re confused. The imposter syndrome you’re feeling is completely normal and it will go away. You are being reminded to count your blessings and remind yourself of the good things that are coming out of your situation. Continuing with the examples I have above: you left a toxic work environment, you get to explore so many new things, you get to be independent, or you get to create your life from scratch. These are all amazing!
How to Address: King of wands & Queen of swords
Be the leader of your own life, pile 3. With this new slate, you can look at your life less biased than you could before. You get to set new boundaries and feel good about them! You are strong, independent, and can live your life with intent. You are the determining factor of your purpose.
You got this <3
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celestesloveletters · 2 months
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if you want to better yourself here are some tips and tricks from me
number 1. learn, sink in to your knowledge! learn languages learn things. learn history. be smart, you don’t have to be the smartest person in the world. it’s good to be aware of the world. knowledge is a great skill and quality to have.
number 2. have a healthy life style. this will help in the long run. with so many diseases and many other things in this world you can do so much too prevent it! you don’t have to do crazy diets if you don’t like to. i personally fast and still eat the stuff id like, but in moderation . you can exercise and still eat whatever you want! that’s what helps with me
number 3. focus on you. don’t focus on others, make yourself the priority. others will come later. dress for yourself do not dress for others. that shows lack of confidence because you care so much about how others think of you when you do that. wear what’d you like, change your hair, do anything that’s in your hearts desire.
number 4. remember mental health plays a significant role in your life. meditate, write in a journal, do shadow work or even watch videos on self help. you can find shadow work on pinterest. alessia (persephonesblood) has a shadow book on amazon if your interested.
number 5. this is your life, your movie. don’t let yourself be a side character of your life. don’t listen to people with their negative energy reflecting themselves onto you. where is that even going to get them? they talk about you because no one cares when they talk about themself because it’s so boring. not everyone is going to like you and that’s okay. their opinion is invalid.
number 6. stop living in the past. where is the past? gone, you have no control of it. so let go of it. it’s going to get you absolutely no where. be in the present think of your future. vision your future, plan on your future. do what you think is going to have your future self thank you.
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Ashen Raelyn x Light Priestess Hana Lee Blades AU
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A reluctant Ashen Raelyn is fighting in the Ash Empress's war to save their sister. On the battlefield they're struck by the beauty of one of the enemy's Light Priestess, Hana Lee. Before they realize it, they save Hana from a death blow. The portals to the Shadow Realm closed before an injured Raelyn could reach them and Hana is compeled to help the injured Ash warrior who saved her life. Over time they begin to fall in love, will Raelyn ever return to the Shadow Realm and their sister? Or will Hana find her home in an alien world with Raelyn?
Got my inspiration for Raelyn by Aderyn, the mother of Ellinae (the little feathered bull child).
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acourtofantumbra · 11 months
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Halfway through my Queen of Shadows reread and I'd written up this super long post running through a ton of 👀 parallels between ACOTAR, TOG, and CC witches, priestesses, and two of our favorite gingers' birth stories. But one second before posting the draft erased itself 🥹... Cute. I'll try again at one point because I want some smartie out there on the interwebs to tell me what it all means.
My conclusion every time is just like, "is everyone a witch?" and tbh I stand by that. But also... breeding... I hate to talk about it, but it's unavoidable at this point. All roads lead it to it unfortunately.
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sporefound · 2 months
i think it's a running gag w amanita to be snacking at wildly inappropriate times
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phaaz · 11 months
⊂/  / 
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I’m still working on my mini blades fan vn…hopefully I can finish it before blades 2 but it might come out after (if at all). Anyway here’s some sneak peeks of Nia’s and Tyril’s cgs
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"The mysterious High Priestess is the symbol of intuition, the subconscious, and spiritual enlightenment. She is a divine feminine ruler and is the gatekeeper between the physical and spiritual worlds" - the Pictorial Key to the Tarot
High Priestess Coredila is the next Shadow Clan Priest once the current retires. She sees the balance of both slinger and slug as scared and chooses to explore it.
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foxcort · 11 months
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acotar & asoiaf au collection || Vassa, Amarantha, Clythia & Amren as Red Priestesses of R’hllor.
Vassa of Volantis, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom and First Servant of the Lord of Light.
ft. Amarantha of Asshai, Lady Amarantha, Red Priestess of R’hllor, the Red Woman, the Red Witch, a Shadowbinder.
ft. Clythia of Asshai, Lady Clythia, Red Priestess of R’hllor, a Shadowbinder.
ft. Amren of Volantis, Lady Amren, Advisor to Rhysand Arryn of the Eyrie, Red Priestess of R'hllor (formerly).
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pinacoladamatata · 11 months
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some bg3 girlies <3
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elhoopacabra · 16 days
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High Priestess - I Am Knowing
The card that represents tarot card readers. She knows the deal. Ignore her at your peril.
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