#the words are flying out I can’t stop it’s like a waterfall
fyreflys · 5 months
🧍🏼‍♀️Um. So I started writing a sterek mpreg fic (I KNOW- I KNOW! SHUT UP!)… the doc is 24 hours old & I’m already past 10k words.
Help. Me.
EDIT: I posted it! Check it out here
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nicksnosering · 5 months
Only Yours
~Matt Sturniolo One Shot~
TW: spanking and that's really about it
smutty smutty smut, just be warned
The sound of his belt cracking against my bare flesh was almost too much to handle, if it weren’t for the honey-smooth words accompanying each blow.
“Your ass looks so pretty with my marks on it,” he hums, and I hear the distinct sound of the belt whipping through the air again before it makes contact. I swallow a scream, letting it culminate in a groan from deep within my chest. I can feel the pinpricks of tears at the corner of my eyes, willing myself not to let them spill. “You can take it, sweetheart. Just one more.”
Trying and failing not to squirm over his lap, my head turns to the side, attempting to look up and catch a glimpse of Matt’s face. I see his arm cock back yet again, but it halts to a stop when his gaze finds mine, a sadistic smile taking hold of his lips. “You gonna cry, pretty girl?” he mocks, his arm slicing through the air as another loud crack echoes through the room. “Then cry.”
A few stray tears roll over my cheeks, and I can’t help the way my pussy throbs when his hand comes down to rub the blistered skin he’s been torturing for the past 10 minutes. “Matt, please,” I whisper, sucking in a breath at the feeling of his fingers slowly slipping between my thighs, pressing through my folds to discover the waterfall that’s been building since he brought me in here and bent me over his legs. 
“Please what?” he asks, hand unmoving. I feel a few more tears drip past my lower lashes, the frustration almost too much to bear.
“Touch me,” I whine out, and he chuckles lowly.
“Aren’t I already touching you?”
“Matt,” I plead, and he removes his hand, instead grabbing my wrist and hauling me up before gently pushing me back onto the mattress. He flashes me a grin, tongue popping out to wet his lips as his large hands pry my thighs apart.
His head dips down, sucking on the sensitive flesh on my inner thigh, and my back arches off the bed, a soft cry falling from my parted lips. “You were so good for me, baby. Don’t worry. Daddy’s going to take care of you.” He blows gently, the cold air sending a rush of pleasure straight to my core, and dives in quickly.
His tongue laps at my folds, running up and down before finding my sensitive clit and nipping at it. I try to slam my legs closed, but his grip on them tightens and I can see his biceps flexing as he holds me open. My breathy moans quickly turn into high pitched whines when he flicks his tongue over it, reveling in the way it has me coming undone.
I look down at his head between my thighs, his eyes staring into my own as he devours me, his pupils blown wide and messy hair falling over his forehead. The sight is intoxicating, and the combination of his eyes locked onto mine mixed with the feeling of his tongue sliding along my clit has my breath caught in my throat.
He pulls back slightly, his index finger coming up to slide into me with ease. “Breathe, baby,” he hums, lowering his mouth back to me as his finger pumps in and out quickly. I let out a loud moan, writhing beneath him. The waves of pleasure being sent throughout my body hit me like a shockwave and I can feel my high quickly approaching.
My hands fly down to thread themselves into his thick, messy hair, pulling and guiding and grinding to get me to the summit. “Jesus Christ,” I moan, legs quivering against his hold, and I can feel the bedsheets beneath me getting soaked with the mixture of his spit and my juices. “I can’t… I can’t hold it,” I warn.
“Cum for me, sweetheart,” he murmurs against my pussy, and the vibrations are enough to have me plummeting over the edge, chanting out his name over and over again as the waves of pleasure overtake me. My mind goes numb and my brain goes blank and all I can think about is the feeling of his fingers and mouth working in tandem to absolutely destroy me.
Once I’m done shaking, he pulls back. His lips are plump and glistening and it’s dripping down to his chin, the sight almost too much to bear. I use the grip I have on his hair to pull his mouth to mine, licking into it eagerly.
He groans sinfully against my lips before pulling back and grinning. “My beautiful girl,” he whispers, eyes roaming over my body.
I nod desperately, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him to rest on top of me. “Only yours.”
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
It just clicks into place.
When Lena failed to answer Kara’s fourth text, she did what any normal, well adjusted adult would do: put on her skintight suit and cape and jump out of her window.
Well, not any well-adjusted adult, but then, most adults can’t fly. Nor can most children, for that matter.
Kara circles the building three times, carefully listening. The familiar beat of that heart steady and strong, if a little slow. She has to be sure, though, and Lena probably hasn’t eaten.
By now, the sight of Supergirl walking into L-Corp in the more ordinary way has become less exciting, though no less a spectacle. Random visitors wearing temporary badges gawk as Supergirl nods to the woman stationed at the front security desk, while interns look cool by putting on their best and most fragile “oh, it’s just Supergirl, happens all the time” faces.
She even rides the elevator up.
Jess is at her desk when Kara arrives.
“She left strict instructions not to be disturbed.”
Kara doesn’t miss a stride. “I know.”
Jess makes no effort to stop her, but smiles secretly to herself and begins gathering her things, knowing she’s going to be sent home in short order anyway.
Kara gently opens the doors and steps inside. Lena has dimmed the lights and lies curled on the couch. She’s dressed in a power suit today, the jacket draped over her body like a blanket. When she fell into repose, she was so tired that she only managed to kick off one heel, the other swaying dangerously from her toes, in time with her breathing.
Lena’s head rests on one curled arm, her raven hair spilling over her creamy blouse and the white couch like a waterfall at night, her pale face the soft glow of a clouded moon. In sleep she worries at her lip and her brows pinch a little and she mutters something, and without even a second thought, Kara brushes loose dark curls back from her eyes.
And then it just clicks into place.
Worlds have lived and died, and Kara has crossed oceans of time and space for this moment. All the things that have happened all the way to the first trembling instability in her homeworld’s rotten green core have led to this, and not for the first time, Kara finds herself with a sting behind her eyes and guilt pulling at her like hooks; how dare she profit like this, from such an ending, receive such grace piled upon grace, not only to survive the absolute catastrophe but to prosper like this? To receive such a gift as Lena?
And then it just clicks into place.
This is a gift, a recompense. Something earned and deserved. It would not be a betrayal of all that came before if she accepts this, but it would be a betrayal if she refuses it. And finally, watching Lena mumble something about a product launch in her sleep, the crack in Kara Zoe-El Danver’s heart opens too wide to ever be forced closed again. She is lost.
Lena feels Kara’s touch, steel fingers on silken earlobe. She wakes blearily, blinking gummy eyes full of wonder.
“Oh,” Lena murmurs. “You’re here? I thought I dreamed you.”
All of Kara’s planned words die on her lips; there is no teasing, no playful admonishment about eating habits or working late.
“Let me take you home,” Kara says, and when Lena nods, there is, finally, peace.
“The way their partner looks when they fall asleep/wake up”
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lvrcpid · 1 year
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this indicates a flashback. ‘kehe’ means no. previous || next
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“(y/n)..can we talk?” a voice called to you. the voice was familiar. you turned your head to meet eyes with lo’ak, tuk close behind him. your scrunched your face up slightly before pushing yourself up, making your way over to tsireya to let her know you would be gone for a few. the anger you harbored from the pervious days still lingering in your spirit.
the walk deeper into the forest was quiet. tuk had offered to hold your hand, afraid you were going to change your mind and walk away. of course you let her, the little girl essentially did nothing wrong. you couldn’t hold your family’s mess over her head, it just wasn’t fair.
you hadn’t realized it but you all had made it up to a waterfall, the sounds of the water filled your ears as you took in the scenery, the wish swimming around in the pond beneath it. you smiled a bit, you always liked fish, they represented innocence to you in a childish way.
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tuk had pulled you over to an area the rest of your siblings sitting and talking on the rocks nearby. once they heard your footsteps, their backs instantly straightened. you could feel the nervous energy fill the air, taking a long sigh as you dropped tuks hand slightly, a small noise coming from the girls mouth, the loss of warmth startling her.
‘what is this? some sort of intervention? you guys didn’t hear me the other day?-‘ you were cut off by kiri. ‘(y/n) just listen..please? i know you don’t want to hear what we have to say and i don’t blame you but at least hear us out’ she said, bringing you over to where they sat, sitting down next to you.
neteyam spoke up next, hesitance in his voice. ‘(y/n)..i’m sorry for calling you selfish- you’re totally right for how you feel and we’re so sorry it took us this long to see it’ your face scrunched up. you’ve been on this planet for 16 years. forgotten for 16 years. and it took them just now to realize they messed up? god they were impossible.
you shook your head before standing up, setting tuk back down silently as she tried to follow your action. ‘i’m gonna stop you right there. listen you-‘ you pointed a finger at them, your hard gaze instantly softening as you noticed their ears falling flat against their skulls. you took a deep breath before putting your hand down, sighing as you spoke again. ‘i appreciate the apology you guys but i cant forgive you all- not yet at least’
the sully kids looked disappointed at your words. they knew you weren’t going to forgive them just yet but it didn’t hurt to try. ‘i still love you guys, i always will and i will always be your big sibling..but i can’t be home right now’ you admitted, opening your arms and almost stumbling over as they all hugged you, feeling a few tears on your chest. ‘i love you guys alright? if you need anything..you know where to find me’ and with that, you left.
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your mind wandered as you made your way back to the festival. you didn’t know how long you’d been gone for. couldn’t have been less than 20 minutes right? while you were worried about that. you were also worried for your parents. you wanted to hate them. you wanted to rip them a new one all over again. you wanted to see them cry again. but a part of you felt bad for them.
‘mommy! daddy! look at what i did!’ you were currently showing your parents the butterfly that just landed on your nose. you wiggled around as it tickled you ever so slightly. you were around 4. granted the others were around, you parents still paid you some sort of attention.
jake had lo’ak on his hip, bouncing him as he nodded your way, smiling before rubbing a hand on your head ‘i see baby, you’re gonna be an animal whisperer when you grow up’. neytiri made her way over to you, gently grabbing the butterfly and putting it in your tiny hands. ‘you’re special..butterflies never get this close’ she said. your eyes twinkled as you bounced up and down, the butterfly flying away. ‘i’m special! i’m special!’. you were so happy at that moment. but that was truly the last time you were acknowledged like that. with love.
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you had stumbled back to the festival. you didn’t realize it but you were crying. overwhelming tears streamed down your face as rotxo ran up to you, worry covering his face. ‘(y/n)? what’s the matter why are you crying what happened?!’ he said, scanning your body for any cuts or bruises. you said nothing as you shrugged, the tears continuing to fall. his mouth went into a straight line as he put an arm around your shoulder, leaning into you as he lead you out of the festival.
rotxo being the sweetheart he is, took you “home” but made sure you were okay first, opting to stay with you just for a while longer. are you sure? i don’t mind staying with you-‘ ‘rotxo im okay i promise’ you put a warm hand on his cheek, thanking him for taking you home. the metkayina boy felt his face heat up, speechless as you ran into the mauri.
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‘ma jake we have to go get them! they’re our child!’ neytiri yelled, her voice booming against the walls. jake cringed a bit, nodding his head before sighing. ‘neytiri i understand but-‘ ‘kehe! they’re our child..they need to come home!’ neytiri is now in tears yet again, for the 5th time that day. she wanted to be alone, wallowing in her “misery” since the moment she opened her eyes.
jake felt sad as well, but he mostly felt guilty. the guilt slowly eating at him by the hour. he remembers the day you were born. you were his first baby. you were what made his day. how could he have ever forgotten you. jake felt stupid. like a damn idiot. his family was slowly falling apart and it was his fault.
after a few minutes of silence, jake took neytiri into his arms, hugging his mate tightly before speaking. ‘we’re going to bring them home okay? i’m going to bring them home’ his words were shaky, your outburst the day before did a number on his confidence and pride, he didn’t want a repeat of it. neither of them did. neytiri looked at her husband and nodded before wiping her tears, taking comfort in his hold.
while he held his wife, jake began to think of a plan to bring you home. they wanted to make things right with you. they loved you. yeah they didn’t show it worth a damn, but they did and they were going to make sure you knew.
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the sun rose upon the horizon bringing in a new day. you were up early as usual, tsireya and ao’nung dragging you by your “skinny tail” (in words of ao’nung) to the ocean. rotxo and a few of his friends decided to join you all, venturing out into the ocean you’ve seen a million times yet can’t get enough of.
rotxo made it a thing to take you further beyond the reef, showing you the beauties that you haven’t seen before. you didn’t notice, but the boy would catch himself staring at you, in-captured with you’re unwavering beauty.
your body emerged from the water, splashing around with your new found friends and “siblings”. after a while you all got hungry. breakfast should’ve been done by now so you all broke your separate ways, promising each other to meet back up later.
the three of you walked back into the mauri, your back turned as you faced the siblings, in the middle of a story. ‘so then i told her, i’m not doing it for you you’re just gonna have to-‘ you bumped into a hard chest. ao’nung and tsireya’s face dropped. you assumed it was tonowari so you turned around quick to apologize, only to be met with your father.
‘oh..hi’ you said, the air growing awkward. ‘(y/n) we want you to come home..’ he said, placing a hand on your shoulder. you only rolled your eyes and shrugged him off, ‘no thanks im fine here’
‘i wasn’t asking (y/n) i’m telling. you’re coming home’
you were taken aback. his face fell serious and the tone of his voice dropped. he was serious but you were still persistent. ‘no im not’ you shook your head, looking back to tonowari and ronal but to no avail, they couldn’t even lock eyes with you. ‘he is your father my child..he has say over this..’ ronal admitted. you were shocked, what happened to the stone faced tsahìk from a few days ago? just then tonowaris deep voice rang against your head.
‘we’re sorry (y/n) but you must go home..’
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tags 🏷️: @23victoria @avtprint @bucky12345 @boilingpots @Marcswife21 @elegantkidfansoul @itsyogurl @stars4deku @stvpidscvpid @uniltsatirey @urdeadpoet @annamarieisbae @graysonmalik2550 @blueberryfailureclinic @jordan-network @newjeansbonnie @stickyfictioninwriting @fanboyluvr @zatarias-pandora @jjkclub b @elvyshiarieko @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @adaiasafira @scarletrosesposts @spicycloudsalad @vane28282 @nuttyrebelflower @aemondmyl0ve @msbimb0 @neteyamforlife @gamorxa @sharni07 @thegooberboy @theesexystallion @nanaitesully @destinylb @fandom-garbage @dakotali @1ntefly @sicklscream @osumarusjade @rosemaryblossoms @malfoylaufeysonweasleybarnes @zatarias-pandora @mac-the-oregonian @dreamergirljen @laylasbunbunny @n39ro-chann @nikqdn @ayanies @muthamergya @historygeekqueen @jihyowl @justthingzsblog @yukichan67 @your-girl-mj @ok-boke @ecliipsedpoet @kthehoeforfictionalmen
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“I just think it would be a good idea!” MK insisted loudly, pushing at Wukong with all his might, barely even budging the king.
“It’s a horrible idea, kid,” Wukong said, for about the tenth time. MK pouted up at Wukong, slumping against him.
“Please, Monkey King? You and Macaque need to sort out…whatever is going on! Macaque’s cool now! So you two should be cool.” Wukong scowled at MK, blinking a few times.
“No.” MK pouted, doing his best attempt at puppy dog eyes. Wukong turned from it. “No, bud, Macaque and I have differences we can’t sort out through just talking. Thousands of years of unsolved conflict can’t be fixed with a conversation.”
“Sure it Can! Anything can be fixed through good ole communication!” MK insisted. “You have to, Macaque already agreed!” Wukong craned a brow, doubting this.
This information wasn’t technically true, as Macaque had to be convinced by means of bribery of free noodles a month. Pigsy wasn’t made aware of this in the slightest. He’d cope.
“Seriously,” MK said, nodding repeatedly to emphasize his point. Wukong groaned slightly, rubbing his hand down his face.
“Fine. Fine. But when it ends in a fight, I’m blaming you, bud,” Wukong said, ruffling MK’s hair slightly. MK grinned wide before tugging Wukong off to the waterfall entrance of his home. Wukong stopped once he saw Macaque calmly leaning against a tree just outside the waterfall.
“You brought him here?”
“I mean, less flying for you?” MK attempted to sweetens before interjecting with, “You already agreed!” Wukong groaned and MK finished tugging his mentor out from the waterfall. Macaque lifted his gaze boredly, tilting his head instantly as his eyes locked onto MK and Wukong. A smirk grew on his lips.
“Wow, you actually agreed? I’m shocked.” Wukong let his eyes roll, arms crossing defensively.
“Still letting anyone tell you what to do, I see, you don’t change much,” Wukong said before sticking his tongue out. Macaque’s face twitched with anger, but MK stepped between them.
“Peace talks! Peace talks! Communication,” he said, elongating the final word, circling his hands for emphasis. Macaque squinted.
“Wukong’s pride precedes him, nothing productive will come from this, kid,” Macaque sighed, rolling his eyes.
“Oh I’ll show you-”
“Hey! You both said you’d try!” Wukong scrunched his face up, tail flicking angrily.
“Fine,” Wukong spat.
“Fine,” Macaque returned in a mocking tone, and both monkeys shot each other a glare.
“Okay okay, so, Macaque, you go first.”
“Doing what?” Macaque grumbled.
“Saying your…grievances! Like what makes your guys’ relationship so rocky for you, you go first,” MK insisted, stepping out from between them with a wide grin. Macaque blinked before turning on Wukong.
“You killed me,” he snarled instantly, and Wukong returned the glare, missing the way MK shot his gaze between the two, completely unaware of this fact.
“After you impersonated me, attacked my master at the time, and stole all of his belongings, and then you tricked my people and got one of them killed!” Wukong returned, escalating. Macaque tossed his arms out, scoffing.
“You know I did that because you betrayed us, you betrayed your brothers. You became a servant of the celestial realm, of course I was going to do something!” Macaque snapped back, squinting. “You left us, you left me for some stupid pilgrimage and- and you betrayed us!” Macaque heaved for breath, not wishing to talk anymore.
“We lost, what was I meant to do?” Wukong attempted at keeping the anger behind his voice, but guilt was beginning to pick at his skin. “You left me too, Liù, I was trapped for thousands of years thinking you would come help me and you left me there to rot.”
MK pursed his lips awkwardly as he took a few steps back, sensing this topic of conversation was reaching a private point. Going unnoticed, he shifted to a hawk, soaring away from the conversation. He couldn’t wait to tell Mei his complete and total success.
“How was I meant to know,” Macaque said sharply, refusing to look at Wukong. Wukong took a step closer, anger rising.
“You hear practically everything, that’s your thing! What do you mean how were you meant to know! You knew I was trapped under that mountain, I cursed the gods for days, theres no way you didn’t hear me!” Macaque’s brows twitched with a twang of guilt, letting his eyes flick over Wukong. Wukong’s eyes were wet with not yet fallen tears, body shaking slightly with anger. “Out of all of them, I expected you to come help me, to understand. But no. You left me.”
“You left me!” Macaque returned, thrusting his arms out. “Brotherhood be damned, you left me!”
“I didn’t plan on it!” Wukong caught his breath, taking a hand through his hair. “I was never- I never wanted to leave, Liù, I-” He drug his hand down over his face. “Just leave, Macaque, this was a shit idea.” Macaque scoffed, turning to hide how he wiped away a stray tear.
“Of course. Too haughty to own up to your own mistakes,” Macaque hissed. Wukong’s face scrunched up.
“I can say the same for you.” Macaque flinched before whipping around.
“Fine, Sun, I’m sorry that I didn’t come save you after I heard you scream for months on end about how I’ll go help you, sorry I didn’t because we all knew you were set to betray us, I’m sorry, Sun. Is that what you want?” Wukong swallowed, not meeting Macaque’s gaze. He scoffed. “Of course. I don’t know what I expected.” He jabbed Wukong in the chest. “And I’m sorry for getting one of your people killed but I won’t apologize for fucking with servants of the celestial realm.” He turned on his heel, a mass of shadow forming on the tree to his right in order for him to make an exit.
“I-I’m sorry too,” Wukong whispered, so low that no body but Macaque could ever hear it. Macaque froze. “For- for hurting you.” Silence hung above the both of them, and Macaque sighed.
“See you, Wukong.” Macaque slipped through the shadow, and Wukong sunk in on himself, groaning as he scrubbed tears off his face.
“Damned kid, making me talk about my issues,” Wukong grumbled as he trudged behind the waterfall once again. “That did nothing helpful, what was he even thinking.”
During their next ‘Monkie Crew’ hang out (Mei and MK put together their collective braincell to create such a name), the two monkeys don’t utter a word to each other, and everyone turned on MK as if saying “you made it worse”, but MK took it as a win, considering not even a few moments later, Wukong tossed a bag of peach chips to the other, sparing an unsure smile. It was ten times better than loudly arguing every time they’re together.
And if they continue to privately work out their issues together, that’s none of MK’s business.
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may-25 · 2 years
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One Night In NYC (Smut One Shot)
Jesse 4Town x Fem Reader NSFW
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
The first stop of our honeymoon, I can't wait.
Jesse and I recently got married, and we had a huge wedding. It was the greatest wedding I've ever witnessed in my life. I reckon it's better than the most recent royal weddings! Jesse planned out the wedding so well, I'm super impressed by his skills. His two kids were the bridesmaids, and it was super cute. His kids and I, have bonded super close ever since he first introduced me to them. They are the nicest kids, and are super well behaved. Better than any other kid I know. Jesse is just so good at raising kids properly, as well as handling them with lots of care. That's one of the many traits I love about him.
After our wedding, we had planned many stops around the world. We got married in my home city, so our plan is to make two stops to the USA, and then a few stops around Asia. Our first stop is NYC, which I am super excited about. We plan to do a lot there. One activity is flying around the statue of liberty in a helicopter, and making stops to amazing dessert places. Jesse and I love desserts so much, so we are both particularly excited for what sweets NYC has to offer.
At the moment, we are both in first class, enjoying some fine alcohol and listening to music together. We land in about an hour, so we are calming down on the binge eating. It's been a long flight, and we are super exhausted. Our plan for today is to get back to our hotel, and then just rest and take it easy for the day. A thing we are not excited about, is jet lag. How fun!
☆.。.:* END OF POV. 。.:*☆
Y/n and Jesse's flight had landed an hour later. They got all of their luggage out and hopped into their rented Rolls-Royce. The drive from the air port to the hotel took a while, because of the major traffic there is. Once they got back, they had a shower and changed into some comfortable clothes. Jesse and y/n decided to play some Pokemon on their switches together, and then they headed off to the restaurant in the hotel.
The restaurant had amazing food, it was better than most of the hotel food Jesse had eaten before. They were pleased with how much they ate there. They went to the spa, and got a massage together, after dinner. Sitting in the hot springs together, they chatted about things they wanted to do the next day. A few people recognised Jesse but they left just in time for the word to not be spread across the hotel. If people were to find out Jesse is here, then his stalkers will come out to play. He has had many major incidences with stalkers over his career. One being a girl who stole his clothes and spam called him countlessly.
They had returned to their hotel room, and rested until the following day.
☆.。.:* Jesse POV☆.。.:*  
Y/n and I got ready to head off to get early dessert, because why not. I found an amazing place that serves a giant Nutella filled chocolate heart, and I bet she will love it. Ever since we got married, I have never felt more secure with her. I know her love for me is genuine, and I am so grateful for that. She's not like the other women who used me for my money, & my fame.
When we had arrived at the place, y/n's face lit up ever so brightly. The sight of the oozing Nutella, like a waterfall, coming out of the Hollow chocolate heart mould, what an amazing show it put on for us. After y/n had grabbed sight of the dessert, she immediately bought it and stuffed her face into it. Oh how cute she is! And then I also stuffed my face in it, along with her.#
After trying out a couple more places, our stomachs were filled to the brim of sugar. We decided to head to a shopping centre, to look around for some new clothes.
As we were walking around the shopping centre, a lingerie store fell into my field of view. I swiftly grabbed a hold of y/n's hand, and dragged her into the store. My mind was only set on one thing at that moment, and it was buying her some of this beautiful fashion. Truth is, I've never seen her with lingerie on, and I've never seen her fully naked before. We've had sex, but she's never allowed me to take all of her clothes off, so I left it like that. But it's different, now. We're married and there's absolutely no reason for her to be ashamed of herself for just, well, being herself!
J-Jesse, what are you doing, we can't go in here!
Oh, yes we can, y/n. We are now married, and I am buying this for you as a gift. No need to try them on, I have your full measurements already, babe.
After that, I had bought y/n 4 pairs of sexy, black lingerie. I know how to dress people, so obviously I know what lingerie would suit her best. I can't wait to see her in this, just thinking about it makes me go insane. Never being able to see her fully naked, but getting to see her in lingerie, is the best thing that could ever happen to me at this point. Plus, it will help her get fully used to not wearing so much clothing during sex.
After that, I immediately organised a ride back to the hotel, and I dragged her up to the room.
☆.。.:* END OF POV☆.。.:*  
Y/n and Jesse had arrived to their room. Y/n was struggling to break free of Jesse's grip, but he wasn't letting go of her. He pushed y/n against the wall of the hotel, and looked her deeply in the eyes. He bit his lip, and then said this.
Y/n, please, will you wear this for me.
Y/n tried to argue against it, but
No buts, you will go into the bathroom and try it on for me, please.
Y/n walked slowly to the bathroom, grabbing the lingerie out of Jesse's hand. The look on her face shows nervousness, but Jesse insisted. It took her a while to come out, but when she finally did, he put his hand over his mouth in shock.
Jesse has never seen anyone as beautiful as her, in this very moment. Her beautiful figure graced his eyes, he had never seen her like this before. Jesse couldn't resist himself, and he launched towards her. Y/n let out a loud shriek.
Jesse, p-please don't look at me. I look bad, I don't want you to see me right now!
And after that, she pushed him away, and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Jesse repeatedly tried to unlock it, but to no avail, there was no way he could. He sighs and leans his back against the door. Desperately waiting for her to come out, he decides he will wait as long as he can.
Babe, please come out. You look beautiful, and I mean it. I will prove to you how beautiful you are, if you come out for me.
Jesse, I just can't! I can't stand looking at myself in the mirror like this, so how could you? This is why I have never taken my clothes off, and why I have never let you see me like this before. I can't deal with myself being fully naked. It just, makes me worry about what you think.
Y/n, let me tell you. When you stepped out of this bathroom just then, I thought I just laid my eyes on a goddess. The lingerie looks amazing on you, and it even looks better than on models for Victoria's secret. Please, will you just, let me admire you.
I- I can't...
I understand.
Jesse gets up, and he walks over to the bed. He turns the TV on, and starts to scroll through his phone. Y/n looks at herself in the mirror one last time, and walks towards the door. Jesse then hears a click, and he turns the TV off. He stands up, and looks towards the door, to see y/n, standing there. She still has the lingerie on, which Jesse realises she's ready.
Jesse runs towards y/n, and hugs her tightly.
You are beautiful.
He bites her ear, and pushes her on the counter. One leg around his waist, he pushes his hips into her, feeling each other collide. Y/n lets out a soft gasp, and Jesse kisses on her neck. Small purple dots are left on her, but that's just his way of saying, 'you're mine'. He grabs a vibrator he bought for her, as a gift for their marriage. Y/n is shocked to see it, but she wants to give it a try. He turns it on and lowers it to her quivering bottom half. Y/n can feel the intense vibrations, pulsate throughout her area. The feeling is too good, she moans aloud. By this time, Jesse had undressed himself, and he begins to grind against her backside. He is softly moaning in her ear, and he is loving the sight and state she is in right now. He bites her ear once more, and licks it.
Y/n is shocked by this sudden movement, and she tenses up. Jesse giggles softly,
I love seeing you like this.
As y/n's moaning is growing louder, and louder, Jesse pulls out his package and grabs the lube. Suddenly, he ripped off the lingerie she is wearing, and shoves his shaft inside quickly, with the vibrator still pulsating on her clit. Jesse can feel the vibrations, and it makes him tense up a lot. He groans hard, and y/n moans louder from the pain, and pleasure. Jesse digs his fingernails into her butt, and he groans into her neck. Thrusting so passionately, he slows down, and throws her onto the bed. He launches himself onto her, and brings her ass up into the air, and her legs over her head. He thrusts into her very roughly, and smashes her into the mattress. Jesse is enjoying the sight of how helpless she is right now. As their moans and groans filled the room louder, and louder, y/n starts to shake. Her insides are gripping onto Jesses cock, very tightly. Her moans, turning into screams, from how intense her orgasm is. Never feeling this amount of pleasure before, and it's her first time receiving an orgasm from Jesse without her own help.
Jesse can't take it. He holds onto lasting, like its his life about to end. At this point, he's shaking like a seizure. He just wants to keep feeling this pleasure. Jesse then picks her up, and opens the balcony door, placing her onto the hand railing. Thrusting so hard, and fast.
Moan, moan for me y/n. Let the whole world see how beautiful and helpless you look right now under me. Let everyone know how lucky I am to have you!
She moans, and he moans. His thrusting going to the speed of light, they continue like this for one more minute. People walk out to see them, passionately having sex on the balcony. People are in shock, but Jesse could not care one bit. Who cares if he is caught by the paparazzi, right? But he picks her up and lays her back down on the edge of the bed, just in case. He brings out the vibrator again, and places it between her clit and his cock. The euphoria, the plain euphoria he is in right now. It's everything he's ever needed. He can feel the end edging closer and closer, while he has no awareness that people have just witnessed this whole situation. He thrusts harder, and harder, yet again smashing y/n into the bed.
I- I can feel it coming, ah, ah, ah , Oh my god, fuck!
The seed had sprouted. He releases all of it inside of her, feeling an amazing connection. Jesse is literally shaking, his cock is throbbing inside of her. He fills her insides, and they both quiver. Jesse slides off of her, in exhaustion. They are both puffed out from what just occurred. He gets up, and hugs y/n tightly.
Hey, I'm sorry I went all out. I couldn't help myself. Can I make it up to you, please?
He looks down to a y/n covered in smudged makeup, tears, bites, and hickeys. Jesse's eyes open wide, realising how much pain he had just caused. He hadn't shown his rough side to her yet, but y/n grinned, surprisingly. She liked his rough side, and that was the best sex she'd ever had. He's relieved to see it's all good, and he helps her up to the bathroom to get themselves tidy.
Jesse runs the bath, and helps her into it. He sits behind her and they both cuddle for a while, just relaxing after what happened. He caresses her hair, and washes the scratches he made. He's quite impressed by how much damage he did, though. They sat in the bath for 1 hour and just talked to each other about random things, until Jesse got a phone call from Aaron T.
Oh my god. That was the only words they thought in their heads, after hearing Aaron say that. They both fucked up, badly. But thankfully for them, the video wasn't clear enough to determine it was him, so they were all good after that. But one thing they forgot, was to put a condom on.
��.。.:* END☆.。.:*。☆✼★━━━━━━━━━━━━★✼☆。
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yuta-nakamots · 2 years
Could I request chain era Yuta with the prompt of first kiss after a hike?
Author’s Note: I couldn’t exactly envision hiking being a romantic activity for a first kiss so I wrote it as simply a kiss in an established relationship instead
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Pairing(s): Boyfriend!Yuta x GN Reader
Genre(s): Fluff, established relationship!AU
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 0.8k
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“Ah!” You heard Yuta’s yell and carefully made your way to the sound of it, the soft dirt under your shoes feeling insecure.
“What’s wrong?” You asked once you found your boyfriend a little further up the trail.
He continued doing his swatting motions as if fighting his own invisible demons. “There are bugs!”
“I thought you said you enjoy being outside,” you laughed, watching him turn into a martial artist while fighting whatever bugs were flying around him.
“Yes, but not in these conditions!” It was humid out since it had lightly rained the previous night but Yuta had still insisted on going on a hike since he wanted to ‘be one with nature’.
“What? You can’t live, laugh, love out here?” you teased, causing Yuta to roll his eyes at you. 
He had chosen a local trail that had a waterfall along the way, which most people stopped to take a break before turning around and heading back down. It was supposedly an easy trail but you could barely even hear the splashing of the falls when Yuta started to complain about all the bugs. “Do you want to go back now?” You proposed to him as he grew ever more irritated with the insects sticking to his sweaty skin. 
“No, we didn’t make it to the falls yet and I’m not a quitter.” There was the competitive spirit you knew and loved. Yuta trudged on and the two of you eventually made it to the famous waterfall viewing site, the freshwater pounding into the lake and flowing down the mountain in a powerful stream.
You found a nice place to sit and rest while drinking water and taking a few pictures but Yuta didn’t seem to be as relaxed as you. “Would you like to head down?” you offered.
“Yes, I would very much like that,” he breathed while staring off down the stretch of running water. He tolerated you taking a few more pictures of the waterfall and of the two of you before throwing his backpack on and waiting for you to do the same. 
He didn’t outwardly rush you but you could feel it from his aura that he was getting impatient. “When we get home, you can take a nice warm shower and go to sleep early, okay?” It was almost like talking to a child but you knew he was already worn thin and didn’t want to push him further.
On the descent from the falls, Yuta remained a few steps in front of you but made sure to never get too far ahead. He would stop to hold low-hanging branches out of your way and help you down large steps or unstable patches. Even while slightly grumpy, he still made sure to look after you as always. 
Going down seemed much easier than the journey up and it felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders when you finally set foot on the pavement of the parking lot at the start of the trail. Yuta wasted no time in making his way toward his car and unloading his stuff into it. 
He leaned against the car and waited for you to catch up. He lifted up his tank top to wipe away the perspiration on his face, revealing his toned torso while you passed by. You reached out and tickled him, making him yell out while chasing after you. 
You dropped your heavy backpack and ran around the car, giggling while Yuta chased after you while threatening to tickle you. Your legs were already growing sore and you quickly gave in. 
Yuta caught up to you and trapped you against the car with an arm wrapping around your shoulders and his free hand finding its way to all your sensitive spots. You squirmed in his arms until you were gasping for air, “stop! stop! I’m sorry!”
He grinned and stopped his affectionate torture, pulling you in for a hug instead. “Thank you for coming with me today,” he softly spoke into your ear. 
“Of course! I love spending time with you!” He held you ever more tightly, knowing that you enjoyed yourself. “But next time let’s go when it’s not so humid and muggy.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Yuta sassed, leaning in to kiss you. 
Your lips met his in a quick embrace and a silent message of appreciation and fondness passed between the two of you. 
“As much as I enjoy kissing you, you’re hot and sticky but not in a good way,” you tell him while gently pushing him away. 
He raised an eyebrow at you as you put your backpack into the trunk. “I know you like that though.”
“Oh, shut up, or else I’m taking the shower first,” you quip, knowing that there would now be a race to the bathroom the second you got back home.
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severed-ties-uf · 8 months
Chapter Five: Moral Quarrel
This takes place immediately after the last chapter. Sans is walking home from the castle (he doesn’t know how to teleport yet). Right now, he’s made it to the entrance of Waterfall, walking down the long dark path. Hood up, he walks hoping not to draw any unwanted attention.
It’s late in the day, dinner will be soon, his mind is still occupied by his play date with Chara. Still smiling about those sweet words of affirmation Chara had said to him when he was doubtful about his disposition, those words alone kept a warm feeling inside of him. Not to mention that little kiss Chara had given him before he departed, that still had him blushing. Now he knew that he truly had feelings for them; the only one who had ever shown kindness to him by the time they met. Despite not knowing Chara for very long, they had changed him, for the better.
He continues to walk, eventually walking down the rough path through the tunnel leading to the main path home. At the end of the tunnel, he sees a heavily wounded, humanoid rabbit monster covering his eyes, shaking and rambling incoherently. Seemingly disturbed and anxious; and blocking the way forward.
Sans began to walk forward, contemplating what to do all the while. He initially wanted to just walk past, but something stopped him. In his head, he thought of Chara; what would they do?
He didn’t have any more time to contemplate, the monster noticed him. The monster's head shot up, locking eyes with Sans. Letting out a shriek and standing up quickly.
“Who the hell are you? Get away from me! Leave!” The monster yelled. Summoning magic grass blades aimed at Sans, and pulling out a rusty pipe as a melee weapon.
Sans holds up his hands, palms facing outwards as a sign of nonaggression. “Hey, I don’t mean you any harm. I’m just passing through to get home,” Sans calmly stated. “My name is Sans, what is your name?”
The monster took a step back, holding the pipe up. “My name is Riley. You’re with them aren’t you? You thought you could deceive me. The others left me and my family for dead and sent you to finish me off!”
Riley couldn’t be much older than Sans (at oldest 12). He’s clearly delusional in this state, most likely traumatized from something.
Sans lowers his hands. “What do you mean ‘them’? Whoever they are, I’m not with them. I don’t want to hurt you, I just need to get through.” Sans makes eye contact with the terrified Riley, also taking a step back himself. “I’m a kid, just like you. I want to get back home for dinner. So please, put the pipe down, recall the magic, and let me through.”
Riley growls, showing his teeth. “You expect me to believe that?! You’re trying to trick me and get to my family! I know how people work, you must think I’m an idiot. I won’t let you manipulate me!” He yells, voice cracking throughout.
Sans, once again raises his hands, taking a step forward. “No! I’m not trying to hurt you or your family. Please, listen to me!” Sans pleads, desperately. Sans takes steps towards the exit of the tunnel.
Riley fully blocks off the exit, growling. “No! I can’t let you!” He yells. He raises the pipe and summons more grass blades. “I won’t let you.”
Riley swings at Sans with the pipe; Sans dodges, backing up. Riley sends his grass blades flying at Sans, all of which are dodged, or blocked by bones.
“Come on, we don’t have to do this. This isn’t necessary. We can talk all of this out!” Sans pleads, trying to place distance between him and Riley.
“Like hell! I know how these things work! I know what you’re trying to do.” Riley bites back, running up for another swing.
Sans dodges the swing, and the following grass blades once again. “Then you leave me no choice.” Sans says, lifting up his arm. His left eye flashes, and Riley is sent flying into the wall of the tunnel. Riley hits the rocks, hard.
Riley -5 hp (11/35 remaining)
Sans takes the advantage, making a run for the exit. Before he can make it there, large grass blades are summoned, completely obstructing the path. “I told you, you’re not getting through!” Riley yells, getting up and picking up the pipe.
Sans dodges swing after swing; dodging and blocking grass blade after grass blade. Now, he’s tiring out, backing as far away from Riley as possible. He can’t do this much longer. “Please.” Sans says, breathing heavily. “We don’t need to do this.”
Riley pauses, also breathing heavily. “I won’t fail! You’re getting to them!” Riley yells, charging at Sans. Once close enough, Riley takes a swing; being barely dodged by Sans. Only missing by mere centimeters. Before Riley can swing again, Sans throws him against a wall with blue magic, once again.
Riley -4 hp (7/35 remaining)
Riley grunts in pain, staggering, pulling himself up. He summons three last grass blades, all being blocked. He prepares for one final swing, charging at Sans. Before he can get close enough, Sans summons five bones, slashing at Riley.
Riley -1, -1, -1, -1 (3/35 remaining. NGD)
The NGD tears through his health, covering the last three health points. Riley screams in pain.
Riley -1 (2/35 remaining. NGD)
Riley -1 (1/35 remaining. NGD)
“No! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to!” Sans yells, eyes watering.
Riley -1 (0/35)
Riley falls to the ground, coughing, tears forming in his eyes. “I knew it… you’re no different from the rest of them.” He says, struggling to speak. Riley looks up. “Mom, are you proud of me?”
Riley dies. Turning to dust.
Sans LV up (LV 2, EXP 12)
Sans collapses onto his knees, beginning to cry, breathing heavily. “NO! No. No. No. I- I didn’t mean-“ Sans crawls over to Riley's dust, sobbing. “This- this can’t be happening. Come back!”
It’s all setting in at once, he just killed a person, a good person. “I killed that boy, that innocent boy. He was scared, frightened for his and his family’s life, he was delirious and wounded, and I killed him!” Sans looks down at his dusty hands, opening and closing his fists. “I’m a murderer. A cold blooded murderer. Father was right…”
Sans stands up, looking down at Riley's remains, still crying. “I’ve failed you, Chara. You believed in me, even at my worst, you said that I was a great person, and now… just hours later… I’ve killed an innocent! What is wrong with me? I truly am no different from everyone else down here!”
Sans walks through the exit, slowly walking down the path. Approaching the garbage dump, he considers throwing himself off the edge. In his mind he’s a murderer, he’s failed his best friend, he’s failed to be any different from anyone else down here. In his mind, he has no more reason to live. Step after step he gets closer to the dump, when it’s in sight, he makes his way over to the edge, nudging an Echo Flower in the process.
Sans stops walking upon hearing two familiar voices coming from the flower: {
Chara: “Asriel, I have a question for you. Do you think even the worst person can change? That anyone can be a good person if they just try?”
Asriel: “Yeah, I think so. It’s just a matter of them seeing the light and working to improve, I guess.”
Chara: “Do you think it’s fair to judge someone’s character based off of a mistake they’ve made?
Asriel: “No. Everyone makes mistakes, some more severe than others. What matters is whether they admit to it and try to make amends or not. People shouldn’t be judged by honest mistakes, especially if they’ve made up for them, or are using them to grow to be better.”
Chara: “I think so too.”
Hearing this he stops and thinks. Chara wouldn’t want this, he made a horrible mistake that assumed someone’s death. He was being attacked and defended himself, not knowing that his action would seal the fate of his attacker. But did he deserve to die? Maybe. But killing himself wouldn’t solve anything. He has much to atone for.
He once again thinks to himself. He should go to Chara as soon as possible, they always know what to do, right? They’ll help him, surely.
He walks back over to the Echo Flower, and places his hand on its center. “Thank you, Chara. You’re always there for me, aren’t you?” He says quietly. He then continues to walk home, not at all excited for what his father has to say about all this.
Author’s notes:
First time using this type of dialogue writing instead of the “[name]:” format, I like it so far.
Riley was delusional, he wasn’t thinking straight, after he was nearly killed by a group of monsters. Sans is technically innocent here, as he only attacked in self defense, but good luck telling him that.
I was thinking of some good angst to follow the last chapter, and this is what I came up with.
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docwritesshit · 9 months
Guess who's back back back back
Back again?
Sup hoes
Uhhhh requests are gonna be continued now
Bot for now y'all get angst for my OC! Cause I just wrote this but after listening to the song My Love is Sick by Madds Buckley cause it honestly fits her
Have fun~~
Her cheeks stung from the hit it took earlier, tears pricking her eyes.
“I cannot understand you, you can’t fake a smile for ten minutes?!? I hope your future spouse doesn’t find your attitude and disrespect as distasteful.” Her mother sneered.
“He tried to kiss me! I said no! He pushed! What was I supposed to do?” Yujin argued. Her mothers eyes blazed in anger. The next thing Yujin knew, she was holding her cheek with her eyes threatening to spill over for everyone to see.
“You don’t do anything! At this rate, you better hope that your husband doesn’t mind that you don’t seem to care for his feelings!” She screeched. Yujin covered her ears, and winced.
“You won’t find anyone to love you if you act like that!” She declared. Then her lips pulled into her sweet smile. That smile that was as sweet as the poison her words would feel like.
“You’ll find a husband someday sweetie, a spouse. A spouse that will be beneficial to you, to us. You just need to try, and open your heart.” Her words flowed like honey, and hardened like forged knives. Yujin just nodded, looking down. Her mother patted her shoulder and seemed to glide over to the door as she walked out.
Yujin stood there for a bit, not wanting for it to continue. For time to keep on moving. If she could just hold it-
The drop of the first tear.
The drop of the second.
And the waterfall of the rest reminded her that time treats everyone as unequally as it did to her.
She stood still, she stood as the rocky cliff for her personal waterfall to cascade to the floor.
She hugged herself, her mouth twisting as she chocked back the sobs. She looked down to see her tears fall more and more. She thought she must have cried an oceans worth at this point.
An ocean's worth.
An ocean she loved to see, to spring over. To fly over as she clutched the fur of her companion as the cloud they were riding tickled her nose, making her sneeze.
Her heart twisted. The caterpillars in her stomach that were once cocooned were now breaking out. She could feel the flutter of a few free wings already.
She scoffed to herself, but her eyes drifted to her closet, where her most treasure and secret possession lay hidden under mounds of her indulgence.
Her heart bled a bit more.
Why must I do this to myself? Why must I keep the hope?
Why, you know that.
I don’t wanna say it.
You would rather your heart bleed from your past…
Stop it.. please…
… because its better to bleed until your dry than think that you would rather not have the wound.
The wound left by two helpful claws, left behind to bleed as they left you behind my dear.
The wound you would protect with your life then surrender it for anyone else to help you heal it in case they leave a bigger one in their wake.
The wound that keeps this love alive as long as it bleeds dry.
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munstysmind · 2 years
LAST DAY - Maddison - An Original Series
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WARNING/S: Travis, anxiety, panic attack, nudity
Divider by @firefly-graphics
please let me know if you would like to be added to a tag list
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With Chris due to fly back to LA tonight, he and Maddie are making the most of their last day together before they’re separated again. Having only spent a weekend together at a time previously, she was worried that she might start to annoy him after a three or four days but she didn’t, quite the opposite, this past week has been nothing short of amazing.
The more time he’s spent with her the more he wants to stay. She has a hold on him, he can’t describe it but whatever it is, he doesn’t want her to ever let go.
They’ve also taken a really big step this week too, giving their relationship a title. He knows how much it means to her, making it official, it means a lot to him too. And that’s not the only big thing that’s happened this visit. He’s starting to see a lot of the walls she’s built up to protect herself come down as she becomes more and more comfortable with him.
Last night she opened up to him about one of the fights she had with Travis. They were curled up in bed watching a movie when a sex scene came on. It triggered a memory her brain repressed and before she let herself overthink it, she took a deep breath and just started telling him about the time Travis went off at her after he found out she filmed a sex scene for Supernatural.
He’d screamed in her face, telling her how disgusting it was that she was OK with filming something like that. How dare she kiss another man, let him see and touch her body way when she’s in a relationship. He refused to listen when she tried to explain to him how they filmed these types of scenes, called her a liar when she said everything was covered, that it didn’t mean anything. It got so heated that Jensen had burst into her trailer after hearing Travis yelling and physically put himself between the two, shielding Maddie from her furious boyfriend.
She was so shaken by Travis’ outburst that she’d clung to Jensen while he threatened promised Travis he’d break his jaw if he ever heard him speak to her like that again. That was the last time Travis visited her at work, being told in no uncertain terms that he was no longer welcome on set.
“Did you want to go somewhere for dinner tonight, I’ve got a pretty late flight?” Chris asks as they stop at one of the many waterfalls that are throughout Central Park.
They had decided to go on a walk through the slice of nature right in the heart of the city. It’s a nice day for the time of year and they don’t really want to spend it inside. If they’re stopped by fans or photographed by the paparazzi they can easily pass it off as two friends catching up. She lives in New York and technically he’s here for work.
That being said, he wants nothing more than to take her hand in his or wrap his arm around her shoulder, anything. But she wants to keep their relationship private for as long as possible, as does he, so he’s keeping his hands firmly buried in the pockets of his jacket to avoid any temptation.
“Yeah, that sounds nice” she says, looking up at him with a small smile. While she likes the idea of them being able to go out and do stuff together like a regular couple, ever since the article was published she’s been hyper aware of the paparazzi every time she leaves the apartment which hasn’t done anything to help with her anxiety.
He know this. He’s seen how, the best word he can use is sacred, she gets when she spots them with their cameras pointed towards her. She all but hid behind him at one point on their walk over when she spotted some. He doesn’t blame her. He knows what it’s like to be followed when you’re in public, to have every movement captured just so a magazine can have its next headline. Sometimes he wishes he could have someone to hide behind when the paparazzi spots him.
“Any place in mind?” he asks. She’s the one who’s going to know all the good places to eat, not him, and he want to take her somewhere she likes.
“I’m not fussed” she tells him, shrugging slightly. She’s not a picky eater. There’s very little she won’t eat, or at least try. The polar opposite of when she was a child. Her parents fought with her almost every night to get her to eat anything other than potato gems and chicken nuggets.
“Maddie, not really helping” he sighs, tilting his head to the side and looking at her with his brows raised.
“Chris, I really don’t mind where we go. You suggested it, so you choose… surprise me” she says, looking up at him with a small smile.
“OK then. Better not be any complaints” he tells her jokingly while he makes a mental note to message Sebastian about good places to eat once they get back to the apartment.
She presses her lips together and zips them with her fingers before holding up her hands, making him laugh. She just grins at him and scrunches up her nose. She’s going to miss it when he leaves, the feeling of peace she has when she’s with him. She’s never experienced anything like it before.
Completely forgetting they’re in public, she leans against him and rests her head on his shoulder, letting out a soft hum in the process. He can’t help but smile before reaching down and subtly gives her hand a gentle squeeze just as his phone starts to ring. He lets go of her hand and pulls it out of his pocket.
“Hey Ma… yeah…um… just hold on a sec” he says into his phone before motioning to Maddie that he’s moving away. She nods and turns her attention back to the water, it’s so calming. She loves Central Park, for some reason it reminds her of home. She used to come here a lot when she was with Travis.
Normally it was to help clear her head after a fight but she also has some good memories, happy memories. Like that time they got caught in a summer downpour and had to take cover under a tree. She can’t help but smile at the memory of them both being soaked to the bone before she’s hit with an overwhelming feeling of guilt for thinking about Travis when she’s here with Chris.
She’s quickly pulled out of her thoughts when she feels someone grab her arm tightly just above her elbow and forcefully turning her around.
“Ow… what the fuck?!” she snaps, pulling her arm out of the person’s grip. Her breath catches in her throat when she sees who it is that’s just grabbed her and she’s instantly frozen on the spot.
“Hey Maddie” Travis says in an over friendly tone that makes her want to throw up as her heart starts to pound in her chest.
“What do you want?” she growls. This can’t be happening, not now. Where’s Chris?
“Captain America huh?” he says smugly as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“We’re friends... you know, something you tried to stop me having”
“You fuck this one too?”
“Fucks sake… he has a girlfriend”
“And… you had a boyfriend, didn’t stop you from fucking Sebastian”
She can’t help but roll her eyes at him, fighting the urge to laugh in his face over the fact that he’s still adamant she cheated on him.
“Believe it or not, you’re the only guy who’s put their dick in me” she scoffs, leaving out the part about how bad he was at it.
“I find that hard to believe. You’re too much of a slut” he tells her with a smug tone matching the smirk on his face.
“Go to hell” she growls, well and truly done with this conversation. She turns on her heal and starts walking away from him, stupidly hoping he’ll leave her alone.
“I’m already there, thanks to you” he spits, following her. She whips around to face him so fast she almost gives herself whiplash.
“There it is. Blaming me yet again. But why doesn’t that surprise me, you’ve never been able to take responsibility for you actions. You’re fucking pathetic” she says angrily, resisting the strong urge to push him into the water behind him.
“You watch how you speak to me” he demands, the vein on the side of his neck bludging.
“I’ll speak to you however the hell I want” she snaps, her voice full of hatred. She’ll be damned if she’s going to let him try to control her again.
“If we weren’t in public…” he growls, his voice so low that he sounds like a completely different person.
“You’d hit me?” she spits, balling her left hand into a fist as it starts aching. It’s like it knows that the person responsible for the nerve damage is right in front of her.
“How’s your son?” she asks, not giving him a chance to answer her last question. She sees his face drop and has to fight back a smirk as she starts to feel extremely smug at the realisation that she’s just burst his bubble because he clearly though she didn’t know about his infidelity let alone that it resulted in a child being born.
“What… you think I wouldn’t find out. She contacted me after you leaked what you did to the press. You thought you were so clever telling the whole world what you did to me, well it backfired on you didn’t it. Not only do I know about the child you abandoned, who’s beautiful by the way and so much better off without his father in his life, but you added to your list of criminal charges by releasing confidential information about an ongoing police investigation. Obstruction of justice must look real good on your resume” she continues, not giving him a second to open his mouth as she lets him have it.
“You better watch yourself. You’re not always going to have someone around to protect you” he says, looking like steam is about to come out of his ears.
“Is that a threat?” she asks flatly, refusing to show an ounce of emotion. She knows exactly what he’s trying to do and she refuses to give him the satisfaction.
“It’s a promise. You’re gonna get what coming to you. I’ll make sure of that” he tells her, stepping way too close to her in an attempt to intimidate her with his size like he used to do on a regular basis.
“Try it” she growls through gritted teeth as she stands her ground. She knows all she has to do is call out to Chris and he’ll be back by her side in seconds.
“You think you’re so fucking innocent in all this don’t you. It’s your fault it happened the first place”
“You’re fucking delusional. All I did that night was break up with you”
“We both know that’s not true”
“Believe what you want Travis”
She rolls her eyes and turns to walk away from him for a second time. There’s no talking sense into him and even if she could she doesn’t want to.
“Don’t you fucking walk away from me, you bitch” he snaps, grabbing hold of her arm in the exact same spot as before, only a lot tighter this time.
“Get your fucking hand off me” she growls, accentuating every word before ripping her arm from him grip “touch me again and I’ll break your fucking nose”
“Wouldn’t be the first time”
“You deserved it then too”
“So Ma’s already stressing about Thanksgiv… oh, sorry” Chris says as he returns to Maddie’s side, not realising she’s taking to someone. He has no idea it’s the man who almost killed her.
She moves behind Chris, putting him between her and Travis as her bravery all but evaporates. Her sudden change in behaviour definitely doesn’t go unnoticed by Chris, who immediately tries to make himself bigger to shield Maddie from the man in front of them.
“No, you’re fine. I was just going, see you round Maddie” Travis says, smirking at her as he walks away.
It takes everything in her not to grab hold of Chris’ hand to ground herself as she feels her panic starting to rise. She closes her eyes and takes several deep breaths to calm herself. She would rather drop the charges against Travis than let him see her have a panic attack.
“Are you OK?” Chris asks as soon as Travis is out of earshot. He knows something’s very wrong.
“Travis” she whispers, her eyes still fixed on her ex as she subtly points to him, her hands shaking.
“That was him?” Chris asks, stunned and furious at the same time. He honestly didn’t think that Travis would be stupid enough to approach her in public, especially now that people knew what he did. She just nods as she finally looks at Chris, her eyes full of tears. He’s never seen her so scared.
Chris lets out a low growl, balling up his fists as a blinding rage flows through him. He starts to walk toward Travis, planning to rip him a new one, when he feels Maddie’s hand gripping the back of his jacket.
“Can we just go… please?” she begs, her voice barely a whisper, her knuckles almost white from how tightly she’s clutching the fabric in her hand. She doesn’t want to be here anymore. She wants to be back in her apartment, cuddled up with Chris under her favourite blanket. She just wants to feel safe.
“Come on” Chris says quietly, moving his body to physically block Travis’ view of her as they turn and start to walk away. He instinctively puts his hand on her back, needing her to know that he’s right behind her but she pulls away from his touch without even realising what she’s doing, her brain too focused on getting to safety.
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Letting out a frustrated huff, Maddie tries for the third time to put her key in the lock but she can’t, she’s shaking too much. Without saying anything Chris takes her keys from her hand and unlocks the door, holding it open to let her through.
His instinct was to take her keys the first time he saw her struggle and he almost did but he stopped himself, wanting to give her a chance to do it herself before he took over.
She lets out a sigh of relief when she hears the two deadbolts lock behind her, knowing she’s safe, before feeling him give her shoulders a gentle squeeze.
“Are you Ok?” he asks quietly, kissing the back of her head. She turns and wraps her arms around him, hugging him tightly as she rests her ear against his chest.
She takes several deep breaths while she listens to his heartbeat, the steady rhythm helping calm her as he rubs circles on her back.
“I need a drink” she says after a few minutes before untangling herself from his embrace and making her way over to the bar cart. She gets her bottle of Southern Comfort and takes a mouthful, letting her head fall forward as she swallows down the liquid.
Chris doesn’t blame her for wanting to drown her feelings, he can’t even begin to imagine the thoughts going through her head right now. She has another mouthful of the whiskey before putting it back on the bar cart and letting out a shaky breath as she starts to rub her arm where Travis grabbed her, it’s starting to really hurt.
“Can I see?” Chris asks softly, putting his hand over hers which makes her jump slightly. She didn’t even hear him walk over to her, her head still back at Central Park.
She nods and moves her hand, letting him gently pull her sleeve up above her elbow. She’s already got several small bruises starting to form.
“Fuck, how hard did he grab you?” he asks, gently rubbing the marked skin.
“I don’t… I” she stammers, shaking her head as her breathing starts to pick up. She’s still shaken by what happened… and scared.
“Maddie, you’re safe” he tells her, hoping he can keep her calm enough to prevent a panic attack as he mentally wishes he’d punched the prick square in the face.
She looks at him with tears welling in her eyes, her chin starting to quiver as she tries not to cry and it’s like he’s been punched in the gut. She’s terrified. He’s seeing the direct impact her ex has on her and it makes his heart ache, she shouldn’t know what fear like this feels like.
“Come here” he says, wrapping his arms around her, only for her to suddenly push him away.
“No, no, no” she gasps, her voice filled with panic as her eyes dart all over, unable to focus.
“Maddie, look at me” he says firmly while keeping his voice as soft as possible so he doesn’t scare her more. All he wants to do is wrap his arms around her and hold her tight but he doesn’t, he can’t.
She’s just pushed him away, not wanting him to touch her because she’s struggling to process what’s happened, he’s not about to overwhelm her even more just because of his own need to reassure her.
“It’s OK, Maddie, you’re OK” he tells her, gently taking her face in his hands when their eyes meet. She just looks at him, her brain struggling to make sense of all the emotions she’s experiencing.
“You’re OK” he whispers, wiping away the tear running down her cheek. She nods at him, taking a few deep and shaky breaths. She gives him a tiny smile before she starts to walk to the couch only to stop after only a few steps because something just feels off.
“Ch… Chris” she stammers, reaching for him as she suddenly feels like she’s going to pass out. She stumbles over her own feet as her leg as give out, making him launch forward, catching her before she hits the floor. In her confused state, she tries to push him away, her fight or flight instincts kicking in.
“Please don’t fight me… please” he begs, gently pinning her arms to her chest as he holds her, trying to stop her from hurting herself as she struggles against him, her brain still trying to protect her from from the nonexistent threat.
“It’s Chris… Maddie, you’re safe… you’re safe” he says quietly as he continues to hold her, gently rocking them from side to side.
After several minutes of him trying to calm her from her panicked state he lets out a relieved sigh, feeling her whole body relax into him.
“Chris?” she asks cautiously, like she needs to confirm it’s him that’s holding her.
“I’m here, I’ve got you” he whispers, pressing a long kiss on her temple as she lets out a very shaky breath. He bends down slightly, hooking his arm under her knees and picks her up before carrying her to the couch. He sits with her on his lap, running his hand through her hair while she grips his shirt so tightly he wouldn’t be surprised if she tears the fabric.
“It’s OK beautiful, you can let it out… it’s OK” he tells her softly, knowing she’s fighting to keep herself from crying. He’s starting to recognise the signs of her trying to control her emotions and right now she’s displaying all of them.
A loud sob escapes the back of her throat before she buries her face in his neck, completely breaking down.
“I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere” he tells her quietly, rubbing circles on her back as tears start to fill his eyes.
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Curled up in the corner of the couch under her favourite blanket, Maddie takes another bite of the pizza in her hand, her eyes fixed on the TV watching McGarret make Danny have yet another cardiac event because of his neanderthal behaviour.
She’d had a short nap after her breakdown, which ended abruptly when she had woken with a start because brain decided to overreact when it heard Chris moving around in the kitchen as he tried his best to clean as quietly as he could.
He’d already tidied her room, changed her sheets and cleaned the bathroom before moving onto the kitchen. Nowhere in the apartment actually needed cleaning, Maddie and Sebastian both like to keep the place as clean as humanly possible, but Chris had needed a distraction from his own anxiety that decided to show up a few minutes after she’d fallen asleep on her lap, his brain finally processing everything that happened.
He’s worried about what Travis is going to do next, how he’s going to try to get to her again.
“How is it?” Chris asks as he puts down two drinks on the coffee table before getting a slice from the tray and sitting down next to her, his leg tucked under him.
“Steve and Danny are having another cargument because Steve used a grenade to open a door” she tells him, so transfixed in what she’s watching to realise what he actually asked
“I was taking about the pizza” he says with a chuckle, kissing her temple as she takes another bite.
“Oh…” she mumbles, immediately feeling stupid that she didn’t know what he was taking about before starting to panic, her brain reverting back to her past experiences with Travis.
Chris can see she’s beating herself up over her answer. He hates it, seeing her become so small all because she’s scared of his reaction to a simple misunderstanding.
“Mads” he says softly, hooking his finger on the side of her chin and gently turning her head to look at him.
“It’s really good” she says, giving him a soft smile as he runs his thumb along her bottom lip. He can’t help but return her smile as he watches the panic she tried to hide from her face melt away.
He leans forward and softly presses his lips to hers, slightly surprised when she returns his kiss with force, her arms coming up and wrapping around his neck while her fingers play with his hair.
“I thought you said you couldn’t cook” she whispers against his lips before pulling away and resting her forehead against his.
“This is one of the few exceptions” he says, smiling when she lets out a soft laugh, happy to hear one of his favourite sounds again. She presses her lips back to his, giving his a quick kiss before settling back into the couch and returning her attention to the TV.
He leans forward and gets his drink from the coffee table, accidentally knocking the TV remote onto the floor in the process. She lets out a gasp, visibly flinching at the loud clatter of plastic connecting on the hardwood floor.
Chris reacts instantly, putting his arm around her shoulder, his hand on the side of her head while he rests his forehead against her temple.
“I’m sorry beautiful” he says quietly, gently massaging her scalp as he presses soft kisses on her cheek.
“Accident… s’ok” she mumbles, leaning into him while she takes deep, controlled breaths.
After a few minutes she climbs onto his lap and relaxes into him, her face finding its favourite spot nuzzled in his neck as he starts rubbing circles on her back.
“Mads” he says quietly after a while, not sure if she’s awake or fallen asleep in his arms again. She lets out a hum, acknowledging him as she shifts slightly in his lap, trying to snuggle up to him even more which makes him smile.
“I’ve got an idea” he tell her, giving her a gentle squeeze. She sits up, settling back on his lap and looking at him while she waits for him to tell her.
“You got those new bath bombs the other day, why don’t you go have a nice hot bath and relax” he says, tucking the hair that’s fallen in her face behind her ear.
He knows she’s probably going to want a bit of alone time after everything that’s happened, even if it’s only for ten minutes. She lets out another hum, nodding in agreement as she closes her eyes. A hot bath sounds amazing.
She leans forward and kisses him before climbing off his lap. He lets out a sad sigh as he watches her head into the bathroom.
He’s worried about her, he can’t not be. He just hopes he’ll be able to support her the way she needs… the way she deserves.
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“Damn it” Maddie mutters to herself as she hangs her towel on the rail. She’s just realised she didn’t bring any pyjamas into the bathroom with her. They’re in her dresser, in her room, where Chris is currently stretched out on her bed. She considers calling out to him and asking him to pass her some but she’s so tired that she really doesn’t give a fuck. She figures he’s going to see her naked at some point, so she just shrugs and walks from the bathroom, across the living room to her bedroom.
“Feeling better?” he asks when she comes into the room, looking up at her from his laptop before quickly diverting his eyes back to the screen when he sees she’s naked.
He’s just finished changing his flight back to LA to Sunday, he isn’t about to leave her after what happened. He really wants to stay longer but he has an important meeting Monday that he can’t miss.
“A little” she says, not looking at him while she pulls out a pair of underwear and a random tee from her drawer. She can’t help but smirk a little as she gets dressed, she’d heard the sharp inhale of breath from him when she walked into the room.
She pulls her hair out of the back of the shirt as she turns to face him again and smiles to herself when she sees he’s starting at the laptop and not her. While a part of her wanted him to stare, she’s touched at his efforts to respect her. His eyes stay fixed on the screen until he feels the bed dip as she crawls up it to join him.
“Nice shirt” he says, clearing his throat. She frowns and looks down, laughing a little when she sees it’s a Captain America Shield.
“I stole it from Seb” she tells him, climbing under the blankets and stretching out.
“Of course you did” Chris laughs, it’s not the first time she’s admitted to stealing Sebastian’s clothes.
There might have been a time, when Chris was younger and stupider, that he would have been threatened by her relationship with Sebastian but not now. There is nothing between them but pure friendship. They love each other like siblings and besides some of his closest friends are female so it isn’t really fair of him to be upset about her best friend being male.
She lets out a shaky breath as she snuggles into him, hooking her leg over his, his leg hair tickling the skin of her inner thigh. He’d been so nervous when he asked her if she was OK with him getting rid of the sweats and just wearing a tee and his underwear to bed.
She wanted to tell him that he could go shirtless too but she didn’t, too embarrassed by the dirty thoughts she’d recently started having about him.
“You OK?” he asks as he wraps his arm around her, knowing her mind is probably stuck on what happened. She just nods and buries her face in his side.
She’s trying to convince him, and probably herself, that she is but he knows she’s not. He also knows she’s trying to be independent and deal with whatever has been brought up on her own because she still feels like she’s a burden.
“You don’t have to hide how you’re feeling from me” he says quietly. He wants to know how she’s feeling, what’s going through her head so he can help.
“I’m scared” she whispers, voicing how she’s felt since the moment she saw Travis that afternoon.
“It’s OK to be scared” he tells her, kissing the top of her head. He doesn’t blame her for feeling like this, she’d seen the person who abused her for two years, the person who caused her so much pain, physically and emotionally. He’d be concerned if it wasn’t affecting her.
“Can we watch a movie?” she asks, wanting to change the topic. She’s already thought about her ex way too much, she doesn’t want to give him any more of her energy.
“Anything in mind?” Chris says, reaching over and getting the remote from his bedside. It lives there now, well at least while he’s here, having moved from its original home in the top draw of her bedside table.
Every time they watch TV in bed she falls asleep before him, snuggled into his side. He’s actually fallen asleep with the TV still on more than once because he didn’t want to risk waking her by trying to reach over to get the remote.
If there’s one thing he’s learnt about women over the years it’s that you don’t wake them when they’re sleeping unless it’s a life or death situation.
“You choose” she tells him, knowing she’s probably not going to be able to pay much attention to it anyway.
While he looks for a movie she slips her hand under his shirt and starts drawing random shapes on abdomen.
Over the past few days he’s noticed she’s become a lot more comfortable with touch, seeking out parts of him that are normally covered. It’s mostly been the area under his belly button, her fingers absentmindedly playing with the hair that grows there but this morning he woke to her hugging him from behind with her hand up his shirt, basically groping one of his pecks. He’s not going to say anything about it, he’s actually been enjoying the feeling of her fingers on his skin.
“You ready?” he asks, starting the movie and putting the remote back on his bedside table. She lets out a small gasp when The Lion King starts playing.
“You remembered?” she asks, looking up at him surprised.
“Of course I did, it’s your favourite” he tells her, kissing her forehead.
“Thank you” she whispers, tears starting to fill her eyes.
“For remembering?” he asks, gently wiping her eyes with his thumb.
“For being you… making me feel safe” she says. Her words hit him, hard. He’s never stopped to really think about how her sense of safety changed drastically after what happened, how she spent so long feeling unsafe, even around people she trusts.
“Maddie, no matter what happens between us I want you to know that you will always be safe with me, always” he tells her, hugging her tighter and kissing the top of her head.
She lets out a quiet hum as she turns her attention to the movie she’s loved since she was three. By the time Simba is singing ‘Just Can’t Wait To Be King’ she’s fast asleep, face firmly buried in his side.
He can’t help but smile at the woman snuggled into him as he runs his fingers through her hair, the woman he’s falling in love with.
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astaldis · 1 year
My Febuwhump Masterlist
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Febuwhump Prompts Day 2 - Flinching, Day 5 - That's gonna scar
A higher authority: Cahir & Regis
"What if he's not coming back?"
"Don't worry about the Witcher too much, Cahir," Regis interrupts his young comrade in a raised voice so he would be able to understand him over the noise of the nearby waterfall. "He will be fine even without his sword and knives, I'm almost a hundred percent sure of it. It is a risk, of course, however, what is not? You took the risk in Belhaven and it nearly cost you your life, but you are still here, aren't you?" The higher vampire smiles at Cahir through pursed lips. "Which reminds me of my duties as a barber-surgeon. How's the head?"
"It's nothing, Geralt took care of it."
"Let me be the judge of that, son."
— When Geralt leaves Regis and Cahir to meet Avallac'h in the cavern below Devil Mountain, Regis takes care of Cahir's recent head wound. (Missing scene of The Tower for the Swallow chapter 7)
One-shot, Words: 1,690
Febuwhump Prompts: Day 5 - That's gonna scar, Day 6 - Secrets revealed, Day 8 - Panic, Day 9 - Voice loss, Day 10 - Difficulty breathing, Day 11: Fever, Day 12 - Can you hear me?, Day 16: Semi-conscious, Day 18 - Can't stay awake, Day 24 - Bloody clothes, Alt. 3 - Soft Words
Not Dead: Cahir x Yennefer, Cahir & Triss Merigold, Cahir & Vesemir
Somebody is shaking him by the shoulder, lightly, carefully. A gentle hand touching his cheek. A touch like the flutter of a butterfly's wings in the darkness. No, butterflies don't fly at night, must be a moth. However, it feels too wondrous to be a simple, drab-coloured moth. Perhaps he should open his eyes to see for himself? But they feel so heavy, his eyes, heavier than the heaviest lead. He feels weak too, too tired to move a single muscle. Why is he so damn tired?
"Can you hear me?" A female voice like from afar.
— Cahir only almost dies at Stygga Castle thanks to Yennefer and Ciri. Travelling through space, Ciri takes the badly wounded knight to Kaer Morhen. Months later, Yennefer and Geralt arrive at the keep to check on their friend, only to find out that there are still some lingering after-effects from his injuries. (Sequel to the one-shot 'If I don't make it back from where I've gone')
Chapters: 11/11, Words: 22,951
Febuwhump Day 23 - You'll have to go through me:
Where The Tulips Grow - Chapter 3: Yennefer x Jaskier
"Geralt, stop fretting and be reasonable. Half the continent is looking for Ciri! Every king between ten and a hundred either wants to marry and impregnate her, or kill her. Dijkstra has his spies everywhere, and so has the Emperor of Shitgaard. You stay here with Ciri, teach her all your Witcher tricks, and I save that bard of yours. You know I have done it before, even without my magic. With my chaos, it'll be easy as pie, you'll see. I'll only be a few days."
Swiftly, Yennefer kisses the white-haired Witcher on the mouth, hard and long, thus effectively preventing him from any form of protest. Which would be totally pointless anyway as it is a physical, psychological and metaphorical impossibility to win a fight like this against the black-haired sorceress once she has made up her mind. Which she has. Perhaps she is right, too, Geralt has to admit to himself ...
Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri learn that Jaskier has gone missing under suspicious circumstances. Circumstances that hint at a kidnapping. Yennefer leaves Geralt with Ciri and goes to save the bard. But not all goes as planned. The hero becomes the damsel in distress and Jaskier has to save the day. Post-season 2.
Chapters: 4/8, Words: 8,073 (Chapter 3: 2364 words)
Febuwhump: Alt. 10 - Inferno
Inferno: Cahir & Vilgerfortz/Tissaia de Vries
Suddenly, the fire in the background is gone, extinguished by an invisible force. The hill is shrouded in darkness. The sorceress pushes her hands out toward the advancing soldiers with a forward thrust of her arms. A powerful stream of bright yellow and purple flames explodes from her palms. The flames surge and roll down the hill, a creeping barrage, a deadly avalanche. It devours trees, men, every living creature in its path. An inferno of fire, of screams, pain and death.
— At the end of the Battle of Sodden Hill, Cahir watches the incredible inferno of flames that is devouring his army. Suddenly, there is a blast of magical energy ... (Missing scene from S2 E1 on how Cahir is captured by the Brotherhood. Prequel to "Not Cruel by Nature".)
One-shot, Words: 2,759
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sunmarketing · 1 month
Akureyri and Northern Iceland
Today’s Destination is: Akureyri and Northern Iceland
Today’s Misstep- My hostel was self-service, and someone was in my bed.
Travel Advice: Be on time if you are on a tour.
  FAQ: How do I navigate the city bus system when I don’t speak the language?
  Response: I traveled around the world for 90 days, and most of the time, I did not speak the language of that country. I had some challenges riding the bus in some cities; for example, Reykjavik, Iceland, was a minor disaster. You can use travel apps like Rome to Rio for bus or train travel guidance. You'll be able to get to the station early so that you can ask other people about the timing of the bus. In Goa, India, I waited at an unmarked bus station, but it never came, so I took a chance with a motorcycle taxi. Later that day, I waited at another bus station and was unsure where the bus would go, left or right. No one spoke my language. I finally got on my first of 4 buses to my destination. In hindsight, a taxi would have been a better option had one been available. Most of the time, you will get on the right bus, and you will be able to get to your destination. If you’re not in a hurry, even better. Enjoy the experience and travel light.
Today’s destination: Akureyri and Northern Iceland
  On my around-the-world trip, I had planned to drive the Ring Road in Iceland for 7 days, the final destination on a 90-day adventure. After many months of planning and reserving a car rental, I canceled with about 2 weeks' notice and decided to fly to the northern part of Iceland for a 4-day trip instead.
  I bought a round-trip ticket to Akureyri, and the airport to get there was tiny, so small that there was no security screening for passengers. There were about 40 people on the plane.
  Once I landed, I discovered there was no bus service to town, as it was not profitable. I hitched a ride to the cruise ship terminal with some airline pilots from Denmark who were with Viking Cruises whom I met on the plane. The terminal for boats was much busier than the one for planes. Five colossal cruise ships—mega-ships—were docked in town. I met a cruise ship passenger, Kelly, from Long Beach, California, sitting on a bench. She was retired, single, and had no kids. She broke her ankle, and walking the stairs is challenging for her now. She was sweet to meet.
  The town has only 20,000 residents.
  When the cruise ships left town, the city became peaceful and relaxed. 
  What did I do those days? It was a great adventure, as I had booked a hostel near a bus stop and Netto grocery store. I took a day trip to Lake Myvatn, the fourth-largest lake in the country. We saw the Godafoss, the waterfall of the Gods. I explored some caves and volcanic areas from afar. While there, I witnessed a long-distance run of 100 kilometers. The run starts at midnight, and I could watch the runners up close and even be at the finish line for several of them. How exciting. I also enjoyed the public pools with the locals every day I could. I felt like a local and explored the hikes and neighborhoods on the city bus. 
Today’s Misstep: My hostel was self-service, and someone was in my bed.
In other words, there were no administrative people there at all.
When I arrived, someone was sleeping in my bed. That was disturbing because there was no one to ask for help. The person was sound asleep and sick, and they would not move to another bed. I had five other roommates, but I did not want to take one of their bunks. So, I went swimming in a nearby hot tub instead and relaxed.
That night, I sorted it all out. The other roommates, who were from Germany and China, were kind and friendly, which made it all worth it.
Today’s Travel Advice- If on a tour, be on time.
  You may need to hitchhike if you miss your guided bus tour, so don’t be late. The driver may need to pick up passengers at another stop or drop off others. You can’t keep them waiting, so synch your alarm to return to the tour when needed.
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domxmarvel · 2 years
Requested by: @mintynoodle23
Pairing: Hiccup x Gender neutral!Reader
Words: 637 
Request:Hey! could do a dragon-shifter reader x hiccup? Kind of where the reader is just calmly going about being a dragon, eating, sleeping, flying around ETC but then they start to notice a certain black dragon and human following them around? Maybe the reader is a rare species, another night fury? Hiccup tries to get close to befriend the reader but they end up running off every time? Only really stopping when they trust him enough and end up revealing their human side? You don’t have to!
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Being a dragon shifter was one of the most incredible things but also one of the most dangerous,especially with the increased number of dragon hunters. Luckily you could hide in plain sight,but you couldn't stand to the side and let them hurt innocent dragons. Apparently you weren’t the only one,there were a couple of humans who rode dragons and fought off the hunters as well. You fought alongside them a couple times,but they followed you after. Sure they were good humans,who fought off hunters and saved dragons but you still didn’t trust them. So you decided to follow them around and learn as much as you can,you learned their names and their dragons names,their fighting styles and much more. But above all you learned that they really were good humans. You decided to follow them on one of their missions,but the only one that left was Hiccup. They usually worked as a team but he was all alone,you followed without letting him see you. 
He ended up in a trap and his nightfury got hit with a dragonroot arrow,he managed to fly to one of the nearby islands. You landed nearby,transforming back as you landed. He hid his dragon in one of the caves and covered the entrance so no one would see it. The hunters were running around the island trying to find Hiccup,you lost count of how many hunters you took down. He ran back to the cave when he saw a big group of hunters,you transformed back into your dragon form and took them out before going after Hiccup. That cave was way too easy to find,you knew this island pretty well and that there was a cave behind the waterfall that wasn’t easy to see. But the only way you could help him was to reveal your human form. You landed in front of the cave right before Hiccup reached the opening,he froze for a second before recognizing you. He slowly reached out his hand,carefully touching your head.
“It’s okay” His voice was so calming “I won’t hurt you” You already knew that. You turned around and walked into the cave. Hiccup walked past you to check on his dragon,you transformed into your human form,but he didn’t seem to notice. 
“You can’t hide here. It’s too easy to find you,you’ll be a sitting duck”He bolted up and turned towards you.
“Who are you?” He looked around,he was probably going to ask about the dragon.
“Call me Y/N,I’ll explain everything later. But for now you need to trust me,I know a better place to hide”
“So you’re a dragon?”
“More like half dragon,I have no idea how that works but it’s how I am”
“You always run away from us,so why reveal yourself now?”
“You needed help and I know you’d help me if I needed it. Anyway I know a cure for dragonroot arrows,but we need to gather the ingredients” You had been on this island long enough to know where everything was,you found everything really fast and made your way back to the cave. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Would you like to join us? To fight the hunters and save dragons”
“We’ve already fought the hunters together so that won't be too weird,but how would everyone else react? You know, having someone who can transform into a dragon?”
“They’d probably be extinct,and you’re a great fighter”
“And I can talk and understand dragons in any form”
“Really?” He was really excited about that. “Just come back and meet them,then take as much time as you want to decide if you want to stay”’
“Okay,I’ll give it a try”
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batfamtv · 3 years
i work for her
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summary: batmom meets the justice league
bruce wayne x fem!reader
word count: 1508
"Shall I fetch you some tea?"
You smiled from where you sat, and turned your chair to face Alfred, "Yes please. I don't know why I'm so tired already, I'm normally up and about at this time.”
Alfred chuckled knowingly, “Well, being a full-time wife of the Batman will wear one too eventually.” He walked to you, taking a peek at the numerous monitors you turned back to look at. “And it’s not even midnight yet.”
At the sound of the stone wall sliding open and elevator descending, you turned around to look. Alfred did too, but immediately turned to face you, about to inform you that he will be leaving you for a while to make some tea, but--
“Wow! This is awesome!”
Alfred did a double-take. You raised your brows. Bruce wasn’t alone. He was with the other metahumans, smiling tiredly with his cowl in his hand. “Brought some friends.”
While the other metahumans inspected the batcave, your husband was quick to approach you, giving you a warm smile. You reached from your seat to take his cowl and place it on the table, and bring your hand back to his, squeezing it lightly. “Missed you.”
His smile brightened, squeezing your hand back.
Alfred reached beside you to grab Bruce’s cowl, mumbling about making sure there was no damage to it.
You noticed the young, elated kid who was observing the batcave with fascination. This must be Barry Allen. Diana you’ve already met, but the rest not yet--at least, not personally. You’ve only gotten to know who they were from the research you helped conduct.
Bruce called to the others, “Everyone, this is Alfred and Y/N. I work for them.”
Diana approached you and Alfred, patting the latter in acknowledgment. You shuffled to get out of the chair you had curled into, but Diana quickly stopped you before you could get up, “No, Y/N. Stay.” She smiled at you.
“Thanks, Di,” you smiled back gratefully and with a nod, Diana excused herself. Victor Stone was walking behind Diana, only giving you and Alfred a stiff nod.
“Oh,” Alfred shared a nervous glance at you before following Victor again with his eyes. You lightly shook your head in amusement.
Barry Allen looked very excited to meet you and Alfred, raising both of his hands to wave at you, one hand waving at Alfred enthusiastically, and the other extending to wave at you. “Hi, Batman’s bosses!” You opened your mouth to correct him, but he was already gone in a flash.
Finally, Arthur Curry passed by you and Alfred, “This is badass guys,” before giving you a thumbs-up and following after the others.
Alfred looked so surprised seeing these many people in the batcave again after all this time. You grinned at him when he gave you a look, clearly showing his surprise. “Well, I’ll put on the tea. I was going to get Mistress Wayne and me some.”
“Great,” Bruce glanced at his new teammates, almost feeling a little awkward to see a lot of people occupying his batcave.
“I don’t know where we’re gonna find the cups,” Alfred replied, shrugging.
“Ooh, remember that tea set I got from Bludhaven? Those were nice,” you suggested. Alfred nodded, thinking, “I do, but wasn’t those destroyed when the Dami--”
“I think there’s enough left,” you told Alfred, “I’ll help you look.”
Alfred brought his hands up, gesturing for you to stop. “Please, Mistress Wayne, I got this. You can do me the favor of resting to revitalize yourself.”
You waved him off, rolling your eyes teasingly. “I’m fine, I just need some of your tea, Alfred.” He nodded appreciatively and excused himself.
Beside you, Bruce turned to look at you, moving from holding your hand to lean down to plant a quick kiss on your temple. You smiled and held his face, planting a small kiss on his cheek. “Alfred’s right, you should be resting.”
“I will,” you nodded, reassuring him. “I’ll have some tea and take a quick nap.”
“We might be leaving not too long after.”
“Then, I’ll see you off.” You smiled, caressing his cheek with your thumb. Bruce leaned into your touch, before glancing at the team and back to you again. You chuckled at how Bruce Wayne, the Batman, was subtly trying to excuse himself to return to his team, albeit reluctantly, “Go, silly! I’ll be here.” He gave you another kiss and walked over to the others.
On the team’s downtime, waiting for Victor to fix the aircraft, Bruce was watching you sleep, finding comfort in your relaxed face. Diana walked over to Bruce, nudging him, “You should take her upstairs to rest.”
“I would, but I know she’ll get mad.”
“How is she?”
Bruce sighed, “She’s tired all the time. I told her she should just rest, but she insists on helping us.” He smiled at Y/N lovingly, then scowled, as if remembering something unpleasant.
Diana furrowed her eyebrows, “What is it?”
“Uh…” he glanced at her, unsure whether he should divulge. He hadn’t told this to anyone outside the family, “I had a dream, like, I don’t know, almost like a premonition. It was the end of the world, and Barry Allen was right here,” he gestured to the spot Y/N was occupying, “and he said to me ‘Lois Lane is the key.’” He made a face, glancing at Diana, almost looking for advice on what this dream meant.
Diana shrugged half-heartedly, “She is… to Superman. Every heart has one.” She smiled, almost bittersweet, remembering hers. Bruce glanced to Y/N again, almost ready to agree with Diana and drop the conversation.
Despite that, however, he continued, “I think it’s something more. Something darker.” Worry was etched across his face. He hoped Diana was right. He hoped he was wrong.
A while later, you woke up from your nap to see the team and Alfred walking to the elevator. “Is it time to go already?”
Bruce looked at you guiltily, you looked so comfortable all curled up in the chair, he didn’t want to wake you. “Yeah, time to go.” He and Alfred, along with the others are on the platform now, ready to ascend to the top of the waterfall.
With a sigh, you rolled your neck and removed the blanket you buried yourself into. Bruce smiled when you waddle towards him.
Victor, Arthur, and Barry all shared the exact same looks, gawking at you and your pregnant belly. With one hand resting on top of your belly, you laughed at their shocked faces as the platform ascended.
“Wait, what? You’re very pregnant!” Barry exclaimed.
“I am!” You nodded excitedly, “I’m not due anytime soon, though. I’m just big.”
“Don’t you...I don’t know...Shouldn’t you file for maternity leave? You should be resting!” Barry replied, glancing at you and your tummy worriedly. With that, Alfred and Bruce both looked at you with the expression, “See? That’s what we’ve been trying to tell you.”
“Well, the Batman never rests…” you glance at your husband, “and neither does his wife.”
“Wife?” Barry was even more shocked. “I can’t believe Batman is married!” He glanced at Bruce before turning back to you, “Can I touch your belly?” Barry asked, looking like he was going to vibrate with excitement. You nodded, laughing lightly, “Sure, but the baby is sleeping, so no kicks.”
The platform ascended to the very top, the aircraft on top of you. You stared at it in disbelief, Bruce had tried for the longest time to fix it, and now it was here, fully operational. You turned to your husband, “You fixed it?”
Bruce shook his head, tilting his head to Victor. You turned to Victor, “You fixed it! Thank you!”
Victor nodded, “It wanted to fly. Flight is its nature.” Bruce nodded at him, grateful, “Yours too.”
Barry was still talking excitedly to your tummy, finally saying goodbye to the baby. He looked up at you and smiled, “Thank you!”
“Take care, Barry,” you smiled at him. Arthur turned to you, giving you a shaka sign before joining Barry to the aircraft.
Bruce turned to look at you and Alfred. You smiled at him, handing him his cowl. He took it gratefully, before turning to Alfred, “He’ll be here, Alfred. I know it.”
“What makes you so sure?” Alfred asked.
“Faith, Alfred. Faith.” Bruce smiled, looking back to you. “I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
“Will you be here by breakfast?” You asked him jokingly. He grinned and with a light shrug, replied, “Hopefully.”
You laughed, blowing him a kiss as the ramp closed in front of him.
Descending to the Batcave, you were met with an annoyed look on your son’s face, in his suit, wielding a katana. “They already left? I was supposed to come, Ummi!” He huffed, not mad at you but at his dad for leaving him behind.
You leaned down to kiss Damian’s temple, arm around him to guide him to the main house, “It’s a school night, sweetie. Maybe another time.”
a/n: I had a dream about batfleck and now simp mode is on overdrive
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dreamerstreamer · 3 years
Somewhere Only We Know
Pairing: god!Dream / DreamXD x gn!reader
Summary: [Reincarnation!AU & Dream SMP!AU] Being a god can be especially lonely—Dream knows that better than anyone. Yet somehow, you always manage to find your way back to him in every life you live. If only it didn’t hurt so much to love you.
Warnings: tw// mention of death
Word Count: 5.6k
A/N: requested by the lovely 🤡 anon, who asked for a piece based on keane’s somewhere only we know! i got rather carried away when writing this, and it’s certainly quite sad, but i hope you all enjoy it! <3
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Dream blinks lazily up at the fluffy clouds drifting across the cerulean sky, his emerald eyes tracing over their soft edges. He hums to himself as one of them drifts in front of the sun, the warm light suddenly leaving his face. Frowning, he sits up a little straighter, raising his arm above his head. He snaps his fingers once, and in an instant, the clouds vanish. Warmth floods his cheeks as the sun’s brilliant rays crash over him once more. He smiles, but it’s melancholic, a forlorn look passing over his face.
Just how long has he been alone like this?
Sighing, he rises to his feet, kicking at the soft dirt beneath the soles of his boots. His viridian cloak is light atop his shoulders, his wings neatly folded underneath the soft fabric. Above his head, his halos glow with a dazzling golden hue, sending beams of amber light flashing across the nearby tree trunks. Rolling his neck, he snaps his fingers again, and his wings and halos vanish in a flash. Just like that, the weight on his back dissipates, and his lips twitch. There—that’s much lighter.
His gaze flickers over to the waterfall lying just a yard away, rushing ripples of water streaming down the short cliff face and into the pool lying at its base. He crouches down next to the small pond, brushing his hand over the soft soil beneath his feet. Sparks shoot up his arm and into his fingertips, the earth suddenly bursting to life underneath his touch.
All of a sudden, a blossom sprouts from the ground, soft and pink as it unfurls its petals and soaks up the warm sunshine. Dream grins as row after row of flowers shoot up from the ground, circling around the pond and lining the trees around the clearing until suddenly, the whole space is surrounded by breathtaking blossoms. He stands back with a satisfied hum, glancing around himself with an almost nostalgic gleam in his gaze.
It’s been ages since he last returned to this little alcove in his favourite forest. He could tell no one else had stepped foot here except for him, too. After all, there was only one other person who knew about this place—the only other person in the world he knew would be able to find it in the first place.
Had it been decades or centuries since he last visited? He’s not sure anymore, but really, he’s not sure if he cares, either. There’s a reason why he doesn’t come back here very often—one that he hesitates to even think about.
It’s far too painful of a memory to relive.
Dream freezes, his eyes going wide at the sound of a new voice—a familiar voice. Slowly, he turns, his lips parting in awe as he sees a figure stepping into the clearing, a mix of caution and curiosity flitting across your cheeks.
He knows that face—knows you.
His heart aches at the thought.
“Hi,” he manages after a long moment, swallowing ever so slightly.
You flash him a sheepish smile, lowering your gaze to the ground almost bashfully as you brush a stray leaf off your shoulder. “I’m sorry if I’m intruding, or anything. I was just passing by when I saw the flowers, and thought they looked really pretty, and...”
You trail off, your voice growing smaller and smaller until it fades off into silence. Dream stares at you, unmoving as his heart races a mile a minute in his chest, battering against his rib cage as your timid gaze flickers to his.
“I, um,” you squeak out, feeling the intensity of his eyes on yours. “I can go if you wa—”
“No,” Dream suddenly blurts, the word flying out of his mouth before he can stop himself. He can already feel the heat flooding his chest at the way you startle in front of him, and he sucks in a breath.
“Wait,” he says, calmer this time. “Please, I—you’re not intruding at all. You can stay.” He takes a shaky step forward, offering you a crooked yet earnest smile. “I’d love it if you stayed.”
In an instant, your face lights up, and his breath hitches in his throat at the sight. “O-Oh, thank you! It’s nice to meet you. My name’s [Y/N].”
In that moment, he could have sworn his heart stopped and would never beat, again. “What’s yours?” you ask, your eyes shining like freshly cut gemstones.
His eyes scan your face for a moment, taking in the soft panes of your cheeks and the delicate curve of your lips as your smile leaves tiny cuts in his lungs.
“Dream,” he breathes at last. “Call me Dream.”
Suddenly, your eyes curve into tiny crescent moons as you grin at him, and he feels the loneliness flowing through his veins subside the tiniest bit.
Even after all this time, he still can’t bring himself to forget your smile.
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Dream hums to himself as he tosses a pebble into the pond from his spot on the fallen tree log. The stream laps at the stone once before swallowing it whole, letting it sink to the murky bottom without so much as a splash. A rustle comes from behind him, and he immediately whirls, his lips curling up into an eager smile.
“[Y/N],” he chirps, bright and keen, “welcome back.”
Your glowing face greets him in return, and he nearly combusts on the spot. He still remembers the way you had promised him you would return to see him again a week ago, when you had first stumbled upon his clearing. His head still spins at the thought, and it almost makes him forget the longing ache that sinks into his bones when his gaze lingers on you for a fraction too long.
You wave at him as you jump over a protruding tree root, crinkles forming at the corners of your eyes. “Good morning, Dream! What are you doing here so early? The market only just opened.”
He shuffles over on the log to give you room, raising an eyebrow at you. “I could ask the same of you.”
Crouching over, you settle down onto the space next to him, not at all noticing the way he stiffens when your thigh brushes against his. “I woke up early to watch the sunrise,” you say with a half-drowsy smile.
There is a beat of silence, then Dream tilts his head at you. “The sunrise?”
You bob your head, turning to look at him. “Yeah,” you murmur wistfully, raising your arm to wave your hand up at the sky above. “I love watching all the pretty colours fill the horizon. It only lasts a few minutes, but it’s so magnificent, and I always try to watch them if I can.”
His eyes flash as he takes in your gentle expression. Then, he opens his mouth, thoughtful and slow. “Sunrises, hm? What other things do you like?”
You pause for a moment. “Other things I like?” When he nods, you hum, averting your gaze from his until you find yourself staring over at the bubbling waterfall.
“I like... I like flowers,” you begin, “but you already knew that.” He chuckles at the hint of a smile that dusts your face before you continue. “I like exploring the market every Saturday, too. They always have something new to find.”
Suddenly, your eyes flicker to life, glittering with excitement. “Oh, I also like stargazing! It’s like watching the universe paint a picture with little crystals every night, and something about looking up at the sky makes me feel so small, and I... I...” You gesture vaguely, a frustrated noise escaping your throat. “I don’t know. I just like it.”
Dream cannot help the way his heart melts in his chest at the sound you make, a certain fondness seeping into his soul. You were always so endearing—always, always, always.
“What about you, Dream?” you say suddenly, looking at him curiously. “What things do you like?”
Dream blinks at you—once, twice. Suddenly, his mind is flooded with image after image, memory after memory.
He thinks of the millennia he has lived through, the cities he has watched rise and fall. He thinks of the countless distances he has wandered, travelling far and wide with a heavy loneliness hanging in his barren heart. He thinks of soft kisses pressed to calloused fingertips and fluttering eyelids.
Then, he looks at you, with your enraptured eyes and your glorious grin.
“You,” he says, sincerity gracing his every word. “I like spending time with you.”
He watches as you stammer in reply, your eyes going wide as you gape at him in a mixture of embarrassment and flattery. He laughs at you, and his heart swells in his chest.
He’s missed you—more than you would ever know.
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“Say, Dream, have you ever seen the ocean?”
The sun glares harshly into your eyes from where you lie on the earth, staring up at the cobalt sky, but Dream hardly notices—his eyes are too focused on you. “I have,” he murmurs as his gaze traces over the bridge of your nose in wonder. He’s seen more of the world than he would like to admit. After all, he was the one who created it in the first place. But to you, he’s just a simple traveler with a penchant for waterfalls.
Before he can even register it, you’ve bolted upright, bending over him with an excited shout. “Really?! What’s it like?”
He jolts at the sudden movement, all too keenly aware of how close your face is to his before his shuffles into a sitting position, resting his chin on his hand. “Well,” he begins, “it’s really big. So big that you can’t see the shore on the other side no matter how hard you try. It’s blue as far as the eye can see, and the breeze kind of tastes salty if you open your mouth.”
He catches a flash of your awed expression as he waves his arm in front of him to illustrate the vast size of the ocean. “The water,” he continues, envisioning the waves as they crash onto the sand, “is nice and cold, and if you swim deep enough, you might find fish and coral. It’s relaxing to watch the tide come up into the beach. Sometimes, shells wash up onto the shore, too. You can keep those as little souvenirs.”
For a moment, you are silent as you simply stare at him, something swirling deep within your gaze. “Wow,” you say at last, sounding completely breathless. “That sounds beautiful.” You stretch your legs out in front of you, your fingers curling into the grass spread beneath your palms. “My best friend says there’s mermaids in the ocean.” You scrunch your nose. “I don’t know if I believe him, though.”
Something dark ripples through Dream, and the tiniest of frowns passes over his face. “Your best friend?” he parrots.
You nod. “Yeah—his name’s Karl. He’s really nice and likes to goof off a lot. He’s also a really good storyteller!” You look at him then, fondly and with such a kind look it almost knocks Dream right over. “I think you might like his stories.”
His lips quirk up into a coy smile, and he leans ever so slightly forward. “Would I, now?” he croons, a teasing lilt tinting his tone. “What kind of stories does he like to tell?”
You clasp your hands together, excitement brimming in your face. “Oh, wonderful ones! There’s the one about the sleepy fox, the one about the pig who could not be killed, and the one about how we all face reincarnation after death, but my favourite,” you murmur, “is about the creation of the world.”
Dream goes still at that, his smile faltering for a split second. “How does that one go?” he asks softly.
You scoot the tiniest bit closer to his side, your gaze lowering ever so slightly. “Once upon a time,” you start, your voice as smooth as velvet, “a god descended from the heavens and carved the world into the shape it is today.” You traced your finger along the soft dirt. “He made valleys and hills, oceans and rivers, decorating the land with flowers and trees. The world he made was beautiful, but it was lonely, so he filled it with people to keep him company. He was so full of joy to have friends, until one day, he fell in love.”
Your demeanour, which had been cheerful up until this point, suddenly shifted, darkening as you let out a sigh. “He fell in love so quickly and so deeply that he was blind to the nature of his own creations, as they had a mortal lifespan, unlike him. When his lover died, a part of his soul died with them. He vanished after that, never to be seen again.” You curl your knees to your chest, resting your head upon them. “Some people say he wanders the world, mourning for all of eternity. Others say he died of heartbreak. Even fewer believe that his lover lives on and he loves them still, although they’re not entirely sure. Either way, he has yet to appear, and humanity quietly awaits for his return.”
Dream is silent beside you, his lips pressed into a thin line as his chest rises and falls with the timing of his breaths. “Why is that story your favourite?” he finally asks.
You lift your head, surprise shooting across your face. “I’m not sure,” you say softly, pondering for a moment. “I just think he sounds so... sad. It’s a tragedy, what happened to him. He only wanted to not be alone anymore.” Your voice drops even lower. “He only ever wanted to love someone.”
An ache suddenly expands within his gut, digging into his sides of his skull with such ferocity he fears he may never escape it. That same, fleeting sense of solitude slinks around his lungs, squeezing and squeezing until your eyes lock into his, and they halt.
“Do you think that he lives on?” you whisper, your gaze searching his. “That he might have found someone else to keep him company, despite his sadness?”
You pause, something like hope sparking within your eyes. “Do you think... he ever loved again?”
Dream stares at you, and stares at you, and stares at you. Your lips are right there, are so dreadfully close to him as he looks at you, feeling the blood pound through his ears as the pain in his heart begins to lift. It rises higher and higher within him before sliding off his shoulders entirely, leaving nothing behind but tender affection and warmth—a warmth he had been yearning for for so, so long.
He smiles at you then, and for once, this one is real.
“Something tells me he did.”
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Dream stretches his wings out behind him with a quiet groan, feeling the cool air ruffle his ivory white feathers. His cloak sits on the ground next to him while his golden halos spin rapidly atop his head from where they float, glowing faintly in the fading evening light. After a moment, he lets his wings fold back up against his back, lowering his arms with a sharp exhale. In the distance, he catches a glimpse of the setting sun just before it dips below the horizon, shrouding the world in darkness. With a bored look, he picks at his nail, curling his toes in his shoes.
He’s already waved you off and watched as you wove your way out of the clearing and between the forest’s tangled trees back to your village. Now, he has nothing left to do but wait for your return the next day, his throat aching for your arrival with every passing second.
How far I have fallen, he thinks distantly to himself, to be reduced to nothing more than a helpless admirer for a human.
A moment passes, and his heart sighs.
A lovely human, at that.
All of a sudden, he hears a stick snap behind him, and Dream immediately snaps his fingers, his wings and halos disappearing in a flash, almost as if they had never existed to begin with. Whipping around on his heel, he narrows his eyes at the clearing entrance, jaw clenched in preparation. His shoulders are raised at his side, tense with anticipation when just then...
...you stumble out of the forest, tears streaking down your face.
Dream’s shoulders fall in an instant.
“Dream,” you choke out, your voice cracking sharply.
You don’t even get the chance to open your mouth again before he’s standing in front of you, his hands gripping your shoulders as gently as he can manage. His eyes scan your face as his stomach churns with agony at the despair painted onto your features. “[Y/N],” he murmurs softly, “what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
You sniffle, lifting your head to look at him through watery eyes as you open your mouth. “Karl—he’s sick. Really sick,” you babble like a winding stream. “The doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with him, and he’s been coughing so badly that you can just tell he’s in pain. At this rate, I—I’m scared he’s not going to get any better. He... I’ve known him since forever, and I—”
The words die in your mouth as you cut yourself off with a broken sob, and Dream almost feels as though he’s been stabbed in the gut. He never wants to see you in pain, to see you as sad as this, and the fact that you are sobbing at all makes him want to wail himself.
Softly, he wraps his arms around you, pressing you close to your chest as he rocks you gently back and forth with your head resting on his shoulder. Your tears soak his shirt, but he doesn’t mind one bit. “Shh, [Y/N],” he coos quietly. “It’s going to be okay.”
You pull back with a wary gaze, fear etched into your features. “How do you know that?” you whisper. “What if he doesn’t get better? What then?”
Dropping one arm from behind you, Dream slips a hand into his pocket, quickly rubbing his fingers together. Just like that, cool glass that wasn’t there a moment earlier presses against the warmth of his palm, and he pulls out a vial filled with a pale, rosy liquid.
“Here,” he says, pressing the vial into your hand. “This is an antidote I’ve been...” He pauses for a split second, then fibs. “...holding onto for a while. For emergencies.” Slowly, he clasps your fingers until they’re closed around the glass top, sending you a reassuring smile. “Give this to Karl, and I promise you he’ll recover.”
You blink at him, your eyes glimmering underneath the light of the swirling stars overhead. “You swear?” you ask meekly, hope dancing along the edge of your lashes.
Dream swallows thickly and nods. “On my life.”
You inhale a deep, shuddering breath, then raise your hand to wipe at your eyes before smiling at him, warm and full of affection. “Okay,” you murmur as you step back from him. “I trust you, Dream.”
The next morning, you come tumbling into Dream’s arms with a gleeful cry, tears flowing freely down your face as you knock him to the ground. This time, they’re there for an entirely different reason as you ramble about Karl’s cleared airways when the doctor came to check on him after you fed him the antidote.
Beneath you, Dream relishes in the warmth of your body against his, praying you cannot feel the way his heart hammers against his chest.
There were not enough words in the world that he could use to describe how deep his devotion to you ran.
He fears there may never be enough.
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Months pass in a blur, and Dream watches with knowing eyes as summer turns to autumn. Soon enough, snow coats the clearing although the waterfall continues to flow. No matter how harsh the weather, you stumble your way back to the forest to him, and each day, Dream feels himself sink deeper and deeper into the very essence that is you.
To think that there was once a time he never wanted to return here at all.
“Dream,” you say abruptly one day, “you know, I think you might be my favourite person in the world.”
He cocks a brow at you, his lips twitching up into a small smirk. “In the world?” he repeats. “I think Karl would be offended.”
You roll your eyes at him, but you can’t stop the smile from stretching across your face. “Maybe, but it’s the truth!” You lift a hand and begin counting off on your fingers. “You’re—you’re so nice, and passionate, and bold, and bright, and...” You pause, then chuckle almost shyly. “I could go on and on, but that’s embarrassing.”
He chuckles at your words, only growing more and more enamoured with each word that falls from your lips. “It’s not embarrassing,” he says gently. “It’s cute.”
Your shoulders suddenly stiffen, and you slowly turn your head to glance up at him. “Cute? You think I’m cute?”
He doesn’t have to think twice about his response. “Very much so. I would dare say that you are even more beautiful than you are cute.”
You whine with a pout, heat crawling up the side of your neck as you dig your thumbs into your palms. “You can’t just say things like that.”
He stares at you for a second, then he flashes you a grin that is both parts wicked and affectionate. “Maybe, but it’s the truth.”
Your mouth drops open at the way he fires your own words back at you, and you gape at him a moment before you groan, reaching over to playfully bat at his arm. “Why, you!”
He laughs at you and loves the way he can tell your heart races in your chest. He loves the way you smile despite your small shouts of frustration. He loves the way you are just so endearing to him in every which way.
He laughs at you and he loves you, hopelessly and wholly.
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Dream gazes up at the orange sky with a slight frown and furrowed brows, watching as the clouds coast by overhead on a distant, northern gale. The waterfall babbles restlessly at his side, and he taps his foot against the smooth stones lining the pond with abandonment. The flowers he had once grown rake this petals over the soles of his shoes as he lets out a long sigh, anxiety slowly beginning to paw at his backside.
Are you going to show up at all today? he wonders. There are some days you don’t appear at all, typically because you had to run some errands or something of the sort, but those days are few and far between. He won’t chastise you for not seeing him, of course, but he cannot simply ignore the pang of his heart when he misses you so.
His fingers drum against the cool material clutched in his hands, and a melancholic look flits over his features. It would be a shame if you didn’t appear though, especially given what he had in mind for the day.
Right then, he hears your lovely voice call out for him. “Dream!”
His frown is immediately replaced by a smile as he whirls around to see you, his hands carefully tucked behind his back. “[Y/N],” he greets, striding up to you. “It’s good to see you.”
You’ve only just made it in front of him when he opens his mouth again, excitement filling his words to the absolute brim. “I brought you a gift.”
You blink wildly at him, pointing to yourself in surprise. “For me?”
His grin only grows wider, his heart leaping into his throat. “Of course it’s for you, silly. Who else?”
You squint for a second, then smile. “Karl?”
Dream deadpans at you, and you laugh in return, not noticing the way his eyes melt fondly at your expression. “I’m kidding,” you chide, shuffling a step closer to him. “So, what is it?”
He’s practically bouncing on the balls of his feet when he finally brings his hands out from behind him, pushing them towards you. “Ta-da! Here.”
Your breath catches at the sight of his palms, and with trembling hands, you reach up to pull the curved item from his hand. “Is this... a shell?” you whisper, your eyes as wide as saucers.
He nods, his emerald eyes gleaming with pride. “A conch shell,” he says. “From the ocean.”
You sputter as you gently turn the shell over in your hands, your fingers tracing over the solid edges with nothing short of pure shock. “H-How did you even get this? The nearest ocean is at least a week’s travel on horse away!”
Dream thinks of the wings he typically had tucked on his back and how they carried him to the ocean and back in less than a few minutes, but to you, he only smiles and shrugs. “I have my ways.”
You don’t respond for a moment, then two. All of a sudden, you sniffle, and Dream is bending before you in a heartbeat, his hands reaching for yours before just stopping short. “[Y/N]?” he asks in a soothing tone. “Is something wrong?”
Your gaze is watery, but only slightly as you raise your chin to look at him, your lower lip set with determination. “Dream,” you say with a shaky breath, “I have to tell you something.” You gulp. “It’s serious.”
Immediately, Dream’s mind runs through a million and five possibilities of what you could possibly say to him, each one increasingly worse than the last. Your family is in need of funds, or you’re about to leave on a life-threatening journey. Or maybe Karl is just sick, again.
But before he can run himself into the ground with his own worries, Dream lets out a breath and tilts his head at you. “What is it?”
Your gaze falls down to your feet, and you stare at the earth for an excruciatingly long minute. Dream simply stands in front of you, patiently and earnestly waiting for your response when you suddenly open your mouth.
“I—I love you.”
Dream’s lungs feel as though they are about to collapse in his chest. “You do?”
You bite your lip, but raise your head, your shoulders trembling at your sides. “Yes,” you whisper, the syllable steeped with emotion. With one hand clasped around the conch shell, the other reaches up to rest over your chest, palm pressed flats against your left side. “My heart is yours, all of it.”
The world is a blur of colours and sounds around him, and he can feel his head spin faster and faster as a wave of memories come crashing down over him, drowning him whole. He wants to tear his hair out and scream to the heavens above until his throat is raw and he can scream no more.
You love him. You love him back, and as much as he wants to burn your words into the back of his eyelids, something else sinks its claws into his heart and tears a hole right into the flesh.
This is not the first time you have spoken these words to him. No, not at all.
He had done his best to forget them over all those years, had tried his best to outrun the anguish with every century he lived through. After all, when you live as long as he has, it is only natural for him to forget some things. Through wandering across every land he had lovingly sculpted by hand, he had hoped to erase his suffering by engulfing himself in other worldly affairs, isolating himself entirely from others.
But no amount of time could ever truly erase the memories he had of you—the first incarnation of you, from all those years ago.
He remembers how the two of you had shared your first kiss under the light of the full moon, giggling to one another as he wrapped you up in his soft feathers. He remembers the way you would hold his hand and tell him about all the things you could not wait to do with him in the very same clearing he stood in now. He remembers the way your body went limp in his own arms, coughing until your lungs could cough no more. He remembers the agony and the torment as he wasted away, too caught up in the imprint of your skin against his before you turned to dust before his very eyes.
He remembers it all, and he cannot not let himself be shattered like that, again.
“I have to go,” he whispers, jerking his arm back from yours.
You whip your head up, pain shooting across your face. “Y-You’re leaving? What?”
He takes another step back and swallows down the lump in his throat, but it tastes like acid burning his stomach. “I—I can’t stay here.”
Before he can move back again, your hand shoots out to grab at the hem of his shirt, desperation soaking into your face: “P-Please,” you plead, “you can just say you don’t love me back. My feelings for you won’t change.”
He wants to cry. No, he thinks, it’s not that. It could never be that. Not with you.
You clutch at the cloth, hoping your feelings somehow reach him through your anguished touch. “I love you, Dream,” you begin, “I really do. I love how attentive you are, how much you always seem to care. You’re always so patient with me, so kind, so generous, and it makes me melt inside. I love the way your eyes shine so brightly, and I love your little freckles. I want to count them all, and I don’t mind if that takes the rest of eternity.”
You’re almost entirely out of breath by now, and Dream’s jaw has gone slack. He can only stare at you with a look of pure conflicting despair as your eyes search his for answers he knows he cannot possibly give. “An eternity with you would be nothing,” you breathe, your voice cracking. Your grip on his shirt suddenly goes limp, and your arm falls back to your side. “Please. Stay.”
The knife in his gut only seems to twist deeper as he takes yet another step back, his cloak feeling like a boulder upon his back. “I can’t,” he chokes out. “I really can’t.”
Tears line your eyes like tiny jewels, and he wishes he could wipe them away. “Why?” you beg. “Why do you have to go?”
He opens his mouth, then closes it, shaking his head. He doesn’t even know where to begin.
In front of him, a look of absolute defeat sinks into your expression, and your voice grows smaller than ever. “At least—at least tell me if I’ll ever see you again.”
Dream’s feels the back of his eyes sting, and he clenched his hands beside him. “Not in this lifetime,” he wants to say. “And hopefully not in the next, either.”
“I’m sorry, [Y/N],” he says instead.
Just like that, he watches as the light fades from your eyes, vanishing from sight as the setting sun watches on with a sad gaze. Your lower lip trembles, and before you can stop yourself, you’re crumpling to the ground in a heap and watering the earth with your tears. You clutch the conch shell to your chest and let it dig into your chest from how tightly you press it against yourself, your vision completely blurred. In front of you, Dream holds back tears of his own, forcing himself to look away from your broken figure as he walks toward the forest away from you.
Your wails follow after him even after he unfurls his wings deep in the forest and soars up into the sky, flying high above the world below as he dries his tears with the harsh wind that bites at his face.
He will not return here for a long, long time.
He doesn’t think he would even be able to bring himself to if he tried.
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Dream brushes a stray leaf off his shoulder as he steps over a root, his eyes focused on the bushes before him. A bird chirps as he strolls past a tree, nestling further into its nest as he ducks under the branch. He smiles at the sight, a deep fondness seeping into his heart as he lets his hand run over the tree’s hard bark.
He recognizes this forest—these trees. He knows this sky, has leapt over these rocks. He’s walked this path before.
It’s a shame he can’t remember how long it’s been since he last came here.
He hums a quiet melody to himself as he weaves a path between the trees, drawing nearer and nearer to the place he had been searching for with every passing second. He’s only a few steps away when a sound calls out to him—a sound that isn’t a part of the forest.
Dream goes stock still, his heart coming to a screeching halt in his chest.
He knows that voice, too.
Sucking in a deep breath, he slowly steps forward, out into the entrance of the clearing. In front of the waterfall stands a silhouette he is absolutely positive he’s seen before—countless times before. Something tells him that he should leave, that he should run far, far away and disappear from view. But as he watches the silhouette take a tentative step toward him, his inhibitions fall away.
Warmth blossoms in the space between his lungs, all encompassing and full of grief as he opens his mouth.
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storyheller · 3 years
(fix-it for 9x03, hurt/comfort, 974 words)
"You can't stay."
The words wrap around Cas' newly human heart like a vice grip, cold and unyielding. Thoughts fly around his head at the speed of light and with the painful edge of razor blades. Is it because I'm no longer useful? Did I do something wrong? Why don't you want me? Why are you casting me out when I have nowhere to go?
Did you like me better when I wasn't always around?
Dean isn't looking at him, his gaze staunchly focused on the floor, and suddenly Cas can't look at him, either. There are questions he knows he should ask, questions like will you help me out somehow or why are you doing this or even will you keep in touch with me so that I don't have to be completely and utterly alone, but his throat is tight and he can't make the words come out.
Cas knows, logically, that the longer he drags this out the worse and more awkward the situation will become, but his body won't cooperate with his brain's requests to get up and get moving. The wound of Dean's rejection is not physical, but the reaction to it is; his heart pounds painfully and anxiety sends his body shaking as though he's caught in the dead of winter.
Is this what a human's death feels like? he wonders as each shallow breath seems to tighten the coil in his chest. He reaches a hand up to press against the place where his heart is working overtime and feels a deep ache like it's about to give out.
"Cas?" Dean says, clearly waiting for some kind of response. He sounds confused, a little bit impatient, but there's also concern hidden underneath. For just a second, Cas thinks irrationally, you did this. Shocked and remorseful, he dismisses that thought, but the pain digs even deeper with the knowledge that it's Dean who's doing this, the man he's given so much for, the man he cares about more than any other.
The one Cas thought would be there for him.
Again, Dean says, "Cas...?" It's quieter this time, the worry shining though clearer, but Cas isn't really listening anymore. There's a burning behind his eyes that he doesn't recognize, and a strange nauseous feeling fluttering in his stomach. His breaths come shorter and shorter.
I don't understand why this hurts so much, he thinks, and suddenly Dean is at his side, dropping any facade he'd put up before. The man's concern becomes more open than Cas has ever seen, and he belatedly realizes that he said those words aloud. Dean is close to him now, his hands hovering around as if he isn't sure where to put them, and he tilts his head in an attempt to get Cas to make eye contact. Cas does, or at least he thinks he does because his vision is too blurry for him to be sure.
"What hurts, Cas?" Dean asks sympathetically, and Cas doesn't know where to start.
One tear rolls down his face, then another, and Dean carefully wipes them away with his thumbs, his hands framing Cas' face in a way that feels strangely familiar. The touch is soft and gentle, and Cas doesn't understand how Dean could touch him like this after such a definitive rejection. Again, the words echo through his head, you can't stay, and before Cas knows what's happening, the tears are rushing down like waterfalls and his chest is heaving with the force of his cries. His head drops forward into his hands and he can't think about anything anymore except how much everything aches.
Dean says something, sounding urgent and a bit frantic, but Cas can't hear him over the sound of his own gasping breaths and his heartbeat pounding in his ears. A few seconds pass, seconds that Cas is increasingly convinced will be his last, before Dean's arms tentatively wrap around him, his grip gentle but firm. One of his hands is splayed across Cas' back, and the other guides his head to rest on his chest, right over his heart. Dean's pulse is faster than average right now, but still much slower than Cas', his breaths are even and deep, and Cas can feel the vibrations of him speaking even though he can't focus on the words.
He finds himself trying to match the rhythm of Dean's breathing, and gradually his heart slows down until it doesn't feel like it's slamming against his ribcage anymore. As Dean holds him protectively, swaying them both in a steady and calming pattern, Cas slowly comes back to himself, no longer feeling like he's dying. Dean's voice filters back in to his awareness. "...that's it, just breathe with me, yeah? I've got you." The hand that had softly pressed his head to Dean's chest is now running through his hair, and the gesture is absurdly soothing. "I've got you," Dean repeats, and he doesn't let go, not even when Cas' tears stop falling and he stops shaking like a leaf.
"We're gonna figure this out, okay?" Dean promises after a long pause. "I'm not gonna make you leave." At those words, Cas finally relaxes, leaning heavily into Dean's embrace, and he's somehow more exhausted than he remembers ever feeling before; he can barely keep his eyes open, much less move anywhere.
"I'm sorry," Cas mumbles. He doesn't really know what exactly he's apologizing for, but he knows that he feels, once again, like an inconvenience. 
Dean hushes him. "Don't apologize for feeling your feelings, Cas."
The words make him smile. "Okay."
Cas falls asleep, right there in the library chair, and when he wakes up he's in a room, and when he leaves to chase the smell of breakfast he sees a hastily scribbled sign on the outside of the door.
Cas' Room.
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