severed-ties-uf · 28 days
Chapter Nineteen: Bracelet
Chara kneels alone in the Castle's garden with a small basket of weaving materials, making two beautiful floral bracelets out of the various magic flowers that litter the garden. For hours they sit there, hand crafting the bracelets, making sure they’re perfect. In a couple hours from now, Sans will arrive, as they had planned, and the bracelets had to be ready.
Sans sits up in his bed, looking at the clock, panic fills his eyes. “Shit! I overslept!” He says to himself, quickly getting out of bed. “We agreed to meet at the castle garden at 10:00, which was TWENTY minutes ago!”
He picks up his phone, 3 unread messages {
Chara: “Sans? Where are you?” (20 minutes ago)
Chara: “Did you oversleep?” (18 minutes ago)
Chara: “Sans?! I’m starting to get worried, we agreed to meet at this time, didn’t we?” (5 minutes ago)
“Oh, no. Oh, no. No. No.” He says, dropping the phone on the table and covering his eyes with his hands, “I'm an awful person. I let them down…” He stays silent for a moment, almost hesitant to reply.
Eventually, he picks the phone back up {
Sans: “Chara im so sorry i overslept”
Sans: “i didnt mean to i swear im so fucking sorry”
Chara: “Hey!”
Chara: “Oh, it’s okay, don’t worry about it. It’s only 20 minutes. Besides, I’m glad you got some extra sleep.”
Sans: “i know i let you down im a shit boyfriend”
Chara: “You are not! Don’t say that!”
Chara: “You made an honest mistake, and this is the first time it’s ever happened. I forgive you. It’s okay.”
Sans: “thank you”
Chara: “You’re welcome! Now, when do you think you’ll arrive?”
Sans: “gimme 5 minutes I wanna look somewhat presentable”
Chara: “Okie-dokie :D”
Sans puts the phone down, taking a sigh of relief. “I don’t deserve them.” He says to himself, chuckling. He quickly changes clothes, tosses on a jacket and puts on shoes before teleporting to the castle garden.
Sans arrives in the garden, and walks around until seeing Chara; they lock eyes.
“Sans!” Chara exclaims running up to and embracing him, “you made it!”
Sans returns the hug, placing one of his hands on the back of Chara's head. “That I did.” He says, loosening the hug, “Once again, I’m sorry for sleeping in, I-“ he stops himself.
Chara places their hand on the side of Sans' skull. “I told you, it’s okay, I’m not mad. And most importantly, you’re not a bad boyfriend.” They say softly and consolingly, kissing him on the cheek. “You know I’ll always love you, right?”
Sans, meets Chara's eyes, “I know that! I… I guess I was just being paranoid.” He responds, looking down, “And I will always love you, too, Chara. I promise.” Sans places his hand back on their head, pulling them in and planting a nip on their cheek. “I promise.” He repeats, as they both pull away from each other.
“Good!” Chara exclaims. “Come on, this way!” They say, as they grab his hand and begin to lead him to a clearing in the garden.
“Alright, after you.” Sans replies.
Once they reach the clearing, Chara sits down, motioning Sans to do the same. Chara reaches into the basket sitting between them. “I have a surprise for you!” They say.
Sans perks up, “really?” He asks, looking around, trying to peak into the basket.
“No peeking!” Chara quickly demands, holding the basket away.
Sans instantly backs up, “sorry.”
Chara giggles, “now, close your eyes and hold out your hand.” They say.
Sans does what he is told, holding his left hand out in front of him, and closing his eyes. “As you wish, sweetheart.”
Chara pulls out one of the floral bracelets, putting it on their wrist, then grabbing the other and placing it on Sans' wrist. “You can open your eyes now.” They say.
Sans opens his eyes, looking down at the matching bracelets. He lifts his arm, inspecting every last detail of the bracelet. “Wow… Chara, this looks incredible!”
Chara blushes, giggling. “Do you like it?” They ask.
“I love it, Chara. It’s beautiful.” He responds, smiling. “You’ve made floral stuff for me before, but this is on another level of intricacy and beauty.”
Chara’s face is now completely red, “thank you!” They respond. “I made one for myself as well!”
“I can see that, they both look amazing.” Sans replies.
Chara sits straight up, holding out their wrist and pointing at the flowers dawning the bracelet. “And the best part is, these are magical flowers, meaning that these bracelets will last pretty much forever as long as we take care of them.” They say, smiling. “Think of these like ends of an invisible string that tie us together, they represent a physical manifestation of our love for each other.”
Sans holds out his hand, resting it on Chara's arms so that the bracelets touch. “Do you think that invisible string is the same string of fate as the one which is to each other?” He asks.
Chara meets Sans' eyes. “It very well could be.” They say, pulling him into a hug, and placing their head on his shoulder. “And when that tie is severed, you’ll always have something to remember me by… so… in a couple years whenever you’re lonely, just look down at your wrist, and remember that I’m right there with you.”
“Yeah…” Sans replies, pulling away from the hug and making eye contact, “but, let’s not think about that too much, shall we?”
Chara perks up, “You’re right, let’s talk about something else.” They say. “Is there anything you want to talk about?”
“Hmm…” Sans says to himself, before reaching into his pocket. “While we’re on the topic of gifts, here’s your gift from me.” He adds, as he pulls out two bars of chocolate, neatly wrapped together with a flower decorating them.
Chara gasps, as Sans hands it to them, “thank you!” They exclaim, inspecting the intricate wrapping and the beautiful rose on the font. “Did you wrap this yourself?” They ask.
“I wish I was that talented.” He replies chuckling nervously. “No, the shopkeeper who I usually buy chocolate from gave that to me, because she knows we’re dating.”
Chara smiles, “well, I appreciate it nonetheless!” They respond.
As Chara begins to pull out the first bar, Sans interrupts. “Chara? I have a question, if you don’t mind.”
“Ask away!”
Sans scratches the back of his skull, almost nervously. “I’m just curious, but I’ve noticed that you’re always so happy whenever I give you chocolate as a gift… despite the fact that you basically have an endless supply of chocolate thanks to his highness. So, I’m just wondering what’s so special about it when I give it to you?” He asks, looking down.
“Because it’s from you, Sans!” They reply, grabbing ahold of his hand. “The fact that it’s a gift from you—my beloved boyfriend—makes it special. Even if it was something completely inconsequential, I’d be happy, because it’s the thought that counts.” They say, holding his hand to their heart.
Sans smiles, chuckling to himself.
Chara cocks their head to the side with a confused expression, “what’s so funny?” They ask.
“Nothing, that’s… just a very you answer.” He responds, smiling adoringly, “always so cheerful and positive. Always seeing the best in everything and everyone.” He says as he cups their cheek with his hand.
Chara giggles, placing their hand on his arm. “It’s funny, because… every time I give you something, you’re always just as grateful, no matter how small.” They say, before leaning in and kissing his forehead.
“I guess you’re right,” Sans responds, “because they’re from you, they matter so much more than any other gift ever could.”
Chara smiles, leaning in and embracing him once more, “I guess we’re not all that different, huh?” They say jokingly.
“I wouldn’t go that far.” Sans responds, laughing.
Chara stands up, wiping the dirt off their trousers, “come on, let’s walk around,” they say, holding out their hand.
“Sounds good to me,” Sans responds, grabbing Chara's hand, and letting them pull him up.
Chara and Sans sit on a bench on the edges of the castle grounds overlooking the lake in Waterfall a great distance away.
Chara holds out their hand, feeling the chill air. “No matter how many times I see Waterfall, it will never stop being beautiful.” They say, looking over the edge, “sometimes I wish I could stay here all day watching it.” Chara leans into Sans, wrapping their arms around him, cuddling.
“Yeah, it really is beautiful.” He says, leaning back, and placing his arm over their shoulder.
Chara looks up to him, “I love you,” they say softly.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He replies, nipping their cheek, “and I always will.”
They stay silent for a minute, the only sounds being that of waterfall in the distance, and the soft sounds of Chara breathing.
“Sans?” Chara asks.
“I'm scared…” they respond, quietly.
Sans lets out a slow breath. “I know… I’m scared too, Sweetheart…” he whispers back, “I’m scared too…”
“Just, remember me okay?” They ask, tears streaming down their face.
Sans lowers his head, trying not to cry. “I promise.”
Chara hears something running behind them, suddenly their right shoulder is pierced by a throwing knife, as they scream out in agony.
Chara -5hp (15/25)
“Oh, shit!” Sans yells, his left eye glowing, as he grabs Chara. He quickly stops a second knife (flying from above) midair with gravity magic , and teleports himself and Chara back inside the Castle and into Chara's room.
“Ow! Ow! It hurts so much!” They yell in pain, as they try and remove the knife.
Sans tries to grab the knife as well, before he’s interrupted by the door flying open.
Toriel runs in, face filled with concern. “What happened!?” She yells, as she quickly takes ahold of Chara.
Sans looks up to her, “I don’t know! We were just sitting when suddenly someone threw a knife into them from behind us!” He responds panicked.
“Oh, no…” Toriel responds, quickly stabilizing Chara with healing magic. “Chara, you’re going to be okay, just hold still, okay?”
“Okay,” Chara squeaks out over the pain.
After twenty minutes, Toriel is able to clean up and mostly heal the wound. Holding the now unconscious Chara. “Okay, that should be good. Now all they need is some rest.” She says.
“Is there anything else I can do to help?” Sans asks, placing a hand on Chara's forehead.
Toriel places Chara in bed, and pulls the covers over them. “No, you’ve done all you can,” she says, “Thank you, so much.”
“You’re welcome,” Sans replies, as he teleports himself back home.
Author's notes:
Sorry for the long wait, y’all. But these should come out more regularly now.
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severed-ties-uf · 29 days
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severed-ties-uf · 5 months
Character Asks are open, so if any of y’all (all like- three of you) wanna ask and of the characters questions, go ahead and submit an ask.
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severed-ties-uf · 5 months
Chapter Eighteen: Beloved Prince
This chapter takes place the day after the last.
Asriel walks through Old Home, wearing his formal outfit, now standing in the spot where Chara was attacked. He looks around noticing the obvious wear on the surroundings from the battle, then attempts to pick up the scent of the monsters involved. Chara already told him what species' the monsters belonged to, now he just has to track down the specific ones.
“Hmm…” Asriel thinks to himself, “I should probably go with plan A, and ask around for answers.”
Asriel stands up, and continues walking through Old Home, he wanted to ask around this area first before going into the city. Eventually, he noticed a group of four, late-teen/early-adult monsters conversing in a neighboring room.
“Howdy!” He says, as he approaches the group.
The monsters immediately turn to face him, shocked. “Prince Asriel?” One of them asks. “Your Highness?” Asks another. The other two are too stunned to speak; but they all collectively bow regardless.
A female bird monster in the group takes a step towards Asriel, “How can I… we help you, your Highness?” She asks.
Asriel kneels down to level himself with the group of monsters. “I’m looking for some answers regarding a recent attack against Chara—i.e the human.” He begins. “It just happened yesterday, just a couple rooms away from us, so I’m curious if any of you know anything? Or anyone involved in the attack?” He asks.
The monsters go silent for a moment, taking looks at each other. Eventually a Whimsun speaks up, “uh… y-Your Highness?” It asks.
“Yes?” Asriel responds.
“I know one of the guys who attacked them. A Parsnik named Naga who lives not too far from, here. Apparently, the skeleton with the human fucked her up pretty bad and she barely escaped with her life.” The Whimsun explains.
The three other monsters in the group turned to face the Wimsun in shock. “It was Naga!?” The bird monster asks in shock.
The Whimsun nods.
“I see,” Asriel begins. “Thank you!” He exclaims. Asriel reaches into his pocket, pulling out a 50g coil, “here, as a thank you gift” he says, as he hands the coin to the Whimsun.
“Oh! T-t- Thank you, your highness! And- and- you’re welcome!” The Whimsun replies.
“No problem,” Asriel replies chuckling. “I’ll be going now, thanks again!”
The bird monster takes a step forward, “Wait, Your Highness.” She says.
“Yes?” Asriel asks.
“I can take you to Naga's home if you’d like. Save you the trouble of having to find it yourself.” She offers.
“Really? Thanks! I’ll take all the help I can get.” Asriel replies. “Lead the way!”
The bird monster begins to walk, with Asriel following.
“What’s your name, by the way?” Asriel asks.
“O- oh, my name is Linda” She shyly responds (trying to hide the blush on her face), “I’m an eighteen year old bird monster living here in Old Home. It’s an honor to speak to you, your Highness.”
“Ah, well, nice to meet you, Linda.” Asriel replies. “And it’s nice speaking to you as well, I don’t get many opportunities to talk with my people nowadays, so it’s always appreciated.” Asriel explains, smiling. “But even when I do, a lot of people are too shy to say anything, which is a shame, because I love talking to y’all.”
“You’re our beloved Prince, your Highness.“ Linda replies.
“I know. I just wish people realized that there’s nothing to be worried about. And that I won’t judge them.” Asriel says.
Eventually, they reach street level, walking over to a small group of houses, offset from the main city. As they walk past, they notice nearby monsters stopping and looking upon noticing their prince.
“Right this way, your Highness.” Linda says, eventually stopping upon reaching a specific house, “this is the house.”
“Thank you very much, Linda.” Asriel says, giving her a 50g coin as well.
“You’re welcome, your highness!” Linda replies, turning around and walking away, face red with blush.
Asriel walks up to the door, and knocks three times, waiting for a response. Eventually, a young Vegetoid—no older than nine—opens the door.
“My Prince?!” The Vegetoid asks in shock, “I… umm… what can I do for you?” He asks.
“Hey, I’m looking for a Parsnik named Naga, I’ve been told she lives here, is that true?” Asriel asks.
The Vegetoid starts stuttering, unable to form words. “I umm… she…”
Asriel kneels down to face the Vegetoid, eye to eye. “Don’t worry, young one. Just tell me the truth.” He says calmly.
“Yes. She does live here.” The Vegetoid responds.
“Good.” Asriel says, rubbing the monster's head, and standing up. “Can I speak to her?”
“She’s downstairs.” He says,
“Thank you.” Asriel respond.
Asriel begins to walk down the hallway, taking a left and walking down the basement stairs, “Miss Naga? I’d like to have a word with you.” Asriel announced.
No response.
Asriel kept walking, eventually he turned a corner, with a doorway leading to a larger room, he stops, sensing an ambush.
Walking into the room, he immediately—without even looking—catches a spear being thrusted at him from the right with one hand. Asriel turns his head to face the monster, it was a bipedal lizard monster, holding the spear with all of her might, trying to thrust it into him. “Really?” Asriel asks, sounding disappointed.
“Shit!” The lizard monster yells.
From around the corner jumps Naga, firing magic snakes at Asriel, who intentionally lets one hit him and incinerates the rest.
Asriel -1 hp (12,499/12,500 remaining)
“Really?!” Asriel asks, as he rips the spear out of the lizard monster’s hands, and knocks her out with the blunt end. Now turning to face Naga, spear still in hand.
Naga attempts to run, only backing herself into a corner. “Please, your Highness, I didn’t realize it was you, I’m innocent!”
Asriel corners her, stabbing the spear into the wall next to her. “Innocent, huh?” Then why’d you attack Chara yesterday?” He demands.
“I… how’d did you?” She asks,
“I’m the one asking questions here.” Asriel states coldly, “now talk, or I’ll make you talk.”
“We hate humans, like everyone down here. We saw our opportunity, and took it.” She says.
“Are you sure there’s not more to it than that? You laid a rather decent trap there, you sure you didn’t have prep time?” Asriel asks generating a fireball in his hand.
“Okay! Okay! You’re right!” She yells, “we were tipped off by someone. Someone told us they were going to be there, so we prepared a trap.”
“Who?!” Asriel demands.
“I don’t know! I actually don’t know! Please don’t hurt me!” Naga begs.
Asriel extinguishes the fireball. “Do you know who DOES know?”
“Yes, Luka, the Whimsalot the skeleton killed.” She responds. “He’s the only one who the person spoke to, and even Luka refused to describe him at all.”
“Damn. I guess I got to pay his family a visit.” Asriel says, backing off of Naga. “Who was the Astigmatism you worked with?”
“Layla. She lives two doors down.” Naga responds.
“Good.” Asriel says. “As for you: You’re under arrest for direct assault on Royal Property, same with your friend here, and Layla. Guards will be here to extract you soon. Goodbye.” Asriel says, turning around and walking away.
Asriel approaches the house belonging to the family of Luka, the Whimsalot killed by Sans. He knocks on the door, a couple times.
Opening it, is another Whimsalot, a female one. “Your Highness? How can I help you?”
Asriel once again kneels down to face her. “I’m sorry if this is a terrible time, I know you’re all grieving, but can I talk to you about Luka, please?”
The Whimsalot looks down, bowing. “Yes, you may. What do you want to know?”
“Did he mention anything about getting tipped off by a stranger on the location of Chara yesterday?” Asriel asks.
“Yes, in fact he did.” She responds.
Asriel perks up, “Did he describe him at all?”
“If I remember correctly, he said he was tall, and wearing a black cloak, but he could make out skeletal features on him.” The Whimsalot says, “and that he vanished into thin air after informing him.”
Asriel freezes. Looking down, and taking a deep breath. He pauses for a couple seconds. “Thank you.” He says, placing 300g in the hands of the Whimsalot, “and, I’m sorry for your loss.”
“You’re welcome, and thank you, your highness.” The Whimsalot responds, before closing the door.
Asriel talks to himself, “So now, Asgore AND Gaster are both definitely trying to kill off Chara through other people, fucking fantastic.” He says sarcastically.
Sans and Chara mess around in the snow outside the door leading to Old Home.
Chara takes a step back admiring their creation. “Look! It’s a Snow Sans!”
Sans looks at the sculpture, it’s surprisingly accurate for something made out of snow. “Looks just like me”. He walks over and stands next to it. “Can ya tell the difference?”
“Nope!” Chara responds giggling, “it’s pretty cool, right?”
“Oh, chill with the snow puns, we all know that snowbody finds them that funny.” He responds laughing.
Chara walks up to him, kissing and embracing him. “Don’t be so cold, Sans, I snow you love them.” Chara exclaims.
“Icy what you did there.” Sans replies, nipping their cheek.
Suddenly, the Old Home door swings open, and out steps Asriel.
“Azzy!” Chara exclaims running over and hugging him.
“Hey, Chara. I missed you too.” He says, ruffling their hair.
“Hey, your Highness.” Sans says.
“Howdy.” Asriel replies. “What are you two doing out here?”
“Oh, we were just playing in the snow, and I wanted to sit here so I could see you when you came back!” Chara replies.
“Yeah, look at Chara's sculpture of me.” Sans says.
“Very impressive, Chara.” Asriel praises.
Chara giggles, “Thank you!!”
“Anyway, I’ll leave you guys to it, I'm going into town to hang out with Jackie, see y’all later.” Asriel says, as he begins walking away.
Sans gets a notification on his phone, a text from Asriel, saying. “Your dad is the one who informed the gang of your date location, do not trust him.” Sans pauses. Taking it in, filling up with rage.
“Sans?” Chara asks, worried.
“Oh, I’m alright.” He responds.
“You sure?” Chara further asks.
“… positive.”
Author's notes:
I had to throw in a bit of Sans and Chara at the end there, I just had to.
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severed-ties-uf · 5 months
Chapter Seventeen: Guardian Devil
Sans and Chara lie in bed, Chara sleeping right next to him.
When they arrived home, Sans helped clean the dust off of Chara, and delivered the pouch of Whimsalot's dust to Asriel while Chara was showering. When they finished showering, they spent nearly half an hour crying into their mother’s arms, while being comforted by Sans and Asriel. Eventually, they got ready for bed, but it still took over an hour for them to fall asleep.
Sans continues watching them as tiredness slowly takes its hold over him. He brushes his hands softly through Chara’s hair, reflecting on how the day went; could he have done something better? Something that wouldn’t have left his beloved Chara traumatized? Maybe.
Eventually, these thoughts subsided as Sans finally falls asleep.
“No! Why!?”
Sans awakes to the sound of Chara's pleading, quickly turning to see their sleeping face, covered in tears.
“Why? Why!?” They cried, “why would you do that? You had so much to live for.”
“Chara?” Sans asks.
“So much dust! So much dust!” Chara states, crying and twitching.
Sans places his hand on Chara’s shoulder and shakes it, “Chara. Chara! Wake up!” He demands.
Chara's eyes blink open, “Sans?” They ask.
“Chara, it’s me, it’s okay.” He responds.
Chara quickly wraps Sans in a hug. “I can’t- stop seeing his death on repeat. I can’t get the feeling of the dust off my fingers! I- I-“ they say, continuing to cry, unable to complete their sentence.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Sans says, returning the hug, “I’m so sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?” Chara asks.
“Because it’s my fault.” Sans responds. “It’s my fault he died, I could’ve done something different.”
“It’s not your fault, Sans. You were doing your best to protect me.” Chara replies.
“I could’ve teleported us out of there, Chara. But I didn’t, and he died.” Sans responds. “I didn’t think of that, and that’s my fault.”
Chara pauses for a moment, “Sans… you weren’t thinking straight, you were rushed with the need to protect me, and you did just that. It’s not your fault. It’s Whimsalot's fault for attacking me, don’t blame yourself for this.” They say.
“Fair enough.” Sans replies.
“I- I just- don’t understand why he attacked me, after all of that. I don’t understand.” Chara says.
“This world is a cold, dark place, Chara.” Sans says, brushing his hand through their hair. “You shine brighter than anything else down here, and that’s one of the reasons why, people like: me, Asriel and Jackie have sworn ourselves to protect you, no matter the cost.”
“You’re quite the guardian angel, Sans.” Chara, says, smiling.
Sans simply chuckles in response.
Chara yawns and snuggles up with Sans, resting their head on his chest.
“You sure that’s comfortable, sweetheart?” Sans asks.
Chara giggles softly, “yup!” They exclaim.
“How? It’s just bone with a t-shirt on top of it?” He asks.
“Because it’s you!” They reply, nuzzling themselves into his chest.
Sans places his hand over Chara's head, “good night, Chara.” He says.
“Good night, Sans!” They respond.
Chara closes their eyes, and falls asleep.
Sans ponders to himself, “I’m their guardian… “angel”… right…” he whispers. “I’m no angel… the only angel down here is Chara. I’m just a devil, like all the rest.” Sans looks down to Chara, fast asleep, “this world doesn’t deserve you, Chara. I don’t deserve you.”
Asriel sits at his desk in his study, propping his head up with his arm; it’s late, really late. Chara and Sans went to bed hours ago, it’s currently 11:02 pm, and he is tired.
He’s spent the last couple hours looking at posted evidence, trying to figure the reason behind the attack on Chara. Was it unrelated to anything? Was it launched from a gang, resistance group, or terrorist organization? Was his father behind it?
All questions that turned up zero answers thus far. If his father was once again behind it, then, why? Asriel knows his father plans to kill Chara on June 17th anyway, why fund assassination plots?!
Asriel quietly growls out of frustration, to him, it felt like he was constantly on the edge of tearing his fur out with everything going on. Asriel looks at himself in the reflection of the window situated by his desk, looking at the bags developing under his already strained, red eyes.
He yawns, laying his head down on his desk. Suddenly he hears Jackie's signature knock on his balcony door. He gets up, walking over to the door, and opens it.
“Hey, Az- oh, holy shit! You look tired!” Jackie says. “You okay, man?”
“Yeah, I’m tired as all hell.” Asriel states, “any luck?”
“No, unfortunately. I walked around old home and couldn’t find any leads; it also didn’t help that nobody was willing to talk to me, most just ignored me.” Jackie responds. “I was able to deliver the dust to the family of the monster who died however; but, they still weren’t exactly willing to discuss.”
Asriel lets out a long exhale. “I’ll head there tomorrow, we’ll surely be able get some answers if I go.“ He says.
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. And besides, you seem super stressed, and I know talking to your people always helps with that, so, I think it’d be good for you.” Jackie responds.
“Yeah, definitely.” Asriel replies. “Anyway, I’m gonna head to bed, I need rest.”
“Yeah, you should definitely go get some rest.” Jackie responds.
“See you tomorrow, then.” Asriel says as he turns around and begins to leave.
“Actually-“ Jackie begins.
Asriel stops and turns around to listen, “yeah?” He asks.
“If you wouldn’t mind, can I crash here for the night? I don’t really wanna fly all the way back home.” Jackie asks.
“Yeah, of course!” Asriel responds, “you can sleep on the couch in here. It’s surprisingly comfortable. And if you need anything, just call me.”
“Thanks, man! I owe you.” Jackie exclaims.
“No problem.” Asriel responds.
Asriel turns around and walks down the stairs, back to the living area. He walks past his room and over to Chara's, stopping once he reaches the door. He leans on the door slightly, pressing his ear against it. After just a moment, he turns the doorknob and enters.
Inside he sees Chara and Sans, fast asleep; Chara resting their head on Sans' Chest. Asriel approaches them, taking ahold of the blanket, and pulling it over their bodies.
“Sometimes it feels like we have to fight more and more, just to keep you alive, Chara.” Asriel whispers to himself, “But, I know it’s worth it. We know it’s worth it.”
Asriel turns around, and walks out, closing the door behind him. He begins to walk towards his room, when suddenly-
Asriel turns around to face his mother, “yes, mother?” He asks.
“What’re you doing up so late? You’re usually long since in bed by now.” Toriel states, placing a hand on Asriel's shoulder.
“I know, it’s just…” Asriel begins.
“Is this about Chara?” Toriel asks.
“Yeah… I’ve stayed up trying to figure out why *this* attack happened. Because, as it turns out, father is behind some of these. I figured that out a couple months ago.” Asriel explains.
“Believe me, I know. That man becomes more and more impatient by the day.” Toriel replies.
“You… knew?” Asriel asks.
“I’m his wife and queen, I see a lot more than you’d think, and besides, he’s not exactly subtle.”
Asriel looks at the ground, pausing. “Then, you most certainly know that on June the 17th, he plans to-” he stops.
“Yes.” Toriel begins, sniffing. “I know. And believe me, my child: I would leave him right now with you and Chara if I knew it wouldn’t cause a massive civil war in the underground.” She explains.
Asriel stays silent.
Toriel places a hand on Asriel's head, rustling the fur between his horns. “I love you, son.”
Asriel simply nods. “I’m… going to head to bed now. I’ll be heading over to Old Home tomorrow, to do some more investigating.” He says.
“Good night, my child. And be safe tomorrow, okay?” She says.
“Yes, mother.” Asriel replies.
Asriel turns around and walks to his room, opening the door, stepping inside and closing it behind him. Once inside, he takes off his shirt and throws it into the hamper next to his door, and then practically collapses into bed, not even bothering to turn the lights on. He then proceeds to pull the blanket over himself.
He looks over to his bedside table, looking at a picture of Chara. “I’m still sticking with that plan.” He whispers to himself, “because if one thing's for sure: it’s that you are NOT getting their soul, Father. And I am going to make sure of that if it’s the last God-damn thing I do.”
Authors notes:
Chapter 17 finally! Woohoo! Sorry for the month gap in uploads, to be honest, I just really needed a break. I was definitely dealing with a lot of writers block. Not to mention I was pretty busy and didn’t have much time to work on it. I explained some of this in (now deleted) posts, but I felt like I needed to explain it here. But we should be back in operation!
Sorry for the relatively short chapter.
Asriel has excellent night vision.
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severed-ties-uf · 7 months
Chapter Directory
Part One: Young Souls
Chapter One: First Meeting
Chapter Two: Desperation Awakens
Chapter Three: Experiment
Chapter Four: Playdate
Chapter Five: Moral Quarrel
Chapter Six: Like Father, Like Son
Chapter Seven: Nosferatu
Chapter Eight: Vessel
Chapter Nine: Forgiveness
Chapter Ten: Sleepover
Part Two: Tensions of Fate
Chapter Eleven: Real Date
Chapter Twelve: Confession
Chapter Thirteen: Plot
Chapter Fourteen: Expiration Date
Chapter Fifteen: Familial Complications
Chapter Sixteen: Ruin(ed) Date
Chapter Seventeen: Guardian Devil
Chapter Eighteen: Beloved Prince
Chapter Nineteen: Bracelet
0 notes
severed-ties-uf · 7 months
Character Accents/voices
Dreemurr family:
Asgore and Asriel both have a prominent southern-American accent (much like their canon counterparts).
Toriel has a general American accent, with traces of a southern one.
Chara has a soft southern-American accent, that becomes more pronounced when experiencing strong emotions (primarily happiness).
Gaster family:
Gaster speaks with a light New York accent
Sans also speaks with a light New York accent, but it evolves to a heavy one as he ages.
Papyrus is Papyrus (let’s be honest, we all know what he sounds like in our heads).
Dalv family:
They all speak with Romanian accents, though Jackie's has become more Americanized due to spending so much time with Asriel.
0 notes
severed-ties-uf · 7 months
Chapter Sixteen: Ruin(ed) Date
This takes place 6 weeks after the previous chapter, Sans and Chara had planned a date in Old Home (what it was called before the Ruins, there’s still many monsters living there as of this point).
Sans waits at their usual meeting place, right by the tree. Unlike last time, Sans decided to make himself look a little more presentable, wearing: black sweatpants, a crimson red shirt, a black leather jacket and black sneakers.
In his hands, he holds a self made flower crown; it’s not as pretty or neat as the one Chara gave to him weeks ago, but he knew Chara would appreciate it nonetheless.
After a while of waiting, Sans hears footsteps, Chara's footsteps. Perking up, he quickly hides the flower crown behind his back.
Chara walks in, making eye contact with Sans and smiling. They quickly approach him, stopping a meter away. “Hey, handsome!” They exclaim.
“Hey, beautiful.” He responds, smiling back.
Chara looks Sans over admiring his outfit. “I love your outfit, you look amazing!” They say, as a blush comes to their face. “Not to mention super handsome. Somehow even more so than usual.”
Sans chuckles, “Thank you, I really wanted to look nice for this date. I realized I was kind of being a lazy bone when it came to my ‘outfit’ on our previous dates.” He responds.
Chara giggles, placing a kiss on his cheek.
Sans smiles and blushes.
Chara smiles back.
Sans places a finger on Chara's chin. “Close your eyes. I have a gift for you.” He says.
“A gift? Okay!” Chara responds, as they close their eyes.
Sans places the flower crown on their head. “Flower you today, sweetheart?” He asks.
Chara opens their eyes, feeling the flower crown, their face displaying a huge smile. “Thank you, Sans! I love it!” They exclaim, leaning over and kissing him on the teeth. “I swear I love you a lily more every time we meet.”
“You’re welcome, Chara.” He responds. “Now, bring your tulips back over here.” He adds.
Chara giggles, as they lean in and give Sans three more kisses.
“Perfect.” Sans says, as he takes their chin with his hand and nips their cheek. Afterwards, he pulls away, and they embrace.
“I love you.” Chara says.
“I love you, too.” Sans responds, as they separate. “Alright, I think it’s about time we leaf for old home. Don’t you think?” Sans asks.
“Yeah! Let’s go.” Chara responds.
Sans teleports both of them to a spot in Old Home, right at the entrance of what would become the Ruins.
“So here we are. This was where all of the monsters once lived.” Sans says.
“Yup! It’s so exciting to be here again!” Chara exclaims. They turn around to face the exit, holding Sans' hand. “Can we go visit where I fell?” They ask.
“Of course, Sweetheart.” Sans replies, as they begin to walk towards and through the exit. Eventually they reach the flowerbed.
Chara runs up to the exact spot they fell, and crouch down—doing their best to keep their dress clean—they begin to run their hands over the flowers. “It’s always so surreal coming back here, back to where it all started. When I was given a new life.” Chara says, looking up and closing their eyes, allowing the sunlight peering through to coat their face; taking a deep breath and letting it out.
Sans looks around, taking it all in. No matter how many times he comes here, it never loses any amount of surrealism; this is where his Angel fell; this is where his Angel's fate was sealed. Things would have been so different if they hadn’t fallen down, for all he knew, Chara may have saved his life, without them, he would undoubtedly be in a far darker place. “Yeah…” Sans responds, distracted by the thoughts. He looks up, facing the sunlight.
“When I fell, there weren’t nearly as many of these flowers were here to break my fall. I hit the ground really hard, breaking both of my legs, and cutting myself bad.” Chara says, as they run their hands over their scars on their knees and legs.
“Oh.” Sans replies in shock. “You didn’t tell me about that before. That couldn’t have been pleasant.”
Chara giggles. “Trust me, it wasn’t. If it hadn’t been for Asriel finding, I would’ve been dead for sure.”
Sans doesn’t say anything, just thinking. In his mind he’s indebted to the Prince for saving his beloved Chara's life, he should probably thank him at some point.
Chara stands up, brushing whatever got on their dress off. “Alright, that’s all I wanted to do.” They say, turning around and walking up to Sans, taking his hand. “Shall we head forward?” They ask.
Sans takes one last look at the spot where Chara fell. “Yeah, let’s go. I have a spot in mind.” He responds, taking both of their hands and teleporting them to a spot overlooking Old Home.
Sans lets go of Chara's hands then takes a step back, turning towards the view.
“Wow!” Chara exclaims, giggling and walking closer to the edge. “I haven’t seen Old Home like this since-“ Chara pauses, thinking… “-Oh, yeah! Three years ago passing by with Asriel.” They add.
“Well, I’m glad I could take you here.” Sans says, looking over to them.
“Look at the view! It’s amazing.” Chara comments, looking around the cityscape, taking in everything.
Sans continues looking at Chara, smiling. “Yeah, what a gorgeous view. I can hardly take my eyes off it.”
Chara looks back to Sans, upon realizing what he meant, they blush uncontrollably. “Sans!~” they fake whine, too flustered to respond.
Sans laughs in response, also blushing. “What?” He asks innocently.
Chara suddenly embraces Sans in a deep hug, burying their head in his shoulder. “I love you so much, Sans.” They say, giggling, laying their left hand against the back of Sans' neck—their fingers laying between the spinous process.
Sans initially jumps from the sudden gesture, but quickly returns it. “I love you too.” He responds, stroking their back with his hand. “What’s with the out of nowhere hug? Not complaining at all, just curious.” He asks.
Chara parts from Sans, just enough to make stable eye contact. “Your flirt was so good, and I had to show my appreciation and reciprocation of your love.” They respond, pulling him back in. “And plus, I haven’t hugged you nearly enough today!” They add, giggling.
Sans laughs, “And I have to make sure that you never forget how much I love you,” he says.
They part, now just holding hands.
“How could I ever forget?” Chara asks, smiling cordially.
“I don’t think you ever will, but I like to remind you constantly, that way it’s never *not* on your mind.” Sans responds.
“Fair enough.” Chara comments, leaning in and kissing him, “And I guess it’s my job to do the same for you, huh?”
“Yup.” Sans replies.
Chara looks back over to the view over Old Home, turning fully to see it, letting go of Sans' left hand—while still holding the right. They’re silent for a moment.
Chara admires the view for another moment, then speaks up. “Do you ever wonder what the people think about our relationship — for those who know at least?” They ask.
“From what I can tell, most of those who know about it are completely disgusted by it, unfortunately. I’ve gotten many insults from people around me— calling me: a ‘traitor’, ‘filth’, and all kinds of other nasty things.” Sans responds, sighing.
“Oh…” Chara responds woefully, quietly sighing. “I don’t know what I expected to be honest.” They add, somberly.
“Eh, fuck 'em. Who cares? They’re all assholes anyway.” Sans says dismissively, attempting to reassure Chara.
Chara frowns, looking down, staying silent for a couple seconds. “Yeah…” They say quietly—almost under their breath. “It’s none of their business, anyway.” They add, more confidently. “And hey, maybe one day, they’ll accept this kind of thing!” They say perking up.
“Yeah… maybe.” Sans states dryly.
They’re both silent for a moment.
Desperate to change the subject, Sans looks around for something to do, spotting a stairwell leading downward, nearby. “Hey, Chara?”
“Yeah?” Chara answers, perking up.
“Wanna go explore down there?” Sans asks, pointing towards the staircase.
“Oh, sure! That sounds fun!” Chara replies.
Sans takes the lead, still holding Chara's hand.
As they approach, they notice a sign attached to the wood railing, stopping to read it. The sign says: ‘Home Aqueduct’.
“Oh, cool! I’ve never seen this before!” Chara exclaims. “To be honest, I didn’t even know Old Home had an aqueduct.” They add, giggling.
“So water we waiting for? Let’s go see it.” Sans responds.
Chara laughs, “isn’t that what we’re currently doing?” They joke.
“I really lake your sense of humor.” Sans responds, also laughing.
They both begin to walk down the steps, flight after flight, the walls being lit by magic torches. Eventually they reach the bottom, opening to a large area—also lit by magic torches and lanterns—that contains a segment of the aqueduct.
“Wow! This place is huge!” Chara comments, running a bit forward and examining the room.
“You got that right.” Sans responds, catching up with them,
Chara walks further forward, near the edge of the aqueduct, examining it with childlike wonder. “This is so cool!” They exclaim, looking back and smiling at Sans. “Old Monster architecture is so fascinating to me.”
Sans stands next to Chara, also inspecting the aqueduct. “You’re right, this is pretty dam cool.” He says.
Suddenly they’re interrupted by a loud voice coming from behind them. “NOW!” The voice yells. Simultaneously, magic projectiles—of varying degrees—appear, hitting most of the torches, extinguishing them.
“Huh!? Who’s there?” Chara asks panicking, unable to see.
“Show yourself!” Sans yells demandingly, summoning sharpened bones and Gaster Blasters; only barely able to see.
Chara's arm is clipped by two magic snake projectiles; they yelp in pain, covering their arm where they were hit.
Chara -5 hp (15/20 remaining)
“Sweetheart!” Sans yells, firing a blaster in the rough direction of where the projectile came from. The light from beam of the blaster revealed a Parsnik in the corner of the room; the beam also grazing a torch, reigniting it.
The torch's light barely reveals the two other perpetrators: a Whimsalot floating by the entrance, and an Astigmatism standing in the other corner.
The Astigmatism summons five magic circle projectiles, sending them flying towards Sans, the Parsnik sends three more magic snakes at Chara, and the Whimsalot summons a swarm of butterflies to attack the pair.
Sans summons a wall of bones to block Astigmatism's attacks, Chara dodges the snakes, and Sans vaporizes the butterflies with a blaster before they can attack.
Sans uses blue magic to send the Parsnik flying into the opposite wall, then back, and finally to the opposite wall again (doing 20 damage each time). He then summons more blasters to help reignite some of the other torches in the room.
Parsnik -60 hp (12/72 remaining)
Parsnik yells in pain, and flees.
Astigmatism summons a massive wave of magic circle projectiles, sending them flying at Sans, meanwhile Whimsalot sends a swarm of butterflies at Chara.
Sans summons a wall of bones to protect Chara, and dodges the large bulk of projectiles sent his way; counterattacking by sending dozens of sharp magic bones back at Astigmatism.
Astigmatism -1x27 hp (37/60 -30 NGD)
Sans turns his attention back to Chara as Astigmatism flees.
Most of the butterflies sent at Chara by Whimsalot were blocked by the bones, and Chara danced around to dodge the rest, but sill managed to get hit by one.
Chara -1hp (14/20 remaining)
Having enough, Sans grabs Whimsalot with blue magic and sends it flying into the aqueduct.
Sans looks over to Chara, panting. “You okay, sweetheart?” He asks.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just a little hurt.” Chara responds.
The pair hears frantic splashing; Chara immediately runs over to the aqueduct to investigate.
There, they see Whimsalot drowning in the water, desperately trying not to drown, already having lost a lot of health. “Oh, no!” Chara yells, running over to the edge, and kneeling down. They look around for something to help, panicking.
Whimsalot -5 hp (10/20 remaining)
“Help me! Please!” The Whimsalot begs.
“Leave him, Chara.” Sans says, coldly.
Whimsalot -6 hp (4/20 remaining)
“No!” Chara yells, as they jump into the water.
Chara quickly swims over to Whimsalot, and takes ahold of him. “Here, hold on!” They say. Without questioning, Whimsalot holds on to Chara's arm, holding its head above the water.
Chara quickly begins to swim back to the shore. Once there, they climb out and help Whimsalot to get out of the water. Unable to fly and weakened, Chara holds Whimsalot carefully. “Are you okay?” They ask.
Whimsalot begins coughing up a storm and spitting out water. “Thank you. I- I owe everything to you.” He says.
“You’re welcome!” Chara responds. “Are you okay, though?” They ask.
“No, I’m chewed up real bad.” Whimsalot replies.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Chara asks.
Whimsalot pauses. “Well… there is one thing.” He says.
“Which is?” Chara asks.
Suddenly Chara is surrounded by magic butterflies. “For the Underground!” Whimsalot yells.
“NO!” Sans yells, lifting his arm and summoning sharp bones from the floor to impale Whimsalot.
Whimsalot -1x6 hp (0/20 remaining -18NGD)
Whimsalot shrieks in pain, and turns to dust.
Chara gasps and freezes as the dust coats their hands; they stand there, eyes widened, mouth open, and motionless. They quickly fall to their knees, holding their dusty hands in front of their face. Chara begins hyperventilating, “No… No. No. No.” they say, as tears fall down their face.
“Chara~” Sans begins, quietly.
“Why? Why did he attack?! He didn’t have to die! He was going to be better!” Chara cries, slowing down their breathing.
Sans walks over to Chara, and places his hand on their shoulder; he then kneels down and embraces them in a hug.
Chara quickly returns the hug, burying their face in his shoulder, sobbing. “I don’t understand! Why do they do this!?” Chara asks.
“I don’t know, Sweetheart. I don’t know.” Sans responds, rubbing Chara's back.
Chara cries for a couple minutes, not saying anything; eventually, they slow down, and pull away from Sans, sniffling.
“I love you, Chara.” Sans says.
“I love you too, Sans.” Chara responds.
Sans wipes away their tears with his thumb, “Are you okay?” He asks, adjusting their flower crown.
Chara sniffles. “Yeah… just traumatized.” They reply.
After a couple moments of silence, Chara pulls away, taking out a small pouch from their pocket. They open the pouch and begin to scoop Whimsalot's dust into the pouch. Sans helps out, using blue magic to hasten the process.
Once all the dust was in the pouch, Chara closes it, and picks up Whimsalot's ID card off the floor. “I’ll ask his highness to have this delivered to his family.” They say, holding up the pouch.
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Sans responds.
Sans places his hand on Chara's chin and nips their cheek, “We should get you home, Sweetheart. Get you cleaned up and dry.” He says.
“Yeah.” Chara nods.
Sans takes Chara's hand.
Chara makes eye contact with him. “Sans, if it’s okay with you, can you sleep with me tonight? I’ll ask my parents, they’ll probably say yes. I just-“ Chara pauses, “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight without you there.”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
Author's notes:
Longest chapter yet, I believe.
Chara has seen death before, but seeing it so close (literally in their hands, traumatized them)
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severed-ties-uf · 7 months
Chapter Fifteen: Familial Complications
Tw: Minor child abuse
This takes place roughly three days after the previous chapter.
Sans sits on his bed, reading through a book on celestial bodies he had found in the dump a week prior. The book was of human origin, having fallen down from the surface. Sans admittedly had always had a fascination with space, and the stars above, despite never seeing them for himself. He had been glued to the book for the past half hour, and just continued to read.
Eventually, Sans gets bored. He bookmarks the page and closes the book, stretching his arms upwards momentarily, he proceeds to place the book on his nightstand, directly next to a picture of Chara.
Sans picks up the small picture frame, laying down with his head propped up on his pillow, admiring his beloved Chara. When the picture had been taken (only three weeks ago), Chara had just returned from their first proper date with him, still wearing their beautiful black dress.
Sans can’t help but smile and blush, “they looked so beautiful in that. Still can’t believe they’re officially mine” he almost-pridefully thought to himself.
Sans places the picture back down, his mind now preoccupied with thoughts of Chara. His thoughts were short lived however, because he was suddenly interrupted by a yell from downstairs.
“Sans! Get your ass down here, now!” His father barked.
Sans sits up, letting out a loud sigh and an angry growl. “Can’t I have a moment of fucking peace for once?!” He says to himself. Sans teleports downstairs in front of the couch, there he sees his father looking incredibly irritated, his right hand scrunched against his skull.
“Oh, THERE you are.” Gaster bites, roughly grabbing Sans by the shoulder. “Your brainless brother ran off a bit ago and he’s nowhere to be seen.”
“Papyrus?!” Sans responds in disbelief “how?” He asks.
“I was in the lab in the basement for a measly two hours. Two fucking hours, unsupervised and he ran off.” Gaster answered.
“He’s FIVE!” Sans retorted, angrier than ever.
“I sincerely would’ve thought that a five year old, especially one of mine, would be mature enough to sit still for two whole hours.” Gaster responded, dismissive of Sans' claim. “I don’t know why you’re trying to pin this on me.”
“Because it’s your fault! It’s your fault with your shit parenting that this ever happened in the first place! He’s a toddler! He’s YOUR responsibility!” Sans angrily yells, pushing his father off of him. “And I don’t know how delusional you’d have to be in order to-“
“SILENCE!” Gaster yells, cutting Sans off. He grabs his son with blue magic and slams him into the ground, holding him there. “Don’t you DARE fucking talk back to me, especially blatantly insulting me!”
Sans grunts in pain, desperately trying to pull himself up, to no avail. He resorts to teleporting out of the blue Magic’s effects. Now standing a couple meters away from where he previously stood.
“Resourceful yet.” Gaster states dismissively, shrugging. “Now, he’s somewhere out in Snowdin, go and find him.” He says, turning away and waving his hand toward the door.
“Wha-? You’re not going to look yourself? Or even help?” Sans asks, somehow shocked yet completely unsurprised at the same time.
“No, I’ve got an important experiment to run.” Gaster replies walking away.
“More important than your own fucking son?!”
“Do I need to repeat myself about the back talk?” Gaster asks, turning to completely face Sans, pointing his finger to the door, as his eyes turn completely black, “GO. FIND. HIM.”
Without a word, Sans teleports outside the house, pulling his hood up. Sans walks and walks, seemingly endlessly—constantly mumbling to himself about his hatred for his father and pondering the whereabouts of his brother—not finding a trace, even after what felt like an hour.
Eventually, he hears a familiar voice, not the one he was looking for, but a helpful one nonetheless.
“Hey, Sans!” They voice called out.
Sans turned to face Jackie clinging onto a tree. “Hey, Jackie. Mind lending a hand?”
“Looking for your brother?” Jackie asked, jumping down from the tree and walking up to Sans.
“Yeah, actually. Have you seen him?” Sans asks. Jackie may not be his brother, but having a member of the best trackers in the underground on his side was more than he could ask for.
“I have in fact, last I saw him, Dr. Gaster had just teleported him back home. That was about fifty minutes ago.” Jackie responds.
“Wait. Dad… brought him home? FIFTY minutes ago?!” Sans asks in disbelief. He checks the time, he’s been searching for around fifty minutes as well. “I…” Sans starts, anger slowly building up inside him.
“I’m guessing that bastard didn’t tell you that?”Jackie asks, placing a comforting hand on Sans' shoulder.
“No, in fact: he specifically told me he WASN’T going to look for him.” Sans replies, his eyes momentarily turning completely black. Sans pauses, taking a deep breath.
Jackie almost laughs, “and I thought MY dad was bad, holy shit.” He says, trailing his hand through his hair.
“You don’t know the half of it.” Sans replies, shaking his head and covering his eyes with his arm. “How did you know I was searching for my brother anyway?” He asks.
“Oh, I heard you mumbling to yourself about it.” Jackie replies, “I’ve just been chilling in and out of the woods here for the past hour or two, I had just returned when I heard you mumbling in the distance, curious, I investigated.”
“Fair enough.” Sans replied. “At any rate, I should probably head home now, I’ve certainly got some words for my father.”
“Yeah, good idea. I should probably return to my home as well. Funny, because I specifically came out here to get away from them.” Jackie chuckles to himself. “Oh, and- Sans?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“I was at the palace yesterday, and it turns out, Chara has a handmade plush of you that they apparently sleep with and cuddle constantly.” Jackie says smiling and chuckling to himself. “Don’t tell them I said that, though.” He adds, winking.
Sans blushes “W- wait, r-really?”
“Yup. Not only did I see it with my own two eyes, but his highness told me all about it. All I’m saying, is that they must REALLY love you.”
“They do, trust me. And I love them back all the same.” Sans says.
“Alright, imma head home, see ya!” Jackie says, before dashing into the distance.
Sans teleports back home, directly into the kitchen, there he sees Gaster and Papyrus at the table preparing dinner.
Papyrus, upon seeing Sans, runs up to him, and wraps his arms around his waist in a hug. “Brother's home!” He exclaims.
Sans returns the hug, before resting his hand on top of Papyrus’s skull. “That I am.” Sans replies.
Papyrus, let’s go and heads back to the table, Sans makes eye contact with Gaster, giving him a death glare.
“What?” Gaster asks, pretending to be innocent.
“You said that you weren’t going to search for him because you had an experiment to run, and that I had to go hunt him down myself. Only for you to go to him pretty much immediately after I left and bring him home without telling me. WHY?” Sans asks angrily.
Gaster laughs. “Oh, Sans. I didn’t lie, my experiment was testing the new underground smart surveillance system and its effectiveness for finding targets. It just so happens that Papyrus happened to run off on the perfect day to test it. You acted as the control group, to see how long it would take to find someone without the use of the system, and your pathetic ass couldn’t even find a single clue! To me, that’s a successful test, proving its capability, and prompting for wide implementation.” He says, condescendingly.
Sans stays silent, pulling up a chair and sitting down.
Two hours later, after eating dinner, Sans sits in his room on his phone, eventually deciding to text Chara. {
Sans: “hey sweetheart”
Chara: “Hi, Sans! :D”
Chara: “How are you?”
Sans: “not so great”
Chara: “Oh… :( What happened?”
Sans: “earlier father called me down saying that papyrus had gone missing”
Sans: “turns out father had left him unsupervised for two hours and he got out.”
Chara: “Oh, no! Is Papyrus okay!?”
Sans: “yeah, he’s fine”
Sans: “after an argument about his bad parenting leading to him throwing me to the ground, he said that i had to go and find him and that he had to stay back to ‘work on an important experiment’”
Chara: “That’s awful! D: Did he hurt you?!”
Sans: “no lasting damage, just temporary pain”
Sans: “when i went searchin i didn’t find anything”
Sans: “but i did eventually run into jackie who told me that he saw dad teleport papyrus home a while ago”
Chara: “Wait, what?! So he just sent you out there for no reason?!”
Sans: “when i got back I saw him and papyrus preparing dinner”
Sans: “turns out his ‘experiment’ was testing out the new smart surveillance system to see how fast it can find someone”
Sans: “papyrus had just happened to wander off earlier and father took the advantage”
Chara: “That’s cruel! Why did he still make you go out then?”
Sans: “he says that it was to compare physically searching for someone, to doing so with the security system”
Sans: “however i'm convinced that his sadistic self also did it just to watch me suffer”
Chara: “What a jerk! :(”
Sans: “i hate him so fucking much”
Sans: “he doesn’t love me or papyrus, he only gives a fuck about himself. everyone below him is just a toy in his eyes”
Sans: “he’s such a piece of shit and i can’t stand living with him. he’s hurt me more than anyone could ever know”
Chara: “I know, Sans. I understand. It’s okay.”
Sans: “i’m sorry for swearing so much and the sudden rant”
Chara: “It's okay, Sans! I’m glad you got it off your chest!”
Sans: “thank you”
Chara: “No problem! <3 Love you!”
Sans: “love you too”
Chara: “Hey, I’m alone in my room right now, if you need a kiss, feel free to stop by! Just be quiet.”
Upon seeing that last message Sans wastes no time, and teleports himself into Chara's room. The room is dark with their face being only illuminated by the light from their phone.
Chara looks up to meet Sans' eyes, their expression quickly turns to a cordial smile, as they wave their hand toward themselves, motioning him to come closer.
Sans obeys, walking over next to them, taking note of the plush next to them (he’ll make sure to lightheartedly tease them for that later). Once within range, Sans leans in for the kiss.
Chara plants a kiss directly on his teeth, following up with a hug, “I love you, Sans” they whisper ever so quietly.
Sans leans back a bit, placing a nip on their cheek in response, “I love you too, Sweetheart.”
Author’s notes:
Yes, my Gaster is an unapologetic villain, and no, he will not change XD
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severed-ties-uf · 7 months
Chapter Fourteen: Expiration Date
This takes place two weeks after chapter 12. Asgore and Toriel are both elsewhere in the underground dealing with politics surrounding an attempted insurgency, leaving Asriel to sit the throne and manage the political goings on in new home.
Sans and Chara are cuddling on the couch in the living room (in the castle), Sans is sitting on the far right edge of the couch, while Chara is laying down, resting their head on a pillow in Sans' lap.
“Long day, sweetheart?” Sans says, as he strokes his hand through Chara's hair.
Chara sighs, closing their eyes. “Not really, I just didn’t get much sleep last night.” They respond. “I kept waking up from horrible nightmares.”
“Oh, really? I'm sorry.” Sans responds, placing his left hand on Chara’s cheek, tilting their face further towards him. “Mind tellin' me what these nightmares were about?” He asks.
Chara makes eye contact with Sans, closing their eyes for a couple seconds, before once again opening them and resuming contact. “They were abnormal to say the least. Typically my nightmares involve me dying, most commonly at the hands of Asgore. However, this time, they were all about *you* dying, each nightmare ending with you dying a different way.” Chara replies, drearily.
“O- oh…” Sans barely replies, unsure of how to process this. “Can- you maybe�� provide an example?” He asks.
Chara thinks for a moment, staying silent with their eyes closed as they do so. Eventually they open their eyes and speak. “There was one where you took a bullet for me. A monster came up to me and tried to shoot me, but you teleported in the way, and were struck by the bullet. I woke up as soon as you started to dust.” Chara replies, a tear forming in their eye.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s just a nightmare.” He says, rubbing their cheek with his thumb.
“I know, but the thought of you dying scares me so much. I know I shouldn’t be scared, I know you’re strong enough to defend yourself, but you only have 5HP, and- and-.” Chara stops themselves.
“I know, I know. Shh… you’re worrying yourself way too much, sweetheart.” Sans says, continuing to rub their hair. “Why don’t you try and get some sleep, I’m not going anywhere, and you have plenty of time.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Chara replies, yawning.
Sans uses blue magic to situate the blanket from resting on the side of the couch, to fully covering Chara.
“Thank you, Sans.” Chara exclaims, using their arms to properly fix the blanket.
“You’re welcome.” Sans replies, taking their hand and holding it up to his face. He then gently—and affectionately—nips the skin on the back of their hand, drawing a drop of blood. He looks back to them smiling.
Chara giggles, leaning up and placing a kiss on his chin. “I love you.” Chara says, laying back down and covering themselves up.
“I love you too, sweetheart. Try and get some rest.” Sans replies continuing to slowly run his hands through Chara's hair, until they eventually fall asleep.
Sans sits there, thinking to himself. No matter what he says, Chara is right, he’s a very vulnerable monster; even a light hit could prove fatal for him. Dodging is his only hope, asides dealing with the enemy before they can attack, that is. Not to mention how he’s only really dangerous to those who wouldn’t attack him, those who are pure of heart.
Sans sighs, lowering his head and placing his finger on his forehead. Whispering to himself: “One of these days, I’m going to fail you, Chara. One of these days I won’t be strong enough to protect you, and either you, or I will die.” He says, too quiet to awake Chara.
Sans looks down at Chara, his beloved enbyfriend, gently placing his hand on their head. “But I promise to fight until my last thought to protect you. I promise.” He says quietly.
Sans begins to feel drowsy, he yawns, and closes his eyes for a moment. Opening his eyes, Sans gently picks up Chara with blue magic, being careful not to awake them. He slowly walks to Chara's room, opening the door, he walks over to their bed, and pulls back the sheets. He gently places Chara down on the left side of the bed, and climbs into the right side. He then pulls the sheets back over him and Chara, tucking both of them in.
Sans slowly falls asleep.
Several hours later, Sans awakes. Both of them snuggled up with each other; Chara resting their head on Sans' left shoulder, and their arm laid across Sans' chest, with their hand resting on his right shoulder.
Sans smiles, resting is right hand on Chara's head. He notices that he can not only feel their breaths, but their heartbeat as well. He stays like this — admiring them — for what felt to him like five minutes, but was in actually an hour.
Eventually, Chara's eyes flutter open.
“Rise and shine, sweetheart.” Sans says, gently brushing their hair.
Chara smiles, as they raise themselves off of Sans, and kneel on the bed. They them bend down and kiss him on the teeth. “I love you so much.” They exclaim, giggling once again.
Sans chuckles, sitting up. “I love you too, sweetheart.” He says, as he leans in and nips them on the cheek. “You were out for a long while, y'know that?”
“Really? How long was I asleep?”
“A couple hours,” Sans responds, stretching his arms. “I got tired a bit after you fell asleep and brought us over here so that we could both sleep comfortably.“
“Oh wow,” Chara replies, “I really was exhausted.”
“I woke up about an hour ago, and had just been admiring you until you woke up.” Sans says, leaning back against the headboard.”
“Aww,” Chara blushes, “what about me were you admiring so much?” They ask, positioning themselves closer to—and somewhat in front of—him.
“Asides from your beauty…” Sans pauses, “I was admiring your heartbeat, believe it or not.” He responds.
“Oh, really? You like my heartbeat?” They ask, wide eyed and curious.
“Yeah. I’ve never felt anything quite like it. It’s almost entrancing in a way.” Sans replies.
Chara giggles, taking Sans' right hand and placing it under their left breast, directly over their heart. “Here, feel it again.” They say, smiling.
Sans stays silent for a moment, almost enthralled by the feeling. “Wow…” he says, almost at a loss for words, “I know this sounds weird, but it’s oddly- majestic in a way.”
“Thank you. I’ve never been complimented on that before, but it makes me feel warm regardless. Mainly because it’s coming from my beloved boyfriend.” They say, kissing him on the forehead.
Sans retracts his hand. “So, what would you like to do now?” He asks.
“Hmm…” Chara responds, scratching their chin. “How about gardening? We haven’t done that in a while, and the garden needs some cleaning up.” Chara says.
“Yeah, that sounds good. I'm sure we’ll vine this fun.” Sans responds, chuckling. “I'm sorry, that one was bad.”
Chara giggles, “It’s okay, I love your corny jokes.” They say, smiling.
Chara and Sans spend the next hour or so, cleaning up the garden, trimming vines, and overgrown plants, clearing up paths, and so on.
Throughout this time, Chara and Sans, routinely flirt with each other in more and more creative ways, most involving flower puns of some degree.
Just finishing up, Chara cuts the last overgrown vine, sheaths their gardening knife, and stands up. They turn around to face Sans. “I think that about does it, the garden looks better than ever!” They say.
“Yeah, it’s pretty much spotless.” Sans replies, standing up as well.
Chara walks over to Sans, holding something behind their back. “I have something for you, Sans.” They say, with their trademark cordial smile.
“And what would that be, sweetheart?” Sans asks.
“Close your eyes.” Chara says, giggling softly.
“Ordinarily, I don’t like surprises, but just for you-“ he says as he, closes his eyes.
Chara places something on Sans' head. “You can open your eyes now.” Chara says.
Sans, opens his eyes, unable to see what the gift was, he reaches up and touches it, noticing the flowers. “Is this what I think it is?” Sans asks, smiling and blushing.
“It’s a flower crown! I made it myself while we were cleaning up!” Chara exclaims.
“Aww, you shouldn’t have.” Sans replies, leaning over and nipping Chara on the cheek, before engaging in a hug.
“Y'know, you do that so often that I always have dozens of temporary scars on my cheeks.” They say, jokingly.
“Oh… I’m sorry, I-“ Sans responds, feeling a little guilty.
“Don’t apologize, I love them! Every time I see them, I’m reminded of your love for me, and my love for you! To me, they’re a symbol of our love!” Chara says, reassuringly.
Sans chuckles, now free of doubt. “I'm glad, sweetheart.” He replies.
Upon parting, Chara takes his hand and begins to lead him to the garden shed. “Come on, I bet you want to see what it looks like!” They say.
“Fu- I mean, heck yeah, I do!” Sans exclaims in response, barely catching himself from swearing.
Chara giggles.
Upon reaching the shed and entering, Sans looks in the mirror. “Wow…” Sans says, at a loss for words, “it’s… so beautiful! Thank you, sweetheart!”
Chara smiles, their face covered in a pink blush. “You’re welcome, my bone-friend.” Chara responds, almost giggling at their own joke.
Sans chuckles, placing his hand on Chara's shoulder. “And I thought I made corny jokes.” Sans responds sarcastically.
Chara laughs. “We’re both guilty of that, I suppose.” They say.
The two embrace in a hug for a minute, eventually Sans parts. “Hey, you’re probably pretty thirsty, right? I know I am.” He asks.
“Yeah, let’s go get some water.” Chara replies.
“Sounds good.” Sans says, teleporting both of them to the kitchen of the living area.
Once there, Chara walks over to the sink and begins filling glasses of water.
While Chara is doing that, Sans looks over to the calendar mounted on the bulletin board on the wall, next to it, he notices a small note with Chara's name and a date written on it: ‘June 17’ in Asgore's handwriting. Today is August 15th, Sans wonders why a date so far off is being noted. But deep down, he knows exactly what that date entails: His beloved Chara, now has an expiration date…
Author's notes:
Chara doesn’t like swearing, they won’t stop anyone from doing it, but they’re not pleased by the use of it outside of very certain situations (and even then, they themselves never swear); Sans knows this, which is why he always tries to refrain from swearing around Chara,
I decided that Chara should have a knife in this story, but only for gardening, and not self harm (or harming others).
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severed-ties-uf · 8 months
Canon character heights
Part one:
Chara: 119cm (3'11)
Sans: 122cm (4'0)
Asriel: 170cm (5'7)
Jackie: 150cm (4'11)
Part two:
Chara: 142cm (4'8)
Sans: 141cm (4'8)
Asriel: 226cm (7'5)
Jackie: 161cm (5'5)
Asgore: 423cm (13'10)
Toriel: 308cm (10'1)
Gaster: 215cm (7'1)
0 notes
severed-ties-uf · 8 months
Chapter Thirteen: Plot
Trigger warning: torture.
Three weeks before the last chapter, Jackie had just killed the two monsters who were a part of the bombing plot against Chara, (the conversation heard on the Echo Flowers).
“Got 'em.” Jackie says, lowering his rifle, putting it on safe, and placing it on his back with the sling. “Well, that’s that. Hmm- I should probably check if either of them had anything on them.” He thinks to himself, as he turns himself into a bat and flies down to where the monsters once stood; upon reaching them, he turns back into his regular form.
He reaches down to their clothes covered in dust, and checks their pockets for anything useful. Eventually, in one of their jackets, he finds a notebook with a pink bookmark in it, opening it to the bookmarked page.
On said page, he finds information regarding the location of the terrorist gang responsible for the attack's hideout. He learns that they have been responsible for multiple assassination attempts in the past, and that they had a total of twenty-three members at one point. And finally, the name of the gang: The Liberation. He chuckles, thinking to himself, “Asriel is going to love this.”
He reaches into his pocket, pulls out his phone and calls up Asriel. Upon picking up, Jackie wastes no time. “I have something for you, your highness, I think you’ll love it.” He says, chuckling to himself.”
“What is it?”
“A book containing a fuck ton of information on the terrorist gang responsible for the attack, and several other attacks it seems.” Jackie responds.
“Oh,” Asriel says, almost laughing in satisfaction. “Bring it here, I’d love to meet this gang myself.”
“Right away.” Jackie responds, hanging up. Without further delay, he turns himself into a wolf, and runs off towards the castle at top speed (200 m/s).
Once at the Castle, Jackie turns himself into a bat, and flies up to the balcony of Asriel's study, returning to his normal form once there. Standing there, waiting for him, is Asriel.
“Howdy.” Asriel says, opening the door to let Jackie in.
“Hey. Jackie responds, reaching into the pocket of his cape and pulling out the notebook, “I got it right here.” Jackie hands the notebook over to Asriel.
“Excellent! Come on in.” Asriel says. Jackie follows him into the room, and they both sit down at a desk.
Asriel opens the notebook and begins to examine the pages. “The Liberation, huh? Pretty generic name.” He says dryly. “Hmm. So that’s where they are, in an abandoned building just outside of the heart of New Home. And there’s at most twenty of them, since three are dead. Good.”
“Yup. And better yet, according to what I heard from their conversation, they’ve run out of ideas, for trying to kill Chara. They described your and Sans' defense of Chara to be too good for them to bypass.” Jackie responds.
“That’s perfect.” Asriel says, laughing to himself, and leaning back into his chair.
“So, what are you going to do?” Jackie asks.
Asriel sits up straight in his chair, “I am going to rally up some guards, and storm the place, you’re free to join me.” He says, smiling.
“Hell yeah, I’m coming.” Jackie responds.
“We attack tomorrow at dawn. Meet me at the Castle barracks.” Asriel says, standing up.
“Sounds good.”
Jackie leaves, and Asriel exits his study and heads downstairs to the living area. On the couch sits Chara. He walks over to them, placing his hand on their head and ruffles their hair. Chara giggles in response.
Asriel lifts his hand up, and speaks. “Good news, Chara. We found the location of the terrorist gang responsible for the most recent attack, and apparently several others.” He says.
“Oh, good. What are you going to do?” Chara Asks.
“We're staging an attack tomorrow.”
“Are you going to kill them!?” They ask panicked.
“Only if we have to, I’d like to solve this nonviolently.” Asriel states.
The next day: Jackie meets up with Asriel in the barracks. Jackie wearing a combat uniform, with his rifle slung on his back, and holding his magic weapon, Sleight of Hand (a magic set of sharp playing cards that he can control with his mind). Asriel stands, wearing his partial armor and robes, holding his red magic sword.
“Are you ready your highness?” Jackie asks.
“Ready as ever.”
Asriel, Jackie and a handful of guards, stand outside the compound. “Attention, members of The Liberation. This is Asriel Dreemurr, we have you surrounded. Surrender now, and we can all walk out of here unscathed.” Asriel yells.
No response.
“I repeat, surrender now, and none of you will be harmed!” He once again yells.
Without further ado, they storm the compound, several monsters surrendered, those who fought back were put down swiftly. However something was off, there were only eight members at the compound, when there should’ve been much more.
Asriel and Jackie stand in a back, windowless room, which they have turned into a makeshift interrogation room. Their leader, Don, lies on the floor.
Asriel approaches Don. “I’m going to be nice here, and give you one chance to tell me where the others are.” He says, coldly.
“Rot in hell.” Don responds.
Asriel grabs the man by the face, forcing eye contact with him. “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. And right now, it seems like you’re picking the hard way.” Asriel says, throwing him to the ground. “Is that right?”
“Fuck you!” Don yells.
Asriel sighs, “I warned you.” He says, grabbing Don's hand, hard (not enough to break it though) partially digging his claws into it to lock it in place.
Don hisses in pain, “you’ll never get me to talk!” He taunts
“So, this is how it is going to work.” Asriel says. “I have your hand here, and I will keep burning until you tell me.”
“Go to hell.”
Without hesitation, Asriel creates fire in his right hand (the one holding Don's hand), at a relatively low intensity.
Don screams in pain.
Asriel continues burning, Don's hand becoming more and more charred. “TELL ME!” Asriel yells in a hauntingly booming deep voice.
Don says nothing. In response Asriel intensifies the flame, continuing to burn Don's hand, and the fire spreading to his wrist. Don watches as bits of the flesh on his hand fall off and land on the ground in front of him. Screaming in agony.
After another minute, Don finally gives in. “Stop! Please! I’ll tell you! I'll tell you!” He begs.
Asriel stops the flame, still holding Don's hand. “SPEAK!” He yells.
Don struggles to speak through crying. “They’re in another building, in New Home.”
“WHERE!?” Asriel demands.
“In a basement, under the Royal Monument.” Don responds. “There’s a hidden passage, under the statue of Asgore.”
“How?” Asriel quietly says to himself. “Do you work for anyone?” He asks.
“No, but we do have someone funding us and providing weaponry.” Don responds.
“Fuck.” Asriel says to himself, agitated. He looks over to Jackie, “read his mind, is he lying?”
“No.” Jackie says. “I’m afraid not.”
“God damn it.” Asriel says, dropping Don's hand, which is now charred to the bone; Asriel turns around and begins to leave the room. “He’s yours, Jackie. Do what you please.”
Jackie chuckles to himself, looking towards Don, licking his lips, and opening his mouth, revealing his shark-like teeth.
Don, attempts to back up. “No, please!” He begs.
Jackie bolts toward Don, grabbing his arms and biting deep into his neck. Don squirms, flails, and screams in pain, to no avail. Jackie drains his blood until Don finally turns to dust.
The same day, Asriel and his team stormed the second compound, arresting some members and killing the rest.
Sans is awoken by a phone call. He quickly picks it up, barely awake.
“Sans, we need to talk about something.” Asriel says.
Sans quickly pays attention, realizing the seriousness in Asriel's voice. “Yes, your highness? What is it?”
“Something major came up. Without getting into the details, I am going to need you to keep a close watch on Chara when with them, okay?”
“Alright. Understood.” Sans responds, confused.
“Thank you.” Asriel says, and hangs up.
Author’s notes:
Jackie can only somewhat read minds, just enough to tell when someone is lying. He hasn’t developed full mind reading yet.
Asriel commenting on the name being generic is me just roasting myself for not being able to think of a good name.
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severed-ties-uf · 8 months
Chapter Twelve: Confession
This picks up right where the last chapter left off. Sans and Chara walk along the bank of the lake, hand in hand; in their other hand, Chara holds the lantern, lighting the way.
Chara takes a deep breath, stopping and looking around at their surroundings. “I really missed the look, sound, and smell of the lake. It’s been so long, since I’ve been here, I almost forgot how serene it is.”
“I know it’s been years, what brought you here last time?” Sans asks.
“His highness and I used to come here a lot, to get a break from life in New Home, and all of the Royal stuff. It was fun! It gave him a break from his princely duties, and from people flocking to him constantly; and it also kept me safe from hostile monsters.” Chara lets out a sigh, closing their eyes a little. “I remember, hanging onto his back as he near-effortlessly climbed up — and on top of — the rocks, giving us amazing views of waterfall; I remember swimming in the lake together and goofing off; it was so nice. I really miss it.”
“Why haven’t ya been recently?” Sans asks, he could easily guess the answer, but he loves talking with Chara, so he asked anyway.
“Well, his highness is eighteen now, so his Royal duties have skyrocketed, rarely ever giving him a break. So there really isn’t any time for it, unfortunately. So, I’m really thankful that you brought me here, today!” Chara looks over to Sans, giving him a warm smile.
Sans returns the smile, “I guessed as much, and- you’re welcome.”
Sans and Chara continue to walk, eventually walking by an Echo Flower. Curious, Chara leads them over to it. Once they reach the flower, they both glance to each other, nod, and turn back to face the flower. Chara lets go of Sans' hand and touches the flower.
A passing conversation can be heard: {
“What do you think of the royal family keeping a human around for so long?”
“It pisses me off, like- just kill the dumb bitch already and get us out of here.”
“I know, right? Like- I get that they’re the Prince's beloved pet and all; I get that he cares a lot about them, but for fuck's sake why won’t he throw away his toy for the good of his people?”
“Exactly, the thing I hate most about our Prince is that he’s way too nice. Compassion does not belong here, I don’t know what his deal is.”
“And the problem is that matter how many times we try and assassinate the human, he always saves them, every single time. Every time, they get saved by either him or their skeleton boyfriend, whoever the fuck he is.”
} the flower goes silent.
Sans and Chara stay quiet for a moment, both looking downwards at the stem of the flower. Sans eventually looks up to chara, “It’s that serious, huh?” He asks.
Chara lets out a sigh, “Yeah, it really is.” Chara turns completely to face Sans, once again taking his hand, their face taking a somber tone. “At times- it makes me think about the hopelessness of my situation, which is why I try not to think about it.” They say, somberly.
Sans takes his right hand and places it on Chara's cheek, “I know…”. Sans looks downward, then returns to continue eye contact, “I- really wish I could do more. I'm sorry, Chara.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, Sans. My fate has long been sealed, and there’s nothing that can change that. You shouldn’t feel guilty, it’s outside of your control.” Chara replies, almost tearing up.
“I’m well aware of that, but I can’t help but be mad at myself for not being strong enough to make a change. I want to protect you, but- can’t-, I-” he replies. Now, beginning to tear up as well.
“I know.” Chara says softly, placing the lantern on the ground, and pulling Sans into a hug. “You’re always doing your absolute best to protect me, and I appreciate that more than you could ever comprehend. Don't loose yourself trying to change fate, you’ll only hurt yourself more.”
Sans starts to silently cry, “I know. That’s why I vow to spend as much time with you as possible, and make the absolute most out of what time we have left together.”
They part from the hug, Chara uses their thumb to wipe the gears off of Sans' face. They take their other hand, and place it on Sans' left shoulder. They look deep into his eyes for a moment, eventually smiling. “I love you, Sans.” They say quietly, “I love you.”
Sans quietly gasps in shock, then places his hand on Chara's cheek, wiping away their tears. “I love you too, Chara.”
Both of them smile at each other, now crying tears of happiness. Eventually Chara pulls them both in, placing a warm, gentle kiss on Sans' teeth. Next, Sans gently nips on their cheek (just enough to draw a drop of blood), and they both slowly part, looking into each other’s eyes. Both of their faces covered in a blush, and happy tears.
“Sans, will you be my boyfriend?” Chara asks.
“As long as you’ll be my significant other.” Sans replies.
“Yay!” Chara exclaims, once again pulling Sans into a deep hug.
Sans returns the hug full force, “I wish we could stay here forever, in each other’s arms,” he says.
“Same here,” Chara replies.
They part a little, allowing for some space between them, Sans places his hand on Chara’s cheek. “You have no idea how much you mean to me, Chara. When I was young, I was alone, I didn’t have any friends to speak of; everyone that I did have was endlessly antagonistic towards me. But then, you came along: you showed me true kindness from the first moment we met, you believed in me, you supported me, even at my absolute worst. You were the first person who ever showed me kindness. You mean everything to me, Chara. And I promise to stay with you until the day you die.” Sans says, tearing up.
“Thank you, I promise to be there until that happens,” Chara says silently crying from happiness. “Sans, you were one of my first friends in this world that wants me dead, and you mean so much to me. You being there has helped me more than you could ever know, your presence alone helps me forget about my fate. You are perfect for me, you’re smart, funny, and so kind; you mean the world to me, and I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to be my boyfriend.” They say, now full on crying.
“You’re the light in my darkness, Chara. My Angel who came to help me ascend; my candle who shines bright even in the most overwhelming darkness. I love you, Chara.” Sans replies, also crying.
“I love you, Sans!” They once again embrace, crying happily into each other.
They stay like that for a couple minutes, eventually parting. Sans picks up the lantern with blue magic and hands it to Chara. “Are you about ready to keep moving?” He asks.
Chara takes the lantern. “Yeah, I’m ready! I see more Echo Flowers up ahead, too!” They exclaim.
“Alright, let’s go.” Sans replies, as they continue to walk, hand in hand, both unable to get the huge smiles off of their faces.
Eventually they reach another Echo Flower, Chara lightly taps it with their finger.
A passing conversation can be heard, the same two voices from last time: {
“You remember two weeks ago, when we attempted to throw a bomb at the human, but the Prince immediately shot it out of the air with a fireball, causing it to detonate in Rick's face?”
“What kind of question is that? Of course I remember! Rick fucking died, and we barely escaped, how could I forget that?”
“I was just using that to bring it up. If we’re gonna assassinate the human, we have to try a lot harder than we are right now. The prince seems to have a sixth sense that detects danger or something, making the human untouchable as long as they’re with him, The problem is, that they’re very rarely not in his presence.”
“Yeah, and I’m way~ too stupid to think of a good solution.”
} the flower goes silent.
“Well,” Sans begins, “Seems like they’re not having much luck, are they?”
“Apparently not. To be fair, nobody has gotten much luck with that.” Chara responds, giggling. They look up to a small ledge around 25 away, noticing the Echo Flower sitting on it. “Hey, Sans, can you teleport us up to that ledge? I want to see what the flower has to say!”
“Of course, sweetheart.” He says, teleporting them both up to the flower.
Once there, Chara gives him a kiss, and proceeds to touch the flower.
A passing conversation can be heard, two different voices, but familiar ones: {
“Did I hear that right? They’re the ones? This is too good to be true.”
*phone ringing*
“Yes, Jackie? What do you need?”
“Your highness, I’ve found them, the escaped buffoons who attempted to blow up Chara two weeks ago.”
“You sure it’s them?”
“I just heard them admit it, blatantly.”
“Waterfall, by the lake.”
“Jackie, those two attempted to murder my sibling. I don’t care if you kill them, or bring them in alive, do not let them leave the area unscathed!”
“As you wish, your highness.”
*hang up*
“Let’s se how they like this.”
*gunshot* *gunshot* *gunshot* *gunshot*
“Got ‘em.”
} the flower goes silent.
“Well… they’re dead.” Sans says, blankly. “Whatever, they deserved it.”
“Yeah… I just wish they didn’t have to die, I wish they had the opportunity to change.” Chara says, looking down.
“I know, sweetheart.” Sans responds. “What do you say, we pack it up for today and bring you home?”
“Sounds like a good idea, I’m pretty tired, and I bet you are too.” Chara responds.
“You got that right.”
Author's notes:
Finally a proper confession, lol.
If any of you don’t know why I chose “sweetheart” as Sans' preferred nickname for Chara, then don’t worry about it. For those of you who do, I respect you for being an early bird in the fandom like myself.
Yes, in this AU, boss monsters do have a sixth “danger sense”, which warns them of incoming danger.
Yes, Sans' teeth are sharp, that’s how he drew blood.
Sans bit Chara instead of kissing because he doesn’t have lips, so lightly biting is his equivalent of kissing.
Also, Rick, shithead1 and shithead2 (the would be assassins) aren’t OCs, they’re just here for the plot point.
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severed-ties-uf · 8 months
Part Two: Tensions of Fate
This takes place five years after the last part. Sans and Chara are 13, Asriel is 18. The CORE has been completed, and technology has flourished.
Chapter Eleven: Real Date
Sans sits on his bed, alone, deep in thought. Him and Chara have stayed extremely close for the past five years, and over that time Sans' feelings for them have only grown. He knows his feelings well, but hasn’t let them all surface in front of Chara.
In his hands, he holds his phone, for the last hour, he’s been hesitating calling Chara; he wants to ask them on a date. He has everything planned out, a nice picnic in waterfall in front of the Great Lake, nice and secluded, unlikely to run into any hostile monsters.
Eventually, he gives in. Dialing their number and waiting… Finally, they pick up.
“Hey, Sans!” Exclaims Chara. “What’s up?”
“Um…” Sans hesitates for a moment, but he’s already made it this far, there’s no point turning back now. “Hey, Chara, would you like to go on a picnic in waterfall with me, this weekend?”
“Oh!” Chara giggles, “I’d love to! Where in waterfall will we be eating?”
“Right next to the lake, we’ll have a beautiful view of the water and New Home way off in the distance. I’ve got everything planned out.”
“Ooh! That sounds great!” Says Chara, “What time should we meet and where?”
“I’m thinking 12:00pm on Saturday, I’ll pick you up from the castle, at our standard meeting place. Is that okay with you?”
“Yup, that’s good with me! I can’t wait!” Chara says, giddy with excitement, giggling.
Sans smiles, just hearing Chara happy was enough to make his day that much better, but them accepting his offer elevated his mood to a whole other level. “I can’t wait either.”
Chara pauses for a moment. “Should I bring food for us?” They ask.
“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea!” Sans pauses for a couple seconds. “And also the only idea. To be honest I blanked on what food to bring. So, thank you.” Sans states, somewhat ashamedly.
“No problem!”
Sans chuckles, smiling. “Alright, I’ll see you then.”
“See ya!”
“Bye.” Sans hangs up, putting his phone down on his bed, and laying down; letting out a sigh of relief. He did it, and it couldn’t have gone better, every doubt in his mind had been quenched.
That Saturday, at 11:45am, Sans is getting prepared for his first ever true date with Chara. He’s filled with excitement, his mind running wild. In his arms he holds the picnic blankets and a beautiful rose. For the next thirteen minutes, he pulls together any last things he needed; and tucking the rose into an inner pocket of his jacket. Finally at 11:58, he leaves — in a flash, he’s past the gates of the castle, at the tree that marks their meeting point.
Sans looks around, then focusing on the pathway, hearing footsteps. In walks Chara, holding a picnic basket; they’re dressed nicely, wearing a black dress with a green undershirt, their gold locket necklace, and black (3cm) heel boots.
Seeing how wonderfully dressed Chara was, not only flustered Sans but also made him feel insecure for a moment; Chara was dressed up all nice, meanwhile he’s just wearing his casual clothes (red shirt, black hoodie, shorts, sneakers). All of these feelings were put aside upon hearing Chara’s excitement.
“Sans!” Chara exclaims with a big smile on their face, walking over to him briskly, setting the basket down besides themselves, and giving him a big hug.
Sans returns the hug, now smiling. “It’s great to see you, Chara.”
Chara pulls slightly away, allowing for space between the two. “It’s great to see you too! It’s been so long since we’ve done something like this together, I’m so excited!”
Sans chuckles, “I’m excited as well.” Sans pauses for a moment, both letting go from the hug, and taking steps back. “I love your outfit, it’s really pretty, and you look so beautiful in it.” He says, blushing.
Chara blushes, placing their hands over their heart. “Aww, thank you!” Chara giggles, “I love your outfit as well!”
“Wait, really? I didn’t even dress nice, this is just my regular outfit.” Sans says, confused
“Yes, really! It’s just so- you! You don’t need to dress nice.” Chara reassures.
“Thanks. I guess you’re right.”
Chara reaches down, picking up the basket and holding it in front of Sans, opening the lid facing him. “I brought some good food for us: meat, vegetables, fruits, miscellaneous treats, and two slices of pie; all made by myself. I think you’ll love it!”
Sans takes a look inside of the basket. “It sure looks good. Smells good, too. Your cooking is always great- I know it’ll be good.”
Chara smiles, giggling and blushing slightly. “Thank you!”
Sans chuckles, offering his hand. “Are you about ready to leave?”
“Yup, let’s go!” Chara says, taking his hand.
In the blink of an eye they’re gone.
Only around ten meters away from where they stood, behind a wall stands Asriel with Jackie perched on his shoulder as a bat. They wait for a moment, making sure the coast is clear; then Jackie flies off of Asriel's shoulder and on to the ground, turning back into his regular form.
Jackie smirks, “So… On a scale from one to ten, how into each other do you think they are?”
“Fourteen, at least.” Asriel states in a dry, half-sarcastic manner. “Those two are perfect for each other and they don’t even know it.”
Sans and Chara appear by the lake in waterfall.
“Well, we’re here.” Sans says.
Chara looks out to the lake. “Wow! I forgot how pretty this is from here! I rarely see it from anywhere but the Castle, it’s been so long since I’ve been here. Maybe even years.” Chara turns back to Sans, giving him a hug. “Thank you, for doing this.”
Sans returns the hug. “You’re welcome, Chara.” He pulls away, unfolding the blanket in his arms. “Now, let’s get this set up shall we?” With the help of a little blue magic, he quickly lays the blanket out on the ground.
Chara places the basket next to themselves on the blanket, and sits down, crossing their legs. Sans takes a seat right next to Chara.
“It's a little darker than I would’ve liked.” Sans says, blankly.
“I expected that, it’s why I brought this-“ Chara reaches into the basket, pulling out a small magic lantern, and placing it on the ground behind them. With the turn of a knob, it ignites, the blue flame flooding the area with light.
Sans looks over to the lantern, somewhat mesmerized by the flame and his curiosity sparked. “Smart thinking.” He says, looking back over to Chara. “Does it run on Boss Monster fire?”
“Yup! Asriel made it for me. Humans have pretty poor night vision in comparison to most monsters, so he wanted for me to have a way to see in the dark without relying on technology.”
“Interesting.” Sans says, his mind now preoccupied; he reaches into the inner pocket of his jacket, face flushed with red. “Hey, Chara. I’ve got something for you.”
“You do?! What is it?”
Sans pulls out the beautiful rose, and places it in Chara's hands.
Chara gasps, holding the flower up to the light to enjoy its beauty. “It’s so beautiful! Thank you!” They begin to place the flower in their hair.
“A beautiful flower, for a beautiful person.”
Chara blushes hard. “Oh,” they say softly (too flustered to say much more). “Thank you! Thank you so much!” Chara leans over and places a kiss on Sans' forehead.
“You’re welcome, Chara.” Sans says, pausing. “And- thanks for the kiss.”
Chara smiles cordially, placing their left hand on Sans' right shoulder. “You’re really, really handsome. You know that?”
“Really?” Sans asks, almost shocked for a moment.
“Yes, of course! You’re an incredibly handsome young man!” They say, rubbing his shoulder. “Don’t ever doubt that fact.”
Sans' entire face is bright red now. “Thanks.” He manages to say despite being incredibly flustered.
They both pause for a moment, getting their bearings back from all of the flirtation.
“I’m hungry.” Chara says, “shall we eat now?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely. I am starving.”
Chara opens the basket and begins to pull out food on plates and bowls, first starting with the meat, along with fruits and vegetables. They begin to eat.
“Your cooking gets better and better each time I taste it, you truly are an excellent chef.” Sans compliments. “I mean it, this is delicious.”
“Thank you! I learn from the best!”
Eventually, they finish eating, and Chara begins to collect the dishes and place them into the basket.
“That was amazing, Chara. What’s next? Pie?” Sans asks.
“I brought two slices of pie and some cookies.” Chara finishes putting the dishes in the basket, and pulls out the pie slices and cookies (also on plates). They proceed to place one slice of pie in front of themselves and one in front of Sans; placing the cookies between them.
Once again they dig in, Sans periodically commenting on the quality of the food and complimenting Chara. Eventually they finish and pack up all of the dishes.
Sans looks at Chara. “That food was amazing, I know I keep saying this, but I mean it.”
“Thank you. This date has been amazing! I’ve had so much fun with you today! Thank you so much for setting all of this up!”
“You’re welcome, Chara. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it! I’ve enjoyed it as well.” Sans sits up on his knees. “What do you say, we pack all this up?”
“Sounds like a plan.” Chara responds.
The two then stand up, clean everything, close the basket, and fold up the blanket; placing the blanket on top of the basket, “Hey, Chara. If it’s not too much trouble, would you like to go on a walk along the coast of the lake? We don’t have to go far.”
Chara perks up. “Yeah, I would love to!”
“Alright, we can just leave the basket here for now. Let’s go.” Sans says, taking Chara's hand and walking towards the artificial stairs leading down to the bank.
Chara quickly picks up the lantern by the handle and carries it with them. “Right behind you.”
Author's notes:
Finally this chapter is out and part two begins, sorry for the long delay, I’ve been pretty busy.
Sans and Chara here are so in love it’s ridiculous.
Asriel and Jackie ship those two almost as much as I XD
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severed-ties-uf · 8 months
Chapter Ten: Sleepover
This takes place immediately after the last chapter. Chara, Sans and Asriel all walk out of the room and into the hallway; Asriel leading them,
Asriel stops and turns around, looking over to Sans. “Alright, Sans. Do your thing.”
“Yes, your highness.” Sans replies, placing one hand on Chara’s shoulder, and one on Asriel's arm. In a flash, they were in the caste garden.
Asriel looks around at the familiar surroundings, then back to Sans. “Fantastic! I’ve gotta say, it’s incredibly impressive that you’re so good at that, despite only learning the power a couple months ago. Excellently done.”
“Yeah! You’re incredible! Thank you, Sans!” Chara says cheerfully, giving him a short hug.
“You’re welcome. And, thank you, your highness.” Sans replies, reaching down and taking ahold of Chara's hand.
Asriel looks towards the exit briefly, then turns back to the pair. “Alright, I’m going to go get dinner started for us. You two are free to go anywhere on castle grounds you like. I’ll call you when it’s ready.”
“Thank you, Azzy!” Chara exclaims, giving a bow to Asriel.
Sans chuckles, also bowing. “Yeah, thank you, your highness.”
“You’re welcome.” Asriel smiles, placing his hands on their heads: ruffling Chara's hair, and patting Sans' skull. After a couple seconds Asriel removes his hands and takes a step back. “Okay, I’ll be going now. See you guys later.” He says, turning around and walking towards the exit.
“See ya!” Chara says, before turning back to Sans, giving him a smile. Still holding his hand, they begin to walk, pulling him a bit. “Come on! Let’s enjoy the flowers!”
Sans follows them, smiling back. “Yeah, let’s go.”
For a half hour, they play in the garden: enjoying the flowers, making flower puns, talking about nothing in particular, and having fun. Now, both of them sit kneeling on the cobblestone path through the garden in front of a patch of flowers.
Sans looks over to Chara. “What do you think are the most beautiful flowers you’ve ever seen?”
“Hmm…” Chara thinks for a moment. “The most beautiful flowers I have ever seen, were in a field right outside of my village on the surface. It’s been four years since then, so I don’t remember all of the details, but I will never forget their beauty.” They say in a reminiscent tone. “I… hope to see them again, some day.”
“Oh.” Sans replies, looking down. He hesitates for a moment, before finally speaking. “What… was life like on the surface, Chara? If- you’re comfortable answering that.”
Chara pauses, trying to remember everything. “It… was mediocre. My father was an alcoholic, and my mother was almost never around. Father would- get angry sometimes and- hurt me. But he did love me still, same with mother. People weren’t as violent as the monsters down here, but still were pretty aggressive at times. There were still loads of great people around, but I rarely was able to interact with them. I mostly found solace in the flowers I mentioned earlier, I would go to that field as often as possible. Despite everything, I remained a positive child.”
“I see.” Sans responds, unsure if or how he should ask his next question. “How- did you fall? Once again, don’t answer if you’re uncomfortable.”
“One day, when I got home from school, father was gone. I couldn’t find him anywhere, no matter how hard I looked. I waited for hours and hours, but he never came. By the next morning, I was desperate, and went out looking for him. I checked the whole town, but didn’t find him.” Chara says somberly, pausing for a moment. “Eventually I turned to the woods, and Mount Ebott. After looking through the woods and finding nothing, I climbed up the mountain. Eventually I found an opening to a cave, curious, I approached. Inside of the cave entrance, was a hole leading to a massive chasm (i.e the underground). I took a couple steps forward to get a better look, when I tripped on a branch and fell down.”
“Oh… that’s- so sad.” Sans says sorrowfully. “Do you miss the surface?”
“Yes, I do, and I hope to see it again some day, alive or not.” They look down for a moment, taking a short pause, before looking back to Sans. “This may sound strange but, I actually prefer my life down here, even if it’s extremely limited. Excluding Asgore, I’m living with people who truly love me, and I have wonderful friends. I never had that on the surface.” Chara states optimistically.
They both sit silently for a couple moments. Suddenly they hear footsteps. “Hey guys, dinner’s ready!” Asriel yells. Sans and Chara get up quickly, Sans helping them to their feet.
“Coming!” Chara yells in response, as them and Sans begin to walk over to the living area.
Eventually they reach the kitchen, on the table are: three plates containing delicious looking meat and fruits. “Let’s eat, shall we?” Asriel announces, taking a seat at the table. Chara and Sans take a seat as well.
“This looks amazing, Asriel!” Chara exclaims, before they all begin to eat.
After a couple bites, Sans speaks up. “This is really good, your highness. You’re an excellent cook.”
“Yeah, this tastes great! You’re amazing!” Chara adds on.
Asriel chuckles. “Thank you. I’ve been working with mom on my cooking. I’m glad it’s been paying off.”
Around two minutes later, Sans looks over to Asriel and speaks. “Your highness?”
Asriel stops eating for a moment, and looks over. “Yeah?”
“What is it like being the prince?”
Asriel sets his fork down and leans back a little in his chair. “It’s very stressful, not only from my many duties I have to fulfill, but also all of the expectations I have to reach. I’m the future of the underground, people love me, they see me as a savior, and a hero, compared to the tyranny of my father. They see me as their bright future, and I can’t let them down. So I do everything I can: I study and train constantly, I take frequent lessons from my father and many other leaders, I read up on everything I can, and so much more. And that, takes a massive mental toll on me.” Asriel places his paw on the table, and sits up straight. “But, at the same time, it’s amazing! I love my people, I would do anything for them, and seeing them happy fills me with joy and keeps me going.”
“You’re doing a great job, Azzy! Don’t let anything or anyone get you down! You’re an amazing prince!” Chara says reassuringly.
“Yeah. You’re amazing!” Sans adds.
Asriel smiles brightly. “Thank you guys, it means a lot.” Asriel pauses for a moment, before looking over to Sans. “What’s it like being the son of the royal scientist?”
Sans sighs, lowering his head a little. “It’s not great. He’s so mean for no reason. He only cares about his work, and nothing else; not me, not anyone, not even Papyrus. Not to mention him doing disgusting experiments on innocent people. He’s just a terrible person, and it makes life hard sometimes.”
“I imagined as much. I hate that guy, too; he’s even worse than my father, somehow.” Asriel responds, lightly clenching his fist.
They continue eating for a while, when they’re done, they all take their plates to the kitchen and wash them. When they’re done Asriel looks over to them. “Do either of you want dessert?” He asks.
Sans and Chara look to each other, and then back.
“No thank you, I’m full.” Chara says.
Sans shakes his head. “Same here.”
“Very well.“ Asriel responds. “Chara, are you going to take Sans to your room, now?”
Chara perks up. “Oh, yes! Follow me, Sans”
Sans takes Chara's hand. “Right behind you.”
Asriel walks over to the two, before they can leave. “Oh, yeah. Sans, I put an extra mattress we had laying around, on the floor of Chara's room, along with a blanket and pillow. So you’ll have somewhere to sleep.”
“Thank you, your highness.”
Chara leads Sans over to their room, stopping in front of the door. “So, this is my room.” Chara opens the door and steps inside. “Come on in!”
Sans walks in and takes a look around. The room was pretty small (no more than four meters by four meters), in the right corner was their bed, next to it was a nightstand, in front of the bed was a toy chest; on the left hand side, there was their dresser, closet, desk and small bookshelf; on the far wall, there were many of Chara's drawings taped to the wall; and in the center of the room laid the mattress Asriel had provided for Sans.
“This is really nice.” Sans comments.
“Thank you!” Chara replies. “So, what do you want to do? Do you want to draw with me? I have paper and crayons!”
“Oh, that sounds fun! Let’s do that.”
Chara walks over to their desk and grabs a couple sheets of paper along with a box of crayons. They hand Sans a piece of paper, and pull up a stool for him to sit down.
“What are you gonna draw?” Chara asks.
“It’s a secret.” Sans says smiling. “What are you going to draw?”
“It’s a secret.” Chara replies, giggling.
They both laugh for a moment and get to drawing. For a half hour, they draw. Sans occasionally trying to peak at Chara's paper, but getting caught each time.
Eventually they finish drawing, holding their papers up, so the other can’t see.
“So, what did you draw?” Sans asks.
“What did you draw?”
Sans holds the paper to his chest. “You go first.”
“How about we go at the same time?” Chara proposes, making eye contact with him, also holding their paper to their chest.
Sans smiles, quickly sitting up straight. “Okay. On three. One, two, three!”
On three both of them turn their respective papers around, and show the other.
On Sans' paper, there was a doodle of Chara and a heart, on Chara’s paper, there was a drawing of Sans and a bunch of flowers. Upon seeing each other's drawings, they both gasp and blush, before setting their papers on the desk and embracing in a deep hug.
“You drew me!” Chara exclaims, giddy with happiness.
“You drew me!” Sans says, overjoyed.
Eventually they part, both still giddy. Simultaneously they reach for their respective papers and hold it out in an offering manner to the other. They look at each others papers in their hands, then locking eyes. They giggle and exchange papers.
“Thank you, Sans!”
“Thank you, Chara!”
They hug once more. From there they play for a while, first with some toys, and later some games. Eventually, it gets late.
Chara yawns. “I’m tired, we should probably get ready for bed.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty tired too.” Sans says, yawning as well.
Chara stands up, walking a bit toward the door before turning back. “I’m going to go shower and brush my teeth, I’ll be back soon.”
Sans gets up. “Okay. I’ll wait here.”
Chara leaves the room, closing the door behind them. A couple minutes later, Sans hears the shower running. Sans lies down on the mattress, it’s surprisingly comfortable, even more so than his one back at home, he begins to relax when he hears the door open.
Asriel walks into the room, closing the door behind him and looking over to Sans. “Hey, Sans. I’d like to talk for just a moment.”
Sans sits up, looking back to Asriel. “Uhh- yes, your highness?”
Asriel sits down on the floor, positioning himself next to Sans. “I want to thank you, for everything you’ve done — and continue to do — to protect Chara. This world is filled with monsters who want nothing more than the death of mankind, so many people who daily yearn for the death of Chara and are more than willing to take matters into their own hands. I do all that I can to protect Chara, but I am only one guy at the end of the day; so I thank you for being there, and doing everything in your power to protect them.”
Sans smiles, looking over to Asriel. “You’re welcome, your highness.”
Asriel gives Sans a hug, Sans, while initially shocked, returns the hug. After a moment, Asriel pulls away. “You’re a good guy, don’t let anyone otherwise.” He says, standing up, and taking steps towards the door. “I left a spare change of clothes for you in the bathroom, when Chara is done, you can shower.”
“Thank you, your highness.”
Asriel turns around and leaves, closing the door behind him. A little while later, Chara returns, and Sans heads over to the bathroom. Upon returning, he takes a seat on the mattress.
“Are you ready for bed, Sans?” Chara asks, climbing into bed.
“Yeah, I feel like I’m about to collapse from exhaustion.” He half-jokes, laying down and tucking himself in under the blanket.
Chara turns off the lamp, the room is filled with darkness, minus the nightlight in the corner.
Sans prepares to sleep, but is interrupted by Chara getting out of bed, and kneeling next to him. He begins to sit up. “Chara, what are you-?”
Before he can continue, Chara places their hand on his shoulder and kisses him on the forehead.
Sans blushes as well, chuckling a little bit.
“I love you, Sans.” Chara says quietly, smiling, and blushing.
Sans begins to tear up out of joy, hugging Chara. “I love you too, Chara.”
Chara places yet another kiss on his head, before standing back up. “Goodnight, Sans. I’ll see you tomorrow.” They say, as they climb back into bed, and tuck themselves in.
“Goodnight, Chara.”
In just a couple moments, Chara had fallen asleep.
Sans lies there, knowing that him and Chara will be together for years to come. Eventually, he too falls asleep.
End of Part One.
Authors notes:
Yes, in this AU, Chara and Asriel have separate rooms. Asriel's room is obviously larger.
That’s the end of part one, I don’t know when I’ll start working on part two, but it’s coming, don’t you worry!
Part two will take place 5 years later, when they’re both like- 13
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severed-ties-uf · 8 months
Chapter Nine: Forgiveness
This takes place directly after the previous chapter. Chara and Sans sit on his bed, hugging each other deeply. By this point, the two have stopped crying.
They part from the hug. Sans looks to Chara, running his left hand through their hair. “Are you feeling better?” He asks, worried.
“I’m feeling a lot better actually!” Chara says surprisingly happily. “Thank you, Sans. I really needed to vent there. Thank you so much.”
Sans gives them a little hug. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. And, you’re welcome, Chara.” Sans let’s go, pausing for a moment. “I think we should head back now.”
“Yeah, Asriel and Jackie have probably taken care of Layla by now. And I don’t want them to worry.”
Sans places his hands on Chara's shoulders. In a flash, they’re back to where they were. However, things are different: the walls and floors have scorch marks and cracks; the furniture is damaged and destroyed; and there’s a smell of burnt wood in the air. Against a cracked wall, sits Layla; heavily wounded, looking downward. Next to her stands Asriel holding his sword, and Jackie.
Chara looks around in shock, noticing all of the damage. “So much damage! Is everyone okay!?”
Asriel looks over to Chara before dispelling his sword, and running up to Chara, giving them a hug. “I’m fine, same with Jackie.” Asriel states quickly. “But that’s not my concern, are you okay?”
Chara looks up to him, giving a warm smile. “Yeah, I’m okay!”
Asriel smiles back, ruffling their hair. “Good, I’m glad!” He looks over to Sans. “You holding up alright, Sans?”
“Yes your highness.” Sans says.
Asriel affectionately places his hand on the top of Sans' skull. “Excellent. And, thank you for removing Chara from the carnage. I owe you one.”
“You’re welcome, your highness.” Sans responds. “What happened, exactly? Why is everything destroyed.”
Asriel stands up tall, pointing at himself with his thumb. “I happened.” He laughs.
Chara looks around at the destruction, hiding a proud smile with their hand over their mouth.
Asriel continues. “In actuality, it was all of us. It would’ve gone much more smoothly if Layla didn’t have a gun. Despite it just being a- uhh-“ Asriel looks over to Jackie. “Jackie, what did you say she used again?”
Jackie looks back over to him. “She used a 9mm, Sig p226.”
Asriel looks back to Chara. “Yeah, she used that. So it wasn’t nearly as bad as it could’ve been, but just enough to cause carnage. Especially since she had silver bullets which could maim Jackie.”
“I’m glad you’re all okay!” Chara says.
“Now, someone has something to say to you. Follow me.” Asriel says, walking over to Layla. Chara and Sans follow behind him.
Layla looks up to Chara, letting out a sigh. “I’m sorry.” She says, half-heartedly. She looks over to Asriel, seeing his unsatisfied stare. “I’m sorry I tried to kill you. I made a horrible lapse in judgement, and I regret my actions.”
“It’s okay, I forgive you!” Chara says happily. It’s true, they forgave her, for everything.
Layla looks up at Chara in shock, Jackie takes a step back (also shocked), meanwhile Sans and Asriel just look at each other.
“W- What?” Layla says confused. “You— forgive me?”
Chara giggles slightly. “Yes, of course I do! You made a mistake, you did something wrong, but now you’re apologizing, and hopefully want to be better.”
Layla freezes, she honestly didn’t mean that initial apology, she just said it to save her own skin, but now- she actually feels bad about what she did. Now she’s actually sorry. Seeing Chara's unending kindness, and forgiveness, awoke something in Layla. “Th- Thank you.” She says quietly. “I’ll try and have better self control from now on, and think more deeply upon my actions.”
“Good!” Chara holds out their hand, offering to help pull Layla off of her feet.
Layla looks at Chara's hand. Initially hesitant, she doesn’t want to piss of Asriel again; looking over to him, in his expression she sees a warning, but no straight up objection. Without further ado, she takes Chara's hand, allowing herself to be pulled up. Once on her feet, she stands tall, looking at Chara, making eye contact. “Thank you, once again. I’ll be leaving now.”
“You’re welcome!” Chara replies.
Layla looks back at Chara once more, before speeding off.
Jackie looks at Chara in amazement. “How the FUCK!? How did you manage to get through to her? I’m genuinely dumbfounded. That’s probably the first time she’s ever changed her mind on anything.”
Sans wraps Chara in a hug, facing Jackie. “Well, that’s Chara for you.” He states confidently. “Always kind no matter what, and it pays off.”
Asriel sets his hand on Chara's head, smiling. “I told you, Jackie, they’re one incredible child.”
“No kidding.” Jackie chuckles.
Asriel looks to the door and then back to the group. “Alright, it’s been a while, I’m going to go check on the meeting, and I’ll report back. You all are free to join me if you’d like.”
“I’ll join!” Chara smiles and giggles.
Sans shrugs. “Alright, why not?”
“Ehh… I don’t wanna see my dad right now, I’ll stay here.” Jackie says, rubbing his head.
“Alright, let’s go. See you soon, Jackie.” Asriel begins to walk.
The group walks over to where the meeting is taking place. Surprisingly, they see their respective parents standing, taking to Elder (the head of the Dalv family). Asgore, Toriel and Gaster look over to the pair.
“There you are.” Toriel says, outstretching her arms for a hug.
Asriel and Chara walk over and accept the hug, staying for a moment before Toriel lets go of them.
Asgore looks to his son. “The agreements are taking longer than we expected and evolving rapidly. We ran out of time today, so they’re offering to let us all stay the night.”
Asriel looks down to Chara, then back to Asgore. “I… don’t exactly feel comfortable letting Chara sleep here. Even if I’m with them. Could I maybe take them back to the Castle?” Asriel asks.
Asgore and Toriel look to each other for a moment, both nodding and looking back to the group.
“That’s fine by me. I don’t see why not.” Asgore says.
Toriel gives a cordial, motherly smile. “It’s a good idea. And feel free to bring Sans with you, too. I know Chara and him are quite good friends.”
Chara and Sans look to each other excitedly.
Sans looks to his father, initially hesitant, he speaks. “Can I go, father?” He asks.
“Go ahead. Like I care.” Gaster states lazily.
Asriel looks to his mother and father. “Thank you, it means a lot.” He then turns back to Chara and Sans. “Alright you two, we’ll leave in a moment, I just want to go say goodbye to Jackie first.”
“Yes your highness!” Chara and Sans both say in sync.
Author's notes:
Next chapter will be a sleepover chapter, woohoo.
I wanted to demonstrate a bit of Chara's skill at getting through to people, and Layla was a perfect conduit for it.
If you’re wondering where Papyrus is during these outings, he’s being taken care of by some of Gaster's coworkers.
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severed-ties-uf · 8 months
Thank you so much to @miss-chans for the adorable profile picture! 🥺❤️🥰 Its perfect and everyone here should check her out!
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