#the way tumblrs filtering and following system works is that you have to be EXACT with the tag
babsvibes · 10 months
Me: And here’s the tag for the ship week! It’s on all the graphics, it’s posted in the FAQ/guidelines, I’ve been using it on my posts. Just please use this tag so that I can easily find your work
Y’all, every ship week, without fail:
Tumblr media
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the-final-sif · 2 years
A follow up to my last tumblr post; here's a guide to tumblr tagging for those new to the platform or unfamiliar with how tagging works here (current as of 11/2/2022).
This guide is for tumblr tags on original posts, reblogs don't follow these rules (reblogs aren't indexed in search results/in tag pages, only original posts are), and most people use tags differently on reblogs (making comments/saving stuff for later) than on original posts (getting posts to show up in search results).
Tumblr lets you have up to 30 tags on one post, of these tags, only the first 20 will show up in search results. You probably won't need more than this, but do keep it in mind if you use a lot of tags.
Tumblr tags allow you to use spaces / : ' etc basically anything but a comma.
You should use spaces between words where possible, both to allow blocking to work, and to help your post show up in more search results (discussed later). So "birdphotography" would be an incorrect tag, "bird photography" would be a correct tag.
Feel free to tag everything thoroughly, but don't tag things that are totally unrelated to your post. This is considered spam and users may block/report you over it.
Ex, if you have a photo of a Woodpecker acceptable tags would be "photography" "bird photography" "woodpecker" etc, but an unacceptable tag would be "elephant". Even if you think the woodpecker kinda looks like an elephant, you still shouldn't tag elephant. Only tag "elephant" if the post actually has an elephant, or discusses elephants.
Tumblr tags allow your work to be discovered in two ways - search results ("/search/writeblr") and tag pages ("/tagged/writeblr").
Tag pages are pages that show a feed for a specific tag, people can follow tags that have their interests. Depending on what a person has set, posts to the followed tag may show up on their dashboard like posts from blogs they follow (this can be disabled under dashboard preferences). Tag pages will only show posts that have the exact tag.
Search results are what you get when you go to the search bar and type in a search. The search function will check tags and the text of a post to find matches, and will include partial matches.
So, to use "writeblr" as an example, only posts tagged with "#writeblr" show up on the tag page. A post tagged "#not writeblr" will not show up in the tag, but will show up in search results. A post that's totally untagged but has the word "writeblr" in it, will also show up in search results for "writeblr".
Search results are a big reason why it's better to use "bird photography" rather than "birdphotography". The first tag will show up under a search for "bird" and "photography" the second tag won't show up for anything except a search for "birdphotography".
Keep in this in mind if you're posting neg or stuff that you don't want to show up in search results. If you don't want a post to show up in search results, then you'll need to make sure that both the tags and text of the post don't contain the search term.
When tagging something for a fandom/space you're new to, it's good to look around to see if you can find tags that may've been created specifically for that group. For example, writers on tumblr often use "writeblr". Other tags could also apply, but that's an existing tag that already has a fair bit of traffic that may make it easier for others to find your posts.
Good tagging can help get your post out there, but most posts get the vast majority of their notes from reblogs/being passed along people's dashboards. It can take some time for people to pick up on something. Old posts often circulate on tumblr as they're discovered, and posts can take awhile to pick up steam. Don't get discouraged if things take awhile.
Good luck, have fun, tag properly and remember that if you encounter content you don't like, then you have a blocklist & content filter in your settings. The tagging system makes both of these very effective tools for keeping your dashboard a comfortable space.
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dawn-the-rithmatist · 2 years
A little long thing on censorship and boundaries on the internet
Okay prefacing this by saying this post is only written for tumblr and ao3. If you go beyond those I have no knowledge for you unfortunately, but maybe people can chime in in the notes.
Starting off, each person is responsible for controlling their own internet experience. We’re lucky that tumblr does not have an algorithm that forces unexpected things onto your dash (aside from blazed posts and based on your likes, but more on that later). You are in complete control of the content that appears on your dash, based on who you follow. Likewise, on ao3 you’re able to filter searches so you see what you want to see, and no one is making you click on the things you don’t. No one owes you anything with their content, aside from the ability to avoid it if you choose.
Follow up, you are responsible for making your content avoidable for people who don’t want to see it. If you’re writing the kinkiest fic out there, that’s fine. That’s yours to write and share as you wish. But you’re responsible for tagging it so that people who aren’t after that kind of material don’t see it if they want to. That way you get people who are happy to see/read your works, and people aren’t confronted with 50 Shades of Gray when they were really just looking for some PG hand holding.
Basic tags for those who aren’t used to tagging systems are whether it’s NSFW, any particular kinks, and any potential triggers (things like gore, underage, no con, suicide- if there’s an archive warning for it on ao3, it’s probably something you should tag so people can avoid it). Make sure that you spell the thing out without typos or euphemisms or @ny w31Rd $tuff that would lead to it NOT being filtered. (We don’t Unalive here, we kill, and Unalive will show up even when kill has been filtered out.)
What if someone I follow reblogs something that I don’t want to see or find problematic? If it’s something specific you’re trying to avoid, tumblr has tag filtering. You can block tags related to that thing, and it won’t show up on your dash uncensored. In case you ever want to see what’s behind that censor in spite of the tag, you’ll have the option to view it anyway- you won’t miss that the post exists entirely. If it’s something that hasn’t been tagged, it might be a good idea to (kindly!! Respectfully!!) request that the person tag it appropriately. If they refuse, you might want to unfollow them so you don’t have to see it anymore.
I unfollowed someone whose content bothered me, but my mutuals keep reblogging it so I still see it on my dash. You can block them! Then reblogs won’t show up on your dash, no matter how many mutuals reblog it. Blocking someone does nothing to them- try not to see it as something aggressive or offensive. You have the right to control what you see online, and blocking is a way to do that more effectively. You can always unblock them later if you change your mind!
Things from people I don’t follow keep showing up on my dash. This could be a couple of things. If it says “based on your likes!” or “tags you follow”, that’s something you can disable in settings (I can edit this post later with the exact locations) and tumblr won’t show you those anymore. That said, those are still subject to tag filtering, so that’s also a good approach if you don’t want those things to go away completely.
Now that blazed posts are around, there’s a chance you might get something you don’t like through that, but I’m not sure if there’s a way to filter those out. I haven’t seen a blazed post from tags I block yet, so… so far so good? If anyone knows, please chime in!!
Some content shouldn’t exist online, even if it can be blocked/filtered/avoided. This is the most important point on this post. I do think that some things shouldn’t exist online. My mother also thinks some things shouldn’t exist online. However, we don’t agree on what those things are, and we both agree that there are some cases where we would make exceptions to our rules. If we start purging content that we don’t agree with, it’s going to become a question of who is disagreeing with the content. Gotta be honest folks, in that scenario, I’m pretty sure the voices that get listened to will be straight, cis, and white.
TL;DR: Internet freedom disappears when we allow censorship, but we do still need to protect each others’ boundaries when we’re online. The best way to do that is to tag your content (no tag limits on tumblr or ao3, so don’t hold back! Only the first five count for searches on tumblr but the rest can be used for filtering blocked tags), block and filter things you don’t want to interact with, and unfollow or block people who you can’t trust to respect boundaries.
PLEASE reblog this post and add on anything you think is relevant, because this feels more relevant than ever right now <3 thanks friends
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sazandorable · 4 years
About moderating and banning content on AO3!
Okay so! I haven’t had the spoons to do this for a while but I cracked and ranted about it on twitter which is... not... conducive to long rants, so!
This is a h u g e discussion part of the l o n g history that led to the creation of AO3, which older, more informed, and more articulate people have talked about at length and can be found around if you look (I reblog some of it in my AO3 and fandom history tags for the curious). So I won’t go into that here, nor into the practical reasons why it’s not even possible to put that system in place anyway.
Arbitrarily, or the purpose of this post, because it’s the biggest topic I’ve seen brought up lately, I’ll be talking about fic depicting underage characters in se*ual situations, but honestly I could hold the exact same conversation on literally any controversial content.
This is about why you, specifically, if you are a content creator and especially if you are marginalised and especially if you are queer and especially especially if you are sensitive to fiction depicting certain things... do not, actually, want a banning system on AO3.
What? Of course we do. There’s a lot of p*do shit on AO3 and p*do shit is gross. No one should condone that, wtf? It would be easy to do — just periodically delete the entire Underage tag!
What will happen if that is done is that people will re-upload and continue to write it, they’ll just stop tagging and you will run into it with zero warning nor ability to filter it out. Again, this is not a theoretical — we know this is what happens. When I was a teen, adult content (all adult content) was not allowed on FF.NET; it was everywhere regardless, and without tags. The exact same thing happened on tumblr when adult content was banned as well. It’s not a matter of “staff not handling it well” — it just doesn’t work.
To keep safe the people who need to be able to exclude that tag, that tag needs to exist and be used.
Well, shucks. A reporting system then?
A reporting system would operate in one of two ways:
-an algorithm, which would delete a lot of stuff we wouldn’t want it to delete.
-humans, which is... the bigger problem.
An algorithm sounds great. We do want it to delete everything.
Okay. What about the daddy k*nk fics between consenting adult characters? What about the fics featuring characters that are children in the canon but are adults in the fic? What about the fics about teenagers exploring their se*uality together, written by adults about the experiences they remember having or wish they could have had? What about the thousands of SasuNaru and Drarry and other shounen and YA fics that will get written, by teens or by people who remember being teens? What about the se*ually explicit fic written by teens who are se*ually active in real life? What about the fics about CSA as trauma, about healing from it? What about the fics written by survivors of CSA to cope about their trauma? What about the fics that clearly show that it’s evil and traumatic? What about the super dark, harrowing, but beautiful and artistic that I’m glad I read even though it fucked me up for days? What about the ones that were really shitty but also horribly hot?
Well, some of these are still not okay, but maybe some might be. It depends on how it’s written. We’ll have humans moderating content and deciding, then.
The thing is, I don’t know which of the things I just listed were okay for you to be depicted in fiction and which were too much. Odds are I don’t agree with you. Odds are if I asked 10 people randomly picked off the street, not everyone would agree.
Odds are, even if AO3 arbitrarily decided on which of those are allowed and which are not, you would not agree with their choice, and you would still be unhappy with the decision. (Or you would be happy, but your friends wouldn’t.)
Odds are, different AO3 content moderators might not agree on whether a given fic qualifies or not — is it artistic enough? Does it show enough that these actions are evil and wrong? Can the author prove they’re a teenager? Can the author prove they are a CSA victim? Can the author prove that this is to help them cope with their trauma? The author seem to be functioning alright, they mustn’t really be traumatised!
You know what I mean! There’s absolute, objectively gross shit out there that is not artistic and should not be published.
I agree that there’s vile stuff out there that makes me sick and that I think is very clearly just ped*philic trash. But there is no way to, 1) stop those from getting published anyway, 2) take those down and preserve the safety of everything else.
If we start forbidding some things, there’s two ways to go about it.
One single, clear, arbitrary rule — for instance, absolutely no adult content featuring characters under 18 (leaving aside the fact that this would not even work for the reason cited above). So we lose all the stuff from teenagers, all the coming of age stories about adolescence, all the stuff from CSA survivors; people who need to write it can’t publish it anymore, and people who need to read it can’t anymore either (and as a cool bonus, they’re told it’s wrong and made to feel bad about it). Depending on whether the rules applies to characters that are under 18 in the canon, we lose entire fandoms.
Or, subjective moderation by humans, according to what they estimate to be gross.
Let’s assume all moderators can agree on what’s gross or not.
If there is a system in place to ban some underage works because “gross shit”, then that means other gross stuff can be taken down on account of being gross and harmful.
Yeah! Gross stuff should be taken down! Come on, surely everyone agrees on what’s gross and harmful.
But the problem is.
Here is a list of things I have seen — with my eyes seen — called harmful to be depicted in fiction:
Mental illness
Non-negotiated k*nk, but healthy k*nk is ok
Spanking k*nk
BDSM where the woman is a bottom, but woman top is ok
Healthy depictions of BDSM
Unhealthy depictions of BDSM
Queer people doing bad things
Abusive relationships
Rival/Enemies to lovers
Redemption stories
A happy relationship between a 17 yo and an 18 yo
A happy relationship between a 20 yo and a 60 yo
A happy relationship between a boss and their employee, or a college teacher and a student
A happy relationship between a 14 yo boy and an older teenage boy, because that’s reminiscent of older men preying on younger gay boys IRL
Se*ual content featuring a character whose age is unclear in canon and some people headcanon them as being underage, some as being a young adult
Loving, consensual fluff between characters that are evil villains, because it romanticises them and their actions
Dark content shipping female characters
Fluffy content shipping female characters, because it’s misogynistic to act like lesbians are only soft all the time
Consensual s*x featuring a canonically asexual character, because it implies that all aces can and should still have se*
Fics about the same canonically asexual character hating s*x, because that erases the experience of s*x-positive aces
Shipping a character who is perceived by some fans as queer-coded with a character of a different s*x
The tendency to ship a black character with white characters
Fluffy drunk s*x, because that’s not actually consensual
Sleep s*x, because that’s not actually consensual
Trans characters not experiencing dysphoria, because that idealises the trans experience
Consensual s*x between adults that are not married
LGBT+ content, because kids shouldn’t see that.
I guarantee you: you, I, and 10 random people plucked from the street will not agree on what, in that list, is and isn’t okay to publish and consume fiction of.
So why should your taste be the one followed? Why should it be the taste of mods you don’t know? Why should anyone get to dictate? What if the mods think your OTP is gross and your NOTP is fine?
This is the slippery slope argument.
Yes, it is the slippery slope argument. Because we know it happens. Because we’ve been there, because I’ve seen it happen myself twice already and I’m not even thirty. Because we know people do complain loudly about all of these things.
And because the second there is a banning system in place, assholes will use the system to abuse it and get stuff they just don’t like taken down using the “it is gross” argument, and one day you’ll wake up and the beautiful fic that helped you come to terms with your abuse/trauma/identity/orientation/k*nk for feet will be taken down and wonderful vulnerable creative people will have been harassed out of fandom because they argued with 1 person who didn’t like their foot k*nk fic that happened to also feature, for instance, a CSA trauma backstory.
Again: not exaggerating. Not theoretical. It happens, we know it happens, AO3 was created literally because it happens.
I still fucking hate that stuff.
That is completely fine and normal. No one likes everything. Me too! Most of the dark stuff is niche and the creators know only few people will like it the same way they do.
(For the record, I get grossed out and triggered by fics about an asexual character who does not like s*x having s*x with their partner to make them happy. Deep in my gut everything screams that that’s fucked up, terrifying and harmful, how can people write that. But I recognise that there are people who love and need that, and I leave those people and their content alone.
OTOH, I read a lot of otherwise dark shit and I enjoy it in the same way I enjoyed, say, Hannibal, in the same way some people enjoy true crime documentaries, horror movies or r*pe fantasy k*nk. It helps me explore stuff that I like to see in fiction, in a safe, controlled way. I’m also asexual, 90% s*x-repulsed IRL, and, obviously, I would never abuse a child. For that matter, I wouldn’t kill and eat people, either, nor would I do 90% of the tamer k*nky stuff I read.
Of course, Hannibal was fucked up and lots of people probably think Hannibal was gross and should not have been aired — but as exemplified by the fact that it was created, aired and watched, lots of people thought it was fine, interesting and even fun to watch.)
You can and should curate your experience and protect yourself. The AO3 website now allows you to exclude certain tags, and people have developed tools to help with that such as plugins that save your filters or hide fics that contain certain words.
But no, it isn’t going to, and it shouldn’t, get banned.
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
this was originally meant to be a response/follow-up to @i-did 's post about race in the aftg fandom (that you should read). i ran it by him first and asked permission to add, but then we decided it was too long so i should make it its own post
i want to talk about fandom's take on the twins' race because it's rather glaring in the fandom that andrew (and then aaron by necessity) are often portrayed as the only white characters on the team and i have to question why?
there's nothing in the backstories that would mean writing them as POC would fling them headlong into offensive stereotypes that the fandom hasn't bypassed over to make another fox a POC.
they have a history of addiction? but it's okay for matt and seth to be addicts and be brown.
they're violent? but it's okay for renee to be non-white and a former gang member.
they're blond and 'pale'¹? but allison can be a WOC and bleach her hair without saying it explicitly? renee can have white rainbow hair no matter the AU? neil can be a blue-eyed redhead and still be drawn darker skinned half the time?
'pale' in and of itself is a very vague word that's only brought up in the context of comparison to notably dark skinned nicky. it's completely relative, and multi-racial families where people look wildly different from each other exist (pretty commonly). or if you're prescriptivist how about the multiple ways a POC can still be a natural blond including but not limited to pigmentation conditions or being mixed race? similarly, i think less than a quarter of the FCs i've seen for andrew over the years have been natural blonds themselves.
so if our holdups aren't about racial stereotyping and they aren't about the incredibly vague character descriptions, then why are the twins always white when it's approached as a good thing that no one else is? when i've seen multiple different posts lauding the fandom for adding diversity where nora didn't write it, except for here?
to be completely, bluntly honest, it's because we as a majority-white fandom are uncomfortable when we are not the central characters. or maybe we are uncomfortable when people of color ARE the central characters. i don't think there's much of a difference.
we are comfortable writing and drawing nicky, the upperclassmen, then kevin (in that order) as poc because, simply, we use them as background characters. they are rarely the main characters of fics, or have their own storylines in them; it all revolves around andreil.
additionally, while i've used neil up to now as an example of the fandom being OKAY with writing POC, let's also admit that it's an,, imperfect representation, as he will often be racially ambiguous with no explicit ethnicity, he will be the lightest skinned of the foxes of color, and he will still have eurocentric features. also it's genuinely a toss up as to whether he's drawn brown or not, there are still plenty of white neils, much more than there are white dans and matts and renees (not an attack on anyone who draws white neils, simply a statement) and FCs and edits of him still tend to be white people.
he's a bit of a schrödinger's person of color, not really any one thing or another, very few people being willing to take a hard stance on him and do the work of taking that decision under consideration when writing and drawing him.
(quick shout-out here to @hi-raethia for making content about an explicitly chinese interpretation of neil).
(additionally, to be as clear about my intended message as possible, this isn't a statement on the politics of passing or undermining the ethnicities of lightskinned poc, this is about a lack of detail being put into making a character a character of color in any thoughtful, meaningful, or significant way)
so when i talk about the centralization of white people in fandom, neil gets to be included, perhaps with a footnote indicating that this is somewhat of a more complicated statement than it is with lily-white andrew minyard.
nevertheless, i feel comfortable saying that 75% of fandom content revolves around andrew and neil, major exceptions only being jerejean which are often stand-alone from the foxes, and the rising branch of kevaaron shippers. however both of those ships are actually subject to this exact same criticism, as ships between a a flat-out white character and a dubiously "non-white" character who can also be white sometimes. it varies.
conspicuously, content about the UPPERCLASSMEN tends to revolve around andrew and neil.
fics where the upperclassmen are the pov character are often outside-perspective fics on andreil.
HC posts about the upperclassmen, especially matt, will devote major portions to his time spent helping, hanging with, and thinking about andrew and/or neil.
secondary ships like danmatt or renison tend to be just that, secondary ships moving in the background of andreil-focused works. they get more of a,,, scenic shout-out than a storyline
it is only comfortable for us to write these characters as characters of color if they revolve entirely around white characters
so after all that? what should we do, as a white-majority fandom? what should YOU, specifically, as a white person, do?
i hate to talk about a problem without also talking about solutions, and i try not to carp on something i don't want to be an active part of fixing. public criticism without an action plan only leads to hurt feelings and guilt, and that's never my intention when bringing this up. my goal is to address a general problem, not anyone specific's personal failings.
in all honesty leaning completely into all of the foxes being people of color, though i think neat and i certainly support, is not the best solution, and would be more of a hollow action than anything else without addressing the underlying problems that lead to the development of this dynamic.
i think the best thing to do would be to 1. do some research on writing poc, usually by following some writing-specific blogs like @writingwithcolor or @pocinmymedia . look up the 'black best friend' trope and really spend some time tjinking about it. spend an hour seeking out a random assortment of blogs that interest you that are also run by people of color. checking through tags like drawingwhileblack or blacktober may be good kickoff points.
tumblr is great because with an hour of active work to find these blogs, you can then go months passively seeing content from them. try not to interact, actually, simply watch and listen and become familiar with general trends and concerns in different communities. remember that every blog is run by an individual person, not an elected representative of their race, and always keep this in mind.
you are teaching YOURSELF that people of color are individuals, they have interests and inner lives that don't revolve around whiteness, that don't revolve around YOU
at the same time, 2. challenge yourself as a creator to make more content about the upperclassmen, specifically. make art about them doing stuff as a group separate from neil and andrew's group. find a compilation of 'draw the squad' memes and draw/tag the upperclassmen only. make jokes where they talk to each other. write some meta about their character motivations. write a fic where andreil isn't even mentioned, it can be super short, you can even use a prompt generator.
as a reader, reread their backstories in the extra content. reread son nefes. use ao3's filtering system to read some fics about JUST the upperclassmen, few and far apart though they may be.
if we've decided that the upperclassmen are people of color then lean into that, and learn to CARE about them on their own merit, because they are the most underutilized characters in the fandom. we need to make content centralized around them to combat the fact that fandom centralizes whiteness
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cetaceans-pls · 3 years
Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Relationships: Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Attempted Kidnapping, Date Night at an Aquarium, Gone Terrifically Wrong, Dom/sub Undertones Series: Part 4 of Third Thursdays
A plainclothes mission at the Gotham Aquarium quickly goes off the rails when Jason and Bruce find themselves on the wrong end of a kidnapping attempt. A billion-dollar target out of the Batsuit, Bruce gets taken.
Jason comes fetch.
Happy late Lunar New Year + Valentine’s! Why do I keep forgetting to post things to my tumblr! Life’s full of mysteries!
Anyways, please enjoy the weird result of me thinking too much about aquariums and helmets that look like jackals, and have a good week  🙏
Fic also available below the cut:
Jason studiously doesn’t mess with his cuffs, tug on his necktie, or pull off his sunglasses. He hates being forced to manifest in a suit and tie; it’s a misery every single time he has to. However, knee-deep in the bowels of a pandemic that just won’t freakin’ quit, needs must. Sometimes a man’s got to cosplay as a high-tier bodyguard to fit in a date night on a Thursday, so sometimes a man will.
He fiddles with his earpiece, expression serious even though he’s really just trying to get the volume up on his audiobook. It adds to the aura of stern, scary bodyguard man, and it means that the wobbly-lipped, handsy director cuts short his long, long thank you speech to Bruce and waves them inside for their all-access tour of the Gotham Aquarium after dark. It’s a performance he and Bruce have repeated for most of a year now, and it’s the main avenue for Jason to work through his massive collection of audiobooks. Once a month or so Billionaire Fuckboy Bruce Wayne will get it into his head to book a library or a park or a zoo or a planetarium all to himself for fuck knows what, and he’ll be good and won’t break any social distancing rules or any furniture because it’s just him and his bodyguard staying through the night. Come morning the establishment will find themselves the recipients of a donation generous enough to keep their heads above water, while Brucie floats away on a cloud of expensive scotch to find his next flex.
Bruce has more money to his name than anybody ever, ever should, and these days he uses it to buy literal breathing space for much of Gotham’s public facilities struggling to stay afloat.
This is their first visit to the aquarium, because the social media intern-turned-manager here had managed to keep finances fiercely healthy by selling videos of aquarium creatures with personalised messages. Dick himself had commissioned a 30-second video of an aquarium worker whispering ‘wiggle wiggle wiggle’ into a microphone while the camera zoomed in and out from the moon jelly exhibition, and the number of Gothamites keeping their spirits up exclusively thanks to a video of a gently floating manatee quietly murmuring “You’re doing your best” is alarming.
That’s why it’s taken them a while to work their way here, but Jason has to admit he’s looking forward to a relaxing night walking around in mood lighting with B, heckling the occasional fish. Their last date night keeping Gotham’s ‘non-essential’ attractions open had been at the rec centre in the Narrows that’s been shut for months. Romance was thin on the ground there, because mid-date the Bat had taken over Bruce and decided that they owed it to the people of the city to make a few simple adjustments to improve water quality in the swimming pools.
Elbow-deep in an ancient pump and filtration system, Jason’s hand had gotten tangled in something while pulling out the filters. It had turned out to be a tangled, sopping wet mass of human hair the size of a cat, and for the first time in a while, he had wished he was dead and actually kind of meant it.
Tonight, though, promises to be smoother sailing. The aquarium’s not in dire disrepair, the staff have been instructed to keep out of their way and respect their privacy, and he has burritos and two bottles of mini-Merlot tucked in holsters that would hold guns on a lesser man. It’s perfect prep for a relaxing supper in front of the open water tank.
The director leads them in through the main entrance, still talking Bruce’s ear off while he gestures nervously around them and swipes at his thinning white hair. Jason follows after them, hand to his ear as he says a bunch of menacing gibberish into empty air. He and Bruce are incredibly dull on nights out like this, and have by Alfred’s decree been cut-off from work comms to decrease the chance of anyone on duty being rude jealous assholes. No one’s listening right now, but growling ‘Code Esper’ into his jacket has the director sweating even harder, which is the intended outcome. With a messily-babbled “Goodnight and goodbye Mister Wayne!” and an unwelcome pat on the small of Bruce’s back, the man disappears the way they came, heavy glass doors swinging shut.
Finally, the night’s starting to look better.
First thing Jason does is rip off his stupid sunglasses. It’s certainly an Expected Look for a bodyguard, but it’s 11 PM on a weekday night and on top of it being a hideous accessory, it sets his teeth on edge to have his vision obscured even while off-duty.
He also whips his tie off, because there’s a time and a place for choking and it’s not here, not yet. Jason runs his hand through his hair to break through the gel and scowls to see the black residue on his fingers. Makeup on his face, makeup in his hair, makeup pasted on to hide him in plain sight when other people get to go to Wendy’s barefaced and hand-in-hand as they pleased, urgh.
The world’s extra rough on the legally dead, even if he’s immediately mollified by Bruce sidling up to him, close enough that their hips bump and their fingers tangle.
Christ, rich man shampoo smells a whole lot different to the stuff you can get by the half-gallon in your local bodega. Jason is tempted to bite Bruce, find the closest cleaning cupboard and get up to some defilement, but it's a big aquarium and it’s a long night, so there's no rush.
The CCTV cameras aren't live, no red lights blinking, and it's supremely helpful how much privacy gets afforded to a billionaire and his potential debauchery in return for a big cheque. Jason slings an arm around Bruce's waist, because these are hard rights hard earned, and just grins at Bruce's long-suffering sigh. "Shut the hell up, this is crazy romantic. What do you want to see first?"
The answer is, inexplicably, the tropical freshwater exhibit, where they spend a solid half hour with an arapaima swimming up-down up-down a false river designed to look like the Amazon, their tiny bottles of wine in hand. Jason loses his mind first, pacing along the tank to follow the path of a fish longer than he or Bruce are tall, but within a minute Bruce is in lockstep with him as they stalk an innocent fish while they talk about not very much at all.
Bruce looks at the murkiness of the water and the cinematic dead leaves floating all over, expression gravely concerned. “They could do with a bigger aquarium.”
Jason groans, thumb absently picking at the label on his bottle. “Stop communing with the fish. It’s only barely cute when Damian gets really intense about animals, and the charm’s completely gone once you crack 6 feet.”
In his head, though, he can’t help but feel that yeah, more space for the arapaima would be nice, but hey.
Jason’s singularly terrible with small, tight spaces, so.
“C’mon,” he says, nudging Bruce so hard it’s mostly a shove. “Time to find out what sharks look like after-hours.”
“What’s normal operating hours for a shark?” Bruce asks just to be a pain, easily going where lead.
“Keep at it and I’ll shove you in the tank so you can find out.”
There’s a loose ceiling tile near the information counter in the main hall, right by the entrance leading to the enormous, floor-to-ceiling open water exhibit. There's a loose ceiling tile there because Jason had cased this joint a week ago, the way he checks out every place Bruce decides to take them to on nights like this, and that’s where he had decided to hide his kit. While Bruce walks from end to end of the tank, committing to pointless memory the names and traits of a hundred fish, Jason climbs up and into the ceiling to grab their party pack.
Tepid beer, pretzels, spicy chicken-flavoured chips, wet wipes. A heavy blanket, a bottle of hand sanitiser, Alfred’s cold-brew tea that could grow chest hairs on a rock. He’s even got a bottle of antacids to cover burrito-related maladies shoved into a first-aid kit so complete it could maybe, just maybe, regrow a limb. He dusts the heavy blanket off before he spreads it across the floor, where they have the best view of the most unbearably beautiful manta ray that could possibly exist.
Jason maybe preens a little when Bruce comes back from the edge and greets the spread with a bit of a smile. “Hurry it up already, dinner’s gonna get cold.”
The burritos get pulled out of their holsters as Bruce settles on the ground in the exacting, ginger manner of a man of a certain age whose knees have unfortunately passed their prime. They sit and eat while inoffensive jazz plays quietly over the speakers and fish go up and down and all around.
Ah, beats the ball of human hair by a country mile.
“This is nice,” Bruce says quietly, shrugging out of his coat and loosening his tie. There’s a sharp, bright gloss to him when he’s in Bruce-Wayne-Public-Performance mode, but Jason likes dishevelled, run-down Bruce who’s a little absent-minded and a lot human the best.
He likes this Bruce he’s earned.
“One of our better dates.” Jason holds up his bottle of beer expectantly, and feels profoundly smug when Bruce raises his to knock in a gentle toast. “Fuck, I can’t remember the last time I came to the aquarium. Must have been before.”
“Same,” Bruce says, and Jason wonders for a brief, harrowing moment if this holds true for the zoo and the planetarium and the rec centre and the public library and the-
He doesn’t get the time to linger on the thought and ponder, check to see if this is Bruce on a mission to form new memories in places that had held some from before a death in the family, because they’re interrupted by the sudden scream of a fire alarm.
They both tense where they’re sat, at the ready to fly into a fight in a suit and tie, but wherever the emergency might be it isn’t in here with them. Jason looks around, tries to catch smoke on the air, but it’s all stillness and the scent of disinfectant spray. Weird, that there’s no quiet stampede of night-time crew rushing to rescue their watery wards, no security guard sent on a quick mission by the director to save their cash cow.
Jason’s got a bad feeling about this. He gets to his feet and hauls the bag containing the first aid kit and other supplies up on his shoulder. “What the hell is going on?”
Bruce is fiddling with his phone, working through the security system of the aquarium. “All the cameras are down, so we have no visuals. The fire alarm in the deep sea exhibit was tripped manually, not by the smoke detector.” He frowns. “Carbon monoxide monitors didn’t register anything, and the sprinklers haven’t been triggered either. Could just be a fluke.”
Bruce doesn’t sound convinced, and neither is Jason. Assuming harmlessness is a great way to incur harm, and that’s something you learn damn early after starting up a vigilante lifestyle. Jason can only assume foul play of some sort, likely relating to Bruce, but there’s no way that an aquarium as big as this wouldn’t have night staff; civilians might be in danger.
Fuck, give him gross filters jammed with 27 years worth of dead skin cells over this. “I’ll go and check on the deep sea room.” If there’s no trouble, Jason’s mighty tempted to create some. “You should head back to the entrance, meet up with the sweaty director dude and evacuate. I’ll catch up with you after everything’s handled.”
Bruce looks pretty irritated to be asked to meekly make his way to safety, but pulling a Bat move right now would be incredibly bad optics. They both know his hands are tied, and Bruce sighs and climbs to his feet. “If I don’t get an update from you in fifteen minutes, I’m coming back in,” he tells Jason, crumpling the foil of his burrito and fastidiously stowing it away in the pocket of his slacks. “Comms check.”
They both tap at their discreet earpieces, and both wince at the screech of feedback when the comms activate and pair.
“Fifteen’s plenty.” Jason hikes his kit bag further up his shoulder, and pretends he’s not embarrassed when he tries to activate night vision on a mask he isn’t wearing.
“Jason,” Bruce says, calm, commanding, and quiet.
“Be good.” It’s said like an order no one could want to refuse, but before Jason can get over his shivery shock and snap something back, Bruce is waving and disappearing out the hall, pulling on the skin of a simpler man.
Jason rubs at his neck and misses his helmet more keenly. This unbearable transparency of being; almost thirty whole ass years old and it’s astonishing how underneath it all he can still be so hideously eager to please.
“Please let there be a fucking crime,” Jason murmurs to himself, and disappears.
There is a crime, but it’s not even a good one.
Jason breaks into the deep sea exhibit through a utility hatch designed to access the cooling pipes for an elaborate sea sponge display. He’s quiet and mostly invisible when he surfaces in the room, and after a minute of letting his eyes adjust to the curated darkness, it’s easy to spot a man in a balaclava with a gun trained on the only door leading to the room.
He also quickly spots the terrified hostages huddled together under a display of what looked like demon jellyfish made of LEDs and blood. It’s easy to see the shape of the crime now; set off an alarm in an isolated area with only one known entrance and exit, and subdue people as they arrive. As long as the alarm kept blaring, staff would keep on coming, and by not triggering any of the smoke or carbon monoxide detectors the fire department remain clueless.
Excellent plan, great for catching anyone who hadn’t, oh, spent a solid 12 hours going through the schematics of the entire building out of an obsessive desire to create a space a Bat could relax in. Jason counts 11 hostages and just the one gunman, and tries not to groan.
There’s not much money to be had by robbing an aquarium, and judging by the degree of weaponry this isn’t some anti-aquarium demonstration organised via Facebook groups, powered by pandemic blues. No one’s liberating a shark or freeing Willy or anything nearly as fun. Ringing the alarm’s just an excellent, excellent way to control the movement of people.
There are only two ways to go; towards the fire or towards safety.
If you’re looking to net yourself a big fish, two small teams with a couple of free-roaming agents would be enough to ensure a catch rate of almost 100%. Jason highly, highly doubts that this whole song-and-dance was designed to abduct a frazzled researcher wearing a fuzzy sweater in radiant orange, or a stern-faced woman in a janitor’s uniform who looks alarmingly close to hulking out and breaking out of her bonds. He highly, highly suspects that there’s a reason outside of billionaire-envy to explain why the director of the aquarium had looked so dodgy and sweaty when he had welcomed Bruce.
Jason’s proven unfortunately right when the radio at the gunman’s hip crackles to life.
“We got Wayne.”
Of course they did. Bruce could hardly go to town and take down a bunch of armed kidnappers, especially if there are civilians near him. Jason tugs out his phone to update the Cave while the gunman grunts his reply and moves to turn off the fire alarm. Alfred asks Jason if he needs reinforcements as the guy tells the huddled terrified masses that he’ll kill them if they move, and Jason texts back a ‘no thank you’ as the goon strides out of the room, locking the door behind him.
The group of tied-up people burst into panicked chatter as soon as the gunman’s gone, and Jason uses the noise as cover for unzipping his bag and getting changed. Unlike Bruce, pulling on his second skin takes a lot longer, but once Jason tugs his red hood up and shucks off the bodyguard suit to stretch in his skin-tight armour, he feels twice the man and thrice as happy.
There’s no gun in the bag, there’s no gun anywhere near him, because it’s a self-imposed rule Jason has recently given himself for date nights. Bruce has been known to use anything from a screwdriver taped to a plank of wood to his literal bare stupid hands to pry things open in a whole-hearted effort to avoid having a crowbar anywhere in the Manor or in his life, and Jason wanted to repay like with like.
Doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck to not have his go-to weapon, though. He sighs as he straps a taser strong enough to knock God unconscious to his thigh, and sighs again when he pulls out a sickle in its leather holster. Alfred’s gotten terribly creative with what he packs for their nights out, but who is Jason to stand in the way of a man’s artistic expression?
Fully kitted-out, hood drawn and mask glowing, Jason shoves the bag back down the hatch and vaults over the top of the aquarium he was crouched behind, landing to the wild, panicked screams of the assembled staff.
His flashy entrance is totally unnecessary, and he knows the lights on the new helmet make him look less like a human and more like an abstract cryptid with a muzzle lined in blood. It’s spectacularly dramatic, but it releases some of the tension that’s been building in his body ever since he and Bruce split up.
He holds his hands up, forgetting the sickle in his fist, and the screaming hits a crescendo any opera would be proud of. It’s a little fucking hysterical, but Jason’s on the clock right now so he can’t savour this situation as much as he would have liked. “Calm the hell down, it’s just Red Hood here to save the day.”
The screaming eases up, though a gentleman in thick glasses and a threadbare labcoat does give a good ol’ screech when he comes closer towards them with the sickle set free. Jason ignores him and crouches down to cut the janitor lady free first. She spares a second to presumably calculate the chances of her beating him in a fight before she comes to a conclusion, shrugs, and turns to immediately start picking at the knots of the person next to her. Within a couple of minutes everyone is free, and everyone is scrambling to grab at things to arm themselves with. Jason eyes the selection of brandished pens and water bottles with mild delight, and nods respectfully at his lady and her bottle of bleach off the janitor’s cart because real recognises real. He does a quick scan to make sure there are no serious injuries or emergencies, and gets to his feet.
“All right, so this is apparently an attempt to kidnap Wayne, and you guys are just collateral. They’ll be clustered towards the main entrance, so get out through the most secret employees-only door you know. Stay together and stay quiet, and it’s gonna be fine. The Bat knows what’s going on, if that makes anyone feel better.” He considers how much he does and doesn’t want to share with the people assembled, before he decides that fuck it, being a shit-stirrer is pretty fun. “Pretty sure your big boss is in on it too, so if there’s an exit that guy won’t be familiar with, use that one.”
There’s a sharp intake of communal breath, before a young woman wearing waders and rubber gloves up to her shoulders raises her hand. “Do you mean Dr. Stevens?”
Jason shrugs. “Maybe?”
“Uhm. Short, all white hair, super skinny. Looks like someone you wouldn’t trust in a lab alone with a stressed-out postdoc of any gender because he gives off the vibe of a creep with varied tastes?”
Jason frowns at what the girl is saying, and the grim looks of much of the rest of the room. “Sounds about right.”
At least three separate people hiss motherfucker under their breaths, and three more say some version of I fucking knew it. The aquarium might not have had any severe financial issues, but oh, they’ve found a mess worse than too much human hair, looks like. Jason’s keener than ever to murder this Stevens dude, but he really, really doesn’t have the time to chair a HR complaint for the aquarium right now.
“Look, whatever goes down tonight I’m gonna give a Red Hood guarantee that the guy won’t be your boss anymore. Hell, Wayne’s going to be so grateful when I rescue him that I could get him to elect a different person to be in charge of this place even if this guy isn’t in cahoots with the kidnappers. So consider it handled, okay?” He straps the sickle back at his waist. “Now get the hell out of here. I’m counting on you.”
He nods at his bleach-wielding lady, and she nods back like the truest sort of comrade-in-arms.
Reassured, Jason kicks the door down and moves the fastest anyone’s ever moved in an aquarium, a red-faced wraith on a hunt.
Bruce courteously gasps when a hood is thrown over his head and secured, even though he had guessed the shape of the night’s events the moment he had reached the lobby and seen the half-wobbly half-cocky look to the director’s face from across the way. “What are you doing?” he demands in a shaky voice as he puts up token resistance, enough to look panicked but not enough to tempt someone into knocking him out and hauling him away.
Far too many questions to answer as to why a loafer coasting on generational wealth has more muscle mass than your average highly-trained mercenary, after all.
He counts his steps and tries to carve little signs into the pile of the carpeting with the toe of his loafers as he’s marched off, though he doubts Jason will need this trail of breadcrumbs to find him. “Let me go!” he yells, navigating the blueprint of the aquarium in his mind. Everyone ignores him, and his captors are none-too-gentle as they force him up some metal stairs.
Forty steps from the entrance to the lobby, a right, thirty steps, a left, a quiet beep, and now stairs. My, my, my, seems like they’ll be paying Dr. Stevens’ sea slug lab a visit. It’s a good location for a quick regroup, tucked away and locked behind several layers of security. Bruce imagines they won’t be here long; a good kidnapper doesn’t keep their victim where they found them, after all.
He’s roughly shoved into a chair and tied to it, rendered immobile by cuffs on his hands and rope round his legs, but it’s a cheap office chair and there’s give in his binds. He’s immobile, but only theoretically. Bruce keeps tugging at his bonds and cursing under his breath while he hopes that Stevens doesn’t bother to ask where his bodyguard has gone, has thought the worst of Jason and assumed that he had just run off.
It would make a rescue attempt much easier, though Bruce isn’t particularly worried. It’s a kidnapping force of, oh, five? Maybe six? Carpet muffles footsteps more than wooden floorboards do, but Bruce is pretty confident of his estimate. Six at most, with at least another team responsible for the fire alarm, so a worst-case scenario of twelve. As long as his measure of their competence isn’t too wrong, Bruce doesn’t anticipate anything worse than a couple of through-and-throughs if he has to fight through this himself.
He knows he won’t have to, though.
The people around him fall silent when their radio comes to life, a panicked man shouting “There’s someone here with us! It’s the Red-” before there’s a loud bang! followed by a terrifying silence.
“Ten,” someone yells tersely back. “Come in, Ten. What the hell was that?”
There’s a general rumble of unease in the room now, and Bruce is allowed a vicious, nasty smile because no one can see him under here. At least ten people are in on this, and about half of those are in here with him while the rest are out there with Jason. He considers making an effort to tap out in Morse how many goons are with him right now, since Jason has half a dozen ways to track his location with all the kit Bruce has on him, but decides against it.
Let the boy have some fun.
“Let me go, I’ll do anything you want,” he calls out half-heartedly, but no one gives a shit because there’s another panicked broadcast by another panicked man that cuts off abruptly. The tension in the room is palpable, feels more solid than the sack on his head, and it goes frizzy with electricity when the Red Hood’s terrifying static growl comes through on the radio.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” Jason’s mangled voice croons through the line. Bruce feels goosebumps ripple up his arms, and feels oddly, hideously proud. “Two down, a few more to go. Hope you’ll put up more of a fight.”
Then there’s a sharp crack, and the line goes quiet.
“You promised me this would be just in-and-out! You said that Wayne would be out of here as soon as you got him! You didn’t say anything about a vigilante running me down in my own building!”
Ah, that’s Dr. Stevens losing his nerve. His tirade is cut short by a hard slap, it sounds like, and the voice Bruce thinks of as One is the only thing to be heard above the quiet whimpers of a panicking doctor.
“You agreed to do anything that needed to be done as long as you got a cut of the pay,” One says coldly. “Too late to get cold feet now, doctor.” There’s the sound of the walkie-talkie being turned back on. “Transport is incoming. Disappear and make your way out, regroup in safe house Gamma. It’s just one man against all of us, so don't lose your heads and we’ll get our money.”
Nobody responds verbally, probably because radio silence is golden when trying to beat a hasty retreat. Bruce feels his ropes come loose, and he’s forced to his feet as the kidnappers discuss their plans with more discretion than Stevens shooting off his mouth. He catches bits and pieces of conversation, mentions of the docks and allusions to the highest bidder, but everything goes instantly, deathly silent when the radio comes to life again.
“Three down, four down, five down. Be seeing you real soon, Mr. Wayne.”
Bruce doesn’t need to pretend to take in a shaky breath.
God, code names are an absolute necessity when carrying out this sort of dirty work, but Jason wants to have a sit-down with whoever decided to go with numbers for this little shindig. First man taken out and he already knows this goes at least ten fuckers deep. The leader’s figured out that yelling the number of men he has in his employ down a radio the enemy has access to isn’t a great idea, but somebody with an army of a hundred wouldn’t have been so concerned with the downing of one, so Jason’s pretty much got confirmation that this is a small-scale, quick-in quick-out kind of affair.
They’ll be looking to move Bruce, with that whole ‘transport incoming’ message. Jason’s got Bruce’s location pulled up, B’s comms actively recording vitals and transmitting its location, and from the lack of movement it’s easy to tell they’re planning a getaway through the front entrance.
He’s also happy to note that Bruce’s resting heart rate’s still at an insulting 45 beats a minute mid-kidnapping, though boy it sure did spike every time Red Hood sent out a message. Good to know, real fucking good to know.
After taking out the fifth guy, Jason doesn’t run into anybody else on his way to the main entrance, and he doesn’t particularly care if some small fry are getting away. The priority is getting Bruce to safety, and then doing clean-up on the kidnappers and Dr. Creepazoid. A showdown within the lobby is endlessly preferable to a showdown outside, if only because it’s easier to keep track of people if they can’t run away from you. Double-checking that Bruce actually is being slowly moved towards the main entrance from wherever they stashed him, Jason happily beats them to the front doors and barricades them in with him, stacking tables and chairs and cupboards into a heavy, impenetrable mess.
Sure, whoever’s coming to pick them up might be armed enough to break on through, but Jason has intimate knowledge of what mercenaries are like. Thoughts like ‘I sure as hell am not paid enough to deal with this’ are common and powerful enough to dissuade most mercs in this situation. It’s what you get when you team-build on money instead of insane, intangible things like love and loyalty, losers.
Jason looks around at the arena of his making and makes a quick decision to climb up a display case stuffed full of the toys kids can expect to see in the gift shop. It’s sturdy enough, though the thin metal frames groan a little under his weight. Jason sheathes his sickle and powers down the lights lining his helmet, lies in wait like a hungry dog in the dark as he calms his breathing and imagines what it will be like to beat the living daylights out of people who think it’s cool to disrupt a well-earned date on a much-anticipated night.
It’s another ten minutes or so before he picks up the sound of heavy feet trying to be unnaturally quiet on cheap carpet. They haven’t rounded the corner and they’re still out of sight, but with his helmet enhancing his hearing Jason’s already getting plenty of information. At least five people with heavy, careful steps, likely the assailants heavy in their armour and weapons. One set of footsteps shuffling along the carpet, all hesitance and distaste, and that’s got to be Stevens.
And in the middle of it all, walking in a weird off-kilter rhythm like a man who either has a stone in his shoe or is determined to make as distinctive a walk as possible, is Bruce. Up and walking of his own power, which is excellent. Jason doesn’t need to go into this fight concerned with keeping an unconscious Bruce safe. This is going to be an activity with full participation by all parties, hell yeah.
Speaking of participation.
Jason taps the side of his helmet and connects to Bruce’s comms. “B,” he says, low and sweet just to unsettle Bruce. “I’ve got altitude on a cabinet on the eastern wall of the entrance. I’ll see you right as you come in, and I’m gonna attack before anybody knows what’s happening. Get behind the reception desk if you can. Do you copy?”
As per the training handbook for situations when you’re too deep behind enemy lines to do much of anything, Bruce registers his acknowledgment with three sharp clicks, teeth clacking against each other in rapid succession.
Jason arches his back, loosening his muscles before he curls up again, ready to literally pounce. The footsteps are drawing closer, and they have just a few seconds before shit is going to hit the fan. He unhooks his sickle, and grins at absolutely nothing.
“Oh, and B?”
A click.
“Be good for me.”
Bruce’s heart rate spikes just as the group of men round the corner, and Jason’s laughing like a loon as the lines of his helmet burn back to life and he descends on the kidnappers, a hound out of hell.
There’s something primordially terrifying about seeing a fury in red and black descend on you from the sky. Bruce knows what the plan is, knows exactly how menacing a figure Jason can cut when he wants to be dramatic, but even then he couldn’t stop instinctively reaching for the handy, wicked little pocket knife in his pocket the second he saw the lines of the helmet glowing through the dark of his hood.
In the panicked yelling as Jason leaps into the fray and starts systematically annihilating a group of heavily armed men who can’t fight back without shooting each other, it’s easy for Bruce to break free of his captors and rip the sack off his head. He ducks under the flailing butt of a gun and takes a moment to shatter someone’s kneecap with the metal cuffs on his wrists before he’s rolling out of the way, belly-crawling towards the sturdy reception desk.
Dr. Stevens is yelling and trying to run away but Jason keeps plucking at him and pulling him back into the brawl with a vengeance Bruce grudgingly admires. By the time Bruce has climbed up on a chair to get a better view of the fight while staying mostly out of sight, half the men are already a groaning pile on the ground.
By the time Bruce has freed himself from his handcuffs, Stevens is an unconscious mess on the ground, and by the time Bruce has texted home and requested that Alfred call the police, it’s just Jason and One circling each other, both their faces hidden, blades in their hands.
Bruce notes with some interest that where Jason had kept his sickle sheathed and mostly used the blunt outer curve to knock people unconscious, the wicked edge is now out and gleaming as One strikes at him with a nasty Bowie knife. The hand-to-hand is quick and brutal, both of them trading hits and jabs. Whatever armour One is wearing is holding up well against Jason’s sickle, which is fair enough.
Bruce would need to get closer to know for sure, but it certainly looks like the sickle Alfred uses to carefully weed the tulip bed. No point in sharpening a gardening tool to be sharp enough to bite into flesh.
Less pleasing is how One’s knife doesn’t seem to struggle much with cutting through Jason’s costume. The new mesh Bruce had designed in response to Jason’s irritated demand for a slimmer, sleeker costume was supposed to be able to withstand most edged weapons, but even in the dark it’s easy to see where the black fabric has been cut and Jason’s skin and blood are visible instead. Trust Jason to do quality testing in the absolute worst times.
Back to the drawing board it is. One is taunting Jason, allowing Jason to swipe ineffectively at him before laughing and slashing back. “Is this all you got?” the man crows from behind his balaclava, radiating smugness. “I don’t know what I was worried about. I’ll have you and Wayne brought in for sale, and I wonder who the highest bidder will be.” Another quick jab, and Jason’s forearm is marked. “Wonder which of you Mister J would want more as a playmate.”
At that, Jason goes stock still. It’s so sudden that it clearly startles One, who retreats a little, knife up and ready to go. Bruce finds himself with his jaw clenched shut, teeth grinding so hard it’s like lockjaw in three seconds or less.
Of all the things some no-name budget kidnapper could have said. Bruce taps on his comms, opens a line to Jason, because if One keeps push push pushing like this, he won’t live to see morning.
One might not live to see the next minute, if Jason’s slow, terrifying stride towards him means anything.
“Jason,” Bruce whispers into the comm. “Jason, enough. You’ve done enough. Stop playing with your food, come here and let me check on you.”
Across the lobby, Jason once against draws to a halt, but it doesn’t stick. One figures out that actually, the Red Hood had been getting sliced up into ribbons more as a weird exploratory experience than because of a lack of skill, and he figures it out by way of Jason coming right up to him in the blink of an eye, disarming him by snapping the wrist of the hand holding the knife, and grabbing him by the throat with a grip tight enough to kill.
One is currently absolutely sure that he’s about to die.
So is Bruce, who knows that he cannot reach the man faster than Jason can snap a neck. “Jason!” he damn near bellows down the comms, damn near shouts across the room. “Enough. You come when called. You come when I call.”
And like a miracle, like the time Jason came back all those years ago and all the times Jason’s come for him ever since, it works.
One is dropped to the ground, unconscious and foaming at the mouth, and Jason’s barrelling towards Bruce.
As Bruce is swept up and back into the depths of the evacuated aquarium, he finds himself thinking we’ve had worse.
Jason isn’t sure why his first instinct after being called off of the murder of a singularly horrible man is to haul Bruce up and run to the deep sea exhibit, but he’s willing to admit to himself that calm only comes back to him when they’re finally buried in the quiet dark of a room of things softly bioluminescing.
He’s got no love lost for the Joker, has fought the bastard enough times since that it’s not residual fear that snapped him. Here, far far away from the wreckage, it’s easy to identify that his trigger had been superimposing the many, many horrors Jason has personally died from and lived through onto Bruce. Bruce who in many ways has the worst luck of any person he’s ever known, Bruce who would sooner rip into himself than be put into a Pit, Bruce who has to be careful with his burritos and his knees, put under the loveless purview of a madman with a crowbar.
Being protective of other people is generally a good thing, but trust Jason to wield care like a bludgeon. He scoffs, and drops Bruce unceremoniously next to the trapdoor. He could take off his helmet, no one and nothing could see him here, but the mortification of being seen out of control makes it really fucking unappealing.
Bruce sits up and looks around, acting like not a single weird thing has happened this entire night. “I’ve never seen the deep sea exhibition,” he says, like he’s having a normal conversation, like this is just the middle of a perfectly pleasant, perfectly average date.
“I saw a poster, they only built this section after I died,” Jason says dully.
Bruce hums like that’s information enough. “I’m glad we’re getting to see it then.” He tugs at Jason’s leg. “Sit.”
And Jason does, his legs folding underneath him before a thought’s even fully formed. He remembers when he was redesigning the helmet and was struggling to pick a look that was both menacing and just plain cool. The one he settled on had been one of Damian’s designs, all geometric shapes and the suggestion of creature. It had reminded him of a jackal, of Anubis, like death come in the shape of this thing with a muzzle and teeth.
Right now it feels like he’d chosen the look of a dog, a dog with the brand of bat to describe its master, and he feels like a mangy, wild thing desperate for Bruce, just for Bruce.
He takes back every mean, unkind thought he’s ever had about the date at the rec centre. Let him bury his hands into a dozen masses of gelatinous hair than force him to think about things like this, think about himself like this.
Jason’s tight with tension, but Bruce doesn’t push him to talk. Bruce doesn’t force him to do anything, just has a hand wrapped around the nape of Jason’s neck, thumb rubbing at the seam where metal helmet meets skin. They sit in this weird, tingly silence even as Alfred’s pings requesting an update become more urgent, and Jason realises that they’ll stay in this weird, tingly silence until he makes a move.
“What the fuck are we doing, B?” he says at last.
“Whatever we want to, Jaybird.” Bruce is ignoring a lot of his own damn rules about names in uniform, but he still seems remarkably unconcerned about everything. “How are you?”
Jason groans, giving up and tipping over so that he’s sprawled uncomfortably over Bruce’s legs. “Feel fucking awful. I can’t believe I’m the kind of guy that loses his shit just because some asshole said something vaguely threatening to you.”
“I think it shows good character.” Bruce rests a hand on Jason’s shoulder, the other still carefully cradling his head. “But I’m not a good judge of character, so take that with a grain of salt.”
Jason barks out a laugh at that. “You sure fucking are. I knew that director guy was skeezy the moment I saw him. Can’t believe he didn’t set off alarm bells in your head within the first thirty seconds, B.”
Bruce just shrugs. “If I reacted badly to everyone that I thought I couldn’t trust, I’d rarely get to stop.”
Well, the man’s got a point. “Still. He’s apparently shitty with staff too, so at least we’re solving a bunch of problems all at once with this night out.”
“Couldn’t have done it without you, Jason.”
Jason forces himself to sit back up, a little alarmed by the little note that’s appeared informing him that the police are about five minutes away from the aquarium. “That’s a damn lie and you know it.” Even the strongest of the kidnappers wasn’t anything much above average for a night out on patrol, and Bruce is nothing if not ruthlessly efficient when the fight’s in a public place.
Bruce gets to his feet, careful and ginger, and Jason can’t help but just stare at his stupid wholly-human knees. Bruce doesn’t mention it, doesn’t draw attention that renowned vigilante and crime boss the Red Hood has his head not a foot away from his legs, and just holds his hand out to him instead. “How about, I wouldn’t have enjoyed this night without you?”
Jason takes a moment to pretend to think about it, but he knows his answer. “I”ll take it.” Like he takes Bruce’s hand, like he takes things from Bruce because it’s what he wants and it’s what he’s earned. “I should get out of here before the pigs show up.”
“See you back at the Manor?” It’s only half past midnight, which means this date’s ended a good three hours earlier than their usual. Bruce looks like he’s asking only as an afterthought; of course Jason’s coming home with him.
Jason struggles to think of anything more pleasant than sitting out on their balcony in the dark with a hot drink in hand, electric blanket doggedly trying to keep them warm even as the outlet threatens to explode from the snow that’s supposed to start at 2 AM.
He also struggles to imagine how he’s going to be good company when his head is in as much disarray as it currently is. How open is Bruce to some heavy petting outdoors if Jason can’t convince himself to take his helmet off the whole time? How likely is the night to devolve into them sitting awkwardly in frigid silence until someone snaps and starts an argument just for the sake of a change of pace?
“Yeah, I’m thinking that’s not a good idea.”
That gets Bruce to stop shabbying himself up to look like an actual kidnapping victim, cuffs already locked again. “I see. Why is that?”
Jason shrugs, and is glad that his face is still unseen even if it feels like his whole damn body is letting B in on the secret. “It’s a 'feeling kinda feral' kinda day. I’m going to go blow off some steam.” Run a couple of laps around the lake in the memorial park, and if he gets close enough to hypothermia he might start forgetting the quiet kshkshh sound of delicate neck bones grinding under his hand.
He feels violence wiggling just an inch under his skin, and that’s another self-imposed rule for nights out with Bruce. Any time his grip on himself feels even a pound looser than it should be, Jason’s going to take time for himself because this deep into this relationship he’s surer than ever that there’s a hell of a lot of brutality he could let loose and Bruce would just take it and take it and take it.
Jason will not bite his mas-
He’s forcibly taken out of his thoughts by a sharp rap against his helmet. He strikes out instinctively, and catches Bruce's hand in a tight grip. “What the hell, B.”
“You weren’t responding,” Bruce tells him matter-of-factly, not pulling away. “I said, you can go and run yourself ragged. After that, you come home.”
“And why should I listen to you?”
Bruce smiles a proper smile, sharp and smug and sweet, and leans over to press a kiss to Jason’s hand wrapped around his own. “Because, Jason, I listened when you told me to keep away and keep safe. Isn’t it your turn now?”
It’s all about that give-and-take baby, and Jason just might fucking howl.
He releases Bruce in a flash, and his helmet’s unlatched and crashing to the ground not a second later. Bruce could have aikido’d him over his shoulder and flung him clear across the room because Jason’s not the most coordinated he’s ever been right now, but instead the man just widens his stance and wholly and easily accepts Jason throwing himself at Bruce face first.
It’s a maddening kiss, because Jason’s just shoved Bruce against the blood jelly tank so that he can get into position for a good grind when an alert goes off from his helmet, and Alfred’s too-loud voice calls out to tell them that “The police officers have arrived, sirs.”
Jason groans and pulls back slightly, trying to catch his breath as he digs his teeth into Bruce’s shoulder despite the three layers of expensive fabric in the way. “I hate everything,” he says, half-heartedly groping at Bruce’s chest.
“Hate it in your free time,” Bruce mutters into his hair, before choking a little because he caught a mouthful of semi-permanent dye. “On our nights, be good.”
Relationships are a contract, and Jason’s willingly agreed to these terms for, ah, close to a year now. It doesn’t mean he won’t grumble, or mess up Bruce’s perfectly styled hair just to make him grumble too. “Yeah, yeah, old man, I know what I’m about. Go and distract the cops already, I need to get away.”
Bruce lazily salutes him, looking dishevelled and mussed and suitably victimised. Jason is one damn inch away from dragging B down to the ground and reinstating his territory, god. Instead, he grabs his bag and picks up his helmet, and dawdles a little by the hatch. “You gonna be okay, old man?”
“Of course,” Bruce says confidently, ripping buttons off his coat and toeing one shoe off to look extra pathetic. “I have a hot date to keep. I’ll see you at home, Jason.”
What’s a man to do when given an order like that?
Jason obeys.
A/N: i’ve literally had ‘king tide come through’ listed as a title i wanted for something since last year?? it doesn’t even really mean anything i just love that the highest high tides are kings and it’s got such a nice ring to it. my approach to titling things is that it has to slap, thanks for coming to my TED talk ;9
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writing-with-olive · 4 years
Ways to start writing every day
I’ve been writing for a few years now, and early on, I would write for a few days at a time, and then I’d abandon my work for months at a time and not write. During the beginnings of Project Toxin, my main WIP, I went three months without writing a word. And while missing a day or two is okay, especially if you’ve got mental health stuff that day (do not ignore your mental health), at least for me, there was this guilt that would grow worse and worse when I wasn’t writing. Somehow, that made it harder to write. There was a sense of “well I’ve screwed up by not writing, and I know I should be writing, but it’s not worth it now.” Which, by the way, is flawed reasoning. Below are some tips that I’ve discovered are useful to write every day, or at least 30 days of the month.
Coming out of writers block
1) Watch videos or listen to podcasts with writing advice.
I’ve found this effective because there’s that sense of “oh, I want to try that.” You’re not actually forcing yourself to write at this exact moment, and even if that seems counterproductive, it does take some of the stress off. Think about it; writing a book is frequently described as running a literary marathon. You can’t just jump up from the couch one day and go do it. You’ve got to get into the right mindset, and you have to be ready to do it. Seeking out inspiration is one of those steps to get you back into it. 
2) Open up your writing document/notebook and read the last chapter
You don’t have to write, but open up your WIP and just read the stuff at the end, or if you’ve got the time/willpower for it, read the whole thing. A lot of times, procrastination - and writer’s block - is the fear or aversion to starting. It’s that first step that’s hard. So make it easier on yourself. Make the first step as approachable as you can. It might feel like you need to be strict with yourself, but going back to writing after writer’s block is all about easing back into it.
3) Do a writing sprint about your story
Set a timer for however long you like: five minutes, seven, ten, fifteen, twenty. Then during that time, write about your story. Things you like, don’t like. Why you haven’t been writing. Don’t stop. Don’t filter yourself. A lot of times, writer’s block is filled with a distructive sense of guilt - a distructive sense of “I need to be writing but I can’t so I won’t.” Getting all of these feelings on paper can help you distance yourself from those thoughts and put things into better perspective. The writing about your story itself can also give you new ideas about where you want to go, and where you feel like you’ve been. If you don’t have a WIP, then you can write about stories that you want to write. Or ideas that you think are cool.
Sticking with writing
1) Set up a reward/negative outcome system for writing
People tend to fall into one of two catagories: people who are motivated by reward, and people who are motivated by punishment. For me personally, I’m easily motivated by reward, but punishment never really makes that big of an impact. I also know people who are the other way around. Think about your past life experience, and think about what’s more motivating to you. 
If you’re a reward motivated person, come up with rewards that you get for doing certain amounts of writing. Maybe you get to watch an extra episode of your favorite show if you get your daily wordcount. Maybe achievement in a day is cumulative; for every x number of words, you get another ten minutes of your favorite video game. If you don’t think that you’re going to be able to follow through (ie you think that yo’re going to be prone to grabbing the reward anyway regardless of your writing), let a friend or partner or sibling know what’s going on; maybe have them take away whatever thing it is until you’ve completed your goal. Make the thing a legitimate reward.
If you’re a punishment motivated person, think about things that you enjoy. Those things are now going to be taken away if you don’t write enough. Maybe you enjoy it when your partner gives you a shoulder massage. If you don’t write, you don’t get a shoulder massage. Make sure that whatever thing is on the line is not going to negatively affect your mental health. Don’t take away things like food in general (though taking away a specific type is fine), water, sleep or physical activity. If you don’t write enough and you don’t let yourself have these things, it’s only going to keep you from writing more.
2) Celebrate your wins and successes
If you’ve passed a writing milestone, celebrate. It can be big, but it doesn’t have to be. Acknowleging that you’ve completed something can be enough. It shows that you’re getting somewhere, and sometimes progress itself can be good inspiration.
3) Make sure you’ve got a setup that works for you
Some people need to write at the same time every day. Other people just need a certain location and a cup of tea. Others need certain sounds or levels of organization. Figure out what works for you, and set that up. This might also include what processer you prefer writing with. Make sure you’ve got the setup that helps you write the most successfully, and that puts you into a positive mindset.
4) Seek out inspiration
Inspiration is great for writers, but it’s not always reliable when it will hit you. So seek it out. Are there specific types of videos or images that get you into your story? Are there places where you like to stop and hang out? Books or shows that get your gears turning? Many people also say they have their best ideas on their commutes or in their shower, and this is because you’re most creative when you’re relaxed. When you’re commuting or taking a shower, you’re more relaxed in general, allowing this sort of inspiration to appear seemingly out of nowhere.
So what might this look like?
For me, I’m a person who’s not in the middle of writer’s block, so I would skip to the second section. I’ve discovered that I’m more reward oriented, so I focus on setting up things to work toward, rather than things to work away from. I use a site called 4thewords.com, which is a site that gamifies writing, where the goal is to defeat monsters by writing words. The reward I get is the satisfaction that comes from defeating monsters and finishing quests. I celebrate a lot of my successes by talking to my family about them (they’re supportive), posting about it here on tumblr, and letting myself play extra rounds of video games. The setup that works for me is whenever I get a chance, I grab my laptop, turn on some music, and write on 4thewords. For inspiration I look for how-to videos and I do things that let my mind wander. Overall, I haven’t missed more than two days in the last four or five months.
note: if you want to join 4thewords, you can use this referral (my username is quinn-erto): S2XSR15522
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fairyroses · 5 years
How Do I Make Gifs? - A Photoshop CC Giffing Tutorial 
(for @elektrawwf, and anyone else interested in how I make gifs I guess, lol) 
So, I feel like I should preface this by saying that I'm certainly no expert on this, nor am I a Professional Giffer™, but I’ve been making gifs for a few years now, and have developed a pretty standard system for doing so. Hopefully it works for you like it’s worked for me! :) 
Basic Tutorial Steps:
Step 1 - Recording the scene you want to gif
Step 2 - Importing, deleting, and cropping your gif frames
Step 3 - Adding adjustment layers
Step 4 - Resizing your gif and setting the frame delay
Step 5 - Converting and sharpening your gif
Step 6 - Trimming and saving your gif
Programs Used/Needed:
- QuickTime Player
- Photoshop CC 2018
The finished gif that I’ll be making:
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This tutorial is VERY screenshot-heavy, so the rest of it will be below the cut. Happy giffing!
STEP 1 - Recording the scene you want to gif.
All gifs start as videos. I use the Screen Recording feature on QuickTime Player to create videos of whatever scenes I want to gif. If you have a Mac, you can find QuickTime in the Applications folder:
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Right click, then select New Screen Recording. 
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You can then play the scene you want to gif on your computer, and your screen with the video on it will be recorded. Hit the stop button when you want to end the recording, and then save the video. 
It’s best to not record more than a minute or two at a time - basically, just record the exact scene that you’re looking for - because the longer the video is, the harder it’ll be to select the portion of it that you need for giffing.
You can technically screen-record any type of video, but I (and most giffers) vastly prefer videos that are 1080p, which is the best kind of HD. That’s why I usually don’t gif things unless I can find them either on Netflix, Youtube (in HD) or the CW site (or NBC, CBS, whatever). There are definitely other (less legal) ways to get your hands on HD videos, but I’m just not super comfortable using those lol.
That being said, 720p videos are usually okay for smaller (268px-wide) gifs - they’re just less ideal (I wouldn’t really recommend using them to make 540px-wide gifs, but you can still technically do it).
STEP 2 - Importing, deleting, and cropping your gif frames.
Now that you have your video, you have to import it into Photoshop. Once you open Photoshop, you need to go to File > Import, then select Video Frames to Layers.
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A window will pop up, where you can set the amount of frames that you want Photoshop to import, and select the exact section of the video that you want to import. Here are my settings:
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The two little toggles below the video are meant to be dragged around, and you use them to section out the specific Range of the video that you want to turn into a gif. Once you have all of this set up to your liking, hit OK. 
NOTE: The selection of Limit To Every 4 Frames is more my personal preference than anything else. If you want Really Smooth Gifs, then you can uncheck that box and simply import every single frame in your Selected Range. This is what High Quality Giffers always say to do. Unfortunately, while those gifs do end up really smooth, they also end up being really short, which I don’t particularly like. 
So basically, I’m personally willing to sacrifice some smoothness in favor of an increased gif length, but you do NOT have to do that if you don’t want to. Choose whichever option you like best - these Steps work no matter which one you do. (We’ll come back to this later though, once we get to setting the frame delay in Step 4). 
Okay, back to the tutorial. 
Once the scene is imported, you can delete any extraneous frames at the beginning and end of the frame animation Timeline, which can be found at the bottom of the screen.
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As you can see, I have the first 6 frames selected. Those are the ones I ended up deleting (among some others at the end of the Timeline).
You can also go to the Layers panel on the right, and delete the corresponding layers from there, once you’ve deleted the frames. This isn’t technically necessary, but it might help free up some computing space if you’re deleting a lot of frames. 
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Next, you need to click the Selection Tool in the top left corner of the screen. Then, set your selection preferences (circled below) as follows:
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Style: Fixed Ratio
Width: 540
Height: 250
This is specifically the ratio to set for a 540 x 250px sized gif, which are the dimensions of the example gif I’m making. If you want to place two gifs beside each other in a gifset, each gif needs to be 268px wide. (The heights can be whatever you want them to be.) 
Use the Selection Tool to select the area that you want to be your gif, and then go to Image > Crop. 
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STEP 3 - Adding adjustment layers.
Now it’s time to make your gif look pretty™. For this part, you’ll be using the Adjustments panel above the Layers panel. 
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Adjustments will affect all the layers below it, so you want to make sure that your adjustment layers are placed above all of your gif layers. 
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These are the adjustment layers that I used for this specific gif, but they’re also just generally the same three adjustments that I use for every gif I make. (I also usually add a Hue/Saturation adjustment to my gifs, which I set to +15 Saturation, but since this scene was already so heavily saturated, it didn’t need it.)
Here are the specifications for the Brightness/Contrast and Levels adjustment layers:
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Regarding the Curves adjustment layer (pictured below), if you click on the RGB dropdown menu, you can single out specific colors in order to color-correct the gif, which I did here (by removing a lot of extra reds and yellows).
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While these are good general adjustment examples, just take note that the values pictured here won’t be exactly the same for every gif, and you need to toggle and play around with them to make every new gif look its best.
Here’s the example scene before any adjustments:
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And here’s the scene after my adjustments:
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STEP 4 - Resizing your gif and setting the frame delay.
To resize your gif, go to Image > Image Size, and then change the gif’s width (in this example, I change the gif’s width to 540px). 
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As long as Resample is checked the you’re working with Pixels, the gif should resize properly. Hit OK.
Next, to change the Frame Delay of the gif (basically how fast it goes), look for this button in the right corner of your Timeline, then click it and Select All Frames.
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Once all the frames are selected, you can hit one of the little downward arrows next to the 0.02 values, and select Other.
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Now you can set your new frame delay. I always set my delay to 0.09 seconds, which produces gifs that are a bit slower than the Professional Gif Standard™. This is due to a combination of personal preference (I just like slower gifs) and an effort to maintain as much smoothness as possible, given how I choose to import my frames. 
NOTE: Remember the NOTE from Step 2? Now, if you chose to import every frame, rather than “Every 4 Frames” like I do, then you should set your frame delay to 0.04. 
Doing so will produce a final gif that looks like this: 
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Notice how this gif is smoother and faster, but also shorter than my example gif? Yeah. Like I said, whichever style of gif you choose to make is up to your own preference. 
STEP 5 - Converting and sharpening your gif.
You never quite realize how blurry a gif really is until you Sharpen it. To do this, you first need to convert your Timeline from a Frame Animation to a solid Timeline. You can do this by making sure all your frames are still selected, and then clicking the Convert to Timeline button in the bottom left corner of the Timeline.
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Now your Timeline should look purple, like it does in the picture below. 
Next, you need to select all of your layers (MINUS the adjustment layers) on the right side of the screen. Once all of your layers are selected, go to Filter > Convert for Smart Filters.
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Once your gif layers have been compressed into a Smart Object (see circle below), you can select Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. 
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The first time you select Smart Sharpen, you need to set all the parameters for it. But once you do that the first time, you shouldn’t have to set them again. Basically, make sure your window looks exactly like this one:
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Then hit OK. 
You’re going to do this TWICE (so you’re going to end up with TWO Smart Sharpen layers below your Smart Object layer). Then, you need to click the button to the right of the top Smart Sharpen layer, and change the opacity of that layer to 30%. (Otherwise, your gif will be way over-sharpened.) 
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STEP 6 - Trimming and saving your gif.
You’re almost done! It’s time to save your gif. 
To save a gif, you must go to File > Export > Save For Web (Legacy). 
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However, this gif has a problem.
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This number in the bottom left corner of the Save For Web window tells you the current size of your gif. As you can see, this gif’s size is currently 3.541 MB. That size wouldn’t be a problem if you were intending to upload this gif to Twitter, because Twitter has a gif size limit of 5 MB. 
Tumblr, however, only has a size limit of 3 MB. So, to get your gif to work on tumblr, you need to Trim it.
Trimming is the process of changing the length of a gif without actually deleting any part of it permanently. This gives you the freedom to edit your gif and pick the portion of it that you like best. 
You can easily trim your gif in the Timeline, by clicking the dragging the Gray Sliders at each end of it (see the arrows below). Wherever you leave the stoppers will become the new beginning and end of the gif. You can make this process more precise by using the Blue Slider (circled below) to choose where you want your stopper to go before you drag it there. 
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The Timeline pictured here has already been trimmed. 
Trimming your gif will often require some trial and error. Whenever you want to check the length of your gif, simply go to Save For Web again and check the amount of MBs in your gif. (Click Cancel if your gif is still too big.)
Once your gif falls below 3 MB, you can finally save it!
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The last thing you need to do before saving is change your Looping Options from Once to Forever in the bottom right corner of the window. Then, click Save.
You now officially have a finished gif! 
Mine looks like this: 
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BONUS STEP - Adding text  (OPTIONAL)
Now, I’ve just shown you how to make and save a gif. But what if you want to add text to that gif? I’ll show yow how to do that too.
First off, you should only add text after the rest of your gif is completely done and ready to be saved (basically, once you’ve already completed Steps 1-5). Then, before you save it, you can click on the Text button on the left side of the screen. 
Click on the gif to create a new Text layer, and then type whatever you want. Generally, dialogue captions are placed in the middle of a gif towards the bottom, while other, more artistic types of Text can go wherever you want. 
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Now that you have a Text layer, you want to make sure of a few things. First, make sure that your Text layer is your TOP layer on the right side of the screen, above all of the Adjustment layers. 
Next, you want to make sure that your Text layer spans your entire gif Timeline. Notice how my Text layer (depicted as a purple rectangle in the Timeline) doesn’t reach the Gray Slider on the left? To fix this, simply click and drag the Text layer until it extends past both Gray Sliders. 
And finally, I always add Effects to my Text. You can do this by hitting the fx button in the bottom right of your screen. Specifically, I use the Stroke and Drop Shadow effects to make my gif stand out from whatever background it happens to be on. 
My Stroke is always set to 1px thick, and my Drop Shadow settings are as follows:
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As a final note, if you want your text to look exactly like mine, then you need to use the font Myriad Pro in size 14, which I then italicize and bold. You can also open Window > Characters, and make sure that your preferences look like this: 
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ALRIGHT. Now that you’ve added your extra text, you can FINALLY go to Step 6 and save your gif. 
Now, your finished gif should look like this:
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I hope this tutorial was helpful! I tried to be as thorough as possible to avoid any confusion, but if you have any additional questions, you should always feel free to ask me! 
Have fun giffing!! :)  
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/a-massive-explosion-detected-in-ophiuchus/
A Massive Explosion Detected in Ophiuchus
A Massive Explosion Detected in Ophiuchus
ByMahala’s Astrology
Ophiuchus has held a special fascination in the Heavens for many people as the thirteenth sign of the zodiac. Here we have an image of a healer with two serpents representing the male and female forces which are the mirror of the Creator’s divine blueprint of life.
In my own explorations of Ophiuchus, I have felt him as a holographic representation of Moses holding the serpents and witnessing the burning bush. You might recall from the bible that Moses had a stutter and had also killed a man – you might say an unlikely candidate to be a primary prophet of God. It is in this part of his journey that God shows him two miracles – his staff turning to serpents and also the burning bush which doesn’t burn, to convince Moses to follow His will. As a result of Moses trusting God he is eventually able to liberate the Hebrew people from Egypt. This story has many metaphoric resonances for our time and if you haven’t looked at it as an adult delve into its profound mysteries.
The Goddess Asteroid Hygeia in my journey also connects to Ophiuchus. Hygeia was the daughter of Asclepius and again the symbol of the two serpents is connected to both figures. Hygiea, as the feminine counterpart, represents ancient lineage of healing that connects to sleep, dreams and altered brain wave states such as sound healing.
The BBC released this story of the huge explosion on the 22nd February 2020 – I’m not sure of the exact date it was discovered but given the numerology this is certainly a key date in which its impact filtered into our Earthly consciousness. 22 is the number in the Gene Keys which relates to the Opening of the Seven Seals. It coincided with New Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune in the days that followed.
Supernova’s have been known to release incredible new information to human beings. For example, Human Design is said to have come from the Supernova of 1987 – the year of Harmonic Convergence. Many wonderful political events followed such as the Berlin Wall coming down and the end of Apartheid. The system of the Gene Keys then emerged from Human Design and is a system I myself follow and am infinitely fascinated by as it is all about unlocking the potential for light within our DNA.
It is a struggle to find harmony at the moment but that is I feel the essence of the work. In the post-election depression in the UK many people on the more progressive end have completely withdrawn from the media and politics – perhaps not such a bad thing. It is a fight sometimes to reach for love for the ‘other’ voters and for authorities who seem hell bent on harming both vulnerable people and the environment. The new government has started their rule with deporting many people from the Caribbean who have lived here all their lives. There is a hostility towards other Europeans, for example one commentator said how we can all go back to enjoying shopping again once other European’s have left. That is certainly not how I feel, I celebrate living in a diverse humanity. Britain like America is a split society at this time and the parallels are striking,
The BBC and media are also under attack and much like Apartheid South Africa, there are moves to control exactly what the media can and cannot say. Despite this though, the Prophetic side of me hears God whispering hope, knows that Christ is right here – is us all – for those who have ears to hear.
I recently discovered a wonderful audio book of an interview with Brother Gregg who runs an awesome project called Home Boys in Los Angeles, and the Buddhist teacher Pema Chodrin, who I often feel saved my life in the years I was an adoptive mother. The audio book is called Creating a Culture of Tenderness and by the end of listening to it I was right in that place of harmony. The job is to stay there!
Back to the explosion in Ophiuchus that was so enormous at first astronomers dismissed that it could be an explosion at all. It is 5 times bigger than anything previously seen and is more akin to the Big Bang happening again. Using low frequency radio wave telescopes astronomers have figured it out.
What does this mean for humanity? God works in mysterious ways, but I feel sure that perhaps many of us are receiving this download right now. We can certainly tune into it and see what emerges from that ‘void’ space. What has been birthed?
Below is an excerpt from the jovianarchive.comwebsite
Ra Uru Hu was not your traditional mystic: “I was conditioned to believe that science fiction was a genre of literature, that mystical revelation was simply a more antiquated form of the same, and that God, if not dead, was most likely a concept. On the evening of January 3, 1987, all that changed.” Previously a sceptic who didn’t believe in the mystical or even follow astrology, living as a hermit on the island of Ibiza, Ra’s experience changed him dramatically. He spent the next 23 years becoming the world-renowned messenger of the penetratingly accurate, immensely detailed Human Design System, which describes the mechanics of our being.
According to the source of the Human Design System, “The Voice” originated from a supernova – the death of a star. Scientists named it 1987A. This supernova’s last breath bombarded our planet with subatomic particles that transmitted the entire system into Ra Uru Hu, and seeded all of us with its information. One of the first things it told Ra was that the big bang was our universes conception point, and it has yet to be born. (My words – could this be the birth?)
Here is a link to the original BBC report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-51669384.
Here is a link to the Gene Keys web site https://genekeys.com.
By Alison Dhuanna
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girlaboutcampus · 5 years
How I optimised my social media for my mental health
cw: this blog post contains references to food, fitness and dieting culture. 
A few years ago I was working for a chain bookstore over the festive period, mostly on the tills serving customers and occasionally dealing with enquiries and shelving. There was blissfully minimal phone answering too. Bookshops tend to stay pretty busy after Christmas with sales, folks coming in to buy something to read in their remaining time off and to buy dieting books. When I clocked in to take my shift on Boxing Day, there had already been a table of dieting and fitness bibles set up, all on two-for-one deals. Whilst I’m sure this table was set up on corporate instruction, it left a bad taste in my mouth. Bookshops are by no means safe spaces- they’re a place you should go to look for material that challenges and stretches your beliefs, as well as things to help you relax.  However, I don’t think they’re a place you go to be judged for your lifestyle, especially if you’re just on the way up to grab a muffin and latte with friends in the cafe. In many ways, this is the experience of being on social media in microcosm.
This summer, I had a bit of a meltdown, which I’ve talked about a little before. Without university to occupy me, I became obsessed with going to the gym. When I didn’t see results as quickly as I had in the past, I started to hyperfocus on my appearance and weight. It quickly became clear that I’d got myself into a dark place, so I started going to see one of the counsellors at my university (which is an enormous privilege you should make the most of if you also have access to it). It became clear to me, in talking to my counsellor, that a lot of my problem was down to the space I had curated for myself on social media. The fitness board I maintained on Pinterest meant that the algorithm was constantly generating unattainable bodies, diet foods and problematic motivational statements. From following some of my younger brother’s school friends on Instagram, I began to feel bad about not having the body shape of a teenager anymore. I decided to clear a whole day to go through all my social media and make it as much of a hospitable space for my mental health as possible. I should be clear at this point that this might not necessarily work for you, though I found it to be incredibly helpful. I’m sharing in the hope that it might make a little difference for someone else. I’ll start with the easier social networks and work my way up to the big guns. 
This one might be more difficult for you depending on how much use you get out of Facebook. Personally, I use it mostly for keeping up with events, messaging friends and updating family members. One thing you can do if you only use it for the latter two is delete the Facebook app and just keep Messenger, that way you have to be on an actual computer to check facebook. If you don’t want to delete the app, then start to take advantage of the mute button. You can go through the hassle of sitting going through your whole friend list, removing people you no longer talk to, see, or are interested in keeping up with (you can let go of some people from school at this point, face it). However, I find that the experience of unfriending people can actually make me feel more anxious. 
The best thing I do- and this one isn’t something you can necessarily do in one day- is mute or unfriend as I scroll down my feed. If someone I once met in a job I had four years ago starts posting offensive and ill-informed political memes to my feed, that’s their time to go. If a friend’s mum posts a lot of things about her New Year’s diet, she’s going to get muted for the time being. If a friend posts a photo of her super cute baby, that’s getting a big heart react- give me more of that good shit. A big part of all of this stuff is trying to train your algorithm to show you the stuff you want, even if it fights back. 
First huge bit of advice- block all the bigoted reactionaries. That’s your Piers Morgans, Katie Hopkinses, Julia Hartley-Brewerses and that girl who worships guns. This isn’t me openly advocating shutting yourself out of political discourse, or creating some kind of political echo chamber for yourself.  It’s just starving people who thrive on outrage of the attention they crave. I don’t care if you have a witty rebuttal. They don’t deserve your attention, views or clicks. Try to find professional journalists, politicians, and pundits whose expertise you can trust and who conduct themselves ethically and responsibly, rather than trying to just get clicks for their work. Also, read whole articles and think pieces rather than just the headlines. Headlines are often written to stir up outrage over something that just isn’t outrageous.
 Find tweeters who make you laugh, make good art and whose voices you’d like to amplify. 
Instagram (and Tumblr) 
Now we’re getting into the heavy lifters. It seems to me that the more image-dense the platform, the worse it can be for your mental health, especially if your mental health is tied up in your body image. Instagram and Tumblr might be the platforms to be most cutthroat with. What you decide to do with this one is really deeply personal, but I would suggest going with your gut and unfollowing and muting anything that makes you feel less than, no matter how nice the person running it seems. My first call was to unfollow more or less everyone who’s ever breathed in the general vicinity of a Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. A lot of these models seem to be lovely women, but their lifestyles and bodies are the definitions of unattainable. The one exception I make to this rule is Chrissy Teigen because her content is all about earnestly enjoying food, family and travel. Plus, she doesn’t take herself too seriously. Instagram also has a useful feature that allows you to mute stories, posts or both at your own discretion. That way if there’s someone you follow who posts great travel photos but is always talking about weight loss in their stories, you can filter out that content and keep what you like. I found that, personally, having fewer bodies in my line of sight is for the best. I like to maximise the presence of delicious food, cute animals and uplifting messages I follow. Here are some favourites:
Nigella Lawson
Shila and Eddie the Pomeranians
Hannah Witton
Demi Adejuyigbe
This is the daddy of all the image-based platforms. Whilst probably the least popular of all the platforms listed here, it probably has the most potential to do harm. Don’t get me wrong, I love Pinterest. It is one of the most easily spaces online and the fact that it is image focused means that there is very little text involved, so it’s an ocean of calm compared to a platform like Twitter. However, it also has what might possibly be the most reactive algorithm of any platform. This is broadly a helpful tool, allowing you to locate the exact material you’re looking for, but it can really double down on any harmful material you put into it. It’s the internet’s worst enabler. In this sense, spring cleaning it is work. I got rid of my fitspo board and replaced it with one more focused on self-care. This didn’t mean getting rid of all my fitness-focused stuff- I still pin specific exercise routines- but I don’t pin #bodygoals stuff now.  A very important part of changing this is being conscientious of what I am choosing to repin. Specifically, I have to ask myself 
“Do I really like this hair/ makeup/ clothing, or do I just want to look like the model?”
If the answer is no, I will ask Pinterest to remove it from my feed. Pinterest also has a zero-tolerance policy for content that encourages eating disorders and self-harm so you can report anything like that. Whilst Pinterest will continue to show you things after you have deleted the boards you can, over time, train it to show you more of the things you want to see. I’ve finally got it to a point where I’m seeing things that make me feel bad far less frequently. 
All of this is work and requires a conscious effort from yourself to remove things that are harmful before they get to you. This system isn’t perfect and you will continue to see garbage some of the time. It is still possible to optimise what you’re seeing in order to feel less anxious and down on yourself. Do keep in mind, that it’s just a small part of your life and that if you are genuinely concerned about your mental health to talk to a professional if that is something you are able to access. Also, this isn’t an alternative to minimising your screentime, which we should probably all try to do a little more. 
Happy new year! 
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You are doing enough. 
Did I Keep my 2018 Resolutions?
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Nervous laughter because I forget being anon all the time makes things confusing; guess I'll have to make a tumblr account for asks. I was the (first?) Chrom!Laslow anon yesterday + the "Oh, also:" anon! And I didn't intend to write anything for AO3, but kinda just did it, afterwards, like ripping off a bandaid. And then went to sleep because how does AO3 even work. (What is tagging, and HTML, and is any writing good enough...) >///
:000 So you did write that fic! Sorry, it’s hard to differentiate between anons sometimes when there are multiple, and I also tend to take things at face value (so a lot of jokes or double meanings go right over my head when I only see them in writing). But it’s cool that you got inspired enough to write a fic so soon after sending that ask yesterday! Sometimes you just have to take inspiration and run with it, tbh. 
You probably meant that rhetorically, but yes! Any and all writing is good! Don’t ever think “Hmm, is this good enough for Ao3 or tumblr or XYZ platform,” because the answer is wholeheartedly yes every time! It’s something you created, and you should be proud of it. And somebody else out there wants to read it, I promise. And it’s written uniquely how only you would write it, so that makes it even better!
I don’t know how seriously you’re asking about tagging and HTML and stuff, but if you’re asking a genuine question, here are some quick tips! I can try to help some more if you have some specific questions later. There are also guides you can probably search on your own if you want too.
Tags are identifiers for your story! Are you writing a FE14 fic? Does your fic take place in a world where Inigo is working in a coffee shop instead of being a mercenary in the canon universe? To identify that your story differs from canon, you can insert tags like “Alternate Universe - Coffee Shop” or “Alternate Universe - Modern Setting.” Those are common tags, so as you begin to type them up in the Tags bar, they should pop up for you to click on immediately.
Does your fic involve a murder mystery? Romance? Suspense? Are your characters Trapped In An Elevator? Do they kiss? Are they asexual? Does one have a disability? Does your story follow the canon plot of your chosen fandom until the plot diverges at one specific event? There are tags for all of this, and they’ll usually pop up as you type a key word in. You want to identify major characteristics of your story (alternate universe, pairings, major characters, themes, tropes, etc.) so readers who want to look for that specific type of story can find yours! Also, those tags act as warnings. Not everyone likes to read character death or major injury or illness or hospital visits, so you can tag your story as “Character Death” and other things to warn others too. It’s a filter system for the things you both do and do not want to see in a fic you’re searching for. Add as many or as little as you think appropriate!
I use the “Rich Text” tab rather than “HTML Text” when posting a fic on Ao3 because it usually makes formatting and italics, bold, etc. way easier for me. Also, typing your work out in some word document, formatting it there, and then pasting it into Rich Text on Ao3 is an easy way to make sure your fic is formatted right. But if you really want to learn HTML for Ao3, here are a few tutorials I hope might help: X  X
Also here’s a super quick run down if this helps (though I only know the very basics as well: 
Using is a way to make a sentence italicized. Everything after will be italicized until a is added after it. So if you want to make a sentence italicized, write *Write Your Text Here*. Everything between those brackets should be in italics when you type it into the HTML tab on Ao3.
To make your text bold, replace that “i” with a “b”. Do the exact same thing. Now your text is bold. Example: Text
will start a new paragraph. Using
will end that paragraph. So everything between
is one paragraph. 
and begin and end strikesthrough. So use that to make a strike.
To make a link, do this: 
For reference, that’s how I make the links at the bottom of my fics that link back to my tumblr
I hope that helps!
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devontroxell · 4 years
Why and how you should organize your curated content
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You already know the impact curated content can have on your business. From marketing efforts to employee advocacy and hiring, content curation is a company’s superpower across the board.
But curated content is only useful if you can navigate your way through it.
Think about it. Would a talented fashion stylist do their job well if they couldn’t find the piece of clothing they needed in a wardrobe? Would a skilled accountant be efficient if they spent most of their time looking for the right spreadsheet or document?
The answer, of course, is a resounding no. The chaos in the assets you use and rely on every day will make it harder to see the results you want and hit long-term goals.
Great content curation depends on a system and structure you understand and can use with ease. In this guide, you’ll learn how well-organized curated content benefits your business, the structure that works best, and some ways you can achieve it with Scoop.it.
Why organizing your curated content is essential
Let’s go through a quick overview of why this process is worth going through.
Find what you need, even after curating hundreds or thousands of pieces
Let’s say you curate five pieces of content every workday. In a week, that’s 25 pieces. In a month, you’ll have about 100 of them, which is 1,200 for the year.
After a full year, will you be able to find the exact piece of content you need and you know you have since 10 months ago? The answer is probably no.
On top of that, if you curate more than those five pieces a day, and especially if you get other people and teams in your company involved in curation, you’ll easily end up with a lot more than just 100 curated pieces per month.
The sooner you create a structure for your curated content in place, the less of a challenge you’ll have down the road. Reaching the right piece of content will take only a few seconds and clicks, and no curated content will ever get lost.
Create a great experience for your reader
Think about how you consume content. One great post on a blog leads to another great post on the same blog. A helpful YouTube video from a creator leads to their other useful videos.
Well-structured, labeled, and organized content, regardless of the platform, makes it easy to absorb and enjoy that content. It creates a seamless flow from one piece to the other.
One of my favorite “start here” blog pages is the one from Orbit Media. One of the main reasons they were able to build such an easy-to-navigate list of their best blog posts is their effort to categorize every post they’ve published.
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Your curated content should be no different. By assigning the right categories, topics, and tags to each piece you curate, your reader will be able to keep browsing through your curated content library and find exactly what they need.
Empower other teams
Curated content can be useful to everyone in your company. Think about it:
Sales team can reference it in their sales conversations (for example, when answering prospect’s questions or addressing a specific pain point)
Writers can use it to find relevant studies and examples to link to
Customer support team can use it to keep an eye on current industry trends around topics most important to your customers
Product development can reference it in brainstorming or problem-solving sessions
The options are endless, but the only way they can happen is if the structure of your curated content helps the right person get to the right topic quickly.
Hierarchy of your curated content
What is the right way to set up and organize your curated content so you can always find what you need quickly? Here’s a simple and effective structure you can start with.
High-level overview: Broad categories
First, define some broad categories that you typically cover in your content. There is no one-size-fits-all rule for this, but here are some starting points that can help. Your broad categories could reflect:
The categories you already use on your blog
Your product or service categories
The industries you serve
The teams in your company
Here are some examples for broad categories:
Law firm: data protection, employment law, healthcare, real estate
Marketing software: content marketing, social media, project management, email marketing
Web design agency: analytics, SEO, digital strategy, social media, web design, web development (this is exactly what earlier-mentioned Orbit uses as categories on their blog!)
Main focus: Core topics
Your topics are the center of your content curation strategy. They are the root of all the content that you curate.
Your curation workflow will be based on topics. In other words, when you find a fresh piece of content to curate, you’ll choose a topic to add it to.
Here are examples of topics based on some broad categories we listed earlier:
Employment law: legal tips for startups, workplace safety, contracts and procurement
Content marketing: content writing, content editing, creativity, content strategy
Analytics: Google Analytics, Google Tag manager, social media analytics
Detailed segmentation: Tags
Finally, you can further refine and label each piece of content you curate with tags. How you set up your tags is entirely up to you.
For example, you could use them as further branching of a topic into subtopics: creativity could have subtopics such as personal creativity, team creativity, psychology, leadership.
Another way to use tags is to label the format of each piece. This means your tags could be: article, video, webinar, podcast, PDF, research report, book. This also means that you could use the same set of tags across different topics and get used to the same segmentation in each of your topics.
Of course, you can experiment with different options and stick with the one that works best.
How to organize your curated content with Scoop.it
In sections that follow, we’ll show you how you can build your content curation structure from the ground up in Scoop.it.
Topics as the core of content curation
As we mentioned, topics are the foundation of efficient content curation efforts, and the same applies to how Scoop.it works.
To create a topic, you click the Create a Topic button from your dashboard. Then, you name it, make sure you’re happy with the topic URL, select a language, and confirm.
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Topic customization
At the top of your new topic, you’ll see topic settings. This space will let you fully customize your topic.
Here are the options you’ll be able to tweak from the menu on the left-hand side:
Edit: title, language, description, user permissions for sharing and commenting
Sharing: connect your Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Buffer, Pinterest, Yammer, or Tumblr account
Customization: change visual settings like images, layout, fonts, and colors for any element of your topic page
Automatic content import: set up RSS feeds and/or sitemaps
Teams: add authorized curators
Private: make your topic public to everyone, just your company, only you, selected users only, or make it password-protected
Lead generation: set up a lead generation form or integrate with Mailchimp
Topic group: add or remove your topic from topic groups
Topic groups
Once you’ve created all your topics, you can start grouping them into high-level groupings—broad categories.
In Scoop.it, these are called topic groups. To set them up, go to your company settings and choose Topic Groups from the left-hand side menu. Then, add the group and name it.
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When you’re done, you can start adding topics to this broad category. For example, we could add our previously created content strategy topic to the content marketing category.
Use the search bar in the topic group settings to add your topics to it.
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You can also set up the editors of this group to either company users or admin only.
Once you’ve created your topic groups and added relevant topics to them, you can easily access them from the three-line menu icon at the top bar of any page of your Scoop.it:
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We started with topics, our content curation core. We then grouped them into larger categories. Finally, we can further segment our curated pieces and get specific thanks to tags.
Tags will let you easily navigate a topic and quickly get to the formats or subtopics you’re looking for. The best thing about them is that you can add them in a couple of seconds. It’s no extra work, but it still saves you time in the long run when you’re using these pieces later on.
When you curate a new piece of content to a topic, you’ll see this modal window that lets you add your insights and edit title and description. At the bottom, there’s a field to enter tags.
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When you don’t have any tags, you can add them by typing in a tag name you want to create. After that, your tags will populate when you start typing so you can easily select them.
You can also add or remove tags after curating your content by clicking the tag icon at the bottom of each curated piece.
From here, your tags become the most powerful when you add them to the top of your topic page for easy access.
Click the funnel icon at the top right corner and click Add tag list as first Scoop.
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This creates clickable tags you can use to filter content on a topic page. This is how these tags will look like on the page:
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The more you curate and tag, the more impactful this section becomes. Remember the benefits of easy navigation through curated pieces, both for you and the rest of your company—a couple of seconds to add a tag are worth the effort!
If you want to see all the content with a specific tag (across all topics), instead of going to a topic page and filtering by tag, you can type in your tag in the search bar at the top. You’ll then see the option to click on a tag to view all company-wide content that has that tag:
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Starred content
Finally, there’s a simple way to highlight a piece of content that’s currently most relevant: starring your content.
You’ll see the option to star a piece of content below it, alongside the sharing and tagging icons. When you click the star, that piece of content moves to the top spot on your topic page and stays there until you either unstar it or star a different piece.
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This feature is great for bringing attention to a most relevant trend, report, or educational piece of content on a certain topic, and doing so quickly for everyone in your team and company.
Master your curated content organization and structure
With these tools and tips, you can easily access your entire curated content history and find the right piece of content within moments.
There’s no more need for frustration or time wasted on searching through hundreds (or thousands!) of pieces of content you’ve so carefully curated. Instead, you can focus on all the benefits that curated content can give you.
Want to see how this can work for you and your company? Get your Scoop.it Enterprise demo and take your content curation to the next level.
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The post Why and how you should organize your curated content appeared first on Scoop.it Blog.
Why and how you should organize your curated content published first on https://wabusinessapi.tumblr.com/
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margaretbeagle · 4 years
Why and how you should organize your curated content
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You already know the impact curated content can have on your business. From marketing efforts to employee advocacy and hiring, content curation is a company’s superpower across the board.
But curated content is only useful if you can navigate your way through it.
Think about it. Would a talented fashion stylist do their job well if they couldn’t find the piece of clothing they needed in a wardrobe? Would a skilled accountant be efficient if they spent most of their time looking for the right spreadsheet or document?
The answer, of course, is a resounding no. The chaos in the assets you use and rely on every day will make it harder to see the results you want and hit long-term goals.
Great content curation depends on a system and structure you understand and can use with ease. In this guide, you’ll learn how well-organized curated content benefits your business, the structure that works best, and some ways you can achieve it with Scoop.it.
Why organizing your curated content is essential
Let’s go through a quick overview of why this process is worth going through.
Find what you need, even after curating hundreds or thousands of pieces
Let’s say you curate five pieces of content every workday. In a week, that’s 25 pieces. In a month, you’ll have about 100 of them, which is 1,200 for the year.
After a full year, will you be able to find the exact piece of content you need and you know you have since 10 months ago? The answer is probably no.
On top of that, if you curate more than those five pieces a day, and especially if you get other people and teams in your company involved in curation, you’ll easily end up with a lot more than just 100 curated pieces per month.
The sooner you create a structure for your curated content in place, the less of a challenge you’ll have down the road. Reaching the right piece of content will take only a few seconds and clicks, and no curated content will ever get lost.
Create a great experience for your reader
Think about how you consume content. One great post on a blog leads to another great post on the same blog. A helpful YouTube video from a creator leads to their other useful videos.
Well-structured, labeled, and organized content, regardless of the platform, makes it easy to absorb and enjoy that content. It creates a seamless flow from one piece to the other.
One of my favorite “start here” blog pages is the one from Orbit Media. One of the main reasons they were able to build such an easy-to-navigate list of their best blog posts is their effort to categorize every post they’ve published.
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Your curated content should be no different. By assigning the right categories, topics, and tags to each piece you curate, your reader will be able to keep browsing through your curated content library and find exactly what they need.
Empower other teams
Curated content can be useful to everyone in your company. Think about it:
Sales team can reference it in their sales conversations (for example, when answering prospect’s questions or addressing a specific pain point)
Writers can use it to find relevant studies and examples to link to
Customer support team can use it to keep an eye on current industry trends around topics most important to your customers
Product development can reference it in brainstorming or problem-solving sessions
The options are endless, but the only way they can happen is if the structure of your curated content helps the right person get to the right topic quickly.
Hierarchy of your curated content
What is the right way to set up and organize your curated content so you can always find what you need quickly? Here’s a simple and effective structure you can start with.
High-level overview: Broad categories
First, define some broad categories that you typically cover in your content. There is no one-size-fits-all rule for this, but here are some starting points that can help. Your broad categories could reflect:
The categories you already use on your blog
Your product or service categories
The industries you serve
The teams in your company
Here are some examples for broad categories:
Law firm: data protection, employment law, healthcare, real estate
Marketing software: content marketing, social media, project management, email marketing
Web design agency: analytics, SEO, digital strategy, social media, web design, web development (this is exactly what earlier-mentioned Orbit uses as categories on their blog!)
Main focus: Core topics
Your topics are the center of your content curation strategy. They are the root of all the content that you curate.
Your curation workflow will be based on topics. In other words, when you find a fresh piece of content to curate, you’ll choose a topic to add it to.
Here are examples of topics based on some broad categories we listed earlier:
Employment law: legal tips for startups, workplace safety, contracts and procurement
Content marketing: content writing, content editing, creativity, content strategy
Analytics: Google Analytics, Google Tag manager, social media analytics
Detailed segmentation: Tags
Finally, you can further refine and label each piece of content you curate with tags. How you set up your tags is entirely up to you.
For example, you could use them as further branching of a topic into subtopics: creativity could have subtopics such as personal creativity, team creativity, psychology, leadership.
Another way to use tags is to label the format of each piece. This means your tags could be: article, video, webinar, podcast, PDF, research report, book. This also means that you could use the same set of tags across different topics and get used to the same segmentation in each of your topics.
Of course, you can experiment with different options and stick with the one that works best.
How to organize your curated content with Scoop.it
In sections that follow, we’ll show you how you can build your content curation structure from the ground up in Scoop.it.
Topics as the core of content curation
As we mentioned, topics are the foundation of efficient content curation efforts, and the same applies to how Scoop.it works.
To create a topic, you click the Create a Topic button from your dashboard. Then, you name it, make sure you’re happy with the topic URL, select a language, and confirm.
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Topic customization
At the top of your new topic, you’ll see topic settings. This space will let you fully customize your topic.
Here are the options you’ll be able to tweak from the menu on the left-hand side:
Edit: title, language, description, user permissions for sharing and commenting
Sharing: connect your Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Buffer, Pinterest, Yammer, or Tumblr account
Customization: change visual settings like images, layout, fonts, and colors for any element of your topic page
Automatic content import: set up RSS feeds and/or sitemaps
Teams: add authorized curators
Private: make your topic public to everyone, just your company, only you, selected users only, or make it password-protected
Lead generation: set up a lead generation form or integrate with Mailchimp
Topic group: add or remove your topic from topic groups
Topic groups
Once you’ve created all your topics, you can start grouping them into high-level groupings—broad categories.
In Scoop.it, these are called topic groups. To set them up, go to your company settings and choose Topic Groups from the left-hand side menu. Then, add the group and name it.
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When you’re done, you can start adding topics to this broad category. For example, we could add our previously created content strategy topic to the content marketing category.
Use the search bar in the topic group settings to add your topics to it.
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You can also set up the editors of this group to either company users or admin only.
Once you’ve created your topic groups and added relevant topics to them, you can easily access them from the three-line menu icon at the top bar of any page of your Scoop.it:
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We started with topics, our content curation core. We then grouped them into larger categories. Finally, we can further segment our curated pieces and get specific thanks to tags.
Tags will let you easily navigate a topic and quickly get to the formats or subtopics you’re looking for. The best thing about them is that you can add them in a couple of seconds. It’s no extra work, but it still saves you time in the long run when you’re using these pieces later on.
When you curate a new piece of content to a topic, you’ll see this modal window that lets you add your insights and edit title and description. At the bottom, there’s a field to enter tags.
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When you don’t have any tags, you can add them by typing in a tag name you want to create. After that, your tags will populate when you start typing so you can easily select them.
You can also add or remove tags after curating your content by clicking the tag icon at the bottom of each curated piece.
From here, your tags become the most powerful when you add them to the top of your topic page for easy access.
Click the funnel icon at the top right corner and click Add tag list as first Scoop.
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This creates clickable tags you can use to filter content on a topic page. This is how these tags will look like on the page:
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The more you curate and tag, the more impactful this section becomes. Remember the benefits of easy navigation through curated pieces, both for you and the rest of your company—a couple of seconds to add a tag are worth the effort!
If you want to see all the content with a specific tag (across all topics), instead of going to a topic page and filtering by tag, you can type in your tag in the search bar at the top. You’ll then see the option to click on a tag to view all company-wide content that has that tag:
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Starred content
Finally, there’s a simple way to highlight a piece of content that’s currently most relevant: starring your content.
You’ll see the option to star a piece of content below it, alongside the sharing and tagging icons. When you click the star, that piece of content moves to the top spot on your topic page and stays there until you either unstar it or star a different piece.
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This feature is great for bringing attention to a most relevant trend, report, or educational piece of content on a certain topic, and doing so quickly for everyone in your team and company.
Master your curated content organization and structure
With these tools and tips, you can easily access your entire curated content history and find the right piece of content within moments.
There’s no more need for frustration or time wasted on searching through hundreds (or thousands!) of pieces of content you’ve so carefully curated. Instead, you can focus on all the benefits that curated content can give you.
Want to see how this can work for you and your company? Get your Scoop.it Enterprise demo and take your content curation to the next level.
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The post Why and how you should organize your curated content appeared first on Scoop.it Blog.
Why and how you should organize your curated content published first on https://improfitninja.weebly.com/
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Fleet Service and Maintenance in Santa Fe New Mexico | Mobile Auto Truck Repair Albuquerque
More Information Is At: http://mobileautotruckrepairalbuquerque.com/fleet-maintenance-mechanic-santa-fe-new-mexico/
Looking for s fleet mechanic or fleet maintenance services in Santa Fe New Mexico? Fleet maintenance may be the most critical aspect of managing your fleet. Whether you own or lease your cars or trucks, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Albuquerque in Santa Fe New Mexico offers a full range of fleet maintenance services to help you keep your vehicles on the road, serving your customers, and making you money. We offer everything from preventive, comprehensive, and on-site maintenance to mobile maintenance and 24-hour roadside assistance. Count on us to help ensure that your fleet performs safely and reliably day in and day out.
Keep moving with our top of the line fleet services.
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Albuquerque provides the best truck and fleet repair, brake service, tires, transmissions & oil changes in Santa Fe New Mexico.
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Albuquerque, a leader in the mobile fleet service industry, provides preventative maintenance excellence tailored to each customer’s unique needs. In fact, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Albuquerqueis the number one choice when it comes to quality, customer care, safety and technology in Santa Fe. If you’re looking for a partner to manage and maintain your fleet, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Albuquerqueis your answer.
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Albuquerque Fleet Management provides dedicated fleet maintenance and management programs which favorably impact costs, service levels, availability and life expectancy of equipment. This is achieved through deploying skilled personnel, a world class fleet management information system, vocation specific fleet planning and competitive parts and tire sourcing. These components are optimized by an experienced management team utilizing proven maintenance strategies and tactics.
Since 2018, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Albuquerque Fleet Management has consistently delivered reliable, customized and cost effective solutions because fleet maintenance is our one mission. Our singular focus on improving our clients maintenance performance, allows them to focus on their core business and improve their bottom-line.
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 When you lease a fleet or hire fleet management, often a perk is mentioned known as 'Fleet Services'. For someone familiar with managing a fleet, you know that a lot could go into those two simple words. What exactly does your vehicle leasing company mean by fleet services? Exactly what services and value can you expect from a package or fleet lease that includes fleet services?
To answer your question, fleet services can cover everything you're thinking of right now. Here at Mobile Auto Truck Repair Albuquerque, fleet services are what we do best.
Everything relating to helping a company select, maintain, optimize, and manage their fleet falls under the umbrella term of fleet services. Particularly relating to taking care of your vehicle fleet once it's put together.
 Let's take a closer look at exactly what fleet services has to offer your business:
Fleet Selection and Acquisition Santa Fe
Choosing the right vehicles for your fleet is not always easy. There are hundreds of makes and models to choose from, and the manufacturers always have nice things to say about a vehicle. But a fleet services expert knows how to select the exact vehicle for each business need.
They know the difference between a loud engine and hauling power. They can identify the kind of seat needed for all-day drivers versus special assignment drivers. They can point out which cars have better mileage on city streets versus rural services.
If you need to build a fleet or add to your existing fleet, fleet services are a great place to start. A fleet services expert will help you analyze the vehicular needs of your business and choose exactly the right models to meet your criteria. From there, you can move forward on acquisition either through leasing or purchase, whichever works best for your business.
For every vehicle in your fleet, fleet services usually includes comprehensive maintenance and repairs. Keeping a fleet in top condition is what fleet services are designed to do best, and we get a lot of practice. The fact of the matter is that a vehicle used for work runs all day long, every work day.
The best way to get years of high-quality service from each vehicle is to stay on top of maintenance, and that's exactly what fleet services were originally designed to do.
Not every business that needs vehicles has the time or staff to keep a fleet tuned up and in top condition. You may not have mechanics on staff, and you don't need to with a fleet services package. Fleet services professionals will do routine inspections and tuneups, and they can also design easy-to-follow maintenance routines that drivers can do between checkups to keep their vehicles in top condition.
Your fleet services can also help you optimize the performance of your current fleet. In business, there is always room for improvement somewhere and with vehicles, that room is often seen schedule tightness and driver satisfaction.
Different vehicles, or a different choice in maintenance, might provide you with better gas mileage per vehicle. Or there might be vehicles that offer better driver technology that could streamline your on-the-road workflow. Or you might have vehicles that are getting beyond their optimal years of service.
We can help you identify where you're losing efficiency or could streamline your fleet management to get the performance metrics you're looking for. Whether the best optimization step is a different leased vehicle or a driver tech upgrade, fleet services are there to analyze your fleet and identify where you can make improvements. Once a plan is set out, your fleet services team can take care of or help you implement the optimizing changes.
For every breakdown, car and light duty vehicle repair and routine maintenance visits take your valuable assets off the road. The sooner your drivers and vehicles can get back up and running, the better. Fleet maintenance management helps boost driver productivity and control fleet repair costs.
Our premier suite of services helps you get fleet maintenance and repair costs under control, while increasing vehicle and driver uptime. Comprehensive car, van and light-duty vehicle maintenance and fleet repair services, unmatched buying power and more actionable data for better analysis and decisions will keep your fleet well-tuned and your bottom line happy. When you need to minimize costs and maximize productivity - we’ve got you covered both on and off the road.
Using fleet maintenance management to uphold high level of productivity
Our maintenance services keep your vehicles on the road and out of the shop. When your cars, vans and light trucks need repair or maintenance in Santa Fe, drivers can simply call us for our fleet maintenance and repair services.
Our experts will analyze work estimates, recommend the best repair facilities to handle your jobs, and negotiate prices on repairs, warranties and post-warranties on your behalf – maximizing cost and time savings. You’ll receive consolidated invoices and reporting for all light truck and car fleet repairs and realize quantifiable savings by tapping into our extensive selection of suppliers.
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Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas
Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico
Zip Codes: 87101, 87102, 87103, 87104, 87105, 87106, 87107, 87108, 87109, 87110, 87111, 87112, 87113, 87114, 87116, 87119, 87120, 87121, 87122, 87123, 87125, 87131, 87153, 87154, 87158, 87176, 87181, 87187, 87190, 87191, 87192, 87193, 87194, 87196, 87197, 87198, 87199.
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iamconstantine · 4 years
why is it bad for people to tag an "I don't like reylo" post as reylo though? it's still about reylo. it can be annoying, sure, but it's not really crosstagging (that would be like posting cat pics in the reylo tag. unless the cat's name was Reylo, then it would be fine for that specific rhetorical cat to be tagged as reylo). alot of tag so their own followers can filter it, too. it just seems silly to me. maybe i'm just too old to get upset over someone saying they don't like X in the X tag..
maybe another part of why i'm "meh. block block block." (i blocked so many people that (until they fixed it) i reached the upper limit on number of people you can block) about seeing annoying stuff/trolling/absolute nonsense/nasty shit, etc,etc in fandom tags now is because i used to try to police what was and wasn't allowed in the tags for a fandom i used to be in, and it did absolutely no good (people are gonna tag their stuff however they want).. and it just left me with massive burnout..
oh geez I didn’t see this was in my inbox before.
The thing about tumblr’s whole tagging system is that unless you go out of your way to make things separate (like “#reyloship” vs “#reylocat”), everything just goes under the same umbrella. On the one hand, it really shouldn’t be a problem to tag a post talking about negative feelings for reylo as reylo because, well, that’s what it’s about. It’s a post about reylo, so why not tag it #reylo? 
On the other hand, tagging is used like 85% of the time by people looking for their fandoms/interests/ships. So if I was a reylo shipper, and I looked up #reylo so I could look at some fanart or gifsets or fanfics, I’d be annoyed if I had to filter through posts talking about how reylo is a trash ship. I’d be very annoyed if I had to filter through posts talking about how reylo shippers are all disGuStiNG aBUsE aPOloGiSts. Seeing pictures of someone’s cat that was named reylo would be a minor annoyance, yes, but it wouldn’t be offensive. Really, the problem is just the tagging system in general, which I don’t see any way to improve. 
It’d be really convenient if people could tag things with stuff like #anti reylo or something, but A) they won’t, and B) they don’t have to. Also just to be completely honest it wouldn’t be so much of a problem if it was simply people saying they don’t like it. Unfortunately, it’s just waaay more common to see people getting boiling mad over it. Again, it’s a matter of annoying vs offensive.
I’m a person who blocks and blacklists a lot, too, and it’s probably the best way to deal with this kind of stuff just because looking through my fandoms/ships is something that I’m meant to enjoy and I hate having to deal with all the stuff you mentioned. It really, honestly sucks because on the one hand I feel like it’s maybe a little petty to block someone just because you disagree with them over something as simple as fictional stuff, but on the other hand...meh, I’m going to use this site the way I want to, and it’s just fiction. There’s a difference between “Wah I can’t deal with people saying bad stuff about the things I like!” and “This is not the content I want to get when I search for this, so I’ll block it out.”
So yeah, a lot of crosstagging really just comes down to the way the whole tagging system works in the first place. There is no foolproof way of going about it. If you type anything into the tumblr search bar, I doubt you’ll ever find nothing but the exact thing you’re hoping to find.
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felipef-lisboa · 5 years
Can “bots“ be biased?
Short answer: YES
Long answer: Still a YES, but it’s not always on purpose and actually depends on how you “code” and “train” them.
Since Tumblr announced that they would ban all NSFW content from their   platform we’ve all been hearing (and talking) about “the bots of tumblr“ (which is also a  nice name for an indie rock band). A lot of bloggers believe that their content is being mislabled as NSFW and as a result being taken out or blocked from followers.
But how can that be?
Well, first we need to understand how these bots “think“ and “see“.
Have in mind we are not talking about simple coding like displaying things on a screen, math operations or even graphic user interfaces. We are talking about Computer Vision, which is basically a multidisciplinary area that seeks to teach computers how to perform tasks much in the same way as the human visual system does. This is harder than it sounds and, most of the time, demands a counterintuitive approach.
There are many techniques for doing that. Some are quite well stablished, like the Viola-Jones Algorithm for face detection, and some are quite recent, like object path tracking. The important thing is what all of them have in common: they need to be “trained”.
What is “training“ and how does it work?
When we say “training“ we mean that the code needs to be calibrated for a specific purpose; in other words, a code trained to recognize A can’t be used to recognize B or C. But there is a catch (or should I say catches?).
To train a code like this we usually use a positive-negative-example approach: we feed the code with positive-example images of the thing we want it to recognize, from various angles and with different background “noise”; then we feed it with negative-examples of images NOT containing the object of interest. This way the code balances itself in order to provide as much accurate answers as possible.
That is when the problems begin. Why? Because you need to use a lot, and I mean A LOT, of images in both cases and the more possible scenarios you have the more images you’ll need (the exact amount depends on the technique and the object of interest, but usually it’s in the thousands). But we can’t possibly use all possible case scenarios (for many reasons such as memory, time and complexity), so we filter the most common possibilities and hope its enough to make it all work.
Another problem is that even with the correct training computers CAN’T see as humans do. So instead they interpret images as data matrices and use math to work on them. Things like color, contrast, brightness, focus, proportion, angle, etc. can get in the way of that math and give “false positives”.
The third reason for problems with bots is when an object, or scenario, looks (or is perceived by the code) a LOT like something else. Imagine I want to make a bot to detect motorcycles in pictures. I’d get a lot of false positives with bikes given their similarities and probably even some cars, depending on the angle and proportions.This is merely an example, but it can happen with things that for us look different and, for some reason, the computer interprets as similar or the same.
Some time ago Google released its auto tag Photos app feature and there was a MAJOR flaw: it sometimes mistagged people of color as “gorillas“. That lead to Google being called out for racism and, in a sense, that is not a wrong statement because clearly their engineers didn’t take skin tone in consideration as much as they should have (the social, political and economic reasons for that won’t be discussed here). During production they detected and corrected another flaw: sometimes people would be mistagged as dogs.
That is a good example of unknown biased: that is, your code doesn’t look biased, but amidst the nearly infinite number of possibilities the code goes bananas in some specific cases and the only way to know that is through testing; but one cannot test infinity, so we think everything is working properly.
That may just be the case for Tumblr bots. Imagine the number of possibilites for one or more humans to be sexually interacting with each other or alone. The needed images for the training would make the kama-sutra seem boring. The fact that some of these positions look like positions we normally do like kissing, hughing, caressing, posing and so on makes it even easier for a false positive to occur.
And that is not actually a big problem unless Tumblr isn’t interested in improving the bots as "false positives” are noted. To worsen their case, Tumblr doesn’t seem to be helping users contest the bots decisions correctly and so people are getting tired of all this.
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