#the way it was and runaways by the killers (not as close)
So Good Right Now and What a Time to Be Alive are sisters in the same way Tiffany Blews and WAMS are sisters. I will not elaborate on this what I speak is fact
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amourdivine · 3 months
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Hello, angels! I hope you're well. I'm bringing in another nosy type of reading. We'll look into who this person really is and if any advice comes up. If you liked this reading, please consider tipping me at @ [email protected] via paypal! xo ♡
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HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR PILE.  take a few deep breaths and look at each picture separately. see which one brings you to a feeling, a place or a memory. take your time and feel free to come back to it later!
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amourdivine 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content!
who is this person, deep down? two of cups ✧ the hermit ✧ judgement
This is someone who values meaningful, deep, soulful relationships. They do not crave the buzz of parties or endless chatting with strangers. They don't like small talk. Others may describe this person as an old soul, someone introspective and wise. Their friends turn to them for honest and sensible advice; they may be an older sibling, or someone who's seen as a role model in some type of way.
Unfortunately, this wisdom came at a cost. They have endured a thousand inner deaths in life. This person had to start over many, many times, but they always got back up. As strong as they are also loyal, they're mature and still believe in the magic of being surrounded by good people. Strong Virgo and Scorpio energy, given the cards you got.
It's likely they came from poverty or are enduring a financial loss at this moment in time. Since this person is hardworking and independent, I don't think you have anything to worry about - sadly or not, they're more than used to the weight of their shoulders.
Although they're not expressive with their emotions or thoughts, you can count on this person to be sincere. They seem heavily protected by something greater, something bigger. For most of you, this person is spiritual, but not religious. They're very private and you may have a hard time understanding them or figuring them out.
channeled words & songs: black and white, heavy as led, test of time, a drop of water, night of the soul, life path 7, seek solitude, "i'm always okay", read my mind by the killers, runaway horses, small towns.
quotes that remind me of this person
Tell me, Atlas. What is heavier: The world or its people's hearts? — Darshana Suresh.
I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses. — Friedrich Nietzsche.
Everywhere I go I find a poet has been there before me. — Sigmund Freud.
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who is this person, deep down? five of swords ✧ the world ✧ the moon
Accomplished, but lonely. It's how this person feels as I shuffled. They have seen and known so much, but it came at the cost of their morals. This person holds many secrets - even from themselves. Nothing dark, but they do regret their ways at times. With how competitive and aggressive they can be, it's difficult for them to hold onto anything but their success.
They may be famous or well-known in some way. Renowned. A lawyer, a judge. Someone with a fair share of experience and authority in a certain field. But my God, how their words can hurt. Have you ever heard that the pen is mightier than the sword? Yeah, that's this person.
Even when they bask in the glory of being so accomplished, no one really knows this person. Not even themselves, as I said. They're scared of vulnerability, emotions and intimacy. They're scared of the things the Moon tries to show them: their deepest fears, the nightmares and past traumas they've tried to bury deep down.
Interestingly, despite the cards, I get heavy Aries energy. This person may be an Aries Moon, quite a complex placement to have. They're good at being logical and practical, good at the doing, at the speaking, but they don't have the time for people, for emotions... for friendship or family. Given their history, it's likely they shut themselves off from connections out of fear.
I don't think they're happy. They look happy, they look so beautiful, so otherworldly, but inside of them there's this urge for something else. Something more meaningful.
channeled words & songs: ambitchous, aries, sagittarius, "i want it i got it", "let my money talk", chest pains, life path 8 or 9, neon pink, overprotective, oh no! by marina, terrible love by the national, bank account.
quotes that remind me of this person
I live to succeed, not to please you or anyone else. — Marilyn Monroe.
My worst fear - that's anyone's worst fear - is to lose myself and become an empty person. And that happens a lot when you're very ambitious. — Marina Diamandis.
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who is this person, deep down? two of pentacles ✧ the sun ✧ four of pentacles
What an interesting contradiction, it seems. The person on your mind is generous, extroverted and.. quite the busy bee. Their outer persona remind me of J-Hope from BTS, very caring and extroverted - someone who's got an infectious laugh, but despite his bubbly appearance, he's actually very caring and protective.
Although they may seen foolish, this person is anything but. They're quite careful and at times, intense. However, I don't think many people get to see this more serious and protective side of them. They seem guarded for the right reasons, because they know their heart is quite precious and too much of a good thing to be given away so easily.
It's possible they come off as brain-scattered or high maintenance to you, but they're genuine and one of their main purposes in life - whether they know it or not - is to bring joy to others. They're so good at it. It's not a party without this person, with or without alcohol, they know how to lighten up the mood and are an amazing team player.
It feels cheeky too. I think they like the dad jokes, the lighthearted atmosphere, but they know when to be serious. If I am to be honest, this person is an amazing partner (in case you're asking about a romantic interest) and an even more amazing friend. Someone who'll cheer you up and stick by your side through thick and thin. A very dear friend.
channeled words & songs: heart-shaped, light up a joint, weed, recreational drugs, easy breezy, life of the party by shawn mendes, 9 to 5, bisexual, lgbt+, rainbow, friend-shaped, dogs, cats, energetic, rap.
quotes that remind me of this person
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.— Bob Marley.
You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it. — Robin Williams.
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always. — Unknown.
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who is this person, deep down? ace of cups ✧ ten of swords ✧ seven of cups ✧ the lovers
I feel like whoever you're asking about is in a brand new mode. They seem to be someone who was previously overburdened by their past. This person is in a major transformative phase, both physically and internally. They have endured so much, it's heartbreaking just thinking about it. I don't think they're very open about it though, at least, they weren't before.
Honestly, this person may have suffered from addiction, major losses or betrayal. They're getting back up after a period of darkness. Spirit's referencing their current phase more so than they actually are, because I believe they haven't yet fully come to really be who they are. They're shedding the person they had become, in order to be who they were meant to be.
They seek a new beginning, new friendships, good, better choices. It seems this path they're on has just begun, so they're a bit.. amazed at the options being offered. Still, this person wants to choose well for themselves and the people they love. They've regained a great love for the world. I feel filled with wonder, with enthusiasm for what's to come. Like anything and everything is possible.
Although they may seem immature, they've seen a lot. They've had to fight to survive through their worst and now, they're learning to let joy and love in. They've come to realize their power, the magic in who they are and learning to accept that this too shall pass. However, this person feels peaceful yet determined, broken yet healing, quite balanced in their aspects. A thinker and a feeler.
channeled words & songs: ego, healing, therapy, six of cups, innocence, yet to come by bts, mbti types, dancing in the dark by bruce springsteen, "a do-over", "maybe", shufflemancy, spiritual, 777, 333, psychedelics, hippie, hologram, offline, nature.
quotes that remind me of this person
I go to seek a Great Perhaps. That's why I'm going. So I don't have to wait until I die to start seeking a Great Perhaps. — John Green.
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. — Steve Jobs.
I’ll rewrite this whole life and this time there’ll be so much love, you won’t be able to see beyond it. — Warsan Shire.
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who is this person, deep down? two of wands ✧ six of wands ✧ page of cups
A courageous, successful individual. This person has a lot of wanderlust. They are in love with life, in love with themselves, in love with the world. They like to be on the move, to party and be around other people they also admire.
However, they have an impulsive, non-committal side to them that is expressed mainly in the way they approach relationships, especially romantic wise. They have a fear of settling, so they're always on the go, on the search for the next best thing in every way. They may move a lot or have a different crush everyday. Although it isn't inherently bad, I think this person may come off as hard to pin down.
In reality, they're enthusiastic and ready to take on the world. They like the spotlight, they have big dreams too. It gives me Leo energy, in the way they love to be praised, to be adored. Depending on who you're asking, this may be polyamorous or they just enjoy being single and free. Many people describe this person as free-spirited and bold.
At times, their words and behaviors get the best of them. They're not good at keeping secrets and may have quite a temper when angered. They mean well, but there's a diva-like side to this person that can be egocentric or immature, since they've got a bit of a one track mind when it comes to their dreams. They're also very beautiful and they know it. It's also quite the ego boost to be around them - they love to give out compliments and flirt.
channeled words & songs: bisexual, "himbo", bucketlist, pinterest, clean girl era, "i want everything", poetry, interlude: shadow by bts, parallel universe, edm, party girl, wild, erratic, center of attention, instagram, social media influencer, blogger, barbie movie, hungry heart by bruce springsteen, rumors by ross lynch (this song started playing after i finished the section above! very relevant).
quotes that remind me of this person
If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days. — Sylvia Plath.
I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles. — Audrey Hepburn.
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amourdivine 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content!
DISCLAIMER. tarot is a divination tool, it’s not a substitute for medical and professional advice, nor is it meant to be taken as such. i don’t take responsibility for any choice(s) made by you or others regarding my readings. be mindful ♡
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circeyoru · 4 months
Angelic Doctor
[Human!Alastor x Disguised Angel!Reader]
Part 1 (here)
Part 2
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You were one of the rarer angels that could travel between Heaven and Earth with the purpose of spreading good. Your job was to pose as a regular human and do good wherever you were for the people, that is until you were given the opportunity to ‘die’ and rid yourself of the false human identity you have
One of your identities was in New Orleans, Louisiana. You were one of the rare female doctors on staff at the hospital, you followed the ways of the humans with their medical practices even while you could have used your healing powers behind closed doors. But you just didn’t when human ways could heal, just needing more time and resources. You only used your powers when it was a dire situation and the patient didn’t deserve death, particularly souls that would do good or spread good 
Your angelic moment was brought out when you were suddenly met with a runaway offender who had been released from prison on good behaviour. The man was begging for you to hide him or bring him somewhere safe because he wasn’t familiar with the surroundings, your angelic eyes caught the colour of his soul - light red, so he was destined for Hell. Against your better judgment, you brought him to the hospital for treatment
Sadly, the next day when you returned for work, the man was found murdered in the bathroom with organs missing, only to be found in the donation box. You were beyond distraught and took some time off. It wasn’t that you were overly sensitive about the death of the man, it was more so that you didn’t protect him well enough. Who knows, if he was let out because of good behaviour, perhaps he could be changed. After all, his soul was yet to be dark blood red, so there was still time to save him from damnation in Hell. That was your job as an Angel!
You have yet to meet one that was impossible to be changed, irredeemable ones, and you met one sooner than expected. You heard him before you met him. While the radio was broadcasting in the cafe you frequent before your work hours, the moment his voice was echoed in the room, the patrons would speak softer to hear his voice. You have to admit that his voice was melodious and he sure has a way with words, with his charisma, you figured that he was a good and honest person, favoured and have a place in Heaven
Oh how wrong were you
You remember it so clearly, the moment you met him, face-to-face, a chance encounter where he protected a fair lady that was you against a drunken man, your eyes widened when you got a good look at his soul the moment things were resolved. A blood-red soul, nearly black. A serial killer that was suspected to be a cannibal as well roamed the street, striking fear and worry to the good people. That was him, Alastor the famous and beloved radio host
Alastor had heard of your lifesaving work all around town, pun intended. People sang praises of you no matter how small or big of an injury or illness that you had cured. In fact, he had put his trust and faith in you when he enlisted his sick mother into the hospital, although you were only a small-time doctor and one who was in training since you were a transfer from the town over
His mother’s doctor in charge was more than unwelcoming since he was a greedy and unethical man, how he wished he could just off the man and have the hospital staff change doctors. But you were under that doctor’s guidance, he did his research. If that doctor were gone, you would be transferred away. So he put up with it
While Alastor didn’t have the time to meet you face to face since there seemed to never be a moment where he caught you on break or free during his rare visits to the hospital, he could only watch you from afar
Don’t think he didn’t catch the way you’d keep his kind sick mother entertained while he wasn’t around. If it wasn’t him catching you leaving the room, it was his mother who spoke highly of you when he apologised for keeping her waiting. For some reason, his mother was always more energetic after your visits, like you were a breath of fresh air in a polluted fog
However, the tragic news of his mother’s passing came and it just so happened to be during the days when you were off duty, on vacation as it were. He took some time to adjust, only really bouncing back when he received a handwritten letter that was addressed to him (the family of the mother, professionally) expressing your condolences and that you assured him his mother was a pure and loved soul who would be welcomed in Heaven where paradise awaits
His killing took a different turn, he didn’t want to kill the innocent and pure, no one like his good angelic trainee doctor, no, death should be for the wicked. So he played god on another level, hunting down the no goods of the city and feasting on them like they were animals in the slaughterhouse. His slaughterhouse, or cabin in the swamps
Imagine his surprise when one of his killings brought him to you. You, the kind now full-time doctor, took his prey to the hospital to nurse him back to health. Oh, but that prey was no good, that prey was an enemy to the kind children you’d smile and teach and a vermin that took what it couldn’t have. So he waited until you were out of the building and began his work. This time, instead of feasting on the organs, they looked to be in good condition to donate to someone in need of it. And into the organ donation section they go 
It was one fated night that you and Alastor had your one-sided reunion. Like a heroic knight in shining armour, he rescued you from the brute of a drunk man. “Are you alright, dear?” He’d ask, he figured you were in a state of shock from the ordeal so he brought you to a diner and gave you space to breathe and recollect everything. He would have to deal with that drunk man who gave his angelic doctor a fright at a later time
For now, he can finally get to know you. Of course, he’d keep his double life a secret, but surely his charming radio host self can blind you enough that you fall for him first, right? Then he can slowly plan your days together like his mother would want for him. Until his time is up and he’d be in Hell
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Note: Another one! Cause I'm in the mood for writing, plus I have the time~ ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Should I do part 2 for this one? There's still some ideas left ~(˘▾˘~)
Circe Y.
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capricornsims · 8 months
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Some headcanons featuring screenshots from my Sims 3 Strangetown game.
PT9 and Jenny met in 1985. Based on the Sims 2 memories, she found him drowning in the pool since he dived head-first into the shallow end. While everyone was running away in fear - she rescued him and fell in love at first sight. PT9 vowed loyalty to his savior and gifted her with knowledge about Sixam.
Jenny and Lyla were roommates until she married Buzz Grunt. She doesn't get Jenny's attraction to PT9 but she was supportive. Meanwhile, Jenny tried her hardest to break up Lyla and Buzz because she deserved so much better!
The Curious Brothers were forced to cut contact with Jenny since she 'betrayed' their father by marrying PT9 ( valid honestly - thinking about it makes my head hurt )
Pascal having Tycho brought the family back together.
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5. Glarn was an emotionally absent father who paid no attention to his kids. Pascal was Glarn's favorite which was why he went to private school. He was also responsible for looking after his younger brothers when they moved out.
6. Pascal is " Well achually" incarnate. He loves to talk about theories and science. Aliens and Astro physics are his hyper fixation
7. Vidcund and Lazlo spend their time joking about how Pascal takes himself way too seriously. They were best friends throughout school and Vidcund was the one who helped Lazlo get his degree.
8. Lazlo is a genius, he passed school with no effort because he was just that smart. Glarn didn't see his genius because he was too busy scolding him for being messy.
9. Lazlo takes Vidcund out to hang out with his friends and works overtime trying to set him up on dates so he can get over Circe.
10. The Curious Brothers weren't that close - and often butted heads but since Tycho was born they are closer than ever. ( UNTIL VIDUND SOLD TYCHO)
11. I know Vidcund was mind-controlled, but imagine if he wasn't. He's in serious debt and these blue aliens offered him like a billion dollars if he sold his nephew. The Dudes in Black wanted to run experiments on him idk.
12. Pascal never really recovered after his kid was stolen and was overly protective of Tycho. Tycho grew up anxious because of the overarching threat of being kidnapped again.
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13. Olive Specter is not a serial killer (allegedly) - she just has really bad luck, but she kept up the bit so people would leave her alone! She is really superstitious because she's connected to the supernatural. She makes good luck charms and ensures that Ophelia is really cautious and wears all her charms.
14. Ophelia has a serious anxiety disorder - partially because Olive raised her to be scared of everything for her own safety. She makes sure Johnny and Ripp don't go under ladders, cross poles, or step on cracks. She gets really stressed out when Ripp makes dark jokes.
15. Olive was a good mom until she was wrongly accused of being unstable which led to her baby being taken away. She tried to get him back but there were too many roadblocks and Nervous was already given away.
16. She loves the Grim Reaper and longs for the day she can see him again. Her partygoer job entails her going to funeral memorials.
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17. Nervous met Annie Howell in foster care and they are really good friends to this day. He missed her because she was adopted by her older brother and left alone in the orphanage. 18. Nervous was a constant runaway and ended up in the Beaker's house as a teenager with the promise that he wouldn't have to go back to a group home. Unfortunate :(
19. I like how most people agree on how rude and not nice Nervous actually is. He's standoffish for good reason and gives Vidcund a lot of snark for being into Circe. He's chill with Lazlo though.
20. Nervous is the fun dad, and lets Tycho do whatever they want. Meanwhile, Pascal is pretty strict about his schooling ( which doesn't matter because Tycho has alien intelligence) and being safe. 21. Tycho grows up to follow in Pascal's astrophysics footsteps, mostly to build a ship and hunt down his Pollinator dad.
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valeriianz · 1 year
Road trip AU but make it hurt/comfort:
Dream is a runaway, hitches a ride with Hob, who's a traveling chef. Cue a slow trust, a budding friendship, banter, and motel sex. But first...
“Seriously?” Hob muttered to himself as he made out the dark smudge along the highway. 
Hob saw the black jacket and backpack before an arm swung out, a thumb sticking in the air.
A hitchhiker.
Something familiar made Hob’s heart stutter, recognizing the tired gait, the heavy arm, the almost hopeless glance behind the shoulder. Hob couldn’t make out the man’s face from this far, but he was creeping up fast, and he swallowed.
A part of Hob told him not to do it. Stranger danger, and all that. This guy could be a weirdo, a serial killer, or anything in between. Then again, Hob’s hands tightened around the wheel, he could get picked up by a weirdo, or a murder instead. Hitchhiking was falling out of style, and for good reason. Trusting a total stranger to give you a ride was extremely foolish and dangerous.
With only seconds to make his decision, Hob sighed loudly, coming out more like a groan, slowing the car and pulling off the road a few yards in front of the lone man. 
Hob’s own experience came crashing into his brain, unbidden. Homeless, hungry, dirty, just looking for some kindness. Hoping, at the very least, for a conversation free from judgment. The experience should have jaded Hob, doubt and suspicion taking over his decision making. But the reality was Hob had somehow softened, not a foolish amount, but with the new desire to be understanding and hopeful. Hob had been this man, shamefully trudging along the road, sticking a thumb out at the sound of a passing car, feeling stupid for it, feeling desperate.
Desperation makes one do stupid things.
The silence that filled the air as Hob put his hazards on was stifling, watching the dark figure approach from the rearview mirror. Anxiety built in Hob’s chest the closer the hitchhiker came, until the passenger side door opened and a backpack, which wasn’t that full, was tossed to the floor of his car. The man came in after, sliding onto the seat and pulling the door closed with a gentle thud.
He turned to look at Hob, and Hob tried– really hard– to keep his jaw on his face.
The man was gorgeous, in a way that almost frightened Hob. Pale blue eyes that looked haunted, sunken into pale skin that looked like it’d never seen the sun. And a mop of black hair that seriously needed a combing, sticking out in odd angles and visibly dry, almost graying it.
He was also incredibly thin, like a gentle breeze would blow him away. 
“Where to?” Hob finally managed to find his voice, turning away from eyes that could probably see into his soul, and back on the road.
The reply startled Hob, causing him to look back at the young man in his car, finding him already slouching in his seat, eyes slipping shut, exhaustion overtaking him. His voice was a trembling baritone, dry and scratchy, like he hadn’t used it in ages, or he was parched to death.
Before putting the car back into gear, Hob reached behind him, fumbling around the floor of the backseat and procuring a water bottle from a large pack.
When he returned the man was looking at him, dull yet inquisitive.
“Here,” Hob offered the water and the man grabbed it with wide eyes.
Hob would’ve laughed if the desperation in his gaze wasn’t so terrifying.
He guzzled the water in 10 seconds, squeezing the plastic and gasping for air afterwards. Hob reached for a few more and the stranger took them, nodding in gratitude.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” Hob felt an eyebrow quirk, wondering when the last time this guy ate or drank anything.
“Are you hungry?” Hob finally put the car back into gear and, checking his mirrors, pulled back onto the road. “Want to stop somewhere for food?”
Hob peeked over again, watching his new passenger stare out the door window, his forehead pressed against the glass.
Hob bit his lip, clocking in the sign indicating the next rest stop.
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bruh-2004 · 7 months
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"So, princess? Do you want to play hide and seek?"
Your boyfriend, Lee Jeonghyeon, asked you as he left you pinned to him on the kitchen counter, he was between your legs and pressed his hips on yours every now and then.
It was Halloween night, the weather was ugly with a lot of rain, this ended up ruining your trip to a Halloween party and so you ended up staying at home, you watched some horror movies and now you were in the middle of a makeout session.
You were absurdly eager to fuck him right away, but out of nowhere he invented that he wanted to play hide and seek? Obviously you were frustrated, in the middle of so many kisses he came up with such a childish idea? You turned down his idea.
"Wait love, you didn't let me explain, it's not an ordinary hide and seek, it's a Halloween special, let's put it that way"
You looked at him confused, he laughed at your expression and explained again while playing with the minimalist neckline of your blouse.
"Let's pretend I'm like a serial killer, in a Jason vibe, you know? You're going to hide around the house and I'm going to look for you, the game will count down on the timer for 30 minutes, if I can't find you during that time you wins, but if I find you before time runs out..."
From his smile you understood his proposal, which automatically made you interested in the game and a smile formed on your lips.
"Hmm... This way it seemed more inviting... Alright then, let's play hide and seek"
Jeonghyeon smiled like someone who already had a plan in mind, he walked away from you and you got down from the kitchen counter, the brunette took his cell phone from his pocket.
"Well, the starting point will be right here, I'm going to count to 30 for you to go hide and as soon as I'm done I'm going to start counting the timer, it's worth hiding upstairs too"
You agreed and so he wished you good luck, he closed his eyes and started counting, you automatically ran away thinking where you were going to hide. As you already imagined where all this was going (and you definitely wanted to) you thought about not making so much effort to hide, but your competitive side spoke louder.
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡ ♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡♡⑅*˖•. ·͙
You heard sounds of footsteps in the hallway, the place you chose to hide wasn't the best, you chose to hide in the little room where you keep cleaning products, it was a little cramped and uncomfortable, but it was one of the few places Jeonghyeon wasn't used to going.
Their footsteps got closer and closer and it didn't take long until he stopped in front of the door of the small room you were in, you held your breath as you heard him whistle and call you.
"Where are you little runaway? I can smell your strawberry scent around here, I'm going to find you and when that happens I'm going to catch you and I'm not going to let go anytime soon"
The way he spoke, his seductive and calm voice, his half-psychopathic laugh, almost made you come out of hiding on your own to throw yourself into his arms, but you held back and let your competitive side continue to command you.
You waited for his footsteps to get further away and when that happened you chose to leave the little room and run to hide in another place, thinking that you didn't have much time you ran to the guest room of the house and closed the door, again thinking that It would be very easy for him to find you so you ran and hid under the bed.
Your eyes rolled when Jeonghyeon entered the room, it seemed like he had a radar or a hidden camera to track your steps. You watched him walk around the room while he continued whistling, the brunette went to the room's bathroom and seeing that you weren't there he went back to look for the room.
You held your breath and closed your eyes hoping he would give up and leave the room, when everything became quiet you thought he was gone and then you opened your eyes, but you were startled to see Jeonghyeon looking at you with a somewhat sadistic smile, You could tell he was really enjoying the game.
"I found you, my little prey... I said I would find you"
At the same time you rolled to the opposite side and got out of bed ready to run, you weren't going to accept defeat yet. The two of you spent a few minutes just looking at each other, the brunette still had that smile on his face and seemed very calm, he was really getting into character.
"Are you really going to try to run away again? Come on, just give up, you know you won't be able to run away"
On the one hand he was right, you wouldn't make it, but there was no harm in trying, right?
You started to walk to the side and the boy followed your steps, you stopped and started thinking about where you were going to escape, until Jeonghyeon climbed on the bed heading towards you and that's when you took the opportunity to run to the door. There was everything for this to work out, but he was much faster than you and stopped you from getting to the door by holding you from behind, he chuckled and left a kiss on your neck.
"I caught you kitten, I told you you wouldn't be able to escape"
You shivered slightly at the deep voice he made in your ear, you sighed and turned to face him, your heart accelerated just seeing that beautiful face close to yours.
"Okay, I give up, you won... And now that you caught me, what are you going to do to me? Kill me?"
You asked, making a fake scared voice, he laughed and out of nowhere grabbed your hair with one hand starting to guide you to the bed.
"Yes, I'm going to kill you, but it's for pleasure... Much better, isn't it?"
The brunette threw you on the bed and looked at you for a few seconds, that alone made you so fucking wet. Jeonghyeon took off all his clothes and gave you a look that you already knew very well. Without him saying anything, you got on all fours on the bed, close to the edge, the boy smiled and approached you, leaving his inviting cock practically in your face.
"Look what a smart girl, I didn't even have to say anything and you did exactly what I wanted, just how I like it... Now you also know what you have to do, right? Or will I have to remind you of that part?"
You knew exactly what you had to do, but you wanted to play with his sanity a little.
"You know, Jeong... I think I forgot... Could you remind me?"
He laughed ironically at the sly and false tone you made, he grabbed your hair again with one hand and with the other he held his own dick.
"Open your fucking mouth".
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡ ♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡♡⑅*˖•.
You moaned loudly after another strong slap on your buttocks, firstly he sucked you very well after the incredible work you did on his dick, secondly he fucked you with his fingers, thirdly he fucked you holding your arms over his your breasts and now he was sucking you again, but this time while you were on all fours, holding firmly to the headboard.
Jeonghyeon slapped your buttocks hard and squeezed hard while sucking your entire pussy, you were sensitive from having already cum three times so you couldn't control your moans. Your legs started to shake and noticing this, the boy flicked his tongue from side to side, making you come again with the same intensity as before.
He moved away from you and held your waist, you sighed catching your breath and looked at him seeing that he was smiling and wiping the corner of his mouth.
"You're really impressive, you came for the fourth time and without complaining about being sensitive, that's why I love you, you know, right?"
Without the strength to respond, you just nodded, he gave you a quick kiss and took his own cock brushing against your entrance.
"Shall we go to the last round? I know you can do it, you'll do anything to take my dick, right pretty girl?"
You were tired, yes, but it was Lee Jeonghyeon and you always did your best to go several rounds with him, even if it resulted in you not being able to walk the next day.
"Yes Jeonghyeon, I'll do anything... Fuck me again, for the last time tonight, please"
The brunette sighed and smiled at you, he was definitely happy with the fact that you always did your best, he pushed his dick into your entrance slowly so as not to hurt you because he knew you were very sensitive, he respected your time and he kept pushing more whenever you gave him the signal.
When he was completely inside you and you gave him the thumbs up, the back and forth movements began slowly, he squeezed your waist and left his lips close to your ear, saying things like "I love you", "you you're perfect for me", "fucking you is the best thing in the world".
In a matter of minutes he became more aggressive again, pushing his dick into your entrance with strength and agility, your moans loud and your hands almost letting go of the headboard, Jeong grabbed your hair with both hands and forced it back, making you look at it.
"I want you to look at me, I want you to see how good I feel fucking you"
That was enough for you to feel your legs shaking again, you saw his expression of pleasure and realized that he was also close.
"Let's go together love, cum inside me this time, I don't want you to leave"
You told him and that made him moan along with you, he let go of your hair and held your waist again, increasing the strength to make you cum faster.
And it worked, you came first than him, you felt it running down your legs, looking at this it didn't take long for the boy to come too, you felt him filling you very well, he stayed in the position behind you for a while, only leaving after he had put all of him in you.
You fell exhausted on the bed, feeling your legs shaking and sore, he lay down next to you and pulled you close to him, wrapping you in a bear hug as he caressed your waist.
"I'm sorry for being brutal with you, princess, but I couldn't resist, you're too hot"
You both laughed at his speech, you looked at him and your heart felt warm, you are in love with him and that would never change.
"It's okay love, you know I love our wild sex, that's exactly why I do my best to have several rounds with you"
"It's great to know that, you know, I also love our sex, I love everything between us, I love you"
Your cheeks did not stop turning slightly red, the boy laughed and gave you a long kiss, you were hugged for long minutes until you decided to go take a shower.
"To reward you and show you that I'm very good at aftercare, I'm going to bathe you and give you birth control."
He picked you up and took you to the bathroom, leaving you sitting on the sink he went back to the bedroom going to your drawer to get the contraceptive. You watched him and smiled silly, your love for him was very great and you knew that his for you was too.
After everything, when you went to bed to sleep, you felt relieved that the weather had ruined your party, spending Halloween at home with Jeonghyeon was a thousand times better than going to a party.
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yuesya · 10 months
Bastard AU has consumed my brain. Imagine a Satoru raised by Toji Fucking Fushiguro (would he even be a Fushiguro in this scenario? I don’t think he would take Hina’s name, that would just be swapping one clan name for another, would they just randomly choose a common surname and that’s it). I’m hoping like hell this is a fluffy AU because after the Angst that is Twins AU I think Shiki deserves at least one world where everything is rainbows and unicorns - or at least as much as we can get in jujutsu kaisen. Even Toji deserves to become a family man, an adoring husband who takes way too much pleasure in embarrassing his kids. And Hina certainly deserves everything.
Hina and Toji would definitely cast away their clan names and choose something completely unrelated. Maybe Fushiguro? Let's just go with Fushiguro haha.
So. Toji steals Hina and Satoru! As you might imagine, towing around a pregnant woman and a one year old toddler while hiding from the outraged Gojo Clan isn't exactly an easy task. But Zenin Fushiguro Toji, in another world, was known as the Sorcerer Killer. There are some close calls, but he's able to defeat their pursuers and protect Hina.
Somewhere along their mad run across the entire country, they end up saving Kon Shiu, who got on the wrong end of mediating between his clients. The man ends up helping them hide for the last stretch of Hina's pregnancy, and Shiki is born. Both mother and child are safe.
Now, if it was just Hina and Shiki, the Gojo Clan probably would've made some efforts to get her back, but retreat in the end after Toji proves himself too difficult to be worth the effort. With Gojo Satoru involved, however, it's outright war. Due to formerly being of the Zenin Clan, the runaway family has both the Gojo and Zenin Clans hunting them down.
Toji ends up training Satoru how to fight through a combination of practical battle experience against curse users and the pursuers sent by the clans. Satoru probably isn't as skilled with his cursed technique as he was in canon, but he's a lot more skilled in hand-to-hand battle.
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thegayhimbo · 8 months
Stranger Things Runaway Max Review (1/3)
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If you haven't yet, be sure to check out my other Stranger Things Reviews. Like, Reblog, and let me know what your thoughts are regarding the show or the upcoming season! :)
Stranger Things Comics/Graphic Novels:
Stranger Things Six
Stranger Things Halloween Special
Stranger Things The Other Side
Stranger Things Zombie Boys
Stranger Things The Bully
Stranger Things Winter Special
Stranger Things Tomb of Ybwen
Stranger Things Into The Fire
Stranger Things Science Camp
Stranger Things “The Game Master” and “Erica’s Quest”
Stranger Things and Dungeons and Dragons
Stranger Things Kamchatka
Stranger Things Erica The Great
Stranger Things “Creature Feature” and “Summer Special”
Stranger Things Tie-In Books:
Stranger Things Suspicious Minds
Synopsis: Witness the events of season 2 from Max's perspective as she recounts her past in San Diego, her relationships with Neil, Billy, and Susan, her subsequent move to Hawkins, and her meeting with the Party as Lucas invites her on an adventure that will change her life forever.
For a book that's short and easy to read (only 231 pages), this was rough to get through. Not because it's badly written (if anything, it's arguably one of the BEST Tie-In novels for Stranger Things), but because this book delves into hard topics like abuse, depression, and isolation, and does not sugarcoat any of it. While Max never had a perfect life in California, the moment Neil and Billy came into the picture is the moment things went sideways for her. There were parts of this book that were distressing, and the way Max's story plays out in season 4 makes a lot of what happens here look harsher in hindsight.
I've said before in previous reviews that the supplementary material works better when it helps enhance the story and mythology of the show. To the book's credit, it manages to do that effectively. While it does retell parts of season 2 from Max's perspective, it gives the audience more context about her past, the circumstances behind Billy and Neil coming into her life, how she views each of the characters she encounters, and it allows the audience the opportunity to get to know Max better.
Part 1: Max And Her Monsters:
In my Creature Feature review, I mentioned Max had a love for horror movies similar to Will, and that Halloween was her favorite holiday:
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She even goes on record stating Michael Myers is the horror movie monster that scares her the most, and therefore fascinates her:
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There's a dark irony in how Max's fear of Michael parallels her later fear of Vecna: Both of them are serial killers, both of them are mentally disturbed, both of them are strong and will do everything to hunt their targets down, both of them cause collateral damage in their rampages, both of them take heavy injuries and still manage to keep pushing forward, and both of them act as an unstoppable force of terror. The big difference is while Michael is portrayed as a physical threat, Vecna acts more as a supernatural AND psychological threat who can bring your worst insecurities and memories to the surface in order to drive you to despair before he consumes you.
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Max had an interest in horror/slasher movies, and then her life became one. Poor girl can't catch a break. 😞
Her love of horror movies predates Vecna and Billy, but there is something to be said about her fixation on monsters, and how she talks about them in context of her situation: In order for her to deal with monsters, she either needs to understand them and their mindset, or she needs to find some way to keep the monsters close to her so that she'll never be caught off-guard by them. There are several instances where she refers to Billy and Neil in this manner because of the abuse they inflict on her, and she desperately tries to understand their behavior as a means of coping with them:
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Anyone who's ever been in an abusive situation can relate to what Max is going through. She's forced to live with Billy and Neil despite not wanting to, she feels like no one (including her mom) is stepping in to make things better, and she initially thinks the only option is to weather the storm. She wants to "understand" how her monsters operate and keep them focused on her as a means of protecting others from getting caught in the crosshairs.
In a way, it's similar to her situation with Vecna in season 4. Despite Lucas's suggestion that they go back to Ms. Kelly's office to see if Vecna's targeted other kids, Max refuses because she believes she understands how Vecna works, and would have a better chance of dealing with him compared to a unprepared stranger going up against Vecna:
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Max (to Lucas): We don't have time for any of that, okay? And even if we did, even if your plan did work, we'd be putting a total stranger at risk. A stranger who has no idea what they're up against. I do. He uses my memories against me. But… only my darkest memories. Same with Chrissy and Fred, right? It's like he only sees the darkness in us. So, I'll just run in the opposite direction. Run to the light. And maybe he won't be able to find me there.
Lucas: Now, how exactly do you plan on doing this?
Max: I'm not sure. But it's my mind. Not his, right? So I should be able to control where I am. I just need to… push him away. Find a happy memory and hide there. Hide in the light.
Max's arc has not only been about dealing with her "monsters," but also allowing others to help her and realizing she doesn't have to fight them alone. It's a new concept for her because most of her life has been her believing things would only get worse, and that no one would step in on her behalf. Given how her mom was complicit in letting Neil and Billy railroad their lives, it's understandable why she's hardened herself and adopted a cynical outlook. After Billy drives away Max's friends in San Diego and breaks the arm of her best friend Nate to create a wedge between them, Max loses hope that her living situation will improve, and decides she'd rather have Billy's rage directed at her instead of seeing others close to her continue to get hurt. The result is she becomes isolated, just like Billy wanted.
However, in spite of appearing closed off on the surface, people continue to reach out to her once she moves to Hawkins. Dustin and Lucas invite her to go Trick-or-Treating with them, and despite Billy later trying to run them off the road with his car, they still want her to be a part of their group. There's even a brief scene in the book (which should have been on the show) where Max gets injured while skateboarding outside of the store Joyce works at, and Joyce comes to see if she's okay. Max is surprised by this because it's one of the few times she's seen someone express any genuine concern for her:
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Later on, Lucas is ultimately the one who opens up to her about everything related to El and the Upside Down, takes her to the junkyard to show her proof of their story, listens to what she's been going through while reassuring her that she's still a good person, and takes the time to get to know her. And as Max sees from everyone else in the Party, despite their arguments and differences, they do care about each other and will fight for one another when the going gets tough. Lucas himself shows he's willing to fight for Max despite how scary and awful Billy is, and despite how standoffish Max initially presented herself. She's never truly had someone do that for her before, and witnessing that is what finally allows her to stand up to Billy at the end of the book and save Steve's life in the process:
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And come season 4, they show up for her: The moment everyone realized Max was next on Vecna's kill list is the moment they sprang into action to protect her to the best of their ability while attempting to take Vecna down.
There was an interview where the Duffer Brothers admitted they originally planned to kill off Max at the end of season 4 before changing their minds. I know there are people in this fandom who complain about certain characters having plot-armor (and I could do an entire separate post about how that term gets thrown around willy-nilly these days), but in Max's case, I'm glad they didn't go through with it. For a character who's an abuse survivor and has endured repeated trauma in the hopes that thing would eventually get better, killing Max off like that would have been a mean-spirited way to end her story. It also would have made her entire arc pointless and nihilistic. At least here, there's the possibility of Max returning from the brink.
In both my reviews of The Other Side and Erica The Great, I've talked about how it's likely Max's consciousness has been assimilated into Vecna following the battle at the Creel House, which is why her mind is blank when El tries to communicate with her at the end of season 4. Based on that, Max's arc may be about maintaining her individuality from within Vecna as a means of continuing to resist him, and eventually finding a way to break free from his control and regain her sense of self. Thematically, it would also serve as a satisfying conclusion where she's no longer defined by her trauma or the monsters in her life who have repeatedly dragged her down (Billy, Neil, Vecna). She can finally have an identity and life outside of that.
Of course, there's also the fact that even if her consciousness escapes Vecna's control, she'll still be returning to a broken body, with the very real possibility of being blind and crippled for the rest of her life. I'd actually be interested in seeing that as opposed to the Duffer Brothers coming up with some Deus Ex Machina to magically fix Max's body and make her whole again. Scars and injuries of that extent don't fully heal in real life, and even though Stranger Things isn't a show grounded in reality, it would be nice if they could show a character that's become disabled who's still able to find a way to adjust to her situation, live fully, and gain some semblance of peace within herself.
Part 2: Max And Her Friends
Part of the brilliance of the book is we get a lot more insight into Max's thought regarding certain characters and what she thinks of them, which helps shed more light on how she relates to them on the show.
Take her relationship with Mike for instance: She is (rightfully) not impressed by how he keeps trying to exclude her from the group and shows her nothing but hostility. I know Mike's gotten flak for this from fans, and while his behavior isn't entirely excusable, there is at least context for how he acts here: To him, Max is a stranger who has no idea about El or the Upside Down, and he's not entirely sure he can trust her with that information. On top of that, he worries about Max becoming a replacement for El after her disappearance. It's not a rational way to think, but there is an emotional component to this that Max understands:
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Couple of things to note here:
1.) Max is consciously making a choice to be better than Billy. She sees Mike in a rare moment of vulnerability, and even though it would be easy for her to be snide and mean towards him, she instead chooses to be empathetic. That may not seem like a big deal, but I can say from personal experience that I've encountered people (both online and off it) who act like sharks the moment they smell blood in the water. Show any kind of vulnerability or weakness, and they become the most condescending, belittling, self-righteous person you can imagine. For whatever reason, they get some kind of smug superiority in tearing others down to elevate themselves. I've been on the receiving end of that one too many times, and I have nothing but contempt for people who act like that. They are devoid of empathy, and are unkind to others when it is convenient for them. I will always have more respect for those who show compassion towards the vulnerable over those who tear them down.
2.) For as much as Mike and Max are at odds with one another on the show, they have many similarities: They're both headstrong, with a take-charge attitude. They both have issues conveying their emotions in a way that doesn't make them appear moody or hostile to others. And they both care deeply for those they love.
For as much as Max acts emotionally distant on the surface, she wants to have friends and belong somewhere. She wants to be Mike's friend despite how he initially treats her. It's why she continues reaching out to Mike, and even suggests becoming the Zoomer of their Party while roller-skating around him to make him laugh.
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It's also why she jumps at the opportunity to get to know El better in season 3 when she takes her shopping and introduces her to other aspects she hasn't experienced yet, like the mall and Wonder Woman comics and sleepovers and so on.
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Side Note: In recent years, I've gained a new appreciation for the El/Max scenes in season 3, especially with how important they were in briefly helping Max break free of Vecna in season 4. It's also the first time Max has ever had a friend who's a girl, and she intended to make the most of that during her time with El.
We don't really get much interactions between Will and Max in the book, but I love how she called out the stupidity of Will's nickname "Zombie Boy," and notes that someone who allegedly came back from the dead is not the kind of person you'd want to bully:
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She also notes the difference between Lucas and Dustin in how they talk to her, which gives more context for why she ultimately ends up with Lucas by the end of the book:
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I like Dustin, but I'm in the crowd that believes Lucas and Max make a better couple, and that Dustin and Max work better as friends. Lucas is the one who listens to her and allows her to be vulnerable in a way where she feels safe and not judged.
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He's also the person who (aside from Steve) Max felt protected by. She can be around Lucas without worrying about whether or not he'll abandon her:
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Speaking of Steve, I know it's a common perception in the fandom that he's the "big brother figure" Max wishes Billy had been, and this book leans heavily on that interpretation. Unlike other adults, Steve isn't condescending to Max, goes out of his way to treat her as one of the group despite only knowing her for a few hours, and later protects her from the demodogs when she's in danger:
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That's probably the first time someone's really stepped up for her like that, and she repays him later by saving Steve from Billy.
Finally, there's this little bit regarding Max's thoughts about Nancy:
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It's refreshing to see the breaking down of stereotypes here, and the idea that women have to channel male qualities in order to be "badass" or taken seriously. Nancy is able to be her own person, in her fear, bravery, and determination, without having to emulate Hopper or Steve or any of the other male characters in the room, and Max realizes she can be as well. I would even argue Max channels Nancy when she's later holding Steve's spiked bat over Billy:
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She managed to emulate both Steve in his protectiveness towards others, and Nancy in her fierceness, and it's an empowering moment for her.
To be continued in Part 2.........
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spnfemslashbang · 10 months
2023 Masterpost
And that’s a wrap! All the thanks to the wonderful writers, artists, betas and readers who participated in the Bang this year!
We had eleven teams make it to the finish line this year, so if you haven’t gotten a chance yet, check them out under the cut below. You can also find the fics in the AO3 Collection.
1. The Reaper’s Apprentice by @butterflyslinky with art by @ephemerastardust (Jessica Moore/Bille, E) Jess is dead, but instead of Heaven, she's offered the opportunity to become one of Death's Brides--a Reaper. With Billie as her guide, she sees the afterlife, and the peace death can bring.
2. The Sunken Garden by MBQ with art by @sunshine-zenith (Anna Milton/Mary Winchester, E) It’s 2023, Mary Winchester tries to solve a case despite her sons’ meddling and ends up partnering with someone she could never tell Dean about, with a monster no one wants to meet.
3. Midnight Blossoms by @bleuzombie and tea_or_die, with art by @burdenedwithpointlesspurpose (Billie/Tessa, E) Finally feeling comfortable in her own body, and confident enough to pursue a relationship, coroner Tessa finds the push she needs to finally meet with her online girlfriend when youth lands on her table. Growing up hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst, she gets to find out what it's like when the best finally happens.
4. But You Dream of Some Epiphany by @pinoruno with art by @solstheim (Anna Milton/Mary Winchester, T) During the culminating fight of 5x13 “The Song Remains The Same,” Anna and Mary are suddenly thrust into the future; alone and afraid, watching scenes play out before them that neither is truly a part of, they begin to lean on each other as they attempt to return to their own time.
5. no such thing as a unique experience by @astralpenguin with art by @golby-moon (Claire Novak & Zooey Fremont, T) It doesn't take long for fifteen year old Claire Novak to figure out that the girl sat across from her is a runaway too. Turns out that's not all they have in common.
6. The Voice In My Earpiece Thinks You’re an Idiot by @kerryweaverlesbian with art by bakh-meliorism (Jo Harvelle/Bela Talbot, E) Bela's after the score of a lifetime, but she's got one problem; it's a  two person job. Good thing she met Jo, who wants it too. Too bad Jo  brings some problems of her own: first, she's got a secret, and a big  one. Second, she's a total amateur. And third, Bela might just be  falling a little bit in love with her. A Jo/Bela heist fic!
7. Adapt to Change by @sitruunavohveli with art by @deancodedcastielenby (Charlie Bradbury/Mary Winchester, E) When Charlie and Mary meet, one is scared to go back to hunting after a close call and the other is confused by the modern world she finds herself in. Despite their different skill sets and personalities, they enjoy each other’s company, and if Charlie also happens to find Mary incredibly attractive, she’s never going to mention it to Mary. And then Mary asks Charlie to join her on a hunting trip.
8. I’ll Still Feel the Pull of You by allthismusic with art by RapsCallion (Claire Novak/Kaia Nieves, E) After a fight about Claire’s dangerous lifestyle, Claire doesn’t think she’ll ever see Kaia again. But when the Winchesters tell her their plan to rescue Castiel from the Empty, and they tell her she’ll need someone to call her back from the void, she knows who she must ask. A road trip brings her to Kaia’s door, and the drive back brings them closer together. And when Claire goes into the Empty on a mission to find an angel, she knows that waiting for her back in the bunker is the one person she’ll do anything to find her way home to.
9. The Red Means I Love You by @father-salmon with art by @squirrelofcelestialintent (Claire Novak/Kaia Nieves, E) Claire is The Grigori, Idaho’s most unpredictable serial killer. Kaia is Dreamwalker, a whisper in the winds of those who know their game. One fueled by a need to cope with her father’s death, the other, revenge for those in the Teen Wilderness Industry, both end up drawn to each other at the oak tree Claire laid claim to. The killers, though wary of each other, begin to form a friendship with the promise of something more, but are careful to keep their identities secret. Still, it doesn’t stop them from forming an attachment. Navigating a new relationship along with the challenges put in their path, the two begin to help each other, especially after Claire receives a visit from her unknown uncle, Castiel, who is more like her than she thinks. Kaia has their sights set on Washington after they’re finished in Idaho, hell-bent that their revenge is paid in nightmares. As the new Thelma and Louise, they become a terrifying force to reckon with, only this time with a happy ending. **Please make sure you read the beginning notes and the disclaimers**
10. Misfortunes of Fealty by @kayliemalinza with art by @solstheim (Claire Novak/Meg Masters, Claire Novak/Emma Winchester, E) After the death of her father and her siring angel Castiel has declined to take her as a vessel, Claire flees her homeland. Overwhelmed with grief, she encounters multiple women who promise to help her avenge her father, to find new purpose, to come into her own power--but there's always a catch. Title is a reference to the 18th century erotic novel Justine wherein bad things Just Keep Happening to the virtuous heroine. Claire gets a much more hopeful ending. Also featuring Dean Winchester, in the background, who just wants his clothes back.
11. What Happens In Wichita... by @motherofdragonflies with art by @burdenedwithpointlesspurpose (Annie Hawkins/Mary Winchester, E) It’s 1982. Ronald Reagan is President, the Dodgers won the World Series and Mary Winchester is done with hunting. She’s a wife now, and a mom, living the apple pie life, just like she always wanted.When an old friend calls in a favor, Mary reluctantly takes the case. It’s a simple haunting that shouldn’t take more than a day. But to Mary’s surprise, she’s not the only hunter trying to gank the spirit. Eighteen year old Annie Hawkins is young and hungry to prove herself, and there’s something about her that draws Mary in. Over the course of the weekend Mary discovers that there is more to life than being a hunter or being a loving wife and mother. But you know what they say: what happens in Witchita…
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thecomfywriter · 2 years
Tropes Masterlist
Hey! It's your girl, @thecomfywriter, back with another post. I'm going to keep the intro short for the sake of convenience, but here's the promised list of writing tropes , organized by genre. Also, don’t forget to check out my socials, and if you like my posts, support me with a coffee! Enjoy! 
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Writing: @tovwriter
Art: @gkmarts
Pinterest: @gkm075
Wattpad: @gkm075
Tumblr: @thecomfywriter
BuyMeACoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/nvna
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Boy/girl next door 
Bad boy x nerd/good girl
"You're just, not like other girls" (*gag* Ә) 
Makeover scene 
*character A takes character B to their secret "special spot"* 
Love triangles 
Enemies to lovers 
Best friends to lovers 
Star-crossed lovers •
Unrequited love (highkey love this one lol) 
Character A is so logical and sciencey that they don't believe in something so  unquantifiable as love until character 
B, the artistic and emotional one, shows them what it's about 
Fake dating 
Forced marriage/alliance 
Opposites attract 
Instant love 
Billionaire fantasy 
Alpha x rebellious defiant ("strong independent woman" vibes) 
Supernatural x human 
Virgin x player 
Reincarnated lovers who must find each other to stop the cycle 
Mystery // Crime: 
Dark past 
Murder for secrets
“It was *insert ordinary unsuspecting random-ass character* all along” (“Scooby-Doo villain phenomenon”)
Note: a lot of crime is committed by random strangers unbeknownst to the victim, and a lot of it is personal crime where the victim was selected for a reason. Whichever one your story falls into, just know the appeal of mystery is the audience’s ability to try and figure it out before the big reveal. If that isn’t possible because they’ve never met the character before… you see how that can be disappointing?
The only witness/protagonist with amnesia 
The hidden staircase/passage/attic 
The important clue in the book 
“Escape Room” Plot (they’re stuck until they solve the mystery) 
Red Herring
The Raged Confession (the killer/culprit exclaims their confession in a fit of anger) 
Good Cop Bad Cop
The genius detective ((they can see clues and the case in a way that no one else can)
Clue hunt 
Planted evidence in the protagonists possession 
The slip up (the cul[rit/suspect reveals information they shouldn't know about the crime, thus incriminating themselves) 
The mystery kingpin 
Medieval setting 
The Chosen One 
The Wise Old Woman/Witch
The Rebel 
The Runaway Royal 
The Dark Lord // “Evil Leader”
The Gang (group of friends/fellowship)
The tumultuous journey 
The Mentor 
The Lost Object/Artifact/Weapon (necessary or the key to the adventure) 
Do not make this object a plot device to explain away everything or help your hero in every situation PLEASE. Let them struggle 
The secret/lost heir 
The underdog 
The Prodigy
The Damsel in Distress 
The Badass Heroine 
The (evil) Enchantress 
The animal companion 
The benevolent king 
The ancient wise immortal who rEFUSES to help or get involved 
The prophet / oracle 
The price to pay for key information (the sacrifice) 
The martyr (hero or close to hero that dies for the cause, thus becoming motivation to succeed in their mission)
The gala/ball (bonus points if the enemies/-to-lovers must dance with each other while having an intense, sarcastic and witty conversation)
Time travel // into the past
Action/Adventure Tropes:
The badass 
The sexy female badass (bonus points if she’s not like other girls)
The undercover spy 
The womanizer 
The chase scene 
Butting heads with authorities 
The vigilante 
The villain monologue 
Closely relates to “The Incompetent Villain” who somehow always loses even though they have the clear advantage and might have even cornered the hero
The explosion walk-away
The feisty love interest who hates the protagonists’ guts and won’t be swayed by his charm
The gadgets 
The ticking bomb 
The stalker 
The party / event where the gang must go under disguise 
America, the heroes! (why is everything so america centered lol) 
The snarky dark humour protagonist 
Example of pulling this trope off successfully: deadpool
The tough cookie crumbles (the strongest character begins to lose hope/strength/motivation/feel scared or weakened)
The impossible unexplained escape (hero escapes high security prison/chains off screen, with seemingly no logical explanation)
Cabin in the woods
Serial killer on the loose
Home invasion 
The masked killer 
The (idiot) group of friends 
“Let’s split up”
Sexy-time couple dies first 
The shadow monster
Paranormal events/activities
Flickering lights 
Sudden loud crash 
Angry spirit
Demonic possession
Revenge killer
Ouji board 
The smart character that dies before revealing the secret of how to stop/survive the supernatural force 
Everything happens in the dark/night
Cryptic messages
Breathing on the phone
Wild animal/dog 
“They're behind you”
Everyone dies in the end 
Glitching technology
Possessed doll 
The hunt and quarry (the characters on the “quarry” for the killer/creature hunting them) 
The creepy synchronized twins 
Creepy children in general
Animals and children can see what others can’t
Zombie invasion 
Rampant disease 
Alien invasion
A long war 
Protagonists are the common underdog who became a symbol of rebellion/change 
The competent but unwilling companion who helps the protagonist 
authoritarian/dictator government 
The tyrant leader 
Extreme class divide 
Poverty and slums vs riches and nobility 
The rebellion / uprising 
Journey through the wastelands 
Toxic environment 
The bunker 
A tournament/trials character must compete in 
The utopia that isn’t actually a utopia 
Conformity and cruel law enforcement 
Advanced futuristic technology
Future setting 
Collapsing society
Alright, this is where we’ll end. If you have a genre you want covered or if I notice I’m missing one on the list, I’ll edit and update this post. Hope this helps! 
Happy Writing :)
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doitsushine92 · 7 months
i watched TBOSAS today with my friends and i am still VIBRATING ON THE SPOT with how many thoughts are swirling through my head. just. god.
first off, i want to say: hats off to tom and rachel for the incredible work they did bringing these characters to life. i could write an essay on lucy gray alone. tom's portrayal of snow was amazing because, since it's a movie, we can't have his inner monologue showcasing how he's always scheming and always making the choice that will benefit him, so instead we get it through his actions. i specially think he smashed it at the end during the forest scene. amazing.
i admittedly felt a little disappointed not to see some of the most impactful scenes happen as they did in the books (like marcus after his capture, clemmie's fate, the dead tributes and mentors before the games) but after thinking on it i think it adds to the experience, in a way? i mean, the book pretty much smashes you over the head with what it wants to say. the book says: look at this funeral rite. these kids from the right area are being carried in a chariot and these kids from the wrong area are being dragged behind the chariot, no care for their corpses. this child dared to try and runaway so we will torture him and then hang him up as an exhibition and an example. the book was BRUTAL in that regard.
then you watch the pg-13 movie and it's nothing like that. there's death but little blood. there's killer fight scenes but nothing graphic. not even the close-ups had much blood. and isn't that what makes it a show? the whole point of this franchise is to point out the way people will glamorise and hype up human suffering. the othering. the classism and the trauma and the vengeance. it's so good. but everything gets flipped on its head in the 10th games, when mentors and sponsors are added into the mix. it's no longer a 24 hour stream of kids fighting to the death, it's a spectacle. and we, as an audience, want the spectacle. we expect it. but we never get it. that's fucking brilliant
(and can i just say, they made the coryo/sejanus friendship slash bromance even gayer.)
the scene with sejanus breaking into the arena to perform a funeral rite on marcus? that's so fucking heartbreaking and beautiful. reaper's act of covering the dead tributes and honouring them, looking straight into the camera and asking "will you punish me now?" only to be cut off by ghaul as she spreads news of the president's son being dead after the rebel's bombing. there is so much to be said here.
AND ANOTHER THING but it felt so fucking dystopian to be sitting in a theatre eating popcorn and watching a movie with my best friend about systemic abuse and classism and war and violence with the current state of the world. we really live in a society.
i don't know how im ever gonna go to bed again after this i want to reread the book i want to reread the entire saga and watch all the movies and write three dissertation papers and break into suzanne's house and hound her until she tells me if lucy gray survived or not
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BSD Untold Origins: Anime VS Novel (4)
Season 4 and light novel spoilers!
Episode 1 (Part 1) - (Part 2) - (Part 3)
Episode 2 (Part 5)
The show started the moment Fukuzawa and Ranpo took their seats, front row center. The seats were too close to the stage, which made them far from fit for theatergoing. But Fukuzawa chose them because they were nearest to the stage in case he needed to rush over to protect a performer from an attack. Ranpo sat next to him. His legs were trembling while he idly stared off into space, as if he was still shaken up from earlier. [...] - Page 114-115
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Fukuzawa though back to the script. If the play were summarized in one phrase, it would be: a story about an angel who murders. It was a story in which each of the twelve characters are killed by the angel one after another. The characters killed in the story have no idea they are being massacred by an angel because there is nothing unique about the ways they are murdered: [...] . Furthermore, nobody ever sees any of the murders take place; they simply die one by one. Therefore, the characters have no idea if they are being supernaturally judged by an angel or murdered by a serial killer. -Page 115
The dialogues have changed in anime, more uhh stage-play like. All dialogues from light novels:
⎯ [...] "If it was an angel, they would use the divine blade in their hand. There would be no reason for them to wait until someone is alone to kill them in some physical manner." ⎯ [...] "If this was the work of man, then that would mean the killer was one of us. But that's impossible. There is no reason for us to kill one another. The angel would have a motive, though. We are sinners who disobeyed the angel, and it is an angel's job to purge those who have done evil. To look at it from another perspective, all twelve of us are the same. We have all sinned, and we are connected through our fear of the angel. What would killing a fellow runaway help?" ⎯ [...] "O Lord, we have sinned, You have clipped us of our wings and left us on this planer to punish us. Wasn't that enough to atone? Why must we suffer such cruelty?" -Page 115-116
In anime:
⎯ "It has begin. We angels - we wingless, fallen angels - are about to be killed off, one by one, by the true angels in heaven." ⎯ "How foolish. If the executor were an angel, they would have no trouble killing us. They'd need only play their trumpets. They would have no reason to resort to physical means. This is a serial murder meant to look like an angel's bidding, carried out by someone here." ⎯ "Is that not foolish in itself? We have no reason to kill one another. What good would it do us to kill our own kind?" ⎯ "What do you think, Leader?" ⎯ "Leader!" ⎯ "Leader!" ⎯ "Leader!" ⎯ "Is this the punishment given to us fallen angels for adoring humanity? Angels have been sent from the heavens to purge us. They are called 'Gifted.'" ⎯ "Gifted?" ⎯ "We are humans. We are of the earth, having rejected being angels and choosing to become human. We dream, we love, and seek fulfillment possible only because we are finite." ⎯ "And we do not regret that decision." ⎯ "To choose one's own way of being is the truest form of the soul." ⎯ "Indeed. And angels and humans are of entirely different dimensions." ⎯ "Angels cannot have the fulfillment, which is the realm of humanity, and humans are incapable of the supremacy of angels. Those who control humans from the outside and those who enjoy fulfillment on the inside are like an author and their characters: never shall they intertwine. And yet…" ⎯ "And yet?" ⎯ "There are those who, despite being human, have some fragment of angels' forbidden supremacy." (inaudible from this point who's talking) That is, oh, that is truly the cursed soul that we call Gifted. None of us can possibly be as sinful as the Gifted. The accursed Gifted snuff us out one by one like prey for the hunt. We must find these Gifted. No, perhaps we must first hire a detective?
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"What's a skill user?" Ranpo suddenly asked. [...] "You'll see" was the only thing he ended up saying. What was unique about this play was that it mentioned the existence of skill users. Revealing their existence wasn't prohibited, but there was a darkness that surrounded it. Due to the war, the number of skill users legally working decreased, and most of them either disappeared from public eye or started working for an underground organization. In addition, there was a government agency managing domestic skill users, so broadcasting the existence of skill users could become a problem. Not many people knew of their existence outside of rumors and fairy tales; thus, a play that included one of them was an anomaly. [...] One skill per person. Some could freely use their skill, while others were uncontrollable and happened automatically. While some people born with skills, others suddenly developed theirs. Skills do not always make the possessor happy. -Page 117
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Upon closer inspection, the man had a piercing gaze contrary to his gentlemanlike appearance, almost as if he were looking inside the actors. They were the eyes of a predator, like a hawk or leopard moments before pouncing on its prey. One thing was for sure; they were nor the eyes of someone enjoying the play. [...] -Page 119
The way Ranpo acts in anime is waaay calmer, but still heartbreaking. His confusion is expressed with anxiety rather than desperation. In light novel, he lashes out on the audience and actors (then on Fukuzawa), shouting in the middle of the play, causing commotion.
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[...] "That's enough. Some thing you just need to keep to yourself," demanded Fukuzawa with a little force. "Why? Why is everyone watching this show? It's so aggravating!" Ranpo's eyes were ablaze with fury. "Seriously, why? It makes no sense to me. I don't understand anyone! Why are adults like this? Why is everyone like this? Someone, just tell me why!" he shouted. This outburst didn't just come out of nowhere. Doubt and stress had been swelling inside him for the longest time, waiting to explode.
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"I don't understand what anyone's thinking! I'm scared! It feels like I'm surrounded by monsters! It doesn't matter what I say - nobody understands me! My parents were the only ones who did, and they're dead!" This time, he was screaming - an anguished lamentation aimed at nowhere in particular. The protagonist onstage was begging the skill user, who was nowhere to be found, to save them. As the protagonist cried for help, so did Ranpo. [...] "Enough!" Fukuzawa grabbed on to Ranpo with both hands. Ranpo glared back at him with clear animosity in his eyes. [...] A broadcast sounded throughout the entire theater. [...] "Come with me." Fukuzawa took Ranpo's hand, but Ranpo was in a foul mood and looked away without even budging. "Now!" After forcing Ranpo out of his seat, Fukuzawa dragged him out of the auditorium. -Page 121-123
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prentissinred · 2 years
Rated: G Warnings: n/a Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Emily Prentiss Word Count: 3.2k Read on Ao3
All she did know, all she was certain of, was that somehow their presence in her life made her feel more at home than she had felt in a long time.
A birthday fic for my beautiful, talented, brilliant friend @sequinsmile-x. You are such a bright spot in my life, and I’m ever so grateful to know you and call you my friend. Thank you for your unending encouragement and support, for our talks about serial killers and reality TV, and all the adorable cat pictures. I hope you have the happiest birthday. I love you <3
(Title credit to the wonderful @ssa-sparks)
Emily pulls her car into an open slot as close to the field as she can manage, the animated sounds of children and their parents drifting in through her open window. She scans her eyes across the green and finds the only two reasons she was willing to get out of her bed this early on a Saturday. 
In a rare moment of privacy, she decides to indulge herself. He’s dressed in a plain blue t-shirt and jeans, a far cry from the suit and tie she sees all week. It’s almost indecent, witnessing this stripped-down version of him. The version that always seems to elicit runaway fantasies of lazy, hazy nights draped around each other. Even from this distance, she can see him wiping sweat off his brow with his forearm, and a pang of yearning tugs sharply in her stomach. 
Gathering two coffees in hand, Emily makes her way towards the lawn chairs she’s come to recognize, Jack’s duffel bag placed between them. She drops her coffee into her allotted cupholder and turns when she hears her name called. 
“Hey buddy!” she exclaims, kneeling down immediately to be eye-level with the sandy-haired boy running towards her. 
“Emily! You came!’ Jack gives her a broad grin, showing off the latest lost tooth. “Dad said I’m going to play forward today.” 
“Woah, that’s awesome! I know you’ll be great. Are we still getting pancakes after the game?” 
Jack offers an enthusiastic and unequivocal “Yes!” and they high-five to seal the deal. 
“Let’s go find your dad.” 
He’s reviewing his clipboard some distance away, brows furrowed in a familiar way that makes her smile. He takes his role of soccer coach as seriously as he does everything else in his life; Emily’s even made it a point to tease him about it. But she also can’t help the undercurrent of affection she feels watching him care so deeply about his son’s interests, knowing that if Jack decided to quit soccer tomorrow and take up orchestra his father would undoubtedly be equally invested. 
She starts to walk towards him, Jack’s hand in hers, when she abruptly stops at the sight of an attractive woman approaching Hotch. 
He greets her with familiarity, an ease in their interaction that makes something thud painfully in her chest. The woman’s blond hair is pulled back into an artful bun, her smile displaying a set of perfectly straight, white teeth. And while Emily is not one to compare herself to other women, she can’t help but frown at her own faded Yale sweatshirt and shorts when this woman in trendy athleticwear places a manicured hand on Aaron’s forearm and laughs. 
“Emily?” She feels a tug on her arm and meets the questioning look on Jack’s face. 
“Sorry, Jack. Let’s go.”
By the time they reach Hotch, the woman is still holding onto his arm, and he’s sporting his dimple as he matches her smile. Emily forcibly tamps down her irritation, pasting a friendly smile on her face. 
“Emily.” Hotch turns towards her, the wrinkles near his eyes crinkling in that way she loves. She pretends to ignore the ripple of satisfaction she feels when his body shifts towards her, forcing the blond woman’s hand to drop down to her side.
“Emily, this is Julie. Her son plays on Jack’s team. Julie, this is Emily.” 
Julie doesn’t hide her appraisal of the brunette standing in front of her. Green eyes scrutinize Emily head to toe, finally gracing her with a pleasant smile. “Nice to meet you.” Glancing between Emily and Hotch, she asks politely, “How do you know Aaron and Jack?” 
“Oh, I work with, uh, Aaron,” Emily stumbles at the same time Hotch smoothly replies, “Emily’s a good friend.” The two glance at each other, equally bemused, but they’re saved from further questions by the referee’s whistle asking the teams to begin gathering for the start of the game. 
Julie shifts her attention towards the Hotchner boys, wishing them a good game and leaving Emily with one more curious look before walking away to her own setup on the sidelines. 
“I’m glad you came.” Hotch’s voice pulls Emily’s eyes away from Julie’s departing figure. She looks up to see him smiling at her, standing closer than she expected. 
“Me too.” Her knuckles accidentally bump into his chest, and she finally remembers the coffee still in her hand. “For you.” 
His fingers trace over hers as the cup transfers hands. “Thank you.” 
The whistle blares once more in the background, followed by an impatient voice, “Dad!” 
Emily chuckles, “I think that’s your cue, Coach Hotchner.”
“We'll meet you at halftime.” He shoots her a wink and a smile and lifts his coffee in a silent, second thanks as she walks back to her chair. 
She spends the next forty minutes cheering for her favorite soccer player, jumping to her feet when Jack scores the first goal of the game, and wonders exactly when watching grade-schoolers kick a ball around a muddy field had become the highlight of her week.
It had started four months earlier. After a case in Houston left her shaken, Hotch found her alone on the jet, and Emily upheld her promise — “I’m having a bad day.”
He said nothing for a while. The jet filled with their team, took off, and landed in its usual fashion. But just as she pulled her bag out of cargo and began to exit, he said, “I promised Jack if I made it back before bedtime we’d go for some ice cream. Would you like to join us?” 
She didn’t, not really. What she wanted was to curl up on her couch with two fingers of the absurdly expensive whiskey Dave had gifted her. 
But it was rare, exceedingly so, for Hotch to extend an invitation into his private world, and so she accepted. 
When she arrived at the ice cream parlor, Jack greeted her as Ms. Emily, accepting her presence with a polite smile. She told him that calling her Ms. Emily made her feel old, so since they were now friends, he should call her Emily and she would call him Jack. At that, he grinned so widely, she couldn’t help but do the same. Her preferred flavor of cookie dough seemed to pass another unspoken test, Jack excitedly asking for a cone of the same. 
An hour passed with pleasant, if a bit reserved, conversation between the two adults while Jack chattered away, eating up the silence. With each new dribble of ice cream on his chin, he told them stories of his friends at school, the experiment he did that day in science class, and a detailed recount of Charlotte’s Web, which he and his father planned to finish later that night. 
An hour passed, remarkably, without a single thought of Doyle passing through her mind. 
When they separated, at the moment before they turned to their respective cars, Emily grasped Hotch’s arm and whispered, “Thank you.” 
It was two weeks later when Emily ran into the Hotchner boys at the park on a Saturday morning run, surrounded by a dozen other children running around in red nylon jerseys. So she was invited to watch her first soccer game, cheering Jack on and glancing occasionally at Hotch who was shouting encouragement and direction from the sidelines. 
It was surreal, observing this glimpse into his everyday life. And when the game concluded, and Jack immediately ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her legs in a hug, she could only feel grateful that her Saturday plans had taken a detour. 
It continued that way for the next few months. Hours stitched together, here and there, and Emily found that the restless fluttering that followed her around for the last year slowly began to dissipate. 
On more than one occasion, she voiced her worry that she was intruding, overstaying her welcome in these moments that should be between father and son. But Hotch was quick to assure her that it couldn’t be farther from the truth, joking that Jack found her more entertaining than he could ever hope to be. 
She wondered if she should be scared at how easy it all was. How they enveloped her into their little circle, no questions asked. How movie nights and soccer games and pancake breakfasts had eased that chaotic thing inside her that made her want to run and run fast. 
She wondered why when Jack asked her to read him his book before bed one night, she didn’t panic at the thought of being needed and wanted by someone. Instead, when he had finally fallen asleep, and she smoothed the hair away from his forehead, she felt the weight of contentment settle in her chest. 
She wondered how she could have been so blind to it, to him, for all these years. What she felt grew slowly at first, then consumed her all at once. When movie night turned into a glass of wine on his couch, and she was suddenly aware of the heat of his arm resting on the back of the sofa. When their goodbyes turned into goodbye hugs, and she could feel the imprint of him on her skin for hours afterward. When he smiled the way he did when she showed up on his doorstep, and she could imagine, just for a moment, that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. 
All she did know, all she was certain of, was that somehow their presence in her life made her feel more at home than she had felt in a long time. 
For all the day before had been marked with violence and near-tragedy, the night of JJ’s wedding can only be described as idyllic. 
Centerpieces of purple and white flowers sit on decorated round tables under a canopy of lanterns and string lights. Soft jazz floats through the backyard, as the guests mingle on the grass as they wait for the bride and groom to arrive. 
Emily is talking to Penelope and Derek, commiserating about Kevin’s arrival with Gina, when she sees them. Her breath catches as he walks into the room, their eyes finding each other immediately. 
Jack runs into her legs, wrapping his arms tightly around her. She freezes when she catches the questioning looks from the others, no doubt wondering where this familiarity came from, when exactly Emily became the first person Jack runs to in a room. 
It’s not that she and Hotch have been trying to hide…whatever it is they’ve been doing. But it’s always felt like something precious, unspoken. Something to be sequestered away just for them. 
Emily gently ruffles Jack’s hair, bending down to smile at him. 
“Hey, Jack. Don’t you look handsome?”
He beams up at her, telling her that his dad had to buy him a new shirt because he’s grown so big. 
Behind them, Hotch clears his throat and says, “Jack, don’t you want to say hi to Derek and Ms. Penelope?” 
Jack turns to wave, one hand still firmly holding onto Emily’s. 
As Derek kneels down to high-five Jack, Emily looks at Hotch, and he smiles at her, a bit sheepish, as if he knows this interaction will undoubtedly raise questions from their inquisitive friends later. 
Derek invites Jack to go look at the fountain outside, and Jack pulls gently on Emily’s hand, asking her to go with him. When they walk away, she glances back over her shoulder, and Hotch is still smiling. He gives her a small nod, a promise that they would find each other later. 
The ceremony is lovely, JJ walking down a petaled aisle on her mother’s arm towards the flowered archway where Will and Henry wait for her. She stands next to Hotch and Jack, only too aware of the way his shoulder softly brushes against hers the entire time. 
Dancing follows dinner, and everyone is passing partners around with each new song that plays. Emily’s dancing with Dave, laughing as he spins her in a circle, when she hears Hotch tell Jack it’s time for bed. 
“Come on, Jack, you can go sleep in one of Uncle Dave’s bedrooms.”
“Can Emily take me?” Jack asks, his voice uncharacteristically plaintive, betraying his tiredness. 
She and Dave pause their dance, the latter overhearing the same question, and Hotch meets her eyes. 
“I can take you, buddy,” Hotch hesitates, looking up to meet Emily’s eyes. 
Jack turns to find her and directs his plea to her, “Please Emily?” and her heart squeezes. 
“Of course, little man, let’s go.” She holds her hand out for him. 
“Emily, you don’t have to—” Hotch tries to interject, but she shakes her head. 
“Don’t be silly. I’ll be back in a minute.” 
Emily and Jack walk hand in hand into the house, and she can feel the confused looks on her back as they leave the party. 
They find an empty bedroom easily, and Emily tucks him into the plush bedding, smoothing his hair away from his eyes out of habit. 
“Yes, Jack?” 
“Are you going to marry Daddy?” 
Emily’s eyes widen, her heart starting to hammer, as she wonders if she’s done this all wrong, somehow confused this young boy with her presence in his life. “What— what do you mean?” 
“Daddy told Uncle Dave he loves you. And when you’re in love, you get married. Like Ms. JJ and Will. Right?” 
His expression is earnest and sincere, and Emily feels like the floor has fallen out beneath her. 
“Jack,” she asks slowly, “what exactly did you hear your dad say to Uncle Dave?” 
Jack’s eyebrows furrow, a remarkable likeness of his father. “I heard them before. Before we ate dinner. Uncle Dave was talking about you. He asked Daddy if he loved you, and Daddy said yes.”
Emily can’t stop the burst of hope that blooms in her chest, or the smile that appears on her lips, even though a part of her is reminding her this could all be a misunderstanding. 
But it’s enough for her, enough that she knows she has to ask. 
“Don’t worry, Jack. Your dad and I are going to talk about this.” She bends down to hug him, brushing a kiss against his forehead. “Now you go to sleep, okay?” 
“Okay. Good night, Emily.” 
“Sweet dreams, little man.” 
When she rejoins the party, she finds the man she’s looking for standing off to the side, surveying the dancing crowd as he cradles a drink. 
“Do you want to dance?” Hotch seems almost surprised at the question, but he nods. Places his glass on the closest table and takes her hand in his. The song switches to something softer, slower, and they start to sway together. 
Emily feels her heart thudding away in her chest, but she’s here on a mission. 
“Clyde Easter called me today,” she starts, her voice casual, conversational.
“He offered me a job. Head of the London office.” 
She feels his shoulders tense beneath her hand, and she breathes a quiet sigh of relief. 
“Is this— are you—” He takes a breath and starts again. “Congratulations, Emily. You’d be wonderful in that role.” 
“Thanks.” She pulls back to meet his eyes. “I’m not sure I’m going to take it.” 
The tightness in his jaw eases slightly. “Why not?” 
“Actually, Jack helped me decide.”
“He told me about a conversation he overheard tonight. Between you and Dave.”
He chuckles, and if she didn’t know him so well by now, she might not have recognized the undercurrent of nerves in the sound. “He’s always been a curious one. What— what did he say to you?” 
“That you love me.”
He goes rigid for a moment, causing them both to nearly stumble, but recovers quickly. He’s quiet, studying her face, before he whispers, “And that helped you?” 
She nods. “Because I love you too, and I decided a cross-Atlantic relationship wouldn’t be very fun for either of us.” 
With that, his expression morphs entirely. Distinct relief, a hint of shock, and a newfound intensity in his gaze that makes her chest tight. 
“Emily,” he breathes her name, and it’s like cotton candy, airy and sweet. 
He searches her eyes for another moment, starts to bend down, when a loud laugh erupts from the crowd behind them. 
Chuckling, he pulls away and squeezes her hand. “Maybe we should wait until we’re away from prying eyes,” his voice deep and laced with promise. 
Emily agrees, though she’s sure if any of the others bothered to look in their direction, the smitten smiles on both their faces would surely give them away. 
Instead, she steps into him, just on the edge of what might be considered appropriate. He takes advantage of her closeness, brushing his cheek against her temple as he says, “You look so beautiful tonight. I’ve been wanting to tell you.” 
It’s almost ridiculous, the way her stomach erupts into flutters at his words and her skin starts to heat with the proximity of his body to hers and his breath on her cheek. 
They separate after one song, not wanting to draw any more attention to themselves than they already have for one evening. Emily continues to dance, evading the insistent questions from Penelope and Derek, all the while feeling his eyes on her from across the dance floor and she’s all too impatient for the party to end. 
When the night finally dwindles to a close and JJ and Will have said their goodbyes, he finds her in the empty hallway outside the bedroom where Jack is still asleep. 
He says nothing, just tucks her hair behind her ear and cups her cheek with his hand. His lips are soft when they finally meet hers, a tender, hopeful kiss that speaks of their history, of their future, of finally. 
They know they can’t linger, so he presses his lips to her forehead, then the tip of her nose, and whispers, “I love you.” 
The following Saturday, Emily is woken up by a kiss against her bare shoulder instead of her alarm. She pours Jack his bowl of cereal and drinks her coffee at their breakfast table. She sits in the passenger seat as Aaron drives them to the park, Jack talking away in the backseat, far too awake and animated for how early it is. 
When they pull into the parking lot, Emily spots a familiar blond waving to Aaron from a few spots away. Jack runs ahead of them to meet his teammates, and Emily takes advantage, looping her arm around Aaron’s neck and bringing his lips down to hers.  
He takes a moment to respond, taken by surprise, and he chuckles in amusement when she finally pulls away. “What was that for?”
Emily just shrugs, but can’t help her glance to the left. He follows her eyes and laughs harder when he sees Julie frowning at them from a distance. 
He wraps his arm around her shoulder and kisses her temple, “Feeling a little possessive, are we?” 
Her hand comes around his waist as they walk towards the field, and her voice is relaxed as she replies, “As long as she keeps her hands to herself, we’ll be just fine.”
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idlebeks · 1 year
A Savory Assortment of Fic Recs Part 1
A list of fics from various fandoms where I have not collected enough entries to justify giving them their own post. Included here you will find fics for Word of Honor and Grave Robber's Chronicles (DMBJ)
Word of Honor
within us an orchard by mintyfish (guckindieluft)
On a visit to the capital, the Valley Master happens upon the garden of a man who has nothing left to live for.
The Tiger and its Skin by manic_intent
The pale beauty on the bed swallowed the bowl of medicine without complaint and handed it silently to the eunuch by the bed. Leaning dizzily against the wall, Zhou Zishu fought yet another bout of nausea, trying to keep down the thin congee that he’d forced down his throat in the morning.
“Wangye,” the eunuch, Qiu Bin, said, sounding uncomfortable.
“Leave.” Zhou Zishu closed his eyes.
“Just… your bride should be on the way. Since the Emperor has refused to postpone the wedding—”
The Parasol Tree by chiiyo86
When Prince Jin sends Zhou Zishu to look for the Glazed Armor, Zhou Zishu's heart isn't in it but he is duty-bound to see this mission through to the end. But then his path crosses the one of Wen Kexing, a mercurial scholar with many secrets of his own, and things only get more complicated from there.
Strays. by orange_crushed
Zishu's mind has been trained to this sort of work: to take in every meaningless detail and produce from that the truth. To assess danger and opportunity alike. Of course, this is a misuse of his talents. Kexing shouldn't concern him. He should be nothing to Zishu: just another foolish boy to mold into a useful weapon, or else to discard. But then, Zishu has seen what's really inside him, the pitiless tiger who lives in his guts. And he might be the only one who has. Kexing let the other boys off with bruises, didn't he?
He is Zishu's, somehow. As much as anything has ever been.
[AU timeline in which teenage runaway Wen Kexing meets career assassin Zhou Zishu and upends both their lives.]
Soulmates and Zombies by nerdyjellyfish
It's WenZhou modern AU with zombies. That's it that's the fic.
Sanguine by jaemyun
Zhou Zishu is ready to be done with Tian Chuang. He's ready for his seventh nail, and ready to wander before facing his eighty one brothers with a bowed head in the afterlife. He will do this after, apparently, one last mission that's simply too intriguing to pass up.
The Ghost Valley has sent a letter past its borders, asking to attend the Heroes Conference of the Five Lakes Alliance. The Five Lakes Alliance, unbelievably, has accepted. Both no doubt have hidden intentions, and Prince Jin wants eyes and ears on the scene. Zhou Zishu can't quite bring himself to deny his own ravenous curiosity enough not to accept.
The stunning beauty that shows up with the girls of the Department of the Unfaithful, the one who introduces himself as Wen Kexing, is universally assumed to be a favorite plaything of the yet unseen Ghost Valley Master. His beauty and charm may be enough to captivate all the others into underestimating him, but Zhou Zishu knows a killer's eyes when he sees one. Wen Kexing is a puzzle he'd like to figure out, and Zishu himself can't say he isn't also captivated by dark eyes and a smile that wouldn't be out of place with blood in its teeth.
it's not the breaking by Shadaras
Absently, mind on the work he’s doing, Zhou Zishu says, “Shidi, can you—”
His mouth snaps shut on the request, but it’s already too late.
Wen Kexing turns to him and says, “I’m sick of this.” His tone is almost cheerful. There’s still more malice laced through Wen Kexing’s mouth than Zhou Zishu can remember hearing directed towards him before.
It shivers across his body, and Zhou Zishu closes his eyes briefly before carefully setting down the wall-hanging he’d wanted help replacing. “What do you want to do about it?” Zhou Zishu asks, shifting his weight to prepare for the attack he suspects is coming.
Wen Kexing plays with his fan, silently considering him, and then a smile spreads across his face. “I’m going to make you forget that word.”
rage, rage against the dying of the light by Madcap_Miss
The thing about pushing people past their limits is that it makes them dangerous.
It is possible that this is a truth Wen Kexing and Xie Wang neglected to account for when making their grand plan.
Bureaucratically Ever After by TK_DuVeraun
Wen Kexing was chosen to ceremonially marry the immortal in the Journey's End Festival that came around once every one hundred years. It's not a big deal, especially since there's no clause saying he can't hook up with the official walking him through the ceremonies, Zhou Xu.
Dangerous Illusions by manic_intent
Yuanxiao Festival was one of Zhou Zishu’s least favourite times of the year. It wasn’t the problem of thousands of lanterns clogging up the streets and rooftops of the Imperial City, making it more challenging to conduct Tian Chuang business. It wasn’t the throngs of people who packed into the Imperial City from beyond to enjoy the spectacle, or the increased risk of a fire hazard, or the thousands of perfectly edible mandarin oranges being thrown into the river. It wasn’t the fact that Tian Chuang business often ground to a halt during the lunar new year period, leaving Zishu at loose ends. It was all of that, all at once.
to hold your heart in arms by threerings
After the events of Episode 12, Wen Kexing wants to know what Zhou Zishu meant by saying he has a terminal illness. The Seven Nails of Torment are revealed. And feelings are explored.
“How long do you have?”
“About two years.” Pain twisted in his chest as he watched this truth hit Wen Kexing. He felt guilt for doing this to him. Perhaps he should have told him from the beginning, warned him before...before they became so close. It was a truly unfair turn of events, to meet someone and feel this kind of connection, only to find out it was only temporary. He’d wanted to avoid causing just this kind of pain, but had found Wen Kexing so impossible to deflect.
Ill Omens by manic_intent
The drinking game that Zishu had lured Wen Kexing into playing was reaching a dangerous stage, with both of them growing muddled from drink. Yet Zishu still hadn’t yet managed to get the handsome young man beside him to say anything that might hint at the person behind the smiling mask he wore. Surely there was a limit to Kexing’s composure, uncomfortable as it was to have to play such a trick on a person Zishu liked. It reminded him of every story he had ever heard about his kind. Treacherous and selfish, disloyal and ruthless. Distracted, Zishu lost another round, but Kexing’s joyous laughter stole away any disappointment he could feel.
My brain mostly ignored the main characters of this show and hyper-focused in on Liu Sang from the Reboot series, so almost all these recs will feature him in some way with a few PingXie thrown in as a treat.
Cascade by frith_in_thorns
Liu Sang didn't need looking after. Absolutely not. It had only been a small stabbing.
Unfortunately, Wu Xie overrode him.
Even more unfortunately, that was only the start of everyone's problems.
Unreliable Narration by fox_of_nine_tales 
Liu Sang can do this.
He’s a professional, after all. That’s why the Iron Triangle brings him on these trips. He can map, and fight, and hold his own. Except now they've been separated from the others, and they're trapped, and Wu Xie's hurt, and their supplies are running low, and Liu Sang -
Liu Sang can do this.
He always has.
Eating Fish Every Day by afrikate
Liu Sang gets a cat.
Worship False idols by Sanctified_Jasper
His Ouxiang doesn't recognise him, that's pretty obvious. Liu Sang hadn't expected him to, he'd changed so much and his Ouxiang... hadn't. A tiny part of him had held out the irrational hope he would though. He's been asked before why he idolises Zhang Qiling, and he knows he'll likely be asked again, Wu Xie is the curious type, with a vested interest in Liu Sang's Ouxiang.
He has the usual lie ready of course, not that it's entirely a lie so much as... not the entire truth. Liu Sang doesn't want to tell anyone ever the real reason he feels so indebted to his Ouxiang.
A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Slutspeare
Yincangui is Where Lost Things Return, and Wu Xie, captain of the Wushanju , has been trying to find it since his uncle went missing fifteen years ago. The only thing is that no one is quite sure that it actually exists, except for Liu Sang, who manages to finagle his way onto Wu Xie's ship and into their quest. Without any solid proof or idea of where they're going, it seems like Yincangui is always going to be a lost dream... unless the crew of the Wushanju can unravel the threads of the universe and lead themselves to what they've been searching for.
It all started with a cup of tea by cease
As a retired man of leisure in his late thirties, Wu Xie didn’t expect the greatest threat to his personal safety and freedom to emerge in the form of the gossiping women in his life. Or: that one time Lao Jiumen almost planned a gay wedding.
I Will Go Now to My Pyre by Kholran
"Within the Nine Clans, the only ones who could open the box were Zhang Da Fo Ye when he was alive...and..." "And me."
Liu Sang is hired by the Huo clan and sent to a Jiumen Association meeting. His job should be simple: Pay close attention to President Zhang and act as a human polygraph. He soon realizes things are never as simple as they seem. Finding himself in the middle of a political power grab, Liu Sang makes a choice. He hopes it's the right one.
Reach for their scabbards by afrikate
After a disaster of a job, something finally goes Liu Sang's way.
Subterfuge by frith_in_thorns 
"It's me," Liu Sang said, and then realised he hadn't considered at all how to actually go about this surreptitiously. Probably Wu Xie had tons of secret signals to use in this sort of circumstance, but that wasn't the type of thing Liu Sang thought of arranging ahead of time.
All the maps were wrong by frith_in_thorns 
On the way back from Thunder City, Liu Sang is struggling more than he wants to admit.
Feline, fearless, faithful and true by Humanlighthouse
Wuxie is Fine. Until a cat appears in his life, that is.
can't forget (don't remember what) by laireshi
"Wu Xie," Zhang Qiling breathes, letting his tone convey the questions: are you all right, does anything hurt, do you need help?
". . . who are you?" Wu Xie asks.
The Fox's Geometry by fox_of_nine_tales
He was named Liu Sang, once, but his name was the first thing they took from him.
Li Cu vs Life by margrave
A series about Li Cu's life post Sha Hai, and his continual wrong assumption that Xiaoge is Wu Xie's ex-boyfriend.
Those who fear darkness have never seen what light can do by Merinnan, xantissa
When Wu Xie was seven years old, he snuck away from his guardian during one of the digs that Sanshu took him to. Only things went wrong, the entrance collapsed, and it took a week to dig the child out from the near collapsed tomb.
They expected a body. They prayed that the child had somehow survived, but seven days without food or water for an adult would have been deadly, a child had no chances of survival at all.
They found Wu Xie deep in the tomb, sleeping on his little backpack. He was warm and healthy, confused at why the adults were yelling, looking like he’d just stepped into the tomb five minutes ago.
Tabula Rasa by xantissa
Zhang Qiling forgets. Then he comes to some interesting conclusions regarding his relationship to the man named Wu Xie.
All Nature Has A Feeling by margrave
After the City of Thunder, Wu Xie goes on his last major adventure: solving a mystery about his life that he has questioned for over fifteen years.
The consequences of the adventure leaves Zhang Qiling questioning their relationship, and Wu Xie.
rip out the whole of your soul love by laireshi 
Wu Xie had told Xiaoge, because he hadn't expected how hard it would be to deal with Xiaoge's continuously voiceless, contained reaction; his unwavering support and hidden emotions and mute heartbreak.
Cat's Paw by Merinnan, xantissa
He had already been informed that he was supposed to get down into the temple and start tracking the rival team that had got there before them. The rival team who, according to what he’d overheard, had been the ones responsible for the dozen or so mercenaries now leaving the village in body bags.
Mr. Jiao had been very polite and congenial when he told Liu Sang that he was going to hunt down that team that went down first. It hadn’t been a question, and the mercenary with the rifle pointed vaguely in Liu Sang’s direction was a very clear, if unspoken, indication of what would happen to Liu Sang if he refused.
Mr. Jiao’s people controlled the only way in and out of the village, and they also controlled all the vehicles. Liu Sang could continue to be one of Mr. Jiao’s people, or he could be one of the dead bodies loaded into the truck.
Before Wu Erbai could hire on Liu Sang, Liu Sang had already accepted an offer from Mr. Jiao. What he found when arriving for that job, however, was nothing what he expected - particularly the fact that it turned out that he was now working against the man he'd idolized for so long.
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theboysfromaustin · 7 months
The one where Gav's an urban legend
February 12, 2013
Kazuo spun in his chair, laptop precariously balanced on his lap.  Ian glanced over, "If you drop that again, I'm going to get you one of those cases like they put on toddler tablets." "I'm careful.  My balance is impeccable." "You fell down the stairs yesterday," Gav didn't even look up from his computer.  "Those stairs are a death trap."
Ian looked at the clock, "Another half hour and we can get lunch." "Sounds good." Kazuo spun in his chair again, before kicking his feet up on his desk.  He was busy scrolling through Reddit, flitting from one subreddit to the next.  Somehow, he wound up on r/Detroit, and immediately took notice of one thread -
What's the weirdest thing you've seen at night?
Kazuo looked at Gav, remembering every weird street story he'd been told.  He started scrolling, the usual nonsense popping up - haunted places, I saw Bigfoot at Burger King, the norm.  And then….
Okay, so when I was a teen, me and my shithead friends would go joyriding in abandoned neighborhoods, blasting music and being assholes, throwing beer bottles and smoking pot.  It was a Friday or Saturday, maybe 1 AM.  We liked to turn off our headlights to make it creepy, and I know, stupid but we were teens.  I don't remember what street it was, but the houses were all burned out, when something ran in front of our car.  My girlfriend screamed, and I turned the lights on.  There was this ginger kid, beaten up and filthy, flinching away.  He looked scared and half crazy, and then I swear to God, he took off running, climbed the side of a house like Spider-man and disappeared.  We still don't know what the fuck he was.
Oh thank god I'm not the only one who saw that guy.  He was fast and nimble.  Like a spider.  Never said a thing.  Saw him in a ton of places, usually after dark while joyriding.  Had a wide range and often had a pack of dogs that were NOT friendly.  There was a big Saint Bernard type that tore the bumper off my buddy's car.  It was held on with duct tape, but it's the principle.  Fuckin' Cujo.
I see you met the Detroit Dogman.  Tiny ginger dude.  I saw him with a pack of dogs around the old Packard plant.  He stood there and his dogs chased my friends and I out.  He was afraid of us.  I wonder what his story is, but I haven't seen him in years now, hope he got off the street.
Little man, long red hair?  I saw that dude stealing beef jerky and roller grill crap from a 7-Eleven.  I didn't say a word, he looked malnourished.  He left and a pack of dogs materialized out of the alley.  Weird.
I saw him from a distance, carrying a shovel and a bloody bundle.  I followed a bit behind, just in case he was a serial killer, and he buried it in an empty lot.  I checked it out after he left and found a huge pet cemetery,  markers with names and breeds.  It spanned a few blocks.  I don't think he's a bad guy, just prefers the company of dogs. Maybe he's a runaway, he looked young.
I saw him hauling a big bag of dog food. He was having trouble, but he started running when he saw me following him.  His feet and legs were all cut up.  He was FAST though.
man i saw this lil fucker swimming with a lot of dogs in the detroit river in fuckin november and he had a fish in his mouth like a big ol wiggly fish what the fuckkkkk
I saw him multiple times.  He was kind of cute in a filthy, matted way.  I wanted to ask about his dogs.  He made the city interesting.  I got close once, and he smelled like dirty Vienna sausages.  He noticed and flinched real hard, like he expected me to attack him.  Hope he's doing better now, miss seeing him around.
My friends and I were drinking in an abandoned K Mart at night when we heard a weird noise.  This weird little dude was on the roof, howling at the moon.  I threw a Molson bottle and he jumped off the roof and took off running.  What the hell.
Kazuo started giggling like a complete idiot.  These were all about Gav.  Gav, who was quietly typing at his computer and listening to music.  There were more stories.  One reply was just a low resolution photo of Gav and his pack squaring off with raccoons in a Big Boy parking lot.  Ian turned slightly, "What are you chuckling about, you degenerate?"  Kazuo wheeled himself over, handing off his laptop, "Here.  Behold."
Ian started reading, "Oh.  Oh my.  Um, Gav?" The redhead looked up, "Yeah?" "We have some things you need to read."  Gav rolled over, squeezing in to look at the screen, "What's so…oh.  This is…about….me?" "You're an urban legend." "Huh.  I mean, I know I probably scared a lot of people at night…and urban explorers…but…wow."
"You are a celebrity," Ian shrugged, "Are there more?" "It's a big thread, so maybe." "This is weird." "You okay?" "Well, the attention from strangers is a bit off putting, but that might be the autism." "The raccoon photo is impressive," Ian studied it.  "Yeah, we had to fight for the dumpsters.  You're not grossed out by me having eaten from dumpsters, are you?"
"We figured you had to do what you needed to survive." "And I've seen Ian drop a gyro in the actual road on Sixth, pick it up, dust it off, and eat it." Gav relaxed, "It was gross, but it helped me feed the group.  I could open dumpsters, and they couldn't." "So, are you going to post?  You can use my account."  Gav thought for a moment, "I think…maybe I should.  I know it'll kill a lot of the mystique, but there are people that want to know if I'm okay." "Hang on," Ian took a photo of Gav in front of the computer, "Sending this to your email, Kaz." 
Kazuo downloaded it, "Add that to your post."  Gav nodded, starting to type.
So, one of my boyfriends found this thread.  (This is his account) I am the Detroit Dogman, and I am safe in Texas after leaving Detroit in 2007.  I had a really bad home life - I'm gay, and was the unwanted twin, and left at 16 in 2005, though I'd been wandering with my pack since late 2002, when I'd found them while wandering during a night I'd run away from home.  We did live in the old Packard plant, though I'd take a few days to get food or try to replace clothes and blankets.  I stole a lot, and I'm not proud of it, but I'd also panhandle, scared as I was of people, to get dog food.
We did fish the Detroit river, and it was the only fresh meat I had while on the street.  I wouldn't call fast food dumpster diving 'fresh'.  Life was rough, but at least I could provide entertaining stories and some scares.
As I said, I'm safe in Texas.  Austin.  I have two wonderful boyfriends who pulled me off the street, and gave me a home and a job - I'm a paralegal now, my one partner is a lawyer, and I'm happy and healthy now.  I'm attaching a photo of me in front of this thread.  I look forward to more stories.  I had to leave my dogs behind because there was no safe way for us to all travel together.  I miss them, and I hope they're okay.  My name is Gav, by the way, to put a name to the dirty, bedraggled face.
Signed, the Detroit Dogman
Gav sat back for a moment, before hitting 'post'.  "You alright?" Ian cocked his head.  "Yeah," Gav said, "It's like I have closure. But I still get to be an urban legend.  I'm okay with that." Kazuo draped himself around Gav's shoulders, "You ready for lunch, Dogman?" "Yeah.  I think we need chili." "Good choice," Ian stood, stretching, "You've earned it."  Gav replaced Kazuo's laptop, "Hard to believe I'm a celebrity." "We'll have to look for more stories," Kazuo grinned.  "I want to compile them," Gav pulled on his coat, "Maybe write some sort of memoir -
The Dogman Chronicles."
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bireggiemantle · 2 years
okay so. kate (@greatkateweathermachine ) and I have an extended riverdale au we've lovingly dubbed the riververse that we'd like to tell you about </3 it follows canon all the way up until season six, which is where things begin to diverge. percival isn't present here, and none of the characters have long-term superpowers. anyway.
- in the riververse betty actually does end up pregnant, but rather than be excited by the prospect of having a baby, she becomes terrified of motherhood and raising a child who she believes is genetically predisposed to become the antichrist. she carries the baby through all three trimesters and gives birth to it, but freaks out and leaves it on the doorstep of pop's instead of taking it home.
- jabitha find the baby and decide to raise it as their own, forming a lie that tabitha was secretly pregnant for the last nine months and really good at hiding it, and claiming that this notably ginger child is biologically theirs. tabitha names the baby manny, after don mancini, because to ME she is a diehard chucky fan. it's an unspoken but open secret that manny is actually the barchie baby, and the only two people who don't know are alice and archie (betty told archie the baby ran away.) jabitha also get married shortly after "adopting" manny.
- a little bit about manny: manny is a pretty quiet kid, but he's also like ridiculously creepy. he's got betty's big ol' bug eyes and he did inhereit the serial killer genes from her, but he's better at not giving into his violent urges. instead he develops a love of taxidermy, a hobby he eventually turns into a career. he also looks like this.
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- since jabitha are workaholics and jughead has twice as many jobs as barbie, archie ends up getting involved with the process of raising manny. it also helps him cope with his own runaway child. the three of them become very close during their collaborative babysitting sessions, and over time (in part because of the escaped baby) barchie drifts apart, so archie just kind of ends up dating jughead and tabitha instead. jabitha have their second wedding to archie within a year of them getting together.
- veronica gets added to the relationship when she and jughead end up making out after one of their magic acts. she freaks out and assumed she's being a homewrecker, and jughead has to reassure her that tabitha and archie also want to fuck her, so actually it's fine. the third wedding happens within a few months.
- okay. let's switch gears to cheryl for a bit. cheryl is still with heather in the riververse, and the two of th embark on a personal journey to become the most powerful witches in riverhistory. in order to do this they need a lot of energy, though, and since heather isn't too keen on delving into dark magic, they decide to settle for harvesting sexual energy instead. they're only two people, and their energy alone won't be enough to achieve elite witchhood status, so cheryl proposes hosting monthly orgies as a way of harvesting a massive amount of sexergy all at once. obviously she's not participating, and neither is heather, but most of the other characters are.
- notably, jabronchie (jughead/tabitha/veronica/archie) and reggie all participate, and during one of these orgies veronica ends up pregnant.
- this sparks a huge scandal because veronica doesn't know who the father is. she has it narrowed down to archie, jughead, or reggie, but it isn't until the baby is born that they find out who the actual father is (it's archie).
- a little about the varchie baby: her name is tina </3. her full name is actually quintina, which jughead chose in honor of quentin tarantino, but he lies to veronica for several years and manages to convince her that her daughter's full name is tina and that it has no questionable connections to any director. tina is one of the most normal of the riververse kids. she's very outgoing and ambitious, and her weirdest trait is probably that she became obsessed with horror movies at way too young of an age. as an adult she chooses to go by tina andrews instead of tina andrews-jones-lodge-tate for simplicity's sake, and she settles down outside of riverdale with a husband and two kids. also she's a real estate agent, and she's close to three years younger than manny.
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- the last of the jabronchie kids is riley. she's born eight years after tina (eleven years after manny), and she's the unplanned jabitha kid. riley is a bit of a nutcase. she's got very little impulse control and often gets injured during pranks or protecting the people she loves. she has a habit of becoming overly invested in hobbies and odd jobs before dropping them entirely (how veronica of her) and she makes a living as a stunt actor, a podcaster, etc etc.
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- okay. now that we have jabronchie covered let's focus on reggie for a little bit. almost immediately after breaking up with getting fired by hiram, he and sweet pea start dating. I think they had a fling in high school, so they've already got some chemistry and some history to begin with.
- reggie becomes a famous influencer on both rivinstagram and metube by exploiting his time henching for hiram and using the lodge name to gain notarioty. his charm and taste for scandals keeps him the limelight though, and it isn't long before he's made a name completely for himself. he also has a job as the riverdale high sex ed teacher and the second riverdale high english teacher (toni didn't think it made sense for jughead to teach his own kids, particularly riley, since he'd let so much slide with her).
- at the same time as tabitha gets pregnant with riley, reggie and sweet pea decide to adopt a kid. instead of announcing their adoption, though, reggie decides to pretend he is also pregnant, and continues the lie for all nine months leading up to his kid's miraculous existence.
- a little about the regpea kid: his name is cameron (not for any weird reasons this time I promise), and he was born mere hours after riley was, which causes the two of them to convince themselves that they're actually twins. cameron is pretty easy-going and has a love of music, but he's also a little stupid. he and riley are practically joined at the hip. in the riververse regpea and jabronchie are neighbors on the non-betty side, so the two of them spend almost every waking moment together, whether it be placing ladders between each others' windows to climb across at one in the morning, or trying to flood the school together as a senior prank. even after they enter long-term serious relationships, the two of them refuse to live apart. they're like conjoined twins. oh also, this is what cameron looks like.
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- regpea do have another child about a year after cameron, but they don't pretend this one is biologically theirs. his name is greg, and he's a very quiet, very normal kid, who wants nothing more than to get out of riverdale. he's got a very close-knit but small group of friends, and he's extremely close to his parents.
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- in early high school, greg starts dating a girl named jessica. jessica is the daughter of one of the normal couples's living in riverdale, but she herself is anything but. she's impulsive and a little bit reckless, but socially she's very chill. shortly after she and greg get together they end things, and she starts dating riley. jessica and riley stay in a mostly-on-again-sometimes-off-again relationship until the day they die. jessica and cameron are also very close. jessica is pictured below <3
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- let's get back to regpea. when cameron and greg are toddlers josie returns to town and, with reggie's blessing, she and sweet pea start dating again. reggie and sweet pea stay married of course, but sweet pea begins switching between staying in riverdale to raise his kids and going to travel the world with josie.
- josie never admits that she and sweet pea are anything serious, and even though both his kids (ESPECIALLY greg) view her as something akin to a mother figure, she isn't always the most comfortable interacting with them. she loves them in her own way, but she has some difficultly expressing that. josie and reggie also start hooking up a few years down the line, although they aren't together in the same way reggie and sweet pea are or josie and sweet pea are. sometimes when sweet pea is away reggie hooks up with varchie, because a man has needs afterall and none of their spouses mind the arrangement.
- the fourth member of cameron, riley, and jessica's friend group is april. april escaped from a cult just outside of town when she was eleven and the first house she stumbled upon was betty's. initially betty only let her in because the cult she escaped from was apart of an active case betty had been investigating, but after a while she and alice grow attached to her presence, and she becomes a permanent addition to the family. april fits right in alongside the coopers, too. she's got the serial killer genes and the same quiet, unnerving presence that betty does. she's a very nice girl once you get to know her, she can be quick to judge, and is extremely unforgiving when you slight her or her friends. she's the same age as jessica and greg, and a year younger than riley and cameron.
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- moving on to cheryl. cheryl and heather happen to have two kids of their own. they're the world's least social set of twins, a pair of terrifying near-identical redheads cheryl scoured every adoption clinic to find before ultimately stealing. and yes, I do mean stealing. their names are chrysanthemum (chryssy for short) and petunia, since both she and heather wanted to go with something floral. the twins spend a lot of time inside the manor and tend to keep to themselves. they're both into witchcraft, but chryssy has more of a knack for it than her sister. instead, petunia spends a lot of her creating art. petunia is pictured on the left, and chryssy is on the right.
- tangs also have two more kids following baby anthony. their first one is fangs jr, who they have about two years after baby anthony.
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- the second kid is gonzo. he's about six years younger than fangs jr, and his legal name is ethan, but he chose the name gonzo for himself as a child, so it became his unofficial identity forever. gonzo is very eccentric and outgoing, but he's also extremely kind and selfless. he is friends with the riley, cameron, jessica, and april group, but not very close ones, since they are a few years younger than he is. he takes a part-time job at archie and tabitha's new joint community center in high school, and he almost instantly falls in love with social work the same way his mother did.
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some other facts about the riververse:
- since jughead has so much going on in his day to day life, he's able to write a lot more books than he can in canon. they remain relatively unpopular at first, until a conspiracy metuber manages to connect some of the plots back to public figures reggie mantle, veronica andrews-jones-lodge-tate, and josie mccoy, sparking a huge wave of interest in his novels. he ends up garnering a large and devoted fanbase of teenagers in the process, and cements his place in shitty ya author history.
- veronica opens up her own sex club called TGI Veronica's underneath the whyte wyrm (the sub-sub-section of pop's) as a feminist project, but until most of her endeavors, she keeps this one open for a long time. it has a stage that archie and kevin sometimes use for perfomances, and jughead helps out with the lighting there (mostly so he can hide in his own little booth). tangs help bartend there on weekdays, and reggie spends most of his time there seducing and blackmailing any billionaire who stops by, growing his fortune in the unique way only reggie can <33
- toni gets a pet snake who tabitha makes special milkshakes called snakeshakes for.
- since tabitha is a crazy woman who is obsessed with her job she keeps working at pop's well into the late stages of her pregnancy, and when her water breaks during one of her shifts, she decides to follow in toni's footsteps and give birth to riley in the backroom of pop's. this prompts her to start a wall decided to all the babies born in pop's, which she lovingly covers in photos of riley and baby anthony. she's always too eager to tell customers about this story, though, and she can never understand why it scares some of them off.
I'm sorry this post was so long, but I hope that helps give you some kind of understanding of how the riververse functions. unfortunately this isn't everything in the au, but I didn't want the post to be longer than it already is 😭 if you have any questions I'd love to answer them, and I do plan on discussing this au more in the future using the tag #riververse. tysm to everyone who actually read the post!! blessed to have you with me for this wild ride <3
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