#the trio are always at gay bars
imfinereallyy · 1 year
“It's like watching a car crash.” Steve snorts, watching Robin try to flirt with the girl at the bar.
Eddie glances at their best friend and lets out a soft laugh. “Yea, it is. But you can't judge babe.”
Steve gives him a scandalized look. “What's that supposed to mean? I thought you loved bitchy me.”
Eddie kisses his temple, “Oh, I do. It's just you were just as bad with me.” He nods at Robin and the goth girl she's flailing over.
“I was not!”
Eddie lets out a cackle. “Yes, you were. You flirted way too hard. I thought you were mocking me. You stumbled over your words when I called you cute—which made you even cuter—and I had to make the first move in the end in my van.”
Steve grumbles, “But I was smooth after that.”
Eddie swoops Steve in his arms and pushes him against the bar. He whispers in his ear real low, “Oh big boy, you were very smooth after. Gotta say that's the quickest anyone's got me into bed.”
Steve shakes his head laughing, but Eddie can tell he got a bit worked up. “Eddie I'm the only one who's got you into bed.”
“Hmmm, and you've ruined me for everyone.” Eddie squeezes Steve’s hips. Steve breaks and attacks Eddie’s lips with his own. Eddie moans openly into his mouth.
“God, I hope she gets her number soon. Can't wait to get you back into that bed.” Steve purrs.
They are both broken from their trance when they hear a crash. They turn their heads to find Robin profusely apologizing to the guy whose drink she knocked out of his hand.
Eddie snorts, “Okay, yea. You’re right. She's worse. It's like watching a train wreck.”
Steve puts his head on Eddie’s shoulder and laughs. “Yea, but she's our train wreck.”
They look at her fondly when Eddie says, “That she is.”
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Thinking today about how much fun a Tedependent fic from Mae's perspective could be:
Verbally cutting, diehard Richmond fan—to the point of kicking others out of her pub; her loyalty outweighs profits and that's sAYING SOMETHING—Mae has been following Trent's writing for years. She approves of his single-minded devotion and take-no-shit style.
He's shown up at the pub once or twice, usually to get a feel for the community after a match so he can do a better write-up. Mae always treats him like a minor celebrity. Trent mentioned her in an article once and you know that's now in a gold frame over the bar.
She's one of the first to notice his demeanor change during the press conferences. The camera rarely ever cuts to the press, but she can hear the difference in how he asks questions now. The soft, awe-like, “Would you care to comment?” is a damn bit different from, “Is this a fucking joke?”
Mae, who is an avid trashy romance reader and has secretly always dreamed of pulling off some epic matchmaking: “HMMM 👀"
By this point she’s incredibly fond of Ted (dragging him for losses is her love language, okay) and it’s definitely a coincidence that Trent is showing up at the pub more each month than he has in the last ten years combined.
The Trio mutters darkly one night about how their cutthroat journo has gone soft and Mae dumps a pitcher of beer over their heads. Then she makes them clean it up. Then she makes them pay for it. Then she explains what they’ve clearly been too blind to see and they are SOLD. Holy shit, Trent Crimm and the American gaffer?? Best hookup of the century, how can they help?
The very next night Ted is moping (from Mae’s perspective) and Trent is awkwardly avoiding a kiss from some stringbean with a mustache. This isn’t just a matter of wanting to be involved now, this disaster duo needs them.
Except soon after Trent publishes his article on Ted’s panic attacks and HO BOY DOES THAT GO OVER WELL /S
He’s banned from the pub. The Trio yells at him on the street like they once yelled at Ted. Ted literally has to beg Mae to forgive him and Trent delivers a homemade strawberry pie, her favorite, to try and smooth things over.
(Everyone knows Ted baked the pie, but Mae’s willingness to go along with the ruse is proof that Trent is back in her good graces.)
It also helps that Trent showed up drunk as a skunk an hour after closing one night, reeling from the fact that he’s a) gay, b) getting a divorce, c) just blew up his twenty year career, d) has incredibly few prospects and a young child to care for, and e) is madly in love with a sunshine golden retriever who’s probably straight. Dressed in her nightgown and spitting fire, Mae forces a pitcher of water down his throat, calls him an Uber, and talks his ear off about how stupid he’s been until it arrives. Trent doesn’t remember anything past the second bar he hit that night, but a small, seemingly subconscious idea sticks with him: why not write a book about Ted Richmond?
So it’s Season Three. Trent is slowly being pulled into the Richmond family orbit. Ted is slowly inching towards Total Football and the culmination of all his work here. They’re dancing around each other, getting closer, but never close, and Mae sees it all unfolding in her pub, on the screen, and through the Richmond grapevine.
She and The Trio decide that It’s Time. Operation Mustache/Hair (Paul had to explain to the others what shipping was) is a go.
Let the shenanigans begin!
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rreskk · 5 months
Headcanons: North Yankton trio
TW: plenty of NSFW topics discussed.
@stevensbelt (because you like north Yankton Trevor as well🖤)
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- Small town jobs, small town friends, small town girls. They shared everything; savings, whores, clothes, cars. Nothing was secretive, not until Michael got himself a girlfriend (Amanda) and that’s when things started to get a bit distant and cold.
- Arguments were common, so were physical fights. Between all of them. North Yankton was very stressful since they were always identified and had to flee from town to town. Sometimes arguments would get out of hand and turn into physical assaults where blood would splatter and clothes were torn. And it wasn’t the case of one of them trying to be the peacemaker. When fights broke out, they’d be fighting until someone fell unconscious (something to ease the tension and loosen the nerves).
- Trevor would shave Michael’s hair every month in some motel bathroom. It made it easier to hand considering the hard times but neither Trevor or Brad wanted to touch their hair, resulting in these shaggy mullets and blonde ponytails. It wasn’t a fashion choice, it was laziness.
- Trevor and Amanda got along before she started a family, and then it turned into a snappy, messy dislike. They’d get into silly arguments around the kids whenever Trevor would “invite” himself round, looking for Michael.
- Michael would get himself into some sticky debts where people would constantly be after them.
- Celebrating a good job would be lounging around Lester’s small office and hiring out prostitutes and getting drunk. They’d pay someone to give Lester a lap dance and all laugh while watching.
- Trevor’s mother was an in and out situation. He’d receive letters and phone calls a lot then he would disappear for a week or two and come back, drugged out of his mind.
- Brad and Michael had the most fights.
- They’d drive to the nearest hotspot and raid the bars, drinking a lot, causing mishaps on the streets, vandalising.
- Brad still had a side job which Trevor and Michael had to take him away from, not wanting people to have connections with them.
- Mental breakdowns were common as well. A lot of the time, one of them (mainly Trevor), would burst out crying during the long car trips, planning the jobs, arguing, nights in them motel rooms — he just cries and cries, blames and blames, threatens suicide, bang his head etc… They all know he wouldn’t dare since it was his way of “expressing” himself.
- Celebrated Christmas together, with Amanda and the kids as well. Like a found family situation.
- Active sex lives. It was a regular routine to be lounging in a motel room, doing drugs or whatever and having one of them fuck a hooker in the background.
- Snow fights and lots of snow angels. They’d have competitions to see who made the best snow angels.
- Movie nights were a thing as well (hosted by Michael).
- Michael and Trevor were still very close, even when Brad was around. He used to call them the “husbands” and “gay pricks.”
- They’d rent out old game consoles so they had entertainment when crashing out and lying low.
- Trevor was still in the music scene (punk, rock) so he’d have the occasional band T-shirts and jackets going on.
- Trevor’s personal favourite look (of himself) would be the stache. It suited the wintery temperatures but also complimented his overall appearance.
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 11 months
Out of curiosity: why do you think Philip hates Alex specifically? (cakegate aside) Do you think he'd just be okay with Henry dating some upper-class English guy?
Why I think he hates Alex
He has no been kind to him once in the book. Also Alex ruined his wedding cake. Not a great first impression.
I don’t think there’s more to it tbh. Alex hasn’t been kind to him either, and Philip sees Alex being so “open” with the public, having fun with it, his public persona completely different to their (Philip, Bea, and Henry’s) public persona, and just being the compete opposite to what monarchy considers proper, so he doesn’t like him, let alone want him dating Henry.
Answering your second question,
I think it’s not based on Alex not being an upper-class English guy, but more based on how Alex is as a person, as in his personality. And also the fact than he’s the son of the president of the states.
“I don’t care if you’re gay,” Philip says, dropping that big fat if like Henry hasn’t already specifically told him. “I care that you’ve made this choice, with him”—he cuts his eyes sharply to Alex as if he finally exists in the same room as this conversation—“someone with a fucking target on his back, to be so stupid and naive and selfish as to think it wouldn’t completely fuck us all.”
Alex is, since the start of the book, very different to Henry. Interests and family aside, Alex kind of enjoys being in the public eye. At least at the start of the book. He likes being in front of a crowd, make them scream. Is true than Alex is probably the most private one out of the White House trio, but just because he doesn’t share his private life to the public, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t get along with them. One of the first scenes of him we have is him talking about how he and Nora like creating rumours and being in magazines and all.
I have a point I swear, just wait.
Monarchy (Philip, Henry, Bea), is the complete opposite to this. They stay out of directly interacting with the public, they don’t have fun with it like Alex does. Not because is a personal choice (which that too) but because they can’t, because they have a reputation to uphold. And isn’t everything about monarchy based on reputation?
Alex, Nora, and June, also have reputations, but theirs are handmade, you could say, while Philip, Henry, and Bea’s and premade, they had no choice on them, they are just something they have to do, something the have to look like.
Alex, Nora and June chose their own reputations, they decided how they wanted people to see them. They had control over that.
All three of them—himself, June, and Nora—have their roles.
Nora is the cool brainy one, the one who makes inappropriate jokes on Twitter about whatever sci-fi show everyone’s watching, a bar trivia team ringer.
He looks at June—ahead of him now, caramel highlights in her swinging ponytail catching the midday sun—and he knows her place too. The intrepid Washington Post columnist, the fashion trendsetter everyone wants to have at their wine-and-cheese night.
But Alex is the golden boy. The heartthrob, the handsome rogue with a heart of gold. The guy who moves through life effortlessly, who makes everyone laugh. Highest approval ratings of the entire First Family. The whole point of him is that his appeal is as universal as possible.
For example Alex is not his public personal (aside from heart of gold). That’s something he created. The whole point of him is than his appeal is as universal as possible.
Stopping myself here because if I don’t I’ll go on yet another rant about Alex (I love my boy so much).
But basically in the book there’s a deep contrast between Alex’s family and Henry’s family, one is warm the other is cold. Alex has, and has always had, a choice. Sure, being on the public eye was not something he chose, it just happened because his mother wanted to be president, but he could choose everything else. His public persona, his decisions, who to date and who to not date. They didn’t even stop him from dating Henry. Just told him than he has to know what he wanted, to choose. But they didn’t stop him.
Henry is the opposite. He can’t choose how to present himself, how the world sees him. He can’t even wear ties with patterns.
Patterns are considered a “statement.” Royals aren’t supposed to make statements with what we wear.
They aren’t supposed to make statements.
The Royal Family are, as a rule, expected to stay out of politics, and refrain from giving their personal opinion on certain topics, so as to remain impartial.
Dating Alex, son of a political leader, is a statement. Is saying “I support this and I do not support that”.
And, Alex wants to be involved in politics, he talks about how he wants to make a change, how he genuinely cares, and the fastest way to make a change is making it while being on positions of power, somewhere people can hear you.
Alex’s whole reason for wanting to go into politics, when he knows so many past presidential sons and daughters have run away screaming the minute they turned eighteen, is he genuinely cares about people.
He has a very visible political position. People know what he supports and what he doesn’t, what he wants to do and what he doesn’t. And since he likes being on positions of power, because that gives him the possibly to make a change (even if at the end the change he did was unrelated to politics but about who he was as a person), he doesn’t get out of it. He continues being on it, he doesn’t mind attention on him, as long as they see what he wants them to see.
Philip sees Alex always on the public eye for one reason or another, a photo shoot, a new rumour, etc, and sees how his public persona is different to theirs, “wilder”, not so formal.
And, conservatives hate Alex. He is everything they stand against, even before knowing he was bi. He’s a grandchild of immigrants, he’s mixed race, he’s brown, he’s outspoken about his views (which are opposite to theirs), he’s the son of the first president who’s a woman, and who is also a democrat, he comes from a mixed race family, etc etc. Monarchy is supposed to be neutral. Alex is the opposite from neutral.
Philip’s main problem with Henry being gay is than he wanted to come out. Henry’s gay? Ok but he can’t come out. And that’s not based on homophobia (no matter if it sounds like it), is deeper, Henry coming out would challenge everything. First, he wouldn’t be neutral anymore. Monarchy is built upon manipulation upon privilege upon capitalism, etc. Henry coming out would threaten everything, all the rules, all the stuff would have to change, people would be asking why he didn’t come out before, and if Henry said the truth, their reputation would be dammed. And many many people would stop liking them. Some would not like them for being homophobic, other wouldn’t like them because Henry is gay. People from both sides would be against them. Their reputation (as mentioned as repeatedly through the book as repeatedly as I’m mentioning it now) is something that must be perfect. They can’t make statements, they’re perfect, formal, they’ll continue the bloodline, etc. If Henry is gay and people know, it no longer affects him, but all of them.
And many people see queerness and something political. Again, Henry wouldn’t be neutral.
I think than if Henry married a woman (hopefully a beard, someone who knows he’s gay and doesn’t care to cover for him) and had affairs with men, and Philip knew (than he was gay), he wouldn’t mind. He did what he had to do. Henry’s reputation is good, their reputation is good, they’ll continue the bloodline, etc. Because Philip, like Henry, was taught to leave their wants aside, and focus more on monarchy and what’s good for it.
The thing with Philip is, he isn’t evil. And many seem to forget that. He did bad things, and I’m holding him accountable for them, but at the end of the day, he was just brainwashed by Mary, specially after Arthur’s death. He was vulnerable after his father died, his mother wasn’t there mentally, he felt like he had to step up, be the “man of the house”, and he clung to his grandmother (the only adult in his immediate family who was physically and mentally there for him), and Mary took this opportunity to make him into the version of him monarchy wanted him to be (rule follower, defends their reputation no matter what, cares more about monarchy and what people think of them than what he wants to do.), which is just what Mary tried to make Henry to be too.
But he was on about Martha, and land holdings, and the hypothetical heirs they have to start working on, even though Philip hates children, and suddenly it was as if . . . as if everything you said last night came back to me. I thought, God, that’s it, isn’t it? Just following the plan. And it’s not that he’s unhappy. He’s fine. It’s all very deeply fine. A whole lifetime of fine.”
She probably tried with Bea, but Bea saw the manipulation right away and it didn’t work, or she didn’t get to try because with Arthur alive, that man would have never let her do that to his children, and with Arthur gone, Bea was like Catherine, mentally somewhere else. After rehab, she was still mourning, but she had Henry, she didn’t need her like Philip did. Because I think Henry and Bea were closer than Philip and Henry/Bea even before Arthur died, after it and Mary’s manipulation, they just drifted more apart.
If Casey wanted us to believe Philip was bad he would have made him be bad until the end, made him not change. Philip did change. Henry is even trying to make amends with him. Maybe he hasn’t fully forgiven him, which makes absolute sense and just because Philip was a victim it doesn’t he mean he was a victim inside their relationship, than he couldn’t continue the cycle of abuse. But Philip realized the cycle of abuse, realized he was continuing all this time. And tried to stop. That’s growth. Maybe not forgivable, not after everything, but he’s trying.
Philip came to Kensington two weeks ago to apologize to both Henry and Bea for the years since their father’s death, the harsh words, the domineeringness, the intense scrutiny. For basically growing from an uptight people- pleaser into an abusive, self-righteous twat under the pressure of his position and the manipulation of the queen. “He’s fallen out with Gran,” Henry had told Alex over the phone. “That’s the only reason I actually believe anything he says.”
Mary isn’t trying, Mary didn’t decide to support Henry at the end, didn’t try to do better. No one forgives her, and we are not supposed to see than she’s trying to be better, because she isn’t. “Isn’t Mary also a victim of this cycle of abuse, wasn’t she like Philip, brainwashed by her own parents probably (and her parents by their parents and so on), and continued the cycle?” Yes, but she doesn’t actively try to be better, doesn’t realize that, doesn’t even feel bad about it, different to Philip.
Answering again with shorter answers.
Why does Philip hate Alex specifically?
Because Alex is the whole opposite to what they stand for, he’s a walking statement, and he’s so himself, different to monarchy with their perfect flawless formal public personas.
Would Philip be fine with Henry dating some upper-class English guy (before coming out and everything than happened after he did)?
As long as he kept it secret, Henry could date whoever he wanted as long as he didn’t want to make it public, as long as he planned on marrying a woman and following his duty, as long as that someone was responsible, and didn’t have a “target on his back”, and Philip says Alex has.
Again, holding Philip accountable for everything he did, just explaining the reason why he did it.
Does this make sense? Because in my head it does but I don’t know if it does when I write it down
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subject-044 · 6 months
Timeline of events - Band AU
I want to get the timeline straight in my own head AND have it written out somewhere as reference... so where better than where everyone can see it as well!!
So- things kick of with Richie in middle school
Richie's Mom falls into a coma, and Richie moves in with Paul
He has his emo phase, and Paul buys him his bass
At this time he also sees Lex and Ethan who are ~2 years older than him
We move onto highschool- Junior year
Richie befriends Lex and Ethan (reluctantly) and hangs out with Hannah
Near the end of Junior year, Richie meets Peter and Ruth, they all become friends
Richie stops hanging out with Lex and Ethan as much, but still meets with Hannah/comes over to babysit regularly
Highschool - anywhere between the end of Junior year and the beginning of Senior year.
Richie starts smoking
Lex and Ethan drop out
Highschool - beginning of Senior year
Ruth and Peter discover Richie can play the bass, the three 'decide' to start a band
ensue fucking around for a good 3/4 months
Highschool - Mid senior year
Steph befriends Peter! Which leads to her befriending the rest of the Nerds as well
A few weeks later, Steph catches Peter writing lyrics and has A Moment
Steph discovers the band and joins in! The band forms structure and starts to actually produce songs
Max spots Richie playing and develops his one-sided attraction towards Richie (Similar to his 'crush' on Grace, though Richie does not return any feelings other than fuck you, Max.)
Max lays off the Nerds and starts 'flirting' with Richie (still, fuck you, Max)
Steph "convinces" Richie to stop smoking
Highschool - End senior year
The band- Now named Witchwood Worms- produce an album. 'Hatchet Town'
Its fucking BANGER and Hatchetfield goes mad- though the identities of Witchwood Worms is not revealed
(Paul knows. Paul is very, very proud. Ted does not know. Paul wants to gloat so bad)
'Hatchet Town' songs are played during prom- which the Nerds are allowed to go to
and Max notices that it's Peter who is singing- Max approaches Peter, attempting to be nice and compliment him, but fucking up somehow. (Pete is also giving feelings of, fuck you, Max)
Steph knocks some sense into Max- He needs to back off and sort his shit out instead of picking on people and flirting with Richie (because she noticed that, Max. fuck you.). Max rethinks his life decisions
College years (~3-4 years?)
Our main three Nerds go separate ways, but keep in touch. They'll meet again in Hatchetfield after they graduate.
Steph and Max stay in Hatchetfield
Steph goes to the community college to study Music Production
Max rethinks his entire life, fully accepts being gay and starts going to therapy. Steph approves, and starts talking to him. Gives him a second chance, or whatever.
Richie stops smoking fully!
Post College
Our trio return, freshly graduated and little baby adults.
Peter and Steph have this gross reunion and everyone else just stands there like. gross. including Max.
Everyone (bar Steph and Max himself) goes OH SHIT MAX. FUCK YOU, MAX
Max apologises and starts working towards making it up to the trio
Witchwood Worms starts to officially produce music- mainly as a side-hobby while they follow their dreams in Hatchetfield.
It gets POPULAR, and becomes a semi-fulltime thing
Max will always be their #1 forever and ever
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ellie-s-list · 1 year
Light in the Darkness (4)
Abby Anderson X Fem!Reader, College AU, Part 4
Since part three was so short I am double posting, so when there is a small journal entry or “thought” chapter then there will usually be a double post because the content was so short.
But I’m not promising anything.
TW: Anxiety, overthinking.
PT. 3 PT. 5
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Chapter 4–> Line Without a Hook, Ricky Montgomery, Week 12
Lyrics: “All my emotions feel like explosions when you are around
And I’ve found a way to kill the sound.”
Fuck Max, Tatum, and Bailey. Not literally, but figuratively. Why? Because now you’re in a small club with way too loud music, way too many flashing lights, and way too much of the smell of alcohol induced vomit that could very well be touching every nook and cranny of this hell hole. Of course, you did say yes, so it was partly your fault.
But you were still overstimulated, about ready to explode with anxiety. Tatum was already on the dance floor, dragging Max along behind her. Max was Tatum’s designated ‘gay’ best friend. They’ve always clicked, it’s like they share the same brain.
Bailey was with you, sitting at the bar. She wasn’t drinking, having been the next designated driver in the trio’s rotation. You offered to drive, but they all declined. Maybe it’s because you never went to bars or clubs with them, which was fine. They’ve never been your scene. But Max begged you to go, he felt bad because he thought you felt left out. Even though you explained that you didn’t feel left out, you said you’d go with them tonight.
“You good?” Bailey asked, leaning close to you so you could hear her over the music. Shrugging, you turn to look at the dance floor. There were a lot of people pressed close together, grinding, making out. You couldn’t find Max or Tatum anymore, but someone else caught your eye.
Owen, Abby’s ex-boyfriend. He was making his way through the crowd, stopping to grind on an unsuspecting woman. It was weird, maybe disgusting. Definitely disgusting. You had a weird feeling about him, even when you were bitching at him because of the Red Bull.
“I’m going out onto the floor,” Bailey said, catching your attention.
Nodding, you watch Bailey blend into the crowd. Turning back to the bar, you pulled out your phone. Pinterest seemed to be a good app to get your mind off of the club, cats being your choice of obsession.
“Hey, you’re Abby’s lab partner, right?” A voice too close to your ear caused you to flinch, scaring you from looking at a bright orange picture of a cat.
Turning your head, you saw a dark-skinned girl sitting on the stool next to you. Her body faced the crowd of sweaty college students, but her face was towards you.
“Yeah,” You frown, “Why?” Does Abby talk about you? You would probably be brought up because of her project, but hopefully nothing else would be brought up.
Abby’s friend widened her eyes, “Oh, she didn’t say anything bad, I promise.” She looked as if she let out some horrible secret, her deep brown eyes shifting away. “I’m Nora, I’d like to say I’m Abby’s best friend.”
You raised an eyebrow, not sure why she would approach you out of nowhere. Let alone at a club, and without Abby near. She already knew your name, which was weird considering Abby barely talked about her friends.
“Nice to meet you, is Abby here with you?” You ask, not trying to show your suspicion. It seemed to work, Nora visibly relaxing as she hummed, looking around the crowd.
“She is,” Nora said, “ She arrived a couple hours ago.”
Nodding, you bit your lip, “You brought Owen too?” You couldn’t hide the slight disgust tinting your voice.
Nora sighed, “He’s like the Scott Disick of our group.”
“God he looks like it.”
Nora smirked at your comment, then she pointed at the crowd, “There she is.” You follow the direction of her finger to see Abby. She was dancing with Owen, not seductively, more like she was trying to get away. Nora turned towards you, “I’m going to join them, hope to see you again.” She hopped off the stool, slightly jogging over to her two friends.
After Nora left, the music seemed to have gotten louder. It pounded through your skull, causing a fog in your brain. Looking around for a bathroom, you sighed in relief when you found one. It wasn’t too far away, just on the other side of the bar.
Making your way over, you cupped your hands over your ears to try to muffle the bass. You pushed the door open, surprised at how small the bathroom was. There were two small stalls on your right, a dingy light bulb flickering above your head. Both stalls were occupied, so you walked to the far side of the room, leaning your back against the wall.
As cramped as the room felt, it did muffle the music enough for you to gather our thoughts. You pulled your phone out again, going back to the pictures of cats to distract you from your anxiety. One of the stall doors opened, and you glanced up to see a woman with smeared lipstick and disheveled hair stagger out. She glanced at you, but then turned to pull the door open.
As she pulled the door, she kind of stumbled backwards. Someone was on the other side, pushing the door open. The girl caught herself, cussing as she held onto the stall door behind her. The other girl, who was pushing the door open, apologized, appearing as she walked in.
Abby was the other girl, peering at the drunken one hanging onto the stall door. The drunk girl stood up, glaring up at Abby. She pushed her way past the blonde, calling her a “sightless whore,” as the door closed behind her.
The blonde shook her head, turning away from the door to see you. Her hair was in her signature braid, some stands having fallen out, they were framing her face. Her cheeks were flushed, probably from the hot air from the outside, probably from the alcohol she’s consumed. Her blue eyes were blown wide, pupils almost overtaking her irises. She was wearing a cut-off black tee paired with green cargo pants and brown combat boots.
“Hey,” Abby murmured, a slur hinting at how drunk she may be. If she was blacked out, she definitely hid it well in front of you.
Giving a half-wave, you smile, “Didn’t think I’d see you here.”
“In the bathroom?”
“Sure, we could say that,” You laugh, noticing the light dust of pink overshadowing the flushness of her cheeks.
Abby frowned, looking around the dingy bathroom. “Do you want to get out of here?” She asked, placing a hand on the back of her head.
“I didn’t drive.”
The blonde pulled out a set of keys, “I did, but I need a driver.”
With a quick text to Max, you decided to drive Abby to your dorm. You didn’t really have a choice, Abby, having been more drunk than you anticipated, passed out in the passenger's seat as soon as you both got into her car.
The drive back to your dorm was brief. What wasn’t easy was trying to get Abby to stand up to get to the building’s elevator.
The girl was heavy, leaning on you as the elevator rose to the third floor. Abby didn’t smell entirely of alcohol, hints of cedar coming through. Her hair smelled of Pantene, which made some sense. Abby seems like the type to stare at the shampoos, remember Selena liked Pantene, and decide to go with that one.
The elevator doors opened, forcing you to hoist Abby further onto your shoulder as you practically dragged her.
“For how muscular you are, you sure as hell ain’t using any of them,” You grumble, half-dragging the blonde. Thankfully, your dorm wasn’t too far from the elevator, and you made it with minimal casualties. The only one being Abby’s hair tie, which you decided to hate as you vowed never to go back to save it.
Sliding your key card, you push the door open. Abby seemed to have gained a bit of control of her legs, kind of helping you out as you made your way to the couch. Your energy was depleting quickly at the sight of the couch, running on fumes as you dropped her onto it. She landed face first, and if anything hurt, she didn’t show it. Your muscles that were previously screaming at you, seemed relieved as you hunched over.
Turning, you went back to close your door and turn on the main lights. You and Max bought nightlights for the dorm, having both not liking how dark the rooms could get.
Abby grumbled, catching your attention as you made your way back to the couch. She turned over onto her back, blinking languidly. You crouch, taking her boots off.
“Where am I?” She asked as you finished getting her boots off.
You sat on the floor, leaning your back against the couch. Abby dragged herself into a sitting position, rubbing her eyes. She looked confused as she looked around, when her eyes met your face she seemed to have realized where she was. Her name left your lips, but nothing else.
“What?” You ask, staring at her ruffled hair that was quickly falling out of its braid.
Drearily, Abby patted the cushion beside her, “Sit with me.”
Standing up, you sat beside her, turning to face her. She was looking at you, back slightly hunched. You leaned forward, propping your elbows up onto your knees as you rested your head onto your hands.
“You’re so pretty,” Abby murmured, a hand slowly reaching up to touch your cheek.
She was drunk, she didn't know what she was doing. The heat that rose to your cheeks was embarrassing, a direct reaction to her touching you and her compliment. She was drunk, she couldn't be in the right state of mind. Abby leaned forward though, and you didn’t lean away. She was a couple inches now from your face. She had to be able to hear your heart racing, the loud thumping pounding in your ears.
“I mean it,” Abby whispered. “You’re so pretty.” Time slowed down as she leaned closer, her lips bridging the gap as she kissed you. Her lips weren’t chapped, having a minty taste to them. Abby kissed lightly, as if questioning you.
The blonde pulled away, suddenly looking sick. She leaned forward again, but this time not to kiss you. Instead, she puked onto your lap.
Posted on: 4/21/23
WC: 1,732
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Get Your Mans
Your running your bar when a drunk girl won’t take no for an answer. Thankfully, a regular is willing to come to your rescue.
Hinata x trans!m!reader
“I need a boyfriend.”
In retrospect, there were better ways to start this conversation with people that were basically strangers. But as the drunken girl from the bar glared holes into the back of your head, you needed to get this handled as quickly as possible.
You never thought you’d end up in a position like this. Not even twenty minutes ago. But if someone had asked you fifteen minutes ago- you might have seen this coming.
You were working your regular shift, at the bar you’d opened with your sister. She was the bookkeeper and the face for business meetings and the like, while you were the bartender and the muscle in a way. The two of you were twins, only around twenty five, but you’d opened the place together as soon as your twenty first birthday rolled around. She was the only member of the family that you still talked to, the only one that supported your transition. “If mom and dad can’t see us as their daughter and their son, they we don’t need them.”
Yes, you were trans. But you still had rather androgynous features, so strangers would constantly confuse you for a girl.
Like the girl with her friends that was barely twenty two, according to her ID that you checked at least three times before serving her, who kept hitting on you no matter how many times you tried to make it clear you weren’t interested. Until you finally cracked as the buzz of the door alerted you to the group of regulars coming in.
“I told you, I can’t give you my number.” You sighed for the fiftieth time.
“Why not? C’mon we’d make such a cute couple!” She hazily followed your line of sight as you waved to greet the new customers, “Oh, or are just some asshole that flirts with everyone?”
Before you could think about it, you replied, “I didn’t flirt with you. That’s my boyfriend!” You immediately wished you could’ve taken it back. They were friendly with you, and you did have a crush, but they didn’t know you well enough for this.
She just scoffed, “I’ve heard of girls pretending to be gay to get out of dudes hitting on them, but I’ve never seen a girl pretend to be straight.”
You grit your teeth, grounding out the words, “I am a guy.” Before rounding the bar and meeting the boys where they lingered by the pool tables near the entrance. You gave the sunshiney trio a hug, the one with orange hair never let you out of it at first and then it became a habit. “I need a boyfriend.”
The four of them blinked at you as the words came out of your mouth, before the blonde one laughed loudly, “Doncha think you should ask ‘im onna date first?”
You suppressed a grimace. You started this, now you needed to finish it, “It’s a long story. Please. Can one of you-“
The tall one with grey hair shoved the orange haired one at you, the one with black hair just sighed. “Hinata! Get your mans!” Hinata just rubbed the back of his neck, and you leaned over and whispered what was happening into his ear. His face contorted into surprise as he listened, but he was happy to help. To him, this might be the only time he could be your boyfriend, even if it was fake.
As you pulled back, he let out a laugh like you’d been telling him a joke, slipping his arm around your shoulders, “Baby, you’re hilarious as always.” He let you lead them over to the bar, purposely taking a seat close to the drunken college girls, “Are you still up for coming to the game next weekend? You know I need my good luck charm!”
You gave him a smile, it wasn’t the first time one of them had asked you to come to a game, “Maybe. I gotta see if Kenji can handle the Saturday crowd on his own.”
“You’ll have plenty of time before the rush gets here! C’mon, babe, you promised!”
You had in fact, but you watched the way Hinata looked at the girls from the corner of his eye. Did he like girls who looked like that? Did he…like girls? You deflated a bit.
“This is seriously your boyfriend? You’re a pretty girl but he’s kinda outta your league.”
You watched the athletes freeze in their seats, even Sakusa who had been busy wiping down the counter in front of him, but you just ignored her, “I’ll try. But you know this place is more than my livelihood.”
“Yeah, yeah,” the blonde waved you off, following your subject diversion, “This place is your life, we know.”
“It is! You guys should know since-“
“Ohmygod!” You jolted at the shriek the girl let out, cutting you off, “You guys are- I’m meeting real celebrities at this dive bar? Unbelievable! You guys are-“
“I’m sorry.” Hinata gave her a smile, but his eyes weren’t happy like they always were, “Did you just cut off my boyfriend, and refer to his business as a dive?”
The girl blinked but, unlike her friends, didn’t seem to notice that he wasn’t happy with it, “Well, yeah? Have you looked around? I’ve been to fast food restaurants with more class. I’m surprised professionals of your caliber would come here.” You looked away as she ran her fingertips down his arm, but he jerked his arm away.
“You’re very rude, you know that?” The girl jerked like he’d hit her. “You harass my boyfriend, misgendered him, and insult not only him but his bar- and you think you can just compliment us and we’ll ignore it?”
The girl scoffed, snatching her bag up from where it hung on her chair, “Whatever. This isn’t worth it.”
As she stood to leave, you called out, “I still have you ID and your credit card. Don’t think just because your daddy’s spoiled princess you can leave without actually paying your tab.” One of the girls with her snorted as she scowled, closing out her tab and snatching her cards out of your hand, “Have a great night!” As expected, the girl didn’t tip, but the one that laughed at your comment lingered for a second.
“I’m sorry. She’s…well, I’d say she’s usually not like this but she is. If we weren’t cousins, I’d never go anywhere with her. Here’s the tip, because I know she never leaves one.”
Atsumu seemed to like this one, “Ya don’t gotta leave, ya know? If you wanted to stay, have a drink with us, we could get you an Uber home.”
You watched as she seemed to debate it, long enough for the first girl to stomp her feet at the door. But she smiled at Atsumu, “I’d like that.” You rolled your eyes with a smile, making him his usual drink and a second of what the girl had ordered before, sliding them across the bartop for him to pick up. You laughed to yourself as the two of them made their way to one of the two seater tables and the flirty girl stomped her way out the door with her other friends in tow. You slid Bokuto his beer, and Sakusa an opened drink, and the two of them immediately flitted away toward the pool table. Odd, but not uncommon. You slid the reserved sign you kept for Sakusa onto the counter he’d finished cleaning to his satisfaction. Before you turned back to an uncharacteristically silent Hinata.
He never really had an order, just asked you to make whatever your favorite drink was that week, so you decided to do that while you tried to come up with a way to thank him. “You know she’s wrong, right?”
His voice caught you off guard, and you almost spilled the drink you’d been making. Clearing your throat you looked back at him, “I know. This place isn’t some high end artisan bar, but it’s no dive.”
He chuckled, “That’s not exactly what I meant.” You waited, hoping he would enlighten you, and after he seemed to have his thoughts in order he continued, “When she said you were a pretty girl but I was outta your league.”
You shrugged, “She wasn’t wrong. I mean I’m not a girl but-“
“But you are pretty. And I’m nowhere near out of your league.” Hinata leaned into his elbows on the counter, “If anything it’s the other way around. You are way too good for me, it’s the only thing that kept me from asking you out the first time we walked in here.”
“You wanted to ask me out?” You were not a quiet person. It was one of the reasons you liked bartending, you never had to tone down your voice because drinkers were loud too. But right now your voice wouldn’t get any louder.
He nodded nonetheless. “I figured you’d hate it. I mean, now I have evidence that you get hit on at work, and I didn’t want to do that. It’s why the guys always invite you to games. Tsumu figured that if you showed up, you might be interested in me- or at least one of us.”
You could feel yourself burn before the admission even left your lips, “I have a Hinata jersey actually. I wear it when I work during your games, because I keep them on the tv during my shift.”
You watched his face crack into a smile, so wide his eyes were nearly shut, “So you’re my fan, huh?”
“Ugh, no, clearly I’m a Bokuto fan.” You snorted as he feigned offense. “I’ll come to your game this weekend. If I can get a ticket at least.”
He proudly dug into his jacket pocket, sliding a ticket across the counter. “Now you have no excuse. I want to see you cheering for me.”
“And when you guys win, I expect I’ll be serving your celebration drinks too.”
“Actually…” you watched as he seemed to draw in his confidence, “Maybe, whether we win or lose, you’d let me take you out after the game?”
“Well, you’d better win. I want to go out with you while you’re riding that high. If you lose…maybe a movie date at home would be better.” You shared a grin, not noticing the eavesdropper until you heard Atsumu shouting as he threw his hands up.
The man in question flushed, but his smile didn’t fade.
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
Uh-oh Ze's Writing A Kids in the Hall Essay for Fun Again
aka i wanted to infodump but i didn't know who to send the infodump to specifically so i'm making it a post
basically i was thinking about the iconic man-in-a-towel "character" that's become ubiquitous in kids in the hall projects and how that's an example of how queer culture is such an integral part of kids in the hall even in basic ways people might miss. not just bc paul bellini has been openly gay for just as long as scott has, but also because the towel thing itself is literally a reference to queer culture
(side note when i was watching kids in the hall for the very first time i had no idea bellini was gay, and now after diving into mouth congress and every other piece of kids in the hall related media i could get my hands on, plus becoming close friends with bellini himself, i'm just sitting here like "how was there ever a time when i didn't know he was gay???")
like, here's the explanation of the source of the "man in a towel" aspect of the bellini contest from Paul Myers' Kids in the Hall biography "One Dumb Guy":
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i just find it so fascinating that the towel thing specifically came from the idea of this "character" being in a bathhouse, and how watching the series in 2023 without that context may lead to that aspect being lost on viewers entirely because that's not something that's as in the public consciousness when it comes to queer culture anymore. you see a guy walking around in a towel in a piece of media in 2023 and your first thought is of a gym locker room or something like that. and this lack of context doesn't take away from the joke at all, the surreal humor of this random guy wearing a towel being the prize for the kids in the hall viewer contest and appearing in the background of numerous sketches works regardless of why he's in the towel in the first place, but as someone who loves kids in the hall in large part because of its attitude towards queerness refusing to play along with respectability politics, the way gay sex is a part of this seemingly-unrelated gag is incredible. like, it's almost framed as though the world is his bathhouse, and he's just wandering around waiting for something to happen. like a more zen version of the "running faggot" character. and even in the above section, when he's like "i knew it would make me famous, and maybe that would help me get laid." that idea is so normalized when it comes to straight guys wanting to get laid, but it still feels so revolutionary to be like "yeah, this can be a part of it as well."
but beyond that, the way bathhouses in particular come up in kids in the hall related works is always going to be fascinating to me, because i feel like they're a part of queer culture and queer history that is so often either forgotten or treated as shameful. like, prior to getting into kids in the hall, the only times i ever heard about bathhouses were when people talked about the AIDS epidemic, and even when people were trying to sound queer-positive there was always this implication that bathhouses were just a place where disease was spread and they all ceased to exist after the 1980s. kids in the hall on the other hand? any time bathhouses are brought up, it's treated in a similar way to just going to a bar. some people like to get drunk, some people like to get high, some people like to have casual sex with men. there's comedy to be found in any of these environments but there's nothing inherently morally wrong with any of them
in most other western media, bathhouses are forced to carry this stigma, but in the works of kids in the hall (especially scott thompson) the carefree attitude towards sex is almost enviable. a STEPS sketch where the trio are in conflict ends with the group setting aside their differences to head to the bathhouse. the scenes in buddy babylon (the fictional autobiography of buddy cole, written by scott thompson and paul bellini) depicting a bathhouse encounter are surprisingly un-sensationalized. it's just a casual fun night out and a way to meet new people, and even the sex scenes in that book aren't typically framed as spectacle. (this goes along with buddy babylon's unique tone as the most down-to-earth buddy cole media, but that's a whole other essay). even scott thompson's standup set "the human urinal," which revolves around a particularly embarrassing bathhouse encounter, thrives on its observational humor and self deprecation. most strikingly, the human urinal story is a recent example, and in this set scott even acknowledges the reputation bathhouses have as this shameful relic of the past. i actually highly recommend the human urinal standup set, though it's absolutely a "dead dove do not eat" for exactly what it says in the title.
and, of course, on this topic i was thinking about the way gay sex is portrayed in kids in the hall season six (aka the revival season for amazon prime). in it, we have two main sketches that center this particular theme. the first is sole buddy cole sketch of the season, "the last gloryhole" (featuring paul bellini as the voice of the gloryhole, fun fact). this sketch highlights the exact theme this essay has been getting at, directly calling out the way respectability politics has erased the more "nsfw" history of the queer community through the surrealist premise of buddy cole getting the last remaining gloryhole in the city declared a national landmark by the late queen elizabeth. the only other sketch to center around gay sex happens as a 70s flashback, and even that one is actually moreso focused on the idea of the partners in this gay relationship getting jealous of each other for sleeping with a woman (honestly i don't have much deep analysis for this one because tbh i didn't like the sketch that much).
the most striking thing about these two examples is the weird paradox kids in the hall season six finds itself in when it comes to censorship, or lack thereof. now, censorship and kids in the hall season six is a loaded topic that could spawn its own essay, but this isn't about direct censorship (i.e. someone explicitly saying "you can't show that"), but instead about cultural ideas of censorship, what is and isn't normal to show on television. ask any kids in the hall fan who's seen all six seasons and the most jarring difference between the revival and the original show is the amount of nudity. amazon let them show dicks, so they're gonna show dicks, and also dave foley has fake tits in the latter of the sketches mentioned above (though they were technically also able to show dave with tits in the original show too). however, even though visually seeing nudity gives the implication that this is a fully uncensored production, there's still this hesitancy towards some of the gay topics that were freely explored in the original series that's definitely a product of respectability politics. gay male sexual desire is de-centralized in a way it never has been. the reason the above sketches feel out of place is not because they're not typical of the kids in the hall, but because the rest of the show is not matching the tone in the same way.
anyway, thank you for listening to this infodump. gay male sexual desire has always been integral to the kids in the hall and the fact that the show's queer creators refused to conform to respectability politics allowed them to treat this topic with far more respect than anyone has since.
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asterssunzephyr · 10 months
TP&TS!Nature Wives angst, maybe? 👀👀👀
THERES SO MUCH I COULD GIVE YOU OH MY GOD?? They are the main couple after all(..One of the only ones, actually. Looking at Desert Duo & ShadowBeans being split up bc one is dead.. then looks at NW & FH.. hm..)
CW: Alcohol, Bars
Implied gay thoughts about your best friend's best friend
Implied Flower Husbands
Implied Bisexual Ren
Implied Gay Thoughts™️ about tp&ts!Gem from tp&ts!Shelby
"You hurt Jimmy, why are you in my house."
"To talk to you-"
"Talk?! What is there to talk about, Shelby?!"
"A lot! I didnt- I didnt mean to hurt him!"
"Then why did you?!"
"I dont know!"
"Bullshit! Get out of my house. Get out, and dont return."
"Out. and give me the key back."
"Dont. You dont get to call me that anymore, leave."
He stared at her, at the way she still looked so ethereal while pissed at him, but gave the key up with a sigh. They had no right to stay here, not at 2 in the morning when Katherine probably just got back from the heroes base after working with Gem all night.
Okay, she didnt know if that last part was true but from how tense and stressed Katherine looked, Shelby assumed!.. They walked to the door and took one last look at the love of their life, friend, enemy her and left.
That night was spent in the closest bar to Katherines house since she didnt want to go half way across town to the small apartment in Boatem.
"What are you doing this far across town."
They shot their eyes up to the person who slid into the booth across from them. Brown eyes and blonde hair; Jimmy. Why was he in this bar?
"..I wanted to talk to Kat, she didnt wanna hear it. Didnt want to walk all the way back to Boatem at 2 am."
A sip of the liquor in the glass and Shelby finally looked the taller in the eyes.
"I get that," A sip from his own glass, "Scott dragged Gem and I here."
"Gem's here?"
"She is."
Shelby looked for the hint of a lie, but knew better. Jimmy would never lie about Gem's location, not when he cared about her like he does.
Another voice, and an arm around her shoulder. Scott, and Gem sliding into the booth on the other side next to Jimmy.
Now, Shelby knew 3 things about themself and their feelings:
1. They're hopelessly in love with Katherine
2. They liked women, and honestly women only
3. Feelings are confusing
One thing he didnt know, however, was to stop staring at Gem who currently looked outright beautiful. Now, she is one to lie quite often, but if shes calling someone beautiful, it's because she means it; well, gods be damned does Shelby mean it.
Apparently, Gem hasn't noticed the staring to they quickly focused on their hands and the drink in it before downing the rest of the glass and calling for another.
See, for a long time, Shelby's known about their feelings for women and how its nothing how Ren felt for women, or men. She's always struggled with feelings, and for a long time coming to terms with being asexual was a lot; dont get the poor guy wrong, hes hopelessly in love with Katherine and knows it, but goddamn does Gem look great.
He focused back in on the conversation when his 2nd, 3rd, fourth drink arrived and took a slow sip out of the glass. Just now, had Shelby realized, Katherine was there and glaring daggers from the end of the table. They made eye contact and Shelby knew she was in trouble, apparently so did Scott with how fast he moved to let Katherine take his place next to the short villain friend.
"How many have you had."
"She's had four."
"You were keeping track?!"
"I have to drive Scott and Gem home, of course I have. Weve been here for two hours, Shelby."
"Two hours?!"
Shelby winced at Katherine basically yelling next to them. Yep, big trouble.
"Thats it, come on."
"Where are we going?"
"My house, so you can sober up and sleep."
"Im not drunk!"
"Do I look like I care?"
"Well- No, but-"
"No. Cmon."
Shelby stumbled out of the booth as Katherine dragged them and he waved bye to the trio who just waved back; Scott with a "knowing" smirk.
"Are you fucking stupid?!"
"Going to a bar, alone, at two in morning?!"
"Like going to boatem wouldve been any better?"
"Not-.. Not what Im saying."
"I just needed to clear my head, Katherine."
"If you wouldve said something-"
"You wouldnt let me! You were so pissed off at me that you wouldnt let me speak!"
"So were both in the wrong!"
"What have I done?!"
"Gods be damned youre an idiot."
"I tried to talk to you! You wouldnt let me!"
"Then you shouldve told me to shut up!"
"And risk being punched in the face?! Look, Its happened once before and I dont take too kindly to having a busted lip!"
Katherine rolled her eyes and threw a hoodie, a yellow one, at them and stormed off. Shelby simply took this as a sign to go take a shower before Katherine sends her back outside.
They both go to sleep angry that morning:). Gem, and Scott, wake up with hangovers btw LMFAO
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seventeenlovesthree · 9 months
OPLA episode 3 - first impressions
Yeah, the fangirl in me is still screeching. SPOILERS AHEAD.
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Again, the Romance Dawn Trio never ceases to amaze me with their mutually bickering attitude. While you can tell that Zoro is generally wary of Nami and they're both not exactly trusting each other - they still are pretty similar in terms of agreeing on plans. And in regards to facepalming over Luffy. Our boy is still rocking the main-character-card of giving encouraging speeches, all smiles, optimistic and oblivious - and the other two are basically just reacting along with the audience. It's pretty great. The cringe is real, it's self-aware and I am enjoying every second of it.
I'm gonna repeat my question from the last episode - why is every single encounter between Zoro and his (potential) opponents so incredibly... homoerotic? Not that I am complaining, I actually enjoy that framing VERY much, but I did not expect it to be so obvious. The subtext very much sounded like he was referring to a gay bar and I found that hilarious (whoever it was that said Luffy represents "aroace", Nami "lesbian", Usopp "straight" and Zoro "gay" was truly onto something. "You're asking the wrong guy", YOU DON'T SAY). Also, the glances he gives Luffy ALL THROUGHOUT the episode speak for themselves too. Boys are getting closer........
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Luffy in general reacts like a puppy to literally everyone, Nami, Zoro, Usopp alike.
I still absolutely ADORE the fashion scene, it was so silly and yet so in-character for everyone; Nami being so done with everything (and never picking oversexualized dresses, I mean, yes, we know she is covering up her arm, but STILL, you go, girl!), Luffy just being "Wear whatever you like, you will always be Nami to me", oblivious, Zoro being an edgy b*tch and STILL picking what Nami chose for him, even though it wasn't even black. Amazing.
The little nod towards Nami's backstory was nicely done; she's obviously (and understandably) holding grudges against people who have money, harbouring her prejudices due to her experiences with a lot of bitterness ("Rich people don't think like we do!"), saying that materialistic things don't have meaning beyond making them feel important... And then her face crumbles when she hears that the dress she eventually chose belonged to Kaya's late mother. You can see how everything falls apart - and she IMMEDIATELY gets nicer towards Kaya. I think that was beautifully done. And the bonding between them was overall very sweet, all of it was a direct mirror. And a bit gay too.
The Go scene was unexpected, but very nicely done. The metaphor of playing to succeed vs. playing not to lose is a very important one and it makes me happy that they spend so much time developing the relationship between Garp and Koby while showing his development. And generally, just... Man, I adore that kid. He deserves good things.
Usopp is overall well portrayed, I'd argue that they could have exaggerated him even more, but his overall demeanour is fitting for him. Unfortunately, he did not get too much focus yet, but his motivations and general character beats are coming off nicely and I really felt those tears in the end. :'(
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transitranger327 · 9 days
Chapter 2: A Voyage to Mandalore
Summary: Rey, Finn, Poe, and BB-8 visit these mysterious “Mandalorian Jedi”, and learn more about themselves than they bargained for.
Notes: There is Stormpilot content I swear. The fic is mostly trio-centric, but I promise Finn/Poe fans will be getting gay content (it’s me I’m Finn/Poe fans). More notes and a Mando’a glossary at the end.
Twenty-six years after the Ignition
As they dropped out of hyperspace, Rey, Finn, Poe, and BB-8 took in the sights of the planet before them. The surface was partly obscured by large electrical storms, and the rest of the surface were various shades of tan and green. There appeared to be several cities, the dark grey of metal standing out against the lighter surface. Many of the cities had patches of bright green around them, suggesting some form of agriculture. One city on the night side shimmered with the pale yellow of streetlights. From what Poe could remember of Mandalorian history, this was the best the planet had looked in centuries. 
“All right, BB-8, transmit the clearance codes,” said Rey, “we don’t want them shooting down an unidentified vessel right after a war.” BB-8 dutifully broadcasted the codes along with their transponder signature. A high voice spoke from the Falcon’s comms, “Welcome to Mandalore, friends of Jacen Syndulla.” A Mandalorian starfighter approached them. With a slight defensive tone, Rey replied, “He said we were supposed to meet with him or someone from the Way.” The Mandalorian voice responded, “Yes, he told us we should expect you. Please follow the Sundari Beacon to landing zone 327. This is the way.” The fighter returned to a patrol pattern as the Falcon began descending. “Landing beacons?” Finn asked, “Aren’t those synthetic radar, ancient tech?” Poe chuckled a bit, “They’re the only thing that can cut thru ion storms. Most other communications gets caught in the interference.” 
As the quartet stepped off the Millennium Falcon’s landing ramp, they were greeted by Jacen Syndulla. He was wearing the exact same flight suit & armor combo he had been wearing the day he dropped into their lives on Ajan Kloss. As he walked them inside a what appeared to be a formerly domed city, he gave them the 10-cred tour. “Sundari isn’t just the political capital of Mandalore, it’s an important cultural center. The lower levels,” he pointed to a grand staircase, “house the Great Forge and the Mines of Mandalore.” “What are you mining?” quizzed Finn. “Well the Mines are no longer active, but thousands of years ago they were the first sources of beskar. Today the Mines are filled with the Living Waters.” Jacen’s enthusiasm for this world was infectious. “The western portion of the city is the Alderaanian quarter, which has the best wine bars in the city and the School of Restorative Agriculture. But we’re headed towards the southern district, where the Temple and Archives live.”
“Why do some of these people wear helmets inside?” Rey was curious about a clearly romantic pair, arm-in-arm wearing helmets. “Ah yes, the Children of the Watch. They walk an older form of the way, where you never remove your helmet while in the company of another. They’re also responsible for guarding and maintaining the Great Forge.” Finn was shocked, remembering his time as a stormtrooper, “you mean they choose to always wear their armor?” “Yes, some wear it as a sign of devotion, some wear it as a comfort, and some wear it as personal expression.” Finn asked, “personal expression?” Jacen then realized he was talking to a former stormtrooper, “Does any of the armor look identical to you? Everything is a choice. And Beskar’gam is incredibly comfortable, it legit feels like a second skin. I’ve slept in it on accident more than once, without feeling sore or stiff the next day. But logistically, yes you can remove it when you eat or freshen up, if alone. That’s why the restaurants all have trays for takeout, and why we don’t have communal refreshers. And since technically the rule is ‘you cannot show your face to another’, some couples choose to sleep in complete darkness instead.” 
The Temple that Jacen was guiding the others to was an enormous block of building pressed up against the rim of the former dome. It was vaguely pyramidal structure, with large rooms on the façade. Finn noted that, while the other windows of the building were made of trinitite glass, the rooms they were walking past had transparisteel windows, suggesting their purpose to train. Several library reading rooms occupied the lower floors containing one or two people each, while a large assembly of stained glass lined the fourth floor, which Poe suspected implied a large central sanctuary. The top levels split into multiple towers, but only a few small floors on the central tower peaked over Sundari’s old dome. To Rey, it looked reminiscent of Jedi temples of old, while still blending in with its Mandalorian surroundings. As the five of them entered, they were greeted by a young woman with bright yellow hair and armor to match. “Jaina, you’re on guard duty today?” “Yeah cousin, I told mom I’d rather greet living people out here than catalog dead ones in the stacks with her” “Well you might regret that today specifically, these living people have brought some of the sacred texts for Aunt Shin to read. Can you call your moms and tell them to meet us in the library’s conference room?” “Sure thing.”
As they left the entrance hallway and entered the temple’s narthex, Poe asked what he thought was an obvious question, “Why do you have a teenager on guard duty?” Jacen smiled, “We’re Mandalorian, we’re ready to guard buildings once we’re old enough to fire a blaster. But she’s not really guarding anything, the temple is open to anyone who wants to learn. She’s more a guide and communicator.” As they turned left, Jacen continued the tour. “The large doors we just passed were the entrance to the Sanctum of All. This way is to the Archives. If you had turned left, you’d have found the administrative wing: offices, conference rooms, and dormitories for travelers and Jedi alike.” “So Jedi live here?” asked Rey, thinking about how this compared to the First Temple at Ahch-To. “Yes and no. This isn’t like the old temples. Mandalorians have strong allegiances to our clans, and so many of us live near our families. Some people live here for stretches of time, for both practical and spiritual reasons. Non-members too, usually if they’re studying texts in our library and don’t want to commute.” Finn marveled at the idea of a group of warriors so dedicated to both freedom and knowledge. 
“Here at the archives, we have both a library of texts and a collection of artifacts from across the galaxy.” Poe watched as dozens of pages of his history books jumped out at him as antiquities sitting in display cases, “So is there a particular focus or is this general galactic history?” “We try to have copies of as much knowledge as possible. Holos of every text we can find, physical texts where possible. We want to rival the old Jedi Temple archives in terms of completeness,” Jacen answered, “But we want as much knowledge as possible to be available to the public. There are, of course, some texts that require…special care and attention. But any member of the public is allowed to ask for access.” The implication of Dark Side teachings went unsaid. “And the artifacts?” Finn asked, thinking about some of the artifact destruction he had to do in his past life. “Right, so, the artifacts here are specifically related to Jedi and Mandalorian history.” Jacen continued, clearly having guided people thru the museum before. “If they weren’t Jedi- or Mandalorian-made, they’re either modern replicas or on loan from their owners. Some of the Jedi-made artifacts are replicas too, and we’re currently loaning them out to another museum in the galaxy.” He gestured to a small wooden item with charms hanging off the side, “this was my mother’s Kalikori, showing the Syndulla family history. The Ryloth History museum has a replica, but for special occasions I fly this one out there and give talks about her and my grandfather.” After a beat, he continued “Or they might be Sith artifacts. We’re not quite sure what to do with Sith artifacts, but we have them.”
“Well here you are, the Library conference room,” Jacen said as he opened a door at the end of their 16th hallway. An older woman, with short teal hair and wearing purple armor, was sitting at a conference table opposite the door the rest had entered. “Olarom, fellow Jedi and companions. I see Jacen has enthusiastically explained how the temple works. Please, have a seat. I’m Sabine Wren, Grand Master of Jetii Mando’ayust. My wife, Chief Librarian Shin Hati will be joining us shortly.” “Yes, Jacen was very helpfully explaining all the galactic history I didn’t learn as a child,” Rey answered, realizing that Sabine expected her to be the leader. Jacen slipped out of the room as she continued, “I’m Rey, these are my friends Finn, Poe Dameron, and BB-8.” “Pleased to meet you, Master Wren,” Poe said as he shook Sabine’s…arm? “No, the pleasure’s all mine,” Sabine replied, shaking everyone else’s arms, “I’ve been trying to get you four out here ever since I heard one of you was a Jedi.” Another woman about Sabine’s age, with chin-length white hair, entered the conference room from a previously unnoticed door. “Come in riduur, these are the people Jacen was telling you about.” After a kiss, Sabine continued, “Rey, Finn, Poe, and BB-8.” “Ah yes, the Jedi who learned from both Skywalkers, the former stormtrooper finding himself, the hotshot pilot who’s perhaps a bit wiser after the war, and their trusty astromech.” Shin took a seat and clasped her beloved’s non-writing hand. “I hear you have some ancient books for me to indulge in.”
Poe slipped out, trying to see if he could follow Jacen. He wasn’t needed in the conference room, he wasn’t Jedi material. Not like Finn and Rey were. He knew they had a different connection to each other, and while at first he was jealous of their bond, Finn had reminded him that their bond was different too. The kidnapping-rescuer-to-lover pipeline was real, he laughed to himself. He caught sight of green braids. “Hey Syndulla!” Jacen turned around, “I thought you’d be in the conference room.” 
“Well I’m not really Jedi material. Thought I’d see if we could talk. You know…pilot-to-pilot.”  “Dameron, are you trying to get a tour of the Ghost?”  “…mmmaaayyybee…”  “Alright, come on, I’ll show you. I’ll even throw in a Phantom tour for free!”
The two men laughed as they strolled off to the ship farm.
“Yes! The Sacred Texts!” Rey started laying the eight volumes she had brought from the Falcon. “We’ve got both volumes of the Aionomica, the Rammahgon, the Chronicles of Brus-bu, Poetics of a Jedi, and a few others I won’t even try to pronounce.” Shin began browsing the pages of the ancient tomes. “They’re in remarkable condition for being tens of millennia old. All original language too.” BB-8 whistled cheerfully, prompting Rey, “BB-8 and R2 did scans on the material when I brought it back to the Resistance base. Apparently the pages are made from Uneti wood.” “That would explain the longevity,” Shin continued, “Uneti trees are connected to the Force. More than most trees, I mean. If a Jedi wrote in them, the Force connection would keep the text from deteriorating.” Rey and Finn were beginning to understand why she was the chief librarian. Sabine started flipping thru another books, one whose title translated to Meditations on Malachor. “Hey, this one has text in Mando’a! Looks like it’s a transcript of some graffiti.” BB-8 helpfully informed her that it was the newest of the texts they brought. “About four thousand years old? Huh, that’s around the time of the first Mandalorian-Jedi wars.”
Finn found himself opening Aionomicum II without realizing he was doing it. He started to hear whispers coming from one of the middle pages. “Hey, uh, does anyone else hear that?” The others went quiet. “It’s getting louder,” said Finn as he turned the pages, with a little more concern in his voice. But the others shook their heads, unable to hear anything. As he found the page, the protobesh he could barely read otherwise suddenly became clear. The words enthralled him. As the whispers quieted, the emotions of the other people in the room started flowing into his mind. He slammed the book shut and slid his chair back against the wall. “What. The. HELL‽‽‽” Rey’s compassion grabbed a hold of him, “hey, hey, hey, it’s okay, you’re safe.” Shin’s curiosity remarked, “It seems there was a vergence in the pages you read.” Sabine’s smugness laughed, “Kid got his first drink from the firehose of the Force.” “What do you mean, first drink of the Force?” Finn’s terror at his own power had only started to subside. “Up until now, your connections to the force have been instinctual. Maybe a few lucky shots here and there. A feeling that something has changed and you somehow know what it changed to.” Rey’s comfort interjected Sabine’s teaching, “Reaching out on Exegol trying to keep me alive.” “Exactly. But now you’ve learned something about the Force. Your conscious mind starts putting the pieces together, and suddenly the well you were tapping into transforms into a geyser.” Sabine’s pride was followed by Rey’s reassurance, “It’s okay Finn, the more you use it, the more you train, the less terrifying the power becomes.” “Wait, how do you all know what I’m feeling?” Shin’s interest answered, “If you’re not careful, sensing emotions goes both ways.” Finn’s impulse to run away surfaced, “Uh, I need to breathe for a second, I’ll just be outside.”
Sabine watched as Finn dashed out the door of the conference room. “Does he do that often?” Rey thought back on their many adventures together, “Not as much these days, which does have me concerned.” She paused for a moment. “Do you agree with Jacen, do you really think he has potential?” Shin was the first to answer, “He’s hardly the worst candidate we’ve had.” What appeared to be a coin made a plonk against Shin’s armor. “Hey I thought we agreed to not make fun of each other in front of non-family.” Sabine’s tone was only mostly joking. “No, riduur, I was referring to me. Ahsoka almost didn’t agree to finish my training, remember?” Shin smiled, then turned to the orange astromech patiently waiting in the corner, “Come with me, little one. I have something to show you.” As the librarian began picking up the books to catalog, BB-8 beeped pensively at Rey. “It’s okay, you can trust her.” With that approval, he dutifully rolled after Shin into the stacks. 
Finn was searching for an escape. He didn’t want to completely leave, but he needed a space larger than a conference room. He spotted a door to the Sanctum of All, and entered. “Thank the stars, it’s empty,” he sighed, taking a seat on one of the short benches. He had always liked tall rooms, and this one was almost as tall as a star destroyer hangar. All around the upper walls were stained glass, featuring scenes of history. Jedi history, probably. Putting his head in his hands, he thought “What am I even doing here? I’m not cut out to be a Jedi. I don’t even know what’s obvious to real Jedi.” As he wallowed in his own thoughts, a suit of yellow armor took a seat next to him. 
 “You look like you need company.”   “I wanted to get away from people.”  “I said you need company, not that you want it.”  “It’s Jaina, right?”  “Jaina Wren, born of two mothers and of two worlds, Sword of the Jedi.”  “Wren? So that means…”  “Yes, you just met my mothers.”  “I thought I escaped them.”  “You did. I’m not them. They have expectations and knowledge of you. I don’t. What’s your name?”  “Finn.”  “Just Finn? No clan name?”  “I didn’t even have a name until a year ago.”  “Ex-storm, huh?”  “Yep. Is it obvious?”  “Only if you know what you’re looking for. So you’re worried about not being Jedi material?”  “How’d you guess?”  “The way you stare at the stained glass. Every single worried Jedi candidate stares at them the same way. Like you’re not gonna measure up to them.”  “I don’t even know what I’m looking at.”  “Would you like a walk-thru of our history?”  “Please.”
Jaina began walking thru Jedi and Mandalorian history: the Prime Jedi, the Mandalorian Crusades, the Hundred-Year Darkness, the Sith Wars, the Mandalorian Wars, Malachor V, Tarre Vizla, the Fall of the Old Republic, the Great Hyperspace Disaster, the Mandalorian Civil Wars, the Clone and Shadow Wars, the Tano Reformation, Order 66, the Saxon Crisis, the Night of a Thousand Tears, the Ignition. She finished her retelling with “It can be your history too. You don’t have to know it all to know it’s yours.”
“How long have you known him?” Rey realized Sabine probably knew very little about her and Finn beyond the basic facts Jacen had relayed to her. “He met me on Jakku about a year and a half ago. We’ve been running together ever since.” Sabine asked, “Running away from something, or running to something else?” Rey pondered the armor-piercing question. “I think I’ve been running to the Jedi, and he’s been running away from the First Order.” Sabine looked Rey directly in the eyes. “Then give him something to run to.”
As Jaina got up to leave Finn with his thoughts, Rey slid next to him. A minute of silence passed. “I can’t promise you won’t be scared. I can’t promise you won’t be overwhelmed. But I promise there’s a joy in connection. In connecting to the life-force of the universe itself.” After another stretch of silence, Rey continued, “That is, of course, if you join me.” “I think I want to. But I need to talk to Poe first.” Rey was not surprised at Finn’s response. “We kinda have a thing at the moment and I assume joining you would mean less time with him.” Rey replied, “You assume correctly. But he’s my friend too, and I’ve hated my time away from both of you.” The two friends continued to sit in silence for some time
Finn pressed himself against Poe’s bare chest, listening for his heartbeat. One of the few things he could always count on. “So you’re not gonna be mad at me if I start training with Rey?” Poe took a deep breath and kissed his lover’s forehead. “Look, Finn, I want you to be your best self. I think this Jedi stuff is for you, and I don’t wanna stop you.” They breathed together, basking in each other’s auras. “But you gotta promise me you’ll take some breaks and come see me.” Finn smiled, “I will Poe, I promise.” Poe continued, “And not just because you need breaks, I’ll also need breaks. I think Rose is mad we left her as the highest-ranking Resistance officer trying to sort out the new government.” Finn laughed, “yeah, two generals just running off probably isn’t the best for the Resistance.” They stared into each other’s brown eyes. They whispered a simultaneous “I love you” before drifting off to sleep.
End Notes: We have a Jacen in the new canon as a child of the Ghost, why not have a Jaina too? Jaina calls Shin “mom” and Sabine “mother” (like what Sabine calls Ursa). And yes, her birth will happen in the WolfWren fic in the series. Star Wars is a fantasy, so I might as well get to indulge my fantasy about how museums should work. Shoutout to Team Sanctum of All for putting 2 people in the top 8 of the Magic: the Gathering Pro Tour
Mandalorian history: Tarre Vizla was the first Mandalorian inducted into the Jedi Order. He built the Darksaber. The Shadow War is my name for the Darth Maul (Shadow Collective) vs the Kryzes war (I’m not calling it the Mandalorian Civil War 19 BBY) Same goes for the Saxon crisis (Gar & Tiber Saxon vs the other clans as seen in Rebels) The Tano Reformation is Ahsoka joining the Mandalorian cause, seen as the beginning of Jetii Mando’ayust
Mando’a (Mandalorian Language) Glossary: Beskar’gam: Mandalorian armor Olarom: welcome Jetii Mando’ayust: Jedi in the way of Mandalore Riduur: spouse, partner
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kikithefox231 · 1 year
About me!
Hey! Call me Kiki or Amaryllis! I mainly scream about animation and cartoons here! :D ☆ Status:
look im gonna do what’s called a Pro Gamer move
*projects all my emotions and worries and mannerisms onto fictional characters*
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⋆。° ✩ More info ✩ °。⋆
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Fandoms: (Bolded + Italicised are the one's I am screaming and crying over right now) Amphibia ✮ The Owl House ✮ Svtfoe ✮ Gravity Falls ✮ Miraculous Ladybug ✮ The Dragon Prince ✮ She-Ra (Reboot) ✮ Ducktales (Reboot) ✮ Pokemon ✮ Over the Garden Wall ✮ Infinity Train ✮ Glitch Techs ✮ Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts ✮ Phineas and Ferb ✮ Milo Murphy's Law ✮ MLP ✮ Warrior Cats ✮ Your Name ✮ Weathering with You ✮ Suzume ✮ HTTYD ✮ Your Lie In April ✮ Exu ✮ Critical Role c3 ✮ Wolfwalkers ✮ Aggretsuko ✮ Genshin Impact ✮ Honkai Star Rail ✮ Animal Crossing ✮ Neko Atsume ✮ Spiderverse ✮ Murder Drones ✮ Nisekoi ✮ Nimona ✮ Zootopia ✮ Sonic Franchise ✮ Littlest Pet Shop ✮ Keeper of the Lost Cities ✮ Tamako Love Story ✮ Spy x family ✮ Percy Jackson and the Olympians ✮ One Stormy Night ✮
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The Blorbos ever!!! Marcy Wu ✦ Star Butterfly ✦ Fluttershy ✦ Starlight Glimmer ✦ Cinnamoroll ✦ Willow Park ✦ Miko Kubota ✦ Jesse Cosay ✦ Lake ✦ Hazel ✦ Rayla ✦ Marinette Dupain Cheng ✦ Adrien Agreste ✦ Robyn Goodfellowe ✦ Mebh Óg MacTíre ✦ Leafpool ✦ Hollyleaf ✦ Yae Miko ✦ Sucrose ✦ Lady ✦ Webby Vanderquack ✦ Della Duck ✦ Fearne Calloway ✦ Goldie ✦ Gwen Stacy ✦ Serial Designation N ✦ Chitoge Kirisaki ✦ Miles "Tails" Prower ✦ Amy Rose ✦ Zoe Trent ✦ Penny Ling ✦ Coco Pommel ✦ March 7th ✦ Bailu ✦ Huohuo ✦ Anya Froyer ✦ Mabel Pines ✦ Dipper Pines ✦ Pacifica Northwest ✦ Mei ✦
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Socials: AO3 ✧ Amarylily YT ✧ Amaryllis Spotify ✧ Kikithefox Amphibia Sideblog ✧ brb-crying-over-amphibia ML Sideblog ✧ chaton-et-buguinette Svtfoe incorrect quotes blog ✧ incorrectstarvs Hubris Bracket Blog ✧ hubrisbracket
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Tags I Track: #fav - favorite posts/posts I want to find later #my stuff #kiki stuff - both used for tracking my original content #kiki rambles - for stuff where I talk a lot in the notes #tagged - for tracking stuff I'm tagged in #Important!!! - important posts #funnies - posts that made me laugh #ive been personally attacked - what it says on the tin lol #thanks for asking! - for asks answered by me #thanks for answering! - for asks sent by me #bee bestie <3 - starting to use this tag for posts where I'm tagged by @mell0bee or mention bee bc there's so much and I wanna save them 🥺 Ultimate fav posts! ✪ Amphibia Trio Playlists ✪ Amity’s TRUE Hair Color!!1!1! ✪ PARTNER IN CRINGE!!! ✪ One of the most insane posts on this website (affectionate) ✪ HE'S SO CUTE SHUT UUUUP (picture of Georgia) ✪ Follow your dreams ✪ Leafpool request (spoiler: got kissed on the forehead 🥺🥺🥺) ✪ Princess Joe (of USA) ✪ "i appreciate the (extremely cursed) bee bee." ✪ polyamorous power move ✪ happy robotnik slaughter saturday everybody ✪ IT FINALLY MAKES SENSE TO ME ✪ it's okay fish. don't let this get you down. you are all of you. ✪ AROACE AND TRANS SONIC REAL?????? (NOT CLICKBAIT) ✪ Everything is canon. ✪ cant be mentally ill in PEACE!!! *sobs* ✪ last book that made you cry ✪ disney romcom (on a VERY evil and fucked up train) ✪ LGBT bar so good it made someone gay <3 good for them <3 ✪ POLY PLS ✪ Happy birthday Grimace! *fuckin dies* ✪ y’all are always finding new ways to make fossils fuels. ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ (updating soon!)
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Likes and Dislikes! ♡ Tea ♡ one-liners that cause me to break down immediately ♡ Extremely specific aus catered to me directly ♡ amvs ♡ Alt/indie music ✘ Confrontation ✘ Heavy gore ✘ Waking up early ✘ Horror movies ✘ Fermented Black Beans
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⟡ Traditional + digital art
⟡ graphic design
⟡ writing
⟡ singing
⟡ sowing
⟡ crochet
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Personal: ✿ I get socially anxious easily so I will try my best to communicate how I feel but just fyi in case! ✿ My memory is horrible so feel free to remind me of something if needed! ✿ I have ADHD so please be nice :’) I’m trying my best
Extras: ❀ I don't mind being tagged in things if we are mutuals! If you're not sure just ask me in advance! ❀ feel free to ask for me to use tone tags or tag trigger warnings for posts! If you'd like me to ID a post let me know! ❀ spam liking/reblogging is welcome! ^^ ❀ feel free to ask my a question! I am not guaranteed to answer it if I feel uncomfortable with it, however! ❀ fun fact: this URL is my animal jam username from ages ago lol
❀ I got called a donut once???
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DNI List Please don't interact with me if you post: -nsfw -heavy gore -do not tag triggers -cp -extreme horror
⋆。˚ credits: purple city divider ⟡ moon dividers
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 6 months
Hi! Weekend ask…
why is your best friend your best friend?
Oooh this is a lovely question! Four people come to mind. And yes, this is going to be a love letter to my friends (a platonic love, but a love nonetheless). You have been warned!
Person 1: Let's call her M. She is my oldest friend. We met in secondary school and we hit it off in the first few weeks of our first year there and the rest is history. ;P We've seen each other at our worst, yet we still love each other like sisters. We've supported each other no matter what, in whatever little way we can. We are so similar in some ways yet so different in most, but we still respect each other. There's just this mutual understanding that never needed to be spoken, and we've had this since day one. We're just on the same wavelength, I suppose. We've never even truly fought, which is insane, given we've known each other ten years now.
Person 2: She'll be called N. We were flatmates in my final year of university, and she was on Erasmus at my uni. It was during covid restrictions, but the final autumn/winter of them, so people were still a little nervous, naturally. She said hello first, I think, when I went into the kitchen for the first time or so. And yeah, much like M, we got along like a house on fire very quickly! Similar yet different, we complemented each other, I think. We'd watch movies together a lot and talk for HOURS every evening (bar when we were freaking out over assignments, but we'd still try to talk every now and then). I saw her as my little sister by the time our academic year had finished and we had to part ways. We still keep in touch, despite being in different countries again. She's just wonderful <3 Fun, outgoing, smart, pretty, sharp wit, impeccable style -- she's awesome. My final year at university really would have had such a different vibe if we didn't end up crossing paths by being flatmates. Hell, I'm sure I wouldn't have done certain things if it wasn't for her being by my side.
Person 3: G! We met in the first year of university, near the start. We got along pretty well -- to the point it seemed myself, G and another friend and fellow coursemate at the time were a solid Trio in uni. I guess that's what happens when fellow gays find each other and it's the first time being away from home for extended periods of time. It's like there's this unspoken understanding and we just click if the energy is good. G's SO fucking smart and absolutely hilarious, and really nice. His conversations are NEVER boring. We still have the occasional intellectual conversation when we can. I managed to meet up with him when I returned from France and it was so lovely, as it had been over a year since we last saw each other. And, like everyone on this list, we can meet and chat and it's like time never passed. It's a bizarre but beautiful feeling. We can have our petty spats, but I can never stay mad at him forever.
Person 4: NT. Another icon. Met in first year of uni, but we got to know each other better over the years of our course -- especially consolidating the friendship in our final year. We had similar schedules so we'd often walk to/from college together and vent or rant about our day, or our worries - both academic and life in general. She's so smart too, hilarious, we can literally talk about ANYTHING and it'll become interesting because she will know some random-ass fact that's somehow related (and i love that sm<33). We've joked that we're practically the same person, just with a few tweaks (different hair colour, slightly different fashion style). Her taste in music is one of the best I've ever come across. I would always scribble down a song name or artist while visiting her. And you'd be guaranteed something nice to smoke while visiting. ;) We have not kept in regular contact the past few months, but I still adore her, and I wish her (like everyone who is my friend) nothing but the best <333
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king-and-his-consorts · 9 months
RP Rules 
This blog will eventually be 18+ with tagged NSFW posts. 
I can be a bit selective at times but not private or exclusive. IMs and Asks are always open to talk to me about plotting. So, if you want to interact, feel free to message me. Please do not rush me, it tends to make me shut down to the levels of stress and depression I’m still getting used to.
I know a lot of people don’t like them but unfortunately I need an introductory thread in order to start writing with an OC or characters my muses haven't met yet. My muses can be hesitant or fickle. Unless my character knows yours in canon they need to be introduced because  I need to be able to form my responses around how our muses would actually interact, otherwise I tend to lose muse. 
Important Note!:
This is a queer-based RP blog. While that will not be the focus of threads, it does effect threads. Please respect the info below.
_ Luffy: Cis, Gay Polyromantic, Asexual. (Has a Bi verse specifically for Nami if my partner wishes it, but I won't push for it) _ Zoro: Cis, Gay, Demisexual. _ Sanji: Genderqueer (leans masculine. He/Him, occasionally She/Her), Bi.
Starting RPs:
There are several ways to RP with me.
 _ Send me an in-character ask _ Message me and ask to plot a thread  _ Send in an a starter meme I posted recently  _ Respond to one of my Open Starters that hasn’t been answered already
Writing Rules:
I write paragraph style, no asterisks. Please use a minimum of two sentences per reply unless we’ve known each other for a while. Your grammar and English do not have to be perfect. So long as I can get the basics of what you’re saying then we’re fine to continue.
Shipping and smut only happens if there is chemistry between our characters. Muses must have a first meeting before any shipping officially happens unless muses know each other in canon.
NoTPs: Luffy will not ship with his brothers. Sanji will not ship with any of his siblings. The trio won't ship with villains barring some possible plotted AUs.
Canon and OCs:
This blog is OC friendly and encourages them to interact. 
For canon, I love to interact with most One Piece characters. I will not interact with Doflamingos though. Sorry.
Combat violence, swearing, and the like.
Dark themes may happen. They are a part of life as well as a part of One Piece. If something in particular bothers you, tell me so that I can tag it for you.
Smut may be put under a “read more” but that is currently undecided. =
Smut is only for Muns and Muses over 18. 
I will try to tag most triggers. Still, something may slip by, my apologies. Remind me if I miss something so that I can tag it.
Mun’s only trigger is maggots.
I am currently in the process of making a tagging system but I am forgetful. I do not usually tag every post. I usually will only tag the first post of a thread so that it can be found through the search.
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isabelguerra · 1 year
ALSO JOHNNY/LISA OR JOHNNY/LISA/MAX. I have no coherent thoughts for this one but again I think the Transgender Trio should be in Love (or, as in love you can be in 8th grade). I think Lisa and Johnny are like the Mafia boss/bodyguard she doesn't need but keeps around because she thinks he's funny dynamic and Max is the hapless assassin who's been swept up into this mess. I have no deep analysis or anything I just think they hang out at the bar a lot and I think Johnny is always walking around with two comically large lipstick smears on his forehead and a huge grin. I think they have a set of throple shirts that say "IM SHES" "SHES MES" and "MES SHES". I think Lisa is about half a foot taller then Johnny and at least a foot taller then Max and both Lisa and Johnny are constantly resting their elbows on his head. I think whenever they go on dates Lisa shows up in Gucci except for her vintage spongebob shirt with the gay pride flag on it. I think Lisa tells Max she likes his shoelaces.
@junk-thrillz You're my Lisajohnny understudy, any thoughts?
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You guys seem like the perfect trio! I also feel like that’s how tang got into his journey to the west hyper fixation.
Pigsy: He always was fixated on that legend…in fact it’s literally the only thing he enjoyed more than anything…
Sandy: Right! And then we started inviting him to other places to help him calm down and not…well, overwork himself.
Sandy: And that’s when I let him see you at the bar and then HE fell in love with you!
Pigsy: 0///0
Sandy: Who wouldn’t? You’re basically a good husband! Good chef, decent job, good father, loving and caring as well as a responsible type of man.
Pigsy: Stop it!
Sandy: I think Tang was starting to see it after that, he started questioning his crush on you…and his sexuality…
Pigsy: Wait what-
Mei: Lol, imagine your classmate was your gay awakening-
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