#the total money makeover
eshabeautyblogs · 4 months
The Best Personal Finance Books You Need to Read
The Best Personal Finance Books You Need to Read Personal finance books serve as valuable educational resources, providing insight into fundamental financial principles.Understanding key concepts like budgeting, investing, and debt management empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their money.Informed individuals are better equipped to navigate complex financial scenarios,…
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borngeniusworld · 7 months
Money Attraction Mindset
Money Attraction Mindset “When you think about the things you can do with money, you will feel much more love and joy than when you think only of money.” – Rhonda Byrne “To bring anything into your life, imagine that it’s already there.” – Richard Bach “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” – Oprah Winfrey “The reason I’ve been able to be so…
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leatherbookmark · 8 months
"ed shot izzy in the leg because izzy blamed the poisonous atmosphere on the ship on ed's love for stede, as if it was something bad, when it was in fact good and made ed happy"
god help me. literally what are those people watching the show with because it sure as hell can't be their eyes. ed shot izzy for talking shit about his pure and restorative love for stede. ed "fuck you, stede bonnet" teach. ed "freezes when izzy mentions a part of stede's catchphrase and goes to threaten the crew with a gun as izzy follows him stammering that he did not mean to mention The Previous Owner Of This Vessel" teach. this ed. the same guy who literally went krakenmode after stede abandoned him and had all of his things tossed off the ship -- along with the crew, "his playthings". ed "you're not a fucking mermaid >:(" teach.
THIS ED. shooting izzy to say "you're wrong and you're fired, loving stede was GOOD actually". ??????????????
#shrimp thoughts#what's going on in this club. is it the water? it has to be something#also i genuinely am unable to understand how people can still think the pink robe wearing songwriting and talent show organizing ed was GOO#he WASN'T HEALING. he wasn't being himself! he was adopting the thing he thought were stede -- fancy fabric! Healthy™ communication!#'why are we even pirates? we should do a talent show!' -- to distract himself from his own pain! what are you people ON#if ed's true self was a pink silk femme songwriter then WHY would he embrace it AFTER and ONLY after stede has left him at the altar?#metaphorically? do you people genuinely think that ed was super fine after stede just fucking disappeared into the night after his#confession? that he was fine n peachy to Talk It Through with his crew? that he was in his right mind when he told basically total stranger#who still knew him as The Blackbeard to just call him ed? ????????????????? GUYS. WHAT.#and ngl izzy was sorta right to blow the fuck up at ed. the way he did it wasn't good and it's clear izzy's response to traumatic emotional#events is to just process it quietly on your own and move on because there's work to do so he's NOT well equipped to deal with baby's first#heartbreak but dear godddddd piracy was their JOB it was how they earned money and supplies to LIVE. you can't live if you quit your#job to make friendship bracelets and give each other cute makeovers all day! how is that a controversial statement!#but then people are still convinced cottagecore retirement is 100% going to be the endgame so. what am i expecting here
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fitgothgirl · 1 year
Welp. I just applied for a job at a pizza place I used to work at.
Yes I have a full-time WFH job. But with the new year (and our city’s minimum wage being raised again with that), I want to go balls to the wall with saving money and paying off my debt. I can’t keep living like this, paycheck to paycheck, with my credit card just slowly (or not so slowly) rising. I just haven’t been able to get my head above water lately.
I know I could just get a better paying job, but I love my job. I know I could just try harder with saving my current money, which should be enough to live on based on my bills, but it’s a struggle with my debt payments. I just can’t catch up even though I logically know how to (shoutout to Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover). I know I could do DoorDash, but I can’t stick to it consistently. Plus the driving is just too much sometimes, and the pay is inconsistent too.
I feel like having a separate second job whose entire paycheck and purpose is to pay off my debt and get some savings going will help. And it’s a real job that I have to show up to unlike DoorDash. I just want to be able to reset all my debts and then I can quit after that. It’s a temporary situation; it’d be awesome if it could be less than a year but that depends on me I guess.
Plus if I have a part-time job like this, then that’s time I’m spending on my feet (which I’ve honestly missed about food service/retail), and time I’m not just vegging out, and time I’m not smoking weed, and time I’m not out doing things that spend money instead of make money. Honestly it’d be good for me with how chill my life is right now. I know I’ll feel differently after 2-3 months of working the job probably, but it’s still true.
And yes customers can suck. After over 10 years in this industry before switching to WFH, I have clear memories. But I’ve had a solid amount of time off to rest from that. And pizza is just pizza... If there’s a problem, it’s not regarding someone’s health or insurance like it was when I was a PT admin. We can just make a new pizza or refund their money. Also, I only want to do about 10-15 hours a week.
And yes I’ll have to give up some nights/weekends too. But it’s not supposed to be fun. Albeit there are things I miss about food service (if you can believe it lol), but I’m doing this for a reason. This is a situation I got myself into. And I’ve been in it for years. Enough!!
Anyway, hoping to go back to a place I liked for the most part, otherwise I’ll start applying to other places. Then the Dave Ramsey plan goes into effect.
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feathers-little-nest · 4 months
I really need to buy a pride flag
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nightingalescall · 3 months
Weight of the World
Kingdom of Ebreau:
prologue|part 1(you are here)|part 2
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"You really do look like God."
Zephyr caressed your cheek with his thumb as he smiled lovingly at you. He leaned in, pressing his forehead against yours before raising his other hand to cup your face.
He stared into your eyes, awestruck before signing blissfully, "You look just like him....". You remained silent at his blatant display of affection. Zephyr continued, nuzzling his nose against yours as he closed his eyes and let out a content chuckle. In an effort to ease the awkwardness you felt from having the saint be so close to you, you adverted your gaze to the side, landing on your and Zephyr's reflection in the standing mirror situated in a corner of your room.
Zephyr was dressed in his usual white robe but today, he had put extra care into his hair and tied it in a low ponytail using a black ribbon. As for you, you had long since changed out of your old blouse and shorts. In fact, the temple gave you a makeover and threw out your old clothes the moment you stepped foot inside the building, saying your current attire was "unsuited for their beloved Messiah". It had been a few days since your "fall from heaven" as the devotees liked to call it but you still clearly remember the absolute bewilderment you felt when the nuns handed you your new clothes. Holding a golden dress with black beads as embellishments around the collar, skirt and hem of the long sleeves, the nuns grinned brightly at you, expectantly waiting for you to try it on. It looked more expensive than your total salary as the guards' errand girl(which wasn't a lot but you still could never imagined spending all that money on one piece of clothing). You declined at first, unable to accept such a gift but the dejected expressions and teary eyes that immediately came onto the faces of the nuns made you reconsider. Reluctantly, you took the dress from their hands. You stepped inside an empty room nearby and changed into the dress. Oddly enough, the dress fitted perfectly. Not too big, not too small. It was a wonder how they matched your measurements so well.
You slowly creaked opened the door, feeling bashful and self-conscious for wearing something so....Different from your usual attire. Your body felt foreign to you as you struggled to walk normally, thinking you should change the way you carry yourself in order to better match the sophisticated aura the dress brings. Feelings of doubt crept into your mind as you began to regret being so gullible to the nuns.
But what's done has been done. The door opened and dozens of eyes snapped towards you as you reappeared from within the room. The staring made you feel even more awkward.
"Does it look weird?" You asked, hoping to divert their attention and save yourself from the uncomfortable silence. Zephyr was the first to move. He immediately came forward and grasped your hands in his. His smile was wide as he answered. "You look wonderful, Messiah." He seemed a bit breathless.
You heard something heavy hit the ground and some frantic voices come from behind Zephyr. You peered over his shoulder and saw that a few devotees had fainted.
"Messiah? Are you alright?" Zephyr's voice rang in your ear, cutting your flashback short. As you came back to reality, you saw Zephyr's reflection in the mirror staring back at you, a concerned frown clear on his face.
"Yes. Sorry, I was, um...." You tried to come up with an excuse as you turned your gaze back at him. Your eyes flickered towards his ponytail and a lightbulb lit up in your mind. "I was admiring your new hairstyle."
A bashful smile spread across Zephyr's face the moment you finished your sentence. "Do you like it? I'll tie it up more often if you like." He blushed slightly. Before you could reply, a knock came from the door.
You saw Zephyr's smile drop before he turned away and excused himself to go answer the door. Now with the saint out of your personal space, you could finally breathe again. Even if Zephyr wasn't cruel or strict in any way, his position as saint was still quite daunting. You felt like you needed to be on your best behaviour whenever he's around.
Sighing in relief, you took a seat on the edge of your bed, the soft mattress sinking lightly with the addition of your weight. You stretched and heard your joints pop softly before you reached for the cup of water placed on the bedside table. Bringing the beautifully decorated porcelain cup to your lips, you took a sip.
You held the almost empty cup in the palm of your hands as you stared down at your reflection in the water after you had your fill. Your face came into view and you were once again reminded of how familiar and yet foreign your face was now.
In the water, a pair of golden eyes looked back at you. This was the mark of Calerus. This was what the temple used to determine you were their Messiah. Calerus had given you the same golden eyes he had when he declared you his lamb that day. You are the one and only human in Ebreauan history to ever possess golden eyes. You're the first person to ever resemble their God. Such was the infatuation the devotees held towards your gaze, fawning whenever you even looked in their direction. So far, Zephyr is the only one who could somewhat keep his composure around you.
You stayed seated on your bed, waiting for Zephyr to finished attending to the person who came knocking. It was taking longer than anticipated.
"...me help the Messiah put them on, Saint Zephyr." Your ears perked up at the mention of your name(or your title to be exact) from the doorway. You glanced over at Zephyr and saw he was conversing with a young monk. You leaned back a on your bed, trying to get a better look at him from your position.
The monk seemed to notice movement within his vision and moved his gaze from Zephyr to the inside of your room. You both make eye contact and you finally notice the brown box he was holding in his hand.
A package?
The young monk's voice suddenly echoed through your room, drawing your attention from the box back to him. "M-miss Messiah. H-hello!", he waved enthusiastically at you, a toothy grin plastered on his flushed face. "Please allow me the honor of-" "Thank you, Brother Esten. I'll take it from here." Zephyr suddenly cut him off, snatching the box from the young monk's hand before slamming the door in his face. You jumped, startled as the door closed with a loud bang.
Zephyr walked over to you, holding the box the young monk had delivered, his usual kind smile back on his face. "Sorry that took so long, Messiah. Brother Esten can be a bit stubborn but he is a good soul." He smiled and handed you the box. You took it from his hands as you nodded. "Did he want something?" You asked, shaking the box gently as you tried to guess what was inside based on its weight.
Zephyr shook his head before reaching for the lid of the box. He lifted the lid and revealed the contents inside. A pair of black ballet flats. You raised an eyebrow in confusion.
You didn't order any shoes.
Zephyr simply chuckled at your expression before taking the flats out of the box. "These are a gift from the temple, Miss Messiah. We thought they would go well with your dress." He said as he went down on one knee in front of you. Placing the flats on the floor beside him, he gestured towards your feet.
"May I?"
You hiked up your dress, revealing the old brown boots you've worn even before becoming the guards' errand girl. They've been with you through thick and thin, through stormy and sunny weather so it pained you a bit having to say goodbye to them. Zephyr slowly undid your shoelaces and slipped the boots off your feet. “Brother Esten had asked to help you put on your new shoes but I informed him that I could do it. He was persistent though, insisting that he should be the one to do it.” He began to recall, taking one of the black flats and slipping it onto your foot.
“In his words and I quote, “A lowly task like this shouldn’t be handled by the saint. Let this humble servant of god do it instead.” I, of course, refused.” Zephyr relayed what transpired at the door just now as he slipped on the other shoe and checked if they fitted you.
You nodded, unfazed by his confession. Zephyr had been constantly at your beck and call ever since you became Messiah, lending his aid even when unnecessary. He goes out of his way to serve you and make your new life as comfortable as possible. In addition, you've also noticed that he had taken over the other nuns and monks' jobs of serving you, such as delivering meals, giving you fresh clothes and other menial tasks after a few days of observation. Sometimes it truly feels like he's your servant rather than your colleague.
You take a look at your new flats too, admiring its design. They fitted perfectly just like every other clothing the temple has given to you. "They're very comfortable. Thank you." You thanked Zephyr for helping you put on the shoes despite not needing the assistance. He smiled tenderly at you before reaching out to hold your right foot in his hand. "You're welcome, my Messiah." He pressed a kiss on your foot.
Your eyes widen in surprise at his action. You blushed and adverted your eyes to the side, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. No matter how much time you spend with him, you don't think you could ever get used to his odd affection towards you.
"Miss Messiah..."
You heard Zephyr's voice call for you before feeling some weight on you lap. You looked down and saw he had placed his hands on your lap before resting his chin there. He gazed up at you, a look of concern plastered on his face. "You seem distracted today." He frowned. "I noticed you staring at your cup in a daze just now when I was talking to Brother Esten." Zephyr said as he moved one of his hand from your lap and reached for your hand. He gently rubbed the back of it with his thumb as he continued, "Is something bothering you?".
"Oh..." You let out, not expecting him to point out your habit of daydreaming. They've become more frequent after you came to the temple as Messiah. You just had a lot to think about. Your duties, your future, your new role and now the future of Ebreau as well as the well-being of its citizens. The role of Messiah required you to stand with the people and lead them towards a better life. The sudden drop of weight on your shoulders of being Messiah was a heavy one indeed.
"I'm fine. Just a lot to think about especially with how Ebreau is right now." You confessed and sighed, sharing your concerns about the country's current state. Zephyr reached up and cupped your face, making you look at him. "You have a heart of gold, my dear Messiah. I understand that with the way things are presently, you have much to worry about but please remember to not overwork yourself. Too much stress will do no one any good." He stated firmly, his eyes clear and free of doubt, wholeheartedly believing in what he said just now.
You were shaken by his conviction as you fell silent, processing his words. You nodded after a while. "You're right. I'll try my best to manage my anxiety. Thank you, Saint Zephyr." You thanked him, grateful he helped you snap out of it.
Zephyr smiled before leaning in to kiss your cheek. "You're welcome, Messiah. Also, please just call me Zephyr." He pulled back as he looked into your eyes, his gaze soft and warm. "Thank you, Zephyr. You may call me (y/n) too." You smiled back.
For a brief moment, you saw the corner of Zephyr's lips twitched. He suddenly looked down at your lap, avoiding your eyes before taking a deep breath. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at his behavior.
Did you say something wrong?
"One would suggest thee to not push the saint's self control too much."
A familiar voice rang inside your head. It was Calerus. You perked up at his sudden presence. "Oh, hello." You thought in your mind. The God of prosperity had a tendency to randomly pop up and speak to you directly through your mind ever since you became his lamb. Sometimes it was advice on what to do as Messiah and sometimes it was just to give one-off comments about the situation at hand. It was the latter this time.
Zephyr suddenly sprang onto his feet, pulling you off the bed by your hands as he did so. Not expecting the sudden pull, you stumbled and fell into his chest. You heard him chuckled as he wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you tightly against him. You looked up from his chest and stared at him, perplexed. Zephyr simply laughed, "Let's take a walk in the garden, Lady (y/n)."
The temple's garden was big and well kept. The flowers here bloomed splendidly, attracting little bees and butterflies to come play on their petals. The soft breeze of the afternoon blew gently, weaving through the yellow leaves of the aurum trees lining the walkway through the garden and shaking them lightly. The soft rustling of leaves paired with the running of water from the nearby fountain was a pleasant change in atmosphere that you desperately needed at the moment.
Zephyr walked beside you quietly as he let you bask in the warm afternoon sun and relax yourself. You sauntered through the garden, going off the pathway and inched closer to the various flower beds. You admired the flowers and couldn't help but smile at the sight of them.
It was a welcomed change of pace. You never found yourself to be a flower lover but here you were. Perhaps it was just a lack of exposure to them in the past.
"This is nice." You mumbled, crouching down and observing a butterfly on a purple flower. "What's this flower called?" You pointed at the flower as you turned your gaze up at Zephyr.
Zephyr smiled and joined you, crouching down beside you. "These are meripurlets."He started as he tucked a loose hair of yours behind your ear. "Their flower language is devotion." He smiled.
You raised your eyebrows at his words. "You know flower language?" You tilted your head. Zephyr chuckled, "Just the few that are commonly used around the temple."
You nodded with a brief "I see." and went back to the flowers before you. Their colours were vibrant and its leaves were evergreen, signifying that they are well taken care of. The shade of purple was nearly identical to that of Zephyr' eyes. You stared as you wondered who's in charge of taking care of the garden, awed by their dedication to these flora.
A voice too soft and distant suddenly caught your attention. You couldn't make it what the voice said but it sounded frantic. You looked around the garden as you searched for the source of the voice, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Beside you, Zephyr did the same except instaed of being confused, he seemed more cautious and alert.
The voice got louder and closer as you heard it call for you. You turned and looked towards the entrance of the garden. A man waved at you as he ran over, tripping on his feet as he did so. Behind him, you see two guards tailing him closely, screaming at him to stop.
"Sir, stop this at once!"
"This is an act of trespassing and will have you arrested!"
The man ignored their demands as he continued to sprint towards you. As he inched closer, you noticed he looked familiar.
Mr. Citris?
Before you could confirm your suspicion, someone blocked your view, shielding you behind them. It was Zephyr. He kept you behind him, his hand holding onto yours in a tight grip as he watched the man approach.
You heard a thud come from in front of him. You tried to peer over his shoulders to see what was going on but unfortunately, he was too tall even when you went onto your toes.
A familiar voice rang and you confirmed who the man was.
"Saint Zephyr! Please let me see the Messiah!"
Mr. Citris pleaded but Zephyr didn't budge.
"My brother, while the temple is open to all followers of his Lord, Calerus, the garden, however can only be accessed by the devotees of this temple." His voice was deadly cold, unbefitting of his usual warm manner.
"I know, my saint, I know! But please! I'm at my wit's end. Please just let me talk to the Messiah!" Mr. Cirtris begged. He really did sound panicked. What got him so worked up? In your mind, nothing could ever shake Mr. Citris.
Mr. Citris is a farmer who sold fresh produce at the central market. You remembered passing by his stall when you were shopping there a few times. He scared you at first. His tough appearance paired with the ever present scowl on his face, it wasn't just you who felt reluctant to approach him. It was only until after you heard more about him from the guards that you changed your opinion on him.
Mr. Citris lives near the northeast outskirts of Ebreau. There, he has a plot of land where he use to plant his vegetables and fruits. His wife passed from complications of childbirth many years ago so it's just him and his daughter at his home.
However, life seemed to be particularly unfair to him as his one and only daughter suffers from a degenerative muscle disease that causes her to have difficulty moving. She still tries her best to help out her dad in his field but she can only work for so long before the pain kicks in. She's been prescribed some medicine to help slow down the degeneration and ease the pain but from what you heard, the medicine is quite expensive and is an extra burden on them when they can only make enough money to put food on the table each day. However, Mr. Citris somehow made it work by selling his products at the market and doing odd job around the city. Tiring as it is, he was able to make enough to afford the medicine and food for his daughter.
From then on, you invested in his small business when you could and even spread the word of his predicament around so people would consider buying from him more. You're not sure if it helped but at least you've seen an increase in customers at his stall ever since then.
In short, Mr. Citris was a big guy with an even bigger heart. Family was everything to him and you admired the lengths he went to for his daughter.
"My brother, the garden is a private resting place for the devotees and workers of the temple. You're intruding on the Messiah's personal time." From your angle, you could see the frown on Zephyr's face as he looked at the man.
Mr. Citris sounded like he was on the verge of crying as he called for you, hoping you would listen to him from behind Zephyr's back. "Messiah, please give me some of your time! It's about my sick daugther!" That immediately caught your attention. Zephyr continued to shield you behind him.
"Brother, you need to leave."
This time, Mr. Citris was silent and you felt a chill run down your spine at Zephyr's demand.
Zephyr stared him down and once he made sure Mr. Citris had nothing more to say, he ordered. "Guards, please escort this man out." Footsteps sounded as the guards approached Mr. Citris.
"On your feet, sir." One of the guards demanded when Mr. Citris remained unmoving on the ground. "I..." Mr. Citris breathed shakily. The guard who had previously ordered Mr. Citrus to move leaned down and grabbed onto his arm, ready to pull him up. Just as his hand touched Mr. Citris, another appeared, its touch soft but firm in stopping any further action.
You stepped forward, coming out from behind Zephyr's back. Pressing your hand onto the guard's, you stopped him from taking Mr. Citris away.
"Lady (y/n)?" "Messiah?" Zephyr and the guards let out in astonishment.
You kneeled down onto the ground as the guard withdrew his hand from Mr. Citris. Mr. Citris kept his head down, his eyes fixated on the ground. Now on the same eye level as him, you could see the redness at the corner of his eyes.
He was holding back tears.
Something big must have happened for Mr. Citris to be this desperate.
"Mr. Citris, what happened to your daughter?" You finally asked. Mr. Citris' head suddenly snapped up and stared into your eyes, his own wide in shock, seemingly only noticing your presence after you called for him.
"My Lord..?" Mr. Citris whispered in disbelief, his body trembling. "Sorry?" You asked back, caught of guard by his question.
"C-calerus." A invisible question mark appeared above your head.
"I'm (y/n), Mr. Citris. The Messiah. You asked to see me, no?" You attempted to correct.
"Mes...Messiah?" He repeated as if he was unsure of your dentity even after you told him
"Yes." You nodded and smiled at him, wanting him to believe you. Mr. Citris' mouth stayed shut as he blinked, staring at you as he seemed to ponder something profound.
You lightly coughed and asked again, ignoring his stare. "So, tell me, Mr. Citris, what happened to your daughter?" You wanted to get to the bottom of Mr. Citris sudden visit.
At your question, he snapped out of it, shaking his head as he took a breath. "Y-yes, Messiah....Of course..." He mumbled under his breath before meeting your gaze once more.
"I...It's..." Mr. Citris stuttered, his voice shaking and you saw tears well up again in his eyes. "Take a breath. Slowly now." You patted his shoulder reassuringly.
Mr. Citris breathed in deeply and calmed himself. "My daughter....She has a degenerative muscle disease ever since birth but she has been prescribed some medicine to help with the sickness. They are expensive but I am able to pull together enough money each month to buy them by selling vegetables I've planted on my land at the outskirts of the kingdom." He began to tell and you nodded. Nothing you didn't know of.
He suddenly paused, swallowing as he seemed contemplate something. You raised an eyebrow and ushered for him to continue.
"No need to be hesitant, Mr. Citris. Let me hear it."
Mr. Citris nodded and continued. What you heard next stunned you.
"Recently, my house got attacked. By...by the Casvians." Your eyes went wide at his words. Behind you, you felt Zephyr stiffen.
"Casvians?" You repeated, not believing your ears.
Mr. Citris nodded. "They attacked my house, burned my land and my crops with it. I managed to save my daughter and myself before they got to us." He said mournfully. You listened attentively, nodding each time he looked at you for conformation to carry on.
"We've been living at an inn in the capital for the past 2 weeks but with my land gone, I've lost my main source of income from selling vegetables and fruits on the market. I...I can barely afford food for us both now, let alone...." He trailed off but even with no words spoken, you knew what he was going to say.
He can't buy medicine for his daughter.
You bit the inside of your cheeks. This was a tight spot for Mr. Citris. Food, medicine and now accommodation? Even if he did still have his land, you doubt that'd be enough to afford all three of them.
He said Casvians attacked him but how? You knew Mr. Citris' house was near the boarders between Ebreau and its neighbouring country, Casviren but it couldn't be that close to where he would get caught in the crossfire.
Then, assuming he isn't lying, for the Casvians to attack Mr. Citris' house would only mean either the Casvians are getting bolder or...
Ebreau's defenses are falling.
You clenched your fists as your expression hardened.
The situation may be more dire than you thought.
This kingdom is falling apart. Fast.
You took a deep breath and steadied yourself. The state of the kingdom needed to wait for now. First, you need to help Mr. Citris.
You turned back and looked up at Zephyr. "Does the temple have spare money to buy the medicine for his daughter?" You asked, standing back up and facing him. Zephyr was silent as he stared at you, his face unreadable. You felt uneasy at his silence. You glanced downward briefly and saw his hands clenched into fists at his sides.
Was he angry?
The thought crossed your mind for a second but you quickly brushed it off. Why would he be? You're helping someone. There was nothing wrong in that.
Zephyr noticed that you have spotted his curled up fists and quickly release them. He cleared his throat before answering. "While the temple does not lack in terms of money, the Royal family specified that the funds given to us should be spent on strictly temple related matters and nothing more." Zephyr said, his lips turning down into a small frown and his eyes softening in concern.
"Them, is there anyone in the temple with medical training that can help Mr. Citris' daughter?" You refused to give up, searching for another way to help the man.
To your dismay, Zephyr shook his head, a look of sorrow on his soft features. "There are some nuns and monks that have basic medical knowledge but I am not aware of any that are experienced enough to able to take care of someone with this sort of disease."
You bit your lip, your eyebrows knitted together in worry. This was bad. How were you going to solve this...
Just as you were going to begin panicking, Zephyr gave you something that lessened your anxiety. "However, if Mr. Citris likes, he may collect meals from the temple." You tilted your head at his suggestion. Zephyr smiled at you and elaborated. "The temple prepares food for all devotees everyday and most of the time, there will be leftovers. If Mr. Citris doesn't mind, him and his daugther may have the leftovers." Zephyr looked at Mr. Citris behind you. "I know it's not what you wanted but hopefully, it will at least decrease your financial burden." Zephyr added, bowing his head apologetically at Mr. Citris.
You turned and looked back at Mr. Citris. He was staring at you and Zephyr, unmoving and silent.
"I...Thank you, saint. I am grateful. Any help is appreciated." Mr. Citris lowered his head. He sounded... Disappointed.
Everyone fell silent. The light breeze that tickled your face had stopped blowing and the sun that shone brightly had dipped behind the horizon, leaving behind only streaks of its rays as the afternoon turned into evening and soon night. You sighed silently and hung your head like Mr. Citris. You felt so ashamed at your incompetence. As Messiah, the people expected you to lead, to guide, to help but today's encounter showed you that you were still far from fulfilling any of those requirements.
You were Messiah in name.
Power and will?
You can only pray Calerus will give them to you in the future.
Mr. Citris sniffled and the boulder weighing on your heart became heavier. You felt a hand on your shoulder. "You're trying your best, Lady (y/n). Don't blame yourself." Zephyr whispered into your ear. At that, you loosened your fists which you didn't know you were gripping.
Yes, calm down, (y/n). Nothing can be accomplished by moping around.
You inhaled deeply before kneeling back down. Mr. Citris kept his head low, unwilling to meet your gaze. On the ground beneath him, you saw small splotches.
He was crying.
And he didn't want you to see his tears.
Your heart ached at his predicament but what else could you do?
Carefully, you reached for his hands. You clasped them in yours as you pulled them close to you and shut your eyes.
There was nothing left to do but pray.
You mumbled your prayer, loud enough only for you and Mr. Citris to hear.
"Calerus, our lord high above."
Your grip on Mr. Citris' hands tightened.
"A problem arises that cannot be solved by our mortal hands."
I'm sorry, Mr. Citris.
"Please grace us with your mercy and benevolence in this time of need."
I wish I could do more for you.
"Spare the daughter of this follower of yours. Let her pain be subsided. Let her agony be gone."
But, alas, I am a fraud.
"Give the daughter the strength to overcome that which plagues her body. Give the father the strength to overcome that which plagues his mind."
I am only a pawn in Calerus' hands.
"Let your power be seen through this pair of parent and child."
I am at Calerus' mercy.
"Earnestly, we pray."
Your eyes snapped opened at the sudden sound.
Clink! Clink!
You looked around, confused at what's making that noise. It sounds like....Coins dropping?
Clink! Clink! Clink!
You gazed down. On the ground between you and Mr. Citris, a few gold coins laid there, some still spinning in place.
Clink! Clink! Clink! Clink!
More appeared, seemingly falling from thin air. They fell rapidly, like they were overflowing from their source. You were perplexed at where they were coming from until you looked at your hands.
Gold coins seeped out from within your sleeves and onto the ground. They flowed like water, their speed and frequency of appearance increasing rampantly.
"What in the..." You gasped as you looked in disbelief. Gold coins were basically pouring out of your sleeves right now.
"Messiah...!" Mr. Critris gasped as he finally lifted his head and saw the scene before him. "I, um," you struggled to find words to say in this situation.
Mr. Citris suddenly bowed down to you, his forehead pressing on the ground. " Thank you, Messiah! Thank you! Thank you! This will be more than enough!" He thanked you before raising his head, a wide smile plastered on his tears stained face. He wiped away his tears, drying his eyes as he continued to thank you. "Messiah! Truly, my Messiah!" He cried, tears of joy (you assume them to be at least) continued to roll down his cheeks despite just wiping them.
The pour of coins slowly calmed down into a drizzle before finally stopping. In front of you, a small pile of gold coins sat on the ground, reflecting the last bits of sunlight and shimmering softly.
You stared in shock at what just happened with a still emotional Mr. Citris kneeling before you, muttering incoherent thank-you's while scooping up the gold coins. Your brain was melting from having to process the weird occurrence. Was that Calerus' answer to your prayers? Or was that your power all along and it was just a matter of you not knowing? Your head was spinning.
A hand suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you onto your feet. You looked back and Zephyr glared at Mr. Citris over your shoulder, a frown tugging on his lips. He pulled you back behind him, pressing you to him so you couldn't do something he didn't expect again.
"Mr. Citris, it seems our gracious Lord has answered your prayers." His tone was cold despite the miraculous event that called for a joyous celebration. "Now that your problems have been solved, I think it's time for you to go back to your daughter, yes?" He questioned, his voice holding a certain persuasiveness and firmness in it, like he wasn't asking but ordering.
"Yes, thank you. Thank you, my Messiah...My saviour...m-my God!" Mr. Citris smiled, looking up at you. His smile grew into a grin as he began to mumble to himself. You grew concerned at his mumbling.
Mr. Citris isn't usually like this...
Before you could ask if he was alright,. Zephyr tugged at your arm and pulled you away from the scene. "Help Mr. Citris collect his money and escort him out of the temple." He ordered the two guards before quickening his place and pulling you away with him.
You were still in a daze, astonished by what just transpired. You barely even noticed Zephyr had dragged you towards one of the entrance to the temple that connected with the garden. Only when you both stepped back inside the temple did he let go.
You finally snapped back to reality as the familiar white marble walls and well lit halls came into your view. You raised your hands and stared at them. They seemed fine. Nothing looked different from before....Then, what on earth happened back there?
Another pair of hands came into your peripheral before intertwining your hands in theirs. You looked up and saw Zephyr staring at your hands in his.
"Zephyr?" You raised an eyebrow. He's been acting weird since Mr. Citris came.
You felt him tighten his hold as he breathed shakily. "Lady (y/n)..." He whispered, eyes still glued to your hands.
"Are you alright?" You made no move to pull away from his grasp.
Zephyr was quiet.
"Zephyr? You're worrying me." You voiced your concerns. Zephyr was really out of it today.
At your words, he raised his head and met your eyes. His signature smile still absent from his face.
"Did you know, Lady (y/n)?" He began.
"Know what?" Zephyr was beginning to confuse you. You thought you had a decent understanding of him now after living together for the past few weeks but...
Maybe there was still more to him than what meets the eye.
"Meripurlets and aurum trees have a symbiotic relationship." He rubbed your hands.
"Meripurlets have short roots which causes them to have a hard time finding water especially during dry seasons. To battle this, they grow near aurum trees which have long roots and can easily absorb water deep within the soil. A meripurlet will penetrate its roots into an aurum tree's to take its water. As such, meripurlets are categorized as a parasitic plant." Zephyr glanced outside towards an aurum tree.
"However, if you look in books, they will say that the relationship between meripurlets and aurum trees is mutualism. Fascinating, no?" A small smile finally crawled onto his face. You couldn't help but feel relieved when you saw it. At least he looked like he was back to normal. Wish the same would apply to his voice though.
"That is because meripurlets only take a small amount of water from aurum trees. Just enough to sustain itself. In return, they give nitrogen they absorbed from the soil to aurum trees to let them grow taller and stronger. Research also found that each meripurlet plant only ever get water from one aurum tree. It doesn't matter if another one is planted beside it, once it chooses one, it will depend on that aurum tree for the rest of its life. A very...devoted flower, don't you agree?" This was interesting and all but you couldn't wrap your head around why Zephyr was telling you all this. He continued on with his rambling.
"Despite all the good they do for each other, did you notice that the meripurlets and aurum trees in the garden are not planted together, Lady (y/n)?" This time, Zephyr tilted his head.
You recalled back to your walk. Indeed, the flowers and trees were separated from each other. You nodded, unsure where this was going to lead.
Zephyr smiled wider. "Well, another fascinating thing about meripurlets is they don't like to share."
"What?" You blurted out.
"When another parasitic plant comes and lives off the aurum tree they had chosen, the meripurlets will suck all the water from the aurum tree and will stop giving the tree its nitrogen supply. Slowly, the aurum tree will wilt and die just like any other host plants in parasitic relationships." Zephyr explained as he stepped closer, brushing his lips against the back of your fingers.
"As for the meripurlet, the excessive water will cause it to rot from within until it eventually dies." His gaze darkened and you unconsciously swallowed nervously.
"The meripurlet would rather kill the aurum tree it tethered itself to than share it with another plant. It would rather die than choose another aurum tree to depend on." Zephyr looked back down, his bangs tickling your hands.
"To this, botanists like to say..."
He leaned in and whispered into your ear.
"Devotion can kill."
Done! Another chapter in the bag. Thank you all for the immense support you've shown for the prologue. I didn't expect it to blow up like that especially since it's the first thing I've ever posted here. Thank you again for the support and for waiting for the next chapter!(I'm a slow writer so please bear with me!(´-﹏-`;))
Same thing applies, if you find any problems, please tell me so I can make corrections in order to give everyone the best reading experience!
@ursinaw @ceeesxy-blog @deepinballs @vash-yuu @fairy-lenaa @fleurescentlight @surprisemodafakas @cerisearan (you wrote master list but I'm gonna assume you meant tag list. Sorry if I'm wrong(T_T)) @avyannasstuff
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angxlofvenus · 11 months
Hiii so I wanted to ask if you could write some headcanons about how the brothers would react if MC suddenly turned into a toddler (due to some forbidden book or Solomons cooking or whatever you want) like ,how would they react ,how would they take care of my ?
I hope this request makes sense ! I really like your writing
When You Become A Toddler
Thank you so much for the request! This was so cute to write about, Have a great rest of your day/night! Genre: Fluff Ship: Platonic brothers x reader TW: mentions of hurting Solomon, killing Solomon, Pretty much just threats on Solo's life, minimal cursing, eating Solomon's cooking, Turning into a child, Child reader
You should've known better by now... When Solomon brought you a Tupperware claiming it was Simeon's cooking, You knew it was risky but the food looked good! You only realized how badly you messed up after only one bite...
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No. Not another one- He refuses
This man has pretty much raised 6 kids already, and while he may kill Solomon for this, He is the most experienced in helping you
He’s got this whole mom thing down to a T
Will probably just care for you like a normal Toddler
 It does get a teeny strenuous when he eventually needs to get back to work
No mc, you can not help him sign papers with your red Crayola crayon.
Once you’re back to normal, he’s mostly relieved, Though it was nice to reminisce on the good ol’ days when his brothers were still just young Cherubs
First thought is, “Oh shit!”
Second thought is, “Lucifer’s gonna kill me!”
He may strangle Solomon right then and there
He is the second oldest so he’s got some experience under his belt
Immediately is picking you up and coddling you
Will totally become the best babysitter ever (aka letting you do pretty much whatever you want)
Wanna go spend Lucifer’s money? Hell yeah! Wanna go to the park? Let’s go!
Once you’re back to normal, He’s gonna deny Caring for you as closely as he did but he secretly enjoyed having someone younger around who actually likes him for a while (Luke…)
Nope, He can’t do this!!
Yes, He technically has 4 younger brothers, yes he knows how to take care of kids but still-
His room isn’t for kids, All of his precious collectibles!!
Is cursing the sorcerer's name
Y’all will end up watching some kid-friendly anime and playing some of his easier games
Will let you win too
After you’re back to normal, He will let out a sigh of relief, You weren’t a bad kid but, He likes you better grown up and not so destructive
As he is technically the youngest in age, He won’t be the most experienced
But- This man has read a couple things about kids so he isn’t totally helpless
Will be one of the better caretakers, He will keep you happy and calm throughout the day
He’ll find some more age-appropriate books to read to you 
Afterwards, He is happy you’re back to normal safely but it was nice to act so domestic for a bit, He will being having a ‘talk’ With Solomon :)
Well, aren’t you cute!
Would also be a great babysitter in my opinion
Y’all will be having a fashion show, sorry I don’t make the rules
His phone is now full of pictures of just you and him being fashionistas 
Will 100% let you play with all his makeup and nail polish, Yes he’ll let you give him a makeover
No matter how bad the finished product looks, he will shower you in compliments on your skills
After you're back to normal, He’ll laugh about the situation with you and gush about how cute you were!
Now this guy is a family man so he’s immediately in protective mode
Will protect you with his life
Is maybe the best babysitter out of everyone
Will get everything you need, Blankets, coloring books, toys, You name it- He’s gonna get it for you
Will absolutely cook for you/ share his food if you ask nicely, He could never say no to that face!
Once you turn back, He is a little sad but overall just happy you’re healthy
He won’t let you anywhere near Solomon or his cooking for a while…
Get somebody else to do it-
In all seriousness, he isn’t really good with kids
Will probably take you to the park or something so you can get all your energy out while he naps on a bench
Once y’all get back, He’ll give you his phone and just let you go wild while he sleeps
Will be nice enough to let you cuddle with him/ steal his cow pillow
He’ll be so happy when you’re back to normal, Not that you weren’t cute and all but he likes you better when you can care for yourself
He will definitely be out for blood though, Solomon isn’t going to get off that easily
Best babysitter to worst:
Beel Satan Lucifer Mammon  Asmo Levi belphie
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aaaauuuUUUUUUUGGGHHHHhhhh got to the part where TBK all get their anonymous personalized gifts from Fabian and I forgot just HOW personalized they are!!!
He gets Fig a ruby guitar pick!! They literally just met Gorthalax yesterday!!!
Gorgug gets a leather axe holder with a tin flower on it! Fabian basically made that Gorgug's "symbol".
He followed through and got Adaine 45 gold pieces for the makeover she wanted to do with TBK!!
I genuinely forgot Fabian was how Kristen got her book about different religions in the world! She only just started actively looking for literature about different faiths!!
And then...what he got Riz... I'm literally gonna quote how Brennan described it:
"Riz, you find a beautiful leather bound briefcase with the initials 'TB' on the front- and inside are a bunch of beautiful, like gilded business cards that say "Riz 'The Ball' Gukgak", a-very, very small 'un' and then "licensed investigator" and your information on them. With beautiful hand done calligraphy."
Kristen says these are all of their deepest desires that tap into what they're all after. Which isn't totally true but also not far from it! Adaine says they've been given their "heart's desire"! Fabian didn't just buy them what they'd all want, he got them things they'd never think to get for themselves!
Fabian (like Fig) tries to play at being disinterested and unattached to TBK, but he can't help it! These high schoolers are weirdo freaks and they're also people he cares deeply about! So much so he's afraid it isn't mutual and they're only after his money, despite the fact none of them have shown any interest in his wealth!!!
Fabian loves The Bad Kids sooooo much and the school year isn't even over. He hasn't really had anyone outside of his family's social circle to show love to, and as soon as he gets the opportunity he throws his heart into it!!!
Fabian Aramais Seacaster, you don't need to add "Son of Bill Seacaster" to the end your name for people to desire your presence. "Fabian" is more than enough 🥺
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growwithmeastrology · 2 months
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Saturday, April 20th 2024 Sun in Taurus ♉️🌎 Moon in Virgo ♍️🌎 and Libra ♎️💨
We’re here. We made it to the transit everyone is talking about, the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in Taurus. It’s the topic of the day so let’s get into how it’s going to affect each rising sign. For a more detailed look at your theme, check out your rising sign first and then sun and moon signs. This energy has been rolling in strongly over the last month and will be active for the next 6 months!
Aries - This is happening in your 2nd house of values and personal money. You can expect a boost in your sense of self worth and a boost of abundance in your bank accounts.
Taurus - Bringing big energies into your 1st house of self, get ready for a total makeover. It may seem like you’re becoming a completely different person right now. Take a leap of faith and watch your dreams take flight.
Gemini - This is hitting your 12th house of spirituality and subconscious. Prepare for mind blowing, out of this world dreams, intuitive insights and revelations that may have you questioning reality.
Cancer - Your 11th house of society and friendship is getting activated filling the next 6 months with new social encounters and exciting adventures. Make a wish, it may just come true!
Leo - You’ll be shining bright as this transit brings fortune into your 10th house of career. Get ready for either promotions, brand new opportunities or recognition in the job sector.
Virgo - Pack your bags and put your learning hat on as this is hitting your 9th house of travel and higher philosophies. Adventure and expansion are helping you break free from the ordinary.
Libra - Get ready for some sexy vibes as this energy hits your 8th house of intimacy and shared money. Explore new areas of passion and excitement along side a partner.
Scorpio - Your 7th house of relationships is getting a shake up. You’re evaluating whether a partnership is holding you back or expanding your horizons. Cut loose of anything holding you back from personal growth.
Sagittarius - Hitting your 6th house of health and daily routines, it’s important to listen to your body and make self-care a priority. You could also see a change in what your day to day looks like.
Capricorn - Get ready as your 5th house of passion, dating and creativity get a jolt of excitement. Some fun and romance are up for you so open yourself up to a little spontaneity.
Aquarius - hitting your 4th house of home and family, get ready for some ancestral healing and breaking free from old family wounds. Let go of any familial patterns holding you back. You could also find yourself in a new home environment all together.
Pisces - Lighting up your 3rd house of communication and short distance travel. Think outside the box, explore new ideas and places and connect with kindred spirits.
If you enjoy my daily forecasts please like, comment, share and consider a gratitude tip in support. 🅿️ PayPal, Venmo or CashApp - @NaliniFlor
Learn more about your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you! Comment below⬇️ or DM me for a consultation.
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lazerv4 · 10 hours
Thoughts on Total Forgiveness
Just my raw thoughts not a review or anything
Total Forgiveness starts with Ally Beardsley and Grant O’Brian pitching the show they are about to embark on to Sam Reich their at the time President of Original Content at CollegeHumor (now CEO of Dropout). The pitch is simple, student debt is a cripplying problem and they came up with the accordion method, what if instead of many years of suffering under their loans they could instead make the suffering happen in 4 months and pay their debt as they gamble on challenges between the two of them for money which the show would award weekly. Sam hesitates but greenlights the show much to the delight of Grant and Ally who get right to work on the first challenges which end up being Grant has to interview a lawyer specializing on student debt while covered in leeches and Ally has to interview an ex partner about what went wrong while they eat the spiciest food Grant can find. Afterwards we see the actual challenges go through as Grant does his assigned interview while bleeding profusely and Ally has what can only be derived as a cringe nightmare of an experience with their ex eating thai so spicy they almost throw up, then when they are both done we see them together, they both look like they’ve been through hell and that is just the first episode.
Episode 2 begins a little bit meaner with Ally getting an Oompa Loompa makeover and getting their driver’s license renovated while Grant wears a dog shock collar for barking the entire day which leads to him spending the day mute, this is where we start to see the main dynamics of the show develop with Ally embracing the horribleness and Grant trying his best to have fun with it but struggling a bit.
Episode 3 is a kinder episode to Grant with him simply going camping which apparently he hates, meanwhile Ally is buried alive for an entire day in a sort of sensory deprivation coffin while they are still in the office.
Episode 4 meanwhile has Grant performing a cringe inducing stand up show purposely sabotaged to be terrible with the caveat that if a joke doesn't land he has to say “it’s all love” which just makes it so much worse, on the flipside Ally has to publish an excerpt from their teenage diary, a move which severely backfires on Grant as it seems like a growing experience for Ally that improved them as a person all things considered, no suffering all money.
At this point not a single point has been lost and both Ally and Grant are giving their all to the challenges and still enjoying themselves to some extent since the point of the show is to compress suffering they do struggle but nothing too bad has happened yet, this is where that begins to change.
Episode 5 is one of the hardest things I’ve had to sit through. Grant gets the challenge of being locked in his studio apartment with 8 family members for a weekend which while I’m sure it was a nightmare, it doesn’t translate to tv. All’s challenge this week was to sing the United States national anthem at a minor league baseball game and to make it way worse, they apparently don’t even know the lyrics so they completely fucked it up and even have a random laugh in the middle of it, it’s the sort of horrible second hand embarrassment that is legitimately hard to endure and I have seen some people say this and another upcoming Ally challenge are borderline unwatchable because it’s just too cringe, but if you can get through it the series has more for you.
Episode 6 is the phobia episode where Grant must face needles and Ally must face snakes, for Grant he just has to inject himself so B12 with the alleged most painful needle which he does albeit it leads to one of my favorite gags when he says “I’ll be fine in 5 minutes” after he pulls the needle out only for the show to cut to him having a full panic attack with an oxygen mask. Grant won his challenge and valiantly faced his fear but as for Ally, well things would go different for them. Ally’s challenge involved that some night, any night at all, Grant would come in with a live snake and Ally would have to sleep with it on their bed. While Ally had been a very ambitious and fun loving contestant, this broke something and they just completely refused to engage with the snake and complete the challenge leading to the first loss and the domino effect which would shape the series into what it became.
Episode 7 is where challenges start to get unreasonable, with almost 4000 dollars on the line this contest had to get difficult so both Ally and Grant came up with this, Grant wanted Ally to spend their whole week piss drunk which at first Ally enjoyed and it annoyed everyone else but quickly it started getting to them and by the end of the week you can see their health suffer because of it and the remnants of a broken person just trying to finish the last day to claim the win, while Grant broke Ally’s body their mind seems unbreakable. As for Grant, Ally came up with a really strange and complicated challenge, basically Grant had to get an erection with no stimulation while being timed which ended in a really bizarre contraption so this could be shown without well showing Grant’s genitals. This challenge has been often called unreasonable and impossible by many people and to an extent it is but Grant still accepted it and attempted it as hard as he could, an attempt that proved unsuccessful leading to his first loss of the show.
As of now Grant has earned $10750 while Ally has $13250, as the gap starts to widen so do the challenges as the series starts to lead to it’s climax.
Episode 8 is the real turning point of the series with Ally getting the other famously cringe and unwatchable challenge in having to become a herbalife shill to her new roommates and do unreasonable actions Grant assigns via an earpiece to try and make them quit but their will somehow remained strong which showed how much fun Ally was having with this whole show as the chaotic person they are, meanwhile Grant was having a rough time. Ally’s challenge to Grant was to sell all his earthly possessions at a flea market and try to earn a thousand dollars which a some points seems maybe doable but very quickly while Grant still doesn’t realize it, it’s very clear to the viewer and to the crew that Grant won’t be able to accomplish this. He leaves this challenge defeated and returns to his empty apartment with now nothing to his name except around $600, not only did he lose the challenge but he also lost everything he had, this is where we first start to see how this show has damaged Grant and Ally’s friendship and also emotionally damaged Grant who seems barely still holding it together by the end of the episode which leads you wonder, how can this escalate further?
Episode 9 got mean, Grant challenged Ally to get a neck tattoo with the name of their new girlfriend who they've been dating for 2 months while Ally challenged Grant to shit in public as performance art (again his genitals are covered but chest up everyone can see him). The challenges this week feel very mean spirited and with Ally now being up $24250 to Grant’s $10750 things are heating up and they are starting to feel more like bitter rivals than loving friends doing a dumb show together. Going with Ally first while Sam seems hesitant to approve this challenge Ally wants to do it and still seems have fun with it as a big dumb joke even if it’s their first tattoo it’s just a gag to them and they don’t mind the embarrassment with them even bringing said gf to the parlor so they can watch the tattoo be made. Meanwhile Grant struggles, even before the exhibition opens we can already see he is stressed and uncomfortable, he doesn’t seem like he wants to do it but the money is too life changing to not go through with it so he presses on, he is notified that when he is done he can pull a string that will drop confetti to signify he has completed the challenge and so he gets on the toilet in front of a lot of people. The atmosphere is not tense, it’s closer to something sad and depressing, something akin to the feeling of exploiting someone and when Grant pulls the string and the confetti falls, you can’t help but feel awful, a big thing through this episode has been Siobhan (another dropout cast member) giving some advice to Grant and Ally separately about how to mend what they are breaking and she stays as everyone leaves to speak with Ally as Grant angrily prepares to go home. As Ally approaches to tell Grant everyone was an extra, the mood is again tense, he just replies he is “done for the day” and that it was “funny” as he just walks away checking with the crew really quick to see if he can leave and then just exiting the building silently. This episode seemed to be the tipping point for Grant and what would have ended their friendship with Ally as even with this the gap just widened and made everything seem worse and worse while making each other more antagonistic towards the other that while Ally had been taking as dumb fun, they had now realized was hurting Grant and something had to be done if this friendship was gonna survive this show, let alone a 10th episode.
Episode 10 is just titled “Finale” with no allusion to the challenges like all the previous episodes so you go on not exactly knowing what to expect. It begins with other dropout cast members talking about the strain this show has had on Ally and Grant before going into the challenge pitching part of the show where Ally is alone with the production crew struggling to even come up with something until they says they have a pitch and the show cuts to Grant alone with the crew as well, they try to check on Grant to see if he is ok and he clarifies he doesn’t blame anyone and he is not the victim of the show but he is struggling. He is not sure what to pitch except something horrible and life changing so he is gonna go through Ally’s challenge first, cut to Jess and Katie (dropout cast members) in Santa Monica, they have a letter for Grant that Ally wrote the challenge is just to enjoy the day at the beach with his friends while wearing a dumb outfit and to decompress the show a bit to see if maybe he has it in him to forgive them. The show cuts to a montage of Grant having fun for his $10k prize just hanging in the pier and doing dumb stuff with Jess and Katie.The mood is so different, so fun and afterwards Grant talks a bit about what the show has done to their friendship and how he is regretful Ally couldn’t be there with them before announcing he now knows what his challenge is and shot fades. We start the scene in a bar called “State Social House” that same night as Grant and Ally meet in the empty bar and Grant reveals the challenge is to have 3 mezcals with him, while they begin drinking they also talk about their sentiments regarding what the money has done to their friendship, the reminique about what they've been through and what living with debt has done to them, how they hope to remain friends after this and even hopefully for the rest of their lives as they approach the third drink to which Ally comments about prompting Grant (a seasoned bartender) to want to smell and check it’s profile, this leads Ally to telling Grant to just drink it and take the $10k and to make the gap smaller to which Grant replies that he can’t accept that, at this point Ally has made their choice so they drop the mezcal on the floor on the most shocking moment on the entire show. What is next is just pure friendship and love for the people around you. Grant starts crying and they hug in the sweetest moment in the show, this is the moment that turned around the show according to Sam in a “episode 11” interview. The show then cuts to Grant paying one of his loans and he becomes able to finally be able to start paying his loans instead of just interest, Ally also talks about their loan consolidation as the show begins to wrap and we get the final scene with is a small dinner they set up and the talk about everything they learned about loans and how they are designed to make people’s life worse before the show ends with a toast to it’s history and a tally of the remaining debt before finally saying goodbye one last time.
Total Forgiveness did eventually get a reunion episode 11 sort of podcast thing but that is mainly talking behind the scenes about how of the rails the show went and how it was almost cancelled before the final episode essentially redeemed the whole thing from feeling like like a dystopian torture system as well as how Ally and Grant expected Jackass but got something much deeper, something about the effects of debt on people, something like most of dropout special. Total Forgiveness may not be for everyone, it can be a hard show to sit through, but for those able to go through with it the way it develops as an allegory for its own themes is fantastic and beautiful and in some ways the only example of prestige reality tv I can think of. It is truly one of a kind and a beautiful little show that can’t and shouldn’t be replicated, it should stand as a monolith and be cherished for all it accomplished in showing the struggles of debt. Ally and Grant did something incredible that would only be possible at a platform like dropout and with how the show turned out and how it stands along with other titans at dropout they should be proud.
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asgardianangel · 1 year
oh lord forgive me if this is just too much but i would just die if you wrote something with saul along the lines of … “i know some very bad men that would pay very good money for a sweet little thing like you”.. angry dark possessive sexy saul mm
A night you would never forget
Saul Goodman X Innocent fem! Reader
Summary: Your love for your ill grandma sent you in a desperation for money and into the arms of a possessive lawyer
Warnings: 18+, bad language, dark possessive Saul!, mentions of sex working, threats, naïve! reader, allusions of NSFW, deception, age gap, forced relationship, implied stalking
Living in Alburquerque New Mexico was hard to say the least. Going from one job to another it just wasn’t enough for you. You were financial drained and it was a call for desperation by the reveal of your ill grandma’s medical bill. She was in and out of hospital and unfortunately things didn’t look to be getting better. 
Your love for her encouraged you to pull your weight on earning money tremendously more. She was the only family you had and losing her would mean the end of the world to you. 
You were desperate to the point you started to consider selling your body to willing men. The idea came to you when your friend Anna unexpectedly visited you, she was in the whole ‘sex worker business’ or ‘lady of the night’ that’s what she liked to call it unlike some people. 
Anna giggled showing off her new designer handbag “guess how much this beauty cost?” she asked you raised a brow in a thought “I’m not too sure hundred maybe?” you guessed.  
“More like five hundred” she answered with a grin and you mouthed a ‘wow’ in disbelief. “I wouldn’t have guess” you say. 
“How’s your dear old grandma?” Anna asked and your stare down at your coffee with a sigh “not good and truthfully, I’m financially fucked to pay for her possibly lifesaving treatment” you responded with a saddened tone.  
Anna looks at you with sympathy “you know Y/n you are really beautiful and if you're that desperate why don’t you start doing what I do” she suggested and you stare at her in shock. 
“I-I don’t know about that” you stutter a little and Anna just smiles at you “C’mon it’s not bad besides my customers are nice and generous sometimes they just want someone to talk to” you in thought about what she was saying. 
“Like I said you are beautiful and young you could really earn a lot from it. These men they love innocent looking girls like you” Anna giggles again. You were totally innocent you had three relationships in the past but they all didn’t end well. It’s not like sex wasn’t something you had never heard of before. 
“Listen I have to go now call me if you want to go through with it. It will change your life.” Anna waved in goodbyes. 
After another unfortunate call from the hospital, you were left with no choice. 
It was a Friday night and you carefully memorised tips given by Anna like ‘might sure you flirt with them most of the night’ and ‘make sure they know what you are worth’. 
You hardly recognised yourself in the mirror after she gave you a makeover. 
Anna made it easier for you by sending one of her clients your way claiming ‘he’s a big lawyer guy that makes a lot of money’ so you sat at a local bar waiting for his arrival. After one or two drinks you realised, he was late of the time Anna gave him. You started to get anxious as you pulled on the tight dress you were wearing. 
Maybe he changed his mind. You didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Glancing at the clock behind the bar he was now half an hour late. Sighing you pulled out your purse ready to pay up and leave. 
Then there was a man's voice “you must be Cat” you turn around hearing the fake name Anna made up for you. He was much older then you. Appearance was very much smart like a lawyer but his colour choices were usual to say the least. Reminding you of those inflatable men outside car dealerships and whatnot. But he looked oddly familiar. 
You gave him that sweet smile of yours “that’s me handsome” you tuck a hair behind your ear.  
The man laughs “what a charmer my name is Saul and it’s nice to meet you” he introduced and it struck you he was that late night lawyer guy you have seen on TV. Saul sits on the empty stool next to you. 
It felt awkward you didn’t know what to say to him as you finished your second drink “you want another one of those sweetheart?” he asks and you nod. “Yes please” you say quietly. 
Saul seemly was admiring the way you looked his blue eyes would drift from your bare thighs to your cleavage. “God you are beautiful” he mused and you blushed “thank you”  
Given you were so awkward Saul kept the conversation afloat telling you all funny stories about his clients and you laughed along with him. “Wow you deal with all sorts of characters it sounds like fun” you say and he takes a sip of his beer “yeah it is- you got any stories about your clients?” Saul asks and you almost choke on your drink.  
What could you say?  You hesitated for a bit “I bet you have loads of guys chasing after you- I don’t mean that to insult you given well your job” he rambles and you snigger. 
“It’s okay I don’t get interesting clients” you lie and then Saul raises his brow at you “wait a minute-am I your first client?” he questions at you just gave him an honest look “oh sweetheart” Saul awes in understanding. 
“Just so you know we don’t have to anything tonight. I’ll still pay you for this nice company” he reassured you. Not sure if it was just the drinking or the good conversation but you were starting to become attracted to the older man. 
Saul was so gentle and charming. 
“Do you wanna have sex with me?” you asked curiously and Saul just smiles “I think you are very beautiful doll face and easy to talk to” he sighs honestly but it wasn’t the answer you were looking for. 
Then he gave you a clear answer “Very much so- if you want to” staring at each other he placed his hand over yours. Saul moved in for a kiss and there was hint of shyness with you “sorry I’m just not used to this” you tell him. He started caressing your cheek “it’s okay we can just go slow” he advised you softly.  
You felt comfortable around him so you gathered up the confidence and kissed him gently. It started off slow and then you granted his tongue access and you tasted the beer he had been drinking. As you wrapped your hands around his neck. After some intimate kissing at the bar, he then asked you the question. 
“I have a room booked upstairs if you wanna-” you interrupted by kissing him again  
It was certainly a night you wouldn’t forget. 
A whole month had passed and you started to notice changes. You didn’t really know what type of relationship you had with Saul. But there was one thing for certain...he was behaving strangely.  
Ever since that first night you shared with him Saul made you vow to be at his side  
‘Tell me you are only mine sweetheart and I will take care of you’ he whispered tracing circles along your shoulder blade pecking kisses on your soft skin. 
In exchange for the sex and downright obedience he solved all your financial worries. The sex was amazing but you felt as though each time Saul would become rougher and controlling. 
Grabbing at your throat and slamming into like a man possessed. 
“You belong to me in each and every way I own you”  
 On the lighter side of things your grandma was recovering smoothly. You tried spending as much time with her as possible but recently it became hard with Saul demanding you to be with him every second of every day. 
On top that you had an eerie feeling that you were being watched. 
You thought you would be able to have some decent time to yourself knowing Saul was a busy man. But that didn’t stop him. 
It started to become unbearable. Your body was sore and oversensitive.  
As he called you in his office you started to question the relationship you had with him. But that was interrupted the displeased look on his face.  
“I can’t fucking believe you sweetheart” Saul seethed as he closed the door behind you with a slam. Why was he so angry? Staring at him confused. 
“Don’t look at me like that! You know what you have been up to!” he shakes his finger at you like a parent scolding their child. Still unsure what he was even talking about you utter a “what?” and he laughs sarcastically. 
“Conspiring to leave me when you know exactly who you belong to. I know about your little meetups with your bitch of a friend Anna” His words withheld so much venom and you were in shock. “You were spying on me?” you questioned and he nods with another chuckle. 
It explained the feeling you always had since seeing him.  
“Why would you do that?” you asked and you started to wonder how long has he been doing it?  
Saul steps closer to you with a big smirk on his face “I just wanted to keep an eye on my doll and you have deeply upset me” there was a look in his eyes like never before. No gentleness or warmth but possession. 
He was no longer the man that you went to the hotel room with that night. 
 You're back hitting against the wall Saul had you caged between his arms “please just let me leave” you quietly begged. “Oh, that’s how you going to repay me for taking care of you?” Saul questions with a tusk.  
He presses his lips against your ear “do you want me to tell you a secret?” His voice husks and you gently nod. Feeling disgusted and shocked by his true demeanour  
 “I’ve known you long before you became a wannabe sex worker doll. You see Anna owed me big time for defending her in court. She was going to be sentenced away for a looong time if it wasn't for me and she offered me her body. But I didn’t want her” your eyes widen in disbelief as his hand traced up to your breast.  
“I wanted that sweet and innocent friend of hers who was desperate to take care of her beloved grandmother” his voice purred pecking down the side of your neck you struggled against him trying to get away. 
You couldn’t believe this was happening to you. How can Anna do this to you? 
But the older man was quick to slam you against the wall “you are so ungrateful after anything I’ve done for you” he seethed in your ear. His hand was held tight around both your wrists holding them above you. 
“i know some very bad men that would pay very good money for a sweet little thing like you” he threatened  
“I suggest you stop struggling and bend over my desk for me because I can make that happen sweetheart trust me”  
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People like to talk about how Mike might have never actually liked El at all because his prepubescent puppy crush was actually just comphet, but what I haven’t seen discussed so much is the very real possibility that El never liked him (romantically) either.
When El and Max were clothes shopping in S3, El asked how she was supposed to know what she liked. She didn���t know how to discern her own taste, and this was after about 8 months worth of time where she was, if not integrating into society, at least hanging out with the party. By this point in the show, what things do we actually know that el has decided she likes? When she was with Hopper she listened to whatever records he had and watched whatever was on TV, because her world was so small that she didn’t have the luxury of choice. The only things she seems to have stated a preference for are Mike and Eggos. Mike, one of the first people she ever met outside of the lab, and Eggos, the first food he ever brought her. Now what are the odds that these are actually her favourite things, and that she’s not just imprinting?
We see a lot of this lack of knowledge of what she wants in how she dresses. As a small child, she only wears the hospital gowns that the lab provides her with. Once she breaks out she wears Mike’s clothes and Nancy’s old dress. When she lives with Hopper she wears his old clothes and whatever he brings her. Even when she has her punk makeover she’s just wearing what Kali dressed her up in. She chooses her own clothes while she’s out with Max, and almost immediately after that she breaks up with Mike. Even then, she feels the need to ask Max, as if she expects to be told what she’s supposed to like. In S4 it’s unclear how much of her wardrobe she’s chosen herself, but I’m assuming that the oversized shirts are probably Hopper’s, in which case she’s wearing them because she misses him and not because she actually likes them.
When El and Mike first met they were still small kids, and they knew each other for a grand total of a week. Regardless of what you think his reason for it was, Mike basically decided that their relationship was going to have a romantic context. El didn’t know what that meant! She spent her entire childhood in a laboratory and ended up repressing most of it by the time she escaped. We see in S2 that she likes to watch romance shows on TV, but those aren’t a realistic portrayal of relationships, and they’re likely her only interaction with the concept of romance. Despite apparently having been in a relationship for months, she seems pretty clueless about dating when talking to Max in S3. I’ll bet good money that she saw romcom meet-cutes and, overlaying them over her own experience with Mike, assumed that “love-at-first-sight” relationships were the norm for the general populace.
So here’s El, who’s never been able to consider what it is that she actually wants before, and one of the only people she’s ever met tells her he likes her romantically. Of course she’ll go along with it! Particularly when she sees relationships just like that on TV, because soap operas are her only real window into society for a whole year! She goes along with it because Mike says he likes her, so she assumes that means she must like him too, yet the moment Max prompts her to think about what it is she really wants, she breaks up with him. And then when she returns to the status quo of their relationship, long distance this time, she’s blatantly lying about so much! She’s not thinking about what she wants at all, she’s only considering what it is she thinks Mike wants.
I do think El likes Mike a lot, as a friend, but she’s never even considered their relationship through a platonic lens because she’s been told from the very start that it’s romantic.
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diahsthings · 10 months
Obey me
Things I would do with each character.
Warnings: bad writing, fluff, ooc I guess. It's just some silly maladaptive daydreaming.
Listen to records. Don't think listening to his cursed ones are possible. Guess he's going to enjoy ABBA. Look I know it won't be his favorite but he will probably be intrigued because of how popular their music is. Use listening to music to have him dance with me. I have a large variety of records. Making out maybe to music. Enjoying a different side to him.
Get in on schemes. Love to think of how to scam people but never do because I don't have the time or money. Chaos couple. I'm a hype person and will remind him how amazing he is. Shared adoration. He's my first and favorite. I fell in love almost as fast as he did. That soft personality just for me. He's gorgeous and sweet.
Have him help me finish every video game I'm stuck on. It's going to be awhile. Using the excuse to make him spend time with me. It'll give him confidence while I tell him how amazing he is at playing games. Nerd out over anime. Share our thoughts and eventually get him to cuddle. Then more as he gets comfortable.
Cliche but cat cafe. Love it. Get cute snacks and drinks then cuddle with cats. OMG please. Did it once and it was so much fun. Satan would die seeing a cat sleep in my lap almost the whole time. Then getting home letting him pout about not being able to have a cat. Stroking his hair as he lays his head in my lap. Bonus: I'm allergic to cats 😂
I'm serious about skin care, hair care, and personal style. I would be out shopping and doing so much with him. I adore him. Giving a makeover might not work but I would let him do whatever he wanted and have fun with him. I think doing makeup and hair is intimate. It's a special bond. I don't let just anyone see me changing and telling me fashion or style advice. Sharing the latest tea with him. OMG the bond with him would be so strong. The trust.
I would have him eat and tell me about how it tastes. I have so many food issues that I just dream of eating these foods. That and tell him he's the greatest in the world. He's the biggest sweetheart ever. I'm such a simp for him. Cheering for him. Making sure he has snacks and carrying snacks with me. Cuddles with snacks while watching movies. Have to have a snack while watching movies. I can't watch without snacks.
Stargazing while snuggling. I just want to lay in bed all day and enjoy the softest blankets, mattress, and pillows. And having such a handsome brat of a demon. So much cuddling. Playing my switch or reading. Slow kisses while running our hands over each other.
Take him to a Renaissance festival. Can you imagine the sheer amount of enjoyment he would have?!? Best dressed couple there. Biggest smile on his face. The excitement. Enjoying Diavolo's affection and relaxing as no one knows who he is. Spending as much time there as possible. Being able to act openly as a couple with no one watching him under a microscope. Finding a place to share some kisses.
Tea. Everything tea. I live in tea. Chai. Masala chai recipe. Bonding over my passion for hot leaf juice. Make him take us to my favorite tea places. (Nimrah bakery old city Hyderabad India). Enjoying one anothers company while sitting together cozy in cafes. Talking quietly with one another out of prying eyes. Stolen kisses and holding hands.
Baking!! Work on finding the best gluten free food. I can't have gluten and it's just awful. But I want to bake with him so badly. Decorating cakes and cookies. Helping get icing off his lip. Seeing him blush from that. The debate it gives him.
Go to occult stores and hear his opinion. Totally just want to make out with this one. Keep him from trying any magic spells. I just want to hear his interesting thoughts on things. Think he's hilarious. And enjoy teasing him back.
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male-meat-suit · 1 year
Bitch Boy
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He called me his Bitch Boy when we first met, he took me being gay and finding him attractive as a way to punish me, but now, I turned the tables on him and this was Amazing, I can't believe it Worked. This Duche bag of a rich kid was now mine and the changes I had made to him would alter his life forever. The I gave him a total makeover, physically and mentally. He wanted to be an Alpha Male so I made him an Alpha Leather Master,  his tiny dick now only got hard for guys who looke and dressed like him, the Pussy chaser was long gone. I pierced his ears, nips and dick as well as covered his body in tattoos, then I replaced all his clothes with leather, he could wear nothing else, but after the mental changes were done he wouldn’t want to. I finsihed him off by making all of his family and friends abandon him which meant by bye money, he became a whore with his new look, fucking as many men a day as he could to fulfill his active libido. Seems theres alot of guys out there that enjoy being bitch boys, I did such a great job with him I decided to work on myself next. 
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Becoming a master Alpha myself I made my new friend obsess over me, which he did, I mean look at me who wouldn’t
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He spent most of his days trying to get a taste of me, but he never would. Why would I want a Bitch Boy like him when I can have real man!
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Hello! Do you have tips, advices or any helpful resources on financial independence for beginners? Thankyou in advance!
Of course 💞
Generally, to gain financial independence you need to start by setting a goal. After you set a goal you need to write down your actual scenario as it currently standards. Then you brain map different strategies and actions you can take.
This is probably the easiest time to establish financial independence. It doesn’t matter if you’re 15 or 55, because of all of the tools available to us on the internet.
As a base:
Set a financial goal: Start by setting a specific financial goal that you want to achieve, such as paying off debt, saving for a down payment on a home, or building an emergency fund. Having a clear goal in mind will help you stay focused and motivated.
Create a budget: A budget is a crucial tool for achieving financial independence. Start by tracking your expenses and income, and then create a budget that allocates your income towards your financial goals and expenses. Consider using a budgeting app or spreadsheet to make this process easier.
Mint is budgeting app I use, it helps you track your expenses, set financial goals, and stay on top of your finances.
Reduce expenses: Look for ways to reduce your expenses, such as cutting back on unnecessary subscriptions or finding ways to save on utilities and groceries. This will free up more money to put towards your financial goals. Just like time, people don’t realize how much money they waste. Every bit counts and adds up. Make sure you’re investing your money on things that are absolutely needed- and not simply wasting money you can be using to make more money.
Invest for the future: investing your money in a retirement account or other long-term investment vehicle. Accounts that pay dividends. This can help you build wealth and achieve financial independence over time. This requires some capital and you should have some money saved before you consider starting.
Some authors I recommend would be:
1. Dave Ramsey: The Total Money Makeover
2. Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad Poor Dad. His YouTube channel is a gold mine. https://m.youtube.com/@TheRichDadChannel
3. JL Collins: The Simple Path to Wealth
4. Ramit Sethi: I Will Teach You to Be Rich
In order to achieve financial independence, it’s Important to build passive income streams. Passive income requires a smaller budget than what people may believe. If any, in some scenarios.
Passive income can be for example:
Dividend Stocks
Affiliate marketing
Selling digital products
Real estate investing
Side hustles can also be passive income steam, and/or have the ability to replace your current main income stream.
I can give you a ton of side hustle ideas. Hundreds. That you can do using your computer. If you give me niches that interest you, I can list recommendations.
The most important aspect however, is mindset. Having a positive mindset when it comes to money and wealth. Your mindset will either drive you to take actions or hold you back. Your thoughts and beliefs about money can have a profound impact on your financial success. Learn how to develop a mindset of abundance and to think creatively about how they can increase their income and build wealth.
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hntedhouse · 7 months
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TRIGGERS: toxic relationships, mentions of addiction / drugs / overdose, death
full name. saffron barton ( née lake ) nickname(s). saff ( okay ), saffie ( absolutely never ) gender. cis woman pronouns. she/her age. thirty - four marital status. widowed hometown. east tennessee occupation. owner of secondhand style clothing boutique
saffron lake was born and raised in a small town in east tennessee. she’s the middle child of three with one older brother and one younger sister. her parents are adventurous, free - spirited people who own and operate an all organic grocery store located on the ground floor of the building that saffron grew up in. most of her childhood memories are of totally spontaneous road trips, camping trips, and snatching up last call tickets to concerts and other big events in town.
she and her siblings were homeschooled for a bit, but eventually started going to the local public school. saffron got excellent grades in most subjects and loaded her schedule with all sorts of extracurriculars. by the time she was finishing high school, she had tried everything from sports like volleyball and karate to activities like orchestra and the yearbook committee. her true passion, however, was always for clothing and makeovers. her dream of owning a boutique was first proclaimed at the age of five and hadn't changed at all by the time she was heading off to college.
her impeccable grades and lengthy application secured her a spot in the ivy leagues. although she would again do well academically and eventually graduate, saffron didn't love college. she had a string of shitty part time jobs, many of her classes were necessary but boring, and her first serious romantic relationship ends badly.
( getaway car by taylor swift playing softly in the distance ) she jumps into a new relationship almost immediately after the breakup. jody barton is the lead singer of a rising grunge rock band that was starting to see some success when they first met. rather than going on to open a clothing boutique, though, saffron ( very very impulsively ) elopes with jody right out of college. they purchase a big home in seattle where he's from, but most of the time saffron travels around with the band.
their relationship was never healthy and it really only got worse as the band became more and more famous / successful. he was terrible at managing the cash that was rolling in nonstop, he got caught cheating with groupies more than once, and the occasional drug habit that she had always kind of knew about but chose to look the other way from was becoming harder and harder to ignore. they were fighting constantly behind closed doors, but in front of the cameras that seemed to follow them everywhere, the couple never failed to slap on their perfect moody pouts and darker - hued coordinated outfits, ensuring their reputation as ‘ rock and roll’s next it couple ’ was safe and sound.
one day, jody overdoses. he was on tour overseas with his band when his manager called their house in seattle and dropped the news on her. they had been married for a little less than five years at that point. she gets everything, but almost immediately begins selling and donating things so that she can leave seattle.
her plan was to reattach her roots to tennessee, repair her relationships with her immediate family who she had mostly drifted away from, and maybe dip into the money that’s still rolling in from her husband’s accounts to finally open a clothing boutique, but struggling to deal with the grief ( and all of the other complex emotions that seeped in with the loss of someone she once loved, but probably didn’t anymore by the time he passed ) had taken a bit of a toll on her. she went into rehab for an addiction to prescription pain meds, and once she had completed the program saffron just didn’t want to be in her hometown anymore.
wanting to go someplace new ( and where reporters wouldn’t think to look for her so they could beg for a comment on jody’s death or the dissolution of his band which immediately followed ), saffron traveled around by herself for a little bit before landing in chile at the age of thirty. unsurprisingly, she immediately fell in love with the secondhand style clothing store. she signed her lease within days of arriving in the country and she’s been here ever since, so about four years now. she came into ownership of the store about year ago and although it takes up most of her time nowadays, she’s mostly happy and feels like her life is finally on track. 
wanted connections.
tbd. :)
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