#broke millennial
bilbopaggins · 2 years
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eshabeautyblogs · 4 months
The Best Personal Finance Books You Need to Read
The Best Personal Finance Books You Need to Read Personal finance books serve as valuable educational resources, providing insight into fundamental financial principles.Understanding key concepts like budgeting, investing, and debt management empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their money.Informed individuals are better equipped to navigate complex financial scenarios,…
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pikapup131 · 2 months
guys I have an idea. timekeeper, sugar sawn, abyss monarch, longan dragon, and millennial tree as this. one singular friend group in a larger friend group of all legendary (and dragon/ancient) cookies. they often go on picnics or play games or. do whatever in various places picked by longan or millennial, rarely sugar swan,, and. they chose the kingdom this time (millennial) kingdom is overrun with jelly walker virus. how fun. they didn't actually KNOW what this is (except teeky and millenial, but millennial did not know it came back and teeky completely forgot about it.) so their basically. in an apolocolypse au. 3 outcomes 1) timekeeper(in this au) doesn't do her job for once, and messes up the timeline to save them. dangerous for her and tbd but saves EVERYBODY else, so she rings them up and gets majority confirmation. (string gummy is furious.), does this, ends up trapped in that timeline. 1a) she doesn't get trapped happy ever after guys. they have their picnic. 2) they just wipe out all the cookies reluctantly, and return to their jobs. they do not speak of this. they all feel awful and millennial tree/sugar swan work together to try and bring them back after, but longan stops them due to being closer to their goal of a new world from what I understand. please correct me if I am wrong, i'd like to properly write this au. 2a) they just don't try and revive them and live with the stress. OB place has like 50(??)% less cookies now and gingerbraves missing. gingerbright and dozer r scared. 3) Sugar Swan tries to undo this, since in this au jellywalkers r zombies essentially (kill host and use body) so she. uses her feathers to bring them back. bad plan, the cookies r essentially suffering for however long the feathers stick to them, before dying again. some just die from the feather itself. 3a) timekeeper stops this in fear, as she saw this timeline happen; not good. sugar swan reluctantly stops her plans so they enact either 1 or 2. 3b) millennial tree helps her, teeky tries fighting them off and. almost dies in the process due to seeing space doughnut as a jellywalker, which broke her down somewhat, almost to tears. abyss monarch saves them,, and then just?? goes back to hiding???? she keeps fighting as they eventually revive them all 4) they just fucking leave lmao. please give thoughts and ideas. this has sincerely been a pikapost131 oh right @ivorydragondaily bcz I forgot to post this and I think you'd be interested.
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I saw a TikTok where these girls were making fun of Dan's opening scene in we're all doomed and LEFT EARLY BEFORE THE FIRST ACT WAS OVER ????? THEY THOUGHT THAT DANCE AND SONG WAS THE WHOLE SHOW???? IM SORRY?????
like I genuinely want to know why the hell they thought that was the whole show? and then to get on the internet and mock and make fun of him and the other people who had paid a lot of money to go see it. like it's one thing if it made you uncomfortable or if by the second act you just weren't having a good time I guess more power to you, but to leave right after a musical number that was clearly supposed to be ironic and silly? and then blast him online? that's just so not it imo.
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fly-the-pattern · 2 months
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torchstelechos · 1 year
Understandably, SQQ would have no way to know this without actually communicating which we all know is a lost cause, but I do think it would be interesting if demons had different instincts compared to humans. Or at least, more elevated ones in comparison. It would bring LBH POV fics to an interesting degree if LBH was just, not human. Very obviously and completely not human in his POV. 
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Season 33; episode 1
Pleased this so so funny 😭
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partlysmith · 3 months
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yeah, this is something tumblr's userbase would buy and could afford
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torao-chan · 8 months
someone: what sort of style were you going for -gestures to any room in my house-
me: ... the 'i can afford it' style
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bilbopaggins · 2 years
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lmaverick123 · 1 year
Your Blatant Misrepresentation of Millennials Financial Problems is Disgusting (A response to The Atlantic)
If there is any publication that one can look to as the publication of the bourgeois, nouveau riche of America, who has absolutely NO connection to the common person, there are two places that one can go.  The first is Fortune magazine, and the second one is The Atlantic.  This publication is the pinnacle of rich people finding things to bitch about.  And what do rich boomers like to bitch…
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Today my mentor teacher asked how I was planning on getting audiobooks for one of my units (they definitely aren’t in the budget) and I winced and told her that honestly I was planning on just pirating it, thinking she was gonna be scandalized. But instead her eyes got huge and she was like “you know how to do that?! You just became the most useful person in this building!”
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thebillyengland · 2 years
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GEN Z is as useless as their “pronouns”. 
There’s no fixing America with this generation. So, when GEN Z is complaining about the high cost of literally EVERYTHING and crying about not being able to afford a house, a wife, a family, a car, food, and so on...they have no one to thank but themselves.
You did this to yourselves, GEN Z. This is on you. 
You think you’re in pain now? Get ready for the next 2 years, you’ll gonna be crying harder.
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violethyacinth · 2 years
i turn 30 in 7 days and i have $10 in my bank account. if that ain’t about the best glimpse into how my 20s have been then idk what would be.
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iceeh · 1 year
from tonight til sometime in may i get to spend the last few months of my 4th house saturn return being a homeowner(lite) and the cosmic poetry of it all…
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leaderintitleonly · 2 years
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Anonymous asked:
Who is your favorite and least favorite Disney Princess?
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Going by official Disney Princesses here. "Official" because Disney, fix your mess... Snow White is my favorite Disney princess. Oh... Oh like it's... like it's really hard to figure out that one? Been obsessed with her since I was three and I got the VHS for Christmas. I declared Christmas to be over and I wanted to go watch it over and over. Had to have my parents redirect me because I had more things to open. Nah, it's over. Let me enjoy. Let me just play this video over and over and become obsessed and let this consume my life. And I adore her. I've only grown to love her more the older I get. She's everything I aspire to be and have to remind myself to be. Even when I find myself impatient and at the mercy of my pain, I have to take a breath and go "Be more like Snow White. When at your worst, try to be better." As for least favorite? Belle. I can write a whole essay on why she's not just my least favorite but why I kind of hate her.
The only redeeming points of Belle? I love her in the Disney Parks. People bringing her to life can do so much better with her and remembering little pieces of her that make her so much more than "I like books" but other than that? She makes my skin crawl. And that's a potentially spicy take but... no really I've written a lot of spicy stuff on her before and I get a lot of millennials love her (I too, am a millennial, but I hate her) but I just... I never got the love. I never liked her. I never ever liked her. Even as a heavy reader as a small child, I never liked her. Ever. I feel bad cause I have friends looking at this and going "she's gonna explode about Belle" but I'll just... listen. You didn't ask for an essay. You just asked which ones I liked and did not.
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