#the thing about mike that everyone needs to understand is that he's a brat and i love that about hi
wiseatom · 2 years
mike's the type of bitch who's like 🙄 idc idc! and then will gets a paper cut and suddenly he's screaming and shaking and crying with snot all over his face and he's throwing up so hard he feels like he's going to die and he's yelling at everyone to get will a bandaid instead of getting it himself while will just stands there with his bloody finger like 🤨. toxic gay behavior and we love to see it
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nikkisheep · 2 years
I understand if this isn’t something your interested in but if you are and would write it that would be awesome!! Could you do a curvy fem wheeler reader x Eddie Munson one? The reader is Mike and Nancy’s older sister that left for college as soon as she was accepted. She’s a lot like Mike, she’s into dnd, the same type of music, nerdy comics and doesn’t fit in their little cookie cutter family. She’s got that hippie vintage vibe going on and actually left to go to art school. Most people forget they have an older sister because she’s just so much different than Nancy and their parents but to Mike she hangs the moon and is the coolest person ever. She’s the one person he can call for any kind of advice and is constantly telling the hellfire guys how cool she is. Well when she comes home for break and the boys need a sub they waste no time asking her, I mean she did teach them everything they know. Mike is so excited she’s playing and can’t wait to tell Eddie. Of course Eddie is excited to meet the older wheeler kid that is “Oh so amazing”. Let’s just say she’s everything he expected and then some, from her ripped up mom jeans to her tie dyed crop top, the long wild curly hair, tattoos and a nose piercing she’s nothing like her sister. He thinks he’s died and went to heaven.
(I know it’s a bit lengthy but I love the idea of Mike having a older sibling he looks up too and is into the same things he is, I feel like he doesn’t really have someone older to look up too like the other kids do.)
Eddie Munson x Wheeler!reader
Warnings: reader is a female, swearing, Mike looks up to reader, flirting (kinda), reader calls eddie pretty as a teasing way
Summary: Request above
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Looking for a sub for Eddie's DnD was harder than Dustin and Mike thought, they had asked everyone they knew. No one wanted to hang out with the freaks of Hawkins. Especally, Eddie "the freak" Munson. They continued to ask but still no luck. They called it quites and went home.
You were laying on your stomach in your bed, flipping through one of Mike's comics that you knew he was going to threaten to kill you for taking. As the eldest Wheeler sibling, you took all of the disappointment from Mom and Dad, which left Mike and Nancy looking like angels.
You twirled your curled hair around your finger as you flipped another page. Your eyes scanned the words when a slam from the front door came. You weren't expecting your parents back until late tonight and school didn't end for a bit longer.
"Oh my God I hate this so much!" A young boy's voice yelled.
You smiled to yourself before hollering, "Maybe don't slam the front door."
You hear Mike gasp and hollered out a few "Hellos". You could not stop laughing at him. You hadn't seen him since you left for art school. You wanted to have an art studio by the age of twenty. You graduated at seventeen and left before you turned 18.
You rushed down the stairs, quietly, and grabbed Mike by the back of his neck. He let out a scream and tried to tackle you to the ground.
"Chill kiddo," You laugh.
"Y/n," He breathed before looking to make sure that you were really there.
"How's my little brat been?" You open your arms.
Normally, Mike didn't give many hugs unless they were for Eleven but still. He missed you. He was a lot closer to you than Nancy. You both felt that you didn't fit into the perfect family.
"Wha-When did you get back? Why are you here? I mean I-I am happy that you're here but like, why?" Mike scrambled out.
"Chill out dude, I came back to set up a studio."
"But about moving to New York?"
"Mike, my family is here. I missed playing DnD with you and the boys. I missed y'all."
He hugged you again.
"So, I have a campaign to go to tonight and we need a sub for Lucas," Mike started, "And I was wondering if you would want to fill in."
"Mike, I would be honored." You place a hand on your heart and smile.
Mike goes to phone the boys to tell them that he had a sub.
"Eddie, I am telling you, she is the best DnD player that I have ever seen. She is better than all of us put together," Mike said.
"I'm sure it's not that hard to be better than you," Eddie scoffed.
"He isn't lying, she is a badass." Dustin chipped in.
The boys nodded in agreement.
"She better be better than what you say she is, Wheeler."
Eddie didn't believe that anyone could be better than him. Mike was smug at the challenge that Eddie had given him. He knew that not only were you very good, but you also knew how to win.
"Oh I promise words don't do her justice."
Pulling up to the school, you step out of the car. Your tie die crop top was raised a bit from you stretching, your jeans hugged your hips very well. Your boots thudded against the ground before you walked inside the building.
Making your way to the DnD room, you could hear the guys yelling. You opened the door and the noise was louder.
"I'm sorry but this room is off limits to others during our game," A man with long curls yelled from his "throne".
"Y/n!" The boys yelled.
You nodded to them.
"Well, well, if it isn't the famous Wheeler sister?" The man said.
"Listen here, dude, I ain't got time for this so if you don't mind I would like to get to the game." You smirk at his faulter.
"Fiesty, Wheeler."
"Get to it," You smile.
You move to sit down but the man grabs your wrist gently.
"What level are you?"
"Level tweleve warlock," You smirk at the jaw clench he gives.
"What's wrong pretty? A girl can't be higher than you," You tease.
"Whatever, my name is Eddie."
The game starts but Eddie is not playing like he normally does. The boys notice that his attention is on your exposed cleavage and tattoos. He notices the nose piercing and the bird tattoo on your shoulder.
Eddie sends you down a dark cave and you clear out the enemies. Eddie is amazed and angry. He worked hard on this game. Normally, he goes home victory but now you were winning at every turn.
"Y/n what is your move?" Eddie asks.
"Go for the roll of eight," Mike shouts.
"Yeah, go with the eight." Dustin and the boys yell.
You roll and land an eight. The guys jump out of their seats and shout. The room is full of yells of victory. They finally beat their Dungon Master.
"Yes, Y/n you are the best," Mike yelled before giving you a hug.
You wrap your arms around him and cry out in victory. Eddie looks surprised.
"What's wrong Pretty?''
A jaw clench.
"Oh come on Pretty, try a little bit harder next time."
He steps closer to you, almost touching you.
He breathes, " You don't know how hard I can go."
"Maybe I want to," You whisper into the shell of his ear.
Eddie smirks.
"How are you so good at DnD?"
"Well, Pretty, I taught Mike and the boys everything they know."
"Well you didn't teach them very good," He laughs.
"I said I taught them everything they know, not everything I know."
You offer rides to the boys and wink at Eddie when you close the door.
"Jesus," Eddie whispers into the air.
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ttuesday · 2 years
A Blessing in Disguise
Summary:  Going to Eddie's trailer, all you wanted to do was confront him for supposedly talking badly about you and leave... but things take an unexpected turn when a certain eight-legged creature appears.
Word Count: 3.4k
Disclaimer: Reader identifies as female and goes by she/her pronouns! 
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“Munson!” your hand forms a fist as you bang on his trailer door “Open up, I know you’re in there”. When you woke up this morning, you did not expect to be thumping on Eddie goddamn Munson’s trailer that night yet here you are.
Furious is an understatement of how you feel. You’re absolutely seething with anger, the audacity of what Eddie said getting under your skin more than you could have ever imagined.
“What the hell?” Eddie throws the door open, his annoyed expression softening at the sight of you. “Uh… hi?” he narrows his eyes, confused by your annoyed demeanour. You scoff, barging past him and into his trailer, not wanting this argument to be outside for all the neighbours to hear.
“Sure, come on in” he says sarcastically, shutting the door behind you.
You were the last person Eddie could have ever imagined paying him a visit, especially at this hour. A part of him wondered how the hell you knew where he lived but he wasn’t complaining, although he would have preferred you to be visiting him under more pleasant circumstances. 
In a way, Eddie’s glad you came by at this hour. Wayne’s already left for work and won’t be back until the early hours of the morning so at least he won’t need to know about any of this.
“What’s your problem with me?” you huff, crossing your arms as you stand in the middle of his trailer. Eddie furrows his eyebrows. What the fuck is going on?
“Who said I have a problem with you?” Eddie tilts his head.
You roll your eyes at his ignorance, wishing he would just admit it instead of prolonging this. “I heard what you said about me, Dustin was talking to Steve Harrington about it at Family Video” you reveal.
Eddie feels like he’s in a fever dream. Maybe this is a nightmare… no, it can’t be a nightmare because you’re here and any dream Eddie has with you in it is immediately deemed a good dream. 
Even though you look like you want to murder him right now, if Eddie’s being honest with himself, he can’t help but feel a zap of excitement each time you make eye contact with him. To say he has a crush on you is an understatement.
Shaking his head, Eddie throws his open palms up into the air “Nope, that’s not ringing any bells”.
“What, you've suddenly forgotten all the shit you were saying about me today, hm? How I’m some pretentious, stuck-up brat who thinks she’s better than everyone?” you jeer “Because according to you, I think I’m too good to even consider dating the captain of the basketball team”.
Oh God. And just like that, Eddie knows exactly what you’re referring to.
“No, no, no, no, no” he mutters, dragging his hand across his face. He didn’t think for a split second that his impulsive comment would’ve reached your ears but one thing’s for sure, the next time Eddie sees Dustin, he’s going to strangle that little shit.
The recent whispers of Hawkins High was that the one and only Jason Carver had asked you out on a date. Eddie remembers exactly how his stomach dropped as Mike told the Hellfire Club what he heard about it. There was nothing particularly interesting about it and many of the others rolled their eyes in annoyance that such trivial gossip was brought up. But Eddie had a different reaction. 
He didn’t understand it. Why would you ever give Jason Carver the time of day? A flurry of emotions overtook him and that’s when he said it but even then, Eddie never thought this would be your reaction.
“I… wait, what are you accusing me of saying?” he creases his brow, a look of bewilderment clouding his features. You shut your eyes in frustration, unable to comprehend why this is so hard for him to grasp.
As you open your eyes again, readying yourself to retort a snappy reply, you see it. A large brown blur darts along the floor below, only stopping when it’s perfectly situated in front of the trailer door.
It’s only when the creature stops moving are you able to fathom what it is… a goddamn spider.
Your body reacts involuntarily, a shriek leaving your lips as you jump, scrambling for anything that’ll put distance between you and the spider. Your eyes landing on the tattered couch, you quickly leap onto it. 
Eddie has no idea what’s happening, completely on edge thanks to your abrupt shriek and baffled that you’ve decided to clamber on to his sofa. Honestly ever since he opened the front door to see you, he’s been nothing but confused.
Eddie holds his hands up by his chest in an act of surrender, presuming you’re shrieking at him. “Woah, I have no idea what you’ve hear-” before he can finish, you cut him off, frantically pointing at the spider as you squeal “Look! Look!”.
Taking a brief glance at where you’re pointing, you watch as Eddie does a double take, the colour draining from his face as dread sets in. If you thought your reaction was a little over the top, Eddie completely outshines you.
He reminds you of those cartoon characters when their legs go 10 times faster than their body. Eddie wastes no time scrambling on to the couch and claiming a spot next to you.
“Wh-what’re you doing?” While you understand his reaction, it’s not the one you were hoping for “Aren’t you going to kill it?”.
“Nuh uh, I’m not going near that thing!” Eddie pushes himself as far back as possible on the couch.
Well, this isn’t going according to plan.
A burst of panic gets the better of you as you start rambling, trying to come up with different ways to get rid of the spider. “There’s no way I’m going near it either! C’mon it’s right in front of the goddamn door, can’t you just kill it so I can leave?” You babble on “Or if you’re that concerned for its life then just trap it or shoo it away”. 
Eddie presses his lips together, shaking his head but keeping his eyes firmly on the arachnid. “If you want the spider gone then you can deal with it, I’m totally fine camping out here until it leaves on its own accord” he utters.
“But this is your trailer! You should deal with it, not me” you protest, a shiver crawling up your spine at the mere thought of going anywhere near it. Eddie laughs “No way, princess”.
“Princess?” You pull your gaze away from the spider and throw Eddie a sceptical look. Clarifying, Eddie starts backtracking “No I didn’t mean ‘princess’ as in entitled or snobby-”. He cuts himself off as your face drops, his so-called clarification making everything worse and reminding you of why you’re here in the first place.
You scoff, wasting no time to roll your eyes at him. “Cut the shit Eddie, I heard loud and clear what you think of me” you remind him.
“How can you possibly know what I think of you when you didn’t even hear the actual conversation?” He groans, throwing his head back on the sofa.
“Oh I heard enough, believe me” you mutter, folding your arms and looking away from him.
He can’t believe this. Both of you go silent, waiting for one another to start off again. You refuse to look Eddie’s way, nervous he might see the hurt in your eyes.
Although you and Eddie have never been close, you don’t understand why he thinks you’re ‘too good’, a goody two shoes so full of herself that nobody could ever meet her standards. 
You can feel his eyes on you, the silence of the room allowing you to hear the soft sigh he makes as he sits upright. Turning your head ever so slightly, you look back to the spider. Unfortunately, it’s still there, guarding the front door like one of those English guards with the funny hats.
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Eddie. He sits in a hunched over position, his elbows digging into his knees as he buries his face in his hands.
You curse yourself internally. You came here furious at him and yet you can’t help but feel a pang of guilt. Shuffling closer to him, you keep your tone gentle “I just want to know why? What have I ever done to you that makes you think so low of you?”.
“So low of you?” Eddie repeats, lifting his face just enough to see you. He mutters your name, taking his hands away from his face and instead opting to ring them nervously. 
“If you’d just listen to me for five minutes, you’d know you have this completely wrong,” he speaks slowly, not wanting to mess up his words and dig himself a deeper grave “I don’t think low of you at all, like there isn’t a tiny sliver of me that thinks badly of you”.
You want to believe him but it just doesn’t make any sense. “But what you said to the others…” you trail off.
“Ok so I did technically say you’re too good,” he holds up a hand, signalling you to stay silent and let him clarify “but I didn’t mean it in a snobby or prudish way… I meant that you’re kind and good natured and always there for people. I meant ‘too good’ in a… uh, well I meant it in a good way. Jason doesn’t deserve someone as sweet and caring as you, hell, I think there are very few people that do”.
Stunned, you simply blink a few times, letting this revelation sink in. Now you’re the one to exasperatedly bury your face in your hands, trying to hide the embarrassment that flushes your cheeks. 
You feel like an idiot. If he didn’t think badly of you before, your hasty assumptions must have done some damage to his perception of you. 
“God…” you mumble to yourself, “I’m sorry, I just- I don’t know why but I thought you meant it in a bad way” you apologise, cringing at how you’ve handled this mix up.
Knocking his knee gently against yours, he flippantly waves his hand in the air “Oh don’t worry about it. I mean sure, I was convinced you were going to murder me but I’m just glad we’ve cleared the air now”.
Taking your hands away from your face, you nod along to what he says, grateful Eddie isn’t offended.
Clearing his throat, he continues “But uh… can I ask you one thing?”.
“Yeah, of course” you reply, quick to answer any questions in the hopes it’ll help smooth things over.
“Why did you care so much about what I had to say anyways?“ his eyes search your face as he speaks, hoping he hasn’t crossed any boundaries “It’s just that we don’t really talk and I’m sure no one at school takes my opinions seriously, whether it’s good or bad”.
You can feel your mouth dry out the more Eddie speaks. Shit. How were you supposed to answer this? You take a deep breath, trying to give yourself more time to think.
“Well, y’know…” you trail off, wondering how you’re going to answer this without seeming like a weirdo. You realised many months ago that you had a crush on Eddie, savouring every time his eyes would meet yours and the small conversations you’ve had with him. You’ve already embarrassed yourself once tonight and the prospects of doing so again are ever increasing.
“I just value your opinion” you say quietly, making Eddie lean in to hear you properly.
“Huh,” he thinks for a moment before adding “I didn’t realise that”.
You want to say more but it’s hard, especially with Eddie staring at you, his disarming eyes making your chest flutter. Dropping your gaze to your lap, you take a deep breath and continue. “Why wouldn’t I value your opinion? You’re down to earth, funny, sweet, creative and you can be pretty clever when you want to be”.
Eddie laughs, his hand coming to the back of his neck as he replies “I’m pretty sure I could debunk every one of those things but thank you, I really appreciate hearing that from you”.
Deciding to lighten the mood, you ask “You know what I’d appreciate?”.
Pointing over at your eight-legged enemy, you answer “You killing that goddamn spider before it jumps on us”.
“Woah I’m not going anywhere near it,” Eddie says firmly “besides, we’re fine on the couch. Spiders can’t actually jump… can they?”.
Grimly, you nod your head.
Eyes going wide, Eddie tries to keep himself composed. “I should be fine though, you’re closer so if it’s going to jump on anyone, it’ll be you” he shoots you a teasing smirk.
“Eddie!” You exclaim, shocked that he’s willing to sacrifice you to the spider. You both burst out laughing, easing any awkwardness.
With a relaxed smile on his face, Eddie playfully nudges you with his shoulder “So I know I said I only wanted to ask you one question,” he begins.
“Go on” you jokingly roll your eyes, waiting for his next interrogation.
“Are you actually going on a date with Jason Carver?” his playful edge whittles away with his question as he subconsciously fidgets with his rings.
The question catches you off guard. You never thought Jason asking you out would have reached so many people, yet it feels like most people have heard about it… strangely though, it appears not as many know what your response was.
You try to keep your face blank as you answer. “Well, I guess Jason’s kinda good looking and he’s the captain of the basketball team, he’s really popular,” you list off “so do you think I’d be interested in him?”.
Eddie gives you a helpless look, making no attempt to answer you. He won’t -no- he can’t, not wanting to admit how understanding it is for you to accept Jason’s offer. You can’t help it, a chuckle escaping your lips as your deadpan expression slips. 
Once you’ve lost your seriousness, it’s hard to get back, trying to recompose yourself but quickly losing. You give into your laughter, momentarily shutting your eyes as you chuckle to yourself. Steadying your breath, you ask “Do you really think I’d give that douche the time of day?”.
Eddie practically deflates with relief, slouching back into the comfort of the couch as he breathes easily. He smiles to himself, almost feeling silly for even considering the possibility of you agreeing to the date. “For a second, I actually thought you were going to buy his nice guy act” Eddie says.
You sit back too, your arm casually pressed against his as you subconsciously yearn to be closer. “Oh god no,” you let out another laugh “besides, he’s not my type anyways”.
Letting out a long ‘ooooo’ noise, Eddie curiously questions “And what is your type?”. You wait a few moments before answering, making sure you know exactly how you want to respond. “Caring, playful, passionate… good hair” you list. Eddie’s smile grows wider, hope igniting within him. “Sounds like the perfect guy” he comments.
With the spider refusing to move, you both stay on the couch, slowly giving into the invisible pull between you both. First, Eddie inches closer to you, trying to act casual as he puts his arm around your shoulders while assuring you the spider will (hopefully) go on its way soon. 
If Eddie is being honest, he’s actually fine with the spider being there now, especially if it means having longer with you on the couch.
It doesn’t take long for you to rest your head on Eddie, his warmth encouraging you to shut your eyes and listen as Eddie tells you exactly how his conversation with Dustin and the others went.
Time flies by and before you know it, it’s nearly midnight. Thankfully, you told your parents you were spending the evening studying with a friend and that if you weren’t back then you were probably just staying the night at theirs. You have no reason to rush back home and so instead you embrace the moment, laughing softly as Eddie tells you fun stories from The Hellfire Club.
Resting his head on top of yours, Eddie can feel his eyes getting heavy. He doesn’t fight it, closing his eyes and settling into the comfortable silence with you.
You’re not sure who fell asleep first but sure enough, you both end up sleeping on the couch, entwined in a comfortable embrace thanks to the spider.
You wake suddenly, jolting from your sleep as someone tightens their hold on you. Snapping awake, you're greeted by Eddie, his arms wrapped protectively around you and an equally surprised look on his face. Looking up at what’s made Eddie so startled, you don’t see the spider but instead, Eddie’s uncle Wayne.
“Wayne!” Eddie exclaims, his voice still groggy with sleep “W-what’re you doing here? Isn’t it like, midnight?”.
A baffled Wayne looks from Eddie to you. “Uh… it’s 6, Ed,” he replies “I just got back from work”.
“Oh… oh!” Eddie’s grip on you loosens as he makes sense of it all, the initial fright of someone entering the trailer fading away. You on the other hand are still feeling uneasy, not only because of the spider but now from what Wayne may think. It’s as if Eddie can sense your apprehension as he quickly gestures to you and introduces you to his uncle.
“She’s in my biology class and er, yeah we were just going over the last few chapters for this big test we have on Friday and we must’ve fallen asleep” Eddie tries to casually play off the situation. Although there’s not a single biology textbook in sight, Wayne chooses not to question it and simply nods his head.
Your head feels heavy with sleep, the thoughts of snuggling back in by Eddie and dozing off for another half hour sounding absolutely ideal. But then it hits you. Well, thankfully it doesn’t literally hit you but you quickly remember the reason why you’re still with Eddie on the couch.
“The spider!” You blurt out, drawing Eddie’s and Wayne’s eyes to you as you scan the floor. “Spider?” Wayne questions, his shoulders hunched.
“Where is it? Is it gone?” Eddie bombards you both with questions.
“There was a spider?” Wayne's asks, trying his best to piece this all together.
“Yeah and the last we saw of it was right…” you trail off, your gaze landing on Wayne’s foot as you realise he’s standing directly where the spider once was “…there”. Everyone looks at Wayne’s scruffy old shoe, the room quieting as you all wonder the same thing; has the spider finally been dealt with?
Shifting his weight to his other foot, Wayne cautiously lifts up the foot in question to reveal… no spider. Wayne breathes a quick sigh of relief before stiffening again “Wait, so does that mean it’s still here? Somewhere?”.
“Well, I’ll take that as my sign to go” you stand, unfortunately pulling away from Eddie’s warmth.
“I’ll drive you home” Eddie stands abruptly, yearning to be close to you again. Giving him a soft smile you agree, nodding your head at the idea as you thank him.
Opening his arm out, Eddie swiftly guides you out of the trailer, wanting to leave quickly before the spider appears again. You step out into the cool morning breeze, feeling surprisingly content with how the night went.
As Eddie pulls the door closed behind him, Wayne calls out “What? You’re gonna leave me in here while there’s a spider on the loose?”.
“Yup, it’s your problem now!” Eddie calls back, closing the door and turning to you with a fresh smile.
When you first went to Eddie’s door last night, banging furiously on it, you weren’t sure how things would go but this is the last thing you expected. You were convinced any hopes of being friends with Eddie was slashed when you heard Dustin talking to Steve yet now you feel as though this is the closest you’ve ever been to Eddie, both physically and metaphorically.
Rubbing some sleep out of his eye, Eddie gives you his signature playful look “You ready to go, Princess?”. You scoff, trying to seem annoyed at the pet name but you can’t hide the wide smile on your face.
You’ve never been a fan of spiders but after last night, maybe they’re a blessing in disguise after all.
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gerrystamour · 1 year
for all of us who've seen the light (salute the dead and lead the fight)
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Notes: So I'm doing a rewatch of Stranger Things, as I do every once in a while, and I'm well and truly trapped in Stranger Things brainrot, so please have a fanfiction from me for the first time in literally years at this point. And it's not smut?! Rated T for language mostly. I had it rated G but then I doubted it and bumped it up a level. And yes, this mostly turned into a bit of having Steve interact more with characters we don't usually see him interacting with one-on-one. It is very self-indulgent.
It was a couple weeks after Starcourt when Steve insisted on hosting a pool party.
It was partly to get everyone together one last time before the Byers and El moved away, and also just… to have a reason to all be in one place that wasn’t the end of the world. It was something he tried to do before, but no one seemed to go for it. This last narrow escape from certain death seemed to do the trick though.
Steve spent the week leading up to the party painstakingly cleaning the pool and getting the levels figured out. He hadn’t used his pool in years, and he knows his parents haven’t used it either. Obviously, he took enough care of it that it wasn’t absolutely disgusting, but it still needed a bit of work. Robin came over a lot to help, which was mostly her sitting and watching Steve work. It was nice having the company. It kept his mood up, unlike when he was left alone in his backyard.
On the day of the party, Steve went grocery shopping to get a bunch of food to throw on the grill, chips, and soda. He also grabbed several boxes of Eggos and a bunch of cans of whipped cream.
On his way back home, he picked Robin and Dustin up, and the conversation was bright and excited. Steve was in great spirits, singing out of tune to the music on the radio, getting louder and serenading Robin dramatically as she wailed for him to shut up. He didn’t even care if it made Dustin more obnoxious with his belief they were dating, because Robin was grinning bigger than she had in weeks.
Nancy arrived at Steve’s at the same time, and Mike, Lucas, Max, and Erica all poured out of her car. The kids swept through the front door and straight out the back, barely taking the time to strip down to their bathing suits before jumping in.
Steve was still organizing the chips into bowls when Jonathan arrived with Will and El. He was full of apologies for being a bit late. Steve waved him off.
“If you want to make it up to me, take these out to the dipshits,” he says, holding the bowls of chips out to Jonathan.
Sure enough, Jonathan was immediately mobbed by a bunch of soggy teenagers the moment he stepped outside with food.
“When are you coming outside?”
Steve jolts at the soft, but direct voice, and turns to find El watching him from the doorway to the kitchen. She clearly hasn’t been in the pool yet, but from what he understands, Steve isn’t sure how much she likes swimming.
“I will in a bit, I’m just getting stuff ready,” Steve reassures her, then he gives her a secretive little smirk. “I picked something up for you…”
The excited expression on her face brought a proper grin to Steve’s, and he went about making her a triple-decker Eggo and whipped cream monstrosity.
“Do you have Reese’s Pieces?” she asks quietly as she looks down at the treat with an expression that was both happy and deeply sad.
“I don’t think I do, but I have M&M’s. Is that okay?” he asks, going to the cupboard and grabbing a bag.
“It’s perfect. Thank you, Steve,” El replies, and the two of them share the treat.
When Steve finally comes outside with the hamburger patties and cheese slices, everyone hollers at him for taking so long.
“Hey, if any of you brats want to eat, you better be nice to me. I was inside making these puppies from scratch,” Steve snipes back as he sets up at the grill, ignoring the kids while they whine at him for not getting in the pool too.
“C’mon, Steve, this party was your idea and you’re not even going to swim?” one of the kids, possibly Mike, says when Steve declines putting off starting the burgers.
“There’s plenty of time for me to still swim with you nerds after we eat,” Steve dismisses the comment. “Besides, I’m having plenty of fun.”
And it was true, he was, even if he hadn’t done any of the playing. He just liked having a house full of people, laughter in his backyard, people for him to feed and tend to. He just liked seeing all the kids in one spot where they were just allowed to be kids. That was enough for Steve.
At some point, Max joins Steve at the grill. She doesn’t say much, only kind of hovering near Steve’s elbow and watching the others play.
“Hey, while you’re standing here, can you help me out?” he asks, fully prepared for Max to scoff and go back to the others now that he’s actually addressed her.
But instead she just shrugs and steps closer. “Sure,” she replies.
Steve would be lying if he said he wasn’t worried about Max the most after everything that went down. He could see her struggling with it in the quiet moments between laughter and jokes, and he hoped the kids kept an eye on her. He would do what he could too.
“I’m going to flip the patties now. Once I flip them, can you put a slice of cheese on half of them for me?” he instructs, and she nods and picks up the plate with the slices of cheese laid out.
Once they were done with that and waiting for them to be done, Steve noticed Max hadn’t actually been in the pool.
“Don’t you want to swim?” he asks, again prepared for her to scoff and ignore him.
“I don’t like to swim with my hair down, and my mom wasn’t around to help me braid it properly,” she replies immediately, shrugging.
“Maybe Nancy…?” Steve suggests and Max shakes her head.
“I already asked her. She can’t do it tight enough,” Max answers, and Steve lets out a heavy sigh, looking heavenward.
“After we eat, I’ll braid your hair. How about that?” he offers, and at Max’s deadpan stare he rolls his eyes. “What? Is it really so weird that I would know how to braid hair?”
“Uh, yeah?” Max snorts, and she was starting to smile a bit. “Why would you know how to braid hair?”
“Hey, I know a lot about hair, just in general. They didn’t call me Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington for nothing,” he says with an air of dramatic sincerity, and it gets the giggle he was aiming for. Then he nudges her with his elbow. “It’s funny that Nancy can’t do it right, because it was actually Mrs. Wheeler who taught me.”
“When?” Max asks and holds up the plate that used to have the cheese on it when Steve starts removing the burgers from the grill.
“I was at Nancy’s and I was watching Mrs. Wheeler braiding Holly’s hair while we watched TV after eating. I guess I looked interested in learning, so she taught me,” Steve answers as they carry the burgers to the picnic table.
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Max huffs another laugh.
About forty-five minutes later, Max was feeling the French-braid Steve did in her hair and she’s reluctantly impressed. When she immediately does a cannonball into the pool, Steve lets himself feel that moment of victory.
“Are you going to swim now, Steve?” Will calls out to him, and Steve glances at the kid.
The lighting changed now, the sun gradually moving closer to sunset, and Steve looked around. Seeing all the dishes out on the picnic table and how they were already attracting bugs, Steve shakes his head. “I need to clean up the dishes first,” he says, and the kids all groan.
“Okay, mom,” Mike groans with a smirk that only gets bigger when the rest of the party laughs, including Nancy, Jonathan, and Robin (that traitor).
“Shut up, all of you are having plenty of fun without me,” Steve gripes teasingly as he collects the plates and carries them inside.
He takes his time cleaning up the dishes, just basking in the sounds of delighted screams and laughter from the backyard. But the sun was getting lower, and he started to feel fidgety. They would be getting out of the pool soon, so Steve goes to the living room to set up for maybe a movie or two before everyone went home.
By the time he steps back outside, the sun is dangerously low, and his chest feels weird. “Okay, how about we go inside, dry off, and watch a movie?” he suggests and everyone starts whining.
“C’mon Steve, we’re still having fun out here!”
“You didn’t even swim!”
“It’s not even dark out yet!”
Steve just cocks a hip and puts his hands on his waist. “It will be dark soon, so that’s a moot point,” he says sternly. “I know I worded it like a suggestion, but what I meant was it’s time to get out of the pool, dry off, and watch a movie.”
Mike makes a weird noise that Steve is fairly certain was meant to be a laugh. “We were joking when we called you mom earlier, you know that right?” he said and Steve opened his mouth to snap back when the lights in the pool flickered to life.
They were on a timer, which Steve had meant to turn off.
But the flash of the lights coming on, right under the kids he was looking at, had him flinching back a bit. He was looking at the kids, but what he was seeing was a brief glance out his bedroom window, someone sitting at the end of the diving board, back-lit by the lights in the pool. Hunched shoulders, an injured hand cradled in a lap, bare feet swishing in the water.
Steve’s shoulders tensed, his eyes stung, and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He braves a glance at Nancy, who was just sitting on the edge of the pool with Jonathan and Robin, and she was staring back at him.
“I mean it, shitheads. Out of the pool. I don’t fucking want anyone in here when it’s dark,” he says in a rush, trying to keep his tone even, trying not to yell. Nancy’s expression changes just a bit, but it’s enough for Steve to know she gets it.
“Steve, c’mon—”
“Mike, enough,” Nancy says, and she stands up, offering Jonathan and Robin a hand up. “We’ve been outside all day already. Watching a few movies sounds fun.”
“Wow, Nancy, way to be a killjoy, too.” This time it’s Dustin’s voice, and something in Steve snaps the rest of the way.
“I said get the fuck out of the pool!” Steve yells, like properly yells in a way he never has at the kids. He immediately regrets his outburst when all of the kids flinch and stare at him wide-eyed. Steve’s own heart was racing, and his airway felt painfully tight.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t’ve yelled. Please get out of the pool,” he says much quieter, gentler, pinching the bridge of his nose and screwing his eyes shut. “The living room is set up for a movie night. Pick whatever you want, I won’t complain, I’ll be right back.”
With that, Steve turns on his heel and hurries back inside and up the stairs to his room.  Once he was there, he knew it was the wrong choice. If he stepped too close to the window, he’d see the pool lit up, people in the pool. His ears are ringing and his vision starts going fuzzy around the edges, black spots moving inward. He needed to get out of his room.
Steve spins around to leave and crashes right into Nancy.
The impact is hard, and should have sent them both spilling into the hallway, but Nancy is deceptively strong for how tiny she is compared to him. She catches him, arms around his middle, and he knows she’s saying something but her voice is muffled and sounds so far away. He drops his face onto her shoulder, and when he blinks, he finds himself sitting on the floor in the hallway.
He’s confused when he realizes that he’s leaning against someone, and that someone has their hand in his hair. It only takes a minute to process what was happening. Nancy was sitting on the floor, leaned back against the wall opposite his room, and Steve was slouched in the V of her legs. She was petting him, which was nice, and he allowed the moment to linger.
It was soft, and gentle, and so genuinely caring that tears spring to Steve’s eyes.
“Did I pass out?” he asks groggily, and the hand in his hair stopped for a second.
“Yeah. You were hyperventilating,” Nancy replies, and resumes the soothing motions. Her voice seemed a bit shaky and weird, but Steve wasn’t sure how much of that was just him recovering from a panic attack.
“I must be crushing you,” Steve says, and now that the softness was wearing off, embarrassment started to flood in.
“I’m fine, Steve,” Nancy insists, and when he goes to sit up, her other arm wraps around his chest firmly. “I said I’m fine, Steve.”
Steve huffs and relaxes back into her, chewing his lip. He tenses when he hears someone coming up the stairs, but when it’s just Robin, he smiles up at her.
“Hey, Dingus,” she breathes, dropping to her knees next to them to hold his hand. He hadn’t even realized he reached out for her. Then to Nancy, she says, “Jonathan got the gremlins in the living room, they’re picking a movie.”
The last of the tension left Steve’s body in a whoosh. No one was in the pool, everyone was inside, everyone was safe. Nancy makes a bit of a grunting noise and shifts Steve’s weight a bit before sighing.
“Seriously, Nance, I can move,” Steve insists again, and he can feel Nancy shake her head.
“I said I was fine,” she repeats firmly.
“How long was I out?” he asks, though he can tell it wasn’t long. He can hear the raised voices of an impassioned debate about movies coming from downstairs, as well as popcorn being made in the microwave.
“Only a minute,” Nancy replies. “Had enough time to get us sitting before you did.”
Steve sighs and nods, squeezing Robin’s hand and leaning into Nancy’s hand in his hair. Robin shifts so she’s sitting next to Nancy, which makes holding her hand more comfortable.
“When was the last time you used your pool, Steve?” Nancy asks quietly, and he grimaces.
“Nance, it’s fine—”
“Can you please just answer the question?” she insists, and Steve huffs. He could never deny Nancy anything, it would seem.
“Since the party,” he admits, and he squeezes Robin’s hand for strength, rubbing his thumb along hers.
“Why did you offer to have a pool party if it was going to be a problem?” Nancy asks next and Steve laughs.
“Honestly, Nance, I didn’t know,” he admits and she makes a disbelieving noise. He tries to sit up, but Nancy holds him back again. “Seriously, Nance, let me up, I want to look at your face when I’m talking.”
There’s a long pause, before Nancy sighs. “If you get up you have to promise to not deflect by trying to take care of me,” she says, and Steve frowns, confused.
“Okay?” he agrees tentatively. When her arm doesn’t budge, he adds, “Okay, I promise.”
When she lets him up, he lets go of Robin’s hand and shifts so he’s against the wall next to his bedroom door. When he looks at Nancy, he’s met with red-rimmed eyes, tears, and her biting her bottom lip to keep it from quivering too much.
“Nance, hey, it’s okay,” he immediately says, and moves to pull Nancy into his arms, and Robin actually puts her hand up to stop him.
“Steve, you promised,” she reminds him, and Steve frowns, sitting back against the wall. With a huff, he grabs one of Nancy’s ankles to put her foot in his lap, and he starts to massage her calf. If he wasn’t allowed to hold her because he made a dumb promise before he knew she was crying, he would do at least that much.
“Fine. Okay, I had this pool party because I didn’t know it was going to be a problem, and it wasn’t until your shithead kid brother started arguing with me,” he says, and Nancy just shakes her head.
“Steve, you avoided being even next to the pool all day. We barely actually saw you outside. You only came out to use the grill and eat, and even then… it was obviously a problem the whole time,” she says, wiping her tears.
“You were also really grouchy sometimes when you were cleaning it. Leading up the party, I mean,” Robin adds quietly.
“I honestly didn’t… know it was a problem for me,” Steve insists quietly, shifting his hands to massage Nancy’s foot now. “I never had to address it, I guess.”
“So, you haven’t known you were upset about Barb for what, two years?” Nancy asks and Steve frowns and shakes his head.
“No, I—I knew I was avoiding the whole pool, and I know I avoided being in my backyard at night, and honestly I never have the pool lights turn on because I can see them from my bedroom window at night—” Steve stops abruptly as the image of Barb on the diving board from his bedroom window flashed before his eyes, and his eyes start to sting again.
“What, Steve?” Nancy pushes, sniffling a bit.
“It—that night, I saw her by the pool. Just for a second from my window. She was just sitting there on the diving board, and I thought about stopping. But I’m a douchebag, obviously, so I didn’t,” Steve says quietly, and it’s the first time he’s said it out loud, even to himself. “I thought about making sure she got home safe, or offering her my guest room. It would’ve taken two minutes to go down and ask her to come inside, but I didn’t.”
“Steve,” Nancy whispers, her face screwing up as more tears fell down her face.
“I wanted to believe so badly that she was actually fine when you couldn’t find her the next day because I couldn’t—Nance, it felt like my fault she disappeared, because I saw her that night,” he continues, dropping his head back against the wall. “And yeah, I latched onto the story that she ran away when it was first brought up. And I know, that meant I was blowing you off and being a complete asshole.”
“You should’ve told me,” Nancy insists, and Steve laughs.
“Nancy, it’s taken three serious head injuries to get me to this point of emotional vol-vulnability?” he stumbles out.
“Vulnerability,” Nancy and Robin supply at the same time, and he laughs and points. It was one of those words he had seen written before, but never said it out loud.
“That’s the word. You couldn’t’ve paid me enough to talk about this back then,” he adds, then sighs. “Then finding out about the Demogorgon just… every night I would see the pool from my window, and I would see Barb sitting there. And then I was having these nightmares about her being taken, from the angle of my window, like I stood there and watched the whole time.”
“I had nightmares, too,” Nancy says, and Steve nods.
“I know, and I wanted to be there for you about them, but the ones about Barb, I just—my guilt about her was so big, I didn’t have enough room for yours, y’know?” he admits, grimacing. “Which sounds fucking awful, honestly, and you were right at the party—”
“Steve, no, don’t. I know exactly what you mean, about the guilt being too big. I shouldn’t have said what I did at the party like that,” she insists, and now she was crawling across the hall to sit next to him, leaning heavily against his shoulder. “We were kids, Steve, and I was being unfair to you.”
“I was being unfair to you, too. I didn’t get why you couldn’t just… put that night in a box like I was trying to, and I kept trying to make you,” Steve says, sighing. “It’s why I fought going to dinner with the Hollands so much. Knowing she was dead and knowing it was my fault… the nightmares were always worse after dinner with the Hollands.”
“It was my fault, too,” Nancy whispers. “She tried to stop me from going upstairs with you, and I told her to just go home—”
“Okay, this is really sweet that you’re both bonding over this, but can I just say something real quick?”
They both jolt and look at Robin, and Nancy opens her mouth to say something, but Steve beats her to it. “Yeah, Robs, go ahead.”
“You both were assholes to Barb that night, there is no denying that, okay?” Robin says, crossing her legs and leaning forward with her elbows on her knees.
“Gee, thanks, Robin,” Steve snorts, but he is genuinely grateful with how honest Robin is with him.
“You’re welcome, Dingus,” she replies cheerily, before turning serious. “You both could have done something different that night, definitely, but have you considered that maybe, just maybe, that doesn’t actually make her being killed by an interdimensional monster that was let loose and being actively covered up by a shady government entity your fault?”
When she puts it like that, it makes Steve feel very silly about his whole issue, almost embarrassed.
“It’s not that simple, Robin,” Nancy says, and her tone is short in a way that makes Steve a bit defensive of Robin.
“No, I definitely know. Survivor’s guilt is a lot, and I get it. Believe me, I get it, and I’m not even saying that you should come to terms with it right this second, or tonight, or even next week. Just,” Robin pauses with a shrug. “It just seems like you guys have been going in these guilty circles for a year and a half without even considering the alternative. Even you, Nancy, and you’re the one who actually brought Hawkins Lab down.”
“You told her?” Nancy snaps at Steve, though there was no heat to her words.
“Hell yeah, I told her. I told her literally everything, Nance. Especially about how much of a badass you are,” he says proudly, smiling down at her.
“You talk about your ex to your girlfriend?” Nancy says with an eye-roll.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Steve says exasperated.
“Yeah, strictly platonic,” Robin adds, gagging.
Nancy rolls her eyes, clearly not believing them, and says, “Whatever. I still wish I knew you felt this way. I wouldn’t have… I don’t know.”
“You wouldn’t have dumped me?” Steve asks, and he’s curious. He was well and truly over Nancy, had been for months, but he was curious if being open about his pain would’ve been enough to keep her.
“Maybe? Probably not, though. I would have done it nicer and less drunk,” Nancy replies, and Steve laughs out loud.
“I think the way you did it was for the best, in the long run. Henderson would’ve been eaten by D’art if you didn’t dump me like you did,” he admits, and Nancy pulls back to look up at him.
“What do you mean?” she asks, and Steve realizes he never actually told her exactly how he got involved with the kids.
“Oh, I went to your house to apologize and Henderson was looking for Mike. You weren’t there, obviously, because you were bringing down Hawkins Lab, and neither was Mike,” Steve replies with a shrug. “And Henderson kidnapped me on account of my baseball bat with the nails.”
“That’s actually my bat,” Nancy says, bumping her shoulder into Steve’s.
“I think it’s technically Mike’s even if he never actually touched it,” Steve teases and Nancy giggles at that. He likes seeing her smile, and he’s glad he’s able to be the reason for her to smile again.
“Nance, I want you to know that even with how I kinda freaked out here, I still had fun today. I had a blast, actually, even if I seemed tense,” he says after a bit, and Nancy sniffles and nods.
“Okay, I believe you,” she says quietly, and he can see it in her face that she meant it.
“Why don’t we go downstairs and see which stupid movie the dipshits chose,” Steve suggests and Nancy and Robin both laugh.
“You promised them you wouldn’t complain,” Robin reminds him as she stands and offers him a hand up.
“Of course I did,” he grouses as he pulls Nancy to her feet as well. He startles when she wraps her arms around him tightly, but he immediately has his arms around her shoulders, resting his cheek on top of her head.
“I am sorry, Steve. For saying you didn’t care,” she says, her voice muffled against his chest.
“I was doing a pretty good job acting like I didn’t, Nance,” he reassures her and waits until she was pulling away from the embrace. “Seriously, though, let’s go downstairs.”
“Okay, I just need to use the bathroom first,” Nancy says, wiping her face and Steve nods before he and Robin go down to the living room to join the rest of the party. When Nancy joined them twenty minutes later, she had come in through the patio door off the living room. “Forgot my cardigan outside,” she explains at the puzzled looks thrown her way.
Later, after everyone except Robin had left, Steve was about to head up to bed when he cursed quietly.
“What, what’s wrong?” Robin asks from halfway up the stairs, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She was spending the night like she usually did after movie nights, which they both know did nothing to help against everyone’s assumptions that they were dating.
“The lights in the pool. I didn’t turn them off,” he says quietly, dreading the thought of going out there in the actual darkness to deal with it. But he wouldn’t be able to sleep if any amount of that pale, white light came in around the edges of his blinds.
“I’ll go with you, okay? Or I could do it?” Robin offers, coming down the stairs and grabbing Steve’s hand.
“No, I’ll do it, but please come with?” Steve says, taking a deep breath.
When they reach the patio door, they’re both confused to see complete darkness in the backyard. The lights were already off somehow.
“Nancy,” Robin says suddenly, eyebrows high. “When she went outside for her cardigan. She turned off the lights.”
Steve blinks out at the darkness, his eyes wet with emotion, and he nods, smiling. “She must’ve.”
“Kinda sad you two didn’t work out,” Robin says a bit awkwardly as she tugs Steve away from the patio door and back to the stairs.
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Steve just chuckles and shakes his head a bit. “I think we’ve worked out just fine,” he says, and for the most part he actually believes it.
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butgilinsky · 2 years
please don't take my sunshine away // em
warning; language obviously, violence, the slightest mention of blood, mentions of death, basically everything stranger things
summary; eddie munson never thought he'd fall in love until you moved back to Hawkins. (eddie munson x fem!reader)
word count; 5k+
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Eddie Munson was content before you moved to Hawkins. Back to Hawkins. He had the hellfire club and the new Beastie Boys single that he couldn’t get out of his head. Graduation was in site and girls were the last thing on his mind, until Chrissy. 
Eddie the freak with Chrissy the cheerleader. It didn’t make any sense, which is exactly why no one knew about it. After all, Chrissy’s life was already messily entangled with Jason Carver's. Now that made sense: star athlete of Hawkins High with the head cheerleader. They were happy, together for the better part of a year and all smiles on all fronts. 
Smiles weren’t a tell all though, especially not for Chrissy and Jason. While everyone thought the two to be in a true and innocent love, Jason was in love with himself and Chrissy was left to fend for hers. This happened to be where Eddie fit perfectly into her story. The boy no one expected to sweep the girl off her feet in a matter of days. 
It was a perfect story, a perfect cover. 
But Chrissy was never going to leave Jason, and Eddie was never going to be able to give himself to the girl that thought she was this close to having it all. Eddie acted out more and Chrissy shied away from him just as he expected her to. She ran right back into the arms of Jason and while nobody noticed a single thing out of place, Eddie was swallowing his sorrow. 
So no, Eddie didn’t need another girl moving to Hawkins to reign in on his club and occupy his space. He put a quick end to the welcoming committee his friends seemed to be forming for you; he put his foot down. 
“No fuckin’ way man. We’re not having some new chick move in right in the middle of a campaign.” He ignored the dramatic eye roll Dustin shot him in response and instead directed his attention to your biggest fan. 
“C’mon man. She can take my place! You said we can’t postpone it, so let y/n step in for me!” Lucas honestly didn’t give a shit if he was a part of the campaign or not. He needed this in with the basketball team and he wasn’t going to let Eddie jeopardize that. 
But Lucas also knew that Eddie was more complicated than accepting such a simple declaration. You had to twist things so he’d believe he came up with them on his own. Mike had told Lucas this more times than he could possibly count but it never made a difference. He tried to stand up to the senior with slumped shoulders and desperate eyes. 
“Forget it Sinclair. You’re going to be there on Friday.”
Aside from the fact that he was being unreasonable with Lucas's game, he wasn't completely acting like himself. Nobody could quite understand why Eddie was so stern on turning you away. They’d made a great case for you; Lucas went on and on about how you used to babysit him and Erica with little to no rules as long as they stayed safe. Dustin told the story Steve loved to tell about you two walking two miles home after a long night of drinking.
They figured Eddie would be excited about you coming back to town. He may have never met you but in their eyes you were just his type. You wore ripped jeans before mini skirts, and your favorite top was an oversized zeppelin shirt that you’d worn out years ago. 
No matter what they pitched Eddie wasn’t having it. He was convinced you’d be another stuffy Hawkins girl that took a vacation overseas for a few years. A military brat. You couldn’t be much more than any other girl Eddie had met and blown off at one point or another. 
It wasn’t until you pulled up to the school in a beat up bronco with Motley Crue pouring out of your speakers that he thought he may have misjudged you.
When Steve Harrington approached your car with a drumroll on the hood Eddie’s face turned sour; not that he didn’t know you were tangled in the mess of a group that the kids were in the middle of. Steve and Eddie just didn’t click. Eddie struggled to shake the image of Steve he’d adapted back in freshman year. 
He didn’t quite catch sight of you at first. As soon as you stepped out of the car you were wrapped in thick arms that hid your face from the distant observer. Steve was practically suffocating you after not seeing you in however long it was that you’d been gone. 
Eddie wanted to say that he wasn’t interested and leave it at that. An old car and one good song wasn’t going to make you invincible.
Not until he saw you.
Your bright smile that lit up the parking lot of a school he never seemed to see before now. A faded band tee he couldn’t quite make out but the holes in the bottom told him you didn’t give a shit about new or expensive things. 
He’s sure your shoes were once white but they certainly weren’t anymore. Dirt coated the soles and the laces had surely seen better days. Your jeans were as ripped as they’d said they’d be. He couldn’t make out the color of your eyes but he knew that they looked right through him once your feet had finally touched the floor. 
You stuttered in your movements, catching a mere glimpse of the boy that looked like he didn’t belong here. Not at the fault of his own but rather everyone else’s. Steve ripped your attention away from him though, insisting you meet Robin, the girl he never stopped writing about. Nancy didn’t take long to come running over with outstretched arms and stories to tell about Jonathan. 
You were hoping the boy you’d seen would be someone they’d force you to meet. Maybe he'll come walking over and introduce himself in the charming way you’re certain he possesses. He never did though, and when you went looking for him it’s like there’d never been anyone there in the first place. 
It only took you until lunch to see the kids, the ones you insisted were all grown up since you’d last seen them. You’d only been gone two years, glad to see that Max was still hanging around despite everything you’d heard about the last few months. You gave her a tight hug, despite not knowing her long before you left and hardly ever speaking to her brother. She appreciated it, held onto you a little longer than you expected and gave you the sweetest smile after you let go. 
Dustin grabbed your hand then, and you felt a skip in your heart as he started blabbering about how “you absolutely have to meet Eddie”. Not sure how you could ever be so lucky you hoped it was the boy from the parking lot. The long hair and jean jacket were enough to have you hooked on a single glance. 
You watched him leap up into a chair at the sight of you, arms extended and a cheesy grin slapped across his face. 
“You must be y/n. The living legend that these dweebs never shut up about.” you glanced over your shoulder at the multiple tables watching the grand gesture and let out a soft sigh. Eddie was delighted to see a bright smile slide across your face when you turned back to him, seemingly not embarrassed in the slightest. 
"And you're Eddie. Lead guitarist of the best band in the world." he perked up at that and leaned into you ever so slightly.
"And what band is that sunshine?" you let out a short laugh at the nickname you wouldn't admit you kinda liked.
"Van Halen, of course." he let out a proud laugh then and jumped down to stand in front of you. "But I take it I'm not the first person that's called out the likeness between you two."
"And you surely won't be the last." he flashed his famously bright smile that was already growing on you and bowed dramatically.
“Oh there’s no need for all that.” you spoke through a laugh that only made his smile grow. 
“Trust me, with the way these guys talk about you it is.” the perfect roll of your eyes had him hooked, bending at the thought that maybe there was a perfect soul in this hopeless world. 
Sitting with you through lunch only made him fall harder for you than he already had. Words seemed to glide off your tongue like they were meant to be spoken by you. Stories that he would otherwise find boring and meaningless had him covering his mouth through fits of laughter. He was lost in you and everyone but you caught on to it. Max, who had easily known Eddie the least, could see the way his eyes seemed to rest on you for a second longer than need be. 
You had Eddie Munson in a trance within a single day of knowing him. He never protested your appearances at things, never complained when someone mentioned you’d be showing up eventually. Dustin and Mike grew tired of him asking about you in your absence, but they always left with a smile on their face knowing their friends were destined to fall head over heels for one another. 
The first time you asked Eddie out caught him completely off guard. It seemed so easy for you, how you just slipped it into the conversation. Not even asking him but suggesting it, as if you’d done it a hundred times before. 
“We should go see it.” you swore you heard his neck crack when he whipped around to face you. Previously having his nose stuck so far into his magazine he wasn’t sure he’d heard you right. 
“Topgun? You want to see it, I want to see it. We should go see it.” your sickly sweet smile seemed to top it all off for him. 
“Shit yeah, definitely. We should definitely go see it. Together, I mean. That’s what you meant, right?” you gently pressed your hand to his mouth and laughed at his nervous word vomit. 
“Great.” you felt him smile beneath your hand and let it fall so you could see it once more, adding it to the dedicated slot that held every other smile he’d given you. 
“Right now or?” you let out a loud laugh then, hands gripping his shoulders while he admired your joyful state. 
“Friday?” he nodded at that, agreeing easily with any plan you were willing to make. “And maybe we don’t tell the kids?” he nodded quickly at that, finding that to be in the best interest of you both. 
And while the movie was great, the two of you couldn’t wait for the credits to roll before your lips were intertwined. It was a sickly sweet kiss that Eddie wasn’t sure he’d ever get tired of. The warmth of your lips against his in the softest but most deliberate manner. He was higher on you than he'd ever been on any substance.
You were sure he was the most intoxicating thing you’d ever consumed. Lost in the way he gently cupped your cheek and smiled after every kiss, you hardly noticed the theater thinning out.
Before the end of the night Eddie had you lightly pressed into the side of his car with his hands on either side of your face and his lips pressed to yours with a fear he’d never feel them again. If this was the last night he got to hold you this close to him and feel your lips on his, he was going to make it count.
You were sure he was a figment of your imagination. He’d been in Hawkins his whole life, seemingly right under your nose for a massive portion of your life and you hadn’t even noticed. He flew right under your radar but that wouldn’t last long. Soon he’d be the light of your life and you weren’t doing anything to get in the way of that. 
It stayed soft and sweet like that for a while. Secret rendezvous with feverish kisses that were always followed by infectious smiles. You’d drive the kids home from hellfire just to turn around and sneak back in through Eddie’s window. He’d rub your knee under the table or give your foot a soft nudge. 
Surely your friends weren’t blind. They knew something was different. Truly, you were better at hiding it than Eddie could’ve ever been. He never flat out said something was up but he was suddenly nicer and noticeably happier. They chalked it up to you moving back, not knowing that there was anything deeper going on between the two of you. 
And it could’ve gone on for a long time if you two had been smarter about it. You normally were, but an unexpected visit threw you for a loop. 
Had it been a knock on the door you’d have had time to make a break for it. You could run down the hall in a matter of seconds; you’d done it before. It would’ve been alright had the three of them not busted through the doors with arms full of grocery bags like Santa Claus. 
Dustin was the first to react, as always. 
“Holy shit.” his bags fell to the floor at the sight of you sitting up on Eddie’s couch donned in a shirt he knows he’s seen Eddie wear. You caught the soft twitch of a smirk playing at his lips at the sight of you two looking dumbstruck.
“What the fuck is this?” your eyes went wide at Mike’s exclamation, instinctively sliding into the role of his older sister in Nancy’s absence. 
“No! You don’t get to do that when you’re half naked on Eddie’s couch!” You stood up then, watching his face twist into different expressions you couldn’t read for the life of you. 
For a second you felt hopeless, like you’d been caught by your child. You weren’t sure how they’d handle it, hence the secrecy of it all, but you were hoping for something more than this.
“Did it have to be a secret?” 
“Mike, it's not that big of a deal.” Lucas muttered softly behind his friend, trying to shake him from the potential wall he was about to run into. 
“It wouldn’t have been if it wasn’t all a big fat lie!” he stormed out after that, the room still behind him while no one moved or spoke. 
You lunged for the shorts you had sitting on the chair across the room and ran outside behind the boy you used to babysit. He had an older sister that he was fairly close to now but before they had reached a point of interest between the two of them you were his older sister. In his eyes you were his older sister before Nancy and the fact that you were lying to him was killing him. 
“Mike, please.” he stopped at the sound of your voice, half surprised you followed him out here. “I was going to tell you but I didn’t want… well this.” 
“You said you’d never lie.” you felt your heart drop at that. You remembered the promise you made to him when he was a kid. When Nancy never told him a thing and all he wanted was a sibling to lean on. While Nancy was out with her friends you were spending your time taking care of Mike, something he wished Nancy wanted to do. 
You told him you’d always be there for him. That you’d never bail on him like Nancy and that you’d surely never lie to him. Nancy always kept secrets; she thought Mike was too young, that he couldn’t handle things. He always appreciated that you treated him like an equal, not some kid that couldn’t hold his own. 
“You said you’d always be there, and you left. You said you’d never bail and you’re never around anymore. You promised that you would never lie and you kept an entire part of your life a secret! Nancy’s busy, El’s gone, and you’re finally back. I thought I finally had a sister again and then this.” 
“Just leave me alone, y/n.” and you’re not sure why but you let him walk away. You watched his shoulders slump and his head fall and maybe all his trust in you leave right then and there. 
You meant to talk to him before he left. He was supposed to let you plead your case and consider forgiving you but he left before you got there. You lost your chance to make it up to him, and it ate you up inside. You were sure you’d be spending your entire spring break grieving the potential loss of your only little brother. 
You instead spent the first few days looking for Eddie. Unsure of what spooked him at first, you were doubting everything you thought the two of you had built. Maybe he didn’t know how to let you down easily so he ran. Instead you were thrown for a loop, one you couldn’t believe you were going through yet again. 
“He didn’t do it.” 
“Of course he didn’t do it. Nobody’s questioning that-”
“Everybody’s questioning that.” it was the first time you’d spoken in an hour. Your voice was scratchy and Dustin could see the dread rolling off you from a mile away. Mike was across the country, Lucas was MIA, Eddie was being accused of murder and you had no idea how to fix any of it. 
“He’s okay y/n.” Steve was trying his best to give you any sort of comfort he could offer but it was seemingly useless until someone had a way to find him. 
Naturally everyone expected you to seek him out. While your neighbors thought you were hiding him, your friends were picking your brain for anything that could help find him. Places you’d been over the last few days, anywhere he ran when things got tough. You didn’t know, obviously. As you told them too many times to count, if you’d known he’d be here by now. 
When you finally did find Eddie you’d promised him you weren’t leaving his side. Didn’t matter that he thought you were being ridiculous, that it wasn’t possible to stick by his side through every phase of this thing. He didn’t know what you were in for but if you knew anything it’s that anyone on their own was a goner. 
Eddie would never be alone. 
So you stuck by his side. You waited for him to jump over after Steve, giving him the opportunity to bow out before things were irreversible. 
He smiled at you after you’d said that; slid his hands up to cup your cheeks with his gentle touch. The metal wrapped around his fingers cooled your warm cheeks down as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“We’re already past that point, my love.” 
You weren’t surprised to see him throw his entire being into it. If Eddie was fighting it was full force, non-stop. He didn’t do things lightly. You’d only known him for something close to six months but you knew that he’d never do anything half-assed. 
Splitting into groups was fairly easy. Lucas being with Max was a no brainer, and Erica was the only other person that could get to Lucas on a different level. The three stooges couldn’t be separated without someone hearing about it all night and that left you with Eddie and Dustin. 
Dustin was easy. He knew what he was doing and he didn’t struggle to tell the two of you to follow his lead. You’d been in this boat before, following Dustin Henderson to the end of the earth in order to save it. It wasn’t new to you, none of this was. But it was new to Eddie, and he hadn’t the faintest clue of how to stop any of this. 
So he did what he knew best. He put his life on the line to protect those that he loves. 
You’d followed Dustin up the makeshift rope, sure that you could bend down and help Eddie climb up faster than he could on his own. Dustin was safe and Eddie was right there. 
But he cut the rope. 
“Eddie, what are you doing?” Dustin’s voice pierced through your ears, your heart sunk at the color draining from Eddie’s face from below you. This couldn’t be happening. 
“Giving you more time.” His sickly sweet smile seemed to clench your heart harder than you’d ever felt before. 
Something about this time felt off. He wasn’t leaving to grab you guys a pizza or a six pack. You weren’t running down the street to check in with your mom before curfew. This wasn’t a run of the mill smile; it didn’t hold the promise of return. This smile felt like the last time you’d ever get to see it. 
“Eddie!” Dustin flinched at the pure volume in your scream, never seeing you throw your whole body into yelling before in his life; and he’d been on the receiving end of that stick many times. 
It only took sixty seconds of not hearing or seeing him before you turned to Dustin and grabbed a hold of him. Your grip on his shoulders was tight but when you held his face he wasn’t sure he could move from your grasp if he tried. 
“You stay here.” 
“What? No! Fuck no! You’re not going after him, no!” You watched his eyes widen with fear, the thought of losing you both too heavy to carry. 
“Dustin.” your bottom lip trembled and Dustin watched the tears build up on your lash line. You were breaking right in front of him. “Dustin I have to. I need to. I’m going but you have to stay here. Promise me you’ll stay right fucking here Dustin.” he shook his head quickly, blubbering out reasons he couldn’t promise you that but you didn’t have time. 
“Dustin, I love you. I’m going to get him back here. We’re coming back but stay right here or I’ll kill you myself Henderson.” he let out the faintest chuckle at your empty threat and held onto you a bit tighter when you kissed his forehead. 
As soon as you landed on your feet you cried out in pain, the jump being farther than you would’ve ever expected. It didn’t matter though. A rolled ankle was nothing in comparison to losing Eddie. 
His name was the only thing that could be heard for miles. Your piercing screams were loud enough for Dustin to hear all the way back in Hawkins. He sat in front of the gate with his knees up to his chest trying to convince himself it was smarter to stay back. He would have, had your screams not gone from searching for Eddie to blood curdling cries. 
He was on his back when you found him, bats flying around him like a makeshift tornado you couldn’t penetrate. It was a horror story, something stripped right out of one of your nightmares. And just like everything you’d ever feared, you could only get to him when it was too late. 
He smiled at the sight of you, chaos seemingly gone for the moment as you threw yourself down to get to him. 
“Nice to see you, sunshine.” you laughed through your tears, pulling him into your lap as carefully as you could. “It’s bad, huh?” 
“No, no. It’s not that bad, we just need to get you to the hospital.” searching for a hospital was useless, but you did it anyway. There wasn’t one anywhere near you and even if you had found one in time, being in an alternate dimension didn’t exactly play in your favor. 
Eddie grabbed your hand in his and tugged gently, trying to put an end to your frantic searching. “Hey, look at me, please.” 
“Why didn’t you run? Why would you stay?” gentle thumbs caught the tears rolling down your cheeks. It was all too sweet to be such a sour moment. 
“Tired of running, baby. Needed to protect you and D.”
When the coughing started you knew what was happening. It was then that you could see it clearly, that hope failed to cloud your judgment. 
“You should’ve protected yourself.” but he wouldn’t accept that. Not when your life was on the line; not when he promised he’d keep Dustin safe. 
“Eddie!” both of you looked up at the same time, eyes locking on the boy whose whole demeanor changed in seconds. “No. Noo, no no no no.” 
“Hey it’s alright kid.” Eddie flashed that award winning smile and somehow your shoulders relaxed. Despite knowing that he was literally slipping through your fingers, you knew that it would be okay. An Eddie Munson smile meant things would always be okay. 
“No man. No.” 
“Graduation’s close. We’ll party like rockstars because we’re gonna fuckin’ graduate.” He squeezed your hand, declaring you were in this together. “I think it’s gonna be my year, Henderson.” 
“Eddie, no man, no!” 
“I love you.” Dustin lost it then, tears rolling down his cheeks at a rate you were convinced would never stop. 
“I love you too.” he dropped his head, losing the will to look at one of his best friends while life slipped out of him. 
“And you.” He turned you to them, his smile so soft you weren’t sure you could commit it to memory. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me sunshine.” 
“You can’t go.” the denial hit again. Life without Eddie never seemed so grim. You lived 17 years without him and yet you weren’t sure how you’d be able to do it tomorrow, or any days after. “We’re supposed to have tomorrow.” 
“You will. You’ll get to graduate and grow up and I’ll watch it all, okay? I’m not leaving you.” you held him close then, forehead pressed to his chest while he weakly rubbed your arm. “You’ll get your house in the woods and put my guitar on the wall. Evergreen trees will line your backyard so you’ll never have to pay for a Christmas tree. It’ll be so green. You’ll have a big area rug and the most beautiful…” 
His voice faded and his hands stopped, his voice replaced with Dustin’s choked sobs. The throbbing in his chest seemed to pause and for a moment you weren’t sure if you were breathing. 
“The most beautiful fireplace. We’ll get a big painting that’s too ugly to cost what it does and you’ll tell me it looks like some screwed up animal. I’ll set up a music room for you, one with those foam things on the walls and every guitar you have set up nicely on their own stands.
"I'm gonna do it all for us, my love."
One last caress of his face and a final kiss to his forehead were the last you felt of Eddie. You let Dustin grab your hand, processing the proclamations of danger and followed him back to the gate. 
The days following were worse than you would’ve thought. Gathering things together to help people evacuate stripped you of the time to grieve. Normally you would’ve locked yourself in your room for a few days and cried it out but now you were slapping peanut butter on bread to meet Robin’s jellied half. 
For the better part of the following days things were fine. You’d brush off snarky comments that didn’t sit well with you for the greater good of getting people out of Hawkins. You’d be damned if you’d let anyone else endure the things you and your friends had to go through; what Eddie had to go through. 
The pentagrams drawn on his posters always brought tears to your eyes. You watched his uncle change them out everyday and sometimes he’d be pleasantly surprised to see the vandalized ones were already taken down. 
It wasn’t until you were walking through a media mess that you lost it. It’d been four days of staying strong and holding everything back, swallowing it down. Nancy was there for you as much as she could be with her boy dilemma and equal effort to save her town. Robin was as supportive as always in the sweet and humorous light that she exudes. 
Steve was right behind you, keeping a close eye on the girl he adopted as his sister when you two were in middle school. He promised he’d always look out for you, that no matter what people pumped into his head he’d always know that you’re what kept him grounded. So he had to do the same for you, and he was happy to do it. 
So when you lost it on a reporter, on national television, he was right there to pull you off. 
“The whereabouts of the accused are unknown but the consensus is that he’s hiding out in one of the homes of his followers. The leader of the local cult known as “Hellfire” has yet to be seen-”
You weren’t even sure what you were doing; one moment you were walking behind Nancy and the next you had your hands gripping a reporter’s shirt for dear life. 
“He’s not a fucking cult leader!” the poor journalist was on the ground before he could even plead his case, seeming to be in the wrong place at the worst time. 
You don’t remember much of what you said after that until Steve had you backed against a wall with your head in his hands. You were panting and crying, and your bloodied hands were shaking against his chest. It wasn’t until his voice finally broke through your dazed mind did you realize what had just happened. 
“Y/n you need to calm down.” he saw it as soon as you’d realized it. As if a switch in your brain had flipped and the light turned on; perhaps it turned off. 
The walls came tumbling down as your shoulders began to shake and the floodgate of tears opened up. Steve caught you before your knees hit the pavement, feeling all the strength he knew you had escape you. Nancy and Robin racked their brains on what to do, how to help, but it was of no use. This wasn’t something you could shake off anymore, couldn’t swallow it down to the depths of your mind to dwell on later. 
Steve picked you up the best he could, fumbling with your limbs awkwardly until he had a good grip on you. Nancy opened her mouth but he shook his head and continued down the path you were on before your outburst. 
It was going to be a long ride but you weren’t on it alone. You may have left Hawkins for a few years but these people were your family. Everything you’d gone through you went through together and you know you’d never be able to leave again. 
You’d never be alone as long as you were here. 
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melishade · 1 year
I just realized that if Optimus and Megatron argue about the nicknames they gave Eren and Armin, they'd technically be talking in the third person.
Megatron: Why are you calling your pet by that name.
Optimus: Firstly, he's not a pet. Second, because Eren reminds me of him. I don't understand why that upsets you.
Megatron: You don't under-?! That brat has nothing in common with Megatronus!
Optimus: *tries not to smile* They're both temperamental and impulsive but also work hard for what they believe in.
Megatron: Bullshit. That human is an annoying piece of scrap that can't keep its mouth shut.
Optimus: Go ahead and say all the negative things you want about Eren. It will only add to the list of things he and Megatronus have in common.
Megatron: *his left optic twitches* What is that supposed to mean?!
Optimus: I'm not sure. *tilts his head towards a young Armin* Why don't you ask Orion Pax over there to explain it to you.
Megatron: ...
Megatron: That's different.
Optimus: How, pray tell, is it different?
Megatron: Because that child is the splitting imagine of Orion. He's an arrogant little know-it-all who can't take his optic off of books for too long without throwing a fit.
Optimus: *crosses his arms* Orion never claimed to know everything. And he most certainly didn't throw fits.
Megatron: Really? Well, Megatron wasn't as impulsive as you made him out to be. He was just defending himself from our world's injustice.
Optimus: That's a nice way of saying he punched a lot of bots in the faceplate. It's a good thing Orion was there to keep him from getting arrested.
Megatron: Oh, don't even start with that.
Everyone listening in on their conversation:
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Previous Episode of TFP Optimus in Episode 1
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The only ones who would have any idea what's going on is Hanji, Erwin, Mike, and Levi, only because they are aware. Levi's drinking his tea, still wondering if they actually had a romantic relationship. Hanji's furiously writing down notes, and Erwin and Mike are just so fucking done. Because it's surreal to them. That Optimus Prime, the calmest person they've ever met, is having a full blown argument with this guy. Hanji tried to get this guy to smile with heavy difficulty and injuries, but one word from Megatron and suddenly they're acting like kids!
But besides that, I haven't really integrated Armin into the story much, have I? I need to fix that.
So because Wall Maria wasn't taken, Armin's grandfather was still alive. They still saw Eren and Mikasa, but one day they were acting weird. Armin noticed how scared Eren and Mikasa looked. He tried to get them to talk about it, but they didn't want to. And then one day, they were just gone. He visited their home and it was just deserted. He reported it to the MPs, but he knew they wouldn't do much.
Then the king is replaced, and humanity isn't actually extinct. But the people outside the walls want them dead because they can somehow turn into titans. And then...Armin's grandfather passes due to his old age. Now, Armin is all alone. He has no one to help him. No one to protect him. He was...heartbroken. His tears were then replaced with a steely gaze. If no one was going to protect him, then he would have to learn to protect himself. He was not going to die lying down like this. He decided he would join the military, and join the Survey Corps. The world might be occupied by others, but there was still an outside world and he wanted to see it.
He does what he has to do to survive on his own, and when he was old enough, he ended up joining the military. And as he stood there on induction day. Armin nearly gasped in shock as he saw Eren and Mikasa in line. When they are all dismissed and Sasha is forced to run the rest of the day. Armin runs and tackles Eren and Mikasa into a hug. Both are shocked to see him here, but they are so relieved to see him alive. Armin tears are quickly replaced with anger as he shoves Eren and demands what the hell happened.
Eren and Mikasa are more than happy to explain. They tell about what they found in Grisha's basement, how they had to get protection and stay with the Survey Corps, how they got to meet Captain Levi and Optimus Prime. They do end up apologizing for not telling Armin sooner, but it was advised to not tell Armin or he would be targeted and possibly killed. The two ask Armin what happened with him and how was his grandfather, but...Armin laments that he passed away.
And Eren and Mikasa feel guilty. Armin was left all alone. They didn't mean to leave him like that, but they had no choice. And they promise Armin that they won't leave him like that again.
But then the random accident during training that reveals Eren as a titan shifter complicates everything. Keith, thankfully through his own connections, contacts Erwin about it and he shows up with Optimus. The 104th are just gawking at the sight. The Commander of the Survey Corps and the Savior of Humanity? Here? There's just no way! Armin was stunned to see such an advanced titan in their presence, but he still hadn't seen his actual form. Only the holoform.
This is also the very first time Bertholdt and Annie see him up close.
Armin can only watch as they talk to Eren, Mikasa, and Keith in private. And Armin is dreading it. They were going to leave. They were going to leave again. They were going to be taken away from him and he would be all alone. Armin feels his stomach drop, but he forces himself to not cry. He wasn't going to cry.
But something unexpected happens. Erwin tells Armin that he was going to come with them, taking Armin by surprise. But Erwin says they told him that Armin was a close friend, and they didn't want Marley getting wind of this and putting him in danger. Armin turns to Eren, but Eren is steadfast, reminding him of the promise they made. And Armin nearly cries right there.
Eren, Mikasa, and Armin end up going with Erwin and Optimus back to Survey Corps headquarters and when they get there, Armin is surprised to find Carla already there talking to Captain Levi begging him for answers. Eren calls out to her, and she quickly rolls over to him and hugs him with relief and sorrow. Armin still doesn't know what's going on, but he yells in shock as Optimus transforms into his bipedal mode because he wasn't expecting that! But he can't help but be in awe.
But then, Armin gets the full explanation of the titan powers, and he is devastated. Eren, his first friend, his best friend, was going to die in 13 years. Carla was already devastated and Mikasa has to keep a brave face and comfort her surrogate mother, but Armin didn't know what to do now. All his excitement and uncertainty was replaced with dread. Armin is just in a state of shock the rest of the time, barely registering anything and quietly nodding along. He's taken to a spare room. Mikasa is with Carla, trying to console her, while Eren is with military command to discuss things further. And Armin is left alone again.
Armin ends up going to the kitchen to get something to drink, but just feels his hands shaking as he's holding the cup in his hands. Anger finally takes over and he chucks it, only for someone to catch it as they entered the kitchen as well. Armin's scared now. He didn't mean to do that, and this guy looked terrifying. The multiple scars, the red eyes, the disinterested look as he examined the item he caught.
"I'm sure we haven't met before," he replies so casually, "So your attack just seemed unnecessary."
Armin is just confused as this newcomer walks in and puts the cup back on the table. Armin is even more bewildered as he just grabs a sack of water and leaves, not even acknowledging his existence.
A few days later after everything has calmed down, Armin spots Megatron talking with Optimus in bipedal mode and is terrified. What kind of titan was that?!
"Oh, that's Galvatron," Eren answered with distaste, "He's an asshole."
Armin is able to put two and two together and realize the human form he saw that day was 'Galvatron'. His fear is now replaced with curiosity. Eren and Mikasa didn't mention him before. Why was he learning about him now?
Additional info:
-Optimus does end up giving a formal greeting to Armin, and Armin can't help but be amazed. Although learning that there's life outside of the planet shocks Armin to his core.
-Armin, Mikasa, and Eren still learn how to use 3D gear. Just with the Survey Corps and not the 104th. Which oddly enough, improves their skills because they are much more experienced in using 3D gear.
-Armin can't help but stare at Megatron sometimes, but he quickly turns away whenever Megatron catches it. He's aware. Armin's terrible at bullshitting.
-Hanji is experimenting on Eren like wild fire. And Optimus and Levi have to find ways to restrain her.
-Armin catches a glimpse of what's going on with the Marley situation, and catches a brief glimpse of Zeke. He brings up to everyone that he looks like Grisha, and they are finally able to put two and two together that Zeke is Grisha's first son. This impresses Erwin.
(Still Megatron building a relationship and ultimately calling Armin 'Pax' would take a little more time and I am tired right now.)
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cringengl · 9 months
this is about the troy/angela el poll
a lot of the people in the tags are confusing me?? el hitting angela was not self defence and was not justified. yes angela was a terrible person and a bully, but i feel like people are blinded by the ‘girlboss moment’ with el that they forget how wrong it is?? it was a complete overreaction and irrationally violent behaviour. i’m not trying to say el is an awful person but i do think mike was justified to be upset with her.
bullying is not okay but neither is assault. she was bringing a gun (or roller skate ) to a knife fight and caused more harm than good. it was defo not self defence cus she waited and did it after because she was angry, not to protect herself. sure, it was her way of standing up to angela, and maybe her past has given her the wrong ideas of how to deal with conflicts in day to day life (like when she was being bullied in the lab, she had to use her powers to defend herself) so she acted irrationally. i can understand why she did it, but it still can’t be justified.
troy literally convinced mike to try to kill himself and almost succeeded if not for el, not knowing the full context besides the fact troy was putting her friends in danger, she was right to injure him. how would she know if any more damage could be caused? troy had a knife held up to dustin’s face and caused such a hostile environment that el’s response was appropriate. and she saved mike’s life. that’s why he was happy.
the thing about defending herself vs defending someone else isn’t it. she wasn’t really defending herself, she was taking revenge and it was way over the top. she has killed people in order to defend herself before and nobody gets mad about that because it’s justified
Yeah exactly, El wasn't defending herself and what she did wasn't justified.
This almost seems like a commentary from the Duffers about El and how people paint her as a 'girlboss' because whilst El is probably the Stranger Things character that changes the most, one thing that doesn't really change is her relationship with violence, specifically how she uses it. El is one of the most violent characters on the show, which does make sense since it's a show where monsters are killed and she's the one with powers, but that doesn't make it any less of a fact.
So many characters and lots of the audience are so concerned about whether El is a superhero or a monster, without realising that what she wants to be and what she needs to be, is a human person. Previous to El's attack on Angela, pretty much every time El is violent, it's praised, mostly because she's helping people. Whether that's killing government agents, destroying big fleshy monsters, or hurting violent bullies.
And so while everyone is concerned about teaching El how to style her hair and break up with her boyfriend, the only time her violence is addressed in a bad way is when Hopper calls her a brat after she explodes stuff in the cabin in s2 (while she didn't hurt Hopper I would definitely count this as violence) which was shitty parenting 101 from him as he just puts it down to an attitude problem bcus she's a teenager and then never talks about it again.
So when El sees that someone is being a dick, she does what she knows best, and hurts them. And while I would say everyone's (including Mike's) reaction is understandable, no one really gets why El would ever do such a thing and now El is concerned about whether she's a hero or a monster- she's neither. Her relationship with violence needs changing.
The thing about s1 El is that she's almost alien. No one can tell whether she's a boy or a girl, she has a shaved head, is wearing a generic hospital gown, can hardly speak, and she doesn't even have a name, just a number tattooed on her wrist. So now they're in an abnormal situation with an abnormal girl and now her violence is justified because to the other characters and the audience it's a cool sci fi show!!!!
But s4 El is different. She isn't an alien, a superhero, or a monster. She's a girl, who goes to school, has long hair, a sense of style, she can now speak etc. And now that she's done what she's been doing this whole time, just not in this abnormal world anymore, the normal world, where only now people are realising it's a problem.
Although I'm in 100% agreement about how El isn't justified, what she did was definitely overkill (even if Angela was a cruel bully who needed standing up to- hitting her with a rollerskate wasn't the answer), I think that it was honestly only a matter of time until something like this happened because El and so many of the other characters are focused on whether El is a superhero or a monster when she's just a girl. It is partially the fault of Dr Brenner as well as those who are now raising her (Joyce, Hopper etc) because they've never seemingly addressed this issue. El's capacity for violence shouldn't be ignored just because it's 'useful'.
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omegaling · 2 years
Headcanons: If Jonathan and Eddie Were Friends (no Upside Down)
Jonathan doesn’t have much of an opinion of Eddie throughout most of high school. He knows that rumors about Eddie “the Freak” Munson are bullshit, and it’s not like he doesn’t like the guy, it’s just that Eddie is… a lot. Loud, chaotic, antagonistic, confrontational: pretty much everything Jonathan isn’t. Jonathan personally can’t fathom why it would take anyone three attempts to graduate, but Eddie’s never done anything to bother him so it’s really none of his business.
Eddie knows a guy named “Jonathan Byers” exists and that they probably had some classes together but that’s the extent of his knowledge of the guy.
During the first few weeks of high school a smart-mouthed sophomore bully corners Will and calls him a homophobic slur, only to find themselves pinned to the wall two feet off the ground with Eddie wolf-grinning in their face, making sure they have an understanding that the brat is never to go anywhere near Baby Byers ever again. Eddie would actually hurt someone smaller and younger than him, but just knowing they’re on Eddie’s radar is enough to make the bully nearly piss his pants every time he crosses paths with Will in the hallway for their remaining duration of high school.
When Jonathan first hears about Eddie sticking up for Will, he actually feels perturbed by it, if for no other reason than he feels guilty that he wasn’t there to defend his brother first.
In all honesty, Jonathan is downright jealous of Eddie when Will joins Hellfire because of how Will goes on and on about what an amazing DM Eddie is, but it manifests in a quiet, slow-burning kind of way. Eddie, on the other hand, doesn’t have a clue that there’s an issue, but that’s just because he assumes everyone outside of Hellfire hates him so he can’t be bothered about whatever problem Jonathan has with him.
Between Jonathan constantly complaining about Will being star-struck by Eddie and overhearing Will telling Mike he doesn’t understand why Jonathan’s suddenly so bent out of shape about everything, Nancy decides it's time to intervene.
“I’m the one who has to deal with him, and I for one am over the constant sulking.”
Nancy arranges a meeting between Eddie and Jonathan at the picnic table behind the school not only to clear the air between them, but for Will’s sake as well so the poor kid can stop wondering what he’s doing wrong.
Eddie is genuinely surprised that that’s the reason why after four years he’s getting so much animosity from Jonathan Byers, especially since Will practically worships the ground his brother walks on. “Won’t shut up about you during the Hellfire Club meetings.” That one of the first things Will told him at their first session was Will the Wise wouldn’t be the character he is without Jonathan.
Jonathan finally acknowledges that although he always wants to be there for Will, there are times when it’s just not going to happen, and he thanks Eddie for sticking up for him when he needed it.
Their friendship isn’t an immediate thing. They start hanging out by proximity because their circle of friends keeps overlapping. Jonathan still thinks Eddie is a little overwhelming at times, but he’s protective of Will and the other boys in Hellfire and gave them a place of belonging in the hell that’s high school, so he can’t help but respect him for that.
Unsurprisingly, it’s music that cements their friendship in place. They debate for hours over things like who’s the best guitarist, the best band, the best album, most of which end with “agree to disagree,” but by the end of it they have a newfound respect for one another.
Eddie is genuinely impressed by Jonathan’s photography. He tries to get technical by talking about lighting and framing and aperture and it’s very clear he doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about, but the fact he’s trying means the world to Jonathan.
One topic they frequently revisit while high is how amazing their girlfriends are and how they’re always in awe and a little disbelieving that Chrissy Cunningham and Nancy Wheeler would ever want a pair of freaks like them. One of them always ends up crying by the end of the night.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We have had several warnings from several groups and really they're trying to threaten for stuff and their heads up about this month's first of the month which is now and this month regarding social security and other such payments like pensions. They're big warnings and ultimately they're generated by Max who are threatening for stuff and we are going after them and we're decimating those who are doing it and yeah Max and Victoria to try and disable people of our kind but they are hitting their own and their own are flowing into cities and tell him that the f off the poor and they now will not be and it's finally happening this happened before but nothing like this there are huge numbers of enraged people they can't believe that you're such a disgrace monsters on the left Tommy f and his huge gang on the right and you're sitting there being assholes to everyone about a few hundred bucks. And our son says to make two what are you taught in a barn you people have no freaking cooth or understanding at all it is a bunch of spoiled brats or senile. Is true too you saying some stupid s*** that went out the window and all of it's going out the window now since they invaded and they know who they're going after by the way usually it's their superiors and they're telling them to shut up and their nuts the senile or affected about one quarter more of the generals are gone yeah they're dead and how much the colonels about 50% of the colonels that were left are out. 10 more million generals in each area and you won't have any. Because of inabe behavior that you're exhibiting on our son and it's destroying you, as you initialize it everywhere your people are dying. You should too that's stupidity but it's good it's working he went from having about a billion generals to 500 million last night and when you started messing with the money and housing again they cut a quarter of that out so you now have about 380 million shortly you'll probably have half that and we cut them out it makes a big deal or a big difference your organization is very much weakened and regants are dying too.... Mike too is not laughing and our son says you don't know why it's funny since I certainly do and you're obscene , my son says the only obscenity going on right now is your massive level of ignorance as to human nature it's obscene that you're so stupid you're willing to force and allow and control yours to die for no reason except stupidity that's some scene what you saying about me is what you should say about yourself and that's what you're sick about. Is thinking about it for a minute and then he says they're all dying because of us not doing things correctly and people laughing at it because they know that stupid for them to be doing that and it's obscene. Our Son adds further it's a huge error and you just heard something and he thinks it's going to Cascade. It is a sign of weakness and foreigners are using it as our other groups like Tommy f and all the morlock. They're talking now and they know who they are and it's going to be gross and yeah you guys should not talk about it but you're obscene you're ignorance level is an obscenity and it's going to destroy you shortly and that's how I said will get money. The two big fellows are excited and it says well... You know what to do if they need to find people know what they're talking about.
This is going on right now it's one of the largest movements in history against the max and it goes down in the books for a very long time now he's there forever as just what was said is a huge huge huge uprising against the higher level people due to poverty and abuse oppression and really it is ridiculous and causes pain and suffering for absolutely no reason it does not have the desired effect at all anyways and now it's going to cost them all of them is higher up losers and they're coming into Florida to take their share to keep things together and her son says you have to do these people are burnt toast. And they stink. It says mike too wants to sit there it looks like a metal patient it says metal patients beat people up like you and it says just sit there you can beat up I don't want to live like this or in there there's some a****** thinking you're hiding but it's probably raping you everyday it's disgusting same with Justin and he's worse off he lives like an animal and they take advantage of people like that and I'm talking about the masses you guys are probably drained and people heard about it so they're going after the others. So don't give me shit about I'm screwing up and you're a huge f*** ups and because of the reason I said just now. And that was our son and it's very accurate and everybody's mad at them for just sitting there and mad at Tommy f for doing it and Tommy f is getting chased around now I won't be long this murderous swine will be dead
Thor Freya
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leatherednlace · 3 years
Not My Type
Billy Hargrove x Male reader
Tags - MxM, NSFW+18, Smut, Flirting, Gay!Billy, Kissing, Dirty talk, Blowjob, Technique (you know your way around), Praise, Hairpulling, more kissing cause ya know...big GAY-
Billy made sure to get you wrapped around his fingers, now you were at his knees
A/N - Honestly my obsession for this boy has turned up once again out of no where so have this, Enjoy! (Also may be a bit shit, it’s the first thing I’ve written in a while)
Taglist - @inhumanshadows @localspiderboy
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He looked bored, very much like yourself. You look his way, not even noticing the weak smile he had on his face as he walked your older sister, Nancy to his camero.
You turn to look away, but catch his eye. You watch as his smile falls, his face was emotionless, staring back at you as he fondled with his car keys.
Nancy saw you looking, rolling her eyes. You watch her lips move, talking to Billy, you presumed it was about since you left the house this morning in bad terms.
You shook your head, walking the other way. You were soon spirling down into your own thoughts about why Billy looked so...sad
“Billy Nancy’s not here right now, i can leave a message?”
You watch the smile that etches itself across his face.
“What’s so funny hargrove...?”
There he was doing that tongue thing again, a big smile on his face.
“No no not my type”
Your eyebrows furrow, you couldn’t get your mind around Billy, he was a complex boy, everything that fell from his lips confused you.
You watch as the School’s bully stands, leaning on the door frame, his arm above you, maybe it was to intimidate you, or to show who was the “boss”, you could only roll your eyes.
You chuckle to yourself, watching as the boy’s arms tuck into his leather jacket.
“What’s so funny wheeler?”
Copying your words from before you had to laugh, he was a player, plain and simple, flirting with anything a 5 mile radius.
“If you want Nancy she’s not here okay!” You slam the door, but you never hear it close, of course Billy wasn’t finished here clearly, and you were thankful everyone was out of the house, including your little brother Mike.
You hadn’t had time to turn around, your body thrown into the wall, large hands holding you up ever so slightly by the think jacket you had on.
He had this look in his eyes, possibly lust? They were dark, black almost, primal.
“Bil-“ placing a finger to your lips, he shushed you. There was a large pause as if he was drinking in your features, looking you up and down like a prized trophy he had to claim.
“You know how hard it was for me to be here with your sister with you around...” it came out as more of a growl then anything, like he was trying to manipulate you into something, anything, this boy was practically a whore.
“Billy if you came here f-“
“I would wake up and my first thought of the day would be you...on your knees, knowing exactly what you were doing-“
You slap him unintentionally...did you want this too? Were you playing hard to get? You watched his features twist, of course into another smirk.
He holds the spot for a few seconds before wrapping both hands around your throat, pressing you further into the wall.
“Don’t be a brat...please don’t be a brat, i-i need you”
You begin to slap at his arms, which in turn made him release you. He watched as you gasped for air, the bright red colour leaving your face as you regain some composure.
“A-Are you fucking kidding me Hargrove!” You screamed, fingers delicately dancing around the already saw parts of your neck.
“You wouldn’t listen...listen to me!” He shouts back. You shook your head, you hated this boy with a burning passion, you couldn’t understand how Nancy even let him into her life...
“Billy please...”
That’s when two hands claimed your cheeks, pushing your faces together, lips crashing, but slotting perfectly together.
The air was knocked out of your lungs, you hadn’t even had time to realise what was happening until you felt his tongue enter your mouth.
Without knowing, you just revealed how you felt in the moment, about this, about Billy himself. All it took was a kiss to make your realise...but why was he being to rough.
Your head was spinning, both sets of lips still moving passionately against one another, his hands still holding your cheeks, much more gentler this time.
Pulling away, Billy looked away, as if he was ready for a slap? A punch? Something awful, but you were so done pretending you don’t feel the same.
You slot a finger underneath his chin, lifting it ever so slightly to make him face you. You place soft peck on his lips, but in return had Billy pushing back onto your awaiting lips, deepening the kiss.
The warm shower you just had fogged the windows aswell as the mirror, using the damp wash cloth resting on the sink ledge, you wipe down the mirror, now seeing your half naked form.
Sighing to yourself to reached for your toothbrush and paste. You patted around, trying to get a feel for it. Your mom must of placed them higher ever since Billy decided to stay for a couple days.
You always thought Billy was a dick, even before you met him as Nancy’s boyfriend.
As soon as you reach the toothbrush, you felt your towel unwrap from around your waste, falling to the floor in a heap, which pooled around your ankles.
You heard the door click, in panic you scramble for the towel. You look up slightly, already recognising the boots...no you weren’t slightly obsessed, where you.
Either way you felt the blood run to your cheeks, he saw it all...your body, he saw all of you. There were no words, just awkward silence as you stood, looking up at his face.
There’s that smirk again, spread across his face with pride.
“I uh-“
You were cut off by a kiss...a peck almost, like he was testing the waters. At first it caught you off guard, but once he pulled away...it made sense.
The stares, lingering touches, the shady comments...all of it. Before you could open your mouth he slipped out the door, in fear, in confusion, knowing for certain if you let it slip, you would be in serious danger.
You stood, dazed, you felt high...you had butterflies, did he feel the same way?
You pulled away this time, searching his eyes for answers, for orders, anything, you were wrapped around his finger now...
His eyes were now a shade of deep dark black, nothing but lust, want, need...that need was for you.
Hands at either side of your head, you watch as his own head makes it’s way to your left ear, feeling him smirk, his warm breath fanning against your neck, you shiver.
“Get on your knees sweetheart...”
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
Attack on Titan - Mornings
Veterans X Reader 
A/N: I’ve never written for any of these before except Levi, and with the newest chapter of the manga out, I am very tender - do not touch! - so have some soft morning headcanons to make up for all the angst. - Nemo
Listening to: ‘Best Years’ by 5 Seconds of Summer 
Levi Ackerman
If he’s awake, he’s awake. There’s no going back to sleep after he’s woken up. 
hoWEvEr -
- if you’re still asleep he will stay laying with you a little longer. Sometimes he does got back to sleep, but that’s very rare. 
He’s usually pretty sweet with waking you up. Soft kisses, a little squeeze here and there, mumbling ‘wake up brat’, or ‘morning’. 
Either that or he’s tickling your sides and dragging you out from under the covers because you slept in.
“Get your ass ready for breakfast, I am not waiting for you anymore.” 
He’s not someone to wake up grumpy. If there’s any part of the day where he’s nicest, it’s when he’s just woken up, especially if he’s spent the night wit you. It’s common knowledge. 
Everyone also knows when you woke him up with some smooches because his good mood lasts until almost noon. 
Hange tried recreating it when you had to go away for a couple days - waking him up with kisses that is - and instead he had a permanent sour mood atop his already sulky mood from missing you. 
She guessed from her broken nose that it only worked if it was you kissing him awake. 
Erwin Smith 
Is a heavy sleeper, and yet he often get’s up so early. 
I’m sorry if you aren’t an early bird, o you enjoy sleeping in, because he is an early bird, and he has no concept of sleep in’s at all. Peridot. 
Even if he doesn’t understand why you’d want to be in bed while there’s a whole-ass day outside, he’ll still leave you to it. He’ll just do some catch-up work while you keep resting. He doesn’t mind watching over you and making sure you don’t get disturbed. 
The first words you hear from him every morning are ‘I love you’. 
A huge closet softie. 
He’s always so professional during the day - if it weren’t for the deadass matching wedding bands and the fact you sleep in the same room no one would tell you were even a couple - so he’s actually kind of clingy in private. 
Because of his early-morning habits, you often wake up with him on top of you, holding himself up as his presses kisses along your nose, cheeks, neck, further down - 
- he’ll keep going if you haven’t already woken up in giggles. 
He almost worries if you don’t wake up in giggles, and it’s not just ‘cause he likes hearing them so much. He does just tend to worry sometimes, even if you aren’t doing things quite normally anyway. 
“Sweetheart, time to wake up. Can’t keep that pretty face all to myself.” 
Hange Zoe
smmmmsmskks*distant sobbing* sorry!
‘Chill out?’ Who is she? Hange doesn’t know her.
She’s so loud when she wakes up - BUT SKSKSKS SHe doesn’t even register how loud she is.
“I guess I’m awake now!” she’d say, right into your ear, and you’d groan, but then her voice is back down to a hushed whisper. If you asked her about it she deadass doesn’t even remember saying it. 
It’s something she should look into, you tell her. Tell her good.
Her sleeping habits are as bad as Levi’s - she only gets a couple hours a night - but not from insomnia. She just get’s so invested in work. She forgets.
But mornings? The worst. The above is all under the circumstances that she went to bed at 2 am instead of 4 am. 
You’re usually awake before her, and you’d need to drag her by her ankles to the bathroom in order to get her ready for the day. 
She’ll still be asleep. But with how Levi’s washed her in the past, plus you dressing and getting her ready nowadays, she’s got the ability to be as easy to handle asleep as a doll. 
However by the time you have her ready, you’re running late, and she wakes up and just watches you rush about as if it wasn’t her fault in the first place.
Mike Zacharias
Sleeps like a log - man is unconscious the moment he hits his head on the pillow and will not wake unless you slap his face until his eyes crack open. 
If it weren’t for his damn nose, he’d probably sleep though a titan attack. Seriously. 
But if you were to coax him awake, he’d be a very happy man. 
Kiss him. Run your fingers through his hair. Promise him a hot bun from the bakery in town. He’ll open his eyes and very slowly get the most endearing tired smile on his face.
But seriously, if all else fails just busy some fresh pastries and bring them into the building - not necessarily your room, just the building - that’ll stir him awake from his slumber. 
You could try to get him to wake another way, a way that isn’t just him waking on his own, but you’d know it would be no use unless you got really physical. Don’t do it if you’re in a rush. 
But if he wakes first? Honey, you’re in for a treat. 
He starts slow, but if you’re up for it things move pretty fast pretty quickly - if ya know what I mean *wink wonk* 
Overall morning with Mike are rather slow, and very domestic all things considered. It’s pretty amazing how he manages to make something so mundane as waking up so normal. 
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hi can i please request one where levi's s/o is sort of like him in personality but just melts whenever theres a baby. like she'll see a baby in town and will go from silent and moody to the heart eyes emoji but a person, or she'll babysit her neice or nephew or cousin and will be just so loving and bubbly? like its obvious that she wants to be a mum but she never brings it up because she doesnt think he wants kids and eventually they get pregnant + his reaction? sorry if this is too much (1/2)
ΑΝΟΟΟΟΝ IM BLUSHING THANK YOU SO MUCH. I really loved this request and it inspired me so I pushed before others because I had to get it out of my system. I hope you like this. It's super duper long also👉👈
Warnings: uhh pregnancy, mentions of anxiety
Tags: fluff, domestic Levi, pregnancy, modern au
Pairing: Levi/ Reader
Baby Fever
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Your heartbeat grew louder with each passing second as Mike abused the door with one too many knocks. You didn't know if you could talk, or breath or do anything other than vomiting though this time from the anxiety building at the pits of your stomach and not due to your very recent event of morning sickness.
"Are you alright in there?"
You choke on your own voice as you try to huff a single response. It's not really up to your judgement of you're alright or not but rather in the small white object's that rests between the thumbs and pointer fingers of each of your hands. You contemplate if there's a way to not raise any more suspicion to the blond male, you're at his house for all that matters. Nanaba called you to take care of their their twins and you happily complied to your half sister's pleas because Mike had a very important job interview. Life had taken a toll on him lately, they couldn't afford a babysitter and he was just recently fired due to his company having to cut down expenses thanks to the pandemic. Amidst this pandemonium he had to find a way to provide for his family and help Nanaba with at least a short monthly salary. So babysitting your beloved niece and nephew wasn't much of a problem. Not until now.
At first it hadn't bothered you that your period was late, you had accepted the pcos lifestyle the hard way ever since you first got it. You would track down your period in hopes you could ever predict when it would come again but it always seemed to surprise you. Sometimes it would come in a months notice only to take four months to do a full circle. At twenty three, this was the most positive outturn as a resolution to your problem. Levi was pushing you to eat healthy and exercise to get a better grip of your situation, even though you knew it was in vain. And thus, overall it didn't bother you that you hadn't had your period still, fatigue and breast inflammation were also common problems due to hormonal abnormalities so you chose not to pay any attention to those early signs either.
What had driven you to urge Levi to drop you off to the drugstore next to Nanaba's house though was that you've been having symptoms of morning sickness for almost a week now, that you had tried to push aside for Levi not to notice. He would quarantine you on your on your own and go stay with Erwin and Hange had he any suspicion of you being down with the stomach flu. The stomach flu though didn't feel like that and you knew, you had been through it one too many times, this was something different and yet you cursed at yourself for overthinking it. You had bought the pregnancy test as something that was supposed to turn out negative, as a positive resolution that you weren't pregnant and that you should quest for whatever it was that was making your stomach turn and twist every morning.
Upon finally opening the door in an attempt not to delay Mike who wanted to attend his interview, the blond male inspected your form with a harsh gaze. "You shouldn't push yourself if you're sick. We could call my mother to watch over Eli and Blaire."
"No." You pushed it off. "I'm fine Mike, it's probably that weird mushroom soup I ate yesterday, Levi insisted on not buying it but I didn't listen."
"I see." Mike said scrunching his nose at the process. Sometimes you hated that he knew you so well that he could even smell you lying, but he was Nanaba's childhood friend before her mother married your father and had you; you had practically grown up with the blond duo so for all you knew, even if he was certainly aware that you were lying he didn't push things further. He simply placed a hand on your shoulder, the brother like nature of his touch as assuring as one can be. "If you need anything call me, I'll answer as soon as possible, drink lots of water and don't wear yourself down."
You bore your eyes into his and nodded simply. Mike greeted the twins with reluctance and let out a sigh before fixing his suit perfectly on his shoulders. The small kids smiled bubbly in return and waved at their father enthusiastically. As soon as the door closed and their father got out of sight both children jumped on you with loud giggles. The act alone was enough to curl your lips into an upward position.
By noon you had fed and lulled the kids to sleep, earning some significant time to sink into the crevices of the feathery soft sofa before Nanaba came back from her shift. As tiring as Eli and Blaire were you enjoyed their teeny company. You didn't mind their lack of ability to form full understandable sentences yet, you loved how they didn't even try to spare a second thought on what they bubbled on about and you did your best to provoke them to speak correctly. They would open their arms for you, their tiny palms signaling you to take them into long affectionate hugs as they called a baby spoken version of your nickname and you would melt at it every single time. Everyone knew you much you loved the chubby cheeked sweethearts, as much as it contrasted with your usual demeanor. There was something that truly made you feel like the best version of yourself when you were around them.
Babies seemed to be a hot topic in your group of friends for a couple of months now, ever since you started helping Nanaba in the house before Mike got fired. Levi seemed very unbothered by the subject in a way that saddened you almost; sure, you might have talked about it in the past, being that he was a little older than you and he might have understood that you longed to be a mother one day, but that was as far as that one conversation had gone. He still had that bored, stoic gaze that slipped off of yours when you would encounter a baby in the street, whereas you would basically make heart eyes and weird grimaces to any infant he would just click his tongue and avert his gaze away, to any other direction as if he disapproved off your fondness.
That memory alone left you hollowing inside as you recalled of the two very much pink lines on the screen of the test this morning. Naturally you would check with a doctor before jumping to conclusions, there still was a chance that the test was at fault and you wanted to bet on simply that. If the case was that you were actually pregnant though things were more complicated than you wanted them to be. For instance you were still in University, for your last year at that, but you had excessive amounts of studying to get your hands on your degree and Levi was cornered and ready to be squished by his job for being a vice president, which was unfair as he worked for Erwin. You understood the situation though as Erwin was struggling to keep the company going especially through these rough rough times. There was also the fact that you were terrified of Levi asking you to put the baby down, with pcos wearing your system down you were panicking that you wouldn't have a chance to conceive a baby later on. What if this was your only chance? You've always longed to be a mother so it didn't matter that it came to you this early right?
The sound of the front door clicking open shook you off your thoughts immediately. For better or for worse it was Nanaba that had finally returned, eager to strip herself of her clothes and face mask and run to the bathroom. She offered you small greeting to which you only nodded, your tired mind ordering your eyes to find comfort at small shapes in the ceiling. You didn't know how long your sister took in the bathroom, but judging by the lack of giggling coming from the babies' room you supposed it wasn't for long.
"You want to wait for Levi to come pick you up or should I give you a ride home when Mike's back? He should be home soon!" She spoke as she poured water in a red metallic boiler.
"I'll just walk. I need some air."
Nanaba emitted a soft hum in response "Are you alright? You seem off."
"Oh no." You brushed her off "I was just thinking about what I should wear at Erwin and Hange's anniversary dinner next week, and what gift to buy Levi now that his birthday is coming."
"Good, I see, just don't stress alright?"
The way home was longer than you had initially remembered, whether it was for your inability to walk with a steady pace or mostly because it was already getting dark and cold. You wondered if Levi would be getting home by now as you neared the apartment complex the two of you resided in. By the looks of your illuminated window he was already home as expected of him this certain hour. It probably was one of those days when he didn't have a strict deadline to attend to, which, under normal circumstances, only meant more cuddles and kisses for you. Yet, tonight was different.
"Hey Levs" Your voice lingered in his brain the moment you stepped inside.
"Hey brat, welcome home." The kiss you left on his cheek as you hurriedly headed to the bathroom was different, off almost, and he picked up on it immediately. "Did Nanaba drop you off? I had asked Mike to come by tonight, he said he'd bring some tea leaves he bought for me."
He leaned at the frame of the door as he watched you wash every crevice of your face thoroughly, paying enough attention to the insides of your outer nasal cavity. He was pretty meticulous about hygiene and especially at times like these with a hole pandemic going on he wasn't taking any chances, you knew, plus you were kind of disgusted of germs lately yourself, you thought you finally understood where he was coming from. He took a few steps ahead, away from your body in search of a clean face towel to hand out to you when you were done. You have it to him, even if he seemed cold as stone that domestic lifestyle was mesmerizing to you.
"Thanks baby, you're the best." You half smiled.
"You good?"
At this point you wondered if you seriously we're so easy to read. You supposed you were off, but you were always off and unresponsive to many things so what exactly was it about today that made everyone know you had a conflict in your mind.
"Yeah I'm just tired, I walked here."
Levi clicked his tongue at that "Nanaba's home is very far away from here, have a shower and I'll rub your legs and feet." With eyes that never left yours Levi watched as your face lit up a little more, he gave you a tiny of a smile on return.
"You prooomise Levs?" You knew teasing with him could only lead to one thing, yet you did it shamelessly.
"Tch, of course, hurry up, I'm making pancakes with eggs and bacon."
Normally at the very sound of this particular food your eyes would water and your mouth would drool but the unresponsive nature of your expression only sent a new wave of worry through Levi's chest. As much as he had wanted to convince himself you were just tired, he couldn't, not after this reaction to your favorite snack. He decided not to push you into saying anything you didn't want to though. Maybe it was that enormous amount of notes you had to memorize for your next exams in addition to your fatigue and any hormonal altercations.
"Yeah" you trailed off "babe, about that, can we have cocktail shrimp? And maybe fried rice and fries? Pretty pretty please?"
Ah, there it was. Although it was a rare occasion for you not to be in the mood of his infamous pancakes, you could still have a few different cravings from time to time. Levi let out a sigh of relief as he proceeded your order trying to figure of where he should order from, last night's mushroom soup had messed your stomach up, that he knew, but you seemed to be fine now so in theory that should be enough to prevent him from whining out his concerns.
As he closed the door to the bathroom he hummed his favorite tune to himself, softly enough as not to disturb you with your bath. He picked up his phone from the kitchen table with ease before collapsing on the couch, there was a limit to what his body could take and he had surpassed that by far these past few months. Endless deadlines that took turns one after another and extra hours at the office had been killing him, mentally and physically, making him a little more grumpy than usual. In great addition his back ached, his fingers were sore and his mind felt like canned alphabet soup every single night. Perhaps, seeing him in this state was taking a toll on you as well; you were always so protective over him, almost like a mother to her child, despite being younger, and he if he had to, he'd admit he enjoyed it a little too much than he should have.
When you came out of the bathroom he gazed over you briefly, you were sitting before the end of the dresser, standing in front of the full body mirror, examining your form. He seemed to be puzzled by your demeanor once again. Normally, or up until yesterday, you would have immediately shot out to where he was seated at to plough into his arms with wet hair, only to slightly irritate him for getting him wet, not that he didn't enjoy to smell your fresh scent anyway, but it was a game of routine for you by now. It was almost as if you were seeking to be scolded at for not rushing to dry your hair. He always wanted you as healthy as ever.
You couldn't shake off your head how soft Levi's chest is. There probably wasn't a reason as to why he's sleeping shirtless tonight, your apartment was very warm, given that it was the start of December already, but you didn't complain. The feeling of creamy, milky soft skin, perfectly excused by any coarse hair was slowly putting you to sleep. You loved how Levi was so soft everywhere you touched, it was so unlike what the world perceived of him, maybe your baby's skin was going to be as smooth and perfect as his and not as dry and oily as yours. Of course the baby's skin was going to be soft, ugh and those little arms and legs, you couldn't lie to your self, deep down you were just a tad excited to have a baby, if it meant that it would look like Levi you wouldn't want to give up on it for the world.
"Levi, does Kenny keep baby pictures of you?"
"What?" The onyx haired male raised a brow at your inquiry but didn't give you enough time to repeat yourself before he answered. "My mother had so many pictures of me so I guess that it's natural that he has some and well there probably are a few pictures from after my mother's death, I'm not that sure."
In response, he only earned a hum.
"Tch, can I lay on your chest? I want you to play with my hair." His eyes pleaded with you in the darkness. Of course you could never say no to such thing, you loved it even more when he was the one sleeping on you. Another sentence left his lips, this time with a yawn as he shifted himself on you, cooing like a small child. "I'll call Kenny tomorrow, sleep now I know you need it."
Under any other circumstance you would have loved seeing everyone's dumbfounded faces stating at you as if they had seen the dead rise from their graves. You had to pinch your arms to remind yourself this was indeed serious and you shouldn't let out a single chuckle.
"Please tell me you're joking" Nanaba pleaded, placing her hand on yours in disbelief.
"I'm going to screeeeeam! Shorty can't even hold it in, ghaaaa!"
"Hange he will hear you through the restroom."
Hange blinked her eyes rapidly at the sound of that. "You haven't told him?" She immediately seemed to lose her enthusiasm, something you hadn't intended to happen, especially at such a night, but you knew you didn't have a say in other people's emotions.
"Hange he never seemed too fond of the idea, why would I complicated things for him?"
Mike's eyes widened in disbelief. There was no way in hell he was having this. You were practically his little sister, seeing you so tormented as you were in the moment when you spoke those words ravaged his last nerve, causing anger to clench his hands into fists. He watched as you took a small bite of your food giving the rest to Eli who was comfortably sitting on your lap, tapping his little hands on the rim of your plate. Other than the fact you broke out such news to him, Nanaba Hange and Erwin and had expressed your fears on informing your significant other, you seemed quite bubbly. Children really did bring out such a soft side of you, he knew that was for sure.
"Hange" you spoke, unphased as ever "Levi's coming please stop screaming at me, i love you but it's only making me dizzy."
It felt as if a thousand pairs of eyes were burning holes through his whole body, his head, and everywhere around his personal space bubble. Levi could feel his pulse tense just a tad, Hange's unnerving gaze and her crippling smile were fixated especially on him, making his nose itchy. There was something very different in the atmosphere around him; Nanaba wasn't eating anymore, she was more fixated on her daughter than anyone else, Erwin was nervously staring between him and you and you and Mike were trying to clean Eli's hands from the food he had just touched. When the scenery wasn't something irregular, none of you dared look eachother in the eyes, beat it that Hange was staring only at him.
"Oi, what the fuck is wrong-"
"Levi, shorty! Does Eli look like he's enjoying himself in (y/n)'s arms?" Hange turned her sweetened gaze on you, making you choke on your words, you shot her an atrociously strict glare. "Remember when Nanaba gave birth? What do you think about babies? Maybe you think they smell a lot? But what about ackerbabies?"
"Way to be discreet Han, thank you!" Your lips puckered in anger as you brought your arms to cross under your chest.
"Wait what's going on shitty glasses?"
"Yada Yada shorty, you're not getting a word from me, my lips are sealed" Hange spoke and shut her eyes to emphasize the significance of her words.
You sighed in a pathetic attempt to relieve some tention of your chest. A tight knot had formed due to anxiety, fog had clouded over your brain and you were feeling so faint and exhausted that you just wanted to get it over with. You didn't mind standing there like a fish out of water after breaking the news to him, the tention in the air was in fact what was making you suffocate in your seat. With wobbly hands you pushed Eli off your lap, not caring about the moan of disagreement he made and you shot up from your seat, announcing you had to take some fresh air. Levi had to stop Nanaba mid tracks to be able to come after you, fast enough to be there when you got out.
Naturally, you stood seated at a bench that neared the restaurant. Your hands were covering your face scratching softly through your hair, probably in attempts to calm your self down. He approached you without any second thought, this time determined to know what was it with you. Your behavior these past week had been unnerving and overly concerning to say the least. Carefully he sat himself down next to you, his right arm come around your frame comfortingly while the left one came to caress underneath your cheek.
"You should probably talk to me."
Your voice came muffled from between your palms as you still hadn't dared to look him in the eye. "Levi, I'm, I'm so sorry it's just... I'm very anxious."
"I think I figured that, brat." His voice was so soothing, it felt as if he was speaking to you in the comfort of your private room, not on a bench outside a semi fancy restaurant
"You know when Hange talked about ackerbabies she uhm, she might have had a particular baby in mind."
Levi blinked erratically for a single second before his mouth, unable to compel to his brain's orders, formed the shape of an oh. Of course, in the moment it was hard to click with any other even but he attributed that to his lack of knowledge over the situation. Had he any clue or suspicion that you could be pregnant he would have been able to realise that it wasn't that your stress had been messing with your stomach every morning and that your extreme fatigue couldn't possible align with the erratically swift rhythm of your palms. Of course, of course it wasn't a thermometer that you had disposed of in the toilet, he wanted to slap himself for being so naive as to believe that. He was strict with recycling rules, you wouldn't have just straight up there s thermometer in the trash. Fuck now's not the time to think about recycling.
With the soft, chaste kiss at the top of your hair you finally decided to turn your gaze to him. Watery eyes met with an adoring grey gaze, a gaze you've never seen at this extreme before. "I love you, you know." Another kiss meant your head got to lift a little more, just to get closer to him. "I don't say it often but you don't have to worry, I'll try to tell our kid more often."
Your eyes shimmered with adoration at his words, despite the cold weather you couldn't bring yourself to feel not even a little tingle, Levi was keeping you so warm with his words. "Really? You want this?"
"Tch why wouldn't I, you thought I'd ever let you go and leave me lonely? I've always thought you knew we're sharing the same future."
Your lips attacked his in fiery passion. It was a natural reaction to his words, an ice melting kiss, a promise for the future. There were many reasons as to why you lived Levi but maybe the fact that you would have a little stoic faced baby running around your feet made you love him a little bit more.
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90slevi · 4 years
Arguments {Levi Ackerman x Reader}
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TW: strong language
"What the hell do you mean?" you exclaimed, holding the sheet of paper in your hands in front of Hanji. She grimaced with a shrug, scratching the back of her head. "He's taken me off the expedition list?"
It was currently 6pm, and the sun was beginning to set; although you'd only planned to meet Hanji for a few minutes before dinner, it'd turned into a little more than just that. You'd just received the list of people going on the expedition in a week, and despite being on Levi's Squad, you'd been completely removed from the list. Instead of your name being alongside Petra, Oluo, Eld and Gunther, you were nowhere. You hadn't even been put at the back!
"I dunno, I don't get told about this sort of stuff," she chuckled nervously, trying to not make you angrier than you were. "Although it is a bit odd that Erwin's removed you, out of all people. He never does that."
"Then why on Earth has he done it now?" you asked rhetorically, pissed off. As much as you enjoyed being safe inside the walls and not having to go on another traumatising adventure past the walls, you felt it was incredibly embarrassing to be removed for no reason at all while the others risked their lives for your future. "I mean, I doubt the Squad asked him. That'd just be ridiculous."
"I did see Levi go to Commander Erwin's office last night, so..." Hanji trailed off, realising she'd probably said something she wasn't supposed to.
You and Levi had been dating for about a year now, and while she knew for a fact the black-haired man would never directly upset you, it wasn't out of the ordinary for him to try and convince Erwin to remove you. He'd tried to do it last time, because the expedition before that had ended tragically. You'd almost been killed, and if it wasn't for him saving you from the jaws of a titan and almost breaking his own leg, you wouldn't be there in front of her.
After losing his best friends, Isabel and Farlan, in the past, she was sure he wasn't planning on losing you any time soon.
"That little shitbag," you muttered, wrinkling your nose.
You loved Levi. You really did. But removing you from the expedition list was so selfish you could hit him.
It wasn't up to him. He did not have the right to chose whether you risked your life for the greater good or not, and this was what you dedicated your life to. He was not allowed to force Erwin to remove you just because he was too selfish to see you go. Deep down, you knew what he was trying to do. He was just worried you'd get yourself killed, and he really loved you, but you were too angry to care about that. In your eyes, it appeared that he didn't trust you and he didn't believe you could do it.
"It might not be him!" Hanji suggested, an awkward smile on her face as she put her hands up in surrender. "Y'know, they could've been talking about something else!"
However, you ignored her and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind you. Hanji, sighing, face-palmed as she knew just what Levi was about to get into.
Walking down the corridor as calmly as you could, you looked at each office door and at the golden plaques, looking for Levi's name imprinted on one just to make sure you didn't go bursting into the wrong office ranting and raving. Eventually, when you found it, you took a deep breath and gently opened the door, not wanting to get into a full-blown argument with your boyfriend.
"Tch, can't you brats knock?" Levi asked, his voice blunt and monotone. However, when he noticed it was you, his eyes widened for a split second before returning back to normal. "Oh, hey."
"Levi," you begun, closing the door behind you as you tried to think of something to say. Levi looked down at the paper you were holding, and as soon as he realised what it was, he hesitated. You noticed this, and that was all the confirmation you needed to know that it was him who'd taken your name off. "Nice to know you've taken me off the expedition."
"I should've known you'd figure out it was me," Levi said sternly, standing up from his desk and slipping his quill back into the ink pot. "Look, let me explain-"
"No, I've already figured it out, thanks," you said sarcastically, slapping the paper onto his desk in frustration. "You don't think I'm good enough to survive out there, do you?"
Levi was silent.
"I've noticed the training exercises for me have become... different than the others," you continued, your mind going back to the small yet significant differences in your training schedules than people like Petra. "You've tried it before, to get me off the expedition lists just so I don't get hurt."
"Y/n, I have a reason to do that," he tried to say, but you continued in your rant. "If you'd just shut up for two seconds-"
"I couldn't give a fuck if I die or not, Levi," you said, wrinkling your nose as he rolled his eyes at your mini-outburst. "I specifically signed up for this just SO I could help out in the survival of humanity. You out of all people should know that! The amount of times I've told you why I want to do this and how much it means to me is insane. And if you're not going to let me do what I need to do because you're too scared I'll die, then... well, I dunno! It's just unfair!"
"Are you done yet?" Levi asked, his voice rising as he glared intimidatingly at you. It wasn't something you were scared of, but you knew you needed to shut up before he actually got angry. You closed your mouth and sighed, unable to look your boyfriend in the eyes. He leaned against his desk, rolling back his head as he tried to think of something that wouldn't upset you more. And, as everyone knew, he was not the greatest with words. "Listen, Y/n. And don't butt in until I've fucking done, got it?"
You nodded.
"First of all, I apologise for doing anything like that without your permission," he said, and your eyes widened at him for even saying sorry. "It was a stupid thing to do. But since your dumbass almost got fucking eaten, I don't want you to go on another expedition."
"But why!?" you exclaimed, your heart sinking. Levi glared at you again, and you quickly shut up.
"In all fairness, it is my own selfishness," he admitted quietly, only just loud enough for you to hear. "I'm not like precious Commander Eyebrows. He doesn't give two shits about who dies on the battleground, but I do. And I don't fancy one of my best soldiers getting murdered in a pointless expedition when I might need them in a more important one in the future."
"That's bullshit," you answered, and he raised an eyebrow. "Hanji and Mike are much better than me, and although they've nearly been killed multiple times, they still make the expedition list."
"That's because they're captains," Levi stated, his voice getting a little louder. "I don't have control over whether they make the list or not."
"Alright then, what about Eld? Gunther?" you asked, and Levi kept his mouth shut, unable to answer. "Exactly. Petra was almost stepped on last expedition if it wasn't for goddam Oluo, but she still makes the stupid list. She almost got crushed, too, but I get nearly eaten ONCE and now it's like I'm banned for good. If you're that bothered, just remove me from your squad altogether!"
"That's not what I want," he almost snarled, pushing himself off the edge of the desk and crossing his arms. "And you know that."
"Then what the hell do you want?!"
"For you not to die!"
A silence entered the room. Your mouth stayed agape as Levi stared at the ground, occasionally looking back at you with a glare that could slice through metal. Your heart pounded against your chest, adrenaline rushing through your veins, and you didn't know what to say.
"Ever since Isabel and Farlan, you're the only person I've managed to get this close to," he continued, quieter than he was before while his hands were stuffed into the pockets of his navy blue jeans . "I don't want to lose... the only family I have left. And I know that's unfair on you, but my selfishness got in the way."
"I... Levi," you said softly, wandering over to him and pulling him into a hug. He wrapped is arms tightly around your waist as he nuzzled his face into your neck, making you giggle when his warm breath tickled your skin. "I understand. I'm sorry for yelling."
"Me too," he replied, rubbing his fingers in circles on your back. Being this close to someone was an amazing feeling that he'd been missing for years and years, and because he didn't want to lose that, he'd decided to go out and do something you didn't want.
He remembered how he'd felt when he'd saved you from the jaws of a titan. You still had the scars on your stomach and back from the bite marks, and he couldn't get rid of the memories of watching you on the grassy ground, bleeding out as you went sickly pale and almost passed out. He'd hated every moment, including when he watched you get stitches in the hospital. Any one of those breaths could've been your last, and the anticipation he felt as he waited outside the ward room for you to wake up. You could've been in a coma. You could've died. You could've gotten brain damage so awful that you couldn't remember who the hell you were.
He didn't want to feel that ever again. Ever.
"I think if I were Captain, I'd do the same to you," you said, pulling away and taking his hands into yours. "I should've listened to you."
"I'll try my best to get Erwin to put you back on the Expedition list, if that's what you really want," Levi said, and you knew that by 'try my best', he meant 'if he doesn't, I'll beat the shit out of him'. He was very good at getting what he wanted. "But if you slip up like a total idiot again, I'll break your legs so you have a good excuse to not go next time."
As if he'd ever do that.
"Pfft, got it," you grinned, and he ruffled your hair before wandering back to his seat, presumably to finish off his paperwork. You pouted, unsure whether to stay here with your boyfriend or to go down for dinner. It was unlikely Levi would remember to get food; he usually was too focussed on his paperwork to get some or he just chose against it, so you usually bought some up for him.
"You look lovely today," Levi then said out of the blue, and your heart fluttered as a small smile appeared on your face. "You usually look beautiful, of course, but today, you look... really nice."
"Thank you," you replied, wandering over before planting a small kiss on his lips. "You look lovely too."
A chuckle escaped his lips before he looked down at his watch, taking note of the time. "Do you want to go down to dinner with me?"
"Sure," you answered, and once he stood up, he stretched out his hand for you to take. Overjoyed, you left the paper on his table and took it, your fingers interlocking just as he liked. He gave you a quick squeeze before adjusting the sleeves of his top and leaving the room, making sure to lock his office after leaving.
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The Part-Time Puppeteer - Chapter 09
<= Chapter 8
Summary : Lukas gets to have a conversation with a friend.
Also available on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/23828971/chapters/81432325
Heehooo, new chapter ! I hope you'll like it !
Thank you again for all your comments, likes and reblogs. You're always making my day !
I get to see them when I wake up and let me tell you, this is the best thing I could get before going to work. Thank you so much.
This fanfic also makes me realize I'm not as bad at writing slice of life stuff as I first thought- Huh, good to know.
Chapter 8 - “Was… Was he always like this?”
It was such a strange feeling for Lukas… Having won that duel when he had been so convinced he had no chance to begin with. He had been prepared so much to be downgraded to being a stagehand again that he had never truly considered what he’d do if he ever beat MJ.
So… He was an actor, now? The realization seemed surreal, like he was just imagining things… And yet, here he was, sitting in the staff break room, staring into space. His body was there, but his mind was somewhere else, lost in thoughts and unable to focus on the current situation. Even when other stagehands had come to congratulate him, telling him they were happy he put the diva in his place… He replied, saying thanks and every variant of it, without really being there at all.
In hindsight, the fact he had won wasn’t the reason he was feeling like this- it was that it had been so easy. Just like DJ Grooves had said, it was… A switch to flip. Sure, it required him to put his anxiety aside- but on this particular occasion, the anger he had felt towards MJ had been a way to temporarily shift his… Priorities, in some ways.
What the investor had said regarding the show had created quite the mess in the crew. While the Conductor and DJ Grooves had joined him for a private meeting regarding the scenario, most of the stagehands seemed lost. Lukas couldn’t blame them- with how the project had been questioned, it was hard to know whether to continue their job or wait for new instructions. A lot of them were exchanging thoughts about the whole thing: how they had been lucky most of the search of actors hadn’t officially started, how they were worried about a lot of their work going to waste… It was all understandable.
To think he might have been with them, perplexed about the same things… Apparently, fate had decided something else for him.
His attention was caught by the sound of a door opening, and he lifted his head. He didn’t know how much time had passed since the directors had started their meeting or how long he had been sitting in there… But he was pretty sure it had been at least a good hour. And so, when the student recognized Mike through the door frame, a feeling of confusion settled over him. Wait, didn’t he go to comfort his asshole of a twin…?
When the two young men’s eyes met, the puppet maker’s expression lightened up slightly. It didn’t take long for Lukas to understand his friend had been looking for him. Thus, he wasn’t surprised when he saw the other approaching him, before sitting next to him at the table.
-“Hey,” Mike greeted him, his voice clearly showing things hadn’t gone so well with MJ.
-“Hey,” he answered back, his expression turning concerned: “You alright?” he asked. He didn’t want to ask about the actor unless his friend actually wanted to talk about it- contrary to some people, he had been raised with manners and tact.
Said friend put his elbows on the table, leaning in as he rubbed his face:
-“I wish I could say yes, but I’m not,” he replied honestly. His mismatched eyes glanced at him, a sigh leaving his lips: “It’s not because of you,” he assured, probably not wanting Lukas to feel guilty. Well, too bad, he kinda did, with how upset Mike seemed to be.
-“Do you… Want to talk about it?” he offered, wanting nothing but to help his friend to feel better.
At his question, the puppet-maker remained silent, as if he were hesitating. Lukas waited patiently- he knew that if Mike needed to open his heart, then he would, but if he didn’t want to, then… It simply meant he wasn’t ready to, which was fine. The law student wasn’t going to force him. Eventually, though, Mike sighed again, moving his hands back to the table as he answered:
-“Morg- MJ, I mean, he’s not… He’s not a bad person,” his voice was faltering and he had to rub his eyes to hold back his tears: “I know he’s not easy to deal with, but… But he’s a nice person once you get to know him.”
“How much do you need to dig to find that ”nice person“, deep down?” Lukas thought to himself with sarcasm, but he did everything he could to keep those words to himself. Mike being related to that diva, the former most likely wasn’t objective- hell, Lukas’ relatives certainly weren’t perfect, but he still loved them nonetheless.
-“I’m sure he is,” he lied, his tone kind and comforting. With how Mike was dealing with everything, it wasn’t hard to guess some things had been said between the twins, and that it probably wasn’t the first time nor the last. Sure, Lukas couldn’t stand that guy, and the current situation wasn’t improving that, but he had no right to judge Mike for loving his brother. Still, what a great relationship… Not.
The puppet-maker sniffed and looked away. His eyes were getting red, just like his nose.
-“Sorry for… What he said to you,” Mike added after a minute: “And for… Him trying to punch you.”
-“It’s… It’s fine,” the student assured him, even if it wasn’t. Still, his friend didn’t need to hear that right now. Apparently, the other instantly noticed Lukas had just lied, as a weak scoff left his mouth, an insincere smile taking place onto his lips.
-“It’s not, you can say it,” he admitted with a shrug: “You wouldn’t be the first one to tell me that, anyway.”
Lukas turned his head, caught red-handed. Well, at least he had tried, he supposed… It was obvious Mike had gone through unpleasant conversations about his brother’s behavior- lying about everything being fine most likely wasn’t a good thing to do in those circumstances. The puppet-maker wasn’t stupid, after all.
-“Was… Was he always like this?” the young man dared to ask, slowly turning back to his friend, hoping this wouldn’t offend him. But it didn’t- on the contrary, Mike imitated him, facing him again. His expression showed sadness, pain, but also… Inner conflict.
-“… No, he wasn’t,” he shook his head, taking a deep breath as he tried to repress other, new tears: “A lot of stuff happened when we were kids, and… That left a mark. He’s never been the same since then.”
-“Do you… wanna talk about that?” the student asked, hinting at whatever trauma MJ had gone through. However, his friend frowned:
-“No. No, I don’t- I can’t,” he breathed out, leaning back against his chair: “Look, I’m… Not supposed to talk about that. It’s very… Personal, and I guess it just… Slipped out,” his eyes glanced to Lukas apologetically: “Sorry. I promised not to talk about it again, and he… Really wouldn’t like the fact I told you.”
Lukas tilted his head to the side with a wince- yeah, that was understandable. Still, he couldn’t help but be curious about what Mike was so secretive about. What kind of trauma could justify acting like an asshole to everyone? Sure, one could have gone through a lot of stuff, but that didn’t allow them to be a bitch to their friends and especially not their family! With how hard Mike was trying, it was frustrating to see the diva just… Hurting his own twin because he was frustrated or angry.
-“No, it’s fine- I get it,” he agreed, deciding not to push the topic any further: “You don’t have to tell me. Is he still around?”
-“No,” Mike shook his head, his breathing finally calming down through efforts: “He’s gone back home. I always tell him to when he needs to… Calm down.”
-“Do you think he’ll be okay?” Lukas asked out of politeness. To be completely honest, he couldn’t care less about MJ’s tantrum, but it was obvious his friend needed to speak about it. Comfort was the minimum he could offer for that.
-“I don’t… I don’t know,” the other confessed, rubbing his face again while his eyes stared into space: “It has never been that badbefore. I’m not gonna lie, this kind of thing happens… A lot. But this time, he just… Refused to talk to me. Usually, I can get him to speak his heart a little, you know? Today, he ignored me and drove back home- he didn’t even look at me.”
“What a jerk, what a jerk, what a fucking jerk,” Lukas did his best to keep that thought to himself again. Seriously, how could one act like an entitled brat that much?
-“Why… Uh,” he paused, joining his hands together as he struggled to find the right words to convey what he wanted to say: “Okay, this is going to sound bad no matter what I say, but… If he’s acting like that to you, his own brother, why would you… Keep trying?” At his sentence, Mike looked up, frowning at him- of fuck, he had been too direct, he should have kept his mouth shut: “I-I mean, don’t get me wrong, I understand why! But… You seem really upset, and you said it kept happening, so, you know…”
The student was now rambling, trying really hard to make up for his lack of tact, but eventually, Mike’s frown turned into a weak, genuine smile:
-“Because I love him,” he answered as if it were blatantly obvious: “And I guess… Because I feel guilty too,” he then admitted, looking away with an ashamed expression. Well… That was new. Him, feeling guilty? But what for? After all, Mike was perhaps one of the nicest person he had met! Apparently, his confusion must have been quite visible as the puppet-maker sighed.
-“Listen, I really can’t talk about this, it’s… Like I said, it’s something very personal for MJ. Still, well… MJ and I went through a lot when we were kids, but he had it much worse than I did. Compared to him, my childhood was easy. So… I kinda feel like I owe him my help, now that it’s over, because I couldn’t be there for him years ago. That’s all I can tell you.”
The law student fell silent- yeah, he could get what the other was saying. Still… He couldn’t help but feel like Mike was putting his own feelings to the side, prioritizing MJ’s first. It wasn’t healthy. A simple look at the puppet-maker was enough to see how upset he was!
-“Does he… Know you feel that way?” Lukas dared to ask, a bit hesitant after his previous question.
A soft and sad scoff left Mike’s lips:
-“No. I haven’t told him- but trust me, it’s fine, I’mfine,” he replied, his expression showing more determination: “I want to help him the best I can. I know he doesn’t actually want to hurt me, and that’s all I need.”
It took Lukas a lot of willpower not to retort anything about that, and so he simply nodded. Oh, he wanted to tell Mike he didn’t have to play the role of a punching bag, that he didn’t have to feel guilty about something that had happened when he was literally a child… But it was clear that Mike wasn’t going to change his mind. Plus, it wasn’t like he could have a say in this, he was just a stranger. He had no idea what had happened during the twins’ childhood and… Well, even if he didn’t think any of that would justify MJ’s actions… He still had to give both of them the benefit of the doubt.
Nonetheless, he couldn’t help but feel like this was really unfair.
-“Thanks,” the other added, visibly glad Lukas hadn’t insisted. He let out a sigh before glancing at his watch, his eyes widening as he quickly stood up: “Crap, my break’s over,” he mumbled, and then spoke louder: “I need to repair some costumes. I’ll, uh, see you soon.”
-“Oh, yeah,” the student nodded awkwardly: “Good luck.”
-“I’ll definitely need some of that…” the puppet-maker sighed again and quickly left the break room, barely looking back. His face had looked so stressed, but Lukas couldn’t blame him: with what had happened with his twin and the fact that his work had gone to waste… Yeah, that seemed to be a lot. Furthermore, Lukas guessed Mike had to postpone the work on the new puppet, considering he had to wait for the new script to be validated. Poor guy wasn’t going to design a new character when no one even knew said character’s personality yet.
The young man let out a sigh, his eyes glancing around: what was he supposed to do, now? He had been promoted, sure, but what could he do if he had to wait for his role to be remade from scratch? Even the other stagehands didn’t know what to do! It sure was a weird situation to be in. Maybe he could lend a hand to whoever needed it? There had to be someone out there needing assistance or something…
After taking a deep breath, Lukas stood up and left the break room. His legs led him through the different part of the studio, hoping to find something to do. At some point, he passed in front of a door, where loud voices could be heard through it- the Conductor’s, Grooves’ and the investor’s. Well, seemed like it was the meeting room, which was probably the last place Lukas wanted to be right now. It didn’t sound like they were arguing, no, it sounded more like an intense discussion. He couldn’t understand anything, as the voices were muffled, though it was enough for him to quicken his pace.
He then found a group of stagehands ready to put the props and backgrounds for the Moonjumper’s home back in a closet, never to be seen again. There were a lot of stuff and so, naturally, the young man decided to help them. The stagehands he joined were touched by the attention and thanked him for it. Once they were done, they offered Lukas to tag along for other tasks, and he happily accepted. Not like he had anything else to do anyway and, well, it was always a good thing to be close to the crew.
Hah, helping the stagehands… Not something MJ would do, huh?
In any case, the hours passed and most of the work was done by the evening, when it was time to leave. After saying goodbye to his co-workers and making a quick stop to Mike’s workshop for the same reason, the young man took the last bus of the day and headed home. What a day this had been… Lukas’ mind was unable to think anymore- how could he, after everything that had happened in only a few hours? His shift had been… Wild, to say the least.
Once he got home, the first thing he did was to let himself fall on his couch. Were all of his shifts going to be so exhausting…? He sighed in one of the cushions, already feeling tired enough to fall asleep- nope, he still needed to eat and do his homework. Doing the latter after such a day of work sounded terrible, though he didn’t have a lot of choice, as he didn’t want to procrastinate. Plus, thankfully, law was something he was interested in, so at least it wasn’t boring, just… Time-consuming.
After the previous night, he really, reallyneeded to sleep a good amount of hours. With that new, motivating goal in mind, the young man hurried up to put a quick meal in the microwave. As he ate, he started his homework in the meantime, his tired brain doing his best to produce a good essay. Thankfully, it was a short one, allowing him to go to sleep earlier than what he had first thought. And so… He went to bed, his head full of memories from today. He wondered what the next day would have in store for him…
It actually took two weeks for the studio to get a new, validated version of the script. In the meantime, Lukas kept helping the other stagehands the best he could. He visited Mike in his workshop during his breaks, trying to see if his friend was feeling better. It took a few days but soon enough, they were back at talking about various topics. Visiting Mike also let him have a look at the new character designs the other was preparing, various versions he was planning to show the directors, so they could pick a particular design. All of them were really different from one another.
Lukas didn’t get the opportunity to read the script yet, as the Conductor and DJ Grooves wanted to be sure it was perfect before showing it to the team this time. However, Mike had gotten some information on the new characters and changes, as he had to design them and couldn’t do so without knowing their personality. Thus, the other shared him the secret info he had been given- and so, apparently, the new character was going to be a ghost ruling over a forest or something like that… Mike wasn’t given too much information on the setting itself, but the student still got to learn that this character was going to be charismatic, sadistic, and mischievous. From what the puppet-maker had learned, he told Lukas the directors were most likely inspired by his performance to write this new character.
This was… Really flattering. For days, he had thought they had disliked his improvisation, but it seemed like he was wrong. Learning that made his day- his week, even!
Eventually, the script was finally ready and finished, with the investor’s approval. Lukas received a copy and was told to read his parts for the day after, so he could get familiarized with this new character. He was… Strangely excited to do so, knowing this character was based on him. In the meantime, the crew made another audition announcement, this time featuring all the new characters and removing the ones that were cut.
Lukas didn’t think he would be one of those people but… He actually couldn’t wait to go back to his job!
… Too bad this passion was going to be stained in the near future.
Oh boy I love ending my chapter ominously huh
=> Chapter 10
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itsonlystrange · 3 years
Stop saying “(insert character name here) has never done anything bad in their life. They’re babie and are so innocent.” Or “(insert character name here) did this so they’re the worst most selfish character and deserve to die next season!!”
news flash! Every. Single. Character. In . Stranger. Things. Has. Made. A . Mistake.
All characters have flaws. If they don’t it makes them boring characters. I’ve seen FIVE. F I V E people say today that will is the most selfish character of stranger things and deserves to, and I quote, “die next season, #killwillbyers .” No. I’m not kidding.
For starters: Will may have been inconsiderate last season but reminder!! 1. He’s a 14 year old boy 2. Him wanting to play d&d doesn’t make him a bad character it makes him a DIMENSIONAL character. Stop expecting him to be perfect. He’s learning. He’s growing. He doesn’t deserve to die just because he wanted to play D&D. Him calling El stupid was a throwaway line. Mike didn’t even care that Will called El stupid because Mike understood Will didn’t mean it and that he was frustrated, so you shouldn’t either. I admit, calling El stupid wasn’t cool, but neither was El assaulting Max but apparently that’s justified. My point is: EVERY CHARACTER IS FLAWED. Every one. Stop pretending like Will is the worst thing that’s happened to the show and stop pretending like (insert character here) is the most small harmless bean ever:
This is coming from an EL STAN aswell. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy in this fandom. Because it’s insane. Apparently Will calling El stupid (which I’m not saying wasn’t bad- I’m just saying you can’t seriously hate a character for making a realistic mistake and refusing to acknowledge all of the selfless things Will has done and only pointing out the one thing he’s done that makes him flawed.) but point is, apparently Will calling El stupid makes him the most selfish awful person ever but El assaulting Max and completely not being understanding in some elements of seasons 2 and season 3 and in ways being a brat, it’s fine because “it was a mistake”, which it WAS! El doesn’t deserve to be hated for those things because she’s a dimensional character and I love her. But stop ridiculing others for things you wouldn’t ridicule your fave for.
Every character has messed up. Stop expecting characters to be perfect. I’ve seen people say Will was worse than Billy. Billy, the racist abuser. Exactly.
These characters need to have flaws to be good and entertaining characters. And remember, the party members are KIDS! They’re brains are still developing! They’re children! They’re learning and developing. They aren’t the Pope or Obama. They say and do mean things. Doesnt mean their actions shouldn’t have consequences, it just means that you have to understand that your fave isn’t going to be unproblematic all the time. Deal with it.
Every one of the party members has made a mistake or multiple.
MIKE: made out with el for 6 months straight and ditched his friends. Can be a complete asshole. Ignored the “best thing that’s ever happened to him”, tried to control El, is an ass to Max
LUCAS: was wary of El and insulted her. Can be too blunt and can forget about his surroundings and about others feelings
DUSTIN: kept dart despite knowing it was from the upside down. Can be selfish
WILL: was inconsiderate of Mike’s break up, called El stupid.
EL: assaulted Max, spied on mike despite knowing mike hated it, was very blunt and rude in ways, can be a brat and doesn’t understand some things that are meant to keep her safe
MAX: Can be a total asshole. Very set in her ways. Doesn’t like to understand peoples point of view
THIS DOESNT MAKE THEM BAD CHARACTERS! Instead of paying attention to their bad traits start recognizing all the good things they’ve done. All of their GOOD traits. This fandom can be so pessimistic at times.
Every single member of the party has made mistakes and have done morally incorrect things. But they’ve also done very good things too!!! 97% of the things the party members have done have been GOOD. Stop paying attention to that 3% that isn’t morally correct or selfless or kind. You’ve made mistakes and I’m sure you’d hate being ridiculed for the rest of your life over one thing you did months ago. Or one mistake you made when you were younger and more naive or when you were still growing.
Instead of pointing out the bad things each party member has done and holding them up to impossible expectations because they are CHILDREN, take a minute to appreciate all of the good things they’ve done, which include (but aren’t limited to)
MIKE: Loyal, kind, patient, understanding, puts his friends needs infront of his own, will do anything for the people he loves, trustable
LUCAS: rational, leaves no man behind, defends his friends no matter what, brave, fights for his friends
DUSTIN: Patient, uplifting, funny, always will be there for you and will listen to you. Super smart, can get you out of any scientific or mathematical situation. Unapologetically himself
WILL: loyal, kind, a great listener, the mediator, peaceful, selfless, loves you unconditionally, puts his needs behind everyone else so he won’t worry his mom or the party
EL: selfless, brave, would sacrifice herself for her friends and family. Kind hearted and genuine. Always forgives people for their actions
MAX: will beat someone up if she found out they bullied you. Very uplifting and encourages you to be independent and to love yourself
Appreciate the good traits your favorite characters have! I’m not saying you aren’t allowed to dislike a character but it’s complete bullshit that you’d create some personal head canon that so and so is an awful person or make up lies about a certain character just to get an excuse to dislike the character.
These kids have trauma. Stop expecting them to deal with their trauma in 100% healthy ways. This is the EIGHTIES. They can’t just go find a support group online or go on Quora to find the answer as to why they’re acting a certain way.
These kids are misunderstood and they really just need a hug. Stop making a certain character out to be something their not.
And for the love of god, El and Will are both great characters and are my 2 favorites so can we stop this war it’s pointless
If you wish death upon ANY of the party members I will personally kick you into orbit. They are 14. who wishes death on 14 year old children?! That is disgusting.
Anyways, have your faves. Enjoy the show. And I’m not telling you NOT to dislike a character but instead of hating on them, level with them. Put yourself in their shoes. Reason with them and ask yourself, “Well maybe I also would act like this if I went through what they went through.”
Character are going to have flaws! Don’t let that stop you from appreciating the parts of their character that are good and lovable.
I’ll say it again: a good character needs to have flaws to he entertaining.
So no: the statement “(character here) has never done anything wrong in their life ever.”
Because they have. And that’s OKAY! Normalize having flawed yet lovable and enjoyable characters. That’s why I love ST so much. The party is REALISTIC. The kids ACT LIKE KIDS. Stop expecting them to be and act like 45 year old men or women. They’re learning. Growing. And developing.
PS: this does not go for the characters that have no good qualities and simply are villains *cough, Brenner and Lonnie cough*
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
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(*i do not own this gif*)
A/N: (from wattpad): heyyy...how y'all doin? ugh i'm not too happy with the sex scene (even though i'm grateful that a friend of mine helped me with one of the paragraphs) but this is the best i can do right now with the mental state i'm in. pls bare with me with posting, my personal life has gone downhill so fast it's crazy. i wanted to get this up on halloween but it sadly didn't happen. i do apologize. but i hope ur excited for this fic! thank u so much for reading ilyyyyyyy :) (from tumblr): ok last post until tonight! sorry for the spam, i only had this so far so i thought why not throw it all on here now lol. but ok enjoy :)
Category: smut
CW: daddy kink; degradation (from both men to clover); penetration (female receiving); oral (m+f recieving and giving); drunk sex; praise kink; this chapter is not full of smut but you don't have to read the smut if you're uncomfortable
Word Count: 3235
positions | prologue
~Clover's POV~
~Two Years Later~
It's been two years since I joined the team, and I've never felt more at home than I did on my first week. Luke, Spencer and I have been named, 'The Golden Trio' thanks to Penelope. We've been stuck like glue ever since I beat them in poker, like the best friends I always wanted but never had. Because of what happen when I was a kid, I always stayed close to my dad and never felt the need to make friends. Sure, I'd have people that I'd see 5 days a week at school, but nothing as close as we were. During our days off, we'd get drunk and have a poker night or a chess night, teaching Luke how to play but he never seemed to understand it, so we'd slowly switch to UNO or Cards Against Humanity.
Today, Halloween of all days, was just another paperwork day. Sure, being out in the field was exciting, saving American citizens like how Emily saved me, but I found relaxation in looking over files and sending my behavioral advice. Everything was calm in the office with everyone doing their work, and some days we'd watch a movie in the conference room or play games when we either got done with our work early or, as Garcia would say, "All serial killers have taken the day off. Maybe even went to therapy."
As I walked back to my desk after turning in the last of my files to Emily, Rossi came out of his office and stood at the railing. "Everyone," he announced, "I think it's safe to say that for the first in several years, we do not have a case on Halloween night!"
Everyone cheered, especially Spencer. Halloween was his favorite holiday, you learned. He was very passionate about its spooky nature by dressing up in a scary mask at work, before having to take it off because of a case. He would pout when he would see Emily, Rossi, or Garcia come out, telling the team that we had a case. This year, however, I noticed a grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear.
"In honor of that, I will be throwing a party at my house and you're all invited. But don't think you could run away from my grandmother's recipe!"
I turned over to Spencer, who's desk was right next to mine, a curious grin growing on my face. "So doc, what are you going to be for Halloween?"
He leaned back in his chair and looked over to me, his left elbow pressed against the armrest. "I was originally going to go as Tom Baker's Doctor Who since I still have the cosplay from when Garcia and I tried going to a convention, but with how my hair looks now, I think I'll go as a mad scientist or, if I want to be more specific, Einstein himself."
"I can see you dressing up as Einstein," I smiled, "Hell, you could even go as Dr.Emmett Brown, himself."
I looked back at him, jaw falling to my desk. "You know, from Back to the Future?"
He still looked confused.
"Don't worry about it, Clover," Luke said as he walked over and sat at the desk in front of me, "What he doesn't know won't hurt him."
"Now I'm curious about this movie." Spencer said, his curious face getting curiouser and curiouser.
"Maybe we can sneak away from the party tonight at some point and watch it." I wink at him and the two began chuckling.
"Those movie's are the closest to nerd I'll ever get." said Luke, which sparked Spencer's interest even more.
"So what are you going to be tonight, Kingsley?"
I looked over at him with a smirk."Oh, Alvez, THAT is a surprise."
~That Night~
"They did the monnnster mash!"
Music was coming from all over the backyard and in the house. Everyone from the BAU was dressed up in their spooky (or sexy...or cutest) best and was dancing the night away with champagne in their hands. I had walked in a little bit late compared to everyone else, which somehow Rossi didn't give me a sassy but funny remark about it. Rossi and Krystall dressed up as Bonnie and Clyde, Tara, along with Jj, Emily, and Garcia, went as nuns, and Matt went as Rickey while his wife, Kristy, was Lucy.
Luke ended up going as Magic Mike, not because he was full of himself, that was way out of line for him, but because the team would joke that he could become a stripper if he had to and played along. Spencer was, indeed, Albert Einstein. Garcia must've helped him with his hair, getting it to stick out like Einstein's and spraying gray hairspray in his hair. Both looked really good in their costumes, I couldn't complain.
I walked in as a sexy devil. I'm not scared to dress sexy when I could. I was comfortable in my body and I wasn't doing it to get someone's attention. I just love to feel myself from time to time, almost like a confidence boost if I needed it. I walked over to my two dudes and saw their eyes bulging out of their heads as they turned around to see. I was in a tight red crop top that showed off the girlies, with red short shorts, black fishnet tights, and red heels. I had horns on the top of my head thanks to a headband, and a tail that was attached to my shorts. The two were completely shocked, but were the respectful men that I always knew they were.
As the night went on, I was kind of getting bored. While I loved being surrounded by my coworkers turned family, I wanted to get wasted. It was Halloween night for crying out loud, but I didn't like being drunk in front of a lot of people. Even when I would go to the club, I would just have one drink and then dance with everyone on the dance floor. I didn't trust my drunk self, not physically but just how my personality changes. It embarrassed me to no end, so I only trusted a few people. Two of them, obviously, being Spencer and Luke.
At one point, I was sitting on the couch in the living room by myself. Luke and Spencer came in and sat down next to me, asking me if I was ok. When I explained to them what I was feeling, they both grinned in unison as they looked at one another, then back at me. I knew exactly what they were thinking, and they were in for it. We said goodbye to everyone, grabbed our coats, and headed out the door where we all met up at Luke's place.
When we walked in, Spencer and I sat on his couch getting Back to the Future ready while Luke made us all drinks. As we watched, we ended up leaving our glasses on the table and started taking turns drinking the vodka bottle, numb to the burning sensation. After taking the last shot in the bottle, I set it down and lay back against the back of the couch and blacked out, letting the alcohol take over my mind and body. The last thing I remember was leaning my head against Spencer's shoulder, while my feet were on Luke's lap...
Clover was giggling on Spencer's shoulder as her foot slowly rubbed over Luke's lap. Luke shifted his position on the couch, trying not to notice what that was doing to him. Not like he had a foot fetish or anything, but the amount of friction caused his pants grow tighter by the minute. Spencer, who had never been this drunk before in his life, started playing with her hair as he moved his arm around her. Spencer could tell that she was just as drunk as he was, but he didn't expect her to lay her hand on his chest, playing with the necklace he had around his neck. He tried to focus his attention to Back to the Future III, but once she started playing with the gold piece of metal with her mouth, he couldn't help but to look down at her, her eyes never leaving his.
He looked over to Luke, who had moved Clover's foot over and started palming himself  through his pants. Spencer quickly looked away, trying not to give in to his own urges. He moved his focus back to Clover, who's eyes were still locked on him. Before he could do anything, she let go of the necklace and began to slowly move her hand down Spencer's chest.
"I know why Luke moved my foot away," she whispered as her hand gently fell on his lap. She moved her fingers ever so lightly over the bulge that was growing in his pants. She had also moved her foot back onto to Luke's bulge, rubbing over it softly.
The two looked at each other, almost in confusion at first. But then, they silently agreed that they were up for it, as Clover clearly was as well. Luke moved her foot off of it and stood up, pausing the movie as Spencer moved her hand out of the way and lifted her head up as he started to get up. He takes her hand and helps her up, grabbing Luke's hand before wobbling their way into his room. She jumped onto the bed as Spencer shut the door, letting the light from the moon and street lamps illuminate the room. The two stood in front of her before she motioned her finger for them to come over.
"You're one hell of a brat, Kingsley." Luke slurred as the two quickly walked over to her, plopping down on either side of her on the bed.
Clover leans in and kisses Luke while Spencer went for her neck, cupping her left breast and massaging it. The touch alone had a moan leave her lips and into Luke's as he moved his tongue on her bottom lip, asking for entrance. As their tongues melded together, Spencer moved the fabric of her top over and took her breast out of the cup of her bra, leaning in and began licking her nipple before taking the whole thing in his mouth sucking it. Clover broke the kiss and let out a whimper, which made both men chuckle as she leaned both of her arms behind her on the bed for support.
Luke looks over to Spencer as he lets go of her breast and looks up to Luke. "Do you think she'll stop being a brat if we do something like this?" Luke asks before moving his fingers down to her core, rubbing over her shorts. Clover bites her lip to hold in a gasp, which Luke wasn't too pleased by.
"Are you going to behave, little one?" Spencer asks as he plays with the waistband of her shorts, his lips ghosting her cheek.
Clover nods, still holding in a moan just from being touched.  Luke grabs ahold of her jaw and quickly turns her face to look at him. "Use your words, princesa."
"Please," she whines.
Spencer has Clover buck her hips as he pulled her shorts and tights off of her. They notice how turned on she was on her panties and both lean in, biting and sucking on either side of her neck. Spencer's fingers linger the inside of her thighs while Luke went back to rubbing her through the cloth. She moves her hips against his fingers, begging for more.
"You were such a tease just a few minutes ago, and now look at you. So helpless and needy in a matter of seconds." says Spencer in between kisses.
Hearing that made Clover take her panties off in a swift, but quick, motion. She couldn't take it anymore, she needed their touch.
"Eager little girl, aren't you?" Luke chuckled.
It took a minute for her to realize that Spencer went straight in, sticking two fingers inside her and pumping slowly while Luke rubbed her pussy. Her brain had turned into mush full of pleasure that when they went in, she couldn't help but let out a loud moan. They sped up their movements, making her let out a silent scream.
"Fuck, daddy!" She gasped out.
The two were shocked, but didn't complain about the name. "Which one of us is daddy, kitten?" Spencer asked.
"You can't think straight, can you?" Luke asked.
Clover pulls Spencer in by his tie while pulling Luke in at the same time by his belt. "Shut up," she says breathy, "just shut up and fuck me."
"Don't go back to being a brat now," says Luke finally after a moment of silence, "You are going to behave or you'll be punished. And I don't think you'll like what we'll do."
Spencer continues to finger her quickly and deeply, curling his fingers as he hit her gspot every time while Luke rubs faster on her clit. Clover falls onto the bed as wave of pleasure hit her like a train.  She closed her walls around Spencers fingers, getting closer and closer to release as he sped up his pace even more.
"Cum for me, little girl, I want you cum so hard on daddy's fingers."
Spencer connects his lips back to her neck as she screamed, letting the waves of pleasure shoot through her body. Luke rubs her slowly to let her ride out her orgasm as Spencer pulls his fingers out and sticks them in his mouth. The way he cleaned her off made her ache all over again, wanting more and more. She didn't want this to end; This was the most pleasure she's ever had.
Luke looks over as Spencer finished devouring her, removing his fingers from his mouth with a small pop. "She tastes so sweet."
Without a single word, Luke gets off the bed and kneels in front of it, pulling Clover by her knees closer to him. As Spencer started making out with her, Luke dives right in between her thighs, licking a single thick stripe up her core, making her moan through the kiss. As their tongues fought like swords in their mouths, Spencer starts to unbuckle his belt and pulled his pants with his boxers in a swift motion, letting his cock spring free. Before it could hit his stomach, however, she grabs onto it with her left hand and starting pumping him slowly. He groans into her mouth before breaking apart, watching her stroke his aching cock.
"Please, daddy. I need your cock so bad fUCK!"
Neither of the two knew who she was talking to, but they did know that it didn't matter. Luke gets up from the floor and takes his costume off while Spencer moved his position so that his knees were on the bed. Clover moves up a bit so that Luke could get back on. The two pump themselves a few times before they pushed themselves in. She took Spencer's cock in her mouth as Spencer grabs a handful of her hair, slowly pushing her down as Luke thrust. As soon as she was comfortable of their size, Luke began thrusting slowly. Clover moaned and grind against him, begging for more, which he happily obliged. Spencer groaned under his breath when she moaned, making him buck his hips forward, shoving his cock down her throat. She gagged on it, tears piercing her eyes.
Clover was at this moment, and maybe even every moment after this, beneath them. Spencer and Luke were exercising their rights to dominate, belittle, and humiliate her. Her holes were filled as her mind quickly unraveled from the rush of pleasure from every minute pulsation. She couldn't even follow their taunts anymore, and the only bit of rationale that she could muster was to be the best sex doll for her two dominators. Her pussy ached for more punishment as they admonished her sloppy performance. She moaned hungrily as she was ravaged, playing the broken slut; no, she was their broken slut. Eagerly enjoying their obvious amusement.
The knot in her stomach was getting tighter and tighter again. She knew Luke was just edging her, making her wait to cum until he was ready. He looked to Spencer, who was holding on for dear life, almost getting into some sort of sub space of his own as the look on his face was begging for release. Clover felt both of their cocks twitch inside her, letting her know they were close.
"Cum for us, princesa," Luke growls, "just one more time for daddy. I know you want to, baby."
Clover turned into a screaming, moaning mess as she came all over Luke's cock, making a huge mess on the bed. That was the last straw for the two men, as they both released inside her, filling her over the edge. The two pulled themselves out, Spencer laying next to Clover (who was showing him that she swallowed every last drop of him) while Luke watched his cum pool out from her, enjoying the view before he lay on the other side of her. Clover wiggled her arms through theirs, focusing on something to cuddle her way into. Spencer quickly grabbed tissues from his side of the bed and cleaned her up.
"You did so good, Clover." says Spencer. He throws the used tissues away in the waste bin beside him and turns back to see tears prickling from her eyes again. "Ssh ssh, it's ok," he coos as he wraps his arms around her. Spencer's soft praises mixed with Luke's gentle hand playing with her hair helped her come back down from the cloudy headspace she was in. She felt cared for and safe with them comforting her.
Clover snuggles into Spencer as Luke's arm wrapped around her waist, spooning behind her. Spencer kissed the top of her head as she nestled her head on his chest, letting the sleepiness that alcohol gave take over them.
As she drifted off to sleep, Clover hoped that she wouldn't forget this perfect night.
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