#the movie itself was absolutely amazing <3
sophclouds · 11 months
just finished watching nimona, i may or may not have sobbed
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chrisevansonly · 7 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞: 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: starting a family was yours and charles’s dream, and welcoming little baby matteo hervé leclerc was the absolute best day of your lives, and the start of a new future as a family of 3
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mentions of pregnancy, hospitals and childbirth & lots n lots of fluff
𝐚/𝐧: well she’s here the first chapter of Little Karter! i’m so excited to write this little series and i really am excited to share the ideas i have with it! i hope you all enjoy it<;3
𝐰𝐜: 1.5k+
For as long as you could remember and as long as you had been with Charles, there was never a doubt in either of your minds when it came to having a family. You’d always  wanted kids and so had Charles, so when the day had come that you found out you were expecting, it was a day you would forever remember. Nothing about trying for a baby comes easy, it doesn’t help that still to this day most books and movies fail to highlight that. It took you and Charles almost three years to conceive your now 4-year-old son Matteo, it was a lot of tears, pain and trial and error until that very morning you took the test. 
Time moved slow as you stood in front of Charles, the three tests you had taken in his hands, tears lining your eyes.
“Ne me mens pas..bébé, s’il te plait”
Charles was on the verge of losing it, his eyes glossing over as he start at you with such a yearning and adoration, you had never seen anything like it 
“I promise my love…”
“Holy shit!”
He was quick to pull you into his chest, his arms holding you tight to him, tears hitting your neck as you held onto one another, A moment that would forever cement itself into memory, there was nothing that could top the reaction and love you felt and saw that day. 
“We did it Char”
Pulling back he took your face in his hands, bringing you in for a kiss, a tearful smile on his face when he pulled away 
“We did it baby”
Charles had been nothing short of amazing throughout your pregnancy, from doctors appointments, to late night cravings and sitting at your side as you experienced the worst morning sickness throughout the first trimester. If you needed him he was there, he made that extremely clear to you as well as Ferrari. Letting them know if you needed him he would be there, racing was his passion, but you were his heart, and he would drop anything for you, all you ever needed to do was ask. 
He was adamant about this from day one. 
You couldn’t help the smile that pulled at your lips as you watched him pick out baby boy’s first outfit, you had gotten to the hospital almost five hours ago, your water breaking, thankfully enough on the summer break so Charles was already at home with you. He was so excited to become a father, you could not wait to see him flourish into his new role.
“Char he won’t know what he’s wearing…”
He turned to smile at you. 
“I know baby but-I just want it to be perfect for him, I want everything to be perfect for you too”
“It already is my love, you’ve done so much for me the past nine months, you’ve taken such great care of me...”
A pause fell over the room, Charles placing a little white onesie with red cars on it down onto the change table across from your bed, moving to sit next to you, his hands grabbing yours gently. 
“I love you, I would do anything for you, and I’ll keep taking care of you, both of you.”
Leaning down he kissed you, rubbing your cheek ever so softly when he notices a stray tear that had begun to roll down your skin. No further words needed to be exchanged, Charles could see it in your eyes just how much you loved and adored him, and right now that was more than enough for him.
Thankfully you managed to get some more rest not long after, Charles keeping his eye on you diligently, he was too excited and anxious to rest, despite his mother being adamant that he gets his sleep now. As soon as a baby comes along it becomes much harder to get your beauty sleep, but you’d never hear a parent complain, especially not Charles, this was what he’d been dreaming for, and he was sure if his father was still around he would be so proud of him. 
It wasn’t until seven pm, that you were dilatated to ten centimetres and could start pushing, it was a pain no one could prepare you for, and a pain that was way worse than you had ever imagined 
“Tout va bein, ma belle…tu es si forte”
“Ça fait mal Char…cant-“
Charles shook his head, moving to be closer as he swiped a cool cloth across your forehead
“I know, I know it does but he’s almost here…just a bit longer baby, I know you can do it”
He looked at you with fierce determination, he could see the exhaustion behind your eyes but you were so close to holding your little boy and it was with the next hard push and agony filled scream that his cries echoed through the room. Charles quick to kiss yours cheeks as he rested his forehead on yours, tears in both of your eyes 
“I’m so proud of you baby, you did it…he’s here”
The doctor was quick to place the crying baby onto your chest as you sniffled, your hands moving to hold onto him, he needed to be cleaned up still but this allowed you and Charles to connect with him right away
“Bonjour mon petit, tu es si parfait, papa t’aime déjà beaucoup” he said quietly, brining a hand up to wipe his eyes
“He’s so perfect Char…”
The nurses then came over and took him gently, allowing Charles to cut his umbilical chord before taking him over to weigh him and check him out, allowing Charles to come back to your side, a look in his eyes that was only reserved for you and your perfect baby boy 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you”
“Oh my love, you don’t need to thank me, I love you so much you never need to thank me for this”
He shook his head
“I do because-because you made me a father… it is all I have ever wanted”
Reaching your hand out to him he took it, kissing the back of it before sitting next to you, allowing you to then lean your head into him, waiting patiently for the nurses to bring your baby back. Of course it didn’t take them very long, wrapping him in a warm blanket and gently placing him into your arms, your eyes taking all of him in.
He was a tiny little baby, but in every way absolutely perfect, he had Charles’s nose and his hair, he was the spitting image of his father, a twin if you must
“Hi my angel…”
Charles watched you interact with your son, smiling as you traced his little cheek with your pinky finger
“You are your daddy’s twin aren’t you? Mhm..”
You couldn’t help but place a series of gentle kisses to his face, just enjoying holding him in your arms, watching as he had begun to move a little
“Char you ready to hold him..?”
A slight look of hesitation flashed across your husbands eyes, he’d been waiting nine months for this moment, so why was he so worried
“My love, you’ll be okay, I promise…you don’t do anything wrong”
“Yeah-um okay yes”
He was meticulously careful and slow in his movements as he lifted the baby from your chest, moving to sit down in the rocking chair next to the bed, he never imagined in a million years he would be holding his little boy in his arms. It was no surprise to you to see his emotions ramp up again as he placed a kiss to his forehead
“Tu es mon plus précieux trésor mon bébé”
“Il est tout à nous mon amour”
Sniffling Charles nodded, the baby sleeping soundly nice and tucked into his arm. You figured he would wake up eventually to eat but for now there was no greater sight than seeing your husband and baby boy cuddled up with one another.
“Welcome to the world little Matteo Hervé Leclerc”
rough english translations:
Ne me mens pas..bébé, s’il te plait - don’t lie to me baby, please
Tout va bein, ma belle…tu es si forte - everything is fine sweetheart (or my beautiful) you are so strong
Ça fait mal - it hurts
Bonjour mon petit, tu es si parfait, papa t’aime déjà beaucoup - hello little one, you are so perfect, daddy loves you so much already
Tu es mon plus précieux trésor mon bébé - you are my most precious gift (treasure) baby
Il est tout à nous mon amour - he is all ours my love
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i4oba · 2 months
nct dream as… !%# types of dates .. 🥣⋆☄︎. *. ⋆
[non-idol ver.! just so you know eheh]
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✰ MARK — drive-in theater
it honestly came to mind pretty randomly, as you two got back from your last exam of the semester, driving mindlessly for about two hours — not because you didn’t know what you want to do, but because you two simply just enjoyed doing nothing??? but so many things at the same???
just listening to the mixtape you made for mark, singing so loud everyone could hear since the windows were rolled down too… you felt a sense of freedom? some kind of… relief from the burdens??? it was a pretty hectic exam season you two had to endure and since it was finally over.. you couldn’t keep your excitement low
looking at each other with love and adoration, exhaustion vanishing in the company of the other one — it honestly should be studied? how easy it is for you two to affect the other???
you stumbled upon the drive-in theater by accident, it wasn’t planned or anything, you just wanted to simply spend your night at mark’s place and call it a day, watch a movie on his laptop while cuddling and stuff
but when you spotted the sign you couldn’t help but exclaim, getting all excited over it, even slapping mark’s upper arm… poor boy winced and just said “hey, no need to kill the driver”
you didn’t even need to convince him honestly, he immediately agreed and there you were… not knowing what was actually screening, blindly finding a good spot you two can park and enjoy the movie
it would’ve slapped if it was some kind of slasher horror from the 80s… but it was casablanca
WHICH IS SO CLICHÉ I KNOW BUT it makes So much sense and honestly, it’s such a big game changer to see it like that. it’s like an opportunity you shouldn’t miss
mark got some popcorn and something to drink, to make the whole atmosphere even more “vibey”, as he said, and you two just.. turned off your minds and watched the movie
discussing it and everything, like FELLAS, that’s the right experience! that’s how you watch a movie!!! YOU GOTTA ANALYZE THE SHIT OUT OF IT!!!!!!! ahah
in the end, when almost everyone drove away from the theater, leaving you two here with like.. only 3 other cars, mark gave a kiss on your lips, as a way of celebrating it all. it was for a fleeting moment only, yet it was so sweet and full of emotions
it was a reward, of some sort.
✰ RENJUN — museum date
there was this new exhibition at the local fine arts museum so… it wasn’t even a question that you two would literally RUN (and get a good use of the student discount ahah, it’s a lifesaver!)
casually choosing some elegant clothes which, of course, had to be matching to a certain extent – people HAVE TO see that you guys are together, plus it would look so good on the pictures
you expected lot more of people since it was the first week of the grand opening but it wasn’t that crowded. Which is a good thing honestly, you hate it when it’s sooo full you cannot even move properly
it was an exhibition of some impressionist works by some of the most renowed painters, it was a must to not only look the best, but to prepare yourself for a long day of strolling around
you usually spend tons of time in museums anyways, but this also as part of a date??? the security would have to kick you out asap.. ahah
renjun immediately reached for your hands to hold, while walking around, looking at the beautiful paintings, talking about whatever came to mind – not just about art itself, topics changed so fast you couldn’t even realize it by the time it did
being in art school meant that renjun can sometimes tell you little fun facts and tips&tricks he had learnt in uni
sometimes it amazes how well informed he is and how he knows so many know-hows.. not like you weren’t aware, you absolutely knew he’s smart AND TALENTED, but still ahah
after a good… 3 hours or so? you two decided to end the date with a quick stop at the museum shop :DDD it’s a must honestly, you gotta buy every magnet and postcard you can… especially of such beautiful paintings???!!! you would be stupid if you left without Anything
so you two bought tons of stuff… even some things you can exchange, as if they were gifts for one another :,) ahhh…
you just have to print out that picture of you two, taken in front of that big painting of mesmerizing flowers: renjun kissing you softly, hands on your waist, eyes closed
✰ JENO — stargazing
you had been planning this for literal days before… you know, getting everything together, like those cool ass lamps in a jar bottle with the led stuff, blankets you bought from a nearby art shop?? which sold basically everything??? ahah
drinks and snacks too… you were honestly So Ready to go stargazing! :D
you were supposed to go to that rather tiny park of the town which is mostly empty. that’s why you decided on going there, avoid people and stuff, just the two of you, looking at the constellations >:( honestly it’s so romantic it makes me Cringe (i crave it)
but in the end, you two decided to stay at yours instead, since your parents left for the weekend anyways, which is just a bonus: it’s the two of you in the backyard with the vast sky full of stars
idyllic??? romantic??? adorable and unforgettable??????
All of the above
at first, you two just sat down on the swing bed your father recently bought at a random flea market he religiously visited every weekend :,)
but then, to use the blanket you brought outside (what a tiresome task ahah), you two laid down on the ground instead
the first constellation you spotted was the big dipper, exclaiming when you noticed it on the sky, gently shoving jeno’s shoulder, who was rather nonchalant at first
he then, of course matched your energy, and got super super excited, especially after noticing the ursa major :D he felt like he accomplished his life goal or something ahah (hes so stupid but in a cute way)
what the cherry on top was is his hands, reaching for yours, fingers intertwining, as your heart warmed up – you looked at him, his beautiful face, and noticed that adorable eyesmile of his
life felt good. you felt at home
✰ HAECHAN — restaurant hop
he fucking hates cooking lmfao he’s all like “yo girl i don’t think we should let Me get near that oven… we might burn up the whole house IJBOL” (he would definitely use ijbol irl)
so you were like…
hyuck, you literally don’t even have to come to the kitchen bro, i will cook… which happens most of the times when you decide to stay at home for dates
but this day!!! to spare you from the tiring task of cooking!!!!!!!! he said that you guys should try out restaurant hopping
you were confused as hell honestly, like wdym you want that, aren’t you a picky mf lmfao
but he said that he’s feeling adventurous and is pretty much lazy to go hiking or anything that a sane person would go for
and he felt hungry so it was like the best choice in his eyes – you were sick of spending most of your nights at his (shared…) apartment so you agreed after like… 5 secs of persuading
you wanted to plan out where you should go and maybe book a table at some restaurant but he was all like “honey, we should be spontaneous, go with the flow…”, so you did???? Ahah
the first restaurant was not even a restaurant, it was just the first street food stall you two stumbled upon, getting something for the both of you
you didn’t want to feel full so early so you chose something light (unlike hyuck who was sure he was “alright” but after like the second stop, he was dying because his stomach was hurting “So Badly”)
you ended the restaurant hop with a donut at one of the bakeries you usually go to – you know, to finish it off with something familiar??? now lemme just say, it was chaotic, because haechan could BARELY finish it and made it your problem, whining like a little girl after every bite
like you told him not to get the biggest, sweetest and greasiest one but he was sooo sure in himself, he said he’s got an extra stomach for desserts
well… was he wrong…….
you spent 1.5 hours there!!!!!! he took so much time LMFAOXJAJX they were closing already and he still hadn’t finished
so you tried to rush him and stuff but he turned his princess mode on ahah
but at least, on the way back to his place, he bought you tulips :) it was such a sweet gesture <3
not as sweet as his donut was…… (he almost threw up the next day cause he was feeling nauseous from the food)
✰ JAEMIN — picnic date
jaemin was so excited :( he literally couldn’t stop talking about it like.. that’s right dude!!!!!! we’re going on a date!!!!!! A PICNIC DATE!!!!!
he would literally live in the kitchen before the occasion so that he can cook&bake tons of things for you to eat :) he’s so… he’s so malewife
all you’re left to deal with is bringing the basket and checkered blanket, every other things are settled! they are in his hands, under his control :D
you two went to the park which is right next to the lake – you wanted to see swans while talking about anything and everything that came to mind (he literally compared your beauty to that of a swan… which made you almost tear up like BOY YOU DID NOT… argghhh)
it was a must to start it off with the most basic and cliché thing of everything: the chocolate covered strawberries, feeding each other all lovey-dovey, tooth rottingly sweet and stuff
everyone was possibly like “okay lemme just kms” when they spotted you two, all up on each other, legs all tangled together, stealing kisses from the other, while giggling so loudly
it was SOO so idyllic, almost like you two escaped from a romance movie, or a painting. it felt… perfect, in a way?
birds singing, the sun shining gently on your skin, while you could hear the laughter of the children running around, clouds in animal shapes
then the sun slowly setting, pinkish hues taking up the sky above, everything becoming quiet as time passes by
he hugs you tightly. tighter than ever, perhaps
✰ CHENLE — karaoke
if two weeks pass by without you and chenle going to a karaoke… Most probably it’s because you broke up or something
like girl ain’t no way you WON’T go to karaoke dates… nuh huh, impossible to even think of that ??? CHENLE, out of all people
that’s the least believable thing like i promise you!
like saturday night are for the gir- KARAOKE!!!!! :P that’s how it always goes, getting ready, putting on some casual clothes, maybe eating something quick before that, and then spending the entire time singing your lungs out
you don’t even have energy by the end of it, like it… seems impossible to even crawl back home :,)
but honestly it’s all worth it, comparing your score and stuff, seeing which one of you sings better
sometimes you just open instagram and do lives too, so that your followers can pick who they liked more
(it’s always chenle’s acc though like SO MANY people follows him, he’s like a celebrity… ahah!)
haechan always comes to watch and roasts the both of you, especially when it can be seen that chenle kisses you here and there
he types “EWWWW GET A ROOM FREAKS” and thinks he’s hilarious lmfao
you always start the date with a quick and energetic song, one that boost your energy up easily and then… honestly it depends on your mood
sometimes you gotta be in your moods and sing romantic ballads to each other, as if it’s a serenade
but then again, moods swing so quickly and you can end up in a rap battle too
you would totally eat him up tbh… and he knows it so well
he finishes the date off with the most cheesiest, lovely romantic song ever… like a confession said yet again, for the hundreth time
✰ JISUNG — amusement park
it wasn’t his idea honestly
it was all you coming up with it, because there was that one roller coaster you’d always been scared to go on
and since you haven’t visited ever since you had jisung… you thought MAYBEEEE (just maybe) it would be better with him
you can at least hold onto him and stuff
he wanted to eat before the ride though… you did not let him, of course, since you didn’t want him to throw up on you AHAH
but like, why did he came there RAVENOUS? duh … you’re gonna say goodbye to your guts on the ride girl what did you expect
but you know, the ride wasn’t even the part you enjoyed the most – it was good, of course, just not that… outstanding? i guess? it was alright… especially because you could hold jisung’s hand so tightly :,) it was honestly so adorable
they should’ve taken pictures of you like you’re sure you would’ve put it on the fridge or something
but after that, you went to the gift shop, to get those silly headbands!!!!! you got one that resembled a cat, and jisung got one with a hamster >:( it was adorbs
you two looked like those IT couples that you can always see in instagram, you know, holding hands, taking silly candid pictures and then eating sooo much food
FINALLY!!! thought jisung probably ahah you got so many sweets it was like you could feel your tooth decaying lmfao
at the end of the day, you two decided to try out the freshly opened photo booth which had been going viral for weeks
it was… an experience to say the least :,) but the pictures came out prettier than ever!!!! except for the one where jisung sneezed and you got all scared because he was Loud loud ahah
but the compensation was a fleeting kiss on your cheek! which was also captured on one of the pictures :)
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butterfliesornauseous · 6 months
Emeto this or that part two
(500 special 4/5)
Warning for emeto, mentions of medication, not eating, over eating, alcohol
Feel free to use or send me a number :)
1. Everything coming way in a powerful wave or lots of gagging and spitting up saliva?
2. Gagging on trying to sallow a pill or gagging on a thermometer?
3. Nausea from side effects of medication or nausea from medication withdrawals?
4. Queasy burps or queasy hiccups?
5. Caretaker gently doing a small braid in a sickie’s hair or throwing their hair in the messiest ponytail because there’s no time?
6. “I thought you were getting better” or “I thought I was getting better”?
7. Sickie that’s concerned about getting caretaker sick or sickie who doesn’t care and wants all the love and care they can get?
8. “I want to throw up” or “I need to throw up”?
9. Sickie has a bad caretaker, caretaker that is angry or caretaker that completely ignores sickie?
10. ‘Hurl’ or ‘spew’?
11. Tender stomach muscles after vomiting or dehydration headache?
12. After vomiting, character is hungry and ready to fill their empty guy again or doesn’t want to even smell food for the next couple of days?
13. The character/s getting sick matters more, or the reason for being sick/tropes matter more?
14. Focus on the vomit itself, or focus on the vomiting noises?
15. Producing a lot of saliva before vomiting or throat going dry?
16. Sickie gets caretaker sick, are they more “I told you to stay away” or “I’m so sorry”?
17. Sick feeling tummy from a stuffed belly or nausea from not eating for a while?
18. ‘ Nauseous ’ or ‘Queasy?’
19. Sickie is stuck looking after themselves, absolute pro or absolute mess?
20. Chamomile or peppermint tea?
21. Sickie that begs for their tummy to be rubbed or sickie that would gag at even the slightest belly touch?
22. Embarrassed from throwing up in a doctor's office or embarrassed from missing the bin in a public area?
23. Caretaker has an extremely gross but effective nausea remedy or extremely gross but effective vomit inducer?
24. A formal sickie throws up during work, they suddenly fall apart for the first time in their lives and need care or keep it together?
25. ‘Midsection’ or ‘abdomen’?
26. Puking after getting yelled at or puking after getting told devastating news?
27. ‘Upset tummy’ or ‘Unsettled tummy’?
28. Gagging or heaving?
29. Feeling sick from eating/drinking too much in tight clothes, or already being bloated and feeling sick because sickie forced themselves into tight clothes?
30. Sickie has been hovering over the toilet for ages with no relief, they press down on their own tummy to vomit or caretaker presses down?
31. ‘Twisting’ or ‘turning’ to describe nausea?
32. Kneeling in front of the toilet or crouching in front of the toilet?
33. Hand on the stomach or arm wrapped around the stomach?
34. First time drinker throwing up from the taste of alcohol being way too strong or experienced drinker is proud they have never vomited from drinking but gets cocky one night?
35. Gagging from watching a gross video, or gagging from tasting something gross?
36. Indigestion or intolerance?
37. Accidentally squeezing a queasy belly too hard, or accidentally knocking into a queasy belly?
38. Body language cues (holding stomach, hand near mouth) or sound cues (frequent burping, tummy noises)?
39. ‘ Stomach flu’or ‘stomach bug’?
40. Sickie is extremely nauseous before a massive event, they throw up beforehand and do amazing or do okay during the event and throw up once it’s all over?
41. Feeling sick from physical pain or mental pain?
42. Vomiting on the first date or vomiting before proposing/ getting proposed to?
43. Watching your character hurling in a tv show/ movie or reading about your favourite character hurling in a book?
44. Vomit seeping through a sickie’s fingers when coving their mouth or the vomit pushes their hand away and splats on the floor?
45. ‘Bile’ or ‘stomach contents’?
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sleepysnk · 1 year
hiiii!💗 for the smut prompt, can you pls do #26 w Draken? Thank you sm 🥹🥹
I’m a bit shy to come off anon but I really love your writing🤍
a/n: hi lovely! thank you so much for this request <3. also, thank you for your words it means a lot to me!! 🤍 draken is one of my favs so i absolutely enjoyed writing this!! thank you again, and i hope you enjoy!
pairings: ken (draken) ryuguji x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw, smut, fingering, dirty talk, praising, daddy kink, use of pet names (baby, princess, pretty girl), some after care.
prompt #26: “i want you to ruin me.”
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Your whines and moans echoed off of the walls of your bedroom. It was honestly like music to Draken’s ears as he twisted and curled his fingers inside of your pussy. His thick digits hit the right spots inside of you that drove you up the wall from the pleasure. 
You didn’t expect to be in such a position with your boyfriend. You had originally been cuddling on your bed, watching a random movie you had picked out on Netflix. His hands started moving lower and his kisses started to trail down your jaw. Before you knew it, his fingers were shoved inside your dripping cunt. He fingered you with such pace that you could hardly keep yourself composed from his pumps. It was amazing what Draken could do with just his hands. 
He had your leg draped over his waist, which gave him access to your cunt. The two of you were sloppily making out with one another as he pumped his fingers inside of you. He could reach places you didn’t even know existed. He found that delicious spot in your pussy that made you go mad, and each time his fingers pressed against the small button, your vision went white with stars. He loved to see you falling apart underneath his hands like that. He swallowed each and every moan that slipped from your mouth as he kissed you. You deserved all the best treatment. 
He broke the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours. His dark eyes were blown with lust. He loved to watch the way your face twisted with pleasure at every thrust of his fingers. “Fuck.. you like that, princess? You’re fucking soaked..” he asked, raising his eyebrows in a seductive manner. 
You shuddered from the pleasure. Your head then nodded vigorously from his question. You honestly found it difficult to speak. The only way you responded was through moans and broken whimpers that was a result of his actions towards your body. He was so good at it. He always left you speechless every fucking time. 
Draken then dragged your body closer to his. This allowed your leg to spread further so he had greater access to you. He started smirking to himself at your desperation. “Answer me, baby.” he used his free hand to make you look at him as he spoke to you. “Tell me what my name is, baby. I wanna hear you say it.. tell me what you want.”
Your mouth fell open. A gasp suddenly erupted from your throat when Draken’s pumps grew more aggressive this time. It almost forced everything out of you to not cum right there, even though you were close. “Ah! Daddy!” you cried, throwing your head back in pleasure. “I-I.. I want you to ruin me.”
His cock twitched inside of his boxers at the name you moaned with such ecstasy. A smirk wrote itself onto his features at the sound of it. He loved when you called him that, especially in bed. You were such a good girl for him. Draken started to curl his fingers to find your g-spot once again. He adored seeing the way your body would twitch and shudder whenever he found it. “That’s right, pretty girl..” he praised, pressing his thumb against your clit. “I’ll give you exactly what you want. I’ll ruin your little pussy.. I promise.”
Your vision was blurry and your mind started to become foggy from the euphoria. Your hips began to buck and sink on Draken’s fingers that were already deep inside of you. “Fuck! D-Draken! I’m close..” you placed your hands on his built arms that were surrounding you. 
Draken started rubbing your clit a bit harder this time, allowing more pleasure to reach your body. He could feel your walls beginning to tighten around his fingers. You honestly looked so fucking gorgeous underneath him like that. “Yeah..? Cum for me, princess, I wanna see you fall apart for daddy..” he cooed, staring into your eyes. 
His dirty talk sent you over the edge. The knot that had formed inside your belly had snapped and it sent waves of electricity crashing over your belly. A loud moan came from your mouth when your orgasm had fully reached and taken over your body. Your legs trembled and shook on the bed and you could hardly keep yourself quiet as Draken kept fingering your cunt. Your slick covered his fingers and made squelching noises every time he slipped them into you.
He smirked at the sight below him. Your cunt was quivering and it honestly looked a complete mess from his actions. “You did so good, baby..” he kissed your cheek, smiling at you. “My pretty princess..” 
You smiled softly as he embraced you, tightening his hold on your body. “I love you.. Ken..” you whispered, placing your head against his chest where you could hear his beating heart.
“I love you more, baby.” he replied.
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xaharadesert · 6 months
10 of my Favourite Horror (Adjacent) Movies and Why You Should Watch Them
(Not in any particular order or subgenre. TW are super vague, spoiler-free, and from my memory, but I would recommend looking up more specific ones before watching any of these if you are easily triggered. Not all triggers are listed because these are horror movies, so stuff like death and murder is to be expected.)
Let me know if y’all want a part 2, because I’ve got about 7 more! (It could have been one post if Tumblr didn’t limit my images to 10)
1. Parasite
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A struggling lower class family slowly integrates itself into the household of a rich family without their knowledge.
Most of you have already seen this one, or been told to watch it. I am no different: this movie is popular for a very good reason. Divided into 3 clear acts, starting with comedy, and making its way through drama into horror. Also, great commentary on classism, very psychological at times and makes you wonder who you should really be rooting for.
Scary: 2/10
Gore: 3/10
Disturbing: 5/10
Psychological: 6/10
Actual genre: Dark comedy thriller
2. The House That Jack Built
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Serial killer Jack recounts some of his most influential murders.
A bit infamous and controversial for being very messed up, but still really good. Highly psychological, with a lot of narration and use of metaphor. Especially fun if you have any knowledge of Dante’s Inferno. Definitely not one to watch if you want a protagonist to root for.
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 6/10
Disturbing: 10/10
Psychological: 8/10
Actual Genre: psychological horror art
TW: sexism, corpse mutilation
3. Creep (1&2)
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A man is hired to help film messages from a dying man to his son.
I’m usually not a fan of found-footage, but there’s something special about Creep. On top of that, this is one of the few movies where I can confidently say I like the sequel more, which is shocking because the first one was amazing. Very funny and off-beat, with a sense of foreboding underlying the whole thing.
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 1/10
Disturbing: 3/10
Psychological: 4/10
Actual genre: found footage psychological horror
4. Mother!
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A woman and her poet husband live quietly in a secluded house away from society.
Very metaphorical and highly feminist; definitely not a movie that everyone appreciates, but if you enjoy analysis or just being really weirded out then this is a good for you. Starts slow and snowballs toward the horrific climax.
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 7/10
Disturbing: 7/10
Psychological: 8/10
Actual genre: psychological horror
TW: cannibalism
5. Perfect Blue
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Mima is a young pop star looking to join the acting industry.
Brutally realistic to the point where I had to stop watching and take a walk at one point. Very much “female rage” and a protagonist that will live in your head rent free for the next 6 years (or maybe that’s just me). Very triggering in a lot of ways, but worth it if you’re not sensitive to the topics it covers.
Scary: 5/10
Gore: 4/10 (animated)
Disturbing: 8/10
Psychological: 10/10
Actual genre: psychological thriller
TW: depersonalization/derealization, nudity, stalking, rape scene (she is acting in a tv show but it is still the most uncomfortable scene of the movie), inaccurate portrayal of DID
6. Midsommar
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A couple and their friends go on a vacation to their friend’s remote hometown for a Midsommar festival.
Probably the best-known out of this list, and again for a good reason. 90% of the film takes place in broad daylight, and the visuals are absolutely gorgeous. Once again will bring up the question of who is in the right and who is in the wrong (I have the answer to this question and I will fight you in dms if you’d like).
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 8/10
Disturbing: 8/10
Psychological: 7/10
Actual genre: folk horror
TW: long and graphic sex scene, nudity, close up and graphic gore, cult stuff, suicide
7. The Call
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A woman moves back to her childhood home and receives a call from the woman who lived there 30 years prior.
I got really into modern Asian horror films a few months ago and this is one of my favourites. The dynamic between the protagonist and antagonist is one of my favourites, and finishing this movie felt like finishing a 3 season TV show because of how well paced it was. Really hoping there will be a sequel with the same concept, even if it is not likely.
Scary: 6/10
Gore: 3/10
Disturbing: 6/10
Psychological: 6/10
Actual genre: psychological thriller
TW: abuse
8. Incantation
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A cursed woman takes back custody of her young daughter and does everything she can to keep away the effects of her curse.
This one was popular on TikTok for a while, and for good reason. Another found footage in a more traditional sense, and a bit confusing at times, but overall a really solid scary story. Very cool effects as well.
Scary: 6/10
Gore: 4/10
Disturbing: 6/10
Psychological: 5/10
Actual genre: supernatural horror
TW: derealization
9. Pearl
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A farm girl dreams about leaving home and living as a show girl.
Mia Goth is a national treasure, but we all knew that already. I watched this one before X (the actual first movie) because I didn’t know they were connected, but I much preferred this one. The Wizard of Oz vibes combined with Pearl’s unsettling behaviour made is a really creep film to watch.
Scary: 4/10
Gore: 4/10
Disturbing: 6/10
Psychological: 5/10
Actual genre: horror
TW: porn
10. The Platform
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A man is stuck in a prison where a platform of food is lowered through the layers of cells for inmates to eat as they please.
I’m a sucker for psychological movies that take place in a very limited space. If you’ve ever played and enjoyed the game Presentable Liberty then I’m gonna go ahead and say you’ll like this too. Not every question is answered, but the film is more about the human condition than the prison they inhabit, so it’s not too much of a problem.
Scary: 2/10
Gore: 9/10
Disturbing: 8/10
Psychological: 9/10
Actual genre: social science fiction horror
TW: cannibalism, suicide
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
okay I’ve refrained from posting my thoughts on the ted lasso finale until now in the interest of making sure they’re expressed properly so that people understand how correct my opinions actually are. but I’m here and I’m queer and LET’S DO IT FOLKS:
Nate!! Nate was a timid, sweet note in this episode. It was such a gentle little reintegration of his character back into the team and seeing him get a secure happy ending after all that time of insecurity was the part of the episode that provided the MOST payoff. Seeing Nick Mohammed’s post about Nate and his family life and understanding how much he put into that character was so beautiful to see too. I adore actors who very publicly (and in a nerdy way) love their craft!
His conversation with Ted also made me cry like I have never cried before.
COLIN KISSED HIS FELLA AFTER A WIN!! Ugh such a beautiful payoff and full circle moment for him, I was truly squealing with joy <3
The team’s rendition of So Long, Farewell had me GIGGLINGGG oh my god, I’m a die hard Sound of Music fan so I loved it! I would have maybe liked a little more emotion from Ted, I felt like his reaction was kind of… meh? meek? but other than that the song itself was FANTASTIC.
Obviously I love that they won the game, duh
They also had a lot of really amazing and thoughtful callbacks in this episode, like Keeley’s parallel to her entrance in the pilot was great, Ted’s bbq sauce mantra, Nate leaping into Ted’s arms, the ussie guy, the winning play being the play from season 1. All of those little moments showed a strong attention to detail I truly loved.
I love that Rupert made HIMSELF unlikeable in the end. Rebecca didn’t need to ruin his life; she stopped caring and soon saw he was doing a perfectly fine job of doing it himself. Karma truly is Rebecca Welton’s boyfriend!! Or is it?
Jake the motherfucking client seducer over here turning out to be a total dud like yesss!! I don’t want Ted and Michele back together by any means but fuck that guy lol, glad to see she and Henry were getting sick of him
Which leads me to…
I know you all know I ship Tedbecca, but this is truly not coming from a shipper standpoint when I say that that first scene of them was absolute BAIT. It was pretty disappointing because I know Ted Lasso’s been prone to red herrings and fakeouts every now and then but I didn’t take it as a show that would truly bait their fans with something like that??
I don’t care if I’m biased, I don’t care if the writers were trying to be avant-garde with their ending for rebecca, I’ll say what I’m about to say a million times: writing off 1 of your 2 most main characters into a happy ending with a man whose name the audience doesn’t even know is literally never a good writing decision. I think this should be obvious.
I have no hate to Boat Guy, Rebecca’s whole thing with him was basically the plot of Before Sunrise + Before Sunset (all hail Richard Lanklater) if someone watched those movies and then tried condensing them into fifteen accumulated minutes of television
Keeley, Roy, Jamie… they did you three so fucking dirty my babes. Keeley you especially. I’m beyond disappointed, bordering on genuinely hurt, by how much they screwed up Keeley and all of her adjacent storylines this season.
I loved RoyKeeley so much in seasons 1 and 2, they had such a sweetness and a magic to them. There were so many elements like that to season 1 and 2 that I feel the writers gave up on in the name of growth or… honestly, at this point, I don’t know why they did this. Roy was a little insecure in seasons 1 and 2, but I never felt like he was needy. It felt so cruel to have shown us RoyKeeley in all of these moments of such stability, such healthiness, and such genuine love for so long and then rip it away for some version of Roy Kent that felt hollow, twisted, and who just Did Not Get It. It makes me so sad.
It makes me sad for Jamie too. Him falling for Keeley again was like the last thing I needed to see from his character. There’s so much else they could have done with him, and instead they took that beautiful moment of him being accountable and respectful with Keeley and the tape, and they turned it into something ugly: they had him weaponize it as a bargaining chip against Roy.
I don’t understand why they thought having our favs engaged in this very sexist outdated convo with such possessive language in the name of comedy was a good idea. I get it was poking fun at them but it was the kind of fun that shouldn’t have to be poked at by now. They’re not these men, I don’t recognize this version of them. It’s such a regression.
speaking of weird and uncomfortable shit being played off for laughs… beard and jane got married! ted wasn’t even there! she shredded his passport to keep him in captivity! how creepy! (see the joke is that they’re crazy and do toxic things to each other. you’re supposed to laugh.)
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heartstopper-tword · 1 year
48. "Stop cheating!"
Charlie and Nick are playing a game (I don't mind which one, if you're stuck for ideas maybe twister) and one of them keeps tickling the other as a distraction.
Eventually they cave and wreck the cheater as punishment ?
Up to you ☺️
Hope your day is absolutely amazing
- 🐦‍⬛
A/N: ty for the prompt anon! hope your day is going amazing as well! <3
Prompt #48 - “Stop cheating!”
Prompt from here if you’re interested!
I’ve updated what prompt list I’ll be using! Check it out here!
Cheater, Cheater
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“Agh! Charlie, quit it!”
Charlie giggled, withdrawing his hand from Nick’s side. The two boys were currently in the Spring family’s living room, having been sprawled out on the floor with their text books in front of them. This was their near-daily routine; coming back to one of their houses and trying to knock out some of their homework from their day at school, and then spending the rest of their time together watching movies, playing games, and most importantly, making out. Though most times, that plan didn’t go the way it was intended. Nick was easily distracted, and very quickly lost interest in whatever worksheet he was doing. So in order to entertain himself, he’d try to distract Charlie, whether it be laying across his boyfriend’s lap, or whining, or throwing his pens at his head.
Charlie had to bite back a grin when he heard Nick let out a groan, slamming his maths textbook closed. “Charlieeee,” he’d whimpered, pushing his book to the side, “I’m bored.”
“That’s a shocker,” Charlie had replied, chuckling and keeping his eyes trained on his own assignment.
“Come on,” Nick moaned, “let’s take a break. We’ve been working on maths for like an hour now. You especially don’t need to study maths longer than that.”
“Nick, I have a test at the end of the week.” Charlie reminded him, finally glancing up at the older boy.
“And you’re going to ace it! You always have the highest grade out of anyone, and you don’t even need to try!” Nick retorted, moving closer to his boyfriend. When Charlie ignored him, he pouted and rested his head on his shoulder.
“Please, Char? Just for a little bit?”
Charlie contemplated this for a moment, before finally letting out a long yet playful sigh. “Fine. What do you want to do?”
Nick raised his head, smiling brightly. “We should play a game.”
“What game? Mario Kart? Haven’t you learned by now that there’s no way you’ll ever beat me at that?” The younger boy teased, laughing at the incredulous expression on his boyfriend’s face.
“Excuse you, but I happen to remember winning three races last weekend when I was over!”
“Only because I let you win.”
The ginger’s eyes narrowed. “You’re so gonna pay for that later. And anyways, no, not that. I had another game in mind.”
Charlie tilted his head at him, confusion washing over his features. “What game?”
Nick smirked. “Only a game I can finally be the best at. Twister.”
“Twister?” Charlie repeated, raising his eyebrows in surprise. “Why do you wanna play that?”
“Why don’t you want to play?” Nick questioned playfully, “Afraid of losing?”
“No,” Charlie responded, “I’m great at it. You’ve just never brought it up before.”
Charlie was lying. He wasn’t good at Twister. Not only did he lack flexibility, but he had always been the first one to fall during the game when he’d played with his sister or his friends during their annual sleepovers. It wasn’t like he cared that much about the game itself; Charlie was competitive. He didn’t like to lose. That’s why his go-to game had always been Mario Kart. After years of mastering every course, hardly anyone could beat him, except occasionally Tori. But even then, the two siblings were always neck and neck.
“Okay.” Charlie nodded, setting his assignment and books aside. “Let’s play.”
And that’s were the pair were now, having pushed the coffee table to the side of the room in order to have the desired amount of space for the dotted mat. They’d spun a few times already, their positions starting out pretty easy to achieve, until Charlie suddenly had an arm underneath Nick’s body and Nick had under the younger boy’s. By each turn, they were intertwining themselves with each other even more, and Charlie’s balance was getting rather rocky. Nick, however, seemed to be completely stable, hardly ever having to readjust his footing or the placement of his hands to make things easier for himself.
With every spin of the plastic wheel, Charlie seemed to be getting more difficult adjustments to his position, while Nick barely had to move. It just wasn’t fair. Charlie knew his boyfriend was going to win.
“Doing alright, love?” Nick asked periodically, a teasing hint to his tone. “Not feeling too shaky?”
“Perfectly fine,” Charlie answered him through his teeth, choosing to ignore the chuckle that came from the boy above him.
After a few more minutes, Charlie decided he needed to do something to try and get an advantage over his smug boyfriend. And that’s when he reached up with one hand and jabbed him in the stomach.
Nick had flinched, drawing in a small breath, but remaining in the same position as before.
“Charlie,” He said, his voice low, “don’t.”
Charlie snickered, dropping his hand.
After another moment, he reached up again, now squeezing his hip.
Nick yelped, nearly losing his balance, but quickly regaining his composure. “Shit!”
Charlie grinned up at him innocently, trying not to laugh at the glare Nick sent him in return. This was working well for him.
“Charlie, I am warning you,” Nick tried again to be serious, his eyes locked on the boys hands. “Stop cheating!”
“Okay.” Charlie shrugged and reached for the spinner, feeling Nick’s eyes watching his every move.
Nick let out a breath, urging his muscles to relax as much as possible. Hopefully Charlie finally got the message.
He was wrong.
About three minutes later, Charlie was prodding at his side, causing the older boy to let out a shriek in surprise. And to Charlie’s delight, this caused Nick to topple over onto his back.
“Ha!” Charlie pumped his fists into the air victoriously, “I win!”
Nick stared up at his boyfriend, his eyes going wide. “You did not win.”
“Uh, yeah I did,” Charlie said smugly, “The rules are the first person who falls loses. You fell first, loser.”
Nick sat up quickly. “You were cheating!”
“Really? Was I?”
“Yes you were, you were tickling me!”
“Oh boo-hoo,” Charlie playfully rolled his eyes. “You’re just mad cuz you’re a sore loser.”
Nick didn’t answer, his eyes narrowing. Charlie’s smug attitude faltered, his smile fading, and immediately he began to feel as though his boyfriend was angry at him. “Nick, are you okay? I’m sorry, I was just joking… you’re not mad, are you?”
“Mad? No.” Something changed in Nick’s expression, his eyes glinting dangerously. “Vengeful? Very.”
Charlie didn’t even have time to respond, because Nick was launching himself at the boy with inhuman speed, tackling him and sending them rolling on the ground together. Charlie’s immediate instinct was to try and curl in on himself, knowing very well what was about to happen, but Nick was stronger, and easily pinned Charlie underneath him.
“Nick, wait a second,” Charlie tried to plead, attempting to squirm around underneath the rugby lad, but Nick’s hold on him was solid. Completely unmovable.
“Wait a second? Oh no. We’re not even going to think about waiting. I’m gonna tickle the absolute shit out of you, and I’m not gonna stop until I feel like it. I think that’s a proper punishment for someone who thinks cheating is the way to beat another person at a game, right?” Nick’s grin was pure evil as he watched Charlie blush bright red underneath him. “Not that you’d mind.”
“Niiiiick,” Charlie whined, bringing his hands up to cover his blazing cheeks, squealing suddenly at the sensation of Nick squeezing his sides.
“Ah ah! And you can’t hide your face from me, either! I wanna see your adorable smile.” Nick let his fingers slowly spider up and down the boy’s sides, relishing in the frantic giggles escaping his lips. God, he loved that sound.
“Nohoho! Thahat’s nohohot fahahair!” Charlie squeaked out, his giggles growing the higher Nick aimed. “Ihihi cahan’t help ihit!”
Nick chuckled. “Okay. Let me help you then.”
With that, he shot hands up under Charlie’s exposed armpits, drilling torturously into the hallows.
“NO NICK!” Charlie’s arms came flying down and clamped tightly to his sides, his head thrown back with hysteric laughter. “STOHOHOHOP!”
“Stop? Char, I’m only just getting started!” Nick laughed with the younger boy, his heart filled with endearment. “Besides, you deserve this, you dick!”
“Well, cheaters don’t make winners, sweetheart.”
Nick rolled his eyes playfully. “How about this, Charlie? Just shut up and laugh.”
He pulled his hands out from under the boy’s arms, giving him only a few moments of relief before diving his fingers into his sensitive neck.
“NoO!” Charlie squealed, trying to duck his head, but Nick just laughed. “Charlie, my fingers are stuck now.”
“I dohohon’t cahahahare!” The younger giggled, yelping when he felt Nick beginning to press ticklish kisses along his ears. “Nihihick plehehease!”
“Man, your ears are sensitive as hell, Char.” Nick commented casually, “They seem so neglected. Why don’t you ever let me play with them and love them?”
“Stohohop ihihit!” Charlie whined, trying to move his head away from him, shrieking at the sensation of Nick nibbling on the shell of his ears. “OHOHOH MYHYHYHY GOHOHOD! NOHOHOT THAHAHAT!”
Mixed with the fluttering fingers in his neck and Nick’s merciless attack on his ears, Charlie was in hell (or heaven, though he’d never admit it). The two sensations combined were driving him nuts, and he was sure that Nick knew that. Of course he was.
Charlie’s head jerked to the side, lifting his chin just enough for Nick to remove his hands and let them jump to his ribs, his lips quickly beginning to press kisses along the entirety of Charlie’s neck.
“I don’t think you’re in a position to make demands here,” Nick muttered into the skin, making his laughter rise in pitch.
Charlie was quickly running out of oxygen by the second, and he wasn’t sure if Nick would actually give him a chance to breathe. Normally he was more gentle with him, but as he had said, he was out for revenge. Still, if Charlie wanted to see the sun rise the next morning, he needed to do something.
Nick drew his head back, his fingers slowing to a stop on the poor boy’s ribs. He looked guilty. “Oh god, okay. Here, just take a minute.”
Charlie was sucking in air like his life depended on it. Nick’s smirk vanished, “Sorry, was I taking it too far? I didn’t mean to-“
“Nick,” His boyfriend interrupted, breathing heavily, “it’s okay. I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Nick didn’t sound convinced, taking in Charlie’s current state with concern.
“I’m sure,” Charlie told him, then slightly propped himself up on his elbows, “You’re just way too good at getting what you want.”
That finally got a small chuckle out of the older boy, who leaned down and pressed his lips to his in a sweet kiss.
“You are so incredible,” Nick whispered, pressing his forehead to Charlie’s. Charlie hummed, his body finally beginning to calm down. They stayed like that for a moment, before Nick suddenly pushed him back down onto his back. “But there’s one more spot I want to get to before I let you go.”
Charlie’s eyes were nearly popping out of their sockets in realization. “No, Nihihick I thohohought youhou wehehere dohohone!”
Nick just smiled innocently at the boy as he let his fingers walk all the way down to his kneecaps, “I love you.”
And let it be known, Charlie definitely learned a valuable lesson on cheating that day, especially when getting caught by an evil, rugby loving golden retriever.
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yesloulou · 9 months
hello! i absolutely love your gifs and recently started making my own. your tutorials have been AMAZING especially the one ab creating super smooth gifs!! i was wondering two things if you wouldn't mind going into more detail. how do you go ab using topaz? I downloaded it (video ai) and when I try to use the frame interpolation, the video comes out looking super weird and staticky. My other question is unrelated, but was wondering if u could talk a little more ab neutralizing colors in gifs which you mentioned in one of ur tutorials? Thank you so much for all the beautiful gifs and amazing tutorials!! <3
hi anon. thank you for the kind words!! this actually just reminded me to update my lil gif speed management tutorial bc im doing something different now (avoid converting into smart object at the end which always made my gifs less sharp). i think it makes a pretty big difference &lt;3
Re: smooth gifs by neutralizing colors (from this tutorial)
basically the concept is that since gifs only allow at most 256 color entries, the more neutral in color a gif is, the more detailed those colors can be represented. here are two gifs whose only difference is the color on the big screen behind daniel. the first gif has more saturated greens and blues, and from the color table we can see PS utilized a lot of the 256 color slots to express greens and blues. the second gif is more neutralized, as a result we're seeing more skin colors in the color table, ie more efforts are made to express the main subject of this gif (daniel <3).
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at this size, it may look like the first gif looks better bc of vibrancy. but the problem will expose at full size. taking a closer look we'll see the skin tones in the 1st gif are not as well expressed as the 2nd gif. the 2nd gif is a lot smoother, less pixelated, and less splotchy, especially around the highlight areas.
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this comparison in gif:
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obviously, nobody will look at a gif this closely. but in my opinion this is what makes the difference between 'smooth' and 'butter smooth'. vibrancy and smoothness are both important to a gif, but unfortunately they are a trade-off. it comes down to the gif maker's personal preference. to me personally, the first gif is eye-catching bc of its bright colors, i totally see why some ppl might prefer it. but there is a smoothness and real-ness in the second gif that the first gif just doesn't have. as a result, the more neutral coloring would be what i prefer for this particular gif
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in application, this can go both ways:
1. if i feel a gif has too many colors and is pixelated bc of it, i will try to neutralize some of them for smoothness. example: here the very blue background that we're all familiar with was neutralized to an almost baby blue. the bright yellows on sharl and max's race suits were warmed up and desaturated to a peachy yellow color. this will be particularly useful if your gif is too big and you have to use even less than 256 colors.
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2. if a gif feels too dull, i will either try to make some of its existing colors more saturated (using Hue/Saturation Adjustment), or add some hues to the whites or blacks (using Selective Color), so that it will have more vibrancy. example (left): the blue on the red bull can is almost the only cool color in this gif, so i made it more saturated for contrast; example (right): the gif had virtually no cool tone so i made the whites (see prints on sharl's shoulder) more cyan than reality. (ps this is why i think sports gifs are challenging. in tv shows or movies the colors in every scene would've been designed and arranged, but in sports we won't have that)
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3. colors/vibrancy may be the only thing i want. pixelation can be a style in itself
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4. i might not care about colorfulness at all and just want the gif to be as smooth as possible
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Re: interpolation
speed coming out weird after interpolation is almost always bc your original video contains dup frames, esp if the footage was screen recorded. topaz does provide a "Replace Duplicate Frames" option with interpolation but imo it's not reliable at all. in my experience automated frame dedup requires more configurations than the one topaz lets you customize (sensitivity). which is probably why their dedup doesn't work as well as their other features. making sure your original video is free of dup or missing frames should solve your problem <3
ohh also interpolation works best in doubling or quadrupling! ie 25fps -> 50fps, 30fps -> 120fps etc etc
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hope this is helpful!
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etrevil · 7 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
So sorry for the late answer!
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1. Athanasia de Alger Obelia (Who Made Me A Princess)
First hyperfixation, the manhwa I saw from start to finish. Art is just absolutely beautiful and I've been attached from the very start. Her character arc surrounding her father, Claude, had me clutching my pearls and sobbing my eyes out.
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2. Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Strongest hyperfixation on the series yet. There's a certain feel I get whenever I see or read content about him. Do I relate to him? Concerningly. But it's the sort of connectedness I feel when reading what Odasaku thinks of Dazai and me agreeing and being called out half of the time lol. Lastly, he's just so pretty.
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3. Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs)
This man's backstory has me in a chokehold. He's gone through so much shit but, compared to other characters, he remains a "good" man. Such a complex character I can't get enough of tbh. Asagiri really paired the donut man and one of the most beautiful written characters together and I love it/pos. Lastly, also very pretty. Imagining him together with Dazai, whether platonic or romantic, is also a treat.
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4. Wilbur Soot (dsmp, qsmp, general yt)
His content just, helped me get through quarantine. Also his songs are just bangers, and Lovejoy is one of my top favorite bands next to The Neighborhood.
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5. Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
One of the first Korean novels I've ever read and finished. He is just such a well-done character, and ORV as a story in general should become a literary classic (in my humble opinion). The way he seeks comfort in a story and is willing to stay until its very end, I relate to that so much, and I just feel for this tragedy-surrounded man. I wish only the best for him and his company.
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6. Cale Henituse (Trash of the Count's Family)
I remember reading the novel in its early stages and waking up for school, to then eat cereal and slowly finish reading what's been published in the dim light. Haven't touched the second book yet, but the first book was just, woah. Amazing. Rollercoaster ride. Our young lord really should start looking out for his health more, everyone's so worried.
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7. Han Sooyoung (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Her story arc of being an antagonist, to the third member of their trio, and [spoiler], was an absolute blast. Her character was written with such a personality she touched my heart with her spunk and gentle care towards her friends. What she's done for KDJ is absolutely what tore my heart out. She deserves so much. They all do. Speaks even more to me since I'm a writer. Love her with all my heart <3.
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8. Achilles (Greek Mythos, the Song of Achilles)
He amuses me. His rage, his reactions, the slaughter he made across the battlefield, and the way he eventually died. The fact we have historical evidence from a vase that people back then saw him rolled up into a blanket burrito during his sulking period. That he sent out one of his "closest" men in his own armory and grew enraged (understatement) when he returned as a corpse. I just, love him. Words cannot explain how I hold him, and Patroclus, to a high regard in my heart.
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9. Tallulah (qsmp)
Best egg child to ever exist. Second is Chayanne. The admin for this character just stole us from the very start. Deserves a thousand bamboo flutes.
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10. Ayna and Ranonthean (Secret Lady)
Might be considered cheating but these two are a couple and the toxicity cannot exist without the other. The slow unfurling of how their love story that led to the actual FL and ML's current predicament (read the story it's so good) absolutely rocked my shit. Like, omfg their children. Her family. Fate itself. I wanna sock Fate in the face. They're in love, but their love cannot thrive in a place like that. At least not for long. And it shows; the chapter this image is from, side story 11, has me by the throat. Banana-nim's art just makes everything better. They're relatively good for each other, but because of the situations forced on them, shit happens. Doomed by the narrative indeed.
Special manhwa couple mentions:
Angela and Rayburn, "I Stan the Prince"
Penelope and Callisto, "Death is The Only Ending for the Villainess"
Ines and Carcel, "This Marriage was Bound to Fail Anyway"
Shuri and Nora, "Stepmother's Marchen"
Eris and Anakin, "Kill The Villainess"
Raeliana and Noah, "Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Manor"
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episodeoftv · 10 months
Prelims, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The top 3 episodes will move on to the main bracket
propaganda and summaries are under the cut (May include spoilers)
2.21 & 2.22 Becoming, Parts 1 & 2
Angel plots to revive an ancient demon bent on sweeping everything on earth into hell itself. / Spike strikes an unlikely alliance with Buffy to keep Angel from destroying the world.
4.10 Hush
When everyone in Sunnydale loses their voice, the Scooby Gang must silently solve the mystery of the monsters who stole their ability to speak.
4.16 Who Are You?
Having switched bodies with Buffy, Faith enjoys freedom. Meanwhile, Buffy finds herself at the mercy of the Watcher's Council.
5.16 The Body
Buffy, Dawn, and their friends deal with the aftermath of Joyce's death.
The purposeful removal of music for the whole episode, the grief portrayed, the portrayals of people with varying amounts of interaction with death. It hits so hard.
This episode killed me. I have never watched anything that has fully emcompassed the feeling of loss and what it's like to experience death close to you than The Body. It is an absolute gut punch in the best way. I actually had to take a week off of watching Buffy to recover because I was so destroyed. 12/10 I don't think I will ever be able to watch this episode of TV ever again
One of the greatest depictions of grief and bereavement of all time. Both formally inventive and unique in its cinematography, sound design, editing etc. while also being an incredible personally affecting emotional experience.
There’s another buffy episode that probably deserves the title more, but I did have to give this one some recognition. For a whacky silly show about vampires, this episode is maybe the realest portrayal of death and grief I’ve ever seen. It’s not just a sad episode that makes audiences cry - I mean it is that - but it’s also this incredible examination of what it’s like to lose someone, and how the world shifts on its axis when that happens. The lack of any non diegetic music is an amazing touch to give this episode a sense of distance from all others. It’s real in a way that’s hard to watch but also unforgettable. Certain scenes and lines will always stay with me and will forever shape my feelings on life and loss.
6.07 Once More, With Feeling
In this musical extravaganza, Sunnydale residents find themselves bursting into song, and flame, when a demon attempts to make Dawn his bride.
The greatest musical episode of all time! Pretty much all of the songs are unironically bangers, it's better choreographed and shot than frankly a lot of the bad movie musicals that have been inflicted on us in the past few years, and despite the goofy concept it still manages to tell an incredibly affecting story about the protagonist's struggle with depression. Pulls off an absolutely monumental tonal shift from comedic musical theatre homage to devastating emotional gut punch that manages to never feel tonally dissonant
Best musical episode ever (character development, lots of bops, and spontaneous combustion)
It is the best musical episode of any TV series. It is whimsical, but also far from filler and major plot beats happen while the characters sing jaunty little toons about them. Willow and Tara have sex. Spike gets and angsty alt rock song about his unrequited buffy crush. Buffy admits that when her friends resurrected her she was violently ripped out of heaven and doesn't wanna be on earth anymore. Spike and Buffy kiss. Its the best. / Invented musical episodes and is also one of the only good ones ever to have been made. Changed the game. Insane that it’s as good as it is.
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dementor-from-azkaban · 2 months
☆Welcome hotties, nerds and fools☆
i'm here, at your service to assist in stalking this user. what would you like to know?
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Basic Info:
I'm Ani, your friendly neighborhood slytherin residing in cabin 3.
I don't mind any pronouns, but i prefer she/her.
i'm a turbulent infp, a bisexual disaster, a september virgo, and a regulus kin.
everyone is welcome to this blog, and please do not hesitate to interact! 🤍
(exceptions being queerphobes, sexists, racists etc. you know the drill)
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Things I Love (Misc.):
absolutely obsessed with dead gay wizards from 70s, a bit of harry potter (separating the art from the artist) and pjo. i love flowers, coffee, the sound of rain and the smell of soil after (not a big fan of rain itself), photography, sketching, reading, music, art, night sky, stargazing, delivering speeches (ik that's random af), making friends, poetry, having long conversations (debating ideas), writing, singing, sunsets, dark chocolate and scrolling tumblr and spending an unhealthy amount of time on ao3
that's all i can think of for now 🤠
hp, pjo, the hobbit, the picture of dorian gray, pride and prejudice, agggtm, the diary of a young girl, several geronimo and thea stilton books, shatter me, thunderbolt (by wilbur smith), some roald dahl works, the song of achilles, divergent and more i can't remember
also, a lot of amazing fanfics <3
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i'm not very picky but i do have some favs; conan gray, kpop (mostly bts and itzy), lana del rey, girl in red, taylor swift, david bowie, queen, abba, hozier, louis tomlinson, pixies, harry styles, mother mother, lorde
(is the impact of marauders on my music taste obvious?)
Lovely Mutuals:
@silence-between-seconds @daydream-of-a-wallflower @wolvesandshine @re-is-back-in-black @chaserofstars11 @good-oldfashioned-lover @lady-stardust-incarnate @kurt-cobain-is-jesus-in-disguise @sleepinginmygrave @ecstarry @good-oldfashioned-lover-girl
(and the others i've never interacted with, directly or indirectly. i love you all 🤍)
i'm not very much into movies and shows, but recs are always welcomed 🤍✨
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congratulations, you've successfully wasted your time ✨
now that you know about this user more than her family, this is me, ani, officially signing off.
*bows, salutes, runs away*
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minijenn · 5 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: The Bad Guys
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So this is yet another Dreamworks movie I've heard nothing but good things about but just never got around to watching for some reason or another. And now that I have watched it, all I can say is what the fuck how did I sleep on this absolute gem of a film for so long???? Its so good, ya'll, SO damn good! So let's get into all of the many reasons why!
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The Bad Guys are a group of infamous criminals, made up of the cunning Snake, master of disguise Shark, loose-canon Piranha, hacker Tarantula, and the leader of the pack, Wolf. After getting caught attempting to pull of a daring heist, the Bad Guys pretend to work on going good to pull off an even greater heist... until Wolf begins to wonder if being good might not be so bad after all.
So let me just say, the plot here is brilliant. Like seriously, there were some twists and turns here (especially toward the end) that had me YELLING over how genuis they were. It's extremely tightly crafted, sharply written, and pulled together by an incredibly charming cast that you just love to watch. It's a thrilling ride from start to end and I was excited to see where it would go next with every new scene.
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The characters, like I said, are really great! Wolf is a really well-developed lead who goes through a pretty compelling arc, same with Snake (seriously, the fakeout with him toward the end had me in awe, what a total pro) and a good deal of the drama in the film lies between those two. The other Bad Guys are a bit less in focus, but they're still really fun and all play off each other really well too. Also, Diane, the governor??? Holy shit ya'll? She's AMAZING. Not gonna spoil the twist involving her but let me just say she is so damn COOL like oh my god.
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This movie does attempt a twist villain but like... idk Marmalade isn't really that much of a twist villain? From the moment he showed up I said to myself "oh, he's the villain isn't he?" and I was proven right, but like... the reveal of how he set the Bag Guys up from the very start was so clever that I couldn't even be upset about it. This tiny motherfucker played them up until the very end where he finally got his comeuppance. Good villain. Not the best, but still, pretty good.
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The humor here is pretty fun, with some jokes that genuinely had me laughing out loud. Of course, it couldn't quite help itself with a few fart jokes here and there, which... ermmm aren't quite my up of tea. Still, it balances that humor out well with some pretty compelling drama and a lot of heart that really helps to engage you in the story they're telling here.
Also the animation??? Oh my GOD the way this movie looks is INSANE. Like, just the character designs alone are so fresh and interesting compared to what Dreamworks has done in the past. There's this overall stylization to this movie that's very sharp and unique, and it just makes it a feast for the eyes. The way the characters move too, very fast and snappy, as if they're 2-d characters instead of 3-d. Lots of exagerrated motions and facial expressions, it's all very silly, yes, but it works so well with the tone this movie is trying to pull off.
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So yeah, I hella loved this one. I'm so mad at myself for not watching this when it first came out, because its such a joy ride from start to finish. So stylish, so witty, so engaging, and so fun! I had a great time with The Bad Guys, and if you haven't seen it yet, you should, because chances are, you will too.
Rating: 9/10
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Previous Review (The Boss Baby: Family Business)
Next Review (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish)
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suzuran777 · 6 months
Revisiting Gakuen Handsome: Backstory + short review
I think every BL fan has seen something related to Gakuen Handsome at some point in their lives, it's a parody BL visual novel with quite the legacy. It was originally released in 2010 by Team YokkyuFuman and it also got its own OVA and anime adaptation in 2015 & 2016. The protagonist, who is an unnamed seventeen year old boy, moves back to the city after a seven year absence. He enrolls into Baramon High School, a prestigious all-boys school which takes pride in being the best of its prefecture. From now on, his life will be changed forever...
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First of all, the developer team's backstory is probably one of the most unique ones. In 2008, eight film students from the Tohoku University of Art and Design formed Team YokkyuFuman (チーム欲求腐満). Their blog mentions that a year later, they attempted to submit the Gakuen Handsome opening movie to the 9th edition of the Niconico Film Festival (their submission was completely ignored). After that, the opening movie was uploaded on NicoNico Douga, where it was quite well received. The description of the video mentions “to be released in 20009”, as they originally probably had no intention to create a full game.
After it became a hot topic on NicoNico Douga, their university gave them permission to organize an official exhibition: Gakuen Handsome Matsuri (or just Gakuen Handsome Festival). Visitors could watch the opening movie, learn more about the characters and take pictures together with the life-sized cardboard cutouts. The exhibition also featured rare merch: A drama CD which would be released in "20009" and canned bread.
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This exhibition was apparently not only held once, but many times according to their blog. The game was finally released in 2010 and many fans were happy to finally play it, supporting the team that created it. Togo Mito, who many of you know as the creator of (in)famous BL game Hadaka Shitsuji, also collaborated with them. These are some pictures I found on Togo Mito's old blog, Mizoguchi and Juro drawn by Togo Mito and the Hadaka Shitsuji cast drawn by Team YokkyuFuman.
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Even after graduation, it seems like they would occasionally invite some of Gakuen Handsome's creators. In 2014, the university tweeted that they would not be able to host the exhibition that year due to renovations, but visitors could take pictures with the cardboard cutouts. There's also an interview from 2016 on the university's website, in which they talk about how things have been after graduation! I absolutely love how the university supported all of this.
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Now about the game itself... Where to even start? You'll have to trust me, but the game is actually good. Many parody games can be quite a hit or miss, but this visual novel is something I still catch myself laughing at years later. The inconsistent art, pointy chins and strange jokes really create an experience unlike anything else. I don't think any commercial company would be able to create something like this, even if they tried. One detail that the anime adaptation doesn't really show is that many different artists worked on this, whose styles widely vary from each other, making absolutely no attempt to create one consistent artstyle. Most characters have at least 2 ~ 3 sprites that often look completely different from each other. For example, sometimes Saionji sensei looks like a clean-shaven teenager/young adult, but in the CGs he suddenly turn into an older looking man with a stubble.
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Yes he's talking about eating paint in the screenshot above, why not. Anyway... the voice acting in this game is something else I wanted to talk about, because it adds so much to the game. Of course it's not professional, but I think that's what makes it amazing. You can sometimes hear the voice actors trying really hard not to laugh, and they will occasionally completely mess up their lines. Of course all of those lines are kept in the game and they didn't re-record them. I also loved it when they started swearing in English for seemingly no reason. Also, instead of just avoiding the name of the protagonist (who you can give any name you want) they pronounce it... by improvision. Just imagine how one would try to pronounce a "adfgdf" keysmash and you'll get an idea what it sounds like.
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There are 6 characters in this game who you can romance. The protagonist's childhood friend Takuya, who is a bit obsessed with the protein bar Calorie Mate (which is censored in the new version of the game, so you just hear a BLEEP sound), outlaw teacher Saionji, school principal Juro who basically only functions as a save point, student council president Kagami, chuunibyou transfer student Shiga, and last but not least, the captain of the soccer team Mitsurugi, who also murders people with his chin sometimes. The protagonist's sister also has a (non-romantic) ending, which you need to play in order to unlock the extra scenario (which... is a ridiculous murder mystery story for some reason). I also could not find the guide I used a long time ago, so I just looked at some videos on NicoNico to see what others were doing and that worked pretty well...!
My favorite scene is probably still that one scene in Mitsurugi's route, in which he stabs people with his chin. It's also one of the scenes that gets referenced the most in fanart. The context makes it even more ridiculous, Mitsurugi gets really upset that some people like the chunky variant of red bean paste (tsubuan) and decides they should die. After stabbing his teammate and multiple other people he runs outside. The protagonist however, isn't safe either and also gets accused of being a "tsubuan supporter". If you survive though, you get a chance to marry Mitsurugi!
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Honestly one of the reasons I wanted to write about this game is because many people only know the OVA and/or anime, but the game is so funny I think everyone should play it if they're interested. I also think the team behind it has such a funny backstory and I love seeing how supportive their university is. Right now the team is still active on their Twitter account and they sometimes create new content. Last year they released Gakuen Handsome Fighters, a short fighting game featuring the Gakuen Handsome characters.
If you are interested in purchasing it, I recommend getting the "Special" edition which can be purchased on DLsite! I couldn't find a working download link anymore of the older version, but I think the creators deserve the support, so I don't regret buying it (it was about 15 USD). It includes the original game and 5 shorter stories which were originally released as smartphone apps. While I think the original game is still the best one, it's fun to explore some of the extra scenarios as well. One of the shorter games takes place in an alternative universe in which the boys live in the Heian period, and for some reason some of the sprites are animated... yeah.
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unmotivatedwrit3r · 1 year
One More Sleep pt.2
batboys x reader
(A/N): Here's part 2! [Edit: find pt. 1 here.] Somehow I managed to get Steph and Cass done today so the series is now complete. If the characterization is off, I apologize; I've never written for either of them much before. I hope everyone who celebrates is having a lovely Christmas and that you all enjoy!
This one is dedicated to @glorified-red, who it an absolutely amazing human being and one I am privileged to know. Thank you for your encouragement, qamar, and I hope this live up to your expectations.
total wc: ~1900
warnings: non-graphic references to injury, explicit mentions of Christmas
Tim Drake:
wc: ~500 
Tim is way more awake at 2am on Christmas morning than he has any right to be, especially after an undercover mission overseas. It’s not even caffeine awake, he just passed out—the sleep kind, not the unconscious kind—on the plane home after debrief and took a five hour nap. 
When he pushes open the door to the apartment he lives in with you, the lights are on. It takes him a second to find you under all the blankets; you’re scrolling halfheartedly through what he thinks is tumblr. He didn’t expect you to be up this late but a part of him warms at the fact that you stayed up anyway. You don’t even react to him until he’s right next to you which means you’re exhausted, but you do notice before he says anything because he’s suddenly on the couch next to you and wrapped in your arms and so many blankets. 
“I missed you,” Tim says into the junction where your shoulder meets your neck. The grip around his shoulders tightens. 
“I missed you too, sweetheart.” 
Tim nestles his face one more time into your shoulder before he lets go. 
“You didn’t have to stay up for me.” 
“I know,” you tell him, and there’s a fond smile on your face that you only ever make for him. “But I wanted to.” 
You cup his face so you can press a kiss to his cheekbone and then run your hands quickly through his hair. 
“Now go put on pjs and brush your teeth so we can watch a movie together before we go to bed.” 
Tim isn’t going to argue. A movie with you sounds perfect, even if you’re both tired and he’s not sure you’ll stay awake through the whole thing. 
“Hallmark movie?” Tim asks. 
“Of course. What do you take me for?” 
You head back to the couch as he heads to the bedroom and by the time he comes back in his fuzzy Christmas pants, you’ve narrowed it down to two. 
“Fake dating or lesbian friends to lovers?” you ask as he sits down next to you. 
“The gay one. What do you take me for?” he teases back, shuffling so he can be squished next to you and likewise stretch his legs out on the ottoman. 
You huff a laugh and click on the movie, quickly turning the volume down before the Netflix intro can make the two of you cringe and then back up again once the movie starts. He links your hands together over your thighs. Your pjs are navy and his are red, but they both have little Santas printed on them. You bought them together during a black friday sale. 
You hand him the remote and Tim dips his head onto your shoulder. This is what hallmark movies call content, he thinks. 
By the time the opening credits fade away to the movie itself, Tim can feel your breaths even out. He doesn’t mind; he’s fallen asleep on you during movies plenty of times. He’ll move after this movie’s over, Tim decides. Then he’ll carry you to the bedroom and go to bed. 
He’s asleep by the time the movie protagonist decides she does, in fact, enjoy time in her small hometown.
Damian Wayne:
wc: ~550
Damian is limping slightly when he pushes open the front door. It’s nearing 3 o’clock—2:46a.m. by the last check of his watch—and he’s brought eight new stitches, a sprained knee, and bruised ribs home with him for Christmas. Damian knows you’re asleep, you texted him hours ago before you went to bed. He was on a plane, heading back from Europe at the time, getting patched up. He didn’t tell you that part in his response, but you’ll probably ask him something later that will make him reveal it anyway and he’ll submit to your concerned questioning as he always does. His only hope is that it won’t be in the middle of the manor living room or he’ll be supplying a bunch of nosy siblings with teasing ammunition they’ll use for months.
The set of electric candles that live on the coffee table are still on, so Damian can see as he toes off his boots and drops his keys on the side table. His winter coat and hat are put up on the coat hanger before he ventures further into the apartment. 
There’s a gift on the coffee table. Damian doesn’t see it until he moves to turn the candles off, but it’s wrapped in brown paper and decorated with a gift tag that reads “ameli” and a green bow. He sits on the arm of the couch—if he sits all the way down, he’s not sure he’ll get up: he’s exhausted—and turns on a lamp before turning off the candles. In the lamp light, the Christmas tree is more visible, and he can see your handiwork in the presents underneath, waiting for the day after christmas, a time for just the two of you.    
When he opens the present, it’s actually two things. The first one is small and in a black tie pouch and he puts it in his pocket to open the bigger thing. It’s a knee brace, a new one. He’s been needing one for a few weeks now, a to-do list item living at the back of his mind that he never actually got to. You texted one of his brothers (Dick he assumes; the two of you get along very well) because you knew something was wrong, he realizes. He can’t even bring himself to dread the concerned appraisal he knows for sure he’ll be getting early in the morning. 
He doesn’t remember the second thing until he’s changing into his pajamas. They were waiting for him when he stepped into the bathroom to brush his teeth. The bag is in the pocket of the jeans he’s half-heartedly folded and put on the sink. It’s a necklace, a simple gold chain with a vertical bar charm. In the bright bathroom lighting, he can see an engraving in the gold. It reads “hayati” in Arabic letters. حياتي. My life. The necklace, made of material that doesn’t tarnish, sits so that the charm hides just underneath his shirt collar, private only for him. 
Stitches covered, ribs taped, and new brace on, Damian lifts the edge of the weighted blanket to slide into bed. You’re laying on your side, facing him. Damian moves a piece of hair out of your face.
“Merry Christmas, habibi,” he whispers, love coloring his voice. You move only to rest your head against his chest. 
Cassandra Cain:
wc: ~350
When Cass steps off the Wayne Enterprises jet, she’s expecting the black car waiting for her. She’s not expecting it to be your car. And she’s definitely not expecting to see you leaning against it, what she assumes is a cup of coffee in a Black Bat to-go mug in one gloved hand and your phone in the other. Last check of her own phone—the lock screen is a picture Duke took of the two of you at the manor during the most recent movie night you attended together—it’s 1:12am. She assumes you haven’t been standing outside long. It’s in the low double digits temperature-wise outside and Cass is cold even in her winter coat. 
You slide your phone into your pocket and wave at her, an excited smile on your face. Cass smiles back without thinking and returns your wave with the hand holding her rolling suitcase. Her other hand is clad in a wrist brace and holding a Christmas bag. 
“Merry Christmas, beautiful,” you say to her once she’s close to you, “I’m glad you’re home safe.” You reach for her suitcase and she concedes without argument, passing it over. 
“Me too. Merry Christmas.” Cass circles the car to stand at the passenger door, but she watches you put her suitcase in the trunk even though the cold is slowly stripping the feeling from her nose.
You slam the trunk shut and wave to her before heading for the driver’s side. Cass opens her door as you do and you close your door and start the car in quick succession so it’ll warm up before you start heading home. Cass just watches. There’s something fascinating to her about your body language when she’s around. Cass knows a lot of languages. Body language is the only one that rarely lies, and she sees your love for her in every move you make. You turn to look at her, but you don’t say anything. There’s a warmth in her chest that Cass thinks has little to do with the warm air coming through the vents. 
I love you, Cass says to you in sign language. 
Your lips curl up in the self-conscious smile you make when she says sweet things out of nowhere. Cass feels her heart skip a beat at your response. 
Thank you for choosing me.  
Stephanie Brown:
wc: ~400
Stephanie can’t stifle the smile on her face as her key turns silently in the lock. She’s early. Not by much, when compared to a weeklong mission—only about 4 hours—but it’s early enough that she knows you’re awake which means she gets to see you on Christmas Eve after all. 
You don’t look up as the door opens; there’s a hallmark movie playing on your TV and from what Steph can tell, you’re somewhere in the middle of it. It must not be very good, though because you’re also looking at your phone, scrolling through instagram. Steph leans over the couch to grab your phone, and you shriek and stand up as you turn around. Only vigilante reflexes stop your head from colliding with hers. 
“Steph! You’re early!” 
You scramble over the couch to crush her in a hug, and Stephanie feels the heaviness of the mission slide off of her even as her ribs creak. 
So worth it. 
After a week of nothing but being on guard and a general lack of safety, she squeezes you right back. Even when you let up on the squeezing she doesn’t let go, her head resting in the crook of your neck. She’s grateful, not for the first time, that you seem to be able to read her mind, and you don’t let go until she does. 
Steph cups your face and pulls you into a kiss. 
“Happy Christmas Eve, baby,” she says as she pulls away. 
You sneak another peck to her lips, her cheek, her jawbone. 
“I missed you,” you tell her, pressing your forehead to hers. Steph wraps her hands around your wrists where your hands are cradling her face. 
“We have time to make cookies,” you continue, your forehead still pressed to hers. Steph can’t see the smile on your face but she knows it’s there. She pulls away and sure enough her favorite smile in the world is looking back at her.
“Oh heck yeah, let’s do it. And we’ll take some to the manor tomorrow so Jason can taste our sweet success.” You snort out a laugh. 
“Duh, obviously. Okay first, you need Christmas pajamas. And then you preheat the oven. I’ll get the ingredients out and get the butter softened.” 
“Sir yes sir,” Steph teases. “Matching Christmas pajamas coming right up.” 
Steph almost gets all the way to the bedroom before she remembers. 
“And don’t forget to leave us extra chocolate chips!” 
“Already done!” 
“I knew you loved me,” Steph calls back. She can hear your laugh from inside the bedroom.
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lizzylucky · 1 year
Thoughts and Observations From the Movie, Part 3/4
Hello! It part 3 of mine silly thoughts and observations from the Rise movie :3
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I stopped to look at and highlight this scene mostly because mmm good angst. Leo is an absolutely ferocious fighter, no sarcasm or exaggeration here, but he’s extremely sentimental and kind and protective of his family in turn. As someone who absolutely breaks down when a compromise cannot be found to reconcile two conflicting morals, Leo’s hesitation to fight a threat to his family that happens to be part of his family is downright painful. 
Can you imagine the deflated feeling of dying hope that comes with seeing a glimpse of a vulnerable Raph in a body no longer under its owner’s control? To think you saw your brother shine through only to realize you were wrong? It looked like Raph’s pain because the mind in control exhausted the body. Ouch.
Further content below the cut!
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FURTHERMORE! This parallel is everything to me. Leo makes a very similar expression both times, and the shot of his face shows his head angled in the exact same way, both times. Both times, Leo’s life is in danger, and both times, Raph is there. 
The difference is that the first time, Raph is protecting Leo’s life, and the second time, Raph is the danger to Leo’s life. Note also that Raph is physically placed above Leo when he’s trying to save his brother, and Leo is placed physically over Raph when he’s trying to save his brother. Visually speaking, these cues are genius, and I absolutely live for that. It’s what makes both scenes so powerful without most people even realizing there was a connection or a visual representation of the emotion involved.
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More Donnie love/angst! This scene also strikes me as being incredibly boosting of Donnie’s strength. Someone else half pointed something here out, and I want to amplify it: Donnie likely has the least prowess with his ninpo/mystic powers out of the four brothers, which gives a little more meaning to this part.
Recall that Donnie was most reluctant to embrace magic, first off. One, because he has some amazing technological mastery that allows him to accomplish many of the same feats magic can, so he finds value in being able to do that without the help of some outside source that doesn’t have any connection to his ability. And, if you remember the episode where he and April visit a witch town, you know that it goes deeper than this in that he’s scared magic of any kind is in itself something that can render him obsolete; because it’s his ability with tech that defines who he is on the team, at least in his eyes.
All that to say it took him the longest to embrace and learn to use his ninpo, really. And once he did get to that point, it was made clear that he used it to enhance his mind’s ambitions and create mystic tech. He’s good at what he does, but each brother has a distinct style or purpose to their ninpo, and while Donnie’s is helpful and overall cool in its own right, by nature it’s not a protective magic like, say, Raph’s. 
So, Donnie has the least experience with his ninpo, and shield making was very definitely not his forte, which means that in this scene it can be assumed the shield he makes to protect him and Mikey is already not very strong, and as it was the Krang punched through it like it was nothing. He and Mikey are both temporarily knocked out as they’re hit out of the sky, both going completely limp in their freefall. 
(As an aside, GOSH I love Donnie being protective over Mikey, just an A+ trope. I might make a separate compilation of screenshots showcasing all the times Donnie and Mikey hung onto and protected each other, and it’s a surprisingly high count)
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Immediately after Donnie and Mikey are yote out the sky, Leo directs Raph to go save them, and I wanted to show the screenshot he does this in because I missed the tears in Leo’s eyes the first few times I watched the movie. 
Leo is utterly terrified for his brothers. Pressure is high, he only just got the four of them out of their last immediate danger, and these boys just threw pretty much everything they’ve got at a literal world-ending threat with no effect. Then, without so much as 10 seconds to breathe when coming to this conclusion, both his little brothers are knocked out of the sky, and he had to send his only big brother away to make sure they don’t straight up die, leaving Leo completely alone with an enemy he can’t seem to beat. I’d be crying too, man.
Additionally, I’ve always been curious as to how exactly Raph grabbed both Mikey and Donnie just before engulfing the three of them in a Mega-Ninpo-Raph-Projection. Now I know, and, yeah, it does look like a giant hug. I’m soft for how caringly he wraps them in his arms, almost like he’s cradling them. No doubt he’s got the same fears as Leo running through his head at a million miles a minute, and as an eldest sibling myself I’m impressed with how well he kept his composure.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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