#the characters ofc we dont ship real people here
rainingracco0ns · 2 years
Question cause your Life D&D AU has given me Brainrot: Is Jimmy or Scott the druid because one of them HAS to be it’s Flower Husbands one of them has to be a Druid.
Also my Headcanons for this include Scar clearly having Unarmored Defense and Joel is either barbarian because man goes crazy on Red or Beastmaster Ranger for the dog army.
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fellas is it gay to give a flower to your druid bro and then marry him and settle down into a beautiful flower field and you're a fighter so you learn maneuvers to protect him and he protects you and you're both boys?
also regarding your hcs i feel like scar's the type of guy to be INCREDIBLY TEMPED to take a level in barbarian for the unarmored defense and try to argue his exposed abs should give him advantage on all charisma checks HSJDJJD, but i do think he's def a college of Eloquence Bard lmao. Joel? Yes. 100% Beastmaster Ranger. He becomes a barbarian for last life lol
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stargirlie25 · 4 months
Ive come to the conclusion that Gwynriels are probably the most healthiest side of the ship war.
Its just my opinion MIND IT!
Like most elriels are sometimes anti gwyn or lucien and have a very strong ego which i wont talk much about. They can also be anti nessian (i dont mind) but also anti Nesta and most likely pro feysand.They have honestly crossed multiple boundaries with the fandom
-threats 2 sjm's family including her son-r@pe dms-shaming real people for not including something or simply saying something-
They shamed author Elena Armas for saying she leaned toward Gwynriel more so much she put it on her story
Shamed an author recently for saying sjm's outfit gave Gwyn vibes
Eluciens in terms of real life are very healthy and are honestly the smaller portion of the ship wars. However as much as it is so fun to ship elain and lucien, many eluciens hold the stance such as ''anti feysand, anti nessian, anti inner circle,anti Azriel'' There isnt anything wrong with that ofc!
Gwynriels have been involved with a bit of both. There have been real life toxic versions of them (imo not as bad as elriels) and they sometimes hate on Elain but that's pretty much it. Gwynriels are most likely eluciens so they love Gwyn,Elain,Lucien,Azriel,inner circle,valkyries,feysand,nessian and the normal. (some dont)
I feel like it we are going to continue the series, its more peaceful to just not hate the characters because honestly you might just have to find a different series because Sarah loves a lot that yall hate.
Just from my personal experience and what i have seen in like my four-ish years in this fandom. Not as long as some of you but around the time the ship wars started haha
I used to be an Elriel too because like most elriels i thought the 3sis x 3bros was perfect. Its not and im not going to talk about it here. Just saying, during those times i was disturbed by some elriels comments and how cocky and mean they could be. It was not even confidence just flat out insults,jabs and comments i hate such as ''ours is canon theirs is fanon'' ''delusional'' ''did you even read the same book'' Keep in mind the fandom was NOT the reason i switched to gwynriel/elucien so don't even try to bombarde me with all the elucien/gwynriel comments and hell yeah i know they exist.
I will forever be an elucien and love elain and lucien together and divided although some of them can be immature and they lack some understanding.
Literally all of this could apply to Gwynriel however being apart of the Gwynriel side is easiest for me!
Can any of yall agree?
Please be nice btw!
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Sonic Prime Extended Universe HCs - No Place
so we know that the Shatterverses aren’t “real,” full universes, just  distorted reflections of the Prime that aren’t fully-formed, hence why  there’s only like 6 people and two locations. However fucking around is  fun fun fun so I’m just gonna do a post for each universe dissecting  where the other Sonic Universe characters would be and what they’d be up  to. Please for the love of GOD add your own ideas/hcs in the comments I  want us all to melt into creativity mush.
No Place
sorry this is kinda short im buzzing with excitement about prime dropping tomorrow
go ask @birdsareblooming about her pirate au
As expected, Blaze and Marine’s lives are mainly unchanged. They’ve got more of a pirate aesthetic though so obviously this is a massive W
Silver’s been on more sunken ships than he can count. He’s pretty sure he’s cursed. 
Sally is the Captain of her own ship with the whole SatAM squad as the crew. If there’s no wind Dulcy just ties a harness to herself and flies the ship. And then lands in the water because they won’t let her crash on the deck anymore. Bunnie has a peg leg
Tekno’s ship can fly. dont ask how, she’s very talented.
Mighty and Ray are still very pacifistic but Ray is quite adventurous so they cross paths with quite a lot of dangerous folk in their travels. Mighty is, thankfully, very good at defending himself
The ARK was an actual arc...,.,.,
Mina is a Siren
Cosmo’s species are very landlocked, however most of the world is underwater so their land is definitely fading fast. She’s got Moana Syndrome and wants to see what’s out there!!
Nobody expects Vanilla to be a formidable adversary. They are all very, very wrong. Gemerl may be Cream’s bodyguard but his second job is holding Vanilla back
God how many times do I have to say Sticks is thriving. She really just loves chaos
You know who else is thriving? The Babylon Rogues. Wave and Rouge have a homoerotic rivalry and Jet is sooooo tired of it he sees Dread’s ship coming and starts banging his head against the mast
Hooligans are also fucking THRIVING. Fang’s ship is small but nimble, and can outpace almost any other ship. And, yes, Bean mans the cannons.
If the Zeti aren’t on their hex they have their own ship of insanity. Imagine the chaos. They’re all trapped on the ship together. Zeena has used Zor as sharkbait more than once.
A lot of the SCU humans ended up on one boat. Rachel has tried to throw Captain Tom overboard multiple times. She mutinies twice a day. It’s a tradition now. Jojo was told she wasn’t allowed to have her own sword and so she walked over to the cannons and started firing.
Morain is having the time of her LIFE. she LOVES fighting and killing and maiming and biting. Errol is a little more cautious but he cannot stop her
In LOVE with the idea of the Nocturnus being held in stasis in an undersea shipwreck. If only someone would come wake them up. Hey, Dread, let’s go swimming over here...
Breezie has her own crew and she’s #girlbossing. Bokkun on cannons ofc!
Rough and Tumble are so bad at pirating but god bless them they are trying.
Helen is really really into mermaids and Chris and Frances help her design fancy “tails” for dress-up. Chris’s family is rich so obviously he’s a prime target for pirates and he’s just like. used to it by now? Usually Helen and her mechanized chair come into save him so he’s comfortable just being damselled and hanging out in the brig. He brings his own card games for the prisoners of whoever grabbed him this time. He runs into Princess Elise like every other week and they have a competitive tally of who’s been kidnapped the most.
Tangle also has Moana Syndrome and has been desperate to go pirating since she like. came into being. Jewel is on her boat but she’s uncomfortable with violence so she just hides below deck and does all the paperwork and organization. Lanolin is the Captain because she’s the only one who can organize AND fight at the same time.
Whisper cautiously joins Lanolin’s crew after they help her out of a jam at a pirate bar. It took a while, but she became accustomed to Tangle’s wild ways and would die and kill for her.
Her previous crew was killed in a shipwreck. What killed them?
The Sonic Boom Village are all on a ship together. Zooey is shockingly one of their best fighters and Sails would probably fall in love with her instantly. Perci considers herself the crew’s guardian and is very protective of them and of the ship, which she repairs herself. Dave still can’t cook for shit and Staci somehow still has a cell phone
Starline literally fished up Surge and Kit in a net. Kitsunami is a water spirit and had his water powers naturally in this universe, and he’s bound to Surge b/c life debt or smth.
Eyepatch!Infinite or bust
Clutch runs one of those pirate hideouts, like Port Royal in Pirates of the Caribbean, and he’s got tabs on EVERYONE. He’s got dirt on EVERYONE. Don’t cross him.
Instead of a moon, The End takes the form of a swirling whirlpool.
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bulletproofscales · 4 months
Hey there, hope you’re well! Love your work, it’s amazing. Hope you don’t mind me asking, but was really interested in how you started writing BTS wg fics and which member of youe favourite to write about? always love your work and excited for whatever comes next :)
omg hiii!! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝ first of all, thank you soso much for the support?!!?!? it always makes me happy to see likes/reblogs/ao3 comments from blogs i recognize (ಥ﹏ಥ) and this ask,,, youre making my day.
i got inot a ramble so ill put one of these hehe sorry (ง ื▿ ื)ว
i dont mind the question at all!! even if i was a deep lurker in feedism communities of most of my fandoms. looking "chubby draco malfoy " into google images since 2012 ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ and later religiously following wg-writers of whatever fandom i migrated through. i would always send so many asks, and when i got into BTS i was older, and properly aware of what feedism was, and actively looking for it on tumblr. back then it was a handful of people with now deactivated blogs and @bangtanstummies (who as im writing this blog see has a deactivated blog as well :,) , i swear going through my dms is like going through a cementary) . i try to stay in touch with as many of the people now as i can!! but everyone will know im the suckiest at texts (@cookiesuga55 will know ) but id love to chat more and be more present
anyway back to the community in 2018, i really loved their stuff, and i felt like there was still room to add new ideas (which was hard in a fandom with as much fanficiton as BTS's) , thats what inspired to make my blog!! back then it was claled bangtangchub, and i didnt know how to activate my asks, bangtanstummies was the one to let me know and we even got into a discord all of us together!!! crazy times ( ◡‿◡ *) i remember being the oldest of the group👴 i was 15 at the time, some coudl argue it wasn't my place to be writing fetish fanfiction, maybe theyre right. but i found such a happy place in my fics. not only have i met some of my closest friends through here; (people ive met in real life!?!? ) but its helped me so much to find a safe place to explore my emotions, sexuality, and craft a hobby that was all my own. i dont think im that good of a writer, but i am really so proud of having stuck to something for so long, and having worked on it all by myself.
often times i feel like i lack the motivation to do anything with my life, and just all-around consider myself someone who lacks the strength and backbone to really do hard things. and i like to think of this blog, and my journey in it, as a place that proof i can... idk,, be good at things i worked hard on.
ANYWAY!! that was a long rant. As for the character i like writing the most about!! welli role play as jungkook almost daily! so i do feel a lot of myself in him. but i love writing all characters, over the years i really made an effort to not fall into a comfortable ship, because i really do think you could spin a wheel and whatever combination of bts members ahs their own unique loving dynamic.
as for things to come!! im working on a fic inspired by some art i saw recently by @gigichingado , jikook, im really liking how its turning out, and ofc because its me, its stretching out more and more in the build up ( _ _ ") . but i want it done over this week!! ps, i saw your obese tae requests, and i can definetly get something out after that (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
thank you for asking and giving me a place to rant!!
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Thoughts on wendsday i just finished it im so glad i took some time away from being busy to watch it ! I inflicted my thoughts on my discord friends even thou no one asked so here i am inflicting you with my thoughts even thou no one asked lmao (Spoilers ahead!)
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In general:
I absloutely loved the show even if it wasn't exactly accurate or true to the original characters. Its still very complex and has amazing story telling, thou im not sure diminishing the addams "kookienss" was good or not. I suppose sincei always saw the " from inside of the family to outside world" pov it seemed like the addams were the most " absurd and different" thing in thier world but now we have a " the outside world looking at the addams" pov its very different how the world sees them than how they think the world sees them which i geuss is very realistic for anyone thats "different" in any sort of way.
On Wednesday:
Anyway im conflicted alittle about Wednesday halfway she sorta became a veronica mars type of character and it wasn't really on brand of her to just stop enjoying the murder and evil and just become angry vengeful instead. I like that in the end she understood that her kookiness wasn't the problem its that the people around her were different and didn't consent/ sign up to that as she never asked just assumed they would be okay like her family is okay with her.
The rest of the characters:
The rest of the characters are all amazing i love how fleshed out everyone is even minor characters like yoko or the ones who dont get lines at all still alot of backstory and character.
My absloute faves are bianca and Xavier i was team Xavier from the start lmao i genuinely shipped them together cause like the first person to make her smile was him like come on now lmao also i hope they explore more how connected he and Wednesday are i loved that his art and dreams totally backed up her visions also the whole raven thing he keeps drawing is 👀👀👀
Im absloutely interested in Bianca's story i hope that we get more of it soon and not just a few scenes here and there.
Pugsly is such a cute weird lil kid lmao i usually dont like him but here i liked him alot. Gomez was perfect and i could see alot of him in Wednesday. Morticia at the start was just off even if her dialog was great by the second vist i could see they made her more deathly paler and her mannerisms was adjusted a lil and she became Allright. Im not sure about the lil backstory the addams had because source material wise i thought they met at her sister arranged marriage to gomez but alright i guess they went to school together 🤷🏻‍♀️
I hated Tyler from the start cause of the way he spoke without moving his mouth it was wierd like he was constipated lmao kinda thought halfway he was the monster because he just looked like him alot lmao
I still have no idea why Enid's name backwards is Dine or if its even relevant at all but i love her character she is kooky in her own way reminds me of the sub genre of Alternative fashion like pastel goth or pink lolita still very Alternative but colorful i love it
On the set, coloring and costumes:
Genuinely always my favorite thing about burton movies ( f him thou glad i pirated this) but im so happy to see some directors still use real sets and not shy away from the clutter and details i had to pause several times in one scene to take it all in and notice all the little details its amazing.
The most fascinating thing about this this the use of color ( not just lighting) but the different sets rooms having specific color themes like the window in Wednesday's room alone is the most beautiful piece of story telling ever in every scene but also somthing like the therapists office being completely biege is an amazing touch.
The costumes are okay there were moments that stood out but nothing crazy Wednesday's raven dress was ofc incredible but i like her last dress in the last scene too love the lace collar! But also the rest of the costumes were beautiful too. Im still trying to figure out the materials of Morticia's dress and how its constructed lol
And i think thats all ! I hope they really do make season 2 and stick to it (pointing a gun at netflix rn)
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sapphic-lottienat · 8 months
october 13 (faith lehane day !!)
hiii guys, so as some of you may or may not know, today is international faith lehane day!! this post may come a bit early to some because i live in australia btww
so what i believe was 25 years ago to this day, season 3 episode 3 (faith, hope, and trick) aired on american tv, and we were introduced to the character of faith lehane
faith was probably my first real celebrity crush, even though i was young-ish when i watched it. i loved her personality, her strength (both emotional and physical), and her obvious queerly undertoned relationship with buffy.
faith goes through so much heartbreak and betrayal and loss, which is why i believe that she was never a truly evil character. im probably saying things that everybody knows, but faith was a kid like buffy too. everyone talks about how buffy was so young when she had to deal with all of this stuff, but faith was young as well.
remember the impact that giles had on buffy. with him, buffy had both a mother and a father figure, completing her little family (at least, from seasons 1-4). but faith's watcher died and her parents were never there for her. she was always so lost and alone, terrified of vulnerability.
that's why when she befriends the mayor, she clings onto him, does anything for him. he is the father that she never had (to clarify, i do NOT approve of their relationship; he used and practically groomed her).
faith had it worse than buffy, and yet people still treat her like an awful person. but what did she do that was that bad? she was manipulated into aiding the mayor. she killed a man? guess what. so did giles. the circumstances were different, yes, but it was a genuine accident in faith's case.
she runs, pretends that nothing happened. because she feels SO guilty about it, and if she buries her guilt deep in her denial, she knows that she'll never have to feel it.
this all leads me onto my next point; fuffy was genuinely a much better ship than bangel or spuffy (no hate ofc, im a spuffy girl too). 
obviously, faith was not a vampire. green flag number one :)
there were always the gayest undertones with their characters (yes i know eliza played her role as if she liked buffy)
she was the healthiest fulfilment-wise?? angel and buffy obviously couldn't do anything without him losing his soul, and sleeping with spike sent buffy into such deep self-loathing. but faith was always her friend, she always went to her if she was in trouble… yall they could make out as much as they want with no repercussions.
there are also many quotes to back up my argument, soo here are some off the top of my head :)
"really, we're just good friends" (buffy)
"let's have another go, see who lands on top" (faith)
"willow said you needed me. didn't give it too much thought" (faith)
and then there's the way they look at eachother, the forehead kiss, and (my personal favourite) the way that scott hope absolutely spread the rumour that buffy was gay because he saw how faith and buffy interacted.
i dont really know what else to write so thank you that concludes my essay <3 i might write a fuffy fanfic after this actually…
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hella1975 · 2 years
heyyy hellaa, please tell us your favorite fics of all time, from any fandom, because i wanna know what makes your brain go vroom !!
three sheets to the wind by fairycake - we have sakuatsu we have found family we have pirates we have a surprisingly coherent balance of plot and fun times we have a prank war we have miya twins content we have idiotic background sunaosa we have PIRATES there is literally nothing to dislike here when i read the description of this fic i thought it would just be dumbassery but it wound up being so much more and i got so attached so quickly and the ending was just so heartfelt if i could read this again for the first time i would
burden of blame by deathbelle - OUGH the writing of this one is just. jesus christ. atsumu's characterisation? kiyoomi's characterisation? protective miya twins? the miya twins interactions themselves? if you took away the yakuza angle id be CONVINCED this was all canon bc the author just Gets the characters. maybe my fav sakuatsu fic ever
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by kittebasu - iwaoi have entered the chat!!! one thing about me is i LOVE a good recurring metaphor, but a super niche one when you can tell the author knows their shit? respectfully i am drooling. this fic is just so raw and real and it really hit home for me and even to this day when i see it im all !!!!!! a must-read for anyone in the haikyuu fandom
jaywalkers by batman - multi-ship but im gonna say it was more gen for me than anything idk if that's just bc none of my big ships were in there (aside bokuaka <3) or if i just latched onto the gen aspects but yeah u really dont need to ship any of the couples in this to absolutely be blown away by this. like holy fucking shit. this is my last haikyuu rec but it is also my first and quite possibly my favourite fic of all time. if you read anything from this whole list, read jaywalkers. i have never had a fic impact me the way this did and ive never come back to a fic so many times as i have this one bc im very much one of those people that once ive read something i dont get much enjoyment from rereading it no matter how much i like it. but idk something about jaywalkers has me in a complete fucking chokehold and has done since i read it over a year ago. the way this author writes is just so effortlessly human? like it's funny and realistic and messy and in-character and BECAUSE it's got so much dumbassery it really hits you out of nowhere when the deeper shit comes in, but it still works perfectly. ive never seen a writer so perfectly capture humanity before. whenever im struggling to flesh characters out, i return to this work and see all the effortless ways this author does that, whether it be through kei's headphones or kuroo's hair or oikawa's chameleon or every tiny tiny detail that is important enough to warrant a mention bc it's what makes these characters real. im just. god. yeah. also the final author's notes actually made me tear up
jujutsu kaisen:
found in translation by hiraethia - kai kai kai kai. GOD all of kai's fics absolutely gut me but this one just really stuck with me. kai's got such a specific writing style where she just makes really poignant and beautiful metaphors flow very easily, so it's never jarringly deep until you actually take a second to think about what you just read and you're like what the fuck and then it very much IS that deep, and that means kai gets a perfect balance of fluff and fun as well as just heart-wrenching tear your hair out kind of angst, which ofc works perfectly for satosugu
two drifters, off to see the world by quietkids - you have to have a pretty strong stomach when it comes to angst if you're gonna ship satosugu and id say i qualify for that and i also very very very rarely cry over fics, but my god something about this fic just destroyed me. im too scared to read it again. i cannot even comprehend how devastated i was upon finishing this like it wasn't even the gross loud sobbing kind of devastated it was just this awful ache that followed me around for DAYS and that takes so so so much talent any and all kudos go to this author. the thing about college-era satosugu fics that anhialates me so much is the helplessness of it. it's all so tragic and 'there is no other version of this story'. you watch them try so hard to make it work and every time without fail you know it all goes wrong anyway, the love was there but it wasn't enough. and somehow this author just grabbed that sentiment and put it into words and i just. OW
at the end of the world by freckledgeto - hi two of the bestest jjk writers are my mutuals and im bragging about it. alia wrote the itafushi (+first year trio friendship) roadtrip au specifically to hurt me im sure of it. not to get into the incredible writing parallels of jjk, but just like their predecessors, itafushi is all about that helplessness, the knowledge of how this is going to end and still trying to fight it, but while satosugu is usually very deep and dark and heavy, itafushi are the younger, fresher version, and alia writes to accommodate that so seamlessly. it's fun and silly and they're so clearly KIDS in it, and it makes it all the more heartbreaking when it stops being so fun and silly. specifically itadori's character is done beautifully in this fic, but also megumi's characterisation gave me an entire new angle on him that id never had before. the whole thing makes me want to punch a wall
where the stars do not take sides by witchofendor - honestly any fic by this author is always so well-thought out like the worldbuilding is always INCREDIBLE, but i just lovedddd this fire siblings in this and just the whole concept of it. this is my canon. i actually really want to reread this fic when i get a chance
blue by blacklipscurse - this will always always be THE zukka fic in my opinion like just JKSHGKJSHDGJH i miss when this was updating. the zuko characterisation in this is beautiful zuko and iroh's relationship is beautiful but also one thing that really stuck with me from this fic is the fire nation girls' characterisation? like ive NEVER seen a fic get azula like this but also TY LEE really stuck out to me. like she WOULD be so terrifying with her cheerfulness while she literally attacked you and this is the first time i actually felt that
feels like we only go backwards by oldpotatoe - RUBY WE MISS YOU <3 the writing of this fic is absolutely exceptional like there's a reason this fic gets so much hype. the angst? the romance? the slowburn? the falling in love twice over? the sokka and katara moments? give it to me straight into my veins pls
ozymandias king of kings by think_of_a_wonderful_thought - the first zukka fic i ever read and it's really stuck with me. ive said before but this fic really inspired me and is the reason a lot of taob is the way that it is. i LOVE zuko's characterisation in this bc he's different to canon but in a way that makes perfect sense with the divergence we're given. i also really liked hakoda in this? like not that he was being mean to zuko but just that the author wasnt scared to make him a good leader in a REALISTIC way, aka very cynical towards a fire nation prince. you'd think it would be obvious but people get very aggy when you're mean to zuko lol
salvage by muffinlance - obligatory mention <3 beloved fic <3 what to say about salvage that hasn't been said before. it's just an absolute staple of the atla fandom and CREATED its own trope that i very much capitalised off. i just think the whole concept is so so brilliant and it's such a heartfelt fic. it'll always have a very special place in my heart
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keruworld · 1 year
Why you should love Azuma Michinaga!
Actually Im not trying to convice anyone to like him. In fact if you hate him... go away plz XD... or if you want to read what I have to say... stay. OwO
I also im doing this because there’s a lot of unjustified hate towards him, that makes me wonder if we have watched the same show.
This is just my feelings about Michi... because it have been an experience to like him. He’s definitely not the type of character that I usually love, but here I’m loving him a lot. Shipping aside he’s definitely the best character in Geats for me. I will not cover shipping preferences in this because that could be another topic XD and you know... let’s be real, no matter who your fav ship in Geats is, it will never be canon. If Geats production team is pushing the AzuAce agenda is just marketing, they know very well that sells (and Im buying it XD).
I will also counter the usually speech of people that hate him: He’s evil, he kills people, he dont deserve redemtion arc... etc, etc... Excuse me? Have you pay attention to the show? Or we have not watched the same show?
So... let’s go to see why you should love Michinaga as much as Ace does:
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Those that knows me or know this blog... know already that I hated 01! I was prepared to hate Geats the same way that I hated 01 just because Yuuya Takahashi (the main writer). I didnt expect to enjoy this series as much as I do now. Moreless to love a character as Michinaga: A tsundere boy, self centered with anger problems, revenge and the desire to crush all Kamen Riders. The boy sound exactly like everything that I could hate. X,D
Michinaga was my fav from Geats pressconference... why? because he looked like a Kamen Rider Blade character... in fact he looked like the combination of Kenzaki and Hajime. (and I still have my head canon that Michi is their son X,D But that’s for another post X,D).
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So yeah my like for him in the beggining was just something totally unrelated to the show. Was just his looks. I didnt care at all for him in the first episodes... in fact I didnt care for anyone in the show. Nor Ace, Neon, or even Keiwa seems like good people to the heart in the beggining. Entering this DGP to fulfill their dreams and go with it without really asking why? how? and when? Ofc, this is what this story is about, specially with a main protagonist that we know nothing about.
Michinaga was an average character (may be annoying yes) till the moment he die in early episodes (ep 15 I believe), the scene of him dying in Ace arms was really significant, specially because is the first time we see the boy being true with his words, saying to Ace: Give me a reason to believe on you. before pass out.
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 Before the episode, every interaction of Michinaga and Ace have been interesting... because indirectly Ace have been advising him, with words: if you dont give up the chance to win will came. Surely... in those episodes Ace didnt see Michinaga as a rival at all... may be just like an annoying lad. But everything change when he returned from the dead. And this is where Michanaga character turn to get interesting for saying the least.
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This point is where Michinaga turns into what we call an antihero. He returns from dead to know the other side of the coin of the DGP. He was almost killed by Niram. He was picked up by Beroba like a playing toy without escape from the womans hand (she literaly says: join me or I kill you right here). Michinaga was pushed between the sword or the wall, something that haters tends to forget, he had no option to join to Beroba’s side (he didnt enjoy any of that).
I was totally amazed by Michinaga’s guts. The boy survived Niram deadly attack, like an annoying insect that wanted to survive. Then Michinaga state: FUCKS the DGP. He stated he wanted to crush the DGP now that he knows more than the facade. And I was: GO KING, TOTALLY DO IT, even if it destroys you!! TTATT
I became a fan of Michinaga’s guts. It was the begining of the arc 2 of the series, and I was annoyed that the series totally forgot about the mistery of the DGP and Ace and the others decided to go along with all the DGP rules. So I was all go Michi go Michi, even if he looks like he was suffering because the buckle. TTATT
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In this point we could say that Michinaga changed. Even his primary objective of revenge changed. And I was puzzled like Ace was XD because I truly didnt know what to expect from Michi. He was bad?! What he wanted to do? What the fuck is he thinking? Why he didnt join forces with Ace and others?. Deep down inside I wanted to believe that Michi was a good person even if he was converting in a Jyamato, because he didn't enjoy any of it, he didn't laugh, he didn't smile, he even had to overcome the shadow of his friend, and he did in the most cold way possible.
We could safely say that Michi fighted to the top of his position to be consider Geats rival. I believe that by the end of the JGP, Ace totally considered Michi his equall, his rival. It’s character development at his finest.
Now, since the bullgame that Beroba trampled (because she always got in the way of the true intentions of Michinaga, but he go along with her just for reach his objective) we start to know that Michinaga is not all EVIL, he even did the Bullgame for stop the casualities. And everything starts to fit together like a puzzle.
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Michinaga became the biggest hypocrite, he won even if costed him everything. And now he has the power that he wished for (and is using it for good, even Ace knows, thanks sukiyaki scene of ep36) and to this point he have joined sides with Ace to get down the DGP. I truly LOVE IT. Michiniga embodies what a Kamen Rider is to it’s core: fight evil with the power of evil.
About Michinaga being the biggest hypocrite, I just have to say that there’s no better thing than a hypocrite that knows that is hypocrite. You know... everyone in Geats is a hypocrite to a degree, even the goodest boy Keiwa, after all Geats goes by the premise: trample on the desires of others to achieve your desires.
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That Michinaga don’t deserve redemption? Why? The boy havent been bad and evil, he didnt have any option than join Beroba’s side, he didnt kill people, and all the people that died in the heaven or hell game was casualities, like any other DGP game before it. Kamen Riders couldn’t save all the people in the DGP games, there have always been people that died (like Keiwa’s parents for example). The better that our Kamen Riders could do now is to get down the DGP, Ace and Michi knows... and its only matter of time that Keiwa joins them.
Now I could truly say that I’m enjoying Geats and all it’s cast. We still have time for the power ups and for all the boys and girl to act as true Kamen Riders.
It’s a shame that Geats is not the best, but is not the worse either. I’m aware of it’s faults, may be there have been too much focus on Michi (and haters gona hate X,D)... but come on he’s great, and it’s obvious that his spotlight will have to tone down this last part.
Now there’s a lot of tiny details to say about Ace and the others (Keiwa, Neon) and also about the production, but probably I will write about it till Geats ends. We still have the last quarter to watch, there’s still things to happen. So I will wait till the end.
Thank you if you have read till here. Let’s all love Michi, because he’s more than a tsundere boy with anger problems. He’s a good boy to the heart, he’s a good little bull! U3U And like Ace, Keiwa and Neon... he deserves to be happy and smile from the bottom of his heart. TTATT
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itbmojojoejo · 1 year
Alright, i just finished watching High Life and uhhh yeah, i usually enjoy artsy thrillers etc but i have no idea how to feel about this film. Ewan was fantastic ofc, scary, but brilliant. Mans got talent. More thoughts (major spoilers and mentions of violence included) below the cut cause i need to get them out and have no one to talk about it with. 
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First things first - i would not recommend this film to anyone that is sensitive to seeing any type of violence towards women or perhaps those that are having fertility issues as i know this can be upsetting. i was already aware of the gist of the film before watching so i knew what to expect but what was unexpected is how all those moments and details were actually delivered. 
I am going to praise Ewan for his acting here before i continue on with my WTF WAS THAT thoughts. Everything ive seen him in there has been a very clear if not HUGE difference between all of his characters, that man is NOT a one trick pony at all. He left me feeling freaked out and uncomfortable with Ettore’s brutality. Im very excited to see what else Ewan does in the future because he truly is talented and thats easy to see, especially when you put dear baby monk Osferth next to Aemond, Tom Bennet and Ettore (I have not seen his other works forgive me do not come for me with pitchforks and torches) . Hes managing to provide fully fleshed out and complex characters with a few minutes on screen at a time - this man is not flipping through a script and winging it once hes on set. He is more than just a pretty face to me, i really hope he gets the opportunity for more projects to carry on dazzling us. 
Now onto the film itself - we’re told that every member of the experiment was given a life sentence or  death penalty. That experiment being - “The real goal, the film tells us verbally, is to assess how great levels of radiation impact the human body”
How does Dibs and her little fertility experiment that was further endangering the lives of the women on board fit into this? Whose idea was that? and past the point of early infancy (i.e. the incubator) there seemed to be nothing on board this ship to accommodate a child. Dibs was clearly a convicted killer just like the others had been, she confirmed to Boyse she smothered her own children and used a knife on her husband. Was her clear obsession with Monte all because of his chastity too? and what was her being in the box all about with that furry thing that caressed her??? im confused at that. 
We know that the prisoners files are on board because Willow tells Monte she read his, so if the captain and Dibs knew what crimes people had committed what reason did they have to restrain the women to their beds in unlocked sleeping quarters??? Thats a problem waiting to happen. They could have avoided that whole situation with Ettore. Why were they even restrained in the first place? And why was Nansen in sleeping quarters with the men? Where did Dibs sleep? Did she ever sleep?
I think a little background info on all of the people would have been nice too, nothing big just a little tid bit, we know why Monte was there, we caught a glimpse of the life Boyse had but past the train thingy we dont know what she did. Tcherny mentions he thought joining the experiment would be honourable after bringing shame to his wife and son, and if i hadnt read the plot pre watch i wouldnt of got that he committed suicide (this could be something i’d pick up on with a rewatch but im not sure thats going to happen). And i dont think Nansen,  Mink or Elektra are referred to by name at all??? (again i could of just missed this while questioning wtf i was watching)
Boyse and Monte - what was their little connection that was hinted at all about? the side eyes, she cut him, he punched her, then they held hands??? explain pls.
And if Dibs was so set on having a baby on board why did she then throw herself off the ship? The injuries she got from Mink didnt seem to be life threatening? Did anyone notice that the women had more violent deaths depicted than the men too? What was that ship with just dogs on it about? And lastly - the films ending, did they die? is that what that was???
If anyone wants to chat about this please feel free!
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petphantoms · 4 months
the abusive flower husbands thing does actually just come across as homophobic at some point. interpreting things in your own way is all well and good but as a gay man seeing people who are not gay men (from a lot of what I've seen anyway, not saying it's true for everyone), bending over backwards to say "no really they're abusive because I'm going to take these jokes and bits completely literally" it feels bad actually. I'm also not cool with the way people also tie this into scott being aro, bc I'm also aro and implying that he's abusive because he is aro is bad actually! sorry i really don't want to start anything this has just really been bothering me and you're the first to actually bring it up. it just has uncomfortable ties to the way people treat scott (as a character and as a real life person) as a gay man, and i think people should be more critical of these patterns
i had no idea scott was aro? huh! so i wont be able to comment on that fully because i havent seen it personally used as a point of discussion but that's really interesting..and im sure ur telling the truth i just. i havent seen it so i cant say much about my experience with it
other than that, yeah! like i said in my rb response, people dont tend to give the way that joel and grian and etc all bully jimmy the same treatment, where theyre Also horrible and abusive to jimmy etc, it just. it strikes me?
i know not EVERYONE who is interpreting FH as abusive hates scott or is even homophobic but it does just come off weird when people just don't seem to like... enjoy. the people involved at all. ... i enjoy some problematic ships because im interested in the dynamic and how things happened and the outcome, um. .. not because i hate this other guy??
idk if that makes any sense. id love to talk about the nuance and importance of media analysis and interpretation/representation of problematic relationships whether they be intentional or not but thats not rly what ur here for.
personally i do love discussion so if you have more shipping takes i am literally all ears, even if i disagree i really enjoy trying to understand different perspectives, which is a huge reason why i even made that post in the first place. it was a cry of frustration and confusion with what i was seeing because i had no context.
anyways everyone please remember we love eachother and to be civil and that im just here for discussion and understanding. i dont think FH is abusive personally, to me it reads as very just messing around and rough housing in a bad and unfamiliar situation (the life series is not like. a kind game, and 3l was the first! ofc theyre gonna be less comfortable).
i dont think its actually indicative of anyones personal beliefs unless theyre being freaks but i would implore everyone regardless of what you do or dont like both CCs and ships and etc to like. ask yourself why you dont like it, and where you're getting that information from, ykwim?
ok ty for the ask nonnie xx -🍄
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fibtf · 7 months
〘.◌◦ !WELCOME! ◦◌.〙
What is this blog for?
This blog was created with the aim of presenting, talking and updating about the FIBTF au, with all its details and characters, as well as being one of the places where the comic will be posted
Five Is Better Than Four is an alternative universe from the series Rise of The TMNT (ROTTMNT). This au have a new protagonist: Cristina! (reference coming soon) A 5th turtle, the second oldest and strongest of the group. She's the most crazy and imature from the five turtles. Also, have new characters, made by me and from the other reboots of tmnt: Made by me: The Unde-Undergrounds (reference coming soon) Alex (reference coming soon) Jamie (reference coming soon) Robin (reference coming soon) Marcus (reference coming soon) Jonathan [made by betle justin] (reference coming soon) From the other reboots: Usagi (reference coming soon) Mona Lisa (reference coming soon) Ice cream kitty (reference coming soon) Leatherhead (reference coming soon) Mondo Gecko (reference coming soon) Miwua (reference coming soon)
In the first season, in the beggining of it, she and the others (raph, leo, donnie and mikey) was in normal adventures, going behind villans. Cristy was allways bad at her ninpo, but in the middle os the season she have the first real contact to her ninpo, and also some tipe of spirit, who gide her to the final and the middle of the 2nd season. Also, after this conection, she was went after a search to know the question her father never tell them trully: The real and full hamato clan history. In the second season, the things be more hard for the five, more problems, more fights betwen them, and cristy was literally on the edge of a seveal depression, because the shredder and the family problems. But then the question goes to her head: Who are they really? The third season talk more about their good/bad future and who it gona be. But the history of this universe dont just go to a search, but also a lot of adventures gona hapen with Raph, Leo, Donnie, Mikey and, ofc Cristy. OBS: This au had a lot references of series like Broklin 99, Steven Universe and The Amazing World of Gumball OBS: This is a "musical au", that means, this au have A LOT of episodes and references from musics from bands and singers so if you dont like music (what human being dont like music idk but have crazy people for everything) or musical referenced series/comics is better dont read it. Some of the mainly bands/singers will be are: AJR, Cody Fry (mainly this two), Imagine Dragons, Odetari, 2wei, and also other musicans.
Ships not canonical between the characters of the history
NSFW fanarts of the au
Alternative universes/ideas of the au
Comics about it
Other things please ask =D
Where can I read the comics? You can read them here on tumblr or on Tapas Need to pay for read the comic? Nope! Not one cent. But we are open for support from everyone! The au gona be just comics? Nope! The history gona be in the form of comic, but some parts of episodes or some entire episodes gona be animatics/animations! When the au gona be released? Problably the first episode gona be at december of this year (2023), but have more chances that the mostly episodes gona be released at january of 2024. How can i call the au? You can call it Five Is Better Than Four, FIBTF or 5/4.
#desing ⇾ Final design of the au characters #characters ⇾ Abt the characters #concept art ⇾ First idea/sketch from the au and it characters #news ⇾ Atualizations and news about the au #cristyff ⇾ Cristy art #leoff ⇾ Leo art #raphff ⇾ Raph art #donnieff ⇾ Donnie art #mikeyff ⇾ Mikey art #duos ⇾ Art from the au duos #l&c ⇾ Leo and Cristy duo #d&c ⇾ Donnie and Cristy duo #r&c ⇾ Raph and Cristy duo #m&c ⇾ Mikey and Cristy duo #lmc ⇾ Leo, mikey and cristy trio #dlc ⇾ Donnie, leo and cristy trio #rcm ⇾ Raph, Cristy and Mikey trio #dcr ⇾ Donnie, Cristy and Raph trio
Tags you can use
#fiveisbetterthanfour #fiveisbetterthanfourau #fibtfau #rottmntfibtf
〘.◌◦ That's all, thank you for reading! ◦◌.〙
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astharoshebarvon · 1 year
Finally saw wanda vision after two years and wow, she really was trash. I am hoping miss brainwasher remains dead and buried. On one hand we have bucky who is so traumatised by what he did and then we have this horrid woman. Vision deserved better than kid stealer. No wonder those kids were afraid of this supposed “hero” and wanted their actual mother not this creature.
Loki show is so bad, ended up finish seeing it too. Why’d they create something this insulting? They could have just said, we hate Loki so much and are jealous of his fame and popularity that we’ll do everything in our power to demean him. That sif scene still gives me the creeps, Loki owed her nothing. She can go to hell. As for slyvie, that wasnt Loki no matter what people think. The mary sue ofc, cause thats what she was, she is not Loki in any way or form. Her character could be found in any ofc/character story or the homophobic ones where the sub male in MM ship is turned into a vile self insert/ofc.
It’s funny how even most horrid and gross female characters are treated by at least part of fandoms as great, even pedo women. Sorry, if I can sit here and call Sesshoumaru a lowlife, then so should horrid women be called so too if they are that. I guess these are the kind of people who shout in affair, husband is wrong.
No, the woman he is cheating his partner with is just as trashy and gross. It’s kind of scary how much female characters get away with just because they are female.
If what the know it all did to Ron had been done by a male, the boy would have been reviled like anything. The way Fleur was treated by females is horrifying at best and disgusting at worst.
No wonder people scream in slash fiction, dont treat female characters badly when they are outright insulted, killed in fm fiction. Don’t be so tired, just say you hate MM ships and go.
Then we have real weirdos who think their opinion is shared by all fans of that MM ship, they actually claim everyone cares about the vile female character. No, if you want to worship some horrid female character who is literal trash and bring her into the gay ship time and again, where the dom male actually insults his supposed love, the other male for this trash female in fic then thats entirely on you. Dont presume everyone shares your views. Maybe just admit you hate the sub male of that ship and shut up.
And its hilarious as hell those females characters are never mentioned in the homophobic, self insert stories or in fm.
These are the kind of people who would adore, love Caroline Bingley if darcy/elizabeth dynamic was in a MM ship. They would have Darcy like male be with caroline, would insult elizabeth like male and some creeps would say, we love caroline. The double standards are baffling to say the least.
I am so happy this kind of behaviour is actually called out in MM novels, literally no one wants to sit and read about some gross female character in gay erotica where she just creates problems and problems for the couple and is terrible all around.
Whenever I see stuff like this I am reminded of merope gaunt. At this point its not even shocking that people defend this rapist and blame the rape victim for leaving her horrid self.
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Hi so I hope it's okay if i get something off my chest real quick, so like a week ago i took one of those little online tests but to see if a person was aro or whatever and i went in thinking "heh yeah i'll do this real quick just for the fun of it, im like 90% sure i ain't aro cause i've dated before so might as well" and i got the result of Grey-aro? Which i never heard of before so i ofc googled it (the test didn't explain it) and I laughed of course cause like i've dated a person before so i've had romantic feelings so definitely can't be that
But, when i thought about the time i dated that person, i can't tell if i dated them because i was attracted to them or if it was because i really wanted another close person to talk to? Cause when we eventually broke up (we dated for about 6 months) i wasn't all that hurt about it? I mean when they told me that they wanted to split i was a little hurt cause i thought i was losing them forever, but we still chatted just the same after (until we slowly stopped) and after like a week i didn't feel anymore pain from the breakup
And ever since then i've been really thinking about all the times i felt attracted to people, like yeah i would love to fuck them but like...nothing really else?? I mean i've always assumed i'd eventually get married to any gender (i am bi) but now idk and it's so confusing because as i've said i haven't dated much and i dont really know many people irl so i can't like really "test" i guess? whether or not i'd wanna date anybody
And another thing that confuses me is that i am an avid shipper, i love reading and writing ships and even reader inserts which is why im seriously doubting wheter or not i am grey-aro cause i've written so many reader inserts about my favorite characters that i find hot like kinda being romantic toward the reader so idk if that means i would want to date people?? I just don't know and it's hurting my brain when i really try to think it out 💀
And i don't wanna say that i am grey-aro cause i feel like i'd be faking it and i don't want people to yell at me, but i'm just so confused 😭
Sincerely, a very confused blueberry
You can identify as anything you want, and no-one should punish you for how you feel. However, if grey-aro is going to make you uncomfortable, it is entirely okay to not identify as anything in particular. You could just go on with life, and if you fall in love with someone, that's awesome, but if you don't, that's awesome too.
Arospec people can definitely ship though, and I know several arospecs who love the kind of fics you mentioned.
Again, no-one should make you feel like your identity isn't valid, whether you identify as grey-aro or not.
I hope you find peace in whatever you decide, and I'm always here if you need to get something off your chest <2
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
Uwah, introduction post, here we go!
🩷About me🩷:
My names are Steven / Sona / Tea / Peri / Spin, I don’t mind which one you use!
My pronouns are he/him, they/them, and kit/kitz. Either is fine to use!
I’m 14 years old.
I’m a blk self taught artist. I’m trying to learn Spanish, Korean, and Japanese. But I mainly speak English.
🫧About this blog🫧:
This blog is both for my art, reblogs and writings (fanfics, character desc etc) bc I don’t feel like making another blog.
This blog is SFW, but I do sometimes draw gore/body horror/nudity etc, but I’ll tags them with tws like “// body horror, // blood, //gore” etc. don’t be afraid to ask me to tag things!
Ofc, I do tag spoilers for things I draw.
I don’t care ab ppl spam like/rebloging me lol, go wild.
🌸About my art🌸:
I use ibisPaintx for my digital drawings!
I’m multifandom but it’s 9999% batdr/batim/my su au / ATA and ocs and 1% other stuff
I don't do commissions, but I will accept art trades!! :o]
I do take requests but try to keep it in fandoms I know and am currently into!
I don’t care about others using my art/ocs/designs as heavy ref, or inspo, I’d greatly appreciate it if you’d credit me when doing so however!
If you repost my work, please ask first and credit.
Tracing my art is okay for practice or study, if you do post it, all I ask for is credit!
Idc ab my work being used for PFPs, headers, boards, covers etc. all I rlly ask for is credit.
If you make fanart of my OCs/designs, don’t be afraid to tag me! I absolutely adore fanart!!
(What I say in my DNI is final, I will not debate about it so don’t start arguments with me, please!)
Racist, homophobic, transphobic etc. General dni criteria
People who think “black washing” is real
Ofc, ppl who whitewash.
If ur an nsfw acc (cuz I’m a minnnor!)
If ur a proshipper or an disrespectful/toxic “anti”. Like please, don’t interact with me /srs
If u support any stated above. Idc ab the “separate art from artist” mentality, I don’t care, go away.
Anyone I block, or mute. (Please don’t try to evade or constantly ask questions on why I blocked u if I did. It’s not that big of a deal.)
BC/Reese/Pandora’s curse supporters.
Please, DONT argue with me over ships, if I block you because you posted ship art I don’t condone, don’t like, or don’t feel comfortable seeing, don’t try and argue, please. I block ppl over certain ships for a reason. (Like lapidot, japis, or gregpearl)
All I ask is that you be decent rlly.
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Enjoy ur stay! 💗
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ihatebnha · 3 years
With the beauty stuff going on here- think Bakugo and Shoto (maybe Shinso?) would comfort their s/o in regards to not entering certain clothing stores? I can't go into a lot of them because all/the majority of their clothes are for skinny/petite women and I can't fit into it. Plus, with all the good looking girls who work in those stores I can't help but compare myself and see the trash I am. Sometimes I get physically sick if I walk into the stores because its so overwhelming. Sigh. Wish those boys would be a comfort, but they'd probably just be awkward or break up wif me. Especially explody boy.
Legend... the only thing that’s trash here is your garbage attitude! I wanna let you know that I’m on the tubbier side, too... so when you say you’re trash, you’re calling me trash, too... and I honestly don’t like that nor do I agree... (and trust me, I hate fitting rooms too... why do you think i only wear pajamas all the time?)
because the truth is...YOU’RE NOT! You just live in a world that favors conventionally attractive and skinny people over everyone else. Obviously it isn’t bad to be either of those things, but we all have a duty to work hard at rewiring our brains to reevaluate society’s sense of beauty (esp since its very eurocentric, too). 
it’s also funny you sent me this because I honestly believe that all the boys in bnha like chubby girls (but ofc they don’t discriminate)! im very genuine when i say that EVERYONE is their ideal type, and i could honestly talk for hours about how they’re too busy being heroes to give a crap about petty things such as looks and weight. 
the truth is, “real men” (and real partners, for that matter) don’t care if you’re heavy, have beauty marks, anything, so therefore... the bnha boys dont mind those things, either. 
plus lmfao... todo, bakugo, and shinso are all actually in my top list of chubby chasers soooo (although im biased and think every character is on that list tbh)... 
none of them would break up with you for your insecurities! They of all people understand what it’s like to be ashamed of things (as Bakugo faces feelings of inferiority, Shinso has his quirk, and Todo’s family is bananas), so they would only want to comfort you if you ever expressed your concerns. 
Not to mention, they all seem like the type to be in a relationship for the long haul... So if they’re already dating you, it means they’re in it FOR LIFE🤞🏻
Which is why, none of what you do could ever bother them... and as for comforting... 
I don’t think either Bakugo, Todo, or Shinso are really going to notice if you don’t want to or can’t go into certain clothing stores. They’re heroes (and boys for that matter💀) with a lot on their mind, so if you mention you don’t like shopping somewhere, they’re just going to assume that you either don’t feel like it or it’s not your style. 
Their heads don’t really connect your insecurities with your shopping preferences, simply because they assume you already know what you like to wear and where you like to shop.
In Shinso’s case, while I can see him picking up on some of your subtleties, such as avoiding certain stores and/or sections, he’s probably not really going to think it’s a serious issue or bring up the topic unless you initiate the conversation yourself, mostly because he (doesn’t want to be at the mall) assumes you already know that he likes your body and really doesn’t care what you wear. 
That being said, when you are in fitting rooms together, he gets pretty handsy even before you start getting frustrated by things. Definitely distracts you from doing anything by whistling at you or grabbing at your thighs and pulling you between his legs from where he sits on the tiny stool they’ve provided... Also probably puts in some effort beforehand too, helping you pick out things that he likes and are more likely to fit in the first place.  
Bakugo is pretty similar to this, as well. With his parents working in the design industry, he definitely has a good eye for sizing and can help you pick out the most accurate things for your body type. He’s actually really useful because you can hold up anything, and he’ll generally have a pretty good idea on whether the style will suit you or not, and if it’s in the right size. This makes trying things on a bit more bearable, as you honestly end up fitting everything you bring into the changing room. 
He’s also good to shop with because he’s probably not gonna let you go to any shitty clothing stores either... So wherever you end up going is probably gonna have better stuff that’s in every size, anyway (it’s literally like 2200 and people have quirks... you can’t tell me stores would have things for literally every shape). The nice thing about this too is that everything you end up getting is super comfortable for that exact reason. 
Definitely can stay pretty serious in the dressing rooms... but you have to be careful because the moment you guys get home he’s gonna be horn-nee. 
Todoroki, on the other side of all of this, is literally motherfucking useless. It’s not that he doesn’t want to be comforting, it’s just he really just doesn’t put the puzzle pieces of your insecurity together AND thinks you look good in everything, regardless... so even if you tried to explain why you hate shopping, he’s just like “but everyone has things they don’t fit?” 
HOWEVER..... the redeeming quality about him is.... HE IS RICH!!! And probably grew up with a tailor, and/or at least a family stylist, so once you’re in with him, he just adds you onto the bill for that, too. Say goodbye shopping, hello to having clothing that fits you shipped right to your door... (and Todo just loves staring at you while you get measured for outfits). 
SO.... sorry for my earlier harshness... it’s just because I love and care about you sooooo much!! as well as understand what it’s like to feel like a freak in forever 21... 
ANYWAY... here’s just some little things I wanted to include, too! 
I used to think that Bakugo wouldn’t have a preference for thick girls, but then I saw this tik tok that was like, “my attractive friends always ask me where all the hot and fit boys are.... in these guts bitch” and my perspective changed entirely... I just know a beefy boy like him who has a mean mommy LOVES curves... like you can’t tell me he doesn’t see your belly and absolutely melts... like that shit is straight FAXXXXXXXXXXX no printer... (i also saw a tik tok today that was like, “would you fuck me if i was skinny? and the person said “i would fuck you right now.” and tbh that’s big baku energy LOL) 
Todoroki also definitely gives me vibes where if you’re like, “but i look ugly in ____,” he’s just like, “doesn’t matter, it’s you.” AND YES TBH i cried
AND shinso... god tbh shinso is the guy that all your friends are jealous of bc he’s the one who’s like, “I like my women with meat on them” because he doesn’t believe in skinny culture or diets... he wants you chubby bc chubby just kinda looks more correct.... tbh king shit
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dawnsdarkside · 3 years
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     alright i dont have the patience to make something fancy so imma keep it real simple. i hit +305 followers today and i wanna do a little giveaway to thank you all for enduring my antics on a daily basis. this community isnt without its issues but its been a really good time overall and i dont know how to word my appreciation other than by spoiling people. so here we go !
   first winner gets to pick a vision or any item below;    second winner gets a genshin impact planner or any item below;    third, fourth and fifth winners get to pick between a slime plush or a character bracelet;
quick rules !
only those among those first 305 followers are eligible;
only enter if you’re +18 and are willing to provide your info + address (privately ofc) so these can be shipped to you;
im running this until 1.4 because im hyped af, so until march 15th 11:59pm EST
how to enter:
     tell me, either by replying directly to this post or by reblogging it, what it is you love about writing your muse. not about writing in general like character development and fixing canon and whatnot - but what it is about your muse specifically that makes you feel so inspired.
if you’re a multi-muse and don’t have a main muse or one you’re especially feeling lately, tell me about your first or pick one at random.
bonus points for telling me what’s been your favorite writing experience with said muse so far. and i mean actual bonus points. you get one entry for the former and a second entry for the latter.
i’ll tally everyone’s contribution in a numbered list and then pick the winners using RNG.
Hopefully this is clear enough, and if not, please just ask ! I hope some of you have fun with this and regardless, a big thank you for the continued support once again !!
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