#thats bs
gingerbread-qwq · 8 months
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 5 months
not intending to be mean I am new here seeing your post I am curious. I don’t know how this place is so far. but do queer members support not queer pairs? does it go one way or two ways?
they def do!! ofc probs not everyone, but ik i love plenty of the non queer pairings here. but, you also have to realize it can be difficult to support some of them when they show no love or appreciation towards queer characters and creators. it can be hard, ESPECIALLY in straight white choices fandom, to find creators with straight (or straight presenting) pairings that also include queer characters in their hc or at least appreciate others queer characters. but, as a queer creator, it's next to impossible to support someone who clearly doesn't like or appreciate you and people like you. even if it's not blatant queerphobia, it's pretty obvious
so while id say yeah, most queer people here support non queer pairings, we're not going to support queerphobic creators
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leonleonhart · 2 years
dai developers: oohhhh we need a design for the big fear demon. whats scary? war? disease?nah too conceptual. lets just go with spiders
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catt-crossing · 1 year
Afaik the people on tumblr live aren't tumblr users. At all. They're essentially just partnering with whoever does the video stuff and through that they get broadcasted to tumblr. But theyre just influences from other sites
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based-kami · 2 years
At least go thru the manga & post different caps Goddam
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iciclesses · 6 months
141 x super fem reader <33
Price loooves that you love all those tooth rottingly sweet pet names. Pet, puppy, honey, angel, baby, sweetheart, good girl, sweet girl, princess, darling, honeybee, starlight, sunshine; you name it, Price has called you it. A thrill running down his spine at how he can call you a simple name and make you squirm and blush and smile. The prettiest, sweetest smile in the world and Price can never resist kissing it off of you.
Soap who loves to take care of your hair for you. Dyeing it, brushing it, straightening it, braiding it, washing it, conditioning it. All of it. He's got strong hands that love to carefully tangle themselves in your hair to massage oils directly into your scalp. Drags a brush through your hair with gentle attention until the brush combs through without a single hitch or knot. Buys you sweet smelling perfumes that you purposefully spray into your hair. You can see him swoon each time you spin your head around, your flowery lovely perfume instantly filling his senses.
Gaz who loves giving you the full princess treatment. You have to bully him into leaving his wallet at home after one too many times of you going shopping together and each thing you look at for a little too long Gaz is pulling his card out to purchase. Opens every door for you, from buildings to his car to your bedroom. Puts careful time and attention into every date- he surprises you with how skilled his cooking is. When you ask when and why he learned it, you see him turn away bashfully. His smile blinding when he looks back to you and says, "Well, I just learned it for you..."
Ghost who finds the little soft things around him and brings them to you. Like a crow collecting shiny trinkets, he goes to Paris? Comes home with a replica of a fine painting he saw in a museum there in his off time. A soft, satiny ribbon he finds overseas finds its way home to be your favorite hair accessory. That time he spent in Greece, the dress he brought you home was so soft and dainty you could weep- handmade, too. An absolute heirloom gem you felt you couldn't wear but he insists you wear it, spins you around in it to get a full view. Slow dancing together and he's so overcome with emotion he has to whisper: "You're so beautiful, love."
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bottombaron · 7 months
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oh ok so its the usual no-homo bullshit you always hear, good to know.
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evilesbiautism · 4 months
The most common argument you'll hear against self diagnosis is that people will fake being [X] for attention. But every disabled person, physical or otherwise, knows this could only work in online spaces - the world was not made for us, and brandishing your disability as a badge of honor that gives you ~special privileges~ is such a funny idea.
Like, honey - that doesn't happen. No one gets anything from being disabled. Maybe extra accommodations if you're lucky - but nothing else. And the internet isn't as important as you seem to think - eventually it just feels hollow.
Ask disabled people how often they had to fight to get diagnosed so their medical needs could be met and their complaints would be heard. Doctors are just hardwired to delay this as much as possible.
I knew I was autistic since late 2018 - I got an official diagnosis 4 months ago. Knowing yourself and how you can make your own life easier is a lifesaver.
And this isn't even going into how many *cons* there are to a professional diagnosis, like being met with disdain at best and denied services at worst.
I don't care if a 16 year old who self diagnosed after taking 1 online quiz about autism is wrong. And honestly I think it's weird people treat this 'issue' with so much hatred.
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justshannanigans · 6 months
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I get camera mods for One Joke Only
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birdsareblooming · 2 years
"whY iS SoniCs VoiCe lOWer??" HE IS TAKING TESTOSTERONE!!!!!!!!!!
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dizzybizz · 4 months
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sleepy gill and gill with the bubbled evil cat
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stealingpotatoes · 15 days
Thoughts on count dooku? Hes one of my all time favorite characters in star wars (i blame dooku: jedi lost by cavan scott)
HE IS SUCH AN INTERESTING CHARACTER like?? guy who basically sees exactly how the republic's gonna mess w the jedi but then leaves a bit too hard and ends up as a sith. thats so COOL we love a good accidental corruption arc and tragedy
ik we have TotJ to kinda make up for it, but clone wars underutilised that man to oblivion. like in the movies they poke at him being a former jedi (but maybe not enough) and they make him to be at least a bit complicated. then in tcw he just became a moustache twirling villain who's evil bc he's evil. like COME ON i get not doing it so much in the movies, you have less time, this is a 7-season show where the 3 main protags are all from dooku's lineage and you're not gonna ONCE explore this or how qui-gon's death changed all of their (ok less so soka's) lives forever???? not gonna explore how dooku is a fallen jedi like anakin will be or have dooku try to reason w obi wan over qui gonn???? nothing??? ur just gonna make him go round murdering everyone with no motivation and not be the cool collected elder-statesman-and-former-jedi we know???
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thefrogdalorian · 4 months
A little love letter to Din Djarin writers... 🤍
I love that some of you write him as soft and gentle while others focus on the darker, harsher parts of his personality. I love that he can be both a quiet, kind man caring for his child or an intimidating, terrifying bounty hunter who is a lean, mean killing machine... depending on what the fic warrants.
I love how you write him with other characters from The Mandalorian or even with those who would never cross paths with him in canon, from Star Wars or elsewhere. I love how you write him interacting with yourselves and us, and some of you even create your own original characters to exist a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away alongside him.
I love that some of you ship him with that one other special person, while others recognise how desirable he is and ship alllllll the ships. Not forgetting those of you which are here for none of those ships and/or even headcanon him as ace. I love that any of those options allow you to explore your own identities and sexualities through him.
I love that you can write the most tooth-rotting fluff or filthiest smut, and all of those things in between. Whether it's for general audiences or explicit and strictly 18+ ... all of your fics have an audience and someone out there who appreciates your writing.
I love how differently you can interpret him, but there are also so many common themes and tropes running through your writing. I love that there is room for all of your Dins here.
I love that he means so much to you and that all of us here hold him in our hearts a little bit. I love that we can all watch the same episodes and come to entirely different conclusions about him. I love how much we love him.
Getting to be a part of this wonderful community and interact with so many people who love the space tin can man as much as I do has truly been one of the best things that happened to me recently. I'm so glad I made this little blog... It reminded me just how good fandom can be. I am blown away by the number of talented people here!
So, I just wanted to take a moment to express some gratitude towards all of you! Thank you for writing your Dins and please don't ever stop. Finally.... last, but not least:
I love Din Djarin!!!
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xamaxenta · 4 months
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@itsthefandommash aaaangel im so sorry this took me so long i was suckerpunched by the depression this past weekend and i was struggling with literally everything and all basic tasks and its been exhausting and disheartening but i enjoyed the small serotonins in drawing marcoace 🥺❤️ thank you for commissioning me and forcing me to draw two characters together it was rough i definitely need more practice but this is a start
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ssaseaprince · 9 months
Can we talk about how Derek obviously has a type because Spencer and Penelope are so similar.
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perereiii · 1 month
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