living-on-the-virge · 8 months
crazy that even all these years later i still cant let this blog go.
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living-on-the-virge · 3 years
Just wanted to make sure, you are an adult correct? I don’t want to interact with a minor about smut
yeah i am!
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
Alright, time to get festive (dw, I'll tag all the Christmas fics with #christmas so anyone who doesn't care for/is triggered by the holiday can avoid them)
Give me a prompt number and a ship! (No Remrom, Logicality or Prinxiety)
Festive Prompt List
“Is that mistletoe?”
“Are you- are you pulling down mistletoe?”
“I don’t care about tradition, you try and get me to kiss you under the mistletoe and I will punch you”
“If I hear one more Mariah Carey song I will riot”
“Remind me why I can’t kill the carolers?”
“Hum one more note of that carol and I will stab you”
“My house, my rules. The Christmas music stays on” 
“If you throw that snowball you’re declaring war”
“You’re kidding, right? I’m not going out in that snow storm!”
“I don’t care what you say, The Nightmare Before Christmas works for Christmas and Halloween”
“I can’t believe you did all this, for me”
“You don’t have to go to all this trouble, you know”
“You didn’t really think I’d let you spend Christmas alone, did you?”
“You’d make a really terrible Santa”
“It’s a time of good will, not whatever the hell you’re doing”
“Aren’t you just Santa’s Little Helper?”
“You call this decorated?”
“How on earth did you get tinsel there?”
“Wow, you really go overboard with decorations, don’t you?”
“It looks like Santa threw up here”
“What are you doing to that poor wrapping paper?”
“Exactly how much more hinting do I have to do?” 
 “Have I told you how much I hate Christmas shopping?”
“Secret Santa is bullshit”
“Tell me what you want for Christmas”
“Why are you so impossible to shop for?”
“Can’t I just give you $20 and you can buy something for yourself?”
“Please tell me you aren’t searching my room for where I’ve hidden the presents”
“I thought we weren’t doing gifts!”
“I got you a Christmas sweater!”
“How many Christmas sweaters do you own?”
“You’re wearing the Santa hat, whether you like it or not”
“One normal Christmas, that’s all I wanted”
“I’m sure what ever threat is out there can wait until after Christmas dinner”
“You invited how many people over for Christmas dinner??”
"You really can’t cook, can you?”
“Who the hell turned off the oven?!” 
“This calls for eggnog” 
“I can’t believe no one has spiked the eggnog yet”
“Just how much eggnog have you had?”
“I’m starting to regret having taught you about gluhwein”
“Oi! That’s my hot chocolate”
“Spam is not a suitable replacement for turkey”
“No offence meant, but I do not trust you to carve the turkey”
“I don’t care about anything else, the pudding is all that matters”
“Hey, binge eating at Christmas is totally justified!”
“You made gingerbread zombies?”
“Step away from the cookies.”
“Who ate all the advent calendar chocolates?!”
“Normally I’d say no, but I’m on my 14th candy cane, so why not?” 
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
Hello I just wanted to give you this, 🎁 Inside is all the love everyone has for you
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
Hello, can you do intrulociet with “hurt/comfort 7”. Thank you 💚💙💛
Prompt: “hey i know you’re hurting, but you’re not alone in this, okay?”
CW: Intruloceit, Creativitwins; Angst between the twins, I kept thst part vague so you can decide what happened for yourself. Hurt/Comfort.
Remus screamed. He screamed and screamed until his throat was raw and his eyes burned with tears, cheeks hot and red and hands curled into fists so tight his knuckles were white. He screamed until his voice cracked and died out, becoming nothing more than soft whimpers and sniffles.
He stood up. His joints cracked as he stretched out, having been knelt on the floor of his bedroom for god knows how long. He wiped away his tears and let out a sigh.
"Remus? Dearest, open the door?"
Logan. Remus hid his face in his hands and bit back a groan. He couldn't deal with a lecture, not yet. Not right now. He needed to calm down, needed—
"Darling please, we're worried."
Janus? Remus paused, slowly lowering his hands as he stared at his door. There was a knock, followed by a muffled sigh from Janus.
".. Maybe he needs space, Lo."
"After what happened with Roman? Remus? He isn't one for hiding away, love."
"I know..."
Remus's shoulders dropped and he snapped his fingers, his door clicking open. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around himself, sinking back down onto the floor. Janus and Logan ran over, both kneeling either side of him.
Janus's arms wrapped around Remus tightly, pulling him close. Remus nuzzled his face against Janus's neck as Janus whispered soothing words to him. Logan rested a hand gently on Remus's back.
"I know you're hurting, dearest," Logan said softly. "But you're not alone in this, ok? We're here for you."
"We love you," Janus added.
If you like my writing and wanna help me out a little, here's a link to my Kofi!! Anything is appreciated.
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
Hurt/Comfort # 1 "how long has it been since you last slept?" with intrulogical ^.^
Prompt: "How long has it been since you last slept?"
CW: Intrulogical; Sleep deprivation, overworking, brief hint at sex but it's pretty tame.
Remus stretched his arms over his head, grinning tiredly at the satisfying crack of his joints. He rubbed his eyes, sore and red from the hours he'd been staring at his laptop screen. He scratched his nails against the peeling stickers on his laptop, his mind wandering to anything but the project he'd been working on.
Remus turned around, smile widening when he saw Logan standing in the doorway. "Logan baby! Miss me already? Breakfast wasn't that long ago."
Logan frowned and crossed his arms. "... No, dearest. It's late, you've been in here all day." He took a couple steps forward, ignoring the scattered mess on the floor as he squinted at the laptop screen. "What are you doing?"
"I had an idea! I had to write it down. This is just the rough draft, there's still so much detail I want to add—" Remus's excited rambling trailed off when he noticed the look on Logan's face. ".. Do you... Do you not like it? It's just a draft, I can make it better, I can—"
"You did all of this today?" Logan asked.
Remus didn't like not being able to read his tone. He shook his head. "I've been working on it since yesterday afternoon. I could've gotten more done but then Patton called us for breakfast, so—"
Remus stopped. "Yeah?"
"How long has it been since you last slept?"
And there it was, the soft expression and concerned tone. Logan's hand gently rested on Remus's shoulder, spinning him around in his chair to face him properly. Then he cupped Remus's face, thumbs gently rubbing his cheeks. Remus sighed and leaned into the touch.
"I don't know."
Logan shook his head and smiled. "I think you need some rest, dearest. You've done a lot of work, you need a break. Come to bed?"
Remus smirked and raised his eyebrows. "Oh?~"
"Not tonight, you need some sleep."
The creative side pouted but nodded, allowing Logan to pull him up from the chair. Remus's head spun as he stood and the exhaustion finally caught up to him. He wrapped his arms around Logan as the logical side half-carried him to bed.
"Goodnight, dearest," Logan said after turning off the light. He gently ran his fingers through Remus's hair as he stared up at the glow-in-the-dark stars he'd helped Remus put up on the ceiling.
"G'night," Remus mumbled, voice half muffled against his boyfriends neck.
If you like my writing and wanna help me out a little, here's a link to my Kofi!! Anything is appreciated.
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
Catch me changing my icon and header to remus after it being Janus for so long, oop 👀 I'm just a simple kinnie
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
Lociet with "How long has it been since you slept?"
Prompt: "How long has it been since you slept?"
CW: Loceit; Sleep deprivation/exhaustion
- - - - -
"Oh, love..." Janus said with a soft sigh as he rose up in Logan's room to find him hunched over his desk, face pressed against the palm of his hand. Janus frowned at the dark circles under Logan's eyes and the paper scattered all over Logan's desk. "How long has it been since you slept last?"
Logan gave a half-hearted shrug and sat up straighter, taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes. "I stopped counting."
Janus shook his head. "Logan... Sweetheart, come on now. Its time for bed. And no arguing," He warned, gently helping Logan stand up.
He snapped his fingers, Logan's regular outfit swapping into some comfy pajama pants and a loose tee. Logan stayed quiet as Janus pulled him towards the bed and tucked him under the blankets.
"Would you like me to stay, dear?" Janus asked.
Logan nodded, raising his arms up towards Janus and making grabby hands at him. Janus let out a quiet laugh and changed his own clothes before sliding into the bed next to the logical side.
"Now get some rest," Janus said as his arms wrapped around the other. "Goodnight, Logan."
Logan hummed, head resting on Janus's chest. "G'night, Jay."
If you like my writing and wanna help me out a little, here's a link to my Kofi!! Anything is appreciated.
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
I should probably make an intro post for my pinned post but idk what i should include on it, what do yall think is important for a pinned post (also yes I'm still working on prompts dw I won't abandon them again)
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
Could you do Mociet with "Oh, you're jealous!"?
Prompt: "Oh, you're jealous!"
CW: Moceit; Jealousy, brief mention of violence, sex joke sort of, Remus being himself.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Janus drummed his fingers against the arm of the couch as he watched Patton and Remus closely. The creative side hung onto Patton like a climbing frame, his arms wrapped around Patton's neck as he pressed their bodies close together. Remus shifted his head closer, whispered something with a smirk into Patton's ear.
And Patton laughed.
Janus frowned, his brows furrowing as he watched. He quickly looked away when Patton's gaze turned to him. The human side of his face flushed, cheek warm, burning with embarrassment at being caught staring.
He stood up, muttering a quiet goodbye before heading towards the stairs. A fool, of course, as he could just sink out. He heard uneven footsteps and a small yelp from Patton behind him before a few quicker footsteps and a hand on his shoulder.
He turned. Patton stood with a small frown and worried eyes.
"You ok, Jan?" He asked softly.
Janus shrugged Patton's hand off and gave a little wave. "Oh, you know. I'm a busy guy, I have some things to do."
"Liar!" Remus yelled from behind Patton. Janus briefly considered removing his tongue. Not that it would do much, of course.
Patton pouted and crossed his arms. "You can't fool me that easily. What's wrong?"
Janus paused, eyes wandering over to where Remus had moved, now sat half-on the couch. Patton's eyes narrowed for a second before he gasped.
"Oh!! You're jealous!"
Janus stepped back and looked away. "Of course not! Why would I be jealous?"
"Well, me and Remus have been hanging out all day and you've looked super grumpy about it the entire time!" Patton said before smiling. "But don't worry! I'm not taking him from you, he's all yours."
Janus barely heard the near-screech of a laugh that came from Remus over the sound of his heart thudding in his ears.
"Oh m- MY GOD— Patton you absolute gem," Remus cackled, now swinging his arm over Patton's shoulder. "He's trying to get in your pants, not mine."
Janus once again considered cutting out Remus's tongue. Maybe feeding it to one of the horrifying creatures he kept on his side of the Imagination.
Janus was pulled back into reality by Patton finally speaking up, voice quiet and face red.
"Well... Uhm... We should probably get dinner first."
Remus grinned, way more teeth showing than Janus remembered humans having. Creepy. The creative side pushed Patton up against Janus before waving.
"I best leave you lovebirds to it then!" He laughed as he sunk out.
"... Bastard," Janus hissed in response.
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
Alright its been waaaay too long since I've given u guys actual new content so uhh.... Send me ships & numbers (plz specify which category)
I will not write Remrom, Logicality or Prinxiety.
༄ 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
this is my prompt list for requests, some of them are more modern than others. if you’d like, you could add in specifics. be sure in mark down the character and the dialogue prompt. i will try to get to the requests to the best of my ability. i might add more as a continue to write. thank you for taking your time and reading this :]]
hurt / comfort
“how has it been since you’ve slept?”
“because no one gives a shit about me!”
“y-you’re bleeding.”
“just look at me, and breathe — you’re doing great.”
“why do you keep saying you’re fine?”
“can i. . . . can i just have a hug please?”
“hey i know you’re hurting, but you’re not alone in this, okay?”
“nightmares again?”
“it’s not a bad as it looks.”
“are you okay? did they hurt you?”
“oh. oh. oh no.”
“if you touch her, i swear to god, i will kick your ass so hard that your vertebrae will pop out of your mouth like a pez dispenser.”
“get your hands off me!”
“mistakes are easily made in the moment. apologies are not.”
“it’s not working out. we’re not working out.”
“i’m leaving for good. i’ll. . . . see you around.”
“look at me, please, we can still fix this.”
“this is all your fault.”
“wake up, wake up! just listen to me!”
“go to hell.”
“you can’t fight if you’re dead!”
“should you be drinking that much?”
“i’m just so stressed, all the damn time.”
soft / fluff
“i love your accent. i find it it absolutely adorable.” “piss off.”
“sleepover? please?”
“is there a reason you’re blushing like that?”
“you’re hand looks heavy, can i hold it?”
“oh, you’re jealous!”
“do you want my jacket?”
“am i your lock screen?” “you weren’t supposed to see that.”
“here, i saved you a seat.”
“do you want me to drive?”
“looking good, * LAST NAME * ” “we’ve been married for five years, how are we still on last name basis?” “i was talking to myself.”
“imagine not knowing how to bake brownies, l-o-l.” “did — did you just say ‘ l-o-l ’ outloud?”
“look! i made you a lil’ flower crown!”
“saturday’s are reserved for the gays.”
“for the last time, we can not kidnap a duckling.”
“stop looking so grumpy, it’s lame.”
“can i get this cat onesie?”
“so, i — uh — locked the keys on the car.”
“stop lighting your cigarettes with my nice candles!”
“did you serious get your foot stuck in a toilet?”
“premarital hugs are against my religion.” “but aren’t you an atheist?”
“i’m dying!” “it’s just a fever, you’re okay.”
“slap my ass and call me a wizard, that was some freaky magic shit i just did.” “is the ass slapping really necessary?”
“i thought morning sickness was the same thing as a hangover. . . . ”
“i can feel the hairs on my ass standing up.”
“pew, pew, motherfucker.”
“that was the most sexual handshake i’ve ever seen in my life.”
“will it explode?!” “let’s hope not.”
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
Hello all I desperately want the unus annus white founders hoodie so uhHHHhh icon commissions, I'll draw u an icon for £10 thru PayPal (which is £5 cheaper than a regular coloured bust commission)
I'll draw OCs, fan characters, you. As long as they look human I can draw them. DM me 👀
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
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happy four year anniversary to sanders sides!!
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
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what do you mean they weren’t in the last episode
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
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Remus and Virge bring back Mr. Frog.  💚
EEEP! Took me long enough. Final part of 1, 2, 3.
Also! Thank you so much to all my followers! I recently hit a milestone on this blog and decided to make this comic a DTIYS challenge! Not the entire 10 pages lol, just pick and draw your favorite panel if you feel like it! And tag me, please! 
If anyone does it, I’d love to see it!
Also Happy Early Sidesversary! :D
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
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Hi, im basically dead, but like ✨intrulogical✨
(incorrect quote cr. @/sunshineemomare on twitter)
I crawl out of the dark like once a month to say hi, so hi, anyway, general taglist
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living-on-the-virge · 4 years
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I ever mention that I love analogical before??Cuz well I know it’s the era of prinxiety rn buut 👉👈 themm,,
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