#thanks for the ask btw! i will never get tired of drawing this guy he's so much fun
idkwhatever580 · 16 hours
Always remember the things she said
Based on the song “as good a reason” by Paris Paloma (the girl who wrote “labor”)
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader | Wanda maximoff x reader!platonic\older sister vibes | Wanda maximoff x Natasha romanoff!platonic\older sister vibes again
Prompt: two occasions happen where Natasha and y/n give their sisterly advice to Wanda, and she’s the first one to connect the dots.
Warnings: swearing, songfic
A/N: guys I love a good songfic. this is giving me life right now btw. I’m living for this song.
Here’s the song if you want to listen. It’s not important that you hear it but it’s soooo good
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Wanda and Pietro just joined the team.
Of course Pietro was busy recovering from almost bleeding out, and Wanda was getting tested for her abilities.
After most of the screenings were done she was pretty tired. And you were there to help her settle in.
You went with her to the party that night since Tony used their presence as a good reason to celebrate.
Wanda had sat next to you the whole night almost as you were elegant and beautiful in your own right. And you knew it. Suddenly she speaks up after not having said much more than a peep all night.
“You really know what you’re doing.”
“I mean. You look like you love yourself so much and it’s attractive to everyone. It draws eyes towards you. The way you carry yourself”
You smile and thank her and nod your head.
“I didn’t always know how to own the room.”
She turns her head and says
“When did you change? Or become like this?”
You smile and say
“Can I tell you a story?”
She nods interested now.
You sit back as you recall that fateful night.
“One night. I was at a party not unlike this one.”
Wanda nods along and you start
“I met a woman with lips so red. A face so lined like spider webs. I’ll always remember the things she said. They were so wise, she opened my eyes and they’ll never close again.”
Wanda asked
“What’d she say? What did she do?”
You smile at her innocence and intrigue
“Oh how she sighed when she stubbed her cigarette. I felt compelled to enquirer of her success. ‘How do you do, how can you be so in love with yourself? Tell me please cause I need help’”
I smile at my youthful innocence and say
“I was just like you in that moment I guess. Which is why I’m telling you this story.”
Wanda is already on the edge of her seat.
“She said… ‘Every time you are succeeding there’s an old man somewhere seething, and spite’s as good a reason to take his power. When you hate the body you are in, oh love, you’re acting just for him as he counts his gold and green in his ivory tower.’”
I take a sip of my drink and say
“I was being manipulated by one of my exes. And she helped me realize I didn’t even like him and I freed myself from his grasp with her help. ‘Our fear it lines his pockets love, so take that rage and bottle up and put a drop into his cup of wine. You don’t need him you don’t need me. With that poisoned bottle you’ll be free, but be damn sure you don’t mix it up with mine.’”
I smile at Wanda’s face. She’s incredibly sweet.
“What happened to the woman?”
I chuckle and say
“Well, I did exactly what she said not to do”
Wanda furrows her eyebrows and says
“What? But you’re doing what she said to do right now yes?”
I smile and say
“Partially. See. The first part I listened to yes. But the second part. I didn’t listen so good.”
Wanda tilts her head slightly and says
“What did you do?”
“I mixed my poison with hers. But not in the way you might think. I simply fell in love with her”
Her eyes widen and she’s on the edge of her seat
“What happened to her though?”
I smile and say
“We got married.”
Wanda looks shocked and she says
“You’re married?!”
I hush her and say
“Yes but not many people know. It’s to keep her safe in a way. Being an avenger is risky. I wouldn’t want the love of my life to get hurt now would I?”
Wanda shakes her head and we continue on with the night without another question.
Wanda has been with the avengers for a few months now and she’s been adjusting perfectly.
She is like family to them and she is at a gala sitting next to Natasha. You were drug off by Tony to talk to people. And to pass the time Wanda says
“Tell me a story.”
Natasha raises a brow and says
“A story?”
Wanda nods her head and says
“Like. Something that has happened to you that you’ve never told someone. That has a meaning behind it I guess. I guess what I’m asking is tell me a story and give me advice as well”
Natasha smiles when she pictures the perfect memory in her head.
“I’ve got a story. A few years ago I was at a party.”
Wanda nods along
“I met a young girl with eyes so bright. She was already getting sick of life. She had this boy who was controlling her basically. Her arms were laden with his merchandise. She asked me why I no longer try and waste my time and I said ‘spite’”
With a smirk Natasha continues
“I said… ‘Cause every time you are succeeding. There’s an old man somewhere seething, and spite’s as good a reason to take his power. When you hate the body you are in, oh love, you’re acting just for him as he counts his gold and green in his ivory tower.”
Wanda furrows her eyebrows as she recognizes those words.
“‘Our fear it lines his pockets love so take that rage and bottle up and put a drop into his cup. You don’t need him you don’t need me, with that poisoned bottle you’ll be free, but be damn sure you don’t mix it up with mine.”
Wanda mumbles the last words trying to recall where she had heard it before
“Be damn sure you don’t mix it up with mine”
When she makes the connection she says
“And then you ended up marrying her!”
Natasha furrows her eyebrows in shock and she says in a hushed tone
“How did you know that?”
Wanda responds
“She told me”
“Y/n told you that we’re married? We agreed to not tell anyone without each others consent.”
Wanda shakes her head.
“She told me her point of view of that exact moment and said ‘I met a woman with lips so red. Always remember the things she said’ and I remembered that she said that she married the woman but she didn’t tell me anything else. And I put two and two together and boom baby!”
Natasha smiles and says
“You’re the first person to figure it out. It’s funny because I told her not to mix our poisons and we did”
Wanda smiles and says
“I think you work well together. Like your poisons complement each others.”
Natasha smiles and says
“Thank you. And good job at remembering the woman’s words”
She smirks and Wanda giggles.
You finally break free from the people talking to you and you immediately make your way over to Natasha and Wanda and say
“Up to no good?”
Nat turns around and says
“Actually. Wanda has something she’d like to tell you”
You look at her waiting for her to say it and she gets all shy
“Um. I know who the woman with lips so red is”
Your eyebrows raise in surprise and you say
“Nat? Did you tell her?”
Nat shakes her head and she says
“She figured it out all by herself. She’s a smart one”
You nod your head and say
“I always knew she was smarter than she let on. Congrats on being the first to find out.”
Wanda nods her head and she says
“You shouldn’t hide it. I think you would be New Yorks top power couple”
You sigh and say
“It’s for our own protection. If we were to let that out someone might use us against the other”
Wanda nods and says
“But you have each other. You know you’ll come for each other. You know every avenger would drop everything to help you”
I nod and say
“You’re right. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to soft launch”
Nat smiles and says
“Let’s do it”
I grab my ring from my necklace that keeps it there and I put it on my finger. As does Natasha and Wanda smiles and claps excitedly
“I feel like a proud sister!”
I smile and say
“Good. You are our sister.”
She smiles and says
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish @justarandomreaderxoxo
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2hoothoots · 10 months
oh, is fsau!bobby wearing dog tags?? or what's on his necklace??
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yeah, they're military-style dog tags! they've got his name, blood type, and emergency contact details on them. they're mostly a fashion statement, though – like, it's useful for paramedics if he's in a motorcycle accident or something, but it's not like he can wear his real name on a tag when he's undercover. he basically just thinks they make him look really cool
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mystical-imagine · 1 year
ooo ok, im a 19 year old girlie :3 im in second year of game design rn and i love itttt.
< Skills include: shit code, drawing cute girls and hugging robots >
I have a cat and her name is nova (supernova long form cuz she is a superhero who saves the universe >:D ) I have blue eyes, pink hair that I dye frequently but its naturally dark brownnnn. I thrive in chaos and am pretty hyper most of the time. But I'm also really scatterbrained. That, and my various mental health issues like depression and BPD but I don't let it stop me from being happy and cool :)
I used to struggle a lot with mental health but have found a nice balance in life and think positively and optimistically a lot of the time.
In my spare time I like to make sci-fi comics, watch sailor moon (and I've been obsessed with Bee and Puppycat) and be a silly little guy.
This week I built an Arduino game thing for school in a week!! And I bought star lights from Amazon to hang in my dorm room (secretly for blanket forts)
I dont know what else to add here, so I hope this is enough ahh
fank uuuu
hiii, sorry for the long wait!!! and thanks for being patient! i hope you like your matchup!!!
i´d match you with Saeyoung!
Saeyoung would love that you have a love for computers and robots in common and would def. try his best to help you and give tips. those convos would probably often get derailed into how to get away with cyber crime, but ya know, its the thought that counts. also im sorry to everyone but that man is a genius and does not understand how other people learn. he has the patience and would try and gently help you, but he would absolutely suck at explaining anything.
would love to build robots of your game characters once you get to develop games (you might already be doing that, idk much about it and its been awhile since you sent in this ask :)). and would def build robots of your characters in your comics!!
(is supernova named after the book series btw?) would love to help you dye your hair and be part of the process of choosing colours. would help both you and saeran dye your hair haha.
its a good thing you thrive in chaos because that man has been without guidance since like age 14 and has no structure in his life, no proper sleep schedule or good eating habits either. obv. youre not gonna be his mother, youre just going to have to figure out something that works for both of you together!!
Saeran would be diagnosed with some stuff after getting out of mint eye too, and having you around, whos been through the system and sorta knows how it works would be a big reassurance. youd be able to support Saeyoung so well and he you, when you over extend yourself.
your optimism would be such a bright thing for Saeyoung. Saeyoung also tries his best to be optimistic and he also knows how sometimes youre being too optimistic to hide that youre struggling. Hed be able to recognize when your smile is a bit strained and reassure you that its okay to not always be happy and optimistic. no one is , and he and your friends wont tire of you for reaching out for help.
sci-fi is probably Saeyoungs favourite genre! hed never tire of you talking about the universe youve created and the stories within that universe. Bee and puppycat would be right up his alley haha.
knowing saeyoung the moment he discovers your love for blanket forts hed probably build one wayy too big for you to cuddle up together in.
i really hope you like your matchup and once again, sorry for the long wait!
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catboygirlboss · 3 months
half asleep too tired to brain but. uh. idk what to ask just give information about creatures
okokok!!!! under the cut cos this is a lot of words skjdfkk
chip: half cat half fox because thats possible ig. the youngest of the group, she has a lot of energy and always wants to play. she’s determined to befriend bing even though he’s antagonistic af and doesn’t want friends. chip was found by duke when she was like a day old, and ive decided just now that duke has a family, a wife and three kittens, and chip fit right in (even if she’s a bit bigger thanks to her fox genes)
duke: the oldest of the group and the leader. he lost an eye when a dog attacked him :( for a while he wanted nothing to do with dogs until he got to know tyler (a dog i haven’t drawn yet) (well not since 2018, here’s an old drawing)
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duke didn’t trust tyler but jupiter vouched for him, and so he joined the junkyard jaminals. duke and tyler are actually besties now!
bing: so emo. hates everyone 🥰 while duke went through hell and still has hope, bing went through hell and his hope died. he’s pessimistic, kind of a jerk, and is only a junkyard jaminal because duke insists on “fixing him”. he kinda serves as bombs second in command, and they’re both in charge of keeping outsiders away. he’s less enthusiastic about than bomb is lol
jupiter: she’s dukes wife! she’s co-leader of the junkyard jaminals and chips mom :33 she’s incredibly stealthy, having grown up on the streets with her brothers and parents and learning how to survive without being caught by animal control
squiggle: he’s in charge of surveillance, watching from his tower for any incoming enemies or threats. he mostly naps up there though cos nothing ever tends to happen. also he’s lazy ksjdkfk chip likes to visit tho! squiggle takes the opportunity to teach her how to watch for danger so he can nap lmao
clementine: one of jupiter and dukes kids and juneberry’s twin sister! she’s the nurse, helping juneberry take care of injured or sick jaminals. she doesn’t really enjoy it, and would rather be a fighter like bomb or bing. but duke and jupiter won’t let her cos they don’t want her getting hurt
juneberry: the doctor cat, and clementines twin! they call each other twins cos while there are three in their litter, they look way more similar to each other than they do with their other sibling i have yet to design ;^^ juneberry loves being a doctor cat! she’s all about helping her friends and family <3 she’s very silly btw
tallulah: idk what she actually is? i adopted her from another artist cos i loved her design but it didn’t occur to me that. i should have at least some idea of how she fits in the narrative? for now let’s say she’s a lab experiment that wasn’t supposed to be sentient. and now she helps with surveillance cos. she has wings? idk
xveca: she’s from a planet that was taken over by mars (space colonialism smh). she escaped, and was on her way to mars to fight those guys, but as she passed the sun her ship went haywire and she crashed on earth. duke and jupiter are the only ones who know she’s an alien. she’s very confused by earth customs and such. duke and jupiter have taught her a lot tho! she’s in charge of finding food
muffin: idk how she fits in the narrative actually. i never decided. she’s very sweet tho
bubbles: same here. he and muffin were such wasted potential </3 he loves to play!
bomb: she has an explosive temper (haha) but she’s loyal to the very end and very kind. she’s in charge of guarding the junkyard and handling threats however she sees fit (bing helps). she has this cool power where if she wants to she can explode, but it uses up one of her nine lives
now i need to design jupiter and dukes son and im golden! lmao
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sunshineistyping · 2 years
christmas or birthdays spent with sun and moon !! i love ur work btw <3
Thanks so much! This ones gonna be a tad short, hope you don’t mind ♡
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Pairing: Sunnydrop/Moondrop x GN!Reader
Romantic implied
Au: None
Warnings: None
You weren't exactly mad that you had to work on Christmas, I mean, you didn't have family to see. You’d spent Christmas Eve with them and you really needed that holiday bonus. That and you didn't mind your job, seeing Sun and Moon gave you a spike of dopamine every single time. It was also the first time the megaplex had allowed Christmas lights in the daycare and you wanted to see their reactions. It's not every day you see Sun react to something new, and if it made Moon happy? Gosh, it was like seeing a double rainbow. Though you had to admit it was a little nerve-wracking walking in on Christmas day, the novelty had worn off by night. Did you take a double shift? One thousand percent. God damn it, you were gonna get that bonus whether Santa himself liked it or not! You ended up being caught up with someone trying to find a kid and took forever to get to the daycare. So it was no surprise to see how Sun had reacted to you.
“You're here still! Oh gosh you've never stayed this late after the mornings! Aren't you tired? You must be tired! I thought you were done with work!” The animatronic had pulled you into a tight hug, pulling back and holding your shoulders to get a good look at you afterward. Your eyes caught on the golden locket you'd given to Sun as his Christmas gift, the intricate tree detailing had made him so happy when he’d first seen it.
“Well hello to you too Sunny,” you laughed. Your hand reaching up and cradling the others face. He almost seemed to nuzzle into it before his attention was drawn to the lights on the walls. He simply grabbed your hand, holding it as his head turned up and closer to the lights.
“What're those for? I meant to ask earlier but it got a bit busy.”
“What do you mean, have you actually never celebrated Christmas?”
“Well, no?” He seemed bashful as he turned away. You knew he’d never been able to decorate but he hadn't even celebrated it? It seemed just plain awful. You're not sure why they hadn't decorated this place to begin with, but knowing he wasn't even allowed to enjoy the holiday just made you angry. 
“Thats okay, how about this. We can draw in the Christmas coloring book I got?” He seemed happy before he realized what time it was.
“Thats gonna have to wait, I wish we could though!” You glanced at the clock.
“Yeah, me too. I'll be sure to draw with you tonight, okay?” The happy-go-lucky guy didn't respond, just nodded and seemed sort of tense. The switching of Sunny to Moon wasn't exactly a painless process. That and in some ways he liked his privacy, watching him while he clutched at his face and growled in pain? Well, it wasn't a sight you enjoyed. So you turned around making your way back over to the security desk, the lights flickering off as you sifted through the drawers.
Though you heard his feral growling from a distance away you chose not to look up, keeping yourself busy with trying to find what you'd left. It was something for Moon, something that you hoped he’d like. If the coloring book and locket was for Sun then Moon needed something too. You continued sifting in the dull glow of the Christmas lights before finally finding the wrapped gift. You'd given Sun his that morning so you’d left Moons in here. You'd stood up and jumped at the feeling of arms wrapping around your waist.
“Well hello there little Lamb. I didn't expect to see you tonight.” You all but shivered at the deep and scratchy tone. There he was, Moon, and God did he have to scare you every time?
“Moon, what did I say about scaring me?” You huff and turn to face him, his grip loose enough to at least turn.
“You said as long as I made you aware of me, you'd be okay. I spoke, did I not?”
“You little-” He pressed a finger gently against your lips.
“Shush now, you wouldn't want to break one of my rules, would you? No, of course not.” If he could smirk he totally would. You could quite literally feel it in the air, with a huff you gently pushed him away and shoved the gift into his hands. He said nothing for a moment as he stared down at it.
“Is this for me?”
“I mean, yeah? Who else would it be for?” He paused as he looked you in your eyes. Wait. Had the children never given him anything? Did he really think that everything was for Sun? How many times had- you grow angrier at the thought. He ever so slowly unwrapped it, taking out a small music box. It was the same golden color as Sunnys locket, the same intricate designs as well. There was a small, itty bitty difference though. One you knew Moon would love. He seemed happy as he opened it, the gentle blue glow illuminating his face. Yet no music played.
“If you're wondering why there's no music, it's because of this.” You pointed back in the box, inside was a golden ring with a star. He took it out carefully before sliding the star into the keyhole and winding it up, only then did the sweet Christmas tune fill the air. He held it close to his body in a way that made your heart soar. He wasn't just happy, he was positively enamored with the gift. You know what? Even without that Christmas bonus, today was absolutely worth it.
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
hi lovely !! i'd like to request:
(from marauders era)
💑 -> send me in details about your personality, features, hobbies...and I’ll tell you with which character I ship you (please specify the fandom/s you like)
i'm quite short, i have a round-ish face and big amber eyes and my hair is long, straight and light brown, cut into layers. i love to draw, paint, make little doodles on the corners of my pages while studying or taking notes. i also love reading and dance and listening to music. sports and playing instruments just isn't for me. i'm very very talkative, quite sensitive, outgoing, and love being around and talking to (most 💀) people. people say i give off positive vibes and am warm and friendly. traits i admire in people are being thoughtful and loyal to and defending your close ones. i need my me-time once in a while and love walks. i also love small pieces of jewellery, and going shopping but coming back with practically nothing new because i'm too indecisive. and people buying me gifts or writing me little notes or sending posts saying this reminds me of you, no matter how small it is, just the fact that they thought of me is <333 i like being around people that'll stop me from overthinking and motivate me to have more fun, and they're being more extroverted than me will make me feel safer in the social situation (for some reason?). i am quite a people pleaser and cannot say no to save my life, so i like to be with people who'll be able to speak up for me in case i start blabbering and going off track because i'm trying to refuse in a nice way. hanging out w friends and ideal dates, my ideology is the same. small groups/only one on one, but something wild and fun like an amusement park or drive to a town we don't know. oh aaand my hogwarts house is ravenclaw and i'm a libra
okay that's it, thanks for reading my thesis 😭😭😭
Celebration -  My masterlist I Ask I Join the Taglist I Promts
Author's note: Hi darling! Thank you so much, you gave me a tons of information to work with. Btw, from what you sent me I ship you with REGULUS BLACK!
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Premising that I LOVE Regulus, I hope you like my idea.
I think the two of you are meant for each other, because in some way you complement and improve each other.
Regulus is a great listener, and could listen to you for hours.
He loves listening to you talk about your favorite books, never getting tired of seeing that light in your eyes that you see when you talk about something you love.
I picture his books and notebooks filled with your drawings on the edges, so that he remembers you during class.
Every time he sees them he can't help but smile and think back to when he sees you again.
She loves seeing you draw, as well as loving your drawings.
He tried to draw something for you too, but according to him it is nothing compared to yours, even though it was very beautiful.
You love to spend time sitting in his room reading, drawing or doing homework while listening to your favorite songs.
He has also taught you how to dance, just a few steps, but he likes being able to teach you something that since childhood he considered something boring and now he considers beautiful only because of you.
He often plays the piano for you too, dedicating the songs he writes to you, because yes I can imagine a Regulus writing love songs for you.
In addition to the songs, he often leaves you notes scattered in your stuff like books, sweaters or under your pillow, and you can't do anything but melt.
Unlike you he is not a very outgoing person, but being with you he has opened up a lot more to people.
You like to go to Quidditch games, and you talk about them a lot in general.
I think Regulus is the kind of guy who gives you an avalanche of gifts. His favorites are jewelry, especially necklaces. He even gave you a necklace with your initials on it, and another with a crest of his family, to show you his love.
It has often happened that you defended him from the attacks of some Slytherins, from insults thrown at him because of your relationship, or from the Gryffindors, because of his family.
On the contrary, he defended you when some of your housemates attacked you because you were with a Slytherin and especially with a Black, even if they were just jealous. You never saw him so angry, and god he was hot.
Assuming he and Sirius get along, when he and his friends invited you to a Gryffindor party, he had been the one to keep you from freaking out and making you feel safe, before taking you away to a quieter place.
You love going for walks and often get lost in nature and your own conversations.
Regulus is also teaching you how to say no to people, because sometimes it's not always right to say yes to everyone, sometimes we have to think about ourselves too, believe me honey I know.
I love Regulus, I repeat, and after imagining this I can't help but love him more.
Hope you enjoyed sweet anon, have a great day!
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honeypiehotchner · 3 years
intelligence & issues (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- chapter twenty-two
I’m liking this two updates a week schedule because I hate leaving you guys hanging like that!! I hope this chapter makes it all better xx.
Oh btw the title of this chapter and last chapter are lyrics from “Hold On” by Chord Overstreet! (Also I know the gif is irrelevant but the ~emotion~ of it is relevant)
ALSO (wow I have a lot I keep forgetting to add) I meant to @ her last chapter, but all of these medical scenes and things were 100% done with the help of @thedumpsterqueen​ because I know next to nothing about all this stuff and she was an angel and let me ask all the crazy questions <333 (P.S. she has a Hotch fic called Standards of Performance on her blog that you guys should alllll read if you haven’t already!! It’s SO good it’s one of my favorites)
Warnings: angst and sadness, but that’s pretty much it
Previous chapter || Fic Masterlist
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Chapter Twenty-Two: I can’t imagine a world with you gone
Everything is a blur in Hotch’s mind before and after the first gunshot rings through the air. He didn’t need to hear the buzzing in his ear to know it had hit you.
He took off at a sprint, as did the rest of the team.
His ears are ringing. His thoughts are racing. He’s never been a man who talks frequently to God, but he’s praying. Hoping you’re alive. Begging you to not be dead.
Aaron would never forgive himself if you died. As it stands, though, he won’t ever forgive himself for this.
Prentiss, Reid, and Rossi take off in one direction. Hotch and Morgan take the other. Police officers fill the gaps and follow behind, everyone searching for you and Savannah.
Morgan is the first to stumble on the room. His throat aches when he screams for Hotch, keeping his weapon aimed at Savannah.
“Put the gun down!” Morgan yells.
Hotch comes skidding to a stop in the doorway a second later, weapon raised, but his eyes are focused on you. Savannah’s boot is pressing into your thigh, blood oozing from your wound, soaking your pants, spilling onto the concrete. Hotch’s heart drops at the sight. He’s seen enough bullet wounds to know how much blood should come from them. That is too much.
The bullet must’ve hit the major artery. And the thought terrifies him.
Morgan takes the shot when Savannah refuses to move. It hits her stomach and she stumbles for a moment before falling. Morgan yells for the paramedics again, distantly thinking they should be in here by now.
Hotch falls to the ground beside you, his hands cupping your face, not caring who sees. His thumbs tap your cheeks, willing you to open your eyes. You have a pulse, but it’s weak. Weaker than what it should be.
He presses hard over your wound, hoping to slow the bleeding, but there’s more surrounding your leg than he wants to see.
“Y/N?” He says, his eyes watching your eyelids for any movement. He lets out a momentary sigh of relief when your eyes open. “Y/N, please, can you hear me?”
You stare back at him, no signs of his words registering in your eyes. They’re empty. Haunted, again, but for a different reason this time. This time it’s different. “Aaron…”
“I’m here,” Hotch says gently, pressing his hand harder, his heart breaking when you groan in pain. “I know,” he says, shushing you.
Your eyes travel around the room then, and Aaron follows. Morgan is pressing his hand over Savannah’s wound, speaking into his wrist, asking the others where the hell the paramedics are at.
But Aaron doesn’t want you to see that, so he cups your jaw again, turning your eyes back on him. He smiles as best he can, the tears beginning to spill from his eyes as he takes in your face.
“There’s my girl,” he says softly. “Keep holding on. They’re almost here.”
“Aaron,” you try to say, your voice low and strained, and Aaron shakes his head, trying to get you to stop talking. “Aaron...I don’t wanna go without-- I need to tell you that I--”
“Shhh,” he tries again, not wanting you to waste any energy. “You don’t need to.”
“I love you,” you finally get it out. And he’s stunned to complete silence and tears. “I love you so...so much. It hurts.”
“Y/N,” he says, panicked. Your eyes are closing. “Y/N! Come back, Y/N, come back to me. Y/N. Y/N, please.”
Hotch is too caught up in holding your face and keeping pressure on your wound to notice the paramedics have arrived. One team goes to Savannah, relieving Morgan, while the other comes to you, trying to usher Hotch away, but he doesn’t budge.  
“Hotch,” Morgan tugs on the unit chief, grabbing at his arms, his heart breaking for the both of you. “Hotch, you need to let them get to her.”
Reluctantly, Hotch backs up, clenching his bloodied fist, grimacing at the way your blood sticks his skin together.
Everything else is a blur.
What does it need to be clear for, anyway? If you’re not here?
You’re still in surgery.
It’s been an hour. But it feels longer. It feels like it’s been an entire twenty-four hours.
The entire team has taken up camp in a waiting room at the hospital.
Reid is reading and rereading every magazine he can get his hands on to distract himself, never mind the fact that he reads them so fast that he rips a page on one from turning it so quickly. Morgan has Garcia on the phone and has left to get coffee at least three times, the first time returning with a tray of steaming cups and the next two times returning with only one, but two tearful eyes. Emily has been pacing and will wear a hole into the tile at this rate if she walks for another hour. JJ has been staring at the wall, chewing so hard on the inside of her cheek that she flinches when she draws blood.
Rossi has been staring at the wall, too, but mostly he’s been worrying about and watching Hotch.
Aaron has been biting his nails, tugging at his hair, angrily wiping away tears, and left once to go on a walk before returning two minutes later, asking if they had heard anything. Those two minutes had felt like two hours and he was worried sick for all 120 seconds that he missed something.
Dave hasn’t tried to say anything to Aaron, though he wants to. It’s heartbreaking to watch Aaron like this.
You’re going to pull through. Dave — and the rest of the team — can’t afford to think otherwise. And they refuse to think otherwise, unable to imagine what it would be like if you weren’t here.
But it seems like Aaron is thinking otherwise.
Truthfully, he is. But he’s thinking about so much more.
You love him. You love him. You love him.
And he was too stunned to say it back. The one chance he had, and it might be gone now. Ripped away. Forever.
He sent you in there. He did this to you. He had his reservations, but the call had already been made. You seemed so sure. You wanted to do this so badly. He didn’t want another fight about him not trusting you because it’s not about his trust for you, it’s about how terrified he was for you.
He’ll never forgive himself for this now. Not ever.
It’s a world he can’t even bear to imagine. One without you in it.
Yet here he is, grappling with the fact that he might not have to imagine it soon. He sent you in there. He knowingly put your life in danger. And now he’ll have to live with the consequences.
Aaron is shaken from his trance by the doctor and a nurse coming in to inform the team that you’re out of surgery and that it went well.
But you’re in the ICU.
“She lost a great deal of blood,” the doctor says gravely. “But we think she’ll pull through. She just needs to be watched closely for the time being.”
Everyone nods silently, not sure of what else to say, other than feeling relief that you’re alive.
“Visiting hours are long over, so I recommend you all get some rest,” the nurse says. “She’s in good hands here.”
“Thank you,” Rossi replies.
The doctor excused himself, but the nurse stayed, offering to answer any extra questions. “Visiting hours start at seven a.m.,” she says first. “And in the ICU, only two visitors are allowed in her room at a time.” She doesn’t voice an apology, but one is in her tone as she glances between the six team members.
“Can I stay?” Hotch blurts out of nowhere. The team member’s heads all turn to look at him in surprise. “Can anyone stay the night, I mean.”
“Uh, yeah,” the nurse nods. “One person can.” Her eyebrows furrow sincerely. “Are you her dad?”
Morgan internalizes a snort.
“No,” Hotch replies kindly. “I’m not, but I’d like to stay. I’m her boss.”
Still the nurse looks skeptical. “Would she be okay with—”
“She’s his girlfriend,” Emily blurts out, tired of waiting. And when Hotch sends her a look, she says, “What? It would’ve taken you hours to say it.”
“Oh,” the nurse chuckles, embarrassed. “I’m so sorry. Yes, of course you can stay.”
Hotch lets a tiny smile shine through, but it’s not much. Truth is, he’s terrified to see you. But leaving you here alone – even if this is a hospital – terrifies him more.
The rest of the team says goodbye to head back to the hotel for some much-needed rest, if they can sleep at all. They know they’ll wake every couple hours to worry about you before sleep consumes them once more.
In the meantime, Hotch will be here to look after you for all of them. You’re like a little sister to the rest of them, even though Morgan is the only one to have voiced that. You’re loved here. Loved more than you’ll ever be able to comprehend.
You’re loved by Aaron much more than he’ll ever be able to articulate to you. But he’ll try. He’ll try to help you see.
Hotch is finally walking to your room in the ICU after another half hour of waiting. The nurse said they had to get everything settled in your room before he could come back, which only made Hotch’s worry spike even more.
But eventually, he’s in your room with you. A pillow and blanket is in the chair by the window, but he’s not paying attention to it.
You. You’re asleep, of course, and probably will be for a few more hours. The nurse said you had already woken up once, but because of the pain medicine and the overall stress your body has been under in the past few hours, you fell back to sleep almost instantly.
Tears well in his eyes at the sight of you, laid up in the hospital bed, IVs and wires all over you. The beeping of the heart monitor is the only real sign to him that you’re even alive. Your chest is rising and falling, but it’s barely visible underneath the gown and blankets and wires.
You have one regular IV placed on the top of your left hand. Some other line is in your upper arm, and another in your wrist. He has no idea what they’re all for, he just knows he hates seeing you connected to so much.
Aaron wipes at his eyes angrily. Does he have a right to be this upset when he’s the one who sent you in there?
He turns and sets the pillow and blankets in the other chair, knowing he won’t sleep tonight even if he wanted to. Instead, he pulls the chair closer to your bed, where he can place his hand next to yours.
And, if you happen to wake up, you can reach for him if you need to.
Three hours pass and you still haven’t woken up. Aaron knows. He’s been watching you the entire time.
The nurses have come to check on you a few times, assuring Aaron that it’s normal for you to be sleeping like this. But he just nods silently.
He wants you to wake up. Just for a minute. He needs you to just open your eyes and look at him, just once. That’s all he needs.
But it’s wishful thinking as the sky begins to lighten, showing the first signs of dawn.
Aaron links his pinky with yours, afraid to do much else and risk messing up your IV. Holding pinky fingers is enough right now. Or at least, it’ll have to be.
“I’m sorry,” he says out loud, to you, or really to no one at all, because he’s not even sure you can hear him. “I’m just so...sorry, Y/N.”
Stupid tears gather in his eyes again, clogging his throat, stopping his words.
But he keeps going.
“It’s my fault,” he says. “And I know you’ll try to convince me that it’s not, but Y/N, it is and I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I let this happen to you.”
He leans his head into the palm of his free hand, tightening his pinky finger’s grip on yours.
“I love you,” he blurts it out, tears warming his palm as they cascade down his cheeks. “I love you and I need you to wake up because I need you to hear it. I love you. I don’t think there’s ever been a day that I’ve known you that I haven’t loved you.”
He sniffles, loud and body-rattling, glad he’s alone in this room with you because he’d never let anyone else see him like this. No one but you.
“I tried to get it out before, but you were already gone, and I— You need to wake up. I need you to wake up. Please.”
Aaron keeps his eyes closed and head down for a few minutes longer. He doesn’t even see that you’ve opened your eyes.
Until your pinky finger gently squeezes his.
He lifts his head quickly, eyes wide and wild when he sees you’re looking back at him, eyes glassy with tears and exhaustion.
And just like that, just seeing your eyes open and looking right at him, the dam breaks once more. He’s a mess of tears when he leans his head down onto the bed. You lift your hand and thread your fingers through his hair, closing your eyes as more tears slip down your cheeks.
You scratch a soothing pattern on the base of his skull, moving your other hand over your body to hold onto his arm. He senses the movement and lifts his head, grabbing your hand and pressing it to his lips.
He’s not sure how long he stays there, all he knows is his back aches when he straightens up again, and you’ve fallen back asleep.
Next chapter
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Hello omg, can I request Sasha with a warrior S/O? Like reader came with Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt on their mission and during Reiner and Bertholdt’s reveal, she reveals herself too? UAUAUA it can be angst or whatever you prefer 🥺❤️
I gave the reader the Warhammer titan btw cause it’s my favorite akdkakfkd
Also, it’s a little long, but that’s just ‘cause I wrote out the whole warrior reveal in word form, and it’s longer than I remember lol
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With You
(Sasha Braus x Reader)
AU: Canon, slightly divergent
Warnings: Gore/graphic description of injury, season 3 spoilers, slight season 4 spoilers
Genre: Angst
Summary: Following the battle at Utgard castle, Reiner stops to have a chat with Eren, and reveals that he, Bertholdt, and Sasha’s s/o are all titan shifters, right in front of Sasha.
Words: 3.9K
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You had no time to process what had happened. Ymir was a titan, Christa was Historia, and Zeke has finally made his appearance.
You sighed and leaned against the rope tethers of the pulley system, regaining your bearings on the platform as you were pulled up and over the wall. The battle of Utgard castle had been tough—and many secrets were uncovered.
So, Ymir was the titan that ate Marcel all those years ago... You recounted in your head, sighing as you held your face in your palms. And now Zeke is here. We must’ve been too long without any sign of progress. We’re in big trouble. If we get back without Annie and Eren, it’ll be all over for us. Magath is gonna—
“Y/n!” A cheery voice brought you out of your slump, and you looked over your shoulder to see Sasha standing behind you, an arm outstretched as an offering of help.
You smiled at the sight of your girlfriend, and you slowly rose from your spot on the makeshift elevator, taking her hand and pulling yourself up onto the wall. “Thanks, Sasha.”
As soon as you stood up straight, Sasha lunged at you and wrapped her arms around your shoulders, lifting her feet off of the ground as you leaned all of her body weight onto you.
“I’m so glad you’re okay...! I was so worried!” She buried her face in your neck as she spoke, and you wrapped your arms around her lower back, putting your hands on her butt as support so she could wrap her legs around your waist.
You giggled at her, cuddling closer into her embrace. “I’m alright, I’m okay. There’s no need to worry.”
“I know, but I heard that you and your squad got held up at Utgard castle overnight in the middle of a titan horde, and when we finally got there and saw the tower collapsed, I was so scared! I... I—!” She cried into your neck as you moved a hand to rub small circles on her back.
“I know, I know, but we’re okay now. We had a bit of...” You glanced to the left. Ymir lay unconscious and steaming in the stretcher, a distressed Historia leaning over her and brushing strands of brown locks out of her face. “Unexpected help.”
“Mhm...” She mumbled, leaning into you for support. You stayed like this in silence for a while, enjoying each other’s presence after so long of being separated.
“Hey, lovebirds!” A loud shout caught your attention, and both you and Sasha turned to the source; Connie. “Save that stuff for the dorms! We still have stuff to do!”
“Right...” Sasha muttered, climbing off of you and running towards Connie, helping him haul terrified soldiers over the wall.
You stared in admiration for only a brief moment before your attention turned to your comrades, Reiner and Bertholdt. Reiner’s arm was wrapped up in the torn cloth of Historia’s skirt, and Bertholdt was close by, the two of them standing in a solemn, heavy silence.
You approached them quietly, taking a seat next to Reiner. Neither of you said anything. The sudden appearance of the beast titan, or rather, Zeke, had shaken you all. You had been gone for years, and gave no sign of retrieving the Founding Titan. Not only that, but you had lost Marcel and Annie. No matter what, the situation wasn’t going to end smoothly for you three.
To the right, many of the Scouts had gathered around a blonde Garrison soldier. Hannes—his name popped into your mind, as Eren had mentioned him before, while in the 104th. He seemed to be disclosing something to the others, and they looked on with mixed expressions.
“Do you think this has something to do with Zeke?” You questioned. Reiner kept his face buried in his palm, and Bertholdt turned to you with a sigh.
“Most likely.” The tall man answered. “I mean, we saw him. He’s clearly here. He must be doing something with his spinal fluid. Speeding up the process, perhaps.” He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in anxiety, eyes wide. “We’re in deep shit.”
You didn’t respond to him verbally, offering only a huff in solemn agreement.
The group of soldiers disbanded, though many branched of into separate conversations of worry, wonder, and resentment. As they walked off, Reiner stood up suddenly, eyes still fixated on the ground.
“Eren.” He called out, drawing the attention of the shorter man. “We should talk. You got a moment?”
“Sure, I guess.” He sighed, walking over. You and Bertholdt shared confused and concerned looks. The two of you had long noticed that Reiner had gone a bit off the deep end since arriving at Paradis, so you were wary of what he might say or do next.
“Five years ago, we compromised Wall Maria and launched an attack on humanity.” He spoke, turning his back to Eren, hanging his head in defeat. You looked at Bertholdt, and he mirrored your emotion. Panic.
“I’m the Armored Titan. He’s the Colossal.” He pointed his thumb in your direction when he spoke. “And she’s the Warhammer.”
“What are you talking about? Why are you telling him?” Bertholdt chocked out quietly.
“Reiner!” You whispered sharply, venom dripping from your tone. The three of you had done such a careful job keeping your identities secret from the others, and Reiner just spilled all of it. There was no going back from this.
“We were on a mission.” He continued.
“Stop!” Bertholdt pleaded, but Reiner didn’t waver.
“Our goal was to ensure mankind’s extinction. But now, there’s no need for that. Eren,” He turned to face the shocked and confused boy to his side. “If you want the walls to remain standing, it’s simple. Just come with Bertholdt, Y/n, and me. Do you understand?”
A good look to your left proved that he did not, in fact, understand.
“Understand? What the hell is there to understand?!” He shouted, drawing the attention of a few soldiers. Mikasa stood protectively a short distance away, and Sasha, with her impeccable hearing, turned to face the scene as well. The two of you made eye contact, and your distress must have been evident even at such a distance, because her eyes widened, and she started to make her way over with concern and confusion.
“Listen to me.” To your and Bertholdt’s horror, Reiner kept speaking. “I need you to do exactly as I say. Look, I know this is sudden, but we have to go.”
“Right now?” He exclaimed. “Where would you take me?”
“I can’t tell you. Not yet.” Internally, you started to collect yourself. This wasn’t ending quietly. Bloodshed was dreadfully immanent. “Just think of it as our hometown.” Your eyes widened. He’s just gonna ask Eren? You thought, astounded. After all this, he really thinks Eren is just gonna follow us? What is he thinking?!
“Okay? So what’s it gonna be? Not a bad deal, right? The chance to avert a major crisis?”
“I’m not so sure...” He muttered. You were surprised he didn’t have a stronger reaction, especially for someone as fiery as him. Perhaps he was still in shock, or denial. Either way, they were teetering on the edge of battle, even if you and Bertholdt were the only ones to sense it.
“You guys!” Armin shouted, waving to capture the attention of you, Bertholdt, Reiner, and Eren. “Get a move on, we’re heading out!” Despite that, Sasha pushed right past him, closing in to the conversation, standing still now that she was in earshot. Mikasa was to her left, watching Eren with a dangerously protection glare.
Eren closed his eyes, taking in a deep sigh. It felt as if, for a moment, the world stood still. Damn it, he thought, I didn’t want to believe it...
A distant memory flashed through his head. When Annie had been found out, they had discussed the possibility of Reiner, Bertholdt, and Y/n also being shifters, but they didn’t have proof. Was it really so simple, though?
He opened his eyes and placed a firm hand on Reiner’s shoulder. “You’re just tired. That’s it, right? Help me out here Bertholdt, Y/n. Your nerves are shot. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“U-Uh, yeah.” Bertholdt fumbled. “It’s the battle fatigue talking!”
“Yeah!” You reaffirmed, luckily being able to exude more confidence than Bertholdt. “You’re just tired. After everything that just happened, I can’t blame you.” You laughed nervously, praying no one saw through your bluff.
“It’s okay, you’re okay.” Between your bluff, and his shock, Eren took the bait. “If you really were the Armored Titan, what’s the endgame here? We wouldn’t be having this conversation in the first place. What’d you expect me to do? Say yes? Let myself be kidnapped just ‘cause you asked politely?” Somehow, you found yourself agreeing with Eren on that last one.
Despite Eren’s nonchalant response, a dead silence overtook the air, and Sasha found it as her cue to step forward.
“Y/n? What’s going on here?” She placed a hand on your shoulder, but as soon as she did, you looked back. She gasped at the sight. You looked petrified.
“Right. Not thinking straight, am I?” He finally gave up his ploy, wide-eyed and sweating bullets. “Barely know what I’m saying here. Must’ve gone off the deep end.”
Eren turned his back to the three of you. “C’mon, let’s go.”
Deafening silence and still air ensued. You did not move. The clouds cleared, and rays of sun shone down on the stone beneath your feet.
“That’s the problem.” Reiner shook. He chuckled, and shadows covered his face. You’d never seen him like this before.
“I’ve been here too long for my own good. Three years of this madness, surrounded by idiots. We were kids. What’d we know about anything?”
You couldn’t help but agree with Reiner on that one. You didn’t want to become a warrior, none of you did. If you knew the atrocities you had to commit in order to have the essence of a warrior, the idea would’ve never crossed your mind.
“Why did there have to be people like this.” He choked, tears pricking his eyes and mouth spread into a wide, ugly frown. “Why? Why did I let myself devolve into such a half-assed piece of shit?”
“It’s too late now.” He lifted his arm out of the cast makeshift cast, and held his arm up, showing the red and bloody bite mark. “Damned if I know what’s right anymore! Who cares? It is what it is. No choice but to face what I’ve done! As a warrior.”
His arm steamed, and shortly after, the skin closed up, blood drying and appearing as if he’d never been injured from the get-go.
“No road left but the one that leads to the end!” He screamed. Eren’s eyes widened as he gasped. He finally understood.
“Reiner! Right now? Here?” Bertholdt yelled back, prepared for anything, despite the beads of sweat that rolled down his face.
“We’re really doing this?!” You echoed, and Sasha looked on with a horrified expression.
“Yes. Right here, right now!” He commanded, marching towards Eren. “We settle this once and for all!”
Mikasa appeared out of nothing in a fraction of second, blades drawn and mind set on murder. She swung her blade at Reiner, who put up his hand defensively as the blade split his hand in half from his fingers all the way to his wrist. She spun around in an instant, and her blade cleanly slashed right across Bertholdt’s neck, who fell to the ground screaming and holding his throat.
He eyes were set on you, and an underhanded swing of her blade slashed a line right across your face. Blood immediately clouded your vision, and you groaned in pain as you were sure you had lost an eye.
She charged at you, determined to finish the job, but her sprint was interrupted by Sasha, who tackled Mikasa at full force, and the sword tumbled out of her grasp as Sasha pinned her down.
“Sasha!” She struggled. “Sasha, move! What are you doing?!” She tried to get up, but Sasha managed to overpower her momentarily, keeping her firmly on the ground.
“MIKASA STOP! PLEASE!” She pleaded at the top of her lungs. Rationally, she knew you were the enemy now, but she’d be damned if she let you die here, after everything the two of you had been through.
“Sasha, you can’t—!”
Mikasa took quick advantage of Sasha’s emotional state and hurled her off, and she tumbled into a heap a few feet away. With little hesitation, Mikasa reequipped her blades.
But it was too late.
“Bertholdt! Y/n!” Reiner barked, lighting already manifesting around him.
The two of you looked at each other with horrified understanding, and prepared your own transformations.
Sparks of electricity surrounded you, and panic filled adrenaline exploded into flesh. Limbs shot out around you, plus the familiar hardened skin of the Armored, the skinless muscle of the Colossal, and the cloudy white body of your own titan.
Seconds passed, albeit one’s that felt like centuries, and you finally opened your eyes. You stood tall on top of the wall; 15 meters high. To your right, Reiner. And behind him was Bertholdt. Only half formed due to the space, and his lower body ceased to exist. Ribs shot out and dug into the stone, and powerful gusts of steam shot off of his body.
The terrified pawns on the wall stared up at you, mouths agape. But the shock didn’t last long.
The hurricane of steam that came off of Bertholdt started to throw things around, and those who didn’t make quick use of their ODM gear were sent flying. One of those figures, Eren, was quickly swept up by Reiner in the chaos.
It was no use, though. That’s why you weren’t surprised in the slightest when he bit his hand and sparks flew, his transformation queued by a guttural scream of rage.
“Damn you... YOU TRAITORS!”
The Attack Titan formed in Reiner’s hand, fist already drawn back and preparing a strike to Reiner.
In a fraction of a second, you formed a large hammer—your namesake weapon—from hardened titan skin, raising it into the air with a passionate battle cry.
The hammer struck Eren in his flank, and he flew abruptly to the left. You shot Reiner a look, and he looked down in understanding, drawing his arms back in preparation for a charge.
Eren had stood up by the time Reiner had started his charge, and immediately braced for impact—he didn’t have the time to move.
Reiner collided with Eren, and knocked him to the ground effortlessly, his greater size and weight being of good use.
The two wrestled on the ground, and you hesitated to intervene. After all, your weapon was powerful, but imprecise. You couldn’t risk accidentally hitting Reiner. Instead, you turned around, assessing the situation on the wall, where Bertholdt had been unceremoniously shackled.
It seemed no one was brave enough—or rather, stupid enough—to approach the colossal in it’s torrid state, and you didn’t know if you should be frustrated or grateful.
But, out of the corner of your eye, a figure swung. Your eyes widened slightly in amusement as ODM gear shot from tree to tree, approaching you at in impressive speed. Hmph. Guess someone is stupid enough after all. You thought.
You were about to swipe them away without a second thought, but you faltered at the sight of auburn brown hair, loosely tied into a familiar ponytail.
You must’ve gotten a little distracted by the sight, because you were suddenly brought back to attention by the figure landing on your shoulder, the hooks of their ODM gear digging into your shoulder, which you assumed were used as leverage mere seconds ago.
You turned your massive head to look at it, and you saw the figure gasp and tremble at the sight. Sometimes, you forgot how terrifying your titan was. But you perked up for a moment, brought out of your violent trance by a familiar face.
“Y/N!” It was Sasha. “Y/n, what is going on here?!”
You opened your mouth to respond, and it came out in a gravely, deep tone because of your titan form. “Sasha...?”
She released the grapples of her ODM to run up and hug your neck—the best she could, that is, with your immense size.
“Y/n! Come on! Why didn’t you tell me! This... this isn’t you... tell me there’s a reason!!!” She screamed.
Turning back to observe Eren and Reiner’s struggle, you sighed internally. It was just like her to get too emotional in a situation like this.
You turned back to Sasha with a sad look in your eyes. Carefully, you brought your hand up to pinch the hood of her Scout jacket, lifting her and placing her back down on top of the wall.
Slowly, you crouched down to her level, meeting her eye to eye despite the pain it caused you to see the heartbroken look in her eyes. Your hand curled around her back to support her, the only kind of pseudo-hug you could give at the moment. Your thumb gently made its way to the top of her head, and you moved it down slowly to caress her head. Tears streamed down her face, the internal conflict being far too much for her to bear.
But a sudden mass to your lower back brought you out of your intimate moment with her. Pain shot up through your body as you felt your back collide with the ground, and your eyes opened in horror. Eren had somehow managed to best Reiner in their scrimmage—and he was after you now.
You started to form the base of your hammer in your hands once again, but a forceful punch to your jaw stopped it’s formation out of the shock and pain.
Another fist made it’s way to your face—and another, and another, and another. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you could hear noises. Roaring, growling, and, the loudest of them all, screaming. Though, in your state, you couldn’t discern if it was even you or not.
Eren delivered his last punch with a frightening roar of passion, and your neck twisted at an unnatural angle as your head snapped off the titan body with a horrid, bone-grinding sound.
Your battered body fell out of the nape of the titan, using what was left of your strength to emerge at the last second. It was all you had in you, though, and the last thing you heard was your own heavy breathing and distant shouting as your vision started to vade.
Eren stood up tall, towering over your unconscious body, raising his fists in the air with a triumphant roar of victory, the cheers of soldiers filling the air.
Filled with adrenaline and ego, he picked up your limp body in his hand, dangling your body over his already opened mouth.
He was going to eat the Warhammer—right here, right now.
That is, until a foreboding cracking noise brought his attention away from you. It took a few seconds for him to locate the source. The Colossal Titan.
It’s bones snapped and ground against one another, it’s massive body slowly shifting like a collapsing skyscraper. It twisted, turned, and groaned until it slowly lost it’s iron grip on the wall—and it was heading straight for Eren.
It’s body collided with Eren, and the force of the impact was comparable to that of an earthquake. Smoke rose from the ground as dirt was upended, trees crackling and snapping as chunks of rock flew up and around from the impact area.
The force of the impact sent you flying through the air. It didn’t take any hesitation, though, for your girlfriend to go flying through the air, catching your bloody body in her arms and wrapping herself around you to keep you safe as she hit the ground and slid against the dirt.
She groaned audibly from the pain, gritting her teeth in a feeble attempt to numb the painful sensations. But, her pain suddenly subsided when she laid eyes on you.
Your lower half had been all but obliterated. Your legs were completely crushed and squeezed out like an old container of toothpaste, and blood gushed from your stomach. She tried in vain to ignore the sight of your snapped bones twisting at odd angles and protruding through your skin.
Panicked, she brought an ear to your chest, desperately searching for that steady rhythm of life beating in your chest.
She had never taken a deeper sigh of relief than she did now, overjoyed at the slow heartbeat you clung onto. It was weak, yes, but you were still here. With her. That’s all that mattered.
Steam slowly rose from your stomach as your body attempted to heal your wounds. Even in a situation like this, your body managed to find the strength to start recovering.
She cradled your body to her chest, sobbing out in both relief and distress as you bled out onto her. Her clothes were already stained red, and her hands were sticky with morbid crimson, but she didn’t care. She held you close, as close as you could possibly be without her physically crushing you, catching her breath and calming herself to the sound of your shallow breaths.
It was a short-lived moment, though, as a dark shadow suddenly covered the ground, and Sasha froze with fear with you in her arms. By the shadow alone, it was impossible to tell if it was Eren or Reiner, and she didn’t want to check. She curled around you, crying quietly in preparation of getting crushed.
But it didn’t happen. A large finger instead placed itself on Sasha’s shoulder, pushing her out of the way to observe your injured state. Her body trembled fearfully as she turned to face it, and was met with the Armored Titan.
She wasn’t sure what to expect next, really. It could’ve crushed her like an ant and ran away with you, or worse, separated her and run off with just you.
She didn’t want to be apart from you. Even if it made her a terrible soldier, even if it made her treasonous, dishonorable, and irredeemable, she would stick with you, no matter whose side you were on. Right or wrong, she was staying with you.
Reiner hesitated for a moment. He couldn’t just bring a Paradis soldier back, it would be a huge problem down the line. But, his eyes glanced to you. He was certain that if he left Sasha there without you, you would never have forgiven him.
So, he cut his losses and gently scooped the two of you up in his hand, holding you and her close to his chest as he started running—god knows where to. She caught a glimpse of a Bertholdt in his other hand, as well as Ymir, still unconscious and strapped to her stretcher.
And Eren. Somehow, Reiner had the severely injured and incapacitated shifter quite literally in the palm of his hand.
Sasha knew that once people slowly started waking up, the fighting would only continue, but she savored this moment. Even if you were bleeding and hurt, your face looked peaceful. As odd as it sounded, she felt content with you in this moment.
As Reiner ran further and further from the wall, Sasha glanced over his shoulder, watching as the faces of her former comrades as they faded into the background.
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I wish somebody cared for me the way Sasha cares about Y/n in this fic lmaooo
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volleychumps · 4 years
Hi! I really love ur writing and if u still do requests, can you make a scenario where the reader is an artist and asks kuroo, akaashi and tendou to pose for them (maybe naked hueh uee) thank you so much! ❤❤❤❤❤
c u t e- I used the aspect of paint in a lot of them tehe hope you guys don’t mind <3, the endings to these btw? Kinda hot ngl 
Plus these are kinda long to make up for me being gone for a bit aha 
Asking Them To Pose For Your Drawing w/ Kuroo, Akaashi, and Tendou 
warning(s): slight nsfw themes
“Knock knock!” 
“Um, hi Kuroo-senpai?” You say it like a question, startled from washing your paint brushes as you quirk an eyebrow at the feral captain leaning against the doorframe, jacket slung over his shoulder with a casual feel to his actions. You cock your head as he whistles, situating himself with the stool before finally meeting your eyes with a grin. 
“Yeah, so Kenma couldn’t make it.” 
“Could he not make it or did you steal this from him?” You sweat drop, a knowing grin tickling your lips as you make small-talk with your friend, hearing the feigned gasp of shock in your ears as you mildly meet his eyes. 
“I’m offended-” 
“Kuroo-senpai, you said no when I asked.” You hum, looking around for your apron before glancing back at him. “Sudden change of heart?” 
“I didn’t say no, I asked what was in it for me.” The captain protests as you resist the urge to palm your face, crossing your arms as you stand in front of your easel. 
“Nothing. Other then helping me with my piece, nothing.” You sigh, tying your hair back while narrowing your eyes. “So will you please tell Kenma I didn’t cancel? He’s willing.” 
“Oho kitten, I wouldn’t say nothing. I get to stare into your pretty eyes while you get to stare right back? That’s something.” Kuroo replies easily, jacket falling to a heap next to the stool as you will your eyes not to follow the clothing. 
“...right.” You roll your eyes at the captain’s flirtatious nature, still a little glad you were able to get your first-choice pick in the first place despite the slight hassle it took. 
“Don’t trip over yourself in excitement-” 
“Aaaand we’re starting.” You step behind the easel, beginning to situate your paints. You go to look around the easel when you’re done, eyes becoming owlish at the sight of Kuroo in the process of pulling his school pants off. At your shriek, Kuroo stops mid-way before lifting his head, a lazy smirk crossing his face before he tilts his head, 
“What are you doing?!” 
“This...this is a nude kinda thing, right?” 
You stare at him blankly before turning around abruptly, trying to keep your head straight before sighing heavily with a hand on your forehead, cursing the heat beneath your skin. How did you end up here?
“Just...I’ll give you three seconds to get all your clothes back on.” 
“All of them?” Kuroo’s voice is whiny as you grow more agitated.
“Yes.” You snap, biting the end of your thumb, feeling an unsteady beat in your chest. The sex appeal of Kuroo Tetsurou was insanely high, and most of it came from his actions- not to mention your little crush on him that had been tame for the most part, unexpected situations like these causing said crush to grow immensely. 
Still, you didn’t think he could be that bold. 
“Sir, that is not all your clothes-” 
“I’m sweaty though.” Kuroo shrugs, winking once before taking a swig of a water bottle, and you’re left dumbfounded before he stops mid-drink, a grin tickling his lips. “Are you gonna keep staring at me or get started? Or should I pour this water on-” 
“I-I’ll get started.” You huff, picking up your first art utensil to begin drawing, instructing him on how to pose. Surprisingly, you get past your embarrassment easily, your face falling to a relaxed nature with a slight furrow to your brows. 
Kuroo couldn’t help but admire the way your hair fell into your face out of it’s knot, a paint-stained hand coming up to brush some of it out of the way while smearing some on your face in the process. He liked messy. 
And that’s just what you were right now, messy and doused in color. 
You gave special attention to the sharp look to his eyes, spending more time than you thought you would after a few looks. When you go to look again, you blink in confusion to see he was no longer in his seat. Before your irritation could grow at his lack of following directions-
“That is some talent.” 
You yelp, spinning around in your seat to face the dark-haired boy who reached an arm out to steady your piece, looking down at you with a lazy grin as he saves your portrait of him, his bare chest pressing to your back while one of his muscular arms remains outreached to your side. Trapped, but not really trapped as his hazel eyes seems to pin you there, your breath hitching in your throat. 
His hands go to smudge at the paint on your face, frowning as you flinch away in embarrassment, tone falling to a serious one. 
“Tell me if I’m crazy, sweetheart, but do you like me the way I do, or am I just batshit insane?” 
At your stutter, the heat that flames your cheeks, and the rattling of the paintbrush as it hits the floor- 
Kuroo grins, cupping your face with a paint-stained hand before closing the distance, one of your hands resting on his chest as you kiss him back shyly. He lets go of the easel to cup your face with both hands to deepen the kiss, grinning when he feels you smile into it while the colors smudge your heated skin- 
the brush rattling to a stop as you pull back, sighing at the feel of Kuroo untying your apron. 
“Need help?” 
Your hands still from behind you to lift your head, smile crossing your face as the setter examines the art room, blue-eyes falling onto yours with a small greeting one of his own. His eyes fall to your hands in the midst of tying your apron as you laugh, spinning around. 
“Be my guest. Thanks so much for doing this, Keiji.” 
“I owe you, Y/N. Ever since high school started you’ve been the only one to keep Bokuto-san on his feet at games.” 
“A kiss on the cheek always gets Bo going.” You giggle, not noticing the ways Akaashi’s hands had stilled for a second before going again. “He’s like a kid, you know?” 
“Such a great kid. Wow.” Enthusiasm drains from his tone as you laugh.
“Keiji.” You begin to scold, only to feel the tightening of your strings as Akaashi hums, spinning you around by the shoulders as his blue eyes seem to keep you in place for a second, taking in your features with your hair pulled back. 
You chuckle nervously. “What?” 
Akaashi hesitates, sighing before letting you go and looking off to the side. “Is this where you want me?” 
“Akaashi, it might take a little bit-” 
“...Keiji.” You correct yourself, smiling at the way the furrow between the setter’s brows disappeared. Standing before him, you adjust the way you want him to pose, tongue poking out of the corner of your mouth as you did so. You grin when you achieve what you want, sitting in front of your easel while picking up your ink. 
“You ready? I need you to stay that way for awhile.” 
He nods, doing as he’s told as you immerse yourself in your work, ten minutes later that immersed expression becoming one of irritation as the setter takes his chance to speak. 
“Is everything alright?” 
“Clothes are a bit hard for me...don’t worry about it though- Keiji what on earth are you doing?” 
You blink, bewildered as the setter’s shirt gets flung to the side- your eyes following the material as Akaashi settles back into the pose as if nothing had happened, tilting his head at the pink that floods your cheeks. He hides his smirk with his hand at your flushed expression. 
“Better? That should be a bit easier, right?” 
“Keiji- to put it nicely, what the fuck-” 
“Shush.” Akaashi rolls his eyes playfully at your words as you try to keep your thoughts level, the look of Akaashi’s toned arms and chest complimenting his v-line perfectly. He was the perfect model. 
A perfect model you had to hide hidden feelings for with the sake of your friendship in mind. 
“Don’t call me a pervert.” You warn, voice uneasy before going back to your painting as Akaashi’s smirk only grows. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
The heat from your cheeks fades as time passes on, the portrait coming out quite nicely with only the minor details to fill in that can be done without the model. You give him a thumbs up after about an hour, the outline finally done and ready for color as you set your ink down. 
“Finally done.” You stretch, Akaashi falling to a more relaxed position with a short exhale, causing you to frown before pulling an icy water bottle from the fridge nearby. He looks up when you press it against his cheek, meeting his tired stare with a warm one. 
“Thanks for doing this, Keiji.” A tinge at your chest. “You’re a really good friend.” 
Akaashi stills at that word, not being able to stop the downward tug at his lips as you untie your apron before beginning to turn around so your back is to him. 
“Want to get some food? My treat-” 
Toned arms reach out before he realizes it, wrapping gently around your waist to hug you to him, a surprised sound slipping your lips as the setter’s lips speak against the small of your back. 
“Akaashi?” He whispers softly, and you shiver at the feel of it before biting your lip. You never would have imagined this situation would fall in your favor. 
“Keiji, what-?” 
“Remember when you asked me to stay like that for awhile?” He murmurs, holding you a little tighter as the messy-haired boy feels a surge of confidence at your nervous tremble. “Let me do the same.” 
You stop trembling, letting out a breath you knew you were holding before turning around, your hands resting on Akaashi’s shoulders as he looks up at you the way he always looked at you. 
With love. 
“How long?” You ask softly, the side of Akaashi’s lips quirking up ever so slightly as his arms drape around your waist naturally. 
“Since the start of our first high school year.” 
You smile, Akaashi easily pulling you into his lap as you tense up at the movement, heat flooding your cheeks yet again as Akaashi clasps his hands under the small of your back, blue-green eyes taking in your ink-stained features. He listens patiently for your response, and your voice is quieter than ever as one of your fingers trace his chiseled jaw, ink on your fingers leaving a small trail.
His chest was hot as your lips hover over his. 
“Then I guess it’s a good thing I don’t want to be friends anymore, is it?” 
“Then what do you want to be?” Akaashi’s voice is dazed as you smile, hands resting on his bare chest. 
“Best friends.” 
Akaashi rolls his eyes, putting a hand on the back of your hair to kiss you with a fervor unkown as the ink on your fingers leave marks on his bare skin as he speaks against your lips. 
“Best friends don’t do this.”
As his hand gently tugs your hair out of it’s knot, his tongue slipping into your mouth as his shirt remains forgotten against the wall. 
“Tendou, you’re late.” You sigh, looking up from adjusting your easel as the redhead pouts, coming over to help you adjust it. Tendou slips both of his hands into his hoodie pockets, frowning when he sees that you were still wearing your school uniform. 
“Hon, you’ve got paint stains already on your uniform.” 
“Don’t hon me, Satori.” You retort, mixing some colors on a pallete before narrowing your eyes at your best friend who replies with an easy grin before you look down again. “The art club sent the aprons to get washed, but I need to get this piece done-” 
“Boo you pulled out my real name.” 
Tendou ignores your shocked look when he snatches the pallete from you, holding it up arms reach before draping his hoodie across your face. You take the hooded material off with a glare, the redhead smirking in his shirtless glory back down at you. 
“Wear it. I don’t like it anyways.” 
“How kind, considering you probably stole it from Semi-” 
“Details, details!” Tendou waves it off as you shrug the material on, the scent of Tendou filling your nose as he hums, helping you tie your hair back for you in a way that was almost sweet-
“Tendou, you know you’re ass at doing my hair.” 
“You act like guys are supposed to know how, missy.” 
“Good thing you’re not a guy to me, mister.” You reply, lying as if you weren’t completely and helplessly in love with your best friend. Tendou’s hands freeze up before he pulls your hair through the final loop, clearing his throat before crossing his arms to face you seriously. 
“My body is ready.” 
“Just go sit down!” You push him, Tendou’s cackling filling the air as you roll your eyes, still smiling widely at his antics that interrupted the awkward silence. Settling down in front of your easel, you face palm at Tendou’s stupid-ass pose as he looks at you as if he had just won a prize. 
“Like this?” 
“Satori, I will walk out this door-” 
“You must be real fun at parties.” 
“It’s hard to be fun at parties when you’re the fun one at parties, so I have to be the responsible one.”
You shake your head, actually beginning the drawing and getting really far, despite Tendou’s annoying tendencies. 
“You starin’ at my abs? Should I feel harassed or complimented?” 
“Y/N...is that...a blush I see?! Because of lil old me?” 
“Y/N...Y/N I bet you’re feeling a tickle on your cheek.” 
“Y/N, you’re hot when you draw-” 
“Satori!” You groan, an hour of Tendou’s shiteating comments finally coming to a stop as you turn the portrait on him, tired look in your eyes from both him and the concentration as a proud grin crosses your lips. 
“I did it.” 
Tendou blinks at how well-drawn the portrait was, swallowing back his compliments. Was he really that...attractive? 
“...Bout time, I’m hungry.” 
“At least say something!” You swat at his bare arm, Tendou laughing chaotically as you groan and walk over to the sink, pouting over-dramatically as Tendou sighs in response. 
“Sunshine, don’t do this.” 
“Tendou I spent an hour drawing your ugly ass-” 
“Ugly ass? My ass? Ugly? Excuse me-” 
“-at least be grateful.” You finish with a huff, and Tendou stalls when you pull his hoodie sleeves up. The hoodie had been rightfully his in the first place, and the sight of you tugging the sleeves up to wash your hands had the redhead wetting his lips at the sight. The hem of his hoodie draped around the upper portion of your thighs, just covering your school skirt that gave the illusion of his hoodie being the only thing you were wearing. 
And that was all it took. 
“What do you want to eat, you jerk-” 
You’re cut off at the feel of Tendou’s arms wrapping around your waist from behind, the redhead digging his face into the juncture between your shoulder and neck with a sigh. His bare back presses against your clothed back as your chest begins to pound. 
“Satori.” Your voice comes out as a whisper as Tendou’s mumbles into your skin. 
“Do you really not see me as a guy?” 
You freeze. 
“What would it take, huh?” 
His hold tightens. 
“Can I make you fall for me the way you made me?” 
The seriousness of his tone had you turning gently in his hold, your thumb swiping over the redhead’s cheek as you eye him, fragility in your eyes. 
“Are you being serious right now, Satori?” 
“Depending on your answer, yes and no.” 
You roll your eyes, smiling as Tendou pulls you in closer by tightening his hold, your noses brushing as your voice falls to a hush. 
“You don’t need to make me fall.” Your voice falls to a hush as you smile, kissing the tip of his nose softly. 
“Because you already did.” 
And then you were placed on the counter, Tendou stepping between your legs heatedly to cup your face with one hand, his other one gripping your waist tightly as his lips capture yours. His touch was fierce and hungry, lips moving against yours like a man starved as you merely whimpered into his mouth. 
He pulls at the material of the hoodie, whispering almost angrily against your lips as his hand slides up your bare thigh.
“As much as you look all cute in my hoodie hon, let’s get it off.” 
General Works: @takemetovalhalla @savemesteeb @kasandrafaye @dreebbles @yams046 @aprettyfruit @therestless101 @dai-tsukki-desu @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast @wisepandaslimeland @deadontheinsidebut @lmkjimin @h0ngh0ngh0ng @theworldupthere @itz-tooru @orangegiraffe7 @let-me-have-my-own-name
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salandition · 4 years
Its,,,,, so basic but Maybe Leon and Reader are training out near Circhester and get caught in a snowstorm? They find an old cabin amongst the trees and tHeReS OnLy OnE BED and they have to keep warm,,,, (Love your writing btw)
A/N: yes, the classic trope. I will gladly take a bite out of it :) Also this one kind of really dragged on, so it’s a bit long lol took me way too long to finish. if any of you recognize the title, ur a real one 
Chilly Down (Good Times, Bad Food)
Leon x Reader
--- --- ---
You feel like you should have expected something like this to happen. Despite what a great guy Leon is and how fun it is to hang out with him, he was sort of a magnet for trouble. He had an ability to draw in unfortunate events wherever he went it seemed. 
So you’re not completely surprised when you and Leon are hit with an unexpected snowstorm while training together outside of Circhester. Are you a bit miffed about it? Yes. But surprised? No, not really. 
“Training with the Champion is great and all,” you yell over the storm, one arm in front of your face to uselessly protect you from the snow, and your other hand is holding tightly onto Leon’s. Grabbing hold of him was almost more important than making it out of the storm- if you lost sight of Leon during this, you might never see him ever again. He’d find some way to end up on an undiscovered continent, you just know it. “But I think I’ll pass on your invitations after this!” You finally finish, continuing to trudge through the snow with him. 
“You know, usually I’d argue, but I think that’s fair,” Leon laughs, and then immediately shuts his mouth as a rush of cold air hits him and tries to travel down his throat. He hacks a few times- a few ice crystals probably hit his uvula or something- and then you feel a harsh tug on your hand. “Look!” 
Leon points toward a dim but very much real yellow glow in the distance. Immediately, the two of you head for it- desperate for any shelter you could be given. Part of you was doubtful, wondering if it was just some luminescent Pokémon or a random streetlight. Though even a streetlight would be better than nothing- that would mean you were back on the route’s path and could find your way back to Circhester if you were lucky. 
But it wasn’t a random streetlight. Thank whatever Gods that may exist- the light was coming from a big, sturdy wooden cabin, a sign being viciously blown by the wind read that it was even a hotel. What are the odds? 
“This is literally the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Leon yells as you both make a run for the cabin. 
“I believe it!” 
You almost fall with the amount of force that you and Leon enter the cabin with- both frantic to get out of the biting cold. You actually do fall, tumbling into a roll on the ground and snow scattering everywhere as Leon fumbles for the door and slams it shut before you bring too much of the storm inside. 
Heavily breathing, you don’t even notice the lady behind the counter before she coughs. 
Leon looks up with a beaming grin, laughing as he huffs and puffs, leaning against the door. “Hell of a storm, innit?” 
Not the smartest thing to say, but the lady gives out an amused snort anyway. 
“I’m assuming the two of you will be purchasing a room?” She tilts her head with a gleam in her eye. Something tells you that business isn’t going so well if she’s working in a hotel in the middle of nowhere and she’s still charging when you’re both obviously stranded- but hey, that’s life. You look up to Leon as you stay on the floor, hands on your chest as you continue to try and catch your breath. 
“Let me see,” you huff and wheeze, “those Champion benefits,” another huff, “big guy.” 
It’s not that funny but Leon laughs so hard that he starts to slide down the door, knees buckling beneath him, and you think that’s really funny so you start laughing too, rolling on the floor. The lady watches all the while, and if you notice a flying Rotom recording you while you and Leon lose your minds over nothing, you don’t say anything about it. 
Once Leon manages to shuffle over and pay the woman at the desk after your post-adrenaline delirium, she gladly shows you over to your room. You’re suddenly feeling exhausted after trudging through a snowstorm, so you don’t pay much attention to what she says as she leads you there- but it’s not like you need to. Leon does most of the talking as he keeps you steady with an arm around your shoulder. 
You don’t notice the look the woman gives you, nor do you notice the look Leon gives back. All you feel is the comforting rub of his hand on your arm, and it’s nice. 
“Enjoy your stay, you two,” is the only thing you pick up from her before the door is shut and you’re left alone in your newly-purchased hotel room.
There’s an important detail here, and that detail is the fact that there’s only one bed, and you’ve never shared a bed with Leon before. Sure, you’re friends, but you’ve never been the cuddling-type of friends. This detail is completely missed by both of you as luck would have it because as soon as you and Leon manage to remove your clothes, you’re out like a pair of lights the second your backs hit the mattress. 
No, the problem and important detail doesn’t really announce itself in your mind until morning comes. Well- afternoon, actually, if you managed to look at a clock. 
When you awake- at first, it’s not strange. It’s not strange until you recognize the hand around your waist, hair in your face, and legs entwined with yours- which is definitely not something that’s a usual occurrence for you. Recognizing all of these details, your eyes snap open, and you begin to take in the situation as it is. 
Leon and you both stripped down to your underwear, definitely cuddling, and definitely in the only bed available in the room as far as you can see. And from what you can tell with how the walls shake and the windows vibrate, the storm is still going strong. 
“Leon,” your voice is hoarse from sleep as you smack your lips, your hand lifting up to shake Leon’s arm that’s wrapped tightly around your waist. “Leon, you daft idiot, wake up,” 
“I’ll… I’ll steal all your Pokémon, and run off to another country. Wake up, Leon.” The threat is creative, but lacking any real malice behind it as you continue to shake Leon’s body. A few more rough shakes and he finally blinks his eyes open. 
“Where… where am I?” He mumbles almost incoherently as he blinks a few more times, lifting himself up on his elbows as he takes in his surroundings. A bit of drool falls from the corner of his mouth. 
It’s kind of cute, but also kind of gross, and Leon is still kind of on top of you in nothing but his underwear. You begin to wonder if he’s ever going to notice- but finally, his expression seems to come to life as his mind wakes up and he looks up and down your body again. 
“...Right. Yeah, my bad.” Grunting, Leon finally rolls off you and to the other side of the bed. You want to laugh at the pinkness of his ears and cheeks if you weren’t vividly aware you probably looked exactly the same, so you bite your tongue for now. Apparently, the both of you have agreed to ignore your partial nudity for now as Leon holds his head in his hands, keeping his gaze off you as he asks, “why on Galar am I so tired?” 
“Maybe we were supposed to die,” you snicker, sitting up yourself and bringing up the covers as you do, trying to stay somewhat-modest. “And now our brains are realizing we’re actually alive and it doesn’t know what to do.” 
Despite himself, Leon giggles. “Yeah, maybe.” 
The window shakes from more pressure of the storm outside. It gets your attention for sure, and you realize that you should probably check your phone to see when this storm would even end. Very, very slowly, you shuffle out of bed, analyzing the floor and looking at how scattered your clothes are. It takes your tired mind a minute to find your bag, but when you do, it’s not good news. 
Of course there’s no service. 
“Ugh,” you groan again. “This sucks.” 
“Put on some clothes,” Leon says from the bed and you roll your eyes.
“They’re drenched, mate, and so are yours,”
Leon’s head snaps up from his hands at that. “Really?” You’ve got no reason to lie about that but he scatters toward his clothes anyway, feeling the damp and dirty texture of them with his own hands, as if that would change their outcome. You’re definitely not checking out his butt as he bends over to pick them up, because that would be silly and childish. 
Very nice view, though. 
Leon sighs. “Of course. Don’t suppose this hotel has a store of any sort?” 
“Good one,” you laugh. “Probably not, but I’ll check the bathroom for robes-“
“Oh, let me do it,”
“I’ve really got to pee, mate,” 
“Right on, then,” you point him toward the direction of the bathroom and Leon immediately makes himself sparse. You can only laugh as you watch him go, and while you wait, you gather all of your wet clothes and start to hang them all around the room so they might dry while you wait out the storm. 
“Good news,” Leon comes out of the bathroom and you look over your shoulder, seeing him hold up two white, fluffy robes. He tosses one your way and you catch it easily, wrapping yourself up quickly and Leon follows suit. “So, roomie,” Leon raises a brow at you, hands on his hips, “what do we do now?”
You wave your phone that’s in your hand. “We got no service, so we should probably check in with that lady who was at the desk if she knows anything about the weather reports.” Your eyes move to look at the bed. “And maybe you should talk her into changing us to a room with two beds.” For both of your sakes. 
“Right,” Leon nods. “Let’s go, then.”
More bad news, though. The lady didn’t know anything about the weather other than the fact that these storms usually lasted a day or two, so, in her own words, ‘if you’re lucky, you won’t be here much longer, but I can’t assure that. Also, you’re charged per night, per room.’ 
And all the rooms in this shotty little hotel only had one bed, so the idea of getting privacy at night was a lost cause. You weren’t the biggest fan of wasting your money or Leon’s on two rooms, anyway, especially since the owner seemed to be somewhat rude. So that’s nice. 
‘At least she had food’, Leon had told you positively, and you suppose he was right. She had a rather weak list of a menu, but ‘at least there was a menu’ so you wouldn’t have to eat whatever berries you had in your bag. The two of you seemed to dance around the fact that you were going to most likely be sleeping partly nude again tonight, except this time you’ll both be a lot more awake and conscious of it. You distracted yourself with the mediocre food that tasted mildly burnt or undercooked, no in-between, and playing with what Pokémon could fit in your small hotel room instead until both of your eyes were drooping and you couldn’t delay the inevitable any longer. 
“So.” You stand on one side of the bed, Leon on the other. Both of you stare at each other with your hands on your hips. 
“So,” Leon nods. 
“Should we… make rules?” Looking down at the bed and up at Leon, you know that technically you guys could try to stay on your side of the bed and probably not touch each other all night. 
But you were keenly aware that this man is a cuddler and you had a subconscious habit to scoot over to the warmest thing while you slept, so it seemed like physical interaction was going to happen one way or the other.
“I think that’s a bit pretentious,” he scratches his chin and shrugs. His nonchalance is downplayed by the heat on his cheeks and the sweat on his temple. “It’s fine if we… Cuddle. Right?” 
You suppose so. “I guess,” you purse your lips. “Typically friends cuddle with clothes on, though. And these robes are too awkward to sleep in.” 
“I mean, we did it before.” 
That’s true, but again, both of you were a bit delirious. But you can’t really argue with that, and you’re getting tired of dancing, so you nod and sigh. With a burst of courage, you square your shoulders, narrowing your eyes. Leon looks at you strangely before he squawks, his hands flying to cover his face when you remove your robe, the material falling and pooling around your feet. 
“Some warning!” He chokes and coughs. You laugh through your embarrassment, quickly getting on the bed and under the covers. 
“Come on. We could be sitting here all night. Lose the robe,” you cheer him on and Leon glares at you through the spaces of his fingers. “Lose the robe! Lose the robe!” 
“Stop!” He laughs and you giggle along, but it slowly ebbs and abruptly comes to a halt when Leon does, in fact, lose the robe. It’s too much to ask for him to not notice how you stare, so of course he does- humming proudly as he snuggles under the covers. “Speechless?” Leon smiles. 
“Don’t push it, I saw you ogling me the first time,” 
He coughs when you smirk. 
“Fine. Come here and cuddle me if you’re so smart.”
“Fine, I will!”
“Do it.”
“I’m gonna.”
The two of you lay under the covers, Leon’s arms open and beckoning, and you- frozen, not moving an inch. It’s not until he gives you a cocky look and starts to wiggle forward that you finally bite your lip and shove down your ego, rolling over to his side. It should be awkward, and it is, but only because the two of you somehow manage to fit together perfectly and that’s a bit odd. Your head resting against his collarbone, his arms wrapped snugly around your body, your legs entwined in a comfortable and fitting manner. It all happens almost instantaneously as if you’d both done this for years, as if it was a habit.
“Not that bad, right?” Leon murmurs in your ear and hums when your fingers trail little patterns across the skin of his waist and back. You mostly just did it to ease your nerves, not realizing how intimate the action was, but you figure it’s fine if Leon seems to like it. His hands explore your hair and the nape of your neck, the feeling making you curl further against him with a sigh. 
“Not bad,” you whisper. “Still odd.”
He hums but doesn’t prod the conversation along any further.
Several odd minutes pass, your breathing slowing as your body relaxes against Leon’s. Right as you find yourself on that warm, lulling cusp of falling asleep, there’s a brushing feeling against the top of your head. Leon’s body shuffles and lowers on the mattress and you’re about to whine a complaint about him moving around so much- but you’re silenced by the feeling of lips against your forehead. 
The hand that was previously teasing the skin of your neck trailed up and lightly grazed your cheek as Leon’s lips moved across your forehead to your brow. The actions are relaxing, yes, but your body tenses regardless because friends don’t do this. 
“Leon,” your whisper is like a shout compared to the dark silence in the room. Leon freezes up instantly at the sound of it and when you open your eyes, his head is angled in a way with his lips still pressed against your temple so you can’t see his expression. “...What are you doing?” You lick your lips nervously.
“...I thought you were sleeping.” Is all he has to say. You can’t say anything in reply to that because it’s fairly obvious to the both of you that no, you weren’t sleeping. “Um.” The air that leaves his mouth is hot against your skin.
From where your head rests, snug against his chest, you can almost feel the thundering pace of his heart more than you hear it. You idly wonder if it’s possible for hearts to beat in sync with one another. 
“Leon,” you say again when he doesn’t offer any explanation. He sucks in a shaky breath, his arm propping up from under him as he finally comes into your field of view; his eyes downcast and refusing to meet yours as he scoots away from you and lays his head back on his pillow. His hand lowers from your cheek down to your waist, touching your skin and then jolting back and insecurely moving against his chest, instead. 
“Sorry,” he whispers, “that was a bit creepy.” 
You remember the feeling of his heartbeat, and you don’t think that’s creepy at all. 
You reach your hand forward, tenderly cupping Leon’s jaw as he had done to you. Finally, he looks at you- his golden irises shining like glowflies in the darkness. The moment held between you now is a stark contrast to the harsh snowstorm outside- if you strain your ear, you’d be able to hear the whistling of the wind and the creaking of the trees. 
For now, all you can hear is your heart in your ears and the voice in your head saying kiss him, kiss him, kiss him. 
You’re aware that friends don’t do this. They don’t look at each other like this and they don’t press their lips against each other so softly- meekly. Lovingly. Maybe if you’re experimenting, maybe if you’re a different type of friend. But you and Leon aren’t like that, you’ve never been like that. 
So if things are different now, that’s something that’s a treasured secret between you, him, and the snow. 
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Bus Rides and Sweet Times
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Pairing: Sam Alexander x Parker!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: None
Anon asked:  Can you do a Sam Alexander x Reader, but you're Peter Parker's sister??
A/N: Totally staying with the tradition of badmouthing Peter at the end of my oneshots and I’m proud of it. Sorry it’s so late btw, I was on a hiatus when you had requested it
On your first day of Advanced Biology you had been sweating buckets. You were attending a biology class ahead of your grade through the Accolades programme and were considering faking temporary illness to skip the day.
It was nerve wracking to have to go into a class where everybody was older than you and could bully you. Last thing you wanted was people to shove you in lockers like your older brother, Peter.
Well that was before he became friends with the school’s toughest football player but still. You didn’t really want to go through the embarrassment of being shoved in a locker for 5 years before finally making an unlikely friendship and then have a last good year of high school.
But when you stepped through the door, you were immediately relieved to see a familiar face.
Sam Alexander wasn’t a friend of yours, he was one to your brother and they weren’t even that close, but even then, seeing recognition on his face made you oddly relieved.
“Sit wherever, Miss Parker.” Said the teacher before returning to the board.
For a second you wondered about sitting next to Sam but then realized it probably wouldn’t be a good idea. So, you just moved to the back of the class and tried to blend in with the walls.
It was no secret that you were insecure about being the youngest person in the class. You never answered, never asked questions and always tried not to participate. That’s why the teacher was always surprised whenever you got the highest grades.
She always made sure to praise you in front of the entire class which made you embarrassed but still proud.
And that’s when she got the idea of you tutoring one of her students after school. And you being the innocent girl who just didn’t know how to say no to a teacher, agreed.
That’s when you started to spend more time with none other than Sam Alexander.
You should be annoyed but really you were relieved that it wasn’t any stranger.
Yet another time that Sam saved your sanity by just having a recognizable face.
“Hey do you mind keeping this whole tutoring thing a secret?”
A part in you was half expecting him to say something like he didn’t want people to know he was hanging out with a geeky younger girl even though you knew he wasn’t the type to be so rude, regardless of what Peter said about him.
“Well, your brother and my friends are really smart. If they found out I was getting tutored by a girl who was a grade below me...”
He scratched his cheek nervously and you melted. He was just as insecure and unsure as you were and while your intellect sometimes made you feel out of place, he felt the same way about his.
So, you nodded and set a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring nod.
“I promise I won’t say anything.”
“Your brother won’t be curious?”
“I’ll think of something.”
Unfortunately, you wouldn’t have too long to come up with a suitable excuse.
You quickly got to work and explained the concepts and making sure he understood everything you were telling him, even drawing diagrams and things like that because you figured he was a visual learner more than textual.
After nearly an hour spent in the library together, you noticed your brother come in with Harry and MJ, probably wanting to get some lab manuals for chemistry. Once he saw you with his sort of friend, he immediately made his way over to the pair of you.
“What’s going on?”
“Tutoring session.”
Sam immediately shot you a betrayed look but you didn’t even blink, turning back to your notes.
Just as you knew he would, your brother laughed and pointed at a slightly embarrassed Sam which made you irritated on the inside but you covered it with a plain expression.
“You’re getting tutored by my little sister?”
“Actually, he’s the one tutoring me.”
The two boys turned to you with shocked faces and you folded your arms over each other, raising a brow at Peter.
“Yeah, I keep missing class because I’m the lab assistant and I end up running late so Sam here promised to keep me in the loop.”
It wasn’t a lie, you were the lab assistant during Chemistry and as a result always had to clean up after your classmates after the period was over, but Peter didn’t need to know that you still managed to reach class on time because the teacher would spend the first 5 minutes reviewing the previous lesson.
Just as you knew he would, Peter bought the excuse, returning to his friends and telling you that he’d pick you up from your part-time job today, trying to be a good brother. But you knew it was because he found your co-worker cute.
“Thanks for that.” Sam spoke gently and you waved him off, leaning towards him again and pointing to the diagram of an operator.
“No problem, now back to Lac Operon.”
The next few weeks are spent the same way. Sam slowly brought his grades up in class tests and progress quizzes but the teacher still wanted you to continue with the tutoring sessions as your midterms were coming up.
That’s how you end up meeting and spending hours of your time with Sam, but it never really goes beyond tutoring and you never see each other outside of the library.
That is until one day you’re going straight home instead of going to your job like you usually do. You end up taking the same bus as Sam and sit beside him because it was the only seat open that wasn’t beside some older guy or a child.
Sitting next to you, he plans to do the same but when he glances at you, you’re slowly drifting off to sleep, letting your head lol to the side in an uncomfortable position.
So, he gently rests your head on his shoulder, his heart skipping a beat when you cuddled closer to him. He watched you on the ride home, just wondering when was the last time you got some rest.
You were beautiful, yes, but he wondered about the dark circles underneath your eyes and the tired frown on your face as you leaned against him, silently realizing how haggard you looked for such a young girl.
You were trying to take all advanced classes but wasn’t naturally intelligent like your older brother so you ended up working till all hours trying to keep your grades up. He always knew that you worked hard but it was obvious that it was taking a toll on you.
So why hadn’t you ever said anything?
He wanted to tell you that you were perfect just the way you were and that you should take it easy but he knew you liked working hard and he found that really admirable.
The rest of the bus ride was just spent with him making sure you weren’t stirring or getting uncomfortable. Silently thinking you were beautiful. At the time it felt like you were the only 2 on the planet.
But what he didn’t know was that everybody on the bus were fangirling about how cute the two of you looked cuddled up on the bus seat. An older man was musing something about young love but Sam just thought he was remembering the good old days.
When the bus pulls up to your street, Sam gently wakes you up and tells you that your home. He even gets off at your stop to walk your drowsy self to the door where he meets Aunt May for the first time.
You were so tired you barely remembered Sam’s arm wrapped around you as he pulled you to the door. You thought your eyes were open but they were definitely closed and so he rang the doorbell for you because you were not awake enough to fish for your keys in your bag.
Ever since that day, Sam began to pay more attention to you. He always looked out for you in a silent way, never trying to bring to your attention that he was thinking of you.
“Hey check it out! The vending machine gave me two strawberry milks! Do you want one?”
“I got this pack of nuts but it has peanuts in it and I’m allergic so you can have it.”
“I’ll do a practice test and you can check it after I’m done. In the mean time you can take a nap.”
He took the bus home with you every day since then, saying that he came to your work when you were getting off for a smoothie even though there were a hundred places in New York that didn’t need him to come so far out
But you never said that to him because you liked going home with him, sometimes falling asleep together and sometimes listening to music, sharing earphones or even just quietly talking.
In the beginning he was afraid that you’d sleep and end up missing your bus or that you’d end up with a crick in your neck because of the position you fell asleep in but he liked taking the bus home with you, playing with your fingers gently while you napped peacefully beside him.
Once after Sam dropped you off at your house, you said your goodbyes to him and went inside, telling him you’d see him tomorrow. He politely declined Aunt May’s invites for dinner, saying that he had to get home because he had chores to do (training).
Around 10 minutes later, you left home again, going to pick up some rolls for dinner when you notice someone walking ahead of you but it’s only when the person walks underneath the lamppost do you recognize him.
“Sam?” You call out, wondering where he’s heading late in the night when his house was in the opposite direction.
“Oh shit.” 
Sam freezes in his steps, silently contemplating whether he should just run for it or actually turn around to face you. You call his name again and wonder if you actually got it wrong and he was just some random kid in your neighbourhood.
But then he turns around and it’s him, blushing bright red that you could see it even in the dark and his heart began beating quickly, seeing you make your way over to him.
“What are you doing here? I thought your house was down the block?”
He tried to think of something but his mouth got really dry before he figured he should just give up.
“Well, about that, it.... isn’t.” He explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously and trying to avoid making direct eye contact with you.
“I live close to the school actually.”
“But you’ve been taking the bus home with me every day for like 2 weeks now.”
“Yeah, it’s just because I like taking the bus....and sitting next to you. Taking the bus was my excuse to spend more time with you.”
You could’ve sworn you swooned.
It was the first time you noticed just how crazy for you Sam was and it was exhilarating. To see this older boy standing in front of you and being vulnerable enough to be sweet and thoughtful.
It was kind of that little girl fantasy that you dreamt about back when you thought Cinderella and Rapunzel had been real. So, you can’t stop yourself from smiling when you notice how awkward Sam is beginning to get underneath your stare.
Sure, he wasn’t exactly prince charming but to be honest, to you, he was much better.
Prince Charming forgot what Cinderella looked like.
Like what the heck?
“You could’ve just asked me out on a date.”
“Well I wasn’t sure that you’d say yes.”
“Ask me now then.”
Dating Sam was everything you’d expect it to be. He was sweet and thoughtful, always taking you out and loving to spend time with you. Your tradition of him picking you up after work and taking the bus home turned into you greeting him after getting off with a kiss and then inviting him inside for dinner.
Even though you knew he didn’t live close here, he still wanted to drop you home. He said he was being considerate and loved spending time with you, which was true, but it was also because he was afraid you’d fall asleep on some other boy’s shoulder and fall in love with him.
Which was ridiculously specific but you still indulged him.
Peter didn’t find out initially because he always managed to miss Sam right when he got home because he was out crime fighting.
And you didn’t feel the need to bring it to his attention.
You knew he would find out one day though and the opportunity presented itself when he brought his friends home to live in the house because a fire had destroyed their dorms.
And with him came your boyfriend, outright grinning at the sight of you and you had to hide your laughter because you knew Sam was excited about having alone time with you at home without seeming suspicious.
But something was telling you with so many people in the house, you wouldn’t be getting any solitude for a long while.
May being kind of strict between the two of you, saying that you can’t close the doors was not surprising even though you knew she loved Sam. To Peter however, it was kind of startling.
The two of you manage to spend time without drawing suspicion. Going on grocery store runs quickly became your favourite kind of date because it was just the two of you roaming around the store with Sam pushing you in the shopping cart.
Peter one day sat the two of you down with a seriousness that made you want to laugh in his face because you could see how awkward it was, demanding to know exactly what was going on between the two of you.
What he wasn’t expecting was you to admit that you had been dating for nearly 4 months now.
Apparently neither were his teammates.
The rest of the night was like an interrogation while the two of you just curled up on the couch and ignored the rest of them until Aunt May came home and told them to stop bothering you.
At which point they all just shut up and decided to watch a movie.
Your boyfriend held you close to him underneath the blankets, holding your hand in his, clutched to his heart and you used your free hand to feed the two of you pizza without even looking away from the screen.
Half-way through the movie, just as you were beginning to drift off, Peter scared the shit out of you by jumping up and shouting.
“Oh my god! I left the two of you at home alone so many times because I didn’t think you liked each other!”
Your face burned and you just hid underneath the blankets, trying to avoid the teasing faces of the others and try not to combust.
“Oh, just can it Parker!”
“Excuse me?”
“I meant the other Parker and you know it!”
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babyyweebbitch · 3 years
Hi, I love your writing so much! But I wanted to ask, could you do some fluff for Izuku from BNHA as a dad? Just cute everyday stuff like how he interacts with his kid, who’s maybe a 4-5 year old?
a/n: hello! Thank you very much and I honestly love this idea. I’ve been thinking about doing this for so long but never did! Plus I started doing this like right before I go to sleep so if I fuck up im sorry! 😭
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❥ Izu with his kid
genre: fluff
warnings: too much freaking adorableness
word count: 873
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When Deku is with his kid he is so gentle with them
When they started talking he cried and tried to get them to say ‘Dada’ instead of ‘Mama’
Now that they’re 5 they’re almost able to go to school and he hates that, he HATES The idea of leaving them for hours
When they’re home just chilling and you’re at work or out doing something, he likes to make a huge pile of clothes and anything soft on the floor and toss your kid on it
They’d come back giggling asking for more and obviously Deku would yeet them again on the pile
There was one day Deku felt really lazy which was rare so he walked out to the living room holding your kid by the leg
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(I’m fucking crying looking at this😭)
You looked at Deku and then your kid “why are you doing that?”
Deku lifted his hand to show your child literally upside down and enjoying life “they like it”
Deku would be the type of parent to teach their kid early what Boys and girls have. He would obviously not get into that but he’ll tell them the difference between boys and girls since he feels like it’s necessary to teach kids that at a young age
He’ll watch all the kids movies
Probably even remembers all the frozen songs by heart by now
He cherishes the drawings he’s giving by them
Your kid drew a very good Elephant one day, all coloured and everything and Deku cried so much
He loves it so much he had a copy made and put the original on his desk in his office, he bragged like “my kids gonna the best artist in the world” “that’s cool but, my kid drew me this!” (Man bragged for a whole month about this btw)
If your kid is struggling to sleep or has a nightmare he will either climb onto the bed and lay them on his chest or take them to your guys’ room and all three of you sleep there
If you’re tired or need like a moment to yourself — Picnics at the park with his kid
There will be occasional water fights, you get mad when they start/end in the house and you have to clean it
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If you have a girl: he loves having tea parties with her
He’ll play ‘Restaurant’ with her and always orders a burger and Soda
He will watch so many videos on how to do hair and even buy a one of those big doll heads we all had as a kid and practice on that then try on you if you let him
If she even mentions a boy at all he will be like “nO bOyS aLlOwEd”
He loves to watch her do little concerts and dances in the living room
He’ll play dolls with her, all sprawled on the floor in either her room or the living room (he’s always the doll with green hair)
He wears all the bracelets, necklaces, even cute little flower crowns she makes for him
He refers to his daughter as “princess” “doll” or any other cute names 🥰
He always teaches her how to protect herself since the world can be crazy and he knows he can’t always be there to protect her from danger
if you have a boy: he’ll casually yeet your son on the bed in your room because your son LOVES that
He’s made a box full of his old stuff from when he was his sons age and gave it to his son, he even gave his favourite All might figure to him
Casually hold your son upside down by his legs for no reason
There will always be a mess to clean up because those two were either playing outside together, doing a little science volcano kit and it ‘exploded’ or doing some crackhead shit with food (you honestly wonder if you have two sons instead of one)
When Deku works out or something he’ll use your son as a weight, or have him sit on his back while doing push-ups
Burping contests — That is all 😀
There will be so many pranks pulled on you by those two, you genuinely thought you had a kid with a man who is mentally 5
They are always going to the park on Dekus days off and having boys day out then come home with more toys then before
He’ll also teach his son how to protect himself as well since like I said with the girl, he won’t always be there to protect his son, he even taught your son how to protect you if anything were to happen and Izu wasn’t there
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In all seriousness, Deku would be an amazing, fun parent, always trying to be involved in their life and always doing stuff with him
Even when he’s extremely tired from maybe hero work or working at his office and his kid wants to do something he’ll do it anyway
Even if he’s in pain, he’ll walk to the moon and back for your child
Also he wants more kids🧍🏾‍♀️he’s jokingly said he wants 9 kids but there’s always a hint of truth in that
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
A tattoo for a lost bet - Fd!au (1/3)
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
This fic was corrected by the lovely @im-default
Techno and Skeppy bet on stupid things, and sometimes their bets can have very severe consequence if lost.
If you want to, look at what Minetra’s desing of Techno tattoo
Tw! Betting, swearing. Btw, this is very long
Next part --->
Childhood friends usually have that one thing they used to do or say when they were young, maybe even a habit they caught together and never got rid of. Techno and Skeppy used to bet on the stupidest things when they were young… Well, they still do bet on the stupidest things, but there is a difference from when they were young: they have some money now.
It was very normal for them to bet a couple of dollars on the stupidest things.
“My bus is going to arrive earlier than yours” Bet
“I’ll finish my homework before you” Bet
“I’m betting that you can’t finish your burger before I do” You’re on.
And these are just some examples, they really betted on everything, and Techno won half of them.
That’s why Skeppy stopped betting too much money when playing with him, literally half of Techno’s income was his won bets against him.
That’s why Techno barely stepped down from a bet coming from Skeppy, he was so confident that he also would bet the stupidest things to gain some dollars.
They didn’t bet only money though, they bet other things like objects or small things they had to do if they lost.
And honestly, Techno was so confident he could win a 1v1 in Minecraft against Skeppy, even though if he lost, he had to get a tattoo.
He hadn’t played in a few days due to all-nighters for last-minute tests, but Skeppy was worse than him anyway, it would have been fine… Right?
“You should get something edgy... like a skull!”
“I hate you”
Skeppy laughed as they stood in the waiting room of a tattoo place in town, Techno had lost the bet, and now, he had to get a tattoo.
“Look, you’re lucky I didn’t specify what tattoo you had to get” Techno took off his glasses and allowed his head to fall into his hands, “I know, if it was for you I’d have a dick tattooed on my forehead” Skeppy laughed again, Techno just exhaled in exasperation, out of all of the times he had to lose a bet, why this one?
The customer before them got up and entered what they guessed was the studio, Techno tensed up a little bit
“Do you already have an idea of what you’re getting? I’m pretty good at suggestions” He announced proudly placing his hands on his hips, gaining a death stare from Techno. “You are the last person I’d ask for a suggestion” Skeppy whispered “Ouch” before both of them smiled.
“To answer your question, yes, I do have something in mind”
I mean… after passing an entire night up, looking at tattoo ideas, he had an idea of what he could get, he just couldn’t find a photo or a drawing of what he wanted.
“By the way… “ Skeppy slipped his phone out of his hoodie, “... did you tell Phil about this?”
He froze
Skeppy noticed
“Don’t tell me… “ The boy with the light blue hoodie didn’t finish the question, scared of the answer.
Techno sighed…
and nodded.
“OH MY GOD TECHNO!!!” Skeppy bounced out of his seat, “ I THOUGHT YOU TOLD PHIL ABOUT THIS!!!” Techno gestured at him to be quiet, Skeppy sat back down.
“Phil would have never agreed to this! I had to do this without telling anyone” The customer and the Tattooist came out of the studio, “Plus, I’m doing this somewhere I can hide it pretty easily” he reassured, but mostly himself.
“Dude, you sound like you’re getting it on your butt” Techno pushed him lightly in response.
As the customer left, the tattoo artist came up to them and asked who of the two were here to get tattooed, Techno took a deep breath and got up.
No turning back now
“I applied a layer of petroleum jelly and put on a bandage, you’ll have to keep it for about twenty-four hours” Techno carefully listened to the tattooist after stepping out of the studio, “To avoid getting an infection, wash it with an antimicrobial soap and water, you can find it in any store, I recommend patting it dry instead of scratching it, put vaseline on it and keep it moisturized,” Skeppy was comfortably sitting on the couch, half-listening to what they were saying.
“For how long do I have to do this? Techno gently placed a hand on his left shoulder, “It’s a pretty big tattoo so...about four weeks” Skeppy’s eyes widened, p-pretty big? Four weeks? What in the hell did Techno get?
“Remember to do the whole process two times a day and don’t expose it to the sun, if you ever have any questions or insecurities, come see me kid, no worries.” Techno politely thanked him and gestured at Skeppy to follow him out, oh boy did Skeppy have questions for him.
“THERE WAS NO NEED TO GET IT THAT BIG!!!” Skeppy freaked out when Techno had told him the tattoo went from his left shoulder all the way to his elbow, he could have just gotten a letter or a dot and it would have been fine for him.
“To be honest, I was thinking of getting it smaller, but then the tattooer showed me a design he drew and… “ Rubbing the back of his head, he explained to Skeppy what happened in the studio while he was deciding what to get tattooed.  Skeppy calmed down hearing his friend happy about the choice he had made, hoping that he wasn’t going to regret it later.
“By the way… can I see it? Now you’ve made me curious!” Techno shook his head and Skeppy frowned in disappointment.
“I can’t show it right now, the bandages are on it and I can’t take them off for a day, maybe tomorrow at school” Techno smiled subtly, he will never admit this but he couldn’t wait to show Skeppy his tattoo.
Making their way to the bus stop, they shared earbuds to listen to some music, right now they were using Techno’s phone meaning that Monstercat was playing it their ears, specifically, “Call me” by Subtact.
But the music was just a background to fill in an eventual moment of silence, they had been talking since they left the coffee shop and the tattoo argument never left the conversation.
“Would you ever get a tattoo Skeppy?” Techno asked curiously, walking side by side with his best friend, his hands were casually placed in his hoodie’s pockets.
The brown-haired boy had his hands behind his head in a very anime-like pose, “Maybe, I think it would be way smaller than yours though” the sky over the city was grey, the sun’s light was barely able to pass through the immense stretch of clouds, summer was ending and school had already started.
The two young boys arrived at the bus stop and kept chatting until their ride home arrived, Techno’s bus arrived first so they waved their goodbye’s and went their own way.
While looking outside of the window, he started thinking about how to avoid any possible questions about the bandages in the bathroom that his brothers could find.
He opened the front door to find two brothers playing cards on the coffee table, both of them too absorbed in the game to greet him.
“What are you guys doing?” Techno passed next to them to go leave his bag into his room, “Waiting for you to get home, dinner is ready and Phil won’t be coming home until later” Wilbur spoke up, eyes fixed on his cards, “Don’t disappear Technoblade, I just need to heat the food and we can eat” Techno nodded and entered his room, opening his backpack to grab out the bandages and soap he bought before parting ways with Skeppy, he knew there was vaseline somewhere in the bathroom and Will had a moisturizing cream he never admits he has and uses, there was no point in buying them since they were at home already, he could just borrow them.
After taking his shoes off and slipping in his slippers, he exited his room to sit at the counter to eat with Wilbur and Tommy, placing his glasses by his plate and rubbing his tired eyes before taking his first bite.
There were about two or three minutes of silence before anyone started talking.
“Tubbo said that he, Nikki and Eret are planning on a movie night next Saturday, they invited us” Tommy broke the silence, the Berry siblings loved doing movie nights, they had a small projector which served as a monitor and a big ass couch where them plus the Pandel could all fit if squished a bit, reason why they usually invited them.
“I already said I’m going, you guys coming too?” He looked at his older brothers, but his gaze fixed on Techno’s left shoulder… was it just an impression or…?
“I don’t have anything to do so, yeah I’m down” Wilbur replied after taking a sip of water, “You Techno?”
Now both of their gazes were on the pink-haired brother, who was currently munching on a vegetable. “Yeah sure,” he shrugged it off,  “Have you asked Phil yet?”
Tommy’s eyes were still fixed on Techno’s left shoulder, “No… I was thinking of…asking him when he came- Techno wh-why is your left shoulder bigger than usual?”
He almost choked on his salad.
“What are you- Oh… yeah, you’re right” Wilbur also looked at his shoulder, welp, fuck.
“I… uh…” Techno almost stuttered, he had forgotten how vigil and attentive to details Tommy could be… what could he tell them…
Saying that he got in a fight was the worst idea ever, knowing his brothers they would have asked him the name, grade and address of who did this to him, so that idea was out of the question.
Eh, just deny it.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” he took another fork of his salad, trying to play it cool, “But I swear it looks-”
“Maybe it’s this hoodie” he quickly interrupted him, he had to get the attention somewhere else, fast.
“This hoodie is pretty fluffy and I didn’t use it for the entirety of summer so… “ He trailed off, leaving Tommy very suspicious.
The day at school wasn’t too different from others, the only “unnatural” thing he had to do was go get a violin and carry it from one side of high school to the other, thank god he usually carried stuff mostly on his right shoulder.
Speaking of carrying, he had to carry his backpack on only his right shoulder, a thing he despised and never did, but placing any type of weight on the new freshly-made tattoo stung a little bit, hopefully in a couple of days he could go back to using both shoulders normally.
“Bandages… vaseline… the soap is already in the bathroom… “ It had passed twenty-four hours from when he got the tattoo, it was time for him to change the bandage, and to do so, he wanted to be a hundred per cent sure he had everything he needed before going to the bathroom.
He grabbed all of the necessary things and peaked into the living room, Wilbur was in his room and Tommy wasn’t home yet so he took a deep breath and silently DASHED to the bathroom.
First thing first.
Lock. The. Door.
He wasn’t about to get walked in on by one of his brothers, so he locked the door and took another deep breath, he was now partially safe.
Underneath his hoodie, he had changed after arriving home into his only tank top, aka Wilbur got gifted one but he didn’t like it, so much that when doing laundry he had placed it in the stack of Techno’s clothes, so now it was his.
He didn’t want to do the whole operation shirtless so I guess the tank top was pretty convenient.
Stripping out of his hoodie, he looked at the bandages wrapped around his arm and the deep bags under his eyes: if someone else looked at him, they would think he was part of a gang or something.
Carefully peeling off the bandages, he realized that the skin around the tattoo was pretty red, the bits that were getting exposed to the air felt hot, it was going to be a big problem if he had gotten an infection.
As the last part came off, Techno looked once again in the mirror, the beautiful floral tattoo that he had seen drawn on paper by the tattooist look way better on skin, his skin.
Techno was afraid of regretting his decision, getting a tattoo this big from a day to another was careless of him, but god it looked pretty, he loved it.
Realizing that he was smiling at his own reflection, he shook it off and got back into a more concentrated state.
As the tattooist said, with a glass, he poured over the black ink cold water, his shoulders loosened up at the welcome sensation of chill washing over him.
He took the soap he bought and started making slow and soft circular motions, pressing as little as he could-
The sound of the handle trying to open the door made him jump, oh no no no, please…
“What do you want?” he recomposed himself and spoke with his usual unbothered voice, “Did you lock the bathroom Techno?! Why the fuck would you do that?!”, a high voice came from the other side of the door, Tommy must have arrived home from practice and he usually takes a shower right after entering the apartment so…
“It’s called privacy Tommy, plus I just got out of the shower, and no, I’m not rushing, I’m taking my sweet time” A loud groan could be heard right before footsteps walking away, Techno sighed, close one.
He continued taking care of his tattoo with extreme caution, washing away the soap, applying the vaseline, and wrapping it back up again. He threw everything in his drawer ( who usually only had the gel he occasionally used and his trusted comb), put on the hoodie again and shouted at Tommy that the bathroom was free.
After that, he went straight back into his room to work on the unusually low number of homework, unfortunately, it was French, so it didn’t matter how much stuff he had to do, it was going to take a long time either way.
He finished around the time that Phil got home, the older brother had the habit of greeting every brother one by one, so when a “Hello Technomate~” arrived from the slightly open door, Techno smiled and replied with the least dead-inside voice he could make: “Welcome back home Phil”
He was about to close his textbook as Phil’s voice in the distance asked him a question he wasn’t expecting.
“Hey Techno… Why do you have bandages in your drawer?”
Time stopped and Techno froze, a shiver shot up his spine. Why did Phil open his bathroom drawer?
“Uh… Well… Tommy sometimes comes home with cuts and bruises so I bought bandages in case he ever needs them” It wasn’t a lie, Techno would always patch up Tommy if he got hurt when his protect-the-weak vigilante moves failed him and he got some bruises, his voice was a little shaky but he was so far away from Phil that he probably didn’t notice.
“Huh… That’s… awfully empathic of you… “
Techno stood completely still for a couple more seconds waiting for him to find the antimicrobial soap and the vaseline, but it never happened.
He exhaled after taking off his glasses, throwing himself on the bed, turning to face the ceiling.
He didn’t regret getting this tattoo, but for how long could he keep it hidden from his brothers? For how long would he be able to lie to his brother?
Only time could tell.
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hatsukeii · 4 years
hey! could i request boyfriend! sousuke, makoto and rin headcanons? 💕 thank you!
lmao I’m straight binging free rn deadass alr done w s2 and it’s been like 2 days 
Sorry but Rin>>>>>>>>>>
Anyways onto the headcanons!!
All gender neutral btw:33
*Gifs are not mine:>
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🌊Yamazaki Sosuke🌊
- Yikes I feel really bad for not liking him until the end of season two-
- But anyways,
- Sosuke is um... kinda dense I feel like. 
- Like he doesn’t really catch up on cues.
- The two of you could be out and there would be these girls staring at him.
- He would literally pay no mind and get confused when you start pulling him away.
- “(Y/n)? I thought you wanted to go into that store?”
- “Sosuke those girls are staring, we can come back later.”
- “Huh? So they’re staring, what’s the deal?”
- “Sosuke wha???”
- Yeah, that. 
- But don’t worry, he has eyes for you and YOU ONLY!!
- Lmao I feel like he’s popular with girls but he’ll just turn them down straight up.
- “Sorry, I’m not interested, and I already have a partner.”
- Yike feelsbadman.
- Okay aside from all that, Sosuke is honestly an AMAZING BOYFRIEND LJAHDAWHD-
- He’s very stoic in public, kinda harsh, but he has that one soft spot for you.
- Extra soft spot.
- With you he’s super caring, very sweet, protective, just sjkhncef yes.
- Definitely gets jealous sometimes when you’re getting too touchy feely with another guy.
- God forbid you to hug a guy in front of him.
- He isn’t one to boast or show you off, he’s very lowkey with the relationship.
- Not much PDA, maybe a little bit of hand holding or finger linking but that’s about it.
- When the first years found out you two were dating let me tell you they were shook.
- Momotarou was very, very jealous, to say the least.
- Probably didn’t get intimate until like months into the relationship.
- And no I don’t mean intimate as in sex but like kissing or sth like that.
- It took him some time to warm up to the idea of just a relationship, but kissing? Even longer.
- He had this mindset where it was like oh if I kiss her then I’ll start drifting out of focus and I’ll forget about swimming and then my dream is going to be out of reach and-
- Yeah, he still kissed you so...
- When he found out about his shoulder you were the first one he turned to.
- He couldn’t let other people find out, but he trusted you.
- Awww he was devastated.
- He definitely didn’t cry for hours.
- And he definitely didn’t make your shirt wet from crying.
- And he absolutely did not refuse to let go of you at night when the two of you were about to sleep.
- Great boyfriend material, 9/10 would recommend bc of the obliviousness.
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🐢Makoto Tachibana🐢
- He’s the man.
- Like THE MAN.
- You’ve reached the top of the list.
- He’s genuinely caring, understandig, a tiny bit awkward, super sweet, if husbando material was a person, this would be it.
- He likes PDA definitely, but not like extreme PDA.
- Hand holding, maybe an arm around your waist, occasional peck on the cheek in public, about that.
- Not one to show you off but wouldn’t mind doing that if anyone asked about it.
- “Yeah, I do have an amazing partner, thanks for asking.”
- Likes it when you play w his hair!!
- He’s just so supportive of everything you do oh god.
- You like gaming? Hell yeah, he’s cheering you on. You’re an artist? Draw him like one of your French boys. You’re a dancer? Hypes you up when you’re busting it down.
- Awww and he’s such a dork too!!
- If you guys have a movie night, pick a horror movie.
- Baby is so scared of the paranormal that he’ll be clinging to you throughout the entire thing.
- “Mako, it really isn’t that scary-”
- “We’re moving out if this apartment is cursed.”
- “Mako you don’t even live here yet.”
- Jumps so hard at jumpscares and just shoves his head into your neck even further.
- It’s like an extra cuddle session.
- Except you’re laughing your ass off and he’s so scared that his soul probably left his body.
- Very soft spoken, and he hates to argue.
- I mean if you guys fight you’d usually just feel bad and apologise first.
- *cough because he usually never picks the fights.
- Lots of bear hugs and cuddles!!
- Is the big spoon, will forever be the big spoon.
- Okay he tries to cook he really does.
- But he’s so clumsy oh god.
- Usually results in the food being weirdly sweet, or an entire bag of cheese accidentally dumped onto the floor.
- Thank god he hasn’t burned the apartment down yet.
- Just help him cook man he can’t do it himself.
- Good at pretty much everything else though.
- Actually enjoys doing domestic stuff.
- I feel like some of the swim club members were jealous of you-
- Okay maybe not jealous but definitely envious.
- Honestly it seems like they would happily take your place and date Makoto but can you really blame them??
- Overall 10/10 because he seriously tried to sell your apartment on eBay once after a horror movie.
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🦈Rin Matsuoka🦈
- Oh god where do I even start.
- Definitely PDA.
- Will kiss you in front of people just to piss them off.
- Shows you off ALL THE TIME.
- “Oh you can cook? Well so can my partner.”
- “Oh you need help with maths? My partner’s amazing at it gimme a second lemme call them.”
- Lmao it kinda annoys the swim club.
- “Rin senpai, we know you’re not single, you don’t have to rub it in...” ~Momotarou
- Does he care? No.
- Cheeky little shit, I love him-
- Will get jealous very, very easily.
- “Babe, that dude was looking at you weird, can we leave and come back?”
- “Awww is my baby Rin jealous~?”
- “Shut up:)”
- Will not hesitate to fight anyone that hurts you.
- Takes you on the cheesiest dates.
- Beaches, stargazing, nice restaurant, libraries, anything that he’s seen in those old romance movies.
- And he’s such a gentleman when it comes down to it too.
- Holds the door open, gives you piggyback rides if you’re tired, literally kisses the back of your hand before every date, you name it.
- Oh my god I’m so in love w this cheesy awkward dork-
- He’s got a lotta shit bottled up so do expect him to get moody at times.
- Nothing a good cry and cuddle session can’t fix though.
- Likes to feel you curled up against his chest while he plays with your hair.
- Presses your head closer so you can feel his heartbeat just like those kdramas portray it it’s not like he watches them or anything-
- If he’s crying then you’re gonna have to do the cuddling.
- Do the same to him as he does for you when the two of you cuddle.
- Except also stroke his hair and tell him everything’s gonna be okay.
- He needs someone to show that they care thanks for coming to my ted talk.
- When you’re upset he’ll probably start crying too.
- He can’t stand to see someone he cares about upset.
- Hypes you up whenever he gets the chance.
- Will do stupid shit just to see you smile.
- He’s actually very emotional and sensitive, so please take care of him.
- The dynamics in the relationship though like wow they’re insanely good.
- The two of you are just straight vibing.
- Overall 11/10 because I’m clearly biased😌💅.
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Lifetime of Waiting *Chapter 2*
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AN: I am so so sorry that this is late! I promised it such a long time ago and I am finishing my semester of school and just started a new job so I’ve been less than a person! Here we go! I’m slowly getting the swing of things!! Without further a do, enjoy!
Chapter 2
Tessa wasn’t really sure what made her run from her soulmates. Maybe it was her commitment issues after a lifetime of being alone or maybe it was the alcohol. Either way she couldn’t bring herself to face them and so there she was outside of the club waiting for her uber without her coat. The cold New York air was not kind to her and made her regret her decision of leaving the club but it was far too late to turn back. She had made some lame excuse to Anise saying that she was going home to work on some case studies when in reality she just had to leave. As her Uber pulls up she sees the two men, her two men emerge from the club looking worried. She makes eye contact with one of them before getting into her uber and shutting the door.
“Good evening miss, how are you?” The older gentleman asks beginning the ten minute drive back to her apartment.
“I’m great thank you, how are you?” She politely makes conversation with the man until he drops her off at her apartment. She graciously thanks him and exits heading to the front door of her apartment building.
Once Tessa is back in her apartment, she is peeling off her heels and slipping out of her dress before drawing a bath. She cannot seem to get her mind of her two soulmates and how she never got their names. ‘Great, I meet the two im destined to be with and run away before I learn their names.’ She groans internally giving herself grief. From beside the tub her phone is going off.
Anise: I know that excuse was bullshit, now what really happened?
Tessa rolls her eyes and begins to think of an answer that her friend would think was acceptable.
Tessa: I got a notification regarding an assignment I needed to finish. Sorry!
Anise: This conversation isn’t over... btw not coming home! Found my soulmate and spending time with him. Sorry!
Tessa: I’m so happy for you love! We’ll talk when you get home. I want details of course.
Anise: Of course! I’ll let you know periodically how I am and where I am okay? Isabella and Ryan are going to his for the night so you’re alone.
Tessa: Amazing, thank you! Have fun, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do ;)
Tessa shuts her phone off and rests it on the toilet seat lid.
At the club Mat and Tito are both confused as they watch their soulmate run out of there.
“What the fuck just happened?” Mat asks and Tito shakes his head.
“I think we just met our soulmate and let her run away from us.” Tito says running a hand over his face. He had been waiting for his soulmate for 80 years now and let her slip through his fingers. His family was one of the families in which all of them had been cursed with a long life expectancy, Anthony had been the luckiest and was stuck at 18 until the year 2015. Then he had begun to age naturally as a way to find his soulmate. He didn’t understand it fully but his mother had always told him growing up that the world worked in weird ways. Mat and his family were under the same issue. They all must find their soulmates before they can start to age again and Mat was the last one to find his soulmate. His little sister had found hers just a few years prior in her final year of high school, leaving Mat the only Barzal without a soulmate.
“How does this work though? Are we both her soulmate?”
“Yeah, I mean I guess. But how can someone have two?”
“I don’t know, but I’m guessing by the way we both reacted she is telling the truth.”
“I mean, yeah there is no reason why she would lie.”
“Where the fuck did she go by the way? We need to go after her?”
“Fuck, yeah. She probably left, we should see if we can stop her.” The two men exit the club and are looking around frantically to see if they can find the girl that they’ve been looking for. Anthony sees her out of the corner of his eye and makes brief eye contact before she gets into a car and speeds off.
“She just left.” He huffs watching the car fade from his eye sight.
“What do you mean she just left?” Mat asks.
“She got in an Uber and left. What else do you want me to say?”
“Fuck, so we’ll never see her again.”
“Good chance.” The pair head back into the bar feeling disjointed and defeated.
“What’s got you guys so upset?” Anders asks holding onto a new woman who neither man had seen before.
“We let our soulmate get away.” Mat says slumping down into the booth.
“She ran.” Anthony says with a shrug.
“We don’t even know her name. We were stupid and didn’t ask her name.” Mat runs a hand through his hair and watches the young woman furiously type on her phone. Then it clicks for him, “fuck, you’re the girl that was dancing with her.”
“What was her name?” Anthony asks leaning across the table towards her. She giggles leaning into Anders’ shoulder.
“I don’t know if that’s for me to say boys.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean obviously Tessa didn’t want to tell you?” Anise smiles letting the boys know her name.
“Why didn’t she want to tell us?... wait her name is Tessa?” Anthony asks catching on to her slip.
“Yep....” Anise nods.
“And you are?”
“I’m Anise, pleasure to meet you.”
“I’m Anthony and this is Mat.”
“Nice to meet you Anise.” Mat says politely. Anders pulls her impossibly closer to his side and she places her hand on his knee.
“So will you tell us where she is.”
“Nope, she’ll find you when the time is right. I’m not interfering in fate.” Anise shrugs and the two boys look at her incredulously.
“Why not?!”
“Because fate was telling her to run, I am not going to interfere with her gut. You’ll meet again when you meet again.”
“Well we need to be with her.” Mat huffs gripping at his hair.
“Well, if she doesn’t want you to know where she is, then suck it up. She will come when she wants.” Both boys leave it at that and go to get another beer.
A few weeks go by before Tessa runs into the boys again. She had just finished her shift at the gentleman’s club and was on her way home when she spotted the two men in suits walking out of a classy high rise. She ducks her head and continues to walk right by, hoping that the two boys don’t notice her. She’s almost of their sight when she’s pulled into a hard chest.
“You think you can walk past us and not have us notice you?” A deep, raspy voice growls in her ear. She’s bites back a moan letting her eyes close.
“No, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She stutters.
“I think you do know baby girl.”
“Nope, not me.” Tessa sighs her head tossing back. If anyone saw her they would think she was crazy. But thankfully it was still dark out being 6 am in winter.
Mat drags his fingers up her arm towards her neck and she lets out a soft whimper showing her neck more. ‘Why is my body reacting this way. I haven’t felt this good in a long time.’ She thinks.
“I know you wanna be choked but I don’t think it’s appropriate in public my dear Tessa.” He smirks, lips close to Tessa’s ear.
“How do you know my name?” She asks gulping.
“Anise.” Tessa rolls her eyes and turns around to face him.
“Of course, well you found me. Hi, now what?” She asks pulling her jacket tighter around her body. Both Anthony and Mat were taken back by her reaction. Tessa notices their faces and sighs, “Sorry, I just got done work and I need to do school work and well, I am a little tired.” She yawns rubbing her eyes and the two boys feel their hearts melting.
“It’s okay, she’s the soulmate of our coworker so the night we met she met him and told us your name.” Anthony says from where he was leaning against the building. Tessa gets a good look at the two men and bite her lip. ‘Fuck they look so good.’
“So, since you know my name can I know yours?” She asks.
“I am Mat or Mathew but normally Mat.”
“And I am Anthony, Tito or Beau. Whichever you prefer.”
“Beau, like handsome in French?” Anthony chuckles shaking his head.
“Kind of, but it’s because of my last name. Beauvillier,” Tessa makes a mental note to search him up later.
“It’s nice to meet you both finally, I am able to put a name to your faces. Now to avoid anymore issues I am going to need both of your numbers.” She shrugs.
“Why don’t we drive you home and get you some coffee so you can do your work. At least right now we can get out of the cold.” Mat says smiling at his soulmate.
“I’d like that but I need someone to hold my hands, they’re both super cold.” Tessa whines exaggeratedly and both boys are quick to grab her hands. Hers feel so tiny in comparison to Mat and Anthony’s.
Once they’re in the car, a nice SUV Tessa thanks the boys.
“Here, give me your phones. I’ll add my number.” She smiles.
“Amazing, thank you.” Tessa cheekily puts her name in Mat’s phone as ‘Babygirl 💕’ and just ‘Tessa🌸’ in Anthony’s as she wants him to decide her nickname.
“Thanks.” Anthony smiles leaning over to kiss her head without a second though. Tessa feels a warm feeling spread through her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.” He stutters.
“I liked it, don’t worry hun.”
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catzula · 4 years
Smile For Me
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AN: thank you to the anon who requested Artist Shinsou, it was a really cute idea! I'm sorry for writing the requests really late too but here's a 5.6k fic lol I'm sorry, it's not edited btw cause I'm at holiday and dont know how to write fics on mobile I literally can't :(
Warnings: nope
Genre: fluff
Pairing: shinsou hitoshi x reader
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It was a cold day.
You had a sweatshirt on, nothing too thick. The wind was blowing like it was trying to wipe you out the earth. You hugged your body tighter, trying to find some warmth.
The school had let you off early this day since a heavy rain was expected. The logical thing was to go home and do your preparations, but you didn't want to go home just yet, so you had decided to meet one of your friends. You decided you could wait at a park that was near where you were, hoping to find a small Cafe to at least drink something hot, but to your disappointment, nothing similar to what you had in mind was to be seen.
You sighed as you sat on a free bench. You texted your friend to tell her you were sitting at the park, groaning when she told you she was probably going to be late. You leaned forward to take your book out of your bag, trying to forget the cold wind that was sending chills down your body. You wrapped your scarf tighter to your neck, hugging your body with your arms.
You weren't aware of the boy sitting a few meters away from you, a notepad and a pencil in his hands, watching everyone.
Shinsou was in a bad mood. He needed to draw something for his art class, but he just couldn't find anything that piqued his interest. He could always draw the baby that was crying in the sand pool, or his mother that was blowing cool air from her mouth to soothe the small wound that was caused from the sand, but none of them looked interesting enough for him to go through and finish a whole piece of art. Maybe the flower standing there could be a reference but-
He sighed. He hadn't slept last night, looking for something to draw. He usually slept very late, but not sleeping at all was a whole new level. His pencil moved over his notepad, though he wasn't drawing anything specific. Shinsou looked at the girl that was sitting on the bench, probably about to freeze to death. People were wearing gloves and winter coats while you only had a sweatshirt and a deep red scarf on. Your eyes fixed on the book you held, your face relaxed, a cute smile now on your lips.
As his eyes wandered over you, he didn't notice his hand starting to outline your figure.
You were lost in your book. You didn't even notice the cold anymore, only when the wind blew your pages did you curse under your breath. When you finished the chapter you were reading, you felt your back hurting and you opened your arms, stretching your body.
Only then did your eyes catch a glimpse of the unruly hair, purple locks defying the gravity in an odd way. He didn't notice you staring at him, he was too concentrated on what was in front of him. He looked like he was drawing something, his eyes, which were the same color as his hair, were fixed on the paper, brows furrowed.
You looked away because if you didn't, he probably would have thought you were a creep, though you could feel your eyes gazing his way every once in a while. You snapped out of your thoughts and just when you were about to keep reading your book, you felt something jump on your lap, making you shriek in surprise.
It was a black cat on your lap, nuzzling its face to you, it sat right on your book as if it was trying to get you to stop reading. You giggled as you pet it, a big smile on your face. You always felt special when cats did this, it felt like you were chosen by some greater good.
You didn't notice the boy across you was watching you as you spoke and giggled to the cat. One of his brows quirked up as he smirked slightly, a girl talking to a cat-like so wasn't something he saw every day.
But maybe it was just what he needed to see.
You were smiling brightly as you talked to the cat, one of the prettiest smiles Shinsou had ever seen. Without taking his eyes off of you, he tried to copy this scene in front of him to the paper.
He was so focused on what he was doing, he didn't even realize you were shivering. He felt like he had seen you before, though he didn't want to waste his time trying to figure out where he had seen you, instead, he was trying to draw that smile of yours, though he just couldn't draw it the way he wanted to.
He just had to see your smile one more time.
But when he lifted his gaze from your sketch to look at you and the cat, you were nowhere to be seen. He stood up without thinking, looking around frantically. He started to run when he saw a glimpse of your deep-red scarf, not even thinking about what to say when he reached you.
When he caught up -he was heaving and his cheeks were red from running- he touched your arm, not sure of what to say. " 'Scuse me."
A deep voice called out, touching your arm slightly. You jumped with surprise but smiled sweetly when you saw it was the guy from the park, the one who was drawing.
"Oh, um, hi." You told him, your smile making his heart beat faster, even though he literally ran with all his might just now. "Did you need something?" You asked, watching him as his hand scratched the back of his neck, moving in his place uncomfortably.
"I- uh, I do need something." He too you as he held his pencil so right, his knuckles turned white. He was never an extroverted person, and what he was doing now was a big blow on his social anxiety.
"Do you have time? I would like to ask you something."
Was this boy asking you out or something? And why did he look so familiar? You could swear you'd seen him quite a lot before, though not really knowing where from. "I'm waiting for my friend, actually. So I have time till she shoves up."
Shinsou was not expecting a positive answer. How was he even supposed to ask you to model for him? Would that be too creepy?
You walked in silence, back to the bench you were sitting at. You were starting to get anxious as he eyed you every once in a while, not saying a word. "I- I'm an art major." He finally started, pulling when you didn't say anything. "I have my finals coming up and I have to draw someone... I saw you talking to the cat just now and I-"
"You saw that?!" You exclaimed, cheeks getting heated as you looked at him wide-eyed. "I- uh, I did. But you see, I think it was really nice and I kinda- actually, let me show you."
Wow, this was going bad, wasn't it?
He held his breath as he opened the notepad in his hands, opening the unfinished sketch he just drew- of you. You gasped as you saw the beautiful drawing, not even acknowledging for a moment that it was you who was smiling and petting a cat, so detailed and so pretty.
"Did you do this now?" You asked him, touching the paper so softly, as it would crumble under your touch with the smallest amount of pressure.
"I did. But I kinda need you to stay a little longer to finish it, I know this is a weird request, but I really need to finish it... So, what do you say? Could you stay a bit longer, not much, just till I finish it?" Your eyes followed his hand as he ran his finger through those purple, soft-looking locks, making you wonder how it would feel like under your hands.
"Wait, you actually want me to model for you?" You asked him, brows borrowing with confusion and disbelief. "Is that weird?" He asked you, a hopeful look in his tired-looking eyes.
"No, I- I mean yes!" Oh, damn, you were awkward. "What I'm trying to say is-" you started, a little calmer, trying to answer with a full sentence this time, "It is very unusual, but probably not as weird as me talking to a cat."
He chuckled at that, a rich sound making your heartbeat a little faster. "Yeah, probably not."
"So does that mean, yes? Will you model for me?" You shrugged as you giggled. "Sure, why not."
He smiled, relief washing over him. "Thank you so much, I can't even tell you how much this helps." He was taking his notepad out but stopped as he saw you trembling like a leaf. "Oh, here." He shook his jacket off his shoulders, handing it to you.
"I can't take this." You told him, wishing you could, "It's yours and it's really cold." Plus, it was your fault you didn't bring a jacket with you and he shouldn't be cold because of your irresponsibleness. "Just take it." He said gruffly, "I'm making you stay here so it's only fair if you took this."
Now that was a solid argument. You accepted the jacket he offered -why did it smell so good? Like soap and a bit like lavender?- and smiled gratefully. "Thank you for that." He shrugged to say it was nothing.
Hanging out with Shinsou was better than you had expected. He was such a chill guy, so calm and smart, he didn't talk much but when he did his quick, smart remarks making you admire him a lot.
Even though he had told you it wouldn't take long, the sun was already setting when he was giving the drawing it's last details, though both if you didn't mind it at all. It was supposed to be a quick sketch, all he had to do was to draw the outlines and then he could go on without you, but he just couldn't tell that to you, afraid you'll leave.
He was having fun, too much fun, to let you go. He never thought having a chat with some stranger -who talked to cats, too- would turn out to be so fun. And you were nice. So nice that he felt like he could tell you anything, and you wouldn't judge him, which was a feeling foreign to him.
As he scribbled the last pieces of shadings -he knew he was just adding useless details now- he felt a weird weight in his chest. He didn't want you to go, wanted you to stay with him, and talk even more. He was a quiet guy, in contrast to you -you talked a lot of he was going, to be honest, but he thought of it as adorable and even though it was mostly you talking and him listening, it was obvious both of you liked the presence of each other.
At some time, your friend had canceled, telling you she couldn't make it and she was really sorry, but it hadn't bothered you the least. In reality, you were glad you got to spend more time with him.
You gave him your scarf at one point, and he looked so cute, his face wrapped with a deep red scarf, the color matching his cheeks.
"It's really pretty." You told him, caressing the paper with your finger. "It's you who makes it pretty." He answered, causing your cheeks to heat up.
"I don't know how to answer that." You finally told him after a long silence. Your blunt answer made him giggle, once again scratching his neck, making your heart flutter.
"It was really nice to meet you." You let out, sad that you have to go, and that you'll probably never see him again. "It was really nice to meet you too, and you have no idea how much this helped." He answered though he looked like he wanted to say something else.
"Maybe I'll see you around, you know if you ever come here again." He mumbled, eyes looking at yours awaiting. "Sure." You smiled brightly, happy that you weren't the only one that wanted to meet again. You looked at the sweatshirt you were wearing, the one that belonged to him and was too big for you. "I should give this back."
But instead of taking it, he shook his head. "It's still very cold. You can give it to me the next time we see each other." You smiled, the idea of having some kind of excuse to see him again making your heart hammer your chest. "Then you should keep my scarf too, and I'll have it back when I give you your sweatshirt back."
He smiled too, touching the scarf like it was made of gold. You stood up, your legs sore from sitting for so long. "I should go now, it's getting pretty late." You told him as you looked at the drawing he did one last time. It really was pretty.
"Yeah, I guess." He really shouldn't have felt this bad. "See you around?"
"Yeah, promise you'll have your sweatshirt back." You giggled and turned your back, making your way back to your home, an odd feeling finding it's way to your heart.
Shinsou watched you leave, the same feeling you were experiencing, sending shivers down his spine.
It had been a week since you saw Shinsou. And oddly enough you missed him.
You could visit the park only once since that day, disappointed that he wasn't there. You weren't really sure if he had ever visited the park too, wondering if he had thought of you as often as you thought of him.
He probably didn't, and you were making a fool of yourself, but you just couldn't stop, couldn't make the thought of him just go away, though his smell from his sweatshirt was already going away.
You sighed, not being able to focus on your lesson. When the bell finally rang, you stood up, stretching your body as you saw your friend coming next to you. "Hey, what's up-"
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" She screamed- asked, earning glares from other people in the class. "How could you hide this from me?" Her hands were on your shoulders, shaking you with every word that left her lips.
"What are you talking about?" You asked, confused.
"Oh, come on, don't play dumb now." She told you, though still not saying anything that has the slightest bit of explanation.
"I literally have no idea what you're referring to." Her eyes narrowed slightly as she eyed you suspiciously. "Wait, " her eyes widened when she realized you meant what you said. "You really don't know?"
"Nope." You answered.
"Oh my God." She started giggling, making you a little scared of what was happening. "Are you going to tell me now?"
"No way." She answered between her giggles. "I'll show it to you instead." Now, if that wasn't the most suspicious thing you've heard, you didn't know what was. "I'd really rather you tell me." You told her, though you knew she wouldn't tell you even if you begged on your knees. "Oh come on." She rolled her eyes dramatically. "You know I would never tell you. Just wait for a little and see for yourself."
You sighed but didn't say anything, knowing it wouldn't be anything other than wasting your breath. "Okay, whatever. Show it to me." You sighed.
She grinned as she tugged at your wrists, pulling you in a direction. You let her lead you for at least 15 minutes, you had left the campus, entering the main campus, and then the art gallery.
You knew the art majors were exhibiting their finals projects in here, though you never really had the time to come and look at them. "What are we doing here?" You asked her, but she ignored your question, leading your way in the halls of the maze-like halls of the gallery.
And then she suddenly stopped, making you lose your balance by doing so. "Why did we-" you choked on your words as you lifted your gaze up, looking at the piece of art on the wall.
It was a charcoal drawing, a big one at that. Black and white had so many tones between them, shading was so professional, so detailed and so beautiful, it was like the art was alive, you could swear you might see it moving if you looked closely. But it wasn't the beauty of the art that had you in shock, it was what was on it.
You were in the painting. Talking to a cat.
You knew this drawing, you knew it very well, that was because you had spent every second of the last week, thinking about the artist who drew it.
You turned to your friend, who was watching you with a knowing smirk. "You have to be kidding me." You mumbled. He was at your school? How was that even... Was that why he looked so familiar?
"How is this... Wh- Who did this?" You asked, finally able to say a whole sentence. Her nose scrunched in confusion. "You mean you don't know?"
You shook your head.
"It's Shinsou Hitoshi from 2-A." She answered. "I thought you knew him."
"I do know him." You told her. "But I didn't know- I didn't know we were in the same school, or that he was a grade older than me. I didn't even know he was..." You gulped. "I need to go." You told her, leaving her with many questions to be answered.
"Wait, where are you going?!" She screamed after you.
You were running, though you hadn't even stopped to think for a second. What were you even going to tell him when you found him?
Hey, it's me, the girl you drew as an art project? The girl talking to a cat? We met a week ago, I still have your sweatshirt, might be nice to have my scarf back too. You remember me, right?
Yeah, probably wouldn't work out, would it? You decided it was the best to go with the flow -it really isn't- and didn't stop to even think for a second.
You entered the art building, feeling the eyes of the students on you, though you weren't sure if it was because you looked like you were running for your dear life, or maybe it was because you were the girl on the art that obviously everyone saw.
You didn't care about the looks they were sending at you and ran until you stood in front of the door you were looking for.
Now that you were finally able to stop and breathe, and actually think about what you were doing, you thought maybe this wasn't a really good idea. You had no idea what to say, you weren't sure if it would actually go with the flow either, and you just didn't know how he would react.
But most of all, you were a little disappointed that you haven't seen him that one the time you visited the park. Did he even ever visit? Yes, maybe you only visited once, but he wasn't there, was he? And maybe it was just dumb to expect anything from-
"Oh, hi!" You heard a girl's voice from behind you. It was a brunette girl who was looking at you with a wide smile, her brown eyes the biggest pair of eyes you had ever seen and she had the sweetest face. "Hi, I was looking for-" You mumbled back, feeling shy, but couldn't even finish your sentence.
"Oh my God, 'Chako isn't that the girl?!" Another girl came running towards you, a big smile and wide eyes on her face as she shouted at the girl talking to you. She had a pink-tinted face, like she was blushing constantly, but it looked cute nevertheless. The brunette nodded like they were sharing some big secret, though the secret was more than necessary at this point.
"You're looking for Hitoshi, right?" The pinkish faced girl asked, her hands holding yours as she jumped in her place.
"Well, I- uhh, I was looking for Shinsou." You told her and she giggled when you couldn't call him by his first name. "Oh my God, you're too cute! I'm Mina, by the way, " she informed you as she tugged you from your wrists to the class. "Come on, he's in here."
When you entered the class, more like pushed from the back by Mina, you lost your balance slightly, recovering quickly. You cod feel everyone looking at you, wondering who you were or why you were here. Though a few of them looked like they knew what was going on, watching you with big interest. You scanned the room for one specific pair of indigo eyes. And you found him, your heart beat picking up almost instantly.
He was there. Sitting in his desk, he had his earbuds in and was looking at his phone with tired eyes, his purple hair hidden under his hoodie. As you saw him just sitting there, you thought maybe this was a bad idea. What if he simply didn't want to see you? Both of you didn't know you were in the same school, and what if he thought you were creepy or clingy or...
His gaze lifted from his phone only for a glance to see why his friends were suddenly so quiet, only to see you standing in front of the door, cheeks tinted red and looking very uncomfortable. Shinsou's eyes widened as he put his phone on his desk and stood up. Looking like he couldn't believe you were there, standing just a few meters away from him, he slowly got closer to you.
When he stopped in front of you, he still looked like he couldn't believe his eyes. "H-hey." You told him, smiling anxiously. Everyone in the class was watching you both, and neither of you felt the slightest bit comfortable there. "You wanna go somewhere more... Private?" He finally asked, ignoring his friend's giggles and 'ooohhhh"'s.
"Oh, yeah, that would be amazing." You answered, letting him lead you out of the class. After a short walk, you found a quiet place, looking at each other awkwardly, not knowing what to say.
"I didn't know you were in this school."
"I saw the drawing."
Both of you talked at the same time, making you giggle. "How did you find me?" He asked, his words setting a horrible feeling down your chest. Did he?...
"Y-you didn't want me to find you?" His eyes widened when he realized how his words sounded like. "No! I- I'm actually really happy you did, I was pretty sad when you didn't show up at the park." He mumbled, he seemed so sincere about his words, it caused you to blush. "You went back to the park?" The words tumbled out of your mouth with a much more hopeful tone than you would like.
He scratched the back of his neck anxiously. "I- I did. But you weren't there, so I thought you didn't - uhh, didn't want to see me." His cheeks slightly tinted pink, indigo eyes looking at everywhere but you, you couldn't help but think how adorable he looked.
"I visited the park too." You answered, noticing how close he was, all of a sudden. You could feel his soapy lavender smell, making your heart beat faster and faster with every second.
"I found you because of the drawing." You finally answered his question. "I was there with my friend, and she told me you were the artist." That wasn't exactly true, but you weren't lying either, right? Though he didn't seem to be listening either, his gaze fixed on your lips, smirking.
"I probably should thank your friend, then." He answered, making you chuckle. "Maybe you should."
"I really can't believe you're going on a date with Shinsou Hitoshi." Your friend repeated for the 100th time as she applied some highlighter to your cheeks.
"I can't either." You answered, feeling all giddy inside. It didn't take long for Shinsou to ask you out after you both found each other, and almost everyone knew about how you met now. Your friends eyes wandered over you.
"I understand everything but that sweatshirt, " she told you, face scrunched with disapproval, "you really can't wear that to a first date, you know." She told you, looking at the sweatshirt on you like it was the ugliest thing in the world but you ignored it. It might not be the prettiest thing you had, but it had history and you secretly liked wearing it, the lavender smell calming your nerves.
"I'm gonna be late." You told her, standing up when she finished the make up. As you arrived to the Cafe Shinsou and you decided to meet at you felt anxiety and excitement washing over you.
It wasn't far from your campus, making it easier for both of you. As you entered the Cafe, a smell of ground coffee filled your senses. Your eyes wandered around, looking for one particular head of purple hair.
You smiled when you saw him, all wrapped up in your red scarf you had given him, the biggest smile on his face when he saw you wearing his sweatshirt.
He thought you looked like a piece of art.
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