#thank you again for letting me ramble!!!!!!!! it was very fun
sunriseverse · 2 years
I hear oc talk 👀❣? Tell is about them
AH hello hi hello thank you for indulging me in this topic i. have so many thoughts about them right now. so i actually was thinking about a couple different ones, and they’re from different “verses” (the term doesn’t fit perfectly but whatever you get what i’m going for).
first is bricriu and ignace, they’re a middle-aged couple who live in wellington (in aotearoa/nz) and they’re. well they’re like literally the most mundanely awful people you can imagine. like the twits from the roald dahl book but as normal human people. bricriu is a tesco general manager and he’s super like. you know those ones who try and sell you the “we’re just a big happy family!” shit while working to actively undermine everyone around them. he’s incredibly gossipy but like gossip (derogatory) and probably commits HR violations with scheduling. also he literally kicks dogs for fun. ignace is a corporate lawyer which i think is explanation enough of how evil he is but he’s also a passive-aggression enthusiast and he loves to lie and manipulate. him and bricriu are in Evil Love which is to say they’re married and constantly doing things to make each other’s lives harder but sometimes one of them will do something particularly awful and the other will go oh i can’t NOT fuck him. they have a great sex life at least??? also bricriu’s name means “poison-tongued”. in my oc lore document i wrote down that ignace probably did a stint as a hollywood lawyer, likes to take cruises, and is nouveau rich but pretends he’s old money so do with that what you will (also the name ignace is associated with fire which can be complimentary but in this case it’s not. like not at all this man is terrible).
the other ocs i was thinking about are less fleshed out, but they’re from my most recent novel concept which i’m really thrilled about and hopefully will find the motivation to work on soon. it’s an urban-supernatural mystery novel set in some hand-wavy location. the ocs are khatije and nur, and khatije is a vampire and the dracula of her hunt (basically an elected position that involves protecting the hunt and doing your best to solve the problems the hunt and the individuals that make up your hunt face). she’s pretty young relatively speaking in pure age terms, but she looks the oldest since she was turned in her mid forties (she was turned in the 1880s) which is part of why she was elected since outsiders tend to take her more seriously. she would rather just be a normal vampire but she cares a lot about her hunt and so she does her best to do her job well. she does miss some aspects of being human, like being able to see sunrises and sunsets, but modern technology means that she’s able to at least look at photos of them. she also has a few tespih/prayer bead sets that she inherited from her mother that she keeps in a jewellery box because she can’t touch them directly but they’re very important to her. nur is a werewolf from a pack in the same region as khatije’s hunt and she’s very social, and she’s friends with or at least acquainted with a lot of the supernatural population in the area, and she puts moon imagery in the form of stickers and sketches etc all over her belongings because she used to be really ashamed of being a lycanthrope (she was bitten in her twenties and spent about two decades trying to repress that part of herself) but now she’s trying to change her internalised beliefs about it and be proud of the things it allows her to experience. Her sociability is also what causes her and khatije to finally get more acquainted because she knows all of the people who khatije solves cases for and the last case (a murder) they wind up solving together and after that they go for a date
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 10 months
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sorry i have way too many good things to talk about with this little gremlin brother of mine sjdjdhhsjejkekjdkss
ok you see this volume cover yeah? (aside from me punching a wall over how everyone's in here together) it gives a good taste of how every dexholder uses fly on their 'mon - i won't go into detail about how each kid got their 'mon but the way they were picked up on is really unique from the others.
red has an aerodactyl (mf carries red like a baby)
blue has a charizard (the most practical way to fly a pokemon ig),
green has a jigglypuff (which! actually is just a balloon with helium iirc, and she doesn't like flying types - again, won't explain why but each kid has a good reason for their preference),
yellow (pokespe-exclusive dexholder! very sweet kid) has a butterfree (makes yellow look like a cute fairy which is so adorable),
silver has a murkrow (probably the most badass one, look at how silver poses)
crystal has a natu (looks a little funny how this round ass bird can carry her but I respect that)
and here's gold....
okay. okay
"jil isn't mantine a part flying type there's nothing wrong"
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EVEN BETTER THAT THESE REMORAIDS ARE LIKE THE GUNS OF THE OCEAN SO THEY JUST. SPIT WATER. gold has a fucking shooting glider isn't that the most terrifying thing this kid could come up with - isn't he like ELEVEN YEARS OLD OR SOMETHING. he really said work smarter not harder though he definitely pulled this one out of his ass and by sheer luck was able to decide on this
the thing that really cements this is the actual dynamic between mantines and remoraids, it's like how certain species of fish has a beneficial relationship with larger animals like sharks (scrapping for leftovers on the bigger animal) and it's most definitely applicable with the mantine and remoraid, they have a commensalism relationship. thank you science for teaching me that gotdamn.....
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cosmic-cd · 10 months
thinking about leon again tonight
#cosmo rambles#i need to get back to playing around with the Hazel and Leon get Eeby Deebied to Hisui thing#because i think still the dynamic of leon being very athletic and strategic while hazel is more on the artsy side and is like#more ideal in a support role is really fun#leon willing to go out there and wrestle a garchomp while gushing about how fantastic it is at physical attacking#while hazel sits by and sketches it for the pokedex and makes little notes about what they found in the environment#leon building himself a new team around types he's never tried before and picking the weaker starter to hazel's to give himself a challenge#hazel somehow letting leon goad her into actually taking a rival role against her despite never really having rivals before#unless you count blue making her so so so so mad but that's unrelated. she'll fight him without a pokemon#leon's understanding of battle mechanics and what each pokemon needs to thrive and what it's capable of beyond just its typing delights me#while hazel tends to be like me- less strategic and more about getting those type advantages in LOL#also having two trainers taking on nobles and filling the dex with their own roles to make things smoother is fun#but also because im imagining leon and hazel sitting together as hazel draws and talking as they peacefully watch pokemon from afar#or running for their lives together or riding on wyrdeer's back together#on top of that just. the two of them going to paldea together for a temporary teaching gig and getting swept into things#keeping an eye worriedly on students and Oh God No What Do You Mean the World is Ending. Again#theyll go on a vacation to kalos after this. and because XY has already happened theres no stress there#they just get to get into some mega evolution training. the most stress is red blue and green show up like hiiii#red and leon get into the most heated rivalry imaginable and hazel is being pulled away from her pokepuffs#god this is getting so long. im just thinking so hard im sorry IF YOU READ THIS FAR THANK YOU IM SORRY
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
a concept: your muse being one of the spiders to show up and help subdue the g.reen g.oblin after chiyo loses shiori. she joins spider society, chiyo grows closer to your muse, they become pals, and then! chiyo finally learns about canon events : ) and the gears start turning and she starts questioning if your muse and the others' timing wasn't by chance : ) and maaaaybe chiyo starts pulling away from your muse and it's this whole thing bc shiori was!! so important to her and it's hard to stomach that her death was meant to happen -- or that it could be allowed to happen. it's hard bc chiyo feels like she can't be reasonably mad at anyone but at the same time she's furious and frustrated and this isn't what being a " hero " is supposed to mean.
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sysig · 2 years
Okay but that dating sim gif is SO GOOD. Like, WHAT??? It looks like something out of a real life professional game, and now I want to play it, lol. It's very very cool and well done, I loved all the details! The expressiveness and the transitions, the sudden change in Edgar's eyes and the lighting around him!! He even blinks, like??? Truly, animation goals. You're such an inspiration to me! It blows me away that you did that in such a short timeframe!
Haha, thank you very much! ♥ I also really want to play a Vargas dating sim, every time I chip at the concept I get a new smattering of ideas hehe ♪
You got me anon, that’s what I’m able to do in the sweet spot between “Just enough time to get the framework of what I have in my head” and “Not enough time to overthink the details” - it’s a system that works pretty well for me :D
The time crunch gives me that little burst of energy to get what I’m able to see in my mind onto page and canvas, while also still missing a few of the things I’d want to come back and get right next time - I’m sure you noticed the barren bookshelves and maybe the lack of door frame lol, but those are important signifiers for growth! Maybe next time, I’m able to draw a bit faster, or remember more details, and I’ll have noticeably improved ✨ That’s my goal anyway haha
If I’d had just a liiiiiittle more time, I definitely would’ve made an homage to Zarla’s Ghosts’ blink animation. Two frame blinks are all well and good, but that bounce brings me so much joy ♫
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sm-baby · 6 months
I want to see all the carnival AU bios again, but finding Zooble's is too hard, even when using the search. I hope there's a more organized way to view them.
(Trying to come up with nicknames that said characters would give my characters.)
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Augh... I never know how to organize stuff! But here is a mini master post of the TADC Info Cards (edited):
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The Main Cast (Minus Zooble :C)
Zooble ( Plus Zooble!!! :3)
Shiny Cards ✨
Lesser AI
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Level layout
The Entire Comic has also been dubbed by @volticglitch !! If you're not a reader, You can watch their dubs instead!! Here is the dub
Your best friend!
Jesterly duties
The hallway
First clue
Special event!
Foul language - a silly
Characters Relationship Chart ( Bonus, OC relationship Chart!)
The Tent
The Funhouse
Pomni expressions
Character design
Meet Pomni
ALT character skins (Bonus, Maid skins because of course I did)
Pomni expressions AGAIN!!! (and a bonus)
The Jester's Circus tent (and a bonus)
Shape language ramble
Neck pieces
Neck pieces (prt 2)
Neck pieces (prt 3)
Silly Frilly
Toxic Positivity Duo
Quick Ragatha Doodle
The Rabbit
Non-sentient Pomni
Pity Laugh
First act of violence
First and only visit
First look
Meet Jax
Meet Ragatha
Meet Kinger
Meet Able
Zooble's room
Theatre shinanigans
Thanks for listening
Jax Doodles
Ragatha doodles (Feat. Kaufmo)
Caine doodles
Colored doodles
Eye popping
Jax Ko-fi request!
Final boss Pomni Theory
Ofcourse you would
Shoulder Pads
omg showtime teeheeh ehehehe
Carnival AU meets Original
its ok she's not drowning
The Amazing Digital... Circus???
A Christmas Carol Play!
Carnival Freakshow AU Merge!! (Freakshow AU by @hootbon)
BUZZBUZZ!! Fan character by @awful-little-goose
Whore Pomni Inside joke - more slutshaming
Pomni where yo pants at
shitpost doodles
SCANDAL!! (alt)
Genderbend time!!
Stupid fucking doodles i made at like 11 pm
Stupid fucking doodles i made at like 11 pm (I dont know why I keep making these ToT)
stupid shinanigans involving Pomni's tent (Pomni's tent for context)
Please hear her out guys
Kinger with no robe!!!
Bunnydoll real?!?!!?(Kofi request by amazing people :3)
Genderbend Jax!
Dollar store Carnival AU
Gangle simping over Able slay - Gangle PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER
Carnival GAINE!! - bro's so strong and cool and awesome
Flirty non-sentient pomni Inside joke (TW For suggestive themes): NON-CANON
Flirty non-sentient pomni (shitpost)
Memory storage restart
the silly!!
no you're not.
oh god
someone paid me 10 bucks
╔══ ❀•°❀BOUNDERIES/FAQ❀°•❀ ══╗
"Can I make OCs In Carnival?" - Yess!! Multiple people already have and they make me so happy! do whatever, as long as you're happy and having fun!! " Can I make NSFW?" - Yas and slay, just be sure to warn and spoiler it, etc. etc. be responsible when posting NSFW! " Can I make Fanfics?" - Yes and please show me!! that would be lovely!! " Can I dub/voice your stuff?" - Yes but, I have only one rule... show me pleaaasseeee pls pls pls 🥺🙏 " Can I ship the characters/self ships/ OC x Canon?" - Aughh.. this is gonna suck to explain cuz its a lot to ask.. You're allowed to ship any ship! My only boundary is that it doesn't include either Pomni or Caine being with others who are not eachother! For example: Ragatha x Jax ✅ Pomni x Jax❌ Kinger x Queenie✅ Kinger x Caine❌ As long as the ship does not include Pomni or Caine individually, I'm all aboard!! I respect Jax x Pomni shippers, as well as Kinger x caine shippers, I just don't like them myself and don't want to accidentally stumble upon them in the tag! I do apologize if that's a lot, it just makes me uncomfy! Bounderies can be very tight! :')
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neil-gaiman · 2 months
Id like to let you know that I recently lost my annotated and very well-loved copy of Fragile Things in the San Diego Airport.
Rather, I lent it to a goth kid who'd been sitting next to me and wanted to know if I had an Android charger. I did. She plugged her phone in, and a pinhole light on the screen blinked into life. We both looked at the otherwise dead screen for a moment, and I asked her where she was flying to. New York, she said.
Then she asked me what book I was reading - Fragile Things, I told her, by the same guy who wrote Coraline. What's it *about*, though, she asked again.
Im at best a mediocre writer, so I rather gave her the book than trying to explain things myself. I figure some folks get Hugos for writing stories, and I should let 'em do it.
She didnt seem to mind my scribbles in the margins, and it was fun, watching a painted face that looked so somber and serious just a few minutes ago smile. A Study in Emerald had its surprising share of humour. After a while, I stopped paying attention and scrolled absentmindedly through my phone.
Then I hear my flight called - San Diego to Philadelphia, the boarding now, group C, C as in Coconut. I grab my bag, my phone, my ticket, pat my pockets down for my passport, my overstuffed backpack, precariously balanced on my carryon luggage, my headphone wires tangled in the strap of my purse and jerked out of my ears. I trot hastily over to the gate check - a smile, a beep, and I'm shuffled down the gangway and into the plane. My things stowed, and myself cozy against the window.
This was when I went to reach for my book, and realised that it was missing - still nestled comfortably in the hands of a 15-odd goth.
I miss my book. It had many memories in it, beyond the stories told there. My grandfather was still alive when i first read Fragile Things, and he was the one who gave it to me. But I hope that the kid who has it now will also love the stories you wrote. I hope maybe she will remember me and our little story, that we now share. Maybe she will also keep other memories of her own in there.
It seems an oddly fitting way for me to part with this book. It was an old fragile thing, given to me by a fragile man, and left to a child with whom i had only a fragile, tenuous connection.
Or maybe I'm reading too much into things, i don't know.
At any rate, if you read all this rambling, thank you mister Gaiman.
I hope it was the book she needed.
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dumbseee · 10 months
stalker. pt.3.
charles leclerc x reader. / carlos sainz jr x reader.
fc: lalisa manoban.
note: should i make this a serie? idk i’m having too much fun writing this and you guys like it too (thanks for all the comments <333) BUT idk if it should be a serie (maybe 5 or 10 parts?) or if i should stop here.
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you were sitting next to lily and kika when you saw the crash on the big screen. you felt your chest tighten when you saw carlos’s car spin and finish the race in the barriers followed by a violent sound. you didn’t know at the time that it was charles’s fault. you just hoped that carlos was fine, you finally let out a sigh of relief when you saw your boyfriend get out of the car, safely, he waved at the crowd to confirm that he was okay despite the accident. but when the big screen replayed carlos’s crash you felt your heart drop to your stomach when you saw who caused it.
"am i dreaming or does it look like charles did it on purpose?" kika asked, slowly, scared of your reaction. you nodded, eyes still glued to the screen. when you finally looked down you saw charles’s girlfriend looking straight at you, you sighed once again and stood up. "i have to go see if he’s okay." you smiled at your friends and left the area. of course, someone was following you and you knew exactly who it was. you finally turned around to face her, your sudden move startled her.
"what do you want?" you asked, coldly. "are you going to see charles?" she asked, smiling at you in a weird way. you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "charles is still in his car, racing, are you stupid? and even if he was in the garage, you’d have to pay me a million dollars to go see him." she laughed and took a step towards you. "you still want him, admit it. fucking with carlos is just a way to get to him and steal him away from me." she said, you frowned and took a step back. that girl was insane. "steal him from you? girl are you for real? he was dating me in the first place, you stole him from me." you responded, pointing at yourself. "but you can have him, now that i have carlos i realise that i wasn’t really satisfied with charles, and i mean it in every ways possible, if you know what i mean." you winked at her before leaving.
seriously charles cheated on you with that weirdo? that guy sure had weird taste in women. but he wasn’t your main worry now, you needed to see carlos, you were still worried sick even if he seemed to be fine.
"oh, y/n you’re here!" you recognised his cousin, he looked distressed, you gave him a quick hug before he took you to see carlos. "he’s fine but he’s been calling out for you, he’s very mad and don’t want to see anyone else but you." you nodded and knocked on the door, you heard a "no quiero ver a nadie" which made you enter anyway. once inside, you saw how he basically destroyed his driver’s room, his back was facing you but you could tell how angry he was. "i said, i don’t want to-…" seeing your face calmed him down instantly. "it’s you." he immediately took you in his arms and hugged you tightly. you smiled against him and ran your hand in his hair. "you did great." you said. "yes, but thanks to this dickhead i’m out!" he took a step away from you, and started pacing in the room.
"he can’t blame me for falling in love with you! i was interested in you even before you guys met! i was planning on asking you out but then charles told me that you’d never be interested in me because you were already interested in him and you hated guys like me. i hate him so fucking much ! hijo de puta, que le pasa? ¿se supone que debo ser su compañero de equipo y él me empujó así-" he kept rambling in spanish, which you didn’t understand. you stopped listening when he said that he was interested in you from the beginning. "you liked me from all this time?" you asked, a small smile on your lips. he stopped his movements and understood that he talked too much. he closed his eyes and rubbed his neck, nervously. "y-yeah, i mean, who wouldn’t? you’re kind, funny, passionate about the things you love, you’re a good listener too, you’re loyal and literally perfect. but you seemed happy with charles so i decided to do my best to forget about you, but i failed. the feelings i had for you stayed with me forever." you couldn’t stop yourself from jumping in his arms to kiss him.
he saved you from your darkest days, and now you learned that he liked you from the beginning. carlos sainz was truly your soulmate.
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, lilymhe and 866 029 others.
y/n: enjoying some free time with my favourite person on earth <3
carlossainz55: ♥️
lilymhe: excuse me? i thought I was your favourite person :(
y/n: ofc you are too! ily
alex_albon: here i am third wheeling AGAIN
fan1: they’re so cute together seriously
fan2: never thought about this combination but they sure look good together
fan3: pls take care of her carlos :(
fan4: haha charles got betrayed by his own teammate, the rest of the season is going to be funny
fan5: she’s so pretty no wonder the whole paddock wants her even the gfs
fan6: she’s such a homie hopper, who’s going to be next? i bet on lewis or lando
youbestie: @.fan6 keep my girl’s name out your dirty stupid mouth before i find your address and come kick your balls
view all 17 670 comments.
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y/n just posed a story!
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tagged: @.carlossainz55
caption: alexa play thank u, next by ariana grande.
taglist: @thecubanator2 @sainzluvrr @millyswife @dhhdhsiavdhaj @agustdxjiminx @haydee5010 @gaslysainz @sadfalls
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gloomyluvr · 1 year
in which y/n drags miles to a photo booth!
fem!reader x e-42! miles morales
fluff ( i hope )
warnings!: suggestive jokes? i depict miles kinda nonchalant, yikes.
based off this ask
a/n: okie soooo i tried my best to fulfill the request. i hope this is up to expectations. this one was so cute to write. also, i watched so many photo booth couple videos on tt and it was lowks depressing 😞 but i had so much fun writing this! as always, spanish speaking reader in mind! i provide translations for this one cuz searching up the translation is VERY inaccurate. 
summer break had finally started and what better way to spend it than going to the mall with your boyfriend? you walked around intently, hand intertwined with miles’. his serious demeanor deeply contrasted the big smile on your face. you had begged him to accompany you to this very specific mall.
“baby, where are you taking me?” he murmured as you dragged him to god knows where. 
“just waittt. ya mero llegamos.” you exclaimed. miles simply sighed and went along with your antics. you walked a little more until you finally stopped in front of a box? with a curtain?
“ta daaaa!” you announced, letting go of miles’ hand. miles only looked at the box and back at you, with a clearly very confused look on his face. you groaned, “the photobooth like the ones from the tik toks i’ve sent you!”
“ohh. pues, you coulda just said that.” he chuckled, as he opened the curtain and motioned for you to get inside the booth. you rolled your eyes, “¡vámonos vámonos! taking your sweet ass time.” miles joked as you got in, yelping in surprise as he slapped your ass. 
“chill!” he laughed.
“that shit hurt!” you glared at miles with a pout on your face. 
he only smirked, “pues, te lo puedo sobar.” 
( well, i could massage it for you )
“¡cohcino!” you slapped your boyfriends shoulder as he got inside the booth. 
( nasty! )
“im just playing, mami. okay come on let’s get this over with.” he closed the curtain as you read the instructions. 
“wanna pay for this and i’ll pay for lunch?” you offer knowing damn well he’d pay for both regardless.
“mhm.” miles took out 4 dollars from his wallet and inserted the bills in to the machine. the machine started rambling on about instructions and miles looked at you. “can’t believe you got me doing this shit.” your boyfriend laughed in disbelief. 
miles wrapped a hand around your waist and scooted you closer to him. you giggled, it truly was amusing on how you got this stoic of a man to be doing the most lovey-dovey shit just so he could see a smile on your face. 
“now for the fun part! you have 3 chances to pose, so have fun, make sure you look at the camera” the automated voice instructed.
“put your finger as a heart!” 
“seriously?” miles argued.
“get ready! 3-”
“yes! hurry!” you insisted.
miles smiles and did as you asked.
“2, 1” shutter.
there was a pause before the countdown started again. you held miles’ jaw and pressed your lips against his cheek. and miles smiled contently. 
“that one’s gonna come out so cute i just know it!” you looked at miles excitedly. on his cheek your lipgloss left a stain with the perfect imprint of your lips. miles turned to you as the countdown once again started. he placed his hands on both sides of your face, and kissed you right as the camera went off. when he finally pulled away, he simply smiled before opening the curtain to get out of the booth. you followed him out and stood silently holding his hand as you waited for the pictures to print. 
once the copies came out, you quickly snatched them. “ah!!! they look so cute! thank you baby.” you engulfed him in a tight hug to which he reciprocated. 
miles took one of the copies and focused only on you in the photos. 
“you look gorgeous, ma.” he looked down at you and gave you that lovely smile of his. you blushed, looking down avoiding his gaze because of how nervous and giggly it made you.
bonus !
aaron sat down in front of miles who was on his phone doing god knows what. 
“they messed up the order so we’re gonna have to wait a bit more.” aaron sighed. 
“hm ok.” miles responded dryly. 
aaron was about to make a comment about his nephews disinterest when he noticed miles had decorated his once empy clear phone case. it was pictures of miles clearly infatuated with his lover.
“your girl made you do that?” miles looked up from his phone in confusion.
“what?” uncle aaron nodded towards the phone in miles’ hands, “oh. yeah she’s been wanting do that for a while.”
aaron laughed, “she got you real wrapped around her finger huh?” 
miles turned the back of his phone towards him, “yeah guess so.” he laughed along with his uncle. he admired the photos, thumb running over his phone case. his heart swelled at how beautiful you looked and how lucky he was to have you in his life. 
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moonlightsolo · 1 year
Can you do one of neteyam and avatar reader you love art so he lets you paint on him and he’s really cute and interested in your passion <3
omg yes THANK U FOR THIS. i love to paint irl so i had so much fun writing this!
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your legs straddle neteyams hips, sitting atop of him as he lays down on his back against a bed of moss. it’s normal to sit on him like this when you’re simply having a conversation, especially when he comes back after a long day of hunting; he usually swoops you off of your feet and takes you somewhere private in the forest. mostly to catch up…
…and to do some other things you can’t usually do around camp. he knows you miss him when he’s away, so we wants to soak up as much of you during his free time.
your hands are currently busy illustrating your day as you talk, “so kiri and i made paints today, we went out and foraged for plants to create these super bright pigments!” you exclaim excitedly, “i have pinks, blues, reds, oranges, even whites!” you count on your fingers, “they’re all so beautiful. i just can’t wait to try them out.”
neteyam watches you in awe from his position, a permanent grin on his lips. he adores you so much, and hearing you passionately ramble about one of your hobbies fills his heart with joy.
“my love, you are sooooo beautiful.” he blurts out, his eyes sparkle under the sunlight that streaks through the trees towering above your bodies. he can’t help but let his hand knead at your thigh.
you can’t help but giggle at his compliment as you stare down at him, “did you hear anything i just said?”
the boy underneath you hums in response, the sound vibrates your body, “yeah… you made paints with kiri… blah, blah, blah, aaand now i wanna see you make somethin’ with them.”
your face brightens at his words, “wait really?!” you shriek softly from the pure excitement that fills you.
neteyam cackles and digs his head back into the ground, “yes, of course, ma syulang.” the little nickname makes your heart flutter in satisfaction. his flower.
“where? i can go back to camp real quick to grab some paper— or try to find something around here…” your eyes look around the expanse of the jungle around you, but the tightening grip on your hips makes you spin your head back to look down at him.
“no, i don’t want you to leave me.” he whines as his touchy hands slide up your sides. his fingers press into the flesh of your lower back to push you towards him, lowering your torso so your chests are flush again each other.
his lips ghost over yours teasingly, making you giggle into the very little space between your faces. “how about you just use me?” he mumbles.
“use you? what do you mean?” your face crinkles in confusion, slightly lifting up from his face by pushing your hands on his chest.
“to paint— ya know, on me.” his eyes flutter over your face with a sheepish grin.
“you want me to paint on you?” you almost gasp in shock, mouth falling open as you grin.
“i just said that.” neteyam rolls his eyes playfully with a cheeky smirk, which makes you swat at his chest. you finally fill the space between your faces by kissing him, giving him a long peck before sitting up.
neteyams lips chase after yours, following you up and leaning back on his elbows. you busy yourself looking through the bag that crosses over your chest and sits on your hip. you grab the containers of your paint, and push down on his shoulder to have him lay back down.
“fine..” he grumbles, giving up his advances to try and kiss you some more. you lay out the containers over the long expanse of his torso, using him as your easel.
you pluck a few brushes from the pocket inside your bag, smiling as your finger brushes over the soft bristles. “what do you want painted on you?” your voice is soft, almost nervous.
what if it turns out to be ugly and he has to walk around with an ugly painting on his body from his girlfriend?
“anything.” he lays back with his arms behind his head, slightly wiggling his hips under you to get comfortable. the subtle movement makes you blush from the heat that settles in your lower belly.
you pop open the bright fuschia color, dipping your brush inside of the container to soak the brush. your eyes dart over his smug face as you lean closer to his chest to focus.
the brush moves smoothly across the expanse of his upper body, swirling the paint over his collarbone and down his pectoral muscle, “ooh that tickles.” he jerks under the paintbrush, making you giggle and sit up to look at him with a joking scowl.
“sit still, you’re gonna mess up my art.” you slightly dip into the orange color to highlight the pink, flicking the paint to make little spikes around the swirl.
neteyam admires your face as you focus, almost cooing at you from your little tongue sticking out between your lips. he tilts his head to the side watch your tail sway in the air behind you. all he wants is to grab you and kiss all over your cute little face.
one of his hands unravel from behind his head to rest on top of your head, his thumb swipes across your forehead to smooth out the crinkle between your eyebrows.
you smile up at him bashfully while your hand continues to paint different colors across his striped blue skin. the pigments you picked out contrast greatly to the color of his skin, his chest slowly becoming a piece of art.
the brush pokes at his chest as you create random dots around the swirls, smiling when you sit back to admire your work. “i love it.” you mumble before hunching back down to continue with a different color.
neteyams eyes dart from between you and the blue sky that barely peeks through the canopy of the trees. he can look at all the beauty around him but all he can focus on is you. the girl who is straddling his chest and painting ever so softly across his skin.
he wouldn’t dare to tell you this though. he’s too scared to share his true feelings that he's falling for you faster than he thinks you're falling for him.
after about a few more minutes, and swipes of different colors you sit up to examine the painting that cascades down his chest. you add a few more dots with a triumphant smile, “i really outdid myself.” you laugh proudly as you pack away your painting supplies.
“oh did you?” neteyam chuckles, bringing his chin down to look over his colorful chest. his mouth drops dramatically once he sees it, “it’s amazing. seriously, you’re going to paint only me from now on. never will anybody else touch me with paint unless it’s from your hands.”
your hands cover your grin that seemingly seems like it will never falter, “stop it…” you breathe out, shaking your head from his silly words.
“no, you’re like magic. i’ve seen your other work, but i cannot grasp how your brilliant little mind works like this.” he sits up from his spot, now face-to-face with you; he’s careful to not crease the wet paint. one of his hands grip your wrists to pull them away from your face.
“‘teyam…” you sheepishly mumble, staring down at your lap with a shy smile. the feeling of heat travels from your lower belly to your upper extremities. it settles on your cheeks, and the tips of your ears with as a pink glow. he could praise you a million times, and you still wouldn’t be used to it.
“hhhmm? am i making you blush?” he teases you as his hand slides down from your cheek to your chin to angle your face up. his big round eyes look over your face, his smile mirroring yours.
“you aaarrrre.” you whine, leaning forward to press your forehead against his.
he continues to stare at you though his eyelashes, “good. i like making you blush.” he pecks your nose, “especially if it’s when i compliment my very talented girl.”
your hands swat at his chest playfully, “oh hush.” you grumble.
neteyam places his large hands onto your hips, his long fingers thrum against your lower back, “i think it’s time we go show off the beautiful art my gorgeous girl made. you'll make everyone in the clan jealous.” his knees angle up to press against your back, you're now sitting in the valley of his body.
neteyam stands to his full height, holding onto your hips as he rises from the ground. you let out a delighted cackle from the sudden movement, throwing your head back as you laugh.
neteyam's eyes dance over your face, unable to hold himself back from chuckling along with you; your laugh is contagious.
"i am so lucky to have you..." his voice trails off, his eyes try to take in every detail of you-- how your braids flow down your back, and the paint that is smeared across your forehead and slightly on your cheekbone...
your hands rest on the sides of his neck, your face brightening from his words. "neteyam... i love you." you whisper into the space between your lips.
the biggest grin spreads across his face from hearing her say those words; the first time you've ever said it to each other. her response only make his heart beat faster, and his breathing more intense. "i love you." he whispers back as he leans forward to give you another soft kiss.
it feels as if he's falling into an abyss surrounded by you, unable to crawl out. it's not like he would want to anyway, his senses are clouded by your lips, and your scent, and how your legs are wrapped tightly around his hips right now. he smiles into the passionate kiss, now knowing that his only purpose in life is to be alongside you.
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this is what i used as inspo for the painting on him :p i found it on pinterest
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beforeimdeceased · 7 months
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pairing: mean/cruel ellie x sensitive/emotional reader.
synopsis: who the fuck is abby?
a/n: noo don’t do this ellie look at me :( this isn’t you 🥺 LMAO! what do you guys think is going to happened next omg…
if i told you that i hated you, would you go away?
you ubered yourself to another hotel and payed to stay there for the night. letting jesse and dina know, but ofcourse, not awarding ellie with that information. in truth, she was fucking sweating bullets. could barely sleep last night with you on her mind.
she’s mean, you know that. everybody does. she can be intense, brass, and brutally honest. but, the brutality had gone from drunk cursing out strangers to using you as a punching bag. you were far too sensitive for any of that shit. you overthink too much, cry too often. if she wasn’t going to change then this was your last straw.
as you wake up and ready yourself to gather your things, you notice a string of texts from ellie. all desperate and eager. nothing along the lines of “i’m sorry”. nothing close to an apology. she begged to see you before their last show in the state, knowing you’d be going back home after. and staying there.
you’d calmed down enough to know you could face her. collecting the things you’d brought with you and hyping yourself up in the mirror before leaving. “you got this. you’re not gonna cry today.”
when you arrived at your hotel room, the door was cracked open. you’d caught wind that dina and jesse had gone out for breakfast so it was just you and ellie.
sadly enough, when you opened the door, ellie looked like a wounded puppy. eyes glossy while her face is twisted into a frown. you cross your arms. “morning.”
she looks excited to see you, getting up from her seat on the couch to greet you. “morning, can we talk?”
your heart is pinging. you feel so many emotions for her, some you cannot name. you nod your head and walk over to where she’d been sitting, and take a seat. she trails behind you, placing herself just inches away.
“i’m sorry.” she starts, eyes sympathetically looking into your very own. when your gaze starts to falter she reaches out to hold your hands and catch your attention. “really truly. i’m sorry for everything. for the song, for calling you up onstage, for all the shitty things i do to you and say about you. for pissing you off so bad that you felt like punching me, because i know you’re nowhere near violent.” she takes a breath. “i’m really sorry.”
you sit with her apology, soaking it all in. you can tell it’s genuine because, as far as you’re concerned, she’s never apologized for anything and seriously meant it. but she means it now, with every beat of her heart.
“i hate that i ruined this trip for you. are you still coming to our last show? i’ll apologize publicly in front of all the cameras. i’ll tell them i lied about the song.”
“it’s okay ellie. calm down.” you’d never seen her this frantic. this weak. “i’m still coming to the show. thank you for apologizing.”
she takes a deep breath and leans back into the couch. “okay good. that’s great. again, i’m sorry.”
you nod along and stand up to grab some things from the bags you’d left. “i’ve gotta go meet dina and jesse for something, but i’ll see you there, okay?”
when you turn to look at her she’s blushing. what the hell is she doing blushing? when she see’s you notice it, she turns her head. “yeah yeah. you guys have fun. see you later.”
“she’s bringing abby! i’ve always wanted her to come to a show, i didn’t even know she was in the state.” dina rambles on at rehearsal.
“she drove up last night because she’s taking her home, remember?” jesse chimes up.
ellie’s heard the name abby a record 20 times in the last 5 minutes and it’s starting to play on loop in her head like a mantra. she didn’t care to find out who it was though, they had a show to rehearse for. and she was even more nervous about the public apology. what if you didn’t actually show? what if she really fucked up this time?
“alright guys enough chatter. let’s go over the chorus of ‘what you know’ one more time—“
but she’s stopped by dina whispering to jesse. “i think she might ask her out tonight.”
and jesse asks, “who?” and dina says your name and ellie feels like she’s about to fucking collapse. that all her limbs are going to fall off right then and there. that her head will pop off and roll offstage and onto to the ground. who the fuck is abby? who the fuck is abby? who the fuck is abby?
ellie finds out in the dressing room before the show. “abby! it’s so great to see you.” dina rushes over to give her a hug. jesse settles for a high five and ellie takes a handshake. “so you’re abby?”
“yeah, nice to meet you. i’ve heard so much about you.” abby smiles.
ellie’s cursing herself for any and everything she’s ever done in this moment. the blonde stood in front of her is buff as hell, something she can tell through the hoodie and sweats she was wearing. both being seattle revival merch.
“i can’t wait to see you guys perform.”
ellie ignores her. “where’s…?” she trails. searching behind the girl to see if you’d been hiding behind her big figure. “oh, she’s on her way. had to stop to use the bathroom.” abby responds, sensing you were who she’d been searching for.
ellie wondered if you and abby had started dating yet? who asked out who? how much did abby know about the two of you? was that any of her business? why did she show up now? why hadn’t she heard about her before? maybe she did and wasn’t paying attention? she never really listened to you anyway. not until recently. not until she’d made you cry. made you punch her in the fucking face.
ellie’s thoughts are cut loose when abby taps her on the shoulder. “can we talk?”
ellie nods, eager to do whatever this was going to be in private. “yo, i’ll be right back.” she calls to jesse and dina.
ellie leads her out of the dressing room and into a small area in the hallway that’s getting the least traffic. the second they get there, abby slaps ellie across the face. “don’t you ever fucking talk to her again.”
“who—“ ellie rubs the sore area turning red.
“oh don’t play stupid you know who—“
“no. who the fuck are you to tell me what i can and can’t do? you fucking bitch.”
and a fight ensues. an actual brawl in the hallway. ellie’s on top for a while getting some punches in until abby grabs at her shirt and pulls her to the ground. jabbing her in the stomach. ellie kicks her in the face. it’s almost cartoonish, how wrapped up and wound they are as they lay into each other. someone rushes to grab security but you make it there first. eyes widening as you approach. you call for jesse and dina, and when they recognize your voice it makes them both stop to look up. bloody. scratched up. with tomato red faces.
“what the fuck?”
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ane-doodles · 7 months
My COTL References
(you can use them as inspo if you want)
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A little more:
Wow, I didn't think this would take so long, but I think it was worth it in the end.
I have had to look for all kinds of references to be able to draw the bishops in a satisfactory way (references from the game itself, from animals, body types, eyes, and even how to draw cat paws). I think I have done them justice.
Although I don't plan to draw a comic or write a fic, I did want to define my own reference when drawing them. That way my little doodles would have some coherence.
A couple of details from the designer (just me commenting):
• I had to look for references of many body types and choose the one I thought was most suitable for each character. It was a long road!! The most difficult to draw was Narinder.
• Heket's outfit is inspired by a dress I recently saw in a store, it looked like a tunic so I decided to use it as a model. I added the veil because I wanted to cover her head (it's difficult to draw), plus I think it gives her a distinctive touch and personality. She accidentally ended up looking like a very flirtatious nun.
• Kallamar's design was particularly difficult because in the game itself he doesn't have a torso! but for reasons of ease and patience here he is going to have one. It's funny that he's super tall, but he keeps hunching over trying to hear what others are saying (you know, he doesn't listen very well for obvious reasons).
• Leshy was my favorite design! He has all the characteristics that I usually give to a protagonist!! He ended up looking like a young boy who surely likes soccer. I drew him thinking that he would surely like to walk around, so he should be comfortable... but he will surely end up crashing on more than one occasion. The green looks so fluffy!!! ah! but I also gave him a sting (I thought it would be fun)
• Shamura was interesting. I didn't want to give it too many legs, but I also didn't want it to look strange. In the end I ended up taking inspiration from different insect characters I know (like the red guy from Adventure Time). His clothes are all torn, I think he would have a hard time adjusting to them and would end up destroying them very often.
• Although I have drawn Narinder before it is not easy without him looking like an anime boy with a cat head! so it took quite a while to try to get out of there, that's why his proportions look more animalistic now!! I like to think that his body was vaguely more human when he was a god, but that when he transforms into a mortal he becomes more animal-like. It was difficult to design his clothes, but I like the change of coat he has...I hope I don't change it again soon or I'll have to make him a wardrobe.
• I have no special notes about the lamb, except that I forgot to put the leg warmers!! I realized it too late, but let's imagine they are there. I liked designing the second fleece, obviously based on Narinder's.
• As you can see, each of the coats are made from the remains of the tunics that the bishops previously wore. I want to imagine that after they were defeated, the lamb recovered them and turned them into new garments so that they would feel more comfortable in the cult (but also so that they would be distinguished from the common people).
• I have planned jobs and positions that each one would occupy in the cult, but I don't know how close they are to canon since I haven't taken the time to research. We'll see!!
And that's it, if you made it this far, have a candy 🍬 , thanks for reading my ramblings.
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hannieehaee · 7 months
HELLO!! I just read svt reaction to them teasing the reader for their crush ISNDKSJS IT WAS SO ADORABLE TvT
Could I please request a vocal unit ver? Thank you<3333
teasing you over your crush on them - vu
hhu, vu, pu
content: gender neutral, very minimal angst, fluff, the crush is kinda implied to be reciprocated.
wc: 1050
a/n: hehe im glad u liked it <33 tysm for requesting!!
joshua -
he's a little shit, so i'm convinced he'd pick up on your crush immediately and relish off of it. he would be subtle with his cockiness over it. at first he'd just flirt and make a comment here and there suggesting at the fact that he was aware of your crush, but never outwardly letting you know. he would start seeking you more and more just to lightheartedly tease you over it, never being too forward about it, but being clear enough for you to eventually catch onto the fact that he was aware. he'd wanna see how far he could push before getting you to act up on your feelings.
if you ever felt embarrassed over his behavior and decided to distance yourself a bit, he would immediately feel let down by it. not because of your reaction, but because of his own behavior. he knows his humor might be a little much for some people, but he had just gotten over excited at you crushing on him and mightve lost track of himself in the process. he's a gentleman, so he would make sure to apologize to you and let you know your feelings were appreciated, making sure that you understood his intention was never to embarrass you, but rather to encourage you to act up on your feelings for him.
jeonghan -
little shit #2. he's a cocky menace, so he wouldve probably found out about your crush even before you did. he'd straight up ask you questions about your crush, doing his lil gremlin laugh every time your cheeks grew red over him calling you out so directly. he'd even bring it up in conversation with other people. he wouldn't do this to hurt you, but because he just found your reactions so adorable. he'd thrive off of such a cute person liking him as much as you did.
despite being such a sweet guy, he wouldnt realize he was actually making you feel uneasy and embarrassed until you began to visibly distance yourself from him. upon realizing this, he would immediately backtrack and apologize. he'd baby you and coo at you, explaining that you were just so cute he couldnt help himself. he'd pinky promise not to make fun of you again, as long as you liked him again, because he didn't know what he'd do with himself without your affections.
jihoon -
at first he'd be flustered by your crush on him, honestly. it would take a lot for him to admit to himself that yes, you liked him. i dont peg him as the type to tease you over it unless you guys were already close with one another, but if that was the case, he'd probably be a little more direct about it than the rest of the guys. he might straight up bring up your crush on him while you were joking around with each other. he's an empathetic guy, so he wouldn't go too crazy with his teasing, but he'd still tip toe on that line, not realizing he was making you too flustered. he couldn't help himself, though, he was just too over confident around you now that he knew you liked him.
if you began to distance yourself from him or just straight up avoid him over his teasing, he'd beat himself over it so much. he'd think himself an idiot for letting his cockiness get the best of him. he'd instantly miss your presence in his life, but he would feel too embarrassed over his oversights when it came to your feelings. this separation would probably be what would lead him to realize his own crush on you. he wouldn't know how to approach you again, but would muster up all his courage to apologize to you, rambling about how badly he felt and even accidentally confessing his own feelings for you in the process.
seokmin -
he'd be so endeared by your crush on him he wouldn't be able to help himself. he would never say anything mean or make fun of you, but he would probably just giggle at you every time you blushed or avoided his eyes. he'd relish in all your reactions, constantly cooing at you. he'd maybe kinda treat you like a little kid sometimes, constantly calling you cute and adorable, maybe even pulling at your cheeks when he just felt too endeared by you.
even though he wasn't straight up teasing you, if his babying of you made you feel some type of way and you began to distance yourself from him, he'd feel so dejected. poor guy wouldnt realize where he went wrong. he'd immediately seek you out, telling you that he was not making fun of you at all!! he just found you so so cute and loved the way you blushed around him and stared at him with the cutest admiration in your eyes. he'd let you know that it was mutual, and that he'd be so devastated if you ever stopped liking him as much as you did.
seungkwan -
ok unpopular opinion maybe but i feel like if he was aware of someone's crush on him, he'd get a lil cocky about it. he has sooo many friends and is sooo popular everywhere he went due to his extroverted personality, but he'd rarely ever catch onto people crushing on him. so when he realized you liked him, he would tease you about it a bit. if you ever agreed with him in a group argument about something as trivial as to where to eat, he'd straight up say something like 'its cause you like me, isnt it?' and giggle at your reaction. he'd do lighthearted stuff like this, enjoying the red on your ears and the way you'd whine and complain at him.
if you ever grew annoyed of his teasing and stayed away from him in order to avoid it, he'd begin seeking you out, pouting that you'd just leave him hanging like that. how can you just leave him like that? what about him? what if he liked you back and just wanted your attention? did you ever think about that? he'd end up just scolding you instead of comforting you or apologizing, annoyed that you'd just deprive him of the attention he'd grown so used to.
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boremore · 11 months
steve sneaking up to reader room because he misses her & she’s been quiet all day.
i changed this up just a little, hope that’s okay <3 (shy/anxious!reader) (588 words)
mush little mouse ♱ steve harrington
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Steve’s house is jumbo.
You could easily get lost if you’ve never been here before. Though, it seems everyone’s been here before. It’s Steve Harrington.
It’s summer, and summer means parties.
You hadn’t really wanted to come. Parties, big parties, at least, aren’t necessarily your thing. You’d also woken up this morning with an awful feeling in your chest. Like a boulder’s been sitting on your chest all day just rambling about nothing important. And mister boulder won’t seem to move till he’s done talking, and he won’t stop talking.
You’d come to the party anyway. For Steve. Because you like Steve. And Robin says Steve likes you too. But you highly doubt that.
You’re not sure, but around twenty minutes ago, before you disappeared upstairs, a crowd of them were doing shots off bodies. It might’ve been Eddie on the counter with Nancy’s lips against his tattooed skin. You aren’t really sure. Your head is still spinning.
You’ve been in Steve’s home before. You find his door quicker than you mean too. It’s quiet up here.
Your back pushes against the wood once you’re in, taking a deep breath. Your eyes screw shut as you push the ends of your palms into them. You smudge your mascara.
Your eyes ghost along Steve’s room. You’ve been in here briefly a couple of times before. Your palm glides over his made comforter before you take a gentle seat. You stare at his wood floors for a little before letting your body fall back into his bed with huff. You aren’t sure what’s wrong with you now. You hug yourself. It’s quiet for about six minutes before the door opens.
“Knew I’d find you here, cupcake.” Oh.
Your eyes peel open at the all too familiar voice. You sit up on your elbows as the door closes. Steve looks awfully pretty. Hair highlighted and a bit messy, like his fingers have tugged on it endlessly. He looks like he’s glowing. Plain black shirt. Jeans that sit low on his waist. He’s got his gold chain on, he always has it on. There’s a red solo cup in his hand, but he doesn’t seem drunk. He seems very far from it. He seems to catch your eye as he stands before you.
He smiles small. “Fruit punch. The normal kind. You want any?” You smile small up at him, you shake your head as in no. He places the cup in your hand anyways. He’s like that.
He takes a seat next to you and gently squeezes your bare knee. You’ve got a cute little, short flowy white skirt on. It complements you nicely. “Thank you for coming,” he says gently. You sip the drink gently. He carries on, staring at your scuffed high tops. “I know you hate these things. It means a lot to me.”
Your gaze flickers to his now. He seems to feel it, he looks over at you too. He smiles. Warm. Sweet. Honeyed. Your cheeks fade pink. “It’s no biggie, Stevie.”
A whimper almost crawls up his throat and slams past his lips to break his teeth. He smiles more. Skin a little hot. “S’okay if I hang out with you up here?” He’s doing it again. Making sure you’re all good.
You raise a brow and place the drink back in his hand gently. “It’s your room?”
Steve can’t stop smiling. “Yeah. True, but you’re more fun to be with than the mess downstairs.” You aren’t sure you believe him, but you decide to take his word for it. “Okay.”
He laughs a little and presses a soft, wet kiss to the highest point of your cheek. You laugh gently, nose scrunching up. He squeezes your knee again.
Guess his parties aren’t that bad.
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thelov3lybookworm · 8 months
I Didn't Ask For This (part twelve)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Summary: Marriage had always been something sacred to little Y/n, something dream like, where her husband would come and whisk her away to a fairyland. At least, that's what she had always thought.
All her dreams would be shattered.
But maybe she can salvage them?
Tw: none that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: you did not think I would forget about my baby, did you? Yes, I am in fact, not dead. And yes, I didn't write anything for this fic for a long time because I had no idea what to do 😌
Also, thank you for all the love that you gave this one. I am soo glad I was able to write something for you to love. 🥹❣️
This is the last part in this series. But if there is something you want to see in a possible epilogue, please send in an ask or comment.
A loud knock on the door startled Y/n, who was trying not to get caught reading the very... not child friendly stuff Nesta had given her. Cauldron knew what else Nesta had in store for Y/n.
The knock was a little too loud to be Azriel, because most of the time Y/n didn't even realise someone had knocked when Azriel knocked. So it was definitely most probably Cassian, who was probably excited about something.
She got up to open the door, wondering if she should hide the book she was reading in case Cassian decided to barge in. For Cassian, it wouldn't be anything new.
She felt like it was the biggest shock in her life when she found Azriel standing outside the door, his hand poised to knock again as he grinned widely at her, panting.
Because, first of all, Azriel was a quiet person. Hell, even his wings made no sound when flying. If he knocked so loud, it was probably something huge. She didn't know if it was a good thing or not.
And second and more concerning thing was that Azriel was grinning. This was a man who would glare at people just for smiling in his direction.
Now she wondered if she really should have hidden the book.
"Azriel? Is everything alright?"
Impossibly, he somehow managed to grin wider. Once he had gained some semblance of control over his breathing, he spoke.
"Everything's fine. Perfect even."
Now Y/n was seriously concerned.
"Why are you grinning?"
"I need to show you something."
He offered her his hand, which she eyed suspiciously before taking. "What is it?"
"It wouldn't be fun if I told you about it." He pointed out, leading her to a nearby balcony.
That made sense.
He picked her up and began flying, the setting sun making the atmosphere beautiful. That was all Y/n tried to think about because if she didn't, she would continue to hound Azriel for answers, and he was too stubborn for his own good. He wouldn't tell her what it was, no matter what.
Soon, he was landing in front of a beautiful house, a beautiful lawn surrounding it. The area was quiet. There were similar looking houses nearby, a few shops. They were near the center of Velaris, but the pace was still quiet, tranquil even. Just like Azriel.
Y/n thought she knew what was going on, but still she asked. "Why are we here?"
Azriel grinned, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "I wanted to show you this place. Do you like it?"
"It's beautiful." She stretched out the word, searching his face.
"I brought that home. I thought now that we are... getting to know each other again and are comfortable, we might as well live somewhere far from Cassian and Nesta. Figured you might be just as tired of them as I am. Of course, I'm not saying you should live with me if you don't want to, but one day... maybe?" He looked at her when he finished rambling, his eyes hopeful.
She smiled. "I would love to live with you Azriel. So, when are we going to move in?"
Azriel's face lit up like a child who had recieved a gift on solstice. "As soon as possible. If you're okay with it." He paused for a moment, thinking. "Do you want to take a look inside?"
Azriel led her inside the mostly empty but clean house, a little jump in his steps. Y/n smiled and shook her head as he walked in front of her, opening all the doors and cupboards, a small grin on his blushing face.
Azriel was cooking, having forced Y/n to sit and watch. Since there weren't many things in the house except for a couch, bed and a few cupboards, Azriel had flown back to the house of wind to get items for their dinner.
She had offered to cook, but he had refused. And since then, Y/n could tell he was trying really hard to impress her with his cooking skills.
They kept talking throughout, his focus equally divided.
Right now, he was seemingly about to flip the food in the pan, and he turned to her.
"Watch this." But then he realised she was already watching, and he faltered.
Unfortunately, he had already begun to move the pan. And because he wasn't paying attentiont to the pan, the food items in the pan scattered all around the kitchen, and Y/n hid her smile behind a hand.
Cauldron, Azriel was adorable.
He stared at the mess, his shoulders slumping. Y/n hopped down from the counter she was siting on and moved closer to him. "Go. Sit. I'll make us something."
Azriel shook his head. "No."
Y/n cocked her head. "Why not? I cooked all the time by myself before."
"I'll get something from a restaurant."
Her brows furrowed. "But why?"
"Because I want to treat you better than you have been treated before." He mumbled under his breath, barely audible. Maybe he was trying to not let her hear, but she did.
Her heart swelled, as if it tripped fell down the stairs and now had to rest in bed for its whole life.
"You are treating me good." She smiled at him when he looked at her with wide eyes. He blushed furiously when she placed a tender kiss on his cheek.
"What– what would you like to eat?"
Y/n sighed. "Anything. I don't really have something in mind."
Azriel nodded. "I'll be back soon."
And with that, he bounded off towards the door, leaving his shadows behind to clean up the mess he had made.
Y/n watched as her husband moved his hand animatedly, his face filled with excitement.
The two of them sat on the couch, knees touching. Y/n wondered if in a few moments she'd be on his lap.
It had started out with her on the couch and him on the armchair near the fire, having finished their dinner sitting on the kitchen counter top because there was no table or chairs. After that, they had moved to hear the fireplace.
They had sat in silence, contemplating what to talk about when she found Azriel grinning.
When she asked him about it, he told her about how his shadows loved to be nosy and knew almost everyone's secret. How they had been telling him about the secret of the little boy passing by the house. It was that he had stolen a cookie without his mother's knowledge, and how he prayed to the cauldron that she never found out.
Since then, he had begun telling her of all the juicy secrets he gathered over the years, his shadows occasionally chiming in to add to the information. He had slowly begun shifting towards her as he spoke.
It wasn't long before he settled on the opposite end of the couch, a huge smile on his face as he told her of one of his favourite secrets that he found out, his body seemingly moving of its own accord.
Throughout the night after that, he had shifted closer anytime he got a little more excited, her scooting closer when she got more and more intrested in the story he was telling.
He finally stopped speaking, taking a deep breath, his cheeks flushed and a wide grinon his face.
Y/n sighed. "Well... that was a journey."
"I have better stories than that." He smirked smugly when her eyes widened in disbelief.
"Liar. I don't believe you. Even Nesta's books have less dramatic plot lines."
He grinned, shaking his head. "Speaking of Nesta's books... did you enjoy the book that you were you reading today?"
Y/n immediately tensed. "What do you mean?"
He gave her a sly smirk. "I'm the spymaster of the night court, Y/n, and I've been married to you for almost six months now. Do you really think I don't know what conspires between you and Nesta when me and Cassian aren't looking?"
A blush climbed up Y/n's neck. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Sure. Let me help you with that–" And then, as if the damn book had been next to him this whole time, he pulled it out of between his shadows and flipped open to where she had been reading when he interrupted her that morning. She knew that because she found the candy wrapper she placed in between the pages to mark the her progress.
She gasped, but he was already beginning to read. "Where were you? I think it was here? He grinned up at her from between her thighs..." He paused for a moment, reading, before he clicked his tongue. "You are really interested in this?"
He was busy reading, and so he didn't see her reaching out to snatch the book until she had a firm grasp on the book. He looked at her in surprise, but she began tugging. Of course, he didn't let her pull it too far before he himself started tugging at it.
"Let go Azriel."
He gave a harsh tug, and Y/n was no match for his strength. She lurched forward, her hand landing on his shoulder. Her face was mere inches from his and he grinned up at her.
"Really? You like this–" He shook the book near her face. "–this thing so much? Honestly, you could choose better."
Her whole face flushed as she tried to keep herself from glancing at his lips. "Don't be mean. It's rude to judge people."
"Hard not to when you read childish things like these." She scowled at him, and he leaned closer to her as he whispered, "Honestly, I could show you better things. The male here is like a newborn child compared to me."
Y/n blinked in shock, his closeness doing nothing to help her slow brain. He huffed a laugh at her reaction, and the air on her face finally pulled her from her daze. She began to pull back, trying to retreat back into her original position, but he caught hold of the hand on his shoulder, his expression serious.
Azriel's eyes trailed down to her mouth, and his tongue flicked out to lick his lips. He glanced up at her eyes, his eyes swimming with question.
Y/n knew it would be pointless and stupid to pretend she didn't want what he was offering. She could not keep lying to herself when this was all she wanted since the two of them began spending more time together.
So she simply leaned back in, her eyes fluttering shut when his breath caressed her features again.
Azriel didn't need anymore confirmation.
He was tired of waiting, and now that she was so close, it was too hard not to sink his teeth into her. Into those beautiful lips, that beautiful body.
So he surged up, and caught his lips with hers.
In that moment, it felt like he had found peace. Something he had been searching his whole life for. Like he had found the home he never had.
Not the house he was currently in, but home in her.
And when she gasped, he realised there were multiple reasons responsible for that feeling.
First obviously being that he loved her.
Second, she loved him.
And how did he know?
He felt it coming at him in waves.
Through the newly found golden string connecting their souls.
I love you. The emotions he felt from her seemed to tell him.
I love you more. The emotions he sent back to her.
And there, on that couch in their new house, tangled in each other's arms...
Azriel and Y/n were finally home.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @maxxieluvs @bubbbllee @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @waytoomanyteenagefeels @tell-me-a-poem @the-lake-is-calling @spaxxxi @japanese-wonderland-blog @valeridarkness @moonlwghts @deadratio @esposadomd @harrystylesfan2686 @missusbarnes-rogers @whatthefuckshappeningrn @hyacinthoideshispanica @historygeekqueen @lizziesfirstwife @nastynesta @aroseinvelaris @nightless @cleverzonkwombatsludge @kodokunarisu-blog @selillusion @eos-princess @moonfawnx @a-court-of-milkandhoney @emilyo-218 @wannabewolf @ailyr92 @chronically-online-cheese @myheartfollower @hells-sluttiest-new-arrival @marina468 @menaosama @starryhiraeth @hereticdance @mali22 @valencia-rou @azrielsstarlight @marvelouslovely-barnes @luvmoo @starlight-hope @a-frog-with-a-laptop @fall-myriad @alt-ghost @elleofdragons @ruleroftides @5moremin @stargirl1714 @bunnymallowo @ivy-34 @aria-chikage @kalulakunundrum
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nochukoo97 · 1 year
boyfriend drabbles (pt.6)
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pairing: jungkook x oc
summary: the one where jungkook takes care of you when you’ve drunk too much alcohol
Word count: 800+
a/n: i rewrote this drabble again hehhee
series masterlist!
“Okay ___ that’s enough, I’m taking you home,” Your boyfriend is assertive with his words as he tugs you away from the bar, afraid you might order your tenth cocktail of the night.
“But, we are having fun!” A permanent pout is plastered on your face as Jungkook slowly tugs on your hand, guiding you away. You don’t struggle against his hold, instead you give in and bury your head into your boyfriend’s broad chest.
“Baby you’re already so drunk, come on, you will thank me tomorrow,” He whispers as he plants a kiss to your temple, wrapping his arms around you as he sways the both of you playfully.
You often had really bad hangovers everytime you and Jungkook would go to bars, you could never handle alcohol as well as your boyfriend could, but anyways that meant that there was always someone looking out for you when you were a little tipsy.
And Jungkook has had the same amount of drinks as you, yet he was as sober as before.
On the drive home, it’s quiet because you knocked out in the passenger seat the moment Jungkook strapped your seatbelt on. He climbs into his side of the car and shuts the door gently to not startle you, gazing at your curled up figure, chest slowly rising up and down as your mouth parts open a little to breathe.
He admires his pretty girl, your cheeks slightly flushed pink from the alcohol, shoulders shuddering from the cold. Jungkook immediately removes his jacket and gently covers your body with it, making you shuffle a little but relax with a deep sigh.
When Jungkook pulls into the car park, he softly clicks on his seatbelt, before carefully opening his car door to get out and softly close it again. This time he opens your door, clicking your seatbelt and manoeuvring it around your body carefully.
“Sleepy girl,” He lets out a soft chuckle, hands soothing up and down your shoulders as he slowly attempts to wake you from your slumber.
You peek one eye open sleepily and Jungkook notices, “Come on baby, we’re home,” He reaches out a hand to pull you up but you whine, eyebrows furrowing as you turn to face the other way, too tired to walk all the way back to your apartment.
Jungkook sighs to himself, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he watches you easily fall back into your slumber. He reaches his arm to support your back and the other to lift you from under your legs, easily carrying you out of the car as he uses his leg to shut the car door.
You reach your arms up to wrap them around his neck, shuffing in his hold as you bury your face in his chest, inhaling the faint scent of the cologne he had put on earlier today.
Jungkook carries you into the apartment, laying your sleeping body on the couch as he walks over to the bathroom to fill up the bath.
You slowly begin to regain your consciousness from your sleep as you sit up, rubbing your eyes sleepily. Jungkook walks out and spots you doing so, tutting and softly grabbing your hands to remove them from further tugging at the delicate skin of your eyelids.
“Don’t do that,” He scolds you ever-so-softly, pecking your closed eyes gently. “Come on, time to take a bath, you have to wash your hair,”
You let him bring you into the bathroom, helping you out of your clothes as you step into the warm water filled up in your bathtub.
“Who’s washing my hair?” Your voice is slurred as you ask, clearly heavily intoxicated.
“Me,” Jungkook laughs, finding your very drunk state amusing, “You need to drink a huge glass of water after this to sober up, okay baby?”
You suddenly turn around to face him, frowning, “Why are you calling me that,” you begin to whine, “I have a boyfriend,”
Jungkook raises his eyebrow at your sudden ramble, smiling at how hilariously cute you were being.
“Oh really? What does your boyfriend look like?” He plays along with you as he washed the soap out of your hair.
“He looks like you, but better,” You huff and Jungkook starts quietly laughing to himself, wishing he had recorded a voice memo of this moment.
Your boyfriend sweetly dries your hair and carries you to bed, of course after making you drink a glass of water, which you retaliate but he ends up convincing you anyways.
“Where are you going,” You begin to whine after Jungkook stands up from tucking you under the covers.
“Baby I have to shower too,” He swipes a hair away from your face, pecking your lips.
“I’ll put on a show for you okay? I’ll be quick then I’m all yours,” He brushes a stray strand of hair out of your face, reaching over to the bedside table to grab the TV remote, turning on the recent animated show you had binged on.
When Jungkook leaves for the bathroom you sulk quietly, already missing his presence. You try to distract yourself from the sleep beckoning upon you, but as much as you try to fight the urge to close your eyes, you end up falling asleep before your boyfriend can come back from the bathroom.
Jungkook returns back into the room to find your sleeping figure once again, sighing whilst remembering you had yet to drink your glass of water. He’ll take care of your hangover for you anyways, he’ll do it anyday.
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