#teen wolf would include
Being Jackson Whittemore’s Younger Sister Would Include…
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Being born about two years after he was adopted, and him going immediately into protective older brother mode
Watching over your crib while you were asleep
Helping your mum calm you down when you were crying
Going to pre-school together
You sticking next to him until you got home
Him defending you if any of your classmates was being mean to you
Him helping you make new friends
Sneaking into his room at night if you had a nightmare
Him calming you down and soothing you back to sleep
Stealing his clothes
Driving you to school every morning until you got your license
Teaching you how to drive
Stealing his Porsche until your parents bought you your own
Becoming best friends with Lydia
Helping her choose her outfits for their dates
Helping Jackson with gift shopping for their anniversary
Confronting Jackson when he was being an asshole to her
Joking about Lydia dumping him and dating you instead
Supporting him during his lacrosse games
Mat having a crush on you and Jackson threatening to beat the shit out of him if he dared to approach you
Danny backing him up
You having a thing for Danny until you found out he’s not into girls
Jackson trying to protect you from himself once he started losing control over his shifting
You realizing he is the Kanima before anyone else
Him promising he will call and text you every day before leaving Beacon Hills
Him booking you tickets to visit him in London once a month
You being the first to find out about Ethan
Going to dinner dates with them during your visits
Warning him about Gerald’s Hunters going after them
Helping them get free after Tamora captured them
Moving to London with them eventually
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spookberry · 2 years
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and they were teammates
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blakeswritingimagines · 2 months
Dating Yandere Derek Hale Would Include:
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When he has a person of interest, he will do whatever it takes to protect you, even if it means being violent and cruel. He's usually a very calm and collected kind of guy, but once he becomes obsessed with someone, he becomes irrational and emotionally unstable. His jealousy and possessiveness over you are also extreme.
He would try to keep you all to himself. He might even go as far as locking you away so that no one can take you from him. He would try to control every aspect of your life and try to make sure you only want him. He might even try to sabotage any other relationships you might have so you only want him. He would try to isolate you so that he's the only person you can rely on and depend on.
Due to losing so much some of it stems from that. He's lost so many people important to him in his life. He's been betrayed and left alone so many times by people who he trusted and cared about. It's given him a deep fear of abandonment and a need to cling to you for fear of being alone again.
He'll even manipulate you using fear or guilt. He might even try to make you feel powerless against him and like you have no other choice but to stay with him. He might even try to make you scared of what might happen if you were to ever try to leave.
He would also try to make you feel scared of other people when they pay attention to you. He would try to instill a sense of paranoia in you so that you start to think that every person who expresses any kind of interest in you is a threat. He would try to make you feel like he's the only person you can trust.
Being a werewolf just amplifies his yandere tendencies. It allows him to be even more possessive and territorial over you and also allows him to be more violent and cruel towards anyone who threatens you. He would be more prone to attacks of rage and also will go to any lengths to protect you.
He would also be more likely to use violence or threats of violence to keep you from leaving or even trying to escape. He would become incredibly protective and obsessed with keeping you safe even if it meant hurting you. He would also become even more jealous and paranoid towards anyone trying to interfere with his relationship with you. He would want anyone who expresses any kind of interest in his loved one to stay as far away from you as possible and also would want his loved one to not interact with anyone else besides him.
He would seek you out constantly and demand that all of your time and attention is dedicated to him. You cannot leave his side or spend any time with anyone else. He would be jealous and paranoid if you interacted with other people or communicated with others. He would want to hear from you constantly throughout the day, and if you didn't respond quickly, it would upset him and feed his jealousy.
Well, being a werewolf also gives him a unique ability to track your smell and location. This makes it easier for him to know where you are and also allows him to catch you when/if you try to escape. He can also hear far distances and pick up on any noise you make. This makes him even more vigilant and aware of any potential threats.
He would try to arrange dates that are completely centered around the person he loves. He would try to make sure it's just the two of you, no one else can join. He would make sure that the date is special and memorable for you. He would try to make the date enjoyable by giving you gifts or doing something that you like. He would also try to plan everything ahead so that nothing goes wrong.
He would be really romantic and affectionate towards you. He would try to show his affection through physical touch, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service etc. He would try to make you feel like you're special and you're the only one for him. He would make sure that you feel loved and cherished in every possible way.
He would also try to show you how important you are to him by always being there for you, listening to your problems, and trying to help you deal with any issues you're facing. He would try to show you that he cares about you and that he's always going to be there for you no matter what. He would try to make you know that he's always thinking about you and that he won't forget you. He would also try to always be patient and understanding with you, even when you're being difficult or unreasonable.
He can also isolates you from all your friends and loved ones. He would manipulate you into thinking that your friends and family are bad people and that they don't really care about you. This way, you won't try to go back to anyone except him.
If he really wanted to show how much he owns you, he could even try to claim you physically with a mark. He would try to mark you with a bite or a scar so that you are physically marked as his.
If someone or something does attack you or tries to take you away from him, he will stop at nothing to protect you. He won't hold back and will use all the strength in his werewolf form to protect you. He would try to go after the threat without caution and use his entire werewolf strength to protect you.
If Ihereally wanted to go that far, the temptation to turn you into a werewolf would be very hard to resist. It would allow you to survive and also to fight if the need ever arises. It would also give him peace of mind that you would be stronger than you used to be, so you would be easier to protect. However, it would also mean that he would feel even more possessive over you as you would now be part of his pack.
Marriage would be the ultimate claim of ownership over you. It would mean that you are legally bound to him and this would give him a sense of security in the fact that you cannot leave him. It would be a way for him to show you that he is committed in a very public manner.
Marriage is a major step in a relationship and taking that step could possibly lead to children. He would love to have children with his loved one. He thinks that would be a wonderful way to further bind together. It would also strengthen his claim over you.
If you couldn't or didn't want children, he would try to persuade you into having children or change your mind. He would do all he can to convince you that having children is actually what you want and need. He would resort to all sorts of persuasion and methods until you change your minds and are willing to have his children even if it meant stealing one and raising it together.
"You're mine and I'll do whatever it takes to protect you. I won't let anyone else have their lips on you, I won't let anyone else make you laugh, I won't let anyone else hold your hand. You belong to me and you will only be with me."
Toys - Loves incorporating toys into your playtime. Using vibrators, dildos, and other sex toys on you (or even inserting them himself) is a great way to add extra stimulation and make your encounters even more intense.
Edging – The act of bringing you close to the brink of orgasm again and again without allowing you to actually climax. Knowing that he has total control over your body and mind and can keep you on the verge of ecstasy for as long as he wants.
Bondage - From simple handcuffs or blindfolds to more complex restraint systems that leave you completely at his mercy. He enjoys spanking and caning as well, especially when combined with other forms of humiliation play.
Breeding - The thought of impregnating you and making you carry his children is incredibly erotic for him. Knowing that he could leave his mark on you forever is both thrilling and exciting.
Sensory Deprivation - Blindfolding or gagging you before fucking you senseless is incredibly exciting for him. Knowing that you're completely at his mercy and unable to see or speak adds an extra layer of thrill to the encounters.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: all characters are over the age of 18! :)
Chaotic Good
Gemini Sun, Aries Moon, Aquarius Rising
・You’re light in not only Stiles’ life, but the whole group. 
・They come to you when life feels too much. 
・You’re there with the kettle on, ready to hear their problems and read their tea leaves
・There’s always an animal worming their way around your legs, either a cat or one of your dogs
・You adopt as many animals as you can, usually from Alan Deaton, the vet. 
・Scott likes you because you bring a sense of calm to Stiles’ chaos
・And Stiles didn’t realise he had a crush on you until Scott pointed it out.
・You constantly have to bring Stiles back down to earth. His mind is constantly racing and thinking about the next problem
・Stiles couldn’t help but fall in love with you. You were always so kind to him. When everyone else thought he was ‘too much’, you couldn’t get enough
・ It was your smile that did it for Stiles. That sweet, sometimes mischievous smile. 
・You originally thought Stiles was one of those sceptics that brushed the existence of magic as mere fiction
・But Stiles was the first one to believe in your witchcraft:
     “We have werewolves, Banshees and god knows what else. A witch seems the most realistic.”
・When the group doesn’t have any leads, they come to you for help. It’s not easy being a witch. It uses a lot of energy. You can do locating spells, but it drains you a lot
・Stiles hates coming to you for help because he knows how much it physically costs you 
・Some teenagers like to graffiti your home - but they can only do it once. You’ve cast a spell so whoever tries to do it again loses their ability to talk normally
・It also means you know who’s been doing it
・Because parents panic and news always travels around town, the graffiti is next to non-existent now (also because Stiles makes sure to clean it off before you notice)
・He can be very, very stubborn. And often thinks he knows what is best. 
・But he’s also ... very honest. So you know when he’s lying (he’s so bad at it):
     “Stiles...tell me the truth.”
“The truth is ... that ... I ... am...- okay god stop looking at me like that.”
・Likes cuddling A LOT. But is fussy, and if he can’t get perfectly comfortable, then he wants to be the little spoon.
・Is a really heavy sleeper, and whenever he stays over at your place he’s the last to wake up
・LOVES when you make his favourite food. Literally falls in love, not even being dramatic. His mind is like ‘this is the one. I’m keeping them.’
・Loyal to. a. fault. Will die for you, will do everything in his power to keep you safe and out of danger. That’s another reason why he doesn’t like getting you involved in the supernatural stuff. 
・You know exactly what he’s thinking, because you can see it clearly on his face. 
・ “Stiles, do you tell my secrets to Scott?” 
“Ugh, not the really secretive ones?”
・Sheriff Stilinksi loves you, he thinks you’re great for Stiles. You make his chaos less ... chaotic. He was a bit apprehensive about your witchcraft at first, but then he had the same outlook as Stiles. “At least you’re not a ...hellhound or something.”
・Stiles NEVER fails to make you laugh 
・You find the most random things in his car. Ducktape, a metal baseball bat, keys to many, many buildings, rope. You asked him if he had a first aid kit, since he had everything else, and his eyes glazed over. 
   “I KNEW I was forgetting something. God!” 
・You make protection amulets for him, and give him crystals. He doesn’t understand but takes them wholeheartedly anyway
・His favourite crystals are labradorite (”because I like when it shines, duh”), malachite and blue tiger’s eye 
・Vending machines are his mortal enemy and if he sees one he forbids you from using it (you use it anyway)
・Having weekly meals at his father’s place 
・You were really really good friends with Allison, and her death was heavy for you. 
・Adores going to metaphysical stores with you. He picked out a deck of tarot cards (wants to pay but you never let him. So he tries to gift you as many things as you’ll need, so he can buy them)
𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑷𝒆𝒕 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: You’d think he would be very open with nicknames for you. But he’s very embarrassed by it. Not embarrassed of you, but of showing you verbal affection. After being in a stable relationship for a while, he would start calling you names like ‘sweetheart,’ or ‘honey’, especially when you weren’t listening to his warnings
𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆: Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation. He’s always on the go and can feel like you aren’t a part of his world. But you always make sure to leave little trinkets in his pockets or in his car. 
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
Romantic Flight by John Powell
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
Chaotic Dumbass (Stiles) x Oh God That’s My Chaotic Dumbass (You)
Gifts Rocks As Gifts x Takes The Rocks Without Question
Talks A Lot (Stiles) x Likes To Listen (You)
 𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆:
It’s Always Been You
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lpwrites · 2 years
On Hope
Today's meta, brought to you by a tumblr post:
In case of tl;dr or tumblr not opening links, it boils down to: Hope is a skill you work, not something inherent. I'd like to add (as some people in the tags have, that so is optimism and faith). I personally would tag on kindness as well.
All these traits are seen as soft and naive, but to actually use them and nurture them properly, it takes time and an active involvement. You're not just hopeful, especially in these times. You have to work at it, and it's hard. You're not just kind because you are, you have to actively work to be kind, moreso when the world says you shouldn't.
How does this tie to Teen Wolf?
Obviously, it comes down to Scott.
Many, many multiple complaints about Scott being a boring character or a perfect character or an undeveloped character come from the fact that people (incorrectly) believe that Scott has no flaws. Scott's perfect, they say! He's so boring and Neurotypical! (which is another can of worms to open another day)
Perfection is not possible, much less for a teenage character. We have seen Scott fuck up, multiple times, for several different reasons, most coming down to the fact he's an inexperienced teenage boy thrust into a situation he never wanted to be in the first place. He's afraid, he's experiencing things no one could have braced him for, and further affected by the fact that no one explained anything after the fact either.
Despite being actively tormented by several adults (and some teenagers, lookin' at you, Matt and Jackson), Scott doesn't stop being, at his core, kind. He's hopeful! He has HOPE that Jackson can be cured from the Kanima situation in s2, he has HOPE that they can save Stiles from the Nogitsune in s3B.
Out of everyone in Teen Wolf, given the release date and the sentiment surrounding the world when it first came out, I would have not been surprised if Scott had gone from a bright hopeful kid to a cynical, bitter ~adult~, because that was expected. Cynicism was The Thing, the corruption of the innocence of youth or whatever would have fit well, I'm sure, in this niche MTV was trying to carve out.
That's what made Scott so extraordinary, I think. Despite the punches, despite ever reason he had to be bitter and mean and cruel because the world WAS bitter and mean and cruel to him, Scott continued being good. He had hope for people, and gave countless opportunities that would not have been afforded to him by others, because Scott was able to look at things as they were, and hope for something better.
Did he make mistakes along the way? Sure, as a kid then young adult navigating a whole new world that actively wanted him dead, he made mistakes. But even thinking about his choices now, how painfully difficult must it have been for Scott to look at all these people who hurt him, who hurt his friends and his family and his community, and still look for good? To offer kindness to strangers and enemies alike, to ease their pain and give people who were in the same position he was the opportunity to say 'I can't. This isn't for me.'
How many times did Scott have to fight the pain and injustice and anger that would be more than deserved, and swallowed it down because pain and anger and violence are easy! It's an easy reaction and an easy excuse, and likely people (in show) wouldn't have really blamed him because no one ever blamed Stiles for being angry and lashing out because that's what people /do/.
But Scott didn't. He swallowed all of that (a monumental effort on its own) and he returned kindness. He returned hope and optimism and faith that I know he didn't really feel, but what he really felt doesn't affect his actions because his actions speak much louder.
For a teenager with suicidal ideation, who has been constantly beat down by a life he never chose? Scott has tremendous self control, and an enormous capacity for kindness in his heart. It would have been so easy to make him an asshole, we've seen assholes countless of times in media. But strength of character in the face of all that, to say no to the cycle of violence? That is something that is not innate. Scott had to absolutely fight for that every day, and that alone is so endlessly fascinating.
Scott may be boring if all you look at is the surface, but all it says is that you've felt the struggle of being kind in a world that wants you to be cruel.
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This post is about me and my page so please read this before anything else ❤️
My name is ren it mean lotus 🪷
I am in alot of fandoms
I post about alot of different fandoms
I take requests for my fics/ anything I post
I Will Repost things not all of the posts are mine so I want that to be known ( I will give credit for things )
My page:
Don't be shy if you want to ask for a X any type of reader with any character from any fandom ( just be specific on weather you want it to be platonic or not)
This is a space for no hate so if you don't like something leave.
I am in multiple fandoms but if I don't know the fandom them I will research it if I get asked to write for a character
I will post about shifting aswell
This page is safe for everyone and any hateful or rude will get reported and blocked
Thank you for reading, and have a good day /night
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thotpuppy · 1 year
sorry i just gotta be back on my bull shit for a minute just- Stiles as a phantom thief. Stiles as the good boy son of Interpol's top detective, making waves and looking to be just as good a detective as his father, maybe even better, attending one of the most prestigious Uni's for criminal justice in the world. (google it idk) And the only criminal his father has never managed to catch is (idk cool phantom thief names, the red fox or smth) but after she disappeared years ago, the case truly ran cold, and was considered closed. until a copycat Red Fox appears. He's stealthy, cunning, nobody knows where he came from or who he is, and just like the Red Fox before him, he always returns whatever it is he stole, a short time later, with a note. of course this becomes a serial sensation overnight! the new fox has only struck once and people are climbing out of every gutter imaginable to try and say there's no way this newbie could be as good, its impossible, and even Detective Stilinski thinks its only a matter of time before the elusive fox is captured. Little does he know, the new red fox is his son.
and not only that, but the former Red Fox was his late wife, who somehow managed to secret away her gadgets and documents detailing her exploits, so when he turned 18, Stiles could inherit them. They don't steal for money, or glory, though of course they both relish it. But the truth of it is that, between smaller jobs, they're working to take down the largest criminal organization in the world. a secret society of rare artifact hunters that operate globally, and often with or beside law enforcement. That's why the Red Fox has to be a thief, and why whoever takes down the Argent Hunters has to operate "alone". of course, Stiles takes that to be mostly subjective. He works with a close-knit team of allies all over the world, each with a certain set of skill that comes in handy, as long as he can figure out how to utilize them properly. His mother spent her entire life dedicated to putting an end to the Argents' crimes. Stiles will make sure the job is finished.
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stydiaendgame · 1 year
Why does the movie feel like a visual fanfiction to me😂😭
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Being Liam Dunbar's Twin Sister Would Include...
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Gif not mine. Credits to the rightful owner.
A/N: Requests are open.
Being born five minutes after Liam, and him constantly pulling the “I’m older” card
Fighting constantly over your toys when you were toddlers
Throwing food at each other
Pulling each other’s hair
Biting each other
Overall, being a constant headache to your parents until you reached adolesence
Being the only one able to calm him down during his outrages
Making sure he took his I.E.D. medication
Occasionally threating him to do so
Standing up for him against Brett
Making out with Brett
Transferring to Beacon Hills High with him
Stiles instantly taking a liking at you
You confronting Scott when he bit Liam
“What the hell were you thinking?! He has I.E.D.!”
Stiles agreeing with you
“I told him it was a bad idea.”
Helping Liam control the change and eventually becoming his anchor
Giving Hayden dirty looks every now and then
Making out with Brett during lacrosse games
Liam and Stiles not being happy about it
Being best friends with Mason
Sleepovers at your place with the pack
Falling asleep in Liam’s arms and him carrying you to your room
Liam comforting you after Brett’s death
Gabe and Nolan threating you
Mason standing up for you
Eventually going to different colleges
Missing him terribly
Facetiming every night
Surprise visits every now and then
Moving back to Beacon Hills together after finishing college
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bledf1rst · 1 year
I'm going to watch wolf pack
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blakeswritingimagines · 2 months
Dating Yandere Scott McCall Would Include:
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As a yandere, he is obsessive, possessive, and jealous. He doesn’t like seeing the love of his life talking to others or spending time with them. If he notices you spending more time with another he’ll become jealous and find a way to separate you. He will do anything for the love of his life even if it means hurting someone.
He'll do whatever it takes to keep you as his. That could include kidnapping and isolating you from the world. He might also resort to violence, like hurting the person who's trying to take you away from him.
He might start to become possessive and controlling of you. He'll want to know where you are and who you're with at all times. He may even go so far as to isolate you from your friends and family so that he can have you all to himself.
He might start to get paranoid that you're cheating on him or that you're going to leave him, which can make him even more possessive and controlling. This could lead him to be more overprotective of you and want to know everything about your life. He might start monitoring your phone calls, texts, emails, and social media accounts without you even knowing in an effort to make sure you're not talking to anyone else.
He will always find a way to win you back when you're starting to slip away. Whether that's through romantic gestures or manipulative tactics. The lengths he'll go to are no limits all he cares about is keeping you all to himself.
He could start to become completely unpredictable in his actions, going from being obsessive and controlling to being very sweet and loving in a matter of seconds. This can make it difficult for you to know how he's going to react when things don't go his way. He might also start to become violent when he feels threatened or when he's hurt. Extreme jealousy can also cause him to become manipulative and try to guilt trip you into doing what he wants.
But despite all of these flaws, Scott does deep down care about the person he's obsessed with. He might have some insecurities that cause him to cling to you in a way that's unhealthy, but he does love you and wants to protect you. He may still want the best for you, even if it means he has to go to extreme lengths to make sure you don't leave him.
He might start to become verbally or even physically abusive towards you, as he tries to get you to cut off contact with anyone else. He might yell at you, insult you, and even hit you to show how much he doesn't want you to spend time with anyone else.
In werewolf mode, he'll become even more obsessive and violent. He'll become more territorial over you and won't let anyone get close. Anyone who tries to come near you will be seen as a threat and he'll go after them.
In werewolf mode, he'll also become more aggressive in his pursuit of you. He'll be relentless in trying to hunt you down, no matter how hard you try to run or fight. Additionally, his physical strength will also be increased and he'll have even more powerful primal urges.
His friends will be concerned about his behavior. They'll notice that he's become more possessive and controlling towards you. They'll try to warn him that his behavior is unhealthy and that he needs to stop. But he'll be too focused on you to listen.
If something or someone targets you, he'll become even more aggressive and violent. He'll go after the person/thing that's threatening you. He'll be relentless in trying to protect you, even if it means he might get hurt or even killed.
If he goes on dates with you, he'll try to make it as romantic as possible. He'll plan elaborate and unique dates that no one else could ever plan. But if someone else tries to take you on a date, he'll quickly intervene and make sure that it doesn't happen.
He will be extremely affectionate and needy. He'll want to spend as much time as possible with you. He'll be constantly touching and hugging you, giving you kisses, and telling you how much he loves and cares about you.
As a yandere, he has a complete lack of morality, logic, reason, or sanity when it comes to his love. He will let his emotions and desires take over without a second thought and will do whatever it takes to protect and possess you. He has a highly intense and exaggerated sense of possessiveness that can lead him to become aggressive and even violent towards anyone he feels is in the way of his own desires for you. He will act irrationally, impulsively, and without restraint or regard for anyone else’s safety, feelings, or well-being.
The concept of marriage is essential. To him, it is the ultimate proof that you belong to him. Marriage is a commitment that symbolizes your eternal love and devotion. He would do anything to keep you with him and if that means getting married, then so be it. The only thing that matters to him is having you to always be his.
The idea of having children with you is a dream come true. He wants to create a family with you that reflects the intense love and devotion you share. Having children is a way for him to ensure that he will always have a piece of you with him, no matter what happens.
In the situation of you not wanting/can't have kids, he would be devastated. Children are one of the most important aspects to him even as a yandere. He wants to create a family and have a permanent reminder of the love he has for you. But if you didn't want or couldn't have children, it would cause a lot of conflict between you. He would try to compromise and find other ways to ensure that you would have something lasting, but ultimately, he would be very upset and conflicted.
The idea of family is essential to him, not just children, but also having close relationships with your family members. He wants to be accepted and seen as part of the family. This means having relationships and connections with your parents and siblings, as well as other extended family members. This means everyone will only see the big brown-eyed puppy who loves you wholeheartedly and will not understand something's wrong.
"You are mine and mine alone. Nobody else is allowed to touch you or get close to you. Only I can love you and take care of you. Anyone else who wants to get close to you is a threat and will not be tolerated. You belong to me and me alone and I will do whatever it takes to protect that. Understand?"
Size worship - He loves being bigger and having you worship every inch of his body. Being admired for his size is incredibly arousing and makes him feel like the most powerful person in the room.
Experimenting - Different positions and scenarios during sex, such as trying new angles or experimenting with different positions like doggystyle, or reverse cowgirl. He loves the feeling of being in complete control of the situation and being able to decide exactly how it all goes and ends.
Romantic gestures - While he may be a brute in bed, he still enjoys doing sweet things for you. Things like writing dirty love letters, sending flowers, or planning surprise dates that end with sex can really turn him on.
Teasing - Teasing you by withholding orgasms or delaying gratification is a great way for him to maintain control over you while also building anticipation and desire.
Forced confessions - Making you admit your attraction to him, no matter how reluctant you may be, is a great way for him to assert his dominance over you while also getting off on hearing you express your desire for him.
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yasemei · 2 months
Aventurine, Jing Yuan,Sunday, Blade and Wriothesley celebrating teen!reader’s birthday!!
🪷 Genre: Platonic + Found family
🌸 a/n: its my birthday so I decided to actually write something today!! :) english is not my native language so please excuse any errors
🪻 father figure characters / topaz, dr.ratio, yanqing, robin,kafka, silver wolf, elio and sigewinne mentioned / reader is a prisoner at fortress of meropide in wriothesley‘s part
~ Aventurine ~
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Aventurine probably didnt celebrate many birthdays, including his own, but he really cared for you and wanted to make yours special.
He would buy something you really wanted, no matter how expensive it is, he is going to spoil you rotten.
He would also buy a very sweet and expensive cake for you, he always takes note of your preferences and likes, so he buys the most suited cake and gifts for you.
He tries to get a break from work to celebrate with you, if he cant manage to you would just celebrate at his office.
He has no problem if you want to celebrate just with him, but if you want more people and not feel lonely, he would try to get dr.ratio and topaz to celebrate with you. (with a lot of effort)
Ratio would be hard, but if youre a student of his and Aventurine manages to convince him enough, he would buy you a small gift and text happy birthday to you.
Topaz wouldnt mind celebrating your birthday, despite her not being too fond of Aventurine, it wouldnt take too much convincing to get her to celebrate your birthday. She would buy you a nice gift and personally wish you a happy birthday.
You two spend the all night having fun. He personally tucks you to bed when you get sleepy. (He might even carry you)
Seeing you grow up and enjoying your youthful years satisfies him than any gamble could ever do. He follows the path of preservation, he would do almost anything to preserve your youth and happiness— something that sadly wasnt done for him.
~ Jing Yuan ~
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Jing Yuan is used to celebrating birthdays, he celebrates Yanqing’s every year after all.
He also buys you great gifts and cake. Like Aventurine he makes sure to remember your likes and preferences.
He is also pretty busy, but he would make time for you since its your birthday.
Yanqing would celebrate with you as well.
He tucks Yanqing and you to bed before going back to the endless paperwork on his desk.
He has a big soft spot for you and Yanqing, watching you two grow up makes him bittersweet, knowing that you two are going to be adults one day and not spend as much time with him as you do now.
But he believes that you two will be good and responsible adults thanks to his guidance.
~ Sunday ~
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Sunday would be make extra time for you, also inviting Robin for your birthday
He would buy you a gift from a very luxurious store in Golden Hour, he even orders a special birthday cake for you.
Robin would personally sing happy birthday to you with her angelic voice
Sunday already has a tendency to dote on you, but not directly since he is busy, he leaves random gifts during the day and has bloodhounds watch over you to ensure your safety while he is busy working.
But for the sake of your birthday; you, him and Robin had lots of fun together.
~ Blade ~
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Blade wasnt too sure what to for your birthday, ever since he adopted his new identity, he has been disconnected from people, only living as a weapon.
But you were special to him, he always felt the need to protect and care for you. Maybe you had bringed out the fatherly instincts that he didnt even know he had.
He goes to Silver Wolf and Kafka for advice.
He ultimately decides to make you a handmade gift, he used to make weapons after all, his crafting skills are incredible, maybe not as much as it was when he was still Yingxing, but he is still talented.
Kafka buys the cake and some accesories or clothing as gifts
Silver Wolf would hack into a rich persons account to get you something you really wanted.
Elio doesnt give you any missions, you and your fellow stellaron hunters celebrate together when they come back
Blade would carry you to bed when you get tired, he would even tuck you in if you ask nicely
~ Wriothesley ~
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Wriothesley would buy a cake and gift for you from the overworld
You two and Sigewinne celebrate together by drinking tea and having cake
You and Wriothesley already spend a lot of time together since you work directely under him
Seeing you grow up safely makes him happy, even though you are a prisoner, he has a huge soft spot for you
He would also tuck you in, but he would do it secretly so the other inmates dont see him being a massive softie, he has a reputation to uphold after all and cant have the inmates misbehaving or maybe even using you against him
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zaceouiswriting · 1 month
The Delinquent
Character: Theo Raeken x male reader
Universe: Somewhere in Teen Wolf
Warnings: Smut
Authors Note:
I know I'm a month late for my annual Theo Raeken Appreciation Month. But better late than never, right? On this blog, we know that Theo Raeken doesn't get the recognition he deserves (Or Cody Christian, his actor). That's why me, myself, and I have made it my mission to fill this world with as much Theo Raeken content as possible. I may not post every day (honestly, even posting once a week would be a treat at this point), but I promise to get out as much as humanly possible. And there will be a lot of smut. A lot of smut.
Please forgive me. As an apology, I'm including a GIF of this handsome man so nobody forgets how good he looks!
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It had become much more intense than even you could have imagined in your wildest dreams. The same hands that punched you in the stomach that morning and that later punched you in the face were now holding your bare ass up. He had been in such a hurry to rip off your pants and underwear like an animal, that they would likely not be useable anymore. If you think about it, he was an animal but only in all the right ways.
His rough, large hands felt heavenly on your bare skin. You never knew what you were leaving out when you didn't get intimate with someone. Even though it wasn't love by any means, you don't think it could feel any better. It was clear that Theo was not just experienced but a master at it. Each thrust was meticulous, like a well-oiled machine, even if he didn't look at you.
You had heard - as everyone else - that he would fuck anything on two legs, but he was only seen with girls. It made you hope to be the first guy he fucked.
Only half of his cock was pushing in and out of your hole as it was much, much bigger than you expected. And even though you prepared for it every night - as you knew deep down it would happen someday - the thought of him couldn't prepare you for the real deal.
Suddenly, Theo jolted you out of your thoughts by forcefully slamming your back against a row of lockers. It was almost as if he wanted your undivided attention, but wasn't willing to reciprocate with the same. The openness of your activity made it even more tempting to you. Up until this point, you didn't even know you had this kink - to fuck in the open hallway of your school.
As he turned his head back to the side, you felt shame welling up. Fed up with his gamey, with your left hand, you grabbed his sharp jaw and forced him to look at you. The moment your eyes met, you saw nothing but contempt in his hazel, almost innocent-looking eyes. They were so beautiful when he was angry, but right then they sent a wave of excitement down your spine.
“Look at me while you fuck me,” you whispered to him, barely able to contain your lewd moans. You wanted nothing more than to scream, moan and groan. But you kept it to yourself, not wanting to show him how much you loved the feeling of his cock in your hole, how his hands were holding your ass so tenderly, spreading your cheeks and the roughness of his skin, or the way his eyes made you feel with the obviousness anger contained within them. The hopelessness of the situation in his glaring eyes made you stay hard.
“Fucking faggot,” he muttered angrily, but there was more that you couldn't pinpoint.
Smiling, you looked straight into his beautiful eyes. “Last time I looked, you were fucking me.”
He paused for a second, disbelief running across his face, just before he stopped being gentle and entered you fully. You could have sworn you felt something tear, but the way he hit that one spot inside, you couldn't feel pain or even think about it. Theo began to thrust upwards like the wild animal he was, which in return made him move closer to you. So much so that his head came right next to yours, panting heavily. He obviously liked it at least as much as you did, but his ego and pride surely wouldn't let him show it, which made him look even hotter in your eyes.
“Shut up, fucking whore!” Theo whispered in your ear. The closeness of his voice caused an obvious shiver throughout your body, coupled with his warm and moist breath tingling the fine hairs on your ear and neck. It finally broke whatever resolve you had. You started to moan loudly, and your hands buried themselves in his perfectly styled hair, to try holding onto him for dear life. “Do you like that?” he asked teasingly, an audible grin in his already teasing voice. But when you tried to answer, he thrust up at the first note, making you moan instead. “Fuck! You feel so good and you sound so fucking needy.”
The dirty talk was finally enough for you. As you came without touching yourself, you moaned in deathly embarrassment, one shot after another coming from your cock, which didn't go limp afterward.
“Fuck, stop milking me!” Theo moaned, not realizing he had made you cum. It wasn't until he moved his head back and saw your fucked out face, partially limp, with your head against the locker and not against his neck where it was just a second before. Theo looked intrigued, at least as your blurry eyes suggested. “Shit,” he muttered, pausing in his movements, “If you had shown me your naughty side earlier, I would have fucked you long ago,” he said to you, chuckling darkly.
He suddenly removed his right hand from your ass but somehow managed to hold you up with just one hand since you couldn't wrap your legs tightly around his waist anymore. Out of nowhere, he touched your face and gently caressed your cheek. Without a word though, he stuck his fingers into your mouth. Noticing it a second later, you slowly closed your lips around his strong fingers and licked them like they were a lollipop. But Theo forced it further down until his palm was against your face. You didn't gag or anything.
Realization hit Theo a few moments later. But still, in disbelief, he pulled his fingers out until a soft 'pop' was heard. He moaned at the sound so loudly that you thought he was coming. But just as suddenly as before, he started fucking you again, more relentlessly than before. Clearly excited about what he had just discovered. Somehow you knew it would lead to many more wet and slimy encounters.
Theo's hand went to your throat where he tightened his grip, restricting your breathing. But the only thing it did to you was make you want him to fuck you senseless.
Your eyes must have betrayed and you believed him starting to grin again. After all of that, it didn't take long for Theo to come. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth in ecstasy. Just a second later, he groaned loudly, filling your insides with endless amounts of his warm cum. With one particularly powerful spurt, his swollen cockhead pressed against your prostate so hard that you came a second time.
He collapsed against you as you felt his cum painting your insides like a masterpiece while simultaneously painting the outsides of him and yourself a similar color. As he carelessly breathed heavily into your neck, you became excited again. But when you heard a low rumble from him that almost sounded like a chuckle, you looked at him. You caught his big, scheming eyes staring at you, which made you blush.
He slowly lowered you back to the floor where you almost collapsed, but Theo was there to hold you tight. Your legs had never hurt so much. It took a few minutes, but when you were able to stand alone, Theo asked for the test answers, immediately, staring at you darkly again with his blank, murderous eyes, which he used for his gang activities, even though you believed he would someday build a massive underground empire. You just knew that you couldn't be on his wrong side. To comply with his request, you stumble towards your backpack and retrieve some documents. As you turn back to him, you notice his surprised expression.
“You had them with you the whole time?” he asked exasperated.
“Of course,” you replied plainly, hiding a grin. “I know you like to get your deals done quickly, so I finished it after my morning beating. All the answers to all kinds of questions,” you told him before hobbling away.
It was a week later when you were cornered by Theo again, his cronies were nowhere to be seen. Knowing why, you didn't show fear, even when he left you hanging in the air by your collar. You seemed like a lightweight to him, but you couldn't be mad about his fury, after all, you outsmarted him.
“Why the hell did I get an “F,” you fucking idiot?” Somehow, you imagined him as a foaming-at-the-mouth wolf, ready to attack you and rip your throat out. But the next moment you imagined him naked and only with dog ears, you immediately blushed. “What’s there to laugh about, faggot? I'll make you feel how stupid it was to-"
“I’m sorry,” you interrupted, eyes closed, preparing yourself for what was to come. But when you opened them again, there was nothing but self-confidence to be seen inside them, which confused Theo. You placed your right hand on his and looked deep into his hazelnut eyes. “You won’t hurt me anymore!” you told him calmly. 
It seemed like an order, which infuriated Theo even further, causing him to question whether you comprehend the power imbalance between the two of you.
Before Theo could argue, you pulled out your phone. You were about to say something and held the screen up to him. When Theo played the video and heard the lewd moans, he immediately shut it down, horror visible in his eyes.
“You filmed us?” he asked. Swallowing loudly, he waited for your answer, but you just grinned. “You stupid faggot,” he muttered crestfallen, his face in his hands.
“That’s funny,” you replied arrogantly. “The only person who's actually fucked another guy is you, and to be honest, from the way we're standing in the video, it looks a lot like... you know. What if people see it? Do you think they would see the same thing?”
You never thought you would see defeat in his eyes so quickly. Until then, you thought he would destroy your phone and think it was over. But he seemed to have realized that you were smarter than that, which you were since you had a dozen copies of them at home. You weren't ashamed of admitting to jerking off to it multiple times if he asked.
“What do you want?” he finally asked, his head bowed and his voice staggering. He wasn't attractive the way he was right then. Pushing him lightly so that he would have no other choice but to put you down again, until you stood strong before him.
With your free hand, you ran over his burgundy shirt, feeling every muscle of his - as you knew - divine body down to the edge of his pants. Without hesitation, you undid his button, as he simply stares at you, unable to say anything.
“I’m about to suck you off, but first I’d like to make a deal with you.”
Theo was already breathing heavily. It made you smirk, knowing you made a certain, rather lewd impression on him. Massaging his big, soft cock, it grew faster than you thought. But you decided against teasing him about it.
"The deal is that you'll be intimate with me every day until the end of the school year, for me not to show the video to anyone, and I'll help you leave this place as a straight-A student for me getting a favor in the future. But you would have to change your behavior a little or the teachers might think you were cheating.”
"What do you- Ahhh, damn it, tighten your grip- Yes, that's right." Theo was already in heaven and seemed to have forgotten the conversation you were having. But somehow he snapped back after a few seconds. "What do you mean?" He finally finished his question, albeit loudly swallowing.
Smiling, you scoffed at him. “Do you really think they would believe that a delinquent like you would suddenly become a great student?” You removed your hand from his, still on your collar, and pulled him by his collar closer to you. “But don’t worry, I’ll teach. But I think I deserve something special now.”
Theo looked confused, his eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes filled with many unanswered questions. You didn't feel like answering any of them, so you pulled him closer and kissed him. His lips tasted like mint, and before either of you knew it, your tongue was already entwined with his, dancing in perfect harmony.
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misskingshit · 1 year
𝘏𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦 summary: You had no idea who you were talking to wasn't who you thought they were. Note: Another one bc i’m free and bored. This is like a mix of my two favorite Teen Wolf things, Stiles and Void Stiles😩.xoxo
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"I'm here! I'm sorry I'm late I fell asleep" you said trying to catch your breath.
Scott's house was completely empty, you would have left if it hadn't been for a noise that was heard from the kitchen, like a glass I feel leaning against the counter.
"Guys? Is there anyone?" After quickly analyzing the situation for a few seconds, it's strange that Scott sent you a text message asking you to go home if he wasn't going to be there later, but the message said that the whole group was there... and here all the lights are off.
"Scott?" you asked again, slightly poking your head around the kitchen.
"You arrived" a familiar voice made you jump in place, behind you the figure of your pale friend appeared.
"Shit Stiles, don't do that again" you put a hand on your chest.
"I'm sorry" he said with his typical mocking tone.
Wait...Stiles shouldn't...?
"Stiles? where are the boys?" you asked frowning a little.
"Oh, don't worry, they went out to buy some things, they won't be long back."
He seemed perfect, the way he spoke, the way he moved, the way he looked at you, his tone of voice and even the way he looked, it seemed to be Stiles, but…
"You feel good?" you couldn't help but ask.
"I feel great, why do you ask?" He frowned a little at him.
"It's just that, with everything that's happening, with everything that's happening to you, you know, it seems strange to me that they leave you alone and without being tied up and that, without anyone to watch you" you stared at his eyes for a few seconds "whatever, I brought pizza, I didn't get to eat at home and..."
"Maybe that's why you're here" he says, interrupting you.
You just look at him strangely, you want to believe that he's Stiles, but you feel something strange, it's hard to explain "because of the pizza?" you tried to joke.
He just smiled sideways, without breaking the exchange of glances "no, you know that, no" he begins to get closer to you "you are here to watch him" he finally lets go.
"Watch him?"
"To Stiles."
"You…Stiles are…" he cups your cheek and strokes it lightly, his thumb pressing against your lips to silence you.
"He thinks you're cute, very beautiful, I honestly think so too" being so close now it seems that dark circles have appeared out of nowhere under his eyes, you hadn't noticed them before.
"How come you…what do you want?" There were so many doubts you had, the confusion you had and, although you don't want to admit it, the fear, that your brain didn't know very well where to start questioning.
"I want a lot of things, that includes absolutely all your friends dead, but, Stiles wants you and somehow that makes me want you even more" he leans closer to you, sticking your bodies together "you could be my exception".
OK, for some reason I don't like anything I'm writing, but it is what it is, so I leave it in your hands, I hope you enjoy it.
(Remember that English is not my native language, so sorry for any mistakes.
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akutasoda · 2 months
hihi!! platonic blade with a chronically ill teen!reader?
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before you're time
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synopsis - when he meets a fellow hunter who has an unfortunate circumstance
includes - blade ft stellaron hunters
warnings - gn!teen!reader, reader has a unspecified chronic illness, slight angst, fluff, mentions of death, wc - 669
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it didn't go unnoticed when a new stellaron hunter joined elio's script, mainly for two reasons: one, one or two of the current hunters often retrieved them and two, they weren't exactly a huge group. however, just because the new member wouldn't go unnoticed did it mean that they had to care about them. luckily, that really only applied to blade who couldn't care less who entered the script.
it was announced by kafka that she was collecting a new member on elio's behalf, the very same day she came back with you. the other hunters were alpt more welcoming compared to blade, although silver wolf and sam aren't the most excited people. kafka had told you straight that this 'elio' person saw you as a key role in fulfilling the script and you were needed among the stellaron hunters - but you disagreed heavily.
you tried explaining to the magenta haired woman that you simply would be no use to them and 'elio' must be wrong. 'miss i simply don't see how i would be of any use' you started but she quickly cut you off 'elio see's you as an important character, illness or not' you turned your head away slightly and let out a sigh 'i won't be of any use. how many people do you see jumping at the chance to offer me anything?' she responded quickly 'one. your illness doesn't matter to elio, he still knows you'll amount to something.'
maybe it was actually a reason to join the stellaron hunters, not every teenager would willingly join a group of criminals but maybe their leader had a point. your illness wasn't going away and you knew that, so maybe going along with the 'script' would mean your life could have some sort of worthwhile meaning and you wouldn't spend your days mulling over it. after all, having a chronic illness young often meant people didn't see you achieving much in your future.
blade knew that elio's script wouldn't care much for how old you were, so he didn't really think twice about you still being in your teens. he also knew that you would obviously play an important role in this script or else elio wouldn't have gone to the efforts of sending someone to recruit you but at the end of the day he wouldn't really care why you joined the stellaron hunters nor would he even give a moment of his time to think about it.
it meant nothing to him when he was assigned a mission with you and kafka gave him a strict warning to watch out for you - blade only assumed that it was to assure that someone as young as you didn't meet an early grave. however he did as he was told. the entire time he was on the mission with you he kept a close eye on you and he started thinking maybe this was kafka's way of subtly telling him something. blade noticed how you seemed off, not in a rude way but you didn't seem healthy.
when he returned from the mission with you he went straight to kafka for an explanation. that's when he learnt. to him it seemed quite cruel that elio's script required someone in your position but he already knew that life was unfair. in a way he could understand your situation, sure being mara struck wasn't a chronic illness but it did have no cure - it would eventually take full control of him and in that way he could see your own situation.
so maybe he'd look out for you more. maybe he'd take kafka's orders to make sure you're kept an eye on a bit more seriously. and maybe, just maybe he'd start looming over you ready to help you in any way he can - it's merely his duty to elio to ensure all the hunters can fufill their role and aren't taken before their time, don't think too much about it.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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simping-overload · 2 months
ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴅᴀᴍɴ ᴅᴇᴇʀ - ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʜᴜɴᴛɪɴɢ
a/n: showing my love for my favorite Greek God of all time, Hermes<3 this is a multichapter fanfic.
trigger warnings: animal hunting so animal death. Religious themes and practices
synopsis: You never thought helping out a lost hobo would end up with you in the loving embrace of a god.
『read on ao3』
『prev chapter ⟺ next chapter』
disclaimer: hermes is based on his BOZ, EPIC, and canon mythology. I don't really know how ancient greece actually was or how hunting works so take this with a grain of salt! It is just fanfiction :)
You come from a village that has been long-term worshippers of the goddess, Artemis. Each year, the village holds a festival, Laphria¹. With this festival, of course, comes activities, the most important being the hunt. Where 3 main selected participants, who were allowed to bring at the maximum two others along the hunt with them, they were to hunt down a large stag, whoever was to bring back the largest wins.
The reward would entail being given a large sum of money and being allowed to worship the goddess to the fullest extent, which means you'd get to say your prayers before everyone, including the high elders.
This year, you were finally chosen for the hunt, much to the joy of your family and friends. You were their best hunter and tracker, able to find an animal with ease regardless of how little the evidence that has been left behind.
After passing a familial trail—hunting a snow hare in the middle of snowstorm— you were gifted a beautiful pup who you named Winston². The two of you were jointed at the hip. There wasn't a place you'd go without him. This included the hunt.
You decided to bring two of your beloved friends along, Damian and Agnes. You set off at dawn, racing into the trees on the back of your horses, Winston running ahead as the scout.
Agnes and Damian were chattering away behind you as you looked over the map. You wanted to try and plan out all paths you could safely use.
"So...do you think if I win this, it would get Corinna at the very least interested in me?" Damian questions, fiddling with the horses' reins. He had a crush on Corinna ever since they were teens, spending most of his time trying to impress her— which failed considering he always made a fool of himself.
Agnes, bless her, rolling her eyes as she listens to Damian rant, just as the millions times before. She's been friends with him since they were babies. Both of their mothers were the best of friends, so it makes sense they were too.
You didn't come into the picture until you were about 7 or so, moving here to take care of your grandmother after she got sick.
You met Agnes when your mother invited hers over, and then her mother invited Damian's over. You all were just placed in front of each other and expected you all to click automatically. Thankfully, you did, and you've been friends ever since.
"Probably, but you need to remember Nikolaos is in this competition too, I know he's been desperate to get her hand as well." She pauses as her horse jumps over a fallen tree. She looks back at Damian with a blank stare and continues. "And also this could've been avoided if you just grew a pair of balls and confessed."
"I can't just do that— I need to get her attention first. Maybe we'll find that white stag the elders ramble about." Damian giggles as he pictures Corinna leaping into his arms and saying yes to his proposal. He was such a lovesick fool.
"Or maybe she's already interested and is waiting for you to confess. I've heard its custom in her family for the woman to wait for the man to ask, no matter how long it takes." You chime in, not looking up from your map.
"Wait wh—" Damian is cut off when a large gray wolf jumps from out of the trees, holding a white hare in its mouth.
Your horse, startled, bucks you off its back, sending you to the forest floor. You're now eye level with the wolf, noticing how its eyes are an unnatural golden color.
You and the wolf stared each other down for a moment before it huffed and leaps back into the trees. Agnes drops down from her horse and rushes to your side, while Damian goes off to fetch your horse.
You snapped out of your daze when you felt something wet touched your cheek. It was Winston, licking at you and whining in concern.
You pat his head to calm him, and you lean on Agnes for support as you stand. She brushes the dirt and leaves off your back.
"Hey, you okay?" She questions, her freckled face is laced with concern.
You feel fine, a little sore, but nothing you hadn't been through before. There was something about that wolf that just stuck with you, "Yeah, I'm fine. That wolf, though... its eyes were like pure gold."
"Maybe it's one of Lady Artemis' wolves? It wouldn't be the first time she's watched over the hunts." She suggests, steppingaway from you once you've steady yourself. Damian comes back with your now calm horse, handing you the reins.
"I suppose? Though I never heard of a wolf having pure gold eyes before... Anyway, Winston, did you see anything?
Winston barks in reply, his tail wagging before he runs off. You mount your horse and begin to follow him. You motion the other two to do the same.
Winston leads you to what looks to be a temple, one that seems to have been neglected for years. Nature has taken over, vines have trickled up and wrapped themselves around the columns, and grass and flowers grow from the cracks of the floor. The usual pure white of the marble has faded into a off white tan color with a thin layer of moss across the surface.
"Let's make sure the area is safe for us to set up camp here. Agnes, check out the back of the temple, and Damian, you'll start with the outer perimeter. I'll start with the inside. Regroup to the front once you're sure no one else has been here."
Agnes nods, and Damian gives an alright in response before going back into the forest. You dismount your horse, tying it to a loose fence post. You make your way up the cracked stone steps and into the temple.
The rays of sun lit the inside of the temple, illuminating the illustrations that line the walls and ceilings. Going off of the winged shoes on the god that was illustrated, this was a temple of Hermes. You wonder if there was ever a village that was here before yours that were worshippers of him.
Your search around the temple came up empty, with no human activity. Only animals and plants seemed to have been inside. You leave the temple in time to see with Damian and Anges coming back.
"There doesn't look like there's anyone for miles, only animals. I saw the cutest fox kits." Anges says.
"Same here, though I wasn't blessed with seeing any cute aniamls today." Damian pouts, dismounting his horse, kneeling down next to Winston to ruffle his fur, "Expect for this bugger." Winston barks and licks the man's hand.
You chuckle, "Looks like it's safe to set up camp here, we'll need to find something to eat, so I'll try and find something for us. You two just set up camp and remember to use the horn if anything happens."
They give you mock salutes in response before they begin to take the supplies off the horses and into the temple. You mount yours and whistle for Winston to follow as you trot off into the woods.
It doesn't take you long to hunt something down. After finding some boar tracks, Winston leads the rest of the way to the creature. Upon finding it, you ready your bow, steadying yourself on the moving horse as you focus your aim on the boar.
You suck in a breath, drawing back your arrow and whispering a short prayer to Artemis as you relase. The arrow pierces through the side of the boar, straight to the heart, quick and painless.
Suddenly, you hear a loud scream, and off in the distance, you can see someone running towards you with what looks like a... deer? Chasing after them. Winston stands alert, ears perked, and focused on the person getting closer to you. You hold your reins tight while Winston moves in front of the horse.
The person turned out to be Nikolaos. You spot his signature ginger hair showing from under his hood before he trips over a log and face plants in front of you. He doesn't try to exchange pleasantries as he scrambles up to keep running.
The deer came soon after, gracefully hopping over the log. It glanced at you for a meer moment, giving you enough time to see its golden eyes. The same color from the wolf.
You hop down off your horse, making your way to the boar.
You are for sure this time that it wasn't Artemis. Maybe some other god?
You wrap the boars legs tight with string as you bring it back to your horse, settling it on the rear. Positioned so it won't slip off, you mount your horse once more before going back the direction you came.
As you make your way back. Your mind wanders back to Hermes. It could be him. After all, he's one of the more playful gods known for his pranks and tricks. You'll have to make an offering to him for letting you sleep in the temple, regardless if it's abandoned or not, and so he doesn't prey on your friends like he did Nikolaos.
By the time you made it to camp, it was dusk. Agnes greets you outside, taking the horse reins from you. You take the boar off of the horse, taking off to the side as you make quick work of the animal, cutting off the hide and chopping the pieces of meat you need. You leave whatever is left for Winston and the other forest creatures to feast.
Damian is quick to start cooking. Thankfully, his mother was kind enough to pack spices so your group wouldn't have to suffer tasteless food.
Until the sky went dark, you spent the rest of your time eating and talking. Damian nearly choked on his food when he heard you recant the experience in the woods earlier. He says he wishes he could've seen the look on that bastards face when he was running away. Agnes jokes that Nikolaos probably looked like a scared chicken. Which admittedly, he did, come to think of it, his screams sounded like the human equivalent of one.
As the night went on, it got quiet, Damian was the first to sleep, and Agnes was next. Winston is sprawled out in between them, snoring away. Before you rest, you bring a plate of food and burning incense to the altar.
You whisper, "Please, Hermes. The God of speed and travel grant us permission to make sanctions in your temple. If you disapprove, we will be out as the sun rises. Take this food as a thank you for allowing us to sleep here for the night." You pause. "Also... please refrain from chasing us as a deer or anything else for that matter. While it was funny what you did to Nikolaos, I would rather not soil my pants." You chuckle, placing the food onto the alter and the incense in a dusty holder.
You go back to your original resting place, leaning against the pillar. You feel a soft and comfortable breeze flow through the temple. The sounds of the trees rustling soothe you into a nice slumber.
Still in deer form, Hermes walks through the woods, no set destination just allowing the fates to choose where he will end up. Faintly, he can hear someone whisper a prayer.
"Please, Hermes. The God of speed and travel grant us permission to make sanctions in your temple. If you disapprove, we will be out as the sun rises..."
It was not often that he received prayers, especially not in his sisters park of Greece. He lets the prayer pull him towards the location.
Switching to his human form, he approaches the temple. It was one of his firsts. A gift to him by his father. While unkept, it still stood strong.
He sniffs the air, a familiar smell, boar. Not only did he get a prayer, but he got an offering, too? Just what he needed after chasing the mortals.
He giggles as he makes his way inside, involuntary waking up Winston, who was silenced a quick shush and a pat to the head.
Hermes looks around at the mortals who sleep before him. Wondering who said the prayer, his eyes land on you. Still leaned against the pillar, head thrown back against it. Your hand is tightly wrapped around a dagger. Ready to strike if need be.
He studied your face for a moment, his hand twitched with the desire to trace over your features. You were very attractive for a mortal, and judging from the faint golden aura he could see emitting from you, you're the one who prayed.
He steps away with a grin, making his way to the alter. He picks the plate up, nearly drooling on the food. As much as he'd love to take his time eating, he's a glutton. In seconds, the plate is empty. He holds back a burp as he makes his way back out of the temple, glancing at you as he makes his way out.
Well, he's going to have some fun on this vacation.
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