#technically if you squint that tag is true
galactic-drops · 5 months
The proper response to a flashlight dying to to prepare to give Moon a smoochie kiss when they jumpscare you.
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shiny-jr · 1 year
damnation (peek V?)
Warning: Yes, this is a yandere thing. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Neige LeBlanche, Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, Vil Schoenheit.
Summary: When you commit a crime, you receive a punishment. This is especially true in your society. No matter the crime, your punishment is the same: banishment. But to where you will be sent in exile and how miserable will it be? No one knows, because no one has ever returned.
Note: Should I be posting this right now? Probably not. Especially since Scarabia isn’t completed, but I haven’t posted anything in a while and I’ve been more motivated and inspired for Pomefiore lately. Maybe seeing comments and opinions on this might boost my energy and make me write more and complete both Scarabia and Pomefiore. Hopefully. Anyways, I wanted to post this anyways because technically it was part of the first sneak-peek before I edited it out so I could make its own and make it longer too. That, and after seeing fanart by a mutual, I wanted to write even more. I’m finally getting the chance now. So I’ll be writing right after I post this. Go check out the most recent fanart I got for this specific part of the project. Oh, and if you have no idea what this is, you might want to check the first sneak-peek post (the “I” below) and my previous posts under the #damnation twst au tag. One last thing. None of this is edited, I just copy and pasted from the draft I have so yeah, just in case y’all see mistakes it’s because I haven’t gone over it yet. I usually go over everything once it’s completed.
I . . . II . . . III . . . IV . . . V . . . VI . . . VII
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A dark robe. Wrapped around your shoulders was a black cloak, like wings folded in. Speaking of feathered appendages, there was a single shiny feather tucked behind your ear. You had felt it tickling your earlobe, leading you to pluck it out of your hair to examine it. It was long and black, huge in size, making you imagine it came from a beast of a raven. Slowly you looked up, confused to find yourself at a desk surrounded by books, bottles of odd colorful liquids, and there was even a cauldron in the corner of the stone wall!
Returning your attention back to the feather, you were perplexed but quite liked it so you placed it back behind your ear where you had originally discovered it. Upon standing from the wooden chair, you noticed your change of outfit. A simple white ruffled shirt and black pants, although nearly every inch of you was covered by the black cloak on your back that reached all the way to your ankle and draped around you like a curtain. Lifting up the cloak, you could feel a short sword strapped safely and securely in a hilt on your back hidden away from sight. What was this place…? Why were you dressed like this? Why did you have a sword? What was going on? Was this your punishment?
Just then, your eyes drifted over to a book stand where a heavy leather tome sat open to prying eyes. Your prying eyes, to be exact. Curiously you stepped toward it, your fingers ghosting over the crisp pages of the aged book as you squinted incredulously at the words printed on the surface in a large font, occasionally dotted with red ink. “Poison apple…?” Beside it was the painted image of a ripe red apple, and in its shining reflective skin was the distinct shape of a skull. “One taste of the poisoned apple and the victim’s eyes will close forever in the sleeping death.”
But that… that was from a fairytale! The story of Snow White and the Beautiful Queen! This page about a poisoned apple, the tome, this basement filled with ingredients and suspicious concoctions… So it was true, criminals were often sent to dangerous tales where they would perish. And you... you were a criminal and you were here, but... what role did you play? Lifting your hand up to your ear, you suddenly felt the familiar soft sensation of the black feather accessory and realization dawned on you. Didn’t the queen have a pet raven…? Could that explain why you were here in these strange but fancy clothes? Of all things, why did you have to be the raven?
How did the story go again? The Queen was vain and wicked, she wished to be the most beautiful of all. It was said that she consulted her magic mirror every day and would inquire as to who the fairest of them all was. Should the mirror ever reply with another’s name instead of hers, she would find a way to kill her rival and would only be satisfied once the mirror answered her name. So when her step-daughter, Snow White, grows to become the fairest of them all, the Queen goes mad with jealousy and has a huntsman attempt to kill her. When that fails, the Queen takes matters into her own hands, eventually turning herself ugly as a disguise and even causing her own untimely demise by falling off a cliff and being crushed by a boulder, her remains left as feed for hungry vultures. That was the Queen, but what about the raven? Well, it’s never disclosed as to what happens to the bird, at least to your knowledge. The last the raven is seen, it was being tormented by the wicked Queen as she was creating the poisoned apple. Actually, maybe being the raven wasn’t so bad afterall… At least it didn’t perish or receive some other horrible ending.
Knowing this brought you much relief. At least you didn’t end up as the raven in that other story about a sleeping princess. That raven was turned to stone! You pity any poor sucker that might’ve ended up in that position. This outcome was adequate, for now. Perhaps it was best to venture outside, to attempt to find this beautiful queen. To be honest, it was a little exciting. You had always wondered how beautiful she was, since the novels always claimed they could never do her justice. But that's besides the point. Once meeting her, you then had to decide what your next move would be.
Keeping all that in mind, you climbed the spiraling stone staircases just barely lit by candles. You winced whenever you heard the squeak of a rat or spotted a rotting corpse of a forgotten prisoner still in chains. Quickening your pace until you reached a wooden door, and stepped into the sunlight. It was warm and delightful, the sun’s rays shining on your skin. You felt free. As of now, this was far from punishment. But knowing that you were sent here to be punished or even die, was what kept you from being completely at ease. You could almost just relax here in the calm and beauty of this garden–– key word, almost. Shrieking and many voices shattered your temporary peace, even scaring away the white doves that had flocked in the open courtyard.
Grumbling, you followed the sound of the commotion. It sounded like it was coming from over the high palace walls. There was one portion of the wall that was shorter than the rest, if you climbed onto the smooth edges of the railing by the stone steps, you could successfully scale onto the top of the wall where you decided to lounge about and spectate the action. On the other side of the wall, you could see a young man getting closer and closer, nervously waving at a large group giggling and following him. It was obvious that he was a little uncomfortable, and that he was trying to lose them without hurting their feelings by how he continued to smile even as he picked up the pace.
When his eyes landed on you, he appeared surprised, and as he walked the path he was getting closer and closer. Feeling pity for the lad, you sighed and stretched your arm down, to which he hesitated a moment before finally deciding to place his hand in yours. You heaved him up and slid down to the safe side of the wall, the palace side, just before his apparent fans could catch him. Their whining and complaining was amusing.
“Thank you…! You saved me!”
Oh, right, he was still here. You glanced over at the young man peering happily up at you with the brightest smile on his lips. Your eyebrows furrowed as you slowly began to notice his features. Hair black as ebony, skin white as snow, dressed head-to-toe in rags… No way––
“Ah, I know you!” He exclaimed, delighted as he took a step closer. “You’re my elder brother’s attendant! I’ve seen you around the palace countless times. You are always working so hard that I’ve never gotten a chance to properly meet you! Of course you must already know but my name is Neige, it’s truly so wonderful to finally talk like this with you!” He performed a small but polite bow. Such manners for a prince in rags. “I never knew you were so kind! Is there any way I can repay you?”
“Ah, no, there’s no need for that…” You studied his face, attempting to make sense of it all. If this Neige was Snow White, it did make total sense. His skin was flawless, it looked like a marshmallow, so pristine but soft. He was cherubic. His beauty was more of a one of innocence and cuteness, and it seemed the townsfolk noticed his looks judging by how they focused on his physical features instead of his attire. You force your gaze away. This was the prince who the Queen would try to kill. But there’s a chance it may be King in this version, because you’re fairly certain that Neige had just mentioned something about having an elder brother that you apparently worked for. “It was nothing.”
“Please, don’t be so modest! Your actions were selfless and heroic. Had it not been for you, I’m afraid I would’ve been stuck outside all day with no choice other than to interact with all those that followed me. And I couldn’t have that! I promised my brother that I would do my chores.” A sad frown appeared on his face as his gaze traveled back over to the wall, “Although I do regret having just left them without so much as a goodbye…”
So he was kind… Makes sense. Most princesses, or prince in this case, were kind-hearted souls that were far too naive or trusting and had the strangest ability to communicate with woodland creatures. However that last part worked, you weren’t entirely sure.
“The doves of the courtyard gathered by the well with me this morning! And we all made a wish! I, well… It's a bit embarrassing, but I wished for something truly special. And I believe that my wish may have come true!” A pretty pink blush made his cheeks rosy as he clasped his hands together, looking so truly content as he peered up at you.
“Is that so…?” Well, magical animal talking ability, check that off the list. He really was like the princess from the fairytale. But you didn’t like where this was going. You outgrew fairytales a long time ago, but when you read something so fantastical and magical in your innocent imaginative youth, it sticks with you. Perhaps that was a good thing, because even now you could recall the small details of the story.
In the beginning of the story, Snow White is cleaning the courtyard when she meets the doves at the well where she makes a wish to meet her true love. Not too long after, the prince appears on horseback, hearing the princess’ song that leads him to climb over the palace walls to get to her. When you got older, you quickly realized how creepy that actually was. The prince crept up on her like some sort of stalker, and essentially trespassed on private palace grounds. But that’s besides the point right now. The point is, Snow White made a wish to meet her true love which happened to be the prince. Well, right now, you have yet to see another so-called dashing prince or princess. There was just the courtyard and you were alone with Neige, and he was gazing up at you through his lashes and with a pretty smile that appeared too fondly. The Queen, or King, really needed to stop cooping up Prince Neige within the palace walls. It was dulling his sense towards social cues and common sense.
“Hey! What the hell are you doin’...?!”
Surprised at the sudden presence beside you, you looked to see another stranger. This one you couldn’t automatically connect to a role. It was a short young man with a cuteness that could possibly even rival the prince. He had such wide blue eyes and odd soft lavender curls that framed his face. Unlike you and Prince Neige, his outfit was of much finer detail which consisted of a white tunic and long dark blue sleeves from the shirt he wore underneath. A red cloak was draped over the shoulders of his small frame, the ends brushing against his simple pants and boots. But despite his fine clothing and adorable appearance, he spoke with such brashness, irked for whatever reason.
“Ah, you must be Epel! My brother speaks often about you! He says he sees great potential in you!” Neige interjected, oblivious to this Epel fellow’s irritation. Epel… the name didn’t ring a bell. You could accurately deduce what Neige’s role was based on his appearance and the fact that his name meant snow in French. But you still had no idea who Epel was supposed to be. Again, Neige bowed his head in polite greeting as he exclaimed, “Today must be my lucky day! Not only have I met you now, Epel, but I’ve also met–– Um…” He paused, turning to you and inquiring softly, “I’m sorry, I’m so excited that I’ve forgotten to ask your name.”
The lavender-haired boy quickly snatched your attention away from the prince, grabbing your cloak where your arm would be as he hissed in a whisper so as to not involve Neige. “Are you crazy? Talkin’ to the prince…! Vil is gonna fly off the handle!” Not-so-discreetly gesturing to the window right above them with his eyes darting to it and back to you, but not moving his head, so as to not alert the onlooker behind the glass.
You froze, not moving your head but your eyes moved up to where Epel had been glancing at. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could just barely make out a tall and thin figure in purple standing at the large window, holding the red curtains open with both hands. They were watching, and just as you moved your head the tiniest bit to get a better look, you only caught a glimpse of a deep angered frown before the curtains were abruptly shut, barring you from seeing anymore. That could’ve only been the beautiful royal, the monarch in charge that sees Prince Neige as a rival. When you looked back at Neige, he was still smiling at you with his hands folded in front of him, patiently awaiting an answer. Poor guy doesn’t know what’s coming.
“We gotta go, or Rook is gonna drag us back himself…!” Without even waiting for you to give Neige your name, Epel took your hand and ran like a bat out of hell. Making a beeline straight for an entrance to the palace, you attempted to keep up with him. He was surprisingly strong for someone so small.
Behind you, you heard, “W-Wait, I never got your name…!”
Well, that’s a crying shame. Focusing your attention on where you were heading, you began to lose track of all the twists and turns within these palace walls. Epel led you forward, he certainly knew where he was going. But you? You hadn’t a clue. That is, until after a few minutes, you arrived at a long hall where at the very end there were double doors already opened. The few soldiers standing guard paid no mind to you and the lavender-haired fellow, probably because in their eyes, you belonged here. And yet that couldn’t be further from the truth.
You felt so incredibly out of place as you stood on the lengthy blue carpet that stretched forward toward a small yet intricately designed throne of gold and jewels formed in the shape of a magnificent peacock with its feathered fanned out. But what was more entrancing than the priceless throne, was the person sitting atop it. Oh, how the novels did not lie, they truly could not do the monarch any justice in portraying their beauty. The King, who must’ve been Vil, could’ve been a world-famous model. His face looked like those perfect sculpted marble statues, it was the type of look that would incur the envious wrath of gods and goddesses in mythology. There was not a single blemish or flaw. Not even a single hair of his golden locks fading into lavender was out of place. The long purple robes under the longer black cloak flowing down his body, complimented the color of his amethyst eyes. Those eyes looked even more shiny than the golden crown perched atop his skull. You weren’t a simp but wow.
The King appeared less than pleased, it actually made you incredibly nervous when he bore a frown and silently beckoned you closer with a single curling movement of his index finger.
Walking past Epel who stood by the door, you took a deep breath as you recounted what knowledge you had on etiquette during this time period. Once you were a few feet in front of him, you began to kneel, when he spoke and caused you to freeze.
“Don’t.” Intense gaze glued to your form, he watched you carefully as he instructed, “Come closer.”
You slowly stepped forward, closer to him.
Hesitating, you took another step so one foot was on the step in front of his throne.
Pausing, you inched forward, now standing on the same elevation as the throne. Now you were just centimeters away from him, and it was putting you on edge. When he appeared seemingly satisfied, that’s when you finally kneeled in front of him. With a bowed head, a common sign of respect in customs with monarchies, you greeted simply, “Your Majesty.”
The King peered down at you, silent for a moment as you kept your head down and eyes glued to the ends of his purple robes and how his black cloak that matched yours, but his was much longer, pooled around his throne to look like a black void. After a few moments, you felt his hand at your chin, his slim fingers urging you to look up. When you did, he hummed, “Well, my lovely pet, have you had your fun with my little step-brother?” He gave a question, but it became obvious that he didn’t want an answer. At least not yet. This king must not be too fond of the prince. As his thumb stroked your chin and raised it so your head was almost at his knee, he continued slowly while gazing down at you, “You know that I loathe sharing, don’t you? So why would I share you with my step-brother, hm? Have you perhaps… begun to favor him over me?”
It struck you then that the royal must be an extremely envious person. Not only did they want to remain first in standing when it came to beauty, but he also wanted to monopolize people’s attention so that they may focus on him. Replying carefully, you spoke while keeping your eyes glued to his enchanting yet intimidating gaze, “Of course not, Your Majesty. It was merely a coincidence that I encountered him. I cannot be as easily swayed as the masses.” For a moment you hesitated, seeing that he seemed unconvinced as you proceeded, “... My loyalty to you cannot be broken by a prince in rags.”
After a few moments, the tension in the air evaporated as the king graced you with a smile that made your breath hitch. You had said the right thing. Tempted to glance at Epel for a possible clue on what to do next, you refrained and instead remained still as a statue when the king reached forward with his other hand to remove your hood. “Let me see your face, my retainer.” As soon as the hood was removed, he examined your face in the light. It took an incredible amount of calm to keep composed and not squirm in place under his intense scrutinizing gaze. Finally, he frowned and sighed, “I’ve been keeping you confined beneath the castle for far too long. You’re beginning to look ghastly, and I can’t be seen with someone beside me that’s less than appealing to look at.” Removing his hands from your face, he motioned for you to stand, which you did. “You’ve done enough. Getting rid of our guests and covering it up must’ve been challenging, especially for you to do it all on your own. This time, Rook will take over while you will be receiving enough sunlight to revitalize your complexion. Do not overdo it. Rook.”
Guests? Cover up? This wasn’t in the story. There wasn’t any time to fully process what you heard before you detected yet another voice just right beside your ear.
“Good day, petit corbeau!” You felt your soul leave your body for a single second when these words were said beside your ear by a voice, an extremely close and unfamiliar voice. When you jumped, startled, you noticed there was another young man literally only an inch behind you. When did he even get there? You didn’t even notice him until now! When you stepped to the side out of the way, you furrowed your eyebrows at his smile.
The young man was blonde, with hair styled into a ridiculous looking bob-cut but he somehow made it work as he wore a wide-brimmed brown hat with a black feather. Over his shoulders and back he wore a large hunter green cloth that wrapped around his shoulders like a scarf and extended over his back like a small cloak. Underneath, concealed by the cloth, was a dark tunic and black pants with a belt and knife at his hip. However, what unnerved you wasn’t the knife at his hip or the bow and quiver chock full of arrows on his back. It was his eyes.
His forest green eyes were glued to you, and he bore a wide and charming smile. “Ah, to see you without your hood and out of the undercroft, what a rare sight! Marvelous! I must thank you, Your Majesty, for making this possible! It is not everyday we see your dutiful, striking, mysterious little raven. It is truly a spectacle to behold! I will treasure this rare moment where I’ve not only heard you speak, but have seen your visage without being shrouded by shadows and concealed by your hood!”
You did not like this. The way he was looking at you as he spoke so dramatically made a shiver crawl up your spine. Yes, he spoke nothing but praise in such an honest tone and declaration, but there was something in his eyes. Something that placed you on edge as his smile turned slightly ominous and his eyes narrowed at you. There was a twinkle in his green eyes as he tilted his head at you inquisitively, as if sensing your unease without you even saying a word. This had to be the Rook fellow that Epel mentioned offhandedly, and now it made sense as to why he ran back so quickly just to avoid encountering him.
Much to your relief, Vil sighed and interjected without even standing from his throne. Furrowing his eyebrows, he scolded in an irked tone, “I didn’t summon you to pester my little retainer, Rook. Stress from you is not what my retainer needs right now. It causes wrinkles.”
“Apologies, Your Majesty.” Rook chuckled, obediently turning to fully face the royal as you stood stiffly beside him, keeping a safe distance between you two.
Behind you, out of the corner of your eye, you could see Epel quietly closing the doors once Vil gestured for him to do so. It seemed the king wanted privacy, he wished to say something not even the guards outside the thick wooden doors were allowed to hear. The only ones that would be witnesses to his words were you, Epel, and Rook. You had to wonder what was so secretive that he didn’t even want his soldiers stationed outside to hear, and why were you allowed to hear? Was it because you were supposedly in the role of his trusted retainer? Maybe it had something to do with that cover-up he mentioned just a short time ago.
The tension in the room was thick, it disturbed you and you can tell it bothered the short purple-haired young man too if his growing perturbed frown was anything to go by. Despite this, he took up the space beside you. The blonde with the bow, Rook, who you now were assuming to be a huntsman if his attire and weapons were any giveaway, continued to smile without much of a care. Rook was on the left, Epel was on the right, and you were in the center, and still on his throne was King Vil. With luck, you’ll be able to keep up this act. It wouldn’t do for a retainer to fail. It might cost you and be the slip-up that would put an end to this charade of survival.
“I’ve decided. Rook, the duties I normally give to my retainer will be passed onto you today. You’re much more suited for this job. It involves my little step-brother, Neige.” The way he said the prince’s name made it sound like it pained him just to utter it, like it burned his tongue just to mention him. But he continued. “It seems he’s been working hard at completing his chores, hm? He’s been begging for a day out, and he adores flowers so… Rook, you will take him far into the woods, a secluded meadow where he can pick as many wildflowers as his little heart desires.”
Once you processed his words, you froze. It dawned on you that it was happening, this was the moment in the story when the beautiful queen commanded her huntsman to murder the princess in the woods. Vil must’ve already consulted the magic mirror and was told that he was no longer the fairest in all the land. That title now officially belonged to Neige, but it wouldn’t for long if the king had anything to say about it.
The other two loyal and trusted by the king had no idea, as Epel appeared vaguely bored and disinterested while Rook seemed elated. “Of course! I’ll see to it that it is done, Your Majesty––!”
“I’m not finished.” Vil interrupted, frowning tersely as his gaze turned cold. Tapping his well-manicured nails against the armrest of his throne, his eyes narrowed and he leaned an inch forward while instructing, “There, you will kill him.”
The shock was immediately evident on the face of the two beside you. Epel, who had been quiet throughout this entire exchange, finally broke his silence with a small gasp as he moved to cover his mouth with one hand. But it was too late, everyone had already heard him and seen his stunned expression. And yet, no one seemed to really care. Everyone was far too engrossed in what was just said by the king.
Rook appeared just as confounded before disbelief took root, as if he didn’t even wish to believe his own two ears. Removing his hat, he held it to his chest and lowered his head respectfully as he placed a hesitant foot forward. “Your Majesty, our beautiful and lovely Vil, you can’t possibly mean–– our prince Neige…!”
“Silence!” Immediately standing from his seat, he scowled, the prince’s name only making his rage more bitter. And then, he said something unexpected, something off script and never in the story. Gesturing to you, he hissed, “My loyal retainer here could make six souls vanish without a trace, why can’t you do it with one mere prince? Must they do everything? Must I have to dirty my own hands? Hm?”
Lowering his head further, the huntsman replied quietly, somberly, his smile now gone. “Of course not, Your Majesty. Your delicate hands aren’t meant to be soiled…” It’s as you suspected. Rook stayed alive and was one of Vil’s closest servants because he was witty enough to think of something on the spot that was complimentary enough to appease the bitter royal. At least, that’s what it seemed like at the moment. For now, you were grateful you weren’t him. Some people who read the story of Snow White liked to theorize that the huntsman was murdered by the vicious queen for failing to assassinate the princess.
Vil was quiet, not completely calm judging by his sneer but he was composed enough not to say anything more. Standing tall, his gaze honed in on you and Epel, to which he spoke, “My loyal, diligent retainer, escort my successor out. I need to have a word with Rook, privately.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
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steviewashere · 4 months
Dream Come True
Rating: General CW: Minor internalized ableism on Steve's end Tags: Established Relationship, Married Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Future Fic, Adopting a Child, Parenthood, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Let Them Live a Quiet Life God Damn It, Mild Hurt/Comfort
For the @steddielovemonth prompt: "Love is about healing each other's wounds."
They haven’t discussed children since the second month they were together. Was that probably a little too early in their relationship? Probably—Eddie will be brave enough to admit that right now. But, considering where they’re at now: Steve is forty-seven and Eddie’s forty-eight, their wedding bands are simple and gold (something easily spotted amongst the silver ones that Eddie still wears), the house they took a loan out for is painted yellow with white shutters installed (well, they paid Dustin and Will to do it. They were happy to help), they live in Massachusetts away from public eye, and though they don’t have a dog—not yet, the service dog process has been a long and weary one on Steve’s end—they have their little brown tabby cat. They’ve got a well furnished home. And years of love between them.
Nearly twenty-eight years in total. Nineteen years wedded. Six years of that are legally recognized. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is they stopped talking about the prospect of having kids.
Eddie’s initial answer at the beginning was, “Maybe. I think it would be neat. But, I’m gay, Steve. That isn’t really a possibility.” He chuckled a little bit. “I meant like adopting, but in a technical sense—Considering what’s in my pants, the possibility is still out the window.”
Steve’s was changed from what he told Nancy in that Winnebago. “I still want children. Or, just one. I want a quiet life. Even if you make it as some big rock star, I want a quiet private life.”
It was doable. What Steve had whispered on Eddie’s shoulder, that was doable. The question for years though was, When does he want that? And also, When will he leave to pursue that?
The answer was clear. Steve was never going to pursue that. That, sure, they’d have the quiet life. But never have children. And Eddie saw him wilt a little further and further. When they passed by the playground at the park. The daycare up the street from their home. After the seizure diagnosis, Steve stopped looking and thinking about it all together. It hurt Eddie’s heart.
He may have got the quiet life. And Eddie may have lived out his simple dream. He’d been a rockstar for a little bit in the late nineties and early two-thousands, retiring before they got married. But…Steve hasn’t lived his dream. Eddie hates that he thinks it’s being held back from him. Eddie’s determined to heal that hurt inside him.
——— Steve comes home from his Wednesday teaching shift around four in the evening. Eddie’s already on the couch, combing Poncho’s fur, watching the local news. He’s got a very important print out laid neatly on the coffee table. He hears Steve set down his briefcase on the dining table, his footsteps retreating to their kitchen to rinse out his thermos, coming back to the front door and placing his loafers on the shoe rack, and he hangs up his coat. Then, he enters the living room, hands scrambling to undo his tie, body leaning over the arm of the couch to press a kiss against Eddie’s mouth.
But then he pulls away, turning his whole body to watch the news. And that’s when he spots it. The flyer. He shuffles over on his mismatched socked feet, hands falling away from the collar of his dress shirt. He swipes up the paper. Behind his glasses, he squints.
It’s advertisement for the adoption agency some forty minutes out. Eddie hopes, by everything, that this will heal the pain in his own chest, and the emotional line of thinking in Steve’s brain. Hopes with everything that his body can physically give.
“What’s this about?” Steve asks. His voice is neutral. Almost…dare Eddie say, steely. Okay, maybe he made the wrong move. “We haven’t even—“
“I know,” Eddie immediately says. “I know we haven’t talked about it. But, sweetheart, just listen to me, alright?” At Steve’s confused and hesitant nod, Eddie tries to arrange his words. “This is something you’ve been wanting since forever ago. And I know that I haven’t really voiced my wants on it. But I also thought that it would never happen.
“That it would never be something people like me—“ He raises his eyebrows and points to the keyring attached to Steve’s belt loop. The short rainbow garland that sits discreetly among his keys. “—Would ever get the chance to do. But I—Steve, god, I want it so bad. I want to be able to be a dad and chase around a kiddo of our own while you’re busy at work. I want to see one off for school for their first day and cry like I’ll never see them again. Wanna make them a lunch they can bring to school, the same time that I make your lunch for your school. I want to watch them grow up with your goofy dancing skills and our combined love for music. And I—I want to be a better parent that I could’ve ever imagined.
“I want it with you,” Eddie breathes. “I want all of that with you. And I know that you still want it. Your forlorn looks at couples with babies. Every time you see Lucas and Max and their spitfire teenager, your eyes get this brightness to them that I—I have to be honest, I don’t think I’ve seen you happy like that since we got married.” He swallows at some of the implications there. And it’s not meant to be accusatory, but gosh does Eddie notice. The way his sunflower wilts. “This is just something for you to think about, okay? I know my decision on it. But think about it.”
Steve’s grip on the paper trembles. And his eyes are searing Eddie in a way that melts him. Blazing with adoration and love. “You want that?” He shakily asks. “You want to raise a kid with me?”
Eddie nods. “Yeah, baby. I really, really, really do.”
“Even though…Even though I have seizures that could scare them shitless? And I get so angry some days that all I can do is hide in our bedroom and cry? And I—You want that with somebody like me?” He hesitates to ask again. Eddie doesn’t answer, but his arms open in comfort and his eyes soften with earnest. Steve doesn’t move from his spot, though. He looks back at the paper. “What’s the—Our first step?”
“We apply. And they determine if we’re worthy and that it’ll be safe,” Eddie answers. “If they see us fit, they’ll look at our house and things like that. We’ll come back to that later on. If that’s something you still want.”
“Okay,” Steve states with fervor. “Let’s do this.”
——— After a tedious process, Eddie realizes how correct he was.
It’s a Saturday. The curtains are open. Dinner is simmering on the stovetop. And Eddie stirs the soup while he listens in on Steve’s activity in the living room.
“There you go, sweetheart,” Steve is cooing. “Good job, Carmen. Look at you.” He’s been supervising her tummy time everyday he’s able to. Loves being able to lay on his back on the floor, eyes watching their daughter, his fingers combing through her hair as she uses her wide brown eyes to wonder about the world around her.
Eddie bites back a smile.
“That’s Poncho,” Steve is saying. He’s introducing them like they’re all acquaintances around a water cooler. Eddie, maybe, snickers a little bit behind his hand. “He’s gonna be your buddy. He likes the space between his shoulder blades scratched. Just like you, huh?” And hears the moment that Steve dully traces his fingernails on Carmen’s back. She gurgles a little excited babbling. “That feels good, doesn’t it?” Steve murmurs. “Daddy likes that, too.” He’s talking about himself. Because he practically fought tooth and nail for that title. Eddie wouldn’t have it any other way.
From the kitchen archway, Eddie surveys the display on the living room floor. And Steve’s on his back in his pajamas. Glasses smooshed awkwardly up his face as his cheek is pressed against the carpet, eyes gone soft and glistening while Carmen is on her belly. Her hands are sprawled in front of her, squeezing at the soft toys they had gotten. He’s brushing his fingers through her short, curly wisps of brown hair. Then, his hand travels back down to massage and scratch at her back again. She’s wearing a pink striped onesie and a pair of white socks on her little feet.
He clears his throat to make himself known. Steve looks up at him, softly smiling. “I reckon things are going good in here?” Steve only nods, too enamored with petting at Carmen’s back. Eddie finally smiles at him. “Good,” he whispers. He leans his weight on the doorway. A dish rag thrown over his shoulder, arms crossed low over his belly, hair thrown up in a loose bun on his head. Domestic life has really begun to suit him, if he’s honest. He finds himself at ease about it now.
As he turns back to the kitchen, to serve up their bowls of soup, Steve calls his name. He immediately turns back around. Greeted with his husband’s soft face, his deepened smile lines, his messy hair spread on the carpet. He’s more youthful than ever, fatherhood has changed him for the better, at least Eddie thinks so. He hums to see what Steve needs, because by god, he’ll do anything for him.
“Thank you,” Steve whispers.
“For what?”
“Making my hurt go away,” Steve says. But Eddie’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. And Steve clarifies, “Allowing me to accomplish my final dream. I’m really happy that it’s with you.”
Eddie crosses into the living room, crouching down to kiss Steve’s forehead, pecking Carmen’s soft head, too. He combs his own fingers through Steve’s hair. Smiling at the way he keens. “You made me believe that I could be a good dad,” he admits. “I can’t wait to do this right.”
Steve brings a hand to Eddie’s cheek. His index finger softly tracing down the side of his face. “Love you,” he murmurs.
Turning his face, Eddie kisses the tip of Steve’s finger. “Love you, too,” Eddie easily says in return.
Sure, he got to be a rockstar, but he thinks that this life—Steve soft and middle aged and smiling at him, petting down their daughter’s back, cooing soft as if he’s not almost fifty—is much better than anything he could’ve ever dreamed. Maybe filling the hole in Steve’s soul, the remedy that their daughter brings—Maybe that heals something for Eddie, too.
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: His Name
Character(s): Scaramouche (Genshin Impact) Warnings/tags: Haunted doll au: Fem!reader, drabble, dark themes, sensitive themes, obsession themes, tw horror, violence, there is no romance in this au Note: Since Scaramouche drip market has been released~ here you go~!
Haunted doll au masterlist
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"Don't touch me!" His shriek was painful to your ears, echoing. His face was cracked, so close to breaking and his eyes were hostile toward a small child that stared at him in both fear and worry.
That was all you remember from your dream when everything went black as something or someone held you so tightly. Your shoulder wet from tears all gone the moment you woke up that morning.
Scaramouche technically had one owner your grandfather recalled. A young man kind and artistic had grown interested in the doll on the shelf and bought him at a high price. Your grandfather had thought that this particular doll had found a true home but much like many dolls some return back to him. This was no different... except he came back a little cracked and a little broken.
Your grandfather wanted to fix the doll but it was difficult when he started to have horrible migraines when he was anywhere near the doll so in the end he placed it in storage and left. He thought that he could just come back and fix the porcelain doll when it calmed down and feels better again.
Who would have thought that it would disappear the next day as if it was hiding from him?
Your grandfather looked at the doll on the table as your mother started cleaning your face from the dust you collected on your face and clothes. 
You went back there again it seems.
Your grandfather had noticed that you would sometimes disappear to the second storage room he rarely goes in unlike the first. The first time you went there you found a doll you nicknamed Childe. The next time you went there you found a doll he named La Signora long ago.
He went back there again hoping to find dolls that disappeared from his sight. Yet it seems they still wish to stay hidden from his eyes for all he found were empty boxes filled to the brim with dead shells of what was once supposed to be beautiful.
All he saw was a wall of black.
Yet it seems they have become rather curious about you. Seeing that you would come back always with another doll in your hands. They were curious about some more obsessed than others but they all follow the same path.
You were not looking, when your grandfather reached for the doll only to stop when he felt a sting on his finger. Pulling his hand away he watched as a drop of liquid fell to the floor leaving red.
So much resentment was already built up it seems. Any closer and he was sure that it would be his neck next.
"Grandpa?" A small innocent voice called out to him. Your grandfather's tired eyes looked at you who was staring at his hand.
"Hmmm? What is the matter?"
"There is red liquid on your hand. The same color as that time I tripped on my knees at the playground." You stated, walking closer to him.
"I see.. that must have hurt." Your grandfather's voice was solemn without a hint of worry but you didn't realize it as you continued to stare at the blood on his finger. Looking at your grandfather in his eyes you grinned "It hurt a lot!"
"It must hurt for you too." Your focus was back on his hand again, looking at his cut finger he wondered what to say but instead looked at the doll.
"So where did you find that doll?"
"Hmmm?" You looked at the doll that was on top of the table staring at you two. Watching you hop towards it your grandfather wondered what will happen. Grasping the doll placing it in your arms almost babying it.  "I don't know... I don't remember." Your face squinted as if you were thinking hard about where you found this doll but your mind was blank.
"He is a very pretty doll."
"Yes... he is very beautiful."
"Do you know his name?" Your grandfather asked, this answer you must know when your face brightens. 
"His name is Scawamosh!"
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hwaightme · 1 year
One new message
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(masterlist) (join taglist)
📱 pairing: mingi x gn!reader 📱 genre: angst, hurt, comfort if you squint and look under a microscope 📱 summary: notifications from mingi lose meaning when you crack the code behind them, and goodbyes become easier once the rain begins to fall. 📱 wordcount: 2.5k 📱 warnings/tags: language, situationship, unrequited love, a little bit of spite, no one is the villain but the heart works in mysterious ways, bai attempting to write in present tense *screaming* 📱 a/n: i really should be working right now, really should be, but this idea would not leave me alone :) so behold a sorry attempt at angst ahah~ crawling out here to say i love you all, miss you all, and all reblogs messages comments notes are much appreciated! Much love! *crawls back into the work abyss*
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📱 perma-taglist: @doom-fics @legohwas @acciocriativity @justhere4kpop @honey-lemon-goose @byuntrash101 @shakalakaboomboo @starillusion13 @hongthoven @cqndiedcherries @uwuheeseungie @cheollipop @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @mingigoo @michel-angelhoe @innsomniacshinestar @foxinnie8 @preciouswoozi @wooyoungjpg @mystar1024 @nebulousbookshelf @wowie-hockey @hongjoongs-patience @ssaboala @jaehunnyy @kitten4sannie @maddkitt
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The day is average. Average temperature, average weather, average traffic, average mood. Nothing special, unalarming… bleak. Not a thing to highlight, not a thing to disregard. So horrifically average that it is easy to assume that you are floating in outer space, where there is no sound, no feeling, nothing; a whole lot of nothing to accompany you and your noisy thoughts. There are many, oh so many. A cacophony. And yet, you smile because that is what you are always able to do regardless of the storm that is inside. Adaptable. Average.
A paper cut on your finger which is refusing to heal because of its location - a bitter reminder that you cannot care less; but there is no one there who would care in your place. You do not mind. At least the stagnancy in your present day is continuous. After what feels like an eternity of suffocating turbulence, the ups and downs, pushes and pulls, it is almost a relief that there is nothing at the end of it. No fireworks. No grand celebration to symbolise the conclusion that you had finally come to. Only the buzzing of the refrigerator is reminding you that you are surviving as you amble into the kitchen to take a bottle of water from the bag of groceries that you had left unpacked from this morning. It can wait. Just like you had done until your limit had been reached.
It is clear now. Always, you were at your most lonely when you were with Mingi. Among the myriads of notifications, there were none that caught your eye until his name graced your screen, which is now a rare occurrence, be it by his or your own volition. You like to say that it is a joint effort. An event even rarer than the sunny days outside as the rainy season caught up to your blues. But what did ‘with’ mean? A lingering hope for a future together? A series of unspoken promises, spun like fine thread around you until you turned into an obedient marionette, awaiting his every command. Technically, he is no one to you. Most certainly, as you had come to accept, you are nothing to him. Perhaps a passing interest. A way to fill a timely void, occupy the mind with an intriguing crush until a new one, a better one comes about. A way to fuel the ego until a better hit arises in whatever it could be. Whatever, except a true adoration that you had been hoping for.
Let’s travel to the sea
How? When?
Tomorrow. You will meet my aunt!
Bombs. Verbal bombs littering your rationality until there was nothing left but a barren field in which you tended to budding flowers of affection. You had chosen to believe Mingi, chosen to believe that his plans had been made with a clear sense of determination. You recall with a bitter chuckle the conversations that you had, the video calls that you had made late into the night; you had chatted away about everything and nothing simultaneously, and at the time you were certain that the feeling of excitement for a shared tomorrow was mutual. You listen to the crack of the bottle cap, so loud against the ambiance of the room that you can almost sense each little prickle, the desperate clinging of piece to piece as you twist with a sharp snap.
Hey I’m free now
Hold on Y/N I’ll be online in five… Running~
Okay I managed to escape dinner now where are you <;33
The eagerness with which he had expressed his interest in you had been like a tantalisingly warm summer. It had enveloped you wholly, wave after wave, until you began to crave it and before you knew it, you had fallen into a pattern. You had been so stoic, so unapproachable, and now here you were, learning about his every passion, every hobby just so that you could keep up conversation, ask him impressive questions, and make him care more than he ever could. 
Pay attention now, this is what happened at the end of episode fourteen, I’ll quiz you on this you know!
Presentations. Silly little presentations made for one another when you could not meet up in person. Lectures delivered over calls to one another. Words upon words that truly meant something entirely different - all that both of you wanted to say but always danced around with such grace and professionalism. Anime, hip hop, rap… hell, even mental mathematics. You could listen to it all for hours on end. To that raspy, deep voice of his that had made you fall deeper and deeper until that was all that resonated in your ears. As weeks had gone by, you had come to believe that there was no music sweeter than his every tone, every inflection and every sigh. You were ready to worship Mingi’s every hum had he asked so. But all too soon did that hum turn into a low thunderous rumble, alerting you, so ominous, of changing tides between you. The recollection makes you clench the bottle tighter in your fist until you hear the plastic begin to crackle. Discontented with the cacophonic struggle of the material, you watch the water droplets trickle back to the still body, and seal it shut to return it to the bag, liquid left untouched.
Stay quiet, my friend is in the room.
A ghost on his computer screen, hidden behind tabs and windows. Erased at a moment’s notice as you silently stared at the passing figure behind Mingi. A friend. A friend who knew nothing about you. Why? Because Mingi deemed you to be not up to the ranks of being introduced, perhaps? Your hands clenched into fists as the thought travelled and picked up speed in your mind, buzzing incessantly and slamming into the skull until it left a throbbing ache. With a smile, you had continued conversing with him as he drifted off into his own life, his own friends, other friends, far from you, and how he was making plans with them. Plans with them, not with you. Your mouse had hovered over the end call button as you contemplated if the action would cut the strings that he had wrapped around your neck, and return your heart to you. And yet, you had waited. And waited. And waited. Gleaming, chuckling at every odd and untimely joke simply because Mingi was the one to say it. Right up until your time was up and Mingi had other things to attend to, a different schedule. Not that you minded, at least in front of him you did not.
The playlists you had made for him in the very beginning, songs that set the rhythm to your enamoured stride turned into toxic tauntings, and your thumbs drifted to the buried sombre, melancholy tunes of the broken hearted. In the darkness you lay on your bed, wondering if the phone would ever light up your day and your heart, to no avail. As the streams that etched their paths on your cheeks dried and fatigue overtook your muscles and memories, you drifted to sleep, waking up to a
Got caught up with things, what’s up
What was up? Would you ever respond truthfully? You tried. Patiently explaining one thing, another until you were met with an ‘I’m sorry you feel that way’ and ‘let’s talk about something more fun now, yeah?’. Yeah. That, you could. Whatever could bring that smile of his back to your field of vision. You bit your lower lip until it bled, chewing at your remarks until they were nothing but mush, and you swallowed them into a nauseating bile, only for it to remain in your stomach and grow with every passing day that the conversation drifted into the realm of a fever dream. Who had you talked to that day, if not Mingi? Perhaps this had been wishful thinking on your part all along, and you had never been more than a loon. Eventually words trickled down to being a burden, and to your attempts to salvage what you had believed in and had witnessed blossom for a fleeting season you only received the merciless
Eventually, you could predict how he would respond, to the point where conversations could be held before they happened. That way, when you did get that pointless notification on your phone, it hurt a little less. With every passing day, Mingi transformed in your vision to resemble the biting winter winds, piercing the bleeding soul at the most unexpected opportunities, getting his unfair share of the remnants of adoration that your heart still possessed, only to fade back into the abominable breeze. His promises were beautiful, his words resounded in your head and heart, committed to memory until they turned into a slow detonation, a reminder that you were at his mercy. You despise yourself for wanting to run to him if he were to say the word. You subject yourself to self-loathing for leaving your love out in the open for a villain of your own creation to take. You hate yourself for being ready to forgive him at any moment, should he say the word. You had always been ready to give him the stars, the galaxies, the infinite expanse of space itself - he already had your world, what would the universe mean?
You peer outside, at the grey sky, barely noticing the difference between rain and rooftop. The landscape is nothing but a blur, with only a subtle variation of averages to glint in frustration in your field of view. The earth is still. The sky is tearful. You wish you had the energy and grit to cry out, yell, smash a plate, break a door as it slammed, employ all forms of expression to feel anything, to experience temperament above room temperature once more and to rise up into a note more personal than the occasional random selfie from the man who you had fallen in love with, only to be met by refusal, and paired with his desire to be revered and praised, to have someone right there in his contacts who would drop everything for him and run. Faster than lightning, in the middle of the night, at a moment’s notice. Except, instead of this being a form of reassurance, this was a form of power. It was not tyrannical by any means, simply not the same love. It was a love for the self that he had seen in your eyes, you were sure of it. And you were tired of being a mirror. It was agonising, being a mirror. It was exhausting being a supporter, someone’s biggest and closest fan, ready to do everything for them, with this to never be reciprocated.
As you unlock your phone and look over the camera roll, dismissing the photographs that you have of Mingi one by one, pretending as though you do not remember exactly when each one was taken, when each one popped up on your phone first as a ‘ding’, then as a priceless image, you cannot not help but wonder why. Why does he have to be the one who is ‘too good to be true’? Why does he have to become the source of your doubts, the cause of your tears? You do not want to blame him; indeed, what is there to blame except your foolish heart wanting someone who does not want you back. That sunny smile, that laugh, that precious, marvellous face… you would be lying if you were to say you do not think about his embraces. Those strong arms wrapping around your body - your illusion of safety, a mirage.
You became more numb by the week, and eventually, were dismissive of his attempts to gain your attention - the attention that he could feel you were losing. Your gaze no longer settled on him, no longer did you seek him out in a crowd, nor did you hope to hear his voice over a phone call, coaxing him to have a chat with you. He likes the pestering, despite it getting on his nerves, he likes to be loved because of how in control it makes him feel. He had grown accustomed to your presence, but the commitment, the search for something more is something he did not wish to deal with, and so initially, the distance that you were building was somewhat of a relief. But as the gap became wider until it was a ravine, a drop into an abyss, Mingi felt concern rise in his chest, for the first time since he had set his sights on you, and identified an opportunity. He needs the return of the feeling. Unsure of how to define it, he simply inches forward in the darkness in search of familiar shapes until he falls back into the patterns, hoping that they will return what he perceives to be his, right back to him. It is easy enough, right?
Somewhere across the city, in the middle of a crowded room, Mingi stands tall and with an unreadable expression refreshes his notifications. Except there are none that are new. None that would make him instantly smirk with victory, only to lock the phone once again and return it to his back pocket. If there is one new message now, there will be one new message later. And while he does not read it, it shall energise him, so that he can enjoy his day to the fullest with the thought that in that tiny apartment across town you are by the phone, waiting for him and only him. Why did you not send him much of anything anymore? Surely you must be busy, or going through a mood. He opens your contact, clicking his tongue as he checks the time between the passive thumbs up you had responded with and the hour striking on the clock. Before Mingi knows it, he is typing away, trying to throw the hook into the digital ocean.
Just as you set your phone back onto the kitchen table, you see the screen light up, and a familiar name burns itself into your retinas. And yet, the day is still average. The clock ticks at the same speed, the rain does not let up, the groceries are still unpacked and you are still fatigued. Your lips threaten to curl into a grin as you let the screen go dark, and you step away, ignoring your imagination, ignoring how you wish Mingi would feel. Like a mantra you repeat to yourself that there are those damn groceries demanding your efforts still left in the bags, a life left to live with colours you are yet to discover, your tomorrow to look forward to. Your tomorrow, no one else’s.
Perhaps the most terrifying, and the most reassuring notion is that indifference, and only indifference, is the true opposite of love. Blooming in what could have been, a comforting insignificance, a pleasant average dismissible by a swipe of a finger, no longer a number worth counting, or counting on.
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cranberrymoons · 8 months
slow down (you're moving way too fast)
prompt: sweat (kinktober) || "slow down" by ozzy osbourne tags: beach volleyball leading to car sex, my final ode to summer, rated e (18+) notes: again, sort of a loose interpretation of today's @eddiemonth prompt but i did listen to "slow down" about a thousand times while i was writing this, so. enjoy!
He watches Steve catch the ball and pitch it toward the net, or – pitching probably isn’t the right word, whatever, who fucking cares, but he whacks it in the general direction of the volleyball net, and his arms flex and his back ripples as he does it, and Eddie looks from side to side to see if anyone else is fucking seeing this ?!
But everyone else looks relatively normal and – yeah. Okay. Fair enough.
Steve’s eyes find him on the sidelines, and his face is flushed and sweaty, smiling wide as he gives Eddie a little wave, and Eddie laughs to himself as he waves back, a little wiggle of his fingers and a lean forward in his beach chair, and this… Steve, sports Steve, waving at him from the court before slapping some other jocky dude on the back and running back into the game.
If sixteen year old Eddie could see himself now.
“You know he’s not going to give you his letterman jacket or whatever, right?” Robin asks from his left hand side as she flips a page in her book. “It would clash with your whole… thing, anyway, even if he did.”
He looks over at her long enough to make sure she sees him roll his eyes over top of his sunglasses, then focuses back on the game, which is moving forward with frankly incomprehensible rules that everyone else seems to understand, but honestly, he has no idea how. 
“It would look cool with my whole thing,” he says absently. “You just don’t like it when I enjoy things.”
“That’s not true,” she says. “I like it when you’re enjoying things that aren’t my best friend’s ass in his tiny, tiny volleyball shorts.”
The shorts really are something, though: neon blue and hot pink and skin, skin, skin, and – Eddie laughs, shooting her another sideways look. She’s technically ignoring him, but he can tell that she’s smiling behind the cover of whatever it is that she’s pretending to read under their shared beach umbrella. She’s wearing a bikini of her own with a giant floppy hat and one of Steve’s button up dress shirts, and she hasn't so much as moved from her chair since they planted their things in the sand.
“Aren’t you like… sporty, or whatever?” he asks, nudging her knee with one of his own. “You know way more about all this shit than I do. Why aren’t you paying attention?”
“Because I like to be contrarian,” she says, finally looking up to meet his eye. She dogears the page in her book and squints out across the loosely-outlined volleyball court toward the ocean. “And because I have a paper due next week, and if I don’t finish this book by then, I’m definitely going to fail, so.”
Eddie nods slightly. “Fair enough.” He links his hands between his spread knees, elbows on his thighs. “Maybe you should just do what I did. Join a band, get famous enough that it doesn’t matter whether you went to college or not.”
She snorts. “You’re not that famous.”
[continue reading on ao3 || 4,586 words]
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the-laridian · 3 months
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(Due to Tumblr's embracement of selling user posts to train AI and other issues, I am currently not posting new art on the site. You can find the true image at my Pillowfort.)
Vault Sweet Vault: The lettering was fun. The green borders were less fun. There are technically 2 greens in those borders, which maybe you can see in this photo if you kinda squint. 
The hearts should be filled in, but since I'm adding beads to everything else, I'm going to fill the heart centers with red beads.
There is more to the design than this, I promise XD Plus I changed some features for the bottom, and eliminated the fake-lacey border, because I get tired of doing borders if I don't have to, and it was going to be near-white on white. 
Speaking of white, this one is on plain old white Aida. It just looked like it would finish better on white. 
Tag list under the cut
@rosespacesingout @the-lastcall @pvttwinkletoes @ajdkn @k-peasants @30-th-century-man @b1adelight @ss-bullseye @weewooitssmeb @darkfire1177 @funkylittlepenguin @molliehaswords @valentineenjoyer @typosandtea-reblogs @bleumanouche @sassenashsworld @violavpurple @holorifle @tindotexe @falloutuniverse @sirmanmister @molochka-koshka @mutantenfisch @yeahyeahbeebiss1
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
la dolce vita
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title: la dolce vita | part of the “All’s well that ends well series*” you DON’T have to read it all, if you want more context for this part (mostly for the dynamics switch) it’s enough to read ‘under summer sky*’, either way, just know that they are ALL in a polyamorous relationship
pairing: jeong jaehyun x oc x suh johnny x lee taeyong x nakamoto yuta
genre: smut, fluff (if you squint), established relationship, polyamorous relationship, slice of life, non-idol au
summary: Jaehyun had a plan; a romantic night together during their romantic summer trip to Procida… but the night took a wild, unexpected, turn. Or where Jade’s dream finally comes true. 
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, sex with multiple partners, fivesome, (mostly) femdom, power play, handjob, rim job (m), spitting, sensory deprivation (blindfold, tied up), minor cockwarming, anal fingering, degradation (kinda heavy), praise kink, minor use of mommy, use of (fucktoy, doll, petnames | m), dumbification, dollification, orgasm denial/control, edging, triple penetration (f receiving), pegging, mentions of free use, minor chocking, overstimulation, dom!oc, dom!johnny, dom!yuta, switch!taeyong, dom to sub!jaehyun, aftercare, dubcon (it’s just Jaehyun being his usual proud self with a sparkle of new-found brattiness but I’ll tag it for safety reasons bc at the start he acts like he doesn’t want that even though it’s more fighting for dominance than not wanting it. they have a safeword and the thought of using it never crosses his mind and there are a lot of check-ins. things get heated toward the end and it’s a little more intense than my usual stuff, so if you think it may trigger you, don’t read it)
words: 16.295k
a/n: peach boy gets ruined by all of them, I imagined something softer but it completely went downhill and… you’ll see. It’s very Jaehyun-centered because I wrote this to fill my need for sub-Jaehyun so please don’t come at me and say that the others don’t have enough spotlight. I wanted this to be part of this series because I feel that the way he lets go completely can only fit in their relationship. I plan on writing more about them (check here* and fill the form if you have anything you want me to write). Anyway, I hope you'll like it, please, let me know what you think with comments, reblogs or asks, for more support consider donating here*.
* i can't add the links or else it doesn't show up in the tags but you find everything on my account
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6 months before.
“Are you saying that he won’t find me hot?” Jade huffed, lolling her head back to rest on Johnny’s shoulder while her feet, at the end of the bathtub, played with the water, making it spill. 
Johnny sighed, hand caressing her scalp slowly, and then said, “I’m just saying that you know he won’t let you do it.” 
A pout formed on her face, eyebrows knitted, and lips sealed together. “But why not? He never had problems doing it with you while you were away, right? Why would it be different with me?” 
A light chuckle rolled out of his lips, “Trust me, we did it just once and we bickered for almost an hour to decide who was going to top. It’s just not his cup of tea, anymore,” Johnny explained, moving around to still be comfortable in the tub. Mentally damning Taeyong that was locked in their big bathroom since an hour ago and now they were stuck in this where he barely fit. “Honestly, I don’t think it ever was. We all know he never bottomed in his life.” 
“But there’s always a first time,” she complained, turning around to face her boyfriend. “And technically it’s not even the first.” 
Johnny inhaled deeply at the amount of water that splashed on the floor and then stared at her pleading eyes. “You don’t have to convince me with those eyes, but him.” 
She batted her lashes again, “Are you sure you don’t want to try?” 
He threw his head back and shook it, “It’s not being pegged the problem, you know damn well I won’t last a second as a sub, and we also know that you want to dominate him, not only top him.” 
Jade rolled her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest, trying to keep her body up only with her thighs. “Fine, you’re right.” 
“So, what? You’re telling me that there’s nothing I can do to convince him, what can I do?” 
“You’re the one that knows him better,” Johnny retorted, rubbing circles on her waist. 
“You were his best friend since he was born, he must have told you something, confessed if he was into it or not. I just want to know if it’s a red flag or an orange one.” 
Johnny furrowed, “An orange flag?” 
“If he’s at least willing to try, you know?” 
“Like a safe word?” 
“Yes, but no. Yuta and I use it when he wants to try something new. If I’m uncomfortable with the idea it’s red, if I never thought to be into it, but I’d like to try it, it’s orange.” 
Johnny cocked his head to the side, “You two are weirder than I thought but it makes sense somehow. So, why don’t you ask him?” 
Her eyes went wide as she frenetically shook her head. “No, no way. I wanted to surprise him, but I need to at least know that he won’t turn me down. It’s just going to be embarrassing if something like that happens.” 
“Wait,” Johnny said, eyebrow furrowed while he was finally connecting the dot, “for his birthday and valentine’s day?” He exclaimed. “Oh, Lord no. Forget it, baby, just forget about it.” 
She whined, throwing her head back and shaking him from the shoulders. “But why?” 
“What do you mean why? Our birthdays are our days, it’s part of the gifts, deciding what to do, being in command and everything. And you want him, Jaehyun, to be a sub on his day. It seems like you don’t know him.” 
“But it would be just for the night,” she retorted, leaning against his forehead. “Please.” 
“I’m not him.” 
She smirked, pulling back again, and tilting her head to the side, “But you could plant the idea in his head,” she sang with a sly smile on her face. 
“But why me? Why would he listen to me out of all of us? Maybe Taeyong could convince him.” 
“No, you’re the only one that can keep up with him. And also, he’s never afraid to try new things with you, so…” she pouted, with pleading eyes batting at him. 
Johnny pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed loudly, “I hate you.” 
She laughed before kissing him passionately, “And I love you, and even more if this goes where I want it to go.” 
“You know it’s hard, right? Almost impossible? And that I’m doing it just because I love you.” 
She furrowed, “I thought I just heard you say you hated me a few seconds ago.” 
“I hate how easy it is for you to convince me,” he glared at her playfully before pulling her in another kiss. “But,” he started when they pulled back, “if he says no, don’t be too let down, okay?” 
“I won’t,” she promised. “But I don’t want you to tell him what I want to do.” 
“I know,” he replied, brushing a strand of hair out of her face, the bright ginger of the freshly done dye looked incredibly good on her. “Also, remember that if it’s a strict no, I think it will be just for the sub thing, not the pegging.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“I don’t know, but anyway, let’s see what I can do.” 
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“God,” Johnny groaned, scrolling through the Netflix catalogue, trying to find something to watch. He and Jaehyun were at home that afternoon. Jade and Yuta were at work, and Taeyong was sleeping in his room, tired after a night fixing things for his brand launch and then school in the morning. “There’s nothing to watch.” 
On the other side of the couch, Jaehyun laughed, mindlessly scrolling through a social media Johnny couldn’t tell apart, “You’re just picky, Suh.” 
“No, I’m not,” the older retorted, lifting his legs on the chaise part of the L-shaped sofa. “We’ve seen everything.” 
Jaehyun rolled his eyes and crawled closer to him, cuddling up in his arms. “It’s impossible with all the things that are here. You’re picky, and not curious. Try new things.” 
Johnny chuckled, “I should try new things? And what about you? When was the last time you did that?” Now, that wasn’t how Johnny wanted to bring the topic up, and it was probably also going to be complicated to make this conversation sexual, but he was glad Jaehyun helped him with that. 
Jaehyun shrugged, “This is not about me, it’s about you.” 
“You can’t lecture me if you’re not on the right track.” 
The younger huffed, throwing his head back, “Fine, I don’t know. Maybe when we eat snails in France?” 
Johnny made a disgusted expression at the memory and then nodded. “Okay, and then? It was almost two years ago.” 
Jaehyun’s eyes widened, “Two years already?” 
“Yes, love. Time flies when you stay in your comfort zone.” 
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear,” Jaehyun glared at him. “When you dragged me to the indoor rock climbing site last summer. Never done that before.” 
“And in our relationship?” Johnny tried his luck, raising a brow at him, but that only made him frown. 
“What do you mean? Am I not giving you enough? Wait, are you tired of me?” 
Johnny shook his head swiftly, “God, no, why are you so paranoid? That’s not what I meant,” he reassured him, intertwining their hands to make him calm down. “I was hinting at something else.” 
Jaehyun was still confused, not getting how, out of all relationships, theirs could get any more adventurous and out of the schemes. 
“When was the last time you tried something new in bed, Jay?” 
“Are you calling me boring? I thought we had fun. God, is this a talk to send me to a couple-sex therapist?” 
Johnny rolled his eyes, “No, Jae. I was teasing and asking you to unleash for a second and go beyond. There must be something we’ve never tried before that you want to do,” he said, looking at him. “A secret fantasy, something you were just too afraid to say, or too ashamed to admit.” 
Jaehyun’s face heat up as different thoughts crossed his mind. 
Johnny chuckled, caressing Jaehyun’s red cheek, “So, pretty boy?” 
“Don’t call me that,” he barked back, glaring at him. 
“But you are, though.” 
“I’m not Taeyong, I don’t like being called that,” he said, crossing his arms on his chest. Johnny shrugged, feeling he was lying since he somehow reddened more than before.
“You didn’t answer,” Johnny reminded him, hands trailing on his thigh. “Just one thing you always wanted to do.” 
Jaehyun gulped and then stared at him, “Yes, there’s one thing I want to try.” 
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Johnny couldn’t plant that idea in his mind, and the thing he wanted to try wasn’t that.
But Jade kept tiptoeing around it for months with jokes and trying to act dominant in front of him but instead of affecting Jaehyun it only lead to Taeyong crawling to her and begging to get fucked instead. And of course, it wasn’t a problem, but she still couldn’t get the idea out of her mind. And she knew that trying to start something – especially like this – without talking first was a dumb move but the worst thing he could do was laugh at her face and say no, right?
So when the holidays finally approached, she decided that that was the right moment to try. She didn’t have a plan, but she felt that luck was on her side and somehow it was going to happen.
“Have you seen the view from here?” Taeyong exclaimed when they walked into the hotel room in Procida. They were close to the sea but could see the houses’ bright colours and the little streets leading to the port. “This is so pretty,” he said in awe, turning around as Jade walked to his side on the terrace.
“How do you always choose the best places?”
Jaehyun smiled, hugging her from behind. “I have my secrets,” he winked.
“Yeah, it’s not like we spent nights up going crazy to look for what we wanted,” Yuta chimed in, wrapping his arm around Taeyong.
“As always I have to carry everything and y’all are having cuddles time,” Johnny complained when he entered the room with some bags and saw them.
“Come here, babe, we were just enjoying the view,” Jade said, turning around and opening her arms to welcome him in.
“Mhh, that’s better,” he hummed against her hair.
The following days passed normally, walking around town, visiting the suburb of Marina di Coricella that was close to their hotel, or Terra Murata, drinking too much espresso and lemonade, spending entire days at the beach, playing table football with teenagers that were way too good at it, dancing until late to local music playing in the bars and enjoying the beautiful sunsets from the Belvedere dei due Cannoni.
“I’m going to go back home with so much more weight on,” Jade joked, patting her stomach after she finished the plate of spaghetti with clams after they also decided to eat pizza (it was going to be hard to go back to eat the pizza hut one).
“You’d look amazing either way,” Yuta said, smiling at her, moving a strand of her light brown hair behind her ears, the ginger dye had faded and Taeyong had helped her go back to a normal brown before they left for the holidays.
“Yeah, and it’s also absolutely worth it,” Johnny added, pointing at the empty plates on the table. He had never eaten so much fish in his whole life. 
“I just can’t stop eating, everything’s so good,” she said. “I even accepted uncooked shrimps, God, Italians will make me do anything.” The day before they went to the market, just to take a look around and a fisherman stopped her and made her try them, telling her he had spent the whole night out and they were fresh. 
“Enjoyed dancing with that man, yesterday?” Johnny joked, raising a brow.
She laughed, “Shut up, he was so nice, though,” she said, smiling softly. The night before they went to a different restaurant that also had a live band and a small dancefloor, nothing wild like a disco, just acoustic music and vibes, and a man that could’ve been her grandad asked her if they could dance together to one song, and then they ended up dancing to five.
“He told me I reminded him of his granddaughter, at least that’s what I could understand,” she chuckled at the memory of him showing her his granddaughter pictures and how much he missed her since she went study abroad. Now, Italian people over 40 weren’t the best at English but somehow they always had a way to make people understand what they wanted to say. And also, of course, knowing they were going on a holiday there, she had to try to dust off the few things she knew about the language and learn more with Duolingo threatening her life if she didn’t take lessons for once.
“That’s cute, I thought he was going to take you home,” Taeyong joked.
She rolled her eyes, “I can dance with you all the time you want, let an old man have fun for once.”
“For once that they’re not creepy as fuck,” Yuta said, shrugging.
“Y’all are so jealous, God,” she rolled her eyes, huffing loudly.
“You were beautiful, though,” Jaehyun said, a smile curling his lips. “Sundresses look good on you.”
“And even better on the floor,” Taeyong added, winking at her.
“Yong, what the hell! Why are you so horny these days?”
“Because you always look better in summer, I have a kink for summer you.
They all laughed at that and then Jade said, “I can’t stand you.”
“Well, should we pay and then head back?” Johnny proposed. “So Taeyong can make his dream come true.”
“Who decided that? I think we did it more than enough,” Jade joked but stood up anyway.
“As if you can say no to me,” Taeyong teased, tickling her, making her laugh.
“Fine, fine,” she gave up, “but we’re passing to the gelateria before.”
“Yes, babe,” Yuta said, intertwining their arms, waiting for Johnny outside while he went to the cashier to pay.
After the gelato, they got back to their hotel room to a surprise.
“Wow, what’s this?” Jade asked as she looked around in awe.
“A little thing I set up,” Jaehyun said with a smirk on his face. “I think we needed something extremely romantic.”
“Wow,” they gasped in unison. The bed had satin sheets, and there was a path of roses petals that led to it, while some candles lit up the room and filled it with a fresh aroma. And it wasn’t a human-planned thing but the sunset was setting and coloured the room with a beautiful shade of pink while the wind blew the white curtains shielding them from the outer world and the waves crashed against the shore. 
“Didn’t expect something so romantic,” Yuta mumbled as he looked around. 
“Wanted to celebrate being together.” 
“We are always together,” Johnny whispered under his breath, only getting heard by Taeyong that giggled. 
“Mh, and what do you want to do pretty boy?” Jade teased, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. 
“What’s with this thing of calling me pretty boy? Stop it,” he replied. “By the way, just look better around,” he smirked, pulling away from the hug. 
She huffed but then did as told, even though she couldn’t see anything else. 
“Hey, babe,” Johnny called. “Look here.” 
She moved her head to stare in the direction where he was pointing and gasped when she saw the things on the bed. She turned back to him with her mouth open and confusion written on her face. “These things?” She asked, turning again to let her hand run on the blindfold and the handcuffs. “You didn’t make somebody set this up for us, right?”
“Part of the surprise,” Jaehyun explained reaching behind her. “And why do you think I pushed you out before me when we left for dinner?” 
She smirked and then turned around, “And what are they for?” 
She snickered and then turned around, facing him. “But it was your idea, why don’t we make it about you?” 
Jaehyun laughed straight at her face, but when no smile crept on her face, he coughed. 
“Oh, you are serious?” 
“Super serious.” 
He snickered, rolling his eyes. “Are you doing this again? ” He asked, smirking. “You won’t make me submit, so just forget about it, honey.”
“Are you sure about it?” She asked, clicking her tongue, with no intention of backing up in her tone and posture.
Jaehyun chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. Maybe it would’ve been fun to try reversing parts. A part of him bubbled the few times he saw her taking control with Taeyong but he wasn’t sure he could carry through. That just wasn’t where he was used to being. 
“What? Afraid you can’t take it? Afraid you can’t take me?” 
“It won’t work,” he warned but she simply smirked and ran a hand up his chest until it reached his neck and grazed it slowly and gently, making him gulp and shiver. She was getting what she wanted that night, she knew Jaehyun was going to fall. He had to have a small weakness that could put him on his knees just for her. 
“Are you sure?” She taunted, cocking her head to the side with a sly smirk on her face. “Because I think it’s working already.” She raised a leg and let her knee brush against his hardening dick, making him blush. 
Jaehyun shook his head and took a step back. No, that wasn’t what he had planned that night. 
She chuckled and then walked close to him again, not letting him breathe. “What’s wrong, baby boy? Already imaging all the things I could do to you?” 
Jaehyun snickered, and then cupped her chin, “Wrong. Thinking about all the things I’m going to do to you.”
She rolled her eyes and then palmed his boner, squeezing just enough to make him groan between their rough kiss. “Or you could sit there and enjoy it. I think you deserve to be the centre of attention after you booked this amazing holiday for us.” Her fingers wrapped around his hair and pulled his head back under the curious eyes of the others that were watching the scene in anticipation. None of them truly believed she was going to make him submit, that just wasn’t Jaehyun–like, but it was still fun seeing how far she was going to try. 
Her lips crashed against his neck leaving open-mouthed kisses while her hold in his hair never loosened, making him moan lowly. 
“Good boy,” she praised, pulling away but still holding his head in place, he tried to fight it but when she let go and his eyes fell on her, he wasn’t so sure he wanted to fight it back. Maybe this was going to be fun. Maybe a secret part of him wanted to try it out. They could’ve always stopped, right? But his pride wasn’t going to make him admit it so soon. 
“Don’t call me that,” he retorted, coughing to try to hide how shaky his voice was. 
She snickered and grabbed his tie while walking backwards toward the bed. “What are you doing?” He asked when she pushed him down on the edge of the mattress and started taking off his shirt. She raised a brow, “It seems pretty obvious? Taking these off so you can have all eyes on you.” 
“I don’t like it, I don’t want to be the centre of attention,” he complained, trying to hide the red shade on his face. 
She scoffed, “Please, you’re a model. You live for attention, Jae. You love having all eyes on you. People running after you. People behind a screen craving to touch you. And you love it. You thrive on set. How can you don’t have a good time… here,” she whispered, voice low and sultry, while her hands travelled on his body soft like a feather and made him shiver. 
“Fuck,” he cursed, as low as possible, but everybody heard it. And the others were actually surprised at how frustrated he looked now. 
“You know I’m going to make you feel good, I always do,” she said, tugging her fingers in his boxer and pulling them down, freeing his already hard cock. “Look at how hard your pretty cock is already. Is it for me?” She cooed, lifting his chin up to make him stare at her. 
But Jaehyun didn’t answer, he simply stared at her and gulped. He moved his head to look at his other partners but she firmly blocked him and made him stare at her. 
“On me, baby. Eyes on me. I asked you a question. I have you in the palm of my hands.” 
Jaehyun scoffed, “No, you don’t – fuck,” he gasped when she pulled his hair again but more harshly than before. 
“Answer me,” she ordered, voice low against his ear. “Are you this hard just for me?” 
Jaehyun closed his eyes and then mumbled, “Yes – yes, just for you.” 
“Good,” she said letting go of his hair and then taking a step back, just to admire him. And Jaehyun felt his face heat up. The way they were all looking at him, the way she didn’t even start and he already felt weak, the fact that wasn’t the night he had in mind when he planned this. But then his eyes found the courage to look up at her and he knew there was no point trying to pretend he didn’t want this. She looked so hot in that sundress, thin enough to almost be seethrough, the light make-up highlighting her natural beauty, her curls framing her face, and the new aura surrounding her got him on his knees.
A smile curled her lips almost as if she could sense his trail of thoughts. She leaned closer to him, coming face to face with him and caressed his cheek. “Do you want me to take care of you? Do you want me to make you feel good?” 
And she was expecting him to give in, but instead, he snickered, “As if you could do that.” 
She pulled back a little, raising a brow and tilting her head, “Oh, really? Now I don’t know how to make you feel good?” 
He nodded, “Not like this, not like you want to. You’re too kind to do what I have in mind.” 
“Oh,” she breathed out, chuckling lightly, “then why don’t you tell me what you have in mind, baby boy?” 
“Stop calling me that,” he barked back. 
“I saw your cock throb, though. I think that your body loves to go in a different direction than your little brain,” she teased. “Anyway, what did you want to do?” 
“I wanted to tie you up against the bed, and then blindfold you and tease you all night and see you have all of us on you.” 
“Oh, that must be something hard to do,” she mocked, squeezing his chin, “think I can’t do that? Think I can’t fuck you hard all night?” 
“Fu-fuck me?” he chuckled, panic in his voice, and eyes looking around the room where the others were staring with a smirk on their faces. 
“I’m just following your plans,” she said, letting her other hand creep down and move up and down on his cock making him gasp. 
“Don’t do that,” he muttered through gritted teeth, squeezing his eyes shut, breath already faltering, trying to squeeze his thighs. 
“Oh, or what? Are you going to come like this?” 
Jaehyun glared at her, and his hand moved to touch her between her legs but, letting go of his chin, she blocked him easily. Taeyong, Yuta and Johnny looked at each other with raised brows, he could’ve easily pushed her off, all he had to do was stand up and hoist her up, so why wasn’t he doing that? 
“Are you pushing me off?” 
“I’m taking care of you, now,” she said, pushing him down on the mattress, straddling him and kissing him again while her hand started moving faster, making his chest rise up and down heavily. And when breathy moans started to spill out of his mouth, she smirked, pulling away from him and standing up, “I’ll ask just once,” she said, looking down at him, “do you want me to take care of you? Do you want me to make you feel good?” 
And Jaehyun simply nodded, trying to push up to kiss her lips, it was just to come and then she would’ve given up this whole thing and he could’ve done what he had planned all night long. Or at least, that was his second plan for the night. 
The other three looked at each other in shock. What had just happened? Was that just a trick to make her believe he was going to let her do what she wanted just to flip the roles when she lowered the guard or did she really manage to make Jaehyun submit to her? 
“Good boy,” she praised after she kissed him briefly and then encouraged him to move against the headboard of the bed. 
“Are you tying me?” He asked, gulping, watching carefully as she kicked away the shoes and then crawled on the bed next to him manoeuvring the handcuffs. 
“Isn’t that what you wanted? You prepared all of this, right?” 
“I… well, I didn’t imagine,” he mumbled, avoiding her gaze because the truth was that when she was like this she was so fucking hot and he stood no games, she did have him in the palm of her hand and he wasn’t so sure he wanted to gain control again that night.  
“Getting shy?” Johnny asked, finally deciding to chime in. He wasn’t going to just look at the show from the sidelines but he was just waiting for the right moment to don’t scare him away. Jaehyun was hard to ease into things he never tried before and Johnny didn’t want to be the reason why Jade’s opportunity to do something like this slipped away. 
Jaehyun’s face burned red at the sudden realization that they were all there and they could’ve all done anything with him. It was exciting, a little bit scary, but exciting. 
“Maybe you should blindfold him,” Yuta proposed, grabbing the black piece of fabric that still sat on the edge of the bed and handing it to Jade. “It’s funny having no idea of what’s going on around you. Makes the anticipation grow.” 
Jaehyun gulped. Well, yes, that was the reason why he wanted sensory deprivation to be the main theme of the night but at the same time, he never pictured himself there. He wanted his partners to trust him enough to have their senses lowered. 
“What? Can’t take your own game?” Taeyong teased, sitting at the end of the bed. 
“I can, I can take it,” he replied. He wasn’t letting them make fun of him, not immediately at least. And especially he wasn’t taking the teasing from him. 
“Then lay on the bed,” Jade ordered, twirling the handcuffs around her fingers. 
He did as told and then raised his arms on top of his head, giving her the chance to tie him to the headboard. 
“You good?” She asked, making sure he wasn’t uncomfortable and when he nodded she turned around to grab the blindfold that Yuta was already handing her. 
“You know what the safeword is if you want us to stop,” she reminded him as she wrapped the fabric around his head, tight enough so it wouldn’t slip away. 
He hummed and then tried to relax, the only thing he could feel now was the breeze coming from the open window to the side and the bed lifting up as no more weight pressed on it.
“A-are you gone?” He asked, voice shaking and fingers curling around nothing. 
“Didn’t say you could talk, did I?” Jade said, shushing him and he nodded, sealing his lips, only faintly making out that probably they were discussing something, something he had no idea about. 
When they were done it felt like an eternity for him, hard rock cock laying on his abs, anticipation rising and a little bit of fear, not because he didn’t trust them, but because he wasn’t sure he could take anything they wanted, especially that she wanted. He knew what she liked doing with Taeyong and well, he wasn’t him. 
“You want to come, don’t you, baby?” She asked, sitting next to him, left hand running on his thigh, making him shiver. “You’re so hard, I bet it hurts,” she cooed, teasingly brushing her fingers against his cock, light like the summer breeze and torturous like hell. 
Jaehyun groaned a hum but she tsked shaking her head, “Answer me. I’m sure you can open your mouth, right? Or are you afraid too many moans will come out of there?” 
“I can,” he remarked immediately. 
She smirked, she knew this was all a matter of pride. He hated when he had things sorted out and then they didn’t go as planned, and he also hated when people saw him too vulnerable, especially when it came to sex, and this, God, this was the most vulnerable he could be. All spread out, naked, tied up, and blindfolded with four people around him ready to absolutely destroy him and he knew nothing about what was about to come. 
“Just make me come, please,” he begged but still fought to keep his voice in his usual dominant tone. 
Jade laughed under her breath but finally gave him what he was asking for. 
“Is this all you have?” He asked when her hand started pumping up and down. “Think that this can make you have power over me?” 
She smirked even if he couldn’t see and leaned down, lips brushing against his ear, “I have so much power over you now,” she grinned, “you are the one tied up, blindfolded and we could do anything we want with you, right?” She reminded him, and the others hummed, mattress flexing as their bodies sat on it. “And I bet you wouldn’t even say no, would you?” She teased, pinching his nipple, making him let out an – unexpectedly – high-pitched moan. “See, you’re pathetic,” she mocked, slapping his dick, making him snap his eyes open even behind the blindfold. 
“What the fuck,” he gasped. 
“What? You always do that to me,” she said. 
“Okay, is this revenge? If you don’t like something you can – fuck – you can tell me – shit,” he breathed out, chest panting harder as she started pumping fast on him again. 
“I love when you do that, don’t you love it too?” She teased, doing it again, his hips bucking up and lips getting bitten by his teeth to muffle moans. 
“Is this all you got?” He pushed her buttons again, a sly smirk curling up his lips and Jade turned around to look at the other’s amused expressions. 
“Oh, so you’re a brat,” she whispered, smirking too. If this was how he wanted it, then she would’ve given it to him. “What a nice surprise.” 
“I said, is this all you – shit –” his voice died in his mouth when she spat on his cock and started pumping fast, incredibly fast, twisting at the base and then reaching up again. 
“Say that,” she ordered, “finish what you were saying.” 
Jaehyun’s lips moved to speak but not a reasonable sound came out. 
“I don’t think he can finish it. She’s good, isn’t she?” Johnny teased, sitting right next to his face on the bed, only covered in his underwear, and let his hand travel down his body, teasing his nipples, making him squirm. And when Yuta and Taeyong’s hands reached his body too, he felt his head spin. He couldn’t see who was doing what, barely able to make out where they were standing from their voices and he felt so vulnerable; he wasn’t used to having all this attention on him. 
“You were saying, baby?” 
He gulped, “I – I was asking if this is all you got,” he mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut behind the blindfold, feeling his stomach twitch in anticipation, body burning up for all the hands on him. 
“See, I don’t like being talked back, I think we should use that pretty mouth of yours for something more useful,” she said, clicking her tongue. “Or simply shut it up.” 
“Don’t – don’t gag me,” he begged, his tone now being pretty neutral but it surely wasn’t the teasing, powerful tone he had when he was in command. 
“Open your mouth,” she ordered, ignoring his words, hand slowing down, eliciting a low whine of disappointment and when he did, she pushed two fingers inside. “There, so much better,” she cooed, picking up the pace on his hard dick again, and then slowing down and then picking up faster than before and stopping again, making him moan lowly around her fingers and lift his hips to get more friction. 
Jaehyun almost bit down on her when he could feel someone’s lips against his neck, probably Taeyong, yes, surely his for how soft he was kissing him, nibbling ever so slightly. 
“Don’t bite,” she warned, slowing down again, spitting on his cock even if there was enough pre-cum to fill the room with loud enough wet sounds and let her hand move easily on him. 
He mumbled something around her fingers, chest panting even harder and hips twitching. “Want to come, baby?” 
He nodded, coughing loudly when she pulled her fingers out of his mouth and he could breathe again. “You’re insane,” he spat out, rolling his head back, trying to breathe normally but getting caught again in a mess of moans and groans when she picked up again. 
She snickered, “Am I?” she asked, rubbing his tip in circles, seeing him tense up and throw his head back, smirking before pulling away completely. 
“No, fuck, no,” he groaned, head snapping up as if she could see his glossy eyes and his shocked expression. 
“What? Do you need something?” She asked innocently, still not touching him, the only hands grazing his body were his boyfriends’ ones but their touches weren’t enough to let him reach the high. 
“Fuck you, I need to come,” he snapped, voice broke and ears red. 
“Fuck me?” She asked, grabbing his dick again, “well, somebody might fuck me and that won’t be you tonight.” 
“What a shame,” Yuta teased, “you did all of this for her, and now…” 
“No, fuck, please, I, shit. Stop teasing me like that,” Jaehyun breathed out in a shaky tone, feeling like he was about to explode, and he also wanted to push away Taeyong and Johnny’s lips on his neck and shoulders not because it didn’t feel good but because it felt too good and he wasn’t used to all these attentions, he might’ve loved it, but that didn’t mean he could take it. 
“Then beg for it, come on, show me how bad you need this, how bad you want this,” she ordered, picking up a fast pace again and Jaehyun could barely make out Yuta’s hands playing with his balls, making him jump at the contrast of his cold rings against his hot skin. 
“You want me to beg?” 
“You heard me.” 
“I won’t – fuck – no. I won’t beg you. I’ll never – shit – beg,” he moaned. 
“Then you’re not coming,” she sang, pulling away again.  
“You can’t – you can’t control me – shit, shit, shit –” he breathed out shakily when he could feel Johnny’s lips on his nipples, sucking hard and rough, even biting him.  
“You’re so fucking proud,” Yuta huffed, “the night is going to be pretty long, babe, if I were you, I wouldn’t let her edge me longer.” 
“Fine,” he broke down, giving up trying to gain some control, not like he could in this position – not like he wanted, to be honest. “Please, please, let me come,” he started begging, cursing at himself when he felt his eyes get teary, now this was humiliating. 
“Good. Are we going to have to pull words out of your mouth all night long, though?” She asked mockingly as she started pumping him again. “Because it gets quite annoying.” 
“No, no, fuck, just – shit – keep, keep fucking me, yes.” 
“Are you close?” She asked just for fun, she knew she had kept edging him for the past ten minutes, probably even more, she knew he was close and was trying hard not to come but wait for her commend from the way he was struggling against the restrainers and the way his dick was throbbing in her hand and how shaky his moans got. 
“Yes, please, please, let me – shit – let me come,” he cried out. 
“Come, then,” she ordered, watching him come undone in her hands. And the first orgasm washed over him, giving him shaking legs already and he was feeling his sanity slip away from him. 
Just like she wanted. 
Jade wanted to see him lose control for once, to let go of the reins and just enjoy the ride. She wanted to see him look like a mess and they were getting close to it. 
“Good boy,” she whispered, crawling closer to him, kissing him slowly. “You were a handful but you did great.” 
“You – you are a tease,” he cried, chest still panting and sweat starting to pearl his skin. 
“We’ll get you out of the handcuffs, okay?” 
He hummed, letting out a breath of relief when someone – Yuta, but he couldn’t know – grabbed the key and set him free. 
“On your fours,” she ordered, not giving him time to come down from the high. 
“What? You want… we are going to…” 
“What? As if you don’t enjoy all these eyes and hands on you,” Johnny teased, caressing his shoulder almost making him betray his words with a low moan. “This can be so much fun if you trust us.” 
“Do you trust us?” This time it was Taeyong talking, next to his ear, voice soft. 
“Yeah,” Jaehyun breathed out, “I do. I trust you.” 
“Great, then do what she told you to do,” Yuta said, caressing his thigh gently before waiting for him to turn around. 
“Look at how pretty you are,” she praised and Jaehyun could feel her soft hands on the skin of his ass, caressing him gently, making shivers run down his spine. “Bet you’d look even prettier with your face flushed against the mattress.”
“But –” 
“What? Don’t you remember how much you love putting me in that position? Saying I look so pretty, should we see how pretty you look?” 
He nodded, swallowing before he moved with Johnny’s help. 
“Isn’t he so so pretty?” This time it was Taeyong talking, his hand on the smooth skin of his ass cheek, his veins rubbing against it. “So soft and delicate.” 
Jaehyun couldn’t help but smile at his compliments. Okay, maybe he loved being the center of attention. 
“Maybe we should stop touching you, what if you break?” He asked, fingers moving closer to his rim of nerves, teasing him lightly. 
“No,” Jaehyun exclaimed, his voice breaking in his throat.
They all laughed at that, exchanging teasing glances he couldn’t see. 
“Now you want this so eagerly?” She cooed. 
“Yes, please.” 
“Do you think you deserve it?” Johnny asked teasingly. 
“Y-yes,” he breathed out, still shaking from the way Taeyong was teasing him. 
“I don’t think so,” he said. 
“I did, please.” 
“Please what, pup? Tell us what you want,” she said, her fingers making her way to his mouth asking for permission to enter. He opened up.
“Tou-touch me,” Jaehyun hardly said, trying to breathe. “Need you, need to feel you.”
“Oh, now you need this,” she teased, still pushing her fingers inside his mouth, “and how do you want it?” 
“Want Yong.” 
Jade snickered, before pulling her fingers out and lightly slapping his face, “I asked how not by who. Are you dumb?” 
“No, I-” Jaehyun tried to mumble but his voice got stuck in his throat when another slap landed on his ass, it was Johnny, big hand, hitting hard. “Fuck.” 
“You're not even good at listening, I don’t think you deserve these attentions,” she said rubbing his cheeks.
“No, please, mo-mommy,” his face burned up when the name rolled out of his lips but it was enough to make a smirk curl her lips. Her fingers tangled through his hair and she pulled strongly toward herself causing his lower back to arch up.
“You can be such a good boy sometimes,” she said. “But since you can’t pick, we’ll choose,” she said before gesturing to Taeyong to take care of him, and Jaehyun only nodded, everything was fine as long as one of them touched him. 
“You wanted me, right, peach?” Taeyong said, leaving a trail of kisses on his shoulders blades and caressing his waist. 
“Yes,” he replied with a shaky voice, pushing his ass up more, his back arched perfectly. He just wanted to be ruined, couldn’t care much of anything else, not even how pathetic he looked. 
“Oh, poor you,” he teased, grabbing the lube from Johnny’s hands and pouring a generous amount of the cold liquid on his rim, “you’re so fucking desperate,” he got closer to him, his chest making contact with Jaehyun’s back. “Suck,” he ordered, putting two digits in his mouth not so sweetly. And Jaehyun did. Closing his rose lips around them and then swirling his tongue in his mouth. His eyelashes fluttered on his cheeks as he enjoyed the feeling.
“God, you’re so hot like this,” Johnny commented, palming his boner. He never fantasized about seeing Jaehyun so vulnerable but fuck if that was a beautiful view. 
“Stop. I’m sure you want my fingers somewhere else,” Taeyong taunted, chuckling lowly before he moved his fingers down again and slowly started to push in, making him moan at the intrusion. 
“You love sucking so much,” Jade noted with a mocking tone, “maybe we should really treat you and fulfill another one of your desires,” she smirked, looking up at Johnny, giving him a look that didn’t need words. And so in one second, Johnny was completely naked, hard cock free, getting pumped in his hand. 
“Want to suck something?” He asked with a smirk on his face. 
“I don’t – I don’t think I’ll be – shit – good,” he replied, trying to hold back the moans but Taeyong’s fingers felt too good for him, so long, and cured and veiny and fuck, he was going crazy.
“I think you can always learn,” Yuta chimed, running a hand in his hair, tugging hard enough to make his mouth fall open. “I’m sure you can keep his cock warm while Taeyong gives you what you want.”  
“Yes, yes, I can, I’ll try.” 
“No, you’ll make it,” Jade said. “Open your mouth for him.” Without adding another word, Johnny got on the bed, gently moving his head up to sit with his legs open on the pillow beneath Jaehyun’s head. So the younger parted his lips, resting his cheeks on Johnny’s thigh as he tried to take in his mouth as much of Johnny’s dick as possible. But fuck, Johnny was so big, and he wasn’t the one sucking cocks, usually. But he wanted to do it, anyway, not only because he promised but also because there still was his pride on the line and – even if he wanted to deny it – he just wanted to suck something.
“Good boy, just like that,” Johnny praised softly, running his fingers through his hair to make him relax as he felt his dick rest on Jaehyun’s tongue, and his voice, his tone, and his touch felt nice. It wasn’t something they were used to doing, their relationship had never really been extremely sexual, yet these few intimate moments felt nice. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” Taeyong’s voice bought him back to the world while he tried to concentrate on his breathing and the pleasure. Taeyong was looking at him in awe, his three fingers were buried deep inside him and he could perfectly see how he was stretching him out. “But you’re so...pretty like this.” Taeyong emphasised the word ‘pretty’, Jaehyun wasn’t a fan of that but he surely was going to be by the end of the night. 
“Want him to eat you out, babe?” Jade asked, and he could feel her hand start to move up and down his spine. “Want to see how good you can feel?” 
“Yeah,” he moaned around Johnny. Hating the blindfold because he wanted to see her, to see them. A whimper vibrated around Johnny’s cock when Taeyong’s tongue licked his entrance and swirled around. A muffled ‘fuck’ left his mouth as he tried to steady his breath through his nose, it was harder than he expected. Johnny’s dick blocked all the air from the mouth and sucking sent him into outer space, which made it hard for him to focus on something that was actually pretty important — breathing. And the amazing oral sex Taeyong was giving him wasn’t helping.
“Yes, that feels good, right?” Jade checked in, humming in approval when she saw him try to nod. “It’s a shame you can’t see yourself, you’re so pretty like this.” 
Jaehyun wanted to rip the blindfold but he had promised he wouldn’t move, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t dying to see the way she was looking at him. The idea that she had been craving to do this for so long was driving him crazy in anticipation and he just wanted to know what he looked like in her eyes like this. His cheeks turned red at the thought, he could feel her gaze burning on his skin because he knew exactly how she looked at them when she got what she wanted. Jaehyun knew exactly the expression on her face when she was proud and excited and how particularly beautiful and intense her eyes would get during sex. It was like lust and perdition filled them completely and got anybody that mirrored in them drunk and high on pleasure. And the power she had over him was insane because, with Johnny and Taeyong working on him, the only one that filled his brain was her. 
And everything was starting to get too much, so he tried to beg again, a muffled ‘please’ while tears threatened to stream down his face. 
“Please?” Jade asked, tilting her head, “Begging again, so soon?” 
“Wanna come,” he mumbled, making Johnny pull out to let him catch his breath and also because shit cockwarming turned him on more than imagined.  
“Hold on a bit more, babe. Yong, will let you come, ‘right?”
Jaehyun hummed and then let his head rest against Johnny’s tight, impatiently waiting for the moment of release. 
“I think you need to be prepped more, baby,” Jade said, running a hand in his hair, tugging lightly. “Mommy’s cock’s big, isn’t it?” 
At that, his mouth hung open, gaping in shock as he tried to let out the right words, “Are you – shit – are you going to fuck me?” Okay now, he should’ve expected this was where it was going to go in the first place but sanity had slipped his mind long ago and when he stopped fighting for dominance his brain didn’t process what Jade truly wanted. 
“What do you think I would’ve done to you?” She snickered mockingly. “That we would’ve stopped here and then started playing chess?” 
“No, I – I didn’t, I simply, umh, fuck,” he cried when Taeyong curled right where he wanted him and his hips faltered, the tip of his dick brushing against the sheets making his lungs burn up. “I didn’t think.” 
“Of course, you didn’t think,” she chuckled, cupping his chin, “you’re my dumb little cock drunk boy, aren’t you? There’s nothing in that little brain of yours but us and what we do to you.” 
“Sounds revengeful,” Johnny whispered, smirking at her words. He had no idea how Taeyong was in their little one-on-one sessions but when they group sex, he had never seen her be this harsh and dominant. But this unexpected side of her was exciting. And Yuta thought the same thing as he looked at her, wetting his lips with his tongue and a sparkle in his eyes in excitement. 
“I should fuck you faster,” Taeyong said, “fuck some sense in you.” His fingers started fucking him mercilessly while the other hand played with his balls, making him push back and squirm under his touch. And Taeyong thought that it was so hot to see him like this, and no, he never had an interest in topping any of them but fuck if Jaehyun looked inviting. 
“Yong, ple – please...” Jaehyun barely whispered, his shaky breaths making it hard to form any words, his orgasm building up in his stomach, again, but he knew he wouldn’t have been able to hold it in this time. And he didn’t, when Taeyong’s fingers hit deeper and he involuntarily brushed his cock against the sheets again, he lost it, coming all over them underneath him, a longer moan ripping past his throat while his body shook in pleasure. 
Silence fell in the room while gazes he couldn’t see were being exchanged, the only sounds were Jaehyun’s still shaky breaths and the wet sound of Taeyong’s fingers pulling out of him.
“I’m so sorry,” Jaehyun cried out after a while, only then releasing he had disobeyed. “I couldn’t do it anymore, I – I tried, I swear, I did,” he panted as he felt Johnny’s warm skin pull away from him, feeling the comfort his proximity gave him slip away. 
“What do we have to do with you?” Jade asked, untying the blindfold and turning him around on his back again before gently caressing his tears-streaked cheeks. Maybe if it was another occasion she would’ve pushed harder, teased him more, but for now, she wanted to make sure he was fine, and what better way than condescending talk? 
Also, Jaehyun looked way too beautiful, she just couldn’t be mad at him with his flushed and wet cheeks, swollen red lips, and messy hair. He looked breathtaking like this, even if he was a complete mess. 
“Bad boys usually get punished,” Yuta answered instead, making her head turn to him. 
“I’m sorry,” Jaehyun cried out again. 
“Oh, we know you are,” Yuta replied, caressing his other cheek, “but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t teach you a lesson,” he added, briefly looking at Jade that hummed and gave him the go. 
“Where are you going?” Jaehyun asked when he saw Yuta leave again but Jade turned his head to her. “Look at me, are you okay?” 
“Yes, but –” 
“No buts, just do what I tell you and trust us.” 
“You promised you trusted us, right?” Johnny chimed, caressing his hair. 
“Yeah, I do, but I didn’t want to, I…” 
“We know,” Johnny smiled. “We just need to train you harder.” 
Jaehyun’s smile faded at his words. They seemed so sweet and understanding but... they wanted to punish him?
“You wanted me, didn’t you?” Jade chuckled. 
“Too bad,” she said, getting up, and grabbing the hem of her dress, exposing her body, making all of them gasp. “Okay, I appreciate that but seriously, every time that you see me you act as if it’s the first time.” 
“That’s because you’re hot,” Johnny replied. “That’s why our baby boy wants you so bad, right, baby?” He cooed to Jaehyun that was lost, looking at her with his mouth open. “Answer,” he urged, lightly slapping his cheek. 
“Yes, please.” 
Jade shook her head, crawling back on the bed, followed by Yuta that wrapped his arms around her. “I told you, we need to teach you a lesson, and you need to learn how to be good.” 
“What are you going to do?” He asked in a whisper, afraid to know the answer. He had never seen her give Taeyong a punishment. 
“We will tie you up at your place,” she started, moving to let Yuta move to him to get started, “And you will watch how much of a good boy Yong is,” she said, crawling to him, leaning down next to his ear, “and how good is Yuta at fucking me.” 
“What?” He asked, gasping. “No, it’s not fair.” 
“No, it’s not. It’s a punishment for a reason,” Yuta chuckled, tapping the mattress to signal him to sit up against the headboard and give him his hands. 
“Do you have to tie me?” 
“For safety reasons,” she smirked and then winked at him. 
“I’m not a monster, I won’t run away, please,” he cried. “At least let me touch you.” 
“Only good boys get to touch me.” 
And that’s when the worst part arrived, when the other three were on her in a second, touching her and kissing her, feeling her, right in front of his eyes while he was helpless and could only watch. He had worked past his jealousy but right now that feeling was resurfacing and was making him… squirm, and whine, and... beg? He wasn’t fighting against it but he was begging for them to give him attention too?  
When Jade pulled away and looked at him he thought that she was moved by pity and would’ve at least kissed him but instead, she said, “No squirming and crying will get you out of there, be good and patient if you don’t want to dig your hole deeper.” 
And just like that his punishment — or torture, like he saw it — started. He really wanted to pay attention to the way Johnny was working Taeyong open with his fingers but his attention was only on Yuta and Jade and the way his hands roamed all over her body and stuffed inside her panties, fingers moving fast on her clit, making her roll her head back and moan. And Jaehyun had to hold back a whine because she was so beautiful always, when she was in control and when she would let go of it like right now, vulnerable in Yuta’s hands, letting him have the reins. But he didn’t want to be at Yuta’s place, no, he wanted her to be at his place and he at hers. He had gotten just a taste but he needed more.
Jaehyun was about to whine out loud when they all started going and moans filled the room as Taeyong and Jade rode Johnny and Yuta giving them their back, but Jade’s gaze shutting him up, stopped him. 
“Enjoying the show?” She asked, looking at him in the eyes as she kept fucking back and forth against Yuta. “No words just nod.” 
He rolled his eyes, cursing under his breath but then nodded. 
“Good,” she smiled. “See how good Taeyong has been? He didn’t come like a pathetic little thing from preparation.” 
“Don’t smirk like that,” he snapped, talking to Taeyong before he realized what he had done, looking apologetically at Jade that had stopped. “No, shit, sorry, but why would he do that? He can’t be perfect.” 
“You just can’t listen,” she huffed, pulling off of Yuta for a moment. “I guess we need to do this the hard way.”
“There’s a way harder than this?” 
“Oh, yes,” she smiled. “Tied you, blinded folded you, and now it’s time to gag you.” 
“No, no, please, I’ll be good, I promise.” 
“Don’t gag him,” Yuta chimed, crawling behind her, smirking evilly as he leaned in so only she could hear and then she smirked. 
“Fine, I won’t, but still keep quiet,” she ordered. “Yong, come lay down here.” 
And he followed, mimicking her position, laying on their tummy diagonally on the bed while Johnny and Yuta were positioned behind them. She swiftly whispered something in his ear and then the other two pushed inside again. The only ones not aware of the plan were Johnny and Jaehyun but they both picked it up soon when Jade only praised Taeyong as they shared rough kisses, and Yuta only praised how good she felt. Ignore him. 
And he felt like crying while his dick got hard once again and was almost painful and not only he couldn’t ease the physical pain but they weren’t even talking to him. 
“Fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight,” Yuta moaned, head thrown back and hands wrapped around her waist, slamming her back and forth in a fast steady rhythm. “Dripping all over the sheets, so warm and hot.” 
Jaehyun had to bite his lower lip to avoid pathetic moans to escape and he tried to stare in front of him, focusing on the white closet in front of the bed and don’t get lost in the way Jade and Taeyong’s bodies were being fucked hard, or the way they were kissing each other eagerly, and the lewd sounds of wetness squelching and skin slapping against each other.
But it was somehow worse. It was painful and unfair, and gruelling but he wanted to watch them. He loved them. He loved the way their bodies moved, how they worked together, how their hands knew every crease of each other. And yes, he hated not being part of that messy tangle, but at the same time, there was something so beautiful, and exciting to seeing it from the outside. 
“See, the hard way works,” she said after what felt like an eternity, making him snap out of his thoughts. “You learned how to keep your mouth shut to don’t make it worse.”
He wanted to reply but only let out a sigh of relief. 
“Good boy,” she said. “Bet you would want to be here, right?” 
Jaehyun nodded, eyes begging her to be forgiving and set him free, but she only smirked and then turned back to Taeyong. 
“Do you like what you see?” Johnny asked, voice lower, and panting, while one of his hands moved from Tayong’s hips and grabbed a fistful of his hair, pulling tight, causing his ass to arch back and let out a raspy moan that got caught into Jade’s mouth. “Wanted to be you? Or do you want to be Yuta?” 
Jaehyun’s eyes fluttered, gulping as he tried to wet his mouth again but it still felt dry. He couldn’t answer, but even if he could, he had no idea what to say. Was it crazy that he wanted it all? That he wanted to be all of them, feeling every sensation. 
“He’s so good at fucking her,” Johnny teased, smirking back at Yuta that did the same he had done before, pulling her back by her hair. “It could’ve been you, what a shame.” 
He whined. A low, barely audible whine. And then he fell. 
“Please, please, mommy, at least let me talk,” he whimpered. 
“Can you do it?” She teased, staring at him with a raised eyebrow, pushing her ass back against Yuta, moaning louder on purpose. “You look like a mess,” she pointed out. “I don’t – fuck – think that words can be formed in your little brain.” 
“No, no, I can. Look, I can.” 
“Then answer Johnny,” she ordered. “What do you want? Want to fuck me?” 
“Yes, want you, want to make you feel good like Yuta,” he replied. “He’s so good, I know he’s good but I can, I can be good too. I can give you what you want.” 
“Can you give her this?” Yuta asked, one hand slipping around her neck to push her up, her back flat against his chest, hips thrusting into her relentlessly, and the other hand moving on her clit, bringing her on the edge in a few seconds. 
“Fuck,” she moaned loudly when the orgasm broke out of her unexpectedly, taking her by surprise. She could feel Yuta’s smirk behind her, teasing eyes staring straight into Jaehyun’s as he looked at him in disbelief. 
“Can you?” He asked again, slowing down just a bit to make her catch her breath again. 
“I – I can’t…” 
“Then what can we do with you?” She asked, voice heavier as she struggled to come down from the high since Yuta kept moving inside of her. “You’re so useless.” She dared to say it, honestly terrified he was going to snap out of it, but the words that came out of his lips surprised them all. 
“Use me,” he cried out. “Fuck me senseless. I want you to use me so badly, my holes, my cock. Please. Just… I just want to be good for you. Fuck me hard, all of you. Until I’m nothing but your little dumb toy, please. Fill me to the brim. Leave me – fuck – leave me leaking like a mess, but please, please, use me.” His voice was high, and the words came out in whimpers and he couldn’t really care how pathetic he sounded, and looked, he meant every word. He had no idea from which part of his brain they were coming but he wanted them to make a mess out of him. 
Jade almost came again just by hearing those words and his voice. Seeing him so vulnerable was such a turn-on, but she never imagined him being so vulnerable. 
“Fuck, that’s hot…” Johnny whispered, his thrusts coming to a stop for a moment as he looked at Jaehyun in surprise. 
“Should we give it to him?” Yuta whispered just for Jade to hear but it took her a while to hum in agreement, whining when he pulled out of her. 
“Please,” Jaehyun begged again, hips bucking from the mattress, lips bleeding for how strong he was biting on them. “Please, I’ll be good. I won’t disappoint this time, I won’t –” she shushed him with a kiss, her hands cupping his face, making him slump back against the headboard as he relaxed in her touch. 
“We know,” she reassured him. “You learned your lesson, right? You will be our good boy.” 
“Yes, yes,” he whimpered, grinding against her thigh, “please.” 
When also the others sat around him and towered over him he felt overwhelmed with emotions. He felt so small, and vulnerable, and he wasn’t used to it. To have mocking laughs directed at him, to have so many lips brush against his burning skin and teeth sinking down his flesh, to have so many hands teasing him. And he couldn’t even mind keeping up with who was doing what. He just closed his eyes, letting them do whatever they wanted with him. 
“Want to ride you,” Taeyong said, and Jaehyun barely registered his voice and his hand wrapping around his painfully hard dick. “It would be a shame to don’t use your big cock.” 
“Mmph,” he whimpered when he felt him spit on it and pump it up and down, mixing his saliva with the embarrassing amount of pre-cum that dripped down before. A chocked sob ripped past his throat when Taeyong’s tight asshole sank on him and started moving right away. Just like he had asked. To be used for their pleasure. 
“Fuck, your cock is so good,” Taeyong praised, “The only good thing about you, isn’t it? The only thing you know how to use.” 
“Answer him,” Jade urged, slapping his cheek, forcing his eyes open in surprise. 
“Y-yes,” he wept, feeling on the verge of a breakdown because he was so close again but he had no idea if he could come and he didn’t even have the courage to ask. “Only good at that, only – shit – good to be your toy.” He almost screamed when Yuta’s toungue flicked his nipple, and he felt a drop run down his cheek. “N-no,” he begged. 
“No?” Yuta asked, slightly pulling away. “I thought we could do anything to you.” 
“Ye-yes but this – this doesn’t – shit – bri-bring you pleasure,” he breathed out, chest panting harder when his fingers kept pinching and teasing his hard buds. 
Jade smirked, cupping his chin, thumb brushing against his parted lips, “You want to come, don’t you?” He didn’t answer, just stared at her with tears running down his face. He didn’t even want to admit it. He wanted to convince himself he didn’t need it. “Oh, you want to come so bad but you also want to be a good fucktoy for us, isn’t it? And good toys don’t get what they want,” she teased, letting go of his chin, fingers caressing his wet cheeks and then massaging his scalp. “Good toys give. Good toys don’t beg, don’t complain and don’t cry.” 
“No, sorry, sorry, I – I can take it,” he whimpered, choking on his sobs, but she shushed him, shaking her head. 
“Don’t be,” she whispered, “you are letting Yong use you so well, pushing yourself so back that I bet it must hurt.” He nodded, whining. “You have so much control, honey,” she praised, fingers still moving against his hair. “Ask him if he wants you to fill him up, come on.” 
“Ugh,” he cried, “do – do you want me, do you – fuck – want my cum? Can I please – mmph – please come in you?” 
“Do you think I’m even close?” Taeyong asked instead. “Why don’t you fuck me harder to start with, mhh? Make me come and then maybe you’ll get to come too.” 
“I – I ca-can’t,” Jaehyun cried. “I can’t, I don’t, I don’t think, I…” 
“Take a deep breath,” Jade whispered, her hand back against his cheek, caressing him softly. “Calm down and focus on your thrusts,” she said and he nodded, chest slowing down, also thanks to Yuta that pulled away and stopped teasing him. “Just like that, breathe in and move your hips up against him,” she guided him. 
“You’re doing so good,” Taeyong praised, leaning in to kiss him, helping him, meeting him halfway. 
“See, you could do it,” Jade smiled. “Now fuck him faster, come on. I know you can give it to him as hard as he wants it. You’re so good at it.” 
With the help of her words, he managed to find some strength and pick up a faster speed, concentrating hard to don’t come, not yet, not when Taeyong didn’t give him permission yet. 
“Fuck, you’re so good,” Taeyong moaned. “You’re gonna make me come – fuck. Keep fucking me – shit – keep – shit – just like that,” he whimpered, kissing him again. “Gonna come,” he said. “Fill me up, need your cum.” 
And that was all he needed to explode, hips stuttering against him as he let go, orgasm so held back that even the release felt almost painful. He felt his head spin and he didn’t mind about Taeyong’s cum spilling on his abs. Ears buzzing so loudly he couldn’t even make out the other words coming out of the other’s mouth. 
And when Taeyong pulled away, he slumped back again, brainless and boneless. Completely at their mercy. 
“I think we should get him out of these,” Yuta said, moving to unclasp his cuffs. 
“Look at you,” Johnny said, caressing his face and moving him so he was laying down against the mattress. “Such a big boy and yet here you are, so petite.” 
“F-for you,” he mumbled, blinking his eyes to shake the dizziness out of his brain but it didn’t work much. He was already wrecked and the real thing didn’t even start yet.  
“You wanted to get fucked hard, didn’t you?” Johnny asked, turning him around, face pressed against the mattress and ass up. “Does it even matter what you want? You said you want to be our toy, right? And it only matters what we want.” 
He hummed, face pressed against the pillow and ass arching back, craving more contact.
“I saw the way you were looking at Taeyong before,” he teased, spitting on his rim, smirking when his hole clenched around nothing. “You’re so pathetic,” he mocked, hand slapping his ass cheek hard. 
“No, no,” he murmured. 
“Yes, you are.” This time it was Jade talking, and he tried to move around to look at her but found it hard to lift his torso. 
“I think we just need to finish this up,” she added, turning his head around and pushing him up by his hair, “you’re such a boring toy, you know? Why don’t you do something to surprise us?” 
“Yeah, or else we’re going to have fun on our own,” Yuta added.
He blinked, swallowing as he tried to come up with anything to don’t make them push him out of the scene. “No, I’ll – I’ll do anything you want. Whatever you want. I’ll – I’ll take you.” 
“Can you take us?” Johnny asked, fingers tracing his ass and then fingering him again, making him gasp. “See, all the work of before ruined because you had to fuck it up.” 
“No,” he shook his head, “I can take you. I promise I can.” 
Jade hummed before turning around to whisper something in Johnny’s ear, signaling Yuta to come closer too. 
“I – what are you – what are you saying?” Jaehyun asked but nobody answered. 
“Turn around,” she ordered, “don’t make me flip you over like a fucking ragdoll, come on.” 
He whimpered, jumping when his cock brushed against the sheets under him, and then turned around facing them, feeling small once again. 
“I’m gonna use your cock like a toy while they fuck me, and you can’t come.” 
“But –” 
“No buts,” she stopped him. “Do you want to be good or not?” 
He hummed, “But please, after, after, I – I need you, mommy. I need you so bad.” 
“I know,” she reassured, biting her lower lip when Johnny’s fingers made way into her ass. “But I want to be the only one that fucks your ass tonight, so you’ll have to wait.” 
He hummed again but felt his body tremble when Yuta moved in front of him and shielded her from his view. He hated not seeing her. He couldn’t care if they weren’t truly paying him attention. He couldn’t care if he was forced to hold it in again and just let them have their fun. But he needed to see them. 
“You look like a mess.” He had no time to dwell on them when Taeyong’s voice ringed in his ears. His face now up close to his, a teasing smirk on his face while his fingers ran on his tears-streaked cheeks. “Is it too much for you?” 
Jaehyun shook his head, lips pressed together to keep in a loud moan when he felt Jade sink down on him. And Taeyong chuckled, shaking his head, “You can’t take it.” 
“I can, I can take it,” he cried, finding the courage to let out those words. 
“Why don’t you keep his mouth shut?” Jade asked Taeyong, making Jaehyun’s eyes snap open. “I don’t think I want to hear him while they fuck me.” 
“No, I will keep quiet, I will – mmph,” he moaned when Taeyong filled his mouth, fingers stuffing him, reaching the back of his throat, making him choke. 
“Nice,” she smiled, leaning closer to him just to let Johnny have more room to enter her. But her hands weren’t on his chest or shoulders, they were resting at his side on the mattress, making him go crazy at the lack of contact, no matter that he was right inside her, it wasn’t enough. “Good toys don’t talk, remember?” 
He nodded, wet eyes staring up at her as the only thing he could do was suck on Taeyong’s fingers. But a deep groan almost escaped his mouth when Johnny filled her up completely and he could feel his cock press against her thin walls. One of the things he loved the most and he couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t fuck her. He couldn’t moan. He couldn’t come. He just had to lay there and take it, watch as they fell apart. And as wrong as it was, it turned him on even more. 
“Fuck, so good,” Johnny moaned, pulling out and then slamming back in. “Should fuck your ass more often.” 
“Mhh, yes,” she moaned, rolling her eyes back before she forced them open to look at her two boyfriends in front of her. Jaehyun looked like a complete mess, drooling all over Taeyong’s fingers and down his chin while the other kept teasing him with mocking words. And just when she was about to make eye contact with the younger, Yuta pulled her up and kissed her hard. 
“Shit,” he moaned when her hand wrapped around his cock and started stroking, “wanna be inside you. Johnny move.” 
The eldest groaned, stilling his hips and pulling out of her, his hand immediately replacing her warmth, even if it couldn’t come close to it. But watching Yuta enter her and fill her gaping hole was hot enough to don’t make him hate her idea of them taking turns fucking her. 
“Fuck, he’s right,” Yuta moaned, “you feel so fucking good. And the toy is filling you up so nicely.” 
At that Jaehyun whimpered, his hips bucking up in reflection, and a sharp slap on his face followed, making his breath falter and his eyes snap into Jade’s. 
“No. Fucking. Back. Into. Me,” she reminded him sternly and he nodded, mumbling, “didn’t – didn’t mean to.” 
“Why don’t you stuff his mouth with something bigger than those fingers?” Johnny asked Taeyong, ignoring him completely. This had been their wildest night ever and he wanted to see just how far Jaehyun was going to push himself. He kind of thought he had gone too far before begging them to use him, but Jaehyun was like this, too confident, too competitive, to the point that he became dumb. 
Jaehyun shook his head, whimpering around his fingers that pushed deeper. 
“What?” She cooed, breathing heavily as Yuta kept fucking hard into her. “You don’t want that? What a shame you were begging for Johnny’s cock before, fuck,” she mocked, lightly slapping his face again. “What’s that? You only want cocks big enough to choke you?” 
“Mmph, no, I,” another slap stopped him. 
“Shut up,” she ordered, “I don’t care. I wasn’t asking, I was – shit – pointing out how much of a needy, dirty thing you are.” 
He whined throwing his head back, knuckles going white from how hard he was gripping the sheets. Feeling her pussy clench around him and slightly move back and forth due to Yuta’s pushes was driving him insane. And soon he had to think about Taeyong’s cockhead tapping against his lips, asking for permission to make its way in. And he could only open up and let them ravish him. Brain going blank as they worked together. Yuta pulling out to leave his place to Johnny, his thrusts precise and strong as always, and then back again, Yuta taking his place another time, strokes fast and rhythmic, and again and again. The alternating rhythms driving him insane, and driving Jade insane too. 
He could feel it from the way her walls were suffocating his cock, the way her mouth was parted to let out the most vulnerable sounds, and her eyes were closed, surely rolled back in the back of her reclined head. And even if right now, she looked more vulnerable and submissive, no dominant thoughts crossed his mind. He wanted to be ruined by her still, even if she was like this, a mess in Yuta and Johnny’s hands. 
“Oh, fuck, it’s so good. You two feel so good,” she almost screamed when her oldest boyfriends started taking turns faster. 
Jaehyun wanted to whimper around Taeyong’s length stuffing his mouth about how the three of them were making her feel good but didn’t, he cried and complained only in his mind. 
“Need to come in you, babe,” Yuta said, pushing inside of her again. 
“Me too,” Johnny moaned, “can you take both of us?” 
Jade’s mind came back to earth, stilling for a second and turning around. She thought about it for a moment, it was either going to be the dumbest last-minute decision ever or the best one, but at this point, this night had been a full one of unexpected things. 
“Fuck, fine, yes, but pour more lube, please.” 
“Shit,” Johnny hummed, grabbing the bottle close to him, and pouring more on her swollen hole, “thought you were going to say no.” 
She shook her head and dropped it low when the tip of his cock started to slowly make its way aside Yuta’s cock already buried deep into her. 
The triple stretch knocked the breath out of her air and she was grateful that at least Jaehyun wasn’t moving. It wasn’t painful, but it was a lot. Intense, unexpected, and the worst fucking decision ever considering the boyfriends picked. 
And Jaehyun felt that too. Now that was unbearable. The way he could feel them push so much against him already, and they weren’t even moving yet. There was no way he wasn’t going to come just like that. 
“Fuck, this feels so good,” Yuta moaned, looking down, feeling he could come by the sight only, “you’re taking us so well.” 
“Yeah, umh,” Johnny groaned when they started moving again and the stimulation doubled, “I won’t last long.” 
“Are you gonna come with us?” Yuta asked, pushing her body up against theirs. The position side by side wasn’t really comfortable but it didn’t matter, they had been on the edge all night, and this already felt too good to hold back. 
“Yes, fuck, I’m close,” she mumbled, letting her head fall back against their shoulders as the knot on her stomach tightened and she started seeing stars. It didn’t take much for them to come together, groans and moans filling the room, skin slapping together more messily, and too much cum everywhere. 
“Fuck,” Jade moaned when she opened her eyes and saw Jaehyun’s face almost covered in cum, “look at you,” she said, pussy still clenching hard around him as the orgasm faded away. 
“Pulled out a little too late,” Taeyong said, moving back, and caressing his lips, removing some of the liquid. “But he looks so pretty like this, doesn’t he?” 
Jade hummed, a tender smile on her face, followed by a low gasp when Johnny and Yuta pulled out of her, leaving her empty and leaking. 
“And he didn’t come,” she praised, leaning down to kiss him while she also pulled off of him, his painfully hard cock, throbbing against his abs. 
“Please,” he whimpered, “need you. You promised.” 
“I know,” she reassured him, wiping more cum out of his face, “I’ll give you what you deserve. What you wanted.”  
“No, don’t lea–” he started saying when she got up to get the strap-on but was immediately shut by Johnny’s lips. 
“Shh, it’s alright,” he whispered, moving his dampened hair back, “you look like a mess baby,” he said, eyes scanning his spit and cum stained skin. 
“But he looks like such a pretty doll,” Yuta said. 
“N-no, no, I’m not a doll,” he whimpered. 
“No? But dolls are so pretty. Don’t you want to be mommy’s pretty doll?” Yuta asked, cooing teasingly. 
“I -,” he retorted but then gave up, “yes, want to be mommy’s doll. But I need her, please.” 
“And here I am,” she said, crawling on the bed, soon hovering over him, spreading his legs open and positioning between them. “Tell me what you want.” 
“You know,” he cried, feeling that his brain couldn’t put together any more words that made sense. 
“I need to hear it, doll. Need to know my pretty toy still wants to be used.” 
“Yes,” he almost screamed. “I want to – want to be your little toy, please, please, fuck me. Need your cock.” 
And she obeyed, pouring more lube on the dildo and removing her fingers inside of him, she pushed the tip inside. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, closing his eyes and biting his lower lip as he felt the toy make its way inside, slowly but somehow it was even more painful. He needed more. He couldn’t even care if he wasn’t ready. He had been waiting all night. 
“Look at how well you are taking it,” she praised when she bottomed completely and stilled against his ass. And she knew he wanted more, it was in the way his hips were trying to roll back against her but had no more strength to move anymore. Still, she needed to test the waters. “Should I move? Should I finally fuck your pretty ass?” 
“Fuck me, please, fuck my brain out,” he begged, voice barely higher than a whisper, strained and shaky. “Please, just take everything from me.” 
“Shit,” a broken moan ripped past his throat when she started moving immediately at a steady rhythm, knocking his breath out. He had no idea if it was because it had been ages since he had something inside or if the toy was truly too big but either way the only thing he could do was throw his head back and try to relax even more. “Too – too much,” he cried. 
Her hands wrapped around his waist, nails digging into his skin, leaving marks, making him whimper even more. “Oh, poor baby, don’t you want me to fuck your brain out?” 
“I – I can’t take it,” he whimpered, watery eyes looking up at her as she leaned down to get closer to him. “You’re – fuck – too, too big.”
“You are taking it,” she said, hand wrapping around his neck and squeezing just enough, “keep being my good little fucktoy.”
Jaehyun nodded, biting his lips, hips bucking up when her other hand moved from his waist and started stroking his cock. 
“God, I’m – I’m not – need to come, I can’t hold it,” he wept, knowing for sure he couldn’t keep being edged for so long. 
“Then come,” she ordered, “but I’m not done with you. You said it, fuck you until you’re nothing but my little dumb toy,” she moaned, hitting faster into him, “and you still don’t look like a – fuck – like a mess enough to me.” 
“But – but I – fuck – mhh,” he tried to talk back, not even knowing what to say. 
“No, honey,” she cooed, hand moving faster on his cock, making him squirm under her, “you don’t need to think, just turn your brain off and be pretty for me, won’t you?” She teased and he simply hummed, feeling on the edge of the nth orgasm of the night. “Good, be my pretty doll, that’s all I want from you.” 
And those words took him out, another climax hit him, finally, after what felt like hours since the last one, his ears buzzed and the vision behind his eyelids turned white. And from that on, he felt boneless in her arms, he could barely make out the way his other partners’ hands were teasing him too, too many emotions and too much bliss shutting his brain down. 
“Look at you,” he could barely make out Yuta’s voice and his teasing words, “so cock drunk, aren’t you?” 
“Mhh,” he simply hummed, no more words to squeeze out of his brain. 
“Bet you would take so much more than that, right? We could all take turns with you,” this time it was Johnny, he could feel his voice coming from the right, while his hand replaced Jade’s on his once again hard cock. “Bending you anywhere and fucking you whenever we want to, would you let us?” 
“Mmph,” he whimpered, his hand trying to reach for Jade’s body to ground somewhere but he couldn’t find her, “yes, yes,” he mumbled, thrusting up, meeting her halfway. 
“So you would truly be a good doll,” she teased, grabbing his hand that was frenetically trying to meet her. “You’d love to – fuck – to be passed around like that, won’t you? Be nothing but our messy brainless baby boy, yeah? Filled with cum and leaking as you try to function normally,” she cooed, and Jaehyun only nodded, biting his lips to try to muffle the embarrassing messy moans that were coming out of them. It was hot and endearing at the same time, how broken he looked and how much comfort he was seeking. Surely he was burning up in overstimulation and she knew she couldn’t push him even further than that. So Jade picked up the speed again, making him snap his eyes open because he wasn’t expecting she could give him even more and then rolled his eyes back again when his boyfriends’ lips started torturing his skin. 
“You are such a pretty good doll,” she praised, smiling when his lips turned into a shy small smile. “Taking mommy’s big cock so well, looking so pretty and fragile for us. Tell me how much you love this,” she ordered, but no words ripped past his throat, too dry, too tired, too lost in pleasure. A pleasure that doubled when she pushed his legs up, flat against his chest, the strap-on reaching deeper inside him, eliciting more moans to roll out of his mouth. 
“You love this so much, no matter how much you tried to hide it,” Taeyong said before he kissed him hard, shushing his incoherent mumbling down his throat again. 
“Wa – want to – mmph – ” he cried, voice breaking even more when Johnny’s hand started going to the same fast and steady rhythm of Jade’s thrusts, “be your – mmph – your good boy,” he breathed out before more whimpers and low moans started coming out of his tortured lips again. “All of you, want – want – uhm – you all.” 
And by that time he was panting and twitching, hips moving uncontrollably to the point Jade had to push him further down against the mattress and wrap a hand around his neck again. And the way his glossy eyes looked into hers, made her lose her mind. This was exactly what she always imagined, the typical confident, commending, and composed Jaehyun falling apart into her hands, completely letting go of any kind of control and sanity. His flushed wet cheeks, his low and breathy whimpers, his panting chest and throbbing cock, his begs and pleas, and the way his hands tried to search for them. It was so fucking hot, so much more than anything she ever tried to imagine, and it also filled her with pride. 
Right underneath her, there was the same person that easily manhandled her any way he wanted, usually. And right now he looked like a mess. She was the one that made him fall, give in to pleasure and be so open. 
“Scream it,” she said, standing right on top of him, slapping his face lightly, forcing his eyes to open again. “Scream to the world what you are,” she ordered, stilling inside of him for a second and as soon as he opened his mouth she started again. 
“I’m yours, fuck, I’m your good – fuck – doll,” he screamed, rolling his head back before another slap on his face made him stare up at her, “I’m just – shit – just a useless cockdrunk toy for you mommy, I’m – ahh – please, please, please, fuck,” he broke down when her hand tightened around his neck and he knew he couldn’t hold it in anymore. It was getting painful, his dick was too sensitive and he felt too tired. 
“Tell me how much you love this,” she whispered, tightening the hold around his neck, smirking when he started struggling for air, “tell me nobody else can make you feel this good.” 
“N-no, nobody – ahh, shit – nobody like you, no – no one, mommy, just you,” he mumbled, lips shaking and lungs burning when she squeezed his neck again. “I love this – mmhh – I love this so much.”
“You’re so desperate,” Johnny teased, squeezing the head of his cock, making him groan and throw his head back. “Pathetic little thing, look at you,” he cooed, laughing mockingly, “are you shaking poor doll?” 
“Please,” he cried, tears streaming down his face freely as he tried to look up at Jade that knew he was at his breaking point. And she was too, the vibrations were sending her so close to the edge it was a matter of seconds now. 
“Fuck,” she cursed, “you’ve been so good, doll. Come for me, come on, one last time,” she ordered, letting go of the hold around his neck, making him catch his breath. 
And this time he completely blacked out, a louder, breathy, moan ripped past his throat as he rolled his head and eyes back, hips bucking and chest panting, abs twitching and cock throbbing, shooting cum everywhere. Jade’s orgasm hit soon after, making her ride the orgasm for a while until her hips came to a stop when he started mumbling “stop, stop, stop, too much.”
But the others weren’t done yet, and the lewd sounds of her hips against his ass were replaced by the wet sounds of the other three jacking off to quickly come.  
“Shit,” Yuta mumbled when he looked at Jaehyun’s face, lashes batting slowly and tongue sticking out as he waited for Johnny to come in his mouth, cum dripping down his throat and on his chin. “Turn around,” he whispered once they were done and the younger lazily turned his head to the side, waiting for his and Taeyong’s load before closing his eyes.
“Tired,” Jaehyun mumbled, eyes fluttering just enough to see Jade get close to him and kiss him gently, not caring about some cum of the others that dripped out of his mouth. 
“I know. You’ve been so good,” she praised, kissing him all over his face and pulling out slowly. “Our good boy,” she whispered, caressing his hair, but he was already sound asleep and barely registered those words. 
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“I can’t believe what just happened,” Johnny chuckled, sitting on a chair outside of the terrace, filling up his glass with lemonade. They had just finished taking a shower after trying to clean Jaehyun the best they could since he was still sleeping in bed and were taking a breath of fresh air to cool down. 
“Yeah, how the hell did you turn him into a brainless mess?” Yuta asked, giggling but still shocked after everything that had happened. Taeyong hummed in agreement, sitting on his lap, eating some fruit because he was starving.
“Honestly?” she snorted, “I have no idea,” she chuckled, shaking her curls out of her face before grabbing a hair clip and twisting them in an upstyle. “I mean, I was hoping to get him to give in but I never thought he would go this far. He took so much for being his first time, I’m impressed.” 
“It’s rude to talk about someone when they are not there.” Jaehyun’s sleepy voice made them turn around, faces painted with surprise at seeing him already up, they thought he was going to sleep all night long and wake up at midday. 
“Why are you up?” Johnny asked. “Aren’t you wrecked?” 
“Mhh,” he mumbled, scratching his eyes with the palm of his hands and then walking closer to them. “Can I sit there?” He asked, pointing at Jade’s lap. 
“Oh, sure,” she replied, taken aback. She wasn’t expecting him to still be like this, not that she was complaining, this soft side of him was nice, so nice. And she wouldn’t have minded seeing him let go more often, he always tended to want to have too much under his control. 
“You didn’t answer,” Yuta said, smiling at his messed-up state and the way he was leaning so close to Jade even if it was pretty hot, the night breeze still not enough to bring much comfort from the summer heat. 
“I woke up, and I saw that you left me all alone after everything you did to me and I felt weird, also I didn’t want to be alone.” 
“No, honey,” she cooed, caressing his hair, “we just wanted to eat and drink something.” 
“Yeah, we were going to come sleep next to you soon,” Taeyong reassured. “Want some?” He then asked, handing him the fruit he had just cut and Jaehyun hummed. He was still feeling pretty weak, maybe some sugar would’ve helped him gain some energy. 
“You did so well before,” she praised, leaving kisses on his naked shoulder while her hands ran up and down his arms. “And you don’t have to feel weird about it. We don’t believe what we said to you.”
“Yeah, did you have fun?” Johnny asked, smiling at him. He was still wasted, cheeks red, lips puffy, messy hair. It was cute seeing him like this even after and it was even better he wasn’t fighting it anymore. 
Jaehyun hummed, “It was… unexpectedly fun,” he confessed, lowering his head when he felt his cheeks heat up even more, making his partners laugh tenderly at him. 
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Yuta reassured him. “It’s good to try new things sometimes, isn’t it? You never know what you truly like until you give it a try.” 
“Yeah but,” he huffed, “come on, some things I said are so humiliating, and I had no idea I had it in me. It’s like a monster took over me.” 
“A pretty cute one,” Johnny chuckled. 
“Yeah, sure,” he replied, rolling his eyes.  
“But you know we don’t judge, right?” Taeyong said, putting more fruit on his plate, he didn’t even drink during the whole thing because they were too caught up with everything. “I mean, usually Jade and I are the ones saying those things to ourselves, so, if we thought it was weird we wouldn’t do it, right? Also, I think it was kinda funny seeing this new side of you.”
Jaehyun hummed, taking a bite of apricot, feeling relieved they didn’t see the whole night as a failure. 
“Thank you for trusting me,” Jade said, caressing his cheek. “I know you were scared, and I know this was totally out of your comfort zone but you completely gave up control to us and that means a lot. I honestly thought you were going to safeword so many times but you didn’t, so I hope you truly enjoyed every part of it.” 
He blushed again, humming and snuggling closer to her, “I – I never even thought about the safeword once.”
“It never got so intense that you thought about stopping?” Johnny asked, surprised to hear that. 
He shook his head, it had gotten intense but he felt safe, it was risky, considering they didn’t discuss ground rules before but he also knew that by now they knew him too well and knew his limits. “It was too good, I think… I think I really like attention.”  
“That’s all that matters,” she said, smiling tenderly at him.  
“Was – was I good enough?” Jaehyun asked hesitantly, shily looking at her. “Was it how you imagined?” 
“Peach, yes,” she said. “You were so good, you took so much. And also remember that it’s not a performance, it’s supposed to be a fun, intimate time. You don’t have to feel pressured to meet some kind of expectations.” 
“Yeah, but you wanted to try this for so long,” he whispered, feeling sleep take over him again. “I know how much this meant for you.” 
“A sex fantasy will never mean more than what you mean to me, but yes, it was exactly how I imagined, actually, even better.” 
“And you?” He asked, talking to the others after smiling at her.
“We had so much fun, I think it’s pretty obvious,” Yuta smiled, reassuring him. “You were a good boy if that’s what you want to hear.” 
“Oh, shut up, it makes me blush,” he whined, throwing his head back before yawning. 
“I think it’s time to go to bed,” Taeyong said, cleaning his hands on a napkin and grabbing the empty plate from Jaehyun’s lap. 
“Yeah. Do I have to carry you in?” Jade joked, leaving a peck on his cheek, making him flush red once again. 
“No, but I think I might need to lean on someone,” he replied, stretching, feeling his limbs shake. He was wrecked, everything had been so intense and he knew that he was going to pass out once again as soon as his head touched the pillow, and he wasn’t so sure his legs could carry him inside with no support. 
“Come here, pretty boy,” Johnny said, reaching out his hand and waiting for him to grab it, standing up and immediately leaning against him, waiting for Jade to support him on the other side and walk inside, followed by Yuta and Taeyong. 
After they got in bed, sleep took over soon, and while Jaehyun was squeezed between Johnny and Jade, and Taeyong was tangled with Yuta at the side, he whispered, “I love you, so, so much…” 
And before their eyes could get too heavy, they all replied, “We love you too.” 
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498 notes · View notes
alwida10 · 11 months
Hey! I just saw that you reblogged a post of mine on Loki's powers a while ago. And while I completely agree with your tags (Loki's powers in the tv series among other things), you also write that the show was originally written for a different character and only the names were changed and the magic added later on. I've never read that anywhere, could you explain? It would make so much sense given how different Loki is in the show and how his previous experience is largely disregarded.
Hi there!!
It took me a while to answer this because of real-life stuff, but now I’m there!
By saying the show was written for another character I referred to this analysis on Twitter which again links back to another analysis on Tumblr. (The original link in Twitter is broken, but I found the post manually). I read this analyses a while back, and admire people who were able and willing to read Waldron’s original script. For me, it reads like an insincere column on what a deeply conservative person assumes would be what a left-leaning, progressive audience would like to hear without understanding anything about the points he tries to mirror. I can't add much to the original posts.
However, Waldron’s comments about Loki, including the “he’s an ass and that makes him easy to write” as well as his jokes on never having watched Thor 1 before writing the series can certainly give you the idea he never knew much about our beloved blorbo before writing him. The fact that he thought making Loki say “he doesn’t enjoy killing people but does it anyway for his personal gain” (rephrased) would make TVA Loki in any way redeemable is telling imo.**
Now, technically this is all I can say to your ask, BUT I realize I never truly elaborated on the stuff I mentioned in said tags, so here is an explanation for everyone who would like more about it.
I read those a while back and took my basic analyzing skills to the test by taking a look at Loki and how writing for a character works in general. This has two aspects (I can think of from the top of my head).
If a work is written for one special character it should be impossible to achieve the same plot if he was replaced by another character without the special abilities.
One thing I read a while back (and sadly forgot where) is that both sex and fight scenes are both character exposition scenes. This is true for magic as well, just it gets rarely used since in all of literature there aren’t that many characters who possess magic.
In the Thor movies, Loki’s magic is masterfully used, showing that the works were actually written with Loki in mind. Both Thor 1 and the dark world would simply not work if you put -let’s say Fandral- in Loki’s position. Loki’s skill to find the pathways between worlds is essential. And his ability to make himself invisible is essential for Thor 1. I could go on, but you get the idea, and I don’t want to get this too long to read.
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Regarding the character exposition, Loki’s magic in the first movies was a mirror for his characterization (as it should be). He could make himself invisible, for he has been invisible to his family. He could cast illusions since he learned that people preferred an illusion to his real self. He could make others manipulate into saying what he wanted them to say because that was how Loki survived on Asgard (post-credits scene of Thor 1).
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In TDW, we see Loki’s anger and frustration manifest in a telekinetic blast that ruins everything around him, and if that isn’t a masterful analogy for his arc I don’t know what would be.
Now coming to the series. All magic Loki uses is cosmetically or for show. He dries himself, he makes sweet little fireworks. How is that connected to his characterization? The show tells us he is insecure and loves only himself. If you squint real hard you might argue the drying is a sign of him being used to comfort. But I thought he was pampered and spoiled? Wouldn’t that mean he had other people to dry him?
And then there is the hiding/teleportation* scene on Lamentis. What does it say about his character? If it IS teleportation what does it say about him? That he can go distances without walking, perhaps, which would fit his line “I never walked so much in my life”, but doesn’t fit that scene from Thor 1 where we see how long he had to walk. And if he can teleport why doesn’t he spare them the walk? And if it doesn’t work for long distances, why does he run for cover right when they realize they are on Lamentis and doesn’t teleport? Why doesn’t he teleport onboard the spaceship? IF they wanted to use the fight as a character exposition, they should have made him use illusions. That’s his trademark.
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Next is the “lifting a building” stuff. What does that say? I guess if you limit the interpretation to the series, it could be considered foreshadowing for the “we are stronger than we think”. And like so many stuff of the show it lacks any connection to the former canon. Loki isn’t known for brute strength, either of the body or of the magic. That’s Thor. Loki is known for being the intelligent one. Interestingly, the scene spells rather “we are dumber than we think”, too, since making two steps to the side would have achieved the same effect without any flexing of inexplainable telekinesis muscles.
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The same goes for the fireworks in the train (characterizing Loki as sentimental, ok fine, and later as a dumb drunk who can’t control what illusion he casts, 😒). The plot would work without that magic. Just like it works without the drying, the building lifting, and all the other magic Loki used.
So, yeah, magic is Loki’s specialty that sets him apart from many other characters. Someone who writes a story with him in mind will use that automatically. They didn’t. Because it wasn’t him the show was written for. But the worst guy of all time.
Since I only talked about the magic here, I would like to recommend this marvelous analysis on Loki’s speech pattern and body language in the shown in comparison to the former installments.
* The only thing the “I don’t enjoy it” achieves is taking possible sadism out of the equation. TVA Loki is still irredeemable because he decided his sense of superiority would be worth more than the lives of the people in New York. This is egoism and a total dismissal of other people’s lives, something that cannot be “unlearned” by learning to love himself. That only removes the former motivation for the slaughter. Should something else motivate him to kill people, he would act just the same.
On the other hand, OG Loki has been coerced, not only by torture as we see it in The Avengers but also under the influence of the mind stone. Whenever we see him having the choice he acts morally better by sparing lives where he can.
**I don’t consider it teleportation since there is a time delay between Loki vanishing and re-appearing, and imo teleportation is instantaneous. Also, he vanishes feet first but reappears head first which doesn’t sit right with teleportation, and rather with making himself invisible and lifting invisibility again, but that’s for another post.
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phiralovesloki · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers:
Tagged by the wonderful @idoltina!
If you're looking to check out any of my fics, everything is currently locked. That just means that if you go to my page, phiralovesloki, it'll say I have 0 works unless you log in. If you log in, you can see everything, no problem.
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
I used to write for the Legend of Zelda fandom, but switched to OUAT in the mid 2010s (I took down all my LoZ fics, it's just OUAT on Ao3). I am technically still writing for OUAT but my document history begs to differ.
what are your top five fics by kudos?
With Affection, You'll Know It's Him, Rescue Me, Wishing for You to Find Your Way, and Coming Home to You.
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I used to! Eventually, I got overwhelmed by life and stopped responding. I do read every comment I get, and each one is very lovely!
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No Time Like the Present, which is I think technically canon compliant if you really squint at it. Essentially, there's a weird crossing of the time streams in Neverland, where S3 Emma bumps into S6 Hook and they have a really weird conversation because she doesn't realize he's in the future. The result is that when she finds the engagement ring in S6, she misunderstands his reluctance/caginess. I tend to write happy endings only these days (which LoZ-writer me would be really surprised by!), so this is probably the only angsty-ending I've got.
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Like, all of them minus the above? Probably Tell Him, because time travel shenanigans end up fixing a lot of ridiculous BS from S4 through S6.
do you get hate on fics?
Not usually. I've gotten a few comments over the years that haven't been very nice, but they can be boiled down to the affectionately named Charminator (who would scour FFnet fics and criticize their portrayals of David, it was very weird!), and the one time someone did not like that I wrote a completely AU fic where Leopold and Regina, two background characters, were happily married.
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I don't know what "what kind" means, but yes, I write smut! I've got some fics that consist of plots that are excuses for smut. I used to accept kinky smutty prompts in my inbox, although I took them down several years ago, sorry.
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
So, funny enough, when I was a wee lil fic writer, writing in notebooks after my parents thought I was asleep, I wrote crossovers between the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and the Belgariad (@optomisticgirl). No true crossovers since then.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not quite. I've had a fic reposted on Facebook without my permission or knowledge, which caused a great deal of fandom drama when I found out about it and asked to have it removed.
have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. I forget which one, but someone years ago asked if they could translate one of my stories into Russian, and I said it was fine.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
Uhhhh ... I don't think so? (This is genuinely me not remembering.)
what's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't love this question, not because I don't understand where it's coming from (I do!), but because I feel like ships are often like books or movies or TV shows or even foods. Different things hit the spot differently, even if you love them equally. I think Emma and Hook from OUAT are definitely the pair that ate up the most brain space for me. But I've got a steady rotation of LoZ ships as well, including MaLink which is the one that originally got me writing fic. And Link and Midna also wrecked me emotionally and primed me for Captain Swan (and that's the basis for the OUAT Zelda AU that will never get finished at this rate). These days, thanks to Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, I'm also just very certain that those versions of Zelda and Link belong together and I shrieked when we got to Hateno Village in TotK and found out that they're COHABITATING (there's only one bed!!!).
what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Omg, same answer here as Tina, why don't you just @ me next time.
I've actually got 3, one of which is the Zelda AU that is almost 100k words long and is maybe halfway done. One of my new year's resolutions is to find the time to work on it.
Another one, which I really wish I could finish, but I don't see it happening, is a canon divergence where Emma returns from the Wish Realm without regaining her memories/Savior-ness. She's desperate to get "home" and strikes a deal with Rumple, where in order for him to send her back, she has to make Hook believe she's in love with him again, and then break his heart.
And finally, I have a modern AU where Emma fake dates her ex-best friend Killian in order to secretly date Neal, who's come back into her life very suddenly. This one is never getting finished specifically because 1) too many Captain Swan shippers are flat out uncomfortable with the Emma/Neal bits even though it would be a CS story, and 2) I am actually hoping to someday rework the main gist of it into an original contemporary romance.
what are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and plotting. Are you stuck with a plot point? hmu
what are your writing weaknesses?
Everything that's not dialogue and plot. My writing isn't flowing or descriptive or beautiful or anything. Sometimes I feel like I'm just writing down what's happening, what the characters are feeling, and what they're saying, and that's basically it. (LOL props to @lifeinahole27 who let me know that I fucking forgot to finish my sentence, oops!)
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for fic?
I can only speak English so I don't feel comfortable writing in another language for fic.
first fandom you wrote for?
favourite fic you've ever written?
(Strong Bad voice) My fics are like my childrens: I love them all!
I think Powerful Magic is probably my favorite that doesn't get a ton of eyes on it.
tagging: @spartanguard, @iverna, @eirabach, @initiala, @lifeinahole27, and whoever else is up for it! If I've tagged you and you've done this or you don't want to do this, no worries, feel free to ignore. If I didn't tag you, but you really wanted to be tagged, then I'm tagging you and you can say so!
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pen-of-roses · 1 year
WHG 20-Prompt 5-Silver
WHG tag list: @ratracechronicler, @maple-writes, @concealeddarkness13 @drabbleitout, @grailfish, @forthesanityofsome, and @pied-piper-of-hamlet (let me know if you want to be added)
(Prompt 4 was combined between Din and Silver so read that before this if you missed it)
Under threat of being dragged out by the Peacekeepers, they’d emerged from their hiding spot after most of the search party had disappeared to another car.
And regretted immediately as the cacophony threatened to drag them under the instant they set foot off the train. 
It’d be easy to slip away again. The Peacekeepers were trained, but for brutality and instilling fear, not for the survival that had been pressed into them. Their armor had a weakness at the neck. While the helmets protected their faces, they also created blindspots. One of their current guards was favoring a shoulder, easy to exploit. These were just more monsters, and human ones at that, so they could be beaten and pushed past just like—like—
The weight in their hand, taste of copper in their mouth, and battlecries of the long fallen slipped away with the memory and whatever nightmares they’d fought before. Probably for the better.
Besides, they’d gotten this far. Being alone in the heart of this abyssal damned place would probably be worse than the rigid rules prior to the Games. Not to mention they didn’t quite know what would happen to the District if its tribute fled prior to the Games.
So instead they bit their cheek and sat when prompted.
From there, the taste of copper became real as the true challenge of self control began as a group of people began to argue over them, about them, touch them, manipulate them however they wanted. 
Their clothes were stripped, and discarded. clothes that had been borrowed from their family and mended by hand over the months. They managed to not break each finger of the hand that had done it.
Forced into a sweet smelling bath and scrubbed raw, the hot water was so similar to the heat from the vision from the train. That did result in a dislocated shoulder and a blackeye. Technically two, but theirs healed before they were dry. 
A comb was taken to their hair, for it’s apparently Capitol-esque appearance, but also condemned for the tangled state of it, and the bone white horns underneath it. They forced down more gold-tinted memories of other hands doing the same and a voice in their ear.
The only benefit was no one was talking to them, and they weren’t expected to speak.
Wrapped in a towel and left to wait, they were hyper aware of every footstep outside the door, of every chant of magic in the air, of the sickly sweet perfume clinging to their skin, of the way all the metal shined in just the right light to look golden rather than silver, of where the camera was and how best to avoid it.
“Well, you certainly look more human than the animal the other’s described.” Someone said as he walked into the room and hung a bag off the door.
They bared their teeth, aware they were stained with blood from their cheek and signed “You’re the animals to me.”
“Oh so you can speak,” he signed back, and they blinked, rather taken aback as the strange man sat. “Perfect, that’ll make this so much easier on me. I’m your stylist for these wonderful things the Capitol calls Games. In short, my job is to make you look good so the lovely and ever gracious people out there will help keep you alive, if you wish them to. Or don’t, if that’s more to your liking. I’ll enjoy the show either way.” Crossing his arms, he sat back, raising one blonde eyebrow in challenge.
They squinted at him. He looked Capitol-esque alright, with a suit that looked almost like it was made of flowers, though the shape of them was unlike any they had seen. Calla had said the Capitol liked to genetically modify stuff, so maybe they were based off that. Or complete and inaccurate fabrications. His hair was covered with glitter, and purple makeup adorned his face in the same garish way they’d seen on the escorts and Capitolites. Yet he also seemed off. With his cocky smile, raised eyebrow, and head cocked, it seemed like he was sizing them up and judging.
Magic thrummed all around them, but whether he was the source of any was difficult to tell with all the different sounds.
Maybe not all of the Capitolites were as empty-headed and blind as the escort had made it seem. They would have to be more careful and observant.
“You didn’t give a name,” they signed.
“Nor did you, if you recall. Now, I have very little interest in wasting any more of our precious time, so if you’re willing, let’s get on with getting this over with.”
Reluctantly, they nodded. 
Time passed too slowly after that, but the stylist kept the others from handling them too roughly this time around, even giving them privacy while they changed.
In the end, they were left in front of a mirror, focusing on the intricacy of the bark-like texture of the suit, and the leaves and flowers that had been woven into their hair. Pointedly, they did not look at the makeup that had been done, couldn’t risk seeing that face. But the rest, they felt comfortable saying was almost…nice. Wildly inaccurate and overdone. But nice.
Some of the “wood” even covered their ears so when they walked out, the noise wasn’t completely overwhelming. And looking at the other outfits, they’d probably have to thank the stylist if they saw him again. 
Of course, whatever odd reprieve that had been couldn’t last terribly long as the chariots began. Two tributes raced off on the horses, which drew most of the crowd’s attention. But not all of it. 
There were eyes watching them again, too many, and no place to hide or shrink away from it. Even with the padding, the noise from their cheering was too loud. Several of the other tributes were screaming of powerful magic, and that pull from earlier was back, threatening to drown them in the gold.
Overhead, someone spoke of peace and tradition
Behind their eyes, a voice whispered of safety and love and power over destiny.
A cruel smile watched above.
A kind smile flickered in and out of existence and the air smelled of blood.
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worldenough-and-time · 5 months
Someday Snippet
Thanks @lynxindisguise for the tag!
I’m writing like four different fics right now, but this weekend I went down a Pando spiral because one of my besties is currently reading TRC for the first time…
So here’s a bit from my Pando files that made Mel cry today, in which Adam Parrish gets a puppy.
It was an early summer Monday when Adam Parrish received the two phone calls that would change his life.
The first call came in the morning. It was an unusually slow morning for Adam who rarely allowed himself the luxury of slow mornings. But he had just turned in his last final exam the night before, and he did not have a shift at his campus job until the afternoon, so he could find no reason to spur his body into its usual state of frenetic action.
He was getting soft, he thought, as he walked his dog lazily along the Georgetown sidewalk in the early morning sunshine.
Technically, Lux was not really a dog. Technically, she was a gift. She was a dream creature, Ronan’s latest, and possibly one of his last. Ronan continued to debate the ethics of creating living creatures, internally and aloud with Adam, and they usually agreed in the end that it was best not to indulge in God-like acts of creation regularly, or frivolously, or really at all, if he could help it.
Ronan could have lied and told him Lux was an accident, but Adam would not have believed it. She was too complex for that, and besides, Ronan hated to lie. No, Ronan created Lux with all the focused intention and maniacal pride required to create anything, and she was a wonder.
Well, currently she was stopped on a patch of grass, attempting to sniff her own asshole.
Luckily that was not the extent of her talents. The true gift of her could not be observed like a dog show trick. It had to be felt.
When Ronan had given Lux to Adam, they’d been at the barns. Ronan still dreamed best at the barns. Adam had awoken from an unusually long and deep sleep to find Ronan sitting up beside him, clutching a small bundle of warm white fur to his bare chest. Lux was so bright, pure white like the sheets in Ronan’s room dappled with sun, that Adam almost mistook her for part of the downy landscape of the bed. But then Ronan turned her face to Adam and he could see that she was a puppy, new and pearlescent and squinting into the light.
“Don’t be mad,” Ronan had said, before Adam could speak. “I made her for you.”
“Ronan,” Adam cautioned, though against what he wasn’t sure. She had already been made. Ronan could not undo it now.
“Do you want to hold her?” Ronan asked, before Adam could think up another protest.
Adam nodded, because yes, he really did want to hold her. He already loved her. He would wonder later if this love was natural or an effect of Ronan’s dreaming. She would not be the first dream creature of Ronan’s with love built in.
Ronan passed the creature to Adam, so carefully. He was always tender with ephemeral and defenseless things. As soon as Lux left his arms, Adam saw a shadow cross Ronan’s face. A trace of regret, as if he didn’t want to give her up, there and then buried. Adam was about to call him on it when he folded Lux’s creamy white fur against his heart for the first time and understood.
Lux was a dream that Ronan had not wanted to wake from. When she squirmed against his skin, settling, Adam felt the opposite of lonely. He was within the kind of rare, good dream where he was surrounded by friends, by people who loved him and who he loved, in all the clumsy ways he loved them. In the sweet comfort of this dream, no one was missing.
“Oh,” was all he could say to let Ronan know that he felt it too. He hastily brushed a tear from his eye.
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yatgb · 1 year
Seven Sentence Sunday babeyy
bc i have these wips im rotating on constant loop and i need to scream while im finishing them. None of them are even named yet ill cross that bridge when i get to it and yea theyre BOTH splatoon. Omg no way who would have guessed
thank u @theghostofashton for technically tagging me and also giving me inspo to do this <3 (and also, in true inspired-by-neha fashion, neither of these are 7 sentences LMFAO)
Fic 1; agent 8 angst (eighngst if you will) with a side of agent24
A gust blows into her face, spraying salt onto her tentacles and the call of night-time seagulls into her ears. A cool feeling washes over her, as she closes her eyes and tucks her knees to her chest. It's a sense of calm. The kind that loosens the vice grip around her ribcage and makes her relax into the weight of gravity. The waves make a nice sound, too. A gentle shushing in her ears, as if it's the ocean telling her don't cry, you're alright. Everything is okay now. Shh, shh… The sand is crunchy under her hands, and the dry grains sift through her fingers and leave a cool sensation between them. If the earth was a little softer, Eight could imagine sleeping here.  The sand crunches behind her. Someone else's footsteps. "Figured you'd be here." Eight bit her cheek, curling in on herself. A pang of guilt jabbed at her chest; she didn't tell anyone where she went before she left.  Three took another crunchy step closer, flip flops slapping against their feet. "Are you alright?" They asked. "Sorry," Eight blurted, crossing her arms over her knees. "Someone got worried, didn't they?" Three snuffed, something of a laugh. "Eh, Four just gets worried easily. He figured you went somewhere, but you don't really have a phone he could call." Right. She still hadn't gotten a phone. That should probably happen soon. She could only rely on her laptop for so much. "...Yeah. I, um… I will be going home soon, I just… needed some of the time alone." "Oh, you're good." She could feel the smile in their voice. "Don't rush, I can just tell 'im where you been." Their feet crunched on the sand. "Should I, um… d'you want me to leave?" Eight's hearts thumped in her chest. They're asking to stay? She kind of wanted them to. The ocean was a fine friend, but Three was also a comforting presence. "You… can stay. If you want to."
Fic 2: agent 8 and 4 being goofy roommates in honor of pride month
"Hey, Callum?" Eight called over her shoulder. "Yo!" Callum answered from the kitchen. "Quickest of questions." She turned in her seat, looking back to find him coming into the living room with a bendy straw stuck into a glass soda bottle. "Is today special somehow?" Callum's eyemask scrunched in thought. He tugged at the sleeve of his T-shirt, blowing bubbles into his straw. "Hmmm… I don't think so. What do you mean?" Eight tapped her fingers on the edge of the couch. "Well, Pearl has been going… the nuts on Splitter. More than usual." She squinted at her Splitter feed again, and refreshing the page found a new post. PEARLOTH: happy girlcock wednesday to all who celebrate ❤️❤️ and sis im ALL about the confetti
"And… she keeps using words I do not know yet."
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The Arrangement | Part 1
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Din Djarin x female reader
Ratings/warnings: mentions/implications of adult activity, minors still need to skedaddle tho this will get spicy eventually
Tags: This is a very self indulgent royaltycore + friends to lovers + slow burn situation. It’s an au (obvi) where Din and the reader are both from royal families on Mandalore, and as such have been set up in an arranged marriage to each other, but it’s fine because they only see each other platonically….right? Hehehehe>:)
A/N: this is my first time writing din, so please be nice because I am very sensitive and trying my best OKAY also don’t come at me for the mix of Star Wars culture and royal jargon. It’s my au and I’ll mix if I want to!
Chapter 1: Sundari Afternoons
“I don’t ever want to be married.”
The older boy looked up from the book he’d been engrossed in. “Why do you say that?”
You let go of the branch you’d previously been grasping, unceremoniously dropping to your feet with a thud. “It’s simply gross,” you replied shortly. “All the kissing and dancing and holding hands.
With a sigh, you settled in next to him against the rough, bumpy trunk of the Veshok tree where it lined the edges of the palace. A squint crossed your face as the sun hit your eyes, previously shaded during your attempted ascension.
“I would rather go off on my own adventures, be all by myself. I don’t need a husband to do that, he’d get in my way.”
Din set the book to his side, a small smile pulling at his lips. “Can I come on the adventures too? You might get lonely.”
You paused for a moment, considering the request.
“Only if you don’t make me kiss you.”
“My lady?” A voice pulled you from your thoughts. “Did you hear me? I said you’re all done, you’re free to go,”
Miri, one of the palace tailors, smiled meekly up at you where you stood on a small riser.
Though the dark haired girl was several years your junior, her expertise was beyond her years due to her training from her mother, Madera. Many hours had been spent with the kind older woman and her daughter in this room over the years, an array of fabrics and textures and pins strewn about as they fussed with whatever garment they’d chosen to focus on in the moment. Madera had become a member of the family in her own right, creating some of the best fashion moments for you and your sister, but more importantly had offered more maternal advice than you could ever wish for. All this to say watching her health gradually decline over the last several years until she was unable to work and seeing Miri step into her shoes was a difficult and tall order.
Still, Miri had taken on her mother’s duties gracefully, and stood in her place now as she helped you unzip from the dress she’d been hemming.
“Miri, there truly isn’t any need for the title, I’m only six years older than you.” You told her, carefully stepping out of the gown before moving to return to the clothes you’d been wearing prior to the fitting.
She bent to gather up the dress and place it back on its hanger. “Forgive me, just a force of habit I think. You know how my mother is about manners.”
A smile rose to your face. “That’s very true,” you said with a breathy laugh as you fastened a periwinkle skirt adorned with eyelet detailing at the bottom, along with a white linen shirt that you’d pulled on that morning. Both items were courtesy of Miri- though her duties were technically only palace-event related, she enjoyed trying out different designs and techniques for creating outfits, and you enjoyed her company (as well as wasting time), so you’d recently been receiving several outfits from the younger girl as warmer weather approached.
You turned back to face her. “The dress looks sublime. You have outdone yourself.”
“It’s the first royal wedding I’ve been a part of, I want it to be perfect,” she stepped back to admire her work, the look of pride that she tried to stifle not going unnoticed by you.
Pushing down the wave of jumbled thoughts that threatened to take over your brain at the mention of the wedding, you placed a hand on her shoulder. “It is perfect. Thank you, Miri.”
You turned to leave the small room but stopped briefly in the doorway, taking a last look at the long white gown before it was zipped back into its protective bag.
The Sundari Palace halls seemed particularly busy today, much to Din Djarin’s chagrin. He wanted nothing more than to get out to the edge of the property near the forest line-also known as his unofficial shooting range-and do some basic blaster work, yet it seemed the world was against him in this endeavor.
In what should’ve been a five minute walk from his chambers to his destination, the man had been stopped once by an overzealous guard- a new hire, he guessed- who was insistent on congratulating him on his recently graduation from the Mandalore Militia Academy, a second time by someone he presumed to be involved with the upcoming festivities, whom he had no interest in assisting, and a third when he’d bumped into one of the bath house staff that wouldn’t let him apologize for doing so.
All this in addition to several detours in order to avoid the eyes of giggling chambermaids and kitchen workers roaming about. No less than ten minutes passed and a considerably longer than necessary path taken, he finally found himself approaching the tree line- only to see a figure laying on a blanket exactly where he was headed.
As he approached, he quickly recognized said figure and lowered his hackles a bit.
“My lady, you could not have picked a more inconvenient spot to sun yourself.”
You removed the arm that had been draped over your eyes to take in the sudden disturbance to your rest. “Don’t you know it is my goal in life to cause you problems?” You replied shortly.
Din watched as you laid your arms back across your eyes. A sigh left his mouth before he sat down next to you, his chest plate catching the sun a bit. “A bit testy today, I see. Care to share what’s on your mind?”
Once again you removed the arm covering your face and sat up on your elbows. “Do you really want to know, or do you just want me to talk about it so I’ll get up and let you have your target practice?”
Now it was your turn to sigh. “Just..wedding stuff, I suppose. It’s all coming up a bit too fast for me to handle.”
That, Din could relate to. It was all anyone seemed to care about in the palace, and despite the ceremony taking place in more than five months, preparations had long been under way. It was not something he particularly cared about- in fact, he found himself actively avoiding anything to do with it.
He hummed in response. “It has caused quite a stir around the palace. I can’t say I understand why.”
“Well, it is the first wedding in Sundari in about twenty standard years,” you rolled over onto your side. “I just wish it wasn’t mine- or really, ours, I should say. I feel like I finished school yesterday and got no time to care about anything else before jumping into all this,”
Din looked down at you as you spoke. “You and I both.”
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you and you laid back down. This had been commonplace since you were children; you usually had a lot to say, while Din preferred staying quiet, and though that could be perceived to an untrained eye as his disinterest, you knew he was simply listening and observing. As you’d grown up, you’d been trained into a more reserved disposition, a more lady-like one. With those closer ones such as your sister, and now Din as you rekindled your friendship, that less restrained side of yourself was allowed to show. Din hadn’t changed much on his front, though you didn’t mind. It was a nice change of pace from the constant barrage of meetings, trainings, and various other duties where you were constantly talked at rather than to.
After a few moments had passed, you opened your eyes again and turned your head to the man. “So, what could be on your agenda for the afternoon? Anything of interest?” You asked, picking at the soft grass in front of you.
Din shook his head. “Just wanted to practice my shooting.”
Though his tone was blunt, you could detect that whisper of a joking in there.
You let out a short laugh. “Alright, alright. I hear you. I’ll leave you be.” You stood and gathered the small blanket you’d been laying on. “Aren’t you going to ask me about my plans before I leave?”
Looking up at you with squinted eyes and a slight scrunch in his nose, a short sigh left his mouth once again. “I wasn’t going to, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me regardless.”
“Well since you’re clearly begging to know,” you dusted off the back of your skirt. “I am meeting Kelsin for a picnic.” You told in a light tone.
Din nodded. “Ah, Kelsin. I didn’t know you were still hanging around him.”
You frowned slightly. “I am not ‘hanging around’ him, we are meeting for a picnic! He’s sweet, and he makes me laugh. He’s enjoyable company.”
“Yes, it’s his company that you enjoy.”
Din was not necessarily incorrect in this loaded statement, as flustered as it made you. Kelsin Ardan was a nice, simple man of a notably lower royal stature that you’d met in your time at the Mandalore Academic Excellency Institute. This is to say, he is very much not supposed to be on your radar.
In your late-night, trying-to-fall-asleep-musings, you supposed you’d marry the tawny haired boy in another life. He wasn’t what one would call… a great thinker, per say, but he was nice to be around, easy enough to look at, and would likely be a good father to your fake children from the scenarios in which you envisioned the two of you. That was not how the fates would have it for you, however; your hand in marriage was not your own. To compensate for this, you stole moments with him when you could, not dissimilar to the one you were planning for the afternoon. Not dissimilar to any of the ones you’d stolen in the past either, both with Kelsin and a variety of other classmates who now felt like a lifetime ago. Perhaps your intentions for today were not the most pure hearted, but it was only because you were a headstrong woman taking control of your own life in the few ways you could.
He was also just a very, very good kisser.
“It’s nice to see that you have matured while I was away at school.” You retorted with a huff. You knew the man was only teasing, but that did nothing to stop the blush spreading across your cheeks. “You are quite presumptuous, my lord. Is it that unfathomable that two friends should meet for an afternoon lunch, nothing more?”
You didn’t notice the small smile he bit back. “If it is simply a friendly picnic, may I ask where it is taking place?” His brows raised a bit.
You fumbled for a moment, eyes darting away. “Um… the- the stables?” You knew you were going to be the loser of this conversation, despite it being a competition you started.
“Right, the stables, which sit conveniently far away from the main palace, and offer ample opportunity to be out of sight?” He laughed, clearly enjoying watching you get flustered.
“Respectfully, it is none of your business what I do with my time.” You told him, refusing to acknowledge to yourself that you asked him to ask about your plans.
Din rolled his eyes, but you could recognize the playful nature of the act. “Just don’t get caught, my lady,” he replied, watching you begin to walk away. “It would be quite the scandal for the future queen of Mandalore to be seen… canoodling, so to speak.”
“Canoodling? Is that even a word?”
This time he smiled at you. “I overheard some ladies-in-waiting say it the other day, I thought I would try it out on you. Feels incorrect now that I’ve said it aloud,”
A full laugh left your mouth, the previous redness finally leaving your cheeks. “I’m not so sure about it. Perhaps leave it to the ladies.”
“I mean it, though. Do be careful.”
His tone turned to a serious one. You knew how much trouble you would cause were you to be caught messing around with a man you were not betrothed to. Not just for you, but for Din as well; the arrangement of your marriage was for the benefit of both of your families. Your families offered each other wealth, station, and alliance, were something to ever go awry in the system. You were well on your way to coronation- two weeks after the wedding, to be exact- within your own family rank, and Din was technically already past the age in which he was supposed to take over the duties of his father, only delayed by his choice to attend the militia academy, so the set up simply made sense for all parties involved.
It wasn’t the worst arrangement you’d ever seen; you and Din had grown up together, only truly drifting apart when you left for school at thirteen. At the time you were harboring a burning, schoolgirl crush on the boy- the kind where you would peek at him over the edge of your book as he messed around with some of the palace children by the courtyard fountains, and steal glances at him from across rooms during meetings the two of you had been forced to attend. The feelings died out when you left, but you still held a great fondness for him, so you supposed being married to him wouldn’t be all that bad. You both had your own goings on, yours being Kelsin and his being… well, several girls from town that you had seen leaving his bedchamber in the early hours of many mornings. It all worked out.
Still facing him as you backed away, you smiled. “I am a betrothed, well-behaved lady. I would never act so unbecoming and foolishly.”
He smiled back at you and rolled his eyes once more (it seemed to be a habit of his, one you were sure he picked up during his training under the large helmet placed currently by his side). “Whatever helps you to sleep at night.”
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gareleia · 1 year
Had Worse
Chapter: 4/6
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Word count: 6071
Relationships: Edward Elric & Roy Mustang
Tags: 5+1 Things, Pre-Canon, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD, Depression, Racism, Parental Roy Mustang, Everyone Needs A Hug
Summary: Where the fuck did the Colonel find this kid?
5 times Edward said 'I've had worse' and traumatized his poor innocent coworkers with his Tragic Backstory and 1 time he wasn't able to (to everyone's relief).
Read on AO3
Roy had always been different.
From his childhood, when he had desperately tried to fit in the shoes he didn't quite understand, overcome the divide he couldn't comprehend in its superficiality (child of a festival, neighborhood grandmas cooed, and it wasn't right, he didn't understand, why was auntie so angry?); all the way to adulthood when he stopped being human entirely.
He could almost feel it, just beneath the skin, something crawling all around his rotten bones, and on his worst days he wanted desperately to cut open his chest and let the filth spill all over the floors. Roy wanted to see his guts fall out, charred and half-eaten by maggots, wanted to rip off his lying face and expose the sad, horrifying truth.
Look at me, he wanted to scream. Look at the thing you let walk among you.
He was a disease, an infection left to fester for too long, a rabid dog no one had the presence of mind to shoot, he was rotting and rotten, the source and the symptom, the negative space in place of a person bleeding miasma and poisoning everything he touched. People walked around him, glanced at the paper-thin human disguise he wore every single day, and no one ever bothered to look underneath, to uncover the monster in shape of a man.
Roy Mustang has been hiding his true self for as long as he could remember. Technically speaking, 'Roy Mustang' wasn't even a person, just a lie crafted for the sole purpose of legalizing a smuggled kid. Except that lie has grown and matured, and now it was spreading pain and misery wherever it went.
She should've left him in a ditch he was found in. Should've let them sell and use and dispose of him like they planned, because even to him the rescue made no difference. He'd gotten a respite, a few good years before stepping right back into hell of his own stupid accord, and this time there was no ending in sight. No salvation, no concerned information brokers with hearts too damn big for their own good.
He'd been given a second chance he'd done absolutely nothing to deserve, a home and a name, a family, a future - and Roy had torn it all apart. Spat in her face, wasted the life she had gifted him and taken countless others with him.
She should've left him to die, he cried drunkenly and his aunt still held him in her arms, safe and warm and closest to heaven than he'd ever have the right to feel again. As if he was a child again, bawling his eyes out about the kids at school calling him a squint.
She should've left him to die. She didn't. But Roy did. He'd left thousands of children to die in a fire of his own making. Children who, by all accounts, were just like him: unwanted by the government and hated for no good reason. Who'd never deserved even a fraction of what had been done to them. Who Roy burned with his own two hands, he was a mass murderer-
Not too long before that Roy used to be as much of an outsider. A poor little orphan with features too obviously eastern for even a half-breed. A xinee, the neighbors sneered, as he tried his best to act as a good amestrian boy. A squint who could never quite blend in with his blond, blue-eyed peers. A twinkie unwelcome even amongst the other immigrants.
It used to sting, though these days he only vaguely remembered, too swept in his new and horrifying defects to examine the old childhood insecurities. The pain of alienation, the loneliness and the burning need to become someone great, to show them all who they used to shun (I just want to belong somewhere, what am I doing wrong?) - it all seemed so shallow now. So simple and inconsequential.
After Ishval came Roy had started to crave that sting. The thought of dying alone and unwanted no longer tormented him at night (that was the war's job now) but instead became weirdly soothing. He didn't deserve comfort, but the freak he was, Roy still found it in the fact that there wasn't a place for him on this earth. No more monsters like him. He was an exception, not the rule.
And even still he tried his best to fit in with the rest of the population. Not because he wanted forgiveness or companionship-
(he wanted them all to take turns in striking him until there was no skin left to tear apart, no blood to spill, no guts that hadn't already fallen out and been crushed under their feet; he wanted the agony that pervaded his every living moment to be given form, written all over his pathetic writhing wreck of a body; he wanted that sweet taste of hell that awaited him if there was ever any justice in the world to mix with bile on his tongue, he wanted-)
Focus. Not because he wanted companionship, but because if he ever wanted to make Fuhrer he needed the people around him to accept him as one of theirs - or at least as the lesser evil. Most of them had already stopped giving him lip, though whether it was out of fear or respect he couldn't tell. Either way, his physical appearance wasn't going to be much of an obstacle.
On the contrary. If all his superiors ever saw was his admittedly quite charming appearance (too pristine, too clean, too perfect - he'd never needed to come close enough for their blood to stain his uniform) then he damn well was going to use their blindness against them. It wasn't hard to smile and wave when Roy had practically spent his entire life doing that. Let them see a fool, a loyal dog, he was but a tool ready to be used until one day when he'd finally sink his teeth into their throats.
(couldn't they feel his hatred? couldn't they see how he wanted to show to each and every one of them what 'Hero of Ishval' really meant? to snap snap snap and roll on the ground laughing as their whole damn institution was reduced to ash, down to the very last soldier? in the end, the only real difference between him and Kimblee was that he didn't get caught)
Roy had his eyes on the prize. He had a reason to move forward. He had a goal and until he completed it he would dig his nails into his flesh, grit his teeth and appear stable. Keep it together for Riza and Maes, his team and the Elrics, his aunt and his sisters. The ending was closer every day, and he could almost feel the pure cathartic satisfaction, a sigh of relief right before the gunshots.
It was the sole reason he woke up today, extra early, to the familiar stench of whiskey, vomit and despair. An impromptu meeting with the higher-ups in the Eastern Command, bright and early and on his fucking day off, no doubt to bitch him out again for something trivial. With General Grumman backing him Roy had nothing to fear from a bunch of paper-pushers drunk on power. They'd just have to wait and see. When he's the Fuhrer he would personally demote every single one of them to latrine duty.
That, and he would initiate the Miniskirt Mandate. And reform the cafeteria so that the food in there would be actually edible - and include some vegetarian options. And order a sign to be put up in the examination hall with a smiling cow and a phrase: "To pass the State Alchemist exam you need to be this tall!" in big bright red letters, except the height mark would be moved every year to be half an inch taller than Fullmetal-
Ah, speak of the devil, Roy thought. Why did he feel the need to take a shortcut near the dorms when he was still an hour early? And was it really necessary for him to put up with the Elric bullshit when he was already hungover and en route to receive a tongue lashing?
It wasn't too late to walk away. Pretend he never heard anything. Let Fullmetal cause a scene and get in trouble just by proximity.
Oh, goddammit.
Roy had made it around the corner just in time to prevent a murder.
"Fullmetal!" he barked, and he had a sneaking suspicion that the boy only stopped because he was startled. "Just what I needed this morning, more of your immature antics. Are you bothering people now?"
That might have seemed cruel, but considering how many times Roy had to smooth things over after Edward threw a tantrum at some random minuscule occurence, it was usually a reasonable first assumption.
"The fuck do you want, you shitty bastard?!" the boy snarled. "These fucks deserve it, you didn't hear what he said!"
He then pointed his finger at one of the three men, the childish gesture clashing with pure murderous rage on his face. The soldier in question, young, thin, tall and with possibly the ugliest bloody mustache Roy had ever seen, backed away warily.
"Master Sergeant Bauer, sir!" he introduced himself to Mustang with a proper salute. "Caught an intruder on the base, requesting permission to make an arrest!"
"Permission denied," Roy shook his head with a tired sigh. "This is my direct subordinate, the Fullmetal Alchemist, Major Elric."
Bauer eeked, looking suitably intimidated. Not that Roy could honestly blame the poor sod for mistaking a thirteen year old out of uniform for a civilian. Although as far as he'd known the Eastern Command staff had learned not to try and stop the kid months ago.
Fullmetal himself was strangely silent, glaring at the man and the two of his friends behind him. Neither of them looked familiar. The one on the right was a young ginger man with ridiculously big ears that were probably going to win him an unflattering nickname soon enough. The left one seemed to be twice as old as the first two, and, by the look of his face, only half as intelligent. Though that might have just been the calvity talking.
Since when had ugliness became a requirement to join the military?
"Master Sergeant Klein, Colonel, sir!" the ginger squeaked at Roy's raised eyebrow.
"Second Lieutenant Dressler, Colonel, sir!" the baldy followed with a lisp.
"I suggest you familiarize yourselves with the sight of Major Elric, Master Sergeants, Second Lieutenant. I trust there won't be any more incidents?"
"No, sir!" all three of them chorused, sounding vaguely like chastised children.
"Good. You must be new to Eastern Command." he said casually.
The silence stretched. Roy knew he didn't outright ask the question, but surely the implication was obvious? Did he need to talk to them like to a five year old? Or worse, Fullmetal? They didn't seem that scared of him, so what else could make them freeze besides stupidity?
Almost a full minute passed with Moustache silently glaring at the ginger. Finally, Ears seemed to have realized that their fate was resting upon his bony shoulders and so he elbowed Baldy on the side.
The state of this country. Roy could feel himself losing brain cells just by breathing the same air as the three idiots. Which made his already pounding head that much worse.
"Yes, sir! All three of us, sir!" managed Lieutenant Waldo (and how did that man make Lieutenant with that level of brain activity?). "Assigned to Colonel Seuss' unit starting today!"
Huh. Poor guys.
"Oh, I see. You're from Applesweet's crew. You best be on your way then, Colonel Seuss doesn't endorse tardiness."
Or degeneracy. He'd bet a thousand on the baldy folding first and requesting a reassignment within the month. If he survived, that is.
"Sir, yes, sir!" the trio saluted again, remarkably in sync.
"You're dismissed."
Were he in a better mood, Roy would've wished them a good day. As it was, he was hungover, mildly irritated and in pain, so they could die in a fire for all he cared.
(children screaming - flesh burning - smells like meat - don't vomit - weak - don't let them see)
"So." Roy turned to Edward, who had been remarkably, wor suspiciously quiet during the exchange. "I have to clean up after you yet again, Fullmetal. Even on my day off."
He expected a snide remark. Something about him being lazy or smug or a million other percieved slights that the brat regularly threw at his face - which, to be fair, was still better than the kid realizing what was actually wrong with Roy (everything) and running for the hills. What he got instead was a sullen, tired glare that spoke more of defeat than real anger.
"Do you expect a fucking gold star for that shit? Nobody asked you to step in."
This was wrong on so many levels. Edward Elric didn't do defeat. He did the impossible with a maniacal laughter and ran exclusively on spite. For fuck's sake, that boy had tried to walk off a bullet wound once!
"Well a 'thank you' would certainly be a start. I did just spare you a court martial by preventing actual bloodshed from occurring."
And that was another thing. Edward was impulsive, aggressive and loud, but he wasn't outright violent unless someone's life depended on it. He never jumped on people who offended him unless Alphonse was there to catch him. The kid must've thought he hid it well, but he wasn't quite as brash and careless as he let on.
Except that when Roy had stumbled upon the scene the boy sounded genuinely furious. What did these men do to incur such wrath? Alphonse wasn't there for them to insult, so was all this ruckus just because of a comment on his height?
"What, you think you helped anyone?" Edward snorted. "These fucks are just gonna corner me later and then I'll kick their teeth in. Now you've just given them more ammo. Thank for that, by the way."
"Fullmetal," Roy stared at him incredulously, he couldn't believe they were having this conversation. "Are you being bullied?"
Was that what he just interrupted? How did he miss something like that?
"No!" Elric hissed, flushing rapidly. "No. I know what bulling is like and that ain't it. I'm used to this bullshit, those losers just really had crossed a line this time."
"Used to what?" Dear fuck did he let grown men beat him up behind Roy's back?
"You know," Edward coughed and shifted awkwardly. "People being assholes. Why do you care anyway, get off my dick!"
Roy suppressed a grimace. He knew that Elrics were orphans and really didn't have anyone to help them clear up their vocabulary, but Alphonse seemed to have managed it just fine. Why couldn't Edward string two words together without cursing?
"The well-being of my subordinates is my utmost priority, Fullmetal. If your safety is being threatened, I need to know."
If Fullmetal's safety was being threatened, Roy would grind the threat in question into fucking dust and then set it on fire. While mocking the kid's every move, obviously, because he didn't want him to get any ideas.
"Oh, for..!" Edward rolled his eyes with a groan. "I'm not being threatened. It's fine, I'm fine. Nobody ever tries this crap with Al around, so I don't even have to deal with it much nowadays."
"Nobody tries what?" it was like pulling nails with him. "How long has this been going on?"
Whatever 'this' is.
"Just... general bullshit. These three dicks are a new development, but the rest of it had always been like that? It was never this bad in Resembool since everyone knew mom, me and Al just got side glances sometimes. Cities are worse because we're not a part of the community anymore. Had guys in the market try to upcharge me more than once, though they usually shit themselves when Al comes along and asks if there's a problem. It's hilarious."
He looked uncomfortable. Roy was uncomfortable too, partially because he was not the right person to comfort a kid and partially because he still couldn't understand.
"I thought people in cities were in favor of the military?"
"That's not the-" Fullmetal smacked his face with his flesh hand. "Do I really need to spell it out for you? Here."
He rolled up his left sleeve and took off his glove. Then gestured at him to do the same. As the boy put their forearms near each other, Roy's heart skipped a beat.
They were so close. Too close. Almost touching. Except Roy couldn't touch him, shouldn't touch him, because he would spread his disease, break the kid, (they're all screaming-)
"See the difference?"
He forced himself back into the moment.
Edward's arm was so painfully small compared to his that Roy felt himself choke a little, both in amusement and in an unexplained, unwelcome grief (he's too young, what has he done?). Strong and solid, with prominent muscles and blond hair so light he wouldn't have seen it if he wasn't looking closely. Noticeably darker than Roy's own.
"Yeah." Fullmetal shrugged and started covering himself back up. "I'm not exactly your typical white amestrian kid, and you should know how this country treats outsiders."
He did. God fucking dammit.
"Fullmetal, that's racism. What did those soldiers say to you? We can file a complaint."
"I'm not fucking tattling on them, Mustang, I'm not a kid. It was the usual spiel - calling me a wok and half-breed, telling me to go back to 'my country'. I really don't care about that type of shit, but then Pervstache called my mom a magi whore and I was about to punch him senseless when you swooped in and fucked it up. Here, happy? I told you everything. I was justified."
Roy wasn't happy. Roy was the farthest from happy he'd been since he started hiding his gun before drinking. What the fuck?
"Why-" he steeled himself, even if his heart felt like it was trying to break out of his chest and leave, he had to know. "Why 'magi'? That's a slur for ishvalans."
(please please please don't be- he couldn't take it if- please no)
"I don't know. Because of the skin tone? Mom was amestrian and our shitty bastard of a father wasn't ishvalan either. Not that any of those people actually care. Although his last name did end in 'heim', so who the fuck knows. Maybe he was mixed."
(thank you thank you thank you oh god thank you god fuck-)
"I'm sorry."
Roy wasn't actually suffocating, it was all in his head. Just a passing thought, just a nuisance. He wasn't dying yet, because Riza would kill him and Maes threatened to do a full on speech on his funeral. With photos.
"It's... fine." Edward was looking at him funny, did Roy let something show on his face? "Really, it's nothing - well, besides the mom comment. But I've had worse."
"How much worse?"
"Oh, what's with the-"
"Fullmetal." He said in perfectly measured tone, with a perfectly stable expression, doing his fucking best to project the calm he didn't feel. "What exactly did you mean by saying you've had worse."
Getting Edward to open up was like walking on a rope above a canyon full of razor-sharp rocks and bloodthirsty chimeras. While it was raining acid. Tread just a little too heavily, push just a little too far and too fast, and you'd end up falling to your painful and gruesome death.
Except Roy had no patience for mind games today. Not while he was hungover and on a time crunch and working through a full-blown panic attack.
(don't let it show, don't lose control, they are watching-)
Perhaps the child was also not in the mood for making undue trouble, because he was surprisingly cooperative.
"Ever got your hair sun-bleached after a summer outside without covering your head? I'm already blond, so by September my hair gets very light. And Al wasn't much better. Had a military veteran freak out on us once when we were studying in Dublith. Combined with the tan, poor sod must've thought we were ishvalan. It's kinda funny in retrospect, but at the time we were scared shitless, because it turned out he had a gun."
"What?" It wasn't funny. It wasn't funny at all. "What happened next?" he couldn't breathe
(a shot rang out they screamed)
"Ah, not much, honestly. The MPs arrived on the scene and heard him yelling about 'gutting them desert pigs' and 'killing all 'em heimies' and next thing we knew we were thrown on the ground and now the police were pointing guns at us too."
"What the fuck?!" They did what?!
"Yeah. Dragged us both into a cell and kicked up a stink about us being ishvalan terrorists. Looking back, I think they realized early on that they fucked up, but couldn't admit it since the guy in charge had already reported it to the military."
Holy shit, now Roy remembered that incident.
"You were those kids?! You made it into papers, Fullmetal. Forces were on high alert from Rush Valley to Laurelvale. Amestris Today ridiculed military police for months afterwards." More like decimated. Painfully.
"Well they deserved it. They're useless at best and fuck shit up at worst. Stupid soldier rejects. What do we even have them for anyway? Don't answer that, I don't want your smartass comments."
"Can it be, Fullmetal? You, implying my ass is smart?"
"Pity you only use it to shit, Bastard. Then again, that's all that you use your head for, too."
Finally, they were back in the familiar territory.
Of all people in his team he and Edward had the worst relationship. They were tentatively tolerant of each other at best and downright antagonistic at worst. Roy had tried, really, to find some common ground, but the kid adamantly refused any kind of peace offerings.
Somehow, Havoc got both of the Elrics to trust him from the get-go. Whether it was through a particularly good first impression or through some kind of sorcery Roy hadn't had a faintest, but the best advice Jean could offer was: "Just don't be an asshole, Chief, these kids are awesome."
Then Fuery soon managed to befriend the feral one, and naturally the nice one followed suit. That wasn't surprising, because Kain was closest to them in age and had experience helping out in animal shelters. He knew his way around strays. Sadly, the knowledge was mostly instinctive and his advice basically boiled down to: "Just have a heart, Colonel."
Falman, after the time they found him sitting in the office with bloodied hands and a thousand yard stare, started treating both Fullmetal and his brother with utmost respect that bordered on reverential fear. He declined to comment.
Even Breda, his sole ally in being distrusted by the pair, had somehow established a truce with them as of two months ago. And though his advice of: "Just feed them. Like, a lot. Now." was sound in theory, on practice Edward just refused anything Roy offered.
It seemed like every one of his men had had a weird bonding experience with one or both of them. Except for Riza. But Riza didn't count because everyone respected her, even the Elrics.
Roy was outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered, outplanned and outmaneuvered.
But he wasn't dead yet, so that was something.
"Anyway, they tried to scare us into confessing to at least being illegal immigrants, so they could give something to their higher-ups, but Teacher had caught wind of it by then and came looking for us. That part really was funny, because I know for a fact that at least two officers fainted. And one cried like a bitch. We didn't even get in trouble."
Of course not. Why would they? They didn't do anything wrong. If it happened now (but what if Roy had been that veteran? what if he killed them? what if-) Roy would've gone ballistic. Two children being arrested and treated like enemies of the state because of one visibly unstable man's ravings? He'd have torn them apart, piece by pathetic piece, for touching his kids.
"That's horrible." Roy managed. "If it's any consolation, they got into a lot of trouble for this."
"I don't really care." Edward shrugged. "What's done is done, and we haven't had any trouble with them since."
"And you're not going to. If anyone gives you trouble like that you tell me and I'll deal with it, got it?" he stressed.
Because apparently that was the one issue he somehow overlooked. So many things to shun Elric for - his age, demeanor, freakishly high intelligence, atrocious fashion sense - and people picked his skin color. Why was Roy trying to save this country again?
(children burning people crying oh god why make it stop I can't take anymore)
"Why?" Edward glared at him, half in suspicion and half... confused? "What's in it for you?"
"Do I need to have an ulterior motive for protecting my subordinates?"
"Don't bullshit me, Colonel God Complex." the boy scowled. "You have an ulterior motive for everything."
"My ulterior motive here is to make sure you're safe and not being bullied by some third-rate Marvin award nominees."
"Oh, so sending me on missions where I get shot at is fine, but schoolyard taunts are where you draw the line?"
"Those aren't schoolyard taunts, Fullmetal, it's a serious issue that many men face on a daily basis!" Roy was starting to lose his temper. "And I never send you on missions where an altercation is expected, but you still manage to attract trouble! I swear I could tie you up and hide you in an empty room and you would still somehow get into a fight!"
And give Roy a heart attack.
"Oh, so now it's my fault that people keep trying to hurt me?! You're saying I deserve it?!"
"No! Were you even listening?! I just said-"
It was at that point that Roy had realized what he was doing. He had just locked himself into a screaming much with a bratty, insecure traumatized thirteen year old. Thankfully, at least, the courtyard was completely empty, free of any potential onlookers.
Still, he was the adult in this situation. He had to keep his cool.
"Fullmetal. Edward. Look at me."
Before he registered how bad of an idea it was, Roy's hands were already on the kid's shoulders, holding him in place.
"Let go." Edward hissed, but didn't follow the demand with a threat or an escape attempt, instead choosing to look down at his boots with his hands crossed.
"Edward." Roy insisted. "Come on, look at me. Please."
He actually considered squatting down so their faces would be on the same level, but thought better of it. Mostly because he had a feeling that Fullmetal would see that as a grave insult and not an attempt to establish trust.
"What the fuck are you doing?!"
"Listen to me, Ed" it was the first time Roy had ever used the nickname and he could see the boy's apprehension lessen a bit, probably against his will.
Now think, he told himself. What could he possibly be afraid of now?
Because that was what Roy saw when he looked at Elric. It was in his too-bright eyes, too tight fists, too straight back. In the slight shaking, in the loud voice.
Fear, masked by anger and bad jokes. But fear of what?
(fear of Roy?)
"I'm not trying to hurt you, alright? I'm not laughing at you, or gathering dirt on you, or playing a prank. I'm not trying to manipulate you somehow or get you to owe me something."
"Fuck you." the kid was breathing heavily, his face pinched.
"Ed, I'm just trying to help-"
"I don't want your damn help!" his voice cracked.
Fuck, was Fullmetal actually going to cry on him?
"You're just-" he sounded so young and vulnerable, and every word felt like a knife lodging itself into Roy's chest. "You're just an asshole!"
"I'm sorry, I'm trying not to be-"
"Well don't!"
"You can't just...!" Ed spluttered and swallowed loudly. "You can't just- not be an asshole! It's not allowed!"
"Fullmetal," now he just felt incredibly dumb. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Shut up!" the child turned away again, hugging himself. "Just go away!"
"No, I don't think I will."
Now he really did squat down in spite of his poor, long-suffering knees. Roy could deal with the pain later, in the moment he had more pressing problems.
Like the kid in his arms who was full-on sobbing now, albeit silently. For him it was probably a much-needed breakdown that had been slowly creeping on for months, if not longer. For Roy, however, it was a nerve-wracking experience, if simply because he had never had a child seeking comfort from him of all people.
What the fuck was he supposed to do? Stay still? Hug him? Try to calm him down? Distract him? Wait it out and pretend it never happened?
He wished Maes was there. Maes always knew how to deal with emotions, meanwhile Roy's usual solution was to push them down for as long as he could manage and then drink himself halfway into a coma when that stopped working. Which was not an option this time.
(What would Hughes do?)
Roy had never asked for this. He had just wanted to attend one meeting and then go home to try and sleep off his hangover. He didn't want to be in this situation, with a crying Elric in front of him and no one competent to give proper instructions.
(But deep inside something steered. Something he couldn't quite ignore.)
He hesitantly took his hands off Edward's shoulders and wrapped them around his small form, pulling him closer. The little alchemist stilled for a few seconds during which Roy stopped breathing entirely. He considered letting him go but in the next moment the boy launched himself into his chest with the force that almost knocked them both over.
And then the floodgates opened.
"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Ed chanted, curling into his coat and getting snot all over it.
Roy didn't have a clue about how to respond to that, so he simply hugged him tighter.
"Why can't you be easy?! Why can't anything ever be easy?!"
"I'm sorry, Ed." he murmured, rubbing circles into his back in what he hoped was a soothing manner. "I'm so fucking sorry."
They stayed like this for a while. Roy didn't know what he was apologizing for. For not seeing his distress sooner, perhaps. For not being the mentor and father figure the boy clearly needed in his life. For the impossible, unfair amount of suffering both Edward and Alphonse had been through.
Roy had never been jealous of Maes and Gracia. He'd never wanted kids, never wanted the lifelong responsibility, and that was without taking his main goal into account. But it felt inexplicably right to hold this brave, fierce, precious child in his arms and oh. Oh. He got it now.
"You-you always go away. E-everyone always d-does. No m-matter how hard we t-try, you all d-die or leave, or..!"
Roy wanted to cry too. He wanted-
He wanted Ed to feel safe around him. He needed the kid to trust him, to let him in, because he was Roy's now and Roy Mustang was a greedy bastard. He wouldn't, couldn't let him go now, because they were both his. He fucking claimed them. End of story.
"I swear on everything that is holy, Ed, I'm not going to die before you're ready. And I'm definitely not leaving you behind. Trust me, if I ever even think about it, Hawkeye will shoot me."
"I'll never be ready." Came a muffled response. "No more dying."
"No more dying." Roy smiled wryly into the crown of golden hair. "I guess we'll just need to figure out immortality now, huh? You better share that Philosopher's Stone when you find it."
Elric awkwardly squirmed out of the embrace and and started rubbing his eyes furiously, trying to erase the evidence of what he must have perceived as weakness. Roy had to suppress a bizarre impulse to cup those reddened cheeks and wipe the tear tracks with his thumbs.
(what the fuck was wrong with him today?)
"But this never happened and I still hate you, g-got it?!" Edward's voice almost didn't waver, carrying on with his normal bratty attitude, but for the first time since they met Roy had noticed that brittle undertone.
All this time that boy hadn't been a feral and possibly rabid cat after all. Just a particularly loud hedgehog. With venom on his quills, sure, but still soft and squishy on the inside.
"Sure, Fullmetal." Roy smiled. "Nothing happened at all. But we're still filing a complaint against those three soldiers, don't think I forgot about them."
"Urgh. This again? Why are you so hellbent on tattling? Do you like additional paperwork? Oh. Oh, shit, you're a masochist, aren't you? That's why you let Lieutenant Hawkeye boss you around, you old pervert!"
"Excuse me?! I'm not old, Fullmetal, I'm twenty six!" For three more weeks at least. "And I'm not a pervert - where did you even hear that word? Nevermind, I don't want to know. Why are you so against reporting them? Don't you want them to get in trouble?"
"Because they won't, you stupid bastard. It never works, so why bother?"
"Oh, but this time it will." he smirked. "I know their commanding officer personally and let me tell you, Colonel Seuss won't be pleased to hear about their questionable hobbies."
"What, is he a hardass or something?"
"Dear old Abigail is a miserable shrew, but luckily for you she only hates one thing more than she hates men, and that is men who act like douchebags."
"So, you."
Roy didn't even need to say anything. He only had to raise an eyebrow.
"Well, I'm sorry, I can't turn it off!" Fullmetal blurted out, cheeks aflame.
Truly, he was a delight to work with.
"To be completely fair, you weren't wrong, I'll give you this one. You see, I used to think that her habit of spitting venom in my face every time we talked was her unique way of flirting."
That got him a snort.
"Tell me you didn't."
"Yes, well, we cleared up that particular misunderstanding pretty quickly." Roy grimaced, but Ed started giggling, so he continued. "I'm honestly surprised she didn't actually shove those flowers up my ass, but it was an extremely close call. Word of advice, kid: don't piss of women who can transmute air into poison."
The giggling stopped and the boy gave an exaggerated shudder.
"More like, don't piss off women in general."
"Yes." he echoed with a grin of his own. "Women are scary."
Roy felt... lighter than he had in years. For the first time in months his mind has stopped screaming at him every goddamn second. He could almost, if he squinted really hard and tilted his head just so, make out a ghost of a will to live.
Not that it fixed anything. He was still a monster, calamity given human form, and he deserved to rot in the deepest, hottest pit of hell.
But as he walked down the path to the Command building with a laughing Fullmetal in tow, that part of him that Roy thought had long since died, that he did everything in his power to forget ever since the Elrics barged into his miserable life, finally reared up it's terrifying head.
A thought came in. A stupid, dangerous, absurd, tempting thought. If he ever reached out for that small hand. Would he be allowed to hold it?
It looked like the eternal damnation was going to have to wait a decade or two. After all...
"No more dying."
...he still had a pair of hedgehogs to raise.
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xerox-candybar · 2 years
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#but actually ‘working overtime’ usually meant ‘i left the office to do somebody’s nursing assessment which somehow involved making dinner’
My Top Posts in 2022:
Once again, I asked my brain to produce serotonin and all I got were these stupid headcanons.
Saitama: anyway, Metal Bat’s exactly like you. He’s not dumb, just excitable.
Garou: excitable?! What the fuck…?
Saitama: okay, so. remember that one time Genos convinced you sharknadoes were a thing?
Garou: first of all, ”sharknado” is a misnomer, because if it forms over water it is *technically* a hurricane —
Saitama: like I said, you and Badd get hung up on all the wrong stuff —
Garou: — and shark pups can be small, like, a foot and a half. the biggest ones are five feet and that’s not exactly huge, either —
Saitama: — and once you’ve made up your mind, you’re too stubborn to change it —
Garou, insistent: — what I’m saying is, if the wind can tear the roof off a building it can *definitely* lift up a baby shark —
Saitama: [[raises eyebrow]]
Garou: look, inspector gadget made a very good point, and now that it’s out there, people should really be checking
Metal bat, suddenly appearing from nowhere: won’t somebody please think of the baby sharks.
78 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
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Sai finds his true calling as a human punching bag.
Also, you can’t really change people until they get fed up with their own maladaptive behaviors, so, there’s that. Sometimes you really want to help, but if that person isn’t ready, your best bet is damage control (and holding space, of course).
84 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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:: squints ::
So... we literally have Saitama walking on water and parting the ocean in this chapter? What’s next... maybe locusts?
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87 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
Victor Hugo literally created an “everybody dies” au whereas the actual June Rebellion had plenty of survivors, and I think about that every day.
224 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I don’t know, I just thought it was funny
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Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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