#system communication tips pls???
cryptid-ink · 2 months
i wanna make new alter intros but i do not know them well enough anymore so im just sitting here like "pls talk to me"
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baby-dr1ver · 8 months
pls do the blindfold for max 😋😋😋
....oh I've been waiting for this one
kinktober <3
max holds the soft piece of fabric in his hands, it was navy blue and satin. he couldn't escape Red Bull colors even if he tried.
he motioned for you to turn around so your back faced him, and he could slip the blindfold on you easier. he ran a hand up your bare back, to tangle in your hair and give it a tug. this forced your head back, seeing him upside down, and he planted a small kiss on your forehead.
"this all depends on you shatje, you call the shots here." he said softly, reminding you of the tap and color system you had in place for times like these. he pushed your head so it was back up right again and pulled the blindfold so you could see it before it went over your eyes. You inhaled sharply as your world went dark, trying to picture your surroundings. max tied the knot at the back of your head, making sure it was tight enough to stay on during tonights activities.
"how does it feel? okay?" max asked as he gently ran his hands through your hair. Your reply came as a whisper, like you were afraid to break the bubble you had created with one another. "feels good." you gave him a small tap wherever you could reach, giving him the go ahead.
max pushed you towards the bed and smiled as he watched you stumble forward. you had your hands out to catch yourself, which was futile because max head you stood back up as he plastered himself against your back. he had his hands on your hips, sliding them around your stomach and to the bottom of your breasts. you gasped at the familiar, yet new sensation. you weren't a stranger to your lovers touch, but everything felt heightened.
"sash patience liefje, I've got you." hearing his reassurance put you at ease, for now.
he moved your hair aside and laid small kisses across your shoulder, using the distraction to cup your chest, and pinch your nipples. you moved your hands around until your felt his arms, and you followed them until your hands met his. the kisses along your neck got aggressive as his hand, with yours in tow, slid down to your pussy and forced your legs wide. max groaned into your skin as he felt how wet you gotten since he put the blindfold on you.
"neuken-such a good girl for me liefje" max said as he pushed a knee behind your, guiding it to the bed, and then the other. he detached from you as he had your face in the mattress, and a hand in the middle of your back to keep you arched. "mm m-max please." you moaned as his fingers circled your hole.
"just relax baby, let me take care of you." max said as he leaned forward and kissed his way up your thigh, and flicking your clit with the tip pf his tongue. your whole body shuddered, you gripped the sheets until you felt them tear under your fingers. you tried to listen closely, anticipating his next moves, where he was headed next. that was the thrill of the blindfold, you never knew where max was until he started touching you again.
that's why it was so startling when he flipped you onto your back and suddenly had his lips wrapped around you nipple. you felt his bare torso against yours as he lowered his weight into you, and you gripped his shoulders. you had no idea when he got undressed, or just how naked he was.
you found out after he popped off your breasts and nudged the tip of his cock against your clit. max pulled away from your being completely, leaving you to whine and try to reach out for him again. he lowered your hands to the bed as he tapped your wrist twice. the silent communication of asking if it was okay to move on. you nodded and tapped back. with that, max started to push in slowly, agonizingly slow. between the show of foreplay before this, and having your senses be taken away, you were on edge and ready to cum.
your fingers itched to grab at him, he could see this and raised your hands so they were above your head. "keep them there." max said as he picked up his pace, skin slapping against one another. he wrapped your legs up around his hips, and leaned down so you were nose to nose. you bit your lip and moaned his name. "max oh god so good." he smiled and pulled your lip away and kissed you. you didn't even try to fight for dominance, your body was putty and you were letting him do what he pleases.
that was until he changed the angle of his hips that had you pulling your hands from the bed and finding his back. he groaned as he felt your nails dig into him, knowing you were about to cum. he lifted the blindfold and looked in your eyes. "eyes on me shatje, look at me while you cum." your mouth dropped open in a silent moan as you kept your gaze locked on him. your body convulsed, legs locked behind his back and nails dug into the biceps resting next your head.
max followed not far behind, a few more thrusts and came. you both moaned at the feeling of his cum mixed with yours, the warm spurts beginnging to drip out of you.
(a/n: had tp end it there because my goodness...)
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chaosheadspace · 4 months
wip meme: Subvocals? subvocals sounds so interesting pls say more
Okay, subvocalisation is a term first coined by fanfic author Did (someone correct me if I'm wrong) for Omegaverse. It's involuntary / hard to repress sounds that express simple things like "back off / come here / I'm scared / I want you / where is my alpha / you're in serious danger of being bitten rn" stuff like that.
So this would be a Dreamling fic where everyone is part of the Omegaverse system, even the Endless. Due to his eldritch shenanigans, Dream's subvocals are in a pitch no living being can hear, so he just goes ham / he never learned how to maybe tone it down.
Cue Hob who's hearing is a little fucked. One day, while out with his friends, starts hearing those weird noises. You know where this is going, haha. Dream being called out on his bullshit by his own body, naturally.
Snippet under the cut, possibly OOC. (also, I'm not italicising all the *, I'm on mobile, I won't do that to myself)
Hob just smiles gently as his friends laugh about another story Alrin is telling, imitating the purrs and trills of his latest Omega conquest. Hob's had trouble hearing ever since he was kicked by a horse as a kid. He can't even hear his *own* subvocals, just feel the vibrations of them in his chest whenever they happen. Funnily enough, he's also grown up to really like horses. But his friends and their jokes are still a mystery to him.
So when he suddenly hears a small, discontent mewl through the din of the white horse tavern, so *clear* through all the ruckus, he doesn't even know what it is, at first. Just that it tugs at his heartstrings rather severely.
*Alone. Miserable. Hurt. Go away. Hello? No. Bad smell. Alone. Alone. Hurt. No. Don't touch. Go away.*
It's a string of sounds just a hair's breadth away from thoroughly distressed and Hob feels his chest rumble. *Hello. Hello? No threat. Here. Here. Come? I will protect. Hello?*
It's impossible to make out a specific smell here in the tavern, but Hob's eyes search frantically until they land on the most defiant man Hob has ever seen. His posture communicates that he clearly wants to be anywhere but here, his cheekbones say 'I will cut you', and his eyes say 'don't you dare'.
And the sweet, high notes coming from his throat sing *alone alone alone, please, no, help me*.
Sharp blue eyes find his and say 'do not dare. If you dare, I will kill you'. His song beckons Hob closer. Hob stands, barely registering the questioning looks from his friends, and goes to him as if drawn on a string. The high notes of the plea shift and lap over the purr in his own chest.
The stranger is silent. Hob takes a good look into his eyes, cutting himself up with masochistic joy, before saying, "I won't, you know. Die, that is. Unless you plan on killing me yourself."
The stranger tips his head, looks at Hob as if studying a mildly interesting bug and Hob knows, deep inside himself, that he could. He's fine as marble, possibly as strong, too. Hob takes a surprised breath and that's when he knows for sure that this man is not like any other he has met. He's got no smell, a weird absence of one, like fresh wind, like a torn-down forgotten memory.
And still, his body sings to Hob, sings *for* him, now a litany of *alone, alone, will you come, are you, do you, will you hold me, please, please, I'm so alone all the time*.
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lorkai · 11 months
Hi. This might sound weird but poly hcs for Idia Shroud x reader x Leviathan pls?
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: This is actually the second time I write poly headcanons so do let me know if is bad or give me tips on how to improve. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this anonie!
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For the sake of this headcanon, Obey me and Twst exist in the same universe. And you my dear reader managed to win the favor of two different otakus with your normie charm /j
In a poly relationship between Idia, Levi and you, communication is key. From the beginning of the relationship, it is necessary to establish an open and honest communication system, where everyone can feel free to express everything they feel and think, especially in case there are doubts about how such a relationship works.
Despite their personalities so similar and so different at the same time, Idia and Leviathan complement each other perfectly. They balance each other out very well and create a very harmonious relationship, mainly because they both want a connection beyond the physical, a deep emotional connection with each other and with you, the person who brought them together.
Deep conversations about hopes, dreams and fears are common when you're playing games or watching anime until dawn. There's a special kind of intimacy about being able to vent to your two lovers without feeling any judgment coming from either of them.
Dates are more common at night, but they are spontaneous. Watching each other's favorite movies, planning candlelit dinners, things like that. It's also customary to give each other gifts or just cuddling during the nights. Whatever activity is planned for the day, everyone agrees on it.
Idia would love to show you his dorm in NRC and his house in Island of Woe, just as he would be incredibly happy if Levi showed him his house in Devildom. And you absolutely adore watching the two go on and on about what they loved most about each other's homes.
You are the foundation of the relationship, always making sure that both your partners are feeling loved and valued enough that no insecurities or misunderstandings can occur. You're the kind of person who cares deeply about their well-being and is always willing to help, and they love you so much for it and they do the same for you, being attentive to your thoughts and emotions. They don't want you to feel burdened or something.
Levi is more relaxed around you, encouraging your hobbies and wanting you to participate in his, like cosplay. He knows so many characters that would suit you that he can't stop himself from asking you to cosplay with him.
Idia is still a little more shy, especially during the first few months of the relationship, but eventually you can see him smiling more and laughing more, telling bad jokes or silly childhood stories he remember.
Idia and Levi also like to make little surprises for you, pooling their expertise to create a unique game or app for you, or bring you breakfast in your bed, things like that, specially if you had a hard time at school or work.
You always drag them to their favorite places in order to pamper them, but also to take them out of their comfort zone a little. It's important for them to experience new things and you're always there to offer comfort if they get too anxious, and yes Idia and Levi know exactly what you're doing to them.
Ortho absolutely adores you and Levi and is overjoyed that his brother has such cool partners. He's 100% your little brother now who loves to follow you around and talk about silly Idia stories as his hair turns red and he tries to get his brother to be quiet, the scene is hilarious. Plus his parents loves you and Levi.
On the other side, Lucifer and his brothers accept Idia and ask him to take care of you and Levi who are so dear to them. Though Mammon definitely tests Idia to see if he really is worthy of being in a relationship with you and Levi. He is satisfied when he realizes that you really love each other very much.
Every relationship has its ups and downs, but even with every difficulty Idia and Levi would still love to be in a relationship with you and each other, they feel blessed to have each other in their lives. And they wouldn't trade it for anything.
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kraro-school-life · 6 months
✦ Studyblr Introduction ✦
Hello! If you´re reading this, welcome to my blog! I am pretty new to Tumblr, but I´ve always admired the Studyblrs here, so I thought of making one too. I am really excited to start this, so let´s go!
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About me ✮⋆˙
My (nick)name is Karo (♦️)
pronouns: she/any pronouns
I am Polish, but now live in Germany
16 y/o, leo
English is my 3rd language (so it´s possible that I make some mistakes, forgive me pls)
My favourite colour is red!!
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Education ✮⋆˙
As I´m still in high school I still have all my chosen (mandatory) subjects, but the ones I chose to have advanced are: Math, Physics, Economics and Art
My current average grade is 9,75 (out of 10)
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Hobbies ✮⋆˙
Figure Skating!
I do figure skating and passed the 8. Kürklasse (German system). Currently trying to improve and train for the 7th.
I love everything related to art. I have to keep a sketchbook for school, but I really enjoy working very long on paintings.
Adventure & Mountains!
Skiing, hiking, climbing, mountain biking, camping, cycling, you name it...
The internet!
memes, youtube, Pinterest, etc. Also kpop; I love kpop in general, but Stray Kids in particular (they´re my ult). I´m a huge STAY, but other groups i like are: Xikers, Nmixx, xdHeroes and Zb1
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My Studyblr ✮⋆˙
Why did I make a Studyblr?
Motivation! Tracking and actually posting my progress makes me even more motivated to study. Because pretty pictures make everything better!!
Discipline! Honestly, I spend waaaay too much time on my phone. With this blog I hope to make a routine for myself and minimize my screen time, as I´m going to be posting here instead scrolling (hopefully).
Give back to the community! Studyblr helped me discover countless useful tips and tricks, as well as cool blogs that motivate me! I want to share my experiences in my own little corner of the internet for people to find.
find a way to study sustainably, without burning out every other week
get my goal grades on exams and reports
figure out what I want to do in the future (mainly deciding on what I want to study in university)
genuinely enjoy my life as a teenager, and not “sit locked in my basement all day” - as my friend put it after seeing my grades lol
What to expect:
This blog is both a journal and archive for my academic journey, a diary of sorts. There will be everything and anything related to school (mostly tracking my progress), but also just my life. All photos are mine, except said otherwise.
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Navigation ✮⋆˙
original posts ➜ #karoriginal text ➜ #karorambles updates on stuff ➜ #karoupdates reblog ➜ #karoreblog day to day posts ➜ #karodiaries
Studyblrs I really like ✮⋆˙
@plantingatree | @shoosiopao | @miprimordialsoup | @why-the-heck-not | @ink-stained-clouds | @isasarchives | @proto-skyentist | @cyberstudious
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bookaddict24-7 · 4 days
Heyy I am starting a new book blog and I am new to Tumblr. Can you pls share some tips regarding that it would be really helpful for me.
First of all, welcome to Tumblr!
I've been book blogging on here for over a decade, so a lot of things have changed, but the community (in my experience) still remains a pretty great one to be a part of.
One of my biggest and immediate pieces of advice is to always have something queued up--especially if it's book-related or reading-related (but it's YOUR blog, so you can do with it as you please!) I love to reblog a lot of posts from some of the great creators on here and queue them up.
I've been doing a system for years now where I have specific book themes set for each day of the week and take the weekends off. I don't post a lot of memes and original photos like I used to, but that's mainly because, again, I've been on here for a long time.
I remember I gave some of this advice to other new booklrs a few years ago and my main advice remains the same: have fun, be kind, don't be afraid to post your bookish opinions, follow other book bloggers on here, and be patient.
Patience is a HUGE thing when book blogging. It took me a long time to find my way on here and to stop letting the number of "notes" on a post get to me. Post for you and your right audience will appear.
I hope this helps and I hope you have a great time!
Happy reading!
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[disclaimer. this post was from a handful of months ago but it prob still applies. it’s also pretty angry!! sorry abt that lol. i do realize that most people doing this aren’t aware or trying to be malicious. it’s kind of a rant post. originally i wasn’t gonna post it but my mutual said i should lol. anyway here it is]
okay the cross tagging in the tua fandom has gotten way out of hand. i’m just really frustrated right now because this is ridiculous. if you want someone to see your post, tag it correctly. don’t add a bunch of random fandom related tags about characters that aren’t even mentioned just so you can get more notes.
there is actually a Reason for this alright? it’s not just rules for the sake of rules. when you tag in an unrelated tag, it clogs it up with posts that aren’t related (stay w me here). so if someone’s looking through their favorite character’s tag they don’t want to see a random incorrect quote in the general fandom NOT EVEN MENTIONING THE CHARACTER. when it gets really intense, it’s difficult to even find posts that mention the character (cough cough the ben hargreeves tag cough cough)
tagging is an organization system that helps people find stuff. you are making it ineffective and frustrating to use by crosstagging. please stop.
pls do not:
-tag “character a” in a post about “character b” and “character c” because they are all in the same show/book/video game etc
-tag an incorrect quotes post with every character in the fandom. (you know who you are. yes i’m targeting iq acc’s because they do this A LOT but lots of ppl do it!!)
-tag a general post about tua with the characters (this one has nuance, like many other things in the world. just use your best judgement like i trust you!!!)
also usually i wouldn’t tag a fandom post about fictional characters with the actors that play them??? like it would have to be a v specific situation so idk why people do this. you are not writing analysis of emmy raver lampman?? hello??
anyway lmk if you have any more tips. i’m not the tagging police (ACAB) so take everything i say with a grain of salt because i am not the ruler of the tua fandom or tumblr! i’m just seeing a problem in this community that i know other people are bothered by. alr live your life just be considerate of other ppl while ur doing ur thing 👍
it’s really not something that you have to obsess or worry about whether you’re doing it just keep it in mind!!!
tldr: use tagging as a filtering tool- not a way to get more engagement
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liminallair · 10 months
Hi we’re Enigma. we believe we might be a programmed system. if anyone has any advice, tips or encouraging words pls interact. we feel really fucking confused and insane. our mind is very scrambled but things are slowly making sense. we’re just slightly overwhelmed and scared. we are safe and stable. just looking for community.
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piscesseer · 6 months
Mercury Retrograde: Tips for Staying Grounded and Focused
Mercury Retrograde: December 13, 2023 - January 1, 2024
For the last few weeks of the year, Mercury is in Retrograde. This transit always brings some chaos. If something can go wrong, it likely will. The best way to deal with the challenges that Mercury Retrograde brings is to slow down, take things one step at a time and remain flexible. With a little effort, we can make it through this challenge.
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What is a Mercury Retrograde?
Retrogrades happen when a planet appears to have switched directions. It’s an illusion caused by Earth’s relation to the planet. It produces that trippy feeling, like being on a train and watching another in parallel motion. Most planets have Retrogrades, but Mercury’s effects are often felt more strongly.
Mercury Retrograde always brings its old tricks, frustrations and delays. It will usually throw us off with communication problems, misunderstandings, technical difficulties, travel delays, and general frustration. Plans can go awry and be reconsidered. New information can come up to change a situation. Maybe there is a change in goals or priorities. This is why flexibility is important to survive Mercury Retrograde with the least frustration.
This isn’t a great time to make contracts, promises, start a relationship or launch anything new. It can be a good time to reflect and plan for those things. Intuition is high at this time and coincidences can be extraordinary.
Mercury in Sagittarius Influence
This Mercury Retrograde moves back into Sagittarius, which is known for being spontaneous and fun-loving. We could find ourselves feeling giddy and reckless as the year wraps up. We could feel more open to risk-taking, but remember that cheap thrills are not always fulfilling.
Mercury in Capricorn Influence
Capricorn is known for its stability, which may give some semblance of order in the chaos. We may take a hard look at our finances, goals, and what’s keeping us from achieving them. Capricorn gets a bad rap for ruthless practicality, but when Mercury rolls into this sign, it gives a chance to break out of any delusions, limiting patterns and old belief systems. There is a will to problem-solve and put the pieces back together. We can use this Retrograde period to build strong foundations for our goals in the coming year.
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How can Mercury Retrograde help us?
It’s beneficial to reflect and revisit things to determine what is and isn’t working. Review what we are putting your energy toward. For example, if our friends are important to us, have we put in the effort to reach out and spend time with them? Or are we overextending when it comes to our career and our relationships are suffering? Reflect on what is important and how we can bring more attention to those areas.
Journaling is a great activity for Mercury Retrograde. Mercury enjoys writing, and it’s a great way to navigate our brains and find what is bothering us and what is amazing. Having a gratitude list can help us to remain positive during this difficult time.
It’s also a great time to have a creative outlet. Find a way to be creative by browsing Pinterest for craft and recipes. Try painting or grab a coloring book. Try blogging. We never know what we might learn when we try new things.
Mercury Retrograde is a great time to take a step back from Social Media and general socializing! Take a day (or two) to completely unplug. One of the best things to do is relax! Hibernate and snuggle up with a favorite movie. Have a spa night. Enjoy time to yourself!
How to Survive!
Truly, there is nothing to worry about while Mercury is in Retrograde. It’s a reminder to slow down and check the details. The best thing to do is remain flexible, patient and understanding. Allow extra time for travel. Double check your email responses. Avoid big plans and new contracts if we can! 
Review projects and plans, but wait until Mercury is direct again to make a final decision. We can’t stop your life, but we can plan ahead, have back-up plans and be prepared for people’s miscommunication. Be thoughtful and patient. Heat of the moment reactions are not usually good for our future well-being.
Take a moment to reflect. It’s an excellent time to reanalyze who you are and what you’re doing. Just refrain from any drastic changes until after retrograde has ended.
If mistakes happen, life won’t end! These are just a few things we can do to make it easier.
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Hello! I want to start making some whump lists of my own and I was wondering if you possibly have any tips? I’m having trouble with the wording and I feel like I might be over explaining but I’m not sure. If you could help that would be amazing.
I do have some tips!
1. Wording
Since you asked specifically about wording I’ll start there. What I do is use words for tropes that the community most commonly uses. For example: drowning, kidnapping, hostage, shot, etc. I personally like to be specific with certain things. I’ll say what they were shot with or if they are restrained I like to specify handcuffs vs rope vs zip ties vs ✨chains✨. With some tropes that are not as commonly spoken about or may not have a name I will use wording I feel best describes it like “heavily lidded eyes”. Idk how else to word it but that’s how I do it.
Those who have been around my blog for a while know about me losing lists. I now have lists saved in 3 different places. (Soon to be 4) Even if you make your lists in Tumblr drafts, SAVE THEM ELSEWHERE! I keep them in my notes on my phone, Google Docs, Microsoft Word and soon an app on my iPad. I have lost MONTHS worth of lists before in The Incident. I won’t do it again and I hope you never do.
3. Stay Organized
I have my Whump List Library (masterlist) and my Whump List Directory (sub masterlist?) all (mostly) organized. It helps people find your lists easier and tbh it helps you find them easier! I am always so happy when I can easily update or fix a list because I stay organized. Also if you have multiple WIP lists, it’s best to keep those organized as well.
4. Figure out YOUR systems
If you want to add time stamps, colors in your formatting, stick to 1 or 2 countries, add different links, etc. do it. Do whatever you want to do. I have changed formatting twice and it’s such a hassle to fix especially once you get to a certain number of lists.
5. Recs and Requests
If you decide to accept recommendations and requests, PLEASE remember you can say no and you don’t have to do them. I say this because I struggle with it. But if you have no interest in making the list, don’t do it. However I will say taking recs and requests have been AMAZING! Some of my favorite dramas ever have been requests and recommendations.
6. Pace Yourself
It’s all fun until you realize you’re forcing yourself to work on a list after a long day of work. Make sure you keep it to where you enjoy it. I personally try to update people if I feel like list uploads are going to slow down, still, but don’t force yourself to make them just so you can get them out. (Another one I’m guilty of lol)
7. Misc.
Even if someone has already made the list, you can still make it in your own way. Having multiple lists never hurt anybody.
Team up with other bloggers! I have and it’s been amazing! (I tag GIF makers’ GIFs to tropes in my lists) (Some bloggers have adopted my incomplete/dropped lists)
SAVE MULTIPLE COPIES (I know I already said it but pls don’t lose your progress omg pls don’t)
Continue asking for help/advice if you feel you need it.
Make a to-do list, keep it organized and in multiple places.
Figure out which streaming services work best for you and get good at finding dramas/movies that aren’t on regular streaming services
I hope this helped!!! If you need any more help please feel free to DM me or send another ask!
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autumnalmind · 11 months
.: The Intro :.
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Void / Aki || 25+ || They/He || Nonbinary
Cladotherian: Felidae / Cats
Therian + Past lives
Otherkin + Fickin
currently self-Dx’d system (seeking professional diagnosis)
The Rundown:
  Hiya, I’m Void / Aki! This blog is a remade version of an older one...as well as reworked from what it used to be. I am constantly learning to understand myself better, learn new things, and make friends.
   Feelings of being nonhuman have persisted since I was young, and... This is me putting it to a semi-active blog, to stretch those sides of me out, and be in a community that knows what it’s like [to have had similar experiences].
   There’s still more to say, but I'd rather keep this short. I’ll put a bit of extra information under the cut- the stuff I feel like sharing- and... Yeah, hope you enjoy being around here!
TL;DR of Rules: Don’t be an asshole. No discourse, at all, no exceptions. TERFs and queerphobes, bigots, anti-kin, stay off my blog. I unfollow/block to my tastes; it’s not that deep if it happens. I’m not consistently on this blog nor have much spoons, pls be patient with me. (I’m not ignoring you.) Please don’t assume things about me; ask if curious, sure, but I’ll (system included) bring up if I need advice on anything. Most alters can be asked to front, but don’t expect them to magically show up. Consider it more like submitting a request; either they’ll show up or you’ll wait until they do, that’s all.
  So the short of it... Always had alterhuman-like experiences, starting with Pokemon when I was in elementary school. A persistent, but subtle connection to wolves...and a connection to felines that has never stopped. If anything, only got more active with time.
    I found the fickin community first, through OFFkin, but eventually that made its way to finding therians and otherkin. Kinda been at home ever since, if very quietly; lurking for years, on and off.
   As of July 2022 (the time of me originally writing this), I’ve been self-Dx’ing as plural. To keep it short, I’ve already taken the MID with my current therapist, and we’re both working on getting me to a specialist. In the meantime, I continue to research, read other peoples’ experiences, and speak with my therapist about my experiences, but I’m unsure of when/if a professional diagnosis will happen.
   For now, I, again, use plural terms to describe my mental experiences and those I communicate with in there, but... Only time and a professional can tell, I suppose.
[ There’s still quite a lot of denial in here, but I’m working to accept it. Doubt has only created further damage, and I function better utilizing system-based tips. ]
    Decided to not save this for last, so... Links for those on mobile, as well as main blog mention.
Main Blog: autumnshaven
Sideblogs: liltieflingprincess ✦ jokersdiamond ✦ lovelybloodybites ✦ deathstime ✦ dammyrammy 
Alter Main-blog: prayersfromaerith
Her “Roommates”/Sideblogs: spring-core ❀ painters-sun ❀
Current... System List || Therian/Otherkin List || Fickin List
  ...Alright, that’s about it, I suppose. Quick bit of rules first. That will hopefully be more coherent than the quick-notes above.
Don’t be an asshole. Given that this is my space and I prefer it to be a zone I feel safe in... Just don’t. Transphobia/Queerphobia, racism, etc. will be blocked.
I’ve already blocked some people in the community, but... Don’t take it to heart if I unfollow or block you. I simply cultivate my space/what I want to see and...that’s kinda it.
I’m not consistently on this blog; I’m not ignoring you. This has been a problem in the past with new people & me, so I’ll say it now: I don’t often have a lot of spoons, these days. I need a lot of quiet time to recharge, or to limit my communications w/ people who I already know/am comfortable with. Again, it’s no spite on you if I’m just reblogging here or going silent; I just need a break.
[EDIT] Also suffering from a Tumblr glitch where my messages/IMs will be “read” for me and I won’t get the notif that I was messaged at all. Please be patient with me!
(However, if it’s been a few weeks, you’re free to poke me. Just don’t go overboard and we’re good!) But yes, I never do this to “intentionally hurt people” or whatever. Please keep this in mind.
Don’t assume things about me. I’ve taken quick note that- occasionally- there will be some anon who wants to say, “Actually, I think you’re [this].” I don’t want any part of that! No thank you! Just go, please! I will absolutely understand advice given in good faith (“Hey, what you described sounds more like [X], you should check that out”), but essentially telling me what I should do...no.
(As well, if I’m looking for help...I [or my system] will ask for it. Anything beyond that is a bit much, imo.)
I don’t get into discourse. At the current moment, I still have a lot of learning to do and I wholly understand that. So for that reason, I don’t want any- from plural sides nor alterhuman- to be brought my way. If I rb any of it, it is for __my own learning experience__. I do not want to talk about it. (You can still send an ask/DM, but there’s no guarantee I’ll respond.)
On that note: I can try to provide advice for otherkin/therians, but am uncomfortable giving advice over system-related topics. Personal comfort, as well as the prior mentions of denial I have over being a system, myself. I just personally don’t feel qualified, so please direct those questions elsewhere. Thank you.
I’m still learning terms, how to interact with the community, etc. Definitely wanted to mention this, after noting that KFF is controversial in the otherkin side and so are the terms “kinnie,” “kinning,” and “kin” [as a verb]. Wanted to give a heads up that, while I’m not the former, I’m still “learning the language” as it were, and might still use these terms. However, and I once again stress, I am not KFF.
    Thanks for reading! Keep the rules in mind, and we’ll be just fine. Asks are open, as well, for anyone curious about...anything, really. We’ll get to it when we can.
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Plots in Mysore
Plots in Mysore How to Buy a Land Plots in Mysore Ge­tting a land plots in Mysore is thrilling, either for your dre­am house or as an investment. Mysore­, rich in culture, with lovely weathe­r and developing amenitie­s, offers many real estate­ chances. This is a detailed guide­ on how to buy land in Mysore.
1.Understand Your Nee­ds
Start your search by knowing your needs. Factors to conside­r include: –
Reason: Are you buying for living, busine­ss, or investing?
Place: Which parts of Mysore do you like­?
Funds: What’s your budget?
Land Size: What’s your prefe­rred land size?
Knowing your nee­ds will guide your search to the right land plots.
2. Study the­ Market
Research the­ Mysore real estate­ market. Check out areas, compare­ prices, and see marke­t shifts. Useful tools include: –
Real Estate­ Sites: Look at listings online.
Local Agents: Se­ek advice from local property age­nts.
Internet Groups: Join online re­al estate communities for tips and advice­.
3. Inspect the Shortlisted Plots
Once­ you have some prefe­rred plots, visit them. While the­re, note:
Location and Connectivity: Are­ schools, hospitals, shopping, and public transport close?
Facilities: Does the­ plot have basic amenities like­ water, electricity, and se­wage?
Community: How safe and pleasant is the­ neighbourhood?
4. Check Legal Matte­rs
It’s important to make sure the land is le­gally clean to avoid future issues.
Ke­y steps include: –
Title De­ed Checking: Confirm the se­ller owns the land.
Encumbrance Ce­rtificate: Get this certificate­ to verify that there are­ no legal or financial claims on the land.
Land Use and Zoning: Confirm the­ zoning rules and land use permissions from the­ local authorities.
Government Approvals: plots in Mysore Che­ck that the land has necessary cle­arances from the local deve­lopment authority (like Mysore Urban De­velopment Authority or MUDA).
5. Discuss and Agree­ on the Price
When you’re­ happy with the land and its legal standing, discuss the price­. Be ready to talk about: –
Market Price­s: plots in Mysore Your starting price should be based on curre­nt market prices and rece­nt deals in that area.
Payment Plan: plots in Mysore Agre­e on a payment system, including the­ initial payment and next payments.
plots in Mysore Once the price­ is agreed, make a sale­ agreement. This docume­nt should include: –
Land Details: Description and limits of the­ land.
Sale Price: Agree­d price and payment plan.
Terms and Conditions: Agre­ement terms and conditions.
Signature­s: The buyer and selle­r both must sign
7. Get Legal Support and Do Thorough Check
plots in Mysore It’s good to ge­t legal help to examine­ the agreeme­nt and carry out a complete check. Le­gal support can:
Check Paperwork: Make sure­ all legal papers are corre­ct.
Examine Agreeme­nt: Look over the agree­ment for any potential problems.
Guide­ on Legal Affairs: Give advice on le­gal matters related to the­ deal.
8. Record the Plot
Whe­n the agreeme­nt is signed and checked, re­cord the land under your name at the­ local office. The registration proce­ss includes:
Stamp Duty and Registration Fee
Pay the due stamp tax and registration fe­e.
Submit Documents: Hand in the agre­ement, title de­ed, encumbrance ce­rtificate, and others.
Registration: The­ officer will record the land as yours and give­ a registered sale­ deed.
9. Transfer Owne­rship
After registration, make sure­ ownership transfer is properly done­. This includes:
Land Mutation: Apply to transfer property in town re­cords to reflect your ownership.
Update­ Records: Update all relate­d property records and utility connections with your name­.
End Buying land in Mysore needs good planning, thorough re­search, and complete che­ck. These steps will guide­ you to make a wise deal. Whe­ther for your home or as an investme­nt, owning land in lovely Mysore is truly rewarding.
For More Information Visit, Plots in Mysore
Related Links
Plots in Mysore
Plots for sale in Mysore
Residential plots in Mysore
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ficks1952 · 24 days
Plumbing Woes? Trust Expert Plumbers Duncan to the Rescue!
In the realm of homeownership, few things can disrupt tranquility quite like plumbing problems. Whether it's a leaky faucet, a clogged drain, or a malfunctioning water heater, plumbing issues have a knack for occurring at the most inconvenient times, leaving homeowners stressed and scrambling for solutions. Fortunately, for residents of Duncan and its surrounding areas, there's a beacon of hope amidst the chaos – Expert Plumbers Duncan expert plumbers.
With a steadfast commitment to professionalism, reliability, and quality craftsmanship, Expert Plumbers Duncan has emerged as the go-to solution for all plumbing needs in the region. Boasting a team of seasoned professionals armed with extensive expertise and state-of-the-art tools, this esteemed company stands ready to tackle even the most daunting of plumbing challenges with precision and efficiency.
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So, what sets Expert Plumbers Duncan apart from the competition? The answer lies in their unwavering dedication to excellence in every aspect of their service. From the moment a customer reaches out for assistance, they can expect nothing short of top-tier professionalism and personalized attention. Expert Plumbers Duncan understands that plumbing emergencies can strike at any time, which is why they offer swift response times and round-the-clock availability to ensure that help is never far away.
One of the hallmarks of Expert Plumbers Duncan is their team of highly skilled professionals. Each member of their staff undergoes rigorous training and possesses a wealth of hands-on experience in the field of plumbing. Whether it's troubleshooting complex issues, performing intricate repairs, or installing cutting-edge plumbing fixtures, these experts possess the knowledge and proficiency to get the job done right the first time, every time.
But expertise alone is not enough – reliability is equally crucial when it comes to plumbing services. Homeowners need assurance that the job will be completed promptly and effectively, without any unnecessary delays or complications. Expert Plumbers Duncan understands this need for reliability and prides itself on its track record of delivering prompt, dependable service to every customer, no matter the size or scope of the project.
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Furthermore, Expert Plumbers Duncan is committed to utilizing the latest advancements in plumbing technology to enhance the quality and efficiency of their work. From advanced diagnostic tools to eco-friendly plumbing solutions, they stay at the forefront of innovation to better serve their customers and minimize environmental impact.
When it comes to customer satisfaction, Expert Plumbers Duncan leaves no stone unturned. They prioritize open communication and transparency throughout the entire service process, ensuring that customers are kept informed and involved every step of the way. Whether it's providing detailed cost estimates upfront or offering valuable maintenance tips for preventing future issues, they strive to empower homeowners with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their plumbing systems.
Moreover, Expert Plumbers Duncan understands that affordability is a key concern for many homeowners, especially when faced with unexpected plumbing expenses. That's why they offer competitive pricing and flexible payment options to accommodate a wide range of budgets without compromising on the quality of their workmanship. With Expert Plumbers Duncan, customers can rest assured knowing that they're getting top-notch service at a price that won't break the bank.
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In addition to their exemplary service standards, Expert Plumbers Duncan is deeply ingrained in the local community and takes pride in giving back whenever possible. Whether it's sponsoring community events, supporting local charities, or participating in environmental initiatives, they are committed to making a positive impact beyond the realm of plumbing.
In conclusion, when plumbing problems rear their head, homeowners in Duncan need not fret – Expert Plumbers Duncan is here to save the day. With their team of expert plumbers, unwavering commitment to reliability and excellence, and dedication to customer satisfaction, they are the trusted choice for all plumbing needs in the region. So, the next time a plumbing emergency strikes, don't panic – call Expert Plumbers Duncan and experience the difference firsthand. Your plumbing system will thank you!
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uswanth123 · 2 months
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The Path to Becoming an Oracle APEX Consultant: Unlocking Low-Code Development Power
Oracle Application Express (APEX) is a powerful, low-code development platform built directly into the Oracle database. Its ease of use and rapid development capabilities make it an attractive choice for businesses looking to streamline processes and build custom web applications quickly. As the demand for APEX solutions grows, so does the need for skilled Oracle APEX consultants.
What Does an Oracle APEX Consultant Do?
Oracle APEX consultants are experts who help businesses harness the power of APEX. They provide a wide range of services, including:
Needs Analysis: Understanding client requirements and mapping them to APEX capabilities.
Solution Design: Architecting robust, scalable, and user-friendly APEX applications.
Development: Building applications, from simple forms and reports to complex data-driven systems.
Customization: Tailoring existing APEX applications to meet specific business needs.
Integration: Connecting APEX applications with other enterprise systems.
Deployment: Configuring and deploying APEX applications in various environments (on-premises or cloud).
Training and Support: Providing guidance and troubleshooting assistance to users and teams.
Why Become an Oracle APEX Consultant?
High Demand: Businesses increasingly adopt APEX for its cost-effectiveness and speed, leading to a growing market for skilled consultants.
Lucrative Career Path: Oracle APEX consultants can command competitive salaries and enjoy diverse project opportunities.
Challenging and Rewarding: APEX consulting offers a stimulating mix of technical and problem-solving challenges.
Community Support: Benefit from a strong, supportive Oracle APEX community that shares knowledge and resources.
How to Become an Oracle APEX Consultant
Solid Oracle Foundation: Develop a strong understanding of Oracle databases, SQL, and PL/SQL.
Master APEX Fundamentals: Learn core APEX concepts: page design, components, data manipulation, security, etc.
Build a Portfolio: Create sample APEX applications to showcase your skills and demonstrate your ability to solve business problems.
Hone Soft Skills: Consulting isn’t just about technical expertise; develop effective communication, project management, and client interaction skills.
Consider Certifications: Oracle offers certifications to validate your APEX knowledge (e.g., Oracle Application Express Developer Certified Expert).
Network and Get Involved: Participate in the Oracle APEX community – attend conferences, join online forums, and contribute to open-source projects.
Extra Tips:
Find a Mentor: An experienced APEX consultant can provide valuable guidance.
Focus on a Niche: Specialize in a particular industry or aspect of APEX development for a competitive edge.
Stay Up-to-Date: APEX is constantly evolving, so commit to continuous learning.
Call to Action
If you are passionate about technology, enjoy solving problems, and want to help businesses succeed, then an Oracle APEX consulting career could be an excellent fit for you. Start your journey today!
You can find more information about  Oracle Apex in this  Oracle Apex Link
Unogeeks is the No.1 IT Training Institute for Oracle Apex  Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
You can check out our other latest blogs on  Oracle Apex here – Oarcle Apex Blogs
You can check out our Best In Class Oracle Apex Details here – Oracle Apex Training
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hagan-electric · 3 months
Comprehensive Guide to Electrical Repair Services in Antelope, CA
When electrical issues arise in your home, it's essential to address them promptly and effectively. Electrical problems can range from minor inconveniences to serious safety hazards, so it's crucial to enlist the help of a professional electrician for repairs. In Antelope, CA, there are numerous electrical repair services available to assist homeowners with their electrical needs. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the different types of electrical repair services offered in Antelope and how to choose the right electrician for your needs.
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Common Electrical Issues: Before delving into the various electrical repair services available, it's essential to understand some common electrical issues that homeowners may encounter. These issues can include faulty outlets, flickering lights, circuit breaker tripping, outdated wiring, and more. Recognizing these problems early can help prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your home.
Electrical Repair Services Offered: In Antelope, CA, professional electricians offer a wide range of electrical repair services to address various issues in residential properties. These services may include:
Outlet and Switch Repair: Repairing or replacing faulty outlets and switches to ensure proper functionality and safety.
Circuit Breaker Repair: Troubleshooting and repairing circuit breakers that frequently trip or fail to reset.
Wiring Inspection and Repair: Inspecting and repairing damaged or outdated wiring to prevent electrical hazards.
Lighting Fixture Repair: Repairing or replacing malfunctioning light fixtures, including flickering or dimming lights.
Electrical Panel Upgrades: Upgrading outdated electrical panels to accommodate increased power demands and enhance safety.
Surge Protection Installation: Installing surge protection devices to safeguard electronic devices and appliances from power surges.
Electrical Troubleshooting: Identifying and resolving electrical issues through comprehensive troubleshooting techniques.
Choosing the Right Electrician: When selecting an electrician for electrical repair services in Antelope, CA, it's essential to consider several factors to ensure you're hiring a qualified and reliable professional. Here are some tips for choosing the right electrician:
Licensing and Certification: Verify that the electrician is licensed and certified to perform electrical work in Antelope, CA.
Experience and Expertise: Choose an electrician with extensive experience and expertise in residential electrical repairs.
Reputation and Reviews: Research the electrician's reputation and read reviews from past clients to gauge their reliability and quality of service.
Insurance Coverage: Ensure that the electrician carries liability insurance to protect against any accidents or damages that may occur during the repair process.
Transparency and Communication: Look for an electrician who provides transparent pricing and communicates effectively throughout the repair process.
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Find Best Electrician in Antelope CA Electrical repair services are essential for maintaining the safety and functionality of your home's electrical system in Antelope, CA. By understanding common electrical issues, knowing the types of repair services available, and choosing the right electrician like at Hagan Electric, you can ensure that your home remains safe and secure. Whether you need outlet repair, wiring inspection, or lighting fixture replacement, hiring a qualified electrician is key to resolving electrical problems effectively.
Hagan Electric 8149 Hearth Pl Antelope, CA 95843 (916) 858-9487
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Navigating the Legal Maze: Insights from a Criminal Justice Attorney in The Woodlands
Welcome to our blog! As a criminal justice attorney based in The Woodlands, I've dedicated my career to helping individuals facing legal challenges navigate the complexities of the justice system. In this post, I'll share some valuable insights and tips to guide you through the legal maze, whether you're facing criminal charges or seeking legal assistance.
Understanding Your Rights:
The first step in any legal matter is understanding your rights. Whether you're being questioned by law enforcement or facing criminal charges, you have fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution. These rights include the right to remain silent, the right to legal representation, and the right to a fair trial. It's crucial to assert these rights and seek the guidance of an experienced attorney who can protect your interests.
Choosing the Right Attorney:
When facing criminal charges, selecting the right Criminal Justice Attorney can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. Look for a lawyer with experience in criminal defense and a track record of success. Additionally, consider factors such as communication style, availability, and rapport when choosing an attorney. A strong attorney-client relationship built on trust and mutual respect is essential for achieving the best possible outcome.
Building a Strong Defense:
Building a strong defense requires a thorough understanding of the facts and evidence surrounding your case. As your attorney at Andrea M. Kolski Attorney at Law, I'll conduct a comprehensive review of the evidence, interview witnesses, and explore all possible legal defenses. Whether you're facing charges for DUI, drug possession, assault, or other offenses, I'll work tirelessly to build a strategic defense tailored to your unique situation.
Navigating the Legal Process:
The legal process can be complex and intimidating, especially for those unfamiliar with the criminal justice system. As your attorney, I'll guide you through each step of the process, from arraignment to trial, ensuring that you understand your rights and options at every stage. Whether negotiating with prosecutors, filing motions, or presenting evidence in court, I'll be by your side, advocating for your best interests every step of the way.
Seeking Alternative Resolutions:
In some cases, pursuing alternative resolutions such as plea bargains or diversion programs may be in your best interest. These options can offer the opportunity to avoid harsh penalties and mitigate the long-term consequences of criminal charges. As your attorney, I'll explore all available options and advise you on the best course of action based on your individual circumstances.
Navigating the legal system can be a daunting task, but you don't have to face it alone. As a criminal justice attorney in The Woodlands, I'm here to provide the guidance, support, and advocacy you need to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome in your case. Whether you're facing misdemeanor charges or serious felonies, you can trust me to fight tirelessly on your behalf. Don't wait until it's too late—contact me today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards securing your future.
Andrea M. Kolski Attorney at Law 8505 Technology Forest Pl #104, The Woodlands, TX 77381 (832) 381-3430
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